The Nick DiPaolo Show - Youngkin Wins | Nick Di Paolo Show #620

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

Maskless voters denied. Mother defends rapist son. Kapaernick & 'Identity Politics'. Illegals get boarding priority. Bongino Canceled. FLA teacher beats student....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for watching. Whether on social media or in our schools, on television or from the White House, now more than ever our freedoms, especially freedom of speech, are being suppressed. And that's putting it mildly. That's why I do this show. And that's why I put it out for free. For those of you who are able, please consider contributing to the show in any amount so we can keep it free and maintain a forum where right-leaning,
Starting point is 00:00:26 honest, unfiltered comedy exists. Just click on the contribute button on your screen or go to and click on the contribute button at the top. Thank you guys so much. Let's keep it. guitar solo Good afternoon, everybody! How are you? Big night in politics last night, I'll tell you. Stick that woke shit right up your ass. Let's get on with the show.
Starting point is 00:01:32 In the N-word segment today, so Yunkin beats McAuliffe. Well, I wrote this last night, so not really. I was writing this at 9.13 last night, meaning the final results weren't in right now, as is 9.13 last night. Youngkin up by nine points. So any shenanigans by the Dems notwithstanding, I'm calling it a huge victory for the Republicans in a state that for the last decade has turned bluer than a two-year-old choking on a marble. And if somehow I turn out to be wrong, I'll be bluer than both those things
Starting point is 00:02:06 as my wife cuts my lifeless body down from the basement beam I'm hanging from. But if that were the case, you wouldn't be hearing or seeing me right now. So I guess I was right. McAuliffe made the same mistake Fredo did in Godfather 1. He took sides against the family. He had the unmitigated gall to say during a debate, I don't think parents should be telling schools what to teach. It's not so much what he said, but when he said it. After almost a year of fiery debate about CRT being taught to young kids,
Starting point is 00:02:37 also explicit books about sex and alternative lifestyles without the parents finding out about it until it's too late. He still sided with the school boards against the parents, which is the equivalent of walking up to a mama grizzly bear who's about 700 pounds and papa grizzly bear about 1,500 pounds and saying, you don't know how to raise these cubs, so I'm taking them with me, and you can't stop me because I have a PhD in animal behavior and you still shit in the woods. Some people would call that suicide by grisly or McAuliffe's case, election suicide by sanctimony. When it comes to someone's kids, you can throw political party affiliations out the window. It doesn't matter if you're a Republican,
Starting point is 00:03:21 Democrat, independent, or libertarian. If you think you have the right to mentally abuse my kids with all this New Age progressive Marxist propaganda, the only lever I'll be pulling for you is the one on the side of a sanitation truck that raises the back and allows tons and tons of hot garbage to pour out into the city dump along with your bloated corpse. You know, like Goodf good fellas, Frenchie. Never, ever fuck with somebody's kids, and don't ever side with the idiots who are labeling those parents terrorists, which is basically what Terry the Turdmaker did. It's now, again, this is Tuesday night.
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's now 10.06, time for an update. I'll be right back. Wow! That's right, holy shit! It's now 10.06. Time for an update. I'll be right back. Wow. That's right. Holy shit. The route is on. Haven't seen a red wave this big since I accidentally knocked my mother's pot of tomato sauce off the top of this kitchen stove while throwing a football at my brother's head. True story.
Starting point is 00:04:23 So guess what? Chalk went up for the good guys. This is a real kick in the ball to the DNC, Biden, critical race theory, Kaepernick, and all the transgender horseshit. Well, in the last case, let's say it's a kick in the confusion zone. Let's hope this is the first step of many in taking down Biden. It should be easy because, as you know, Biden is not too good with steps. That's the N-word. So anyways, Mr. Youngkin, again, a very rich white fella who has morals and values and doesn't see everything through the lens of race. Again, he sided. This is what he did. He got better as a politician as the stuff went on because he's a you know he's a business guy like Trump and by the way Trump had a big impact on this don't listen to the freaking media telling you otherwise okay um he did a good job of sort of playing it in the middle because he couldn't
Starting point is 00:05:17 get too close to Trump because there's people in Virginia that hate Trump, obviously, since Biden won by 10 points. But he did a good job. Just enough contact with Trump. But he jumped on the debate mistake that McAuliffe made by saying that about, I don't think parents should be telling the schools what to do. He pounced on that. And that did it. And a lot of other shit.
Starting point is 00:05:40 People have had it. And here he is right after finding out he won. All righty, Virginia, we won this thing! How much fun. Lots of fun. How much fun. First of all. I'm having lots of fun. Lots of fun. How much fun. First of all. I'm having lots of fun.
Starting point is 00:06:06 First of all, thank you all for waiting. Waiting a few minutes longer than we thought to. Breakfast will be served shortly. Whoa, zing, zing, zing, zing, zing, zing, zing, zing. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. Amazing. Yeah. Well.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Yeah, babe. Hey, everybody, we're all going to get laid. I love it. Terry McAuliffe is a bad person. You know, he was the governor a few years ago in Virginia. Sucked then and he sucks now. Anybody that sucks up to the Clintons, are you shitting me? Ugh.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Teaching that, backing that CRT shit And coming right out and saying it's not being taught in Virginia Then you go to the website Virginia Excuse me And it says what the teachers have to do In Virginia And it states that
Starting point is 00:06:55 What You people You fucking people Hopefully this starts something You know what I mean A little pushback against all this Oh shit I don't know It could go away tomorrow I don't know So Hopefully this starts something. You know what I mean? A little pushback against all this whole shit. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:06 It could go away tomorrow. I don't know. So good for him. And New Jersey, that Jackoff, what's his name? Murphy, Governor Murphy, New Jersey. Remember, he's the one that was arresting people for walking on the beach right after COVID came out and shit. Just another fucking idiot tyrant. He's up by like a red pubic hair, 0.2. It's like 49.7 or 49.5 or something like that. And let me tell you about
Starting point is 00:07:36 also how I feel about Yunkin. I'm guessing he won by way more than that. Well, why do you say that? Because I know these motherfuckers are still cheating. That's how I know. But they couldn't, it was such a wide, you know what I mean? It was such, I'm telling you. Last night he was up by nine or ten, all of a sudden didn't, you know, but they're like, we can't, this is too obvious. Why do I say that? Well, I'll tell you why. A couple reasons. Maskless voters last night, Virginia polling precincts last night were blocking maskless residents from voting on Tuesday, even in counties where mask mandates are not in place. Can you imagine? I'm staying right here. What does that tell you? Who is anti-mask? Democrats or Republicans?
Starting point is 00:08:29 This is how you have to look at it. Obviously, the Republicans. What a good, what a better way to keep them away. Let's use COVID again. It worked as a pretext we get Biden in office. So that was total horseshit. Especially when the county doesn't have a mandate. Now you're tramping on the constitutional and state
Starting point is 00:08:47 rights. Absolute horseshit. Here's a crossing guard showing this guy how to What the fuck? Can you imagine that though? They try to turn people away. Matt Schlapp, here he is. Mr. uh, seen this guy
Starting point is 00:09:03 actually on Gutfeld. If I was gonna make a movie about conservatives, look at this guy. He's smart. He's got a, he's got a sister too that's always on Fox. Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, tweeted he was rejected from voting because he was maskless. I was told at my polling station I could be pantless, but not Matt. What? I couldn't vote without a mask, he said. Knowing what the GOP thinks, see, this is what I would say, what they think about masks. Isn't this just an illegal barrier to voting?
Starting point is 00:09:39 Continued slap. But I can count on one thing. Our judges will do nothing. And that's absolutely. You are correct, sir. Fucking judges are all in bed with these jerk offs. Founder and president of Turning Point USA, Charlie Kirk, also tweeted reports of precincts blocking maskless voters. This is him. Hearing that voters in Virginia are being turned away from polls for not wearing a mask. Charlie tweeted, if this is true, it's unacceptable. Voters, and he says in capital letters, cannot be denied their constitutional right based on an unconstitutional mandate.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Virginia voters, Virginia voters hold the line. Don't let them block your vote, Kirk said. Don't let them block your vote, Kirk said. Senior writer at Real Clear Investigations, Mark Hemingway, also reportedly received the notice that masks are mandatory at many polling locations. They're just dirty, cheating, motherless fucks. That's all there is to it. Let me say something right now before I forget. You people who vote Democrat, you Democrat, you're not good at this.
Starting point is 00:10:43 You're not good at life. How about that? Let the adults run it from here on in. I'm 59. I'll be gone in 20 years. But give me that much. This guy says, Hemingway says, just got this text. They were trying to require a mask at my polling place in a jurisdiction with no mask mandate in place, he tweeted.
Starting point is 00:11:03 The alleged text reads, in part, urgent. Some voting locations are asking voters to wear a mask in order to vote. You cannot be turned away for not wearing a mask. The reports of voters being turned away for not wearing a mask comes as enthusiasm grows within the Republican Glenn Youngkin's campaign among voters. And that's what they did probably. They're like, right before the election started, they're like, we're getting smoked. Somebody come up with something.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I can see him in the fucking conference room. We'll make him wear a mask. Youngkin is polling more favorably than President Donald Trump in 2020. How about that? I didn't even know that either. I am your voice. Yes, I'm here. I am Mr. Yunkin.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Thank you very much. Thank you. Try the veal. I'll be here until Tuesday. Overall, Yunkin has maintained his lead over Democrat Terry McAuliffe. 538's average polling revealed Tuesday Yunkin steadily performed better in the polls as the race matured. On the 15th, for instance, Youngkin trailed the Democrat by three points and more than four points on August 15th. Youngkin made his final pitch to Virginia voters Monday evening in Loudoun County, and that's where he did it.
Starting point is 00:12:18 The political fallout from critical race theory in the school district made national news when he and he said this is our moment where we stand up for our children for our grandchildren for our nieces for our nephews for our neighbors and we decide that we in fact are going to be in charge of our children's education and that's what sunk uh jerkoff mccullough don't ever get between parents and their kids for any reason and uh and lot more. It's been building. Come on. There's people on the left going, hey, this is getting ridiculous. If you switched over last night and put on like Joe Scarborough, MSNBC, CNN, Cooper Anderson, oh, the party moved too far left. Oh, really? You're just picking up on that. That's not what you were saying for the
Starting point is 00:13:06 last year, you jerk-offs. You don't know what you're talking about. You don't have a feel for what this country's about. Joe Scarborough, go play in that fucking band with those other middle-aged, it looks like a Lipitor commercial. Go fucking, go pick up your bass, you fucking idiot. Go pick up your bass, you fucking idiot. Cooper Anderson, well, Brian Williams almost was crying when he had to report it. And they're all going, you know, Trump had very, Trumpism had very little to do with this. You want to fucking bet? You want to bet? Anyways, this is kind of a
Starting point is 00:13:47 related story of the stupidity. This is related because we talked about the sexual assault in Loudoun County that also was a big part of why parents, remember the guy showed up, the parent whose daughter was assaulted by a boy in a skirt in the bathroom, and they fucking tackled him to the ground like he was a fucking psycho? The mother of the 15-year-old boy who dressed in a skirt raped a female classmate in the girl's bathroom. We're not a fucked-up country, are we? And was then charged with sexually assaulting another girl months later, says her son doesn't identify as a female.
Starting point is 00:14:27 And it wasn't just some disguise to slip into the girl's bathroom. Oh, in that case, pork away. Nice mom. Speaking exclusively with, a left-wing shithole paper from England, the mother who asked not to be identified for the sake of her underage son
Starting point is 00:14:46 defended his actions as that of a heterosexual. Oh, my God! What in fucking... This is rape! This is rape! This is rape! Oh, he was acting like a heterosexual. Don't demean the transgender community by calling Mike. She said he's acting like a heterosexual hormonal teen. Yeah, because we all did that, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:15:16 Dallas, didn't you rape a couple broads? God, I was finger popping everybody. Hormonal teen who in the case of the rape had consensual sex with a girl twice before. Oh, she's asking for it. She's a dirty whore. Is that what you're saying, mom? Listen to what she says.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You wonder why we're fucked. This is a parent. He's a 15-year-old boy. When you listen to her talk, you go, oh, I see what McCullough meant. Some of them are fucking... He's a 15-year-old boy that wanted to have sex in the bathroom. We usually
Starting point is 00:15:49 do that by ourselves back then at that age. You know what I mean? Come on, we banged everything. Old catcher's mitts, fucking toaster ovens, fucking bed pillows, sister's boots what?
Starting point is 00:16:11 sex in the bathroom with somebody that was willing she declared sitting in an empty kitchen in her townhouse in Loudoun, Codney, Virginia and they're twisting this just enough to make it a political hot button issue do you see? Did this kid have a chance? You wonder why he's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Guaranteed, the mother slapped the G.I. Joe out of his hand when he was, because she wanted a girl. Here, try this Barbie dream set, you fuckhead. The story exploded like a load off this kid's back. Fuckhead. The story exploded like a load off this kid's back. The story exploded when Scott Smith, the father of the rape victim, was dragged. Remember this poor bastard? He's got a deal with this picture all over the... That looks like me when I got in a fight on Thanksgiving in high school. I ate too much.
Starting point is 00:17:01 And I... That was one of my favorite lettermen. He'd always come back from Thanksgiving. Ah, pretty good Thanksgiving. As usual, I got in a fight with my aunt because she accused me of watering down the scotch. Anyways, out of a school board meeting with eight months pregnant.
Starting point is 00:17:22 He had a bloody mouth June 22nd after listening to school officials deny that a girl had been sex what they did was it was his daughter who got sexually assaulted he was at the school board trying to make people aware of it they were trying to pass some transgender bill or law so they didn't want this to come out so they treated him like a criminal people are filthy You guys are filthy. I don't know what else to say. Sexually assaulted after his daughter had reported the rape. The case became the searing tip of a raging debate in Loudoun County
Starting point is 00:17:54 over transgender students' rights and parents' freedom of speech. And again, folks, this is all designed. You understand? This is all, hey, look over here. Let's pit transgender versus straight, black versus white. all, hey, look over here. Let's pit transgender versus straight, black versus white. Well, the government fails on this. The school board has been routinely accused of pushing an ultra-liberal agenda on kids and parents and silencing those who disagree with them.
Starting point is 00:18:20 You're a communist. Huh? How do you like it? They tell you all the time what to do, what with them. nothing? Like a fucking octopus. Do you want a shivato on every corner, man, looking after you, watching everything you do, everything you say, man? Do you know I eat octopus three times a day? I love octopus. I got fucking octopus coming out of my fucking ears, man. I don't. I can't afford the shit. The scandal even entered Virginia's race for governor, giving life
Starting point is 00:19:00 to the campaign of Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, who accused the Loudon school board of a cover-up while warning, uh, what tragedy next awaits our children. Despite his androgynous style and declaration that he's pansexual, the boy's mother insisted he isn't the gender fluid boogeyman in a culture war about transgender. That's exactly what he is, you dumb bitch. Excuse me. I mean, lady. To shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:19:29 Lady. Lady. Your son's a rapist. Lady. He would wear a skirt. This is the mother talking. He would wear a skirt that I ironed and laid out nicely in the morning.
Starting point is 00:19:42 He would wear a skirt one day, and the next day he would wear jeans and a t-shirt, a polo, or hoodie. Oh, in that case. So he loved pussy when he had the hoodie on. He was trying to find himself and he did. He found himself in a
Starting point is 00:19:57 fucking ladies room in a skirt. Trying to find himself. And that involved all kinds of styles. Are you guys listening to the rationalization going on? trying to find himself. And that involved all kinds of styles. Do you listen? Are you guys listening to the rationalization going on? I believe he was doing it because it gave him attention. He desperately needed and sought
Starting point is 00:20:14 because I didn't give him any attention or my fucking ex-husband. We were too busy fucking trying to get a nice house in the suburbs. At the same time, she concedes her son is deeply troubled. Thank you. You think? Acknowledging his extensive history of misbehavior that included sending nude photos of himself
Starting point is 00:20:34 to a girl in fifth grade. In fifth grade! He's a fag. Well, maybe now. I never sent nude things in fifth... I... I didn't have a cell phone. I used to sketch my cock with some Crayola crayons and make a paper airplane land it right on Corinne's desk in front of me. Who's with me? Let me just say this. These kids are queer. On October 25th, the teen was found guilty for the May 28th sexual assault at Stonebridge High School.
Starting point is 00:21:12 The judge substantiated changes of, excuse me, charges. Oh, I got the grease eyes again. Charges of forcible sodomy and forcible fellatio. That was the name of my last album. Do you guys hear it? Forcible fellatio. Oh, my God. It went platinum and then styrofoam.
Starting point is 00:21:25 The juvenile equivalent of a conviction. He was sent back to juvenile detention pending a hearing November 15th on the second case, which occurred at Broad Run High School in the same county on October 6th. Okay, it's a good thing he didn't send up any red flags a month after the district transferred him there. Wow, well, we lost as a nation. We are lost as a nation. A boy goes to the men's room. He wears a skirt. All right, let's get on to the guy who helped trigger all this critical race theory and all this shit.
Starting point is 00:22:07 The biggest fucking farce, the phoniest, most racist, hateful black piece of garbage. I'm talking about Colin Kaepernick, just a piece of human trash. Your fucking hairdo says everything about you. That hair smacks of 1968 I hate Whitey and the fucking revolts at Yale and everywhere else. You're a piece of shit. Your aunt's a piece of shit. Tupac Shakur's fucking, he's related to the fucking somehow.
Starting point is 00:22:38 So I guess we can't really fault him. He grew up amongst a bunch of angry fuckstains. What's that hair? What does that hair do look like? I'm just been staring at it. Well I just got, I know what it looks like. That looks like a baby being born through a black woman's vagina. Or a Brillo pad. No, you just ruined it.
Starting point is 00:23:03 That's a baby's face coming out of a giant bush. Jesus Christ, Dallas, really? That's what it is. In a video clip from, I had to fucking, Eska Dallas, my boy, I had to take pills when he showed me this clip. In a video clip from his new Netflix series. Hey, Netflix. Hey, Netflix. Really?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Really? Wouldn't put anything I say on there in a million years, but let the black fucking hate flow. A video clip from his new Netflix series. Oh, such a racist country. The discre- fuck you, Netflix, you cocksuckers. The disgraced former 49ers hack quarterback talked about how white people created the acceptable Negro for TV and pointed to Carlton from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Steve Urkel from Family Matters. So you had to go back, what, to the 80s to make your point, you shithead? Because for the last fucking 30 years,
Starting point is 00:24:03 every white guy, white woman, has been portrayed as a moron and an idiot, sexually inferior, don't know how to put an Ikea table together. And black people have been portrayed as fucking lawyers and dentists and, you know, this is the way it is in real life. I'm sure most of you are sitting there
Starting point is 00:24:22 thinking right now that there's no way something so stupid could be possibly true. We're talking about stupid here. It's amazing how dumb of a person Kaepernick is, and he's the perfect example of how identity politics can rot your brain. No normal person looks at Carlton and Urkel and thinks they're symbols of the acceptable Negro created for the enjoyment of white people. This is a guy from the Daily Caller or Beast, I think. I can't remember. We look at them and laugh because our brains aren't decayed to the point where we're at
Starting point is 00:24:56 war with everything. First he went viral for comparing playing in the NFL to being a slave, because you remember. You remember all them slaves getting fucking four-year deals for a hundred million? Now attacking fictional TV characters as proof of racism or some other nonsense. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried.
Starting point is 00:25:17 He said, girl, I'm going to fucking smash his fucking face in. Unbelievable. A mediocre talent at best. And he's multi, he's set for life because of black racism.
Starting point is 00:25:31 Just think about that. And you, if you look at a black person wrong, you're a white supremacist in this country. Look at this piece of shit. This is why the people have to be taken out on the left that run movies, Hollywood. If we ever get hit again on 9-11, I hope it's right in smack down fucking Sunset Boulevard.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Just let my friends get out of there first. Take out the rest of the fucking jerk-offs who peddle this shit. Hope it lands in Netflix parking lot. It's amazing to me that people believe this nonsense, but here we are. Just complete garbage all the way around. Go get some fresh air and stop seeing the world through hate and anger, the fellow wrote. I should have put his name up there. I forget who wrote it.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Let's take a look at this piece of garbage. Over the years, there have been some very popular TV shows starring black people. There have been some very popular TV shows starring black people. These shows share archetypal black characters, including social outcasts who assimilate or conform. Like Carlton Banks. Steve Irving. Wow, you guys have got some real A-list people. Pause.
Starting point is 00:26:39 That's every white guy now. Seriously, that's every white guy in a company. A grown adult standing by a black guy with a nice suit on in the office, a white guy doing stupid dance in the office, a fucking white husband being dressed down by his fucking angry wife, because the barbecue blows up in his face every time. I could go on and fucking on. This jerk off had to go back 30-something years to make his point. He's so stupid, it's beyond fucking on. This jerk off had to go back 30 something years to make his point. He's so stupid it's beyond fucking belief.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And Netflix, fuck you and everything you stand for. You're worse than fucking him. You peddle this shit. And unfortunately these are millions of assholes
Starting point is 00:27:17 who buy it. Go ahead, let the skunk talk some more. People love these dudes. Everything from the way they dress, the way they talk. You these dudes. Everything from the way they dress, the way they talk. You're our man.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Even the way they dance. It's all so non-threatening. James Spruill, we call him... Non-threatening. You really think we're scared of you, don't you, Colin? You have no idea. If this shit continues, what's coming? You guys call the white man the fucking blue-eyed devil.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Oh, you'll see that devil. Keep it up. White people are just being poked in the chest for the last 40 years. But you know all those white supremacists that are everywhere, apparently. I can't even watch this. Fuck him.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Let's move on. I can't even watch this. Fuck him. Let's move on. I can't fucking do it. Again, more evidence in this next story of white supremacy and how racist this country is. Ben Bergwam has been down on the U.S. border with Mexico for weeks reporting on the invasion of illegal aliens to the United States. In his first act as president after his inauguration, you know what Joe Biden did? He shut down the border wall construction, opened up the U.S. border to millions of illegal migrants from all over the world. Just open arms. Hey, get your free shit here. He's like Crazy Eddie in those commercials. Everything's got to go. Biden opened the border for illegals, and now the Democrats are working
Starting point is 00:28:51 on a payday for illegals who were inconvenienced in detention centers when President Trump was president. You know, they had to wait two minutes to use the shower. The insanity never ends. Democrats are hoping to crash the system and bring a more authoritarian government. That's a nice combination, huh? Ben Bergwam caught on video the airlines giving illegal aliens priority over Americans at McAllen Airport in Texas. Of course, it's your taxpayer dollars that are paying for this. Americans need to wait until the illegals are situated on the plane before they can get on. Oh my, keep voting Democrat,
Starting point is 00:29:32 you fucking assholes. Attention, frequent flyers, those with a goal plan and sombrero wearers. People with open sewers that we don't know what are people with head lice from ecuador you're welcome to board any what any one-legged sex trafficker who needs a little extra time putting a fucking two-year-old girl in the upper compartment bergwam writes illegal aliens that just broken our country a given priority
Starting point is 00:30:04 at airport. I suggest a new law. He says, anyone caught helping illegals invade, he's bullshit, and he's right on the money about NGOs, non-governmental organizations. They fake it as charities, and they do this type of shit. Invade our country should be, anybody who helps, he says, if they get caught, in other words, Americans, they should be deported to the country from which the illegals came that they're helping like that would ever happen bergwam correctly calls out the evil in these organizations that are being paid to destroy the nation through open borders check out this is him at the airport watching a legal priority boarding there you go
Starting point is 00:30:42 you got to pay for first class. Unless you come illegally. Then you just get put on these wicked, wicked fake charities. There they go, getting on the plane. There we go. Your tax dollars at work, America.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Illegals. Look at the sheep just sitting there. Take this shit to Freedom Town. Given priority over American citizens, over veterans. Illegals. Priorities over veterans. Hey, who smells cumin? The blonde hair.
Starting point is 00:31:23 All three of them. Yep. All three of them. That's right. Charities that are making billions of dollars. They're helping me. Free broads right here. Here you go. Ladies again I don't know why we gave you the vote but anyways like that's a joke you know that I kid sometimes. I can't right now. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:31:50 My movie script that I was going to send to Netflix. About a funny white guy who kicks the shit out of black babies. It's terrific. Can you imagine? Boarding before veterans? Like Dallas here. If you were there, now they might let you on because your name's Dallas, it's Texas. I hate waiting.
Starting point is 00:32:15 I never have that. I fly, I've been flying for 30 years. But people go, you don't have like the platinum pad? No, because all the fucking little towns I go to, different airlines go there, you know what I mean? Got about 11 miles total on each airline. There's 4,000 airlines. Anybody with nipple rings or nice teeth, you're welcome to board. I'm back there in the fucking hot zone. That's what it says on my fucking ticket. Not zone four, zone five. Hot zone, where all the germs are.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Anyways, speaking of veterans, I don't know if this guy was in the military or not. Was Dan Bongino? I know he was a Secret Service guy and a cop, so I like Bongino. He's fighting lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, some type of shit. But he's a real stand-up guy, and he can talk loud because he walked a walk.
Starting point is 00:33:13 And he just got canceled. I don't know if you know. Dan Borgino's taking a break. I like the way they put it, from his radio show. And is off the air for at least the rest of the week in the midst of a public feud over the vaccine mandate imposed by Cumulus Media, the radio giant that distributes his show in 300 markets, by the way. I know what he makes, like my manager did some snooping. Do you understand when you're in 300 markets what one commercial brings in?
Starting point is 00:33:41 I can't even tell you. I can't even tell you. A lot of dough. And several affiliates that play the Dan Bongino show told the radio broadcasting industry trade magazine Radio Inc. that Bongino's program has been put on best of mode for the rest of this week. The show, which occupies the noon to 3 p.m. time slot on Cumulus Media's influential radio network Westwood One, Dennis Miller, I think, is still on. I don't know if
Starting point is 00:34:12 he's still on there. Also did not air on Tuesday, according to Radio Inc. Zachary Patrizio, an investigative reporter with Salon, tweeted Wednesday morning that he received information Bongino is currently on vacation from his radio hosting duties with Cumulus. Bongino's departure from the air follows a public clash over the COVID-19 vaccine mandates imposed by Cumulus Media CEO Mary Burner in September. Still fucker. Several of the company's radio hosts have already quit or been fired over the vaccine rule, which was geared toward October 11th return to the office. Bongino himself has been fully vaccinated on the advice of his doctors as he's battling Hodgkin's lymphoma, his team said. However, he believes vaccine mandates are unethical
Starting point is 00:35:13 and immoral. So this guy is, he couldn't be more fair with this. He threatened to quit his job early this month if Cumulus Media didn't shift on the mandate. And they said, you're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. How dare you? Cumulus is going to have to make a decision with me. This is him talking. If they want to continue, is this what he says in a clip? All right, let's play. Huh? Yeah, let's play the clip. This this what he says in the clip? All right, let's play. Huh? Yeah, let's play the clip. This is what he had to say. Going to comply with any of this, and I'm going to be talking about this on their radio stations today.
Starting point is 00:35:54 So they can make a decision as to what they want to do, but I'm not taking it. I'm not going to sit back and take it. I'm not going to let these people get canned and do nothing about it. So you're going to have to make a decision, this company, and make a decision stat what you want to do. Stat. Because if you think you're just going to sit here and make me a pawn in your little chess game here, you're crazy.
Starting point is 00:36:14 So we'll be talking about this on their stations today, and we'll see how they react. But I'm not going to let these people get canned and do nothing about it. That's not what I'm about. That's not what I do here. I told you from the beginning this was never about the money for me or the notoriety or any of that crap. Apparently not. It was about changing things.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And I'm not going to sit back as it all gets trampled on by a company I partnered with on this radio venture. It's not going to happen. So you've been warned. You can listen to the radio show today to see how that's going to work out. I love it. Santa was boss as you've been warned. He was the best guy around. What do you mean was?
Starting point is 00:36:49 He's still here. That's putting your money where your mouth is. His concern is for all the other people that are treated unfairly, you know? Radio stations are ruthless, by the way. I don't give a shit. I found that out um i had a uh a quick show new york big station in new york the one that howard was on i had a show in the afternoons on there and um i didn't know i had got on a sunk a sinking ship because
Starting point is 00:37:23 i remember my producer, he comes back, he's been in radio for years, and I go, what's the matter? He goes, I don't like the looks of the faces on people I'm seeing the last couple days. And I'm like, why? He goes, I think something's wrong. And sure enough, man, I do my radio show. I go home.
Starting point is 00:37:39 This is when I was living in Westchester. I'm up on the roof fixing something. My wife goes, hey, Tom, he had an Italian last name, Tom, I don't know, the GM of the whole state, is on the phone. And I go, should I come down?
Starting point is 00:37:55 He goes, no. He said, don't bother coming to work. That's how it was done. Oh, my God. Sure enough, the next morning, I put on, like, when my show was supposed to be on, I put on the station, and there's, like, sci-fi music on for three years. Oh, they don't play over there. Anyways, good for you, Dan Bongino.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Show me somebody on the left that has even an ounce of that gumption or morality. No, no, no, no! Finally tonight on Meet the Doogie Howser, a Florida educator was busted for child abuse two days after being named Teacher of the Year for allegedly hitting a student who criticized her getting the award. Can you make this shit up? What a douchebag teacher she is. Mr. Blutosky.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Zero point zero. That's basically what she said to this little girl. That no matter what, you can't make up. She failed her. What an evil. And me being the racist that i am i jumped all over and i could have sworn after reading the article was going to be a black teacher uh and it was an evil white broad but she's probably a lefty which is the same thing high school english teacher caroline melanie lee ugh that's how you know she's a twat. She kept her maiden name.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Look at that. She's got Callen. That's a female version of Kaepernick in 30 years. Kaepernick with AIDS. We can always hope. Anyways, was proudly hailed for her achievement by the Duval County Public Schools last Wednesday, according to the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. She was arrested Friday,
Starting point is 00:39:50 accused of hitting a female pupil in the face and leaving her with a bloody nose, the arrest report said. Lee allegedly demanded the pupil come to her office after she read a comment thread on the Instagram post that challenged her new award, accusing the girl, accusing her of using the N-word in class. Can you imagine? She's arguing with like a, and the girl's like a little disabled, right?
Starting point is 00:40:15 They said verbally disabled. You're a real crumbum. What a dirty whore. The pupil, who has not identified because she's a juvenile, was too terrified to go to Lee's office, she told investigators, but the teacher stormed into her classroom, demanded she leave with her. The police report said with surveillance showing the teacher walking ahead at an aggressive pace, grabbing the kid out of the class. Once alone in Lee's classroom, the teacher shut the door and then reached over and struck the girl on the face.
Starting point is 00:40:45 What's the idea? She sounds like a lot like Moe from the studios. Lee then began repeatedly calling the little girl a fucking bitch. This is what's teaching your kids. Do you understand? I hope, Terry McAuliffe, you get it. This is what people, they say people who teach is because they
Starting point is 00:41:07 can't do. It's even worse than that now. This is about the fourth story I've done this year with a woman about a fifth grade emotional level. Either fucking a student or arguing with a... Creepy. Lee then began repeatedly calling the little girl a fucking bitch. She landed several more
Starting point is 00:41:24 strikes. This girl is a cute little, we had another clip of her saying why she didn't want to wear the mask about bacteria. Oh, I'm thinking of a different girl. Yeah, that girl, she was an asshole, that little girl. No, no, no, that's a different story. Anyways, strikes on the top of her head. Also kicked her on her lower leg, officers said. This is an adult kicking a fifth grade, whatever the fuck. Surveillance footage shows the girl holding her face as she went straight to this. Where's the father?
Starting point is 00:42:02 My old man would go down there and fucking choke her out when he was alive. He wouldn't do it now. Very hard. Well, where's the mother? My mother never really got by. She picked up a lamp once. She did. I never said it that way.
Starting point is 00:42:22 She picked the lamp up and threatened to throw it up my head. Something about a fart. I blamed our German shepherd. She said it was a fucking long story. True story. Straight to the school's guidance council to report the alleged attack. Lee admitted being in the classroom but denied hitting the girl and could not explain the bloody nose.
Starting point is 00:42:42 What a vile twat. May you get all kinds of lumps in your armpit, you pig. She also admitted using the N-word in classes, but only while reading it in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. You remember when the mouse says to the man, what up, nigga? High school principal Tyrus Lyles.
Starting point is 00:43:03 We have a picture of him? He's black, by the way, I got that right. Wrote to Parents Friday about the very disappointing arrest of a teacher for child abuse. Really? Are you disappointed that she got arrested or that you hired such a twat? Even more disappointing, the teacher arrested is our recent Teacher of the Year nominee. And that tells you where we are, excuse me, as a country. That is it, ladies and gentlemen, for today. Congratulations to the Republicans, Glenn Youngkin.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And like I said, the New Jersey race is literally like two-tenths of a point difference between the two. And I'll bet my mother that the Democrats win that one. It's what they do. And Jersey, you deserve it. If you haven't come around by now, the closest you came was Chris Christie, another fucking fake rhino bitch. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:44:00 That is it. I want to remind you of the comics, Jim. I don't know why you're fucking watching it. Do I have to still say that? The Comics Gym. That's G-Y-M dot com. Don't forget NickDip dot com. We need you to sign up monthly.
Starting point is 00:44:16 If you enjoy this show, which you should, it's the best show between the History Channel and the Food Network. I'm telling you. Cameo dot com. I'm telling you. I did three of them this morning. Three. That's almost $11 to me. If you want me to roast a friend or relative, go to
Starting point is 00:44:35 Click on my profile. Tell me about the person. I will make a video a minute, minute and a half, two minutes long roasting that person. It's a lot of fun. Everybody likes it. The recipient, the person who sends it. That is it. You guys likes it. The recipient, the person who sends it. That is it. You guys think it,
Starting point is 00:44:46 I will continue to say it and live in anonymity for the rest of my life. We will see you back here tomorrow for the final day. Take care. guitar solo Outro Music

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