The Peacock and Gamble Podcast - The Peacock and Gamble Podcast: Episode 43

Episode Date: November 17, 2019

"Episode 43" from was assembled into the "The Peacock and Gamble Podcast" podcast by Fourble. Episode 43 of 128....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Peacock and Gamble podcast. Attack, attack, attack! Peacock and Gamble podcast! Ah, my child! Oh my god, oh my god! Ray Peacock and Gamble! Podcast! What was that? Like a war. Why would we start a podcast with a war?
Starting point is 00:00:32 Just set a big exciting opening like Pearl Harbor. It wasn't at all. It was. It wasn't. It upset me. Did it? Brought back memories of the war for me, that. Were you in the war? Yep.
Starting point is 00:00:40 How old are you? 71. That's a shock, isn't it? I remember that we went to the war? Yep. How old are you? 71. That's a shock, isn't it? I remember that we went to the war, me and all my friends, because we got
Starting point is 00:00:50 drafted into the soldiers. But you, of course, lied about your age, didn't you? To get into the war, because I wanted to go and fight Jerry. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And basically, what happened was, is I had a job at the time as what he used to call a butcher's boy. Which basically meant the local butcher had to go and have sex with him. That was a popular job in the 40s, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:01:12 In the 40s. You say nowadays. Oh, you can't do that. Can't do that nowadays. But to be honest with you, he was happy because he had a little boy to have sex with. You were getting a few tuppence here and there. I was happy because I got tuppence here and there and all the mints I could scrape up.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Take it home, put it in the hot pot. Yeah, brilliant. Your parents were happy because you were bringing home the meat. Yeah, wouldn't have even got on the news that in them days. No, different time. Yeah, no, but anyway, I decided, I mean, even though I was only four, I decided to go and be in the war. Yeah, but you lied about your age. I lied about my age and even though I was only four, I decided I would be in the war.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah, but you lied about your age. I lied about my age. I said I was 16. Yeah, but you were four. I was actually four years old. And I went off to the war and fought it. Yeah. We won.
Starting point is 00:01:56 You won? Yeah. You won it. Not single-handedly. Well, modesty prevents me from saying that it was me that won it. Admittedly, I was instrumental in burning down the rice dog. If that is a thing. Yeah, I think, well, it's not anymore.
Starting point is 00:02:14 You burned it down when you were four. I burned it down, mate. Do you know what? Here's a little history secret that you might not know. Right. I didn't even burn it down on purpose. I was having a little cheeky cigarette out the back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Because I wasn't meant to be smoking because I was only four. Yeah. And I was having, we used to call them a woodbine. A woodbine, yeah, out the back of the Reichstag. Yeah, I used to have them out the back of the Reichstag. By the bikes, out the back of the Reichstag. In my shirt, my army shirt, I had a pocket on a sleeve. Right.
Starting point is 00:02:42 You don't see that nowadays. No, you don't. But then it was commonplace. Yeah. So I have a pocket on your sleeve. With your woodb't see that nowadays. No, you don't. But then it was commonplace. Yeah. To have a pocket on your sleeve. With your wood binds in. Yeah. On my right sleeve it was.
Starting point is 00:02:49 On your right. I had them on both ones. I had them on right and left. But fortunately, on the left hand side, when my mum had sewed on me arrows for being the captain, she'd only bloody well sewn the pocket together. I didn't have the art to tell her, because she was already upset about me going to Russia.
Starting point is 00:03:06 And of course it was people say cigarettes are bad for your health. Yeah. It was actually the cigarette box that saved you. The metal tin.
Starting point is 00:03:13 The bullet went in didn't it? Yeah. And it hit there because if it had gone in your arm it would have hit your heart and then you would have died.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah. Luckily you had your metal baccy tin. Yeah. And I've still got that. Yeah. Still lucky that. It's on the mantelpiece with the dent from the bullet in it.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And I often wonder what would have happened if I hadn't been shot in the cigarette tin in the arm whilst I was having a woodbine out the back of the Reichstag. Then we'd all be speaking German now. Welcome to the show. Welcome to the show. We'd all be speaking German now. Welcome to the show.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Right, it's time for another Ray's Breakdown update. We can't do that. I want to reminisce a bit more about the war. No, that's part of the thing I was going to say. What? I just decided we'll do a big bombastic opening to the podcast. Yeah. And you decided to invent memories about the war. I didn't invent them.
Starting point is 00:04:05 All right. They're in there somewhere. You've decided that you were in the war, which is worse. Lots of people are eccentric. So I don't see why I should be criticised for that. Yeah, but there's a fine line between eccentricity and utter remedial madness. All right, which one is this, right? I went to a service station the other night. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Middle of the night, driving home. Yeah. About four in the morning, half four in the morning in the morning yeah stopped at the services because I wanted something sweet I bought a Turkish delight that's fine right no wait went to the counter gave the man the Turkish delight and he went and I looked at him and he went Turkish delight and I went yeah and he went are you going to Turkey and I went what and he, are you going to Turkey? And I went, what?
Starting point is 00:04:48 And he went, are you going to Turkey after you have eaten it? And I went, no. And he went, Turkish delight. Now, is he mad or not? No, probably just a misunderstanding. It's only he's handling money. You should have tested him with some other things to see if he just did it with all of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Boost. Are you going on a rocket? Are you having a boost on a rocket after you have eaten it? All right, what's what breakdown I've had? I've been actually relatively normally behaved this week, I think. No, a couple of things. Well, one major thing
Starting point is 00:05:17 and one little incidental thing that happened in your own house. Because I find that you're most broken down when you're just walking around your kitchen. I'm not broken. You are completely broken. Why? In your house,
Starting point is 00:05:29 you spend more time with your trousers around your ankles than you do with them up. I don't see why I should be... You made me ballroom dance with you yesterday with your trousers down. I forgot. What was the song we were singing? And then a hero comes along.
Starting point is 00:05:43 That was what we were singing. With a straighter carrier. Yeah, we were singing that and doing a ballroom dance. That was what we were singing. With a straighter carrier. We were singing that and doing a ballroom dance. Now, what is wrong with us? Me and you, the two grown men doing that behind closed doors. Consensually in the privacy of our own home. See, it wasn't really consensually. I wasn't really happy about it because I was just trying to make my dinner.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And you grabbed me and made me ballroom dance. That's not fair. I didn't grab you at all. You were singing as you made your dinner and I was in my dinner. Yeah. And you grabbed me and made me ballroom dance. That's not fair. I didn't grab you at all. You were singing as you made your dinner and I was in the office. Yeah. I heard you singing
Starting point is 00:06:08 and came running through and joined in the song. With your trousers around your ankle. That's because I'd run down the hall. I'd run down the hall and when I sit at the computer I often just undo my belt. So that's not mad.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And you joined in. You did exactly the same as me. Every time you run do your trousers come down? Pretty much, yeah. I'd like to see you get to all the training for the marathon and then
Starting point is 00:06:28 get to the get to be first on the start line and then start running trousers immediately fall down you fall flat on your face and everyone else just runs off.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Right I'll do that next year. I'll sponsor you. I'll do it for the spastic society. How about that? I'll do it for the scope now.
Starting point is 00:06:42 I'll do it for the scopes. Yeah alright there you go you do it for the scopes. Alright. Good right okay well scopes. Yeah, alright, there you go, you do it for the scopes. Good, right, okay, well that was one thing. In fact, that was another thing I thought of. There's still two more things. What? You autographed your own fridge. Right. In
Starting point is 00:06:53 permanent marker. Right, I admit that. You wrote, to the fridge, best wishes, Ray Peacock. Yep, yep, I admit that. So what happened in your head? I have been signing a few autographs this week. And I think it's only right, if you're signing autographs, that you should practice it at home.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Is what I think. And I also, I mistook the fridge for a whiteboard. I thought it would have the same thing as a whiteboard, but what I forgot was, on a whiteboard you have special whiteboard pens. Yeah, so you can wipe it off. Yeah, and permanent marker will stay on it. Yeah. But I don't think there's anything...
Starting point is 00:07:27 It's my fridge. You didn't even write anything sort of pithy, like, to the fridge. Stay cool. Best wishes, Ray Peacock. Oh, that would have been a good one. Yeah. I'll maybe do the freezer with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I'll put... Chill. To the freezer. Yeah, chill out. Yeah. I'll get something from Batman and Robin. There's going to be stuff in there that Arnold Schwarzenegger said, isn't there? Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Right, so you signed your fridge. I mean, not really a breakdown, is it? It's just... Well, I'd like to hear from anyone else who signed their fridge. I would as well. Start a club. Yeah, well, unfortunately, we won't be able to hear from anyone else who signed their fridge because they don't have emails in mental hospitals.
Starting point is 00:08:00 They do, actually. You can still access Facebook. Yeah, I read about that in the Sun. This next one's a little bit, this was in public. We went to see Nightmare on Elm Street last night. Do you know what? I'm going to give you this one, because I don't know what I was doing. No, well I know what you were doing, but I don't know why you were doing it. No, that's what I meant as well.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I know that I didn't mean it to go on as long as it did. Well, we went to see Nightmare on Elm Street. By the way, shit. Not a great film. No, it was awful. Some people like it and they're entitled to it. Some people don't and they're right. Yeah. So we arrived.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah. I sat down, popped myself down with my bag of popcorn. Yeah. You were sort of struggling to take your coat off because you had a big hot dog in your hand. Most of my coats have got mustard on a sleeve. That is true, you know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:50 That is true. You try and pull the hot dog through the sleeve. That's true. I do do that. I do do that. You were trying to get your coat off, at which point you realised you were facing the full cinema. Natural performer.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Yeah. Can't help it. I saw something go through your head and a little glint in your eye. Yeah. And then you started talking to the crowd as if you were the director of the film doing a special talk before the screening. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I said, thanks for coming, everybody. My name's... I said, Wes Anderson. Which I think Wes Anderson is a director. Yeah, but I think Wes Craven, you were getting mixed up with. Yeah, no, I knew. I know Wes Craven did Nightmare on Elm Street,
Starting point is 00:09:25 but I know that he didn't direct this one. But I don't know who did direct this one. So Wes Anderson. Wes Anderson, I decided it'd be. You just did a little talk for, I mean, I'd say three minutes. I wonder how many people thought that. I wonder if people went home and told their family that the director was there. I think most people would probably go,
Starting point is 00:09:42 this bloke's just walked in holding a hot dog. There's no lights on him. Oh! He doesn't even have a seat. Oh, you're saying that the director of a film can't eat an hot dog? Yeah, but you'd think
Starting point is 00:09:52 he would get it out of the way before or after. You'd think he would but maybe he wants to just portray himself as a bit casual. Maybe he wants to make sure that people think
Starting point is 00:09:59 hey, alright, I'm a director of a big film. I'm approachable. I eat an hot dog just like you. That's all I was doing. They'd probably think as well oh Wes Anderson didn't direct this
Starting point is 00:10:08 they won't know that or I'll just check who directed it just to make sure that this strange looking bloke holding a hot dog well them people in that audience that night know nothing mate because they were all thick
Starting point is 00:10:19 right they were that's true I was sat next to Darth Vader yeah if you breathe like that don't go out. Around the moment of the day. Oh. Right, and she was asking me about a work thing that I'd done, about how it had gone.
Starting point is 00:10:36 And I said, oh, it went very well. And she went, do you know what that is? And I went, what? And she went, yesterday, I saw a pin on the floor. And I went, right? And she went, do you know what? I thought of that thing. See a pin, pick it up.
Starting point is 00:10:50 All day long, you'll have good luck. And I went, right. And I went, well, first off, I'm pretty sure the saying is see a penny, pick it up. Yeah. Right, but it might be a pin. It might have been in the olden days. Yeah. When they didn't have money.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah, exactly. But it might be a pin, it might have been in the olden days. Yeah. When they didn't have money. Yeah, exactly. And second off, I'm not having you thinking that you're the reason for any professional success that I'm having. Least of all, I'm not having you putting it down to the fact you picked a fucking pin up. But of course the saying is, you're right, it's see a penny, pick it up, and then all day you will have good luck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:21 But the other saying is, see a pin pin pick it up yeah tomorrow your son ray will have good luck yeah yeah ray will do well in comedy yeah the famous she she naturally thought she suddenly transferred her good luck for no reason it's furious also the other thing professionally that was happening i did some warm-up for graham norton what just cuddling and that what do you know what everyone that i've said, everyone that I've told that I was doing the warm-up for Graham Norton, literally everyone, and I find this quite alarming, literally everyone rolls their eyes and makes some sort of, ooh. Yeah, of course they do.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Anything to do with Graham Norton, people will do that. Because Graham Norton's gay? No, because he's deliberately camp and showman-like. Right, do you think that's what it is? And they're feminine. That's his hook, isn't it? Right, do you think that's what it is? And they're feminine, that's his hook, isn't it? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:12:05 but I've done one with him. And most of his jokes are like, oh, bums. Or at least they were when he started. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:12 So that's why he's deliberately associated himself with that. So people, in fact, he's done well. Somebody on the Facebook page said,
Starting point is 00:12:18 oh, I hope you kept your back to the wall. Yeah, we don't agree with that. And I put, why? Can I say on the record, right,
Starting point is 00:12:27 and I've been in Mr Norton's company a few times now, he's not once tried to rape me. I guess if I was to say it, I don't even think he would kiss me. I mean, I don't know what his type is. Does he like bears and that? I've got absolutely no idea.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Ask him. The next time you go, wear some little shorts and make sure when you're doing that warm-up, march up and down. Yeah, alright, I will. I will wear Doc Martens as well. I'll stomp up and down and see what happens. But you're probably now thinking, oh hang on, I didn't know Ray was gay.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I'll tell you now why I'm not, because I've got myself a new girlfriend. Sort of. Sort of, I think I know who this is going to be. Do you know what's weird about it? What? You'd rung me the week before. Yeah. Before we even knew I was going to be in this lady's company. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:11 And told me a dream you had. I had a dream where you were going to be brilliant friends. Yeah. Just friends, mind. Just friends, yeah, yeah. Just really odd friends. Yeah. With J-Lo slash Jennifer Lopez.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Yeah. I rang you a few days later and went, mate, guess who the guest is on Graham Norton next week? Yeah. Jennifer Lopez, who you had that dream about me becoming friends with. You'd be disappointed if it wasn't, if the end of the story was, and I called you and went, mate, guess who the guest is? Cindy Lopez. So anyway, I did the warm-up.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Everyone was a little bit on tenterhooks. Right. Because Jennifer Lopez apparently has a reputation as being a bit of a diva. Right. To be honest with you, I knew nothing about her. You knew she was from the block. I knew Jennifer on thes. Right. Because Jennifer Lopez has, apparently, her reputation has been a bit of a diva. Right. To be honest with you, I knew nothing about her. You knew she was from the block.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I knew Jennifer from the block. Yeah. That's all I knew. But even that, I didn't really know what... At any point, did you find yourself
Starting point is 00:13:54 being fooled by the rocks that she's got? I didn't. I saw her rocks and they were lovely rocks she had on her. Yeah. But I didn't get fooled
Starting point is 00:14:02 by the rocks. At any point. At no point did the rocks go, oh, look over Yeah. But I didn't get fooled by the rocks. At any point. At no point did the rocks go, oh, look over there. And I turned round and then they'd gone. Right? At no point did the rocks say to me, hey, have a look through this telescope. Right? And I got the telescope and looked and went, I can't see nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And they went, oh, nothing. And they had a black ring around my eye. I tell you one that they try a lot. One of the rocks will try. Yeah. He'll go, did you know that the blue whale is a fish? I mean, to be honest with you, all the rocks did that night when I saw them. One of the rocks was saying, oh, hello, Ray.
Starting point is 00:14:39 How are you? Oh, yeah, fine, thank you. I mean, I wasn't filled by the rocks at any point. No. But one of the rocks did say, oh, you've not worked here long, not and i went no no i said i'm a second one and they went oh right i tell you um well you could do me a favor you want i went what's that and they went go get me some tartan paint and i went and had a look yeah i couldn't find it so you did get fooled by the roxy scott no they were just asking me to get this in tartan paint right i went and had a lot but
Starting point is 00:15:02 i couldn't give you but it doesn't exist they didn't have any did the other one me to get me some Tartan paint. Right. I went and had a look, but I couldn't. Yeah, but there doesn't exist. They didn't have any. Did the other one go, oh, get me a Skyhawk? Yeah, I went and had a look for that as well. No. I wasn't. So you realise you've been fooled by the rocks. I wasn't fooled by the rocks, because I went and looked, didn't I? Yeah, but that's why they fooled you, because they don't exist.
Starting point is 00:15:16 No, they didn't. The rocks were saying, they were saying, can you go and get us a Skyhawk and some Tartan paint? Yeah, but the rocks. And I was like, well, they're with J-Lo, so I'd better go and. That means they fooled you. The rocks fooled you. They didn't fool me.
Starting point is 00:15:25 The ones that she's got did fool you. Right, well, J-Lo's rocks that she's got didn't fool me. Right. Because A, I know that she's still
Starting point is 00:15:33 Jenny from the Block. Right. And B, because I went to try and get them and couldn't get them. So, so if they fooled me, I would have got them,
Starting point is 00:15:41 wouldn't I? And they'd have been like, oh, we made you go get something. But I went and tried to get in. Yeah, but Tartan Paint doesn't exist, so you've been fooled by the rocks. It doesn't exist. They just didn't have it in that...
Starting point is 00:15:51 Was it... They just didn't have it in the shop at the London Studios. That's all that happened. Was it fairly clear to you when you met her that she used to have a little, but now she's got a lot? Do you know what? She had very little baggage with her.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Just their rocks. She was literally just stood there, waiting for it to go on. But anyway, the true bit of this, right, is everyone was a little bit on tenterhooks, okay? On skyhooks. Yeah, you're on skyhooks
Starting point is 00:16:13 without JLo being there. Now, I'm not... I think partly because I don't know who she is. Right. I didn't even know she was an actress. I thought she was a singer. She does do that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah. So part of it was because, like, I'm not arsed about it, really. No. So I was just stood next to her backstage. I'd done the warm-up. Graham was on speaking with the audience. I was just leaning over a box thing, you know,
Starting point is 00:16:31 that they carry speakers and stuff around. Another member of the crew squeezed past behind me. Yeah. And banged into my hip. Was it Graham? It wasn't Graham. No, Graham was on the stage. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And they went, oh, sorry, Ray. And I went, no, no, don't worry. It's just my fucking fat arse. And then there was a moment, because I was sitting next to Jayler. Yeah. And I went, oh. And just put my head down on my arm. And then I felt a hand on my shoulder and she was laughing.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Oh, that's nice. She was proper laughing. And when she laughs, she puts her hand on you. Whoa. How adorable is that? Sounds good. So literally, I'm a mischief maker. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Turns out she's a bloody mischief maker as well. Yeah. She was brilliant. Yeah. We had a right laugh. Everyone was scared of her and scared of me by default. There's a bit where a bloke came over and went, when you go, Jennifer, you sit on the right of the sofa
Starting point is 00:17:15 and Alan and the other guests and that, they'll sit there and that. And she went, well, I'm sitting on the same sofa as these two. I'm not sitting on the same sofa as yours. Right, the show had started. Yeah. And I just started laughing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:24 And she started off as well going I can't even do these jokes everyone takes them seriously when I do these jokes so she was fucking with them that's cool yeah she was brilliant anyway what I want to know mainly
Starting point is 00:17:34 what is in my dream she carried you round in her handbag yeah well that happened that happened later on alright time for one of the few remaining sections that has been running all the way through
Starting point is 00:17:54 well it's not there's no more ads amazing burbs there's no more business section we're but the one that has remained is of course ray does Ray does the food, says the food, and you think of the food. Yeah. After I say it, I'm Ray. Hello, by the way. Hello, I'm Ed. When I say the food or drink, you think, I'd like some of that, and then you go to the supermarket and get it out of the fridge this week. Lettuce.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Lettuce. Eat lettuce. Awful. Lettuce. It's called green. Lettuce. Eat lettuce. Lettuce. It's called green. Lettuce. Don't mix it up with lettuce. Careful you don't go to your post box in the morning and eat that. That won't help you
Starting point is 00:18:36 if you are slimming. Because ink is fat and everyone knows that. Have some lettuce. It's at the bottom of a broad cocktail. Have some lettuce. Put's at the bottom of a broad cocktail. Have some lettuce. They put it on your hamburger. Lettuce. Have a lettuce.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Eat an old one like an apple. Iceberg lettuce. That is another sort. Lettuce. The food of choice for the Inuits. No. Lettuce. Put an old one in your mouth and just suck it till it melts.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Lettuce. Lettuce pray. Lettuce. Lettuce, lettuce, lettuce. Get two, put them in a bra. Go out as a woman and then come home and have a snack it facilitates your sexual fantasies and keeps you full let us the dirty woman of fruit. Oh, no!
Starting point is 00:19:50 Lettuce! Lettuce! Lettuce! Lettuce! I like the thing, though, that you have dreams and predict the future. Well, I think it's because I've been ill. I've been having quite sort of horrible dreams, like torrid dreams. You didn't dream about the World Trade Center, did you, before it happened? I don't know. I was a bit younger, so I probably didn't understand what it meant.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Yeah. And then it was too late by that point. Did you dream about two towers and planes. Yeah, but I thought it was Lord of the Rings. Oh, God. Because that was out then, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:20:29 Is there any place you dreamt about that predicted the future? Yeah. Oh, what a disaster. This now. You dreamt this has happened? Yeah, and a volcano. You dreamt about a volcano,
Starting point is 00:20:38 didn't you? Yeah. With the soot. Yeah, with all the soot coming out of it. People couldn't do to fly a jet on it. How come a bit of ash comes out of a volcano, right? All of a sudden can't fly in London. Yeah, with all the soot coming out of it. People couldn't do the flyer jet on it. How come a bit of ash comes out of a volcano, right?
Starting point is 00:20:46 All of a sudden, can't fly in London. Yeah, there's planes going over Yorkshire all the time. They've got all, like, chimblies there, haven't they? From the coal fires. I think it's different, like, because, you know, when the chimblies do the soot, right, they're very small little puffs. And the cloud of soot coming out of the big
Starting point is 00:21:06 chimbley and um in uh in summerfield was massive like the size of um britain and that is this we should do um news reporting the fact that there was a big chimbley in summerfield right where all the soot come out Yeah. Yeah, we put it into language where people understand now. You know, we just, we've put people's minds at rest. All the little puffs in Yorkshire won't stop a plane flying over there.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Have we? We have. Yeah. That's what we've done today. Yeah. And I tell you what, I used to love having my little puffs out in the chimbley in Yorkshire.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I used to live in an house that had a coal fire in Yorkshire. Yeah? I loved it. But it didn't stop a plane? No, it didn't stop a plane. There was a little kill skull outside. Oh, I used to love it.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Yeah, it was really nice. It was a woolly edge. Well, I've not... A woolly collier, rather. I've not had any more predicting dreams recently, but because I've been ill, I've been having quite sort of vivid dreams. What ones have you had?
Starting point is 00:22:00 There was one where I was in bed with a lady, right? That's straight... Well, I like this dream now. No, but I think it was after everything had happened. Now, before you say this, that's progress, that, isn't it? Do you remember you were having trouble with your masturbating?
Starting point is 00:22:15 No, I wasn't. You were walking around the house masturbating. You've made that up. I'm glad now. I mean, alright, it's just a dream, but I'm glad now that you are now seeing it as not a solo pursuit. Okay. That your onanism has been... Done in the dualism. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:29 It's started to shame you so much. Right. That you've started looking at a proper, normal relationship. Right, well, do you see how normal it is? Right, well... Who was the lady? I don't know, I never saw her face.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I get worried when I... Because if I sort of know I'm having a dream, I get worried if I can't see someone's face because if I turn them over then it would just be bones or a dwarf in a red coat
Starting point is 00:22:50 like in Schindler's List so I was in bed with a lady right and I think we'd finished everything we were going to had you been doing sex? I think that was
Starting point is 00:22:59 the general feeling of it oh you don't fucking care she was naked right right right what were you wearing? I never looked. Never checked.
Starting point is 00:23:07 It was Wally's in a Southwestern one, wasn't it? If I'd known Ed Gamble. Yeah, it would have been. She had a tattoo all on her back, right? That's quite sexy. It was the tube map.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Are you making this up? No, this is true. All right. But it was the tube, like London Underground map for our American listeners. Like London, like London Underground map for our American listeners. Like London, like full London Underground map. Was she a big lady or not?
Starting point is 00:23:29 No, like a very slim lady. How did it fit under then? Well, I don't know. She had a, because you could do like a little one. It doesn't have to be to scale, does it? And it was. Does anyone else got that in real life? I think we should check because, but this was spread out over her back.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Oh, can you find, if anyone knows anyone who's got the tube, that's fucking hilarious. But it was in black and white which made it very difficult to tell what lines were what. Yeah. And the dream didn't last very long. I just remember
Starting point is 00:23:53 pointing at a tube stop and going, that is where I live on you. And then I woke up. But because I live, I live quite far out. But I have to get a bus. Because I live quite far out... But I have to get a bus! Because I live quite far out.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It was right round on her hip. Hey, that's good, though, isn't it? I can see why your mind has been working. Because you've gone, oh, let me show you where I live. Oh, just around this corner here, I can see the side of my knockout. Now this corner here, I can see the side of my knockout.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Right, it's time for a new section, because Ed's Amazing Birds, very sadly, is finished for a bit. I'm quite enjoying this, you know. I know that other than the food section, like Clean Slate is weak, isn't it? Yeah. I'm quite enjoying it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Hey, Grace Olivia Simkins asked me if I'd do a shout-out. Do we do then not really no no she sent me a message though apparently she's gonna move to cornwall right so she needs something to cheer her up she said all right well shout a shout out for that right hello is that how you do it yeah yeah what is what do you have to do have we done it we've done it by saying her name is that a a shout-out? I think that's a shout-out. I've got no idea. She said that she used to love the Chris Moyle Show podcast, but now I love yours. Right, well, I will shout at her for that. Does Chris Moyle do shout-outs?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah, he must do shout-outs. He's got to do some of it, hasn't he? Well, big shout-out to Grace, anyway. Yeah, well done, Grace. I'm going Cornwall Head. It's all right for you. Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine. If he's not, just come Grace, anyway. Yeah, well done, Grace. I'm going Cornwall Head. It's all right for you. Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine. If it's not, just come home, babe.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Yeah. Right, well, this is the new section. Film pitches. Have you done one of them? I have. What, you've written one? Yeah. Really?
Starting point is 00:25:36 I think, you know what? I thought, oh, I'll do a silly one, right? Yeah. I think this could be a real film. We've actually spent today, haven't we, doing genuine treatments for television? Yeah. What's the point of this?
Starting point is 00:25:46 What's the point of the section? The section is, we could, like, you could do one next week, but I'm doing one this week. I'm not sure I can be bothered. Alright, fine. We write a film pitch with, like, casting suggestions and plot and, you know. And I think we should come up with the name of someone, like a pseudonym, and
Starting point is 00:26:01 send off the film pictures to, like, Universal and stuff and see if we get a film made. Are we allowed to do that? Don't we have to do this through our management? Well, our manager will be listening to this now. If he likes the sound of this, then we'll do it through them.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Well, I think what we should do there, I think it should be called Ed's Film Pictures. So you don't have to do one? This section. I think we should do it like... It's replacing Ed's Amazing Birth. All right, we'll call it Ed's Film be called Ed's Film Pitches so you don't have to do one this section I think we should do it like it's replacing Ed's Amazing Births alright well we'll
Starting point is 00:26:26 call it Ed's Film Pitches Ed's Film Pitches Ed has to come up with a film pitch it might not be every week we'll see if this works
Starting point is 00:26:31 no it's got to be every week and then I'll do that jokey thing where I'll go no Ed this is a stupid idea and then yeah so just
Starting point is 00:26:39 it's Ed's Amazing Births but without the births in it alright well let's see if it works first because none of this might not even be in. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:26:46 This might just be us having a chat. Yeah. I'm not even actually cold, mate. Right. The film is called... Yeah. We'll start with the title. Muffin McBride, Whore Out of Water.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Right. Right? I think you're going to have problems with some of the major film, you know, cinema chains. Right. Well, I'm willing to... You know what? I'm willing to change the title. What to?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Just Muffin McBride. What's Muff? Obviously in pictures and stuff we need to put it in a way that people understand. Are we in this? You are, possibly. Oh, nice one. We need to put it in a way that people understand. So I've described it as like Crocodile Dundee 2 meets From Hell meets California Man.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Right, so what ones of them have I seen? I've seen From Hell. From Hell, right. And Crocodile Dundee 2 is the one where he's in the city, isn't it? I don't know. And California Man is... I don't know what that is. Brendan Fraser is a caveman who's been frozen,
Starting point is 00:27:32 and then he gets frozen out in modern times. What's the point of Brendan Fraser? I don't know, but he's not in this. Right, this is the story of Muffin McBride, a saucy Victorian prostitute, who, while servicing a client, showing her nethers for a farthing, trips and lands in a magic puddle
Starting point is 00:27:51 which takes her to the year 2010. She does not know the social conventions. She looks wrong and does not speak proper for present-day New York. She must try and fit into her new job as a high profile magazine editor. Which is difficult when she keeps having a wee in the street.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Gets drunk in the morning, smokes opium in the office and keeps trying to get her dirty pillows out for policemen. This is a fucking brilliant idea mate. But it is not all fun and frolics. She has been followed through the magic puddle
Starting point is 00:28:29 by none other than Jack the Ripper gentleman murderer. He causes carnage in New York and also many comedy capers as he accidentally
Starting point is 00:28:39 kills many women he believes to be muffin. Including his own great-granddaughter. With only the help of her new boyfriend Terence, the professional American ball player, her best friend homeless bag lady, and her trusty talking dog Terence,
Starting point is 00:28:58 Muffin must find a way to send Jack tumbling back to Victorian London before he can gut any more working girls. But Muffin is also pregnant and all might not be as it seems brackets the baby is a wolf
Starting point is 00:29:10 made of crisps I can see what you're doing you're not right you were doing very well then yeah is that the end of your pitch
Starting point is 00:29:18 no there's a few other bits but that's the end of the plot but that's an amazing birth isn't it you're sneaking an amazing birth into this I'm not having that.
Starting point is 00:29:25 The baby is a wolf made of crisps. A wolf made of crisps? Yeah. Right and what's the
Starting point is 00:29:29 It's amazing that isn't it? It is amazing. At least you're not claiming to have found that. Right. Alright well so
Starting point is 00:29:36 Muffin's got a wolf crisp baby. Yeah. Yeah. It is a family comedy slash slapstick prostitute drama.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Yeah. Casting suggestions Muffin for Melinda Messenger. Alright well she's not doing nothing now. Yeah. She fell out with Ian Wright. Yeah. Casting suggestions. Muffin, I thought. Melinda Messenger. Alright, well she's not doing nothing now. Yeah. She fell out with Ian Wright. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:49 He's a prick, that bloke, isn't he? Vinnie Jones as Jack the Ripper. Or Danny Dyer. That would work perfect. Jack the Ripper? Yeah. He's not shy about cutting, is he? Morgan Freeman as Terrence.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Which one's Terrence? Terrence. Well, there's two Terrences. Because there's Terrence the boyfriend and Terrence the dog. Morgan Freeman as Terrence the boyfriend. Right. Tim Allen as Bagrence. Which one's Terrence? Terrence, well there's two Terrences because there's Terrence the boyfriend and Terrence the dog. Morgan Freeman is Terrence the boyfriend. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Tim Allen is Bag Lady. I think you should probably change the two Terrences to a different name. I think that's a bit confusing. Yeah, I've also heard you
Starting point is 00:30:14 already say Tim Allen as a Bag Lady and I'm not sure that I mean, you've got Vinnie Jones playing Jack the Ripper and Tim Allen playing a Bag Lady.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Do you know what I mean? I think you might get stared at at your pitch meetings. Right, and either Brad Pitt or you as the voice of Terrence the dog. Ripper and Tim Allen playing a bag lady. Do you know what I mean? I think you might get stared at at your pitch meetings. Right, and either Brad Pitt or you as the voice of Terrence the dog. I'll do it. Right, alright. I think that would be pretty good, that film. Why has Terrence the dog got a voice?
Starting point is 00:30:33 Because he's a talking dog. I missed that bit. Before we can cut any more. What happens at the end? Well, we don't know. What do you mean we don't know? We've not seen it. Yeah, it's a pitch.
Starting point is 00:30:40 But you don't... Do you have to say what happens at the end? Pretty much, you have to say the whole story. Right, well, she sends Jack back to London. How? Victorian London. A lot of things we write have portals in them, don't they? We're writing a real film that's got a portal in it.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Yeah. Well, this is a puddle, mainly. Oh, yeah. Well, ours might be a better time to budget. She pushes him in, she pushes him in. She pushes him in a puddle? Yeah. On the off-transit support?
Starting point is 00:31:03 Well, no, I'll tell you what she does. What? She stands on the other side of the street. She goes, Jack, Jack, come over here. I want you to kill me, right? I want you to kill me. Yeah, he tries to walk across the street.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Terence the dog drives a New York taxi through a puddle in the curb. It splashes him. It goes all over him and it evaporates back into Victorian London. And then she's basically got to make the decision whether she stays in modern times or goes into the past, back into the past.
Starting point is 00:31:27 And what actually happens is that someone has to go in the puddle and actually the bag lady goes in her stead because she wants to stay with Terrence and Terrence the dog. Tim Allen this. Tim Allen as the bag lady goes into the past and becomes Queen Victoria. So this film ends with Tim Allen
Starting point is 00:31:43 throwing himself in a puddle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it does, yeah. I'm not... Will this section work, do you think? Peacock and Gamble podcast was devised and performed
Starting point is 00:31:56 by Ray Peacock and Ed Gamble. All music by The Tiger Lilies except for the last one which is performed by Frank Seidlerson. The Peacock and Gamble podcast is a ready production hosted by
Starting point is 00:32:11 See you next week. Right, now it's the end bit now after the music. Let's do our regular section now at the end. Yeah, PG Tips we do at the end normally, don't we? We always do PG Tips. We normally always do PG Tips. Famously. Can't this week. How come? I wrote it down down the tip that we were doing yeah tripped over yeah and
Starting point is 00:32:30 dropped the tip into the mouth of the world that's horrible yeah it just went in actually instead of the tips i've got a little story to tell you just a quick one okay and i heard about this man my mum knows him so it's not like it's not like i've got it off the internet right okay he works in fulham right he's a doctor who works in fulham yeah came out the abbey national right in fulham tripped over right hit his head yeah he woke up in the beacons in wales yeah what do you mean he woke up there what did he fall through the ground he hit his head he got knocked out he had no memory of it no memory of how he got there or why he was there somebody got he got there himself yeah that was there somebody got there he got there himself yeah
Starting point is 00:33:05 that's what they think that is terrifying I've never heard that happen before you can just hit your head and then just come round somewhere yeah do you know what
Starting point is 00:33:13 I've got to tell you though if that was me first thing I'd do what hand down the back of my trousers yeah I'd want to know

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