The Peacock and Gamble Podcast - The Peacock and Gamble Podcast: Episode 6

Episode Date: March 3, 2019

"Episode 6" from was assembled into the "The Peacock and Gamble Podcast" podcast by Fourble. Episode 6 of 128....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Peacock and Gamble podcast. Welcome to the Peacock and Gamble podcast. I'm Ray Peacock, hello. Hello, I'm Ed Gamble. And this week's podcast is very exciting actually. We are coming live from a hospital. Ooh. Just like on BBC One, first thing in the morning when you do them shows, you know, with poorly children on it. Sometimes it's pets. And we're here today because Ed is poorly, aren't you, Ed?
Starting point is 00:00:29 I am, actually, yeah. You are here in your hospital bed. I mean, that is poorly in real life. Yeah. The hospital thing is pretend, but don't worry, just play along with it for a bit. But Ed is poorly in real life. So, you are there in your hospital bed.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Yeah, got my drip in. Your drip in? Yeah, no, dripping. Dripping? Yeah, I'm dripping bread in here. Oh, right. That's good, it should keep your spirits up yeah yeah also because i had you with a bit of nourishment yeah and lestral so you're not well at all are you not ed no i've got a cough well bear that in mind then for everybody if you're listening to the podcast now you might
Starting point is 00:00:58 want to do it with your hand over your mouth yeah because he's proper contagious i mean i'm bothered about doing this at the moment because we're out of my house Yeah I mean where we record this Is relatively confined And I just don't want Any germs thank you No So how are we going to avoid that
Starting point is 00:01:10 I could not talk For the whole thing If we get an ultraviolet light Will that attract the germs Like it does with Flies in the chippy Yeah I think so
Starting point is 00:01:19 And you'll hear all the germs Go Yeah Can we sort that out then Where would we get How would you make An ultraviolet light I think it is
Starting point is 00:01:25 you just get a normal bulb don't you and paint it yeah paint it purple paint it purple alright hey that would be good as well because that means as well
Starting point is 00:01:31 that we can put like we can draw bones on our arms yeah in like yellow paint and then we can just dance around in the dark and pretend we're skellingtons
Starting point is 00:01:40 yeah that would be brilliant mate oh should we do that and do all body popping mate I can do body popping I can do the caterpillar can you yeah go on what do, should we do that? And do all body popping. Mate, I can do body popping. I'll do the caterpillar. Can you? Yeah, go on, go on. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:01:48 I do slug. All right, well, you do the slug, I will do the caterpillar, and then we'll do that instead of the podcast. The slug is the one where you just lie there and then do nothing to music, and then someone pours all salt on you, and you just go,
Starting point is 00:01:59 Saaah! You've done the slug since I've known you. I'm worried about you being ill. Why? You've been proper ill, haven't you? Yeah, I've had a bad cough. We actually had to cancel our recording. It was originally scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Yeah. And now it's Wednesday. Yeah. Because you were poorly. Yeah. Now the thing is, is you told me the other week your auntie was coming to stay with you. Yeah. And you said you were worried about it because she just got back from Mexico.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Yeah, she came straight from the airport from Mexico and stayed at our house. Which is where swine flu originated from. Yeah, but it's alright in Mexico now, isn't it? I don't know. I don't know. I've been... Tell you the truth, mate. I've been oinking.
Starting point is 00:02:35 But you look a tip. Oh. I mean, you look... You know, I mean, often, if you don't know what hair looks like, to describe it, you are a dishevelled man at the best of times. Why? Often with your belly hanging out from under your T-shirt. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And you wear clothes that would be better suited to a 50-year-old American. That's not right. That is more, that's what you get with Ed, really. Often he will just come in wearing child sunglasses. Sorry, child sunglasses? Well, you do it, well, I'm not saying you don't pull it off, I'm just saying that's what you're like.
Starting point is 00:03:04 You dress like, right, a fat tramp has decided to remake The Matrix. You wear all dark stuff, right, even when it's
Starting point is 00:03:12 sunny, with all Matrix sunglasses, right? Plodding around with your trousers falling down, with your boobs wobbling about
Starting point is 00:03:18 like two big Matrix udders. Matrix sunglasses? Yeah. Like black wraparound. Do you like that I'm not contesting
Starting point is 00:03:24 the Matrix bodders? Yeah, the Matrix udders is fine. I've no issue with that? Yeah. Like black wrappers. Do you like that I'm not contesting the Matrix brothers? Yeah, the Matrix brothers is fine. I've got no issue with that. Yeah. What sort of sunglasses? Yeah, you look like you're in the Matrix. I don't look like I'm in the Matrix. Yeah, you do.
Starting point is 00:03:34 You do like Matrix sunglasses, like Keanu Reeves, but on a big fat face. I'll have you know that I have got effortless cool. Yeah, you do. I just look cool without even trying, mate. Not like you, wearing... You'd probably go Camden every Sunday, you'd get all your clothes and sort out so you can show off to all the other children. Sure, you have effortless cool, but you don't
Starting point is 00:03:52 walk effortlessly. Not at the moment, I know, because I'm an old man now. But in my youth, when I was your age, mate, I tell you what, I had a mangin off me. But the thing is, right, you very rarely look scruffy. Oh, thanks, mate. Yeah, but today you do. Right. Right, and I've noticed, first of all, I've noticed you've got a big scratch on your face. Yeah, I do, yeah. Right, now you look like you've had a fight in the street. Does it look good?
Starting point is 00:04:13 It doesn't look good. It looks, you look like a ruffian. Do I look hard, though? No. Oh. You look like a scrubber. Right. Why have you got a big scratch across your face?
Starting point is 00:04:21 I think there was something sharp in my bed. I do. Sometimes I will just wake up with scratches. I think it might be to do with, you know on some quilt covers, right? Yeah. There's like little popper buttons. Right. I think at some point during the night I must have manoeuvred the quilt round so the popper
Starting point is 00:04:36 buttons were facing my face. Okay. One of them's come undone and scratched my face. See, what I would say to you is that pretty much everybody with a quilt yeah it's pretty much everybody yeah has popper buttons on it right but very rarely do i walk down the street of a morning and see hundreds of people wandering about with big scratches do you know what i mean i mean just saying you know how they've got popper buttons yeah doesn't actually excuse it because because that's like saying oh you know how shoes have got laces i think what i've done is i've maneuverred them round and scratched on my face with them.
Starting point is 00:05:06 Do you see what I mean? Yeah, no, I do see what you mean. That's fine. But maybe a little animal's got in in the night. Again, I think it's something you should look into. Right, okay. I don't think it's something you should just dismiss when you get up and look at your face in the morning. Okay, I've got one on my leg as well somewhere.
Starting point is 00:05:20 I mean, this isn't a pimple we're talking about. No. This is a... It's a big scratch, isn't it? It's a big scratch across your face. It's like I've had a fight. I mean, I will take a photo of it and we'll put it on the Facebook page in case youple we're talking about. No. This is a... It's a big scratch, isn't it? It is a big scratch across your face. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It is like I've had a fight. I mean, I will take a photo of it and we'll put it on the Facebook page in case you think we're just lying about it.
Starting point is 00:05:29 It is really there for real life. And also, you said you've hurt your finger. I burnt my finger. Oh, that's horrible. Yeah. How did you do that? I put it on the bottom of a pan. Yeah, that'll do.
Starting point is 00:05:38 To test if it is hot or not. Right. Yeah, that'll do that. No, but it was weird though, right? Because it was a hob that I spent an hour trying to work out how to use it, right? And it was a fancy touch one. Not that... Oh, touch, you see how hot it is.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Not one of the old force ones. Yeah. Where you just think really hard on it and it comes on. No, it wasn't like... It was a knob that you have to touch to turn it on, was it? Yeah, well, you're like this. It wasn't like knobs or anything, right? There you go.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I get you with that one. Yeah, I like it. It wasn't like knobs or anything, right? There you go. I get you with that one. Yeah, I like it. It was like a touchscreen one. Right. So I worked out how to turn the temperature up, but what I didn't realise was that you had to put the pan on the hob to properly turn it on. Yeah, that's a safety feature, isn't it? Well, it wasn't that bloody safe.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Well, no, that's so that if there's kids knocking about or anything, and it's a touch thing, you can't just touch it, and it comes on without anybody realising it's on. Yeah. So it can only come on if there's a pan on top of it. Yeah, but I found a loophole. What? You put the pan on it, and then you touch the pan. Yeah, but don't touch... Why would you touch the pan when it comes on without anybody realising it's on. Yeah. So it can only come on if there's a pan on top of it. Yeah, but I found a loophole. What? You put the pan on it and then you touch the pan.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Yeah, but don't touch... Why would you touch the pan when it's on the hot hob? To make sure it's on hot. Because I didn't realise it would be hot that quickly. Well, put the food in and if it doesn't cook, it's not hot. Yeah, but it was pasta, so I wanted to see if I could put the boiling water straight in and it would keep boiling. Oh, I know.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I mean, I can't believe that you're even arguing this. You're going to argue back. So the more sensible thing is to just put your finger on it. Well, I've since found out that no that is not the best option yeah do you know
Starting point is 00:06:47 and by the way if anyone's listening and you want to check if a knife is sharp or not just bang it in your eye just shove a knife
Starting point is 00:06:54 right in your eye mate and then basically if it bounces off it's not sharp but if it goes through if it slices right
Starting point is 00:07:00 through your eye then it is sharp enough and you can carry on cooking your chop we've not discussed It slices right through your eye, then it is sharp enough and you can carry on cooking your chop. We've not discussed our telly project that we're working on recently. No, we haven't.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So we should give you a bit of an update of where we're at with the telly thing. And I thought the best way of doing that was, first of all, I'll explain to you how we work. What we do when we're writing our scripts, the episodes as they are, are all planned out already. Now, basically, in the thing we're writing, there are two plots. There's a main plot and a subplot. How we write is, I'm writing one story arc, Ed's writing the other story arc.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Basically, there are characters affiliated to Ed to write, and there are characters affiliated to me to write. So what we do is, we write our scenes separately out of different houses. And then we email them over to each other, have a little look at them. And maybe correct little bits and bobs. Maybe say, yeah, that is funny, right? Now, I know what you're thinking now. That sounds very grown up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:48 That sounds pretty, you know, you two are, it's like you've matured. Yeah. It's like you are writing properly. Well, we are well grown up, aren't we? I've got a whiteboard.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Yeah. With all the series planned out on it and that. And we're doing really well. And we feel like we are proper television writers now. Yeah. I'm just giving you a little,
Starting point is 00:08:02 what we're going to do now is I'll give you a little sneak, remember, all grown up, I'll give you a little sneak preview of, all grown up, I'll give you a little sneak preview of a scene that Ed sent me the other night.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Right, this is the scene that he sent me, which incidentally, we had a meeting with a producer the next day, a proper producer,
Starting point is 00:08:14 right, a real live television producer. Yeah. So not much time to correct it and this is the scene that Ed sent to me. Right,
Starting point is 00:08:19 it is well good this one. I'm just going to give a little, just a little read through of it. We can't really tell you where this scene comes and why it's there. Basically, what I'll tell you is, it's a girl called Rosalie, who is a journalist. Yeah. And she has just got home from something that she's pleased with herself about.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay? I'll just read what Ed wrote, an extract from it. Yeah. So she's already got back to her flat. Rosalie flicks her eyes to heaven and the message fades from earshot as she walks into her bedroom. As she does this... It's good. It's good so far.
Starting point is 00:08:47 A silhouette briefly appears at the window. Oh! I've cut that out, actually. She goes through to her bathroom and turns on her shower, which fills the flat with the noise of gushing water. She returns to her bedroom and begins to undress. You can probably well see her busters on it. And not even subtle-like. You can also definitely see her fall downstairs as well, thanks.
Starting point is 00:09:06 She will probably go right up to the mirror as well and have a right good look at herself. And lick her own tit. It's important we really nail the reality of what women do when they are alone and having to wash. So she should probably stick a Dido CD on, pour some red wine,
Starting point is 00:09:22 light some incense and have a big bit of chocolate and then have a wank and park a car all wonky. Right? Come on, that is great though. No, it is great and it made me laugh a lot. Yeah. But what if, as sometimes is the case, I'd have just gone, oh, I'd see it, I'll be fine. I'll just whack that into the script and we'll give it to the producer.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Your fault. Your fault. Well, it's not my fault. Always, always come from the position that I've done it wrong. Yeah, but I'm not the script editor. And that goes for anybody doing anything that I'm not... Always come from the position that I've done it wrong. Yeah, but I'm not a smith, are you? And that goes for anybody doing anything that I'm involved in. Always check what I do, because either I've fucked it up or made a joke. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:51 I mean, it's good, but I'm not sure we should... That is what girls do, though. Well, I don't know, but I'm not sure we should... Look, if you're a listener and you're a girl, right? Can you confirm that? Can you confirm that when you do have a wash, beforehand you do look in the mirror and lick your own tit? Yeah, and if you are a girl, right, and a listener of this, right, and just, don't even just confirm it, because we might not believe you. Can you do a film of it?
Starting point is 00:10:12 And maybe take a few photos of it. Take some photos of it. Just so we can see what you are like when you're in your bathroom on your own. Yeah, next time you go to the bathroom, just take some pictures. That sounds wrong, doesn't it? Yeah. I mean, for a shower. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 I don't want any poo pictures. No, thank you. So that's, in case anyone was wondering where we're up to with our television project, that's the level we're working at.
Starting point is 00:10:32 That's becoming soon to a screen near you. Keep your eye on some of the minor digital channels. They're probably on very late at night. When I burnt my finger... Yeah, there we go
Starting point is 00:10:48 Yeah Yeah, I put some Vicks on it or something I told my dad Because it was his hob I said, I've burnt my finger On your pan I told him what happened
Starting point is 00:10:57 And he went You've not burnt the pan, have you? I went, no dad Just my finger And he went Yeah, but the thing is Is that'll heal Do you ever think
Starting point is 00:11:05 your dad doesn't love you um i think sometimes he does love his pants more than he loves my fingers i hope you appreciate listener what we're going through in order to bring this podcast to you i mean because today he's on death's door yeah knock knock hello i'm risking it by being here with him yeah i mean normally when i prepare to do the podcast i like go grab a coffee or i'll have something to eat or whatever make sure i've got some water on the table and stuff set up all the computer very very rarely in fact it's never happened before where i prepared for the podcast by having some first defense i've been shoving it up my nose all the time just to make sure that I don't get poorly as well because I'm going on holiday in a minute. No. Well I am. You can't say that because that's wrong with the timeline of how we've released them. But that's the
Starting point is 00:11:51 point. That's what I want to get to. Right. Because this is the other thing we put ourselves through to bring this to you. This is ages ago. When you're listening to this, this is ages ago. We record these so far ahead. I mean, we've heard most of the series before you've heard the second episode. Yeah. And the thing, the reason for it is, because we're both busy anyway, so at the moment we are four weeks ahead. Yeah. Hey, do you hear?
Starting point is 00:12:15 What? Barack Obama is president. Yeah, we're not that far back though, Ed. Oh, yeah. Really? No, but I'm just saying if we do drop the odd topical reference, it will be from ages ago. Well, for example, we talked about Jay Goody last week.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah. When we recorded that, she'd not been dead that long. No. I mean, to you, it probably was like, well, that's a bit, I mean, it was ages ago that,
Starting point is 00:12:32 but it wasn't. She'll probably come back to life now when they're listening to this. The big rock's been rolled back. Don't think we should be comparing her to Jesus. I do.
Starting point is 00:12:41 Let's just stick with Princess Diana. All right, okay. She was like Princess Diana in that they both got a lot of money for doing fuck all. But that's where the confusion arises. For us, it's quite difficult to do these because that's where the confusion arises.
Starting point is 00:12:56 We often record two back to back as well. Yeah, sometimes you'll be recording one and I'll be doing the answers for the next one. Yeah, that is often what happens. I mean, often we do it like with our writing is we'll just record it separately at our own houses and then hope it fits together. Sometimes I'll refer to something that Ed hasn't even said
Starting point is 00:13:11 or Ed will say something that just won't make any sense. I don't even eat toast normally. But the other reason I want to tell you this, listener, is because I imagine we've probably been sent stuff. Yeah, I'd hope so. To our management and that. But we can't reference it on the podcast because we don't know yet yeah and also the facebook page as well i mean i would hope people will be leaving messages on it yeah if you have the reason we're not sort of reading
Starting point is 00:13:33 them out and stuff is because we've not got them yet please do keep writing stuff though do keep doing stuff because we are going to catch up um i think our first as live podcast will be beginning of september right okay hey i tell you what probably right when they're listening to this Chuck, I think our first As Live podcast will be beginning of September. Right, okay. Hey, I tell you what, probably, right, when they're listening to this, and they're saying, write stuff on the Facebook page, internet probably doesn't even exist anymore. It's just thoughts now, isn't it? It's pretty just thoughts, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:13:53 You just think it. You're just thoughts, and then you sneeze, right, and that will be, like, all, like, numbers, and that is the internet, and then you put it in a tissue and read what comes out of your nose. Yeah, so, I mean, I'm not having a closed mind to these things. I don't think we're going to connect with people. I'm not sure the development of the internet is going to be,
Starting point is 00:14:12 in the future you'll just sneeze and numbers will come out and you read them and that is the internet. I mean, I think that would perhaps be a step back for the internet, wouldn't it? Do you think? Right. I'm not sure sneezing numbers is the future. I mean, if anything, that makes it more difficult to understand? Right. I'm not sure sneezing numbers is the future. I mean if anything that makes it more difficult to understand. Right I quite like that idea but I think but basically what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:14:29 is because people are listening to this so far in the future that we're not going to be able to connect with them talking about things like you know the old crotchety internet and phones and all this loser shit that they probably don't have in the future. Okay. Because they're like bleep bleep what are they talking about bleep bleep. What's that? That's how people speak like robots in the future. Okay. Because they're like, bleep bleep, what are they talking about?
Starting point is 00:14:45 Bleep bleep. What's that? That's how people speak, like robots in the future. They're like, bleep bleep, what are the Peacock and Gamble talking about? So that's how they speak.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Does everyone have a voice box in the future? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because voices get banned by the emperor of the world. Okay. So basically, I think next week, I'm going to bring in a story or something like that. Right. Just about the world. So basically, I think next week, I'm going to bring in a story or something like that, just about the future. Your vision of the future. My vision of the future, but their present,
Starting point is 00:15:12 and then we can connect with them on a more sort of basic level. Right, so for next week, you're going to write essentially a short story about your vision of the future. Yeah, which I hope is right. Well, I mean, I'm not sure that it would be, given what you've suggested so far. Right. But the emperor of the world has banned talking
Starting point is 00:15:28 and the internet comes out your nose. I'm not sure. I mean, I'm not ruling it out. Yeah, well, touch wood or lasers, as they're called in the future. Touch lasers, I am right. I mean, it's good this. We're getting a little sneak preview
Starting point is 00:15:41 of what your story's going to... So in the future, the internet's replaced by sneezing yeah talking is replaced with voice boxes yeah
Starting point is 00:15:49 and wood's replaced with lasers yeah that's right basically this is the single stupidest section we have ever recorded we have ever committed
Starting point is 00:15:59 to an mp3 well we'll do more predictions and stories what an absolute waste of our time and the listeners. He's ill, I'm sorry. I'm woozy.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Right, it's time for everyone's favourite section, I reckon. The deliberate mistake section bit. Do you think it's their favourite section? Yeah, I do. I think people are going wild for it. I think by now in time, we're going to have a spin-off of it. I think as a section, it's more like just taking care of loose ends. It's admin, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, it's more public notices than a section. Yeah, but people love a bit of admin. And I like your mum. I remember we were talking about your mum texting you about the deliberate mistakes section. She called it Del Miss. I think we should just call it that. It's kind of a cool, funky way of describing it. Del Miss.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Yeah, alright guys guys Del Miss now and anyone who listens to it will get it straight away I mean you're getting again is this part of your future plan well yeah
Starting point is 00:16:51 everything is abbreviated it's not in numbers now it's abbreviations oh that's for speaking Del Miss Del Miss yeah yeah okay
Starting point is 00:16:59 well maybe that'll stick maybe it won't yeah I mean if you do say that again I will cut it out right okay so but I mean thanks if you do say that again, I will cut it out. Right, okay. So, but I mean, thanks for your contribution with Del Miss.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Okay. But I know that you can force these trendy sayings, can you? Right. Well, anyway, deliberate mistake time. Del Miss. Shush now. Now, also, there's an apology in here as well. And a legal announcement.
Starting point is 00:17:24 This is actually, this is, I know we've fucked about with legal announcements before. This is actually a real one. It's a genuine legal announcement. And this is actually, this is, I know we've fucked about with legal announcements before. This is actually a real one. It's a genuine legal announcement. Last week, this wasn't the deliberate mistake, by the way, because it wasn't deliberate. Last week, I said that I did a gig with Chesney Orcs and with Bad Manners and Brotherhood of Man. And I said that, but that's true. Most of that is true. But I said Brotherhood of Man, there was a smell coming from their dressing room. I sort of implied it was drugs. It smelled like pot. Now here's the thing. It was about seven or eight years ago.
Starting point is 00:17:55 It wasn't Brotherhood of Man. This is actually really important. It wasn't Brotherhood of Man. I offer an unreserved apology to Brotherhood of Man. It was Boney M. I don't know where I got Brotherhood of Man from. Because they were the ones
Starting point is 00:18:12 who did Save All Your Kisses to Me. Ages ago. Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying that they have or haven't taken drugs, Brotherhood of Man. I don't know. I'm none the wiser
Starting point is 00:18:20 on this other situation. I'm not saying Boney M have. I'm just saying that when I did the gig with Boney M, there was a smell coming from their dressing room. And you're allowed to say that, but you can't say there was a smell coming from Brotherhood of Man's dressing room. No, as far as I know, they weren't even in the country.
Starting point is 00:18:34 As far as I know, they certainly weren't in the immediate vicinity anyway. So I would apologise to Brotherhood of Man. It was a genuine mistake. And I'm very sorry for that. But Boney M potted a lot of them. it was a genuine mistake and I'm very sorry for that. But yeah, but Boniem potted a lot of them. Allegedly.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Would be the conclusion I would draw based on the facts I was presented with. That doesn't mean saying my conclusion is correct. So anyway, last week's deliberate mistake.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Do you know where it was, Ed? I'm not sure I do. Well, how could it be deliberate then? Alright, I do then. Alright, what was it? I do. It was when we were talking about Japan and China.
Starting point is 00:19:05 This is right. It's correct, yeah. I'm literally picking one of the many mistakes it? I do. It was when we were talking about Japan and China. This is right. It's correct, yeah. I'm literally picking one of the many mistakes we made. Okay. That's the other thing with the deliberate mistake section is, because every week, I would imagine, people on Facebook are saying, oh, it's this, it's this and this.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Yeah. And it's because we do make genuine mistakes. Oh, yeah, all the time. So it's only the deliberate one that we will actually draw attention to and that will actually win the prize. Yeah. What it was, was last week, talked about Japan and China and pretended didn't know the difference on it. And you stated in that that Japan and China are neighbours.
Starting point is 00:19:33 Well, you said do they have a border or not and I wasn't sure, so I just said yes. You said yes, well that was incorrect. And is it incorrect that? No, it's totally incorrect, yeah. I knew at the time. Right. Japan and China don't border each other at all. In fact, Japan is actually an island. Well, it's not an island.
Starting point is 00:19:49 It's a collection of islands. Is it? Yeah, it's got 3,000 islands. Whoa! That's what comprises Japan. There's a special name for it. I can't remember what it's called. Is there like the party island?
Starting point is 00:19:59 I don't know how... Do they have like the Japanese Ibiza? Yeah, if you like. So that was a mistake. So well done all the people that got that. I don't think anyone got it. Well, we don't know, but let's see. I'm guessing no one got it.
Starting point is 00:20:10 So bad luck because there was a really good prize for that. If anybody did get it, if they fluked it, then your prize is, right, jewellery. Then you win really expensive jewellery. How expensive? A ring. But I mean the most expensive ring in the shop. Big sparkly one. then you win really expensive jewellery how expensive a ring but I mean the most expensive
Starting point is 00:20:28 ring in the shop big sparkly one yeah how you get it is you go to jewellers shop on the ice rink any one of the ones we've cleared this
Starting point is 00:20:35 with all of them go in there and pick a ring that you like the look of as much money as you can then try it on in the shop and then here's
Starting point is 00:20:44 how you get it for free right you basically once you? Yeah. Then try it on in the shop and then here's how you get it for free. Right? You basically, once you've tried it on, keep it on and run out of the shop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:51 And the code word is, so they know that you've won the competition and they know to just let you go, no, no, I want to look at it in sunlight. Just shout that out and run out of the shop and you get a free ring.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah, well, so well done to those people. Yeah, and if anybody gets that for a wedding with you, then invite me in and we will come and be page boys. Yeah. Yeah, and we will hold a cushion and pull on the back of the woman's dress. Do you know what? I've been to loads of weddings, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I've never, you know when the page boys are pulling the dresses? I've never seen them stop one. I've never seen him stop one. I mean the best thing that came out at the time that I was paid for, I was only like eight or nine or something, I might have even been younger than that, was that I got a free waistcoat. Oh wicked. I could play Han Solo for ages after that. I saw that waistcoat double dutch. Even at the wedding I was excited about getting the wedding out of the way. So that I then had a little black waistcoat
Starting point is 00:21:46 which is what Anselo wears in Star Wars brilliant and I was literally I remember at the reception taking my dickie bow off opening my white shirt up a bit
Starting point is 00:21:53 in my head I was Anselo for the day that's good isn't it right time for the complaint letter section I'll get it out then. Yeah, well, it was my turn. I'll get my letter out then, already.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Where we write letters to companies. I write them. I write them mainly. Yeah, no, I write them as well. It's my turn this week, actually. To try and get free stuff, don't we? And it's my turn this week because we've been alternating. I've done one.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Well, you shouldn't have done. No, well, that's the way it works. Well, actually, I'm going to let you do one, okay? Because okay because you need the practice yeah i would argue i don't so much need the practice anymore because i am now getting it i'm not sure you are getting i'm understanding how to how to do it now i've written one as well do you want to do yours first yep definitely right then i'll just cut your one out right okay now we had words during the week now i'd written that already before we had those words we said about toning down and fraser's illness yeah and you know not not mentioning it so much yeah i think it just it drags down the mood somewhat yeah i mean i've tried to keep it
Starting point is 00:22:54 underlying within them within the letter right as best as i can rather than being the point of the letter okay as long as it's not too explicit that's fine i wouldn't say it's explicit as such it's bad taste what we've been doing. Yeah. Well, what you've been doing, let's say. Well, say we, because it is our podcast, isn't it? All right, it's bad taste what we've been doing in your letters. Yeah, because we write them together, don't we, my letters?
Starting point is 00:23:15 So here's my letter for this week, to try and get some free stuff from a company by complaining to them. Okay, and you've curbed down the bad taste. I've curbed down the bad taste, and I now get it. Okay. And I'm doing it right. And it's also something that me and you both them. Okay, and you've curbed down the bad taste. I've curbed down the bad taste and I now get it. Okay. And I'm doing it right. And it's also something that me and you both like. Okay. Which is that a lot of my letters are
Starting point is 00:23:31 the stuff that we like that we try and get free. And I think this one will work. Okay. Dear Beef Jerky, Good. I will admit that my son's Fraser's teeth have been weakened by his chemotherapy.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Right. But I really don't expect chewing your product to make his hair fall out as well. Oh, God. I'm not buying any more, but would still like to get some more just to check it, see address above. Thanks, Mrs Fraser. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:56 That is all right. At what point have you been subtle about the disease? Well, I'm not. I'm implying that the beef jerky is causing him his problems. Right. Then get some free. Do you think they'll send it? Get some free because I want to check it.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I'm not sure they'll... I'm not sure they'll send you any of their product on the sort of scientifically unfounded claim that chewing it makes your hair fall out. And you have mentioned chemotherapy in there. I did mention... That is incredibly bad taste. Can you really have chemotherapy for cancer? Yeah, that's why people love it. No, but you can't have it for, like, other things as well.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Like what? I don't know. Ingrown toner. I don't but you can have it for other things as well. Like what? I don't know. Ingrown toenail. I don't think you can have chemotherapy for an ingrown toenail. I think that might be sort of killing an ant with a pile
Starting point is 00:24:32 of bricks. Is that the phrase? I don't know. So, alright, well, I mean, the thing is though, we can't now cure Fraser.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Why not? Because he's terminal. We said that. We can do what we want. He's an invented character. Alright, well, I'll bear that in mind next week. Right, well, good. I'll give me a woman. That's the end of that do what we want, he's an invented character. Alright, well I'll bear that in mind next week.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Right, well, good. I'll give me a woman. That's the end of that section now. No, it's my letter now. I feel like you undermine me. No, I just want you to do your very best. I'm not going to compliment you when it's not deserved. I don't know what was wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Right, it's because you mentioned the illness. We've been through it. I didn't mention the illness, I mentioned the cure. I would have thought that would be a good thing. Now, are you going to enjoy my letter? I'll try. Be a nice boy and listen to my letter. I am.
Starting point is 00:25:08 I just don't feel like you're supporting me. That's the problem. I am supporting you, man. I'm trying to work. I'm trying to learn it, like I've been doing for weeks now. Just trying to learn it. And I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Yeah, but...
Starting point is 00:25:19 What sort of personal tutor are you? But I'm trying to be harsh to make you do better. And once you've got it, I will give you the biggest clap ever. Yeah, but just saying that's rubbish, that's not constructive. No, I've told you, please don't mention the disease in it, because that's not going to get anyone to send you free stuff. You can't say that the products... Mate, guys, saying the disease is one of the best ways of getting free stuff,
Starting point is 00:25:40 Disney World's crammed full of them. Right, okay. Or going straight to the front of the queue. Right, we're not going through this. People react to that and they like it. Right. I don't mean they like the disease, I mean, but they do help you out if you've got one.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Right, so I'm going to read my letter now. All right, well do it then, hurry up. Dear New York Bagels, brackets, or New York Boagles, That is good. as you will have it. Hey, what you doing? Get me a coffee.
Starting point is 00:26:07 New York, wriggly worms. Apologies for that. I thought that if you thought that I was a real New Yorkist, you would listen to my complaint more readily. Yeah, you heard me. A complaint. My family and I have been fans of your bagels for many years, ever since we saw one in a shop.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Even grandma family likes them. They didn't have them in the war, and she always remembers how excited everyone was when they were first brought over in big boxes. This is by the by. On with my complaint. As a family, we purchased a six-pack of your onion bagels. None of us like the onion bits, but picking them out gives our friendless son Fraser something to do. Much to our shock- On his sick bed. No. Much to our shock, one of the bagels didn't have an hole in it. We only found this out, however, when something much worse had happened. It is a tradition that when we get the bagels home, Fraser will grab two from the pack and
Starting point is 00:27:03 look through the holes as if he is wearing dough glasses. Or sometimes he will just use one, like a magnifying glass, as if he is investigating a crime in a bakery. On this occasion, however, his right eye was covered by the faulty bagel hole, and he lost all depth perception, tripping over his dad's foot and cracking his head.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And now, we come to the problem with the product. By the way, I got mixed up with bananas earlier. Fraser has become very... What bit? When the grandma was talking about how he felt. Oh, I get it now. You alright? Fraser has become very upset that the bagel in question, without its hull, cannot breathe.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I was at first confused by this logic, but have since found out that his father has convinced him that a bagel is a type of whale. I've tried to convince him of the truth, but once Fraser believes something, you cannot tell him otherwise. The same happened when his friend Pinhead told him that if he didn't wipe his arse for three days, it would start to clean itself. I enclosed the bagel and would be grateful if you could perform some kind of surgery on it. Otherwise, a fresh bag with a note saying that the breathless bagel is in there
Starting point is 00:28:20 would be wonderful to set Fraser's mind at rest, as he doesn't need this with his illness. Thanks Miss Fraser. I'm a stickler for continuity. I know because he's ill. So he's ill but I just mentioned it with his illness. I didn't put he's having chemotherapy
Starting point is 00:28:35 and he's on the fags. I've put he's just... I've just put that he's ill. So a nice subtle thing. And the way I've done it with his illness they go oh he's ill. You better send something I know and the way I've done it like with his illness they go oh he's ill you better send something
Starting point is 00:28:46 rather than going you haven't made his air fall out and he's smoking and he's nearly dead yeah but alright well you're saying that's all I do in my ones
Starting point is 00:28:54 is talk about his being ill all you do in your ones is talk about a little boy who thinks that food is alive that's all it is every week from you all the rice calls
Starting point is 00:29:03 are making an army all the marshmallows being picked on by all the other ones all he thinks that a bag it is every week from you but the rice girls are making an army oh the marshmallow is being picked on by all the other ones oh he thinks that a bagel is real person
Starting point is 00:29:09 and breathing and thinks it's a whale the peacock and gamble podcast was devised and performed
Starting point is 00:29:22 by ray peacock and ed gamble all music by the tiger lilies except podcast was devised and performed by Ray Peacock and Ed Gamble. All music by the Tiger Lilies, except the last one, which is performed by Frank Sidebottom. The Peacock and Gamble podcast is a big and dark production, hosted by If you spotted a deliberate mistake in this week's show, tell us on our Facebook page, and you might win a prize. See you next week. Hey, we've had an email from one of our regular listeners.
Starting point is 00:29:57 This is from Alice. And here's the email coming through. 37642 594657 Bless you. Alice. And it is the email coming through. Right. 3-7-6-4-2-5-9-4-6-5-7. Bless you. Yeah, so bless you on both levels. Bless you for sneezing that out and bless you for the compliment.

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