The Pour Over Today - Friday, February 11, 2022

Episode Date: February 11, 2022

Today we’re talking about more blue states rolling back mandates, red-hot inflation numbers, some gold medal performances, and other top news for Friday, February 11th. Stay informed, while remainin...g focused on Christ, with The Pour Over.Get 50% off your first order with code POUROVER when you try Hiya today:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today we're talking about more blue states rolling back mandates, red hot inflation numbers, some gold medal performances, and other top news for Friday, February 11th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Here's the quote of the day. All Christian life is to be measured by scripture, by every word thereof. John Wycliffe Let's get started with some espresso shots. John Wycliffe. Let's get started with some espresso shots.
Starting point is 00:00:31 Someone must have bumped the blue dominoes. New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts have joined California, New Jersey, and other Democratic-led states in announcing plans to drop COVID-related mandates. Many governors give similar reasoning, pointing to the declining case counts, cases in New York are down 92% from their January peak, also the widespread availability of vaccines, and the desire and need for us to learn how to live with COVID. The CDC, though, isn't on board. CDC Director Dr. Walensky argues that the high hospitalization rates nationwide still warrant indoor mask wearing, and until rates are brought under control, states should be cautious when weaning restrictions. In Canada, protesters have blocked a third U.S. and Canada border crossing, forcing auto plants to shut down. While several
Starting point is 00:01:09 provinces did announce plans to lift some mandates, protesters are still unhappy with federal restrictions and believe that the government is drastically underestimating their resolve. When discussing divisive topics such as COVID mandates, remember that both your stance and how you take your stance reflect on Christ. We should not be willing to sacrifice relationships to win an argument. James 3.17 says, but the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, and without pretense. Inflation is still on the up and up. The Consumer Price Index, which measures the cost of dozens of
Starting point is 00:01:47 everyday goods, rose 7.5% from January 2021 to January 2022, above economist expectations of 7.2%, setting a new 40-year record. Some sectors have been hit harder than others. Used cars are up 40.5%, gasoline is up 40%, food is up 7%, and shelter is up 4%. This news further cemented expectations of substantial interest rate hikes this year. Inflation is a major thorn in President Biden's side, whose approval rating dropped below 40% for the first time. The Biden administration has blamed inflation on pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions, while Republicans blame Democrats' massive spending agenda and energy policies. Rising prices can make anyone anxious, yet difficult times like these give Christians the incredible opportunity to share rather than hoard what God has given us, remembering Jesus'
Starting point is 00:02:36 command for radical generosity. Luke 6.30 says, give to everyone who asks you, and from someone who takes your things, don't ask for them back. There's two things you can always count on. Chick-fil-A servers going the extra mile, and Russia bringing drama to the Olympics. While Russia is serving a two-year ban from the Olympics for state-sponsored doping, its athletes are competing as the Russian Olympic Committee. As it turns out, a rose by any other name still dopes. The team figure skating medal ceremony was delayed Tuesday after premier Russian skater Kamila Valieva failed a drug test. Valieva, who's 15, may only earn a reprimand versus disqualification since she's a minor. Team USA, however, finally struck gold.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Lindsay Jacob Ellis won the U.S.'s first gold in snowboarding cross. Nathan Chen captured gold in men's figure skating. And Chloe Kim dominated the women's halfpipe. Sean White placed fourth in the men's halfpipe, missing the podium in his final Olympics. A verse to consider when old habits die hard. No temptation has come upon you except what is common to humanity. But God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able. But with the temptation, he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to bear it. 1 Corinthians 10.13. Today's podcast is brought to you by Haya. Guess what is non-GMO, vegan,
Starting point is 00:03:51 dairy-free, allergy-free, gelatin-free, nut-free, and everything else you can imagine? Our first guess was water, which is true, but today's correct answer is Haya. Haya is the pediatrician-approved, super-powered, chewable vitamin created by two dads tired of children's vitamins that cause more problems than they solve. Haya fills in the most common gaps in modern children's diets without We'll be right back. when you try Haya today. Click the link in our show notes. In other brews, we've got a rapid round of updates. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell broke with the Republican National Committee, criticizing their decision to censure two Republicans for participating in the January 6th committee and referring to the day as a, quote, violent insurrection. Later, former President Trump said McConnell does not speak for the Republican as a, quote, violent insurrection. Later, former President Trump said McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party, or, quote, the vast majority of its voters.
Starting point is 00:04:51 SpaceX just learned to take space storms more seriously. Musk's rocket company launched 49 Starlink satellites last week when a geomagnetic storm disrupted Earth's atmosphere. The satellites were in low orbit at the time, and up to 40 of the satellites will be lost, burning up in Earth's atmosphere. The satellites were in low orbit at the time, and up to 40 of the satellites will be lost, burning up in Earth's atmosphere. The DOJ may investigate whether former President Trump violated the Presidential Record Act, which requires every piece of a president's writing to be archived upon leaving office. Trump reportedly had a habit of tearing documents when finished with them and only recently returned 15 boxes of documents held at Mar-a-Lago. Criminal charges are highly unlikely.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Iran has unveiled a new longer-range missile, reportedly capable of hitting U.S. regional bases and its arch-foe Israel. Not to be outdone, North Korea announced, after its seven missile tests last month, that it has a missile that can strike mainland U.S. and, quote, shake the world. Happy Valentine's Day. missile that can strike mainland U.S. and, quote, shake the world. Happy Valentine's Day. Snoop Dogg has acquired Death Row, the iconic hip-hop label that launched his career and released music for Tupac, Dr. Dre, and many others. The news broke days before Snoop is set to perform at the Super Bowl halftime show alongside Dre, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar,
Starting point is 00:06:00 and Mary J. Blige. Well, thanks so much for listening today. We really hope that you found this podcast valuable, and we would love it if you would consider sharing it with a friend. We hope you have a great weekend, and we'll see you back here bright and early on Monday morning.

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