The Pour Over Today - Monday, June 13, 2022

Episode Date: June 13, 2022

Today we’re talking about inflated inflation, a bipartisan gun safety proposal, the start of the January 6 public hearings, and other top news for Monday, June 13th. Stay informed while remaining fo...cused on Christ with The Pour Over. Sponsored by The Veritas Forum. Search "The Veritas Forum" wherever you listen to Podcasts.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today we're talking about inflated inflation, a bipartisan gun safety proposal, the start of the January 6th public hearings, and other top news for Monday, June 13th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Here's the quote of the day, and let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. Galatians 6, verse 9. Let's start with some espresso shots. Consumer inflation data was released Friday and well, everything is expensive. The Consumer Price
Starting point is 00:00:33 Index, a key marker of inflation, rose 8.6% in May, the largest increase since 1981. Key drivers included surging food, shelter, and gas prices. Shelter costs rose at the fastest pace in 31 years, and gas prices are up to 106.7% compared to last year. Pain at the pump has turned to agony. For the first time ever, a gallon of regular gas costs $5 on average nationwide. Not rising, workers' wages. Inflation effectively reduced paycheck power 0.6% from April to May and 3% compared to 2021. It is no surprise that the stock market has taken a hit in the face of declining consumer sentiment. The S&P 500 has fallen 18% in 2022, marking its worst start to a year since 1962. No matter how much gas costs or what the inflation rate is, God will still be God,
Starting point is 00:01:23 and he will remain in control. Our eternity is secure, even in the midst of economic uncertainty on earth. Philippians 4, 6-7 says, Don't worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. A bipartisan group of 20 senators has negotiated a proposal that could be a major step forward for gun safety. The emerging agreement includes enhanced review processes for potential gun buyers under 21, financial incentives for states to implement red flag laws, increased mental health and school security funding,
Starting point is 00:02:05 additional restrictions on those who have abused their romantic partners. The group comprised of 10 Republicans and 10 Democrats hopes the proposal could become the most expansive bipartisan gun violence measure since 1994. Our plan saves lives while also protecting the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans, said negotiators in a joint statement. There's still work to be done, however. Translating an agreement from a framework to actual legislation can be an arduous task, and a final deal will need the support of 60 senators to overcome a filibuster. Here's a verse to consider when discussing the best ways to encourage bipartisan cooperation. James 3, verse 17 says, But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy, and good fruits, unwavering, without pretense.
Starting point is 00:02:56 The January 6th Special Committee began its public hearings last week with previously unseen video of the Capitol being stormed and testimony from Capitol Hill police officers. Additionally, key figures in the Trump administration, including Attorney General William Barr and Ivanka Trump, testified that the president was informed that the Justice Department did not find enough fraud to overturn the election. Critics, including former President Trump himself on Truth Social, called the hearing totally partisan and a spin of only negative footage. In his opening remarks, committee chair rep Benny Thompson said, the world is watching what we do here, and the proceedings certainly captured lots of eyeballs. 20 million people tuned in, an audience typical of Sunday night football. Hearings will continue today with a focus on Trump's assertions of fraud to his followers. We shouldn't allow the success or
Starting point is 00:03:44 failure of a political party to consume our thoughts, emotions, or hope for the future. Regardless of the circumstance, our mission remains the same. Love God and love others. Galatians 5 verse 22 through 23 says, but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The law is not against such things. This podcast is brought to you by Beyond the Forum. For 30 years, the Veritas Forum has hosted conversations that matter across different worldviews. Now they're working with PRX, producer of This American Life and other shows, to create an amazing and much-needed podcast,
Starting point is 00:04:21 Beyond the Forum. Past seasons have broached topics like being in community with folks with Thank you. wherever you listen to podcasts. In other brews, here's a rapid round of updates. The summit of the Americas included some seating chart drama. The U.S. excluded the socialist regimes of Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba, and Mexico refused to attend in retaliation. The summit passed a non-binding blueprint, establishing pathways to enter the Americas and set parameters around aid. Justin Bieber has postponed touring due to his facial paralysis. Bieber posted a video to Instagram on Friday announcing that he is suffering from Ramsey-Hunt syndrome and needs to take a break from performing. He thanked Beliebers for being patient and said he's not sure how long the recovery will take. The U.S. dropped its COVID testing requirements for international travelers. The U.S. joins the
Starting point is 00:05:30 U.K. and other countries in welcoming visitors without requiring a nasal swab, but most non-citizen visitors will still have to provide proof of vaccination before entering the country. Cue the jazz hands. The 75th Tony Awards show honored Broadway's best onstage at Radio City Music Hall on Sunday night for the first time since 2019. Oscar winner Ariana DeBoise hosted and the past year's predominant musicals were highlighted. The Tampa Bay Lightning were down two games to zero before they turned on their ice jets and won four straight games against the New York Rangers to clinch a spot in the Stanley Cup Finals. The Lightning, who have a chance to win their third straight championship, take on the Colorado Avalanche Wednesday. That's all we have for today. Thanks so much for listening. If you're listening on the Apple Podcast app, give us a five-star rating and drop a review. If you're listening on Spotify, give us a follow and hit the notification bell
Starting point is 00:06:22 to never miss a new episode. We appreciate your support and hope you have a great day. We'll see you on Wednesday.

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