The Pour Over Today - Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Episode Date: August 17, 2022

Today we’re talking about investigations into former-President Trump and his former lawyer Rudy Giuliani, yesterday’s primary elections, WeWork’s founder’s return to work, and other top news f...or Wednesday, August 17th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Sponsored by Spoken Worldwide

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today we're talking about investigations into former President Trump and his former lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, yesterday's primary elections, WeWork's founders' return to work, and other top news for Wednesday, August 17th. Stay informed while remaining focused on Christ with The Pour Over. Here's the quote of the day. Faith isn't the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It's simply taking God at His word and taking the next step. Johnny Erickson Tata Let's get started with some espresso shots.
Starting point is 00:00:32 Season 2022 of Politics in America is getting lots of views. The FBI has returned former President Trump's passports they seized during Raid a Lago, and a judge is set to hear arguments tomorrow about whether to unseal the affidavit used to request the search warrant. The DOJ opposes releasing the affidavit, saying it would, quote, cause irreparable damage to this ongoing criminal investigation, while news organizations and Trump himself have called for it to be released for the sake of transparency. Meanwhile, Trump's former personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, was informed that he is now a, quote, target in an investigation in Georgia into election interference. He reportedly met with state lawmakers in December 2020
Starting point is 00:01:10 and urged them not to certify the presidential election results. Giuliani, who is scheduled to appear before a grand jury today, says the investigation is politically motivated. Our goal is to keep the big things big and the small things small. It's not that these investigations aren't important. they're just not God of the universe important. They won't impact where you spend eternity. Colossians 3, 2, and 4 says, Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.
Starting point is 00:01:34 For you died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Yesterday saw another round of high-profile primary elections. The night's marquee matchup was in Wyoming between Liz Cheney and Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman. Cheney is a vocal critic of former President Trump, voting in favor of impeachment and vice chairing the January 6th committee. While she easily won her previous three terms, she's expected to lose big this time. Trump's influence was also seen in Alaska, as Trump-endorsed former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin ran in a special election to serve the remainder of the late Representative Don Young's term. Senator Lisa Murkowski, who voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment trial,
Starting point is 00:02:19 faced Trump-backed challenger Kelly Chewbacca, both of whom are likely to advance. Also of note, Alaska piloted a ranked choice open primary. Advocates say ranked choice will reduce partisanship, but critics say it'll cause voter confusion. Voting is an important and powerful way to create change, but as Christians, our hope is never contingent on the outcome of an election or the success of a political party. Our hope is in Christ. Psalms 121, 1 and 2 says, I lift my eyes to the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Adam Neumann, famous for both making WeWork into a $47 billion
Starting point is 00:02:58 company and crashing it into a $4 billion company, has a new real estate startup called Flow. Andreessen Horowitz, known for early investments in Facebook, Twitter, and Lyft, cut a $350 million check to Newman, valuing the yet-to-launch company at over $1 billion. Newman's return isn't the only big business news. Bed Bath & Beyond stock really embraced Beyond, jumping as high as 70% yesterday, thanks to Reddit's WallStreetBets. That's the group that pumped up GameStop stock in early 2021. American Airlines pre-ordered 20 supersonic planes from Boom, but the delivery time isn't breaking sound barriers. Boom is years away from building a commercial plane.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Saudi Aramco, the Saudi government-owned oil giant, posted a $48.4 billion profit last quarter, up 90% thanks to high oil prices. Here's a verse to consider when looking for your next big moneymaker. Place no trust in oppression or false hope in robbery. If wealth increases, don't set your heart on it. Psalms 62 10. This podcast is brought to you by Spoken Worldwide. We're pretty sure, okay, totally sure that God loves people who don't read and yet billions with a B have no access to the Bible because they can't or don't read. Spoken Worldwide is exclusively focused on sharing Jesus with these overlooked communities in ways that they can easily understand and share with others. And with experience in 38 countries and 150 languages, they've gotten really good at it. Interested in
Starting point is 00:04:18 furthering the Great Commission? You can get a free download of the 7 Ways to Impact the Nations from Home to get specific prayer points to help move the mission of Christ forward. Find the link in our show notes. In other brews, we've got a rapid round of updates. Historic drought conditions in the West have left Lake Mead, the U.S.'s highest capacity reservoir, in a Tier 2 shortage, prompting the federal government to step in and limit three out of four of the main consumers. Those are Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico. The fourth, California, doesn't have to make cuts just yet. In a hotly contested race, Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto beat veteran opposition
Starting point is 00:05:00 leader Ryla Odinga. Odinga and a majority of the Electoral Commission members rejected the results amid claims of rigging, and Odinga vowed to pursue a legal challenge. There's no more scrounging for a quarter in the bathroom. This week, Scotland became the first country in the world to make period products free for all. As a result of the unanimous passage of the Period Products Act in 2020, free sanitary products would be distributed by local governments and educational organizations. The United Kingdom is the first country to approve Moderna's bivalent coronavirus booster, which targets both the original virus and Omicron. The U.S. has ordered 66 million doses of the same vaccine in anticipation of FDA authorization and a big fall boost your booster campaign.
Starting point is 00:05:49 Someone in Alabama is paying off AP voters again. The Crimson Tide once again topped the AP college football preseason rankings with Ohio State and Georgia rounding out the top three. The college season kicks off in two weeks. And now it's time for the pour overs pick of the week. The Serve Strong, Finish Strong podcast. It hits everyone eventually. You aren't where you thought you would be by your age. Maybe it's your career, your relationships,
Starting point is 00:06:10 your spiritual life, finances, your body, or all of the above. But eventually you awaken to the general dissatisfaction in life and mortality. This podcast features interviews with people in their third quarter, 40s and 50s, who are pivoting careers, shunning retirement, and making the most of their lives and having the time of their lives. Don't just leave a legacy, live it. If you want to have an excellent fourth quarter,
Starting point is 00:06:33 check out the podcast, Serve Strong, Finish Strong, wherever you listen to podcasts. That's all we have for today. Thanks so much for listening. If you're listening on the Apple Podcasts app, you can give us a five-star rating and drop a review. If you're listening on Spotify, give us a follow and hit that notification bell to never miss a new episode. We appreciate your support and we hope you have a great day. We'll see you on Friday.

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