The Ryen Russillo Podcast - Life Advice Special With Van Lathan

Episode Date: August 15, 2023

It's all Life Advice! Van Lathan joins Ryen, Kyle, and Ceruti to answer some listener-submitted Life Advice questions. Host: Ryen Russillo Guest: Van Lathan Producers: Kyle Crichton and Steve Ceruti ... The Ringer is committed to responsible gaming, please checkout to find out more or listen to the end of the episode for additional details. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 a special edition of life advice which i think some of you were like cool hear your theories on stuff um and we're doing it with van layton so if you know a little pg-13 i wouldn't play this one with the kids especially especially at the end. Van Lathan does not screw around. This episode is brought to you by Uber Eats. Winter is here, so be prepared and get almost anything delivered with Uber Eats. What do I mean by almost anything? Well, you can't get a ski slope, but dish soap, definitely doable. Sunshine, that's no. A bottle of wine, yeah. And a snow day, again, no. But blueberry muffins with the delicious crumb topping? Total yes. Get almost, almost anything delivered with Uber Eats.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Order now. Alcohol in select markets. Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. You want details? Fine. I drive a Ferrari. 355 Cabriolet.
Starting point is 00:01:01 What's up? I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork fork i have every toy you can possibly imagine and best of all kids i am liquid so now you know what's possible let me tell you what's required special guest today for a summer life advice it's van lathan what's up van i am feeling great i'm ready to dole out the wisdom my friend friend. And the wisdom you will dole. Okay, let's start with this one. I don't, I didn't mean to start with this one first. The headline's 400-pound embarrassment. My man is thick.
Starting point is 00:01:37 Okay. All right. And I know, what was your peak weight? What was the, well, not peak weight, the highest weight, because you wouldn't say that was your peak. 3-7-0. Holy shit. was your peak weight what was the well not peak weight the highest weight because you wouldn't say that was your peak three seven zero holy shit three seven zero no neck straight grimace everything sweated under the titties okay during this time i had to um i had to make sure that i used baby powder on the undercarriage area or else the ass sweat swamp ass could take out an
Starting point is 00:02:07 entire village okay um so yeah it was a tough it was a tough time in my life think about it think about being that size in Louisiana in August it's tough tough stuff yeah what age what age man it's like I think 25 okay you know, my prime sex years, you're, you're, you're pushing the, you know what I mean? You're,
Starting point is 00:02:29 you're, you're, what were you senior year in high school? Oh, senior year in high school. I was just fine. This was, what did you weigh?
Starting point is 00:02:34 You're a big guy, but what did you weigh? I'm just trying to get a, like a chart. Oh, probably like senior year high school, probably like 225, 230.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I was, I was balling. I was playing ball. Okay. So like six, four, about 225. And then it i remember
Starting point is 00:02:45 the second year like i told this story on higher learning when i knew i was getting too big my grandfather took me to piccadilly piccadilly cafeteria and we go to piccadilly cafeteria and this is like my sophomore year i'm probably at this point sophomore year i'm probably 295 i'm pushing three and i remember he looked at me he goes because i had chicken and i had ribs and i had mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese and my grandfather says hey get your big ass up and go put some green on that plate do it now do it now i went over there and i did it but i just kept putting the weight on it was really impressive i got up to about 370 then you added 70 pounds 70 pounds after that speech man you guys don't understand like i would
Starting point is 00:03:37 i had a way to order the food i would go order i told you this before i would go order i would call somebody when i wanted to make a really big order and pretend like they were asking me to get them something to eat so so i would be i would be at binnigans i'd be like yo could i have the uh binnigans chicken tenders with the uh the fries and the loaded baked potato and then i'll get some now get a call like oh okay you want me to bring you something what you want the uh the the chocolate ice cream and the chocolate cake okay cool it might melt by the time i get it home just let you know i'm on the other side all right nice cool yeah and i get that whole nine i was just i i gained like a hundred pounds after that and then it went away it stopped like i like i had to
Starting point is 00:04:22 i had to like get control of life. It's a real thing. Okay. So, perfect. Because unfortunately, our emailer is saying, I write this to you today discouraged and embarrassed. A little background. I'm 24, 6'2", currently sitting at 4'0", 8". I've always been a big guy.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Used to use it as an advantage. Mean drop step, bully ball, home run, and for average hitter. Lately, I've been gaining big guy. Used to use it as an advantage, mean drop step, bully ball, home run, and for average hitter. Lately, I've been gaining and gaining. I'm currently in my heaviest ever. I'm not looking for a sugar coat, but the cold, hard truth as to what I need to do to get back into shape or at least not make myself a joke. I'm married. I have a lot of friends, but no one will say to me what I need to hear. Hopefully, grow and wake up. I'm the outgoing friend to everyone, so I always say yes for food or beers at the pub. Shout out Green Sleeves. Can you guys just help me get through this? There's a picture of him. He's got a young kid here, gorgeous wife, and he's 408.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And he's 408. This person is me. All right. This guy is me. This is me. This is exactly what I was going through, except he's further than me because he's actually getting a woman to have sex with him. All right. So he did. This is this is me.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah. Based on this photo, they had sex once. Yeah. At least once. Right. So there's two things. And one of them I learned from the movie The Edge. Remember the movie with Alec Baldwin?
Starting point is 00:05:53 Come on. Okay. So Alec Baldwin, Anthony Hopkins, they're in the woods, right? And he and Alec Baldwin, and Anthony Hopkins says to Alec Baldwin, he goes, do you know what people die of when they're lost inside of the woods? And Alec Ball goes, no. He goes, like, they die of shame is what they die of. They don't die of, like, what's going on.
Starting point is 00:06:12 They die of, how did I get myself in this position? Why am I like this? I should have done this. I should have done that, right? And that's the first thing that you have to get rid of. You have to forget about whatever you went through, whatever you, what laps you had that got you to this point. You cannot concentrate on that. It's a really messy room and you just got to keep picking up one thing. Like you just got to keep picking up one thing until you make a hole. That I got from my dad. My dad looked at
Starting point is 00:06:44 my room one time. He's like, you don't want to clean this room up because you're looking around and you're seeing how cluttered this is. And you don't think that this room can ever be clean. But he's like, everything that you do in life is about incremental progress. Like you really have to look at your life and just pick up one thing. You got to celebrate losing one pound. You got to celebrate losing two pounds. You have to know every day that you're getting better because you got a long road. And that's the only way that I lost the weight. The way that I lost the weight was just looking at myself and going, all right, this is just who I am for a little while. It's not going to change.
Starting point is 00:07:18 However, I can have a life where I'm getting back on the basketball court, where I'm walking further, where I'm doing more. And you have to live in that spot for the next eight, nine, 12, 14 months. Give yourself some grace because it's going to be a long road. Just pick up one single thing and don't let the shame kill you because if it does,
Starting point is 00:07:41 you'll turn around and you'll cope your way until 500, 550 pounds. It won't stop. You have to bring it back. Yeah, you would have a better perspective. But I would say as far as like the positives, he has a young girl here, a young daughter that you're coming home to thinking like, I got to be around. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:02 If you're by yourself, you don't even have that motivation. So draw something from that, draw something from your wife. And as far as the working out part of it, you've got to walk in the door, man. I mean, if you don't, if you can't do it on your own, if just going for walks or buying a treadmill or fucking getting the Peloton, if nothing's working at home, there is something to motivational routine, at least for me, where I brought the notebook in, I walked into the gym, I was scrawny as fuck. I didn't know what I was doing. The guys that didn't know what they were doing were looking, laughing, snickering. Nobody's fucking talking to you. The trainers are being dicks. And I'd write down like, okay, 135 this many times. And then I was thinking, okay, in a month from now, what is that going to
Starting point is 00:08:45 look like? And in the beginning, when you're working out, it's kind of the fucking best. So you have to get to this mental point of fuck people looking at me because I'm 400 plus pounds here because you're in there. And a lot of the other people that are in your situation are not in there. And I think your analogies for there are so good. I don't want to spend too much more time on this because I don't have much more to add other than the mindset of like, once you get into that mental routine of expecting something and getting your fucking new sneakers and going like, Hey, holy shit. And then getting away yourself and seeing yourself going like, all right, as you said, this we're having a barbecue or a fish fry, whatever. I'd be like, nah, I can't do that. Can't do that. That's against it.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Like be a dick about it. Like be better than them. Like be, like the discipline that you're showing, once you get it down, other people will be envious of the fact that you have set these standards and these benchmarks and these lifestyle changes for your life. Because when you lose weight, you're going to find out that there's people out there that's been struggling to lose the same 10 pounds for like the last 10 years. Like, be the fucking badass for a little while. Nah, I'm not doing that. You know, you guys could do that. Like, I'm going to walk a little bit further. I'm fucking badass for a little while nah i'm not doing that you know you guys could do that like i'm gonna walk a little bit further i'm gonna go a little bit more like push yourself you're fucking tom cruise bro you got this man go fucking get on the motorcycle
Starting point is 00:10:35 and jump off the motherfucking building into a new body i'm so excited for this guy he's gonna do it so what'd you do about booze this guy says he's a a really big, he's, he's into drinking with his buddies. That's a, that's a hard part when you're like doing everything right. Maybe you're eating right. Maybe you just burned a thousand calories at the gym. And then it's like five o'clock on a Friday. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:10:54 damn, I, what I'm used to doing is drinking these beers, 120 calories at a time. And I like to have five or six of them. Like, did you just, did you stay away from all that until you were like ready to go to
Starting point is 00:11:03 parties again? Or did you, would you just switch it up and do like vodka sodas or something i mean you can do that but just drink them but just know that if you drink them on friday you can't drink them on saturday yeah and just you know just just drink them drink them hey bro you really feel like you have to have it like i went cold turkey i was like i was drinking diet coke to like the point to where i remember it took me about nine months to lose the weight i was drinking diet coke the whole time which you probably should be drinking that too and i remember like i had a regular coke after i lost the weight that september and i almost bust a nut i'm like what the fuck is
Starting point is 00:11:42 this i'm like what the hell is this well i'm like, what the hell is this? Well, I can't, I cannot believe this. So I went cold Turkey, but if you don't want to do that, drink the beer, have a good time. Just know you got to get back to it. It's like anything else in life. I believe in this dude, man. Reach out to DM me, DM me. I'm going to, I'll be your accountability coach. Cause I'm coming back down too. So DM me, bro. Like, I think you're going to do it. He has the right. He has the right outlook to make a long term change. I add one little warning to that, though.
Starting point is 00:12:14 You don't want to say no to everything because then it's like, hey, what's up? What's up with Skinny Van? Be like, nobody fucks them anymore. It is. Hey, but you know what? You know what happened now? Like they thought they stopped fucking with me it really I really became like a loner I became like a loner they stopped fucking with me
Starting point is 00:12:30 I became the guy that's like at the gym when everybody's playing like three on three and I was like running suicides I became the hey do you want to hey you want to run real quick nah I'm over here doing callous things. I became that guy. And I like that. I like the gym being like a church. I like saying no. That's kind of like the discipline in my life that I had to learn to be successful at other things. Last thing I'll say on this, because I could talk about this for an hour, I would not be successful in anything at life had I not pushed myself to lose that weight. I'd still be in Baton Rouge right now. None of this would have worked had I said, you know what? I'm going to change my life and make it a point to become a healthy
Starting point is 00:13:20 person and say no to some stuff. Serious. And now my man is posting boxing videos of busting up dudes noses. Yeah. That guy's a good boxer. But it was just at that point he's out of his weight class. That guy's a good boxer. He's a good boxer. Shout out to Brendan. Just saying. I don't know how thrilled I would have been
Starting point is 00:13:40 if I was the other guy with a busted nose and fans like, hey, you guys see me working out lately? Oh, it just happens to be this dude's nose got busted up. He was cool with you posting it? I was pissed about it on his behalf. So as long as you're telling me he was cool. He was cool, but do you know why I can post that?
Starting point is 00:13:56 I've posted me getting my mouthpiece knocked out at the gym. I've posted me being concussed. I post more shit of me getting fucked up in the gym boxing than I do of the other stuff because it's so funny. I'm bigger than everybody. And they be busting my motherfucking ass.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And it's just funny to get beat up by a guy who's 155 pounds, 170 pounds. When you're 270 pounds, I look back at the videos. I'm like, look how big i am and there's nothing i can do so i always post those videos so let me get a w every now and again man you're right you were you were very good you're very but i still think anybody posting the boxing videos deep down is kind of like yeah i'll fuck you up this is why even if they're losing it's like yeah he's actually really in their training and going through the cardio alone of keeping your arms up that long and moving around while somebody's trying
Starting point is 00:14:48 to punch you in the face uh it's good stuff all right next one next one we won't go as long on all of these i'm i'm in fear that my friend has become victim of a pyramid scheme all right big fan of the pod 6195 21 bench, 135. Hey, just like we were talking about in my journal. Early 20s, yeah. Player comp, Duncan Robinson with significantly less mobility off screens. Oh, you mean not the best off-ball cutter in the NBA? Okay. has recently become an insurance seller, not salesman. I like how he says insurance seller. However, I feel that this is likely a Ponzi scheme.
Starting point is 00:15:32 He recently quit his job at Panera and dropped out of school for this opportunity. Okay. Sorry guys. I will not be here to make the Frontega grill, whatever those are. They're pretty good. I hesitated at first to believe he was being serious when the initial feelers were thrown out, but turns out he's being legit. After a few weeks of him doing the training, he started his career in selling insurance within the friend group.
Starting point is 00:15:50 When it was my turn to have the life insurance meeting, he asked me for a list of contacts and stated that it would be for the people who would receive my benefits if I were to die in an accident. Usually that's not a long list. This isn't a wheel. One or two. Right. usually that's not a long list this isn't a one or two right i gave him a list of about six names that included contact information for the people not knowing he was really using this as a referral list so basically the training was get them to give you six to eight contacts and pitch it as emergency contacts or the beneficiaries which again doesn't really make a ton of sense.
Starting point is 00:16:25 But anyway, you guys are all 21. I wouldn't have known. I'd be like, yeah, pitch? Here's a cell, I think. I think that's a landline. Okay. All right. So fast forward after the meeting,
Starting point is 00:16:38 he sends me a script to send to the people who are on the referral list. I will attach a screenshot of what the script says. Here's what the script says. You're going to get a call from a guy named, we'll leave his name out, about benefits. He will explain everything. Just pick up when he calls and be nice to him. He's always booked and sees a lot of people. If you call him first, he's more likely to take care of you. So text him or call him when you get a chance. do you think is the title of this my friend is part of a pyramid scheme or i'm part of it yeah right yeah like i'm enabling somebody part of a pyramid what the fuck so uh the email continues after he sends a script i don't follow
Starting point is 00:17:17 through and tell anyone that he's going to contact them thinking no one will answer sadly i was mistaken he calls my cousin asking to set up a meeting on wednesday at nine interaction, my cousin immediately calls me concerned about what I'd gotten him into. With that being said, do I dare intervene early and tell him not to call the other people on the list? Or do I allow this to run its course and risk him finding out that I didn't read the script to anyone on why he could be calling them? I want to tell him this newfound dream of selling insurance for the small company seems like it's not legit and a waste of his time, but I don't know how to let him down easily. P.S. He's roped in some of the other core guys
Starting point is 00:17:49 already that have given him 50 plus dollars a month for life insurance, so I'm afraid I'm alone in this situation when it comes to not falling for his gimmick. You guys are very, very gullible. You're fucking nice. You're just the nicest group of people ever. Look, Very, very, I don't know, gullible. And nice to each other?
Starting point is 00:18:05 You're fucking nice. Yeah. This is the nicest group of people ever. Look, of course you don't want to be giving relatives contacts to this guy under the guise that you thought it was emergency contacts, beneficiaries, when in fact they're just other leads. You're helping this guy get the Glenn Gary leads here, man. You can't be doing that.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And for you to even ask us like hey should i get in front of this or let it run its course because you're afraid of being exposed i'm not reading his fucking calling card scheme script you're the nicest fucking guy that's ever emailed the show fuck off i mean van i can't even imagine how far this would take you what do you get 10 seconds within your friend group oh it's not gonna get five seconds first of all this guy is already one of these dudes lieutenants he doesn't even know it he's already one of these guys there's there's a name his friend's name is on a whiteboard and there's a line down with the guy who just emailed in underneath it um i don't know like you know, I come from a community where people do this kind of stuff all the time.
Starting point is 00:19:07 These looms, like trying to sell Primerica and stuff like that. And every time somebody hits me up, I go, yo, are you an asshole? Are you scum? Like, because there's a choice that you're making right now. Are you scum? You want me to try to get all my family
Starting point is 00:19:22 wrapped into your Primerica insurance racket? Are you scum? No, like, nah, get out of it now. I will say this, though. There's a fear here. This guy is so dedicated to indoctrinating people that I wonder if this is actually
Starting point is 00:19:37 the safest thing for him to be doing. Because if he doesn't get the insurance gig going, does he start the next NXIVM cult? Or, you know what I'm saying? All you need is a bank account, bro. If you got a bank account or a Venmo, like, I could triple your shit. It's that guy right there.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I always wonder, how do you steer that guy in the right direction? Because he's just too dedicated to scamming. And you want him to find something that works for him. I don't know. We might have to get him a podcast or something. Because for me, the way I look at it is, no, you have to. The most important thing is stop being involved.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Stop being an accomplice to whatever's going on. Fuck whatever he does. But you say, hey, man, I'm washing my hands of it. I can't do it. The problem with all of these schemes is there always seems to be like one guy in the town where it's working out for him yeah you know that's that's the thing is like there's that guy in the town he'd be like that guy just bought a new camaro or be like do you know that they went to the poconos you know so it's big in the timeshare community yeah right there's always one guy that
Starting point is 00:20:40 it works for maybe he's a plant i don't know know. So I actually, when, back in the day, when I was unemployed here in LA, I actually went unwittingly to like a Primerica thing, right? And a guy from Baton Rouge that I grew up with, he's a really great athlete. He's like a god in the Primerica insurance world. And I remember saying, I remember saying, yeah, you know, my friend blankety blank,
Starting point is 00:21:08 he does that. I remember the dude going, you know blankety blank? I swear on my dad this happened. And I'm like, yeah. Ryan Paraloo? No, not Ryan Paraloo. Great family, great person, but he's
Starting point is 00:21:23 made a lot of money selling prime American insurance. He's like, it's like yeah i used to i used to play ball with him why he's like oh my god can you introduce me to him can you can you can you like listen we'll we'll cut your rates we'll give you all of this stuff and i'm like yo i gotta get the fuck out of here this is like a fucking cult of people selling insurance you don't want you don't want to get involved with it just tell your friend and get the fuck away from it, man. It's like the people are being hurt out here. It's a depressed economy, man. I had one of my buddies,
Starting point is 00:21:53 I had one of my buddies, I think it was either late college or right out of college. You know, he rounds up group texts and is like, hey, I got like a business opportunity. I want you guys to come over and hear this thing out.
Starting point is 00:22:03 And like none of us really had things figured out. You know, we didn't have jobs yet. So we were like, all right, you know, whatever. Let's go to our buddy's house and do it. And it was like some sort of timeshare pyramid scheme thing. And honestly, we didn't even have a conversation about it. All of us were like, this is stupid. We're not going to do this. But that guy just got like excommunicated by the group, like right away. No, no, no one really talks to that guy. And I mean, that's kind of what you got to do here. I don't want to be friends with that guy. You definitely have to tell him to not hit up the people that you gave him on the list though, right? You just got to give those people a heads up because that's a dick move if you just leave them hanging out to dry. He's already roped a
Starting point is 00:22:35 couple of your friends into giving them 50 bucks a month. You don't want your family members and people that you actually really care about to be roped into this too. So I think you absolutely have to tell them to lay off. I love arguments where I have all the winning points. I get excited. Like I get to go argue with this motherfucker and he doesn't have one decent position, not one. And you have them all. You just go to him and be like, you told me it was this.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's not this. These are my relatives. I'm getting calls. But I don't think you're built like that. I don't think the email, the emailer is suggesting, could he potentially catch some shit for not reading this script to everybody else? So look, I fell for the money pyramid thing a month into my college career. I was on campus, older guys of fraternity calling us recklessly.
Starting point is 00:23:22 We're all pledges being like, hey, whatever. And there was also like a pledge dynamic to it that didn't make it great uh older dude picks me up in his sick fucking toyota 4runner oh man i mean you know go to the atm right boom hundred bucks and then i then i learned the lesson i learned a hundred dollar lesson i learned a value much more valuable than the hundred dollars i learned the lesson that I learned a hundred dollar lesson. I learned a value much more valuable than the hundred dollars. I learned a lesson that day. I'm calling. Then I had the older guy in the pyramid that I was in telling me, like, do you know any guys at St. Mike's?
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'm calling hockey players at St. Mike's that were older than me being like, wait, what do you want us to do? Be like, no, no, this guy, the one guy, he just went to North Face and he got like two new jackets. Like he's up twelve hundred already, already you know and i it all came together and then i realized i'm like oh this whole thing's fucking stupid because part of the pitch was everybody gets their money back if it crumbles is it is it possible that this guy who's running the scheme is the like unimpeachable alpha of his crew isn't this the only framework in which this makes sense?
Starting point is 00:24:25 He's got to be the guy that everybody else is fucking looking up to or something. Can you be the alpha if you work part-time at Panera? It depends on the crew, but you definitely can. My homeboy Ian worked at Radio Shack and he was the man.
Starting point is 00:24:42 At 21, yeah, possible. 30, he's not gonna be the alpha he's not gonna be the alpha yeah yeah yeah cut cut it cut him off cut him off like that's crazy this would have been two years of mean jokes off out of the gate just for suggesting such a thing we were like oh there's a bridge over there i think get you a good rate on it that's prepared like it's just uh it's crazy tell your friend to be a man and sell drugs like like an ass like a real american like an adult do something tangible yeah do do something that people can at least enjoy tell this guy to start selling oxy or something like that like a real american or both they kind of i don't know
Starting point is 00:25:18 same thing yeah all right all right so here we go uh i have a happy gilmore relationship with pickleball hey ryan the boys 30 years old, 5'9", 175, athletic build. My basketball comp is a short Filipino version of James Posey. Glue guy, another glue guy here. All right. I was a catcher throughout high school and in college before joining the military. Throughout my time in active duty between deployments, I continued to stay active between playing baseball in a wooden bat league to bodybuilding shows and marathons toward the end. Last year, I got out of the military, moved back to Florida to take care of my mom and accompanied with a huge list of injuries to where I had knee surgery.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I had to go to physical therapy three times a week. I was still playing baseball before I got introduced to the craze of pickleball. Oh, wow. playing baseball before I got introduced to the craze of pickleball. I've been playing for five months and got good extremely fast compared to all my friends too, where I would go to tournaments and play against a few players that are pro and hold my own. I've been recently advised by a pro player and a few of my friends to hire a coach and join a team to potentially go pro. My internal problems are I still love baseball and to run marathons way more than pickleball, despite my injuries and my inferior skill level
Starting point is 00:26:29 compared to pickleball. Additionally, most of my higher tiered players, to put it politely, are way too arrogant considering our sport or just plain out weird. It doesn't even come close to the brotherhood I had in the clubhouse or dugout. Although nothing in life is guaranteed, if I dedicated my time to pickleball, I'm confident I could go pro. And this could be a chance to fill my competitive void since being out of the military and certainly not good enough to be at the next level of baseball. I love playing the actual game of pickleball,
Starting point is 00:26:59 but should I accept this next chapter of my life and pursue it and hope the community players get better over time? Or do I continue to play baseball and run like an average joe thank you for all that you do um okay not the worst dilemma we've ever had so that's that's a starting point there yeah the hesitation seems to be with the pickleball community. There would be two things that I would ask you before we get to that. Who are the pros that you're playing against in pickleball? Like, I imagine there's websites for this. You can see where dudes are ranked and all that kind of different stuff to get a vague idea.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Are you playing against them or are you playing against a pro pickleball player who really isn't any different than like just people that are that are good at it uh you know what i mean like what does it mean what is turning pro actually when you say a pro at pickleball are you talking about a renowned pickleballer or the highest level of pickleball in your community is basically like the club pro the club pro pickleball person yeah yeah uh and this isn't a dump on anybody at the highest ends of of pickleball success but my guess would be even if you were the rare example of somebody who's just so naturally gifted in the sport and you figure it out with your athletic background and the competitive edge of somebody who used to
Starting point is 00:28:21 serve in the military say you're the 50th best pickleball player in the world. What does that mean? Can we get research on that real quick? I'm looking at some of the best pickleball players in the world right now. You got Noah Rubin, Sam Quarry. I've heard of him. Hurricane Tyra Black on the women's side is one of them um like barry waddle all of these is he talking about that he's on the level of a barry waddle i don't think he is
Starting point is 00:28:56 i don't think he he may i just wonder are people telling him like my father's 6'5 right played a little college hoops during his his I guess I'll just call him hippie days but he wasn't like crazy whatever he was like you know work with his hands humble carpenter and he'd play in these pickup basketball games in northern Vermont
Starting point is 00:29:20 and they couldn't believe he wasn't on the Celtics like they were like what do you mean you're not an NBA player like they couldn't believe he wasn't on the Celtics. They were like, what do you mean you're not an NBA player? They couldn't. And he's just fucking destroying everybody because he was big and he could shoot. He could do this stuff. But he was playing pickup games
Starting point is 00:29:35 practically in the fucking Northeast Kingdom, which if you want to research the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, feel free. Give yourself about an hour. Great name. So, yeah. And then, of course, if you go back down to Hartford, it was completely different. Give yourself about an hour. Great name. And then, of course,
Starting point is 00:29:47 if you go back down to Hartford, it was completely different. He's a good player. No one was wondering why he wasn't in the NBA. Right? So that's what I'm wondering if this is happening here. Now, granted, he's in Florida, so we're not talking about pickleball in Arkansas, which I imagine it's better in Florida.
Starting point is 00:30:04 And it seems like the vibes are just off, collectively. Did you guys know this about the pickleball in Arkansas, which I imagine it's better in Florida. And it seems like the vibes are just off collectively. Did you guys know this about the pickleball community? I know that they got some beef with basketball because there's, you know, there's a debate over who should get the indoor space.
Starting point is 00:30:16 I said, everybody tennis too. Aren't they taking they're taking over tennis courts? I don't know. They took over the tennis court in my park back home. Nobody's happy. That's the big beef here in L.A. is the beef between the pickleballers and the tennis court in my park back home. Nobody's happy. That's the big beef here in LA,
Starting point is 00:30:25 is the beef between the pickleballers and the tennis players. And it is acrimonious with how much the tennis players hate the pickleballers. Can't stand them. It's a big deal. I'm going to be honest. I'm not in the pickleball arena.
Starting point is 00:30:42 I don't really understand what goes into it, but I'm kind of like a grow up and just play tennis. Why is tennis so bad? And I feel like pickleball... Because it's easier. It's easier. Everybody that I talk to that loves it talks about, oh, I was hurt forever.
Starting point is 00:30:56 And it's like, okay, so now you're good at this? It kind of feels like the new vegan thing, though, where everybody who's big into pickleball just wants to tell you how big into pickleball they are, and I just don't care. So I think that maybe that's it, too i it's unwatchable on television it's i yeah it's it's it's crazy bad i'll tell you something about this guy though is he seems like a challenge addict yeah there you go man he seems like a challenge addict right this guy served this country he was a he said. You made that up. It sounds good.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Oh, no. No, he's not a Marine. But look. For the story, it checks out. He does things that are hard. He plays a hard sport, does hard things, and he seems like he's in it for the challenge. And pickleball comes very easy to him, and he's around a bunch of people
Starting point is 00:31:41 that are doing this easy, leisurely sport, and he's not quite getting the same feel from it, even though he could be dominant in it. He's going to be a sort of laissez faire pickleball master. And he's going to be great, but he's not going to get the same adrenaline rush that he gets from playing baseball. Having said that. I go where I can dominate. So if you crushing it in pickleball and they can't fuck with you in pickleball, brother, go forth and see where you can take your pickleball skills. The game might be, you might be a Ben Johns or a Tyler McGuffin or Frank Anthony Davis one day. You never know.
Starting point is 00:32:24 You need to go and figure it out. Yeah. Listen to the sponsors for Pickleball. Listen to the Team USA Pickleball sponsors. Not Team USA, but USA Pickleball. Consumer Cellular. They're everywhere. Franklin. Skechers. The Penguin shirts. They make great button-down shirts. I mean, this could be
Starting point is 00:32:40 in your future. Is there a home base in Manhattan Beach? You might get some of that Zeus Insoles money. Sports lighting. I don't know. There's just a hotel planner. Yeah, but for every B Waddle, man, there's an Albrecht Mayer. You know? So if you're an Albrecht Mayer,
Starting point is 00:32:56 do any of you guys know who he is? Of course you don't. No, I don't. Probably the greatest Ovo player in the world. It's fucking cool, but... But you're telling me this guy has a chance to be a Steve Deacon and he's not going to take it? And you're not going to take that opportunity? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:15 By the way, why can't you just still play baseball once a week? Yeah, you can still go out there. Like, you can still go out there and play short. Can you imagine? This would be like the worst Disney Plus movie fucking ever where the kid's on the bench. Well, he's 30, maybe Navy.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And he's like, I just love the pastime. I love America's pastime. And then the coach is like, you've been given a gift. You've been given a gift. You're going to be in Des Moines at that tournament on Saturday. If I had it like you, if I had 1% of your God given ability, I wouldn't be throwing it away. And it's like Denzel Washington talking to some of your white kids.
Starting point is 00:34:04 He's like, I broke my rotator cuff. I had Tommy John surgery. I could never pick it up again. Yeah. Denzel, you could get it. Probably not Denzel. Probably Keith David. We just signed with Dada.
Starting point is 00:34:20 All right. Oh, my God. All right. The salaries are all over the place i'm trying to look up like how much the pro i'm sure there's a few guys that are fucking killing it well according to the uh pro pickleballers can make between 50 and 200k a year okay all right could be doing worse things is there a rule where they can't play recreational baseball once a week? Right.
Starting point is 00:34:45 I don't think they could do that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Okay. I'm sure Frank Anthony Davis is in a hoops league somewhere. He looks pretty athletic. All right. The NFL Futures are out,
Starting point is 00:35:02 and now is the time to get in on the action early this season because right now, new customers get a no-sweat first bet up to $1,000. All right, who's the worst team in the NFL? Well, the models, and there are many that are out there, all seem to pick Arizona. Arizona's like way below everybody else, projected at maybe just under five wins, depending on where you look. This is a simple, the NFC is not that good. There's a massive gap between the
Starting point is 00:35:26 quarterback talent. I know the Kyler thing is, you know, there's no reason to even think of a timeline for him at this point. Okay. I was actually at the game in attendance when he blew out the knee. Probably not invited back anytime soon. So if you look at Arizona on FanDuel here, let's look at the different options for win totals over, under, one and a half, two and a half, three and a half. The payout on two or more wins
Starting point is 00:35:52 is minus 1050. So laying 1050 for 100. Now that's not great value because it's two wins. It's two wins. And imagine if they're 0-6. Just think of the entertainment value of that. Like, I got to ride this out all season long,
Starting point is 00:36:09 hoping to just get 10% of this back. I know it's not the greatest math. If you like something a little bit better, that's a little more clear, over-under, three and a half wins. So take the over, minus 190. I just don't know if an NFC team is going to, well, somebody's going to lose that
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Starting point is 00:37:10 First online real money wager. Only $10 first deposit. Required bonus issues. No withdrawal. Bonus bets expire in seven days after receipt. Restrictions apply. See terms at This is one on buying tools.
Starting point is 00:37:22 I love this one. I fucking love it. All right. Don't say my last name. By the way, I couldn't say your last name if I love this one. I fucking love it. Alright, don't say my last name. By the way, I couldn't say your last name if I had a week. And babble. Alright? Which I do
Starting point is 00:37:34 have, by the way. Anyway, greetings from Sweden. I hope that Kyle's having a good visit in Sweden. By the time you hear this, Kyle may be in Sweden. I either will or will have not gone. Yeah, we'll connect you guys. Non-cerity style. It's true that we like Americans and usually ask a lot of questions.
Starting point is 00:37:51 65220, not great in the gym, but I love basketball. Basketball style is Boris DL, but with a better attitude towards American women. Hey, I like what he did there. Okay. Yeah, he saved the Boris DL comp that's getting overused by going back to an old Boris Diao comment about American women, which wouldn't play all that well today.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Anyway, I have a question for Ryan regarding purchasing tools and knowing Ryan's resume and construction. I thought it would be a good idea to ask him a ruling on this. I'm currently 24 years old and I'm doing more and more work by myself in that department. Recently, I discovered that I could really use a spirit level. That's a name, you know, just let's just say level. All right. In my opinion, it's a really underrated tool. I agree with you. My girlfriend recently needed help putting up some shelves and I insisted that we needed to use a spirit level. When I presented this idea, I was questioning why that would ever be needed. Either way, I'm looking to buy one. This guy's fucking buying the level. He doesn't care. And I can't decide if
Starting point is 00:38:53 I should buy a cheaper option or a more expensive one like the one my dad used growing up. It had a smaller display that showed accurate tilt and it also had a feature that sounded when it was exactly straight. Obviously, you got to go with that one but yeah the cheaper ones just have the simple bubble showing how straight the spirit level is at the moment the cheaper ones usually cost 250 kroner that's 25 us dollars or uh 1300 kroner and that's about 130 so just divide it by 10 if you're in sweden kyle just help me out. I would really appreciate a ruling from Ryan here, given his experience in construction. Is it worth buying the more expensive one? Okay. First of all, I would always buy the more expensive one because I just would.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Now, if you're telling me this thing makes a sound when it goes off, that's fucking cool. But I'll tell you, you get good with a level, you don't need that stuff. All right? You don't need that stuff. You can just see it when it's plum, when it's plum. You look in there. Some of us, you're around the construction site long enough, I can walk in a room and go, that's Sills Off. It's one of my favorite things I can do. You can eyeball the work.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Oh, I can tell. I can hang a picture and I can go, that's off. Nope. My father and I have competitions to see who's more just naturally gifted when it comes to just seeing level. And then if something's off, he'll be like, well, that's because the trim work's fucking wrong. And then we'll check the trim and he'll be like, you know, he's gotten me a few times on that one where I'll be like, no, the picture's off here. And he'll be like, no, that's because you're reading it off the trim. You're fucking wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:19 The trim's wrong. And then it's just like a whole nother level, like this new boss that pops out of somewhere. You're like, I don't know how to go up against this. So, you know, iron sharpens iron. The more expensive one, I imagine, is probably more heavy duty, even with those extra features. I'm telling you, with a level, I don't think
Starting point is 00:40:35 you need it, to be honest with you, although it's fucking cool as hell. A level around the house makes sense. It's nice to have one. What about with a laser? This one's got a laser. Yeah, I mean, that's a whole other... That's a whole other level. this one's got a laser yeah i mean that's a whole nother that's a whole nother level but there's just a lesson here about tools okay when i got my first house in humble west harford connecticut this motherfucker went and bought every dewalt thing you could possibly imagine i was looking at fucking chop saws why i don't know the house
Starting point is 00:41:00 was kind of new i wasn't gonna be anything. I could do some ceiling work. I was never good enough to be a finished carpenter. I don't know that I had the touch or patience for it. I wasn't actually trained to be a finished guy. I don't know that that's entirely shocking, but I still wanted a fucking sick chop saw. And what one finished carpenter did teach me once, he was like, if you're cutting at a certain angle and you measure out of the angle, leave it thick by like a 16th. cutting at a certain angle and you measure it out at the angle, leave it thick by like a 16th. Leave it six where it's going to meet the next piece of wood. Leave it a little on the thicker side. And I was like, why is that? And then he toes everything in and it keeps that seam perfect. Keeps it fucking perfect because it's a little extra material on both sides. So it's just a
Starting point is 00:41:40 trim lesson out of nowhere for you. So my father comes to visit and he sees a sawzall that's just a trim lesson out of nowhere for you so my father comes to visit and he sees a sawzall that's never been open circular saw that's never been open um there was like an extra battery pack thing that was never open he was like oh you're doing some work around the house are you two two or three s wings i had a smaller hammer i had a framing hammer he's like why do you have a fucking framing hammer you're on tv you're never you have the waffle s-wing like give me a fucking break but i wanted it all i wanted it bad i have now moved that shit five different times and i've not used any of it ever by a drill by a level but for the most part the rest of us are going to be
Starting point is 00:42:25 fine without those things what about a mallet? like a hammer, you need a hammer you need a hammer, you don't need a finish hammer or roofing hammer and then a fucking framing hammer if you're me but I got them what about a mallet?
Starting point is 00:42:41 I got a mallet, come on rubber mallets clutch, never buy cheap cheese, tools, or guns. That's a Latham family rule. Cheap cheese, ruin the whole meal. Cheap tools, ruin the job. Cheap guns in your life. All you guys out there trying to defend yourselves with high points, you're going to die.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Okay? So what I'm saying is cheap cheese, or guns never buy them cheap always spend a little bit more if you have to it's a fact simple southern wisdom i'm all about the level i'm all about the upgrades and all that stuff but there's something to learn the bubble which isn't that hard at all. It's not that big of a deal. Honestly, I've used some of the electronic stuff like the stud finders and all that shit and then I go up against just the old knuckle tap
Starting point is 00:43:33 ear to the drywall and then I'll look at the stud finder. I'm like, the fucking stud finder. This electric thing's off. I trust the knuckle in my ear better. I just bought a reciprocating saw and oh look out yeah because i was trying to cut some wood you know you just need you need a tool that can cut things like because i'm not going to get a hacksaw out and start doing it myself so i bought that and honestly it's awesome it's incredible i didn't buy like the super expensive one i thought i bought like
Starting point is 00:44:00 a mid-grade model i do feel like i feel like cobalt or something i do feel like with a level though i mean as you said right it's pretty straightforward like i don't think you need a sounder the sounder thing seems dumb to me a laser kyle brought the laser that does seem cool because if you're hanging pictures right you can just do the laser across the whole wall you can put the tax in and then like you do one stop shop and cut your time probably in half so i would recommend that but i don't think the sound thing makes any sense but i usually i usually buy the middle grade sort of don't buy the cheapest thing buy the one in the middle don't think the sound thing makes any sense. But I usually buy the middle grade sort of. Don't buy the cheapest thing. Buy the one in the middle.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Don't buy the most expensive one. Because, again, unless it's your job to do this, I don't think you're going to need all the expensive features that the expensive ones bring. Did he mention that this was for his girlfriend's apartment that he was doing stuff for? I think they're a unit at this point. I think he said we're putting up some shows.
Starting point is 00:44:42 So think about what it does. Is that what they call relationships in Sweden? Yeah, like a unit. Yeah, they're a unit at some shows yeah so think about what is that what they call relationships in sweden yeah like a unit yeah their unit think about what it does to her when he pulls out a level with a goddamn laser on it you know what i'm saying now she doesn't know she doesn't know about the bubble you know he pulls out a laser and her i think about what it does to her that's probably what he's thinking about do, where can this Bob Vila in this house situation go after I pull out the level with the laser? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:45:12 They might be laying horizontal. You see what I'm saying? A little bit after that. You never know. There's some real man testosterone shit going on here. I think we're off a few degrees. For the American. I'm just i am a lot of the higher end
Starting point is 00:45:30 construction stuff that most of us shouldn't buy for the most part also has to live on a construction site day to day so that you could be paying for stuff where the level is protected against falling off the back of a truck all the time, falling off staging, falling off a roof, falling onto bricks, you know, all these different things where it's like there's a pretty good chance you're putting up some shelves. You don't need necessarily that durability. I'm not going to tell you to not do it, okay?
Starting point is 00:45:55 Because I've done it every single time. I'm like, wait, carbon fiber edges? Like, fuck yeah, I need that. I don't even think I've taken the wrapper off some of this shit. So, there you go. Last one. Last one. Buckle up. We saved this one for Van. Sex Club Adventure.
Starting point is 00:46:18 5'7", 157, max, 245, pre-sciatica. 245? That's a strong motherfucker. Yeah. If he's weighs 157 and he say, and that that's what he's putting up in the gym. That's a strong,
Starting point is 00:46:34 that's a strong son of a bitch. Pretty good at pickleball. Yeah. Player cop is Kobe immediately tearing his Achilles. He's from LA. So I guess he can make that joke. Shout out to the Frolic Room. I've been living in redacted European capital for nearly a decade. He won't even fucking tell us the city.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Okay, he just writes in redacted. He's been there a decade. About 70 years ago, I met my wife who's from here. She's smart, beautiful. Everyone jokes I outkicked the coverage. I don't disagree with them. She's bisexual. A few years ago she randomly brought up that we can have an open relationship, but
Starting point is 00:47:09 only with women for both of us. Guys are fucking booking. They're looking on their flight apps. What airport code is redacted? Only women for both of them. I'm all for it, but if I'm being honest,
Starting point is 00:47:25 I'm not that type of guy. Neither of us has used it up to this point. This guy's fucking, I want to say something. Go ahead and finish it. Van, I know my father was like, who is that type of guy?
Starting point is 00:47:42 Fast forward to a few months ago and we reconnected with a girl let's call her sarah we've known sarah for a while but don't see her very often she's gorgeous an overall great hang both my wife and i attracted to her we've discussed her as a possible partner something my wife and i aren't unfamiliar with europe man all caps it just so happens that i've been hanging out with sarah a lot as she's kind of joined the core group recently fast forward a few weekends ago when my wife had just left for a month-long backpacking trip and i just had to hang back for work it was the pride parade here and i ended up
Starting point is 00:48:16 hanging out with sarah and a few others the booze and some illegal substances were flowing and before i knew it sarah my homosexual friend another girl and myself end up at a sex club at 4 a.m. For reference, this is a very gay friendly city with plenty of gay sex clubs near. But this was a straight sex club, which is harder to come by. It was about a 35 minute Uber from where we were. Great details. Thank you for educating all of us. I'm usually not the type of guy to end up at a place like this. Boy, I got to tell you, you're fucking hanging the fringes of it, don't you?
Starting point is 00:48:43 Yeah, you're fucking you like you like to just be around it but that's not your thing kind of a weirdo you know i like heroin but not needles right right i live in south beach i buy a ton of coke i just it's not really me it's not my thing you know yeah transferable skills you've got there you go i love that he was like i'm not okay uh so anyway not that type of guy usually but sarah would not take no for an answer now sarah has recently got out of a long-term relationship and she's openly said how she's now only into girls the other girl with us had basically the same story and i could tell they were into each other i told her the main reason why i didn't want to go was because i knew that it was going to end up with the two girls
Starting point is 00:49:23 would hook up while my buddy and i just chilled but sarah kept saying it wasn't want to go is because I knew that it was going to end up with the two girls would hook up while my buddy and I just chilled. But Sarah kept saying it wasn't going to go down like that and bringing up the fact that I'm in an open relationship and you never know what's going to happen. She insisted that I come. I was convinced we ended up there and before you know it, the four of us are in our towels.
Starting point is 00:49:43 My buddy and I and the other girl leave to go grab us some drinks. I go right in for the kiss. At first, she said, no, we aren't friends, and she couldn't. All right, the structure of that sentence needs some cleaning up. I go in right for the kiss, and then at first, comma, she said, no, comma, we are friends, and she couldn't. So actually, that's pretty much it. So we didn't need the commas in there i went in for the kiss she said no
Starting point is 00:50:10 i was stunned full stop there's no way i misread the signs but i was respectful and backed off five seconds later she says fuck it we were making out for a few minutes before the others returned that's why the commas i redact my earlier at first statement right right it just could have been word a little bit better uh that's about as far as it went though made out for a few minutes before the others returned it was a bit awkward when the others returned and within minutes sarah and the other girl began to go at it my buddy and i made our rounds to leave them in a bit of peace at least as much peace as a couple can have in a sex club. However, I couldn't get it out of my head what had just happened. It's possible I
Starting point is 00:50:49 misread the situation, but I really don't think I did. It's not like when she was trying to convince me, she was saying, you never know, you might end up with, or maybe you'll meet somebody there. If I heard something along those lines, I really feel like I would have made the executive decision not to go. Her suggesting these are reasons why you should go. Maybe you'll meet somebody, whatever, deflecting, knowing that she's going to be pawning you off a little bit later. We ended up staying until they kicked us out around seven. Where the fuck is this place? Grabbed an Uber together and went our separate ways. It was a bit awkward in the car. And since then, it feels like it has ballooned even more. Sarah and I were getting close before all this happened, but we haven't spoken since. I'm going to see her in
Starting point is 00:51:23 about a week or two, and I really don't know how to approach the situation. Do we play it off and not try to make it a big deal, or do I clear the air with her when we get a moment alone? Love the show. Hope you, Sir Rudy, Kyle, keep up the great work. Wow. A lot to chew on here. I guess our guy's main
Starting point is 00:51:39 concern is, did he misread it, and then does he need to do any repair work i don't think this guy's buying a level anytime soon um van you want to start i want to take take first of all lead just just the answer first just leave it alone just don't right there's no reason to go in and make things awkward again okay like because if that's me that's gonna go bad because my thing is why beg me to come to the sex club okay i'm i have a feeling that this guy paid for all the drinks at the sex club i have a feeling that there's an admission at the sex club and he was the sex club
Starting point is 00:52:19 workhorse so he people he bought the towels and all of that because he was the sponsor he was the sponsor of the sex club trip because this doesn't make a lot of sense but there's there's no reason honestly to make this in weird you took a shot it didn't work fine let it go unless you're having some kind of issue where you have feelings for her because it does sound like this is a little bit more than perhaps this is the extra piece to the puzzle of me and my wife. It seems like you like her and you're having a different type of situation with her. And in that case, maybe you feel like you're going to be around her so much, you want some clarity on what you guys are. It seems like a what are we situation. But more even than this, I have such a problem with this
Starting point is 00:53:12 individual. I hope that he's having a great life. But this is coming from a guy who had his girl sit next to him as he deleted all the porn on his computer. As she looked at me and was like, yeah, that one's gotta go, that one's gotta go, that one's gotta go, that one's gotta go. It had gone too far. She was against it. Had to take them all off the computer. Wait a minute, were there ones she
Starting point is 00:53:37 said could stay? Are we talking files or bookmarks? What are we doing here? This is the deal, alright? These are files. And you've admitted this before. You were straight up addicted. Yeah, I have no problem with it. Yeah, I know. I just... He was addicted to porn, and here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Not in the way that you guys are to where you search different things. I was a curator. I liked to have it in the highest quality, so I wasn't streaming things with a bunch of ads popping up. You know, Brass was just free, 4th of July. I don't like that type of situation.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I like to be able to watch it in its purest form. So you're the guy when the first comment is name, please. It's like Van, X-Man. Oh, what? Yeah, without a doubt. Like, you go around, if you see anybody anybody who is this in this scene and then i collect all the avatar of you it's actually your face because no one's like there's no way it'd actually be him right no it's not you know so it's so i have all of this stuff and i'm in a
Starting point is 00:54:39 situation to where some of these scenes are collectibles, basically, and you can't really find them anymore. And I had to get this stuff off my computer. And it was like a big deal for me. I'm like, I don't know, man. This one has gone from me from computer to computer. I downloaded this scene in 2011, and I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to find it again. You want me or you want your fucking disgusting habit? Get it off there.
Starting point is 00:55:02 want me or you want your fucking disgusting habit get it off there and I go from this to you who has a freak world at his fingertips and you're fucking around okay like I don't know that I've ever had less
Starting point is 00:55:18 compassion for anybody these guys talking about the fact that he's in love with somebody basically that he could have an open relationship with with his wife doc forget about her fuck her go on move on to the next one enjoy that club the next night go to the club the next night by yourself trench i don't know i just don't know they i don't i don't know if they're i don't think dudes i don't think dudes I just don't know. I don't know if they're, I don't think dudes, I don't think dudes are like, there's a massive open invite.
Starting point is 00:55:47 You'd be like, Hey, solo dude, come on in. So you have to wait. Okay. So you have to bring, I don't know how this works because I've never endeavored.
Starting point is 00:55:55 It seems like something that's awesome. I'm just saying, I would just say this based on my travels, being by myself all the time, a couple of times, the door guys being like, are you fucking kidding? And you're like, what? Is that Diplo?
Starting point is 00:56:16 You're like, yeah, here's 80 euros. 80 euros? Get the fuck out of here. Anyway, back to Ben. No, but you're right. know man don't don't no but you're you're right you're i'm derailing the overall point you're making that's amazing so sorry don't don't fucking like just don't bring it up there's no reason to bring it up it's just gonna make things weirder it always makes things weirder if she wants to talk about it talk about it but the situations where you go i know i tried to kiss you. It didn't go.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Are we cool? That's not. That's a sitcom sort of situation. That's not real life. Don't bring it up. Just have fun. Eat some kraut or whatever y'all are eating over there and have a fun time.
Starting point is 00:56:58 But dude, go live your life. You are in the chosen few of people here. The rest of us have to be freak, like nasty Ethan Hunts of porn espionage. And we incognito mode. You know what I mean? We have to do it when we're on traveling for business and stuff like that. It's all right there for you. And you don't even, you don't even care. It's like you're, you're pissing on my dream. Like go live your life, young man. Be more, be better than this. I'm telling you right now from a 43 year old freak who had to give up the life, the quote unquote life.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I had to delete all my names across all the message boards. I have to get off free All of that stuff. Crossword not even around anymore, man. God damn it. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Now some of these things, they're gone. You know?
Starting point is 00:57:52 Alexis Texas is my upstairs neighbor. Can't even be enjoyed. Can't even be enjoyed. Can't tell Kalika how I know who that is. She's a very nice lady. Okay? So I'm saying right now, you have bigger problems than whether or not and i'll stop after this he doesn't have bigger problems he has bigger opportunities
Starting point is 00:58:11 is what you mean bigger opportunities that's what i'm trying to say am i wrong am i just no and you know we've completely glossed over something all right go ahead kyle i just think it seems like this guy when he's saying he's not like, like he wouldn't have gone to the club by himself if he was scanning the crowd. It seems like he might have a thing where he wants to know the person. You know what I mean? It's like seeing a picture of a
Starting point is 00:58:36 naked woman on the internet is not as cool as if somebody that you know sent it to you. You know what I mean? It's not as awesome. I'll leave that there. But I think maybe he needs to be like you know sort of friendly with the person and like needs to like maybe maybe that's got something to do with it because like he he sounds like he's not interested in just casting his line in the in the waters at these clubs and seeing what comes up it sounds like he's like the excitement for him is probably somebody
Starting point is 00:59:01 that he's been around with in another kind of way before. No, it's a really good point. I want to come off as a sleaze ball. Like, is that just it? Like he doesn't want to come off as this guy. I think he's annoyed that he feels like he thought he was being invited for this very specific reason,
Starting point is 00:59:14 giving us the backstory about the friend. And then she's telling him, you got to go, you got to go, you got to go. And then he gets there, goes in for the kiss. And she's like,
Starting point is 00:59:22 no, but then they start making out. It feels like it's a misread signal what do i need to do the part that we have not brought back into the conversation is that his wife's gone for a month in and apparently it's just on uh i don't know where the pamphlets are i don't know where in europe this is but there's just a ton of horny american dudes listening to this right now going like this guy's living back to van's original point you're living this kind of life and maybe it's the actual intimacy dynamic of knowing the friend knowing this girl for a long time i don't think anybody should say anything to anybody it should
Starting point is 00:59:53 be laughed about six months from now absolutely yeah because my guess is if your wife was the one that proposed the open relationship thing but only with other girls she's busy camping this camping trip she's busy right now yeah yeah right i mean she might end up in one of these videos look here's the deal i'll like i'll like i'll say this honestly i think it's probably better to not really approach anything with this particular woman anymore because i think he's in too deep i think he's he's given so much thought to this losing sleep yeah that he's he actually probably likes her and that's probably at cross purposes with having a functional open relationship i would imagine i don't know anything about this, and I never will, okay?
Starting point is 01:00:47 That's it. Yeah. Yeah, me too, me too. It's probably not going to go well if you're like super connected. You want it to be a little bit more casual with the people you're in your open relationship, your outside open relationship situation with, right?
Starting point is 01:01:03 Or am I wrong about that? Are you having people that you're in love with or you really like them? No, I totally get it. You're like, hey, this is our new insurance salesman. This is our new insurance person and she's down. Saleswoman, not sales female. Uh, thank you as always, Devan. Your time is valuable and you share it with us. So thank you. Thanks, Kyle, Steve. Special edition, Summer Life Advice. Ryan Rosillo Podcast.
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