The Sevan Podcast - 07/19/2024 CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: July 20, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'd say yeah, so I pulled out because there was a buddy of mine that I wrestled without why well You know cuz it was you know It wasn't really like you know mood lighting that you had no dude I would pull off the show because my buddy did the row from Monterey to Hawaii Wow just came in today Now you just came in right when the show was gone. How's he made it? He made his 41 days and so he's got is a kid that I wrestled with it Polly And he weathered his fuck from being out at sea does this look like he aged?
Starting point is 00:00:30 You know what? No, he actually of the four guys. He looks the best and he okay So he's his whole thing was they were raising money for Parkinson's dude, honestly chase Like I would say I think you should have this dude on your show. Honestly, Oh sub on But what you called me chase, on your show. Honestly. Oh, sub on what, what? You called me chase. That's fine. Sorry, dude. Erase your points, Caleb. Sorry, sorry. Sorry. I lost it. Fuck. Damn it. Some old guy. So it's okay. I can do that. It's okay. All time. I'm just sitting right here. I'd love to have the guy on the show.
Starting point is 00:01:02 So he, they were raising money for Parkinson's disease because he is diagnosed with Parkinson's. So he did that whole fucking paddle with Parkinson's. It's fucking nuts. Crazy. That is crazy. Send me his IG when you're done after the show. I will. I will. Is it Montell that has Parkinson's? Hey, uh, my is uh, uh, Michael J Fox. This girl was on the show today, Bill someone in the comments seriously someone in the comments wrote She's 17 and I just just went to the three dots and kicked her off like she tried
Starting point is 00:01:32 Well, I think that's safe. I think that's fair. I'm just like bo-bye. We don't need to play that Alright, uh John Young from JY Barbell What's up looking good Tyler Watkins? He one app giving away $10,000 at the CrossFit Games download the heat one up now We'll be talking about that a lot. We'll be doing heat one apps. Oh, you're 30. Are you fucking kidding me? Take it all back come back on I don't know Yeah, she looked like she could be 17 I'm gonna need ID and her friend was giggling like she was 16
Starting point is 00:02:05 Bill Garnt Bill Grendler across CrossFit Inferno, star of Get With The Programming, hosted, commentated, led many CrossFit games from the ESPN booth. And C. Beaver, who we haven't seen a lot of lately. Good to see you, Caleb. Caleb, did you get new glasses? I did. You like them? Yeah, I really like them a lot.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Thanks. Orby Parker. All right. We are going to do something very interesting that I haven't warned you guys about. We are going to pull up the CrossFit Leaderboard. And this is going to be right in John's wheelhouse. Great. He's going to love this. We know three of the workouts now before the cut, is that correct?
Starting point is 00:02:49 So kind of sorta. Two and a half? We know that there's a run swim run that Davis said many times, hey, if you go out there and look on the internet, they've cracked the code. So we think we know that because we've seen spin, he must be talking about Brian spin barbell spin fastest place to get your news in the crossFit space. We know that there is a sprint run event six Friday night and then a mile run. We know there's two races. We don't know how it's gonna be scored though. And oh it's got to be scored to two separate. Well, I mean, it could be if the sprint is more than a sprint
Starting point is 00:03:28 and it's kind of like something that lasts like two minutes and it's a carry, you know, you have multiple things you have to do. I could see it being cumulative time, like you rest two minutes and then you do your mile run. You know, and you run different heats, you get a time cap of, you know know 20 minutes What do you say? What did John? If they're very different he thinks it'll be two scores. He lost me a numbers I'm just saying like it can be the word know that for sure. Okay, but but I'm let's go with it is I
Starting point is 00:03:57 Think it is. I think let's go with it. Let's go with it is 250 pointers. No Two events 200s to hungies. Do we know that's how they're scoring the games this year or are they using the um uh what's it called? Z-score. They're not doing it. They're not they're not doing Z-score. You're not partnered that tight with them yet. There will also be a booth, a Heat 1 booth at the CrossFit Games this year. Barbell Spin and Heat 1 booth. Okay and then we know that the the workout on Saturday before the cut is Chad and I think it's safe to say is that We'll be a box step over. I think it's very safe to say that there'll be something that takes out the judging component out of it Just from the end of the day. It'll be a much faster workout. Okay
Starting point is 00:04:38 I see that like let's like are you telling me they're gonna count a thousand step ups? No, no chance Let's like are you telling me they're gonna count a thousand step ups? No, no chance So hey before we get too deep into this I do want to say nobody nobody caught on so I just found out that I'm gonna be a brand new daddy Leslie is pregnant you have sex you got a little girl. Did you use the exercise? Wow. Wow. Wow. Thank you. What'd you say? Pre marital affairs is like a sin, right? We're married. We've been married for seven years. If you point your phone, if you point your phone right next to Bill Gronler's head and hit that today QR code, you can get 40% off 40% off.
Starting point is 00:05:30 That's like free. There it is. Thank you. Thank you for the point. Well, we can go back to CrossFit. It was just, I thought I was waiting on somebody to catch on to my little tagline and nobody did, but that's okay. Oh, wow. Oh, brand new dad. I don't think we were in that. It was so small. Yeah. Oh so many things that could be said right there oh my gosh. Uh Heidi Krill imagine John Young having sex wild. Don't act like you're not talking about it Heidi. Missionary. Oh. Missionary. Wow. Yeah sometimes I hit it from the back but then it's usually missionary. Missionary that's good. That's good. Sometimes I hit it from the back, but then it's usually missionary missionary. That's good
Starting point is 00:06:12 Is that from a movie caleb? Uh, yeah, look at john. Yeah. Happy. Oh, yeah, just shitting on that's not cool John john young baby club No, i'm excited though. All right. Um, oh first up many Uh many but we'll but we'll have another one. I'm going to try until I have a boy. The young name is going to be carried on. There you go. That's good. I love how you've come up with the number of kids they want to have before any even come out. And they experience the lack of sleep and the puking on and the peeing on and the pooping on.
Starting point is 00:06:43 And all of the things that, you know, let's totally have like three more of those. No, I would say at least two, but that's not, we're not a five people type of a couple. Never know, dude. Yeah, you do never know. I remember when Hiller said that him and Alexis, that like, yeah, we're not gonna have kids.
Starting point is 00:07:02 The first thing my girlfriend said was, uh-oh, they're gonna get pregnant now you never throw that out in the universe like that. Wadzombie John will be sad to see you go from 20 podcast appearances to two that's true. I can still keep up I'm just gonna be rocking you know it'll be fine. Go to Mint Trading Cards you can get a Hattie Can you and a seven mitosian and you can make him make really nice eye contact with each other God step on your creep. Oh, I know look at that Yeah, okay, sorry mr. Can you
Starting point is 00:07:38 We so we know these workouts and we know that there's running and swimming And then we know there's a shitload more running and then we know that there's a shitload of step ups. And so because of this modality, these modalities, is that a word? Yeah. Thank you. I think we can start eliminating. I think we can choose the 10 that aren't gonna fucking make the cut oh I think I think I was like nope I think we can definitely
Starting point is 00:08:10 make an educated guess so there's on Saturday morning after Chad the seventh event ten of these fuckers go to the beer garden right and that's where we'll be on the barbo spin okay let's go ahead and pull the hang with us. Let's let's go ahead and pull the boys up and and let's go through these. Let's just let's just bang this out here real quick before we get to the Dave Castro reels. Ilya Makarov. I will bet a million dollars that he does not make the top 30. Beer Garden? No, not even the beer garden. He's gonna stay in Russia. Not allowed to have any of the beer. Where's he go, John?
Starting point is 00:08:49 Russia. He ain't leaving Russia. He can't even leave the country, dude. He can't leave, he didn't get a visa. Oh, okay. Who? No, dude. Bye bye.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Jack Rosemont. He'll be good. Kalen Souza. I think he'll be all right. Bruno Marins. Supposedly a good swimmer. He commented on our post, didn't he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:10 He said he's, he said he's good, but like, you don't know if you're good or not till you're against the best in the world. I'm putting him on the list. Not very good. I'm going to say, I'm going to, I just, I don't know. We'll put him on the fence. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So on the B team. Yeah. B team. Well then A team and a B team. A team. You don't want to be on the A team. Okay, so on the B team. Yeah, B team. Well, then A team and a B team. You don't want to be on the A team. Okay, Jason Hopper. He'll be alright. Yeah. Austin Hatfield. He'll be alright. Samuel Conway. He's good. Karun. I don't know the swim could get Sam. He's fine. Mr. Adler, the champ. He's good. Yeah. The 2024 champ, Dallin Pepper. He must be if he's 2024 champ. He's good. Yeah. The 2024 champ, Dallin Pepper. He must be if he's 2024 champ. Okay guys, here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Guy Malheros. I think Guy will be fine because Guy's a good swimmer and I think he'll be middle of the pack in that run swim event. He's like 23rd. Whatever sprint it is, we know he's a great sprinter. I expect him to be at least top five in whatever sprint it is. Why would you question him on these three events? I don't think he's making it. I think he's going to take close to last on the mile and
Starting point is 00:10:19 close to last on Chad Ola. But just the sprint alone would get him in the top 30 Spiegel and my head are out Edgar from Seca Okay, so you don't even want to put biggie on the B team No, I think I would say he's gonna be fine, okay, uh Ruan pot-guider He's on the B team. He's not on the a team. He's not toast? Oh, I just don't know anything about him. Okay, A team. Saxon Pancik. He's fine. He'll be fine. Luke Parker. He's fine. Travis Mayer. He's fine. Roman Krenikoff. Fine. Justin Madaris. You could just scroll for a bit. Bailey Martin. Brent Fikovsky.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Brandon Luckett. He'll be fine. Barely made the semi-final. Listen, you don't be, whoa, don't just cause you shit on him for so long, don't be afraid to keep shitting on him. Listen, Brandon Luckett, as Caleb would say, is mid-level, and that's above 30th place.
Starting point is 00:11:20 Ha ha ha ha! Ah. That's good math right there. Oh, poor Beaver hiding at the bottom getting ass pounded. Missionary style. He's mid, brother. He's mid. He's mid.
Starting point is 00:11:30 He's mid. Peter Ellis. He'll be fine. Peter Ellis is cardio freak. Who the fuck is that? He won the Down Under Championship. He was fourth place. He can't lift.
Starting point is 00:11:39 His thing is he can't lift. Yeah, but he'll make the cut. He's 175 pounds. Okay, Ricky Gerard. Gerard. I think he's going to be able to lift. He's going to be able to lift. He's going to be able to lift. He's going to be able to lift. He's going to be can't lift. His thing is he can't lift. Yeah, but he'll make the cut. He's 175 pounds. Okay, Ricky Gerard. Gerard.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I think that he will be okay. Samuel. Patrick Villener. Yeah, again, I mean, we're gonna have to keep going. Jay Crouch. Chris Ibarra. He's good, dude. He is good. He is good. Cole Grey-Shaber. James Sprague. Cole Sager. I think you got to put Cole on the
Starting point is 00:12:15 B team. No, Cole's a good runner. Harry Lightfoot. There you go. A team? You think? Yeah yeah I would say A team for him for him Simon off and then we can start scrolling Okay, Harry and our in our tour Arthur you guys are fine with him. Those those two are out Hapelainen Victor ho hofer Lazar Jukic mid Luca Jukic mid more it's fee big mid Mid. Lukajukic. Mid.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Moritz Fiebig. Mid. Caleb Clement. Oh, you guys, we got a problem. I know Caleb, I put Caleb on the A-Team. We got a problem, guys. Yellow Hosta. Mid.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Anola Kai. I don't know, opposite of A-Team. What's Anola Kai? He's a good runner. He's a good runner and he won the Dubai Burj Khalifa challenge. So Chad, he should be great. BKG. He's fine. Okay, so listen We have Ruwan, Harry, Artur and Kaleb all going to the beer garden and we have Bruno just like kind of wandering around Not sure if he's in or out so we can't even pick ten easy Let me help out here. Brandon Luckett's not going, is not making it.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You're so wrong. Sorry, he's not, he's not. I love Brandon, I love Brandon Luckett. I'm gonna do some behind the scenes with him. But he's a, he barely fucking made it guys in the West. In the West. Look at the events that were in the entire semi-final then look at the ones that you just that we just listed off what do you get on that run on that first workout yeah it's the barbell
Starting point is 00:13:52 cycling that slowed him down though it wasn't the run right but you guys are you guys you guys are all you guys are all opposed to lucket yeah i think there are worse people okay uh caitlin suza Souza, South America, just because he's from South America, should we put him on at least the B team? Yeah. Um, if we don't have enough people, yes. Okay. Uh, Souza. Uh.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Nobody's gotta get last. Yeah. I mean. What about Caron? Well, hey, he's a big shit house. Caron can't swim and run. We only need nine people because Mackroft's not there. No, they're still going to cut 10. No, they're go. Caron can't swim and run. We only need nine people because mackroft's not there No, they're still gonna cut 10
Starting point is 00:14:27 No, they're good. They'll cut to the top 30. Oh We have Ruan Harry Arthur Caleb Bruno and Susa I Think Bruno is gonna be good in the running, guys. Yeah, I think so, too. 230. So is Hopper. 230 pounds. 230 pounds?
Starting point is 00:14:53 I mean, Hopper's like 215, but he's a big guy. And he's mostly legs. Bruno's mostly torso. All right. OK, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, with six, we got to find four more. What about the Pancik? Are the Panciks susceptible? Panciks are good.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Panciks are good. Okay, we're not going to cry when a Pancik goes home on first cut? Well, a little. Austin Hadfield, are you still high on him? Dude, he's a great runner. What place have you taken semifinals? What place have you taken semifinals? In the running event?
Starting point is 00:15:30 Just all, anyway, all, anywhere. Sixth or seventh? In the east? You want to revisit Guy? Yeah. Okay, Guy. Are you sure? Dude, if we don't have any other Bill. I'm with Bill on this.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I think, I think he's a lock with the running and step ups. Well, the step ups would be the only thing that I would be. You think of Guy as a grinder in the thousand? No, I don't think it's not hard. What's the opposite of grinder? Tender? I think it depends how they decide to do that chat. What's the opposite of grinder? Tender? Tender? Tender. I think it depends how they decide to do that, Chad.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I mean, like with the way Dave was talking about how they're gonna kind of break it up could change what that looks like. And then same thing with the sprint. We know a mile, okay, we know that, but like how is that gonna work with the sprint? All right, I mean, I know our group's talking about all the carrying things.
Starting point is 00:16:25 I think if he has carried something that's going to be good for him. If it's a sprint, depending how they do it, it's great. It's going to be an homage to football. It's going to be the 40 yard dash. So it's every lap you do a sprint and you do, you have your time overall time and your sprint across the field and then you have that time And that's what you're gonna do To service. Yeah two separate things but all the same time. Yeah. Oh All your sprints let's bring the list back up have a lineman He'll be fine
Starting point is 00:17:02 How about Luca? He can run He'll be fine. How about Luca? He can run. He's a Jukic. No, Luca's going to be fine. Yellow Hosta's going to be fine. Yeah, Yellow Hosta might be top five. How about BKG?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Something tragic in his 11th year. Go home early. What about Moritz? Moritz is a big dude. Yeah, he's not a great runner. But you you have to think, what are we, what's else is going to be there? It's going to be lifting and gymnastics. Like this is all the conditioning they're going to have for that offset for
Starting point is 00:17:36 the first seven events. This is all of the conditioning. They will not have another monostructural cardio event other, like for the first seven events. And honestly, maybe the whole entire competition like they'll have crossfit stuff, but not straight up monostructural. Luke Parker. Yeah, he's good. Luke's fine. A lot of these guys that you're naming are mid-level guys, but they're not bottom like they're not. gray shaver. Last place on the run last place on the sprint.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I don't know about Cole. I think he barely made it. I think he barely made it right underneath or did he do good? I can't remember. Here's the thing with Cole gray shaver though, if there's a handstand walking event in that first seven, he's fine. He's a lot That's the hard part is what are those other events if we're going on just these events? Yeah, we're going just on these you're gonna have to offset it pretty hard Dude, it's not that hard to do it though. You know what I mean? It's like you throw in any lifting event you throw in any classic crossfit event and then all of a sudden starts even it out
Starting point is 00:18:42 These are very one-sided. Mm-hmm. Just these events though, then I would say Guy is on B team. Just these events. We don't have a B team anymore. Everyone is now A team because we only have, we have Ruwan, Harry, Arthur, Caleb, Bruno, Sousa, Guy. We have seven. You're telling me we can't commit to another three dudes? Two.
Starting point is 00:19:02 You think one weightlifting event offsets these, to make the top thirty for sure to make the top thirty. Okay I'm Pete Ellis and Victor Hoffer Pete Ellis is a great runner he's going to make the top thirty with these events how about Hoffer. Hover is not a great runner but he's so good at a whole bunch of the stuff and okay okay, we're putting Victor on their offer story. Cause everybody was so into him making it this year. They were the hype train on offer was real. If he gets cut in the first round, no, he's Europeans half field Ferguson,
Starting point is 00:19:35 riot Ferguson, what definitely Ferguson event. Burn in Texas day. We need one more Ruwan Harry Artor Caleb Bruno, Susie Gee and Victor Hoffer Mmm, I would say more it's Over a Nolokai. Yeah, no, it's a good runner and he's gonna be really good at Chad But what's he bad at? That's not and he's a good swimmer Yeah, nobody just these events. I would say you put more it's in there If we're going just these events if they did these three events who were the bottom nine guys I? I would put more it's in there. Okay, so Ruwan Harry lightfoot art for Simon off Kailam Kailam Bruno
Starting point is 00:20:22 Suza Gee Victor Hoffer more it's five big Semenov, Kaelum Kaelum, Bruno, Susie, Guy, Victor Hoffer, and Moritz Feibig. See you in the beer garden. Come over to the Heat 1 app booth to be interviewed. We'll have coffee, we'll have drinks, we'll have questions. It'll be a great time. Seema boobs will be there. Seema will be there. Okay, let's go over to the girls. Play a little Whackadoodle over there. Yes, I think he is a sub six mile. He doesn't he should not be at the games. What will be the slowest mile you think there'll be an eight minute mile? No, no, I think I think the slowest mile will still be I think the slowest smile will still be in the sixes. No, do
Starting point is 00:21:07 over sixes is trash for the 40 fittest men and women in the world. Truly. This mistake all the time. John Tyler, I have ran 558 and we've blacked out my running. That's what you do all the time. You say I've done it, but they're not you. There
Starting point is 00:21:22 are people there that are so much better. Good at there's so much better. They're so much better. There, some of them aren't. Bill, what was your fastest, my lifetime fastest mile? Do you know? I think like just under six, like just under six. You're fastest ever. I haven't done that in a long time, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Like as a kid. I'm not that, I'm a decent runner. I'm not fast. I'm not like a mile sprinter. That's Like as a kid. I'm not that I'm not that I'm a decent runner. I'm not fast. I'm not like a mile sprinter. That's never been my thing. Caleb what's you do you know your fastest mile Caleb? Oh I'm a fat tub of lard so ever lifetime you know 630 probably. Fuck that's still good dude. Wow. Tyler do you know your fastest mile? I don't think I've ever run it. I think in high school or somewhere I ran one like in 747 or something. We should never make fun of my running ability ever again.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Only every day on top of you only doing missionary. So, yep, too late. Okay. Let's go through the girls here. Daniel Brandon. Mid. Shelby Neal. Hey, this could be hard for Shelby. This could be hard for Shelby.
Starting point is 00:22:33 All I know is we don't have to listen to that freaking deep cough voice of a man that's in the woman's field after the first cut because Andrea Pinero is getting cut. Wow. We're not gonna have to listen to trend voice 24 seven. Should I put Shelby? I'm putting Shelby on the B team. She's short big box. Gemma Raider, South Africa.
Starting point is 00:22:52 That's just, she should just be on the A team for that. Yeah. Immediately. 100%. Gemma. By the way, that reel we made, she commented on it. I looked up that town she's from. It's on the ocean and has a river.
Starting point is 00:23:04 She can 100% swim But she can't but she can't run I Bet she can she's from Africa dude. She's that no one from Africa is making it out of the first cut agreed Alexis Raptis Andrea Pinheiro 18 I don't think anything's wrong with her voice It's lower than your voice. After, after. She could sound like a 13 year old boy.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Yeah, but let's, let's. Yes. I'm attracted to her. Yeah. Yes. Emma Lawson. Fine. Chloe.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Chloe's a deer, right? She's good. Hayley Adams. Maybe... Hayley Adams might be like first or second place with these three events. Brooke Wells. She'll be good. Lexi Neely. Maybe not good. Lexi Neely might be on the A team.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Maybe team. Put her on the B team then. You guys are so confusing to me. Tia Claire Toomey. Oh, Julie Cato toast, right? Toast. No. Paige Semenza.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Fine. Short, short. She's short. Definition of mid. Okay, Caroline Stanley short. No, she's good runner. Victoria Campos toast. For these events.
Starting point is 00:24:28 These events, I think she'd be okay. Really? I think she'd be all right with these, with the swim and the run. All she has to be is mid. Okay. With these events, dude, right? I know, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:38 We're checking with her. That's what's hard with this event. We only have these three weird events. Based on what we know. Yeah, based on what we know. So Campos, not even B team for Campos. I would say B team for Campos. Okay, Campos, B team.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Bethany Flores. The next five people are offline. She's good. Georgia Pryor. She's good. Are you sure? Who is that? She's a good runner and she's from Australia,
Starting point is 00:25:00 so I assume she can swim. Okay, but she, okay. Domet. Gazan, Rolf, Walton. I think people are giving Walton too much credit. You're wrong. Walton will be top five at least in the run swim. Just cause she can swim doesn't mean shit. Okay. Daisy McDonald, Daisy McDonald toast for these events. Yeah. Daisy McD. Uh, Ariel Lohan, Hattie, can you Madeline Sturt? Ooh, tiny. Madeline's a good, she's a really good runner. Uh Yes, she's a good runner. Spiegel.
Starting point is 00:25:45 There she is again. Spiegel is cut. Chop block. Can she outdo, there's no way she can outdo that many. I need Sevan to run a mile with Spiegel's on Spiegel's pace. Pace. Side by side with her is a pay-per-view event? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know how they do the side by side with the as a pay-per-view event.
Starting point is 00:26:05 You know how they do this side by side with the 40 yard dashes? Like if we can do a side by side with Sevan's mile, just run a track with Danny Spiegel next to him. That's what I need. Spiegel A team or B team? I think she's going to make it, dude. How? I just don't think she's as bad of a runner as people think she is.
Starting point is 00:26:26 And I think she can grind. And I think she's going to be fine with Chad. I think she's going to be fine on the sprint. She'll be good on the sprint, but like racing a mile is a different run. Oh, and that run swim. Is she going to take last on the run swim? It's a possibility. She's got as good a shot as anybody.
Starting point is 00:26:46 For taking last? Yeah. She got 28 on the run. Audience, please weigh in. Can we get a vote? Can we get a vote on Spiegel, Caleb? We'll leave that one to the audience. You guys okay leaving that one to the audience?
Starting point is 00:27:01 What do you want the question to be? Spiegel makes cut or doesn't make cut? With these three events, we're saying with these three events. They only know what we know. They get one odd object or weightlifting event then Danny Spiegel's in. I'll say she, there's no way she has to. You gotta assume there's gonna be. You just told us just these three events. That's not the rules, bro. No, you've got to just imagine what the other events are going to be. I said that with the men and did you not say no, just these three? I don't know what I said. I'm not even, I forget.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Victor Hoffer in the bottom nine because of that. I forget. I think Joe Biden's fine. The rules are what the rules are. Just got a little stuttering problem. Okay. So, uh, there's a poll up. We'd like you guys to weigh in as Spiegel is gonna make it or not. Just go with the information you know. There's seven events and three of them have fucking running and step ups in them. Wow, that's not good. She's not off to a good start.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Please don't vote with your heart. It's pretty close. It's close. Ish. Okay. All right. Ish. Okay. Who do you think's got more heart in the workout like Chad? Gee or Spiegel? Neither. Gee.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Spiegel. Spiegel. Gee. Hey dude, Spiegel can grind, man. I'm telling you. Gee can't grind. What workout has Spiegel grinded on? I think the difference I think does it for the way like does it why women in Saudi Arabia dude she closes her eyes and says
Starting point is 00:28:30 burka burka dark dark her baby her baby you'll press women in Saudi Arabia that she goes to inspire okay Kyra Milligan oh just these events yeah Kyra Milligan. Oh, just these events. Yeah. Kyra Milligan's not just these of listen, listen, John, I'm explaining to you. There's seven events and then there's a cut. The seventh event is on Saturday. It's Chad. Before that, that evening there's a workout and it's a sprint and it's a, I think Kyra Milligan will make the first cut. Okay, fine, okay. Well, I'll defer to you. Karen Freyova. She's fine.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Gabriela Megawa. Gabby's flourishing. Definitely fine. Yo, Amy Kringle loves his first seven events. Couldn't have asked for better. Dude, she's built like a brick shithouse, are you sure? She's very good cardio, very good runner. Anthony TPA, Paul does John Young get less angry when he is a dad
Starting point is 00:29:29 No, yeah Okay, uh Amy, uh Linda Keeseman Keeseman I'm gonna say 18 She's solid. She'll make it. Bye Linda. Laura Horvat. She'll be fine. Oh, Dwan. Bye bye. I think Dwan's a good swimmer. Oh shit. They swim in Asia. Like all over her Instagram she's swimming like a lot. Okay. You want to... Emma Tull sinks. She sinks. She's great. Okay, uh, uh, sung young Choi should be okay Negative beating wait, you're gonna go for Dwan, but you're not gonna go for sung young. What is the Wang's name?
Starting point is 00:30:20 Jacqueline Dahlstrom Hi, she's fine. I guess she'd be good. She's a hair. Sahara Kaia. I don't know. Is she a good swimmer? Can't you swim?
Starting point is 00:30:32 I think they could all swim. I mean, I'm sure they be. Yeah. But can you there's swimming and then there's swimming. Then there's 40 foot lake swimming. Yeah. Oh, this one's a border swim in. Has she ever made it past a cut before? Say her kind. Yeah. Yeah. She made's gonna be. Oh, this one's gonna be. I had a boarder swim in. Has she ever made it past a cut before?
Starting point is 00:30:46 Say her kayak? Yeah. Yeah, she made it last year. Last year she was like 27th, I thought. Claudia Gluck. I don't know why, but I think, I don't feel like she can swim very well. By Claudia's fine. Claudia's very, very fit.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Emma McQuade. She'll be fine. Alicia Fuliano. I think she'll be fine, but these events aren't great for her. Okay, so we have Gemma, Pinheiro, Kato, Daisy McDonnell, Linda Kessman on the A team. Bye bye. They go to the beer garden, join the Heat 1 app live podcast and then we have Shelby Lexi Campos and Choi on the B team I think you take Shelby out of there okay good then just have a happy and then have a wild card that we just haven't named so put Lexi Campos boy that's one two three four five six seven eight Choi Young let's put young in there She's toast dude listen no one from fucking Asia is making it past the first cut be cool
Starting point is 00:31:51 All right, that's fine. I'm cool. I'm cool Gemma Andrea Pinheiro Something Kato Julie Kato Julie Kato Daisy McDonald Linda Kessman Lexi Neely Campos Choi and Jung We need something more We need one more? We need one more. Oh, let's go to the card. Let's go to the poll.
Starting point is 00:32:13 Caleb, where are we at? Wait, we didn't say Spiegel. Spiegel for sure is that last person if we haven't said Spiegel. Well, hold on, John. Let's defer to the experts. I don't think so, dude. Does Danny Spiegel make the cut? No.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Danny Spiegel. Damn. Chopped. Bye. Bye. Alright. I want to formally disagree with that. Adam S. Gracie Walton is so overhyped.
Starting point is 00:32:41 She was 15th at Wadapalooza and that was not a game caliber field And she has 100 points from an event win and was still 15th. Thank you, Adam. I agree She's been doing CrossFit like three years. You think it matters what she did it with all with all due respect You're wrong And that is it Uh billy grunler Hi, how does your beard stay so black but seve's beard looks like moses And that is it. Billy Grundler. Hi, how does your beard stay so black but Seve's beard looks like Moses? I shaved mine today. Damn good question. I would assume Moses's beard look like Bill's. Yeah, I think Moses would be more of a Bill character.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Agree with Walton. She won't make top 20, but we're not talking about top 20, we're talking about top 30. Correct? No one knows what we're talking about. Rules keep changing. The first event alone will put Grace in the first, in the top 30. Yeah. Okay, now the show starts.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Here, I mean, like, where do you think, so like to that guy's comment, where do you think Maddie Sturt would end up in the games field probably middle of the pack, right? You can't make me and or after these events. No, no at the end crossfit games at the end of the crossfit games I would say like 20 for like a well to 22nd, you know in that somebody somebody said Did she really switch back to meet is she no longer a vegan? I don't know. I'm not sure. Somebody somebody said did she really switch back to meet is she no longer a vegan. I don't know I'm a drop last time you made that up demon Jesus Tyler
Starting point is 00:34:13 what are you doing bro. I just made assumption you know you don't go to the games if you're vegan so do that's what my father like said something like that on the spin when she was on there and I was. No, I didn't. Yes, you did. You talked about it. No, I did not. You talked about her veganism.
Starting point is 00:34:27 I asked her about being vegan. And she like, you could see it on her face. Like she was, did not like the question. How dare you? It would be like me saying, did you shave your beard on Tuesday? To a girl? You getting mad?
Starting point is 00:34:42 No, it's just like. Did you shave your mustache? I think, yeah. It would be closer if you did this. Do you think you even have a chance to do anything physical? That is not how I do it. Shave your beard like that? It's not how I do it.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Let's talk about your veganism as a disease. Who's a vegan? Who's a vegan? It's Maddie Sturt. Oh. Okay, I didn't mean to bring that up. But if you think Maddie Sturt is middle of the pack after the CrossFit Games, Grace beat Oh Okay, I didn't mean that Is middle of the pack after the CrossFit Games grace beat her in
Starting point is 00:35:11 Torian and So you theoretically grace would be above her and I think she will finish above her I think Maddie's gonna have issues. I think the Chad's gonna fucking ass pounder Good card you think what the barbell is gonna fuck her up and just there's no barbell I can't wait haven't seen any yet. No, that's our calling this the Chad. This is the high rocks games thus far Here in Yolo hosta We this interview really tests Dave's games knowledge. Let's start with this first little gem Shane Gillis first little gem. Shane Gillis. He because yeah, I don't know. Then height is a bigger factor. Well, I don't know about like you look at Matt and rich like math pretty short.
Starting point is 00:35:56 That's like, you know, five, six. Okay. Fair enough. Yep. Yep. I'm with it. Fair enough. Okay. Dave Dave knows his stats. Here we go bigger factor Well, I don't know about like you look at Matt and rich like Matt's pretty short. That's like, you know five six Rich is probably five seven, maybe five eight. I don't what the fuck. Where's Dave been? Does anyone think Rich is five seven? No, Rich... Rich and I are like almost the exact same height. He's my height. 5'1". Rich is my height.
Starting point is 00:36:29 He's shorter than me. No, no, no. He's like 5'10", 5'9", 3 quarters. Okay, we're arguing over half an inch. How does that happen? He's definitely not over 5'10". I'm taller than Tyler and I think me and Rich are the same height. I think it's safer...
Starting point is 00:36:44 I don't think he's 5'10", either, but 5'10 5'10 would sound smarter than 5'7. What happened to Dave there? He had a Biden moment? He's definitely not 5'7. That's rough. Larry Young. Hello, how are you? I agree with Tyler John's favorite position as missionary. Oh, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:36:52 I agree with Tyler about vegans, but does he know who Clarence Kennedy is? Oh, is Clarence Kennedy a vegan? I don't think so. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan.
Starting point is 00:37:02 I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I think he's a vegan. I's favorite position is missionary. Oh, that's weird. I agree with Taylor about vegans, but does he know who Clarence Kennedy is? Oh, is Clarence Kennedy a vegan? Yeah, man. Who's Clarence Kennedy? Oh man, that's rough.
Starting point is 00:37:15 That's worse than Dave saying his rich five-seven. He's great. He's like a Graciano. Angelo De Giacchico, he's five-nine. There you go, five-nine. Tyler's five-eight. Ico, he's 5'9". There you go, 5'9". Tyler's 5'8". I mean, that's crazy. Hatfield says he's 5'8". You need to stand head to head. I'm taller than Hatfield. I think so too. I don't think he's 5'8' at all, but he's like...
Starting point is 00:37:36 Hatfield looks like 5'4". Colton looks taller than Hatfield. That's why he gets mad that people are saying he's 5'6". Colton's not taller than Hatfield. He's like, bro'm five foot eight and okay and then the question we've all wanted to know the most burning question in all of CrossFit for a year now. The great yellow host that pins down the Dave Castro. Here we go. It's a question that's in my mind for the whole year since last year me too. How many watches does he have? Do you have like two whoops on? Shit that makes me hate people I like
Starting point is 00:38:21 I'm okay with the wood but just two of them though. You wear a little bill. Would you be caught dead with the whoop. I just two of them though. You wear a would you be caught dead with a whoop bill? Uh I got one for free. So, I wore it until I realized that it wasn't a watch and then I'm like, now I have bands on it. That's stupid. So,
Starting point is 00:38:34 that's what happens. He's got a band and a watch and probably this watch sucks. Watch is dumb. Go face on this thing. Bill's my litmus test. I have a regular one right here. Okay. Regular watch. Yeah, I'm not. Bill's my litmus test. I have a regular one right here. Okay. Regular watch. Yeah, I'm Garmin country. There you go.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Garmin. Boom. It's how did the selection of the rookie of the year? Your process go last year? That is a great question. That is such a good question. Look at his face right now God that is the definition of shit eating grin. Okay, so earlier earlier Somewhere let me play this for you. Let me go back to this really quick I think this is like it a let me go back to eight minutes give them credits for their goal. It's like
Starting point is 00:39:19 Something from it. I imagine you have the same attitude towards the CrossFit Judges of the CrossFit or now do you get mad when they give you a no rep? In the beginning, I got really mad. This is earlier in the interview. I learned to temper it a bit. When I looked at your game profile, your profile, well, first of all, when I looked at your game profile, you finished 10th last year. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:39:48 So here, Yellow has the shitty green. He's like, oh shit, here we go. It's amazing. That's great for a rookie performance to finish top 10. And I saw the photo you put on your profile was from that. That how long like that we did. Yeah, I thought you we did. Yeah. You liked it? Yeah. Helena the workout? What was that? Helena the workout you mean? Okay so at that point Dave doesn't know right? The question was coming. Well Dave doesn't know that that's the rookie of the year and they fucked up. Right. Yeah, he doesn't know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:25 The smile, the yellow hat on that was awesome because he's like, oh man, I got you cornered now. But when he's walking into this, you got him. Got him. A set range of motion. Okay, I have another question. I have to quickly ask before my time cap hits. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:40:48 It's a question that's in my mind for the whole year since last year. It's how did the selection of the rookie of the year process go last year? I honestly, I was like that was one of the like, I couldn't tell you. There was a team who was selecting, and at that point, like, I was not. Now, how does that, why would you need a team to select rookie of the year? Isn't rookie of the year just like an objective? Takes one person. Do you know, and I don't wanna get us in trouble,
Starting point is 00:41:17 but do you know if the DEI people are in charge of the rookie of the year? And that's why we're gonna bring it to the LFOS. I don't think it gets us in trouble, but it would be an explanation. It would be, dude, it's such a fair question. He's a 6-3 white male We can't give it to that guy. We got to give it to a girl. It's so I mean, it's so what 2023 I want to push against Caleb because he says it just takes one person
Starting point is 00:41:39 But let's imagine that we ran the game sus 5 and we said John you're gonna pick rookie of the year I would immediately have qualms with it. There's no way I would argue with him for sure and then I'd get looped into it And then build get looped into it. Then all of a sudden all five of us are arguing about I disagree I think we would look at the scores and be like y'all go yellow hosta and like yeah Why is that a question and then they'd be over? Are you saying like somebody would have had a standout moment better than another person? Is that kind of what you're getting? Like, it doesn't matter what the placement was. It was just
Starting point is 00:42:11 dependent on like, oh, they made like a big old ruckus in the Coliseum or they had like, they passed somebody in the last 100 meters of the sprint, like, yeah, yellow did that in the 5k. He had moments. It was our but he's not but he's not that he's not the super young Athlete that's at the game. So the first time i'm saying we would not argue How do they pick rookie of the game at in uh in the in the nba? Is is it uh assists? Um rebounds guy with the best stats typically. Yeah
Starting point is 00:42:44 It's numeric like the cross fit terms would be the person who got the highest placement. Yes And is it pretty is it pretty objective? It's pretty most of the time. Yes If you go back if you go back and look at all the other rookies that have gotten it. It's been fairly Yellow breaks the mold but I do I do think that- And MVP's not like that. No, true. What do you think's crazy? I know that when they do the Spirit of the Games and stuff like that, they'll send out, they have a handful of five, eight people, and they say, tell me what you think and why.
Starting point is 00:43:19 And then they kind of collect it from those people. I don't know if they do the same thing with the rookie or not, but I mean, there's definitely a lot more. Objectiveness to that because you have actual data rather than what do you think about this? Uh, the winner is selected by a panel of United States and Canadian sports writers and broadcasters, each casting first, second and third place votes. Wow.
Starting point is 00:43:42 So that's for the NBA. That then that right there ends up being subjective. Correct, correct, correct. But it usually goes to the person with the best stats. Like 90% of the time, it's the person with the best stats. Unless there's an extenuate, and dude, I agree with you. I mean, I totally agree with you. I mean, I think that the sole reason,
Starting point is 00:44:04 the thing that trumped him was that he's not 17 or 18 or whatever Olivia is. Let me ask you this, what do you think's crazier? Picking Olivia Kerstetter who finished six or eight places behind him as rookie of the year or at the open when they put the wrong weights on the bar. Like if they're both errors, let's say they're both errors, let's say they just didn't notice that Yelahosta, like in a perfect world, right, we would think that they just didn't see Yelahosta was a rookie. I think that they just didn't see that. All they knew is Olivia was the youngest,
Starting point is 00:44:45 I think she was the youngest one there. I think just has a bigger a bigger name and she's 17 right totally totally the youth thing I believe that's what I don't think it's an error you think it's an error like they put the wrong weights on the bar you think it was just an overlook and like oh shit no no he's saying that Olivia is a bigger name and she was 17 and that's why they gave it to her. It doesn't matter because of her age and she was almost as good. Yeah. Probably pre-wrote the story. That's what I hold themselves that story going into the game. She's she's at 17. If she does well she'll probably be rookie of the year. Like yellow would have had to be like seventh place to overcome their
Starting point is 00:45:22 thought process. Hey dude he's like he fucking, I know I'm probably preaching to the choir, but he's fucking remarkable what he's done. 100%. When? Yeah, for sure. 100%. But he deserves it. Does anyone here think he didn't deserve it?
Starting point is 00:45:38 He earned it. He did. He, he earned it. He earned it. Right. Are you talking about merit, Tyler? 100%. I think that, I think it was Olivia know what coming into the games that right there was like all she has to do is do okay and she's gonna get that I think you get to work
Starting point is 00:45:54 because she she shouldn't have been here to begin with I think the panel looked at Olivia and they're like I think she deserves it I think that's what they said and they gave it to her using that exact the exact verbatim she deserves the. I think that's what they said. And they gave it to her. Using that exact D-Way. The exact verbatim. Yeah. She deserves Rookie of the Year, and then that's what they did. So John, you think that they saw yellow, you think that they actually are like,
Starting point is 00:46:12 is it going to be yellow host or Olivia Kerstetter? And then I think they, yeah, exactly what Bill said. Like Olivia was close enough to yellow. Then they have someone there as a complete fucking moron. If that's true, then whoever did that, on behalf of me and myself and I, you're a fucking moron. Would it be the first time? I don't know. I mean that's just fucking moronic. When they picked Dan Bailey for Spirit of the Games Award, that was fucking moronic too. And I actually said that on a podcast and I had that edited out. They told me to edit it out.
Starting point is 00:46:44 But it was completely moronic. I mean he had no spirit at the game. And I actually said that on a podcast and I had that edited out. They told me to edit it out But it was completely moronic. I mean he had no spirit at the game Last year in spirit of the games well Once again that was yeah, but that one's a little more realistic, but I still wouldn't give him spirit of the game He should have gotten he shouldn't have gotten spirit of the games for that last year. sorry, no. Why? Because he's a competitor, dude. You guys are both on the inside. That doesn't matter, I'm sorry. That's the spirit of the games. No, you're a competitor, you're just doing your job,
Starting point is 00:47:12 you're supposed to compete. Because you keep competing, because you hurt, doesn't mean that, oh, you are so above and beyond. No, you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing, competing. So what is your definition of the Spirit of the games? Who should it go to? Like the person exemplifies what? The I think it's I think honestly, and I
Starting point is 00:47:32 break it honestly. It's break. It's what? Yeah, yeah. It's Sprague. It's Sprague. Walks around like that person who's just the happiest, the happiest person. It's not it's not the happiest. I don't think it's the happiest.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I think that, and it changes every year based on, not by definition, but by the feel of the people that are picking the person that they think gets it. I think that what they're looking at is, okay, who had good sportsmanship, who is competing hard, who wasn't throwing a fit at everything, who was supporting other athletes who wasn't throwing a fit at everything, who was supporting other athletes and CrossFit in general, who...
Starting point is 00:48:09 Did you hold on a little bit? It really would have been nice if this person could have placed better. They've been here so many years and we really need to give them something to show the support. Those are all things, all variables that have been used and will be used for that. And there have been a handful of years where it's like, are you fucking kidding me? That's who gets the award. Really? Like how, how did you come up on that? So I think like that one's really hard because it's complete objectivity and there is no definition across. It hasn't put the CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:48:42 the sport that puts definitions on everything that we do. We don't have the definition for that. Yeah. So that was a tough one. Who made these? Since you two have been around since the beginning, who made these awards? Hold on one second. Did you? I'm sorry? Yeah, but did you download the SiriusXM app in your mobile? I downloaded the SiriusXM app? Yes. Our connection is so bad.
Starting point is 00:49:06 I'm sorry. Okay. I'm so sorry about that. Can you hear me now? No, it's bad. Oh. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's going on. Okay. Thank you. Maybe we can talk again next week.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Okay. Is that all the connection? No, you're right. I'm so sorry. I don't know what's going on. Okay. Let me try to keep you... Thank you. Maybe we can talk again next week. Okay. It's very out of connection. No, you're really choppy. Yeah, it sounds like you're in a wind tunnel. Are you in the wind? No, sir. Can you guys hear him very good? I'll call you back. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:39 I heard it. No, sir. You were very friendly, though. They want to up my SiriusXM. I want to tell them about Bidenomics. Whose idea was Spirit of the Games? Sam Briggs, Bill. Winner. I think Sam Briggs is everything you just said. Noah Olsen.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Okay, here's the... I don't like it when it goes to a Noah Olsen or a Cole Sager. And a lot of people think it's like... Because they're closer to God than you. That's why you don't like them Golden Retriever Award, right? I want to call it a Golden Retriever Award Then James Spriggs should win it if that's not what is the point of the award then if you're not gonna be a golden What you'll say? Pretty close These things are just you should have wanted to Josh bridges everyone the game. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:26 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. it's not if you're in it if you're in the top three, I don't think oh yeah, nobody wants it. That's one of those things where it's like, okay, you have you have an athlete that has been there. Does I mean deserves to be given some sort of recognition. They they rep the sport, they rep the competition. they're a hard competitor, they're all in, they battle, they do all of those good things. It's not the golden retriever. They aren't going like, okay, on every single event, I'm going to make sure that I run out to someone who hasn't finished yet.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Ariel Lowen hugging Trista Smith at the semi-finals while everyone else is celebrating and Trista is crying and Ariel goes over and puts her in her bosom. Spirit of the Games. From the whole stadium. I don't think Spirit of the Games is one action. I don't either but I think that that's a component of it. That's a representation of it. It's not, I don't feel and again like who the fuck am I? Who am I? I voted on that thing? I think like three times Bill I've only been on three times on the run swim run
Starting point is 00:51:50 There were everyone's running into the water and Jason Opper yells alligator, but there isn't one He deserved because that's spirit of competition right there. Yeah. Oh, there's a shitty there's a shitty spirit Alligator I like that there should be a dick of the games Last year or Justin Maneris when he wouldn't talk to nobody would have winning hopper his rookie year would have one Lazarus kind of a cool dick to Lazar could have won it but he's cool But he'll fuck with you. Fuck you up. He's ready to fight. Lazer got a little edge to him ready to fight some of that european mafia style
Starting point is 00:52:34 Really? Um, what's great is watching dave's eye. I know it's controversial for a for a seal man his body language if I was the if I was the uh, for a seal man his body language if I was the if I was the the the the bad guy on the other side and I asked him a question and that was the look I got I'm like oh you are lying yeah listen yellow host his body language is the complete opposite and hey I want this line that Dave says it was controversial I love how the spirit of the game is controversial. I couldn't tell you. There was a team who was selecting and at that point, like I was not really, um, still look at them. I know it's controversial.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Were you part of the controversy around that? Yeah, I, I'm going to give you more details because it's the first, maybe before it was different but like in as how I view it it was the first year you went from like two rookies of the year a male and a female to one rookie. I don't know what you just did I didn't do that. To one rookie of the year and then if you like I don't know how you combine like a female and a male leaderboard but then if you look like to it objectively you take the turds and in the leaderboards One was deaf I'd remember making that call
Starting point is 00:53:53 I definitely said hey, let's just have one this year And I think they said the year before they had to the year before I'm pretty sure we've always only had one up until Maybe that year before this year year I definitely said one. It sounds like that might have, I apologize for that or last year. It is what it is. But I don't remember the selection process. There's a committee or a little team of people who work on all those awards and they'll run them by me and I'll just kind of like sign off and approve.
Starting point is 00:54:20 But I wasn't too like in the numbers. So I apologize. You think everyone on the team is a six figure dude? Everyone on the team makes over a hundred a year. No, at least I know it was not you. I have one shorter question. Okay. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:54:41 God, look at his face. He just, these are all setups. God, it's so good. Okay. No, no, no, no. God, look at his face. He just, these are all setups. God, it's so good. Okay. Oh yeah, I think it's pretty obvious. Oh no, actually there is, there is, sorry, there is one more for, from Yellow Hoster. So, so we reported last week that the quad sizes were asked just by the morning chalk up and then Yellow Hoster brings this up. Why did we have to fill out the quad sizes in the questionnaire of the CrossFit Games? I don't know, where was that from?
Starting point is 00:55:16 I think- Shut up. Is it from us? Yeah, in the Google forms. Oh, wow. That's actually through its equipment for certain events. I don't know. It might have to do with collection of data for some sort of, I don't want to say study,
Starting point is 00:55:39 but some sort of comparison. Let me look into that. I had heard that somewhere else, and I thought it was a joke. Let me find out from our team why we asked. Honestly, maybe a sponsor requested it for, I don't know, compression sizes. I don't know, but let me look into it. Thank you for asking. Okay. Yeah. I think it was optional and I didn't fill it out, but now I start to think about it. Then maybe it's for something and I will not have my size So here's the so here's the thing now. I just thought of something else. So it wasn't the CrossFit games It was morning chalk up or were they doing something in partnership with CrossFit? Like did they say hey, can you ask this question?
Starting point is 00:56:20 Anyway, it's not relevant to the games. That's what I texted Avey and said no, it's nothing. Franco Duboc, Chad with a twist equals step ups with a barbell on your back. If you drop the barbell, you're eliminated. Your score is steps completed or time if completed. I think they have an obligation to... It's a good idea, but I think they have an obligation to... Safety. To ruck.
Starting point is 00:56:41 To go ruck. To wear that shit, right? I do Chad with the barbell. But but you've done it with the barbell I that the last three years I've done it with a bar no weight on the barbell but I just do with the barbell where do you write it alone non-competitively no I just do I do it with the class when we do it where do you rack it in the back on it back yeah I just do it like a, like a vision quest. Just step up and down with the log on my back.
Starting point is 00:57:07 But I think they are gonna, I think they are gonna have an obligation to go ruck and it seems like that's where they'd put the ruck, right? I would think so. What do you think, what was that, John? Do you hold it the whole time or do you put it down at all? Yeah, I put it down like every hundred.
Starting point is 00:57:20 I think I do a break every hundred. Cause dude, your traps start to get- Yeah, yeah. Your shoulders are roasted, yeah That's fine. Is it like the safety element doesn't come into play until you're like you're eliminated once you drop it Then the safety issue becomes a thing Because you're going to do something stupid because you can't put it down
Starting point is 00:57:42 Patrick beller, go ahead bill. No, go, go, go. Chad, more Chad talk. And here we get, here I think we get some really solid information about Chad. What we're actually going to be doing. Because I think, you know, at this level, like just doing Chad is, is boring. And, uh... Has he ever not complained about a workout? Like there's a comment does it come? So we got a little bit of with Vellar we got a little bit of the boy who cried wolf. I think I know the Pat suit Pat is a very smart guy and I think that with that he analyzes everything and so he like when you talked to him about just even
Starting point is 00:58:21 You know off air and off podcasts and stuff like the dudes always thinking and so I think that's why he comes at And he's kind of an elder statesman now So he has kind of the clout where he can come at day with these certain types of comments and stuff What's what do you see on dave's face there bill? He's like, oh shit. What are you gonna come up with? What do you got for me pat? You know? You know, I think there's there's something to be said about those that are like- Not everything is like to not be boring.
Starting point is 00:58:51 Let me say this, like, just because something's boring doesn't mean we should avoid it. You know what I mean? But I think there's something to be said about like a mental grind workout. Yes. Yes. But I don't think Chad is that. It's a mental grind. I Yes. Yes. But I don't think Chad is that it's a mental grind. I think it is. Maybe not. And I will I will say I've never done it. Okay. Oh shit. Oh
Starting point is 00:59:13 shit. He pulled the Dave Castro on the Dave Castro. Oh wow. Really? Oh, I've never seen any of his videos. So I've never seen one of hillers videos but I Know I think it's a mental grind. You don't think you don't think no really not enough for not not for badass athletes No, it's no different than like a like a long run or a run or like the run up the Burj Khalifa, like it's just it's you can only there's a mental aspect though to that Yeah, but these guys, these guys are athletes. They train five, six hours a day.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Like that, they, they push themselves. Like I think when you race though, it's different. A four hour row is more mental grind. And only because it's like, you have to deal with sitting in there, sitting in that, in the space for so long. Like tennis is a mental grind because it's so long Yeah, no, I agree with that but they didn't give them any time to think about that row
Starting point is 01:00:11 We said it the day before and then they did it Bill what about the fact that it's a workout number seven and there's going to be 20 people who are really concerned about it Because it's the last workout before the cut does that make it? concerned about it because it's the last workout before the cut. Does that make it? I understand it's not 4,000 reps, it's a thousand reps, but is shit going to start happening in a rep 750 that otherwise wouldn't happen if you weren't fighting for your life? I don't think that we're going to be seeing, I don't think we'll see people stepping onto a box like you see people finishing the Ironman when they're like bodies collapsing. I don't see that happening. Now what they do in between to change it up
Starting point is 01:00:45 or make it exciting like what they're talking about here, that might be something different. But I don't I don't see them stacking like, you know, doing Chad with like 185 pounds on the back or something like that, where all of a sudden steps are dangerous that way. So you agree with what you agree with? Well, they're not a mental grind. I don't really I don't really think it is because you can only go so fast. All it's just a matter of like, all right, we'll just, we'll settle in for an hour. It's got the ball done stuff for an hour.
Starting point is 01:01:14 I will say that, uh, Dave is exuding a yellow hosta vibes right now. And Pat's exuding Dave vibes from the last previous podcast. He does do this thing where I think like he knows when he's going into this talk with with Pat that like Pat's gonna play on the offensive. So he knows they're doing a tit for tat. And I think when he knows going into those talks, he does that face he's doing right now. He's playing with Pat. I think yellow caught him off guard. Totally. Yeah, no, he wasn't prepared for Yellow. It's like, you're a brand new guy coming at me with that.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Dude, he backed him up against the wall in that one. It was awesome. It was so awesome. Yellow. Like, weekend warriors at the gym who do it unbroken. Well, I mean, it's all unbroken, right? I mean, it's just- Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:05 And that's the magic of it. How much more you push or how fast you go. You can only go so fast. I'll tell you, I'll tell you. My concern, my hope is that the twist is we do step overs. Okay. So, so, Velner's done. Velner's like, we're not going to agree.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I don't think it's a grind. You think it's a grind. So now we move on to the next subject. Because I think that, and then maybe some other thing to make it less tedious to watch because it's just boring for spectators, but I think that if we do step ups, a large percentage of the outcome will be determined by what your judge allows you to do. And that's the biggest problem. One more time.
Starting point is 01:02:44 A large percentage of the outcome will be determined by what your judge allows you to do. Yep. Kind of like the burpees today on the swimming events, right? I think that confirms your thoughts, Savon. That it's not a step up. And it gets even more, Dave gives them even more. And that's the biggest problem with it.
Starting point is 01:03:04 So when I see that workout, that's my concern is if I'm being forced to pimp the lockout and take an extra half second every rep and my neighbor is not, and the judge is saying like, ah, this is pretty good, then I'm being penalized 30 seconds every hundred reps, which is impossible to overcome regardless of your fitness level in that workout. So that's the fear is that outcomes are going to be determined by things other than fitness level.
Starting point is 01:03:31 That's a legitimate, that's a very legitimate concern. Okay. It's not, uh, next question. It's not a step up, right? So it's not. So, so there's going to be something significant is going to be different than the judging for quarterfinals. He's allowing Pat to walk out because Pat doesn't know the whole equation.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And so he's like, yes, what you're saying is true, but it doesn't matter here. I think that's what's happening. So that's what I don't think it's, I think it's going to be Chad like this is like when they do a redo of events. It's like, oh, this is Nate 2.0 or this event 2.0 and it's really not the same thing it just has elements of it so stop calling it chad like when they announced it they announced it as chad and what it was and you all know what it is and yeah we've all done it and you know the you know what that is yeah all of that stuff now all of
Starting point is 01:04:20 sudden it's none of that stuff that's why i don't like i think they just seem to they shouldn't have said anything about what it is let everyone go wow this is kind of like chad a sudden it's none of that stuff. That's why I don't like, I think they just seem to, they shouldn't have said anything about what it is. Let everyone go, wow, this is kind of like Chad. You think a step over is not Chad though? You don't think that that concept, I think a step over, I'd give it a Chad. If it's not a thousand box step ups with a 45. That's what Bill's saying is you said it was Chad, they didn't and that's, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:42 Like, but I tell you. Fran, but we could do Fran like events. Yeah. And that's, yeah. But I tell you- Fran is Fran, but we could do Fran-like events, but it's not Fran. All I'm getting from this is that this screams Patrick Mellner is gonna get fourth place. That's what it screams to you? It's not podium material anymore. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:59 Wow. But you- That's PFF? Do you think it's two, PFF? PFF? PFF? PAA? PAA. I don't know. I like what Pat's saying here. I think it's what everyone's thinking. But
Starting point is 01:05:13 do we all agree that it's not going to be step up, step down? Yeah, I don't think it is. I've never thought it was going to be. It's either going to be over the box or on stadium stairs or something. I thought it was going to be step ups with the opening post they did and then the second day said but we're gonna change Boom, it was all said it was something different. There's no way they're gonna allow the judging come into place what Pat's saying They always do but they do they too many right? All right, I mean you think of an exposure Do you think you think it'll only be a thousand stepovers then or do you think there'll be more to it? I think there has to be something more to it.
Starting point is 01:05:46 I don't think that they, the one thing that Dave has now in his pocket, he used to not care. I don't care what the production looks like. I don't care what the show looks like, or what the event looks like to the crowd. He didn't care about that. Now he does care about that.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Like there's been a change over the last handful of years that he's, you know, the tail end of his career here. So he does care about that. Like there's been a change over the last handful of years that he's, you know, the tail end of his career here. So he does. Do you think with these three events he cares about that? I do think he cares. Now how he designs them, yes. I think if he's gonna put everyone in, so that everyone's gonna be watching this,
Starting point is 01:06:18 there's gonna be a way to do it. Now I'm not saying that every event is exciting. I mean, when we did the row, the row was the row and we just tap dance for four hours. You know what I mean? But like, I think he does generally think about that. He doesn't just go commentated the marathon row. Yeah. It was me and Sean and Tonya and Chase. Chase was in the jacuzzi laughing at us the whole time. What a jerk. But I but I think I think it'll be just straight a thousand step ups or overs. I hope not.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Yeah. So I'm sure you guys know that. So I hope that that's just- And I especially after the history of this season and you should absolutely be concerned about that. Yeah. So- And of course you know that. yeah, of course. So that's what I mean. I expect it to be I expect that to be recognized and uh, is that the tit for tat you're talking about Tyler? He's fucking with you. He's just fucking with him the whole time. He didn't say anything on that
Starting point is 01:07:19 though. No. Yeah, we know. Sure. Okay. And we'll'll see we'll see what comes up and I think I can't wait to watch you eat shit in this I think this interview is making dave like want to change it back to just a thousand Yeah, I do now that you say it now that you say that And i'm sure I still won't love it because it's fucking it's a thousand stuff. Why would I love it? I'll say this it a given a choice I would do that any day over the marathon row or even the half marathon Yeah, yeah, I mean
Starting point is 01:07:53 It's a lot of it's a lot of time by yourself. You guys should do it with no music Okay Some summer some reveal there I think but then Tyler got me in my head thinking maybe not. Maybe he was just fucking with them. 23... Oh, I do this. Okay. 2325. Here we go. This is, I think, huge. I wonder how many people copped this. I think this is huge right here. Okay, here we go. Share screen. This is Dave. Tells us how his perception of the games has changed because of these interviews. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:36 And so I just was like, you know, and the next day I started it. And so it was kind of about, and for me it's been really good through this process retouching base with some of you guys or meeting the new people because often when we go in and you know this like sometimes it's like it's almost there's this little them versus Feeling even maybe that I can create my head more than that exists new people because I'm gonna go in and you know this like Sometimes it's like it's almost there's this little them versus us feeling even maybe that I can hate my head more than that exists. But like, that's huge, man. That's huge. What?
Starting point is 01:09:12 I don't know what the implications are. But that's what I heard Dave say is every year coming into the CrossFit Games, I thought it's me against you motherfuckers. And this year because he's been I don't think it's bad either, but this year because he's meeting them all, it's not like that. Like he's lost. When did he say it was me against you?
Starting point is 01:09:34 Right there. Yeah, watch this, listen. The next day I started it. And so it was about, and for me, it's been really good through this process, retouching base with some of you guys or meeting the new people. Because often when we go in and you know this,
Starting point is 01:09:48 sometimes it's almost as this little them versus us feeling, even maybe that I can create my head more than that exists. But this year, I think it's gonna just break down barriers. And personally, I'm gonna go in knowing everybody and it's gonna create a better experience for me And I believe through that a better experience for forever. I don't agree with we should with what you think on that step on I don't think it was that he feels that I think it's crossfit the group versus The athlete and that he kind of sees that I I mean, I think it's cool that he knows everyone but like I
Starting point is 01:10:22 Other than the new people he always, you knew who Dave liked. You saw the extra cool handshake to Rich and the extra cool handshake to Matt, the extra cool handshake and you know. He didn't like Matt, he didn't like Matt. He did in the beginning. Cool, maybe Josh Bridges. I'm not talking to Dave,
Starting point is 01:10:41 I mean, you knew who his guy is, and I'm not, this is not a shot on Dave at all. No, no, no, I'm not talking to the I want me you knew who you knew who his guys and I'm not this is not a this Is not a shot on Dave at all. No, no, no, I'm not like it. I see I don't think that I think he is You know, there's more distance between him and the athletes now because of how the last couple years have gone I mean when you're not working the games and then you don't want to go to the game because you got fired From the thing that you created. I mean, yeah, that's kind of hard. So you are gonna have that separation so I think he's just kind of getting back to them and I agree with him that for him, it'll be a better experience for him on that setup.
Starting point is 01:11:13 I think it's great for the athletes to all be able to talk to him and have a one-on-one with him like that. So that at least, you know, when you come out and you see him on the floor and he gives you the handshake that that's like, oh, it's cool. It's cool to get a handshake like that from Dave. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I mean, he's the guy. Come on. You don't you don't think that he was sort of venomous towards the.
Starting point is 01:11:34 I don't think he was ever that way. No. I never I never took any of the events, any of the the the different games, the way he programmed them, that it was like, oh, I'm gonna fuck these guys up. Oh, see if they can handle this I never saw anything victim but then addictive like that all right I don't think so I like it yeah I like it perfect okay another another interesting moment I like all these moments because it makes me look like I'm a fucking games genius look here we go watch this one this one's a fucking amazing genius. Look at this. Here we go. Watch this one. This one's fucking amazing. This is with Emma Tall. Emma Tall did great by the way. I thought she would have shit the
Starting point is 01:12:08 bed in the interview. Yeah, Karen Friovas was great too. I was 18 and then it was 2019. So it was all just a bit, a bit new and a bit random. Yeah. Kind of the model that year with the amount of ways you can get there was definitely chaotic. Yes. There were so many different approaches. And then you could, you could get invited too. If Greg wanted to invite someone, he could invite whoever he wanted, which he did.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Hunter McIntyre. And I think there was someone else who was invited. I forgot who else was invited. Ben Smith. Um. Wasn't it, was Ben invited as well? Ben who? and why in Smith and who wow man how many there's a bunch of bands at the mother fucker how many bends I love this that's the chaotic yes. Yes. There's so many different approaches. And then you could, you could get invited too.
Starting point is 01:13:07 If Greg wanted to invite someone, he could invite whoever he wanted, which he did. Uh, Hunter McIntyre. And I think there was someone else who was invited. I forgot who else was invited. For a second, I thought he was faking that, but, but clearly he's not. Um, Was, was, uh, wasn't it, was Ben invited as? Is there one? Can you name one other Ben? Yeah, Kyle has. Coaching Laura. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Ben Smith. Was he? I don't remember he might have I'm not sure
Starting point is 01:13:52 Champ do you think if I came to Fort Worth with a Dave Biden sign he would get mad No, no Like by like him for Dave and Biden for president Biden for vice president. No just Dave Biden instead of Joe Biden Hey, here's the thing. There's a couple of things I'd like to point out to this to let Dave off the hook here. One, it just shows like one interviewing people is hard. You got to be staying up to every little thing they're saying. Two, it shows that like, hey, 2019 Ben was invited. Ben should not have been invited.
Starting point is 01:14:21 That was really weird that Ben Smith was invited. But three, that's what happens to CrossFit athletes. That's what happens to athletes in general. What have you done for me lately? So just remember that all you athletes out there who aren't taking advantage of staying relevant in the space. I mean, Ben Smith and Graham Holmberg
Starting point is 01:14:40 are two amazing fucking guys who are amazing champions that no one fucking is gonna remember Also in Dave's defense, I'll remember then doesn't seem yeah you will candidate to get invited But then was a Ben was a champion in a fucking insane era, right? Yeah I got a funny story about a Ben if y'all want to hear it, please um So, uh, somebody sent me something some equipment. I forget who it was. I think it was from the wad prep guys They sent me a tripod or something
Starting point is 01:15:16 but they signed it as uh, Ben Ben Dover and and my wife came home and picked up this package. And then she was like, there's nobody here. Like that's they must have the wrong house. And then she Facebooked and they're like the community Facebook group. Hey, is there anybody that missed a package that they were expecting?
Starting point is 01:15:40 And then like 30 people said, I think somebody's playing a prank on you. And she was mortified. That's what I'm saying. Missionary. Oh, and I felt so bad for it. It was so funny. So funny. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Just to let you know, this is a great clip. And then we're going to go to the climax of the show. But this is just another fun clip here. lets you know what a baller Dave is. She said, Emetal said that she used to work at IKEA. IKEA. Okay. And while living there, I found the CrossFit box and then that's how it started. Did you say working at IKEA? IKEA? Yeah. Like the furniture place? Correct. Oh, that's cool. I'm from, it started in a very small town in Sweden and that's where I'm from. Do you know they're pretty popular in the States? Like they're all over the place. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:38 That's funny. I remember when I was younger, I bought a few things and then sometimes putting them together was a pain in the ass. When I was younger, says the rich executive at CrossFit Inc. When I was younger, I used to shop at IKEA. He's having some moments, man. Was that 40 years ago? Jesus Christ. Now I purchase all my furniture assembled. Okay, this is gonna be the best part of the show.
Starting point is 01:17:03 This is fucking an amazing question. Have you guys seen this interview? This is going to be the most controversial thing but it's gonna be great. This is fucking awesome Emmental is great here and day. I think Dave's great too. I wonder what you guys are gonna think I think Dave fucking hits it out of the park. This is badass Okay. What is Dave's salary? He is filthy rich Okay, here we go. Great salary. For food resting. Okay, well before we go, do you have any questions for me? Uh, yes. Okay, I'm ready. So, if you could only program one event to find the fittest
Starting point is 01:17:41 on earth, what would that event be? That's a great question. One event to find the fittest on earth, what would that event be? That's a great question. One event to find the fittest. Is it something I create from scratch or is it something that exists either? Either, you can decide. It'd be a triplet. Probably involve thrusters, probably involve pull ups or muscle ups, and it involve running. Okay. To find the fittest, I would keep them
Starting point is 01:18:16 weight, moderate to light heavy. So maybe for the men, 135 to 155, call it 10 to 12 reps. Far muscle ups, maybe the same exact 10 to 12 reps. Toss in a 400 and call it four to five rounds of that. That's what I think. It's just an overall fitness. And here's why. The thruster is going to demonstrate strength and capacity, capacity to move a barbell,
Starting point is 01:18:44 rep it out. If you can move that well, you're a strong athlete. There's also a mental grind aspect of a thruster that I really like and appreciate that you have to fight and push through. Power muscle up at high rep. That's not a super high rep, but at five, four or five rounds, it's higher reps. It's obviously a very full displays full mastery of bodyweight movements, especially for CrossFit athletes. And then the run because running does matter and it does show some ability to move your body from point A to point B efficiently.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And you can see people who can do the first two things very well, but not be able to run. So you lose that measurement or aspect. So I think a triplet of those three things without giving it much more thought than just being put on the spot, like you put me on the spot, that would be my answer. Damn. I thought it was a fucking great, absolutely fantastic
Starting point is 01:19:41 answer, whether you agree with him or not. I just thought it was a great answer. Go ahead, Bill, chomping at the bit triplet trip triplet triplet thrusters Moderately heavy muscle-ups and running four or five rounds. It's a GWM. Are you kidding me? Like that's classic crossfit. You can't get much more classic crossfit than thrusters and pull-ups throw and running in there I like I liked his reasons for what he said. I I Throwing and running in there. I liked his reasons for what he said.
Starting point is 01:20:03 I think me personally, if we were looking at the games level, I would want the weight heavier. And if you're worried about the capacity amount or time of it, you can bring the amount of rounds down, but get the weight up a little heavier so that you do have a true strength component rather than just a pure capacity component. I think for these-
Starting point is 01:20:25 Like 185? Yeah, yeah, something like that. Something like that. Because I think when you're around there, because I think the 135, you know, 95 for games athletes is like 95, 65 for the regular population. So you got to up it up a little bit. Because I don't think Fran shows strength, it shows capacity. But so you need to ramp that up somehow.
Starting point is 01:20:48 But I like that. I think I would have said something like, I think when she first said it, the first thing that popped into my head was Holliman. Because it's a clean, it's handstand pushups and it's wall balls. 30 rounds of one, two, was it one, four, eight or something like that.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Same sort of deal. But I like it. I like that one. This is like his workouts like Kelly Yeah, right. It is. That's it. Kelly plus Do the first thing I thought of was either first cut or nasty Nancy nasty It's awesome at first cut it has everything I do that. I've ever done nasty Nancy. Yeah, it's it's ridiculous You have to be it's like the it's five rounds 500 meter run 15 overhead squats at 185 125 and then 15 bar facing burpees But to be able to push that and if you've ever done that workout, it's so much worse doing it than when it looks on paper.
Starting point is 01:21:48 It's impossible to run by any kind of fast. You have to be so fit to actually push this workout. And like those are not light overhead squats to go unbroken on this. Not for that many rounds. Yeah, but again, games level. The game level, that's perfect. Yeah, I like it. I think that that many rounds. Yeah, but again, games level. The game level, that's perfect. Yeah, I like it.
Starting point is 01:22:07 I think that that's awesome. First clip. I know it doesn't have a gymnastics element, but just fitness, I love this workout. Yeah, I think that, I will always say that the greatest event that was ever made was first cut because of what it had to do. I agree with that.
Starting point is 01:22:25 When it came out, I was blown away. I was so shocked at how good of an event that was. Four rounds, 400 meter run, three legless rope climbs, and then seven snatches at 185, 135. So running uh running snatches and uh legless rope climbs. Yeah. Cuz you're catching everyone who can't do
Starting point is 01:22:50 one piece. I mean when you see when you see top games athletes failing a 185 snatch, that's awesome. This kept Hunter. This kept Hunter out of the game. No, it didn't. No, the other one. The handstand walk one did. Yeah. Oh, well, that's fair. Oh, well, that was good.
Starting point is 01:23:05 That was good, Tyler. Ask Velner how this went for him. No one wants to ask Velner, but thank you for offering. Okay, this is what I'd like to do. I'd like to take these, I'd like to make Dave's workout for him. So let's take that triplet and what would the thruster,
Starting point is 01:23:24 how much should the thrusters be and how many reps? I disagree. If we're doing it, at least 225. I'm just gonna say it's a who could do it Tyler that's what the joke was. Oh gotcha gotcha. For the ultimate test for the ultimate workout just one to test the fittest man in the world using Dave's workout thrusters. I'd say 165. I like we just did it we just they just did clean and jerk for sets of 10 in at 185 in the semis. I like 155 just to keep it faster. Five rounds of 12 thrusters 165 dude, that'd be rough. Okay, so you Especially pushing the pace. Let's start there and we'll just okay. So we do 12 thrusters at 165 Okay, I thought you were saying with 10. Sorry. Okay five five rounds 12 12 thrusters 60 Yeah, and then 160 or 165? 60 total reps is what it is. Okay. And then, um, and then, and then how many muscle-ups and are they bar
Starting point is 01:24:28 muscle-ups or ring? Same. They're bar muscle-ups. Okay. 12 bar muscle-ups. And how far is the run? Not ring. 400 meter. I don't know why not ring.
Starting point is 01:24:38 That's a good question. Cause then it becomes a ring muscle-up workout. I don't think so. You got 60. That would be 60 ring muscle-ups. I don't need you got 60. It's just broken. I can go on broken on all five rounds of the bar. I can't do that on the ring. Like a lot of people can't.
Starting point is 01:24:53 Yeah. I'm just using it like as a, as a, as a temperature gauge, five sets of 12. Like I really think like only the Pat Belner's are going on broken the whole time. That's so many ring. Oh many Yeah, yeah her if you're pushing that type of workout Especially with like the tricep that you're gonna lock out on those thrusters Like then it just becomes a ring muscle-up workout. What about starting with the run?
Starting point is 01:25:17 You guys okay with the 12 thrusters 12 bar muscle ups? Yes start with the run. Absolutely get out there before they get into yeah Okay, I like runs at the end just because of the, I would say you end on the thruster that way people go for it and it gives the potential for people not like missing that last, you don't want what do you think? What do you think they'd miss more on the the last 12? 12 thrusters? No, you're right. You're right. So run thruster bar muscle up. Yeah, you're right. And then you have to be diligent whenever you come back to the bar, which is great because your legs not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:25:45 I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:25:53 I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that.
Starting point is 01:26:01 I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that. I'm not, what kind of a time cap would you put on that? Um, 20 minutes, I think 20. What's the total run? That's a hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Yeah. And why, and in five rounds is needed. Not, not, uh, not increase the thrusters maybe and make it four rounds. It may increase. No, I like the five. You do okay. Oh, so for this is the day workout. We've made it it's official.
Starting point is 01:26:30 This is the TDC workout. It's a four we made it for him. Uh, on July 19th, 57pm, Caleb Beaver, Bill Grundler, Tyler Watkins and John Young. A 400m run, 12 thrusters at 165, 12 bar muscle ups, 5 rounds. I think you'd have to be pretty darn elite to get that in 20 minutes. That's okay. But if we… No, no, no. I'm just…
Starting point is 01:26:59 Yeah, I'm letting you… Yeah, but that's how it should be, right? You should… How fast would you say? To get it sub 20, I think you'd have to be pretty darn elite. And so if Gazan and Ricky Gerard want to do this tomorrow to crown who the fittest is, they're only going to do one workout. What should the woman's weight be?
Starting point is 01:27:19 165, 115. 115. Yeah, that seems right. Are you sure? That that seems light for the girl that's what the conversion is That's it's all think about all that pressing on the posters and then that the bar muscle-ups I mean if you think about it two minutes for the run pressing you got which is slow two minutes is like And it gives you transition time so two minutes is like you're cruising. And it gives you transition time. So two minutes on your run, one minute for your thrusters, one minute for your bar muscle-up. You should be ahead of it in the first round
Starting point is 01:27:50 and then the second round, third round should be even and then the last round you're a little behind. Yeah. Wow, okay, so anyone out there, if you wanna, you and a buddy are having a dispute over who the fittest person is, we've solved that for you. This is the ultimate workout.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Dang, how is Chase and JR not like said something in the chat yet? They're not watching. How? How? Because we killed Chase. I'm shocked. Because we killed Chase. Chase is still at the pool, Bill.
Starting point is 01:28:18 That's right. Yeah, yeah. He hasn't left that bleachers. He hasn't put his shirt on. So here it is, ladies and gentlemen, if you need to solve it tomorrow, you can. Just you and your buddies go down to the park. 400 meter run, 165 pound thrusters by 12, 115 for the women, then 12 bar muscle ups, five rounds.
Starting point is 01:28:37 If someone doesn't finish in 25 minutes, they should just stop. 20. You missed to the stimulus. I thought 20 was elite. No, that's okay. I got you. Yeah. 25. I would say if you don't finish in third, go ahead and no, I mean, 20. That's so much space. Like if you're not in it in 25, then you're not good enough to do the workout. Change the workout. You know what's
Starting point is 01:28:59 funny? Elite is 15. That's no, no, no, no. I'd say like Matt Fraser, elite Matt Fraser is 15. How about Adler? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, he would be good. Yeah. You think I would be 15? No, I mean, okay. Like they're running 120. Yeah. Yes. Okay. That's 40 seconds off. That's 40 seconds times five would take you jump right into the thrusters. Okay, let's say say 130. Say 130. You take 30 seconds to do the thrusters. And then the bar muscle ups will say 30 seconds to so that's two and a half minutes, two and a half times five is is 12 and a half. Okay, and then and then obviously you're gonna fail
Starting point is 01:29:48 And then yeah, I would but like I would say the elite when I say the really elite I'm talking semi-finals like you've made semi-finals. You're one of the fittest people in the world. You're not at the game So Nick was right where where's this comment? So Nick Nick says elite time is 15. Hey, just to put that in perspective, that's running over a mile, 60 thrusters at 165 and 60 bar muscle ups, just like 12 and a half. Yeah, this is more like the top five. I love doing that with workouts. The top five at the games. Like the top five. This is your, they're way better than everyone. Preposterous, yeah. your, they're, they're way better than every preposterous. Yeah. Like, you know how we say there's a tier of men, there's like five men that are
Starting point is 01:30:27 in the running to win it. The that's the time for those guys. The, and Tia Tia Tia Tia. And like for the women, I think you take it all the way down to like Alexis Raptus like that tier and then Alexis Raptus, Emma Lawson, Alex Gazan, Emma Lawson, I already said her to NTA and Gabby Magawa and yeah like that's those are the tears you know what's funny about this workout to me is it feels like all hero workouts or old school CrossFit workouts that are named workouts they all have some little quirk like the weight will be 100
Starting point is 01:30:59 you want to name this Castro the weight yeah oh yeah on this drives me nuts. You want to call Castro or TDC? Well, I think Castro. Castro sounds more like symbolic. Castro, it's done. Go ahead and text him or tell him John Young made this for you. You're welcome. I'm going to take that clip that Bill JR already. I meant that clip that Bill made. Dave, we fixed it. And then we fixed it. And then he'll be like, who? John who? All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Thank you. Great show. We'll be back next week. John Young, Tyler Watkins, Bill Groner, Caleb. Thanks guys. We'll see you guys. Oh, what is tomorrow? Tomorrow's Saturday.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Oh, tomorrow's kill Taylor. No, I think there's a Dukic brother coming out. Oh, what is tomorrow? Tomorrow? Saturday, Saturday. Oh, tomorrow's kill Taylor. No, there's a duke. It's brother. Oh, by the way, Lazar Jukic tomorrow. There's a duke. It's coming on. How do you say his name? Lazar Lazar Lazar Lazar Lazar duke itch. Jukic Jukic Jukic. Jew. L dog. Jukic. Now, alright, we'll be Juke it you get you kids. Ju l dog to kitsch Now alright, we'll be back in five minutes to talk about the future of the country. Thank you. I'm over

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