The Sevan Podcast - 08/05/2024 CrossFit Games Daily News Show

Episode Date: August 7, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothia...n": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam! We're live from the hotel room. Can you guys hear me okay? How's this mic? Testing it out on you guys. It's been a minute since I've used this one All good everybody? Hola Hola Linda, hola I'm in Texas I've made it
Starting point is 00:00:23 Brutal trip. Got up too early. Didn't sleep on the plane. Some guy talked to me the whole time about how much he hates California and he's glad he's moving to Texas. That was fun. He was asking me why I'm staying. I let him know. Pull boy, what's up?
Starting point is 00:00:40 Sabeer, good evening. Ain't no way this happens on time. Fair enough. Met a few people today. A couple new people. Took some photos. They say everything's bigger in Texas. Does this include Seve? Oh come on. Barry McCaulkin or Bam, we're late. Howdy. 3am in Paris. Is that where you are? Your videos looks cleaner than in the studio. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Cleaner. I don't know what you mean by that. OK. There is. There is. A new contest, CrossFit Games is doing a contest. I kind of liken it to Homecoming King and Queen, right? I need to take a picture of this hotel room so you guys can see what I'm dealing with here.
Starting point is 00:01:40 It's not bad. It's just worth seeing. It's different. It's just because you're closer to the camera. All right. Fair enough. Uh, how was the Dave Castor? Dave was great. Dave was great. I had a good time with him today. Oh shit. My Instagram wants to re log in. Uh, David's great. I went out to dinner tonight with him and the him and the I went out to dinner with him. I'll leave it at that. Come on, send me Send DM via SMS instead.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Come on, baby. Can't even get into my own Instagram. Ah, there we go. Security code. I already did this twice today. I wonder what's going on. Trust this device. We won't ask you for a code next time. Thank you Not seeing you in a white shirt Mark hi, where'd you go? We went to dinner
Starting point is 00:03:01 So this oh the exercisers there. Holy shit Holy shit, okay, they're in I hadn't seen that before so this exerciser is a real thing Just assumed it was a bit. No, it is It is real. I've been watching videos on it I'm gonna give away a bunch of them The pro model like the 10x pro All you have to do is choose your size like if you like if you're starting with the three inch, five inch, seven inch or nine inch penis. From there just
Starting point is 00:03:33 it works its way up. But yeah it's gonna be a great sponsor. I'm stoked about this. Someone told me that Joe Rogan's first sponsor was the Fleshlight. I was like wow. Alright, so we're pacing. We're on track. CrossFit Games. Here we go. I've even brought my phone here. I think I can take calls. I just have to hold the phone up. That's how to watch it on ESPN. Top 40 men and women are headed to Fort Worth. Oh Who's your favorite 2024 CrossFit Games athlete nominate them for the new fan favorite award For the first time you and the CrossFit community will vote to decide which individual athlete competing at the 2024 CrossFit Games will receive the new fan favorite award. How it works.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Round one from now through Thursday, August 8th, from now through Thursday, August 8th at midnight, Central Time fans will vote for their favorite athlete from this year's CrossFit Games roster. Of the 79 athletes, the top 50 with the most votes will advance to the second round. Is it one man and one woman or could it be two women if the women get the top votes? This is very confusing already. This is very very confusing. Top 50. 25 from each? I'm already lost. A voting and will be eligible to receive the fan favorite award at the end of the 2024 CrossFit Games. Round two of the 50 finalist fans will vote. Oh wait, so all 50 get an award.
Starting point is 00:05:18 The top 50 athletes with the most votes will advance the second round of voting and will be eligible to receive. Oh, okay a little wordy Round two of the 50 finals fans will vote for their one favorite athlete from Friday, August 9th to Sunday, August 11th Oh shit, so it's just It's just one athlete gets it The athlete who receives the most votes will win the fan favorite award. Okay so it's it's just one. It's like it's non sex specific. See how I use the word right? Non sex specific because the two categories are sex male and female. Show your number one athlete some love and make your pick today. Wow. All right. That seems like a lot of work for me. But go over there,
Starting point is 00:06:11 make your vote. I'd vote for Colton if I went over there to vote. Probably. Okay, so that's that. Here's the CrossFit. Let's check out the CrossFit game story. I've seen those signs walking around the streets. Those are cool. Here's some footage from the track. Oh, we saw this yesterday. I did get a chance to chat with Tud a bit and Sydney Wells both very cool got to
Starting point is 00:06:48 meet them today what was that beast body language effort attitude self-talk team player okay Bethany such a great ambassador for the sport what is this? Uh, nope, don't care about that. Uh, nominate your pick, fan favorite, okay. Welcome to the new home of the CrossFit Games. Okay, okay. Alright, the U-Haul is parked at Will Rogers and Dickies. Tomorrow morning, 6am., we will have coffee ready for hundreds of volunteers.
Starting point is 00:07:30 We will be up at five in the morning making that coffee and then we are going to set up. What was that? Who was that? What the fuck was that? Ain't no holdin'. And what am I supposed to do with my life when Olympic gymnastics is over? Okay. I
Starting point is 00:07:47 Don't understand this Instagram. Oh, I understand this one. Here we go, Bill Henniger. Here we go CrossFit Games Oh, so they're building a rig there All right, let's go see Bill's post Damn Katie Henniger front and center Damn. Katie Henniger front and center. Is that the Zeus rig? Is that some new rig? Oh it says Zeus on it. So I guess that thing will be front and center all week. You don't put that up temporarily. Wow look at that monitor on the ceiling Wow circular monitor TVs on the inside and the outside
Starting point is 00:08:32 All right, that's cool There's Rick Modder Katie's dad Run the crane, let's see what else Bill's got Bill's probably really careful not to mess anything up here. Oh shit. What is this? The games are getting closer This is where the planning began uh I'm getting physics lesson, uh with c2 Okay, oh that's the old days wow That's Dave and Bill in the old days wow 2006
Starting point is 00:09:08 Crazy crazy crazy. What is this thing? 10 weeks ago. Alright. So that's that. That's the CrossFit Games Instagram. I did not understand half of those posts, but that's probably on me. I don't understand half the shit I see on the internet. Twitter's completely over my head. I don't understand anything in 140 characters. I heard it's called Hercules, half-born son of Zeus. Jeez, is that a reference to the Bellator, the great Bellator fighter we have on the show frequently. Come on. Robert, do you think the 2024 CrossFit Games should have been a week later, so no overlap
Starting point is 00:09:52 with Olympics? Maybe different audience. Why ask? Hmm. I thought the Olympics were over. That's a good question. I don't know. It's a great question. Barry McOchener, we need a Sevan review of the exercise. I think I sent Taylor one and I think Taylor is going to review it and then one of the listeners has already told me he will review it. I'm gonna do a giveaway here. I mean I could do a giveaway now if you guys want. You guys want to do a giveaway now for the exerciser We could do that if enough of you start clamoring for it you guys could text me your Address, why don't I do that? But listen after you get it. I really want you after you use it to call in
Starting point is 00:10:47 You know a week after you start using it or a month or a day or whatever and tell me about it because I think it's a great bit for the show. So there's the phone number. Go ahead and start texting me if you'd like to be entered into the contest to win it. I would prefer if you could give me a review of it. Did you use the exerciser when you locked the door last night? Nope. Au naturel last night. What's the packaging on the box? I live in a dorm on a Catholic University campus. Fair enough. The one they sent to my house is wrapped in a cardboard box I have and I haven't opened the box I'm kind of a little afraid to open the box to be
Starting point is 00:11:31 honest you sending to Australia I think so I think we are Joseph my son's name Joseph I like to pronounce the pH as a strong Joseph That's how my grandfather used to talk to my dad, uh bernie gannon. We've heard from zeus and hercules just now Do you think dianysus will make an appearance at the games or pop a smurf? Uh, let me know by the way guys if dave puts up his uh review Let's have it over to Dave Castro's story. Okay, here we go. There's a bunch of stories. Jeez. Okay. Let's pause that. Audio is on. Share the screen.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Barry McCaukener, I don't need the exercise. Listen, even if you're packing, I was reading about it. Supposedly it's just good for blood flow. I was reading the reviews on it and the three things that they said it did is major one guy reviewed it as major penis thicker first then longer but also more rigid so Jake Felton I just envisioned the thing to be the kids toy rocket you pump and then it launches at the push of a button it kind of looks like that it kind of looks like that all It kind of looks like that.
Starting point is 00:13:06 All right. The Dave Casper story. I believe this one is from last night. Okay. What do we have here? Inside the venue, they have full access to the venue. The carnival or circus is gone. There's a guy there. I think that's one of those machines to help you draw a straight line
Starting point is 00:13:26 They're putting the flooring down We have a beauty of the monitor scene. It's beautiful You can see there's not a bad seat in the house double decker Boxes are being sold from anywhere from five thousand to000 to $22,000 by the way. And so if you're interested, I think the smallest box holds four to six people and the big ones hold 16 to 18 people.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Maybe even I saw a box for 22 people or it was 22,000 bucks, I can't remember. I heard the food there is good. Trista Smith on the bars. Do you assume that this is the clean ladder they're testing? And that's a 35 pound bar. So it's 185 minus 10 and you assume that's 175. You assume that's 175? Is rigidity the same as stiffness? I don't know if it is but that's the way I was referencing it.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You know like harder rigidity like harder Rigidity is underrated. I've been saying it for a long time. I think you're right Step on did you want to fast you died this year? I did not I fasted two days before the games like probably like I told you guys about him I want to say like Two weeks before and then last week, but today, today I wouldn't say I fasted today, but today I didn't eat until dinner time, not for any particular reason. And I had, uh, I had goat tacos tonight, which were absolutely amazing. Absolutely amazing. Uh, nice pause timing. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:15:25 All right. Here we go. It's a noisy barbell. Steel collars. She looks like she had Smith 2 at 175. And then moving to the next bar. Knee sleeves on. Guy looking at his cell phone at the end of the arena. Goat tacos, were fried they were really good I'm telling you they were really really good I didn't eat the beans and rice. I did do some
Starting point is 00:16:36 extra hard workouts before I left. I did a bunch of muscle-ups a lot of bear complex I don't know what do you guys consider the bear complex? I don't even know if that's a specific Set of movements, but for me when I reference bear complex it's deadlift power clean hang clean to hang squat clean to thruster to Back squat to thruster. You know, so after the hang clean, I catch it in the front rack. I don't actually hang squat clean it, but I just hang it and then I
Starting point is 00:17:13 squat and then I thrust her in the front. And then I lower it to the back to a back squat. And then I thrust her to get off the back. And that's one did a bunch of those that I don't normally do. I did a bunch more muscle ups that I don't normally do. My kids were in the gym, so it was kind of cool. I had an excuse to show off. I've only had goat in Haiti and Tijuana when in the Navy. Not bad. Yeah, the guy told me it was the best meat on the menu.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And it was really good. Not sure what the bear complex is, but I keep it away from RFK jr. Ah Funny I get it The the the taco was fried and then sealed with cheese on the outside it was kind of crazy Yeah, and I have some bear complex Knee sleeves or shin guards or something when When I do deadlifts, I put them on. Have you ever had pink taco sev on? Yes, I have.
Starting point is 00:18:15 If you would like to sample the exerciser and then call in and review it, please go ahead and text the number below. I'll get one sent out to you. I don't know what Dave ordered. I didn't listen to his order. I Colton ordered the same thing I did. Okay, so Trista Smith doing the what looks like the clean ladder, but who knows. Jason McDonald in the foreground. It looks like Tetlo or Colton back there in between Jason McDonald and the... Oh, that is Colton. Okay. So Jason just barked some orders at him.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I think he said, are you ready? So they're probably syncing up some testing. Crane moving a segment of the Zeus into place. There's the truck in the background that Rick Marder was on. That was Tudor Magda. I want to tell you guys more about dinner, but I don't want to get myself in any trouble. But I will say, I'll hold on a second before I share that. It's not a big deal. Tudor walking around, nothing special on the bars. Let's go back one more time and look at the bars. So I can't tell if that's two blue plates and a black plate.
Starting point is 00:19:58 If that's two blues in a black, that would be 225, 245. I don't think it is two blues what do you guys think Tudor Colton I don't know why Colton standing over there I think I heard someone say are you ready ready? Dave Castro shirt. Someone got it said I can't make it to Texas for the CrossFit Games this year. So I had a little piece of it shipped here instead. That's cool. I'm sure someone will complain that he made $5 off that shirt. The Dave Castro and his team are turning this place into the CrossFit Paradise.
Starting point is 00:20:40 That's for certain. I did not go to Dickies today. I think tomorrow registration for the individual athletes, women first then men and then I'm hoping there will be an athlete briefing and I can attend that but I still need to check the schedule. Jake Felton 235 and 265 looks like the shorty bar no shit really so you think there's two 45s oh you so you think that one in the back one is 245 and 25s on it so that's 225 plus 52 75 where do you get to 65 at? Because the shorty bar is not 45 pounds. It's only 35. Is that the deal? Okay, I'll take your word for it. Look, look how much look
Starting point is 00:21:40 how much bar is sticking out. That's what makes me think it's not 245. You know what I mean? Like look how much look how much room there is to put more weights on there. Uh who made the Dave shirt? This is bullshit. Yep fair enough. I agree. The short bar is 35 pounds. Okay. Sevan, do you know where we would watch the run swim event? Where is the best spot to watch? I do not. I do not. Okay. I'll go past the shirt again. There's Dickies. I've heard the venue is spectacular. Oh, okay. Yeah, so there's dinner. I'm wearing the same shirt I'm wearing now. That was cool to see Colton in the CEO shirt there. That was awesome. I was proud. He's such a good dude.
Starting point is 00:22:45 It was just good. I just had a great conversation with Colton Tudor, Scott Tetlow, Sydney, Trista and Annika and Boz and Courtney were there and Dave were there and I got to do a little bit of chatting with everyone and it was easy. I didn't, I wasn't freaking out like talking to new people so it was cool. I mean I liked it. I was kind of surprised how comfortable I was. Jair Howell, they make shorties with the same collar length as standard 20k bars also. Oh well you would know. Yeah I had a really good time. Who else had a CEO shirt? I just had this one.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Sabir had a CEO shirt. He sent me a picture the other day. No, I didn't get rid of the first day nerves. first day nerves. Dave had a meeting and so I sat outside of his meeting today and I took some pictures with people and said hi. I spoke to some L1 staff. Lots of love for the show. Everyone says they watch the show. Tudor told me he loves it when I have the UFC fighters on. That stoked me out. Oh, okay. I'll send you a vindicate. Get you all your CEO shirts. I'll send you the new one so you can wear it this week. Okay, that's awesome. I'd love that. So, great question. How did. Okay, that's awesome. I'd love that
Starting point is 00:24:33 So great question how did it go with Dave's assistant so I got her phone number and I shared my location with her And I felt like that was a good first Interaction and so from there We'll see what happens I asked Dave if there were gonna be any new announcements before the games. I think he nodded. I think I got a nod. So there should be more stuff coming out soon. I'm surprised nothing more came out today actually.
Starting point is 00:25:00 The new CEO shirt looks sick. Okay, good. Maybe I'll go over and check it out now Partner apparel the sebon podcast. Oh, yeah, that's way sick. Yeah, I like it. It's like it's kind of a throwback to the original shirt Yeah, I'll rock the shit out of that yeah that's awesome oh you are no thing even better okay I approve take it to print.
Starting point is 00:25:51 Throw back the politically homeless. Yeah, I remember when we printed that for sure someone sent me a email saying that that's his line. Chris Giles, did you hear JR's idea for Kill Taylor for Taylor to do one of the game's events? Oh, that could be cool. That would be really cool. Noah Mitchell, that was not a short bar Trista was testing with. Let's see. Let's see. Never hurts to look again. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:26:40 He's got a point. It doesn't look like a straight bar, a short bar to me either. Anyone else agree with Noah Mitchell Jared and Taylor killed today's earlier show good. That's what I expect. That's the baseline killing chose Will there be a CEO shirts to purchase at the games I do not know Good question That boy that bar is not a shorty Jake Felton agree Kenneth the lap I disagree personally. I Mean just imagine her hand. She's pretty short. I think she's shorter than me. Just imagine her hands Reaching out and grabbing to where the collars are.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Sabeer and Kelly, any chance you decide to go to Dallas, Fort Worth, would love to buy you guys dinner and break bread. Oh, that's cool. Only shorty on the screen is Sevan. Dakota Ryan, there will not be shirts at the Games for Sale. We have 20% off the website all week. Use code games20. See when the tabs are inactive at a glance, you can turn off this new look and settings.
Starting point is 00:28:06 I have no idea what that means. Yeah. The venue looks absolutely amazing. It's going to be great. If you got tickets, you're going to be stoked. All right. Uh, maybe this is just a quick one. Do it has, um, has Dave put up his Maybe this is just a quick one. Has Dave put up his... Week in review yet? Or is Day in review? No he's not. Let me see if anyone has sent me a text for the exerciser. Okay. Hey, can I be entered to win the exerciser? Be happy to review it. Oh, sweet. Send me
Starting point is 00:28:49 your address. Okay, cool. We have a review. Oh, God, it's someone on a droid. Someone said hashtag big hogs giveaway. Oh, that's weird. It's from the same. Area code. All right. Any other topics you guys want to discuss? I think it's a quickie today. Anyone? All right 9 46 p.m. Central time that's 7 46 for me probably call it an early night
Starting point is 00:29:57 I Did hear I Did hear that Christine Bald, who runs Dave Instagram, is having to drive all the way from Boston, 1,600 miles to be here because of delayed flights. Jeff, what's up, dude? Hey, man. As the official Texan of the chat, I just want to say welcome to our great state. Oh, thank you. It already feels better. My Uber driver today was from Venezuela and he's like, is it true in California you can go into stores and just steal stuff? And I said, yeah, you can't do that here. He said that would never happen here. No, you get shot here. Yeah, he said something like that. He said you can't do
Starting point is 00:30:41 that in Texas. I go, that's weird. That's weird. That seems very close-minded of you. Well, you know, it is Texas. If someone needs to steal something, that means they must really need it. You think so? That's what I've been told. So that's what I hear. Yes. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:04 They needed it worse than you did. Are you, um, do you, do you, Are you, do you have tickets to the games? I do not have tickets. I am going to be at Farrington Field for Friday Night Lights and then I'm going to be at Vendor Venue on Saturday. Okay, cool. I look forward to running into you. It'll be awesome, cool. I look I look forward to running into you. It'd be awesome, man. All right, I'll make I'll make a I'll keep my eyes peeled for you on Friday. All right, I'll be around there.
Starting point is 00:31:32 All right. Thank you for the welcoming. You bet. We'll see you, Savon. Have a good evening. All right, ciao. Bye. Bye. Wow. Danny Spiegel may have to drive. She's still stuck in San Diego. Wow. Is that true? That sucks. I feel horrible for her. That is rough. Tomorrow, I think at 8 a.m., she's supposed to register. Someone just sent me a screenshot. It said, tropical storm Debbie, which may impact portions of Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina between August 6th and 9th could affect your upcoming travel with American Airlines.
Starting point is 00:32:14 At this time, there's no change in your flight plans. However, to be better to better accommodate. Standby I gotta take. accommodate standby I got to take I apologize for the... I know I was thinking about that too. I think you could read my lips I was trying to like keep my lips real close together like this But I totally think you could go back and read my lips. I didn't say anything crazy What are you up to tomorrow? What am I up to tomorrow? I don't know anyway back to the store
Starting point is 00:33:18 I don't know tomorrow if there's an athlete briefing. I want to be there for that. Okay, so the storm warnings At this time, there's no charge in your to want to be there for that. Okay. So the storm warnings at this time, there's no charge in your, uh, no change in your flight plans. However, to better accommodate customers, American is offering additional flexibility that may allow you to adjust your travel plans without a fee. I think that might be from someone on my team on the filming team. Okay. Yeah. So it sounds like, um, I think that might be from someone on my team on the filming team Okay
Starting point is 00:33:48 Yeah, so it sounds like There's some issues Kyle Dotson do you think CrossFit will ever get its own Sports Center type show on ESPN and What's your thoughts on something like that on real TV? I mean, there needs to be one just on the internet for starters, right? You don't even need, I mean, it would be cool. Basically what you can do is do what McAfee did, Pat McAfee did, right?
Starting point is 00:34:14 Just started on YouTube, get a big enough following, get a big enough show, and someone will purchase it and try to grab it from you. And usually that's someone like SiriusXM, ESPN, someone like that will but they have to do a show first they have to get something off the ground and and show that they can do it right so uh Anna Bartlett let's talk about her okay maybe not bring all if anything you guys want to talk about games related like gossipy
Starting point is 00:34:51 I don't know what the word is Cultural any cultural stuff you want to talk about let's do it after the games I about. Let's do it after the games. I go there. I want to have a clean, I want to have a clean, fresh set of eyes. I want to look at everyone like I love them. I want to be the example that I want the world to be. I want to treat people the way I want to be treated 100% the entire week. That's my goal. I succeeded last year with flying colors. So if I can do that this week, that would be awesome. Ken Walters, and I can do it, and I will do it. It's my natural state. And I feel best when I'm treating people how I want to be treated. My wife's flight from Indy today canceled and said may not get out until Wednesday or Thursday But it was Sun country. I don't know what that means Sun country. I
Starting point is 00:35:52 Don't think Even if Danny hasn't left yet I mean clearly I'm sure they'll give her an exemption for registration if it's a flight issue But if she hasn't left yet, she's screwed Alex I got to get to the games at some point so excited for you and everyone who's going enjoy it double for me. Hey, I really had a lot of fun last year and I Expect I'm gonna have a ton of fun this year It's a really good vibe here. It is a fantastic audience
Starting point is 00:36:28 The staff are great. It's a really good vibe a three-legged dog walks into a saloon and says I'm looking for the guy who Shot my paw. Oh That's good Wow, is this true the original kill Taylor winner Matthew will be on Glint tomorrow. Everyone watch and support. No shit. Oh, that's cool. Chris Guiles, I think Pedro is in town. And I did, when I came out of dinner tonight, I did see Brian friend I'm extremely tired. What are you mostly over your jitters? You look more relaxed than last night, but also possibly a bit tired I'm exhausted. I am like crushed right now. My eyes are burning
Starting point is 00:37:24 so crushed right now. My eyes are burning. So, so there's that. Where's Hiller? I think he's still at home. I don't think he should he's here yet. Only person I know I think I saw Pedro's here. Or I was texting with him and he said he was on his flight or something something about flying here. The guy next to me on the plane was like hey they brought the food and he's like you're not gonna eat your food and I go no and he said you don't look like you eat that stuff. I was like oh that's cool. I thought that was really
Starting point is 00:37:55 cool. There was absolutely zero protein on my on my menu today from the airport. It was a piece of like sugar bread You know like banana bread or something. It was oatmeal. It was an orange and it was grapes Seve read the Bible on the plane today I am I'm using the Bible right now to stack my monitor I Have my monitor on the Bible. I hope that's not sacrilege. Dick butter come on let's talk shit about the Wokies one last time before the hiatus. There's gonna be a whole year to talk about that. Let me get through this. Let me get through this. Thank you though. I appreciate it. It is a favorite pastime of mine.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Okay. You said it's more excitement among the CrossFit crew with the new location. Everyone's pumped, man. Everyone is pumped. I'm telling you, at dinner tonight, I had great conversation with Sydney Wells, with Trista, Annika, Colton, Tudor was a chatty, Cathy, Tetlow, Bosman, Miss Rife, everyone was awesome. Sevan, not that you need reminding, but you're living the dream. Thanks. I miss my kids a lot today. And, and that is a very,
Starting point is 00:39:30 I only had two cups of coffee today. That could also be why I'm so chill. I actually had one shot of espresso when I left from the, uh, left my house and then I had a cup of coffee when I was here, a large coffee and that's it. So maybe that's why I'm so tired. Um, I don't normally miss anything or anyone. I, I, I'm not even accustomed to that fit that feeling. It's a, it's a trip. I can't ever remember missing my mom or my wife or um, but, but today I was like, I was craving my boys and when I left them I felt it was emotional
Starting point is 00:40:08 I mean not like not like not like Crying emotional, but it was just but it was emotional Housekeeping Kempfer lap a paper street coffee 30% off all games week vindicate 20% off all games week including pre-orders also That's fantastic. It's a 40% off all games week including pre-orders also that's fantastic it's 40% off of fit aid the exerciser 20% off there peptides i think peptides might i spoke to sarah today i was texting with her and i think they might also do a promotion this weekfit's always just a great deal. Matuthian, no deals, but if you give a fuck about your teeth, you'll use that. If you give a fuck about your brain, especially if you have kids. My kids love that stuff.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Kate, get with the programming. That's Chase Young and Bill Grundler. Needs 20 more subscribers to get to 5k, which is their goal before the games? Uh go over there and subscribe. Oh, wait, wait though wait till i'm done. Um, or open another window Let me see one last time. I'm just trying to uh Buy some time to see if dave's video goes up I just refreshed the page Uh sevi's conducting market research on our behalf so all good. Okay, just so you know So paper street coffee is the official coffee of the sebon podcast. It's a proven athletics the official coffee
Starting point is 00:41:34 They have the beautiful very expensive new coffee shop. That's up in Nashville They also have one in the fancy neighborhood up in Jersey But here's the thing also. If you drink Paper Street coffee, you want to subscribe now before prices go up so you can get grandfathered in. No deals with Matuthian. Nope.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I don't know. I could probably talk to someone. Always stay in for long haul. Do not panic and sale. Sell off on a motion. Now is the time to buy more. I don't know what you're talking about, but yes. Is there a combo package?
Starting point is 00:42:19 Oh, this is a this is a great question. Daniel, is there a combo package for the penis pump and birth it? This is a great question Daniel Garret is there a combo package for the penis pump and birth it Paper Street coffee the real coffee of CrossFit That shit is strong. I'm telling you I had my in-laws over and I made him a Shot of espresso and I said hey do you want me to add water to it and my father-in-law is like no it's cool I like it like this he took one sip he's like oh and he drank it and he's like the neck and he was like later on in the day he's like I'll have it watered down this time he wanted to
Starting point is 00:42:57 know all about it he said can I get some I said yeah I didn't give him a bag of mine though. The beans smell so good they sure do. I think paper street coffee is roasted by the order so they don't roast your beans until you order. Linda Eagleman, Eagleston, the new venue is going to be easy for you maneuver through media wise or is it like a new girlfriend? No I was interested I asked Adrian about that and he said it's pretty easy. It's a it's just a circle And you can just walk around the whole thing I don't know if my access will allow me to do that, but at least it'll be easy to navigate I just have to like pick some doors or entryways
Starting point is 00:43:40 That I that I recognize the signs or usually they'll park some gym equipment or something next to a door and then you can start remembering Okay, that's the door you used to go outside That's the door right there that has the c2 bikes next to it that you used to go to athlete village just shit like that So once I get that down, there'll be no problem Roasted to order I can't confirm. Oh Wow Oh wow, 2024 Sevan versus 2014 Sevan filming the games, which do you prefer? I don't know. They're both good.
Starting point is 00:44:22 They're both good. Probably 2014. I didn't have to leave the kids. I had my wife with me You got to ask me ask me in the next day or two ask me Friday. I'm just really like Curious about access still you know what I mean. I just I got it. I got to see it to believe it I just, I gotta, I gotta see it to believe it. All right, let me refresh Dave's page one more time. I'm so glad I brought this extra monitor.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I wonder if I could show you guys the setup. I'll take a picture and post it to Instagram Zachary cadets I swear I need to distribute all the show sponsors wears in Australia on behalf of the show Individual shipping is the killer to here. Oh, yeah, I bet Yes, Fusil is still doing the Instagram I think she starts on Thursday. I was texting with her a bit today. Wednesday I have to head over to the Born Primitive booth. I ordered a pair of, two pairs of shorts, the short shorts. I think it's like a five or six inch cut and they said hey we'll just bring it to the booth so that's cool will you sign my SEVY card yeah I'd love to all right what do you guys think you think Dave's going to post soon?
Starting point is 00:46:08 I asked him at dinner. I said, hey have you done your video? He said no. I don't know if we're gonna do a KillTaylor this week. DickButter, where's KillTay Taylor taking place this week? Ah, I Don't know That is a great question, I don't know I Originally, I told Taylor we could never miss a week and then I called him a few days ago. I'm like, hey, dude Let's not kill ourselves. I mean it can't happen on Saturday Hey, dude, let's not kill ourselves. I mean, it can't happen on Saturday. I guess I guess it could, but I can't do the show Saturday. I guess they could do it without me.
Starting point is 00:47:00 It would have it would have to be like, I don't know. I don't know, maybe maybe we do it don't know. Maybe we do it Tuesday. Monday or... maybe we do it Tuesday. I don't know. That's a great question. Do you know where the barbell booth... barbell spin... booth is going to be? Seema, I do not know. I'm assuming Vend vendor village. I think they got a good spot as I recall. I think they're gonna be doing live podcasts from there. Matthew Fraser would be great to watch in person. We are doing our very first Kill Tailor in person.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Like big event where we're gonna take guests from the audience in Southern, California at the tear water Palooza event And that's gonna be awesome and that we're gonna give away five thousand dollars there if someone wins it Or you can win five thousand dollars. It's five hundred dollars for the first guy who attempts if he doesn't beat Taylor It's thousand dollars and it'll go up five hundred dollars and we'll let ten people try. So if the tenth person gets it They'll get the double duffel bag full of cash I think we're gonna just bring a duffel bag full of cash. I think we're going to just bring a duffel bag full of cash. And that's going to be sponsored by Paper Street Coffee. Can you believe 30% off? That is crazy.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Oh, they were saying maybe an affiliate, the house or Slater's Firehouse. Oh, they were saying maybe an affiliate the house or Slater's firehouse late Slater lives in Texas That would be crazy to do it at the firehouse I get Susie to do the show in your place heavy The thing is is Susie has the exact same schedule I have. So if I can't do it, Susie can't do it. Yeah, it'll be a mess. I could ask all those guys have the same schedule I have. Tyler, Pedro. I could ask the Glinton gals to do it, or I could ask Tyson Bajent to do it maybe Maybe that'd be cool if Tyson did it But he'd need some other people
Starting point is 00:49:08 Maybe hillar could still do it I don't know Uh, is there somewhere to find when and where each event is held? Yeah head over Um anything you'd ever need to know go to barbell spin It was so funny. I got something. Um, I got something for morning chalk up the other day. What was that? Oh, this was ridiculous. Let me show you guys this. I forgot about this morning chalk up. I didn't even know that was really still a thing. I, I can't figure out what happened over there or who reads that
Starting point is 00:49:48 But morning chalk up sent this out. Let me see if I can find it This article is fucking crazy, did you guys see this Share screen morning chalk up crazy. Did you guys see this? Uh, share screen, morning Chalk Up. Share. This is, this is from the morning Chalk Up Instagram account. And it says 2024 CrossFit Games, women's podium picks and dark horses. What does it mean? And dark Horses? Women's podium picks and oh maybe that's why I didn't understand. It's two separate things. Okay well I'm glad I read it with you guys because if these were the 2024 CrossFit Games women podium picks because there's no Dark Horses here right? Tia is the exact opposite of a Dark Horse. Laura is the opposite of a dark horse. Anna Lawson's opposite. Oh, dark horses. Oh, oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Oh, I'm so glad I looked at this with you. Okay, the first three are... Wow, this is a really shitty post. I guess they don't realize how retarded their audience is. Or I'm dumber than the average bear. Okay, so those are the podium picks and Then their dark horses are Daniel Brandon Alex Guzan Ariel Loewen Gabby Megawa Alexis Raff so it's Brooke wealth great Gracie Walton. So it's basically
Starting point is 00:51:19 They're just only picking first through third And they're too scared to go four five six seven eight nine okay I see I see all right at first I thought I was a dummy first I thought they were a dummy then I thought I was a dummy and I'm gonna settle on it's a shitty post all right I vote for an intermission for Kil Taylor and Dickie's arena if not this year definitely try to make it happen next All right. I vote for an intermission for Kyl Taylor and Dickie's Arena. If not this year, definitely try to make it happen next year. I mean, I mean that would be fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 00:51:56 That would be absolutely brilliant. That'd be so great. If they did that, that would be great for everyone. The crowd would go crazy, but I think the show is too contentious for them. I think it's too much risk. Ken Walters, The Last War on Dark Horses. They are Don't Forget About Us. Yeah, Don't Forget About. Daniel Brandon's a Dark Horse, meaning you don't even think she has any chance at all. Like she's below a Dark Horse. I mean, because she definitely has any chance at all. Like she's below a dark horse. I mean, cause she definitely has some chance.
Starting point is 00:52:29 But by dark horse, let me give you the exact definition of dark horse. I think Daniel probably is a dark horse, just barely. Just barely a dark horse. Dark horse. What does the phrase Dark Horse mean? The saying Dark Horse usually means an unexpected winner. For example, a presidential candidate who comes from behind to surprise everyone by winning the election could be considered the Dark Horse. is a dark horse. It's a person. Oh, no, that's not what is a dark horse in the Bible symbolizes famine is dark horse a compliment. Anyway, you get it. So she is either a dark horse
Starting point is 00:53:18 or a slightly below a dark horse. I mean, I think you still have to have some chance to be a dark horse. I don't think they understand what it means. You didn't swipe through it. I did. I did. I swiped through it. I went through it. I just didn't read it. I read it like I read that Pan American Games thing. Thought it was the Handicap Games, but it's not. Oh, that's, I think that's, now you're getting really accurate. Anthony TPA, Abigail Donut is probably a true Dark Horse. Kate, those aren't Dark Horses, those are the ponies lined up after the podium chomping at the bit dark course is someone like Shelby or Chris oh
Starting point is 00:54:12 like Chris Ibarra People who are fantastic, but not known yeah, I think Abigail Shelby Hattie can you Hattie can you at West Coast Classic would be an example of a dark horse. Well we've drilled down on that. Aibara, Aibara. God wouldn't that be crazy if Shelby finished in the top five at the games holy shit that would be so awesome I wonder if Shelby would do that you know that event we did with Dallin what was that semi-finals Dallin Jason Colton and Taylor what was that quarterfinals, semifinals, the open? We did something, some event quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Oh, Dave's video is up. Anyway, Shelby going against someone would be awesome. Oh, yeah. Three minutes and 19 seconds. Bedtime is so close. Oh, my goodness. Here we go, people. Let's do it. Let's party. Look how happy he is. He's happy because he had dinner with me. Okay, you guys ready?
Starting point is 00:55:29 Dave Castro's day in review Here we go Day in review Look how nice that room is Presidential suite is that a bar back there, like a little kitchen? Also Monday, which I typically do the week in review on Monday, but I'm just going to do the day in review today. Oh, he's more tired than I am.
Starting point is 00:55:55 August 5, 2024. So another big day at the venue. We actually got the entirety of the venue released to us because the carnival or the circus is out. And so they laid the floor down today. They installed Zeus. They installed another rig. So we have two pretty large rigs on the floor now. We have the floor completely laid out. Venue looks great. It's a really neat vibe in there. It's cool to see it all coming together. He was not like this at dinner. At dinner he was all fired up and charismatic and
Starting point is 00:56:33 shooting the shit. Chatty Cathy. Played with some of the clean ladder on the floor there. Okay, so it was the clean ladder. All right. If you look at my story on IG, put a couple things up. I actually put one up on my, I posted one too. And so it was cool to actually test some stuff out there. The athletes, the demo team, when we took them out there, they were all blown away by the stadium and the venue floor and the rig and just the immensity of it all. So really excited about how
Starting point is 00:57:06 it's coming together. We also did plenty of testing today. I did a lot of testing. A few team events, a few individual things, obviously the clean, then a few team things. Refined some stuff with Chad, so continue to press on that. I think we're in a really good place and I'm excited. What would they need to refine on Chad? And he gave a little snicker for everyone to see what and how we are going to do there. Also, tomorrow, athletes are going to start showing up. Let me say it with today. This evening, I had a team dinner with some of our team leads at Tana Hills in downtown.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Also had a dinner with the demo team. That was really cool. Small group, myself, Adrian, demo team. Savon came into town. So I actually invited him out to dinner with the demo team. I was really surprised. I don't know if he invited me as much as I inserted. I tried to go to the first dinner too, but I got, uh, the no-go on that.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And he came, he came with us also in that was at the, um, stockyards, not at Tannay Hills, but at another restaurant next to it and, um, came back, did some briefing, did some prep for tomorrow tomorrow is a big day the athletes will oh yeah so after dinner um him and some guys went up guys and gals went up to his room to do something he said some briefing so probably it's to lay out the schedule for tomorrow come on to camp it I did not do that I skipped that that part. I wasn't invited. Thanks to it.
Starting point is 00:58:48 In years past, I would have totally been invited. I'd have been everywhere. Maybe even last year I would have gone to that. This year, something's different. Came back, did some briefing, did some prep for tomorrow. Tomorrow's a big day. The athletes will come onto campus for the first time and they are going to start checking
Starting point is 00:59:06 in and get their gear from GORUCK and all the sponsors involved. And so tomorrow the campus is going to start getting crowded with external people. So we need to make sure everything's locked up and kept tight. And you have to do that because when the athletes get there the athlete coaches and the athletes start wandering around I remember that was the thing every year they start wandering around and you start seeing athletes and coaches in places you're like how the fuck did they get here um so everything we need to still keep it secret secrecy or keep secret is still kept secret and then we'll have a couple
Starting point is 00:59:46 announcements tomorrow we'll have at least one announcement tomorrow some clarification on one of the events and what it's gonna look like some further details and then Wednesday is gonna be a big day so big day tomorrow so there's a couple ways to hear what he just said. A new event announcement and some details cleared up on a previously announced workout or just some details cleared up on a previously announced workout. That was a little, let's listen to it one more time.
Starting point is 01:00:15 We need to still keep it secret, secrecy or keep secret is still kept secret. And then we'll have a couple of announcements tomorrow. We'll have at least one announcement tomorrow, some clarification on one of the events and what it's going to look like, some further details. And then Wednesday is going to be a big day. So big day tomorrow, huge day, another large day Wednesday with some cool big announcements. And then Thursday, we're off and running. So pretty close.
Starting point is 01:00:47 It's looking great. More work to be done. See you guys tomorrow. All right. I don't think it's an announcement tomorrow. Neither do I. Neither do I. Yeah, I agree with you, Michael. I think the announcement is the clarification on existing details and then I think Wednesday they're going to release a bunch of shit. I think the stress of the new venue is why it doesn't feel the same, Seve. It's not you, it's the move to Texas. Oh good, I hope so
Starting point is 01:01:28 uh I was thinking about going to athlete registration then I thought I don't normally film that anyway but I would love to go to the athlete briefing so basically what I'm going to do after as soon as I get off with you guys I'm going to pull up uh I think they sent us a schedule they sent media a schedule um They sent me the schedule. I'm guessing the athlete briefing is sometime after noon because they need the morning from 8 a.m. to noon. I'm guessing to do the registration. Let me see this.
Starting point is 01:02:01 He did mention, okay, so here's Sydney Wells also doing So what is that? That's 185 175 are those whites 10 185 195 plus 10 that's 205 is that the the the the the One. Okay, Sydney Wells. Do it 205. Yeah, that's what I see. Okay. Justin's is umbo. Oh, we may have a, um, we may have a debut for you guys.
Starting point is 01:03:32 Let me see if I got something new down here. Uh, no. I think we got a couple new affiliate commercials coming. No, they're still the same ones. I think we got a couple new affiliate commercials coming. No, still the same ones. All right, guys. Thank you. Thanks for being patient with my low energy and I will see you guys tomorrow. Oh, tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Annie Thor's daughter.
Starting point is 01:04:01 So check that out. 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time tomorrow. Annie Thor's daughter. Pretty fucking cool, right? So that'll be a good time. Alright guys, I will talk to you soon. And then hopefully Wednesday the plan is to do Rich Froning from Leadville. So we got some cool shit. Alright guys, love you guys. Bye bye.

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