The Sevan Podcast - 08/2/24 CrossFit Games Update Show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 my drink welcome to the CrossFit Games Update Show Tyler Watkins giving away $10,000. Again. What up? Again. Giving away sweet piece of ass and $10,000 John Young, JY Barbo. John your hair looks really nice. Thank you. Pains me to say something nice to you. Your mic's not working. I feel better about that. Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you, honey. Bring me the drink. J.R. Howell, founder of CrossFit Crash, Crash Crucible, Crash Crescendo and caretaker of the dynamic duo, Taylor Self and Jason Hopper, making sure those two don't get into a scrap. I never know if J.R. is going to talk or not cuz now his mic got a goddamn stand I'm doing a podcast. Can I call you later? Thanks. Bye. Is that what this white box is called? Is that the one you normally hold? It's the brand. Yeah, do you kind of like it when I when I give you one of them?
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah, then I know we can do that. Seve, shut it Yeah, then I know we can we can do that heavy shed it Tyler Watkins up there with the gangster headphones is doing the heat one app It is the best and only place you can play the games the gambling games They're g-rated, but you still can win ten thousand dollars. He drinks fit aid I do drink fit a for 40% off click the QR code We will go through more and more as we get closer to the date We will have shows where we download the heat one app and we play along with you But you might as well get started now
Starting point is 00:01:32 It is easy to win ten thousand dollars and you have to know that like there's no experts It's only jackasses. There's only people who think they're experts and then there's there's John Young That he's in his own separate category and then there's there's John Young that he's in his own separate category And then there's just the rest of us, but we all we put in that we put stuff in there to screw John up Anyway, also the prizes are missionary. Yeah The prizes are going up Proven proven is giving out fifteen thousand or fifteen hundred dollars, they're running their own league. And then WOD Prep, John Young's buddies,
Starting point is 00:02:08 they're giving out $500 gift card to BoxBasics. And the Sabon Podcast is also gonna, no we're not. I thought y'all were gonna give a exerciser, right? To the, whoever won the Sabon Podcast. Yes, yes, yes. Suicide by Taylor Self. Once used by Taylor Self. Right? To the whoever won the Oh! I used one Yes! You Signed by Taylor Self Once used by Taylor Self, oh my god
Starting point is 00:02:30 So I was doing a little research That's for a different show, wow What if you just auctioned off Exercisers used by the cast And we'll see who gets the most money I feel like JR's forget the most I just sent an email back to them They said, hey do you want to give away some,
Starting point is 00:02:46 just as part of the show? And I started thinking, I only want to give them away to people who will use them and then call in and give like testimonials. You know what I mean? Isn't that a great fan base for that? I feel like at least three, what happens with the hydro pump? Okay. Uh, great. We have great show for you. This one's going to be fun. fun. Before we start the show, I did want to show you this. We are doing a video contest. You can win $5,000, $3,000, and $2,000 brought to you by 2brain and the Sevan podcast. And the rules for the podcast, the affiliate video contest, are I think down in the show notes. You can click on it. I think
Starting point is 00:03:24 it's gonna be pretty easy to win because I don't think we're gonna get a lot of entries So you'd be stupid not to enter plus. It's a great thing to do for the Just it's a great thing to do But I saw this video on Instagram the other day and I thought wow this could have been turned into just one This is a perfect example of a 90 second submission I mean ideally it'd be a little bit nicer than this, but this is a fucking great story here.
Starting point is 00:03:48 This is a story about a, well, I'll let you watch it and then I'll give you the synopsis. Why is fitness important to you as a mom? Cause it, I think it helped me get her, getting in shape, eating right, working out, coming here. Took us five years to get pregnant with loss and IVF. And during COVID, we got healthy. And then she came on her own. What a powerful, great story. Woman wants to get pregnant, tries medical procedures, can't, gets in shape, gets hotter.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Dude has, I'm guessing the only thing that happened is she got hotter when she got in shape and the dude had twice as many directions, which led to twice as many ejaculations, which doubled the chances of her getting pregnant. Some people say it's, uh, it was a hormonal imbalance that was fixed by her eating and her diet. Uh, maybe he got in shape too. Maybe he wasn't able to get erect until he, our sperm don't get affected when we're fat tubs of shit. I don't know if that's true. My brother, that happened to my brother. He, uh uh he's a welder and he was like my brother kind of lives life burning the candle at both ends and so he's a welder so he's working all the time and then
Starting point is 00:05:17 covid hit and he took like three months off where he wasn't doing anything and he got pregnant immediately. Um from getting in shape or from fucking a lot and he was getting in shape at the same time Yeah We had we had a doctor on the show early on in the podcast that said uh penis injuries fucking Skyrocketed during covet you get any penis injuries during covet chair. No, you just worked right through it. You didn't fuck more Sustained injury but hey and and uh, uh, uh jr's wife's a nurse. So, uh, she didn't let him Two years she wasn't let him have sex for two years. She wasn't having sex for two years.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Forms of whatever. Same shit. Don't ruin my story. Come on. You've seen this house. You think it's from being a gym owner. Get out of here. His wife peddles drugs. Caleb Brever. Caleb, can I bring you on the show? Bring the beef up. Yeah, let's have the beef. There's the beef. I sent you over the notes. I'm gonna switch places with thank you. There you go. The star of the show. That was on accident. Star of the show in the center. John Young, senior analyst.
Starting point is 00:06:13 J.Y. Barbell. All kid inside if you want to get strong, you can contact John Young. It's no joke. Everyone knows he's strong. Strong as shit. You want to get strong. He is a very caring man, generous man with his time. A wholesome man, but he also has the secrets to getting strong. And I ordered way too many shirts on accident. My wife was very mad about it. So hopefully I will sell them. He ordered seven. I'm going to sell them all weekend at the, all week at the games at the spin cast booth.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So if you want my wife to not be mad at me anymore, please, please support that cause. Hey, John, you know what I would do if you really are going to sell those at the booth? You know what I would seriously do? I wanted to do this. I would get a sign that just has your QR code to Venmo and just say, Hey, take a shirt and Venmo and honor system and let Jesus fucking lead the way. I'm serious. Jarrett, tell him it's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Dude, that's what you can do. I will do a hybrid of that idea, Sevan, for sure. Right, Jesus is watching on the- Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, I like it. Jesus is watching. If he wants you to steal it, you steal it. I actually think she's gonna be there selling them. She'll have the Venmo code, but be there supervising.
Starting point is 00:07:28 She's not as strong in her faith as I am. So she'll be supervising that payment. I told her to make 20 of them and bring them, the pigs and the rabbits. Yeah. Hey, I'm telling you you I wish that I would have printed Fucking 500 shirts and left them on the table with the QR code. I'm telling you people will not steal Well, it was it was about that many Yeah, these guys aren't stealing CrossFit Games International Television broadcast set to reach 116 countries across the globe.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Congratulations CrossFit. That's really cool. I saw in the United States it's going to be on ESPN. Absolutely fantastic. Absolutely pumped for that. Big congratulations to Dave, Jenna, Heather, all the teams out there working. Dawnfall, anyone who's proud of the team. It's really, really cool. That is a true event that Rising Tides raids all ships. So more people will, you guys get more eyeballs, we get more eyeballs. So win-win. So thank you. Thank you for doing that. Stoked about that. I wanted to also do a little more house cleaning. Paper Street Coffee, they had their grand opening over at Proven. I'm hearing it is a complete fucking chaos over there because they, in a good way, the people are absolutely loving the coffee.
Starting point is 00:09:01 My in-laws are in town and they normally don't stay with me and they're staying with me. And they said this is the strongest coffee and best coffee they've ever had. So I just wanted to let you know that place is open. We talked about it earlier, but I want to reiterate it because I saw it also on Dave's video with Nick Johnston and it sounds like they're pretty happy. It was cool that Dave brought that up. I love the garage doors. Yeah, it's cool. So congratulations to Gabe Paulina and the gang over there at um, Paper Street coffee. We are also going to have some incredible deals and some releases
Starting point is 00:09:35 Uh, it is the official, uh drink for um the sebon podcast for proven, uh, Paper Street coffee is uh, the official official, uh, Instantly get caffeinated and cracked out drink drink it every morning Okay Workout four has been announced. We will be going over that we will be going over the fact of the the The fact of we'll go over some theories that triple unders were leaked and so Dave Castro also had to leak it And that's my theory. I thought that was pretty cool before we do that I just want to say I want to go through the women really quick who are not competing this year, who would have had a
Starting point is 00:10:10 dramatic impact on the CrossFit Games this year and just give a little nod to them. And also it gives a little hype for the next year. The women I just quickly put together on the list are The women I just quickly put together in the list are, um, um, Emma, Carrie, uh, Annie Thor's daughter, uh, Catherine David's daughter, uh, Mal O'Brien and, uh, Paige powers. What a list. Crazy, right? You're talking about like retiring. I would say Christie Aramo as well.
Starting point is 00:10:39 But she's out now, right? She's out. Right. She's out. The other girls, we don't know what the fuck. Well, we know Paige will be, we know Paige. And I think, I think Paige is the most certain one that we'll see again. And in my mind, it was injustice that she's not here this year. Mal O'Brien, I mean she could end up being up there with Who's the other Emma? Lawson I'm a Lawson right as the future of the sport if she decides to get back in the mix absolute freak of nature
Starting point is 00:11:16 Anyway, did I leave anyone off that list? Such a long list already Emma Kerry Annie Thor's daughter Katrin David's daughter daughter, Mal O'Brien, Paige Bowers. Olivia Kerstetter. Oh, uh, Kerstetter didn't make the games this year? Wow. But she tried. Yes, yes, she tried.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I'm just talking about people who never even got into the game. Who's out, Who's out? Didn't compete. Didn't compete this year. Sarah Sigman's daughter tried, right? Well, I mean, Paige tried. Yeah. She did try.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Got sniped. She took an ear shot. Extinuating circumstances took her out. We're not talking about Rebecca, Sarah, or Sydney, or Ellie. We're talking about good people. Yeah, we're talking about top 10. Yeah. We're talking about top 10, top 10. So let me, let's go through these. This year.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Uh, I think it's fair to say if Emma Carey was there, would she be top 10? I think she'd be, yeah. Yes. I would say Annie top 10. I think Annie would have a harder time than Emma Carey, but she'd be around there. Uh, you never can tell with any. I think Catherine would top 10. Yes. Top 10. You think Captain is better than Annie?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, I do. And they're in their current at the games. I would say yes. Oh, I don't. Anyone disagree with that? I disagree with that. I don't think it's as clear cut as that. What do you think, J.R.?
Starting point is 00:12:41 Who's better? They show up in the prime next year. Not in their prime, but they show up at the best. They can be for who they are. Who do you think JR who's better if they show up in their prime next year they not in their prime But they show up at the best they can be for who they are. Who do you think wins? Who do you think finishes higher at the games? Yes, sir I would still probably go with Annie. Yeah, okay in Tyler for the tiebreak Annie. All right, John you lose again Mal O'Brien top 10 top 5. Yeah, I Would say I would say right around 5. I wouldn't pick her a top 3 if she came back until she did it again
Starting point is 00:13:13 Okay, we all agree though that he uh, Laura Emma Lawson, right? Like like first second third place are taking this year at the games, correct? I think thirds up for grabs I think Emma's the person to, she's the front runner for third, but I think third is completely up for grabs between her, Alex Gazan, Alexis Raptis, and Gabby Magawa. And Ariel Owen? Nope. Okay. Howdy can you? God.. Abigail Domen. No. All right. All right. And then Paige Powers, top 10 or top 15?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Top 15. Top 15. Okay. So you think she's, you think Katrin and Annie are better than Paige? Yeah. Okay. All right. Oh, oh my goodness. Yeah. Okay. All right. Oh, my goodness. Oh,
Starting point is 00:14:07 my goodness. I'm throw her on the list. Ellie Turner dish which she should be there. The question is, would she make the cut? She won't. I don't think she's. These events are high. There's not I don't know what the spring they have the rest of her out of the lake dude every single event so far wouldn't be good for except a sprint carry we don't know what that is it's a sprint carry do we know that that's that's like all we know that in the star oh okay so it's not just a sprint it's not oh sprint carry okay and then a 1600 meter run. Right. Okay. And I'm
Starting point is 00:14:45 assuming, I think we can kind of assume that that's two separate scored events if because the schedule is out and there was only 11 times that the athletes take the field. But it was, but it was Sunday only had two. Right. But I don't think, so you think Sunday is going to be the two scored event? Right, but I don't think so you think Sunday is gonna be the two scored event No, so I think it's three three three two Right, but he said there would be 12 or more events. Okay. Well that no I mean, I I think Sunday still could have a slot that's not there or I think there could be a multiple scored event But I don't necessarily think that it is the the spring carrying the mile I don't think it is either because he says event six, I think it's going to be
Starting point is 00:15:27 scored as one. I think he would have put events six slash seven or five slash six or whatever. I do too. Uh, Larry young sub boys, donut could shock us. Thank you, Larry. Hey, that's the whole thing. I think what Larry's saying is it wouldn't be a shock and I also think that the way that workouts written He's trying to test your ability to do both. Well, he's trying to test recoverability
Starting point is 00:15:53 He's not just gonna give a hundred points to someone who can just empty the tank on one to win it and just dog the Other one and just every single time they've had a recoverability event. it was multiple 100 points events, though it's never been not that right, one ring or two other the 2016 when they did the sprint, the carry and the handstand walk every single time just going to run 2000 and the that was two separate 100 those two separate when they had the 2k they've never had one where it wasn't worth 200 points at least under Castro. You think that they're going to change that? Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Do you think it's going to be 5050 or something like that? Yeah, I think that's what it will be. Why? Same reason why he came out and said the open isn't the place for Wonder at Max this this year. That's just how okay. I just think he's starting to change his mind on some things. Maybe he's done 50 point.
Starting point is 00:16:52 They've done 50 point events before right. The skills they've done 50 points. But like when it's been a recoverability test where you do one really hard and then you have three minutes and then you do another one. It's always been two 100 point things or of an an event within an event, like Pendleton 1 and Pendleton 2, that was still two 100 point things. How much did you spend on that doorway? 170. But we've had conflicting... He said on a show, right? And we can review that that wasn't the way.
Starting point is 00:17:21 No, that wasn't the way. But it laughing off. He says it on there. So we don't know. So here's the thing. Why not have them carry that one time around the track and then you put it and then there's no there's no recover and then it's run a mile. Just all one. It says rest. Says says rest. Oh, that's weird that it says 170 there and he's saying it's not 170. We have any idea how big that thing is? Have we seen it next to a person holding it? 170, I bet it's like... No, I think it's probably like a Houssifel and just real thick. A Houssifel bag.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I mean, shaped like a star, but I would say like a little thick. A bag. I mean, shaped like a star but I would say like about that size. I bet it's two and a half three foot across at the widest points. Alright. Uh little more house cleaning before we get into the workouts. Uh Josh Pertle,
Starting point is 00:18:22 Fluffy Duck. been on the show a couple times. a couple three few times. Top five CrossFit Games athletes. According to this guy, Bert Kreischer. Get in there. So there's like five dudes that are the goats of CrossFit. Yeah. Okay. It's Rich Froning, Matt Groening, or Matt Schaeferfer met something. Yeah, and Josh bridges and just bridges. Okay
Starting point is 00:18:52 That's pretty great That's some like some Hiller Rankings savant. He definitely watched one of your documentaries if he's throwing Josh bridges in there Well, he went and worked out your documentaries. If he's throwing Josh Bridges in there. Well, he went and worked out with Josh, didn't he? He went to- John, we have some housekeeping to address real quick. Real quick, Sevan, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I couldn't help myself and I was pretty sure I was right and I had to go back and look. The handstand walk, suicide in the plow, we're all 50s. Okay. The handstand walk? That was a test for JR, he passed? There was a workout called the suicide roll. It was a suicide sprint basically is what they called it. Like you run suicides in basketball. What year was that?
Starting point is 00:19:32 2016. Is that the same year they did the softball toss and all that shit? No, no, no, no. Yeah, they did. They pulled a sled that looked like it could be used for like, filling or aerating a field like it was a plow is what they called it. And they did that as the third of like a back to back to back with
Starting point is 00:19:57 some rest in between handstand walk, suicide sprint, and then that's lipple. This is a neomatics. No, neomatics.. Oh triangle sled. Yeah Fisher Garrett Fisher won the sled And Stan walk was Matt Fraser and then he was second in the sprint Gamboa won the sprint. Yeah, you know the only 50-point events I remember or the L sit the weighted pull-up
Starting point is 00:20:24 50 point events I remember or the L-sit, the weighted pull up. And that was the skills. The baseball throw. It was the broad jump a hundred points or 50 points. No, that would have had to have been 50 points. I hope it was 50. The broad. I don't remember this too.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So this, Oh, this was a 50. I do remember this. Oh, yeah. There were like, they were the, all three of of them were like they took the field once to do three different single modality. And your rest was the time that the other heat went right, right, which I thought was pretty cool. I like when they do that they didn't that hat trick as well. And I thought that was pretty neat. So that was 150 points total. Mm hmm. Oh, interesting. Okay. I don't I
Starting point is 00:21:03 don't remember that scoring. Okay. To interesting. Okay. I don't remember that scoring. Okay. To JR's point, I don't know if he agrees with me, but I really like it when they do things like this or when they do things like the skills where they test multiple things, but they're just too short. It by itself is too short, but it shows you what people are capable of. No, I think it's really cool. When scored properly, I think it's really cool. Derrick Summers for the star, people assume, I don't know if assume is the right word,
Starting point is 00:21:33 but I'll let it pass. People assume the last two characters are LB, but they could easily be 16. So just some random code. No, it's 1,760 pounds. Can we see that one more time Caleb? Thank you, Derek. You're reaching Derek Summers. Yeah, but that tells me if you go to page 170 and Line number 16 and to kill a mockingbird. There's a clue there
Starting point is 00:22:03 Okay, what? So that's like it's it's a That's its barcode like number it's what are those numbers called when you sell it's like it's been Yeah, kind of like it's been number, but it's like it's numbered Do they sell that already on the road website No, they can't because then we know how heavy it was. Oh, okay. All right. Fair enough, Derek.
Starting point is 00:22:31 You can make it how heavy as you want. You can just add different fillers for sure. Because it says that it's going to be a certain weight. It's going to be that weight. Yeah. You get a hundred pound sad bag and fill it with birdshot and it's going to be 200 pounds. Just because I identify that way, John. That's fair.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Yeah, exactly. We're in a fluid society, John. Sorry, I tried to think about it logically. All the old guys chime in skew number lot number UPC. No, no, sorry, cross it not serial number. Nice try though. That's like VIN number. It looks like 190, not 170 to me. Jesus Christ. No big model number. Mike, did a single girl say, say like a number type? Yeah, click on one of those. Let's see if they got a number or something.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah, who's the fellow? He's got anything in the QR code maybe even. Yeah, that's 170 pounds. What Dave said it's not fine. I do think it was the most BA move to start typing triple unders and then backspace. That was the A that was a major move to say BA. He's done that a lot recently. He's really big on the BA right now.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Hey, I bet you he like someone I bet you he went to a sermon one Sunday recently and they're like, and your language matters. And so your people are listening to you and you should not use vulgarity and John's like, Oh, I like that. I'm going to incorporate that in my my right, John. No, Caleb, will you just indulge me and like, just, just go to the search and punch in client holds, please. I just want to just just for my own just for it's got to still it's got to still be sold out click on it it's got to say notify me oh look at it yeah still don't still still notify me oh so you think that there's a shortage of them because they shipped 800 of them to the games. It's been that way for two months now. Oh, Bill. Oh, Bill. You're slipping. That doesn't mean anything. I know.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Oh yeah. Don't try to. Might just mean that no one buys them and they're just tired of you. They're tired. They're tired of making one every whatever. If they knew better, they wouldn't make this for the public just like they do with all the other game supplements. Man, oh man. That's precious. Just wishful thinking to see something like that.
Starting point is 00:25:13 All right. What else? One more piece of house cleaning here. So if we did five best crossfitters, qualified wall band, kind kind of interesting story not much here But I guess one of the Masters athletes barbell spin reported was on the band list I guess she's not banned anymore, but when she qualified she was banned. Do I have that story, right? I didn't read it. I just it's kind of like the guy who chopped off his finger Did go to the pen to the here we go update a March of Van Glenn and
Starting point is 00:25:49 Bagel via disqualified from mass from Masters CrossFit Games. I don't think CrossFit has put out anything official Earlier this week we reported the Masters athlete Marsha Van Glenn Wagle had failed the drug test back in 2021 during the European Masters weightlifting championships following the failed test test, Weigel received a four-year sanction from the International Masters Weightlifting Association, IMWA. That is in effect through October 17, 2025. So there's your answer. She was. That's for her. Sorry, Marcia. Anyway, see you next year. Pretty cool that you got it out before CrossFit did.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Yeah, that is pretty cool. Now, three days after our original reporting, CrossFit has informed Vagle that she will not be able to compete in the Masters CrossFit Games. Her name has also been removed from the leaderboard in the CrossFit Games site, leaving only 29 chicas. All right. Chicas. Alright. See. Uh, Katie Gannon. Always a class act.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It's 910L1. Dumb asses. Got it. Fair enough. She knows her audience. Okay. Uh, let's do it. Let's, oh no, let's do one more
Starting point is 00:27:06 thing before we talk about the workout. One more thing. Let's go to YouTube video. No, no, let's do the workout. And then I want to talk about Tia retiring, whether to have a little talk about whether Tia is going to retire this year or not. Let's go over the workout. We do know before we do that, we do know that the first workout is run, swim, run, run, swim, swim, run, swim event. It will be probably at six or 7 a.m. on Thursday morning. We also know event number, uh, six.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Well, before we go to four, we also know that was the one that was released today, right? At four. We know. So that's Thursday. We know event number six, is it six? Yep. And that is Friday, sorry, yeah, that's Friday night. I can't believe I'm the runner. That's Friday night and that's the sprint mile run. And then we know Saturday morning, the final event before the cut Seven which is the Chad with the twist and then we also know the first workout that the remaining athletes will do Which is a some sort of ladder clean ladder
Starting point is 00:28:15 And that will be event number eight and then today on a Friday Event number four released all the athletes will be doing this and we can watch together. Watch very closely people. Watch very closely. Watch as each letter is typed out here. Dave Castro released this today. Volume up. Event, individual Imagine having your ring around all day and being good Castro or seven. Do you think this is the only time you miss spells climb? No, he knows. Nope. There it went again.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Oh, sure. Do you think he did? Well, we need to think about. No, oh, it bothers me so much to write four time last. Before it's actually over. He does that every single time he can't. He does that every single time. He can't... Oh my god, it keeps going. Oh my god, dude.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Look at the emojis he has on there. the it hurts. It hurts. What do you mean you want you think you should be thirty? No, you write you write it. Well, yeah, fifty slash thirty would have been nice, but you write it at the top. The first time each movement appears in the workout, not at the bottom. And you want to keep it the way it is changing. Listen, if he does it on purpose, he is so good at it, at writing things differently, like just to make people nails on a chalkboard. He's really, really good at it. Or he's just semi-retarded. I'm pretty sure he uses the tranny shrug emoji. Pfft. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha not tranny but thank you. Sorry, sorry my bad non-binary. Learn your lingo. Okay 50 deadlift, 5 rope climb, 50
Starting point is 00:30:48 cows on the ski or 5 rope climb, 50 GHD sit-ups, 5 rope climb, 50 GHD sit-ups, 5 rope climb, 50 cows on the erg, 5 rope climb, 50 deadlifts. So what does that end up being? That ends up being a hundred, is that deadlifts? That's a hundred deadlifts and that's five, 10. 25 rope climbs, 100 cow ski and a hundred GHTs. A hundred GHD. And what was the other one? A hundred what? Ski-er, cows.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Okay, cows, a skier. Okay, before we get to the workout, so he started to type in triple unders, right? Or he was searching Trump assassination He thought he was on Google Jr. Misdirection or or because he knows it's already been leaked. He's got a leak it out there. Just like he did The thing with Trista Smith on the box No, I think he's either having fun with everyone and it's really not coming and that's Uh, the thing with, uh, Trista Smith on the box.
Starting point is 00:31:49 No, I think he's either having fun with everyone and it's really not coming. And that's like pretty clever of him. Or he's just like, yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. So make sure you're ready. Here you go. And then the leave it. And which one do you think it is? The second, the second, uh, John, I think they scrapped it. You think that so you... For Zeus Pro double
Starting point is 00:32:09 unders or for no jump rope at all? I for anything I don't know if they are going to do different double unders but I think they had triple unders programmed and then they're not going to be programmed anymore. I think they just either they just scra it, either the workout or that movement in general. I think that's what's going to happen. So if we see a special type of double under, like you just said, the heavy double unders, I bet that was supposed to be triple unders when we, if that happens in a workout.
Starting point is 00:32:39 Let me throw this out there too. When the athletes go out there and test the workouts, they're never told, okay, this is the workout. So he could easily be like, hey, Tudor, I want you to do triple unders, you know, 21-15-9 with thruster 21-15-9-135 go. And then Tudor does it and he doesn't know Well that he could do that workout and be like I didn't like it we won't do that workout Yeah, that's what I mean. So he could have five people test it and then be like They think it's gonna be in there, but it's not But but do you think let me ask you this. I do think that that someone leaked it
Starting point is 00:33:25 Here's what I think. I think it's gonna be there and someone leaked it and it's Dave just covering his ass. It's not gonna be there. Someone leaked it. Tyler, do you want to say who it is? No. Oh, oh, wow. I don't know who it is. John, he's trying to get, he's trying to get me to get the phone call too. He's fucking wielding that shit around. JR, do you know stuff you're not telling us?
Starting point is 00:33:51 Piece of shit. You like that? Regarding the triple unders? No. John, do you know stuff about the triple unders you're not telling us? Sometimes I know stuff and I don't know anything about what I know that's so I know I don't know Just as good a chance as anybody Tyler do you know that you just can't tell us no, I know nothing I
Starting point is 00:34:20 Know what Dave tells me? Okay, and if there were, if there were going to be triple unders, it's, it's, it's clearly not in any of the workouts that have been released. Dave Castro? Yeah. Oh, okay. Dave Castro what? I'm just making sure he's talking about Castro. isn't it, isn't it, is it, can't we just assume that based on this frequently used emojis, like he texts, whoever he texts about the workouts and he puts anchor, like it's one of the anchor workouts. I just want to know what, what, what, what, what, what gets the anchor.
Starting point is 00:34:57 That's only for a steel buddies. You think so? You think it's not, you think it's not telling people talking about games workouts? Yeah, that's one of the anchor workouts. Hey, can I tell you something? You're talking about swimming. You need a life preserver. Yeah, what's the life preserver workout? I'm going to tell you something, though, that's going to blow you guys away.
Starting point is 00:35:12 You ready? He doesn't use emojis? Nope. Dave has never sent me an emoji ever. So you can't have frequently used if you don't have that. Maybe you're not an emoji friend, Simba. He sure as hell doesn't use the girl with her hand on the head. And he uses a fucking, but this one looks like him. It's a non-binary little like black hair Mexican. Maybe it's Evelyn's a phone eyes Gary say this is
Starting point is 00:35:47 Whose phone Oh Evelyn's someone someone on the games media team one of their creators Who's the one that runs a social media during a lot of the competitions is that Christine one no I think John ain't Jonathan Haynes or or he delegates it to someone. Okay Hmm I I for some reason I don't think that's Haynes's phone either You still think it's Dave's? No, I don't know. Well what you could happen is if he just never uses emojis He could just have just this is just what he has as prompted emoji the camp
Starting point is 00:36:25 what would you that's like a default it's a nice it's a nice diversity of different emojis the camera is a good point yeah the camera does media yeah because he would never have a camera and is frequently used how do you see your frequently used well he would never have an anchor either how do you see your frequently used? Well, he would never have an anchor either. How do you see those? You go to your emojis and then you click on this little clock thing on the bottom left. Okay, so I'm going to go to our thread and I'm going to hit plus. And I go to...
Starting point is 00:36:59 No, not plus. I just click in there. And then I hit the smiley face at the bottom. I probably should. You hit the smiley face and then it goes. Mine has a rose because we talk about the bachelorette a lot. Mine has a protractor. I've never fucking used a protractor.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Oh yeah you have. You gotta hit that angle with your fucking dong. Look it I just sent it to you. That's ridiculous. Or is that a razor blade for doing coke? Maybe that's what it is. I have the camera in mind too. I think your fucking dong. No, look it, I just sent it to you. That's ridiculous. Or is that a razor blade for doing Coke? Maybe that's what it is. I have the camera in mind too. I have the check mark.
Starting point is 00:37:29 I never use the check mark. I have the girl going like this. Yeah, this is just somebody who doesn't use emojis. I have only the ones that I use, so yeah. I have stickers of the missionary shirt, Dave Castro, Peter taking notes. Yeah, I don't, I just have the big dick emoji I just have the eggplant that makes sense all the other emojis are wiped out of this boat that in the bath oh my god
Starting point is 00:38:01 they're probably your two most use huh How lucky is fucking Hiller that he's got his own emoji Okay, so but but we we were we I think we would agree that the Triple unders are gonna be in there anyone want to take a shot what that workout will look like with the triple unders Let me let me throw this out there before you go. I don't think it's going to have anything else new in it. Right? I remember Dave saying he did not like it that year that he wasn't doing the programming and there were four new things in a workout. So if there is Triple Unders, if there are Triple Unders, any thoughts on what will be
Starting point is 00:38:38 in it? Yeah, I think if Triple Unders comes out, it's's gonna be like with a couplet. I think it'll be similar to a main site workout where triple unders were programmed. 21, 18, 15, 12, nine, six, three triple unders and it says bite calories. I would think it would be something like echo bite calories.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Maybe not down to six and three because I think that would be really annoying to get on the bike just to do six or three calories. But 21, 18, 15, 12, nine, something like that. Back and forth where really like they're both equally as valuable if you're good at triple unders. This video is from 2013, also the first year triple unders made their debut on main site. This is Tommy Marquez. So it's been around 11 years like it's been a skill that people have had for a long time god i remember when this video was made we were all so excited about it sweet shoes dude what were those no those are like those are pumps those are sh are Shaquille O'Neal shoes. Yeah, there you go one
Starting point is 00:39:49 Those For my Armenian brethren yet ek Wow, okay Yeah, that's like you guys just got your first throw the slow-mo camera and decided to go do something with it Probably JR sent this to me earlier today. JR also sent over the the workout. You have those as emojis? Andrew has those as emojis? Those are stickers. Not the stuff. Yeah I sent you the link. I sent you the link to the first time Triple Enters were programmed. Where did you send it? I don't see it. I
Starting point is 00:40:28 Okay, so Go ahead. Jr. Tell us how you were piecing this together. No, I mean I just I went in main site a long time ago and just goofing around with stuff and First time main site program triple unders was in 2013 that video of Tommy was from 2013 It also happened that they came up in a hero workout, which is pretty cool And since this workout it's been on main site 23 times, which is not a lot in 11 years So it's like about twice a year they program triple unders, but they've been there and this like very much fits a the program Triple Unders but they've been there and this
Starting point is 00:41:05 like very much fits a new to the games. No, but or yes, but new to CrossFit. No, like they've been it's movements that have been been around. So, it's it's probably that you don't think that it will be this workout Cameron like
Starting point is 00:41:20 they'll throw in another hero what if they did they did once, it would be the laughing stock of the games. Remember when Jacob Heppner did a shitload of those? Wait, why would they explain that to me? Why is that, John? It just would. I can't explain it to you. We've done some dumb looking stuff and that would be high. That would be high. Yeah. Thank you, Todd. I also don't think hip or back
Starting point is 00:41:45 extensions, they'd ever be able to decide on a standard for that. So I don't think this would ever be just a little accessory work in the middle. Or elbow to like I mean, I know you can be strict by yourself. But like a word judge, it's just where the angle is where they're staying. No, it's it's a lecron on touches patella. It's not hard to see it just like a toe touch on a bar. Guarantee you there will be people that get away with not doing that though.
Starting point is 00:42:09 I'm sure there would just like there's people that get away with one foot going under the bar. What's an electron on? Is that a transformer? It's your it's your elbow and your knee is what I was saying. Yeah, I just disagree that I don't I think it needs the elbow is for sure a judgeable viable movement. It's not any harder to judge than a lockout on a ring muscle at all.
Starting point is 00:42:29 And yet there's controversy over people that do that. That's what I'm saying we shouldn't programming. No, I'm not. You we're arguing the same thing here. Okay, so any thoughts? What do you think it'll be? You think it'll be a couplet or a triplet? Jer? Probably just a couplet, yeah. I remember Dave going on and saying that he thought there was a place for new movements, maybe a couple a year, but that there shouldn't be more than one new movement in any one workout. And so what do you think it would be put with? I think something like bite cows would be really, really easy to watch something like they did the echo press with when really
Starting point is 00:43:09 the echo, the handstand pushup was kind of what mattered until you got to that last bike. And you see it as a Sunday workout. I think me and John were talking about this. I think me and Taylor have two, typically the new stuff, they do kind of save until the weekend. It's on Saturday though.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Like Sunday is usually straight crossfit where it's like leads down the field. Unless you have pedaled to the metal one and two when you get the pegboard and you get heavy kettlebell deadlifts and you get dumbbell squat snatch. So every now and then he puts a lot of new stuff in one workout. But I kind of would like to see the whole field do the new stuff because like we've talked about before, you may just have someone that's incredible at triple
Starting point is 00:43:56 unders and just smokes everybody and gets an event win, but you won't get to see him do that workout if it's after the first or second cut.'m pretty sure do on young has like 400 triple unders and broken. There you go. No shit. Are you judge? I'm job Okay Going back to the workout the workout was 50 deadlifts It's individual event for 50 deadlift five rope climb 50 cows on the skier and then 50 five rope climb 50 GHD sit-ups five rope climb 50 GHD sit ups, five rope climb, 50 GHD sit ups, five rope climb, 50 cows on a skier, five rope climb and the 50 deadlifts at 225. Uh, event, individual event four. Are you seeing that as the first one on Friday morning?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Yes. Everyone agrees. So there'll be three workouts on day one. Do we know the schedule? We know the schedule, yeah. Spinn posted it. If you go to Spinn's Instagram, is it on his Instagram? How did he get it? Did they send it out? Dude, I never ask how he gets things. It's on the game's website now.
Starting point is 00:44:53 He actually texted me last night and said, hey, it looks like event four could be a really long workout, because there's like a four hour window. And then I think the next window is only like an hour, which is pretty fast for... That's your handstand walk workout. So this will be Friday morning at 10.20am and the huge window he's talking about is 10.20am to 2.30pm. That will be indoor at Dickies, we have to assume.
Starting point is 00:45:20 And how long does it take to do this workout? Have you guys plotted that out? It's, it's, I would say it's probably going to be low 20s to 25 minute cap. Let me go through and we'll fight this out a little bit. First 50 deadlifts. I kind of just give all the movements two minutes other than the road climbs, which I give a minute each. And that's how I just do kind of the quick math. There's going to be people that do 50 GHD is in 90 seconds the fastest
Starting point is 00:45:49 people but there's gonna be people who do them slow in two minutes just like the deadlifts ski same thing it's about it's going to be ski I would say is probably five minutes total so two and a half and two and a half there's probably not gonna be people ripping 25 a minute on the ski are gonna work out. But some will do five rope climbs faster than a minute. And like, yeah, like that's a very good way to do it. Just go to one one, two and a half, one, two, one, two, and then you get your time. Like he said, 20 to 25 minute cap, the winner will probably be 1850 something. curious, saidve won't like it when you steer viewers away
Starting point is 00:46:25 from here, but the Olympics is also on. Pedophiles and woman beaters, Depart. Your show is on, Depart. Did you see Dave went live for a couple of minutes? Oh, just now? Yeah. Oh, let's take a break from the programming. Was that you that said, hey, I'm going live
Starting point is 00:46:44 and he just did it to mess with you. He call you. You are so smart, JR. I cannot confirm or deny. We'll take a small break. We will come back very shortly and review the workout and break it down piece by piece. Event four. Let's take a small 2 minute, 23 second break from our fearless leader, Dave Castro. Action. Okay. Day in review. Okay. August 2nd, 2024. It's Friday. It's eight o'clock, 830 here in Texas. It's Friday. It's 8 o'clock, 830 here in Texas. In exactly seven days, we'll be at Farrington Field, which I can see, which is about a quarter mile that way. Right now, in seven days on Friday, Friday night, doing the track and the field event that we have set up out there. The weather isn't so bad. I mean, it's warm. It's hot for sure, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be. Earlier today it was obviously when the sun was
Starting point is 00:47:50 out hotter, but it's still not too bad. It makes me think we could have done more things outside, but that's for that's some lessons learned for potentially next year. Here I'm currently at Dicky Center. Dicky Center is behind me. Looks beautiful. They have a circus show going on tonight. So it's jam-packed. A lot of people for the circus. I showed up earlier today and checked out some of our team who's setting up and saw some of the circus performers warming up and toured the venue, toured what we have access to. Currently we have the warm-up area. Rogue built at the warm up area. Our signage team is building out some stuff, but just getting all settled in,
Starting point is 00:48:30 checking out the lay of the land. And we have a busy couple of days, Saturday and Sunday, doing more setup, some more testing and then going into the week. And it's right around the corner, even though it's seven days away. Still, that seven days is going to go by fast especially for those of us who are setting up and involved in all the planning so I'm really excited about it I will do a quick little day in review every night while I'm here cover topics and this one since it's the first one and since there's not a lot to talk about
Starting point is 00:49:10 is gonna be short and the rest won't none of them will be long either but uh That's it. So here Texas beautiful excited to see all the athletes and the fans showing up over the course of the next week and Excited to put on a world world class event. Thanks a lot. Very creative of Dave to go live at the exact time that we will be in Farrington Field. Clearly Dave's diet is on point. He got a haircut and he looks lean and mean. It was weird the way he said track and field event. I don't know if that was just an awkward pause, but the way he said track and field. Yeah, track event, field event. Yeah don't know if that was just an awkward pause, but the way he said track and field, yeah, track event, field event. Yeah, that was very interesting. He also said
Starting point is 00:49:50 though that the Dickies was jam packed and there's absolutely no one there. You would think there'd be like some people mingling around outside, right? So people, so I don't know what that was about. Anyone catch that track and field thing that was, was that a little weird or was that aā€¦ I mean that's what it is. It's a field event and then a track event. Go back and play it again if you can Caleb, if you could find that. It's the way he said it.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Not like track and field event but track. No, but it is two different events. Okay, so you thinkā€¦ They are just saying it's 50 points each. So okay, so then it's a 100 yard carry with that star across theā€¦ No, not necessarily. They're just scored two different scored events. Maybe you're not following what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Maybe we're not connecting, John. Go ahead and play it again. Okay, here we go. Seven days on Friday, Friday night doing the track, uh, the track and the field event that we have set up out there. The field event, the track. That was purposeful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Yeah. There's a sprint carry, which is something with the star and that is an event. And then there is the track event. Okay. Fair enough. Okay. So we there is the track event. Okay. Fair enough. Okay. So we're on the same page. Fine.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Okay. Cool. These will be cool daily as long as they don't cut into my viewership though. I should be fine. Now, don't you wish you had gone to the Olympics curious? Douche canoe. Okay. Event number four.
Starting point is 00:51:22 So, so going back to what JR is saying just for rough estimates, he's saying that the 50 dead is two minutes, the five rope climbs one minute, the 50 cal is on the ski are two minutes, the five rope climbs one minute and a half. Minute and a half for the rope climb? No, for the 50 cal ski, two and a half. Oh, did you say that, JR? I did after I said two minutes per movement and then we kind of discussed that some people would do the rope climbs faster than a minute,
Starting point is 00:51:53 but I think two and a half for the GHD, I think five minutes total is great. I think four minutes for the deadlifts is great. I think four minutes for the GHDs is fine, even though it's gonna be some faster and then five minutes for the reforms Total oh Total total right? Okay. Well now you got me for fuck it for a total of what? 20 to 25 minutes, okay, but I think it's it's
Starting point is 00:52:29 One really cool that we know more information about this event than any other event for sure. Yeah, I appreciate it a lot. As far as details go, which is really cool. The only thing that will make a difference, although consistent for everyone, male, female, whatever, is are they building zo Zeus or something similar inside Dickies and are these going to be 18 to 20 foot rope climbs? And will they be legless? No, that's not a question I'm asking. I think they're just going to be, this is dense enough, enough reps, enough interference after they did legless at semis that I think this is just like good
Starting point is 00:53:05 old fashioned rope line. And after those 50 deadlifts people's grip is going to be compromised. And ski yeah I mean there's probably midway through I don't think they'll be compromised after the 50 deadlifts. I don't I don't think we'll I think everybody's gonna finish the deadlifts within 10 seconds of each other and then you won't see movement until after the first 50 cal ski and then you will start to see separation guys like Roman not Justin yet but guys like Roman, Bellner they'll be out in front and then the GHDs will be a huge movement you'll see like not huge but
Starting point is 00:53:42 Maderos would make his move. Justin Maderos, if you're going to win an event, this is the event for him to win. Back half GHDs is where I think so not the first 50 so much but the 50 right after the five rope climbs. I think you'll see you'll see some people who are recovering pace GHD like 25 a minute just trying to not stop and then you'll see people yeah Justin's I'd say rep speed the fastest yeah I mean I think it's gonna be great I think that's gonna be a big I think it's gonna be a big opportunity for people that are just really really fast at that movement to to get away from some guys that may end up you know trying to catch up to him on the second
Starting point is 00:54:24 ski back half of this workout though is like, gosh, people that are really good at pacing, people that have really big tanks because it's very muscular, there's a lot of stamina, there's a lot of grip, there's a lot of midline, but this is long enough to where a lot of fitness is involved. And I just think in general, the experienced guys and the guys that don't blow up and start skiing 900 1000, trying to just like get through it are going to be the guys that pull away at the end. How about those GHDs for yellow hosta? I don't know how he is a lot of trunk. So they didn't. They
Starting point is 00:55:02 didn't. I wasn't gonna be wrong. But they didn't they didn't they didn't do them at the games last year, did they? No. So they didn't uh they didn't uh I'm gonna be wrong but they didn't they didn't they didn't do them at the games last year did they? No. So they weren't at the games they weren't in quarterfinals for the first time this year they weren't at semi-finals so it's been a while so we've seen GHDs. So I mean I think the biggest correlate to this workout and I there's a lot of people we don't have information on is the quarterfinal workout 21.2 Where you had 60? GHD 60 pistols six or six rope climbs 60 pistols and then 50 55
Starting point is 00:55:34 4044 because that is a lot of GHDs and a lot of rope climbs by 18 rope climbs total in that workout Being able to do the rope climbs with that GHG fatigue. If you mix that result with some of the rogue workouts who have had a lot of, they love the ski GHG combination. There's like three workouts with a ski GHG combination and you see who does well in both of those workouts. And those are, you're going to be your winners of the, of the, of this workout.
Starting point is 00:56:07 You're breaking your own rule, John. What is the first time I've ever seen you mix two workouts to come up with some sort of conclusion. You do good in both of them. Right. But you never do that. You usually pick one and you stick with it. Uh, I think Jr makes a really great point about the, the Zeus rig thing, because it's going to be really hard to tell the
Starting point is 00:56:26 story of this workout unless you have is it like stations of rope climbs you think they just keep everything stationary yeah i mean i think there's just going to be one big pad one rope per athlete for sure that they're going to keep coming back to. They might have some sort of pillar you move pillar or judge or judge moves. I'm just saying it's doing two pulls and touching versus always having to do three in touch is so much more fatiguing. It's so much more. Right. And the only reason why I'll push back against what John said is I think it could be a little irresponsible to look back three years for a really big touch point because it's it's just a long time ago. One that was
Starting point is 00:57:12 when people were not a lot of people weren't training high volume GSD is especially not 180 in a workout. So it caught a lot of people off guard. Second of all, there was also 180 pistols in that workout. And pistols is one of those things that really, really puts the bigger, longer-limbed guy at more of a disadvantage. And you're now looking at something like Skierg, which kind of does the opposite.
Starting point is 00:57:38 So I don't, the only, I agree with him that I think the feel of this workout will be very similar for sure. But I just think because there's no pistols and unfortunately not everyone did like the 2021 games event with the rope climb, the Houselvel carry and the ski. I mean, that's gonna be a pretty decent like local upper body pump who was able to manage it,
Starting point is 00:58:04 who came out too hot, blah, blah, blah. But yeah, I don't, I don't, there's not a workout I can think of in really recent memory. Like John said, I talked about it today on Shut Up and Scribble that log muscle up ski, GHD ski log muscle up. Like that's a great one from Rogue, I think, especially if you want to look and see someone doing a chunk of 80 I think it was 80 GHD and like how fast Justin did those is crazy. But like you look at a workout like Rogue the concept to workout it was four rounds 21 ski 21 heavy GHD and then and then you run up the hill. If you take that in combination with the quarterfinals 21., I'm saying in combination.
Starting point is 00:58:46 So if a big guy did okay in that workout and then also did really good in these workouts like an Alexander Carone, that's a guy that nobody will think anything about and he will do extremely well in this workout. Valner is another one. But, shoot, I would say people better be assuming Pat's going to do really right. Right. But like, he's amazing. And all three of these Justin was first. The only thing that's in there is the 50 deadlifts. Um,
Starting point is 00:59:17 and he's a really good couch is going to murder this too. Does he know? Okay. Wait, wait. And also what I want to say is do you know who was the worst one in 21.2? Out of all the people that I looked at was Guy. He did not finish the workout in 21.2. This is a long workout. Yeah, but so is that one. I'm saying Guy did not finish that workout and then you look at all the rogue workouts
Starting point is 00:59:43 with the ski-GHG combo combo he is second to last place and third to last place So like I'm saying if you're bad at all three or if you're good at all three You're gonna be great or bad vice versa in this about let's talk if we're gonna do this. Let's talk about down pepper How's down gonna do good? He'll be fine. He won't be I don't think he'll be top three in this workout, but he'll be fine What's gonna slow him down? The other guys are faster? Yeah, what what about the mayhem guy? What about? This looks like it was written by mayhem
Starting point is 01:00:14 Samuel and Luke They shine here Luke was another guy that was bad at all three of these Which I surprised me because he is a mayhem guy. Yeah. But the one road workout he did and then that 21.2 workout he did, he was not good. The only workouts we know that they're doing before, this is the run swim, we don't know event number two
Starting point is 01:00:37 or three, correct? And they do this first thing in the morning so they'll be fresh. Let me ask, any girls we see, even though it's not legless, get stopped on the, on the ropes. No, no, they'll slow heavily, but like somebody will, but they won't stop. You don't think that there's someone who gets time cap because they're just looking up at the rope.
Starting point is 01:01:03 They're not a time cap because you're not fit enough. You don't want anyone's hands someone who gets time cap because they're just looking up at the rope? No, you're gonna get time cap because you're not fit enough. You don't think anyone's hands gonna get just completely blown? No, this isn't 2014. Everybody can climb a rope. Are you sure it won't be because they're not strong enough? With the deadlifts?
Starting point is 01:01:18 Gazan might absolutely murder this. Yeah, I don't see her beating Tia and I don't see her beating Haley. I think Haley is going to be very good in this workout. Haley was another one who did good in all three of those workouts and one's from Rogue 2022, one's from Rogue 2021, then you have the quarter final in 2021. Another data point is Wadapalooza 2023, they had a chipper with five leg lifts, five regular rope climbs, and then 80 combined GHDs. And Guy did bad in that, Luke Parker did bad in that.
Starting point is 01:01:53 And what about Bethany Flores with the GHDs? Is she freaking, freaking out? That with a mix of deadlifts, I bet she might be a little bit. I don't think, I would not pick Bethany for this workout. Pick her. You think she'll take some weight off and do like 135 deadlifts or something? Excuse me, Judge. I need to warm up real quick. And would you put Ariel Lone in the same place as Madaris?
Starting point is 01:02:17 That like, hey man, like... Not as much, but she will be very good at this workout. And she's going to be a threat the entire time. If you slow down, she's going be a threat the entire time if you if you slow down She's gonna pass you yeah Jr Yeah, actually wellness Dan if you're Justin like you you take this as like I'm gonna win this workout like you all like almost personal or do you just
Starting point is 01:02:38 Use it as another workout that you're doing. You know, you'll be good. You just know I'm pacing I'm sure all those guys do see certain workouts and they say, you know you'll be good. You just know how you're pacing. I'm sure all those guys do see certain workouts and they say, you know, when there's ones you can win, you got to try to, you got to actually try to win them. So yeah, if that's what, if that's the way he views this workout for sure, I think it goes out with the intention of winning. Let me, let me bring up Maddie Sturt too. Carried the dumbbells all the way across the finish line.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Loves doing deadlifts. so we know she has a strong grip Uh rope climbs. She may have to do an extra pull being that she's only five foot three um, but the uh ghd's uh She cycling those faster than everyone else. Yeah, manny's dirt Manny's dirt's small Like she has to strike on this one too. She has to go for top 10 top five on this one Like she has to strike on this one too. She has to go for a top 10, top five in this one.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Yeah, I kind of like Alexander Caron. She's somebody that like people will not think to do like off the top of their head that she's gonna be great. And she could, I think she'll be top five in this workout. And it would be interesting to me to see the correlation men to women. If there's a body type that really prevails, is because the ability and the fact that he's skiing
Starting point is 01:03:50 for calories, which makes me so happy, and not distance. So you're actually rewarded for that increased effort that on the male and female side, are the bigger, taller athletes, are they the ones that end up doing really well in this workout because of the poor they can put into the ski, because they're a little bit taller on the rope. Like I'm just interested to see if it ends up being, oh, well that, that 25 rope climbs and it had, it was really long, but it actually favored the, it actually favored
Starting point is 01:04:18 more so the powerful athlete. The longest portion of this workout is the ski, correct? Cumulatively. Probably, no, probably all the rope climbs. Well, 25 of them, if you do one every 10 seconds, that's still by far the, that's still the movement. So I think a lot of like, a lot of pros will look at it and say, yeah, the GHDs do matter, the skier does matter. But at the end of the day, if you're resting three seconds between rope climbs
Starting point is 01:04:46 or six seconds between rope climbs or 25, that's a minute 20, right? Like that's a lot of time that you're losing just off of a little more rest after each rep. I think that's probably why the ski cows are so low for the women, JR. No doubt. Because that's not like like like that probably happened in testing and Dave was like I don't want that I don't want the winner to be
Starting point is 01:05:12 Like it needs the little the little the little like the ruptum superior puller Should I was I was actually just thinking he probably wants the time cap the same and he wants the time similar So you either have to do one thing you have to take the rope climbs down to four and you have to leave the ski cows 40 or you have to bump the ski cows to 30 and leave the rope climbs alone. And I think he just chose the latter. I could see either. Yeah, I could see, I could see that too. But I do think that leans towards like Laura can't just ski faster than everybody. And then that's a wrap because of that You know what I mean? Because it's just not enough anymore Um, I take it that you guys absolutely love the workout. I haven't heard one
Starting point is 01:05:55 Fucking piece of criticism about this workout. No, it's awesome. I love it. Yeah, it's cool. Mm-hmm reminds me of that old open workout What starts with it? I think it starts with deadlifts and does handstand pushups and rowing. 55. Deadlifts, wall balls, and then rowing and then handstand pushups. Is there anything that we've seen so far? The run, swim, the Chad, the sprint and long
Starting point is 01:06:24 and the clean ladders, is or anything that you're like, what the fuck is this nonsense? I mean, Chad, but yeah. Yeah. Um, Jerry, are you okay with Chad? I think it's about as Dave as it gets. Um, what about, what about its placement? The fact that it, it is the final workout. It is the decider before the cut. Does that make you give you some leeway, John, in liking it? Does that make you like it more? It makes me like it more because I think it's going to make it more exciting to watch. What they're doing might not be any more exciting, but the fact that people are dying you know, dying for points and trying to continue based on doing that movement that many times faster than other people will make it more exciting. I mean, you say it all the time. You love the cuts because it does add drama at times that you wouldn't get any people would just be waiting till Sunday, the whole,
Starting point is 01:07:20 the whole weekend. Let's just wait till Sunday. Let's just wait till Sunday. Let's just wait till Sunday. But the cuts add excitement and drama as you go. Stress. Can you pull up, John, in one second, Caleb, can you pull up the schedule and we see how much time is allotted for Event 7? I have to assume that they're going in just two heats, one women, one men. Go ahead, John. What were you going to say? It's one women, one men. Go ahead, John, what were you gonna say? I think Chad could end up being like the sandbag clean ladder where it's like boring most of the time.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And then, but there's this huge payoff at the end or it could just suck the whole time. It'll either be like the marathon row or it'll be like the sandbag clean ladder. And I hope for the ladder. Okay, and it is just two heats. They start at eight, they'll be like the sandbag clean ladder and I hope for the ladder. Okay. And it is just two heats. They started eight. They'll be done by nine.
Starting point is 01:08:09 That gives them 30 minutes to switch, move all the shit around, clean up the field. And then another heat of 40, correct? What are you looking at? I'm looking at Saturday, Saturday morning. 10, 20, 2, 3, or no 8 AM to 10, 30 AM. Sorry. That's just two heats, of Chad one men one women I mean we need all 40 people out there for it to be its most dramatic
Starting point is 01:08:35 Yeah, I would think so if they if they allow for an hour and To 45s would be three hours Wait, yeah. Hey that was oh, you mean it's in two women's seats to do two heats, two 45s would be three hours. Wait. Yeah, hey, that will- If there was two women's heats, they have to- Oh, you mean they can't do two heats per set, gotcha. Hey, that will be amazing to see all 40 guys out there at the same time, especially if there's a good way
Starting point is 01:08:57 that we can see who's in what place. That's gonna be vital for that. That Friday, or that Thursday middle section is long. Yeah. But w like with Chad, like I think like Dave says all the time, the athletes make the events and I think this is the ultimate let's see if they can make it because it's, it's going to be theoretically, it should be rough. But, but that, that you guys agree with me, uh, eight to nine, the first event,
Starting point is 01:09:30 uh, half hour break, uh, nine 30 to 10 30. Okay. The second, uh, okay. All right. Uh, absolutely fantastic. Um, anything else, um, uh, do you guys call T as the winner for that individual event for or, or no? I don't think it's certain. That's not one that's certain for like the clean ladder where you'd be more certain about.
Starting point is 01:09:54 I think I like, I like Laura. I think Laura's got a shot. Yeah. How is she on the GHG? She's pretty tall. Fine. Okay. And the boys, anyone with, how come no one's mentioned Adler? I don't think Adler will win.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I think it will either be Vellner, Roman or Justin. I think if Justin, this is the only workout that Justin should win. You see a workout and say he can win this. And I think that'll be the only one this year in the games where like that's how you feel as soon as you see the event. I think he should go for it. But I would probably pick Velner. He's very fast at regular rope climbs. Very good at skiing and very good at deadlifting. GHGC just has to get through. Um, Roman would be the person that would also be up there.
Starting point is 01:10:50 But I would say, are you guys both picking Medeiros and Fikowski because they're great, but the, uh, separation or different differentiator is, uh, the fact that they're great at pacing, both of them, Fikowski and Medeiros. My Fikowski for me is based on his height and his endurance ability. I'm not really considering him in reference to Justin. Um, yeah, he's big. He is good at pacing, but he's, he is really good at endurance events. And this is kind of an endurance event to me.
Starting point is 01:11:23 And he's just saying good at pacing or is he a strong finisher? He's very good at pacing. And a strong finisher. Yeah. I mean, Justin's probably one of the best paces in the field. I don't even know if there's a difference. I don't even know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I mean, they're kind of the same thing, but. And Caleb knows that too. Thank you. Go along with it okay thank you okay um let me check the notes is there anything I missed any porn I wanted to bring up uh oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes let's go to the uh youtube video uh 915 uh let's just do a quick uh speculation on if this is Tia's final year you could it. I don't know if 915 is right But you already knew that right Caleb? All right, uh, here we go. Uh, nick nick johnson ceo of proven uh, dave castro ceo of The crossFit games here we go
Starting point is 01:12:18 front Yeah, we definitely got all we could out of her last year not competing because we knew that was a once in a lifetime until she actually retires. Oh man, that's a that's a word I haven't heard mentioned around her yet. Well, there's no way to tell right every year is the last year for these kind of guys. Like what you get into July. It's like, I'm done with this. Then you get to October and it's like, all right, let's go again. Of the announced events so far, what do you you guys what are you personally most excited about? What do you guys think? I did put an inquiry today and asked around if Tia was gonna have a documentary crew at the CrossFit Games. I could not get an answer I couldn't even get but I was thinking if she does have a documentary crew there
Starting point is 01:13:02 and they gave her an exception to let her get a crew there, that means she's saying that this would be her last year. I'm assuming Crosser will also have a documentary crew there. Any thoughts guys? Is this Tia's last year? If it's Tia's last year, they need to invite Sean back out for that one moment to announce her retirement just to close the circle. Let me say one more thing too. They also mentioned in that interview that this was Nick Johnson says that Tia's basically
Starting point is 01:13:40 has been a cyborg her own her whole life and that this hand injury she had was kind of her first like you know what i mean like when you saw the first time she saw blood and it sounds like they thought that she might not even make it to the games this year because of it she might have to pull out she might die right there it's in that interview are you guys what do you guys think jr last year tia retires no i i i don, I don't really know if she's going to be able to just let go of it. I think she enjoys winning too much. You don't justā€¦ She's like the opposite of Matt in that regard?
Starting point is 01:14:18 I don't know. I've never met Tia. I've never been around her so I don't know. Like you know some people you can just tell their gym rats, they would train if they didn't. If they weren't competing, they'd still be in the gym all day. And I don't know if that's her. If it is, then yeah, I think she would keep going. It will be her last year if she wins. Wow. if she wins. Wow. I don't know. Last year I want it to be. You don't think it will be but you want it to be. I said I have no idea if it will be but I want it to be. Oh, I don't. Hey dude, let me propose this to you. She wins this year. Go ahead, JR and then I'll propose it. I won't forget. Go ahead, JR.
Starting point is 01:15:06 Did you want Matt to retire? Fuck no. Now I'm asking. Yeah, john. Oh, so you didn't know. What's the difference? Yeah. What is the difference? Honestly, yeah, maybe I'm sexist. I just liked Matt. Okay. And I don't know if it's because I don't know if I, I am sexist and that's why I just don't like Tia. And I did like Matt as far as like the dominance folks.
Starting point is 01:15:32 And you know, she's going to win this year. It's not going to be close. And then she's going to go, I did this for Willow. And I want her to see how strong a mom can be. Willow don't know what you did Willow. My vagina has recovered. Willow has no idea. Willow don't know what you did. Willow has no idea. Willow barely said her first word two weeks ago. And you're gonna say that. And and like, I'm just I'm not I'm
Starting point is 01:15:53 going to be sick of it. I hate it. I just don't care. You're the you're the fittest person in history. Like I'm just tired of the dominance. I don't I don't know why I feel this way, but I feel this way about her and it's not for Willow, it's for you. I wish you would just say that. I'd like you a lot more if you did. And I just didn't feel that way about Matt.
Starting point is 01:16:17 I have no idea why, but that's how I feel. Those are my feelings. I want her to retire. I want her to win. Good, great, you're awesome. Now go somewhere else. You do not want her to retire. I want her to win. Good. Great. You're awesome. Now go somewhere else. You do not want her to win. You were honest up until that last line. Okay, listen, but here, let me propose this to you. No, if she doesn't win, she for dang sure won't retire. I... So he needs her to win. Here's the problem, dude. The year Matt retires, every time these guys
Starting point is 01:16:42 retire and we don't let them get beat, we don't believe the next year that's the fittest person in the world. So now we know Matt cannot come back and beat Jeffrey Adler. Like you're fucking nuts if you still think that. Mike Tyson retires with the belt sort of situation. Yeah, but if Tia retires, like does any, like, like, um, Laura Horvat is the interim fucking champion. Tia was like, Hey guys, I'm going to go have a baby. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 01:17:13 Laura hold my belt. I think if Tia is not training, she couldn't just walk in and win. What I'm saying is I need to see her get beat. I'd rather continue. She's not going to It's gonna be it's gonna be a four years old when she could win the next seven years if she wanted to If she wanted to she could win the next seven years if Matt Fraser wanted to he could win for ten more years than he did It that they're so then those who mean are those are so ahead of second place it's but but the
Starting point is 01:17:48 year Matt left a Madera Swan right that first year mm-hmm but but like we know if Matt was there he would have won yeah but Matt wasn't there any loss pounds there's a difference it taint I've taints the title do you feel me on that Tyler? Hatred grow At this point dude, she's gonna win seven to tie two years I move away to two years removed You would say the same thing about her as you're saying with Matt like right now You're saying Jeff was the fittest man in the world and Matt could not beat him
Starting point is 01:18:21 Like at that moment and you're right. he couldn't two years removed from the game. She'll say the same thing about Tia, because she's not training the way she is to win the games anymore. 100% maybe not the next year, but two years removed for sure. Rich's retirement hurt, but it wasn't like this. It wasn't like we like when he retired, everybody's like, okay, like, good job. Yeah wasn't like we like when he retired everybody's like, okay like good job Yeah, that's because we thought he retired because Matt was coming you can say the family that is not what anybody thought He knew Matt was still in school and eating a pint of ice cream every day and he barely beat him
Starting point is 01:18:57 He barely beat him doing that. I think he's like man this guy ever got serious You want to you want to see her retire or you want to see her get beat? Who? No, not you, Jr. Yeah. Tia. Uh, I do like it when no one really knows and it's kind of, yeah, I think it's cool.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Like I think the year that Matt retired and you had Justin up and coming the you know after the ranch year and you had you know is this gonna be the year Pat wins for the first time is you know could Brent win could could you know is Roman gonna be able to come over like all all that kind of stuff I think that it just adds a lot more to the story. But I think someone like Tia I think someone like Tia could say, she'll just create motivation every single year. And it doesn't matter what it is. Like, hey, has anyone ever won it as a 35 year old?
Starting point is 01:19:55 Okay, cool, I'm gonna win it as a master. There's my motivation. I'm gonna keep training till I can win it as a master. Then maybe I'll retire. Like I think some people can just do stuff like that. Yeah, and by the way that Jr. What Jr. Said right there. That's the whole thing right and Nick Johnson said it and I think Tia said it We've heard a lot of athletes say it you get close to the games
Starting point is 01:20:13 You're like fuck. This is my last year then it's over and you start you need to create Another challenge another I get it real quick guys. I know that's not why rich retired calm down No, you don't you felt I know the fucking mom down is a check going crazy I know doesn't make it not true rich is just really good at getting out and things start getting rough You did the same thing at team So you don't believe it but it's true I'm saying I'm saying rich was probably already planning to retire and then he's then it's like, it's probably time. Like, like it's like all the things kind of
Starting point is 01:20:50 stack up for him to have a ride the right year to get out is all I'm saying. Well, I hope she doesn't retire. I'm fucking used to her being here. I'd like to see her keep going. So when someone beats her in, and here's the thing too. So many freaking they're like like it's like Michael Jordan these so many just because he is Michael Jordan here I know it's ridiculous here's here's the problem too let me ask you this then on the Tia subject we have a couple minutes left do you think if someone beats Tia if Laura beats Tia this year she beat
Starting point is 01:21:21 Tia or there's going to be well Tia this year, she beat Tia or there's going to be, well Tia's old. I'm never going to say Tia's old. I'm going to say Tia can win with her hands tied behind her back. Tia is so much better than second place. It's not fun anymore. I agree with JR. What we have on the men's side this year, how exciting is this? Like I don't want to have that on both sides. LeBron's old, right? I don't watch basketball anymore, but LeBron's like way past his peak, right? Yeah. He's 40.
Starting point is 01:21:51 So is Tia past her peak? I think 2021 was probably the fittest she's ever been. But she could be like 80% of her and still win. All right. So if anyone wins now, there'll always be that they didn't literally could have a baby and then still win. This semifinals was the largest margin she's won by in a qualifying event to the games.
Starting point is 01:22:22 Wow. That field was loaded like there's probably. Five top 10 athletes in that field with with a hand that had some niggles. She's probably the best she's ever been. And and I mean, let's wait till the games to say that. But she did lose rogue. She's five months postpartum.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Whatever. I wanna see if Laura beats her. She won't. She beat her. LeBron 42. No, LeBron's my age. He's 40. Almost 40, right?
Starting point is 01:23:02 He'll be 40, I think December, yeah. Cause he's like a few months older. Yeah. But I'm saying John, there's no qualifiers. She beat Tia Fair and square. If there's like, you know. If Laura beats Tia, yeah, 100%. I think she beat the best Tia.
Starting point is 01:23:19 I don't, she beat Tia, prime Tia. I think Tia is still in her prime. I'll say that. And, but like, I don't think, I think Tia is still in her prime, I'll say that. But I don't think, I think 2021 was the most dominating performance we've ever seen, and that's not gonna happen this year. But she still will win by a hundred points.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Let me show you this. Let's finish on this real quick. Let me show you this women's field. This is, these are the women who are going to the CrossFit Games this year. Danielle Brandon, Shelby Neal, Gemma Rader, Alexis Raptis, Pinero, Lawson, Chloe Gavide, Haley Adams, Brook Wells, Lexi Neely, Tia Claire, Tumi, Julia Cato, Paige Simenza, Carolyn Stanley, Victoria Campos, Bethany Flores, Abigail Domen, Alex Gazan, Emily Rolfe, Grace Walton, Daisy McDonald, Ariel Lohan, Haiti Canyon, Maddy Stur, Danny Spiegel.
Starting point is 01:24:01 Fuck, how's Danny going gonna do in that workout? That rope climb on. I'm gonna say middle of the pack. So middle to lower middle. Well, when you see that, do you think she's less likely to make the cut? Is that another bad one for her? It's not looking great. I would say it's more bad than good but I don't think it'll
Starting point is 01:24:25 hurt her badly. She's historically been obviously really good at fast workouts, high power up workouts, sprint type workouts. She's also typically really good inverted and based on the movements that we've seen so far, based on the workouts that have movements that we think we know all the movements that we've seen so far, based on the workouts that have movements that we think we know all the movements in, we haven't really done any meaningful squatting at all. And we haven't done any pressing. So the whole, hey, handstand walk course
Starting point is 01:24:59 looks really good right about now for day one or day two. And something with a lot of squatting was good. So I mean, I think she could she could still get another one that she could that she could she could finish really high. And I don't think she I really don't think she needs it to be top 30. Like I think she can make top 30 even without two of them. I think only one really great event for her
Starting point is 01:25:26 could put her in the top 30. And then she has the clean ladder and that'll most likely be enough. And then she'll be like later after that. This is, these are last year's top 10 women. Okay. Do you think Daniel Brandon moves up on the leaderboard? If you take Emma Carey out, do you think Abigail Domet beats Daniel Brandon this year?
Starting point is 01:25:49 No. JRE? No. So, so do you think Daniel Brandon moves up on the leaderboard or, or, but Tia will be there. So let's say Emma Carey and Tia are a swap. Katrin David's daughter. Haley Adams will also be there. Do daughter. Haley Adams also be there.
Starting point is 01:26:06 Do you think Haley Adams beats Daniel Brandon? I do. Raptus, Gazan, Megawa, Loan, Lawson, Horvat. You think they all beat Daniel Brandon? Yes. So you think Daniel Brandon might not make top 10 this year? I think I have her ninth, like exactly where she was this year. I'm telling you Dome, it's going to bring it to her. I think I have her ninth, like exactly where she was this year. I'm telling you, Dome, it's going to bring it to her.
Starting point is 01:26:27 I think so too. I think she's going to be Daniel. I think I have Dome at like 12th. Daniel Brandon make top 10 this year, JR? I think she'd be right there. John Young? I say yes, because that's where I have her. Tyler Watkins?
Starting point is 01:26:43 Yeah. Caleb? Yeah. You guys are out of your fucking mind. I say yes, because that's where I have her Tyler Watkins. Yeah Caleb Yeah, you guys are out of your fucking mind. All right, you heard it here savvy. She ain't making the top 10 Where would you put her sidebar? She's gonna be like 11th or 12th It's gonna be right outside, but it is gonna be outside. There's just there's just too many new faces Oh, you want to make a bet Oh, you wanna make a bet? That's not what I was gonna say. Oh, okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:27:08 Have I ever betted you? You tried to betted me before. You tried to bet it. I betted all the time, dude. I betted so hard. Have I ever made a bet with you, Savon? I betted missionary. I think you have. I don't think so.
Starting point is 01:27:23 I was gonna say, we just have Dome and Daniel Brandon swap. That's it. Oh, I think there's other people who are going to bring it to her too. I'm telling you, Sturt, Hattie, can you there's going to be this so far two for two. No, we got we got it. We got a new field to girls. I'm not saying that they're going to finish higher than her. I'm just saying that they're going to cause problems in the in the in the placements. I gotcha. And let me see. I think Bethany Flores is going to do better than 15th this year. She did 15th. Bethany Flores isn't making the negative event four. Oh, damn.
Starting point is 01:27:58 John. Damn. I can't believe that. Oh, damn. Might even be surprised. Listen, here you go. Here's the one. Here's the one that pushes her to 11th.
Starting point is 01:28:10 Do you think Brooke Wells beats Danielle Brandon? I think they're going to be right next to each other. Because she didn't finish in theā€¦ Was she even at the games last year? She was not. It was Brooke Wells. So that's another one pushes her down. I have Brooke as 10th.
Starting point is 01:28:26 Yeah. Yeah. I was considering her for third but instead I put her 10th. The run. It's gonna be tough. Alright guys, have a any final words anybody? Think you need to examine Dave's video of Trista's step-ups, that's it. Oh Did we not do that last week? No, no we did but I'm just somebody mentioned it and I think it Curious. It's curious. Okay, bring it up. What do we have there? Yes, I heard someone say ankle weights. Was there something that we didn't see that we didn't look at closely I heard someone say ankle weights. Was there something that we didn't see that we didn't look at closely? You think they wear ankle weights look at your she's wearing she's wearing knee sleeves Jared do you a t-shirt to what? What did you what are we looking at something in the back right there?
Starting point is 01:29:19 Yeah, look at how higher knee is That's like a 24 inch box. Start it over. I cannot stand the fact that she's not wearing some sort of chest strap or fucking lap strap or some shit. It's because you're not an elite athlete. They don't do that shit. Yeah, a waste belt would probably be really helpful there. JR, are you gleaning anything from this? I just want to know what the box looks like. Because it's different. I just want to know what it looks like.
Starting point is 01:29:46 She'd have to be really short for that. I think she is short. I think she might be shorter than me. But so short that are like when you step up to a box, are your knees in your chest on a 20 inch box? Like if you step up, no. Yeah. See?
Starting point is 01:30:02 That's probably like 16 inches. That would be... Got a little Captain in you? I don't know, man. You could have been a little more, could you? I've been using the exerciser. All right. Thanks guys.
Starting point is 01:30:23 Jarrah Howell from CrossFit Crash. We will be covering the event in October. Lots of big things coming out of Crash Crucible. He will also be at the CrossFit Games. John Young will also be there at the CrossFit Games. There are rumors, more than rumors. Tyler, can you come out from behind the FIDAID? Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Thank you. There's rumors that they heat one app. We'll probably have a booth. Barbell Stim will probably have a booth. I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that are like, Oh, I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym.
Starting point is 01:30:50 I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym.
Starting point is 01:30:58 I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. I'm going to go to the gym. coffee pods and wads oh bring some money to buy a t-shirt from John it'll be I thought oh and make and make charitable donations terrible done family to his
Starting point is 01:31:16 to his to his to his family that's getting ready to start I mean groceries are not nurseries are not cheap, you know. Oh, yeah, dude. When are you going to do a I can't wait to do a registry. I hope it just gets fucking crazy. We got to put your registry up and just let people bomb you with shit. Absolutely. Oh, honey. I'll send you so many spatulas or whatever the fuck you need. Bachelors.
Starting point is 01:31:40 Yeah, you need spatulas for kids. So that wouldn't be really. Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you use them for. Yeah. Was it yeah, you need spatulas for kids Yeah, yeah, whatever you use them for yeah Anyway, it's gonna be a great time at the game games. The whole gang is gonna be there also I don't know how I could have forgot. Thank you, Tyler tomorrow 8 a.m. The best show on the internet. I Got a DM from a 67 year old woman telling me she absolutely loves the show That made my dick harder than the exerciser. Love you guys have a good night. Buh-bye.

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