The Sevan Podcast - 08/30/2024 CrossFit Games Update Show

Episode Date: September 1, 2024 If you own a gym fill this out!! FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian": 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:31 Tomorrow morning, coffee pods and wads 7am. Pedro will be having Brent Fikowski and Patrick Velner on. That'll be nice to hear their perspective on all things PFAA. It'll be a great, great podcast. Pedro is one of the best interviewers in the space, if not the best, and Brent and Pat are extremely articulate. It'll be wonderful to hear some expansion, in depth explanation of some of what I think is pretty vague in their demands, their choice of words, where they came from. It's going to be good. It's at 7 a.m. I also
Starting point is 00:01:16 at 7 a.m. have a guest on competitor Ross. I think it's Ross Austin at 7 a.m. also. I'm going to try to move him to 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time so that I don't cut into Pedro's show or more like so he didn't cut into my show. So that is tomorrow. Oh yeah, I have Ross Austin on tomorrow at 7 a.m. He's a competitor who'll be in San Antonio from the 19th to the 22nd at the CrossFit Games, the adaptive division. Currently going on the teen division. I saw some footage from that. It was beautiful. Masters saw some footage from that. That was beautiful. Congratulations all the athletes who've made it through the first two days are done. Is that where we're at with that? Yep. It is.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Bill Grundler in the center, Cross Inferno broadcaster in the space. He will be, these are the two broadcasters who will be broadcasting, if that's what you want to call it, from the Crash Crucible this year. And things are heating up just to let you know how the drama is developing today on Kill Taylor. Tudor Magda. He needs a nickname, dude. He's something else.
Starting point is 00:02:22 Magda, Magda. Yeah, Magda, Magda. Oh, yeah, Magda, Magda. Yeah, Magda, Magda. Oh yeah, Magda, Magda, Tudor, Magda, Magda. Wow. Tudor was at a bachelor party. He stopped, took a second break to come on to Kill Taylor with James Sprague and Alan Pepper and Senior Sprague and Dom, Dom the coach to take the $1,500 this morning. But it's not done there.
Starting point is 00:02:47 We will be going to the NorCal Classic. I do believe Bill Gruner will be there. I will be there. Colton Mertens will be there. Matt Sousa will be there amongst others. But so will Taylor Self, where he is planning to put it to Tudor and Colton. So it's gonna be a showdown. We will be filming behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:03:08 there. And then a month later, the crew, I don't know if Tudor is making the journey also, but then we will be headed out to Crash Crucible for part two of that what is ending up being a great rivalry. You like it guys? Bill, you like this whole thing between Tudor and Taylor and Colton? Yeah, I think it's super fun. I think that having Jason and Dallin and that crew like all in the mix, watching those guys talk shit and poke at each other is almost more fun than like watching the overall the games. know, I mean like it just seems like It's a process of CrossFit. I dig it. I dig it. Yeah, and don't forget Jason Hopper. Yeah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:54 It are we in an are we in a new era is have we ever had it quite like this before? They're they're like they're the most social media savvy savvy bunch. They know how to talk shit on, I feel like we're in a new era. I don't feel like I've ever seen, I mean, we've seen the bros before, right? Danny Rich and Dan Bailey Rich and Josh were always great. Right? Right.
Starting point is 00:04:17 All they did was all, It wasn't social media. So we really are embarking kind of on a new fun era of the sport, I think, with that. I think so. I think Kil Taylor has a lot to do with that. That whole show, that idea. I think yeah, whatever's the quarterfinal, Taylor versus the world is all of those. Yeah. Yeah. And what it is, is like it's allowing everyone to I Mean at the end of the day like it's about being competitive It's about getting out there and in winning but they're having fun doing it and they're Making everybody laugh as they go by Talking so much it and it's fun. They'll talk shit and they all smile at the same time like it's just fun
Starting point is 00:05:01 I do think I do think a lot of credit has to be given to Taylor because the shit talking in Colton, the shit talking bar has been set so high by them of what's crass and inappropriate that stuff that used to be crass and inappropriate is now tame and so everyone's skin has gotten a little bit thicker. Do you know what I mean? Do you know what I mean by that? But when you back it up you can keep on going with it, I think like somebody like You know Taylor talks the most crap in the world But when he sets a world record against Dallin on the very first Taylor versus anybody. It's like y'all don't know who you're messing with like
Starting point is 00:05:41 And then and then it just and then it grows and then colton the same thing when colton talks trash people need to be scared when colton talks trash because if he's talking trash he's he's the best one in the world like yeah yeah yeah hey another thing is too uh as hard as it is for what taylor does every week um the fact that he, I mean, I'm not taking anything away from how great he is, but the fact that he puts it on the line every week is kind of enough, right? Like he's letting you come take a shot at him. So you can just, as long as you letting people take shots at you, I feel like you can almost talk as much shit as you want.
Starting point is 00:06:19 I think you totally can. I, yeah. One of the, one of the things that I've noticed, and this is over the years, is the elite level athletes are so hidden. They don't want people to see what they do. They don't want people to see how they perform. They don't want people to know how they eat. They don't want people to know
Starting point is 00:06:37 what sort of things they're doing because they don't want to take any extra chances. I'm not gonna use a knife because something bad might happen. But what Taylor does is he's just like, I love the fact that he just throws it out there. He doesn't care.
Starting point is 00:06:55 He's like, I'm good enough to say, bring it. And that right there, the skin that you get on that, whether you win or you lose, doesn't even matter anymore. So many athletes are afraid to lose. He's just like, line up, man, let's go. And that's honestly, that's scary. That's scary. And it makes me a fan of the guys that, that will put themselves out there.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Not, not just Taylor, but like, you know, but like Dallin Colton and Jason, and then, and then Tudor and then, I mean, even Sean Queenie, I know he couldn't come through with it, but yeah, Yellow Hostas was one of the most big things I've ever seen from Yellow Hostas. That was step one of, oh dang, he's actually really cool. He's not like super quiet like whatever. And the workout that he did was nuts, dude. Nuts. The rope climb on?
Starting point is 00:07:49 Crazy. Yes, the bike rope climb one. And I'm thinking of, it makes me like those guys more, and then I think Jeff Adler would never do this. No way, dude, it's too serious. I agree with you guys, it creates characters. You know what I mean? And it puts money in the pocket.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Hey, Tyler, does that giant W behind you stand for white? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we don't forget. Straight from Hickville on Starlink, from the white capital of the world. Tyler Watkins from the heat one app. Case any, Tyler's the most liberal out of all of us.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Sorry, Tyler, you know, it's true. You know, it's true. You know, I think it's a little bit of both. Yeah. People want to say I'm the most liberal. I'm going to say it's you. You, you, you're, you're as affected as the broad. I'm gonna say it's you You you're yours is affected as I am I think No comment from Tyler, but you have family in the room
Starting point is 00:08:54 Stupid dogs my dad's Nice wife Has she adopts these dogs and they all suck every last one of them suck. Well, it's okay. It's worth having you here We'll take some dog barking to have you here. Go ahead. Were you gonna say something though? I was gonna say you Could you ever even imagine? Pat Vellner hopping on kill Taylor Like Right now where he's like hey give me a workout and then I'll do it and I'll just kind of show you how it goes.
Starting point is 00:09:27 But like there's nothing like $500 on the line. There's no like that is gutsy and I can't see any of the best of the best hopping up and doing that. Do you think that that's good that they don't do it that they're protecting or no, it's bad. Because of this new swing, I think for them it could end up being, I mean those guys they have the reputation. I mean everyone knows who they are already.
Starting point is 00:09:50 And technically they don't have to. Right, they don't have to. But the thing is that I think that there's a swing now where they will end up swinging out of camera and everybody else wants to see them swing into frame. You know what I mean? Well I can understand why they- understand why Ricky in, I want Ricky on one of these. Right now. Yeah. Rikoste is the fittest guy that's done it.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Right? Right. Yeah. Um, uh, earlier today, uh, Susa, Tyler and Caleb couldn't make it cause they were at the retard convention. I guess Tyler got out faster than Susa. Did you hear that comment, Tyler? They had to let me go early. You weren't dumb
Starting point is 00:10:28 enough. What's interesting too is it is good for everyone. Like if you come on the show, whether you like us or not, it's good for everyone. Those two retard conventions too. But also just think about how fun that is. Think of how much shit Taylor has talked about Tudor. I mean, he's been just outright abusive. And Taylor and Tudor showed up this morning, did the workout, had Dallin, the fittest and second fittest man on the planet around, had one of the greatest coaches in the CrossFit space and just fucking took the money Thank you for the 1500. Thank you. Peace out So good, hey, let me ask you this about um, uh, Kil Taylor he gets to do the workout
Starting point is 00:11:16 He gets to he does the workout first. So everyone gets to see it Um, does that put him at a significant disadvantage? 100%. I think doing it in an apartment puts him at a disadvantage. I mean, today was the first, what'd you say? Doing it in an apartment, yeah, that does. But today was the first time that I really thought it because they had that giant brain there, Dom. And so he got to see where the issues were. And Tudor had the issues at the same places, but they mitigated that by putting in brakes, right?
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's always easier to beat a time than to set a time. Yeah. All right. You don't know how fast... I mean, the plus on Taylor's side is that he knows his body well enough and he's intelligent enough that he knows where to hit the throttle But when you're not racing anybody like the throttle only goes to where you think it needs to go I mean you're only racing yourself everybody else goes. Okay, you mess up here. This is a sticking point
Starting point is 00:12:17 Oh, he went like on the swim workout the swim burpee one. It's like, oh he went out way too fast here Okay, I'll bring it down a little bit and then I'll be able to help that. And that, yeah, it's a, it's a massive, massive learning curve. To play devil's advocate though. He also knows the workout. I get it. But he didn't do it. But he makes it. But did he?
Starting point is 00:12:37 He does make it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That is a huge advantage. I can do a lot of workouts too, but I, and I know what I think it should do until all of a sudden I get out there and I do it and I'm like, oh. Sure. I may have missed that one just a little bit. He does get to make the workout and Larry Young says that's where it evens out, but the problem is it's open to them the whole world to beat him. Like there's always going to be a cohort who can beat him.
Starting point is 00:13:01 That's the beauty of the show, man. Yeah, yeah. You just got gotta be able to get in. I was really excited at how many people we had enter the show so quickly today. That was fantastic. Soon as they saw blood in the water, soon as they saw him take a break too, they were like, okay, I'm fucking in.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I mean, as soon as I saw him doing it between his bed and his drawer, like if I was great at those movements, I'm like, I mean, I'm just, if I'm in an open space, I have a shot. I was just listening to you guys. But what I could tell in your voices, like V-ups are one of those things
Starting point is 00:13:36 if you slow down, you'll lose. And I could tell on your voices, I was like, oh no, it's gonna be close. Trudy was going back and forth. Like at first, he was keeping it close, keeping it close. And then at the last round, Dom's brain, the way Dom organized it was badass. Bryce Domonte was also on the show today. Just because he makes it doesn't mean it's not a wheelhouse workout for someone else
Starting point is 00:13:58 too. And they get to watch him do it first. Yeah, that's what we're saying. Yeah, that was that Mac guy. The, oh, Matthias. Yeah, Matthias. Yeah. He's like, who are you? And what? You're in some barn somewhere. Do whatever. He just smashes it again, though.
Starting point is 00:14:12 That's the point. No, I know. I know. Great. Taylor is one of the fittest guys in the world. You know, one of I might, you know, I know he didn't make the games. He's still one of the fittest guys in the world for him to make Wilhouse workouts for himself and then see who can beat him. You know, he got, he made it $3,000 before Matthias did it. You know, a Navy swimmer to do it. Oh, think about it.
Starting point is 00:14:36 The only people that have beaten him other than, uh, Matthew in Pennsylvania, the only people that have beaten him were either like crazy elite at that one discipline or games athlete. Who's the only people? Matthew is, God bless Matthew, right? Because that guy out of nowhere, nobody thought he could do that and he freaking did it. Other than him, everybody else has been, has made the games or like an elite level swimmer. I don't agree with you Lance. Also, it isn't his own money so ultimately it isn't a huge
Starting point is 00:15:14 deal, nothing to lose. If that were the case, then every athlete who only has something to gain would come on and do it. Then it would just be games athletes pouring in. There's something more at stake than the money and that's the reason why we don't see more people challenging them. It's reputation. Yeah. All right. What's the group? Go ahead. No, you go ahead. Go ahead. Have you guys ever seen Stump the Schwab? No. Okay. Well then never mind. It's. Have you guys ever seen Stump the Schwab? No. Okay, well then nevermind, it's lost on you guys. Is it like, what is it?
Starting point is 00:15:49 You gotta ask a guy a question. Of course I've seen it. It's just a sports show. This guy knows every single thing there is to know about sports. And they have three people on every week, once a week. And then they do different sports category questions. And he's like a genius. He's kind of like Ken Jennings from Jeopardy, but sports, he knows everything.
Starting point is 00:16:08 But every once in a while, like one out of 10 shows, somebody beats him. But he's like that good that he beats everybody except that show. Kil Taylor is very similar to that, just fitness. But if you ever see the show, he doesn't. It's not going to hit you. Stump the shop. Any sport, huh? Any sport guy was just just nuts by the way I watched the world championships for the beer mile the other day you guys ever seen this probably not probably not that sport
Starting point is 00:16:34 But I didn't know they had world championships for that dude The champion fucking when you subtract his beer drinking time fucking go sub 4 You chug a beer, you run 400, you chug a beer, run 400 four times. I mean, he is, it's insane. What are the rules on the drink? Pretty big dude. Can you leave, can you pick up the glass
Starting point is 00:16:58 and drink while you're running, or do you have to down it? There's a zone, there's a zone. They say go, and then you grab your bottle and your opener, or it's a zone. There's a zone. They say go and then you grab your bottle and your opener or it's a twist top. You get to choose your beer. It has to be 5% alcohol or more. It has to be 12 ounces or more. There can't be more than 4 ounces left in the bottom of the beer or something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:17 They have these rules they were explaining. And then there's a zone. So everyone starts at the beginning of the zone. It's like 20 feet and they crack it and they start walking towards the starting line while they're drinking it and then they hit the starting line and they go. But the dude, the dude who wins it's like, it's unreal. He can run like a 430 mile straight up. Yeah, no he ran a sub four minute mile when you subtracted the beer drinking time. He ran a 357 Percentage just to flex on everybody. That's good
Starting point is 00:17:51 Larry young I'm training for it There you got to do a beer Do beer gone bad? That's a beer before you start fight gone bad and then on the minute break you have to chug a beer and Then at the end like after the last five minutes, you have one minute to finish another beer. So that's the same thing, four beers. You can't throw up. You got to keep it down.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I'll challenge y'all to Dr. Pepper Gone Bad. I bet I'll beat everybody. Hey, can you shotgun it? It's interesting. I don't think so, but some years you have to use a can, and some years you have to use a bottle. The year I watched, they had to use a bottle. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So, it's pretty impressive. Okay, most impressive thing you've seen done by any CrossFit Games athlete, not CrossFit related? That's a hard question, Sevan. Well, I have to... I wish you would have asked that like today. I give you a two day. Let me tell you what I found while scrolling deep, deep, deep into the 2008 CrossFit Games Champions Instagram feed.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Have you guys seen this before? No. All right. games champions Instagram feed have you guys seen this before no all right Bill Hennigar might have the coolest wife in the world she won the CrossFit games and she did this this is absolutely oh Kara have Kara car Saunders having that baby was pretty wild that was pretty wild car Saunders birthing video good point good point I mean Adam clinks five hundred five minutes some five minute mile has to be up there I think as you count as CrossFit
Starting point is 00:19:28 Well, you consider that CrossFit was he games athlete. He's never made the games. Oh, no, then he didn't get to enter but that is impressive Eatin beaver. What up boys? Hey, what's up, dude? By the way, Dave Castro is at the Masters CrossFit Games this weekend He's there today. I keep seeing pictures and stuff. We'll take a look at his instrument a second. Okay, here it is at the Masters CrossFit Games this weekend. He's there today, I keep seeing pictures and stuff. We'll take a look at his Instagram in a second. Okay, here it is from Bill Henniger's Instagram. Oh, it was Bill's Instagram that I was trolling. My wife is pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Here we go. That is a deer. And that is the 2008 CrossFit Games champion. The deer is caught in the fence. We will get Bill as a firefighter. I'm sure he's rescued many a cat from a tree. If this is the protocol that he would do if he was called to a deer caught in a fence. fence. That looks dangerous to me what she's doing. Do deer bite? No they just kick real hard. You have to be careful they'll break their own back if you rub them too much. How much you think that weighs? 150? No I would would say 100. Wow. That's pretty impressive. Wow.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Katie Henniger, owner of Rogue 2008 CrossFit Games champion. Bill, what do you do? You get a call. You ever been called a deer stuck in a fence? We've done like horses that are stuck in like mud bogs and stuff like that. Those take some time to get out. I'm surprised. You gotta put a rope around a horse though and like pull them out. You're not putting your body. No, Bill carried it out. Shut up, John. I mean on my back, I just like threw them on, you know, and pulled them out. Do you have a mural, Bill?
Starting point is 00:21:20 I'm surprised we're on the back of the fence, you know? And then Graham just picked his leg up. Yeah. Katie's all muscle, no brain. Katie's all muscle. No brain. She's all muscle. No brain I like how everyone shows us this awesome thing and bill goes man. She was kind of dumb though, right like She's not a professional bill She's just my animal lover. You know what I did see?
Starting point is 00:21:47 I saw Jason Hopper was on the first form, did like this fitness archery thing. And he was fun. He was amazing with a bow, dude. So like if it was him, yeah yeah it was awesome I mean he's got he's got a great shot too and I think he would have done the whole thing different instead of Katie going and picking the whole thing up trying to un you know unhook it that way Jason just would have went done venison venison Venison. Venison, right? Dinner, done. Yeah, look at Heidi Krum. I would make venison.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Jason's 420 watts on a biker for 20 minutes. That's silly. That's probably up there with one of the most crazier things a CrossFitter is capable of. Oh, what about this one? What about Bronislav doing his 250 or 275 whatever like hands together? No, I play Jason's over that because I can get close to that. Can you do that?
Starting point is 00:22:54 Yeah, I can. I can. I whatever. Yeah, I can do 225 like that. 225? I'm not like cross hands but like this. Okay. Yeah, I didn't want to five like that cold like Snatch? I'm not like cross hands, but like this. Okay. Yeah, I didn't want to be five like that cold, like, Snatch? Just clowning around. Yeah, squat snatch.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah, I mean, 275 is not, it is, but I'm saying I think Jason, I think Jason's the only person who can do that. And I think multiple people can do what Bronislaw did. Jason Hopper? Yeah. What did he do exactly? He held 420 watts on a bike erg.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Means nothing to me. I don't know on a bike erg. That's a 2-day. All right, hey, that's a 132. It's a 132 pace for 20 minutes. Yeah, I don't know on one of those, so I don't know that stuff. I know it's a CrossFit Games Update show, but it's my show.
Starting point is 00:23:44 What did he do on the assault bike? I know assault bike. It's like 90 rpm. And that's CrossFit stuff. I like this. There's a deer involved. Okay. Well, I don't know what you do. Okay. Need the animal something, something outside of this. I mean, Hebner's tactical games was up there then. All right. All right. You know, it happened. There's like the-time tactical games champ just because he went out and wanted to do it took him a little bit Talking about the tech the tactical games so the 7th September 7th is One of the tactical games Jason Kalipa is gonna be in this one. Mm-hmm. You know who else is gonna be in this one Sevan So since Edkins, Oh, no shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Wow. Look at him. Like a Hunter guy. And he hit me up. It was funny. He hit me up like two weeks ago and he's like, Hey, how did you get ready? The week of regionals? Like what was your training?
Starting point is 00:24:37 Like the week of regionals? I'm like, what do you like? Why? What are you talking about? He's like, well, I'm going to do the tactical games. Like, oh sweet. That's cool. There's a lot of, is Jacob going against Jason? Uh, I don well, I'm gonna do the tactical game. It's like, oh sweet, that's cool. There's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Is Jacob going against Jason? I don't know how they do that. I don't think it's- I think Jacob's like the national champion. Yeah. I think this is just like a competition. I don't think it's the nationals. I mean, I might be wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I don't know, who knows? Someone said, Sevan getting Turkish getup. I don't know where that video is, but Max Mormont did in the early days, Turkish getup me. I was probably 155 pounds then. That was pretty wild. I was scared. I thought I was going to snap his arm off.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I don't know where that video is. Colton's 365 for a 30. That's probably up there. For 30 what? Reps. He did 365, squatted 30 reps. Without putting the bar down? Without putting the bar down. That's probably up there. Chandler's 500 for 10. Deadlift is up there. Page Power's- I'm not counting as per cross or not cross mitt and all we can give is cross mitts. there. Page Powers is about to do something impressive. She too is going to push out a baby. Page Powers reveals she's pregnant. I almost was like, is she even old enough to, to like, how old is Page? I guess it's the South.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Page Powers will not be competing in the 2025 CrossFit Games season. You don't know that. She's from Michigan. The reason the two time individual CrossFit Games athlete and two time teenage CrossFit Games athlete announced that she's pregnant, Powers shared the news on our YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:26:22 So congratulations to her. That's crazy. John, does she come back and compete again? Yeah, she's young. I think she's 23. Oh, so she's going to be the youngest one to do it. Uh, yes. Yeah. I, but no, I, for sure. I think she comes back. I don't know, um, how good she will be, but I think she'll make the games again and continue to compete. I think they all come back better, don't they?
Starting point is 00:26:50 Seems like it. We've only had two, and we've had three, and all three of them are some of the greatest crossfitters to ever do it. I think Annie Sakamoto came back back in the day. Hell, Ariel didn't even have a career until she had a baby. I don't think she was better. Yeah, but I'm talking about people who were competing and then had a baby and then came back. Who are you, Valerie Boberl? Well, no, I'm thinking of Annie, Kara, and Tia. I think Valerie got on the podium too. I mean, I know that's old school, but.
Starting point is 00:27:24 But did she have a kid and then come back or did she already have a kid? She had a kid. Oh It's the other way around Got on the podium first, I think That would have been what 13? Well, I know she competed after I remember I remember she qualified for the games through so count through the Delmar regional Because I remember interviewing her there and I said hey So what kind of music you listen to and she was a lot of kids songs like ABC and Sesame Street
Starting point is 00:27:56 And I was like, okay good answer She got third or whatever in 13 At the games, yeah. Yeah, that's what it was. At the games? Yeah. Yeah, dude, I think she was a mom. Yeah, she was. I think she had the baby the year before. Page is 21.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Jesus. Wow. How many a time come back? Wow. You weren't in Knoxville, were you? I got several. I remember walking around down in the bottom, maybe I shouldn't say this, but I was down like in the bottoms, you know, and her and her boyfriend or whatever were just around
Starting point is 00:28:41 each other like the whole weekend. It's like no two people existed in their universe you could tell like Them standing like three feet away from each other was like you two are the only people that exist in your universe this week Oh, so they're just madly in love. They're like, yeah poiling snakes It was like I didn't even know he was her boyfriend and I was like, oh, yeah Whatever's going on there is gonna be a thing and just kept walking Heidi Krum Billy Grunler is so smart. I agree Oh yeah, whatever's going on there is gonna be a thing. And just kept walking. Heidi Krum, Billy Grunler is so smart. I agree.
Starting point is 00:29:09 A non-sequitur. Okay. I don't know if I've told you guys this story. Good story. No, it's not good. It's ruthless. It's ruthless. It's ruthless. I hadn ruthless. It's ruthless.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I haven't stopped you in the past. I'm standing by Dave at event number one. Lazar's girlfriend runs up. Anya, I can't find Lazar. You guys know the rest of the story. Dave then says, he hasn't come in yet. She says, yes, he should have. He was right at the buoy. Dave turns to someone and says, hey, has Lazar come in?
Starting point is 00:29:55 They said his chip timers come in. He says it to her. She says, oh my God, I'm so sorry. She's crying. I give her a hug. I said, dude, being concerned about your dude is not like something you should be sorry about. And then Dave turns to someone right after and says,
Starting point is 00:30:09 I want us to get a visual of every single fucking athlete that's come in. I turn around and I start walking. I immediately just turn around, start walking towards the ice barrels. And I say to an athlete, have you seen Lazar? And this athlete says to me, he's probably at the bottom of the lake.
Starting point is 00:30:33 True story. Bill's like, you shouldn't have told that one. True story. Just as a- That was not like, like no one is being mean no no no no anyone could have said it anyone could have said it
Starting point is 00:30:52 I bet that person wishes they could not say that oh yeah yeah anyone could have said it oh someone indicated that I told that one already did I oh especially though if you're boys with Lazar like if John and I were swimming with each other and I got total bro I would be like yeah he's a normal like and that's a problem and I would be I hold that one already
Starting point is 00:31:13 shit I have no filter do you want to text the group of who that person was uh sure yeah all right so there's that I just thought I thought I had to slip that in I'll probably tell that story again in a week Like I've never told it before you told us that story on the show last week. All right, fine. Fuck it. All right trademark Okay, um Coffee pods and wasp on morning 7 a.m. Patrick Velner and Fikowski. Have I talked about that yet? I Don't think so. No, I started the show with that John. That was a trick question. Okay. Hahahaha.
Starting point is 00:31:52 So congratulations to Page Powers. I watched the John Woolley... I've been watching some John Woolley videos. It's a dangerous path. And I've thought he's been doing really good, and he's doing solo talks. You know where he just talks to the camera? And he's keeping it in that nine to 12 minute range.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And then today, he went back and he did a podcast, or yesterday or whatever, with Nicky Brazer. or yesterday or whatever with Nikki Brazier. And I have to say with peace and love, I wanted to blow my fucking brains out. With peace and love. With all due respect. You can't just say with all due respect. And I'm gonna tell you why.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Because when John Woolley talks just by himself, he actually gives you details. He'll be like, well, I'm just making this up, but he'll be like, the athletes have been advocating for years. In 2017, they wrote a letter to Dave and they requested XYZ. And you'll know what he's talking about. In this podcast, there's no details. It's just all fluff words. It's all they've been advocating for themselves. I'm like, okay, let's hear what have they been doing? Or they want change. They've been saying, okay, well, what are they going to do? Or a lot of people are upset. Okay, what are they upset about?
Starting point is 00:33:17 And it's just it's fucking an hour of just nothing about me having to believe these abstract concepts and ideas. And I just, I just wanted to, uh, it's such in the view show it, right? When he had, when he's on there with Nikki, the views are one 10th what they are when he's just on there by himself. And this, this type of, um, talking, it's almost like malicious this w when you're just vague, when you're just throwing words out there. It's like when Cooper called John a misogynist. I want to know what not finding, if not finding a woman is misogynist, finding a woman attractive is misogynist, then we're all misogynist.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Cause there's going to be a woman out there that you don't find attractive. I don't understand like then at that point, the word has no meaning. You don't call him a misogynist. Let me hear about the time where he's gathering women up and beating them and telling them he hates women. That's what I need to hear. Have you ever done that, John? No.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Anyway, I do have to- John Wooley does shows. You like them. Nikki shows up. A female shows up and you don't like them. The strong women. Maybe that's misogynist. Maybe that's misogynist. You like boys.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Yeah. The strong women told us that you like boys. The strong men. Right. That's what they told us. No, what happened was when John can talk and it's only him, he has like, there's no he's got to fill the space, which means he has to
Starting point is 00:34:48 open up what he's saying. He's got to at least have some sort of explanation. Yeah, it's to expand. When he's back and forth with Nikki and Nikki, I mean, Nikki, when even when she did the interviews, like for the CrossFit Games, like that, you don't get a lot of depth on the questions. What are you going to do tonight to recover? How do you feel out there? What are you thinking about? Like there's not going to be the depth that you're looking
Starting point is 00:35:11 for. You know what I mean? And like they're both just kind of, they shut. Here's the question, very vague. Here's a very vague answer. Cause that's the only answer you can really give for it. And then the people in the comments are like, yeah, good job. Oh yeah. They have been advocating for themselves. I'm like, dude, I just have to take your word for that. And then the people in the comments are like, yeah, good job. Oh, yeah, they have been advocating for themselves. I'm like, dude, I just have to take your word for that. Like, what did they do? Like, it's I feel like it's almost like insight.
Starting point is 00:35:33 It's like witch hunt talk. It's like inciting violence. I have some I have some clips. I have a clip that I'd like to play. And I'll get to it in a minute. But from that, or maybe I won't, but from that podcast, there was something interesting that Woolley said in there.
Starting point is 00:35:53 He said that he's hearing a lot that people think that CrossFit should break the games off or sell the CrossFit games from the methodology. And it's funny, like, I haven't, I've heard that very little. And so I thought it was interesting that he said he's heard that a lot. Are you guys hearing that? I would really like to know because all three of us have very different experiences of what it is like to be in CrossFit right now.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Right. What are you hearing, Bill? Because you run an affiliate. is like to be in CrossFit right now. Right. What are you hearing, Bill? Cause you run an affiliate. As far as like the members go, like they don't really care. You know what I mean? Like it doesn't affect the members that are coming in to get their workout.
Starting point is 00:36:37 You know what I mean? I haven't, I think right now, I will hear generally just like in the, not, not specifically, like I'm not talking to anyone and being like, hey, do you think it should be broken off? But I see everyone clamoring, like all the PFAA clamor and, and, you know, all the people, all the athletes were putting their information, their comments up about what they thought should happen. They're, they want something to change.
Starting point is 00:37:04 They don't know what that is. And again, I just feel like whether it's getting rid of Dave or peeling off the games, that those are, you do one thing and it's gonna fix all the problems, whatever issue we may have or might have in the future. And I think that's what the action is, but I don't think that that's what the reality would be. I mean, in all reality, like I don't think that that's what the reality would be. I mean, they were all in all reality. Like I know myself personally.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Probably like the 2018 games when, and this is like, I mean, I think that was one of the best years ever in CrossFit. And I felt that like Greg reached in and grabbed the guts out of CrossFit and just ripped it out because all of a sudden he He was saying hey the games is overtaking But the what I'm trying to do here and I saw that there was that battle between like him and Dave So I was at that time I was thinking like okay cool make it two totally different things CrossFit sport CrossFit methodology it could all be under the same umbrella
Starting point is 00:38:02 But it should be run as like two totally different things. I think now, I don't believe now that it could happen. I don't think that there is the infrastructure. I don't think that there are the people that are in place to do something like that. And I don't think that they could get the messaging right to make it happen that way. If it leaves CrossFit, it won't be the CrossFit game. Even if Rogue was to take it or whatever, I just, I don't think it would be the same. I don't think it'd be the same. There's a stratification in what I hear. So like the newbies, they're like, oh man, that's terrible. Somebody died at the games, but they don't really, you know, in Yeah, it doesn't really matter today. It doesn't affect them. I shouldn't say they don't care. It's just that it doesn't affect them. They're going to class and that's what they want. I shouldn't say they don't care. It's just that it doesn't affect them.
Starting point is 00:38:42 They're going to class and that's what they want. For the people that I've been around for a long time that have enjoyed the sport for a long time, there's just a, there is this sense of exhaustion of dealing with HQ and it's just something all, like that's the common theme that I hear from everybody is it's just something all the time. They're tired of it not working all the time.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It's like, yeah, the sport works every year, but there's always so much drama. They all say, that's fine until a guy dies. Then they're like, that's when they start wanting to say things like, maybe Dave should go or maybe CrossFit should sell Rogue or something like that's when they start wanting to like say things like maybe Dave should go or maybe CrossFit should sell a road or Something like that there is there's just this sense of exhaustion that I get with the long-term folks But like you said like with the everyday folks, it just doesn't matter like they don't care Do you hit what John? What do you think? Do you hear that to break the games off and then I'll and then I'll follow up With that with the part two. Do you feel like you're hearing that? Break the games off or sell the games? Because I don't hear that. I mean, very little.
Starting point is 00:39:49 I've heard it. I haven't heard. I haven't. It hasn't been like, hey, this is what's going to happen or this is what needs to happen. I've just heard it thrown out there. I think everything is just a cluster right now and they have a lot of decisions to make. They have a lot of things they are out. They don't need to figure out what direction we're going to go and what the next year looks like. And right now, I think it's just a cluster of everything. And then they have to, you know, we have no idea what HQ is going to do. That's all that I've heard.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I haven't heard it's leaning towards one way or the other At all. I think it's just a cluster of everything and we and nobody has any idea and then I think we will know everything by the time rogue is over Like I know I like I'm saying if anybody's going to get fired it will. If the games is going to split off from the affiliates, it will happen. If they're going to sell it and Don's not the CEO or any situation you might think of, I'm willing to bet it's done before Rogue. But right now, there is nothing that anybody knows. You're out of your mind if you think a single action will happen before December? No, I think it has to. Oh, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:41:09 I think the further and further away you push decisions to be made, the less and less CrossFit as a whole can get past this year. And that's what they want. They want to get past this year. They want to, you know, we're kind of at a low point and we know we've had a lot of low points, right? We're basically a roller coaster. But I think the further and further you push it down the road, you just stay here.
Starting point is 00:41:40 More people get upset. More people are confused. Like if you make decisions, doesn't matter what they are, but if you make decisions and like, this is where we're headed, this is the direction, this is what we chose to do, this is what's gonna happen next year, then you can move on and people like us
Starting point is 00:41:58 are gonna have to deal with it, whether we like it or not, and then we will talk on, okay, this is how it's gonna be. And that's what I think. If I was HQ. Why do you think they hired a third party investigator? That third party investigator is going to find some stuff and then they're going to say, okay, they're going to do this announcement about this is what they found and we're going
Starting point is 00:42:20 to make some decisions off of this. Why did they hire a third party? Why did they answer that question? I'm very curious about that. Why did they hire a third party? Why did they? Answer that question. I'm very curious about that. Why did they hire a third party? It's a PR or insurance they had to legally or is it a PR move? Why did they? That's a great question.
Starting point is 00:42:33 I think that's yes to all those answers. Yes to all those questions. Like legally they have to, by PR they have to. You think legally they have to? If I'm in trouble, I can't go, well, let me go ahead and check out myself and I'll let you know if I messed up or not But what do you mean by in trouble? But what do you mean by in trouble like the only person they're in trouble with is a possible lawsuit and insurance insurance company, right? I mean there that's the only thing on the line is
Starting point is 00:42:59 Reputation I mean legally yeah, but the PR thing is I think the biggest reason right now, right? I mean legally, yeah, but the PR thing is I think the biggest reason right now, right? Or the continue to buy yourself time they don't know what they're gonna do and they don't know like if Say Lazar is gonna sue or or not Lazar but Lazar's family's gonna sue like they have to prep for that as well so they're probably gonna Hire a third-party investigation to back themselves up on that. But like they're just buying time and then caught like consoling the community by being like, hey, someone's looking at it. So that way that the community feels safe and that there's something going on. Hey, I think you guys have just convinced me that it was a mistake to tell the community that there's a third party investigation.
Starting point is 00:43:43 What if they hadn't? So, nope. I mean, what, well, who cares? Like how many people care? One percent of the community that there's a third party investigation. What if they hadn't? So, no, I mean, what, well, who cares? Like how many people care? One, 1% of the community, 2%. Hold on, hold on. So, Sevan, you've always been of the camp that the games is our greatest uh, social media outlet to get people to the affiliate, right? Like you, you've always agreed that like those things should be stuck together, right?
Starting point is 00:44:05 Right. I don't know if I'd say the greatest, but yeah, huge. I think it's a huge marketing opportunity. Okay. He's our market opportunity. Okay. If that market, if the hugest marketing opportunity that we have has a black mark of a death on it and they aren't doing anything, then that is going to
Starting point is 00:44:21 affect that, then what you're saying, that's going to affect the affiliates. How about this? How about you're going to fucking lose your shit when I say this? How about this? How about this the? The death may be a black mark on the affiliates, which is bad, right? But it might not be a black mark on the games How would you say that yeah, I think it has to be you you think it has to be Yeah, I think it has to be you you think it has to be Yeah, you think you think you like this. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you but you think you think the isle of man ttt You think the death's there a black mark on that event?
Starting point is 00:45:00 Every year someone dies there. What do you why do you think that event is so big in the isle of man? The isle of man dies there every year someone dies there every year and that's the whole thing with the fucking man. You know why I think it's a part of their culture. That's why the series B. You know why the Hawaiian Ironman's so fucking huge? Because ABC in the wild world of sports showed fucking people fucking crawling over the finish line. People like collapsing. Okay, okay. You know what Bill? Hold on, hold on. I got you, I got you. Yeah, yeah. Go ahead, Bill. I was just gonna say, on that one thing that you're talking right there,
Starting point is 00:45:28 that's the athlete, what the showcase is casing is the athlete pushing to their ultimate limit. Right. Not that something happened and they weren't able to be saved. That's a different story. Like I get what you're saying. We know that, we know that,
Starting point is 00:45:42 but I'm just saying in the world, like I think this story comes away. Like you remember Tony Buddy said it, Tony Budding said it in an interview in 2008. This thing is so fucking hard, you could die. Yeah. And- That was when it was laughable to say. To you, to you now. Now maybe.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Right, yeah. I mean come on guys, it's the the two dude. Go watch the 2008. If you would have done the games in 2008, John, you would have been like, this shit's fucking hard. I bet you wouldn't be right now in the Pendleton run. There's no way there was a special me right now. I'm looking at Kalipa in the eye and being like, bro, you're coming in second. There's a game. You're out of your mind because you've been doing CrossFit for all of this time, dude. I'm saying, you would look at me right now and say that was going to be hard.
Starting point is 00:46:29 No sir. You would've put you in 2008. I was 14. Doing your normal stuff. Not CrossFit stuff. In 2009, there was that guy crying in the ice bath. He was a Special Forces, Australian Special Forces, and he's crying in the ice bath, and he was saying, this, I should not be doing this. I have a family at home. Like he knew. Remember that guy?
Starting point is 00:46:53 Let's have that guy do 2015. I think that dude may have been juiced to the gills. He was huge. He was huge. He was huge. He was huge. Let me. What John is saying about like having to have something done by December, I don't disagree with him because the thing is like, if you don't do something, like you can, I mean, I think what the athletes are really clamoring about is that especially like Pat this is a Pat's line We I won't let this be forgotten So he's gonna constantly be yelling it and yelling it and yelling it and yelling and rallying as he should Want to do as he should tell him as he should yeah until something is changed and but the problem is is it? Rushing the change of doing something just to say okay Well, so we take Dave out
Starting point is 00:47:45 and that's gonna fix everything. Or even if you were to take, even if you were to take, sell the games off to someone, let's say Rogue has it, who's to say that like something like that wouldn't have happened, wouldn't happen, or wouldn't ever happen again? You can't say that you,
Starting point is 00:48:00 that no one will ever get hurt or ever die to a sport of it. You can't say that. And Savant, to your point about why is like the Iron Man, Iron Man is still super, super popular. Somebody dies there every year. More popular. We would have never seen, I would have never even heard of it
Starting point is 00:48:14 if people weren't dying at it. I got you, I got you. The very first time somebody died, it was probably a black mark for them. And then they were like, well, it's kind of gonna happen and now it's accepted. Oh shit! Yes or no? I mean I have seen, I have probably happened in 1920 when no one gave a shit. Hey dude the most popular guy in football when I was a fucking kid was this fucking guy um Aaron Hernandez. I think his name was Jack Tatum on the Raiders and he fucking hit this dude
Starting point is 00:48:46 So fucking hard and the dude did never fucking walked again. He had a dude. Oh Jake what's his last name? Wasn't Jack Tatum? I Don't know. He's talking about another guy. Oh, I'm Taylor. What the Kenny Stabler Stabler was the quarterback. I was the quarterback. Okay. Okay. Oh, you're talking about off John you're not your point To your point though seven so what you're saying is I got your games the games will move on like John saying like hey It's kind of just gonna happen, but people will will not go into affiliates because it'll be like CrossFit kills you That's what you're saying
Starting point is 00:49:20 I mean that would that the concern is is that there's just negative press out there that that's what they got from the 20 or $30 million, whatever $10 million they spent on the games this year. They got a bunch of press that said people will die at the games. And then you got fucking morons like that lady, that attorney who said, yeah, and there's no swimming pools at affiliates. And so why are they swimming at the event?
Starting point is 00:49:40 Not even mentioning that they've had swimming at fucking the last 10 games as the first event not mentioning It's only a four mile event and not a hundred and forty mile event when she compared its triathlons Not mentioning the fact that they were that guy swam it three weeks or three days before and that the event had been Announced three weeks before I mean, so that's what they're getting. They're getting idiot fucking YouTube lawyers That fucking a third grader could out think commenting on it and that's what they're getting. They're getting idiot fucking YouTube lawyers that fucking a third grader could out think, commenting on it, and that's what they paid for for their 10 or 21 dollars.
Starting point is 00:50:09 She's making that mistake though, it's because it's the CrossFit game. So she's assuming we're testing CrossFit. If she was going off the affiliate model, of like, we trade CrossFit, versus the fittest on earth, if you're talking about fitness, I bet she doesn't make that comparison.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, this is, Bill loves this. This is splitting the methodology from the sport. Bill loves this. Yeah, I do think that they are, I do think it's clear that they're different. You know, one, like we are trying to help people have a fit life for as long as they possibly can. The, we are trying to help people have a fit life for as long as they possibly can.
Starting point is 00:50:47 The competition, nobody cares how fit they're going to be in five years. No one cares if they have diabetes and are they training to get rid of diabetes. All we want to know is who can lift the fastest, the strongest. The problem is that piece, we have to tell. And I love the conversation
Starting point is 00:51:05 When I have new people come in they're like, you know I've always heard like you guys don't care about form and all you cared about going as heavy as you can and In intensity like that's not all we care about Although that's how you get these gains blah blah blah. What I thought was interesting though was I saw I don't know if it was It was in our thread that someone put it or it just came up on my thread. There was a video where these two guys, it was on a podcast and they were talking about what happened and they said, what's crazy now is Crossfitters, they train to a high intensity so much that they don't even know when they're close to a suit.
Starting point is 00:51:42 They don't know what that high intensity is anymore. They're just like to just bury on a regular basis I should just go that hard and they don't like those are people that don't understand what it's like the capacity of these athletes are and where they come with the lawyer yeah she had no idea she was comparing these little stick figures yeah to Crossfitters. They go 140 miles. I had these two drop-ins that were from Mississippi. And the girl, it's actually really funny, John, the one dude had the Brandon Luckett, the washed up John Young shirt.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It was awesome. But anyway, they came in and she just started doing CrossFit last November. So she's almost been doing it a year. And she before this, like she had an Iron Man tattoo on her ankle. I'm like, Oh, man, Iron Man, huh? She's like, Yeah, it's like I've done it. Like two of them now. I go, Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:52:36 Where did you do them? And she said in Texas, I go, Oh, well, tell me about it. Like, what did you think about what happened and how hot it was? And she's like, Yeah, it's hot in Texas. Like that it just is, you know, and when you, that's why Henshaw said before the fact too, right. Right. So it's like, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Like, I think that there's, there's a lot of ways to get fired up on it. But again, it's like, okay, what are you, what are you trying to do? All right. Like, okay, we can't bring Lazar back. So what are we trying to fix now? I mean, whatever happens with the family, like that's, that's a whole separate deal. Like that, that's going to go off on its own. But as far as like, with CrossFit, what I wish could happen. And it's, it honestly, I think it's, it's a, wasteful thinking honestly because we've seen what crossfit puts out on their social media Just nothing and if anything and we we've talked about this on a couple other shows. Okay, all that stuff's happening Double down then on the crossfit methodology side. They've oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, they should be putting stuff out every day
Starting point is 00:53:43 I agree. That's how they should be moving forward What's happening is nothing's happening. Yeah So we're just ruminating on it. Yeah But bill You are the one that's wrong or whatever. It's the same thing. It's the same thing with Floyd 19 We did not have the horsepower. We had no media team So when Floyd 19 took over if we would We had no media team, so when Floyd 19 took over, if we would have had a media team, we could have been showing videos every single day of someone being cured of type 2 diabetes, someone snatching 300, someone
Starting point is 00:54:11 being taught the squat. We didn't have any of the tools to do that, so the narrative was just taken over. Now CrossFit's in the exact same position. There's this huge narrative out there, and since CrossFit's not telling the community what the narrative should be, they can't control the narrative, or they can't change the direction of it, it's being told from everyone from the outside. It's the identical thing. They're not equipped to control the narrative. All it takes is one person there to put up something about how great CrossFit is and what it does for people's lives. You tell me they don't have a video name? One person. I am not a social media guy. I go through waves of like,
Starting point is 00:54:51 oh, I'll post things and then I don't post anything for like three. That's how I operate. I'm old though. They have people in their little area, small team or not, they could do one cheesy ass stupid video to put something up because it's got to be the constant drip about what CrossFit does for people. Right now the only thing that's said is CrossFit kills people and we have a bunch of old people and young kids that are doing this competition thing over there but you're not going to hear about that at all. You might hear about it maybe. And that we hate strong women. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling saying I do.
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Starting point is 00:56:00 i do i uh i do i want to go back to this thing you said about these options of Firing Dave and selling CrossFit games or peeling it off and the problem with that kind of talk is your options Sorry demands you don't there's if you don't know what step two is you're in big fucking trouble And so you want to sell the games have you looked? Point to one successful other CrossFit event. Just one point to one to me. I want to see one. I want to see one sustainable event. First of all, and we have shitloads of athletes coming out who are saying, Oh yeah, there's no comparison between the safety and the organization of the CrossFit games to any event I've ever been at. And so, um, the only other one that I think is quote unquote successful, we all know what
Starting point is 00:56:46 it is, it's Rogue. And you have to presume it's being subsidized by Rogue the same way that the games is being subsidized by the affiliates in the seminars. I mean, so there's not even a step two. It's like fucking a hole and not knowing what it's attached to. It really is. It's like, wow, that was your first move. You saw a hole and just stuck your dick in it. Like you didn't think like maybe check around, see what it's attached to. It really is, it's like, wow, that was your first move, you saw a hole and just stuck your dick in it,
Starting point is 00:57:06 like you didn't think like maybe check around, see what it's attached to, it's literally like that. There's no three steps, it's like, that's what I mean, cut Dave, boom, it'll fix everything, no. Yeah. The game's on, boom, it'll fix everything, no. That's not what it works. That's an op, okay, if that's an option,
Starting point is 00:57:22 what are the things going downstream of that? And no one ever thinks about that And I just saw I just saw Judy read in the comments and I saw a video today That I wanted to show her damn. I don't see it in my notes. Damn it. All right Sorry, Bill. Go ahead Bill. Oh, yeah. What what happens after Dave or what happens after you sell it? Yeah, what happens same thing? Like like like you said, what's step two? I mean, I'm step two step two step three, but that's that that that seems to be like that's the knee jerk on all of these things and that's where like I mean, I I just stand it back. I get nervous like I I agree with john something something will happen by december I could see something happening. But the concern is, are you doing that
Starting point is 00:58:07 because it's really something and it's really gonna be a fix? Are you doing that just to throw the water to feed the fish, you know what I mean? And the morons are saying out there, hey dude, what about personal accountability? What about personal responsibility? Like they think that somehow this conversation we're having
Starting point is 00:58:25 absolves personal responsibility or resolves uh absolves accountability. But hey dude, we have the another perfect example of that of what happened in society. We had the George Floyd incident go down, all cops were vilified, and now all of a sudden murder rates skyrocketed. Is that what we wanted? That's not what that wasn't the outcome we wanted. But somehow someone got the enjoyment of punishing cops. And thousands of more people died in the country. It's fucking insane. It's an identical parallel. It doesn't mean that someone shouldn't take responsibility. It doesn't mean there doesn't need to be changes. They just shouldn't be fucking be knee jerk. You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. What is it? What is it? And
Starting point is 00:59:04 They just shouldn't be fucking be knee-jerk. You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. What is it? What is it and The Greg used to say it all the time the cure shouldn't be the cure shouldn't cause more damage than the than the incident or whatever the the the Injections the disease. Yeah It is you're right. It's treating it's treating symptoms instead of the root cause once again. Yeah once again And there's tons of you feel that that's the heart. That's what I'm nervous. What's that? I don't know if the team that's there now has the ability to think that way like if it was
Starting point is 00:59:43 If you had people that were like born and bred crossfit, like I mean talk about the old regime that was in there with Greg and everybody else, I think that they would have been like okay not just like well you know fuck it we'll just go this way anyway, but like all right what what do we think the direction should go to do this? Not like we need to appease. And I feel like right now you have a bunch of people that have worked in other big companies And they they I mean I would think classically just kind of dance around whatever issues there are They don't take big action. I Mean, it's the it's a playbook that they know build this business in this certain way
Starting point is 01:00:20 And I'm gonna pick on Jenna, but's Barry's was built a very certain way it's the it's the it's the regular like scale of a business sort of situation and it's like is it Barry's is never going to have to deal with something like this and then the community having this sort of outrage of something like this they have to realize that that's not they're not running like a Barry's boot camp this is not what that is if something likes if someone gets AIDS in the shower at berries casual sex then it's not gonna diminish their it's not not on berries I had a couple examples that was the one I went with that was a good one hey I, I don't, dude, I do not, I do not envy her position. She brought in six months ago to the worst fucking media team in the history of fucking
Starting point is 01:01:14 CrossFit. She has to be brought up to fucking speed on just complete fucking dirt bags that worked in that fucking department. I mean, of the highest order. I'm not picking on Jenna directly. I just know that she worked at Barry's and I needed a company as example. But could you imagine being Jenna actually right now?
Starting point is 01:01:33 You've been in your job a year and you're like, holy shit. Yeah. What do I do? Yeah, I don't envy her. I think she's only been there six months. How about Dawn? How about Dawn too? Okay. Let me also say this really quick about the pfaa there so What we were talking about was making me think when we were talking about the knee-jerk reaction get rid of dave or people
Starting point is 01:01:57 Saying peel off the games which I don't I don't hear and I don't even hear people saying fire dave except for the fact That they said it but So basically what i'm hearing my analysis is and guys unfuck me if I'm wrong is it's their way of trying to get control but the truth is is that they could contribute so much and have an offer so much already without those two options it once again it's like the people wanting to burn down the federal courthouse in Portland but you haven't even written a letter to your local politician or run for office burning down the courthouse seems a little, but you haven't even written a letter to your local politician or run for office. Burning down the courthouse seems a little premature
Starting point is 01:02:27 if you're not voting, if you're not writing letters, or you haven't run for office yourself. And that's what I feel like we're getting from them. And that's why I get so upset from like Wooly and Nicky Brazier podcast, because they're like, well, they've been doing stuff for years. Okay, I'm ready. That's what I'm waiting to hear.
Starting point is 01:02:42 I'm ready, just tell me one. I didn't, did he pass something out to one. Did he pass something out to everyone? Did Brent pass something out to everyone telling them to take Listerine when they got out of the water? Because I saw him do it. I mean, that seems like a pretty important thing, right? In the years past, people got out of the lake and supposedly they had some sort of infection. So if you're head of the PFAA and you're taking Listerine to kill bacteria in your mouth,
Starting point is 01:03:01 you think you'd share that with every single athlete? No? Yes? You guys with me? No? I'm interested to see if the athletes would echo the same thing. Echo the same thing with what? Well, with what Willie said. Like, the PFA has been doing things for years. I don't think all the athletes would agree with him. But here's the thing. I just need one. I want to see the list of what they've done.
Starting point is 01:03:25 It's been weeks now. All we're hearing is words like advocate and change and there's still nothing. We've given them more for what they could start doing moving forward than they've told us what the problem is. And what's pissing me off is people are buying that shit and they're regurgitating it. Can you guys tell me one thing that they've done? They've demanded things. They worked with waterpalooza. But what did they do there?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Like, that's what I mean. Like, And was that not the year they were swimming in the dark? They worked with waterpalooza and they were swimming in the dark. Bill worked with water polus and they were swimming in the dark. Bill came to my house and helped my family. How did he help? He saved my cat from the tree. Okay, there's one thing.
Starting point is 01:04:11 What else? He serviced my wife. Damn. All right, thank you, Bill. I do what I can. There's two things. I just wanna, I'm just, I mean, I'm, it's insane that people are doing content
Starting point is 01:04:25 and still just saying words like advocate and change. It's just, it's just horse shit. Just completely horse shit. I honestly, I think the hardest thing that I'm having with the PFAA thing is the fact that you have athletes, these are athletes that want to know, want to be able to say, want to be able to say, want to be able to order, want to be able to demand, all of these things about like, let me as the athlete
Starting point is 01:04:52 look at your event and see if I give you my approval. I'm going to compete in the event, but I want to let you know that if I give it the dominance ominous of it's okay or not you know like who are they they're they're like they are but but it could be but what I'm saying is is they could be and I would and I have no issue with them becoming that if they'll offer like if they were in their fifth year of giving stuff out like what's gonna be great tomorrow what's gonna be great tomorrow monitors man listen wouldn't it be great tomorrow if Patrick and Brent
Starting point is 01:05:26 came on the show and they're like look dude we sent this to Dave two months ago saying at every swim event we wanted a lifeguard for every person that was in the water and we never got a response I mean that would be fucking like yeah you'd be like I get it okay I get like, I get it. Okay, I get it. Yeah, I get it. And then everybody talking trash on the PFAA would be like, no, they're in the right and Dave is in the wrong. Yeah, I would be like, I get it. Totally. But the thing is that even if it comes out tomorrow, but if it comes out tomorrow, that they were offered to look at the safety protocols and they refused. Now we have a bigger problem. I think you could be shown, I think, I honestly believe this,
Starting point is 01:06:14 that they could have taken the safety protocol, whatever the heck it was, and given it to the PFAA, and they would look at it and go like, cool, you got a boat, you have a couple of jet skis, got sweet, awesome. They're not gonna know, they are not safety personnel. They don't know to go, hey, let me look, how do you have these people set up? What is your rescue protocol in case something goes down? How is this gonna set up? If you have a rescue that goes in, does the event stop?
Starting point is 01:06:39 Does it pull out? They're not gonna look at that, they don't know to look at that stuff. That's a really good point, because their authority right now is that they didn't kill a guy that's it right and let me say this before you type something up and post it in YouTube no one type in there because you it's just stop yourself don't say oh my god you guys are blaming the PFAA no we're not we're not what
Starting point is 01:07:03 we're saying is if is, if they want to step in and take control and have authority, you have to earn it. That's all we're saying. We're not absolving CrossFit of anything. So there's always like five of those in the comments, oh, now you're shifting the blame or oh, you're not listening. No, please stop. It's you who's not listening. We are not doing that. We are not doing that. We've built the story up to where we think they're trying to take control of something. We're like, hey, you want to take control?
Starting point is 01:07:32 Start with this by taking control of what you can take control of. Bill's probably more passionate about fixing this problem than anybody I've talked to thus far. When it went down, I was like, I literally, I sat down on a piece of paper and I drew out exactly where I would have everybody set up. Yeah. I have a whole thing. Real action, real fixes.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Totally. If, if, okay, let's just say PFA does their thing and people are like, all right, we're going to make sure that PFA comes in and approves, drops the holy water on our event and we can do our thing and Everything is good and then something happens whose fault is it? Does the PFA gonna go down? John We'll find out the NorCal classic. Yeah, so like it let's it like NorCal class a perfect example Like if something happens
Starting point is 01:08:22 Whose fault is it? Is it NorCalAL or is it PFAA for saying, hey, yes, this is an appropriate thing? Because we are the safety people. We now saying that it's okay. Because if you say it's okay and something goes down, I would think that would be on you. Why did why did Blair and Ben partner up with the PFAA? They must add some value. I think what it was was just personally,
Starting point is 01:08:45 and I haven't talked to those guys about this, but I know that they were, I think it was or was going to be a licensed event, a licensed CrossFit event. This whole thing down, they said, hey, we're not going to, we're not going to take our swimming out. So now, so we're not a licensed event. Okay, cool. Great job. I literally think that this was, okay, athletes or competitors are all flipped out now. So we're gonna do this to kind of pacify everyone. Wait, why would that, oh, athletes are flipped out about the swimming? Yeah, because I mean, all of a sudden now,
Starting point is 01:09:17 it's a dangerous thing and everyone's inside. Hey dude, the coolest thing about the event- It is a temporary rubber stamp. The coolest thing about the event is Colton, Tudor, and Taylor Self. Listen, it doesn't need any stamp from CrossFit, from my mom. Like, no one needs to... Dude, I'm telling you. The venue is... It is an amazing event. It is old school CrossFit. It's awesome. The venue is insane. If you have time, you should go to the NorCal classic and bring all your kids
Starting point is 01:09:49 And fucking sneak in some beer and shit. I don't even know if you need to sneak in it. You have beer there So they have all kinds of your garden. I have all dude. It's this shit It's basically like a shakespearing festival But instead of like shakespear, it's just people just like people hanging out shirts working out. Yeah without shirts on it's dope It is so awesome. It's by water. Can the public just jump in the water? I think they can, they can't even stop you, right? Outside of the area where they are, yeah. Outside of like wherever they're racing.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah, that's awesome. All right, so that's that. Tomorrow morning show, 7AM Pacific Standard Time, Coffee, Pods and Wads, Pedro, Brent Frikowski, and Patrick Villener, two huge proponents of athlete safety. Hopefully we'll get some answers to some of these questions. If not, shit's going to get even weirder. How hard do you think they go tomorrow?
Starting point is 01:10:42 You have to come out just double guns blazing. I'm predicting one of them leaves the show early. Why? Emotion? Yep. I think Pedro will ask a question, like a couple of questions and keep on coming on the, keep on going on it, but that doesn't make sense. Why? Why is this? Why? And then one of them will be
Starting point is 01:11:10 offended in some way. And they'll be like, this is not good. I don't think Pedro can offend anyone. Goodbye. Except on his fake news. Like it'll be a more professional. It's really good. And like when Hunter and Brent were on with each other. Like it'll be a more professional... It's really good at it. Than like when Hunter and Brent were on with each other. It'll be like that but a little more professional. Do you remember that? I think you're wrong. I think you're wrong.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I think they have to hold tight. I don't want them to hold tight. I... You want to see one of them just break down and start crying? I want to see fireworks, yeah. I just and start crying. I want to see fireworks. Yeah. Hey, I just don't know what they would be able to present. That's that's the downside.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Dude, they're going to present all the stuff that they've been telling CrossFit. They're going to be like, we asked for 50 fucking lifeguards. We asked for buoys. They're going to be like, here's the list of shit we asked you guys for. They have no I mean, that that's their only way out. This is their first public appearance as this unit. Yeah. I wouldn't make a public appearance if you didn't have something. Yeah I'm, that's what I'm saying dude, I'm coming double guns blazing.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Yeah but what, again, like what? Project Veritas style, I have documents. Well okay, so Pat has said that this has been going on for years. They've been patted on the head and told it will take care of it. I like, I know examples of that. The fear of that. I hope that that's what's brought. Like if they, if he, if they don't have that, then it's just words. What's the point of the show is then it's just words. What's the point of the show? Then it's just words.
Starting point is 01:12:45 Well, the point of the show is because I think a lot of people get run on that every week. They can run on emotion and keep saying the same emotional type things where it sounds good on paper. Dude, that's only gonna hurt. That's only gonna hurt you. They're smart. They're not dumb. Like I feel like you can't go on that show. That's one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, dude. I not dumb. Like I feel like you can't go on that show. But that post was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen dude. I gotcha. But I feel like you cannot go live on a show where you're going to be questioned. And I don't think Pedro is afraid to ask the hard questions. No.
Starting point is 01:13:18 No. And that's what I'm saying. You're going to have to answer these. If you do not have anything, and it's just just emotion and it's just filler words and it's Nikki Brazier in Brent Pat form, that's only going to hurt you so badly. Oh, it'll be horrible if they do that. You know what I'm saying? You have to have something. I don't wish that for them. I don't wish that for them. I'm saying you have to have something. I think they think they do. Oh, you think they just think they do and they don't wish that for them. I'm saying you have to have something. I think they think they do. Oh, you think they just think they do and they don't. Yeah, I mean, here's what it is.
Starting point is 01:13:49 I mean, you saw my demands. I want ample time. What the hell does that mean? It means nothing. I want ample time. I give my ominous dominance. Dude, Bill. You look like you're doing a Harry Potter spell. Have you ever dressed up as a like a pastor or a priest?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Are you crazy? Halloween? No, dude, you would be amazing. Every time you do that, I see a white collar on you. And I want to tell you some dirty thought I had about my wife. I have like, what is it like right? Yes, wow Dominus ominous my child yes I've completely lost the thread I do I do want to say this I wanted to circle back to the strong woman here I this I I mean this from the fucking bottom of my heart. I
Starting point is 01:14:49 Would have never in a million years watched strong woman and now like I'm gonna watch it I want to watch it so bad. It's fun. Hey, dude. There's that's what's crazy is I bet you there's not one person That's the other way. There's not one person word That's like I'm not gonna watch that now the other way. There's not one person where that's like, I'm not going to watch that. Now that I know John Young doesn't watch it, it's going to be like, what's this shit John Young's talking about? I want to check this shit out. You know, I bet you John watches it now. Yeah, I think I'm going to watch.
Starting point is 01:15:16 I know that's crazy. How much strong women paid John to do that? That was a nice viral under the table. I don't know. It's a sign off. We're going to put the we're going to put Heat 1 bets on Strong Women in there now, so John has to play. Oh, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:31 How can you not watch it now? I'm going to watch it and then make a video of me changing the channel. That's what I'm going to do. It just, not for me. That's it. Oh, my goodness. Make sure someone has a nice voice. I'm going to wait until Olga gets up there to deadlift and then that's what I'm going to do. You know how lucky it made that shirt washed up. Jeanette said in retaliation that you should make a shirt that says I don't like the way
Starting point is 01:16:00 you look. That's good. I don't like the way you look That's good Do we know the you do we know the YouTube channels where Masters is showing tomorrow Yes, whatever the games the games YouTube oh It is you can go to No, you go to you go to the YouTube like CrossFit Games, their YouTube, and it's on there. They have that and the teens and stuff.
Starting point is 01:16:29 Oh, how come no one knew this? Let me... It's weird, because it's all out of order. It starts off with event, I don't know, seven listing. You can wait in line for it, and you got to scroll down. They have to do it out of order for the gym equipment. They're limited on the equipment. So some people are doing the third event first.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Some people are doing the sixth event first. Some people are doing the first event first. They have to do it out of order. Well, I thought they were doing like of the three on that day out of order. But I don't see anything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like day three.
Starting point is 01:17:03 I don't see anything scheduled. You know, like around day one Three I don't know I don't see anything scheduled live Good videos you got yeah, you gotta yeah, it's not where's the where's the live content gonna be for tomorrow weird Well, I didn't have that I didn't have any problem at least it coming up. Let see what else I can know oh Masters is on the legends channel lead cross oh you can go there too legends events legends championships okay oh they, they got 30,000 views today on one of these shows. Thank you, Klok. I had it at a CrossFit Games. Oh, you did?
Starting point is 01:17:52 Yeah. That's cool. Okay. So, scheduled for tomorrow's the 31st. For anyone who wants to watch the Masters events, it looks like it starts at 4.50 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. That's seven. So eight a.m. East Coast, five a.m. Pacific Standard Time. It looks like they have this is it looks like they have one, two, three streams tomorrow. All two streams starting at five a.m. and one stream starts at 11 a.m. Pacific Standard
Starting point is 01:18:20 Time. And then the finals will be on Sunday. We'll talk more about that. Have you guys heard anything from there? Anything noteworthy? Well, Morad is currently leading. Yeah. Significant. Other than that, no. They're going on. It's been kind of neat to see a lot of, like, I know a lot of the Masters athletes and like to see people like video And on their phone like live streaming on the Instagram. That's been kind of neat. Like it makes it. It makes me have FOMO Yeah, Jamie Latimer is doing well. I think she's really well. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's good. I know WOD prep and
Starting point is 01:19:01 Clydesdale they are the people who are covering the Masters the most. Wadprep is doing a recap every single night. They have like seven athletes there that are part of their whole crew. Dude, they're probably having some huge shows too because I remember Talking Elite Fitness last year did it and they had some massive shows. Yeah, well, I don't know what Clydesdale is doing but obviously he's very passionate about the Masters people but I know WadOD Prep's covering them pretty extensively. Okay, and the teen events tomorrow, their stream starts at 6am.
Starting point is 01:19:34 So you can watch the teens also. And that's going tomorrow too. I think, let me see if I can play that. I think they were going to play, this was going to play a little trailer. Oh, that's just the beginning. All right. Do you guys know any of the teams? Do you guys follow the teams at all?
Starting point is 01:19:55 I know Riley Beebe. She's proven. She's proven athlete. Her dad came up to me and he was super nice and said that they enjoy watching the Seyvon show and the barbell spin. So I root for her for those reasons. They bought two shirts. Oh, did they really say they enjoy the spin? Yeah. Yeah, they love it. Yeah. They probably just had to say that.
Starting point is 01:20:19 He came up to me. He knew he spotted me out. So they're great people. I think you're missing the joke. Did you guys get the joke? Tyler, you get the joke? Thank you. Oh, I'm sorry. That's okay. That's okay. You're a good dude. It was a mean joke. But she's, she's at proven. She trains at proven. A neurotic Taylor self. Someone could never qualify for his age group in the female division. Do you know what's so cool about you saying that I am actually? Most interested if I were to watch the masters in the oldest women's division Probably yeah, it seems the most fascinating to me. It's like it's like the dwarves at uh, um
Starting point is 01:21:00 the adaptive games or the one-armed guys like that shit just Like for i'm just fascinated by that Like really there's 70 year old woman out here fucking cranking out pull-ups. Let me see this shit Do you know what I mean Susan Clark is like the Terminator as like that people go That's the kind of stuff that's gonna carry me through the rest of my day Outside of seeing the best people in the world. That's the kind of shit that I'm gonna think about Like it's no offense to the 40 year old guys or 50 year old guys It's like cool
Starting point is 01:21:29 But if I see 70 year old women doing crazy shit that I can't do it's like Or I see some fucking one-armed guy doing shit that fucking like I can't do even with both arms like That that's the stuff i'm gonna draw on later on in my life. That's the stuff that's gonna influence me Are you a big hip and steel fan then? Yeah, I'm pretty big. I'm okay with hip and steel fans. I'm more like I just feel protective over him because fuck and he just keeps getting run over by a dump truck. It's like I can't there's only so much I can watch. You know what I mean? It's like, fuck, dude. Well, he keeps walking out in front of the dump truck.
Starting point is 01:22:02 He keeps walking out. No, dude, just fuck man now It's like a science experiment because we still don't really know What the human body can do when it's been training for that many years and when it's not degraded by just sitting And it is awesome to watch. Can you pull up event six for the Masters on Instagram? Yeah, I'd love to. I'd love to know y'all's opinion on this.
Starting point is 01:22:31 I was debating the WODprep guys about this. Are we ass pounding someone or are we just being cool? No, it's a workout. Do you think it's possible? Okay, good. I don't wanna ass pound someone. What's the, what do I type in? Legends? It's on the CrossFit Games Instagram site.
Starting point is 01:22:51 Oh, they're posting there? Yeah, you gotta scroll a little bit, but if you get there, I can get you there. You're a good dude, Johnny Young. If you get there, I can get you there. Yeah. All right. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:23:09 Right there. Event one, four rounds for time. Oh, okay. Yep. And now, arrow it up. This happened already? Yes. These are the first three events that happened.
Starting point is 01:23:23 What event do you want to look at? Event six. Event six, four minute workout, one minute rest, second round, three minute workout, one minute rest, round three, two minute workout. So four, three, two with the one minute rest in between. Completion, 105 calories on an eco bike. Buy-in each round starts with 75 double unders and 20 chest to bar pull ups. Interesting. Do you guys think this is possible in one round? No. 105 calories, dude?
Starting point is 01:23:55 Yeah, man. Yeah, go fast. You have... Wait, can you tell me... So it would be 80 RPMs the whole time. John, let me ask you this real quick just so I understand the workout. So they say three, two, one, go. I have to do 75 double unders, then 20 chest to bar pull ups, and then I jump and get as many cows on the eco bike as I can.
Starting point is 01:24:18 Now if you... I would say current games athletes, yeah. How long does it take? How long does it take? Let's break it down. How many? You have three minutes to bite. How long does it take to do 75 double unders? What you're gonna have one about a minute? It's gonna do a minute to do all the work And then how much to do 20 chest to bar?
Starting point is 01:24:35 a minute total so you It'll take longer than that no bro You can do 50 in 30 seconds. So you're looking at like 45 seconds transition time and then 20. You're looking at at least a minute and a half. No, you're a little bit faster than that. Wait a second.
Starting point is 01:24:53 You're saying someone can do 75 double unders transition to 20 chest to bar pull ups in under 60 seconds? You're crazy. It's around a minute. OK, let's say it is. I'll do it tomorrow morning, Tyler. I'm not even good. I'm not even like like people are way faster and it's going to be around a minute. No one is doing 75 dubs and 20 chest over. What's crazier with john saying about this or what was that crazy thing he said that someone
Starting point is 01:25:19 guys okay, a minute a minute a minute five. Like that's around a minute to me. And I'm very, very doable. Very like that's, I think Bill could do it too. Tyler, if you can't do it, that's on you. Bill, you with me on this? Yeah, a hundred percent. All right, as a competitive athlete, Tyler might not know the life.
Starting point is 01:25:37 John, I want you to take a deep breath and I want you to tell me what is the fastest someone in the world could do this that we could find in the next week under minute and 15 under 75 seconds yes i think all of them could do it under 75 seconds all of you i think all the masters athletes i think i think one minute would be like exactly one minute would be the fastest you would see and then a minute to a minute seven the majority of athletes will come in. Oh they already did this event you can go watch. Wow. I don't think anyone... How'd they do?
Starting point is 01:26:13 There's no way someone did it in under a minute and 15. Yeah minute 15 is the lowest I'll go. No fucking way. Dude dude. Okay hey Pac was there he even said he's like they all did it in a minute. Who's Pac? Who's Pac? He's a buddy of mine from Germany. Dude. Okay, hey, Pac was there. He even said he's like they all did it in a minute. Who's Pac? Who's Pac? He's a buddy of mine from Germany.
Starting point is 01:26:29 What the fuck? That's what y'all you don't know how fast these things are. Like you can jump rope faster than two. The 100 double unders fast is about 50 seconds 53 seconds. So it's faster than one like two every second what you're saying if you're doing jump double unders fast It's it's you can do a hundred and about 53 seconds So then you extrapolate that to 75 you're getting off around 40 38 seconds I can write 40 seconds and then you jump immediately you do 20 chest to bar. That's one per second easy and
Starting point is 01:27:03 It's gonna be right around a minute. All right, okay, cool. So we got that done. Maybe a little lower. And then how fast to do 105 cows on the eco bike? That's the question I'm asking you guys. So you're gonna have 250 to do 105 cows. Do you think it's possible?
Starting point is 01:27:24 Bill, you're saying for like a hopper, it would be possible or down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think echo bike pretty comparable to the assault bike, the calories and the time. Is it close? It's, it's, it's, if you're really, really good at the bike, it's just enough where
Starting point is 01:27:41 you might want to try it and you're probably still going to fall short. I know, but what's easier than if I, I try it and you're probably still going to fall short. I just- No, but what's easier, if I've never ridden, I don't ride an Echo bike. A salt bike is easier. A salt bike is easier, yeah. So like, if you hold 83 RPMs the entire time
Starting point is 01:28:02 for three minutes, 250, that would be 105 cows you need to be a machine machine right right yeah yeah it's 83 rpms I think there are monsters that can do that though bill in the Masters I don't know dude no I'm not master Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy two rounds yeah right I think the majority will finish it in two rounds but I tell you if you do go for it this starting with ever having if you do go for it That's second round of double unders and chest to bar are gonna be like shit. Yeah terrible I really wish it was not a
Starting point is 01:28:41 Completion of the calories but total calories to force everyone to do all three rounds. Yeah, I think it I think it uh it's echo bike so the rollover is not as as generous but I think they want people to go for it though and die. You know what I mean? Just right out in front. Yeah. Oh, I was just curious. We were just talking about if it was possible and I, uh, I thought somebody could, they
Starting point is 01:29:10 said nobody couldn't. And then, uh, and then we went over like transition with transitions and stuff. It seemed less and less possible, but I do think, I do think somebody can do it under in, in the round, one round. Yeah. Last workout they did today. How far have they gotten? Uh, that's tomorrow. I do think somebody can do it in the round, one round. Is that the last workout they did today?
Starting point is 01:29:26 How far have they gotten? That's tomorrow. So my dad said one of the women made it in the older divisions, but in one round. I think they only had to do like 50 or 55. They had less calories. And I'm talking about the RX calories. And I'm talking about the, you know, the RX calories. But I think when she made it, she didn't hit the start. She didn't hit the finish mat on the second round. So she had to do the buy-in.
Starting point is 01:29:52 That's so. Oh, that's the worst ever. I disagree wholeheartedly. I think that was in the, I think that was in the 60s. What do you mean? I'm not following. Help me out. I'm not following.
Starting point is 01:30:03 She finished, but she didn't make the transition to the finish mat. So they made her do the buy-in again. She had to do 55 calories on the bike. She got to 55 calories, but didn't get to the finish line. So she technically didn't finish that round. So she had to do the last round, round three of the, uh, the double unders and the, uh, the pull ups. I don't get it. You don't have to do that every round. Wait, you don't have to do that every round.
Starting point is 01:30:24 Not if you finish all the calories and get to the pull ups. I don't get it. You don't have to do that every round, wait. You don't have to do that every round. Not if you finish all the calories and get to the finish. You finish the workout. Oh shit. I think they should do this for Kil Taylor. It would be a good workout for Kil Taylor.
Starting point is 01:30:37 I would love to see it in Kil Taylor. Wait a second, you're telling me if you finish that in the first round after your one minute rest, you go straight to the bike and you don't have to do the Double unders and chest. No, you know, no seven always have to have the body. Yeah, you're y'all are confusing him There's that's such a stupid thing. It's only gonna happen one time You're talking to me
Starting point is 01:31:00 I'm talking to them. They're confusing you and it's making this whole thing bad. Okay, tell me this workout, how this workout goes perfectly. I'm not following this at all. All right. Every single round you go, every round you go, you have to do the buy-in with 75 double unders and 20 chest to bar. Every round. So in round one, if you get 60 cows, you wait a minute and then you do the buy-in again. You have three minutes to do as many cows you have, right? Right. They're saying one of the girls finished the entire thing in one round. She got all the cows, all the cows in one round. Yeah, but she didn't. It was two. Okay, she finished the cows in a round. Are you kidding me, Bill? I'm trying to explain this. Yeah, wait a second. Wait a second, real quick before you go.
Starting point is 01:31:45 Oh my gosh, Bill. Hold on, John. If you can't finish the cows in the first round, you sure as fuck aren't finishing them in the second round with the one three minutes. No, it's total amount of cows. Oh. Each round?
Starting point is 01:31:58 I see. You thought that was a hard round to get up to five calories. Oh, we'll give you another shot at it. Don't worry. So wait a second. So in the first round, if to get a hundred and five calories. Oh, we'll give you another shot at it. Don't worry. So wait a second. So in the first round, if you get off and you have like 40 cows, it just keeps counting into the second round? Yes. That means that you have two more rounds to get whatever left of that hundred
Starting point is 01:32:16 and five. So if you did 40, it means you have 65 rounds, or reps, calories you still have to get. And so you're saying the chick got off the bike and it was enough calories. So what did she do then when she did the next round, when she started, when she was done with the chest of bars, she just walked over to the mat. Yeah. She went over to the mat. It's just like when Tia did that. I'm saying how do you guys know this by reading this?
Starting point is 01:32:35 How the fuck would you know this? They want to go to affiliates, you jerk. They said it's stupid though, because she finished the cows. In my opinion, the workouts over, it doesn't matter what her time is and they Made her do the buy-in again, even though she had zero cows Because she didn't get to the finishing man. Yeah, that's stupid Timothy Sutton. Sevan's IQ is 55. I Really want to see somebody do it in one round. I they should kill why would Taylor not do this workout is We're gonna be exposing themselves too much. There's I think there's you
Starting point is 01:33:10 The problem is is if you don't finish it in one round, he's toast No, I think he would beat everybody that doesn't finish it in one round though. And no I do dude I do something he's big enough on the bike because of his recovery I do dude. I do something. He's big enough on the bike because of his recovery Well, not his recovery, but I think he can do 75 w 20 chest to bar Repeatedly like that's not going to affect him as much as it would affect somebody else I think there's too many dudes at the top end and like too many weirdos I disagree. I think hopper down or spring unless they call in. How about hans? How about hans?
Starting point is 01:33:46 That guy won one week the big giant dude yellow no yeah that guy Hans looks fucking like if anything in the four-minute time domain you better fucking brace yourself what Jesus Jesus you really do you think that that was you think that that was that bad that I didn't understand that? It was pretty bad, but they were, they were, they were making it worse. Really? You think it's that bad? Savon, I was not mad at your not being able to understand the workout. I was mad that they kept making it worse.
Starting point is 01:34:18 There's a theme. There's a theme. Anytime there's a segment and workout, you hate it. You can never figure it out. No, listen, listen, listen, this is, this is a, this is a, this is a, this is a There's a theme. There's a theme. Anytime there's a segment and workout, you hate it. You can never figure it out. No, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen, listen. Anyway, it makes more, I don't think it's that bad.
Starting point is 01:34:37 But anyway, what do I, dude, this happens with, I don't think I'm that stupid. It's what I'm saying. Every week. I don't either, so. Kale Taylor, when the workout comes out, I love the text thread. When you start trying to decipher the workout, you're like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 01:34:56 This happens with my girls all the time. And it's so frustrating sometimes. Like, uh, this happened today. I got, I got yelled at today. I got I got yelled at somebody I didn't even mean to. Like the workouts on the board. It's written a little confusing. I get it if somebody doesn't hold on my wife just walked in give me five seconds. She's gonna hit him.
Starting point is 01:35:19 Give me five seconds. Five seconds They're going outside they're going outside I'm sorry, I'm sorry I need five seconds Nothing really quick, you know the workouts written on the board it reads it reads confusing I get it if you if somebody doesn't get it and I have to explain it totally fine So I I tell one of my girls I was like hey I'm doing I'm finished let me finish the workout and then I'll explain it during my first rest period. Somebody else starts a clock for a different workout that they're doing and then another one of the girls that was supposed to do the workout goes oh shoot we're starting and then the girl I
Starting point is 01:36:01 was supposed to explain it to starts freaking out and the meantime I'm trying to finish the workout, right? And I have like four of them just clustered just just run around has no idea what's happening and then they like grab the jump rope and started jump roping even though they have no idea what they're doing and And I'm like and I I've yelled man. I was I was like Working out five minutes bill. Why is John working out while he's training? I'm not coaching. It's open gym, open gym.
Starting point is 01:36:29 I'm like, wait five minutes and I get everybody together. And like, I'm doing this as I'm jumping, as I'm double-undering. And then they're all like, well, you don't have to freaking yell. And then everybody's mad at me because I'm the bad guy. When I'm just hurting cats sometimes.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Cooper, Mitchell Cooper, you can peel that off. He's a misogynist. He yelled at the, uh, yelled at the girls. For the most part, they are amazing. They're super great. They're awesome. But like sometimes it just, they all hit at the same time and it's, it's rough. If that makes any kind of sense.
Starting point is 01:37:01 I love women. I'm not a muscle. I think you should keep talking. It usually does so well for you. All right. Dude, but that's all the time. I mean, how many times do you explain the workout? Like, here's the workout.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Even if it's an easy one, you explain the whole thing. It's almost like, but wait, are we gonna be doing that? No, I didn't say that. We're doing this right here. All right, wait, so which one goes first? And are we gonna be doing, dude it says. Usually. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:32 Is it always the same person? Oh yeah. A lot of times, yeah. Yeah, sometimes they can't read the words. Like they can't see. But I'm usually super, super patient. It's just if I'm in the middle of a workout and then somebody needs explaining,
Starting point is 01:37:48 I'm like, just wait five minutes. And people getting patient. And that's the only time I lose patience is when I'm in the middle of something and they want to go right now. Wait till you have kids. Wait till you have kids. I cannot wait, John. I cannot wait until
Starting point is 01:38:07 your little girl comes on out. It's gonna change your world my friend. She's gonna be a monster man. Yeah you're gonna love it when you're in the middle of a workout. Where you explain the workout and you look directly at the people that are going to ask you 19 questions. Like, why are you looking at me? 32 seconds when you ask me why or what we're doing, because it'll come up. It'll come up every time. How many years have on is that 10 reps total or 10 on each arm?
Starting point is 01:38:44 Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, exactly. The moment that we just shared, Sevan, was just very like one of those moments. That's all. Yeah, fair enough. So they were, I was the dumb one and they were the bad ones. Yeah, yeah. I got it.
Starting point is 01:38:59 I got it. Fair. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Tomorrow morning. I'm not sure what time I'm going on there. 6 a.m. Pacific got it. Fair. All right, guys. Thank you very much. Tomorrow morning, I'm not sure what time I'm going on there. 6 a.m. Pacific Standard Time or 7.
Starting point is 01:39:08 I really want to go at 6, hopefully with Ross Austin, so that I can enjoy in real time coffee pods and wads. The fantastic Pat Velner and Brent Ficausi will be on to talk more about the PFA's future and the future of, I guess, their future. Bill Gretner, thank you. Cross Inferno. John Young from JY Barbell and Tyler Watkins from the White House. Love you guys. Bye bye.

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