The Sevan Podcast - #114 - Reggie Northrup

Episode Date: August 29, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam. We're live. Oh, I love it. Bam. Good. We're live. Oh, I love it. Shit. It's not only 85 degrees in the house, but I'm sweating because technical issues. Round two with Reggie Northrup. Did I pronounce your name right?
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yeah, you pronounced it right Reggie got Reggie TKO'd himself the last fight he punched himself in the face he had a bad connection hey um I interviewed this doctor his name is shit
Starting point is 00:01:41 I can't believe I'm forgetting his name but anyway he's on Instagram he's on Instagram. He's called the carnivore MD. Have you ever heard of him? No. He's basically, he's huge into just basically all just eating meat, right? Eat meat, eat meat, eat meat, eat organ meat.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Just all you should be eating is meat. And basically that's it. And he talks about how the dangers of eating vegetables and the poisons and the toxins and all of them. And anyway, and he's got a huge following and he's awesome. He's a wealth of knowledge about health. And when I had him on the podcast, I put on a collar shirt and I never wear a collar shirt. And then when he popped up on my screen, the guy had no shirt on. He was sitting by the pool all buff and shit.
Starting point is 00:02:26 I'm like, oh, look at me trying to pigeonhole this guy like he's a doctor so i should put on a collared shirt and he showed up on the podcast without his shirt on so i thought i thought that was brilliant and then he and then he had me on his podcast and he was shirtless and and but i but you know when you have a body like yours i expect a little and and the tattoos like you, I expect a little. I did a – many years ago, I did a – I was fortunate enough to go out to Miami and do a video with Rick Ross. He was working out, and we went over to his house, and I got to hang out with him. And it was pretty funny, and I got to – it was a pretty intimate conversation I had with them and I filmed it and I put it on YouTube but you know he never wears his shirt and it's fucking
Starting point is 00:03:08 Miami and the guy's covered with tattoos on his face, his head it's just like everywhere so I basically had him walk me through the tattoos, it was pretty awesome but when I see you with all your tattoos I think the same thing I'm like oh shit, should this just be a show
Starting point is 00:03:24 taking a tour of Reggie's tattoos? Yeah, man. Yeah. I like it. I like the ink work, man. My mom would tell me so loud,
Starting point is 00:03:35 but Reggie, do you, do you have any kids? No, I don't. No kids and no pets. No pets. No pets? No pets.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Do you have a girlfriend? Yeah. And... My name is Keira Brooks. Oh, wow. That sounds serious. Baby, baby. But you want to be a professional fighter and you've had and you're hanging on to the the desire to be in nfl to be in the nfl are you in the nfl like what is going on with the nfl
Starting point is 00:04:17 and you man it's like okay i'm a free agent i'm still in the database and stuff you know like hypothetically speaking if it was a rabbit's foot up my ass and a team wanted to grab me up, I'd get a call tomorrow. That's a slippery slope after a certain period of time passes by with that.
Starting point is 00:04:42 I've been taking advantage of these other leagues. There's some leagues that they got. They pay well. I've been working nine of these other leagues, you know, the sub leagues that they got, you know, if they would have been working nine files for somebody, you know what I'm saying? So, you know, I played, you know, I just love the game of ball, man. You know, hopefully, you know, something like that will happen for me, but you know, if not, I'm not really tripping, man. I just, I just want to be great, man. I just want to be one of the greatest athletes ever.
Starting point is 00:05:09 How is it that some – tell me about your college career. You had a stellar college career, right? You played at Florida State. There's championships. There's records with tackles. Can you just tell me a little bit about it? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Just brag. I just want to hear – it makes no sense to me that you're not in the nfl so so tell me how great you are and i and i want to see it just for people to know how hard it is to actually get in man my one one of one of my one of the big reasons I'm not in the league right now is men's stuff. And, you know, a lot of guys, you know. But, you know, we get. But, yeah, man, I played for the state four years. Freshman year. We won two games, won the Orange Bowl, won the ACC Championship my sophomore year.
Starting point is 00:06:08 We went undefeated. That year I was second team. I was the backup linebacker. I rotated a lot with Telvin and Christian Jones and Terrence Smith and all those guys. And, you know, I was one of the guys, one of the main guys on the kickoff team and the punt team. So, you know, man, we rocked out that year, man. Went undefeated, ran through everybody
Starting point is 00:06:35 that basically came in front of us and won the championship. It was a magical year, man. And won ACC, won won the championship came back again junior year we had a lot of guys leave early too that year after we won the championship we could have really went back to back but and we really could have went back to back with the guys that we still had but you know kind of fell apart in the end, man. Guys were ready to get to the NFL. They ain't played hard enough as a whole.
Starting point is 00:07:10 As a whole, we ain't played hard enough against Oregon. And they took advantage of that game, you know. So you take responsibility for that as the team. You guys think that if people would have played harder, that you guys could have won that? Man, yes. But, you know, I get it, too, man. I get it, too.
Starting point is 00:07:30 This game is so tricky. You have to be selfish sometimes, you know, in a way to where not selfish in a negative way for the team, selfish for yourself, you know what I'm saying? Because at the end of the day, you know what I'm saying? You have to look out for yourself. As far as, like, if you're on that field, yeah, you can be selfish.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Getting all your stats. Counting, keeping track of your stats. Not being selfish. Your team in the process. That production. You know? A lot of it comes from the coaches. You know, with the personal relationships with the coaches, man. People don't understand.
Starting point is 00:08:10 They see all the glitz and the glamour of these players, you know, in college football, but they don't understand the power that these coaches hold over a lot of these guys' destinies, you know. Now, don't get me wrong. You have a lot of situations and guys that are just boneheads, you know, don't want to do right, you know, want to follow the program, can't buy into the system. Then you got guys, you know, that do it right, plan, do everything they're supposed to do,
Starting point is 00:08:44 but they get shitted on in the end and i don't i just what do you what do you mean that there's people who don't follow the system so you're saying that there's guys who are good enough to go to the nfl because they don't go to go ahead go ahead for instance right yeah you hear about like the teams uh they get they create stigmas on guys. Oh, he has character issues. He's a problem in the locker room. The main guys that are getting selected at these high top rounds are the main problem.
Starting point is 00:09:19 The cows and the virus to the locker rooms. Don't get me wrong, they're great players, but like, it's like, it's tricky. A lot of different organizations, they pick and choose what they want to grade you off of. Some will grade you off of your gameplay. Some want to be petty and grade you off of nothing to do with football, has nothing to do with helping an organization win a Super Bowl. That's why you get a lot of poor judgment nowadays
Starting point is 00:09:47 and these teams picking up these guys who are just prima donnas and they don't pay them out. They pay them all that money up front. And I was like, boom, okay. And they got the money to give money to these guys, but you just waste it. You know what I'm saying? There's a hell of athletes out there that good enough, more than good enough,
Starting point is 00:10:08 just as good as some of the top ten guys. You know what I'm saying? Stimulation or their coaches didn't like them. I'm going to keep it real with you. I don't understand why. Man, it spins my head to this day. But my coaches didn't, Jimbo and them, they didn't rock. You know, I don't understand why.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I produced for these guys. You know, I wasn't an asshole. I was respectful. I wasn't one of them guys where the coaches can't coach hard because, you know, I might explode, you know what I'm saying, with a temper tantrum and shut down mentally, walk off the field, you know what I'm saying? You would actually see that stuff at that level? You would see coaches push people to the point where they would break them
Starting point is 00:10:57 and the guy would throw a temper tantrum? Yeah, man, some of the superstars on some of these top college teams, man. I don't think that shit fly in Alabama, though. That's probably school. I can say that shit probably won't fly. Man, these dudes be cutting up, man. They be the one.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Cutting up, man. And they be unheard of. You know what I'm saying? No matter how mad I get, these guys have control over your destiny when it comes again to that next level and i don't give a damn how many what kind of agents you got your agent ain't worth a damn if you go to one of these top schools and your coach that's the best he the best thing agent i'm telling you right now he gonna get you did you have an agent when you were in college playing football i did i did i had an agent coming out but man do they do they approach you like the agents come to
Starting point is 00:11:53 your practice and one day you're walking to your car and your agent walks up to you and says hey reggie what's up i'm so and so i represent this guy this guy and this guy i think i could help you get to the nfl is it that simple it It's tricky. When I was playing, it was tricky. They had all the NCAA rules and stipulations. Guys couldn't really communicate with agents and stuff like that because it was against NCAA rules. But now those guys have access. So with me, when I was coming out, I'd get a DM on my social media.
Starting point is 00:12:27 They'll get my number from somebody or maybe a runner you know they call those guys runners where they just like you know you know another ex-player or something for this you know he might have used to play football so he can relate to you and he come to you you know let you know like we can do this and that for you you know just to get you interested it might fly you somewhere you know show you good times or you can you know let your guard down and be willing to hear your hear the agent out you know and so then so then your senior year you play your start or your senior year i was so i started my junior year and my senior year. Man, I can tell you, those two years, man, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Because my junior year is my first year starting ever. And, man, I killed it. I had 120. I finished that season with 122 tackles. Nobody ever had over a regular season since 2002 with Peter Bower, which is one of the, you know, if I'm not mistaken, I've been in and out also. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:13:38 He was the last person to get over 100. Now, think about that. And then in between that time to the time that I came out, think about all the monster-ass linebackers that came out in between that time. And how old were you then? Your junior year. I was like 22, 23. And are you like, when that season ends, are you high as a kite? Are you like, holy fuck, I'm going to go to the NFL.
Starting point is 00:14:06 I'm tearing shit up. I'm not even injured. I'm the man. Well, where it turns is where it gets tricky. So that was my junior year. Coming back after we won the championship, went undefeated again, regular season. Made it to the college football playoffs. They switched it up from the BCS to the playoff game.
Starting point is 00:14:28 So I go into the college football playoffs with, you know, I was balling against Oregon, man. I finished with like nine tackles. But, man, it was fourth quarter, and I shouldn't have been in the game, but I'm a warrior at heart, man, and I ain't going to stop. You know what I'm saying? I was already just hot that they was getting up a hand on us, man, because it was like a West Coast, East Coast thing, man, for me.
Starting point is 00:14:58 You know, them guys was talking trash, you know, leading them to the game. You know, we'll go back and forth with them. It was rough, man. I know my players and I know their intensity and all their potentials. That's why I said what I said about guys worry about getting hit. Like I said, man, sometimes to hell with that. To hell with that. That goes back to where I've been being selfish sometimes
Starting point is 00:15:28 because, man, you got to look out for you, man. You get hurt. That can mess up your opportunity. I tore my ACL again in Oregon. I tore my ACL again in Oregon. The end of that season when I had all those stats, I tore it. The worst mistake I made was coming back
Starting point is 00:15:49 trying to be that guy I'm thinking there's no point in trying to go anyway I ain't really know so I just let me go get my recovery let me go get my surgery I tore it January 1st had surgery January 22nd
Starting point is 00:16:04 now I did some more freakish stuff i came back in six months and played my whole senior season you know what i'm saying and uh man they tried to screw me over again man they had me competing they had me competing with one of my other linebackers this dude dude looks up to me. He asks me questions. I give him tips on the game and stuff. Like, these guys look up to me. But now they trying to play mind games for whatever reason. And now they have me and him competing for spots, like,
Starting point is 00:16:35 in the next training camp. I just did that for the team. I just led a star-studded defense in tackles. Like, we ain't got nothing but stupid superstars on that on that team like half of those guys in first first to third round no later you know across the board what should you have done in hindsight should you have should you have taken your senior year off and just tried to go straight to the nfl after junior year i should have left my stock was high at the time i was number two i was the number two inside
Starting point is 00:17:06 backer in the country in my class at that time coming out and some of the agents that i did talk to beforehand they said they already had me later in the second round you know what i'm saying but i told my acl what i should have did was even though i tore it i should have signed with one of them and i should have took my ass on and I should have, you know, went through the whole process, got my recovery and my rehab, got my surgery, you know, and let all those teams
Starting point is 00:17:34 grade me off of my gameplay and my film, where they would bypass all that, you know, combine stuff. And I would have, my stock would have went down, I would have got, hey, I would have went probably, what, six, anywhere from fifth to seventh round. But, hell, you know, a lot of guys, they think, oh, man,
Starting point is 00:17:54 he only went fifth. Shit. Better be happy because that's an opportunity. You know, I came in on, you know, I did my bid, came back, boom, you know, made a statement again, led the team in tackles with a Don Jordan knee brace on and an 80% ACL. They said I wasn't even supposed to come back game eight. I was playing week one. And so at that point, you're 23 or 24. So this is like three years ago, four years ago.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Yes, this is back in, this is in 2015. Oh, shit. Okay, so is like three years ago four years ago yes this is back in this is in 2015 oh shit okay so it's six years ago yeah and now your three and oh is an amateur in mma fighting yeah when did you i mean is that has it always been okay for you your whole life to get punched in the face and to punch someone in the face man i'm i'm rugged man i'm as rugged as they come man people don't really it's hard for people to believe because you know i'll be you know i you know i keep myself clean cut you know you feel me and i you know i take my pictures i like fashion and stuff i like to keep i like to look nice you feel me a lot yeah i know, I take me pictures. I like fashion and stuff. I like to look nice. You feel me?
Starting point is 00:19:06 Yeah, I see it. I see it. Look good. Feel good. You got to have that swag about yourself. You know what I'm saying? Even when, like, at the combat events, man, you know, when I pull up, like, Dragon come in the building, I'm clean.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I'm clean as a whistle. They like, damn, my boy coming for business. You know what I'm saying? I ain't coming up in there with no damn sweats on and no hoodie looking like I'm about to go roll around at the MMA gym in the middle of the week. It's game time. I used that same mentality
Starting point is 00:19:35 on the field when I was playing ball. I go out there in the fight grounds. I'm rough. Them punches don't hurt me. If it do hurt me, I ain't gonna do nothing but knock. More, and I'm, you know what I'm saying? I'm gonna up my game.
Starting point is 00:19:52 You know what I'm saying? Tell me about your first fight. How long ago was that? Your first time? December 19th last year. So, December 19th, 2020. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, shit.'re so you've been busy man i was playing out last year i was playing for tampa bay
Starting point is 00:20:14 before that again before the last year i was in the xfl playing for tamp Tampa Bay before the pandemic kicked off. And training for your first fight. No, I wasn't training. So, okay, so boom. I'll tell you about 2020. I was playing ball with the XFL Vipers. We had like
Starting point is 00:20:39 four games. COVID, the pandemic kicked off. They laid everybody off for the season. And then we all went home. People came in. I started my personal training, my mobile personal training service
Starting point is 00:20:53 around the city and training young athletes. You know what I'm saying? Just to keep, keep some bread going. And, um, and then I would do my own training also.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Leaving up to that, when it got closer to the fall, I realized I wasn't going to do any more football for the year with all the corona stuff going on. So I just started training, and then all of a sudden I was like, man, I wanted to get into MMA. I had a friend out in Orlando. He was my trainer also. His name Nate Keller.
Starting point is 00:21:27 He was my strength coach when i was when i was living down there and uh he had he has a lot of friends out in orlando that's in the mma community so he always told me whenever i was ready man to hit him up so i hit him up i let him know like i'm trying to get connected he connected me with this guy named um this guy named uh julian he's uh he owns fusion xl mma down in uh a co a coey florida down in orleans coey ford's called fusion xl uh they got a few ufc guys that train out of there um philip bro uh jock ray souza uh mike perry a few of those guys so wow wow he put me he put me in touch with him i texted the dude he was like all right pull up to the uh pull up to our open mat on saturday and what month is this of 2020 this uh This is, uh, November.
Starting point is 00:22:27 So this is like the end of September. I'm at the end of like October, like the end of October. Okay. So a few months before your first fight. Yes. In October. And what kind of shape is you pull up? Like how, like, like how much do you weigh?
Starting point is 00:22:42 How's your cardio? Like, are you? Football. So I was at 220. Like, you know, when I'm not. My regular football walk-around lifestyle, I'm like 220. Six ones. Six one and a half, six two with the shoes on.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Okay, six two. We'll say it. We'll say it. Six two. Let's say, for the record, six two. Yeah. But the NFL, yeah. 6'1". The NFL got me at 6'1.5".
Starting point is 00:23:08 And they ain't. And they'll smash your head down. They'll smash your head down, man. Yeah. So I get there. I go to open mat. They say, come to our amateur class at 10 a.m. And then we got the pro class at 12. So I go to open mat. They say, come to our amateur class at 10 a.m. And then we got the pro class at 12.
Starting point is 00:23:28 So I go to the amateur class. He wanted to see how it goes. So it was like 20 guys in there. We spawned. Open mat is sparring day. So I got my shin guards on, my gloves. It's about 20 guys. We rotate in three-minute rounds each.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And what are you doing and what do you know? Like, how do you know what you're doing? Like, have you been practicing striking? Have you been taking jiu-jitsu? Like, know like how do you know what you're doing like have you have you been practicing striking have you been taking jiu-jitsu like how the fuck do you know what you're doing man like what are you like where's the football man man look man i came off the street man i came off the street i've been doing football training i know i have muslim memory because i've you know i've d dabbled in the combat sports before. When I was living in L.A., I was doing Muay Thai for like two, three years straight. I was just really getting familiar with that and my stance.
Starting point is 00:24:13 My dad, he has an extensive history of karate and martial arts. So I had a little stuff from there. I wrestled in high school, went to state twice. So I already had good foundation. And when you said you did Muay Thai for two or three years, like legit, like three to five days a week, like you were doing it? Yes. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:34 All right. I'm in there. It was like because I would do it during my off-season for the Rams. Okay. And when it was off-season, I'd go there, and that was my cardio. It would be one of my cardio methods okay you know and it'd be great for me because it you know that's when i realized man that combat shit straight quick man but uh yeah man so i did that that day i went with amateur
Starting point is 00:24:56 guys at fusion xl i ran through all of them all of them like like of them. Like, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo. Like, man, you got the jiu-jitsu guys trying to do stuff. Boo, boo, boo. I mean, we were standing up for the moment. My strike.
Starting point is 00:25:12 We had this one dude who had some Taekwondo kicks. He tried to hit me. He hit me with a roundhouse. He didn't hit me. He just like, it was close and it looked good.
Starting point is 00:25:24 So I hit him with the kick and they was like oh shit how the fuck you know how to do that i hit a question mark kick landed that bitch you know i had then i hit him with a uh i hit him with the tornado i hit him with a tornado kick what's the tornado kick what's it i know the question mark kick that's the fucking luke rockhold special right yeah that's the tornado kick is the one where you you faint you faint like it's a spinning it's a spinning attack but you faint that knee up and then you plan on it and bring the other leg twerk it around you know yeah yeah oh yeah i hit that i do those pretty nice too man i gotta get me i – I got to get this shit on.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I got to get this shit on tape, man. So I did that. He was impressed. The coach was impressed. All right. Stay for the pros. Stay for the pros. I'm getting in there.
Starting point is 00:26:19 All of them. I get to fill the role. You know, he in the UFC. You know what I'm saying? I'm getting with his ass standing up. Boom, boom, in the UFC. You know what I'm saying? I'm getting with his ass, standing up. Boom, boom, boom. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, that's when I was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:31 And we got to the ground. You know what I'm saying? On break, and you try to roll around, you know, and your jujitsu is a little rusty. You get caught. And he caught me. You know what I'm saying? He took my back, threw the hooks in, got my hips elevated, and he got me. You know? my back through the hooks in got my hips elevated and
Starting point is 00:26:45 he got me you know so and then we broke up but you know we was going like you know i got my respect that day and uh in the process of doing all of that the guy who owns the whole promotion of combat night he trains there from time to time and he was in there and that's when he put me in connection with him and they was trying to get me to train with them and stuff but i'm like man i live in jacksonville i'm not finna be commuting down here two and a half hours two twice a week two three times a week become trained charlie i got you know what i'm saying like that's that's too much so they put me in contact with uh matt vonna here in jack Jacksonville at Bulldog Boxing. And ever since then, the rest was history, man.
Starting point is 00:27:31 I got with Matt, and he really cleaned my technique and my reflexes and everything, you know, and my fight IQ. Just, you know, I'm already sharp mentally, man. I got fast eyes, my hand-eye coordination. I got a lot of those athletic, those freakish elite athletic abilities from football, I'm able to get into this NMA game, and it's giving me an upper hand on these guys, you know. Yes, I do need to keep my hands up more, but outside, from the outside looking in, I mean, from the inside looking out, from my mind, a lot of this stuff is like slow motion for me.
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Starting point is 00:28:42 A lot of stuff is slow motion for me, and I'm quick and athletic enough to get back in enough time before he can even reach my face. Even though I got my hands down, I'm very cognizant that the fact that this guy is going to try to get me. I know that. As soon as he make a frantic move, man, I'm going to already be on my defense and get back.
Starting point is 00:29:03 You know what I'm saying? He can't move faster than me and like i said we train our eyes a lot i slow shit down with my eyes you know so what's the advantage of what's the advantage of keeping your hands down low i mean obviously the commentators were saying that about you non-stop hey he's got to keep his hands up obviously you won all your fights and but there are guys in the ufc who are really good who keep their hands low and is that because is the advantage that people can't see where you're punching from that just makes it like also difficult for the other the opponent yeah man it's like an element of surprise man keep them guessing especially if you're it rounds off you know punch kick combos you know
Starting point is 00:29:41 keep in mind like you you know you fight a guy he don't really know you you don't know what you got yeah you can see a few videos but he don't really know you really know after those first few exchanges and as if change and you know ain't hurt him to finish your fight off my mindset man i'll be trying to get it done man i'm not trying to be in there. No blood. Were you, were you scared at that? When you went to that, um, scared might not be the right word, but how nervous were you when you went to, to that,
Starting point is 00:30:14 that original like training camp? Where, where did you say it was at? It was in October. Oh, at fusion XL. How nervous were you? Not at all.
Starting point is 00:30:24 But I'll be nervous before. I'll be nervous before i'll be nervous i'm gonna keep it real with you that's a real rough city man you know i'm from here it mold me and then raise me man i'm tough as nails dog you know hell and i know i ain't unbeatable don get me wrong. I ain't walking around here like my shit don't stink. I'm invincible. Like, I know that I have to put in the work or somebody going to get my number. And if I can help that, I'm going to help that at a high level. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:30:59 But, you know, I'm aware, man. Like, trust me. But, you know, I'm aware, man. Like, trust me. My nervousness makes me, my nervousness, it gives me an extra little edge, too, man. It adds an edge to my skills and just everything, man. Because I don't want to get knocked out in front of my folks. I don't want to get bust in the face.
Starting point is 00:31:23 You know what I'm saying? This is my moneymaker, man. I ain't trying to, you know. But don't get to get bust in the face. You know what I'm saying? This my money maker, man. I ain't trying to, you know. But don't get it fucked up. Now, I can take a blow. Now, don't get it fucked up. But just know, if he catch me, he better make it count because I recover fast. And I'm going to get, I don't know, man. Ramps up, man. If I'm gonna get I don't know man it's like this next win the energy just
Starting point is 00:31:49 kick in like alright you bullshitting let's go you know what I'm saying let's change the game I'll talk to myself in my head in the middle of these fights you want you're saying you said somewhere I can't remember where,
Starting point is 00:32:05 but basically that once you get your fourth fight that you'll be eligible to go pro. Can you explain that to me? How does that work? Why after four fights? It's fifth. So you got to do at least five to be eligible to go pro. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:18 In Florida, that's what I was told. And then so once you get those five, is that what you want to do? Yeah. It's money, man. i ain't doing it for me all right okay so like i ain't gonna say i ain't doing it for a hobby just hopped in it on some hobby type shit but i love martial arts i really do have a love and a respect for martial arts and what it brings to his mind and, you know, discipline and body control and all of that. I'm all for self-control. Like, you know, shit brings me peace, man. Like, I'm in the streets.
Starting point is 00:32:56 I'm not confrontational. I don't have beefs with people. I see people getting heated and about to go crazy on each other. I'm the motherfucker that's calming everybody down with a smile on my face hey brother we ain't got to fight motherfuckers want to come at me crazy I'm going to de-escalate it shit hey man you got it bro
Starting point is 00:33:14 what I got to prove you know if I ever had to get physical with somebody he gonna go to sleep and I'm gonna walk away he gonna wake up and feel stupid you know he gonna be all busted up looking wake up and feel stupid you know he's gonna be all busted up no look you know messed up and i you know saying oh yeah you named this guy no that's foolish you know man they use their brain and relax you know control your emotions you learn to
Starting point is 00:33:39 control your emotions that's when you become a dangerous person you know you see these fighters like i don't know do you follow the ufc pretty closely you see these guys like like sugar shane right o'malley and people are giving him shit saying yeah i love him too he's awesome people are saying giving him shit because he's not taking the big fights and that he's just fighting people that he has to fight based on his contract and fuck i i'm not hating on that at all i'm i give him love for that take as many easy fights as you can build that pro card up build that record up and and if anyone knows that better than than anyone it's you right because you already made that mistake once in your career with the football you should have just like you when you
Starting point is 00:34:22 were on top you kept pushing and because that's all you knew how to do. But now you know better. Now you know. So like, I ask you this, part of you is like super excited to go pro. I get that. But then there's,
Starting point is 00:34:36 after that, there has to be like a pacing, right? There has to be, it's about building Reggie Northrup. That's what it is. Yeah. There has to be, it's about building Reggie Northrup. Definitely. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Man, I just, I'm excited about the, I'm excited about the future, man, especially with the MMA thing, bro. Like, I know I got what it takes, man. Like, just from on the business side of the fight world too, man, like the marketing side, you feel me? Like, you know, like I said. You think your face sells tickets? Fuck yeah. My face gonna sell
Starting point is 00:35:11 my moves gonna sell tickets on top of that. You know? I'm a very humble person and I'm full of humility. Look at that. I'm confident in myself and what I'm selling. You know what I'm selling you know what I'm saying I put in the work you know and I know me
Starting point is 00:35:27 can you go below 205 can you make 185 no that's it I mean I ain't been 205 since high school man okay so but you would fight 205 when you if you fight
Starting point is 00:35:44 pro when you fight pro you'll fight 205 i'm gonna try to be the greatest i could be at 205 i can if i can if i can get me a john jones run at 205 and be the next one of them yeah let's do it you know one of the guys in the comments said reggie thank you for saying that. As a former MMA fighter, I agree with you 100%. Once you learn the discipline of MMA, you know you can beat anyone's ass. So you don't need to prove anything to anyone. One of the guys in the comments said that.
Starting point is 00:36:16 You live and you walk a life of peace, man. I'm telling you. All that aggression, man, you get it out in training. You know, you go in there on your good days and your bad days, man. You're in there with your teammates. Your teammates kick your ass that day. It's all good. You feel me?
Starting point is 00:36:37 But you got some kind of release, some kind of satisfaction, whatever, you know, tension or feelings or feelings emotions you battling within yourself especially when it's like a family environment amongst your brothers you know what i'm saying because at the same time at the end of the day y'all got to understanding that iron sharp iron so it ain't nothing personal everybody egos checked at the door you feel me do you how's your how's your discipline your structure do you have any weaknesses there do you do train seven days a week do you train smart is there anything that you're doing that you're like holding yourself back or are you like fuck that i don't care
Starting point is 00:37:17 rain snow sun sickness i'm i'm training like i'm singularly focused I mean I can't go longer than I can't I can't take like if I take like a three-day break of not working out and I'm talking about like three days I ain't including the weekend because sometimes I'd be busy on the weekend but if you're not including those like like a bomb I feel like I'm throwing my life away so i gotta do something man you know and it's no it's helped me man i train i just get after it four to five times a week you gotta get your recovery days man that's foolish to be trying to pull seven days a week man you gotta get that recovery and what and what's your non-mma training look like like do you do you run sprints do you back squat do you do pull-ups like what's that look like calisthenics oh yeah yes i do i still i
Starting point is 00:38:11 still incorporate my whole i still do the cross training i do all my football stuff you know we uh speed work on the drill on the on the um you know speed work with the cones and stuff 10 yard bursts you know hunting hunting 10-yard sprints. Sundays, I go to the park out here. It's a turf field, and there's a whole bunch of guys, probably about 30, 40 guys come out there Sunday morning. We'd be out there from, like, 10 to 12, playing flag football seven on seven.
Starting point is 00:38:42 You know what I'm saying? And it's structured. It's organized, you know, but it's structured. It's organized. But it's football. You're just pulling flags. But there's a hell of a competition out there. You got college athletes pop up. Some pro guys.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Some ex-players. Regular everyday guys. And they be good. Is it safe? Is it safe? Yeah, it's safe. I mean, no one does anything stupid, like cause you to blow a knee out,
Starting point is 00:39:07 push you in the back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That can happen to anybody in any given situation. I play it safe. I'm safe. If you want to just put it like that, I'm safe. Like you're there to get a workout, not win the Super Bowl.
Starting point is 00:39:22 The flag football, the flag football Super Bowl flag football super bowl right okay yes yeah but man yeah but yeah man high high speed sprints man you know me and my guys will go train over at uh this other facility in jacks called d3 they got the indoor turf field you know we doing sprints and stuff and they might have a gps on you you, tracking how fast you're going. You know, we try to hit the machines and try to hit 18, 19, 20 mile per hour sprint sometimes, you know, just that high intensity. What do you do for longer time domains? So you're playing football. So I knew that there was this lady named Katie Motter.
Starting point is 00:40:02 She won the CrossFit Games in 2008 or 2009. I can't remember. And that year at the CrossFit Games, I don't know if you're familiar with it, but every workout was in the four-minute time domain. And she was a Buckeye superstar on their college basketball team, and I think she ended up going to the WNBA. But basically all the workouts were in her time domain. The second the workouts left that time domain, she was toast. I mean, she would be the first to tell you that. And so you played this sport where the time domain is really short. And now you're going to this other time
Starting point is 00:40:37 domain where, I mean, shit, five minutes with a one minute break, five rounds. I mean, shit, five minutes with a one-minute break, five rounds. I mean, that is nuts. I mean, it's really – the fitness is – I mean, people don't talk about it probably enough. The fitness requirements for MMA are nuts. So what are you doing to transition like – what do you do that's five minutes or six minutes long? You know, of course, we got the cardio. Well, I get my go through high speed so i do mine's a little different from uh yeah the typical m&m oh sorry i'm all in my nose no no no it's free free it's man shit it's man shit he's got so much testosterone he plucks hairs on the live on the
Starting point is 00:41:19 podcast get it hey but yeah man um you know i get my i get my sprints man you know we'll do like i'll do like 21 10s you know i had to do that in like 18 18 seconds you know 17 seconds just to push myself get my heart rate up other than that at the gym we doing those isometric squeezes on the bag for like one minute at a time suplexes with the um what else well i'll go from doing that then they'll have me down i'll be like in bad position i do like i'll be in a bad position like on stomach or something, with a guy on top of me, and I got to try to get up as many times within that minute or that two minutes. Then I might have to go, after that, get up, go spar
Starting point is 00:42:15 with freaking heavyweights. Austin, he a heavyweight champion for Combat Night. He's been on Dana White Contender Series a couple times. He's supposed heavyweight champion for combat. He's been on Dana White's Contender Series a couple times. He's supposed to be getting one coming up, another opportunity. What happened when he was on the Contender Series? Did he get knocked out? Yeah, he got caught by the Greg Hardy guy. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:42:43 He fought Greg Hardy on the contender series yeah holy shit what's the guy's name austin lane awesome he was doing good man just you know with the heavyweights man you know they big man you know they any point the next you know greg hardy's no joke greg hardy could greg hardy is no joke you know you don't respect him i respect this shit out of him from my living room i ain't gonna say i don't respect him just knowing just also from a fighter standpoint like you know just looking at some of the things that he got going on. You know, he's definitely, like, a beautiful fighter. You know, and, you know, I feel like it was fluke. That win was fluke, man.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I'd like him to run that shit again. I bet. Oh, good. Okay. You know what I'm saying? Like, he's a dog as they come. He's 6'7", 245 pounds. Used to play for the Jaguars also. So he's 6'7", 245 pounds. He used to play for the Jaguars also.
Starting point is 00:43:46 So he's an athlete. And I'm throwing down with him on the regular. I also got another light heavyweight. His name's Kanan. He won a note. He got a fight tomorrow. So we got, you know, getting that cardio, man. We had each other next.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Sometimes we roll. Jiu-jitsu days, we'll roll around, man. You look up, been around, roll with one person for 30 minutes straight. Does your girlfriend come to your fights? Well, see, I just got in the game. She in the military, so she been working and stuff, but this next fight, she'll be at it. How do you think she's going to handle that?
Starting point is 00:44:24 Watching all my fights. She watched all the fights on pay-per-view though she didn't buy all of them because she hasn't been able to the last fight she had to work she was supposed to come all her family came like her mom and dad grandparents little brother oh wow this is serious they loved it they came to they came to loved it, man. It was their first time coming to a May event, man. I tell people, man, everybody out there, if there's a popping fight promotion in your area, man, go check it out. That shit be a vibe fight. I got to parlay around after my fight. I've been to some where I didn't have to fight.
Starting point is 00:45:04 It was cool, man. It's different. lay around after my fight you know i've been to some where i didn't have to fight and it was just it was cool man you know it's different what's your girlfriend doing the military what branch is she in she's um in the air force she's a respiratory therapist oh shit what a time to be a respiratory therapist yeah shit crazy man oh my god it's crazy. And is she stationed near you? Yeah, she's in Destin. Like, Fort Wall Beach, Eglin. Does she live on the base? No, no, not on the base, no. Oh, okay. Yeah, in Eglin. I'll be out there. I'll be out there in Fort Wall a lot.
Starting point is 00:45:39 And how long have you guys been together? long have you guys been together so man we got we actually got back rocking was it april this year april earlier this year but we got history man i was rocking with her back in college my senior for a little bit and we kind of part ways whatever i went training football she went off you know her life didn't join the military and we just you know kind of came now you know, her life, didn't join the military. And we just, you know, kind of came. Now, you know, it's still the same vibe, man. I'm a girl, man. I come home. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:46:13 That's exactly how, that's how I did it. I had a girl in college. We basically parted ways, but we stayed in touch, but lived our, you know, lived our late 20s and then rolled back around. And now we're married and have three kids. And it's the best thing ever. Yeah. Yeah. Is, is, are the people at your gym honest with you? Like, it's not just like, um, it's not just people. It's not just people just sucking you off. Oh my God, Reggie, you're so fucking good. You're so fucking good. Like you even said, Hey, I need to, I know I know i need to keep my hands up like are there people like just riding you like yo
Starting point is 00:46:47 motherfucker this is life or death you're getting in there people are going to try to kill you like you better fucking fix this is it does it get that real in there with your trainers and my teammates they put their foot up my ass just like i put my foot up their ass on a regular basis so yeah ain't no ass kissing in there. You come back, yeah, you get your congrats, you know what I'm saying? We might chief one out back, you feel me? We'll, you know, nice little medication session, you know. But other than that, man, yeah, everybody's honest with each other.
Starting point is 00:47:20 My cousin, coolest dude in the world, man. He'd be a road dog, but man, fight camp, man. He a motherfucker. Lord. He's like a serial killer. I'd be like, he have us doing these circuits and drills and shit, and I'd be like, damn, bro, why you hate me like that? Why you hate me so
Starting point is 00:47:39 much? When's your next fight, Reggie? Do you have an agent and he's hooking it up my man my agent is my coach he's the one set up all my fights yeah he's been shit yeah he's been the one he's been the one setting up my fights i mean i got other um management agencies and companies hitting me up and stuff, but I just, you know, I'm just trying to stay focused right now on getting my last two fights first and then, you know, the plan on that moving forward from that.
Starting point is 00:48:12 But we ultimately trying to get to the UFC. Me and my coach Matt, so. Three fights in eight months. That's what you did. Yeah. Yeah. And do you think you'll have another one? Man, I would've had
Starting point is 00:48:27 about five I would've already had five fights dope right now bro like two cancellations because why someone got COVID
Starting point is 00:48:36 or they were scared of you or injury all day love yeah cause you know you know
Starting point is 00:48:42 the guys in the UFC you know they pick and choose. They fight to build their resumes and stuff. I ain't mad at them. It sucks because I trained and I did my camp and stuff. But, you know, it wasn't in their best interest, man. It really wasn't.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Are there people, is it getting more difficult to find a fight for you now that you're 3-0 and people are starting to see your name? Mm-hmm. Not really, man. My coach is like, I'm supposed to be fighting this one dude. He's ranked number four in the state. They got me ranked five or six. He ranked number four? Yeah, he had just fought with a dude that was ranked number one in Florida.
Starting point is 00:49:22 So he was trying to set that up coming up next month for another title fight. But, bro, he's like nine and four. So, you know, he's been in the game for a little minute. But that shit don't mean anything to me. So you're basically, you're ready to go. The next fight he sets up, you're ready to go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:43 So I'm supposed to be fighting in September. So after these fights, we're going to be in the game room, trying to be in the game room, game planning on what's next for this month. So do you think you'll get all five fights this year in 2021? I can, yeah. I think I will. Wow. Honestly, that's what I plan on doing. I think I will. Wow. And then.
Starting point is 00:50:07 Honestly, that's what I plan on doing. I'd rather do that before I go back to doing the football thing. And that's if, you know, man, honestly, man, whatever big opportunity really flashes in my face that I'm going to capitalize, that I can capitalize on as soon as is what I'm going to hop on. So basically. You stay fit. that I'm going to capitalize on as soon as that's what I'm going to hop on. So basically, you stay fit,
Starting point is 00:50:30 you stay strong, and you're ready to go either way. You'll do football, you'll do MMA, but you're ready. There's no way the football... If you sign with a football team, there's no way they'd let you do MMA, though, right? Oh, no. Definitely not. And that's fine, but I'm getting paid the right amount.
Starting point is 00:50:51 You feel me? But that would be like NFL or something. It's a pretty complimentary thing that they invited you to train with Jac you know with jacare and perry and at that gym did you did you consider moving down there i mean that's some crazy talent i didn't though that's where they train at but i did i didn't i ain't training with them though i ain't meeting them oh okay you'll see that uh he had just fought too he's like a world he like class jiu-jitsu guy. He swore.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Yeah. Did he have something like that? I don't know. Not Dos Anjos, but one of them. But
Starting point is 00:51:35 he well known too. But yeah, it was cool, man. You know, I used to live in Orlando actually because I played in the AEF league that had folded back in 2019.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Was that 19? Yeah, it was 2019. It was a league that folded, and I was living down there at the time. I just wasn't connected with those guys. And that's Jungle MMA. Could you get a call at any moment to go to the Contender Series or do you have to be pro first or could that be your pro fight? I think you gotta be pro first but honestly
Starting point is 00:52:15 man I've seen some guys that was their pro debut So you couldn't necessarily I should look that up so you couldn't necessarily be called like in five minutes to come to the contender series you do have to it could be your pro debut but you have to be pro first i don't know man that's a good question because what that five fights pro thing is is a florida rule but you the ufc and those guys ain't operating in florida they in nev. They got their own little room.
Starting point is 00:52:46 I don't know. What the hell? See you tomorrow. Period. I need a fight camp. I need a fight camp. Man, look. What if you had to run into that same motherfucking street?
Starting point is 00:53:04 And you with your lady and he slapped your girl on the ass. You're going to go to work, man. You're going to go to work. Ain't no fight camp. Don't give a fuck what shape I'm in. Bitch, we're going to see who the best man. Oh, I like it. Are you watching this Thor fight that they're going to do in Dubai?
Starting point is 00:53:25 This Thor, Devin Lorette fight. It was supposed to be Thor and Eddie Hall. Are you familiar with Thor fight that they're going to do in Dubai? This Thor-Devin Lorette fight. It was supposed to be Thor and Eddie Hall. Are you familiar with that fight at all? Thor. It's the strongest man in the world. It's the guy. Oh, you're talking about the dude from Game of Thrones? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I haven't seen him fight yet. Yeah. So he was supposed to fight a guy named Eddie Hall Eddie Hall deadlifted a thousand pounds and then I think this guy Thor deadlifted like a thousand and two pounds and they've made they're both strong men and they basically have a beef with each other and so about a year
Starting point is 00:53:56 ago they signed up to fight each other right that shit gonna be funny I'm listening and uh and so Thor's had a couple amateur fights and now and it's but eddie hall pulled out of the fight and this friend of mine named devin lorette who's a special forces guy out of canada professional arm wrestler he's now accepted the fight on five weeks notice and he's gonna he's flying to dubai to fight this fucking giant man anyway i was just wondering you must know something we don't know
Starting point is 00:54:30 like how much money he's getting paid i think this guy thor's dropped from like 450 pounds to 330 pounds and my my friend devin lorette's about 245 pounds thor's also like six seven i think and my my boy devin loretta's like six five devin needs all devin need to do oh yeah tell me tell me keep motherfucking moving hit his ass keep moving hit his ass i'm gonna tell you right now he can't move love i love when i see these big old Gold's Gym Warrior built motherfuckers walk around like they finna beat somebody up. Because you gonna burn out in the first
Starting point is 00:55:12 30 seconds. And then you can't move, man. It's too slow. You know? You have no range of motion. So yeah, man. Your mans just need to and once he take his back, man back man you take his back he over with oh but but it's stand up it's just boxing but that's a good point oh just boxing
Starting point is 00:55:34 oh yeah stick and move all night just stick and move all night don't get too close to him play that little wrap-up game stick and move he should be good honestly i'm gonna cut this clip and send it to him reggie i i appreciate your time i would love to um prior to your next fight talk to you again um definitely you're doing you're doing you're doing me a huge favor the same way you want to break into the mma scene um i'm i'm gonna break into the mma scene and interview every fucking mma fighter that there is there's some really nice generous guys who give me their time like yourself and i really really appreciate it and i'm just stoked because my podcast has taken off and cool dudes like you are like supporting me and it's just cool i appreciate it hey baby we both going to the top man we gotta we're gonna
Starting point is 00:56:23 carry ourselves up to the top and pretty fun you're going to carry ourselves up to the top. You're going to have your little Joe Rogan show. You know what I'm saying? All right, so will you stay in touch and let me know when your next fight is? We'll get on here. We'll promote it. We'll get some other people on, too. Definitely.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I got my number, man. Hit me anytime. Okay, cool, man. Yeah, hit me anytime. I got you. on to most definitely i got my number anytime okay cool man yeah give me a new time i got y'all got my number we good

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