The Sevan Podcast - #118 - Hunter McIntyre

Episode Date: September 2, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Sorry, Hunter, I'm multitasking. Bam. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Cool. Dude, I see you in two universes. All right. That's pretty nice. Pretty nice. I'll hang up. Okay. Look at this. okay good cool dude i see you in two universes all right that's pretty nice pretty nice i'll hang up okay look at this now we're live on good morning only one minute late i'm not one minute late you guys sent me multiple different links oh yeah and i hear it i hear the audio on YouTube too, Ryan. That's good, right? Don't see. There he is. Let me see what's going on with my audio. Built-in external headphones. Bam. Hunter McIntyre. What's up, bud? Did I
Starting point is 00:01:21 pronounce that right? Yes. Yes. Proud of you for that. Usually it's McKintry or something else. Are we getting each other audio? I muted myself. I muted myself. Okay. Good morning. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Someone sent me a DM this morning. I got a DM last night that said, hey, thanks for always talking up the CrossFit L1. By the way, this has nothing to do with this show. I got a DM saying, hey, thanks for always talking great things about the CrossFit L1. I took the CrossFit L1 and it changed my life. And I'm like, oh, cool, because it's something like it really changed my life, so I talk about it a lot. And then this morning someone sent me a DM and it said, oh, my God, I love CrossFit so much. I'm one month into the sport of CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And I'm like, oh, it's so weird to hear me. You know, I worked at CrossFit for 15 years, and I still don't think of it as a sport. Just like I made babies with my wife, but I don't think of myself as like a fucking machine. I mean, it's like a fucking machine i mean it's like something i do but it's like i would think the total opposite from looking at this picture of you i would consider you to be a fucking machine thank you those glasses oh man we're hitting it off good i like this oh man uh sebon from harry's harrison elliott this the incredible dialogue that is about to happen will be cosmic sebon i a hundred dollar i'll give you a hundred dollars if you can have hunter disclose the ass tattoo you know i was looking at his ginormous ass in a lot of pictures on his Instagram last night. And you do have a, like a
Starting point is 00:03:06 crazy ass. Um, it's even more crazy when you put it next to other dudes. It's really bulbous. Yeah. It's, if you hung out with my brother, my father and I, and we walked down the street, it's like three hippopotamuses. Like it's, uh, I don't know what it is. It might be a case of lordosis or just genetic muscular, muscular growth. I don't know what it is it might be a case of lordosis or just genetic muscular muscular growth i don't know or implants buddy implants don't rule out there's all sorts of unfortunately i don't live in miami if i did live in miami you could you could nail me for that um but i didn't see a tattoo on your butt do you have a tattoo on your butt yeah i mean usually only people i sleep with get to see it so maybe this person slept with me um i uh i have a or or you slept with his sister
Starting point is 00:03:51 it's harrison elliott or his brother sorry i don't mean to pigeonhole you who knows i mean yeah don't put me in that corner um i it's a butt pirate tattoo my one of my closest friends and i we were on college break and and we were dead broke, so we drove up from Rhode Island to Portland, Maine, because that's the farthest we could get from the actual college and try to have a spring break experience. And we went into a tattoo parlor, and we looked at the tattoos, and they were all awful, and we just said,
Starting point is 00:04:20 what's the dumbest tattoo you got? And he just lifts up the other side of his binder and slips across this piece of paper. And he goes, no one's been dumb enough to get this. And we were like, put it on our asses right now. You traveled north for spring break? Well, dude, I mean, think about it. If you only have enough gas in the tank, like between four or five guys to maybe make it five hours if you go south you make it to like delaware and would you rather say i went to maine or delaware for spring break
Starting point is 00:04:52 gotcha gotcha i hear you we limited options i hear you it's just it's cool it's like it's like um birds fly south for the winter but you you flew north not boys with butt tattoos yeah no one one's gonna tell hunter mcintyre which direction to fly yeah where are you based out of i got an 805 number are you an la guy i was um i went to school at uh uc santa barbara great and when cell phones and yeah great right and when cell phones first came out, just north of where you raged in Malibu, about 70 miles, 90 miles, 70? 90 miles north of Malibu. When we first moved to California, we would ride our bikes. It was almost 100 miles.
Starting point is 00:05:36 I think it was 100 miles. We'd ride our bikes from where we lived up to Santa Barbara, and we'd go to UC Santa Barbara parties at Isla Vista. And then we'd ride our bike back down the next day and we would sleep in the bushes, whatever we could do. But I mean, you guys had the promised land. If I could do it over again, I'd be there, San Diego.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah, I lived in Isla Vista for 10 years and now I'm in Santa Cruz, which is about another 300 miles north, still on the coast, 250 miles north. I love it of uh santa barbara yeah have you been to santa cruz a bunch of times i worked with fit aid for five years so i made good friends with the company and i would come up and visit maybe once or twice a year and i was always kind of just amazed by the experience of life that you guys had up there there's too
Starting point is 00:06:21 many cool places in california like it bothers almost. They don't sponsor you anymore. No, I think they listen. I, all these companies eventually reach a point where they kind of start to hit a fork in the road and they, they maximize their potential on something. And they kind of went into the category of like people that do backflips with soda cans in their hands. I didn't necessarily agree with it, but I love the company regardless of whichever choices they make. And they sponsored a couple of my very close friends in the whole tricking industry. So I'm glad that they at least picked up some really cool athletes to do it. I wonder if another part of it is kind of like, okay, we've been with,
Starting point is 00:07:00 we'll use, use an example. We've been with Hunter for five years. He has, you know, a couple hundred thousand followers on Instagram. We've, they've all, We've been with Hunter for five years. He has, you know, a couple hundred thousand followers on Instagram. We've, they've all, we've, we've got them all. They're all drinking Fidate or all the ones that we're going to get. Let's move on to the next guy. Kind of like, yeah, I mean, it makes sense. Like, yeah, that's why I ended up starting my own businesses during COVID because I just recognized I got dropped from every sponsor that I had, except for pure Spectrum. Like I was lucky enough that they held me through. I got dropped by every single sponsor and that was my entire income. Like I would say 20 to 25% of my income annually came from races and the other 75%
Starting point is 00:07:39 came from just sponsorship deals or like one-off media opportunities. And I was like, holy shit. Like I just went from being like a pretty successful athlete down to dead broke overnight. And I had to start my, I started my own training company. I started my own supplement company. I started my own race company because at any point in time, if these people decide to pivot, they could just let go of me. And, um, and it's not necessarily my fault or their fault whoever decides to really make the decision of the path breaking apart um i just learned quickly that uh it's a very fragile state to be in as a sponsored athlete i uh i am a sucker for like like i see miko salo wearing wraps wrist wraps and like my wrists are fine but if
Starting point is 00:08:26 he's wearing them like i should be wearing them so i bought wrist wraps i never wore them i still have them um and so yesterday when i was looking around on your instagram i saw that you do have a product called hydro hydro builder yeah and um i was very very close to buying it because i'm a sucker for that i'm like, he has a nice body. He exercises. He has a lot of good positive energy. I should be taking what he takes. But then I was just like – I didn't see the word creatine in it.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And that's really like – that's the only reason why I'm a sucker for Fide. Because they have that drink with creatine in it. I'll just tell you the truth. There's so little creatine in that bottle that you need to drink about five cans a day to actually have the response that you need. But I'm not trying to say that their product's not great. I'm just trying to let you know from friend to friend, you're going to need to drink five of those cans.
Starting point is 00:09:16 And that costs you about $20 to get that intake. Even if there wasn't any in it, just the fact that it has the word on there. That's what I'm telling you. That's how easily I'm influenced. It would be like if a chick told me, it didn't matter what she looked like. If she said you're handsome, I like her. Yeah. Like, like she's hot. She's hot. I just, I don't need a lot. I'm very, I'm very easily manipulated. All right. I'll take that into the conversation. It takes, it takes, I think like there's marketing information that takes about 15 times for
Starting point is 00:09:44 someone seeing something to actually be primed to buy it. So I just need to start targeting you and start DMing you more often. Pictures of me shirtless with a bottle of my drink and 15th time, I gotcha. I want to, when I see you, I want to pigeonhole you as Canadian, but there's nothing Canadian about you, right? When I see you, I want to pigeonhole you as Canadian, but there's nothing Canadian about you, right? I was just on the phone with a Canadian before we started talking together, and I have a lot of Canadian associates. So I don't – maybe it's because I am like the height of Brent Fikowski, and I've got similar hair color to Pat Vellner, and you've just got that kind of like ingrained in your brain, so you think that I'm a hybrid. Right. You're like the handsome you
Starting point is 00:10:25 would be if you and vel you know like twins there's always like that there's the pretty one and the not pretty one and even the not pretty one could still be pretty but because you have the pretty one you're fucked because everything's relative like the movie twins with uh what uh danny devito and arnold yeah you're you're like a velner's twin but you're but you got all the good stuff uh don't tell him that i hope he doesn't listen to this you got you got Vellner's twin, but you got all the good stuff. Don't tell him that. I hope he doesn't listen to this. You got the thick – oh, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:10:49 He's got a very thick skin. He knows. He's married. He has a kid. He has Justin Medeiros to worry about. His life is already fucked. Us saying something about his looks cannot touch him. But you have the better hair than him and the better body than him, and you're probably even
Starting point is 00:11:05 a little taller than him yeah six foot two is not an advantage i think you want to be just in size maybe maybe for that sport but in life taller is better like bigger is better i think though there's a certain tipping point i think six four is the last stage you can get to until it reaches that awkward height where all of a sudden now you're, you're in a category above and beyond what is considered attractive, appealing, and you know, successful unless you're a basketball player. Right. Have you seen those people when they're so tall, they look like the great blue heron walking in weeds and like they lift, they have to like, their leg goes up instead of like forward first it's like like they're on stilts kind of it's a trip i live in california and i would say like the majority of retired olympic and national level swimmers live within like you
Starting point is 00:12:00 know 60 minutes of my house and a lot of them are athletes and they go to the training centers i go to so i'm like constantly surrounded by people that made me feel self-conscious about who I am. Gigantic swimmers. And they all look really awkward. I mean, as long as they take their sweatshirt off, that's when they start to look awkward. So that's, you have a good point. Where do you live? I live in Malibu. Oh, you're back in Malibu. I've been in Malibu. I think when you probably started,
Starting point is 00:12:25 I started to get on your radar. I was in Boulder. So the way that my sport and lifestyles work through training through my years, we would always, I always lived in Malibu and then we do these three to six month long training camps out in Colorado or Utah. And I just ended up deciding to get a house in Boulder for the year of training up for CrossFit. And Boulder just seemed to be a better fit because there was lots of people that were really into CrossFit over there. You know, the gym that I was training out of later on became CrossFit HQ. So it was just a better area. But Malibu has always been my home as an adult. uh, it was just a better area, but Malibu has always been my home as an adult. Interesting. Okay. And then where, where were you born?
Starting point is 00:13:11 I was born in New York city and raised between New York and Connecticut. Did you go to school in New York city, like elementary school? No, I only made it to preschool. My brothers did though. Um, I've got two older brothers. They ended up going through the high school uh thing in new york city my younger brother or at least i all my brothers are older than me um my closest brother to me he went to school with me in connecticut and we were raised like that uh what what's that what was that movie where the kids went to school in um in new york was it called kids that was fucked up yeah that was i did not live that life i wish um ryan it in there's a guy ryan who's on the show too you just can't see him i see him i don't know what's going on oh you do see him yeah oh the people on
Starting point is 00:13:59 youtube can't see him we can see him oh nice thank you and like and like if there was a picture of your ass tattoo on the internet okay yeah can you show us maybe just google butt pirate and see if you can see that tattoo ryan i'm gonna warn you heavily right now ryan you should not google any of that kind of stuff hey hey do you know do you know that do you know that yes you should ryan any of that kind of stuff. Hey, hey, do you know, do you know that? Do you know that? Yes, you should.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Ryan, do you know that in the CrossFit space, there's a, I don't know if you've ever worked with them, but there's a Hebrew and Margin have a company called buttery, but buttery brothers. Yeah, I know the buttery buds. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:37 So, but if you type in butter boys into, um, Google, you get some great, I mean, you get some great stuff with their name too. The butter is like a homoerotic montage of boys and butter yeah just there's a there's a product there's a butter
Starting point is 00:14:49 boy product that's just that's for just lubing the anus i mean i i don't want to say you can it's exclusive just to use on boys but it's a it's a it's targeted towards them yeah i i just love the uh the main demographic, are you friends with the butter boys hunter? Can you lower, uh, Ryan, you got to lower yourself just a little bit, buddy, or else, uh, I'm going to pop. I don't really know. I have a lot of drama in the CrossFit industry just because of the way that I entered it. If I never went to the CrossFit games, the way that I did, I actually have a lot of friends in the CrossFit industry because I did the primarily a lot of the training that I did at CrossFit gyms.
Starting point is 00:15:27 The majority of people who like to train really hard like me are CrossFit athletes. So I had all these CrossFit friends. And then I got invited to the games. And one of the first people that really kind of like bumped into me hard and was rude were the Buttery Bros. And I showed up at the Granite Games. I was competing on a team. This was about six to eight weeks before the crossfit games and they just kind of really got in my face and were really rude and it was i don't know what's mars is the one guy he was actually
Starting point is 00:15:53 more nice to me and then the other one uh herber heber he was just a real dick and ever since then i just was like fuck you guys and then they came up and tried to interview me at the crossfit games and i just put my hand over their lens and i'm like i'm not fucking talking to you guys. And then they came up and tried to interview me at the CrossFit games. And I just put my hand over their lens and I'm like, I'm not fucking talking to you guys. Oh, I love it when people do that. That's good. That's actually, they should thank you for that. Cause that's always kind of some good media, right? I always liked that when Dave would do that to me, like push me away. You're like, oh shit, now there's something exciting in my show. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't exclusively have anything against them. I just think that like, there were a couple a couple people that were outwardly nice to me about my experience,
Starting point is 00:16:27 and then there was a couple people that were outwardly very against what I did. I would have been rude to you, too. Well, thanks. Yeah. I really didn't like you until about 30 seconds before the show went on, for no valid reason. Nothing you did. That's what I just didn't get. Nothing you did.
Starting point is 00:16:43 That's what I didn't get. You know, it's funny. Brent Fikowski, Brent went out of his way to do an interview like like this with me and like he kind of tried to bump up against me and to be like get out of here you're not you're not part of our town uh and i was like i don't get why you're being like this like i'm just playing the game that you guys gave and yeah we talked together on instagram pretty regularly and i heard he has a butt pirate tattoo i bet he does so i i've squashed most of the beef if there was any really between anybody and it it's yeah it's okay so nothing against the buttery bros i guess i did dm them not too long ago and they never responded i was like cause all the celebrity boxing matches were getting big.
Starting point is 00:17:25 I was like, how about the two of you come fight me in a boxing room and I'll just beat the teeth out of your guy. Oh shit. That would be awesome. You against Heber and Mars. Like I would learn, I would fight the two of them.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I don't know how the best way of doing it would be both of them at the same time. Or if like one, one round, one brother, next round, the next brother. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:17:43 let's just get this angst out of the way. We don't have to be drama queens about this. And let's just fucking fight to the death. Hey, and that butter boy Lou could sponsor it, put up a million dollars. And you know how normally they put Vaseline on the boxer's face? They put that shit on your face. You hit me and you just like, you hit me directly in the nose, but your hand just slides off my strengths to the left or the right.
Starting point is 00:18:01 That's the sport of boxing. We could make millions. Man sucks this sucks we're 18 minutes into the show and i can already tell we're not gonna have enough time we're gonna have you on again i've been listen i've i've got a pretty open morning my next meeting's in an hour and 40 so ask away and talk away at 8 at 8 30 i gotta take the boys to the skate park i got this i got this pro skater over the hill it took me four months to get an appointment with him. And now that I'm having my second appointment with him, not for me, for my kid. This is definitely for you.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Definitely not for me. Dude, I can't even stand on a skateboard. Did you skateboard? I want to go back to me not liking you in a second. But did you ever skateboard? Dude, I shredded hard. You did. I was a really, really good street skater.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And then all of a sudden, I hit puberty at 19. Truthfully, I hit puberty at 19. I went from being like 510, 511 at 150 pounds in high school, like that was my senior year. So I was light all the way through middle school and stuff. If you're a light skateboarder and tall and gangly, you're just like somehow a super saiyan at skateboarding. And then I hit puberty and I became heavy. And I'm telling you, like, if I fall off a six inch curb on a skateboard now like i break the pavement and i break myself it's just not fun yeah that okay um you should would you put some do you have any video of you um skateboarding dude this is way before iphones and anything existed like we were filming each other i think if you type in what up to Up Tokyo on YouTube, you can find old videos of us skateboarding a little bit.
Starting point is 00:19:27 But this is back when you had to put mini tapes inside of boxes and press it down and then over. This is before anybody had iPhones and GoPros. Yeah, yeah. God, I love it. If you find any of that, let me know know i'd love to see that i'm so into skateboarding just because my kids are in skateboarding i was never into skateboarding now like my six-year-old just shreds and my and my two four-year-olds are like starting to learn and i just i take them skateboarding every day and i just it's dope it's it's the best don't
Starting point is 00:19:58 let them become fruit booters because then a battle will start what's the word fruit booters that's what you call rollerbladers you call them fruit oh oh damn uh oh man there's so many great questions coming in in the in the live feed um so in in 2007 when the crossfit game started um you know there was 60 people showed up to aromas and then in 2008 we had the crossfit games and i think there were like 2400 people showed up and basically there that's when like sort of the chip on the shoulder started. Like, fuck you guys. We're the fittest ever. No decathlete could win this.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And then the debates, and then the internet was starting to become a thing. And people started debating about who was good and who was the best. And is CrossFit really crowning the fittest in the world? And that debate kept going for, let's say, two or three more years. But by 2010, it was kind of like, if you were still having that debate, you were, you weren't paying attention. It didn't like those guys were established. Greg Glassman had defined fitness and like, it was its own thing. It was, it was almost like punching down to decide if there was someone who could come from another discipline who was fitter. This is all my opinion, by the way, this isn't like truth. And so, um, but Greg, but during those years from like 2007
Starting point is 00:21:07 to 2010, there was always this, like, you know, like, fuck you. You want to come, you want to come to the CrossFit games. You throw the javelin at the Olympics. You think you're a good swimmer. Come on, come over here. We'll give you a free pass. We'll let you get in and beat your ass. You know, there was like that whole bravado that we all had. And then within the CrossFit, all the people, the media, like everyone walked around like they own the place because we were, it was like a tribe that was just building, right? There was like, even up until like whenever 2010, when there were 3000 gyms, we all still kind of all knew each other. So flash forward to the year that you got invited. And that was like such an archaic fit move in everyone's opinion who worked at HQ except for Greg who owned the company to invite someone.
Starting point is 00:21:48 We were so past that. That would have been a great idea in 2009 or 2010 or 2008. But like that was a stupid idea when you were invited to a lot of us. By the way, I've never really spoken about this with anyone. I just assumed that we were all on the same page there. And so when you were invited and Greg did that, not only were people hostile towards you, but they were hostile towards Greg. Like who the fuck is this guy? The rest of us earned our spot to get here, whether you were a photographer, a film guy, a referee, but most importantly,
Starting point is 00:22:18 an athlete. And to be honest with you, I think it fucked up Ben Smith's reputation too, To be honest with you, I think it fucked up Ben Smith's reputation too to accept the invite because like that – the sport had gone beyond that. So then when you were invited to be in the frat and you didn't have to get hazed like everyone else, people resented you to no fault of your own. Do you know what I'm saying? So I think that's where the – I think that's where you the kind of the pushback from it from the community or or us assholes at crossfit who like walked around with the chip on her shoulder i'm the cat i'm i fully understand it i fully understand it you're not going to come in here and fuck any of our girls yeah but i i mean listen like it's it's over and done with now um oh yeah yeah it's so over and done with i agree it'd be interesting if they had kept it up from that point on and tried to like really create some kind of, I don't know, true, true storyline to their convincing fact of them being the fittest. I think that the fact that they tossed me in there and then they're never planning on bringing it back again just makes it a weird mark on the history of CrossFit, but also interesting.
Starting point is 00:23:24 weird mark on the, the history of CrossFit, but also interesting. Right. And like, I, I certainly would have loved to have spent more time in, in, in the realm of CrossFit. And that was like the first year they introduced cuts. So like, I just didn't really get to show what I was made of, like, but at the same time, it's like, I don't know. Um, like very, a lot of me like afterwards was like, screw it. I'm going to double down and I'm going to train. And then all of a sudden, a couple of months after the fact, I was like, I don't really want to do this. Uh, and now here we are and I'm still competing in my sport and they're still competing in their sport, but I eventually get to compete against these guys every once in a while. Um, when they decide to kind of dip their toe into what we're doing, like we have our version of this, of the CrossFit games that happens again in October called the Spartan Games.
Starting point is 00:24:08 And we had a bunch of CrossFitters come over and compete against us last year, which was entertaining. And now we'll probably have a bunch of come over again. Is that the thing Sam Briggs did? Yes. Okay. And it's awesome. Like, I mean, it's a different version
Starting point is 00:24:22 of what you guys are trying to accomplish. Not me anymore. Not me anymore. They fired me. Oh, well, I'm sorry. You can say, it's okay. No, no, it's awesome. I mean, it's a different version of what you guys are trying to accomplish. Not me anymore. Not me anymore. They fired me. Oh, well, I'm sorry. You can say, it's okay. No, no, it's okay. You can say those guys.
Starting point is 00:24:30 What the sport. What the sport. Those guys are trying to accomplish. Those guys, yeah. It's definitely much more extreme endurance skewed, but hopefully they will find it a little bit more this year because last year was nuts. I think we had like 13 or 14 hours worth of cardio within three days. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Which is crazy. Yeah. We had Sam on the show, and I want to say that she said something like there was like a run for six hours and see how far you can go or something that made me feel very uncomfortable. It made me feel uncomfortable. It gave me the eebie-jeebies. Yeah, I didn't like it at all either. I felt like crap. Born in New York, but after preschool, goes to Connecticut.
Starting point is 00:25:19 And did you say you have two older brothers? Three older brothers. Holy shit. And how old are you now? I'm 32. So my oldest brother is 42. Next one is 38. Next one is 35. The next month.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And you're not married? Not yet. And there's not a lot of girls on your Instagram. There hasn't been a lot. Since May 2nd of 2016 was the last time like a girl who was like a party, kind of like a party girl has been seen on your Instagram. Wow. Wow, what? You did some real research.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I mean I've always had girlfriends during that time. Like I have a girlfriend now. When you say girlfriend, you mean like someone you're intimate with? Like you kiss them and like call it in hand holding yeah okay yeah and I try I try my absolute hardest but I don't think I'm gonna be really ready to commit to like that next chapter until I'm retired because I'm just an extremist about what I do I just I truly believe in the fact of like doing something with absolution and absolute intensity. And that's how
Starting point is 00:26:26 you get the most out of it. Like, I just don't think people have never written books about people who are great boyfriends and great husbands. Like they create books, write books about warlords, you know, like warlords, presidents, CEOs, like, and I, I, that's all I research in, in the, in my life so that I can get the level of success that I want to have. And like, all I, I, that's all I research in, in the, in my life so that I can get the level of success that I want to have. And like, all I do is just skew it towards my goals, but the same kind of intensity and passion that they put towards their goals. And I know that sounds crazy, but if you really do think with that kind of mindset, you'll have a much better opportunity of success and whatever you're trying to achieve. You, um, by the way, if you go to the, I don't know how big
Starting point is 00:27:03 your screen is, but if you go to the YouTube channel, you can, you um by the way if you go to the i don't know how big your screen is but if you go to the youtube channel you can you should turn the volume off but you can also watch what video that ryan is putting up in real time as we do the show so you could feel free to comment on it too like right now he's showing some footage of the spartan race um you'd have to send me a link because i don't even know what this is going to. Oh, yeah, good. Ryan, do you have his number? Yeah, I'll send you the link via text message. Okay. Thank you. So I think that there is a – I'm totally open to this being wrong. I'm going to word this like this is truth, but it's just the way I talk
Starting point is 00:27:39 because I stand on a big ladder. I think that there is a woman out there who is a big game hunter. I don't know who she is. Oh, it's a big game hunter. See the play on words? Who's a big game hunter who can get you. And as Snoop Dogg says, I think it's Snoop Dogg, get in where she fits in. But you just haven't met her yet.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Like, I don't think it's your choice. Like, it's not the rhino's choice to be hunted in the Savannah. Like the guy pops out with the gun and bam, I think there is a woman out there who could hunt you down and capture you without you knowing you were captured, you know, but she just hasn't come yet. You know what I mean? Like you have, like, of course you have that, you're running towards whatever goal let's say, right. With a singular vision, but she just has to figure out how to just the, like what watering hole you're going to be at at what time and have the right equipment to throw that net around you. And maybe, and maybe it's like a net that you don't even know is on you. I think that's how I think that that's a possibility. I'll admit there's
Starting point is 00:28:40 some girls out there. I hope I'm not jinxing you. No, not at all. I'll admit there's some girls out there that are far more clever than I am. the way that that probably could happen to me. But I do situate myself in a very kind of obscure and selfish position to do what I need to do. And there's probably someone who's going to get that net around me. It might even be the girl that I'm dating right now, and I don't even know it. Yeah, you won't even know it's on you. She might not even know she's doing it either. I'm not suggesting it's something clever or maniacal or bad.
Starting point is 00:29:09 I'm just saying sometimes two magnets just come. Or maybe she'll just be running side by side with you and you'll just keep looking over and be like, what the fuck? I can't shake this person. You're just there. Yeah, well, I hope next time we talk that maybe we're a little bit closer to it.
Starting point is 00:29:27 So you don't have any kids either no not yet do you um religiously practice um safe sex like in terms of like making sure you don't have kids in the way that i try not to have kids yes but if you're asking me if i wear a condom every time I have sex, no. Oh, oh. The pull-out method, you know, all those kind of things. But you are, whatever method you use, you are very disciplined about it. You're not. I'm disciplined enough in the way that I would try to really put myself in a position where my partners fully understand that that's not something I'm interested in. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:30:05 That's probably my biggest safety net. I was always terrified that I was going to get a venereal disease or get someone pregnant. It was like a healthy terror. Healthy, healthy terror. I can honestly say amongst all of my friends that STDs, like, listen, I've got a lot of sexually active friends, like my friends that are singleds like i i listen i've got a lot of sexually active friends like my friends that are single out in los angeles or you know new york city where the other place i'm from like i don't hear about anybody really having these issues and when we were growing up they're
Starting point is 00:30:34 like you're gonna die of aids yeah yeah oh my god geez yes yes yes i did not want to die of aids the propaganda had fully gotten to me that's not a big it's not a big consideration at this point more so um i try to avoid partying more than i try to avoid kids that's probably my biggest distraction is i do absolutely love partying but it's not even really that big of a distraction anymore because i've just created my bubble uh to be so tight that not a lot of things are getting into it distract me. Are you close with your brothers? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I'm staying at a house with my brother right now. I'll see my other two brothers this weekend. They all live in New York City, so I see them probably once a month or once every other month, but we're all very close. We actually play Dungeons and Dragons every couple weeks online. Oh, what's the website for that? I don't really know what it is. I can't remember the name of it. They just send me a link to it. We all go on
Starting point is 00:31:34 FaceTime and my one brother's a dungeon master. We used to do this as kids and we picked this up maybe two, three months ago just because we're like, we don't see each other enough. And we just started doing it. And I know it sounds ridiculous, but it's like playing a board game with your brothers.
Starting point is 00:31:50 And it has a very, very long storyline. So it's not like Monopoly where it lasts two hours or like a game of war or something like that that lasts a half an hour. This lasts like weeks and months. And so each of you have your own dice and like you have your 20-sided dice you have a force or someone rolls for you it's all if we were face to face that would be the case but it's all digital so my brother rolls the thing the situation's played out it's actually great like you'd be so surprised a couple of like the wives and girlfriends get a little bit irritated by it they're like what the hell are you guys doing and like you just wouldn't
Starting point is 00:32:24 understand um it sounds like we just circle back what the hell are you guys doing? And like, you just wouldn't understand. It sounds like we just circle back to the contraception talk again. It sounds like Dungeon Dragons is a good form of contraception. It really is. Or just vagina repellent. It is. Dude, you'd be so surprised. During COVID, I started picking up things.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I think I'm so funny. Yes, go on. We started picking up things like Magic the Gathering, all these things. I started to revert back to being a kid again because so many things had been taken out of my life that the level of seriousness in my day-to-day went down drastically. So we're back to it. When I played Dungeons & Dragons, like we, like there, we, we all got together.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I don't even think there were cell phones. No, definitely weren't cell phones back then. We all got together and like, um, there was the module, you know, and then like there was the dungeon master and then we had the dice and then we all had like our notebooks with all our paper in it and our characters in it.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And like you had your piece of paper would be all shredded from erasing like your hit points and all that shit. Um, is it still like that? Just like that. Oh, wow. That's cool. But it's all on your phone. You don't have a binder with all your characters in there. You have a phone and all your characters are in there.
Starting point is 00:33:36 Yeah, everything's, you know, obviously with the advancements of technology, I think paper is becoming a thing of the past. Right. Shit, that's cool. I didn't even know anyone still played Dungeons & Dragons. I thought it was just like collector's item stuff now. You'd be surprised. There's a lot of nerds out there.
Starting point is 00:33:54 So you're in Connecticut, and how – when did you – and it's interesting that you hit puberty late. I wonder if that kind of explains some of your personality because I was a really late developer too and i think it's because i was on so much medication dude they had me on medication where they they diagnosed me with adhd bipolar disorder mania all this kind of stuff and i think it was just like a typical young energetic youth uh member of the youth and rather than trying to like create structure in my life that was, um, beneficial for my, you know, personality and activity, they just put me on medication. And then they put me in like resource room with kids that had down syndrome. Like they kept on just taking me and putting me further and further down the whole,
Starting point is 00:34:38 uh, pipeline of, of kids with disorders, I guess. And then all of a sudden when I went, when I got older, I stopped taking the medication that they were giving me. And then all of a sudden when I went, when I got older, I stopped taking the medication that they were giving me and I fucking blasted. I may at this point, I may be like, if I didn't take that medication, I could have gotten to like six foot four
Starting point is 00:34:54 and be like 230, 240 pounds. I have no clue what I would have been size wise, but literally in a six month, eight month period, I grew three or four inches and I gained 60 70 pounds um are you angry at at dougie fresh for doing that or are you i don't i just don't think they knew any better i think right going to these like pt meetings and then all of a sudden they're like
Starting point is 00:35:17 hey listen hunter is extremely energetic and we love him we love him trust me but we think hunter would be so much better situated for this room if we could just give him a little bit of help like you know that's what they fucking said to him and our parents like oh okay um well we we're super busy at work and stuff we don't really know how to deal with this ourselves but you guys are professionals so we'll give him 80 to 120 milligrams of adderall a day because that's what's best, isn't it? Yeah, my parents took me to McDonald's three times a week and just wouldn't let me get the milkshake because that was unhealthy. But the rest of the shit, the high fructose corn sip and the chicken McNugget hot sauce
Starting point is 00:35:58 was awesome and good for you. So I had four of those. I still smash that. You're so lucky. You're so lucky you're so lucky just wait buddy you're you're five years away from the whole fucking thing turning off i can't wait to talk to you when you're 37 that's exactly what my buddy eddie eddie the one who connected us yes eddie um eddie says the same thing to me all the time he's like dude you just don't understand he's just like everything's gonna fall apart soon you're gonna be crying i can't wait i'm like shut up uh well it sounds like you've gotten sick it sounds like you are very very smart in terms
Starting point is 00:36:33 of your training there's a lot there's a they they say that you preach what you need to learn the most and i kind of believe that like i talk a lot about not eating sugar not eating refined carbs is sort of like the holy grail of health. And, um, and because I need to, I need to hear that message myself. And it sounds like you talk a lot about, at least in your moment, recent posts is about really reducing the amount of training you do. And I'm sure it's still an absurd amount, but I'm sure that's you talking to yourself like, Hey, I'm 32. Like I, I, like I need to heal. So. Yeah. I mean, there's things that have definitely shifted in my lifestyle. Um, you know, it used to be like three training sessions a day for like, you know, 90 minutes to two hours a piece. And now like I can actually be a lot sharper and a lot fitter with like two sessions a day for like 45
Starting point is 00:37:21 minutes to 90 minutes a piece, sometimes like a two hour, three hour piece once a week. But, um, you'd be surprised. And I'm learning as I get older, but I also think that like, there's just, there's just so many layers of being an athlete. You do need to go through, um, go through them all. And I've done more studying than I imagine most people that you talk to on this kind of stuff. And I think a lot of athletes allow dumb luck and genetics to, you know, guide them. And I've always had good genetics, I think. But at the same time, I would rather just always shortcut things by reading as much as possible rather than physically putting my body through the ringer just so I could learn, you know, in a physical capacity rather than a mental capacity. Going back to the ADHD thing, by the way, this guy says he got a free game ticket and didn't earn it. But, Corbin, we would have to define what the word earn means
Starting point is 00:38:18 because the owner and creator of CrossFit Inc. gave him a ticket. It's like being outside the Grateful Dead concert and Jerry Garcia walks up and gives you a ticket and you're like, no, sorry, I got to suck someone's dick to get in here. It's like, no, like, no, you take the ticket and you go in and listen to the dead. Like, like I, I don't, anyway, I, anyway, I still get them. I don't think they're not earning a thing. Sorry, go ahead. I still get that message on a weekly basis. Yeah, I don't think that that's a – we'd have to define what it means to earn it. So going back to ADHD, we have this really huge, enormous problem in society right now where people conflate reality with their thoughts. And people believe that their thoughts are real, like that they're actually real. So let me give you an example. You see a stoplight, and it's red, and it means stop. And people believe that their thoughts are real, like that they're actually real.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So let me give you an example. You see a stoplight and it's red and it means stop. We all know that red does not mean stop. That's not truth. But we all agree upon it as a agreed upon delusion so that we don't get in car accidents. But red does not mean stop. Yellow does not mean slow down. And green does not mean stop. Yellow does not mean slow down. And green does not mean go. These are just abstract ideas that we've all agreed upon. But don't confuse them with reality.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Red is just a color. And the same thing is true with ADHD. No matter how, it's just an idea. And it's so hard for people to distinguish ideas from reality. Have you ever listened to Baba Ram Dass? I used to be a huge – Be Here Now, Ram Dass? Yeah. Yeah, that sucks that he died, but yeah. Or maybe it's a good thing he died. Yeah, I have a – look it.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Wait. I'm ashamed to say I haven't opened this book probably in 10 years but yeah is listen to his stuff anybody who's hearing this and wants like a really really brilliant way of explaining this thought right now what do you wait what are you saying what are you saying i'm just saying like if you want i think i did a pretty damn good job it took me a long time to understand that thought process that you're going through right now i read his book i I think I did a pretty damn good job. the path of the book. Did you go to Hawaii for that? No, no, no. I listened to it on his ebook. It's, um, I can find it right now on my phone if you want me to, so I can help. But it was amazing. I've listened to it maybe 10 to 15 times. Okay. I'm going to get that from you. I'm done. So,
Starting point is 00:40:56 and here's the part that really triggers people. This is the crazy part. So there's these ideas like racism and it's an idea. Now, there could be racist policy. You could work at a bank, and they could say stuff like, do not lend money to Armenians. And there are banks like that. A few years ago, I met a woman in Los Angeles who was the vice president of a bank, and she told me that they have a policy not to lend money to Armenians. It was kind of amazing. And I'm Armenian, 100% Armenian.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And she was the vice president of the bank. Pretty cool, right? Really sweet, nice Jewish lady. I really like her. She was giving my wife and I financial advice, and she goes, oh, did you know that we don't lend money to Armenians? We send them to, and she explained the regions to me. Anyway, do you know any Armenians, Hunter, besides me? I know Armen.
Starting point is 00:41:44 Armen, okay. He's Armenian, yeah. So this idea – people take these ideas, and when you believe an idea is real, you will start to look for it in the world and make it real. If you confuse something as real, like if you think ADHD is real like if you think adhd is real then you will start looking for it in the world and you'll find a little boy like hunter and you're like oh my god i found it and it's just so it's so fucked when you conflate your thoughts with reality okay i'll get off my high horse but it's so fucked and people have to pay the price for that and it's not fucking cool and there's a lot of ideas like that people there's a lot of ideas like that well i just i think it was an era i was
Starting point is 00:42:30 a pharmaceutical era kid and i think i like that i like that and i don't like that i think we're beyond it now and i think people hopefully can see past it and have a better position on it now. But I haven't taken medication, I think, in probably 12 years. I was court mandated to take medication for a while. That's how hard they were on it. How does that happen? I got arrested at the time when I was younger and I had to go to rehab for a while. And they were convinced that this medication would be the reason why I would stop getting in trouble. So I would, uh, court mandated and they would have to drug test me twice a week to make sure that it was in my system. Um, so. Were any of your brothers arrested?
Starting point is 00:43:17 I think one of them was, uh, I don't, I don't, one of my brothers got, uh, like a ticket in New York city for peeing in central park. And that was like pretty insane how much trouble you'll get in trouble for peeing in central park when there's like probably a thousand homeless people shitting and living in that park daily. But if you have any money in your pocket and you get caught peeing, you're in huge trouble. I know that's a tangent, but, um, no, no, I grew up in the Bay area.
Starting point is 00:43:41 It was amazing. Um, one of the things about being in and fuck you guys if this upsets anyone. One of the things about being white privileged in the Bay Area is you can't drink in public. But if you're not white, you can drink in public. And I don't believe in race anyway, but that's just me being – Dealt with the same thing. Yeah. It's like, fuck, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:04 My street was covered with fucking homeless people and they could just drink all they wanted I walk outside with a beer and I'm in trouble did he get a sexual predator thing I think in California if you pee in public you get a sexual predator yeah that's such horse shit it was all broken down
Starting point is 00:44:19 but if it wasn't handled properly and he probably didn't have the income to maybe take care of it in the situation that he did, it could have been something really bad. But, uh, no, none of my brothers have really been any trouble.
Starting point is 00:44:32 I, I certainly was doing probably the majority of the dumb stuff in our family. And I probably was the worst at not getting caught. So, uh, what were you doing? What were you doing? Like,
Starting point is 00:44:44 um, just like breaking into homes, breaking into cars, just shit like that stuff that boys do or all harmless stuff. Like I had a fast car in high school. So I asked another kid to go take a radar out of another car. And all of a sudden I got conspiracy to steal. I, we weren't really thinking about the idea of the value of it. We were thinking about the practicality of having that item in our car so we could drive fast.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Right. And I, in truth, what we did was wrong. should i have been in trouble all the time because of it not necessarily there could have been better ways of handling it than the court system um next thing i pulled a fire alarm during sats in high school and i got two felonies because of it oh that's awesome i used to do a lot of shit like that. And if you think about that, it's hysterical. Yes, yes. There should be like community service or detention or any of this kind of stuff. Or you have to sing in front of the school.
Starting point is 00:45:33 You should have had to sing like the national anthem in front of the whole school. Yeah, I just think. While they throw paper airplanes at you. That would have been an awesome punishment. They're just getting lazy these days. I just think that back in the day when someone got in trouble, there was just so many different ways. Like when I went to military school for a while, whenever I did something stupid and I did a ton of stupid stuff in military school, my parents told the commandant, they were like, we are not going to pay for his education
Starting point is 00:45:57 if he gets kicked out of this school. So you make sure that he doesn't get kicked out. And I would do everything in my power to get kicked out because who wants to be in military school when all the other kids with chicks are going to other regular schools? I did everything in my power. What they just made me do was just walk around a hot ring called the bull, a hot square called the bull ring for up to five hours a day after class
Starting point is 00:46:19 in the hot sun of Virginia or sitting in a basement in a bomb shelter and writing stuff or just doing tons of chores. And I didn't have to go through the court system. Um, so that was another one. One, what did you think about those punishments? I think that they, even though they were limited and not tons of like lesson building, it just really conformed you to the idea that like, Hey, this bad action turns into this bad reality hey this bad action turns into this bad reality this bad action turns into this bad reality it's a very simple one plus one equals two kind of thing
Starting point is 00:46:52 and it just trained me to no longer eventually they exhausted me in the way that i was just like fuck the system i'm just not gonna play this game anymore i realized that i can have a lot more fun with my friends if i don't fuck off um so, so it worked, it did work. It did work. So then I went through the whole path. I got arrested again for another senior prank, which was way out of whack. There was helicopters chasing me. It was out of control how bad that one got. And that's the one that ended up getting me almost into the slammer. And then I basically, we found a loophole in the system where I had to go to accelerated rehab for a year and wait can i hear that story i want to hear the helicopter mj miles sebon can we please talk about hunter and not your political stuff i've said
Starting point is 00:47:34 nothing political mj that's a what happens when you you leave an open forum during your conversation but i like it but i but i but i love it because it lets me um i wanted i want to have a chance to say that right as an example like of like what a great example he just you should you should be able to um yeah so I'll give you guys the true depths and every, all the true depths of what happened. And this is exactly what happened. There's no inflation of this story, but I have to give you that precursor because if you,
Starting point is 00:48:16 if I don't, people will be like, what? Cause it's crazy. We knew a certain person that we were friends with. Mother had a humongous dildo collection just through running around the house as kids fucking around in rooms and blah, blah, blah. So we thought it was going to be the perfect prank to capture this thing and do something ridiculous with it in the school. And how old were you?
Starting point is 00:48:39 I just turned 18. An 18-year-old boy with a dildo fascination is totally normal and healthy for anyone who doesn't realize that then you don't know 18 year old boys go on it's hysterical it was fucking hysterical and the thing was the size of my arm humongous this thing was and the plan was called plan alpha beta bex it was the greatest dildo heist of all time like we had built this whole story up in our heads it wasn't like we were robbing a fucking bank it was a joke but we showed up went into the house came out of the house all of a sudden the parents and the boyfriend were there the mom the boyfriend were there boyfriend starts choking me my friend chucks the thing they start running we get in a car we start driving someone starts
Starting point is 00:49:19 chasing us in the car so now there's a high speed chase going on eventually that car breaks off the cop i got a quick question was the boy so this mom was the boy whose mom this was involved in the prank not present not present did he know you guys were gonna steal his mom's dildo collection no no okay that's why it was all so funny i mean it sucked for him but right yeah yeah that's the worst part of the prank okay go on yeah if you Yeah. If you're that guy. Oh, yeah. So basically, next thing you know. What were you going to do with the dildos before the whole theft got interrupted? We wanted to hang it up in the school somewhere. Right, okay. It's fair.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It's good. Just a fair. I mean, now that I think back on it, it was like, the delivery, cheap. The experience, probably going to be just as cheap but oh people would have loved it i know i know people would have loved coming to school and there's a giant veiny dildo hanging from like the lunch counter people would have loved it see that's why i went for it but yeah you know so two weeks earlier there was a breaking entering in the same county that i lived in where the two people killed everybody in the house.
Starting point is 00:50:27 And, you know, so the the sheriff or whatever, the sheriff and the governor of the state was like, we're never letting this happen to the state of Connecticut ever again. Like, this is the great state of Connecticut where all of our you know, all of the civilians here deserve to feel safe at all times. So they went like full lockdown, like we're taking care of all crime so they sent helicopters after us because they called and obviously they didn't say we stole a sexual toy they said we we basically broke in and we're doing like you know vile acts inside of their house and blah blah blah so it was considered a break and entering and they went ham on us and i uh for those of you who don't know, ham is... Heart of the motherfucker. Yes, yeah, okay, go on.
Starting point is 00:51:09 Yeah, so... I have a lot of old ladies who listen to the show, and they need that shit explained to them. Oh, well, hopefully... I didn't mean to ruin your show with some of the vocabulary that I'm using in this story. No, no, no, no. No, no, these old ladies love the show.
Starting point is 00:51:22 And they love dildo talk. Go on. Bet. So, by the end, all said and done, I got hit with all these felonies for it. Larceny, breaking and entering, conspiracy to steal, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And so the only thing that we could do. Wait, wait, wait. How did you get caught? I thought we were in a chase.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I had to turn myself in, dude. They had a helicopter over the school and a helicopter over the woods. My friend dumped me out of the car and I started running through the woods. Boy, that's the one thing about me that you can ask anybody. I'm fucking lightning fast. If cops came after me, no one's going to get this big dog. So I got away. And eventually I called my brother who was a lawyer.
Starting point is 00:52:02 And I was like, listen, I'm totally fucked. What do I do? And I'm embarrassed to say enough that I had a lawyer that we worked with regularly enough, a criminal lawyer that I was put in touch with him. And he was like, Hunter, you just got to turn yourself in and say nothing. So I just went in and I played the dumb card. I'm like, I don't know what you guys are talking about. Like, I just want to make sure I know that you guys are looking for me and I just want
Starting point is 00:52:22 to be here and present so that you guys can have me to talk to. But I don't know what you guys are talking about. Right. I like it. I like it. So what are we doing here? Can I go home now? Like that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:52:32 So next thing you know, I had to go to rehab for a year. And then did she get the dildo back? Oh, she had to have like it was like we went out the door and everything like fell apart right there. So my friend, you didn't actually steal. Oh, oh, shit. No harm, no foul. You didn't even get the dildo in the chase. Nothing happened to no gold in the sack.
Starting point is 00:53:01 No gold in the sack. We did not get away with it. So how did you know where to how did you know where to find the dildo in the house so i was explaining earlier like us through growing up with this friend just knew that she had that collection in a certain spot so right okay so like she would be out of town you guys would be partying someone be looking for some oxycontin in her drawer and come across like what dude look at this thing. Like one of those kind of moments. So it's like, yeah. So, I mean, like, listen, I don't regret any of it, but. I thought that was the dildo you were just picked up right there.
Starting point is 00:53:32 That's just a water bottle, people. That's just a water bottle, but twice the size of this. I'm not kidding. You know, when you came on the show, when Ryan found out you were coming on the show, he's like, oh, I really like Hunter. This is going to be cool. But I bet you he's a good Christian boy, I think. I think he's probably disgusted with you now.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Fuck, I was a fan. He's like, oh, my goodness. Do you ever think when you're racing, dude, do you ever think, you said that you're good at running from the cops. Do you ever, like, you have a mile left, you're in one of these um ocr's obstacle course race right that's what it stands for yeah you're in one of these you're in one of these races there's a mile left and you're like fuck it i'm gonna pretend like i have that dildo and i'm running from the cops and like just use that to like push you through that last mile i'm not going to jail
Starting point is 00:54:22 no it's never really come into my head and heart but you can use that by the way if that if you want now that i brought that up to you you can use that i appreciate it dude i don't know what it is when it comes to the racing it's just a switch but um once i get the energy going dude there's just like nothing between me and the finish line so that's that's uh that's probably how the cops couldn't get me, helicopters and all. Yeah. Do you remember that feeling in high school or elementary school or middle school when you'd be running through the halls and you felt like you were so fast, like if you were late for class? I always wondered why I felt so fast running in the halls.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Is that because there's walls next to you and lockers? Do you know what I'm talking about, that feeling? It's just being a kid and being light. I'll tell you right now, gravity's a bitch. And you're just a small human and you're free. You're free from the burden of weight in old age. Yeah. Yeah. Like, do you know Romanoff?
Starting point is 00:55:17 I do. The Russian guy? Yeah, the pose runner. Yeah. Oh, I don't know him. I don't know him specifically, but I know of him. Yeah. He's cool as shit. You would I don't know him specifically, but I know of him. Yeah, he's cool as shit. You would really like talking to him.
Starting point is 00:55:29 He's fun, he's free, and he's smart as shit, and he's from Russia. I feel kind of bad, like the founding fathers of CrossFit and the people that were really bringing in like the base of education that this thing was built on are gone, and now there's all these other people, and it's not like these new people are bad but it's just like some of the people that i really i think i have seven certifications through crossfit
Starting point is 00:55:49 like the people that i really learned the most from gone i can't even really find much of them anymore i like dr kelly like kelly surratt like his stuff was amazing um i was a really big fan of brian brian brought in romanoff like you know mckenzie yeah yeah so it's like you know i don't even know where to i've never even heard of romanoff probably ever since mckenzie came out of his position in crossfit so i think all of those people from what i can tell are doing very well but what happened was is you know like when did you come across crossfit probably 2010 2009 yeah so like basically the we just it just grew and we kind of all grew apart right hunter mcintyre became its own brand kelly starrett became its own brand brian mckenzie became its own brand um uh dr romanoff became so we're like we all start it was like there was an explosion and
Starting point is 00:56:45 now we're all our own planets it's great and so we can't yeah so we kind of move further apart like you have your own training program now you have this this product hydro that you put in water you have your own youtube station you know what i mean we're all like and we're all capable of so much more now because of technology and whatnot. And our hatred for each other, which drives us to squash each other and grow. I do use hate to drive a lot of the things that I do. Oh, me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I'm a very loving guy, but I do keep a little tiny little piece of like, fuck you, like in my brain. Like, yeah, yeah, I'm going to win today. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I fucking love it. piece of like fuck you like in my brain like yeah yeah i'm gonna win today oh yeah oh yeah stefan you do not want to get up at 6 a.m and and and start getting ready for your interview with hunter mcintyre oh yes you do because this is going to get you more youtube subscribers to beat down other people in the in the youtube kingdom that you despise ah dude i i literally just a tiny bit though just a tiny bit it's just a tiny bit. It's not a lot. It's not just like a little bit I'd rub together, just enough to like get the spark going.
Starting point is 00:57:49 Yeah, I just had this conversation with my family. Like, they're just like, Hunter, you need to relax. And I was like, you know, one beer doesn't taste as good as one hour of hard work. I'm just driving myself towards crushing some of the people that I want to. And I'm here on vacation for the month in Rhode Island. And my mom's just like, why don't you relax more?
Starting point is 00:58:06 And I was like, wait, I thought you were in Malibu. No, I live in Malibu, but I'm vacationing right now in Rhode Island. I didn't even know they had internet in Rhode Island. Okay, go on. So your mom's telling you to chill the fuck out. Sorry. That was a great story. I interrupted.
Starting point is 00:58:19 No, no, don't worry about it. I mean, like, we're just kind of flowing. But that's it. I just like that same hatred you're talking about right now it's just like i think about intensely all day long the people's bones i'm going to turn into dust and it's just feels like a million bucks yeah it's awesome look at ryan's getting all excited i love ryan when ryan smiles that's good because usually he's not even paying attention to the show but um uh when you leave your house do you kiss your mom goodbye always like do you have rules like that?
Starting point is 00:58:46 Like I have, like, if I'm with my mom and if my mom walks in the house, no matter what I'm doing, I have a rule. I jump up and kiss her or same with my wife. I try to like the second my wife walks in the house just as a rule. Like I like the discipline and like having structure and like stuff like that. My level of intimacy and like my family is more so I call my family. I have to call my family almost every single day. That's it. That's more so. I don't really think like that in the position of being in the room.
Starting point is 00:59:13 If someone walks in the room, obviously I'm going to engage with them. But as I said, I kind of have this very polarizing focus where it's like 99% of my energy is on one dot and 1% of my energy is on the peripheral. So you don't have any rules like that or like – no. Interesting. Okay. Do you have any – it's the same with – like my house doesn't have a shoe rule. Like you can wear shoes in my house. Like if you came over, you could wear shoes.
Starting point is 00:59:37 But like for myself, I have a shoe rule. Like I come in. I take my shoes off. Even if I'm only coming in for like a few minutes like i have to make the i have to i'm very ocd i have to make the bed every single day i have to keep my room like really gosh darn clean i think i have to keep things around me really clean i have one car that i own that's like super dirty and that's like i can literally be like uh you know completely disconnect from that position then i have my fancy car that i get if there's one speck of dirt on it
Starting point is 01:00:03 and you like try to eat a piece of food in it, like I'll rip your fucking hand off. So like there's, there's the way that that's the way my brain functions in certain ways, but I don't like have a, it doesn't sound like I have a hug, the hugs and high five ones that you have. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:15 You can, you could always, you could always add it. Don't, I mean, don't, I mean, you could, you could add it.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I'm learning through this experience. You could add it. Um, and you sound like, um, good mating material, the whole keeping the house clean thing it's pretty insane like my brother who's closest to me is like russell crowe from a beautiful mind like absolutely everything around him is chaos other than the idea in his brain whereas me like everything around me needs to be super aligned otherwise what's going on in my brain is chaos okay are your parents still married no no no divorce to the young and how old were how old were you four and a half maybe okay i think that i think i was
Starting point is 01:00:59 probably three when my parents got a divorce i didn't witness any of the ugly stuff. And you're the youngest of four brothers, you said? Youngest of four. Two of them are step. They were married in through the second marriage to my dad. Oh, how old were you when your dad got married again? Like six months afterwards. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Wow. Do both your mom and dad still live in Rhode Island? So when you go there, you get to see both of them? Dad's in New York City. Mom's in Rhode Island. Okay. And do you feel obligated if you go visit your mom to visit your dad or vice versa? Is it like, oh shit, I have two weeks. I have to spend a week with each? Or is it just like, no, I'm going to Rhode Island and chill dad if you want to see me come on up? No, I don't feel the obligation. I'm literally here like once a month.
Starting point is 01:01:44 And I make sure that I see them like either both at the same time or one of the't feel the obligation i'm literally here like once a month and i make sure that i see them like either both at the same time or one of the next or the other and it's just you know let's just say that i come across i come across here 12 plus times a year my family comes across once every 12 years so it's just like i tell them i'm like listen you guys if you want to like really reach out and put the effort in like you can can always come to me, but I'm not going to promise that I'm going to come to you. You flew, you fly to the East coast 12 times a year. I fly probably four times a month, if not more on a regular pattern. And there's so much work just because of what I do in New York city.
Starting point is 01:02:25 That's, um, it just ends up being like an alarming amount. Like it's annoying. So you fly during this whole COVID response thing, you fly, you get on planes constantly. I like doorknobs. I hug every person that I can find.
Starting point is 01:02:39 I try to get that viral load really high, but, uh, I'm not really, I'm not tremendously worried about it. I got the J and J baby. Oh, I'm not, i'm not tremendously worried about it i got the j and j baby oh i'm not i'm not suggesting that you're worried about it i'm suggesting dealing with all the fucking that the lunatics the fucking insanely terrified lunatics it's crazy faces with twinkies it's it's very polarizing in the way that's like, I went to North Carolina, then I went to New York City,
Starting point is 01:03:05 like directly after each other in the middle of COVID. These people look like Hiroshima, like the bomb had just been dropped off on them. Like the way that they were acting, the way that they were physically holding themselves, the way that they like kept distance and acted around you was so- Yeah, Berkeley, California is like that.
Starting point is 01:03:21 It's crazy what they've done to themselves. North Carolina parade. Loving parade. Everybody come in. We're having a barbecue. We're doing CrossFit, like 50 of us in like a 10 by 10 square foot box. All of us working so hard. That's the craziest part. When I went over to Germany last year, which I'm about to do again right now, I was getting COVID tested every single day for a week straight while I was competing there. And why are you going to Germany? My world championships are on September 11th.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I want to go back to why you got the vaccine and why you chose J and J, but what, what, when you say your world championships, what are you talking about? The high rocks thing? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:00 I don't even know what that is, but I want to talk about that. I got that in my notes. Can we, so why did you get the vaccine or whatever that, whatever they're giving us? I don't even really know what that is but i want to talk about that i got that in my notes can we so why did you get um the vaccine or whatever that whatever they're giving us i don't even really know what it is i just chose it because i literally had to do it for work like i would never have done it if it wasn't for work and i constantly keep on getting guilted by i thought you're unemployed no i have to race like it's that's considered my work. Oh, okay. Okay. Yeah. I mean, listen, I'm employed by my own companies. I'm unemployed by other people. Um, but I,
Starting point is 01:04:32 you can't go over to Germany right now without staying inside of a room for five days. If not 10, if you're not vaccinated, it's 10 days inside of a room. And like, it's just so many rules around it. It just, it was becoming too complicated and Germany wouldn't let you in if you didn't have a vaccine within two weeks before you got there without being in a room for 10 days and I was like there's no way that's happening and I care enough about my world title that I will go because this is like a limited time in my life where I actually have the opportunity to be a world champion whereas like the action of being safe because of COVID was never of risk to me and the action of being safe because of covid was never of
Starting point is 01:05:06 of risk to me and the action of putting other people under risk i can't physically promise that this is true i just felt that it was very limited for me becoming like the apex predator in covid which a lot of people blame me for but like that's where i stand on it well uh like people would say like if you didn't get it like you're spreading it and giving it to um fat old obese people who've been drinking coca-cola for 30 years and stuffing themselves with twinkies and that they might accidentally die because you sneezed on a passing by train as they were on the platform and you killed them oh shit please don't do that ever again i've like it's alarming blowing thing made me feel
Starting point is 01:05:45 like you just gave me covid it's alarming in the way that so many people that i know who spent the past two decades of their life living really really poorly to get to the point where they were at risk and while i've been the person who's like drinking water every single day eating supplements and like you know vitamins and stuff that keep me healthy being out in the sun moving regularly like all the things that human beings should naturally be doing i was doing that for the past two decades these people were living the polar opposite on the past two decades yet i'm the person who putting them at risk and i was like none of your decisions over the past two decades have put you in this position it's only me so i don't want to
Starting point is 01:06:24 get on this tangent and we should probably stop talking about's only me so i don't want to get on this tangent and we should probably stop talking about covid now so can i i just want to say i want to add one more thing to it it on the on the super duper micro scale like if you are a snail and i use the snail analogy a lot and you can only see the concrete in front of you if you're a fucking snail and you can and you're a concrete expert like your fucking mouth your ass and your eyeballs are pushed down on the concrete yes to not get the vaccine is extremely extremely selfish if you are anything but a snail and you have any purview of the bigger picture it is the 100 opposite and what i mean by that is you people who are not taking care of yourself and who have let yourself get to a point where the slightest
Starting point is 01:07:12 wind blow will kill you you are the weak lincoln society you are the fucking selfish ones yeah you can't say that though i but i just it's okay I've already been canceled. You don't have to say that. But I've already been canceled. So I just – sorry. That is my opinion. That is not the opinion of Hunter McIntyre. He is a contributor to society. He has done all of the things. He's been a role model in Eatin' Healthy.
Starting point is 01:07:41 mischievous child pharmaceutical drug addict not because of his choice to a male beautiful specimen mating specimen with intelligence and contribution to society because he took the J&J but he
Starting point is 01:07:56 doesn't have time for a BJ just did the J&J okay Hyrox tell me about high rocks am i saying yeah it's just under the umbrella of crossfit to be honest it's what i call fitness racing which is a little bit different than like you know the trip do you own the company no no no okay i own this company ocr stars um High Rocks is what I call fitness racing. It's like, you know, the first time you guys probably ever saw it was on like a professional scale was TMX.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And a lot of high level CrossFitters came to it in 2017 and 2018, put on by Tough Mudder. And now a lot of companies, including Spartan Race and now Ironman being an investor in High Rocks, A lot of companies, including Spartan Race and now Ironman being an investor in High Rocks, they all have ownership or at least share in companies that are putting on events, which it's just like CrossFit in the way that the movements are all there. But what we do is we are always adding running between the stations. So High Rocks is eight stations and eight laps, so it adds up to five miles of running and eight stations. And they basically, the way I describe it, is they're trying to test all of the major league sports or Olympic-level sports in these facets of fitness. So the first station is Nordic skiing in a ski erg.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Next station is the sled push, which is like bobsled power sport. Next one, sled pull, power sport, strongman. Next one is burpee broad jump. Next one is rowing, rowing. And next one's farmer carry strongman. Next one is lunges and then wall balls. And it's always the same thing. It's like the idea of triathlon where they want to have this one test universally to see who's the fittest person. Are they, excuse me, Ryan's showing it on the YouTube feed right now. Thanks, Ryan. I'm wondering, are they always the same stations?
Starting point is 01:09:51 It's identical every time? Always, always. I think they probably are going to expand to the point where they change some things, but if they're going to keep this one model the same for its entirety. Okay, so, and you've won this event before. Yeah, I hold the world record and I hold the world title. So, sorry, explain to me, so it's, once you hit start, it's like a marathon. Or it's like a race.
Starting point is 01:10:16 The whole entire thing. There's not start and stops and we move and it drags out over days. No. Okay, and what's the world record time for completing that 57 38 and and when did you do that i did that in 2020 in 2020 and how long has it been going on this race i think it started in 2017 it's very big in europe like they're having events with 3 000 plus people in europe going through this and. Like they're having events with 3000 plus people in Europe going through this. And, you know, they're having tens of thousands of spectators come and visit where
Starting point is 01:10:50 here in the United States, we're just cresting, like breaking over 1000 on the most popular events, like, you know, 600 to a thousand. And is it always at the same venue, the world championships? No, uh, I did the last year in Hamburg. The year before that was in Berlin. Now it's on LeapSeek because it's a German company. I think they're always going to host the world championships there. Actually in 2022, it's in Vegas in April. So, um, you know, it's just, I think over there, it was much easier for them to build the business structure up a lot more quickly because obviously the level of competition is, is just peanuts over there it was much easier for them to build the business structure up a lot more quickly because obviously the level of competition is is just peanuts over there in comparison to coming over here where like there's companies like rogue and wadapalooza and granite games that these are
Starting point is 01:11:35 just like the b-list versions of crossfit that are still like so much more enormous of brands um and obviously like you think about all the obstacle course races here that have the majority of people that like to go to high rocks or obstacle course racers they're those are huge too oh why do you um why do you do this do they pay does that company pay you to come there and whoop ass high rocks uh i mean like obviously you get checks at the world championships and i have worked with the company under um company under their payroll for a while. How close is someone to beating you? Not really.
Starting point is 01:12:10 Not really? No. Ryan shaking his head like, no wonder he likes you so much. What was the closest time? Last year when you got 50, sorry, in 2020, last year, when you got 57, 38, when was the next fastest time? It was like high 59. So the closest
Starting point is 01:12:25 person to me is two minutes and you know the guy i know ryan kent there's lucas lucas storath from germany who's very very good he won a world title in 2019 then i took it from 2020 he's probably the number two best guy athlete in the world i mean it's like it's i think the only reason why this is a good thing for me is because i spent so many years running and then I spent the years getting into CrossFit that it's, it's truly like a 50, 50 slice. It's 50% of the time it takes to run. It took me 29 minutes and like 38 seconds to run the, or 29 something to run the 10, uh, 8k. And then it takes me just under that to do the fitness station. So it's a very, very even split. Are you, go ahead. Sorry. Sorry. No, we've had a lot of high
Starting point is 01:13:11 level CrossFitters come and do it and they're tremendously fit. Obviously it's a little bit running heavy for them. Uh, just because it's like, you know, I would say CrossFit's maybe like 70, 30, um, weightlifting. And then the rest is like cardiovascular gymnastics. And you know, this is more 50, 50. Are you at the end of this, like, like gassed? Like, this is like you, you, when I set the world record, like I was messed up for like two weeks. It's just because it's, it's so much, it's so much lactic acid because what happens is you're running. And then all of a sudden when you get to these extremely heavy, high rep movements, like, you know, anybody doing a hundred wall balls in a row is going to
Starting point is 01:13:56 feel it, but doing that after a 60, like a 55 minute race is incredibly challenging. Um, so it just does a lot of muscle damage and I typically am pretty laid out, but then I drink the night afterwards and that's what really doubles down on it. The, the, uh, just alcohol, um, on top of these sore muscles, the fatigue muscles. Yeah. Alcohol is just like the devil when it comes to high level exercise. How, how often do you think you drink alcohol? At like a big level, maybe maybe once a month once every two months no like could you have a glass of wine every night no no no no i would say like once every
Starting point is 01:14:32 five nights to every seven nights i'll have a glass of wine uh maybe a beer just because i actually do like it like now i drink this company called athletic brewing and they're not paying me to say this i just like we'll drink that because it's good but like you can't replace wine so i got i had a glass of wine or maybe two glasses of wine with dinner two nights ago and it was nice like it's not going to get in the way of my my my results like i know what's a problem what's not yeah and you're 32 yeah about about um i don't know how long it's been but somewhere somewhere somewhere when when the when the lockdown first started i started drinking like at eight in the morning and then like continuously drink till like midnight just like like like i would take like a kombucha alcoholic
Starting point is 01:15:16 kombucha and mix it with like a couple cans of sparkling water and just like have it for breakfast and sip it all day and i drink like six six of those throughout the day that would be like my caloric intake and then after about two months of that and i was just like constantly buzzed and after like two months of that i was just like you know what i'm done with alcohol and that's when basically i did the carnivore diet for two weeks like hardcore what did you say you liked it oh well i i used i i wanted like for 15 years i've been trying to get off of added sugar and refined carbohydrates because i was just like always with Greg Glassman and he's like nonstop. Like he's either telling you how evil sugar is or bad for the system or he has experts around telling you how bad it is.
Starting point is 01:15:54 So like I knew and it was always like being pounded into me. And I was like I'm going to use the carnivore diet. And I was pretty good. I didn't eat really any added sugar. Like I didn't drink soda or like eat candy or cake or ice cream or that shit. But it would still be like – I still drank alcohol. So with the carnivore diet, I basically allowed myself to eat as much meat and hard cheese as I wanted for two weeks. As much as I wanted.
Starting point is 01:16:18 And I guess I went into ketosis and all of a sudden I never craved alcohol or sugar or any of that shit again. I started craving fat like a motherfucker like just just like nuts nuts and avocado and then i broke it and so for like a year basically i've just i broke it and now like the other day i took a sip of wine i wanted to vomit every once in a while i'll go into all steak and apples diet and i get buff and shredded wow tell me about me about that diet. How's that work? Steak and apples. Like I just, I'll eat maybe two to three ribeyes, two to three pounds of ribeye a day. And, uh, the apples is just like, it's not like a high level of consumption apples or maybe from any kind of caloric, um, additive. It's just more so of just having some kind of different
Starting point is 01:17:04 thing for your palate. And I like apples in the way that they're kind of fresh and juicy. And, like, just eating gigantic butter-covered ribeyes with salt all over them can eventually twist you up into knots. Yeah. And I can truly say, like, my endurance output and my, like, the way that my body looks is crazy. output and my like the way that my body looks is crazy but like i'll admit i i can't last on it for a super long time just because of the limitations of like going out and doing anything and then also just high high levels of training if i don't have a ribeye like in my back pocket then i need to have something else right right right and he's not joking you mean like literally in your back pocket yeah like you have to have one just ready in case like you empty your tank after a big like bike
Starting point is 01:17:50 ride sometimes i do these two three hour bike rides i'll just like i'll have like a ziploc bag with a ribeye in my car and then i'll just like pull it out and eat it on the side of the road and it's gross the idea of it but it's not i love it i love it i love it um I love it. I love it. Um, what, um, how many apples a day would you say you eat during that? Like a dozen. Oh shit. You have to understand like, Oh shit. My, my average intake is around 4,000 to 5,000 calories. And like, there's some days that you go higher. Um, and like, I never look at things from a body fat standpoint i look at things just like completely from like a we burned this much gas today we have to fill up the tank for tomorrow we burn this much gas today so you're just always eating like if i wasn't talking to you yeah i'd
Starting point is 01:18:38 be eating yeah 12 so 12 apples a day and three pounds of steak. That's like, I mean, I mean, that's basically you just have to be eating every, I mean, an apple an hour is a tremendous, like, I mean, that's like, that's like goal shit. Like I'd have to set that out for a goal. I definitely tried one time. Like I'm talking about the apples that are maybe like three times the size of a golf ball. Okay. I'm talking about the apples that are maybe like three times the size of a golf ball.
Starting point is 01:19:04 Okay. I went and bought like the ones that are like chemically induced at Costco one time. Big old juiced up ones. Yeah. It was so crazy. That was alarming how fricking hard it was to try to get through those. Like it truly is a different beast.
Starting point is 01:19:24 So don't, i'm not trying to mislead you they're they're like normal size apples do you drink coffee my friend has a company called strong coffee that i like oh man is that a bad thing no they well it's kind of bad they sent me a bunch of free shit yeah and i really really really like their shit but do you know who josh bridges is yeah of course the crossfit guy okay he's my boy and he has a he has a company called good dudes so i'm pretty loyal to it and i drink good dudes every morning yeah yeah but man i went through when strong coffee sent me their shit like i'm like i just i think maybe i dm'd him and said hey
Starting point is 01:20:05 thank you that was nice you guys and then tried to ignore them and just put it in a cabinet and then one day i just i think i ran out of good dudes and i started drinking their shit oh my god it's great oh my god it's so it's so good it's so good i'm not really a coffee guy like if you invited you're like hey man do you want to come meet up for coffee? I would sit down and have a coffee for you, but I wouldn't go out of my way to like, Hey man, I made you a pot of coffee. Come on over. Like, I don't, I don't, I don't live of coffee by any means. Like, um, I, I,
Starting point is 01:20:36 I can drink like a gallon of orange juice a day. If you gave me orange juice at any time of day, I'll purr like a cat. I don't, I don't approve of that people. I don't approve of that. You guys all know that, right? Listen, you can say whatever a cat i don't i don't approve of that people i don't approve of that you guys all know that right listen you can say whatever the heck you want i don't approve of that um hayley are the boys gonna be ready in nine minutes is my mom here yeah you guys better be ready um god we have a problem with like so the whole premise of the show is when i meet someone like you is I like to go back as early as I can. I mean, I've never gone back this far, but ideally I'd like to hear where your parents made you.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Were they on a Ferris wheel and they boned and you got – and then take it all the way up to the present. But we never even made it past. Like we're still back in like Connecticut, like foreign, like I'd like to pick up like at four and a half where your parents got divorced, but, uh, and,
Starting point is 01:21:32 and like how you got into sports and, and your first time doing Adderall, but like, like we don't, we don't have time. Cause like, cause I'm always happy to do a part two. Um,
Starting point is 01:21:42 so bomb. How about a part three, a part three, dude, part three, whatever you want to do a part two um so bomb how about a part three a part three dude part three whatever you want to do i do you like james hobart james the little guy no he was on he was the individual crossfit games athlete he was like rich froning's team though yes yes yes wow you called him a little guy oh shit he's probably gonna hit me in the mouth for that oh no he doesn't i don't think he hits anybody he might talk shit about you but he's so nice um do you have you ever met him or do you know him i we may have bumped into each other but i don't know him like i couldn't be
Starting point is 01:22:14 like hey man how you been i talked about you on a podcast today do you know brian friend no oh those are those are two guys that i that sometimes co-host the show with me. Brian's usually on if there's CrossFit Games athletes, and Hobart's on if I'm getting my period and I'm feeling insecure. I have him here as a safety net. You know what I mean? He doesn't say a lot, but just in case, if I had to go to the bathroom or I was running out of stuff to talk to my guest about, Hobart would throw some shit in there.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Okay. So they might be on the next time we're on. I'm around, dude. It was actually really cool to get to connect with you. You know, small world that we live in, and obviously I think we were only always just a couple connections away from meeting up. So a pleasure to meet you, Ryan. A pleasure to spend time with you, obviously.
Starting point is 01:22:58 Can I have three more minutes of your time? Not in a rush. What do you need? Okay. I'm just going to go through um some of the questions here in the comments because we're live i don't know if you knew that didn't yeah and we're and actually what's really weird about the show being live is it started off with like 32 viewers and it's got 214 now and and usually it's the opposite way usually like it starts with like you know like
Starting point is 01:23:21 somewhere between two and four hundred and then they're like oh this is the guest fuck this dude and then it just like dwindles down to nothing but this one actually grew so i'm impressed um uh please ask him the podcast where he said all the top guys in crossfit take steroids and they turn a blonde blind eye you don't have to answer that i don't really care about that i will say like listen i've got nothing against i've got a lot of crossfitters that i'm friends with and I don't think that they're dirty, but I don't think... It's odd that nobody really talks about how you guys are the new cycling.
Starting point is 01:23:52 You guys are the dirtiest fucking sport there is right now. Or you guys are like 1990s baseball. Everybody's got a needle in their arm in between baseball swings. I couldn't disagree with you more. What? There's zero steroids in the sport you're at the highest level literally dude you've got to be the name calling starts oh my there was 240 athletes at the games this year 10 of them popped That's a fucking terrible number.
Starting point is 01:24:26 I don't think that that is true. I don't think 24 happened. I'm not saying Matt Frazier, Justin Medeiros, but it's very bad. It's very bad, the numbers that you guys have. I'm sorry, but it is bad. I disagree 100%. Listen, if you want me to go get a pad of paper and just nail you with statistics on your own sport
Starting point is 01:24:46 I will freaking lay you out on the floor it is bad I would love that they're like 6 people from CrossFit you know just recently popped but also in more important news an old lady snatched a water jug they're like
Starting point is 01:25:00 you guys you guys you guys there is there is um you can only say you can someone is only tall because someone else is short if everyone was seven feet tall then someone who is seven foot one wouldn't be tall and someone who or someone who's seven foot one would be tall. You guys can give me obscure ways of looking at statistics. And so if you're suggesting that there's more people in CrossFit doing steroids than the general population of fitness goers. No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:25:35 I'm talking about professional sports that are supposed to be clean. I think you guys are alarmingly dirty. I think that there's a ton of people. Extremely low, extremely low. What? In the professional level you guys can't admit that like every single other week people keep let's not say you guys let's say they because i because i got fired because i got fired because i would love i would love for you to be right and fucking tear them a new asshole i'm looking for an excuse to hate these guys but i just love them i'm not saying the sport of crossfit's bad you guys think that like you're taking my sentence and you're not you guys those those okay then though they
Starting point is 01:26:09 i don't use the right pronoun when you're talking to me please please i don't think that sport of crossfit is bad i just think that the numbers of people getting popped is is large and it's it's never really directly addressed how about that i, we're directly addressing it now, and this is the coolest podcast in the space. I'm having a great time, but I'm not going to back down on my opinion on this one. I do not want you to back down. I just don't think that Scott Panchik has ever done steroids. I don't think that... You're pointing at certain people. I don't think... Right.
Starting point is 01:26:43 If we just put 240 people in a pool and we're asking them to jump up and down, I'm not pointing at anybody. I'm just saying that 10 percent of those people in the pool are on steroids or performance. What percentage of the people who are and you think that that's in the NFL, it's only three percent. Is that that's your point? I think we'd be reading a lot more of it if if it was out there. Like it's just it's just really, really rare. Like going into the Olympics in track and field, only one female got in trouble for performance enhancers. And then another girl got in trouble for pot. And that's like the highest level you can have in running. And a
Starting point is 01:27:21 lot more people went to the Olympics for track and field than went to the crossfit games so like look at that percentage highest level of running in the world versus highest level of crossfit in the world very limited poor uh you know poor behavior versus a mildly high level of poor behavior i'm just looking at a statistic based what about that movie with the russian oh shit two minutes god uh what do you think about do you believe in god hunter i believe that there's too much coincidence in our life for everything to just be completely based on science i'll say that okay i i'm trying to not say the the word goddammit anymore the phrase in jesus christ because i got some really thoughtful dms from people who listen to the show who don't like those phrases.
Starting point is 01:28:05 So, but I say them so often, but I'm really trying to catch myself. Did you see that? Did you see that movie? Did you see the movie with the Russian steroid movie? Yeah, of course. Yes. So, and that basically made it look like, like everyone in the Olympics was on steroids. No, but that was. And getting away away with it and getting away with it.
Starting point is 01:28:31 But that was a government that was a government run system. Like, I think the thing about the United States, not saying specifically the United States, but I think the thing that's also hard about track and field, the example I just gave is those are all under independent bodies. Like they're all like, that's why the guy who, uh, Alberto Salazar, the running coach who for Nike has been banned from professional sports forever because he just was caught too many times doing something dirty. But the, the, you like the way that independent sport happens here in the United States versus over there is like the Chinese bodies and the German bodies and the Russian bodies. It's actually like, it's a business over there. It's an actual institution in which case you'll get in from a young age and you'll be on government subsidies all the way up through your rankings. Take the blue pill.
Starting point is 01:29:13 Take the blue pill. They do it differently over there. You can't even get a dollar as an athlete over here in Olympic sport. Okay, so we'll table that. Are you happy, Streeter West? Please give me a thumbs up or subscribe to my YouTube channel on your mom's account since I asked that question. Damn it. Hunter, my favorite trash talker.
Starting point is 01:29:36 He could have been great at CF if he started earlier. Yeah, he's trying to get creatine in anything other than the bag of pure creatine is useless. Nick of time. I want to see Hunter take another run at the games. Oh, this is... Shit. 8.30. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Fine. Fine. Fine. You'll come on again. Fine. So be it. I'll be back. You guys, if you want to pinch it in, you have me until the 8th.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Pinch it in. Oh, I see what you mean. because then you're going to Germany. Yeah. Or we could talk to you after you become the champion again. Come get some, baby. I wonder what gets more viewers. Hmm. I don't know if anybody will even remember.
Starting point is 01:30:21 They'll remember. They'll remember they'll remember this show i'm i am the hunter mcintyre of high rocks of podcasts i like that thank you thank you for having me on the point of yeah yeah damn i have to go thanks for coming on um what are you going to do right now i'm going to the skate park with my kids. And then in my head, tell myself what a great parent I am. What are you going to do? That's a good way to start the day. I am going to pack because the rental we were in ends today. And I go down and go see my father for a couple days.
Starting point is 01:30:58 I kind of get into a little bit more of like a meditative state before a championship. So I'll just be quiet. Okay. Well, tell Dougie Fresh I said what's up.

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