The Sevan Podcast - #120 The News - Justin Medeiros and James Hobart

Episode Date: September 7, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Pop my video out. And we're live. Tell me before we go live.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Can everyone hear us okay? Can everyone, someone just say yes. Ironically fit, why was it switched to Justin but BKG's picture is on it? Who knows? Who knows? Because BKG is so much more popular than Justin. We're trying just to get people viewing. Do you want to know the real truth?
Starting point is 00:01:00 I was sending a list of all the people I'd like to have as guests on this new show that we're going to start doing every Sunday at 6 p.m. And I sent and I said, oh, BKG for the new show for sure. And Ryan, who makes the pictures, misunderstood and thought that BKG was going live this week, but he misunderstood. But I think it was fixed. I think it was fixed live this week, but he misunderstood. But I think it was fixed. I think it was fixed even as a few days ago. So there, take that.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Yes, you can hear us. Tatiana, you can hear us. This is awesome. I think we're rocking and rolling. Justin Medeiros, some people call him Justin Medeiros. James Hobart. Looking Studios, all on the Sevan podcast. And Matt Souza today is running the second ever live call-in show, news show that we do. This show is to not educate you, but simply to have fun in your mundane life in between workouts.
Starting point is 00:02:08 workouts there used to be this show justin and i don't know how old i was that's probably your age when i listened to it it was called uh or maybe no no i was younger than you that's probably 13 and it was did you know the lady named dr ruth westheimer i do not think so she was this sex therapist i don't know if she's still alive maybe she's like probably like 100 now but she used to have this show i'm sure your dad knows it And it was on the AM dial and it would come on like at 10 o'clock at night. And I would take my little transistor radio into my bed and just listen to it. And callers would call in like just with just sex questions, you know, when you were 13. Yeah. Or maybe even younger, 10, like just stuff. It wasn't risque compared to today's standards, but it would be like a guy would call in and be like, oh, my God, I'm so concerned. My penis. Is my penis long enough? Or someone else be like, I'm too embarrassed to buy condoms at the store. Can I buy condoms? What should I do? And then she would give them advice.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I mean, it was really mellow compared to like stuff today, but it was cool. I just imagine me being a little boy and listening to this shit. I was like, oh, my God, someone's buying condoms. Oh, gosh. So is that what you're shooting for for this this is just i don't know what i'm shooting for i just want people to watch so i can make money off of other people and send my kids to jujitsu so i just leveraging like you and hobart and matt souza so my kids have a good life right hobart hobart did you say hi to the champion so my kids have a good life. Right, Hobart?
Starting point is 00:03:25 Hobart, did you say hi to the champion? Oh, I can't hear Hobart. Can you hear Hobart? He's muted. I said congrats, and he just ignored me, which makes sense. He should. What?
Starting point is 00:03:41 Even though I'm a huge fan. Actually, I have a friend of mine who told me, quote, when I was at the game, she said, quote, please bring back a lock of Justin's hair. Did you do that? Did you catch it when I wasn't skin or what? No, man. I stayed away for your safety. But do you get a lot of that now?
Starting point is 00:04:02 Not too much. But it's definitely really cool like i haven't been to boise in the past year and a half and now i'm back and like dropping into normal like just gyms around here and people know who i am so it's just different that's cool uh hobart what can you turn off the tv the radio the fan and the microwave all that you have on. I have nothing on. I have an overhead fan. I'll hit that. But then my computer is, like, burning up.
Starting point is 00:04:29 But I'll hit the overhead fan, okay? Yeah, that would be great. Justin, does anyone say your name right besides me and you and your dad? Not really. I have two roommates, and they didn't even pronounce it that way. So I just don't, I just don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I don't correct people with seven on either. What state are you in right now? Uh, Idaho. Okay. Damn. It's still really loud. Hobart.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Is that going to cool down? That was like launching a spaceship into NASA. Is that going to cool down? Is your computer going to cool down? It's still loud. Hobart. I hope it does. I can push it. i can push it away from the mic okay you're a good dude um where in idaho are you boise oh that's right you said that you missed that and why are you there is that that's why are you there oh that's school wait a second so you have do you have two roommates?
Starting point is 00:05:25 Do you know who they are? The school sets it up for you. No, I know who they are. I'm living in a house, so I get to pick my roommates. And they're guys that you knew from the past? A couple. Say that again? They're married.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Oh, and so you know them. Okay. Wow, I was you know them. Okay. Wow. I was just picturing. Can you imagine like if you were just like in the dorms or something, then all of a sudden Justin Medeiros is your roommate. Hey guys, keep it down. I need my 10 hours of sleep every single night.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I swear to fucking God, I'll thruster you out this window. Yeah, that's pretty much how it was. Wow. That's incredible. Do you feel, do you feel any different now that you've won the CrossFit Games? No. Oh, as I was.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Oh, no. No, he's good. You heard what he said? He says he feels the same as he did before. Okay, I'm going to have to ask you to translate a lot because he's breaking up for me. I told him his connection was ass, and he started posturing on me being like well you know i did a podcast from the same exact spot and it was fine earlier well he's back i hope people are gonna be so mad and i have so many good questions i want to ask him go ask him one i want to know
Starting point is 00:06:40 what justin who thinks about having instead of um not just for the fight game but if what if we had ring girls in between crossfit events or guys i don't want to whoever shirtless scantily clad you know sexy people walking around with like a card that says justin's on round four curious to hear his take on that. People, like, if you and Savan did it, I think that would be fun. I would sure as hell do that. Dude, you haven't heard the Hobart. People have said before that basically the CrossFit Games is just really shitty porn. You never heard that? I've never heard that.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Yeah, and basically the UFC is the same thing. I mean, they're barely wearing any clothes anyway, and they're just sweating and just like it's you can't have ring girls at the at the games they they already got all the girls that the whole entire games is women in their bra and panties exercising that's a good point we're definitely gonna get some letters for that but your boy khabib nirmagomedov yes um nailed that i thought i did i don't really watch a lot of fighting so i'm gonna start because clearly that's something you have to do on this podcast but he said um he doesn't want to offend anybody but he said ring girls at ufc events are the most useless people in martial arts. And Conor McGregor posted this nice little pic
Starting point is 00:08:09 of Brittany Palmer and Ariane, I don't want to pronounce her name wrong, Celeste, who are two very popular ring girls. And that's Khabib in the middle, who's getting distracted by them. Oh my goodness. I did see that he said that. Do you know who Khabib is, Justin?
Starting point is 00:08:27 I think he said that. Do you know who Khabib is, Justin? I think he said, yeah. I mean, you think he said, yeah. How come I can't talk to Justin? How come you can only, this whole show is going to be you talking to Justin and me just like as a spectator? Oh yeah. Just, you know, I got to just, somebody's got to protect him. So basically I did see that. I saw that Kabib says that they're useless hey that's a religious thing on his part right he's he's muslim and he just can't have girls scantily clad at ringside well you know they don't actually you know i was really impressed they don't make a ton of money i think they make somewhere between twenty thousand dollars and fifty thousand dollars a year
Starting point is 00:09:02 working for the ufc but both of these two uh young ladies have well over two million instagram followers so they are um i i will say this do you watch do you watch any fighting justin uh just like when the big fights come up do you watch any fighting hobart not really the outside of just kind of the all the implants and like plastic surgery the the girls the ring girls for the usc are way different than i think they have a different image and aura and prestige about them than sort of the boxing ones the boxing ones are kind of like throwback to the 80s i feel like and there's a it's even it's even i don't know if the superficial is the right word but it's it's uh they i don't know what the word is
Starting point is 00:09:52 i don't know what the word is so that i don't get in trouble i know what the word is i just can't say it i could say it i just don't want to say it my editor won't let me say it yeah and i've worked really hard to try and keep these uh news stories you know to not give you a soapbox so pg-17 yeah this was the closest it's got yeah i'm okay with the ring girls i'm okay with the ring girls i thought some of the responses from some of the ufc fighters was ridiculous like everyone deserves to make money and they should be doing it and blah blah i think that's just stupid i just think like hey if people want ring girls they should have ring girls and if you're bothered by the ring girls and just don't look at the ring
Starting point is 00:10:25 girls. Like, I just think that like, uh, and, and it could be Khabib's defense. Cause people were like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:10:30 it's part of the ritual. And Khabib said, well, that's no reason to keep them. And I agree too. That's like no reason to keep them either, but I'm okay with the ring girls. Do you like the ring girls?
Starting point is 00:10:37 Hobart? Yeah. And I don't think they're a huge part of the event too. Like, you know, I couldn't tell you what one looked like by the end of the fight. I'm like grabbing snacks or something like that i'm not looking at the room good answer does he justin do you have a girlfriend yes oh yeah that's a great answer though there you go now you know thank you matt do you do you have two girlfriends justin
Starting point is 00:11:02 you have more than one girlfriend yeah Yeah, well, I limit myself, huh? No. Oh, man. Just one. Yeah, Gianni and Reno. Wait, what's her name? Her name's Gianni, and she lives in Reno? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:11:15 Gianni. Gianni. And she lives in Reno, California? Yeah, that's where she goes to school. I can't hear him, buddy. Oh, my goodness. No. Hey, it's the curse of Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 00:11:32 The first time we had him on, the show was a huge success, but I couldn't hear him at all. He was in a motorhome. I didn't hear you on that one, but I feel like whatever you said was great, man. Will you go sit on the router justin dude i'm right next to it man shit now we got is your is your wi-fi hey will you look on your phone and see if your wi-fi is turned on it is on and it's using it it's not using the cellular. I'm double checking right now. But yeah. Justin, how do I pronounce your last name?
Starting point is 00:12:13 Medaris. Medaris. When I start to type your name into Google, I get a couple things. I get Justin Medaris CrossFit, Justin Medaris Girlfriend, Justin Medaris Coach, justin madaris girlfriend justin madaris coach hometown net worth instagram portuguese parents and then justin madaris wikipedia are you portuguese yeah or mine that's what my last name is my i don't speak portuguese or anything like that hey will you click the net worth hobart i want to see how much he's worth. All right, let's click it. At least $2. This must be a different Justin Medeiros because it says your net worth is $1.7 million.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Wait, what's wrong with that? Why do you say that's a different one? What are you talking about? Because it says from 2017, and he's still in college. In 27? High school. I think that was presumptuous of you, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Yeah, that was fine. Hey, you want to see something crazy? Put in Josh Bridges net worth. Why you got to do a guy like that, huh? Put in Josh Bridges net worth. Look at that. You would never guess in a million years. It's 40.
Starting point is 00:13:23 It's like 45 billion. 42.5. never guess in a million years. It's like $45 billion. $42.5. Billion. Good for him. Isn't that bizarre? He's got a lot of mules carrying around good dude's coffee. Dude, if I was Josh, I would find that Josh and be like, dude, look. And you would buy yourself a Rimac Navara EV, fastest production car, accelerating production car, 0 to 60 in 2 seconds or less.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Does a quarter mile in under 9 seconds, which I think is a really important benchmark for cars. I never live my life a quarter mile at a time, but it has a $2.4 million price tag. I think the fastest motorcycles in the world do 0-60 in 2 seconds. This goes in less than 2 seconds. Does anyone know that? Jayden, you can call in anytime. The phone number is pinned right at the top. You got a question for the champ?
Starting point is 00:14:15 Remember, he's only 22 years old. Keep him age-appropriate, the questions. Please. Yeah, wow. Is Matt Sousa... I see Matt's window popped up popped up are we gonna see a picture of the car or what uh it doesn't want let me share because maybe the phone line's connected let me try to get i'm telling you this is the curse of justin madaris hey what's the most expensive car you ever owned justin um i have a 2017 ford f-150 hell yeah and and what would you say it's its value is at its peak like when and you're while you owned it uh but we got it new in 2017
Starting point is 00:14:56 so like 31 or two probably damn what's the what's the most expensive car you've ever had hobart i actually just bought a new f-150 this year there we go how much costs me a lot of money oh man you're having buyer's remorse you don't want to say over 50 yeah oh my goodness yeah but i've never i've never i haven't bought a new car in, I don't know, since 12 or 13, 14 years. And I've been saving up for a new truck and I couldn't be happier. Don't do as Hobart does, Justin. Don't save your money. I bought three years ago when I had the twins. I bought my, at the age of, or four four years ago at the age of 45 years old i bought my
Starting point is 00:15:45 first brand new car ever and i spent fifty thousand dollars on a toyota sienna minivan fully loaded all-wheel drive all the bells and whistles got the balls ball seat heater the whole shebang zero to sixty in two and a half minutes. Yeah, so? I just bought myself a Honda Monkey for my present draft of the games. So it does zero to 60 in about two and a half minutes also. What's a Honda Monkey? It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:20 That's what it is. Can we see that, Matt? I know that's a little out of... It's kind of like a little Grom. It's like a mini like a mini bike yeah oh do you know that i have a grom you have a it's as the same motor as the grom oh yeah those are crazy better hey is yours a um is yours a manual or is it automatic it's manual oh matt's got to get a picture of that up. It has a clutch? Yeah. Let me try to log out.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I'm going to log back in, and I'll see if it'll allow me to screen share again. How much is that? Okay. How much is that? Like $3,500? Yeah. I mean, new off the lot, they're $4,000, $4,200. But I bought mine used.
Starting point is 00:17:02 I love that that's what your present was to yourself. I've been wanting one for the past two years, and after every competition, I'm like, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. And I win money, and I'm like, ah, just going to save it. And then I won this year, and I'm like, all right. I'm pulling the trigger. I'm doing it.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Open-faced or closed-face helmet? Oh, open-faced. Oh, yes. Yes. Oh, it's beautiful. Hey, where is that? Is that in Lodi, or is that in idaho what where i'm at no your bike where do you keep it it's in the backyard it's i ride it every day
Starting point is 00:17:33 since i've gotten it what are you gonna do um when it snows you just you just put it away i guess we'll find out huh i bet you can get some knobbies on it turn it into kind of like a scrambler dude be so much fun yeah i'm so excited i've had so muchbies on it. Turn it into kind of like a scrambler. Dude, it'd be so much fun. Yeah, I'm so excited. I've had so much fun on it. I filled up. It's like 150 miles per gallon or something like that.
Starting point is 00:17:55 I filled it up, and it was like $3. I was like, this is sweet. Oh, yeah. You can definitely mod this, bob the seat, and you can get some knobby tires on it. They got scrambler kits for this. You can ride this in the winter, no doubt. Oh, yeah. Hey hey have you put anyone on the back yet have you done two people dude i just ordered pegs for the back it's happening i want like someone to come visit me and i'm picking them up in the airport what do you do what did you do with your what do you do with your money when you win it you just save all of it right away yeah yeah i know that was uh my family's always supported me a bunch so i don't really have
Starting point is 00:18:29 too many expenses so that was the first purchase i've like ever made yeah i think that's smart i think that's totally smart do you have a plan uh yeah i'm trying to figure it out right now i've definitely been obviously doing some things but i definitely want to get dive a little bit deeper into it i'm trying to learn as much as i can after school and stuff like that to all of them a lot more time so the plans to be financially responsible yes yeah i don't i don't have any issue like i won't spend my money i'm not a person that like spends it but just kind of trying to make my money make money that's that's why i was never the games champ because i would have been driving a bright orange lamborghini top down shooting a pistol out of the top of it did you see what i
Starting point is 00:19:17 drove this year at the games did you drive that trx no what'd you drive even TRX? No. What did you drive? Even better, dude. A Chevy Aveo. I thought you were going to say something cool. That is cool. Chevy Aveo? It's like a little sedan. Dude, if you scroll down on my Instagram a little bit, I posted some sweet pictures of it. I think I did see that.
Starting point is 00:19:43 How did you end up with that? Is that a rental? No. Even better than that my coach went to college in wisconsin so he looked up and i had a friend in town and his dad had that old car that he used as a commuter so we borrowed it oh that's awesome i bet your monkey has more horsepower than that thing, man. Oh, for sure. But it was a blast. It's manual, too, so it was so much fun driving. I love it how Sousa just popped up out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Good job, Sousa. Clutch. Jeez Louise, this show. Do you still run your own Instagram? Oh, yeah. That's cool. I feel like I'm very bad at it, but I do my best. What's your favorite picture you've posted in the last, since the games?
Starting point is 00:20:28 Dude, I don't even know. I know. I think just, I think I posted the final video from the final event and just like hugging my parents and everything like that. I think that was, that was a pretty good one. That always brings back all the memories from that weekend. Oh yeah, you do. You're one of the few people that really pops up on my feed consistently consistently you're stoked oh the podium sold out huh justin yeah yeah man it was it was awesome it was so cool to see like all the people just getting tagged in their purchases and yeah it was super awesome to see all that was it supposed to sell
Starting point is 00:21:03 out like is someone gonna get in trouble for that. Was it supposed to sell out? Like, is someone going to get in trouble for that? Like, is there supposed to be enough so that like everyone can have some and you guys can keep making money or is it like, it's supposed to sell out? Um, we were trying to get, have as much product.
Starting point is 00:21:15 So everyone that wanted it could get it, but I know we'll be back in two weeks. Damn. That's awesome. So it wasn't the plan. It was like, that means it's a huge, huge success. Yeah. I think it's, that's awesome. So it wasn't the plan. It was like, that means it's a huge, huge success. Yeah, I think it's gonna be awesome. We just have so many good people in it. I mean,
Starting point is 00:21:31 between Matt and the buttery bros and, and just calling everybody that's got it going. I think it's just a super good group of people. I don't think there's any way for it to not be successful. Right. And, um, do you have some at your house now, or did you even give up your, your, your podium since there's such a short supply? Uh, I actually only have the BCAs right now. So I don't, I don't have too much of it. I haven't been training too much either this past month. So I'm just now getting back into it and using, I still have a, a lot of the sample stuff that I got early on that I've been using mostly. What did you do today? Look at that L-sit. Wow, that is a good L-sit.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Toes should be pointed, but he looks ripped. Look at that guy. Look at that guy. It's a picture of you yanking on a rower. Looks like... And then there's a picture of Marston lifting styrofoam weights. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:22:24 He's awesome. Oh, you can't see it because you're on your phone? Yeah. So I'm just along for the ride here. We're just pimping out the podium website right now. You didn't see the fastest car? You didn't see the car that does 0 to 60 in two seconds? No.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Less than two seconds. Damn. I think the Honda Monkey could give it a run for its money, though. What did you do today, Justin? What was your workout today? Less than two seconds. Damn. I think the Honda Monkey could give it a run for its money, though. What did you do today, Justin? What was your workout today? I did the hero workout for the 13 soldiers that lost their life. I did a version of that today.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I did an EMOM and a strength building session. You did something after that. I did that workout this morning. My wife and I did an EMOM and a strength building session. You did something after that. I did that workout this morning. My wife and I did it. I can't, I mean, I can believe you did something after that workout, but. It was pretty rough. I was, I was like, oh yeah, I should be a bruise. I'll go right into my next thing after.
Starting point is 00:23:17 And I had to take a little bit. I'm like, I'm not as fit as I once was. But Justin, you told us just a few minutes ago that you had not been working out that much that you've been taking the month off and now you just told us you did three workouts well i know i'm i'm getting back into it right now and it's a doozy did you get chubby at all uh i mean i feel like i did it is when you're eating terrible and staying up late you just don't feel good about yourself. Do you know who Hunter McIntyre is? Yeah. Have you ever met him?
Starting point is 00:23:49 Once. What is that? That's a phone call. We got a call. Stand by. That's horrible. That's terrible. It's Darth Vader. Barnes, what's up, Barnes? How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:24:04 I'm good, man. How are you doing? I'm good, man. How are you doing? Great. Just living the dream, talking to the champ, talking to the washed-up games athlete. And you? How can I? You ain't washed up.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Are you? I'm sorry. Put the vodka down and get it out, buddy. He has the same internet connection as Justin right now. Ah, geez. You can hear me now? Kind of. What are you doing? What are you doing? This is like, you got the champ on the line. What?
Starting point is 00:24:36 I'm watching baseball. Baseball. Ah, thank you. Watching baseball. Is there anything you'd like to say to James Hob hobart hey james are you are you saying you're watching you're not watching are you no i'm not thank you for saying that barnes where are you calling from uh louisiana and uh how's the weather there you guys dealing with floods or is it is it good times there
Starting point is 00:25:07 a few days ago it was good but now it's up good you think there's any workouts you can beat the champ at Justin Medeiros
Starting point is 00:25:18 like if if I told you I'd give you a thousand bucks you could beat him at a workout what would you choose the filthy 50 what'd he say filthy 50 he did he said the filthy 50 shit you're hardcore you're right damn i was hoping it was gonna be like a max squat or something like that oh yeah i'd get you on that next one what's your best spot whatever it's whatever he wants man
Starting point is 00:25:43 he's the champ it's champ whatever he wants to squat what's your back squat Justin let's see if this we'll go in the honor system you tell us yours and we'll find out this what Barnes can beat you it's 5 pounds more than whatever he is yes yes I watch you at
Starting point is 00:26:03 at the damn 2020 games and you break 480 something I did. I did. What do you got now? Do you have 500 these days, Justin? I don't know. I have to wait. We'll have to wait. We'll wait and see. Barnes, thanks for... Go ahead, buddy. What was your favorite memory from wrestling?
Starting point is 00:26:34 From wrestling? Yeah, sure. Honestly, probably my final match of the... Like, pretty much my career, whatever you want to call it. I was in high school at the state tournament. And it sucks that I lost on it. But I was getting, like, pretty burnt out on wrestling. And I thought I was ready to be done.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And I finished. And, like, had so much emotion of just how much I was going to miss the sport. Because of everything I'd done for me. And just kind of talking to my, my friends and family after about it. And just being at the state tournament was this a cool moment. It's definitely like the first memory that comes to mind when I think back on my wrestling career.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Barnes, he's lying. I think he likes the showers after the matches, all of them equally. I'm serious. I'm not joking. All right, Barnes, thanks for calling. That was actually a good question. Good to hear from you, brother. Thanks for calling. Holy shit, this is like a real calling show.
Starting point is 00:27:38 I was stressed out. I'm still stressed out. Hey, Justin, someone's like a David friend in the comments Is like hey I know we have to warm the guest up But we all want to hear about his perspective on Miami After hearing Jason and Danielle last time Nah nah we're doing the news here We ain't bugging Justin with that shit
Starting point is 00:27:55 That's a different show Oh maybe a little bit later Okay Hobart let's keep going I'm going to get you a question that will lead into Miami We'll get there Read this news report today Bad news everyone the sun is going to die in about 4.6 it is now about 4.6 billion years old wow it should reach
Starting point is 00:28:13 the end of its life in about another 10 billion years and somewhere around 5 billion years from now it'll turn into a red giant which will engulf mars as well as our planet there it is and um so scientists actually only predict humanity has about 1 billion years left unless we find a way off earth so thank you to jeff bezos and elon musk the sun grows in brightness by about 10 every billion years so there you go and uh and uh richard branson right didn't he go up to space oh yeah he did he doesn't have as much money as those other guys though he doesn't i don't think so savon are you going to mars yes sir i will i will not leave i would die here on the earth but i appreciate these rich rich rich fuckers doing this like i really really do like i really i appreciate the super rich people who first put airbags in cars and i appreciate the super rich
Starting point is 00:29:14 people who are going to mars and i appreciate the super rich people who started using cell phones so we can all have them now like god bless rich people seriously i don't even believe in god but god bless them god i don't believe in blessing i was waiting don't hate on rich people people stop hating on rich people they're leading the way don't worry about the discrepancy in wealth amongst people homeless people now have cell phones enjoy your life work hard just a madaris is from lodi anything is possible jeez no one's safe no one's safe no one's safe gosh you were just in stockton that's like worse than lodi oh jeez here we go here we go we gotta change that ringtone man that's devastating all right welcome to the seven one podcast. How are you today, Jessica? Oh, hold on, Jessica. Hold on. Oh, my goodness. We got too many people calling in.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Hold on, Britt from Columbia. You got to chill. We got to get Jessica on the. OK, Jessica, go ahead. Sorry. Oh, wait one more time, Jessica. This is the Sevan podcast. How are you today, Jessica? I'm doing great. great see there you go what what what would you like would you like to say anything to madaris the champ the fittest man on planet earth and mars and as far as anyone can see with the hubble yeah i have a really like very important question to ask the champ okay uh-oh here we go are you ready i'm ready what does matt fraser smell like before an event and then after an event
Starting point is 00:30:54 uh a little more pg than i thought i thought we were going r or x even that's good i like it keeping the show clean uh to be honest I was never close enough to smell. Oh, come on. Just tell us. He's lying, Jessica. I got a question for you. What do you think he smells like? What are your expectations right now?
Starting point is 00:31:17 God. I think that freezer smells like money, honestly. Like money. Just a stack of hungies. That's not the answer I expected, but I like it a lot. That's a solid answer. Hey, they can make stuff. They can make cologne or something that smells like anything, right?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Like there's fart spray. There's scratch and stiffs that smell like strawberries. What if someone did a spray that smelled like smelled like money we all know what money smells like if you got enough of it like you ever you ever like when you're a little kid like roll pennies like they have a distinct smell right but like so does pay for money matt should come out with the cologne it's just called hungies no it's called hard work pays off so let's talk to him about that on the next matt savon john podcast when is that gonna be on that has been replaced with the savon madaris and hobart podcast i actually okay yep
Starting point is 00:32:14 susan susan's on it right now so that's bougie very well thank you justin congratulations awesome thank you so much i wish i had oh i love your mom by the way justin i love your family and i love your mom i love your mom too just any other people i'm up for adoption. Hey, she's awesome. I can't argue with you there. Yeah, I'm 30, so I'm pretty self-sufficient, but your mom seems like so awesome. You could be. You're old enough to be Justin's mom. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:59 Here we go. All right, Jessica. Thank you. Thank you, Siobhan. Bye. Hobart, take us to the news. This is just out of control, this show. McDonald's ice cream.
Starting point is 00:33:13 This is a softball for you, buddy. The next two are softballs for Siobhan to get on a little bit of a soapbox. I guess McDonald's has an issue with their ice cream machines, so the FTC reached out to investigate. Basically, customers are struggling to get McFlurries. Do you ever have a McFlurry, Justin? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Strawberry guy? No. Are you a strawberry guy? No, I'm just asking for a friend. No, definitely not a strawberry guy. Oreo all day. That's a good choice. Having trouble getting milkshakes,
Starting point is 00:33:43 McFlurries, soft cones, which account for 60% of McDonald's dessert sales. 10% of these machines are broken nationwide. Most of them that are broken are in New York. Why would the FTC explain that to me? Why would the FTC – those are the stock people that look for insider trading and shit like that? Yep. And why are they – they're suggesting that there's something malicious or –
Starting point is 00:34:12 The FTC is the Federal Trade Commission. So I think they have to do with a lot of consumer products and protection. So there's some sort of conspiracy theory that they're purposely breaking the machines and thus sabotaging the mcdonald's stock or some shit like that i mean my guess would be that you would be going around breaking these machines um but people are pretty pissed look at that thing right there oh god no no no we gotta take a break from the calls we gotta get through a few stories hold on brit you gotta be cool brit call back call back gotta be cool hey first of all i don't care eat as many mcflurries as you want. And if I were to get one, I would get Oreo and I've never had one. Second of all, like I would love to see a line graph showing the reduction
Starting point is 00:34:52 in COVID deaths in the areas where there's machines that are down versus machines that are up. Because there is a lot of evidence that shows even a teaspoon of sugar will wreak havoc on the immune system for several hours. Well, it's funny you say that. Okay. So there's a new – researchers from Mass General Health, hometown, Boston, Tufts, Harvard, and the NYC Department of Health have created a model to simulate the impact of a sugar reduction policy. impact of a sugar reduction policy. If you cut 20% of sugar from packaged foods and 40% from beverages, it could prevent 2.5 million cardiovascular disease events. I looked into this. I couldn't really figure out what a disease event was. Almost 500,000 cardiovascular deaths,
Starting point is 00:35:38 which is pretty significant, and 750,000 diabetes cases over the lifetime of the adult population. 750,000 diabetes cases over the lifetime of the adult population. This would save $4.2 billion in total net healthcare costs. Now, here is the deal. I think it's something like 800,000 people die a year from cardiovascular deaths. So if these numbers are across a lifetime, they're significant, but I don't think they're immensely significant. Wow, you should see the name of this person. Is it Darth Vader?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Zerwanda. That's a hell of a name. Okay, go on. But I did want you to notice this. So this saves $4 billion in total net healthcare costs, but the global market for sugar and sweeteners, here's your softball, Sivan, totaled abouted about 77 billion and it's going to reach over 100 billion i think around this year or the next couple years think of all the money we're saving on social security by all these fuckers dying or think of all the money we're saving you know what's funny is the other day we were doing one of these shows and i was talking about how sugar
Starting point is 00:36:42 is basically at the root of everything and they're like no no don't forget about all the heart disease deaths you fucking knucklehead how why do you think people get heart disease by the way i didn't know um justin at 22 i was eating 12 packs of taco bell um all the coke i could drink milkshakes like i just ate like i just ate whatever i wanted i was just like a fucking garbage truck that you get to do that too um not really i've never really been like i go on like splurges sometimes and i pretty much if i'm craving something i just go get it to get out of my system because it makes me happy like a milkshake sometimes or pizza it was like the only two things where i really crave i've never like really had fast food
Starting point is 00:37:26 just not been a fast food person i had like really play for the first a week before the games which probably wasn't the smart choice but i was in the airport and i was starving and that was the only thing i could find but wow what'd you get at chick-fil-a uh i got i don't know i think like a chicken sandwich some chicken nugget yeah i mean up until i was in my up until i was into my mid to late 30s i was just i would just eat anything just ice cream every night all that shit yeah when i was little that's i like i think i had a milkshake every night before bed and it was amazing i broke my leg, and I, to this day, believe the doctor told me to eat as much ice cream as I could because the calcium in it would have gotten stronger. Wow. Did you eat as much ice cream as you could? Oh, 100%.
Starting point is 00:38:18 The doctor told you that? I mean, that's what my second grade memory remembers. Were you ever chubby? Holy shit. Not really. I was actually really skinny when I was little. So as a kid, you were never like, oh, I'm the fat kid. You never had that phase?
Starting point is 00:38:35 No. This is from Zion, Illinois. Maybe I shouldn't say that. Hello. Welcome to the Seblon Podcast. Uh-oh. Uh-oh. Here we go we go again shit i always screw this part up hello zerwanda oh it's not working wait one more time how's that yeah it's working i can hear you god it would be so much cooler if i could figure out the technology hi welcome to the show what's your favorite ice cream just kidding i don't care it's coffee ice cream oh
Starting point is 00:39:15 rough choice it's like something my mom would like hey i like coffee better than mint ah see that i'm not a big big mint fan too um what's your name is it evans or wanda no it's nancy that's my it's under my brother's name nancy much easier hi nancy how can we help you yeah yeah i have a question to Dustin. Let's hear it. Hey. Hi, Dustin. I'm a big fan. Congratulations, man. Oh, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:39:51 You're the best human man, I think. So my question is, where did you meet your girlfriend? What was the first time you met her? Oh, wow. Good question. I actually went to high school with her so i kind of knew of her but never really did much uh like our friends groups were different and then after college i went back and college just gets out way earlier than high school
Starting point is 00:40:19 and i was coaching at the gym and she was getting personal trained by one of the coaches at the gym. And the coach kept leaving. So then I would cover her personal training for her. And yeah, I started hanging out after that. Nancy, I'm going to tell you the truth. Let me tell you the truth. She was the hottest chick in the high school. She didn't give two shits about Justin until she saw him on ESPN holding a check for $300,000.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Or that. One of those two. You can pick which one. And another question. Do you think she's going to be competing with you sometime next year? I didn't hear it. What'd you say? One more time, Nancy. You got a bad connection. I think it's our fault.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Everything's our fault. Go ahead. Say it one more time. Nancy. I think she asked if your, your girlfriend's going to be competing. I don't think so. She's swimming right now in college. So she's a swimmer. So she'll be competing in swim, but not CrossFit. She's going to be competing with the other 3,000 girls that want to marry Justin. That's awesome. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations again. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Thank you. Have a good one. Hobart, you don't laugh at any of my fucking jokes. I was actually looking up to see if there was a justin madaris fan page oh definitely not but whatever you said was really funny like i just i felt like that was you were you're on right there thank you so i think you kind of look like hunter mcintyre a little bit like no like okay i had i had a mullet before him okay has anyone ever said that to you before me nope it's not just the mullet it's maybe like the forehead and and maybe the nose
Starting point is 00:42:11 i feel like you're insulting me but i'm not sure i am not he was on the podcast i let me have you ever spoken to him yeah oh okay well then you have your own opinion i think it was in 2018 i'm not sure i competed at granite games and he was there on a team okay was it 19 i don't know somewhere around then and and did you have what did you have how was your discourse with him it was good he walked up and said he liked my mullet and he's trying to grow one and i think that was kind of the sum of it oh so you're the originator i like i'd like to think that you're the you're the you're the proto mullet i don't i think he wanted one before he saw me but he said that he was trying to grow one when i saw him in uh at granite games stand by
Starting point is 00:42:57 stand by stand by okay sorry sorry sorry sorry we're never going to get through this show. Are the callers bugging the shit out of you, Justin? Ringtone. Oh, just the ringtone's bugging you? Were you the one that chose that out of curiosity? Yeah, just now, right before the show started. Oh, that's a good one. It's a favorite. Go ahead, Britt.
Starting point is 00:43:18 You're on the show, the 7-1 Podcast show, with the CrossFit Games champ, Justin Medeiros, and James Hobart. Some other guy. Did you say Brit? I said Brit. Brit Columbia. Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:36 British Columbia. That's where I'm from. Oh, I thought that was your name. See, I just know how to read, but I don't know how to understand geography. Yes, yes. Thank you. No, no, it's all good. How are you doing, Mr. Canada?
Starting point is 00:43:49 How's the lockdown? I didn't know you let you use phones. Saved by the bell. Oh. I missed it. What did he say? He said he looked like AC Slater from Saved by the Bell.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Hey, what's your name, Mr. Canada? Craig. Craig, how are you? I'm doing'm doing well man the lockdown is not good it's it's shitty to say the least um are you allowed to leave your house yes we're allowed but there'll be a vaccine passport here in like a week and it's not going to be great yeah that's weird so how does that work like you have like an app on your phone and then like if you want to use a public restroom you you have to like show the vaccine passport? Bingo. Yeah. Wow, that's, man. And is there anywhere you can go in Canada where you don't have to deal with that?
Starting point is 00:44:38 Not yet. Well, yes, there is a few provinces throughout Canada that haven't implemented it, but it's coming. They're already talking about a federal passport. It's something we can talk about for hours. We're trying to fight it out here and do our best, but for now, it is what it is, Siobhan. Sorry to hear that. By the way, so he's the Portuguese Mario Lopez? That's the guy that Justin Medeiros is the Portuguese Mario Lopez. Is that who that was?
Starting point is 00:45:07 I think he looks like a new school A.C. Slater. He's a stud, but he definitely looks like A.C. Slater. Is A.C. Slater Mario Lopez? That's the guy who is in your hotel room talking to you about what movies to rent? Yes, yes, he is. But you've got to look back at the old pictures of him in saved by the bell in like the 90s i saw a great video i saw a great video yesterday trudeau was like walking up to a guy and the guy walked up to him to do a selfie and they took a selfie together oh i see your housemate justin
Starting point is 00:45:37 that's cute nope my housemate oh yeah i know i know the video you're talking about and the guy just looks right at him, takes a selfie and goes, fuck you. You call me. I'm just like, holy shit. That took balls.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Oh no, it was great. It was great, man. People are banding together out here. We got massive protests, 10,000 people. So yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:59 I'm as, I'm as pro vaccine as anyone. Just please don't, don't, don't let the, the pharma control politics. It's insane to make people show their medical record, carry their medical record around with them. It's fucking sad.
Starting point is 00:46:14 Totally agree, man. Totally agree. But I do have a question for Justin. Okay. Let's hear it. Here it goes, man. Are you ready for this? It's a big one.
Starting point is 00:46:22 I think so. Who are you most? Yeah. Who are you most concerned about for the rogue invitational? Who's your biggest competition? I don't know. I've never really viewed it as a single person. I think there's 19 other dudes out there that can always take the spot. I think when you look at pretty much any competition, you look at the top five five there's normally someone that you thought that should be there and they're not there and you think that there's someone that you've never even heard of probably before a name that you did not think would be the jumps up so you never know what's going to happen up there just kind of
Starting point is 00:46:56 focus on myself and it's gonna be a different competition though I feel like leading up to the games it's like this four or five month preparation. Now it's like I took a month off and I have two months to prepare for it. It's going to be a different experience. Obviously, I think Pat's going to be he came in second last time. I know he's going to be hungry coming out there. Get his revenge. That's cool, man. I'm excited to watch
Starting point is 00:47:19 and congrats on the games too. Craig, I heard a rumor that Justin actually now that after he won the games and he knows Matt's not coming back, that he started smoking cigarettes so that the other athletes would have a chance. He's smoking the Juul, the mango flavor. Oh, attaboy. Good for him. Good for him. Compassion. That's woke compassion.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yeah, only the mango flavor. That was a good joke, Siobhan. Thanks for taking my call, guys. Yeah, thanks for calling. that was a good joke thanks for taking my call guys yeah thanks for calling some guy named George Seaman said hey Sevan can I give up
Starting point is 00:47:49 that your other podcast is coming back after six weeks I don't know I'm not giving up I text Matt and Josh every six minutes begging them to do the podcast again with me okay Hobart let's rock and roll baby alright do you play like a PS5, Justin?
Starting point is 00:48:05 Do you play any video games, things like that? No. Okay. That's just me then. All right. You bought a car. You did buy. You bought that little motorcycle recently, but it probably doesn't have a ton of electronics in it.
Starting point is 00:48:16 There's been a chip shortage. Anybody who's bought probably anything with electronics in it has probably noticed lots of delays. Oh, I actually know about like keys to the cars. I heard that was a big delay. All right. go huge delays on stuff like that pandemic not the sole cause a couple things here we go in client includes the rise of 5g technology and u.s preventing the u.s preventing sales of semiconductors and other technology to a Chinese firm Huawei. We'll skip that. Racist.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Yep. Anyway, the boom in demand for also lower cost chips because for some reason there's lots of technology now using these older style chips. There's a lack of manufacturing equipment. The winter storm in Texas shut down numerous factories and a fire at a japanese plant also caused huge delays could last for another two years so if you're hoarding ps5s you can sell them on facebook marketplace for a thousand dollars hey uh what do you mean keys, Justin? What keys? Like keys to like the cars. Not like most keys now are just you hop in with your car and you push the button.
Starting point is 00:49:31 Yeah. I heard that like the chip that does that is like shorted. So like the new car that they're making, they're having trouble just because they can't do that type of key format anymore. Wow. And secondly, I'd like to make a correction to this story. I apologize for all the listeners for Hobart's misinterpretation of what's going on. It's actually not COVID that does any of this. It's the response to COVID, Hobart. COVID actually does nothing. I said the pandemic was not the soul. Obese people who are addicted to sugar and refined carbohydrates,
Starting point is 00:50:03 but it's the response to that that's caused the shortage in chips. The actual viruses in the chip have nothing in common. Anyway, I'd just like to make that clear. I said the pandemic was not the sole cause, and with all of the McDonald's ice cream machines broken, the chip shortage should end soon. Oh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I like how you tell it. Do those McDonald's machines have those chips in them? We may have solved something the FTC has been trying to solve. They might. I actually think the machines have a very advanced cleaning process, and when that breaks, they're a real pain in the ass to fix. So maybe there's a connection there. Hit me up, Joe Biden. I want to tell you guys something very, very hard for me to share with you
Starting point is 00:50:46 cookies and cream McFlurry even though I've never had one in my life sounds so good right now you need to go get one just do it for yourself just make yourself smile for once don't put a smile on your face make yourself smile for once
Starting point is 00:51:01 you miserable oh man Give yourself a smile for once, you miserable. Oh, man. Oh, man. Justin, you invest in any Bitcoin? Hopefully after Rogue. Oh, yeah. They're paying you guys in Bitcoin. Part of it.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Part of it. Well, if you go on a trip to El Salvador, El Salvador will be the first country in the world to recognize the cryptocurrency Bitcoin as legal tender. This means that businesses down there will be obliged to accept that or the US dollar, and they're installing hundreds of cash machines that will convert US dollars to Bitcoins. To me, reading the article, it was unclear what the rationale was for this move. And from what I understand, small transactions with Bitcoin, like daily purchases, are extremely costly because of the transaction fees. But hey, man, I hope you make it rain. Wow.
Starting point is 00:51:57 I don't know. Do you own any Bitcoin, Hobart? I don't. I heard it for one Bitcoin. It's like 50K now. Well, it's actually just so. Elon Musk said that Tesla would stop accepting Bitcoin as payment. And Bitcoin took a huge hit.
Starting point is 00:52:12 But now I think it's gone back up over $50,000. Yeah. There's some great comments in the comments after the George Seaman joke. Last name. Someone said, your last name is killing me, George. Jaden said this. And someone said, your mom loves it. But I don't think George had his feelings hurt.
Starting point is 00:52:39 But regardless, I think that this is a great comment. Fair enough, George. My bad. I didn't know feelings can be hurt after the third grade. Now I don't think George's feelings were hurt, but I want to really drive that statement home. If you're 20, like someone in Justin's age, I understand you're 22, your feelings can still get hurt. If at 49, your feelings are still getting hurt, you deserve it. You really deserve it.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Because every time your feelings get hurt, it's your fault because you're holding on to some bullshit identity. Wow. 51,000. Does that feel good to get off your chest of one yes sir yes sir bitcoin god justin i wish you could see the amazing graphics we have going bitcoin is up 3.53 percent today for 1700 a coin. Wow. I like that. Yeah, that's nice. No, it's, yeah. What? Tell me, Hobart.
Starting point is 00:53:30 No, no, no. You nailed that, man. Thank you. Thank you. Moving on. Yes, sir. Drake dropped a new album. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Certified Lover Boy. You got to look at the cover of this thing you need to pull up a picture of the cover matt um nope that's drake i don't want to see that i watched a video that came out today it was not good it's a take from uh i'm sexy and you know it yeah yeah they actually worked with um oh god what's the name of the band who did that song that that that video is stupid um and i love drake well what's really important about this is that uh there's a big beef between drake and kanye oh i didn't know that i guess back in 2009 drake said that he liked kanye up until the point when he met him then in a song there that's the album
Starting point is 00:54:22 check out that album cover that's gonna be the kind of problems by the way justin has that's like that's fame problems i really like justin until he wouldn't sign my kid's shoe at the gates that's actually that that picture right there is gonna be justin's um his profile pic on instagram um but so i guess drake rapped that he had a bigger pool than Kanye. Kanye then responded in a rap that he had three pools. Then Kanye West outed the fact that Drake had a son he was trying to keep out of the spotlight, according to Pusha T. And then with this new album, Drake released an unreleased song from Kanye West's new album, Donda. What?
Starting point is 00:55:04 Anyway, that's what's going on. Wait, are you saying Drake released a Kanye West's new album, Donda. What? Anyway, that's what's going on. Wait, are you saying Drake released a Kanye West song? Yeah, it was an on-release song off Kanye's new album, Donda. So I guess their beef is, I don't know, what do you say, thicker than ever? Tastier than ever? I don't know. But anyway, on a cooler note, Certified Lover Boy is a bestseller on Amazon, becomes Spotify's most-streamed album in a single day, and Apple Music said it was the service's biggest ever.
Starting point is 00:55:31 So hats off to Drake on that one. Have you listened to it yet, Justin? I have not. Do you listen to anything besides Country? I listen to Country. That's pretty much all I listen to. I listen to some old-school rock, too. It's pretty much all i listen to i'd listen to like some old school rock too it's pretty good who's your favorite go ahead who's your favorite um artist or band
Starting point is 00:55:52 dude that's too hard i just listen to all country i don't discriminate give me one like a miranda lambert guy oh yeah big miranda lambert guy good call i don't even know who that is but i'm gonna that's a dude miranda lambert is no is that a guy or a girl yeah it's a guy sing sing one of her songs justin hit us with something his songs it's a her it's a her it's a her savon damn it did she do the song about miranda uh alvarez alcatraz alvarez the owner of street parking yep alvarez savannah you ready no no i want to hear what justin has to say no so what kind of music do you listen to savannah uh today in the car i listen to a lot of audiobooks today in the car
Starting point is 00:56:43 i listen to a lot of led zeppelin my the car, I listen to a lot of Led Zeppelin. My kids are super into Led Zeppelin. Me, not so much. I just listen to old music like Eminem and Lil Wayne. I'm all old music. Jay-Z. Oh, I saw some news for Led Zeppelin today. I think they're releasing a pretty big documentary on Led Zeppelin. Is Justin Medeiros in it?
Starting point is 00:57:12 Are there any thrusters in it? No, not a one. I don't think so. Justin, are you pretty focused on school right now? Is it going to be easy? It's going to be extremely hard. I'm just probably trying to do homework right now, man. Yeah, I know you guys. You're keeping me up past bedtime, man? It's going to be extremely hard. He's probably trying to do homework right now, man. Yeah, I know you guys are keeping me up past bedtime, man.
Starting point is 00:57:27 It's eight o'clock here. What's it going to be? What's it going to be like this year? Are you tripping? Like, is any party like, fuck this, I'm dropping out? I've done it throughout the past year. I've been in school this whole year, so it's not anything new. But I'm excited to get it over with.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Is this your last year? It's my last semester oh shit you're stoked and then where do you go after this will you go out to live with adam out that way uh come february uh i'll go out there again and then stay there until my season's over and uh um has he ever come out to visit you at college no he hasn't hasn't. I mean, pretty much any chance I have, like a break or anything like that, I'm flying up there or driving. It's about like a six and a half, seven hour drive. From Idaho to the coast, to the Pacific Ocean, to Washington? I mean, he's not on the coast, but yeah, like Portland. We're in Vancouver, right above Portland.
Starting point is 00:58:26 That's pretty close. It's 10 miles from the ocean, isn't it? 10 miles? I don't think so. I think your geography is a little off. Nah, brother. Matt, pull up a map of Vancouver for us. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:58:41 Please. Portland, Oregon. Oh, Savan's looking at a map. Portland with a P. Yeah, it's not 10 miles. It's about 100 miles. It's about 100 miles. Put another zero on the back of that.
Starting point is 00:58:58 He's right. He's right. It's about 100 miles. You're right. I was going to say, if the ocean was 10 miles away and I didn't know about it, I think that might be pretty sad. I didn't know Boise was on mountain time. Yup. Damn, nice.
Starting point is 00:59:09 How far is Boise from Coeur d'Alene? Oh, Coeur d'Alene's way in the north. Yeah, it's almost Canada, man. Have you ever been up there? Yeah. How is it? It's awesome. It's super pretty.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I went up there during the summertime, though, so in the winter, people get snowed in in their houses. It's pretty crazy up there. I'm thinking i went up there during the summertime though so in the winter like people get snowed in their houses like it's it's pretty crazy i'm thinking of moving up there really yeah are you serious i'm 100 serious i was looking at houses up there today dude it's it's beautiful up there there's a lot of like wildlife and stuff like that super pretty i haven't been there during the winters i just heard that it's pretty gnarly. Stevan's not ready for that. It's okay. I'll have my house here in Santa Cruz. And as long as there's free travel within the states, I can come back here in the winter.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Not without your vaccine passport. I know. That's what I'm thinking. It's only a 12-hour drive from where I live to Boise, Justin. I'll see you in a day. Dude, we got a room for you. It's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me on this podcast. All country music, a tractor hit my dog and broke my heart,
Starting point is 01:00:11 and now I have to walk down a dirt road home, and my girlfriend left me. That's a good song right there. What do you mean? Oh, it's Jessica. She was so nice to you on the phone, and now she's just slinging shots at you. There is a country song called She Thinks My Tractor is Sexy, and it's jessica she was so nice to you on the phone and now she's just slinging slinging shots there is a country song called she thinks my tractor is sexy and it's a great song
Starting point is 01:00:30 that is a slot that's a good one just yeah there's yeah there's big green tractor i mean there's a lot of tractor songs out there can we talk about our new segment called the conspiracy theory of the week? Yes. Yes. I like this. I've been recently, I've been watching a couple of conspiracy theory documentaries, documentaries lately. And this one I found Mars attacks itself.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It's from a viral Tik TOK video from someone named crackhead Joe. Solid. And his explanation, the explanation that's going viral i think it has like millions of views mars is red and devoid of life because of a nuclear winter that occurred hundreds if not thousands of years ago on mars that's great isn't mars like what what's the closest planet to the sun? Mercury? My very eager, yeah, Mercury. And then what's next?
Starting point is 01:01:27 Venus, Earth, Mars. Wait, what did you say? Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth? No. What is it? Earth, Mars. Oh, really? Mars is further away from the sun than we are?
Starting point is 01:01:42 Yes. Hey, Siobhan, how many planets are there? Are we counting pluto i mean is it a planet i don't know i've heard it's not but i'm just saying that because i don't really know the answer i don't know nine nine are there nine don't you remember the accurate the um mnemonic device if my very eager mother just ordered nine something pizzas, nine. Listen, listen. The second I learned about Uranus, none of the other planets mattered.
Starting point is 01:02:10 I think it's pronounced Uranus. I don't give a fuck. I was like so excited in school. That ruined the whole year for me. Any chance of me learning anything, anytime the teacher called me Uranus, I was fucking Bart Simpson. Oh, gosh. Okay. I don't believe that.
Starting point is 01:02:29 I don't believe there was a nuclear winter on Mars. Please go on, James, with the next news story. All right. Oh, here you go. Americans' anxiety levels same as 1950s psychiatry patients. I don't know how they got this data. The average high school kid today has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than 18% of on anti-anxiety medications like Xanax, Valium, and the cost went from $900 to $2.1 billion.
Starting point is 01:03:14 According to a 2002 study, people in developing world countries such as Nigeria are up to five times less likely to show clinically significant anxiety levels than Americans. Hey, it's 100%. It's 100% accurate. I just saw this guy the other day on Instagram saying that the problem with the world is that people don't have enough to worry about. They have it too easy. So they make up their own shit to worry about. And we had on this show the head of a psychiatric hospital in Stockholm. And basically what he said in that show, I'm sure both of you guys saw it, so I don't need to tell you guys.
Starting point is 01:03:57 But he said in that show that he used to have people who, like the most imaginable horrors in life happened to them like 20 years ago. Those are the people in the psychiatric hospital. And when I hear that, I'm just thinking of like rape and murder and mayhem, right? And now the people in the psychiatric hospital are dominated by people who like my boyfriend broke up with me. My fucking dog died. He said we are so soft and pussified. And dude, you see it.
Starting point is 01:04:26 You see it. We were just talking about it a second ago people are offended you're offended so easily we were it's it's how did you not be a pussy justin what did your dad do to you to make it so you're not a pussy he wrestled man oh right okay that actually really helped i was a poor sport when i was little i would not have liked myself if I met myself when I was little When's the last time you had your feelings hurt? When I was 22 I had my feelings hurt Kind of regularly I can't remember the last time
Starting point is 01:04:55 It's been a while He just blasted you I don't know I don't really care what people say So you don't go You don't see. I don't really care what people say. So, so you don't go on, you don't see something on Instagram every day. Like he's on steroids or he couldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:05:11 If Matt was there or he looks like Hunter McIntyre, those are three things that I think your feelings were hurt when I said you look like Hunter. No, I like, I like when people say that. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:22 Like, or not, not Hunter McIntyre, but like all the game stuff, like I like when people doubt that. Oh, okay. Not Hunter McIntyre, but all the game stuff. I like when people doubt it. It's motivation, not offense. Definitely. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I feel like Justin is one of those cars that can convert garbage into jet propulsion. He's perfect for this show. That would be a cool car. The flux capacitor justin is um is wrestling harder than crossfit they're different they're very different i think yeah i think they've coincided with each other really well and i wouldn't have been as good as i was without crossfit and i wouldn't have been as good of a crossfitter as i am without wrestling dude jessica jessica tried to call in twice not happening jessica sorry if you had nine planets by the way i saw that picture there were nine planets you guys can
Starting point is 01:06:22 all eat it you're so smart smart, Savant. Thank you. I think Justin has something to say. No, I said I am getting close to my bedtime, so we might need to put a time cap on this thing. Like, 15 minutes? Can we do that? Yeah, absolutely. Do I have the power to do that? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Well, then let's talk about Miami. Hobart, can we save some of this news? It's money news. We can definitely save it. Just scrap it. I didn't put that much time into it anyway. Let's just fuck it. Oh, you're breaking my heart.
Starting point is 01:06:50 Hey, Will, keep going. I want to hear about Miami. Yeah, I want to hear about Miami too. Who did Jason Hopper just fuck you up on that mat and toss you around like that? Yes. What did he make it look like? Exactly. What he posted was
Starting point is 01:07:06 verbatim of what happened it's it's a it's a good representation exactly exactly it was spot on um daniel brandon's boyfriend jake marconi there's a video of you just tossing him was that did that feel good when you did that oh yeah dude it was just a mess on that thing he's getting blindsided by everybody i mean if you got tossed off you pretty much were blindsided by someone it was it was pretty fun did anyone get hurt i don't think so maybe someone's feelings got hurt did you ask jason his feelings got hurt oh he has lots of feelings i don't know if they got hurt but he has lots of feelings big big guys have a lot of feelings yeah um tell me about the trip how was how was it the whole water palooza thing doing the workouts the all that stuff how was that good it was really fun honestly it's cool that i have those opportunities and stuff like that now to like go down to miami for a couple
Starting point is 01:08:02 days like do some cool workouts and see some cool places. And honestly, a lot of the athletes that were there, I haven't like got to talk to them too much. So it was pretty cool just to kind of hang out and not talk to them like on the competition and warmup areas and stuff like that. Just kind of get a relax in the off season and hang out. I know you call it opportunity,
Starting point is 01:08:23 but if I were to talk to, I can just imagine talking to like someone like matt and he would be like hey it's a distraction he doesn't want to do it and that's the last one he's going to do like is a piece of you like that or is it just too early in the season to be like that uh no i like when i'm doing something i want to be like fully committed to it and it's the off season and i want to be like i know i'm not going to be able to take trips like that come later in the season.
Starting point is 01:08:45 So now whether I want to do it or not, like I'm going like whether I want to eat bad or not, like I'm going to eat bad because when it gets later in the season, no, I'm not going to be able to. So just kind of take advantage of those opportunities while I can. Cause when it gets time to buckle down, I'm for sure buckling down.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Did you party in Miami? What's partying to you? Like don't't ask don't ask them on that question like throw up in a toilet no i don't drink you don't drink no and was was i i noticed that we had danielle and jason on at the same time and was pretty, she's pretty like rough on him. She rides them pretty good. Not in a bad way. Was it like that in person also? Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think we're just all kind of giving it to each other.
Starting point is 01:09:32 That's pretty fun. I think. Yeah. We all had a good time. So it's, it's, it's not, it's not,
Starting point is 01:09:37 it's not anything personal. It's more like one of those battle Royals. There's 20 guys in the cage and everyone's just slinging shit. Pretty much. No one's safe. Just trying to see if we can hurt someone's feelings or not but oh jessica says it's not that wasn't her calling again yeah that is weird right jessica that my phone said it was you called again that is weird what are the chances there was another jessica savann with the same last name was it the same last name? Was it the same last name?
Starting point is 01:10:05 Yeah. Oh, damn, it was her. I know. She's in denial. She crocodileed me. What did Justin learn from Matt Fraser when they trained together that he thinks makes him an outlier and stand apart from the rest? And did Justin take any of that into the games?
Starting point is 01:10:24 Man, I think just, it was just more of like an eye-opening experience. I mean, you think that you're doing something right until you see someone doing it better than you. And I think that's just more so what it was. I thought I was kind of, I think everyone goes into training, they work hard,
Starting point is 01:10:38 they feel like every single training session has a purpose. They're working on their weaknesses until you see what that really looks like and i think that was kind of the the biggest thing for me was just kind of really buckling down on everything it's interesting when i've done the show with josh and matt they've said that before they've said yeah people think that they like they'll say to you hey i train all the time but they really don't train all the time yeah and like like they're like they're kind of like lying to themselves or they're giving it a hundred percent you're like you're not really
Starting point is 01:11:09 giving it a hundred percent yeah stuff like that like you would see like like that thing that matt said like um he had a he wouldn't let anyone get near him unless they took the covid test the stack of covid test that was on his front door did you ever hear that story uh-uh basically he was there was a time when he was in his house prior to the games, and he would be in his house, and if someone were to come visit him, they would have to take some sort of test. He would leave the test on his front door, on his porch, like if a masseuse was coming or a body worker or something,
Starting point is 01:11:36 and they'd have to take the test before they come in and got to interact with him. It's like, holy shit, that's like some next-level shit, right? Yeah. No, it definitely is. And, like, why risk it, you know what I mean? If he tests positive, then he doesn't's like some next level shit, right? Yeah, no, it definitely is. And like, why risk it? You know what I mean? If he tests positive and he doesn't even get to compete that year. Yeah, he's out a lot of money and a waste of a lot of hard work.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Yeah. What do you think about Hopper? It sounds like Jason is going to be trained directly by Matt and Marconi. Did you know that? And what do you think about that? Yeah, man. I mean, it's a smart move by him. I mean, Matt and them are the kind of best in the game right now.
Starting point is 01:12:14 I mean, Matt has so much knowledge and stuff. So, I mean, you can't argue that it's a bad decision. He's kind of working with the best to ever do it. So, I mean, good for him. Go ahead. I was going to him except for you go ahead i was gonna say i was gonna say except for justin's coach right by the way he was fantastic that what a what a good time we had on the show with him there's any part of you like resentful of that like hey my girlfriend's cheating on me like fuck matt we're in business together like shit dude what are you doing like no not at all i mean matt's just trying to get i think he's just really happy with what he's doing trying to get back to
Starting point is 01:12:49 the sport and i just kind of take it as he views me and popper and whoever else he wants to work with is kind of the new and upcomers and he wants to do his part to kind of give back to that kind of community i wonder if he'll train me maybe i think I think I could make a run. Am I 22? Oh, that was an epic burn. I'm dead. No, I'm not 22. How old are you, Hobart? 35?
Starting point is 01:13:18 35, baby. Are you serious? If you're saying you wonder if he'd train you, would you go up to Vermont? No, I was just going for comic relief. Oh God. I'd love to see you go up to Vermont, dude. That would make you, that would put you in a world all to yourself. You know that, right? I'm a huge Burlington fan, but Vermont's great. I have some family up there. I mean, it could be, make a comeback. This could be the year.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Watch out, Justin. I'll be ready for it. You trained with rich and then now you're trained with uh matt i think it's like almost like you're calling i don't i think you should take it seriously okay i'll um i'll sign up for uh hard work pays off and podium no no no i think he's doing it's a hard work pays off pro right just, Justin, or something? I don't know. It's not my program. I haven't paid too much attention to it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:09 I like that answer a lot. Fair enough. I don't believe him, but fair enough. Are there any girls coming up in that group of people that Matt is mentoring that you know of? I didn't know that he was mentoring um jason i mean i i think he's he can do what he wants i'm not it's not like i'm special or anything like that i think i think everyone's not trying to i think everyone should be trying to work with them you know what i mean he's trying to be learning as much as he can
Starting point is 01:14:40 yeah but that other part you said is not true you definitely are special thanks that's what my mom told me um well thank you for coming on uh hobart i think we should push forward with the news a little bit we can roll a little bit yeah let's go till let's go till 8 30 okay justin you demand buddy see you later guys thanks for having me on thanks justin you're awesome all right see you guys bye have fun tomorrow in school tomorrow's labor day he has no school tomorrow right no he does not hey can i take a pee break yeah i kind of want to take one too but you can go take one no we can but why don't we both take one we'll come back in 30 seconds and no one will be here all right race uh suza can you put like a like a video up of like like hobart's instagram scroll through hobart's
Starting point is 01:15:30 instagram for 30 seconds oh god Thank you. All right. that poor patch of grass outside my office my goodness that thing just gets destroyed someone call and hang out when they get back thanks bobby you're good dude do you p you probably take your pee break inside i go outside you went outside you know i didn't have time to run downstairs. And it was just nice. It's really hot in this room. I think I've had a gallon of water. And I was sitting in a leather chair and my legs were sticking to it.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Get off my Instagram. And that means your balls were sticking to your legs too. Hobart's computer is louder than his new F-150. Oh, come on. I wonder what it is. So you bought a microphone. Maybe you need to invest in a new computer. This is a brand new MacBook Pro. Oh, come on. I wonder what it is. So you bought a microphone. Maybe you need to invest in a new computer.
Starting point is 01:17:08 This is a brand new MacBook Pro. Oh, my goodness. 16-inch. Why is the fan running so hard? Oh, you got the Intel chip. Yeah, and it's really hot in this room. Yeah, I want to sell it and get the new, when they come out with the M1 chip or whatever, the Apple's architecture. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Okay, let's do it, Hobart.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Let's run through this news. I'm excited. You know, you wanted me to do a little sports section. I looked. You wanted me to do a Suge Knight section. He's still in jail for a long time. Who? Suge Knight?
Starting point is 01:17:38 Yeah. Oh, but he's still alive. Yes. Those of you guys who don't know who Suge Knight is should look him up. What a character. Death Row Records. And that video is on TMZ where he ran the guy over. Did you see that?
Starting point is 01:17:48 Did you ever see that? No. But I actually read an article about him today that said he wasn't as much of a, what did they say, a dictator or he wasn't as much of a terrible person as the news made him out to be. made him out to be but yeah i mean vanilla ice claims that he hung him out the window of like some like high story uh high-rise building by his ankles just trying to make a business man yeah he was a bodyguard i think he was a bodyguard at death row and became an executive there yep that's started at the bottom okay so what about so so let's go. Let's do it. What's the news? Sports. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:18:26 Football. This is big, probably the biggest rivalry in any sports in the world, maybe next to a cricket rivalry, which I tried to look up some cricket, and it's not this article. Actually, I didn't click this link in because it just happened when we started this podcast. Brazil versus Argentina, World Cup qualifier suspended. Four Argentinian players this is this is huge i mean this rivalry is um it's as big as it could get like anyway like bigger than matt and rich bigger than way bigger than matt and rich okay um bigger than dan and josh
Starting point is 01:19:00 yeah bigger than josh i like how you had to think about that for a second go on um i was just talking to josh the other day um for he is a good dude drinks good coffee four argentinian players accused of breaking covid travel protocols so i think they shipped they they kind of sent them back home the this qualifier was being played in sao paulo brazil and uh it's a pretty big deal they suspended the match i don't think these players can play so argentina argentina is not playing with their full squad and this all just happened this afternoon this evening so i'm not quite there it is what does that mean they're accused of breaking covid travel protocols like they like they were seen like on the plane with their mask off no i think they had they had spent time they had spent time in the uk in the past 14 days before going to brazil
Starting point is 01:19:51 and according to brazilian covid19 regulations any passenger who visited there you go the uk 14 days before arrival cannot enter the country oh shit um hey i'm not hating on those guys i'm not that's that's all just idiocy but there you go yeah that's just all idiocy good they shouldn't play soccer and there should never be any more soccer ever again anyway people should just do wally world they should just eat eat drink milkshakes and drive around in their little carts have you ever watched the movie wally yeah well uh yeah with with the fucking fat kids in the ending in the satellite. Yeah, it's disgusting. And that movie is ahead of its time.
Starting point is 01:20:32 That's true. Yeah, it's totally ahead of its time. Someone sent me an article. Someone sent me an article today about I don't remember if it's a 14 year old-old girl who is on a ventilator for COVID. 16. 16. No, no, this is a different one now. Okay, I did see another article about that.
Starting point is 01:20:50 Was it the white girl that was a 16-year-old white girl? I saw a 16-year-old white girl yesterday, and then I saw like a 14- or 15-year-old Mexican girl today. And same thing, they're saying she's healthy. It's like, dude, stop it. 100 pounds overweight is not healthy. That's a bloodstream that has crazy, crazy amount of insulin and leptin and all sorts of weird shit floating around in there
Starting point is 01:21:13 inhibiting the NK cells and the T cells from doing their jobs appropriately. It's just nuts. Okay, back to soccer. So that's a shame. There's a lot of money and a lot of jobs lost. A lot of money and a lot of jobs. A lot of money, a lot of jobs lost. I haven of money and a lot of jobs. A lot of money, a lot of jobs lost. I haven't seen the follow-up of what they're going to do next
Starting point is 01:21:28 because that story I think just released right when we started this about an hour ago. And the trickle down to the economy of that is going to be huge. Think of all the people, sell water there, break into cars, all that shit that keeps the fucking Brazilian economy going. Well, it'll probably really change sports too right like uh sports betting what's the line on five players getting kicked out of the game because they've been diagnosed with covid you're welcome draft kings um max verstappen wins the Dutch Grand Prix in Formula One. And this is a big deal because Max Verstappen races for Red Bull. And this will put him ahead in points, overall points, ahead of Lewis Hamilton, who is the reigning seven-time champ.
Starting point is 01:22:18 And he's won the last, I think, five years in a row in Formula One with Mercedes' team. And Verstappen just pulled ahead of him in the points so he's first overall so why did you have to say that he's on the Red Bull team what's that relevance of that just to give just that if the listeners aren't totally because there you go that's why maybe not totally tuned into Formula One but also cool for
Starting point is 01:22:37 Max because I believe that is his home race and it's been a really awesome Formula One season oh red bull's a dutch dutch company no red bulls i don't think it's a dutch company but um max verstappen is dutch and this particular particular race was held in his home country okay and where's lewis hamilton from this seven times lewis hamilton's from the uk damn okay but he races uh for Mercedes not Red Bull not Red Bull arguably arguably the best Formula One racer Lewis Hamilton uh the best Formula One racer to ever live
Starting point is 01:23:14 lots of arguing there but I wonder what his net worth is oh Lewis Hamilton I'd say over $150 million. Crazy. Crazy. I remember, I think recently I was looking this up. Net worth. Hey, listen to this. This guy, Carlos Nesto. $285 million. $285 million. Wow. I think the name is Carlos Nesto just said something really interesting in the comments. Yes, Sevan.
Starting point is 01:23:41 It was so stupid. Ready for this, Hobart? Because those four players work and play in england so how did they not know that they came from england wow if that's accurate you're right carlos that is some that is some stupid shit hey but we're in a world of idiocracy i mean the amount of stupidity flying around us is – it's believable now. I wanted to say it was unbelievable, but it's fully believable. All right. Quick NFL projections.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Yes. Easiest NFL schedule this year, Tampa Bay. Reigning champs, Tom Brady. Best quarterback ever from the Patriots. Highest power ranking goes to Tampa Bay. Lowest power ranking goes to the Houston Texans and I just want to say that anyone who watches football in my opinion is a dumb shit and I give you and if no matter what the highest you can rank as my friend is second tier friendship you watch football
Starting point is 01:24:38 Hobart fuck I'm back down to the second tier I was I've been grinding to work my way up that's so funny because I was so close to putting you in my favorites i was so close to putting into my favorites last week i think i called you two or three times last week which is like probably how much i used to call you in a year and i was like you know what throw this motherfucker in the favorites and i was like nah not yet no fucking way he's still a dumb shit i mean football is they are such sellouts not the players now the players too fuck those woke idiots the players are a sell the organization is a sell and i'm going to tell you why all those guys work their ass off to get where they are
Starting point is 01:25:17 not a single one of them had an easy road not a single one and now they want to argue for they want to argue the road less the easy road for people. We don't want to believe they don't want the easy road humanity. The easy road is is like to to to focus on equity instead of equality, to focus on. To trying to make it so that everyone can be equal. Do you know where everyone is equal? In prison. In prison, everyone has the same sheets, the same food, the same cigarettes. That's not, we don't want that in society.
Starting point is 01:25:55 That's what equity is. We don't want that in society. We want equality. And that's the best we can ask for. Equity is, Hobart, that we glue hair all over your body and give you an operation for your nose to make your nose bigger. And we chop six inches off your height so that me and you have the same attraction to girls. We make all of us as ugly as me so that all of us have no advantage when it comes to getting beaver. That's fucking idiocy.
Starting point is 01:26:24 I should have to step my game up to compete with you with the things that i have to step up i think you're a pretty handsome guy but i think i get your point well that's because you're a guy guys find me attractive same starting line champa bay actually i like that it's a good name it's the only cool thing i've heard about the nfl anyway in the nfl and all those people in the nfl know that you don't you like you have to claw and fight your way to the top and there's no other way unless you want everyone to be at the bottom and and and and like i don't want everyone to be at the bottom and i and like and i'm i'm excited that there's people who are smarter better looking richer than me because that shit trickles down to me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:05 That's a pro. I'm going to wrap up on two more. Andy said if you want equality, move to Cuba. Yeah. Okay. Here we go. Okay. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:27:16 Go ahead. What color banana do you like? That's interesting. I know. I think I saw something about this like a month or two ago are you saying because they have different like like the vast discrepancy and like nutritional value and bananas and like you know it's not a vast it's not a vast discrepancy oh look there's a banana eat the shit out of that one you like a freck that's called a freckled banana i'm not telling you i like it and and let me tell you one more thing that one that one – I actually don't like that as much as the firm ones that have less taste.
Starting point is 01:27:47 But if you put that one in the freezer, my god, it's like ice cream. Oh, yeah. You blend that up. I like an onripe greenish banana personally because I – yeah, I hate the taste. The time when they don't even peel clean. I love that. And it's almost like you have to like chomp. It's like an apple.
Starting point is 01:28:02 It's so – you have to bite through it. I do because I don't really like the taste of banana. But, and here's why. I'm ahead of my time, Siobhan. Look, bananas are rich in potassium, fiber, magnesium, vitamins A, B6, and C. They help reduce, you'll love this. I don't know. They help reduce your risk of stroke, keep your muscles and bones in fighting shape.
Starting point is 01:28:21 A banana can do all this. Lower inflammation levels and offer all sorts of other fringe benefits um like easing irritable bowel syndrome or preventing kidney stones and even cleaning clearing up your allergies here's the deal it's situational one bananas last five days at room temp maybe a week in the fridge wait wait you're going a little fast for me five days at room temp how long in the in the fridge. Wait, wait, wait. You're going a little fast for me. Five days at room temp, how long in the fridge? Seven. Oh, that's not true. They last forever in the fridge, but go on.
Starting point is 01:28:50 Sorry. There you go. Greener bananas are rich in resistant starch and have minimal sugars. Greener ones, the greener ones. Yeah. Yeah. Which makes sense, right? Because as they get riper the taste enhances sugar content
Starting point is 01:29:05 changes um so so you so the reason why you like the green is not the taste it's the texture it's a little bit of both i uh i don't really like the taste of bananas so if i'm gonna have a banana i kind of go the green one yeah that's a trip to me i might just be i don't know i i've never met anyone who likes that yeah i'm irritated when they don't peel properly i feel like i've wasted it like i just don't think it's that hard can justin see the comments justin's not even on the show just he's gone i i i don't think justin had fun on show. I think he had an okay time. Okay. You know, he put up with us pretty well.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I'm inherently insecure. He definitely felt more comfortable with me, I think. Oh, than me? Yeah. Because you're closer to his age or because you're nicer or because you're better looking? I'm just humble braggy follows me on Instagram. I just want to throw that out there. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:30:03 Does he follow you? Shit. Are you going to check right now? Oh, shit. How would I check? I unfollow him and then follow him again? braggy follows me on instagram just want to throw that out there oh shit does he follow you shit are you gonna check right now oh shit how would i check i unfollow him and then follow him again yeah let's see but what if you unfollow him and then can't are you still like shadow yeah yeah he follows me okay holy cow he's put on he's put on like 260 000 followers since the last time we had him on the show i've lost i've lost 2100 followers last time yeah so am i kidding um and then freckled bananas have more sugar browner bananas have a lot more sugar but they also have a lot of antioxidants and they're gross my they're what did you say gross I think so. My wife uses those to make these hippie banana pancakes for the kids.
Starting point is 01:30:48 It's just like banana and egg. And then she also uses them to make some sort of hippie bread. No, those are good too. Yeah, great in bread. My wife does the banana pancakes as well. All right, final story. I thought with everything going on around college debt, this was a good one. How much college debt?
Starting point is 01:31:03 I thought with everything going on around college debt, this was a good one. How much college debt? 23% of families who are planning on taking out loans to go to college say they plan to borrow $75,000 or more. Now, some tips about how to go about deciding how much debt you should take on. What is that picture of right there? Is that, that weight that that's like a weight of debt hanging around the student's neck. It's actually a pretty good,
Starting point is 01:31:33 pretty good. I don't know where that weight came from in between their legs. That's the, okay. If college doesn't work out, only fans still has explicit material for a couple more weeks. Anyway, if you make $50,000 – so don't forget to calculate your taxes. If you make $50,000 a year in New York, you're likely only taking home $35,000 to $39,000 a year.
Starting point is 01:31:59 So this is in respect to paying off your debt. to paying off your debt. But from the article, basically, if you want to rack up debt and not be able to pay it off, go into either the fields of biology, the humanities, or education. Meaning if you take out a loan to go to college and you want to become a school teacher,
Starting point is 01:32:17 you'll have your debt till the day you die. I mean, a little bit of exaggeration there, but that's what you're saying. Much harder to pay it off, yeah. Man, that sucks. That sucks. Which it does suck because teachers right now are getting totally blasted with everything going on. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Teachers are the new cops. Teachers are like the 20 – like there was police and now there's teachers. They're taking the ass. I can't wait until doctors take in the ass. Oh, seriously. I mean I like doctors. i said simultaneously it's just the woke crowd will give it to anyone and i just like it just like just like as long as they're like it's as long as it you know we're next man um so we can't be we're done i mean some some some good advice if you uh if you do want to go to the humanities and you also still want to have a chance to pay off your debt, you should go into the computer, information sciences, math, or engineering fields as well because they have the least amount of debt compared to the potential salary you can make when you come out of school. And there's actually some cool resources there's this one resource called educate to
Starting point is 01:33:27 career i would google that if you're going to college or sending kids to college it's a free tool to help families with this choice the other thing you can do consider 10 years at a non-profit what instead of going to college let me get there no you'll go to college you'll major in the humanities you'll take on a shitload of debt you'll go to college. You'll major in the humanities. You'll take on a shitload of debt. You'll have no chance at making any money. But if you work at some nonprofits for 10 years, you can be more likely to have your loans forgiven
Starting point is 01:33:58 if you work at an approved nonprofit, whatever that means. Wow, I've never heard of anything. That sounds ridiculous, but if that's true, that's awesome wow i've never heard of anything that sounds ridiculous but if that's true that's awesome i've never heard of anything like that you're telling me that's like breaking news shit hour and 33 minutes in this podcast you're telling me the federal government who's just crazy like you can't file bankruptcy and get rid of your student loans like when you borrow money from the government it's like you borrowed it yeah you're telling me that i can get a job at the non-profit that fucking saves fucking dachshunds and like just like for 10 years take care of
Starting point is 01:34:30 wiener dogs and i'm fucking as long as they got like some sort of deal with the government i'm in the clear well it probably has to be an approved non-profit but yeah the dachshund one let's say it's approved yeah and i think this is probably newer legislation, but you have another option. If you do get into an elite school, you probably will have richer marriage prospects. So don't go to class and just thirsty Thursday it up. Oh. Oh. So you're saying don't just go to school.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Make sure when you're there, you're hunting for a mate so that you guys can make more money together and pay off your bills. If you're going to Harvard and you're going to work as a third grade teacher, go to those sorority or frat parties. Dude, I need to have a guest. We need to have a guest who's a Harvard grad who's an elementary school teacher. Does that even exist? Of course it exists. It has to. But there you go.
Starting point is 01:35:36 That's this week in the news. Hobart, you were fantastic. I think the show only got better as it went on. I loved it. Next week, coming at you live from Nashville. Really? Yeah, I'm going to go visit a friend. Oh, do I know him? I don't think you do.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Is he an employee of CrossFit Inc.? Nope. Is his first name start with an A? No. Is his last name end with a B? Nope. Are you going to see that guy? I'm trying to think of who that is, but I'll text you after.
Starting point is 01:36:06 Oh, we're getting a call. Let's wrap up on this. Silence. Hello, and welcome to the Sevan podcast. Yes, sir. How can I help you? Hi, this is Dale. How you doing?
Starting point is 01:36:27 Hey, Dale. Oh, we spoke last week. We spoke last week. Second time caller. We did. Yeah, second time. Second time caller. Yep.
Starting point is 01:36:34 Look, as soon as Dale calls, I just pick up my phone and start scrolling through my Instagram. What an asshole. Go on, Dale. Sorry. Sevan, I have an idea for the Sunday podcast. This is excellent. I love hearing you and James rattle on about the news. Okay.
Starting point is 01:36:48 One thing that I would like to hear, I don't know if anyone else would, is the guest that you have during the week leading up to Sunday, like this week with Hunter and Fi. Yes. Maybe you and James can chat about those conversations. I mean, a few things that stood out to me with like the Hunter conversation about doping and CrossFit that seems to, you know, strike a chord with you and be interested to hear James's thoughts,
Starting point is 01:37:13 if he listened or was aware of that. James and I are thinking the exact same thing, Dale. He ain't listening to shit. He didn't even know I got a podcast. I listen to some of your podcasts. I was busy studying news stories. What'd you say, James? Sorry.
Starting point is 01:37:34 I was busy studying news stories this week. So next week, next week, I'll listen to your podcast. Dale, James has a full-time job. He's got a wife. He's trying to train to win some sort of obscure medal at the CrossFit Games next year. But I do like that. Maybe I need to replace James with someone else who's unemployed like me. Just a thought.
Starting point is 01:37:57 A recap of, like, hey, this is an interesting piece of this conversation i mean you talked to a lot of like really interesting people and kind of pull out some unique parts of their lives and the reasons why they who why they are who they are so right maybe kind of following up on that would be cool right i you know what i got a question you know what i did do is um yeah i was supposed to have a guest on this week daniel rodriguez and he no showed me and i was so you when i find out that i'm gonna have fighters on the show i get so excited like so excited and i was so excited he was gonna be on the show and he no showed me and as soon as the show was over i text james i said hi he said hey and i like i don't really text or talk to james very often at all and he go and i go i'm feeling sorry for myself my guest no showed me that that was about the extent of and then james said did you what did you do did you still go on i said yes he said good job buddy that was it that's about all
Starting point is 01:38:50 the time i can get from james i seriously tried to call james two times during the week and i he answers but it's basically like hey it's like talk when you call your mom at work when i was a kid he's like i'm at work right now i have meetings i'm not joking i actually i actually had a busy day Friday, and I think Savant called me three times. But I got to you. I got to you, man. But it's more like he's like my daddy.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Not now, son. Don was the best guest this week over Hunter. Wow, Bobby. That's cool. I actually enjoyed everyone this week. I thought it was good. We have Mo Miller tomorrow who's going to be fighting on the Contender Series this week, Dana White's Contender Series on the 14th. I'm excited to have Mo Miller on.
Starting point is 01:39:29 I was supposed to do – oh, Dale hung up. I was supposed to do that show with Josh. Josh canceled. Damn it, Josh. We have Alexis Raptus on Tuesday. I believe Mr. Brian Friend will be on that show. We have Paul Saladino on Wednesday. I don't know if you guys know who that is.
Starting point is 01:39:45 That's the Carnivore MD. He's already been on the show once, and he was just booted off of Instagram, which is crazy because he's not even against the vaccine. He was just talking about wanting to see autopsies on the people who died from the vaccine. They fucking booted him. It's crazy. He even says that he believes that there's evidence that the vaccine mitigates your – I mean, it's crazy. He's even said people like who, he even says that he believes that there's evidence that the vaccine mitigates your, I mean, it's crazy. Simple questions.
Starting point is 01:40:10 We don't have anyone scheduled for Thursday. We don't have anyone scheduled for Friday, but I'm sure we will, because I'll lose my mind if we don't. And then Saturday we have off, and then Sunday it's going to be back with James Hobart, and I'm not sure who the guest is going to be next week.
Starting point is 01:40:26 Let's get somebody feisty. But I think Justin Medeiros is going to take him probably… Two and a half years to get back on the show. Yes. Thank you. You knew exactly what I was going to say. Oh, you were lying to me. Oh, yes, Patty the Batty. So Patty is supposed to be on last week, and we're DMing.
Starting point is 01:40:43 We're going back and forth big time and i just he just slipped through the cracks i couldn't get him on um he doesn't realize how big time i am but hopefully we can get patty on this week thanks for bringing that up do you know patty the batty is i was just gonna ask who is patty the batty he had his ufc debut this weekend let's check him out yeah you should definitely watch his fight if you guys haven't watched his fight. Mitigates what, Sevan? Basically
Starting point is 01:41:11 that the vaccine mitigates the symptoms of the coronavirus. So that basically there's a ton of evidence that shows that if you take the vaccine, well, you see the reports, that the people in the hospitals are the unvaccinated people. But what transcends all of that, before you always get all excited and tell me what an idiot I am, we know what transcends all of that.
Starting point is 01:41:34 People who are addicted to sugar and refined carbohydrates. Yeah, that's Patty. Oh, I don't know if you should be showing that. We're going to get this show pulled down, unless those are still pictures. We can't be messing with UFCfc stuff uh ko round one yes you should really watch that hobart all right that's my homework this week i gotta get tuned into uh to fighting it's a little barbaric it's a guilty pleasure i have to tell you well i really like it i just just beat the shit out of each other cock and balls in their face
Starting point is 01:42:02 and i don't really like like watching sports unless i'm playing them so that's one of the reasons i never got into it so either i got to start doing something like it or just ignore the shit out of it you will love you will love the ufc then because you're you'll you could totally get into it men in their booty shorts wrestling around with too much vaseline on their faces that's why i love CrossFit. Normalizing sweaty naked dudes hugging each other. Thanks, guys, for tuning in. 7.43 p.m. on Sunday. Hobart, we'll see you next week, if not sooner. And I'll see you guys tomorrow morning at 9.30 a.m. Pacific Standard.
Starting point is 01:42:38 Thank you.

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