The Sevan Podcast - #123- Danielle Brandon & Jayson Hopper

Episode Date: September 7, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Okay, we can do it. We can go live. Damn, we didn't mess around.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Bam. Shit, where is everybody? How come it's just me on the show today wouldn't that be great i tell you guys that uh daniel brandon and what's the other guy's name from missouri no the new guy who took he's been on the show a few times uh taylor self's friend jason hopper jason hopper and daniel brand Brandon are supposed to be on the show. Brian Friend is supposed to be on the show. What if this is just a practical joke on me? They all told me they were going to come on, and then they don't come on, so I look like a jackass.
Starting point is 00:01:16 8.31 a.m. on – oh, there she is. 8.31 a.m. on Sunday. Thursday. Hello. The blonde-haired Danielle Brandon is now on the show. Now I have to give the show my divided attention. You guys, the 7-1 podcast. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Adios. Hey. Hello. Hi. How are you? Where's our guest star?ason hopper late makes sense he's scared he's scared i know he is i know he's scared he doesn't want me to expose him how how i like the way that sounds how was was Miami? You were there too? Yeah. It was a great time.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It was awesome. So what happens? Why were you guys in Miami? It's like weird to look on my Instagram and then all these people are just all of a sudden, boom, they're in Miami. I don't even think you guys know each other or talk to each other. And then there you guys are all playing in the water together. We're all best friends now. It was for Live Live for filming for the wadapalooza qualifier
Starting point is 00:02:27 oh okay when is when does the qualifier start no idea so based does but o'keefe o'keefe doesn't represent you right and that's his event no i think yeah i think he really represented all of the athletes except for me and tola tola doesn't represent tola is that a boy or a girl a boy tola i mean i don't i fuck up his last name like marinkov or that's why brian's supposed to be here i don't know where brian is i hope brian has like i hope he has explosive diarrhea or something valid marquino yes yes strong very strong can we see a picture of him brian awesome um so so what happens so you're just sitting at home chilling or you're you're in the uh in the weight room just doing curls and then, you look over at your phone and they're like, Hey, Danielle, they're trying to promote Wadapalooza and they'll give you, they'll fly
Starting point is 00:03:30 you over there and they'll give you free breakfast and like a stack of twenties. Will you come help? Basically. Yeah. Cooper messaged me. He texted me. He's like, Hey, would you want to go to Miami to do some filming for Wadapalooza like no pressure you don't have to um you know because i am still dealing with some shoulder injuries so he was like no pressure and i was like actually like who's gonna be there this sounds like a really good opportunity to just like meet people so like why the f would i not go especially if they're paying for everything so and it was super chill working out like it's not like we did the full workouts when we demoed them and they're and they're just looking like for beauty shots and stuff
Starting point is 00:04:11 and stuff they're not like like if they're like hey you have to go ahead they wanted us to test some of them like some of them they were like okay well actually since you're here we'd like to get a better idea of the timing but like all of that's already been done you know what i mean this was just like okay like let's get an even better idea on some of them but but also there was no pressure most of it's like um hey can you guys run into this stadium we want to film it in slow-mo hey will you dive in the water here we want to get some beauty shots of you guys like exactly dive in the water okay yeah that's cool that's awesome and like movement standards yeah oh you did the movement standards too huh well just like showing yeah like how it should be done um is everyone a good mover this might be a stupid question is
Starting point is 00:05:00 everyone a good mover or like do you see like hopper over there like okay hopper shows your squat and you're like the rest of you guys are like holy shit that's not below parallel i don't know what one hopper oh hopper had to demo i can't even say it i can't say it at loud oh nice catch good save oh my gosh uh but hopper yeah, we're all great movers. I would say, I mean, I haven't seen Hopper move as much and we can talk about when we did a partner workout, how he was flopping like a crazy man on burpees. He did do that. So that was the, that was the time I saw that he did not move very well, but for the most part, yeah. That's kind the most part yeah that's kind of typical for that's kind of typical for big men right flopping i mean no like his like legs spazzed out and like was all
Starting point is 00:05:53 over the place because we did a partner workout and he was just trying to go so fast that like i don't even know what his back legs did on this burpee. Did you choose him as the partner or did they put you guys together? They put us together, which was slightly unfair because we had like eight inches on Christy and Justin. I have about eight inches on Brian. Well, how tall are you? No, I don't. I'm shorter than.
Starting point is 00:06:21 No, I don't mean like that. Oh, my God. Oh, geez. Oh, perfect timing Brian Brian he didn't even get to be embarrassed how is Jason out here yet I don't know but I was just ripping on your cock and balls he really was that's that's no lie um so okay so you so so does that mean that you guys don't have to do the qual like so yeah so that's what like you don't have to do the qualifier since you know the workouts you just get like because well most qualifiers this year are invite only oh oh you're not the qualifiers you mean the events most of the events yeah most of the events are invite only like Dubai
Starting point is 00:07:02 Rogue I believe Guadalquooza now and i mean if you think about it all the people that were there were all top 20 in the games oh okay i just want to catch brian up for a second brian so we're um as you know uh miss brandon uh mr hopper uh madaris and others were in miami and I'm just asking her what they were doing there. And she was saying that basically they were, um, a whole variety of things, but basically promo for not necessarily Guadalupalooza, although that's a by-product of it, but the, I guess the online qualifier and they were doing movement standards and beauty shots and stuff like that. And, um, I guess, I guess, did you know this, Brian?
Starting point is 00:07:45 She's saying that basically some people are already invited. Is it like that every year? Like that there's a handful of people who just automatically get the invite to Guadalupalooza and then a bunch of people have to qualify? Yeah, and I think it's been like that for Rogue in the past, but not this year, like she was saying. But for Guadalupalooza, I don't know about the elite divisions. I know that they're having to qualify for every other division,
Starting point is 00:08:06 but I'm not sure about the elite. Wait, what do you mean Rogue? Would you say this year? They had an online qualifier the last two seasons, but I don't think they're having one this year. I think it's invite only. Yeah, I don't think so. Which would make sense because that event's coming up pretty soon
Starting point is 00:08:21 and there hasn't been anything announced about a qualifier. Right. Also Dubai, I think. Dubai's tricky. I keep hearing no teams too. Yeah, I keep expecting them to make a public announcement, but they've been putting it off. So I'm not sure what their final decision is um nate was suggesting that you're late brian because you were doing captains of crush to get um your forearms to look more vascular for uh danielle is there any truth to that do you know the captains of crush brian captains of crush is i'm not those are the those are the Oh, I have one. Right here. Oh, my God. Look at Nate.
Starting point is 00:09:06 No. Do you have the OG ones, though, the metal ones? No, no, just this. I actually used to keep it in my car, and every time I came to a red light, I would do five on the right, five on the left. That is hilarious. So they have the metal ones that have different levels. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah, different tension. Do you own all those? Do you have those have those just like sitting on your dining room table the whole like eight pack danielle actually yeah there's one in like the um what are those things like a little organ flat organizer that you just like throw your keys in and like throw coins in and stuff like junk. Junk drawer. Junk drawer. But like a drunk tray or a junk tray. A drunk tray. Heidi says in the comments, oh, good. I only watch for Brian.
Starting point is 00:09:53 She's glad you're here, Brian. I only come here for Brian. Oh. Hey, Brian, will you turn your mic up, please? Your mic is very low. How do I turn it up? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I don't know how you do it. I'm just reading the comments. Tom Geer and Mike. Brian's mic is horrible. Maybe just put your – like I rest my nose on my mic. Like I put my viral load on my COVID viral load on the tip of my – How is the podcast going, Danielle, with Dave and Chase and now Scott Panchik? It's solid. I would say Chase is just such a great host.
Starting point is 00:10:30 I agree. He just knows what to say, always has really good questions. Last night we had Scott on there, who always has really good insight. And it was good to have him on there since this past year was his last year he had a lot of different circumstances because of his knee so do you think he's really retired did he talk about that I mean he says he is but I don't I'm not sure if I believe it uh no have you listened to it yet no I haven't haven't. Oh, yeah. No, I don't think he is. I mean, I think you don't think he's retired. No, I think he's looking to do masters.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Oh, I feel like when you say you're like retiring, you're done with the sport of CrossFit. And he was like, oh, well, I'm 34 and I need something to train for. So Brian, Brian would listen to the show probably before I would. I listened to the first one out of curiosity because I knew Dave would take some attacks at the rest of us. But now it's kind of like, if it was like a week before the games, I might listen to it. But like recapping the games at this point,
Starting point is 00:11:39 I just can't listen to that for an hour. Yeah, yeah. But it's doing really well. Yeah, it's fun i mean i think just chase is so great so in that event uh in your infamous event where you where you i don't even remember if you won but basically it was in the coliseum and you finished and you gave the double the double bird um first of all did you do it first of all did you do it like old school like this or did you do it kind of like valley girl like this how do you do it old school old school yeah that's nice oh like the lazy the like lazy thing or just like you'd like the jet airplane versus like the like versus like the tupac it was like solid tupac okay
Starting point is 00:12:20 and um and i'm assuming that was spontaneous. You weren't like, okay, I'm going to cross the finish line and just do the double bird. What, what, did you even know why? So do you even know why you did that? It just felt good. No. Just felt good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:38 You ever just like flip someone off and it just like feels good. Yeah. And you had like a smile too. Yeah. So it was a friendly flip off. It wasn like it wasn't like fuck you you're my parking spot right yeah yeah yeah right yeah brian is there is there any um historical um evidence data of a precedent of anyone else ever flipping off um the entire crowd at the crossFit Games or is Danielle sort of the first of that? Let me check my databases, see
Starting point is 00:13:10 what the numbers say. Yeah, we pull up that sheet. Okay, Yandy just tried to give me some help out with the volume, so we'll see if it's any better now. Where the fuck is Hopper? I want to tell you something i want to tell you something oh man i want to be nice to him because i really like him and i need him he puts food on my plate
Starting point is 00:13:35 i need him i want to be nice i want to be nice and i like him and he facetimes and he facetimes me with his shirt off you know like once a week and i'm fucking digging all that shit dude but but this fucking guy this show is for him this is like he's the new daniel brandon daniel brandon had an excuse she had the time zones fucked up that's why she stiffed up i was just texting with hopper 30 seconds ago yeah he said i'm fuck is this guy what'd he say oh he's having a wi-fi problem i'm coming that's what your mom said oh my god i absolutely ate him up in miami it was so fun is that the first time is that the first time you guys have hung? Yeah. Yeah. That was the first time I met him. And just immediately, I was like, oh, man, this kid is going to get so sick of me by the end of the weekend.
Starting point is 00:14:33 A long time ago when Dave first met you, all the stories were basically cantankerous stories. I think it was when he first met you for the demo team and everything was like i mean he liked you but like but they were like there was friction between you guys always like every story he told me there was like friction like you would be calling him out on something or he'd say something and you'd be smart ass back but and he's like dude he's like dude i can't wait for you to meet her and see what your perception is of how she acts. And then who else? I think that's part of your deal. I wonder if it's just with dudes you do that too.
Starting point is 00:15:16 You kind of have this Heisman, kind of like hand up in their face, like, yo. Like you have to haze dudes. If dudes want to hang out with you they have to get hazed yeah jason what can you hear me are you in your bathroom can you hear me yeah we can but your mouth looks so serious and confused he's on the shitter look He's got an exclamation mark. He's in the bathroom. Are you in the bathroom?
Starting point is 00:15:50 Or the washroom. I'm trying to figure this out. Can y'all see me? No. You're gone again. You know what it is, Jason? Ryan, I think he's on Safari or something. He needs to be on Chrome. You see that exclamation point? Something's wrong with the wrong. He's on Safari or something. He needs to be on Chrome.
Starting point is 00:16:05 You see that exclamation point? Something's wrong with his setup. Are you on Safari, brother? Okay. Let me get on Chrome. Okay, sounds good. We're going to talk about you for the next 30 seconds anyway. Yes, so take your time.
Starting point is 00:16:16 All right. Hey, were there any other ladies there in Miami, Danielle? Christy and Bailey. Christy who? Aramo? Yes. And then Bailey Rail. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Oh, we should get those girls on. I'd love to meet them. Maybe they'll respond to my questions about how the weekend was. What do you mean? What do you mean? Fill me in. What am I missing missing they probably will they probably will they're much better they're much better at those things than me
Starting point is 00:16:56 oh yeah brian you have to adjust something on something somewhere what the heck you hear that hum that's because something on your mic is like gain is that any better Bernard Manny Scalacco stop rubbing it in Danielle we all know Chase is better than Sevan at this Bernard 50 burpees
Starting point is 00:17:40 50 burpees he's just different oh my god he's he's brian and i together of course chase is better yeah we have one guy who knows about games and one guy who likes to talk shit and chase is like both of us together like if like if i was on brian shoulders yeah that's why he has a job and brian and i are unemployed we like, we're like, we're like the, uh, like the, uh, the second,
Starting point is 00:18:07 second package. He's a full package. He really is. And he's probably a better crossfitter than both of us and better looking. Don't worry, Jason, we've stopped talking about you. You are not the full package we're discussing.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yeah. That's not who we were talking about. What are we talking about? No, I'm not in my bathroom. I'm in my bedroom. It's the only place with Wi-Fi and it's just going to have to work today. Yeah, it's working, dude, as long as you're here.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Finally. You moved, Jason? Yeah, I moved across the street. Oh, literally? Yeah. Like you can throw a rock at your old house? No. Okay, then. I moved across the street rock at your old house? No. Okay, then.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Across the street. It meant like a couple of streets. So you moved a couple of streets. Okay. It's too early in the morning. Oh, wow. This is going to be great. So when he's being a smartass to me, you're not going to let him get away with it, Daniel.
Starting point is 00:19:01 You're going to hammer him too. That's awesome. It's later where he is. What did you call me? A bodyguard. What did Jason call me? Would you call me a piranha? get away with it, Daniel. You're going to hammer him too. That's awesome. It's later where he is. What'd Jason call me? Would you call me a piranha? He said, you just never stop here. She is. So, Jason, tell me
Starting point is 00:19:18 about how you ended up in Guadalupalooza. We talked to Daniel about that. What's the city called? Atlanta? Where is that? Hold on. My wife gave me something. You have a wife? She needs my keys. wadapalooza we talked to danielle about the how did you what's the city called uh atlanta where's that hold on my wife can you tell me you have a wife she needs my keys here you go to drive to drive your honda civic what was the question 1987 how did you end up in in at the wadapalooza thing with danielle like what happens like who calls you how, I'm just curious how that unfolds and like, and what they tell you about it. Um, I found out a week and a half before O'Keefe called me and said,
Starting point is 00:19:52 you want to go to Miami? Actually, this is how, this is how it actually happened. Matt Frazier called me and said, will you be in Miami? And I said, I have no idea what you're talking about. And then he said, oops, I think I told you surprise. And then O'Keefe called me and said, are you coming to Miami? And that's when he said, we're filming for a water palooza. So, and then do you, and then do you have to do it is like part of your contractual obligation
Starting point is 00:20:25 no danielle does matt fraser ever call you yeah he called me yesterday no shit yeah right swear i you want me to pull it up named like that but uh frazier cabins i'm like just exposing his phone number i feel like i shouldn't do that oh no it doesn't say it it doesn't say it it doesn't have it on there so yeah jason jason pay attention you're on the show now you're gonna get a few questions look at look at look at that boy you're a good dude how old are you how old are you jason i'll be 24 uh tomorrow oh shit happy birthday thank you and um why did you move why did you move across the street which is really not across the street but my lease was i was renting and your new place is nicer? Yeah, it's a loft. And you're happy there?
Starting point is 00:21:28 Were you looking for a new place? I live in a mill, dude. Were you looking for a new place or just something spontaneous? I've been putting offers on houses, but the market is crazy, so we haven't won any. And you're in one of the Carolinas?
Starting point is 00:21:44 Yeah. Which one? South Carolina. You know that, Saban. Come on. so we haven't won any and you're in uh what you're one of the carolinas yeah which one south carolina you know that's a bomb come on not only in california there's us and then you guys the rest of the country um you're not that important greenville someone just sent me a list of the um states with the uh it was a list ranking of 1 through 50 of the states with the least uh vaccine mandates and i can't i think it was your state ranking of 1 through 50 of the states with the least uh vaccine mandates and i can't i think it was your state was that had the least wow yeah where's like are you are you vaccinated jason nope i i was looking at some information i was looking at an article the other day are you vaccinated fuck no why would i do? I don't eat sugar or refined carbohydrates. My immune system is crazy. T cells and NK cells just whooping ass. I feel people getting their ass whooped inside of me all the time. I'm an ass whooping machine.
Starting point is 00:22:44 like you can take your um you can take if if parents put their kids in danger you can take the kids away from the parents and one of the things they're saying is if the parents aren't vaccinated that they're putting the kids in danger and so they're thinking about testing it out and taking kids away from some of the parents to see how that plays out in the courts that's some scary shit so like i gotta like make sure i have a safe house like in one of the states that's not taking people's kids away from their parents i know it's crazy some of the shit you're reading right now is just fucking bizarre people need to chill oh my god people gots to chill plus it's not smart to mess with people's kids oh yeah it's not it's not it's a it's a even the nicest people in the world if you mess with their kids like the most
Starting point is 00:23:22 yeah the most peace loving like tree hugging like but you mess with their kids and it's like life or death okay so let's see let's see someone mess with sam dancer's kid i'd love pay pay-per-view pay-per-view event pay-per-view event dude i bet you he'd hold his kid tight and his wife would do the fighting. Oh my – dude. She could. She could. So you guys get there and Jason, she told me you guys did – before you got on, Danielle was saying you guys did like movement standards, beauty shots, stuff to promote the online qualifier. And I guess the fact is, is that if you guys were promoting the online qualifier and you guys know the movements and the workouts that means you guys are you two are both invited you don't have to take that route i don't know about danielle getting invited i personally got
Starting point is 00:24:15 invited well that's crazy because like who plays higher at the games this year so uh hey but danielle doesn't matter that's he signed with o'keefe so he could get a free pass everywhere he that i mean that's why you signed with o'keefe that way he needed that he honestly needed that he needed somebody to just get him in um because he couldn't do it himself he needs somebody to help him i couldn't do it myself he's just he's a semi-finals type of guy. Yeah. I'm in. That's it. I'm in it for the chase. I wonder why they chose you, Danielle, since you're not represented by O'Keefe.
Starting point is 00:24:56 I'm tripping on that. I'm tripping. Like, why wouldn't he just, like, is Arama and Bailey represented by him? Yes. I wonder what's so special about you that makes it that you would be the yeah i don't know you know what's so weird um it's funny because me and okie if we had a great time this was the first time i ever really met him in person and uh during all those athlete calls you know uh what two years I was probably, I was very upfront and very straightforward to O'Keefe about my feelings. And we got, we had some beefy conversations
Starting point is 00:25:34 through Zoom. So it was just funny how that dynamic, it was really good. It was really good in person when I met him. Great guy. He is a great guy, isn't he? Very fun to be around. And he's vaccinated. Is he? Yeah, he is. He posted it on his Instagram. And he's a great guy.
Starting point is 00:25:54 I love the guy. I truly, I truly like. Yeah, he's magical. And then so when you and Jason met, is this like the first time you guys have hung out? Yeah. Yep. Yep. Did you guys have hung out? Yeah. Yep. Yep. Did you have fun, Jason?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Is she cool? I had a blast. I thought she was pretty cool. Yeah. Was she abrasive? Embrasive? Not embrasive. Not like, did she embrace you?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Abrasive. I'm not asking if she hugged you. Did I embrace you? Did I welcome you? I know what you meant. I know what Abrasive. I'm not asking if she hugged you. Did I embrace you? Did I welcome you? I know what you meant. I know what you meant. I know what you meant. No, it took a couple of days for her to be like, okay, he's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah, she has a little bit of a hazing period, right? Yeah. I really had to interview him quite a bit. It was like I had to earn my respect or something. Yeah. Do you know anyone else like that i know plenty of people like that oh you do yeah shit i don't know anyone like that boy hopper you are just energy's just oozing off you i'm really enjoying your contribution to the podcast it's amazing you know i think I want to have you and Laura Horvat on
Starting point is 00:27:06 and just have a staring contest, pay-per-view staring contest. It'd be fucking dope. Tell me how you want me to answer that question. Do you want me to just bash her right there? Just whatever. She's fucking horrible, dude. If it's two days of her just with her nose in the air
Starting point is 00:27:24 and fucking walking around like her shit don't stink. And then finally, for some reason, all of a sudden, she starts being just a little bit nice. But everyone's just kissing her ass. She's such a deal. Like, it could be like that. I'm just trying to save her face. Oh, you're a good dude.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Oh, that's so nice. Wow, that's crazy. Daniel, where were you during the wrestling match like this these all these wrestling matches we see um on instagram where were you where were you i was on the boat i was on the boat trying to we were trying to do some filming actually and we couldn't because they were being so rowdy that we had to put filming on pause. And what was that thing in the water? My perspective was we were wrestling and they needed her to video her doing a backflip off of the boat. And it took about 20 times because she kept belly flopping into the water.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Oh, I forgot. I forgot about that. Did you even do a backflip? Did you even try? I did. I did. You did? I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:28:32 That's because you were too busy trying to get a backflip. What was that thing you guys were wrestling on? That thing didn't have air in it, right? It's just more like just a buoyant piece of mat? It's like water mats. Yeah. It was like a big old foam mat and and who instigated the wrestling me you just you just grabbed someone and and just threw someone off i got up there no i threw o'keefe off first um and oh is there a video of that
Starting point is 00:29:03 i don't I don't know one of my favorite parts of the video is O'Keefe just on the mat all these guys are just going at it and I messaged him like damn dude you really got caught in the action there he's like dude I was trying to wrestle Matt and he wasn't having it
Starting point is 00:29:19 I didn't even see O'Keefe he must have been like under the pile oh that picture that Ryan's posting now is O'Keefe in He must have been like under the pile. Oh, that picture that Ryan's posting now, is O'Keefe in that picture? I don't think he's in this picture, no. Danielle, did you think about going down there and getting some? No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Not with those handsy guys. Exactly, yeah. Not with the bikini I was in. It would have been ripped off. But it would have been, no. And then it's an epic photo. You must be stoked on that of you basically just taking Medeiros out. Medeiros out, right?
Starting point is 00:29:52 Do you just love that, Jason? I do. I don't think he loved that. Oh, he doesn't love it, but Jason loves it. Loves to hammer down on Justin. He does? Oh, yeah. They get into it.
Starting point is 00:30:07 They were lovers all weekend, but then they would have their little tiffs, their little fights, and then they would come back together and like each other again. Did you see them ever work out against each other, Danielle? So we actually did Jason and me against Justin and Christy. Unfortunately, we did lose.
Starting point is 00:30:26 We did lose, but again, you know, we had quite a height difference when it comes to devil's presses and toes to bar. No. Oh man. Now we're. No, that was just a partner workout that we did. Oh, good, good, good.
Starting point is 00:30:49 No surprise that you guys struggled if it was high-volume gymnastics and you were partnered with Jason, though. Ryan, next time texture that on the side. Next time texture that on the side. Yeah, goddamn, Ryan. You blast me. Jesus. Yeah, goddamn, Ryan.
Starting point is 00:31:04 You blast me. Jesus. We were actually winning for half the race. And then what happened? Would you say it was you or Danielle who was the weak link? Definitely wasn't me. You didn't even say it with a straight face. Say it. Say it to my face, Jason.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Jeez. It definitely wasn't. Was it me? Was it me, Jason? Was it me then? I don't know who it was. You can't even look at the camera. I don't know who it was, but it definitely wasn't me. So it was me. I mean, I'm the only other option.
Starting point is 00:31:36 Wasn't me. Well, it wasn't me. Who got the lead? Who got the lead for us? You went first. And who was a whole devil's press ahead? Well, I don't know. Maybe because you would never lock out or stand all the way up on your devil's presses. Maybe that's why.
Starting point is 00:31:52 It was for $1,000. If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying. Oh, yeah. Well. There's a, Jacqueline, don't even bother. Don't even bother. Nice, don't even bother. There's two kinds of people. There's people who are like, don't even bother. Don't even bother. Nice... Don't even bother. There's two kinds of people.
Starting point is 00:32:06 There's people who are like, yeah, do what you want. And then there's people who want to force injections on everyone. Don't even engage them. It's fine. It's fine. Why weren't you telling me to lock out my devil's presses? They're all welcome. I did.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I did. You did? I said, stand all the way up. Stand all the way up. And I did. No, you didn't. Did you hear her coaching you, Hopper? No.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I was going way too fast. Yeah, you were going way too fast. You had to flop on your burpees. You didn't even know what your body was doing. You were trying to go so fast. See, we were a team, and now there's division here. This is unhealthy. Is that dude?
Starting point is 00:32:44 So there was a guy in one of the videos that Medaris, Now there's like division here. Like this is unhealthy. Is that dude? Is that? So there was a guy, there was a guy in one of the videos. There was a guy in one of the videos where that Medaris, it was your video on your Instagram. It's kind of the best video I've seen. This is really, this is really why we lost here. What?
Starting point is 00:32:56 Oh, cause you guys were fighting. Yeah. I thought we worked. I actually wanted to do devil's Presses in a certain way, and she was opposed to that. So that's where it kind of started. I wasn't opposed to it.
Starting point is 00:33:11 I just knew we wouldn't be able to do that the whole time. We lost before we started. Which we weren't. We lost before we started. We did. Because she wasn't open to your coaching. Right. I had a game plan.
Starting point is 00:33:24 That's it, yeah. Hopper wanted to be a priest but says if you ain't cheating you ain't trying ha real christ like jeez louise jeez louise just beating you with the bible just beating you with the and the guy's name is bug he said wait that wasn't from you that was from somebody else yeah it's from someone else no i'm just kidding man i was just kidding i don't do that man i don't uh jason i have integrity did you did you see danielle's video where she had uh madaris is throwing this guy off the the mat like chucks him yeah yep jake yeah it's the guy who does the the programming um for the hard work face off yep for the fraser program he absolutely wrecked him is that your boy is that your do you have
Starting point is 00:34:13 a new boyfriend danielle that's no that's not my boyfriend oh oh that guy is not your boyfriend that's not the okay because i keep hearing all these rumors that you you're in oklahoma with a new dude or an old dude. I don't know if he's new or old. But you're in Oklahoma with a dude and that it's that dude. And I thought. Oh, that's hilarious. I love it.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Yeah, let's go with that. That Jake Marcos. His name is Jake. I hope that guy, is that guy married? I don't want to fuck that dude up. No, but I think his girlfriend's a photographer. Or his ex-girlfriend's a photographer in the sport. His ex-girlfriend? It was his girl.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Oh, man. It's fine. Come at me. Okay, so that guy's not – okay, so that – so you're – there could be some truth to that you're in oklahoma with with a significant other but it's not that dude jake marconi i thought that would be a little weird that you'd show your significant other just getting just tossed like a rag doll i think that's exactly what you would do i don't yeah i was gonna say i don't think that's very out of character of me really listen man if you're gonna get beat up like that we're advertising that everyone's's going to know. Oh, yeah. Is that your computer you're on?
Starting point is 00:35:27 Mm-hmm. When did you get a computer? Shortly after you told me to. Dude, you're awesome. Did you use it on the podcast you did with Dave and Scott and Chase? I did, yeah. Jeez, man, you are next level. And Hopper, are you on your cell phone?
Starting point is 00:35:44 No, I'm on the computer. Damn, everyone is so high. Is that your computer or your wife's computer? My wife's computer. Gotcha. Well, don't you guys share it because you're married? Oh, we have two. Oh, you have two?
Starting point is 00:35:57 Yeah. Okay. Oh. Just asking. They're both hers. Oh, they are. So what's up with you, Jason? What's new with you?
Starting point is 00:36:09 What are you doing these days? Like, are you, what programming are you doing? What are you doing? You must be like at the drawing board now being like, okay, like you're, you want to win this shit. What are you doing? What's going on? Yeah. What are you doing, Jason?
Starting point is 00:36:24 What's your plans? What's your plans? Yeah. She wants to win this shit. What are you doing? What's going on? Yeah, what are you doing, Jason? What's your plans? What's your plans? Yeah. She wants to know so bad. It's because I know his plans and he don't even know his plans. Holy shit. He thinks I know nothing, too. I am working with HWPO.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I don't know the details. They're still in the works. But we're going to give it a go. But hasn't Matt said specifically that that's not really games athlete programming? I could be wrong. But I thought when i spoke to him he said that uh they're really games level they just came out with a hwpo pro um which would be more of his programming from the past um and then he yeah and then i'll he taught me he teaches me how to modify it.
Starting point is 00:37:26 And then he has somebody that is in place to be my day-to-day guy that is going to be modifying and adding to it based on my weaknesses. And then I'll go up to Vermont a handful of times throughout the year. Holy shit. Are you going up there soon? Yeah, I'm heading up there probably next week or the week after that. That's what Matt told me. That's cute. Did he really tell you that?
Starting point is 00:37:54 Yeah. That's awesome. When you guys are down in Miami, what's the process? Like they say, okay, we're going to do this workout. Here's what the workout is. How do they choose which athlete does which workout? I'm not sure. They had that planned before. How do they choose which athlete does which workout? I'm not sure. They had that planned before.
Starting point is 00:38:07 They just tell you which one you're doing? Yeah, you don't get to pick. I bet you you guys could have pushed back though and picked. Yeah. Well, I mean, like, one of the workouts I did, it was, like, very obvious why I did it. So, it kind of makes sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Not looking at Ryan getting all excited. I know you stay back. Oh, geez. Oh, yeah. I mean, it's a fair guess but certainly she did well can do well in events
Starting point is 00:38:51 a lot better than that what is your coach what does your coach say about this like who's your coach right now right now or prior prior to like you know like six months ago three months ago who was your coach his name is jared shaw and is jared still going to be involved in the in your programming uh probably not um no who is that is he familiar he was at He actually competed at the Games this past year on a team.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Yeah. The name Shaw sounds familiar. That's my boy. He handled it pretty great. We're really good friends. And so I asked him, I was like, hey, dude, I know we've been together since I started CrossFit. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Would you continue with yourself? Or would you go with the best of the best in the sport and he totally understood it and
Starting point is 00:39:50 um he'll still be there it's just like a he'll just he'll have a different role and he'll be at every competition he'll i mean we're like really good friends. We'll still talk like day to day, but he just won't be the dude that programs. Dude, I'm so excited for you. Very mature of you. Yeah. Is there anyone else doing this with you? Like, is there another dude or a chick who's doing this with you? I may go to Vermont sometimes.
Starting point is 00:40:27 Serious? Yeah. dude or a chick who's doing this with you i may go to vermont sometimes serious yeah have you talked to your um coach about it no but justin is still my coach justin will still be my coach um but i think it would be a silly of me to not take the opportunity to go be under the eye of the best in the world. No shit. And are both of you aware, is this the first time that, but are both you aware that I knew that Jason was doing this? Jason didn't know that I was true or false. I didn't, I didn't know you were doing what? Going to be in the room next door when you're in Vermont. Like she's going to hear you snoring at night
Starting point is 00:41:05 when you guys are at the Fraser HWPO camp. She says that. Is she doing HWPO? It sounds like Jason is your coach. Jason? Justin. Justin's still my coach.
Starting point is 00:41:18 You won't be doing it? I'll be. I will be. Not HWPO necessarily. Okay. So good opportunity to go train around you guys, train with you guys. Oh yeah. Doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:41:33 I knew that. Yeah. Doesn't matter what programming it is. Yeah. I knew that. So 100% do that. How, when? Cause I talked to Matt yesterday
Starting point is 00:41:45 oh you did I did I got along with my sister better than you guys get along yeah so Jason so explain that to me so when you go to Vermont will you drive how far is Vermont from you is it like 600 miles
Starting point is 00:42:03 or is it like more I'm not driving to Vermont. You're flying. Okay. And then so basically there's a – and is that program, is the HWPO program pro released yet? Or are you like – I don't think so. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:42:17 I don't think so. So – wow, this is crazy. This is so – Matt must be stoked. He basically has you as his second lab rat. I mean he was his first lab rat and the shit worked out good that rat solved the maze five times and and then do you think that will you do the diet too whatever what his eating regimen like the whole fucking thing and like all like sleep on the weird mattress and like have like the thing that like wakes you up in the morning with like special light and will you like follow like all that his whole yeah i'll eventually get to all that but i'm not gonna like jump in like
Starting point is 00:42:51 not getting all that today like oh i gotta do everything he did what was his uh eating was it specific snicker bars and soda pop snicker bars and soda pop i don't know i don't know if i do that part wait what is that part i've never heard of this no he just made a joke he made he he said one time that he eats a snicker bar after a workout and everyone like glommed onto it and like was trying to throw it in my face he does he does do that yeah i know he doesn't yes he does. Sevan, you should sign up for HWPO, and Matt will reply to you. That is a great, great point. That is a great point.
Starting point is 00:43:36 So are you pumped? Are you pumped, or is the shakeup like – is it all good, or does this stress you out, Jason? I'm excited. Yeah, I'm pretty pumped. I mean, I'm – I'm pumped. I'm so pumped.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I'm nervous. I'm nervous. I'm nervous. Because change is like – change is cool, but it's also like it's stressful, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I've got to where I'm at now after four years of working hard with one guy. And so just jumping ship and saying, hey, let's do something else is just risky.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Did you talk to your wife about it? Yeah, she's for it. Yeah. And when you go to Vermont, will she roll with you? Of course. And do you have a dog too, don't you? Yeah, Teddy. And who will watch Teddy when you're gone?
Starting point is 00:44:39 I don't know. Who named your dog? I adopted him. He was already named. You kept the name? Yeah. You didn't want to change it? Well, we were.
Starting point is 00:44:55 We were going to change it. I wanted to name him Murray. I just feel like I didn't want to go through the process of like calling him Murray and not responding he was sitting there he was like Murray nothing Murray yes he's jumping around he's like
Starting point is 00:45:18 I'll just sit there too lazy honestly that's how I see that going down exactly I mean I'm like a lot i tried it for a few days and it just didn't work daniel what are what are the what are the rules of engagement um that you had like for for people who like want to interview you and stuff so like we interviewed someone the other day named fees few feces coffee yeah she was awesome but basically like we couldn't it was like weird it was like we had trouble getting to her like we had to jump through the cooper hoop oh oh you had
Starting point is 00:45:52 to get to cooper we had to do the cooper hoop yeah through the cooper hoop and then um but with you we don't have to jump through the cooper hoop is that what is the did you break the rules like are you not supposed to engage directly with the paparazzi like us? I do because honestly, I'm already so hard sometimes to communicate with that. I just imagine if a podcast was going through Cooper to me, it would just be a shit show. Like some podcasts tried to do that. They're like, okay, we'll reach out to Cooper and we'll try to set up times. And I'm like, what's the point?
Starting point is 00:46:23 Like Cooper's just going to message me and be like, are you available and i'm gonna be like i don't know so i was just like too many people to go through right why not just like hey when are you free like what we do it's like you free at this time and i either say yes or no well i there i mean one reason might be is so like you don't so people don't have like your phone number like so that like you don't turn around and like then your phone number is like on reddit or some shit honestly you know this was the issue with my past phone number it ended up on reddit i don't know where it ended up but someone got it and i kept getting facetimes of dudes jacking off wow like real like like like hello and there's a dude with his cock in his hand like i'm like oh
Starting point is 00:47:06 just sitting waiting to get my nails done and i see someone's trying to facetime me and then it's a dude jacking off wow and then what do you do you just hand that to your boyfriend and you're like hey it's for you hey it's for you show everyone in the nail salon show all my girls oh shit look what's happening and then uh yeah and then luckily i mean i had to get a new phone because it broke so i just saved i just kept the new number you know i asked i asked rich one time um god this is probably like after he won the games the first time i'm like hey do you get any weird solicitations and i think he did get an off he i think he told me i think it's on video somewhere we posted he did get an offer. I think he told me. I think it's on video somewhere. We posted it. He did get an offer once to masturbate on a porn site, like just masturbate
Starting point is 00:47:51 himself on a porn site. That was one of the offers that came in. Did you get that offer yet, Hopper? Does 19th Place get that? No, I didn't think so. I should ask Matt how many times he's gotten that. Matt put it out somewhere that he got a weird request for something like that like like a for like a porn site i think it was like something with his feet or something matt probably has so many pubes you can't see his penis just like why are we talking about this just just just common sense just common sense talk biology just biological conversation i do think that um it's you know it is a like what happened to jason this year is a it's a strange thing like he said he's been four years working towards something and this year he
Starting point is 00:48:36 did well enough that now he has all these opportunities and as an athlete i think it's difficult sometimes to assess like you get invited to miami invite to vermont he's going to do that competition in south carolina he got invited to rogue that's four commitments in like a eight week time period that can be like a lot of like how do you how do you manage what do you choose to say yes to what do you choose to say no to hey thank you for redirecting the show in a good place and that's what um if chase was hosting this he could have done it all himself i think i think what you bring up is a totally valid point i i if there's only one concern i have about jason that he's going to stretch himself too fucking thin it's the same concern i had these both these people have dogs danielle has a new boyfriend
Starting point is 00:49:19 jason's moving houses he's going to travel back to vermont they're fucking themselves they're they're going to be the net they're they're caught up in their fucking like i don't want to say they're caught up in their instagram but they're being pulled in too many directions meanwhile you're seeing professional fighters who are 32 years old who've never had a cell phone and never had a boyfriend and they're winning national championships and these two knuckleheads are like being split into 100 different directions i agree with you brian if that's what you're alluding to. Oh, sorry, guys. Brian's answering his phone. Are you guys spreading yourself too thin? I don't the games. Even till, what, 2020, I didn't have a coach, and I made it to the 2019 and 2020 games without a coach.
Starting point is 00:50:12 And then I had to make a decision in 2021 to move to Vegas and take that risk. I would have moved apartments and got a dog if i would have been last in my semi-final but i do i and then you know the reason why i'm thinking about and i wonder it's like what's what's more difficult is it more difficult that four-year journey to get to the games to place in the top 20 or is it more difficult to get from 19th or 11th to the top three where you want to be? I think for sure to get to top three. I have no idea. Well, yeah, we'll find out.
Starting point is 00:50:59 And it's interesting because all these opportunities coming your way are things that a year ago you would have been like, hell yeah, I want to do that. Let me do all of this stuff. But now you're like, man, I know how close I am. And I know what is still ahead of me in terms of that journey. And yes, I want to do these opportunities because they're amazing things that I might not ever get another chance to do. But what's the trade-off? And you think back, I think back to someone like, I think it was BKG the first year of Rogue. Like he said, you know what? I'm not going to Rogue. I know there's a ton of money there. I know there's a ton of opportunity there, but I want to make the podium this year at the Games. So he skipped that opportunity,
Starting point is 00:51:27 and he did make podium that year at the Games. And sometimes that's what the tradeoff is. Is it that severe sometimes of a choice? There's a reason the killers are dominant. They were recluses. Rich and Matt were hermits. Jason needs to be the same. The cowboy at home, Jason T. Watkins,
Starting point is 00:51:43 from the comments section. I mean, I think there's a lot of value to that. Jason's like, great, I came on here to be coached by fucking four numbskulls. Great. And the internet. Fuck. Thanks for having me on. Jason, if you want coaching, just come on this show and I will have the internet coach you.
Starting point is 00:52:07 The internet's undefeated honestly undefeated but I do you know even this what do you think about this Brian even the fact when he says he's going to go to Vermont or when she says she's going to go to Vermont I think to myself okay let's say they make six trips there
Starting point is 00:52:21 between now and when the games happen right and each of those trips takes two days away from their training, two travel days. And I'm just like, that's 12 days gone. But think about how much you gain in the days that you're there. Right. Okay. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:52:42 It's not an easy choice. It's not a clear path and you know in the case of Jason like this was his first year making the games personally I think that he should take all the opportunities this year see what happens and then the next season if it wasn't what he wanted then maybe reevaluate and say okay this year I'm gonna be very selective with what I choose to do outside of my my main of anything that comes in the way of achieving my main goal. Did you ever consider moving up to closer to him,
Starting point is 00:53:10 Jason? No, not really. And, but, but then may, but then maybe after this year, like if you take third this year,
Starting point is 00:53:21 then move like, I would have to see how, I would have to see how this whole like the plan goes danielle you're 27 25 oh 25 okay so you're basically the same age for some reason and you don't i wasn't going based off on what you look like i was just thinking of the fact of how many times you qualified for regionals and didn't go, and I'm like, oh, she must be older. Okay. Well, shit, so you guys both have, how much time do they have, Brian? Plenty. Yeah, I think if, I mean, I do think that it'll be harder and harder
Starting point is 00:53:55 to qualify older and older as the years go on, but I would say at least eight years each if they want. Eight years? Yeah, 31 and 33 for men and women. think you'll always be still able to to make it at the games if you're you know if you're diligent and about what you're doing and meticulous in uh your lifestyle choices primarily i mean training they'll always love to train and be there but you have to keep the lifestyle in check i think and then carrie's what 32? Chris Sieramo's 32. I didn't know that. 33? Yep.
Starting point is 00:54:27 And then the landscape's always changing too, right? In terms of qualifying and going to the games. We'll see. I mean, it's always possible that they'll settle into something that's more predictable, but yeah, that's always a possibility. Yeah. Someone said traveling like that hasn't really worked for Chandler. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Jason T. Watkins says, does he travel a lot? And it's hurt his game performance, you think? I don't think he travels a lot. I think he just made a move. He moved. I think over the past couple years, he's been that guy that you'll see show up. He's training with this group of people for a period of time in that group. I think part of that was just his job, had him on the move a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:55:04 But I would say that overall, if you look at the athletes that are consistently showing up in the top 10 at the games, they do have a pretty solid foundation. Ben Smith, you know where you're going to find him. Scott Panchik, you know where you're going to find him. Annie Thorisotter, you know where you're going to find her. Yes, they'll do some things here and there, but for the most part, they're in the same place doing fairly similar things year to year. Jason, someone wrote in the comments, Andy wrote, Hopper, do you think any of the first string, I don't know what this stands for, WR at Clemson can compete in CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:55:35 What's a WR? Wire Searer. Oh. No. No shot. Will Clemson beat Georgia this weekend? No. Yeah. That's a big game week one. Oh, no shot. Will Clemson beat Georgia this weekend? No. That's a big game week one.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Oh, no. They'll handle them. Logan Mayfield, everything you write is contentious. Justin won the games without being a hermit. Stop making blanket statements. Stop telling me how to do shit. Go get your vaccine. Go get quadruple vaccine.
Starting point is 00:56:06 He's friends with Justin. Who,gan is i know that guy logan he needs to get quadruple vaxxed and super glue your mouth shut hey uh jayden says savon be fair just because you're getting coached by matt doesn't mean you're going to be the champ hey i i don don't really know that, Jaden. I'm telling you, like, we know Hopper is an incredible piece of clay, and we know that what Matt did is a lot of discipline and structure. And, like, if Jason can get that on his clay, man, dude, this dude could be unstoppable. And that's where all the excitement is around Jason, right? I mean, it's just this, everyone sees it. It's just potential just pouring off the fucking guy.
Starting point is 00:56:54 And we know what Matt did, and it's very unique and very impressive. Help me, Brian, defend me. I think you're right. I was contemplating a question earlier in the comment someone asked me if i would rank jason second again next year which obviously is not really relevant at all at this point yeah second with a zero after it i don't i don't want you to put me in the top 10 next year brian you don't you know he wants to be an underdog. Just go do your thing, and then we'll see what happens. I am thinking of after
Starting point is 00:57:27 Guadalupalooza, I might do a preseason rankings coming into the open season. It might be fun. I'll make sure that you're outside the top 10 of that. Just know, I talked to a few people this weekend in Miami, and they did not like me being ranked above them on your list.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That was pretty amazing. they did not like me being ranked above them on your list. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was pretty amazing. Logan, it's people like you in the comments that make this show good. But that's great. That's great. That motivated them, obviously. So good for them.
Starting point is 00:57:59 Yeah, so if we can prevent that from happening again, let's make it happen. I just love it that his ranking did that, though. Isn't that great? He was pissed. Who was? Justin? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Yeah. Oh. He told me as much. It's fine. I'm going to say I was a tenth of a percent responsible for his excellence that weekend. Hey, what do you think, Daniel, of all the people? Did everyone get along there? You don't have to give me any names, but from your perception, I know that Jason's just too laid back.
Starting point is 00:58:32 He doesn't know if someone hates him or loves him, but an astute, an astute and wise person of life and the struggles of life, were there any people there who just weren't getting along? Like you could see, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Like you could see there's just underlying tension and hate. Like, just like, like we're there. Between me, between myself and anyone else. No. But you did see like, like, like without giving names, like you could see that like whether Jason and Madaris were, feigning friendship or whether they really hated each other. Like, you could see all the nuances. Yep. You could see whether Matt was really Hopper's friend or if he just saw a big dollar sign over Hopper's head.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Like, you could see all that shit. Yeah. Yeah, I bet you're so good at that. She could. Dude, I'm telling you, this girl, she's an alley cat. Like, she knows shit. I know more than you think. She knows shit.
Starting point is 00:59:29 She couldn't. Stefan, you see who's in the comments saying hi to us? Who? Lillian. Oh, yeah. Lillian Fuentes. You know, when you said that, one of my favorites. Jason, Danielle, Lillian Fuentes is a videographer out of California.
Starting point is 00:59:46 If you ever get a chance to work with her, you should. She's the sweetest, most talented. Drop her Instagram. Drop her Instagram handle. She's rad. She was at the game. She's working with CrossFit now at a lot of their big events, but yeah, she's great. Oh, awesome.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I met her on Instagram. She said, hey, can I come work an event? I said, sure. She showed up at regionals with her camera and this i don't know what year this was 2016 i think it was 17 because 18 she came back was her second year and she basically just came to i don't know a half dozen regionals with me and work for free and just grinded now she oh my gosh yeah she's a shit that's oh and her dad i think her dad's a, her dad's a, what's the head of the, like if you have a church, what are you called? Like a priest? Conductor? Pastor? I think her dad's a pastor. A pastor?
Starting point is 01:00:35 Yeah. I'm not a Christian, but all the Christian people I meet are such nice people. Well, Bailey. Bailey is a, she doesn't like to call herself religious but she believes in a higher power very nice very nice yeah nice people i think it's because they're scared because they know their dad's always watching it's like they're terrified so they're such good people she played what golf in college so she was a i want to say she said she was a basketball player went to college and then just started golfing on the team well keith put a like a video up i think on his instagram of her hitting hitting a ball and and it looked like wow she's actually got a good swing yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:01:16 looked solid better than mine so toby buckland just made this crazy post and then let's go back and talk about golfing i've never heard of golfing as the transfer sport to crossfit but um it says shag mary kill and then it says carry danielle bethany does that mean he wants to shag carry mary danielle and kill bethany i mean what the fuck kind of post is that? Oh, he... Oh, my gosh. I think he's asking a question. I don't think he's labeling them as anyone in particular. Oh, okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Oh, I wish I could see these comments. You can. You can. He would be offended, though, if he wanted to marry you? How do I see these comments? He said he'd just shag me. No, no, no. No, no.
Starting point is 01:02:07 You are the Mary. Carrie's just... He sees Carrie as just a piece of meat. I don't know why he'd want to kill Bethany, but you better bring her fucking back, because she'll beat your ass. Yeah, I married Bethany. Damn. How are your girls doing?
Starting point is 01:02:23 How is everyone's, like, they got sick at the games, they got the old COVID. How is everyone doing? I think we're good. We're all pretty, like, much doing our own thing. Like, Carrie started training pretty early. Like, she hopped back into training. Bethany, I believe, is starting, like, soon. Like, next week, I think.
Starting point is 01:02:42 She'll hop back onto full programming. So we're kind of just, like, all, you know, in our off season separated from each other. And then did you ever get it? Did you ever come down with COVID? No. Did you ever get an antibody test? No. Okay. I haven't even like felt sick at all. So you may have had it and you were just asymptomatic and you don't even know you haven't taken an antibody test no yeah awesome we're we're trying to get um bethany on i don't know if we're trying to get carry on if we're not we need to be i think did we get a date for bethany i think we had one but then it got pushed back okay is she very organized i feel like she's very um conscious like of her time is she a cooper girl yes and
Starting point is 01:03:28 curious okay well that makes sense we gotta we gotta jump through the cooper hoop i'm reading all the comments for them oh you're a good dude hopper i put it up on youtube there's so many comments savannah you're not asking me. Oh, I know. He's like asking questions. Interview me. Make me feel special and important. I just need to address some of these comments and you're not letting me. Let's do it. Well, the thing is, Jason,
Starting point is 01:03:54 is when I ask you a question, you answer with like two or three words, the minimal words, yeah. And so like I'll give you an example. Like if I say to Danielle, how was Miami? She'll be like, it was great. There were a lot of people there. The weather was great. I got some you an example. If I say to Danielle, how was Miami? She'll be like, it was great. There were a lot of people there.
Starting point is 01:04:06 The weather was great. I got some new bathing suits. My shoulder was a little bugging me a little bit, so I didn't get to do some of the workouts. But I love seeing Jake Marconi get fucking his ass tossed off the mat by Magaris. And I'll be like, whoa, great answer. You're fucking great to have on the podcast. And if I ask you, how was Miami? You're like, oh like we were in Miami
Starting point is 01:04:28 where's the football HWPO it was awesome I just think some of the some things aren't aren't necessarily like don't need to be said like why mention the weather why mention the shoulder tan? You sound like Laura Horvath.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I think it's Horvat. Horvat. No, you're competitors. My goodness. All right. Horvat. Even Brian messes up her name. You get a pass, Danielle.
Starting point is 01:04:58 You get a pass. One comment said that I wasn't friendly at the games. Oh, I don't see it. Okay let's give jason a little attention here jason hopper hey did you make that meme of jason that you sent with the baby and i did dude that is ryan that's her cue that's her it is so good she's been she's been an entire day doing oh. Oh, I did. Oh, yeah. She wasted 24 hours trying to compare me to somebody. You're right. Are you not liking the pressure? What I'm hearing from you, Jason, is that you don't like the pressure that came the first year.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Ideally, you'd like to not have that much pressure going into next year's games. It didn't really affect me. I just wasn't the fittest in the world like there was a lot of there was just a lot of hype around me after i won the map and i don't think it was just that you won the mac it was how you won it it was how you were winning events as the people you were beating i think jason had a lot of hype for himself too what do you mean i When I won the Mac. Like FaceTiming you naked, like stuff like that? You mean that kind of thing? No, like what did Justin say you were saying, Jason?
Starting point is 01:06:13 Oh, all these workouts are good for me. Did you think all the workouts were good for you? No, I thought the ones that were released before the game started were. I see what you're saying so people are believing him and then he instead of saying well we'll see he's like yeah that you're smart to believe in me i'm gonna fuck these workouts up i'm the shit like that like so so he ran with it a little bit you're saying okay that's fair so me okay yeah yeah yeah, I don't know. You know, we should, we should, we should have got Justin on here. We should have got Justin on here.
Starting point is 01:06:49 He's Justin's coming on the show Sunday. Oh, love it. So it's, it was, it was, this, what it was like with her hopper hopper the entire week.
Starting point is 01:06:58 It's just, she's just grind. She just slowly like it, like it. She's like, just slowly eating away at you. Hopefully he'll come on Sunday. Last week, we were supposed to have someone on Sunday. It didn like it. She's like, just slowly eating away at you. Hopefully he'll come on Sunday. Last week, we were supposed to have someone on Sunday.
Starting point is 01:07:07 It didn't show. That's right. That's right. I think Medeiros is going to. And you know, it's funny. So we scheduled, we tried to schedule. Justin Medeiros is watching this 100%. We tried to skip.
Starting point is 01:07:24 I asked Hopper if he'd come on the new show, and he's like, no. And then Danielle was going to come on this Sunday, but we didn't hear back from her. So yesterday I told Matt Souza, the producer, I was like, dude, push her off a week and get someone else. We can't wait. We can't have her fucking flake on us again. But you really didn't flake on us. In your defense, you were cool. It was a time zone error, and a lot of people have made that mistake.
Starting point is 01:07:47 I was actually surprised you even committed to that, knowing that you were traveling. Well, I was stoked because I was just going to have Jason hop on with me, and it was going to be fun. It was going to be a surprise two-guest appearance. I was excited. You think I wanted to be on the Savant podcast while I was in Miami? Hopper, did you use the underdog mentality as fuel at Clemson as a walk-on? I asked you because you get a lot of attention after
Starting point is 01:08:13 the Mac. It's a good question. Jason Watkins. Yes. I like being the underdog. So when Brian started hyping me up, it was my downfall. So thanks, Brian. I thought we were friends. Don't put me in the top 10 next year.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Come on, man. You got to be stronger than that. Don't let my rankings affect you too much. It doesn't affect me. It affects somebody else. For their good, so don't do that are you um does it feel different do you feel different this year already at this at this time last year do you feel bet like you feel better fitter smarter wiser in a better place this year than you did last year like are all the metrics going in the
Starting point is 01:09:02 right direction yeah i think last year this this time last year, it was, I was really motivated at this time last year because I missed out on my sanctional and then I just saw they, I watched the games. And so it was, it was very, very motivational for me at this point last year. So very hungry. And so by the same time i'm i still feel the same way now and so i'm excited and what do you mean you still feel the same way now motivated or feel like you can still dominate what do you mean both like i'm excited i'm excited for what the future
Starting point is 01:09:39 holds and the things that were your weaknesses that the game this year do you do you have outline plans to attack them yeah like very specifically like hey i'm going to do handstand walks over obstacles every monday at 3 p.m like how specific is it well that's not really up to me wow okay and who is the guy at the hWPO that you'll be working closely with? His name? Matt Frazier and Jake Marconi. Wow. And basically, even though Danielle's trying to pretend like she's part of that too, we know she's not because she's still – she's just not. She's just pretending. She's not. Is there anyone else? Not that I know of.
Starting point is 01:10:32 Wow. This is, like, so exciting. And is there – are you guys going to share this with the world? Is there going to be filming and reporting and documentation of this whole process? I wouldn't think so. I mean, unless they, when I go up to Vermont, they have someone filming. But apart from that, I don't plan on showing people what I'm doing or whatnot. Well, it could even be released afterwards, right?
Starting point is 01:10:59 No, I'm sure it will be released. The HWPO Pro. Don't rank me in the top 10 coming from the same guy who was like, I'm undefeated on the Sebon podcast prior to the games, Josh Nesbitt. Who was that? You don't want me reading from the comments. Who was that? A gentleman named Josh Nesbitt.
Starting point is 01:11:22 I like you, Josh. No, no. Let me rephrase what I said. The only reason I don't want to be in the top 10 isn't because, for my sake, it's for the person who used that to his advantage. Right. I don't care if you put me in the top 10, but I know that pissed somebody off, and he and I win, so don't do that again. I think he was less pissed about where you were and more pissed about where he was. No, he was pissed, dude.
Starting point is 01:11:51 We talked. We had an hour conversation. He's going to listen to this podcast later because he's listened to all of them so far. Well, next year I'll put everyone where I think they belong. I'm not going to take his opinion or yours into consideration. I'll just everyone where I think they belong. I'm not going to take his opinion or yours into consideration. I'll just take your performances. Brian's talking all tough now.
Starting point is 01:12:09 When fucking Justin shows, knocks up at his apartment door in Chicago, fucking and Brian looks at the peephole. He's going to run to his computer and move that shit around. Hold on, Justin. Come in. I mean,
Starting point is 01:12:20 hold on. I don't know what he wants. I mean, he had a great, great result. The best result he could have hoped for. And I've wants. I mean, he had a great, great result. The best result he could have hoped for. And I've said publicly since then, until someone beats him, he's the guy to beat right now. He's the champ.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Show some respect, Brian. Put the rankings the way Justin wants them. Matter of fact, you know what? Before we release any more shows like that, Brian, send over all your paperwork to Justin. Ryan's not going to like that. Usually Ryan's the only one who gets to see him before the shows i referred to him as the champ the whole weekend so wait how did fraser feel about that he wasn't around but i called justin i think he got so aggravated that i kept calling him the champ that he was like i think he'd also get aggravated when you would say
Starting point is 01:13:00 that you're gonna beat him i would say that you're going to beat him. I did say that. Hey, do you think he's going to beat him, Brian? Just off the top of your head, do you think he's going to beat him? Do you think Jason's going to beat Justin? What event? At the games next year. I think the guy who took 18th this year is going to beat the guy who won this year. Too early to say.
Starting point is 01:13:24 I'm excited to see what happens at rogue there's going to be a really really competitive field at rogue it obviously will be less events in the games but i think um yeah we'll see how the offseason goes and then see brian this is where you get me into trouble right here this is this is where what you piss off the you piss off the the wolf i'm not going to answer a question about next year's games 10 months away. You just need to say no. There's no shot, and it'll be all right. Jason, why don't you want Justin pissed?
Starting point is 01:13:53 Why does he scare you so much? He doesn't scare me at all. I'm just saying I don't want him to have any sort of advantage. Fuel? That's not an advantage. Like you said, fuel. If he has fuel,
Starting point is 01:14:07 then he's going to be better than if he did. If he didn't have, find some fuel for yourself. I have plenty of fuel. 19th. That's plenty of fuel. Well, don't be so worried about Justin then.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Not worried about him. I just don't need him thinking. Do you think he's going to make any trips up to Vermont? Yeah. I mean, he's boys with Matt. That doesn't bother you that you guys are both getting advice from the same guy? No. We have different strengths and weaknesses like we're very like everything he's good at
Starting point is 01:14:48 we're just very like opposite guys and so like the advice he's going to be getting is like something i probably don't need as much and then the advice i'm going to be getting is something he probably doesn't need as much. At least in the realm of physical training. Does Fraser, do you think spending time with Fraser helps you out in terms of a mental approach to competition or workouts or training? In a similar capacity to the physical? Or is there one that's more important for you than the other, spending time with him? I think both are pretty equal.
Starting point is 01:15:30 We hung out at the games before the games a lot and then during the games. And most of that, I mean, he wasn't going to be able to help me physically during the games. And so much of our conversations were around like the mental approach. And so, yeah. John George, Brian is crushing it. He's very smart mentally it's a tight ship right there's no like there's no leak that's the thing with fraser there's no leaks there's no holes in his boat yeah you don't even know if he's smart or not smart because that
Starting point is 01:15:57 thing is a fucking safe i mean he is a guarded he yeah that thing is a safe oh someone said something interesting. He's sabotaging Jason. That would be awesome. Jason, I bet you if you took a hit of weed or ate some mushrooms, you'd get some paranoid delusions. That fucking Matt is actually trying to sabotage you for Justin Medeiros. Just take a big bong rip and let's talk about that. One person in the comments said that he talked to a games athlete
Starting point is 01:16:25 and they said I was unfriendly. He's really dwelling on that one comment. Anyways, I got to go. I got to go to coach classes. It was great seeing you guys, Savan. Really? Hi, Brian. I'm so happy to do that.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Thank you, Brian, for being smart. And Jason's bummed because you were giving him more attention than you were giving Danielle, and now you're leaving. So it's back to the Danielle brand issue. Are you really leaving? I have to go. I'm sorry, guys. I got a class at the gym. There's no one else there.
Starting point is 01:16:54 I got to go open up. Why didn't we start this earlier then? Because I came from a class to this podcast. I prefer to start at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. But great to see everyone. See you around. Bye, Brian. Jason, were you mean to people at 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. Great to see everyone. See you around. Bye, Brian. Jason, were you mean to people at the games?
Starting point is 01:17:10 Is that correct? Are you saying that that's correct? Yeah, I am an asshole. Don't ever talk to me again. Or are you saying that, hey, come on, be cool. I'm nice. I was not mean to anybody. I wasn't really talking to many people.
Starting point is 01:17:22 I was in my own head most of the time. It's kind of a weird place to judge someone on their behavior yeah i know like geez right um ask dan ask danielle how many times i've crushed her in card games this weekend so wait i will one second someone just said i'm waiting for brian to walk out the door behind Danielle. That would have been crazy. You saw me close that door at the beginning of the podcast. Oh, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 01:18:01 What card games did you play and were they competitive? And did Danielle ever beat you? We played two games that I was introduced to that I learned. I learned one of them as well. Okay. She learned one of them. I learned both of them. And one of them was Exploding Kittens.
Starting point is 01:18:18 You ever play? No. You ever play? And then Monopoly Deal. Monopoly is like Monopoly, but it's in card game form. Wow. It's really fun. Both of these games were equally amazing. Really fun.
Starting point is 01:18:33 But I would say they brought out who you are in different ways. So if you lost in one game basically what he's trying to say is during exploding kittens um there was many ways to cheat there's obviously many ways to cheat in games and it showed us that jay's gonna call me really really believes in the mentality of if you're not cheating you're not trying whatever that stupid quote. Are you calling me a cheater? Oh, remember when you grabbed me just straight up, looked at Justin's cards and grabbed him
Starting point is 01:19:12 and looked at it and then stole it? I did not. I did not do that. Alright, so we played a total of six times. Danielle, how many times? We played way more than six times. Danielle, how many times? We played way more than six times. Okay. Go on with your story.
Starting point is 01:19:30 I'm listening, Jason. I can't tell you the truth because she's going to shoot down everything I say. Okay, you played six times, and the games bring out different characteristics of the people. Yes. I saw Danielle when she gets pissed over card games dude it's like i'm gonna leave the room pissed like she got mad i'm competitive i don't like losing hey is she equally competitive with the men as the women you know like some women are just like really fucking competitive
Starting point is 01:20:02 with men it's like jesus like everything is like about sex like man versus woman it's about oh no i'm not like or is it she just wants to equally beat down everyone yes i'm not like the latter the latter power okay good i prefer the woman who likes to beat down everyone um uh so so what happened so but you you won and she couldn't handle you beating her, Jason? No, it wasn't Jason. It was just there was some cheating. There was some inconsistency
Starting point is 01:20:33 in rules that just really bothered me. So it made me pissed because it was affecting my performance and whether or not I could win or not. Who taught you guys the games? I already knew the Exploding Kittens, but Tola taught us the Monopoly one. and whether or not I could win or not. Who taught you guys the games? I already knew the Exploding Kittens, but Tola taught us the Monopoly one.
Starting point is 01:20:53 Siobhan, Tola was my favorite guy out of everybody there. Did we see a picture of him, Ryan? Tola? He's, um... I like Tola. What is he? What's his ethnicity? No idea. Sounds like some Islander name tola is it islander i
Starting point is 01:21:08 don't want to i don't think it's islander did he wear a sand skirt it's like african didn't he say that it's not it's not i don't think it's armenian no idea forget someone asked is tola a guy or a girl i I'm pretty sure Tola's a dude. He trains with the underdogs crew. He trains with us. He's from Boston. Oh, isn't that interesting? So the person you were most contentious with, Jason, was Danielle,
Starting point is 01:21:40 but the guy you liked the most. Oh, yeah, that guy's on the demo team, right? Yes. Oh, he was, yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah, I heard good shit about him i'm so awesome but you liked he oh thank you paul i think he's an islander yeah uh i mean that sounds like an islander name um so you liked tola the most of everyone there and danielle the least of everyone there yeah you could say that that's fair really you were my favorite jason
Starting point is 01:22:06 you can't win dude you can't even pick a fight with her dude she's lying i'm not when i got home i was so stoked i said such nice things to you before you left and you just want to forget about all of it. That's crazy. She called me the most immature there. She called me a baby. Oh, I did? A baby. Did I call you a baby?
Starting point is 01:22:34 She said this right here. I won the game and then it was supposed to be me up first. And she said, Tola said, let the youngest or let the the youngest go first and i wasn't the youngest one justin is and she says let the most immature person go first and then she said me go the person who acts the youngest yeah that right there right there hey what did you say what'd you say at the end of the game? You don't know. I don't know what my favorite Danielle is when she's really competitive and mad. Or what did you say?
Starting point is 01:23:11 Do you remember that comment? You were like, I don't know what Danielle I like better. Oh, I said, this is what made her leave the room. I beat her. She left the room? She got, yeah. She left the room after this comment. I said, I don't know what i like better
Starting point is 01:23:26 me winning or danielle losing and she got pretty mad and she was out it's too bad you guys aren't competitors it would be that would be awesome oh my goodness because when she when she loses it it's very evident. You can see she gets mad. Hey, you know who's not equally as mad? Justin. Yeah, Justin gets mad too. It was like looking at myself in the mirror. He was like, don't talk to me.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Don't push me right now. Nobody wants to push the fittest man on earth, yet everybody wanted to push Danielle that night. Oh, really? Are you guys joking or is it really serious like that? Oh, that was for real. I was getting mad and competitive and everybody was picking at me,
Starting point is 01:24:12 picking at the beast, and Justin got mad and nobody wanted to push it too far. I wasn't pushing him? Not as much as you were pushing me. You think that Jason is intimidated by Justin? me. You think that Jason is intimidated by Justin? No, I think.
Starting point is 01:24:30 No, I don't know. Wow, that's not too often you hear Danielle's censor. Come on. You heard her editor turn on for a minute. You don't get that very often. That must have been something good. That must have been something good. That must have been something good.
Starting point is 01:24:44 That must have been something good. Danielle, Brian, Jason, we're wrapping this up. Is there anything else you want to say? We've been here. I know you guys have training to do. We're an hour and 26 minutes into the show. I really enjoyed this. Yeah, I really enjoyed this. this and Jason I consider you a friend
Starting point is 01:25:07 friends I'm not buying it we'll have a round two Jason congratulations I'm super excited on the HWPO thing no shit seriously and make sure you make sure that you're nice to Danielle when she just
Starting point is 01:25:24 periodically shows up there and is training with you. We're nice to each other. All right. That's what I bought. I bought those board games. You did? You played the board games? I was going to get them for you for your birthday.
Starting point is 01:25:39 You didn't even know what my birthday was. Tomorrow. Yeah. You told everyone in Miami. I ordered them. When I left, I was in the airport. I got them on Amazon Prime, and they are in my living room. Get the expansion pack for Exploding Kittens.
Starting point is 01:25:51 I did. Good. Jason would be Justin in an MMA fight. Get Brian on the co-ed rankings. And I think that's the last two comments. Love it. Thanks, guys. This was good.
Starting point is 01:26:06 This was good. This was a good test run. Get Justin's point of view of everything on Sunday. He will, yeah. Get Justin and Jason on the same one. Okay, yeah, we should do that. Do you want to be on that one too? Oh, I'd love to.
Starting point is 01:26:20 You'll referee it? Yeah, yeah. I'd love to see it. I think he's a little aggravated with me oh no they didn't they didn't end the night well you didn't they no they didn't god i love this show this shows this we're like becoming like the tmz of uh cross it hey hey do either of you guys watch the ufc A little bit, yeah. We watched J-Paul.
Starting point is 01:26:46 Yeah, we did. But do you watch – so this weekend, this weekend, and then, Ryan, then we can leave after I promote this. There's a guy named Paddy Pimbleton, Paddy the Daddy, and he's fighting on the main card as the first event, and he's from the UK. And people are saying he's going to be the next Conor McGregor. Wow. I've been DMing with him, and I really hope he does an interview with me today i'm dying to know his background but he's from he's from liverpool and uh he's going to make an he's going to explode on the ufc scene this week or or or or not or not yeah but he's awesome yeah patty pimble pimble tim pimble tim his hair is crazy right he looks like one of the beatles He's awesome. Yeah. Patty Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble, Pimble,
Starting point is 01:27:25 His hair is crazy, right? He looks like one of the Beatles. Yeah. Patty, the baddie. Patty, the baddie.
Starting point is 01:27:31 Yeah. Love it. All right. Hopefully he'll come on later today. I hope so. Jason, thank you. This was fun.
Starting point is 01:27:38 Danielle, thank you. Did you really have fun? I did. I really enjoyed it. Let's do it again. Oh, man.
Starting point is 01:27:44 I can never tell if you're, you're, you're harder to read than me, Jason. Let really enjoyed it. Let's do it again. Oh, man. I can never tell if you're harder to read than me, Jason. Let's do it. Let's do a monthly podcast. Hey, dude, you're going to want to be on the news show. The news show is going to transcend CrossFit, and it's going to be fucking huge. I'm telling you, Hobart's the shit. Does that mean I need to get caught up on all the news? No, you don't have to do shit.
Starting point is 01:28:04 We sit there, and he'll give us like 20 news events and he just talks about him. Like he'll be like, say something like, uh, uh, the world's largest ship was just cruise ship was just made and it's set sail for the first time and it serves 3000 burritos a minute. And then like, that'll be the news article. And then we just talk about it. Danielle will be like, I love burritos. And I'll be like, I've never been on a cruise. And then we'll be the news article and then we just talk about it danielle will be like i love burritos and i'll be like i've never been on a cruise and then we move to the next
Starting point is 01:28:27 story you know covid spreads wildly over israel and i go where's israel and danielle's like you dumb fuck you don't know where israel is i mean that's the show okay all right we don't have you don't have to do shit like hobart does the work and we just chime in like know-it-alls and pundits it's so awesome all right the next one count me in jay you're let's tell you we already got madaris this week then we got danielle the following week you got went to the end of the line by telling me to fuck off yesterday jason can't fight he got beat up in high school all the time trey mitchell oh my gosh is that one of your friends please tell me that's one of your friends that is one of my friends oh good it's his it's his bachelor weekend um this weekend i actually bought those card games so i could
Starting point is 01:29:11 take them up um they were going to the mountains you should stop doing shit like that dude you went to a bachelor party a few weeks ago you're going to another one i'm telling you you are distracted and i see it yeah he wouldn't even go out with us in Miami though. So we're trying, we're training there, bro. Seth Duvall. We love Danielle. What do you mean? We Seth,
Starting point is 01:29:31 just say it. You love pussy. No, I love Seth. He's a good dude. Yeah. Just be straight up. All right,
Starting point is 01:29:39 guys. Thank you.

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