The Sevan Podcast - #182 - Haley Adams

Episode Date: October 25, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:15 you play video games right i'm not sure i'm not a big guy i'm not big on a bunch of those sites. Good morning. Sevan Matosi and John Young. The Sevan Podcast. 7 a.m. on the west coast of the North American continent. Some people call it California. Pretty pumped this morning. We have Haley Adams.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I'm going to ask Haley where she gets her nails done. And with the presupposition she does get her nails done. And John Young is going to ask Haley where she gets her nails done. And with the presupposition she does get her nails done. And John Young is going to try to make the conversation, steer the conversation to more fitness related shit. While I find out the gritty details of Haley's life. I think she should be on any second. Let me check the emails,
Starting point is 00:02:02 make sure she got the link. What if I'm just interviewing you the whole time i think you'd have less views uh don't ruin the show john let's see um um where do i check i don't text with her most people i text with on the show oh you know who oh there she is shit all i had to do was look down oh it's it's hair down hayley yeah just roll out of bed holy cow i was tripping because when i would look on your instagram and i see photos of you and then there's pictures with your hair down i'm like who's that why is that girl on here i know right because everyone just everyone just knows everyone just knows you with your hair up yeah either the braids or high ponytail it's sunday rest day so um hayley this is uh john young have
Starting point is 00:03:02 you guys ever met before i don't think so we have not um john's doing um the opposite of you he's on his cardio cycle while you're on your strength cycle cool completely different athletes and i'm way less way not better i yeah i wish I was stronger. Good morning. Haley, we've never met in person, huh? I don't think so, but obviously I know who you are. Obviously, I know who you are. Were you at the – you were a – I want to say a kid competitor.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Is that what they're called? Yeah, like a teenage. A teenage competitor in 2018? Yeah, I won in 2018, yeah. Okay. I've been to six CrossFit games. That's a lot. And then you've been to six CrossFit games? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Holy cow. Were you there in 2017? Mm-hmm. Oh, so probably our paths crossed. Yeah, maybe. But I didn't pay too much attention to the um to the the teen competition i hear audio in the background is there someone's youtube streaming simultaneously while this is going um mine might be i don't think so strike strike
Starting point is 00:04:19 strike one against john strike one i'm not sure i just entered the studio. Haley, after the show's done, maybe we can talk and you can critique John for me. You can help me decide to keep him on for future shows. This is his first solo show he's done with me. So he's going to need feedback and evaluation. No pressure. Okay. I've got some wild kitties running around here, so some might make an appearance. Awesome. Haley, what's your Instagram? I want to fix your name. It's Haley, H-A-L-E-Y, Adams with four S's.
Starting point is 00:04:56 One, two, three, four, because one S was taken. There's a lot of Haley Adams, yeah. Damn. But when I Google your name, you're like at the top. It's all your stuff. Well, that's good, I guess. Yeah, i guess yeah yeah you're making a name for yourself um is this your are you at your own house yeah just got it um i actually bought officially bought it um it was right around semifinals and then didn't move until right after the games. John, did you turn that off? I still hear it for some reason.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah, my YouTube's not on. It's just a stream. Mine's not on. This is the only webpage open. What if it was me and I had to be critiqued? Do you guys hear an echo? I don't hear anything. I hear what you're talking about it's faint but okay i can't believe you own a house already it's like a real house like
Starting point is 00:05:51 you don't share walls with anyone you have your own front yard backyard like you could have a dog or cat and you don't have to ask anybody no yeah that's that's it you know got some a little front and backyard go land yeah You did all that? Like you signed all the mortgage papers and like you went in and like, like, Hey, I need a loan. And like, I'm an adult. You showed all that shit. So my parents like helped me with all of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:06:16 Like I was trying to train for semifinals, but I'd also been looking at houses for a while. So when I finally found one, it was at an inconvenient time, but I really wanted this house. They helped me get all myself together. I showed up on signing day or closing day and had to sign my life away with 100 papers. That's crazy. Tell me how old you are again. 21, you said? I'm 20. 20. You have a house already it's a it was more of
Starting point is 00:06:46 like an investment thing like i needed to do something with my money so it was a good investment opportunity you got money to spend oh lord sorry your eggs are ready your eggs are it was rice but yeah um just being smart and try to plan for the future so it's more of like a 10 year plan i feel like who helped you with that what do you mean like like how do you know to like invest and be smart and buy a house like why don't you buy a car and and like um double down on wax scenes and hair appointments well i mean just like people around me that are older than me and wiser. So I had some advice in that area. And I mean, I still treat myself, but like, I don't know. I just felt like it was smart and so did other people.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Well, do you have furniture in there? Yeah, I have a couch. That's perfect for my first question oh so i i have these people visiting me at my house this weekend like friends like it's a college friend from a long time ago that a lady and her two kids and her husband and i really like them that they're like dear dear friends right i've known them for like over 20 years i'm old and the but i'm friends with the wife right and the husband has just come along like in the last like 10 years right i just so they're visiting and yesterday i am uh in my kitchen making a cup of coffee and i look over
Starting point is 00:08:15 and he's laying on my couch reading a book with his feet up on over the arm with his shoes on so like over the side of the couch yeah like over the armrest so like the backs of his of his boots are on the armrest and i'm looking at that and he's drinking coffee in there and like i don't drink coffee in there because it's like there's an oriental rug in there that like my mom got from her mom and he's pulled over like a bench from the dining room table that he's using as a coffee table to put the coffee on. And he just made himself at home. And I'm just watching. And my OCD is like firing up and shit.
Starting point is 00:08:53 And like I'm getting all twitchy. And then I see he's curled up his outside leg so that his boot is on my couch. Oh, no. Oh, good. I'm so glad you said that yeah um i said something no i eat on my couch but that well it's your couch you can eat on it i eat on my couch too but i don't i don't take coffee out there over the white rug but um so i said something i said uh hey dude get your get your shoe off the couch.
Starting point is 00:09:29 But I really wanted to say, dude, are you a fucking dog? Yeah. Like, did you not have parents? Like, I just wanted to just go in there and berate him. Yeah, I'm very, very organized with my stuff. I don't like anything out of place. All my stuff's always folded. Nothing's on the counter.
Starting point is 00:09:48 So in that area, I totally get that. I don't really like a mess anywhere. So if Richard's at your house and he put his, and he would never do this and he put his boot up on your couch, you would say something to him? Uh, Mr. Froning, can you get your shoe off my couch? Probably. Yeah. But my cat scratched on my couch, so I'm not really sure that's any better so yeah i don't like confronting people like that but but i felt like this and then later on we went out um for a walk along the beach like on a path that's on the beach and he stepped in dog shit so then i told him i said hey dude you gotta now you can't bring your shoes in the house and then when we got to my house he's like hey i clean my boots off my god i don't care yeah that's nasty no all right i feel better yeah no i'm the same way i don't like stuff on my counter i don't like anything out of place i yeah no it just doesn't fly with me and people make fun of me for it but i don't care i am how i am i like myself how i like it like in my, when I put something back, it has to be in that exact spot. It can't just be left out there. It has to be in
Starting point is 00:10:50 that spot. Or I just like, won't be able to sleep or like, let it go. You know, just better if I do it. That's how I feel. If, um, if there's like any, like if the trash cans full at night and I'm in the kitchen and I walk by, even if it's like one in the morning, I have to take it out or yeah, it can't be, I'll just be like, oh, those smells will be going in the house all day. There's no need for that. That's exactly how I feel. Or I just like, won't stop thinking about it if I don't do it. Or like dishes in the sink. I never leave dishes in the sink. Just, it's better if I just do it. John, do you have any of these traits? These are, you're, you're hearing traits of successful people right here.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah. The closest thing to that is probably the weights on the bar in the garage gym um i me and my wife have a constant battle uh i always leave my weights on the bar and she has to take them off every single time she uh goes to work out and she hates me for it and we we've had our way we've had full-out fights just from the weights being on the bar dude she's gonna hurt her back one day putting those away i feel terrible that she is gonna and she is gonna that's gonna test your marriage yeah you would not get an invite back here if someone did that i i think that there's i think that there's more what do you think about this in all seriousness i think that
Starting point is 00:12:01 there's a more like if i went out to the garage and i'm like fuck this fucking asshole left his weights on the bar again i start to put the weights away you know when you're cold and it's 52 degrees in your garage or whatever when you're angry you're probably more likely to injure yourself too like your back will be all tight your brain will be elsewhere i choose to look at it optimistically i think it's a good warm-up. Oh. I feel you. You're a good dude. That's why I tell her. I don't know. I leave all that hair in the drain, honey, so you have something to do when you get in the shower. Oh, gosh.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So you can clean it all out. So you put 20% down, and then now you just pay a mortgage every month? Is that how you did it? Yeah. And also back to being smart part, like an apartment nowadays, a two bedroom apartment, I was paying basically what I would be paying for a mortgage, you know? So it was kind of like smart in that way, instead of throwing away rent money, you know, like that's kind of what renting is, I guess, throwing away money.
Starting point is 00:13:03 So at least I would be able to get something out of it if I'm paying the same amount, you know? Yeah, I'm horrible with money. So anytime I would get money and I would save it as best as I could. And then the second I could buy a house, I would buy a house. And then every month, every paycheck, I would spend on all my mortgages, like even pay over my mortgages. Because it's basically like saving money, right? Right. When you can pay an extra one, that's what we'll do, obviously, to get the – I'm still learning all of this.
Starting point is 00:13:32 I've put the interest down, I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. You got it? You know what you're doing? I'm trying to learn. Are you an employee anywhere? Do you get a W-2?
Starting point is 00:13:45 I have an LLC, I guess. A business. Okay, gotcha. So you pay yourself. Well, I don't really know how any of this works either. So I guess, I don't know. No, no, no, don't feel. I don't know really how any of it works either.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I'm just pretending and figuring. No, I think it was just smarter to, like, have an LLC, so. We just got, someone reached out to us, and we just got our first sponsor for the seven podcast a pretty big one yeah i was pretty excited it was pretty trippy and um matt souza was like trying to the producer the show has been trying to explain that stuff to me like hey you have to start a business i'm like a what yeah he's like and then he said that he's like, you need an LLC. I'm like, nah, I just, I don't need an LLC. I was like, what's that? What's that? Yeah. I'm trying to learn though. Today's a rest day for you. I'm going to try to rest. Yes. What does that mean? Well, sometimes I just get a little bored and get in my head and I'm like well I need to just
Starting point is 00:14:46 ride the bike or something and you know just get carried away and but I need to rest so I'm going to try to rest especially since I compete so soon so just need to try to find a distraction do you do you have any um tricks to um to help mitigate that? Like if you got on a bike, would you just be like, okay, so that I don't go hard, I'm only going to breathe through my nose? Or you'll put a straw in your mouth and be like, okay, I'm only allowed to breathe through this straw. Or I'm never allowed to go over 60 RPMs. Or do you have any like – Usually I will put music on and like if I can still like sing the music, you know, like, like comfortably.
Starting point is 00:15:29 Yeah. So you do have a trick. And that's and that's just to tame yourself. Yeah. I just honestly, I love music, too. It's kind of like my therapy. So if I can sing it, it's like, you know, I'm not going too hard and it's enjoyable. Do you think you would really injure yourself if you went too hard? Like, what if it's like, fuck it, I don't need to rest. Like, I'm just like, why, why is there this tug and war of rest and work? Well, I'm not an expert by any means, but people say that's when your muscles grow. So, or I think so.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I don't know. So that's my theory and what I try to listen to. And I don't really know. know yeah I don't think anyone feels better when they rest that's like the hard part well I don't feel better when I rest but I go back and forth like if I do feel bad Monday I'm like well maybe I should have rested or if I do feel bad Monday I did rest I'm like well it's because you rested you know so it's there's really no winning I don't know when you're a kid it's weird like they tell you don't do drugs don't do drugs don't do drugs and like all the kids at school who are like doing acid and coke and smoking weed
Starting point is 00:16:34 they're all like having so much fun and like and and the first time you I don't know if you've ever drank but the first time you drink and you're a kid and like you just you're not hung over and you get over it the next day and but they keep telling you it's so bad for you, but you have evidence every single day that it's, um, it's not bad for you. Cause you're fine. You're doing great. But then the weird thing is, is then this is like when you're 16, right? Then all of a sudden you see those people who did that when you're like 27, 10 years later, like, Oh shit, I should caught up with them. Those people are fucked up yeah so like if we don't rest i guess that could lead to injury you know like give you yeah that's what i'm
Starting point is 00:17:11 thinking that's what i'm thinking like yeah sure like when you're young it doesn't matter but maybe it does matter yeah but this is an interesting thing so after the games I took two weeks off two weeks off completely and I have a little bit of elbow tendonitis my elbows have never hurt that bad and I didn't do anything and I know with tendonitis you're supposed to like move it but I was like I literally rested them and they hurt worse than they did before and now they're fine again now that I've been training but I just thought that was like kind of interesting you know yeah Show me where on the elbow that is. It's like, I believe it's golfer's elbow. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It feels better when you warm it up, which it makes sense if it's tendonitis that when I didn't do anything for two weeks, it hurt much worse. But still, that was kind of an interesting story. That's like a pegboard thing, thing right like if you do the pegboard that thing will flare away no no so i my i'm sure everyone's seen my elbows like hyperextend a little bit they always have like in gymnastics like when i snatch handstand walk anything so it's more of like just want to do that competitive or repetitively um it just is not very comfortable on them hey one of my kids elbows does that too it's a it's a trip just one do both of yours do it or just one um one does it a little bit more than the other but they've always been like that so what's the deal when you catch a
Starting point is 00:18:38 heavy snatch is like everyone in the room every time like i mean i've never seen anyone do that but i think they've just seen it happen so many times that it's like not as normal so do you stop like john when you snatch do you just let it just fucking slam into that joint wham no i mean you hit a sticking point where everything feels super comfortable and it doesn't feel wrong or crashing at all. Not wrong, but you feel it lock out, right? Yeah. And Haley, do you have to stop it before it locks out? No, it never feels like it's unstable or anything.
Starting point is 00:19:17 It's just more of like when it's so many reps that it just like when your elbow is constantly just going backwards, it kind of hurts. But so you'll catch a heavy snatch even past, like you'll catch it in lockout. You won't like compensate because your arm goes too far back and like bring it forward a little bit. No, I don't, I don't think so. She looks normal. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:19:39 I've missed it. I don't know. I mean, and her snatch is probably one of her best lifts. So tell me, tell me, why do you you say that why do you say that john okay i mean she she got 185 at the mac and i was middle of the pack um what i mean was that a pr hayley yeah i don't recall ever snatching 185 so yeah so and 185 is you know right in the middle of everybody it's not weaker it's not stronger um at the games she snatched 175 and the girl at one spot ahead of her at 180 was amanda barnhart so i mean her snatch is you know very comparable to the rest of the field i
Starting point is 00:20:20 don't think she's weaker in that aspect where other lifts she is. Yeah, I definitely feel much more comfortable snatching. Like if there were a max snatch or heavy snatches compared to the field, I feel much more comfortable. So you're saying that the difference between Haley's snatch and her deadlift is not as much as like Amanda Barnhart's snatch
Starting point is 00:20:39 and deadlift. You're saying Amanda Barnhart or Amanda Barnhart's like back squat, for example. Yeah, the difference is way less than a snatch deadlift you're saying amanda barnhart or amanda barnhart's like back squat for example yeah the difference is way less than and then snatch than other lifts like more static lifts but i mean would you agree hayley yeah i don't have um i didn't come into the sport with a lot of like brute strength like i could barely honestly clean squat the barbell. It's taken me a very long time to build the strength that I have, which is still not great. But we're still trying and growing.
Starting point is 00:21:13 But it's just taking me a little bit longer. Is that an argument that she's a better athlete then? No. I mean, she came into the games with an elite engine. If you take it to the other extreme like amanda barnhart probably i know i keep picking on amanda barnhart but uh she probably has a very hard time building her aerobic capacity where hayley has a very hard time building her strength like different athletes well it's not even a hard time it's just it's just
Starting point is 00:21:41 late to the game a little bit relative to the other girls right because it's actually building fast isn't it i mean in a way yes like she was late to the game building a strength base for sure but i mean she was still doing crossfit when she was 14 15 i mean that's around when other girls are lifting weights too okay she's weak as a bird my bad i mean just different athletes are i mean people are different athletes. I mean, people are different. Some people lean more. Some people lean more towards strength. And Haley's aerobic capacity is like, I mean, top tier, like top three in the world. I came into the sport actually with a good engine and I did gymnastics for a while. So I had like good body awareness and was good at that stuff too.
Starting point is 00:22:25 So that kind of made up for not being so strong. I guess what I'm implying is that if you deadlift – I'm just making this up – 50 pounds less than someone, but you snatch the same amount of them, I know it's not fucking science and it's not objective. But I just think that the person who has the lighter deadlift is a better athlete. They have better technique. I would say better technique. I don't know about better athlete, but better technique for sure. I feel very comfortable snatching my technique and stuff. I think that's why I'm able to snatch a little bit heavier,
Starting point is 00:22:58 and it looks harder, but I think that's just my technique. I don't know. Yeah. Better athlete. I'm going with better athlete. You don't know yeah better athlete i'm going better athlete you guys might be right but i'm going better athlete thank you um where were you born uh north carolina lexington north carolina is that by um is that by jason hopper lives does he live in north carolina that's carolina all the same. North Carolina is the best. How about Shelby, North Carolina? Do you know where that is?
Starting point is 00:23:27 I've heard of it. I think so. I interviewed a rapper who was from there the other day. Oh. Lika Veli. Yeah, North Carolina is the best. Okay, so you're born in North Carolina. And I guess your parents are still together because you said they came and helped you buy a house.
Starting point is 00:23:44 Yeah, and I have a twin brother that goes to school and an app which is in boone yeah tell me about that like twin like are you are you guys identical twins or fraternal twins i love when people ask that question because he's a boy he's a oh so it always has to be fraternal oh Oh, fuck. I didn't even know that. It's okay. Literally, everyone asks you every time. And I have twins, and I didn't even know that.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Oh, you do? Yeah. How cool. Yeah. So you guys each had your own bag. Own bag? Like, that's fraternal twins. They each got their own, like, sack, embryonic sack.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Oh, I don't know about any of that stuff. Yeah, and then identical ones, I think they share a sack like they're identical no minor fraternal also cool i guess when my wife had them when she was uh maybe 41 or 42 but i guess it's pretty common for women when they're over 35 years old to start dropping multiple eggs it sounds like some evolutionary shit like yo girl you waited too long you're gonna have to start making two at a time yeah so my mom was 33 i think okay so kind of close to that and she dropped two eggs and she got two babies yeah that's nice do you have any other siblings no which is us wow yeah and are you guys close oh yeah we're we're very close and we're total
Starting point is 00:25:07 opposites too but um yeah the last few years we've just really gotten close and i've talked to him literally every day but does he have an instagram account yeah hunter hunter's his name right yeah hunter yeah hunter adams because when you post pictures of him i don't remember i remember thinking oh and i looking for his tags and I couldn't find you tagging him. You don't tag him. No, I tag him. You do? Unless he wasn't allowed to be tagged.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I think he's private. So maybe why. Yeah. Why is he private? I don't know. I think he just wants to be. I used to be private before I had a lot of followers. Yeah, that's the opposite of you.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Like you said, he's the opposite. Yeah, I mean, like how we live our lives, basically, like what we do, you know? Like he's, you know, just being a normal kid right now. He's got a job, and I just work out all the time and go to bed at 9 o'clock. But he's like my biggest fan, and it was really cool for him to get to experience um he got to come to the mac this year and he hasn't watched me compete since
Starting point is 00:26:09 literally 2017 when we were in that barn at the games and he was like whoa this is really different like getting to see me on the big stage so that kind of gave him a new perspective and he wanted to go to the game so bad but he just like couldn't get off of work so but i was like you're honestly i won't even get to see you so you're not gonna miss anything it's better if you just watch it online it's it must be it must be crazy um for him i'm guessing that you're 20 and you have a house already i'm trying to think i i think the first house i ever bought i was like i, I don't know, maybe almost 40. And if my wife wouldn't have done all the paperwork and all that stuff, we still wouldn't have it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I mean, I can agree with that part. If my parents didn't help me with all the paperwork and stuff, I probably wouldn't have it either. But he's so proud of me, though. Like, seriously, my biggest fan. Are you still a kid? Yes, I think I am. Yeah. At heart.
Starting point is 00:27:07 I think I need to have friends my age because I don't want to grow up too fast, you know, because I am hanging around people that are older than me. I don't have a ton of friends my age, but I do have a few close ones, which is honestly all I need. And it makes me kind of feel like my age, you know? Yeah. Don't, don't, um, even if like you see in the comments, you were like, how dare you Savon?
Starting point is 00:27:27 She's a grown woman. Blah, blah. Don't, don't listen to that kid as long as you can. It's a horse. There's no, everyone who says there's an adult is, is faking it out of necessity, but don't ever fake, don't fake it as long as you can. Yeah. And don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I do think I am a little bit more mature than a lot of 20 year olds but also i still have that side of me where i'm like oh yeah she's she's 20 you know just talking away yeah so you're born in north carolina and uh one sibling parents together and then how did were your parents athletes how did how did this whole moving and using your body and like being comfortable in your body thing start as my dad was an athlete but I mean honestly I from as far as I can remember I've played sports my whole life like soccer softball gymnastics cross-country swimming so there there's never been a time in my life where I haven't played some kind of sport and why how what did that look like like at four years old your parents were like okay Haley you're now on this swim team or you're now on this softball team.
Starting point is 00:28:28 I can remember playing t-ball when I think we were in kindergarten or first grade and then swim team just like as a kid. And then, I mean, as we got older, like we play on, you know, more legit teams. But yeah, that's just all I've ever remembered is playing sports. So go to school and your mom or dad pick you up after school and then take you straight to sports? Yeah. So if it wasn't the school sport, when I started gymnastics, my gym was 30 minutes away. So my mom would pick me up from school and we drive 30 minutes to gymnastics for like four hours and then 30 minutes home. I'd get home at like probably eight 30 every night. That was definitely a commitment, but I did love it. What did your mom do during those four hours?
Starting point is 00:29:18 Honestly, I can't remember. I think she, I want to say she stayed there sometimes and then, or also she would go home and my dad would come pick me up um because my brother was at home but I can't really remember but I think that's what it was yeah it's great it's it's that's what we parents do okay so Haley what I want you to do is I want you to get your checkbook and I want you to pay your mom ten dollars an hour four hours a day for eight years and just send that off when we're uh when we're done with the call it's crazy how much time we spent yeah think about that and all the gas and she drove you there and she loved it too like she never complained yeah would she
Starting point is 00:30:01 sit there and your parents love watching you move like when you exercise like or when you're at the games do they just are they just fixated on you so they actually don't know a ton about crossfit but absolutely like they're they're screaming they don't really know what's going on exactly just seeing who finishes first um but yeah they're they're all in do you do you enjoy watching people move like crossfit just any kind of movement like you like like when you like um i really enjoy watching people move it's like the best part of it was the best part about being on the media team you could just stare and watch people move or like if my wife's working out in the garage and i hear her start i'll just go in there maybe with my phone
Starting point is 00:30:40 or something but i'll go in there just to watch her move or like i just really enjoy watching people move or like if you're i'm not into the olympics but like you know the sprinters are going to be on you're like yeah i want to see like i want to see them move i want to see their legs do that thing yeah i guess so because i love watching the olympics so yeah yeah can you can you steal things from people when you watch them move like if you see when you when you're in the gym at mayhem and you watch are you like oh that that's what i need to be doing there has been a few times where i think of that's happened where i've seen someone you know maybe ski different or just do something differently than i've ever seen i'm like well maybe i'll try that maybe it will help me you, that has happened a few times.
Starting point is 00:31:27 It's it's, it must be nuts being there because of all the people who come through there. Huh? Yeah. It's, it's honestly, truly incredible. See how many people just drop in like every day and the incredible athletes that come through here. It's honestly really cool to witness. Are you ever in there and like someone comes in you're like holy shit i didn't know they were coming in um yeah probably honestly i can't like i said a lot of
Starting point is 00:31:52 people come through um i'm sorry my roommate's about to come home um yeah and and i get and i guess you've been doing this long enough to where also they're probably it's more the other way they're like holy shit there's hayley adams um yeah sometimes i forget though like when i'm at mayhem that i'm like you know kind of cool to people and i'm like oh geez like you know i just kind of get a little shy but because when i'm at the barn that's kind of like my safe space, you know, where I just Haley, you know, and then when I go to the gym, I'm like, Oh, like I have to be like, you know, after a certain way, not that I act any different, but I just want to make sure that, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:36 I look okay and look nice. Yeah. I get it. Present there. It's kind of your house and you want to be a good host. Yeah, exactly. In most of your, in most of the times that i've seen you be interviewed you're pretty quiet almost docile um and then i saw you in that podcast it was basically like a call-in podcast with rich's daughter and the and the two ladies from the, the four of you were sitting at a table and that's where you, I was like, Oh, that's Haley Adams. Like you were really just going for it.
Starting point is 00:33:10 You were just like, it's, it's something I've had to work on is like being able to talk in front of people and like feel comfortable or at least look comfortable, you know? Um, it's gotten way better over the years. I've been a little camera shy, but you can kind of tell like in that element where i just feel safe and comfortable that's when i really am like acting myself but it's still a work in progress and you could tell you really like rich's daughter and and and those two girls tell me their names again i had one of them yeah yeah you could tell that you guys are like family like oh yeah i love those kids so much and then getting to train with those girls this year we actually got so close and um i look forward to when the season starts back again i'm just gonna hang out with them
Starting point is 00:33:56 because they're truly awesome people too not just athletes they're really cool when the guy from the morning chocolate was interviewing you it looks like it was about a month ago. He asked, who would you go on a team with the girls? And you didn't answer it at first. And that's exactly what I thought. I go, Oh, she doesn't want to like, she has those two girls. And then she has this blossoming relationship with Mallory O'Brien. Like she doesn't want to, she doesn't want to say, and then you circle back around and you said all three. I was like, that a girl. I'm like, can we do a four-person team yeah they're all awesome i love them all yeah that's awesome in these days i bet you could do that i bet you you could enter a competition that's supposed to be um mixed sex two dudes and two chicks and you could be like no no we're going for girls and like no
Starting point is 00:34:39 one could say anything they'd be scared they'd be canceled just don't tell anyone to show up like that yeah just put a mustache on and roll yeah and win and win so so you're due so you're all is your twin do is hunter doing all these sports too swimming and all this stuff no he was more into baseball growing up um yeah he he just works out like Planet Fitness. So, you know, getting the pump session in with all the boys. Yeah, that's how I grew up. It's good stuff. So he's playing baseball as a kid, and your mom and dad are driving him around to baseball. You're getting driven around to all your sports and gymnastics. And was gymnastics primarily a girls' thing at your studio, or was it pretty mixed?
Starting point is 00:35:24 Oh, no, it was mixed. We had guys too. Yeah. Yeah. When my kid was doing gymnastics, I was actually surprised how many girls, it was like almost all girls. But when I went to a gymnastic studios in other countries, it was like almost all boys. So it was kind of a trip. Yeah. No, ours was actually pretty mixed. Okay. And, um, so then you go into junior high and you're still doing all this
Starting point is 00:35:45 and then you get into high school and is are you enjoying school are you enjoying life as a child elementary school yeah there were like a lot of different stages in my life I feel like looking back at um when I was in school but um I think I I enjoyed middle school and then high school is like, yeah. And what happened in high school? Were you competitive? Did you catch yourself being competitive even at a young age? Yeah, I was. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I was so competitive in anything I did. If it was like field day or just, oh, my goodness. Oh, Lord. Sorry. Did I go away? No, you're still there sorry yeah but i was competitive i wasn't the smartest but i always tried that was another thing my brother and i would kind of like compete in grades and stuff um but yeah things i think i just kind of entered a new phase in life when i went to high school or started high school and things just kind of changed from there and when you say just typical kid stuff like like like just hormones like just turning
Starting point is 00:36:51 into a woman like that kind of stuff no so I um freshman year is kind of like when I started CrossFit um and I kind of it was around the open so like everything kind of happened fast like making the games and I was still a freshman um so I just kind of like I don't want to say changed who I was but it changed a lot about me um and I couldn't do the same things that I could like hang out with my friends all the time and they were also just like all new to this stuff of CrossFit and I just felt like a lot the dynamic of like our friend group had kind of changed a little bit and I didn't really know how to manage that other than just, like I said,
Starting point is 00:37:31 I was training all the time for the CrossFit games as a 15 year old. Yeah. And my friends didn't know how to manage it either. And yeah, just kind of changed a lot. Were your parents, were your parents doing crossfit when you did crossfit no i'm the only one to do crossfit in my family what's the story of how you got into it
Starting point is 00:37:52 you were you were a gymnast so there was actually a crossfit gym right beside my gymnastics gym and they had these uh clear windows and every day we would drive by and I would see these women like jumping rope and doing stuff from the pull-up bar and lifting weights. And I would like beg my dad, I'm like, can you please take me? Like, I just want to try it. And one day he finally took me and oh my goodness, I just remember my fundamentals class just going ham. But for a while I was doing CrossFit and gymnastics at the same time. So gymnastics was 30 minutes away. You went to that. You didn't find a gym closer to your house.
Starting point is 00:38:29 No. There eventually was one, but I had already started and made friends and stuff at this CrossFit gym. So the first time you went for that fundamentals class, did, was it the same day you had a gymnastics? Like you did both in the same day? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I went right from gymnastics to like, I think it's the 730 finals class. Yeah. Oh, crazy. And did your dad go inside with you and be like, okay, this is my weirdo daughter, guys. I'm going to sit over here, trainer. Yeah, well, they didn't want to let me because I was 14 or 15. I can't remember. But I was like, just kind of like begging.
Starting point is 00:39:04 And they knew that I was already like an athlete so um yeah he went there and watched me he was probably honestly like what in the world is going on here because it was like ball balls burpees and I was just going to ham it's like what is this madness um what had you heard of CrossFit yeah so there were a few girls um that did gymnastics that had started crossfit that's why i was like i really want to try it i was getting a little burnout in gymnastics anyway so like i said i've played sports my whole life so i needed to have something to do so there were girls in your gymnastics you older than you or younger or same age they were old they were older than me and they had stopped gymnastics and had started CrossFit probably for the same reason that I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And so you would hear them talk. Hey, you would just be standing next to him and the girl would be like, oh, I learned double unders today. And the other one would be like, oh, I killed the handstand pushups. And you're like, wait, what's this? Yeah. So I'd follow them on Instagram and would see like their CrossFit posts and stuff. And I was like, I really want to try it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Did you know who Rich was at the time? Yeah. I remember Rich, Annie, and I want to say Camille were like some of the first people that I followed. Oh, I remember watching the 2015 games. And I didn't really know anything about CrossFit then. And I was just like, so amazed by all the women. was yeah i just wanted to do it so badly then i'm trying i'm trying to um relate to that and and i can't because i'm just thinking at 15 i would be like i just i just i guess i just wanted a car and i just wanted to hang out with my friends and like i just can't the thought of just working out. Did you have any, did you, and did you have any, have any issues getting sweaty?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Like at 15, I would have never wanted to get sweaty, but I guess you were playing sports your whole life. No. So like, I, I wasn't like just working out. It was more of like, you know, training, you know, so it is working out, but I was training for something. So it made me feel like I have a goal because I had made the game so quickly. Cause the open,
Starting point is 00:41:06 I'd come around so fast that I just felt like I was working towards something. Did you want to go to the Olympics as a gymnast? No, I was definitely not at that level. And you had no desire. So why were you doing it just because you liked moving and the kids and. I just played sports my whole life and
Starting point is 00:41:25 honestly that's a good question because I don't even really know the answer to that just kind of yes yeah and you and you don't need a reason like I think I think um I think that's one of the coolest things about CrossFit too um Dutch Lowey said this to me like in 2008 he said hey if you don't know what you want to do with your life, you should be doing CrossFit because the second you figure it out, you'll be prepared because you're a CrossFitter. Right. So you start – I guess you're in the eighth grade actually when you start CrossFit then. No, I was freshman year high school, so ninth grade. And right away, you start getting games aspirations yeah because they
Starting point is 00:42:06 announced that they had a team division and i was like oh i want to do that like i want to compete in the games and you got second yeah wow um what do you tell your coaches that at the gym what gym was it what was the crossfit gym at the time? The one I qualified of? Yeah. Started at a different gym, but then had moved to another gym to train with some of the local girls that I was telling you about. That was College Hill CrossFit. College Hill. And that's the second gym you went to? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And is that closer to your house? No, it was actually a little bit farther. Well, damn, your parents. I a little bit farther. Well, damn your parents. I could drive by then. Well, almost. I turned 16 that December after the games. So I could drive after that. It's nuts looking at your Instagram.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I went all the way back to April 16th, 2014. It's weird that you kind of look the same. You haven't changed. Those are embarrassing times nah nah not at all you're just as really like yeah you're just a younger version like you just you know what i mean like yeah you just you know less less just a younger version it's crazy yeah i i want to delete those photos sometimes and i'm like no it's kind of like i don't know you know i i didn't see anything on there that was embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:43:26 No, it's just like cringy to me at least. And I'm like, oh, I don't want anyone to see those. I shouldn't tell you this, but you know, you can archive them. No, I know. Oh, okay. But sometimes I just, it makes me laugh, all those photos. Did you see the one of me falling at gymnastics? No, but I saw the one, that epic photo of you going over that bar
Starting point is 00:43:46 no you guys watched the one of me eating it oh is it a video yeah it was a video doing what movement um i was swinging from the high bar and just completely flew off the bar like hit the low bar and then like landed on my neck damn someone and someone caught and someone caught that my mom she's like oh no she was revealing it because she tried it goes down because she's like and then it comes back up people die doing gymnastics i know i landed right on my neck like it was bad and how old were you um i'd have to look at the year but do you still have that injury oh no i didn't actually get hurt but it hurt really bad in 2018 um espn did an article on you.
Starting point is 00:44:45 When was that? Three years ago. And they mentioned in there about boys commenting about your body in high school. Is that a true story or is that just something that kind of like they had to put that in there? True story. It kind of goes back around to that like friend group that I grew up in a small town that you only know the same people for forever, you know? So, um, once I had started working out and, you know, I was posting videos of me lifting weights and just like everyone else does when they first start. And, um, yeah, so
Starting point is 00:45:16 people would start making comments. Um, some of the friends that I'd had for a really long time and just like calling me Arnold. And I honestly, I wasn't even big either. I just had posted videos of me lifting weights. I, my body hadn't really changed that much. Um, but just making comments like that or grabbing my arms and, you know, as a, and as a 15 year old girl, that's kind of the last thing that you want to happen. You know, you're still like in that phase of being insecure and just like wanting to feel pretty and like accepted and it just yeah it was a very strange and weird time just because it was the people I'd grown up with and it was a hard adjustment like like harder than um kids making fun of some other kid for being fat or like and can you still relate to it or do you look back and go what was I thinking like it's not a big deal or was it a big deal um I think
Starting point is 00:46:13 it back then it was a big deal to me because I do remember being like really sad and just like didn't want the friends I had grown up with to like look at me any differently or like you know I just wanted them to still be my friends and like come with me in this like new chapter of my life or whatever I was doing then and so yeah I can remember being really upset sometimes and sad and um it's just and being 15 a 15 15 year old girl is also just a weird time you know like you're just trying to fit in and yeah then I don't I mean now I personally could care less about what anyone back then would say to me but then I did really care yeah I guess at 15 now that you I you really do want to be liked yeah you want to be everyone's
Starting point is 00:46:56 friend and you want to be feel pretty and you know yeah but now I don't care i didn't see except for there's a picture of you with a boy and you're in front of i don't know what it is uh it looked like maybe a water slide park it's called it started with the sea what What's it called? Carowinds. Yeah. What is that? That's an amusement park that's split between the border of North Carolina and South Carolina. Okay. And is that, is that your boyfriend at the time?
Starting point is 00:47:34 Yes. And how old are you there? Are you like. What year is that? Probably 14 or 15. Okay. So that's, is that the only boyfriend who's ever made an appearance in on your instagram yeah guy gotta go delete it that guy should get a medal oh no it's such a cute
Starting point is 00:47:55 picture it's such a sweet picture and is is there have you had a do you not have a boyfriend? Do you have a boyfriend now? No. No. Do, when I was taught, was it Mikhailshin? Sydney? Yeah, you got it right. Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. When I was talking to her, I think it was her. I was so impressed at her focus because at that, I mean mean do you want a boyfriend or a girlfriend
Starting point is 00:48:29 it's not that i like don't want a boyfriend it's just like it's hard to find people like my age that understand what i do and like i have to go to bed at nine o'clock you know like and i have to i can't go out on weekends and I can't do all this crazy stuff. So it's hard to find someone that actually understands that. And I don't want to have to deal with it if they don't, you know? Right. Right. I, I, well, yeah, yeah, I can't, I'm, I'm, I mean now I can relate, but I can't, when I try to put myself in your shoes, it's so hard to relate. Cause I,
Starting point is 00:49:03 at your age I was still just like, Hey, I just want a full tank of gas and some beer and find some girls. But, but I, I, I admire, I admire that. It's just, it's, it's crazy focus. I just think also this, like a part of you probably, um, you know, we're always practicing things, right? So like now you're practicing like paying your mortgage and having a house and taking care of a house you're practicing your lifelong practice of taking care of your body and being healthy but like relationships you have to practice too but i guess i guess you do have a lot of really intense relationships they might not be the romantic kind but but just working out with people in close quarters day in
Starting point is 00:49:43 and day out at may at the mayhem empire might is also like, it comes with its own challenges, right? Yeah. I mean, because people can annoy you and I mean, just people. I'm extremely close with everyone that I see on a daily basis.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Like Tasia is my best friend. Rich is also a very good friend of mine. Yeah. Basically everyone up there but also like who doesn't get annoyed with each other sometimes you know like that just means that you're family and that you love each other and and that you care for them um but yeah i i would say it's always good to like work on our friendships and you know check in with each other do you have suitors do you have like people courting you um yes thank you i want to date me yeah do you have do you have people who are who have crushes on you whoever most romantic interest in you probably on social media some of my direct
Starting point is 00:50:41 messages but not in your um not like in your immediate sphere like there's not like a boy at the gym who likes who's asked you out like four times oh no or i just don't pay attention do you think mal and emma uh go through the same things like at 15 and 16 with people talking about their bodies yeah but i think both of those girls have a very strong head on their shoulders and that they don't honestly they probably don't care what people think because they're already so successful um so i hope for their own sake that they don't feel like that because they are beautiful and amazing. But you never know what someone's going through. So I just think it's less stigmatized now as much as it was because like you were kind of the first one as far as the younger generation goes. And, you know, everybody's kind of following your footsteps now.
Starting point is 00:51:40 So I'm just curious if it's less stigmatized now as it was then even though it was only a couple years ago right I think that's why I did feel so badly in the way that I did just because there wasn't really anyone else to relate to um back then but now um there are more people to relate to and younger girls to look up to so hopefully not hopefully that's a less common thing no someone wrote in the comments john um yeah mal is homeschooled due to those exact things i don't know exactly what they mean by those exact things but is that from people giving a hard time in high school um i don't know but she is honestly an amazing girl she's so sweet how would you give mal o'brien a hard time for anything i know oh my
Starting point is 00:52:26 gosh like from the parental view she seems like the dream kid yeah she's an awesome friend too there's a new guy at your gym i'm trying to remember his name he came from Brazil. Handsome. Yeah, that guy, that guy. Do you like him? Yeah, he's cool. Is he okay? Yeah, he's cool. He's cool enough? Yeah, he's cool.
Starting point is 00:52:54 He wrote in the comments, I'm teasing you, does she like me? Because we're live right now. Only when you work out with me sometimes. He doesn't work out with me. Go ahead, John. Were you going to't work out with me go ahead john were you gonna say something no go ahead um do you like do you do you want to work out with like when someone like that shows up does any part of you want to haze them be like okay welcome to mayhem let's get on let's get on the let's get on the bike and let me uh let's see what you got that's so funny because literally
Starting point is 00:53:22 anyone that walks through the doors, I'm like, Hey, come on, let's do this workout. And like, for some reason, a lot of people cannot tell me no, they like don't want to do it. No part of them is like, yes, but they always do it. And the first week that I was back in town, I was like, let's go. And I was making him do all these workouts and hats off to him because there was one more workout I was going to do for the day. And he was tapped out and he was like, you know what? Can't do it anymore. He got a chair and he got some Frosted Flakes and he was eating Frosted Flakes, counting my reps. And I was like, I respect that much more than someone making excuses.
Starting point is 00:54:00 But I put him through it that weekend and i swear that's why it doesn't work out yeah i want to do the hailstorm workouts um maybe you should have a shirt uh hazed by hayley maybe maybe and that's a great that's a great um that's a great concept for a video i noticed you're doing more and more videos yeah it could be hazed by hayley and you could just look at the camera and be like hey if you ever show up to mayhem this is the kind of shit you can expect yeah it's just like a 30 minute video of you just like you know after it because yeah funny when when rich is in town a lot of people seem to maybe not work out as much or come around as much but when he's gone i, I like lose my mind. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:54:46 we're going to train from nine to five. We're going to do all this, all this, all this. And so that's kind of what happened that weekend. And he just happened to be the punching bag. So I think it scared him away from working out with me unless Rich is there. Who is the de facto leader, the unspoken leader when rich is gone if rich isn't in the gym is there i don't know well he probably sends me workouts um say that again he sends me workouts so i guess people know that he sends the workouts to me and then we kind of just gather and do them i wouldn't say i'm a leader though i'm usually just like
Starting point is 00:55:31 hey y'all let's go like yeah that sounds like a leader to me yeah i mean you i mean clearly your performance and from what i hear from you and other people, your work ethic, both of those show leadership. I mean, that's basically from the interviews I've read from you that you've done and from what other people. That's basically one of Rich's strongest leadership points is that he does the shit. And I think you've commented on that. He's not just like, Haley, do this. He's like, Haley, come here. Let's do this.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Yeah. We I love that he like still trains, does all my training together. this. He's like, Haley, come here. Let's do this. Yeah. We, I love that. He like still trains, does all my training together. And also he's probably fitter than me too. But, um, yeah, he doesn't expect you to do something that he's not going to do. You know, he said in the comments, she killed me. He was so dead that day. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:56:22 That was the first time working out with him. Scared him away. Is it fun when someone like Guy comes in the gym? Like it's like getting a new piece of equipment. Yeah. Like all of a sudden you're like, like everything just, just, it's like, it's cool, right? It's like if you got a new drinking fountain. I mean, it's just inspirational.
Starting point is 00:56:39 He brings a different vibe and new energy than what we had before, you know? So everyone brings something to the table that's different and it's not exactly like this but it's tied to what i was saying earlier about liking people move you have this guy he's got a totally different body totally different levers totally different continent he came from i mean i know we're all human but you get to um yeah you get to test him out he He gets to test you out. It's a whole – it's chemical. I don't know how to – I get it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:10 They're also basically polar opposites. Yeah, we are. What kind of athletes they are. We are. That's why it's fun to take up beating on them on personal workouts. But, yeah, like you can always tell if the vibe is off or something which everyone at the barn the vibes are great and um that's what makes it so special i think um do you have can anyone come to the barn or is it a pretty exclusive club is it pretty is it
Starting point is 00:57:38 invite only like if someone was a bad vibe if there was a bad vibe would rich talk to him be like hey man you either gotta unfuck yourself or beat it i would say like you have to be invited like that's someone's house so there's not usually any bad people there because you can kind of tell before you invite someone i have a question about that um yeah hayley uh rory always loves to tell the story about you rowing a marathon and Rich inviting you after that. He tells every single time I hear him talk about you, he tells that story. When you decided to row that marathon, was the goal to be invited to the barn? No, I really just wanted to row a marathon. And actually, you know, Facundo?
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah. Facundo did it with me. Oh, they leave that part out. And actually, you know, Facundo? Yeah. Facundo did it with me in hiding. They leave that part out. I literally just wanted to row a marathon. That was it. I wanted to burn some cows, do it for myself. That was it.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And Rich came over to you and saw your split time, right? Yeah. It's kind of a blur but i think something like that let me see if i can find it here in my notes rich complimented your your row marathon and your split time and then was it like right after that like are you on the ground in a puddle after the marathon and he's like yo girl you want to start training here no so i had I was in town for a robot capacity seminar and um I went back um and then a few weeks later I got a message um asking if I wanted to be on the second team which I was excited about because I didn't think I was going to be able to make it as an individual
Starting point is 00:59:19 because that was when all the changes that happened like you know no more regionals and you have to win a semifinal so I was like no way I'm gonna make it so I was absolutely all for going on team and I especially why not go to me and that's like this team going back to this high school thing and these people who is there anyone in particular I'm not asking for their names I'm just trying to figure out how intense it was I I'm sensitive about the bullying thing because there's so much talk about bullying and like I I want to distinguish between just being if you've never been bullied in your life and then then you missed out everyone should get some bullying like we have to be you should if you've never been offended you should be offended because those are just opportunities to work
Starting point is 01:00:01 through shit at least that's what I think right mean, when I was 16 and people started making fun of my nose, I remember thinking, what are they talking about? I don't have a big nose. And then be like, oh, going home, be like, oh, shit, when did this motherfucker grow in? Because it just grows in on you. It's just all of a sudden one day it's there. Do you remember who these exact people are? Or is it like – and I use that as sort of a metric for how bad the bullying was like there was a guy in my neighborhood who was like i avoided him like the plague because if i
Starting point is 01:00:32 was walking home from school he'd try to beat me up but part of it is like would i take any of that back no like i'm i'm glad no one stopped him from that right and like i said grew up in a really small town um had the same friend group from basically elementary school to high school. So that's why I can exactly remember like who it was or what they said, just because I had known these people my whole life basically, and had grown up with them, hung out with them every weekend. Like we all would do stuff together.
Starting point is 01:01:03 So like when that started happening, that's when it like really hurt you know i'm like no i feel like i don't have any friends and um i'm like well i guess you guys think i'm weird now because i'm lifting weights and the comments that they would make and yeah so just all that stuff kind of added up it's interesting now and the truth is now they probably look at you and they're well they probably thought this then they probably liked you you and they're – well, they probably thought this then. They probably liked you. I don't think so. Yeah, they were probably – I'm telling you, boys are weird creatures. They probably thought you had an amazing body and making fun of it was like their way of like courting you, telling you dudes are fucked up.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I don't know. And isn't the irony that maybe you have one of the lesser um uh defined or muscular bodies now in the crossfit ecosystem like you're not like that's like the comment i get the most now like you're not all vascular and shit and you're just like yeah i see comments now it's like wow it's so amazing what she could do she looks so different than everyone else. And I'm like, what do you people want? Like never good enough. I mean, it's just,
Starting point is 01:02:08 it's just, it's always going to happen. It's like, it's like when you see the four door Mercedes beat the Ferrari in a race, it's like, holy shit. Mercedes really did that with the four door. It's just like, it's not,
Starting point is 01:02:19 I don't think anyone means anything negative by it. I mean, I'm trying to think, I'm trying to think if there's a bad physique at the CrossFit games. No, I think, yeah, I don't think anyone means anything negative by it i mean you i'm trying to think i'm trying to think if there's a bad physique at the crossfit games no i think yeah i don't think there is either i don't even think there's one that's less than a 10 say that again everybody is like unique in its own way it's like what mine can do is what something that the girl beside me can do you know even though we look totally different and i think that's what's so cool about the sport and like the games and just getting a look across the field is it um
Starting point is 01:02:50 is there any i guess i guess there there is some learning curve or coping because that is you are using your body you got everyone is like very scantily clad out there i mean like is there some learning curve in accepting that? Or is that just how you train is just the way it is? Like that you look different than everyone else? Just the response from the public. Like everyone is looking at you basically like naked working out. You know what I mean? That's the, that's part of the,
Starting point is 01:03:22 everyone likes obviously the capacity, but like, I mean, like, like, um, watching, um, someone do a butterfly pull-ups and watching every muscle on their back ripple. I mean, that's like, for me, that's 51% of it. It's only 49% of it's the competition and 51% of it is watching the bodies move. Is there, was there any, is there any, like like you so you come from a place where maybe like in high school some boys were making fun of you for your body but now that's all that's on display right it's like it's half of what's on display was there any like point where you're like okay
Starting point is 01:03:55 i just accept that now or does it just go away you don't even have to accept it just it vanishes do you know what i'm trying to do? That's – Because you're being hardcore objectified. I don't mean that with any negative connotation. No, I – And equally for the men and the women. We're like, holy shit, look at these bodies go. Yeah, in today's world, that's like a thing now. So, I mean, I try to like – I like to be known for like the athlete I am.
Starting point is 01:04:22 I like to think that that's why and maybe not the way that I look, but that is just a part of it too. Yeah, I don't know if it just goes away. I learned – Rich was working out at HQ one time, and he was there with Maliolo and Hobart. And I'm trying to remember what they were doing, but I think they were doing something, a pull-up workout or something that was causing their forearms and their lats to get really big. It must have been.
Starting point is 01:04:48 And I had them all flex, and they flexed their lats, and they did their forearms. And I took the picture, and I posted it, and I think Rich texted me, nice thirst pic or something like that. And that was the first time I had heard that term, thirst pic, right? When I look at your Instagram you're in you're not doing that there aren't thirst picks do you ever do you ever want to dabble that like there's some girls who that's just they've just fucking gone off in that direction yeah and there's nothing wrong with I think either way it's just it's not who I am or what I want to do. And like I said, either way, it's totally fine. It just depends on what you want. And, um, yeah,
Starting point is 01:05:29 it's just, it's just not me. You know, what's cool about not doing it is that you can still always do it. It's like, it's how I feel about really good movies. Fan duel casinos, exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 01:06:13 I don't know if you've seen it. And I remember after I saw it, I was like, fuck, I wish I wouldn't have seen that movie. It's so good. I'd always like to know that I could go see it like for the first time or get, do you have any tattoos? No. Same thing. You can always get one.
Starting point is 01:06:27 You can always get one. Yeah. Are you tempted to get a tattoo? No, I don't, I don't know what I would want. I wouldn't want to just get one. I would want it to mean something. Yeah. Someone said to me the other day they're like I can't articulate
Starting point is 01:06:48 they were making fun of people with tattoos they go yeah I don't know how to articulate what life means to me but here's a picture of it I'm like ouch John do you have any tattoos no sir holy shit three crossfitters who don't have tattoos
Starting point is 01:07:04 are you the third crossfitter careful careful john careful buddy careful you be careful too hayley no i know but yeah it's like back to instagram thing it's just it's just me you know it's everyone's different in their own way and i don't think one's better than the other and yeah yeah and maybe when you're 20 25 that's still so young and that's like five years away maybe you'll be like time time to put on that next million followers with some thirst pics and just do like a year of thirst pics I don't. I don't know about that. Don't close any doors. Just keep it open.
Starting point is 01:07:45 It's fine. Maybe when you're, okay, maybe when you're 65. Maybe. Start the, there we go. God, I hope, I hope there's still a planet
Starting point is 01:07:58 when we're 65, when you're 65. I'll be dead when you're 65. Oh, goodness. Ah, maybe not. Maybe I'll be dead when you're 65 oh goodness uh maybe not maybe i'll be 90 i'll be i'm old i'm little i'll live for a long time i'm little and i'm armenian tell me about um the the term selling your soul when i hear matt fraser talk about how he would get on the assault bike in the morning and sell his soul like i i i hate that um because i can't do that i'm terrified of that well do you really do that every day do you and tell me what that means selling your soul is like literally going to that place where you don't even know what's going on. Like your body hurts so badly.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Like you can't even think. And it just, it's a very interesting area. I don't think I do that every day. Probably every other day, just because I don't think that's very healthy at least every day. But yeah. For your body or for your mind? Both. Physically push that insanely hard but um yeah it's a very um it's the not so fun part that not a lot of people see it's not a fun
Starting point is 01:09:16 crossfit workout it's like literally the stuff that we have to do that even if you have to do it alone it's awful awful and it's not fun, but it's what's required. And yeah. Are there people who don't do that, that you train with, who flirt with it, but don't do it? Um, honestly, I don't think I've ever seen like rich roll on the ground after a workout, but he still goes really fast. like rich roll on the ground after a workout but he still goes really fast rich froning doesn't go as hard as he can hayley wow that's another t-shirt no it's a compliment
Starting point is 01:09:54 because he is like he's that fit that he doesn't have to and he still smashes everyone and just you know i had to go as hard as i possibly can and just to try to keep up and he's going even harder and but he's okay it's like a compliment how freaking fit he is well what would you say the uh win percentage is between you guys like 60 40 him 70 30 um i'm i've caught up he can still always get me if it's like a heavier barbell, obviously like more gymnastics, but I can sometimes get it. I'll take it when I can.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Going back to this thing for someone, what's some, for anyone who's listening, what's a way that they can experience this thing that we're talking about? Assault bike. Yeah, assault bike. But not even just sprints. That middle distance where you still have to go pretty hard, but it's not a sprint, I think are even worse than sprints. Can you give me some rough times and numbers?
Starting point is 01:11:12 Like just for someone who wants to get off of here, who listening and be like okay i would try that i would say even the minute to 90 second range is pretty rough and do what for three minutes like yeah like a certain rpm like it would be different for every person but depending on your level but a certain rpm for a minute to 90 seconds with not a ton of rest maybe one to one for some sets but it has to be like a hard pace you know not just casual to feel that john you you've done 80 rpms for three minutes uh once and i i don't i wouldn't want to do it again. Oh God. I ride that thing a lot every day. But it's been like probably a year to probably two years since I quote unquote sold my soul where I flirted with that. Like basically where I just can't get off the ground. And like you said, I'm not sure what's going on.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Like there's like a system shutdown. You don't need to do that though. Right. I mean, I don't, I don't, I, I, I just, I need to do it because I i mean i don't i don't i i just i need to do it because i hear you knuckleheads talk about it and every time i get on this but i have deep deep fear of it yeah it's like if you're just working out for health and fitness like as long as you're moving i wouldn't say you need to sell your soul no need for it yeah yeah just for the experience you know what i mean okay like sometimes i'll just go into the yard and
Starting point is 01:12:26 i'll peel you know peel like the first lemon i see on the tree every year like you just peel it and eat it and even though it's sour and weird you just because you gotta you gotta do it because you're alive you know what i mean what friendly fran that's a bad one and what is that what's what are the it's a three rounds yeah one pull-ups 21 thrusters with 115 oh yeah i can't do that i mean do a weight that you could do but do but three rounds of 21 straight across is so much worse than regular sure what what do you mean? It is 21. What are you talking about? 21 all across. Oh, not, not, uh, 21, 21, 21.
Starting point is 01:13:11 So it ends up being 63 of each. I do that with the PVC. So be that probably. And jumping pull-ups. Hey, that works. Um, how did you end up at, um, how old were you when you came to Mayhem and how did you end up there? Hey, that works. How did you end up at – how old were you when you came to Mayhem, and how did you end up there?
Starting point is 01:13:34 It's actually been four years now, I think. Yeah, I came in November or October of 2018. So I was 17. And how do you end up –, do your parents move there too? No. So I had met Chris and Heidi and known them for a while. And they're like. Chris Henshaw? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Sorry. Chris Henshaw and Heidi. And I was really good friends with them. And they're like, well, we have an extra room that she could live with us. Because obviously like I'm not even 18 yet. Like I don't want to like live by myself you know and that was honestly I think what made them feel better about me moving was that I was going to be living with them because they're like my second parents basically at that time so it's like they felt like I was in good hands and I was
Starting point is 01:14:18 and that was a good year that I had living with them I don't understand I um so go back for me a little bit because it's so weird that some two other adults would be like hey can your daughter come live with us how did you meet henshaw like what oh yeah so and is heidi's wife um yeah basically okay so um i the year before i had um met them at power monkey camp and um we had just kind of stayed in contact ever since and then they wanted me to come down to Mayhem for that aerobic capacity seminar that they were having and then I'd gotten even closer then but then they had after they asked me to be on the team I was talking with them about it and they were like well you could stay with us if you want to and obviously
Starting point is 01:15:03 my parents were like what you're gonna move like you know just being all protective but they also had met Chris and Heidi and um knew that I would be in good hands with them so that's I think that's why they were so like okay with me going and living with them was there some sort of dinner like in North Carolina where Chris and Heidi met went to dinner with you and your family yeah I went down I had actually met them they were in north carolina doing a seminar and my mom and i went up um to that seminar just to hang out with them and we went to dinner with them that night too and then i left the next day actually yeah i did did you know that ahead of time that that's when you were going to leave then you were going to leave the next day or it was kind of solidified that night?
Starting point is 01:15:47 I can't really remember. Honestly, it probably could have gone either way. Could have maybe learned that day or had it been planned. Not sure. You don't smoke weed, do you? No. It's just weird that you don't remember. I'm just trying to piece this thing together.
Starting point is 01:16:02 I mean, if you think about my life, there's been a lot of things that have happened in the last four years so i i think it's too many um selling your soul on the assault bike it probably is doing brain damage or too many handstand push-ups um isn't it is it did you know that um i mean think of all the great athletes that Hinshaw and Heidi know. And somehow they – why you? And you had good parents. It wasn't like you didn't need anyone coddling you. What was their attraction? I mean, it obviously wasn't charity work. No, like I think that we all saw a really good opportunity that was in front of me,
Starting point is 01:16:42 getting to be on Mayhem's second team and also getting to train with the crew because eventually i would want to go individual so like getting that training a year of training with them um would i think help me grow tremendously so we all saw that as a really good opportunity for me and i would honestly be stupid not to take it yeah i'm still just tripping like um have they cultivated any other um young females who's the who's the at at the mayhem empire who's the next up-and-coming female are there any younger girls than you that you're like holy shit this girl's is coming up um like it at the barn yeah um no i'm Barn? Yeah. No, I'm the youngest one. And so think of what they must have seen in you that they pursued you like this. Who knows what they saw?
Starting point is 01:17:39 I don't know. But I'm forever grateful because I don't think I ever would have just moved to Cookville to train if I wasn't to be on a team. So I'm so glad that I was given the opportunity, even though I ended up not going on a team because it's seriously been one of the best things that I've ever done. And I'm genuinely so happy here. Do you ever trip on how trippy life is? Yeah. Like this is my life. And it's just unfolding.
Starting point is 01:18:10 It wasn't like you were just – like there was a CrossFit gym next to your gymnastics studio and you wanted to try it. And it wasn't like you – well, let me ask you this. I won't even put the words in your mouth. When did you want to become a CrossFit Games champion? CrossFit Games champion? I'm making the assumption you do want to win the Games. You're not going there for fun, right? Right. Everyone wants to win, so that's what we train for. But I remember being in the Teenage Division and had won the Open that year, I believe.
Starting point is 01:18:41 So I was like, oh, maybe I can win like let's go and try to win this thing wow okay so it wasn't so you tasted it was all kind of just what's in front of you just you're just following just this kind of i guess for lack of a better word organic path making the right choices and then you tasted a little bit of success and you're like oh i like that yeah like i've always wanted to have the whole pie or and yeah like work for and i always want to win anything i do no matter what so what happened between 2017 and 2018 like during that year because you went from second two years in a row to like dominating everybody in the team division by a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:28 I honestly don't know. I don't know if I grew into my woman body a little more. I generally have no idea. I felt like I didn't train any harder. I trained the same. So I don't know. I did something else. Did you feel bad for Kayla at all um like what do you mean well because I mean you beat her ass yeah you guys were kind of equal you know two years in a row and she got the upper hand on you
Starting point is 01:20:00 and then you took this leap yeah I mean I know what it's like to get second so it's like you always kind of feel for that person but also i was just so proud of myself and like it had really shown that hard work had paid off and that i really could maybe make it one day as individual and yeah john no and i think the answer is no. Everyone wants to win. What happened to that girl? What was the girl's name you said, John? Kayla Stefano. Is she still trying to, has she done individual?
Starting point is 01:20:36 She hasn't. I haven't seen her name. I don't think so. She hasn't made the CrossFit Games as an individual no she went to the grid league i don't know i'm not sure um hayley it's it's a pretty popular conversation in the last year about um talking about the leap from teen to um individual and that's where i saw the sell the soul um comment from you that basically one of the things that you said is the difference is, is that you really have to like come, you have to go to that place where you like,
Starting point is 01:21:10 how did you describe it? You don't know what's going on. Yeah. Like the women's civil women's field is like so much more competitive that it's like seconds matter, you know, like everyone is up there. So your best might be last place and you gave it up. You're all, you know, like everyone is up there. So your best might be last place and you gave it your all, you know, but like that wasn't really a thing in the teenage division where it could kind of bounce around like wherever, you know, or like there wasn't maybe it wasn't as close.
Starting point is 01:21:49 new because every single workout was like so intense and like seconds and yeah it was just a totally different world are they different character and persona also like like the women yeah when you're there is it is a whole is it a whole different vibe between the competitors than when you're a teen i wouldn't say say that much. You kind of just find like your group of people that you like to hang out with. And for me in 2019, that was, um, Carrie, Bethany, three. So I kind of just, you know, had my group a little hung up that I hung out with and yeah. Um, a gentleman by the name of Martin Graham says, what's the one thing you use to motivate yourself for training to be the fittest on earth? It can be two things.
Starting point is 01:22:29 Don't let them bully you. It can be two things or three things. I think that that's exactly it though. Like you do this or I do this every day and make all these sacrifices because one day I, you know, I do want to win. I think that's exactly what motivates me. Is it, is it, is it when win or has it become beat to you? Because someone's at the top for so long,
Starting point is 01:22:56 they start to become sort of synonymous with first place, right? Yeah, she's honestly amazing. It would be so hard to beat her. Definitely left her mark in the sport and how many more years she goes i'm not sure but i think one day is just to win is she is she a bit of a loner at the games i don't think so i mean every time i've been back behind whether like if we're in crowds or something, she talks and has always been nice to me. At the games this year, it seemed like whenever she won, that she would try to run off and not do the – and this is just – I have no proof of this other than just watching from the TV set in my living room. But it looked like she was trying to avoid the post-win interviews.
Starting point is 01:23:45 Did you see any of that? Honestly, did not pay attention at all. Had no idea. Rich said that you're very competitive in this interview that I saw. I think that's his word, something similar to that, but that he's still trying to work on your killer instinct. And I kind of interpreted it, or maybe he said it, the difference between wanting to win and know you're going to win. Yeah. I've always been like scared to say that are my goals because I'm don't want it to like blow up in my face and embarrass
Starting point is 01:24:15 myself, you know? So sometimes it's hard for me to like, believe like even this year, I still was not sure that if I was like, maybe last year was a fluke. Like maybe I was so close to the podium for no reason. But even this year, I still felt like that a little bit. But it just sucks that I have to keep showing myself that I'm that close to actually believe it, you know. So we are working on that to like believe a little bit more because I know that I can. It's just really believing it. It's so weird.
Starting point is 01:24:46 Isn't it? Cause like, I mean, I really feel you on that. You even know what you have to do, but you can't just like fake it. It's not like just like moving like a cup from here to there. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:58 But it is your thoughts. It's like, fuck, why can't you just change it? Yeah. Cause like always in interviews and stuff, people, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:04 when they try to get you to say it, I'm like, I always in interviews and stuff, people try to get you to say it. I'm like, I don't want to say it. I don't want to say it because I don't know. I don't want it to blow up in my face. Right. I wonder if when you win once, I wonder if anyone can say it before they win and really mean it like after you win and then you say you're going to win. I could see yourself really believing it. But if you haven't won and you say you're going to win, like maybe those people are just lying. Yeah. Like maybe no one can really say it until they've already won and be honest.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Maybe. I mean, some people really are confident enough to say it and don't have a problem saying it but it's not everyone and then if they don't make it i wonder how they they rationalize that if they have to make up excuses or if they know that they lied to themselves that's why i don't want to have to deal with it or if i put unreal expectations on myself i'm so so hard on myself so i know how that will turn out anyway that's kind of another part of it like if I set a goal and didn't make it, I would just tear myself to shreds. So, I mean, even Tia struggled with like, can I win? Right. And it's not that I'm like talking bad to myself. It's just easier for me not to, I don't want to say unrealistic,
Starting point is 01:26:22 but like make these crazy expectations. I'd rather surprise myself than like let myself down. You know, you, you, you might not know who this is, but there's a guy named Alexander Volkanovsky. He's from Australia. He's a UFC fighter and he's very close to becoming one of the greatest fighters who ever walked the planet. If he wins his next two or three fights, it's going to be very hard to say there's anyone better than him and so he's this super crazy capable fighter right and when i was talking to him i kind of it was the first time i realized this about people like you who use their bodies and people like him
Starting point is 01:26:59 you know in indianapolis a formula One race car can do 200 miles an hour. But if it hits a pothole, it's fucking toast. So you have this car that's just like the most amazing, fastest car ever. But like the room for error is so small. Do you feel – I mean I know you're only 20 and you probably don't feel it the way someone does who's like approaching their 30s. But do you ever feel like, oh, my God, I'm running this body so damn hard that there's like so little room for error? Like, I'm like one of the most powerful women in terms of energy expenditure movement that's ever walked the planet. And yet there's something fragile about it. Yeah, actually, I mean, everything that we do day in and day out, it's like I ask so much of my body and it's like one day, is it going to give up?
Starting point is 01:27:56 I don't know. I mean, it probably will, but you just never know when. And there's something to think about. But yeah, because I mean, not even just training, like weighing everything that I eat and just all the mental aspects of it, too. Like one day it is going to give out mentally or physically. Does it ever happen that you want to quit? No. Altogether? No. It's too good. No.
Starting point is 01:28:21 I love what I do, and it gives me something to wake up for every morning and work towards. Wow, that's awesome. It's weird that some people really don't have something to wake up for. Yeah, I mean, I think that I just get to better myself every day and I genuinely love training and I love the group that I have. And I'm just, I'm genuinely just really happy. Since you're around Rich day in and day out, can also that mindset you just get it by osmosis? You know, like that's kind of like how we – and I know that's a little – it's more than osmosis, but like, do you feel like you're, you're, you're, you're your parents, right? Like when you see your parents or you're like, yep,
Starting point is 01:29:10 I'm the product of that. Like, do you see yourself since you are, and they say you are the five people you hang out the most, do you see yourself taking on Rich's traits, his, his, his traits as a winner? Yeah. And I feel like anyone would want that to pick up on his traits. Yep. I would definitely think I've changed for the better from learning things from him.
Starting point is 01:29:35 What do you think about all the kids around there? Does any, I know you're only 20. Does any party be like, yeah, I want some of those or like, fuck that. I don't want none of those.
Starting point is 01:29:42 I love those kids so much. And I've gotten to watch them grow up over the last four years too and i love having them out there when we're working out running around you know they're doing like their own little movements now and like rich doesn't tell them to do crossfit or anything they just start doing air squats and burpees and it's they're just really good kids but i mean one day i wouldn't say i have baby fever or anything but one day yeah like kids do your parents talk to you about that at all about what about having kids like you're from north carolina aren't you supposed to have like four kids already um no i, I guess that is a Southern thing, but have kids younger, but not in my books. The Rogue Invitational is coming up and then you're doing the, John was mentioning to me, you're doing the event in Dubai, the Mayhem Desert Heat. Is that what it's called?
Starting point is 01:30:39 I actually am not going to be going to that one anymore. I'm going to be going to the one in December. That's the Dubai one. Yeah. And is that just because it's just too much? Yeah. It's just, it's a little close to rogue for me to compete that soon again. And I cannot,
Starting point is 01:30:57 I hate traveling. So traveling to that far away would not be good in a month's time frame. What about just staying there? i don't know there's got to be someone who would want to host you did anyone offer to host you while you're there um i mean they might but i'm also kind of just like i'm a homebody so i kind of just want to be at home and that's like you're in the holidays too actually the one in Dubai is on my 21st birthday oh that's fun yeah so be competing do you know if Guillermo is still uh competing in all three of them then because he was the only other person yeah I think he is in all three yeah it's just uh for me personally it's a lot so I was shocked to see that yeah I think everyone thinks i'm still doing all three
Starting point is 01:31:46 but um no i'm not okay yeah do you get any shit for that from rich is he like yo this is mayhem's event like get you quit being a pussy and get out no no no no absolutely not um he if anyone gets it he totally gets it and he'd probably agree if he, if I think it's going to be too much of my body and he would definitely want what's best for me. I think when I talked to him a couple of months ago, I think you're absolutely right. I mean, he basically said he would never leave the, the, the mayhem compound if he didn't have to, like he would just go from the house to the barn, to the field, to the, If he didn't have to, like he would just go from the house to the barn, to the field, to the, he's a home, he's a homebody too.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Yeah. I'm just like that. But also just like going back to back competing that much, especially like in the off season is not a good idea for me personally. So, and he totally understands that and respects that. How far is your house from, uh, his, from his house? About 10 minutes. You drive? Yeah. house from uh his from his house about 10 minutes you drive yeah and so when can you just like if you wanted to like could you just get off this call is that like your gym like can you just get off this call and like go over there and work out yeah i mean i i definitely feel comfortable just going to work out over there he'd probably be like what are you doing on sunday working out but yeah i mean i guess i could but there's no it just feels like home like they're so welcoming that like yeah they're very open with their space which is amazing and i feel so grateful that i get
Starting point is 01:33:15 to train there and bother them every day do you have to sign in when you go there is there any like gym stuff do you have like a swipe card or no it's just there's a barn it's attached to rich's yeah it's on rich's property attached to his house you have a locker there no just throw my stuff just in the corner yeah are there are there cubbies um i guess there are yeah that you can put stuff in i don't know if anyone uses them though they're just they're just for for gym show i guess so um and are there any rules around the barn like do they tell you hey you know we want everyone out of here by nine o'clock or at night or hey whatever you do the music can't be past this level or no and when i'm in there working out 90 of the time which is there too but also it's like if you're there you should also have the respect respect. That's someone's home. Like, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:08 you shouldn't be blasting music or being there at nine o'clock, you know? So it's like more just having common sense and decency that that's literally someone's house, but I've never heard like rules, but no, it's just be respectful. Do you ever get a call at nine o'clock at night that says okay hayley tomorrow we're starting at five make sure you're here and we're going running or a call at seven o'clock at night saying hey we're doing something at nine o'clock tonight um just come come up to the gym did you ever get like you hear these stories about rich just getting a wild hair
Starting point is 01:34:39 up his ass and and you're 10 minutes away but but i but I've mostly, I've heard them from people who are like, like standing next to him. Like all of a sudden he's just like, okay, let's go do this. Um, I wouldn't say anything crazy like that. Sometimes it is like, Oh, we're meeting at 7 30 in the morning. If it's like a late night text or the other day, he was like, I'm doing the eight 15 class. And it was 755. I was like, not going to be there. But I don't think so. Oh, like he like so that's kind of cool. You're saying he went to the actual gym, not even the barn.
Starting point is 01:35:14 And he went to a group of them did the the mayhem class. Oh, that's so cool. Oh, those people must trip when he does that. Probably. How cool. Oh, those people must trip when he does that. Probably. How cool. Yeah. Do you ever get used to him? What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:35:34 Um, like I've had my kids for like, for, I've had my son for six years and I don't ever get, I'm not used to him. Like I get up every morning and I see him i'm like holy shit oh this is this is so cool oh like are you talking about like that he's that it's just rich froning like like you go like to the barn and are you like oh shit i have like or like have you ever had a brand new car and you wake up in the morning and
Starting point is 01:36:02 like for like a year you see it in your driveway and every morning you're like holy shit maybe like the first year just because i was like so amazed at how fit he was but now it's just like he's just rich to me and their whole family is just you know they're like family to me too so i don't see him any different right right i don't believe you i don't think you ever get used to rich. No, I don't. I mean that because I know I believe the family part. I mean, it is cool that like we're like we're working out together. But also he's just like my training partner. He's just a normal guy. Just a normal guy. And there's and I bet you I get you bet you geez in that phase, too. I bet you he walks in there and he's like, holy shit, there's and i bet you gee i get you bet you geese in that phase too i bet you he walks in
Starting point is 01:36:45 there and he's like holy shit there's hayley adams i think holy shit there's hayley says for the bison oh yeah right i get that too they fit in that category oh he's yeah he's more starstruck by them can you smell their shit from the from the barn where you work out um i don't think so sometimes you can smell like something but it doesn't like stink i don't think right it's just country smells i've grown up i grew up with horses so nothing new to me i'm a country girl it's just country smells um are you still going to Tennessee tech? So when COVID happened, I was, that was last March. Um, I was doing in-person classes and then kind of switched to online and just kind of like feeling out from there, but not like in person.
Starting point is 01:37:38 I kind of like doing online anyway, but. So you're not going or you are going? No, I'm not going in person. Oh, but I mean, do you go at all like are you in school like you get do you have to pay money and someone sends you a report card i'm not on this semester no um do you miss it or are you like oh thank god um part of me does because i feel like I need to be doing it. But also, I know that it's always going to be there. And I do have some credits.
Starting point is 01:38:11 And also, I feel like I can if I want to. I just felt really overwhelmed with the labs last year of having to miss school and getting a bad grade and then trying to learn online. But eventually, I will finish it. Even if it's like a semester on semester, all semester on semester. So yeah. I'm going to be a dental hygienist. A dental hygienist.
Starting point is 01:38:36 A dental hygienist. Yeah. That's what you're going to be. No, you're not. There's no way. I swear. Why? I wouldn't, I wouldn't get money. i wouldn't bet my money on it i mean i believe you saying it now dude you can't you're not you're never gonna
Starting point is 01:38:52 stay still your whole fucking life you're destined to be moving sitting in a chair and looking at someone's fucking grill fucked up grill you ain't doing that i want to work in pediatrics and be a dental hygienist. I know that's what I want to do. That is what I want to do. 8.37 a.m. on October 24th. Hold me to it. It might take me a while. I might not start until I'm 35, but hold me to it. That's the thing after CrossFit, not hearing.
Starting point is 01:39:22 After, yeah. And that's the thing, too, is I wouldn't do dental hygiene school until I'm done with CrossFit, not hearing. After, yeah. And that's the thing, too, is like I wouldn't do dental hygiene school until I'm done with CrossFit. So what's the point of getting all these credits now for them to expire? You know, like I already have some in the bank. That can happen. They can expire. Credits can expire.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Yeah. So what's the point of getting all of them and then they expire, you know? So I'm just kind of like chipping away at it slowly. Like if that's a semester off, semester off, two classes on two classes on two classes i've never heard that that that credits expire like five years yeah but i'm like if i finish school in normal time and then don't go to dental hygiene school for until i'm 30 like do you know who do you know who evawardokin is? Eva T? Haley? No. She was in this video called Nasty Girls with Annie Sakamoto and Nicole Carroll. Do you know who they are?
Starting point is 01:40:12 Yeah. Okay. And the video came out, I don't know, 2004 or 2005. And it was them doing – do you know what Nasty Girls is? The workout? The workout, yeah. nasty girls is the workout workout yeah and um eva was an olympian downhill skier and and a good crossfitter i don't think she ever competed in the games but um she was a dental hygienist i knew i brought that up for some reason
Starting point is 01:40:37 i mean i don't know i just have always kind of wanted to do something in dentistry and i like working with i feel like i will i would have a special place to work with kids at the dentist because they're kind of crazy but i kind of have like a little bit of like trauma from that so i think i would work while kids trauma from the dentist no so i had a uh softball accident. Um, and I took, I hate this story already. Yeah. I took a long drive to the face. Um, yeah. And it knocked my front tooth out. Um, so I, after that, I was just like terrified of the dentist. Cause I got like rushed there and like had all this stuff done and had to keep going back for weeks and getting new stuff done.
Starting point is 01:41:25 And basically since I was 18 and was able to get an implant. So I was just terrified and hated it. Like every time I had to go like full on breakdown. So I feel like I have like a special place, you know, in my heart for that. How, wait, how old were you when that happened? It was in sixth grade. Yeah. And so you didn't, you didn't get to get a tooth until you're 18.
Starting point is 01:41:45 So you just had a tooth missing for all those years. No. So I want to see that picture. How was that? That shit will go viral. No, I had a tooth. They, they saved that tooth. It was dead, but they put it back in. But I couldn't get an implant, which is another tooth that's like better, until I was 18. But since that tooth was dead, I was always kind of self-conscious about it, which no one really noticed it. But it was a little bit shorter or it would just look a little different.
Starting point is 01:42:16 So I was just so self-conscious about it for forever. And then once I was able to get the implant, I basically had my whole mouth redone. And then once I was able to get the implant, like I basically had my whole mouth redone. Yeah. When I was a sophomore in high school, junior high school, I was just walking down the street and these dudes jumped me like these six dudes. And just out of nowhere, didn't know him, nothing, just late at night. And this guy fucking punched me and I ended up in the bushes unconscious. And when I came to, I could just feel like all my teeth in my mouth and all my bottom teeth were
Starting point is 01:42:51 chipped, like six bottom teeth were chipped on the bottom and I'm 49 years old. So let's say I was 16. So that was a 33 years ago and I'm, and I've had them fixed, but, but whatever they fix them with is just always eventually crumbles away. Yeah, they got it.
Starting point is 01:43:06 Yeah. Yeah, it's just fucking horseshit. And anyway, 33 years later, I'm still not comfortable with it. It's probably the only insecurity I have. By that, I mean I have books and books of insecurities, but I accept them all. They're all fun. But this fucking these fucking tea thing i'm not okay with yeah and that's exactly like i'm like always hiding my teeth like
Starting point is 01:43:30 i just hang my front teeth out that's exactly what it was too and um it's fucking bullshit i fucking those dudes need to be fucking get the shit beat out of them for what they did to me right and i wouldn't i wouldn't smile a lot because i would thought people would see it would always like the first and it really was not that noticeable but it was my thing you know yeah and i was totally your thing and my thing too like whatever right so when i was 18 i got the implant and i had all my front teeth and bottom teeth crowned so oh yeah are you glad you did that i i love smiling now i love talking i love like showing off my teeth and like that's one of the best compliments i get now it's like oh like your teeth are pretty and white like
Starting point is 01:44:09 so because it was my thing you know yeah it's always my biggest insecurity you have really nice teeth and you have really big eyeballs and so kind of like the white of your eyeballs and the white of your teeth it's like yeah they match it's good you don't smoke weed you don't got bloodshot eyes clive mclaughlin seven i can't watch right now but leaving a question can you ask her about her friendship with mal and if she doesn't believe in keeping distance between her and her competitors for mindset reasons oh my gosh i can translate can translate that. That's it. I think I kind of get it. Yeah. I've been asked that question now. Oh my gosh. I feel like we're so alike in like so many ways outside of CrossFit that when we were at the games and we just started hanging out between events, it was like, Hey girl, we're best friends now. And it was like genuinely so real. And just,
Starting point is 01:45:00 it was refreshing, honestly, to have like someone like that there and it didn't feel like oh well I have to beat her and like I don't want her to do good you know it and then when she came down here it felt like the same way like just genuinely having a good time and I want her to succeed just as much as she wants me to succeed like when we're on the comp floor obviously we're competitors but I want her to do well. She wants me to do well. Um, and no, I don't, I don't think I should keep anything from her. And it's not like she's like asking all this stuff. She's obviously doing amazing herself. Um, she doesn't need any extra help anyway. And yeah, I just think that when as women, we need to support each other and when one succeeds, the other succeeds.
Starting point is 01:45:46 Did you meet her coach, James Townsend? Yeah, he's awesome, too. He came down here. And me, Tasia, and Mal literally all hung out at the games. And it was just such a good time. And he came down here, too, and hopped in on some workouts with us. And they're all just good energy and good vibes. Did you meet James's daughters?
Starting point is 01:46:04 I didn't, no. But I want to go out there. I've seen TikTokoks of them and they uh he shows me videos too they are so cute and so cool that that their his relationship with his kids looks so awesome yeah they look talented too yeah they're so pretty they look so fun he must um i wonder how he does it because i i i guarantee you he wakes up every morning has to pinch himself that he has such a cool family and that he gets to work with his kids because they're awesome and then now he has mal o'brien he's got like he adopted another one yeah he also probably just tells a lot about him you know like he's a really cool guy good vibes obviously good at coaching being a good dad and has good kids
Starting point is 01:46:50 wrong too oh my goodness yeah so strong how how um so what happened um you're just talking to mal and you're like hey girl come you want to come train with me and she's like well do you want to come train with me and then you're like, well, do you want to come train with me? And then you're like, oh, I have more space here at the barn. She's like, okay, cool. I'll come. Can I bring James? Well, so after the games, we were like, we should just do like a little training camp for Rogue. And I think she had just planned on coming down here and bringing her agent and James because like we're all friends with Tasia and stuff too.
Starting point is 01:47:21 So that was kind of like the original plan just to all hang out and train together who's your agent uh bijan oh okay he's really good friends with tajan so uh in that video yeah he was in the video um the one with uh on my youtube channel so we all just had a good time because we all got along. It was so much fun. Honestly, I need to go out there next and train with her. I need to see that. I watched that video yesterday when I was, I was riding the assault bike watching that. And I don't remember seeing Bijan in it. Does he? Um, I'm, I'm actually just assuming he was in it just because he was with us all weekend. He might not have been, but I'm sure he was.
Starting point is 01:48:10 Okay. And, um, what, do you have an agent? Uh, Rory does all of my stuff. Rory McKernan. Yes. How do you pick an agent? I don't know. Oh, well I didn't have one. And then he was kind of helping with all this stuff and like, he wanted to help me with all of mine and just kind of went from there. Oh my gosh. He literally makes my life so much easier. He's the best. Is it, is it, is it, um, is it like, Hey, um, beam wants to sponsor you. Um, and then he like does the contract and tells you what he thinks and gives you his opinion or, but is it also stuff like, Hey, the games are coming up and he buys your, does he buy your tickets for the games and get your hotel and all that shit ready? He always makes sure that I'm taken care of. Well, the first part, yes, that's what he does. But also he always makes sure that I have my flights ready and hotels booked and even real things if I need a meal prep company there and Instagram, all the good stuff. And is he the one who tells you, okay, um, Haley,
Starting point is 01:49:07 it's time to set up an LLC. Like he gives you those kinds of advices. Yeah. So literally in every aspect of my CrossFit life, he is a part of and helps with. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah. It's seriously a lifesaver. Yeah. That is so awesome. And this house you bought, this is all basically because of your athletic accolades, sponsorships. Like you don't have like a – you don't work at Starbucks. No.
Starting point is 01:49:35 It's all from like prize money and sponsors, yeah. That is so awesome. Yeah. Is it normal or are you tripping? I'm probably still tripping a little bit, but also I worked really hard and I'm grateful and thankful to have what I have. Yeah, I'm 49 and I'm tripping. I got so much shit and I'm tripping. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:06 How did this happen? I have a wife and kids and houses and shit and i have a credit card oh what's that no i've had a credit card for 25 years i still can't believe it but i'm like wow this is my life this is my house this is yeah this is me do all do you do you have eyelashes put on you no these are just my real ones just with mascara i used to though sometimes those are just your real eyelashes yeah with my like mascara on them but these are my real ones yeah um do you what do you did you get eyelashes for the games do you do anything for the, did you get eyelashes for the games? Do you do anything for the game? Like, do you get wax for the games? I got my hair done.
Starting point is 01:50:50 And then, and then you just put it up. Yeah. Into the braids, you know, can't have the roots coming out in the braids. What do the, what do the girls do for the games? Like, like in that way. So I'm just guessing you get waxed, you get your hair done, you you get your nails done i think everyone has their own like pre-conferential i just like to get my hair and nails done that's it do you wax or do you shave i like i just shave shave yeah man it seems so seems so old school um you when you once get married, you start knowing about all that because it's like – that's like my wife will be like, hey, can you watch the kids?
Starting point is 01:51:30 I'm going to get waxed. And it's like, you know, like I don't know how often she does it. But then I know like you also can't get waxed too soon because it has to be long enough that you can actually pull the hair out. I don't know anything about all that, but – Oh, that's awesome. Once again, you don't have a boyfriend. You don't know anything about all that, but. Oh, that's awesome. Once again, you don't have a boyfriend. You don't know anything about waxing. You don't know anything about mortgages, but you got a house because you're too busy training.
Starting point is 01:51:53 Yeah, just grinding away out here. Does Rich wax? How is Rich so smooth? I don't know. That's a question I'd have to ask him. You've been training there forever. You don't be like, hey, dude, how'd you get so'd you get so smooth no your chest is smoother than my legs you never asked him that that's not a question i ask him though i mean it seems like it's part of the part of the
Starting point is 01:52:16 whole vibe yeah just i mean just just part of the whole athletic just everything steven plier do you wax no but i did um i did i did nair a few times that is some weird shit have you ever nared hayley what is that it's a chemical you put on your body and then the hair falls out oh no oh god i don't recommend it it's got it's some crazy smells smells worse than those buffalo gosh that doesn't sound very safe either no i it's it's probably not you leave you leave this shit on your skin for like seven minutes no maybe longer and then you got to jump in the shower and wash it off and then just the hair just dies and falls off of you where do you see these comments i'm just they're just popping in because we're live on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:53:08 Oh, so if I get YouTube on my phone, I can see it? Yeah. Oh, damn. Someone wrote, Nair is gnarly. Don't do it. When I went back in your Instagram, I saw that you were friends with Brooke Entz. How did you guys become friends? Just from a competition?
Starting point is 01:53:24 Yeah. saw that you were friends with Brooke Edds how did how did you guys become friends just from a competition yeah so um in 2017 we were both following brute strength and we went out there for a camp and um kind of just became really good friends and she kind of took me under her wing and yeah we had some really good times and are you guys still friends yeah I would say we're friends I mean we haven't talked as much but yeah I mean I still really like her and respect her and hope she's doing well yeah I gotta have her on the show I had her on the CrossFit podcast I think at least once and she was a great guest yeah she's awesome I love her energy Ron Sutton Haley will one day be the greatest female crossfit competitor ever thank you ron hayley seems like the sweetest and most grounded human ever deanna oh that's really nice wow people really like you
Starting point is 01:54:13 does anyone not like you do you ever get any like negative shit yeah yeah what's there not to like i don't know people always have something to say about anything. What I wear, this, that, you know, what I do. Yeah. I'm trying to see if there's any more questions. And let me see. I feel like I need to show everyone my fat cat, Ollie. Oh, please.
Starting point is 01:54:47 Oh, Guy has a question question does she love me yeah show us the why is your cat fat because he has an all-day buffet what's wrong with him nothing i hear the purring that's so awesome isn't he sweet where did you get that the shelter and how much was that he's only 90 his name's ollie huh you take him for some runs he uh oh thank you he He runs with his little brother. You have two cats? Yeah, I got one little kitty two months ago. Listen, I would have a dog, but I can't take care of a dog.
Starting point is 01:55:36 Yeah, I don't think you need a dog. So are those indoor cats? Mm-hmm. They don't go outside. You said you had a roommate? You have a housemate? Yeah, she's you had a roommate you have a housemate yeah she's upstairs um how how come you have a housemate i don't want to live alone and and how did you pick her uh we actually met um like in 2019 and just kind of it was really random how we met we've
Starting point is 01:56:02 just stayed friends ever since and um she knows about crossfit and does it sometimes but it's just like a really good balance for me too because she's also just like kind of one of those normal friends it's so easy to live with where's she from she's from tennessee and is she a student at tennessee tech yeah she's about to graduate oh shit and is she going to leave you? I hope not. Do you have any non-crossfitting friends? Yeah, my best friend of all time I've known since preschool.
Starting point is 01:56:34 She doesn't do crossfit at all. What's her name? Her name is Grace. I think I saw a – Yeah, you probably saw her on my Instagram. Yeah, and there's pictures of you as little tiny like babies. No world. How about any new friends do you have any new friends that are not crossfitters we do i met um two girls this year randomly in the sauna and i call them my sauna friends to everyone else because they don't it's easier just not to say
Starting point is 01:56:58 not to say their names but um yeah i've actually become pretty good friends with them. We hang out pretty often. They're a little bit older than me, but still, like, close to my age. And you met them at school? Yeah, I met them in the sauna at school. At the gym? Yeah. Isn't the sauna, like, one of those awkward places to meet people? Like, you're kind of supposed to be quiet and, like, just sit in your corner and just shut the fuck up and sweat? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:57:29 But they were just started talking to me and they were trying to ask me about like crossfit without being like oh are you like that crossfit girl they were trying to be like polite about it and um we just started talking from that wow and um have you met any boys in the sauna uh there are boys in the sauna, but I just don't talk to them. Your sauna's co-ed? Yes, it's new and it sucks. Yeah, that's not cool. No, it's not cool. I'm not cool with that.
Starting point is 01:57:55 I'm not either, but what do you do? Are you cool with that, John, the co-ed sauna? No, but at Mizzou, it's a co-ed sauna too at mizzou is a co-ed sauna too wow that is a trip why is there a co-ed sauna is that the same oh that's the kid yeah hey how do you know that the big cat's not just going to kill that cat when you bring it home because he looks and he loves him are they're both dudes yeah ollie is the fat one and this is jasper oh that's a cute cat are you gonna go to church when we get off the phone um church probably probably missed the service um no probably not today do you normally go on sunday i haven't been in a while just because I've been sleeping in a little bit
Starting point is 01:58:46 because my sleep's kind of been crazy from training, but I'd like to get going again soon. And do you go to the same – you can meet a dude there. Do you go to the same church that Rich goes to? No. Sometimes I go to, like, different ones. Or if I go, I would maybe go to the one that my roommate goes to or just whatever. Does everyone go to church there?
Starting point is 01:59:10 Yeah, I would say most people go to church here or you can watch it online now too. So I couldn't do that. Isn't like half the fun going? Yeah, it is kind of fun to dress up. But then sometimes you don't want to like get ready and just like watch it at home you know yeah i like to dress up and like look around at the people and trying to find a parking place getting away get all your kids together yeah and like just the smell those funky smells of the church and like that's so funny I mean, it's the whole. Haley, how's your carb intake before the invitational now from Philippe? I'm up to 500 carbs now.
Starting point is 01:59:53 What does that mean? 500 grams of carbs? Mm-hmm. Is that a lot, John? Yeah, that's a lot. That is? That's more than I eat. Oh.
Starting point is 02:00:08 Well. But you probably work out a little bit more too yeah um hayley how much do you weigh usually around the games i'm around 140 ish probably around like 143 no just because i'm off season but I games train, I just shed weight so fast, and it's hard to keep it on. Do you feel obligated to go to Rogue or is it something you want to do? No, I want to go to Rogue. I think that it's going to be an amazing competition, and they're going to really treat us well and make sure that we have a good experience.
Starting point is 02:00:40 In the prize purse, it's basically games light. It's amazing, actually. It's really cool that they're doing that and paying for our travel. Rogue is an amazing company. Are you a Rogue athlete? Mm-hmm. What does that mean? They sell t-shirts for you?
Starting point is 02:00:56 You're sponsored by them? You get equipment? Yeah, so I'm sponsored by them. I get equipment, which is the best part because they basically spot my whole home gym, which is amazing because that's the best part because i basically had they basically spotted my whole home gym um which is amazing because that's like the best part of the house obviously but yeah um i don't have a shirt with them um should get some kind of signature thing though soon um yeah i remember i mean i haven't talked to any of these athletes in a long time but i remember talking to athletes um back in the day who did have shirts from them and they were making a killing they made a shitload of money off of rogue rogue and then
Starting point is 02:01:28 all of a sudden over the years the rogue booth at the games has changed and like i mean i haven't been to the games in a couple years but the last time i was there basically half the place was t-shirts which makes me think oh shit that means they must be selling a shitload of t-shirts yeah they probably do sell a lot of shirts i mean i see people all the time wearing a rogue shirt and like they probably have no idea what crossfit is so it's like cool how you know they're just everywhere not just crossfit it's all over the place yeah like you walk through the airport and you used to see a rogue shirt and you knew they were a crossfitter and now you don't now it's like yeah sure someone has is there anything that um you like better about rogue that rogue invitational than the games is there anything or is it i do
Starting point is 02:02:12 like that they like book all of our travel like our hotels and stuff that definitely takes it a lot of stress off your plate and having to do all that um i like all the behind the scenes stuff that they're doing to make sure that like everything goes perfect. And, um, yeah, I just, I know that Rogue will take really good care of us and that we don't have to worry about any other stuff. I guess that's the distinction between being an invitational and being the games. Although by the time you get to the games, it's basically an invitational. Right.
Starting point is 02:02:44 Yeah. Cause you have to, I guess, earn it it there but just like it wasn't just handed to us at road like we obviously had to earn it by doing well this year but did you get one of those metal things in the mail yeah i did and i accidentally spilled paint all over it when i was painting my garage oh that's kind of cool though yeah it, it does look kind of cool. The signature series. Yeah. John, how do you think Haley's going to do at the Rogue Invitational?
Starting point is 02:03:12 I think I have her fifth. We love that top five. Yeah, right where she places normally. Yeah, we love that. I have Carrie, Laura, and Annie and Tia ahead of her. But fifth is this Rogue Invitational. It's basically a mini games.
Starting point is 02:03:36 All the games athletes are there, the top 10 games athletes. She got fifth at the games. And fifth at Rogue is where I have her. It's probably where she usually places. Hopefully, hopefully she proves me wrong, but, uh, so that's where I got her. Yeah. And would you say it's not for her? Um, because she would prefer perform better if there were, um, double the amount of workouts.
Starting point is 02:04:01 Would you have ranked your higher if there were more workouts? 100%. Double the amount of workouts. Would you have ranked your higher if there were more workouts? One hundred percent. I actually think it's the worst of all the big competitions for her because it's it's usually strength biased. There are usually three three ish events with heavier weights slash implements. So like as far as what her wheelhouse is, not saying you can't do good. So like as far as what her wheelhouse is, not saying you can't do good, but your wheelhouse is it's, you know, Waterpalooza or Dubai or Dubai is more endurance based. And Waterpalooza is usually more skills biased. So it's probably our weakest out of all the big competitions. And then more events, that just means more things that can be tested.
Starting point is 02:04:43 And she literally doesn't have any weaknesses except strength. Yeah. So the more events obviously would be better, but yeah, I'm just going to go. It'll be a good test to kind of see where I'm at and whatever happens, happens and try not to be too hard on myself, but definitely want to have a good showing. Are you hard on yourself? I'm very hard on myself yeah what did i see there was you made a post and it showed you um
Starting point is 02:05:10 basically said you were saying that you feel like you let people down like i don't understand that because i've never been an athlete and i've never been a competitor what do you mean like why would you feel like you let someone down i don't know i just feel like i have these expectations and that if I don't need them, that people won't look at me the same or they'll think that I'm less than, or I don't know. I just feel so bad that if anyone wanted me to do something and I didn't do it, that I just would be really hard on myself for it.
Starting point is 02:05:39 Can I, what, what could you have done at the games that you didn't do this year? Yeah, that was an amazing possibility. So how are you letting people down then? I just still feel like people wanted me to podium, and then when I didn't, I just felt bad. It's just me. It's typical of a lot of athletes.
Starting point is 02:06:04 Since I've never been an athlete, all I can think of it is, is like when my kids ask for something and I know I'm not supposed to give it to them and it's so hard saying no. So like, you know, we're somewhere and they want a donut and I just always have to say no, but I know they want it and I want to give them everything they want. So it's kind of like that these people, like have put energy and time and belief into you and you want to give them what they want, but, and't yeah and i i know that you did let them you did let them down is the truth i let my kids down i didn't give them a donut you let your fans down they wanted
Starting point is 02:06:33 you to win but i know that people that truly love me and care for me would never ever think that just because i didn't make it on the podium that i let them down like they're so proud of me and i just try to like remember that um but i can't help but the podium that I let them down. Like they're so proud of me. And then I just try to like, remember that, but I can't help, but just feel like I let them down. Does 2020 play a role in that at all? Does what?
Starting point is 02:06:53 2020, the games in 2020. Yeah. Yeah. It does. But we're so hard on the fans in a way. Isn't it okay if people just like you too if you're just a winner? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:07:07 It's totally fine. You like who you like. Yeah. And it's like some people – like some girls might or boys might like you, like be like, oh, my God, she's so pretty. And some people might like you, oh, my God, I just like her attitude and like how fun she is on – like I cannot stand The Rock. Do you know who The Rock is?
Starting point is 02:07:26 Yeah. I cannot stand some of the shit he does on instagram but no matter what i just love him he's always so nice i just want to hug him yeah i just love how he comes off right and that's also where i kind of want to always want to be a good person like leave a good impact on people um because people will always remember how you made them feel so i know at the mac you were surprised at how many fans you had oh my goodness it was so loud like that was i was like all these people like me like what is going on it's kind of surreal because in 2020 you didn't have any fans so yeah it's impossible to know that people liked you yeah and i and I had grown, like, my social media had grown a lot from 2020 to 2021, too, and I didn't really get to see that in person.
Starting point is 02:08:10 What did you see, John? What happened at the MAC? Were you there? You were watching it? What happened there? I mean, I was just watching it on TV, but, I mean, she probably had the most fans. I mean, I guess you could say Tia,ia but other than tia which everybody just roots for because she wins everything it was really loud she was probably the biggest the biggest roar
Starting point is 02:08:31 as far as the crowd went and there were shirts galore everywhere it was so cool to see that like when she stood up 185 that was it was one of the loudest, loudest roars you heard. Yeah. And then when they show Tasia. Yeah. Holy shit. You have 500,000. You have 456,000 followers. That's crazy. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 02:08:57 It's kind of crazy. And what's weird is like, I've like, a lot of those people have watched me grow up. Like I've been growing up in the public eye which it's kind of weird too it's right go ahead yeah no go ahead i i'm just just like i can't tell if it's weird or if it's supposed to be weird or if we're supposed to say it's weird it's definitely something definitely is happening on the planet that's never fucking happened before i mean when i started crossfit there wasn't even like youtube yeah now it's like and i can't even imagine world with the world without it yeah without youtube instagram all the stuff what's going on with tiktok i don't go over there how many followers
Starting point is 02:09:42 do you have over there oh i don't know i don't have a lot i don't really try that hard um i don't go over there. How many followers do you have over there? Oh, I don't know. I don't have a lot. I don't really try that hard. I don't know. People on TikTok are ruthless. They're mean. But that's like my favorite part of my day. After I train all day and come home and just scroll for like an hour on TikTok. Some of the best videos I've ever seen are on there. Just people being super creative.
Starting point is 02:10:02 Just literally the craziest things. I can't even describe it. Gershwin says she has 450,000 followers without posting thirst picks. He said without being thirsty, but I translated that to without thirst picks. Yeah. That's just me. Yeah. That's just me.
Starting point is 02:10:22 Yeah. Haley, can you describe, like, the emotions that went through your head before and then during and then after at Atlanta? Yeah. So, before, like, I was obviously really nervous. I had a task at hand. It had been such a long weekend, too. It was just hard to even get amped up, like like just so dead and after everything that had gone on and but during I remember when my hands started to rip I was like oh no oh no and it was dead quiet out there there's no music there's nothing all you hear is just like your person which mine
Starting point is 02:10:59 was Tasia like yelling for you but then you hear everyone else's too and kind of during it I was just like Haley you have to stay in it like just keep grinding like just trying to so hard to do everything that I can and then I remember on the last run on the way back like I knew that I had lost my podium spot and it was just kind of like it was it was hard you know like running and you know they kind of lost the goal, you know. And then after, I'm not really much of a crier, but I kind of just let it all out at the end. And it wasn't even just from not podiuming. It was everything that happened that weekend between my ankle and my stomach and just the year it had been.
Starting point is 02:11:45 You know, it was just all raw emotion and yeah there was definitely a moment i'll never forget i think i think people fell in love with you in that in that moment because you there was so much emotion no not not necessarily your pain i mean that's part of it but you're just crying at the end because you could see how bad you wanted it yeah and other circumstances kind of held you back if we're being honest i mean you had two events you came last place in that you probably could have gave tia a run for her money yeah healthy hayley in the middle and people could see that emotion and i mean that was the first time i was like her mind is like yeah that was definitely a turning point i felt like in my head and just a kind of a moment that i'll carry with
Starting point is 02:12:34 me forever you know even one day if i do win like 2020 that year will always like be grained in my memory do you know who libby debiase is print that name um she's uh she was in the cross games um i think she went to the games had a baby and then in the same year and then came back to the games again i want to say like 2007 8 9 10 maybe it's a long time ago i want to see if i can find a picture of her i just realized that you kind of remind me of her she she's so cool i think she's i think she's a cop now can you see that picture oh it's so small i see the one with the headband our headbands a lot yeah both of these did that make it bigger i can't see this oh yeah the both of those are her. But anyway, she's a she's a I think I want to say she's a cop now. She's married to Joe Westerlin in Omaha. But anyway, you might want to look her up just to she might be like she's like you 20 years or 10 years before you came on the scene. She was a collegiate athlete who just showed up on the CrossFit scene.
Starting point is 02:13:46 She was the first one to wear booty shorts, I think. Oh. Yeah, none of the girls wore those. She showed up, I think, in like 2008 or 9 at the Games wearing those. She started it. Yeah, she basically, yeah, and it was on. That's cool. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 02:13:59 Yeah, and she's really cool. She's a mama now. Tanner wants to know, do fans just show up at the barn unannounced? Oh, no. No, that's never happened. That would be very strange. Because like I said, that's someone's house. Imagine someone just showed up to your house like that.
Starting point is 02:14:18 Yeah, what would he do? Do you just open the gate and let the buffalo just chase them down? I don't know what would happen, honestly. Because, I mean, what would you do if someone just showed up at your house? Shoot them. i don't know what would happen honestly because i mean what would you do if someone just showed up at your house shoot them i don't know i'm not sure what i would do maybe call the police um do you ever interact with the buffalo like are you comfortable just walking out on the field with them yeah i've had them bred before i mean not in the fence no but like i fed them bread through the fence but you don't ever go on their side no are you told are you told not to do that oh i think it's just common sense i'm
Starting point is 02:14:52 not getting in there right no way how's uh how's rich froning senior do you see him around a lot yeah senior is always working he's always grinding and doing something day in and day out. I need to get him on the show. I was trying to get him on the show. I was trying to get him on the show for a long time because I didn't think I could get Rich on. And then I got Rich on, and then I just fucking kicked Senior to the curb. But maybe I should just dig him back up. Oh, my goodness, yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:18 Luke said that he was coming on. Yeah. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I've been watching. Do you know that he was on a tv you know he's on a tv show holy shit have you ever watched any of the have you ever watched the bachelor i watched the season after his i never watched his season oh my god you make him such a villain oh my god so i i had never seen the show it's like in its 19th season i went and watched his season this is the fucking craziest show ever i didn't even know there was shit like this on tv
Starting point is 02:15:53 people out of their fucking mind it's one girl with 30 dudes all trying to get her and i know you're not a dude hay Haley, but that's not, but dudes are like. That's why people watch it. Dudes are slightly different than those Buffaloes. I love watching it. It was, it was, I'm on episode 10 of that season. It is the most uncomfortable shit I've ever watched. I'm dying.
Starting point is 02:16:22 When I had him on, I was just going to ask him like about the games and training with rich and like what his life's like and just all about that yeah we don't even worry about the other that shit is crazy yeah why would you even go on it's a um and those dudes are like getting emotionally like they're in love with this girl oh yeah and i believe their shit i believe. And they get just decimated. It's like emotional CrossFit. Yeah. They just get attached. Couldn't be me though.
Starting point is 02:16:56 So you watched the whole episode? You watched the whole season of that? I've watched the season, a few seasons after that one. Yeah. I never watched this season though i didn't start so after and did you do you get uncomfortable when you watch it no i love honestly the reality tv i love you watch the one i've only i've watched the one with the one girl and like it's in actually what i realized that um last night after watching
Starting point is 02:17:22 episode 10 is that she was one time one of the girls chasing the dude. That's how it always is. Yeah, they always pick someone from the next season to be the next person or the season before. Like someone who didn't get – The loser, right? The second place. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:37 Oh, shit. That's what – if you're the second place, then you become the – Well, it's not the second place. It can be – they can pick any of them from that season. Wow. Yeah. It's wild. it can be any they can pick any of them from that season wow yeah it's wow she's shows this girl's like a veteran of the game and all the dudes are rookies yeah no wonder man because she's a beast the games yeah she knows it's crazy i i could it i think of myself as a emotional dynamo i can be very emotional and i'm very strong emotionally. I'm very sensitive and can be open.
Starting point is 02:18:07 But these motherfuckers, this shit is next level. They're telling their whole life story on their first time meeting. Yeah. Yeah, she's like, I really need you to bare your soul to me. I'm like, yeah, bare your soul to you. But there's fucking 30 million people watching at home. Can I just kind of like not do that? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 02:18:22 All the cameras. And the sex scenes. Like, they're like, it's crazy. Like, there's a camera on camera like just i love some trash tv we love it we love the tea so does it alternate every season like one season it's dudes chasing girl the next season it's girls chasing dude yeah i'm it's it alternates but i always like when there's a bunch of girls because they fight like they're all catty and it's always more fun that way they're just so like wild and yeah what's funny is um after luke parker's season he came out and said he wanted to do crossfit right he was going to pursue crossfit
Starting point is 02:19:03 and like i felt bad for him because I felt like they vilified him really hard. And then he said that and I looked to my wife. I'm like, he thinks he can do CrossFit. Because I'm like new to CrossFit and just discovered how hard it was. Right. And then he ended up being pretty good at CrossFit.
Starting point is 02:19:19 Yeah, he's good. Yeah, he's good. Does he live in Cookville too? He lives in Cookville. He was living a year ago. Because he's committed. He's committed. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:19:34 I don't know what happens at the end. I don't know if he wins or not, but it's some really uncomfortable shit. Like, I don't know if I'll ever watch it again. It's like really hard. You've got to finish it before you have him on though. Yeah, yeah i will i think i have them on tomorrow morning or no tuesday morning grinding away today then watching it yeah well i you know what i kind of skipped if he's not on the screen i kind of like skipped through it a little bit you probably miss a lot i did have you ever asked him about that Haley? Oh yeah
Starting point is 02:20:05 I love asking They always make like Rose jokes and stuff to him too I don't understand how he could like her At all But Hey you like what you like Oh she Really you didn't think she
Starting point is 02:20:19 I mean at least in the first She's getting a little harder and harder But the first five episodes she seemed She seemed Great to me. No, I, I think if you're after what Luke is after, you know, he's a Christian man. He wants a Christian woman. I just, I don't think a solid, a solid person would want to date 30 guys at once.
Starting point is 02:20:40 Oh, well, yes. Anybody that, you know, i just don't think you i just don't think a solid a solid christian man would want that does that make sense yeah that's the weirdest part about the show that's the um the paradox right you're choosing you're going after someone you want to marry the rest of your life except the whole entire show is them hooking up with 30 dudes right like i don't know how you could start a relationship like that a lot of people get like blamed for it for saying like they want like fame or something you know like they came on the show not to find a mate but to to catapult their career on tiktok i've been seeing a lot of
Starting point is 02:21:22 like behind the scenes videos of people saying like oh like this person just broke up with her boyfriend two weeks ago another on the show like you know in the in the in this season she kicks a dude off the very first show because he had a girlfriend like the week before and i'm thinking like the fuck are you talking about you got 30 boyfriends now this guy like it's not you yeah double standards being crossed yeah would you would you be on that show would you go on that show uh absolutely not i'm two camera shot number one and i don't even know what i would do not even a little bit no not even a little bit what other reality shows do you watch?
Starting point is 02:22:08 I like watching Housewives, like the real Housewives shows. I used to love Dance Moms. What else was there? That's so weird. I can't see you liking The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. I do love some reality TV, though. I've watched those have you ever heard of temptation island no what's that that one's good is it what i think it is temptation island it's where these couples go on i don't i don't it's terrible yeah they go on this vacation and then they get separated and the guys go into this house with a bunch of girls
Starting point is 02:22:43 and the girls go into a bunch of house with a bunch of guys and they have to try to fight temptation for their relationship. They basically are like, here's all these couples. Let's get them all to cheat on each other. Are they married? Some of them might be. Or they're engaged or something. But some of, yeah, a lot of people don't make it. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 02:23:05 Actually, with Chris and Heidi, we'd always watch that show. Someone commented the conversation has gone off the rails. Perfect. I wouldn't have it do anything else besides go off the rails. You've got to learn about my TV
Starting point is 02:23:20 shows, though. What do you think? Hey, be shows there like um hey why don't you why don't hey lf why don't you um go find another youtube channel to watch why don't you start your own podcast and invite hayley on and ask her whatever you want you're just um i have the questions pulled up now. Does Hunter Adams do CrossFit? No. I made an analogy to
Starting point is 02:23:53 a metaphor to getting raped is tantamount to forcing people to get the injection. Basically, forcing little kids to get vaccinated is tantamount to raping someone and someone and this person obviously is offended by that and so they're just trying to be smart like i don't want any part of that please leave me alone yes yes yes yes yes my face is gonna turn
Starting point is 02:24:16 red does your do you get are you shocked do you get embarrassed but you have to get in front of thousands of people and like no you're working out though your mind's not on anything yeah like if i had to go public speak too much people i'd be like um hey um do you are you ever like vibrating before you go out there like like like right before the go you get like this like yeah like that adrenaline dump it's like oh is that what that is yeah and you're actually like vibrating no not like that but like my heart rate i can feel it's like beating really fast and i get like a little shaky and it's it's a feeling that only competition can you know make you to have and is it before every event yes well as the weekend goes longer on not as much but the first first few events it's intense and um do you does it has to come at the perfect time like if it comes too early like if
Starting point is 02:25:16 it comes like uh like what do you want it to come like 30 seconds before the go and if it comes 10 minutes before the go you're like hey dude go away before the go, you're like, Hey dude, go away. Come back in 30 minutes. Like as you're walking out, like on the floor and you know, and you're like getting it ready and cause you don't want to get it too early. Cause then like adrenaline dump is like, it's legit. Do you, I didn't even, I've always heard that term adrenaline dump. I didn't know that that's what that was. Do you, um, do you want Tasia to talk to you at that point? Like just be making up some other, like, Hey girl, you look great. Oh, are your shoes tied? Like make small talk with you. Do you have your chalk? Blah, blah, blah. She'll like talk to me when I'm in the corral. Cause like, she can probably tell by my body
Starting point is 02:25:55 language if I'm like nervous or my face, but I always just feel like at peace when she's around. I just feel like everything's okay okay like let's just go do what we need to do which is to work out so yeah she kind of calms me down that way and then i get like the real adrenaline um as i'm walking out you know it's crazy too she's probably nervous as fuck oh yeah but she's hiding it she's hiding it that's why she's so good for me. She's literally my favorite person in the world. Who else does she coach? Just me. Like she, when we say coach, it's like, she helps me like at competitions. Like she's always like my coaches pass,
Starting point is 02:26:35 you know? You know, what's interesting is when I look at her by herself, she looks like such a young lady. And then when I look at her next to you, that's when i realize how young you are yeah she's like my big sis yeah but she she looks so young but next to you she looks like a grown-ass woman and then it's like holy shit hayley adams is 20 years old this is nuts i do feel like i'm 30 though when you're 30 you're gonna look back and you're gonna trip you're gonna be like holy shit
Starting point is 02:27:06 yeah where did those 10 years go but yeah and she's also she's so beautiful on the inside and outside she's just an amazing person I can only judge her outside I can only judge her outsides and I agree with you she's very beautiful that would be awesome
Starting point is 02:27:21 that's the best thing about the Mayhem Empire it's just endless podcast guests yeah just keep them coming well thank you for coming on oh my god thank you for having me please let Rory know that I want him to come on
Starting point is 02:27:37 I will a big hug and whisper in his ear you know Sevan really wants you to come on I will thank you is there john do you have any farewell um um what uh after dubai what's the what's the game plan because that's the last competition right you can take a little bit of a break yeah um kind of just enjoy the holidays a little bit and um in north carolina with my family yeah, a little bit of a break and then start ramping up for the open and quarterfinals again.
Starting point is 02:28:08 But so continue squatting through all of it. Squatting. Yeah. You probably just think about that every single day. What am I going to squat today? Every day. Fish.

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