The Sevan Podcast - #183 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: October 26, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:04 We're live. Good morning. Good morning. It's weird. I couldn't pin the phone number in the YouTube comments. Normally I can just pin the number up there and i couldn't do that this morning 7 a.m pacific standard time that's california that's the united states a little spot on the oh it's weird this phone is ringing john but i don't know if i'm going to be able to answer because i don't hear oh there we go there we go we go. You're not messing around this morning. Good morning, John. There we go. There we go. Good morning.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Good morning, sir. How are you? Good morning, John. How are you? I'm awesome. Living the dream. Good morning. Good morning, sir.
Starting point is 00:01:58 How are you? Someone else. Oh, I think we got a bad echo. Yeah, I turned off my YouTube. Okay. Oh, I think we got a bad echo. Yeah, I turned off my YouTube. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:10 As I like to tell people, I'm living the dream in someone else's nightmare. How are you? I am living the dream in somebody else's awesome dream. Oh, good. Good. Yeah. Yeah. It's a good thing. I get up early in the morning anyway, every single morning. And you know, I'm testing the theory of no rest day at all.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Okay. You mean for training? Yeah. Just everyday training on January the 1st of this coming year will be two years straight of no days off. What's the very, very least you've done in those two years for a day? The least? Yeah. 20 minutes on the aerosol bike interval. Okay. That's probably the least I've done, but usually I always do something after that. Okay. That's probably the least I've done, but usually I always do something after that.
Starting point is 00:03:07 Okay. The heaviest thing or the longest thing I've ever done is what they call the three teams out here in California, in California, the down here in the Los Angeles mountains. That was a 30 miles on the trail with no food or no water. Wow. See, that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:03:27 On a motorcycle, right? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. You put on your shoes, put on some good shoes and go hike. Aye. Aye. Aye. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I like to test that theory of whatever. You need water, you need food, need all that stuff. And I understand that people want to be safe and all that stuff. Uh, however, um, being a, um, veteran Marine, I like testing my head a lot. And one of the things that that's one of the things I do whenever I go out on long hikes, I won't take any water or food with me. I just go and go fast. The most dangerous thing I encounter are not the bears, not the bobcats, not the mountain goat. How about the rattlesnakes? I've only seen two rattlesnakes. Actually, my granddaughter saw the rattlesnakes uh i've only seen two well actually my granddaughter saw the rattlesnake first and the cool thing about it she didn't freak out she just said hey grandpa is that a snake i say yeah stay away from it how old are you and she i'm uh 53 oh you're a young grandpa. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's good to go.
Starting point is 00:04:45 It's good to go. So the most dangerous thing I encounter is people who are bad dog owners. Ah, that's the, that's the worst because their dog might bite you or you might step in a pile of shit. Uh, the dogs are not on leashes.
Starting point is 00:05:02 Yeah. And I come and I, when I turn around and come back, I go to the summit whatever that is and i turn around and come back i run as fast as i can and when i come up around a trail um not all the time there are some good dog owners out there but when i encounter a dog that's not on the leash um i have to go around it i have to jump over it i have to kick it and keep going and what and what um color are these dogs uh most of the dogs are uh big like german shepherds uh some uh siberian huskies that was sorry i was trying to i was trying. Sorry, I was trying to be funny.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I was trying to be funny. I was pointing out the irrelevance of color. Next, I was going to ask you what sex are these dogs? What gender are these dogs? I was just trying to be funny. Sorry. Oh, I understand. I understand.
Starting point is 00:05:59 But yeah, I either jump over them, try to avoid them, or I've kicked a couple of them because they're just, they get in the way. They're freaking getting in the way. I understand dogs are dogs. That's crazy though. If you imagine, someone could snap if you kick their dog. Yeah. But I'm moving so freaking fast.
Starting point is 00:06:21 But the thing is, they don't have their dogs on a leash. Right. That's on them. right that's on them right totally on them right i never have you ever had a dog that like you like to go places with and you don't put it on a leash and he at and he misbehaves i do not that's one of the i i don't own pets i stopped owning a dog a long time ago when you started having kids uh no no no no no no um i just decided i didn't want any more pets pay me yes so pain yeah so i just didn't want them anymore so yeah so how is it what's your thing do you need rest days two years of just non-stop training
Starting point is 00:07:02 do you need rest days or not no yeah i don't think so either but but other people would argue that your 20 minutes on the assault bike isn't really a workout but oh oh oh wait wait when that 20 minutes on the workout that's interval training so that's uh i'm going hard okay okay yeah like today i'll tell you what today i did 20 minutes i'm about to go do something else 20 20 minutes on the bike. It was a six minutes of a small warmup. And then 20 seconds at 85 RPM with a 45 second rest. 15 rounds.
Starting point is 00:07:37 So 14 rounds. And now I'm about to go lift some heavy weight. The guy who was on the show yesterday with me, John Young, the young kid, when I interviewed Haley Adams, he said that one time he rode the assault bike for three minutes at 80 RPMs. Woo! That ain't no joke. I said, how often have you done that? He said once. That sounds crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I don't. One, I don't think that's humanly possible for him. But two, that actually kind of like scares me the thought of it like scares me like like finding a black widow in my bed like it's it's like real fear that that that that wow I've done
Starting point is 00:08:16 I've done ooh 70 at one minute and 40 seconds and um but oh man that's a test maybe i'll give that a test see where see where my head is on that i don't i'm not i'm not gonna this isn't a great workout but i've been playing with it uh a lot this last month um i do basically i get on the assault bike i ride the first minute slow you know like 55 rpms and then i restart that and then i restart the assault bike. I ride the first minute slow, you know, like 55 RPMs. And then I restart
Starting point is 00:08:45 and then I restart the assault bike. And then every minute I just try to hit 90 and then I can pedal as slow as I want. And it usually takes like for me at 160 pounds, it takes me like six seconds to go from like 50 RPMs. And then, and then during the rest of that minute, I just pedal really slow. And then when it gets to the top of the minute again, I just have to hit 90 RPMs. And it's kind of interesting. It's kind of interesting. But it's my way with flirting, going full throttle. I'm a little younger than you at 49,
Starting point is 00:09:12 but every time I go full throttle, I was talking to some Annie about this the other day, Sakamoto. I feel like I start to have this out of body experience. Like I'm watching my body to see if something breaks. When I never did that as a kid, I just went full throttle. Yeah. I feel like I always think that I'm going to body to see if something breaks when I never did that as a kid. I just went full throttle. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:26 I feel like I always think that I'm going to have a heart attack. I wish like something, my back's going to go out or like my ankle's going to snap off or something. Oh yeah. Yeah. It's yeah. There's a, there's a workout that Sam Briggs did a few years back where she did three minutes on and I think, and five minutes off, but. That three minutes, I don't think it was.
Starting point is 00:09:46 I know it wasn't 80, but it was hard. Yeah. It was a hard three minutes. She's a special creature. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She is.
Starting point is 00:09:57 I remember seeing her running around the track. I was a volunteer at the game. Watching her run around the track was I was a volunteer at the game. Watching her run around the track was terrible form of beating everybody. I wonder if Sam shaves or waxes. I wonder what her generation does. Hmm. She's 37?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah. I'm going to say she shaves. Shaves, wow. Yeah. I bring this up. You may not want to hang out for this, John. This could get dirty. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:28 I bring this up because someone in the comments today on YouTube says, I usually love your podcast, but to sit here, to sit there, usually love your podcast, but to sit there, and she's clearly uncomfortable asking her whether she waxes or shaves. What kind of dumbass question is that to ask? Joe Ashworth says that in the comments on YouTube regarding my interview with Hayley Adams. And then this other person, Nicola McIntyre, says interview was good other than the creepy middle-aged man questions to a 21-year-old about waxing. I feel like if she was older, she would have put you in your place and told you to back off. Super creepy. place and told you to back off super creepy nicola and joe i um i want to explain to you guys something there are these people who see something in the outside world have a reaction to it and an analysis of it and then react to that reaction and that analysis now at that point you are talking to
Starting point is 00:11:23 yourself right nicola you've made it clear that you have an issue with me being middle-aged i don't know how old that is but i'm 49 and you have a you have an issue with me being a man so we now know that you're an ageist and you're a sexist we also know that you have rules about asking people who spend 24 hours a day tending to their body. The entire premise of Haley Adams and her cohort is that they train, sleep, eat, repeat. She made that very clear. They all make that very clear. To talk about the maintenance of their body, whether it be shaving, whether it be what tampons they use, whether it's whether they use toe spacers, whether it's they use cream rinse, whether they have superstitions about washing their hair before an event, whether they use, whether it's whether they use toe spacers, whether it's they use cream rinse, whether they have superstitions about washing their hair before an event, whether they use
Starting point is 00:12:07 a sports bra or a Victoria's Seals bra, it's all fair game. And the fact that you think it's creepy means that I ask the question and you made an assumption or a conclusion from your, from Nicola, from your creepiness. Yeah. You felt uncomfortable. As someone, Craig Wright, wrote Sam's vagina. I wasn't even – has more hair than Monsters, Inc. character. I wasn't even talking about her vagina.
Starting point is 00:12:36 And for all you know, I bet you, Nicola and Joe, you – and this is me going out on a limb. I know this isn't – That's all right. I bet you that they are so fucking sexist that if you guys found out I was gay, it would have been okay. If you found out that 15 minutes before I went on this podcast, I was jerking off two guys, it would be perfectly okay to talk to a woman about her waxing. What if you found out that I fought every week with my wife because I can't stand the fact that she spends $100 a week on waxing? What if that was the big issue in my life? What if I was a fucking obsessed waxer?
Starting point is 00:13:06 What if I was just paranoid because I'm a hairy Armenian? I mean, you people – don't get me wrong. I understand why it made you feel uncomfortable. I get it. I get it. You're all soft out there. There's all these fucking rules. I can't ask a black person if their skin burns in the sun. I get it. It's insensitive.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Oh, they want to touch your head. Yeah, exactly. rules i can't ask a black person if their skin burns in the sun i get it it's insensitive go yeah yeah exactly go yeah you guys just don't listen to me i'm not the podcast for you i'm not the podcast for racists homophobes or sexist that i am like you need to find yourself it's the it's the it's the it's the democrat um from New York, the attorney general up there. I can't remember, 10 years ago, who was just – he had a hard-on for persecuting prostitution rings, and then they caught him running basically a prostitution ring. You're the fucking Republican that fucking hates homosexuals and gets caught getting your dick sucked in a bathroom at the airport. Like stop. We – don't even make the comments on YouTube.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You're embarrassing yourself, Joe Ashworth and nicola mcintyre we know you're the creeps you're projecting that shit onto me there's nothing like a creepy about asking how someone what if i asked her what kind of cream rinse she used i mean cream rinsed does anyone use that term anymore and yeah i know it's fascinating to me it's it the same with the Black Lives Matter sign. I know you hate black people. You don't have to fucking overcompensate by putting that sign on your lawn. I get it. You're fucking racist. I get it. As a black man, every time I see that sign, I want to punch somebody in the face.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Every time. Every time. Drives me nuts. It's fucking crazy. I grew up in Berkeley. I grew up in Berkeley, California, and those signs are everywhere, and those people are fucking... Oh, man. Anyway, sorry that I had to drag you into this, because you're obviously a good role model for your grandkids.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I don't know. I'm trying to be my grandkids. Yeah. And you sound like a good dude who's taking personal responsibility and personal accountability. But I just see these things this morning. I'm like, dude, you guys, please don't listen to me. I'm not for you. You are not.
Starting point is 00:15:22 You are way too trapped in your head and sophisticated for me. Yeah. I'm not sophisticated. I call myself – I'm a total dirty dirtbag. I am a total dirtbag. I really don't give a damn. I really, truly don't. Why did you join the Marines?
Starting point is 00:15:37 I wanted to go to college. Okay. That was the bottom line. They were going to pay for my college, And it wasn't for service, honestly. I remember sitting down with the captain when I first joined up. And he says, why are you joining? I said, my parents can't pay for college. So this is what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So I did it. And did you go to college? Yeah. Oh, heck yeah. Graduated. All that good stuff. But the Marine Corps pay for it, and I even tell my my, one of my kids
Starting point is 00:16:08 today, hey, if you need to go to college, go join the military let the military pay for it you know, you have to do your service you gotta do what needs to be done but you can go to school, you really can't you just have to put in the work put in that work
Starting point is 00:16:23 how many kids do you have? let me give you the technicalities of my life i'm married in two children actual blood related children have none but when i got married a little while back i have two grown adults that had kids. So they're my, I consider them my grandchildren. So technically, blood related, zero.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Complicated. Yeah. So that's all right. Yeah. So I love my grandkids. Good. I raised, I've been raising my grandkids. Are you enjoying that?
Starting point is 00:17:02 Oh my goodness. You don't uh a few years back i was suffering suffering from ptsd because i did my thing overseas because i did that thing i came back all messed up, like bad, really, really bad. What do you mean you did your thing? You saw bad shit happen to other human beings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Okay. Yeah. Human beings being bad towards each other. Yeah. Um, I came back and I was going to go back again to get deployed again. I never signed that contract. I took that.
Starting point is 00:17:42 I, I'm not doing it. I said, I'm not going to do it. Um, and one of the reasons, one of the stupid reasons was I couldn't pick up the, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:52 CrossFit games overseas as much. I know. Yeah. But when I got all that stuff done, um, my, um, came back,
Starting point is 00:18:04 got my, uh, finished up all my degrees and all that stuff. And then I found a new wife. We got married. Her kids had kids. And what it is, is the dad, let's just say it,
Starting point is 00:18:23 they're a bunch of fuck-ups. Can't stand them. That's the bottom line. And they know, and my grandkids know that grandpa will show up and do what needs to be done. 100% of the time. And I love that. How old are they? My responsibility.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Say again? How old are they? Uh, the first. Say again? How old are they? The first one, I didn't have, you know, I wasn't there when she was born. She's 21. I have a 10-year-old and a 5-year-old. And I have a great-granddaughter who is 3 now. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And they know that grandpa shows up i like kids because um i mean obviously especially my kids because um you get what you put into them the feedback loop is crazy like yeah and they grow so fast and if you treat them with um with dignity respect integrity honesty um and you and you give them your time and your patience they will reward you with some fucking intangibles they will oh my goodness they will reinvigorate you about the miracle of life they're they're i mean it's it's like one of i always think of it as one of those um you know those movies you watch as a little kid and it shows you like a flower like a seed grow come out of the you can see it on sesame street a seed grows out of the ground and then turns into a flower and they do the whole thing like in 30 seconds yeah i feel like you see that
Starting point is 00:19:53 in kids in real time like one minute they can't do something the next minute they can or they drop some word on you that or they ask you a question you're just blown away oh my goodness why do you look over your shoulder when you put the car in reverse you're like what you know a three-year-old just asked me that and you're just and then you explain it to them and then the next time they see you back up they're like hey you didn't look over your shoulder and i'm like damn you know like they're like you only use the you only use the reverse camera and you told me that that's not appropriate you should always look and use the reverse camera i'm like damn turn this motherfucker into a policeman oh my goodness yeah they're they're made my great-granddaughter she's amazing she's three and she's non-stop from the time she gets up
Starting point is 00:20:36 to the time she goes to she passes out i don't even yeah she just passes out and i didn't think i would ever have have that feeling or that type of love or type of like I miss them when they're back at their parents' house. I never thought that would ever happen. But it does happen a lot. I miss my grandkids. But, yep. Yeah, it's a trip seeing my parents around my kids. It's a side of Seeing my parents, um, around my kids. I,
Starting point is 00:21:05 I, I, it's a side of them that I, I mean, I, I had really good parents, awesome parents, but,
Starting point is 00:21:10 uh, it's still, it's a whole nother level of awesomeness that I've never seen until I saw them with their grandkids. Yeah. It's that goodness. It's the goodness. It's the goodness of this life.
Starting point is 00:21:22 John, thanks for calling in. Appreciate it. Hey man. Have a great day. Appreciate it. Hey, man. Have a great day, Ron. Okay, dude. Bye. Ciao. John Woods. Good dude. Damn, he's not messing around. 7 a.m. Bam. Dude just ruled the first 20 minutes of this
Starting point is 00:21:36 show. I'm through the whole video with Haley. Did she tell you if she shaved or waxed? I think she said she shaved, which I found I don't think my wife shaves anymore she waxes she always like goes to like and she has to wait till her hair on her leg is like a certain length before she does it so you have to like like shaving i guess i mean shaving obviously you can just do whenever like just this morning i shaved right here but i guess waxing
Starting point is 00:22:02 there has to be enough hair to grab onto. And so if she's going to get her legs waxed, she has to have like a certain amount of length. I had a very long talk with my kids about the vaccine and how they are getting bullied for not getting it. People are so dumb. Wow. Wow. Amazing. Hey, dude, they killed someone they killed someone for saying that the earth circles the sun instead of the sun circling the earth they did that
Starting point is 00:22:32 jamal what's up oh nope not yet jamal what's up good morning morning, Savant. Doing all right? Yeah. Smith, Jamal, Jamal Smith. Yeah. Jamal Smith. That's a great name. Thank you. How can I help you? How can you, no,
Starting point is 00:22:54 fuck that. How can you help me? Oh, I was, I don't know. I think you were going live and I was thinking about something the other day. And it's like, um, I knew that when I joined
Starting point is 00:23:07 CrossFit, you know, it was just, I knew I was overweight and I knew that I needed somebody that could really help me train. Like I needed somebody to give me the direction. I can go to a normal gym and work out because I didn't know what to do. I love this conversation already. I have no idea where this is going and I love you already. But so basically, you know, like I found a local CrossFit gym through a girl that I worked with and I, like many other stores, it became my second family.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Loved it so much. I got my L1. Dang. other stores it became my second family loved it so much I got my L1 dang but I remembered starting off you know it was my membership was 150 bucks yeah and you know at the time you know I was telling my parents about it and just to put some context you know like I'm black but you know telling my parents I was paying 150 dollars a month for somebody to coach me and tell me what to do. Immediately they kind of had a little bit of an eyebrow raise because they're like, well, why can't you go to a 24 hour fitness or, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:20 anywhere else where you're paying a fraction of that price. Yep. But it took me a while to really get them to understand that it's more than when I paid that $150 a month. It wasn't just somebody over me. It was more of an accountability. And one thing I realized is like which this isn't everywhere but in the black community I feel like working out isn't working out to be fit
Starting point is 00:24:55 in a personal way is okay you know if you're trying to have a certain aesthetic, but working out for fitness and health and longevity, I don't think that the majority of the black community really grasped that concept. Because growing up, I knew that I wanted a six pack. I wanted to be able to be the fastest. And even now, I mean, I've gotten closer having a six pack. to be the fastest and even now i mean i've gotten closer having a six-pack but i realized that me being able to keep up with my daughter which she's only one years old but congratulations thank you but you know i realize all the boxes all my favorite boxes kids accountability and because i realized that i would much rather be able to be with my grandkids eventually down the road and they say well i can't keep up with grandpa yet you know and i think the long term of crossfit is so powerful but it's hard to get the black community to really understand and grasp
Starting point is 00:26:08 that um jamal two things that stand out to me isn't it it is okay though to work out for like i i work out so that um my clothes will fit me and that i'll feel confident and not insecure in public and i love the fact that the byproduct is that I'm healthy. Now I've had to adjust that a little bit because I don't want to, I really don't want to get hurt these days. Right. Cause I have three kids and like being injured is not an option. Um, but I think I, and I don't think you were saying anything was bad about it. You were just making an observation. But I'm curious what you think. Whatever your motivation is that gets you to move I think is okay, right? Right. man i don't think that that's um indicative of the culture black versus white i have i mean don't you think that there's just endless amount of people in white culture who just work out just
Starting point is 00:27:11 for the six-pack anyway i mean that's that's basically why the steroid thing and that's why the supplement industry is so huge right because white black or other these fucking people just want like i mean i they i mean supplements can't really do anything right if you're not taking the good ones if you're not taking the ones that are bad for your prostate well i mean but we all take them right yeah and i would even make i would even say the statement that supplements if you look at somebody who takes like, say if they just take a protein shake, but there is no other workout that they do that they need that protein shake for, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:50 it can basically cause you to gain weight the exact same way. For sure. You know, there has to be, you know, action and reaction, you know, are you still going to the gym?
Starting point is 00:28:04 Oh yeah. I went this morning. Oh shit. And what, what state are you in? Are you still going to the gym? Oh, yeah. I went this morning. Oh, shit. And what state are you in? Texas. And what, can you tell me the name of the gym? Jet Engine, CrossFit. And did you work out before you did CrossFit?
Starting point is 00:28:21 Very little. You know, I'd go to the, like like 24-hour fitness and pretty much bro session like lat pull downs bench press some curls no no leg stuff well the only thing i was lucky the the only thing that really helped me was um i had a friend and he used to do swimming so i get off of work at 10 at night and I do a little workout. But then at midnight, we would finish with like laps in a pool. And honestly, that's one of the things I do miss about going to the regular gym is because doing those laps at midnight and coming home at one, taking a shower. I got the best sleep I ever had.
Starting point is 00:29:04 What do you do? What's your day job? Right now, I'm a caretaker for a guy. He had a spinal cord injury some years back. Motorcycle? I work night shift with him. Motorcycle? Sleepwalking.
Starting point is 00:29:19 No shit? No. This guy fucking hurt his spine sleepwalking? Yeah, he fell down the stairs. Wow. No. This guy fucking hurt his spine sleepwalking? Yeah. He fell down the stairs. Wow. Hey, I never give anybody a fucking pass for anything that happens to them in their life. It's always your fucking fault, but I'm giving this guy a pass.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Oh, yeah. Holy shit. Holy shit. Yeah, I work night shift with him. So that's what ends up happening with me. Like this morning, I got off at, I worked 10 to 6. I got off at 6 a.m., went straight to the gym, got my workout in. And like I said, once I seen you were going live for the call-in show,
Starting point is 00:30:01 I was like, well, I guess I'll stay up before I go to sleep and check it out. Oh, wait, you were going to go back to sleep? No, I haven't gone to sleep yet, but I wanted to stay up to be able to watch the live call-up show. Oh, I'm sorry. I missed that. So you work the night shift. Sorry, you said that. Yeah, I work from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Okay, okay, okay. Hey, are you still married? Yeah. And how proud is your wife of you? I'd say she's pretty proud. I mean, she has helped me in ways that, I mean, I couldn't even see a therapist helping me with, you know, starting off in our relationship. You know, I was always used to seeing what my parents did, where they would have a problem. They would just shut down and let it, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:53 not talk for a few days and then come back and act like nothing happened. But one thing I love about her is that she didn't allow me to do that. You know, any problem we had, we solve it come to a conclusion before we went on about anything else. Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead, Jamal. And I mean, that was the most eye-opening thing to me because I never really got to see that. So her making me and pretty much forcing me to open up and explain what was going through my mind. I mean, it pretty much had the snowball effect from when I'm, you know, at home with her, if I'm coaching or if I'm just talking to somebody on the street.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Man, I'm guilty of this as much as the next person taking the person that you love for granted, but it's so important to, to remind yourself every day that the people around you who are good role models for yourself or who support you as you make yourself a better person to thank them for that support. It's huge. I'm so thankful that my wife works out every day and that I work out every day. And you know what? It's, it's, it's not, um, it's not always for her and me, it's just peeling off some minutes. Right. So like, I'll get done with this podcast and I'll go in the house and she'll be wrapping up breakfast or school with the kids. And she'll be like, Hey, I'm going to jump in the garage and work out. And then, you know, and then I just take over and, you know, pretend to do some dishes and
Starting point is 00:32:21 get the kids ready to take them to the skate park or something. But she gets in her 20 minutes or 30 minutes or whatever. And I'm so fucking proud of her. We should be, we should, I'm so proud of everyone who's doing that, especially right now to take the step, to be a better person, not just for yourself,
Starting point is 00:32:36 but what it sends to everyone else. And the fact that like you would go to the pool at midnight to swim, dude, you're so awesome. Would you ever see other people there jamal oh yeah they have a few people that would trickle in like weirdos like like fucking meth heads or like homeless people trying to hide out or like like people who are like you no it was just people that you know they probably got off late or yeah they you know they work a late shift and they come in how did you get how did you get
Starting point is 00:33:06 overweight i mean i think it was right when i started college you know i just didn't pay attention to what i was doing you know i wasn't like just a box of crackers like like like a whole box of crackers when you watch a tv show or a pound of m&ms that kind of shit not even that it would just be like small snack stuff. Like I'd be going in between classes. I'm like, well, let me go to the vending machine real quick. Or if I had a bigger break, it's like, okay, instead of me bringing my lunch, let me go to the cafeteria, get a burger or something.
Starting point is 00:33:39 So, I mean, it was just negligence. You know, I didn't think about it and I didn't realize. I think that was the biggest thing is that I didn't realize how big I got until after I started CrossFit and I started losing weight. Because I was like, okay, well, what did I look like before? And I was taking a picture of myself and I was just like almost disgusted because I didn't realize how I let myself get to that point. Like, are you still, were you, have you lost so much weight that like your head is smaller now like that?
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah. You know, some people like they get so fat, their heads are big. Like you see those kids and their ears are missing and their eyes are pushed back in their head and you're like, what the fuck? I wasn't that big, eyes are pushed back in their head and you're like what the fuck no i wasn't that big but i will say that i was wearing a size 11 and a half in my shoes and that was because it was comfortable and i had like i know i have like very flat feet but then it was like i lost all this weight and i was in a 10 and a half shoe. Holy shit. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And I know. Dude, you're a boss. I mean, I'm sure it, and I mean, I'm sure it had to do, do with like me being so much heavier, having flat feet. I needed a wider shoe because of all the weight. But then once I got down, I was like, oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You know, like these shoes are kind of like way too big. They're like flopping. The Tony Tone said, big head like dana white hey the tony tone 20 burpees buddy you lay off of dana white you stop picking on dana white we need him oh i in last night i um while i was on my way to work i was listening to your podcast with Mark Bell. And the thing that stood out to me the most is when he asked the question to his wife, you know, do you believe in me? And that like really resonated with me because, you know, I know my wife, she cares and loves me very much. But it was like, it was kind of one of those things
Starting point is 00:35:46 that I'd never asked her. So I sent her a message and I asked her that exact question. I was like, do you believe in me? With no other context or anything. And she said, her response was something along the lines of, I believe in you
Starting point is 00:36:01 because I know once you put your mind to something, there's no stopping you. And it was like, I went into work and I was like, I mean, I could have taken, I mean, I could have conquered the world at that point. Yeah. It's stuck. As my wife says, it's stuck. Like sometimes she'll say something to me and I'll bring it up a week later. She goes, I know that I knew that stuck. That is so awesome. She said something that's stuck and you're running with it.
Starting point is 00:36:27 That's always a double-edged sword because they say something fucked up. It could fuck you up. But yeah, I love it. Man, it's so good having good people in your lives. How old are you? I am 25. Oh, shit. You already have a kid and you're married.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yep. Wow, you're doing it. I mean, we've been together in November will be four years. But honestly, after, I mean, I probably would have married her after three months. I mean, she's my best friend. Oh, that's great. Hey, and how long have you been at the CrossFit gym? Since July of 2018. So that'd be three years now.
Starting point is 00:37:14 It would be horrible if the gym closed, right? Like if all those people got scattered to the wind, you'd be like, what the fuck? Well, that was whenever the whole pandemic thing happened and we did have to close for a bit i really got to enjoy um our gym we decided to like make videos weekly i mean pretty much daily videos of workouts then it was fun because we had to get interesting because not everybody at their house has a barbell or bike bike. So it was a lot of like, we told people get a backpack, fill it with some books,
Starting point is 00:37:50 do some cleans with it, do some rock runs. So the pandemic actually opened up our minds. So what we can do with it, Jen. Oh shit. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:38:01 You win. And then you, and you took your, did you take your old one live or, um, uh, on the computer, the virtual one? No, it was, uh, I did it live. Yeah. That's the only way to do it. People take your L1 and do not do it online. You have to do it in person and meet these trainers. Did you,
Starting point is 00:38:17 do you remember your trainers? Oh, that's the one thing that I kind of, I kind of get upset about cause I don't remember. I do. Um, one of the ladies that was my trainer, she was pregnant at the time, but another guy,
Starting point is 00:38:31 he was from, I believe he was from South America, probably about six foot three. Uh huh. Amazing jawline. But I, like, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:38:41 dude, me and you are cut from the same cloth. I can't believe you said that amazing jawline. What a great observation. Oh yeah. Like, I don't remember. Dude, me and you are cut from the same cloth. I can't believe you said that amazing jawline. What a great observation. Oh, yeah. That's some animal shit. But, I mean, just like what you said, when you're, like, fascinated with the human body and what it can do,
Starting point is 00:38:58 you know, I feel like if somebody has a feature that you truly like or you see, it's good to compliment them on it because you don't know what that does, not just for their day, but if that's something that they've been working on. Right, right. Right. Well, thank you, Jamal, for calling. I love the story. No problem. You're an inspiration.
Starting point is 00:39:23 You have a good day, or should I say a good sleep? Yes, sir. Thank you for always having amazing guests on your podcast and just being super organic and asking the questions that nobody is thinking about. Thanks. I mean, that's just an amazing talent that you have. Thank you. I can't wait to see you get to 500. Me too.
Starting point is 00:39:46 No, you don't want me to get to 500. Then I'm going to quit. All right. Oh, no. I'll talk to you later. All right. Bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Damn. This podcast is supposed to be – I feel like I'm getting more than I'm giving this morning. You guys are awesome. Guys, I'm having this gentleman on who trains at the mayhem empire named Luke Parker on, I think I have to double check. I think it's Thursday morning and he was on this show called bachelor. Now, I don't know if you guys have seen this show. Um, I think there's like, there's a brother and sister show. It's called the bachelor and the bachelorette. And so, um, I went, he was on, this show has been on for 19 seasons, whatever show. I,
Starting point is 00:40:30 I don't know if it's like the bachelor and bachelorette count as like, if the bachelor goes, that's one and the bachelorette goes and that's two. And it's 19 between the two of them. I don't know. But basically this guy was on, um, season 15 of the, I guess it's called The Bachelor or The Bachelor. Shit, I don't know. I need to go back and look. But I watched that in the last like three days. I fucking crammed down the season of that show.
Starting point is 00:40:57 And that's the guy who got sued on Bachelor. That dude got sued? For what? Anyway, I cannot recommend that show to anyone i don't think it's um i don't think it's healthy well it's such a bizarre show it's such a fucking bizarre show it's these 30 guys who are going after one girl and it's just like a crash dating right and so and at the end theoretically i guess she has to pick one of them to get married but think of all the stuff you have to do with someone before you get married you have to meet them you have to fuck them you have to
Starting point is 00:41:38 fight with them and you have to make up with them right i mean they're like and maybe cook a meal with them i mean you have to do some like so so she basically has to do that i guess with all 30 dudes or or get it down to 10 dudes or five dudes and then start doing that but i don't i don't think i mean you know i know there's people who abstain from sex until they're married but there has to be some intense intimacy even if it's not physical it has to be crazy emotional intimacy, even if it's not physical. It has to be crazy emotional before you get married. I mean theoretically, if you're going to make a good decision, you have to get as close as you can to someone, kind of work through the kinks, make sure the key and the lock fit together. That there's a significant compatibility, even if you're not compatible, that there's a function that would if you're not compatible that the the that there's a function that would allow you guys to work through any issues i mean you
Starting point is 00:42:30 it's like one person has to be a book written in english and the other person has to be able to read english and then vice versa you can't like um uh uh marry someone who's a book in spanish and you only speak english and just never figure them out. I mean, anyway, this show is so fucking uncomfortable because of the pressure that these people put on each other. It's kind of like the worst form of human judgment and hypocrisy. And I'm okay with hypocrisy like I understand humans are dynamic I really really do get it but
Starting point is 00:43:09 um man you're basically watching 15 episodes of people just miscommunicating or trying to communicate and this poor guy fucking Luke Parker he's only in the show during the show I don't know how old he is he's like 24 I could never have been on a show like that when I was 24. It's it was brutal. It was it was so freaking uncomfortable. It was it was bizarre. And what's yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I don't know if I should ruin the show for anyone yeah I'm gonna ruin it for you so basically he goes all the way to the end this dude makes it all the way to the end and then he gets kicked off the show she decides she doesn't like him and all the dudes are basically saying about this guy Luke Parker the entire episodes
Starting point is 00:43:57 is that he's dishonest he's dishonest the guy who fucking wins the show and gets the chick and is supposed to marry her then they do a follow-up episode after that and she kicks him to the curb because he was dishonest and that was his biggest platform about pointing at the other guy luke about the guy who's gonna be on the show about him being dishonest and that's the thing it's like you know anytime someone has a fucking finger pointed at you they have four pointed back at
Starting point is 00:44:25 themselves and of course they paint this dude did look just horrible and the women in the audience so basically at the end of the show they have this whole like they it turns into like a game show where you're like in an auditorium and it's all the contestants who are on the show the chick and the dudes and then there's an audience of a couple hundred people and then the host is like asking them questions and the audience is all women and it's just like it's fucking the worst of fucking femininity it's like these women are it reminds me of fucking jerry springer it's so fucking bad it's people no one should be no one should have to go through that or deal with that or and and and and why the fuck would anyone go on a show like that is beyond me beyond me
Starting point is 00:45:17 this is going to be a great episode which one matt the one with luke and he's he's yoked he's beautiful but man he got destroyed on the show uh he had to pay 120k total because he made negative comments about the show afterwards oh he had to pay a hundred thousand dollars for breach of contract you guys want to see how this works i'll show you how this works so uh cedar city utah what's up how are you hey what's up hold on what's your name i'm drake drake oh another great name dude i had a jamal that's a great name and now i have a drake i had joseph before that that's my son's name I'm
Starting point is 00:46:05 not even a name guy and we're killing it today so guys I have this phone right here wirelessly hooked up to what's called a roadcaster it's like the $600 thing I got on B&H and basically I have it wirelessly bluetooth hooked up to that and so when people call it just interrupts the show and then I can just answer and the only reason why i have this cable plugged in is just to keep the phone always charged and this is just some fucking like you guys could call this number whenever you want this phone just sits on my desk i don't ever answer it except for when the show's on drake what's up dude you got a uh you got a jew mom and a black dad i don't i'm a white guy. Damn. You're not the Drake I wouldn't be. I was Drake before Drake the rapper was Drake. All right. Man, I love him.
Starting point is 00:46:49 I don't want to take too much time on your show, but I just wanted to call and tell you I just took the L1 this weekend. It was quite a pricey experience. Tell me. First of all, why did you take it? I do want to get into coaching. My gym has some coaching opportunities opened up. And I mean, obviously I just love CrossFit in general, love the methodology, love helping people out. So it was a good opportunity for me to take it and hopefully get my foot in the door, start coaching, interacting with people at my gym. Sorry, I just saw a text message.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I'm trying to get Rich back on the show before the Rogue Invitational, and I just saw he texted me back. That's crazy. God, I'm such a fucking little girl. Just got goosebumps. That's awesome you took it. How long have you been doing CrossFit? Probably just under three years now.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Do you wish you would have taken it sooner? Maybe. Obviously, always like the price issue kind of came up because I'm a really young college kid. So that was kind of always a factor and just timing came up. How old are you? I'm able to make it happen. How old are you? I'm 22.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Oh, yeah. You don't have kids? I have one coming in December. Two months. And you're in college? Yeah. I'm a young guy. Are you – oh, dude, I can't answer the phone.
Starting point is 00:48:13 I'm in the middle of an L1 talk. I appreciate you calling from New Mexico, but I can't. I can't. I can't, Larson. Sorry. Give me just a few minutes with Drake. So – and what are you studying in school uh my degree is exercise sports science and then just like minor in nutrition were you meaning to have uh sex no
Starting point is 00:48:35 that's not the question no i'm not married and it was definitely an accident so you're married already i i am i'm from utah did you see where the calling number is from oh right right right thank you thank you good good that that settled me down that it's like yeah in california it's like dude you're a little kid but in utah at 22 you're already fucking grown ass man good thank you for contextualizing i appreciate it so you're 22 you've been doing crossfit does your wife do crossfit she does she's kind of been laying off now because she's there for a trimester hasn't been going much but once i married her i definitely kind of made her drink the kool-aid so she So she definitely enjoys it herself. Are you going to be there when the baby's born in the room?
Starting point is 00:49:28 I hope so. Honestly, we haven't discussed what the hospital's protocols are. I think they're more lax now. They let at least one or two people in there with the COVID stuff, but I'm sure I should be. How are you at 22? Are you freaked out? Are you freaked out by watching the baby's head come
Starting point is 00:49:45 through the vagina or are you just fucking just excited about the whole process and just like like like i just can't like i didn't have my first kid till i was 39 and i was fucking i needed a front row seat i was but i don't know if at 22 if i don't know if i i think at 22 i would have been like that too there's very few few things that bug me or that I'm not fascinated by. I'm pretty terrified. It was definitely not something that was planned. And it doesn't even feel real at all. I think every time we go and get ultrasounds, it's just a ridiculous experience.
Starting point is 00:50:20 I can't believe it's real. So until it's actually here, until it's coming, I think that'll be the kind of flip my world upside down. I'm sure. Dude, you have such a good head on your shoulders. It's not real for anyone in my opinion. And anyone who thinks it there, anyone who's acting all cool about it is faking it. You should be fucking like you're on a spaceship to Mars and you're about to be the first person to step on Mars. It really is like that. Like you can't even believe you're on a spaceship to Mars and you're about to be the first person to step on Mars. It really is like that.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Like you can't even believe you're going there. You can like, just imagine the first time you're in like a place with no gravity. That must be so fucking weird. And having a kid, I is, and then, you know,
Starting point is 00:50:56 it's even crazier Drake. Then like the second baby's there, then you'll never remember your life without it. Yeah. It just all of a sudden is normal it's so crazy well have you ever had a dog or a cat yeah we have a dog that's like almost two years old we got it kind of just after we got married yeah it's exactly like that like you don't have a dog and now you do have a dog and like you'd fight someone for your dog right right absolutely yeah now just multiply that times a million i can't even imagine dude
Starting point is 00:51:27 oh you would chew if you like if you were dying and you had only one bite of food you'd give it to this fucking dog that's called your kid it is so weird nothing everything doesn't make sense anymore there's no more you but it's great the happiness is off the chart you're going to be so stoked yeah and i i do i will say i do appreciate the i listen i love listening to your podcast and all the little tidbits advice you get on being a dad i've already told my wife that our kid's not eating sugar before he's two years old so dude even those idiots at the cdc say that now no added sugar before they're two. It's so easy. Is your wife going to breastfeed? Yeah, she plans on it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah, just let that kid, at least the way we did it, if we just let our kids, my wife, well, I shouldn't say we. My wife sets all the rules for that shit. But she would feed them until they basically vomited, especially the first one. He fed on demand. He could eat as much as he wants. He would always fucking throw up like 10 or 20 percent of his food i know someone's gonna say that's bad but whatever and uh then around i don't remember how old but we just when we started giving him regular
Starting point is 00:52:34 food we started just giving him smashed um you just blend up like you know piece of chicken with a banana or piece of chicken with avocado and you just start blending your own shit and you just make this fuck and you also have to remember like you want to feed him all this fucking really bland shit because it will affect his palate for the rest of his life you give a kid sugar um there's this daoist saying colors blind the blind the eye and basically you just don't want to over stimulate your kid you want to keep everything because those everything that happens before you're two just i mean i'm sure you know now at 22 it's hugely influential right those are the things that you sort of chase the rest of your life so god i'm so excited for
Starting point is 00:53:20 you you're doing it all right 22 already taking already taking your L1, having a kid. Hey, how old are your parents? They're both 56. Dude, they might see their great-grandkids. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy theth best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 00:54:11 So, I mean, this will be the fourth grandkid for them. And they must be so stoked. Oh, they love it. They love being grandparents. Are your parents retired? No, they're not. I know you didn't ask for any advice, but the one thing that was really hard for me, and I had really good parents. They pretty much followed all the rules I set for them, right?
Starting point is 00:54:34 Like they didn't bring candy and shit over to the house. They didn't like spoil the kids with candy. But the one thing that – my parents would do things when I had my first kid that would really upset me. Let's say stupid things that I had my first kid that would really upset me. Let's say stupid things that I shouldn't have been upset about. Like my kid would fall down and my mom and dad would run over and pick him up. And I'd be like, dude, what the fuck, man? Just let him get up on his own. Or they would say shit to him like, are you okay?
Starting point is 00:54:56 But by the second and third kid, I realized it doesn't matter what the grandparents do. Let them be them. What's most important is that I get along with my mom and dad in front of my kids and if they do that that's fine it's just important that i stick to what i do do you know what i mean by that yeah absolutely and it's so hard because you the first kid's so hard because you want everyone to treat them the way you do but you kind of have to be like okay i'm going to accept the fact that the way the experience is my kid's gonna get from the outside world and it's just not worth fighting with your parents it's so much better to just let them do your kid i mean great and i say that with the caveat of like
Starting point is 00:55:33 if my parents were bringing over like cotton candy for my kid it would be i don't know i don't think i could have accepted it i'd be but some of the other stuff is like, okay, you know, like just they're the grandparents. They're the grandparents. That let them spoil up a little bit. Well, it's even more selfish than that. I want my kids to see me getting along with my parents because I want to get along with – I want my kids to get along with me. I want them to be able to be – I want them to be good to me because I'm being good to my parents, so my kids will get along with me. I want them to be able to be, I want them to be good to me because I'm being good to my parents.
Starting point is 00:56:07 So my kids will be good to me. It's pretty selfish shit. Yeah. I got to set the example for them. Yes. The worst thing that could happen is that one of these kids, like at some point, like doesn't want anything to do with you.
Starting point is 00:56:19 That would be horrible. Horrible. It would be, it would be, I can, it would be like painting your greatest piece of your masterpiece and someone buying it and putting it up in their house. Granted, you'd have the million dollars, but that would suck. It's you. Totally hear you.
Starting point is 00:56:39 This guy, Will Brandstetter, in the comments, This is the guy who's been making me the posts in my Instagram. The really cool ones when I have guests. He sees who my guests are ahead of time and then makes a post for me like in Photoshop. People are so fucking cool. Will Brandstetter. Hey, would you
Starting point is 00:57:00 ever go on The Bachelor? Would I? Yeah. Like before you were married, would you have ever done that show? Highly doubt it. I don't think I have the personality for it. It's not the TV show. Have you ever seen that TV show? I haven't, but I do.
Starting point is 00:57:15 I actually competed against Luke about a year ago in a competition. He was in Utah for a competition, and that was kind of when all the hype was around like the guy from The Bachelor or Bachelorette whatever was coming and there was kind of a lot of people fangirling about him and stuff at the competition but that was kind of what I know about Luke I competed against him so it's a crazy show
Starting point is 00:57:38 this I was thinking about this the lady who the 30 dudes are going after so basically it I was thinking about this, the lady who the 30 dudes are going after. So basically, this is going to be a little complicated. If five years from now she meets a guy and she marries him, let's say she's just out at a restaurant or at a bar and some guy picks her up, right? Before she marries this guy, she's going to have to be like, like hey you have to watch this show it's that much part of her life now like like if you married her and then two years later found out she was on that
Starting point is 00:58:13 show and watched it you would be all fucked up and so that my my point is is that i just can't believe you would do something in your life that's so fucking gnarly that it that it stays with you forever like that i guess people get tattoos and shit do you have any tattoos i do not have any tattoos yeah me neither damn all right well thanks drake congrats congrats on the l1 who were who were your instructors yeah i took it in a pretty cool experience actually i took it in park city at feelers gym actually yeah um did you see him yeah he was actually there doing it with us the whole time he was like in my breakout group and stuff and just doing all the movements with us helping us
Starting point is 00:59:02 out a little bit it's actually pretty experience. I'm pretty sure he retired from the L1 team. That's weird. I guess he came back. He wasn't, he wasn't doing it like as a staff member, but like just since he was hosting it at his gym, he was hanging out and just like doing it with us and stuff. Oh,
Starting point is 00:59:16 that's cool. Yeah. Our staff member was Eric O'Connor, I think was his last name. And then he was, yeah, he was awesome. A guy named John and then a girl named Keegan.
Starting point is 00:59:28 Uh, what was John's last name? I don't recall them saying that or whatever. Um, I know he's been in the game for a while. They were making jokes because he was judging feeler, like the 2008 game. And they were joking about how he no reps him and stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:44 But I think i know who that is um i remember that guy i think i got into he's he's an ex seal yep that's him yeah um at the 2008 games my motorhome was parked next to the um barn that the big shed at the um and he had to climb up there and do something and he jumped off the shed onto the roof of my motorhome and me and him got into a yelling match together what is john's name i really like him since then we became friends he's an awesome dude um yeah super knowledgeable guy uh there were all sorts of what and he probably was in between in between deployments um that was the crazy in the in the wild west there were so many seals around
Starting point is 01:00:24 because of dave and all the c and eddie lugo and all the seals involved with crossfit it was nuts and these guys were fucking aggro right because they were in and out of deployments yeah but that guy eric o'connor he might be he may have surpassed chuck carswell as the most l1s taught by anyone. I think it's either him or Chuck. I think he mentioned he's done over about 400 or so. Dude, he's a rock star. He's so
Starting point is 01:00:54 amazing. Yeah, like I said, crazy. All right. Well, thanks for calling, Drake. Congrats on the baby. Stay in touch. I'd love to hear more thank you Paul take care ok bye
Starting point is 01:01:07 jeez you guys ready for this this is a call from a prison these happen every once in a while Roland what's up buddy hello what's up buddy how is it
Starting point is 01:01:24 how did you get time away from the guards to call me? The guards? Yeah. Well. The prison guards. Oh, the prison. I just walked out. Careful.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Are you talking about my wife? No. Are you talking about my wife? I'm talking about your government. You're calling from Canada, aren't you? No. Is my number from Canada? No, pretty close.
Starting point is 01:01:53 My number is a Vancouver, Washington number. Oh, good. Washington. Thank God. Yeah, but I'm living in South Carolina now. Oh, okay. So you don't see Miranda and Julian every day? No.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Okay. You know who they are? No, but my wife is from... No, I don't. I didn't look them up. You talk about them on your show. Yeah, they own street parking. They live in Vancouver, Washington.
Starting point is 01:02:19 I'm pretty sure. Oh, yeah, that's right. They've been to Fort Vancouver. Oh yeah, that's right. I've been to Fort Vancouver. That's a Justin Medeiros is kind of his home gym sort of because his coach owns that gym, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's that guy's name? Adam Neifer. We had him on the podcast. Yeah. He was freaking awesome. He was awesome. Yeah awesome what was your name? Roland
Starting point is 01:02:48 what's up Roland? how can you help me? help you? is that why you called? oh yeah yeah I called for I was man
Starting point is 01:03:04 I'm just trying to get amped so that I can start a YouTube channel myself I was man yes I'm just trying to get amped so that like I can start a YouTube channel myself ah like I'm like if I can't
Starting point is 01:03:11 call in then there's no way I can start one ah but I'm not trying I'm not gonna try to take your stuff
Starting point is 01:03:18 but you can take my stuff dude it's so weird have you ever gone live on Instagram yet Roland I don't nope I've never gone live on Instagram yet, Roland? Nope.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I've never been live on anything. Any of the Facebook or Instagram. You got to try to go live on. The whole thing is so fucking weird. Like, it is so weird. But you have to break your. You have to. Yeah, I don't know what the word is. You have to step off into the unknown. You have to yeah i don't know what the word is um you have to step off into the unknown you have to try it you have to try it you have like you'll have all these judgments about it like these
Starting point is 01:03:52 fucking people on and not you i'm just this is probably more like me look at all these people in their selfies look at these people talk to the camera look at these people say this look at what are the who the fuck do they think they are oh and you gotta drop all that shit And just try it Dude that's so wild My wife has done a bunch of that shit And she won't let me watch her Do it Like do a video or anything
Starting point is 01:04:15 I can watch it after But she gets all self conscious It's wild Yeah I understand that It's weird There's an excitement of putting yourself out there you um i think that you should i think that the the the good people should feel really insecure and nervous and not and you should never enjoy it i never enjoy it
Starting point is 01:04:38 i don't even but but once it's done i'm so happy that i did it it's kind of like working out yeah you don't want to do it and then you do it and there's some great highs and lows and then when you're done you're like oh god that's i'm so i'm so glad i did that oh i love working out how old are you i don't know. I'm like, I'm close to 36. I'm close to 36. Okay. I don't know. That never happened to you where you're just like, I don't know how old I am. It does happen. I know you say it. I know you say it quite a bit. In my thirties, it happened more, but now, now, now as I approach 50, I'm like, I'm starting to, I'm like, I know.
Starting point is 01:05:23 Okay. I don't know why. It just seems like a good age 50 like it scares the shit out of my kids oh yeah dang there's a line to call in today yeah wad zombie it's crazy i know i didn't think anyone would call in today i did like i did not want to do this show today but last night i'm like just put it up there and do it. I didn't know. I was like, I don't know if I'm going to get in today. Like all the other times you,
Starting point is 01:05:49 you started your video and there's like, like crickets for a while. And this time it was like, I have to go after that guy. Oh shit. What are you going to do? That last guy was awesome. The first two guys were awesome.
Starting point is 01:06:04 Yeah. What's your YouTube channel going to be about? Well, oh, shit, I don't know. I have, how many brothers do I have? I have six brothers. So it's going to involve something like that. There's going to be a lot of brothers. So there's, your mom had seven boys. There's seven of you total? Yeah talk about a lot of your mom your mom had seven
Starting point is 01:06:25 boys there's seven of you total yeah all yep all from one mom yeah and where are you in the rankings number two all the same dad yep wow your parents never practiced safe sex no i don't think so. They were pretty safe, I'm pretty sure. Do you have kids? That is a weird... Yeah, I have kids. I have three kids. So you don't practice
Starting point is 01:06:58 any contraception either? What? Just three kids? Oh, no. I could have a kid every time. I don't know how much time you have back i could definitely no but like you get a woman pregnant and that's she's pregnant for nine months and then she has the baby and then for like another nine months or 10 months she can't get pregnant so let's say two years so over six years you would end up having three kids if you just practice no um contraception okay i have twins oh i have twins
Starting point is 01:07:27 that's one of the things that yeah i'm trying to someone's trying to call me um you are the worst caller i've had today i don't know like but the good news is that means your show could only get better. Yeah, probably. That is a good thing. That's like where I like to start. Just right at the bottom? Yeah. That way I can just get better, like you said.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Are you having more kids? No, I'm not even like right now. Just in general, are you going to have more? general are you gonna have more are you gonna have more than the three you have if i could choose if i could get a girl that'd be i would like to do that but shit seven boys and you have three boys are you mormon no kind of similar like you know like catholic gotcha that's all like yeah gotcha but it wasn't it wasn't like they it's not like a sin to use contraception or something it just they wanted to have a lot of kids one of my guests is asking if you're high you're not high
Starting point is 01:08:38 right someone else just says you're nervous oh yeah i'm, I'm nervous. No, I've never smoked weed. Yeah, I get that too. I don't know. They're like, are you high? I once was trying to cross the border and I thought that my cousin might have left weed in the car and I got so nervous
Starting point is 01:08:59 and then they're like, oh, do you have weed or drugs in here? I'm like, no, no drugs. Then they were like, I thought I was playing pretty cool and then they're like, oh, do you have weed or drugs in here? I'm like, no, no, no drugs. Then they were like, I thought I was playing pretty cool. And then they're like, oh, we're going to search your car. Canada or Mexico? Canada or Mexico? Canada.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Dude, that shit is so fucking crazy. First of all, Canada is horrible. But second of all, isn't it crazy when people start accusing you of that at the border and all of a sudden i've had that happen to me too where i'm 100 certain that there's nothing in the car and then they got me questioning myself they're like are you sure i'm like fuck i i mean i guess i'm pretty sure i mean like i didn't put any drugs in here i was imagine if they would have found drugs in your car and you had never put it like you were yeah and you know that's happened to someone sometime somewhere that's happened to someone um I was driving through uh I don't remember I don't remember where it is someone will know in
Starting point is 01:09:58 the comments right here but it's a small highway maybe it's highway 10 and it cuts through the very corner of Arizona it's like a small small little section of Arizona it's highway 10 and it cuts through the very corner of Arizona. It's like a small, small little section of Arizona. It's in the middle of nowhere and there's nothing there, but this freeway, it's about 70 miles of freeway that cuts through. I don't know if it's from like New Mexico to Arizona to Nevada or what, but it cuts through the corner of Arizona and I'm driving and I'm all by myself and I do have a little bit of weed in the car. This is probably 30 years ago and I hadn't even smoked any of the weed. I just, I was going on this trip and I do have a little bit of weed in the car. This is probably 30 years ago. And I hadn't even smoked any of the weed. I just, I was going on this trip
Starting point is 01:10:27 and I brought some with me just in case. And it was in a glass jar, like the size of like a spice jar. And I see a sign on the side of the road and it says drug checkpoint up ahead. And as I'm driving, I'm thinking to myself, fuck, I wonder where that weed is in the car. Cause I just saw this big, huge road sign,
Starting point is 01:10:44 you know, like neon sign that says drug checkpoint ahead. And I'm like, fuck, I should pull over at the next exit and find it and like throw it out the window or throw it away or something. And the exit comes and I'm like, fuck it. And I don't get off at the exit. And as I pass the exit, I look down over like the bridge that I was on the overpass. And there's fucking like 30 cops down there with a bunch of cars pulled over and that was the drug checkpoint they just put up a sign that says drug checkpoint and because and there was nothing else there at that exit nothing there
Starting point is 01:11:16 was no reason to get off there and so it was just a trap if i would have got off i would have gotten busted crazy right yeah so it says drug checkpoint just to scare you you get off the freeway to throw your shit away and boom they got you dude that's that's smart yeah that's crazy that they would know that and that's the kind of shit that makes me hate cops that's why people hate cops by the way i like i love a cop now but like if you want to know why people hate cops i I did a ride-along one time, and the cop I was with stopped at – there were these three hotels that all were in the same parking lot. And they were all shitty hotels, Motel 6, Motel 8, Motel whatever, three. And the cop went to the front desk of every single fucking hotel and got a list of all the people staying there and then ran all the names looking for warrants and i'm like this is fucked up this is fucked up that's not cool yeah i'm like in that boat i'd like it's hard to figure out whether
Starting point is 01:12:17 i like one day i'll light talk next day i'll be like i don't know turn into like super libertarian but it's yeah it's tough i get i get it i like i like that i have a cop neighbor and for me that's really nice i feel safe yeah he's just like when like no one's gonna rob my house there's a cop right there right i do feel the protection yep yeah like the bees that sting your kids they suck but the ones that make honey that's in your in your cupboard
Starting point is 01:12:47 those are cool yeah exactly and a lot of it is about the laws that they have to uphold right like I'm like
Starting point is 01:12:54 if they have to like uphold a law for me to wear a mask not at the top you know I mean the good cops will quit and then
Starting point is 01:13:04 screw it you're screwed all right thank you for i'm glad i was able to help you with your dress rehearsal okay thank you roland bye all right yeah my charity for the day sherry sorry you you called twice and both times I was on, like, it's probably good to get a girl caller. Are you going to set me straight about the waxing? I need someone to set me straight. Set me straight. Hair doesn't even bug me. I don't even care if there's a, I like, if someone had a huge bush or a girl with hair in her armpit, like of that fazes me not even not even in the slightest if someone stunk like like and i'm not talking about bo i don't even mind body odor but like if you get like you smell sick like like bad breath like you got dead meat in your mouth i used to work with this dude at crossfit he was a senior
Starting point is 01:14:02 executive there and his breath was so bad it smelt up the entire room. And I fucking kid you not. Have you ever flossed your teeth and you pull out a piece of meat from the back? And it's like you get relief in your, like it's been hurting like for an hour. You're like, what the fuck is going on? You floss and this piece of meat comes out and it has like this stench to it. This dude could make a whole room smell like that with his breath. Fucking nuts. stench to it that this dude could make a whole room smell like that with his breath fucking nuts um these are things that i'm supposed to say at the top of the show oh damn it i was supposed to
Starting point is 01:14:32 start start the show talking about um darn it darn it darn it i screwed that up i cannot screw that up tomorrow that is our sponsor and i have to like talk about him casually like it's like it's cool it's a website where you can go to and um it's a website you can go to and just find jobs that are all crossfit related fitness related you want to work in a gym you want to post a job looking for someone to work in your gym oh here comes canada this is a weird name here we go it's just a show with people calling in today excuse me hi hey stevant your name is uh uh uh gulf gil it comes up as my wife's name right it's i don't know it doesn't even look like a name okay it's a bunch of letters g-u-e-l-p-h yeah i don't know what that means I'm calling from Canada anyways yeah I can't believe they're letting
Starting point is 01:15:28 calls leave the country awesome congratulations for your freedoms that's cool I called in a few weeks ago when you were talking with James and Kate on one of your calls and shows his name is Peter the alcoholic the what kind of alcoholic
Starting point is 01:15:44 just the alcoholic. Oh, the what kind of alcoholic? Just the alcoholic. I was talking and then I was talking and James said something about sending him a DM and you made a joke about the fact that he was, he wouldn't get back to me. And did he? Yeah, he did. Oh, that's awesome. And he hooked me up with somebody from the Phoenix, Megan Burns. Oh, that's right that's right he actually told me that that's right that's right yeah it worked out really great we've already had so far i mean this is the beginning stages but
Starting point is 01:16:16 i just uh peter i carried the last call and i'm tapped. Are you going to carry this call or did I just hang up on you? Oh, I can carry the call. I just, I'm also a little, little thrown off by the fact that you say Canada is the worst. Cause we're not the worst. We got some, uh. Tell me, unfuck me. We got some issues.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Tell me. We got some issues. Like, uh, like we're not Australia or New Zealand anyways, but not completely locked down. Okay. Point. You just, you just, everything I completely locked down. Okay. Point. You just, you just, everything I said is not true.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Third worst. I mean, we do have some good things. We do have like, you know, I can go to the doctor. I don't have to pay for it. I do.
Starting point is 01:16:58 You know, we still get a good public school education. But the thing is, you do have to pay for it and you can't get a good public school education. There is, you do have to pay for it and you can't get a good public school education there is you do have to pay for it you just you just don't think you have to pay for it it's like you know it's like when they say hey city college is going to be free it's never free someone someone so it's like this i I pay taxes, right? So that someone I elected can be in charge of a portion of my money that's supposed to make civilization work better. So the basics would be I pay taxes, and they make sure that my park is clean, that the stoplights in my neighborhood are working correctly, that the roads don't have potholes you know just things like that right that the site that the water that the water you know when it rains drains
Starting point is 01:17:49 away from my house and doesn't flood my house right and but but but if they but whatever is left over that i can spend i i pay my gardener my nanny i tip a kid at the local coffee shop i basically use that money to reward people that make my life happy and and eventually and eventually at least in my country it's gotten out of balance and there's more money going to these elected official and that's what people don't get where it's it's like yesterday someone told me the recall in California was such a waste of money. Imagine how stupid you have to be to use the term wasted money or wasted time. It's this false sense of understanding of how the economy or time is. You can never waste time.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Time is. I know what people are trying to say, but they're not saying it, and they're confusing themselves. You can never waste time time is not yours okay and so you can't waste money either if they spend 800 million dollars sorry to interrupt if they spend 800 million dollars on the re-election campaign all that is is money that goes to people who worked on the re-election campaign and then what do those that goes to people who worked on the reelection campaign and then what do those people do it they spend it on their gardeners on coffee shops they spend it at kinko's to make i don't even know if kinko still exists they make photocopies they i mean the the only way to waste money is to like burn money if i buy a bentley and i sleep in it that's not a waste of money now it might be stupid but it's like and so in the same
Starting point is 01:19:27 respect nothing is free yeah but you're talking about those two different things there you're talking about taxes this is one thing right and then you're talking about politics which is a completely different thing and the fact that we keep electing the same politicians in that waste the money but that's basically the same thing right isn't aren't taxes just a way that we pay for our politicians that's all it is right it's basically we're their bosses and we're deciding who's going to get this the job for the year five years or whatever yeah well we need to change that yeah those people need to be got we need to be gone like the the problem is or we need to find
Starting point is 01:20:05 people who spend usually like we need to pie and find people who spend the money that makes us happy like you like your politician that spends your money so that you don't have to worry about health care you're you like that and so that works for you yeah yeah that's cool that would worth that would that kind of works for me too except for the fact that it's not really us – the healthcare industry is like – the healthcare industry, you know, most of the people who go to the hospital, like 86% in the United States is what the estimate is. When they go to the hospital, the hospital doesn't have the solution for them, but it pretends to have the solution for them. So let's say go ahead well just quickly like we need to get politicians in who mean our health care system needs to be overhauled into the fact that we should start talking about health instead of fixing people
Starting point is 01:20:58 after they get sick right which is sort of a cross-fit idea if we we could maybe get some people to start eating better, we wouldn't have to put so much money into our goddamn healthcare system. People living a better, healthier life. And I suspect that we... Go ahead. The politicians are just in the pocket of all the pharmaceutical companies and things like that so they can promote pills to fix us after we get sick so like but the problem is the choices of the politicians that we have to
Starting point is 01:21:29 to pick from are usually pretty just people that are already in the pocket of the of the wealthy and the powerful right yeah they're in the pocket and it's worse than they're in the pocket they actually believe it like people actually yeah like we're like the big argument is is like well savon you can't just let everyone die you have to take the injection you have to give people the insulin you have to you have um at what point are we going to allow this to collapse society like we're basically codependents everything that we're taught on how not to treat people not how to raise kids that's what our government. Our government is just one giant codependent. It's nuts.
Starting point is 01:22:09 But I mean, that's sort of on us because we keep voting these people back in. We have the power as the majority of the people, but most people are not even engaged in this kind of stuff. And it comes down to education. They're leveraging the fear. They're leveraging people fear. Yeah. They're leveraging people's fear of dying. So you have 50% of the people in the United States are basically walking on a high wire.
Starting point is 01:22:36 And if the wind blows, they're going to die. And instead of getting off the high wire, which is so easy, people, it's easy and cheap. It's so easy and cheap. You want someone to uh to support you on the high wire you want the rest of us to pay for you i'm done doing that i'm so done doing that i mean i'm so i'm so like this whole pandemic yeah go ahead this whole pandemic has just shown us that like not once have i turned on tv TV and heard anybody, anybody talking about people getting healthy, about people like eating better, about cutting out sugar or doing any of these things. It's all about fucking vaccine.
Starting point is 01:23:11 It's all about just, you know, wear a mask. Yeah. Even though masks don't work. Right. Yeah. And it's just like,
Starting point is 01:23:19 when has somebody said, Hey, you know, 90% of people that are dying and I have fucking vitamin D deficiency. Why not take some vitamin D? I realize there's no money in vitamin D, but anyways. Joe Ashworth and Nicola McIntyre, you think it's weird to talk about grooming? You think it's weird to talk about grooming with people who spend 24 hours a day in regards every judgment is about their body?
Starting point is 01:23:43 Who work out in their underwear and bra how fucking creepy do you think it is that people want to hurt our kids and lock our kids down to save 80 year old obese people how creepy is that fucking idiots hey just so you know stop watching my show fucking assholes sorry what'd you say i use nair to defoliate my my hair where on your back you were talking about that yesterday on your back or your chest no on my no on my cock and balls i use the sensitive yeah i use the sensitive oh you're fucking crazy you yeah that was a good job baby so there's what what's that you lathered you yeah that was a good job baby so there's what's that you lather
Starting point is 01:24:26 you put that I heard you talking to Haley about it yes you put that stuff on your well first of all how old are you
Starting point is 01:24:33 55 okay that's cool I'm not allowed to and you're a man you're not a 21 year old woman yeah okay just making sure
Starting point is 01:24:41 I'm breaking any rules so you're telling me that there's a Nair product that you can wipe onto your scrotum and you can wash and it won't burn it? That's the bikini line version. Oh, my God. I don't know. Does it still smell like that other kind you can smell it just burning? Yeah, I don't have a very good sense of smell, so I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:08 I've had a lot of concussions in my life, so my sense of smell is very poor, so I don't know if it smells or not. You played football? It doesn't have a smell, an odor. I played rugby and hockey when I was younger. Are you big? Yeah, I'm like 6'2", 220. Damn. So that means you probably have a bigger scrotum and you go through more of that than i would yeah um it's just i don't want to i heard you talking to
Starting point is 01:25:35 hailey about it yesterday and you said you used it once and it made me laugh when you said that i probably and that's a lie i probably used it like 10 times but i've only i've never used it at home you know what i would do is i would go on these business trips with CrossFit. I use the term business loosely. And, um, I would be in these hotels. And as soon as I would get there, I'd be like, okay. And I would fucking like run down. I would do this like twice a year. I'd run down to like CVS and buy like the fucking smallest version of Nair I could, which was always still a gallon of it. And I would wipe it all over my shoulders and my chest and as much as my back as i could get only once did i get close to my cock and balls and never again never again and and and i would
Starting point is 01:26:14 never do it at home because it's just so much fucking hair and then it just kind of like then i would go in the shower i'd set my um i um, I don't know, 15 minutes on my iPhone and I, and I would just be like, and then I would jump in the shower and wash all that shit off. But it was weird. Right. I don't know if I'll ever do it again. Cause I don't stay in hotels anymore.
Starting point is 01:26:33 And I got kids around me. I wonder if my kids, if I did that, if my kids would be like, my dad went from Sasquatch to a hairless cat, what happened? I kind of, I kind of don't want my kids to even know that that's like a thing.
Starting point is 01:26:44 Like, I feel like it's just passing on an insecurity to them they'll find out someday that everybody doesn't know yeah i'd rather than i just i'd rather just like hairy people and just maybe they will make one less thing to worry about i just knew when you you talked to hailey about it yesterday that it was going to be you're going to get some backlash about it. Yeah, people are such – Why can't you ask these questions? Because these people are fucking creeps, and they're perverted fucking wingnuts, and in their head, they think there's something like sexual or –
Starting point is 01:27:21 I mean she made it clear that she didn't like me because I was a dude I mean both of those people said they don't like it because some people hate men it's like most people are disgusted by the they think that they're speaking up to fight against the protection of the female body but dude if you were to take them to a psychiatrist we'd find out within seconds that they find
Starting point is 01:27:39 the female form disgusting and they want the rest of us to find it disgusting but they put it in the guise of women's rights it's like shut the fuck up like people can talk about stuff you can talk about someone's nipple or vagina or labia or or whatever the fuck those things are called without it being sexual it's just a fucking body shut the fuck up it's the worst thing about being a male your chest and balls is easy fool about the comp so ryan parker had a comment i don't even understand it here i'm going to read this to you you ready peter yeah it's this is from ryan parker it's the worst thing about being male veet your chest and balls is easy veet that must be typo. Getting your, maybe it's supposed to be.
Starting point is 01:28:25 VEAT is a type of, that's a type of mare kind of product, I think. Oh, okay. VEAT your chest, thank you. VEAT your chest and balls is easy. Fool about is a complex operation alone. I'm not sure what he means, like maybe getting your butt?
Starting point is 01:28:43 Getting the whole thing. Yeah. Jesus. full back is a complete back as a oh yeah yeah yeah okay so what he's saying is getting the back is hard yeah there would always be like a so i would come home i probably shouldn't say this in the early days if i did something like that it would like signal my wife like that maybe i was cheating on her or something i'm being a little extreme she wouldn't like but she like if i this is probably like 10 5 before we had kids 10 or 15 years ago if i if i did that in a hotel and i think the very first time for sure i nared myself i just got the wild hair up my ass and i went to the cvs and i did it and i came back and i i don't
Starting point is 01:29:19 remember i have to ask her but basically she thought something was up like what the fuck why does this motherfucker care all of a sudden about narrowing himself like she thought maybe i was cheating on her or something but also the second thing was that they're in the center of my back you're right ryan there was a section i just couldn't get and it's just like it's fucking ridiculous the whole thing is gotta work on your mobility um it's moot yeah oh that hurts you know my mobility is waning too i would love to call but i have no idea what to talk about please do not fucking call all right peter thank you all right seven thanks for talking to me again yeah thanks for the tidbits i hope that you know you didn't infect me i hope when i go to the store i don't look for that sensitive nair, but I can't promise it. You may have polluted my mind. I'm easily influenced.
Starting point is 01:30:11 Women use it for their bikini line, so it's safe for us, all right? Great. Okay. Bye. Tell James I said thanks. Okay, he'll be on Tuesday. Call Tuesday. Okay, cool. Bye. Take care.
Starting point is 01:30:27 Holy shit. Hour and a half. I didn't get through any of my stuff. Um, uh, I want to talk about rain boots for kids, uh, some parenting shit. Um, my truck was stolen. Um, I wanted to tell you about this, uh, Adrian Bosman. Uh, he, he's, he's taught me about, uh, low maintenance friends, he's taught me about uh low maintenance friends about the importance of being a low maintenance friend i want to talk about respecting public servants oh my god i wanted to talk about whoops i'm not supposed to say that phrase oh my gosh i i i wanted to talk about the raiders coach john gooden he called i guess someone a faggot and a pussy
Starting point is 01:31:02 in an email many years ago and i wanted to talk about that because i just find it hilarious that like they he got fired for that but they're gonna have eminem dr dre and snoop dogg at the halftime show the sewer bowl sponsored by pepsi i will take the faggot pussy uh uh rehab over having pepsi sponsor these three guys by the way i love emin, Dre snooped up, but they like, how about all the whores, bitches,
Starting point is 01:31:28 faggot murder people talk that those guys do. I, I, anyway. Um, and I want to talk about being a real hippie versus a fake hippie. And I wanted to talk about Luke Parker, but whatever,
Starting point is 01:31:41 I guess this will be for the next call in show. Um, you guys so excited. We got a sponsor. Hopefully I don't screw it up on Tuesday. Sponsor is You guys really should check it out. It's a cool website. I'm going to bring the website up in every show and show you guys. It's just basically a place like if you've taken your L1, you want to find a job, or if you run a gym and you need someone to clean your bathrooms, or you need someone to be your COO or your CFO, you can go there and post a job or if you run a gym and you need someone to clean your bathrooms or you need someone to be your coo or your cfo you can go there and post a job and the guy who owns it reached out to me i guess he's a listener and he's like hey i want to sponsor your podcast which got me really excited i've seen this before last call last call
Starting point is 01:32:17 i'm not gonna call i'm not gonna lie when someone calls from outside the United States, I don't get as excited. Biased. I'm biased. Is there a word for that? That's not racist. That's what am I? Well, some people will say it's a prejudice.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Prejudice. I'm prejudiced. I don't think so. I'm prejudiced. Prejudice against anyone outside of the U S. Well, I'm phoning from the, uh, the lovely Napa Valley-like town of Kelowna, British Columbia, home of the infamous Brent Sapowski.
Starting point is 01:32:53 Wow. Wow. I got to get Brent on that. Did you see when I asked Patrick Vellner if Brent likes me? I mean, I know I'm sensitive to the fact that I might not be his cup of tea, but I really like Pat's answer. I think with some of answer. I think, I think with some of those guys that,
Starting point is 01:33:09 uh, and Brent, I know Brent just because he was a neighbor of mine. Um, he's really nice guy, but he's, he is your typical accountant. He's a little bit,
Starting point is 01:33:21 you know, very driven, very book smart, um, little bit introverted, but, uh, you know, very driven, very book smart, a little bit introverted. But, you know, he loves his Star Wars and stuff like that at the same time. So, but he's an amazing athlete. Dude, his body is so nice.
Starting point is 01:33:35 But he's L7 as a motherfucker. The guy is a fucking bona fide dork. But, I mean, there's nothing wrong with that. But it just, when you're so like like i got some dork in me too but i got some other shit too like i'm not afraid to go anywhere but man he has a beautiful body maybe maybe that's my problem my brain's just a sloppy fucking mess and that's why my body's a sloppy mess right he's one of those you weren't supposed to agree with me you weren't supposed to agree with me and he's one of those guys that if you saw him in a polo shirt and some jeans at a golf club you
Starting point is 01:34:10 wouldn't think anything of it but once that guy takes his shirt off he looks like an adonis yeah i bet you his ass betrays himself i bet you his ass and a pair of jeans or khakis he can't hide that shit and his quads but i I feel you. I feel you. The reason I'm calling, long time listener, I'm taller, but I guess my question is, you know, one of the things that you guys are talking about, and Dave brings up
Starting point is 01:34:37 a lot, and I think I heard it on a podcast with Justin Kerr, was about marketability of athletes, the cost of the games and i think i thought about a few one time on a dm was i'd love to hear dave talk about a breakdown of not exact but close to what exactly it takes for the game like the cost of the game meaning that i think that when people are complaining about five months, they've got to realize that,
Starting point is 01:35:09 you know, we just put a lot of you guys in the hole or, you know, cost it in the hole versus actually making money. You know, I think Greg came out one time saying that only three regionals made money out of the nine that they had. And that, you know, what I liked was, and I'm going, I'm kind of going all over the place here, only three regionals made money out of the nine that they had.
Starting point is 01:35:27 And that, you know, what I liked was, and I'm kind of going all over the place here, but you can kind of bring it all together for me, is that Dana White gave the opportunity for athletes to make money. This is for you to brand yourself. I'm just here as a platform. And I feel like CrossFit's kind of the same. Like, we've got to stop comparing CrossFit to hockey or football, rather
Starting point is 01:35:48 than to golf and tennis. Like, the bottom 100 people in tennis and golf, they don't make money. Those guys are probably pros at a golf club somewhere. And they do have their sponsorship. But it's up to someone like
Starting point is 01:36:03 Tiger Woods to brand himself and get those sponsors. Yeah, he has the sponsorship, but it's up to someone like, you know, Tiger Woods to brand himself and get those sponsors. Yeah. He has the wind, but so does Fikowski. And he branded himself with some great marketing, but that's up to him, not, not Greg or sorry, or Dave or, you know, or Dana White. It's even crazier than that dude this is this this could be a whole show but it this is the part that people really don't understand there is everything has changed now obviously with the new owners yeah people think you think you know what the
Starting point is 01:36:43 crossfit games like so there's this house in san jose california it's called the winchester mystery house and it's a place where you go and you pay money and you take a tour of the house because the house is haunted right it's this giant house and it was made by um the uh the winchester fortune and it was a woman who basically someone can correct me if i'm wrong or if i'm wrong. But the spirit of it basically is her family basically sold all the guns in the Civil War to both sides, to the north and the south. Can you imagine how rich she was? I think she – I mean she's had more money than fucking probably Bill Gates, respect for her time. So she built this giant fucking house, and she basically said that spirits were telling her to keep building and keep building so it's this massive fucking house with stairways that go nowhere and doors that fall off of like
Starting point is 01:37:28 third stories and just weird shit right but it wasn't built as an amusement park it wasn't built to be in something for a haunted house people do not realize that about the crossfit games you cannot even imagine what it was like working for Greg Glassman. He had no interest in making money if it compromised anything about his message. He was so torn. His soul was so broken when we took money from Reebok for the games and he only did it pretty much because he was basically torn. He had fucking 50 employees who wanted it and he didn't want it, but he still did it and he tried to keep it in its lane. And even when Reebok got in trouble for saying a shoe, they had that shoe that supposedly made your butt firmer and they got in trouble. Greg went out, even though they were a sponsor and gave us millions and tens of millions of dollars greg still went
Starting point is 01:38:27 after him he didn't even care if we lost the sponsorship you guys don't understand just because games athletes call themselves games athletes and they call themselves professional this is back then by the way this is up until like 2019 you you you're lying, you are lying to, you are lying to yourself. You are lying to yourself. It's the same way if you look at a human being and you think they're, they're outside, that's just their skin. 98% of them is inside the skin. It's all blood and guts and poop and cells and cancer and veins and arteries and just fucking fat and bones and tendons and ligaments. People, it's all a fucking lie. And this isn't an attack on you, brother, but like even how you couched it, it's not even true.
Starting point is 01:39:14 We're looking at a boat and you're describing a car. It's a complete misunderstanding of what was going on. And so people had expectations of this thing that they called the crossfit games it's the same thing with the community every time i hear the word community i'm like oh these people really don't even know what the fuck they're talking about this was a fucking experiment you fucking knuckleheads well and i think and you're right you're right he's so different than you he's so different than you not you the caller what was your name yeah ryan ryan sorry ryan not not different than you
Starting point is 01:39:54 ryan he's different than all of us he didn't care about the money he wanted to see his health experiment take over the fucking world and and he didn't, and he even knew that it wouldn't, but he wanted the smart people to have a place to go. So when the tsunami of chronic disease came, they could get on the lifeboats. He knew he had no chance of helping 90% of the planet. And this games thing, just trying to sprout it off onto the side and these fucking idiot. And he didn't know there wasn't social media at the time. He didn't know these fucking woke morons like Katrin's daughter. We're going to be saying stupid shit. He didn't know that fucking woke morons like katrin's daughter we're going to be saying stupid shit he didn't know that that the the racists were going to come over and take over and start talking about inclusion or the homophobes these segregationists these fucking cunts while greg's trying to help the whole entire world the big picture these fucking obsessed woke
Starting point is 01:40:40 fucking nazi wannabes fucking we're going to be concerned about how many black people were in the gym and how many Asians. And and and is this been translated into Spanish? Shut the fuck up. They fucking they don't get it. They missed it. And now and now, now, now it's a race to the bottom. it is a race to the bottom people and you won't even see it happen because your understanding of what you were looking at in the beginning was all wrong it's a race to the bottom they invited this precision care thing this is fucking absurd if i was an affiliate i'd be fucking losing my mind you better go i'm not joking people you better go take your l1 now there's the days coming when that shit's going to be illegal you're not going to be able to say the shit they say in there it's going to be amazing when you see the uh not just the monster sponsorship but you're going to see you know
Starting point is 01:41:33 prospect games brought to you by pfizer yes yes you know yes at every at every commercial yes i mean when i hear rosa talk about uh uh uh, I'm like, what the fuck? I'm trying to think the last time I've ever been to a doctor. I mean, I've been to a doctor once in the last 15 years. Like, if I don't have a broken bone or I'm bleeding out of my asshole, like, why would I go to a doctor? I give everything I need from my L1, from my local affiliate. Yeah. These fucking idiots talk about inclusion.
Starting point is 01:42:09 I just watched a fucking video on the game site about this new like workout thing that they're doing, this event, which is cool. I love all the community events. But there's not one fucking black, Mexican or Asian person in it. Not that I give a shit. Don't get me wrong. Don't get me twisted. I think it should be all fucking hot people. I think it should be't get me twisted i think it should be all fucking hot people i think it should be regardless of skin or color should be all fucking hot people hot old people hot young people hot everyone but maybe even some hot dogs but um maybe even
Starting point is 01:42:36 but don't tell me you give a fuck about inclusion i see that inclusion tab on the crossfitting website it makes me sick i think you've lost your fucking way you're pandering to the racist fucking adc you want more fucking black people in crossfit crossfitting go fucking build a gym in harlem you fucking pussies there was a gym at crossfit hq that's that served fat people and old people only people like me weren't allowed to go there well i'm almost old enough to go there my mom went there that gym is gone and that gym was there under greg glassman and he had plans to open three more one of them was in harlem one of them was in the bronx and i forget what the other one was atlanta or something and he wasn't he wasn't and he wasn't doing it because of any of the
Starting point is 01:43:22 fucking woke idiots he was doing it because he felt like it was just the right thing to do. He wasn't doing it to make money. He actually was doing it for this one reason. He wanted the spread of anecdotal evidence that fucking basically CrossFit could cure chronic disease. And he knew those communities. One of his plans was he wanted to go somewhere where there was one of these like super big megachurches that was like primarily black people. And because that demographic had shitloads of type 2 diabetes and shitloads of obesity and he wanted to infiltrate one of those
Starting point is 01:43:50 and build a crossfit gym there not to help black people to help fat people with type 2 diabetes and to show that like anyone can do it fucking idiots you fucking racist homophobe woke douches you're ruining everything you want to be like that go to fucking china do you know where it's like that you know where there's equanimity in jail 10 years ago homeless people didn't have iphones now every fucking homeless person has an iphone you think life is bad you want to focus on the discrepancy of wealth, how much money Bezos has. And these other guys have versus you. It's never been better for poor people. The goalposts have all been moved. Stop thinking poorly.
Starting point is 01:44:32 Sorry, Ryan, your turn. My bad. I'm going nuts. No, it's all good. I thought I,
Starting point is 01:44:38 so I come from a family. We're all adopted and we're very multicultural. My, my brother and sister are colored. Um, I'm, I'm'm white my mom is from South Africa and she's racist well we're allowed to say
Starting point is 01:44:54 a person of color no I just meant South Africa everyone from South Africa is racist black and white but go on they can't help it they got fucked I remember when the whole Greg thing came out the Floyd came out and you know it was all over social media my sister said you work out basically she was going on her little rampage and uh she said you you work with a bunch of racists but she didn't understand what was going on right yeah so i remember talking to
Starting point is 01:45:24 my mom about this stuff and, you know, and you go down this rabbit hole because you try to, and this is during the riots and everything, and, you know, you're trying to go down
Starting point is 01:45:32 this rabbit hole and explain stuff to people, but it's hard to because not everything out of HQ is coming out of everywhere and, you know, they don't know exactly
Starting point is 01:45:40 what's going on with Greg or anything else and that's fine. And that's his business, not anybody else's. But I remember talking to my mom about this stuff. And, you know, the whole white privilege thing came up. And I said to my mom, I'm like, okay, mom, I'm going to tell you a little story about this woman. Her family fled South Africa.
Starting point is 01:46:00 And, you know, was able to, this person's of color. And she was able to go to a school and a college, eventually, when she lived in Winnipeg, and got a wicked college education, became, worked at a hospital, married a white gentleman without any judgment, and was able to have the freedom to do whatever she wanted. That couple moved across country,
Starting point is 01:46:26 started a business, business did very well, retired, and had three kids. And we grew up with a swimming pool. And I said to my mom, so I said to my mom, I'm like, am I privileged? Yeah, I am. Unfortunately, I am privileged,
Starting point is 01:46:42 but not in a sense of like, I use that privilege to put down others. I mean, I'm. Unfortunately, I am privileged, but not in the sense of like, I use that privilege to put down others. I mean, I'm privileged because my parents did everything they could to give me these opportunities to go to, to live in a better place, to grow up with a swimming pool, to, I mean, we weren't rich, rich, but we were, we were doing okay. Right. So I went to schools. I, there's the odd time I went to a private school. Um, I was able to play hockey. I was able to do all these different sports and we didn't have to really worry about
Starting point is 01:47:16 money. Um, in that sense, in my privilege, yeah, we were a privileged family, but not in the sense of what, you know, CNN makes you feel like. It feels that I'm supposed to feel. I'm like, no, my parents fought and provided everything, but I don't think that we should. Because my sister, who's of color, my brother, who's of color, we're in the same boat as me. We all traveled in the same boat. So you can consider them privileged as well because they got that opportunity. If everything that they're saying they – or the fuck they are – is true, there's still no way out except for each person to do their part.
Starting point is 01:48:01 You're not going to fight racism with racism and there'll be non-racist as the winner. If you fight racism with racism, the winner is a fucking racist. When I, when I, when I was 16 years, when I know I was 18 years old and I graduated from high school and my mom bought me a truck and, um, it, it was pretty crazy that she bought it for me. It was a Toyota pickup truck. It was $14,000, $14 for me. It was a Toyota pickup truck. It was $14,900. It was a Toyota 4x4 extra cab, brand new. She let me go in and negotiate the deal.
Starting point is 01:48:34 And we didn't have a lot of money. When I was, it's nuts. It's nuts she did that for me. Anyway, and when I got that truck, I told myself, this is in 1990, when cars used to break down. How old are you, Ryan? I'm 46. Okay, so you remember when cars used to break down. How old are you, Ryan? I'm 46.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Okay. So you remember when cars used to break down, right? There was always, wherever you went, there was always like one or two cards on the side of the road with the hood up. And I told myself for a year, and this is before cell phones, for a year, anytime I saw a car broken down, I don't think I've ever shared this story. For a year, every time I saw a car broken down, I would stop and help the person. And I did that. That's it. Because I was privileged.
Starting point is 01:49:18 When I go to the skate park, some great stories, by the way, of people I stopped and helped. Fuck. People who don't talk to strangers don't talk to angels. Remember that, people. Every time I go to the skate park, I walk around and I pick up all the trash in the skate park. Why? Because I'm privileged. What am I privileged with? I have hands, legs, and eyes. I don't sit there. Do you want to know something crazy, Ryan?
Starting point is 01:49:41 I have picked up trash at the skate park 500 times. I don't know, 300 times. 300 times in the last two years. 150 times. I went from 150 times. I don't know, 300 times. 300 times in the last two years. Ah, 150 times. I went from 150 times. And probably gone three times a week for a year. Only one time has anyone ever thanked me. It was a 12-year-old boy. I went over to his mom. I was like, hey, I picked up trash here fucking 100 times.
Starting point is 01:50:03 And your boy's the only one who's ever thanked me. I mean, just parents standing around and I'm picking up all the trash. Cause I got three little boys that are not, no one's ever thanked me. Hey, that's a good idea. Hey, thank you for doing that. The 12 year old boy, not that I need it. And I would have never even noticed that no one else said thank you except this 12 year old boy said it to me. I went over to his mom. I'm like, damn, you got a good kid. She goes, why? I'm like, I was picking up trash and he was skating in here and he thanked me for doing it that's the kind of kid i want that's what privilege is when you have the privilege to open your mouth and say thank you white privilege it's never going to be fixed unless every single person does their own
Starting point is 01:50:41 whatever your problem is the activism isn't going to do shit. Yeah, it's too bad because I remember even during this conversation, we were talking about, you know, in the rioting, and I remember saying my mom was, you know, when they were fighting for my, and my uncle
Starting point is 01:51:01 was a very big activist in South Africa at the time. And you remember in the 80s, all you saw was rioting. And the protest that you saw is from South Africa. I've been there. It's scary. It's scary. It's a beautiful city, like Cape Town is beautiful. But you're right, it's 80% poverty and people are people. And you're right. It's, you know, 80% poverty and people, you know,
Starting point is 01:51:25 people are people and they, you know, you're letting the prisoners run the prison. Not saying that, you know, there wasn't injustice and stuff like that. But I remember talking to my mom about it saying, when you guys were fighting for justice and the right of way and privileges, just to even go to the beach and use the water fountains. I go, I don't remember you stopping at the local stores saying you need a pair of Nike and breaking the window. Yeah. $700 million damage to Ferguson. It's, it's so unacceptable.
Starting point is 01:52:04 Yeah. All right, Ryan. It's almost nine o Yeah, it's great. All right, Ryan. It's almost 9 o'clock. I can't believe this show has gone on for so long. Absolutely. I appreciate you taking my call. Yeah, thanks for sharing your story. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:52:18 I stayed so calm the entire episode. Like I told myself this morning, stay calm, be cool. And then you got on and got me all fucking wound up. Well, maybe next time you got on and got me all fucking wound up well maybe uh next time you got kate and them they know people are saying on how you're you know you should be not censored but watch what you say and stuff and i haven't watched the hayley adams uh episode yet i'll listen to that at work tonight but she was great she's a she was wonderful i'm so stoked she came on. It was an honor to interview her. I'm not just saying that. I was tickled that she accepted.
Starting point is 01:52:52 Tickled. So cool. And I think my only words, and I'll leave you with this, is just keep yourself uncensored. Yeah, I will. You know how to pick your guests and the right things and the wrong things to say, you know that. I mean, you're almost 50 years old like I am. You know how to talk to people in the community. I think it's not like you're going to get her on the Sibian like Howard Stern does.
Starting point is 01:53:16 Maybe you can take Gordon on that thing. I can't wait to tell her you said that. Hey, I treated Haley like I would treat my own 21-year-old daughter. I treat every guest how I would treat my own fucking kids. And so, and how I would treat my mom or my dad. So, there's no hypocrisy or betrayal to my character. And you know your audience you know you're you know you know the people you're talking yeah and i and i can't it'll be too much energy not to be real then i couldn't do the show every day like the only the saving grace about this is i get to just come on here and do me
Starting point is 01:53:58 yeah i'm more real with you guys than i am with i'm more real with you guys than I am with, I'm more real with you guys on this show than I am any other time in my life. Even when I'm probably more fake when I sleep. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Later, dude. Bye.
Starting point is 01:54:17 Bye. Uh, so, uh, Brandon, this week's guest, uh, tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:54:21 um, I have Chris master, John. Uh, he is a PhD in nutritional science. Terrified to talk to him. What if he starts being like Paul Saladino and saying a bunch of shit I can't understand?
Starting point is 01:54:34 But I think that's going to be my job. I really love having the Carnivore MD on, but man, he's so fucking smart. Like I gotta like, I need to, I can't let them get too far ahead talking about fucking neurological pathways before stopping them and asking them some questions so the rest of us can learn something from what they're saying. So I'm interested to talk to him about sugar and the effects of sugar on the immune system.
Starting point is 01:54:59 So that's tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. He's also become quite the activist i saw him with the blm guys and the nation of islam at a kairi rally this weekend protesting some of the shit that's going on in the nba uh then tuesday evening i have fuck thank god i have to get grounded again with uh kate and um hobart uh kate gordon and james hobart then on wednesday i don't have a guest but i'm trying to get um i've been texting with and this is me totally fucking bragging i've been texting with sarah sigman's daughter and rich froning um so hopefully i can get uh one of them on wednesday then on th Thursday, we have one of the guys that trains at the Mayhem Empire, Luke Parker. I talked about him.
Starting point is 01:55:50 He was on episode 15 of The Bachelor. I want to tell you guys to watch that before he comes on, but it's also – I don't think it's good for you. I don't think that's a healthy show. I don't feel like a better person for watching it um it's fucked up so fucked up uh it's basically a emotional crossfit for the members um and um for the participants and then friday who do we have Friday? Friday we have – oh, no one. And Saturday we have no one. Oh, Glover to share.
Starting point is 01:56:31 We have the UFC. I'm trying to get Michael Todd on. That's a professional arm wrestler. I'm trying to get Devin and – Devin Lorette and John Brzezink back on. They have a match in December. All sorts of people were trying to get on, um, to, uh, I'm looking for, um, there's two professional disc golfers I'm trying to get on. That's my way of courting Brian friend. Cause Brian's like, hasn't been coming on the show, but I know he loves disc golf. So if I can get a
Starting point is 01:57:01 couple of disc golfers on here, maybe Brian will come back on. Any road classic shows with Brian's weekend? I don't know. You're right. The road classic is this weekend. I probably will. Eric will get a hair of my ass and start panicking and probably do two or three shows a day on the during the weekend. I'm guessing I will, of course, beg Brian to do them. If Brian can't do it or won't do it, I will have – I'll also ask John Young. That was the guy who was on the Haley Adams podcast with me, and he was great. Loved him.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Or maybe I'll have both of them. So that's – oh, I DMed Miko Salo. I'm going to try to get Miko Salo on. There's too many. There's too many to remember. And we got our first sponsor uh barbells which i'm stoked about something i can get behind all right guys thank you so much for watching thanks for calling peace

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