The Sevan Podcast - #186 - Rich Froning

Episode Date: October 28, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:03 Holy cow. How many do you do podcasts every week from there? No, no, absolutely not. No, we're actually, the podcast is on a break until we get our studio done. Working on a studio in the back of the barn. No, but I mean like a podcast like with randos like me, like people just begging to get you on. Nope. No, I don't. You're lucky. You got, well, well you're the one you're the easiest one to work with i'm like hey can you do it now and you're like yep let's go so so people just so you know how this shit works and this brings up my first question to you too um i i um i text rich uh
Starting point is 00:01:44 i don't know on day one i said hey said, Hey dude, what's up? Would you like to come back on the podcast? I'd love to have you. Of course. Uh, three days later, he texts back. Hey, sorry about the delay. Sure. What are some times? Um, I text back, uh, some times, yeah, some times and days, but really the, and the reason why i text him back times and days is because i know some people like maybe like for all i know like rich could be like me and he's just responding to my text not because because he doesn't want it to get lost so he's just like giving me some words so it bumps it back to the top like people will text me and i really want to communicate with them but i just have nothing to say at the time so i'll just give him some
Starting point is 00:02:21 bullshit response so you just the it's just stays in the rotation yep yep keeps you towards the top of the the list and i also mine uh my texts delete after 30 days just because it fills up your phone like crazy hey how so on a side note how many texts do you get a day it just kind of depends fluctuates i'm in several group chats uh so those will get blown. I mean, I've been back to my, like, man, I got back from elk hunting for a week. I didn't have my phone for a week and I had, I want to say it was 250 text messages and, uh, 280 something emails is what I got back to. Oh, that. So I interviewed this guy the other day. I don't know if you know who he is. His name is Heath Pettigo.
Starting point is 00:03:13 He's exploding on the scene. He runs the Daisy Fresh jiu-jitsu team out of Mount Vernon, Illinois. Do you know who that is? No. That's cool, though. Yeah, he's basically running. He's like Peter Pan. He rented out an abandoned laundromat and just letting dudes train their jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:03:29 And they're just taking over the world. They're winning fucking everything. Just these fucking kids who grew up in trailers drinking Mountain Dew who found a surrogate father in this dude. Right. Yeah. Anyway, this guy fucking told me he gets like 2000 text messages a day. That stresses me out. That gives me anxiety.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Right? Yeah. I'm not good with communication at times. I'm pretty poor at it. So that, oof, 2,000 a day? When did you stop giving out your phone number to people like like like like i met you when you were um you know i don't know 10 15 years ago when you probably had no consideration about giving out your phone number have you just stopped giving it out uh i give out my email or luckily rory's really good or josh at
Starting point is 00:04:16 the gym if you know i got people like that really that i do want to get in contact with but i know we'll get lost in kind of the the fray I usually give it to them because they'll make sure that there's some type of communication. Phone number, yeah, if you don't have it, I don't usually give it out that frequently, I guess, unless it's kind of a day-to-day relationship, I guess. So yeah, not much. And I've had the same phone number since I got a phone in what, ninth, 10th grade, something like that. Hey, what do you do when people you like ask for your phone number, but it's just not your policy to give out your phone number? You know what I mean? Like it has nothing to do with them. You just don't give it out anymore. I usually, luckily, I haven't really had that where I'm like, I don't give you my number. It's mostly, Hey, how can I contact you? And so I'll say,
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'll give them an email or something. Or if you don't like when Guy moved here or some of those other guys have come in, um, then yeah, I'll give out my phone number. Yeah. Like, so I said, um, I just had Haley on the, uh, podcast. Yeah. So I watched, watched some of that. Yep. I know a lot about Haley. So I, you know, love both of you guys. That thing, I cannot believe how successful that is. People love her.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That thing is just a runaway hit. Yeah, Haley is a good kid, and she's a really likable kid. I got in a little bit of hot water with some people because I was asking her about her like her shaving and her waxing I heard about that and people took it straight to like I was specifically referencing like her legs and just like just like general preparedness so then I had to like take some cheap shots at my wife and take some cheap shots at you because I could tell it was getting weird okay I'll drag rich and my wife into this and then yeah I'm good with that I should have I should get to use them for cover the first comment here on youtube already is is like you better ask rich if he shaves i do shave yep yep i shave i have a norelco one blade i don't shave my face
Starting point is 00:06:14 currently but oh you do i have the norelco one blade too i like that i uh i have the norelco one blade just the regular for a while, and somebody recommended it. I guess there's a pro, and so I've been using the pro for, I don't know, about a year or about six months now. I really like it. Do you have the blades on subscription? Yes, on Amazon. I have to. And the problem is you forget, and then when a blade is bad, you get that little tug, and it hurts.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah, that's awesome. I'm glad to hear you say that yeah i like that i like don't play a lot i i got a personal uh question to ask you it's probably something i should do off the air but fuck it um whatever so we finished the last call talking about the mattress on the floor and i got this problem and i need some advice yeah i i have so i have the kids come into the bedroom in the middle of the night. And so then I switched to the mattress on the floor and now I'm feeling bad for my wife because the it's three boys and her in the bed. And when I wake up in the morning
Starting point is 00:07:17 for my little mattress on the floor, dude, like she's crowded to the edge. My wife loves, loves being touched, cuddled in the middle of the night. So it doesn't bother me, but usually like last night, Lakeland came down there and she was with me the night before that Trice was with me. So we rotate out. The kids are equal opportunity space invaders. So yeah, we, I don't really feel bad though. She loves just contact and cuddling.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And I'm just I just when I'm sleeping, I want to sleep and not be touched. That that brings me to my question. I was thinking about, hey, like the Curtis thing to do would be to pull like one of the boys off the big bed in the middle of the night or in the morning when she's sleeping and put them onto my bed with me but i only have a single down there yeah yep no that's not fair so should i buy a larger mattress and prolong the problem or should i start dragging these fuckers to their bed mine's a queen so there's no there in the floor um you have a queen-sized bed on your floor yeah yeah we you know it is what it is that is some ghetto shit we've we've accepted the the fact that the kids you know they they want to you know they want to be with mom and dad they're not always going to want to do that so it's it's a season that we're in and, um, we, we deal with it.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I, um, so I think we talked about this. Someone in the comments said, how much would it take for Rich to agree to do one-on-one pay-per-view with Fraser? I, for some reason, I just remember thinking like, I either talked to you or Fraser about it and the name, the number $500,000 each came up. So no, it's gotta be like 20 million. The number $500,000 each came up. No, it's got to be like $20 million. It's just not worth it at this point. Awesome. $20 million?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Yeah, $20 million. That's what all these guys are getting for these stupid boxing matches or a bunch of money. So, hey, I sell ourselves short. idea to jason hopper that he get in his car and drive over to uh to the gym at mayhem and stand outside the barn and yell gee get out here right now and then be like in 24 hours i'm coming back and we're doing these three workouts and then come back in 24 hours and we and somebody film it and put that shit on pay-per-view for 10 bucks hey let's do it i bet you a thousand i bet you fucking 10 000 people sign up and those guys walk away with 50 grand each and you could film that shit with an iphone for sure people wanna people want to watch those matchups yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:09:56 it would be awesome tell me about the rogue um invitational what what's your role with that that's a dope ride you have by the way we which my truck yeah i like it a lot it's f ford f-250 um and i'm a chevy guy it was really hard for me to uh tell my grandpa that i was going to this truck but dealership in town uh gave it to me so it was it was worth it they gave it to you well yeah we do some like trade-off on some uh marketing stuff so pretty sweet oh yeah congratulations yeah no i love it uh but back to rogue the invitational uh so me and spiel uh katie and bill asked us to collaborate on some on the programming for that. So me and Spiel kind of came up with some workouts and Bill was like, I like these. He liked he had a flow that he wanted to see.
Starting point is 00:10:56 You know, he's he is concerned about the person that is the fittest winning, but he doesn't care that it's the fittest test on earth. He wants it to be spectator friendly and people have fun to watch. So a lot of the events are, um, I think they're pretty cool. You know, we, we went through a couple of different iterations of them, uh, tested a couple of different versions of them and, uh, kind of landed on where we're at right now. Uh, any issues working with Spiel? No, not at all. I think, you know, we're two different perspectives. Um, you know, it's just, I think it's good. I think it's good to have not, not that we had any disagreements, just differing opinions on some stuff. But I think we landed on something that's a pretty good, well, uh, well-rounded test, but, uh, fun to watch. When we were going over the show last night we did a show last night i did
Starting point is 00:11:47 a show with a guy named john young and brian friend and basically just going through the workouts they were speculating that the to be determined workout was going to be a dumbbell snatch they said that they heavy dumbbell snatch and they said that knowing you and and looking at the rest of the programming um can you tell us if they're close i cannot tell you i cannot confirm nor deny any of that i'm yeah no i uh you didn't even blink man i was studying your face so hard you didn't even blink no so yeah it's uh it's gonna be fun to watch I'm looking forward, honestly that's my favorite Event of the weekend I tested it a couple times and Bill was like
Starting point is 00:12:29 So are you going individual after I tested it So I'm looking forward to that one You are the greatest You are actually the greatest Programmer who ever lived Rich That's why I like getting your That's good I caught that That you that's nice seven
Starting point is 00:12:46 your your thoughts on that perfect timing hey he's he's such a do you see what I you know what I did here rich you tied this perfectly about five minutes ago I sent Dave a text message and I said hey I'm gonna be live with rich in like four minutes and and it's just bait you know what i mean i just like like i just come to water with some rich froning and bam he's here he totally got in my head but tell them how i responded when you said that i did i haven't even looked yet i haven't even read it i'll tell you how i responded i said rich who oh he did rich frazier that guy well that's a legitimate question because you do all these like you have uh mma fighters on now and you have covid conspiracy theorists on you have all this crazy shit so he's bigger than us nowadays yeah i forgot about us little guys
Starting point is 00:13:41 it's a legit question savon hey um what i was talking to rich about and i really want to know the answer this from both you guys have you guys ever why not do a one rep max heavy um uh dumbbell competition so the same way they had at the games where the guys come out and snatch a bar why not do that with a dumbbell well we remembered separately we had the dumbbell only regionals once um do you remember rich did a rich did a heavy dumbbell workout at one of his events too right we did a 120 dumbbell squat snatch yeah that's heavy that's heavy is it a stupid idea to parade the guys out there and be like hey you can choose either arm you want and, this is like basically like they did at the game started like a hundred pounds and add five pounds to each dumbbell until someone taps out.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Well, you know what I did recently on that note, I, uh, I'll walk into the gym and show you, we have this nice rack of dumbbells from rogue. The rock was over. I went to the,
Starting point is 00:14:43 uh, dumbbell rack and just everyone starting at like 15 pounds, nice little warmup, uh, three strict shoulder presses. And I wanted to see as far as I can go. Uh, and the rack goes to like 125 pounds, uh, seven. How far do you think? So three strict shoulder presses with the left arm, three with the right rest, and then go to the next weight. So five pound increments. So I guess this kind of fits into what you're describing, except it's not a fast movement
Starting point is 00:15:09 or a sexy or exciting movement. How far do you think I made it? I have no idea. Rich, how far do you think I made it? 70. Damn, I like you, Rich. But no. So here's the rack i'm talking about yeah 55 i'm not that fucking strong i got to 50 pounds and i got yeah i got to 50 did three with the
Starting point is 00:15:39 right arm and then with the left arm did one And then so I just switched to still get some development of the strength. I switched to a push press for the three. But if you have a racket, why don't you try it at home, Rick? Or Rich? I said Rick. Rich, why don't you try it at home? We've actually – so I've done a little bit of this for just shoulder strength because my left shoulder from – I don't know, from shooting my bow a ton this fall, getting ready for that elk hunt, um, started getting some like impingement
Starting point is 00:16:09 and stuff. And I felt like I was losing some strength in it. So we actually do a lot of, you do work up to a heavy, whatever eight to, or six to 10 reps on your left side of my weaker shoulder. And then you always match it with your right so we do quite a bit of that um i'd say the most for three maybe 85 90 range something like that uh strict yeah damn okay we gotta see that i'll just keep i'll just start practicing that yeah that's that's that's fucking good hey rich that's interesting to hear you say that about the bow and the impingement because i was thinking you know you you get a formula one race car out there and it does 200 miles an hour i care what you're thinking i want to say something i'm really glad you two are talking this makes me happy that you guys are like having calls together
Starting point is 00:17:01 and i'm getting invited on i'm not that i'm even getting invited, but that you are talking and, and growing out like the old days. Old days. That brings a smile to my face. Like, like, like your feuding cousins or friends again. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:15 exactly. Yeah. I had, I had some like 2000, it was a seminar, um, staff workout from two. We were in San Diego at the level one trainers summit and we did the
Starting point is 00:17:29 conga line cleans and then partner DT at 185. Do you remember that video? Yeah. I watched that yesterday. It was pretty cool. Actually look back. It was like me, Kalipa, Maliola, Hobart, uh, some others. I forgot who else was in there how did that pop up how did you end up yeah i don't know how that came up on my algorithm but somehow it did you know youtube that stuff devon are you allowed to add a fourth person because the only thing that could make this call better is if we had rory mccernan on oh yeah yeah i can add i can add. I can add whoever I want. I think he's busy. He's pretty fired up with that competition in the Middle East, Raz El Kama. Are you guys going to Rogue this weekend, Rich?
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, I'll be at Rogue. I'll do the three Legends events, or two of the Legends events. I've got to be home on Sunday for trick-or-treating with the kids. So you're not there for the whole weekend? Not there. I'm there Friday, Saturday, and then go on Sunday morning early. Nice way to not have to measure up against any of the other Legends athletes. Just do a couple of events and then bail. Yeah, you know, just do two-thirds and bail, even though it's partner events.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Oh, it is? Yeah. Okay. Dave, why don't you think Matt, do you think Matt wasn't invited? Why don't you think Matt's doing the Legends event? Well, I know he's a firefighter in Colorado, so I think he is doing it. No, Matt Fraser. Oh, I was talking about Matt Chan.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Who? Fraser? I don't know. Who cares? I mean, he was the the he's a retired champ you'd think he'd be at the event yeah he's a legend good point um i don't know ask him what about i i can't get him to respond to my text anymore um what um what have a podcast anymore i don't know i'm i'm just just poking at matt i think we do i don't know that
Starting point is 00:19:25 seems that's my dms are full of that question ab dave do i still have a podcast with matt fraser and josh bridges well here's the thing i predicted it would end at five it actually ended at 25 so i was off but it did it did end in dramatic fashion i think it's very not dramatic at all it's anticlimactic i don't think it's over i don't think it's over not dramatic at all. It's anticlimactic. I don't think it's over. I don't think it's over. I have, I have hope. Um, rich when, when, when you have a formula one race car and it does 200 miles an hour, you know, it does 200 miles an hour, but when it hits a pothole, it's fucking toast, right? there some of that going on with um games athletes here you are you're fit as fuck and then you put a bow in your hand um and something something breaks in your shoulder well when you got a half a million miles on that f1 car um you know there's always certain amount of things you can do before that does start to fall apart yeah i mean i think there's little things i don't know if that's what it was just the overuse of that one movement or what it was.
Starting point is 00:20:26 There's probably just a flaw in my technique, honestly, if we're being honest. So, yeah, I mean, it's it's a we're at a point where it's a professional sport. So, you know, there's going to be things that happen, you know, NFL players hurt all the time. Oh, look at that shirt. Hoyt. Yeah, there you go. That's your boy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good dude, Evan. skirt all the time oh look at that shirt hoit yeah there you go that's your boy evan yeah yep yeah good dude evan how's how's bringing gee into the mix um affected what's going on at the gym is is it all positive is there any negative no there's no negative with that guy he's uh he's
Starting point is 00:20:57 a funny guy good kid to have around uh he's he's a good good dude i like him a lot he's uh he's been a lot of fun he's been here for about what three weeks now so um first couple like weeks i was in and out quite a bit family vacation stuff or not family vacation family relocation stuff and then uh hayley basically ran him into the ground for a couple days so he had to to recover. But he's a good dude, good kid to have around. Looking forward to having him around more. Is he going to take it through the season? Yeah, so he's doing a couple. He's doing Rogue.
Starting point is 00:21:35 He's doing the two Middle East events, and then he'll be back after that for the season. So, like I said, looking forward to it. There's a lot of potential. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze
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Starting point is 00:22:26 And seeing your favorite artist at a giant outdoor music festival. Adventure awaits in Ottawa from O to A. Plan your Ottawa adventure at I mean, we know exactly what he's good at and the things that he needs to work on. And so he's willing to work on those things. Like I said, kids like that, him, Haley, Lazar was here, too, from Serbia. And they're easy. It's really it's harder to tell them to back off than it is to, hey, let's go do more. Hey, how good is Lazar? Lazar, he's fit.
Starting point is 00:23:04 He's another one of those, though, too, that you almost got to pull the reins back. It's like him and Haley. They're really good at the grind stuff, the fitness stuff, and then they need to get a little bit stronger. And to do that, you got to back up on some of that stuff. So they got to be willing to do that, put in the work on that, and not be so upset when they're you know missing out on um he's got an incredible attitude too huh i mean he's a homeboy positive yeah he's a positive dude
Starting point is 00:23:33 like him a lot like i said him and gee got along really well as well so uh good good group of kids we got coming up um i think it's good for the sport i think it's good for the sport. I think it's good for CrossFit in general. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember back in the day when you guys were at Tennessee Tech and you were training with Elijah Muhammad. I think if I remember correctly, he had started doing a lot of competitions. And you were basically like, hey, Elijah, you shouldn't be doing all these competitions. You should be staying close to home. And I'm paraphrasing, of course, but you should be staying close to home and training. Everything you need is here. And then now when I talk to Guy, he's doing all these competitions.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Has something changed? Is he a different athlete? Is it just not that many competitions? What are your thoughts on that? Money. I think now there's some real money in these other competitions. Back then there was, you know what why waste training and why waste recovery when you're gonna make maybe a couple grand but now it's tens of thousands of dollars or rogue 250 or whatever it's up to uh i mean now hell i had this conversation with
Starting point is 00:24:38 hayley i don't the season's changed so much that you you know, back when we were competing, back in the Legends days, all you had was the Invitational, where it was awesome and a ton of fun to compete. And, you know, I loved it, and you wanted to compete for the country, but there's no money in it. Now these competitions are, you know, the lowest one's like $30,000 for winning the competition. Guadalupalooza, I think they said $. And like I said, Rope, 250,000. CrossFit doesn't even do the Invitational anymore, do they?
Starting point is 00:25:10 No, I don't think so. Dave, you got any announcements on that? He's gone. He put something on his back. Do you know what he's doing? I can't even recognize what he's doing. Is he pretending to work out? Yeah, he's going to Ruck.
Starting point is 00:25:33 With a gun? i guess i bet you that thing's full of cotton balls he gone cotton balls that was just all show can you hear me or did yeah yeah so uh yeah i'm getting ready to go on a rock i got a kafaru pack on shout out to farah um 50 pounds in it use code castro for 25 off yeah yeah exactly um i'm going for a 50 pound ruck two and a half miles and uh not a run just a nice little force march i'll let you guys do your thing hey why why the gun are you gonna are you are you afraid of mountain lions or no no the gun the gun i was gonna shoot squirrels when i first got on but then i decided i might as well get this right out of the way because i have some time before my next call the gun is not with me i'm just going up and down the road gotcha all right it's about to say you're gonna piss off some people killing those squirrels. Love you. Bye, Dave.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Thanks for calling in, Dave. Good luck in Austin. Thanks, brother. See you. Hey, thanks for letting him interrupt. I wasn't sure if he was going to do it. I'm stoked he did. Oh, Dave. Yep. So you're only doing two of the events you said?
Starting point is 00:26:43 Yeah. Yeah. Luckily, Bill and Katie are great. And I said, hey, I got to get home for the kids and Halloween. I mean, they're at the age where they really like that type of stuff. So I didn't want to miss that. So me and Hillary are going to go down Thursday to Saturday. Well, Sunday morning, and then we'll be back Sunday morning. So Halloween and family, and they know the importance of that. Do you have any regret in your decision of switching to team regret might be even too
Starting point is 00:27:09 strong, but like when you look back in it, do you think, Oh, maybe like I should have done it a year sooner or a year later, or when you look back and you're like, man, this, this has really moved nicely, smoothly. No, I love it. I, uh, you know, I've grown up being a team sport athlete. I feel way more at home with others around me. Push a lot harder. Push, you know, you see the sacrifice that everybody makes. So you want to push harder. I just enjoy the team aspect, the team dynamic of just anything versus an individual sport. I'm just not a, not, not that I didn't enjoy being an individual competitor, but when I look back, I, I feel like that was such a lifetime ago that I don't even really remember it. But, um, even then there was such a team aspect of, of what I, or how I trained and having people around me. And, you know, we always joke about having an entourage or whatever, but, um, couldn't have done it without support and and having other people around so i just i really enjoy the team aspect a whole lot more than i do individual
Starting point is 00:28:08 okay so everything's good no yeah i love it no no regrets whatsoever not even one letter t used to train over there with you guys right yep do you ever see her anymore does she come by does she have scheduled does she have plans to come by? Is that part of her? No, she's come by a couple of times, but, you know, they're doing their their thing in Nashville now. I don't really you know, she's busy. We're busy. They just like I said, they're they're cranking over there and seems like they're doing really well. David McFadden, I fucking love Rich Froning.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Thanks, David. I think he means you, not your dad. Oh, or my son. Right. That's one of your son's names? Do you have a Rich Froning III? Yeah, that's Trice. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:28:59 I didn't even know that. Yeah. Why do you call him Trice then? Just so it doesn't get confusing? Yeah. Trice, got it. Trice III. Is is that a real word i don't think so that's just that's just some cookville shit some cookville shit you know we don't want to call him trey we don't want to call him trey uh you should have said yeah dipshit trice is latin seven you there you go there you go
Starting point is 00:29:22 i don't even know if it's like is lazar is is lazar when i had facundo on um he was saying that there was going to be a new reveal is lazar that new reveal i don't know if i'm allowed to say that but i mean you could kind of connect the dots there but yeah he's uh he's like i said he's a good kid good like you said he's a a dude he's he's fun to have around um wants to train all the time. So him and Haley are just going to run each other into the ground when they're together. Is there a code of ethics in the gym, Rich, that you go over with people, or do people have to get in where they fit in? Like everything from like, hey, you're not allowed to chew gum in here to like, hey, put your gym equipment away or no bragging or like – is there any –'t know if someone's get in where you fit in you can kind of tell um who you know where people
Starting point is 00:30:11 fit in and and what i think it's pretty obvious that you put your gym equipment away you know we have a we have a group of guys that come in in the afternoon they're they're uh anytime they do any of our local competitions their team time cap um the three o'clock WOD doers, they call themselves. But if they leave any piece of equipment out, it's a two pay row and it has to be sub seven minutes or else you have to do a penalty of burpees for every second. It's over seven minutes and nobody leaves equipment out. It happened like once or twice. But yeah, no, there's as far as it goes, there's no there's no egos with that group it's a good fun you know if anybody's talking trash it's more out of fun and um it's it's a good group
Starting point is 00:30:52 i have luke parker scheduled for thursday oh man you're gonna eat him up i am tripping because i um there's you know he was on that show the bachelor yeah and so i'd never seen that show and i went on to itunes and i couldn't fucking believe there's 19 seasons of this fucking train yeah yeah my wife watches that oh i maybe i should have her on and i watched season 15 and uh dude i have never been so uncomfortable in my that is not that is not luke parker luke parker is one of the most genuine human beings i've i've only seen highlights of some of that stuff um one i believe he got baited into a ton of it and once you talk to him you'll see uh be gentle with him i'll be super gentle with him i i'm just i want to know why anyone would
Starting point is 00:31:44 watch that show or want to be on that show like that you have to have a mental disorder to be on want to be on that it's scary this dude is probably the most genuine person you've ever met and a good heart uh but once you talk to him you'll realize what happened he he can be talked into just about anything he's he's gullible but like i said if if there's probably three to five people on this planet if i ever needed anything i 100 could depend on him luke parker's one of those people i mean he got in trouble the premise of the show is that this girl has to find a dude to marry yep and i don't like 30 something dudes i think some number crazy like that yeah so you you're doing
Starting point is 00:32:27 this crash course in dating and then all the dudes are trying yeah it's just but but all i don't know if you at the very end i mean the the show he gets he gets fucking he gets kicked off but comes back or something like that he basically gets in trouble because he wants to know if she's been sleeping with all the dudes and like it seems like a really fair question it seems like a very fair question to me but then it's a very and then on the other hand i kind of like want to be also like hey what do you what's what's your deal i mean yeah i get i yeah you can play both sides of it you know it's i just wouldn't want to be in that position whatsoever. Yeah, it's a train wreck of a show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Is he bummed that he did it, or is he glad he did it? I mean, he's gotten some notoriety out of it. It's probably developed into some type of career out of it. I mean, part of the reason why he's here is because of that show because my wife knew who he was or else i would have had no idea who he was um and so i mean i'm sure part of him is like yeah i'm glad i did it but i'm sure part of him is like heck why did i why did i do that so um i don't know ask him ask him yeah he'll give you the truth. How, how, how does someone become part of, um, how did, well, I heard Guy's story, but how does someone become part of the, the mayhem kind of crew, the crew that works out in your
Starting point is 00:33:55 barn? Yeah, I think, uh, you know, Haley kind of told you her story and how that happened. Um, you know, we saw some potential and I mean, obviously there's potential with her. With Luke, it was, he had met Hillary somehow at the games in between events. She and her group of friends watched the show and they knew who he was. And I thought he was a tool bag, but whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And then he was actually sitting next to Brian, who's our CFO at Mayhem on a flight on the way home from the games. And they just kind of hit it off. And then Luke came and supported one of our Mayhem mission events in Alabama. And kind of one thing led to another. And we saw some potential there, didn't really know where it would go. He had some type of social following. And we were like, all right, if this guy's a total tool he's kind of on a um i guess like a temporary basis and then he's just he's developed into part of the family now so um yeah i think it's just kind of you can kind of tell a lot about somebody uh after a couple days or a couple weeks and and how they fit into the crew so yeah i yeah, I mean, it's, it's really about, you know, kind of do they fit in what's their,
Starting point is 00:35:10 what do they want to be here? That's a big part of it too. It's like, I'm not going to beg people to come hang out and train. If you want to be here, then hell we'll love to have you. And, um, if you fit in and even better. So someone like Lazar, when that was his first time there, it's also part of like an informal interview process to like, Hey, do you know? Yeah. Yeah. You know, if, if we see that, Hey, this is not going to work out, you know, maybe it doesn't get an invite back or something like that. And as weird as that sounds is, you know, whatever, you've got to have a good, uh, kind of training environment or people don't want to be there. People don't want to work hard and it's, it's just not good. So, um, yeah, it is, it is a job and it's, uh, it's people's
Starting point is 00:35:50 livelihood at this point. There's a video where you talk about, um, Haley being a great competitor, but you want to instill the killer mindset in her for some, can you explain that to someone like me who has no idea? Like, I'm like, well, she can only do what she can do. Like what, what is the killer mindset? Uh, Haley has that killer mindset. She's, she's next level. I, it's hard to develop. I don't know if there's a true way to develop it. I think it's kind of developed over the years and you got to have this kind of competitive want. I mean, you see it in Matt, you see it, Fraser, you see it in Tia. Um, you see it in, you just, there's just something that
Starting point is 00:36:33 goes over. I don't know. It's just a mentality. I don't, it's hard to put into words. Um, if I knew exactly how to develop that, um, I'd write a book on it and tell people how to do it. But, yeah, it's just that want to want to compete and want to not necessarily embarrass people, but want to win so bad that you leave no doubt. Is it tied to resilience at all? zillions at all i'm remembering you sitting on the ground in carson um uh uh uh which event you're you're i don't i don't remember what event but um you you i i don't think you were in first place you just had a not so good event you were leaning against the bull darren was there and i was there and darren was busting your balls about eating yeah and you were pretty quiet maybe josh was there fucking with you too yep um it just wasn't looking good for you it just wasn't like i think it was before the 21 15 9
Starting point is 00:37:38 chipper uh after triple threes and i just basically bombed it uh yeah so you're in a shitty mood you You don't want to really think about what has already happened. You got to kind of get up and, um, and move on to the next event. And that's something you kind of learn throughout the process of the CrossFit games is how long of a weekend it is. And, um, you know, one event doesn't make or break you really, you know, a couple of bad events will break you, but, um, one every here and there is not the end of the world. And, and, uh, you know, that's, that comes with, I guess, uh, you know, doing it year after year. Is that related to the, um, uh, to the killer mindset at all? Yes. And no, I feel like, I guess the killer mindset would be, Hey, I'm up,
Starting point is 00:38:35 Yes and no. I feel like I guess the killer mindset would be, hey, I'm up. I'm leading. Now I'm just going to keep smashing people and kind of get as many points as I can., Hey, you're going to, you're, you're done competing because of COVID and all that shit. And that this, that year wasn't so bad taking off. Um, and to, okay, now your cousin wants to do it. Okay. So you jump back on and you're going to do it when you looked into the future. Do you see any end date for you or you just take it day by day? It's kind of day by day. Um, you know, it's still early from off season or for us off season some of these other kids are still doing all these competitions but um you know when i get to the
Starting point is 00:39:11 point where i don't want to go out to the barn in the afternoon you know i'm always going to want to do at least one session and um get it in but i'm getting to the point where you know i'd rather play with my kids in the afternoon or i'm, you know, doing the farm stuff and enjoying that still moving around, doing things like that. Um, when it gets to that point where it's a burden, but something that I don't enjoy as much. And I don't feel like if I'm not putting in that work that I'm not going to be, um, as good to the team or whatever I'm doing, uh, then I'll, then I'll step away. Is there anything else on the horizon that interests you at an elite level, like frisbee golf, bow hunting? There's a lot of outdoor things that I really enjoy. We've done a couple off-road triathlons.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I really enjoy mountain biking. That's something that I've really gotten into. I really enjoy that. I do like doing these longer hunts. The hard part is, like I said, being away from the family, but they're, you know, we did an archery hunt for seven days up in Colorado. And there's just something to be said about no cell phone service for a week and being lost in the woods.
Starting point is 00:40:17 It's one of the, one of the hardest things that I've ever done mentally, just the ups and downs and grind of it. And there's no reward for working harder. You know, like there's gotta be a little bit of luck on your side. There's gotta be, um, you know, you've got to hit everything exactly right. And then you have to have a little bit of luck too. So, um, I enjoy, I guess that, that, you know, it's, it's hard work and, um, it's really frustrating, I guess that part of it. But yeah, I mean, I'm not that I'm saying I'm getting bored with CrossFit, but it's getting to that point where competing in CrossFit. But it's getting that point where, you know, looking for a new challenge and trying to find new things to do.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I was talking, Haley had said something, you know, expressed that phrase selling your soul. I can't remember if it was the assault bike or something. talking um hayley had said something you know express that phrase selling your soul um on i can't remember if it was the assault bike or something and i remembered matt saying something about that like every morning he would get up and that was part of his regiment to get on the assault bike and basically sell his soul and when someone like me hears that like i really it's a scary place yes yes yeah no it's it's uh i forgot who said it but uh it was it might have might have been an interview you did years ago but it was somebody early on that said you have to get really comfortable being uncomfortable and finding that pain and
Starting point is 00:41:38 and leaning into it um you know i hate motivational quotes we talk you know the into the storm stuff but that's what it is it's that storm That's something you got to lean into that only, only good things happen through adversity and the pain cave or whatever you want to call it. Uh, selling your soul is where good stuff happens. Haley was suggesting that maybe that you don't do that. Yeah. I'm a, I'm a lack of, I don't want to keep it PG, but I'm a wuss when it comes to that. I don't like to go to the pain cave. I mean, I, I probably teeter on there, but I don't go past where I'm out of control. If that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah. She, she was describing the place where you kind of lose who you are. Like you don't really know what's going on. I, I, the couple of times I've been there in my life. I mean, I'd like to say I'm a CrossFitter and I go there every day, but the truth is I've only gone there a couple of times. It's been on accident on the assault bike and I basically have to lie down. Like, like, like something's wrong with the world. I think the longer that you do CrossFit, the less you want to go to that point. I think I do miss early on in my CrossFit career or CrossFit, the less you want to go to that point. I think I do miss early on in my CrossFit career or CrossFit journey, or I didn't know what that pain felt like because I would go there more
Starting point is 00:42:50 often. The older I get, the more like the softer I get, you know, like it is what it is. Like, uh, I've done it so much that I don't, and I'll go there in certain things, but you know, in competition, I'll go there, but you will training, you can only go there so much and then you're going to run yourself into the ground. So, um, yeah, I'm, I've, I've gotten soft in my old age for sure that I try to stay away from the selling your soul. Um, like I'm, I it's, it's, there's gotta be some motivation to that. No, no one goes there with that in mind i guess so when you say when you go there in competition it's because you're just you get caught up in the competition and you just end up there
Starting point is 00:43:29 you have to yeah yeah it's it's um it's weird yeah it's a uh man it's it's a it's a trip it was a trip hearing her talk about it it sounds like she's still young enough to where she's she doesn't seem too bugged by it yet. No, she's dumb. She's young and dumb enough that she can just keep doing it and doesn't really worry about it. And she she'll do it. That kid will, uh, she'll hurt herself. And it's, I mean, it's impressive that you can continue to do that. But like I said, I'm,
Starting point is 00:43:57 I'm to that point where I'm like, nah, I'm good. I'm going to flirt kind of with that and, you know, maybe get to it and then come out of it, get to it and then come out of it. Uh, but there's something to be said about that too, in training, you don't want to run yourself into the ground all the time. Will she get strong enough to win the games? I hope so. I think, uh, you know, she is definitely putting in the work. Like I said, I've got to get her mentally to back away from some of the, the, the, the stuff that she's really good at already. Um, she thinks she needs to do more of that. And I'm like, Hey, we got to back off some of that. Cause you have the,
Starting point is 00:44:32 literally the only piece that she is missing is getting stronger. Do you trip on the fact that she's only 20? I mean, it gives you so much hope, right? Yeah, it does. Um, she, I mean, like I said, she's going to put in the work. It's almost that I have to get her to not do as much work. Last question. I know you got to go here in three minutes. What – straight out of the cliche interview handbook, what advice would you give Rich from 12 years ago? Is there a pep talk you would like to give him?
Starting point is 00:45:06 Oh, man. It doesn't have to be anything heavy like regret either, but just some toony things. Anything. Less milk. You wish you would have smoked less weed and less partying, less cocaine binging. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Honestly, man, I think just kind of trust the process. As lame as that sounds and so cliche, to answer your cliche with my cliche, just just do what you know what to do and it'll all work out. It's, you know, I always have the hey, would you go back and change anything? No, I wouldn't change anything because if I change something, I wouldn't be where I am today. And I'm in a pretty damn good place. Got a bunch of good people around me and really happy with where I am today. And, um, I'm in a pretty damn good place. Got a bunch of good people around me and really happy with where I'm at. Um, so now, you know, you gotta learn those things. And some of those things that you, you know, it's with kids, you know, I want to shelter them from,
Starting point is 00:45:54 um, from pain and from hard things, but they got to learn. Like, uh, we, we started kind of a lifestyle blog vlog ish, I guess you'd say vlog and, uh, farming stuff. And we went and visited this farm and they had electric fences and there's five times where I tell Trice, Hey, don't touch that. Stay away from that fence. That fence is hot. That fence is going to shock you. Blah, blah, blah. You can listen to it in the video. Sure enough, you hear pop and Trice is like, ah, and I'm like, Hey man, I'm not going to like keep pushing you away from the fence. You got to learn. And he hadn't touched the fence since. So, you know, there's, I'd love to, you want to shelter yourself. You want to shelter your family and the ones you love from pain, from hardship, but that's kind of those things you learn from.
Starting point is 00:46:37 On a final note, I'd just like to say to Haley Adams parents, I've been hanging out with more and more kids in their twenties. and i just want to say that you were extremely fortunate lucky or you earn regardless how it happened to have your daughter um at the mayhem empire where her life at such a at such a young age is focused on um just good shit i mean when i talk to her about her days it a good kid. She's so lucky she has you and those people, you, Rory, and the whole people. I have to tell her, I'm like, hey, go be a kid. Like, go do some fun stuff. Like, the kid is so regimented and she's training hard. She goes home, she sleeps. And I'm like, not that I want you to go, like, party, but hey, go to a movie. Go have some fun. Find some friends. You don't need to be hanging out with 30- olds 35 year olds all the time but she's a kid is incredibly mature in life but she's still a 20 year old kid and you know social activities social media that type of stuff but good kid good kid all everybody we got around good good kids sorry one more question rich this guy's saying he peed on an electric fence
Starting point is 00:47:42 oh and he got shocked you can the the electricity could go through the pee and get your junk i mean water water and i guess i guess so i'm not trying it all right all right thanks dude thank you thank you we'll do it again

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