The Sevan Podcast - 2023 PDGA Champions Cup w/ Brian Friend #893

Episode Date: April 27, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. Dude, I'm telling you, this show is going to be insane. The shots. This is just, this is Birdie City.
Starting point is 00:00:38 This isn't Frisbee golf. This is Birdie City. Barry, sit back, throw down a shot of something, and just enjoy the sweet tones of Brian. I haven't brought a disc tonight. Oh, that's nice. Captain's Raptor. Oh, hold that in front of your mouth when you talk?
Starting point is 00:00:57 The Captain's Raptor. Oh, yeah, it changes the texture, the quality of your voice. Extra sloppy for the few Soleil show. Athletes like her, Paulson, Matthews, etc. make the best guess because they're connected to the rest of us and the affiliates keep having them on. Okay. If you say so. Matthew. Who's Matthew? Nick Matthew?
Starting point is 00:01:18 Paulson. How about Froning? He's in the affiliate. He's in the affiliate. How about Ariel Lowen? Well, she's in a knockoff affiliate. Fake affiliate, but still something. I wonder why the ad leading into Sebi's podcast is Noble. Ah!
Starting point is 00:01:36 Thank you, Noble. Okay. Listen, here we go. This is going to be incredible. Brian actually has uh reeled me in a little bit he's pointed uh he's giving me a little more direction this week on who to focus on so i'm not all over the place so i'm not just like constantly choosing ezra adderhold because of his tight pants should we give a little a little context please please
Starting point is 00:02:02 let's do it so this is the first major of the year. There are four majors. The culminating one at the end of the year is called the Tour Championship. But this is the Champions Cup. It's played at a really famous and well-designed disc golf property. So it's called the International Disc Golf, I think, Center. And there's like three really good courses there. This one they use for this tournament.
Starting point is 00:02:29 All the best players are playing. Well, for the most part, actually, a couple of them didn't qualify for this. So, you know, the qualification process is a little bit steep. It's a deep field, but we're going to end up – we're going to start in the third round. Is that right? We're starting in hole one, round three, front nine. Right. And so it's a, it's a four round tournament.
Starting point is 00:02:54 So a lot of the tournaments that we've covered have been three round tournaments. This one's four rounds. And we're just going to, Brian didn't even tell me that I had to figure that out on my own. Thank you. And we're going to, you know, they play the same course four times. We don't need to watch necessarily the same course four times, but basically halfway through the tournament, you've got, you know, a group of maybe 10 players that are still in it.
Starting point is 00:03:15 And most of them are not the players that we have been highlighting and featuring who've regularly been in contention throughout this year. Okay. So there's a cohort of guys, I don't know how many, 150 guys, who are professional golfers who can play in this 15-week season, 15-event season, tournament season. But you're saying four of the tournament, and then the culmination, whoever has won the most tournaments based on some point thing is the best Frisbee golfer for that year.
Starting point is 00:03:46 But you're saying within those 15, there's four that are called championships. I'm guessing that means they're worth more points. And all 150 dudes aren't aren't invited. Yeah, that's basically right. It's not it's not that they're not invited. It's just that there's a certain process that you have to go through for qualifying. And it's a little bit more rigid than some of the other tournaments since it's a major. So there's, you know, there's multiple paths in similarly to a, you know, a golfing major, but we, we were missing a couple of big players. Ricky Wysocki didn't play in this, I think, because of injury as or Adderhall didn't qualify or miss the
Starting point is 00:04:22 registration and a couple others that we really haven't talked about yet. Can you be the 2023 PDGA champion without going to one of these majors? Potentially, yeah. Are there so many points that you really need to? There are more points on the line of the majors for sure, but you could do well enough on all the other ones to get into the final tournament and then still win. You could also do well enough on the other tournaments to amass enough points to be the tour champion for the season-long points total.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Judy Reed, I like the man bun. Well, of course you do. You're Chinese, and this bun accentuates my asian features my asian armenian heritage i knew caleb i knew that would get at least some facial change from caleb not a lot but some if i use uh i claimed asian heritage i knew he'd be like hmm it seems a bit of a stretch but uh okay i'm a mind reader. Seven looking tan as fuck tonight. Well, tomorrow I'm going to the beach. I've been to the beach.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I went to the beach this weekend, both days. And now tomorrow I'm going tomorrow, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. I would say that the last, the last thing to note before we start watching is in disc golf.
Starting point is 00:05:40 In general, you have two different types of courses. You have open courses where changes in elevation and the wind are usually the primary factors and sometimes distance. And you have wooded courses where you have to be a lot more precise and accurate with especially your tee shots. And if you're not, you get punished for it pretty dramatically. And this is a wooded course. And so it could be one of the reasons why we see different players rising towards the top in this one. So there wouldn't be a hilly wooded course?
Starting point is 00:06:09 There can be combinations. But generally, if it's an open course, they'll try to use other elements of the land to make a challenge. Whereas in the woods, the woods create enough of a challenge as it is. the woods create enough of a challenge as it is. So if it's a woody hilly course, that mixture is like a transgender man who still likes, I don't, that's going to, I confuse myself. Okay. I can't do that metaphor. That was too many. So some, you know, some players feel that at the majors,
Starting point is 00:06:43 they should be playing on multiple courses, a wooded course and an open course, or that you should try to be selecting a course that has a combination of holes. Like we saw at the Waco tournament where they had six or like nine of the holes were in the woods and nine of them were not in the woods. Okay. So it's not like sacrilege to mix those. It happens.
Starting point is 00:07:02 Yeah, definitely. Okay. Look at Austin. This question is he's just showing off are there mandos in open courses so there are mandos everywhere what kind of fucking question is that it's just you're just trying to show off right he's just trying to show off that he knows the word mando is that what he's doing do they use more mandos in open courses than they do in wooded courses there you go uh i wouldn't say it's a definitive answer one way or the other usually they're going to put the mandos in there for one of three reasons one is to eliminate a specific shot that's either over like another another hole's fairway or where the audience
Starting point is 00:07:37 is going to be standing sometimes it's because they want to specifically you know in like they want to they design the hole for an intended shot and they want to make you know in like they want to they designed the hole for an intended shot and they want to make sure that people do that because some of these guys are extremely clever and can just throw these kind of ridiculous lines that the course designers might not have thought of and then thirdly would just be for um you know uh safety type things like if there's something over on this side of the that's not really part of the property or something like that. How many discs do you need for disc golf? I mean, I would say that if you want to,
Starting point is 00:08:12 you know, if you want to go play most of the courses, you like the minimum you, I would want is probably two. I'd want to have like a mid range that I'm pretty confident throwing a variety of different shots with and a putter. This is interesting. Trish, a dear Mr brian friend mr i can't text you back my elderly fuck toy
Starting point is 00:08:31 are you wow okay let's talk take that one offline and talk later uh pg pdga is the professional disc golf association championship cup like uh brian said there's four of them this one is uh PDGA is the Professional Disc Golf Association Championship Cup. Like Brian said, there's four of them. This one happens to take place in… Georgia. Georgia. And they were bragging that during this event there were athletes there. Can we call these guys athletes?
Starting point is 00:09:03 I mean, I guess. there were athletes there from nine different countries uh playing in the tournament and uh i forget they even claim like the people from 14 different countries have played at that uh facility so that's like they're big you know they're they're strutting their shit they're in a truly international sport yeah and i mean look there there are tournaments all over the world and some of the pro players in the off season will travel to japan and they'll play some tournaments there they'll travel to australia or new zealand and play some tournaments there there's tons of tournaments in europe and tons of good players in europe but not all of the best players at all
Starting point is 00:09:38 those tournaments come over to the united states which is where 14 of the, of the 16, um, you know, pro tour events are. So the fact that more and more are starting to do that is something that, you know, the commentators that we're watching have all been around the sport forever. And it's something that is encouraging to them. Uh, Jamie, but is there a limit on discs? Uh, like there is on clubs? No, these fucking guys will roll a tractor out there with 3,000 discs in it. These guys are retarded. Yeah, I mean, someone asked that when I did the in-the-bag video the other day, and I
Starting point is 00:10:12 said, I haven't been able to find a limit. It's wherever you're willing to carry on your back or roll on your cart. Hey, I'll ask you in the middle of the show. There's some weird shit about this game. Okay, Dick Butter, no one cares. Roll the footage and let's make fun of these dorks. Okay, action.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Round three, front nine, hole one, 660 feet, par four. Schultz. Silas Schultz. It's a weird combination of names. It's weird for me. The guy's first name is Silas and his last name is Schultz. It doesn't seem like it should be that way. But Silas Schultz off the tee silas does he's going down that right side
Starting point is 00:10:51 so first of all this hole is one of the best holes on the course and and a few of the players like specifically say it's one of their favorite holes on tour or their favorite hole one on tour you have a few different options off the tee. Obviously you can see that this course is going to be very wooded from the very beginning. It's a par four. And depending on what position you're in, the second shot can be just as challenging as the first one. Is that the caddy that had the flights to catch the last? Now listen, how did you spot that Caleb?
Starting point is 00:11:22 You're talking about the guy in the pink shirt, the round guy? Yeah. Okay. Now, there's a lot of caddy questions here. First of all, that wasn't even really his caddy. The guys don't actually have caddies. The cards have caddies. No. No.
Starting point is 00:11:39 That's true. The facts. Listen, they said Gannon's caddy from the past changed because he's only a lead card caddy that's what the commentator says unless that was a joke and i didn't get it so basically there's a so silas schultz isaac robinson is in the background there who we'll see today gannon burr alden harris isaac's brother ezra robinson and maybe one or two other guys they're all like really good friends all of them are between 19 and 20 or 18 and 22 years old. They're just this young group of guys that has come up
Starting point is 00:12:09 and all made it some level of success on a professional tour. And that guy is part of their friend group. So he usually caddies for whichever one of them is doing the best. Isaac is having his dad caddy for him for this tournament. They're from Georgia. This is their home state. So his dad was at the tournament. And so the next best guy in their group was Silas. So I think he got him as dad caddy for him for this tournament. They're from Georgia. This is their home state, so his dad was at the tournament. And so the next best guy in their group was Silas,
Starting point is 00:12:28 so I think he got him as a caddy. Okay, and then not only that, but this guy's caddying for two people. Is he? Yeah, we'll get to that in a second. I time-coded it, some weird shit. By the way, that's an incredible story there that Brian just mentioned. That guy right there in the light blue-green, I don't know what you'd call it, shirt. Yeah, right there.
Starting point is 00:12:47 That's Isaac Robinson. And Brian just said his dad is caddying for him. Remember that. That's fascinating. I had no idea. Okay. Okay. So good.
Starting point is 00:12:58 Silas looking good off the tee. 425. I don't know what the fuck this guy's name is. Is this Nicholas? Nicholas? Yeah, Nicholas Antela. He's from Finland. And I absolutely love this guy. He is stone cold. Like at 21 or 22 years old, whatever he is, the moment I never see the moment get to him. He's basically Miko Salo without weightlifting. He's never lifted a weight in his life.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Off the tee. Remember, 660 feet, par four. A good way to just kind of think is that these guys can all throw about 300 feet. Maso menos. No, they can all throw 500 feet. Okay. These guys usually throw about 300 feet. So when you see 660 feet, it's probably going to be two throws to the basket. That's the way I like to think of it.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yeah, I mean, this looks like a pretty good shot. It's right on the basket. That's the way I like to think of it. Yeah, I mean, this looks like a pretty good shot. It's right on the edge, so he's not entirely sure what kind of a look he's going to have going into the pin. And 529, second throw for Nicholas. Like I said, this is a par four. So he does have an opportunity here. He's got to throw a flex forehand. He really, really likes this red disc,
Starting point is 00:14:08 but didn't get a good result on that one. It looked like the caddy was taking a bong rip at the end there. Did you see that? Look at him. He's got like his mouth on something right there. Look at on that water bottle. 640. Schultz's third toss does he make it in the basket Silas Schultz
Starting point is 00:14:34 par 4 no that may have needed audio Caleb just so you know he's slipping here we go oh silas almost recreating the magic he had on home yeah and silas by the way he's never been in a position like this before um this he's coming into this tournament he's ranked 68th in the world and he's never been on a lead card at a major.
Starting point is 00:15:06 He had a really good round one. He had a great round two and he's, he's, you know, he's played himself right up here into contention for the first major of the year with, you know, halfway through the tournament.
Starting point is 00:15:16 A hole to par three, 390 feet. Don't forget. This is the third round, only one round to go. So these guys are doing the front, uh, front nine. So basically these guys, these guys are doing the front uh front nine so
Starting point is 00:15:25 basically these guys these guys have how many 36 holes left they're halfway through the tournament okay and just so you know i've this is the fifth week i've been watching the footage i have not seen one attractive girl i don't know if i've seen one girl i another thing i can't i have not seen one i haven't seen anything that I think has a vagina. But if I have... There is a women's tour. I'm just saying. I'm just letting you know that that's a lot of time. I should get some sort of a medal for this.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Like a wonk medal. Hole 2, par 3, 390 feet. Isaac Robinson. This is your first look at the man. This is the reason this week matters. It's because of this man, Isaac Robinson. This is your first look at the man. This is going to be, this is, this is the reason this week matters is because of this man, Isaac Robinson. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:12 And he, Isaac Robinson pretty much only throws backhands. So he's along with a guy named James Conrad, who's also on this card. Actually, they're probably the two best players in the world that really try to avoid their forehand at all costs. And in some tournaments, that ends up being detrimental. You know, it's nice to have all the options.
Starting point is 00:16:32 But this course, with the control that he has with his backhand, he can get away with it, you know, on almost every hole. So you guys see it was a par three. He threw it within putting distance to the basket. I mean, basically, all these, anytime distance to the basket uh i mean basically all these anytime we see the basket and then the uh disc off the tee that means an ace was possible right yeah in theory yeah i mean it's pretty specific shot but you know he could have if that was a few feet further it might have skipped in all right so so he's so isaac set up for a birdie, 915, Nicholas, the fin,
Starting point is 00:17:09 there's Discmania shirt on. And Nicholas, you know, he played some pro tour events last year in the States, but he has his only, I think he might be, I think he's 22. And he has a lot of wins racked up in Europe. So he's one of the best players in Europe. Nicholas, 928 going for the putt. His second shot, like we said, short hole, 390 feet. Should get it in two shots.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Man, he looks young right there, doesn't he? Looks like he's 12. it in two shots man he looks young right there doesn't he looks like he's 12. We normally see pretty routine star frames and not gonna see four birdies. Long shot 30 feet? That was further than 30 that was probably more like 45 50 and he just had a little awkward, so he couldn't quite get enough power on it to get it all the way there. What is that base of the basket called that he hit? They usually call it the koozie. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:14 That's the thing that's protecting it. Otherwise, it would just be the pole. I'm familiar with the koozie. It keeps your beers warm. Or more realistically, hides your beers from the cops, right? That's a more honest thank you yes 938
Starting point is 00:18:29 Silas Schultz going for the basket minus 21 Silas good effort yeah good promise everyone a birdie fest and the first three holes you chose just three fuck-ups disgusting uh finally a man you will not see a lot of but he's he's in the lead card he's everywhere but i hardly ever pick any of his shots
Starting point is 00:19:02 conrad for the putt this is the other guy that only uses the backhand that Brian was talking about. And James off the right side. How does that stick? James Conrad was the 2021 world champion, and he threw the – Simon, did you know this about James Conrad? Tell me. He was the 2021 world champion and he threw them seven did you know this about james cadre tell me he was a 2021 world champion oh i wow wow for the for the for the whole thing he threw what is what is um the most famous shot in disc golf history it's called the holy shot to beat paul mcbeth that year actually to force a playoff and then he beat pa beat Paul McBeth in the playoff. It is, I think, if you want to watch the best nine holes of disc golf ever,
Starting point is 00:19:50 I would say that the 2021 back nine final round between James Cotter and Paul McBeth or the 2022 European Championship back nine between Paul McBeth and Eagle McMahon are the two best nine holes of golf you could watch. Wow, and all those guys are at this tournament? Correct. But Conrad kind of looks like Jesus. I've never seen Jesus. Is that why they call it the holy shot?
Starting point is 00:20:14 I think that's an element of it, yeah. Did he make that? He missed that putt right there, but the holy shot he made. All right, all right, fine. Hole three, par four, 726 feet. I personally have learned that i prefer watching uh the holes that are shorter i'm a par three under 400 foot kind of guy in terms of my for my visual experience yeah and there are a lot of par fours and fives on this
Starting point is 00:20:39 course too silas oh uh yeah silas schultz off the t great shot and it's kind of it's pretty cool silas has a really good forehand isaac robinson's arguably the best backhand player in the world and these are the guys that are contending for the you know the lead here so not many ways to get it done so b, Brian, that tree right there, was that cut down for the course? I'm not entirely sure. It obviously looks like it was cut down recently, and I'm sure that there's a variety of different reasons that they cut it down. I would guess not.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I would guess there was something else going on that they needed to do that. Okay. 1315 Schultz. No, no, sorry, sorry. Did we just see Silas Schultz? No, no, sorry, sorry. Did we just see Silas Schultz? No, no, yeah, sorry. Nicholas off the tee. Almost doesn't, so he's going to be taking on those trees right there.
Starting point is 00:21:42 He takes them on pretty well. Pretty good shot about 25 short 1355 no, sorry 1315 back to Silas Schultz his second shot So perfect spot here in the fairway also pretty good shot pushes a little further but similar distance to nicholas how's the stutter or is the stutter pretty bad or is it okay bad bad it is bad anyway we can can you can you redo whatever you did last week c Caleb? Yeah, just give me a sec. All right, fine. Imagine you're an 80-year-old oak tree.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Trish, thank you. Imagine this while we wait for Caleb to fix some technical problems. Imagine you're an 80-year-old oak tree, and you see one of these skinny little twinks walking out with a chainsaw. Hmm. That 120-year-old oak tree. Why 80? chainsaw at 120 year old uh oak tree why 80 uh will conrad uh who will play conrad in the movie about it oh geez here we go actually they actually did make a documentary on disc golf network about that shot and him winning the world championship that year how is it is it good um i think it's
Starting point is 00:23:03 okay i mean it's it to me, it's kind of like when I watched the CrossFit documentaries, it's like, I already know so intimately, like what happened that there might just be a, like a few little things maybe here or there that an, that an athlete says that I wasn't expecting them to say, or that gives me an insight that I didn't know. But I felt the same way watching that. It's like, I followed the season pretty closely last year too. And so all the buildup and everything else i pretty much knew and there were just a few interviews with him that i thought were okay but you know i've i had already listened to him talk about it many times if you never if you don't know what happened it was pretty well
Starting point is 00:23:37 made i would say all right i gotta look uh it's stuttering worse than Joe Biden. Is it on YouTube? Are you asking the people? No, I'm asking you. Is it on YouTube? No. I don't know, actually. I know it was exclusively on Disc Golf Network for a while. What does this mean? So that camera comes with a feature to posterize time? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:24:03 Posterize. Okay. Caleb will be with a feature to posterize time. What does that mean? Posterize. Posterize. Okay. Caleb will be back soon. We'll pick up with 1355. Nicholas Antilla for the putt. We're on hole three, par four, 726. Nicholas for the birdie.
Starting point is 00:24:24 James to get up there to save his bogey. Good. We talk about this putt pretty much every tournament. That's a distance putt that you have to have dialed in if you want to be in contention for these things, and Nicholas is going to hit a lot of putts like that. How far was it? Like 25 to 30 feet.
Starting point is 00:24:48 14-24, Silas Schultz for the putt also to match the birdie. Let the birdies begin. Wow, I saw nothing. Anyway, you heard the audio. We may not have the video this week, but we have the audio. Hole 4 par 3, 327 feet.
Starting point is 00:25:15 How's your connection, Brian? Good? I mean, I'm seeing what you're seeing. Okay. Here's the guy, Isaac Robinson you're going to be seeing a lot of him on this episode of the Sevan podcast hole 4 par 3 327 feet
Starting point is 00:25:31 that means he can ace it that means he can ace it he can put this in the basket there we go saw like 12 frames there yeah and pretty much perfect shot. Just works it up the right side a little higher, and he curls it up to about 10 feet.
Starting point is 00:25:50 And, again, that's what he's known for. And unlike Silas Schultz, Isaac Robinson has been in contention at big tournaments before. He has been on lead cards regularly, and he's only 22 years old. Last year was his first year on tour, and he did pretty well. And this year, obviously, he's also had some big tournaments, and he's only 22 years old last year was his first year on tour and he did pretty well and this year obviously he's uh also had some good tournaments and he's doing well here this is the lead card uh okay uh conrad oh no sorry nicholas uh i scratched off the number you know where it's at 1644 something okay 16 that's the same haircut i have 44 or something? Okay, 16.
Starting point is 00:26:28 That's the same haircut I have. Pretty similar shot. Ends up in a pretty similar space. And, you know, I think Nicolas Antel has one of the most... I enjoy watching him throw the disc. He just has a really smooth shot. It's a very similar pattern every time, and it's something that I think anyone who wants to learn about disc golf can really emulate is this follow-through.
Starting point is 00:26:54 After you let go of the disc, what your body continues to do matters. Same hole. Now, this is Conrad for the putt. Isaac and Nicolas were able to get the birdies. I like that you added that in there. Thank you. Trying to up my game a little bit this week. Especially the other three here in the circle.
Starting point is 00:27:16 James continuing his C1 ways. What does that mean, his C1? So, circle one. That's within 33 feet of the basket if you're inside 11 feet they just count it as parked it's a tap-in i mean i guess you could miss it but if you're between 11 and 33 feet that's called c1x and so it's a stat that all of the players will look at at the end of the tournament as well as my c1x putting percentage and they want it to be 100 like in their mind as a pro that's a distance they should never miss a putt from i would say like and like you know if you have if you're in the 80 percentile
Starting point is 00:27:49 range then you probably had a bad round as a pro and then they'll have their circle two putting percentage which is a big that's 34 feet to 66 feet so obviously like 40 foot foot feels very makeable a 60 foot putt might feel impossible depending on how far into the woods you are or whatever but um that's another thing that they look at their circle 1x and circle two putting percent how many ground flags do they use uh to make the circle for the athletes is their standard amount no and actually i'm already preparing for next week's tournament and the guys that were playing the practice around there had commented that thearcations, the number of demarcations they used for Circa 1X at the course that we'll cover next week is the most impressive amount
Starting point is 00:28:30 that they've actually seen yet this year. Wow, okay. I can't wait for that tournament. I think it might be my second favorite course. And you're playing in it? No. Hole 5, par 3, 432 feet. Isaac Robinson. plane in it no okay a whole whole five par three four four hundred and thirty two feet uh isaac robinson second year as a pro as brian stated earlier off the t and here you can really
Starting point is 00:28:56 see how tight some of these corridors are i mean that might be if you walk down to the tightest spot on the fairway which might be 150 feet from where they're throwing, it might be a wingspan's width of distance that they have to hit the line. You can hear the disc squeak as it goes down that corridor. I made that up. Those guys should have used that. I think they said that was the hardest, that might be the hardest gap on the tour, right, or something like that? There are a couple on this course.
Starting point is 00:29:24 I think 5, 14, and 17 are kind of like you got to be on the money, right? Or something like that? There are a couple on this course. I think 5, 14, and 17 are kind of like you got to be on the money for those. All right. 1840, Nicholas Antila, also off the tee. Must avoid here. Nicholas, just once again, I mean, surgical.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah, but the difference between that and Isaac's is... Is what? Never mind, we don't care. Great throws. Niklas is in second place currently, tied for second it looks like, with minus 21. And the guy you just saw go before him, Isaac Robinson, is the course leader.
Starting point is 00:30:07 1956, Conrad. Former champ. Gosh. What a shot. Wow, that is good. Let's watch his arm stop right here. Talk about control. Any more follow-through, and his arm hits that tree back there.
Starting point is 00:30:28 And that was his third shot already on that hole. He didn't get off the tee clean. And so, you know, you get punished pretty severely for that. So even though he had a great third shot there, he's still going to take a boat. And here he's tied for five, although he's only one hole behind. One stroke behind Nicholas, right? Because there's a few guys at 21 under. 2015
Starting point is 00:30:51 Isaac Robinson. What a mess. Isaac's little checkup throw. Yeah, edge of circle. So this is another statistic that's critical for these guys is called scramble rate. So if you don't hit the fairway, are you able
Starting point is 00:31:12 to recover and still get a par on the hole? And so all he's trying to do there is get it close enough to make the putt. Obviously, he did that. 20-30 Silas Schultz for the birdie. You can just lose all creativity over there. There's very little scramble opportunities.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Yeah, good distance to check and see where his mental is as Isaac just chains out because this isn't a... And then go ahead. Let her rip, Caleb, after the pause. Right here. Oh, yes. Silas chains out. Isaac does does not isaac saves the par rate and those are you know and those are big moments there you know silas had an opportunity to take a stroke on
Starting point is 00:31:55 isaac he misses the putt isaac makes it and if you're trying to catch to chase a guy on the lead card you know those little momentum swings make a difference and they add up and and four is a huge lead for the just for the four tournaments i've seen this year i don't know what it's been like in years past but isaac's up by four uh strokes uh he's minus 25 and silas was minus 21 so uh it was an opportunity uh missed or or gained by uh is He goes up another stroke, correct? He just didn't give away any ground. Silas could have chipped one away and moved to 22 under. Oh, right, right. He almost makes the putt.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And so Isaac keeps the four-stroke lead. And you're right. I mean, for this season, at this point in tournaments, kind of at the midway point or two-thirds of the way through the tournament, there's usually 10 or 12 guys within four shots of the lead. And in this case, he's four shots clear of the field. 20-53, Silas. I think this is for par now, right?
Starting point is 00:32:55 Mm-hmm. Should be. Do the nerves. And that does not. So right away, pause it right there so is that distance right there supposed to be if uh that's supposed to be 100 percenter for a pro yeah and in their mind they shouldn't miss one from that distance yes and not and he's missed two two on this hole but you know the problem is when you miss like the first one's for a birdie. So you feel good. You're putting kind of free. When you miss a birdie putt and it goes just as far past the basket as you just were,
Starting point is 00:33:30 like, you can think that you can manage your nerves all you want. But, like, you're feeling the pressure. You're like, oh, my God, if I miss this. Like, I missed that birdie putt by maybe an inch. And if I miss this putt, am I really going to walk away with a bogey? That's a beautiful shot by the way uh extra sloppy i feel better on a disc golf course i fit better i fit uh i sorry sorry i fit in better on a disc golf course not but and let me let me edit this for you i i fit in better on a disc golf
Starting point is 00:34:02 course and it feels great showing up to a tee time with my grandpa in the woods, ripping drives 300 yards. You mean 300 feet. Down the fairway, barefoot. God, I love you. Barefoot? Really? You play frizzy golf barefoot? It's kind of an F you feeling.
Starting point is 00:34:20 F you. Fuck, I'm going to regret reading that. Never mind. Okay, back to hole six, par 3, 366 feet. Another short one. So listen, hole 4, 327. Hole 5, 432. Hole 6, 366.
Starting point is 00:34:33 These are all potential aces. 22-15, hole 6, par 3. Nicholas. What's he got? Nicholas What's he got Off to have him on tour in the States and really be able to see his skill on full display Wait a sec. Did we just do that? Just make I Know I don't think so. That was hole five we were on before. Okay, and says hole six. Okay. Okay. Sorry good
Starting point is 00:35:02 In the gap as big as possible Just coming up. Yep up 20 feet short. That's a landing zone for... So, similar shot there. Similar shot shape and similarly well thrown by Nicholas. Here we go. Isaac off the tee. Also potential for an ace.
Starting point is 00:35:20 And he's looking a little higher here. So, when Nicholas came in low, I'm expecting Isaac to throw a similar shape but higher. You mean just by looking at his eyes you're saying that? Yeah, and that means that if he hits the line, he'll probably land a little softer and not get that flare-out skip to the left that Antel I got. As they used to say at the Morning Chalket when that was a newspaper
Starting point is 00:35:39 or something, breaking news, John Young, Brian refused to play me in south carolina facts we threw a few shots in the backyard at jr's okay uh isaac the great the leader first place minus 25 sits in first place alone off the t for this hole to throw it perfect you're not gonna park it you're gonna be to the right side that means you didn't take on any trees and you're not going to park it you're going to be to the right side that means you didn't take on any trees and you're going to be about 30 feet isaac is taking on some trees actually going to the inside same same result short that plays as a 30 32 so it came in a little higher landed a little softer but didn't get it quite far enough i don't know what james conrad is in here, but let her rip. 34-footer up the hill. So he's getting worse as we make our way through round three.
Starting point is 00:36:32 He was minus 21 at one point. He was minus 20 at one point. Okay. Can't let it – Oh, he might have been – Yeah, he – Oh, yeah. But that's a perfect shot. I mean, that's the line that you want.
Starting point is 00:36:44 He pushes the fairway all the way to the outside and lets it work back in, gets the ground play, and nestles it up close. Heidi Kroom, what time is Suze's skateboarding show? Okay, that's not nice. I know what you're doing there. Will Branstetter, would you ever grow your hair out to James Conrad level someone? I would, but I think I'm too old. I don't want to look like that guy.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I don't even know what the fuck I want to look like. Don't ask me that. Sorry, Will. I regret reading that too. Okay. 2345, Isaac Robinson for the putt. I don't know how the fuck he ended up over there. Oh, that's Silas over there.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Back to where he needs it. He just had an incredible back nine yesterday. Just outside the circle. So, Brian, how far is that? When they say just outside the circle, that means it's about 35 feet. Oh, okay. Cameras don't do it justice from those angles. I like the profile angle.
Starting point is 00:37:42 The profile ones are really nice. And one thing that's worth noting about Isaac Robinson, especially because it's been a point of contention over the last couple of years in disc golf is he's his pace of play is faster than any other player on tour. He doesn't waste any time. He just, he has such as a smooth and similar routine with his putt, with his throw, whatever that when it's his turn to go, he just comes up, does a couple of pumps and then putts it. And it's like that 99% of the time that he plays, and I think it's actually really refreshing.
Starting point is 00:38:10 So this guy just adds another – now he's minus – what is he at now? Is he minus 36 now? Just got another birdie? 26, okay. 24-04, Nicholas needs to make this putt. There's a lot of holes left, but, man, you better be careful. Isaac Robinson is making a move. Parth saving the foul in that previous hole.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Doesn't matter. Okay, man. And that's exactly right. That's what everyone is thinking about. This guy is playing so well that I can't afford to miss a putt like this and you know he just saw silas miss two he saw isaac just make two the one on the last hole and this one and like you know those things creep into your mind but antel is pretty solid a hole seven par four 744 feet not my favorite at all um You don't have to do every hole, you know. A disc golf is like making love to a lady.
Starting point is 00:39:08 You just got to get it over with. Okay, we'll circle back on that on tomorrow's show. I won't forget you said that extra sloppy. Silas, 26-10. And the major championships are the way that ultimately. Oh, maybe not. Here we go And that reaction right there off the tree is really huge for him
Starting point is 00:39:37 Like he if he gets if that can finish this to the left He's gonna be pinched off and have a tough second shot But it hit off a tree and spit back out into the basically the ideal landing zone so uh let's just skip up to 2805 wow i didn't think i did any james conrad and he james uh conrad and here he is again after you told me to go easy on him 2805 james conrad looking like the wolf man for the putt. Olsen played the hole the way they'd like, but James here, a chance at the birdie. No. And two years ago when James won the world championship,
Starting point is 00:40:16 putts like this, I mean, he was making this putt more often than anyone else to the point where they started calling circle two Conrad country or Conrad County or something. No, Conrad country or Conrad County or something, you know, Conrad country. But you know, this year he hasn't had the same kind of success that he did two years ago for sure.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And even last year, and it was actually nice to see him having a good tournament here, even though he's, you know, going to fall off relative to some of these guys. It's the first time he's been in contention. He's in the league. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Caleb, let this, so, so you guys know Caleb's going to let this play, but notice he took this shot I don't know from 40 feet now look where the disc is it's rolling back down now watch this shit
Starting point is 00:40:52 watch this nightmare oh that's gonna roll and that's gonna roll a long way dang so James for and then James takes another shot 28 25 look at all those hot chicks down there no wait there's no girls down there sorry my bad
Starting point is 00:41:14 there's one i think that's a long hair there's no proof that that's a girl there's no proof another conrad yes uh 20 25 conrad Yes. 28-25 Conrad. Oh, boy. Conrad country, baby. And I've told you this before. That roll away has happened in disc golf.
Starting point is 00:41:36 It happens to amateurs. It happens to pros. And there is going to be a time if you play where you putt it and you come really close to making it, you hit the band or you hit the basket, and it rolls twice as far away as you were. And I just can't believe how often these guys make the second putt. I mean, it's insane. I can't believe how often it happens. Will Branstetter, Conrad
Starting point is 00:41:55 smokes a bowl every morning for sure. Alright. Hole 8, par 4, 645. Another long one. Let's watch Isaac Robinson off the tee. Actually, let's watch... Yeah, it's fine. Let's do it. Isaac Robinson off the tee.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Sidearm flex shot. Using the backhand. You'd like to see a lot of nine speeds that are overstable that brian said that he is his primary into the ground and just primary throw yeah and he's trying i mean this is a lot of players that throw forehand on this hole he's trying to throw this turnover backhand shot that he overturns it a little bit he ends up in a decent spot, but it wasn't a perfectly thrown shot. Okay, so watch this. This is 645 feet par four. So a great golfer will get this halfway to the basket on the first shot
Starting point is 00:42:54 or close to the halfway or more, and then the next shot get it the remainder of the way to the basket, and then the third shot get the birdie. Let's see if Isaac can do it. It's a 31-12. And then the third shot, get the birdie. Let's see if Isaac can do it. So 31-12.
Starting point is 00:43:11 Isaac for his second shot. Well, that's as good as you can really throw it. He's making it look easy. So that red mark on the ground right there, that's 34 feet away from the basket? That's the bullseye. So that's 10 feet, I think. Okay. And then there are ones at 33 feet that are usually also a lighter shade of red.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And then there's ones at 66 feet that are usually blue. This course is in the woods. So they probably have less of those markers than they would on an open course. 3220, Nicholas Antilla, hole 8 for the putt. That's not – But James Cavanagh for the putt. I don't know why he squeezed in there. Maybe it's right after this. Oh, here we go.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Berry hole. Uphill mute. Yes. So what's that? That's right on the outside of the first circle? Yeah, that looks like it's probably about 30 feet. Great shot by Nicholas getting him the birdie. 32-45
Starting point is 00:44:22 Silas Schultz for the putt. Yeah, and that range putt right there is one that a lot of amateurs would sweat over, and especially in a tournament, or especially if the pressure's on, or without a lead card, and especially if a camera's on. But this is the range where the pros should not be missing. Do normal people play drops or you throw out of bounds? I never used to do that. I would throw out of the woods no matter how deep in there I was.
Starting point is 00:44:57 I mean, I guess it depends on, you know, if you're playing with your friends, if you're playing in a tournament, they might have rules that would force you to do that or not. There's a lot of different scenarios. Why? What's a drop? When he says, do normal people play drops, what are drops? Well, if there's no out of bounds, then you have to play it from wherever it is.
Starting point is 00:45:17 So if it is deep in the woods, then yeah, you got to work your way in there and try to get back out somehow. Do public courses have out of bounds marked sometimes i've i mean i would say i've you know five percent of the public courses i've played i've seen some out of bounds usually it's because they have had a tournament there recently will have a tournament there recently or because or you know soon or because they have like an island hole where if you don't land within a certain parameter, then everything else is considered out of bounds. And it's like not that difficult of a hole other than that. Drops are for pussies.
Starting point is 00:45:51 I agree. 36, there should never be out of bounds. Hole 9, 36-16, Silas Schultz. This is a par 4, 618 feet. This is Silas. He's already got the put18 feet. This is Silas. He's already got the putter out. This is his putt shot. I think he's putting here.
Starting point is 00:46:11 To end the nine at least under par, he needed that one. 36-38. Nicholas Antila also going for the putt. And more importantly, one on Isaac. And now he is only two back. Now, did you hear that? He's only two back behind Isaac Robinson.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Is that what they said? Yeah, and if you look along the bottom there on the left, six out of the last seven holes he's made birdie. So he's doing what all these guys know they need to do to have a chance against him. And then 36-55, Silas for the putt again. Like Brian said, this is his first time, I think, on the lead card. Yeah, when watching him and Isaacaac play you can definitely see did we adjust address these chippy videos what are chippy videos
Starting point is 00:47:14 choppy oh no yeah we did we tried to okay uh so there it is ladies and gentlemen uh the round three front nine. You're now caught up to speed on round three of the front nine. We're now going to move to the back nine of round three, still staying with the lead card. We're going to move through this one fast. Hole 10, par four, 606 feet. Let's go to
Starting point is 00:47:45 just straight to Isaac Robinson's putt at the four minute mark. Hole 10. Here, just outside the circle. We get a good look at that little spin putt that he has. Yeah. And he's, I mean, it's so
Starting point is 00:48:03 casual. You'll hear these guys The commentators If you watch this Say this all the time There's no one that has A more casual And consistent putt than him Can you show that again?
Starting point is 00:48:13 That's ridiculous That's like Yo bitch get out of here Look at this shit Yeah yo Beat it Outside the circle Any putt
Starting point is 00:48:21 And just pick up the mini You want to know A funny story Salva? Yeah tell me so you know prior to these tournaments the guys show up and they play some practice runs yeah and two of the players brody smith and ezra aderhold they'll challenge two other pros to a doubles tournament and then they'll film it and they put it on their youtube channel and it's a way for people to see the course ahead of time and get to know some different players.
Starting point is 00:48:47 For this tournament, they challenged Isaac Robinson and his younger brother, Ezra Robinson. And all four of those guys wanted to wish Audrey a happy birthday. No shit, I heard that. Wow. Wow, that's awesome. That was killer. Happy birthday, Audrey. Wow. In addition to that... They want to make an audrey sandwich if you know what i mean in addition to that those two brothers showed up to the course
Starting point is 00:49:13 without their disc golf bags they just had a stack of six discs each wow and they played best shot doubles and shot 16 under par oh They shared the same discs? Six discs? They each brought six discs. Wow, okay. Instead, they didn't carry a bag. They just had six discs in a water bottle, and they birdied 16 of the 18 holes.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Brian, Judy Reed, where are the marginalized people of color? Yeah, I guess that's right. Their DEI committee has a lot of work ahead of them. Where, where are the, um, Bangla Dashley.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And this seems like a sport that Indian guys in Chinese guys should be just destroying. Doesn't seem like an Asian guy sport. There is one guy. Um, like just some nerdy guy comes out there with a pro tractor. And he's like, I think the best Japanese player is named Jackie Chen. Of course it is. Of course. Is that is named jackie chen of course it is of course is that real it's real of course it is real and of course it is he's got more chins than a
Starting point is 00:50:12 chinese phone book you heard that i think that was the nwa line or something or two lines he will come over and play a couple tournaments at some point in the year probably we'll see if he i don't know if he'll play well enough to get onto any of the coverage but hey um what about um uh what about the uh sexes here this doesn't seem like a sport this seems like a sport where do you want to watch the women one week it just seems like a sport where the men and women can be put could play together um possibly they have what's the advantage men have they just drive further. That's it. They can't be better putters. Are they?
Starting point is 00:50:48 It doesn't make sense to me. Yeah. We've talked about this. Okay. All right. Fine. I don't know. Like, yes, the men throw it further than the women that, and that's expected, but they
Starting point is 00:50:56 also put much better than the women. And that I'm not entirely sure why. Is the women is some of the women's putting is is every every um every every every nine holes on a card will you see a woman throw a putt and be like and try to like bite the inside of your cheek trying to laugh i would say yes i would say yes um wow that's amazing the the women the woman who won this tournament shot 27 under par wow that's good second place was 13 under par she was more than twice as good as the second best person
Starting point is 00:51:31 in the field wow under 27 is good extremely good that woman is dominating disc golf right now wow okay where are we here okay Isaac for the putt did we watch oh so we saw Isaac putt that like the casual putt okay so Wow, okay. Where are we here?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Okay, Isaac for the putt. Did we watch? Oh, so we saw Isaac putt that, like the casual putt. Okay, so he gets another birdie hole 10. Nicholas Antelius, 420. He has to match that shit now. And by the way, that woman who won, she was the thumbnail for our video tonight. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Awesome. Get her on the show. I've invited so many of these guys on the show nada got no responses uh does the email dm dm okay here we go you could do all that one guy jackie chen uh not good um oh yeah that's true are there any women caddies great question cornholio at least they could carry the discs or clean the discs or something yeah i mean we saw uh on the cards where we've watched chris dickerson play his wife always caddies for him um actually the guy who's talking a lot here jeremy coling his wife caddies for him quite frequently and then there are a few
Starting point is 00:52:41 players who's who are either married to each other or dating each other, where both the male and female are touring pros. And if the other one's not playing, then they'll caddy for each other. Notice the graphic down below. Minus 28 for Isaac Robinson, minus 25 for Nicholas Antilius. Isaac Robinson just put another stroke as Nicholas gets par here, and Isaac increases his lead by one. Hole 11, par 3, 420 feet. Hole 11, par 3, 420 feet. Back to the kind I like. Yes, I will be covering the X Games.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Isaac off the tee. Another turnover backhand shot here. Pretty difficult shot to throw on the backhand. And, but a couple of the couple of the guys on this card will, will throw this shot better than almost anyone in the tournament. Remember guys, he's four shots ahead here.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Remember the last four times, the last four we've covered uh has this has been unheard of for a guy to have a lead uh like this especially so early in the um in the in the tournament uh scott perkins wait a minute these fucks have a caddy to carry a few frisbees now listen kind of they kind of do that they use the term caddy loosely there's one caddy for two guys they share caddies caddies leave early it's it's weird it's okay i feel like caddy is more like posturing than than any value i have i do have mixed feelings about caddies and disc golf and some of the players will you know won't have one paul mcbeth carries his own bag
Starting point is 00:54:24 most of the time but at certain tournaments if they're either like extremely long tournaments a lot of uphill climbs or sometimes if they're like really really big tournaments he will bring a caddy in and i think that personally i think that it's nice to have one you know you know especially if it's someone that you trust to just kind of keep your head on straight if you're getting down on yourself. And especially if it's raining where you can give your disc to someone and they can worry about keeping the discs dry and you can worry about keeping your hands dry. Oh, I like that. At least then that's a little more functional. Will Branstetter, it's the same as CrossFit athletes having people carry their bags.
Starting point is 00:55:04 I mean, yeah. CrossFit athletes having people carry their bags? I mean, yeah. Obviously, Matt Fraser and Matt O'Keefe had kind of coined the term caddy because Matt O'Keefe's a golfing background. But I always encourage people, even if they're just going to a local competition, to bring someone with them. It is really nice to have someone there.
Starting point is 00:55:19 My neighbor locked the course across the street. It's locked up now. There's a padlock on it. I saw him today. I need to ask him about it. It's locked up now. There's a padlock on it. I saw him today. I need to ask him about it. He's old as dirt. What is that guy? 80?
Starting point is 00:55:34 559, Silas Schultz off the tee. Going for the same line. Looks like he's got a faster disc, though. That's a great shot. And then let's look at Nicholas Antilius for the putt, trying to get birdie. Again, missing in the circle.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Got to knock those down here. In this position, at this stage of the event Niklas bouncing back getting a nice birdie and Isaac also 722 going for the birdie trying to keep Niklas at bay
Starting point is 00:56:16 more two pumps not pumps it in that's just that's just what he does hole 12 uh robinson minus 29 uh par 5 990 feet can't stand this hole me personally watching. I see a par 5 and I'm just like, ugh. Dude, you can skip any holes you want. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I appreciate it. Isaac Robinson off the tee. And I mean, that's a perfect drive. Let's go to 1053. This is Silas Schultz uh this is his second shot um he's trying to set up uh an eagle here so if you get the disc on your t shot to the left side of the fairway there's a straight shot down the second part of the fair on the left there it's a tighter gap if you don't hit that if you don't have the angle on that gap, the eagle is pretty
Starting point is 00:57:26 difficult here. So he was forced to go to the wide side, and you see he's about 80 feet short. Okay, let's go to 1219, Nicholas for the putt. 1219. Where's that? 30 feet? Let's make this on the last hole but miss on the hole prior that's no problem uh 12 38 isaac robinson also needing the birdie if he wants to keep until
Starting point is 00:57:56 you sit bay for the putt well we just are kind of desensitized to the stress i think from uh there's something i want to tell you guys so just so you know that the order that you're seeing these guys putt means that the guy the guy who goes first is the guy who's furthest from the basket so brian tells us that silas is 34 feet away and then next uh isaac goes you know, I, Isaac is closer than 34 feet from the basket. So he's either 33 feet or 23 feet or one foot. So that's just a little bit of information that, uh, that it's consistent like that.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Every hole, every game, every tournament. So that way you can be like, okay, Isaac had an easier shot. A whole 13. We are on a round three, the back nine. what's the name of this uh tournament the champions cup
Starting point is 00:58:50 champions cup that's it that's not like the georgia's champions cups the first champions cup just the champions cup yeah it's the first major of the year pdga champions cup uh isaac robinson hole 13 in the lead by four with a minus 30 this is a par 3 399 feet let's see if you can get a hole in one here this is isaac robinson off the tee you live for the hole in ones oh my god it's the only reason i watch this shit and basically a perfectly thrown shot i mean he, he's 15, 20 feet away, and that's exactly what they would be wanting here. 1445, Silas Schultz off the tee for the ace. Can he do it?
Starting point is 00:59:37 And so Isaac goes for the backhand. Silas has this nice forehand. He's going to get it to flex around the corner, and it's even better. And I think that if you have both, the forehand is preferred on this hole, the backhand, it needs to finish. It just needs to keep finishing the entire way. And it's pretty, pretty tough to do that at the end of the flight. So it's, that's why I, um, Silas, who can, can throw the backhand,
Starting point is 00:59:59 goes for the forehand here. Caleb, can you hit play again? I think they're going to show a, uh, follow flight yes thank you yeah these are nice because you can see the angle just perfect shot you see how hard that's finishing to that side
Starting point is 01:00:17 and the forehand can finish more dramatically in that direction so Nicholas will do the same so Isaac they end up getting birdies there. Hole 14. Isaac is now up five shots. They were suggesting that the pollen in the air here is crazy. And in some of the shots you can actually see
Starting point is 01:00:38 when the sun's going into the lens of the camera, you can actually see all the bugs and pollen blowing around. They're saying that everyone is sniffling and coughing in the stands everyone's eyes are red so those are the conditions this is a par 4 hole 14 736 feet let's go to 833 nicholas ontilius off the t and this is what the commentator said is the toughest gap on this course. Yeah. So we had talked about hole five and then I had said 14 and 17 would also be pretty demanding. And this is a, this was one of the two biggest changes to the course this year.
Starting point is 01:01:15 They increased the difficulty of this tee shot and a lot of players hit one of those many trees on the way out the gap over the course of the four days. Can you, can you go back a second back to that uh shot at 1833 and i tell you guys uh why this is so difficult see how the gap doesn't start until it's probably like 50 feet away or maybe even further 70 or 80 feet away from the tee that is a mind fuck because that's kind of like in your that's mental no man's land right brian and so you got to just it's basically you that gap is is really you have to think of it as a 200 foot gap not a hundred foot gap because because you have to keep it in that narrow corridor even even in the beginning
Starting point is 01:01:56 right the other thing that's tricky about this one is that the first tree on the right and the first tree on the left are not next to each other so the gap is staggered so you know you can't narrower than you even think yeah so it's and again it's you know there's like actual metrics to it but then there's the way that it feels and appears because of that so there's you have two options here basically you can throw a hyzer flip but the the room for error is almost nothing so most of these guys are just trying to throw up pushing hyzer on one angle that goes all the way through and once it gets out moves to the left uh cornholio are those trees as close as they look dude what's crazy about these camera angles
Starting point is 01:02:40 is it's really it is really hard to tell how far unless you get profile shots uh these shots down these alleyways though i think i think that everything's further away than it looks what do you think brian it will be interesting to see how camera work on these this sport changes as time goes on Okay, let's go to 2053 Silas Schultz for the putt hole 14 It's a little birdie streak look at that. Yeah five of the last six here to get six of the last seven Yes Five of the last six here to get six of the last seven. Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:26 So we saw him, you know, quite frankly have some struggles on the green early on in the round. And then, you know, these guys are almost caught off guard by it because, you know, Nicholas is playing pretty well. Isaac's playing pretty well.
Starting point is 01:03:36 And Silas is kind of like silently working himself back into the equation. Can you hit play on that one more time? And we check out the slow-mo Caleb. Slow start. Few bogeys looked a little bit nervous rock down leaderboard. Look at that right grab that for me Like Brian said this is Silas's first time on the lead card. He's got the television crews. He's got the crowds He's pretty pumped good shot for him. I think that's. Will Bransler even put a comment there just for you. This gap is so skinny.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Definitely falls under the patriarchal definition of beauty. Ah, a little inside joke. But you can also be involved in the inside joke if you go to the Instagram page and look at a post from, I don't know, three days ago, three hours ago, a ridiculous post claiming that men somehow fucked up beauty. Don't know what beauty is. Okay, 2020
Starting point is 01:04:37 Nicholas Antilius for the putt. This guy is a beast. Brian, where is everybody? where where's heimberg and these other guys paul mcbeth where is uh simon lazat where's all these guys you uh you gannon burr where's all these greats that we've introduced us to in the weeks past where are these guys um they're just not getting it done i think this is paul Paul McBeth's worst tournament of the year. He finished tied for 20th. It was Calvin Heimberg's worst tournament of the year.
Starting point is 01:05:10 He finished tied for 16th. Simon Lizotte actually had two incredible rounds, and then on two of the other rounds, he had two holes that just completely derailed him and basically took him out of contention. He finished tied for 13th. And Gannon Burr, he was kind of just lingering in the top 10 the entire time. He finished tied for 7th but never made a push for the podium or anything.
Starting point is 01:05:34 What did you say? Was Paul McBeth's worst tournament in 20 years? No, this year. Oh, oh, oh. He was 20th place. Hey, we're going to look at the leaderboard. One of those guys is like a minus three. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:48 I mean, it's bad. Maybe for one of the rounds. No, no, no, no, no, no. For the entire tournament? Yes, yes. Minus three? Yeah, look at like McBeth or Lazat or Heimberg. Yeah, one of those guys.
Starting point is 01:06:04 No, all four of those guys finished in the top 20. They did? Yeah, look at like McBeth or Lazat or Heimberg. Yeah, one of those guys shit the bed. No, all four of those guys finished in the top 20. They did? Yeah. Okay, maybe I wasn't looking at each one of the rounds. I'm looking down here. Okay. No. Okay, I thought one of those guys completely shit the bed.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Tell Paul McBeth he better pull his head out of his ass because the league is going to blow up now that the Savant Network is covering it. Fair enough. Jonathan Ortega. Is that guy brown? No, that's a Finnish guy. Nice try, though. That's the whitest guy in the fucking tour. What the fuck are you talking about? Get your eyeballs checked.
Starting point is 01:06:36 That's the thing. That's the problem with brown people. They just think everything... These critical race people think just want to see everyone as brown. No. Nice try, Mr. Ortegaga with the best profile pick in the biz okay let's go let's play it let's see nicholas what you got i've got game because for the par and that's gonna be a second drop shot an opportunity for Not good not good hole 15 Isaac Robinson still in the lead. We are at a par 4 7 14
Starting point is 01:07:14 let's go to 25 I think this is Silas's Second throw you're gonna see on this par par four 714 25 minutes Silas Schultz no he's now he's out there committing sins no I'm kidding that's an incredible shot look at okay there it is sorry I try to go maybe
Starting point is 01:07:35 go back to 2450 sorry here we go here we go so he's out of position here really really difficult line with the forehand and he throws a pretty good shot and he's got to throw a really, really difficult line with the forehand. And he throws a pretty good shot. And he's basically just trying to get to there and then have an opportunity to run it if he wants to. But the course had another idea in mind.
Starting point is 01:07:58 It just keeps rolling for – and there's actually out of bounds down there. And he ends up curling up a little bit short of it but hey just so you know the commentator said that rolled 180 feet i don't know if they were joking but that's crazy it might have i mean i was i was watching it live when it happened i was like damn like i don't know where that's going because it just goes over the hill but that was going for a long time judy reed Reed showing her knowledge in the sport of frisbee. That was definitely a hook grip.
Starting point is 01:08:27 Thank you, Judy. 26-12, Nicholas Antilius. He's not afraid of leeches or water snakes or alligators. And if he is, he hit it very well, fishing his disc out of a stream. Yeah, and then sticking his foot right in it. Yeah, he don't give a fuck. So you have the option.
Starting point is 01:08:54 That's unnecessary. That's unnecessary. He just puts his foot all the way in there. And there are a couple different options when it's casual water like that dude that guy is a beast did you see that caleb yeah his whole foot is under the water so you know but he just decided i don't want to take it any further back you have to take it
Starting point is 01:09:19 backwards if you don't want to play from in the water like that you can get relief behind but then you're putting from further and further away. You're up on that hill where there's that down. So he's like, you know what? I feel like I can make it from here, and I'm just going to deal with the fact that I have to have a wet foot for the last three holes. Yeah, he's going to walk the rest of the round with a soggy sock. Well, he just gently places it inside of the wet orifice down there below the tree. Yes, slowly into the the tree. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Slowly into the wet space. Okay. Impressive shot. 2702 Isaac Robinson 2702 silences the commentators. I mean, the commentators are flabbergasted by him. Thank you for the audio, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:10:02 2702. Isaac for the putt. Isaac has this for birdie. Wow. It really is like that, though. This was actually the most enjoyable tournament I've ever watched just because this dude, Isaac, is a freak of nature. He's, at this point in the round, he doesn't have a ton of... He just hasn't made any mistakes.
Starting point is 01:10:31 He's at the... He's at hole 15. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. That was his 10th par. I'm a 10th birdie and nothing worse than par. He's basically... He's almost playing flawlessly. And his dad... His dad is his caddy.
Starting point is 01:10:46 This would be like if I was at the ADCC and Avi had Gordon Ryan by his penis and was swinging him around like this. Or if we were at the Olympics and he did an ollie off of Nigel Houston's neck. Or if we were at the French Open and he just fucking dunked on Novak Djokovic. Yeah. That's what this guy's father's feeling. Isaac Robinson's dad. Fucker.
Starting point is 01:11:12 That should be me. Did they talk about his dad at all on the coverage you watched? Just at the end, they show his whole family hug him. And I was really happy for them. I mean, jealous as fuck. Okay. Hole 16. Isaac up six shots.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Minus 32. He's in the... He could win $2,500 in a guitar. No guitar for this one. He could win $1,200 in a bus ride, bus ticket back home. This is a fucking championship event. Hole 16. Actually, they asked and they said, hey,
Starting point is 01:11:45 is it okay if we don't give you the bus tickets and it's your dad's here anyway? Save money. Hole 16, Isaac. I mean, look how minimal the requirement is here. They're looking for reasons to spend money here. Hole 16, Isaac up six shots, minus 32.
Starting point is 01:12:01 This is a par 3, 297 feet. Which means he could ace it. It does mean that. Let's take a look. Thank you, Zach Creek. James, good drive. Isaac, let me guess. That was helpful, that little branch there.
Starting point is 01:12:21 And that works. You know, when you put it to 18 feet, that usually works pretty good. and that works you know when you put it to 18 feet that usually works pretty good uh look jeffrey birchfield it's really um is amazing how fast the disc gets there with that little flick yeah dude it uh imagine that little bean that girls have if you rub that thing right it can stop their whole being from like doing anything and you can just stop them in their steps. It's a miracle. I don't know how we went from flick wrist to being... The power of the flick. Yes. Tongue flick.
Starting point is 01:12:51 28-57. Silas Schultz. No, we don't need to see Silas off the tee. Let's go to 29-40. Nicholas Antilius for the putt on hole 16. Can he get the birdie? It's kind of a must. He's kind of far away
Starting point is 01:13:05 for a par 3. Yeah, he came up short here, so he won't be too happy about that, especially since Isaac's 15 feet away. Okay, though. Spicy little effort. Pretty good effort. About a foot high, but right on line. Extra sloppy, these announcers
Starting point is 01:13:25 rule not bad i i agree i like them a hole 17 are better than us not better than brian better than me hole 17 par 4 588 feet uh this is uh also a distance that i don't really like like them shorter uh isa the tee, Isaac Robinson. And so this is the last of the three holes that we talked about. Look at this corridor. I mean, this is just daunting. It's the second-to-last hole. You can expect, especially on the last round,
Starting point is 01:13:55 that you're going to be feeling the pressure. And I don't know if they showed it on this coverage, but in rounds one and two, he was literally in the exact same spot with the exact same disc. He just kept throwing a perfect shot on this hole Nicholas 3328 Look at this. I don't know what I guess this is some sort of kind of throwing posture here
Starting point is 01:14:18 I don't know what he's doing here. There's a story about this throw. No, no one throws like this. This is ridiculous right here. Actually. He doesn't know what he's doing. This is called a patent pending throw. Okay. And the reason it's called a patent pending throw is because in the early 2000s, the two best players at the time were a guy named Ken Climo, 12-time world champion, and Barry Schultz, who I think is a two- or three-time world champion.
Starting point is 01:14:42 And both of them were throwing this shot, and no one knew who threw it first. So the joke was that the patent is still pending and this name has stuck. Well, it's this fucking stupid posture. It won't get you chicks. Don't do it. But let's watch him do it anyway. Like if you're not Norwegian,
Starting point is 01:14:57 like don't do this. If you're not like you're Nordic, one of the... And it's pretty difficult by the way to throw that shot it's unnecessary it worked out for him there nice shot
Starting point is 01:15:13 3309 Isaac Robinson for the putt does he continue the terror no this is circle's edge Does he continue the terror? No, this is circle's edge. So we said he was 10 under through 15. He tapped it in on 16.
Starting point is 01:15:35 Perfect tee shot on 17. Decent upshot makes the putt. He's now 12 under par with one hole to go for this round alone. Audrey, how does Brian keep so much shit in his his brain it's amazing it that it is truly amazing how because at least i have notes in the footage brian has no idea what i'm bringing up i don't even send brian my notes brian doesn't even have my notes it's so weird just to put in perspective he shot 12 under par on this round if you shot 12 under par for all four rounds combined you would have been in the 50 percentile of the field. You would have been tied for 53rd and only 106 players finished the tournament.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Meaning he did better on the other rounds? No, meaning that in one round. Oh, oh, oh. He beat half the field's entire tournament. Entire, all four rounds. They couldn't get an under 12 in four rounds. He got a minus 12. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Okay. Crazy. Crazy. Okay. Crazy. Crazy. Yeah. Scott Perkins, what do these guys use for insect repellent? That is an incredible question, Scott. This is crazy. Scott Perkins,
Starting point is 01:16:43 are these guys pussy repellent yes by the way i know the minus three that you were thinking of now that i believe was the score that silas schultz shot in this round oh it is okay okay thank you damn you're good brian damn i was looking at the i thought i was looking at the overall score at the end of the day and i was looking at that for the end of this round okay uh okay so um we go to hole 18 uh brian any poison oak on the course i never can there can be what happens what's the rule if you're if your disc goes into just a pile of poison oak unless there's something there that marks it as a casual relief or an out of bounds you have to play it and what's that mean
Starting point is 01:17:29 casual relief what's that so maybe there's like a ground on a repair in the middle of the fairway so they might stake it out and say if it just lands in there you just you have to play from behind it so if there was a really dense area of poison oak or poison ivy they the tournament director could choose to stake it out and say it's not out of bounds but if it just goes in there we're not going to make you stand in it you just have to play from anywhere behind that area they usually don't do that as general saying like hey if it lands on an alligator or poison oak you'd take a relief can they do that or do they have to stake the actual pile the actual alligator it has to be staked out like it'll be
Starting point is 01:18:05 marked and and known in the caddy book um for the tournament the they usually but they usually don't do that um and actually paul mcbeth has a really severe reaction to poison oak and there have been several tournament where he's gotten it and it's been like a storyline for him as the tournament goes on uh but b Brian sends you highlights. You know what he does? I actually have to watch the whole event. I just watch the condensed version of it, meaning when Brian watches it, he watches the guys walking from hole to hole.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Brian watches it in real time. I just watch all the holes. So they basically – he sends me a version that normally takes two hours to watch and i it's and it's a 40 minute version but i still watch every hole and every guy brian just watches it in real time actually i usually don't watch it i was i might watch the last run in real time but otherwise i'll let it finish but i'll watch the live coverage and i'll just fast forward through the commercials and the dead air. And the reason I do that is because on the ones I send Sav on, there's only four players that you can watch.
Starting point is 01:19:09 They only cover one card. But on that one, they have cameras on different points of the course. So if there's other players that are doing spectacular things, they'll send cameras over there and you can see more players throughout the round. Jonathan, I want to acknowledge that you probably had a good joke there like i said something like i'd like every guy's hole or something and you said yeah you do seven but in every hole and every guy i know i must have said something and you had a good comeback i apologize that the timing for uh the chat on the side doesn't let your ripping on
Starting point is 01:19:40 me work perfectly but i acknowledge it and i appreciate it. Thank you. Hole 18. Isaac is seven shots ahead, minus 34. This is a par four, 734 feet. Let us go straight to... Let's go to Isaac Robbins. Oh, no. Let's go to 39-15. Nicholas for the putt. 39-15. And hole 18 is very difficult. It's pretty rare to get a birdie on this hole. And hole 18 is very difficult. It's pretty rare to get a birdie on this hole. Looks like there were 10 birdies that day.
Starting point is 01:20:14 Third consecutive birdie on the 18th and just a bit low. And he needs those, guys. He needs those because Isaac Robinson is on a terror. Correct? Correct. Correct. Yeah. I mean, Isaac's playing, he played almost a perfect round. 12 under par was the best round. There was one other player on the course, actually it was Gannon Burr, who
Starting point is 01:20:33 also shot 12 under that day. There was one guy that shot 11 under. But that 12 under was the best that anyone shot in any round. There were a few players that shot it, but it was the course record this weekend. And when you're playing on the lead card and you're just watching the guy who's already winning put up the best score of the day,
Starting point is 01:20:52 it can be demoralizing. Let's go to the chase card by Gatekeeper Media. The thing that we want to watch here, basically, is there is a gentleman named Eagle Gannon. No, Eagle McMahon. Sorry, Eagle McMahon. Thank you, Eagle Gannon. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:21:17 Eagle McMahon. Yes, that's Eagle McMahon. Eagle McMahon is one of the top players in the world for sure, and he definitely was one of the top three players in the world prior to having an elbow injury last year. So he's working, he's still working his way back from that, quite frankly. And he doesn't throw hardly any forehands because of it. But in a normal year, he's a threat at every tournament. And he's one of the farthest players, throwing players in the world, and he's one of the farthest throwing players in the world,
Starting point is 01:21:46 and he's one of the best putters in the world. And this is the chase card. And I'm not sure if this is the – oh, yeah. So this is the final round. This is the fourth round. And Silas Schultz, who is on the lead card, is now on the chase card. He was unable to maintain. There's two other guys on the chase card, Gannon burr and a guy named oram uh matthew
Starting point is 01:22:06 oram uh you won't see much oram and evil eagle mcmahon are top 10 play all top 10 players in the world and silas schultz like i said it was ranked 68th coming into this tournament okay i want to just play the audio on this for a second if we can for a few seconds here well this they talk about the caddy here. In the background, please note that Matt Gannon Burr's caddy is also pulling double duty caddy for Silas Schultz right now. Just kind of
Starting point is 01:22:33 fingers in two pots. Oh, I don't know if that was an appropriate I don't know if that was an appropriate simile or metaphor. But, yeah, exactly. Not two fingers in one one pot but a finger in each pot he was wearing two backpacks that's what i mean i don't understand the caddy thing but okay brian says they're friends and it's maybe that guy has down syndrome and it's their way of doing charity
Starting point is 01:22:58 or something i don't know a special olympic ship but uh okay uh let's just go to a whole Olympic ship, but okay. Let's just go to hole two. Let's go to hole three. Let's go to hole three. It's a par four, 726 feet at 1439. Let's look at our boy, Eagle McMahon. Brian had told us how good this guy is.
Starting point is 01:23:26 I didn't really know, but now I know he is truly something special. And let's watch some of his clips from this tournament. On that so early in the round, but as he chains out left side, you see. And yeah, I mean, Eagle, you know, right now, Gannon Burr is the best young player in the sport.
Starting point is 01:23:49 But for several years, it was Eagle McMahon. And then it's like 2019, 20, 21, 20. I mean, this guy was insanely good, threatening for major tournaments, winning tournaments. And when he gets hot, there were times that he was winning tournaments by like five to ten strokes. I mean, he's – I hope that he gets his forehand back at some point because when he can throw every shot that's out there, he's –
Starting point is 01:24:13 I think he has potential to be the best player. But just so you guys know, Silas got a birdie on hole one, hole two, hole three. Let's go to hole four at 18 minutes and watch Silas putt at hole three. Let's go to hole four at 18 minutes and watch Silas putt at hole four. Up there. Get it, baby. Yeah. Silas Schultz can do no wrong.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Four for four. That's a great start on this course. We got a little slow-mo there for you if you keep playing. four for four is a, that's a great start on this course. Uh, and we got a little slow-mo there for you. If you keep playing four straight to start his round and a gatekeeper rewind here. Great job. Uh,
Starting point is 01:25:01 just, I mean, it's not impossible. There, there were two other players on that day that also started four for four uh hole five uh going for his fifth birdie 21 56 silas fucks it up and now we watch him putt for par man yeah that one looked a little awkward i'm not sure what the little jump was
Starting point is 01:25:25 after the release maybe his footing was a bit strange on a route maybe i don't know but it was finally hole five he gets his first par after four straight birdies hole six i remember hole five is a pretty tough hole both of those other guys that started four for four one of them made a par and one of them made a bogey so it's a pretty that's i think it's the most difficult hole in the front nine you think hole five is tough yeah well that's because you're part of the patriarchy hole six par three 366 feet uh silas uh can you get a hole in one? 23-33. Remember, he's been four birdies, one par in the first five holes. We're on hole six.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Let's check him out off the tee. An ace. I will forgive him for that par if he can get an ace here. An ace. I have a feeling when we finally do see an ace, they're just going to say we're done. The show's over this week was difficult to prepare for it was a lot of shows
Starting point is 01:26:30 it wounded me a little bit okay so we get some choppy footage just know it was close to the basket here we go Silas for the putt for birdie going five for six hole six 25 35 Silas Schultz is he a Jewas Schultz.
Starting point is 01:26:45 Is he a Jew? Schultz? Squaring his hips up, pushing those towards the basket. The full follow through. Nice count. Silas Schultz. Sarah, the only hot girl in the western hemisphere
Starting point is 01:27:02 that watches Frisbee golf has to go because Survivor's on. Well, fuck. Bye-bye. Silas Schultz, 5 for 6. Hole 7. Par 4. 744 feet. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:27:22 32-30. Silas Schultz putts for a birdie. Now this would be six out of the seven holes if he gets this birdie. This will be six birdies and seven holes and only one par. Silas Schultz. He's it. This doesn't have quite the distance potential that Schultz's did, but still in a fine spot.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Might be the wrong time code. Hold on. Oh, I shit the bed on that. Damn it. Sorry. Maybe it's 33-30? I think it's 31-30. Hold on. Oh, I was too far ahead? Oh, shit. Fine. I think he gets it.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Schultz? Yeah, I think in the seventh hole, Schultz gets the birdie. Now he has six birdies and one par in the first seven holes, and now he's tied for second with Nicholas Antilius, and they're chasing down Isaac Robinson, or at least they think they are. Oh, here they are. Good job. Fuck, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:28:20 East mode. Here he goes. Does he get the birdie? Yeah, I think this is on the don't mess with this basket list. Silas Schultz is... Is what? Not messing around, has only parred one hole. I thought they were going to say fitter than Justin Medeiros.
Starting point is 01:28:41 Hole eight. I wish you could see the guy who was talking right there. Hole 8, par 4, 645. Who gives a fuck what happened, but did Silas Schultz get another birdie? Hole 8, 3520. Take us there, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:29:03 Just throw it already. Fuck me. He's playing very well, but every one of these putts is in that 20-30 foot range. Eight holes, seven birdies, one par. Silas Schultz
Starting point is 01:29:18 kicking ass. Play a little more. I think it'll say T2 in the upper left-hand corner, which means he's tied for second with Nicholas Antiglia. Got a second turkey going. There it is, T2. Seven down through eight holes. So remember, you guys, these guys are on the chase card, and that means that they are playing a little bit ahead,
Starting point is 01:29:39 one or two holes ahead of where Isaac Robinson and Nicholas Antiglia are. Correct. Correct. Okay. Hole nine. Par four, 618 feet. Let's go to 3807 and look at Silas Schultz's second shot. Now, this one's important. Par four.
Starting point is 01:30:01 He needs to get close enough to the basket. Don't tell me it's a roller. No. Nope. Upshot. Nice upshot. Skips just a little long. 15 feet. 39-22. Oh, you can tell I'm rushing.
Starting point is 01:30:19 I'm just skipping all sorts of shit now. Yeah, yeah. You feel me? Damn, you good. 39-22. Silas Schultz. Can he get the birdie on hole nine? And just, I want to say, I told you specifically for this video that we wanted to watch Silas. Silas Schultz, nine holes, eight birdies, one par. Silas Schultz, nine holes, eight birdies, one par. I mean, like Brian said, this guy is up this game. This is his first time in the big stage.
Starting point is 01:30:54 He's handling his biz. Yeah, I mean, it's impressive. He shot great on round number one, and he was immediately thrust into the limelight. And that happens. Like, that happens all the time. And it's easy to do in round one because it's a random distribution of players. You play wherever.
Starting point is 01:31:11 There's no cameras on you for the most part. You could play early in the day and before all the big names even played. You put a 10 down on the scorecard and you're in the top three. To back it up with, like, a good performance in round two, stay on the lead card, that's twice as impressive in my opinion. Obviously he had a tough round three, but he'd already had such good rounds in round one and two that he's only on the second card going into the final day. And then he comes out and he shoots eight down on the front nine
Starting point is 01:31:36 and puts himself right back in the mix for the entire tournament. I mean, it's the weekend of this kid's life. Howie, do it. Can you ask Brian if he knows any disc golfers who would be willing to fight Jake Paul? It would be great for the sport. Savon, you need to ship film equipment out to the Savonistas in the regions of tournaments as the seasons progress
Starting point is 01:32:00 so they can be your man. Ship film? Do you know it's not 1984? It's 2023. You can use your own fucking iPhone anywhere you go. Ship out film equipment. Just like Waterfalooza. This guy puts ads in the paper looking for long-lost relatives.
Starting point is 01:32:21 Fucking ship out film equipment. I can't fucking believe that Jesus Christ oh yeah that is true I practically pay for it myself that's true and I appreciate that thank you good point wonder what I do with all that money you send me okay Eagle let's go to the next
Starting point is 01:32:43 where were you going now we're going to the final final round back nine uh this is the chase card uh let's uh eagle mcmahon has been struggling all tournament relative to his greatness but he is still in it because he's on the chase card uh let's go to hole 10 par 4 4, 606 feet, 325. Eagle's second shot, gross. If I tell you a shot is gross, what kind of shot is it? What's he do? What is it?
Starting point is 01:33:16 Who knows? Probably an overhand throw. A roller. A fucking roller. You know why a roller is gross gross for anyone who plays frisbee like doesn't play this fucking ding dong game of frisbee anyone just plays regular frisbee a roller's gross because when you see rollers that means you're playing with someone who doesn't know how to play and so what these guys have done is they've learned how to actually use rollers but
Starting point is 01:33:39 rollers the kind of thing like you're playing with a three-year-old and they throw it and it just fucking rolls off 30 feet in the wrong direction. That's what you're a regular roller. So I have a prejudice and discrimination against rollers. I actually threw a roller intentionally for a birdie the other day. Oh, congratulations. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Maybe the first time I've ever done that. That's pretty cool. Alright. Okay, let's look at it. 380, where are we? 325. Let's look at this gross roller. It's a forehand roller.
Starting point is 01:34:17 He's got to get it out of a tight gap, and so there's not a lot of space, so he can't throw it. He has to throw it vertically to be able to do it, and he gets a pretty good reaction there. He's got a chance to make that putt. 447, Eagle for the putt. Eagle McMahon for the putt. I don't think I would have gone for that either.
Starting point is 01:34:39 No, a lot of angles to manipulate. It's about 50 feet. I'm not questioning the Greek. Perfect line, a little high. You're not going to be upset about that, I'm not questioning the Greek. Perfect line, little high. You're not going to be upset about that. I wouldn't be upset about that. Great shot. Silas continues with his tear of birdies and gets a birdie on the 10th hole.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Hole 11. Eagle 8-12. Eagle for the putt on the next hole. 12. Eagle for the putt on the next hole. Eagle McMahon tied for fourth place on the chase card. A little bit closer makes it a correction, but also nothing really obstructing his putt there.
Starting point is 01:35:20 You can let it go, Caleb. We got a replay. Very nicely. So, Nathan, if you're Silas as we see Eagle on a gatekeeper rewind yeah there's the putt that's the putt that you're looking for absolutely so
Starting point is 01:35:37 Eagles making a statement just so you know I know you guys are all wondering did Silas Schultz get another birdie and And yes, he did. Still in second place with Nicholas Antilios chasing down Isaac Robinson, and now Eagle McMahon slowly makes a move himself. Hole 12, par 5, 990 feet. Let's go to Gannon Burr just for shits and giggles.
Starting point is 01:36:03 He goes for an eagle putt. I'm still yet to see an eagle in Frisbee golf. Here he goes for the eagle. I just feel nervous if you're throwing well. Yeah, yeah, asshole. I just want to see one. God, I like Gannon Burr. Look at that posture. That's like you just walked in and
Starting point is 01:36:27 you're fucking you walked in and you saw your mom taking it from the plumber not your girlfriend but like your mom you put just cover your eyes and you're like uh can i get the keys to the car yeah and that's sorry that's very patriarchal saying the plumber's giving it to your mom your mom's giving it to the plumber sorry your mom's givingal saying the plumber's giving it to your mom. Your mom's giving it to the plumber. Sorry. Your mom's giving it to the plumber. The, uh, this is, Gannon has a few very distinct things that he does in reaction to his
Starting point is 01:36:52 shots. And that's one of them. And it is kind of comical. That's great. Uh, 15, 10 Eagle McMahon for the putt. Eagle on the day.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Uh, no, uh, none on this hole today. And look, Gannon Burr is like one of the, you know, he's either the first or second highest rated player in the world right now. And he's friends with Silas Schultz. But he's just watched Silas Schultz make 10 out of 11 straight birdies
Starting point is 01:37:17 to start this round. And in the meantime, Gannon's two under par for the round. So he's just like, what the hell is going on? You would kick the plumber's ass if your mom was giving it to him. Like if your mom was riding, like you came home and like his tool belt's on the ground and she's riding his cock and you would like punch him. That's fucked up. That's not what I meant. You thought by giving it to him.
Starting point is 01:37:42 Oh, that's not what Jeff thought. He thought something else. Oh, OK. Well, so, yeah, that's what I meant. I meant that she was boning him. I don't know what thought, by giving it to him. Oh, that's not what Jeff thought. He thought something else. Oh, okay. Well, sorry. Yeah, that's what I meant. I meant that she was boning him. I don't know what you thought by giving it to him. Like, oh, giving him, like, the last peanut butter and jelly sandwich,
Starting point is 01:37:52 but you wanted it when you came home from school? Yeah. That's what giving it to him meant in my house. All right. Right. That, speaking of stance, that was a crazy stance that that Eagle McMahon had their back foot uphill, front foot downhill, and then throwing up. That's that. Something doesn't look right about that, but who am I? What am I just to do?
Starting point is 01:38:16 I mean, you're exactly right. It's not far away. That's not the challenge of this shot, but the footing is awkward and you have to just kind of stabilize yourself. And maybe the lower body can't do what it would normally do in a putt like that. So you have to get a, you know, a little bit more control or power from the upper body. But we saw in that last replay that he has that really like flicky spin putt.
Starting point is 01:38:34 And so that's not so much of an issue for him. The, the, the, no one's fucking with your mom. Your mom was fucking the plumber in this, in this hypothetical story. Hole 13, 1835, Eagle McMahon for the birdie.
Starting point is 01:38:52 If he puts this in, he'll be in third place. Now, listen, I'm going to guess. Brian hasn't told me this. None of the nincompoops I fucking listened to all weekend told me this. I'm going to guess that Isaac Robinson is having one of the top 20 best fucking games that anyone's ever had in fucking professional frisbee golf yeah and this motherfucker eagle mcmahon from the chase card if he puts this in he'll be in third place behind this great dude here we go really low so the the disc isn't flying past
Starting point is 01:39:23 yeah made it look like you gave it a good bid, but you're still going to stick pretty close. Third place, Eagle McMahon. Just like Brian told us about week one, Brian said, there's a guy named Eagle McMahon. Here he is. And if you look at the bottom, Schultz did get birdie also on 12. So now he's made 11 out of 12 birdies
Starting point is 01:39:40 to start this round, which is I mean, it's absolutely insane. And actually on hole 11, his tee shot, I mean, it's absolutely insane. And actually on hole 11, his tee shot, I can't believe he didn't show his tee shot on hole 11, Savant. What were you thinking? Eagle off the tee, 658. No, Silas.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Did you watch that shot? Silas Schultz off the tee with the replay. Oh, yeah, yeah, for the ace, yeah. 615, let's go back. Do you want to go back there? Let's go back real quick. yeah, yeah, for the ace. Yeah. 6'15". Let's go back. Do you want to go back there? Let's go back real quick. Yeah, we should show this shot. Hole 11, 6'15", please.
Starting point is 01:40:11 Look at me. I'm trying to show off Caleb. Like, oh, I had it in my notes, motherfucker. I had it. Will Silas get the hole in one? 420 feet. Really open. Lots of air space. Is that close enough to get a hole in one?
Starting point is 01:40:24 Tis. There'll be a replay, Caleb goodness he had it on the perfect line so it's a big catching some high left change let's take a look there are a couple times in the history of disc golf where someone has shot 18 under par in a pro tour event it's actually it's happened twice paul mcbeth did it both times and at this point in the round he's off that pace because he's had that one par i thought i was actually in the other room when he threw this shot and i heard it hit the chains and i was like oh my god did he just fucking ace that hole what were you doing in the other room getting a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ha ha jeff i just found out where your peanut butter and jelly sandwich went and uh but it just it like sliced through the chains and went about 10 feet long
Starting point is 01:41:14 so but it was i think it was a shot worth showing it's probably the closest days we've seen you know other than i threw i threw a frisbee for uh six hours a day with a joint in one hand, a pack of fucking cigarettes in the other hand, and a fucking 240 of Mickey's and a 32 of Miller High Life. And I did that six hours a day for seven years. And I fucking threw the frisbee hard as fuck, and my elbow never felt anything. Occasionally, sometimes I wake up in the morning and feel like one of my ribs was broken. I would have some
Starting point is 01:41:47 crazy rib pain, just like I bruised them from just throwing so hard. You know what I actually think? Because back then you would definitely not have done this, but this position of holding your phone with your elbow bent like this for an extended period of time,
Starting point is 01:42:03 I think that fucks with people's elbows just as much as anything else or just holding your cock up no you're your cock's so big that your arm's straight but if yours is normal size you have to bend your elbows okay uh hole 14 par 4 736 hey that's only been done twice where someone shot 18 holes in a row and got uh in both instances it was paul mcbeth and in both instances he did not birdie every hole he had 16 birdies one par and one eagle holy shit crazy and they were in the same year i believe so this is some insane playing we're seeing this week. Okay. Hole 14, par 4, 7, 36. Let's go to 23-42.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Eagle McMahon for the putt. Hole 14. There'll be a replay on this too. That he is still trying to win this darn thing. So Eagles, he got up the gap. He had a decent upshot, and he's got a chance for a birdie here. Very huge for him. McMahon for his three.
Starting point is 01:43:18 Yeah, and when he starts putting like that is when things get scary for the competition because that just, I mean, that looks effortless the way that he's doing that and you get a little replay here caleb you get a profile shot of this yeah and a bit on the high side entering the chains but that has been his miss from circle two also which is in my opinion a better missing load. Definitely had a chance. Hole 15, par 4, 714 feet. Eagle McMahon may be in, what place is he in now? Still in third, or did he move up to second? We'll find out here in a second.
Starting point is 01:43:56 Let's go to 2833. Eagle doing the gross thing again. Oh, fourth place, fourth place. Schultz is in second. Wow. Okay, Gannon Burr eighth. 28-33 Eagle doing the gross thing. Why?
Starting point is 01:44:13 I don't know why. Pretty easy to get to the left or the right. Schultz is kind of a striking shot. This is where we'll go on his stats as a scramble rate. So he's throwing. I mean, this is a crazy line. You have to get lucky on that. He's trying to do that, and he knows that if it pushes out to that side,
Starting point is 01:44:30 he just has to miss those trees. But even if it catches one of those trees, he's going to hopefully be in a position where he can save the par. What did you call that? It goes down what in his stats? A scramble? A scramble. So the stat is the scramble rate.
Starting point is 01:44:44 How often did you miss the fairway and save par? Oh, okay. Wow. That's cool. A scramble rate. 29.30, Eagle putts for the birdie. This one's got a replay also. Eagle McMahon.
Starting point is 01:44:59 Maybe a little ambitious on the go. But may still believe there's a path forward for victory. Yeah, hard to make yourself settle for a par when you just took a bogey after you only had one par. That's nuts.
Starting point is 01:45:19 Yeah, that's a really difficult and really well done putt right there. That's aggressive. Yeah, don't look now. That putt right there. I hit a game-throw circle to you here. Yeah, don't look now. That is coming in hot. Thank you. Silas Schultz, 31 minutes for the putt.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Oh, Silas. Silas. So Silas did eventually cool off as you look at the bottom there he had a par on 13 a bogey on 14 and then he misses a makeable putt here on 15 and basically you know with as good as as isaac robinson has been playing as eagle is playing here and as antelope is continuing to play these two bogeys eliminate the chance for him to win the tournament, but still he can certainly take second place, and he definitely is in a position to have the best tournament of his life. Hole 16, par 3, 297 feet. This is the easiest hole on the course.
Starting point is 01:46:16 Well, Savon, what makes this the easiest hole on the course? Well, the stat, the average is a half stroke under par for this hole. Do you guys know what that means? That means if it's a par three, most of the average is 2.5 throws to get it in the basket for people. And being a half stroke under par makes it the easiest. There's no other hole of the 18 where the average is a half stroke under par. You guys get it? Good.
Starting point is 01:46:42 You're learning shit. Hole 16. Silas for the putt. 34-05. On the last round, there were only seven players in the entire field that need a bogey on this hole. Half the field basically is birdieing
Starting point is 01:46:59 and half of it's getting a par. There's just a handful of guys that did worse than that. We got a replay on that. Bam. I love to see that. I mean, he's obviously going to be bummed coming off two bogeys, but he steps back up,
Starting point is 01:47:16 hits a good putt and celebrates with the crowd. And I, like I give him a lot of credit for that from just a mental perspective. Uh, 34. Uh, yeah. Enjoy enjoying his time in the limelight too, right? Like, hey, I'm on the course. Yeah, soak it up. I mean, look at, you know, it's pretty likely.
Starting point is 01:47:32 This is a hard course, and it's a major tournament. The pressure's on. Like, it's pretty likely that you're going to have one or two holes at the very least that don't go your way, but it doesn't mean that you have to just dwell on them and continue to spiral out of control. He was able to rewrite the ship and get a birdie. Nice job cueing that up, Caleb.
Starting point is 01:47:48 34-26, Eagle for the putt and the birdie. And so Eagle here on the back nine is starting to have a round similar to Silas on the front, and not quite as good, but he birdied 7, 8, 9, 11, and then 13, 14, 15, 16. And now we've got two holes still to go. Hole 17, par 4, 588 feet. Eagle McMahon on his third throw, which would be the putt.
Starting point is 01:48:20 I didn't put a number for you, son of a bitch. You see that? I didn't give you a number. It's sometime after 38-58. 38-58 is his second. There's his first throw off the – no, that's Silas. Go to 38-58. Let's see what we're looking at.
Starting point is 01:48:33 Okay, so this is Eagle McMahon's second throw on a par four. And he had a good tee shot there. He's in a decent spot. This is a fairly straightforward approach for him. He's throwing a putter, and he just cozies it up there. So he's going to pack that in for five birdies in a row. Oh, okay. Well said. And
Starting point is 01:48:51 thank you. There you go. Okay, I probably didn't have a time code for it. I was just going to say, okay, so he got the birdie. Now he's in third place as we go into hole 18. Par 4, 734 feet. As I mentioned, nine different athletes from nine different countries playing in this tournament.
Starting point is 01:49:11 Eagle is tied with Nicholas. Nicholas is on the lead card. Nicholas Antilia, who we saw earlier, the guy from Finland, who looks like he's 12. Just to put it in perspective, we had seven bogeys on hole 16 that day. On hole 18, there were only 11 birdies. So it's about as hard as hole 16 is easy. Wow. Okay. Okay. That's a good, good perspective. A 45 Eagle for the putt.
Starting point is 01:49:43 And that was a birdie putt. So he had thrown two great shots to get in position to finish out with six birdies in a row and put a little bit of pressure on Isaac. And I mean, it's, it's kind of unfortunate to have a really good round and miss a putt like that at the end. Uh,
Starting point is 01:49:59 I think that's supposed to be 45, nine 19 Caleb and it's Eagle for the, uh, Eagle McMahon for the putt. Oh. Coming out as driven as you're used to seeing. Oh, okay, yeah. You know, he rallies and hits the second putt,
Starting point is 01:50:13 as we often see these guys do. He had a clean round, 10 under par. It was, I think, the second-best round of the day. But he's probably walking off the course and being like, man, it would have been nice to make that last one. Ladies and gentlemen, the final front nine of the lead card. I present to you Isaac Robinson and Nicholas Antilia plays a great supporting role in what you're going to see in our five weeks as some of the
Starting point is 01:50:44 best Frisbee golf we've seen yet any truth to the rumor that Don Lemon is going to start commentating for the disc golf league Brian conversations are being had all right that's all we got I told my wife to how we do it I told my wife to
Starting point is 01:51:04 increase her scramble rate when she was cooking my eggs this morning. Fair enough. Hole one, Isaac Robinson is here at minus 34 in first place. It's a par four, 660 feet. Let's just go and watch Nicholas Antelius at 930. Go for the putt. Go for the birdie. Can he get it?
Starting point is 01:51:31 It's important that this guy, Nicholas, keep the pressure on. He's at minus 27 in second place. And Robinson is seven shots ahead of him at 34. And I mean, it's, it's, it's honestly, it's just insane. Like that minus 34 score.
Starting point is 01:51:48 If he didn't even play the last round, he still would have had a top five finish in the tournament. Yeah. Crazy. Okay. Uh, what happens if you don't play the final? Can you,
Starting point is 01:51:57 can you do that? No, no, but that, you know, okay. Uh, nine 30,
Starting point is 01:52:02 uh, Nicholas for the birdie. Can you keep the pressure on Isaac Robinson and Niklas show if he's nervous he steps up and hole 2 par 3 390 feet
Starting point is 01:52:16 Isaac off the tee 11-12 yeah and Isaac off the tee, 11-12. Yeah, Nicholas got the birdie on one. Isaac did not, so he closely got the six there. Decent shot. He'd probably like to be a little closer,
Starting point is 01:52:41 but definitely a makeable putt. Nicholas, 12-10, up for the birdie if i see the whisker on the ground right in front of his foot so he's just outside the circle oh that's huge uh isaac also got the birdie yeah both of them made about circles edge putts there so it still stays at six strokes hole three par four 726 feet 16 15 nicholas on tilia for the long putt trying to keep the pressure on isaac robinson back on hole 11 of the firm i don't know what this is that he throws but he throws this red disc a lot when he's approaching the basket or trying to throw it in. And, I mean, very, very touchy shot there. Well done. You can see it slopes down away from the basket.
Starting point is 01:53:29 So to get that to just stop right there and take an easy tap in, that's good for him. But he does end up with a par, right? That was his third throw. You see down there on the bottom? What hole is this? Hole three is a par four. And he's going to end up with a par
Starting point is 01:53:45 Yeah Not good. Hole 4 No but Isaac also took a par so it's over right There's a guy Named Mason What's his last name? Mason Ford Okay so there's a guy named Mason Ford Who's also on the lead card
Starting point is 01:54:00 And just to put in perspective how good Isaac Robinson is doing He's 10 behind The leader And yet he's on the same card as him. So everyone else who's behind on all the other guys playing are just really like in no man's land. That's how good Isaac is doing. This is a par 3, 327 feet, second shortest hole on the course. Let's take a look at 1924 Isaac off the tee with a replay. His dad is his caddy, as we mentioned in the beginning of the show.
Starting point is 01:54:39 And the thing about watching someone play when they're playing this well, and the fact that they're playing the know the same tournament four days the same course four days in a row you know i've heard people say this about some of the best golfers before it's like it's almost boring watching them play because they're just throwing shots that are so perfect like you start taking for granted how hard it is to do what he does because every shot is within 20 feet of the basket yeah that's incredible so isaac gets another uh another birdie there let's go to 21 uh nicholas antilia can he keep the uh at least stay within um striking zone uh he has to put this in this is a putt for birdie on the same hole nicholas and he is going to drop one to Isaac. That's a
Starting point is 01:55:25 little sigh of relief, maybe. And so, but, you know, Nicholas had gained a stroke on him earlier in the round. Now he gave one back, so they're back to where they started, but where they started was seven strokes apart. Hole five, Isaac at minus 36. Nicholas at minus 29.
Starting point is 01:55:42 The game will be over in 14 more holes. Par 3, 432 feet. Let's go to 2458, Isaac Robinson with the big putt attempt. 2458, Isaac Robinson. That's a good little move. Hole 5 is playing as the hardest hole on the front nine. I think there were less than 20 birdies per day on this hole.
Starting point is 01:56:05 So you can get it, but a lot of people taking par here. And Isaac makes a long putt to save a par there. Jeremy Eat World, how long we got? I need to put my medicinal cock in my new chick. Ladies and gentlemen, if you have any ailments, there are rumors that Jeremy does present a medicinal cock.
Starting point is 01:56:32 That is true. I've heard the rumors. Isaac Robinson, killing it. Killing it. Hole six. There's 18 holes. We're on hole six, so that's how much time we have. Hole six, par three, 366 feet. Let's
Starting point is 01:56:47 just give James Conrad a little bit of love at 28-27 as he putts. The former champ deserves at least a little bit of time on the Great Sevan Podcast. He putts from 3,000 feet away. Being one over through five.
Starting point is 01:57:02 About 45 feet. That's good help. A little jump putt. away. Being one over through five. About 45 feet. That's good help. Uphill. Little jump putt. Sorry, James. You shit the bed. 28-39. Nicholas Antilius with the putt on hole six. A lot of money at this major championship.
Starting point is 01:57:20 Oh, please. I feel like there's some... Did he say a lot of money? What the fuck is he talking about? Well, the prize purses are increasing at these... Tell me, how much is it for first place? How much is it? I'll find out.
Starting point is 01:57:36 Okay. $28.50. I should. $28.50, Isaac Robinson for the putt on hole six. Top fives. Isaac Robinson for the putt on hole 6 top 5 for a reach for and then the top 10 of course is the one you really
Starting point is 01:57:50 want to stay in that top 10 easy peasy hole 7 Isaac minus 36 Nicholas in second place minus 30 13,000 for the winner par 4 700 how much for second place 8,000 for the winner. Par 4, 700. How much for second place?
Starting point is 01:58:05 8,000. Par 4, 744. Oh, do they pay down to 750th place? What does 40th place get? 40th place is the last spot that cashes. They get $1,000. Wow. Total payout for the men is 92,000.
Starting point is 01:58:21 They had 106 players. There were 40 players in the women's field. They pay out 92,000. They had 106 players. There were 40 players in the women's field. They pay out 37,000. First place gets 8,000. 16th place gets 1,000. Wait, the women get less money than the men? Mm-hmm. Patriarchy.
Starting point is 01:58:37 Well, they had a total. They only have 40% of the players, or yeah, 40% of the participation. And the prize purse is actually higher ratio than the number of participants. So they're actually getting more money per player. Fuck that. That's
Starting point is 01:58:56 matriarchy. Okay, a whole seven. Whole seven. That's actually a lot of money. Kudos to the guys who put on these tournaments. It's kind of crazy. Is there an entry fee? Good question. Mason Mitchell doing the same thing I'm doing, trying to compare it to the great sport of CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:59:11 There is an entry fee, yeah. How much? I don't know at these tournaments. When I play in the tournaments, it's about 50 bucks. This is drying up faster than my ex-girlfriend. Dude, we're fucking killing it we're 12 holes away are you fucking kidding me we're 12 holes away
Starting point is 01:59:29 from your ex-girlfriend a hole 7 Isaac thing of 36 we're 2 hours in like she must have been pretty she must have been pretty good yeah thank you thank you Brian for pointing out the obvious Nicholas Antilius for the long putt 33 minutes
Starting point is 01:59:43 I tried to make this so fast Antilius for the long putt. 33 minutes. I tried to make this so fast today. I can't believe we made it to two hours again. This is fucking nuts. Maybe this upcoming week I'll really help you. Yeah. He's got a little stab at it. Yeah, he really, man. We haven't seen him have to really go.
Starting point is 02:00:03 I need to do every other hole. He misses the fucking putt. He needed that. 3340. Isaac. Robinson. We haven't seen him have to really go. I need to do every other hole. He misses the fucking putt. He needed that. 33-40, Isaac Robinson for another birdie. No. Come on. Take a break, for God's sake.
Starting point is 02:00:19 He actually hasn't been making too many birdies on this round, but he didn't really necessarily need to. He was so far on the lead that he main objective was not to make too many mistakes. So seven holes in, he's made three birdies and four pars, and that's just fine for him. When you're playing with a lead, the mentality changes a little bit. And actually, towards the end of this round,
Starting point is 02:00:36 he even stops throwing any of his fast-speed discs and is only throwing mid-ranges. Isaac Robinson, minus 37. Mason, who's on the same card, is minus 24. Yeah, Mason was having a tough day through seven holes. He had zero birdies and one bogey. Oy.
Starting point is 02:01:01 Let's go to 37-54, hole hole 8 Isaac with the big putt approaches from those lies very good I don't see any reason why Isaac wouldn't give us a little bit of a run good safe bid. For me, if I'm playing in a tournament, I don't know if I'm going to run that putt because
Starting point is 02:01:32 even this 20-footer downhill, and it's downhill past the hole. It can roll away, and I wouldn't hate to take a bogey from there, but he gives it a little bit of a run, and he feels more than confident from there. He did pull it a little bit, though. He wasn't going for it, right? Yeah, but I think that was
Starting point is 02:01:47 maybe 45. No, he was trying to make it, but it's a little long. 45, 50 feet there. Nicholas, on Tilia, opportunity for a putt, 3809 to make up a point on the leader. Can he do it? Chip away into that lead a bit.
Starting point is 02:02:06 And his putting has continued to impress. Hole 9. So he does gain a stroke on Isaac there, but through 8 holes that's the only stroke he's gained. He's one stroke closer than he was 8 holes ago, but he only has 10 holes
Starting point is 02:02:24 left to try to close down six more strokes yeah crazy and this is hole nine going to hole nine remember Silas Schultz is on the chase card and he's also in second place with the minus 32 he is birding everything par four 618 feet hole nine
Starting point is 02:02:40 nothing really to show here no we can skip through it 9. Nothing really to show here. No, we can skip through it, but until it makes a birdie, Isaac does not, and the lead shrinks to 5. Final, 9 holes. Holy shit, yes, you heard it. Hole 10. Par 4, 606 feet.
Starting point is 02:03:09 Isaac has not bogeyed since the 11th hole in the first round. It's a crazy stat. And I did say earlier that it's a tough course. It's a fair course. You can make birdies on it for sure. But the tee shots are demanding. And if you get off the fairway, I mean, Simon Lazat had double bogey, triple bogey, and he's one of the best players in the game.
Starting point is 02:03:28 And most of these players are taking bogeys. To play over two rounds worth of golf on this course and not take a single bogey is kind of wild. Hole 10, Isaac ends up getting a par. Let's move on to hole 11. Silas is negative. Sorry, Silas is minus 34. Isaac Robinson minus 37, only up by three now this is a par 3 420 feet let's look at a 715 Isaac for the birdie to stay ahead
Starting point is 02:03:57 of Silas 715 Isaac's ability to control the driver as if it were a mid-range is just you saw he took a little extra you know he took a little extra time there on his putt relative to what he usually does usually just kind of two pumps and then lets it go i think it was because of that car that drove in the background that he just wanted to let it pass by yeah there's a white like suv that drives by that he took a couple extra see it back there yeah yeah he took a couple extra pumps and i remember watching that and thinking that might have thrown him off wow interesting okay a whole 12 silas schultz now on the chase card only two behind this incredible run that isaac robinson is having uh he silas schultz is at minus 35 isaac's at minus 37 uh we're at a par 5 990 feet uh 1209 isaac i think this is isaac's uh third uh throw here
Starting point is 02:04:57 usually fords don't need a jumpstart, but, ah, and talking to a Raptor and a, and, uh, you know, hole 12 is the easiest hole on the course. So Isaac played a pretty conservative lead for the birdie. Some players are playing it more aggressively to try to get the Eagle. And so a guy like in this case, like Antela, who knows that he has to like put some pressure on this guy and find a couple of spaces to pick up a stroke, he has to take the risk there.
Starting point is 02:05:29 And so while Isaac played it easy, got the four, Nicholas kind of went for it a little bit and ends up taking the five, which means bad news. Greg, see Brian, two pumps and let it go. Bold move. Okay. So right there you see on his third shot he's close that means he gets the birdie because it was a par five let's see what nicholas antilles does on hole uh 12 uh 12 32 for the birdie putt justice not fall further behind this patented flip
Starting point is 02:06:00 parks that one for the birdie. And Niklas. First. Yeah, and that was, I mean, that was kind of a bummer because, like, I felt like then at that point he probably didn't have a chance. Hole 13, Isaac has now extended his lead from 2 to 3. He's at minus 38. Silas Schultz dropped back one. Let's look at Isaac at 1637
Starting point is 02:06:28 for a par putt. Run to a screeching halt. This is no gimme. No, that's... He just goes so fast. Just looks so relaxed and comfortable there. Hole 14. Isaac is now up by four over Silas on the chase card.
Starting point is 02:06:50 It's a par four, 736 feet. Let's go to 2040. This is Nicholas Antelius' second throw. He needs to get close to the basket. It's a par four. Got to get close to the basket it's a par four got to get close to the basket on this one had the sidearm but he sees i think he sees them throw it and then he's like yes i think i'll do that as well and he does you see all three of those discs there on the ground and um i mean it
Starting point is 02:07:26 was i was just like he said the sidearm seems like the option here but all three of those guys threw the similar shot with the turnover backhand inside the bullseye so it's pretty impressive grouping and uh there you go so that gives nicholas the uh birdie on hole uh both him and isaac wait was that what hole is that that was 13? That was 14. Oh, hole 14. Uh, what's crazy here is James,
Starting point is 02:07:49 uh, Conrad got a triple bogey on this hole. Yeah. And it's, I mean, like I said, you know, you get off the fairway on this course that can happen and then it can happen to great players.
Starting point is 02:08:01 And we'll, and we'll talk about by the end of the round, Isaac, like the totality of what Isaac Robinson did in this tournament, but just like having a perspective that, you know, a guy as good as James can take a triple bogey on one of these holes. And we're going to look at Isaac sets in a minute and see just insane
Starting point is 02:08:17 performance from this guy. A whole 15. Uh, nice Caleb, just playing some stuff in the background as we, as we banter. I like that. Caleb up in his game, a whole 15. Nice, Caleb, just playing some stuff in the background as we banter. I like that. Caleb up in his game.
Starting point is 02:08:27 Hole 15. Isaac has a five-point lead over Nicholas. Nicholas is back in second place, par 4, 714 feet. Let's go to 25, Nicholas' second shot. Nicholas' second shot gotta get it close par 4 this is his second throw if he wants the birdie bam there it is
Starting point is 02:08:54 and that's that red disc that I told you that he loves and he's just got such good touch with that coming into the green something remarkable happens on this hole Isaac gets a birdie also and is now 40 under par.
Starting point is 02:09:09 Now we're getting into weirdo land. Yeah, and in the interviews, the press conference that they did at the start of the tournament, Paul McBeth and Gannon Burr both said that they thought between 30 and 34 under par would win this thing. He's at 40 under.
Starting point is 02:09:27 Par 3, 297. 28-30, Isaac. For a birdie at 28-30. Understands how to do it. Like, I don't think it's a part of his skill set he might just mess up and it might roll it doesn't so where you so where you saw him standing there that's where he threw he threw it off the tee and it landed there and then a second throw he tosses it in the basket also don't forget at this time as we saw just prior to watching these guys
Starting point is 02:09:58 go we saw eagle mcmahon go on a run and at this point in the, in the tournament, Eagle McMahon is now in second place tied with Nicholas Antigua at minus 35. Isaac is at minus 41. And obviously there's, you know, everyone wants to win the tournament, but there are some big things on, on the line for some of these guys as well. If you finish in the top five, you get an automatic invite next year. And for someone like Silas Schultz, that's rated outside the top 50 in the world. Like that's a pretty big deal to lock up an invite to the first major of the year for the following year, if you can stay in the top five. And for other guys like Ego McMahon, who hasn't necessarily played in every tournament, because he's not 100%, you know, a top finish like this is a lot of points, you get extra points in the major, and that goes a long way towards, you know,
Starting point is 02:10:41 maybe his season long goals. You think it's inconsistent that I make fun of talking elite fitness for having emoji drafts. And here I am doing my fifth Frisbee golf show that lasts over two hours. I'm fucking having a beer tonight. I'm fucking drink. I'm getting drunk tonight. I just fuck myself. That's not I should never thought I shouldn't think things like that. I'm going to get out the bondage equipment equipment What should I have my wife do to me tonight
Starting point is 02:11:09 Send me a DM Call up that guy with the medicinal cock You know he's a black guy I'm gonna take a medicinal cock from a black guy Not my first time at least God damn it. Hole 18, ladies and gentlemen. Two hours and ten minutes.
Starting point is 02:11:29 Two hours and eleven minutes. With Caleb Beaver, Brian Friend. Breaking new ground. Embracing barely pubescent boys throw discs with no Beaver around. Sorry, Caleb. No vagina around.
Starting point is 02:11:48 What kind of fucking sport is this? Hole 18. Eagle and Nicholas are tied. This is an important hole for Nicholas. Eagle is on the chase card. This is a par 4, 734. Basically, Isaac has this shit wrapped up. Let's watch all my clips from this one. 38 minutes, Nicholas Antilius, this is his third throw.
Starting point is 02:12:12 On a par four. Got to get it close to the basket. Yeah, and he had a not a lesson perfect shot off the tee, so he is scrambling a little bit here, and at this point he's just trying to get a par so that he can match Eagle and take a tie for shot off the tee, so he is scrambling a little bit here. And at this point, he's just trying to get a par so that he can match Eagle and take a tie for second on the tournament, which is obviously a great finish. 38-25, Isaac in putting range.
Starting point is 02:12:34 Is he going to go for it? Look at the crowd. Four or five people deep. Isaac says, um... What the fuck was that? Play that again. Let Brian talk about that shit. So you remember what you said earlier is that when you're the furthest out,
Starting point is 02:12:51 you have to putt. And generally speaking at the end of the tournament, everyone wants to clear the green and let the winner of the tournament tap into the desk and celebrate with the crowd. So the, but the thing is he hasn't had a bogey since hole 11 in round one. And that putt is for par. And so he obviously lays it up and accepts the bogey because he won the
Starting point is 02:13:11 tournament. But if he had just put that in though, he could have put that in. He could have put it in, but it's just, he's just like, his option was to let all the others put out of turn, which you're not really supposed to do. And some of them were putting for things that were actually critical for their positioning, or to just lay up, let them finish their tournament, and then tap it in and get the loud cheer from the crowd. It would be the last
Starting point is 02:13:31 shot of the tournament. Stupid. Yeah. I don't like it. I don't like it. Okay, so he just throws one at the bottom of the basket like a ding-dong. 3902, Nicholas Antilia for second place with the Eagle. Let's see if he can do it.
Starting point is 02:13:51 From four feet out. Good job. Yeah, I mean, a great tournament for Nicholas to finish tied second in a major here in the United States. I mean, that's a huge deal for him, and he's obviously, you know, as invested in being over here this season for the tour and, you know, you, it might not seem like a ton of money, $8,000 to get it or $7,000. Cause he has to split it with Eagle, but, um, you know, that makes, that makes him feel pretty good about, you know, the next month or two of the tour of the tour. And there's a
Starting point is 02:14:23 second. So if he has to split it with – he must not have to split it with Eagle because they're not going to give – The payouts are $8,000 and $6,000. So they just add those together, $14,000, divide by two, they each get $7,000. That's the other guy, Gavin Babcock. So these are all of Isaac's friend. There's Gannon Burr. That's his brother who's hugging him at the prodigy shirt, Gavin Babcock.
Starting point is 02:14:41 And then Alden Harris out to the side. And these guys are like buddies that travel on the tour together and whatever else. the prodigy shirt, Kevin, bad cock, and then Alden Harris out to the side. And these guys are like buddies that travel on the tour together and whatever else. His family all lives nearby, so they come home and give him a hug. And Isaac held it together for a long time. He didn't really show any emotion until the 18th hole, and then he did cry a little bit. Who's that chick crying?
Starting point is 02:14:59 Who's that chick? Probably his sister, maybe his girlfriend. I don't know. I'm going to go sister go sister but you know they were telling some stories here that like his dad was a disc golfer and he took these guys out on the course when they couldn't even walk and they were throwing discs when they were three and four and five years old and now they're 22 and 20 and they're playing on the pro tour and they're in their home state at the first major of the year his dad's on the bag and the guy has a wire to wire win and only has one bogey out of four rounds on the course it's
Starting point is 02:15:29 like it's insane that's his dad right there god his dad looks young i mean the kid's only 22 hey well my kids uh yeah yeah well we know how old you were in your age all of you are new. Hey, is he going to do this again? Is Isaac the real deal? He is. Yeah. I mean, like I said,
Starting point is 02:15:52 Isaac has been in, in positions to do well on, on, in big tournaments before he's calm under pressure. He has a really, really just simple putting stroke. And I, you know, I think that putting is the critical component to separate you from whatever level of player you are.
Starting point is 02:16:06 He's got the best control of the backhand, forehand, backhand of anyone. And what I told you about the fact that he went out there in a practice round with six discs and his brother and threw six under par. Like, if anyone watched the in the bag I did the other day, I have like 25, six, seven discs in my bag. But there's only eight of them or so that I really need. like 25, six, seven discs in my bag, but there's only eight of them or so that I really need. And I just have X. If you just have a few discs that you have really good control with and really good understanding of, even at the pro level, that's pretty much all it takes. And that's what Isaac is. He's a very simple player. He's a very efficient player. And I think he's going to be good for a long time. Uh, disc golf originated in ancient Rome.
Starting point is 02:16:44 And that's one of those things you should clip by the way so that we can start getting the players attention oh okay okay and i shouldn't follow it with like a comment like this biggest dickest we can clip it that's nice part they don't have to see that uh to uh 216 caleb did you see that um website i sent you yes i just wanted to show you this, Savan. Just talked about a lot of these things today. Please, I got nowhere to go. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 02:17:10 This is the leaderboard. So click on Isaac Robinson, and then we're going to click on profile. I wonder if my kids are still awake. And we're going to scroll down and see these stats. So these are some of the stats I was talking about. So of the players who played in this tournament, he was only 64th in the field on fairway hits. But on a quarter of the holes, he was inside 10 feet, which is best in the field. On 58% of the holes, he was inside 33 feet, first in the field. And on 70% of the
Starting point is 02:17:41 holes, he was inside 66 feet, which is sixth best in the field. At the bottom, see that scramble number there? 92% scramble rate. So 92% of the time that he was off the fairway, he still managed to get a par. And that's probably both that and the circle 1X puttings are both taking a hit because he laid up on hole 18. They would have been a little bit higher. So this guy's ability to recover from a bad tee shot and his putting, especially inside the circle, is basically what elevated him to the top of this field.
Starting point is 02:18:14 I'll tell you what would be a good fucking video clip. Did I ask you what all these things mean? And you tell me. But also we have clips ready so that we can show. I'm like, what's 67% on fairway hits? And then you describe what that is. And then we actually have a clip of it. Okay.
Starting point is 02:18:34 During a dead time in the CrossFit season, we can get that detailed. It's always a dead season. Hey, did you see Alex Kazan? Did you see Alex Kazan, the bench press? Yeah. Kotler sent me that earlier today. I was like, that's,
Starting point is 02:18:47 that's just insulting. And she's doing it in sandals. Dude, she, it doesn't even look hard for her. I know. I know. I wonder how hard her pecs are.
Starting point is 02:19:01 They haven't, uh, he says they haven't been benching. That's patriarchy shit right there she keeps her feet up there when she does it oh oh yeah that is not the same thing at first that's laurie coon by the way you know who that is right no she looks cool though as fuck brazilian girl that made it to the games a couple years ago but failed the drug test and then was able to prove contaminated supplement oh i'd like to wrestle her hey um alex is coming on tomorrow
Starting point is 02:19:33 at 8 30 in the morning that's awesome halfway through the um what are you doing tomorrow morning you want to come on for those 15 20 minutes when she's on at 8 30 a.m pacific time yeah i'll send you a link anyway she's gonna come on i'm gonna shoot the shit i want to just watch that like 20 times with her i want everyone just to cheer on and tell her what a badass she is she deserves some crazy accolades for that that's freak of nature shit dude yeah yeah bruce wayne she's badass yeah it's fucking what a fucking stud we'll see if there's any bench press in live competition this year. What is the – was there some sort of bench press for CrossFit in some semifinal, quarterfinal?
Starting point is 02:20:12 There was something, right, last year? Yeah, 2018 regionals, Linda was in the programming, and we watched those together. But last year they had the other total as part of the quarterfinals, but they didn't do any breakdown of how much anyone benched, overhead squatted, or cleaned. So we have no record of who was actually the best at those things. We only have the total, which I'm pretty disappointed about.
Starting point is 02:20:36 We don't know which girl had the max bench press? No. Well, there's no record of it. If you go and look at that workout, it'll just show you 900 pounds. But you don't know if it broke down to 300, 300, 300 or if it was 400, 300, 200 or whatever. So there's no and I and I just I thought that was ridiculous. It's like it's the same way. Same way that it was ridiculous. It's fucking idiocy. It's a fucking missed, very easy missed opportunity. it's a fucking missed very easy missed opportunity yeah and there's many of those that you know i think are really simple fixes that you know she has the same build as tia i'll say
Starting point is 02:21:12 this she's like perfectly proportioned like tia like you could see like the alex kazan action figure but i i think she's bigger than tia she is if you saw him next to each other you you might say they have you would say they have a similar build, not the same build. She's got like Jason Kalipa arms, a gazan. She's a – but she doesn't look like a gorilla like Jason, but she's fucking got some of those. Her triceps are ridiculous. Anyway.
Starting point is 02:21:38 Bench in 270. I mean, she can't weigh more than 145, 150 at most. No, really? I don't think so she is really she is fucking uh what you want to call it um uh uh lean as fuck uh greg c thanks evan slow play at two hours and 15 minutes to get brian to talk about crossfit yeah yeah i got brian's pants off now she's more we got four we'll ask her we have four CrossFit shows on the agenda for next week and only one disc golf. We're really doing disc golf again next week?
Starting point is 02:22:12 Mm-hmm. Tuesday night. Oh, exciting. Okay, guys. Thank you. I will see you tomorrow. Tomorrow's two big shows. Big, big, big shows.
Starting point is 02:22:22 You do not want to miss tomorrow night's show. I think tomorrow night's show is going to be uh do you remember when i was when i was freaking out about a few things and i would show the uh dragon flying overhead breathing fire i think tomorrow's show could be like that tomorrow night's show but but i've told you daniel brand is going to come on a million times and she doesn't, but I'm telling you, I think tomorrow night show is going to be something else. What? You're going to burn it down. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:50 I think it's going to be, I think I'm going to go crazy, like in a good way. It's going to be fun. Oh, wow. How we do it. If, if Sam Briggs went to California hormones, that would be Alex Kazan. Not bad. I see it. I see it.
Starting point is 02:23:03 Jeremy world. I want to leave you with one thing. BCM, Blackhawks matter. Of course they do. And I appreciate that. All right, guys. Caleb Beaver. Sounds like you have two names, two first names.
Starting point is 02:23:20 Brian Friend. Think of how weird the names are on the show. Sevan Matosi and Brian Friend and Caleb Beaver. We should be professional athletes. I'll see you guys tomorrow morning, 7 a.m. Bye-bye.

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