The Sevan Podcast - 2024 Behind the Scenes is LIVE

Episode Date: June 11, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. Prime Day is here. With epic deals exclusively for Prime members, you'll feel like a winner. Behind door number three is amazing deals.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Shop deals on electronics, home and more this prime day. Bam, just like that, we're live. Good morning. Vincent, you need a you need a profile pic. Some some some some Amanda. Good morning. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:01:00 It's that time. Oh, you're not Amanda. You're Amada. Amada. Amada. Amada. Am You're Amada. Amada Guanajuiza. Amada. Amada. All right. Hi, Erica. What's up? Yeah, it's that time. It's time to become a member again. Behind the scenes is back. Can you believe it? What's your part so far? Miss Hattie, can You, the Bali beauty. I like that.
Starting point is 00:01:26 That works for her. It's a little wordy. She probably needs a nickname. David, what's up, dude? Good morning. Oh, wow. What is this name? Saw something with.
Starting point is 00:01:38 What is this? What is this? Oh, what is this? Jeez. Oh, my goodness. Jeez, really? Oh, my goodness this geez oh my goodness she's really oh my goodness oh my goodness i don't know about that one uh denise what's up welcome back i understand you're back you're back tristan what's up you're back uh so what happens, how it works is, we do the behind the scenes. And to do that, we need money to pay for a hotel and fly people out and Ubers and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:02:15 I think in Carson, we made two $500 trips to the supermarket. I think I told you about that. It was kind of crazy, right? The bill was like, I don't know making this up but i think it was like 700 bucks the first run we made to the supermarket and then when they swiped the card like the the discount card it went down to like 462 or something it was crazy but anyway yeah you got to buy the fruit tons of fruit you need fruit for jr although jr is such a giving person like if I make a he made his own runs one of the most generous people or or or he's just uncomfortable receiving gifts either way so also so basically what
Starting point is 00:03:01 happens is paper Street coffee in Californiaifornia uh they've they funded like most of that and then when you guys now the the mem we put it behind a paywall and then those memberships is my internet working looks like it is those uh those memberships fund future projects and my kids jiu-jitsu and put gas in uh beavers uh motorhome hey someone shooter why so serious listen that's a that's a crazy picture that's that that picture is wild that i don't that that's crazy i don't know serious is the right word flabbergbergasted. Flabbergasted. Quality pick and sound. I flew down, as I told you guys yesterday. So you want the whole trip funded. Oh, I want
Starting point is 00:03:52 everything and a big tip. Yeah. The trip is funded. The tip is funded. Now we're raising money to go to the games, which is going to be the best, the best behind the scenes ever. It's going to be absolutely insane. I can only imagine because the venue is so small, how easy it is to going to be to cover everything. Hey, this first behind the scenes is out right now that you guys can see now. If you remember, I didn't participate in that one at all, which is, and I watched it and I'm, I honestly think that they got more and better interviews than I did, at least on the first day. I've only seen the one that you guys have seen.
Starting point is 00:04:31 But between Rios and Branstetter and Souza, they killed it. I was really nervous my first day. They don't even seem nervous at all. Haley Adams coach typo broke my heart a little bit. Small team, small team, Sean, small team. Not all of us can have a little line above the a in our name. Hey, listen, the, the, the first run they had, uh, Carolyn Prevo and Paige Semenza confused on the title cards.
Starting point is 00:04:59 It's fucking blasphemous. We'll probably had to go to church like an extra three days this week to, to make up for that. Yeah, Suze is killing it. I mean, absolutely killing it. I agree. Just straight balls to the wall. He's just straight balls to the wall.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It's so good. And the Carson behind the scenes is coming soon. I haven't seen it, but I heard there is a rough cut out there. It just hasn't been uploaded to YouTube for me to see yet. Oh, it's a screenshot from the show. Yeah, I know. I know. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I know. I know. It's just wild. It makes me contract. It makes me shy. It makes me think, oh, my God, I'm crazy. I need to not do things like that, even for the sake of humor. Mr. Guerrero, what's up, dude? Dan, did you lose your edge ever since we met? You used to be a real dick, and now I feel like
Starting point is 00:05:57 you've lost your edge a little bit. We met, and you got all soft. You turned into a pussy. Let me know. Be honest with me. Let me know. Sean Roddy, what's up? Sousa trying to hook up Will and Haley is a 10 out of 10. Yeah, crazy, right? I don't know if he's trying to, is it that obvious he's trying to hook them up? Is my mic working?
Starting point is 00:06:20 Great question. Let's see. Audio. No, my mic isn't working. How about now? Oh, somebody loves me. How about now? Better? Moth bueno? Moth bueno? Jake Chapman, is there a France behind the scenes coming? That's a good one. That's funny. and that's a good one. That's funny. Would you be good at that? Dan says, if there's a France behind the scenes,
Starting point is 00:06:49 maybe next year I can get a backstage pass and interview some athletes. Hey, the guy who runs that event, Daniel Chafee, is so fucking accommodating. Oh, yeah, Dan. Yes, I'm a bit soft now for sure. Oh, that's good. All right. I accept you.
Starting point is 00:07:03 I accept the kinder, gentler version. Jake, that guy, Daniel Chafee, I think he's like maybe in charge of all the entire affiliate team in Europe. I don't know. I could be misspeaking. A great guy, been around forever, and he would for sure give us access. He's so cool. And I have a real relationship with him. Anthony TPA, I met the team in Knoxville and they're the coolest crew out there. Yeah, it's a good group of dudes. It really is a good group of dudes.
Starting point is 00:07:42 It's weird. I always wonder if the group's going to grow. But it's just weird. It's such a weird process to – because everything's built on trust, as cheesy as that sounds. Do you know how to use a camera, Jake? I mean, you want it to be honest. I think Suze is shooting better than me and he's probably used the camera like four,
Starting point is 00:08:13 five times in his life. He, he just went, he just, I think he plopped down 2000 money and bought that Sony 5600 or 8600, whatever that is. And then just put a mic on it. Savant Shooter, so you're getting access to the games this year.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Listen, how could they not? How could they not? Last year I made 14 pieces of content for them. The minutes watched on that are absolutely out of control. It's been nothing but fantastic for CrossFit and the athletes. Imagine how happy the athletes are. That's probably the best coverage they get all years from the behind the scenes. And then every single one of those behind the scenes,
Starting point is 00:08:57 which has been watched tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of times, has an L1 commercial or an affiliate commercial on it. If I'm an affiliate, if I'm an affiliate or an athlete or anyone in the CrossFit ecosystem, I'm like, it seems like a no brainer, right? I'm guessing they give me, um, even more access than I had last year, which I don't know how they would last year. They last year, the only thing they didn't let me do is they wouldn't let me go on the floor. i and i do need that uh uh you wanted to call it wadapalooza um the carson semi-final did let me go on the floor i mean they told me not to go on the floor but i went on the floor
Starting point is 00:09:34 anyway and they were cool with it and it's not like i was screwing around uh it's not like i was screwing around out there i was was getting, I got some great interviews. You guys are going to be stuck. Kiefer, welcome. Thank you. You won't be disappointed. Great behind the scenes. Kiefer, Kiefer, Kiefer.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Sevan, you're choppy this morning. I know I'm looking at my internet connection. It's probably like at 50%. Yes, Trish, Cinema Verite. Yeah, and it's the only Cinema Verite content in the CrossFit space. If you're familiar with the term Cinema Verite. Someone in here said, Seve, your skin looks good this morning.
Starting point is 00:10:16 It makes me wonder if I have a filter on. Where would I go? Settings? Virtual backgrounds. No. Recording. No. General. I wonder if I have some sort of camera. Oh, camera. No. Audio? No. Virtual background? I don't know. I don't know what's going on with my skin. Hotkeys? Recording. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Layouts? Multi? No. Oh, this is where Caleb does all his crazy shit. Okay. Oh, I'm not even showing the sponsors. I don't know what's going on with my skin. Oh, Hattie Canyon.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Look at you at the beach. Are you putting on some lotion so your skin will look as soft as mine? I did yesterday at the hotel. There was lotion on the counter. I meant to take it. What hotel were we at yesterday? Oh, we were at the Balboa Yacht Club or Bay Club or something like that. In the hotel.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Uh-oh. club or Bay club or something like that in the hotel. Uh, Oh, I'm frozen. Am I frozen? Someone just texted me and said, I'm frozen yesterday. I put lotion on my face at the yacht club. So maybe that's why my skin looks like this. That was awesome with you on the floor. I loved being on the floor, uh, in Carson. It was great. It was so good. It was so good. Thank you, by the way, for saying that it was so great having access to you. Um, I think I only got one interview with Justin Medeiros and it was great. He was awesome. And it was on the floor. I want to say it's after he won an event. So I just ran up to him and i'm not sure how the audio is going to be it's so loud down there but i moved the camera and microphone in as close as i can to their mouth i have the sniffles this morning uh jason miller and it's free for hq to have you there the execs should love that. I have to assume that everyone there is like,
Starting point is 00:12:45 and I, and I give them a chance to change anything they want in the show, which they didn't this year. Uh, I think there was one, there was one conversation about the spirit of the games award. And I don't remember if it was Dave and Katie katie and bill or dave and don and katie and bill but there was one conversation they had about the spirit of the games award
Starting point is 00:13:10 and i think we took some of that out and not for like it because that's the spirit of the games award had been uh designed the year previously um i want to say by justin berg or someone on that team and so there was some fun it was kind of it was funny some of the and the award looked really phallic as i recall i'm just trying to remember and i think there was some jokes and there was something funny in there and they're just like hey that's not necessary and it may have been even like if Justin saw it, it may have been hurtful or something. Even though it wasn't, it was all in fun. It's at the bottom by the camera settings,
Starting point is 00:13:51 but I think that was the only thing that they edited out last year. I think Dave's like, hey, you should pull that. That's not nice. And so they have on all 14 episodes, they had final edit. I sent it to many members of their team. And so that's that. You're frozen on my end. Am I still frozen? Can you hear me? I flew down to San Diego two days ago. It's at the bottom by the camera settings. I see settings.
Starting point is 00:14:34 And I see stop camera. Oh, oh, I see, I see. No, I don't see. I don't see it. I just see settings. And then there's nothing in there about my skin. I'm in a little bit of a rush today. I have to keep, that's why I started a little early and I have to cut it a little short.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Oh, shit. Okay. Your screen is frozen, but we hear everything you're saying and the comments you bring up. Oh, that's awesome. I like it. You think, what if I do this? What if I, am I unfrozen now? I came out and in.
Starting point is 00:15:20 How's that? Am I unfrozen? Wow. Is this true? Seve, I'm going to send you another care package of things I've canned out of the garden. Wow. Oh, my triceps feel huge. I haven't worked out in two days.
Starting point is 00:15:44 That's cool. Maybe you can teach me how to can shit. It's 7 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. That's when I was originally planning on getting up. I was going to not do the show today. But when they released the behind the scenes last night, I was like, I got to do a show. I'm so excited about the behind the scenes. Casey, you're frozen homeboy
Starting point is 00:16:16 yes frozen but you guys can hear me okay you guys can hear me just tell me if you can't hear me so I'm not just up here like a jackass Oh, my screen is black? Yeah, you do need to subscribe again. Really? My screen? How about now? Better? Just tell me this. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:16:42 That's good. Seve's out. Can you guys hear me at least my camera's still down okay I don't know what to do oh what if I reduce my resolution how's that am I back
Starting point is 00:17:03 audio is perfect okay listen I changed it to 720 all good Reduce my resolution. How's that? Am I back? Audio is perfect. Okay. Listen, I changed it to 720. All good. Keep going. Okay. So yesterday I posted that video of Chelsea Handler.
Starting point is 00:17:17 It's from 2020. And I want to play that for you real quick here. Because it's interesting. It was going to be funny. Basically what she's saying is she's saying, hey, I'm going to, I used to date 50 Cent
Starting point is 00:17:34 and now he's supporting Trump. And if he'll support Biden, I'll let him bust a nut in me again. Is that her name, Chelsea Handler? I don't know her name. It's a comedian chick. Here, let me pull it up. Let me see if I can find it. Which is funny.
Starting point is 00:17:54 That's a funny bit, right? He's coercing him with some pussy. So like that's funny. Oh, I don't know how I'm going to do this. Oh, I need two screens open. Damn. I'm working hard for you guys this morning. Very hard.
Starting point is 00:18:13 Did I lose you guys? There's my screen. Okay, let's see if I can share this. Share screen. This is probably going I can share this share screen. This is probably going to really bog down the internet. Okay. So this is, uh, I think this chick's name is Chelsea Handler, this blonde chick, and that's a Jimmy Fallon. He's a late night talk show host here in the United States. Okay. So here we go. So he doesn't want to pay 62% of taxes because he doesn't want to go from being 50 cent to 20 cent. And I had to remind him that he was a black person, so he can't vote for Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And that's the part. That's be funny. That could be funny. Except, I wish she would just say, give the example where Donald Trump was racist. And then she goes on to say that, hey, if he does vote for Biden, she'll give him a piece of pussy. But I want to show you something. I want to show you this. City Bank Armenians. This is on November 8th.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Let me see this. Share screen settings now present share screen i've shown you guys this a bunch of times uh cfpd orders city bank to pay 25.9 million for intentionally illegal discrimination against armenian americans today the Consumer Financial Protection, this is last year. But I already knew this. I've told you the story before that when I was in L.A., my wife and I were in L.A. And we were meeting with a financial advisor. And this financial advisor was the vice president of a really big bank in Los Angeles. And she straight up told me, hey, we don't lend money to anyone with the last name IAN. That's a policy that the bank had.
Starting point is 00:20:29 And it says, today the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered Citibank to pay $25.9 million in fines and consumer redress for intentionally and illegally discriminating against credit card applicants. The bank identified as Armenian-American from 2015 through 2021. Listen to how funny this is too. Under the order, Citi will pay 1.4 million to harm consumers and 24.5 million penalty. I wonder who gets the penalty money.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Who gets that? Anyway, listen. Racism is a really trippy thing because it pushes right up against discernment. It pushes right up against discernment. If I asked you, if I told you, hey, I saw someone get killed outside my window here at the hotel. And I asked you to guess, is it a man or a woman? What would you guys say? You would
Starting point is 00:21:29 say it's a man. If I told you, Hey, some, someone just killed someone else. I'm going to give you a million dollars. If you can guess who the, um, uh, uh, who the aggressor was, who the, who the criminal was, the murderer was, if it's a man or a woman, you guys would all guess man. Now, is that sexist? Tell me. Is that sexist? I need to know. Because I don't think that that's sexist.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Or if it is sexist, I'm okay with it. Either way, it just is what it is statistically it would be a man of course of course and so if i told you that we've been lending money to armenians for the last 20 years and 90 of them use false names and are running scams. And now we don't lend money to people with the last name IAN. Because that's how they determined if they were Armenian, by the way. What would that be?
Starting point is 00:22:42 And so you can play that game all day the only thing that i've heard the only thing that i've heard that trump did that was racist the only the only thing that the thing that that because hey i don't think if i think one time he said he prefers he would have a jewish accountant over a black accountant or over an asian accountant i think he said that one time and then of course he said uh he said the south american countries countries and Latin American countries aren't sending their good people. That's not even remotely racist. That's just is or isn't true. But the only thing that I heard was, I guess he had these, me, I can't imagine someone doing that because of the color of their skin. But I can imagine someone doing that based on the patterns of people with that skin color not paying their rent or being troublesome tenants.
Starting point is 00:23:53 If you owned a coffee shop and you had two people who were applying for the job and you weren't allowed to interview them, would you hire the hot girl who shows side boob or would you hire the dorky guy with acne all over his face? Who has a, who has a beer gut? This is for you, Jake.
Starting point is 00:24:33 You would hire the hot chick. You know why? Because people would just come back to the coffee shop to see the side boob. I just can't see that as – I just – to try to route that out of society is just fucking insane. And hey, each person is going to have to deal with that on their own. If you're Armenian and you're in LA, you're going to have to figure that out. You're going to have to work with that. to have to work with that. But dude, to say,
Starting point is 00:25:10 to say for Biden to say, if you're not black, or if you vote for Trump, you're not black. That's for me, that's just like overtly a coercion of people based on their skin color. For me, that's just blatantly racism.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And here's why. One of the main reasons. I'm not even sure what he's saying, so I have to make it up in my head. What I think he's saying is, hey, you're not smart enough to make it. This is what I think Biden is saying. This is Biden's thoughts.
Starting point is 00:25:43 I'm Joe Biden, and I think that because you have black skin, you're not smart enough to think for yourself. So listen to me, and I'm going to coerce you based on your skin color. If I see someone trying to make George Floyd a hero for the black community, I just think right away, oh, that's's a psyop and that person must hate black people there's no the only leap there is that they hate black people but but it's definitely no one no there's no reality where he's a good role model or he did anything to benefit society there's no reality and so i i i think it's funny that Chelsea Handler like I get it if she were just to be like hey
Starting point is 00:26:27 you can get some of this fucking pussy but the other thing she's saying is like hey I'm what I hear her say there is I'm the slave owner and you're the slave and that's the way I think
Starting point is 00:26:42 and so you have to do what I tell you to do. But to go out there and complain anytime someone uses discernment to make an assessment and then play the victim, you're going to be a loser your whole life. Barclay, I always hire the nerd. We're full of surprises. Jake Chapman, side boob. Lewis, thank you for the membership. You're not going to be disappointed. It's great.
Starting point is 00:27:12 The athletes were so great this year. The athletes gave us such great access. Everyone was so open. It was awesome. Jake Chapman, I love how wide your palms are. I know. It's neat, right? Look at the distance from here to here.
Starting point is 00:27:37 So that's it. I like funny. Oh, Chris, good. Good to see you, buddy. Smart move. Smart move. Very smart move. Very smart move. Very smart move.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Wasn't Chelsea Handler the one who got canceled for decapitating Trump's head? I don't know. Jake, it's white saviorism. By not being racist, they're being so much more racist. Yeah. That's the part I don't get how the, how they don't see that. Um, I want to hear both stories specifically about Greg's wife, who wife's who, who's. I want to hear boat stories specifically about Greg's wife who wife's who who's So, you know, so, you know, what's crazy is I'm the youngest man on the boat I'm 52 and the other dudes are both older than me and
Starting point is 00:28:34 She's I don't know. She's 40 and she's seven months pregnant and she's like eminently more capable than all of us It's so funny She'll be like go slower go faster turn right turn left and it's like they're all great calls And I feel like a senile with through three old men on a boat with some hot chick his wife is crazy hot and She's pregnant and I just fucking love pregnant women like crazy pregnant her shits all over her titties and her belly are all over And she's in great shape and she's funny as shit.
Starting point is 00:29:11 It was awesome. I went on a walk with her this morning and just stared at her belly the whole time. I woke up like at six to get a cup of coffee and she was down there already. And no, they're not. I know they are not. Olivia, are they doing a home birth? No.
Starting point is 00:29:27 So I went on a walk with her. So basically this morning we're leaving extra early because this morning we're going up to Santa Barbara. And I think it's three and a half hours north in the boat. And the water is going to be super glassy this morning. And the boat's fast as fuck. And so this morning I think they want to get the boat up to 50 miles an hour and uh if it's glassy it shouldn't be a problem the the bouncing and all that shit doesn't phase me at all but i think or the other people on the boat but i think for
Starting point is 00:29:56 uh margarita greg's wife i think when she's pregnant and those bounces, I think after a while, those add up on her. So, Oh, Saber, I'll send you a link. Send me Saber. Will you send me a message and WhatsApp and I'll send you and Kelly a link. Olivia,
Starting point is 00:30:20 a pregnant women are so beautiful. Sporty Beth is even more beautiful now to me. Yeah, for sure. It's so cool being around her. So fucking cool. And then this other lady that I hang out with a lot just had a baby, but she's always breastfeeding this lady that my boys are friends with her kids. It's really cool being around pregnant women and women who are having babies. at women and women who are having babies. So, flew down to San Diego,
Starting point is 00:30:49 went up to Newport Beach, hung out with Sarah Cox for a night, then drove up to Marina Del Rey. Oh, yesterday when we were at the hotel, Trump was coming, so the Newport Harbor was full of boats with Trump flags. There was this giant mansion with Secret Service on the roof.
Starting point is 00:31:07 And you could tell that was the party. That was the house that Trump was going to be at. I guess you could pay $100,000 to have dinner with them. It was cool. Battle and Adams. I just purchased a birth fit. Hey, so, so an acquaintance of mine was like, Hey, the doctors told my wife to get on birth control and something else. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:31:40 What do you think I should do? And I, I said, Hey, I would contact birth fit. I would contact, contact Lindsay Cantu over birth fit and set up a meeting with her. That's the kind of resource that BirthFit is. If you're getting advice from a doctor on what you need to do to move forward in your life with your reproductive bits and bobs,
Starting point is 00:32:00 then don't see a doctor. Go see Lindsay Cantu at BirthFit. Talk to her. She's dealt with shitloads and shitloads of women who want to get pregnant, were pregnant, are pregnant, and she'll give you best practices. And you know what? Most of the stuff she's going to tell you, I bet she's 100% intuitive.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Emma Murphy, what's up? You're going to love the behind the scenes thank you jody lynn i love being pregnant i think greg was greg's wife loves it too but i think she has like i think i think one of her ribs is bothering her right now. So she's having trouble enjoying it to its full extent Like I could just see sometimes she's uncomfortable She was actually telling me this morning. The very best part is feeling the baby move around Which is a trip right another human being moving around inside of you
Starting point is 00:33:03 Uh, jake chapman, oh no jeremy, uh, sorry j sorry jeremy uh even though i'm a man i'm told i can get pregnant can birth fit help me jeremy someone the other day was telling me a story about you and they were using your real name and i said please don't ever use his real name just call jeremy eat world so there's that story Tom Landry what's up good morning are they having a boy or a girl they're having a girl so she'll have had four girls and one boy kind of crazy I must have some sort of
Starting point is 00:33:40 skin filter on I don't even look like myself have some sort of skin filter on. I don't even look like myself. See, see, see free surf. Smart move. So many behind the scenes are going to start pouring out. So many. We're also doing a film contest. Details will be coming out,
Starting point is 00:34:03 but I can tell you the details right now already. If you are a filmmaker of any sorts, what you want to do is you want to put together a campaign that supports the affiliates. So the campaign that, uh, Brett is building over at a salty hive CrossFit is he's sitting people down
Starting point is 00:34:22 with a camera in front of them and he's asking them, what does your affiliate mean to you? And he's getting a whole wide variety of answers, right? I'm here to meet chicks. I'm here to live longer. I'm here because my dad died and I want to get control of my life. He's getting all the wide variety of answers and then he'll cut it with some B-roll and some nice music. And there'll be these 30-second, 60-second, 90-second different commercials with all these people, and there'll be five of these videos. And that will be the campaign. And so that'll be the campaign, and then we'll judge the campaigns,
Starting point is 00:35:04 and the best campaign will get five thousand dollars. Second best will get three thousand. Third best will get two thousand. And then not, you know, if I can get, you know, 20 people to enter at five commercials apiece, I'll have this library of 100 affiliate commercials. uh sebi what's more creepy someone videoing teens at a comp or someone telling you they don't like videoing teens at a comp videoing teens at a comp i never video the teens i stay the fuck away from the teens i don't know if any of it's creepy you got you got to assess each person on its own for instance if it's a woman video got to assess each person on its own.
Starting point is 00:35:47 For instance, if it's a woman videoing the teens, there's no creep in it at all. I don't know. And if it's a dude, you got to assess him. I mean, like, is his daughter out there? Then it's probably not creepy. Don't video Tudor's teen hog I don't think Tudor's a teen anymore
Starting point is 00:36:12 God I hope he's not a teen that would be some really bad poor judgment on my part you want to see the camera what camera good morning dude You want to see the camera? What camera? Phillip Kelly, what's up? Good morning, dude. All right.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I don't know if I have anything else this morning. Tomorrow I'll be in Santa Barbara in the morning. Tomorrow I'll be in Santa Barbara in the morning. And then Monday I'll make the final push home. I think we fly home from Santa Barbara. I don't think we take the boat all the way up to the Bay Area. I think the boat comes out of the water there and gets driven the rest of the way up. And then on Monday, Monday is going to be wild because there's the Dave Castro Weekend Review
Starting point is 00:37:07 and then we're also going to have Dalton Rasta on. And Dalton Rasta is fighting this guy named Magic Mike Norbert. And we're having Norbert on on Tuesday and Dalton Rasta on Monday. So we'll have both fighters on. It's going to be an insane fight. They're two of the best in the world in their weight class at 185
Starting point is 00:37:28 pounds. So if you're into beautiful men with great bodies who wear tight, really tight underwear and get in a ring and fight, those shows are going to be for you. I was... No, I don't know. Uh, Kenneth, the lab is Sebi. Do you have any non-chemical weed control recommendations? I don't, I wish I don't. The boat's been amazing. I love the boat.
Starting point is 00:38:00 What was I going to add? Oh, I was thinking about doing a campaign myself, but pretending to be you guys. You know what I mean? So I would pretend to be David Weed and his affiliate. You know, I would pretend to be Judy and her affiliate. And like I would act out like how I think you guys would answer the question based on how I judge you guys. I think it would be so funny. Some of you would hate it. I would pick five of you and pretend like I'm you
Starting point is 00:38:35 and build a campaign like I'm answering the questions. All right. I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow morning look there you are david i've already practiced yours a little bit david practice yours a little bit yeah i practice you and judy that's why i use you guys as the examples yes it would be very funny i think examples. Yes, it would be very funny, I think.
Starting point is 00:39:10 All right. Tomorrow morning, I'll try to do 7 a.m. Standard Time, and then very soon we'll be all back on schedule. Sousa's out at the Doc Spartan event that Dale, uh,
Starting point is 00:39:26 King's putting on out in Portsmouth, Ohio. Caleb's out in Florida with his wife and his new motor home. Uh, was, uh, don't drink so much today. I'll try.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Love you guys. Bye. Bye.

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