Episode Date: August 9, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Bam, we're live. Let us know in the comments if you can hear our mics. Will's not here and this is Bryson's only second time playing with our back ends, so we're just trying to figure out if he actually knows what he's doing. First up in the news, apparently Lazar was missing and apparently he swam to shore and he was out. Then they're saying he finished. So we've got no idea on Lazar waiting on Lazar's score
Starting point is 00:00:26 do you think he was one of those people JR that we thought were just random swimmers maybe swimming i don't know he's a strong swimmer and i doubt he would just spot completely in the wrong direction do you think well yeah i feel like it's not not spotting it's probably spotting and thinking, oh, that's where I'm supposed to go. Right. Today, we're just going to start the show off with a little, we're gonna backtrack a little bit. We're gonna talk about last night. We're gonna talk about how good Taylor was at his predictions because he wants everyone to make sure that they know.
Starting point is 00:01:00 No, I want everyone to know. And especially John Young. Relative to John Young, That's all I care about. I don't care about anybody else, but John Young, if you're fricking watching this show, you big old dingbat, I picked yellow hosted a win. I picked yellow hosted a win event one. I also picked Pat Velner to literally take 32nd place. That's true.
Starting point is 00:01:21 So you know what, John? I think I'm the new best analyst in town and that's all I have to say right now. Oh, John's live. So you know what, John? I think I'm the new best analyst in town. And that's all I have to say. John's live right now. Oh, John's live. Hey guys, don't go watch John. You don't want to watch him. He probably just looks depressed. What was Hatfield's placing? 30th. Wow. I'll pull up the leaderboard just to make sure we have it. Here, here. We got it right here. We got it right here. This is why we got a guy doing the back end, dude. Touching back ends. Wow. All right. So little, little leaderboard scrolling to start. Let's check this out. Uh, what do we got on the men's side? Crazy. Yellow Hostay, Brent Fikowski.
Starting point is 00:01:57 How about Roman, dude? Are you surprised? Uh, I probably would have picked him to finish top five. I don't know about top three. That was really, really strong. probably would have picked him to finish top five. I don't know about top three. That was really, really strong. I would have picked top 10. I wouldn't have picked top five or top three. Definitely wanted to pick James for a while. Does that eighth?
Starting point is 00:02:15 Uh, Carl Bjork BKG got eighth. Sprague is seventh. Okay. Numbers are right here. Oh wow. Brandon Luckett then, but that's a great finish for Medeiros too. Yeah. right here. Oh wow. Brandon Luckett, that's a great finish for Medares too. Yep. Cole Sager, hey guys, I just had to also say this. One of the worst parts of that whole
Starting point is 00:02:34 coverage and the event is watching Cole get out of the water with not another guy around him and sprint as hard as he could to the finish line. I like to stop that. Don't do that. If looking cool were an element of the CrossFit Games, Cole, I don't think Cole would have ever qualified. Oh, definitely not. Strong finish for Luke, Jay, strong finish for Dowling. I mean, again, after semifinals, oh, there we go. We're probably still wondering about his running. So that was a what like 13th, 14th, Jason was 19th, wow look at freaking Jeff Adler coming out the gate like a rocket and getting dogs by 19 people in the water at one point
Starting point is 00:03:15 back stroking yeah that's nuts it was back stroking a few times and it looked like one time really changing course like he was going in the complete opposite direction. He was going around a paddleboard person. The people who are supposed to like keep you in line. He was going completely around them. Wow, Jeff. Hey, uh, just so you know, Jeff backstroking is not going to win you the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:03:39 It was interesting seeing, uh, listening to yellow get interviewed. He said something and we'll have to ask him. Maybe when we see some of the athletes in person that the course was a certain thing when he got here. So he tested it on Monday and then they changed it and then he came back and like tested it again and then they changed it back again. So I guess maybe the original pathway and then he was like, all right, I'll just go back to plan B or plan A or whatever. So he was basically saying that his preparation coming into it, knowing what to spot,
Starting point is 00:04:11 knowing that he was going on a straight line. Cause he said, you know, there was a time where he knew he was swimming straight and everyone else was swimming in crazy directions. He was like, if I just swim straight, I'm probably going to win. Which is crazy to think about. Cause it wasn't really, that doesn't have anything to do with capacity or swimming skill.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Yeah, it's not like you have to be a better swimmer if you just swim 800 meters when everyone else swims 1200 meters. Right. Well, you do it right the first time, you don't fucking lose. I mean, I love that. I think the other cool thing is how many of the athletes do you think actually tested that course when he took the opportunity to test that course, even if he's doing it at like 70, 80, 85%? I mean, because Monday is not, that's not a long time ago, to do it again on Thursday, to do it twice Monday and Tuesday. I mean, what do you think about that? I would bet not a lot of other athletes tested it at the course. That's a huge advantage. I bet a lot of them went out there that have been here.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And tested it? That's a huge advantage. I bet a lot of them went out there that have been tested it probably on. Yeah. Last week maybe, or maybe Monday at the latest. But yeah, I would say even doing it Monday. I mean, clearly he's confident his recovery to be able to do that. But yeah, yeah, I don't know. That surprises me that he tested it twice. Well, I think he was saying that when, when they changed it, he came back out and found like more landmarks to use But he but he did it on Monday. He said yeah, I think that's a big advantage and obvious clearly spotting well is
Starting point is 00:05:38 Key, I think how long they spent it. Well, I mean the guys spent almost 20 Yes, I think he was like 30 He was 36 there so and the fastest guys were in the water a little under 21 So he was about 46 50 He was about 14 minutes in the water because I think his swim his run took him out like 22 That sounds right. I may be 21 and a half Everyone else it seemed like was in the water for like 20 minutes, which is for ever That's crazy to me. Yeah, I think they're all fit enough to have tested it on Monday It'd be fine
Starting point is 00:06:05 But I bet you a lot of them were scared to know there's no chance no chance that I Honestly, I don't think five total people tested the actual course. Yeah, but go I don't need to I'd be surprised Yeah, a lot of people did I like that approach from him because it's not that oh, I don't need to approach It's like I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to take W and look where he's at our freaking boy It'll be it'll be really cool to see where he ends up after today because you expect someone like him I would expect him to do well on event two but then with the ring muscle up and squat snatch not something for the longer guys, but like if he can even get like a Top half top 15 finish like he's gonna be in a great position
Starting point is 00:06:41 you know, you know what yellow host is claimed to fame is right a Contestant on kill Taylor, you know, that's I would say that's what he's most well known for So he must be good at ring muscle ups and squats matches. No, no, no, I'm just saying dude I'm just saying that's what he's known for people. Well, he's not a contestant. He's known for killing Taylor and really Fuck you. We're not going to killing him Well, I wasn't gonna bring that up and she had nothing to do with that. I'm just saying popular It's popular because he was on the show dude has nothing to do with him beating me bro. So relax. I Was really surprised by Roman
Starting point is 00:07:19 Ruan I think is the guy who we thought was Lazar in the water. We were watching some swimmers and I think we saw a guy who were like, oh, that's Lazar. I think that was actually Ruan. Sorry Lazar. Little surprise at Sprague. Brent was what, second? Yep. Pro move. And you know what I bet that was?
Starting point is 00:07:42 Being able to spot really well in the water. So wow, that's unreal. Yela beats the whole field by over a minute. Yeah. Over a minute in that workout. Well, I mean, in years past, we're used to seeing Yana beat the field by like five minutes, 10 minutes, depending on how long the swim is, but yeah, that's a, all right, let's go to last place. First one workout of the games for him too, but yeah, that's a, all right.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Let's go to last place. When workout with the games for him too, you know, because last year they didn't have Bailey Martin. Wow. That guy did not a swim. What in the, what in the Joe dirt is Jack Rosam a doing dude last place? I don't know, man. He, if you just look at the athletes though, and you look at their builds, it's kind of like when you used to look. He, if you just look at the athletes though, and you look at their builds, it's kind of like when you used to look at Fraser, like you just, you think someone like that is it's going to someone that dense is not going to be very buoyant. You just think they're
Starting point is 00:08:33 going to sink. Like when I look at Jack, I'm just like that. I would be surprised if that dude's a good swimmer. Yeah. I was clearly not against where I don't think he's a good runner either dude. 52 minutes. Austin., Austin's got some work to do. He took a 30th on that. Goodness. Wow. I think this is the crazy thing is so many athletes outside the top 30, like 30 and down are not small names.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Alex Carone, Matt Velner, Austin Hatfield, Guy Maieros, Bailey Martin, Jack Rosemont. And look, I'm saying Hatfield and Rosemont aren't small names they're not the athletes you would expect to be in the bottom 30 because they come from a really packed region you know what I mean they come from a semi-final where like okay that's a very competitive crazy I'm pretty shocked at Bailey Martin I was under the assumption that he could swim like all Australians can swim yeah maybe that was just a stereo time being racist yeah Ricky says that he can't. Like all Australians can swim. Yeah, maybe that was just a stereotype. I'm being racist. Yeah, Ricky says that he can't swim
Starting point is 00:09:27 because he's from the bush. He's from the bush. Whose bush are you from? I'm from the bush. Whose bush you digging around in, Ricky? All right, let's go to the comments. All right, well, let's go to the women. How about this?
Starting point is 00:09:44 Oh, dude, I can't wait for the women while we're looking at the women. Just real quick. If you guys are looking to buy a house, it's this crazy time of the election cycle. Housing markets, crazy. JB has done what he's done with the market. But if you're looking for a mortgage loan, we've got the guy for you. His name is Justin O'Shell from Strong Home Mortgage. You can get a loan from this guy in any state in America. Veteran owned and operated company. Great guy. Probably the lowest rates, probably the biggest loans. Everybody else probably copies them. And if I had to tell you, bro, this is the guy to
Starting point is 00:10:21 go with. And with that, okay, let's see. Tia, dude, how about Tia placing third amongst everyone? Beats everyone except for Yela and Brent. What did you say when the event started? Anyone who's behind a woman? I said if I was doing this workout, I said if I was doing this workout and a girl was in front of me, dude,
Starting point is 00:10:40 I would feel like such a bitch. So all the, hey, all you guys who got beat by Tia, but Tia's not really a girl. Yeah. So Mel here in the comments says, Laza was top five. Okay. Okay. So a chip. His chip, he's got a chip issue. So that means Velner got 33rd and you're not the best analyst. Hey, where did Samuel, Samuel, who won't. Uh-oh. Brian friend is at the venue. Allegedly. Let me pull this comment up.
Starting point is 00:11:10 This is from a Martin Luther King. Uh, sorry, Michael Lee Kerns, different MLK, uh, friend is there. And he is saying teams haven't started because they were looking for someone in the water. Oh, not sure if it's an athlete. Samuel Kwong got 24. And what did corner? Yeah. Oh, Corey is if it's an athlete. Samuel Kwant got 24. And what did Kornayeh? Oh, Kornayeh is competing. Apparently Kornayeh had COVID again. He gets sick before every CrossFit Games. Every CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:11:33 he gets sick. This guy should get a vaccine or something. I don't know if he's ever heard of one of those. They work. Okay. Yeah. Tia is winning the CrossFit Games. It's not even going to be close. Yeah. It's not even going to be close, dude. Laura with a ninth. I don't care. I don't care, dude. Tia is going to destroy everyone. Yeah. So guys, if you want to watch something exciting for the rest of the weekend, don't watch the women's race.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Only watch the men. We already know what's going to happen. I don't know. Watching Tia just destroy everybody I think is cool. It is cool. Uh oh, apparently there are ambulances at the park. It's a male athlete. Yeah, we really, really, really, I know we're making light of the whole situation, but really hope that like everyone's good for sure. Because it is really serious. And obviously whenever there's water involved, you wonder if people are going to push too hard and get to the point where you know, they pass out or whatever. So We're going to turn on that stream here at the house so that we can see what you guys are seeing. I'm trying to get there Is this just uh
Starting point is 00:12:41 Let me go back taylor's a boomer. Hey, we're live. What are you doing? Yeah, and we did, we did hear that Victor Hoffer withdrew before this event. So really bummed about that. If there was anyone I was, I would be super bummed for. He just is like, not only is he a good kid, but he's, oh, we're getting a call and this is probably one we should take. You're live. You're on speaker. I'm live. Yeah. Should I take you off speaker? No,
Starting point is 00:13:15 I was just asking if anyone's at the Airbnb. Oh, okay. What the fuck, dude? I thought you had some important intelligence. Yes. What's the Airbnb? Yes. You got a package. dildos here I said your dildo came in the mail I had your name on it okay you need me to bring that to dickies I would appreciate it okay probably no later than 10 50 11 All right, I'll text you The booth I don't know what booth you're just gonna have to text me all that All right, cool. Bye. Okay. Thank you. Bye Yeah, we're trying to turn it on
Starting point is 00:14:17 Wow Lazarus lost. No, I don't think I remember chase saying there's Lazar Dukic, but his timer isn't working Now they they did show and I think Adrian or chase mentioned it to what looked like people swimming literally in the opposite direction Yeah, so if people are saying that Heinrich and laws are like we they don't know what their times are anything It's possible that they they really did swim. This is I believe this is rebecca fusilla with the sebons live stream, uh seven instagrams live stream. We're watching it um They're saying that haplion came out on the comments there They're saying Yeah, definitely prayers right now guys. I don't know what's going on prayers. Well, yeah, definitely prayers right now, guys.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I don't know what's going on. Prayers? Well, yeah, because there's ambulances there. Henrik and Lazar, or the four? OK, Becca is saying Henrik and Lazar. These are what we're hearing. I mean, yeah, they're the only two without scores. But we just think that, right, they're
Starting point is 00:15:24 the only two without scores. But we just think that, right, they're the only two without scores. Not sure if they're actually missing or, yeah, who knows? This is crazy. Yeah, we'll keep you guys updated. Let's go over to the women's leaderboard. Nuts. All right, turn this down. All right, well, we've got that pulled up.
Starting point is 00:15:44 All right, so we talked about Tiaia domination, Bethany Flores in second. I mean, did you I'm not surprised. She can't do any weightlifting. So I would imagine she's just been running and squatting the entire time. She's been game training or sorry, running and swimming. Emily Rolfe, no surprise there. I mean, usually the person we pick, if there's actually a running workout, do you think someone like Emily Rolfe, even with Tia in the field, looking at the mile for time, do you think someone like Emily could win that? Or do you think that's still like a Haley or a Tia? Tia is going to destroy everyone in the month. Tia, Tia more than I think any of the females
Starting point is 00:16:20 better suited for a one mile run. She's so fit. I think Haley will beat Emily on the one mile run as well. Emily Rolfe. Yeah, yeah. So just to backtrack, apparently Bethany Flores posted a video of her squatting something not crazy heavy relative to the game fields, like actually really light. 215.
Starting point is 00:16:39 215 and was super excited about it. She said she hadn't been able to squat that in two years or something. That's crazy. Which is cool for her to be excited about, but it's just crazy that you're excited about that when you're about to go to the CrossFit games. Yeah. There's a clean ladder that starts with that weight for the women. Are you going to be able to do the work? Yeah. So we're, you know, TBD on that.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That's not to take anything away from what I, you know, I was being facetious, but I do think if you can't focus on a lot of heavy stuff You're probably training to hit some home runs and other areas and you know Interesting okay people are saying it was Luca that came across Lazarus lost fuck A dive team? They're missing. So those two that were swimming in the complete wrong direction could have been them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I would imagine so. Definitely praying for these guys. I do want to note, I mean, this may be stupid to say live, but these are some of the fittest men on earth. That's what I was thinking. This isn't the ocean. This isn't like waves and sharks. It's a lake.
Starting point is 00:17:54 There's shorelines everywhere. Maybe I'm an idiot for saying this, but I would wager quite a lot that they likely are missing, but that they're okay. They got out of the water somewhere. They weren't supposed to swim for a mile, a mile and a half. They can do it. These are the fittest guys on the planet. Yeah. You know, we're hoping they're just on the shore somewhere. They're probably, you know, trying to wrangle a bull off in a bullpen. Yeah, they think that's the next part of the work. I would bet Lazarus riding actually a longhorn right now. He's safe, dude. He's got to be safe.
Starting point is 00:18:24 actually a longhorn right now. He's safe dude. He's got to be safe. All right. So on the women's side again, I mean, I don't think there's really any surprises with some of the European and Australians. They usually do really, really well in anything with swimming. Daisy McDonald, Grace Walton, you got Haley in seventh, Karen Freyova in eighth, which is good. I mean, she's someone who we think of as usually a more powerful, stronger athlete. Laura in ninth, I think is really solid. Daniel Brandon in 10th, we know she's got a swimming background. She's a good runner. So it's a solid finish for her.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Still like in a workout like this, I think if you're a top 20, you're fine. Especially if you're a contender. Because there's something like this and then the clean ladder are gonna just flip. That's kind of what's gonna happen, right? So I don't think there's anything wrong with the top 20 finish.
Starting point is 00:19:10 No need to stress about it. I mean, we've seen Pat podium and take finishes in the thirties. I think Gracie Walton getting fifth is where people should have probably expect her to finish. Yeah, it's a pick her up win. Everyone was like, you just don't know how good she is at swimming. You're crazy.
Starting point is 00:19:31 You're crazy. She's going to destroy everybody. Who's getting what got canceled? They just said something got canceled. A team event probably. Ariel Owen in 20th. Oh, the teamwork I was cancer oh wow Kyra Milligan in last place they're asking all spectators to exit the venue the events been canceled which makes me think that something really bad happened if they want everyone to leave. So guys they just cancelled the team event and they're asking everyone to leave. So it looks like we have a serious issue on our hands.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Alright so I'll keep you guys updated. There's not really much we can do besides we're gonna try to start getting people to exit. Oh my god. Oh, Suzy's calling. Suzy, you're live. You're live. Hey, you're live.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Yeah, um, can you guys kill the show for a minute? Yeah. Just completely go off or just mute? Yeah. Alright guys, we're gonna have to end the stream. It looks like something serious has happened. So we will be back. Yeah. Alright stream.

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