The Sevan Podcast - 2024 CrossFit Games Programming / CHAD 1000x - SUAS

Episode Date: July 6, 2024

J.R. Howell and Taylor Self talk the first announced workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 don't hold back how hot is it in spartanburg right now 101 today yeah it was 102 103 in the back of course of course it was 102 dude look at my stop stop dude look at my story i tagged colton i said listen needle of pork sword you might you might have a cute little video of me falling off a box, but you don't know shit about training the heat boy. I did that workout this morning. You were there. It felt hot as shit then, and it wasn't. And I went back and did this. I wasn't there when you did it.
Starting point is 00:00:39 You probably did it at sunrise, a nice and cool balmy 87. It was a nice and cool balmy 87 it was a nice and cool balmy 87 but key you know key emphasis on balmy super humid but uh i went back at like five and did a 21 minute imam nothing crazy minute one 200 meters run minute two 14 overhead squats 95 pounds minute three seven bar muscle ups in the back you. You ran in the morning and the afternoon? I'm getting my miles up, buddy. The old, you know what? You want to know how to get better at a 5K, just run a 5K all the time. Listen, bro.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Professional coach. You like that? Here's the thing, dude. I am never going to take an L in a running workout. I'm just so ashamed that I wasn't prepared to run at semifinals. Not ashamed. It just eats me up inside. I don't know how to articulate that. I don't know how to articulate it, but my running's coming along quite nicely. I'll say that anyways, that workout was hard in the heat. And then we went and did a five by three overhead squat.
Starting point is 00:01:45 So, um, I had a day on Monday too. Like it was, it was, uh, it was a lot of what I did on Monday. So I've been kind of recovering from that all week. Um, so we're going to talk about, you guys are here. You seen the thumbnail, you know what we're about to talk about. We are about to talk about the first announced workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games, Chad 1000X. A couple things we're going to start with. I want to get incredibly uncomfortable to start.
Starting point is 00:02:23 I have a question before we get uncomfortable. Yeah, go ahead. I want to get incredibly uncomfortable to start. I have a question before we get uncomfortable. Yeah, go ahead. If you don't do a thousand box step ups to a 20 inch box with a prescribed weight backpack on your back, are you doing Chad? No. So you've answered the question and we'll get to that. We'll just give you guys a brief outline of the show. We're going gonna get incredibly uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:02:46 in a philosophical sense and i am not sure where i stand on this bit of uh discussion i'm really not uh just regular i'm just gonna figure out where he stands as he argues i am i'm gonna figure out no it's not a trust me bro you don't know where I'm about to go with this. None of you do. And look, I think it's an important thing to talk about. It makes me uncomfortable to talk about it, but everyone's fucking thinking it, and I want to talk about it. So we're going to talk about that. Then we're going to talk about the implications of Chad.
Starting point is 00:03:21 One, the order of events. When would it make sense to perform this workout? Uh, what twists Dave Castro are talking about is any movement done a thousand times appropriate at the CrossFit games. We're going to talk about Hiller's post and how he changed my mind a little bit. Um, and yeah, so let's start with this. Chad is a hero workout to my knowledge, the only hero workout who was not killed in the line of duty. The only hero who wasn't killed in the line of duty. Chad committed suicide. He left behind a wife and children. There's some uncomfortable things about that. I want you guys in the comments. I want everyone's opinions because I want this to be an open discussion. you guys in the comments. I want everyone's opinions because I want this to be an open discussion. Dave said that he knew Chad and that I don't know if he served with him or if he knew him very closely. I would imagine if you know a guy like that and you serve with him, you see him
Starting point is 00:04:15 do some incredibly heroic shit, just serving in that line of work. Insane. On the other hand, it makes it, you know, I don't, I don't just, like I said, I'm uncomfortable already. Um, that's tough, man. You know, uh, leaving behind a family and kids is tough and yeah, I'm just also not sure why they announced that and talk about suicide awareness and they don't partner with any sort of charities or, you know, I mean, I'm just I'm curious on the whole topic. Like, if we're going to talk about it, let's fucking talk about it. Yeah, I'm unsure on where I stand on the whole thing. It just seems like a whole fucked up situation, something that we're kind of bringing awareness to, but not really because no one's got the balls or the stones to talk about it on a public forum. Jonathan Ortega, do you think he's a coward for it? I think I've never committed suicide, obviously, so I wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I've never committed suicide, obviously. So I wouldn't know. Uh, I do know that when I was, before I got sober, um, after my dad died, there was a long period of time where I'm not sure that I wanted to live. Um, I definitely questioned it. My mom put me in a psych ward because she thought I was suicidal. Um, and obviously what the fuck do I know? I have like, okay, no experience with it. I do know people who have committed suicide. Uh, my uncle's father committed suicide when he was a little kid. Um, it seems like to me, if, if my, I would put it this way. If my dad had committed suicide, I would, I already was angry at him for dying.
Starting point is 00:06:13 So fucking angry and i would feel i would feel fucking abandoned i guess so for me to say do i think he's a coward for it i don't know that i would go that far because who the fuck knows what that guy went through i sure as fuck don't um but damn i don't think suicide heroic. Maybe everything he did when he was alive, for sure. Heroic. I just, I don't know. It's uncomfortable. This is uncomfortable. Let's keep it going. Who's got some, uh, virtue signaling. Yeah. I'm definitely not virtue signaling. Yeah. I mean, I don't think it's a, it's a conversation you can have lightly or easily for that matter. Um, but like a good friend would do right now um i would fact check you first of all and saying that uh he is not the only hero workout not okay kelly brown which was one of the workouts they did for the service cup she died of cancer ah so yeah just trying to lighten the mood when people say
Starting point is 00:07:08 kelly brown you're wrong when people say kelly brown i think of the other kelly brown who was also a navy seal and you think adam brown adam brown that's right fuck wife's name was kelly uh that's an amazing book fearless um but yeah have you been on taylor you look fluffy compared to jr magnus fuck off um here we have the uh i have to touch up my appearance on the highest level right now magnus that must be why touch up yeah he jr everything he films it's with a filter on taylor is dancing around a great point suicide is awful but it is not heroic in any way quite the opposite tragic yes heroic no that's my gut instinct on it i think i think that's a good way to put it and i think the way you you put it was very simple and eloquent and obviously your um your situation i think also i don't know if anyone is has more or less of a
Starting point is 00:08:00 right to talk about stuff like this but no one've, you've, you've, you've been through something where, um, the death of a loved one, an immediate family member, you were really affected by, and the feelings and emotions you have are not those that other people can, um, say, well, if I were that person, this is how I would feel. No, you don't know until you're in that situation. Right. Uh, Jonathan Ortega, I asked as my friends who have committed suicide, the first one that did it, I was angry and thought he was a coward for it. But now there's a different thought pattern. I would ask if you're comfortable sharing that current thought pattern you have. I would say what frustrates me most is we talk about this subject, but we don't say, hey, this isn't the way out for you. Like if you're thinking about doing this, this isn't the right way out. Or I would think if we're raising suicide awareness, wouldn't that be the whole point to say, Hey, it's fucking bad. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:08:52 I mean, and not, not that that's how you say it, but if we're raising awareness on it, like let's, let's not say, I don't know. I guess when we're talking about that specific thing,
Starting point is 00:09:02 uh, the, the word hero has a particular connotation where it's something to be admired and commended, whereas suicide, in my mind, has a completely different connotation where it's something to not be – definitely not be admired. It's for sure sad, but it's something you wish you would say – you wish the people who are considering it that they could understand or you could share with them how much people care about them and how it's not the right choice it's it's in a sense it's quitting and those around you don't want you to quit and how do you i don't know it's um it's tough and and here's this is another great point he had tbi and i mean fuck junior say i was an example not a military one of someone who's really famous who had tbiBI and concussions from the NFL and committed suicide.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And it's just an all around hard thing. And I just wish that it wouldn't be. Oh, we're doing Chad honor a hero. Well, let's fucking talk about it. If you're going to fucking, you know, if you're going to broach the subject, don't dip your toe in the water and then go dry off. I don't know. This is good. There's no right or wrong answer here. go dry off. I don't know. This is good. There's no right or wrong answer here.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And I agree. I don't know that I'm right. Or right. I'm not trying to be right. I just would like to talk a bit on it. I don't know. Get uncomfortable. No, that's good.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I mean, uncomfortable conversations are usually the ones that need to be had. Thinking about the workout, well, let's back up a second. You're on your phone, you get a text, or you see the announcement. What is your initial gut reaction? Sorry, I'm reading comments here. I just want to read this one.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Jared Ellis, suicide sucks. I've had to arrive at the scene unfortunately too many times the pastor mental illness can make the strongest people feel like leaving is the best scenario for everyone right sucks it's not responsible but when you're struggling they're that bad you're not thinking responsibly for sure yes Chad had TBI yeah that's not the solution either, Gabe. I don't know what the solution is. Correct, Jared. In this case, I think Hiro part is because he was in the military. And when you serve at that level, again, I would imagine anyone that served with him has seen him do some incredibly heroic stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:27 All right. Let's see. I'm still kind of high. All right. We're going to get out of this. Initial reaction. Go more. Read more.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Read more if there's more. Here we go. A lot of times suicidal thoughts are related to addiction, illness, and many times it's hard to find help treatment for addiction even if you want the help for sure. Who knows what it was in his case? I'm sure a lot of the PTSD and TBI had a lot to do with it. Yeah, that's the real thing. I think here the solution is having uncomfortable conversations about it and when somebody is going through that or having enough uncomfortable conversations about it so that it's not so taboo to talk about.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Do you get what I'm saying? Like I feel like if you're in that particular situation, or at least when I was, there was no way I was telling anyone. And I was going to therapy at the time. I for sure wasn't fucking telling my therapist that because it was incredibly taboo. It just was not okay to talk about. So having the uncomfortable conversations, it's like, if you're not ever having the conversation, you'll never hear somebody say like, hey, if you have a wife and kids and you commit suicide, you're leaving them behind. If you don't ever hear that out of somebody's mouth, you might
Starting point is 00:12:39 not even ever think of it like that. I don't know. Anyways, right. Men need to check in on their leaders. Leaders are constantly investing in others with no one investing in them. That's a good point. That's a good point. Okay. So when Chad was announced, my immediate thought was, are you fucking kidding me, dude? You are the bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep. bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep um that's about everything that ran through my mind i thought no one's gonna want to watch this none of the athletes are gonna want to do this yeah i was gonna ask you those initial reactions do you think they came from a athlete's perspective or from a spectator fan perspective all of the above actually i would say mostly spectator fan analyst not as an athlete as an athlete i'm like i would annihilate that workout it's just something i have to do okay
Starting point is 00:13:32 let's get prepared for it like that i've done it four times and i know i'm very good at it um that being said from like an analyst standpoint i, geez, there is a better way to test psychological tolerance. There's a better way to test the long time domain endurance. There's a better way to test repetitive stress than 1000 repetitions of something that is not cyclical or monostructural. It's not, it's just not. And it's, I think it's going to beat their body up too much cave. Like I, I just don't believe you. I can't believe someone when they say this, that they're excited to see a time of doing something, not something, the exact same thing a thousand times over and over again. I don't understand how you could possibly be excited for that. When I first saw it, I didn't think there was going to be any variation. I didn't think there was going to be any twist because of all the hero workouts. You would have to go back and look, but I really think this is the only hero workout.
Starting point is 00:14:35 The only hero workout, single modality, single movement. The only one that I know of. Because even though there's a ton of couplets and there's i think there's one i think clovis is what like um one mile run burpee 10k run and 150 burpee pull up or something like that but jerry's jerry's another close one where it's like yeah row and row and run i think there's one randy randy there you go good wow very nice there's a um there's a uh there's a griff right is run forward run backward so glenn is not a hero is it it's just a girl benchmark yeah it's just like a benchmark so yeah like there when i saw it typically i see something and i start to just get like over
Starting point is 00:15:18 analytical and uh say okay is there a twist uh what are they going to do? This is one of the ones that I saw and it was like, if there was one workout that I would bet my mortgage on, that I would bet the gym on that would never be programmed as a hero workout, the CrossFit Games, it was Chad. Right. That was it. And when I started watching some of the interviews, catching up on those, and he says a few things that, you know, lead you to believe they're not going to be doing
Starting point is 00:15:46 straight up staying in one place have a box 20 inches in a backpack and step up and step down a thousand times that there's going to be something else with it then i thought okay well that's probably better from a people are going to want to watch this how do we make it more watchable but then my my snob my crossfit purist came out and was like that's like someone telling me they're going to do 21 15 9 thruster and toaster bar and telling me they're going to do a version of fran no you're not you're you're just doing that workout it's not free it's not so right so if you're not doing a thousand step ups and opening up at the top, wearing a ruck at the prescribed repetition, I'm sorry, the prescribed loads. Are you doing Chad?
Starting point is 00:16:32 I don't think we need to call it. Chad and put his picture up and put the workout description. The only way I think you can do it is if they did something like this as terrible as brutal as it sounds bike a mile do chad bike a mile run a mile do chad run a mile uh uh bike uh uh bike uh i don't know bike 10 000 meters step up a thousand times like so what if you're still doing the chunk work at one time then i would still say okay they did check even if they split it in half you wouldn't say okay no i didn't think about that what i thought about was something like
Starting point is 00:17:20 the opening scene of the season two of physical 100 where you've got all the athletes on the treadmill and it's like okay after 10 minutes the people in first continue cut the massive problem with that obviously is that that you have a select group of athletes that have a massive amount of volume accumulation and several that don't um but that would be the only twist in my mind is a twist that would preserve preserve it actually being Chad until you said what you said. Like you said, if you do anything different, if it's a step over, if it's rounds for time, it's not Chad. Now, I wonder, like, it wouldn't make sense for them to do interval, Chad. Like, that would, for the most part, kind of preserve everything. But that would just be stupid.
Starting point is 00:18:05 And here's the deal. Here's the deal. Like you can do myrth thousands of different ways because the workout is partition as desired. What if it were this? So this, this workout doesn't leave a lot for that. Now it doesn't say how you have to do the thousand steps. It doesn't, it doesn't say, wait have to do the thousand steps. It doesn't, it doesn't say, wait, wait, interval could be,
Starting point is 00:18:27 what'd you say? Partition is desired. It does say that. No, no, no. I'm saying, right.
Starting point is 00:18:31 People are thinking about, well, you can do, they did Murph one year straight through and then they did Murph the next year. Does that mean they didn't do Murph? No, no,
Starting point is 00:18:37 they did do Murph because the workout is partition. So you can, you can, you can do that and still call it what it, what it is. I mean, I think Tyler Watkins is the first person that said this. Typically, what is Occam's razor, right? The simplest answer is usually the answer.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Is that – that was right on, Tyler. Thank you. Is Chad X like Latin X? This is not what Tyler said. He said they're just going to step up stairs 1,000. They're going to do 1,000 stairs in the stadium. And that makes a lot of sense to me. And that's cool, but it's not Chad.
Starting point is 00:19:17 But that wouldn't be the twist because it says 45 pounds for guys, 35 for women, 20 inches. So the steps aren't 20 inches. This was an interesting point from Travis Barrow. I don't know how to do the voice thing. I don't have a soundboard. But Travis says the only twist I can see is two scores and a first score being your first time for the first 250 or something. Shout out to Travis for putting something in the comments of Spence post that got a lot of engagement.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I never comment on any post and it got me to comment. He said something about elimination style where it's like musical chairs, right? And they all start with a box, but then after the first hundred, there's one less. And then after the second hundred, there's one less and you're just eliminating people. And I think my comment was something along the lines of rewarding fitness with more work. Cool. Right. This is, this is what I was getting at Julia, the,
Starting point is 00:20:04 the time cap essentially in cutting athletes. But the problem you have with that is you have a particular group of athletes that have done 1,000 reps, a particular group that have done 750, a group that's done 500. outcomes or table for this particular event where you were actually rewarded proportionally for doing all a thousand and the people who did 250 were punished proportionally meaning you got fucking zero points and if you won it you got like 200 like that would make it worth it potentially uh i'm not the smartest guy in the room so I'm not going to pretend to figure that unfuck that thing. But I will say I am since they're not going to do it exactly as written, since Dave has pretty much said that there are unknown details and there's twist. Well, it's not a very detailed thing. There's one thing. There's one movement. There's a weight and a height.
Starting point is 00:20:59 And that's really it. So I am excited to see what the variation is. This is a good idea. The pig on its side is 20 inches. It is. So that would be cool. 100 step-ups, two flips, or one flip on the minute. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Every minute you do a particular flip and you step up that, I mean, it's almost like a death by. That would be cool. That would be very, very, very cool. What if that is it?
Starting point is 00:21:35 Could you see them doing something like that? Uh, I don't think they're going to have that. Uh, Dave said on one of the interviews, and I'm going to allude to this a lot, and I don't think they're going to have that. Dave said on one of the interviews, and I'm going to allude to this a lot, and I don't remember which one. I think Ricky asked him,
Starting point is 00:21:52 are you thinking we're going to go all in one heat, guys and girls? And he said, I'm not sure. I think we might have to split into two heats, male and female. So no, I do not think they have 40 pigs of each weight. No. They had what, 10 last year?
Starting point is 00:22:11 They definitely have 40 of each weight, dude. I mean, maybe that's not the actual event. I'm just, yeah, I'm curious. I'm just thinking logistically too. And a lot of people have said, surely they're not going to do that as the Friday Night Lights. I actually think that that might be the Friday night. I thought it was. I'm pretty sure one of the Friday night events is a,
Starting point is 00:22:31 is a benchmark benchmark. Cause remember he was interviewing. Okay. He was interviewing happy old and happy. It was talking about being good at the girls. And then, uh, no,
Starting point is 00:22:40 he said event one will be good for you. Oh, okay. Okay. Interesting. So, and someone did ask him about when they were doing Chad and he said event one will be good for you. Oh, okay, okay. Interesting. And someone did ask him about when they were doing Chad, and he said it's not going to be the first event,
Starting point is 00:22:54 but it's in a place of the weekend where everyone will have to do it. So I would assume that it's going to be either early Friday or late Thursday. But, I mean, that's a lot of field. That's a lot of space. I mean, the football stadium seems like a place where they could execute. I hope they don't. That's not an event you want to do outside in Texas. I think if you're actually taking the heat into consideration, doing that workout in the heat is like the –
Starting point is 00:23:24 that's the worst one you could do in the heat so this like he was you know the conversation goes and i actually think it does a really good job with the interviews of like the games athlete stuff and there was a conversation he had with someone that the marathon row was brought up and like this is like the like and he was talking about how you know he they did the half marathon and then he did the marathon row before he programmed it. And it was really upset because he, he didn't go, he didn't go as hard as he should have. And then he did it again. And he said he really enjoyed that event, like watching it.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I mean, if he really enjoys watching a marathon row, a thousand step ups is, would be one of the things that would be more exciting. A thousand step ups would be one of the things that would be more exciting. event that one hour or one 10 minute element in and of itself is not that exciting, but watching them drop and drop. And you watch the thought of quitting enter somebody's mind. And then this guy starts to think about quitting. And then that person starts to back off. And then the guys who are digging in and seeing that and feeding off it, you start to see that group start to separate. I think that kind of thing really excites Dave. And that's why he sees something like a marathon row as exciting or something like Chad exciting. And I was thinking about this a lot. It's part of Dave's background. Obviously it's incredibly noble and it takes a crazy amount of stones and fortitude to, to be in that line of work and to accomplish just even going through that, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:10 school. But does that style of, we're going to give you an event that's essentially just mentally not quitting. Uh, does that have a place at the games? I do believe testing psychological tolerance has a place at the games. But before you comment, 15 events over four days,
Starting point is 00:25:33 intensity in every single event, it's relative, but you are pushing yourself to the fucking limit. The person who wins over that weekend displays an unreal amount of psychological tolerance. You can still test it in one workout, I think, that is not so boring to watch and potentially harmful to the athletes. Because it's the CrossFit Games, it's a sport, it's not a training camp designed to see who's going to quit on the field of battle. These guys aren't going to be overseas, potentially dying next to each other. It's not, like, that doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:26:19 People's lives aren't at stake? Yeah. See what you're saying? You're basically saying, um, is there a line and where is it when it comes to just testing grit and finding ways, um, to test grit that are not something as, as long and simple and, potentially, um, damaging due to the,
Starting point is 00:26:39 uh, reuse of specific. Yeah, this is listen, listen, it's not boring and they all have plenty of time to condition their legs for it hurt the athletes question mark i know both of you guys have probably done chad i've done it four times and i don't think either of you understand the level that these athletes can push themselves to and if i were doing chad at the games i wouldn't be able
Starting point is 00:27:00 to walk for a week and it really fucking annoyed me me when Dave talked about doing Chad. Oh, I've done it a number of times. And every time I've done it, I've actually been okay. And that simply Dave is because you're not fucking fit enough to go hard enough to make that workout fucking rape your asshole. And neither are you extra sloppy and neither are you cave. So shut the fuck up. Love you guys.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Um, but I just know this, if I were dying for points and that workout, I wouldn't be walking for a week. Yeah, the question is like, hey, we can fatigue the legs, we can fatigue the calves, we can fatigue the low back in a lot of other different ways. And I mean, the fact that those two guys said that they seem optimistic and positive about it, that they're going to that they're looking forward to it. That's cool. I hope there's a lot of other people that feel that way um i know there are a lot who aren't sure and i mean that's cool and after the debacle in quarterfinals what's the most dave
Starting point is 00:27:55 dave thing you could think of it's this it's this is you know andy like it really is like so in it it's the most, oh, really? You guys thought there was a problem with the step ups? Watch this. Like, that's the most, that's the most CrossFit thing I could think of. And Andy said this today, Tim. He's like, you know, dude, since the beginning of CrossFit, it has been incredibly controversial, incredibly against the grain. And it's just so true to CrossFit's nature to do something like this where it's incredibly polarizing. And I couldn't agree more. And part of me can't help but wonder if that's just because Dave thinks, fuck you. And I don't know. Who knows if he'll ever admit why, if he'll ever admit that that's a part of it, if it is to me, that's a,
Starting point is 00:28:45 that signifies that you don't have a place programming because there is no room for ego and fuck you. It should be, does this test find the fittest athlete on earth? Is it the absolute best test of fitness? Is it going to grow the sport? Are the athletes going? Part of growing the sport is making athletes want to fucking do it.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Um, dude, kids grow up dreaming of throwing a fucking touchdown pass in the NFL. Half of these athletes around the world are not thinking awesome. They're doing Chad. They're thinking what the fuck. And I'm not saying that in and of itself is why it shouldn't be programmed, but that just seems unnecessary. It seems unnecessary to program a workout that every, or not everyone even, but even half the athletes hate. Think about Atlanta, dumbest fucking workout ever as a final. So stupid. And half of the field at the games didn't try. They did not fucking try. Why would you program a workout that half the people aren't going to fucking try? It just is that, that kind of thing to me is a massive miss.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And I'll finish with this. This is the last hard line fucking approach I'm going to take. Um, when you say something like I needed Boz to give me the space to do this, cause I was really excited about it. If I'm Boz, I'm laughing my way all the way to the bank thinking, I don't know. I just wonder, is there anyone there with the balls to give the kind of feedback to say, hey, a lot of people think this is really fucking stupid because it is. Great workout, amazing fundraiser workout. There are other ways to do
Starting point is 00:30:23 it. And I don't think that the benefits or the positives of doing the workout outweigh the negatives. I just don't think that there's too much. There's just too much argument for it not being a good event to do it. Yeah. And I mean, as a coach, if you have an athlete, regardless of your emotions about it, regardless of your athlete's emotions about it, you maybe give them that first day and then you say, okay, this is what we got. We know there's probably going to be a variation, but we got to be prepared for it. So I'm really interested in this. And I know high level athletes, coaches won't double just kind of information, but let's say you have an,
Starting point is 00:31:05 you have a tall athlete with a really, really, really good tank and a really, really high affinity for suffering. Do you just, do you just tell them, Hey dude, listen, you're not going to, you don't know how many events you're going to get where you can win it. I know this is not the one that you would ideally look at and be like, I want them to program that because I know I can win it. Do you just tell them, Hey, we have to go for it. Or even if you have an athlete that can be really, really good at it, do you say, listen, it's a long weekend, dude. And I think you need to be okay being like 10 through 20th and not destroying your body? I am not the kind of athlete that looks at the bigger picture and says, I'm going to be smart about this.
Starting point is 00:31:51 So I could just tell you right off the bat, if I can smell blood in the water, I'm going to fucking for sure attack. And this is a workout that I would, that I would absolutely destroy myself on. If I were Jr and I were JR and I were giving Jason advice, I would say you should win this fucking workout. One, not just because you could, but two, winning fucking Chad at the games is going to be iconic. And if you're looking for brand awareness and recognition,
Starting point is 00:32:18 being able to say I won fucking Chad and all these other guys are pussies, I would definitely want that. And the other thing about this is any athletes that are complaining about it, you really can't do it publicly because even to me who I can see where you're coming from, if you're an athlete and you're complaining, you sound like a bitch. Um, and if you're an athlete who can win it, I mean, dude, I, I just, it's all about suffering. And I guess the two people that I think most about are yellow host day for sure. Um, and Jason, I don't think Brent has the, I don't know. I don't, I think Brent is too calculating to say, I want to take the risk that this is. Yeah. Okay. So if
Starting point is 00:33:01 it's a, it's a, if it's a attrition thing, I could kind of see your argument, but I would push back and say, in a workout with more and more reps, who's the one person you think about that can to the second game plan, something with paces and with number of reps per second, where they'll actually stick to it and execute it and win it. It would be Brett. This is, this is, so I see where both these guys are coming from. I think they're talking about programming in terms of marketing for the sport. And that is a huge part of it. Workouts that are cool and exciting and are like, wow, I've never seen that before.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Why did CrossFit explode in the first place? It's because they were publishing workouts on main site that people could never have fathomed before. Where is that? Where is that where is that and whoever's programming main site that should go into consideration of your programming you fucking celebrities last thing uh i know we've already got like 40 35 minutes in from a programming standpoint this is an interesting question a lot of times it wasn't a step up magnus i have to interrupt you it was a fucking jump up step down so before you open your mouth and let me defecate
Starting point is 00:34:09 in there just keep that thing closed shut up anyways sorry you don't think he was talking about what we see a replay of you think he was trying to poke you he wasn't talking about like what we see a bunch of no reps on this oh Oh, I don't know. Anytime Magnus comments, I take it personally. So you're probably right. Peace and love, Magnus. Do you think that if you're adding anything to it, it makes it any better? So you have a thousand box step ups and one option is just to do it straight through. We know they're probably not going to do that because there's some kind of twist, but if you're already doing a thousand box step-ups is doing anything to break it up, whether it's a jog, whether it's a pig flip, whether it's a bike,
Starting point is 00:34:54 does that make it any better and easier on the body or does it make it worse? Uh, dude, the way you thought about it, uh, but one mile bike, Chad, one mile bike or run, that would make it 10 times worse. Running a mile hard after Chad? Are you kidding me, dude? Yeah, and I'm just throwing out random movements. I know, I know. You know, a lot of people are like, well, if you break Murph up in a round, it doesn't crush you as bad. And a lot of people will say, well, it does if you can do all that stuff unbroken.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Yeah. You know what I mean? And you can go faster. Right. So that's what I'm saying is like is doing 10 rounds a hundred step ups with something in between going to make it any better on the body? Uh, that, that's just an interesting question versus just doing what he said, right. He was like to alleviate concerns. And I was thinking when he said concerns that would come from doing a workout like that, it would be the toll that it takes on your body.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Uh, that's what I would like to think i don't think that's what dave's thinking i think the concerns of doing a workout like that is who's gonna just mail it in and who's gonna actually give it intensity and who's it who is that gonna punish across the weekend and who will it not um you think the distance between two stadium steps could be 20 inches where they'd have to skip a step every time possible but i how are you going to count yeah run next to them with a fucking clicker oh no you missed one go back yeah yeah like how do you no no shot i mean that would be cool i just i don't think so um where is this comment? Oh, okay. Not baller.
Starting point is 00:36:25 The $3,000 to win the event is not baller at all, and neither would donating it. What did the rest of the comments say? And if you win it and donate that money to charity. First son of the lights. It's $3,000 for winning. Oh, how baller would it be if someone donated it? Not baller.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I mean, donating to charities is great, but I don't think it would. Only if you're someone that already makes so much money that when you have charitable donations, you can actually make more money that way. Yeah. Um, Jason better win it for America. I agree.
Starting point is 00:36:53 An American needs to win the workout on both sides. Uh, okay. You have about eight hours or more to recover for Friday. Uh, Taylor, what do you think about them? This is the dumbest comment ever. Love you, Patrick, what do you think about them?
Starting point is 00:37:06 This is the dumbest comment ever. Love you, Patrick. What do you think about it just being a step over? It's not Chad. So that's all you think? Like how much faster do you think? It's not Chad at all. Like how many, like do you think it's actually, do you think having to come to extension is worse on the body
Starting point is 00:37:23 or do you think being hunched over in that hinged position for hundreds of reps is worse on the body or do you think being hunched over in that hinged position for hundreds of reps is worse on the body i think i think uh probably step oh it's a lot easier to judge is what i'm saying yeah yeah i don't know the i don't know that the judging is his concern either i have no idea what his fucking concern is look anytime you get your hopes up with dave uh it's i'm let down when i get my hopes up with Dave, uh, it's, I'm let down when I get my hopes up with Dave, I'm let down. Um, when I keep my hopes in check and we find out the boss is programming like quarterfinals. Wow, dude, I was blown away. Uh, absolutely blown away. Yeah. Now that we know, I mean, I, I'd like to give him just a bunch of love that, and the team, he said, I think, programmed quarterfinals and semifinals,
Starting point is 00:38:08 and I thought they were awesome. They were freaking incredible. And I think the team events will be awesome, because clearly he's been given full reign with the team stuff. And what also shocks me is that you would allow Boz in the team to... We don't know who the team is. So I'm just doing air quotes because I want to freaking suck Boz because I don't know who else is on the team. Chuck, Todd Whitman, no idea.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But you do quarterfinals and semifinals and then you just kick them to the curb for the games. No input. That's crazy to me, dude. That's I think no input is strong. I think I'm sure there's been a lot of input and i'm sure there was a lot of input from dave on the quarterfinals and semifinals and i'm sure that he's still getting input from his team on the games now i'm not saying at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:38:54 he doesn't just say well i know we disagree but it doesn't matter because this is what i want to do i'm sure i don't think he's getting the disagreement when he says something like i told boz i needed the space to me me, that says, don't give me feedback. I know what I want to do. I know you're not going to like it. I don't think that's what I need the space means. I think it's more just like- That sounds like something a slut says to a great guy. Boz is a great guy.
Starting point is 00:39:16 He's a whore. Let me get in the kitchen and cook. There's not enough room for two chefs. I'll let you know when I need to know whether or not I need more pepper you know i'm saying yeah you know let me get in there and cook he's cooking fucking meatloaf with a bunch of ground up oscar meyer wieners dude that's what he's making for dinner dude and i'm gonna shit it out it's just i'm sorry i'm sorry uh don't revoke we haven't even gotten our media credentials approved. Please take into consideration that I'm highly emotional and it's only because I love CrossFit so much.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Dave is a great guy. I have a ton of respect for him. Uh, love you, Dave. And look, I know that I say a lot of things that you would absolutely eviscerate me for, and that's fine. I'm wrong all the time. I'm wrong all the time. Extra sloppy.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Taylor's gay. I don't see what that has to do with anything. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I was right. Magnus was shitting on me. I could hear HQ saying mental health is a hot topic. This would get a lot of views and coverage and resonate with people. Oh, yep.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Let's see what else. We get a lot of views and coverage and resonate with people. Yep. Let's see. What else? No, that is a really good point that you brought up. What's more likely? Chad, is the stadium workout or Taylor is the next main site guest programmer? Let me tell you. Stadium, 100%. The day that they let me program for main site is the day that CrossFit comes back from the dead.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I'll just say that. Oh, the Dale Sargent. The weight should be an ammo can and has to be shouldered. The athletes would hate it, but since CrossFit went woke, that would be considered triggering. See if they did something like that where this is like this is my problem with it it's like uh you're sitting right in the middle of the fence and you got one testicle on one side and the other testy on the other side and this side is woke and this side is fuck you and if they would just jump all the way over the fence and say fuck you and make them carry an ammo can
Starting point is 00:41:19 i would love that i made people run with a dumbbell at my competition, and they had to basically climb up a freaking 90-degree hill with it. Shit like that I love. Oh, Ricky will go hard. Yeah, but I think for whatever reason, I see Yela Hoste as someone who's like, after his interview with Savon, I thought a lot more highly of Yella. First 200 for time.
Starting point is 00:41:49 You know what's going to be interesting in a couple hours when Savon does the update show and he gets put in the position where he can either be as vocal as he has been about Chad being the dumbest workout ever or if he's going to temper all those emotions because Dave programmed it for the games. Let's see. Let's gonna if he's gonna temper all those emotions because they programmed it for the games let's see let's see let's see i do think boz's programming is more creative and innovative than dave's i think dave has hit some massive home runs but i think if you look across the board
Starting point is 00:42:19 to me it's like dave workout dave workout, Dave workout, Dave workout, Dave workout, Dave workout. And Boz, I think is more consistently here. Um, so, and I would even say Boz has some home runs where like, Oh shit, that's super cool. Shuttle to overhead, sick fucking workout at the games. Um, a lot of the biking workouts I liked. It's interesting that it's interesting that dave has asked the athletes he's interviewed about a lot of different things but um common denominators are benchmarks and times swimming and biking you think they're gonna actual bike again three years in a row he asked he's asking athletes a lot about it in the interviews. And not just like, do you do it? But how do you feel about it?
Starting point is 00:43:08 How do you feel about being in competition? Wow, making you hungry, talking about blended up, pureed Oscar Mayer Franks. I like biking a lot. And I've been doing it way more, not on an erg on erg like outdoor biking in workouts and just for like zone two i don't ever sit on a fucking biker can bore myself i go to the white water center and i freaking yeet it for about two hours i get about this much air yay or nay they're biking at the games this year oh fuck dude do you think there could be a bike swim workout there's never been a bike swim
Starting point is 00:43:45 i say just by say i say yay they're biking um and i would murder everyone in a bike swim every person you would murder everyone just ask if you thought i know you think you can murder everyone on every workout i also would have murdered uh jason and brooke this weekend if i would have gotten the invite but i didn't it's It's all good. HWPO thing, I get it. People asked if I told Taylor about it or if he was going to come do it. I said, first of all, if I told Taylor
Starting point is 00:44:14 about it, I know the first thing he would say. It wouldn't be a yes or a no or anything other than I would destroy them. That's what he would send. Then shortly after that would be something along the lines of no dude i got way too much program dude i'm not coming down there so no i just i just it was not taylor didn't need to be consulted it was just like hey brooke's coming for a little camp
Starting point is 00:44:36 for three days okay cool and that was that oh shit this is true annette is going to be adjusting box heights according to athlete height for equity purposes wow i'm gonna get in trouble for reading that comment i will say this i like chad in the sense that i know if i were there no one would beat me and i just have to say guys i a lot of you games athletes i have an insane amount of respect for would you withdraw after that event though i probably would have to um that's that's what i feel i feel like dave is saying fuck you to everyone by programming this and the reason i i like it for some reasons and i hate it for that reason there's no place for that if you're programming the crossfit games you don't do things as a fuck you that's not i just I can't get on board with that.
Starting point is 00:45:31 What about – is Spin in the comments? He usually knows stuff like this right away. I'm sure there's people in the comments. Is Chad one of the app workouts that you can put on the CrossFit Games app? Who do I have to suck off? I will suck anyone. Please give me the credential. Did you hear my question?
Starting point is 00:45:51 I'm making JR laugh. Remember when a lot of people said that they were doing stuff like Helen 5K run so people would fill up their data in the app? Isn't Chad in there? Isn't Chad in the profile as you can put your time in there for that's cool i think i don't know they're just continuing to check it check uh check off the stuff that it does make you wonder it has become a thing that most people do on
Starting point is 00:46:19 veterans day is it just another one of those hey the community's done this hey they can compare to the games athletes hey this shows you that even though workouts we do in the community are ones that they can do with the games but if there's a twist they can't yeah so i don't think it's that much of a twist to be honest guys this is what my genuine guess on the twist is as soon as he said a twist the first thing that entered my mind was, the twist is going to be advance your box every 100 reps. That's the twist. It's on the field, and every fucking 100 reps, you move your box 10 yards. I honestly think that's what it is.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Oscar Mayer Meatloaf, new band name. I call it O-M-M. That'd be a cool. I like that. What else? Oh, swim, wall climb. A sprint try would be super cool. Carlos Ernesto FZ.
Starting point is 00:47:20 Let's see. I don't think spins here. I'm looking for him. Someone else can look in the app real quick. I was just just he usually knows stuff like that off the top of his head because i think last year he was one of the first people that said you know they're doing max cleaning they're doing a variation remember when boz released the venn diagrams and it was like oh you've got your crossfit in the middle you've got your single modality here you've got your single modality here you've got helen in the middle blah blah blah so yeah jay hance new to crossfit when did crossfit go woke let me break the timeline
Starting point is 00:47:50 down here around 2019 when everyone and their brother was calling everything racist greg glasson made a tweet about the way the administration was handling the Corona virus pandemic calling a COVID-19. And he made a tweet saying it's Floyd 19, basically saying the way they are handling the COVID-19 pandemic is about as bad as the way they're handling the Floyd issue. And everyone called him racist. And to my knowledge, if you actually read that tweet, there's nothing that says I'm better. I think I'm better than black people or black people are less than me in that tweet. So I don't I don't know. And if that's not the classical definition of racism, unfuck me in the comments.
Starting point is 00:48:36 But I don't think Dave is racist at all. But everyone called him racist and they all hated him. They're all like, I resign, resign, resign. Finally sold the fucking company for a fuckload of money. Private equity bought it and boom woke splat the woke juice all over the crossfit windshield um and here we are and uh there are some voices that are trying to unwokeify it savon is one um i'm i'm just riding his little coattail i have like my hand on his pocket he's leading me around i'm like daddy wait um jr's on his phone yes yes all right i knew that i knew that was going to take a second oh spin is camping east tennessee see with morgan wallen to like
Starting point is 00:49:19 johnson city what's up your guys chat isn't synced up. I know I'm three minutes behind, Travis, because you guys won't fucking stop commenting. I'm trying to read every comment. Is it the same like eight people commenting? These nuts. It's a lot of people commenting. Where's Trish? When Greg fired Russell Berger was when CrossFit went woke.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Trish, what the fuck do you know about russell burger and if you don't confirm your identity i'll never read a comment from you again i do i do race low mama all right we're 50 minutes in what what do you guys think what do you think what's the next announced workout gonna be he said on an interview that i listened to today there'd be a steady trickle of workouts coming out from now on without all the details of course and he also said we're going to release more stuff this year than we have in years past he's like some years we release a lot some years we don't release much but i think releasing gets a lot of buzz and so we're going to release more this year which i
Starting point is 00:50:26 think is good do you think they'll repeat amanda 45 in the first night in the coliseum thursday thursday evening new venue uh my prediction from and it has been was just new venue new version of amanda so i don't think they would repeat it, my thought was that they were going to do the seated L strict muscle up that the teams did last year to get into support position. And it was going to be that with either just one 35 or with one 85. But yeah, that that was, that was going to be the way that they would do straight muscle ups and
Starting point is 00:50:59 not the regionals Nate way. Trish. I'm, regionals nate way um trish i'm i am so what did russell burger do to get fired trish she said he needs to take a big dose of shut the fuck up and hide out for a while it's sad glassman said in an interview we do so much good work with such pure hearts to have some zealot in his off time, do something this stupid.
Starting point is 00:51:26 We're all upset. I'm, I remember that when that happened, who said that stuff? Uh, those are Greg's quotes, I believe. Okay. But what was he saying it about Russell?
Starting point is 00:51:38 What did Russell do? I don't remember. You have to look into that. Trish, Trish, Trish. What did Russell do? Oh, that'd be a good question for seven.
Starting point is 00:51:51 He probably knows. Oh, they fired Russell Berger because he defended an affiliate owner for not wanting a gay pride event at his gym. Interesting. Interesting. Uh, yeah, I'm not going to go there. That's a little too uncomfortable for me, brother. All right,
Starting point is 00:52:15 dude. All right. See you, bro. Thanks guys. Danny S is your freak. What? No,
Starting point is 00:52:23 bro.

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