The Sevan Podcast - 2024 CrossFit Games Recap / Shut Up and Scribble

Episode Date: August 13, 2024

Reviewing the 2024 CrossFit games and the new fittest man and woman on earth Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wow. Holy crap. Just going live dude. I'm just saying that was crazy. Bryson's right here. JR, oh I gotta send JR a link. He is currently in the airport. We don't have the mics or the camera set up because me and Bryson are going to be hitchhiking back to Mississippi to break up our trip. Let me text JR. You guys aren't going to believe this. I'm sitting up in our seats with JR. Bryson's going to Vendor Village to hand out some cards and also to buy some cool shit
Starting point is 00:00:40 for his girlfriend. And I get this alert on my phone that says, uh, your Subaru star link alert alarm has been set off. So I look at Jr, I show it to him and then let me both get up. And I sprint to the parking lot and I get to the parking garage and Bryson's like walking away from my car. He's like, what? And I'm like, I have a breath like freaking out. Um, I basically got this gay homeless dude that
Starting point is 00:01:05 Bryson had been hanging out with all week and followed us back to the parking garage and broke into our car so he could steal Bryson's dirty underwear and smell them. But like, thankfully, it was just Bryson trying to break into my car. The Sprague Trump shirt. That's a crazy shirt. It's not for sale, but yeah, that's a crazy shirt. There is no, there was not a live stream of the event, but it was on ESPN Plus, I believe.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Matt Burns, you driving Subaru? Fuck you, Matt. Matt Burns, you drive a Subaru? Fuck you, Matt. Wow, you guys got, did you really? Did you get a cease and desist? Captain and Kilo says we got sued for making a Patagonia shirt like that. LOL. Wow. So we're waiting on the men's leaderboard to update. We've got the female leaderboard. Let me go back to the men refresh, see how we're waiting on the men's leaderboard to update. We've got the female leaderboard. Let me go back to the men, refresh, see how we're doing. Wow, it's updated.
Starting point is 00:02:09 Wow. Wow. All right, let's start with the men. Let's start with the good stuff, okay? And I'm not saying that the women aren't good stuff. I'm just saying that this competition for the men was way more exciting to watch. Holy shit. If somebody would have told me a week ago This competition for the men was way more exciting to watch holy
Starting point is 00:02:25 shit If somebody would have told me a week ago that James Sprague was gonna win the CrossFit Games I would told him they were smoke and pull or crack or both That is freaking crazy crazy Man it like I just can't stop smiling. It's so fricking cool to see those three, those five names in the top five. Every single one of them are great guys. I don't know every single one of them well,
Starting point is 00:02:56 but I'm acquainted with every single one of them. I know a couple of them pretty well. Man. Crazy, I have like chills. That's just so insane. Unreal how James and Jason both went from being cut a year ago to one of them winning the CrossFit Games, the fittest man on earth and another taking fourth place.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Sam Quant, sixth, Ricky Gerard, seventh, Justin Maderas, eighth, Roman Krennickoff, ninth, Austin Hatfield with an unbelievable comeback across the weekend, finishing the last day with two event wins. Congratulations to Austin. That's insane. Travis Mayer 13th place. Unreal. Absolutely unreal. I was not expecting for James A to be able to come back and do that well on those two final events. I was honestly expecting Brent to hold on to first place for Jason to pass Sprague and for James to drop to third or for even, uh, gallon to
Starting point is 00:04:01 pass him. But he took a fifth and a fourth on the final two events. That is unbelievable. Talk about a guy smashing his weaknesses down with a second and a fifth Brent within 11th and a 20th. I just think he blew up a little bit on that final one. Jason with a sixth and an 18th, same thing, a little bit blown up. You know, you notice the approach on that second one, the guys who held back a bit on those first set
Starting point is 00:04:30 of thrusters and bar muscle ups were able to hard charge at the end. The guys who went out a bit hot and who are cycling the thrusters fast on that first set of the 135 bar, the 18 reps fell apart. set at the 135 bar the 18 reps fell apart. Crazy. That's a joke. I don't think you can say he didn't want to win and he blew up on purpose.
Starting point is 00:04:53 That's absolutely fucking ridiculous. Man. That's crazy. Yeah, Mike Seguin, what the fuck just happened? Unreal. Let's go over to the women real quick. Hey Bryson. Yeah. I guess nevermind I gotta do that. Oh did I send JR a link? I just sent him a link.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Yeah those patties in the pan I want those. What do you want me to make out of this? Patties. Bryson's cooking dinner like a good housewife. All right. And as no surprise, seventh time, fittest woman on earth, Tia Claire Tumey took a year off to pop out a baby, comes back, lickety split. It's really no competition. She wins by 151 points. She could have sat out the final event and still won. Not the first part, but the second part. That's crazy. Gabby McGawa, second place.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Huge weekend for her. Emily Rolfe, third place. That's crazy. Bethany Flores. Riddled with the, you know, perception of always being injured, always having back issues comes in and takes fourth at the games. Haley Adams, first year back, fifth place at the games. Alexis Raptors sixth, Daniel Brandon seventh, Madeline Sturt eighth, Paige Simmons the ninth, Guzan tenth, Brooke Wells,
Starting point is 00:06:36 Claudia Gluck, Amy Kringle, Grace Walton, Abigail Domet, Emma Lawson. I think to me the biggest surprises are these two. Abigail Domet and fifteenth, Emma Lawson and sixt think to me the biggest surprises are these two, Abigail Dometh in 15th, Emma Lawson in 16th. Definitely a lot of pressure on those two, a lot of expectation to place really high. Slightly surprised by Alex Kazan in 10th. It's hard on one hand, you have to give credit where credit's due to the champs and to the podium and to the people that succeeded. On the other hand, it's so hard to sit there and draw a negative perception on anyone who didn't perform up to quote unquote expectation, um, just because of
Starting point is 00:07:14 everything that happened this weekend. Hear me? Wow, dude. men's was crazy inside. I mean, both parts, but that second part was wild. Yeah. I was just saying that my biggest surprise was seeing Abigail Doma and Emma Lawson in 15th and 16th. You know, maybe they were in the same team, but they were in the same team.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I mean, I was just saying that my biggest surprise was seeing Abigail Doma and Emma Lawson in 15th and 16th. You know, maybe but again, the tough part about it, dude, is like, like I was just saying, you want to give credit where credit's due to the athletes that succeeded and and performed amazing. But it's hard to draw any negative perspective on the athlete to didn't perform up to expectation with everything going on. It's just crazy. It's really tough. Yeah, it's not. Unfortunately, it's gonna it's gonna it's gonna work both ways. People are gonna people
Starting point is 00:08:15 are going to say yeah, but for the athletes that finished really high, and they're gonna say yeah, but for the athlete says, I think I do think that no one says yeah, but for Tia. Oh yeah, for sure. And I mean, Gabby, like Gabby is Gabby's on everybody's top five that knows anything about crossfit, right? Like she's she's she would have been there regardless of it. Yep. Yup. Yeah, I mean, it's tough to say where would these four athletes have ended up
Starting point is 00:08:45 with Amanda 45 in the mix. I'm not taking anything away from Sprague, Pepper, Brent, or Jason, but we do know for all four of those athletes that high volume ring muscle ups are not a strength. But I don't honestly, man, as good as James and Down and Brent and Jason looked on the final,
Starting point is 00:09:03 dude, it's hard to say that they would have struggled enough to knock them out. You know, I would say this. If anything, had we had Amanda 45, I think Pat is probably second or third. Wow. That's a great job. But I mean, that's one that's like, that's one that you would think a top three. Yeah, that's a potential win for Pat. Yeah, I mean, I don't- Maybe Pat Field as well.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I don't know that you would give a top three or even a, maybe even a top five to any of the others in the top five. On that workout specifically. Right. But you never know how the hammer workout would have gone either. And I think we talked about it on Wednesday or Thursday for the longer athletes
Starting point is 00:09:47 that we thought that had good grip endurance, that that might be a workout that ended up favoring the longer, more aerobic athletes. How about Hatfield with that comeback? Yeah, it was incredible, man. It was, I mean, to win. Did he win both? He won both of the final events. Yep. To win both from at the final event, when the workouts are both like sub six minutes is insane. Like that's, that's crazy. And I mean, people have been saying it a long time, John, especially like, he's got the body type, he's got the strength, he's got the natural ability on the body weight movements that like it's gonna be hard to beat him on anything like that unless you're a guy like Colton. I mean, from now on, because he's just as strong or stronger than you
Starting point is 00:10:40 and he's gonna be able to hang for longer than you are. and he's gonna be able to hang for longer than yours. Man, he's got one, two, three, four, five finishes inside the top 10. And then, you know, he had these Yeah. four really bad finishes. That's crazy. Absolutely nuts.
Starting point is 00:11:08 But I mean, momentum wise, like look how he started the weekend. I'm sure he I'm sure he was really disappointed with how the weekend started but to finish like that. I mean talk about momentum That's all you could ask for right there. Yeah Yeah, and I don't want to play the what-if game what if this athlete were in the field what if this athlete were in the Field that's fucking bullshit to me. They're not in the field. They made it were in the field that's fucking bullshit to me they're not in the field they made will never not to be there right and here's the deal I'm not judging anyone for withdrawing from the competition but they're not there they just aren't there so the what if that game fuck that James is the fittest man on earth gallon pepper second fittest man on earth Brent Fikowski third fittest man on earth Jason Hopper fourth Pat Loner fifth and those guys. Hey, what about this? You think James will James still come to Crucible? Uh he told me before the games when I reached out to him I think he gets married like next week or in a couple weeks which is like talk about being able to like have a awesome honeymoon like after
Starting point is 00:12:20 something like this. Um he basically told me hey, I know I'm going to be traveling. I really, really want to come put me down as in and I'll let you know if I can't like nothing inside of me would be mad at James. I know a lot of it was probably contingent upon the chance to compete at Rogue. And I mean, I can't blame anybody for right not not wanting to compete within a month of Rogue. That's an amazing opportunity. You're talking about potentially earning as much as you could in a whole year at Rogue. But I don't know. I mean, he just won the games. So that's not a bad paycheck coming his way. This is a great point. Elise Carradale. Wonder if Tia would have still won if I had been
Starting point is 00:13:01 there. Hey, Jenna McKay. It does matter. No, it doesn't. Shut up. Stack Jr. Fits with bad programming. You can fit this in your butt. Jeremy Williams, Georgia Comico. You guys even criticized the Unbombed Programming comma earlier today. That comma shouldn't be there, you illiterate dumbass. the event competition. And also who knows if who knows if these workouts were always 10 of the 12. We don't know that. And until someone comes out and tells us that they were changed to try to make up for the workouts that were missed. We're going to we're just going to assume that these were always the Saturday and Sunday workouts. Jay Crouch dropped out I believe due to injury.
Starting point is 00:14:06 This Jared Ellis loves seeing Hopper in such a better mental state this year. Great job JR. He looked phenomenal all week. No, no, no. Don't shake your head. Don't shake your head. Stop it dude. Take a little credit.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Stop. Just can I talk? Only if you take a little credit. You need to tell Jason great job because no matter who is involved and who is on his team, he did the work. He is the one that came in every day and did all that stuff so that this weekend he could perform that way, period. Like, sure, everyone has help, but like, tell him great job. Because he did look really, really good. And I mean, a lot of days and a lot of rough days added up to really help.
Starting point is 00:14:58 So, yeah. I'm texting right now. Yeah. I'm texting him right now. Here's the thing though, you gave him an environment where he could succeed. So thank you for that. Thank you from me. Thank you from Jared. I'm sure you'll get a big thank you check from Jason.
Starting point is 00:15:19 If not, maybe a sloppy BJ. Either way, we thank you because we love Jason and it was awesome to see him in a much better space that was cool so thank you JR what else what else what else oh illiterate coming from someone who didn't know what boofing was until Bryson told him. Actually, Bryson didn't know what grouping was until I showed him. Here we go, Bonnie, Jay's back, went in the clean ladder, if that makes sense. Ludie Shanks, Taylor, how do you think you would've done now seeing the complete picture of programming?
Starting point is 00:15:58 I would've sucked, I didn't qualify, it is what it is. I hate that question. $20, Elise Bond, it has been one tumultuous weekend. Thank you for all the coverage and analysis. And for reading my updates. Lazar Fund is now $412,000. Amazing. Thank you everyone who's donated. Thank you guys for being so generous Nothing obviously can ease the pain for the family or bring him back But this will do a lot to take a lot of things off of their plate. So thank you guys. That's amazing Not my real name still wish Brent one dang it yeah
Starting point is 00:16:46 Damn, I love James, but James has got so many years. I wanted to see Brent win as well. Yeah, I was completely agree. Like going into the back to back. I mean, thank goodness you had, I think Chase kind of was really breaking it down. Like whoever is like, if he was doing the math himself, awesome. Whoever was helping him out, great. But he was just like, Hey, and and too early all over Kringle yeah what a fucking douchebag he freaking totally blew her final event her placement is a result her dropping out of the top 10 is that guy's fault without a doubt she wasn't doing great to begin with but come on dude what the fuck are you doing Matt Burns JRPO so I'm talking about love you dude I know you hate that, you're gonna love this one. Elise Carradow, my mom said to tell you thank you also, JR.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Wasn't sure what she was talking about. Colton said he went unbroken in 330 on the last event and testing, I heard they tested it with an empty barbell. Great job, Colton. Let's see. JR, are you in Sbarro's? It smells like Sbarro's. It smells like there's a pizza place around here. Oh, Simon Hernandez. Taylor, what's your opinion on Hiller's comments? Is he OK?
Starting point is 00:18:48 What's going on with him? He's been all over the place. He's beat up emotionally, and I think a lot of people are. And no, there's nothing to judge on any of that. Crazy. Nate Johnson was 200 points too much for that last event. I don't think so just because we didn't have literally any squatting or pulling throughout the weekend and we really needed pull.
Starting point is 00:19:11 We needed dense gymnastics and we needed squatting. I do really wonder if the plan all along was for them to not hang from the rig for three days and then to hang from the rig on the last three workouts. Bonnie, send us a message on Instagram, either at Train Sentinel or at CrossFit Crash and we'll write something up for you. Would be sick to do that. Shut up and scribble workout.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Speaking of which, Crash Crucible Online Quote will start August 15th. They go through the 18th skin, that QR code, to sign up. Give them a crash. There are gonna be some super fun workouts to hit if you fancy yourself a pretty fit individual and by pretty fit I mean, you know quarterfinal level trying to crack into semi-finals scan the QR code and Get wrecked by Bryson on the other hand of the screen if you are really nervous about the qualifier and you want to get fitter And next year you want to qualify scan that that QR code SentinelTraining14DayFreeTrial. If you scan it today and today only, today is
Starting point is 00:20:08 the last day you get the first month 50% off and that means you have a month of programming for $10 plus two weeks free. The value is insane, can't be beaten, it's tremendous, everybody copies us. I've heard that Tia has even been looking at it and that's how she came back so quickly from having her child Shane. You're welcome What else do we got strong home mortgage Justin O'Shell better version nutrition gym maintenance. Thank you three for supporting us all weekend Helping us out getting here Love you guys These are some of the best in the business. Better version nutrition for all things diet.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Gym maintenance for all things. Fixing your gym equipment if you're an affiliate owner and you need your maintenance. You need your equipment maintained preventively after the fact, whatever. Give this guy a call. Strong home mortgage if you're a young buck like me looking for a house and you want a good loan,
Starting point is 00:21:02 Justin O'Shell is the guy to see. Not sure what is crazier, Sprague winning or Taylor driving a Subaru, definitely Sprague winning. Did you tell Albi you took it off road this morning? Oh, dude, there were people blocking our, look, I have the wilderness edition. Okay, pretty sick, pretty fucking sick, if you ask me. NBD. I took it off, took it off road, took it up on the sidewalk to get around some ding-dongs I'm going to be doing a little bit of a wilderness edition. Okay, pretty sick.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Pretty **** sick if you ask me. Uh I took it off. Uh I took it off road. Took it up on the sidewalk to get around some ding dongs that were just parked in the middle of the street. So, pretty glad, pretty happy with my purchase
Starting point is 00:21:36 there. It came in clutch. Roodle me this. I think down and Jason are more fit than James. No, James is the fifth on earth. They had ten, they had ten chances to beat him and get more points than him. That's crazy. Ten chances. Simone Hernandez. Sorry, you know what's really cool? James said on a recent interview, they were asking him about Dallin and he said, you know, Dallin's, you know, really, really, and Competition Jason said that about down James has never beaten down all the years They've been competing together and teens or whatever in a live cross-strait competition
Starting point is 00:22:30 So the first time it happened was at the games, which is really cool. Yeah Taylor one last question is a dude that works construction nine to five centerless rats join But think it'll work for a nine to five or like me Ah, well if you are just looking to get fit for life and we have a 60 minute track It's a one-hour class. It's the sickest fucking our workout ever like me? Well, if you are just looking to get fit for life, we have a 60 minute track. It's a one hour class. It's the sickest fucking hour workout ever. So yes, it'll a hundred percent work for you dude. Tons of nine to five. Nine to fiveers are the bread and butter. A competitive track, it's the best you can buy, but we've put all of our effort into
Starting point is 00:22:59 the hour class. We also put our effort into the competitive track. It's all amazing. Check it out. It literally can't be beaten. You just got to look at it. There's no risk to afford to day free trial. Just check it out. Promise you won't regret it Max Beast Taylor is a lesbian not surprised Greg Glassman Taylor driving a Subaru doesn't shock me. He's a pussy Let's see Taylor secretly lives in actual if he drives a sub I'm gonna go with that. Um let's see. Taylor secretly lives in Asheville. He drives a sub. I don't drive a sub but
Starting point is 00:23:34 I do take subs. Just kidding. I would never subs are for nerds. If you're on some box down, just kidding. Taylor's a lot more granola than you would think. He like, he wears like barefoot shoes. He does a lot of like very granola things that would make you think he- How are barefoot shoes aren't granola?
Starting point is 00:23:54 They're just like, dude, meat and fruit is granola. Is it? Yeah, dude. No, vegan, vegan is probably more. Oh, then don't even say I'm granola bro. I would never be a vegan Now there's anything wrong with that Listen listen Andrew hip I've got a I've got the fattest fucking Trump sticker on my Subaru So I would get out of town with that
Starting point is 00:24:20 Let's see yeah, hey do you have any Update on the awards ceremony any idea? I think it's well, I don't doesn't it start at 515. Oh 515 Ah, I think that's what time it was scheduled. It was good. Let me go check over to YouTube Wow crazy it's taking Bryson 30 minutes to cook one pound of beef Wow It's taking Bryce in 30 minutes to cook one pound of beef Wow Ceremony I don't see anything Maybe it's not maybe they're not streaming it.
Starting point is 00:25:07 That's crazy. But yeah, I think the word ceremony was supposed to be bifurcated. Wow. Oh, any kind of barefoot shoes you can recommend. Yes, Vivo barefoot shoes. I'm actually rocking them right now. These are the knit ones. I love these joints. They're like over a year old. I can't mess them up. They're like such high quality. Expensive, but crazy nice.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Wow. Brian Sampson, Taylor's pubes are longer than his pecker but sometimes it be like that. I'm not gonna disagree with that. Wow. Any thongs you can recommend? Damn Cassandra, you're a little old for a thong there buddy. Don't want to see your old ass in the thong at shit being all out. Okay. Man, that's crazy. Crazy. I'm still shocked.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Jr. Yeah, it's kind of always like that at the games. It's over and then it like it takes you a week or two to kind of like come down from it and then you can look back a little bit more objectively on things. Like I know in the next couple of weeks, I'm sure I'll like change my mind about programming, about some of the workouts, about some of the performances, like things I said, I was surprised about. Was I really that surprised about, or was it just an in the moment type situation?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Um, yeah, I mean, we definitely need to break down the programming, um, next week or the week after while it's, while it's still fresh on everyone's mind. For sure. Vindicated Bryson reuse that towel. Yeah. He's wiping his mouth with it right now. AJ Bowman is the exercise or worth it. I haven't used it yet, dude, but let me tell you that contraption, uh, looks
Starting point is 00:27:01 medieval, I'm nervous to put it on my penis. Um, Mitchapalooza hung like a button on a mink coat. Jared Ellis, how was the venue compared to Madison? I loved Dickie's arena. Hotter than fuck outside, like insanely hot, but the arena was so nice. It was awesome. Yeah, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Even the vendor village, like, I would say everything is a step up for sure. the arena was so nice. It was of my prediction is that the games never looks the same. There are some immense changes from oversight to more restrictions to more standards of operating, more standards of procedure, like standard procedures. You know, if you think about it for the past 17 years, things have been run by a handful of people with basically, you know, free reign to do whatever they
Starting point is 00:28:05 want. I'm not saying that, I'm not saying that in and of itself is a bad thing, but I just don't think it ever goes back to that. Do you? No, I mean your initial statement about it never looking the same again, I can't disagree with that. What parts of it? I don't know. You know, like,'m I'm really optimistic that whatever their changes are it will be for the better I also am not sure that they go back to Fort Worth did they sign a contract with the city I have no clue I thought it was a one-year deal really I could be wrong I could be wrong. I could be wrong. I don't know. Yeah, I will say this. Private equity owning CrossFit has absolutely changed everything.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And with the statements Don made prior to the games about there being budget cuts and then reallocating a lot of resources from the games elsewhere, essentially cutting the game's budget massively. It's hard not to look at that and say that was a massive fucking mistake. I don't want to get any deeper on it, but when I think of mistakes and when I think of the role private equity has played in CrossFit to this point. It makes me sad. And you know, I think a lot of people want to look at the games team and cast blame. And I don't know who is to blame, but that's not my initial gut reaction. My initial gut reaction is to look at private equity, unfortunately. I also think that there are a lot of athletes who I don't know that we ever see compete again after this
Starting point is 00:29:49 That's a that's a that's a really interesting take Nicholas Puma fuck you whatever your name is this Taylor communists no, but I'll dump my coming you That rhyme Crazy coming you that rhyme crazy yeah I think a lot of people Katie Schaeffer on the edge to retire I think there's a handful of maybe not a lot I think there's a handful of people who feel like damn I just don't want to go back to that I will also say they'll push back on that and say that I wonder how many of them say, I was thinking about retiring,
Starting point is 00:30:31 but I can't let this be my last time. Yeah. Also, KF, you are fully, you are the dumbest motherfucker that has ever graced this chat with your stupid presence saying half will go to high rocks. You literally have no idea what you're talking about. You should go and watch the episode actually of yourself on TLC Hoarders.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I'm sure you've heard of the show. They actually made an episode on you. And it's the episode where that idiot lady eats her own shit her entire life. She hoards her own feces, KF. That's who you are, you shit hoarding idiot. All right, sorry. I'll relax.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I just can't stand that person yeah Jedidiah I do think well the fact that KF the fact that you just commented cry laugh face makes me like you a little more you sound like a commie fuck you Jedidiah give them a couple months and several will change their mind I do do agree with that. Maybe to some extent, but I think there's a handful that are just done. There's and there's and there's stuff coming up. Like, water blues is so Cal is like right around the corner. It's like a
Starting point is 00:31:38 little over a month away. And then rogue is like maybe a little over a month away from that. And then water blues, it will be like a month away from that and then Wadapalooza will be like a month away from that, Wadapalooza Miami. So like there's not a whole lot of time in between competing or at least opportunities to compete so I just wonder, yeah, I wonder in time what that's going to do to a lot of people's opinions. Patrick Clark, some athletes won't come back unless some changes in staffing are made. Yeah, my gut reaction to seeing that comment, Patrick, I would love some more specificity. I'm going to speculate and say that the staffing
Starting point is 00:32:17 that some of these athletes want is for Dave and the game's team to be fired or replaced, but I don't think that fixes the problem. I think you could keep Dave and the game's team in place, but they need oversight. They need a team of people who can come in and say, hey, these are procedures that all of you are going to fucking follow, and everything needs to be cleared through us first and double checked and triple checked and quadruple checked. And I think the people that private equity brought in and tried to completely overhaul
Starting point is 00:32:42 the corporate side of HQ are clearly doing a terrible job in Driving the community closer together and forward and they just completely missed by by cutting the games budget God that just seems like such a massive mistake. So There's heads to roll those are the heads which are Life heart hustle Taylor You should really learn to let it out one of my favorite things to do when I get mad is to just yell fuck really loud My therapist actually taught me that so if you're in the chat, and you think that's wrong fuck you
Starting point is 00:33:16 You don't like big red fuck you Gosh Oh, gosh. Wow, what else, what else? KF has an abuse king. Oh my God, you guys are awesome. Even the people that hate me. You're awesome, love you. Except I hate you, but I love you.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Patrick Clark, I agree. Man, just to bring it all the way back around. Huge shout out to James Sprague. Huge shout out to Dallin Pepper. Huge shout out to Brent Fikowski, Jason, Pat. Amazing, amazing weekend, you guys. Huge shout out to Tia and Gabby Magawa and Emily Rolfe. Insane.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Insane. That's incredible. Insane. Gosh. The athletes put on a show and so much respect to those athletes who decided to stick it out and were able to perform. So much respect for the athletes who made the decision to not continue because they felt like that was best for them.
Starting point is 00:34:21 And a lot of respect for the athletes who struggled all weekend but kept moving forward. The community loves you guys we love you guys you give us stuff to talk about and we love to talk so thank you guys awesome and with that shut up and scribble out

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