Episode Date: August 9, 2024 FITAID, 40% Off: My Tooth Powder "Matoothian"...: 3 Playing Brothers, Kids Video Programming: ------------------------- Partners: & - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR SHIRTS - OUR WEBSITE PROVIDER ------------------------- ------------------------- BIRTHFIT PROGRAMS: Prenatal (20% off with code SEVAN1) - Postpartum (20% off with code SEVAN2) - ------------------------- Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 But I think this is a good one to start the show. What's up everybody? Sevan Matosian from the Sevan Podcast, Matt Souza. Boom. He runs the backend. Bryson Del Monte is running his backend. So I just wanna address this comment to start. I think everybody knows-
Starting point is 00:00:18 You normally run Bryson's backend. I've been known to walk his backend. Just wanna address this comment. I think everybody knows why we're here. We're going to get into it. We're going to dig into it a little bit. Glee says, speculation is human nature. It's bound to happen anyway.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Nothing we say here changes anything. We can discuss as much as we want, hopefully with respect. We are 100% here to talk out of respect. No part of this is about disrespect. Also... Who's the arbiter of that? Right, who is the arbiter of that? And we're not speculating either. There's just because there's not official announcements happening by Fort Worth PD, Fort Worth FD, CrossFit doesn't mean probably I would say at least at least 200 people at three four five
Starting point is 00:01:06 hundred people know exactly what happened yes yeah for sure I mean as much as anyone can know right right but they know the outcome yes yeah is that something we can say yeah Lazar Lazar Lazar's dead yeah about apparently Yeah. About, apparently Sevan's mic isn't on. Oh. I can hear him and hear that. What are you on, Sevan? How do you know that? Someone said that in the, a bunch of comments. Oh, he's on two?
Starting point is 00:01:43 If you guys can hear me, let us know and I'll just give Saban my mic. Because I can hear what's going on. I can hear you too. Wait, my mic doesn't work? Wilty, how do we know? Guys, give us a heads up in the comments of... We know we're live. We got that.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Susan, Taylor, Soundgain. Please let us know. Okay, Susan is good. Saban, talk. Check one, two. Can we hear Saban? Saban, can you hear me? I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm
Starting point is 00:02:06 not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not
Starting point is 00:02:10 sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I'm not We can hear Taylor just not Sevan. Okay, here, Bryce and Switch. What was that? That's weird. Sevan, try this. Hey, do you want mine instead, so you don't have to wear the old ones? No, I don't care. All right. No Sevan.
Starting point is 00:02:33 No, he's here. How about now? He's right here. How about now? Crying, crying. Sevan's whispering. Boy, guys, what a day. Yeah. What a trip. We, before we get into it though. I think we should first just address that There is a go fund me up. Yes. Yeah
Starting point is 00:02:50 I do believe like fitted had started we're gonna pull the link up here So if any of you guys have the ability to please give what you can. We'll also put the link for the go fund me in the comments and we'll drop it in the they'll fund me in the comments and we'll drop it in the description down below for afterward. Turn Sevan up. Okay I'm turning I'm three I believe so I'm gonna wait am I one? I'm this one right here. Okay you're four but we don't know the codes. One. I'm three. Okay I'm one. You're one. Sevan's four. Okay. All right. We weren't going to go live and we sat here and discussed it. Got a lot of DMs saying, hey, you should go live. People want a place too. They didn't use the word mourn, but process. I don't remember the word they used. They didn't use process or mourn. I got a bunch of phone calls, texts pouring in.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Sevon not working at all. Sevon isn't working. How is yours not working with a new headset? I don't think that's what he meant. I think Sevon isn't working. He meant like you're not working. I don't know. Is that, I mean.
Starting point is 00:04:03 No, Zach says thank you for going live. Oh, we can hear okay, so we got There's the gopomi page for Lazar Jukic. I did interact quite a bit with Lazar this morning and I interviewed him within minutes before the race starting He was a beam of light he he was fired up, light coming from his eyes. He's one of those athletes that always loves on me when I'm interviewing him. Jason Hopper does that too, just like real cuddly and like affectionate and like stands
Starting point is 00:04:39 close to you. We got there early. There's the fucking problem our caster isn't even plugged in oh holy cows that was amateur hour over here, there we go. Sorry guys. We suck. Sevan, start over. So there's Lazard, you could just go fund me page. Let's get it to $150,000. Why is it at 30k? Word.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah, it's already way past that, but... Word. I'll donate $100,000 right now. Run it up. Where do I get the link? Refresh go what's it oh it's 46,000 yeah that's good especially with stuff like this like people were saying earlier like the go fund me and like it doesn't change stuff but when stuff like this happens if the family has resources like this it just takes it just alleviates one stress away from them
Starting point is 00:05:45 when they're dealing with so much right now. And so being able to give just a couple bucks and know that that will, in some small amount, help his family in this time is important. He was such a cool dude. Yeah. He's honest. Like, I mean, always in the comments. I mean, and this is just an hour, sphere, but like I didn't know him very well
Starting point is 00:06:06 but he was always just making jokes talking shit a funny dude Super laid-back, you know didn't take himself too seriously Like that's the kind of person you want to be around you can you can be at ease with a person like that You don't have to walk on eggshells. They're just a cool fucking person to be around Yeah It was I saw him this morning as they were actually getting ready to line up and he came over and he gave me and Pedro a fist pound
Starting point is 00:06:28 and he goes, oh, what's up guys? And we said, what's up? He goes, I like you too. John Young, not so much. And starts like laughing and walks away. Yeah, fuck John Young. That's just, that's how it is. He approached us and athletes like that,
Starting point is 00:06:39 especially in that setting are rare because typically they're all in their own heads and stuff like that. And I think Sevan said he was kind of like a beam of light and that was true. I mean, even in the footage that I have from him the very little bit from this morning. Yeah, you could tell he was fired up. He's excited to be there and it's a good dude. He did an interview with Brian Friend a couple days ago. And then this morning we got to the venue pretty early before 6 a.m.
Starting point is 00:07:06 All the athletes were warming up in the dark. All you could see is silhouettes. You couldn't see who was who. They were warming up in a parking lot about 50 feet from the water's edge, 100 feet from the water's edge. And as the light came on, I could start seeing them. And then at 630, they started lining the athletes up to get them to the start line for 7am. And I don't know, probably like at 6, I don't know, really close to the beginning. I interviewed him, you know, just standing style, holding the camera in his face.
Starting point is 00:07:46 He was smiling. He was loving on me. He was being warm, looking right into my eyes. He was smiling ear to ear. He was telling me how nervous he is. He had told me a few days before that he had intentions of winning this event. He told me he was great in the water. He said he had 10 years of experience in the water.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I think that was with water polo. And then it was three, two, one, go. And all the dudes took off, and the girls were behind them. And quickly, there were like two or three dudes in the front. And then Tia was up in the front too I think with the dudes. And then we all waited as they circled the lake and watched on YouTube like the rest of you guys and in the media you know we're always trying to get closer than we're supposed to be and we're trying to push up to the front.
Starting point is 00:08:39 Where the water is and we had heard that Adler had gotten in the water first. I don't know if that's true. He did. Me and JR and Bryson stayed home to watch from the stream and Adler obliterated everyone, lost like 20 seconds on his transition and Ricky caught up to him. But it was Adler by a mile, Ricky right behind him. And then that group of yellow host a Lazar and one other guy I don't know who the third guy was I can't remember Sprague maybe or Brent I think it was the South African. Oh, it's Ruan Ruan, Yela and Lazar. Okay, so it was Jeff Jeff Ricky Ruan Lazar Yellow hosta so then about that famous orange buoy where Lazar went down,
Starting point is 00:09:29 that was like probably, I don't know, the one third or one half mark of where we could see from the shore of the athletes coming around the corner in the water. So basically they were, when they appeared, they kind of came out behind some, I don't know what you call it—uh—uh—bottle—breeds, reeds, like those cat—whatever—cattails,
Starting point is 00:09:49 reeds. And we saw someone come out from around the corner first, and then—then that orange buoy is probably like the halfway point, and then there was the ramp. I mean, they were on the home stretch. And we saw a yellow hose to come in, he was fucking pumped and he came out of the water and we're filming them and you can't tell who's who in the water. No you can't really tell anything and I know some people are asking like why didn't people say this or do that and like you guys all have to realize we were all staring at that had our cameras pointed and didn't even notice. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:23 there's a hundred people with footage of the drowning for sure. On the stream though, it was so clear that he was struggling even from like the halfway point of the swim. Cause I remember saying this to Bryce. You mean even before he came into sight? Way before. I was like, dude, he's doing, he's swimming freestyle for like 30 seconds and then stopping and doing breaststroke for like 20 seconds. Remember me saying that? But how did you know it was him? Did they tell you? 30 seconds and then stopping and doing breaststroke for like 20 seconds. Remember me saying that? But how did you know it was him? Did they tell you? No, he didn't have a swim cap on. He could pull his head out of the water on the live stream. You could tell it was laser.
Starting point is 00:10:51 He was taking these big breaths. It was like freestyle for 30 seconds hard. What it looked like, like he was slapping the water and then he would stop. And it was just like he was bobbing up and down in the water, trying to catch his breath. And I was like, that's weird. I thought he was good in the water. Why is he swimming freestyle for 30 seconds and then catching his breath? Yeah. I thought it was super weird. Remember, you remember that?
Starting point is 00:11:13 So you could, you could basically see yellow hose to come in and then, and then behind them some way away, you know, but within sight of all of us, I would, there were maybe three to five other athletes and everyone was getting really amped up. And I think I remember seeing two paddle boards out there and the orange buoy. And I want to say there was a boat. And how far was that from the, it was like 25 meters from the, from the ramp, from the finish line.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yeah, probably from the ramp. From shore. Yeah, from shore. From shore. And hundreds of people watching. Yeah hunt maybe thought maybe a thousand people and so Uh, then there was some chaos right because it got really exciting. There were two things that happened tia came in Like maybe second or third overall so the place fucking erupted and went crazy. But then there was also this other incident
Starting point is 00:12:05 So if the if we were standing here and the swimmers were 25 meters out here by the orange buoy over here Maybe a hundred yards away. Someone jumped in the water and they were swimming with ferocity and they were pointing fully closed fully fully closed and ferocity and they were pointing fully closed fully fully closed and and I don't remember if I heard it or someone told me but they're like hey that guy is saying he saw someone go under yeah it was strange because a bunch of people on the dock were yelling a fan's in the water a fan's in the water and when I looked over yeah the security was yelling uh that we have a fan in the water we have a fan in the water yeah and then I could hear it over radios and shit or whatever. I could hear people saying it Yeah, I hope his radios but I could hear people like all the staff
Starting point is 00:12:52 running the event saying that and so at that point Then he stopped about halfway to the orange buoy or a third of the way to the orange buoy from the opposite side We were on and I and I don't know what exchange she had with the lifeguard but maybe at that moment when the when the paddleboard person was talking to him when the paddleboard person was talking to him maybe she took her eyes off of that's what I was thinking laser no I see I don't think that dude and I'm not gonna be afraid to say it here and I'm not getting crazy But on the stream he's struggling for minutes
Starting point is 00:13:28 Minutes, it's like five minutes. Yeah, but you have an overhead drone shot, dude. You got to think about it We're looking down at the angle at the water like this The perspective is so different It's not a different perspective when everyone is on the water level and you're standing on a paddleboard You have a sin. How I kayak next to you and Jason though, like I couldn't have tell like until I got right up next to you, I didn't know if it was you or Jason. I only figured it was you because you were ahead. And also too, they should, you know, you would assume that they're trained on some of those signals. And at the same time, we've had lots of swimming events at the games and we've
Starting point is 00:14:01 seen people struggle and they usually have an escort and they go to the backstroke and they do the whole thing right but he was struggling he was struggling for so long on the stream it's like he's got his heads underwater his heads above water underwater about I just don't understand how you I just don't understand how I spoke to someone who was on that side and they said that he was with the crew of like 15 people and they were screaming drowning drowning like they were yelling that at the they were yelling that you know yeah they were they were supposedly yelling that i did not hear that but i spoke to someone who was who said that they
Starting point is 00:14:37 saw him go under and that they were tripping their mind started playing tricks on him because the lifeguard was there and they're like did i fucking really see that? Did I really see that? But he said there were like 15 people there being like, yo, someone just went under. And what's crazy is there were probably, like I said, 100, like we're looking through cameras. And so when I look at my footage now, I can see it. But at the time, I didn't see it at all. I was focused on yellow hosta.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I was focused. Yeah, it was, it was definitely. And then I was also told he started swimming in circles. And I didn't know what that meant until I looked at the footage. But basically, he was focused. Yeah, it was it was definitely and then I was also told he started swimming in circles And I didn't know what that meant until I looked at the footage, but basically he was spinning right I You know It's yeah So surreal so surreal and the last person you would expect this last person so fucking good in the water You would expect this last person so fucking good in the water
Starting point is 00:15:31 So a couple things I I do but by the way, that's his gofunding page there. We'll refresh it. I just dropped him a hungee a couple things Worth noting is that he was a water polo player and he's very experienced in the water and You would it makes me question like what happened because if he was if it was really like a drowning You know, he knows how not to go underwater, right? He knows to turn to his back and float well, like one of the comments even said like as polo players That's all we're doing is just fighting off that their players trying to hold us down under the water, right? So right that's not you know Anic to him. He's comfortable there and we know Lazar J Djukic had a serious, serious event in Dubai when he was
Starting point is 00:16:07 racing. A heart attack, the Burj Khalifa, they were doing the Burj run. Yeah. Was that ever considered, was that ever called a heart attack? I don't know. I have no idea. I don't even remember that. Basically, he doesn't remember coming up like the last 20 flights of stairs. And when he came, people said that he was crawling on the stairs. And then when he got up to the top, he looked like death. And I don't think that that was his first one. I was asking around. I feel like there was another event that happened before that. So look at this comment.
Starting point is 00:16:38 DeRoy says, let me pull this up. I'm not, somebody confirmed DeRoy says you need a five to one swimmer to lifeguard ratio. Is that five swimmers to one lifeguard? That's what Buds does. Buds. Well, I'll tell you this. Five to one? But I'll tell you this.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Five people, one lifeguard. And how many, do we know how many? In that section, it was at least, in that section there were at least five to one. I couldn't see the course. I can't speak for the course. But there weren't 10 people there. At that point in time. Yeah, I mean, most had, I mean, I would say, I mean, there were not a lot of people there. Okay, I think at the point in time where he drowned,
Starting point is 00:17:19 that you can see him go under and on the live stream, I'm sure the footage is going to just be everywhere. At some point when the invest it's Open investigation sure when the investigations closed the footage is gonna be everywhere. You can see him go under Yeah, you can see him go under everyone's got it on their cameras. Now that everyone's playing back their shit It's so fun. Yeah, and you're right. There's yellow host days across Brent and Tia are across and then there's two other people in the water and then it's Lazar in front of that orange buoy.
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yes. And then people, you know, people farther back. Right. And then maybe one or two people past him. But right in that area where he was at, I'm making the assumption that the people on the paddleboard were lifeguards. I don't know that. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:59 But I'm making that assumption. But I do know that that one, there was a lot going on. Maybe the people on the paddleboards were looking up at the ramp because the crowd went crazy. Maybe they were celebrating Tia's finish. Maybe they were dealing with trying to figure out maybe, I mean, if you're on that board and you think that that's a fan that's doing something wrong, you're also supposed to protect the athletes, right?
Starting point is 00:18:18 But I also heard that that guy did tell her, hey, I saw someone go under and that then she paddled over there. But I mean I'm doing my best to keep I'm doing my best to keep a lid on how just I just want to go like I'm not like I'm not gonna pretend to be the most emotionally mature person I feel like I have good emotional awareness but when something like happens I get angry and I just feel angry and I just want to fucking lash out yeah there were people crying everywhere. There were people shaking. It was super duper
Starting point is 00:18:48 duper intense. Yeah. And if you ever for a long time, we were there by the water for over an hour and it only got more and more intense. We're hearing that was a member of the Maderas family. Of course it was good people. They were on that. They were on the dock for sure, but I don't know if they were. They were on the dock or they were off to the side. Well, he brings a big posse. Yeah. So I saw, I know them and I saw them on the dock and when they had set up, I thought they had set up fans in the water, not the finish line dock. There was a second one where the guy jumped in on, right? So the finish line is here. The barricades were here. There was a second one where the guy jumped in on right? The finish line is here the barricades were here There was this little water down space that had a small dock that spectators were standing on
Starting point is 00:19:31 I don't a Tony tone. I just want to pull this up. Has anyone checked on his brother to be honest? I don't think now is the time to flood him with Hey, hope you're okay. I just don't think that. I will tell you this, that a handful of us very quickly when it was reported, like basically the report came like this, hey where's, and there's a lot of stuff I'm not gonna share with you guys, but the report was is, hey where's Lazar? And someone's like, oh he hasn't come in yet, we haven't seen him and then someone said no I just saw him 25 meters from the dock
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, when he said that mean I made eye contact with Luca was right next to him and we both be lined I think Luca went to the ice buckets and I went to where they were putting on their socks and shoes And I just the first person I asked was yellow host. Hey, did you see Lazarus? And then he's and then he went to the ice buckets and we started searching for him like fucking crazy. Yeah. And because right away the emotion ramped up, I mean, it was, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:20:39 All I could think about the whole time are his parents there. Do you think if you're an athlete swimming by that you even notice? I don't think you notice. I know they I spoke to the athletes. They basically said they didn't know what was going on They basically said the way the because the Sun had just come up. Yeah, you're in a oh They said they're getting in the stream is the direction they were swimming was right into the rising Sun. Yeah Yeah, every athlete I spoke to said you couldn't see anything. You were basically just like following the person in front of you
Starting point is 00:21:06 And that you were just hoping you were going the right way and that bait and it was also at the end of a really ferocious race, right? Yeah, I Don't I did look up triathlete deaths in Like in 2024 every single triathlete death was from swimming Yeah, so I don't think we have it like an uncommon This isn't uncommon Can you pull that up? Yeah, well, I want to pull this comment This is the past lifeguard and try this is what I noticed and why we were watching him on the stream
Starting point is 00:21:36 And why I was like what the fuck is going on as a pass tammy elite feet As a past lifeguard and triathlete have also been the paddleboarder during races. Someone is not progressing and has taken off his cap and goggles. They are in big trouble. Lakes so hot. The lake was hot for sure. Me and Jason tested that. We tested it a month ago. That was the worst part. So a couple of things. The footage I think I saw, he had his goggles on. He had his goggles on. He had his cap his goggles on but a bunch of I think a handful of athletes lost their caps.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Even on the run, athletes lost some of their caps. But appreciate the insight. What I'm curious about is also like there has to be a protocol, right? I'm guessing like you have a five-step checklist every athlete you see. Like you're on that paddleboard, you look at an athlete, you're like, I don't know what they are, but ass out of water, consistent strokes, you move to the next one. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:30 There has to be some- Order to the way you're watching it, what you're looking out for and how the whole thing goes. Tom, peace, I leave you. I leave, peace, I leave with you. My peace, I give you. I do not give you I can't do that I do not give you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid John 1427 you guys it was so intense. Yeah The everyone was freaking out you
Starting point is 00:23:08 Man you guys you may maybe he didn't get a lot of you know The most camera time is other people but everyone knew Lazar like everyone knew him. He was the coolest dude I'm not just saying that like He was the guy he always came over to the camera guys all the other athletes loved him. He was a right link He was a rising star His brother was there him and his brother were so close everyone knew like everyone knew his fiance or wife like everyone knew her she was cool as shit she was like They they were like perfect.
Starting point is 00:23:45 They were cool. They're the kind of athletes that made the... Dude, he'd be in this chat typically. Yeah. They were the athletes that made it fun. You know what I mean? He had a Josh Bridges type... And there's not many of them in the field today, which sucks.
Starting point is 00:23:59 And he would chop it up with anyone. Those guys like Pat Velner and Fikowski and those guys, all those guys loved Lazer. And the one thing I will say is being as close to it as it as we were, especially as people were starting to say like, Hey, where is he? Why didn't he come across? He was in second. There was a lot of swift action by the team. Like nobody at any point did not take that very seriously and didn't immediately start looking into the situation and From my vantage point from what I saw the second Dave and Chuck were alerted about the situation
Starting point is 00:24:32 They took it very seriously and everybody else was mobilized on the information They had and protocols were in place Dave would jumped into crazy action the problem though. It took so long to like Figure out what the hell was even going on. No just to realize that he was missing. Right. Like soon as they knew he was missing the whole fucking operation came to a stop. Yeah. The fact was is he'd already been missing a long time. A long fucking time. And if you guys remember wasn't there some woman on a team like years back that went missing and they couldn't find her and they found out she was just like upset about her performance and like just went home.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Yeah, and I was a Palooza. They thought they lost. Yeah. Yeah. And so immediately you're kind of thinking like that situation, like did he swallow too much water? Is he sick? Is he just maybe in a porta potty?
Starting point is 00:25:16 Like what's going on? Hey, dude, no one's blaming CrossFit. No one's sitting here blaming. I mean, I think he was talking about the comments. Oh, I don't think he was talking about us. Uh, I, I definitely have my speculations on what happened. Um, I'll wait. Um, I think a few people in the comments also also, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:40 can I see that comment from Lindsay? Um, make a night. Oh, Lindsay, just the red one. Just what did she say? It was just a super sticker. Oh, hi Lindsay. Thank you. We that that's his go fund me page. It'd be great to get that thing. Just fucking boom. And if everyone could just drop a hungee in there, it's easy. It's so easy just to give a hundred bucks and forget about it. So one of the, one of the topics we were talking about is should they continue? Yeah. And I'll tell you my understanding of what Sousa said and then he can tell
Starting point is 00:26:17 me if I'm right or wrong but we were like some of us were like no they shouldn't go on it's over and Sousa was like hey, they shouldn't go on. It's over. And Suza was like, hey, man, it needs to go on because that's part of the healing process. And we have to leave here not healed, but with some closure. Closure. And at the same time, I think the more distance where everybody's kind of siloed right now, what I mean by everybody's like the athletes, the community, everybody who came to watch the
Starting point is 00:26:47 event, I think the quicker you push all those people back into the same, you know, the same area, I think that does help everybody just process it. And as hard as it is, and as hard as it is a decision it is to make, right now the inevitable has happened and nothing we're going to do is going to change that. And so I think the best way to heal everything is to bring the community together and continue on with the event starting tomorrow morning. There was a, I'd be curious what you guys think. Go ahead. Were you going to say something Taylor? I was just saying that me and Bryson were driving here Wednesday. We drove from Charlotte
Starting point is 00:27:22 to Fort Worth. I think it was like a 12, we left at 6 a. Worth. We, I think it was like a, we left at 6 AM Eastern standard. We got here at midnight central. So 6 AM to 1 AM essentially. It's like, what is that? 19 hours, 18 hours in the car. And at one point we were driving and I was like, dude, imagine how many people we have driven past who all have this same sphere of life where like they're the most important person in their life. The world is, you know, not saying people are selfish, but the world is all about you.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Like you're existing in your world and now multiply that by 8 billion people. to me to think like I don't know just kind of primordial questions of like you know the philosophical side of importance of life right importance of yeah what to do next like and I think more than anything is people fucking die every day it's really sucks to see it in such an unexpected Horrible way way, right? It's in the middle of a celebration in the middle of a celebration But but to what you're saying initially I was like there's no way they can continue the fucking weekend after this guy dies in The first workout, but right it's it would seem I mean the way the way you honor life the most is by living it, not by halting everything and
Starting point is 00:28:45 stopping it. I don't want to do it. I want to go home and be with my family. Right. Right. But I do think Suze is right. And I think some of the athletes may choose to do that. But I think having, you know, unfortunately dealing with tragedy in my life a couple of
Starting point is 00:29:03 times, at least for me on a personal level, it was always best to get around people that you like to be around that cheer you up. And I think that that's what would happen with Vendor Village and the CrossFit community. I think the tone would be different. Obviously, it'd be dimmed a little bit. But I do think in order for the CrossFit Games, those athletes and as a whole for the community to continue on is that's what we's what you, that's what we should do.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Well, I can't see it. Don't, don't worry about it. Then I don't want to pull it up. Let me just read it. Let me just read it. Yeah. This one and the one below it. Oh yeah, they will that you can.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I can pull that first comment up. Oh, I don't know about that one. Okay. Oh no, that's the, let's go. Yeah. You can pull that up. That's just dumb. Someone wrote run swim idiotic Castro might be a seal. These guys are not everyone knows you never do a swim That's not true at all
Starting point is 00:29:51 Well with the mass start it's actually better to have the run because all those athletes are gonna separate quite a bit So the getting into the water is actually safer under those conditions because they're coming in very slowly tired Transitioning into the water as opposed to a mass start into the water which we also have seen before and those tend to be a little more chaotic and so that's not true that yeah that's not true at all and let me tell you something these guys are just capable fucking athletes in the world they're more capable than half the fucking seals in the country yeah all the seals in the country the skills have seals have special
Starting point is 00:30:26 You can't you can't put that on Dave or miss misunderstanding their abilities just so you know, I spoke to Lazar yesterday and He I spoke to him today a bunch but then I'm when I spoke to him yesterday He said him and Luca had already done the swim. He's like, oh, we already did the event He had already done the yellow host. I did it here as well. Yeah. Yeah, so He knew he knew he was capable Um, and uh, someone said will they do an autopsy? Uh, yeah, they'll do an autopsy Yeah, I think somebody else put in the comments and I don't know if it's true But like in texas, everything's treated as a homicide until otherwise
Starting point is 00:30:57 Oh, there was a blue there was a pain. There was a blue one you passed. Okay Um, you go to the starred ones and see them too to the right Uh, tell me the vid shot didn't have something in this. Oh, stop. What does that mean? I don't even get it. Tell me the vid shot didn't have something to do with this. Miss Radow, new member, thank you.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So there was a couple other things I wanted to bring up. Go ahead, go ahead. I just, I don't know, to go back to, right, there are huge competitions worldwide. The other thing is- Yeah, you cannot boil this down to the programming. And I'm sorry if I get a little pissed off here, but you guys, there are so many different circumstances and even people are in the comments saying like, Hey, you have to wait until more information comes out. That is absolutely true. We do not have everything. You have a 10 year water
Starting point is 00:31:51 portal player at the highest fucking level went down right at the end of this. So to sit here and say, it shouldn't have been a run or the order should switch or you shouldn't have it. stop. Stop. Yeah. Uh, can you bring up the John George comment? If there's any, if there's any, I mean, if there's any judgment that I'm going to pass for having all the facts, it's just from what I saw with my own fucking eyes on the live stream. So I kind of get annoyed by that comment too. Like, Hey, I'm, I'm sick of, and this is a, this is a, it's going on everywhere in the country.
Starting point is 00:32:22 You're being told, Hey, just ignore what's right in front of your fucking face and let the experts tell you what happened When there's proof right in front of you what happened so nothing to see here. All I have to say is Yeah, don't fuck you. Don't tell me not to pass judgment on what you can see with your own eyes Seven I feel horrible for for all involved including Dave. Yeah, I have not spoke to Dave I've not spoke to anyone at CrossFit HQ. I am personally He's probably fucked up devastated for Dave. He's serious as a heart attack He takes all of this stuff so seriously. It's a complete I
Starting point is 00:33:01 Can't tell you he's he's I've said it a million times, he's a professional at the highest level of any person I've met. He's an amazing leader. He's been a great mentor to tons of people. When I was at the ranch and I got hurt, he, more than anyone else there, was really attentive like, hey, are you okay? Kept on asking me and made fun of me a ton after the fact, but that was after we knew I was okay.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Yeah. And made fun of me a ton after the fact, but that was after we knew I was okay. But when I was there, there were a lot of people there and I felt more than anyone that he actually cared and was bummed out. Yeah. Bummed. I think more than ever this year, Dave had truly fallen in love with the athletes and the event. I think it was a climax form this year. After doing all the interviews, after being fired, after coming back, this was his first games, he
Starting point is 00:33:51 took control of the programming. He basically, through his words of his experiences with interviewing the athletes, he had become a, I don't know, a softer, changed man, more intimate with the athletes, and he was actually liking it. And I know he really respected the Jukic brothers. So, I can't, I have nothing but great things to say about Dave. uh, great things to say about Dave. And, and it's not only Dave too. I mean, there were the, the other, the, the other guys out there. Um, I don't know if they want their names out there, but there's some other people who are so involved and they must be just devastated. I wonder how that girl's doing on the, uh, the lifeguard who's on the paddleboard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Uh, she must be fucking, she needs to be put on like suicide watch probably KF I feel like if Tia died everyone would be blaming CrossFit weird how y'all are coddling CrossFit first off I think well what somebody said was the five to one lifeguard ratio and if that's true and that's their protocol they 100% We're doing that because there were not ten people in the water between those two Presumed lifeguards. Right. So, and look, I said 20 minutes ago, I'm not the most, I would say I have great emotional awareness, but I'm not good at putting a lid on it.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I am very, I can be a wild card. And I would say, look, if I'm passing judgment, which I'm not saying is the right thing to do, it's probably really fucking wrong, but if there's anyone I'm gonna be angry at, it's the two fucking people on paddleboards. And look, I'm not saying that's rational, but to's anyone I'm going to be angry at, it's the two fucking people on paddle boards. And I'm, and look, I'm not saying that's rational, but to me, I'm watching the live stream.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Like he's fucking drowning. It's their job. It's their job. Right. I just feel so they were hired to be, they were hired to be out there to be the lifeguard. And I, and I totally get you've got Tia and Brent swing passing. You're like, holy shit. And like maybe not every, not. And you got the fan coming in. Right. So like, but But and you got people screaming saying hey, we have someone drowning the coddling thing is just a weird. What do you I'm just curious What do you UKF? That's all I don't what do you want us to say? What do you want us to say that like they should have drained the lake and made it a a run run through a crater
Starting point is 00:36:01 I mean, I'm just fully I'm fully I'm like being you know, I don't know. Look at triathlete drownings, by the way. They got a Wiki page on it. I was over there looking at it. You don't have to do it, Bryson, but. Look it up. I was looking at it.
Starting point is 00:36:14 It's like there's so every year. I want to say in 2023, there were 23 there. It's all swimming. And I'm pissed off. I'm not sure. So what I'm saying is I'm not sitting here saying CrossFit's not at all at fault. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying those two people on paddleboards aren't at fault.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I'm just saying that. Hey, the person, by the way, Kay, if you are kind of a douche, I'm going to have to you're a fucking moron because who died doesn't matter for you to think that it would matter if it was Tia or Lazar. You're a scumbag. Yeah. And just to just to put a cap on this, this, the reason I'm trying to be more reserved is we got fucking how many people watching. Not a lot of people are reporting on this live. I don't want to
Starting point is 00:36:52 rally the whole crowd against someone who is actually not their fault at all. And it's all to say, fuck, I mean, we have no idea what happened to him in the water. I mean, right, you would hope the people whose job it was to fucking safeguard your life would do it. But I don't think he, I'll tell you what I don't think. I don't think he panicked and drowned. I don't think. It was too long. It was happening for too long.
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah, yeah. I think something happened to him and he drowned because of it. I don't think he, he didn't drown like the way like a two-year-old round right can't swim There is nothing like that something there was something that caused Look at those dude, please believe you had a heart attack tubing out and response for your Requiring medical heart attack collapse after this. Well, let me put this out. Yeah got into the water multiple or cardiac or any Anytime you see sudden death, that's heart attacks. He got into the water. He entered the water in like sixth place,
Starting point is 00:37:51 minutes, minutes behind Jeff Adler. And right before the finish line, he was in second. So while everyone is running hard and recovering in the water, I'm imagining Lazer getting in the water and stomping on the fucking gas. So I'm not saying he's an idiot for doing that, but I'm saying- No, no, that's what he's supposed to do. Well, what I'm saying is while everyone else is getting in the water and they're like,
Starting point is 00:38:13 all right, my heart rate needs to come down, he's getting in the water thinking 10 years water polo experience, 10 years in the water. I did the race two days ago. I did the race two days ago. I'm making my fucking move, I'm stomping on it. And everyone's heart rate's coming down, his is pumping pumping and then he gets to a point where he's like Holy shit. I can't get my heart rate down. I can't get my heart rate down. I take a couple breaths breast stroking
Starting point is 00:38:32 Okay, go back to go back to freestyle. It's plummeting through the ceiling it to the roof again Take a couple breast strokes like that's what you saw on the live stream So to me it just seemed like he wasn't tangled in like fishing line or alligator didn't drag him in or yeah, it wasn't that he couldn't swim. Yeah, he, it's not that he couldn't swim like the, so the, the notion that he, I don't know. Now I'm even playing this out of my brain. The notion that he just died from drowning is ridiculous. He, there's no, there's no fucking, he's right next to the shore. If I don't give a fuck what's happening to me, if I'm not, if I'm in good bodily health and I'm 25 yards from the shore, dude, and he's a better swimmer than... I would only stand a reason that something happened.
Starting point is 00:39:13 If someone's snatching 300 pounds, drops the bar and breaks their neck, Do we have snatching? That is a terrible comparison. Yeah, Andrew Stenn, the five to one ratio is ratio of athletes to lifeguard from what we've heard in the comments. This is not official protocol that we're reciting, but people have said that that's pretty standard protocol. Let me read that one from Drake Webster. Yeah, that's a good comment.
Starting point is 00:39:46 It doesn't matter if it was fitness or cardiac issue, um, or whatever, if the safety personnel had been able to catch this or at least been close, they would have had a chance to administer a safety procedure very well here. The crazy part was, is they were extremely close. Yeah. That's fucked up. That's what I'm most angry about. That's what I'm trying to hold back is they were right fucking next to him and he was in front of the buoy
Starting point is 00:40:08 Right at the boat ramp, dude. Yeah, so I'm sorry Kf dude stop. It's you know, how about what youtubers user wrote? I disagree with this too. I Could have been a leg cramp. No, no years water polo player. Yeah, he would have been fine He would you know, you can tread water with his dick dude. He's got a freaking halt. Call Lawrence even said it. He was like, I played water polo. He's like, we cramped all the time. We rolled to our backs. We stretched out. We catch our breath. We move on. Yeah. It wouldn't have been this isn't a normal guy. Yeah. You guys have to realize like he was a first fucking game. Well, people want European championships. This would have been the dude to swim out
Starting point is 00:40:44 to save your ass, right? Like that while he's cramping. Yeah. Yeah, I I think that's a bad take Can I see that one that says grief? By the way, please fuck me up. That one was harsh to comment No, it's just a it's a true comment. Is it by can I see it? It's scroll up. It's my Jared. Kayla's It's blue. It's having them on the show soon. Yeah. Jared, hi. Grief looks ugly.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Anger blaming, bargaining, sadness, but you all are giving us a necessary space to process it out. Appreciate you guys. Yeah. And kind of to piggyback off that, for you guys that are not at the event and want a space to be here to talk about it, to process, to understand, that is also why I'm talking about the event needs to continue on. It was heavy. It was wild. It was very... Only one other time in my life I filmed somewhere where some people, there
Starting point is 00:41:48 was death and mayhem and it came out of the blue like this. But we were truly all there to celebrate. And this is something like, it's interesting, this is something that you can't really understand if you're not like deep in the scene. But Lazar was like the man. Let's just I tried to flesh this at Mark Fuentes, Suza, no way they should continue, got to cancel. I tried to flesh this out with uh with Bryson earlier Bryson and uh and JR were talking they're like oh they got to continue they need to and I'm like well why do they
Starting point is 00:42:20 need to because I just wanted them to give me a logical reason not right in who and JR not that I disagre? Because I just wanted them to give me a logical reason, not that I disagreed. I was just like, you have to give me a logical reason of why they need to. And they couldn't do it. And then what was the consensus like a handful of minutes ago? So outside of even just the fact that we should all, the community should be together in the space to process this, but also too, there has to have a closure with the community and then we have to change the temperature of the room a little bit. And I know that that's really fucking hard to say because of how tragic this is, but you guys, you cannot end it on this note. And also what is not continuing with the games? How does that fix anything? It doesn't. Right. I think that was
Starting point is 00:43:00 a chance to fix it. If you do continue in terms of people processing and being around each other. The best argument to continue is that by not continuing does nothing. By not continuing does not improve the situation at all. We all walk away from an event that... Feeling the same as that way. Yeah, yeah. That there was a tragic... Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:18 It's a burden. It's a burden on all of us right now because it's just everybody feels so bad about what happened. And helpless. And helpless. And like, you know, we're sitting here toiling so bad about what happened and helpless and like you know we're sitting here toiling this should have happened and this should have happened and the ability to process that together as a group and as a community I think is very important. Can you play that uh this is the PJ birds? Okay yeah I don't know where's that one out here? The yellow one all the colored ones play I love colored things
Starting point is 00:43:47 And his interview with Dave Castor Dave has interview with Dave Castro Lazar talked about his first event curse and his swinging prowess Just trippy. He was an amazing and soaring person Thank you for being here. So many questions, but we're all human. Tell someone you love them.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Good comment. That's a great comment. Small team, big family. Thanks for doing this. It's giving us processing and community to work through our feelings. People die every minute. The games must continue
Starting point is 00:44:25 is this next person's comment. I mean, that's not, I'm not saying that that's super relevant that people die every minute. It's who he was, man. Right, yeah. It's rocking all the athletes. I mean, he knew, Lazar was the dude who talked to all the athletes.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Like, he could talk to Fraser Tia or, you know, Daisy McDonald, it didn't fucking matter. The other thing too, I'd say, He was the athletes. Like he could talk to Fraser Tia or Daisy McDonald. It didn't fucking matter. The other thing too I'd say is oftentimes the crossfit community has been referred to as a family and I always thought that was a little cheesy. But after being on site today and when people realized the gravity of the situation, how everybody just came to a dead stop and was just there and didn't know what to do, but was wanting to cooperate and just be there to help in any way they could. And just the utter shock of whatever happened really kind of showcased that it truly is that way. Go ahead, Bryson.
Starting point is 00:45:15 I was just going to say, there was a comment that said, if it was my brother and everyone kept competing, I would be so grossed out. But to me, I feel like it would be the opposite. And it can be personal. It's different. Yeah, it's different. And I wonder too, what do you guys think? Do you think that they're going to have this open discussion with athletes and ask them what they want to do? The athletes got a letter. I would imagine they talked to me first.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Saying that there will be a, the athletes got a letter. Okay, let me see. Hello athletes, we will be holding a conversation to discuss our path forward for all athletes and coaches on the competition floor of Dickie's Arena at 4 p.m. Your attendance is optional but would be greatly appreciated. Like this is if you're unable to return to the arena any information covering the discussion will be sent out via email as soon as possible after. Please park in the yellow lot this evening when returning to the venue as valet is not available. Mark Fuentes again, how would Luca feel if they just continued the competition? I get why you feel that way. When my dad died, I dropped out of high school. Fucking became 10x worst drug addict through my life away. That fixed everything. Not. The whole fucking point is like, it's not, what do you mean? How would they feel? It doesn't
Starting point is 00:46:35 matter what they fucking do. When you're in Lucas shoes, it does not fucking matter what anyone says. He's going to be so fucked up i mean i would personally drop out but i would probably beg them to continue yeah he he's not he was not even gonna fucking care no he doesn't fucking care about the games mark yeah just shut the fuck up yeah his brother's dead he's not thinking about dave he's not thinking about you he's not thinking about the other athletes at all so it just does nothing to not go forward. It does absolutely nothing. It does nothing to just sit in a fucking cesspool
Starting point is 00:47:13 of your own shit and fucking be fucked up over it either. Yeah. And I'm not saying that's what he's gonna do. That was very well said. I'm not saying that's what he's gonna do. That was very well said. I'm not saying that. And if he does do that
Starting point is 00:47:25 He's got every fucking right to I did it Yeah By finishing the weekend everyone has closure and you honor Lazar's life stopping now does nothing for no one That's some really powerful shit. You said Taylor it is. Yeah, like yeah like Selfishly speaking I think there's probably 300 people there who probably think that they could have done something. And they're like Taylor was saying at the beginning, they're trapped in their own head. They're just thinking of their world. But just imagine if you can for one second, you probably start crying.
Starting point is 00:47:56 But just imagine if you were Luca, or his wife, and your brother just passed away, you wouldn't give a fuck about anything. There. And maybe and maybe there is that point where there's like obscene amounts of rage and anger and you're looking for something to blame and I get that too. But again, that's just part of fucking someone dying. It's not that someone is to blame. And I'm not saying someone's not to blame, but I'm saying whether someone is or isn't,
Starting point is 00:48:23 you're looking to fucking blame somebody. Right, right. Well, he might not even be there yet. He might be just like, burn the world. He's probably a burn the world down. I don't think he's there yet. I think where he is is it's almost impossible to comprehend when that happens that you're never going to see that person again.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Right. Yeah. It's so hard to process. The games must be cancelled. Pallavi, how are athletes teammates, his brothers supposed to compete after this? I don't even want to watch the rest of the weekend. That's okay. That's your choice. But the thing is... It's their choice to not compete too. It's an opportunity for the group to heal. That's why you're saying that.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Yeah. Like, I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying, but this is a huge opportunity. By the way, can you go back and click through all the ones that we missed? Sorry. That's okay. All of the start?
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah, if you just go to the start, I'm on start right now. Okay, let's get to it. I heard someone say, crown Lazar Champ and give Lazar's family the winnings if we could ask Lazar if he would want the games to continue I would guess and say his answer would be yes that I want to say that but also I feel like that's a dumb thing to say because we have no fucking idea and he's dead and I don't want to
Starting point is 00:49:45 Put a fucking word in his mouth Nobody from CrossFit noticed he was absent for can you pull that up for at least 19 minutes after The top one Nobody from CrossFit noticed he was absent for at least 19 minutes after the last female athlete crossed the line. That's not true. Hey, look at Corey Leonard's comment. Now could you possibly think... That's not true, dude.
Starting point is 00:50:15 You're making shit up. That's not true at all. GY Fitness, I was literally right fucking there. Yeah, we were right there on the ramp. Yeah, that's not even fucking true. Literally right there. I couldn't have been any closer to the situation unfolding. Yeah, look, Dale Earnhardt died on the fucking racetrack,
Starting point is 00:50:31 for fuck's sake. They never stopped the race. Holy shit, is that true? Yeah. Well, I mean, they kept racing. They pulled this fucking car off. I mean. Wow.
Starting point is 00:50:42 Another comment is someone said, oh, Hiller thinks they should cancel too. Hey, half the time, Hiller's a retarded and I love it. But that's not, that's not a logical reason to cancel the games. Hey, Hiller said it. Yeah. Help me in. Just remember there's a difference from what's going on at home. Oh, can you pull that back up so I can read it? There's something going on here that's different
Starting point is 00:51:06 than if you just watch this at home. Appreciate you guys, I've been working and just seeing the news, so sad. Can someone describe the experience of being there? It was just being around, the only thing I really want to say is that we were very close shoulder to shoulder with Lazar's fiancee and I couldn't keep my shit together. I can't think about that. It was so intense because she knew. She knew before everyone because she had been tracking them and whatever she felt and so she knew and I don't I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And so it just became a frantic like I just remember me and Luca just running up and start looking for Lazar and then you know there were a few like there he is. Nope there he's not. Nope there he is. Yeah there's quite a few opposite. Oh he came in and then it was it was but but I will say this without getting into details, Dave did not take any of those comments seriously. He powered forward until he needed to see Lazar for himself in front of him.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Yeah. The second the news got to him, 100% of his focus and the team's focus went to that immediately. Yeah. So, and you could tell, I don't know if you guys saw the press conference But they did a press conference and I've never seen Dave look Dave looked like fucking Haggard, dude Yeah fucking hair was everywhere. You could tell he was like fucking I wish he would have been the person fielding questions I didn't want to hear a fucking word at Don's mouth. No offense. I just want to hear what Don said And then later and Dave went out on a paddleboard and started looking. Dave did? Yeah. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:52:49 dude. When Kara was carted off the field, it was a scary moment. That wasn't Dave's fault. This isn't either something horrible and unexpected must have happened. I suspect you're very right, Joel. I think something unexpected did happen. Thank you, Joel. That's a good comment. Right. You can push yourself. It's like, hey, in the heat doing Murph. You're making the decision to do that to yourself They didn't say hey run yourself so hard that you get a fucking heat stroke He's not telling an athlete to do that. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, you're making the decision I'm not again. It just is The natural thing is to want to blame everyone else. To blame someone.
Starting point is 00:53:25 To find someone to fucking lop their head off. I guarantee you there's a lot of people at CrossFit who couldn't have done anything about it who are blaming themselves. Yeah. I bet there's a lot of people at CrossFit blaming people who had nothing to fucking do with it too. Like, give me an example. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:53:40 I don't want to give an example, but I bet there's just some fucked shit going on. Yeah, Jared with a good comment. Honestly, Dave is the guy I want to round in situations like this. He's built for tough moments. You know what? Watching it firsthand, you're absolutely right, because he immediately went over to the funk fiance and his tone changed to very like sympathetic, like, Hey, we're on it, we're doing this, just stay relaxed right now.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And then I physically watched him turn to his teammate and ramp up and say, we need a fucking head count, we need this. I need it in front of me right now. He started putting out orders right away. And so his ability to switch and be sympathetic to what was needed with the person in front of him at the time was he was able to do that very quickly in real time. Going forward, how do some events look at the games, more safety measures, no, uh, open water swims.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I don't think they should change the programming. I don't think they should adjust programming at all. It would be like saying, hey, a guy died driving a race car. We're never going to race a car again. Maybe maybe up the lifeguard. Right. If nothing else, just for to make the swimmers feel safe. But they shouldn't change the programming.
Starting point is 00:54:38 They should know. I agree. I agree. Well, what they could do is based on the information that comes out much later on, if there were complications, they could take that into on the information that comes out much later on if there were complications They could take that into consideration ahead of time if they are known Okay, could you guys specific to the athlete before they're competing correct? Yeah Yeah, could you guys make sure like if you have a hundred bucks everyone should just donate a hundred bucks to Lazar
Starting point is 00:54:59 Jukeages support fund. It's so easy. You just go there hit Apple pay what? support fund. It's so easy. You just go there, hit Apple Pay. What? Refresh it. Regardless of what happens, I vote. We all get together. Those who are here, high five and talk about how badass Lazar was. Fair enough. Yeah. And I do, and I do, someone said you should tell your family you love them. You should definitely do that. Anymore? Were there there any more I don't want to miss anyone who paid yeah we got Bryson's gonna do it okay so we don't know just to update anyone who's coming in late we don't know all we were told actually I don't I don't know if the media has been told no one's told Lazar Dukic died he passed away in the first event yeah but no but no, but has that been announced anywhere?
Starting point is 00:55:46 I don't think so. I don't think they could say it from the entity until the investigation has been done and they could affirmatively say, this is what happened. Oh, I can say it. I fucking watched it happen on the live stream. No, no, no. I'm not talking about us. I'm talking about any like crossfit the entity.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Like when Dalton on there and people were were saying say his name and say his name and say his name Look, he's not doing that to protect anything except for following the process of what is most likely a legal constraint right now Right on to an investigation. So to think that it's anything more than that By the way, FIDE gave FIDE gave $15,000. FIDE did yeah $15,000 for this. That's really cool. Thank you, Aaron and Emily. That's really fucking cool. I think he was a FidAid athlete too. Let me see. There's a, here's an email for the media. CrossFit has, CrossFit is deeply saddened by the death of CrossFit Games' competitor during the swimming portion of individual event one of the 2024 CrossFit Games. We are fully cooperating with authorities and doing everything we can to support the
Starting point is 00:56:49 family at this time. The remainder of today's events have been suspended. The wellbeing of competitors is our first priority and we are heartbroken by this tragic event. So that's one piece of info. As media, I think that's all we know. I want the hardest fucking benchmark workout in the world to be fucking named after Lazar. I'm not even kidding. I want a fucking crazy workout called Lazar. And we should do it every fucking year at the games. We got the oh, I guess we got this. I guess media got this earlier today. I'm just looking at my emails now the remainder of today's events Thursday August 8th in Fort Worth Texas have been cancelled
Starting point is 00:57:28 There will be a press conference at a conference at 1130 a.m With the press who are on site at the Marine Creek Lake Park by the way Thank you to Rebecca Fusilet for staying there some fucking asshole commented I think we need to get a therapist on the spot to help these guys fucking We do. We have each other. Your mom's coming over. We're in love. We're in love. We're in love. Wonderful therapy, Zach Lewis.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Fucking douche. Zach, keep the car running. We'll push her out the front door when we're done. The media stage, and we'll Venmo you. The media staging area is at the Marine Creek Boat Ramp. OK, so you guys can see that. You guys can watch that if you want. The media staging area is at the Marine Creek boat ramp. Okay, so you guys can see that. You guys can watch that if you want.
Starting point is 00:58:07 No, and an unknowable has a link to the medical report. Of course, Halpin does. Is that true? Do you get... Tyler's got a... I blocked him too. Hey, if he comments, we should just fucking put him in timeout. That's my... Hold on, I got to lower these all. I raised them all because.
Starting point is 00:58:28 What's the, what's the Instagram account? No known and knowable known with an underscore. I think it's known and then eggplant emoji knowable. Uh, I don't see anything. I'm serious. We need the coolest fucking, we need the coolest named workout for him. This hit a ton of stories. There's just, there's so many news reports. Everyone's covering this. CBS, NBC, Forbes, Bloomberg.
Starting point is 00:59:01 That's a, that's a, you know, I don't know what this person, you know, FF Dutch, I don't know what kind of expertise he has, but he was saying if it was a cardiac event, it's highly unlikely they would have been able to save him even if they had got to him in the water. Really? Is that true? I just don't know how true that is. Look, I don't want to believe that.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I don't believe it because Andy, dude, Andy fucking died on the side of a highway and they flew Him in a fucking helicopter to a hospital and saved his life. Yeah, how imagine how long that fucking took? Well, he this I mean, I guess it is official the medical examiner did report him as dead I'm guessing his parents are in Serbia. I guess they have to fly out now. How do you do that? Discipline equal freedom. Colton continued after his mom just passed. I think Suza started to say this earlier, but there's no right or wrong way to feel.
Starting point is 01:00:00 Some people are not going to want to compete. Some people aren't going to watch. And those people can do both those things. Some people are going to want to compete. Some people aren't going to watch and those people can do both those things. Some people are going to want to compete and going to want to watch and end on a, you know, It's going to be very powerful if the event continues. It has to continue dude. It is going to be very, very powerful. And there will be athletes who don't compete and that's fine. That's not wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:20 If it, if it, if it continues my, I guess, I don't know, I don't know that this is a concern. I guess this is just my logistical brain trying to work through like, well, how do they make it work? What do they do with the two events that they canceled? They have to find a way to fit them in. No, those are done. You just scrap it and you just say there's, if there was 15 events, now it's 13. What were the events? Hammer Swing and Amanda 45. Oh yeah, they got to fit those in.
Starting point is 01:00:44 They do. They 100% have to. OK, well, anything else, Bryson? Hey, you know what makes this so much more complex, too? Not only his popularity with all the athletes and all the media and all the crossword people, but I mean, because his brother, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:00 I mean, it's really being a competitor. And for those of you who don't know know I'm assuming everyone who's watching this This is the elite of the elite this is a very small tight crew that started from 300,000 people and these are the 40 guys and They know it everyone knows that they all have a crazy respect for each other. Billy Bob, CrossFit never reached out to Fort Worth Fire Department for our dive team either. We are only at the Dickies Arena for the EMS standby. So sad. Meaning there wasn't a dive team on hand.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Like prior to the... By the way, take all of these comments with a grain of salt, guys. Yeah, it's not that you're... By the way, I'm not saying that guy's not telling the truth, but we don't know. This is just a fucking... It's not about feel... Okay. I fully understand completing the games, but how does someone feel good about coming in first or how do we celebrate their win? It's not about celebrating their win or celebrating them coming in first. It's about, again, the whole kind of premise of life is living your life. What is the point of just existing and going through the motions and working for the fucking
Starting point is 01:02:12 man and not having pain and not having great moments of excitement and success? Great moments of sadness. Great moments, massive moments of sadness, but just to push all of that off is not life. To push all of that off is not living. And to me, it just doesn't make sense to not continue. And it's not about winning. It's not even about the games. It's you honor life by living life You do not honor life by not living your life. That's a fucking literal waste one million of life Another well said you've had to fucking really a Grand Slam sailor See you're good with this tragedy should have given me a fucking media credential.
Starting point is 01:03:07 You're good. You're good with this tragedy. Hey, let me, let me, let me ask you this. Good job guys. Hunter bucks. That's it. Um, let me ask you this. Are, are the, can the athlete I'm going in the mind of an athlete. Let's just pick athlete B competing at the CrossFit games, right? High level, right? And this happens. And then you go to the meeting tonight and you're torn between. Like, I think the word, I think that the most selfless thing that athletes can do is to compete.
Starting point is 01:03:41 I don't even think in their head, they might think that they're being selfish if they do it. I know that they're thinking they're selfish, but here's the thing, it's not. I've transcended- I don't think it, right. Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. I feel like I've transcended that thought of like,
Starting point is 01:03:54 ooh, it's selfish. It's not selfish if you one fucking bit to say that everything that you've worked for in your life comes to this moment. Yep. It needs to continue, Again, not for you as an individual and not for Lazar, so to speak, but it's just, again, I think the most- Well, it gives to the group, the people in the audience. That's what I was thinking. For the
Starting point is 01:04:15 first time in your life as an athlete, you don't have to be a selfish fuck. It's the exact opposite. You can go out there tomorrow and you can fucking compete and there's going to be a lot of people in the stands fucking crying And you guys are gonna be crying at the finish line But you can hang it all out there and let us process this shit together, right? Yeah, put pictures of Lazar up on the monitor and we'll all fucking come unhinged But but but do your part and let us fucking rally around you To heal. Yeah, right. don't be a selfish fucking,
Starting point is 01:04:46 so you wanna go home and cry in your own fucking bed. Jared had another great comment up there. But I'm concerned that they're gonna think that they're being selfish if they do it. Like I'm worried that they care what other people think. Now is not the time to care what other people think. Right, right, and I get why you would feel selfish, but it's not selfish for you to think that way.
Starting point is 01:05:01 And again, it's put put yourself in his shoes. And I'm not saying he would say this, but you, someone who has a fucking wife and a brother and a family is gone and they're never gonna see them again. And you just don't celebrate the meaning of being here by going and being alone and fucking eating your feelings in your fucking hotel room and canceling everything.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Cancel it. I don't feel good. I'm getting fucking high. That's just not... Jared said, if athletes don't want to compete, that's their choice. No judgment. But if others do, what a better way to process it, process that grieving than from hard physical exertion. 100%. That's a form of therapy for sure. And one that all of us as CrossFitters utilize as a tool every single day. So do not utilize that right now in community right now when we have those two of the best ever. I think would not be the best decision. I agree with you. And then we'll go back to that soldiers one. Okay. Samantha Isaacson. Go ahead, Taylor. Actually, it is selfish to think of your wants over the want his over the what his family
Starting point is 01:06:10 and partner desires. They do not care. You just you just you so don't fucking get it. You don't get it. And I would like to say you don't get it and that's okay because It's like you've been fucked up But you probably never really experienced something like that that closely because if you have your perspective on something like this is so different It's very different. Oh my dad died everybody in my high school School year's over guys School year's over you guys can't go on you can't go on you can't go back to school So well, you don't even care. You can't go on. You can't go back to school.
Starting point is 01:06:45 I remember the day. Well, you don't even care. The thing is, is that you explained earlier, like Luca doesn't care. Like the worst possible thing in the world that could possibly happen to Luca just happened to him. Worse thing. Couldn't have been worse.
Starting point is 01:06:56 Worse thing. Like he doesn't care about any of this other shit. No, I remember. He doesn't care. He doesn't have any desires except to get his brother back. Right, no one cares about that. I remember getting pulled out of my classroom and the, and the vice principal saying, Hey, you got to come to the office. I'm thinking, fuck, what did I do this time? I was walking down
Starting point is 01:07:10 the office. He was in front of me. I was like, Hey, can you at least tell me what I did? And I'm thinking in my mind, I got to formulate a lie. You're already like thinking about the last bad things you did. I got to start figuring out my story now. And I walked into the office. I saw my grandma there crying and I fucking lost it. And I looked out in the hallway, the bell rings, people are walking by, see me crying. And I'm thinking, I got to get out of here. Yeah. And nothing else mattered. And it's like fucking weeks of just- Nothing matters. And no one's going to come to you, Taylor and be like, Hey, should we go to class? We want to get your approval for this first. You would have been like, get the fuck out of my face. It just doesn't matter, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:45 Fuck you, Mel. I'm a loser. Say it to my face. I'll fuck you up. Speaking from Soldier's perspective, all people involved should be equally trained and qualified. Rehearsal must be done in the event of emergencies. Yeah. I mean, they rehearse like crazy.
Starting point is 01:08:03 They rehearse so much there What I just don't get this mark pull his comment up I don't I don't get people need a minute Hey, they canceled the events for the day, dude What it's not like they're not giving a minute and it's also everyone that's saying if you don't want to watch don't fucking watch People need you need a you don't want to participate. Hey listen How about we just don't stream it because I know everyone here at the venue Definitely everyone who is there this morning needs need what would love closure mark would love to get into the arena With everyone who is there and I don't care you could run it like a fucking prayer service do whatever you fucking want
Starting point is 01:08:43 But I guarantee you that everyone who is there would appreciate some group closure. Hey, Mark, go get high in your own room. Fucking order a little extra large pizza. I mean, this is what I did. I bought a fucking eighth of weed. So buy an eighth, smoke it all in one sitting, eat a fucking supreme pizza from Pizza Hut, be a fat fuck, turn your TV off. You don't have to pretend like any of this is happening. The world just ended for you. What is that doing? People need a minute.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Hey, they canceled all the events today. And if the games go on. They're taking a fucking minute. And they're also meeting with all the athletes and having a conversation with them. What you, it's honestly, people in the comments saying, ooh, what you guys want doesn't matter. Ooh, what you guys want doesn't matter. Hey, what you fucking want doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Hey, if the games go on, then something horrible happened to Lazar doing something that he dedicated his life to and love. If they get canceled, then it was just like a random run swim. Right? He just died for you know, I'm not saying that he should that we should honor the game. I'm not saying we should call the games of this thing that ooh This is like we need to honor Lazarus life by you know, he died for the games. We need oh shit You know what I mean? You know what? I just didn't think of what?
Starting point is 01:09:56 Fucking rich has his Leadville race. He's probably fucking good. Oh, yeah Holy shit and Fakundo is probably gutted. Facundo and Rich are probably a mess. Jay Wade, $5 no good choice for CrossFit. I agree. It'll be divided and as emotional as voting blue or red. In my opinion, they finished the games to honor them. It's not easy but honorable. Jay Wade, I think we were were driving back and Susan was like, they're fucked if they do and they're fucked if they don't. Yeah. You had a decision where you're, it's like, you know, some people are going to hate you regardless of, of the choice you made.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Did you take Lazar off to heat one up? Oh my God. I love Gabby. I love paying Gabby. Thanks for calling me a baby brat. You sound like a fucking, you sound like that fucking girl at a party where a guy walks up to you and is like, hey, can I go to the bathroom? You respond, oh, I have a boyfriend. Oh, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:10:54 Hey, half these cunts that say any of that shit to you are the first ones when you see them in person that go, oh, Taylor, oh my god. Yeah, they're like, no, no, no. You say, hey. Especially Jay. Everyone who called me a baby brat, they're like, ooh. Sorry, ooh. No, they don't even do that, dude. They're just fucking keyboard warriors.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Hey, Abby, shut the fuck up. Oh, don't, don't acknowledge these words. Sorry, sorry, sorry. This is my MO, by the way. If you're watching this show for the first time, people talk shit about me in the comments and all I do is freak out and have an emotional conniption about it.
Starting point is 01:11:21 So this is a great comment. And boy, if you just mentioned water to Lazer, he lit up like he knew he was the shit. I play water polo, Lazer was the best swimmer in that lake. Serbian water polo players are some of the best, maybe hard issue, the game must go on. People are gonna hate me for this, but I'm completely on board with you.
Starting point is 01:11:44 Something happened to his ticker. I think if any people should decide like that comment, I think it's the athletes and the games decision. Like it's there. I don't know. Also, how did he do that arrow like that? That's that's just the logo behind it. Corey Polito sending nothing but love and donating now.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Thanks, Corey. You're the best. You thought he sent you some obscene amount of money. We are, we are canceling kill Taylor this week. Almost had a hundred K. You thought he sent you some obscene amount of money we are we are canceling kill Taylor this week Good job guys, we're almost at a hungee The decision to continue is up to the insurers plus legal. No shit Wow Wow. Uh, Vernard Jordan. Uh, sometimes I agree with Taylor. Sometimes I don't. This is a time when he is fucking spot on. Yeah. Thanks bro. And also thanks for disagreeing with me and getting me
Starting point is 01:12:34 fired up. I love that too. You've had three really good, uh, lectures. Only three. I mean, on this show, you should be clipped. Yeah, they should be quick. I mean it's fucking gospel shit You should be a preacher at the risk of Taylor Full marks coming up. I gotta read this 11b garage. Take the time to remember not blame right? That's good. That's good perspective You didn't read that seven. I'm gonna read this guy's shit mark Fuentes at the risk of Taylor telling me to shut the fuck up the game should be canceled if any less than 50% of the Athletes choose to continue. Oh, it's not a any less than 50% of the athletes choose to continue. Oh, that's not a bad take.
Starting point is 01:13:06 If 50% of the fields were out, what do you do? Just let Yela, I would go back and just to see Yela and Tia go at it against each other. She would obliterate him. I know, that's what's crazy. Yeah, they got to go on. And you know what? I want to go home so bad. I would call my what like if we get an email saying it's over I'm gonna call my wife and get a fucking jet right out of this fucking place
Starting point is 01:13:32 But it's got to go on Jay hands if I died in competition I'd want to be honored by the competition to continuing and everyone using the pain to perform better. Holy shit There's an ESPN article. I just love this community. Josh Lammon. What's up, Josh? Dude, it's type in CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:13:53 It's in every major news outlets grabbed it. Yeah. Well, I mean, look, they don't, I mean, fuck. Look another person who agrees with you. This is a bit too. Write that down, Tyler. Two people. The dark lord is crazy. Two people agree with you. The dark who agrees with you. This is a bit too, write that down, Tyler. The dark people are crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:05 Two people agree with you. The dark Lord agrees with Taylor. Let me read that one. Thank you, Bryson. Agree with Taylor, but also if over half the gaming field is not there, it might not make sense as well. Hey, what if Luca competed?
Starting point is 01:14:20 Has anyone talked about, this is crazy. Has anyone talked about scroll up? There was a comment that really piqued my interest. It said, has anyone scroll up... I am scrolling dude. Oh yeah, yeah, right, right. Sorry. Has anyone talked about TTT video and the lake being haunted? What do you mean? Yes, Tyler. The lake being haunted? They did a video on the lake and they talked about it being haunted, but they also talked about
Starting point is 01:14:48 it being over eating, eating, eating in hot water. And I mean, that was like a lot of eating and having a stroke. That was the hardest part. When me and Jason tested the workout, the hardest part by far is me. I'm at 3.5 miles thinking I'm about to hit the water. This is gonna feel good hot tub
Starting point is 01:15:05 hey but the thing is the thing is when did they make that video oh here oh so he doesn't mean haunted okay he means how people die in that lake in that specific lake because maybe it's so warm or something. That's crazy. I don't think, I would love, let's see that. Let's look, we'll you Google that really quick. Meen Creek Lake. Here's the thing. Meen Creek Lake. Our body temperature is what? 98.6. That lake wasn't even close to that. That lake was like 78.6 at the highest. Right. I mean, I don't know what the temp was, but I heard it was, it was not like warm like that. Caroline, thanks for the honest non-PC reflection. Love y'all.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Rip Lazar. Yeah, first off, the last thing you're going to get from this group is political correctness. Caroline's my online therapist. No one is sitting here saying, at the same time, I'm not saying I'm fucking right. I could be dead wrong on all this. I think the point that the reason you guys hopefully watch this show is because we are
Starting point is 01:16:07 people who can get out and say what we think and feel. And if we're wrong, okay, sorry, we're fucking wrong. I'm wrong more often than not. Right. But we're not afraid to have a conversation just because we might be wrong. That's what's fucked. That's everything that's wrong with, fuck our country for one, but the world is being afraid to talk just because you might be wrong like it's okay to be wrong
Starting point is 01:16:29 Everything Wow could have said you've been wrong 1,800 people have donated one earlier when we started the show is less than 100 That's like 66. Let's see. Oh, there we go. Holy shit guys I might have another sparkling water Shit guys, that's sick. I might have another sparkling water. Oh my gosh. Holy shit, that's crazy. Hey, we're all talking about what we could have done, what we should have done, like all this other stuff,
Starting point is 01:16:51 but at least with this support and the fund, that is one thing that all of us can do. And that does make an impact directly to the Dukic family. So, please take the time if you haven't already. Lovely boys, thank you all for having this discussion for the community. Your hearts are in the right place. Thanks, Anthony. And I hope everybody does appreciate that as we all have different opinions and it is really like an emotional thing to talk about that you do. Hopefully you guys do know and understand that
Starting point is 01:17:26 We care a lot about Lazzar. We care a lot about his family the situation And everything else very deeply Man he loved his fucking girlfriend so much. He always talked. Oh my god I gotta make the show a little light-hearted my wife just sent me a meme of a fucking pogo stick toilet plunger Can that be seen? On the screen you can you got to put your hand behind it so it covers it focus the whole thing if they have us In the back. No, no your hand behind your phone It's probably not an autofocus. Oh, there it is. Oh, yeah, you got it. Oh, wow. Oh, I was sick, huh?
Starting point is 01:18:04 Holy shit. Yeah, we need one of those in my house You clog your toilet a lot. He eats a lot of protein. I Actually the other day took a crap that was like never mind. Thank you. Thanks. Sorry Okay, you're gonna tell us are you just gonna- patrick clark's in the chat? uh oh good to see you patrick uh, rename the spirit of the games award after lazard jukic holy, it's the lazard jukic award? there you go
Starting point is 01:18:32 fucking please do that there you go every fucking major sport has like that would be awesome you know what i mean? yeah and you know what's crazy? until this moment i never like appreciated those awards i was like yeah whatever
Starting point is 01:18:44 they're fucking dumb yeah they're dumb but now never like appreciated those awards. I was like, yeah, whatever. They're fucking dumb. Yeah, but now that I was there for this, I was like, yeah. Who's the athlete from Boston college? The guy with the red bandana. He was a firefighter died at 9 11, I believe. Oh, yes. They have an award in the NCAA for it. Yep.
Starting point is 01:18:58 Fucking cool as shit. Like that's what this reminds me of. You know, he's not a fucking firefighter, but you get it. Okay, don't get crazy. The last three crazy. Yeah, they're not gonna do that. CrossFit's gotta make money, Vanessa. Yeah, yeah. I've been extremely emotional. I'm gonna sell my house. Tomorrow. My kids are gonna live in the van.
Starting point is 01:19:16 Yeah. That's really far in the road. Wells Crowther, that's it. Wells Crowther. All right, so that's what we know, or's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. Well, that's it. that there was a blame game going on on the show at all. I hope all the people at CrossFit can get a good night's sleep tonight. I hope the athletes, when they go to the meeting, they know that we don't think they're selfish if they go on, that we would actually appreciate it. There's a bunch of us out here who would appreciate it, even though if you don't do it, I'll be more than happy to go home. But I think that the, uh, I think it will be
Starting point is 01:20:06 an extremely, it will be a very unique situation and missed opportunity if the athletes don't take the floor at Dickies to a sellout crowd and honor Lazar and let everyone blow off steam and let the tears roll. And I think it's a, uh, I hope the athletes that are listening know that we support them and we'll be there and we know it's fucking hard for you guys. And then of course, like I started this the whole CrossFit team. I'm so sorry for you guys. That was brutally tough. I know you guys work your ass off. I know there's a lot of moving pieces so heal up quickly and then to Lazar's brother and fiance and to his parents thanks for giving us the time that we did have with Lazar. Anything else? I think this comment wraps it up. 100% love for both the ones who want to continue and those who don't. Yeah. Yeah. All right guys
Starting point is 01:21:10 We there's a chance we might go live again tonight as things get updated Thanks for helping Bryson Taylor and Susan myself process this Chasing water wall spotlight across it for heartbreaking reason we have the opportunity to demonstrate the unity of crossfit gotta go on and honor lazer that's a big that's a big comment i like that yeah jeremy dorn bush dorn bush emotions are high and everyone wants to point a finger opinions can be different but this is where we can show how strong
Starting point is 01:21:42 the community is by rallying together to show love to the Jukic family agreed All right, hey great job 110 000, uh, it is what time is it here at the 220 it's 220 in Fort Worth, Texas We'll probably go back on uh tonight as we hear word of what's going to happen tomorrow Um, and then maybe get a little more, uh Talk about what events are going to be tomorrow if they're going to do it of what's gonna happen tomorrow and then maybe get a little more Talk about what events are gonna be tomorrow if they're gonna do it or what's gonna happen. All right. Thank you guys be good to each other I'm Bryson. Thank you. Thank you Can you run the peanut butter

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