The Sevan Podcast - 2024 CrossFit Open Debrief w/ Colten Mertens and Taylor Self - Born Primitive

Episode Date: March 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamex. Benefits vary by car and other conditions apply. That was a hell of a yawn. We did it. Hey, dude, you know what's kind of cool? Is my camera not fucking focused? There we go. You you know i don't want to mischaracterize it i want to but i want it to be fun but basically in a nutshell for two
Starting point is 00:00:56 years you could say you were one of the most vocal people you you like you know two years ago you came on took you know the space by storm and for two years have just grown this voice of yours that's just um that talks about the games right talks about workouts talks about games think about all the people that have done that right and then right and then and then you're like fuck it and you put it on the line against three of the best um crossfitters in the world three weeks in a row it's just crazy dude hey is my audio coming through my mic yeah so you sound great i can't i can't hear you through my oh through your headset yeah oh is there is there a volume switch on that it's coming through my it's coming through my mac mini speakers i know that's probably annoying but
Starting point is 00:01:52 i'm not getting an echo so it's fine you can go to this go to the settings and hit audio can you change it oh okay you can log in log back in if you want to try. Yeah, give me one second. Sorry. Take your time. No, no, it's cool. I'm so retarded. No, it's Sunday morning. It's chill. Hey, good morning, Chris.
Starting point is 00:02:10 What's up, dude? Birthday. Yes. Yes, that's correct. Birthday standee. Yes. Of course. Duh.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Ken Walters. Good morning. Two of the podcast favorites should be a good one. Thanks, dude. Actually, Colton's actually coming on at 730. I need to send him a invite um we'll kick taylor off at 7 30. and um and get colton on for 30 minutes too just kind of debrief with the dudes right just be like yo what's up how'd it go drew what's up dude good morning hexi hexi lover yo yeah so we got 30 minutes with taylor
Starting point is 00:02:56 how about now better perfect oh yeah um that that was? You just turned it on and off and it worked? No, I did the settings on the StreamYard, but I didn't change it on my Mac. I had my Mac settings as default Mac mini speakers because I was listening to some YouTube the other day. Hey, what room is that? This is our office kind of room. Do you normally do the podcast from there? Yeah, always. Oh, you look like you've gone next level dude well we haven't been on a show what yeah we have you just don't ever notice because we're on the show with like seven different people i've been doing
Starting point is 00:03:35 shut up and scribble from here for like the past six seven months and do you do it like this like in this mode wait no we do it in the mode we're in right now this mode or the other on shut up and scribble oh not that mode oh caleb you can come on if you want i didn't know if you just wanted to hang out with me and me and caleb have the same uh discover feed on instagram just retards trans men and fucking hey that really is your algorithm you were sharing with us my algorithm is all crackheads dogs like cool dog or animal videos crackheads doing insane shit or like furry transvestite just like what the fuck is this video? God. That makes me worried because mine's just pretty much, mine's like insects and beaver.
Starting point is 00:04:31 No, dude. Yeah, beaver and not the animal, bro. Yeah, no. Mine's like insects, like scorpions eating frogs. That green-haired bitch was on my timeline this morning. Right? It's crazy, dude this is my this is our oh yes yep that one is this the cringe page yeah yeah yeah oh my god that looks like john go scroll down that looks like john brzenk if he was fat the world's greatest
Starting point is 00:04:59 arm wrestler that's crazy you want to watch this one yeah sure what is this You want to watch this one? Yeah, sure. What is this? Anyway, I had to catch a fly. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Holy fuck.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah, that's the feed. That's a human toad. Yeah. That's crazy. That's how you catch a fly. How you catch a fly. Rib's how you catch a fly. Ribbit. Okay. Let me get us back on track here.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Taylor Self is the man. I love Sentinel Training and how helpful he is with any questions I have. I'd recommend it to anyone. Taylor versus the world was the best. Thanks to both of you for everything you all do. Taylor, do you remember how Taylor versus the world started? Yeah, what the origins of it are? Do you remember, Taylor?
Starting point is 00:05:47 Oh, the Wadapalooza workout. What happened? Wasn't that it? So that was like you and Bryson did it together? Is that what we did? Oh, the Wadapalooza workouts came out, and two of them were really wheelhouse for me. So I was like, oh, I'll do those live because it'll make me look good. Did we do them on this channel, or did you do them on your your youtube we did them on this channel and bryson didn't do
Starting point is 00:06:09 them no no he helped film and then what i and then we were just like hey uh we should open will got the camera i think really all we liked was the fact that will didn't have a got a good feed what was crazy yeah yeah what we liked was that the wi Will didn't have a, got a good feed. That was crazy. Yeah. Yeah. What we liked was that the wifi or just the stream was immaculate. Yeah. And we were like, holy shit, we could do this for the open.
Starting point is 00:06:35 Wow. Look at Will. Yeah. You did them like back to back, didn't you? Yeah. You did them all on the same stream. Did them back to back. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Oh, so you did the workout, then you rested and then you did it again? Yeah. yeah i didn't even rest you guys talked to me and i had four dates and then i did the next one and then everyone was like dude your second workout score sucked pussy damn i wonder why damn yeah we were like are you ready and you're like uh i guess and you just holy holy fuck savon uh jesus sav. It wasn't that long ago. Your memory is going, dude. I've never had a, what do you mean going this?
Starting point is 00:07:10 I've been like this since I've been three. Yeah. And then water, please. It did completely change them except for the, the first one I did. They didn't change. So,
Starting point is 00:07:18 so I remember just the stream being crazy clean and then just, well, I don't know. Sorry. I don't mean to use the word. Remember, um, the stream being clean. and then just well i don't know sorry i don't mean to use the word remember um the stream being clean and then it just it just moved so fast it was like hey we should do taylor self versus the world and then i think shit started just rumors started just
Starting point is 00:07:40 not rumors it got out i think the and then jason and colton and dallin were just down i hate shit like this this is why i fucking hate the open why because i just you don't want to be in 27th fuck no 27th out of 200 000 people and i'm pissed which is so dumb because i'm not i have no plans to compete this year and i will continue to say that because i don't but i don't um after after the open on whatever the last show we did was on friday we got off the air when you and colton did it and me and will were hanging out and caleb were hanging out and will's putting all the cords away and shit and he sits down in the chair and his shoulders are kind of fucked up like this and he's like dude I fuck
Starting point is 00:08:28 my back up just taping some wire down I was like oh fuck you really are my son like you even got the bad back poor kid that sucked like two years ago I was setting up for a competition I picked a wall ball up and my fucking whole back locked up. A 20-pound medicine ball. I just like twisted the wrong way and it just went. Did it hurt or just lock up? I mean, it hurt. Like I had a massive muscle spasm.
Starting point is 00:08:55 So I'm sure that's what happened with Will. Or maybe it's what happened with Will. Because he wasn't doing it. But he was crooked. Yeah, dude. It looked like I had scoliosis. I had my shirt off because i was getting dry needles and my whole torso was like just because one side was all
Starting point is 00:09:10 wrenched up yeah when i hurt my back my torso is no longer sitting over my hips when i look in the mirror yeah yeah it looks like you have scoliosis or like someone put the lego man together wrong and there's one leg like hanging out damn Damn. Okay. So then it comes up. And do you think it's a good idea right away? Are you excited about it right away? Taylor self versus the world or the open? I was. No.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Well, I was pretty good. I mean, you just rolled with it. Like, when did it set in that you're like, oh, fuck. Allen's coming. Well, I kept telling you and J.R. That there could be a workout that would come out that I might not be able to do. I blocked that out. I know you blocked that out but I fucking didn't dude you're like that's not gonna happen and I the whole time I was pretty much certain it was gonna happen or at
Starting point is 00:09:53 least thinking it was and then week three it happened uh that to me that was like worst case scenario um and JR the whole time was like no no it's not gonna it's the open dude it's not gonna happen um so that was my big fear because in a lot of ways i'm not ready to compete in in a lot of ways and i don't i'm not just bullshitting like physically or mentally mentally no sorry physically not mentally mentally i'm sharp so you do you do week one and you must be pretty confident like you must be pretty like oh oh shit, okay, I did it. It helped a little knowing I have no, I haven't put myself out there in two years. So it helped a little knowing I'm pretty
Starting point is 00:10:33 in ways that I should be fit. But I also know that there are some big holes that I'm just not prepared to test. That thruster workout on Friday. I probably wasn't prepared to race someone really, really good at that workout. I, I clearly, I was healthy enough to get through it and do well. And I'm really happy with that. Like I'm super, it was a big mental hurdle for me, a big physical hurdle as well. Um, but if you're not doing stuff like that consistently, you're not going to be ready to go against colton you know what you know what i mean um you're not going to like this comment
Starting point is 00:11:11 you're ready trigger warning uh time for taylor to do high rocks event high rocks is for bitches sorry hunter that's where everybody who's washed up goes. I sent that in our text the other day. I'll say it out loud. I'll say it on the stream. High rocks is where quitters go. Taylor, if you do semis, I'll come to Knoxville and give you a standee. How big are your hands?
Starting point is 00:11:37 They're going to be big hands. So it's interesting because you have someone. I'm trying to think who it is, but let's say in our group it's interesting because you know you have someone i'm trying to think who who who it is but let's say in our group it's bill grundler right former games athlete and he talks and people listen right he brings a lot to it he's been he's competed at the highest level and here you are probably the most opinionated and vocal person i put you even above uh john young but most wow above john yeah in terms of your vocalness and your passion and your um uh certainty and what the words that you say yeah you're pretty uh vocal
Starting point is 00:12:13 and then you had to put up with the world to judge you you know what i mean like you did it the other way it's pretty wild it's pretty cool i mean you and i know you can be like no fuck you i've done the open before people can go back and look. Yeah, but for two years, you've been sitting down in a chair just talking shit. Well, that's what everybody thinks is that I've just been sitting down in a chair talking shit. Right, right, right. Hey, what about having your girl judge? That wasn't a bad.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I know I make the optics of that seem like it's a big dick move, but it's really not. But the optics clearly that seem like it's a big dick move yeah it's really not it's but but the optics clearly are right the optics look that way but she's the most qualified person there outside of like andy and maybe one other person and andy wants to hang out and drink a beer and watch and the other and it it's it's worse if she judges me i think i don't want her to judge me because she'll as much as she wants to say she won't let me get away with something she will and the last thing i ever want is to get away with anything bro rep vag rep a vag rep yeah dude no vag reps who did she judge she judged dylan and colton did either of them protest no she did none of them got any oh he might have i don't know if dylan got a no rep or not one no rep i don't
Starting point is 00:13:26 know if he got a no rep um you're like hey this is your judge by the way i was balls deep in her last night oh my god hey colton i was eating this chick out last night she said it was the best ever she's your judge there's nothing biased here christ um i mean it's just the reality of it dude it would have been way worse if i had andy judge either of them because he's the most hardcore motherfucker in there i'm perfectly he will make you start a workout over that's how many no reps you'll get and i've done that several times hey listen i'm perfectly okay with it i i actually like it i like having like that type of shit like fuck you we do what we want like you have a needle hanging out of your ass and
Starting point is 00:14:10 your chicks judging someone else and you know what i mean and whatever i like all the cheating but um imagine if that was uh at the games imagine you're at the games and your chicks judging you i wonder if they'd allow that final event taylor self and roman first and second place and you're at the games and your chick's judging you i wonder if they'd allow that final event taylor self and roman first and second place and your judge is either judging you or roman oh my god yeah that'd be crazy i wonder if they'd allow that um hong kong money misha that looks like a hong kong dog that's an asian person's dog look at that that's those dogs called ibu ibu she knew or something yeah that's such a that's so Asian person's dog. Look at that. What are those dogs called? Ibushinu or something. Ibushinu? Yeah, that's such a...
Starting point is 00:14:47 That's so cool. That's so stereotypical. I like it. Finally catching you guys live. Just want to say thanks for all the content this opened. Truthfully, the most entertaining opening year just because of it. Thank you. Weird fucking dogs. Hey, here are my dogs.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Fucking A. Hold on. It's not even that loud. It's not even that loud. It's not even that loud, Taylor. It's not even a big deal. And if you're going to yell at your dogs, do it so we can hear how... How I redneck yell at them?
Starting point is 00:15:18 Hey, shut the fuck up! Are you yelling at them or your wife? Get the fucking dogs. And they don't listen either. The dogs or your wife? Both. There's nothing to listen to. Ken Walters.
Starting point is 00:15:39 I saw Thumb and John Young and Tyler Watkins and Jeremy World do a workout in the campground. By the way, Jeremy's fit as fuck. He finished that workout. Wow. Yeah, crazy, right? In the campground in Madison last summer, dude's definitely not sitting around.
Starting point is 00:15:57 Dude, Tyler Watkins is fit as fuck too. I didn't realize Tyler was so fit. That workout was 100 clean and jerks. It was 25 at 95 25 at 135 25 at 185 25 to 25 and john young's like oh my i just fucking bent him over and buried it in him like he thought he was gonna win yeah yeah he's a barbell oh heavy barbell hey are you a football fan i used? I used to watch college football religiously. I wouldn't do anything on Saturdays other than watch college football.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I would train from 8 to 10, and then from 10 a.m. I would sit my fucking ass on the couch and watch college football, but I don't anymore. How did Seve do on 24.3? I still haven't even done it. Yesterday, I went to a jiu-jitsu tournament and just stood there stressed out for fucking seven hours. Just crazy stressed out for fucking seven hours just crazy stressed out
Starting point is 00:16:45 that's kind of what a crossfit competition is really like a wrestling meet you're there all day you do multiple like matches in a day that's kind of what it reminds me of and my calves are sore because i'm on my tiptoes the whole time like looking over people or that's a lie i'm on my tiptoes all day trying to look over people it's fucking why don't you just edge your way to the front i do that too i do that i do push my like when it is pretty cool because you can say hey my kid's up but you can't even your kid's sitting down on the mats and you can't really get close to him and then all of a sudden your kid goes and then so it's like you're kind't really get close to him, and then all of a sudden your kid goes. And then so it's like you're kind of like you have to be on your tiptoes
Starting point is 00:17:28 to see how close your kid's going. So I don't know if you saw, but Tyson's the quarterback who's like the number one quarterback on the Chicago Bears got traded away, Justin Fields. And I think that that makes Tyson the number one quarterback on the Chicago Bears got traded away, Justin Fields. And I think that that makes Tyson the number one quarterback. But it also gave the Chicago Bears the number one draft pick. And I'm from just a little bit that I'm. It gave them the number one pick.
Starting point is 00:17:54 I thought they traded for a six round pick. They did. They already had the number one pick. Okay. Oh, okay. My mistake. But either way, they're supposedly going to pick this guy who won the heisman last year from university of southern california they're going to pick him as their quarterback
Starting point is 00:18:09 they're fucking stop wasting picks on quarterbacks they're retards and that's what these shit teams kind of talk for two seconds please please it seems to me like these ass teams just pick a fucking hype man essentially like a quarterback who's got all this hype all this talent and they completely disregard the fucking track record in the nfl of guys who will outwork anyone and who don't have all that hype rising to the top and being by far the best quarterbacks uh without what should they do they should trade their pick and get like five like i mean because they can't protect their quarterback now. I mean, I don't know a lot about football,
Starting point is 00:18:47 but Tyson did not have a lot of time. They need like four seasoned O-line vets that are fucking savages. Okay, so I am saying that right. Yeah, you could for sure get them with a first-round pick trade. I don't know, dude. I feel like you could get a lot with a first-round pick trading, but I don't know much about the NFL. Okay, so, all right.
Starting point is 00:19:05 But they pick these pussy boy quarterbacks who just fucking, they're pussies. No business being in the NFL. So what happens then? What do you think happens then? Tyson still stays number two, which is good for him, right? I mean, that's great for him. The backup QB job in the NFL is probably one of the best jobs you have on the planet. So then that dude, Caleb Williams will be the quarterback. And then if he shits the bed,
Starting point is 00:19:27 then Tyson's matured another year and then gets to go in. I mean, is that what we're looking at? Ken Walters is saying Caleb Williams. Dad said he wouldn't go to Chicago if he was drafted and he would go back to school. Oh my God. Is that true? See, that's a bitch move. If that's what that kid actually, like, just that response. Like, oh, you're going to turn down an opportunity in the NFL to turn a team around because you're that much of a little bitch. That's what I'm saying. You don't want that guy anyways. You want the guy who comes in saying, I'm going to turn this fucking team around. I'll do whatever it takes.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I'll do whatever it takes. I think Chicago might have the largest media market in the United States too. And they only have one NFL team. So regard. Okay. Sorry. Here. Oh, it's Carl Williams.
Starting point is 00:20:18 I thought it was Caleb. Sorry. No, it is. Okay. Okay. The truth is he can come back to school the funky thing about the nfl draft process is he'd almost be better off not being drafted than being drafted first the system is completely backwards the way the system is constructed you go to the worst possible situation the worst
Starting point is 00:20:34 possible team the worst organization in the league because of their desire for parody gets the first pick so it is the gift and the curse. Is USC in LA? Yeah, kind of, yeah. That's what's fucking wrong with it. It's in the ghetto too. It's weird. It's like one of the- You shouldn't draft a single fucking player
Starting point is 00:20:53 from that school because they're woke as fuck and every bit of their ideology is going to be fucking- Sorry, this isn't supposed to get political, is it? No, no, it always is. It should. We're not a political show.
Starting point is 00:21:04 It's not that it's yeah i don't even know if calling someone woke is political i don't think people really know like there's two words for the words politics um yeah i don't think that's i don't know if they're woke they're woke it's it's not it's a that's that makes it a philosophy show Oh shit That guy made a million dollars Last year Playing in college
Starting point is 00:21:30 I didn't even know he could do that Victor Rodriguez John Elway threatened the same back in the day He was drafted by the Yankees And he only played his rookie year once he was traded Wait John Elway was drafted into baseball too so was Russell Wilson yeah what team was it the Brewers for maybe not I don't know I can't remember that's crazy hey um so so the shows the the Taylor
Starting point is 00:21:59 Self versus the world was over would you consider it um a success? Yeah. I mean, it was crazy. I, I mean, I think the coolest part was giving for what I feel like giving people like content that was just so raw and exciting and like built up and tension around it. And yeah, I mean, for people willing to put their butt on the line and maybe I don't think we baited Colton or Jason into anything because I think both of them are pretty familiar with what I'm capable of in a lot of ways. But maybe down wasn't quite sure. uh i i i do think that going back and watching the other content around the open whether that's the official announcement live streams or these friday night lights post-produced shows that some of the camps have put out i think we just fucking destroyed them and that's like i just want to give
Starting point is 00:23:02 people something that they can have fun watching like that's what i that's i really got obsessed with crossfit watching like videos of rich and hobart in his barn doing workouts with like the rep counter and it's like fucking five rounds 10 deadlifts 20 wall balls like there's nothing special about that workout but it's just so cool watching him do that in that environment um all that stuff so giving people something they could enjoy and get excited about let me let me pose this to you this is the thought i had the other day so there's all these people that keep saying that it was the best open announcement there is it was better than what the games put on but but hold that thought for a second if we did this if we did our show on the crossfit
Starting point is 00:23:47 open if we did our show on the crossfit games channel let's say they said hey we're not going to do the open anymore you guys do it our show is not nearly as good as theirs here their expectation the expectations for our show is so low right that the expectation for our show is zero so when we get a 50 they're like fuck yeah the expectations for the crossfit show is 100 so when they get a 50 everyone's like fuck you guys shit the bed i mean you know what i mean like our timer's crooked it's bouncing on and off it doesn't match the the insides people getting off the equipment early here's the thing dark in the corners the audio is all fucked up i mean off the equipment early here's the thing dude yeah fucking motherfucker that's not uh but but no but no but everyone's like you guys did fucking great and i'm just like
Starting point is 00:24:36 but yeah for a trailer park yeah yeah exactly exactly we're cutting we're cussing people are getting anal raped on the show i mean it's just fucking it's kind of crazy to compare what you like about us is the fact that we are a shit show. But with like some hardcore, I mean, you and Colton and Jason did what you had to do, but the rest of us are just scrambling. i mean we we i think the first off the interviews afterward and the commentary during the workout there's not you know outside of chase bill some of those guys there's no one maybe if you cut the reins off of adrian conway like you just take his fucking leash off that they put on him i think like oh you put these constraints on these announcers no one commentated as good as jr or would have he annihilated and also our our post-event interviews were like you're not going to get anything like that from crossfit which is stupid you should want that you should want them out there just
Starting point is 00:25:39 saying shit would get a lot of negative feedback dude if if if you're like – But it's all good. We get – I don't care about the negative feedback. You're barfing on the screen. Dude, that's what – Fucking cords being seen everywhere. They would get slammed if they did that. But here's the thing. In their attempt to be perfect and to get everyone to like them, I don't know. It is just my opinion that it's doo-doo.
Starting point is 00:26:02 It's straight doo-doo. You get from that. I agree with you, but they would get slammed if they did what they did like people are saying hey will you come people are let's say let's say people are like hey you should come do let's say someone said hey have you thought about like putting in a budget proposal for wadapalooza we can't do wadapalooza because we can't have people barfing and cords around and people talking about I've butt-fucked you. Our show is our show because it's our show. It can't be moved or switched to something else, I guess is what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:26:33 No, I just think that— We can't do their show and they can't do our show. It's a two-way street. They can't do this. I agree. They can't stand the heat would be too much. But I think that's a bit of a switch and not a dial. Meaning that you're seeing it as in black and white and there's a little more gray area there's area for them to do things a little differently so that they're not so cookie fucking cutter okay like
Starting point is 00:26:54 dude maybe halfway somewhere what's your recovery like before this event what's your diet like before this ask a different fucking question holy shit right stuff like that or pick people like like hype up the fact that colton and justin don't like each other talk about justin's fucking camp taking the only block of chalk out of colton's bucket before the fucking workout yeah that's gotta be talked about i agree what the fuck dude like shit like talk about it hype it up um i don't dude i don't fucking know like they shouldn't have tried to sweep under the rug the fact that they let a dog in and it ruined seth rollins workout they should have had dave be like suck it up pussy you want to do it again i don't know like yeah or or dave pull out a fucking 12 gauge and put the dog down
Starting point is 00:27:39 no dude i'm not advocating for that i know me neither of course not of course not how about a taylor versus the world uh nutball oh wow i used to play nutball do you know what that is no you sit around in a circle like with some dudes some buddies you everybody in the circle has to have nuts so maybe not just dudes but you gotta have balls and you sit around and you have your legs splayed out wide and you have like a baseball or a lacrosse ball and you just roll it like that hungry hippos game oh and you try to roll it and hit your buddy's balls but there's a agreed upon thing that like if you start rolling it really fucking hard yeah that guy might roll it really hard back at you right so You have to appreciate the fact that even the simplest
Starting point is 00:28:25 touch on the nuts. Oh, yeah, let me see a little nutball. Oh, it's a jackass game. Yeah, dude, fucking legendary game, but I didn't play it in underwear. That's a little... That looks like something Jason would do. A Jason Hopper? Yeah, he would play it in underwear.
Starting point is 00:28:44 What's up, Colton? Not much. How's it going, guys? Thanks for bringing the play it in underwear. What's up, Colton? Not much. How's it going, guys? Thanks for bringing the hum to the show. That's great. Our audio is perfect. I just turned the furnace off. I should quit here in a couple seconds. Oh, that's the furnace? What do you mean, what's a furnace? You mean a heater? Yeah, that's what...
Starting point is 00:29:01 I know you don't have a lot of those out there in California. That's crazy. I thought it was a hum from your mic. What is that? How does that work? What's it burning? It's burning wood? It's burning LP propane.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's that thing way up there. Oh, fuck yeah. That heats the gym. I just turned it off, but it's got a delay. That's why it should shut off your – Nice shot of your titties. Hey, aren't you afraid that that thing is going to shut off your nice shot of your titties hey um aren't you afraid that that thing's gonna like off gas or something into your into your space no but i'm a little bit
Starting point is 00:29:31 worried about my stove because i installed my stove and i don't know what i'm doing but um professionals installed that one i'm not worried about that one so what's the what would be the plan for the stove do you have a carbon like it would be Do you have to get some sort of monitor, like carbon monoxide monitor or something in your kitchen, plug it in next to it? Might be a good idea, but you just have to – I guess you know what the gas smells like. So if you smell the gas, you know you have a problem. Yeah. And also if you know if – so like the first time I connected it, I got the wrong adapters, and it started a fire behind the stove.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Oh, shit. Actually, at like 2 in the morning, I happened to wake up to go pee, and I saw a glow come from behind the stove, so I went and turned the gas off, and I fixed it the next day. Holy shit. That's fucking crazy. How much damage did the fire do? None.
Starting point is 00:30:25 It was a small fire. Just a little candlelight. Hey, would that have... Could that have burned your whole house down if you wouldn't have gotten up to take a piss? Eventually, maybe. It depends. Drywall won't catch on fire too quickly, especially painted.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I do not like that logic. Hey, Taylor, I was going to kick you off when Colton's on, but do you care if you do mind staying? No, dude, I'd love to. Hey, Colton, when did you first hear about Taylor Self vs. The World? I can't remember. It all just kind of came together so weird. I was trying to remember how it came together.
Starting point is 00:30:59 How did that happen? Did you hear about it online or did I text you? I can't remember. I think you guys might've talked about it on the podcast before you reached out to me about it. But yeah, you and Sousa, I think texted me and asked me if I would be interested in, yeah, I was excited. Cause I would have been, I always get to like where I'm doing things like that.
Starting point is 00:31:22 Like when I'm in North Carolina and Charlotte, I'm kind of like, what the fuck am I doing here? Like, why am I doing this? Yeah. So you start to get like nervous. You kind of just want to go back home and do it in the comfort of your home and gym or whatever.
Starting point is 00:31:35 But then I also have to remind myself, like if I was watching this and spray was here getting beat up by Taylor, I'd be like, fuck, I wish I was there. Oh yeah. Okay. So you,
Starting point is 00:31:45 so you, you are a homebody. You did not want but you as i recall you were right away in like you didn't miss a second like so you didn't let that thought fester it's like i think i text you and then like fucking a few minutes later you're like uh-huh yes yeah um i know for opportunities like this i'm always gonna say yes if I can make it happen. So it's not really something that I have to think about kind of in the moment because I've already decided like when there's opportunities like this to because I get benefits me and that I get a lot of exposure. It's something I like to do for people watching because I love content like this. So if I can put out things like that for the people that's something that makes me feel good too so anytime i get an opportunity to do things like that i always say yes so it's a mix you're like okay i gotta do this i'll pick
Starting point is 00:32:35 up seven followers on instagram and i know the people will like it so i'll fucking might as well do it hey what about though the fact that you were invited? So when we started talking to you about this, did you already know you were doing week two in Idaho? Yeah, I think I knew. So they reached out and asked me if I would like to do an announcement. I said yes, and at that time I didn't know where I was going to be at, which week it was going to be, or who it was going to be against. So I committed to that. But, um, yeah, so I said, yes, I think I told you yes, but for one of the weeks I'll be unavailable. Oh, that's right. You did say that you said, Hey, I don't know which week I can do because I'm going to be doing an open announcement, but I don't know when.
Starting point is 00:33:18 And then I think I said, okay, we'll work, we'll work with whatever. Did anyone in your camp, your, um, any of your advisors be like hey, dude, that's too much, dude. Like it's three weeks. You're going to travel away from home two weeks in a row. Don't do it. No, I didn't really tell anybody except for Allie probably at the time that I was doing it. And then ValorFit, Troy Peterson reached out to me. And we've been hanging out for a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:44 He wanted to get me down to Proven to do the first workout, and so they flew me down, got me a hotel to do that as well. Oh, shit. You did all three of them on the road? Yeah. Taylor, what do you think of that? Yeah, it's crazy. Do we know anyone else who did that, went to three different locations for the Open? I'm sure there's somebody out there, but yeah, I fucking hate travel.
Starting point is 00:34:10 Yeah, I hate traveling, especially for CrossFit competitions. That's part of the reason why I did it because I want to get more experience for traveling at comps and just kind of fine-tuning things around my nutrition on the road, my recovery and sleep, and kind of what travel practices work best for me and just just so I'm more prepared when I had to travel out to Carson for semifinals and to Texas for the games who got you who which um experience of travel was the best like which of those three going to nashville going to idaho or going where do you where are you north carolina taylor yep charlotte charlotte north carolina which one was the best the easiest was definitely week three yeah um so i asked for early flights i don't know why because i live a long ways from the airport so the first two weeks i had to get up at like
Starting point is 00:35:02 three to go to the airport and they each had connecting flights. So then it just kind of like takes up the whole day, and you're traveling a lot, and you're up early and not getting good sleep. But then week three, we had like a midday flight, and it was direct to Charlotte, and that was super easy. Did all three of the events make the flights and hotel reservations for you, so all you have to do is just go there? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. That's nice. And then,
Starting point is 00:35:28 um, and then you didn't ask for, um, any, you didn't even ask like, Hey, do I get paid or anything? You're just like,
Starting point is 00:35:34 yeah, I'm coming. Do the other events pay you? Do they tell you? Um, CrossFit paid me and they told me they were going to pay me before I went out there. Uh, actually, I don't know if I'm supposed to say that, but yeah, I just did.
Starting point is 00:35:49 So no, I mean, no, I think it's fine. I got fucking paid to get hurt at the ranch when I was out there. You did get paid for that. Yeah, dude. I made a fuck ton of money. Oh, that's all I was from what I was used to. Okay. So, and then, and then do you get paid to go to proven?
Starting point is 00:36:06 Uh, no, just all my expenses recovered. Gotcha. All right, and then why didn't you ask for – why didn't you when we told you we were doing Taylor Self versus the world, why didn't you say, hey, do I get paid? Why didn't you ask that? It seems like a fair question. My butthole was his payment. He wasn't supposed to say that this is also valuable for me even if i'm not getting compensated monetarily uh the exposure is definitely beneficial and just having the opportunity to um get in front of the camera in front of an audience and behind the microphone if if you see it as an opportunity and say hey i need to
Starting point is 00:36:46 do something um you know worth watching and say some things worth listening to then it can be viable and it can help grow your audience and you can get fans who then go and buy you know like my shirts from vindicate or buy my blend of coffee from paper street and things like that this is a fucking fucked comment. Listen to this. Look at this. Sevan, I'm so sorry, Caleb. I feel like I did this to you. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:37:14 No one would ever think you were Turkish if you weren't sitting next to me, dude. It's fucked up, dude. Jake Chapman, CrossFit. Sevan and Beaver look like Turkish version of Colton and Taylor. That stings. Caleb does kind of look like Chechnyan, like that kind of light skin.
Starting point is 00:37:31 God, Caleb. I'm so sorry. Sorry. Is that fucked up? When I was in college, I worked at the dining center at the university. Sodexo? What?
Starting point is 00:37:43 Was it Sodexo? No. My station was called sparks grill so i made pancakes and eggs at breakfast and i made sandwiches and stuff during the day and you stand on a stool did you stand on a stool be honest did you be honest all right you didn't stack like two of those mats on top of each other give you an extra inch over the grill no all right my supervisor's name was alex and he was from turkey and he kind of looked like you oh wow you need to get a dna test done colton when you're walking through the airport and you look and you're looking because i know you live out in just bumfuck nowhere uh when you look at
Starting point is 00:38:22 the rest of humanity do you trip like when you because i know you just see you and ally like you're just that's all you see you see you and ally and then you see you and alley naked in the mirror and then you see you and ally naked in the shower and that's all you see just you and her when you go out there and you're in the airport are you like what the fuck is going on here do you trip i more get annoyed because i'll like sit down to wait for my flight than a family of fucking just gross ass motherfuckers will come sit down next to me with their four snotty screaming kids i'm like you guys cover up your coughing your sneezes and shit like that and stuff like that but uh you're like mask up motherfucker
Starting point is 00:39:02 so you don't trip at all that the just the the because when i go on airplanes now or when i go out because i kind of stay in my bubble too when i go out and look at the sea of humanity i'm like wow what a train wreck yeah i definitely think yeah a lot of train wrecks um i just kind of i put my headphones in and kind of stay to myself for the most part i don't make many friends How about when you see people shorter than you? Like if you're talking, like you see a dude walk by shorter than you, do you trip on that?
Starting point is 00:39:29 I always trip on that. I'm like, what the fuck? You're fucked. I'll let you know when it happens. Dude, stop. The guy who was in second place after week two is four inches shorter than you. Yeah, pull that guy up.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Have you seen this guy? I saw it on, you guys were talking about it, I think before I flew out. Yeah, pull that guy up. Have you seen this guy? I saw it on, you guys were talking about it, I think, before I flew out. Yeah, crazy. And he doesn't like, it's funny. No, he does not look short at all. He looks normal as shit, this dude. But when you put him on the runner, you can tell when he's on the runner. Why? Just because he can't see the top?
Starting point is 00:40:03 That's how it is for me, too. I can't see. Which runner do you use, Colton? I have an Assault Air Runner. Yeah, that's what I have, too. For me, if I want to look at the monitor, I've got to run extra fast to take a peek at it. Take a peek over the top. Yeah, I can feel them on those GHDs.
Starting point is 00:40:21 I don't know if people realize, being shorter, you have to really extend. Yeah, you almost to really extend to get and open up your waist. There's not a way to adjust the GHD for that? No. No, it's just the torso and arms being shorter and having to bend more to reach the ground.
Starting point is 00:40:38 And this dude's cycle rate's kind of slow for being a shorty, right? Like on his muscle-ups and shit right there? His muscle-ups looked not great. Kale, if you need some help, just shoot me a message. He looked like if Bukowski was short, he was doing muscle-ups. That's what it looked like.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Slow. It's not that they're not good. They're just slow, right? Maybe he was a gymnast, dude. Gymnasts do all their shit slow. Anthony TPA, will the Ironhawk continue to increase content With talking trash to other athletes About his dominance in workouts as the season goes on
Starting point is 00:41:10 I'm just getting started There you go So week one I didn't know you went to Proven How was week one there? Did you like it? Yeah it was good getting to go to Proven and see their facility. It's pretty nice.
Starting point is 00:41:27 It's clean. They're still doing some finishing touches while I was there. So, yeah, it was a couple weeks before their, like, official opening. But it was nice to get to see, like, Nick and Taylor. I knew them from when they used to live back in Iowa. And it was pretty cool getting to see, like, some proven athletes like Luis, RJ, both the Sidneys and Riley. Oh, yeah. What's Luis Oscar like? Does he speak English? Is he cool? I hear his English has gotten a lot better because he speaks English fine now.
Starting point is 00:42:02 So they said it's gotten a lot better and yeah he speaks his mind yeah he he went so hard on that first workout um so us three guys went first and the two sydneys and riley went next and while they were starting luis was like in the corner of the gym pouring bottles of water on his head with his feet like kicked back on a box and then just dry heaving for like 20 minutes. Hey Caleb, go to the, go to that video and go to like where the clock is at like four 30 and see if you can play it through.
Starting point is 00:42:33 If we won't get dinged. Cause I watched the, Hey, did you do the workout before we did it? Colton? Yeah, we did it like 10 30 in the morning, Friday.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Damn dude. I have no excuse. All all right this is how you know how hard he was going this is his last set of nine snatches but then watch on his last set of nine burpees is really what we're looking for his body's crazy i cannot believe that he does have a crazy body okay reminds me of chandler smith no no you skipped ahead go back go back go back there back go back there just stay here what's he wearing what shoes are those oh wait wait wait there's like a running shoes sorry i'm at the wrong time you're right it's at 5 40 5 30 we
Starting point is 00:43:18 want to be at sorry i was thinking the minute the workout was a fucking four minute workout i'm an idiot this is right here this is crazy look at he on his burpees on his last this might be his last nine yeah this has got to be his last nine completely stops just watch this is how fucked up he is look look he just stops oh shit dude that's his last nine so i'm watching this video and i'm like what the fuck is he doing stopped on his burpees so his body was shutting down let's watch that one more time uh caleb where he stops yeah that's crazy so what's happening there he just met he just feels like he's gonna throw up his body just he just wants to vomit already i think he just i don't know that the nausea hit him at that point, but he's just shutting down.
Starting point is 00:44:05 Everything in your body is turning off. Yeah, you have to give him credit. Most people will never experience that level of intensity that you hit on that workout. Yeah, no. And so where did he go after that? Let's see if we can see him wander off. Does he stay in the shot?
Starting point is 00:44:20 I hope he stays in the shot. I think he comes to the camera and says something. No, no. I don't speak Spanish, so I don't know what he's saying. That's not Spanish. That's grunting. Oh, he was like KO'd from one of those old video games in the day. Mike Tyson knockout. Did you see him?
Starting point is 00:44:37 He just went down. KO'd. His eyes were bloodshot for the rest of the day. It was wild. That's hilarious. Hey, that's, I don't remember what workout it was, but one of the workouts, it was the one against Dallin. Dallin came to the camera looking absolutely fine,
Starting point is 00:44:54 and then like six minutes into the interview, he was bright red. It was like it just caught him. It snuck up from behind or something. He looked wrecked after. Dallin looked like his world was shook after he went against Taylor. He was like, the look on his face was just like, I can't believe Taylor just did that to me. The B team beat me.
Starting point is 00:45:13 D team, dude. The celebrity workout guy. Yeah, the celebrity workout guy. Fucking he got beat by what's her name? Something Summers. Jamie Summers. No, not Jamie Summers. Who's the chick who does the Thighmaster? what is that oh you know what the thigh master is colton no summers oh suzanne summers you don't know what the thigh master is god you're young
Starting point is 00:45:36 dude i gotta pee real quick is that okay yeah please hey colton so when you were at when did you get the news that your mom passed? Where were you? It was Saturday morning at like 8 or 9. The police station called me. I was on the couch eating breakfast with Allie. And you'd already come home from Proven? No, that was before I left for Proven. I left on Tuesday, I think. Yeah, a a few days before and it was just completely unexpected yeah she wasn't like she had some health issues
Starting point is 00:46:16 but nothing were like oh she might like this might be the end anytime soon um you know she was 56 and yeah it was kind of yeah it was unexpected and and how do you keep your shit together for the next three weeks um i do a lot of a lot of reading and just like reading i like stoic philosophy and it talks a lot in that about like just kind of death in general and like the lifespan and how like dying is kind of a part of life. And, you know, it was really weird. Like a couple of weeks leading up to that,
Starting point is 00:46:55 I just had like a lot of conversations with myself in my head and sort of thoughts about like just weird stuff. Like. Like, I don't really know. I kind of planned a funeral. I thought, like. You were thinking about that weeks ahead of time? Before she passed? Yeah, just kind of. Like, I don't know why, but just had, like, those kind of thoughts in my head.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I remember even, like, a few nights before, like, I was laying in bed, going to sleep, and just thinking about kind of stuff like that. It was kind of stuff like that it's kind of weird but it I mean like as time goes on it's like difficult and definitely more difficult moments but it just feels more and more like a kind of sense of peace I guess and just more like the feeling like it's kind of like God's plan and God's timing and, you know, different things kind of just like happening or thoughts that you have that kind of line up and, you know, it definitely gets easier over time. And, you know, it's weird. Like I was talking to my brother, like, you just want to call her and be like, like what happened, you know? So. Yeah. So, so I heard two things there.
Starting point is 00:48:04 One of them was like it like, it kind of, it's setting in as time goes on, meaning, and I interpret that as getting harder, but then you also said it's getting easier. I guess that's the moments that it's weird, right? Like you go to call her, like, you're like, oh, I wonder what mom's doing or, hey, I'm going to invite her over for dinner
Starting point is 00:48:18 or, hey, I'm going to go. But it's that, that's just not a reality anymore. It's gone. Yeah. I mean, yeah, it's weird because, like, you have times where, like, you're really at peace with it. And then, like, other times, it's really hard. So, but, I mean, it's kind of like a roller coaster, but it starts to even out or level out more as time goes on. And you kind of process it and think through things. More as time goes on and you kind of process it and think through things.
Starting point is 00:48:54 So yeah, it's kind of like it's never going to be like gone in terms of like the feeling of missing her. But I think just as time goes on, you get more peace about it. When you hear that, so did you have, have you done all that? Did you go to a funeral before week one? No. So my sister lives in Washington and she's about to have a baby. So traveling, um, it'd be hard for them to get out of here. So we're probably going to do it. Are we going to have the funeral in the summer?
Starting point is 00:49:26 I think it'd probably be, uh, shortly before the games, I think. It'll probably be shortly before the games, I think, is what it looks like. You have a sister and a brother? Mm-hmm. Yeah. And where did your mom live, Colton? She grew up in Anaheim, California. And then she moved to Iowa I think, like, in her 20s or maybe earlier. But, yeah, it was weird.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Like she never, I think my mom's life was kind of like crazy at times. I think they were coming out to Iowa to visit and then they just didn't leave. Like they were losing a family and then just like end up, yeah, renting a house and buying a house and staying here and then met my dad and having kids. That's how you get stuck in the midwest you visit for a little bit and then you're just fuck it was any part of you think did any part of it change your plans like for in the small picture with the open and the big picture with
Starting point is 00:50:19 your life no i'd um because i've already made the decisions prior to like anybody this close to me passing away that like i'm not going to miss training i'm not going to um you know take time off i'm not gonna quit from competition and things like that so when the time came it was like i didn't have to make those decisions while i was in a emotional or stress state. I decided I had to have the discipline to execute on the decisions already made. And like, it was difficult. I think I talked about before, like,
Starting point is 00:50:58 like halfway through the first workout, I wanted to quit. And I wanted to just like let the dumbbell fall out of my hands and walk out of the gym. And I was having thoughts I just wanted to be done like with the open the season and everything but it makes it easier when you've already decided beforehand like these are the things I'm going to do when something like this happens in my life and then um yeah it's easier to just win those mental battles when you're not thinking clearly and you're kind of in like an emotional state because i yeah you do remind yourself when like things happen when things happen uh and you're stressed or emotional your mind is not thinking clearly at all and you're not going to make the best decisions at those times um this might be a weird analogy
Starting point is 00:51:43 but it's kind of like investing i read a lot of books about investing and investing philosophy and where a lot of people lose money is like they won't go into the plan like what happens if my if my stocks drop 10 you know like generally the best thing to do is just wait don Don't do anything. Because if they're a good stock, most of them will come back up and they'll be back positive. But most people make an emotional decision at that point and they sell and the stocks start going back up. So they buy and they go down again, they sell. So you're in a constant cycle of buying high and selling low.
Starting point is 00:52:25 So I kind of took that kind of like methodology of like, I'm going to make a plan. So when I'm in an emotional state, I don't have to make a decision. It's such a discipline to execute on the decisions I already made. Is your wife Jewish? Is Allie Jewish? No, she hasn't told me she is. Jewish women are often attracted to men like yourself. That's why I said that. You have high earning potential. I can hear it in your voice.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Very high, very high earning. They find that very sexy. So you become very obviously very emotional when that happens, right? You know what's crazy too is is like it's gonna happen to all of us like you're lucky if you get to see your parents die like as opposed to you dying your parents see you die right that's really fucked that's why i find it so neither of my parents are dead but when i heard your mom died like you know everyone who has a mom is like oh shit that's gonna happen to me too right yeah there's almost a sense of relief a
Starting point is 00:53:25 little bit because it's like there's a lot of bad things that can happen to you in your life and like a hard things you're gonna go through but for a lot of people who are close with their parents probably like one of their biggest fears is like they're going to see their parents die someday so when it happened to my mom I was there's a little bit of me that was like okay well like what's gonna happen now like your dad's gonna die our dad's died next it's like it's like one of the worst things that could happen has already happened to me so it's like you cannot deal with that and you're like there's not gonna be a lot more worse things in my life that happened than this.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Was she in the area? Yeah, she lived about half an hour from me. Okay, so you had a relationship with her. Yeah, we were talking like hours before she died, texting. Oh, no shit. And was she proud of you, Colton? Did she know what you were doing? Yeah. Yeah, she was proud of me. She, yeah, about a month before she passed, she went and watched me compete at the CrossFit Circus in Des Moines, one of the local comps.
Starting point is 00:54:41 She, she, she wanted, oh, she watched you compete there. Yeah, that's cool. So you have all this, like, basically emotion, and it comes up, and now you have to compete. It's interesting. Did you see the relationship between emotion in these three weeks and performance? Like, did you get any insights into it about how, yeah, I guess just the relationship and how emotion can be harnessed yeah it was um definitely like a big air energy drain a lot of times so just having to manage that and like having the discipline to do the little things like making sure i sit on track of my nutrition and wasn't just like up all night dwelling on things make sure
Starting point is 00:55:26 i still get to bed on time and doing things like that but i also had thoughts like in the future i'm when i'm looking back on this time i don't want to be thinking like shit like i wasn't strong enough mentally to still perform well like i let this stuff kind of overcome me so that was a big motivator for me just personally um wanting to be able to have the opportunity to overcome that and to and to do it because as you know bad as it is and like bad timing it's also an opportunity like for me to do well in this open um it was probably harder for me than a lot of other people this year in the open and for me i look at that it's like an opportunity like not
Starting point is 00:56:11 a lot of other people are going to get a chance to overcome an adversity like this dude what if what a fucking great uh what is what a smart thing to think they're um but it's interesting that you're not you're not having the funeral till summer so this is going to be this is going to be around for a while and like you said it's like now you live with that right you're the dude who's you live with that how old are you 26 26 all right so um you've done all these things and your mom mom has passed away, and you'll process that. Obviously, we'll take that till – we'll process that, I guess, till we die. I want to switch to something way more superficial. We were talking with Taylor and you and some of the guys about doing something for the quarterfinals.
Starting point is 00:57:03 and you and some of the guys about doing something for the quarterfinals. And there was this talk that in the quarterfinals, people don't want their scores to be known. Can you explain that to me and to the people who are listening? What that means if you were to do the quarterfinal workouts live six days in a row so the whole world could see them? Yeah, so when we're doing what I guess called like a blind workout in terms of you don't know you don't get to see other competitors on the floor you don't get to see time spacing strategies things like that like for example like when people were backing they said you had to be have your
Starting point is 00:57:38 back to the barbell and all of a sudden we see videos and people are backing up over it as opposed to losing a second to turn around. So if you came up with that strategy and someone saw it now, everyone's stealing it, right? Yeah. That. And in the open, we're all kind of trying to figure out like how, what's the best way to pace this? What kind of work out is this? Where's it going to hurt and things like that. So we're, it's a,
Starting point is 00:58:02 it's a level playing field, but then when you have people like, you can gain so much insight from watching the announcements and watching people like no all sudden who posts his video videos right away and just kind of see um like what time domain is possible how do i need to pace this where the sticking points and if you get somebody who if they're they're your rabbit if you're like okay i'm trying to beat this person and they post a score that's like 30 seconds faster than what you thought, all of a sudden in your mind, you're like, oh, so that's just a new pace. 30 seconds faster is a new pace. And then that's – knowing that it's possible. Oh, there was a guy looking in your window on a motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:58:38 Did you see that? Usually we make that shit up, but there was a guy actually looking in your window. Yeah, it's probably my dad. Hopefully that was my dad, not the neighbors. Yeah, knowing someone else's score that you're trying to beat can elevate your performance pretty massively. And just knowing – it also happens like on the top end. Like think of like the first person, they ran a four-minute mile,
Starting point is 00:59:00 and then everybody ran a four-minute mile. Once people know that a certain pace is possible and they start to believe in themselves they're going to elevate their performance a lot but um so it's real it's real it's not people being pussies it's not an excuse this is a real phenomenon we're talking about yeah um it definitely it can make a difference but um all that to say i think i'm just too fit and it's not going to matter. So the quarterfinals go and then how many people go to the semifinals? This year it is 40 people per semifinal everywhere. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:42 So let's say there's 3,000. I don't know how many is I'm completely making it. Let's say five. There's 5,000 guys competing who make it to the quarterfinals who are going to your Carson semifinal. Only 40 of those are going. So theoretically every workout you do, those four 5,000 guys can sit down and be like, this is what Colton did.
Starting point is 00:59:58 And I know Colton's going to is probably going to the semifinals. So I have to beat his pace. So it really does put an enormous target on someone who does all their workouts live. Enormous. You are the target. You become the target. That's it.
Starting point is 01:00:13 It's just straight up. Are we characterizing this right, Taylor? I think so, and I think the other thing you need to – at least the other thing that I think about, Colton's got a great mental approach. I also think about first heat, last heat at a semifinal or at the games, even you're going to always benefit from being in the final heat. You know what the other guys times are, you know what they did, how they fucked it up.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Or again, just knowing what's possible. And then in some cases getting pulled along by people that in a particular workout might be a little better than you. So again, maybe not a slip up in quarterfinals keeps you out of semifinals, but it might put you in that first heat, which I don't think, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:57 I understand. I understand here what Patrick Lang is saying. But I think, I think what they're referencing, he's, he says, this is like saying that the person wouldn't be trying hard unless they saw someone do it first question mark because there's nuances right like what he's saying is true like for the layman like for me but for you guys there's nuances
Starting point is 01:01:16 right meaning uh for you transitions pacing strategies like colton if you could watch yourself do that workout again with um justin like if you got to see you and justin go do you know places you would change have changed shit yeah if that workout is harder because it was kind of just uh like a pedal to the metal the entire time but um yeah definitely some smaller things like taking my time to set my rope up so i didn't get it tangled but um that was crazy week three was a a really good example of that just seeing uh how quickly people fell off and that workout came out too fast and then seeing noah go and watching his paces and seeing that like he was behind jay and roman for the first five rounds, and then he beat them by a substantial margin at the end. So just getting that insight and then learning how to pace it for yourself, I mean, that can make a 45-second difference in your workout.
Starting point is 01:02:15 So you think – let's say we did do them live. Do you think that some people would get better scores than what they wouldn't have gotten if they don't see you do it live. Yeah, I mean, people are so fit. If we can – and we're so adaptable in this sport. If you give us a little bit of time to, like, analyze a workout, we can get a lot closer to our max potential. Taylor, do you think it changes the game a lot if we show the workouts and let the whole world see them
Starting point is 01:02:48 let's say we did get Dallin, you and Jason and Colton again you think it changes stuff at least at the bottom 10, 30 through 40 it really is hard to say because in an in person competition setting and in the open setting, like seeing someone do an open workout,
Starting point is 01:03:11 the open doesn't matter that much. And it's one workout across a four day span. You can do it whenever the fuck you want. Um, so you can say, Oh, I'm going to watch Noah's video and then I'll go the next day. Or I'm going to let some people put some scores in Saturday.
Starting point is 01:03:24 I'll do it. And then in an in-person competition, if you're in the final heat, you get to watch the first three heats or the first two heats or whatever. You may not get to watch, but you get to hear grumblings of, oh, he did this. He did it in this time. Quarterfinals. So the performance gain from having people do it before you
Starting point is 01:03:41 and seeing what is possible or the mistakes they made or where you could do something different to maximize your performance. That is very real. Um, and I think the risk also is with quarterfinals being expanded to 25%, you now have the potential for there to be some massive specialists in quarterfinals. So say something like a heavy workout comes out and you've got somebody who just is, is such an obscene specialist. They could throw a wrench in the leaderboard pretty easily. So I think it's going to be very. to the leader where they have no business being there. So I think it's critical CrossFit approaches the program correctly. But I think the other thing on the, on the other side of that is quarterfinals logistically is very challenging. I don't know how many events, I guess we've heard boss say it'll be the same amount of events, but say it's six workouts or five workouts across
Starting point is 01:04:39 five or six days. It, I would imagine it would be really hard for a camp or an athlete to plan all of their events around watching us do them live. It might be worse for them to do that because now they're out of a routine. They're not going when it's most optimal for them to go. They're going close to the cut line. Maybe we decide to say, hey, we're going to do our workouts four hours before the cut line. If people watch us, they're going to have to scramble and really be up against the deadline to get their workout in, filmed, uploaded, and submitted.
Starting point is 01:05:11 I don't know. I think there's that thing to consider where if someone really is going through that much trouble to make a gain at our expense, well, suck my dick, one. And two, it's just going to be hard for them to do that. Uh, Christine Young, Colton needs to do his quarterfinal workouts where he feels the most confident and matters at this stage. I think that, uh, the, the main, the main advantage you get is honestly just having a target. Like even if you're like, all right, Taylor's really good at this workout.
Starting point is 01:05:44 I'm not going to beat him, but I can get within 15 seconds of him and you have that target in your mind it it helps a lot just having that concrete goal and target of what you're trying to go for and then the other thing uh your Taylor keep talking about like the heat advantage what heat you're in for a lot of the athletes who are not necessarily super worried about just qualifying through quarters, but like they know they're probably going to qualify. They're all trying to get top 10 so they can land in that final heat to start off semifinals as well.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I think it would probably work best though. I mean, I don't know. This is, it's my idea. So of course I think it's best, but I, if it were for people, the two people who are the best at that particular workout go live. And then, so say again, like the example I used was like, it's a muscle up workout. Me and Colton are for sure going to be better than the other two people. Doesn't matter who they are. So we go first now and we do it live. Oh my.
Starting point is 01:06:44 You're fucking retarded dude that's gonna get pulled down thank you so much for stopping talking I was this close I'd rather watch that Asian dude fucking remove hair from his asshole with cream than that I thought for a second you were gonna start talking to me
Starting point is 01:07:00 about formatting for the I'd rather watch a mukbang honestly dude I'm triggered right you should be triggered my god all right i'm done bro my opinions you have your own show to fucking lose fucking uh viewers on you want to hear taylor talk about the format on how to do a live show shut up and scribbles on this thursday in three or four weeks i I stole their show. Now they get it back. My God.
Starting point is 01:07:29 I was close. Thank you. You saved my life, Taylor. One more word and I'd have been toast. Is that a real gun, bro? No. What is it? Show me the muzzle. Exactly, bro.
Starting point is 01:07:43 Oh, my God. They allow those in California? No no you want to know the truth is is so i i was in a jackson hole wyoming and they were selling perfect like perfect replica guns and someone looked at this gun and told me hey dude this is a real gun but they just filled it in right with like they put solder or something in it to fill so it doesn't work and as i'm at the checkout counter and i'm buying it great glassman goes you fucking idiot and i go what he goes what'd you bought that buy that for and i go to give to my kids he's like dude you're gonna get them shot and and he's right so now i never gave it to him it just sits in my office and anytime you
Starting point is 01:08:18 start talking about format i pull it out you're a piece of shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If my YouTube accidentally goes to shut up and scribble, I fucking reach for my gun. All right. So,
Starting point is 01:08:39 but, but you're basically Colton. What you're saying is you're not, you're not scared. As they say in Iowa, you're not scared. You ain't scared. You ain't scared. You ain't scared of no raccoon.
Starting point is 01:08:48 I think my fitness is at a place right now where it's not going to matter. I'm going to beat them by a minute, and there's nothing they can do about it. Yeah. All right. We'll try to find a big sponsor. And what about – could you do that? Could you go to Charlotte and stay there for, like, five or six days? Do you have that type of time off? Can the pigs be away from you for that long? Yeah. Yeah, I would be going to Charlotte or Nashville probably. That'll hold down the phone.
Starting point is 01:09:20 We'll try to pay you more than them. Do you have contractual obligations to go there? Not that I know of. I haven't signed the contract yet. But no, they're pretty like whatever's best for us. They're behind it. Alright, dude.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Well, Colton, thanks for coming on. Appreciate it. I'm sorry I was going to kick Taylor off. I didn't mean to give him still any of your screen time, but you did good. You look good next to him. Yeah, it was good. Talking to Taylor, it was fun getting to hang out with him last weekend. It was cool. I mean, it could have been disappointing, right?
Starting point is 01:09:56 You could have gone there and been like, oh, he's a douche. Him and Bryson were nice, and it was good getting to go to CrossFit Charlotte. It's a nice gym, and the people there were really nice. Andy Hendel was cool to meet. I have a question for you. I don't know if you can really answer, but what's 5'4", 185 pounds, all natural, twisted steel, and leaves whenever the hell he... Wow.
Starting point is 01:10:27 Wow. Dramatic. What an exit. Holy fuck. God, he's really come into his own. I like that guy a lot. He was by far... He was so much fun to be around this weekend.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Hey, going back to that first thing we were talking about, another thing – don't tell him this, but another thing that made the fucking week great was Bryson. And so that was just an idea that you had. You're just like, hey, can my boy Bryson do it? And I'm thinking to myself, that's stupid, but let's just do it anyway. And those shows murder, dude. I had so much fun hanging out with you and just fucking – I enjoyed watching you watch him.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I enjoyed watching someone who's like right at that level before being like the best go. And that – so the thing is, is I don't expect someone who has as much responsibility on themselves like the CrossFit Games do in the production to be that nimble to be like okay fine we'll do it but then again can you pull up the crossfit games instagram account yeah do you know what i mean like we're nimble we're flexible at the last minute we we can just throw in your training partner and he does a workout and those shows are killing like i just don't expect anyone else to to do that to have the balls to do that but then look at this scroll down a little bit uh and i don't mean to pick on this girl at all i'm not picking on her but then keep going is that fikowski in the middle yeah he looks like a shrimp right here when that's not recently is it no yeah he lost a bunch of weight. He has AIDS? Okay, keep going. Keep going.
Starting point is 01:12:08 Keep going. Keep going. Oh, that girl. Let's talk about week two to open. This. What is this? We are already done with week two of the 2024 CrossFit Open. Here's some highlights.
Starting point is 01:12:25 For the second week in a row, the top man and Okay, what the fuck is this? Week two highlights three days ago after the third workouts announced? Well, I'm not even saying that. Just like, hey, that looks like it's a last minute thing. Like they just saw some random chick
Starting point is 01:12:42 in her bathroom doing videos and they fucking posted it. It sucks and I disagree with you. i think they try to be nimble the whole golden barbell challenge was something that felt really nimble it just seems like every way in which they go around doing live shows post-produced videos etc are performed by these archaic fucking big blocky dinosaurs that don't know how to fucking do anything cool. Why wasn't the golden barbell cool? The picture of it was amazing. Because no one decided to sit down and do a long-form discussion
Starting point is 01:13:17 about what the fuck it even is. No one knows what it is. Have you ever been to an authentic Mexican food restaurant? Yes, I have. Okay, and then you're looking at the pictures and you're like fuck everything looks disgusting who took these pictures are their menus all fucked up and then the food comes in it's beautiful so they over pictures they over they oh yeah it's just horrible didn't do that that's what i mean they did the opposite they showed us the most amazing golden barbell ever and then gave a shit brown one right and you're just like you're just like what happened it just uh oh my god they posted colton's uh a picture of colton and his mom
Starting point is 01:13:55 holy shit that's intense they did this was like a interview for 24.2 i think wow that's intense yeah that is intense um the it just look at this look at the quote i believe i wasn't raised by men and women and she would have wanted me to continue on and keep going wow he looks good there it's just it's crazy to me how much money they spend on all of this stuff and just look at what you're able to do we're able to do for pennies on the fucking dollar to them and and just i just didn't but they have to be in their defense they have to pay people they i mean they're not like right you can pay people but pay people who actually have a track record of doing shit that's good right now all of their content is just resting on but pay people who actually have a track record of doing shit that's good.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Right now, all of their content is just resting on the laurels that they have a million followers. Anything they're getting, everything they're getting is built off of content in the past that has put them in the position that they're in now. None of their content that they're putting out now is attracting a new audience in any way. It sucks. None of these posts are about the golden barbell it oh there it is yeah so like look at that like yes that's the opposite of one of those mexican restaurants that bar looks cool this year during the open we want to continue celebrating and highlighting all the great things happening in our community around the world with the new
Starting point is 01:15:17 golden barbell award how it works each week of the open the community can nominate a peer from their crossfit community who embodies the weekly theme. Week one, the heart and soul of your gym. Week two, a local service open athlete. Week three, what is a local service open athlete? Are they servicing your law enforcement? Right. Well, so first, there's something that makes no fucking sense.
Starting point is 01:15:38 An athlete with the most standout performance during the open. How to nominate a peer? Post a photo or video on social media explaining why to pick. So we're confused now. Is this for your own gym? Are you saying, hey, you won the golden barbell at our gym? Or is this nominating for CrossFit's golden barbell? Like just.
Starting point is 01:15:57 And then they post nothing about it. So Jeff Adler gets it. Fucking talk about it, assholes. Nothing, nothing. Oh, look, Jeff Adler won the gold. Well, I think that they, I think when when the i think something happened to the barbell and so they i mean it was they should have said the shit brown barbell award yeah it looks like this which is cool it's cool getting a barbell but right they under um and didn't madaris get a women's bar or who got
Starting point is 01:16:18 jeff adler got the women's bar oh no i think the barbell was just perfectly sized for him to sit on it actually like that's basically it was useless unless that's what you were into the non-binary bar anyway okay so great week i don't know i don't know i don't know what we're doing i'm gonna have to have my people sit down with taylor's people for quarterfinals yeah what do you think what do you think the odds are we do something i don't know i don't even know you hate it do you hate the idea no i don't hate the idea i just when i i don't mean the idea the execution let me rephrase it do you hate the execution of the idea
Starting point is 01:16:53 not even formatting just like just are you just like no let's not do it no i kind of want to do it but i also like there's think about how much we could provide for a sponsor dude there'll be no one else putting out content during that time so i think in that sense we will obliterate everyone what what makes me nervous and you know this is probably i could take a page from Colton's book and learn that my big fear is that in quarterfinals there's definitely something that comes out that I can't do and that's a likely scenario so instead of being scared of it I can prepare for the next five weeks and if it happens it is what it is and if it doesn't happen I'm good and if it happens
Starting point is 01:17:41 and I'm able to overcome it like this third week of the open great and if it happens and i'm not then i did everything that i could and not worry about it you mean like you couldn't do it physically or you just couldn't do it there are things that i for sure right now like i would hurt myself trying to do physically what's your chick say about it when you talk to her about it um she wants me to compete what does she think about the court doing the quarterfinals there specifically uh i think she knows without a lot of stress but in her mind if i did quarterfinals anyway there would be stress regardless right so she's like what's the big
Starting point is 01:18:19 difference you're going to be stressed out either way why does she want you to compete just to scratch that itch or i think she knows that it's a dream of mine you know uh she wants me to be smart she thinks i probably don't believe in myself as much as i should um so maybe that's her trying to do that a little bit for me um does she know how to talk to you about her or do you get in a fight over it or she knows how to work it? No, she doesn't. Yeah, we don't fight about that at all. We fight about other shit. So she's a great support there in your training.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Yeah, yeah, she is. She wants you to get rid of the dogs? No, dude. What? One of them was mine. One of them was hers. And then we met and they conjoined. Oh, do they get along?
Starting point is 01:19:10 Dude, the first. So this is so funny. When she first moved in, they're like a really crazy breed. Like healers are just super. They can be incredibly aggressive. They can fucking be horrible with other dogs. OCD is fuck. Our dogs now have like bonded like
Starting point is 01:19:27 they've bonded in a great way but like there have been when we first met it took them a while to like be comfortable around one another you both have healers you both have yeah hers is a blue healer mine's a red healer so that's weird what are the odds of that no type in red healer um so yeah uh that that picture on the far right above dogster that's probably what coral looks like yeah or that bottom picture with the two together that's like what core and cooper look like um so when they first like when we first started dating they're around each other it was like they were always leashed and like, it was just like, okay, this is a dog I'm hanging out with as a friend. So they were like, great. Um, Lizzie moves in and like, like the first day
Starting point is 01:20:11 Lizzie moves in, she's in the home office. Cause she was working from home at that point. And Cora, my dog, she's a girl and she's like a queen bee kind of like got that alpha female dog energy. She like walks into the office, looks Lizzie right in the face, squats and pisses like right in front of her. Oh, that's awesome. And she lizzy right in the face squats and pisses like right in front of her oh that's awesome and she's never pissed in the house before never dude never so that's so bad so we dealt with some shit like that and then when they were getting a little more used to each other my dog is really like my dog loves to roughhouse play and cooper is not cooper likes to play with toys a bit more.
Starting point is 01:20:46 So Cora would go a little too far and they'd fight. And when they like they fought maybe seven times in the two and a half, three years since they've been together. But when they fight like two people have to be there because if it's just me, like if I pull Cora off off cooper he'll continue to lunge at her and grab a hold of her yeah so like i have like scars on my arms from like diving on them on the hearth and like pulling them apart cora has this big like fucking teardrop scar do they still fight they haven't they hadn't fought in like six months and then bryson was over here like a like a couple weeks ago maybe it was like a month ago me and lizzie and bryson were all in the small office cooper brings a toy in and they just started fighting over it and that's the most
Starting point is 01:21:26 recent fight they've had but they don't it's uh they only fight when it's people involved i don't even believe you allow toys anymore like as soon as i get two dogs like bowls up toys garbage you're fine yeah i it's it's really the toys they're fine with the toys it's when people get involved because they're super protective and loyal dogs too so cooper is insanely like if if if cora is playing with uh lizzie you know cooper will get super jealous or like if i'm playing with cooper like i can't play tug of war with cooper ever because cora will just fuck him up there was twice my dog um one time my dog took a shit in a room to do that but one time I was fighting with this girl in the street We were just yelling at each other
Starting point is 01:22:08 And my Great Dane just walked up to her And she was wearing like a long hippie dress This is like And he lifted up his leg and pissed on her And dredged her dress And then dude, then this other time There was this guy with cerebral palsy in a fucking wheelchair And he's just screaming at me and my great dane walks up to him and pisses on
Starting point is 01:22:29 that's amazing and it wasn't even one of those wheelchairs it was like one of those like carts that's so funny and just fucking drench the dude it was crazy but our our dogs are the best and they like they're they're like really bonded and closed out it's cool um but just a challenging thought last week it sounds stressful as fuck it it can be but at the same time i think both of us have accepted that we're the retards that picked that breed oh it's not that those dogs are they need to be on a farm and they're for for the environment they're in we have a yard you know we spend so much time i saw that area just
Starting point is 01:23:04 full of broken concrete. I saw your decor. Yeah, yeah. My rubble. Yeah, it looks like I'm in fucking Ukraine. Dude. I was looking at everyone's fucking – how everyone was raised. That was crazy.
Starting point is 01:23:17 I didn't send my childhood home, and that's just my current home, but it's a step up from my childhood. Oh, my goodness. What a mess. Quarterfinals would be cool to do. we hang out with a lot of white trash i i never hung out with white trash like this like my friends now are the most ghetto they've ever been dude what i want to you know what needs to happen i don't know if have you done an episode where somebody interviews you on your show so you can talk about you and the fucking war zones taking pictures of naked people in africa and stuff no no why i feel fake when i'm being interviewed fuck you dude i'll
Starting point is 01:23:52 do it i'll interview you hell yeah dude it would i don't know just think about it because that i want to know what your life was like the whole story it's just a young little a humble armenian boy who worked my way up the dumb farmer from iowa yeah whatever i never had any friends like the friends i have now it's so weird i've not like my childhood friends were nothing like my friends now i can't believe i'm the old dude in my friends i remember being like your age and having old friends and now you're the young dude and now you have an old dude friend. It's weird. You know what's weird?
Starting point is 01:24:26 Yeah. How old are you? I just turned 52 yesterday. Okay. I saw a post that O'Keefe just turned 38. I thought O'Keefe was like six years older than you. He's mature though. Not because he looks old.
Starting point is 01:24:39 He's just mature. No, it's because I act like old as fuck. Stop. Dude, you look young yeah you don't look 52 you probably look like mid 40s but do i look turkish no did you look i'm not i'm not uncultured like fucking colton is dude i'm i know what turkish people look like and what armenian people look like you look armenian all right good yeah look at this shit seven is our pawpaw what is that god damn it
Starting point is 01:25:07 pawpaw maymaw and pawpaw alright well thanks for coming on great show it's crazy when I'm doing my unhinged MAGA rants I get like 200 live views now we're like at 700
Starting point is 01:25:22 dude do you think RFK has a shot no right but I'm warming up to him I get like 200 live views. Now we're like at 700. Dude, do you think RFK has a shot? No, right? No, but I'm warming up to him. I like him more than ever. Do you think he'll run again in the next term and have a shot then? Hey, dude, I don't think people like him because of the way he talks, the way he sounds. I don't give a fuck how he sounds, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:41 I don't like that guy. Me neither. I like him too. What do you like about him i just like that he's so hardcore anti-vax and anti-big pharma and anti-big uh he he even is like anti-epa like the environmental protection agency is just corrupt as fuck he's against all that big money corruption i love that you know who made a movie about that and it got pulled off of youtube is that super liberal dude uh michael moore oh wow it was an insane movie it was basically talking about how all of these clean burning um uh fuel source or clean burning uh energy plants that we have all around the united states that basically the things that
Starting point is 01:26:16 we were burning in there were trash and we were importing trees from the amazon to burn wow that was like where the majority of the energy in the country was coming from it was it was a nut it was a wild movie but youtube pulled it down quick there's another document i forget maybe it's just called the vaccines or vaxxed there's a documentary on youtube it's about fucking the mmr vaccine autism it's crazy um i like him because of that stuff and because i don't know he's young he's younger not young but he's way fucking younger he's juiced for sure too you know yeah i don't give a fuck dude i hope he's okay our president should be on whatever fucking you don't think biden's juiced he just ain't he just ain't on the good shit yeah biden's definitely juiced I don't know. But I also will say I don't like – I kind of believe we should pull out of a lot of these – like I don't – I fucking hate how involved we are and how much money we fucking send to other countries.
Starting point is 01:27:14 I fucking hate taxes. I fucking hate the Russians. Oh. He didn't mean that. Dear John at the IRS. Is there a John that – No, I don't know. Okay, because if there's a commenter who works at the IRS,
Starting point is 01:27:27 don't ever make yourself known to me, that's for sure. Audrey, I hate taxes in the Ukraine. I understand. That's crazy, dude. I heard the other day, I didn't hear this. It was like a big epiphany to me but i'm sure you fucking old guys have like felt this way forever and i'm just going through my young age of anti-authority but like this guy put it into perspective was like paying taxes is
Starting point is 01:27:55 giving the government an interest-free loan they just fucking pay it back to you i was dude when i read that when i saw that i was like i got fumed. What's weird is, but I get it. Cause I used to be there too, is that people think you have to think when you, they want to raise the taxes on the rich. And so basically the two ways you have to think about that is, do you want the rich people to spend their money or do you want the government to spend the money? And I prefer to have the rich people spend the money. And all the data shows unequivocally that when you lower corporate taxes, the whole economy grows at a significantly higher rate than when you raise taxes because the government's just wasting the money.
Starting point is 01:28:32 I shouldn't say wasting. There's no such thing as wasting money, but they just they spend it poorly. I mean, they're not burning it like buying a you know, like that's a that's a naive mind to think, hey, you bought a Lamborghini and a $6 million diamond ring. That's a waste of money. That money still is in the ecosystem. All the people who work at the jeweler are still getting the money and then paying their people to clean their houses and all that shit. But I don't like all the people just sitting around doing nothing in the government. That's the problem. So you got people like me, you, and Caleb working our asses off and having fun, and then people in the government just moving papers around.
Starting point is 01:29:05 They have the golden handcuffs on. It's insane. And knowing that the Pentagon has failed its internal audits for budgeting for the past— Ten years. That's insane to me. Learning things like that— You know what failed means too, right? They don't know where the money went.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Yeah, that's what I'm saying. What the fuck do you mean you don't know where it money went yeah that's what i'm saying you don't know where it went classified budgets fucking fuck that's crazy that's you know do you know what the do you know what the um wingnuts think the crazy people think that nasa is made up and it's a money laundering scheme so they tell you stories about space travel and space flight so that the budget money can go there and then from there it's just uh stolen that and that's they also said the cia is that also that they're not even real organizations they're just money laundering schemes that's a little too i i'm a i enjoy a hefty conspiracy theory that's maybe i would have to watch i think hey i know'm going to get a lot of hate for this, and I apologize.
Starting point is 01:30:07 I think we went to the moon. Dude, I 100% think we went to the moon. I think we went to the moon. I think we went to the moon. You're not going to get hate for that, dude. People who don't believe we went to the moon are retarded. This is a thing, man. That's Pfizer.
Starting point is 01:30:21 I wouldn't bet my life on it, though. I wouldn't bet my life on it. I wouldn't bet my life on really anything. I't bet my life on it i wouldn't bet my life on really anything that's i know i know that's a good point that's i i think like i'm the type that believes that fucking following all the purdue pharma scandal and all this shit about the the opioid epidemic and big pharma being so fucking evil what's crazy is that's a liberal story too you know that right the liberal media loves the fact that pharma they love that i don't know why they can't see it with the vaccine but for some reason they see it with opioids it's so weird it's retarded so that so that all happens and then oh the coronavirus for sure manufactured in a lab in wuhan right or somewhere released
Starting point is 01:31:06 accidentally right and i don't know just to me like that's all too perfect they made way too much fucking money how it's it's like it's like someone raped all everyone in the neighborhood and then and then your wife gets raped and you don't believe it it's like dude you just told us that that you just spent the last 10 years telling us that that guy raped everyone neighborhood. And now you're defending him when he rapes your own life. I mean, that's, that's what it was like to opioid blaming a pharma for opioid crisis. And then not being like, Hey, the vaccine's bullshit too. It's weird. Yeah. I get crazy about it. And when I get really bored, I go on your personal Instagram and just fucking watch your stories. But I, but I don't just like, I feel like some people probably
Starting point is 01:31:44 skip through them. I don't skip through a single one. I don't just like, I feel like some people probably skip through them. I don't skip through a single one. I go to your story, I click it and then I go out to that page and I learn all about it. And then I go back and I go to the next one. It's my favorite thing to do, dude. I love that.
Starting point is 01:31:55 Thank you. What, what's the deal with my Instagram? How many followers do I have? Are you really, are you still shadow band? Oh, everything.
Starting point is 01:32:03 It's so do not ever tag me let me see the uh what's my uh am i seven on the toe scene again or yeah oh i am so on randomly i will just like i won't see your stories for weeks and then all of a sudden it'll be at the top and it'll be like 20 stories so i'm like oh shit i mean i'll repost I'll pretty much repost anything anyone tags me and I'll repost like I don't I'm not like I'm not worried about my brand oh 3700 followers oh that's good I'm like I'm climbing up in the world again
Starting point is 01:32:34 what's the biggest who's the biggest probably Patrick bet David biggest guy you've had on the show TBD other than me you know yeah probably he's massive now yeah yeah he's crazy right i can't tell how big he is or if he's just in my algorithm i can't tell how big anyone is anymore i think he's pretty big trump at the ufc yeah because because i don't think i'm tay Swift is big, but she's the biggest person in the world. Right.
Starting point is 01:33:06 Why? I don't think about it. I'm not in her, in her ecosystem or the rocks, but they're like supposedly like the ones, but they're not in my, wow. He has 5 million followers.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Yeah. He's big. You know, it's crazy when, before I lost my account, when I had my blue check mark account, I used to, um,
Starting point is 01:33:24 DM with him a bit. DM with him maybe once a month. God, his nose is scary, though. Patrick Bet-David? Yeah, it looks like he gets fucking snored a kilo of coke in one go. He's a g dude hey did he know wow and he's huge i didn't realize trump was so huge too so trump's like six four right uh maybe like no he's look it up he's 100 taller than six foot who's that patrick ned david standing next to who's that uh quarterback um joey uh fucking yeah quarterback from lsu joe burrow is that guy good yeah he's pretty good yeah good quarterback
Starting point is 01:34:14 that's crazy because i think patrick med david's crazy tall joe burrow's like six five six six so i know I'm for sure Trump's like 6'4". What do you think happens to the Democratic Party when Trump wins? Trump's 6'3"? The thing is, is I'm starting to realize the things they care about and the things we care about,
Starting point is 01:34:40 like, there's so little that the Republican Party can do to upset me right now because I just, my values just don't align with like it used to bug me when I was a Democrat that Trump would be like handing out paper towel rolls, shooting three pointers. Like I'd be like, what a dickhead. But now it's like, hey, dude, like you have a gay flag. You have gay clubs for eight year old kids in public schools. And it's like that's like you're you have uh gay flag you have a gay uh clubs for eight-year-old kids in public schools and it's like that's like you have sex i shouldn't even call it gay because it's not you have sex clubs for eight-year-olds and i'm at that point like i don't care what trump does i don't i don't
Starting point is 01:35:16 care if he's right grabbing other people's hands and jerking him around or if he says his daughter's hot as shit or like i don't care at that point i can't tell if 12 daily doses is being serious or if that's a joke of a comment is he how how liberal is this guy i don't know i don't know i don't know at lane just shut the fuck up now if you're being serious anyways what what do you say uh nothing taylor they're not gonna cry and scream about losing for four years like maga faggots still do every day here's the thing they they they absolutely will and they did before patrick you know that's true you've seen all you saw all the you saw all the footage doses of uh like hillary clinton and them saying that the
Starting point is 01:36:01 election they cried they literally cried i woke up the morning of the 2016 election to a video of every one of the democratic party yeah cry that's fine i i hear you 24 7 crying about fake election all day long i hear you but i'm just saying like the other side did that too i mean and they actually literally did cry i never actually saw a single republican crying but i did see lots of people crying about Hillary. I think that actually is 12 daily doses. Oh, did you send that in Pat? What my question is, is I don't understand how they, the democratic party or the DNC can think in any planet that putting Biden back up is a good idea. Like, where does that come from?
Starting point is 01:36:48 There's got to have someone else. Could you say it the other way, too? I can't believe putting Trump up is a good idea. Oh, I think everyone in the Republican Party thinks their best shot is Trump because half. I'm not. But there you said it. They think for some reason their best shot is Biden. Not that he's the best guy
Starting point is 01:37:06 that that's the distinction i'm i'm and don't get me wrong i don't hate trump i don't hate trump but i have no i have no i'm like i'm perfectly okay with him being president i am not perfectly okay with biden being president no me neither i think i don't even think he's i'm scared's not the right word but i feel sorry for a lot of people if he becomes president. He's – it's just – I don't even view – it can't even be the same. It's not the same as the Republican Party thinking Trump's their best shot. It's like Trump has – He's functioning on some level.
Starting point is 01:37:38 Biden's not functioning on any level. At all. And how can they not even think that, okay, well, we could at least put this – we could create a story around this person. And if that's somebody that everyone can get behind, people aren't going to want to vote for Trump. I just don't see how they – like could you imagine if the Democratic Party fucking endorsed RFK? Is it just money that keeps that from happening? Are they – what the fuck but i think biden is still i think i just saw something released recently where he's saying that we need to continue to get vaccinated and so that
Starting point is 01:38:11 that's obviously a strong point for that party right and so rfk rfk wouldn't stand a chance if he said well what's weird too how about how about this a month before uh uh biden became was elected president he was talking the whole left the whole left said they would never take the vaccine. Because it was Trump's. Yeah, 100%. The whole left. I think the whole left. The montages were crazy.
Starting point is 01:38:35 And so that's the kind of things I think about. And if they addressed it, I would be okay with it. But the fact that they don't address it and they just flip the script, that's how I don't know how anyone votes for them. It's so weird. it's super weird i also i am inclined to believe that most people who experience what we all experience over the past four years and covid if someone like rf if the dnc endorsed rfk and he stood up and people were able to hear his stance they would be like yeah i felt uncomfortable about a lot of that shit too and i hope you're right you're giving people a lot of
Starting point is 01:39:11 credit i think a lot i do it i really i do believe the the vocal minority thing i believe that the vocal minority standy randy uh this is a really good point 12 12 daily doses. You can't use the word faggot and be liberal. That's probably true. Got you, man. He kind of got you there, Taylor. Oh, my God. He forced it on the world. This guy, Pat Lange.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Pat Lange sounds like he's retarded. Friend of mine. Be nice to him. No, dude. I'm not going to be nice to him. You got to give me wrench capabilities so I can get up in there and tune him up. Wrench capabilities. Don't you have access to the back end?
Starting point is 01:39:49 Oh, yeah, I do. I've only made one thumbnail. I got to get my shit together. Yeah. You have every access to the channel that I do. I was crazy. I just also I also listened the other day that like under Trump minimum house or like the average household income earning to afford an average house in America necessary was like sixty nine thousand dollars household income to afford the average house a mortgage. OK, now it's one hundred and nine thousand dollars. So it went up 40 grand. The price of everything skyrocketed under Bideniden it's absolutely nuts remember the gas hole
Starting point is 01:40:26 the whole gas fiasco hey at least you don't have gavin newsom our state is our state is wild dude how do you i feel like you must live in a very very secluded nice pocket to be able to well the thing is is most of california is not like that it's just most of the people are like that do you know i mean like the land mass is not like that right most of because all the people who don't live on top of each other are like that or aren't like that but it's all the people who live on top of each other yes yes it's all it's all the the robots that live you know what i mean um uh but not even sacramento like just on the outskirts of Sacramento, it gets kind of normal too. The people aren't fucking pussies.
Starting point is 01:41:10 What was I going to share with you? Was it about Tyson Bajent? Oh, no. There was this Reddit thread that Hiller showed user showed us yeah yeah did you go there i read a little bit and it was all like it was honestly i was expect i was going there i thought hillar shared it because they were all going to be sucking our dick and my dick for taylor versus the world and then they started hating on the podcast i was like dude i'm not reading any of this these people are fucking bots it's it's it's, it's, it's, it's a 50 comments of God.
Starting point is 01:41:47 It sucks that that piece of shit, seven does good crossfit coverage of the thread. I was like, I'll take it crazy. Who goes on? I don't know. I'm just, I just, here's the thing. I don't mind the criticism. I just wish they would say like, um, I just wish they would say like um i just wish they would like actually tell like they don't ever say why they like i know lots of people love to hate sev on i mean that's like the most concise thing there but it's always like he's a mag and nut job or i don't
Starting point is 01:42:18 like his political views like what don't you like about my political views like tell me just one political you don't like the fact that i don't want kids to be molested. Just say it. Just the reason why they can't write anything because it would make them look so bad. Hey, listen, and there's a thing in there about ripping on me for talking about, no, someone in Taylor have the capacity to quite literally drive people away from CrossFit. I would 100% never show a broadcast to them for someone thinking about trying CrossFit. Hey, but that's true. We probably do quite literally drive people away from CrossFit. That might be true.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Really? Dude. How many fucking people have said that? No, real quick, just listen. That statement doesn't say anything. Listen, everything drives people away from CrossFit. That's what I mean. They're vapid responses without metrics to them like i have no i have no doubt we drive more people in my mind to crossfit than then then push away i know what i do in an affiliate every fucking day
Starting point is 01:43:16 so i i but that's what i mean nothing no one here even says anything no one's like hey the fact that he interviews colton mertens and talks to him about his mom dying drives people away like if you were to say that that's why i have so much more respect for Sporty Beth. The only example in here that I saw was when I talked to Olivia Kerstetter about her dad stealing her towel when they share a hotel room. And anyone who thinks that that's creepy is out of their fucking mind. Like you don't have four kids. Like I live with that every single day. I go to take a shower and all the all my towels
Starting point is 01:43:46 are wet because i have three boys and they've used my towel you think it's creepy because either you don't have kids or you had a fucked up upbringing or you don't know what it's like to stay in a hotel room with fucking six people like where do you make the leap but i appreciate that person being so at least give me an example but like i'm then i don't have to worry about that person it's just the generic name calling like if you don't if you don't know what it's like to stay like me and my sister and my dad and one of my sister's friends and one and two of my friends would all travel to lake tahoe and we'd stay in a fucking van together and it would be freezing cold outside and then someone would open the door and pee and
Starting point is 01:44:23 all the cold air would come in like those i mean these are just like real world like situations and it's like then you're projecting creep onto me for that it's like dude caleb scroll up a little the response where the the keep going keep going it was the long and like the older guy like i'm like okay like those yeah this this person like uh oh, the constant asides or remarks about gender politics, race or COVID, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. To me, this is when I have like a positive outlook and I'm like, man, I really think most people, if someone would stand up and be a leader and was like, Hey, the last four years, like we didn't do things right.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Everybody'd be like, yeah, we didn't, we've kind of fucked up. We did some fucked up things. This sends me over the edge in the opposite direction where it's like, man, I feel like as soon as I hear someone saying shit like this, I immediately think of someone who grabs themselves behind the knees, fucking cramps their stomach up to drive their head so far up their own ass. They can't see any ounce of light like like if you want to live in that amount of ignorance over how retarded the world is i don't want to be anywhere near this type of person who wants to just be blind right like calling covid politics when in when 10 000 businesses were
Starting point is 01:45:36 closed in california because of a covid policy that's not politics now we're talking about what they're saying is they don't want to talk about reality hey i use crossfit for escapism i'm not judging you i i respect i do but but don't bring uh reality into crossfit i get it like talking about uh chopping the penises off of 13 year old boys is not politics it's it's just not disgusting yeah who's. Yeah. Who's my – wait, what? Taylor. The fact that it's been drawn into politics could be correct, but it's not politics. Anyway. I made probably fucking five times what Colton, Dallin, and Jason will make put together by the end of these six months from these shows, so thank you. Oh, good. That's just me saying that you guys drove so much
Starting point is 01:46:26 traffic to my program well you proved your concept hey check this out do you feel as more and more people sign up for sentinel training do you feel pressure i feel like a responsibility i feel an immense internal responsibility to do a better job than all of these other programs people are paying for out there. Like when I see people paying for, you know, fuck it, I'm going to name call. Proven, HWPO, Mayhem, Comp Train, and I see what they offer. Lynchpin even. I'm like, that fucking guy repeats a workout every single day i don't think does lynchpin they have they have like programming isn't it just like he just writes a program isn't he just writes a workout on a board right anybody said it and with it beyond
Starting point is 01:47:20 the whiteboard subscription like why are you fucking paying for someone to just recycle workouts or recycle strength progressions so i feel this immense pressure to give people what i feel like is an elevated standard um it's what i think is i'm trying to make an online training program as close to a class as possible as much detail on the workout as much coaching on the workout as much like when i'm writing out a workout. And then when I'm writing out the 700 words of notes that go with that corresponding day, I'm trying to think of any question that someone in my affiliate would ask me. I want to be answered here. Oh, what do I do if I don't have this? What if I do, if this hurts, what do I do if I can't do that? Um, and so not just that but that is a daily coaching at your crossfit affiliate is hugely influential in your program yeah I would not be I would not be capable of
Starting point is 01:48:15 writing what I of putting out what I put out without that I don't think that's fascinating I wonder how many of these people who program also teach classes at an affiliate but also learning from someone like Andy and someone like Jeff, Maggie, my coach, John, like, and learning the program aspect from people like chase bill Jr, who I've just been around looking at other programs. So I have an interpretation of the methodology that I feel like is best in terms of if you're going to train out of your garage or follow a program, this is a hundred percent what you should be doing and how you should be doing it. But then I feel like what I also bring is the experience of coaching.
Starting point is 01:48:49 That's my full-time job, coaching an affiliate attached to that and how to scale. I've done train-at-home programs. Taylor's right on those gaps when compared to an affiliate. If I've ever had a question, it's because I follow your programming as well, and my wife to an affiliate if i've ever had a question because i follow your programming as well and my wife does too if i've ever had a question i tied his wife in deadlift competition i tied his wife into the competition that's also true yeah um 295 295 if i've ever had a question about anything that's programmed or anything anything at all it's always written in there like i'll tell my wife will have a question i'll say hey read the notes she'll go through the notes and sure enough there's an answer in there this is
Starting point is 01:49:29 and this and stuff like this is kind of what i disagree with crossfit is going to have overlap also if you're doing a strength cycle you're going to repeat movements weekly for sure but but here's the thing that big programs get super lazy with um imagine you're on a crossfit program and you're doing fucking wendler 531 531 bench press back squat deadlift um so you're sorry what's 531 stand for it's just a rep scheme okay five by five five by three five by one whatever okay um and you have a deadlift day your deadlift day doesn't always have to correspond with a barbell deadlift in the workout or you could have a deadlift day, your deadlift day doesn't always have to correspond with a barbell deadlift in the workout, or you could have a deadlift day. And then the next week you do dumbbell deadlifts. You don't have to do a barbell deadlift the next week,
Starting point is 01:50:12 or one week you do barbell thrusters the next week. You don't need to do thrusters. You can do wall balls. It's a similar movement pattern, but there is so much ability for variants within programming CrossFit that people who don't try to be as varied as possible in at least the movement, the, the implement variations. Okay. You do barbell thrusters one week, do dumbbell thrusters the next week, barbell overhead squat, single arm dumbbell overhead squat, uh, clean and jerk sandbag clean the next week. Like I did play, I did plate thrusters in a, like a hundred person workout at Sousa's gym. That's pretty cool. Yeah. It was actually actually really cool I was surprised how cool it was we do plate overhead lunges all
Starting point is 01:50:49 the time like a 55 that's a great workout um but these programs get lazy with shit like that and people lose sight of why they've started crossfit because every time they walked in the gym it was something new they were learning something new they were doing something they hadn't done in a while a format that was unique uh workout that got them excited or a little scared. But then you have these programs that just give you the same rinse and repeat. You don't need a progression in everything that you're doing. If you're doing the same movement patterns, there's going to be transfer of skill and you'll, I don't know. I just, I try to do that. I'm not signed up for his program and Taylor answers questions I have I also try to be like what Miranda and Julian have done where they
Starting point is 01:51:30 I think it's Julian Julian okay sorry is that my racist coming out yeah unless you're in North Carolina you can call him Julian Julian what Miranda and Julian the J's and H in Spanish who yeah but some Hispanic like I will have some Hispanic people tell me their name. I think those are Puerto Ricans. I think those are Puerto Ricans. And that's what you guys have on the East Coast. You have Puerto Ricans. We have Mexicans.
Starting point is 01:51:52 No, we have a lot of, we have a lot of El Salvador and Mexicans in Charlotte. Oh, all right. My bad. Okay. Listen, I'm just making shit up now. But you're right. The one guy with a J in our 7 p.m. Joel.
Starting point is 01:52:03 He goes by Joel. Javier. Yeah. Jose. It's not Javier. Yeah, Javier. Jose. It's not Javier. Jose. Javier. Jose.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Jalapeno. Jalapeno. Jalapeno. Okay, so Miranda and Julian. They've seen from the outside looking in to do an amazing job of making everyone feel like they're a part of a community. And you could always talk to them and ask them questions and feel a part of. And I want people to feel that because that's what CrossFit is. So I don't want this just like you said.
Starting point is 01:52:28 And they're rich as fuck. They don't have this vapid, to use a word that you use, just empty community. It's not a community if you're not like a part of it and like galvanizing people and talking to people. And I also feel like I learned that from the knees over toes guy. I started following after my knee surgery, my first one. And he had like 80,000 followers, but I DM him and was like,
Starting point is 01:52:54 Hey, I like, this is my story. I need help with this. He's like, yeah, here, do this,
Starting point is 01:52:57 this, this. Like he responded to me personally. Now he's got, now he's got 4 million, 3 million followers because people felt like he cared. And he's probably been on Rogan, I bet. Has he been on Rogan?
Starting point is 01:53:07 He has. But he does fucking care. And I fucking care. And so I want people to feel that. Like, I don't want to. Now he kind of puts out trash. Like, everyone who makes a fucking piece of equipment, he just sells it for them. And I don't know.
Starting point is 01:53:20 I just. I know some other people like that, too. It's like a Ponzi scheme now. But I fucking care so much. I'd want people to feel that. And so I have, this is a 30 minute conversation to say that I have immense internal pressure, not external.
Starting point is 01:53:34 Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you feel it. Yeah. And sometimes I feel like my training takes away from my ability to do this. Well,
Starting point is 01:53:40 like I sometimes will feel like I'm doing too much. I can't put the time that I need to put towards Sentinel that I want to put towards it. What is a typical day? How many hours a day do you coach? I typically coach two classes a day. I used to coach a lot more. So let's say that's three hours and then you do two hours of training,
Starting point is 01:53:58 but let's say that's three hours too, because of, you know, like getting dressed. I wake up. So Monday hours of your day right there is either training or training people for sure so monday tuesday wednesday friday i wake up at seven i get to the gym i train from eight to nine well let me also say this which is also research for sentinel yes all my training also so it is like your coaching is research for sentinel and your training is research for sentinel and your
Starting point is 01:54:25 training is research for sentinel so you kind of really are working on sentinel all day yeah all training is um basically workouts that i'm doing to put on sentinel or an adapted version or whatever trying them out um so i wake up in your schedule sorry go ahead i wake up at seven i get to the gym i train from eight to nine i coach the nine o'clock class at 10 o'clock. I trained from 10 to 1145. I coached the 1145 class. And then at 1 PM, I go home,
Starting point is 01:54:52 I eat and then I work on programming. I might do something extra in my garage. Um, do you ever fuck yourself up so bad that it's butted up so close to your training and to your coaching that you're kind of like, every day. You should ask Andy and and dina they always laugh because i'm like at the whiteboard like like i just finished like like one the other day kind
Starting point is 01:55:12 of pissed me off because i wrote an interval that was every four minutes for eight sets and i had to stop after seven because i was literally eight class starting oh my ocd would not do well with that yeah it didn't do well mine didn't do well with it either. I was tripping out. Yeah, I was tripping. Well, it got me through. I mean, like, gather around class and watch me finish this and cheer me on. I absolutely murdered myself on the seventh one to make up for it.
Starting point is 01:55:35 Good job. Yeah. I'd have done that too. Murdered myself. You punished yourself for being a jackass. Yeah. Yeah. So I do shit like that every day.
Starting point is 01:55:42 It just seems like I don't have enough time in the day, but I'm very fortunate and lucky. Yesterday, I was at Jiu-Jitsu all day. Not that anyone cares, but it's my show, so fuck it. I was at Jiu-Jitsu all day yesterday. I got home, and then I took the kids to a Mexican restaurant, authentic Mexican restaurant, good food, shitty-looking menu. And I had a jalapeno margarita there and then i came home and so i'm just all inflamed from this restaurant food i'm so fucking tired i've been up since fucking 5 30 a.m i've been standing on my feet all day i'm old and i went in the garage and i rode two it was it
Starting point is 01:56:22 was 8 30 at night i rode 200 i uh uh uh road I rode 200 calories on the assault bike in 20 minutes so just kept 100 calorie every 10 minute pace and then I got off and I did 10 burpees on the minute with uh on alternating minutes 10 deadlifts 135 in 20 minutes so 100 burpees and 100 deadlift I was with no rest just jumping right off the bike i was but i i went took a shower and just laid down in bed and went to sleep like that's it no no fucking on my birthday nothing it was weird my wife's like really i'm like nah i'm dying nah i cannot i can't yeah i don't want i'm i'm i'm up. It's 40 minutes of hell. It's crazy how much capacity something like that takes.
Starting point is 01:57:11 It would be super hard for anyone who doesn't do CrossFit to fathom. You know what I mean? They just wouldn't be able to do that. Yeah, it's 40 minutes of just going out there and slowly just beat myself down. I know people are going to be like, hey, that's not even that hard, but I'm'm telling you for me it was hard for for anyone who doesn't do crossfit that's impossible yeah i wanted to quit so bad that who who asked the olympian question someone someone asked josh puritt josh puritt right one of his guests yeah right yeah that guy like josh's answer was response was great fuck off he was so right both those other guys are fat as shit they're like oh the olympian like dude if they were to try
Starting point is 01:57:51 i there are olympians who wouldn't be able to do that 40 minute workout 100 probably 50 of them probably not a shot putter definitely not a shot putter um that's crazy cool workout all right thanks for coming on i didn't plan to keep you this long i was only going to keep you 30 minutes thanks for staying for two hours i ran my mouth no i'm glad you did it was cool with colton too that was cool colton's a g all right oh tomorrow i think i have raw earth on oh wow life source will you get him to talk about that a little bit the life source yeah ejaculation oh no i'm not asking about that why dude oh no i don't know it's so 2018 drinking your semen eat drinking your semen mother's milk and life source
Starting point is 01:58:47 wow mother's milk all right guys thank you everyone um we will uh see you i don't know i don't know for sure tomorrow morning maybe sooner bye-bye wow we do

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