The Sevan Podcast - 2024 European Semifinal Update Show | Event 2 & 3

Episode Date: May 19, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is an advertisement from BetterHelp. Everyone knows therapy is great for solving problems. But turns out, therapy has some issues of its own. Finding the right therapist, fitting into their schedule, and, of course, the cost. BetterHelp can help solve these problems. It's online, convenient, built around your schedule, and surprisingly affordable, too. Connect with a credentialed therapist by phone, video, or online chat. Visit to learn more.
Starting point is 00:00:27 That's meeting with friends before the show we can book your reservation and when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply i'm on 12 inch parallettes yeah but 12 inches and 14. Yeah, I know. I know. I'm not lying when I said that. I don't believe you. That's an oxymoron, John. You can't say you beat him on the workout you didn't do.
Starting point is 00:01:12 That was not the same. It's like you keep... No, no. I know, but he's saying I didn't even do that. I'm just saying. Oh, okay. I got you. I'm saying I did what I did.
Starting point is 00:01:19 It's a different thing. Who counted for you? I counted myself. All right. All right. You think... Hiller, you think... think i just now guys before we went live i said to andrew i said well taylor should keep his head up because the best guy in the world at that workout is the guy who beat him and hillar said fraser would still beat him and i said what do you mean fraser of the games and you said
Starting point is 00:01:41 Fraser would still beat him. And I said, what do you mean, Fraser of the games? And you said? In his current condition, he would beat him. Bodybuilder Fraser could beat 409 on that one. He has a disease. He does. It's called he's not destroying his life every day on the assault bike or whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Wow. Wow. That's not going to help Taylor's esteem. What about Froning? Can he still beat him? What about OPT? What about OPT? What about OPT? OPT has zero shot, and he never did.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Look at Chase Ingram from Europe. We got the real guy, the guy who saw shit with his own eyes. Look at that. From a mile away. How's your voice? You had a lot of talking yesterday. I don't think my internet's good with you guys. No, I can confirm.
Starting point is 00:02:29 There's a crazy delay. Okay. Thanks for trying, though. God, he's all clean cut and shit. That's my pink CrossFit shirt. European semifinals, six workouts over three days. Friday was one workout. Saturday is two workouts. Those workouts are complete. Europe is sending 10 athletes, six workouts over three days. Friday was one workout. Saturday is two workouts.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Those workouts are complete. Europe is sending 10 athletes, 10 women, 10 men to go compete at Dickies in Texas. There are three workouts left. Those will happen tomorrow. The premise of this show is for J.R., Hiller, John, and myself, and Caleb, and maybe Chase, to talk about what you guys saw today, give you updates, and then talk about tomorrow's workouts. So let's just dig right in.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Let's go just straight to the leaderboard. Could this be true? Yeah, it's true. Holy shit. On top of the leaderboard, Jelly. Jelly Hostie. Then Lazar Jukic, Henrik Hap linan colin bosshard harry lightfoot oldest upanex with two wins first places is is still only in sixth place anol akai in seventh
Starting point is 00:03:34 and then let's scroll let's keep scrolling we got voon cock luke cock michael cock uh keep going Michael Koch. Keep going. Moritz Fiebig in 12th. BKG in 13th. You know who we're all looking for. Let's keep going. Victor Hoffer, 18th. Where is he? Nika Master Bazzari, 20th. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Keep going. Oh, there he is, 24th. Yonah Koski. Let's just start there. A 34th, 11 11th and a 26th Uh John Young Update on Yoni In between your ears what are you thinking About Yonikoski right now
Starting point is 00:04:14 He's sucking it up Sucking it up or fucking it up I mean both man He's not doing great I don't know what to make of it He's not sick or he's not injured. He is better than this. Lauren Khalil did an interview with him and he didn't present any excuses. Yeah. I don't think he's sick or injured. I think he's fitter than what he's showing and
Starting point is 00:04:42 he's not performing. He's not executing. Let me propose this to you, Andrew. Maybe just the field has gotten that much better. Maybe he is. No. Let me throw this out here before you throw a no. We saw a year or two ago, there was a Hayley Adams video that came out, and I think it was a Hayley Adams video, where she said it was on the mayhem uh youtube station where she said yeah rich doesn't really even go to the pain cave anymore we never even see him fall on the ground and he still beats us
Starting point is 00:05:13 and then rich was interviewed and he said yeah i don't really go there anymore and then recently who did we just hear we saw interviewed and they said was it will morad i saw someone interviewed who was that you guys know i'm talking about and they said yeah i don't know if i have the will to hurt anymore but i'm ready who was that sarah sigman's daughter no it was a boy maybe i had him on the podcast uh i do not know he's a really good athlete. Maybe someone in the comments will tell us. Maybe he just doesn't have the will to go to the pain cave anymore. Any chance of that? It might have been Rich.
Starting point is 00:05:55 No, it was someone else. I just heard it in an interview. Oh, Sam Dancer. Thank you. It was Sam Dancer. Sam Dancer said, okay, it was an interview I did with him maybe, or I saw it when I was researching him. Him saying, hey, I don't know if I have the will to go to the pain cave anymore. He won the quarters in the open.
Starting point is 00:06:09 You can't do that without hurting. JR, is that a real phenomenon? An athlete can be in the game for 10 years and just be like, fuck, I just don't want to go there anymore. No, I think to the point Andrew just made there at the end, that's not the case here. You're not going to win those two stages of competition without being able to go there.
Starting point is 00:06:27 We'll try Chase for a second time live from Europe. Chase, can you hear us okay? Yeah, can you hear me okay? Yeah, yeah. Is there a delay? No. I had to download the app for it to work over here. Let me ask you, what's going on with you and Akoski?
Starting point is 00:06:44 You're sitting in 24th place, a 34th, 11th, and a 26th? The three ideas we have on the table is that he's shit in the bed, that the other guys have just gotten that much better, or I propose that, like Sam Dancer mentioned on the podcast the other day, just maybe
Starting point is 00:06:59 doesn't have the will to go to the pain cave like he used to. I don't think that would be the case because, I mean, he went there plenty last year at the game, so we're not that far removed from that. And I think the pain cave was pretty prevalent in quarterfinals 24-2. I don't – we don't know exactly what's going on, but, I mean, like – Oh, Chase, we're having – not normal yona we're having a lot
Starting point is 00:07:29 of trouble hearing you do all right is it uh chop or you you're you're just your words are cutting out we don't need to see your face. Bye-bye. Is that what I sounded like? Yeah, that's what you sounded like. You got a new computer. I'm sorry, guys, that I sounded like that. Congratulations. That's how good you are, dude. We kept you even when you were sounding like that.
Starting point is 00:07:58 So you guys aren't buying it. JR, do you want to chime in here? Do you have any thoughts on it? Just not as weak? You think we're going to find something out later? No, I don't think so. I mean, I trust him at his word if he gets interviewed and says that he's not saying anything, that anything is wrong or that he's feeling sick or anything like that. But something I will say that a lot of times in competition,
Starting point is 00:08:23 athletes don't even want to acknowledge stuff like that because you have the mindset of if you show up you show up and that's it everybody's got nicks everyone's got things they're dealing with everyone gets bad sleep everyone eats bad food whatever um that there aren't going to be any excuses or what some might call reasons about why he's doing poorly other than just he's here he's doing his best and he's not performing the way he wants if you guys have not already downloaded the heat one app make sure you download the heat one app and uh enter you can win 1500 every weekend it's easy makes watching the events more fun the interface is super simple doesn't cost any money no one's trying to sell you anything make sure you check it out uh john is he toast no he's not toast, man. He might win the next event. He wins the next event, and he'll be 14th place
Starting point is 00:09:07 and then have everything on the line with events five and six left to go. Hiller, do you think he can do it? No. JR, you think he can do it? I think he can. I mean, even though we're at the end of day two, we're only halfway through the points, so you have to keep that into perspective.
Starting point is 00:09:25 What are the implications of not being, if they re I'm assuming they're going to recede tomorrow, John, what are the implications that he's not going to be in the fastest heat? I mean, he's not going to be in the second fastest seat either. I think he just has to go as fast as he can. I can't help it. I hope it's good. It sucks, but I mean, like it's a disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:09:43 So, I mean, he just has to do the best he can. Give me one second. I think that hurt Victor Hoffer today in event three, being in the third heat, because he slowed down and hyped the crowd up because he had won that heat, and he thought it was a good time. Then the entire fourth heat beat him essentially.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Uh, color high. Hey, does this sound better? Oh, Chase, look at you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yeah. Is this going to cost you $1,200? I don't know. I'm on the internet. It might help. Who knows? Okay. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:18 uh, what do you have any, do you have any thoughts on Yonikoski? Do you think this is, uh, this is going to be indicative of the rest of his weekend and what are the implications of him being in the third heat now tomorrow well it's a big deal for him being in the third heat we saw what happened as john was saying with victor hoffer and i think victor was in the second he was in the third maybe he wasn't the third yeah what he was
Starting point is 00:10:39 sitting in 20th that's right third heat um i don't know i don't we don't know what's going on with him honestly we haven't heard anything from anybody that's being pretty tight-lipped about it, but it just looks like someone who's not. Yeah, I don't know. He's probably sick. I don't want to guess what's going on with people, but that's just not Yona. Okay, and Loren didn't interview with him, and he didn't give any excuses. Loren Khalil from the Lone Ranger podcast did an interview with him and he didn't he didn't uh give any excuses lauren khalil uh from the lone ranger podcast did an interview with him and he he gave it he just you know like hey he didn't
Starting point is 00:11:09 give anything any hints i don't think well you know he's from finland that's kind of how they operate right right not going to give excuses they don't give too much emotion to what's going on and some of the best athletes i mean brent fikowski did that for an entire cross of games one time oh we're talking about when his knee was all jacked up towards acl or yeah just you know don't want to make excuses yeah exactly so i could see the same thing coming from yona uh tyson fury is fighting today everyone don't forget to check that out over on the zone uh tyson fury and uh usic will be fighting for the unified title.
Starting point is 00:11:46 It hasn't happened in 25 years in the heavyweight boxing world. It hasn't happened since Lennox Lewis fought Evander Holyfield. It is going to be an insane fight. Hey, where do you watch that? You go over to DAZN. D-A-Z-N. DAZN. You're kidding.
Starting point is 00:12:02 No. Okay. And I think that fight doesn't start until 3 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, but the fights, the undercards have already started. All right. Let's go back to... ESPN Plus. I'm sorry? You see that CrossFit is on ESPN Plus? Oh, no. That's cool. It is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:21 Oh, that's awesome. By the way, Jason... Everyone needs to understand that plus means you have to have that app and a subscription to watch it or you don't get to watch it it's not on espn but you should also know this that esp espn plus is growing at a really fast rate it's where the ufc is and eventually the speculation is that espn will go away and it will just be espn plus so i think it's it's a it's a great land by the way, Chase, I thought the stream looked absolutely amazing. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And you guys did a great job and the cameras were on the, on the right people at the right time. Never once did I, did I, uh, the, the worst thing about it were some of the dipshits in the chat, but other than that, it was great. What a huge, what a huge jump from yesterday when you were only stuck with one camera. Well, you know, that was the deal with what yesterday was going to be, but I'm really happy that we still get to do full coverage on Saturday and Sunday, but it's good to hear that it's looking good on y'all's end too.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah. I thought it was great. Did you like it, John? Yeah, man. The stream is awesome. Hilarion, did you like it? I mean, Marquez is all confused. He thought that Chase said that they'd have multiple angles. He called him out on the Lone Ranger podcast. Yesterday. Yeah. I thinky's done really well too uh jr did you enjoy this she's doing a great job yeah i actually had to go back um and watch event three um and i was just super
Starting point is 00:13:38 pleased with uh all the coverage really it was really good i got up i got up at midnight stayed up till 2 30 went back to sleep for a couple hours then got back up again at five to watch it not and i was and i was pleased i did it all right let's go back to the leaderboard uh so yonakoski is the one to watch uh all the boys are in consensus that yona is not not out no i i said he's out he's out okay he's got the seventh place finish to make it and he hasn't come close I said he's out. He's out. Okay. He's got an average of seventh place finish to make it, and he hasn't come close yet, so he's out. Okay, but mathematically he's in. Mathematically he's out.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Mathematically he still has a shot to be in. Yes. Chase, do you want to chime in on that? Do you think that he still has a chance? I mean, if you want to just talk chances, yes, but just how he's looked so far and how some of the other guys are looking, it's going to be a lot of bad things will have to happen to other athletes for him to have a chance.
Starting point is 00:14:33 All right. Let's go back up to the top and let's talk about Jello Hosta. How does he look in person, Chase? Does he look like he's going back? It's crazy to see him on top of the European leaderboard. We know he's a superb athlete um his whole life but he's kind of new to the crossfit scene he is i mean he's been floating around um semifinals and local events here for several years but like i mean i don't want to put him in the same camp as a brent fikowski but i mean you saw the same thing about brent is like once he cracked into the cross of games,
Starting point is 00:15:06 he was just unstoppable of getting back and then podium. And I don't know if yellow is there yet, but he looks really good. And I think that third event is what he needed to kind of kickstart what he had back in semifinals last year. The regular guys are in there, Lazar Jukic, but what's really interesting is just Henrik Hapalainen and Uldis Upeneks just staying in there, doing what they need to do. JR, games athletes going back again already.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Do you see it? Yeah, I don't see. I mean, I think Uldis took a big hit on event three. I don't see him taking another massive one. I am curious to see him along with Jela how the snatch ladder goes. John could probably speak to that a little bit more just with what he thinks that they're going to be able to do on that relative to the field. But something that I want to give Peter, someone that we usually think of to go to for comedic relief. he told me a couple months ago just speaking to a lot of people especially over in Europe that Andre Houdet is thought of by many as like possibly the best coach in Europe and saying
Starting point is 00:16:14 just how much he's raving about Yella how well he's going to do how prepared he's going to be just his approach to coaching elite level athletes and I mean this is looking really good for him right now. Chase, it looks like his head's in the right place. He is. Yellis? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Well, he quit his job to go full-time CrossFit. So this is a new territory for him too. So he's all in for the first time in his career, and he had a pretty darn good one last year. And now he's – I mean, not to draw parallels to Brent again, but like Brent did the same thing. Brent gave up his profession and went full-time CrossFit. Yellow's doing the same thing.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Now he's engaged. He's going to get married soon. So a lot of it's like life things outside of CrossFit are falling in line a bit, and now that he's hyper-focused on it, you can tell that he looks good. He looks confident. I mean, we're only halfway through, too. You've got to think about that.
Starting point is 00:17:14 We're halfway through the weekend. Barclay Dale, 22.1% chance of Yonakoski qualifying. Don't pick him for any more wins on the Heat 1 app. What about Uldis? Two first places and then a 25th.
Starting point is 00:17:32 I want to say he looks sloppy. He almost looked drunk in workout number three. Do you have any thoughts on that? What does that mean, John? Does he have huge holes in his game? What did we see there? What was the problem? No, I think he's only 174
Starting point is 00:17:46 centimeters and i don't know what that calculation boom is out to me but it means short uh and i think that the event three was a biking and box jump workout and the tallest guy did the best and oldest is one of the smaller guys and he did bad um i think it was just a bike and box jump workout the jr said this before i thought the Legolas rope climbs would do something to the guys and it didn't do anything. Um, so it, it turns into a bike and box jump workout with the 30 inch step downs. It's just a huge disadvantage for smaller people. And that's what you saw. Jr were the box heights proper because the men were like drag the men looked very unathletic compared to the women getting off the box like that their box was so much higher when they got
Starting point is 00:18:32 off that it was almost like they were dragging like a dead leg off the box yeah i think i mentioned this yesterday um that while we were talking about the bike uh the box being super relevant for the males it being a high box jump over with a step down that the box being super relevant for the males, it being a high box jump over with a step down, that wouldn't be the case for the females. In a normal affiliate, and you see 24 and 20, and you see 30 and 24, it makes sense. And most oftentimes you have people of normal proportions coming into the gym.
Starting point is 00:19:00 At the elite level, oftentimes the females are taller than the males or they're the same height. And you see that on teams and you see that individually. So when you see a quarterfinals workout from 2021, where both the males and the females do box jump overs at 30 inches, you know, they can, it can be comparable in this case, the box is way taller and way more relevant for the males than it is for the
Starting point is 00:19:24 females. 24 inches is not an issue for them at all. Are you okay with it being 30 inches for the men, or would you have changed it? If I had to change something about this workout, I wouldn't mess with the box, but I would mess with other stuff. What would you mess with? Specifically, I just think that because it's strict upper body pulling, that becomes the thing that's relevant for all but maybe a handful of individuals on the female side.
Starting point is 00:19:49 So Chase mentioned this when we were just going back and forth about geek stuff. Why not make the legless one rep and then with legs on another rep? So you still have the 13 reps total, but they only do half of them legless. The other thing I maybe thought of was just make it five rounds for the females. If it's not the same stimulus for the males, it is for the females. I want to see that as a fan. I want to be able to analyze the programming that way. But if it's more about the box and the bike for the males and not about that at all for the females, then it's two completely different events.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Now, what if they wanted upper body pulling to be the crux of the workout? How would you change it for the men? Like the other way around what you're saying. Add more rope climbs? No, not necessarily just add. I would go 10 to 10 for seven rounds. 10 to 10. Oh, interesting.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Keeping together. Okay, interesting. Keeping together. Okay. Interesting. So they would have to do those two back to back and that would force rest from a lot of guys. Let me push back on that. Cause I disagree with you there. I don't think that it was the workout.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I think it's the depth of field. I just think that the women in the first two heats, uh, didn't, they just haven't caught up to the men yet. And that eventually you're saying it's like a biological or anatomical thing right the pooling thing the pooling just women are just built different and i and i want to believe that um although we're different that it's just the field that they don't have the depth the women's depth is probably more than the men's in this field say that again the women's depth is probably more than the men in this in this field okay all right so there's nothing there anyone anyone got my back on that
Starting point is 00:21:30 they're all doing the same workout in the same division so it's it's a lot of people would just say that the argument is silly um i'm just looking at it strictly from a as a fan watching and i want to watch a workout most times i want to be able to say okay it looked like the guys who could stay on the rings the longest did the best in the workout so when i watch the women i kind of want to see the same thing you want the same stimulus right right jr like across across the board men and women You want the same stimulus in the same workout. I think it's good if they're going to do the exact same workout for the workouts to have very similar stimuli.
Starting point is 00:22:12 And I think that's the case in probably all the events of the weekend except this one. Go ahead, Andrew. He said stimuli. Chase, Moritz Fiebig sitting in 12th place. He has a 19th, a 14th, and a 9th Is he going back to the games? He was at the games last year, strong athlete
Starting point is 00:22:28 I mean, he's got two events That are wheelhouse coming up in the next three So the And that last one He could win that last one, easy And in 13th place Hiller, BKG Bjorgvin, Carl Goodmanson.
Starting point is 00:22:45 He has a 16th, a 16th, and a 13th. This would be his 11th trip to the games. I think people are saying that that's some sort of record for an individual. Is he going? How far away is Yona from him? Yeah, he's looking good. BKG's good. He's fine.
Starting point is 00:23:01 He'll be cool. Do you agree with these guys, JRr and who do you think they're gonna knock out um let's see who's getting the the axe uh probably fernando see you later michael smith sorry i want to say chaser lauren said um on the broadcast that this is luca vunyak's first year being like a full-time athlete that he's been yeah i hope he's gonna take it he's gonna get hurt in the snatch ladder too okay like physically or emotionally both chase another interesting thing worth noting is that oldest and Luca both did amazing in the first, uh,
Starting point is 00:23:46 two workouts. Oh, oldest obviously got a first and a first Luca Vunyak got a third and a second, but he got a 35th on the third workout. They're just too small for that workout. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Are they going to be just too small for the event six? Because people, no, because they weren't just going too small for the event six? No, because they weren't too small for event one or event two. They were just fine for the first two. It was a bike and box jump workout, and it was more of a bike workout than a box jump one. So that just didn't land in their favor. Jason Yale, athletes, this is in response to Yona, us not knowing what's going
Starting point is 00:24:25 on with yonakoski uh jason yale athletes never say they have an injury during a competition they always bring it up afterwards and use it as an excuse to why they perform so badly or i won and i was injured uh jake chapman chase sounds tired i don't know he sounds good but he must be tired uh how much have you slept in the last 72 hours, Chase? 10 hours. Oh, that's good. That's fine. Three hours a day is good.
Starting point is 00:24:48 All right. Let's head over to the women. I'm going to be taking overtime for that. No, that's not a thing. Let's head over to the ladies of Europe 2024 semifinals. Ten of these women will be going to the CrossFit Games in Texas this year. Gabriella Magawa in first place, Laura Horvat in second, Amy Kringle in third, Emma Tall in fourth, then Freya Ova,
Starting point is 00:25:12 Jacqueline Dahlstrom, Emma McQuaid, Claudia Gluck, Jennifer Muir, Linda Kiesman. Is there anyone that's out of the top 10 or 15 that's a surprise here. I don't see any names.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Miriam, no. We thought Miriam would have a bad workout. And she did. She did. And was it the last one? Yeah. Sarah pulled out. Sarah Siegman's daughter pulled out.
Starting point is 00:25:41 We knew that. Let's talk about Thura Helga Doter. 27th place with a 29th, a 15th, and a 26th. Yeah, I thought Thura would be a lot better than that Legos rope climb workout. A lot better than she did. I thought she would finish around where Jacqueline Dahlstrom finished, and they were complete opposites. where Jackman Dahlstrom finished, and they were complete opposites.
Starting point is 00:26:10 Chase, anything that you glean from being there in person? Does Helga Doder look like she's just passed her prime, and this is her fading, waning, her career waning? It might be towards the end of her career. I mean, she went to the Games for the first time in 2012. She has been so good for so long. But i was actually more surprised at her event one finish than i was her event three to be honest with you just with her weightlifting background and then her track and field background i thought that would have posed a great pairing for that event and instead she took 29th
Starting point is 00:26:40 place yeah so you know it's could be just hey this is just the way careers go when you get towards the end of them hey she looks small on camera on the stream she looks like way more petite than the other athletes does it appear that way in person also i mean she's no she's not as small in person i mean she's a bridge okay she's still a brick shithouse she looks like a crossfitter yeah she's still a daughter okay uh let's go uh does anyone else want to say anything about tury do you think she's out hiller see you later jr yeah that'd be that'd be a heck of a comeback i'm not saying it's impossible i mean ever since and i love you james but ever since a couple years ago at a semi-final you saw someone like like will morad win an event and climb i make up i don't know how many points jace probably remembers like ever since that happened points in one workout ever since that happened i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:27:39 i am very like hesitant to say anyone is out uh and along those lines uh first place gabriella magawa has 279 and a 10th place has 195 so the separation is almost uh 100 points between uh first and then the cut line uh 10th where linda keisman is and she's going to fight with elena cardatala sanahua um let's talk about rebecca vidas in let's take a look at her uh coming down off the rope here um it didn't i'm glad i'm calling in does anyone does anyone know what happened there chase uh it doesn't look like we we can even um from the few times i saw it, I couldn't tell what happened. So we don't know what's happened. We know she's being evaluated right now as far as what the final say is.
Starting point is 00:28:39 But I think everyone who's watched it and knows non-contact injuries, she actually has a history of ACL tears. I believe in both of her knees that have been both repaired. So that's what it looks like to me. If you watch her fall, that type of position that she landed on, that's classic. And then what happened when she's stepping off the box just shows me the stability wasn't there. I'm not a doctor. I'm not saying that's what it is, but that's just what it looked like to me.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Okay. You're misspoken. Caleb, I want to say that there's another angle but but if all if all we have is the box right now uh queued up let's just go to the box uh she laid on the ground here i want to say for a minute she got up she got back on the bike uh she finished the what 10 calories on oh there she is on the ground. She's writhing. Is an ACL tear painful? Yeah, it's not fun. I spilled. I've torn mine. It was pretty bad when I tore mine.
Starting point is 00:29:33 So she got on the bike. She rode her 10 calories, and then she came out. She limped across the field. Did you see her limping, Chase? Yeah. I don't know why she thought that was going to work out very well. Because she probably knew that it was a tear instead of just a tweak. Okay, and then here she is.
Starting point is 00:29:53 I didn't see her actually jump up onto the box, but then she's – yeah, it looks like when she steps off the box, it looks like she steps on slippery ice, and she goes straight to her back. I also don't know why she stepped off the box on her bad leg you think you would step off the box to your good leg i don't think she's that much practice stepping off a box of the torn atl did it look like the medical team had a had a far away to go chase because it felt like it took forever for them to get out there so the way it actually works here here in France is that the medical team is provided by the venue, not the event. So that's just like part of the rules here. So however that venue medical team responded is more just on the arena facility and not on the French throwdown itself. Free health care takes uh 10 times as
Starting point is 00:30:46 long to get but it's free so what are you gonna do all right uh so she's out right chase that's it she's toast yeah she's done she's done she's done uh savannah i got a production meeting so i got to bounce but thanks for all right invite me thanks for coming on so i can't stay no problem i'm sorry you can't stay too too. Hey, I'm really surprised. She was doing so good, too. I had just commented in our thread how great her descents look. She was touching the top. She was letting go of the rope.
Starting point is 00:31:13 She was catching it right before she hit the ground, all of Rich Froning, putting on the brakes, and then next round she was toast. A big loss. Her scores up until that point, let's see what place she's sitting in, even with that 38th. She was smoking that event. She was the first in that event, too.
Starting point is 00:31:31 So she was 12th, 16th, and let's say she would have gotten a top five. It looks like she was headed to the games, and now with her 38th place finish, she is in 20th place. There's no way, right? A.C. Altair, that's it. She's out for the year. No, she's done. All right. There's no way right ACL tear. That's that's it. She's she's out for the noise. She's done All right, that's a shame she's fun to watch all right, I'll be able to squat snatch so Even if she made it through that she won't even be able to squat snatch
Starting point is 00:31:58 fair enough Gabriella McGaugh with 279 points Laura Horvat 276. A first, a second, and a seventh for Gabriela Magawa. And a seventh, a first, and a third for Laura Horvat. So the only thing separating them is a one-place finish. Amy Kringle, 276, tied with Laura. A second, a fourth, and a fifth. Are these all three lock-ins?
Starting point is 00:32:24 Or does, I assume Gabrilla magawa and laura horvat are but is amy kringle so new to the scene that she could still have a hole in her game that we haven't seen yet i am i'm unaware i i think i do think she's gonna drop but i don't know where i don't know where that's going i disagree she is not gonna drop she's going to drop? But I don't know where that's going. I disagree. She is not going to drop. She's going to finish third. Emma Tull's got nothing. You want to bet money? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Okay. JR, how do you think Amy Kringle is going to do with three workouts left? She had been super impressive. And just based on these three, it couldn't stand alone as a total competition, but there's enough variance here, in my opinion, on these three, especially with skill, because usually when females have a hole, it's either absolute strength or it's upper body pulling capacity, typically. And just with these three, to take top fives on all three, I think she's easily in.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Oh, yeah. I think she'll make the games she's got i mean i i don't expect her to finish outside the top five how come we don't have uh we have we have two two studies over in the men's oldest and vunyak who did extremely well in in the first two workouts and then shit the bed on the third workout how come we don't have an example of that how come the women weren't exposed like that how come let's say gabriella magawa and amy kringle or emma tall uh weren't exposed because the box is too easy for that you want to jr not go for it john because the event three was a different workout for the women yeah for the men it was just an anatomy workout which
Starting point is 00:34:02 like makes me scared for Colton. You're saying his huge penis held him back on the box jump over it? That's exactly what I'm saying. It's hard to jump for him. But no, when it's a bike and a high box jump workout where you have to step down so it kind of blunts the fitness a little bit, that workout, they're never going to do well in it. So you do have some concerns about Colton?
Starting point is 00:34:28 On this workout, I think this will be his worst workout for sure. But for the women, that's not the case. For the women, it's upper body pulling and then fitness. Miss Kringle's only weakness was rope climbs she missed out last year on the Marines training. If that's true, she's shored that hole up, huh? For sure. All right.
Starting point is 00:34:50 When coming into this event, didn't we assume that Gabriella Magawa and Laura Horvat were in a league of their own? That they were levels above the rest or no? That was a pretty explicit conversation. Yeah, I think that exact thing happened. And do you guys still? Go ahead, John. I think Laura's in a tier of her own. I think Gabby's in a tier of their own.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I would put them in separate tiers. And then I'd put Imital and Cambray over in a tier of those two. And then everybody else after that. JR, do you have any thoughts on that? I don't think I would disagree. And I think by the end of the weekend, you'll any thoughts on that I don't think I would disagree and I think by the end of the weekend you'll kind of see that you'll see that Laura just continues steady doesn't have anything lower than what she has now which is a seventh and I think the chances of one of the other females
Starting point is 00:35:38 having something outside the top 10 is a lot higher we're fortunate to have Andrew Hiller on the show the foremost experts on reps and no reps and all things reps, up reps, down reps, sideways reps. And we have footage of Laura Horvath getting called for no reps. I have not looked closely at it, but the word on the street is that her reps were actually good. And here, her first no rep, it could have been devastating. This is just championship caliber.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Devastating because she got a no rep on a legless rope climb, and this would have ruined lesser athletes. Here's the questionable rep as Laura climbs. I believe this is her sixth ascent, so she's already coming towards the end of her workout, expended a lot of energy. And I'm assuming when they pace these, they don't think that they're going to get a
Starting point is 00:36:25 no rep. Crazy good angle, too. There's the clamp. And... Did she have to touch the clamp or the bar? She's got to touch the bar at the top without clamping her legs.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Okay, so we're not 100% sure whether she touched it or not, nor can we see if she's clamping her legs. How do I understand why the judge has to stand all the way the hell over there? They all are. And he's pointing. He sees something right away. I mean, he's saying if you squeeze your legs on the rope before you touch the beam, it's a no rep.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And is that what we're guessing the no rep is? Like, look, like it looks like she's squeezing her legs right now. I don't know. I don't see that. No, but like we have this angle. From the judge's angle, you see her legs collapsing on that rope. Oh, okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Because the judge is in front of her. So that would be considered clamping? That's what we're guessing that the no rep was? This is something that they lit slight quite a bit a couple years back. And if you ask me, that's exactly what's going on. And he made a good call. Wow. You do think that that's clamping?
Starting point is 00:37:43 It doesn't matter whether or not. I mean, they should be avoiding the fact that it would look that that's clamping? It doesn't matter whether or not, I mean, they should be avoiding the fact that it would look like it were clamping. That's what the athlete should be doing. She was fourth initially after Jen Muir, now she's third. The judge is sitting there and he can see it, like John said, and if that's what he sees and that's what the call is, then she's clamping. And I don't hear that she's clamping a bit. I wonder what happened's clamping of it so i wonder what
Starting point is 00:38:05 happened uh do we know let's let's look at her other rep and then we'll talk about this uh jen muir thing because uh i wonder what happened there because jen muir finished according to this uh 15 no five seconds after her and jen muir beat her in the race she did so something happened to jen muir maybe she got extra seconds. Maybe she missed a round. I mean, she got ahead of her here. I think all those are good. I think she had one rep left.
Starting point is 00:38:37 The guy still had a finger up when she... Okay, so it's not a no rep. It's the fact that she... Oh, she's done. Oh, no, he had one finger up. Can we watch that? Can we watch that whole sequence and counter reps? What is she supposed to do there?
Starting point is 00:38:52 10. Oh, you're looking at Laura? Yeah, we're looking at Laura. Laura jumped down. That's why it was a no rep. Watch her. She jumps down instead of steps down. That's why she got the no rep.
Starting point is 00:39:01 See that? Oh, okay. Okay. Which is the stupidestest there's a comment in here this whole jump down thing i i hate it oh my god it's so and why and why do you hate it it blunts your fitness why would they do it why would they and this world where there's not all that much athleticism, you're removing one aspect of being athletic. And in an event where they're now saying, I think I read this somewhere earlier,
Starting point is 00:39:35 in an event where they don't care where you're coming off the top of the rope any longer, but they do care that you step off the top of the box. And I think that JR's counter to this is like, well, now you're making everybody rebound. It's like, well, or not, or make the box higher. Like if it's a box jump workout, make it a 40-inch box. No one's rebounding off of that thing. JR, do you have any defense for this step down?
Starting point is 00:39:58 Yeah, first of all, I agree with Andrew's point about in a sport that doesn't get to showcase a whole lot of pure athleticism removing a movement like letting you bound a tall box does that the reason why i'll push back on it is i'll say this just because they're making you step off the box just because they're making you go slower, that is no different than them saying you're not allowed to touch and go to the barbell. You actually have to do all singles, even though the bar is light. You're not allowed to keep your handstand pushups at six inches.
Starting point is 00:40:34 You have to do them strict. You know what? That's going to slow you down. Correct. You're not able to do rope climbs 30 for time with your legs. We know it would be faster. You got to do legless now. It's no different. It's no different than them just saying, taking a movement that you're used to being tested a certain way and saying, yep, sorry, we're going to make you go slower. Quarterfinals. Last point.
Starting point is 00:40:56 Quarterfinals workout two. When have you ever seen them not let you jump off of a box for a burpee box jump over? Never. Now you have to step down off of it age group semifinals you have to step down on the 30 inch box jump semifinals for individuals you have to step down on a box jump over it's very consistent with the whole season so far um i like what bill grundler said bill grundler I think he's the first person to say this. He hates it too, but he says this all the time.
Starting point is 00:41:26 He says, don't tell me how to win. I like that, and I get that argument. But let me ask you this, because there's a nuance there between a couple of the examples you gave. The kipping handstand push-up, I understand. But has there ever been a competition where you're not allowed to go touch and go? No, but that's the point he's making.
Starting point is 00:41:45 But there easily could be. Okay. Hey, we know touch and go is faster. Actually, there has been. Excuse me. Back nine at the games on the deadlift, that was a dead stop deadlift. They were not allowed to touch and go. That makes it slower, and that makes it harder.
Starting point is 00:42:03 So it was the last chance qualifier they did that too for the three rep deadlift yeah but i could also that was a strength test though it wasn't a time-based thing but but the nuance there is you could say that the deadlift also is to eliminate bouncing and to make a better judging right so that it's easier to judge so instead of saying no bouncing you just say like a hand release push-up this this this and and i and i know you're playing um devil's advocate and you're or you're not playing devil's advocate you i know you agree with hiller um and you're and but you're just also taking the hundred thousand foot view this just this doesn't but why would they do that why would you require
Starting point is 00:42:38 a step down like i don't get it what's the argument for it doesn't even make sense to me i understand the argument for doing not allowing touch and go because you want to avoid bouncing i understand not wanting to do handstand push-ups kipping because you want to show uh just the pure strength can i add something but but why not let stepping down there what's the value there yeah go ahead andrew in the sport where the ghd hip position is such a huge issue and it really should just be point a to point b they are now having a movement where the it's a box jump and it's always been it's done up there that is point b and now they're saying there is a way to get to point b and now we're getting into the gymnastic spectrum of it
Starting point is 00:43:14 and they're grading you on how you got over it and that's it's just a slippery slope and it's disgusting it's bad like i could see it happening in an affiliate, but not at the games. Do you see any practical reason for doing it, Jer? I think I said this on one of the other shows we did. Unless they're looking at the totality of the weekend and they're saying, hey, listen, you guys are bounding a lot on event one. You're bounding a lot on event two. We want to make sure that everyone's not put in a position that forces them to put their body at risk. And a lot of people have pushed back and said it's not for safety.
Starting point is 00:43:52 That's not why. And I would have to agree. I think it's just one of those things like, hey, we know you always train box jump overs where you can bound. That's why we're making you step down. Just learn how to do it. All right. Fair enough. can you step down just learn how to do it all right uh fair enough um like your knees have to be locked out and has to do this and it's it's a it's a beauty pageant at that point and this is
Starting point is 00:44:12 it's on the spectrum of beauty pageant to step down yeah i i mean i i do not like it all right uh i'd like to go to the uh now. Workout number three, first thing tomorrow morning. Or maybe that's better angle of Rebecca. Maybe. Oh, yeah. If you got it. Yeah. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Rebecca Vittesen coming down off the rope from a second angle. Oh, so let me ask you this real quick. Was she clamping? It didn't appear so. I mean, I think she... I had it on her way down. Oh, okay. You see, her legs are open.
Starting point is 00:44:52 They're still open. It's not as much as Laura's. Laura's got her leg, like, around it. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. Okay, so she descends. She lets go.
Starting point is 00:45:03 She grabs. It's a pretty aggressive descent. It's a great descent until it isn't. Dang it, Chris Kyle. And is it her left knee? Yeah. And it's honestly just a freak thing. That's not the rope's fault.
Starting point is 00:45:36 That was going to happen. Just like when Julie Fouché tore her Achilles, I know, on the rebounding box shot. It's just something that happened. It's not anybody's fault. She didn't do anything wrong. It just happened. Are you guys okay with this programming
Starting point is 00:45:53 that there isn't some sort of line or piece of tape on the rope that you have to get below first before you drop? She would have been below that line. Do you think it would have happened if the rope hadn't been cut? She would have been below that line. Do you think it would have happened if the rope hadn't been cut? It's not sure to land it on the rope and broke her ankle instead of twisted her knee.
Starting point is 00:46:11 All right. Workout number three, three, four. No, sorry. Four. We're got number four. We're got number four, five and six are tomorrow. We'll go through these quickly. Oh, four, five and six.
Starting point is 00:46:23 All right. Five and six. You like this layout, JR? One on day one, two on day two, three on day three? I always kind of like the moving day being on day two where you had three scores. I mean, in this case, it would have probably just been two. I liked it when there were seven some years instead of six, and you had one day with more points to win or lose than the other,
Starting point is 00:46:45 and that's kind of what we get here. I guess it's cool that it's on day three. I mean, it's a lot more opportunity for movement on the leaderboard. For time, 400-meter row, 96-foot handstand walk, 600-meter row, 120-foot handstand walk, 800-meter row, 72-foot handstand walk, 13-minute time cap. John Young, this is okay, both men and women, same distances for both of time cap John Young this is okay both men and women same distances for both of them
Starting point is 00:47:08 yeah this is this is fine nothing should be altered J.R. Hiller yeah it should be calories as always and I should count 40 for the men and 32 for the women and really so this is this is uncommon using meters in semifinals it's not uncommon
Starting point is 00:47:27 but it's just stupid and why is that why why are calories better than meters they are as we saw in the quarterfinal workout, you can rip on a rower and you can be rewarded for ripping on a rower in a way where you cannot in the same way with meters. Also, it's just something that we've seen. There's that chipper. Maybe not the chipper, but it's just a standardized number.
Starting point is 00:48:01 It's 30, 24, 40, 32, and 50 50 40 and it makes it the same workout for the men and the women and now all of a sudden it's a different stimulus for the two of them so basically what you're saying is this 400 meters road isn't always the same amount of calories you can go okay if you pound it if you pound on it i mean how long is that going to take a minute 20 maybe i don't think it's a different stimulus though i think how long is that going to take? A minute 20, maybe? I don't think it's a different stimulus though. I think the women are just going to take longer. Agreed. Yes, agreed. But they don't have to, and all you
Starting point is 00:48:32 got to do is change it. 40-32. It's a pen swipe difference. I don't disagree. It doesn't bother me as much. Now it's the same. Let's look at the women first since we were just at the women. Let's pull up the women's leaderboard. Let's look at the women first since we were just at the women. Let's pull up the women's leaderboard.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Let's look at the top 10 ladies. We have sitting on top, like we said before, Gabriella Magawa with 279 points. How does she do on this? Her, Laura, Amy Kringle. How do those top three fare in this? Who's the best at this workout? I'm going to say Laura Horvath wins this workout. I think she's going to row literally 10 seconds faster than everybody a 10 second pace faster than
Starting point is 00:49:09 everybody if gabby's if the rest of the girls are going 150 she's gonna go 140 and i there's not a danielle brandon whose handstand walking is just that much faster than everybody to offset that um gabby will be fine she'll probably get around fifth. Amy Kringle, I don't know her handstand walkability. I want to go back here real quick. Sorry, Jedediah Snelson says something that adds a lot of value here. A difference is the distance across the water versus the amount of water you can move with the oar. Whether it's true or not, that puts it in context and that's a good way to think of it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I like it. It's interesting. I would just say simply, rowing for calories rewards effort more so than rowing for distance. We are in a sport where if you go harder, you should be rewarded.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Dallin was getting, what, 32, 35 calories in a minute on the rower in the quarterfinals? 30 to 33. Right? Something crazy. So was Jason, and a lot of people were. And if it were for meters, it's not similar. The difference in placings on the leaderboard are not the same.
Starting point is 00:50:21 And because of the effort, like JR just said. Is there anyone in this top 10 that you know of gabriella laura amy emma karen friova jacqueline emma claudia gluck jennifer muir uh linda that you know is going to just choke on the handstand push-ups are there women who are in in this top 10 sorry are walking on your hands handstand walk that are just this is it for them this is going to be the whole i don't i don't know there isn't anyone i know and because it's uh it is a handstand walk for speed um you'll be able to see subtle differences in speed for sure but if uh there were higher skill elements involved with being inverted we'd probably be able to say yeah this is one person who they've never been on an obstacle before in competition so i wouldn't expect they're going to be great at it here and we don't know anything about the the handstand walks yet we
Starting point is 00:51:12 don't know about where the lines are that you have to cross the reset lines and we don't know if there's obstacles correct the way i understand it it's they're all out and backs so you'll have a series of lines on the floor and like for the first one you'll have um 12 foot segments and you'll go 48 down 48 back to the roller and on the next one you'll do five of those down and back and the next one you'll do 72 straight elisa fuliano is a girl to watch she's very very good on her hands um i don't know i think it will be fun to watch who your elite rowers are versus who your elite handstand walkers are and then where that offset happens, which one's more valuable.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It should be handstand walking, but it will be fun just to watch that up and down. Amy Kringle is a former gymnast, and yet Barclay then responds with, Amy Kringle has not had many impressive finishes in the handstand walk events to date. I think it's important to remember, and Pat's even come on here and said this a ton, where it's like a handstand walk volume workout comes out, or handstand push-up volume comes out, and everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:52:19 well, Pat should win because he's a gymnast. And he's like, no, just because I had a gymnastics background doesn't mean that I'm going to have the best shoulder stamina. If you're winning the deadlift, you're not winning the handstand pushups. That would, so, so maybe five years ago, that would have mattered, but now everyone has handstand walking and it doesn't matter. Now, stamina is more relevant than the skill, right? JR is what you're saying. Yeah. I think, I think you're, i think the point that you're making that the everyone's capacity has been pushed so far in the direction of hey
Starting point is 00:52:50 skills are skills and now it's just who can do it faster then yeah then just having a background like like the muscle up back in the day like the difference between now everyone has 10 muscles yeah because it's not an adaptation that's new. But if you take something that people haven't done before and you put Pat on it and he's got experience on that apparatus, then it's like, okay, now you can really see someone like him shine. How's Claudia Gluck on her hands? I think she's pretty good on her hands. There was a handstand walking workout in Dubai that she did fine. Now it was Dubai, so it's hard to compare against competition,
Starting point is 00:53:23 but she was like second or third in that event pretty impressive right at 23rd a third and a sixth yeah and most people thought she was going to do much better on the run than she did like that was way out of the loop than what she normally puts up i think i think claudia gluck's sitting in a really good spot right now um especially with Bitteson out. That leaves one spot open. I think she's going to make it. CrossFat, this podcast slowly has less and less hair as the years have gone by. Fair enough. Great observation.
Starting point is 00:53:59 All right. If Yannick Koski has those finishes, he doesn't make it on the next three workouts. You mean if he gets a third or sixth in the 2030s, he's still not good enough? Yeah. Barclay, Claudia finishes top 10 in handstand walk 80% of the time. She'll be okay. All right. Thank you, Barclay.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Let's check out episode workout five. Let's check out workout five for the ladies. Prime Day is here with epic deals exclusively for Prime members. You'll feel like you just won an award. Oh, wow. I didn't even prepare a speech. I'd like to thank my family for always needing stuff. Also, Sam, my delivery guy, for bringing all my awesome deals so fast. You're the man, Sam. I hear birds in someone's background. That's not me. I'm going to say Laura Horvath goes sub five minutes.
Starting point is 00:55:06 And event five. Event five is. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You mean sub four approaching three. Sub five minutes. For time, 10 squat snatches, eight squat snatches, six squat snatches, four squat snatches, two squat snatches. Everyone snatches six squat snatches four squat snatches two squat snatches uh everyone has to take a mandatory rest uh your start times for those reps are two minutes four minutes six minutes eight minutes and 11 minutes uh are you saying that laura horvath's
Starting point is 00:55:36 gonna win this one john running away i think her and karen karen feyoova will be second running away. But I don't think anybody will be close to Laura. Andrew? Yeah, I'll go with John on this one. JR? I think Laura will pull Karen along. I think it'll be a little closer. I think she'll be within 30 seconds. That's running away with it on this workout, though.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Didn't he just say over a minute? Am I making that up? He did just say that. I said by over a minute over Karen. I thought you said she was going to win by over a minute. Sub five minutes. I don't think I said over. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Somebody, somebody rewind me. I don't think you said that. Uh, what about, uh, two squat snatches at one 75? Is there anyone in this top 10 uh female list that that just stops them in their tracks a lot of women in the top 10 in the top 10 yeah uh linda
Starting point is 00:56:36 keysmith jennifer muir claudia gluck emma mcquay how's emma mcquay is she gonna do well there i think she'll be fine i think i think it's that's close to her max but i think she'll be fine uh jacklyn jacklyn dollstrom i don't i'm not as confident in jacklyn dollstrom but you're saying do you think someone will get time capped on this oh yeah yeah no there there are plenty of women not not maybe not in the top 10 but there are plenty of women in this field that uh won't finish the workout all right uh and then um uh let's go to the last workout workout number six the final workout after this one we will have our 10 women who are going to the crossfit games anchorman someone talking
Starting point is 00:57:26 movies with hillar in the chat yes yes yes it's about sex panther yeah so jr also knows it uh definitely set up for a race something that looks like i've seen before 30 calories on the echo bike 15 muscle ups uh 72foot dumbbell walking lunge. Same thing here, guys. Gabby, Laura, Amy, they handle their business here? Laura dominates this one. Totally dominates. No one comes close. I believe they have 22 cows for the ladies.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Why don't they just make it meters? It's all the same. Why do you say that for the women? Why don't they have it for the women? I think it is 22 cows. It is. Can you change the filter to men and women or no?
Starting point is 00:58:19 It's just one down there. Where do you put the dumbbells? On your shoulders? No, it's farmer carry. Okay. And do these is that weight heavy for any of these women who are in the top 10? Linda, Jennifer, Claudia, Emma, Jacqueline, Karen,
Starting point is 00:58:34 Emma, Amy? I think it's going to be heavy for a lot of people, especially after having already done two events that day. Fusiliano sitting in 13th? It'll be heavy for her. What about Andrea Solberg? She looks like she can move some weight.
Starting point is 00:58:50 It'll be heavy for her. JR, do you really think that the volume is going to compound them to the point where it's going to matter on a workout that far removed from another workout? These guys are going to the CrossFit games. I think the 22-count bike is going to the CrossFit games. I think the 30-count bike is going – or the 22-count bike is going.
Starting point is 00:59:07 This is literally nothing. You hear people say a lot of times in competitions where they feel themselves blow up easier than they do in training, whether it be because of the adrenaline or just because of the intensity they're putting out. And I think, like, pressing into the ground, handstand walking fast, that's more forearm and grip fatigue than a lot of people want to give a credit for ripping on the rower.
Starting point is 00:59:29 I don't know what the turnaround is going to be. And I'm not saying they're, they're doing a crazy grip intensive workout, but after the whole weekend, I think the dumbbells will feel heavier than you would have said they would feel in training. You think that's a training issue or an intensity issue? Probably an intensity issue or just a training issue or an intensity issue probably an intensity issue or just a volume issue how many people are going to do all three of these at max intensity on the same day in training i mean shouldn't they if they're going to the crossfit games and they're the best of the best they should be ready for it no i don't think so not all three not all three in the same day okay dude how many women you think go on broken on the muscle-ups here you think over under five under i like five
Starting point is 01:00:07 hey what what about what about the walking lunge will anyone put their dumbbells down no yes i disagree yeah but also to anyone like it's it's yeah it's a caveat though how many how many finish the 15th muscle up and pick up the dumbbells within five seconds? Then we can talk about of those people who doesn't put them down. So you think there's going to be time caps? I don't think anybody. No, I'm just saying I think people are going to get done with the muscle-ups and they're going to wait for 20 seconds or 30 seconds
Starting point is 01:00:38 before they start lunging. And then maybe they're like, hey, I'm going to take a big break so that I can go unbroken. Because once I put them down during the 72 feet, I know I'm just going to stand there. So I'd rather rest now than rest then. I think the smartest thing to do is to pin the bike, go 9.6 in the muscle-ups, and then unbroken in the lunge if you got it. them in the lunch if you got it the break that you want to take before you pick up the dumbbells is i would say almost always going to be break going to be faster break than putting them down during the lunch 100 100 100 yeah um phil brings up a good point this is the last workout of the
Starting point is 01:01:22 day it's short and uh this is an empty-the-tank workout. Everything left. Laura will win it, but the best of the rest will be fairly close-packed. I think when you have that number of 15 versus, like, 12, it completely changes the game at the highest level of the women's sport. Because I would say in the women's field, just the depth at the top is much smaller. So the amount of people, we're talking about a field of 40,
Starting point is 01:01:50 how many people can do 15 muscle-ups unbroken? And to say only five of them, that's big. Like, that's a huge difference. Well, after a bike sprint. Yeah, in the men's field, how many are going to do 15? We'll get to that. We'll get to that. Hold that thought. All right, guys. many are going to do 15 we'll get to that we'll get to that hold that thought all right guys uh
Starting point is 01:02:06 so um we will uh we'll maybe we'll do a show before we get to the final workout tomorrow that'll be the goal so after and we'll pick our winners then uh let's go over and look at the uh men's let's go back to workout number four uh and let's pull up the men's list of athletes i guess i guess we need to see the I guess we need to see the workout first. Um, the names are here. Uh, oh, so this next workout is the handstand walk workout. It's the, what was it? A row.
Starting point is 01:02:36 It was a row. Yeah. 400 meter row, 96 foot handstand walk, 600 meter row, 120 foot handstand walk, 800 meter row, 72 foot handstand walk with a 12 minute gap handstand walk 800 meter row 72 foot handstand walk with a 12 minute gap so we know the road is going to be no problem for yellow how about those handstand walks i am unsure okay uh lazar lazar jukic will also will do well on this yeah lazar i'll do good here's the thing with about Yellow. We only know him from one year. I don't know anything past the one year, and he did the inverted medley.
Starting point is 01:03:08 That's nothing like 300 feet of handstand walking for time. It can't be true, right, Savan? That cannot be true. I saw you just freak out. That cannot be true. ESC sounds Tyson Fury just freak out tweak that cannot be true uh esc uh c sounds tyson fury just pulled out of the fight i the king the king of uh wherever they're fighting has a king and he says if anyone pulls out they'll receive a 10 million dollar fine did anyone i saw that pop up and you went like this immediately uh furry pull furry pulled out like hillar does on alexis oh yeah how do you know uh put it in
Starting point is 01:03:48 phil put in phil tune come on guys don't fuck around if that's true tell me that's my my whole day is built around that my whole life i really want to just kick back after this show i'm fucking exhausted and watch two fucking dudes beat each other. Is it true? No, it's not true. Is that what these three laughing emojis mean? I don't know. No, it's probably true.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Did you look it up? I just looked it up. It says Tyson very versus Olic Usyk, live results and updates from 14 minutes ago. Yeah, it says it's out. Oh, Adam Blakeslee and,
Starting point is 01:04:24 and, uh, Evading Lice. Fury doesn't pull out, but Seve's couch does. Oh, that's not bad. That's funny. Okay, so we don't know how Yellowhost is going to do. This is going to be a big one for him. If he sucks at handstand push-ups, it could be devastating for him here, right? We know that a fucking last place finisher will take him out of the top 10.
Starting point is 01:04:48 He won't be last place. There's no way that he just— Because of his coach? You know who they wouldn't let him show up without a handstand push-up? No, it's just handstand walking. It's just handstand walking and rowing, and he's an elite rower. I think he'll be fine. I don't know where he'll be, but he's...
Starting point is 01:05:05 Yeah, but this isn't a rowing workout. At the highest level, I disagree. It's, I think it's like 50-50, man. Maybe 60-40 handstand walking. When you say the highest level, what do you mean? Three of the 40, JR? 10. Yeah, I would say it's top five to 10.
Starting point is 01:05:24 That's what it's going to come down to hey i know you can all handstand walk fast there may be a difference of literally one second in i can handstand walk 100 feet in 35 seconds and another guy can do it in 38 okay cool now show me who can make up those three seconds on the rower um hillary it's gonna look weird watching yellow host uh uh handstand walk right it's weird watching Fikowski handstand walk, right? I don't think it's weird watching. It'd be weird watching Yao Ming handstand walk,
Starting point is 01:05:52 I bet. All right. Harry Lightfoot, is he going to stay in the mix in this top 10? I think he's in. Love it. Blue Steel. I do. I do. Blue steel. Someone doesn't know who Eric Zoolander is. I do. I do.
Starting point is 01:06:08 I kind of do. I kind of do. Okay. I'm still frazzled because of the fight. Okay. So, Bjergfren Carl Goodmanson, good on his hands. He's sitting in 13th place. This is his time to shine.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Correct, boys? Correct, John? This will be a workout for him. I wouldn't expect him to be top five in this workout. He's in the third heat right now, correct? Yeah, so this is going to be one, I think, that because he knows that last heater is just going to pull each other along, kind of like we saw in the Legos rope climb workout and Victor Hoffer
Starting point is 01:06:38 where he thought he had a really good time, but then the whole last heat just kind of elevated each other. I think you might see BKG take a chance on like his row pace and be like, Hey, I'm going to have, I'm going to have to take a risk because I can't know how fast those guys are going to go. Oh dude.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I disagree so hard. I think, I think if BKG, like you look at his finishes, 16, 16, 13th BKG is one of the most consistent people we know. He's,
Starting point is 01:07:03 he doesn't have any holes he just stays he's just pretty good at everything not amazing what are you getting that pretty good at everything i think he thinks if i stay in my lane and i do this to the best of my abilities i don't think he thinks i have to take a chance on this workout that's the last workout that you have to take a chance that may have been a poor choice of words but but I don't think he's going to fail a handstand walk ever, especially a 12-foot unbroken segment. So I think the reward of the risk of just rowing a 140 versus a 142, he's willing to take.
Starting point is 01:07:35 What place do you think he gets in this? I would say top 10. I mean, like throw a place on it. Seventh. Okay, that's fine. I say ninth. Yeah, I think he's on her. Seventh. Okay. That's fine. I say ninth. Yeah, I think he's going to win.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Same, same. Do you really, Hiller? No. Victor Hoffer is going to win. I just think it's really hard on a fast workout like this. It's really hard to win from not being in the final heat. It's really hard. I agree.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Tell that to Josh Bridges. And he didn't win the 21-15-9 because he wasn't in Rich Froning's heat. No, I know what I'm talking about. Josh is a legend. It's about a 19-5 repeat. Just for the record, Bronislaw Olenkovic, who went to the CrossFit Games last year, I think he just barely got in by the skin of his teeth. He's sitting in 38th place with a 40th, a 32nd, and a 29th.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Wow. It's almost like he didn't come to play. I may be wrong, but I want to say that on an interview Justin Kotler did recently, he said that Bron was a little bit banged up going into these semifinals, that he had to kind of be really careful with the volume of the day.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Some days he'll see the volume and think, this might be a little bit too much based on how I'm feeling. And other days he could get the volume and just be like, Hey, I feel great. Let's let's hit it. I'm pretty sure that he, he has said that in the last two weeks.
Starting point is 01:08:57 All right. I think the guy to watch this workout is yellow host and oldest open X or the two to watch. Uh, I think that's where the most excited might be, not because that they're going to win, but I think that's where the most excited might be. Not because that they're going to win, but I think that's where the most excitement. You know who I think could win this workout?
Starting point is 01:09:09 Who? Yonikoski. Oh, Jesus. Yeah. My shoulders are fantastic. Oh, Jesus.
Starting point is 01:09:16 That's a, that's sarcasm. They aren't. Okay. Uh, let's go to the next workout. Workout. You've been better this weekend.
Starting point is 01:09:24 You've been better than I have this weekend. You've been better than I have this weekend. Betting on Yonakoski is like buying lottery tickets. It's like you drove by and you saw they're giving away millions of dollars and they got a picture of the guy who won, but it's like, dude, we're in the fourth event and he's just shit the bed. He's toast. I wouldn't bet on him on heat one.
Starting point is 01:09:40 I'd be safer on heat one, but I think Yonakoski can win this, win this workout. Okay. Maybe four inch parallettes. Maybe. Hey,
Starting point is 01:09:52 well, that being said, the guy won quarterfinals, right? Yeah, but that was so one month ago. I know. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Crazy, crazy, crazy. The snatch ladder. Uh, uh, who, I know you guys must have someone who you're like, yep, this person is going to win it. A guy in last place.
Starting point is 01:10:11 No shit. I don't think he's going to win it. Who do you think is going to win then? I don't know, but not him. He's toast, dude. He's toast. He can be toast and still win. Nope.
Starting point is 01:10:20 100%. Butter him up. He's good to go. What are the weights on that? The weights go 185. Okay, let me ask you this. At 185, does the pack separate out or do they all finish in 10 seconds?
Starting point is 01:10:32 It's very similar to the quarterfinals. Sorry, it's 10 snatches. I thought it was two. Do they all finish at the same speed at the 185? Most of them, yes. Okay, then 205, 8? I don't think you'll see separation until the 225 bar and then from there it will slightly get bigger and bigger and bigger the separation and and will we
Starting point is 01:10:53 see people not make it to the final bar uh i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna say yes people are weak in europe wow write that. Write that down. Write that down, JR. And I think the squat snatch, doing that after the super, super fast handstand walk, no, it's not the same movement, but it still uses the same musculature, still a lot of overhead stability. And the guys that don't have the more enduring shoulders, I think it's going to be tougher.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Even when they push the pace at the earlier bars and they get to the 245 and are expecting to just breeze through it. They make two and then they miss a third and it's in their head. Then they miss a fourth and it's really in their head and then it just kind of snowballs. I'll even pick a guy that doesn't make it to the last bar. Who? The Nika Masarowski
Starting point is 01:11:40 guy. Oh, you're really going out on them on that one, John. Well, that's who I'm picking. If somebody wants to say he's going to make the games, he's my dark horse. I bet he doesn't even get to the last bar. I think 10 guys don't make it to the last bar. What do you say about that?
Starting point is 01:11:56 I'd agree with you on that one. 10's a lot. That's going to be... They have to do in two minutes, they have to do four snatches at 245 Already being a little tired And Yeah I think
Starting point is 01:12:12 So those time gates are cumulative They don't have mandatory rest So they could have banked three minutes already By the time they get to the fourth bar Oh okay I was right up against the time gate All the way up to 245 Interesting Oh, okay. I was right up against the time gate all the way up to 245.
Starting point is 01:12:28 Interesting. And by the way, that's where the fun is going to be. Those guys who fail, that's where the fun is in this workout. It's not the guy who finishes. It's watching the guys fail. Something's going to be cool to watch about this. And just because I had the same kind of format at crucible, when Colton just showed everyone how to pace a workout like this correctly, the way that the flow is set up is one 85 is preloaded.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Then you roll the bar forward. You add tens. Then you do eight at two Oh five. You roll the bar forward. You add tens again. You do your six at 225. Then the next bar is preloaded waiting for you. So if you make that last snatch at 225 and you walk right to 245, people that can do that to me, you already know, okay, this guy's doing this for speed. They're not doing it for completion.
Starting point is 01:13:25 But the guys that start out a little bit too hot, they factor in that rest every time they advance and add because that's like a built-in 20-second rest for a lot of guys. You'll see the best slow play in the beginning, and then when they get to those heavier bars like Colton did, then when the others want to rest or when the others want to break or when the others want to chalk or put on their belt, that's when they step on the gas.
Starting point is 01:13:48 Can I add that this is like one of the best workouts ever because they aren't having multiple barbells. Like other than the second one, the athletes are changing their own weights. And in the modern era, it's always like get a crew of people around you to change your weights for you and all these online stages. It's the like get a crew of people around you to change your weights for you and all these online stages. It's the dumbest shit. I really like how the flow is add, add, and then add for the last one. And on top of what JR said, there's a little bit of a mental, am I ready to snatch 245?
Starting point is 01:14:19 Like you do your last 225 snatch and then it's five seconds of a walk for you it's right there ready for you to lift it like are you confident that you can just go at it and you're pretty darn tired when you get there i mean they're going to be not as tired as i was but you're pretty tired and and it's how many is it at 245 four four yeah um oh so it's it's basically 12 seconds a lift for the first 10 lifts Right If you're Harry Lightfoot, you aren't even getting that far You're the best at basic math
Starting point is 01:14:53 So you think Some people might not get past the first round No, I think everybody Everyone will get past the first round Except Harry Harry's coast by 245 I'd be shocked if everyone in the field past the first round. Except Harry? No, Harry. Harry's coached by 245. I'd be shocked if everyone in the field doesn't make it to the fourth
Starting point is 01:15:10 bar. John, don't let this go to your head. Jackie says, your eyes look great today, John. I was just thinking that. Thank you, Jackie. I appreciate that. Because he hasn't eaten McDonald's yet, and that canola oil hasn't glazed over his cornea. Soccer Mom, listen, assholes. There's 700 of you watching, only 41 likes.
Starting point is 01:15:29 Tap that thumb button. Thank you. Michael Smith smoked at 265. Okay, all I care about is Jell-O Hosta and Oldest Upenex. Tell me, how's Jell-O Hosta going to do with this? They're both going to be trash. Who? Jell-O Hosta and Oldest Upenex. Jell-O is not going to be trash. They're both going to be trash. Who? Yellow hosting all the Super Knicks.
Starting point is 01:15:45 Yellow is not going to be trash. They're both going to suffer a lot. I don't know if they finish it. Look at – someone said something nice about John. He's rewarding himself with a powdered donut. John, I got a question for you. Yeah. It's going to be really tough.
Starting point is 01:16:00 It's going to force you into making an absolute statement, which I know you love making. I'm ready. Does anyone qualify for the crossfit games out of europe that doesn't get at least one snatch at 265 harry lightfoot that's a fucking great question i'm trying to think through all the guys uh one first first you have to say yeah what yes what is not getting a snatch gonna get you in that event first yeah okay okay i think now let me see the top 10 yeah so wait let me let me let me make sure i understand the question boss hard both shard not gonna snatch 265 because it's too hard uh that guy i don't think it's going to make it through the ladder
Starting point is 01:16:45 i don't think yellow what yellow snatch at the games 255 it was something real real small i think yellow maybe yellow host it gets when he's been working with who day and who days like one of the greatest uh techs lifters uh in all of crossfit i love who day so i i'm not gonna doubt host it just because of his coach, but yellow host is really weak. He needs to get stronger. If he has any hope of actually being somebody at the games. And I know you were like 10th place, but somebody for real, you have to get stronger. Uh, Beauchard, Lightfoot, Luka Vunyak, those guys are not very strong. Um, which is why I'm asking.
Starting point is 01:17:25 So does anyone make the games that doesn't at least hit one rep at 265? I'm going to say yes. I'm going to say yes. That would be cool to watch at the end. And I think if you do not hit a 265 snatch, I'm going to say that's good enough for 28th place. Do we know if there's um like is there a tiebreaker setup where when you finish each barbell that's like a that's a tiebreak time so if you have like 10 guys or if you have 15 guys that finish 245 and not hit a rep at 265 do they all get the same amount of points
Starting point is 01:18:01 or do they do they tiebreak after each barbell let me i i would i would assume it would work like 2016 right can we just look at 2016 leaderboard and figure it out hey uh i do see a still photo by the way of yellow host a handstand walking and i don't see his Instagram is not full of, uh, Oh, here's him snatching with the short bar. And it looks like he was cycling. I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:18:36 One 85. Did it look to you like they were still using a regular bar for event too? Cause I thought for sure they'd use shorty bars, but it looked like, yeah, they all have different, they all have different placements in 2016 so i would assume then it's it's the speed of your last barbell completed which even adds more i think like it's more gamesmanship more risk versus reward like if you know you're not going to be able to hit a certain weight are you aggressive up to that weight before because you can't bank on it you know what i mean uh look at so he's been working on his handstand walk he's working
Starting point is 01:19:11 on everything yeah i haven't seen very many squats though and that's where he's not that's where he fails see there everything's about i'm waiting on you're not gonna see one there it is oh there it is same thing with mr lightfoot he's got a lot of power snatches pretty good at those and you guys don't understand they're wildly different yeah one's below parallel and one's above thank you wow and the people that can't go below it's not because they're not strong enough it's a whole bunch of other stuff but i'm not gonna doubt i'm not gonna doubt yellow just because of his coach i have i have respect for andre jude i remember when andre jude was like 2017 and i'm like guys this guy's the
Starting point is 01:20:02 best lifter he might not be the strongest guy but let me show you this video this is four months ago him training snatches with Yonakoski and what is that 235 45 250
Starting point is 01:20:20 no that's 245. So 250, 245, 250. That's Sarah's old coach, weightlifting 101, correct? He looks good. Good enough to put John in his place. I think when you post something and you don't say what the weights are, then it's not very much.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I mean, you can see the weight. You can count it. You can't see the third one, though. All right. What is this? What is this? Oh, okay, more handstand walking. So he's been working on that Touch underscore 13 loves this
Starting point is 01:21:19 Let me show you one more shot of yellow hosta here doing a snatch This is a this is a deadlift. A very fast deadlift where he catches it and throws it over his head. Clean and jerk. What's the weight on that, Johnny? 205, 255, 275, 285, 290. Kilos. I mean, the plates are a little weird what they're not weird they're kilos not a lot not a little weird a lot of weird would you what would you say 290 300 killer 15 35 on 10 is 40 on five
Starting point is 01:21:58 is on the bar it's not that much under hey once again he didn't he 65 and he doesn't and he doesn't write how much it is but it's clear the way he was acting is he was going for one rep max right with that deep breath the eyes closed he was going for something go ahead jare when the caption it says who doesn't love lifting at a high heart rate so i'm guessing it's probably not an axe okay uh people who love lifting at a high heart rate are not good lifters telling you that right now are not very strong lifters unless you are top three fittest men in the world who takes second in the snatch ladder you guys pick bronislaw for first you guys are wrong who takes second lazo i don't know you think moritz phoebig's got a shot? Yeah, probably one of those two.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I think Yonah will be good at that too. I think, but we'll see. I'm going to go with Victor Hoffer again. I'm going to go with BKG. No, no. What about one of these Greek guys? These guys are on good supplements, aren't they? Just Lefteris. You fell in love with Lefteris Theophanitis,
Starting point is 01:23:04 and you could never let it go. He looks great. Do you remember that guy? No. You loved him. You posted his Instagram up every day. You talked about his body and then Chandler said he was retarded and then you never talked to him again.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Who's Chandler? Chandler Smith said he was retarded? He said he wasn't a very good guy. They had like a almost a fight in event one in 2019. I don't think Chandler's that... Let me check my list of influencers. Nope, he's not on there.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Only one person influences me. It's Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Atta baby. Praise Lord. From the big book Okay I'm gonna go with
Starting point is 01:23:53 I'm gonna go with Either one of the Greek guys or BKG To win it Okay let's go to the final event Said on another news It's in dead last on the heat one app let's go to the final workout this is the race we talked about it'll all be on the line here uh quick workout 30 calories on the echo bike 15 muscle ups 72 foot dumbbell walking lunge with 200
Starting point is 01:24:23 pounds let's go backwards uh the walking lunge uh heavy for these guys is it the same as the snatch ladder there's gonna be guys that just puts in the ground 10 dudes who just can't do it i think less people are hurt by this workout than they are in the snatch workout but it is they're still very heavy there will be people that it destroys uh yeah it's it's probably still relative like you have a six minute workout where what boss came on john and said that his test athlete did it like one second faster or slower than you did so we're talking about like a like a three you know a three minute workout i mean there's going to be a lot of separation in 20 seconds you did this one john mm-hmm wow time that wow
Starting point is 01:25:04 time this out for him and that's in your time domain is anything over anything under four minutes you're good at i i yeah i mean fair right yeah i mean you're 2008 crossfit games champion yeah that's fair okay um but 30 calories on the echo bike how long does that take for one of the big boys one of the good guys no i went 30 seconds it took me 30 seconds that's incredible and i i absolutely pinned it okay so can we say 35 jr and hillar i don't know no no no it's it's it's it's as john claims that the break he would have taken doing the bike in a minute and only doing two sets on the muscle ups would have just washed out. But I would, I would like to say that the 30 seconds is as foolish as it is impressive.
Starting point is 01:25:51 Okay. So what, what do you, what do you think? What do you think? It worked out, didn't it? What do you,
Starting point is 01:25:57 what do you don't know? Maybe you, do you think anyone in the games field does that? You think Roman gets on? I think Heinrich Hoppelainen absolutely does that. I think Heinrich Hoppelainen wins this workout. He does the bike in 30 seconds and then will do 15 muscle-ups
Starting point is 01:26:09 and then he can hold on to that lunch. There will be two types of people who do that. The one who absolutely knows without a doubt that they're not going to fall apart and then the person who has to do it and absolutely gets destroyed. There will be nothing in between. They've had three weeks to try it out andrew thanks to
Starting point is 01:26:25 you you know what i mean they should know yeah yeah yeah i didn't release this one but whatever how much does a chicken mick you did you did nugget way yeah you released three and six three and seven there's no seven i know i released this so i i know a game a games athlete a perennial games athlete who will do really good in this workout has messaged me he said he did the exact same thing i did except when i'm broken on the muscle ups and he was 250 so yeah he's tested it and he knows what i'm saying is there will be people who do that. Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. But not what they won't do is 30 seconds and then three sets. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:27:13 They'll go unbroken. They'll go unbroken, obviously. That's why they will be a minute faster. I'm doing this math really quick to see. You know what's going to be wild on this event? 6,000. Is the dumbbell walking lunge because they's going to be wild on this event? Is the dumbbell walking lunge. Because they're going to be in their hands. The standard on that is going to be wicked to watch.
Starting point is 01:27:40 Do we know, has anyone seen any standards about grips being allowed? Since they'll be on for the ring muscle-ups most likely. Are grips allowed for the dumbbell lunge i would say no i mean i would have to bet no but like no there's no standard or you know what you're not allowed no grips are not allowed on the line how much do you weigh john 200 oh at what point in the day do you weigh 200 um in the beginning or end in the middle of the day let's know what you weigh then dude first thing in the morning right after you piss i'm like 198 in the morning so john you you weigh about 5200 chicken mcnuggets they're they're 0.6 ounces uh six tenths of an ounce a piece solid you're 5200 5200 chicken mcnuggets uh did this workout. What did you say you did it in?
Starting point is 01:28:25 358. Give me a time for this. Let's go back to that. I got distracted by Chicken McNuggets. I think most guys, other than the people who send it because they have to or they know they can, like Hiller said, will take about 50 seconds to do the bike. 50 seconds to a minute.
Starting point is 01:28:42 I think they all relatively do 15 muscle-ups i'm broken how long does that take a minute no um 45 seconds but like with the transition maybe you know 50 55 um and then it's who can transition to the walking dumbbell the fastest and who's going to hold on i think 200 pounds 200 pounds how many how many steps is a 72-foot walking lunge? Divided by three, it's 25? About 24.
Starting point is 01:29:10 I was going to say 25 for me is like eight. For a taller guy, probably 25 steps. 25 steps with 200 pounds on your back? At your side. At your side. You think Craig would have known that answer and you think that's four seconds a step on average i would say faster i would say two seconds
Starting point is 01:29:36 does anyone do it without taking a deep breath and breaking somewhere yeah i think people do it on broken i think most times will be like three to 340 and then a slower time will be three you know four minutes and then a faster the really really fast time will be sub three yeah i was gonna say that's i think across all the regions i mean sure they'll get faster and people make me look an idiot by week three but um holding a like on the minute per movement pace to me is an elite time so So a sub three is an elite time. So two 50 is what you guys are estimating as the best time. And that's with no transitions.
Starting point is 01:30:12 And like, and the guy that told me he did that, I think he, other than Heinrich Hoppe line. And if he sends it, like, I think he's going to, like, I think that guy would beat everybody here. How bad is it? If you put the dumbbells down i don't think it's it's not the end of the world if you biked 10 seconds harder than other people or if you jumped up on the rings 10 seconds before someone else did like you're also playing the game all kind of relative
Starting point is 01:30:36 like where you rest and where you don't rest and you see who you're ahead of and who's ahead of you like if you're ahead and you can take that break, why wouldn't you? Okay, I'm going to name the top 13 guys right now. And if they're going to be in the top 10 in this workout, you tell me. Yellow Hosta. Yes. Lazar Jukic. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:04 Yes. Henrik Hapalainen. That's your winner right there colin beauchard no he's in the top 10 for sure no jr for the win uh i don't know enough about him so i'll say no harry lightfoot yeah he's in no uh oldest uban. He finishes in the top 10 in this workout? Yes. No. I think he finishes exactly 10th place. Enola Kai. Yeah, he's in the top 10.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Luka Vunjak. No. Luka Jukic. Yes. Yes. Michael Smith. Maybe. Fernando Pardillos no no but not because i know for a fact i just don't know that dude moritz fiebig yeah yes uh bkg yeah yeah yes who where do you guys think finishes? Top five? Top ten? Sixth place. Alexis Koutoulis. No.
Starting point is 01:32:07 Alright. Alright, guys. Wait a minute. Victor Hoffer. Okay, Victor Hoffer. I think he's gonna have to. I don't think Victor Hoffer... I think Victor Hoffer finishes somewhere between 35th and 40th in this.
Starting point is 01:32:23 That's incredible. Hey, someone's gonna put those dumbbells down, and then they're going to try to pick them up, and it's going to get squirrely, and they're going to go down again. And it's going to be Hoffer. And then they're going to have to pick them up a second time in a row, back to back. It's going to be a mess, and people's hearts are going to break.
Starting point is 01:32:41 It's going to get really messy out there. The only way that happens is it's going to be to somebody who sends it. Or someone that has found themselves in a race, and they have to pick them up before they want to. And they can't handle it. And they can't handle it. So if you've gotten to the dumbbells before other guys, your confidence level in taking a break and waiting for a second,
Starting point is 01:33:07 because you can look behind you and see how close the other guys are to you. It's a huge advantage. Hiller, do you have a pair of hundreds back there? I do, yeah. Could you show me just how you would pick them up and get them in? Oh, you don't? Sorry. I keep thinking you have to get them on your shoulder. You don't. It's just a farmer's carry.
Starting point is 01:33:23 Okay, maybe I'm wrong. Okay, never keep, I keep, nevermind, nevermind, nevermind. Thank you. Yeah. That's why I was asking about whether or not they'll let you use grips. Okay. I keep thinking you have to get them. Why, why don't they do it? So you have to get them up to your shoulders.
Starting point is 01:33:34 Wouldn't that be better? Cause CrossFit's soft these days. Do you think that that would be better? I think it would be better. I mean, I think they wanted to do the fastest way possible and this'll be the fastest way. It's going to be the most poorly movement standard ever with people trying to scoot their way across the field. And they've already been static in the front rack once
Starting point is 01:33:52 for 50 reps on the heavy front squats, and they were already in the front rack again on event one. So I can't believe I haven't asked this yet because I keep picturing the workout wrong. I apologize, guys. What about grip fatigue? That'll be a big deal. Yeah, for sure. JRr and john you know what i'm talking about right when you have dumbbells in the farmer position and you're trying to go across the floor they're always out in front of you which means
Starting point is 01:34:16 your hips never open okay let's see what you're saying oh yeah like if yeah no that depends i wonder what they're going to be looking at when it comes to hip extension on the lunge. If they don't take that pause step, you know how people take that pause step? If they just walk through, if they walk through, they're probably not opening up.
Starting point is 01:34:38 It's going to be interesting. Did you see the text that was in the group thread, JR? No. The update game show. Dennis, I like it. Yeah, Victor Hoffer, win. Oh, that's cool. Hey, and you know what?
Starting point is 01:35:00 All of a sudden, I'm guessing that Victor has really strong grip strength if he was a gymnast. I think that's a safe assumption. All right. So maybe I'm totally wrong on Victor. All right. He's still in the hunt for sure. Like 18th, that's still in the mix for sure.
Starting point is 01:35:19 I think if he goes out first thing in the morning and gets some confidence on the handstand walk workout, I think it will carry over a lot more. CrossFat, John mentions the group chat because he wants us to know he's still in it. He's not in it. He got kicked out last week. Too much Bible talk. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:35:36 Someone just sent me something really interesting. I wonder if they're going to send me a link to it. All right, guys. I got to jump off. Thank you, JR. JR Howell. Thank you, buddy. Have a good one. I think JR just has to be. Thank you, buddy. All right, see you. That guy is obsessed with hating me. Who?
Starting point is 01:35:54 Barclay Dale, 26.4% for Hoffer. Oh, I'm glad you have someone like that because I have people like that too. It's fucking ridiculous. CrossFit doesn't hate anybody. Nobody hates anybody. You're just reading his comments wrong. Okay. Okay. Right, CrossFit?
Starting point is 01:36:09 Out of? Tell them. BKG, Victor Hoffer, and Yonah Koski. How many make it out of those three? Victor Hoffer, Yonah Koski, and BKG, two. I think so, too. And I have no idea who those two are. I feel like yonah's the odd man out that's crazy yeah yonah's toast and i keep saying if victor don't make it hard work does not pay off it does the opposite dude if yonah koski doesn't make it that's insane
Starting point is 01:36:40 i'm not talking about you i'm talking about i know no i know i know god's gift to planet earth but victor hasn't made it before if he doesn't make it he just needs to do something different if the owner doesn't make it it's like what the freak happened he got he uh mistimed some stuff that's all jr texted me before the show and he was like i guarantee these things are going to be set and that was what you guys have cicadas by you uh no we have love bugs though do you know what those are sounds real gay but no like two times out of the year like a swarm like millions of these bugs that just like are just banging each other in the air. Yeah. Florida's got them too. I've seen them in Florida at a gas station. I took a picture of them. It was crazy.
Starting point is 01:37:28 I made my wife run through them. It's insane. And they don't do anything. They don't harm you. They don't bite you. They don't do anything. They're just there. They fucking die.
Starting point is 01:37:36 And then they all fall to the ground. They fucking die. That's exactly. Look at that. It's called love bugs. They're called love bugs. Is it because they fucking die? Yeah. That's why. Interesting.
Starting point is 01:37:50 They swarm like crazy. See if you can find an image of a swarm. Oh, this is a good comment by Magnus. No, that's not the one. When, if ever, has an open winner failed to qualify for the Games? And now we can compound that with an open and a quarterfinal winner,
Starting point is 01:38:09 which means more than ever that the open means jack shit. And he's the only one to ever do that. The open means jack shit more than ever, John. That's what that means. I'm with you. Yeah. All right, guys. Let's go to Barbell Spin really quick.
Starting point is 01:38:24 We'll give you the schedule, and then we're out of here it's time to watch the fights California has love bugs they're called lice they're all on me Europe scroll down
Starting point is 01:38:41 Sunday I'm going to give you Pacific Standard Time Sunday fuck midnight again 12 you Pacific Standard Time. Sunday, fuck, midnight again. 12 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. And then that's event four. Then 3.20 a.m. event five. And then... Why does it say Friday down there? Is that a fuck-up? Is that a fuck up?
Starting point is 01:39:05 Is that a fuck up down there at the bottom? I need to make an entire video on that on Barbell Spin now. Is that a fuck up? You see that? Individual event six says 545 p.m. Friday. That should be 545 a.m. It should be basically 12 a.m., 320 a.m., and.20 a.m., and 5.45 a.m., I'm assuming. It's crazy that we have to use this site to find this shit.
Starting point is 01:39:35 But it's where all the best CrossFit news is, the barbell spin. It is amazing. That's an amazing thing, yeah. Fastest news in the space. All right, guys. Thank you. By the way, Spin has been absent. He thought it would be good to take three weeks off during the semifinals,
Starting point is 01:39:53 let the whole community down. Breaks my heart. Three weeks? He got a fucking fat RV and a fat dually and went to Yellowstone with his family. I think it's only two weeks. I think it takes a week to drive there with his family. I think it's only two weeks, but um We try it. I think it takes a week to drive there some shit Maybe the next two weeks on barbell spin in case anybody's wondering Bryce and Del Monte will be the third person and Travis brought will be on week three. That's
Starting point is 01:40:19 Mm-hmm for what The filter so we can have a third because me and just me and Tyler if it's just us two it's kind of weird So we need a third person. You're staring into each other's eyes. Also next week. I think the Kill Taylor will be live from Carson, California We will see you guys in Carson for the West semi-final. Have a good day guys. Thank you. Bye. Bye This looks interesting

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