The Sevan Podcast - #203 - I am Ra of Earth

Episode Date: November 12, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show?
Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply bam we're live everybody ready for a wild ride raw is always a great guest for seven on i sent him a link that didn't work that that you know it's so weird i i have the same protocol every time and yet i'd say one out of every 10 guests does that happen one out of every uh-oh suze's eating does that happen one out of
Starting point is 00:01:26 every 10 guests matt yeah i would say so i mean majority of the time it it goes off without a hinge but every now and then every now and then it's weird i wonder what that is oh shoot i just got a text from my mom i wanted to go somewhere with her in december a little trip with her and the kids. And she said, no, no, no, no. I don't know what no means. Oh yes, mom. So how, I don't know. Should I, should I, I could always wait till the guest gets here before I started the show,
Starting point is 00:02:01 but then the show would start late. So I always just start it better to just start it on time. I think it's better to start it. Plus too, you know, you have this, this is like the green room behind the scenes. The listeners get to hear your thoughts leading up to it.
Starting point is 00:02:13 And then when the guest comes on, they get to see the very first initial react, like interaction. Okay. Hmm. That's so weird. Weird. Uh,
Starting point is 00:02:23 did you, um, did you send, will you send him a link to uh yeah it's that's so weird it says 404 is that that's chrome yeah that's what i was looking i yeah because i see the google update in his window will you send him a link and see if how it comes from your phone yes another link coming maybe we'll have to do it from his phone like a call-in no no no uh he can just uh come on to uh stream yard using an iphone weird weird weird weird
Starting point is 00:03:04 weird weird weird weird should i make this a live call-in show so people can call in and ask raw questions this is going to be the first time i interact with raw where i call him raw and i don't um i don't call him Ronnie. We'll see if that works. I just sent him the other link right now. Maybe while we're on here real quick, we could talk about the Real Savant Podcast Instagram. We'll be putting all our guests in interacting for shows to come on instagram so everybody can go
Starting point is 00:03:46 follow that what's it called i'll type it into my thing right here the real seven podcast why don't we have seven podcast well because somebody stole it and they won't answer any of my messages real seven podcast oh you mean someone's squatting on that? Yeah, like they got it. It's saying the same thing. So we're having a little issue here with. Shit, no guest today? No. I could also see that it says by zooming in on the photo he sent us that it says update his Chrome.
Starting point is 00:04:22 So I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Yeah. Okay. sent us that it says update his chrome so i wonder if that has anything to do with it yeah um okay can you uh i'm just should we put can you try from your phone can you update your chrome so weird i could i um what if i go back to, login page? Do you think it's our fault or his fault? No, I don't think it's ours because, um, normally when there's an issue like that, it's just because we, we maybe sent out the wrong link or there was just an issue with the first link.
Starting point is 00:04:54 This is the first time we've had trouble to where they can't get in at all. Can you, can you leave and go back to the studio and grab a link from there? Do you know what I mean? Yep. Or outside the studio. See, maybe it'll be different. I'll jump out. Sorry, guys.
Starting point is 00:05:10 No one needs to write in the comments, I can't believe it. You're 202 shows in and you haven't fixed these technical problems. Shut up. It's too early to say that for it. Is it too early? Sometimes I come to my little podcast area. I wish I could show you guys.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I keep working on it and fixing it a little bit more every day. The way I've set it up in here is basically, the reason why you see that window with bars behind me, this is my office and I had those bars put on because I have so much damn camera gear in here. And in front of me is a couch and a little sitting area and a bunch of other microphones in case I ever do this, try to do this game live with people in studio just need another spot another big sponsor
Starting point is 00:05:52 and maybe we can start doing that stuff hey i might have a potential guest that would want to do it in studio that would be good to have there oh we should test that out before we have a good guest in here. Yeah. Can you say who it is? Yeah. Dr. Asim Mahaldra. Oh, really? Yeah. I saw that email that you sent through and I contacted him through Instagram and it got back to me a little bit quicker. And he actually said he'll be traveling in the next week or so and will be in Santa Cruz.
Starting point is 00:06:22 No shit. Yeah. What business does he have here? Who's here? I mean, I know he was friends with Greg yeah why why by the way for those of you who are freaked out like for those every I was um someone sent me uh something someone had written about me about uh about how I spent spread a lot of false information about COVID and things like that if you need someone who a lot of people trust, his name is Asim Malhorta. I think he's been kicked off of Instagram. This guy's as legitimate as they come people. And he was talking about this, just like Greg Glassman. He was talking about this
Starting point is 00:06:58 stuff long before COVID came. He's basically talking about the importance of health the immune system um a s uh a s e e m maybe it's two s's a s s e e m malhorta m a and his last name is m a l h o r t a oh look ronnie wrote standby that's good that's good news that's good news yeah early december he's going to be in the bay area uh santa cruz area and um end of november through mid-january so he'll be here for over a month a month and a half in our area you are always welcome I'm texting with another friend. Six minutes and seven minutes and still no, no show barbell This is our,
Starting point is 00:07:55 this is our sponsor guys. Benign, not pro, not anti, not hate, not love. Just in pure homeostasis is raw. local could not just unicycle over and do it face to face fair enough fair enough uh no i think he i think he's in san diego which is about
Starting point is 00:08:15 a 500 mile bike ride but it's a nice ride it's a nice ride i think we got him yeah oh no that's dave what's up dave how are you guys doing good how are you that's Dave. What's up, Dave? How are you guys doing? Good. How are you? That's a nice shirt, buddy. Thank you. CrossFit West Chicks. That is a really nice shirt. You know who we're waiting for? They're out of Tampa. No, I don't. Do you care? Yeah. Yeah. Tell me who you're waiting for.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Our guest this morning is a former regional athlete, apparently living out of San Diego, California. Recently engaged. Josh Bridges. Extremely tan. Josh got engaged? No, I was just fishing. Extremely tan.
Starting point is 00:09:02 First time the jorts was on the competition field. What's his name? Raw of Earth, Dave. Let me hear you say it. Raw of Earth. That's T-State, right? He's here. And he's here.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Look, there he is, Bam. So it only worked on my phone. I got to set up my phone right now, though. Hi, everybody. Dave, Dave, meet Raw. Damn, look at that fucking guy. You've changed, bro. worked on my phone let me i gotta set up my phone right now though rod hi everybody dave dave meet raw damn look at that fucking guy you've changed bro he's like castro's here hey now now i'm telling you you guys should all go out and buy a lotto ticket this is look at the galaxies colliding.
Starting point is 00:09:52 This is like, Dave is like Haley's Comet and he passes Ra's universe once every 62 years. This is another convergence. Oh man, it's good to see you. Yeah. Dave, did you work out this morning already? Did you do some crazy workout already? Yeah, I did a little two-mile run on a treadmill. Like a powered one or one where you power it?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Because that makes a difference. Yeah, like a traditional treadmill, not like a salt bike treadmill. Do you like those other Navy SEALs, too? Even though it has power, you get on it and you turn it off, you unplug it and you force it you force it no i'm not that i'm not that hardcore no you got you got soft i'll only be with you guys for a few minutes i don't want to take away from uh from ronnie's time i if dave if you let your hair grow on your face for three years, I think it would look exactly like that's how you grow your shit in. It might, right? Yeah. How long have you been letting it grow?
Starting point is 00:10:50 Four years. It doesn't grow any longer than this, and it doesn't grow on my cheeks. Yeah, that's amazing. What do you mean it doesn't grow any longer than that? I don't understand that. What do you mean it doesn't grow any longer than that? I don't understand that. I mean, it's just, I mean, because there's guys that have grown out for two years and they're, you know, down to their nipples.
Starting point is 00:11:12 What are you talking about? Two weeks and my shit's longer than that. I got more hair on my neck than you have on your face. Yeah, well, I make it up on the head. Yes, you do. I'm down to my ass on my head. You're all cleaned up, Stefan. I know.
Starting point is 00:11:30 I did it at the last minute this morning. I was like, you know what? I'm going to clean up a little bit. But I want to get rid of these gray ones because my kids keep telling me I look like I'm 50. Do you have one of those quarterback wristbands on? Do you have your plays written down? On the inside here, I have questions for ronnie in case check the notes check the notes caught up on something is this one live hey uh yeah it's live look do you recognize that water behind uh
Starting point is 00:12:00 ronnie that's your old stomping ground d Dave. Is that Carlsbad, Ronnie? I'm in Laguna Beach. That's Orange County, right? Or no, that's north. Yeah, it's a little north of San Diego. But I can see the shipping containers that are all stalled from going into Long Beach out my, like right behind me. Oh, that's cool. It's a little cloudy though. You can validate the conspiracy
Starting point is 00:12:25 theory good no they're really backed up i'm 50 miles away from long beach and they're right there only a label create traffic in the more in the ocean i got a question for you ronnie do you uh do you still train do you work out crossfit i know you don't cross it but in general like you train no i'm just doing yoga right now i'm getting deep into yoga and so no gym at all uh i took a few and i probably will get back into it i just want to rebalance out my body a little bit more i mean these i do you think you get power clean 225 right now i mean if you put a video camera on me maybe i want to see that knurling get caught up in that hair. I really liked how long that took to answer. I really appreciated that.
Starting point is 00:13:28 That was good. That was good. All right. I'm going to step away. Go ahead. All right. Nice seeing you, brother. Yeah, thanks for dropping in, Dave.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Later, Dave. That was fun. See you guys. See you. That was a great question. Not one I would have asked you, but definitely a great question. What's up, dude? Here we are.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Sorry about the technical issues. It's all right. I'm good. The miracle of technology. I'm still so excited about technology. So are you now the real Savan? No, that's – we were – I'm still just the Savan. We were just talking about that.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Someone, someone squatting on the Instagram name for the podcast. Ah. And so, uh, Sousa secured this one so we can just start throwing clips down there. So like that clip right there where Dave asked you if you still squat 225, that's a great little clip. Got to get that one. And Dave's right. Your pause makes it. Your pause is everything.
Starting point is 00:14:32 225, it used to be light. Now it's heavy. Do you know Matt Sousa is the owner of CrossFit Livermore? How's it going? Livermore like in a different country? Hey, Ron. Nice to meet you. No, just like north of me, 60 miles miles hey where are you you're in laguna yeah laguna beach is that where that um hotel is
Starting point is 00:14:55 the um that's the montage the montage that's that town yeah oh shit how'd you end up there that's a great spot. It's awesome. It's a dream. I actually, when I moved to California, this is where I moved. This is where I thought I wanted to live. And then I found out that I couldn't handle it, like just being a new person in L.A. And so I moved out and, you know, did the whole gym thing. And it took me 15 years to come back. This is what I thought
Starting point is 00:15:25 my life was going to be like 15 years ago when I moved to California. Because there's that show Laguna Beach on TV. Do you remember that? No, I do. I never really watched it. But I remember just like the intro and how beautiful Laguna Beach was. So this is where I moved when I moved from Michigan to California. But then it ended up just taking me 15 years to actually manifest the life that I thought I was going to have. So I'm here now. I'm able to afford living here. I'm, you know, I'm happy and got an ocean view and yeah. So this is how life worked out. Remember, remember when you wanted what you currently have. Bam. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:16:10 I mean, that's everybody's situation. How do I make that go without making that go-go? If I hit stop screen, Susan, does it just vanish? Yeah. Oh, remove? Just remove it. It just goes away for a second. And then if you want to back up just let
Starting point is 00:16:26 me know and i have everything running on the back end too so um did you used to live in carlsbad sorry guys i'm going to get into some tedious like personal shit here that's like not relevant to anything i'm just curious i'm just being nosy you didn't for some reason i pictured you living in carlsbad like over like that patagonia store facing the ocean where that surfer stands with the surfboard do you know what I'm talking about? There's a, it's a super trendy spot. There's the cool breakfast place there.
Starting point is 00:16:49 No, I think that or Del Mar, maybe it's Del Mar. I'm thinking Del. Yeah. Del Mar, Carlsbad. You never lived there.
Starting point is 00:16:54 That's down in San Diego. No. Yeah. Oh shit. Whenever I see you on Instagram and I see you standing on your deck, I just imagine that's where you were. Laguna beach. Okay.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Well now, and for those of you who don't know, I don't know really how to explain Laguna Beach. It's basically Los Angeles but smaller. It's basically there's Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, which are kind of the same thing, but Santa Barbara is way, way slower. And then I feel like Laguna Beach is kind of in the middle of those two um energies or speeds laguna beach is is is kind of a miracle it's extremely clean um it it's it's it's really really nice and i i don't know how to explain it it's wealthy as shit it's crazy but but but it's not but it's not wealthy like Beverly Hills cheese dick wealthy.
Starting point is 00:17:48 It's like the rich people there still go barefoot. Exactly. It's the closest thing to Hawaii you can find in California. And the ocean water is the cleanest in California as well. And you found a spot that overlooks the water. Yeah. My fiance and I were trying to travel around looking for places to live. And you found a spot that overlooks the water. Yeah. My fiance and I were trying to travel around looking for places to live, and we wanted to be in Hawaii,
Starting point is 00:18:11 but we just didn't really like being stuck in the middle of the ocean. So we came down here, and we saw the cliffs next to the beaches and the clean blue water, and so we made it happen here. Is Hawaii still any what of an option a little bit a little bit but we don't know we don't know my parents live on hawaii that's why it's the main option oh i didn't know that dude my wife got all excited when i showed raw he's a beautiful man i got all excited when i saw raw he He's a beautiful man. I got all excited when I saw Raw. He's a beautiful man.
Starting point is 00:18:46 People can watch this live? Yeah, isn't that cool? Wait, so where's the link to watch it live? It's on YouTube. I'll send it. Can you send it to my Instagram, and then I'll just do a quick story right now? Yeah. Because I have another phone.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I'm using my main phone, so the text isn't going to reach this phone. Oh, let me see your – hold that phone up. Let me see the back of your phone, the camera. You got the new iPhone. Well, this is – I'm on the 13. Like that's what we're on. But this is just the 12 Pro. Your case from the 13 works on the 12, or that's a case for the 12?
Starting point is 00:19:23 No, this is a 12 in a 12 case. The 13 case looks almost the same. It's a little bit different. So I had that case for my 13 and I ditched it. Well, I'm going to need to change it because I get these two phones confused. Yeah, I've dropped it like five times in the first two days. Yeah, it's a pointless case. It's so slippery. And like I even put it on a desk and then all of a sudden it slips off the desk onto the ground.
Starting point is 00:19:50 I'm like, how did this fall? You know everything. You know how that happened. I sent you the link for the YouTube via Instagram there, Rob. Thank you, Matt. You're welcome, sir. You guys who haven't – you guys, there's so much that Ra and I have talked about. First of all, this is the first show I've ever called him Ra.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But if you want to, this is really a part 10 or part 3 or whatever. Like, I'm not going to go back and, like, talk about old stuff, probably. I'm just going to jump in. If you want to hear other stuff, if you feel like stuff's missing or there's stuff out of context feel free to go back and look at other shows we've had some really fun conversations we are um my words not his we're sibling-esque um we don't know each other but we feel very comfortable by each other we have have fun together. Yeah. It's kind of like not that I want to escape reality,
Starting point is 00:20:51 but when I hit to hang out with him, it's like, it's like an escape from reality. It's like, it's like, it's, I don't know. It's like, it's like rekindling with an old friend from elementary school. Do you know how many people, so it's called uh so why why is that are you do you find it hard to step into the mode that you're talking about nowadays hold on that that question probably didn't make sense because i'm in the middle of no no no it makes no stink well i'll make i i'll at least i'll make up a way that it makes sense i'll put my own i'll shove it through my own lens so the thing is this people always say hey seven why do you interview people the way you do i love how you don't give
Starting point is 00:21:34 a fuck and they have all of these things well none of that's true of course i care i'm just as insecure and lame as everyone else blah blah blah all that the problem is this there's only one question I really care about. And I'll phrase it two different ways. Where did we come from and where are we going? Where were you before you were born and where do you go after you die? So every question I'm ever asking anyone is me working my way to that question. It's me being fake and angling down to that question. Every question. Anything.
Starting point is 00:22:08 So what's your Fran time? I don't know. I'm just like, I'm just being stupid. I'm just scared to ask you what I really want to ask you. I do care. And so what you're here. It's also important to climb up the rope and down the rope slowly. There's a, there's a, there's an art to it. There's a romance to it.
Starting point is 00:22:23 It's fun. It's like two snakes that are poisonous trying to mate without accidentally fucking biting each other i'm trying to stick my avatar and my avatar tail and someone and they're trying to stick their avatar tail into me and we're trying to like you know see the miracle of life and um yeah i so but with you i can we can I know I can expedite that. Do you know what I mean? I don't have to be I don't have to fool around. I can just be like, so do you think that I can just start talking about sperm? There's a lot of there. I don't have to dilly dally.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Like when you came over to my house, the first thing you and my wife did, even though we've never done this before, is we sit down in the living room and we're quiet for 10 minutes you know it's like conscious breathing yeah no one says anything hey you guys want to sit oh sure like i don't do that like i'm close as shit to my mom i don't do that to my mom hey do you want to just come out you know what i mean it's i love matt suza but when he comes over i don't do that when he comes over it's not like hey do you want to sit in the living room dude we don't talk about why we're doing that we don't know why we're doing it we just sit in the living room and we're all quiet and we close our eyes or open our eyes and we breathe and then we go on like hey you want to eat some macadamia nuts let's do it i mean there's just things that are just uh it's a different flow with you that's why i don't
Starting point is 00:23:39 know if that answered your question because i just made up what i thought you were asking yeah i just want to state really quick that i'm unable to tag you on instagram yeah i'm a bad boy now you know why we started the real savon podcast handle so uh yeah this question of where do we come from i guess it's two you just said where did we come from and where are we going this is this is crazy stuff right this is actually what's important at least for for my perspective so maybe that's why there's comfort in talking to me about that because that's all i've been obsessed with my entire life that's why i went to school for psychology in that and it's why i'm just continuously searching through mystics, through ancient texts, through my own experience on what this all means.
Starting point is 00:24:27 And seemingly it's, it, I can't really like, there is no answer, right? There is no, no answer on, on what this all is. It seems to be, it is what we make it. And that, that's all I can really come up with. I mean, when I was, when I was super big into CrossFit, that's what I was doing. That's all that mattered to me. That's what I woke up for every single day. And, and when I was a kid, I didn't, you know, it was the same thing. I just woke up and, and whatever mattered to me mattered to me. And's interesting it's really interesting and when you look at at experiments scientific experiments they're finding that cause and effect i'm going way off tangent but but our our concept of of reality and how things happen
Starting point is 00:25:20 so the what i'm geeking out about now is that cause and effect may not be a thing right so if we're looking at a b c d e f and we're thinking that that a b c causes d right and so then we're looking at well what if we manipulate a is it going to you know change b c to equal a different D. And where we're looking at on what we think causes an effect, like might not be the real thing, right? There might be something that causes the entire sequence before A even appears. And then that's the question is like, what is really causing reality? Is it the things in our reality that cause a sequence of events? Or is there something else that we can tap into that controls the sequence of events in our life? Before you said the word control, I was going to say maybe the word is destiny. But I guess if you can control it, maybe it's not destiny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:28 And by destiny, I mean our story is written. The story is already written. Control is also a concept that's from like the regular paradigm. So, yeah, control isn't really the it's more like uh maybe there is a choice but it's more like surfing on a wave of of something else and almost choosing which wave that you can can can surf on even though the wave you may or may not have control over. If that makes sense. Yes. So I practice stillness a lot every day.
Starting point is 00:27:12 It's part of how the podcast operates. It's how I wake up. It's what I do in the middle of the day, and it's what I do at night. And I basically, in some, I'm always reminding myself, some people call it prayer to prayer 24 hours a day when I'm conscious, whatever prayer means to different people. And what I have observed, and I'm not saying that there's not a deeper reality, but I spotted this one the very first time that I, the very first time that I,
Starting point is 00:27:49 that my awareness became of awareness, I, I, in that state or as deep as I've gone, I realized there's no such thing as will outside of doing no thing. That the will, will is an illusion outside of doing nothing no thing just the only will that you can impose on yourself or the only choice you have is to um stay perfectly still um and cultivate awareness and become awareness that or jump into the story those are the only
Starting point is 00:28:23 two options from what from what from what i can see so the sex, so one of them is stillness. And I think most people sort of can conceptualize what that is, but just to give you like a really objective thing for a superficial aspect, imagine just lying down and just denying everything. I have to go to the bathroom. That started with an I statement. That can't be real. I'm hungry. Deny that. I have an itch on my forehead. Deny that. Not deny. Watch that. Observe that. Let yourself completely go. Pursue death and stillness. That's how I actually got there. I was pursuing death and stillness. I told myself that I was going to stay perfectly still until I died. And I got this idea from a mathematician named P.D. Ouspensky. He's a Russian mathematician, and he hung out with Madame Blavsky and that crew, and then eventually they introduced their most famous character to the world, who was Krishnamurti.
Starting point is 00:29:15 If you guys haven't read Krishnamurti's autobiography by Mary Lutens, you should. An amazing story about a lovely man. He was friends with everyone from Charlie Chaplin to Bruce Lee to Khalil Gibran. People who saw him were blown away by him. Anyway, but Ouspensky says we're nothing but a bunch of I statements. Deny those I statements and they'll all in like iron filings, they'll all melt into one and become one I. Okay, so that's that's that on that. But what's it? What does choice look like? And the best example I've ever seen is that Terminator movie. That's all we have. But we lie to ourselves thinking that we have will and we're making we're actually doing it but we're not in that terminator movie the terminator comes up against someone and these five options pop up like
Starting point is 00:29:53 excuse me how are you shoot them or say fuck you asshole and harold chooses fuck you asshole he goes fuck you asshole do you remember that scene in that movie by chance raw i can imagine it even if it's made up yeah so so yeah yeah just like that so it just pops in it yeah it's made up so it just pops in his head and that's but the thing but the thing with humans is the terminator sees all five choices at once and as humans we don't have five choices at once they pop up one at a time we're not as cool as a terminator so i'm sitting like i'm sitting here and and it's like, should I breathe through my nose or should I be uncomfortable during the silence and talk? Those are like those popped up in that order. I chose to talk, you know, and they're just popping up and everyone that you can let go by. It's the same. And here's another example. Someone flips you off on the freeway who's driving by you. Your instinct would be to flip them off. And if I asked you, why'd you do that? You're like, cause I wanted to. Nah, you didn't want to. That was the first choice that came to you. If you take a deep breath,
Starting point is 00:30:50 I promise you, it's so funny what the next one is. You know what the next one is to wave to them or blow them a kiss. I like to blow the kiss once. Yeah. But you have to wait for this one to go away. You have to wait. You just have. And so you have to be like a man. You have to be just super conscious as the choices and not just grab the first one. And that's, that's sort of how I feel. That's my level of consciousness is that's where I'm at. And, but to do that, you have to realize that you are not, um, I don't know when I'm in that space, I cannot tell you what I am. I only describe it as I'm aware. I'm awareness that has become aware of awareness. I'm neither my thoughts or my body. It's this weird – it's this place that I've cultivated through one, by attempting to die, and two, that my wife has given me a practice't cultivate it, you'll lose it. Not you lose it like it's gone forever, but you won't. You'll just become unconscious again and the choices will just choose you. Does that make sense? Was that excellent? you're comprehending that how you're viewing yourself and your experience right now is also
Starting point is 00:32:08 a stage. It's, you know, where you're at and you may evolve out of this. But what I'm hearing you saying is that, uh, cause when those choices come up, that's, that's really grounding you into the, the, I, the, you know, what we define of as I, but then even our boundaries start to dissolve, right? I mean, babies, we learned in psychology, I don't know if this is true or not, but babies don't really have a concept when they're born of being separate from reality they're kind of just this consciousness that's experiencing reality not really understanding that it has a body yet right it learns that it has a body and that's where like when they're two they the terrible twos where they like they realize they have a hand and they start using it and realizing they can throw throw stuff off the shelf and slap things.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And there's a way that we can reverse into that. And that's where we can really attain a lot of our godliness when we release the urge to react to reality as an individual and decide that we are going to be reality in its totality. And then what becomes important to us is just observing and being able to observe as much as possible, which means that when information comes our way and we do want to reject it, right? Because most information that comes our way on social media they're the immediate like first program that pops up because of our schooling is is it right or is it wrong and this also is a function of us being species on earth this this yes no right wrong duality thing
Starting point is 00:34:00 has to it's biological so even though i just said it has to do a school but it's also biology our cells are programmed to recognize good versus bad because there's a sun there's one sun on this planet okay so there's one sun and a lot of the cells and species on this planet is originating from a cellular structure that uses light for energy. And so biologically, we recognize light as good because light is where our energy comes from. It's where our food comes from. And biologically, we also recognize that darkness would be more considered bad. So we look at every single thing, every single choice, every single experience, every single bit of information that's coming to us, and we analyze it from this perspective of yes, no, good, bad. And that's just a function of being an earthling. If we were grown or evolved,
Starting point is 00:35:01 or if we were a part of another planet, because we're essentially just a, uh, a function of earth. We are, we are earth expressing itself through an aspect and we are that aspect. And so earth is expressing itself through, through billions of different aspects and experiences to gain knowledge of itself. Right if we were another planet an aspect of another planet that had three stars or two stars going around it then we would have a completely different concept and that program would be completely different there wouldn't necessarily be so much delineation towards right wrong and this is where like i mentioned becoming reality like even even like our concept of reality can expand beyond this planet and going into you know learning about extraterrestrial
Starting point is 00:35:56 species and oh yeah you scared the shit out of me when you talked about that when you were at my house like how they operate is different because of of different planets require different programs how come that scares me so much that conversation because one day you start talking about it i feel like someone put acid and like gave me acid because it makes more sense than than the current program right i always brag that i'm willing to talk about anything and you come to my house and you start talking about aliens and start showing me shit on the internet i'm like fuck i can't sleep for a couple nights so i mean we are aliens i that's better i like that i like that that makes me feel better okay all right
Starting point is 00:36:43 softening up the story a little bit. Good. Hey, is that, did you see, but this is a great post you made, by the way. I don't know. I got to try to get this guy on the podcast. I've been going to your account and trying to look for people to get on my podcast. The universe is pretending to be individuals. That's an incredible picture isn't it yeah and nassim haramein is epic he's a physicist so he can explain you think what i'm talking about i i look like a kindergartner talking about this stuff compared to him so if you get him on you'll blow people's minds um is it going to uh is am i going to be able to even converse with him yeah he can he can make things very digestible for people um that's good i saw i when i clicked on his account i saw he was doing stuff with danica uh danica patrick the race car driver yeah i saw that too and that i don't know what that was
Starting point is 00:37:46 that's interesting right i mean it just goes to show you that tons of people are waking up like don't pigeonhole anybody and that's what everyone is i mean especially especially the the celebrity type people i mean you just mentioned uh all those other like bruce lee like anybody who's great has had dabblings into the the magical side of life if not black magic uh you know that's how they they rise up and so it only they're one question away from from thinking like why are we eating children and and injecting their blood into our bodies like they're they can they can like switch over to the other side and say like can we use this for good but that's that's that's where okay what are you what are you gonna say who me yeah so what i was, Nassim, you guys should look into him.
Starting point is 00:38:49 He speaks at conferences. He's really interested in getting people to know. So I'm sure if you mentioned that, you know, you have a lot of influence over a certain percentage of the fitness population, and they're all, you know, wanting to hear his information. He may be interested in that. I just wrote,
Starting point is 00:39:12 hi, follow you. Come on my podcast. I mean, I probably said, please, I'm pretty nice. I probably said,
Starting point is 00:39:20 please, were those the options that themselves up for you? Hey, I, I'm going to show, I'm going to show you this, this, this line right here. Cause you mentioned black magic. said please were those the options that hey themselves up for you hey i um i'm gonna show i'm gonna show you this this this line right here because you mentioned black magic uh this girl christy a i'm assuming it's a girl that like someone who has a vagina and she wrote um uh is rape equal to getting vaccinated and what she what she is uh referencing is is I made a metaphor the other day, a simile, where I basically talked about the coercion of getting people the injection by taking their jobs away.
Starting point is 00:39:54 By – I don't know. Recently in California, they said if you send your kids to school, you are – on the days that injections are happening, you are – that's you giving authority to the state to do, I forget what the word they use, surgical procedure on them. They use some crazy word. It happened yesterday at the San Joaquin Valley Unified School District, said that in a post that they made. And so I was basically showing that like, hey, this is equivalent to, or tantamount to rape. So she writes that in here it's so the reason why i get to black magic is rape equal to getting vaccinated so what you're at so she's taken what i've said and twisted it extremely but so is rape and by rape i think christy means um and i'm making this up forcing a penis into a unwilling vagina i think that's that's the concept of rape that she's trying
Starting point is 00:40:42 to push she should just say what she means she should type out the whole thing and then to getting vaccinated and now you're lying because i never i never said it like that i talked about forced injection of drugs and yes those are those are um those are equal i would rather have i would rather have be forced no they're not equal i would actually rather be raped than forced to um have um uh uh what's something that kills rats what's a strychnine pumped and injected into my body that way i could live to fight another day so no they are not equal and i didn't say they were equal i was drawing a simile of what was happening to society so when people write that is that black magic right there is that what you mean by black magic what is black magic ronnie when i see stuff like
Starting point is 00:41:25 that i'm just like like so taking something i've said and completely spinning out of context not even speaking out of context just lying about it yeah i mean magic basically means that you are imposing your will into reality. You're able to control reality. And then black magic would be, uh, at the detriment of others. Oh,
Starting point is 00:41:54 so that is black magic. She was imposing her will at the detriment of others by line, by confusing what I was saying. I was trying to draw an illustration of how bad it is to force injections onto people. And instead she is twisting, imposing her will and twisting my words in order to make it seem like something else. Yeah, this gets this gets from my perspective, this gets a little. Is cancel culture black magic?
Starting point is 00:42:18 Interesting. because because if you if you're looking at it from a perspective of which a lot of black magicians do they don't really believe in wrong or false or shouldn't do they better to avoid the karma of it they better right they better tell themselves that so i mean i i would say that i'm similar. I just haven't, you know, stepped over to the dark side. I'm skating the edge. But, yeah, so it gets interesting because then when I look, I look at things like vaccination. And I also recognize that this is the experience of my life, right? My times, of our times.
Starting point is 00:43:07 This is what we are experiencing. And from the perspective of self, right? Like if you're a parent sending your kids to school, it could be something that makes you pay attention to the schools. And maybe that's the question. Maybe the question isn't should vaccines or no vaccines, but the actual vaccines are making us question the effectiveness and the responsibility. And should we even be putting our kids in school? Right. And if it's opening up people to that, then maybe the vaccines are actually a good thing i see it i see those right
Starting point is 00:43:46 so i see it so i mean opinion on it i definitely and it is a good thing in that regard it is a good thing in that regard some lady at the tennis courts yelled at me the other day well my kids are already in college and i thought wow that would have been a powerful statement five years ago but uh but now i'm like oh you sent your kids to the brainwash factory. You know what I mean? It's like, like the whole, no, no, no one, no, no intelligent person thinks college is it's like, it's just a blanket statement of a great place to send your kids. The landscape has changed. There's no way it's no longer a good school. It's now a's now an institution of lies and it's been bought. I mean, we saw what happened to stem cell research there.
Starting point is 00:44:28 The guy, the premier scientist of stem cell research, who wrote the 30 foundational papers on it was caught for fraud. All the papers had to be retracted. It's like nuts. Yeah. So I think our entire society needs, all of us. I mean, most, I shouldn't make a blank statement like that, but a lot of people have been waiting for a switch, right?
Starting point is 00:44:52 There's been, you know, even the 2012 thing, there's going, we're going into a different era. Everything's going to get quote better. The world's waking up. All these statements suggest that the whole system is going to change. waking up, all these statements suggest that the whole system is going to change. And what we're witnessing over the last year and a half is that the whole system has been changing. Could it be putting pressure on you as an individual? Yes, of course. But that pressure, stress and friction causes hopefully you to act. Otherwise, you're just going to go through this entire life,
Starting point is 00:45:24 doing nothing, being a victim, you're just going to go through this entire life doing nothing, being a victim. You're going to have to replay this entire thing again. You're going to have to come back and replay this entire experience again. It's here for all of us to grow into something new, right? Everybody that lost their jobs. I mean, we're talking about millions of people quitting their jobs, losing their jobs. That's great. That gives a whole lot of human beings energy. It gives the whole world more human energy to create whatever's next. And the question is like, oh, what's next? Right.
Starting point is 00:45:58 Are we just sitting at home complaining that no, like the next thing that the all powerful government says, like, that's black magic. That's when they utilize their tricks in the media to distract the millions of people or billions of people nowadays, the billions of people they're able to infect with their ideas of fear and anxiety to distract them from the fact that they are actually creating all of this. And as they pump in more fear and anxiety, what the people create is more scenarios filled with fear and anxiety. And so they know this, they know that we are the creators of all this. And if they can control our minds and they control reality, but they're not the powerful ones. The people are right. Like we are the mass of consciousness that's creating this reality.
Starting point is 00:46:50 And it's up to us to realize that and to unify as opposed to being unified towards their agenda, which is really at our at our choice. It's our agenda. Their agenda is our agenda right now choice. It's our agenda. Their agenda is our agenda right now. And it always will be. So. I like this. I like this right here. This guy just sent us. No, sorry. Not us. That's a lie. Not you too. Sent me. Some euros. Some euros. You're a good dude, Johnny. Hey,
Starting point is 00:47:28 God, you're a positive person johnny hey um um god you're a positive person i love you raw uh rod there's this daoist saying that says um uh there are no demons here it's just people so demons are are interesting and i and i and i fully see that i see just people here and i get and when i hear people say the government i'm just like like, oh, that's also – it's just words. It's just sorcery. There's only people. Just people. There's no evil people. There's no good people.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It's just people. Right. But let's talk about demons. Okay. Don't scare me. Go slow. If we take the opposite – I'll go fifth grade. Fifth grade.
Starting point is 00:48:08 Fifth grade education. Oh, no. I have 10% battery. In a couple minutes, I might have to go get my charger because I wasn't planning on using this phone. Yeah. By the way, I highly recommend one of those battery packs. The new ones are so cool because they don't have to stay on your phone all the time. It just sticks on when you need it do you know what i mean it's like it's like a white uh it
Starting point is 00:48:30 goes on the back right yeah it just sticks on there it's so cool so like when i come home from somewhere i just or i carry it around in my car so i'm driving i just stick it on the back i used to have one of those big old cases that weighed down my phone don't worry guys we're gonna get to demons even though i don't want him he's just making his way he has to take a deuce he's dropping a dude i'm just gonna go in here so if we think about demons man that's a nice place that's what i was gonna say nice place right next to water too the opposite of demons the opposite of demons is so funny i found i this lady see that gong you have on the wall is angels right okay it's too bright in here so if we were to consider what a demon versus an angel is uh angels would be like, you know, like when you get those thoughts,
Starting point is 00:49:30 right? When you get those thoughts, demons and demons work together is what I'm trying to explain. And I'm going to explain that right now. So angels are, and demons are keeping reality set in a way, right? So what you were talking about earlier, like is there something else that's holding everything together? We can say that if we wanted to look from the perspective where we could consider demons as an actual thing that's controlling reality, then we'd also have to enter angels into the perspective because they work together.
Starting point is 00:50:03 Angels are more light. They're the ones feeding us the thoughts, you know, like the thoughts, like you should do this. We get them, you know, hundreds of times a day. And most of the time, we're just still looking at our phone or we're considering work. And we're like, I need to do this. I need to do this. I need to do this. And we kind of ignore those subtle messages that come to us. So when we do that, and the angels need something to happen for us, and we don't listen because we're too on track with what we're doing, then they go over to the demons, which are from the dark and actually have impact on matter. So demons are more dense, right? And they have impact on matter. And so the angel will have
Starting point is 00:50:49 to come over to the demon to say like, Hey, this person's supposed to be on this track, but they're so, you know, focused on this track. What can we do to get them to change directions? And the demon says, all right, I'll create an experience. I'll create an experience in physical matter that gets them to change. And then that's when like an accident happens, right? Is that Job in the Bible? Usually our accidents and the things that we would consider caused by demons actually put us on a different trajectory that we would have went on if we were just listening to our higher selves to begin with. So they just get a, you know, a bad rap because the bad things that happened to us are, are, you know, looked at as, as painful and there's a lot of struggle, but it's just part of our experience. I really liked that. Can you hear me?
Starting point is 00:51:41 Savannah, are you muted? No, I don't think so. you hear me matt yeah i was muted that whole time no no you're not muted oh i get it i would i had my headphones on but because i was going to charge my phone i took them out yeah you should keep them out that way when i interrupt you you just keep talking i like that that's what all my guests that's what all my guests should do listen here's the trick motherfuckers uh um i really like that story. That's a great way of looking at it. It reminds me of – there's a story of Job, and I apologize for any of you bibliophiles if I'm going to ruin this, but the story of Job is basically God and the devil are basically making a bet on whether they can sway a guy's faith. God and the devil are basically making a bet on whether they can sway a guy's faith.
Starting point is 00:52:31 But if you were to tell me that story that you said first and then I were to read Job, I would see it in a totally different light. But here's the Stephen Mitchell translation from the Tao. Weapons are the tools of fear. A decent man will avoid them except in the direct necessity. And if compelled, will use them only with the utmost restraint. Peace is the highest value. If the peace has been shattered, how can he be content? His enemies are not demons but humans like himself.
Starting point is 00:53:00 He doesn't wish them personal harm, nor does he rejoice in victory. How could he rejoice in victory and delight in the slaughter of men? There's somewhere else he says something about demons too. But it's interesting how there could be no such thing as demons, and yet when you articulate it in a narrative like you just did, it's valuable and understand giving your mind um uh um a way of just understanding how the world works yeah i mean like it's beautiful this this concept of no such is that art is that art what you just did is that art no just that story you told is that art art no just that story you told is that art uh no it's experience it's it's that comes from somebody matthias de stefano uh who can remember his past lives on other planets and they're really not past right they're current their lives that are currently happening but we remember them as past but he can remember past lives that he's had on
Starting point is 00:54:11 as an atlantean living in you know what we call as egypt he also can he has access to lives on other planets where they know these things so this is all information that's accessible to everybody. You can, there's people that talk about lifetimes on other planets. And before you're like, well, that can't be true. It's just a story. It's made up until you listen to them. And you're like, this actually resonates more true than anything I've ever learned in my entire life. And so then it's up to us to make that decision if it's really true or not. And for me, all that matters is what can I integrate from it? So I'm not really concerned on true versus false because even that's just the context, right?
Starting point is 00:55:00 So the same thing with the demon thing. Are there demons? Are there not demons? Well, that doesn't matter. Like, what can we take from the concept of demons versus angels? Like, because the concept of it and how we integrate that into our life is what's most important. Arguing about what is or isn't really is just us trying to hold on to preference of how reality is structured. Yeah. So we all learn through stories, right? Yeah. I guess that's what I call art. Yeah. Yeah. We, we all learn through stories. That's like, whether it's a fiction story or
Starting point is 00:55:42 nonfiction story doesn't really matter to me. So that's the great thing about being me is I don't have to filter whether things are true or not. And I'm open to discuss and open to listen to everybody and everything. and I think a lot of people would gain if they would, uh, just even just pretend that things are true. I, I, I, I wonder why more people aren't open to, I guess I wonder why people aren't open to just listening are you open to i mean we have to do practices like you just did right right like the practice like you said of dying you know just go going into the silliness of dying we really have to go in the extreme with ourself
Starting point is 00:56:39 like think about the things that you absolutely hate and absolutely think are false, like, let's say, vaccines. And you would have to challenge yourself and start thinking, well, how is this good for me? You know, and then that's how you practice this. And then when somebody comes into reality, talking about knowing about past lives on a different planet, then it makes it a little bit easier to make that jump we're in we're in this um that was that was really good um we're in this world where people keep thinking that doing something is the way to fix something and i don't know if it comes with age or wisdom but it's actually the opposite. Throwing shit away and get rid of stuff is
Starting point is 00:57:26 actually the pathway to making more permanent change that is more valuable. So what do I mean by that? Skipping a meal, not making a purchase, throwing something away out of your house, not defending what you're saying just because oh i'm just keeping it real by just letting things pass letting things go freeing things up don't ever uh everything you put into your amazon cart force yourself to wait 48 hours before you pull the trigger on it the the true power is um not in in uh the true power isn't adding, um, the vaccine to your body. The true power is not eating the sugar today, um, that, that you ate yesterday. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's reduction.
Starting point is 00:58:13 Reduction is where all the power, all the wisdom, all the happiness resides. It is, if it does not there, it does not there. It isn't the other way. It isn't the other way. It isn't. Yeah, and what happens if you get caught? And I don't mean to say I'm not open to it, because I am open to it, and I'm not saying that I don't do it. I had a piece of candy when I threw my kid's candy away for Halloween.
Starting point is 00:58:37 I ate one of the little Snickers out of the trash and ate it. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Put your hands together for Lady Raven.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Dad, thank you. This is literally the best day of my life. On August 2nd. What's with all the police trucks outside? You know, the butcher goes around just chopping people up. Comes a new M. Night Shyamalan experience. the feds heard he's gonna be here today josh hartnett i'm in control and salika as lady raven this whole concert it's a trap trap directed by m night shamalan only in theaters august 2nd i ain't hating devil you i hating. And you know what's crazy is I got a little zit on my waist, right?
Starting point is 00:59:47 Like two days after or a day after I ate it. That happens to me immediately. When I eat that fake sugar, I get pimples. But I'm not telling you to not make the purchase in your Amazon cart for 40 hours because it's like the fiscally responsible thing to do. I'm not telling you because it's – I'm sharing this with you because that's like the fiscally responsible thing to do i'm not telling you because it's shit i'm sharing because that's where the happiness is that's the direction you really want to go is through the not doing this stuff that's where like all the power is that's where the experience of self is yes yes everything else is a distraction yes but all of the experiences all of the buying things versus not buying things those experiences are what allows us to learn
Starting point is 01:00:36 about self so that's that's really what we're here for. And that's, that's the question, right? Like, where are we going after this? Because that's really where we can get a solid foundation of what life is. Is it like, is this a one and done thing? Or is this a multiple, you know, lifetime thing? And I think that I'm still in denial that I'm going to die. Well, it just really depends on your definition of death. Right. Right?
Starting point is 01:01:14 Because let's say you're a leaf on a tree. Every single season, those leaves fall off. Now, is the life that was the leaf dead? Or is it wrapped up in the tree still, which is wrapped up in the earth? Like, because we are similar to that leaf, we are most definitely physical body. similar to that leaf we are most definitely physical body in this dimension doesn't seem to be i mean there are some people that have lived and existed hundreds of years but just no there's not no there's not no there's not yeah you know there are you're talking about that are you talking about that
Starting point is 01:02:05 yogananda stuff those guys in the caves yes i know they can't because if they if that was true then i would be doing that uh well you're doing a whole lot of consuming right and participating in worldly worldly stuff living in a cave is a different level even doing 100 burpees is indulgent it's the same as eating the snicker bar it's just different but it is also that indulgence it is also it's kind of like um masturbation yeah that's cool uh i i would say masturbationation i would i would uh if i had to if someone asked me seven i'm gonna do something bad today should i eat a snicker bar or jerk off i'd be like jerk off i mean maybe i'm wrong too i'm totally i'm totally open to being wrong why that one though
Starting point is 01:03:00 less poison in the body i just think that um i um, I just think that, that, uh, can, can that, and that's why I think it's different levels of indulgence. There's a, there's raw explained it really well right now. He was talking about basically experiential, but you have to go that other way to get the experiences. But I think that you want to try to mitigate the damage you do to the vessel in your experiences. And I don't think that there's a ton of value in eating the snicker bar. And I do think that there's a ton of value. I think there is a ton of value in masturbating and doing a hundred burpees. And the only value in eating a snicker bar is that you learn not to do it, that it's bad for you. I don't think that there's, I don't know of another one. I'm open to the, I'm open to it though. And do you think you have to ride that
Starting point is 01:03:53 level of consciousness based on, you know, the decisions you're making? Meaning if you're doing something and then afterwards you feel like guilt or shame, it's going to start to lower your conscious level. A lot of the media pushes things out to have this level of anxiety, this undertone level of fear, which leads to a lower conscious level and then therefore inactivity, right? Because as you move higher up that conscious level chart, you start to evoke action. So you might become angry about what the media is pushing. So maybe you're not fear, you're anger, which is going to invoke some sort of action. So then therefore it gets you moving. But it seems as if we're almost just on this constant fight, including with the they, our politicians, our media, the systemic system in which we live in, is constantly
Starting point is 01:04:35 trying to suppress the conscious level to an inactivity. And that's kind of the overriding almost theme of everything you guys were talking about. Rod, would you agree with that? Or where do you feel as far as the conscious level rising and falling? Well, it depends on where, you know, everyone's at a different state of being, right? And you mentioned anger. Anger is higher than shame, for instance, right? So if you're depressed, becoming angry is actually going to help you out because it's going to produce, like you said, action. But if you're in a state of happiness, going down to anger is not very helpful for you. It's not very helpful for humanity. And so really understanding that we are all responsible for everybody else, right? If we go under the concept of there are no others, then it's up to all of us to,
Starting point is 01:05:37 again, this word control, I don't really like, but let's just say be aware. It's up to all of us to be aware of our emotional state because that's our vibration. And our vibration as a species is what creates the entire experience for us all. And you can see that as a parent, right? So like if you're a parent that's constantly angry, what sort of opportunities does that lead for your kids? You're going to produce kids who don't know things like trust and things like bliss and things like harmony. They're not going to really understand those and they're going to have to go out into the
Starting point is 01:06:23 world and take 20 years of their life of going to self-help seminars and therapy and many, many relationships to really understand what it is to be happy because they've spent their entire life with you as the parents resonating with your anger. And so I think a lot of us can understand that from a parent-child relationship, but if we expand our family out and we expand our family out and realize that we are all a family, and then when you're angry, you affect another person that affects another person that affects another person. And it's all of our responsibilities to raise our level of consciousness up to the degree that we are comfortable being, you know, not faking it, but just being it, then it allows humanity as a whole to ascend to wherever else
Starting point is 01:07:14 we are to go from here. Yeah, I like that analogy of starting with the family, then you could see how that that works within that dynamic, but then how you grew it to the parallel of like the rest of the people on the earth that was good that was a mind-blowing moment there that's why i like podcasts that's why i like conversations yeah you get you just you think about things like even me i've never said that before yeah no that was a really good analogy and the other thing you started this out and you were the podcast out and you were saying does if I do a and then I get B, then I get C. But did I even was I even the catalyst from a to begin with? Right? It almost links back to those thoughts that you were saying of light versus dark. You know, these thoughts that originate in our head, like where do they come from? Who if I'm not in control of them, and they're just coming into my mind and i choose to act on some some others i don't choose to act on it's interesting the path that leads you down instance for instance of one being this podcast was set on there's multiple times when message this person popped in my head and then i start to lower that conscious level because you start to
Starting point is 01:08:18 feel scared well what if they say no what if i have rejection all of this and then so you continuously suppress that thought and the interesting thing was coming is like where is that thought originating in the first place exactly we don't know the answer to that we think that the i you know we all define what i means and a lot of us feel that it's like somewhere in between our ears right like that's what makes us up so anything in our experience comes from somewhere in here but i don't know i mean when you start looking at dna i mean that looks like more of an antenna and oh we're definitely antennas we're definitely antennas when you start like looking at like heart replacements like when somebody needs a new heart and somebody dies and they take a heart out of one person they put it
Starting point is 01:09:12 into another person and the new person like somehow has all the memories of the old person yeah and that should happen there's there's documentation that people claim that yeah yeah there's been murder cases solved because a child gets murdered yeah their heart gets put into somebody else the new person can then retell the story of how the murder happened yep and then like then the like cases have been solved this way like cases have been solved this way holy shit remember that i forget the name of the guy but he was on joe rogan's podcast and he he would always say it's still your motherfucking set that's uh no fletcher yes something fletcher yes tj fletcher i think it is and he got a heart uh transplant and he was saying exactly what you
Starting point is 01:10:06 were saying which he didn't know why but he had this feeling that it was from a woman and they were like you know a carry like a caregiver in their life and stuff like that and he could like feel it within him but he couldn't describe it and then later on when he got the information about where the heart and everything came from it turned out that it was a woman and all this yeah it was nuts but i have yeah ct fletcher thank you uh ross lewis um but yeah i know exactly i've heard those stories and it is a trip um so many questions for you raw raw um if um many questions for you raw raw um if um i i hate to do this to you i hate so just tell me to fuck off if you don't like this uh this story up this this pigeonhole i'm gonna put you in but a cowboy wakes up in the morning and he puts on his um boots because he doesn't want to get bit by
Starting point is 01:11:01 rattlesnakes so that's what his boots are for right and he puts on his chaps iaps. I don't know. They have some reason, but probably like, so flies don't bite him or something on the horse or the sweat from the horse doesn't get on him. And he puts on a hat to protect himself from the gun, uh, from the sun. And he puts on the guns to shoot the, the, the mountain lions that, so they don't kill his cattle and everything he has has a purpose. Right. And, and, and I became a dirt toiler doing the same thing. I, there were, there were two kinds of hippies at my college. There was the ones like me who just like forgot their shoes somewhere and never put on shoes again and started getting their clothes out of the free box and, you know, just didn't wash their hair anymore. And just like, you just slowly just,
Starting point is 01:11:40 I just reduced my life to like what I wanted to do, which was draw, play Frisbee and bang hoes. I mean that in an affectionate way. Sorry. I'm part of the rap, part of the rap generation, bitches and hoes and, and, and, and, and pursue a life of, of, of a lifestyle of Jesus, like of, of just loving people. I know people are going to be like, Jesus didn't say bitches and hoes and Frisbee, but I don't give a fuck. I'm just telling you like where I was at. It was, it was, it was, um, love love treat people the way i wanted to be treated play frisbee and and chase girls and and that offended you too you want me to call them ladies fine um and then there were the other hippies who like cut the hole the hole
Starting point is 01:12:18 in their pants and sewed the patch on and they got the birkenstocks and they got all the shit that made them hippies. Right? What for you – what has happened to you? All right. I can answer that. Yeah, like you're becoming this person. Your Instagram is – I'm like what is he sharing all this stuff? And people are so fascinated by you. Like this whole dentist thing, like i showed my wife that post and she's fucking just like i could see it just like in the best way in the world stimulated her right and i stimulated the shit out of me and i love that and
Starting point is 01:12:54 it makes people question like do i have titanium fillings is that bad or and it made me click on that dentist post i want to get them on the podcast like what are you doing how did you become you in the last five years how why are you wearing how did you become this cowboy that you are well and are you faking it like i don't think you're faking it like it's just like this is just happening to you right because of just things you're subtracting or adding to your life i or is this a show or both it's all a show right we're all we're all the star of our own movie so right right but some things just kind of happen right like like i was trying to reduce my life to what i thought would make me the happiest which was right and now chasing girls and being like trying to follow jesus yeah go ahead so we you know we become focused on how we want to express ourself, right?
Starting point is 01:13:46 And that has to do with our sense of self and our sense of like what matters, right? How we measure our life. And when we're young, you know, how we look is, you know, in high school and middle school, how we look is important. And maybe we get a job and then the things that we're able to buy becomes important. So then that's what we come consumed with, right? We get the car, we buy the purse, we do whatever. And almost being a good person doesn't matter, right? We go to work and we forget that we're spending 70 hours a week at work or whatever it is when we're young. And because what
Starting point is 01:14:26 matters is that we can buy things at the end of the day. Right. And that's what our focus is on. And then maybe like you, we get to the point where we're like, none of that matters. I just want to, you know, not have things like buying things isn't isn't important i want to be a certain way and so you're unable to focus on different things right there's even people that care about their performance speaking to your audience and what matters to them is their fran time is their dead lift is how many abs they have when they take off their shirt and my audience also cares that their spouse um has an orgasm um and sex too it's not just when you referring to performance just so you know but i have a very loving generous uh audience go on but but there you can see that we we focus
Starting point is 01:15:20 in on aspects of ourself that are important and And the first time we go through this, we have very little capability of, of focusing on the other, the other aspects of ourself. We can only focus on certain things, but as we release, like at one point you released, you know, being shoeless, and then you maybe got back into the productive world. And what mattered more to you is other things, right? Like how you were producing at work and, you know, building your resume so that you can, you know, build up in whatever ladder you're trying to achieve. And, and maybe as you're going through this cycle, the second time, you still care about how you're being, you still might care about how you look, right? So you're
Starting point is 01:16:07 able to focus a little bit more on the different aspects of yourself. And as we keep on going through this cycle, we get better and better and better at being who we want to be in the different aspects, like all equal. And so for me, I've went through that. I'm going to see how far I get without working. Can I just control and produce magical experiences in my life without work? And that was important, but I have that experience. So now I'm able to make a lot of money. My business life is very successful. I'm able to buy things for the experience of buying things. And just, you know, what is it like to buy a thousand dollar pair of shoes? I don't know. I'm going to find out. I'm able to do that stuff. And I'm also able to still
Starting point is 01:16:56 have the integrity of being the same integrity that I developed when I wasn't working, when I didn't have money, when I was able to focus on treating others as self, I'm able to carry these aspects of myself into my current state. And I think that we all do this. We go through these cycles of what's important and then we carry forward with us and we're able to be more ourself in all the different aspects of life. And so that's where I think a lot of people pigeonhole me into, well, you're supposed to, you know, you're talking about this spiritual stuff. Why aren't you spiritual? Because they
Starting point is 01:17:36 look at people who are on their first level through and all they're doing is spiritual, spiritual, spiritual, and they can't focus on how do I make money? Right. So you got these poor spiritual people and that's the ones that everybody kind of recognizes as how I'm supposed to be with this mustache and this hair because I fit that category. Those eyes to those eyes to and that body. You got all of you got all the all the complete package. Yeah. So so I i mean i think i've just i've been through the cycle several times so i'm able you know to live that that's you explain that you explain that so well you explain that so well yeah this is falling into the minutiae a little bit, but I encourage all of you who still have the opportunity to experience hopelessness in your life.
Starting point is 01:18:28 And the reason why is because there's a profound freedom there. And the way you do homelessness, and I'm going to tell you just in a really nutshell, is the two main components of this are this. To not need anything, if you want to be super happy and homeless and free, to not need anything and to not tax other people, do not ask other people for shit. If you sleep on their couch, be gone before they wake up. Leave all the dishes in their house clean. They will invite you back over. Don't talk too much. Be super chill.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Be great to their kids. Take your shoes off. You want to be as low impact as possible and you'll start noticing when you don't demand things and you're just super cool, the universe will start pouring an abundance on you. Really reduce who you are. Do that. From there, you can start your hustle. And what is your hustle? Your hustle is you'll notice one day you're just sitting at a coffee shop doodling on a – drawing a picture a gum wrapper and someone will be like, oh, my God, that's so cool.
Starting point is 01:19:26 And then you'll give it to them and someone else will say, hey, will you will you do that for me? And you'll be like, yeah, and you'll doodle one and they'll buy you a cup of coffee and your hustles begun and your fucking hustles become. And 15 years later, you're the you're selling art for three million dollars a pop and they're just all on gum wrappers and you didn't do shit right that and and what when i and what made me think of this is when i hear raw talking about how you guys are going to misinterpret what he says about um he's going to try to make a living without working he i know what he's saying because i i doing the exact same thing. Once you realize that the universe is going to catch you and take care of you, as long as you don't tax the system, you can't play the victim mindset. You can't tax the system. You have to contribute.
Starting point is 01:20:21 You have to be a good person, and the system will start to catch you. I know the good person and tax system. I would love to be more articulate on that and not be so superficial and use conceptual ideas, but I think you're kind of getting it. I think we've touched on it. But if you don't experience – the first time you're homeless and the first time you surrender to all that, it's scary. Yeah, you're like, where am I going to eat? Where am I going to sleep? What am I going to do?
Starting point is 01:20:50 But it's really yeah you're like where am i gonna eat where am i gonna sleep what am i gonna do and but but it's really not that scary it's not like fucking uh being homeless in fucking africa and and you'll figure it out and if you're open to meeting angels you will meet angels and there will be people you manifest who help you get direction they'll show you to get your first meal that first morning and um and you'll in your stuff in your you will start to really get in the flow especially if you're a young man you should attempt that it's so free it's so happy there's those will be the happiest years of your life i mean but females have been doing it forever yeah sure i just don't know i just i don't want to uh yeah go ahead sorry no it says am i thinking that home? Someone just said, am I wrong and thinking homelessness is much more risky for women than men?
Starting point is 01:21:30 Listen, homelessness doesn't mean you don't have a place to sleep. Like women have been not working and also having many places to sleep. When I was, when I decided I didn't want to have a home, the availability of me being able to sleep where like, it was almost like I had five homes at that point. I had open invites everywhere. I had too many homes too. Yes. Right. So women have been doing this for centuries or millennia as well. Like they're the masters at knowing how to be of value in other ways besides what we would consider work, right? And they get cars and houses offered to them just because they're happy and they make other people feel good when they're around. And that's,
Starting point is 01:22:23 that's, you know, so we're not talking about homeless in the gutter. You can do that, but it's not necessarily what we mean by that. But as Siobhan was saying, the not taxing thing, yeah, that was my rule. It was like I wasn't going to ask anybody to sleep on their couch. If I needed to, I would sleep in my storage unit, which I had to do a few times. I also liked Korean spas that were open 24 hours a day, did that a few times. But for the most part, it would be in the afternoon. And I would just think, man, I don't know where I'm going to sleep tonight. And as I'm having that thought, somebody would message me saying,
Starting point is 01:23:01 hey, I'm going to Europe for two weeks. Can you watch my apartment? Or can you watch my place? And, you know, it's on the beach in Hermosa Beach. And I'd just say, yes. Right. And you'd go. Africa, I don't know, probably six months of my life throughout the years. And so if you've never been to Africa, I don't know. I don't know if you have, but these are interesting comments. Being homeless in Africa, what I meant by that specifically, and I know it's a big continent, is you there is never a shortage of food. Like when people talk about food droughts or a shortage of food or any of that stuff and you live in the United States, you someone who's been homeless, you're a complete fucking idiot to me because i know none of those things are true i can always and i've spoken to doctors and i did a podcast with a nurse specifically who helped a homeless man cures type 2 diabetes just by eating out of dumpsters
Starting point is 01:23:58 there is those there's an abundance of shit in this country where there isn't in africa is what i meant by that and um i don't mean to to pick on you uh but more likely the extended family would help you before you're homeless so you're painting homelessness in a bad light in a bad light by saying they would help you before your home it's not like that you're totally missing the point by just even writing this. It's not about helping someone. I wasn't homeless because my family wouldn't have taken care of me or because I didn't have another way. That's not what I'm talking about. Maybe I won't call it homeless. Everyone should choose the ascetic lifestyle. Am I pronouncing that word right? Ascetic? How do you spell that word? Everyone at some point in their life should choose to walk, should read about Jesus's life and try to mimic him as the best they can. How's that?
Starting point is 01:24:58 Yeah. Jesus and many other Buddha people. Yeah. You should read Siddhartha and try to do that. I, I, I spoke to, uh, um, Bob, Oh,
Starting point is 01:25:09 do you know fitness Lonnie? Do you know Dorian? I mean, I, I've had conversations with him, but 10 years ago. Yeah. We've talked about that.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Your guys's, your guys's paths have crossed around women, right? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so, women right right yeah yeah um so so he has been a monastic monk for the last five years he's been in brazil for the last couple years he spends a shitload of time alone and when i mean
Starting point is 01:25:35 alone i'm not talking about like like what most of you guys think of alone i'm talking about alone i'm talking about like sitting in a in a tree made out of a fucking hammock made out of fucking branches and leaves and he's coming back soon and i can't wait to talk to him and i wonder if he'll come on the podcast um i was gonna tie this to something we were talking about the the ascetic lifestyle homeless anyway i forget i forget maybe else maybe i'll come back to me but what but he he's a he's a fantastic individual and i met him and he was basically when i met him um him him and ronnie and i have all had very similar um walks and i was very tempted to do what he did i guess maybe i just didn't have the balls or the opportunity or, you know, I guess if I would have walked by a home for monastic monks, I could have accidentally become one. Could that have happened to you, Ra? Yeah, I was going to, after I closed my gym,
Starting point is 01:26:36 I was going to put all my money into Bitcoin and go to the Himalayas and live in this community that was a four days walk from the nearest road. And I was all set up. I was going to, I had my flight over to, you know, I had the connection in Nepal. I was going to stay there. I was giving away all my stuff and I, and, and I needed to renew my passport and I was expediting that process. The passport was going to be back. I was giving away all my stuff. And, uh, this was in 2017. So this, I can't imagine if I would have, you know, I would, I would be a millionaire right now if all the money I had then went. But what, what happened. And you know a lot about, about monastic monks. What happened was four days before I left,
Starting point is 01:27:36 I got a letter that said my passport wasn't renewed because my birth certificate had some holes in it from being folded and it wasn't accepted. And so that kept me in, in North America that kept me here. But who knows? I mean, that was, that was, I still went and did my version of that over the next couple years, but it would have been a lot different version of that aspect of myself had I been able to go into that experience. There must have just been so much stuff keeping me here. My wife just sent me a text. I was showing the boys raw and Ari said, raw, raw rah row your boat gently down uh so a few days ago i invested in bitcoin and uh probably like a week ago 250 bucks and then the other day i invested another like
Starting point is 01:28:37 120 bucks and i this morning like i can't i don't know what's going on and i'm trying to talk to as many people as i can but man it's it's just like, I'm invested like in 10 different Bitcoins. And just like last night alone, I made 20 bucks on like 480 bucks just from when I went to bed and woke up this shit. It's just crazy. I wonder what's going on. I wonder if I'm going to lose all this money.
Starting point is 01:28:57 When do I pull out? It's not that much money. Right. You're not really going to get interested in it by investing pennies. Right. Like that's like what's cool is like i bought a hundred thousand of something okay good you know what i mean yeah like for like 80 bucks i was like damn i want a hundred thousand of that shit yeah yeah i feel like a boss i mean yeah i mean they keep on saying it's going up it's going up and nobody believed five years ago that it bet bitcoin was going to be eighty thousand dollars when it was like two thousand everyone was like that's insane but all the experts were saying no it's going to be
Starting point is 01:29:39 and it's you know approaching 70 right now. So. Yeah, yeah. I invested in a bunch of different. I may have misenunciated. I don't know if I did buy the one that's called. There's one that's called Bitcoin, right? Specifically. Right.
Starting point is 01:29:57 And then I don't know what all the other ones are called. But I have this. I'll show you my wallet. I don't know if you can see it. But there's my wallet. And so those are all the different ones I own. But I don't even know what any of those numbers mean. I have no idea what those numbers mean.
Starting point is 01:30:16 I mean, for all the people that are... Yeah. I mean, Bitcoin and all the whole market is up pretty high right now. It might dive back down. And then it's probably going to go up. But the whole thing is very, this is like, to give point to your example of college isn't necessarily teaching anybody anything new. Because four years down the road from now if we're living in a different world that that whole cryptocurrency blockchain thing is what the entire future is going to rest on like the entire future of the internet will be on the blockchain it's not just going to be like
Starting point is 01:31:01 you know random computers it's a ledger. It keeps track of, it documents basically. And it's impenetrable. It can't be manipulated after the fact. So musicians, artists, and all different types of professions who need to keep track of something. Like if you produce this podcast and you wanted to sell it, or you wanted to know how many people listen to it and you wanted that all to be trackable, that's possible with the blockchain so that when you go to another company to
Starting point is 01:31:38 sell the idea of sponsorship, it's all like clearly, you know, it's clearly able to be seen it basically allows everybody to have sight and vision on different aspects of our society and our entire society will be impacted by the blockchain all i heard raw just say is we're about to get a fat sponsor is that what you heard susan yeah i think that's what it was holy shit that's awesome the one thing that i'm okay curious about is like with the and as far as like cryptocurrency and the blockchain is considered is like how long before that actually just becomes
Starting point is 01:32:18 um outlawed by the governments because they see it as such a threat right because of like the concerns the currency is now open sourced and i could see where every transaction is happening and it has a history of that transaction it's going to limit the amount of corruption that could come through there of course everything will find its way right but at the beginning it's going to really limit that so i wonder how long it'll be before some country or a government decides hey it's getting too much influence too much power in the market let's shut it down or regulate it. Yeah. And we're going to China already do that. Didn't China shut it down? China shut down the internet.
Starting point is 01:32:56 They have restricted the internet as we know it right now. I think that maybe the next generation, right? Like we progress generation by generation because, you know, the old people right now are still trying to keep their systems in place. But as they all start to die, I think the kids are going to find out a way to start generating a new society, utilizing, utilizing what we're talking about. And there's not going to be... I mean, the elites are going to have their hand in everything, and they already have. They've influenced the blockchain cryptocurrency markets already,
Starting point is 01:33:36 and you've seen the impact there. So I think the only way that they're going to be able to really have control of the whole thing is for them to get involved in it. I can't wait to be one of the elites. It's going to be able to really have control. The whole thing is for them to get involved in it. I can't wait to be one of the elites. It's going to be so fun. But, you know, you know, Fitness Lonnie, like, for instance, he's in the jungle somewhere. Yeah. He essentially isn't affected by the elites, isn't.
Starting point is 01:34:01 I'm just, you know, imagining somebody sitting in a tree. Right. Right. the elites isn't i'm just you know imagining somebody sitting in a tree right right we can become an elite of our of our own reality by just not participating in the system and then and then we have control and then we also can learn how to participate in the system in the same mode if you don't have kids and you didn't hear what he if you don't have kids, you need to hear what he just said and and immediately do that. You owe it to yourself and you owe it to the world. Stop participating. If you are not obligated, if you don't have responsibility outside of yourself, quit being a pussy and fucking make the leap leap out of society. the leap leap out of society it's so much more fun it's so much more fun i would not be who i am today if i wouldn't have done if i wouldn't have known this before i had kids leap out start taking crazy care of yourself man start just man you have it's it's go ahead sorry raw i was just going to say a lot of us can just look at the last five years of our life and realize that we're doing the same thing that we were doing five years ago. And, you know, haven't really done anything substantial or, you know, a lot.
Starting point is 01:35:21 And I'm just saying a lot of us. I'm not saying everybody, but there's a lot of people who can look at the last year or five years and say, like. Maybe doing something radically different, like moving to South America and living, you know, for ten dollars a month, you know, get take fifty dollars down there. Take $50 down there, you got five years of living or five months of living, whatever. Take $500 with you and you can live essentially forever in a third world country. You're going to gain from that experience more than you would in the last, you know, doing what you're continuously doing. But we've already, we've already, yeah, we've already hit down on that. It could be as simple also, people, just so I don't want to get too abstract. I want to give you some things that you can really do.
Starting point is 01:36:12 Here are some things you can do. You can cancel your subscription to the New York Times. You can cancel your subscription to Sirius XM Radio. You can, like I said, start practicing not buying stuff in your Amazon cart until it's been sitting there for 48 hours. You can start making sure you walk barefoot. Basically start reducing your life. Any way you can reduce your life from the things you do. Wear your shoes one hour less a day. Anything you can do to start reducing your life will open up other possibilities and will get you out of the system. There is this saying that people who don't stop
Starting point is 01:36:47 thinking don't think about new things. And I'll give you a very practical way to think about life. And Ronnie touched on this earlier, which was fascinating. I had never heard it explained quite the way he explained it. Your life is a record. And for those of you who don't know what records are, there are these vinyl things and they're black and you put a needle on it and it spins around and it starts at one end and it goes to the end. And that record is imprinted. Let's say when you're two years old, don't for all, all, all purposes, let's say at two years old, your record is printed. And for the next, um, a hundred years, if you live to a hundred years, that record will play 50 times and it will be the exact same record every time. Exact same record every time. Exact same. There's only one way to change the record, and it's through something called meditation. And what is meditation?
Starting point is 01:37:52 Meditation is a form of profound stillness where instead of acting or letting the record keep playing, you put a pause in it and you stay still and you let because you're an antenna you let a new transmission rewrite something on your record in that spot and give you a something new to your story i don't know if it adds to your story i don't know if it writes over the old story not important this is how you change your life and so it's by taking things out and so as you practice taking things out superficially and physically like a serious xm uh um uh subscription or your shoes you will slowly work to slowing down and making your mind quiet in moments of stillness for you as an antenna to to write something new on your record so you don't have to do the same misery the same happiness the same bullshit 50 times in a row and to give you guys an example of how we are antennas
Starting point is 01:38:52 and i had this i had this um uh realization i i see how my antenna operates um think of it this way there's a radio playing a little transistor radio and you hear an orchestra coming out of it this way. There's a radio playing a little transistor radio and you hear an orchestra coming out of it. You're not fucking in a moron. You don't open up the transistor radio and look for all the little tiny people in there playing violins and pianos and oboes. You know, it's coming from somewhere.
Starting point is 01:39:18 That's who you are. That's what you are. Yeah. You're just, you're just a fucking transistor radio. Well, you got arms and legs and shit. You can do all sorts of cool shit besides just sing and play music. I have something to add to that.
Starting point is 01:39:33 If we look like when it comes to gods, we've got monotheism where there's the belief of one god. And then we got polytheism where there's a belief of one God, and then we got polytheism where there's a belief of many gods. And essentially, when you look at the polytheistic gods, you got like the God of the sea, the God of, like, it's basically like there's a lot of gods of nature and emotion. And there's not like the God of Amazon, not Amazon, the actual Amazon, but there's not like the God of what we are experiencing in life. And so as we let go of this life, we can start getting into the aspects of nature. And it's essentially the elements, right? Like the light, the earth, the water, the air. And when you can start to pay attention and
Starting point is 01:40:27 learn from nature and really observe yourself in nature outside of a home, you can eventually transition back into society and utilize all of those lessons and all of those observances within regular life. But it does take kind of like shedding. There's a shedding that happens so that we can go back to what a lot of the ancient cultures were observing and labeling as God-like forces. The monotheism is really not an external God. It got all switched because the king needed to rule people. So they're basically like made all the power outside of the self. A monotheistic religion
Starting point is 01:41:12 started off with like all of these powers of nature that the polytheistic cultures labeled are really all inside of you. And when you realize that anything powerful that you observe outside is really just happening within yourself, then it allows you to operate within society, not being so swayed by other people's programs and other people's agendas, and just be able to be a more powerful aspect of reality. And that word power, basically the difference between power and force, a lot of us might feel like we're forcing our way through the world, which means that we're struggling to pay the bills,
Starting point is 01:41:56 and we are forcing ourselves to go to work. We have to wake up and struggle, and there's this force. But if we increase our power, then less force is needed. And so if if we increase our power then less force is needed right and so if we can increase our power on the field because uh this isn't really like this is all just an energetic field right the entire world everything around us not really solid particles it's just it's a field that we experience as solid matter but we have impact on it. Some of us can have a thought, and tomorrow that thought manifests into life, right? Or maybe it takes five years, or maybe it's instantaneously. And the way that we increase that ability is by increasing our power.
Starting point is 01:42:39 The way that we increase our power is we really need to understand how the powers of the universe work and internalize it. And then as Sivan is saying, the way that we internalize it and the way we observe it is to shed all of the distractions that we've accumulated so far in life. Can you give me an example? I don't think a lot of people under i see here people use the word manifest a lot you can you tell me about the last time i was on here you sent me a text a picture of a text that said uh i thought everything ronnie was saying was bullshit until I was driving to go buy a boat. And on the way, I thought to myself, it would be really nice if the boat was just given to me for free. And when he showed up, the lady just gave him the boat for free. I vaguely remember that. That's right. Who was that? Was that someone I know?
Starting point is 01:43:42 Or did someone send me that in the DMs? I remember that. Somebody sent you it in the DM that basically he considered what I was saying. And he was like, maybe I don't need to buy this boat for $3,500. And he showed up and the lady was like, look, my husband just died. And I really just want to get rid of this. And you can just And so manifesting goes back to magic, right? We can really create this reality and understanding that and believing that is step number one. So we could just start with something easy. Well, first, you need to think about the things that we have manifested before. Listen to this, people. This is we have manifested before. Listen to this, people.
Starting point is 01:44:25 This is going to be good. Listen to this. When something comes up in your life that you manifested, you have to really understand that you have control of it. And there's two ways that this happens where you can very easily see it. Number one is like little stuff. Like let's say you're driving into a parking lot and you're like front row parking, right? Front row parking is what I'm getting today. We I would say a lot of people have had that experience and then were able to get that front row parking.
Starting point is 01:44:54 Right. Well, you're like, I'm going to drive to always get front row parking. Right. That's one of my greatest tricks. I always park in the front, motherfucker. It's me. I'm here. here right and what does that take it takes your belief it takes your faith because otherwise you would have searched through the back yes first yes right because usually the front row requires you to believe that you're going to get that front row you have to drive all the way to the front and then voila it's there so and i'm always happy to give it up too like yeah like i'm always happy it's weird it's both sides i'm always happy to give it up too. Like, yeah, like I'm always happy. It's weird. It's both sides.
Starting point is 01:45:25 I'm always like when I leave and someone else gets it, I'm so happy for them. I'm fucking so happy for the other person. Like, yeah, you get front row too. Good to see you, brother. The other way to recognize it is when negative stuff happens in our life. So the things that stick out are like, oh, that sucks. Right. Instead of saying, oh, that sucks. Like, that's almost like like the program. Like I wish that wouldn't happen to me. No, recognize
Starting point is 01:45:50 how you created that. Go back in your mind and then, and, and look at the program and you'll realize that the shitty things that happened to you in life, it's so easy to see how you created it. So I don't lose my wallet either by the way like if my wallet's gone i'm finding it oh look i haven't seen my wallet in three weeks shit i don't know where it's at oh did you see the delta airline sent it back to you of course they did of course they fucking did and then i leave the delta airline sticker on it on my wallet for the rest of its life because to remind me like my wallet's always coming back to me. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 01:46:28 But I've always had a belief in that too. My wallet's always with me. You're not losing. When you can get that out of your mind, right, that negative things aren't happening to you, that you're creating them. When you can understand that, then you can start to realize that you're also creating the good things. You're also creating the things that you need, but it does take you, you have to step out of the victim mentality that things are happening to you first. Like that's a prerequisite. So if you're still someone that says that the phrase that sucks, like that needs to be eliminated
Starting point is 01:47:02 from your vocabulary, vocabulary. If you want to manifest eliminated from your vocabulary if you want to manifest. You cannot manifest. You cannot create anything if you still are using language that is of the realities happening to you. All right. And then you can start to step into that realities happening for you. Even the bad stuff. But you do have to accept the precedent. You do have to accept the president. You do have to accept the vaccines.
Starting point is 01:47:27 You have to accept everything that's happening in life happening for you. And then you can start to to utilize that to trust like the parking spot that, you know, the things that you need are going to be there because you have this connection with reality. But the more that you say that sucks or that shouldn't be or that person's wrong, that's distancing you away from your ability to be in harmony with the field. And so we have to just increase our acceptance of the field and you as the field. And then anything that you need, desire, usually will show up to you more perfect than your little mind could even imagine. I don't want to get distracted by this comment, but I'm just going to read it. You need to be more specific with this discussion. The self does not create every bad thing that occurs that's ludicrous.
Starting point is 01:48:35 Hold that thought for a second. For those of you going back to the manifestation thing, it's so awesome. It's so simple. I'll tell you a quick game that my wife and I used to play. But basically all you need to do, you don't need to do anything to manifest stuff except become aware, and I think Ronnie touched on this, that it happens. Once you're convinced that it happens, everything else will just fall into place. You'll stop fucking around. everything else will just fall into place.
Starting point is 01:49:03 You'll stop fucking around. It's just like if you were sitting in your bedroom and I threw a cobra in there and locked the door, like all of a sudden, all of your attention would be on the cobra. You wouldn't need any more fucking explanation. You wouldn't need me to tell you it's dangerous. You wouldn't need me to tell you anything. There's nothing I could tell you.
Starting point is 01:49:19 You would only watch the cobra. So what do you need to do to see the cobra, the power of manifestation? You have to start playing games. And so I'll tell you a game I used to play with my wife, and it's called the manifestation game. So you wake up in the morning, and she would say, okay, a raw of earth. And then I would say, okay. And then the first one of us who saw the raw of earth or got some manifestation of, or something would call and you win the game.
Starting point is 01:49:45 So then I would be driving down the freeway and you can, you can't cheat. I would be driving down the freeway. And then, then I would see on a sign, I would see, Oh, on one side it says raw.
Starting point is 01:49:54 And then I'd look across the freeway and it would say earth. And I would be like, dude, no, it's not a photo. I'm like, I win. I see raw and then earth,
Starting point is 01:50:00 or she would say, then I would say, okay, rooster. And then, and then, you know, we lived in the city
Starting point is 01:50:05 in Berkeley. And then all of a sudden I roll up to my mom's house and I see for the first time, I guess it's always been there. My mom has this steel rooster in her front yard. I'm like, mom, how long has this rooster been here? She's like fucking, you know, 10 years and every, and you can just play the manifestation game any, and just find one other person to play it with. the manifestation game any and just find one other person to play it with and what it does is it will start to expand your awareness and your perception and eventually things will really start clicking to you it's super duper simple but you have to proactively get this involved and then from there fuck all the books and how to manifest and all that shit everything else will slowly just fall into place because you'll see the it's like i can't i want to say the potency of it but it's it's as intense as being locked in a room
Starting point is 01:50:55 with a cobra you're not going to take your eyes off that game once you see it it is the game it's everything and i think you need that space going back to what you guys were saying before, when you start to consume less and you start to want to use less, what you're actually creating is the space to allow that to come in. Because if you're always so caught up in your materialistic things or getting here, getting that, and you live in a place of victimhood, you're living in a place of fear, you're living in a place of anxiety, how in the world are you going to have the mental space to open up to allow those sort of things to start to come into your life for you to actually start to manifest and for you to start to create
Starting point is 01:51:33 that reality, right? And I think that's what a lot of the systemic pressure that we feel from our cohort of government, you know, media, and then as well as large major corporation, it keeps you within that framework of busy, keeps you within that framework of consumption, anxiety, fear, the next bill you have to pay. And so there's really no space for you to have the freedom between the stimulus and then your response. And there was going back to that comment with Josh King here when he said, you need to be more specific with the show. you the self does not create every bad thing that occurs. That's ludicrous. No, Josh, what we're actually talking about is you to have the mental space to where when something you perceive as negative comes in, you have the freedom to choose
Starting point is 01:52:19 your response, then therefore your action based off the stimulus that's coming in. Right, you said it best. And I wrote it in a note here. It's not a good thing. It's not a bad thing. It's what you do with the thing. Right. I mean, the good and bad is just perspective. For everything that you think is bad, there's another person that thinks it's good.
Starting point is 01:52:44 And not a single one of us, not a single one of us not a single one of us on this entire planet and entire history has ever thought that anything that we have done is bad or wrong there's not a single one of us even hitler guys he was cleaning oh it's a great example yes yes yes every action i know it's nuts right so and Yes, yes, yes. Every action is just fine. I know, it's nuts, right? So, and when you look at Hitler and you're like, well, how is it, you know, how is it beneficial to the earth, right? Well, how would we know that doing that isn't, like, correct unless it's been done. And we can analyze it and we can see it. And then we can decide maybe that's not a good idea for me, right? Like I can see how that worked out. Maybe it's not a good idea for me, right? So without people doing the things that you think are wrong in your life to you, you wouldn't learn the lessons from that to maybe not treat others that way. So all of these experiences are necessary. We're
Starting point is 01:53:55 here to grow guys. Like, like why are we here? Grow dope, grow dope. And, and, and I listen to too much rap music i'm so sorry i just can't help it if you want strength right like let's say you want to be a good good person in a relationship that's going to require you to be in a lot of relationships where maybe you got screwed over right so if you want if you want to be financially successful, you would have needed the experience to know what losing your money is like, what making bad business decisions is like, so that in the future, you don't walk down those pathways. So when things happen to you, let's say you lose $10,000 in your current business. Well, maybe that's saving
Starting point is 01:54:45 you $10 million 20 years down the line, right? It's very easy to see these when you step out of, when somebody else is telling you their problems. I studied psychology. I've been looking at the mind my entire life. So I should say it's very easy for me when somebody else tells me their problems. It's very easy for me to see how it's beneficial to them. And I think that if we all open up to all of our problems that we have are beneficial to us, then we stop looking at them as problems. And we can expand that into all of reality. If you are not a superhero like Raw of Earth, you should go to and look for a job. Sweet. Is that like a gym?
Starting point is 01:55:34 No, it's a website where you can – For gyms? For gyms, yeah. So basically if you want a job in the gym space or if you're a gym who's looking for someone, you could post an ad there. And that guy reached out to me and said, hey, I'd love to sponsor your podcast. I was like, I would love for you to sponsor my podcast. It's a good idea. The world's number one job board for the CrossFit community. And look, if you have a back fetish, you can go there and just look at that girl's back.
Starting point is 01:56:04 I mean, it's a cool website. It's got everything. Scab. It's a good idea. It is tough to find talent. Yeah, and having owned a gym in the past, you know that that's one of the toughest portions is keeping that pipeline of qualified coaches full. And makes that easy for gym owners and coaches alike
Starting point is 01:56:25 why um raw why did you get why are you getting married why did you get engaged that's that so doesn't fit your hair and your eyes and your mustache and your um this image that this box that i keep you in i keep you in this box and now you're trying to get out uh for her well that was easy i i mean it's something that she feels is important and and i feel that she's important enough for me to step outside my perspective. I obviously don't believe in a piece of paper. I don't believe in the government saying that something is right or wrong.
Starting point is 01:57:11 None of that means a single thing to me. But I also do understand that maybe a lot of little girls grow up and they dream of this thing that they call a wedding. And I want her to have that experience. And it's not that I want her to have that experience and I'm just doing it for her. That's kind of what the statement sounds like me just saying, like, I'm doing it for her. I'm, I'm doing it with her. It's, it is for me. I want her to have that experience. I want her to feel that. And I have, I mean, I'm committed. There's like, the piece of paper is not necessary for me.
Starting point is 01:57:53 And I'm willing to do the piece of paper. I'm willing to do the whole thing. And I want to because she wants it. And I recognize that. So, you know, this whole thing of life and the whole thing with relationships, relationships, like Savant's talking about going, you know, with, without the finer things in life, getting into a relationship is a great practice of self, because all of your programming gets reflected back to you
Starting point is 01:58:27 when you're going through life in a team. And this is a great practice for me. It's a great practice for everyone, but it's something that I'm constantly, you know, in the middle of a conversation or discussion, she's her own person has her own perspectives and i have my own perspectives and it's really an opportunity for me to question myself in many different scenarios uh and really challenge my programming because of the relationship so yeah it's uh and if that's not challenging enough for you ask your parents to move in with you i want to get a bunch of fucked up mirrors all going at the same time yeah the mirror thing so i mean there's a lot of people that are very experienced at that more experienced than me
Starting point is 01:59:18 you guys all know god um there is there is like sort of that famous saying i don't remember who said it or exactly. I'm not going to wear it right. But this minute you think you're enlightened, go hang out with your parents. Right. Something like that. It's like you're just like, wait, what? this is awesome better than i thought my wife last night i asked my my wife said uh so you have raw on tomorrow i said yeah she's oh that's gonna be fun i go i'm nervous she goes why i go i don't know i just feel like we could run out of stuff to talk about and it just shows just like how stupid that is i have two pages of notes here and i didn't i didn't have to reference them i think the only thing i brought up that's on my notes is about getting engaged so it's a legit question it's fair uh yeah i because i because i i thought getting married
Starting point is 02:00:08 was just part of a tool of the man i um i just thought it was completely absurd i thought having kids was absurd and then the two things the only two things i really have to say about is one time i was on an airplane and there was crazy turbulence and i heard this almost like loudest voice i've ever heard in my head and it said you idiot you should have gotten married before you died and i was like what the fuck who is that and then i told my wife that but that's not why we got married then eventually a couple years late i came home and told my wife that i never heard that ever again but it was just bizarre and then um and then a few years after that after we had avi i started just thinking hey if one of us died it would be so much easier if we were married just legally all
Starting point is 02:00:53 this shit would just land in one place or the other so we got married and then when we got married something changed to this day i still don't know what it is but it's for the better like i'm i'm i'm enjoying calling her my wife yeah i i'm i'm enjoying not like i enjoyed that it's not like i enjoyed that snicker bar a few days ago that small guy small just it was probably the only one i've had in a couple years but um but i'm enjoying it it's very subtle yeah the kid thing is another thing. I'm definitely enjoying the connection as well. I mean, going through life as a team is different and it can be better, right? Than just going solo and knowing that you're on a team and and that commitment is there is something special uh and the kid thing you know i'm i'm looking forward to kids because it's in a way to integrate
Starting point is 02:01:56 it's it's just a deeper level of integration you get to integrate your experiences you're gonna do that you're gonna you're gonna have a kid yeah are you having unprotected sex kids yeah yeah you are so but we're not we're not necessarily trying right now but it's coming up you said you well if you're having unprotected sex, it's definitely coming up. That's not true. It's not? You can pull out. Oh, I guess pulling out is a protection. Well, no, no.
Starting point is 02:02:34 I don't think pulling out is a protection, but I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. Dude, you want to know what I think about pulling out? This is why I think pulling out is a bad idea. Dude, here's what I, you want to know what I think about pulling out? This is why I think pulling out is a bad idea. Because I still think, like, I think some bitch ass sperm are like the cheaters are already at the head.
Starting point is 02:02:51 The motherfucking cheaters. And so if you pull out, some of those cheaters get to the egg and you get some fucked up weak ass kids. So either wear a condom or bust an item. Just making that up. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I just want to be funny. But I like that, that scenario scenario because they didn't have to fight the millions of other sperm. Yeah, yeah. Fuck those guys.
Starting point is 02:03:10 What are they called? The pre. I'm going to ask Kate about it on Sunday's show. The pre. She's all things sex to me, like any questions I have. But what's that called? The pre, pre-cum, pre-seminal fluid, pre. Hey, those are just strategic sperms.
Starting point is 02:03:24 That's all. Fuck those guys i want the guy in the i want the guy in the back who's holding the heisman fucking running up through the middle you know what you know what this lady kate told me i know we have to go but i think it was kate and her someone told me or was it lindsey from birth fit i didn't know this but she told me i'm gonna fuck this up i'm gonna mess this all up something about that there's there's there's cells in the women's body i always thought that the i was always taught that the women's um the whole journey that the sperm take up to the egg it was was a hostile environment
Starting point is 02:03:57 but the way she was explaining it is is that there was like stuff inside the woman that's like kind of like escorting that they get an escort to the egg and that basically there's an interview process too that basically there's something in the the it's not there's something part of the woman's body that's like choosing which sperm to let through right now you're a bitch ass you swim funny hey i don't like that you know i don't your tail's all jacked up and then it's just letting in the good ones right it makes sense it does someone needs to make a cartoon so i can visualize it better are we wrapping up is that what i was hearing from you we are josh just manifest those kids yeah yeah yeah yeah pull out is not protection.
Starting point is 02:04:47 Pulling out does not work. I have to wait. Two parents in the moment. I asked Yandy's mom. That's how Yandy got here. So most of us got here from being one of the ones that jumped the gun. We're all that bitch ass sperm. My mom, I asked my mom before I had had kids i said what why did you have me and she said your father and i wanted to have a loved child
Starting point is 02:05:12 and i when we had avi i for sure like every night before we would have sex um or after i think maybe it was made in the afternoon i can't remember but um I would I remembered would I would get into these profound frenzies in my head of how much I love my wife and I wouldn't let it just be I I tried I tried to make making Avi more than having sex those interactions with my wife like and same with my twins during that whole process. I was like, just brought myself to a frenzy with thoughts and staring at my wife and just really getting into her and, and, and believing that she deserved like all the love in the world and that this baby, like whatever it was, it, it, it would be part of that. It was,
Starting point is 02:06:01 it was cool. I don't know if it did anything, but my kids are cool. And I enjoyed at least faking it so yeah sex magic is also a thing we can start but that would open up a whole nother door of conversation um well i'll bug you again if you're open to it. Yeah, it's always fun. Cool. And I'm freezing right now, which I guess is kind of a good way to do a podcast. It keeps me kind of like alert. Yes.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Sousa, thanks for coming on. Yeah, thanks for having me, Rob. That was awesome. Great conversation. There's so many nuggets inside that I really hope people open their minds when they listen to this and are just open to the information, not judging the information, but just open to receiving it. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:06:51 Thanks Matt. Super, super awesome for me to be here. I was really excited to be here. So thanks for the invite guys. Yeah. Thank you so much, Jim.
Starting point is 02:06:59 You get the last word, you asshole. You mean your wife enjoyed faking it.

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