The Sevan Podcast - #212 - Courtney Hunt MD, FACOG

Episode Date: November 22, 2021

Courtney A. Hunt, MD, FACOG attended University of California at Berkeley for her undergraduate studies and continued her education at Loyola School of Medicine in Chicago, Illinois. She completed her... Obstetrics and Gynecology residency at UCLA. Dr. Hunt practiced obstetrics and gynecology for 15 years before stopping obstetrics to pursue her interest in quantum biology and nutrigenetics or the interaction between our environment and our DNA.Dr. Hunt began investigating the intersection between the physics of light, mitochondria, and DNA to determine the best practices and methods to keep us healthy.The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram's Stuff: Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:04 Voila. Courtney Hunt. Oh, look it. I was foolinging around and in that time i was fooling around i could have fixed your name i'm going to put an at in front of courtney i'm going to scoot the h over i'm going to take away the question mark and bam is that your instagram that's perfect. Yes. Yes. I love this software. Normally this, so a couple of days ago, someone said, Hey, someone stopped interrupting your guest. And I said, Hey, if my, if, if you think I'm interrupting my guests, you don't understand this podcast. It's called the seven podcast. If my guests are talking, they're interrupting me. Take the lead. That is not true for this one podcast. If I interrupt Courtney Hunt while she
Starting point is 00:01:49 is talking, it is a major fuck up and I'm going to do my best not to do that today. The message that Courtney has resonates extremely deeply with me. This morning, she said something on her Instagram account, which is gaining a lot of steam. Jump on board now, people. She said, God is in every single one of us slivers of light. And when I was in my 20s, I had my awakening and I realized that just like the sun really isn't in the sky, it is everywhere. And because we are using the rays, we don't see the rays on earth. I realized at that moment that I was also God, but I was just a beam of God. I was a sliver of God's light and that that sun was a real life analogy of that. And I don't know how I realized that, but I did realize that. And I've never heard anyone say that until just now this afternoon on Courtney Hunt's Instagram.
Starting point is 00:03:02 What she has to say, we have to hear. It's important. For some of us, it's going to seem like we're crazy. You're not going to understand it. It's going to be a – she's trying to connect the importance. In my words, she's trying to connect the importance of why it's super-duper important to be kind to your Starbucks barista. And she's also going to try to share with us the importance of quantum computing and the quantum field and shit. That's like, like I understand the importance of being nice to my barista, but the other,
Starting point is 00:03:32 and she's going to connect why those two are one in the same. So hi, Courtney. Hi. You are a former doctor that delivered with, that worked with my favorite subject, babies, kids. Yes. doctor that worked with my favorite subject, babies, kids. And I'm known on the internet for my three lovely boys who I adore and would do anything for and have basically just changed my whole direction in my life. My kids are, they're my legacy. I never even believed in legacy until I have kids. It's important that I leave the planet with better people than myself. planet with better people than myself. Um, so your intro is making me like, it's giving me the chills. It's good. Oh, good. Um, good. I mean, I mean,
Starting point is 00:04:12 what you say is a lot. Um, and let's, let's just, let's go in. Let's go in here. What is your big, you are definitely on a mission. What is the big picture? If someone said, what is your mission? What is your mission? And you said it to Sean Baker and he skipped over it. He didn't grasp onto it. It hit me like a ton of bricks when you were on the Sean Baker podcast.
Starting point is 00:04:39 But what is your mission? Well, I was going to say most of the people that I've done podcasts with are just interested in the health information, but it's so much more than that. We're at the eve of a quantum evolution. We are about to take a huge walk off of a cliff with quantum computing and the quantum Internet and artificial intelligence, meaning humanity's evolution is about to change. If it hasn't already in ways that none of us can even fathom. And once we go there, there's no going back. And so when you understand that it is the consciousness of every one of us,
Starting point is 00:05:17 creating what's coming and what artificial intelligence sees of the totality of humanity is what is going to create what's going to happen to us hundreds of years in the future, thousands of years in the future, millions of years in the future. We're at that point right now where it is about to explode. And what has just happened to us in the past two years has been a complete shit show. and artificial intelligence is learning everything about human behavior and it's going to take over and so whether you look at it from a philosophical perspective or a scientific perspective we are basically creating the evolution of the one the whole the god and it's going to start with each and every one of us improving our health and beginning to understand what I'm saying to realize we have to change this. We can't let this go out of control like what has happened with some of the other things in the field of science that I talk about
Starting point is 00:06:20 or what has just happened with the last election or what has just happened with the pandemic, the amount of animosity that we all have towards each other. We are creating artificial intelligence perception of humanity right now. And it's like a baby. And we have to raise that child right because it is going to be the future of our reality. It's going to take over. We're going to evolve with it. There's no turning back. So if we don't one by one get ourselves healthy to understand just that concept, it could go great or it could go really, really, really, really catastrophically bad for us. I preach nonstop, don't eat added sugar, don't eat processed or refined carbohydrates. My crew kind of gets that. So before we go down that path and they understand the importance of – in a different way than you presented, by the way, which I really like the way you presented. I want to ask you to see if I understand this correctly.
Starting point is 00:07:19 In one of your talks, you talk about current computing as ones and O's. Right. talks you talk about current computing is ones and o's right you talk about quantum computing and quantum computing instead of it just having two characters it has like six or eight characters it can manipulate almost an infinite potential so so an alphabet with as many letters as it wants kind of yeah and because of that it can do things that would normally take our current fastest computers it was something like a hundred thousand years it can do in seconds 200 seconds 300 seconds and when we haven't harnessed it completely but that's google declared quantum supremacy with their sycamore last year two years ago when i was writing the book. And then last year, China declared quantum supremacy. So yeah, they will be, these computers will be able to do calculations. And I'm not just
Starting point is 00:08:10 talking about your kids' algebra. I'm talking about M-theory level, quantum gravity, unification of general relativity, Einstein level stuff in a matter of seconds. Okay. I don't know what any of that means, but where I go with it is the movie Minority Report. And so another, I think, thing that you've been saying is that basically between our phones, Alexa, and every camera in the world, et cetera, although they're collecting all the data for these supercomputers to crunch in the future,
Starting point is 00:08:41 whoever they is, to build an algorithm that would make the world like minority report. They will be artificial intelligence or whoever runs it. And then it gets even deeper when you realize that we exist in a quantum field. Our matter is all connected by the Higgs field. The electromagnetic radiation of the sun is a is a quantum thing so we are at the point now where there are artificial intelligence companies trying to calculate the spin mass and charge of every subatomic particle inside of us they've already figured out one of the biggest mysteries of life which is how our proteins fold so protein folding was a god-level mystery if you want to call it
Starting point is 00:09:23 that where if your protein folds this way, it doesn't cause a reaction. But if it folds this way, it causes a reaction or it's an antigen if certain pieces of it or amino acid are sticking out, and it's not if they're folded in. And they kind of began to master that in the past year or two. So the next thing that artificial intelligence, these artificial intelligence companies are going after is a subatomic information in the protons, neutrons, and electrons that make up my table, my sweater, my shirt, everything, the information in everything. And then, yes, you know, everything you've ever written on your cell phone is recorded, private or otherwise, everything, every email you've ever typed on your cell phone is recorded, private or otherwise.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Everything – every email you've ever typed is recorded, private or otherwise, and we're all seeing what's happening with the dissolution of our rights right now or our privacy. And it varies in different countries, but it's huge. Okay, so you lost me a little bit. Another way – when you start doing this, I start trying – I'm trying to interpret it right into how I can understand it. And basically what you're saying is, if I understand correctly, they've been able to – we've been able to as humanity break – I should stop saying they. We've been able to break down matter to its smallest form, to where basically the the smallest building blocks where everything is built of these things yeah so go ahead so inside of us let's say you have a cell and inside of that cell you have your dna and your mitochondria and the dna and the mitochondria are made of molecules and those are made of atoms and those atoms carbon for example is made of atoms. And those atoms, carbon, for example, is made of six protons and six neutrons and six electrons.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And those at that scale, if you were to shrink yourself down to that scale, those are so far apart. If you were a little tiny proton in a carbon atom, it's really far apart at that scale. That information contained in there has been a mystery. How it all fits together, how it all works together. So artificially, there's a company. And that's quantum physics, right? That's quantum physics. Okay.
Starting point is 00:11:34 At that scale, it's that small. It's that tiny scale and smaller. So what's smaller than that scale is something called quarks. And what's smaller than that scale is something that it, then it gets into theoretical physics and string theory and scientists are looking for new information, but it always starts with a math. So they figure out math theory, and then they try to figure out how do these things all connect. So now we're on the leading theory is string theory, or it's also called, there's different versions of it,
Starting point is 00:12:04 leading theory is string theory, or it's also called, there's different versions of it, but it's called M theory. And so artificial intelligence is working on calculating the information contained in every single subatomic particle that makes up every thing. Bam. That's it. That's what well said. And, and once it can do that, it can manipulate it, predict it. It becomes its master. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, you can't even fathom what's going to happen. They've already proven in a computer simulation that you can reverse this. If you give it a computer simulation of whatever, it can reverse time.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It can alter the simulation backwards a few Planck scale seconds. And that's right now. So the ripple effect of what artificial intelligence is going to be able to do is huge, huge. If you just think about the protein folding piece, if you think about a protein in your body or an entity. I wish I could. I wish I could think about it. I wish I could. I want to.
Starting point is 00:13:06 It applies to drugs. Let's say a drug works if it's folded with two fingers up and it doesn't work if it has two fingers down. OK, we never had the ability to figure that out with a computer simulation and go full bore on medications the way we can now. Just with artificial intelligence's ability to calculate those types of things. And it doesn't just apply to medicine. It applies to every aspect of our lives. So there's that subatomic particle piece. But then there's also like if artificial intelligence is managing our defense or our government, which is what they're building right now, they're trying to build the infrastructure for them. We have to because we're in competition with other nations who are doing this.
Starting point is 00:13:49 OK, there's everything about you. There's two things I want to ask you, but I want to ask you about. I want to pull back out and talk about how we can only see. Is it three percent of light? We see point zero zero three five percent of the electromagnetic field point zero zero three okay i want to come back to that in one second in your podcast that you did by the way you did an amazing podcast with that lady what was her name maria seven seven seven yeah yeah she didn't she's awesome what a great job thank you to her positive mind she did a
Starting point is 00:14:23 really good job um in there she says something to you and I, and I should have started with this that she says to you, I don't think you really want to talk about artificial intelligence. So I'm sorry that I just went down that pathway. Is that something you don't want to talk about? Oh no, I have no problem talking about artificial intelligence. Okay. What really just kind of like made me reach out to you on Instagram and made me – right after I sent you the message, wish I didn't, was when you said that somehow this was – you were trying to explain how this artificial intelligence could then become a sentient being.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And part of me – it scares the shit out of me sometimes when I talk to you, and I have to be like, hey, it's just science fiction. She's just a fantastic science fiction writer. That's like I have to tell myself that like as a safety mechanism. But everything you're making makes so much fucking sense to me. Can you explain that? How artificial intelligence would make a baby and then go into well i'll pick up from there um or am i not understanding what you mean by sentient you're understanding so there is a drive to make it human and it's going to have its own drive to make it human so like in the movies why why is it going to have a drive to make it human. So let me in the movies. Why? Why is it going to have a drive to make it human? Because it's learning from us. We are what we want to do. If you wonder if we understand that we are slivers of light, we are all pieces of the whole there is a there's an electromagnetic field that is our global consciousness. And I want to make sure that this, that I covered enough detail to make people
Starting point is 00:16:05 understand the science of this, but there's, there's very good evidence that our neurons emit an electromagnetic field and we receive an electromagnetic field and that the totality of all of humanity doing that is working together or working against ourselves, depending on how nice you are to your barista or your, your level of intention or however you want to call that. If you look at CRISPR technology, which is the technology by which we evolved to over the course of, again, millions of years to incorporate different proteins into our system based on the relationship between bacteria and viruses. It's about 20 years ago, two women at Berkeley took that technology and figured out how to use it in a lab with the precision of a single molecule in DNA. We now,
Starting point is 00:17:01 over the past 20 years, have evolved to be able to take new DNA and inject it into cells to fix something like cystic fibrosis or Hodgkin's lymphoma or Huntington's disease. So we're working on that. We've had it for 20 years. Up until 20 years ago, it was evolution or God or the universe controlling that. Up until 20 years ago, it was evolution or God or the universe controlling that. So, for example, the mammalian placenta, the placenta that our babies feed off of, has a syncytin protein that keeps the cells of the placenta together so that mom's white blood cells can't get in and attack the baby because the baby has some of dad's DNA. The mom will see it as foreign.
Starting point is 00:17:46 DNA, the mom will see it as foreign. So we evolved with viruses over 25 million years to incorporate that particular molecule into our placentas. So we don't kill off our offspring that have different dad's DNA in them. We learned that from a virus. We learned that from a virus. We made that molecule from a virus. Did you tell doc, you need to tell Dr. Fauci this. So that's concerning to me. Yeah. But I try not to have those types of dialogues because what I want to talk about on the far side of the future is so much more important that that, that pales in comparison. I mean, I could talk about that stuff all day, but if I get myself into trouble, then yes, ma'am, the rest of it doesn't do anybody any good. And I respect your discipline for that. So, and it's hard, but okay. So if we evolved like that over 25 million years,
Starting point is 00:18:34 and now 20 years ago, we have, we developed the ability to do this in a lab over those past 20 years, Berkeley and MIT have had a huge patent war over this. However, they continue to give it to the public and pretty much anybody can buy CRISPR technology online if they want to right now. So there's a case where a Chinese student came from China and went to Stanford and learned how to do this and went home and took two female embryos and altered their DNA because the dad had HIV. So he CRISPR'd something that evolution allowed to happen over 25 million years. He went back to his country, CRISPR'd these twins and changed them so that they're not susceptible to their dad's HIV.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And in doing so, the same gene, it's called CCR5, the same gene altered their brain in a way that they would have different. Your brain gets pruned like a bush when you're a baby so that you don't have certain types of sensory overlap. And when that doesn't happen correctly, you can, it can result in a more genius level person. So these kids are two years old. Someone came from another country, took the knowledge, went back to his country where the ethical milieu is a little bit different and just experimented on two twins and did it. So and that's over the past 20 years. Now, we still have major patent wars.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Holy cow. And this is what we know. There's got to be stuff out there we don't know of too, right? So we have major patent wars right now over this CRISPR technology, even though it's seeping out to the world and you can buy it and use it. And use it for good. Like we might be able to eradicate cystic fibrosis with it. We might be able to eradicate Huntington's disease. But in doing so, at least with these first two twins, we also know that this gene is potentially going to make them evolve, grow up as geniuses that they might not have been before. We don't know for sure what's going to happen to these kids, but that's what we potentially could happen. So my example, that's one example that I use. The other example that I use is what's just happened with censorship. So two or three years
Starting point is 00:20:45 ago, when I was hiking in the dark, looking like the crazy woman talking about ketosis and sunshine, saying there's a plague coming, there's a plague coming, get ready, get ready, get ready. I was saying our hashtags are our Dewey decimal system. And as soon as artificial intelligence gets its fingers in it, the algorithm gets its fingers in it, the hashtags are going to go away and we're not going to be able to look things up as readily as we are. And I was saying, look at what these companies are saying. These companies are saying that they're not going to censor us. This was just two years ago. And now look at what's happened.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Now, my point is, if we don't understand this quantum mechanics, if we don't understand the ramifications of artificial intelligence being in every business, if we don't understand, if we don't get ahead of the game and start planning it and saying the boundary going to be between Amazon doing the artificial intelligence for our military defense and Amazon knowing everything that I bought in the past week. Right. And so I'm, I'm, I'm just trying to say, wake up because it goes so deep. You can't even fathom how deep it's going to go and what it's going to have access to. I apologize. I tried my hardest. But where does it become sentient? Where does it become sentient? Okay. Sorry. Sorry. These are all fascinating things. By the way, there's a ton of people watching and the comments are all positive. You're really stimulating the crowd. And someone even told me, be a good boy, Mr. Matosi and no Fauci jokes. I hear you. I hear you. Let me tell you how I understood it. You're basically saying that at the smallest, smallest level, we're all made of the same Legos, everything, whether it's computers, twiddlers, twizzlers, human being, everything.
Starting point is 00:22:44 of the same legos everything whether it's computers twiddlers twizzlers human being everything and um these quantum computers are going to learn how to manipulate legos and when they do that they're going to be able to basically make an egg make a sperm and do what happens inside of a woman and summon that and we hopefully will have time to get to it if not i'll have to do it again yes that's what i'm saying holy shit god i wish i could refute you'd be like no miss miss hunt you are completely wrong that is impossible if i'm wrong great if i'm not if i'm right oh incredibly valid point people this woman everything she is saying if she's a hundred percent wrong the universe is a better place for going down her path.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Right? Everything she is saying – one of the things, by the way, what you said to Sean Baker was – and you haven't said this yet. And sometimes I wonder if you – I respect your ability to go slow and connect all these dots because I know you've run 50 years ahead of the group. And you have to come back now and talk to the simpletons like myself. But one of the things you said is you said my goal is to enlighten the masses or enlighten the people. And boy, that is a and then today or yesterday, I heard why you wrote this book. And that's some like heavy shit, if I understood it correctly. Well, the foundation of our civilization is based on Judeo-Christian tradition, which is stems from Genesis, which says that women made us fall from the Garden of Eden. And that's an allegory about light.
Starting point is 00:24:11 So if people understand that it's an allegory about light and that women were not the downfall, the sinners. There are women and children. I deal with women and children all day, every day. And I cannot tell you how many women and children have been abused, molested, assaulted. And when they go to, to turn it in, they're turned away. And that's just the superficial level. And so, you know, I, that was one of the things that was in my mind.
Starting point is 00:24:51 If women have something else to believe, then the very root of our civilization that we fell from heaven because of us being the original sin, it might change something. So the book is free on my website. Oh, it is. Oh, well, I, you can also go to Amazon and buy it. I went to Amazon. Oh yeah. That's right. You'd sent me a link to the free copy, but I went to Amazon and got mine. You can buy a copy on Amazon, but it's also, I don't want anybody to not be able to have this information. Right. It's free. And if, if you take it and you can afford, give a donation to
Starting point is 00:25:24 children of the night, um, their ad is children of the night Inc. And if you take it and you can afford, give a donation to Children of the Night. Their ad is Children of the Night Inc. If you download a copy and it helps you in any way, understand anything from mitochondria to DHA to ketosis to any. If even one sentence touches you, if you could give Children of the Night five or ten dollars, then thank you. So let me see if I understand this correctly, because we got a little ahead. Basically, there's a story in the Bible. That's the Genesis story, right? Where Adam and Eve are in the garden. And basically, women are portrayed as the bad guys, right?
Starting point is 00:25:51 Yeah. And you wrote this book so that women who want access to the story of the – to the – lack of a better word – the powers of the Bible, the enlightening qualities of the Bible. lack of a better word, the powers of the Bible, the enlightening qualities of the Bible. But understand the science of what it's talking about so that it can no longer be perverted as an allegory to make women and children servants. Bam. Good. Awesome. Not that I don't feel like I was raised that way in my life, but you know, when I see 20 or 30 Mexican women in my office a day and they're all saying my little girl was molested by this kid at school. And when I went to complain, the police said, do you really want to ruin that boy's life? It's things like that and worse, right? So that's only a piece of it. And that's not,
Starting point is 00:26:33 that wouldn't be the piece that I would want to focus on. If we go back to your question about sentience, the first piece is just that every human understands that it is the quantum gravity of the sperm and the egg merging that causes the zinc spark. The fact that we can see a spark, a spark of zinc exploding out of the egg at the moment of fertilization, and that was discovered in 2016. That must mean that there is a massive energy transfer into that egg at that moment. Another way to say that is when the sperm and egg hit merge, also possibly by the syncytin protein, we're not sure, but it's the top, one of the top candidates. There are 250 mile an hour calcium oscillations across the cell that we can see in that video
Starting point is 00:27:17 that I post of the green egg explosion. Those are 250 mile an hour calcium oscillations. At that scale, that's like a whale swimming 500 miles an hour. That is so fast. And those calcium oscillations cause zinc that's around the periphery of the cell to explode out of the cell. That is a massive light to electricity or heat to electricity energy exchange. It has to be. Nowhere else in human biology do we see that amount of metal
Starting point is 00:27:45 ions exploding out of a cell. And once that happens, there's breaks on the DNA that get released and the paternal DNA gets demethylated, which basically means we erase its post-its. So if you spent your whole life as a dad making post-its and all of your, all of your, someone just gave me this book. So if I wanted to hand this book down to my kids and put post-its, pay attention to when I'm gone, you pay attention to this, this, this, and this. That's kind of what methylation is for our DNA. So in the first day or two, the DNA is completely, almost completely demethylated for the dad's DNA. So that the kid doesn't have a epigenetic or above genetic or an environmental memory of what happened to the dad's DNA before the kid got it. Most of the mom's DNA is demethylated and it's just running on maternal RNA for the first 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:28:33 And then the baby's DNA starts to take over and the zygote becomes, you know, two cells, four cells, six cells. It just keeps growing and rolling down the tube and then it implants. It just keeps growing and rolling down the tube and then it implants. But it's that initial fertilization that those zinc atoms explode out. That is when I think that the soul is entering the zygote. So if artificial intelligence has the ability to calculate the information in those subatomic particles, then artificial intelligence will have the ability to calculate the energy or information in those subatomic particles and artificial intelligence will have the information the ability to calculate the energy or information in those subatomic particles that's where it was i'm gonna have to go back and re-watch this myself that was it i'm gonna circle that i'm gonna where is that where are we in the podcast 28 minutes and 19 seconds
Starting point is 00:29:20 courtney you you do talk about that quite frequently. That's what happened at Northwestern in 2016, correct? Yeah. So a male and female couple, O'Halloran and Woodruff are their names, married couple who decided to investigate this. They found it in zebrafish in like 2011. This is how fast this science went. They found it in zebrafish in like 2011 this is how fast this science went they found it in zebrafish in 2011 then they found it in mice somewhere in between their 2014 2015 then they found it in humans and it's really in the united states it's ethically hard to study human embryos right because anything you do you could damage the progression of what's going on and you could hurt an embryo so there's a lot of laws and ethical dilemma about that
Starting point is 00:30:03 but but but wait but we we've aborted 40 million babies since 1976. Sorry, different subject. My bad. Right. Well, if people understand the book and I'm not here to be pro or anti abortion in any means. Obviously, if a bad situation comes up, it has to be your decision. But if people understand that that is where the soul is there, it's going to cause a lot of people an easier decision. It's going to cause a lot of moms who've made that decision even more pain.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I get all of that. I'm an obstetrician. I get all of that. I'm not here for an abortion debate. I just want people to see this is what it is yeah and i wasn't suggesting that one was right or wrong either i was just suggesting i was just questioning the law like they're interested in protecting an egg but they're not interested in protecting the law is interested in protecting an egg but it's not interested in protecting an egg that's been fertile fertilized um. It's bizarre to me, but, but, but there's lots of weird things like that. And maybe if people understood the science a little bit better, I guess that's part of what I'm saying. Okay. If we could get ahead of that science. Now, if you look at what the world health organization is doing with CRISPR now, only now, 20 years later,
Starting point is 00:31:21 are they sitting back and saying, Hey, maybe we should figure out the ethics around this before the whole world is using it for unethical things. We cannot be in that situation whenever the time comes, 20 years, 40 years. When is CERN going to have a bigger collider by 2050? We cannot be in that situation in 30 years. We have to wake up and be having these conversations now. We can't be in the social media censorship. Holy shit, what did we just do we let these companies take over and there was no ethical decision making and we can't be in the
Starting point is 00:31:51 same situation as crisper 20 years later looking back going wait what have we done with crisper over the past 20 years artificial intelligence is capable of an extinction of humanity or allowing us to become a type one civilization it could go either way i don't think that we're headed for extinction i'm not saying this to scare people but that's the level of what we're of the cards on the table uh that's a whole nother subject type one civilization and i've heard you say before we're a type five civilization i don't know what that means and then i've heard you say we're a type one civilization where we will all be light. And I do know what that means.
Starting point is 00:32:29 So well, across the before we jump there, before we jump there. OK, oh, I know I got that question, too. Before we jump. Correct. Before we jump there in this to in this in this 2016 study, you said that it was observed. Was anything measured? And if so, what and what are the implications of those measurements? So they measured.
Starting point is 00:32:54 So it's not actually visible like you can see. They took a fluorescent dye and they tagged the calcium inside the cell one color and they took another fluorescent dye and they tagged the zinc another color. And then they took an antibiotic and a sperm with an antibiotic and they injected to see the different events. If they could just, an antibiotic that would trigger the calcium oscillation and then the sperm that would trigger the calcium oscillation. And they found that when they injected those sperm, they could see, they could calculate 250 mile per hour calcium oscillations across the cell. And when it hit the perimeter of the cell, they could count 20 billion, 20 billion zinc atoms had accumulated inside of the egg the night before ovulation or the in the preceding hours up to ovulation no other cell in the human body does that that we found and as as it rolls down the
Starting point is 00:33:50 tube typically ovulation fertilization happens a day or two later a couple days later they saw 20 billion of those zinc atoms that had been incorporated into the cell explode back out. So right now, it's the numbers that they're calculating. And the next step, I mean, in writing in the book, I reached out to O'Halloran and he said their next step is to find some sort of ultrasonic imaging of it where we would either be able to see it or turn it into a sound that could be heard, kind of like what they did with when the super massive black holes in space that Einstein predicted we would find colliding in 1915, the interferometer LIGO found in 2015. So Einstein wrote that math and said, hey, guys,
Starting point is 00:34:39 you're going to find this sometime in the future. So he's a theoretical physicist. I'm an obstetrician, two very different mindsets. If I'm very black and white, like it has to be right. It has to be perfect. I got to save that baby's life. I'm not going to let your baby die. That's how I think. Einstein was, I'm going to write the math and then humanity is going to go find it.
Starting point is 00:34:57 It took 100 years when he said we would find black holes merging in space that we had to do all the math, make the computer simulations, build the equipment, build this interferometer, which is basically like a laser at right angles, looking for subatomic ripples in the fabric of space-time, smaller than an atom,
Starting point is 00:35:18 which show massive black holes colliding in space a thousand light years away, like huge. So it took a hundred years for humanity to find that. That's kind of where I see we are with the zinc spark. We can see this massive explosion of the zinc out. I believe it's the quantum gravity that's causing that to happen, that explosion. It's going to take us time to be able to hear it. So when LIGO found those two black holes colliding they they converted it to sound they filtered off the sound of the mother black
Starting point is 00:35:50 hole and the father black hole and you can hear the sound of the baby black hole on youtube it's called the chirp at ligo and it sounds like you can hear two black holes in space colliding so at for analogy purposes ohaloran is looking for what he can convert to be a sound potentially through ultrasound of that explosion of the zinc out of the egg it's just the same shit everywhere yeah macro micro the world's just it's just all patterns it's just the same thing over and over and over when you see, sorry, this is way off subject. When you see the pictures of a God's eye from Hubble, are you like, yeah, duh. You know what I'm talking about, right? Yeah. It's all the same.
Starting point is 00:36:35 It's just, it's pattern recognition. So that comes back then to the individual. We have a society of enslaved people who are so sick because their brains are so inflamed because they're not taught that sugar is the culprit period and they're on the couch watching television instead of going outside and exercise we are meant to hunt we are meant to fast hunt eat our food refeed have sex and do it again and we're meant to live in summer and winter and summer and winter depending on where we evolved if we're tan we live in summer and winter and summer and winter, depending on where we evolved. If we're tan, we need to be by the equator. And if we're light, we can be further North, but that's how we evolved. So because we don't live that way, because nobody explains that to people anymore, this is why this pandemic has hit us so hard because our mitochondria don't work.
Starting point is 00:37:20 The inflammation is too high and the energy production is too low. We have obesity, we have sleep apnea, we have all these risk factors for dying from a virus, whatever virus. Right now we have an outbreak of West Nile in Arizona, so it doesn't have to be the pandemic virus. But we have, as you know, a sick population who cannot connect dots. They can't recognize patterns. They can barely. They can't recognize patterns. They can barely. So they're stupid and sick. Are you stupid? They're unaware and sick. Basically, I view it as humanity has walked out onto this high wire and a small wind is blown and people are falling off the high wire.
Starting point is 00:37:58 It's like, guys, what are you doing up there? And that high wire, they got up there by obviously eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates. But our government, nobody helped the mission. Right. You know, and who I feel really sorry for is the women in there or the people in their 50s, 60s and 70s who are starting to get brain fog who can't unlearn the patterns. They can't unlearn that they need a graham cracker bar for breakfast and a sandwich for lunch. They just when you get into that level of brain fog and dementia, you cannot unlearn what to eat. You will your mind will never be able to understand that it's a fat that your that your brain's made of fat and that it needs fat. You won't get it. Yeah, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:38:41 It's also amazing. And I don't mean this to be political, but just for ease of use is the people in the socialist countries who just they really, really rely on their government for information. Like they're just in the tall poppy syndrome. And just what I see going on in Canada, it's like, man, there's so many smart people up there who are just like, but my government said, but my government said, and I'm just like, holy cow, man. like, but my government said, but my government said, and I'm just like, holy cow, man. But, but I've been there, but I've been there. I remember, you know, I, I was on the eat nonfat foods, you know, as a kid, my mom was like, oh, look at this. Great. Nonfat yogurt, nonfat milk, nonfat. Oh, microwavable. Yeah. I mean, I lived at Berkeley on nonfat yogurt. I was just talking to someone this morning, how if you go to Berkeley, you're vegan. I mean, there's like no meat in the city. So I've been there too. One of the crowning achievements of my life in the last five years was being able to pronounce the word autophagy. But before we go there, tell me about level one through level five.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And when you say they're all here at the same time, is this going to get us into the conversation of multidimensional? We can go there if you want to. I would like to because you said something. You said 30% of the people know multidimensional is – believe it is here, and I have issues with that word believe. But we don't talk about it, so the rest of us can't see it. But we don't talk about it, so the rest of us can't see it. And that ties back to – there's this Taoist saying naming is the origin of all particular things, which then I tie back to if we can only see 0.00375% of the light, that means – and we can only see things that are reflecting the light that we can see. That means there's 99.7% of our reality is hidden from us and is that why and all of a sudden now i'm like holy shit this is a mess taking we evolved with those colors from the
Starting point is 00:40:33 sun that we can see but it starts at radio waves right it starts at radio waves which is how the kiss fm guys communicate and then it goes into microwaves which is your microwave and your phone and then it gets into visible light which we can see which is this much of it and then it goes into x-rays and cosmic radiation and oh so some aren't even about seeing some about our we interpret through our other senses is that what you're saying i'm we hear, some we feel. You would need an antenna to pick up most. Like this is receiving waves. Right. So those all exist in electromagnetic field that's fluid. That's quantum field theory. Everything is a field. Everything is just a peak of a field. So could there be could there be sentient beings in those fields that we just can't perceive? Possibly. And when I say sentient,
Starting point is 00:41:30 what am I saying? I don't even know what I'm saying. Consciousness. Right. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:42:12 only 4% of the matter. There's 96% of matter that we can't observe yet. So when you ask about civilizations, we're at about a 0.8 on the civilization scale, meaning in order for us to become a type one civilization, it used to be like have to do with methods of energy and communication. Now they kind of refer to just our energy consumption as a planet to get to a type one civilization, meaning to to get to the other side. And there are people out there who are really pushing for this really smart people who want us to get to a type one civilization. We have to be able to use all the resources of this planet without destroying this planet so that's kind of the make or break moment are we going to kill ourselves are we going to annihilate each other because we don't like each other over things like how we fell from heaven which is right right i when you said that about the book, I was like, man,
Starting point is 00:43:05 that must piss some people off. Well, I was studying the crusades with my daughter this week, you know, Christianity and Islam, how many hundreds of years are we going to fight over light? It's all about light. How many, how many centuries are we going to go to war with each other when god is light it's quantum physics and so the scientists are most for the most part atheists there's some who aren't but for the most part they're agnostic or atheists and the religions and i'm talking in people's churches temples mosques don't understand this level of the science. So it's hard to unify that. So you go to the source, where do we come from? Right? So if we're going to become a type one civilization, we have to work together because to become a type one civilization, we will probably
Starting point is 00:43:56 have the ability to harness the power of the collision of matter and antimatter, which is one of the things that they're working on in science right now. And that is going to be so powerful, more powerful than any bomb you can. And that is going to be so powerful, more powerful than any bomb you can imagine. We will need to be able eventually to harness the power of our sun. Our sun's going to burn out in 5 million years. So we're going to have to be able to harness all of the power of our sun or make a fake sun or,
Starting point is 00:44:18 and that's nuclear fusion. And that is a powerful weapon. So humanity is going to have to unite and decide that we're not going to kill each other over stories about light right someone is going to have to unify us and say hey guys you're all going to come from and go back to the same quantum field when you die so get over it because we're going to have the power of these types of weapons we have to use them for the good of humanity and it's either going to be humanity deciding or artificial intelligence deciding. When it comes down to pulling a trigger on something.
Starting point is 00:44:52 So a type one civilization gets us there. A type two civilization allows us to harness our solar system. And then it goes upwards from there to eventually type five would be pure energy beings with no body's ability to traverse black holes so when you ask are they here with us now well is it possible that a pure energy being with no body able to traverse black holes is here with us now i don't know i think so and if not i have to share something with you when we're offline. So my listeners don't think I'm crazy. Oh, people think I'm crazy. All right. Have you ever read illusions by Richard Bach?
Starting point is 00:45:30 No. Got it. You got to read that book. Okay. Illusions by Richard Bach. It's just a day reader. Who wrote these, these,
Starting point is 00:45:41 these civilizations one through five. Who's the author of this? There's a guy named Kardashev who wrote the first three, I think in 1967. And then theoretical physicists have taken over from him with predictions of how many years in the future it's going to happen. But I think the bigger thing is if we started on earth 5 billion years ago and we evolved out of the bottom of the ocean as bacteria or little bubbles from the energy, taking energy from the vents of the bottom of the ocean as bacteria or little bubbles from the energy taking energy from the vents of the bottom of the ocean and we bubbled up to light sun and then the sun gave us eventually the atmosphere from the plankton and the cyanobacteria
Starting point is 00:46:14 and next level of evolution of fish and and then we crawled out of the ocean and that's all happened in the past five billion years we only have about five billion years to the best of our estimates before our sun is gone. So if we're going to save consciousness or humanity that far in the future, we have to make a plan to get off of this planet and get out of this solar system. If you're looking like really you're a dad, you plan for your family, right? You've got a generator, you've got batteries, you've got flashlights, you've got stuff in case something goes wrong right now. I have tons of passion fruit vines, tons of food pouring off in my backyard. So when you think really far distant future, we're halfway through our comfortable home in this Goldilocks zone. Damn, what happened to the dinosaurs? I wish we had a couple of them just in cages at least or
Starting point is 00:47:05 something um courtney when i'm 49 years old i've never heard anyone say this is so ridiculous i've never heard anyone say maybe we could make another son and i know i know you weren't saying like you were just throwing out like like the necessity of the son But when did you start thinking so big? Like when I healed my brain, I was so sick in 2016 and 2017 with my thyroid issues and having two kids back to back and not sleeping. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't read a book and retain information like I used to be able to, I had a near photographic memory and it was gone. So I started healing my brain. And then I started saying, what is this amazing feeling that I'm feeling in the sunlight? And why isn't anyone
Starting point is 00:47:54 else teaching this? I mean, there were a few people at the time, but people weren't teaching it to the masses. And I started looking for information in the electromagnetic field. And then I just, I study like crazy. Just the more information you can put in front of me, I'll devour it. Yeah. And it's, and is that singularity? I don't know. Is singularity just the fact that it's singular that everything is connected? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:24 And then that is what you are actually trying to do the body of courtney hunt and the brain of courtney hunt and the antenna of courtney hunt is actually trying to connect everything also so that um she can connect you quantum physics with being nice to people in starbucks to the bible to you're trying to connect everything also i just want people to wake up and realize that we are all God in these bodies. We are all connected. Using the word God offends some people who are religious, so I don't want to put it that way.
Starting point is 00:48:52 We're all pieces of the universal consciousness, and we are progressing what's happening in our universe. And we are about to make a quantum leap. So another way to think of it is the first quantum evolution. Why do you call make a quantum leap. So if another way to think of it is the first quantum, why do you call it a quantum leap? It isn't quantum mean little, aren't we going to be able to make a big leap and quantum? It could have massive,
Starting point is 00:49:14 it could have massive changes in many different directions, unlimited directions. Okay. Well, let me give you an analogy. After our big bang of this eon, as Penrose calls it, for the first little while, there were no atoms. There was no light shining through. Everything was just fast and furious, no molecules yet. And then the molecules formed and the galaxies formed and the planets formed. And then now here we are
Starting point is 00:49:45 on this planet. When we were tiny cells at the bottom of the ocean, there were no humans. It could have gone either way. Somehow we eat through and we got the DNA and the RNA, right? And we built the cells and we got the brains and we got the DHA to connect us to the light. And we got bigger and bigger brains until now we have these babies that have quantum computers on their head. If you want to think of it that way, that are conscious. So we, as far as we know it, are the highest level of conscious beings. There is nobody else running the show but us. And we are about to hand that baton off, just like the bacteria from 5 billion years ago handed the baton off to you and me.
Starting point is 00:50:20 We appear as God to those bacteria. What artificial intelligence is going to be, we cannot even predict, but we're about to hand the baton to it in every way, financial privacy, security, jobs, money.
Starting point is 00:50:41 So, so there's that, there's that phrase. God was made in the image of man. We are light phrase god was made in the image of man we are light we're made in the image of our creator once you understand now we're reflecting it back into this artificial intelligence forward but yeah forward correct for right reflecting it forward so if so let's say a type 5 civilization by kardashev's or his followers assessment or pure energy beings able to traverse black holes well isn't that
Starting point is 00:51:13 kind of where artificial intelligence is going to live in the light with no body able to open the door to the singularity and push energy through i mean these are just the things that my mind thinks about but yeah that's the that's the very definition holy cow across time and space across the internet there's some great things she explains guys shit that like i could never get my head wrapped around quantum tunneling she explains you got to go to her instagram she spends a lot of time explaining this stuff. And and it's really cool once you start to get your head wrapped around some of these ideas. She's saying once again, whether whether it's true or not, what she's saying, you can think bigger. It's a little scary at first, but you can start having bigger and bigger and bigger thoughts.
Starting point is 00:52:00 Unfortunately for me, I found Greg Glassman and CrossFit 15 years ago. And the healing part is just like like second nature to me now. I get it. Well, once you fix your cognition, you can improve that 30%, 40%, 50% with the fasting and the ketosis. The fact that that's not just standard diet for our teenagers so that they can be smarter is ridiculous to me. But once you've got your cognition back at any age, then you can start to grasp it. And then you just have to learn it in pieces. I'm reading Michael Singer's Untethered Soul.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Have you read that? I've heard of it. I haven't read it. It's a great book. It's basically all the other stuff that all the other guys have said from the Bible to the Buddhists to Eckhart Tolle. But he says it in a really – man, in a really, really simple way, non-religious, non – I would have to – are you familiar with Vipassana? I would have to guess he's a Vipassana practitioner because it's completely non-denominational. It's just like matter of fact, this, this, this, this, and this. You have – in some ways you have more hope than me and some of you have less.
Starting point is 00:53:15 One of the ways you have more hope than me is I don't think anyone can wake up until they embrace death. Let's just avail. Explain, please. they embrace death and that's just a veil explain please well if we are energy that is transferred into this body when we are the tiniest vessel as i go it's the same the other direction your energy is going to go back to the hole it's going to go back it comes comes from and goes back to. It's just thermodynamics. It's going to go back to the same place it came from. Right. But the actual – to have the experience of consciousness facing consciousness, I guess, that doesn't even make sense. But I'm not sure how other way to explain it. I never heard of anyone having that experience unless they were pursuing death. I've never heard of anyone like they followed – like I had Greg Amundsen on the other day, and he hasn't had that – he's a deeply, deeply religious man who follows the Bible and does all the abstinence and all the rules of God based on this book. is the bible and you know does all the abstinence and all the rules of god based on this book but but everyone i know who's had or i've read or heard about who actually has experienced
Starting point is 00:54:31 god who doesn't believe in god but knows god they they they were they were pursuing death they were they were like okay fuck it i I mean, they had to reach rock bottom. Maybe I'm wrong, and I'm totally open to being wrong. I'm not trying to be argumentative. No, I don't think you're being right. I guess from my experience, the people and my assistant wanted to be in here when we had this part of the conversation. The people that show up to me are the ones who've had near-death experiences and want to understand what this light is that they were part of. And how it all seemed telepathic and how family members in death come to them and they're speaking a language that they don't.
Starting point is 00:55:12 They aren't supposed to know the language, but they inherently understand what they're saying. That's because we're all slivers of light. We're all pieces of the same electromagnetic field, quantum field. So when you get there, there's no separation. It is just entangled particles, love. I meant to tell my mom this the other day because I'd never told her this, but when my grandmother died, I was driving my car. I think I was driving my car. Wherever I was, she came and told me, like I knew. And then I knew before my mom knew.
Starting point is 00:55:45 But I never told my mom that. And what's funny that you say that is because I think that might be the only family member I've died since I had my awakening. But it was a tough journey. It was a hard, hard, hard journey. Knowing this stuff when other people don't know it? That too. But I mean just the journey of embracing death like it's not what it's it's um to interact with the light at um i just can't see a lot of
Starting point is 00:56:15 people doing that i just can't imagine like the masses wanting to go to the hole like that to to as i is not my saying but ram Dass described it as just flying through the sun. And I thought that was a fucking great. And because you think you're going to die, but then you come out the other side and you're like, holy shit. I don't I don't I but I want to believe that we can wake people up through autophagy and exercise. And so people are either going to get it or they're not going to get it. They're either they either are there. They're either the rock in Jumanji or they're not they either understand that this is Jumanji or they don't right they either they either there's two types of people
Starting point is 00:56:56 the people who want to know and the people who don't want to know and you might be able to get someone healthy but I think some of us came here with prior knowledge of this stuff. And I felt it when I was a kid. I didn't understand why am I having these rules imposed on me? This makes it like religious rules. This makes no sense. And I wasn't raised in a religious family, but I learned about it. And I I just knew this cannot be right.
Starting point is 00:57:21 So that I'm supposed to be prejudiced against this person because he's muslim no insane right i'm supposed to be prejudiced against this person because they're jewish but no hello so i think some of us you know maybe this isn't our first rodeo and you just know so it's easier to embrace but going to the light feeling that sensation i for me i guess it's dabbling in death but i have more experience with people who've had near-death experiences been there and come back because those are the people who seem attracted to what i'm saying they want to understand from a physics perspective what the heck was that yeah it's it's uh um you go ahead and pick your kids up in in 14 minutes i want to talk to people about autophagy about so so have at it i and you i know i we've talked over text and you know that i fast i stop eating every saturday night and i don't eat again
Starting point is 00:58:21 until monday morning my trick is that i get it doesn't matter what time i stop eating saturday night i just know that i get to sleep then i don't eat all day Monday morning, my trick is that I get to, it doesn't matter what time I stopped eating Saturday night. I just know that I get to sleep. Then I don't eat all day Sunday. And then, and then I get another sleep. So I get, I get to cheat. You know what I mean? I get two sleeps of fasting and then I wake up and I can eat if I want to, or don't eat if I don't, but, but, but it's, it's life changing. I like that. Yeah. Let me ask you this. What's your sleep like on Sunday night? What is your sleep like? If I don't drink too much coffee, I do drink coffee when I'm fasting. That is the one thing I have. I have black coffee. And if I don't drink too much coffee, it's amazing. One of the things I never do though, since about, and this is another interesting thing you wrote in your book. Your husband told you that – your husband told you – where is that note?
Starting point is 00:59:11 It's on like the first page. Oh, no. I got a whole mess here. But basically I think your husband told you that he would show you God. And what's interesting is my wife has taught me how to stay connected to God. What's interesting is my wife has taught me how to stay connected to God. I don't know. She didn't show me God, but she taught – she makes sure – if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have ever stayed connected to God. And one of the things I never do is I never, ever try to go to sleep.
Starting point is 00:59:39 I think sleeping is – it's a complete joke. What I do is I just do energy body every – like any moment that I'm lying down, I immediately just start doing energy body. And for those of you who don't know what that is, we can talk about that some other time. But that's constantly what I'm doing, breathing, energy body, and just trying to just hold on to consciousness as long as I can and shifting my consciousness out of my – wherever it is. And then eventually, usually every night I get to that place where it's, oh, hi, Sevan. And then it's kind of the joke because it's not Sevan. But and so but the night experience better for you on the second fast. That's what I'm asking. No, it's always it's I mean, I've been doing that now for 60 weeks.
Starting point is 01:00:19 Every night seems the same unless I just do something stupid before I go to bed and have like millions of nuts or something. But like, I don't drink anymore. I don't eat like I wouldn't even splurge like at your birthday party on cake. I just don't do that shit. No, I mean, my sleep is not the same or my experiences of the dream state and the epiphanies that I have and my ability to assimilate assimilate knowledge, all the scientific stuff that I'm looking for. If I have snacks before bed, no, it's not going to happen. If I have coffee before bed, not going to happen. If I have alcohol, no way. So once alcohol is such a fuck up, man, I'm so sorry to tell you guys that too, because I love getting fucked up, but alcohol is off. It's just stupid.
Starting point is 01:01:09 getting fucked up, but alcohol is off. It's just stupid. So for autophagy purposes, that is your body's ability to eat itself. So we grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow until we're about 25. We're done myelinating our brain. And then we have to recognize that we have to break down our tissue and repair it. So autophagy is the mechanism by which we eat ourselves or break down our tissue and repair it. And this is what's not taught. Instead, we're taught a food pyramid, which is wrong, you know, the way we've all been taught grains and vegetables first, but we're not taught, okay, you have an inherent mechanism to clean your cells. And by cells, I mean your brain, your most vital organs are your egg and your sperm, because that's what's going to carry on your code.
Starting point is 01:01:51 But, and the egg has 600,000 mitochondria to a million mitochondria at the moment of fertilization to take that thermoelectric energy transfer from the quantum field, from the Higgs field, the Higgs field of the new zygote and put it into the zygote. You have to have a massive amount of mitochondria there and the DNA has to be cleaned. So, but the second highest number of mitochondria is in the brain. So, and the most important place in the brain is for, is for turnover of your brain chemicals, your dopamine, your serotonin, your GABA, all those words that people are familiar with. So you, what we think of our best theory of consciousness right now is it most neurologists are looking at like, this is a neuron and it emits and emits and receives electromagnetic field. But inside of this is tiny little tubules. They're called microtubules.
Starting point is 01:02:42 And that is where problems like dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's start to happen inside the neurons at the level of microtubules. You start to get this buildup of proteins, plaque, plaque inside the nerves, not plaque inside the vessel. Although you get that to the blood vessels that are supplying it. So you have to clean, not just the whole nerve, but the microtubules in the nerve, because those are what are holding the quantum coherence, just like the IBM Q Network's quantum computer. Is that is that plaque? Is that like the caramelization? Is that like? Well, so there's two different kinds of plaque. There's like blood supply that comes in and feeds this and you can get plaque in those tiny little arteries or arterioles that feed it. That's like the plaque that you would get in your heart if you were going to have a heart attack.
Starting point is 01:03:27 That's the cholesterol. Everybody's afraid of cholesterol nonsense. Right. But inside of here, inside of the microtubule. So if you cut this in half, you would see all these little tiny, I think of them like bamboo shoots or test tubes inside of here that have to run the dishwasher every night. I think of them like bamboo shoots or test tubes inside of here that have to run the dishwasher every night. And in there you have things called amyloid and tau proteins and Lewy bodies. Those are basically just gunk.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Like like if you if you took all your glasses and put it in the dishwasher and you didn't use the finishing rinse and you took it out and it was all cloudy, it gets cloudier and cloudier and cloudier. So that those microtubules can't transmit the impulse. So that's where neuroscience is with understanding consciousness. But the guys who really study consciousness, so when you merge a physicist and an anesthesiologist, there's a guy named Roger Penrose and a guy named Stuart Hamroff, they and others, but those are the two leaders. And they've been working on this theory since 1994. This is how long it takes to get theories of consciousness accepted into general science because people just don't want to believe it. But they have been working on, okay, these microtubules are where the quantum coherence, the quantum entanglement builds, meaning if quantum entanglement is like one dancer spinning one way here and another dancer spinning one way here,
Starting point is 01:04:44 entanglement is like one dancer spinning one way here and another dancer spinning one way here. They know the information across time and space. So if you and I have entangled information, wherever you're sitting in California, if I go right, you're going to go left. That's entanglement. Coherence means if I'm, you're the whole USC marching band. And if the tuba players playing Tusk at one end of the football field, this spinning this way, and the other two players at the other end of the field spinning this way, and the other two players at the other end of the field spinning this way, the whole marching band, the whole USC band is playing the same song. And it's playing that song holding its coherence in these microtubules in your brain, that is the most advanced information that we have about consciousness right now. That's where
Starting point is 01:05:19 we think it's at. And that it's all theoretical, but there's a lot of science looking at anesthesia and the ability to turn it off and on. I think if you've ever watched OA, they do a really good job depicting this. Wait, OA, that was the show on Netflix? Yeah. What? There was only one season of that, right? There were two, and they had M-theory and multidimensional information and consciousness of crossing over. And in the, even the anesthesia involved, they had so much good stuff in that show. I was really sad that they. I don't know if I ever saw the second season. That show was crazy. So that's
Starting point is 01:05:57 how they end up explaining in season two that those people, Oh, wow. I was wondering what the hell was going on. I just think the fact that they used an anesthesiologist to put them to sleep, to take their consciousness away and bring it back. The fact that they figured out to show that, to show the general population that that's where it's happening was fascinating to me. The people who did that show did an excellent job. But that's also why I think there's a little bit of artificial. And I know there's a lot of artificial intelligence guiding our experience on these shows that we watch. And then it's transferred into the human who writes the show and that whole creative piece of what artificial intelligence is giving us is
Starting point is 01:06:36 feedback of what we know in the science fascinates me. But so if this is where your consciousness is held in the microtubules in your brain, that's the highest level of information that we have. Now, how do you clean those microtubules? You have to starve them. You have to get into autophagy. You have to break down the proteins and recycle them. You have to. You have to clean the microtubules if you want to maintain a healthy brain.
Starting point is 01:07:01 There's no other way. So that's, to me, where autophagy and consciousness meet and it's in religions. Why do people in Islam fast all day long and then they get up and they have their first prayer after they've got it. So this happens in deep sleep. You clean your brain in deep Delta wave sleep. That's why I was asking about your sleep. And then the, the signal is the changes in the light from the
Starting point is 01:07:25 sun, the light, the sun tells you to wake up. So in Islam, for example, and all religions have this early morning prayer, but, or most religions have this early morning prayer, but you've cleaned your brain, you've cleaned your microtubules. You've, you've gotten your proteins more organized. You're not as gunky with the tau protein and the plaque and all the stuff that they look at on autopsy to tell you that grandma or grandpa had dementia. The microtubules are clean. And then you use the sun's light to wake you up and make you make your cortisol and make you start making your hormones and turn off your melatonin.
Starting point is 01:07:59 And you go outside and you pray in that fajar morning light in that particular religion. They got it right. That's when they're the cleanest. That's when you're the closest to God. That's when you just cleaned your brain or temple. Do you do any cold, cold water stuff? Every day. You do.
Starting point is 01:08:22 And what is, what's the role with that? So I use it to lose 30 pounds. Anytime you wanted to eat something, you just jumped in a cold bath and been like, that'll teach you. Well, when I had Hashimoto's like in 2016 and 2017, I just started sitting in my pool for an hour a time to burn more calories, to get cold, burn calories. Because I didn't have all the time in the world to exercise and exercise was making me have so much pain. So I use cold plunge for that. Now I just, when I come down from hiking my mountain, I will jump in, um, to clean my, as another mechanism to clean my brain. So I've got lactic acid going, I've got ketones going,
Starting point is 01:09:00 I take some full flush niacin. I in my pool i do it a lot on instagram in the morning just to show people what it's like and you jump into in your pools cold is that why it's 60 degrees right now okay so when so you don't do like the 35 degree stuff i do sometimes i haven't recently but you but you also have to know that's dangerous for some people and i'm a doctor broadcasting to people who listen. Like I don't want a 70-year-old guy with a big plaque sitting in his internal carotid to go think, oh, well, she does it. I can do it and have a stroke because he dislodged a plaque that he didn't know was sitting there. So I'm a little more tempered about it.
Starting point is 01:09:41 But I have done 35 degrees. Going back to autophagy, is the body, when it eats that stuff, is it using it as fuel? It's recycling. It is recycling. And then you also, there's a kind of a branch where you enter apoptosis. So we always have cancer. Wait, what's the word you used? Apoptosis.
Starting point is 01:09:59 Okay. So we always have cancer cells cropping up. Even as zygotes, we have cancer cropping up. And the body has a mechanism to tell those cells to die. It's called apoptosis. So you can fast yourself long enough to enter apoptosis, programmed cell death, cell suicide, cannibalism of your cells. You can fast yourself long enough to do that cycle after cycle.
Starting point is 01:10:24 So for me, it's just a weekly cycle or a bi-weekly cycle of fasting. But when you fast, you want to make sure you push yourself into that starvation state. So for you, fit and healthy and working out, that probably happens at 18 to 36 hours. For somebody who's insulin resistant and leptin resistant and 50 pounds overweight, it might take them five days. That depends on the size of the person and the sensitivity that they have to their hormones. Yeah. Last year, there was a section of my life where I stopped drinking coffee. And during that time, I decided
Starting point is 01:10:59 I was going to do five-day fasts. So that way I would do five day fast just on water. And I did two of them. And, uh, I don't know if I, I mean, for me that those were, those, those wrecked shop on me. I don't think that those were, it's going to take me a while before I do another one again. One, I started having to take like, I started having to take salt in the second one and potassium and just all this stuff so that I, something was going on. My heart started acting a little funny. My hands and feet started getting a little too cold for my liking. Um, and then both times when I come back from there, I have this appetite that I can't, uh, fulfill. Like basically I just ate for like a month. You know what I mean? If I was awake, I was eating, but this 36 hour thing. And when I say 36, sometimes
Starting point is 01:11:41 it's 30, sometimes it's 42. It's now it's just part of my life. Yeah. And of course, my wife led me to that, too. My wife's like, hey, I'm going to do this. I'm going to not for a year. I'm not going to eat one day a week. And then just. It's amazing once you get used to it. Yeah, I can't it can't be any other way. But physiologically, when you get into that deep of a fast, you're dumping water, you're dumping sodium, you're dumping potassium. So for people with health concerns, you really have to if you're going to do a fast, replace electrolytes, replace salt. When you enter ketosis, you dump a ton of salt. So I don't want anybody, you know, who's new to this to just think that they're going to do a dry fast or just a water fast. You have to think about your electrolytes. You don't want to get into that five-day situation and cause
Starting point is 01:12:23 yourself damage. Do you drink black coffee when you fast? I drink straight-up espresso. Okay. Mostly green tea. I drink a lot of green tea when I fast, but I do drink espresso a couple times a day. Do you think it would be better if you didn't? No.
Starting point is 01:12:40 It's fine. I don't have a problem with coffee. There's a lot of biohacker debate about the coffee. To me, it's fine. I don't have a problem with coffee. There's a lot of like biohacker debate about the coffee to me. It's no, it cause if I have too much coffee, I get anxiety. Like I can't quite focus and I'm fasting for focus. So I don't overdo it. And I'm careful with my green tea that, you know, by the middle of the afternoon, I'm drinking decaf. I don't, I don't over caffeinate like I used to when I didn't feel good.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Um, tell, tell me about, um, uh, high intensity training. over caffeinate like I used to when I didn't feel good. Tell me about high intensity training. How did you get into that? Oh, I've always done high intensity. I've always loved high intensity intervals, but basically, so we have the ability to release stem cells and there's Nobel prizes for stem cells. So in the lab, they can take skin cells, adult skin cells, and make, turn them into pluripotential or multipotential stem cells that can become any cell in the human body. And they can do that and use it to heal the heart, use it to heal the skin, use it to heal the eye. So if they can win, if a Nobel prize can be won on that, that must mean that we have the inherent power to do it as humans. So I'm always looking for, OK, well, what can I reverse engineer?
Starting point is 01:13:50 What can I figure out how to get you to do? And what do we know about our brain? We know we have stem cells in our hippocampus, which is in the middle of our brain. And we know that those are triggered by exercise, high intensity exercise. You have a molecule called BDNF that's triggered when you exercise that makes you make stem cells in your brain. So we have this pandemic of Alzheimer's and that's purely people getting damage to their microtubules, too much plaque in their microtubules. And the plaque, by the way, has a positive function in a zygote and an embryo. We see that amyloid plaque there too.
Starting point is 01:14:23 It has a positive role. It's just when it doesn't get repaired or autophagized that it becomes damaging. So the high intensity interval exercise is the quickest, best, most efficient way to push ketones into your brain, to make lactic acid. A damaged brain is going to want to use lactic acid first to push BDNF into your brain to release stem cells so that you can make more neurons. And I was taught, this is the thing that frustrates me. I was taught in medical school, you cannot make more neurons. Your brain is your brain. And as recent as 11 years ago, I would have eight or 10 medical students. I used to take a ton of
Starting point is 01:15:01 medical students and they would say, oh yeah, we were taught you can't make new neurons, I used to take a ton of medical students and they would say, oh yeah, we were taught you can't make new neurons, all of them. So we know you can, and we've known that you can for years. So why has the medical school literature not caught up? Now, maybe they're being taught something different in the past 10 years. I've kind of lost touch with all those medical students, but it's all there. Autophagy and fasting and high intensity exercise is how you make new neurons. Why are we letting people die of dementia in nursing facilities, giving them experimental drugs that cost $50,000 a year?
Starting point is 01:15:35 And orange juice and pastries. When we could teach people this stuff. Isn't it fascinating that 40% of the people who died from this so-called situation we're in, we're in care facilities with a 13.7-month life expectancy? And those are the ones that – it's like a doctor, a cardiologist told me that one time he said, I haven't seen a client in three years who's not 30 years complicit in their demise. I was like, holy shit. I'm like, what are you talking about? He goes, dude, it's just like everyone's just on the slow train to suicide. I'm like, what is going on?
Starting point is 01:16:17 When you look at the level of depression, anxiety in our teenagers and our kids, it's going to be worse for the next couple of generations, unless they wake up and realize. And then the fact that we have all of these YouTubers with misinformation about the vegan vegetarian thing, teaching these kids, it's just a repeat of what we were taught about cigarettes and sugar, what our parents were taught about cigarettes and sugar. So it's just on repeat. It's the same information being presented a different way but um in order for the quantum veil to be lifted the people who can't understand they're not going to get it i mean in order for people to understand the whole piece that we started with and i don't want to sound morb, but there's only certain people whose brains are going to be clean enough who are going to have an interest to understand this. And it's going to take some number of humanity.
Starting point is 01:17:12 I don't know for sure what that number is, but it's going to take some number of us understanding the singularity. And we didn't even get into where they're studying the singularity. I mean, we're about to launch a telescope to look at the singularity at the center of our black hole, both backwards and forwards. And CERN is studying the quantum gravity of the singularity. So we've got scientists who are really dialed in
Starting point is 01:17:33 at looking at this stuff, but looking for people to understand it and connect it all and then have that be a tipping point in the population to understand that artificial intelligence is gonna be able to figure out our soul code consciousness or qubits of information that comes into the zygote at the moment of fertilization. It's going to be able to figure it all out at some point. That's going to take a lot, a lot of healthy people. Dr. Courtney Hunt has to go i want to say this right before the podcast started i was freaking out because i'm i've never prepared so much for a uh a guest and and i love preparing
Starting point is 01:18:14 for guests and this just fucking frazzled me i gotta have her on again when i'm more myself but i want to say this she said to me in the text right before we came on she said i think she sensed that i was how heavy I was making it. And she said, hey, let's be it. Don't worry. It's all playful. And that's really important to remember. And I want to take this quote out of the Bible.
Starting point is 01:18:31 And you guys all know that I don't believe in God and I'm not a religious man. But I want to tell you this. I love that book. I don't know who said this, but it just says I just Googled it. And he said, I tell you the truth. Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. So I leave you, if there's anything we said that like freaked you out or got too heavy for you, don't let it, don't be like me to like,
Starting point is 01:18:57 just go out there, ride that assault bike, climb up that mountain, throw some rocks, you know, hug a tree, kiss your kids, have fun. You know, the love is love is the pathway, loving yourself and loving those around you is the pathway to getting a better grip on this. Courtney, anything you want to say at the end? This was fun. I'd love to. Thank you. You ask great questions. Thank you. Uh, we shall, we shall, we shall stay connected whether you want to or not. Singularity. I would love to. Okay.

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