The Sevan Podcast - #216 Kyle Rittenhouse Talk - Jorge Ventura

Episode Date: November 24, 2021

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Starting point is 00:01:01 We're live. I was in a swimming pool just a few minutes ago. The public pool. Dude, it's freezing here. And usually the public pool is like empty. And the public pool was like... There were people like, Give me three minutes!
Starting point is 00:01:15 Give me three minutes, Jorge! Oh my goodness. What are we doing? What are we doing tonight? Tonight, guys, we are doing a show. Uh-oh, I hear an echo. Doing a show on. Doing a show on. Doing a show on. For the echo? No. We're doing a show on Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse, just to kind of talk about.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I can get up to speed on the news on what's going on there. talk about, I can get up to speed on the news on what's going on there. Jorge Ventura was on the ground there the night that that happened, that they were burning that city down. I don't even know where Kenosha is. Let's start there before so we don't look totally dumb when we talk to Kenosha, Wisconsin. Ah, yes. And why don't I go to maps and see exactly where it is? Oh, it looks like it's on the water.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It looks like it is on the Pacific Ocean. No, that's Lake Michigan. Okay, so it's south of Milwaukee and north of Chicago. It looks like it's one third of the way to Chicago from Milwaukee, headed south. So it's a pretty cold place, I guess. We'll see if Jorge is open to doing a call-in show today. He was talking to a guy named BG who actually filmed the shootings live, and Ventura was talking to him. Jorge was talking to him just at 6 o'clock tonight live on his Instagram. So that's cool. I wonder if he was three minutes late to that. that there he is
Starting point is 00:03:05 Jacqueline Robinson I'm so excited to hear his take on the trial where Kyle was rightfully acquitted BG on the scene yeah is that a joke BG on the scene that is who Jorge was just on with
Starting point is 00:03:20 hey guys what's up brother Jorge how you doing sir good good man how you guys doing awesome jorge you do you remember matt was he on any of the other shows he produces the show usually behind the scenes yeah no i wasn't on i remember matt right nice good evening jeffrey jorge are you okay if people um uh were to call in tonight with some thoughts and opinions and questions we could answer oh that'd be great bro yeah whatever whatever whatever i'm down for whatever okay cool um sorry matt i didn't mean to do your job uh i just pushing buttons do you want tatter no no
Starting point is 00:03:57 i'm just pushing buttons jorge you were you were on the ground in kenosha yes sir the night that um the riots were happening and why why were people burning down the city what what happened it was for the um police shooting of jacob blake who um had a he had a warrant for a felony sexual assault he was violating his restraining order um by going to his girlfriend's house and trying to drive away with with her car so she was very worried she called the police uh when police arrived jacob blake actually had a knife um so he basically did have a weapon and um yeah he was shot and as as kind of the normal thing where you know the mainstream media kind of gaslighted the audience to thinking this was about race. See, then that's what kind of led to the riots in Kenosha.
Starting point is 00:04:51 A race because the police officer was Asian. White. Because the police officer was El Salvadorian. Even if even if he was Hispanic, they would have still found out a way to call him white white hispanic or something um and so so he the police went to a domestic violence call they got there it was a guy who had a restraining order against him who um and did he is there is there footage of that of the police police body camera i'm not that it even matters people see the truth and they still they just i guess people just see police is guilty right away yeah so there was a video taken from the neighbor who was living right in front of jacob blake so he's the one
Starting point is 00:05:35 uh that took the video and went on twitter obviously it you know went viral started making the rounds um but yeah i think a lot of people forget that jacob blake had a felony sexual assault he had a he had a warrant for that actually and he was violating a restraining order you could actually read it in the article it gets pretty graphic but he uh essentially penetrated his girlfriend uh with his fingers then he smells his fingers and then says it seems like you've been with other men. Then he takes his car keys, attempts to drive away with the car, but that's when the police arrived. He had a knife and that's when the police shot him and they kind of created this whole controversy. I think I remember that. Was she a minor? I don't remember reading that she was a minor. I believe she was over 18, but did have a a restraining order against blake he was
Starting point is 00:06:25 not supposed to be at the residence are we are we live already we are we are live okay and has that gone to has that gone to trial yet? I got to read. I believe it went to trial, and I think he agreed to drop a charge and then to accept one. I got to read it to get the fine details. But Jacob Blake was shot. He was actually paralyzed from the shooting. Oh, he didn't die. There's many people that went on the mainstream media and said that he was dead which is uh it's not true he's still alive and it was the cop i'm charged
Starting point is 00:07:09 with murder uh no no he wasn't so the people of that town got pissed say that again matt sorry it looks like there's like it looks like jacob blake has filed a civil suit against the uh officer but that's kind of the most recent thing i see as far as a trial going on it right It looks like there's like it looks like Jacob Blake has filed a civil suit against the officer. But that's kind of the most recent thing I see as far as a trial going on it right now. And so that happened in Kenosha. And so the people got pissed. They ran out into the streets and started burning. How did you and how did you end up there? You knew it was going to happen. So I had a but for people who probably know him now because of the trial. So I had a, for people who probably know him now because of the trial, but Drew Hernandez, which is a good friend of mine, Drew Hernandez actually was already in Chicago doing some business there. So when the Kenosha, kind of the civil unrest started to happen, Drew took an Uber from Chicago to Kenosha and he actually broke the story the first night.
Starting point is 00:08:04 he actually broke the story the first night so i was back in dc looking at all the footage coming out from drew hernandez and i couldn't believe it because um what made kenosha different was you saw a small town go into flames you know so that's it's a lot different from the atlantas seattle the portland these kind of major cities you saw a small town so as soon as i saw that i um i contacted my video director which is richie mcginnis richie mcginnis for for the audience um just just to kind of remind him richie mcginnis was actually right behind rosenbaum when rosenbaum got shot and richie actually had to testify um so i contacted my my supervisor he said hey let's go to kenosha so i i got there for for night two of the ride so i was able to cover night two either night three is uh the night of the rent house shooting which happened to be august 25th 2020 well this is
Starting point is 00:08:45 totally off subject when you go there do you matt i just sent you a text of uh drew hernandez's uh instagram in case we need to pull it up in case it gets mentioned again um when you go there where do you sleep um at a you know we get a we get a hotel um you know um so yeah we we i forgot what was like where like 50 miles out of town or like no no we get the we uh we get a hotel right in the middle of it um so by the time actually when i checked in at the hotel for the second night though all the windows in my hotel were already boarded up and they were they were basically full basically getting ready for any potential civil unrest which obviously happened on night two night two was really bad i mean i i kind of keep describing it it almost felt like the closest thing to a war zone because no matter whether i turn left or
Starting point is 00:09:34 right it almost felt like every single building was on fire whether it was a small business even government buildings um went into flames there was a department of corrections that went into flames and i remember looking at the department of corrections you mean there was actual jail there yeah there was like a local little department that wasn't really big um i don't i actually don't think anyone was in it because of what happened on night one but it went up to flames and there's a there's a clip of me on twitter uh where i'm kind of behind a large furniture store in Flames, and I was kind of doing my stand-up of talking about it. But yeah, it was really hectic night two. So it was, like I said, it was something that I've never seen before
Starting point is 00:10:12 because Kenosha really had a different aspect because it was just such a small little town. And the law enforcement, from my perspective, they were only guarding the courthouse. And then after that, they kind of let the crowd do whatever the hell they wanted to the rest of the town. Yeah, that seems to be happening more and more and more police letting uh standing down let me just read this before we go any further kenosha is a city in an in and the county seat of kenosha county, Wisconsin, United States. Kenosha is on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan.
Starting point is 00:10:46 As of 2020 census, the population was 99,986, which made it the fourth largest city in Wisconsin. Wow. And the fourth largest city on Lake Michigan. Although closer to Milwaukee, about 40 miles, and Chicago, about 66 miles, Kenosha is part of the United States Census Bureau. Chicago combined statistical area. Interesting. Okay. It doesn't look like there's anything really there.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Kenosha is home to multiple educational institutions, including the University of Wisconsin Parkside. Okay, so it's a college town. I mean, it doesn't feel like it when you're there i mean it does feel like kind of this small uh you know american midwest town um you know in in in wisconsin maybe maybe maybe i describe it a little bit as more smaller town just because coming from california right um but it was definitely had like the small town midwest type of vibes i would describe it it looks like their claim to fame is a-On is there, the famous tool company.
Starting point is 00:11:48 And that's like the only thing that's mentioned. Oh, man. Okay. So this place is going on fire. So what I did today is one of my friends who's extremely liberal and extremely liberal, I'll leave it at that, told me I should listen to the New York Times Daily discussion about the report on the Rittenhouse trial. So I listened to it, and it was by Julie Bosman. Julie Bosman. Do you know who she is no okay yeah i know i know the day i used to listen to daily it's gotten so so bad i don't know how anyone listens to it anymore but uh so i listened to it and even my friend who's a hardcore liberal said hey man
Starting point is 00:12:38 that's really bad that is really they did a really really bad job and because basically what they did is they report on it and then they know that they're in the wrong and uh and they can they can't make Rittenhouse guilty no matter what they do so at the very end they say well the bigger issue here is gun laws and so they flip the script and so um so I just wanted to ask you I wanted to ask you some things about um the three guys uh Rosenbaum, Anthony Hubert. And what's this other guy's name? Gage Grosskreutz. Gage Gross Royce.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Kreutz. It's very weird pronunciation. Yeah. Gage Grosskreutz. That's how they were pronouncing it when I was watching the trial. Okay. Give me the middle name one more time. Gage Grosskreutz.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Okay. And then we got Anthony Hubertber and joseph rosenbaum okay so so this guy's this guy written house is there and i don't even know if we want to go into this but this guy written house people are saying what was he doing there what business did he have doing there and it's a really bizarre question to me because i think the baseline for riot is anyone what is anybody doing there so i don't i don't think it matters it's just like there it's just those are the people who go to riots right i mean does it does it matter why he's there versus why anyone else is there no no i my thing is at the end of the day rent house had just as much of a right to be there as much as anyone else.
Starting point is 00:14:06 So that argument. What are they implying that he went there to kill people and that was somehow different than the people who went there to burn buildings down? I, I, I'm not sure I understand what, what the relevancy of the question is. I think. Why are they asking that? Why are they asking that? I mean, I think people are just trying to kind of create this narrative of, you know, this white kid goes to a Black Lives Matter protest and is just gunning down people. You know, that was kind of the narrative that the corporate press ran.
Starting point is 00:14:37 But when you always look at the details, things are always more complex than that. So for folks who don't know, Rittenhouse actually showed up on day two and was actually already cleaning graffiti, cleaning up after the riots. So he was already there the previous night. It's not like he showed up on day three. That rifle, the AR-15, a lot of, if you listen to the liberal corporate press, they want to do the cross state lines, cross state lines argument. That rifle was actually already in Wisconsin. So it's not like he drove from Illinois to Wisconsin with the rifle across state lines. The rifle was already there. Rittenhouse actually had family that lived in Wisconsin. His dad worked in, I mean, yeah, worked in Kenosha. And from where Rittenhouse was, and he drove to Kenosha, it was literally 20 minutes. Thank you for bringing that photo.
Starting point is 00:15:21 So that photo of Rittenhouse, that's on day two. I mean, so he's already been there. You can see he's trying to be proactive. Oh, look at his face. He just wants it to become nighttime so he can start shooting people. I recognize that stare. Why does it matter if the gun was legal? Why does it matter if he stole the gun, if it crossed state? How is that? So so basically, basically what in The New York Times piece, they said that the jury had one one thing that they had to decide. Decide did Rittenhouse see these people as a threat and was his assessment reasonable?
Starting point is 00:16:02 That was the only thing that they were tasked with doing. Was his assessment reasonable? That was the only thing that they were tasked with doing. Why then do, why then does it matter where the gun came from? Well, the thing is, it's, I think this was just, it's once again, it's all about narrative and painting Rittenhouse to be this character that he's really not. I think for me, one of the more fascinating things too is people are just finding out that rin house never shot any black uh any black people um so i think the people are using this excuse my favorite one is the cross state lines like when when did that become illegal to
Starting point is 00:16:34 cross state lines i don't i don't get i just crossed state lines yesterday to come back to california i don't know with a gun that argument even made sense either but there's different good i think that was in regards to with guns, right? Because you can't cross state lines with guns. I mean, I haven't seen anything where it's against law. But I mean, like I said, the rifle was already in Wisconsin. Rittenhouse actually, and if you watch the trial, you got to see that him possessing the weapon,
Starting point is 00:17:05 that charge actually got dismissed because they found out that he was legally able to possess it. It had something to do with the barrel. So if it was the barrel was actually shorter, Rittenhouse, it would be illegal for him to carry it. So he actually was legally allowed to possess that weapon. Yeah, I still don't know how that's relevant to did to what the judge tasked the jury with determining. Did Rittenhouse see these people as a threat and was his assessment reasonable? I mean, I just don't see. I mean, I understand if they want to charge him with that separately, but like I just don't like if you're threatened and you have an illegal knife, are you supposed to? You know, you have one of those knives that like I have that's illegal where you push the button and it shoots up.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Oh, sorry. I can't stab you with this. I got to run home and get a legal knife like like what i think i don't anyway okay um let's say that let me just let's just close this with this let's say the gun was illegal would that let's say it was illegal is it is it like football then oh you killed them with an illegal gun now you're in trouble now you're in trouble. Now you're in trouble. And now it is murder. You didn't kill him with a legal gun. Like, would it have affected that decision at all? No, I mean, I mean, if worse would have came to worse,
Starting point is 00:18:12 he would have been charged for the gun possession, but he still would have been not guilty on the rest, you know, the rest of the rest charges. So, I mean, even if that would happen, that's not the end of the world for Rittenhouse. He could take, he could take that charge. But I mean, according to the judge in the state of Wisconsin, even for a 17-year-old, Rittenhouse was legally able to possess that gun. I just think, to be honest, all this outside talk was more for the media narrative. At the end of the day, all that matters is by the court of law and that moment of self-defense. So all this other stuff of crossing state lines or why is he there? Why is a 17 year old there? All that is actually really not even relevant when it comes to just this case of self-defense. Okay. Good to know. So Rosenbaum is on the scene. They describe him as five foot four short fucker. I'm five five. You know, that's a really interesting thing. Five five is really short. like like only 12 of the men in the world are shorter than me but once you go to five four
Starting point is 00:19:08 five three actually bro five three yeah yeah that's short that's short that's that is that is really really short it's weird it's weird when i see dudes who are five three like getting chicks at five three is hard getting chicks at five five is hard i mean i mean i did it i was a successful uh hunter and gatherer but man it's work it's work um how tall are you jorge i'm uh i'm i'm five six five seven on a good day all right all right well you're every inch counts every inch count every inch counts no i that's that's true um i will say this just for for people who just to kind of remind the audience uh joseph rosenbaum was released from a mental hospital the day of the shooting. The reason why he was released from a mental hospital or the reason why he entered a mental hospital in the first place is he tried to kill himself by overdosing on pills.
Starting point is 00:19:57 So that's the type of character Joseph Rosenbaum is. He also obviously has the past criminal record of molesting a 14-year-old boy. What I read was anal sex with five boys. Oh, wow. Okay. Is that correct? Yes. Yeah. It was with multiple boys. Yes. And it was anal. That's what I read in the article. I think I read that too. And yeah yeah so that's a type of character
Starting point is 00:20:25 Rosenbaum is so he literally barely gets released out of a mental health hospital and he's at a riot on night three so you know the question is what is he doing there the five victims range in age from nine to eleven oh my god and he was
Starting point is 00:20:42 charged with having anal sex with them they were all boys is what this report says here that's gross oh so so there are some interesting there are some really weird things about that um uh he they let him go because he can he tried to commit suicide and the are you suggesting that the facility didn't have the the the adequate staff to take care of someone who committed suicide? So the next step was to release him. I'm not sure about, you know, the mental health facility. I just know that from from the reports that are out there, Joseph Rosenbaum was released the morning of the third night of the shooting after trying to overdose himself on pills. night of the shooting uh after trying to overdose himself on pills i'm not sure what the assessment was to let this guy go or why did they didn't even have like a family member or friend uh pick
Starting point is 00:21:30 him up so that was um you know just very odd to just release to me then you know what is you know then rosenbaum is you know at a riot on on night three um anthony huber which is the man that struck um mr rinhouse with the skateboard. Anthony Huber also had a criminal history of hitting his girlfriend. So did Gage Grosskreutz, who also had a past history of domestic violence. Also, let me remind people too, Jumpkick Man, for those who watched the trial, that was his identity. Jumpkick Man, which is the African-American male that jumpkicks cow, was also a past felon. So it just seemed that every single person involved in this had some type of criminal record that attacked Rittenhouse the night of the shooting. Is that relevant?
Starting point is 00:22:19 I think so. Does it matter that – before before okay because maybe it doesn't matter that maybe that that guy was just got out of jail um that night after being 10 years in jail maybe it doesn't matter that um according to the new york times he he had missed his medications uh that day maybe it doesn't matter that he was in jail for for raping five boys anally between the ages of nine and 11. Maybe we've lost track. Maybe that's like the same thing that The New York Times is doing by saying this isn't about murder. This is about gun control. Like, like, are we did you know what I'm saying? Maybe we're doing the same thing that these other journalists are doing by focusing in on that.
Starting point is 00:23:03 maybe we're doing the same thing that the, the, the, the, the, these other journalists are doing, but by focusing in on that. Um, I mean, I would disagree just because when it comes to something like this, you always want to see, you know, the everyone's past criminal records. So even if like, for instance, like if rent house, he doesn't have a criminal record. And if he did, um, it's something to look into at the end of the day, even if you take out everyone's past criminal records and all that stuff, and just look at that situation, look at that situation um it's still a clear case for for self-defense but i just think knowing those characters does give you some context to who those people are right right um uh don't text me when i'm on the show uh so so one of the guys testified in the case. He was on the stand, and I forget his name, and I think he was a videographer. Maybe it was for The Daily Caller.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Yeah, it was my colleague at The Daily Caller, Richie McGinnis. Richie McGinnis, okay. And it's very interesting because they introduced him as a right-wing reporter. The New York Times has to tell you that, that which is funny so i guess they want to be called corporate media or or or china media i mean i don't know i don't know what that what they want to call themselves but but if they're going to do that they should do it balanced they should say who's backing them but so he testified that he heard the um that he heard rosenbaum yelling um shoot me n-word and what i find fascinating is that he said, shoot me, N-word,
Starting point is 00:24:26 and that the prosecutor or the defendant didn't say, hey, you need to say, shoot me, nigger. And why is that important? Because if that's such a powerful word, the jury needs to hear that. That guy was running down the street yelling, shoot me, niggerigger that's way different than shoot me n word for some people for some people he was yelling fuck the police he flipped over a porta potty i've been to a lot of crazy events i've never seen anyone flip over a porta potty did you have you ever seen anyone flip over a porta potty or hey you know a few rights that's impressive right it is i think i've only seen it like on jackass or something. Yes, yes. When they launched that porta potty into the space, in space, the guy in it.
Starting point is 00:25:09 He was starting fires. He was off his medication. These were all things that the New York Times reported today or in the Daily, in their podcast. And he was chasing Rittenhouse. And Rittenhouse, according to McGinnis, was yelling at him, I'm a friendly. I'm a friendly. I'm a friendly. Have you ever heard that when you're out reporting? Reporters yell or anyone yells, I'm a friendly?
Starting point is 00:25:30 No. No, I haven't. You've never yelled that yourself? No. Yeah, but have you ever yelled, I'm 5'6". I'm 5'6". I say, I'm 5'7", juicy Latino man. Please don't hurt me.
Starting point is 00:25:43 So he was chasing Rittenhouse. He yelled, Ritten was yelling repeatedly, I'm a friendly, I'm a friendly. And then Rosenbaum grabbed his gun. Well, according to McGinnis,
Starting point is 00:25:59 Rosenbaum chases Rittenhouse and Rittenhouse does not point his weapon at Rosenbaum until, according to McGinnis' testimony, Rosenbaum says, fuck you, and then lunges for the weapon. And that's where you kind of see that picture of Richie kind of standing up in his testimony and showing the lunge. So when he lunges for the weapon, according to McGinnis, he wasn't clear if he got to touch it or not, but he lunges for the weapon and that's when Kyle Rittenhouse uh points and shoots at Rosenbaum it's amazing to me also that in the courthouse that wasn't one of the attorneys um holding a gun and pointing it around in the courthouse like to show what it looks like to have an AR in there was it was the process yes it was the um the prosecution team Thomas Binger yeah yep Thomas Binger it's. Yep. Thomas Binger.
Starting point is 00:26:45 It's amazing that you won't let that they won't demand that the guy give explicit testimony on what he heard so that the jury can hear the power of the words. But you're willing to point a gun around. It really shows how woke and scared everyone is, because I'm telling you, if he was saying shoot me, kike or shoot me, speak that they would have said it. There would have been no there would have been shoot me all of it shoot me beaner they would have said it yeah yeah don't get carried away don't this is a pg show don't get carried uh the uh they uh what was uh if they would have said shoot me second rate steve-o has what are you what are you matt second two bits steve-? What did someone call you one time in the comments? 2-Bit Stevo? Low budget.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Low budget. Low budget, Stevo. Fuck you, you low budget Stevo. Okay. Okay, so when you grab someone who has the... And so while this is going... Where are you when this is going on? I'm actually just a couple blocks away from this. So when Rittenhouse shoots Rosenbaum, I actually hear the shots ring a couple blocks away. The thing is, there was multiple shootings
Starting point is 00:27:55 that night in this little small town. So it felt actually, it felt very chaotic. So when Rittenhouse shoots, and I'm a couple blocks down, someone actually runs up to me because they were freaking out. Like I said, there was multiple gunshots that night down someone actually runs up to me because they're freaking out like i said there was multiple gunfire uh multiple gunshots that night but someone runs up to me and screams at me get into your hotel room because there's cars doing drive buys and shooting at the crowd who said that's you do you know who or random it was just a random and then so when i heard that um me and another reporter for scriber news his name is caitlin dalmada we run into a hotel room uh we wait about 30 minutes before we go back to the streets and why do you go back to
Starting point is 00:28:30 the streets you're like fuck it i'm here to do a job like you let your adrenaline calm down you grow your testicles drop back down and you go back out yeah i said hold on um so we went back in just because there was so much commotion we didn't really understand what was going on i tried to call my my video director richie he doesn't answer and after 30 minutes i convinced kaylin we need to go back and and do reporting kaylin didn't want to go back out um but i convinced them then that's when we head back to the streets and then by that time kind of the the they already had the yellow tape up and then i actually was looking at the rounds um the rounds were actually still on the street so i was i was actually looking at it with my eyes.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Did you, were you wearing a bulletproof vest? Yes. And a hard hat. Yes. And how about your homeboy? Same. So,
Starting point is 00:29:14 so how did you convince him? Don't be a pussy or give him a shot of vodka or what's the technique of convincing him? I just said, Hey man, we, we, we,
Starting point is 00:29:21 we really need to get back out there. And, you know, kind of, you know, give an update to our audience. Like we just have to get back out there and kind of give an update to our audience. We just have to get back out there. And yeah, so he finally agreed. Then that's when me and Kalen went back out to the streets. And when you went back out, you said it was 30 minutes after you heard the gunshot.
Starting point is 00:29:38 So by then it was done. By then he killed all three people. Yes. So by that time it was over. But the thing is, there was other gunfights. So there was still a lot of commotion. So people were still like, hey, you know, we think there's drive-bys. We think there's multiple.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So people were just, you just kept hearing different stories. Nothing was solid. And I think an hour went by and I got a call from my boss, Richie. And he tells me that Rosenbaum got shot in front of him and that he was in the hospital because he carried Rosenbaum to the hospital and that he wasn't going to be returning to the hospital because he had to
Starting point is 00:30:13 go to the Kenosha Police Department and essentially spend all night and morning with them. Who carried Rosenbaum to the hospital? My video director. We have to go. Jorge, this interview's over. Can you give me his phone number? Oh, fuck. We got the wrong guy. Well, here, let me
Starting point is 00:30:34 remind folks, too, is when all that stuff is happening in real time, for my video director, he doesn't know who Rosenbaum is, or he doesn't know anything about him. He just sees a guy get shot in the head and drop straight to the floor so my video director then takes his shirt off wraps it around his head picks him up and attempts to take him to the hospital and save his life and they uh they actually get him into a truck and my my boss Richie did he stick his
Starting point is 00:30:59 finger in your video director's ass or anything like that well sorry sorry i know i know it's not cool sorry no no okay but um you actually hear it in the testimony where mcginnis is in the back of the truck of rosenbaum and mcginnis tells rosenbaum hey man you're gonna make it you know we're gonna have some beers and talk about this and then obviously rosenbaum never replies and then obviously he gets to the hospital and that's when the the police kind of take take my boss away and confiscate his phone and keep him for questioning for about 12 hours. What were you doing separated from your boss? The video, the director. Why were you separated?
Starting point is 00:31:35 I was separated from him just because. I was just you know, the thing is, there were there were civil unrest everywhere, so I was, you know, we kind of get you kind of get split up sometimes in the in the in the madness so i remember i was just i was filming other you know buildings burning down and then the good thing is um i had another reporter kaylin watching my back so i wasn't too worried i knew i knew that my boss was with our colleague uh shelby talcott we also had another buddy out there julio rosas and drew hernandez and elijah schaefer so we had a we had a good amount of group um on the floor with everyone you know we're all texting each other uh checking up on each other like every 30 minutes dude chaos that video that suza just played is just utter chaos and people are still driving around huh even though the streets are on fire and there's gunshots
Starting point is 00:32:19 yeah people people were still driving around it was was complete madness. I think, you know, for me, I was, my jaw was to the floor the whole time because I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Like I said, you know, when you're at these major cities, do you see a building burn down? Yes, but it's not every single building on the block. On Kenosha, it felt like every single building on the block was being burned down. So for me, I was just – I was in this kind of element of where I was fascinated just because I just couldn't believe that I was seeing what was happening in an American town. It felt like third world country. I felt like I was in Brazil or something. It did not feel like America at all.
Starting point is 00:32:56 What was your boss's name who put – he put Rosenbaum in the back of a pickup truck? Is that what you said? Yeah. His name is Richie McGinnis. Oh, okay. Oh, okay. So that's the guy we've been talking about the whole time. Okay, sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:07 And so he takes him. So he saw Rittenhouse too if he saw Rosenbaum. He saw Rittenhouse. The thing is. Was he afraid Rittenhouse was going to shoot him? My boss says he wasn't scared because of that. So my boss sees, obviously he sees rittenhouse gets shot i mean he sees rosenbaum gets shot he goes to apply help and there's actually a video of it and rittenhouse is actually right behind my boss and rosenbaum
Starting point is 00:33:37 and and at that time according to mcginnis he doesn't know that rittenhouse is the shooter so he actually turns around and yells at rittenhouse to call the police. And that's when you kind of see Rosen, you see Rittenhouse look at his phone and then he immediately starts running. And then when he starts running is then, then that's when he gets confronted and he's getting chased by Gage Grosskreutz. Gage Grosskreutz is the guy who actually had a firearm um so he's getting chased by gage gross kreutz uh cow ren house i think after then at that time so has he killed hubert yet um he's actually about to because then anthony hubert joins the chase okay it's ren house with the skateboard ren house goes to the floor then gets hit in the head that's when you also see
Starting point is 00:34:22 jump kick man jump kick ren house that's when you see the shots at when you also see jump kick man jump kick rin house that's when you see the shots at um at jump at jump kick man that actually i don't think actually connected then he shoots anthony huber anthony huber gets shot and killed wait wait so so wait a second so go back there so what they said what they said today in the new york times and this was very very confusing and this is eventually we're going to get to this point, which I think is going to be the highlight of the show, how fucked up the prosecution is. You're saying he took a shot possibly at Jumpkick Man. I think the way the New York Times described it was he was on his butt, he being Rittenhouse, and he actually took a shot at – by the way, how many times did he shoot Rosenbaum? I got to see.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I think they had it at a total of four shots. I would have to double check that, though, just to make sure. It's crazy that – it's sort of crazy the restraint that Rittenhouse had that while he was being chased, he didn't just turn around. I've shot one of those guns, and it's very comfortable and easy. You can just drop to one one knee and just any, you can just point it, look through the site and just basically pick anything off you want.
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's I mean, I never shot it at anything alive, but I mean, if I was scared or if I felt like my kids were being threatened, another weird thing I'd like to point out is, is that I know written house was 17 at the time, but that's a minor. And the guy that was chasing him had anally penetrated five minors.
Starting point is 00:35:51 That's why he was in jail. And now you're like, well, he's 17. I'm just stating that 17 is still a minor. You can paint the narrative any way you want. It's bizarre that that guy was chasing a 17-year-old. It's a boy of all things i wonder how tall rittenhouse is yeah i gotta check um i think what people need to remember is that you know um rittenhouse could have easily turned into an active shooter he
Starting point is 00:36:18 somehow had the restraint where he literally only shot at people that attacked him i thought you know that i mean that has to be something that's like a i mean for me it was a huge wow factor because you could easily see how someone could easily turn into you know an active shooter just start spraying um but rin house never never did that how is it that that the dudes he shot either attacked him or pointed a gun at him okay we'll get to that i mean i mean it's it's pretty god it's great it's crazy that he was charged right with a crime oh absolutely i yeah i mean it was i mean just from from the day one of it um it was just crazy because i according i think
Starting point is 00:37:00 renhardt just did his interview with tucker and according to tucker i think uh renhardt said when he got arrested he he didn't even know what his charges were, that they didn't even actually charge him with anything yet. He was just arrested, and Kenosha PD didn't even have charges for him. Wow. I also saw on that that he supports BLM. I wonder if he's just saying that. He might just be saying – I mean, who knows? Who knows?
Starting point is 00:37:25 Have we seen his knows? Have you, have we seen his parents ever in house? His parents been on camera? Uh, his mom has his mom. Um, I believe just a week ago or two weeks ago, she actually did a one-on-one interview with Sean Hannity on Fox news.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Do we know who paid for his, his, uh, legal fees? Uh, I believe it was all through, um, all through donations.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Amazing. Okay, so go on. So you're saying now at this point, at this point you're saying Gage... Sorry. Sorry, when Rosenbaum started chasing him, you're saying that Anthony Huber also showed up. No, so when Rosenbaum…
Starting point is 00:38:09 Tell me that story again. Yeah, so Rosenbaum is chasing Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse then runs into that car dealership called Car Source. So essentially… No, no, Rosenbaum's already… Sorry, sorry, let me go back. No, no, Rosenbaum's already – sorry, sorry. Let me go back.
Starting point is 00:38:28 Rosenbaum's been shot, and McGinnis has already taken him away and told him to call the cops. Instead, Rittenhouse runs. Now he's running. He's running, and then Gage Grosskreutz actually was on a Facebook Live live streaming, and he's starting to follow Rittenhouse, and he's questioning Rittenhouse. He's saying, hey, were you the one that shot? Were you the one that shot? Were you the one that shot and was chasing him?
Starting point is 00:38:51 And that's when Anthony Huber joins the chase. You can kind of see some contact made to Rittenhouse's back with that skateboard. Rittenhouse falls. You see Jump Kick Man then kick kick Kyle and then after that you see the skateboard hit Kyle in the head so Kyle obviously shoots Anthony Huber he obviously Anthony Huber drops dead jump kick man was able to escape from the scene but Gage Grosskortz continued to on his pursuit with a firearm in his hand and points his firearm at Rittenhouse. And it wasn't until the firearm was pointed at Rittenhouse that Rittenhouse points and shoots at Gage Grosskreutz, hitting him in the arm. After he hits him in the arm, that's when you see Rittenhouse then run to the police and attempt to turn himself in.
Starting point is 00:39:51 So in the testimony I heard on The New York Times, it's interesting because they say, and then Gage Grosskreutz finds himself face-to-face with Rittenhouse. I'm like, finds himself face-to-face with Rittenhouse? This isn't fucking Kafka where you go to bed as a human and you wake up as a cockroach. Like what? What do you mean finds himself what if the question is what is if you're gonna ask that question you gotta ask about everyone why is Rittenhouse there why is Gage Grosskreutz there facetiming live trying to get followers for his fucking facetime and carrying a gun anyway none of them are relevant is my point like who gives a fuck why they're there let me let me
Starting point is 00:40:25 add i do think this is important um when gage grossgroids submitted his police statement to the kenosha police department he never mentions uh that he had a firearm and that he pointed it at rent house he tells police that his firearm fell um which was a lie and the cross-examination did a good job of getting him to admit that lies gauge gross courts. Then I think a week or two later submits a letter to the city of Kenosha asking for $10 million and doesn't mention in that letter that he had a weapon. So one thing when you're watching the trial,
Starting point is 00:40:57 a binger on the prosecution side is, is saying, Oh, rent house. You know, he went, he, he took a gunfight to a fist fight where it was like, oh, Rittenhouse, you know, he took a gunfight to a fistfight.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Well, it was like, well, your own star witness, Gage Grosskreutz, also took a firearm. It's almost like they just totally forgot that fact. Yeah, and that is the sad part. And I guess kudos to the New York Times for sharing it. They basically, if you guys want to listen to it, it's the daily podcast. You should listen to it. You get to hear some of the testimony. basically the the prosecution asks um gage so you you
Starting point is 00:41:30 approached him with your hands up in the air and he said yes and he goes and then he shot you and he goes and he goes yes and then the defense and then he just leaves it at that and then the defense walks up to and to to counter whatever that's called ask ask questions of the guy in the stand and he they say to gauge and when you had your hands up in your air Rittenhouse was on the ground correct and he goes yeah and he goes he was sitting on his butt and he goes correct and he goes yeah and he goes and you walked towards him with your hands in the air and he goes correct and he goes and then you started lowering your hand and he goes right and he goes and then you lowered your hand oh my
Starting point is 00:42:05 goodness that video and then and then they ask him and then gage you lowered your hand and then your gun was pointed at rittenhouse and he goes yes and he goes and then he shot you and he goes yes and what i thought at that moment when i'm hearing this testimony is not only was Gage going to be okay by not by omitting some really important details, but so was the prosecution. At that point, I realized, and it shows my naiveness. And my mom even told me how naive I am. They don't want the truth. They were trying to prosecute Rittenhouse. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do.
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Starting point is 00:43:14 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Y dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. They on purpose left out the fact that he pointed the gun at the guy sitting on the ground who had just been hit in the head with a skateboard.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Why would you do that? How would you go to bed at night? Cross-examined. Thank you, Will. When they cross-examined him, they were able to get the truth that he had his gun pointed at a man sitting on his butt on the ground who had just been hit by a skateboard i know i i thought it's despicable that human beings i just don't understand how the prosecutor sleeps at night what if that guy what if rittenhouse would have gone to jail no and the thing is i thought the crap the cross-examination on that part did one of the best jobs i've ever seen where they got him to admit that
Starting point is 00:44:24 even the washington post uh even before they put out this report of like, oh, here's our video analyst of that night. And they never mentioned Gage Grosskreutz pointing a weapon at Rittenhouse. It's almost like they tried to just omit that. But the cross-examination did a good job of getting Gage Grosskreutz not only to omit that, but to om admit that he lied to the Kenosha police department I thought that was when that came out I actually thought that's that's what turned the trial I thought that's when the tide started to turn in and I do think my colleagues uh state uh testimony Richard McGinnis when he says that uh Rosenbaum then lunged for that weapon I thought those were the two biggest moments in a trial that made the case for self-defense and the new york times said this um that that was problematic for the prosecution because of a small difference in details small difference in details whether whether his hands are in the air or he has a gun
Starting point is 00:45:18 pointed at you problematic i it just really it was disheartening that this is like a basketball game. It's just about winning. It's not about finding out the truth, and that's just my naiveness. And I asked my mom, who used to be an attorney for, I don't know, 30, 40 years. She said, hey, man, the lawyers have a duty to their clients to get their clients to win. 30, 40 years. She said, Hey man, the lawyers have a duty to their clients to get their clients to win. And I said, but what if they, what if the prosecutor that they assigned to this knows that this guy's innocent? She's like, he has no choice. He still has to prosecute or lose his job and not put food on the table. And I would love to find out if that prosecutor really thinks that written
Starting point is 00:45:58 house was deserves to go to jail. That's a good, that's actually a great question. It's honestly, this is this whole trial, the right, I mean, it's, it's been fascinating. I think, I think what the, what the Rittenhouse trial also shows is, is, and I know I've said it a ton of times on social media, but I'll keep saying it is just the importance of having those frontline journalists, reporters on the ground because the corporate media try to create this narrative that never existed. And if it wasn't for all the video evidence from the different angles,
Starting point is 00:46:35 this kid will be sitting in prison. If it was, I mean, the thing is, the best part about this too is that these frontline reporters, all they have is this, is a cell phone. And, you know, that's all you need. And I'm glad that BG on the scene was there. Drew Hernandez, Elijah Schaefer, Julio Rosa, Shelby Telka, Richie McGinnis.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Everyone there, I think, contributed into this kind of, into this thing where you get to show the American people the full scope, the truth. This kid would be in prison if it wasn't for those video evidences because the corporate media probably would have swayed the jury. But good thing that video was there and the corporate press took a huge loss. Not only did corporate press take a loss here, so did Silicon Valley. I mean, Silicon Valley and big tech were literally banning and censoring anyone who even came out and said Rittenhouse is innocent. Then the jury decided that he was innocent. So there you go. So corporate press took a took a huge loss and Silicon Valley took a huge loss.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Are any of your are any of your journalist friends who are who are liberals like starting to wake up and like flipping the script? wake up and like flipping the script um a little bit um i don't have too many uh friends reporters who are i would say liberal it's just um i just think a lot of them they're starting to learn just kind of the bs from corporate media um anyone who's actually kind of like a frontline reporter already doesn't trust corporate media that That's why they're out there. Don't they all start off – don't they all start off as liberals? It wasn't even Tucker like originally on CNN. Don't they all – because you want to believe the peace, love, kumbaya, all men are equal rhetoric. Don't they all start off – don't we all start off as liberal or no that's a good question i mean i think we might i mean the thing is it's it's we all start i mean we could say we all start
Starting point is 00:48:32 off liberal but i mean the og liberal would be for free speech against corporations against this kind of large media apparatus um so the og liberals would be in total support of this type of work or movement because they would they would be against the corporations they would be against google and facebook um and big tech kind of having this monopoly of power on information so um you could even say still liberal just the the real definition of liberal not the i guess maybe the new school of it or whatever yeah i like i like this term corporate media it really is what it's become um the jury why three days were they scared i saw some video footage i don't know if it was george floyd's nephew or if someone was related
Starting point is 00:49:21 to george floyd and he's driving in his car and he's like basically telling the jury, hey, we know who you are. We have pictures of you. Is that real? Yes, that was a real video from George Floyd's nephew. Now, we haven't verified yet if that was true, what he was saying of like they're taking pictures of the jurors. That's threatening, though, right? The implications. I mean, the implications are that it's threatening it is even also don't forget the day before the verdict came
Starting point is 00:49:50 out an msnbc producer was pulled over by kenosha police department for following the jury bus um and according to the producer he was just following his assignment um and that's when you had the judge come out the next day and said msnbc would not be allowed in the courtroom it's crazy i i actually thought what is the argument go ahead go ahead no just i mean just to be you know quite frank i thought that the jury was going to go guilty just because this this case or trial was so politicized i just thought there was no way they're going to see the truth because I think they're too scared, the pressure from the media, you got the protesters outside.
Starting point is 00:50:30 So I thought it was going to go guilty and then actually as long when the jury deliberations went to the fourth day, I'm like, I started to have that feeling I'm like, this actually might swing Kyle's way. But I thought they were going to rule guilty. I really did.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Man. way um but i thought i thought they were gonna rule guilty i really did man is is there is there any way you can convince yourself that he's guilty why do why why do people want him to be guilty why can't i see i um people why can't i why can't i see this like what what do people see that makes them want him to be guilty well the thing is people want to see rent house guilty because for those who are on the left wing or get their media or get their information from this kind of corporate press um it's a sexy headline it's a sexy narrative for them White kid goes into a black lives matter rights, gunning down black people. I mean, for them, it's a great white supremacy story. It's great for ratings. Um, it, you know, it, it's that narrative that, that they want to buy. Um, I mean, even if you turn on ESPN or sports center right now, you got all the, all the sports
Starting point is 00:51:42 journalists coming out and crying on TV, how a white supremacist got off the hook. So for them, it's a great narrative. It makes them feel like a social justice warrior. But like I always try to tell my friends who are not really obsessed with news like myself, is things are very complex and there's always much more than what the headline reads. Bonnie's saying because they don't think he should have been there.
Starting point is 00:52:10 I don't think he should have been there either. I don't think that Rosenbaum should have been there. I don't think – but how is that that he's guilty? Like I shouldn't have had my third cup of coffee today and definitely not my fifth i just don't get how that he shouldn't have been there i don't i still don't get it i i'm there with you on that one i i don't think any of those arguments makes any sense i i yeah i i um when they say he shouldn't have been there or what was he doing there i feel like well why did his parents have sex and make him i mean it's just like like why
Starting point is 00:52:56 did god let him do that i mean i could just start asking all sorts of stupid questions why did they one i don't i don't agree i't like it. It doesn't make any sense to me. It's the same thing with – it's just a distraction from the fact that – so a girl walking down the street in a bikini in a bad neighborhood where there's rapists everywhere does not deserve to be raped. There's rapists everywhere does not deserve to be raped. I fully agree. I, I, I, I think that a guy walking down the street with a gun shouldn't just just inherently just shoot people just because like he, he, he has some extra bullets. Okay. I'm trying to draw a comparison here, but that's not, that's not what happened it wasn't just a girl walking down the street in a bikini it wasn't a guy just um walking down the street with a gun it was someone hit him in the head with a skateboard someone else kicked him it was in the middle of a riot where other people had guns it was in a place where carrying guns was legal he and i i mean i don't even want to go down that i don't want to become more stupid on accident by thinking like them. But I also don't want to miss a – I just can't believe there's that many dumb people.
Starting point is 00:54:18 I don't want to believe there's that much ignorance out there. What if Rittenhouse was your son or your daughter? Like if Rosenbaum was my son or my daughter, I would be like, yeah, that sucks. But like he had it coming. And if, um, if, if, uh, who Hubert was my son or daughter is like, yeah. How about, how about this? This is one of the things that New York times said they They were trying to paint Kyle as an active shooter. What's the definition of an active shooter? I see that an active shooter is I took my gun to college and I just started shooting the college campus and started shooting people. I mean, you know, obviously we've got to look at the textbook definition, but I would view it as that's way too you know an active shooter is just spraying anyone or
Starting point is 00:55:06 anything um just for the i guess the reason just to do it without you know self-defense clause so for me um yeah like i said they try to paint this guy as active shooter white supremacist even though to this day we haven't seen an ounce of evidence that that proves that what if he was a white supremacist that's another thing like who cares i just all of that shit just seems like idiocy it doesn't make any i mean kyle could have been with the kkk for all we know and it doesn't change his argument for self-defense to be honest it doesn't really matter he could have been with the black panthers i don't know right what if he was a Christian? What if he was a Muslim? What if he was a CrossFitter? I just don't – active shooter or active killer describes the perpetrator of a type of mass murder marketed by rapidity, scale, randomness, and often suicide. So I'm going to – can you put that back up for a second? I'm going to read into that definition a little bit. Is that from the FBI website?
Starting point is 00:56:08 There was especially no randomness with Rittenhouse situations. That's just from Wikipedia, but the larger definition on the FBI website just basically mimicked this definition here. I don't think an active shooter runs, and he wasn't suicidal, and it wasn't a large-scale killing. And it wasn't randomness. There was no randomness. And it wasn't random. No. You had to do something to him.
Starting point is 00:56:33 You had to do something to Kyle. That's what I mean. Like, there's a difference between. I don't know. Also, I also want to add to I mean, the there were you know, they could have they were attempting to charge also Kyle for what they call, I think, reckless endangerment. And they actually were trying to tie that to my colleague, Richard McGinnis, that he endangered his life. And according to McGinnis, he did not feel that from Rittenhouse. endangered his life. And according to McGinnis,
Starting point is 00:57:04 he did not feel that from Rittenhouse. But at the end of the day, according to Wisconsin law, if you have a strong case for self-defense, usually that reckless endangerment kind of goes away too. An active shooter, this is from the FBI website, an active shooter is an individual
Starting point is 00:57:16 actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. And recent active shooter incidents have underscored the need for coordinated responses by law enforcement. The FBI is committed to working.
Starting point is 00:57:30 That's it. That's their active shooter page. Yeah, you found a better definition, Matt. Yeah, it's crazy. Has anyone interviewed, Jorge, the prosecution and asked them how they feel about their loss? Have they done any public interviews? Hey, do you guys feel bad? Do you guys think justice was served? I just can't believe that anyone who's in prosecution—
Starting point is 00:57:59 As of right now, the prosecution hasn't done any interviews. I know that Rittenhouse defense team has already given interviews to CNN, I believe. And they haven't spoke to Fox. I don't know if they will speak to Fox. Crazy. How was the Tucker Carlson interview with Rittenhouse? I haven't seen it. I actually have to watch it myself.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I saw little clips up on Twitter go up. But I think an interesting detail, according to Rittenhouse, is his previous lawyers, who were Lin Wood and John Pierce. According to Rittenhouse, they kept him in jail on purpose, even though they could have got him out earlier. According to Rittenhouse, he believes they kept him in jail so that he could keep trying to raise funds in which they just try to raise the funds for themselves. So according to Rittenhouse, he actually could have been out of jail in early September. It wasn't released until I believe November 20th last year.
Starting point is 00:58:56 I believe he spent a total of 87 days. Rittenhouse said that he went 20 days without showering because there was no running water in his cell. Holy shit. And why didn't they take him out of jail? Because the attorneys were trying to raise money? Yeah. According to Rittenhouse, he thought that Linwood and John Pierce kept him in jail on purpose
Starting point is 00:59:15 to continue to raise funds in which they only used the funds for himself. So Rittenhouse Bell was set at like a million dollars, and he said that they hit that early September, so they could have taken him out of jail. He could have been with his family during that whole time, but he didn't get released until November 20th. So he spent, he said, a total of 87 days, went 20 straight days without showering because the cell had no running water. I still don't understand why they wouldn't have got him out because it looked better if he was in jail, and that way they could raise more money. That's according to R house um okay you know lynn wood is not a i would say a reputable character uh from my perspective and that was his his attorney that were his previous attorneys before
Starting point is 00:59:55 he went with his new team which is mark richards oh it is okay and lynn woods, that's Lin Faldwoods. Scott, no. Yeah, it should be Lin Wood and a John Pierce. Rittenhouse former lawyer in dispute over who gets $2 million bond money. Oh, geez. Oh, my God. I got to read that, actually. Oh, geez. I I got to read that, actually. Oh, geez. I'm not a Trump lawyer. Linwood threatens to sue Rittenhouse lawyer for calling him an idiot.
Starting point is 01:00:35 Oh, this is just great shit. Oh, my goodness. So what happens now to Rittenhouse? What happens to someone like this? Do we know? You know, can you get a job at like seven 11 or no? I mean, I, I, I, I just know,
Starting point is 01:00:48 I know that he did his a one-on-one interview with Tucker tonight. Obviously, um, I guess written house let, um, Tucker Carlson's originals documentary team go embedded with him during this whole time. So I guess we're going to see a documentary on this.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Um, I know we have a report at the daily Call that might have an interview with Rittenhouse coming up, but if I'm Rittenhouse, I definitely take a break. I don't do any media. I don't do any social. I take the next six months to a year. Spend it with family, man. Get your mental health right. Kind of get that in order. Personally, I don't think you do a large media tour and do all that stuff. I just think you kind of need to get away from the world.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Let this news die down because you got half the country that wants to see you dead, if I could be quite frank. Not even a little Tinder? Everyone needs to do a little Tinder. Hey, Ori, I'm curious to think, what, what do you, what's your opinion on accountability for the news, the corporate news media, the way that they've framed everything, the way that they've
Starting point is 01:01:53 positioned themselves throughout this whole case, is there going to be any repercussion on, on their end, um, as far as maybe a lawsuit or a legal action? And, uh, also how do you feel that that should be treated in the future? So for my, I guess my opinion, that's a great question too. For my opinion, well, here, let me start with this, is according to Rittenhouse, when he gave his interview with Tucker today, he said that him and his team are going to be working at defamation suits to go out, to go against CNN and stuff like that. So we'll see what happens there. I feel like they got to get hit with suits like this if you guys remember nicholas sandman he got like 250 mil from cnn for you know for line that's true i've heard that so
Starting point is 01:02:32 many times that's true the indian guy um yeah so i i feel like that's the way you punish them um now when it comes to the ratings that one thing that I guess is a positive is that mainstream media, their ratings are as low as they could ever be. And I think they're just continuing to lose that trust from folks. At the end of the day, you're still going to have that audience where they tune into MSNBC and CNN because they just confirm their biases. It's almost like they also don't care about real information but um i'm hoping with the defamation suits it does something hopefully those ratings keep going down and that's i think a way to hit them um but like i said you're still gonna have that population where they have to turn into cnn because it just
Starting point is 01:03:18 confirms their own biases and they want to keep hearing the word white supremacist and stuff like that and i'm hoping that you know maybe frontline reporters, we can continue to put that pressure on them. Because the truth, too, is corporate media is so bad at their job that a guy like me who dropped out of community college is able to make a name for himself because they're so bad at what they're doing. So hopefully we continue to see that trend. And maybe with those ratings continue to crash, those advertisers leave and these guys go out of business. Yeah. Do you feel that's why they're becoming more and more divisive and more and more polarizing? Are they just clawing at every last straw of viewership that they could maintain? Yeah, I think they want to hang on to divisiveness because without Trump, their ratings are just going to the floor. I mean, they love, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:08 CNN, MSNBC, they don't want to admit it, but they love when Trump's in office because, you know, they get to kind of fear monger their, their audience, their ratings are always at a level because they just, you know, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, January. I mean, you can turn into tune into CNN. They're still talking about January 6th. They don't want to let January 6th go. So they had to kind of cling on to, to to Rittenhouse. So they're kind of, you know, they're motivated by this division. You know, if they just hate YP, I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 01:04:35 They just hate YP. And it wasn't even, you know, even even two weeks ago when Glenn Youngkin won the when the governor race in Virginia. They just kept ranting off that it was white supremacy that won that for him, though. So, yeah, I don't you know, for me, it seems like that's the way they want to go. They kind of hang on to that. And and the thing is, we're only like, what, two months away from or less than two months away from the one year anniversary of Jan 6. Oh, my God. I mean, just just wait for all the all the, you know, all the feature films are going to have on Jan 6. They're going to try to relive that moment and kind of hang on to as much as they can. How about the headline on CNN's website the other day? The most dangerous thing in America is angry white men. That's I mean, imagine if it would have said the most dangerous thing in America was angry black men.
Starting point is 01:05:24 The most dangerous thing in America is angry dogs or the most angry dangerous thing in america is angry jewish men i mean i mean i just i cannot believe we're living in this world and the things will make cnn the worst is that they they project themselves or they try to tell their audience that they are just the objective down the middle news. It's like, stop it. At least just admit it and say, hey, we're super left leaning. This is just our biases. But they try to act like they are down the middle. We just do the facts type of news. And I think one thing that that I mean, now that you kind of say that, that really worries me is look how OK it is to be openly racist against white people. Now, you can literally just put it in a headline and no one bats an eye. You know, their audience is totally OK with it.
Starting point is 01:06:08 But just how just how open the racism towards white people is truly fascinating. Yeah, it's all OK. Now, racism is OK as long as it is used properly. I mean, but they change the definition. If you say that to them, they'll say, well, black people can't be racist and you say why and they say because they don't have power and you go what about obama oprah lebron don lemon they don't have power oh okay my bad it's it's it's truly uh it's truly fascinating to see these guys. I hope they're crashing and they're burning because their ratings are abysmal right now. I think even Glenn Greenwald was making fun of Don Lemon that he was getting beat out by Newsmax's Greg Kelly.
Starting point is 01:06:56 I mean, this is just hilarious stuff. I mean, it was great how Rogan took it to CNN, wasn't it? Oh, that was fat. Oh, I love that. I'm ten times the media empire that you guys i mean that was just dope that would no no i don't think this is true i don't think it's reverse racism it's just racism don't say reverse racism it's just racism don't say that i love you bruce don't say reverse racism it's just racism it's like i just saw um i just saw a bloom Bloomberg said how to have dinner with Thanksgiving dinner with anti-vaxxers.
Starting point is 01:07:27 It's there is no such thing. It's though it's how to have dinner with pro that pro-vaxxers. There's no there's so few anti-vaxxers because you don't want to take the vaccine doesn't make you anti-vaxxer because you guys are insisting people take the vaccine. You're the pro-vaxxer because you guys are insisting people take the vaccine. You're the pro-vaxxer. You're the insist on vaccine. Leave the other people alone. Just leave the people alone who don't want to take the vaccine and we'll be fine. Just leave them alone.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Calling them anti-vaxxers. See, that's what these guys do is they try to cling on to these things that could divide us Americans anyway. Now they're trying to make it the pandemic of the unvaccinated. I love it when MSNBC Joya Reid is like, oh, those white Trump supporters don't want to be vaccinated. And the funny thing is when you look at the data, the least vaccinated are Latinos and blacks. So there you go. I know. Isn't it crazy?
Starting point is 01:08:24 I did see some statistic on that, like 70% of blacks aren't vaccinated. Black skin people aren't vaccinated. And what's interesting is, is, you know, two years ago was, uh, I mean that, what a great story about systemic racism. Why don't they just eat themselves alive for that? Basically you could just say that's racist. That's why they're being so pro i mean the whole if i wanted to keep people with melanated skin down i would just run do what the left is doing oh my god man i love this one with the yahoo news i mean look at that i mean look at that voice of the people the pandemic of the unvaccinated is still killing them i mean look how they just
Starting point is 01:09:00 drive the fear it's oh my it's it's lead by fear keep people in their houses um now you got you have to get the booster and six months from now you'll get the other booster vaccinate your five-year-old don't talk to your grandma that voted republican i mean this is amazing how they go with divide they go with fear um unbelievable i mean what i think like less than two percent of haiti is unvaccinated. They're not fucking dying by this plague. This is hilarious. Did CNN have any reporters on the ground in Kenosha?
Starting point is 01:09:32 Nope. And if they did, look, did they have a report on the ground? Yes. But what that means for CNN, and I've seen this with my own eyes. This is not like a rumor seen this with my own eyes. This is not like I, it's a rumor I see with my own eyes. They literally show up for an hour in the, or two in the middle of the day, do a quick little standup,
Starting point is 01:09:51 give a little, little spill on the script. And then they're off to their five star hotel, sipping cocktails all night. Um, so when they say report on the ground, I mean, yeah, but they come out in the broad daylight for,
Starting point is 01:10:02 I guess an hour, read a script, um, that a producer sent to the reporter. So the reporter himself is not even doing reporting. He's just getting sent a script and he's just a talking mouthpiece. And that's it. I mean, it's, it's, it's fascinating to see when you're there in person. This posse of guys and gals that you are now guys and gals that you are now um part of your colleagues that you know the guys who go to the border the guys who go to the capital the guys who go to kenosha the guys who are basically following just event after event after event it's a crew right like like you know you know 20 or 30 people
Starting point is 01:10:41 who are on the circuit with you right i would say would say about like 8 or 10 of us, yeah. Okay. None of those guys are MSNBC guys or CNN guys or ABC? I mean a couple of those guys, I mean when you – Why aren't you friends with – do they not have them or you just don't know them or where are those guys um i mean i mean from my from my report i mean none of those guys had any frontline uh riot reporters at all i mean that's what i mean that's essentially what created this void where a guy like me came in shelby or richie you know a bg on the scene because it wasn't there at all i mean and then let me remind i mean when i
Starting point is 01:11:24 was on the ground covering the rise i was an unpaid intern at that time. So you're telling me an unpaid intern could do a better job of telling the story than these guys earning six figures, um, living in Manhattan and you know, it, it, it's incredible, but no, they didn't want to do the work. So you kind of had these kind of, um, they kind of nickname us. Um, I don't know if you want to check it, check this out, Matthew, check out, if you want to do the work so you kind of had these kind of um they kind of nickname us um i don't know if you want to check it check this out matthew check out if you want to google this really quick a riot squad the intercept i mean the intercept literally did a hit piece on all the riot reporters i mean they did a hit piece because we were on the ground telling the story which i i found it fascinating because like you know these guys at the intercept make six figures to do
Starting point is 01:12:03 stories from their from their mad hat um you know condo while we're on the ground telling these stories. So, yeah, that's what they labeled us is quotes the right. There it is. Yep. By the Intercept. It was a huge hit piece. I mean, look at that. Look at the one here on May 14th. They had to put the Intercept stands by the reporting after everyone came after them. So it's hilarious stuff it's it's these guys uh yeah these guys are uh douchebags to say the least oh it's funny that's exactly what i was thinking what a bunch of douchebags what a bunch of i mean look at that me so riot scott right wing reporters who've used viral videos to smear black lives matter it's like okay
Starting point is 01:12:46 how why why would um why is black lives matter um why is black lives matter interested two things why is black lives matter interested in i saw posters black lives matter posters where they were saying rosenbaum a hero. For those of you who came in late, Rosenbaum's the one who molested five boys anally between the ages of nine and 11 and was released from jail the day of the riots because he tried committing suicide in jail and they couldn't hold him in there anymore. And he was the one yelling,
Starting point is 01:13:18 shoot me, nigger, in the group, according to the court documents, fucked the police, flipped over a port-a-potty, and then grabbed, what's his name's gun uh um rittenhouse's gun why is blm holding him up as a poster child i do see the consistency of holding him and george floyd up together but a child molester why are they holding a child molester why is blm holding a child molester up as a hero you know to be honest i i would i would actually say the majority of them don't even know about Rosenbaum's criminal history because these guys literally don't do any research. I mean, they literally just go off headlines and they go off what the corporations tell them to be mad at. That's what I love about – that's what the funniest thing about Black Lives Matter is.
Starting point is 01:14:00 They try to look at it like, oh, we are against the system. We are raging against the system we are raging against the machine it's like no you are literally raging for the machine you are the machine it's you're doing with amazon and google and facebook watch you to do it's crazy it's fucking nuts these people need help brother these people really need i mean I'm, I'm, I'm trying to be nice here, but I don't know how to else explain it. It's like they, they need help. I don't know if they've gone their whole lives, you know, without having meaning for anything. And then when this movement came, they felt like it was their calling and they felt like they were going to make a change. I mean, the thing is when I interview these folks, one common thing that I found was a lot of these people are lost and they didn't have good parents. I mean, they feel like they have. Like I said, for me personally, I feel like this movement, when it came out last year, it finally felt like they could be part of a group. They could be finally part of a movement.
Starting point is 01:14:57 You can be part of the Crips, the Bloods, Antifa, Woke. Just pick your gang and they're your new friends and parents. No matter what. I mean, it's, it's, it's, I really do think that these people need help. And I mean, they, they, like I said, they have been fooled by the corporations and, you know, they think that they're going against the system when that's not the case. They're literally raging for them for the machine. And they're actually on the side of the elites.
Starting point is 01:15:24 I mean, they, they think they're going against the elites they're literally walking hand in hand with the jeff bezos of the world it's like a zombie movie yeah especially places like portland or seattle i think the algorithm also plays a role in this too and that's at the hands of these corporations that we were talking about because what happens especially if these social media influencers are making certain content that these corporations agree with, it gets more populated, and then therefore you get more attention. And then it kind of affirms, you know, the same stuff you're putting out there and you get this circulatory cycle of and then once that gets big enough, you have people that don't want to go against that, because then they don't want to be
Starting point is 01:15:59 seen as the outcast. And I agree with the first thing you said, which is most people just don't look into it. I would say that majority of the people that I've talked to don't really understand the details of the case, don't really understand the full background of the case, and are just taking everything at face value, reading no more than those headlines that we were showing before. And let me add this too, is that the corporations themselves figured out this amazing kind of scheme. So let's say we were in the 90s or the 80s. Those liberals would be raging at an Amazon, at a Silicon Valley, at a Facebook saying,
Starting point is 01:16:31 we need to break these guys up. They have no worker rights, too much control when it comes to privacy, right? Fast forward to now, Amazon and Jeff Bezos figured this scheme out. And this is a scheme. It's literally this simple. They said, hey guys,
Starting point is 01:16:44 instead of us actually treating our workers with living wages and making sure that they could provide wealth for their families, all we have to do now is play the social justice role. Meaning all Amazon has to do is put out one little commercial saying we support Black Lives Matter. And then all of a sudden those progressives, they're not going to hold you accountable for worker rights no more. Just because you said that, they're going to jump on your train. So think about this. Amazon comes out and says Black Lives Matter
Starting point is 01:17:11 while their own black employees at Amazon have to sleep in their cars, have to work 12-hour shifts with no benefits and no one's fighting for them because the side that was supposed to fight for the workers are now just happy because they said the slogan. I love it when Chase Bank came out last year and was like, oh, Chase Bank supports Black Lives Matter. It's like, but you approve bank loans for your own black customers.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Like, get out of here with that. Theater, theater and symbolism. That's all it is. So the corporations figured it out. They said, hey, the liberals don't they don't even hold us accountable anymore. All we have to do is play the social justice and maybe wave a pride flag, and we don't even have to pay the workers $15 for minimum wage anymore. On their end, it's brilliant.
Starting point is 01:17:57 I mean, they fooled this progressive movement. Are you optimistic, Jorge? No. No. No, I don't want to say that um i'm i'm 50 50 i think the thing that does give me hope and maybe just because i see it from my own social media is i do get those messages every day where people are like if it wasn't for your videos i wouldn't have woken up um i'm glad that you're out there the frontline frontline stuff is out there. I do have hope that, um, you do have this kind of rise of new media that is going against these guys. And what I do love is at the end of the day, video doesn't lie. So, you know, we're beating out the corporate press,
Starting point is 01:18:35 I think there. Um, but at the end of the day, it's such an uphill battle because these guys have control over the institutions, the education. I mean, like I said, if you literally turn on – yesterday I just turned on ESPN for a quick moment to watch the Lakers versus Celtics, and I had to hear during the whole pregame, instead of hearing about the stats and the injury report, I got to hear a whole 30-minute fucking rant on how Rosenbaum and Huber and Grosskreutz were like the heroes, which is hilarious. And Jalen Rose, who's an ex-basketball player, went on national TV and told millions of people
Starting point is 01:19:15 that Jacob Blake died, which is not true. Jacob Blake's still alive. So it's an uphill battle. But I do think it takes even even with your podcast it takes things like this to go against the grain to go against the system and um i am glad that there are american american folks out there that are looking for the truth um so that does give me hope and i guess that's what keeps me a a happy warrior in this fight if that makes sense um we have people like bill maher who are waking up we have people like uh uh i was gonna say seth rogan what's his
Starting point is 01:19:52 name joe rogan it seems like joe rogan's waking up uh you know i obviously watch a lot of ufc and the ufc is um you know dana's like fuck we're not testing our athletes. It is nice to see some people, especially people like Joe Rogan and Bill Maher, who have towed the liberal line waking up. So that does give me hope. It's just bizarre to me i if i if i could just know how they think and how they thought that i i would try to unfuck them but you know what i mean like hey like um but i mean people know sugar kills and people still eat sugar it's like they know and so i i i don't know i'm at a loss but i guess we just keep pounding the drum by the way uh last time i had jorge ventura on we talked about a documentary he made is this website still the website for it yes sir cartel yep okay
Starting point is 01:21:00 matt will you pull that up real quick someone was was said in the comments on YouTube that they went there and that was a dead website. Is that a dead website, Matt? No, it should be. I mean, I was literally on it today. Can you share the screen, Matty? Okay, cool. Guys, if you haven't seen this documentary, it's a great documentary. I think it's – is it also on Vimeo?
Starting point is 01:21:25 Yeah, well, the Vimeo was just for you brother oh okay right right sorry sorry but uh yeah on vimeo the website you get the trailer you get the doc um you know it costs 2.99 just literally three bucks and that three bucks literally goes back into our reporting because we're going to actually um be working on other investigations related to cartel activities. So please support. This is the frontline journalism. We're not backed by millions of dollars. This message is not provided to you by Pfizer. So help us out any way that you can. Your podcast, brother, has been a tremendous help because I get so many messages that they say, hey, never heard of you until they heard me on your podcast. And the feedback I've been getting from your audience has been absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 01:22:13 Cool. That makes me happy. Yeah, these guys are wild. It's a big group of people who just really believe in accountability. Jorge, you said before I let you go here, you said that you possibly one of the next stories you were going to be working on was school boards. What's going on in school boards across the country? Is that still something you might be doing? Yes. So we're actually we're we're in the kind of in the middle of filming it. So give anyone a quick breakdown. We're going to do we're doing a mini documentary on what's going on in loudon county in virginia for those for you know kind of that war with parents and school boards um and critical race theory um just to give everyone a reminder it was in loudon county where a female student 14 year old was sexually assaulted by a boy who was saying that he was a girl that whole transgender they the school were trying to cover up it got
Starting point is 01:23:04 revealed an investigation by Daily Wire. So we're going to do a mini doc on that, which is going to be absolutely fascinating. I think the biggest thing that shocked me was when I'm speaking to the parents and actually receiving the documents is the amount of over-sexualized content in this kid's education is insane to me. I mean, it's one thing when you hear it, but when you see it, it's a game changer. So we're going to include those documents in there. We also going to be working on a Fentanyl piece pretty soon,
Starting point is 01:23:30 how Fentanyl on the border, pay attention to that. And Ashley, I actually might come see you, brother, because we just got a tip from a DEA agent to come up to Norfolk County and do an investigation on the cartel grow-ups out there. So according to the DA agent I spoke to, so to give everyone some context, in the county that I am, Los Angeles, they have over 500 illegal grows, which is an insane amount. And you're going to see the full investigation in our documentary. It's great stuff, right? So we have over 500. shastra county they have over
Starting point is 01:24:06 7 000 i believe it i believe it yeah so we're gonna do an investigation so actually um i might be in north cal um in next month and we'll be running a new investigation so please guys help us out watch the documentary watch the trailer if for those who follow me on instagram if you click the link in my bio um you could donate you know paypal venmo uh you know you could do a patron you know three bucks a month really helps out goes a long way and helping our frontline coverage and getting back out there jorge ventura is this your third time on the show yes and it's been a blast every single time dude awesome thank you for doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:46 I love making new friends. Thank you for all the work you're doing, Jorge. Yeah, just thank you for you and all those frontline workers. It's incredible. And, you know, keep it up. Keep it up reporting. Keep bringing the real news and keep showing that videotape, brother. Come to Texas and see what you find, Jorge.
Starting point is 01:25:09 All right, guys, have a good night. Tomorrow at 7 a.m., we will have the great Sarah Sigmund's daughter. It's going to be myself, Matt Souza, Brian Friend. 7 a.m. is the plan. She is in Dubai now. It'll be 7pm for her and I'm really excited about the show it's been difficult getting her on the podcast

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