The Sevan Podcast - #223 - Tyson Bagent

Episode Date: December 4, 2021

College Quarterback Super Star - Tyson Bagent. Quarterback Tyson Bagent of Shepherd University ranks first among Division II football players in four statistical categories; averaged 355.8 passing ya...rds per game for a total of 3,914 passing yards, 360.1 yards of total offense per game, and is responsible for more than 300 points this season• 2021 PSAC East Offensive Player of the YearHigh School - passed for 7,800 yards and 112 touchdowns.  That makes him the 42nd most passing yards of any high school footballer in history.The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram Videos's Stuff: Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Bam, we're live. He was on here for a second. Now he's gone. Tyson Bajan. I think this is, is this the first? This is definitely the highest level football player we've had on the podcast. What's going on, man? How are you?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Maybe the only football player. Just living the dream buddy almost as good as you are you in a dorm room uh no i'm actually i'm in my apartment oh you have an apartment yeah i live with two of my buddies uh but like 100 yards off campus and how far is that from your dad uh 20 25 minutes do your does your does your mom and dad come by every night to make sure you're not like fucking around nah i usually go up there they don't really come in here yeah my buddy smokes a lot of weed so i tell him not to come in here dad for your own safety i don't want you to get contact high and start acting weird
Starting point is 00:02:02 turn into like those California weirdos, like your buddy, Sevan. Yeah, exactly. You walk in the bedroom, get a hit of that shit and you're all fucked up. Hey,
Starting point is 00:02:11 this is nuts. Let's just start with this. You know, we're live, right? So don't say anything. Don't talk about marijuana or anything crazy like that. Let me see this share screen.
Starting point is 00:02:23 This is absolutely nuts. Let's see. How many times have you watched this oh dude a whole bunch that video is crazy the noise after the noise after he catches it is really the craziest thing you mean from the crowd yeah yeah i don't i don't even know if the volume's on on this. I don't know if people at home who are watching this live right now can see it. Yeah, that play was crazy. Hey, what are the chances of you getting injured in there?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Shouldn't you, like, after you do that, you shouldn't be jumping around with all those giant dudes? I don't know. To me, I don't remember any of that. I really don't even remember the play. Like, after it happened, it was just so crazy. Even after the game, I wasn't really sure if it even happened. It was just so crazy. The adrenaline was wild.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I actually had to run in the locker room and throw up after all that celebrating and stuff. It was intense. Your dad told me that. and stuff it was it was it was intense your dad told me that is that is that um i i remember that there were crossfit athletes right before the three two one go they would start like acting like really weird and then i'd be like hey what's going on and they're like fucking i feel like i'm gonna throw up is that did you feel that even before the play um no not no i wasn't really nervous before but i kind of knew we were already uh in range to tie the game up so this was just like kind of just a bonus play just because we had a little bit of
Starting point is 00:03:51 time so i wasn't too nervous but just after all the yelling and screaming there was dudes jacking me up grabbing me after the play yelling and stuff so what do you mean this was a bonus what do you mean this was a bonus play you guys were losing here weren't you yeah yeah so right we're losing by three but right now where we're at we're able to kick a field goal and tie the game up from where we're at which is what everybody thought was going to happen um so then this play we're just trying to you know take a shot at the end zone so i knew even if the play didn't work we would be able to kick a field goal uh oh my god you're the calmest dude in the world. I don't even know how you – I don't know how you think like that.
Starting point is 00:04:30 First of all, I want you guys to know who we have on here. This is my buddy's – many, many years ago, I met this guy named Travis Bajent. I was making a movie called Pulling John, and I built a friendship with his dad. And it's been a long, amazing friendship. His dad is one of the most amazing people I know. And he's got all these little kids and he was a weird devoted dad. So when I would go over to his house, he was like always playing with his sons and he was super into his sons. And every time I visited, like we would jump in the car and be going to a basketball game. I think I saw you play basketball and football yeah no i didn't see
Starting point is 00:05:05 you play i would go to practices because no even if like we were making a movie your dad would be like no we got to stop i got to take my kids to practice or and and and of course an extremely dedicated mother too but i'm not as good of friends with your mom and then flash forward i don't know how old are you now uh 21 so last time i probably saw you i don't know how old are you now uh 21. so last time i probably saw you i don't know you were probably 10. yeah yeah i was definitely i was young and i remember i remember hanging out with you um i remember you would be at the house um with your camera and stuff and but i remember um you put me on the guacamole at an extra restaurant when they ate ate at and now i'm a big been a big guacamole fan ever since so that's kind of oh wow that's what i think of whenever whenever i whenever i think of
Starting point is 00:05:51 you and your dad doesn't eat anything green no no my dad eats a bunch of bullshit it's against his religion um which which is funny because i used to think he's a fucking west virginia idiot for that and now like all the smartest guys in the room are like, hey, you should only be eating meat. And if you want vitamins and minerals, just eat organ meat. And I'm like, well, shit, Travis knew all along. The Atkins diet. Travis Tyson Bajan is a this is just copy and paste. Tyson Bajan of Shepherd University ranks first among Division two football players in four statistical categories.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And I'm not a huge football guy, but I'm assuming these are really important. You average three hundred fifty five point eight passing yards per game. By the way, I think this has changed slightly. I think this is a couple of games old. You pass for a total of thirty nine hundred and fourteen yards. The total offense is averages averages uh 360.1 hey so let me if you're averaging 355.8 passing yards per game and 360 total that means the running backs only getting five yards no that means that i'm only running for five yards oh okay okay okay okay okay and uh is responsible for 290 points and i think i saw somewhere else you're over 300 points, right?
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so I think you're talking – the stats you're talking about are from two games ago. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, that's nuts. And in high school – so here's another crazy statistic. In high school, you passed for 7,800 yards with 112 touchdowns and I couldn't find where you were ranked among the best high school players of all time in the history of the
Starting point is 00:07:31 sport but I found a website where they did rank them by passing yards and you would have been you weren't in there I don't know why but you would have been the 42nd best high school player in the history of the United States based on passing yards. And just to give you a perspective, number 51 had 4,100 passing yards. Oh, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Nuts, right? That is crazy. Absolutely nuts. Okay. So you're back to this thing, this crazy thing. You're,
Starting point is 00:08:06 you're 12 and one going into this game and now this going into this game okay 11 and 1 going into this game you're a junior um at the college does that mean you're gonna play one more year yeah so that means i have one more year okay for sure you play uh yeah yeah there's like yeah, yeah. There's been scouts to come in and kind of introduce themselves and say they've been watching me. And there's potential I can put my name out into the pro level and get feedback on what I need to work on or if I'm a draftable guy this year. So that would be super cool. But I think for the most part, I'm going toable guy this year. So that would be super cool.
Starting point is 00:08:45 But I think for the most part, I'm going to come back next year, try to continue to play well, and then just improve on that stock and try to just see what happens. Okay. What about going to another college? I really don't think there would be any point in me just leaving for one year. I think I'm pretty – I've got some good stuff going for me right where I'm at, and we're playing good football where I'm at. So it just wouldn't – it wouldn't really be worth it.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Not a lot of schools are really looking for a guy just to play one year. Is poaching frowned upon? Or is it just – Say it again. Is poaching frowned upon? Let's say another college wanted you. Oh yeah. So basically you have COVID. Do you have COVID? I don't know. We get tested, but, um, so, um, it's called the transfer portal. So if I wanted to transfer, I would go tell my coach
Starting point is 00:09:39 and athletic director, Hey, I'm looking to transfer transfer they will put my name in the transfer portal once it's in there then any college who wants me is allowed to hit is allowed to hit me up offer me you know whatever but as long as i'm not in the transfer portal um there is no i can't there is no um conversations with any other coaches okay legally yeah yeah yeah yeah um i mean is that you basically basically the only shady i mean it's not even shady just i'll have like a whole coaching staff from another school follow me on just twitter or something that's basically as crazy as it gets and and and that makes sense anyway because just in case they're going to play you or even if they're not going to play you they're like hey this guy's to play you, they're like, hey, this guy's really good.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Let's see how he moves. Let's see how he throws. They want to learn from you, right? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Is that your Instagram? I just smashed your name together and threw an at in front of it. That is.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, that's my Instagram name, Tyson Bejant. Are you named – did your parents name you after Mike Tyson? Dude, I don't even know i hope not but um i don't think i don't think they did i don't think they did i don't i really don't know exactly where they got that name um he was super popular i mean he's super popular now but man he was huge when we were kids. Holy shit. Yeah. He was bigger than life. There was only just him and Michael Jordan. There were no other big stars, but they were on a whole different stratosphere.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I don't even know if there is anyone like them anymore. Tom Brady's not like that. Conor McGregor's not like that. I don't think there are any, at least in the United States. I mean, I guess overseas they got that guy. What's his name? Rolando? Oh, Ronaldo, the soccer player.
Starting point is 00:11:34 Ronaldo, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That'd probably be comparable to like the Mike Tyson. Yeah. Stuff like that, yeah. Okay, so I'm going to play this one more time. And this is with 20 seconds left. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:49 So there was 10 seconds when the play started. And then when he caught it and scored, there was one second left. And prior to this, prior, go back a minute in the game. Tell me about the last, tell me what happened just prior to this like when they scored so it was 31 to 27 we were winning there's probably about three three four minutes left in the game they get the ball and you know it's a hard situation to them for them too because you know our defense has kind of been stopping the run, making them throw the ball. So they end up putting together like a three-minute drive that scores with 28 seconds left in the game. And they go up by three. And, you know, basically all the conversation within the team just leading up to that week has just been like,
Starting point is 00:12:42 don't let this be the seniors. Don't let this be their last game. Because, you know, at the D2 level, there's not a lot of guys that necessarily want to go play professionally. And there's not a lot of guys that really can go play professionally. So I kind of had it in the back of my mind where, you know, if we were to lose this game, not only would it be probably the last ball game these dudes ever played, but, you know, probably one of the last times I'll ever probably see these dudes ever again.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So when they scored, I was just initially, like, crushed. But I knew we had a little bit of time, and I knew that, you know, we would at least have a chance at a field goal if we would get the ball in good field goal range. So we ended up getting a good return on the kick and then uh the first play we end up hitting a dude across the middle uh for about 30 yards which got us in that field goal range so so sorry let me go i want to go back a second there's 28 seconds left and then they kick the ball and the clock starts going down right yeah yeah and you guys catch it and run it back a little bit? Yeah, we run it back a little bit.
Starting point is 00:13:50 We get it to about 60 yards away from the end zone. Okay. So, boom. We first play, hit the receiver for about 30 yards. Now we're about 30 yards away from the end zone. And is that a sure thing now? You're like, okay, we can tie it? What are the odds of making that field goal right there? I'd say 50-50.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It would have been a long field goal. But we definitely thought that our kicker had, like, enough leg to get it there. It's just a matter of would it go in or not. So, yeah, so then that last play happened, and everybody went crazy. And I was just, you know, know happy get to see these dudes for another week is it um is is it a good throw or is it a good catch I say a little bit of both throwing on the run is definitely not easy but I think you know that catch alone in that circumstance is not an easy catch but that's a bad dude right there catching the ball
Starting point is 00:14:43 what's what's fascinating is this is the first time i froze it every time i've watched it i'm like oh man did he catch that inbounds because he's moving so fast but now look he's nowhere even he's catching it he's nowhere near the out of bounds yeah yeah he doesn't know yeah he gets a foot in he's like definitely moving really fast so he still is close to the sideline when his feet hit but he definitely is inbounds let's double check let's what if what if we just change the whole your whole football career by seeing he's out of bounds right here hey so so so he catches the i know you're supposed to have both feet inbounds but like he catches the ball and god he travels so far he has one foot and then i guess that heel hits but even if that foot
Starting point is 00:15:25 would have come out of bounds that's still inbounds right because his body's well all right yeah so in college in college you only need one foot in the nfl you need two you need two okay so did he get two feet i don't i really don't know by that angle but um he definitely did get the one foot, which is all that we needed. And so who filmed this? I have no idea. It wasn't anybody affiliated with Shepard or anything. There was a bunch. Once you get in the playoffs, the national playoffs, there's camera people come from all over.
Starting point is 00:15:57 So there was about probably 20, 30 people filming on the sidelines. So just, I don't know, somebody who was lucky enough to get that good of a view. Yeah, they hooked it up. Imagine if they wouldn't have been there. This would just be a story. So have you thrown it right here? Can you tell, like, when do you think you're letting go of the ball? Oh, look at those other two guys on the edge are looking at you.
Starting point is 00:16:20 So that means you are looking at the receiver. So that means they've already thrown it, right? Yeah, the ball is definitely, it's probably about halfway there but it's oh man yeah look at those guys so when you see those guys looking over there you know that the ball has been released yeah yeah and then what's the guy's name who caught what um you said what's his name yeah josh gonteric is he good or is this the this is just completely lucky oh no dude he's really he's really good exceptional exceptional receiver so he's made you look good a bunch of times yeah most definitely yeah he's a grown man. He's a grown man. Dude's got a kid and everything. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Beast. Oh, shit. Yeah. In California, you wait till you get out of college before you have kids, but I know you guys do it different over there in West Virginia. You guys hit puberty at seven and just start going. Get in the coal mine, play a season of football, and straight to the coal mine.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Straight to the coal mine play a season of football and straight to the coal mine straight to the coal mines and then and then these people on the side here who are going nuts there these are people who are too cheap to buy tickets now so that actually that pavilion is like we're actually i would say the more rich people sit because in that pavilion you can eat food during the game and kind of have your own little sectioned party while the game's going on oh yeah look at it is it's it's all it's the elite class that's where all the democrats were sitting yeah yeah yeah look at them exactly look at them good dudes yeah yeah and how cold is it um it wasn't actually wasn't that bad it was probably uh low 40s Actually, it wasn't that bad.
Starting point is 00:18:04 It was probably low 40s. Oh. So it wasn't that bad. Oh, it's bad. And what are these two guys saying? What's going on here? What's going on here? Every time I see this, what's this?
Starting point is 00:18:17 All right. Yeah, so 65. Who is that little guy on your team? Shouldn't he get kicked off? No, dude. That dude, he might be the best player on the team that's how crazy dude named ryan beach he's 5'4 white guy and he's the fastest dude i've ever seen in my entire life wow he's the dude i threw it to the play before that we got the 30 yards that we were able uh to throw that last play what position is he he's a receiver so he catches the ball
Starting point is 00:18:46 but you said he's 5'4 isn't that isn't there like some rule in the in college football that like if you're under 5'4 you're not allowed to be receiver no so he didn't have any offers out of high school and we kind of we kind of got him like last minute oh DEI diversity equity inclusivity you had to include like uh a black dude an asian dude and a short armenian dude is that dude armenian holy cow this is crazy got mugsy bogues out there so that guy caught the pass before that he caught that pass before and not only has he caught the pass before that he was he was our conference's uh newcomer of the year like he had a big year a thousand yards catching uh over 10 touchdowns like bad dude tyson the one of the guys who helps me with the show will i sent him this video clip last night and he looked you up he's like holy shit this dude tyson bajan has won
Starting point is 00:19:38 everything and anything you can win in football starting back in high school. It's just, but, but dude, this, that's your crowning achievement. That should be at the top of your resume. I can throw, I threw a thousand yards to a dude who's five, four. That should just be right at the top. I purposely chose to do this five, four. So the receiver can't get any credit. Holy shit. No, it's funny. Cause you know, his know his his like his wingspan is so tiny like any any um there's been a lot of times where i've thrown the ball to him where i'm like oh man like
Starting point is 00:20:12 that's a perfect throw and then he reaches his arms out but no he's so fast and he's he's done such a good job. It's crazy because the other teams, they see us warming up. They see him, and then it's like they have no clue what's about to happen as soon as the game starts. Smallest guy in the NFL. I'm just going to – I want to see. It's got to be a kicker, right, or something. No, I think it might be a receiver that plays for the Saints. I don't know his name, but he's tiny.
Starting point is 00:20:46 The shortest player in NFL all-time was Jack Shapiro in 1929. 5'1", 119 pounds. That doesn't count. 1929. Shut the fuck up. Yeah, what was that, dude? Okay, the shortest player of all time in 2021. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Oh, it's just shortest. I mean, this guy is the smallest, best dude you've ever seen, right? This guy, what's his name? What the guy you're playing with? Ryan Beach. Yeah. Ryan Beach. Yeah. You never seen it. I mean, the odds of seeing him, I'm five, five. And if I see a dude who's five, I don't see a dude who's shorter than me every day.
Starting point is 00:21:25 And so to just even see a five foot four dude out in the wild who's like not in the circus is weird yeah I mean when because when our when our coaches when they first told me because they kind of they kind of filled me in on like who we were getting and stuff and this was right they warn you they warn you that a dude not necessarily weren't they're just going down the list of like, these are the receivers that we have coming in. And I'm kind of listening. And he's like, yeah. And then we got this dude, Ryan Beach. His film is like absolutely ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:21:55 And the coach was sitting down. He was like, but Tyson, like, the dude's this tall. And I was like, fuck. I mean, we definitely weren't thinking that he was going to come in and do like what he's done this year. And he's one of those freshmen that came in during the COVID year.
Starting point is 00:22:12 So there was no football in 2020. So it was just kind of all practices and we were able to really get an idea of like what he was good at and kind of how special he could be. And what's he saying to this guy, 13? Is this one of his friends that he's, like, consoling? So 13, that's the dude who the ball got caught on.
Starting point is 00:22:32 So he was covering the guy who caught the touchdown. And he was actually, if not probably, close to their best player on the defense. And he didn't talk a lot of shit during the game. And I don't think Ryan talks a lot of shit, so I can't imagine that they're going at it. There was a bunch of fights after the game, though, just because, you know, dudes on their team,
Starting point is 00:22:53 you know, they're in the same boat as us, but they got so many dudes who will never play football again. So these dudes are ready. I mean, they're ready to go to jail. They don't care. Like, they're ready to fight. Like, there was one dude on their defense in particular that really, like, just swinging on everybody. Like, it was his last time ever playing.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You know, he lost in the most dramatic way possible. And you could just kind of see just how upset and mad he was. Wow. You know, I went to a i i just made me reminded me i went to one time when i was out filming with your dad your dad played flag football and he was the quarterback did you know that do you remember that i don't know the thing i remember my dad doing is uh the softball league and he would just he would just hit bombs You got these dudes just whipping the ball up to him. He would just hit bombs.
Starting point is 00:23:48 So your dad played in this flag football league, and we went there one time. I don't remember there being any white dudes except your dad. We get to the game, and the other team is warming up and they're all big dudes they're all big dudes they're all big like your dad and if they're not as tall as your dad they're wide they look like just dudes who i don't they just look like dudes who went to the should have gone to the nfl but for some reason they're playing flag football with travis and you know what your fucking dad does i think he had like a navigator or something, some ridiculously big car. He drove out before the game, drove out on the field into like they're like where they're warming up in the center and rolls down the window and just talk some shit to him.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Oh, good to see you, boys. I'm gonna fuck you up today. I hope you brought your your clean. I mean, it was crazy. And I'm in the car film and I'm like, this can't be safe. This can't be safe. And then I think he lost the game. I think he got he got beat up pretty good. Yeah, I can imagine he was that he was that good in that black football league.
Starting point is 00:24:55 When did you know when did you know that that football was going to be like pretty full time for you? Like at what age? Oh man. I'd say, I'd say probably my sophomore, junior year of high school. I kind of, not, not necessarily that I knew it was going to be full time. I knew it was what I wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:25:21 And I, and I kind of knew that's what my family knew I wanted to do. And then so I just kind of knew that, you know, no matter what, I was just going to try to be the best I could to set myself up and try to – really it was just trying to get a college offer. And then I thought – I really thought like what you said, how successful I was in high school, I thought I was going to get a really big-time offer.
Starting point is 00:25:45 I was a big WVU fan, which most kids that grew up in West Virginia are big WVU fans. W what? What is that? West Virginia University. Okay. Yeah, so like big Power 5 Division I football. I thought that's who I was, and I was waiting on those calls. But, you know, they never came. I thought that's who I was, and I was waiting on those calls.
Starting point is 00:26:04 But, you know, they never came. And I had always gone to Shepard games, and I knew how amazing the atmosphere was and that they threw the ball a bunch. So I didn't have any issue going there. Why didn't the calls come? Your high school career is nuts. By the way, your brother's high school career is nuts too. You have a little brother, Ezra, who's like this weekend you're going to the regional championships and he's going to the state championships? He is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:29 And he's a junior in high school and you're a junior in college? Yep. That's nuts. Okay, sorry, sorry. So why didn't those calls come? What did those dudes see? Like are you too small? Are you too big?
Starting point is 00:26:40 Are you – like what's now i think it was i think it was like i was right on the cusp of like dudes that you know they like i was a dude that you know they may they may offer but you know if they get this if they get this other nationally ranked dude then you know they don't need to bother with me so that was one of the things with wu is that they ended up getting a nationally recruited guy to commit to their school that was in the same class as me um who is it what's his name man i don't remember his last name i knew his name was trey trey something is he there now no he's not there anymore he ended up transferring well they picked the wrong fucking guy yeah it's funny how it works but um yeah those those calls never came in. But then I came to Shepherd and then I just wanted to light it up every time just to give myself a chance.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Because I still know that if it was up to me, I would just keep playing football. So all it's been is just trying to put myself in the best situation so I'm able to keep playing football even when college is over. able to keep playing football you know even when college is over your your dad from from what i know um he he played sports for one very very specific reason he had a really fucking tough upbringing there was a it was it was for all kids at survival whether you come from the billionaire's home or not you're doing stuff and you're compromising and you're figuring out what what the adults want from you so that you can get what you want. And so your dad – sorry, I text during the show. Sorry, I got a phone call from –
Starting point is 00:28:13 Oh, no, you're good. I'm doing a podcast with Travis's son. Someday you won't be Travis's son. You'll actually be like Tyson Bajan. Yeah. So he had to work crazy hard and hey no one in the comments be like it's rude to um text while you're doing a podcast fuck off um um so you in one of the stories that stands out with me is like hey he he would tell he told me hey and i'm paraphrasing if i was good
Starting point is 00:28:45 at sports then the other parents would then like me and i'd get invited to their house i got warm meals i got to shower like i i got it was like staying in a fancy hotel you know like when you know a rich guy and they put you up in a fancy hotel so he knew hey pursue sports as an avenue of like just getting some better shit you come from uh, I mean, you're still in West Virginia. I'm sorry about that. But you come from two very loving parents and a crazy extended family. And whether there's skeletons in your closet or not, every family does. But you come from a really, from a lot of people's perspective, a really good family.
Starting point is 00:29:20 It's like it's together. You fight together. You love together. You have a place to go at Thanksgiving. You have grandparents that are just tripping balls on you, you know. So then what becomes your motivation? Because I know your dad wanted you to. Well, I don't know that he wanted you to play football professionally, but I knew he he loved. watching all you guys move and play. And he wanted to be like a huge part of it. So is your motivation, like, I guess like all of us, just to make your parents happy?
Starting point is 00:29:56 I definitely say that plays a big part in it. I definitely feel a huge sense of happiness whenever I see my parents after the game and they're hugging and smiling and like, oh, you did so good. That feels that feels really good. I'd say just my main source of motivation is just I'd say just my overall happiness and the way football makes me feel. Just I really love playing football. And it's like I said, it's what I want to do. And I'm happy when I'm doing it. So really, just all the work that I've ever put in it is just because I love it so much and that it it is like it's what I want it's what I want to do for as long as I can do it um obviously my family
Starting point is 00:30:35 loving to watch it is definitely a plus and I love making my father happy and you know he's kind of I'm kind of where I am because of all the things, like you said, taking me to all these practices as I've grown up, just kind of making me the player and the dude I am today. But I'd say, yeah, overall, like making my family proud. And then overall, it's just like what I what I want to do and what I think I'm supposed to do. Does your motivation change over time? Like as a kid, it's like, OK, I really want to make mom and dad happy. And then it's like, hey, I want to do this to get chicks. And now it's like, wow, I actually really love this game.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Yeah, I'd say it started off like, you know, you're young. You know, you make a lot of friends playing sports. So that was obviously awesome. Right. So I'm making a lot of friends. So even if you don't want to go to practice, you know, Mikey's going to be there. And you guys are going to like throw dirt clods at each other. So it's like, fuck it, I'm making a lot of friends. So even if you don't want to go to practice, you know Mikey's going to be there. Yeah. And you guys are going to, like, throw dirt clods at each other. So it's like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm going. Yeah. Like, my first ever practice, you know, I meet my best friend who I'm still best friends with to this day. You know, my buddy Rahsaan. We started playing football together when we were five and six. Wow. And now we're 21. He plays basketball at South Carolina State.
Starting point is 00:31:43 But, you know, he still lives in Charlestown. I live in Martinsburg so whenever we're whenever we're home we make sure we see each other we're still texting all the time um so it's just stuff like that so it starts off you know I'm making a lot of friends it's fun you know we were pretty successful my dad was like a a youth coach guru if he wanted a player that was really good he would just get his dad it could be on the coaching staff and if his dad to be on the coaching staff and if his dad was on the coaching staff that kid automatically got put on the team so he was just doing shit like that and we were winning championships um then you get to high school you start realizing hey i kind of like this i want to go to college and play this
Starting point is 00:32:19 um and i kind of wasn't i wasn't very social in high school it's just kind of football was the way I kind of expressed myself through high school and just wanting to get a like an offer to go play college so my parents didn't have to pay for college because you know even though I come from a great family you know they did a good job of not letting us see it but you know I had an idea that money was tight and I didn't want to have to put that stress on my parents to have to pay for my college. And then now, now that I'm in college and I know I have a chance to maybe play professionally after college, you know, it's the same thing. I see my, my little, my two little sisters, my little brother, I'm sure he can go to college and play football and not have to pay for it. But, you know, my two sisters, they don't play any sports.
Starting point is 00:33:05 You know, they're just not competitive. They're like my mom. They're just not very competitive, and nothing's wrong with that. But I know my sister doesn't want to go to Shepherd, and I know my dad doesn't want to pay for her to go to somewhere else other than Shepherd. So it's just one of those cool things where I'm constantly thinking of ways I can help my family and just kind of help everybody out in the long run and make everybody happy.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Yeah, that's cool. That's really cool. Along with your motivation changing, was there an age that you realized, oh, shit, what I'm doing is dangerous? Or have you ever realized that? Like, do you realize that? Like, wow, this is gnarly what I'm doing. Or is it all you know, I think I understand. I think me playing quarterback has definitely helped out. Cause you know,
Starting point is 00:33:51 you think of things like, you know, all these concussions and dudes getting CTE and you realize how dangerous football is, which really, you know, everything you do in life, it's all risky. Like as soon as, as soon as, especially if you're going to be good, especially if you're going to be good. Yeah. Right. Like, yeah. Even just as soon as as soon as especially if you're going to be good especially if you're going to be good yeah right like yeah even just as soon as you're born everything's risky so just being able to like understand that and especially me playing quarterback i'm not nearly taking the beating that say any that everybody else is like i'm taking i'm definitely
Starting point is 00:34:22 i get my fair share of times i get hit and times i get headbutted by somebody else but as far as um as far as the danger aspect i would just say playing quarterback is more stressful than it is dangerous um just with the amount you got to be as mentally good as you are physically good and that's just not the case for a lot of the other positions on the field and i appreciate how you're putting the quarterback but isn't there a component to the quarterback that maybe you're not getting the the beat down that the other players are that when you do get hit like everyone most people on the team know okay this play there's going to be a hit and it's going to happen now when you get hit like isn't it like more than 50 of the time you're like where the
Starting point is 00:35:05 fuck did that guy come from yeah yeah yeah so yeah so i mean that is one of the stressful things where like you really have to put a lot of trust into you know your offensive linemen who are blocking for you and because you know if you don't if you don't trust them now all of a sudden instead of looking downfield for somebody to throw the ball to, I'm like looking to see if anybody's coming to crush me. And then, you know, all of a sudden somebody streaking down the field wide open and you didn't see him because, you know, you're too worried about getting hit. But yeah, a lot of the times it is, you know, you get sacked, you don't necessarily see it coming. I've been lucky enough to be able to move pretty well as soon as I see somebody and maybe not necessarily get out of those big hits, but kind of lessen the blow by just being able to move pretty well as soon as I see somebody and maybe not necessarily get out of those big hits but kind of lessen the blow by just being able to move my body out of
Starting point is 00:35:49 the way maybe just even a little bit hey it's crazy I never even thought of it like that so it so so the ball is snapped and you know the play and let's say there's there's wide receiver there's there's guys running downfield that you're going to throw it to, right? And I'm guessing like there's a primary guy and then a backup guy, right? Yeah, well, there's a concept going and I'm reading one guy on their defense. If he goes left, I go right.
Starting point is 00:36:15 If he goes right, I go left. And then we just kind of base it off like that. Okay. And then there's a point every play where you're like, fuck, I've had the ball too long. And and yeah, that's kind of like and there's fucking it's like Star Wars. There's bogeys. I know there's dudes out there.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I don't know where they all are, but there's dudes out there. And I've definitely had the ball too long. Yeah, that was kind of that was the case in that that game winning touchdown last week. I was sitting in the pocket. You know, the play wasn't for me to run out to the right, but I'm sitting in the pocket. All of a sudden, I'm kind of realizing my internal clock is going off like, hey, I need to get out of here before I get sacked and lose this game. So move out to the right. Dude kept it going. And then boom. But yeah, that internal clock definitely is moving. And it's not necessarily a fear of getting blasted as much as it is, like, if I don't move, you know, this is going to be a super unsuccessful play.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Meaning you get sacked and you lose 10 yards instead of score a touchdown. Right. You lose 10 yards, and not only do you lose 10 yards, but that's 10 more yards that the field goal kicker would have had to kick, and we weren't. Right? So we're all ready. So being the hero, you're a douche all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah, exactly. Oh, wow. Those of you who are who are going to listen to this on iTunes and Spotify, you're missing out. I'm single handedly. No, Matt Sousa today. And I'm single handedly just keep running this clip over and over that. Just you got to see you got to come over to YouTube and watch this. It's nuts. What's also nuts is, is that you earn this. So you had in high school, you, you had your two perfect seasons, right? Yeah. So two perfect seasons in high school. How many times did you win the championship in high school? Those, those two seasons.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Okay. Two state championships. And there's that junior and senior year. Yeah. Excuse me. And then it's not like this is, it's not like this is it's not like this there's nothing lucky about this yeah i would i wouldn't say that yeah it's it's um i guess it's fortuitous that there were 10 seconds left and it was nice that your your defense let them score at the last minute to give you an opportunity to do something great that was really cool your defense to do that for you um but shit i mean i mean how many times have you thrown oh that's
Starting point is 00:38:32 another thing i was listening to one of your other interviews is that the first time you guys have ever run that play live in a game yeah so that play we were playing the notre dame falcons that play was called falcon that we had initially put in for that game. Yeah, how weird is that? How can that be? That sounds like a made-up story. Yeah, it was kind of because I didn't realize it. And then after the game, our offensive coordinator was talking to me about it. And he was like, man, how fucking crazy is it that we scored on the play that's called Falcon that we put in for the Falcons?
Starting point is 00:39:02 I was like, oh, man, that is a little wild. So that play specifically is for, hey, if shit's really bad and we need to score last minute, we're going to use this play. And they tell you that in practice when you're practicing it? Yeah, so we put it in for a specific look that we thought that they would give us. They ended up not giving us that look. But the play still worked. The play still worked perfectly.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And if I would have had a little bit more time, the ball would have been out a lot sooner for a touchdown because he was open. But it was the fact that I had to move that really took the clock down and brought it to one second. Sorry if you said this already and I missed it. Was that the guy that was supposed to get the ball in that play? Yeah, yeah. the guy that was supposed to get the ball in the in that play yeah yeah and um because on the i think i saw on the left hand side there was another guy who was like who had slowed down who was maybe trying to get the ball how often do you throw to the guy the guy who's supposed to get it and throw
Starting point is 00:39:54 to the guy who's not supposed to get it like the backup um well i think it's basically it's it's 50 50 every play just because like i said i'm reading i'm reading somebody on their defense you know if he goes if he goes this way then i know that i gotta go to this side and i gotta work one two to three if he goes this way then i go on this side i gotta work one down to two so basically it's fair game anybody's liable to get the ball uh any play how old are you when you start when they start teaching you that stuff? And is that the way they do it all the way? Is all football just all the same? So like, if you go to the NFL, it's going to be the same.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Um, it'll be a little bit more complex, I feel. Cause you know, that's what, I mean, that's just what everybody says. Um, but yeah, I think it's, you know, it starts off in high school, my sophomore year, being able to get to start a varsity job, you kind of just, that process starts where, Hey, you know, it's not as complex as the things I'm doing now, but you get an idea of like how it works. It's basically just a number scheme. You want to work to the side that has less people than you have. And it's just, it just works out like that. And then, and then if there's a guy on their team who's just amazing like it's the guy who's leading in your conference with interceptions are you like okay i make a note of that or is it like
Starting point is 00:41:09 no fuck you i'm not even giving that paying any heed to that yeah i would say especially this year with just the guys that we have on the team and how good we are it's it's pretty much just a just a fuck you like we're just gonna i'm we can't pay anybody more mind than they need. So just being able to work through it as if everybody is just equal. Is there anyone you're losing on the team? At the end of the year, is it stressful for everyone because there are seniors who are leaving? You're like, oh man, this guy is so important. Yeah, I think especially in college.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You basically get putting together a new team each year. Um, so I'd say every year it's been stressful and this year it'll still, it'll still be like, damn, like, no, we're losing this guy or, you know, we're losing that guy. But I think every year, I think our coaches have done a great job of just replacing the pieces and, um, just working with the new guys that we have coming in what do those guys want to do so so like you want to play football your whole life what do the coaches want to do do or do they have aspirations are like those dudes trying to get to like a d1 school are they trying to get to the nfl are they is everyone there and is every is every game just like a job interview yeah i'd say it's especially interview? Yeah, I'd say it's different.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Especially at this level? Yeah, I'd say it's different for a lot of the coaches on our team. Like there's definitely coaches on our team that are building their resume. They want to maybe coach high Division I football. Maybe there's coaches on our team that aren't the head coach that want to be a head coach one day. There's coaches on our team that aren't the head coach that want to be a head coach one day. And so I'd say there's a lot of coaches that are building the resume to try and get a better job that pays more money, that has more publicity, that's just bigger, bigger football than what's played at Shepard. And there's nothing wrong with that. And then there's also coaches that have been that have been at Shepard for 15, 20 years that are just that they love where they're at.
Starting point is 00:43:06 shepherd for 15 20 years that are just that they love where they're at and you know their families here and their kids go to school here and you've got that whole aspect of things where people don't want to um kind of put their family through that just because you know they want to have another job like our offensive coordinator from 2019 he comes in my freshman year coaches me my freshman sophomore year coaches me through that covid year then all of a sudden brings me in for a meeting and says hey i took the head coaching job at eastern new mexico state university i'm out next week and boom it's just like that like him his wife and his him his wife his three kids they pick up they go the other side of the country does that rock you does that rock you emotionally um it was that that was the other side of the country. Does that rock you? Does that rock you emotionally?
Starting point is 00:43:46 It was – that was one of the ones where I was like – because, you know, he was the offensive coordinator, but he was also the quarterback coach. And he was the quarterback coach ever since I got to Shepherd. So when he brought me in, it was kind of – we had – you know, I know his family. I've been to his house hundreds of times for reasons other than football just just, you know, because we're we have a friendship, a bond at this point. And he brought me in and he you know, it was so upsetting for him to tell me that he had he had to take me into the head coach's office. And while the head coach is telling me, I'm just you know, he's where he's tearing up. I'm tearing up then it's just you know you leave that you have a whole heart to heart and that really put it in my head
Starting point is 00:44:31 to where like I know I wanted I knew I know I can be a good coach just with all the experience I have and everything I've been through I know that if football when football's said and done I know I can be like a good coach but when he told me that I was like man i don't know if i want i don't know if i want to be a coach like i don't know if i want to look at my future wife and kids down the road and say hey we're out of here we're going to the fucking we're going to the desert like just so yeah it is for an extra zero on your paycheck everything changes yeah exactly yeah you'll feel so good buying your wife a new car and getting your kids clean clothes. What do you know about leadership? Is it always the quarterback who's the leader of a football team?
Starting point is 00:45:18 Do football teams have leaders? Yeah, yeah, they definitely do. Every good team, at least has has leaders on the team that aren't a part of the coaching staff um but i would say not always is the quarterback like a like the leader i would say he plays a big leadership role like dudes are a lot of dudes like if you're on a team just say that you, relies on the quarterback heavily. You know, obviously his his role in his how vocal he is is going to is going to have an effect on the team. But I would. Yeah. Quarterback usually, you know, I'd say I'm definitely like the leader of our team.
Starting point is 00:46:05 I'd say I was more of a led by example kind of when I was in my younger years, you know, 2018, 2019. You know, I'm 18, 19 years old. There's 23, 24 year old dudes on the team. You know, it's kind of hard to get through when it's a situation like that. But I'd say now I'm old enough. People know my like my body of work since I've been there. So it's like I've taken the more vocal role as well as being able to lead by example. And I think just, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:29 with me doing that and other dudes that we have on the offense and defense, just playing those big roles is kind of why we're able to win so many games. I'm going to ask you a follow-up question on leadership thing. For those of you guys who don't know, there's an award called the Harlan award. Am I pronouncing that right? The Harlan trophy yeah yeah and it's it's the um division two um version of the heisman and there's 156 schools that uh send in i guess i guess people to to compete for that trophy and then there's like 96 guys who vote on it from all over the country from all
Starting point is 00:47:05 over your conference yeah i think it's something like that yeah and uh and tyson's been nominated for it and man it doesn't i don't want to jinx you but it doesn't seem like you could possibly not win that uh this isn't uh you're looking at someone who's so fucking good at football and so committed to his craft it's nuts and and right behind him is his brother did you always oh i got so many i got to go back to this uh thing about leadership and then we got to talk about your brother too so so um when is that award going to be given when do you find out like if you're the winner or not i think uh sometime later this month, I believe. Do you want that?
Starting point is 00:47:47 Mid to late December. I think it would be cool. I don't necessarily think that it's something that I'm like going to sleep thinking about or anything like that. I really want to like basically my whole motto this whole like COVID year and this past summer working with these dudes is that just just trying to win a national championship because you know something Shepard's never ever done they've been to the national championship but they they lost in it so I think being able to do that for the dudes on the team I think would be huge but definitely winning the Harlan Hill would be awesome too you know let's do both put it like that is is I'm not gonna forget about leadership don't forget about
Starting point is 00:48:32 leadership Sevan is is is winning the Harlan Hill award the same as kind of this pass yeah this pass is really cool yeah it happened in a playoff game um but but the real reason this is cool is because it's one more thing on your resume like everyone knows you're good no one's like oh this guy's not good it's already it's done you're fucking you have no peer you're fucking amazing but now look what happens when this kid is put under an insane amount of pressure and he can still perform. We already know that he can run the first 199 laps of the race as good as anyone. But look what happens when he's down losing in the 200th lap. He'll actually try to pass someone in a dangerous corner, and you did it.
Starting point is 00:49:18 In my opinion, that's what's really cool because it's like for the people who are looking at you, it's like, oh, shit. It's a tiebreaker right if there's another quarterback out there who's just as good as you but he didn't have this opportunity or he bungled it you know what i mean he threw the pass out of bounds they got you and then this isn't is the harlan hill if i'm accurate in understanding that um is the harlan hill award the same thing too yeah it's nice to win the award but the real reason is is you might get a mention on ESPN and then the fat guy who's sitting on his couch who works for the Kansas City Chiefs, who's looking for football players, drinking one too many vodka tonics, sees you and is like, oh, I'll go out there and get Tyson. Yeah, I agree. I'd agree. I'd agree with that statement. It's definitely it's a cool thing to do. It adds to your resume. But I think the bigger the bigger picture is, you know, like you said, that just some guys that are at where I'm trying to go understand that I am capable of doing these things. Right. That's kind of the reason that I'm playing. I want to go play professionally.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Right. That's kind of the reason that I'm playing. I want to go play professionally. And I think being able to win that award will just show that, hey, if you're going to draft anybody in D2, you know, let's go make make it me and let's do this thing. And it's also one of those things where like winning the Harlan Hill is also cool. But I couldn't tell you who won the Harlan Hill three years ago and probably not a lot of people could, but what I could tell you is who won the national championship three years ago. So it's just thinking things like that, where our coach always talks about just the individual stuff, your statistics, all that stuff is great. And it's wonderful. And he's happy for the people that get good stats, but it's not what you're going to talk about 20 years from now. You're going to talk about just those big games and those big moments like you just showed the video.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And if you do win a national championship, that's certainly something that will be talked about 20 years from now. And nobody will forget it at all. An interesting thing fanduel casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning which beats even the 27th best feeling saying i do who wants this last parachute i do enjoy the number one feeling winning in an exciting live dealer studio exclusively on fanduel casino Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Your dad over the years will send me like, you know, newspaper clippings of what you're doing. And I stopped watching football years ago. I used to watch football like every Sunday for like probably 10 years. And then I stopped. I was a Raider and Niner fan just as a little kid.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And he would send me these clips and I would watch and I would read the article and I'd be happy for your dad. And not, you know, not so much happy for you. Like, whatever. You're just a kid throwing a ball around. But when I would talk to your dad on the phone, he never would talk about your football. You know what he would say to me? Dude, you have to meet my son, Tyson. He's the nicest, most affectionate kid.
Starting point is 00:52:40 He is so fucking cool. He saves money, dude. If you ever open his wallet he's always got 100 bucks or 20 bucks in there dude your kids have to meet my son dude and he never talked about your football he only talked about your character i swear he never would like the art the text would be football but anytime i talked to him about you it was all oh my son's so loving oh you should see how nice he is to his girlfriend oh you should see how nice he is to his girlfriend. Oh, you should see how nice he is to little kids. Oh, you should see.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Oh, even after the game, I go, what happened after the game? I go, when you saw Tyson, he goes, dude, I'm the luckiest dad ever. Tyson's so affectionate. And like, as a dad, I get that. Like, you know what I mean? There's nothing better than your son running over to hug you. And when he described, he said that when you threw that pass, Ezra jumped on his back.
Starting point is 00:53:26 He loved that. You know what I mean? Like, it's so funny how dads are like, I could get that. I almost started like tearing up a little bit. I'm like, oh my God, your son jumped on your big ass old son jumped on your back. And that's what he's thankful for you for throwing the pass. Not because you're a great football player, but because you got Ezra to jump on his back and bring the family closer together. And, uh, it's just's it's crazy it's uh yeah and another thing he told me i'll share with you and and i and i've gone through this too when you're spending so
Starting point is 00:53:55 much time with your from the outside people are like hey sevan get a job at starbucks so you can have health insurance for your family and so that your kids are safe. But your dad and I, for some reason are like, we are, we just need to spend time with our kids. And so like, we're, we're pushing against all the conventional wisdom. And so I haven't talked to him specifically about this,
Starting point is 00:54:16 but I know a part of them is, is like, yeah, like it was more important that I stayed. It was more important that I plowed my own path yeah to get to this like i could if i would have gone the normal way i would have had a normal kid yeah and i didn't go the normal way and i'm not normal and i didn't try to fucking be normal and and and and it's only weirdos at the top yeah that's yeah so exactly right yeah it's um and by weirdos i don't mean like go out and
Starting point is 00:54:43 get a million fucking tattoos and put a giant bullhorn in your nose um and by weirdos i don't mean like go out and get a million fucking tattoos and put a giant bullhorn in your nose those aren't weirdos those are psychologically deranged people okay um so so so so leadership um does someone tell you um hey you're the quarterback now you have to be the leader or hey this is how leaders talk they don't swear or um you need to go to church like how do you how does that get instilled in you like what do you i mean i don't know shit about leadership and i'm 49 what like what do you know about leadership and you're uh you have all these big strong dudes who like they're basically they're all alphas right i know some people don't like that term but it's all dudes who just want to be the best, the best man in the room, and you have to lead them.
Starting point is 00:55:28 How do you do that? Or how do you know how to do that? I think it's a weird thing to where, like, if you would ask, I would almost certainly put my life on it. If you ask every player on the team who the captain, who the leader of the team is, that they would say me. And it's also this thing where, like you said, it's a bunch of alpha dudes who maybe wouldn't want to admit that, but I'm pretty sure that they would. And half the dudes on the team could probably whoop my ass, right? But it's a difference between that and then getting up and looking at a bunch of dudes who are looking at you and telling them what they need to do and telling them what they've been doing wrong and holding them
Starting point is 00:56:10 accountable. Not a lot of people, it's kind of like the public speaking thing. If you want to be a captain, a leader of a team, you can't be scared to talk to a bunch of people in a room. There's been countless times where I've had to kind of stop practice or stop a meeting because, you know, maybe there's somebody talking or maybe there's somebody, you know, that is continuously messing up the same thing over and over. And you kind of just have, it's a, it's that whole thing of not being afraid, um, and not letting things slide. Like especially if you want to be a part of like a special team, which I think we have something special going on right now. You need to have times where your coaches aren't the ones that are constantly holding you accountable.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Because it's one thing like a head coach gets up, he gives a speech, he tells you, you know, you guys did bad at this today. But it's another thing for a dude that's the same age as you that's on your team to look at you and say, dude, you keep fucking this up. Like we're not going to be like, we're not going to go to where we need to be if you are continuously messing this up. So I'd say basically the biggest thing is being able to be vocal and not be afraid of it. You know, anybody can go in there and do go hard and during a lift or go hard during a sprint but then it's a whole nother thing to be able to do that and be able to be vocal and tell people when they're doing good and when they're doing bad so you have to earn your leadership yeah it's it's not and do you
Starting point is 00:57:39 fake it till you make it like the first time you do you're like oh like are you in in a practice somewhere and you're like oh fuck i gotta say something oh fuck i don't want to do this yeah i think you're like nope sorry fight or flight gotta fight yeah i think i think for me with the whole vocal being vocal part because you know i was always in high school i was kind of like unless i really knew you like really knew you i was kind of awkward, I was kind of awkward, like socially awkward, kind of. So for me, being able to be a vocal leader, you know, it took like baby steps. I would just, while we're in warmups, I'm like, just, I would just yell out. Yeah. Yeah. Just real loud. So people would hear me. They know I'm there. You know, I'm starting to get more
Starting point is 00:58:19 comfortable with being loud in this weird setting where I don't really necessarily want to be loud vocally. And then just little stuff like that. Then all of a sudden getting the team, leading all the team breaks. So bring it in a family on three, give a little speech, doing things like that. Then it turns into motivational speeches before the games, getting the dudes hype. And then all of a sudden now, as soon as somebody fucks up, you don't even think for a half second, you're like, Hey, hold up. Stop talking while coach is talking so that everybody can listen so that we don't mess this up when we go out and practice hey why weren't you you're messing this up in practice but i didn't see you take one note when we were just in the room an hour ago going over
Starting point is 00:59:00 this like we got to fix that so it's just little things like that just the baby steps that i took in order to get to the point that i'm at now it's interesting it's uh so so you hold people accountable you make people responsible and you're honest with people it's funny uh and i use this example all the time sorry but i work there's the the guy dave castro who runs the crossfit games when you first start working with him and he comes from Games. When you first start working with him, and he comes from the military, when you first start working with him, everyone thinks he's an asshole. But once you realize you want to be leaded and you want to be on the winning team, you realize it's just because he's holding you accountable.
Starting point is 00:59:36 It's actually respect when someone does that to you. They're actually giving you respect. They're taking the time to look at you and be like, yo, tighten your shit up. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's definitely important. I wasn't around you that much as a kid.
Starting point is 00:59:50 I probably, you know, you know, at the house, I would see, I would see you when I was there, but you were quiet. You were very, very quiet. You weren't boisterous. Your dad is not quiet. And it's interesting that now you're growing into it and you're aware of, and you're kind of aware of how you grew into it. It wasn't on accident. You nurtured and cultivated it. You saw where you needed to be strong and you started working on it. Yeah. I think it's one of the
Starting point is 01:00:19 reasons that I love what I'm able to do so much. Because I think, you know, without football, I don't know how much I would be able, I don't know how much I would yell. Like, you know what I'm saying? Just overall, just I feel like I would be talking at this volume, this would be my volume just throughout life. When I get on the football field.
Starting point is 01:00:40 Wow, it gives you a reason to express yourself in a different way. Like if you would have ended up being a clarinetist, you probably wouldn't yell. But there'd be times you blow into that fucker as hard as you can. and screaming, clapping, getting these dudes hyped up. Like, you see that part of me. And I love being able to do that. Like, I love when I get on the field, all the awkwardness, shyness, it all falls off. And I'm with a bunch of dudes who share the same goal, who want to accomplish the same thing. So I'm freaking out.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I'm yelling, screaming, let's go, blah, blah, blah. And then off the field, it's back to this. But it's being able to release all that on the field. So I just feel so good after a game, whether we win, lose, or good or bad game. I was able to just go out there and freak out for about three hours, and now I can chill and be cool with it. hours and now i can chill and be cool with it yeah it's it's um football's given tyson bagent uh the uh a place to express like the animal a different side yeah yeah the side that doesn't get expressed when you're with your girlfriend yeah do you have a girlfriend i do not oh
Starting point is 01:02:00 is that is that on purpose is that so like at your age, I'm guessing, well, first of all, I don't know how you guys do it. You guys are so hard on each other. You guys require way too much communication and like, Hey, I text you an hour ago. Why haven't you text back? That shit's nuts. Fucking nuts. You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you never want to be in that shit. No one should ever be elite. be in that shit no one should ever be elite uh you know my phone used to ring in my house as a little kid and i would run over and answer it and finally one day my mom's like hey you know that phone's for us right i'm like what do you mean she's like that phone's like not to so other people can call you that phone is so like if you want to answer it if you want to call people you can you're not obligated to shit and i was like oh yeah and so we'd be watching tv at my house, eight o'clock at night, watching Incredible Hulk or Knight Rider. And that phone would ring and my mom and I would look at each other and I'm like, fuck those people. I'm watching TV. And I feel that way about my cell phone, too.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Like, screw you. Like, I don't know you shit. It is. Yeah. It's definitely a weird thing where I like because obviously, you know, I love football. Well, when I think of like my, my life, you know, I see myself, obviously I want to get married. I want to have kids. I want to do all that. So it's like, when I think of the fact that I only have one opportunity to do all that, I'm way more picky with, with just like the whole social aspect of things. Like if
Starting point is 01:03:24 I'm thinking, I want to take a girl on a date maybe like i've got to imagine like all right could this could this woman potentially be the whole like could she be it right and just being able to figure that out while trying to play football and lead a lead of a group of 20-old dudes to where I want to take them. It's definitely – it's a weird thing, but not stressing out. Yeah, girls are cool. Yeah, it's a trip. Everyone – and I've talked about this on so many shows because I've had so many great people on.
Starting point is 01:04:01 But if you're going to be with a great person, you have to be a special person. It's not, um, this traditional stuff. Oh, we're going to have date night this night. We're going to have this, we're going to have that. Like, man, God bless my wife. Like, it's not like that. Like I view myself as a great person and it's like, Hey, if they call, if like tomorrow's your birthday or anniversary, but they call and they're like, there's a film shoot in Africa. I don't even think twice. And if you make me feel even slightly as guilty for that, fuck you. Then you're not the right one.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Because I sure as fuck wouldn't do that to you. My birthday or anniversary. Go fuck yourself. You would do birthday next week. That's exactly how I kind of feel about it. I mean, like you said, there's a lot of people that are like, and I've actually been in a relationship where it was like, why are you never texting me? Why you didn't tell me good morning? Like that, all that bullshit. And I'm really kind of thinking like, all right, everybody that I'm around with kind of does this whole thing, but I really
Starting point is 01:04:59 don't really quite understand it. Like, let me know that you're okay. I'll let you know I'm okay. And then I'll call you maybe as soon as, maybe I get some free time throughout the day, but I'm not going to think about with all the free time, any free time I get to today, I'm not going to constantly. Oh, okay. Let me, let me go type some text up and try to have a conversation with you about nothing. Like I'd rather rather just i don't know i'm feeling pretty good that guy uh do you know what the sistine chapel is it's like i don't know where it is but it's that famous painting where like the dude and god are like touching fingers i think
Starting point is 01:05:36 it's on the roof of some building yeah imagine you're imagine you're that dude and you're painting that and you're and you're on the ladder and your fucking cell phone rings and you got to come down and answer it fuck off and then and then you get down and your wife's like you know i called you 13 times you're like yo i was having god's hand touch this other dude's hand and it's gonna be seen around the world for fucking a million more years and now you're trying to piss me off now you're trying to piss me off right after i just did it yeah and you don't think i would rather be at home laying on you naked but i'm doing this and i'm getting in trouble i'm painting like this all day my fucking neck hurts and i'm in trouble like you would you would you're disrespecting your mate imagine if you're an indie imagine you're daytona 500 racer
Starting point is 01:06:25 and you're on lap 497 and your wife's trying to call you and you get in trouble because you didn't pick up the phone. Like you, if you're that kind of woman or that kind of man, just know you will never have anybody great.
Starting point is 01:06:37 If you put demands on, because they can't win the Indianapolis 500. They can't win the Super Bowl because you have fucking rules for them because you're a fucking nag. You will never have anyone great. You want to support someone who's great or not? Good point. Great point.
Starting point is 01:06:52 God, if I could go back in time, Tyson, I would be you. You're so cool. Seriously. Dude, this is pretty sweet. Since I've been following you, I've been loving loving it all your kids are awesome whatever all the stuff you do with them it's all pretty
Starting point is 01:07:10 freaking pretty sweet not a lot of people do it like that your dad doesn't know how much he influenced me and if i bring it up he gets all weird like if i'm like if i'm on the phone with him like dude you taught me so much about parenting i just loved how real you were with your kids and blah blah blah and he'll just be like oh wait change the subject? He don't like doing that mushy stuff with me, but I still do it with them. But it was huge how he talked to you. So most people, when they become adults, they try to pretend like they're adults and your dad never pretended like he was an adult. Like basically all I ever saw was that he would protect you. But other than that, you were just another human being who like he just put hardship
Starting point is 01:07:45 on you to make like he just pushed you yeah and i saw him push your brother too i remember being in like in that basement and him throwing fucking little red footballs at you guys just incessantly hard hard he said he said he actually he sent me a video of that the other day, back when we lived in Shepherdstown, that little basement. He'd throw three. You run, you catch it, throw it down, catch another one, catch another one. And yeah, definitely things like that just go overlooked with just like the coordination that me and my brother have. and my brother have like aside from playing football me and Ezra are probably in the top or close to it percentile in just overall coordination like you're talking about dudes that can juggle walk on their hands back flips freaking swim perfectly uh jump catch run you
Starting point is 01:08:43 know just pull-ups, muscle-ups. Like, it's just all that stuff to where it's like, you do it and you don't think about it, but then it's like, ah, I know how to do all this because my dad was in the yard with me and my brother throwing a football 30 yards in the air and making us catch it and just stuff like that, that just, you don't necessarily think about, but when you do, it's kind of, it's, it's crazy. And he was strict, but funny. You know what I mean? Like I just, he talks to you guys. Like he talks to me, like I can just see him throwing a pass at you and you dropping it and him calling you Joe, the donut or what's wrong. What the fuck are you looking at over there
Starting point is 01:09:18 on the wall? And that's how I try to be with my kids too. be harsh with them but also funny like what the fuck were you doing yeah yeah dude yeah that's that's like exactly like even when he was my coach like for youthful like in youth football were the razorbacks probably because of his little his thing that he would do with getting he saw a player that he wanted he'd go talk to his dad like yo come over here and coach come be a coach and all of sudden, his son's fathered into the team, grandfathered into the team. So it's just little stuff like that to where I make a bad pass, and I'm like 10 years old, right? Nobody's expecting a 10-year-old.
Starting point is 01:09:57 Like nobody's expecting a 10-year-old to be able to make every pass. But as soon as I would throw a wobbly duck or maybe throw to the other team and just in practice and he would just kind of look at me with this side eye and just be like man like are you serious right now like come on dude like wake up like let's go meanwhile everybody else on the team is just dicking around fucking around just all that stuff but it's just those little those little smart remarks like even during covid uh he had this little plate he had this this uh this building rented out um and you know we had everything you needed and we had we had bars rings pull-up bars dumbbells all that stuff so we were crossing we're at home or at school
Starting point is 01:10:43 so this is in no no this is in martinsburg so this is like covid like lockdown um from i guess it was for like from april march april of uh 2020 all the way up until like i guess july august uh for us. So he had this spot rented out. And since, you know, you couldn't do anything. Sorry, Tyson. Who had it rented out? Your dad did? My dad.
Starting point is 01:11:13 Yeah, my dad had this like building. For you guys. Well, yeah, his good buddy has like this whole like this whole like strip of like buildings. And one of them happened to be like a little gym area so you rented it out got all like the the machinery you got all the machinery taken out taken out of it and then we just had bumper plates bars rings pull up bars in there so he me and ezra and dm and then um just dm is that is that one of the players on your team no that's my that's my sister dm oh okay oh yeah dm sorry sorry i thought you said dm dm yeah so um us three plus any other maybe
Starting point is 01:11:55 martinsburg high school player any friends that i had just we six days a week if you can make it cool if you couldn't you know piss off but mond Monday through Saturday, we had, since we had nothing to do, we're just going, we're just going and we're crossfitting. He's programming all the workouts. He's doing all this. He's doing all that. And yeah, we just free, we just went at it for that whole time. And it was like, it was so fun. Cause that was like, you just went to sleep thinking like, all right, like the workout tomorrow is about to be fucking it's gonna be brutal like it's 100
Starting point is 01:12:28 100 hang squat cleans with a 10 yard handstand walk every two minutes just stuff like that and then ezra anytime ezra would beat me he kind of would do that same thing like man like you're soft man how you gonna let you let ezra beat you bye bye and then and then all of a sudden then that would cause me to go on like a five-day workout run of just crushing ezra then at then then he looks at ezra on the fifth day of me beating him and he's just like man i'm programming these workouts in your favor and you still can't beat him what's wrong with you come on and it's just stuff like that just the competitiveness but also like the the goofy aspect to it that is just super awesome um so
Starting point is 01:13:12 dm works out dm trains um i mean she is in no way shape or form does she train but my dad does my dad does like him because you know she's how old is she now how old is she well she's 13 she's 13 and uh you know she's a big she gets straight a's she's big she's smart you know she's in the show choir she's in the clubs like she's in she's in she's Oh, I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I can't hear you. Oh, that's not good. Oh, he's gone.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Dude, what a great kid. There's so many notes I have on him that we're not even getting to. Hey, man, that's the dude you want dating your daughter. If someone has a daughter out there who's cool, knows how to keep her shit in line and like fucking like she wants to be great, too. Like she wants to be a pro soccer player. She wants to be president of the United States. That's the dude you want. Because that kid is focused.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Holy crap. He's one more year. He's up for the Harlan Hill Award. It is the equivalent to the Heisman. But it's for Division II college football teams. Harlan, H-A L O N Hill trophy. It's weird. Uh,
Starting point is 01:14:48 when you do a podcast, especially live shit, like this is this kind of shit, like you're terrified of your dread. Like, Oh fuck. The guest is gone. What am I going to do?
Starting point is 01:14:57 But like, I'm getting just good at this shit. I can just like, either I don't care or I've just gotten good at it. Device disconnected. I wonder if his gotten good at it. Device disconnected. I wonder if his – did your battery die? Oh, fuck. Now I can't hear you.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Oh. The fuck is going on? How about now? His high school won eight of its last ten state championships that's where ezra his brother is going right now ezra bajan who's also a junior um travis i i was asking travis uh yesterday is he going to go to his his son's high school championship game or is he going to go to um tyson's game and i guess travis is going to go to ezra's game and mom and grandma are going to go to um tyson's game and i guess travis is going to go to ezra's game and mom and grandma are going to go to tyson's game which is that's crazy yeah why is your dad going to ezra's game
Starting point is 01:15:53 um and does that piss you off are you like fuck you dude i'm big time no i mean i kind of expect i kind of expected them to go i mean he's playing in the state championship game. You don't necessarily get to do that a whole bunch in your life. Not a lot of people do. But it's going to be a good game, too. They're playing a pretty good team. Hopefully, if it all works out, he's going to go to Ezra's game this weekend. He'll be back watching me next weekend after we win this game this weekend. So this team that you're playing this weekend is the team
Starting point is 01:16:25 that you have your one loss to this year it is kutztown university and what was the score last time you guys played 37 to 29 and this is the regional championships yeah regional championship playing for a ring and and then and then and then and then there's then if you win this game, then there's another game you can win after that. What's that one called? That's the national semifinals. And then the game after that is? The national championship.
Starting point is 01:16:56 Wow. It's getting close. Have you ever been this far down the path? I've never been this far in college. In 2019, we won the first round of the playoffs, and then we got spanked in the second round. But now here we are in the third round, so I've never been this far. How is it that you're, why are so many people thinking that you're going to win the Harlan Hill trophy?
Starting point is 01:17:28 But there's there's four other teams out there that are I mean, I mean, especially this team that beat you. Why isn't why isn't some guy on that team the front runner for the Harlan Hill? So it's this cool thing where we are a really good team, but a lot of our offense is kind of ran through me and how successful I'm able to be. So a lot of these other teams just have a super good overall team who don't necessarily have to have their offense or defense ran through them they just kind of have 11 solid dudes who just make their play and you know they go about their business uh luck i mean for us you know we're constantly throwing the ball so i'm constantly throwing touchdowns to an array of different dudes who are able to score once they get it. So I think it's just a mixture of just like how good we've done this season and how good the statistics look individually on my part, just based on how often we throw the ball and just how we play.
Starting point is 01:18:38 So do they make the offense based on, I didn't think of it that way. Do they make the offense based on the quarterback that they have or or do they make, do they try to find the quarterback to fit the offense they have? I think it kind of, it kind of depends on, um, like what kind of offense you run. So for us, we run, we run the spread, spread offense. You know, you've got four receivers, one quarterback, one running back. So when you get in a system like that, you could be really good if you have a really good quarterback and you could be really good if you have a really good quarterback. And you could be really bad if you don't have a good quarterback. And some offenses, like, for instance, there's a team called –
Starting point is 01:19:13 Sorry, let me ask this real quick. So is that why you went to Shepherd? You knew that they would do that for you? Or, like, would it suck if you would have gone to a college that had, like, the best running back in the division? It wouldn't have sucked, but it suck if you would have gone to a college that had like the best running back in the division? It wouldn't it wouldn't have sucked, but it wouldn't have been like this. The individual statistics probably wouldn't have looked as good. So, like in 2017, there was a quarterback at Sheppard.
Starting point is 01:19:36 His name was Connor Jessup. And he was and, you know, he was lighting it up. And I'm looking at their offense and I'm watching everything he's doing. And I'm like, yeah, I mean, I think I'm as good. I think I could be as good as that, dude. So if I come here like this is what will happen. This is what will happen with me. So kind of watching that in 2017 and just kind of based on their overall success in 2015 and 2016, and 2016 um i kind of knew that we could be a really good team and i could be put in a position um to be able to for just people to know who i am and potentially just get the eyes of like the pro level on me do your coaches tell you that like like when you when you like
Starting point is 01:20:19 maybe not when you first get there but at some point they're like hey man this this or is it just an unspoken known? Like, Hey man, this offense, you're either going to flourish here or it's going to expose your weaknesses and you're going to look like a doofus. I think they just, you know, the whole recruiting process, they kind of like, they want to sell you. So they're obviously selling me on their, on their best stuff. So, Hey, like, you know, you saw what this dude did, right?
Starting point is 01:20:44 We think you're just as good as that dude. You come here, you throw the ball a bunch of times, and we're going to be really successful. We're going to put dudes around you that know how to score touchdowns once they get the ball, and that's just how it's going to be. And then, so, yeah, I'd say that if I was not a very good quarterback, especially, you know, football fans everywhere suck. Like they're the worst. So I definitely be like, basically, what have you done for me
Starting point is 01:21:10 lately? You throw 10 past as your star, you throw one bad one. Do you hate you? Yeah, exactly. Like, so I definitely, there'd be a lot of slander. Um, if I wasn't, um, as good as I am, especially in an offense like this. When a dude gets through and mashes you, does the guy he got past take immediate responsibility for it and is like, dude, I'm so sorry, and he's picking you off the ground and dusting off your ass and shit? Yeah, they'll usually help me up. It's not normally until after the game where they're like,
Starting point is 01:21:42 hey, man, my bad on that. Just because you've got to focus on the next play and stuff. You don't want to think about one play for too long because you've always got it's never as important as the next play that you're going to run. It's normally after the game they're like,
Starting point is 01:21:58 yeah man, dude, my bad. I fucked up. You're in a weird position. not a lot of dudes go to uh the nfl from division two like not a lot at all yeah and get going to the nfl it's even like even let like just no one goes to the nfl right i mean just like you look at the numbers and that that that funnel at the top gets so fucking skinny and narrow yeah it's ridiculous well first of all i'm making the presupposition because you said you want to keep playing i'm assuming you want you would like to go to the nfl or at least get an opportunity yeah yeah um and the guys that have gone before i think
Starting point is 01:22:35 three quarterbacks have gone and i think from division two and i think they were all harlan hill trophy winners multiple times maybe even is that does that interfere with your ability to enjoy your games because you know that every game is a job interview and a really hard job interview
Starting point is 01:22:59 yeah I mean it's definitely like it definitely is stressful and i'm definitely am every game trying to sell to everybody like what i'm capable of doing and what i can do um but i think just being able to be super prepared just so preparing myself throughout the week kind of just getting ready for what i know I'm about to see, like when the game comes around and just being able to understand that as long as I am as sharp as possible and play as hard as possible on each individual play, that there's really no need to stress about, you know, the big picture of things when you're only focused on hey on this play i got to do this this and that so let's handle that and then we'll figure out you know what happens at the end of the game and that's kind of worked for me so far because you know it is stressful football is stressful football season is stressful being in the quarterfinals
Starting point is 01:23:58 of the division two national playoffs is stressful but just me being able to ease my mind with just one how prepared i am and then two just handling each play to the best of my capability kind of it just eases my mind is there stuff that your dad used to have you do as a kid that at the time you resented your dad and that you've already like i know you're still young but you're like oh shit i'm so glad he had me do that like like is the story is the story of your youth changing yet do you have time to reflect on it like from what you tell yourself is going on when you're a kid to how now you're starting to be like oh shit everything was different or maybe or maybe even vice versa shit that he did that you thought was good then was like hey that was a fuck up he shouldn't have done that no no i can't
Starting point is 01:24:45 think of anything that's like a big fuck up uh that like kind of you know mess things up from where right now but i kind of there's probably there's two things that uh come to mind one is when i was in middle school and he had he owned a crossfit 304 and that was in full swing and after school he was like all right let's go we got CrossFit class let's roll and there was a lot of days where I was just kind of like oh my gosh dude like seriously let me take a nap or something like I hate CrossFit why are you making me do this shit and that kind of has been like looking back on things like that. And you know how he is with my brother kind of the same way. There's a lot of times in college, especially during like, you know, football season where I've got, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:37 you got lifts in the morning, you got a couple classes you got to go to, then you got treatment meetings and practice, and then you got to come home and do homework. So it's like, when I think about it like that, like, oh, thank God my dad was making me do that bullshit, uh, in middle school. Cause you know, now it's not nearly as hard as it would have been if he would have let me just come home and take a nap every day. Um, and then the second thing would be just me being super just sharp with everything I do. Like, so I think with every 10, so my completion percentage, I'll just think about that, is around 70%. So seven out of every 10 passes are being completed, successful plays. And I think that kind of stems from even in youth league,
Starting point is 01:26:26 like I said, practice when I make a bad throw and he kind of looks at me like, come on, dude, what are you doing? So that's kind of how I view every play. If I don't get a completion, it's either they played really good defense or the dude dropped it. Because I'm trying to be as sharp as possible
Starting point is 01:26:42 on every single play so that we can be successful. So I think those two things just hold me to a higher standard than everybody else that was around him. And then the first one, what the fuck did I say? Yeah, just about me not chilling, just always moving around. Work ethic. He put work ethic into you. Exactly. I don't know if this is true, what I'm about to say. I really don't, but I'm speculating.
Starting point is 01:27:15 The little bit I know your mom, your mom is like a hardcore nurturer. Like one, she's disciplined and she's a beautiful woman and she clearly takes care of herself. She clearly exercises. But but she was a nurturer. And your dad is. To call your dad an alpha is like an understatement. He's he's super fucking I mean, he's very loving. Don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 01:27:42 He's the first dude to fucking hug me and put his arm around me. And he's the sweetest man ever. But man, the motherfucker could be aggressive as all get out. crazy bar with like a live concert and the the bull and shit and there were two seal team six guys and we were in a private area with like 100 drunk fucking people drunk and there were two seal team six guys in a in a face-off with a u.s marshal like all fucking everyone's drunk as fuck all big dudes and your dad just walks right in like face to face like it's gonna break out it's gonna be a fight like you know like when two dogs are barking on the other side of a fence. Yeah. And you're like, fuck, someone lift the fence up and let's see your dad walks in between them with no aggression.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Kind of put hugs the U.S. Marshal. The dude's probably a little taller than your dad, but not quite as broad in the shoulders. And your dad just kind of like slowly walks this guy over to a back door, opens the door and just while the guy's still like the dog's still barking, pushes him out, closes the door. And it was like to the outside, right? It was like some emergency exit. I'm like, how the fuck did you do that? He said, I'm just taking control. So no one wants to fight. I just take control and it's over. But for two people to stay together like that, a couple like my wife and I were together for 10 or 15 years and longer, 20 years. And I'm very aggressive and she's very nurturing.
Starting point is 01:29:20 And that's what I think this is self-serving as fuck. I think that's it's although as a couple, it's hard to stay together like that. Once you have kids before you have kids, it's a fucking dream. Then you guys come and everything changes because the wife wants to protect you and the dad's trying to like throw you out to the wolves. Yeah. And so if the parents are able to stay together through all through that intensity, this is what you get. You get Tyson, you get Ezra, you get DM. What's the what's the fourth one's name?
Starting point is 01:29:49 Valen. Valen. That that's right i knew that shit i'm gonna get shit for that from your dad that's actually that's actually it's funny you said that um first i mean she loved the shit out of you she had a total different way of loving you than your dad i mean she it's obvious she's the nurturer yeah sorry first thing i the first thing i thought about when you just said that is like when i first started playing football so i was six years old it was like this it was like a couple months before i was gonna start playing football and um my dad had this buddy named frankie tyson who had a son who was a year older than me named Frankie Tyson, who was the hardest seven-year-old dude in the history of seven-year-old dudes. Like this dude was all gas, no brakes, headbutt people, like all this, right? So he had already played a year, his six-year-old year of football. Now he's seven.
Starting point is 01:30:41 He's about to go into second year of football. This dude would call big frankie be like hey you know come over the house dude would come to the house kid would have his shoulder pads on dad would put me in my shoulder pads and he would have his dude pound me like we would do like four or five hitting drills dude he was just fucking me up right like i had never i had i had no aggression in me at the at the time like didn't know how to do it but this dude frankie's light me up and he didn't care that he was lighting up at all and like two three times a week i would either go to his house
Starting point is 01:31:14 or he would bring him to my house and he would just pound me right and my mom always would say like her and my aunt like would be at the house and they like they would be so mad at my dad and like sometimes they would even like tear up and cry yeah yeah i get it right so the my six-year-old year happens and you know this is just one of those things where i'm like dude dad like i hate you i cannot believe that you were did you hate this kid too did you hate this kid too it's fun it's funny me no like me and this dude end up being we end up being really good friends for like my whole childhood so then my seven-year-old season comes around and it's the first day of hitting and i'm mauling everybody like i'm just i'm just that guy right so then
Starting point is 01:32:04 it's just like even then it clicked i was like man thank goodness that he was bringing little frankie over here to fucking abuse me for would you would you cry would you cry during those oh dude i was crying before it even started like every time oh i feel horrible for laughing i mean looking back on it it's just one of the things that you know i don't necessarily know if that's how i would do it to my kid but i'm grateful that he did do that because it made me a good football player i'm telling you it wasn't easy for him no dad's like oh yeah no shot i can't like you don't want to see that like it's weird like you don't want to see your it's like now when i see obby like crash in the bowl
Starting point is 01:32:53 or something he's skateboarding or or something like you don't you don't want to you want to run over there and help him get up but you're just like dude like i'm not always going to be here and like i gotta just like stand back and just but you want to run over there you want to help him so bad there's probably times that kid probably hit you that travis probably wanted to kick that kid and his dad across the street but he knew that like yeah um before we go here i want to talk a little bit more about the game that you have coming up this week so you have this game you have to win this game it's the only team that's beat you this year where where can people watch this game um so i think it'll be it obviously it'll be on streaming on youtube
Starting point is 01:33:34 uh there's also if you go to the shepherd university or the kutztown university football page you can find the live stream there um and, you know, it's the quarterfinals. It might be televised. It probably will be televised, but I'm not quite sure where yet. But, yeah, you can stream it pretty easily either on YouTube or on the Shepard or Kutztown football homepage. All right. And I'll keep people posted.
Starting point is 01:34:04 And, shit, all you you gotta do is make another last-minute touchdown like that. Yeah, or not let it get to that point. It's just beat him up so bad. Hey, do they ever end a football game because it's so lopsided or no? Nah, just that once it gets to a certain point, the clock just doesn't
Starting point is 01:34:20 stop. It just keeps going. Oh, really? Yeah, but that's like, it would have to be like i think it's like 35 or 40 points or something like that so that's the goal yeah running clock hey before you snap this play are you shaking um no no i wasn't shaking no i was you ever shake out there no i'm i i get real i get really good butterflies before the game um but then once the game starts it's kind of just like all right like we're in it right after that first play yeah my my it's uh my um my son's been doing jiu-jitsu tournaments he's done four or five
Starting point is 01:35:05 now and he tells me he goes he's like yeah right before i go out there i'm like shaking i go what do you mean i'm shaking he goes what do you mean what do you mean i go he goes he's seven he goes i'm shaking i'm like vibrating i'm like oh shit how do you do jiu-jitsu like that he goes oh no as soon as they say go that shit stops i'm like like i know i'm like dude i never played a sport in my life yeah that's how i get before like a crossfit workout like especially if it's gonna be a hard one i'm just like i get like really nervous before that too but it's just once it starts you just you just get it done i don't know what it is sorry so there's only gonna be one more question there's one more
Starting point is 01:35:40 thing i want to convey and i think it's like this, but you're on a team right now where everyone wants to do the same thing. Everyone, right? Like everyone who's there wants to be there. It's so, when I, when I first started working at CrossFit Inc in the first 10 or 15, 10 years, I was there, everyone wanted to be there. And I just assumed that's how life was, but I'm going to tell you life is not like that. Like if you work at Starbucks, nine out of the 10 people who work there don't want to be there. If you work at CrossFit Inc now, 50% of the people don't want to be there and people are
Starting point is 01:36:16 working because it's a job. When I worked, when I worked there, it was like everyone had found God through CrossFit, right? Like it had somehow changed their life. So they just had to be there. And so what you're doing by pursuing your dream to keep playing football afterwards is to stay at that level where everyone, you, that, that I just realized this doing this show with you just now, that's the pinnacle of life. It's not whether you made it to the NFL or to made a billion dollars, It's working somewhere where everyone wants to be there. So like I do that, like I really was so excited to talk to you this morning, even though like I hate doing the podcast, like I really want to be here and I really want it to be the best podcast. And like, I'm doing like every guest, I just want them
Starting point is 01:37:00 to like, know that I cared because I, cause I want them to want to be here too and so you're playing football and you're playing this game and dude don't i know you don't take it for granted but it's so cool that you contribute to that and like i encourage you to keep pursuing only places where you know everyone is going to want to be there because it all my friends who basically you know how they say you'll hear like oh i'm selling my soul or this place is sucking my soul dry. That's because there's people who don't want to be there. Yeah, yeah. I agree.
Starting point is 01:37:31 And your dad didn't do that. Your dad stayed with DM, Valen, Tyson, and Ezra because he wasn't going to sell his soul. Sorry, I'm only going to be where I want to be. Yeah, exactly. So it's pretty cool. Yeah, that's awesome. All right. I'll bug you.
Starting point is 01:37:53 You know what I was thinking about doing? Oh, shit, we didn't even talk about this. This will be the next show. Do you know who Nick Rodriguez is? I had him on the show. He's a fighter. I don't know if it was you or the guy who helps with the podcast, but yeah, I saw a video of a bad dude. Yeah, it would be cool.
Starting point is 01:38:13 I want to circle back around. It would be cool to have both you guys on and just talk about what it – he's 20. How old are you? 21. Okay, I think he's 25. And basically talk – and he does an individual sport and you do a team sport. And we didn't get into any of that at all, and that's a subject that does interest me. But sometime in the future, maybe get the two of you on and talk about those things like girlfriends, distractions from cell phones, individual versus team, being hard on yourself, lessons learned.
Starting point is 01:38:42 And just talk about going through know, uh, going through puberty while playing a sport, you know, just, just all the stuff that people will care about. Just get to just savages. Okay, cool. Anytime. All right, brother. I appreciate it, man. I had a good time. Yeah. So good.

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