The Sevan Podcast - #226 - Eddie Penney

Episode Date: December 8, 2021

In this episode we are joined by Navy SEAL, Eddie Penney.The Sevan Podcast is sponsored by http://www.barbelljobs.comFollow us on Instagram Videos...'s Stuff: Support the showPartners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply bam we're live all i ask is that my guests wear headsets and come prepared, and the fucking host can't even come prepared. Eddie, good morning. What's up, man?
Starting point is 00:01:14 It's Monday. Is it Monday? It is Monday. I think so. I'm pretty sure it is. Are you the kind of guy who knows what day of the week it is and what the day it is? Are you a Friday is getting ready for the weekend kind of guy?
Starting point is 00:01:29 I don't, I like to think that way, but I always find myself doing stuff on the weekends. So I try to, everything's based off my children. So I know they're off Friday. I got to do stuff with them. So yeah, 95% of the time, I'm pretty much good to go. That's exactly how it is for me too. If I didn't have kids, I would never know what day of the week it is. They kind of keep me in check.
Starting point is 00:01:47 How old are your kids? I've got a 22, 17, 12, nine, and six, three of which live in the house. 22, 17, 12, nine, and six. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. I have. We're a blended family.
Starting point is 00:02:04 So two are from my wife, the six and nine year old. Gotcha. Yeah. You have an incredible story, man. Oh, thank you. You have a fucking incredible story. I was reading on the, uh, on your website, And, uh, you know, I'm a, I'm a father of three. I'm 49 and my kids are, I have two twins that are four and one that's six. We started late. So you're, you. So you're in like the storm. Yeah. I mean, it goes both ways as we know. But yeah, dude, kids are tough, man.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Kids are tough. Yeah. I'm waiting for one of them to barge in here right now. But I really, my whole schedule is around them. And I'm fortunate that I live that life where my whole schedule is, can be around them. Oh, a hundred percent. Yeah. Yeah yeah i do my podcast in the morning i do my work in the morning and then the rest of the day is you know taking my kids from event to i'm a professional van driver i drive a toyota sienna with three kids in it all day i always yeah i always go back to um daddy
Starting point is 00:02:58 daycare that's just yes yes um we we have a uh a mutual friend. I sent him a text letting him know you were going to be on the show. His name is Chance. Chance Hughes. Oh, yeah. He was my mentor, man. He kind of raised me in the teams. Yeah, I love Chance. Really good friend. And I know another another he's intense very intense very intense yeah uh last time i had him at my house uh he was i remember he was in the backyard we were eating and i asked him some advice for a uh work question uh-huh i had on how to deal with one of my you know one the ceo of my company and two hours later i was in a fucking complete frenzy. Okay. I needed to ask someone how to handle a chance's advice before I asked for it. Yeah. I know he was traveling around. Is he back in Thailand now? What's funny is I text him about you and he said, who is this? I've switched phones.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I'm out of the country now. So I don't know. And you know, he says he, he says he stopped working, but, um, but I think he still is taking jobs. Well, of course he is. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Hold on one second. I'm in a hotel room in a room attached to another room and my wife just left with the kids. And of course the dog started howling. Gotta love the hotels. Eddie, how old are you? 43. Oh man, I'm 49 and I have babies and you're 43 and you're like, you already did it. Well, I guess you have a six-year-old. Yeah. Yeah. I started over again. Just when you think you're free and clear. I even told her, I was like, Hey, if you want another one, I'm down. Like, let's do this. Let's go. It is like that, right? Yeah yeah i need to be busy man or
Starting point is 00:04:46 something to do with and as much as kids suck sometimes they are so freaking cool like they are so freaking cool they are they're everything to me they keep you alive when people talk about legacy i i i don't really i never understood it i'm like what do i care when i'm dead i'm dead i don't give a fuck about legacy but now that i I have these kids, my kids are like, I want to leave better human beings on this planet than I was. That's it. They don't have to remember me, but if they can remember, if my kids can add benefit to humanity, then I did the right thing. That's a, that that's more important now than ever. If I mean at all times, it's all, it's so important for that. We got to do our part. You have a, you have an interesting,
Starting point is 00:05:26 I was thinking we would talk about this at the end of the podcast, but you have an interesting business. You have a business, the contingent group, right? Right. And one of the things you do that, what that group does is you directly, you not only advise people on how to stay safe, but you actually protect people.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Correct. Yeah. It started out like it is an executive protection. Like we'll just go with you on your trips, usually international work. I'd say 90% of international work, which has since changed. But then it's just kind of like after about a year of it, I was like, wait a second, there was so much more. So I started learning about it, got my degree in security management and like, all right, let's expand this a little bit. But I still wanted to keep quality. Like I didn't want to be like a Walmart of security. Like we're going to do everything. Like I didn't want to be like a Walmart of security. Like we're going to do everything. We can do everything, but we keep our clientele small
Starting point is 00:06:09 and we're kind of choosy. We go to, you know, we want to make sure they're doing the right stuff, not being, you know, abusing their powers, which happens quite a bit in the security world. And you turn into this glorified babysitter where they tell you what to do. And that's just not who we are at all. But, yeah, I started that.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And it's been cool. And that's just kind of been one of my passions is keep people safe. I hate bad guys. Obviously, with my career, just kind of take that same stuff and turn it into civilian life. And here we are. I trip because – so I used to work at crossfit inc okay i was there for 15 years i was basically worked side by side with greg glassman i came there as a dirt
Starting point is 00:06:52 twirling hippie uh couldn't thought the military were just a bunch of assholes that killed people i hated cops and um and you know crossfit the foundation of it was to anyone who, who fitness could save their life. CrossFit was for you, right? So I became surrounded by first responders, military guys. I got surrounded by tons of libertarians and I, and I had my eyes opened.
Starting point is 00:07:16 And of course that's a lot of people need that. You know, it's, it's really easy to not like cops when you're a 17 year old boy. It's another, if you're, if you're a grown ass man and you have three kids and you don't like cops, you have a serious, serious problem. Right. Right. It's like,
Starting point is 00:07:30 it's like not liking bees because they sting. It's like, listen, fuck tard. You need to stay out of their way and let bees do their job. We need them. Exactly. And it's not like there's not a certain percentage of turds, just like in any profession whatsoever. Doctors, teachers. I mean, you see teachers with underage students all the time. That doesn't mean all teachers are bad. In military, same way, whatever your guys' businesses are, same thing.
Starting point is 00:07:53 But, yeah, a lot of them, like, that's their passion. They want to take care of their neighborhood, where they're from or whatever it is, and, like, they just want to put bad guys away. Like, how can you not respect that? And don't be a bad guy. It's pretty simple. If you get a speeding ticket, it's probably because you were speeding. So you were wrong. Exactly. And you have a profession like doctors that are supposed to help people,
Starting point is 00:08:14 but through their errors, they're the third leading cause of death in the United States with over 250,000 medical errors a year that lead to death. And you compare that to cops and cops are saints. And you compare that to cops are just people. They're not even cops, just like the government is just people. It's just people here. And then you compare that to the ratio of people who do bad things compared to cops and cops are saints. And so I know the big problem with society is, is that that there's a lack of context and relativism, right? Right. But my question question when i saw that you protect people is a lot of these people that you protect um i'm trying i want to say it in an objective way but
Starting point is 00:08:55 the first word that comes to mind is the people who are turd they're turds i wouldn't say that's what i was telling you we're kind of like we pick and choose who we are. They're not they're not all I've had some that I don't agree and they get that I've cut clients before. And you really don't know a client until you've worked with them. You kind of see their beliefs, the way they act, the way they treat people. I don't like this. This is ridiculous. Like I'm not your servant and I don't like the way you're treating your staff, your people. So we've done that. Uh, but a lot of people are really cool too. Like there's, there's, you know, there's, there's both sides of it. And I guess what I mean is like this guy who's the president of Instagram, I forget his name. Um, but I follow him, um, on one of my accounts and, and he, you know, he he I see him riding his bike through Golden Gate Park with his kids and he has this like little kids all masked he says a ton of stuff in the in the name of being supposedly against racism but he's he's fully racist he's pushing the racist agenda
Starting point is 00:10:00 he's for he says he's for um betteringankind. And yet he supports people who feel sorry for themselves and would rather wallow in their own pity. But this guy clearly needs protection, right? So if there's people like that, but then on the other hand, I hear you, the same way I was judging maybe police officers and military when I was on one side of that, when I was the Berkeley dirt tour and hippie. Now, I have intimacy with, you know, I know so many seals, I know so many police officers, I know so many firefighters, and I'm like, Oh, shit. These are just regular dudes just out there fucking giving it their all. Right? Yeah, like, go back to like the Instagram guy. I mean, yeah, his security detail probably doesn't like him. I know a lot of higher ups and big companies don't like him.
Starting point is 00:10:46 But it's like anything else. They do it for the money, man. And I don't believe that. I don't believe that. Like, you need to be behind who you're working for or who you support. But, yeah, I mean, we know Instagram. We know all about Instagram. They sent me a survey yesterday asking me and there was all
Starting point is 00:11:06 these questions and and the questions had tons of presuppositions i wish i could remember one i took some screenshots it's so funny they were like does instagram make the world a better place and it was just like that's a hard one that's a that's a that's a yeah that's a one but i mean the thing is too like it's twofold, right? Like you could be on there recently. Like I watch like jujitsu training, Muay Thai training, like all the time. When I get better, I learn moves. But there's also, you know, people pushing their agenda.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Oh, you should feel this. You should think this way, which I guess we're all entitled to. Or are we not entitled to if you're on a certain side? Right. Yeah, a lot of it's not fair. It's bull crap. But at the end of the day, if that's your company and there's no regulation stating otherwise, I mean, who's to stop them? I don't agree with it.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I think it's ridiculous. I think it's petty and it's childish. Like you can't handle someone else's opinion. And I think that's where we kind of get in that issue today is we just, we all want to talk. We don't want to listen to anyone. You know what I mean? And, and I think that's where conversation goes is I always was taught the rule, like 80, 20, like listen to what they're saying, give your feedback, unless it gets turned on you, then you obviously, you know, pop into the conversation, but it just appears that we're a, a, a society of talking, talking and not listening to the other person.
Starting point is 00:12:27 It's like you tell me something. I get a little little segment of what you're saying as you're still talking in my mind. I'm thinking, OK, here's going to be my response. But I'm not listening to anything else you're saying right now. And it's ridiculous. And I mean, I've I've been that guy until I'm like, wait a second. I'm not going to say that I'm like this perfect listener because I'm definitely not. You can ask my wife. But yeah, like we don't listen and value other people's opinions. Like I value other people's opinions. I don't always agree with them.
Starting point is 00:12:58 But I was like, hey, thanks for your point of view. And the reason why I have your point of view is because, oh, your parents were this or you you grew up over here, or this tragic event happened to you over here. Like, I understand that. That doesn't mean I agree with you. You're entitled to your own opinion. You're entitled to your own beliefs, but they might not be mine. And that doesn't mean I hate you as a person. That doesn't mean I like, whatever you say is like, I don't disagree. I don't agree with you. Does not interpret to, I hate you. You're stupid. And that's, I think that's where it gets twisted and disagree. I don't agree with you. Does not interpret to, I hate you. You're stupid. And that's, I think that's where it gets twisted and turning. I mean, what do you guys think? It's pretty pathetic. I'm with you a hundred percent. I have tons of friends who are woke. I have tons
Starting point is 00:13:34 of friends who are confused and they don't realize that they're pushing the racist agenda. And I have great conversations with them. Great conversations with them. I have tons of guests who are of all descent black guys. And I'll be like, dude, what do you think about LeBron pushing the victim, victocracy and the victim mindset when he made it to the top not being a victim? That
Starting point is 00:13:54 motherfucker worked his ass off to get where he got. You know what I mean? He knows that hardworking, he was having people like push this field. And we've had great conversations. Yeah. It's when they drag me into their story that I get pissed. Right. Um, 20 years you were in the military. Correct. Yeah. How, how many times, how many times did you think about getting out before you, you made it all, all 20? One time when I was in the Marines, my first four years,
Starting point is 00:14:22 I failed at sniper school. Um, and it just wasn't like in the culture in the Marines, my first four years, I failed at sniper school. And it just wasn't liking the culture in the Marines. Not to say that it's bad, just wasn't jiving with me. And I was like, all right, screw this. Like, I thought about going back and being a cop. And then after processing this stuff, I was like, wait a second. I always wanted to be a SEAL. I need to switch over to the Navy. So I went to the Navy recruiter, like, how do I do this? And that was about my three-year mark in the Marines. So I did all the paperwork,
Starting point is 00:14:49 had it all set. So the day after I got out, because you had to have, excuse me, one day break in service, you couldn't just cross over, which cost the government more money, more of my time, more recruiter time. It's a mess and slash nightmare. But did that switch over? And the SEAL thing, I was like, but that was the only time I thought about getting out and lasted for maybe 30 days at that. And I was right back on the train like, no, this is my calling. I'm supposed to be in the military. I love this. This is good.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I love my country. I love my people. Like, this is it. And do you still get 20 years of service even though you took a one-day break in between? Yeah. I have technically 20 years in one week I think it is. So I timed it pretty good. So you go to the Navy.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Is there a typical guy that's in the military? You know, like you hear this profile, like guys who become police were like picked on in high school. I have no idea if that's true. I used to always say that. And then they have an ax to grind so they get out and they become police officers is there is there a a demographic or a profile of a military guy or is it just a military guy no if you get through the spec ops community more so absolutely um not not the average military you've got you know your your dorky guys your preppy guys your gangster guys your i mean just your your jocks i mean you go down to what you've heard in high school you've got all those dudes thrown in the melting pot called the military uh and they're all there for different reasons some because of their families
Starting point is 00:16:23 some because they got in trouble with the law, some because they want free college. They have no idea what to do. So they do that. They want to go learn a trade, a trade. And some just want to take it to the enemy. So it just depends. You've got all these different aspects of like people coming in. But no, I would say there's all walks of life. Yeah, there's so many different – it's a broad, broad spectrum of the culture that's in there. But when you get to certain jobs, absolutely, it gets broken down 100%. By jobs, you mean like specialties like breach or – I know pretty much the spec ops community, that's probably about it, and like infantry because that's all I've done. So I really can't speak for the others.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Minus, you know, short engagements with them. But like ours are more aggressive go-getters, more of your alpha type. And not to say that they're all like that, but they're just like hard workers. And they just, they want to keep climbing the ladder to get to the pinnacle. And some stop and like, this is where i want to be this fulfilled my childhood dream of being in the military or they have a bad um exposure overseas lost some friends and see some bad stuff and like this isn't for me i need to concentrate on my family and in as much as i used to be like that's you're you're you're taking the easy way out and
Starting point is 00:17:43 making excuses uh i can't i can't you just can't speak for other people you have no idea what's going on in that brain and what's going on their family and uh i think it's a maturity thing that comes with age because you know there's a time like pussy like all that stuff but uh yeah you just you can't um you can't tell other people what to do or what to think or what to feel it's just like it's it's ridiculous you know so one of your um it's funny you say that about the pussy thing oh in my one of the first um seminars when i first started working for crossfit and i came there i came there in the capacity of making videos for them before the internet really even
Starting point is 00:18:19 had any videos on there they were just starting to do pictures and videos you know because the bandwidth was so slow in 2006 2007 people were afraid to put up pictures, let alone videos. And I went to a seminar and, um, and, uh, one of your colleagues was running the seminar with Greg Glassman, Dave Castro. He he's, uh, uh, you're a West coast guy, right? East. Oh, sorry. You're an East coast guy. This guy's a West coast guy and um we worked we worked on the east coast we didn't uh go to hollywood on the west coast yeah yeah so when i asked him about you he goes no i don't know him he's the east coast pussy so there you go uh i probably wasn't supposed to say that that's all right they're too busy getting their suntan we we've got these jokes to and forth. That's all you hear. So and so he was he was a dev group guy like you.
Starting point is 00:19:10 And so I go to this and I'm a Berkeley guy, you know, and everything's politically correct and you have to do things right. And I go to the seminar and it's CrossFit and they were going to do this exercise called Fran. And there's these two kinds of bars use a 95 pound bar and a 65 pound bar. He goes, okay, I've lined up the 95 pound bars over here for men. And the 65 pound bars over here for women and pussies. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:19:35 he can't say that. He, he, he can't say what he said. He said it. He said it women. And, and I didn't do the workout. I was, I was below a pussy and i didn't do the workout i was i was below a pussy i didn't do the workout i was offended and and i and i didn't do the work i just i climbed into like a boxing ring that happened to be there freddie camacho's gym at that time and i just
Starting point is 00:19:57 watched and years later and i'm now i'm very good friends with this guy and years later i go you know that like as a berkeley guy that just fucking rubbed me the wrong way and i was offended and. And I was like, you can't say pussies and women because, yeah, I saw you act like a bitch and get in runaway and hide in the rain. This is perfect. Like, OK, looking back, what do you what do you tell yourself? Like, dude, it's not a big deal. Like, see, I think that, yes, correctness. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. I think that's what we are like. I can't say this. So we make up bullshit. We manipulate the other people and there's no truth or transparency. There was, I was doing overhead squats in the, and I understand the thing is this.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I understand if, if you're offended, but in the same way that you need to understand that if you are offended, that it's your shit and that it's not the road to enlightenment, happiness and wisdom. I'm okay with you being offended as long as you, and I, and I, and I take responsibility for partaking in you being offended as long as you also realize that it's made up. It's your insecurity. It's like, it's like this phone I talked about on the show yesterday. I'm not in denial that this phone is made by slave labor in China and that I use it and i'm participating in it you also don't please don't deny that this is a top-down virus created from people at the top there aren't people just dying in the streets everywhere but you're scared of it because you watch too much tv like i it's
Starting point is 00:21:17 okay to admit that touchdown right so i'm working out at crossfit h CrossFit HQ and I'm doing overhead squats with 95 pounds. And I think the workout was a 135 and there's a 19 year old girl doing it with 135, the men's weight. And I hear this from across and I'm an executive there and she's a fucking peon. And I hear this from across the room. Sevan, you're a pussy. I'm like, well, I guess I'm enlightened because i took that as a compliment that at least i'm doing yeah let's go yeah yeah it goes back to the mindset how are you going to take that how are you going to receive it you're going to fuck me down are you going to be like all right cool watch this yeah she's probably like my body and she was that was her way of pressing back if she
Starting point is 00:21:59 wanted to sleep with me okay i'm going to build a little bit or it could have been that or she generally meant dude you're weak yes yeah come on eddie come on i couldn't even get the bar over my head because my shoulders just don't work so you got me big time buddy so so how old are you when you go in and is it called i hear the dog howling he jumped off my lap how old are you when you what kind of dog is it it's a chihuahua basenji it's the worst dog ever it's also 100 years old we found that out last night the dog's been around for a while have you noticed in the military now if you have any connections eddie is there a sense of that offendedness spilling out into that as well i don't think from the military, like any guys that I ran with
Starting point is 00:22:45 or whatever, no one gets offended. We get pissed off by people being little bees, but that that's about it. Like we don't, I get the military culture is you, I mean, from day one, you were talked down to, you were tore down and that's the process is to build you back up. So little things don't bother you can concentrate on the mission and concentrate on maybe a guy bleeding out next to you and save their lives or take down a guy that's trying to kill you or your buddy. So we waste so much. I mean, if you just look, we waste so much time, especially on the news. Oh, he said this. Who gives a shit?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Or like your actions are everything. I mean, you can, you can get in trouble. This, everyone will probably understand this. You can get in trouble with your significant other and you can say this, you can say this, you can say this. It doesn't matter. But if you show it, that's what matters, right? Like, Hey, I promise you, I'm not going to be at the office until nine o'clock every night. Okay, cool. And passes you're still there i'm in next week okay but if i come home at five and i'm showing that consistently now i'm proving myself we we are so wrapped up in what this person tweets or or talks about or who gives a crap like i'm not gonna say like i'm all about it's being a voice and not an echo i'm all about it i really believe that it educates me. I try to get back.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I get inspiration, motivation from other people, people I look to, mentors. I get worked out stuff, what to do. I mean, you name it. And I'm sure you guys are the same, but I don't need to, I never have been that guy that gets onto something. I'd be like, you're a piece of, like a post comes up. You're a piece of crap. You're stupid. This is dumb. What does that do? Yeah. What does it, if I would have been like, Hey man, I just don't understand this. Here's kind of like my view. What do you think? Or like a sidebar message or something, but people just get on there. Like they just like vomit, like,
Starting point is 00:24:35 like a douchebag. It's ridiculous. Like what does that solve besides maybe making you feel better for about 30 seconds? It's dumb. And that's all. I've erased so much stuff i've i type stuff out to people and i would and every time i'm upset i type stuff out to people and then i walk away and i'd say 90 of the time i erase it i'm like really like i'm just participating in the it's just it's just monkeys just throwing poop at each other it doesn't do anything it does nothing besides,
Starting point is 00:25:05 especially if you're the dude, like you pissed off. Like I used to do when I first started like this media crap. I used to kind of like take it to heart. Like, whoa, like, I don't know you.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Why are you coming at me like that? But then I realized people just have a bad day. Some people just need a hug and you, unfortunately you can't give it to them through Instagram or something like that. It's just like, it's all men. Like you can't, you can't help other people's choices, how they act or anything like that, but you can't give it to them through Instagram or something like that. It's just like, it's, it's all men. Like you can't,
Starting point is 00:25:25 you can't help other people's choices, how they act or anything like that, but you can control yourself. And, uh, which is sometimes hard because I've done the, let me write this out on my notes and I'll just let it sit there. And then, okay, that's stupid. I felt better writing it out to myself and then just let it go. But yeah, but you guys have seen it all um but yeah it's ridiculous but at the same time we shouldn't let those things when people do that affect us because it's a person's
Starting point is 00:25:52 opinion they don't know you they don't know the whole context of what's going on it's just uh and why why let it ruin your day right it's crazy i um so in that regard for the most part i try to let it go until i think it's going to affect my kids well yeah that's different i mean yeah yeah you know what i mean by that yeah yeah like if you're you're mandating injections for kids at the at the school um then all of a sudden it's like oh man oh i'm not saying fight for the beliefs and take down evil i'm not i'm not i'm definitely not saying that. Right. Yeah. I think that's a problem. There's not enough people fighting for good and saying that this is not no matter what you believe, making someone do something. I mean, we are slipping to Nazi Germany. It's it's crazy. It's this is not America.
Starting point is 00:26:42 This is not the America I served that I knew of. You know, there might have been. I'm sure there's tons of stuff going on behind the curtain, which is sad. But this is this is not America. This is not what we stand for. This is not what the country or the rest of the world views America. This is not it. I've got so many message messages from other people, random people, friends, people I served with that have reached out like dude what's going on with america that's like the last standing country of freedom in this administration they they are wrecking it they are taking a wrecking ball and destroying this country no matter what happened to the democrats were you ever a democrat never no i mean for the longest time i didn't even know what the two words, Republican, Democrat. I just I was I was a elephant would beat up a donkey. So I tend to give it the.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Before we go to that, I want to get to the fact that there's some questions I have about just your military and about how you got on Dev Group and what they call SEAL Team Six. Just so that the viewers know like, hey, this isn't just some guy sitting in front of some books. I've read two of those. So you're in the Marines for four years. You decide you want to go to the Navy. When you decide you want to go to the Navy, it's because you specifically want to become a SEAL? Correct. Which was like a childhood dream. The only reason why I switched over to the Navy, it's because you specifically want to become a SEAL? Correct. Which was like a childhood dream. The only reason why I switched over to the Marines, I have a really good friend that I swam with. He graduated a year before me. I went to his graduation at Parris Island Marine Corps Boot Camp and I fell in love with it. I was like, I'm doing this. Okay. And why did you join the
Starting point is 00:28:17 military? That's what I always wanted to do since I was a kid. It was actually during, I think it was 90, Operation Desert Storm Shield, what is going on? They had all those eagles, the yellow flowing ribbons, support our troops. I remember being at a Cincinnati Reds baseball game. It was a night game. And they sang that the Star Spangled Banner. Planes flew over. They had some fireworks go off. There was flags everywhere. I remember tugging on my mom, like, I want to do that. I pointed up to the planes. Not be a pilot. I was like, I want to be in the military from that day on that was it okay and what year did you enlist 96 and did you get pushback from your parents was anyone like nah
Starting point is 00:28:58 you can't do that no it's dangerous i mean i heard i heard it all. I was 17. So my mom and dad had to sign for me. And they just said, think about it. And I was very consistent about it. There was no wavering. And they, you know, I'm sure reluctantly they signed. And then that was it. So and then I turned 18 at boot camp without telling anyone because you just don't tell people that. Were you a kid? When you look back? Were you a kid when you look back were you a kid like were you still with puberty and shit i think i was a kid like until last week to be honest with you um no yeah yeah like the marine corps time i'm like man i was so young but but you didn't even have hair on your chest right pretty much yeah or anywhere else i was like a going through yeah my voice like you know changing everything uh yeah my my marine time i'm very thankful that i did the marines before the seal thing uh obviously i don't know if i would have made it but just i matured a lot i was i was a late bloomer my body changed my my knowledge
Starting point is 00:29:55 changed my respect changed discipline changed so i really am very thankful that i went to the marine corps uh first they established a very great foundation for me, which I thank them so much. As much as I really did not like it in switching over, I did very good after that because of that. And so do you immediately, when you go to the Navy, do you immediately just, are you just jump in line? Like immediately just go to BUDS? I wish I tried. No, you got to do like, you got to, got i went to this it's called uh transitioning process unit i was there for like two months to get all the paperwork you got to do uh physical screening and then back then like now
Starting point is 00:30:35 seals have a a rate a job it's called so special operations we didn't have that back then so you had to have a job so i went to gunner's made school which i think was like five months that was there in chicago which i had to go to because you had to have a job before you went so if you did get shit canned you had a place to go like you have a job so they wouldn't you know there was no back and uh back and forth so i had to do that and then i went over to buds knocked it out and then the rest is history oh okay so we that makes sense we had another seal on here a couple weeks weeks ago. He's running for Congress. Do you know Eli Crane? I know, I know of him of acquaintance. I talked to him on Instagram occasionally.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Yeah. And good for him. That's awesome. Cool dude. So he explained, he tried to become a seal, failed. And then he said he had to go to some shit job. Like you go to, and that must've been what it is. And then he had to go do that shit job for a while and then go back and try yeah yeah yeah you're paid ships like it's just not a good deal yeah yeah he i was like wow and so they train you that for that before you even go to buds because they know most guys fail it it changes throughout the years like now i don't think you do any job you go out there
Starting point is 00:31:47 it's it changes all the time okay obviously it's it's always trying to like how do we save money because yeah you're right like 75 are going out there and then you're flying them back somewhere else so there's a lot of buds washouts in san diego ah i don't want to pay for you to go you and your family to go somewhere else you know it comes up a dollar really does everyone do buds in san diego or if you're an east coast guy you do it on these it's all everything's over there oh okay just one i mean there's not a lot of people uh per class i think they run god i don't know any class i went maybe three to five i i there's no way they could do that. Maybe it's two. I don't know. It's not a lot of classes a year.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I don't know the name. It was chance your instructor there, or did you deploy with chance? No, I was, um, when I checked in after my training, I went to seal team two and chance was my platoon chief. And that's where I met him. He's awesome, man. And he was taking a break from development group at the time. And he just like, he knew CQB like going through the houses and clearing them.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And that guy, that guy's a stud like operationally. He is a stud. And so I got to learn from him. So he was a mentor among some other guys. So it was awesome. Like he if it like he set the stage for my my future years because he knew what he was. We treated our platoon like development group and not some conventional force. So was awesome it was really good he's a good dude he said that he said uh when i asked him about you he said his words about you are um tell him i said hello eddie penny is a hard motherfucker have him over for dinner he's saying that because we went drinking a lot. He, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:33 and I met him through this other guy that I was telling you about who I met through at CrossFit, Dave Castro, who is also in dev group. The guy who said that the 65 pound bars were for women and pussies. Yeah. And that's how I met him. And he said all the same shit that you said about Chance he said fuck he said I don't know if this guy taught me good shit or bad shit but he taught
Starting point is 00:33:50 me a lot of shit a lot of stuff yes absolutely yeah you got to respect that because that's our job right like is just give it to the younger generation that there's your legacy right that goes back to the first we were talking about be like that guy was a legend yeah a legend sounds like it um how how long were you um on seal team two and why push for seal team why why push to to go to a different team to the to the dev group why why not just be um content there it's it's a different it's a different what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? It's a lot of things. It's a different mission set. Like when I was at Team 2, I didn't fire one shot
Starting point is 00:34:32 at a bad guy. I mean, I got... That's not true. Okay, I lied. There was one time. But it wasn't like you go to development group, it's like every night you go out, there's a gunfight. It's just... I have a... I've i've said this another podcast i have tom's disease terrified of missing shit like i just i i've got to be where it is right like i was always the guy
Starting point is 00:34:55 you know hey we're gonna go out are you gonna go and i really don't even feel like it but like i might miss something cool like a fight or or something, but yes, I'll go. I just don't want to miss anything. So, yeah, it's just a different mission set. You don't get really high-value targets at Team 2. And not to say that you don't do great stuff. You do wonderful stuff. When you go to Development Group, before I even went in, when I was at Bud's, I asked the question, kind of what you just asked, what's the difference?
Starting point is 00:35:24 And they said, you know, the teams are awesome, but development group is like, if you took, is like the Super Bowl team of the SEAL teams. So of course I hear that. I'm like, so that's what I'm going to do. And that's what I just worked for was that because I got to team two. It's like, all right, I need another goal. I'm one of those guys, like what's next? Okay. What's next? And then once you develop my group, it's's like all right i'm gonna be a be a breacher and i want to be a true a team breacher a true breacher a squadron breacher and then just you just want to and then a team leader and just like it just keeps going and going and going and learn this skill that skill but yeah when you go out when you're a development group it's um you're going through the bad dudes that
Starting point is 00:36:02 are armed that want to fight that will fight and we'll take it to you, but we take it to them. And it's gunfight after gunfight after gunfight. It's awesome. Just look at the books, right? Look at the books and the movies. We're fully engaged. And so are a bunch of other Army units. They're awesome as well.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Just, you know, yeah, somehow we got hollow-wodified,ified but that's cool did you ever do any transfer programs did you ever work over at delta forest or do any exchange programs no i did i worked with with uh delta but never did an exchange to to jump over i was content where i was i loved being with the guys i was um fanduel casinos exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do.
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Starting point is 00:37:11 If I stayed in longer and did custody of my children that I had to kind of pull out of my 17-year mark, I might have done something like that to switch it up. But no, did a couple ops with them. But no, just stayed at the development group. but no just just say that um the development group when you're with seal team um two and you and you want to switch is there's a trying out process so you have to like submit a packet or a form like hey may i please switch over and you can usually have to do two deployments so after your first deployment you can submit your paperwork to ask to go because they have to obviously you're leaving so to fill you in.
Starting point is 00:37:47 So you send that out. And then if you get accepted before that deployment, you go over there. You get your dress uniform. You go through a board. They just know you with tons of questions. There's like, I think, maybe 10 guys wearing all kinds of different stuff that are that have been there, done that. And they're just asking you questions. They're just drilling you, like why you want to be here and all this stuff. And they're not accepting really any of your answers. So it's kind of like an intimidation factor.
Starting point is 00:38:14 And then you got to do some physical tests to be accepted. And they tell you if you can come back, then you come back. And then you start your six-month process. And the first day is a physical assessment test. If you pass that, then training begins. And then after that, like that training blows buds out of the water. Like it was way harder, but twice as fun as buds. Like, cause it's all operational stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:39 Like it's big boy stuff. Jake Carter says, thank you for your service. Dude is a certified badass. There's so many comments thanking you. Thanks, Jake. And what if you don't make it, Eddie? What if you don't make it? Do they send you back to two or do you have to?
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah, you would go back to your team. And then from there, from what I understand, they have a choice. Do they accept you or they like fuck you asshole it's kind of good it kind of depends on your reputation so that's what we one thing we told from like day one week when a training is like your reputation starts now uh they'll take care of you they'll accept you back depending if they need somebody else somewhere like in a training division or hey we need someone to work at this space for a certain school it all depends thankfully i don't know a lot about that is it scary trying the reason why is because
Starting point is 00:39:31 the guys i've talked to who did do dev group are like yeah it's fucking weird like you you've already you've already done it you don't need to push any further you're already a fucking seal but there's something about you that just can't stop. And it almost sounds like pathological. And you kind of hinted at that in the beginning. It's like, yeah, there's a lot of good dudes in the military, but the dudes who go to special ops or something just a little bit, there is a profile. Yeah, there is. I mean, people do it for different reasons. My reason was,
Starting point is 00:40:05 uh, I just, I always wanted to be in combat and that sounds like a great idea when you're not in combat. Cause when you're first in combat, you're like, I dreamed about this. Why is bullets are flying over your head and weird things are happening. But, um, I'll tell you this, man, to be honest with you. And maybe this is where some serious issues lie in my body, is the first dude I took out was like the most intense drug euphoria feeling I've ever had in my life. It was like the most pride. I was like, bad guy, gone, can't do anything to anybody ever again. And I knew who he was. I knew what he did. It wasn't just like some random guy that just happened to be shooting at me. I knew who this guy was, um, with a long list of craziness. But so I just got, I got addicted. Like, like I've never done crack, but I've heard it's very addicted or meth or
Starting point is 00:40:56 whatever. And it just kind of like changes people's lives. That changed my life. I was hooked. I remember going out on ops. If I, if I wasn't shooting someone, uh, cause not everyone, not every time you shoot someone, you don't shoot someone every night, but I'd be like, man, did I even, I felt like a failure. My failure was I didn't shoot somebody. That was, that's what I appreciated the two of like, shut up, Eddie. Maybe it is like meth. This is, this is why I say it because when, when I was in college,
Starting point is 00:41:24 like meth came into like, there was this group of like 30 of us. I went to UC Santa Barbara and like meth entered our group. And there was a group of us who did it every night for like a month when it first came. And then like, I was part of that first group after that 30 days was like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:41:37 we can't do like, we're done. You know, like there's a timestamp on this shit. Then there was a group who did it for like six months. And that, that was like a nut, like 15 of us tapped after a month. And then there was a group who did it for like six months and that, that was like a nut, like 15 of us tapped after a month.
Starting point is 00:41:46 And then there was another group who does it like for like another, like two months. Now they're at the three month mark of basically doing meth. And then like 10 of them taps. So now there's only five guys left. And then after a year you see two of those guys and like two of the dudes are like sucking dick. And like one of them's on jail and it's like,
Starting point is 00:42:01 and one of them's like growing their nails long and is dying their hair. And like, he's just turned like their legs falling falling to shit and so maybe there is a a there is there is a timeline on doing what you do it's it's it's hard it's hard on the um it's hard on the soul and the body yeah both of them get pretty warped for sure. For sure. For sure. And so there's a, but they're both addictive and fun as shit. Yeah. Like, I mean, right now being out, if I, if I didn't have the kids and for some reason, poof, I had like no family, it was just me. I would go right back in if I could.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Like without question, that's just my calling. It's my passion. Fortunately, I do have my family, but I'm just saying, saying if not i would be in there and the only reason why i left was to take care of my children who i got custody of which which is a blessing in itself but man it was it was a very hard time getting off that train not going not deploying with my boys and getting that fill like i just go into savage mode and be like dude like because there's a belief that they were attacking amer and all that stuff. And I'm like, there's nothing more like you don't bully us. Like it's coming to you. And I'm, I'm, I'm the wrath that, that was my, that was just how I process it. That was my mindset. Has that feeling of missing out? Has that feeling of missing out on that? Has that subsided a little bit or do you still feel it? a little bit or do you still feel it uh yes it subsided quite a bit that first year to two after i put down my guns it was very hard that was the hardest time of my life and it was actually the same time i was raising children 10 month old one in diapers a five-year-old and a nine-year-old
Starting point is 00:43:37 girl so it was very very confusing for me um i didn't know what to do. I mean, you're savage. You're savage. You've been training your whole life just to go kill people pretty much and rescue hostages or whatever. Then you come back, you're like, all right, take care of these three kids. All right, change of diet. What do you mean? Like I'm doing ponytails and pigtails and trying to pick out clothes for girls
Starting point is 00:44:00 at five. It's like, what? Everything you're saying is so consistent with the other guys that i've talked to especially the guys who were on on the team you were on basically you know one of them was sent home he says it's the fucking worst thing ever you're trained to do one fucking job even though it's not your fault you feel like you're letting your guys down by being sent back and just just the frustration i hear in the voice and also also like one of the guys I was on G-chat with almost every single night and it was the strangest relationship.
Starting point is 00:44:30 And I felt honored to have that relationship. But there was just basically two – there were two things that were really frequent that he would say to me. Stop talking to me. Don't chat me anymore. Like he really made me thick-skinned. He was never rude, but like everything is just like. And then and then he was always going on jobs, so he would go on a job.
Starting point is 00:44:51 It was like fucking every day on a job. And then he would come back five hours later and I'd see his green dot pop back on. I'm like, you're back from his job. And he goes, yeah, don't talk to me. You know, he was taking care of work. He was someone I worked with at CrossFit Inc. don't talk to me you know he was taking care of work he was someone i worked with at crossfit inc you know um yeah i could tell that there was sort of this love hate like there was an addiction to his job and i didn't realize i guess what you said to me as i never heard it like that that the that
Starting point is 00:45:18 the six guys were really busy and this guy was really busy yeah Yeah. Yeah. It's almost like when you're in it, you don't even realize how much go, go, go it is. I remember I would be home for days and all day. Yeah. It depends. But it's, yeah, the schedules always change. Timelines always change. Yeah. It's a lifestyle, 100% a different lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:45:45 It was freaking awesome, man. As long as you don't have outside distractions, and that's why a lot of us just dumped everything around us, including our family. I was that guy and concentrated on that job because I convinced myself that the only thing that mattered was this country and whatever that means. It wasn't like I was saying, screw you, family, talk to me uh but it was my priority was the job and i wish i
Starting point is 00:46:11 could go back and be there with my kids because when i got custody of my kids i'm like i don't know anything about these guys and i got to relearn or learn for the first time who the who my kids were and it was awesome like it was so cool and I'm like why did I why how did I was so selfish and so self-absorbed into this and and the problem is is what I just explained is and I'm sure you guys will agree is that is a huge problem today no matter what the job you'll see fathers just be absorbed in something else besides their family they think they work from nine to five or nine to six they come home it's their time to watch football and not engage with your kids dude you're wrong i'm sorry like i'm sorry it doesn't mean you didn't
Starting point is 00:46:54 kick ass at work and and you get a pat on the back you don't get a pat on the back that's your freaking job you are dad uh you're hero and you need to act as such and i think that's a problem with society today is we are fatherless we have fathered i'm not talking about just inner city i'm talking everywhere like you you get the same issue maybe not the same issues but you got similar issues inner city in the country you got a lot of fathers not being a father all right i mean it's just that and i was and i was that guy and i and And it took a crazy event for me to see it. But I see it in my friends. I see it in other people.
Starting point is 00:47:29 I hear stuff. I watch it. And I'm like, dude, like, you know, a dad doesn't ever show up to the kids' soccer game. You might see him once. Like, that's bullshit. And the kids are on the – you can see them on the field looking towards the sideline. Is dad here? Is dad here? Is dad here?
Starting point is 00:47:46 Or they do a good play. What do they do? Kids always look to the sideline for that, like, affirmation. Oh, did you see what I did? Did you see what I did? And a lot of them are in their phone shooting off emails or playing Candy Crush or something instead of being locked on what they should be. And it's sad.
Starting point is 00:48:02 And so, yeah, I'm calling out dads right now like if that's you you gotta change and i was it just hey dude you messed up you know stop crying get on it and start right now and just like kind of be there for your children and your family because that's that's our that's the biggest problem i in my uh opinion today is that right there is the lack of family values and investing in the family i don't think it's your opinion i think it's it's well it is your opinion but it's also fact yeah it's also fact it's the leading correlate for everything that's what's so crazy when people are like um uh you know black 51 of all murders are committed by six percent of the population
Starting point is 00:48:45 which are black men or dude like stop looking at color that's what i mean by pushing right yes or live is not their skin color does nothing has no nothing to do with anything except your relationship with this i hate seeing that in the paper yeah white cop kills black cop just say cop killed a man yeah i don't give a shit. Yeah. Cause you're not going to ever, you're from, I've never really seen it the other way. Like they, they just paint this,
Starting point is 00:49:11 like, dude, it's a man and a cop or, or whatever it is. Who cares? That's where our problem is. William, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:49:19 For $1.99, I still won't read your fucking message because you're talking shit about my mom. Go fuck yourself. So, I still won't read your fucking message because you're talking shit about my mom. Go fuck yourself. So – What was that? I have a crazy – I do a lot of your mom jokes. Oh, I got you. Josh Bridges, by any chance?
Starting point is 00:49:41 He's a CrossFit Games athlete. Okay. He's a SEAL, and I have another podcast with him. Josh who? Sorry. Josh Bridges. Oh, okay. have another podcast with him and Josh sorry Josh Bridges oh okay I knew it Josh Rich not Josh Bridges okay and he I think he's younger than you guys most of the guys I know I think are younger than you um but uh there's this ongoing joke about him and my mom my mom really likes it when my mom comments on his Instagram and shit and he comments back to my mom. So everyone just likes talking about him and my mom. That's awesome. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:07 That's awesome. These fuckers ass. So I started it. I started the mess. So it's just – That's awesome. Yeah. The leading correlate is – the leading correlate between these guys, regardless of their skin, is they don't have both parents at home.
Starting point is 00:50:24 They didn't have a dad. Stop at skin color like even obesity the leading correlate for obesity is people who didn't have both parents at home the leading um correlate for cancer is not that you spent too much time it's that you didn't have both parents at home like why it's so crazy how powerful that is to have two role models i didn't know that about obesity that everything just across the board you find anything bad um you know thomas so well the economist oh yeah oh yeah like he has tons of books on that like just like he just starts pointing out correlate after correlate like dude and people who do have both parents everything's better even if you got two bad parents i mean what divorce rates what like 50
Starting point is 00:51:05 it's like over 50 like 51 52 i think in america right now it's it's crazy i mean i'm guilty i've been i'm divorced too but uh but but we also like kind of accepted in society oh yeah everyone gets divorced my parents are divorced and I turned out okay. Yeah, I'd like to say I did too. But at the other end, we got the flip side. They do the victim mentality, right? Oh, I didn't have a dad, so I'm acting out. And no, we all know you cannot help how you were brought up, what your situation, region what when what elements went into that you're growing up. But once you're old enough to realize that you you have the power to make a choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing.
Starting point is 00:51:54 So there's no frickin excuse. I mean, I really don't. Unless don't get me wrong, there's probably some crazy stuff that I don't know about like medical uh that that i don't know about but you have the choice to not be that victim like man i have a shitty uh shitty um childhood i'm turning it around because when i have kids i don't want them to ever have that and and we have this victim mentality oh it's because of this or it's because of this and obesity same thing right people in bad health same thing oh i've got a gluten problem. Really? Really? You didn't even know what gluten was until about 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:52:29 It's crazy. Everyone's got these excuses and excuses and excuses. Dog, you better not howl. I'm letting you go. We talked about this yesterday on the podcast. There's a point in your life where everything is your parents' fault. Everything that's wrong with you but there's also a point i don't know when it's if it's your 18 or 22 or 27 but there's a point
Starting point is 00:52:52 when all of a sudden none of it's your parents fault and it's all your responsibility your responsibility and if you still have the word fault in there like and at that time you have to love your parents and take full responsibility i don't care if your parents made you anorexic i don't care if they taught you to hate you i don don't care. Like at some point, it doesn't matter. Now it's all, I'll say it's all your fault. It's all your responsibility. It's all, and that's what becoming an adult is about to stop the blame. And I can see someone coming in.
Starting point is 00:53:16 Well, what if I was abused sexually or whatever it is, my whole thing. Like, hey, that sucks. And I am so bad that you went through that, but it's on you to go get the help you need and to kind of figure it out like hey that wasn't your fault like you didn't make these rules me and eddie matt didn't make these rules this is the pathway to happiness that we're sharing with you right and i hate seeing people that just stay in their little world and they just like they just stay there yeah they don't try to better themselves yeah the victim the victim mentality is almost be
Starting point is 00:53:45 it's it's like the new hero you know i remember when i was growing up like you would see these like the action heroes you know like the rambos and you're like oh i'm gonna be that dude just putting the country on your back and taking all responsibility and now really what's being pushed is like it's not your fault it's somebody else's fault how do you feel okay cool that's somebody else's fault. How do you feel? Okay, cool. That's great. That's like, we can't help your feelings. That's awesome. We feel certain things. Okay. Now take action to feel better or do certain things. And we just don't do that. People like, yeah, you know, I lost a family member, which is horrible. And you start going down the slippery slope. Okay. You need to do something and implement something in your life to bring you back up. But there's just, there's no, there really is no excuses for anything in
Starting point is 00:54:28 this world. I just feel like there's always a way. I'm not going to say you can't be depressed or, or down or sad, but you only get so much, man. You don't get five years of it. Like, I'm sorry. Right. And there's an abundance of knowledge and resources. I mean, we have the internet. It's so, it's not even a fair advantage because you could go on there and resource your help or there's so many different support communities for people that are like you that have made it out of their situation. It doesn't matter what your situation is. If you find one person, whether it be in the past or whether it be happening right now, that made it out of their situation, that took responsibility and bettered their life, that had a similar situation as yours, there you go. There's your mentorship program right there. A hundred percent.
Starting point is 00:55:07 That's right. Like I've talked to so many people. It's like they go through a crazy divorce and they're like feeling sorry for it. Like, have you ever thought that maybe you're going through this for someone else? Like you're going through this, it sucks. But like once you get through this, you can feed into someone else that's going through it and don't let them go down the road of putting a gun to their head or sticking their face in an amount of fricking powder. Maybe that's what,
Starting point is 00:55:30 and maybe you do it for a lot of people. I don't know what it is or an alcoholic, right? Right. Like I tell people all the time, the bar's not worth it, man. I remember spending months at a fricking bar drinking my sorrows away like a little douche bag.
Starting point is 00:55:41 And like now if I, if someone comes to me about them, they came in, it's not worth it. Like go, go do go do something i like i enrolled myself in like fighting like okay muay thai jiu-jitsu because i did not want to go hung over and get my ass kicked so i like accountability right that's right there's in in the in your bio it says something about you went on a church retreat i did yeah that's where i found my – just so you know, I got about five minutes left before I got to jump off here. I got to work.
Starting point is 00:56:09 I got a deal. So I apologize for that. Yeah, I went over to – it's Wild at Heart. It's from John Eldridge. He's out of Colorado. But what I went to is True North Ministries and just found my um found my faith through there thank god that was my saving grace for sure was that hard going eddie were you like fuck i'm not doing this shit well yes and no i didn't really know all the details about it but at the same
Starting point is 00:56:36 time i'm like i remember getting there like hey where's the wine or some kind of beer something alcoholic and there just wasn't that and then i'm like okay are we just gonna be doing like kumbaya because i've got this this perspective of all right this is what a christian is and what i'm seeing in my mind is a weak little boy just like not aggressive not because i'm a warrior i am a warrior based on my career that's excuse me been my whole life um and then so he kind of puts it to this is what people think. People think that Christians are like Mr. Rogers. Right. Right. Right. Loafers, your sweater vest and let's read a book and all that stuff. And but then he compares it to like, really, it's supposed to be like William Wallace from Braveheart or Russell Crowe and Gladiator.
Starting point is 00:57:20 And then he gives all these different examples of like, because people don't realize this. We are in a war right now. Your life is a freaking war. It might not be bow and arrows or axes or guns, but your kids, they give you some battles. Your significant other give you some battles. Your work gives you battles. Your fitness level gives you some battles. The 65 and 95 pound barbell gives you battles, right? So we all have these battles. And I believe that people change their mindset to like, instead of getting up another day, going to work and like,
Starting point is 00:57:55 okay, I'm a warrior. Just imagine yourself as a freaking warrior, whatever timeframe you want to be. And you go do your work. Somebody comes to you with you a problem or whatever it is, you man up and you fix it or try to help in a warrior style and that means by being proactive implementing and not being these weak coward individuals like i'm offended by this oh i don't want to deal with this or whatever it is like being the solution we always talk about change
Starting point is 00:58:20 change change and then we always heard this the the change starts with you. And that is so true. Like you be the change because you being this like leader and aggressive style of living life, right? It doesn't mean you got to be militant about anything at all. People are going to be like, what's, why is he different? What's, what's going on? It's just going to feed over. And I've had many mentors where i like dude i really like that dude style i like his charisma the way he is like it motivated me and just take my elements of these mentors put them in and i try to feed into the people in my world it might be somebody at a gym but somebody that just got out of the military that's having a hard time i'm not gonna be like yeah man i hope everything's well no no dude because i know for a fact that it's happened many times that dude could go home and put a pistol in his mouth.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And I don't want that on my conscience. And I don't want that for his family. So I take that time like I do. What's going on? And it's to the point sometimes like, hey, here's my number. And I got to check up on these guys. And that's why I started a lot of the stuff on, the one-on-ones, join the den.
Starting point is 00:59:22 We can talk about it, motivate each other, sense of community, all this stuff. So there's things to do. And I think if we all try to do, I'm not trying to tell people go do this or go do that. Like it should be laid on your heart what you need to do or what, what it might be. And it might be making pictures for people. I don't know. There's so many things that can help others. And I think that we we worry about ourself too much. And I've been guilty of that, too. Yes. Hence my SEAL training. But that's not the way to do it. That's not what we're called to do. We're called to do this together. And it's tough to dive into. But that was a long answer. Sorry. No, no. I like it. Eddie, we we didn't even get started. I know you got to go.
Starting point is 01:00:07 I'm dying to know how you learned about leadership. You ended up being the head of one of your platoons, right? No, I got – yes, I was when I was at SEAL Team 2, yes. Okay. Now you run the contingent group. And I want to know – I have questions about Extortion 17. That's the helicopter, right? Mm-hmm. I want to know about what it was like getting your kids.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Like how the fuck does a man get custody of his three kids from the woman? Like there's so much more to talk about. Why don't we do a part two? Is that cool? Oh, yeah. Very, very cool. Yeah. And I'm not sure that we got time.
Starting point is 01:00:39 I apologize. Some things kind of came up. No, no, no. You're good. You're good. I'm glad that I even got any of his time. If you guys want to know more, you guys should follow this guy on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:00:49 He's a great man. And why he's a great man is because he's a father who takes responsibility for his kids and he's all about just bettering his life. My last question to you is this, Eddie, are you going to run for office? I've heard that question a lot lately. No, no plans or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:01:04 I haven't really given thought to it. If things lined up in certain things, well, we'll, we'll, we'll see, but there's, there's definitely no plans. I'm not going to say never or no, because I've said that before, just like I never thought I'd have be raising three kids and look what happened. Now you got five kids. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:25 Thanks for coming on. Thanks for letting us get to know you. Yeah. Let's set up part two. We can do it probably next week sometime if you want. I'd love to. Let me know what you guys want. And I apologize for the time.
Starting point is 01:01:37 I'll make sure we got a good two hour block for whatever we want to do and we keep rolling. It was awesome talking to you guys. Awesome. We got to do it again. Thank you. Thank you.

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