The Sevan Podcast - #258 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: January 9, 2022

Guest for today didn't make it to the show, so we ended up just enjoying CrossFit discussion with Brian Friend & Sevan Matossian. Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR ...FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:00 Yeah, I just need, you know. I must have sent you the, bam, we're live. I must have sent you the wrong link. You can live. I must have sent you the wrong link. You can't get mad at me for not being here then. Yeah, that's weird. Was Ellie over there? No one was there. Actually, I'm confident now that it was the wrong link because it already showed that it finished playing.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Oh, shit. That's okay. Let me text Ellie. Ellie, please try That's okay. Let me text Ellie. Ellie, please. Try this second link. She put her phone down already. Ready to go over into that other studio?
Starting point is 00:01:36 And then I text... Oh, shit. You won't be able to... I don't know about... I don't know what would happen in the other studio, but... This is what happens, guys, when you shave your beard. You start making all kinds of mistakes oh what is going on uh i wonder if i what's gonna happen if i do this what happens if i open two studios at the same time shit oh oh no
Starting point is 00:02:05 okay it's always it's always risky to open to at the same time yeah i'm here hey have you ever been so drunk that you passed out are you asking me that yeah it's been a long time but yeah me there yeah it's been a long time but yeah last night i was so high on coffee that what like i just got so high on coffee like it was nuts i got myself into a frenzy like a cat like playing with a ball of yarn you know what i mean like when you're petting a cat and it just starts biting you i did that to myself. I scratched myself silly. Publicly. I did it publicly on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Oh, wow. Sorry, I missed that. It was something else. No, you're not. No, you're not. I really screwed this up. I wonder if I should try calling Ellie. I wonder what the deal is.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I wonder if Sousa can help. How come there's no producers on the show caleb suza will good morning everyone it's sunday morning brian friend and i are here oh brian um yeah i did i snorted like five lines of good dudes it was like that it was like that did you see that shit? It was just fucking, I was humming. I've tried to do some lines of the, what's the other one? Strong Coffee, but I haven't gone for the good dudes yet. Strong Coffee's good stuff. Yeah, it's a little aggressive up the nose, but if you drink it with a nice glass of milk, it's very good.
Starting point is 00:03:39 You know what is interesting about that? And that stuff doesn't give you the jitters. No, I actually really like it i did a race a high rocks race and then uh they were at they were like had a little booth there and after the race i went and talked to the guy had a shot of it got a bag of it and i've been uh enjoying it pretty regularly ever since then the The guy was on the show. You did a high rocks race? I did a team with a woman from our gym that was much more enjoyable than the individual pursuit, I believe.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Did you see Hunter McIntyre there? I did. You did? Seriously? Yeah. He won the race for the elite individuals and it was kind of embarrassing to watch, actually, how the event organizers were treating him relative to everyone else in the field. Oh, like he's a god.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah, I thought he was very unprofessional. Basically, it was just one guy doing it, but other than that, the experience was quite good. There were a lot of participants, and it's definitely a good challenge. I like the team they're like teams of two you can do male male female female or male female combination um and it's something that i've thought about like they're having another one in chicago next month or this month actually and if i hadn't had such a busy month i would have tried to get some people from my gym to do it and kind of have a bring a group down there so if it's coming to a
Starting point is 00:05:04 place near you and you like a good fitness challenge either as an individual or a team it is a fairly well-run event and don't plug them anymore don't do high rock sorry they're not a sponsor sorry retract everything brian just said you know it's what i asked hunter about that i said dude that in the videos i watched there's the dude's treating you like it's crazy. Like he handed Hunter the wall ball in a video I saw, one of the judges. I'm like, is that normal? He's like, nah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I mean, I saw some weird things. And, you know, I guess I don't know how the organization is structured or run, but there were definitely other guys doing it. They weren't that far behind him and they were getting, you know, no special treatment at all compared to this guy who was having the red carpet laid out for him. Yeah. But I do think, I think if there's anything that, that the,
Starting point is 00:05:55 they could really improve from a competition perspective that the, you know, the last thing being a hundred wall balls, it's really difficult to know how close anyone is. There was a guy who came to the wall ball second, and he was not very good at wall balls. And there was a guy who came there third and fourth that passed him, but you never really had any idea that they were passing. There was no counter. There was no advancing every 20 reps or something like that they have in CrossFit so that you can at least have some semblance of who's in the lead, who's making moves. So I think that if they want to have more of an audience able to follow the competition in the sport,
Starting point is 00:06:29 they should have something similar to that, you know, towards the end at least. Sounds like the CrossFit Games, same coverage. Same coverage. When you say he got special treatment, did you see him get a rusty trombone by any chance? You know, I may as well have been. All right. Rust rusty trombone by any chance uh you know i may as well have been all right rusty trombone i wish i could draw so i could draw pictures like this oh wait what's going on over here okay let's see ellie turner she's from australia oh no that's uh oh wow they got
Starting point is 00:06:58 the video they got the video we haven't heard from her this morning huh no um but but maybe i sent her the i mean i'm texting her now maybe she's like just sitting there in the waiting room i wrote ellie please try the second link i think she's in australia no no no no she she in miami sorry, in Miami. Sorry. Yeah, I mean, I know she left Australia, but I haven't – I don't know if I've actually checked her Instagram since she should have been in the U.S. I want to show you – Actually, Hector, yeah, Tommy Marquez and I are working on some stuff right now, highlighting a lot of the stuff that Dave did over the course of the years through the Open, through regionals, and at the games that has gone on to set a precedent for how competitions are organized, run, and presented to audiences live and remotely.
Starting point is 00:07:57 So you can look for some of those coming out in the next couple of days to week. next couple days to week just so you guys know this this this young lady ellie turner we're having on she's from australia she's going to be competing in the uh wadapalooza um she's she competed in the games last year she took 26 place there's not a lot of information on her out there um she's kind of skyrocketed uh quite, right? I mean, four years. It looks like she's been in the sport four years. Oh, this is what I wanted to show you. Listen, guys. Do you want to see –
Starting point is 00:08:35 you can wait until Monday and hear the Wadapalooza predictions, or – is it Monday? I think uh we're gonna do that with john young monday night yeah yeah or why wait till monday don't wait till monday let's have to deal with john young interrupting brian friend the whole time don't wait what do you What are you guys doing? If you're diehard fans of the Palooza, look at this. Brian Friend on the 9th. That's tonight at 5 p.m.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Then Brian Friend again at 5 p.m. tomorrow. So you do this show at 5 p.m. and then you come on the Sevan podcast? Those shows are already recorded. Patrick, Chase, Lauren, and I did that a couple days ago, and they are much more brief and less detailed than what we'll probably get into. So that's like Reader's Digest, and then we'll dive into it a little bit more deeply, I think, tomorrow night live. If you do not want me and John Young bombing Brian with rude interruptions and me making fun of Brian the whole entire time. These are the three shows you want to watch.
Starting point is 00:09:49 It's on the Morning Chalk Up at 5 p.m. tonight. Three nights in a row, Brian Friend. And this girl. What's this girl's name? Lauren Kalil. Yeah, she's good. She's taken over that. She's taken over the bottom line segment for the morning chalk up there.
Starting point is 00:10:05 Why? Who did have it? Who did have it? It's gone through a lot of different iterations. I think originally it was actually Justin LaFranco and Armin Hammer who did it. I know that Scott Schweitzer from the Clydesdale podcast and Kat Shearer were doing it for a while. And now Lauren's doing it. But yeah, those are a lot of fun uh patrick and jace and i basically just each pick our podium and one dark or one or two dark horse picks in each of the divisions male i think we did male first which should be tonight females tomorrow and then we talk about the team competition and just the fact uh the overall
Starting point is 00:10:41 excitement surrounding the 10th year of wada pluz I didn't know if you knew this was the 10th anniversary for them. No, wow, serious? Yeah, which I think is really significant. It's also, I think this was the ninth year of competition for Dubai, but there was a 10th competition season because I missed one. And I think for Guadalupe, this was their 10th show or 10th event in 11 years because you know, everyone missed a year basically. But to be around as a high level competition like that for 10 years is pretty impressive feat. And it says a lot about the, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:17 the demand from the community to have events like this. I'm going to call Ellie. What do you think? Yeah. Oh man. this i'm gonna call ellie what do you think yeah the message bank called zero four oh man i think she you think she's held up in customs you think they're holding her down giving her the injection right now you must take it you must take it uh well that's amazing that it's in its 10th year thanks for sharing and who's the guy in the upper so that's amazing that it's in its 10th year. Thanks for sharing. And who's the guy in the upper? So that's Patrick Clark in the upper right-hand corner. This girl's name, this blonde girl's name.
Starting point is 00:11:50 This is so disrespectful. I can't remember. What's her name? Laura, Laura, what? Lauren. Lauren. Khalil. Khalil.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Like. Like Khalid, but Khalil. Khalil. What was the girl's name in Game of Thrones who comes out naked out of the burning building? Khali. Oh, my God. And she's pretty like the Khalisi. Can I just call her the Khalisi?
Starting point is 00:12:11 So it's you, Chase, the Khalisi, and this guy, Patrick Clark. I don't think I've ever met Patrick Clark. What's his position at Morning Chalk Up? Patrick's one of the sports analysts and sports writers along with me and Tommy. But he also on Instagram is Athletes Eye Photography. And he actually, almost every article that I write for Morning Chalk Cup, I try to use pictures that he's taken. He has a very impressive catalog of pictures from the last several years that he's taken in competitions. He used to be judge.
Starting point is 00:12:42 Actually, he was Tia Claire Toomey's judge at Wadapalooza two years ago for the final event when she won one down there. Uh, and I think from the judging circuit, he started doing a lot of photography, started writing a little bit, but like me, you know, he just took his, um, he took it upon himself to get to competitions, to meet people, to travel at his own expense. And I think you probably know going way back in the space, a lot of people had put in a year or two of that kind of work before they started getting other opportunities. Is this guy working at Wadapalooza? Patrick, do you want to volunteer and help me at Wadapalooza? He's probably going to have quite a bit going on there, but I'll definitely be hanging out with him some. He's too big time to volunteer.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Look, this is his account. Oh, yeah, these are great pictures. Holy shit, these are great pictures. Yeah, I don't know how often he actually puts up new posts on there, but if you ever look at Morning Chalk Up's posts on the internet, I mean on their website or on Instagram, a lot of times they'll have the photo credit for Athletes Eye Photography. What happened to Sarah here? She's just, you know.
Starting point is 00:13:58 She's relaxing. Yeah, feel peaceful. That's probably after acid bath. When's this picture from oh that's very recent that was this year i'm sure dubai wow oh so man he gets he's getting around yeah he's been i mean he goes to a lot dude this is insane photo the first time i met this girl was back in 2018 at the crossfit games this is a picture of mallory o'brien that patrick clark took i'm on his instagram account the first time i met this girl was back in 2018 at the CrossFit Games. This is a picture of Mallory O'Brien that Patrick Clark took. I'm on his Instagram account.
Starting point is 00:14:28 The first time I met this girl was back in 2018 at the CrossFit Games where I was able to judge her as a 14-year-old athlete. What? Really? Here we are almost four years later and she's crushing it as one of the fittest women on earth. She got to where she's at through hard work and determination.
Starting point is 00:14:46 She's surrounded by great people to keep her goals within reach and also to make sure she enjoys the process. This was, uh, I don't know who her original coach was, but this young lady was with the great Elijah Muhammad of the, um, uh, rich froning pedigree. And then she moved over to James Townsend who, if you do not follow on instagram and you have kids you're out of your mind he is at the top of the food chain when it comes to uh daddy
Starting point is 00:15:11 daddying both those guys are actually oh yeah great point great point great he's always posting stuff of his kids replicating him in the gym great point sorry and and with amazing wives too with amazing wives sorry i'm so daddy biased but with amazing wives and um because i do everything my wife doesn't do shit and uh lies lies and now and now as if it wasn't enough uh for her to have those two uh um it's it's it's not an understatement to say profound individuals. Yeah, coaches. She's over it with Marconi, Rich Froning, and Jason Hopper. Rich Froning?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Sorry, what did I say? Matt Fraser. Sorry. I get my good-looking dudes mixed up. Matt Fraser, Jake Marconi, and Jason Hopper over at HWPO. Yeah, and so it's not insignificant that she's had exposure to, you know, a few different high level individuals in terms of just thinkers, role models, coaches, and athletes already at only 18 years old. I mean, she's really,
Starting point is 00:16:20 really setting herself up for something potentially very special. she's really really setting herself up for something potentially very special we don't get athletes to come on the podcast but we cruise their instagram accounts maybe we should just go to ellie turner's instagram account we don't have ellie turner on hell you're gonna that's so sad i was excited to have her here uh this always makes me nervous when they – not nervous. That's not the right word, but it bums me out when they only have 158 posts. Why? Because then I can't do – I can't really dig. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Just dig into their business. Oh, I didn't watch these stories though. Ellie Turner showed up on the scene in 2018 and she took in the open 18 430 first place i know that doesn't mean anything if i don't tell you how many people actually how many places there were and I apologize for that 2018 there were probably very many probably a couple hundred thousand women and in 2019 she took
Starting point is 00:17:36 1680th place so she moved up 16,000 spots from 2018 to 2019. 16,000 spots. What's the most spots you've ever moved up, Ryan? I mean, all my results are on my page somewhere. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I'm so racist. I never think of Indian guys as being funny. And look at this i mean he should be funny look at his name he got a funny name wait how could he not never think of indian guys being funny because i'm racist i just know but have you never watched what's that guy's name it's like my brother's favorite comedian and he was on uh parks and rec someone will know it but look it's even got a hinge of smartness in it because indian guys are smart they're too busy over there programming for fucking uh zuckerberg uh but but it's even got a tinge of smart pop von deep verdi uh breaks the news just read on bloomberg this morning that dave castro will be accepting a role heading up the diversity and inclusion department at coca-cola
Starting point is 00:18:41 well that's the guy aziz ans sorry if you yeah you should watch you should watch some of his stuff sometimes he is dude is that the dude who got me too did you ever hear his me too story that might maybe it's him he's got a i think he's got a lot of good stuff yeah he's awesome oh his me too story is ridiculous the the i heard the girl get interviewed she just kept coming back to his apartment over and over and over. It's like – Probably true. Oh, God, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I mean I heard her take on it. It's possible. I don't know. Guys, I don't know what's going on. I'll send her another link. I'll send her another link. I mean I – I mean this is a disaster.
Starting point is 00:19:21 No, there's no disaster. We could always just turn it into a call-in show. Okay, fine. Hey, I have this idea. I'm feeling good this morning. I love people. They can ask me anything they want. Why?
Starting point is 00:19:35 Well, I have some questions about the rusty trombone. For me? Yes, yes. Russell Peters is funny, repetitive, but funny. Is he Indian? Yeah, I think some people might have missed the fact that we're talking about Indian comedians. So I want to go on here about Ellie Turner real quick before we start taking calls. And in 2020, she took 485th place.
Starting point is 00:20:06 So she went from 18,000 to 1,600 to 480th. And now in 2021, last year, this young lady took 35th place. It is – that is – dude, that's some determination. I want you to see something. Speak about – you know how they talk about body composition? Look at this picture of her. Okay? Look at her neck in that picture.
Starting point is 00:20:33 Where is that picture from? Do we see it there? 2017. So this is four years ago. Look at these pictures of her. She's almost like a little girl. And then now, I watched her interview with Morning Chalk up yesterday, and she's just – she's – I mean, she's like a specimen. Like I expect her to be ride a lion to Wadapalooza.
Starting point is 00:21:09 a lot of Palooza. And I went back and checked her, uh, eight, 2018, her first year in the open. And it's one of these situations where she just didn't have certain skills yet. So that's, you know, that's her fitness level was high. Her capacity was high, but she basically, I don't think she could do a muscle up. And so she got into one of the workouts and there's kind of do a muscle up. And so that was like, you know, a 56,000. But two weeks before that, when there was nothing in her way, she was 4,000. So it's, you know, probably year one to year two is just acquisition of skills. Year two to year three is probably understanding of how to execute workouts. Changes a lot that year.
Starting point is 00:21:41 And then, you know, obviously now she's right up at the top of the sport. changes a lot that year and then you know obviously now she's right up at the top of the sport but there's something really significant about the fact that she competes in australia because they only get three spots to the games for the women there and in a normal in this way that the season is currently structured she got in last year because tia couldn't make it to Australia, basically. And Jamie Simmons did not compete due to injury. So we talked about that during the semifinals, is that opened up opportunities for athletes like her to get to the games last year that honestly, I mean, very honestly, would not have made it in a normal non-COVID year with this structure
Starting point is 00:22:23 because those spots would go to tia car and jamie for sure but but but but also with that same breath you're also saying don't misunderstand brian he's he's not saying that she didn't deserve to go she did great at the game 26th she held her own correct am i hearing you right for sure is games caliber athlete but the opportunity right there is um very limited because of the number of spots they get and how good the top women are in that region or semifinals or whatever they're calling it now. Oh, she just texted me. Sevan, because you are so rude and mean to Craig Ritchie and to others, I refuse to come on your podcast. Love, Ellie. No, no. to come on your podcast. Love, Ellie.
Starting point is 00:23:07 No, no, I just made that up. I just made that up. Okay, I heard someone. I think it was your phone ringing. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. You heard me get a text and you pretended it was you getting a text. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:23:23 It was probably someone texting me asking me to ask you something oh good no one would just text me otherwise yeah um but but you know there were other there are other women that compete in that uh oceanic region like madeline cert for example who is a four-time games athlete that Ellie beat to get to the games. But the oceanic region used to get five spots. Now they only get three spots. And I think that that's, you know, I've talked about before how I think there should be, at this point, at least there should be more women from Europe or more spots for the women from Europe. And I have also written about that for Australia, is that taking away two spots from the oceanic region is a loss because Maddie Sturt, for example, who also has been very young making it to the CrossFit Games,
Starting point is 00:24:14 coming fourth and fifth in that region, has regularly finished 20th, 21st, or around there at the CrossFit Games when she's made it. And when you're the last one in in a region and you're beating half the people in the field and everyone else from your region is still beating you you know that's to me as indicative of the fact that there's a you know that's at least the number that should be there not that you should take spots away from that region do you increase the size of the competitive
Starting point is 00:24:41 number of competitors at the games or do you take them from someone else? You take them from someone else. Yeah. And I think that this, to be responsible as a sport, I mean, if you really want to have the elite field there, you need to, for now, we need to evaluate, you know, and I think on a five-year basis, what's the women's field look like? And where are the top competitors coming from? And then every, you know, every year, you want to drop one year at the most recent year, and you can make adjustments accordingly. Eventually, 10, 20 years from now, if this thing continues to hold water and exist, then it might look very different. But in the meantime, the North American women have way more spots than they deserve based on their performances at the games racist racist yeah i mean you keep lumping all the north american women up together
Starting point is 00:25:34 because of where they live uh uh hi this is interesting what do you think of this wherever heidi says that um wherever the prior years champ lives should get an extra spot to your spot shouldn't keep out other games caliber athletes. I don't know about that last sentence, but I just like the idea of the home country champ given their region, the home region champ given their region. Everyone benefits from having the champ out of their region. Yeah, but let's just say, for example, that Tia wins and that the other two women who make it from Oceania finish 31st and 38th.
Starting point is 00:26:04 And they've already been there. Then I don't necessarily think that's the case. That's why I look at the totality. I want to see how the worst person who made it in or the worst finisher from that region at the Games did relative to, you know, in this case, like the worst five women. Now, someone who's a Sam Herring put up something about the Australian males. Now, someone who's a Sam Herring put up something about the Australian males.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Look, in Oceania, the competition between the men is extremely competitive. But when you go and look at their, you know, let's go look at their performance at the games for the people who made it. And then we can answer the question. And in this case, this past year, Royce Dunn, 16th, Baden-Brown, 17th, Jay Crouch, 22nd. And obviously, Jay Crouch finishing 22nd means he was probably one executioner away because the points are so tight for making it into the top 20. And then they would have had all three other guys right there in the top 20, the top half of the games field. So I would say that, yes, the Australian men have also demonstrated
Starting point is 00:27:03 that they probably deserve at least one extra spot at the games that was some patrick velner logic i like that and and and you should work for jay crouch as his hype man uh look at this look at this lat on her can you see my air like my lad doesn't go does yours go down there i'm uh it's you know i'm working on elongating it yes Yes. That's nuts. I have big lats and mine goes like right here, like to the bottom of her, my big old bulbous lat only sticks out. I mean, this is nuts. Ellie Turner writes, I had to pinch myself a couple of times today. I was actually competing at the CrossFit games.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Such a humbling yet incredible experience. Bring on rest day tomorrow and then back to the Hunger Games on Friday. That's like some millennial shit, right? Hunger Games. She said that on July 20th, 2020. Why do athletes say it was so humbling? I'm not sure I understand that. It was so humbling.
Starting point is 00:28:07 When someone accepts an award, they're like, it was so humbling what do you mean like how uh humbling humming humiliation no no no the thing when they say humbling i think it's you know it's one thing to compete at a semi-f and feel, you know, how hard it is to make it or how competitive it is there in your region or the draw that you've gotten if you're in North America or Europe. But going to the games, now you're with, like you said, 38 other lionesses who've all fought, clawed, toothed and nailed to get through from whatever region. And each of them is coming there as the best from their part of the world. now to get through from whatever region and each of them is coming there as the best from their part of the world but listen to this definition humble marked by meekness or modesty and behavior attitude or spirit not arrogant or prideful if i won the academy award i wouldn't be like it's so humbling to be in front of you guys be like look motherfuckers i've won this shit it'd be the opposite of i would be the opposite of humble so if you're winning if you're winning
Starting point is 00:29:02 then the humility is to say it's such an honor to have won this award in such company. Right. And you're recognizing the greatness of the other competitors. But if you're not winning, which is the case for Ellie, like she went to the games with all these hopes. She didn't even make the top 20 despite having given her best and doing. Careful. Can you word that a little different? No, no.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I'm not worried about it because where she finished at the games in her first year is comparable to someone like BKG or Katrin David's daughter. Like there's no problem finishing in the mid 20s your first year at the games. Okay. You know, it's very rare. We talked about this with Jason Hopper. If he like, you know, Dave identified it as someone who stood out at the semifinals and he's rarely done that in the past. And in the past when he's done it, the guys that Dave's pointed out and said, this guy's got something different, have podiumed in their first year. That's why I thought Jason might have the chance. Um, Jason, cause Dave got to see
Starting point is 00:29:53 him live there and made a comment that was comparable to a comment he made about Vellner, Fraser and Froning. The first time he saw those guys compete at a semifinal thing or whatever regional stage or whatever it was, but that's extremely rare. It's way more likely to have some, even guys like Ben Smith and Annie Thor's daughter in their first and second years, like they're finding their way. Well,
Starting point is 00:30:14 Annie was a little bit different by her second year. She was already in the mix, but I guess, I think she's not even here. Now I'm going to start railing her. I'm not railing. Don't take this as I'm railing you. I just think that like – I watched a bunch of stuff about the CrossFit Games and Dave, and I hear all the commentators talking about how Aromas is hollowed ground.
Starting point is 00:30:50 And then I looked at definition of hollowed and it's just like, it's like they heard, like they read that in a, they read that in a, some sort of poem or they saw like Nietzsche write it or something. And so they want to try it out, hollowed ground. And I just feel like when people like say it was so humbling, I'm having trouble buying it. It's fine. It's a, yeah, it's an easy thing to say. And, you know, maybe lacking in some of the intended meaning of the word, yes. Khaleesi. Oh, I spelled Khaleesi right. I want to see if there's a gif of her walking out of the fire. Do you remember that scene?
Starting point is 00:31:16 Yeah, of course. When we find out she's like the Khaleesi walking fire. Let's see, search. Oh, maybe I can put gifs. God, that would be the greatest gif of all Search. Oh, maybe I can put gifts. God, that would be the greatest gift of all time. Oh, is this it? Stand by, everyone. Oh, it's not so good.
Starting point is 00:31:38 It's not so good. Oh, maybe is this it? Man, that is one of the greatest things. I'm hearing that Yellowstone is more popular than Game of Thrones. Is that true? I don't know. The show that I keep hearing everyone talking about is Ted Lasso. Ted Lasso.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I don't know. Do you know what it's on, Netflix or Amazon or what? I think that one's on Apple TV. Let me see. Oh, Ellie just texted me. Did she text you or are you making it up again? No, I'm making that up. When do you arrive in
Starting point is 00:32:20 Guadalupalooza, Brian? Later than I'd like to. It's Wednesday night. Uh, that's the 13th. Is it a 13th? I don't know. The ninth today.
Starting point is 00:32:34 No, no. So you arrive on the 12th and, and, and water Palooza starts on Thursday, the 13th, they have their first event. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I would have liked to prefer to have come in on Tuesday and had a day to walk around and get every, my bearings and talk to some of the athletes as they're checking in but they'll all be done with checking by the time i arrive yeah why why you just your schedule doesn't allow you to get there earlier um yes uh bring ellie bring on ellie turner from mayhem i think i excuse me i think i had them confused too this is ellie turner from mayhem i think i excuse me i think i had them confused too this is ellie turner from drake's passage or what's it deca comp deca comp drake's passage get my d words all confused and um ellie cabord is the one at mayhem yeah yeah you got your ellies unless you're trying to be funny get Seven, check your phone. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:28 My real phone or? No, I'm not checking my phone. Don't tell me what to do. Should I put the wild zombie up? Oh, yeah. He did send me something. Is that true? What? He's suggesting that I should send colton mertens an invite
Starting point is 00:33:48 what if ellie comes on what do you think happened what do you think happened here's what i think happened with ellie i think she the time zones got fucked up yeah i think she's probably sleeping honestly it's um it's uh 7 30 a.m there so it's 10.30 – or here, it's 10.30. Yeah, and she's on Australian time, so her shit's all whack. Hey, do you know – so she flew to Australia. To Australia? She flew to – after the games last year. At some point after – well, first of all, she was at the games last year, if I understand correctly. And she was told that she couldn't go back to her country because her flight was canceled.
Starting point is 00:34:21 When she finally did get back to her country, she spent 14 days in quarantine. By that, I mean her country, the country of Australia, by law, basically puts you in jail for 14 days. You're held in custody for 14 days. If you're seen walking around, I don't know what they do to you, but you're not allowed to walk around out of your room and you're only allowed to open your door when they bring you food and they bring you food like three times a day. This is according to what I saw her write and do interviews about. Then after she did her 14 days in jail, which they call quarantine. You can call it what you want.
Starting point is 00:34:54 I'm going to call it jail. Yeah, I'm going to call it jail. And by the way, the protocol for all of humanity in the past has never been to quarantine healthy people. You only quarantine sick people. This is a completely new phenomenon. This is not how you do it. And the science behind quarantining is to only quarantine sick. So anyway, so they quarantine a super healthy young girl who has no chance of dying from this thing.
Starting point is 00:35:22 And then she gets quarantined in Sydney. And then after that, because she has to go to a different province, for those of you who live in the United States, by that I mean like she quarantined in California and then she had to fly to New York. So then she had to re-quarantine again for 14 days. So she quarantined for 14 days in Sydney, then flew to her province and quarantined for another 14 days.
Starting point is 00:35:42 14 days in Sydney, then flew to her province and quarantined for another 14 days. So they held her in jail for 28 days after the CrossFit Games. Every Australian athlete who went back to Australia had to experience that. It sounds like they gave, well, yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I know, I mean, Royce Dunn, Jay Crouch, and Maddie Sturt, and they all posted about it, and somehow they all ended up getting like eco bikes in their hotel rooms. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She had some stuff like that too. Let me tell you this though. If you fly into Australia in a G5, you're not doing that. Vikey, our boy Vikey had to do it.
Starting point is 00:36:17 He did? Yeah. Oh, yeah. I wonder, how did he stay away from his – doesn't he have a kid? Kids? They all do roy says kids yeah i'm not doing that it's insane and everyone just accepts it in australia they're just like this is how it is we must do this for the greater good everything will be back to normal in no time just chill just chill stop being so polarizing. Just getting in jail, so. That's right. Yeah, Craig's right. Kara too. We need Khaleesi.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Khaleesi. I seriously can't believe they can hold Kara Webb down. That you can quarantine Kara Webb. That's like the parts in King Kong movies when they have King Kong tied down and you're like, this is such bullshit. They did not tie him down. Tie down King Kong. She's so cantankerous.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Do you think that these shows you'll do with Morning Chalk Up will – where is that? I need to find that again. Morning Chalk Up. Okay, so you're doing these shows on Morning Chalk Up. Sorry, guys. You probably don't want to hear this. This is me being passive of aggressive to Brian because I'm jealous that he's going on Morning Chalk Up first. But I'll pretend like I care and I'm promoting Morning Chalk Up.
Starting point is 00:37:35 When you go on these shows, like you'll go on one tonight. We've already recorded this. Oh, okay. So, okay, that's right. Okay, so you're not, you burned out are you gonna am i gonna get like when you come on monday will you just be like oh god again not at all because on those the questions are very specific give us your top three give us a dark horse and we go around and and we each talk about whatever uh i think we're gonna be have a chance to get into a lot
Starting point is 00:38:03 more detail and in particular on the men's side i'm very excited about that because the field is you know in my in my opinion i know not everyone has the same level of interest i do but it's like i'm i mean i'm actually interested in about 35 of the 40 athletes and competing on the men's side what oh and you're saying that's high usually you're not interested in 35 of the 40 let's talk about the and you're saying that's high. Usually you're not interested in 35 out of the 40. Let's talk about the five you're not interested in. Give them to me. I'm joking.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Don't do that. Number one. But you're not burnt out. You're not burnt out. I mean, you did three shows. I mean, you did Yugi. But those three shows combined take about an hour. And we'll spend probably two hours focusing in a lot more depth i hope um did you mention this guy's name which guy look at uh you see that's an example i
Starting point is 00:38:58 don't know that he even came up in the conversation because we're only talking about our top three picks and one dark horse did daniel brandon withdraw yeah are we allowed to talk about that is that public she posted i don't know you heard that too i heard that is that true you heard it too i did hear that yeah i didn't hear why i hope it's not why i'm guessing what's your guess i i don't want to say it i want to say it out loud it's so obvious though it's not it's not because it's a secret so i don't want to curse her i look at her instagram because i have those same issues. She has heavy flow this week. No. Her back?
Starting point is 00:39:50 I actually think that she's feeling better than she's felt since the games. And she wants to use that as an opportunity to get back into training certain things that she really hasn't been able to. With the two months or so that she has prior to the season starting. I think that the reason it was so tempting to compete at Guadalupe is because the women's field isn't that deep at the top. And so she's probably saw an opportunity to earn quite a bit of money here. I mean, if healthy, she would certainly be, I think, at the worst top fifth at this competition for the women and a decent paycheck. So I'm sure it was a very difficult decision for her and her coach and her team to weigh that financial opportunity against maybe what's the best thing for her across a game season. She's a podium contender right there at Guadalupe?
Starting point is 00:40:44 For sure. Yeah, for sure for sure oh she yeah for sure she would have been yeah and uh and so it basically it's opened it up some girls are happy i mean kind of happy yeah and look there's a lot of good women competing there but in terms of marketability and popularity it would have been you know her bethany and sarah and and you're taking away one of the big three in that regard oh maybe danny spiegel a lot of has a lot of fans as well um you mentioned colton's name in any of these videos that you did with the morning chocolate probably not when when you do these um uh prediction um when you make this prediction content do you do it and act like you don't know the workouts or do you come at it like, yeah, I know some shit.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I got some I got some inside scoop. I do know the workouts, but I don't I mean, it doesn't come up. It didn't really come up in conversation. We maybe a couple of the workouts had been announced before we recorded it. This is totally inappropriate. Brian did not break her. How dare you? Did you?
Starting point is 00:41:57 You didn't break her, did you? She's not your girlfriend. She's a boyfriend. I'm always trying to build her up. That's all. But what I'm suggesting is that do you look at this like, hey, I know workout one is a 400-meter sprint, so it's going to be this guy who wins. I know this one is heavy deadlifts. I know this guy is going to win.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Is that what you put into your predictions, or do you go at it with a clean, like not pretending like you don't know the workouts and just going based on what you know of the athletes? Are you supposed to know the workouts and just going based on what you know of the athletes. Are you supposed to know the workouts by the way? Did someone tell them to you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Because I'm, I'm preparing information for the broadcast based on the workouts. I mean, I want those guys when they get up there, Tommy and Chase and Bill to have as much information as they can about the athletes relative to the workouts that they're doing so that if they want to, they can easily pull that up and say, you know, even though this person had a bad day one, we can expect them to do pretty well on this workout because we've seen this and this and this in the past. Colton, you know I'm going to give you the fuel you need, brother. Come on. Hey, someone right here. Spiegel is a plug. She's all ass and no finish. Are there, you never hear about anyone like commenting about what dudes are all ass.
Starting point is 00:43:18 What does that mean? What does that mean to be a plug? Isn't a plug someone who provide who's like supplies drugs. I think a plug is, is girl that used to work out with Katrin Davidsdoter. They called her the hamster something. Muscle hamster. Muscle hamster, yeah. I think it just means like when you're built like SpongeBob. What? SpongeBob? Yeah, just square. Like you're just like a plug like she's just like she's stout but but but going back to the all ass there's dudes who are just all ass too out there
Starting point is 00:43:52 i mean the dudes out there have some big asses trying to think of someone i know just who has an enormous ass that's actually funny sam briggs made a post today like she does not have an enormous and she said in her post she does not have an enormous and she said in her post i don't have an ass but i just rely i just let my biceps do all the work yeah very nice oh yes thank you wow look at you no not a butt plug uh here we go i should probably read stuff before i put it up a plug in hockey is the guy you have to let out every 10 shifts and cross your fingers he doesn't foobar the shift i don't even know what that means who watches hockey oh yeah kronikoff yeah there you go yeah he has an enormous caboose
Starting point is 00:44:35 he has an enormous caboose that's true yep massive massive just a fucking giant ass colton's got a huge ass. I was thinking that. I was thinking that too, actually, probably. It's hard to tell because... I will tell you this about Colton Mertens. He has just as good a chance to win as many workouts at Wadapalooza as anyone else in the men's field. So by you saying that, that's a bad sign
Starting point is 00:45:04 for what you think he's going to do in some of the other workouts, because you're suggesting he may have some really, really good events, like have it get a couple wins, but he's going to shit the bed somewhere else and to still not make podium. That's, that's unknown because,
Starting point is 00:45:17 uh, as we do know, he's been working really hard on some of the things that he believes are most likely to be the shit, the bed style workouts for him. And that's, I mean, honestly, that's what I'm most excited about. You know, the workouts that he's great at, uh, I already know, but the workouts that historically have held him back a little from where he wants to be. That's what I want to see how far he's come. And that's the
Starting point is 00:45:39 case for like 15 or 20 of the guys in the field. I already know the stuff that they can do well. I want to see how far they've come at the stuff that has, you know, most more often than not been a problem for them. Standby. Sorry. Call my wife real quick. She sent me a picture of my, something I left in the house. See if she's going to answer. Hey answer hey hi uh you're you're live you're live with us uh the girl didn't show ellie turner didn't show up so i like i don't even need
Starting point is 00:46:13 the notes we're just making this shit up as we go along cool all right love you bye how are the kids how are the how are the kids everything's Okay, good. As I expect it should be. Get a new wife. All right. So she sent me a screenshot that I left the note, but I printed the notes twice. I printed the notes twice. I like to turn our notes. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. She was training with Michelle.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Thank you. She was training with Michelle LaTondra for a long time before they met, it sounds like, right? Which I found interesting. Oh, before they'd met in person? Yeah. Oh, possibly. You know, that'd be great to ask her if she were here. Just bring the wife on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Bring your wife on the podcast. How's Vellner doing? Have you talked to Vellner in the last week brian what insights do you have on velner i haven't spoken to him but he did post that he passed the uh covid test that he needed in order to leave us leave canada and enter the united states and so he will be making his way to miami and he's like he's uh he's quadruple uh uh vaxxed anyway he's got like i think i think he's uh yeah he's he might even have like inside a you know pre-release he's got five or six already he's way ahead of the game he's johnson and johnson pfizer and modern it up so he's good to go
Starting point is 00:47:40 right good so velner is good anyone else pulled out anything any other breaking news that you can share i've heard some potential rumors of some european athletes that may or may not be able to make it but nothing nothing for sure men or women men uh any any last minute oh that's not good it's not luca is it luca withdrew like two weeks ago oh no shit yeah he's not on your list oh well that sucks not a castro hat this is our gym's hat it's just two barbells it's not but i did wear it um the day he was fired because it's the closest thing i have to a tdc hat because uh he never gave me one at the games despite. I was really hoping you would. So I'm going to look it up.
Starting point is 00:48:30 That sucks that Luke is out. That means Lazar probably won't be watching the event closely, which means that he probably won't be coming on to do guest appearances. I still think Lazar will be watching. Remember that you tried to you tried to like mention to Dave that I would love to have one of his hats and he could care less about that. That was the year you got fired from the games. That was this year? Yeah, this year. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Isn't that a trip? You got fired from the games? That's an accurate statement, right? I don't know. I mean, my credentials got removed. I still did my job. I still got paid for the job. I still felt like I contributed to the team but i had violated the protocol so that's the price you pay i'm glad they didn't throw me in jail for two weeks hey you guys hear that that's how propaganda starts and rumors starts brian violated the protocol he and was fired for misconduct i wonder what he did that was so naughty. And you still got paid. You still got paid. And that happened on day one.
Starting point is 00:49:32 It was bad. I was trying to, you know, promote the event and build up the athletes and did it in the wrong way. Why? In a nutshell, we were, we were live on the podcast. He was,
Starting point is 00:49:43 he was working. We were live on Instagram. Oh, we were. Yeah. You called on instagram oh we were yeah you called me what are you doing i said i'm watching hobart he goes you are oh hold on one second you started instagram live invited me to it and so what are you doing oh that's what it wasn't even on youtube no it was live on instagram and so he pointed so he put so and he was in the media pit at the games at a Masters competition, and they have a policy that you're not allowed to stream out of the media pit. Wadapalooza has the same policy. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning,
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Starting point is 00:50:50 the rules of rule and brian and brian and i both agree with that and in the excitement of it he turned his camera around and showed the field now when you show my excitement of it no no no you said turn the camera around let me see under the direction of my uh my command brian pointed his iphone at the field wall on instagram live and uh hobart looked like like an ant like you couldn't even tell what he was pointing to feel that and then moments later uh he was pulled aside and six hours later six hours later he was pulled aside and said you're naughty boy give us your credentials and i i had no idea actually i was uh called to a meeting that I thought was expected to happen anyway in preparation for opening ceremonies the following day.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And I got there and I, you know, when you get into the meeting and you immediately see everyone else's face and you're like, oh, something's not right here. And I still at that point had no idea what I'd done wrong or that I'd done anything wrong and was asked, oh, what happened today? And I was still kind of like, what? And they said that the live stream. And then it like all kind of dawned on me. And he said to you, did you know that that was wrong?
Starting point is 00:51:54 And you said. I was super honest about it. I mean, I knew at that point that it was probably going to like what the result was probably going to be. And that obviously there's no point in trying to do anything, but just tell them how it happened. And I immediately called Dave who's at the games and tried to lobby for Brian.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yeah, I don't, I mean, it was an oversight in the moment and deal with the consequences and move forward. He told me it was the team's decision. I don't know if it's all my fault, but yeah, it's a little bit. It's definitely a little bit my fault. Here's the problem. Can you get all the Aussies on a podcast together?
Starting point is 00:52:35 I'm curious to see how they debate their mandates, depending on it. It'll just make me start hating some of them. If you think it's okay to lock human beings up um for for no reason um it just will make me start hating some of them i don't want to do that i'm a good dude oh yes oh craig i uh tod hutchins smoked an australian last night wow really where was that match at todd hutchins is an arm wrestler. If it's not John, I don't care. I want to show you a photo.
Starting point is 00:53:11 What's John's last name? Pulling John? John Brzenk. John Brzenk. My guy. I'm going to show you a photo speaking of last night. Did you watch the show last night, Brian? Nope. Good. I'm glad you should not watch any of the shows you're not on.
Starting point is 00:53:33 They'll just stress you out. I really don't think they'd stress me out, but I was, I was watching that super cross last night. Like the motorcycle shit. My buddy, Scott Polanski, who sometimes is in the comments here. Yeah. He used to race supercross and so did his dad and they're very into it. And so I'm just doing, they've gotten me into it a little bit last year.
Starting point is 00:53:52 So I'm doing a little fantasy game with him this season. And last night was night one in Anaheim, your home state. That's some pretty manly shit. It's pretty crazy. I think we're actually going to go to one and uh try to go to the one in indianapolis in a couple months he said that watching it live is like different next level stuff which i believe i went i had an opportunity to go to one nascar race i went and actually had a like a pit credential to go down on the track and that was pretty intense is he good well he doesn't do it anymore
Starting point is 00:54:29 i think he was you know mediocre local guy so oh i wasn't gonna do this i'm yes or no brian about what i want to share i want to share a video with you but i don't know if this is not I'm a yes or no, Brian. About what? I want to share, I want to share a video with you, but I don't know if it's, this is not, it's not rusty trombone video, is it? No, no, no, no, no. It's a, it's a video of, um,
Starting point is 00:54:56 our fearless leader playing, uh, his guitar. Our fearless leader. You got Mertens plays guitar. No. Uh, I, I want, I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you. Yeah. Yeah. Sousa. This is,
Starting point is 00:55:10 um, Eric Rosa, the CEO of CrossFit. Uh, I, I, I, I, from two sources,
Starting point is 00:55:15 I was told that this was, uh, last night, him playing his guitar. Um, I'm guessing it's in Boulder, but, but,
Starting point is 00:55:21 but look at, he's playing his guitar. He's rocking out. Good, nice body. And if you notice that there's no one wearing a mask there, that's cool. Must be pretty cool. Here's the problem. You have gyms all over the world that are closed down and no one's standing up for them.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And he's sitting up here spitting on people. Do you get what I'm saying? You can't, you can't have it both ways. That comes with the role of being a leader. You can't, you can't have it both ways. You got it. You got to like either got to not do this or hide this, or you got to stand up for people who can't do it, who you're supposed to be leading. You can't let your gyms be closed around the world that are trying to save people's lives while you're partying well you can be partying
Starting point is 00:56:08 you just gotta be partying with the mask on like six masks this is not cool there's gyms that are closed they can't train they can't they can't keep business and you're here spitting on people you know you're spitting on people all All three of you are spitting on people. Sarah Calcan, how can see the women's field is not that deep? What is – what's she asking there? I don't know. Great transition though. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Thank you. Oh, she's saying – show me where that – how can you see the – how can you say that the women's field is not that deep? Let's go with that. How can I say that the women's field is not that deep? Let's go with that. How can I say that? Yeah. Oh, well, we can just look at the men's field to begin with, and we have Patrick Vellner. We know how his credentials.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Cole Sager, multiple top tens at the game. Saxon Panchik, multiple top tens at the game. Scott Panchik, eight top sixes at the game. Alex Mignot, multiple top tens at the game. Ricky Garrard, a lot of potential. Guy Maieros, seventh this year at the games. Alex Mignot, multiple top tens at the game. Ricky Garrard, a lot of potential. Guy Maieros, seventh this year at the games. Like we're already getting towards 10 athletes, all of whom have very impressive or multiple top tens at the games.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And if you go to the women's side, we have Sarah Sigmundsdottir, who's coming back from injury and meets that criteria. And that's it. There's no one else in the field with multiple top ten finishes at the games. and that's it. There's no one else in the field with multiple top 10 finishes at the games. I just got a text from Ellie Turner. Me too.
Starting point is 00:57:33 We're on that same thread. I love her. I hope she fucking wins. That's how easy. I'm such a fucking easy. I'm such a pushover. I swear I'm such a pushover. Just stroke me like a cat just a little bit.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Just like, oh, you're having to, like if Eric Rosa were to text me and be like, Stefan, you're having a great hair day. I love the podcast. I'd be like, CrossFit's the greatest thing ever. Or you just get so nervous and you say, you too, you're having a great hair day too. If someone from HQ,
Starting point is 00:58:04 if Gary Gaines called me with that beautiful voice and was like, hey, I just want to tell you, I understand where you're coming from. And I appreciate you contributing to the community. You're such a strong voice. I'd be like, oh, my God, this is so amazing. I can't believe it. Really? You're inviting me to Boulder to be I can be part of the team. That's what I meant to say.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I love the team. Just make me. Oh, my goodness. You guys know, I'm going to tell you something. This is – you really have to know this. I voted for Obama, and I voted for Hillary, and I voted for all – I think that was the same time Andrew Weinstein was supporting Romney. For most of you, that's not even going to make sense.
Starting point is 00:58:41 But for some of you, you're going to be like, oh, shit. That's what I mean. We can still see clearly. You can still – some of you, you're going to be like, oh, shit. That's what I mean. Like we can still see clearly. You can still – at some point, you just have to wake up. You have to be honest with yourself. Sevan, you're giving quite some heat on Rosa. Do you think it will affect you somehow? Maybe you will not be allowed to do what you planned for Guadalupe.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I mean this in the most kind way ever. I give zero fucks. The more anyone does to me, says my name, pushes back, writes something about me, that's why no one wants to say anything. I'm like a fucking meth head who can't stop picking his skin in the mirror. Just like – I just want some some i just want a tango i just want someone like to say something or like you know i i i think it's not lost on anyone with two cents for a fucking brain and matt o'keefe is a very smart man that i love watching the athletes and that i'm so excited about the movement and i'm really really in love with human beings and i'd like to see people really really improve themselves people who know
Starting point is 00:59:49 me watch me have any like inkling that's like what i'm all about and that i just love on these athletes when they come on the show from taylor williamson to elijah muhammad to like that's that's what i'm doing and not just crossfit athletes all everyone in the community if you come on the show like i'm going to be respectful ish to you yeah I am going to be respectful to you and I'm going to push forward like the good things about you so so it's really hard to be like I mean you know they're not going to let me I'm sure they're not going to let me do behind the scenes at the games but it doesn't matter I'm still going to promote the shit out of the athletes as we build up to the games there's it an, it's not, I'm not, um,
Starting point is 01:00:27 it's like someone asked me on the podcast last night, why aren't you telling people to de-affiliate? That's not what I'm doing. It's the same thing when people misunderstood with Greg, Greg doesn't have a problem with Coca-Cola drink all the Coke you want. It's just the lack of telling the truth. That's it. Just tell the truth. Let's roll. Let's roll. So, so it doesn't matter to me i don't i don't it doesn't matter to me what they do at at wadapalooza um it matters to the athletes how what they do to me it matters to them if they if they if someone fucks with me it just it's just um
Starting point is 01:00:57 shit we almost broke 400 000 downloads last night in the last seven days. I saw at one point the number went to 399,001. How cool is that, Brian? Pull up that last comment by Craig White there. I don't know if that's necessarily the case. Tyler Christoffel is also competing at Wadapalooza, and maybe Angelo just wasn't able to make that training session. Maybe he was there in the background. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:01:24 I haven't seen it, but I don't think that's necessarily what's going on just because of that. Oh, wow. De Chico has had some injuries, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:38 He has, he had a problem with his back for a couple of years for sure. I don't, I think it was unknown if he would ever, ever compete again. Can you switch people just like that at Wadapalooza? Could someone just show up and like... Yeah, they have very lenient policy with the athletes in terms of making kind of last-minute changes
Starting point is 01:01:54 or substitutions or entries even into the competition. One year, the night before competition began, they announced that Katrin was going to be in the field. Hey, I love that. It's good for some things. It's hard in other regards. I mean, it just depends. If you're printing like jerseys with athletes' names on it like Dubai does, then that makes it a lot more difficult to just, you know, have that in the last minute happen.
Starting point is 01:02:23 For logistical reasons, but for competitive reasons like who cares right well and also you kind of i mean for the promoters you want to know who's going to be there ahead too so like you can just like feel get some yeah i mean but you know being able to announce last minute boom t is in the field like that which is obviously exciting and people will want to watch if she's going to be there but but it does change the logistics. Are you going to reseed the athletes? Does it mean you need an extra heat? Do you need an extra lane in one of the heats? You know, there's a lot of things to add up. And the fact that there are 3000 total athletes competing there, um, it just like, I don't know. And one, one part of me is like,
Starting point is 01:02:59 why would you want to give yourself the extra headache so close to the competition when there's so many things already going on? Um, is this, uh, um hector trinto is saying uh catrin ended up winning she showed up the last minute and then won 2018 catrin davis is out of first place carrie pierce second place mackenzie riley third place wow what a badass that's pretty badass you just show up and win hey check this out these are the winners of Wadapalooza. 2020, Tia Claire Toomey. 2019, Tia Claire Toomey. 2018, Katrin Davidsdottir.
Starting point is 01:03:30 2017, Camille LeBlanc-Bazinet. 2016, Brooke Wells. 2015 and 2014, Sam Briggs. 2013, Talena Fortunato. Pretty. Talena had a kid. Yeah. I used to train with her in Naples when we lived down there.
Starting point is 01:03:46 She would help me out with some, she's very good PT also. She helped me out with some injuries I had, but anyway, it's a very impressive list of women who've won at water. Who is it? You know, everybody,
Starting point is 01:03:59 I don't know. Everybody. Jay crouches out. I saw that from Sam Herring there. I don't know everybody. Jay Crouch is out. I saw that from Sam Herring there. I don't know if that's true or what that means. He's supposed to be competing on a team with Con Porter and James Newberry, a Thunder Down Under team, one of the better teams in the field. Isn't Thunder Down Under a bunch of strippers?
Starting point is 01:04:24 Those are strippers? Yeah, I think that's right. And I think that was a very intentional choice by guys like Conor Porter and James Newberry, who've been having a lot of fun this season. But if he's out, this is what I was saying. If he's out, if he's unable to make the trip for whatever reason, maybe he doesn't want to make the trip because he doesn't want to spend two weeks in jail on the return trip, then they can probably just pull another athlete that is in the U.S. to round up their team.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Hey, what should I write back to Ellie? Should I be like serious and be like, oh, no problem? Or should I be like, fuck you, you're dead to me? Like, which route should I go? I think she's too young to do fuck you, you're dead to me like what which should i go i think she's too young to do fuck you you're dead to me because wow so which one of these is con porter can we zoom in gay brian yeah zoom in on the pecs i'll be able to identify them by the nipples. Yes. My goodness. Someone tried. One of the games athletes tried out for this. Actually, the guy in the middle looks a lot like James Newberry with the dreadlocks.
Starting point is 01:05:34 This guy here? Or with the tattoo? Tattoo. Oh. And two to the right could probably pass as con. Who tried out? So for $63, i can go see these guys there are 90 people looking at this show wow there's 90 people on this website right now
Starting point is 01:05:51 heidi does the female winner have a good shot to podium at the games um the most likely female winners in this competition are going to be uh bethanyburn, Sarah Sigmund's daughter, maybe Emma McQuaid. And I would say that it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility for at least Bethany and Sarah to make a podium run if everything goes well in the next nine months. Does this make sense? I'm going to write back to Ellie. She said she said she apologizes 35 hours of travel and she overslept. She says, I've never done this before. And I actually believe her. Should I write, seriously, don't worry.
Starting point is 01:06:30 We are talking mad shit about you now and we're all even. That's cool, right? Yeah. I think she'll understand. We're talking mad shit about you now and we are all even. No, I've never done this. I'm sorry. Dude, jet lagged is the real deal
Starting point is 01:06:46 dude jet lag is weird isn't it jet lag is so weird hey that's that's what people um that's one of the amazing things about life someone could be the most sane person ever in three days you could make them a fucking lunatic if you keep them awake you can keep someone awake for three days and like the most sane person ever they're broken broken that two days broken all love we will reschedule schedule you're good oh and then and then the obligatory you're a good dude I wish they knew
Starting point is 01:07:36 how excited seriously I wish they knew how like cool and excited I was just to be like texting with the games athlete and I know I say a lot of like sarcastic shit but that is not sarcastic. I think you guys are so fucking cool. Oh, this is it. Wyatt Begay says, Wyatt Begay?
Starting point is 01:07:55 Is that his real name? Wyatt Begay? Wyatt Begay? Shadburn is going to go Scorched Earth and dominate since she had to miss the games. I don't think that's the right use of scorched earth but i appreciate it i i i do like what i did last night was scorched earth but but it's only the beginning i got cut off i had seven pages of notes but i got cut off you didn't waste my time what stop it yeah i mean i think everyone stop it. Yeah. I mean, I think everyone in it,
Starting point is 01:08:26 I'll say you're the man. Is that okay to say to a woman? You're the man. I did. I said it anyway. You're the man. I know. I think everyone is really excited to see Bethany compete this weekend.
Starting point is 01:08:36 It was huge letdown at the games, especially after what she did at West coast classic. So she should be very good. She should be right up at the top. I think she's probably the favorite here. This will be another opportunity for us to have a data point that gives us an insight of how good she actually can be. Her boyfriend is a strength and conditioning coach for the Lakers.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Is that true? Did I see that? Bethany Shadrach? Fiance? Maybe, no? Same thing, but you know what I mean. Yeah, something like that. What do you know?
Starting point is 01:09:15 Do I have something wrong? No, I was looking at Ashley McMain's comment. Call my friend Matt Poulin. Matt Poulin's competing at the men's field at Guadalupalooza as well. He also competed as an individual at West Coast Classic his past semi-final season. Is he a top guy? Is he in the elite field?
Starting point is 01:09:32 I'm trying to think. I think he finished around 12th or something at West Coast Classic. You said you were interested in 35 of the men of the 44. Is Matt Poulin one of those guys? No, no. I'm interested in 35 of the men of the 44 is matt pooling like one of those those oh yeah no no i'm interested in him he he makes the top 35 he's 5 10 195 pounds 26 years
Starting point is 01:09:53 old in case you didn't know brian damn you're so i love how prepared you are uh sevan you're looking small today it's because yesterday so it's it's, I'm always small. I am a small man, but yesterday I was wearing that tight black vest with a white t-shirt. That's like, was my, that's like my power outfit. Like, cause I was going hard.
Starting point is 01:10:15 Uh, wow. Good job, Craig. That's that's 555 calories in 32 minutes. Biker. Thanks for the background. Gents.
Starting point is 01:10:21 My pleasure. Thank you for sharing that. I actually really liked that. Man, he was going hard. Oh, unload on. No, no, no, no. Ellie's awesome. Listen, I mean, I was up late last night.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I mean, if I'm going to try to make her feel bad, I would start telling you about how late I was last night, up last night after the podcast, researching her, reading any article, anything I could find about her. Thank you. Morning chalk up. I appreciate that greatly. What's the guy's name? Who does the interviews? The giant dude. He's huge.
Starting point is 01:10:53 What? I think that's Scott Schweitzer. Clyde. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That guy's like, that's how I do my research.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Scott, I should Venmo you something. That's how I do my research on the athletes. I go to morning chalk up and then watch Scott interview them. That's how I do my research. Scott, I should Venmo you something. That's how I do my research on the athletes. I go to morning chalk up and then watch Scott interview them. That's a tough thing to do he does. I would not want to sit on a box across from an athlete interviewing them. I would turn like bright red and fall on my face. I don't know how he does it.
Starting point is 01:11:19 He just question after question. Then I'm like, okay, I'll steal that. Thank you, Scott. I'll steal that. I plagiarize, borrow. Is Jason Kalipa or Eric Rosamore? No, come on. I don't think Kalipa's woke.
Starting point is 01:11:35 I don't got no woke from him. Oh, this is interesting. Is Sydney Wells going to be there? Is she still going, Brian? I never saw her on the athlete roster for Guadalupalooza. I do expect that both of them will be in Miami, though. I mean, that's my guess. There's a lot of athletes who are not competing there who are doing sponsor events, promotional events, stuff peripheral to the competition.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Is Sydney still trying to be a CrossFit Games athlete? Is that something she's really, really pursuing like we're gonna see her heard the games one day i think so i mean i think so to the first question will she make it to the games one day i think this upcoming year will be our best insight into whether whether that will happen or not um my expectation is that she'll make a pretty big jump this year, just based on the obviously athletic genes in her family and the focus that she seems to have on trying to get to the games. I think last year she showed that she has a great aerobic base and she is even moderately strong relative to other women she's competing with. But some of
Starting point is 01:12:42 the skills gymnastics wise still need to come along. So when we talked about Ellie's original open performance and she was missing some of those skills, Sydney's not missing the skills, but she needs to become more proficient and competent with them under fatigue and in high-intensity situations.
Starting point is 01:12:59 I think she has a chance. She's been training with the Proven team down there in Nashville for this season. Wait, wait, wait. Sydney's also with the Proven team? there in Nashville for this. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Sydney's also with the proven team. I think so. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:09 Okay. Um, so I, I'm excited to see her this year and see what, you know, kind of changes she's made. And I don't have a problem. Like, you know, like I said, with a lot of the guys that are competing at Wadapalooza, this is like a six month check-in to see what's happened in the last six months. But I don't think by any means you need to do that. So if she wants to take the whole year, not do any off-season competitions,
Starting point is 01:13:28 and really be focused on trying to make that jump, I think that might be in her best interest, actually. Can you see this picture, Brian? I can. What is she holding? That's straps on a sled. She's probably going to just do a sled pull like that and then back up a couple feet and do it again.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Thank you. They look like rubber bands to me. I think that they highly recommend kicking off 2022 with the girls weekend. Miami, Florida. Yes. I think that Brooke, and I don't know about Sydney, was in Vegas at some big ass prestigious party. By prestigious, I mean like David Spade's house or some shit. She was somewhere like that, somewhere that she is friends with Gabby Morgerman,
Starting point is 01:14:19 who's a super agent over at WME. I don't know if she represents Brooke Wells. They're definitely friends. I think Brooke, after she had her surgery, she healed up while staying with Gabby at her Hollywood home. Hollywood home. Malibu home. Can you pull up Greg Mountain's comment? I'm giving some good TMZ gossip, and you want to take it back.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Anyway, I think for sure, obviously mean, obviously they're in Miami. We can see as of yesterday. No, as of six days ago, they were in Miami. Who would leave Miami? Okay, sorry. Go ahead. You want to talk about? Brian, Greg Mountain says,
Starting point is 01:15:02 has it been confirmed whether Dave has programmed this year's season? We don't know for sure, but he obviously has already announced, had announced and CrossFit also had that the open workouts were programmed. My suspicions about Dave's programming has always been that he has kind of a big picture idea for the season, but then he takes it in individual steps. So he will spend this fall programming the open, dial that in, and then he'll spend the winter through the open season preparing for the next stage of the competition. So he's always like three to four months ahead, but still refining all the way up sometimes into the last minute. So I wouldn't be surprised if in his mind, he'd already had some of the ideas for
Starting point is 01:15:40 quarterfinal workouts, some of the ideas for last chance qualifier workouts, and some ideas for workouts, maybe even specific workouts that he knew he was going to program at the games, especially because it could be the last year in Madison and there might be something that he's been holding on to, waiting to release for the right moment. But as far as the entire game season, I don't think he had, not by any stretch of the imagination, did he have the whole thing mapped out yet?
Starting point is 01:16:04 I don't think he had – no, not by any stretch of the imagination did he have the whole thing mapped out yet. What Brian is saying is – I won't say. But I will tell you this. There is a room at the ranch. There are two rooms at the ranch where the walls are covered with constant changing and brainstorming and working on events and when um i started my podcast i was no longer allowed in that room for security reasons like dave takes that shit so fucking seriously and uh i it it might be out of context or a miscategorization to say that they are done, but they could have been done. By that, I mean, I think Brian was alluding to this. Like, yeah, there's 50 great workouts written for Madison probably.
Starting point is 01:17:02 Which ones were going to be it? Probably not chosen. Yeah, and I mentioned that on Tuesday, the first show that we had done after it was announced that he was fired is one of the things you're losing is this long-term view that he had for the evolution of the sport is that he had ideas sometimes three, four or five, 10 years ahead of time, but he knew that there was going to be come a moment when it'd be appropriate to include them. And, um, so I'm sure he had, I think he thought a lot of term in terms of concepts. So he probably had a lot of concepts laid out for the season relative to the last couple of seasons and to the upcoming seasons. And I'm just, you know, honestly, if that's the, um, if there's someone
Starting point is 01:17:42 who's going to come in and do the programming individually in the way that he kind of has, I hope that they also have the capacity to keep the big picture and evolution year to year in mind the way that he did. Brian is holding the leash. Brian, I needed another three feet on the leash, please. I hold Sevan responsible for both Matt leaving the podcast. It's only three feet. I hold Sevan responsible for both Matt leaving the podcast. It's only three feet. I hold Sevan responsible for both Matt leaving the podcast and Dave getting fired. Fair enough.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Take it. Is the original game's leaderboard in the hopper still at the ranch? Last time I was there, I don't know, a month ago, two months ago, it was still there. And it's because you are a chatterbox and a blabbermouth. Yeah. I'm going to let you go with that one too harry i'm not even i'm not even gonna i'm not even gonna rail your mom for that either don't worry i'm good good um chris's question is a good question i mean and it's whether it's rosa or a team of people who decided to do this
Starting point is 01:18:41 for me the biggest the biggest letdown of this whole situation is that there hasn't been a good follow-up to that announcement. If there were, if you're going to make a big decision like that, I would want and hope that there would be something following it. That's also a big announcement that, you know, instills some hope in the community. We reckon like the fact in saying that we recognize what Dave has accomplished and done for the sport, but we're letting him go. Like everyone knows that he's done a ton for the sport and the methodology. You don't have to tell us that if you say that and you say, and because
Starting point is 01:19:15 we're making such a big shift, it was really important to us that you guys understand that we're not doing this without a plan in place. And this is our plan, but there's no, there's no plan that I've seen. There's no plan that's been announced. There was nothing the next day. He didn't get up and talk to us. It's like, I mean, honestly, it's like if Joe Biden decided to say, you know what, guys, we're going to make this decision to invade this country based on what's happening there. But instead of getting up and making a presidential announcement like presidents always do. He just emailed the chief of staff and said, invade this country. And then they post on Instagram, we're invading this country. No explanation, no follow up, nothing. I don't think, but I don't think Rosa owes anyone
Starting point is 01:19:56 any. First of all, I don't think he has a plan. I think he has a plan the same way a boat out at sea with 50 foot waves has a plan when people jump overboard with a life vest on. Like, I think that's his plan. Like he jumped overboard with a life vest and he does fine. But if you listen carefully to the words of this song, this is actually Eric Rosa. You just have to go to Instagram and hear Eric Rosa singing. And this is where he's exploring, um, um, you know, his plan right here.
Starting point is 01:20:29 He's singing about what his plan is. No, there's no fucking plan. I don't know what the fuck they're doing over there. I mean, you know, and that's so, so, and if that's the case,
Starting point is 01:20:36 that's to me is disappointing because it's a big move and you should have a, you know, you should be following up a big move with something positive or at least well thought out and just to say justin berg is going to fill that role feels like it's lacking like it's empty it's not it's not enough for me um brian i still don't know how you're not the commentator at the cross events brian still can't doesn't understand it either um so let's say there is a really competent team there. You take Dave away and there's a really competent team there who can still do this.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Let's say. Let's say there is. And I know there's definitely a shit ton of competent people who work there. There's also a ton of incompetent people who are in the way. But more importantly than all of that you have to remember they just watch their fucking leader even the people who hate him respect him as a leader and like really really are impressed by him and they slaughtered their leader like so so even the competent people are a little incompetent right now because they're shaken i can't express to you
Starting point is 01:21:39 how hard it is to work somewhere when when your shit's been turned upside down it's like really hard like people are tripping like scared tripping like not sleeping at night tripping okay back to ellie turner are we're gonna reschedule with ellie turner right i mean i think i think it'd be a lot of fun to talk to her i mean if she will i mean she's got a cool accent. She writes good texts. Our Indian comedian has popped up again. Oh, what's he saying? Megatron? Oh, the Megatron variant will be ready for public release by Games, and they'll postpone it.
Starting point is 01:22:20 It's possible. It's definitely possible greg mountain it's a great name by the way i don't believe it's a real name dave knew wall walks would be hard legless rope climbs freestanding freestanding handstand push-ups he had the balls to go there most programmers just refigure reconfigure movement patterns not move the bar here's the thing too, Greg, that it's funny you say that, that it's a fine line between moving the bar and gimmicks. And I, and he really did not want CrossFit to become gimmicky at all. You're right. He just wanted to move the bar and he wanted people to be able to do things that they didn't think that they could do. And I think Jason Kalipa spoke about that extensively, about that did happen at those events.
Starting point is 01:23:25 more impressive it becomes, especially when you think about something like the 2017 Open with the implementation of dumbbells for everyone. Dumbbells were in the very first workout ever in 2001. It's called Fast and Heavy. Run, dumbbell thruster, run, dumbbell thruster, run, dumbbell thruster. And dumbbells were at the very first year of regionals. And they were at regionals for several years before they made their way into the Open. So if you're paying attention and you had the aspirations to be at regionals, or even to be competent as a competitive CrossFitter, even if it's just in your gym, you could have looked back a few years and seen how important dumbbells were in his programming,
Starting point is 01:23:58 and you wouldn't have been surprised in 2017. But most people didn't take the time to do that or didn't make the jump. And so in 2017, when the dumbbell came out, not once, but twice, first two weeks of the open, then people were figuring it out. And everyone's back hurt after 17.1. Now you can program dumbbell snatches. Even one year later, you could program dumbbell snatches and everyone had a totally different understanding of how to do it. But it wasn't a new concept. He'd laid breadcrumbs for it because CrossFit, the methodology and the programming had laid breadcrumbs for it because CrossFit, the methodology and the programming had laid breadcrumbs before that. And he always looked
Starting point is 01:24:29 backwards to move forwards, but not everyone was able to always keep in mind and pay attention to how he was doing that. I sure as fuck wasn't able to pay attention. And I mean, dude, I'm writing these articles with Tommy and some of these things I'm like having revelations about them as I'm writing you know Greg Mountain Alex Peters and Pavon Deep all porn strategy I mean seriously wow wow that those might have been three of the three of the guys on that Thunder Down Under profile page Pavon Deep god I hope I get to meet you someday. Verdi. Where are you, Mr. Verdi? Are you in America? You're either in San Jose or in Pakistan. You're in one of the two. I know. You live right over the hill from me. Why be gay? Serious question. Do you think he will stay in the crossfit space with another company somehow assuming this is dave they're asking about me too i'm not sure i mean when
Starting point is 01:25:33 they first made that announcement just the private nature of who dave is i i had said i thought he might back off for a little bit and then reappear. But my feeling on that has completely changed. I don't, I think Dave, I don't think he has any plans to go anywhere. I think that he, um, loves this stuff. And I think that he might very well take an opportunity to do something like that, perhaps very prominently, uh, even sooner than we think. I think that's a, I think that is a very astute and wise possibility to consider. What Harry M said? No, what you said. I mean, I can see it both ways.
Starting point is 01:26:22 I have two very, very clear and very realistic expectations of Dave. One is that we never see him again. He fucking puts on some war paint and a fucking thong and vanishes into the woods with Sam Dancer hunting animals. And the other is that he shows up on the scene somewhere that you guys can't even believe and just takes over. I'm fine with either. I would like to watch either. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, UK.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Yeah, yeah, right, right, right. UK, yeah. They got your peeps over there in the UK too. I forgot. Savon Deep, yeah. You can ask your UK too. I forgot. Savon deep. Yeah. You can ask your wife if she will call you Savon deep. I don't ask my wife anything, Harry.
Starting point is 01:27:13 I tell her that comment by will about Dave's book. So when, when Dave wrote the book programming, the CrossFit games, what I can't think it was a two, maybe the 2018 season, 17 season. Have you read the book, right?
Starting point is 01:27:22 I read it a couple of times because, and I, and, and honestly, if you're programming for any competition, I mean, I, and I mean that, I mean, even if you're programming competition for your local gym, which I do a couple of times a year, there's principles from that book that I borrow in terms of preparation and thinking about what that day is going to be like for the athletes and what experience I want them to have. And so I apply those principles in the testing, in this layout of the day. He didn't always have it all figured out, but if he didn't, when he watches his event city programs, he's learning. He's looking for his own mistakes so that he can eradicate those mistakes
Starting point is 01:28:05 next time, next year, whatever it is. And he gives a lot of like, he addresses a lot of those things in that book so that you don't have to make those mistakes for yourself. If you read what he's already like the trials and errors he's already gone through. Constructing a cross of games. I wonder who owns that. You know, when I came out there to HQ is when i actually picked up a copy of that book oh like there was just one sitting out for free no you gave me an l1 manual a hard copy of that which i still have but i think i purchased the this book oh i'm a good dude hey you're a good dude you'd have given me both that's correct um you said something there at the end that i wanted to respond to but i forget what it was because i was busy looking up this book uh chris thank you is it just about the insights that he provides that uh oh yeah the way he watches his events
Starting point is 01:29:01 you know he's not having fun at the CrossFit Games. I heard your fan that cools down your marijuana plant start up, Brian. The room must be getting hot. Come on. That's the one thing I asked you not to talk about on here. All right. Sorry. It's kind of like this podcast.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Like, I'm really glad I do it, but I'm not having fun while I'm doing it. But when it's done, I look back and like, I'm excited. I'm glad that I did it. Like, oh, I got that done today. It's like that. I think it's kind of like that for Dave at the games. His lips are pursed. He's intense. He's not like it's not like a place he goes to enjoy the fruits of his labor at all, at all. a place he goes to enjoy the fruits of his labor at all at all and what brian said is like so astute he's there the whole time like judging the shit out of the guy who organized the event and that's him he's there the whole time judging the shit out of himself so that the next year it could be better it's intense it's intense it's intense being around him they had this room called the War Room.
Starting point is 01:30:05 Did you ever go in the War Room, Brian? Did you ever make it in there? Yes, but not during any of the meetings. I was in the War Room begging and praying that the printer would work so I could print the script for the final ceremony, the award ceremony for Kiki Dixon. And also at the same time hoping that he didn't come in in a bad mood and find me in there by myself. He'll walk right in there and kick people out. And I didn't actually feel like I was by myself that year, even though there were no other
Starting point is 01:30:33 people in the room because there was a huge cardboard cutout of Doug the doggo. Oh, that's cool. I wonder if he still has that. Oh, yeah. I remember he would take that around and place that places on the field. That was funny. That was funny. That was probably the only funny ever had.
Starting point is 01:30:54 Well, we talked about how cool Elliot Turner is for an hour and 30 minutes. Not a single one of you goofballs called in. Good job. You're scared of Brian. When I'm on the show by myself, Brian, the calls pour in so people are definitely terrified of you um let me see uh before i let you guys go we are not doing the new show tomorrow um james hobart i free um he is teaching and crossfit level one which if you haven't taken you must take um and uh kate gordon is um has a horrible landline connection and I cannot do
Starting point is 01:31:26 that again tomorrow morning at 9 30 AM. I will be on with Josh bridges and Paul Saladino on the Josh and Sevan podcast. Um, and that's going to be cool cause Josh is trying the carnivore diet. Um, then at 6 PM tomorrow, I'll be back here with Brian and John young. And, uh, hopefully one of the producers, uh, um, will, or Kayla will be here to run the back end or Sousa. And that's us doing the predictions of the Wadapalooza show. That's going to be a huge show. The prediction shows are always massive. And then I don't see anyone scheduled for Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday.
Starting point is 01:31:57 That pisses me off. But somewhere in there, O'Keefe is going to pop on. I'm going to guess on Wednesday the 12th. And then we'll be full steam ahead into Guadalupalooza. And we don't know what we're doing, but we're going to go hard at it. Oh, here we go. We'll end with this call. Speak your mind.
Starting point is 01:32:18 Hey, what's up? This is Greg Mountain. Hey, Greg. What's up? How are you? I'm good. It's the first time I've ever watched the show live. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:32:27 Thanks for watching. Hey, do you know what name pops up when you call on my cell phone? It's not Greg Mountain. No, I don't. Oh, it's like, I can't even pronounce it. It's like Y-E-J-I-N is the first name. Oh, Yejin. Yejin.
Starting point is 01:32:42 My significant other is from Korea. she moved here and she was like 10 oh wow yayjin and and then is that and then is mountain not your real last name there's last name on here too no that's lee that's her last name oh no it's not lee so when we got together i could either go on her phone plan or she could go on mine. But the line at T-Mobile was shorter, so I went with hers. Smart. I put everything. Everything is in my wife's name, too.
Starting point is 01:33:14 All the houses, everything, cars. Just don't put anything in your name. Got it. That way when they leave you, they can just take everything and you can start over. Greg Mullen is my real name. Oh. Do you have a question for Brian? Uh,
Starting point is 01:33:29 yeah. I was just curious if Dave probably programmed some of the wads for the year, but do you think they're like, now that that apple's out of here, let's, let's strip this down and redo it the way we want to do it. Or do you think they're like, dude,
Starting point is 01:33:44 save every piece of paper we find in the trash can well i don't know i think that as seven has talked about already it's likely they'll use the workouts he programmed for the open because there's a lot of logistical things in addition to just the workouts that probably have already worked on. But my, my guess is that, um, you know, I don't know actually if he's done the quarterfinal workouts or not, but I would say at the very least that quarterfinals would be the last thing that he's programmed that we'll see this year. And so the quarterfinals is maybe a 50, 50, but I think everything, hopefully the semifinals will all be live. Those are all going to be programmed by the events that are hosting them. So that's not an issue in this question.
Starting point is 01:34:31 And then I think that the last chance qualifier and the CrossFit games, we will see little but likely none of Dave's programming that he would have had for this year. Got it. And then would it be the new gentleman that was the VP? I think I don't expect Justin to be the pro programmer. I think Justin is going to be the, like the figurehead leader that makes sure that things are running how,
Starting point is 01:35:00 how they want them to run and that there will be someone else, or maybe even a team of people who are primarily responsible for the programming. Justin might be privy to it and even have some input into certain things regarding schedule, layout of floors, maybe some of the logistics, but I don't think he'll be the primary programmer. It'll probably be the gentleman from CAF Plan. The gentleman from CAF the gentleman from calf plan
Starting point is 01:35:27 what's cat plan he's talking about Hobart they should ask Hobart to do it I mean man he's good I had five people in the past three days ask me if Hobart will replace Dave and all of them I responded to, why are you asking me that?
Starting point is 01:35:47 And they all said, well, isn't he a good programmer? Yeah, he'd be a great replacement. The thing is that what's going to be interesting is if they're going to try to neuter who's ever in the front. You really do need a front man for the games. If they don't do that, then it's going to be silly. for the games. If they don't do that, then it's going to be silly.
Starting point is 01:36:06 The sport really needs a... You don't agree with that, Brian? I'm not sure. I'll enjoy it more with the front man. How's that? Okay, but who's the front man for Rogue? Rogue's a... Oh, you mean like the Rogue event? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:28 No one. That's my case in point you didn't enjoy rogue no i did but there's a whole there's you think it would have been better if there'd been someone in that role there's a whole mystique and a whole narrative i mean even o'keefe plays like everyone knows that wadapalooza is o'keefe and there's a personality that goes with it o'keefe is easygoing, smart, fun, gets along with everyone. But O'Keefe doesn't program those workouts? No, no, no. I'm not even suggesting programming. I'm just suggesting – although that would be interesting.
Starting point is 01:36:54 I just like events. I like things to have a larger narrative than just like go there and just play lift weights. a larger narrative than just like go there and just play, uh, lift weights. I like, I like the fact that it's this guy who's a former seal team, six operator who programs for you. He's been around forever.
Starting point is 01:37:11 He has no problem going out on the floor and yell. If a competitor talks shit to a judge, he'll walk out in front of the 30,000 fans and be like, Hey, don't ever fucking do that again. I'll slap you in the face. I mean, I just like,
Starting point is 01:37:22 like, like we need that, that this sport is hard. Imagine the documentaries without dave yes i think that's what you're saying yeah you know he is the thread that that's through that's there from beginning to end right and it's and it's a great thread it doesn't matter if you like him or you don't like him it's a great, it's great. Like, like, like, and I use this example every time, like Requiem for a Dream. I hate that movie.
Starting point is 01:37:49 It's a great movie. Never watch it again. Rather blow my brains out. So I would agree with you. We will be missing something. But on the other hand, there's just a, you know, a statement of a blanket statement. We haven't seen the games without that thread without that storyline and you know sometimes it's one of those things like um like you don't know what you
Starting point is 01:38:10 have until you don't have it or until it's gone or whatever and we might very well have a games this year without a front man without that narrative without that storyline and we could very likely say yeah we want that back hey i, I have a thought. So you could tell what it's going to be like based on other events, right? Whether it's Dubai or Waterpalooza, you could see what other CrossFit events are like without Dave running it. And they're good events, but
Starting point is 01:38:36 it does miss, I guess, the tip of the spear or the tip of where this is coming from, in my opinion. I think that would be the biggest difference. It's just going to be a watered-down version of programming, and it's all going to be just reconfigured movement patterns where nobody's pushing the needle forward like he did.
Starting point is 01:38:55 I think he understood it so well. Rogue was more than – I agree with you. More than CrossFit, isn't that part of the story? Yeah, yes, exactly. Rogue is basically – it's a um it's a it's like going to a haunt they're selling it's a showcase yeah it's a showcase a showcase of crossfit athletes strongman athletes very well yeah it's totally fucking different um will boz's role change i don't know but adrian could program and run the games too
Starting point is 01:39:23 he would be great too and And Adrian's a savage. Dear, dear friend of mine. But a complete asshole at the games. I mean, cut from the same cloth as Dave. But as close to... That's a mischaracterization, by the way. You know what? I'm by asshole, I'm saying it lovingly.
Starting point is 01:39:39 But he's hard. He puts his friendship aside. If I was in his way, I'd be like, get out of there, get off the floor. And I'm like, anyway, go on. Sorry. Sorry, Brian. Go ahead. I mean, how long has Boz been close to everything that happened surrounding the games? Since God created earth. Yeah. So he's one of the few that's, that's still there that has, that's still there that has a very, very close insight into what that evolution's been like and all the steps along the way.
Starting point is 01:40:12 I think that he was one of the main people that Dave consulted with about everything that went into creating the games, not just the programming, but the floor layouts, but the scoring decisions, where judges would even position themselves on the floor, what flow the athletes would have in every different workout. How are you so smart? I've been to all those meetings, and I should be saying this. Whatever Brian's saying right now is absolutely right. It may be arguable that no one's closer to the programming than Boz.
Starting point is 01:40:43 I'm trying to think of every single fucking meeting and testing and everything i went to adrian was always there and he's like right next to dave like boyfriend and girlfriend like they're whispering in each other's ears and shit like seriously like like like like sitting like so their thighs are touching i mean like it's what brian's saying is true everything i'm visualizing in my head and remembering in the past from the last, Boz was always there. Someone would finish a workout and the first thing Dave would do would look at Boz,
Starting point is 01:41:11 and Boz would say something. First thing, he didn't go right on the floor, and Dave would look at Boz, and Boz would nod his head and then go handle it. Yeah, yeah. So it's a great point. I got one more thing before I jump off the call. Go ahead. Is there nudity involved not necessarily i'm gonna hang up on you then i know that you talked to uh greg last and i was
Starting point is 01:41:33 just curious where where he wants to he had a message or anything for affiliate owners as this thing kind of unfolds more and more woke like i um i think that we will hear more from greg very very soon i he he's probably not gonna have a lot of um he's probably not gonna have a lot of interest in this topic period at all you know what i mean i don't think he i think he's moved beyond this i mean we'll see but he's got some really um he's really really focused on science right now and broken science. And I think we're going to hear some interesting stuff. So let me ask you this real quick.
Starting point is 01:42:10 Can you see the screen? Which one of these looks like your girlfriend? I typed in the name, Eugene. Oh, I'm on the phone. See, that's the thing on the phone. I had to jump off my YouTube in order to use my phone. Well, I looked up her name and all the. Did you look up my instagram and the
Starting point is 01:42:26 picture of her all the gins are pretty so congratulations no no that's not her name her name's kyla oh shit that's like her korean name so like when she moved here like they changed their name well yeah yeah fine you're ruining the story sorry bye um you want to pull up Giovanni Brunei's comment about the qualification process Greg gone check Sevan gone check and now Dave gone check 2022 is going to be great
Starting point is 01:42:57 did you see that when I sent you the fired ones no where's that I sent it to you it was someone that said you know new podcast coming soon and there was a picture of you greg and sev on it they titled it the fired ones oh shit i didn't see it is it recently yeah yeah you should maybe you should make it a thumbnail for a podcast coming up soon yes damn clickbait clickbait did you send it to me just solo or someone else on it i probably sent it in instagram DMs, I think.
Starting point is 01:43:27 I think someone made a post about it. I don't know. Someone sent it to me and I forwarded it to you, of course. Oh, did you forward it to me on Instagram? Probably. Okay, that's why I haven't seen it. Mm-hmm. But Giovanni asks about how is it possible to qualify for the CrossFit games with different semifinal programming?
Starting point is 01:43:48 This is a, you know, this is a, something that we talked about last year when we knew that that was going to happen. Am I calling in? Hang on. No,
Starting point is 01:43:56 no. Do you want to answer this question or take the call from the UK? You're the boss. Matthew Parvan deep. Parvan deep. How are you doing my friend? Talk to me. Parvandeep. How are you doing, my friend? Talk to me. Parvan. Hello. Hey, Parvandeep,
Starting point is 01:44:10 how are you? Yeah, not quite the right accent. Oh. From Ireland. Oh, sorry. You know me, I'm Clive. Oh, Clive, how are you, brother? Yes, yes. You have red hair
Starting point is 01:44:24 like my wife. A little bit, yeah. Although I'm booty bald now. But yeah, I literally just finished watching your live from last night. I'm going to see your live again. So it's a back-to-back for me here. Oh, you're rubbing your penis raw. So I had a question, but I wasn't watching live in your last night
Starting point is 01:44:47 one so um but this gives me a second opportunity to ring in um when when greg sold did he sell did he sell the intellectual property as in the methodology the training or can he not just train something else in the same way? Or can anyone for that matter, cash or whatever, can they do like a level one, but call it something else, but it'd be the same thing? Or is there like legally he can't do that? Does he sell that?
Starting point is 01:45:18 I don't know exactly. I've heard different things. I haven't actually seen the paperwork. I've heard a variety of different ideas and thoughts on this topic. I think that there is some, if I'm guessing, from what I can piece together from the conversations I've had with everyone, basically we're a couple years away from Greg being completely cut loose if he wanted to compete with these guys. I don't think it's something that greg wants to do but nothing in like greg would say from the beginning there's nothing i'm going to teach there's nothing that i created that that
Starting point is 01:45:50 wasn't already here that wasn't part and parcel with your dna that god or or evolution didn't create and so i mean and you and you can see it we could ask brian here he did the opex training i mean there's it would be it would i think it's very very for someone who gave who who wanted to it would be easy to to take all of this stuff and just rework it and sell it as human fit or operating manual for the human genome but i but i don't ever hear i i also think that there's an integrity there's a little bit of an integrity piece too. I don't condone it. What would you say to somebody who enjoys CrossFit, not the capital C with a small c,
Starting point is 01:46:34 someone who does CrossFit but not an affiliate, and they want to maybe get training, but they now feel a little bit disillusioned with the company, CrossFit, where would be the best place to get training without putting money in the hands of a company that's potentially lost its way and getting a bit too corporate for my liking? Where should you get training if you don't want to get...
Starting point is 01:46:56 The thing is, is that those affiliates are owned by, like, mom and dad. And so, like, I can't say anything like... I can't be... I can't do that. I can't... No, I mean... Do you know what I mean? I can't say anything like i can't be i i can't do that i can't no i mean do you know what i mean i can't say anything like hey you should go somewhere else i can't say you should de-affiliate i can't say yeah no i just can't because those are my people's yeah sorry he's talking about that he wants to basically he wants to have access to level one yeah knowledge without paying crossfit for access to level one knowledge oh paying CrossFit for access to level one knowledge.
Starting point is 01:47:26 Oh, I don't know. Well, basically, Greg used to start the seminar saying, hey, you guys came to everything that I'm about to teach you. No, no, this is what you should do, Sevan. Go search. See if you can find, I don't know if this is findable anymore. Maybe we can try to find it. search um it's like the 30 best crossfit journal articles of all time do you remember that seven yeah yeah yeah i just think mike workington put it together the guy read those book you read those you'll get everything you need to know okay i used to say anyone who's 12 years old and has just basic competence of the internet could learn everything i'm about to teach you on the L one. The,
Starting point is 01:48:05 what you won't get if you don't go to the L one is you won't get the culture that the, and, and, and man, the culture is so cool. Like, even if you think,
Starting point is 01:48:13 you know, the culture, when you go to the L one, those L one trainers are so amazing how they share that. They're so powerful and humble. And they, they share this camaraderie that, you know,
Starting point is 01:48:23 like if the L1 is so cool because you go there and it's like you're sitting in your seat and you don't know anyone there and there's all these weirdos there and like you think oh that person's more fit than me that person's less fit than me and by the end they're all you're in two days they're like your bros like you you can't even believe or your gals whatever you call them um you can't even believe it feels like summer camp like you were at a two-week summer camp but it was just two days they bring everyone together and yeah and it's so cool so yeah but you can find all the like all the technical stuff online just type in greg glassman journal articles and uh and read and you'll be a wizard in a month but get ahold of the L1 manual, get ahold of the L1.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Okay. It's free online somewhere. You can download it. It's called the, he called it the glass. He called it the Glassman chipper. If you search the Glassman chipper on Google, you click on the first link and he's got a list working and did put it together. He's got a list of 30 of the original CrossFit journal articles that he thinks are the most critical to read to have an understanding of Greg's concept when he came up with all of this.
Starting point is 01:49:30 Brilliant. Thanks, Brian. I've trained for maybe four years now doing CrossFit style training, but at a gym that's not an affiliate. As an outsider, I love watching the games. I love watching competitions.
Starting point is 01:49:46 As an outsider, like I love watching the games. I love watching competition. As an outsider thinking about CrossFit, the company, and thinking about CrossFit-affiliated gyms, I struggled to, I mean, I did sort of maybe previously struggle, but I got that there was this sort of deeper essence to it, like you said, community, but even just like, it seemed to mean a bit more, it seemed to mean a bit more it seemed to be a bit more authentic and now as an outsider looking across it without glassman and without castro i see no like real person i i don't see anyone from crossfit who's reaching out to me on
Starting point is 01:50:18 a personal level to make me believe in something i i don't see how, like the athletes are doing all the work in terms of like creating or like increasing the fame, I guess, or like increasing the reputation of CrossFit. It's only being done by athletes. I don't see anyone from CrossFit. I don't see any key person,
Starting point is 01:50:39 any figurehead there who is making themselves known or impressing people or grabbing people's attention that's just completely blind moat coach they should wheel nicole carroll out because man she's got if if they're looking for that maybe they're going to move away from that maybe they're going to move away from that just just coca-cola now just you know just just orange theory no maybe you know what i mean maybe you know P90X had that Norton guy.
Starting point is 01:51:06 And anyway, Richard Simmons had Richard. Anyway. Okay. Well, thank you very much for calling. Do you see the most recent text? The most recent text?
Starting point is 01:51:16 Yeah. Just me to you. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 01:51:22 yeah, yeah. I did see that. Oh, yes, I did see that. Yes. Thank you. You can't pull that up. Oh, yeah, yeah, I, yeah, yeah. I did see that. Oh, yes, I did see that. Yes, thank you.
Starting point is 01:51:26 You can't pull that up? Oh, yeah, yeah, I can pull that up. That person, that Christy A. person, like, that's a troll. That's, like, someone who hates themselves, and they listen to the show to fucking abuse themselves. Oh, wait. What do Greg? hates themselves and they, and they listened to the show to fucking abuse themselves. Um, Oh, wait, uh, what do Greg, I got it.
Starting point is 01:51:50 I got a P real bad. Should I go and come back? Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and P what do you, Christie a, what do Greg, Savan and Castro all have in common?
Starting point is 01:51:58 We all have nut in your mom. Uh, okay. Go ahead. Call her. Oh, this is Gabe. I actually, uh, show you an email about that sponsorship We'll talk later
Starting point is 01:52:08 I'm actually calling because Especially listening to your show yesterday I have an awesome story to tell About Zach Forrest He was my clubmaster when I took my level 1 Amazing dude Amazing, amazing guy So I was grateful enough to Take my level one in 2015 with him.
Starting point is 01:52:28 And this just goes to instill like the culture that was there. I actually went to, was it CrossFit Max Effort when he used to have it in Vegas? Can I just say something really quick? Sorry to interrupt, Gabe. Gabe is talking about a gentleman named Zach Forrest, who is a former Navy SEAL, longtime Crossfitter former games athlete uh one of the best movers i've ever seen in the game like make maybe you know better than spieler i mean and maybe better than hobart an incredible mover okay go ahead
Starting point is 01:52:57 so uh i was able to drop in and accept for a book to him prior to him teaching the class he was actually the uh the instructor the coach there i told him that he was my flow master that i basically gave him the credit because he taught me everything i knew from my level one after i took my level one there i was like shit i need to spread the word spread the gospel and i told him i was like hey man you're my flow master i learned everything from you and then then the strength portion was push presses. So he introduced me. He introduced, like he did with every new person that went to their gym, like introduced us.
Starting point is 01:53:32 And then he said, all right, we're going to go over the push press. Gabe took the level one, so-and-so here in New Jersey. And he's like, all right, Gabe, go ahead. And he just literally, after having a brief conversation with her for 15 minutes, he had so much confidence and understood the methodology and what he preached. And he was like, I taught him everything. Basically, this is what I'm assuming he said. He's like, all right, cool. I already taught him everything, pretty much everything I know.
Starting point is 01:53:59 I also told him I was a coach and he said, all right, go ahead. He's going to teach you how to do the push press. If he anything wrong he would if i said anything wrong he would time in but he was just so comfortable in the fact that the level one taught me what i needed to know to just even just explain what the push-ups look properly and to me that's just uh that just like stood out right away i was like holy shit this shit, this is something different. This isn't just like you take your exam and boom, you're a personal trainer. It's like, no, this is knowledge that's being passed down from the top, like from Glassman, from Dave, all the way down to just people taking that level one,
Starting point is 01:54:40 and it was so cool. Yeah, Zach's amazing. That's part of the culture, too, to believe in people. Yeah, oh my God, hell yeah. Nicole and Dave, as leaders at CrossFit Inc., really believed in people. And by the way, some people find that offensive because it's scary. Some people find that offensive when someone believes in you because it's scary. There's a whole chunk of the population that doesn't want you to believe in them, that wants you to feel sorry for them.
Starting point is 01:55:04 It's bizarre. it's bizarre it's bizarre don't do not hang out with nicole and dave if you want to hang out with people who might believe in you they'll fucking make you do what gabe just said they'll put you in front of a group and fucking have you teach something don't don't hang out with them they're they're they will not feel sorry for you don't hang out with people who inspire you to be better than what you are. Gabe, isn't that funny? Like this, I just said that I left a nut in Christie's mom and and then you're like, Hey, by the way, I'll circle back around and talk to you about sponsorship. All right. I love it. I'll check my, you email, you email me.
Starting point is 01:55:40 You give me a phone number. I'll I'll go ahead and just reply to that whenever, whenever. Okay, cool. Thanks, man. Bye. A Snoop Dogg would say game recognized game. Did Sousa do audio books for those? I, I, you know, that's a really good point. Matt Sousa had a podcast in his podcast a long time ago, years ago, and his podcast was reading greg glassman's journal articles and that's it so those might be on the internet somewhere someone needs to do that with a good voice excuse me all right brian um i'm going to what are you gonna do today brian
Starting point is 01:56:23 you're gonna go play frisbee? Is the sun out there? The sun's out, but it's super icy. It kind of sucks for death. Have you fallen this year? Do you fall every year in Chicago? Is that just one of the things you have to do? No, it's been a long time since I've fallen in that regard. But what I do today, I have some writing to do and some preparation for Guadalupe still.
Starting point is 01:56:50 I'm going to go watch my boys compete, train jiu-jitsu for the next two hours, jiu-jitsu and striking. I will leave you guys with this. If you do need your fix, there is a ton of Wadapalooza content coming out. Head over to the Morning Chalkup YouTube channel, and you'll see that Brian Chase, Khaleesi, and Patrick Clark have shows tonight at 5, tomorrow at 5, and the following night at 5. So the 9th, 10th, and 11th. Also, if you want to, you can also tune in tomorrow. Is it tomorrow at 6 p.m.? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:57:33 Tomorrow at 6 p.m. you can hear John Young and I fuck with Brian's mojo. Patrick has been watching, by the way. He has said thank you for all the praise. Thank you for all the praise. Patrick, I just do it to sow seeds of confusion between the vitriol I spit and the love I spit. Don't take it as kindness, even though your fucking pictures are amazing. Okay, bye.

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