The Sevan Podcast - #261 - Sam Cournoyer

Episode Date: January 12, 2022

3x CrossFit Games Athlete out of Canada competing at Wodapalooza. Sam is a Mayhem Athlete, and is moving to Cookeville for this season. Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show?
Starting point is 00:00:42 We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event skip to the good bit using the card member entrance let's go seize the night that's the powerful backing of american express visit slash y amex benefits vary by card other conditions apply bam we're live oh shit i'm my headphones on knows how to run the back end and we got like some banner overlay running this is weird i had somewhere i can i'll say his name like a thousand times hold on tight hold on somewhere corn way oh i did it that was pretty good thank you nice shirt thank you i you know i don't think i've ever worn it for the podcast um like i was for some reason i can't remember why because i'm so fickle but like
Starting point is 00:01:33 i had some like hatred for reebok so i like this is like my night shirt like i sleep in this i have 20 of these 10 of these i have 10 from this year and 10 from another year they're my favorite shirt but then when i was i was i was like hey i shouldn't be repping reebok anymore so i stopped wearing it kind of like high profile but now i'm all confused i don't know who to rep i don't know who to rep i'm all fucking confused how are you i'm good you good great i um i thought of this great idea so do you guys know this guy? Let me see if I can. He is the. Let me see if I can find him on here. Craig Ritchie. You guys know who that is? Sure. You guys know who that is? Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Do you know who that is? Oh, shoot. Oh, that's weird. When you type in Craig Ritchie, he doesn't pop up. It's some other guy. Craig Ritchie. Oh, it's Team Ritchie. Team Ritchie.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Do you know who that is, Samuel? No. Oh, I'll show you. He's the most – I think he's – is he the most successful – Like YouTube guy in CrossFit? Yeah, this is the most successful content producer and oh thanks babe this is the most i'll come this way not over the seven thousand dollar monitor please thank you um this is the most uh successful uh youtuber in um in all of crossfit he has 329,000 subscribers. So to put that in perspective, I have a 10,000 and talking elite fitness has 30,000. That's why we get people like you, Samuel.
Starting point is 00:03:12 That's why we don't have rich froning on. We got, and we got Samuel Cornwall. That's further from the truth. But I just had this quick idea for him because he he and i know why he has 329 000 subscribers because he's the king he is the king of clickbait i mean world class so i had i was just taking a shower just now soap in my stomach and my chest hairs and uh i had this idea he could um he could say uh the headline for the. They're usually like 14-minute videos, guys. And the video could say, Tia Claire Toomey caught cheating.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And it shows her in bed, you know? And then it's like one of those cut screens, fancy cut screens they do in YouTube. And it shows Shane Orr staring at her, okay? And then the video opens. And you can use this, Craig. And if you don't like this, nate you could use it okay and then the next thing is like then for like two minutes he celebrates his brand new studio right and then we celebrate his brand new spa for another two minutes god he's so successful i
Starting point is 00:04:17 love him then we celebrate that his body i mean look at this samuel he may not be as good as you at crossfit but i'm not gonna lie his body's as nice as yours oh probably mine is not the best that's pretty good it's pretty good he's a guy i think he's the guy who's actually doing lifting right now okay yes yes yes and then you know what he does even to one up he stands next to matt fraser to make his body look better that was a good choice then last year was a great year for him his wife got new titties his wife got new boobs so he's got a and boy this is the only one i'm gonna stay on twice so we get another shot of her boobs because they're new i mean so this guy's living the dream
Starting point is 00:04:57 and then then he has his own clothing company that has 81 000 followers on uh instagram and then he's got he got a new dream house. He got a brand new home. And then, so, so it's 12 and a half, 13 minutes of that. And we're like,
Starting point is 00:05:11 just waiting. Can we see Tia cheating? And then it shows Tia just eating a donut in bed. And the whole time we thought it was that she was with another guy instead of Shane, but it's not. She was just eating a donut in bed. Okay. It was funnier a donut in bed. Okay. It was funnier in the shower. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:31 Samuel. Yep. What happened at Rogue? What happened at Rogue? We were so excited to see you go and then you vanished. I decided to not go because I was waiting for my baby girl to come to this wonderful world.
Starting point is 00:05:49 And she was doing, I mean, my girlfriend, she was doing on the same weekend. So I just decided to not take the risk and miss that. I mean, I mean, miss that, that big thing. Seriously? Yeah. You're a good dude. Holy cow. I thought I was making fun of you for getting allergies.
Starting point is 00:06:06 No, no. No, that was the reason why I didn't compete at Rogue. Oh, hi, Will. How do I get off this? I just came on. I saw it looked horrible because you have this background. I'm going to try to log on and change it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:18 There, I hid you. Will's the guy who makes all the graphics and stuff. And you say that almost like, is that something that's private? You say that like that's almost like it's private. Like I shouldn't ask that or like it was heavy on your heart or something. No. I think it's a cool thing you should be excited about. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Absolutely. I have no regret for that. I mean, my career is still young, so I have a chance to go to Rogue. And no, it was the easiest choice of my life to just not compete at this competition and be here with my family. And it's not private. I just don't like to share my private life with my
Starting point is 00:06:54 family on Instagram. So it's just like maybe like just a choice. I'm for now. I don't know. I made that choice just because I prefer to not share everything that I'm doing, everything in my life with my family, my kids. And I don't know why I made that choice just because I prefer to not share everything that I'm doing, everything in my life with my family, my kids. And I don't know why, but it's just a part of who I am. I think that's fair. Okay, then I better not ask any questions. Brian, this interview is yours.
Starting point is 00:07:16 What? Um, what, does that change your approach to Wadapalooza that you like, like, are you fueling that to have a little bit of, um, like, all right, I sat that one out a doubly hard for this one or, or, you know, um, a little more amped. Uh, I'm honestly, I'm, uh, I don't have any expectation for myself about Wadapalooza. It's been a while since, since I compete. for myself about Wudu Palooza. It's been a while since I competed. I was supposed to compete last November at Rosa Calma,
Starting point is 00:07:48 but the competition got cancelled and I don't know, I've just been in the mood of... I've been training hard since October and just didn't put any pressure on my shoulder. We did some big changes in the off-season
Starting point is 00:08:03 on my side. I don't know if you guys saw it on Instagram, but I lost 15 pounds. I got it in my notes to ask you about that. You went from like 223 to 207 or something like that? At the game, I was 216. You see this morning, I wake up at 109.6. That was a big move. For sure, making myself lost 15 pounds have to uh
Starting point is 00:08:31 rest schedule not rest schedule but like to fix a couple things in my training to make it that to make that happen um but now i can say i'm feeling super great. It's something that I might, that I shouldn't do before, like in the past. Um, I feel pretty fit right now. I'm not at my strongest, if I'm being honest, uh, barbell right now is feeling pretty heavy.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Is, is, are you, do you think the weight has something to do with that? Um, maybe a little part of it for sure, because I mean, everybody knows if you're a big guy, you'll, better chance to be stronger just because it's a physique thing.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Sam, is it the top end weights that feel heavier or do you even like 225 cycling feel heavier than it used to? Cycling and barbell, it's pretty, I mean, it's fine for now it's more like about uh i did a snatch at 265 for i think like three weeks ago and it was the first time i was snatching at every single since the games i made it but i would be honest that wasn't my prettiest 265 snatches because i have i have memories from you after the Atlas games when we did that little throwdown of snatching 285, 295 and looking pretty good doing it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:51 So cycling barbell right now is pretty good. I just say like if I have a heroic I want Max to do, I would not expect to do my best snatch or best clean and jerk that I made in the past because i'm not there yet uh i'm still working on myself to go back there with my 200 pounds body weight right now so it's we're doing a long process just to make sure i'm not gonna hurt myself anywhere in the process and yeah stuff like that uh what how did you lose the weight what was the process for losing the weight uh so i partnership with rp strength and i work with nick shaw he's a coach there at rp strength and so we work one-on-one with him uh we did that progress over eight weeks
Starting point is 00:10:36 so it's barely like two weeks two pounds a week so it wasn't that bad to do it was just to uh fix the training do a little bit less volume, work on your stuff. I've been working a lot on my squatting position since the games just because I don't want to get myself hurt in the future. Even if I just turn 26, if I'm being honest, I'm starting to feel a little bit my knee. So I want to make sure my body is still healthy
Starting point is 00:11:06 for athletes under five or six years. Do a lot of the Mayhem athletes work with RP? I think in the past, yes. I know Rich is still working with RP. Tyler Christopher is working with them too. I think Ailey was working with them in the past and now she might move on with another company. I don't know which one it is, but yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Who did your diet before? Who did your nutrition before? No one. I was, the first time in my life. Yeah. The first time in my life I was counting macros. So it was kind of hard. And honestly, the first two weeks I was uh oh my god okay that's that's
Starting point is 00:11:48 a real game that's a real game cutting microbes now and i was maybe not enough patient with myself and now it's i mean it's pretty easy to do just just like everybody everything else when you try something new at the beginning is always hard and it's new for you. But with time, I guess you find a routine in your day and you get yourself better at it. And now it's just part of what I'm doing every day. You have an app? Yep. Is it an RP app? It's with the nutrition company app?
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yep. And you just point it at a barcode of something you're eating or type in like half a pound of ground beef or whatever you're doing? It depends on what I'm eating, but I can do both and also follow. So I'm putting my food in the apps just to make sure I'm eating my macros every day. But my plans come from Nick. So my coach is working with me right now on my diet. So it's, I don't know, it's pretty simple actually to follow. on my diet.
Starting point is 00:12:42 So it's, I don't know. It's pretty simple actually to follow. Man. How long did it take to lose those 15 pounds? So we made it over eight weeks. So I believe that someone who wants to lose 15 pounds can do it maybe a bit faster. It just for myself,
Starting point is 00:12:59 make sure that I was still able to train and do what I have to do with me cutting food a little bit in the day and make sure I was not like crashing after five weeks. And were there any issues? Like, were you hungry at night when you went to bed? Were there any issues? Or just now you're just, you don't even know for sure if that's the strength issue right now. You're just speculating. I think, I mean, when i started in the morning and the night
Starting point is 00:13:26 i was fine it's more it was more about like morning in the day around like i don't know like 1 2 3 p.m i was super hungry and that was maybe the hardest part for me to not eat in those time windows i was just able to drink and carbs and stuff like that and that was the hardest part when i did it and And for my strength part, I think it's probably one of the reasons a little bit why I'm less stronger than before, but I also stopped doing weightlifting for two months. So it's maybe why also my barbell
Starting point is 00:13:58 is not at my best right now, but hard to say, but yeah. Wouldn't it be, is there another way to do that besides counting macros like could you do it like like the way i would want to lose like i would love to see how skinny i could get i'd love to see like someone like lock me in a room with like a little window in the room and they just feed me just enough food so like i drop down to like 130 pounds because like i'm only 5'5 and there's ufc fighters who are like 5'5 115 pounds right yeah uh or boxers so like i just want to see like is there another way they could do it so like you didn't have to count macros or is that the only way like it seems like that's the way everyone does it can't just be like
Starting point is 00:14:39 hey i'm going to give you this food to eat it's a 1200 calorie diet or a or a 1700 calorie diet and if you don't start losing weight we're going to cut it to 16 and 70 and then all of a sudden like you're just a stick that's a good question uh as far as i know for fighters when they're cutting weight for to make the weight for the for their fight they're probably losing around like i don't know 10 to 15 pounds of water yeah in the sauna and stuff like that so at least yeah at least so it's uh it's hard to say i can i can tell you i'm not good enough with food and stuff like that yeah it's it's interesting those guys i mean granted that well those guys will will you know a week or two before i guess start the drop from like 165 to get down to 145 right or even more 170 but let's say they go from
Starting point is 00:15:33 165 to 145 in two weeks and then they put that 20 pounds back on like literally before the fight yeah it's totally crazy what do you think about that about um gaining weight during the games like like matt matt has said that he tries to gain a pound during during the games yeah uh honestly i don't know i don't know what he did i mean maybe i mean i guess for him it was working and is that i think it depends on each body because each body is different so if matt for him like i know i don't know what i'm saying but like if he was let's say around 190 in the season and he was more comfortable to train and compete at 200 that this is why he was doing it i guess it's i mean i can't really tell you but um it didn't work well for him yeah did you ever um i i mentioned to
Starting point is 00:16:24 when matt when i was doing the podcast with matt i used to do a different podcast with matt and josh and i had mentioned to him that um you said that rich froning was the fittest athlete uh alive on the planet today and he i think he may have blown a hemorrhoid you know what a hemorrhoid is does that translate to canadian yeah i know what it is the vessel in the ass ass? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean, he got really spun up. Yeah, I know. He got spun up. Actually, it was fun because I didn't start a video like when you guys posted.
Starting point is 00:16:52 It's someone who sent it to me maybe like two weeks after. And I was just, I don't know, it was kind of funny, but I guess it's- You're not the only one that said it. I think we had Haley on, and I think Haley may have said it too. Oh, really? I think we had someone else on that said it i think i think we had hayley on and i think hayley may have said it too oh really i think we had someone else on that said it someone else in in from the mayhem empire agreed i mean she says rich isn't even she said rich is probably the fittest he's ever been and she says he's not even trying his hardest and then i asked rich are you trying your hardest he's like i've gotten soft i have kids and i'm like what yeah yeah i mean that's true uh he's not training as that's much uh as
Starting point is 00:17:27 we are training right now and um but i do but i mean i have a lot of respect for math of course but i always say that again if i have to bet between matt and rich i will bet on rich yeah yeah but i have a huge respect for matt and what he did in the sport. And he's the fittest. Of course. I asked Dave what he thought about what you said. I said, Heidi, ready? I said, Dave, did you hear what Samuel Cornwall said about Rich being the fittest man? He said, it's called proximity bias.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Meaning because you train with Rich. Yeah. You think that. Like if someone trained with me, they would think that about. Like my kids think I'm the strongest man alive right like yeah i mean it's they asked me if i can throw a car like the hulk and i lie i say yes uh did you end up having a child yeah oh congratulations yeah that's what i mean i mean actually right now in my garage gym because both kids are napping right now. You're not in Miami?
Starting point is 00:18:29 No, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Okay. And you're – oh, and it's – someone just said something interesting here in the comments. They said that if you don't have a vaccine in your province, you actually get fine money. Is that true? Yep. Wow. Yeah, it is wow. Wow. How, it is. Wow.
Starting point is 00:18:45 Wow. How would they do that? Just out of curiosity, like it would just come on your tax bill or something. How would they fine you? I don't know. Like it comes with your garbage bill? Do you guys pay garbage bills there like we do? No.
Starting point is 00:19:02 I guess some places you don't hear. What bills do you pay? Electricity? Electricity. Yeah, some places you don't hear. What bills do you pay? Electricity? Electricity, yeah, stuff like that. Cell phone. So it would be like, they probably call it something fancy, like your tax for not contributing to the health of the province. How much is it?
Starting point is 00:19:22 How much is that? I think they were giving 50 bucks. A year or a month? No, when you get the vaccine. Oh, no, but this guy is saying that if you don't have the vaccine, you get fine now. Oh, no, that's not true. Okay. I understand you meant like when you get the vaccine, you get paid. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:41 It says his province in Canada just mandated the vaccine for all and now will charge charge it unvaccinated craig this these are rumors go to your right i mean i hope so but i will if you if it was true i would not be surprised right right well said uh you spelled samwell wrong it's s-a-m-w-e-l-l samwell sam Samuel. Samuel. Samuel is top 10 at the games this year. Comment, Brian. Brian, our resident expert, Brian Friend. Not the time for that evaluation. It's a long ways away. If he shits the bed at Guadalupalooza, Brian, we'll definitely get back to you.
Starting point is 00:20:21 How do you feel about this, Samuel? Samuel, the men's heat is no joke. Oh, the men's side is super strong. And I'm excited for that. Honestly, I think it's... I mean, Brian's going to tell me if I'm right or wrong, but I believe that Miami Field might be better than the one on the road. There's some guys that we're missing from both.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Yeah, you're right, I guess. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio,
Starting point is 00:21:04 exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app,
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Starting point is 00:21:42 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. And Guy dropped out. Do you know why Guy dropped out? Oh, I didn't know that. Really? Is that known? Am I allowed to say that?
Starting point is 00:21:59 I don't think he's going to compete. Oh, I didn't know that. He doesn't check with you first? No. When's the last time you've been down there with the gang, with the posse in Cookville? I was there
Starting point is 00:22:13 four or five weeks ago. Yep. Just before Christmas, actually. And how long were you there? A week and a half. And that's just to go hard? That's for nothing in particular? That's just to go down there and just check in and just go hard with the team?
Starting point is 00:22:29 Yeah, and just enjoy life with my friends and everyone. Yeah. And does your wife go with you? She didn't come with me on this trip. She's coming with me and the kids at Miami. me and the kids at Miami. She might come with me in the future a couple of times because I'm moving to Cookeville for the next season. So it's a big move. Yeah, it's a big move. And she's going to come with me a couple of times just because I don't want to miss too much my family while I'm gone. But she's going to come with me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:01 my family when I'm gone. She's going to come with me. I'm sorry. You are moving to Cookville, but your wife and your kids aren't moving? No, they're staying in Canada. Yeah. With all the law right now and everything that's happening,
Starting point is 00:23:17 still with COVID here, it's kind of complicated to move and everything. I'm going to travel a lot next year back and forth from Cookeville to here in Canada just to see them. But she's going to move with me probably next summer just for the games prep and everything.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Does she like Cookeville? She never went before, but I'm sure she's going to love it. Tell me where in Canada you live. What's the name of the town? So I'm 30 minutes in the north from Montreal. So there's Montreal downtown city. I'm living 30 minutes.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Okay. I want to share this with people. I was like, oh man, you could just drive to Cookville. Nah, nah. Nah. Have you ever made that drive? No, it's like a 17-hour drive, I think. Oh, I'm surprised.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Okay. So for those of you who are watching, I'm going to try to keep this all on one map, but basically you have Montreal way up here in the top right, and you would have to pass south through New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, maybe even and uh and then go all the way down here wow yeah wow hey it really is you know when you think of canada and then you think of the united states you can kind of think of them as um the same country right but but they're not montreal and cookville are two very different places oh yeah a lot i personally don't like
Starting point is 00:24:42 montreal i don't know why not uh i just don't like cities actually i don't like to be like in the middle of crowd and uh i mean in a big crowd and like in the middle of a big city when you have to walk to get everything you want i prefer to just take my car my groceries starting to come back all right i want i want the best of both worlds i don't want to live in the city and i want to walk everywhere I go. I can't stand being in a car. What are your expectations here at Guadalupalooza? is uh i want to it's more like uh i want to see where my cell feels right now um i did pr a lot of things in the off season on my running and my swimming game uh i know right now at miami there's not really like a lot of running and there's only like a 250 meter swim i think that's so it's
Starting point is 00:25:40 barely nothing but um and how do you know Because all of the workouts have been released except for one? I think so, if I'm right. But I don't know. But yeah, there's a lot of workouts that are out. And I really like the programming for now. I think the fans are really going to enjoy every one of them. They're all interesting. And I think there's going to be a lot of surprise in
Starting point is 00:26:06 each workout just because the field is so strong and i believe there's going there's guy like my good friend tyler christopher dan pepper who's going to surprise maybe some people people in some workouts because they're good it's not because not if you watch this show if you watch this show that you will not be surprised by dylan pepper no but if you watch craig richie show you may be surprised so yeah so i believe that it's going to be exciting each workout is going to be fun to everyone to watch and uh i just saw we can me and the other guy can give some raise to pat so he's not gonna to get his third title so easily
Starting point is 00:26:46 what if you are a if you want to see Samuel Cornwall do something spectacular which event is the one you don't want to miss him do Brian I have to think about that for a second are you having actually no no
Starting point is 00:27:04 no it's actually an unannounced one it is hey isn't it interesting that samuel isn't like um he doesn't even though the workouts are released he doesn't like have them on a piece of paper he's not frantic about them he's not like already studying them you're just like chill like you'll go there and like you'll handle your business yep exactly there's no benefit in'll go there and like you'll handle your business. Yep, exactly. There's no benefit in like studying them and like starting to visualize them and things like that. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:27:34 So my plan for this weekend, I'm going to try something new for the first time. I'm going to look at each workout when I'm going to have to warm up for them, just like in training. That's it. and i don't want to look at the leaderboard for the whole weekend uh i know i'm living with luke and uh tyler and i already told them that i want to anyone to talk about the leaderboard i want to see where am i i want to see if if i did bad or good in one workout i'm just gonna take each workout just like i'm training every day i'm to do one after each other and that's it. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:28:09 That's like going to the amusement park like on mushrooms or something. It's like trying something like totally new. That's going to be weird, right? I mean, I think, yeah, I think it's going to be hard actually to not try to think about those workouts that i have to do let's say like on sunday when we are on friday and stuff like that but uh if i look at myself i'm training hard every day and i know i'm pushed i'm giving 100 in each workout i'm doing every day but i don't look at my tuesday or my wednesday programming when i'm on monday i'm looking on monday i'm looking at what i have to do today and that's it i'm gonna do what i have to do on tuesday when it's going to be tuesday and that's
Starting point is 00:28:49 something i want to try in competition and just because to maybe remove some stress that i don't have to have on my shoulder and just think about the task and do the task when it's done it's done that's it move on to the next one if you need distraction during the week we will send you links and you can come on the show and we can do and we'll just like make fun of you and stuff and like keep you you can stay distracted by us uh brian pay attention closely people as i manipulate the situation very heavily right now brian won't even know what's coming brian what are um samwell's strongest uh movements what are what are, um, Sam Wells strongest, uh, movements? What are, what are some of the movements that it's like, wow, this is
Starting point is 00:29:30 this guy, if these movements show up in a workout, this guy's going to kick ass. I think, well, I'm, I would generally say that for his size, he's always been pretty good at gymnastics and he's down 15 pounds. So I would expect that that's probably feeling very good for him right now. So Brian just told us what the final workout is. It's handstand walks and ring muscle-ups, just a couplet. It's a couplet, yes. There you go.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Am I right? No. Could be correct. Good answer. So are you good at ring ring muscle ups and handstand walk right yeah i mean they're built really good movement for me yeah yeah but it's i mean it's not not to be understated i know he's not maybe lifting as heavy as he used to but he moves a barbell very well his mechanics are good and if he's telling us that he's also been improving his
Starting point is 00:30:21 squat form like for a guy who already moved pretty well you know i would expect him to move pretty well with a barbell too yeah okay so it's not only going to be a handstand walk and ring muscle-ups but there's going to be some like 135 uh you know complex in there you got it i'm on defense i'm still strong i'm not not strong i might just not be at my strongest right now but right i didn't say i wasn't cleaning jerking 355 if i want to i can still do it but you're stronger than uh you're stronger than colton mertens i believe so i mean it depends on depends. Careful, Samuel. Careful. That guy can squat and deadlift a lot because he's so small. Hey, hey, hey.
Starting point is 00:31:13 I mean, let's be honest. Why did you text me that, Brian? Because I was late to the show? No, because, well, before you got here, what the screen was doing was something I'd never seen before. Oh, he texted me at WTF. I just saw it. Gotcha.
Starting point is 00:31:30 That's, yeah, that's. 30 minutes later. It's nice. Someone asked me if these shows are numbered. These shows are not numbered. These are just all the ancestors. I don't think they're numbered. Will, are you watching?
Starting point is 00:31:41 Maybe. These are just all the ancestral supplement shows covering Guadalupalooza. Ancestral supplements. Let me hear you say that word, Samuel. Ancestral. Can you say that word? Oh, it's not even written on here. Ancestral? Ancestral. Oh, wow. Not bad. Can you say it, Brian? Ancestral is a unusual word ancestral supplements these are these are basically just dried animal parts so this is the trachea of cows just dried and then they put them in pills so you know how like the big thing right now
Starting point is 00:32:19 is to eat organ meat somehow yeah this is just like beef liver I don't know what it is it's just the liver from a cow and then they dry it and they put it in a pill because I'm too much of a chicken shit to like eat the liver or like if I want to eat um like these are just all the organs like hearts and brains and all that from a cow and then they just dry it and put it in a pill really it's a little different than what Ricky was taking, but it's still good. It's still good. Sam, did you talk to anyone who competed in Dubai with Ricky? I spoke with, I actually speak with Jeff Adler, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:57 About the competition in general or about Ricky? No, we speak together after he finished competing quickly. I know he was dealing with some family issues. I don't know if I can speak about it, so I'm not going to speak about it. But there was some issue with his family, so I know he was dealing with that while he was competing and after. So for a guy who was dealing with that, he did super well at dubai i have huge respect for him for that yeah he came to the states to deal with that right he he alluded to it i can't remember if he told us or his wife caroline told us but yes i don't know if i if i speak if i can speak about you don't have to i know you don't have to but but it's still really cool i agree it was amazing oh yeah oh yeah in this oh i was gonna have a difficult time to say that but in the circumstances circumstances circumstances thank you uh in the circumstances it would have been nice if he would have had some ancestral supplements
Starting point is 00:33:55 uh so yeah uh he did super well at dubai for a guy who was dealing with that what were you gonna ask him about ricky brian not just you know if he was uh looking forward to competing against him or you know it would have like to me it would be reasonable to even to ask jeff like how you know how was it having ricky there were the guys cool with him was he kind of off on his own yeah i mean actually we didn't speak about uh ricky and i don't think i mean for what i'm from from what I know from Jeff he don't I don't think he have any um problem with him Jeff is a cool guy and everyone loves Jeff he's nice guy to talk with and also we both were not at the games in the past when Ricky was competing so i guess it didn't really affect us like it affect other athletes but um yeah i guess it's
Starting point is 00:34:50 i don't know i bet he's a nice guy i bet he's a nice guy too hey look at this guy's name here in the comments name is uh divesh maharaj maharaj and i looked up what these words mean divesh is a it's a masculine name praised by deities or king of god it literally means lord of the gods oh my mom named me seven after a lake this guy's lord of the gods and then his last name maharaj means a king or prince in india ranking above a raja well it's nice to have you here divesh thank you uh before you fly away on your like unicorn or whatever lord of gods uh fly on thank you for this is cool it's cool to have you here um how's your swimming is everyone at the mayhem empire proficient in swimming you spend a lot of time in dad's pond uh in the last summer yeah and uh
Starting point is 00:35:52 but um i mean actually it's the first time i'm gonna go for a i mean it's not really a swimming workout at the with a palooza because it's pretty a short distance but i'm excited to do this one and test myself and i've been doing a lot of prs in the pool for the last two months uh since the games i've been swimming three times a week um just because it's low impact on my body it's good cardio to do and stuff like that so um i don't know i'm excited to test and do that workout, that rowing one with the swim and the run. I think that workout is a don't lose it on the row, win it on the run. I believe that this workout for guys who are fast in the swim, it's just pace yourself on the row.
Starting point is 00:36:39 Don't crash and burn. Swim fast. And if you get out of the pool in front of everybody, not the pool, but if you get out of the ocean in front of everybody, you're going to be hard to catch. Yeah, I mean, it's going to be really hard to catch those guys. And also, they might be able to just jog that 2,000 meters instead of running it. So I believe that if you are fast in the swim you might have a maybe a little bit easier workout then the rest of the field is gonna have to swim hard and try to run
Starting point is 00:37:12 harder at the end do you think you're i'm swimming better because of the weight loss you think that's like just there's a direct connection cause and effect there oh it's 100 sure oh yeah oh yeah i mean my technique did improve but not that much in two months. And so I believe that's because I lost 15 pounds and I'm just floating better in the water. Where else are we going to see those direct benefits? Everything cardio. Honestly, all my machine are better than before. Running.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I've been running three times a week. All your machines. Doesn't the Echo bike love the big boys? I mean, yes, for sprint and stuff like that. But I guess, I bet, I mean, I believe. 200 is still enough. 200 is still a big boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:58 I'm still a big, I think so. I'm still a big guy. I think 216 for a guy his size like that's probably more than than he needs to weigh yeah 200 to 205 is probably what i'm guessing where you're going to settle in and feel really good yeah so i mean yeah i mean actually that's what i've been doing for the last month and just made that way and i've been feeling great how tall are you? I'm 5'10". That's crazy. Yep. 216 pounds.
Starting point is 00:38:30 It's more than a bag. I mean, that's like Mikowski, but he's like four or five inches taller. Yeah. Yeah, and I was looking at some picture from the games, and I did tell myself, dang, I was big. I was so huge. How am I? And I was asking some questions about myself. How am I supposed?
Starting point is 00:38:48 I was good at muscle-up that big. It's crazy. Well, how was that workout for you? I mean, that was impressive to watch. Yeah, the muscle-up one with the sled and pig. Yeah. And honestly, that was a nice workout. I really liked it even before we,
Starting point is 00:39:06 we started. And I remember when we, at the beep, I saw everyone's printing with the sled at the go and I was walking. I was last, like, I was like, am I doing something wrong?
Starting point is 00:39:19 Or like everybody's going too fast right now. And that's what happened after that. They just, I think the pig for a lot of people was hard. And for me, like everybody's going too fast right now and that's what happened after that they just i think the pig for a lot of people was hard and for me that was the easiest part of the workout honestly the pig uh the one that we use in the barn in the summer was way harder than the one of the games so when i just picked that one i was like all right that's a walk in the park. Just do the work and that's it. And have you ever used a flip sled before? I mean, that's the one we have in the barn.
Starting point is 00:39:51 It is? Yeah. Okay. And we actually put more weights than the one at the games on this one. And the flip sled is probably a lot shorter than the pick at the game. So it's making the flip a little bit harder. than the pick at the game so it's making it's making the the flip a little bit harder so it's i think i don't know i can't pronounce it but i guess people are might gonna struggle a little harder than the one at the games with this one so yeah yeah i was thinking that that that could be a good workout for you as long as you know you're able to move that thing which i think you will be
Starting point is 00:40:23 yeah it doesn't when i looked at this it doesn't just jump out at me um which one you're able to move that thing which i think you will be yeah it doesn't when i looked at this it doesn't just jump out at me um which one you're lighter in really nope isn't that does it jump out at you brian it's just to me it's just it's deceiving because the pecs when you're like hunched forward compared to open your chest it's just so different but obviously it looks heavier on the left i was just but here's the thing what i was thinking the picture on the right looks older like it's like it's from like 1997 because it's taken with my iphone okay no but i can tell you i'm lighter and i'm way smaller yeah yeah yeah i i there's no i i believe you 100 um look at this um rich is
Starting point is 00:41:07 starting to look like um uh like some like egyptian hieroglyph do you know what that is like you like that like his beard is getting so he needs one of those like skinny greyhound dogs next to him now you know those ones that are in the hieroglyphs that beard is nuts does he does he have any goals how big is that thing gonna get and it stays so do you know what product he uses yep it's crazy are you gonna grow a beard like that i wish i can you cannot i mean i can start today and we can talk in the year but uh it might be that long. And how is it? He looks younger with a beard.
Starting point is 00:41:49 If I grew a beard like that, I'd look like I was 112. Well, it just turns white. It gives a different message. Yeah, yes. Oh, look, my baby girl. Yeah, the baby. Two babies. How old are your kids now although so she just turned two months and liam just turned four oh you're stoked yeah no we're blissful we have the easiest kid ever
Starting point is 00:42:17 they're both super great and uh yeah i'm a lucky man when i hear that you're going to go to cookville and be away from your kids that screams volumes like your commitment i mean i already knew you were really crazy confident the last time um we spoke but you you actually had uh and i mean this with um sincerity you had a unique confidence to you that all the athletes we speak to are confident but yours was unique it stood out like it stood out and there's a couple others who have that also um you like when you talk to taylor taylor self you can see like he's almost talking through gritted teeth like he's a bull trap behind it you know like ready to come out or when you talk to colton mertens there's a uh like just behind everything he says, it's like, fuck you. I need to get back and train.
Starting point is 00:43:05 I mean it's like – it's serious. And I felt that from you too just like a peacock walking in circles, like a guy in a jail cell. Like you're ready to break out. Is that – are you adding pressure to yourself to separate from your kids? Like now it's even more important you don't fuck up your diet. It's more important you get eight hours of sleep. This is costing you a lot now. Yeah, it's going to cost me a lot.
Starting point is 00:43:33 But I believe in myself, and I believe that one day I can win the CrossFit Games. So it's just the right move to accomplish that goal. And honestly, I feel a little bit like a like a soldier i'm just living on a mission i'll be back home in a couple months that's it it's uh it's not fun to do it's a huge sacrifice even if i'm gonna i'll travel in the year to go back to come back here in canada like maybe a couple weeks um but to see them but it's going to be hard for sure to do that and it's it's just i don't know it's kind of a mindset i'm just flipping the switch and when i'm going to be in covid it's just it's business
Starting point is 00:44:16 time and that's it yeah have you had covid yet yeah twice, twice actually. Oh, which was worse, the first time or second time? Both time, I didn't really feel it. I was more just like maybe like have some fatigue and stuff like that, but I didn't have any fever or coughing and stuff like that. I was just super tired. But after a week, I was fine. It wasn't that bad. And how do you know you had it? You a test uh the first time yes and the second time i was i mean i didn't get a test
Starting point is 00:44:52 because um i was like all right that's covet again for sure and just fuck it fuck the test i'm just gonna stay home and train right right yeah my my wife had it and then we were all sick so i didn't i and my test came back negative but it seemed preposterous that she tested positive but she lost her taste and her smell you didn't lose your taste your smell i didn't i didn't lost it but like maybe for five hours that was super strange like i went to eat some peanut butter and i was like that doesn't taste anything and at night i just tried it again to taste it. I was tasting it.
Starting point is 00:45:27 So I'm like, all right, I'm fine now, I guess. But, um, my. I just inhale my food anyway. So I don't even, I don't even like my I'll finish eating dinner. My wife was like, how was that? I'm like, I don't know. Yeah. I mean, good.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I mean, great. Yeah. Yeah. This is what you have to say. Oh, that was great. Thanks. What is this? Is Brian friend cross no no it's uh uh yes yes this is ab brian oh we don't have our wait what yeah what do you mean it's right up there did you see that someone's asking what your instagram handle is i don't know what they're asking oh okay um thank you so much samuel my pleasure thanks to you guys um throughout look at brian
Starting point is 00:46:09 you said 45 minutes max look at we're like we're just we're uh 45 seconds away from 45 minute max um uh somewhat we'll be bugging you throughout the week if you can come on you can come on we'll send you a link if you can't come on low stress just ignore us or say not now boys like super low stress but we'll be we're trying to be the best coverage in the in the entire planet earth and some other planets and so we're going to try to get athletes on throughout the week no problem dude i'm pumped to see you down there man good luck out there thank you very much guys see you soon.

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