The Sevan Podcast - #270 - Live Call In Show

Episode Date: January 19, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit connects please play responsibly this episode is brought to you by disney's young woman in the sea now streaming on disney plus i've decided to swim the english channel a woman i believe she'll die in that water from producer jerry bruckheimer and director joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. Bam, we're live. Not on Twitter, we're live not on twitter we're not man for some reason we don't go live on twitter anymore am i having a mic issue what's going on here good morning guys hi everyone hi hi hi hi hi uh this morning we have tony cowden coming. He is running for Congress in the 4th District in North Carolina. What is Congress? I don't even know what Congress is. There are, we'll talk about it when he gets here. Before he gets on here, he's running late in the meeting, I want to read something to you guys.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Let me see if I can put up the link here first. Here's the link to the PDF in the comments, and this is from the – this is a synopsis. This was just released from the UK Health Security Agency. This was just released from the UK Health Security Agency. You ready for this? This is nothing that I want to be true. But this is exactly what I told you guys since day one, two years ago, this is identical to this identical. This is just like just common sense talk. But now they have
Starting point is 00:02:33 evidence of it, scientific evidence. And I back all of this up with my own life and my own kids lives because I don't take I take zero precautions, zero. But but I also don't poison myself on a daily basis. I don't need added sugar and I don't need refined zero. But I also don't poison myself on a daily basis. I don't need added sugar and I don't need refined carbohydrates. You guys ready? Here we go. The link is in the comments. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:02:55 You guys ready? The UK government admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune systems of those who have been double vaccinated. The UK government has admitted that once you've been double vaccinated, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to COVID variants or possibly any other virus. So let's watch the real pandemic begin now. It's week 42 COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report. The UK Department of Health admits on page 23 that the N antibody levels appear to be lower in people who become infected after two doses of the vaccination. It goes on to say that this drop in antibodies is essentially permanent. What does this mean? We know that the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus. Indeed, the report elsewhere shows that vaccination of adults are now much more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated ones. The British now find
Starting point is 00:03:45 that the vaccine interferes with the body's ability to make the antibodies after infection, not only against the spike protein, but also against other parts of the virus. In particular, vaccinated people do not appear to form antibodies against the nucleoapsid protein, the envelope of the virus, which is a crucial part of the response to the unvaccinated people in the long term the vaccinated are far more susceptible to any mutations in the spike protein even if they have already been infected and cured once or more the unvaccinated on the other hand will gain everlasting if not permanent immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being naturally infected i sent you the link in. This is from the UK Health Security Agency, and the link is in the comments.
Starting point is 00:04:36 The first insurance companies are backing down against huge wave of claims that are on their way. Anthony Fauci confirms that the PCR test cannot detect the live virus. Anthony Fauci confirms that neither the antigen test nor the PCR test can tell us. Guys, this has been so obvious since day one. You didn't need, you just needed some logic. You just, logic? Logic. You just need some logic.
Starting point is 00:04:56 One plus one is two. Two plus two is four. How was that thing ever? Look at anything, look at, look at even the at even the survival look at our numbers guys in here look at even yeah it is weird to see crossfitters walking around with masks this weekend it's insane it's nuts how how do you guys not how it's like you guys believe the scary movie it's like it's like it's like you think freddy krueger is real you guys fell for
Starting point is 00:05:27 the boogeyman it's so weird to see that happen it's everyone in my town and guys i don't want to be i i i don't want to be right but i'm willing to back it up with how i live my life i do nothing when they have the yellow tape at the park and all the there's no kids in the park my kids are still in there my kids never wore a mask i don't wear a mask i touch everything i still wipe my face my eyes 35 times a day i'm always going like this i pick my nose more than any adult alive contrary to what some people believe i do not eat my boogers somewhere in my teens i broke that habit do not get that fucking thing stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates be smart
Starting point is 00:06:16 take control and glassman used to say it all the time how much more can we tell you? So this guy who's coming on, it's funny because I, at night I sit on my couch and I just thumb through Instagram like a maniac looking for like potential guests. Right. And I kind of have this, it's based on my interest and based on my insecurities. Like, can I get someone and, and and and am i confident enough to actually talk to them it's kind of like that kind of you know what i mean like i know the people i assume i assume the people who with like five million followers can't even get into their dms i assume that it's just like and why and then everyone has's a, there's a time factor, right? So if someone has 5 million followers, why would they do a podcast like this one? Because of the amount of benefit it brings to them based on the allocation of time it takes to talk to me based on how many people would watch my podcast. I mean, it totally makes sense. There's no hatery there.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Someone asked me yesterday to go on a podcast that I – like I don't want to even do any podcast right now unless I – I don't want to go on anyone else's podcast unless I thought for some reason it would just like catapult me to the moon. I'll tell you this though. If you're thinking about getting in the podcast game, there's no like there's at least that I can see. There's no there's no magic. There's no I'm going to get, I don't know, the rock on the show.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And then all of a sudden my podcast is going to catapult. It's not it doesn't work like that. There's not one guest that's going to launch it. It doesn't work like that. There's not one guest that's going to launch it. I was talking to a friend yesterday who has a half million followers. And they really want to do a podcast. They want it to be big.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And they're excited. And they're motivated by it. And they're an incredible speaker. And we were talking about how nerve-wracking it is to come on my podcast because you're never sure what i'm going to say and it might be something that gets you know someone canceled you know so let's say you come on my podcast and you have a lot of corporate contracts or you have some government contracts and i say something that doesn't uh tow the racist homophobic sexist line of our government and of the people then then they might lose a contract right let's say uh but what's funny on the other end i I told this person, that's the only thing I'm selling. That's all I have left is the truth.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Like I don't have anything else. I don't mean to be so arrogant that it is the truth, but it's what I think is the truth. And it falls below that threshold of what it would take to let McDonald's sponsor me, right? Right. Because I because I I'm not going to play that that that that game where you pretend to not be racist, but really everything out of your mouth is racist. Or I'm not going to say that. I'm going to say that Divock only kills obese people. Oh, you can't say that.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Yes, I can. Even my wife doesn't like that. She that she's like oh there's got to be one or two out there that weren't obese okay sorry sorry maybe there is one or two they're not obese they're metabolically drenched fine fine i i don't care. At this point, I don't care. I don't, I don't, you're splitting hairs. I keep using the, I keep using the, like the Auschwitz Jew killer thing as the metaphor. I don't care if you are the train driver. I don't care if you're the guy who built the gas chamber. I don't care. Like any, I don't, any participation at all. I don't like you anymore. I don't like he's not the right word i'm okay if you vanish i'm weary of you of
Starting point is 00:10:33 what you could do to my kids you're not on the right team you're not on the right team i heard the other day uh i don't know if you guys heard that show that I did on the – I should never be left alone with a mic. I did a show the other day. They have at least four comorbidities. Yes, they have at least four comorbidities. Yes. Yes. Yes. I remember seeing, going to the CDC website and it said 96% of the people had died with at least four or more comorbidities. And I was like, wow. So 4% of the people don't die with
Starting point is 00:11:12 comorbidities. And then I look at the bottom and it said there wasn't data on them, or maybe it was 94% died with at least four or more comorbidities and 6%. I was like, oh, 6% of healthy people die. And then it says we do not have data on them. Isn it like 75% had four so it's 80 year olds with diabetes kidney failure yes I mean Darth Bane that is the nicest way I'll put this up here that's the nicest way you can say it I don't believe that by the way I think I think I could go over to the CDC website and prove that wrong right now and that's another problem there's a lot of smart people on YouTube who keep saying that this is a disease of the old. It is not. It is not. It's like bombing an all-white neighborhood and saying that bombs are only attracted to white people because have waning immune systems no but but we're not morons speak clearly on it eric the uh link is somewhere in the in this thread and it's the um
Starting point is 00:12:13 uk health security agency covet 19 vaccine surveillance report week 42 page 23 was was specifically where I was grabbing that data. You were pretty open about your progressive left past beliefs. What was the tipping point for you? Because I really am not racist. That's the thing. I don't really... Or I guess you could say i really am racist so when i see that kind of race i don't know i don't know what the word is for it but when i started seeing that they were judging people by the color of their skin like the whole uh the whole george
Starting point is 00:12:55 floyd thing i don't care i don't give a fuck like george floyd cannot be driving around in my neighborhood i don't give a shit no one high on fentanyl and alcohol can be in my neighborhood driving in a car under any circumstances and i don't give a shit. No one high on fentanyl and alcohol can be in my neighborhood driving in a car under any circumstances. And I don't give a fuck what happens to them. I hope God strikes them down with lightning and destroys them. I have kids. My neighborhood is full of kids. I cannot have kids in tricycles. I have no tolerance at all. Zero for you. For you. I put no one before my kids. Or your kids.
Starting point is 00:13:33 Nobody. And I know some of you don't have kids and you think you understand it. But one day you will and there will be no you left. There will be no. And you'll just be like it's just kids. They must live. There can be nothing that hurts them you just you i mean that's i can't explain it and so i flipped the script i won't my kids won't be taught anything my kids won't be taught anything that limits them like what this trudeau guy. I won't let anyone speak to my kids like that. I won't let – I won't – you won't talk – you won't limit my kids by making me tolerant of someone like George Floyd.
Starting point is 00:14:14 And then when you make it about skin color, now you're really pissing me off. I don't even know what this means. We are all racist. The difference is not everyone discriminates. I mean, maybe, maybe. If you ask me to close my eyes and walk me into a liquor store and say, hey, who's running the counter? What ethnicity are there? I'm going to be like, Palestinian.
Starting point is 00:14:38 If that makes me racist, I think that just makes me good at like knowing the odds and the demographics around me. But I'm telling you, no one – another thing too is I don't believe in mind reading. I do believe in drilling down to what we can all agree is the truth. down to what we can all agree is the truth. And I don't see any reason, I forget the guy's name even, but the guy who had his knee on George Floyd, and anyone who hasn't watched the whole thing also, that also pisses me off. You can go back and watch the video. The last three times he was arrested, he said, I can't breathe. He was in the back of the car saying, I can't breathe. And then they pulled him out of the car. They pulled him out of the car because he was saying, I can't breathe. If he wouldn't have started saying, I can't breathe, they wouldn't have pulled him out of the car. In his previous arrest, when he swallowed the fentanyl,
Starting point is 00:15:38 or it was to rest earlier, you can go back and read what the doctor told him. The doctor told him, hey, you got to stop swallowing the fentanyl like that. You're going to go into cardiac arrest. The irony too is that he had COVID. I mean the whole thing is a mess. But I have no sympathy for him. Like maybe sympathy is not the right word. When I put on a scale the people walking around on the street versus some guy in a car who's high on fentanyl and meth and not listening to the cops after they told him 50 times to keep his hands on
Starting point is 00:16:09 the steering wheel i have you're done to me you're just done i don't i don't care anymore and to make it a black and white thing i think you're a fucking moron like i really do i think you're a fucking idiot you're projecting well let me put it this way i don't think if you're an idiot if you think it's a black and white thing i think if you project it onto the rest of us you're an idiot you're just spreading your disease uh brandon waddell we are waiting um uh uh for tony cowden he is running for Congress. Is Congress the same as the House of Representatives? We're going to find all this out.
Starting point is 00:16:55 How can you leave school and be like me and know nothing about our Constitution? I know nothing about the Constitution. I know nothing about the Ten Commandments. I know nothing about the ten commandments i know nothing about the declaration of independence i know that fireworks are illegal in california on the fourth of july but this guy knows some stuff about that and he's and he's frustrated and uh he is going to run for congress i think that's the united States Congress. So is it interchangeable? The U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Congress, those are interchangeable
Starting point is 00:17:29 terms. Those describe the same group. Was there a time in your life where you felt like you were chasing the wrong thing? How did you know to stop? I'm not sure I understand the question, but it would be like if I was like totally in the Nazi party and I was like, yes, this is great. And I believe in fascism and all this and this and this. And then all of a sudden I saw they were building gas chambers. I'd be like, wait a second. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And I know a ton of Democrats. And they'll be like, oh, no, we're not for the BLM thing. You can't lump us all together. Yes, I can. Yo, yes, I can. Yes, that's your crew. Those people who did $700 million of damage in Ferguson, that's your crew. That's your crew.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Those Antifa guys that I've personally seen in Berkeley mob around and beat people up. That's your crew. That's your crew. There was I took a title. I took a class in college at UC Santa Barbara. It was a film studies class. It was like the most it was whatever the highest level film studies class you could take. I was a film studies major and it was basically a class on, uh, where they introduced the terms epistemology and ontology, basically searching for truth. And those were huge for me.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And then, um, once I got really involved with CrossFit and with Greg, uh, Greg's, uh, uh, in my opinion, a scientist of the highest order. And basically everything just has to be defined. And once you start running down, and that really helped my interviewing skills too. And once you start running down that path of having things needing to be defined, you start figuring out what the truth is. Most people don't care though. They get so bored or frustrated with it. Like even, even like my closest family members, like someone will be like, Hey, do you believe in God? And I'll be like, well, before we talk about that, can we define God? And like someone in my family will roll their eyes. And it's like, Oh, like I get it. You get it. You're
Starting point is 00:19:38 lazy. And when you're younger, you think it's something's wrong with you. Or I was raised, younger, you think it's something's wrong with you. Or I was raised, I was raised what to think instead of how to think. So, um, I was raised to believe that abortion is about freedom of choice. Well, that's not that, that that's not telling me how to think that's telling me what to think. Can Tony fix his schedule? Where's he at? Logan Mars. He told me yesterday we were supposed to go at 7 a.m. And he said, hey, can we do it 730? Am I that bad? The fuck is going on? Hey, I'm in the middle of a podcast.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Okay, bye. See, people are scared. That was one of my friends who called. I said, I'm in the middle of a podcast. And they said, I love pronouns like they. They said, tell everyone I said hi. And then they said, no, don't say that. Scared.
Starting point is 00:20:42 That person's scared. Yandy, don't worry, buddy. If you're listening, don't worry. No stress. Guys, our biggest week ever was the week of. Wadapalooza, not for the podcast on Apple, but for our YouTube channel. And it's my YouTube channel still really small. You guys are like, this is it.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I think you're all here now. It's still like only 11,000 subscribers. I mean, I think it's a lot, but when you compare it to other people, it's like, it's not. It's just not. If you're listening now and you're not subscribed, I don't care. Do what you want to do. What do I care? You're listening now. How much longer do I go before I abandon ship?
Starting point is 00:21:57 I guess I'll go over to my notes for my live call-in show. I got some great Rosa jokes here. I have a whole i think it's outdated now but they had a they had a meeting at uh they had all hands deck meeting after the firing of dave castro and i made a whole like you know like one of my like stand-up routines just bitching whining complaining throwing rocks at the at cfhq and i and i think it's got like it's pointless now now it might just make me seem negative oh there's some great youtube comments i wanted to respond to. Let's see. What's this about?
Starting point is 00:22:55 Uh-oh. Okay, I'll take this call. Ready? Here we go. Good morning, live. What's up, Savon? It's Will Plummer. Will, what's up, buddy? Thanks for throwing me a bone as I flounder here. You're good. It was actually on topic. So, uh,
Starting point is 00:23:14 I got back to school today and in order to move back into my apartment, we had to take a COVID test and, uh, your boy tested positive. I'm telling you, Hey, I, I gonna tell you this that wadapalooza if it was anything the crossfit games were a super spreader event and i didn't share that and i didn't tell you guys because my buddy dave worked there and i was trying to protect them and i was like you know i can be bought i can be bought with friendship that thing everyone i know who went there got the fucking the hiv no No, no, that's HIV. Got the, what's the one we're doing now?
Starting point is 00:23:47 The Cove. And if you don't think Guadalupalooza was a super spreader event, you're out of your fucking mind. Oh, 100%. I mean, like, yeah, there were people wearing masks, but not the vast majority. Well, Sevan, what do you mean it was a super spreader event? Isn't that bad? That's why they wear masks. No, no. You don't care if you're healthy.
Starting point is 00:24:08 You're actually excited. Yeah. I'm so glad my kids had that. Oh, the vid, not the hiv. Sorry. Thank you, McKay. Sorry. Hiv's a little more serious.
Starting point is 00:24:20 It probably wasn't a super spreader event for the hiv. But yeah, good. How do you feel, by the way? I feel all right. I feel fine. Will, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? The worst part about it is that I'll be in a hotel room by myself for five days
Starting point is 00:24:39 and get whatever shit food the university brings me. Will competed at, for those of you who don't know, at Wadapalooza in the RX division. He was shit. No, scale. Scale. That's all the same. Thank you for that. Sure.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Okay. The scale division. RX is scale too. Let's just call them all scales. And if you were touching Will's bar or sharing a bar or you were in the um scaled division you immediately need to get tested now and quarantine yourself do what's right for this country yeah fucking nutters you goofballs yeah the last time i was in there every day uh for almost every meal they'd bring a coke or a mountain dew with every meal and i didn't drink a single one where
Starting point is 00:25:26 you mean in the quarantine you're in now yeah in the hotel well last year because i got covid last year too uh and every day like they'd bring meals and it'd be cookies and a coke with every single meal and i'm like all right you're bringing this to people who have it like you're trying to kill them even quicker someone else who's listening to the show just now uh dm me to people who have it, like you're trying to kill them even quicker. Someone else who's listening to the show just now, DM me and said, I have it too. Who was at the event?
Starting point is 00:25:54 Hey, you know, it's so funny. Well, it's not funny. There's an immunologist. I wish I could remember his name. And he was basically saying,
Starting point is 00:26:04 this was about a year ago. Um, and he's a, he's a, he's a pro vaccine guy. Uh, uh, I don't know why that matters, but he was saying that if you drank two Mountain Dews while you had it, you significantly increase your chances of dying. Like, uh, you know, it increased it by like 10,000% or something. I forget how he did it, but, but what that means is it goes from like a 0.001 chance of dying to like all of a sudden a 0.1 percent chance of dying but it's still relative to the really minuscule chance it goes up like a thousand or ten thousand percent it was something hilarious like that i was like wow yeah you you do not care about yourself if you're drinking coke while you have this you're nuts
Starting point is 00:26:46 and if you believe like these these these uh man there's these there's all these people on instagram talking about nutrition and falling into the minutiae some people are saying i just saw this guy he's a pretty pretty serious got a pretty serious following and people really like him and he's talking about that it's okay to drink uh diet soda and man is it filing yes that guy yes that guy that guy splits hairs on things that that i just like dude you're so stupid like yeah he wants to be right he wants to be right so bad. That's academia, though, because I have professors who are like that, too, who are sports nutrition professors who say it's okay to drink Coke.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Maybe for athletes who are trying to simply are only caring about performance, but that's not healthy in the long run. And it's they send misconstrued messages to students that go on and they become not all of them are working with athletes. They're working with general pop and they're like, oh, sugar's OK when when it's not a calorie is not a calorie. Like they're not the same. You're a you're a hundred you a thousand, a hundred percent right. I wish I could give you an exact thing, but I'll go back to the Jews and the train thing. It's like the scientist saying the train conductor didn't kill the Jews. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:28:17 I hear you. I'm not giving it a pass. I hear you, Diet Coke. You have 20 studies that show that Diet Coke doesn't spike insulin. I don't care. Sorry, call me stupid. Go ahead. On a different note, I had my first exercise prescription class today,
Starting point is 00:28:35 and it's a big American College of Sports Medicine class. So we were going over basically how to program and the intro to it and they make it so complicated for what it really is like in comparison to the l1 where you learn basically in an hour what i'm probably going to learn in a 16 week course they make it so complicated from what i can tell already on a note, what is the benefit of it? Like, do they give you like a deeper understanding? Do they teach you how to think? Do they broaden your horizons? Do they or or is it to more? Is it does it feel more like it's an indoctrination? They make it long and complicated so that you can't get out of it. I feel the one thing that
Starting point is 00:29:19 I can get out of it is making like more specific programs for like individualized people. But is making like more specific programs for like individualized people but outside of that they make it so they make it seem that you need like they talked about doing an ekg for like a grandma per se before writing an exercise program when when something will help more than just more than doing all the tests and waiting around and trying to get it fine tuned. Like they don't see the benefit of like a general, what is it? Preparedness program or something like that. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:54 The GPP. Yes, yes, yes. Yeah. Yeah. I get it for athletes. You need to make it as individualized as possible,
Starting point is 00:30:01 but for normal people, it doesn't matter. Hey, the fact that the fact that everyone has to say to cover their ass before you start this fitness we live in a world of lies before you start this fitness program or whatever it always says at the bottom check with the doctor before you start any fitness program for your health and save and there's this whole like legalese it just shows that we're just we're so screwed we're so screwed we're i mean we lie to ourselves to
Starting point is 00:30:27 protect ourselves that is that's actually it uh dennis olari wants to ask you how was the competition experience for you will uh it was a lot of fun i learned i learned a lot about obviously like what your weaknesses are but then also it was cool in the events that i could do better at like the row swim run i learned that i had more to push like i finished the event in fifth and i probably could have pushed for like a top three position if i just would have ran faster at the start i had more in the tank but overall like the competition was great as people said it was like people complained about it being a little unorganized and yeah it sucks that Sunday we didn't get to finish and do our last event um they really they treat you like a like like you're a professional regardless of what division
Starting point is 00:31:21 it is you can walk up to the medical tent and get like the best care um i had hand rips all weekend so i i kept going and saw i don't know what her last name was her first name was caitlin and she took just great care um yeah that every all the staff and volunteers are phenomenal awesome and you did an amazing job for us thank you for for all the free coverage you gave us back there. Thanks for letting me do it. All right, well, have a good one. Thanks, buddy. Talk to you soon.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Yeah, see ya. Bye. Bye. There's a guy, I was basically, two things. There was a gym, I think it's called like One Nation or something. It's a CrossFit gym. And I was, when I was going off on the, throwing my temper tantrum about Dave getting fired and using that to throw rocks at the CrossFit HQ house. I mentioned this Jim, I mentioned Austin Maliolo and how he was representative of.
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Starting point is 00:33:14 Made our way. Enjoyed your way. Available right away. All the affiliates in North America. He has some job where basically if you... What are they called? There's these people – the United States is divided up into quadrants or sectors, and each of those sectors has their own affiliate rep, and I guess they're one of the affiliate owners. And then they all report up to Austin Maliolo, and then Austin reports to Gary Gaines.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And I was talking about how the gym that Austin owns, One Nation, had stepped ahead of the pack. And two weeks before the government was mandating it, they made a post on their Instagram saying that people without vaccines would not be allowed in this gym. You had to be vaccinated. And I guess I was wrong about that. Not about the fact that you had to have a vaccine, but the fact that Austin owned the gym. You really do have to have a vaccine to get into that gym. And they really did post that they're doing it for your health and safety. And they really did implement the protocol before the government required it. Like a bunch of goofballs, like a bunch of Nazis.
Starting point is 00:34:19 But I guess Austin sold the gym six months ago. But I guess Austin sold the gym six months ago. So I apologize for attaching Austin's name to that. And I don't think an apology is strong enough because once something has been said, it's been said. So I'm willing to do some penalty burpees or something. But on top of that, there was a guy in the youtube comments named tom o'gorman and he says at 48 44 seven i know you think you're being hilarious when you quote confuse black people with unvaccinated people but it's so far from funny truly no actually it's not supposed to be funny at all it's to drive home a really strong point and for those
Starting point is 00:35:04 of you who don't know what I'm talking about, every time I would say this gym doesn't allow black people in, I'd go, sorry, I don't mean black people. I mean, unvaccinated. To me, it's the same thing. Tom O'Gorman goes on to say, you sound like an old bitter twat. Tom O'Gorman, I have no idea what an old bitter twat is, but that sounds sexist and ageist to me, you disgusting pile of junk. I see no difference. You saw Novak is the first athlete in the history of professional sports to get banned from a competition because he wouldn't take drugs. Djokovic was told he could not participate in the Australian Open, the greatest living tennis player alive, because he would not take drugs.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Hear that, Tom? Tommy boy? hear that tom tommy boy so going back to what tyler watkins said um how did you how did you ever think you were going down the wrong path we gotta ask tom o'gorman that when's he gonna realize he's going down the wrong path when are we gonna realize that he's an o'gorman and that all irish people carry a gene that makes it so they want to drink alcohol so we must kill them all to overcome alcoholism on this planet when are we going to let's let's do it let's get on it you like that tommy boy tommy o'gorman you alcoholic it's not cool right It's not cool, right? It's not cool. Someone, you're not a disgusting pile of junk.
Starting point is 00:36:50 You're a fancy pile of junk. Don't sell it. No, no, no. I was calling that guy a pile of junk. I don't know what this means right here. Scott. Oh, I'm not doing my guess today. I'm not doing it. Let's. Can we reschedule? Can we reschedule? If you came here for Tom Cowden, it's time to leave.
Starting point is 00:37:14 You know why? Oh, this is cool. Let me see this. Oh, this is really cool. I'll show you guys what, I'll show you guys something here real quick. Can I show my viewers this? Don't forget Tennis Sandgren, he got banned from the AO2. Oh, the Australian Open.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Man, I hope this opens up opportunity for other people. For other events. You know, those of you, I had Ricky Garrard yesterday on. Garrett? Garrett? And I don't know if it was on the podcast or after we got off. I talked a little bit. But he couldn't come into the United States unless he got vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:38:16 And then he got vaccinated, double vaccinated, and then got so sick when he was in Vegas. Man, it bums me out. Let me see. Rob Orlando just sent me this video of his barbell brush. He wants to sponsor the podcast. I have all these people that want to sponsor the podcast. I need to hurry up and do it. I need money. You know what I'm going to do here? Here's this. Someone help me. Who's going to help me today? Here we go.
Starting point is 00:38:49 Let's do this shit. Maybe I should play music once in a while. Can I play music? No, then I'll go on YouTube and my shit will get pulled down. I'm going to show you guys this too. Fuck it. I'm going to start dipping into my notes for my live call-in show this is supposed to be one uh oh this is cool this is cool check this out this is a gym this is a gym in uh what gym is this this is ground crossfit
Starting point is 00:39:20 ground zero i do not know where they are. And they write CrossFit affiliate lifeboats. I don't know if I agree with the exact verbiage of this, but they write on their Instagram, the tsunami has finally come. I think it's been here for a while, but whatever. It doesn't matter by Elaine. It doesn't matter whether it's finally come or it's always been here. Do you understand that? It doesn't matter. What we've experienced these two years is exactly what coach Glassman envisioned down to the finest detail. I don't know if I agree with that either. It doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter. We sit collectively in unique possession of a uniquely elegant solution to chronic disease, says co-founder Greg Glassman.
Starting point is 00:40:07 No, sorry, CrossFit founder Greg Glassman. Addressing a group of CrossFitters and affiliate owners in Cape Town, South Africa, Glassman continues, each gym is a lifeboat in what is a tsunami of chronic disease, and it's coming. Our community had 100% survival rate of members during this period. This is quite phenomenal given our oldest member at 73 who suffers from diabetes who contracted COVID survived the virus, recovered, and is now fitter than before. Not actually remarkable because the odds of dying from COVID are so low if there actually is a COVID, right? Stefan, are you a conspiracy theorist? No, I just don't know anything now. I just don't know anything now. I just don't know anything now.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I don't know anything. And I'm okay being dumb. I don't even know our constitution. We are proud to captain both of our lifeboats with an epic crew that consists of 12 CrossFit qualified coaches in a small city in South Africa, eight level one coaches, three level two coaches, and one CrossFit level three coach. level one coaches three level two coaches and one crossfit level three coach dude i i want to say it's not how like greg thought i think he thought that just there would be this massive wave of diabetes and it would just just wipe out just shit loads of people and that's kind of what's happening but instead what's happened is people humanity is out on this high wire over the grand canyon and the wind is blown and people are just falling off and dying. And people are saying it's because of the wind without with neglecting to mention that they're on a high wire over the Grand Canyon. It's ridiculous. But kudos to this place, CrossFit Ground Zero. Like you get it. You didn't lose the message. And in two years, has eric rosa or anyone at hq even comment even
Starting point is 00:41:45 remotely about what you guys really do nuts bonkers bonkers william how are you brother good stevan how are you good thanks for all the thoughtful comments thanks for just being around always you're one of those familiar names i always see. And it does matter to me because I'm always insecure and uncomfortable doing the show. And when I see regular names like you, Bruce Wayne, Heidi, Tom, Lars, it's cool. It makes me feel safer. As ridiculous and childish as that sounds. sounds. I'm with you. I think you make us all feel sane. That's why we tune in. I just wanted to throw something out there. Yes, sir. This will only be able to continue so long as they exterminate religion from the public square or from people's lives, because it's our Judeo- Christian values that teach us there is dignity in every human person and the choices they make in the life they have, whether functional, coherent or not. And so long as people believe it, they'll never succumb to these collectivist notions of guilt
Starting point is 00:43:01 and identity that the left is trying to impose on us. I wonder if you have thoughts there, because I feel like I sense a trend in your own thoughts and discussions about how faith plays into an understanding of the world and an understanding of every person, not just as entities of power, but as people worthy of protection. When I, when I first met Greg Glassman, uh, and, and I apologize to just always invoke his name, but, but I mean, it did hung out with them every day, basically for 15 years,
Starting point is 00:43:39 or at least 80%, 85% of the days. And I lived with them for three years, like under the same roof, raised my kid in the house with him. And my wife lived there. And my sister was hardcore Christian, you know, 20 years ago, she found God and it saved her from the bottle. And I had my own awakening.
Starting point is 00:44:01 And in my awakening, I knew that it wasn't the God that Christians speak of it. Bear with me here as I run down this path. And so I always had like this, you know, there's all these people who, who want to say there is no God and they, and they're in there, they want to go their own path and they're checking out all the religions or there's atheists, or there's all these people besides Christians, you know, people like me who think that God is this. And there's just the whole gambit, right? There's people who haven't been awakened but are actually have studied the Bible like diligently for 20 years and they claim they're Christians because they're holding on to something.
Starting point is 00:44:37 There's every facet, anything we can think of that exists. But in that, over the years, Greg would say to me me, Hey man, and I don't want to speak for Greg, but Greg's, I think hardcore hate atheist, right? He thinks you die and just turn to dust and that's it. And, but in that over the years, he would always, anytime I said something negative about Christianity, he would, he would slap me around a little bit. And finally I realized what he was doing. If we have to swim in a – if everyone has to have an ideology in order to exist, a method, an operating system so to speak, whether it's Windows or OS X or whatever. It is clear, and this is going on the first statement you said, William, that so far in this country, the best operating system is the Christian one. So even if you don't believe that Christianity is the way,
Starting point is 00:45:36 and slowly maybe I'm cracking. Not that much. No one get fucking excited here. It is the best operating system. It's better than the atheists. It's better than the Muslims. It's better than the communists it's better it is the one so far that i've seen even the more the mormons even got a good one like it teaches like what you were saying exactly what you're saying i'm on board with that like yes like like if someone says they follow the 10 commandments that's the dude you want as your neighbor i mean it's a great fucking place to start it's it's like i don't want you like and greg's like stop fighting with them we have christians all around us we're good we're safe you don't have to believe what they believe they're
Starting point is 00:46:12 good they're going to take care of you they're going to if you run out of food they're going to share shit from their fridge with you like be cool shut the fuck up i'd be like finally after 15 years i got it you want a fucking uh a fucking diehard Mormon who's terrified of doing anything illegal to be your accountant. Totally fine. Get off his back about his religion. Yeah, I mean, I'm with you. Even let's say someone's really bad. They're the worst person you know, but they go to church every Sunday.
Starting point is 00:46:46 You know that they're working on themselves. They're going there for some reason to hear someone talk to them about what is the right way. Love your neighbor. Don't steal shit. Fucking, you know, if you're mean to kids, kill yourself. I don't know if it says that in the Bible, but I'm adding that in there. No, I mean, I think it's merely a belief that there is right and wrong. And I don't know that just protecting mere freedom is enough. I think we have to stand for a true concept of good and
Starting point is 00:47:19 evil based on something. We don't have to get into it now, but I think we're living through a world where if we just, you know, try and go by public opinion or, you know, the march of liberalism, that's a scary place for some to be. But hey, you know, please hear my prayers. Liberalism has gotten really weird or or and i'm open to it was always weird and i just caught on to it but it's it's pretty it's
Starting point is 00:47:52 really bad here in california for some people right now the theft i just read an article it's an old article that came out in 2017 and they weren't there's a we have a subway in in um in the bay area called bart and i used to write it all the time bay area rapid't there's a we have a subway in in um in the bay area called bart and i used to write it all the time bay area rapid transit it's a really shitty subway system it's like new york's but like so unpractical and inefficient and just it's bad but anyway um they don't they in 2017 they stopped releasing surveillance footage of crimes that were committed because they thought it promoted racism and that kind of shit that is racism and it's just like they're admitting right they're just admitting that whoever's being it's just nuts it's nuts what they're admitting by saying that and i just don't it's like it's like it's so obvious to anyone who's listening
Starting point is 00:48:41 that joe biden is the most racist president in the 49 years i've been on the planet under this guise that he's not racist i just don't know how are you not listening to what he's saying because he doesn't view people as having agency as having individual dignity say that again say that again he joe biden and many others don't view people as having agency and the ability to choose right from wrong. What does that mean, agency? What does that mean? The ability to make a decision for yourself. Okay. They assign guilt or credit based on immutable characteristics like skin color.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Right. If you're black, you must vote Democrat. Right. immutable characteristics like skin color. Right. If you're black, you must be a Democrat. Right. Or you can't possibly see this crime footage because, you know, you will assign guilt to every person who looks like that criminal. Yeah. All short Armenians. Like if you see a short Armenian mugging a woman, then all short Armenians will be. It's nuts. It's really nuts. Agency. I might have to use that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:49:48 Yeah. Well, hey, thanks for taking my call. I'm praying for you. And thanks for all you do. Okay. Don't waste your time praying for me. But thank you. Too late.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Okay. Thank you. Darn it. I'm trying to. I wanted to. I'm talking with Rob. Rob has this thing called the barbell brush and he sent me a couple and i wanted him to i wanted him or him or me or someone to make a video where it's like really really super like macro photography in slow motion of those bristles
Starting point is 00:50:19 like pulling the um rust off the bar and cleaning. And I want it to be like 10 seconds long and then with some like really nice soothing music. And so that anytime I was getting too wound up or I drank too much coffee or I was losing my shit up here, Will or Caleb or Sousa from the back end could just hit the button and play it. And it would soothe me, right?
Starting point is 00:50:42 Like kind of like those videos on Instagram where it just shows someone like really slowly cutting like a cucumber or something and like you see like little particles flying off. But he sent me this. This isn't exactly what I was thinking, but I want to show it to you. Rob, this is going to cost you $12,000, me sharing this right now, just so you know. You can Venmo me. Venmo my wife.
Starting point is 00:51:00 I don't Venmo. Okay, let's see. Let's check it out. I haven't seen this either yet. This is the first time i'm seeing it uh let's see if i can get the audio to play on this I'm not going to lie. I'm not going to lie. The only thing I stare at is those sausage fingers. I didn't even see a brush in there. I just see you're sorry, Rob.
Starting point is 00:51:51 All I see is your sausage fingers. I see that giant meat hook thing. You call a forearm. And, and those things you call fingers that just look like sausages. I use that barbell brush. It's awesome. I know. And he sent me two, and I need to give them away because my barbells don't get dirty. Oh, I'm such a wannabe CrossFitter.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Okay, we're approaching 50 minutes i sent uh tom cowden a text saying can we reschedule i have not heard from him guys tomorrow i have kayla harrison on do you know how exciting that is i will so we'll add tom cowden to the list um of people who've just flaked on me uh it's uh i think there's a couple ufc fighters oh daniel no just one daniel rodriguez has flaked on me twice daniel brandon has flaked on me twice totally okay not judging her because she's also been on the show at least two times and now tom cowden he didn't add a flake he's like at the 50 yard line of flaking i don't know if I'd say he flaked. Oh, you guys want to see this? This is cool. Do you guys know who Logan Aldridge is?
Starting point is 00:53:17 Oh, shoot. His page is gone. Let me see if I can type it in. Logan Aldridge. Logan Aldridge is the guy. He's been on Instagram. He's been kind of an Instagram star for quite a while. He's the guy with one arm and he's got the, you know, like he does the crazy stuff. Like he's got the 225 pound like clean with one arm. Maybe it's more. But let me show you what he's doing these days. If you guys haven't seen the dude is now like one of those Peloton superstars. He's in New York city. He's gone from like just world-class CrossFitter. Oh, I, I think this guy is a 500 pound deadlift with one arm. I mean, he hooked something up to his other arm, like a chain or something. But here he is.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I think that's Peloton's like world headquarters. And if you get, I mean, I've never had a Peloton. I don't know how it works, but I think it's just a bike that sits in your living room and 24 hours a day, there's dudes riding the bike in New York and you can just jump into a virtual class at any time. And he's one of their virtual instructors now. He made it. It's kind of like making it right. Went from this crazy fanatical thing called CrossFit to like something that's to the big city. Oh, here, let's look at Bam, shirt off. Look at my nub.
Starting point is 00:54:49 He's getting it. I think he's a country boy. Does he do this from the country? Or where does he go? Does he have to move to New York? Officially step up in NYC. I can't believe this is my life. I don't know why he has a black heart.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You should never use a black heart. I think that's bad. Probably means like your heart's rotting. Jumped in and ass kicking Robin NYC high intensity training in Hills Ride, followed by some strength class stacking with the Irish Yank and Adrian Williams NYC. I can't wait to join these Avengers of Fitness on the One Peloton platform as an instructor in the near future. Starting rehearsal tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:55:28 I'll see you on the leaderboard. Dude. I wonder if he's too big to come on the podcast now. I got to get him. I got to get him. Isn't it funny? I was too big for him and now he's too big for me. Damn it.
Starting point is 00:55:41 You leapfrogged me. Ready for Dalton again. Yes, we are going to have. Is it Rasta Dalton or Dalton Rasta? He's coming on. He's fighting very soon. He'll be coming on. We'll have Jack Magdalena coming on.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Like I said, we have Kayla Harrison coming on this. There is a very, very, very, very good chance that Kayla Harrison will be the greatest female fighter we've ever seen. She'll make Amanda Nunes look like a nobody. She is 12-0. She is a two-time Olympian gold medalist in judo. She is the first American to win the gold medal in judo in the Olympics. She is – Oh, we have this guy coming on Friday, Jim Lubinowski. Lubinowski.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Sounds like some sort of cult, Lubinowski. Are you going to start using that? You know what's funny is I've been picking up the 100-pound D-ball a little bit again, and my scalp – always the next day, scalp is sore isn't that weird because i think i do something i get so tight and like i've i think i've angst around it i squatted with the uh i normally squat with the 40 pound d ball i do a lot of front squats with the 40 pound d ball and yesterday i fooled around with uh some relatively heavy bench press back and forth with uh the 60 pound d-ball no so i i don't know i don't think i'm i mean i'm dalton rasta yes he's coming on very very soon how exciting right
Starting point is 00:57:17 five and oh and bellator are the nicest bodies and all of sports uh Hey, Sevan, want Freya Mooseburger from WADA? I can get her for you. Oh, how nice of you, Craig. You're a good dude. Good dude. I think I just started following her on Instagram. I think maybe she's in the lineup. I really don't want to do any more CrossFit people, like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:57:39 for like five or six years. I just want to take a break. I'm only doing Jim Lubinowski because he's a cop, not a cock cop. Yandy. Congrats on the kid, Yandy. Uh, let's see this one. What do we have here? Oh, let's see this one. What do we have here? Oh, what is this about? What is who can call and tell me about this?
Starting point is 00:58:11 What is going on with this mess? Penns, I think Penns means Penn State College, transgender swimmer lost to a Yale transgender swimmer in a hotly contested women's ivy league 100 meter race so you're telling me that there's two dudes who swam against each other in a women's college 100 meter swim race is that is that like what i'm open to someone being like, hey, you asshole. Those are two women. You can't do that. I'm open to that. But until then, I'm just going to just say that's two dudes. Right? That's two dudes.
Starting point is 00:59:01 Man, tough time to be a woman. Tough, tough tough tough weird right when are the when is that lgbq thing gonna get all split up when are like the lesbians and gays gonna be like yo yo yo we're not doing that bullshit you fucking wackadoodles i have a cock and i just like people with cock i'm not into all that other shit what are you doing cutting your cock off i love a cock you turned your cock inside out what do you mean you're going to compete in the women's class now that you cut your cock off one of the lesbians gonna be like yo yo we're just
Starting point is 00:59:41 vag on vag we're not we're not we don vag. We're not backing you up by letting dudes come into our sport. I'm a lesbian and I want to work out with Tia and Katrin Dodersdater. I don't want dudes with dicks in here. Yeah, how are the woke crew? How is Katrin and the woke crew
Starting point is 00:59:59 at CrossFit going to... What are they going to do when dudes come into... I can't wait. I'm kind of excited about that. Thank you, Matt. Thank you. How like that, the woke community, like, how are you guys going to handle all that stuff? It's funny. I heard, uh, in one of the phone calls, Rosa was he's not woke dude shut up i need i need the uh that sound effect from what's that movie the blonde haired kid and he's really goofy shut up rosa dude you're all woke over there oh you know what i want to do did you guys any of you so there was this event this weekend called wadapalooza, for those of you who watched it. And we covered it for hours and hours and hours.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And it was awesome that Matt O'Keefe let us cover it. And Rory was like, Rory McKernan, that's the dude. He used to work at HQ and now he's like Rich's bodyguard over in Cookville. And he interviewed someone from the DEI Council. That's diversity, equity, and inclusivity. And what diversity, equity, and inclusivity means, and if you don't know what those words means, you should check out a Peter Boghossian. He has videos on YouTube. He's a ethicist. I think he used to be at Columbia university. I'm not sure where, but, um, he, uh, he defines all of
Starting point is 01:01:22 these words for you. It's fantastic. And they're short. They're like one or two minute videos. Peter Bogosian. And if you have kids, this is like great stuff to show your kids. Like just defining words. And anyway, Rory interviews this lady and her name is, I think it's a lady. Because it's from the DEI council, I'm suspecting that it's a dude who is now a lady because I'm, I, I have discrimination. I have discretion because I know everyone on the DEI
Starting point is 01:01:53 council has to have like something like trippy about them. Right. Like you don't get on there. Like I couldn't be on there unless it was like someone who's like, with like, like maybe I could fit under the Tourette's category, but like, you can't be on the di council unless like like you have to be like have one arm or be the token black guy or be like a lesbian uh jew tranny yeah i mean you got to be something anyway this lady comes on there i think she's a lady and her name is marcia something and we're already interviews her and if you want to see the biggest pile of shit i actually have it marked and I want to go through it and stop like every five seconds and just show you guys the insanity of double talk and words that mean nothing. It is so bad. You know what?
Starting point is 01:02:38 I'm going to help you here. This is free for CrossFit HQ. free for CrossFit HQ. Get rid of the DEI council and have Rosa just come on and say, hey, we're concerned that there's not enough melanated people, you know, black people doing CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:02:54 So what we're going to do is we're going to open up a gym in the blackest neighborhood in New York City and it's going to be free. And he's going to say with a little twang like that, like trying to get his black on. And it's going to be free for all black's going to say with a little twang like that, like trying to get his black on. And it's going to be free for all black people. But you got to be 100 pounds overweight. And when I mean black, I don't mean just the color of your skin.
Starting point is 01:03:14 I mean, you also have to vote for Biden. Peace and love. That gym will be open in six months. That's what a fucking leader does. DEI counsel, go fuck yourself. leader does dei council go fuck yourself you're fucking you're the gatekeepers of racism to make sure and and prejudice to make sure it stays consistent to maintain your job that by the way also people is why you don't tax you don't let the government tax like things like cigarettes it puts the government or soda pop it puts the government in bed with those people you think
Starting point is 01:03:44 it's helping but in the long run they have to exist now now the government – or soda pop. It puts the government in bed with those people. You think it's helping, but in the long run, they have to exist now. Now the government is part owner of Coca-Cola. The government is part owner of Marlboro. It has to exist because all the people who enforce that, their jobs are only in existence because of this evil thing that exists. Sorry, I wish I wouldn't use the word evil. I think it's a stupid word. Sorry, I wish I wouldn't use the word evil. I think it's a stupid word. It means nothing. It means nothing to me. Evil is one of those words that just draws emotional, evokes emotion, and it manipulates people.
Starting point is 01:04:19 I'll finish on this note. I'm going to show you this video here. This is a guy – this is what lying and manipulation looks like. Good Samaritan gives homeless man his jacket, then is attacked and robbed by the same homeless man. So you don't know if that's a good Samaritan. I would argue it's not a good Samaritan. He has a mask on, what I would call him is someone who spreads fear, fear mongering. I don't even know if it's his own jacket. Oh, Sevan, you're just getting into just stupid details.
Starting point is 01:04:54 You're missing the spirit of it. Okay, fine. You're right. I agree with that. That's not a homeless man. That's a drug addict. Homeless man, that's a drug addict. That's a grown-ass, strong, healthy man in his prime who OD'd on drugs and can't keep his shit together.
Starting point is 01:05:14 And so he's just sleeping there. You call him homeless. There are very, very few homeless people. They're drug addicts. Do you know what happens when you're a drug addict? You can't keep your shit together. You get your priorities out out of whack there's these priorities that every human being should have and i'm not sure exactly what they are but it's some order like this breathe eat shelter fuck breathe eat shelter fuck like that should be kind of be and if something gets in that hierarchy you're messed up. So let's say, um, heroin, right?
Starting point is 01:05:50 And then all of a sudden that's more important to you than shelter or then fucking. So now it's, it's, it's messed up. You're like, you're now like totally different than everyone else on the planet. Like something in your hierarchy has gone out of whack. If it climbs even higher than shelter than fucking, and it gets in between you and shelter, you'd rather have a fix than your shelter. Now it's even more out of whack. And then if it gets above eating, then you're even more out of whack. And then if it gets above breathing, then you're really screwed. That's called addiction. And when you paint it like this, the people who are trying to help who don't have that messed up like us, like if we
Starting point is 01:06:24 really care about this guy on the ground, we stop considering them homeless and we start addressing them as drug addicts that's what they are stop using that word homeless i was homeless i know what homeless is two years homeless on the streets five years lived in a car there are there are no homeless people there's drug addicts very few homeless people very few very few and those of us who are truly homeless who aren't drug addicts we don't need your fucking help we're doing something we're living the best years of our lives so i uh sean how are you today sorry buddy i i know i'm off topic and all over and it's not how you would like to run things
Starting point is 01:07:06 when you commentate. I apologize. I know you've been trying to mentor me. Well, yeah. You know what I really like to do is I like to tell my fellow drug addicts not fellow, excuse me, no, excuse me, drug addicts. What I like to tell them
Starting point is 01:07:21 is to go get a job. Kick them on the curb. I'll say, hey, you bum, go to this website. What I tell them is to go get a job. Kick them on the curb. I'll say, hey, you bum, go to this website. What's the website? Shit. Let me read it. Oh, the job. Sean, by the way, everyone, I'd like to introduce you to the great Sean Woodland, the voice of CrossFit.
Starting point is 01:07:36 And he does this often. He calls into the show and gets me back on track. Thank you. He knows that if I don't mention my sponsors,, I too will be out of a job. Also, the Pancreas King. You can't forget the Pancreas King. Oh, yes, yes,
Starting point is 01:07:54 yes. Well, the Pancreas King is now over, but I will just say that my relationship taking the pills is not over, but my financial obligations are over. How are you doing, Sabat? Are you okay?
Starting point is 01:08:09 You sound a little stressed. No, well, my fucking guest didn't show up. I know. I'm sorry. We still love you. Tom Cowden, I'm so sorry, bro. The fellow I was meeting with was long-winded, And yes, we can certainly let me know your free times. I'll send him. This guy used to be a Green Beret and a 22 years in the military and Delta Force.
Starting point is 01:08:31 And I'm going to send him a heart. Can you do you know that in the 15 years I've been texting with Dave Castro, he's never sent me an emoji. Wouldn't a guy that's like trained in hostage negotiations be able to get out of a long winded conversation? Oh, should I tell him that? You should tell him that. I didn't realize the Green Beret's biggest weakness was long-windedness. Hey, you want to know what's funny about this thing too? So last night I stayed up like for three hours, like from nine to midnight taking notes for this uh this interview i'm gonna do and when
Starting point is 01:09:06 i take notes lars i take it in a google rough draft uh a gmail rough draft right and that's where i take all my notes so that way whatever computer i go to it's populated i can just pull up my draft email what the fuck are you in a tornado well is it really loud yeah it's very loud you want me to just hey where do you work you work in an oil field or something yeah absolutely no i work on a cattle farm in a hog farm oh so that was a chain and uh in the background uh that is a payloader and that probably drives all of your listeners nuts and I should probably just go it's windy too right well it's just outside
Starting point is 01:09:49 do you see animals die every day pigs yes cows no cows it's much bigger impact you get about a little over 3,000 of those but like with pigs it's like there's like 16 000 pigs so it's a little more of a turnover with pigs uh uh lars is the only so i fancy
Starting point is 01:10:15 myself as building this um empire i got i got brian friend over holding down the crossfit shit i got uh i had hobart and um kate doing the news i i may have fucked that up by going so hard in the paint with crossfit hq um i have uh the live call-in shows you know i just got i got a will in the back now but but lars is the only i would like a group of like regular callers like lars but lars is like the only like he's he's the leader of the pack. I don't know what to call him. I hear Colin calling in sometimes. Colin called in once. Don't, don't provoke him. Colin's smart. He's not funny. I need funny. I need funny. Well, I'm sorry. I don't feel like I, I don't, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:00 Anyways. Hey, I just want to say, have a good day. I'm going to get off here and play with my kids in a minute. Be happy, Saban. Just smile. You had a great weekend. Made thousands of dollars in donations. Is Miranda the one you're going to have on? Is that the same Miranda from early days CrossFit, right? Dude, that's super baller CEO of street parking. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:29 That is the same Miranda though. It's like the Miranda, right? Yeah. Can you please play a two fit to quit when you have her on? Oh, okay. That was the,
Starting point is 01:11:39 the Heber and Mars did that, right? No, I thought you did that. I mean, it was under my, my, it was like eight years ago. Yeah, that was, I mean, I thought you did that. I mean, it was under my... It was like eight years ago.
Starting point is 01:11:46 Yeah, I mean, I was probably the... I probably ran media, but those boys... Okay, I was trying to stroke your ego, and I think I just opened up a jab. I hate it when that happens. All right. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 01:12:04 Mars Logan calling. Step on anything further Love you. Bye-bye. Mars Logan calling. Step on anything further on Sarah fucked her knee again. My wife won't stop talking about it. She's a huge fan. I don't know. I could call her and ask her. Should I try to, I could try to call someone now and just see.
Starting point is 01:12:17 No, I'm ready to go. I want 10 minutes. Hmm. that's all right guys thank you so much I apologize on behalf of the guest tried to push the show I tried to make it happen I hope you got something from the show today I will be in touch
Starting point is 01:12:44 tomorrow we have who do we have tomorrow I hope you got something from the show today. I will be in touch tomorrow. We have. Who do we have tomorrow? I kind of screwed up my life, my next live calling show by digging into it already. It was like taking a bite out of the birthday cake and then still using it as a birthday cake. Sorry. Let me see. We have Snorri on tomorrow? No. Oh, Kayla Harrison. How did I forget? This is going to be great. And I just read her book too. Holy cow. I, I, I don't know if I can recommend her book. It's crazy. It rocked me. It rocked me. basically she was involved I mean go figure she's 12 and 0 she's a two time gold medalist in the Olympics
Starting point is 01:13:27 in judo the first American ever to win a gold medal in the Olympics she's on the MMA scene I think people are terrified to get in the ring with her but she has this back story of being molested from when she was 8 years old to 16 years old and she has a book about it and it is crazy it is absolutely
Starting point is 01:13:44 uh it and it is crazy it is absolutely uh i mean on one hand i want to recommend the book to you because like you know you need to watch your kids man you need to watch your kids i'm never letting my kids out of my sight again eli crane sent this to me this is that one of those breach or bottle breachers cool right so this is the bottle opener here this thing's nuts it's kind of unhealthy that Eli sent
Starting point is 01:14:20 this to me from bottle bottle breacher oh and this has nice texture to it because I don't drink beer but this makes me kind Bottle Breacher. Oh, and this has nice texture to it. Because I don't drink beer, but this makes me kind of want to go out and buy some bottles just to open them. I don't know. Did Rich lead a coup against the programming yesterday? I don't think so. Oh, I could call.
Starting point is 01:14:40 I should. You know what? He was nice enough to text me afterwards and say that, I'm sorry I didn't respond to your text after the first time we came on. Can you imagine? This is how nice Rich Froning comes on. He is the biggest guest we could possibly get. He comes on the show shirtless. He brings Angelo DiCicco on the show shirtless. He talks to us for as long as we want during the middle of the competition week.
Starting point is 01:15:01 And then I text him on again like a greedy prick to try to get him on more and he responds with sorry i couldn't come on but i'll come on anytime this week for you or some shit like that i'm like dude sorry i can you demand how do i know he's the man well because i think he's the man and also the numbers don't lie um Have Eli on again. Okay, I get it. We got I got a ton of those dudes coming on. I want to interview all the guys who are running for office. I wish there were some Democrats that were running for office that I that would I would want to interview too.
Starting point is 01:15:38 But especially if they were mill guys, I want to interview mill guys who are running for office. I want to interview mill guys who are running for office. I had this thought last night as I was looking at Tony Cowden's Instagram. You're raised as a – when you're raised as a Democrat like I was and a liberal, you see these guys like Tony Cowden whose Instagram is of, of shooting content, right. Of guns and shooting targets and how to hold a gun and just anything, any minutiae you could think about guns is on there. And when you're taught that in the,
Starting point is 01:16:14 in the American flag and the hat and the vest and the camo, and you think that these guys would be, are like totally pro war and pro fighting and all all this shit but as you dig into them it all makes sense you know who they are they're the guy who's dying of fucking lung cancer who's still smoking telling you don't ever smoke it was the dumbest thing they ever did he's this is the last guy that wants war this is the last guy like these guys these guys who have gone to war they're the last guys who want war they're the last guys who want war the guys who are eminently capable of fucking killing you and who've already been to war and why are they the
Starting point is 01:16:59 last guys who went to war because they know how fucking horrible and rotten it is the same way you should listen to the guy who's dying of fucking cancer smoking his cigarette through his trach. But if you don't know how to think. Or if you're judgmental beyond your ability to listen and observe, you won't see that. Don't forget to listen to the beginning of this podcast where it starts off with that document that I was reading from that came from the UK health ministry. And I'm going to say it again. I told you so. Yeah, Nicky Rodriguez is coming on again. I mean, let me say, I can't say that. I'm going, after he fights Elder Cruz on, Nicky Rodriguez has a press conference. It will be on Flow Grappling on January 20th. He has his fight on the 21st, and then from then on, I'll be knocking on his door to try to get him on. Love you guys.

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