The Sevan Podcast - #285 - Brent Morris

Episode Date: February 2, 2022

Brent Morris was harmed by medicine. He came on the podcast to share his story about how he was harmed by the narrative that the vaccine is a one size fits all fix. He got a "bad dose". Support the sh...ow Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we're live. I can't hear the guest or Caleb, but what if I do okay can you guys hear me we can hear you um now i'm using this you can oh look at that brent in australia he's got a good connection um uh caleb i have a do you hear an echo from my because i have now i'm listening through my computer I'm not listening through this headset I don't hear an echo you hear an echo Brent?
Starting point is 00:01:31 no I'm fine your voice is a little bit crackly but it's not too bad because I'm going through puberty or something's wrong with my equipment you sound good to me the sound keeps jumping in and out that's all right um i can
Starting point is 00:01:48 hear you good enough um i can tell we're talking to someone in australia uh because it has to go up to the satellite and then that we got we got like a little delay like i'm talking to like a relative like in 1970 in lebanon yeah right like a follow-up connection uh guys uh i have t-shirts coming out tomorrow you might want to wait before you buy them because this could be the last show we ever do because we probably will get kicked off of youtube after this one brent caleb caleb Brent, Caleb, Caleb, Brent. Hi, Brent. I hope not. Hey. Hi. Nice to meet you. How old are you, Brent?
Starting point is 00:02:32 How old am I? I'm 31. And were you tripping when I reached out to you and was like, hey, will you come on my podcast? A little bit, yeah. Did you have any reservations about coming on and and sharing your story uh not like not really i i was i had more reservations about sharing my story to begin with and then since i've shared it it's it's given me more and more motivation to go on these types of things and try to get it out there and just inform people to you know we'll get into it but just to be safer and do some more research etc um where are you sharing it specifically just in your story because when i go to your instagram account you have very few
Starting point is 00:03:19 posts and you only have one post that caught my eye and then the rest seems to be in your story Yeah. So I only shared my story like last week and that's because I reached out to, I don't know if you've seen the Instagram page, Jab Injuries Australia. So they seem to be the largest social media page that is hosting jab injuries. There are branches for states and for parts of Europe, but Australia seems to have the largest followers. And I've been seeing a lot of things. I don't know what it's like in America. I'm sure it's the same over there as it is here, but I'm seeing a lot of things. I don't know what it's like in America. I'm sure it's the same over there as it is here, but I'm seeing a lot of stuff about boosters. And I just thought, you know, it's like there's so many people
Starting point is 00:04:16 that just aren't really aware of, you know, the risks that they may be taking. So I just want to get my story out, especially for young men, and just get them to really, you know, understand the risks involved because i wasn't fully aware um of what could happen unfortunately i have a pretty uh severe bias i i wish i was i wish i was more open-minded um i've been following this very closely since the very first stats came out. I've made the public claim many, many times that not a single healthy person has died from this infection. And I'm yet to see one person refute that. Every time they send me a link to the person,
Starting point is 00:04:57 they're always 100 pounds overweight or they're on anabolic steroids or they're a professional bike rider who lives off of goo packs. And when I say a healthy person, I define a healthy person as someone who's not addicted to added sugar and refined carbohydrates, which are notorious for stunting this mammalian species that we are as immune system. And I'm still correct. You would have to send me a hundred people who had died from this who weren't healthy before I could even listen to you because so many people have died from it that 100 would be a statistical anomaly if they were healthy. Because how do I know that the one person that you've sent me wasn't stung by a bee in the hospital at the same time and they were allergic to bees or they were allergic to peanuts? I need to see like 100.
Starting point is 00:05:45 bees or they were allergic peanuts i need to see like a hundred so so when i say zero there is one kid who's 15 years old out of new york in the last two years that that appears to be healthy and there's not a lot of information on them other than that so i have a very and i have three little boys um and uh and we did have a measles outbreak here in the united states a couple years ago and the papers were being honest. They were half the kids who got the measles at Disneyland were vaccinated. And that like caught my attention, like, well, how can that be? And I started doing the research. And then I realized that in the 10 years prior to the measles vaccine coming in the United States, only 500 kids were dying a year from measles. And at that point, that is also a statistical anomaly, that statistical noise noise and so there's no proof that the measles vaccine works and so you just go down
Starting point is 00:06:28 this cascade of it's just third grade math it's not so yeah so so i do have that really strong bias i want to let you know i want to be like i like the whole time and before you came on i'm like i'm play devil's advocate with this motherfucker, but I just can't. I'm just like – No, no. I definitely lean more your way. Yeah. And I'm – like my parents' life is – even the smartest people in the room keep saying that this thing kills old people. And then when I ask scientists, have there been any studies with old people? And they say no. And the reason why there haven't been any studies with old people is
Starting point is 00:07:08 because they make the assumption and it's a fair assumption. And there is some proof that as you age, your immune system wanes, it weakens. But the problem is if you don't isolate healthy old people and study them, you're conflating two factors. Someone who's 70 has had 40 more years to drink three Cokes a day than someone who is 30. And so you can't say it's because they're old. You have to say it's because they've had longer time being complicit in their demise. And it's not complicated. Just honesty. Okay, I'm done. I'm going to get off my horse you're 100 right that's that's that's that's 40 40 years of chronic inflammation right there yeah it's like dude like
Starting point is 00:07:54 like okay i granted yeah and and then when you see the stats in these countries like sweden where the majority of people who are dying from covet are 82 degrees but the average age of death in the country is 80 now it's like hey just shut the fuck up and let's go back to what we're doing like yeah yeah i totally agree okay um so you're in australia you're 32 years old um uh were you born you're born and not raised in australia uh i was born in new zealand but um yeah i came to australia when i was young but like new zealand and New Zealand, it's sort of like the US and Canada. They're like the same thing pretty much. Did your whole family come from New Zealand or just you?
Starting point is 00:08:34 Mothers, yeah. Mother's side is New Zealand. Father's side is Australia. Are you tall? Yeah, 6'2". Okay. I've been in New Zealand a couple of times and every time i'm just like i'm only five five but i was like holy shit there's a lot of tall people here like really tall
Starting point is 00:08:50 yeah yeah yeah i i would say six ones probably average over over here yeah it's nuts i mean i would see women who were over six foot on the regular it was nuts yeah very true my wife and you so yeah huge difference so you you come to australia and how old were you when you guys moved to australia uh like a year old and where in australia did you move uh just sydney i've i've grown up around sydney my whole life uh you know like really close like on the northern beaches uh i was you know six seven and then we moved up an hour north to like a quieter sort of beachy area uh and then yeah i've moved back down to sydney in the last five years for work because there's just a lot of, um, a lot of construction going on in the city right now.
Starting point is 00:09:46 So it definitely favors my profession. And what, what's your job? I'm an electrician. Okay. So who, so who taught you how to do that? Did you go to school or did you have a mentor? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I don't know what it's like in uh the states but we do like an apprenticeship like you just it's sort of like on on-site learning you you do that for four years while
Starting point is 00:10:12 having a day to sort of like one day a week studying in like a like a technical sort of uh trade school just just learning all about the theory side of things and then you do like one one huge test at the end to sort of like you know say that you're not going to kill anyone and that all of your installations are going to be safe you mean like by kill anyone you mean like set something up so it's like someone gets out of the bathroom and gets just fried yeah exactly exactly exactly are you guys 220 over there 240 240 do we are we do we do 220 here like in 110 10 i think we're 110 i think europe is 220 okay yeah well i used to have um back in the day when i was a kid i used to have this massive marijuana grow room and i had to call an electrician in who i didn't know like and it was illegal and i had to have him wire the whole house with 220 and he like
Starting point is 00:11:08 i'm like no washers and dryers yes yes yes um i wasn't made for it i was like after a year of doing that i was so fucking paranoid i didn't even smoke weed so I got out of the business. And now it's legal here, kind of. So is Australia living the dream? Does it look like how we see it here? I mean, I live in California, and I live in Santa Cruz, and it's pretty amazing when you're – and I live by the beach,
Starting point is 00:11:40 and life is good. It was life as a kid growing up, just like, wow, this is great. Shirt off all the time pretty girls beach days lots of outdoor activities just fuck man life is rad yeah um yeah i mean it depends what lens you want to look through but that's that's definitely one lens you can look through at living in australia but how about for you sorry how about for you oh yeah i mean yeah i mean up until up until the pandemic started everything was i i loved living in sydney i loved my i loved my country i loved everything about it you know just like the the lifestyle there's like beautiful
Starting point is 00:12:26 food and sort of like wine seen over here um beautiful coffee like like the you know like our major metropolis is 15 minutes from some of the best beaches in the world you know you've got access to so many outdoor parks and like recreational areas there's so many events that are going on you know like it's it there's always something happening i i i love it here i really do and what did you do any sports did you train did you work out uh oh like when i when i was a kid i i played soccer but um i skateboarded pretty much my whole teenage years and uh and then sort of got out of skateboarding when i got when i started working because like i started working with my stepfather doing like plumbing and uh i i fell
Starting point is 00:13:22 off my skateboard a few times couldn't come to to work, and sort of sat me down. He's like, you know, you've got to become an adult, mate. You can't just be getting injured and, you know, sort of you've got to be reliable, et cetera. So I sort of gave that away and then got into fishing. And, like, I fished pretty much throughout the whole 20s. You know, I'd go every few days as much as i could uh and then sort of when i moved down to the city to like for work a lot of my recreational activities
Starting point is 00:13:51 really got pushed to the side except for working out you know like just go to the gym and pretty much just like gym and work and a bit of jiu-jitsu in the last year. Oh, that's cool. Do you watch the UFC? Yeah. I do, yeah. You guys are getting some amazing fighters coming out of there. Wittek is a legend. I don't follow it anywhere near as close as my other friends, but, yeah, I definitely love watching it.
Starting point is 00:14:24 follow it any any way near as close as my other friends but yeah i definitely love watching it um we've had on the show we had a vol uh alexander volkanovsky on the show and um and we've had uh a guy named jack uh dela maddalena on the show twice he's an up-and-comer he's he's actually in the states right now he just had a fight last week red-headed kid uh yeah and then of course you guys have israel over there out of new zealand and um and uh dan hooker i mean yeah and then of course my favorite like you said robert whitaker he what a stud what a stud yeah dude yeah yeah absolute weapon did you um when you would go fishing did you catch all did you would you eat your fish you know how to clean them you know how to do all that like you would feed your family like come home and be like yo i got yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean it depends it depends what fish you caught on the
Starting point is 00:15:17 day because there's only there would be only a few fish that are sort of they're like nice table fish if you know what i mean it's just like nice fillets you know but there's some fish that you catch it that are just annoying they're super bony really hard to sort of fill it and so you would just chuck them back so but like we've got fish over here like jewfish flathead uh kingfish these sorts of fish are just like really easy to fill it you know just chuck it in a pan and you got dinner yeah that's awesome um i went to a friend's house uh last week and he's like hey i got a couple ducks i'm he's like bring your boys over and we'll clean them and eat them and i like i was like shit that's some like real man shit like i've never done anything like
Starting point is 00:16:01 we go over his house and the ducks were like this big oh my boy donovan he's a good dude but anyway we ate the there's this guy who's like going you know there's all this shit going on instagram now all this eating raw meat are you seeing all this and the liver king and just eating raw organs are you seeing that trend yeah like kind of yeah like carnivore md yeah yeah paul saladino yeah so so he's been on the show a couple times and so i donovan cut the ducks open and we each ate a liver just raw oh dude how was it yeah it was it was strong, dude. It was really potent. He said that he left too much bile on there. I don't even know what he was talking about.
Starting point is 00:16:51 It was really intense, and I was trying to swallow it. But, I mean, it was – the whole – like I got like a whole liver to myself, and it was like this big. So it just kind of slid down. Did you – Go ahead. Did you feel – sorry, go ahead. No did you go ahead did you feel sorry go oh you go ahead like what what paul says how you sort of feel like high or you see if you feel like a like a endorphin rush from eating it
Starting point is 00:17:15 or no no but i but i i i didn't um but paul has also said that kind of like if you're eating birds like you're kind of a bitch like that's the bitch animal like like i don't think he eats chicken you know what i mean like paul just like give me your testicles yeah yeah yeah now i mean maybe if i did that yeah yeah i was eating a bitch-ass duck yeah no i don't know anyway okay so so you come from new zealand um you you you're living a good life you're a healthy kid um you skateboard i love that my kids skateboard i think skateboarding is the physics of athletics what do i mean by that like it is fucking hard like it's not sociology sociology is like dummy school skateboarding is like wow it is nuts it is it's the violin of the
Starting point is 00:18:09 musical instruments and it's the physics of academia i i mean when i watch my kids skateboard i'm like holy cow neurons firing um then you and you play soccer uh very few sports with better metabolic conditioning than soccer transfers over to everything in life after that um and you uh someone tells you it's time to grow up and you start putting in toilets and do you have a girlfriend right now i i'm married oh you are married yeah when did that happen uh so that happened at the end of 2020. So, yeah, I mean, that's a story in and of itself. My wife's from Chile.
Starting point is 00:18:52 At the very start of the pandemic, we got stuck in the Philippines. That was when things went from like zero to 100 in like middle of March 2020. We were at the very tip of palawan island on like a sort of like a secret beach and no one was there there was no wi-fi and uh essentially we got handed a notice from the government saying that we had 48 hours to leave the country or we were stuck there indefinitely and so we we spent the preceding 10 11 days trying to get back to manila so we had an international airport like we slept in airports i wouldn't sorry we didn't sleep in airports but we stayed at airports for hours and hours and days and days uh just to get just to try and get back to manila and we got got back to Manila and on the day that we arrived back to Manila
Starting point is 00:19:48 to get a flight back after spending thousands of dollars, the Australian government changed the laws and said that my wife wasn't allowed to come back home with me because we weren't married. So she had to fly back to Chile. Even though we were registered de facto couple, we had lived together for a year at that point we had been in a relationship for almost two years we like our lives were so intertwined that you know for the government to say that we weren't affiliated with each other was quite a shock uh so after that you know we've i managed to get her an exemption from the government and uh she ended up coming back from chile about a week later
Starting point is 00:20:30 but after that happened i was just so worried about you know like as you would know you know like australia has been passing laws after law of like, you know, with no democratic voting, it's just like, oh, you know, because of coronavirus, like in like one of our states, they passed a law that they could come in and take the children from their parents under these coronavirus rules if they deemed that the, like if they were a threat to public health and
Starting point is 00:21:05 i was just thinking like shit man you know i don't want them to just somehow say that anyone that's not a permanent resident or a legal partner on the federal level of an australian citizen uh we can just deport them so i was like we need to get married there was there was no there was no beautiful on your proposal it was like it was like let's just get fucking married hey uh do you wish you had guns i do yeah yeah i was yeah i was flat out flat out yes i was i was a Yeah, flat out, yes. I was a – I was a – man, it can't even fucking come out of my mouth. the home and epicenter of hatred towards all black people gay people and gun-toting americans which posed as a place of love and acceptance and that's what i really like love and acceptance
Starting point is 00:22:14 and i really i really really um and and and and now it is it is we have this thing in the united states called critical race theory and what it is is they insist that every single human being view the world through the racial lens of what people look like and really for me man it's just it's just despicable that i was a part of that but thank god we have guns in this country holy shit it would be fucking crazy they would try to do crazy shit yeah if it uh if it if it if we didn't have guns it's nuts and me and meanwhile there's some really gnarly shit happening here in the united states too like as we fall into chaos i don't know how drugs are in your country but the cartels are like moving in big time like just with all the chaos the
Starting point is 00:23:01 cartels are just having their way here i mean which is like it doesn't affect me because like if you stay out of their way they stay out of your way they're not like the cartels are like the mob mind your own business right they only fuck with the people who like if you if like if you fuck with them or if you're in their way yeah so yeah it's a fucking mess here yeah the taking the kids thing when you say that that just makes me i just see people like i i can't imagine someone thinking that they could come and take my kids that would be so fucking crazy so some crazy shit might happen i mean i but i i think some of those laws get passed because we don't have guns. Yes, of course. I truly believe that.
Starting point is 00:23:46 No one takes your kids if you have a gun. No one takes your kids. Exactly. In any stories that you hear, by the way, of anyone saying that we have a gun problem in this country and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, it's the same demographic and the same gun and the same situation that gets every that gets 99 of everyone killed in the united states and they never address that demographic which i don't even know if they need to but they never address that gun and they never address that issue but what i mean is like they're always going after like the like the semi-automatic guns or and those aren't the guns doing the harm right it's it's anyway so okay so now it makes sense why when i asked you if it was
Starting point is 00:24:27 good growing up in australia you weren't like dude it was raining pussy over here i can't believe how hot the women are because you're married you're dignified man i get i get it okay yeah and yeah it's great it's great it was before everyone started getting obese now everyone over here is obese but before when i was a kid it was crazy that just no makeup wearing barefoot beautiful women everywhere and so then you um what were you doing in the philippines and and did you think about like not coming back at all like what like did you meet her over there you met this chilean chick over there why won't you like fuck it let's take off our shirts and just live in the jungle yeah oh dude i wish i wish um like we were there for her 30th birthday like we
Starting point is 00:25:15 we met we met through her sister so i met her sister in peru and you know like she came to her sister like my wife came to australia we met up we got together we were in philip for her 30th birthday but like i mean like back then it wasn't it wasn't like i never thought i'd ever want to live anywhere else in australia you know right it's like only only since the only in the last two years have has my perspective on that change yeah it's crazy so many people are leaving california and going to florida um okay so so how did you meet her sister in peru were you there for school or oh dude like long story short i went there to do ayahuasca and I got really sick before I got to do it.
Starting point is 00:26:07 Long story short would be I went there by myself to do ayahuasca. I got an email from the retreat saying, would you mind to come to our retreat before we officially get there? The staff that live in the local village they'll look after you they don't speak english but they'll cook you dinner and uh i i went there there was nobody there they cook uh they cooked me dinner fine i had lunch the next day and then started to feel really sick and then i don't know it was it was the it was it was the sickest i've ever been in my life i was like like throwing up while i'm cheating in in a shower by myself they had they had gone back to their village at this point i was too completely by myself in the in the fucking retreat and i just i just was running a shower
Starting point is 00:27:06 over these and because there's no electricity there i was putting like because it was in the andes not in the amazon i had to like keep putting these logs in a fire that i could barely even hold because i was so weak and and then how many hours did that go on if it was like 12 12 hours before someone came back to the retreat to then drive me down to the hospital i i thought i was gonna die up there i was like calling my i somehow got reception and called my travel insurance saying get me a fucking chopper like they're like we don't provide that service dude like what are you talking and um yeah i was just freaking out at that point and um but yeah i don't know if it was mother ayahuasca working on me before i actually had it or whether i had food poisoning or anxiety or altitude no the middle one choice b choice b yeah yeah i i probably food poisoning i thought but
Starting point is 00:28:08 you never know i went to this temple in uh in india one time and the guy's like here let me give you something to eat and he gives me this white stuff and he pulls it out of like a cupboard and it was like for sure it had milk for sure it should have been refrigerated and i ate it and it's really sweet and sugary and the dude i was with is like hey he gave me one i don't want to eat it you want to eat it i'm like sure and i ate it dude it was exactly like that i basically laid in a shower and just shit my shit and puke was just in a pot just everywhere yeah and i was naked and there was no toilet paper nothing but i surrendered i was like fuck it i'm i'm just i'm just yeah i'm just and i was just heaving all night and it was in this area where there were these janes they're these like um janes are like
Starting point is 00:28:51 these they're like monks but they even wear masks all the time because they don't want to breathe in insects like they can't kill shit yeah and so they're they're like sleeping under trees and shit all around me and i'm in like this cement shed vomiting and it was crazy it was and i had to get on a plane the next day it was so bad i think i threw it was like one of those things where you throw clothes away you're like yeah it's probably not can't save that oh i do yeah i know you feel and i feel yeah that's why i was you just sort of surrender you just you just like oh if i die i die fuck it yeah i don't i'm too weak to even like fight anymore i'm just gonna breathe i'm just breathing just breathing yeah yeah okay okay so so how did you meet the sister while you were there
Starting point is 00:29:35 during it's like she saw you in the hospital she was in the hostel uh like she was behind the counter i'd like like the sort of like administrator uh at the hostel that i went back to when i was uh sick so she she took care of me because i was still really weak for a few days after that and she she cooked for me we hung out and stuff like super cool chick and we like we kept in contact and i was back in australia a year later she's like oh my sister's coming over you know like do you want to show her around she sent me a photo of her i was like fuck yeah i want to show her around it's the least i can do
Starting point is 00:30:19 okay so yeah exactly so she comes over and um and this was in 2000 what year did you say 19 when she comes over 2016 26 oh man you've known her forever yeah yeah and then like go ahead yeah but like long story short it was just like any relationship you, like sometimes you get together and then you split up for whatever reason and then get back together. So yeah, it was a bit like that at the start. I was still single when we met and I was just, I just moved to Sydney. I was going to Cambodia and Vietnam traveling. I didn't want to, I didn't want to partner. So it's just, yeah. And then like we found our way back to each other about a year after that
Starting point is 00:31:05 so yeah and then so she says hey she so she ends up coming to australia um and then you guys end up in the philip she was in australia you guys went to the philippines together yeah so we got back together in 20 at the end of 2018, we were together for like, you know, a year and a half almost. And then we went to the Philippines of March, 2020 for her 30th birthday. We were there for two days. Okay. And do you guys have kids?
Starting point is 00:31:35 No, no. We, like we were planning on it. Um, but this is thrown a bit of a spanner in the works. Okay. What was the word you spanner?
Starting point is 00:31:48 Yeah. Shifter spanner in the works okay what was the word you spanner yeah shifter spanner in the works yeah caleb can you look those up and the translate those from australian to california i don't yeah i don't know it's like it's like you would use it like yeah shifter spanner i don't know what you guys well he has caleb has the internet he'll get to the bottom of this like a range like a wrench ah the old wrench yes the wrench uh yeah a spanner yeah yeah um to cause something to go as unplanned we were ready to start the project but when the bank threw a spanner in the works by denying the loan all right spanner is it does it really is it a tool is a spanner a tool it's a wrench yeah oh okay all right great hey and will you type in spanner caleb and hit images i want to see like i want i just just want to make just good i didn't i didn't yeah i did not i did not know that was that was only an australian term a spanner let's get to the bottom of this
Starting point is 00:32:40 yeah it's just a wrench for us oh yes wow look at the m12 i've never seen a wrench that looks like that that's nice yes it's for like those tight spaces so you gotta like put it through like walls or something yeah exactly exactly we're like the smartest fucking monkeys that ever lived hey hey i was it see those ones right there those channel lock ones like they're the spend there i just went to greg's house he has the most amazing set of those it's crazy are they snap on yeah it's the no it's a better brand it's from sweden it's like from he has like the swedish you know you know norwegian shit okay so then you come back so so there's this pandemic you guys finally make your way back after like even though they tell you you have 48 hours to come back you really you you rush to come
Starting point is 00:33:31 back and it still takes you 12 days of fucking nightmare through airports but it's kind of cool because you're with your chick right yeah i know i wouldn't say it's cool i wouldn't i wouldn't it was it was fucking stressful man no it was fucking stressful we spent like we spent pretty much all like all the money we had in our accounts like we spent like 15 grand on flights because they like they just kept canceling them like you would you would you would pay two grand for a flight and then you'd get an email two days two hours later saying it was canceled and then you'd spend another two grand on the flight and then and like the next morning you'd wake up and you check your email and it was cancelled and you're like you like you're watching all your money leave your account and you're like are we actually going to
Starting point is 00:34:14 be able to get off this fucking island or are we you know it was it was pretty stressful because and that was at the very start of this as well. Like we didn't actually know how deadly this thing was. Like, you know, I was like, I don't want to get this thing in the Philippines. You know, like their medical system probably may not be able to cope with this. I don't know what's going to happen if we get it in the middle of Palawan Island or whatever. And there was just a lot of hysteria at that time as well there were you know there were so many travelers from all over the world in airports like just women crying and men just on the phone to like you to the family pulling their hair out like you know
Starting point is 00:34:57 it was it was pretty chaotic uh i haven't been to an airport in two years and i will never fucking go again unless you're flying me in a private jet i ain't going uh okay so you get home and this is 2020 you get home and you proceed to just try to live your life normally right like there's all these lockdowns in your country. Your fucking leadership is fucking completely insane and fat and inept and dumb shits. But but so a lot of us have that problem and you're not allowed to go out. And are you still doing jobs at this time? Like you're still like, OK, this office building is closed for a month. We might because of the pandemic, we might as well.
Starting point is 00:35:40 They want us to go in and rewire everything with new cat six line or some shit. they want us to go in and rewire everything with new cat six line or some shit. Yeah. So Australia at the start through 2020, and even, even into half of 2021 was probably, I don't know if you heard that, like we barely had COVID touch us same as New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And we, we were pretty like construction was considered essential. So even during lockdowns i was able to work uh so yeah we like i my life was barely interrupted throughout throughout until halfway through 2021 so yeah not to take away from there were many people's businesses through lockdowns of 2020 um that were destroyed so but i was just lucky that my career wasn't impacted uh and was your job requesting that you take the vaccine not at the start because we were about six months behind you guys uh you know you guys were sort of towards the end
Starting point is 00:36:45 of 2020 you know they were getting emergency use authorization and you know we were in the middle of our summer then you know and there was no there were no cases like none of that happened until halfway through last year i would fight with these people on the internet i would fight with these people on the internet who were from new zealand and australia they'd be like you fucking idiots you guys won't mask you guys won't lock down we're doing it right over here in new zealand australia i'd be like you just wait it's like yeah it's like living at the bottom of a swimming pool and bragging that water hasn't got you wet yet it's like oh i mean it's a fucking virus it's going everywhere like shut the fuck up but but man there was some pompous motherfucker especially the new zealanders man i was like you guys are fucked especially since all you
Starting point is 00:37:33 fuckers are inbred over there that shit's gonna get you and like there's gonna be one strain that gets all you guys sorry i'm armenian we got some of the inbreeding problem too yeah okay so um poor iceland iceland's like just like they got 300 000 brothers and sisters over there that's it how many people live in new zealand oh dude i don't know is it like 6 million 8 million i can't remember okay that's what caleb's for caleb's like does all that yeah yeah i think i think six to eight million, that's nuts. That means it's… Just Australia? No, just New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh, just New Zealand. Okay. I think Australia is 25, 26 million. If it's 6 million, that means… 5.12. Yeah, that's nuts. That means it's 17 times more people than Iceland and 17 times better of a place to live. More hospitable. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So are you worried at this time as it's coming?
Starting point is 00:38:37 And how does the vaccine eventually pop up on your radar? And does your wife have any issues? And what's going on with your family? Tell me about your relationship with the with the vaccine and your fan your mom and dad's relationship and just like your circle how you guys talked about it etc yeah in this country it's not open it's not an open conversation most people are terrified to talk about it not me not yeah yeah uh my uh my um my family it it's been i i've been really lucky to have brothers and to have my wife who have been on my like the side that you guys are on that you know this is this is questionable you know like the governments and
Starting point is 00:39:26 pharmaceutical injuries have industry have a long history of like a revolving door relationship and you know you'd like and the media and censorship and propaganda you know it was so obvious to us even from the beginning but i just didn't pay too much attention at the start because we just weren't affected you know i was just living my life and it wasn't until like with my dad you know he's 63 he smokes um you know like i like i like i lean on the side of you know like if he wants to get it you know that there there does seem to be evidence that it does prevent hospitalisation and death for older people. So the risk to reward for someone like my father isn't the same as myself, who doesn't smoke.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I'm 31 years old. And my dad was respectful of everything I was saying, that I don't particularly want it. I don't know why they're hammering down on us uh and then and then the end of june hit in sydney with delta and everything just went to shit they really did like um we went from being you know one of the most free countries in the world to being one of the most heavily locked if not yeah one of the most heavily locked down countries in the world in a matter of a month you know through the through the month of july you know new south wales and uh victoria where melbourne is um were just it was just it was so heavy and fast that it was psychologically damaging as well.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Are there a lot of obese people in Sydney? Yeah, yeah. I think the last I read that Australia is the most obese nation per capita. It's overtaken America. I think, I don't know if you can prove that but there there are a lot of a lot of overweight people in australia yeah you used to be 30 years ago hard pressed to find someone who's 300 pounds and now you can just leave your house and you'll see one every time and there are stats that show that like it's like 90 90 of americans or 83 some huge ridiculous number are metabolically
Starting point is 00:41:43 distressed meaning they, they're not burning energy efficiently. They're, they're insulin resistant, like just bad shits going on with their, uh, with their diet. And it's just obvious when you go outside, what's crazy is when you see it in towns like Sydney or anywhere near the ocean or Santa Cruz, California, because here traditionally, and same with your country, places where people don't wear as many clothes, we're a little more self-conscious, so we make sure we exercise a little more. We don't eat dessert because we know we're going to take our shirt off the next day in front of 5,000 people, but that's not working anymore, not enough peer pressure. Okay, so then these lockdowns start happening, and when does your – is that when the pressure starts for the vaccine?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Like, when does that pressure come? Yeah. Like they were, our vaccine campaign sort of started around March, 2021. Uh, and it was just such a slow uptake, you know. And then, you know, as soon as the outbreak happened around July, there were these like carrots that were just dangled in front of us of like, you know, you're only going to get out, you're only going to get out of lockdown once 80% of New South Wales is fully vaccinated. You know, this is where Sydney is, the state.
Starting point is 00:43:11 You know, you're only going to get out of, sorry, we will start to ease the heavy restrictions. So our restrictions were we were only allowed to leave our homes for an hour a day for exercise. to leave our homes for an hour a day for exercise uh we weren't allowed to be five kilometers from home which i don't know maybe that's two two and a half miles or something like that two two three miles from home it's about three miles yeah yeah so we um so like we couldn't see our families uh you know we i had i had friends like well not personal friends I had work friends who had been caught six kilometers from their home walking their dog and were fined three thousand dollars you know and holy yeah yeah it was it was insane you know there were there's videos of police waiting outside shopping centers and there's a video of a guy taking his mask off like just as he gets to the
Starting point is 00:44:04 door and you know this this police woman's like you took your mask off before you're outside here's a bloody 500 fine and you know it was just it's just insanity and you know and they were like oh you know and then we'll once once we once we reach 70 vaccination for over 16 year olds we will uh ease some of the heavier restrictions you know you'll be able to go here or you know and then 16 year olds are you fucking insane people sorry especially when the yeah the death rate under 18 is about one in a million yeah it's insane hey and then once again, that's the typical noise. At that level,
Starting point is 00:44:48 you can't even like, it's just zero. It's just zero. Yeah. We have 12,000 people a year who died in the United States from falling down stairs that your asshole carpenter friends build. 12,000! that's crazy 8 and 12 000 people holy shit dude we have we have like we have like crazy thousands of people who die every year from bee stings um there's even
Starting point is 00:45:18 like you can even look up like more people die from like getting a light bulb stuck in their ass than kids have died from covid in the united states i mean there's shit like that you can just look it up let's look at how many people have died from just you know accidentally getting a bulb stuck in their ass yeah yeah i'm in there don't ruin my story caleb don't ruin my fucking story caleb it's different just look up odd objects in the ass that have killed people yeah yeah oh it's so sad these poor kids okay and and are you respecting these laws or like they tried to do that here and like no one here listened like but but i don't know how they are in australia but like i was like fuck you and i just go out with my kids and cut the yellow tape and be like eat a dick and the cops here are cool shit
Starting point is 00:45:59 they're like you don't have just do what you want yeah um i'm not gonna say too much but yeah okay yeah and are they the cop they always make the cops look horrible the australian cops here but are they cool it depends it depends like some of them i guess it depends here too uh yeah it's it's some of them are like i like oh dude can you just like you know just move on you know like you know like there's too many because say if you were down at a like a like an outdoor exercise equipment sort of area you know sometimes there'd be like a lot of people down there and the cops would come down and be like oh guys can you just spread out or you know move on there's too many people here there's none of you know you can't safely social distance like but they were just they were just
Starting point is 00:46:50 doing their job you know it's not like they were you know forceful or anything like that they were just obviously had orders to go and move people along or whatever and um but you know there's you can find innumerable videos of heavy handed. Yeah. Police. You can find that in the US, too. But like every I think the vast majority of police in the United States are just cool as shit. They're just like, yeah, like just my experience with them.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Just they just look the other way. And a couple of years ago, since we had that George Floyd thing where that guy was high on fentanyl and alcohol driving around neighborhoods, ever since we had that fucking thing happen, the cops are terrified of people, and so they don't do shit anyway. And neighborhoods like mine don't care because we don't need cops, but all the bad neighborhoods are fucked. Like George Floyd's neighborhood is fucked. That shit was supposed to help him. that shit got worse for his thing yeah dude like fucking portland portland and oregon holy shit i couldn't imagine yeah those people there deserve that though okay so um those are crazy people that's that's the whitest town in america that that has all the
Starting point is 00:48:05 black lives matter sign. They hate fucking black people. And so they have to like put up the black lives matter sign to like, be like, no, no, we love you. Be cool. It's cool. Yeah. Yeah. Like a lot of virtual signaling virtues going on over there. It's nuts. Okay. So, um, which is a shame too, cause it could have been so cool there. So why do you, what ends up happening that makes it so you decide to take the vaccine? Yeah, so it was in August, you know, it was about two months into the lockdown and- August 21st?
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you held out for so long. Yeah, it's just, I think back to my decision to get it done and I regret it every time, but it is what it is. But I, so it was, it was a multi-dimensional thing. It was my wife. I don't mind being inside. I don't mind being at home. Like I can keep myself busy and I just like my wife is the complete opposite. She, she needs to, you know, she's from Chile,
Starting point is 00:49:19 all of her family's in Chile. A lot of her Chilean friends had to go home because of the pandemic, who were here. A few of them moved interstate. So, you know, she was away from her family. You know, she works in retail. So she, like her business was closed down at that time. So she wasn't able to work, wasn't able to socialize so her her mental health was uh declining she was like getting depressed and upset and i just it was hard to watch and uh you know i was listening to some podcasts on rogan and, other, just seeing other articles around, you know, explaining, you know, that these things are safe and effective.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And I just sort of started to question my, like my intuition. I was like, some of my friends by that point had gone to go and get it and were like, dude, I was totally fine. I just, I kept feeling like i was being too fanatical i kept questioning myself being like you know have i have i delved too deep into the other side where i'm unable to even see that you know there are really smart people who are right yeah and i started just questioning myself a lot what percent so during this time in august what percentage of the people in australia were vaccinated it was it was uptaking really quick
Starting point is 00:50:51 like i i don't know the exact percentage before lockdown but it was really low it was like i i think i think for the age group between 16 and say 50 it was like 10 maybe like and and then within within a couple of months it was like it was just going up and up and up and up and up every day like super quick super quick and i mean because of what they were doing you know yeah in canada their prime minister said that i think it's he's the prime minister that trudeau guy that fucking nazi they got running that country i don't say that in jest. He said that if people who don't have the injection are racist and misogynist. Wait a second.
Starting point is 00:51:31 If I don't take that drug, I'm racist and I hate women? That's insane. Yeah. What if I eat pussy on a black woman every night? Do I get a pass? I don't have to take the vaccine? You fucking asshole. He's such a fucking scumbag. I mean like he's there's a photo of him like i hope my mom's not watching it sorry mom it was
Starting point is 00:51:51 just too good of a joke to to not use sorry okay sorry go ahead what were you saying yeah so yeah i mean yeah it was it was there was a lot of pressure there was a lot of a lot of pressure coming from society government you know i was listening to a lot of podcasts that were pro vaccine uh like my friends were changing their opinions on it you know just like like a lot of things were changing at such a rapid uh rate that i just and they were just dangling that carrot saying you know if you get this we'll go back to normal. Everything's going to be okay. That's a great one. That is a great one. We'll go back to normal. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Hey, I wanted to share something with you that someone wrote in the comments here and I wasn't going to say anything to you, but someone wrote in the comments here when you were talking about the police just say move along to you. This guy says, we've got some rights to squash. Can you please move along? That's the thing. The second they tell you you have to leave the park, it has to be like – on one hand, you're like, these are just dudes trying to do their job i get your perspective but on the other hand it's like fuck you make me this is my fucking park i fucking paid for this you work for me bitch like that's that's a fair
Starting point is 00:53:14 answer yeah it's it's not dignified it's not how our moms taught us to talk to people but but but it's a fair and honest answer and when i talk to to Canadians and Australians and Europeans, people who are more socialist countries in the United States, I get a little worried because they're like, I don't mind a finger in my ass. Just you. Can you just not put it all the way up to here? And it's like, no, no, it's your butt. Yeah. Yeah. You don't get to you don't get to tell me at all. If I want to kill myself, I should be able to jump off a bridge and kill myself like you don't get to tell me at all. If I want to kill myself, I should be able to jump off a bridge and kill myself. Like, you don't get to tell me. Now, I appreciate you telling me what the risks are. There's something called COVID. It kills fat people. The vaccine's pretty safe.
Starting point is 00:53:54 But no one healthy has died. And I look at you, Brent, and I took your A1C sugar levels. And the chances of you dying are 1 in 32 million. Would you like the injection or not? And you can be like, ah, probably not. I'll buy a lotto ticket instead. I mean. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do.
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Starting point is 00:55:18 Sorry. I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I'm just... Yeah, no, no. Okay. Go ahead. Yeah, I don't... Seriously, no offense taken. Okay. Go ahead. Yeah, I don't, I'm seriously, no offense taken.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I didn't take it over. I'm like, there wasn't a lot of data to really argue that it wasn't stopping transmission in the middle of last year. Like there was, like there was a little bit, but you know, there was a lot of, a lot of like, you know, this is, it's like 60 or 70% effective. It's not infection and transmission. So, you know, like you're going to be able to, if you do get this thing, you're going to slow the pandemic. You're not going to give it to your grandmother, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And that's not just coming from the government, you know, that's coming from people on podcasts who are like biologists and, you know, like vaccinologists, whatever, you know, infectious disease experts, like a lot of data coming at you that's like obviously now you know six nine months later is turned out to be totally wrong but you know at the time it's like you know let's just it's gonna stop infection it's gonna stop transmission to a point it's going to like i did not take this to protect myself from going to hospital or dying like that was not even one thought in my mind
Starting point is 00:56:33 about protecting myself not one right wow that's fascinating yeah and and and on that end also to go along with story the smartest people in the room were kept quiet so we have a guy he's the most published um uh scientist i, living in the world today. His name is John Iannotti. He teaches at Stanford. And he said, hey, motherfuckers, like, I've done the math on this. And if it is what they say it is, we had herd immunity before you guys even knew it started. If it is what you say it is.
Starting point is 00:57:01 And they fucking just they suppress that. Anyone who wants to look that up john iannotti stanford he's the man he's such a he has such integrity that he will not speak anywhere that's a for-profit organization he doesn't speak anywhere for money he's an amazing amazing scientist john iannotti's and i'm pretty sure he's liberal he should fix that no one's perfect okay so um were you what just to go to your politics sort of i don't know if it's the same in the united states but the liberals like we're raised that the liberals are the peace loving people and that the conservatives are the gun-toting anti-gay people but like now everything's kind of like switching in the united states like
Starting point is 00:57:41 a lot of us liberals are like waking up being like holy shit like these people will fucking kill you like if they want to kill someone for like not getting a vaccine they want to take your kids away yeah is were you ever in and then now you're like oh shit what have i done because that's what happened to me um yeah i mean like i don't think the it happened to joe rogan too yeah you saw we we got to watch it happen to joe rogan in the last two years this motherfucker was like supporting bernie bernie sanders like and now he's like anyway sorry go ahead super conservative yeah um yeah i mean it's not politics i don't think are as strong in that you know like red and blue as it is in America. It's, you know, there's definitely like the two parties who are like,
Starting point is 00:58:30 you know, like one's pro-business and the other one's pro sort of workers and like pro the people and, you know, like the Liberals are obviously pro-gender politics and all these sorts of things and you know conservatives are you know pro pro-life and anti-abortion and there is there is a lot of that sentiment but yeah i guess that's the way it is here too the there was no real the conservatives have their imaginary friend god and the liberals have their imaginary friend gender yeah yeah we got that too they both have their yeah they liberals have their imaginary friend gender yeah yeah we got that too they both have
Starting point is 00:59:06 their imagination yeah they both have their imagination it's great yeah yeah it's like fucking sesame street okay so so the pressure is enormous i get that the pressure is enormous and you're in your dad has it and um and so and your friends are getting it and you're like, okay, and you state that you didn't do it for yourself. So you're basically like, okay, I'll do it. So you get the, can you tell me about like going down that day and had your girlfriend gotten it
Starting point is 00:59:35 and like which shot you got? Yeah, so I got mine before my wife just because I was able to get an appointment before her. But so I went down to this this clinic got the first one i was a bit nervous and you know i strangely strangely felt this weird rush like as soon as i got it injected into me i i felt like the weirdest rush of adrenaline or whatever it was that i've ever it's something i've never experienced in my life and i don't know if that was because i was like i didn't feel consciously that nervous uh but i had just this wash of like hot and just tingling that went straight over me then
Starting point is 01:00:18 like the second that went in and i was like that was really weird and what um what vaccine which brand fisa okay yeah and were you sitting in your car when they did it to you no no no um we had like clinics and you just go into these clinics and then you got to sit you got to sit um in like a waiting room for 15 minutes to see if you'll have like an anaphylactic reaction or whatever yeah and then okay so then you go home and everything's fine yeah and everything's fine uh i wouldn't say everything was fine um i mean like i had a bit of a headache and then about a week later i started to have chest discomfort. But, like, this is just such a weird story because things couldn't have come at a worse time. You know, I was, like, as an electrician, as a commercial electrician, like, we've got to pull through, like, you know, like, really heavy mains cables, you know, that supply large parts of buildings, you know, and you've got to pull these things for like 100 meters through different sorts of like corners and above your
Starting point is 01:01:32 head. And, you know, like even just a few meters of it weighs like tens and tens of kilos. And you're doing, you're pulling above your head all day. It really does start to burn your shoulders and your chest out. And, and you know i was working out at the time so i was getting these weird radiating aches around my left chest and shoulder area but because i was having such physical weeks at work and also exercising it was really easy for me to pass it off as just being fatigued, not from the vaccine, which, you know, I mean, I think back to that. And if it had been like another part of the job where we weren't pulling in mains cables and maybe I would have gone to hospital and got a check. And then so, and then a week later you get this, even with some of that discomfort,
Starting point is 01:02:23 you go get the second shot. So, yeah, I mean, my wife told me to get it checked and I was like, nah, nah, I'm fine. I'm fine. Yeah. That's what I would have said too. That's what I would have said too. Yeah. And I was like, nah, I'm fine. I'm just, I'm just, yeah. Like I've been working out, you know, like, like she knew I was having like, you know, I was coming home from work, just absolutely stuffed absolutely stuffed you know and for like a couple of weeks there and then yeah like a month later i went to the to get the second one uh and i expressed my concerns to the to the like so there's like two nurses at the front counter who take your details and then there
Starting point is 01:03:05 was the vaccine nurse right next to them and i expressed my discomfort you know i was like i've had these chest issues is this something i should be worried about i'm not really sure if it is the vaccine or not and the vaccinating nurse was like oh dude you'll be fine you'll be fine just just just get it you know and if you have any more pain, just go to hospital. We've got a hospital. And, I mean, I don't know, like our FDA is called TGA here. What's it called? It says in their handbook, the TGA, the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
Starting point is 01:03:39 So they have like a handbook on mRNA vaccination. And it explicitly states on page five that if anyone complains of chest discomfort, delay vaccination and they should be checked immediately. And this vaccinating nurse wasn't even aware of the protocol to be followed if someone presents with chest discomfort you know i wonder if she was even a nurse dude i wonder if like like at our hospitals in the united states if you go past like seven o'clock at night it's like a 400 pound security guard who makes eight dollars an hour who checks you in it's a joke my wife went in there the other day with my son he like broke his hand or something and i can't remember what happened and the guy's like hey are you vaccinated and my wife's like yeah and he's like let me see proof she's like i don't got he's
Starting point is 01:04:29 like fine he just peels a sticker off and puts it on her double vaccinated i'm just like yeah you should take the whole box it's a fucking it's a fucking joke yeah please yeah okay so so she fucked up there you saw that can you sue vaccine companies in australia or is it like the united states they they have you by the balls no it's the exact it's the exact yeah it's zero liability it's all it's all done through it's any sort of compensation is like done through taxpayers and the government yeah and. And you can't sue that hospital, that nurse for saying that you can't, I mean, not that it matters if you can't prove it.
Starting point is 01:05:08 You can't. I spoke to, I spoke to lawyers and they're like, there's no, there's no proof, you know, like that, but that nurse could turn around and say,
Starting point is 01:05:16 I didn't say anything, you know, there's no proof. Okay. So then you get the second shot and what time of day do you get it? Like midday by 1 PM. Okay. And how you get the second shot and what time of day do you get it? Like midday by 1 PM. Okay. And how does that one feel? Within hours it got worse. That's when everything started. That's within hours. It was, it was,
Starting point is 01:05:36 oh yeah. So later that night, the, the, like the radiating pain was just like really intense. And my wife was like, that's it i'm booking you an appointment at our local general practitioner you know you've got to go like you know okay i'll have tomorrow off work i'll go can you feel your chest pounding when that's happening can you feel it it wasn't like you did too much coke or something at that point no it would no no no it was like i've done that a lot of times and it didn't feel like that it was like it was like it was like just it's hard to explain like it's a really sort of like radiating like ache it was it's almost as if
Starting point is 01:06:19 you've been like punched a few times in the chest and it's just sort of like really radiating and achy. It's, it's hard to explain, but that's all that was happening for the first 12 to 24 hours. And then I want you really to listen here. I want you guys, I want you, I know that 99% of humanity has no idea even what it means to empathize, but I want you to think back to the time when you felt your chest you felt your heart you never want to feel your heart as a human being unless you're laying in bed meditating listening to it purr and keep you alive as the miracle of life you never want your heart fucking drawing attention being like yo me you never want your heart doing that
Starting point is 01:07:03 asking for fucking attention yeah and he fucking took a medicine that was supposed to help him and instead his heart is crying it's fucking nuts okay sorry i just want to make sure everyone realized that it's not like he stubbed his fucking finger it's his fucking ticker you don't ever want to feel your heart i think you should meditate on it at night when you sleep and breathe deeply and listen to a beat and see what a beautiful machine it is but other than that no okay sorry i just people gotta know it's nuts yeah of course that's um that's the point of me sort of wanting to come on is to like if anyone has had these symptoms don't don't like ignore it you know don't delay getting checked you know like listen listen to your body like you know don't just
Starting point is 01:07:52 ignore it and go and get the second one or go and get the booster or whatever you know listen to what your body's telling you yeah okay so so then you go to the, um, you go to, your wife makes an appointment for you and you go in there. Yeah. Uh, so yeah, she, um, they ran an ECG, uh, and it's found abnormalities. Like she, she came back in, she's looking at the paperwork, at the scans. And she's like, can you wait outside for a second? And I was like, that straight away concerned me. And then I saw her walk down the hallway and she was like liaising with another doctor and they were concerned and like my heart rate's
Starting point is 01:08:47 going up at this point and yeah she she comes back she's like i'll come back inside and she's like okay like like we think you have pericarditis uh not 100 sure i'm going to send it away to a cardiologist but we're going to treat you anyway so they gave me uh these anti-inflammatory meds and said what's pericarditis what is that it's inflammation of the tissue that's inflammation yeah of the pericardium uh so it's the yeah it's like it's like a sack that around the heart can i see that caleb yes and and what what like if i drink what the sack that around the heart. Can I see that Caleb? Yes. And, and what, what, like if I drink, what else causes that thing to swell up? Like, what do you mean the sack around the heart is swollen?
Starting point is 01:09:32 Like what, what would, what does that mean? It's swollen. So it's, it's a very sensitive. Yeah. Well, it's, it's a very sensitive, it's got a lot of nerve endings. Um, it's, it sort of protects your heart in a way and is it because there's an infection like what would normally cause that besides a vaccine like what are some other like just like someone like eats like a bad snail or something or eat some mold or like what else would a viral infection it's i mean i hadn't even heard of this
Starting point is 01:10:01 before and apparently you know you can even just you getting sick with the virus can cause this. I mean, there's even, there's even idiopathic stories where it just one day you're fine. And the next day you're like, you're awake and you've got pericarditis. It just, and no, they can't work out why you have it. What happened to you? There's like autoimmune issues with it.
Starting point is 01:10:25 So like, you can get it from like get it from having an autoimmune disorder. What if I smoke cigarettes or I did a lot of nicotine and that caused like vascular restriction? Then would that wall swell maybe, Caleb? I'm honestly not entirely sure, but I don't think so. So basically, you're saying there's other viruses. How about people who get AIDS? Do they get pericarditis? I'm in a group on Facebook, and I haven't seen anyone come in
Starting point is 01:10:54 that wasn't either from a viral infection or an autoimmune problem. Four is the vaccine, viral infections, autoimmune, and idiopathic, where it just comes from out of nowhere, and I have no idea why. So yeah, the autoimmune, yes, you can get it from an autoimmune disorder, HIV. So is it safe to say that it's your immune system trying to get rid of something and so therefore it causes inflammation? It's basically a war going on in the body? Yeah, I'm not a doctor, but that's the way I understand it. Usually if there's any sort of inflammation anywhere in your body, it's because of some sort of damage. And what are some other viruses that would cause that?
Starting point is 01:11:42 Can you give me one other one? Is there a? Like, do people who get the flu have that? Yeah, there's a few people who got like the avian flu, like that, you know, years ago that are in that group that still suffer from it today. By the way, if you end up having to use the bathroom, you can take a bathroom break. I know the show is long. Oh, no, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:12:03 That's fine. All right. All right. Sometimes we'll get off the air and people will be like, dude, I take a piss the whole time. Like, long oh no that's fine that's fine all right all right sometimes we'll get off the air and people be like dude i'd take a piss the whole time like no no it's okay go go people will say you're very interesting before we started um okay so i know me too but i still have to go okay so um so they tell you that and what's the difference between pericarditis and myocarditis? Pericarditis is the actual heart muscle. Yep.
Starting point is 01:12:34 Okay, so one of them is peri means the outside is inflamed. Myocarditis is the inside, the actual guy, the actual ticker is inflamed. So the pericarditis is just like the sack of the heart and then the my like myo means muscle and that's like the literal muscle of the heart itself i'll pull up an anatomy picture just is that one worse it can be because then you're you're basically disturbed disrupting how the heart is beating as a whole. Okay. So that thing's inflamed.
Starting point is 01:13:11 And do you have like a thousand questions? And what is the treatment for it? What treatment do they give you? One of the sort of… Do they tell you, hey, whatever you do, stop eating added sugar and refined carbohydrates because that's the leading cause of inflammation in mammals did they tell you that no oh that's too bad they didn't so so what i've so you over in the states you guys have the the leading pericarditis expert dr klein um he operates a pericarditis clinic in cleveland Ohio. And, uh, I, I've, I've found out more about my condition from
Starting point is 01:13:50 Americans who had gone to see Dr. Klein than I had from any doctor, cardiologist, immunologist, anything, uh, regarding pericarditis over here in australia i was dude i bet you this is on rest i bet you you're more of an expert on pericarditis now than most doctors probably in the world but definitely in australia i bet you seriously yeah definitely definitely definitely in australia put it that way um okay so so what medicine do they give you and what do they tell you and and when will it go away and do they give you antibiotics what's the deal no no so they they gave me a drug that is normally that is sort of used for um uh gout it uh it's called colchicine it's um it's like a targeted anti-inflammatory i guess like
Starting point is 01:14:48 it just it helps bring which did help so like um that they gave me colchicine and ibuprofen uh like really high dose ibuprofen like 600 milligrams three times a day um and then it was which was really hard on my stomach and um i went to hospital later that day because then the palpitation started but it's it's just i don't i don't know how to describe it because there's like such a spectrum of these symptoms regarding the palpitations but it's like it's stopping it's starting it's struggling it's pinching it's tweak it's tweaking it's banging it's it's doing all of it's it's uh yeah i mean and then that took me to hospital uh that kept me overnight like you're like your
Starting point is 01:15:41 heart's running out of gas like a car like you know when you drive a car and starts running out of gas and you're like what the fuck's going on here yeah yeah yeah that's except it's your heart it's like struggling there would be and and at like while that's happening there's also sharp pain shooting up your neck and down your arm like it's all across your torso and then it feels like someone's sitting on you there's like a lot of pressure it sort of feels like you have broken ribs in a way because it hurts to breathing deep like it's yeah there's the whole gamut of um chest discomfort and pain hey um is that is that because the inflammation is like pinching nerves and shit i would assume so it's like causing shorts in the whole electrical fucking circuitry
Starting point is 01:16:26 normally if there's like any sort of um like excess of tissue or excess of fluid or anything like that it can basically just disrupt all of it so like i mean if you think about it like if somebody gets pregnant and they start like they get to the end of their term and they start being like really big, then they start having like low back pain. They start having like sciatica and they end up having like all of that. So it's on a I mean, I guess you could it's subjective, but it's on a smaller scale in the heart. So you're freaking out now. You think you're going to die? Dude, that was the scariest night of my life to be honest like they gave me they gave me like a five milligram valium uh um like because they admitted me to um
Starting point is 01:17:18 stay overnight and i was like can i just have something to sleep you know i feel really stressed out and they're like yeah like here, like here's a diazepam. And it did nothing. It did, like five milligrams would knock me out normally. Like if I ever had valine before, I'd have like a half or one to, you know, and it would like help me sleep. But like I had a whole one and it did nothing. I was just wide awake.
Starting point is 01:17:47 You know, every time my heart would start to react and go into these fits and pain i would just be like that's it i'm having a heart attack i'm gonna i'm gonna fucking die you know it's like has anyone ever explained to you what happened it was really scary has anyone ever said hey that's because we injected the vaccine into your into your bloodstream instead of subcutaneous or like like is there any like has anyone ever said to you or do you have any thoughts on what happened to you uh i mean i've i've heard i've heard about aspirating before like the vax i i'm just uh no one's no one's mentioned it i mean i don't haven't looked at it that much. Like the immunologist said to me that, you know, it's just, it's just an overreaction and that, you know, some, some,
Starting point is 01:18:31 like some people just, you know, react really badly to, to this vaccine. An overreaction. Meaning, I guess, I guess, I guess that's meaning that you're supposed to take that vaccine and it puts your immune system on high alert to kill bad guys and what it did is it puts yours on such high alert that it fucking accidentally fucked up your ticker yeah and it's happening to so many people it's like it's not even a small yeah imagine all the people like who just suck it up and what are the long-term implications of that so are you all better now hey it was just an overreaction everything's better no no i i haven't worked in four months like this
Starting point is 01:19:17 is this is the best i felt in probably two and a half months so like so like one story short would be like, Have you lost weight? I've lost 10 kilos. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. I've lost, I was, I weighed, I weighed 80, I weighed 80 kilograms before this and now I weigh 70. Because I'm just not eating enough. In that picture you look muscular. I'm just like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:42 In that picture you have, you look all all buff and shit now you look all skinny i'm like a fucking junkie now i hate it it's like because it's not it's really easy for me to like it's hard for me to put weight on and it's easy for me to strip weight off because it's like you say with sugar and carbs like i haven't in the last few weeks i've really restricted my carbs and my sugar you know i'm not i'm eating i'm eating just pretty much what paul saladino does you know just fruit meat honey eggs that's pretty much all i'm eating at the moment so and it's that's really taking the weight off me quicker because it's like the carbs keep my weight on for whatever. I mean, obviously because it's, you know, store fat, but it's just like,
Starting point is 01:20:29 to be trying to be healthy and not work out isn't, isn't doing my weight any favors. So you took both shots. So you haven't had the booster. I will never have like, they're just starting their booster campaign now. You know, they're, they're saying, they're mandating it for teachers. They're mandating it for health workers. And, you know, it's, I mean, I don't know where they're going to go with it because obviously we're seeing parts of Europe that are lifting restrictions,
Starting point is 01:21:00 you know, in the middle of winter. I don't know where australia is going with it but uh i know i know so my ex-girlfriend's really close friend who i knew died of a heart attack uh the day after he got his second dose and um she has she herself has um menstrual issue there's so many people i know that have had reactions to the second vaccine that are okay now but they are just like there's no fucking way i'm getting the booster no way like i don't care i'd rather get covid i'd rather go unemployed there's no way i'm doing that to my body again we have this um reporting system here in the united states for um it's called vaers v-a-e-r-S. It's a voluntary, sort of voluntary. It's at the CDC website. It's sort of voluntary, but you still, by law, I think if someone reports to a doctor that you had some sort of reaction,
Starting point is 01:21:56 vaccine adverse event reporting system, by law, I think you have to put it in there. The thing is, is that doctors aren't paid for that time that it takes to fill that out, right? have to put it in there the thing is is that doctors aren't paid for that time that it takes to fill that out right so before the vaccine came out the the conventional wisdom coming out of harvard was that this site was under reported by 90 percent or 10 to 1 so anything now now that there's like fucking i don't know how many tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands whatever reports in that thing they're like oh that's just people over reporting i'm like wait a second before the vaccine that thing was under reported by 10 yeah and now and it's like i still know i i believe i'd be willing to bet two inches of my penis that it's still under reported
Starting point is 01:22:38 but i but but i have a huge penis so it's not really saying much um but um it's crazy it's it's fucking nuts it's absolutely nuts um why aren't you better why why aren't you better why can't you like go out and run right now what happens uh i i don't know i don't know that it's this is the but what do you feel tell me what you feel good yeah yeah so so i came i came pretty good uh after about seven weeks around the start of november and like will you go a whole day without without noticing your heart like do you ever wake up in the morning and go to bed like shit i didn't deal with my heart today yeah yeah so that was happening at the start of november i was um there was like very very mild aching there was the odd little pinchy pain but there was no fluttering of the heart there
Starting point is 01:23:33 was no stopping of the heart there was no sort of like explosion it's hard to explain but um so i saw my cardiologist and he was like yep like you're gonna get back to full strength you know you're only gonna get stronger um go back to full capacity work go back to full exercise and and i was like oh okay i'm these into it he's like no no no you'll be fine uh you know obviously i wasn't in that pericarditis group at that time. I wasn't aware of Dr. Klein's work and how you shouldn't elevate your heart rate three to six months. You know, so I just went straight back to it.
Starting point is 01:24:11 Yeah. That's making sense with a lot of shit that I've been reading. Really? He says that, is that why we're seeing all the athletes get fucked up? Yeah. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:24:22 if you, I mean, Dr. Klein's the pericarditis expert. I don't know what his credentials are on myocarditis but um because pericarditis isn't isn't life-threatening but i mean it can be if the fluid builds up and you get an effusion and stuff but like mine's being not that not like that but um he yeah dr klein says, yeah, you shouldn't elevate your heart rate for three to six months. And none of the cardiologists here have any idea about that.
Starting point is 01:24:52 You know, like it's just there's they it's like I saw a new cardiologist last week to sort of get an opinion. And, you know, like, can we get an MRI? Can I get some more blood tests done you know and he wanted to stress test me he's like oh let's get on the treadmill you know let's let's just say go and i'm like but what's like what's that gonna do and he's he's like oh well it'll show me what your heart's doing under pressure and i was like but the world expert in pericarditis says and he's and he's and he's like oh okay see what you don't want to do you don't want to do it and i was like no i don't want to do it i want you to just i want you to tell me
Starting point is 01:25:30 that either dr klein's full of shit and that you've done this with 100 people or tell me what the benefit is what you're gonna learn i sorry i have to go pee hold on one second no no all good all good i should probably get my charger actually My phone is getting pretty low on battery. Give us two seconds. All right. I don't know if you managed to find Dr. Klein on. Yeah, yeah. That's him.
Starting point is 01:26:06 That's him. Yeah, look. This is kind of a list of all the things that he does, I guess. Just basically everything cardiovascular, it seems. Yeah. I guess he also has 38 specialties that's dr kleinsight i mean yeah i can am i yeah am i still up the right way if i do it like that yeah yeah that's perfect cool hey you must have been so happy
Starting point is 01:26:46 when you found out that no one that people don't die from pericarditis you saw that somewhere and you're like oh yeah yeah dude yeah yeah to yeah to say the least hey you think the nurse would have told that like like listen people when the guys when a young 30 year old man who's been fucking healthy his whole life comes in and his's wrong with his ticker, don't ask him to stand outside. Freak him out. And then – sorry, hold on a second. I've never dated anyone at CrossFit HQ. Never.
Starting point is 01:27:21 My wife, that's it. Stop. You have to get banned, you whack-a-doodle um yeah you must have been so happy like they should have just told you hey what brent if this make just so you know buddy no one ever dies from this i know it's fucking scary but but the literature says no one died and then then your heartbeat would have dropped from like 200 to like 195 and that would have been nice yeah yeah well i mean yeah only for a second because it spikes up and down you know i'm on i'm now on beta blockers to control that um but yeah like you you could just be sitting there
Starting point is 01:27:58 it's watching tv or whatever and then you know your heart rate goes from like 70 to like 120 just out of nowhere you know it'll just start you feel like your neck pumping and you feel it in your jaw just totally resting you know just doing absolutely nothing and that still happens i mean it's up until about a week ago when i got on the beta blockers yes yeah it's been four four months like that are you are you still on the beta blockers yeah i only just started them i only just started them like uh like exactly exactly a week ago is it working like are you feel like you're not having complications i mean i've started so many things in the last couple of weeks that i'm not sure um you know i'm i've sort of got i after i don't know if you saw that kyle diving out by
Starting point is 01:28:55 rider guy he stood up and yeah he sort of mentioned like a vaccine uh long haulers group and i sort of joined that and there seems to be this thread of people talking about antihistamines helping them because it blocks certain pathways of the vaccine um so in the last week and plus i've really started to really clean my diet up you know almost a hundred percent in the last couple of weeks as well i had a really bad attack two days ago. I was just sitting down with a friend on the water and out of absolutely nowhere, felt fine all day. And out of nowhere, I just, it felt like all my upper ribs
Starting point is 01:29:57 were like broken in a way and it hurt to breathe in. And if I like put my arms out in front of me and sort of squeezed my pecs, it triggered all of my heart to sort of seize up. It's really hard to explain, but it's very painful. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't turn my neck without it sort of triggering the seizing of the muscle in the heart. So I think it's helping.
Starting point is 01:30:26 I think I am getting better, definitely, but it's just i feel like it's such a long way to go do you wear an apple watch or a heart rate monitor or anything like that no no i mean i only know my heart rate by just feeling my pulse and then for 15 seconds and then timesing it by four right right right did did they give you like a holter monitor or something like something to carry around for a little bit just to monitor twice twice for 24 hours um and uh they said it's within normal range and that's what makes me feel crazy is like i i'm sitting there going like because because they like the whole term on it you can push the button when you when you feel the
Starting point is 01:31:10 palpitations and i like i pushed it like 40 times in 24 hours and he was like oh yeah yep like it's good that you pushed it you know it's a lot of information but yeah you're in like everything's within normal range you know no arrhythmias and i'm like well what the hell am i feeling then like what's going on because i feel like my heart's going all over the place and you're saying it's normal it's not fucking normal yeah tell me what was the date you took your second shot? 20th of September, 2021. So how long has it been? September, October, November, December, January?
Starting point is 01:31:56 About five months. Four and a bit months. Four and a bit, yeah. What's the consensus? What's some of the things that you're seeing in that Facebook group are there a lot of people in there how many people are in there there's like over 5 000 but not all of them are from the vaccine and australians a high percentage of australians actually but the next, the next percentage would be Americans. Um, any other, um, that, or is it all Pfizer or is it all sorts of vaccines? It's, it's almost all exclusively mRNA Moderna and Pfizer. There's, there's been like one or
Starting point is 01:32:38 two AstraZeneca and one or two Johnson and Johnson. Um, but like almost exclusively, uh, mRNA. You know, like before the vaccine came out, like that, that, that Facebook group had like a hundred people and now you guys are just taking over. They're like, fuck, what the fuck? Get your own side. That's exactly what the sentiment is like. There's been, cause there's people in there who've been suffering from it for years and they're like, Oh, you know, I see all these, all these vaccine-induced pericarditis people come in and
Starting point is 01:33:09 they're like you know everyone's obviously you know scared and you know they're coming in with all these questions like how long does this last like what am i going to go through and some people support it but then others are just so rude and blunt they're like get over it you know we've been suffering from it for years like only now are we now seeing attention brought to this condition you know like it's some some people aren't very uh you know accommodating i guess any fear that the facebook page will be shut down no no because it's uh it's it is starting to get a little like a little political now and i'm not gonna lie like i'm probably a part of that as well but uh it's just because you see people who have pericarditis not induced from the vaccine coming in and saying like oh you know should i get my booster and it's
Starting point is 01:34:00 like what's the point you know if if you get booster, it's not going to stop you from getting COVID anyway. So not only are you risking pericarditis from the vaccine, you can get COVID anyway, which will give you pericarditis as well. You know, so it's like, unless you're like old and like, you know, obese or have an underlying underlying condition why would you risk getting a heart condition from something that you can get from covet anyway it's doesn't make much sense to me yeah yeah it's um it's like a lot of a lot of women ask the questions i think men men sort of just read the answers like and sort of respond following yeah that sounds about right god bless women uh and um and are they young men yeah yeah almost almost exclusively yeah yeah it's fascinating it's a trip ma'am
Starting point is 01:35:17 so it's these dudes with let's say your doctor's right let's say it is an overreaction hey i'm gonna call it a let's say you have a healthy reaction to the vaccine well that would make sense that it would be young men who absolutely don't need it who have these insane incredible immune systems and you you poked the bear and it fucking it backfired yeah i mean so i i spoke with my immunologist and he brought up the fact that you know these conditions are you know they're five to ten times more likely to happen from from covid and that we can make a pretty we can make a pretty clear um assumption that you would have gotten this from COVID anyway because it's a reaction to the actual genetic material of the spike protein not the actual vaccine ingredient itself and I just
Starting point is 01:36:14 responded but but I didn't I you know like you can't actually say that you know I I didn't get it from COVID I got it from the vaccine. That doctor has forgotten. And the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting COVID anyway. Yeah, that doctor has forgotten about his oath about not injuring people. It's amazing that a doctor would have the fucking balls to say that to you, that you would have gotten this anyway. Hey, you should ask him. I'm a fucking skinny motherfucker
Starting point is 01:36:45 Electrician healthy dude I move all day Can you show me one person Who fits my demographic My health My health report card Who got COVID and had this I just want one
Starting point is 01:36:59 You should ask this motherfucker that Just one Show me one healthy fucking Dude who's got a hot chick from chile as a fucking wife who got this shit it's crazy dude like how does he say that he's never even seen one he's never even seen a healthy person get sick i don't even know why it's a debate like i mean like i i really i vaccines, you know, you're supposed, like, vaccines are supposed to be, like, as safe as possible, you know, while mitigating the risks of the disease. Like, the fact that we're debating that, oh, well, you know, you're five times more likely to get it from COVID than from the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:37:42 It's like, that shouldn't even be in the same ballpark of a debate you know it's it's insane to me to even be considering that and let's say it is then you then you can't mandate that let's say it is true then you can't mandate that you can't put me i can't be playing russian roulette with my fucking vaccine yeah it is russian roulette they're basically saying this if you want to keep your job put this gun to your head and pull the trigger good luck there's only one bullet in there it's not a big deal those guys did it yeah dude i mean in canada they're you know they're showing that it's like one in one in 2000 one in 3000 kids under under 25 you know that's that's russian roulette in my
Starting point is 01:38:27 opinion you know one in three thousand to get a heart condition this myocarditis as well not perry but you know that's the crazy numbers for young men to end up with a condition that's so life threatening we have a we have a stat here in the united states which is pretty fascinating um i haven't checked it recently, but it was pretty accurate. Well, the last time I saw it, 40 to 50 percent of everyone who dies has died in a care facility and people in a care facility. You go in a care facility in the United States when you can no longer wipe your own ass and your relatives don't want to wipe it for you. So they put you in a care facility. And the average life expectancy of someone once they go into a care facility is 13.4 months.
Starting point is 01:39:05 I want to make a statement here for the whole world to hear that I would let all of those people die prematurely for Brent not to have to deal with this. All 400,000 of you motherfuckers, in my opinion, not Brent's word, you can all go fuck yourself and die for young ones. Because I know you're 30 years complicit in your demise. I know the vast majority. You ended up in that nursing care home because you couldn't put down the fucking Twinkies and you smoke cigarettes and drink soda pop all day. It's OK. I hate. But why the fuck did Brent have to pay the price?
Starting point is 01:39:38 He doesn't. He couldn't. It's nuts. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's just a fucking young man. You lived your fucking life you made your choice your relatives you weren't nice to your relatives or else they wouldn't have put you in that place
Starting point is 01:39:52 no one wants to wipe your ass mom if you're listening i will definitely wipe your ass i like that shit with a smile mile so what's next what happens next like what's like why so long to clean up your diet why'd you wait so long to clean up your diet it was i mean it it wasn't like i was eating like mcdonald's or anything like that it's just like i was just eating like bread i was eating you know likedonald's or anything like that it's just like i was just eating like bread i was eating you know like you never seen avocado on like salad on like sourdough bread or something like that or you know i would you know like we've got like hollow fresh here you know like three days a week i'd be cooking hollow fresh that would have you know like whatever whatever the
Starting point is 01:40:40 ingredients were you know grains dairy like you know, grains, dairy, like, you know, added sugars, vegetable oils, whatever. And I didn't think it was like that bad. I'm not, it's like, I have not drunk soft drink in years. I haven't eaten fast food in years, you know, I'll get like a good quality burger from somewhere, but I've never been that bad. Yeah. So it's only been the last few weeks that i've really gone like that's it yeah um paul sells these um he sells this shit i get it from a different guy i've taken paul's too they're basically they're dead animals in a in a in a pill form they're the organ meat what is it so this is like an organ yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so if you're not eating org i don't know if you're eating organs but if you're not you might want to
Starting point is 01:41:37 get some of this stuff yeah um um there's a there's a butcher down the road from us that takes that sort of does mince uh like ground beef with organs in it. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, that's way better than this stuff. I'll try and get that. Even this guy who sells this stuff, he's like, dude, you shouldn't buy this shit. You should eat the real organs. But I'm too much of a pussy.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Yeah, it's like a just in case thing, but yeah, I mean, I'm taking so many supplements now, which is just, it's the whole financial aspect of this has been sort of one of the hardest because you, you know,
Starting point is 01:42:11 you're trying to see all these medical professionals and then trying to take all the supplements to bring the inflammation down and get your body right. And yeah. So like the amount of supplements I'm taking at the moment is crazy. What, what's the most exercise you'll get now like will you go on a one mile walk like will you walk like a 15 minute mile no i'm too scared now like so like i came relatively good around christmas and then i went to a beach uh on new
Starting point is 01:42:41 year's day and it sort of had to walk down like 30, 40 stairs and I had to walk back up them and I could just feel my heart really pumping. And sort of the rough thing about this is that your heart doesn't tell you straight away that you've pushed it too far. It tells me 12 to 24 hours later what that what i've done wrong you know whether it's whether it's cleaning the bathroom you know or whatever it's it's like you shouldn't have done that you know we're too inflamed you're now going
Starting point is 01:43:15 to pay for it for two weeks and this one was a month long you know i was laying on the couch a few hours after I went to the beach and then I had this flare-up attack. My vision went blurry. I sort of lost my vision for a couple of seconds. And that was on January 1st. And only in the last sort of week has it started to feel okay. So it's been about four weeks for me to come good again after even just walking up 40 stairs. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:43:49 And speaking of mental health. I'm too scared now. Yeah, that sucks. You can't exercise. Is that fucking with your mental health? Dude. I only saw a psychiatrist like last Friday about getting something to sort of manage this because you know like i smoke a bit of weed at night to help me sleep and stuff but um it's just it's not how
Starting point is 01:44:12 i don't like smoking during the day it makes me sort of paranoid and lazy and i just i don't like the feel the feeling of coming off weed um during the day so it's really tight and gross and um so i'm just sitting around all day in the house just i'm so used to moving my body i've always like worked out i've been on my feet all day at work all my whole life and to be stuck on the couch all day has been it's really affected my mental health like my anxiety and depressions at like at peak levels i've never i've never felt so hurt down about everything ever so i had to see a psychiatrist i'm reading a little bit i i just read um jenny will's new book recapture the rapture and uh i've just started reading brett weinstein and um and his wife's new book um the Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century.
Starting point is 01:45:07 Oh, that sounds applicable. I'm playing a lot of Call of Duty. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, man, it gets my mind busy. If I could recommend one book, there's this book by Michael Singer. It's called Soul Untethered. And the audio book is awesome.
Starting point is 01:45:36 Soul Untethered. Yeah. And do you know – have you ever heard this book called The Alchemist? No. Oh, The Untethered Soul. Oh, yeah. yeah the untethered soul that's what it is there's this other book i highly recommend um it's called the alchemist i would get that audio book too i would listen to that shit at light at night it's crazy it's so good what's it um the alchemist is so good the alchemist is not a true story the alchemist is but it's so good what's it um is that the alchemist the alchemist is so good the alchemist is not a true story the alchemist is but it's a great story it's full of like life lessons and like
Starting point is 01:46:10 basically helps put in perspective you know where your life is at it's it's a it's a cool story it's a hispanic maybe he's chilean probably something i need actually yeah i would get into that genre i would get into that genre of like you know um what who's what's Dan McMillan what are his books like the um do you know I'm talking about Caleb he did that he's the Dan what what books did he write look too bad no one in my audience reads let me see if someone says in the comments no anyway so so what's next for you what what what do you expect to happen next what's the next so this time i'm gonna make sure that i rest that's the that's the main thing so i think i think i went back to work too early. I think I elevated my heart too much where it's aggravated the pericardium again.
Starting point is 01:47:11 You know, like I think I just pushed myself too early. I think I did it again on New Year's Day. I think now that I've cleaned up my diet, I'm on the beta blockers, I think I'm just starting to feel better now. It's not uncommon for pericarditis to persist to four months, even not from the vaccine. It generally clears up after three months is the general rule of thumb. It says it everywhere. You look online.
Starting point is 01:47:44 It's like how long does pericarditis last it generally lasts between a few days to a few months um so i'm on the sort of outer outer side of this where it becomes more chronic but because it's vaccine induced they're not even sure what the average length of time this is for people if they get it from the vaccine so no one's had a four-hour erection so so you got like the medical part carditis instead of the medical erection yeah yeah exactly so so so it's just listen to my body and just rest. Like I'm going to, I'm not planning to go back to work for at least another like two months.
Starting point is 01:48:30 I'm really, if I can stay at this rate that I am now, I'd be more than happy to just take it really slow, start going for, you know, like you say, like one mile, two mile walks walks like once or twice a week and just slowly ease into it to a point where i can say to myself okay if i go back to work and i'm climbing up ladders all day and running cables and drilling holes through walls i'm not gonna i'm not gonna have a flare up again and have to spend another two months three months of work um i don't yeah i don't want to
Starting point is 01:49:06 push myself too hard this dude says this man needs a lot of breath work to it that might be something too there's this book called breathe if you're not doing breath work you should look into that breath work's crazy i do a shitload of breath breath work like yeah you should really get into breath work it's fucking nuts i've been doing Wim Hof. Oh, awesome. But that does aggravate it sometimes. There's mellower times. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:35 Just watching your breath even. It's been gradual. So I've sort of slowly getting into Joe Dispenza. And I do have the Sam Harris waking up app I've done. He's been at so i've sort of slowly getting into like joe dispenser and you know like i do have the sam harris waking up app i've done his meditation for years you know but when when i'm in full flare mode you know in the in the like in the last few weeks there's nothing worse than sitting down and observing the way you feel like Like it actually, it almost makes things worse, you know, because you really tune into the palpitation in your neck and your heart and it almost like,
Starting point is 01:50:17 like it stresses you out more because you just feel like there's so many things wrong with you. Even when, you know, you're saying to yourself just accept it you're okay like you know let go and it's it's it elevates your stress when you're in full flare mode so now that i'm starting to feel okay yeah the breathwork's coming back and you know i'm starting to you know breathe a lot more now that it doesn't hurt and stress me out well you look fucking great no one could look at you and say that you look sick your skin looks great your eyes are fucking you look metabolically amazing your teeth are amazing yeah you look fantastic um but but i guess that fucking heart thing is important
Starting point is 01:51:00 yeah well i mean i'm sure it'll clear up eventually it's just yeah there's no fucking way i'm getting a booster i'll i'll starve or before i get one i can ask you a hard maybe it's a hard question maybe it's easy would you what would you say to your fellow Brents out there, 30-year-old healthy males, electricians, beautiful girlfriends who are on the fence of getting the vaccine? I don't want to tell anyone what to do. I would just say from a perspective of someone who thought it was safe and who has suffered an injury, I would recommend that if you're under 30, reconsider an mRNA vaccine um no vax is a protein-based vaccine that's coming out i'm not 100 sure of like the data on it there's you know uh but if you've got any sort of heart issue oh and that's another thing look into your family's history because i found out after i had the reaction
Starting point is 01:52:25 that my family has a history of heart issues so looking look into like i had i've had like gram like grandparents who had heart issues after um roommate fever i had aunties that had cardiomyopathy my uncle had a stent put in his heart so it just small things that you should find out before considering a like an immune therapy that could potentially like cause an issue you know it whether it's genetic or whatever and if you've had one or two and you've suffered a bit of heart palpitations or a bit of chest discomfort, reconsider the booster. Go and get checked. Like demand an MRI, you know, because that's like one of the, it's the gold standard of showing inflammation. You know, a lot of the tests don't pick up inflammation, you know, and just listen to your body.
Starting point is 01:53:24 Like that's the main thing. Listen to to your body find out your family's history and you know like eight like age and dosage and interval between dosage and product all matter because we're we're told on in in the media and from governments that it's a super black and white approach that all of these things are equally safe for all all people and it's not true you know like young healthy men are at a way higher risk of heart issues from mRNA vaccines than a 70 year old woman you know so it's it's it's important to know all of the semantics around this particular issue. So you're fully informed before you go and get it. Yeah, that's a great answer.
Starting point is 01:54:16 When you say that your family had heart issues, I wonder if someone would have said, hey, that's the reason why you should get it. Because if you get COVID, it's going to kill you because your family has heart issues i wonder if someone would have said hey that's the reason why you should get it because if you get covid it's going to kill you because your family has heart issues but i mean they'll say anything have you had covid i don't know um so at the at the very start of the pandemic in february uh february 2020 i've never seen anyone as many people in summer as sick as i did uh except for omicron just gone like we're in a summer now and you know so many of my friends had omicron and was sick but in 2020 everyone in my household got sick everyone on the train when i went to work was sick everyone at work was sick and everyone was commenting saying that holy shit i can't believe everyone's so sick
Starting point is 01:55:12 no one even thought it was you know so dude california was crushed from december of 2019 to february of 2020 fucking california was crushed And just like you're saying, we're crushed again. Everyone has now is Omicron. Everyone, like, like it's nuts. Yeah. And I don't know. I don't know if that may be. I mean, you know, some people have said that, you know,
Starting point is 01:55:37 like if you had COVID that maybe that might increase your risk of having a reaction. Yeah, I don't know. All right. So what are you going to do? Sorry. We were really sick in February. What are you going to do if they... No, it's fine.
Starting point is 01:55:58 Are you considered vaccinated now by the government or are only people who have the booster considered vaccinated? They're changing it they're changing they're changing the definition of fully vaccinated very soon to require three doses and and are you going to get an exemption well they because i actually yeah i actually spoke to my doctor yesterday about that and she said well they haven't made it um they haven't changed the definition yet. So let's just not talk about it until we do. Hey, you know, it would be fun to ask your doctor to ask her him or her. Hey, you know, my situation. Would you give me the booster or would you like go home at night feeling like you may have killed me?
Starting point is 01:56:40 I'd love to know. Yeah. Yeah. I can't wait to say that to her actually i think everyone participating i think we've reached a point where there's enough education that anyone who wears a mask anyone who believes in lockdowns anyone who takes the vaccine anyone who gives a vaccine anyone who makes masks anyone who who who i feel like anyone participating in the narrative at all, that you should think very, very, very deeply about just kids that have been hurt by your behaviors, kids that have killed themselves, kids that have been molested, kids that have been raped, kids that have been, uh,
Starting point is 01:57:15 lost years of school, kids that have, um, their parents have, um, killed themselves. Cause I would just like really think that you are participating in a narrative that's hurting kids like like you're participating in the narrative I know some people like well you can't you can't look at it like that you the masks are good on Wednesdays at 3 p.m when it's raining no I can't look at it that way I can look at it there's one side that's like there's a scale I see the whole thing as a scale there's there's the problem if you believe in if you believe in covid over here and then there's the cure and the cure is causing way more damage than the problem and so are you participating in the cure because if you're
Starting point is 01:57:57 participating in the cure you are fucking hurting kids that's how i feel yeah i mean i don't know um in in the u.s i think you guys are the same as australia that we're trying to jam it down five to eleven year olds now you know right at the same time as sweden saying that the benefits don't outweigh the risks you know it's we we have like a campaign over here where we're giving kids ice creams when they get vaccinated you know it's disgusting all that we have all that yeah we have the the the uh first they'll they're telling our kids that um it's okay to cut off your penis they're telling you that you you must get an injection that you must look at people by the color of their skin and that boys can get pregnant and that um yeah that's all the stuff yeah that they're telling our kids in our schools it's it's nuts i mean i wish i could say i'm being cavalier
Starting point is 01:58:52 and a little bit like oh i'm exaggerating i am not you know yeah the u.s military has got some serious issues on its hand china we're waiting you. We're about to grab our ankles. Brent, thanks for coming on the show. I appreciate it. The internet's a remarkable place that I can... Oh, that's awesome. Wow. I didn't know you had that. I'll put it in the link in the YouTube channel so if anybody wants to donate,
Starting point is 01:59:24 they can put it in there. Wow, that's really cool. That's really cool. Was that hard for you to put up? Dude. Yeah. So, I mean, I didn't want to ask for help, but like it was, I'll put it this way. If I didn't invest in cryptocurrency and NFTs, I would have already moved to my brother's probably. I would have had to move out of my home.
Starting point is 01:59:45 My wife, my wife's wage cannot support, I don't know, like, if you know about Sydney's rent, but Sydney's one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Our rent, our food, our electricity, everything's just so expensive. And my wife earns $800 a week. Our rent is $600 a week. And, you know, we've got car repayments, food,
Starting point is 02:00:06 everything. And if I, like I've had to withdraw most of my cryptocurrency, I've been able to sell a few NFTs to keep, to keep going, you know, for the medical bills and everything like that. So to put up there,
Starting point is 02:00:18 to put up the appeal for help, I had to suck up a lot of pride. Yeah. Yeah. You know what NFfts are yeah yeah yeah i've um i've dealt with yeah not fungible token yeah i mean all i know is that there's people out there who want to buy something that i spent five hundred dollars on for like five thousand you know like it's like i don't i don't care much for i think it's weird i it's i mean it's cool it's it's a cool concept that you know you own like you can verifiably own the art you know on
Starting point is 02:00:58 the blockchain and stuff but i couldn't care less about having a half-million-dollar JPEG as my profile picture. Wow. Wow. Tomorrow I'm having Ben Misrick on. He's the author of a book called Bitcoin Billionaire, uh he wrote the movie the the facebook movie what the fuck was that movie social network oh yeah yeah he wrote the book the social network yeah yeah yeah there it was a book before a social network and then it was made into a movie he did he uh the movie 21 with kevin spacey he wrote that he's written like 25 books but he's like i read this book of his called Bitcoin Billionaire.
Starting point is 02:01:46 And it's not supposed to teach you about Bitcoin. But I read the book. And actually, I finally think I understand what Bitcoin is. It's exactly what I thought it is. It's nothing. But NFTs is another thing. Now, he started talking about NFTs. And I'm like, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 02:02:03 Yeah, this guy's coming on tomorrow yeah oh dude that's sick so so so i mean i hadn't heard of your podcast but you have a pretty cool guest that i'm gonna start tuning in oh yeah i'm the man i'm the man you're the luckiest thing that it's the worst thing that could happen is barry carditis the best thing is you could you'd be like i knew him before he was big when he was smaller than joe rogan i was on his show i have his phone number you want to crank call him when i'm more drunk so good all right but yeah thanks for having us on yeah i really appreciate it man i i can't i can't thank you i appreciate it wanting wanting to share my story and sort of just trying i'm not here to you know give any sort of anti-vaccine sentiment it's just to sort of inform
Starting point is 02:02:50 people and like you know make a make a fully informed choice you know before you go out and get something because you know i i didn't know all of the if i had known what i know now about mrna vaccines for under 30s, I wouldn't have gone and got it. If you still want to go and get it after you've been informed, whatever, you know, but like after I learned about it and the numbers of the cases, I wouldn't have gone and got it. I need guests like you who are sober, who aren't just like fucking off the deep end, like me, like just like drink too much coffee and flipping out. i appreciate it yeah you know um it's funny you say that about so let's say it is one in two thousand dudes get it imagine like i wonder if mom you you
Starting point is 02:03:38 should turn this off if you're listening now this is where the show's over for you i wonder if you were in a room with like two thousand women and they were all beautiful and you knew that one of them had aids if like you would sleep with you would you would jump in bed with them like be like okay i'll take that one and i hope she's not the one that got it yeah or or or one of these is a dude uh i'd rather do the one with the dude i'd rather do the dude than the aids yeah yeah One of these is a dude. I'd rather do the one with the dude. I'd rather do the dude than the AIDS. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:04:11 I'm open. Oh, shit, I slept with the dude. Oops. You can't do that with AIDS. I always put it in perspectives of, like my friend taught me this, but it's a good perspective to put it is to put it in terms of stadiums you know a stadium hosts a hundred thousand people or whatever you know like you've you've like that like if you go in there you know that like 50 people walking out of there with myocarditis you know like it's that's that that's what it's like you know it's
Starting point is 02:04:42 like because you know if you said oh you're going to go to this football stadium with a hundred thousand people and you might be one of that walk out with my car daughters would you walk into that football stadium you know like it's it's like you're sort of like holy shit like that could actually be me i could walk in there people don't see it with vaccines when you put it like that you you'd be like yeah just do it don't be a pussy but the people who are getting the vaccine and who believe in the quarantine and mask their their odds are better going in there than they are of getting covid and dying i mean 80 of the people are asymptomatic wow exactly exactly i was going to say this one too i was
Starting point is 02:05:23 going to use this example too there's two thousand there's two thousand hands sticking out of a hole and you can get a hand job from one of them but one of them's a dude but like yeah i would jump into that in a second whatever just a handy all right um i'm willing to do them all yeah yeah i'll do nine i'll do all of them i'll take the risk all right brother uh thank you um if you um if if something crazy happens like you die um call me so we can do a follow-up uh interview i will yeah yeah all right i'll come to you and i'll come to you in a dream i'll let you know thanks for being a great sport

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