The Sevan Podcast - #289 - Why was Eric Roza fired?

Episode Date: February 4, 2022

Eric Roza was not promoted. This was not his plan all along. This is not his move to have more power than he had as CEO. We have sources. You have the same one article everyone else has. This is not d...oomsday. This is standing up for the truth and the 10,000 CrossFit Affiliates across the world. "Fired": dismissed from a job or having lost your job "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Watch this episode Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we're live i just i just looked at one of the comments he was big mad at seven i don't even know what that's about i mean guys i'm gonna try not to read the comments right for a little bit because there's so much fucking going on i'm like so fucking stimulated i like a, one of those cats just scratch so much. And like, it starts just biting you. I'm, I'm just like, Oh, I'm so stimulated. Um, like my heart's beating out of my chest. I mean, it's in a good way. Do you know what I mean? Like,
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'm trying to think of like, let's say, um, you know, when you're, uh, you're driving to, um, you know, great America, Susan,. Hi Susie. Good morning. Yeah. Good morning. And do you remember going there as a kid? Great America is like our Disneyland, but up North great America parkway. I don't even know if it's called that anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Six. I think it's like a six flags property now. Oh yeah. It was called my headphones. It was called like Marriott's great America. And I would, and, and as the car would pull up,
Starting point is 00:02:01 I would just, it's crazy how stimulated I'd be. I'd be in the parking lot and I would just, I would just – it's crazy how stimulated I'd be. I'd be in the parking lot, and I would just be overwhelmed, but in a good way. I want to ride all the rides at once. I have like seven fucking pages of notes. Do you know Tommy and Shawnee did a podcast on our podcast but didn't mention our names? They did 50 minutes, and someone sent it to me last night at nine o'clock. Please do not do that to me. And I got, I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:34 I was like biting my arm while I was listening to it and making cat sounds. It was fucking amazing. How do you know it was about us if they didn't mention it or about the pod? That's, that's a great question. Because I'm a self-righteous, arrogant, narcissistic dude. What other reason is there? Well, I'm a conspiracy theorist, so I guess we're two peas in a pod, huh? They did 50 fucking minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:01 It was amazing. I want to tell you guys something just right off the bat, some important things, and then we'll just start digging in. There's two things I want to tell you. One, I wouldn't bet my kid's life on it or anything like that, but I'm telling you that Eric Rosa was driven out. Now I've heard it from multiple executives. There was a clear momentum and push to drive him out. He is gone. Those who think that the chairman, those of you who Googled the definition of chairman of the board. It was a promotion, Salon, a promotion. Oh my God. It was a promotion. And it's so obvious because- How much does Weinstein do? Yeah. So that just there is no there is no truth to what any of those guys are saying. You have to know that or not. Like, I don't care. But but.
Starting point is 00:03:57 The. They have no intel, like they're watching what's happening from the outside. They have no intel. They're watching what's happening from the outside. They're seeing someone. There's accurate in their description by seeing someone turn red while they're choking on a pretzel and then saying that person is sunburned. I mean, they're just so fucking off. Like they Googled your skin is red and they're like, oh, the person's sunburned. Don't worry. Meanwhile, the person's dead.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I mean, they are not using and they have no intel they're being force-fed uh by they i mean tommy sean the franco um the meme the make memes guy great again they're being force-fed and narrative from uh hq and they have and they're only they're they're i don't even know you guys know we only have 10 000 subscribers and our instagram account only has 4 000 um 11 500 don't sell us short sorry you guys are like so much bigger than us just stay away go do your other stuff and and i i mean this with the utmost sincerity especially to shawnee and tommy every time you and i will reiterate this too as we go on the show every time you come out of your lane of commentating from out of the games and like just talking about the athletes and like hello mmo quaid how are you today then you did what a fantastic job you did at water
Starting point is 00:05:25 every time you swerve into our lane you oh shit we i am in big trouble they don't have the number of i'm in big trouble why i'm sorry it's just your podcast dude it got me just so revved up i don't want to fight with you, Shawnee. Shawnee? Are you there? Shawnee? Hey. Hi, Shawnee. Who's Shawnee? Hey, no, no.
Starting point is 00:05:51 This ain't no Shawnee. First of all, listen up here. I was stressing. I thought it was Shawnee calling. Oh, no. Hey, no. Calm down here.
Starting point is 00:05:58 All right. Okay, go ahead. You want it, Colton? No. He can't come today. He's got shit to do, all oh mr mertens mr mertens nice nice nice for you to call the show uh ladies and gentlemen this is colton mertens dad this is a first time for him on the show damn it my name's dick get it right we fucking talked before sorry
Starting point is 00:06:19 no well we haven't actually talked we've we've dm'd you you've slid into my dms dick um but dick merton's here how's the boy doing buddy how's the boy doing all of a sudden now he's winning all of a sudden now he shows promise and you want to get in on some of that prize money huh huh dick the venmo the venmo request is another matter i just wanted to call in i i just got sean say this is the place to go if you're an angry white man I'm fucking with you I'm off your
Starting point is 00:06:51 16,000 hogs a day and my brother's out there lifting fucking because of rocks I've had it he's gonna be real loud Colton's got some shit to catch up on So
Starting point is 00:07:08 Just saying Any other venal thing might help a little bit But There's only so much a man can take I understand I understand Dick, how is Colton? We haven't had him on the show in a while
Starting point is 00:07:19 He did great at Wadapalooza Is he How is he doing? How is his day-to-day? Are you being nicer to him? Do you think you love him more now that your son's showing promise? Well, no. I don't love my son.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I tolerate him. First of all. And then second of all, he's following this fucking liver king guy. And now he doesn't even cook his pigs. He just takes the pigs. Because of this fucking liver king guy, I lost lost seven pigs and he just eats them alive that is a problem from san francisco shit over here all kidding aside that's a serious problem the guy gets into the liver king stuff and then all and he can't he can't be really left alone with the pig anymore. Well, there's other reasons for that, but I'm worried about
Starting point is 00:08:05 fricking noses. All right. I'm going to go be mad. I'm going to go be mad with this other white character, Sean. He looks like a stock photo of an angry white man, for God's sake. Yes. Okay. Thank you, Dick.
Starting point is 00:08:21 Thank you. Wow. This show is fucking amazing. We fuck Colton Merton's dad. We rock the house. Okay. So, you know, I didn't want to bring this up, but Dick Merton's brought it up. Is that, is that really his dad's name? Dick Merton's. I have no idea. I don't know what's happening. his name? I wish I could, I want to find this thing. Someone sent me a screenshot. Maybe, maybe I can't, maybe I don't have it on my computer. I'll show, I'll tell you what Dick Mertens was referring to. Um, someone sent me a, a screenshot and it's the, it's the, um,
Starting point is 00:09:07 a screenshot and it's the it's the um it's the make it's the make um it's like a baby wearing glasses and it says make wads great again and it's all one word i'm assuming this is either from twitter instagram i can i don't know why the fuck i can't tell the difference but it says um the make so they're talking about the seven on podcast says that I spent the last two years hiding in my basement from the pandemic. It's not true. So he's saying that that comment I made is not true. And okay, that's fine. I do want to know this though.
Starting point is 00:09:36 Um, I do want to know this. Is any of it true? Did you spend any time in your basement? Like a week or a day? Just be, just be cool. Let's have fun. I mean, we a week or a day? Just be cool. Let's have fun. I mean, we are on the same team. Just be cool.
Starting point is 00:09:50 We are on the same team. So I don't know why. So this guy and Shawnee and Tommy have come out and are pretty wound up. But he says, it's not true. I've been employed and working for a living my whole – the whole time. He should try it. I don't know what employed and working have to do with hiding in his basement. I'm hiding in my office, and I'm – Maybe his office is down in the basement. Right. But I know there's – but anyway, this part is actually serious. I want you guys to listen to this.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So there's this thing called critical race theory. You guys hear about it a lot. Thank you, Susie. And, and basically the premise of this critical race theory is, is when you see everything through the view of race. And so you guys have all met women like that too, or men like that, or gay people like that, or, um, or they're not even gay or they're not even women, but they view everything through the fact of sex, man and women. So like, you'll be with like, um, I everything through the fact of sex, man and women. So like, you'll be with like, um, I made a film with this woman one time and anything I said,
Starting point is 00:10:49 it turned into a, a woman man issue. So I'd be like, Hey, do you want me to check into the hotel? Or do you want to check into the hotel? And I'll grab the luggage. And she'd be like,
Starting point is 00:10:56 I'm a, I can care. I'm just because I'm a woman. It doesn't mean I can't carry my own luggage. And I'm like, wow, how did she jump to that? Like I was just trying to be efficient. And so there's, you know, people see things through that lens. So critical rate,
Starting point is 00:11:09 and that's because they have some hangup, they're trapped in their head and they have some hangup. Critical race theory is when you see everything through color. So I would say to, um, I would say to the, um, uh, someone, uh, a barista, let's say would explain to me about how a coffee is made. And I've heard it 10 times before. And this is the first time I understand it. And I'd be like, wow, that's fucking, that was crazy articulate on your part. And someone who's like a critical race theorist person, let's say Sousa was with me and he was a, he was a critical race person. He would say to me, um, uh, that was really racist that you said that to an Asian person. And I would go, why? And he would be like, well, because the implication is that Asian people aren't able to articulate.
Starting point is 00:11:50 And I would be like, okay. And I didn't even notice the person was Asian. Like I wouldn't – it's just completely him. At the essence of those are that that woman is sexist and that matt sousa is racist sorry i'll use someone else's name not matt susan matt johnson and because because he's projecting the fact that that person was chinese and that because of their chinese and i called them articulate i'm being racist because i they think that i was implying that chinese people can't be um articulate basically you're outing yourself as a sexist or a racist at that point.
Starting point is 00:12:28 You outed yourself. And that's what all the BLM people are, and that's what all the critical race people are. They are keeping racism alive. They out themselves. So that's what's fascinating about this. So I don't know who he's fighting with, but all of a sudden, out of the blue,
Starting point is 00:12:54 he says, the Make Great Again guy says – oh, is this guy Trump? Is that a Trump – is he a Trumper, this guy? Anyway, I don't think – it would be weird if he was. He says, that's usually what happens at rallies. Angry white dudes aren't really my audience. That usually isn't what happens. Angry chinks aren't really my audience. That's usually what happens. Angry spics aren't usually my audience. You guys get what I'm doing here?
Starting point is 00:13:17 He's a racist. It doesn't matter what word you put in there. He outed himself because he jumps by labeling a whole demographic by color. I mean, this is like museum specimen quality of what racism looks like. This is it. This is not only the creator of racism, but this is the nurturer of racism. This is the essence of racism. This is what maintains it.
Starting point is 00:13:40 This is at the bedrock of racism. This is how racism works. And it's fascinating. I wish I could tell you guys where this is so you could go bedrock of racism this is how racism works and it's fascinating i wish i could tell you guys where this is so you could go look at it and study it i mean this should this could be in um this could be in a fucking college course a bunch of small examples like that you can't you can't if you're if you're if you're if you're a boob man you're gonna miss a ton of great asses if you're a thief and you only steal purses you're going to miss a ton of fucking wallets i mean do you get what i'm saying like they're just they're well they're we always view things from the lens that we're looking through it right yeah so seven you nailed it
Starting point is 00:14:16 thank you brian if you weren't there's a great your mom joke to there too i mean not not i wouldn't say it to you but like yeah i nailed your mom too but not you brian but i'm just saying um i just like the word nail one of those words that's has texture contact okay so um i the the title of this podcast is oh shit it's not up here oh uh the title of this podcast so we use the we use the because i because i don't want it to be clickbait. I need to make sure what I say. Oh, yeah. Heaven forbid. We said that it's – and to go back to the angry thing, I'm jumping to the as angry and resentful, hateful and resentful. And then this guy saying angry white men. I know one of the premises, one of the new metrics for CrossFit is happiness. And so if you want to find some like their expert on their DEI team or in their HR department, they're a happiness
Starting point is 00:15:25 auditor and they want to spend a week with me and then a week with you guys and you guys want to have a little competition you guys can choose the happiness auditor and we choose who who's happier um out of out of the four of us i'd be willing to do a happiness competition you guys can choose the crossfit auditor i'm sure they have someone there on the executive team oh it makes me so happy you say that i know that's what sucks about this show this show is predicated on the facts a lot of the shows can be predicated on the fact that um that tommy and shawnee made all sorts of absurd and insane um uh comments on their podcast they're just basically rambling they say stuff like this and and i've used this before to explain to you about this meme guy about andrew weinstein he's the pr guy over at
Starting point is 00:16:12 crossfit about lefranco and tommy and sean they'll say to you it's raining on earth and they think that's news in this particular circumstance and matt and i don't do that we start with it's raining on earth and then we tell you it's raining in san jose california and it rained one inch and it happened at 3 30 today and we're predicting it's going to happen tomorrow at 2 30 p.m and we give you details and some useful stuff and some facts and and then maybe we think and that rain then we're going to speculate is going to cause grass on these great green hills of san jose because we have a lot of rolling hills here to sprout and the scenery will go from brown to green in the next three days. That's the kind of shit you get from us, and I'm going to give you exact reference here.
Starting point is 00:16:52 So there's this narrative coming out of HQ, and I have to emphasize I've heard directly from multiple executives that Eric was pushed out have and i have more than just that data um but um they say tommy and shawnee and and the rest of these goofballs and the weinsteins and lefrancos are like well that was the plan anyway when rosa came in the plan was is that he was gonna leave oh no shit he't going to stay there till he died. No shit. Good job. I mean, do you see how that's nothing? Hey, it's my plan that I'm going to leave this office to someday. It's my plan. I mean, they say nothing, but I'll even be more specific about that. When I first met Eric and he came into CrossFit Inc, he said, Hey, I don't want you guys to panic. I'm going to be here a long time. I was retired.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I'm out of retirement, and I'm going to stay here a long time, and the investors are in no rush to make their money back. This is going to be a slow, really chill thing. Dude, he was fucking pushed out at a fucking year and a half because of many, many reasons. But there was a couple things that we still don't know yet. I don't know if it will ever come out. But there were a couple things that happened towards the end here. We know definitely the Dave Castro thing is one of them that made it so it had to happen immediately. So don't try to be like, well, there was a plan he was going to leave anyway.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I mean, you're saying nothing. No one in their right mind believes that. And so what you guys are doing is you're spending your fucking games commentating equity on saying stupid shit. And now people aren't going to like you for your games commentating. Just stop. Anytime your path intersects with mine, your value goes goes down do not enter unless you guys want to be friends unless you guys want to be friends unless you guys want to come out and and like you know hug it out but until then do not mention for you guys i mean it do not do not swear and don't do
Starting point is 00:19:03 a podcast 15 minutes and talking shit about me and not mention my name, you goofballs. At least some of them mention your name. I just get the other guy. They're so ridiculous. Eric Rosa was pushed out. He was inserted in the chairman of the board position to save face, to save face. In 12 months, he'll be fucking gone from there. Well, that's a high i googled that and that's the highest position i'm a teller at bank of america so i have a significant amount of information and i've been i've been i've been handing out
Starting point is 00:19:37 cash at bank of america for 22 years my 400,000 instagram followers on, on wad, smile me again. They know, and we've discussed and we didn't consensus that being chairman of dude. And if you don't believe me, ask one of these other people that also agree with what I say, dude. Well, the thing is too, is like, I want those guys to do a live calling show and see what happens to them. People, people should really, really stop paying attention to what's being said and stop
Starting point is 00:20:06 and start paying attention to what's actually happening and two different things like i can say hey seven good it's good to see you buddy and then i could slap you in the face and go we're the best of friends and you're like whoa but he said good to see me said we're best of friends but i got slapped in the face that seems seems weird, right? So to say, hey, you know- What are you referencing? Is there something you're referencing specifically? Yeah. Okay, yeah. Give it to me. So they say, hey, you know, Rose is actually in a higher position. He wasn't fired. He was promoted, right? This was just accelerated. Well, then where's the new CEO? Yes, yes. He's not going to be forward-facing forward facing he's gonna have a different role
Starting point is 00:20:46 larger role in the background he hasn't been forward facing in the last year has anybody seen him inside an affiliate besides his own hey i yesterday this executive told this executive told at crossfit inc a fucking executive told their team someone on the team raised their hand and said hey who the fuck's running the company that is a million dollar question
Starting point is 00:21:15 the executive goes well these group of people and these group of people have been running it for the last four months and everything's been fine and the reason why people have been running it for the last four months, and everything's been fine. And the reason why they've been running the show for the last four months is because Eric's been out on leave for his depression. And I'm thinking to myself,
Starting point is 00:21:39 no, Eric actually hasn't been out for the last four months on depression because he fired Dave last month. Well, that's another thing, right? Unless, do you think, do you think there's any chance that, like, do you think this is, this is way out there? Here we go. I shouldn't even say it. Let me find my pinfoil hat. I'm just picturing Eric Rosa just at home, fucking just totally bummed out, fucking, you know, sitting on his yoga mat, like going through whatever therapy he's doing to help himself.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I'm sure he's not taking medication because he believes in – anyway. So do you think that he just picked up the phone and called Dave and fired him and then was like, oops? Like he didn't even like – Yeah, but, Sevan, that was mutual. Right. Like a gun misfired in his pocket. He wasn't no no no see again guys we don't want to spread misinformation on here matt o'keefe by the way is coming in as ceo do not let anyone tell you different and at the end of sean's podcast he goes and and you can take that matt o'keefe rumor and just throw it out the door i interviewed him yesterday you can just throw it out the door but also too we like like i like i was serious when i said it at the beginning of this show yesterday god you guys are fucking tarted i
Starting point is 00:22:53 actually said wait really then you said no and we both laughed about it like and here's the other thing too right it was mutual when dave when dave uh decided to depart from CrossFit, right? Yes, very mutual. Because here's the deal. And professional. It was mutual and professional. Right. And they were already framing that up and they were going to get ready with the PR statement and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:23:16 But nobody's going to question that. Nobody's going to say, oh, well, you know, I don't think they're going to get ready to lie to us. I think that it was going to be mutual. And if it wasn't for the fact that Dave just has impeccable integrity, that he was like, it wasn't mutual. I'm just letting you guys know right now. And then the whole thing folded. So again, if we're not listening to what they're saying but watching the actions that they are producing, you get two different storylines. I love it. Yes. As many storylines as it takes
Starting point is 00:23:49 for it to go away. Exactly. Whatever we'll say to stay face in front of the community in to the rest of their, um, like to everybody else's defense here, it's in their best interest to keep everything together because everything is that that's their whole career livelihood. So if everything starts to fall apart, I could see why they would get a little bit squirrely about it and want to keep that community together because otherwise the whole thing kind of slowly dissipates and then they lose, they lose their job, right? Or whatever you want to call it, their platform business. Yeah. What is it? Hey hey darren can you change your profile picture he looks like a vampire it's just too much for me i i like the i i don't know if i like this guy like he we brawl a
Starting point is 00:24:35 little bit in the comments he's he's i can't maybe he's like me he's got he's got you know what i mean i mean i like that when i see you do like darren you know i mean i don't i don't i don't know darren and we've never had any interaction but i like the fact that when I see you do like Darren. No, I mean, I don't I don't I don't know Darren and we've never had any interaction. But I like the fact that when people come back and they have their opinions and we could have discourse, right? Like I'm not just going to I'm not just going to go, oh, well, I'm just not going to talk to you. I'll cancel you because you don't you're just not agreeing with what I'm what I'm saying
Starting point is 00:24:58 there. Right. Because within the discourse, within everybody's different opinions, with all that, we start to we start to find clarity. And it's one of the things that we do in the staff at the gym all the time is like, when I put out an idea or something, I'm like, okay, so let's poke some holes in this. What's wrong with it? Will this work? Well, it won't work. Even if you agree with it, let's play devil's advocate here. Because without having those discussions, we're just all sitting here just
Starting point is 00:25:20 saying, oh yeah, well, what do you think? Oh, you think that too? Okay, great, great, great, great, great. And you're never going to get to the bottom of anything. We're never going to advance or evolve. You sound like an angry white man. Um, I'm going to put my tinfoil hat on. By the way, if,
Starting point is 00:25:39 if Darren would have been a woman that would have been sexist, how do we know? How do I told him? He's not a good point fuck fuck good point uh now i'm now i'm something else god come on so on um oh man so i'm gonna just go over some of the stuff just for font shits and giggles i forget the name of the show i think it was like it was like originally i had like six no i had like a page of notes and i was going to talk about some things about Eric Rosa.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Why did Rosa get fired? Yeah. And some of the reasons why I thought he got fired. But and I was going to do that gently. I mean, to be completely honest with you, everything I know, I can't just spew out. I cannot. I cannot. I don't want to. It's not that I cannot. I don't want to. Everything I know, I don't want to say. I don't want to. It's not that I cannot. I don't want to. Everything I know, I don't want to say. I don't want to say it. But I'm going to tell you that I'm pretty sure that all of those guys are getting all of their notes. Basically, how I think it goes is it goes from a guy named Andrew Weinstein. He's a PR guy. He's Rose's crony. He goes everywhere Rose goes. He's inserted in the executive team over there. He's all about damage control. He does not understand the community at all. He doesn't do CrossFit. He basically gives information to other people. And then that's all the stuff that's pushed out. That's why all of those are those, all those emails being sent to affiliates and to the teams and the people at CrossFit HQ and all that stuff right now. That's why it's all just nonsense. We don't recognize it because that's not the way Greg Glassman talked to us. Greg Glassman would be like, let's talk about relative statistics and let's look at statins and let's look at why statins don't work. And then we would get in and break it down and define words. He doesn't know who he's talking to. He doesn't know his audience. He doesn't realize that Greg fucking brainwashed us all and we fucking all are now. We want to know what every word means. We actually give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:27:27 all are now we want to know what every word means we actually give a fuck right he's he's a he's a what are those blue pills he's a blue pill talking to a red pill community i don't know what the whole pill thing is i don't really know either but it's a it's a matrix reference oh i don't watch very many movies to say to say so these are some of the silly arguments i want you to know too to say when i say eric was driven out and then they say um then the tommy and shawnee come back with uh well if you're going to be one of the life must be really miserable to be one of those people that doesn't that doesn't believe anything that's said well life must be really horrible hanging having a cohort of friends that lie to you and you're lying over the truth like it's not that i don't believe anything that's being said you're being lied to i have 10 other references that say otherwise that aren't
Starting point is 00:28:09 andrew weinstein and didn't come in an email from hq like i actually i actually agree with tommy and sean on that point ignorance is bliss right but like right but at the end of the day like i don't care this but but here but here's the part here's the part that tommy and shawnee and craig ritchie and the memes guy don't understand and that's why they say calm down everything's gonna be okay that don't go the doomsday route first of all we're not going the doomsday route first of all everything is more than okay we're in the same boat that you guys are this is just fun this is like fucking juggling balls But do you know who it's not fun for, Tommy and Shawnee? Do you know who it's not fun for to calm down, Craig Ritchie?
Starting point is 00:28:49 The 10,000 affiliates out there who spent every single fucking penny of their life savings to get their gym open and have to put food on their dinner table. That's who it's not. Calm down. Everything okay is okay. Don't worry. It's just another thing. It's really easy for you guys to say.
Starting point is 00:29:07 How about the 10,000 fucking affiliates out there that just want a little stability? Just a tiny, tiny bit. How about them? You're so myopic. You're so in it. It's all about you guys. Everything's fine calm down no it's not fine they're fucking running a business and fucking in in new york city that's been shut down for the fucking last year and a half two years they can't get a fucking bit of
Starting point is 00:29:40 help from fucking hq that's not true they can't get much help from hq life is fucking hard they're under a ton of pressure and the in the leadership is changing fucking like whack-a-mole what leadership yeah they have no fucking idea i mean so stop saying stop stop like first of all i don't care like it's not doomsday to me right but but have some consideration for the fucking affiliates. You guys like – we know what happens to you, Shawnee. CrossFit goes under and you fucking commentate fucking boulder climbing the rest of your life. It's cool.
Starting point is 00:30:17 We're stoked for you. CrossFit goes down, no big deal to me. I got a fucking gym in my garage. I'm balling. Armageddon happens. What do I care? I got fucking solar batteries and a fucking well water. But how about the other people, guys?
Starting point is 00:30:36 Shawnee Tommy, Richie, Weinschnitzel, LeFranco. God, LeFranco. More and more I'm hearing about how desperate you are to sell morning chalk up i i would it would i have to tell you i would be really part of me would be excited if you sold it for you because that i mean selling it for a million bucks that'd be really cool but another part would be it would be like i'd be so bummed. You're so fun. You're so fun. So it's just argumentative fallacy to jump from the fact that we're doomsday from like we're pointing out like, hey, look, there's a dead dog in the street. And you're like, you're so doomsday.
Starting point is 00:31:18 It's a dog in transition. Oh, sorry. Yeah. I mean don't go on the attack of us. Just chill. Just chill. Just be like, hey, I don't get what Sevan's saying. And use my name.
Starting point is 00:31:33 I don't get what Sevan's saying. This guy got trans. This guy's chairman of the board. That doesn't make sense. I Googled that, and that's higher. That's like the main guy. I wonder what he knows. Not he's wrong and that he's spreading misinformation
Starting point is 00:31:45 No you're wrong and you're spreading misinformation It's all misinformation A couple of comments And I want to talk about You fucking You want to talk about happiness You're the one who runs around in fucking HQ Telling people to pull their mask up
Starting point is 00:32:00 You're the mask Nazi I don't give a fuck who wears a mask or don't wear a mask Just don't talk to me who wears a mask or don't wears a mask just don't talk to me about it you scared little pussy okay and it's more than scared i'm being bravado it's it's that you're just not thinking logically no there's no there's no effectiveness of no it's true name calling okay sorry those guys are all right those guys are all right they're just doing their job we're doing ours everybody's playing apart um i just want to just go comments here because there's a couple people that were like
Starting point is 00:32:27 how many affiliates have you actually talked to about this can you can you speak for the affiliates i owned a box and the best i got from hq pre-sale is a christmas card and here's the deal no what you got was great glassman working behind the scenes tirelessly to make sure that what you are doing in your gym and what your l1 trainers are doing in your gym stays legal. You guys don't realize that with that NSCA case, if they would have had their way, what they would have done is they would have tried to taken back their market share and said, hey, all of you L1 trainers can no longer do your job unless you come through our certification course and pay us, and then we could be the governing body of who's training and who's not. So what you have to realize is that not only was there a methodology and a vision and direction
Starting point is 00:33:08 laid out for the affiliates, but as you were paying into that, you were paying somebody who was protecting that and who was protecting the message at all costs. And that's what you were buying into. So now the question you have to ask yourself as an affiliate owner, and like we had talked about on average, and it would actually be cool to get the real statistics on this about what the mean or averages from all the affiliate owners profit each month, profit, not net, but profit, and saying, are you still willing to give up a month of that or two months of that to buy in to CrossFit and then what it is that you are paying for? And all these people saying, hey, people are still going to come into my gym and work out and all that. And none of this really matters to them. Yeah. Okay. I get that, but it's not the member's job to worry about this. It is you, the business owner. It is you,
Starting point is 00:33:54 the affiliate to say, hey, what's going on? Where's our leadership? Where is this whole thing going? And what's the value proposition for me to continue to buy into this with you? Because once that starts to tank and affiliate owners aren't buying into it, what then happens to the brand name? Is it commoditized? Do we have jump ropes and everything else? And is it just another one of those? Or where is the whole thing going? And that's the most important message on this. It's not doomsday and this whole thing is going crazy, but people need to pay attention to that. Okay. And that is why it is important to affiliate owners. And so just like that, I'm going to flip it back. And if you don't own an affiliate and stay in your lane,
Starting point is 00:34:34 Craig Howard was on, um, the Khaleesi, uh, interviewed, uh, Craig Howard and the meme guy yesterday and there was a fucking line in there that Craig Howard nailed. I think the Khaleesi asked them, it's a morning chocolate video I didn't get to watch the whole thing because it was getting too late and I was getting overstimulated. But I was – like I was biting my arm and leg. But basically she said, hey, why are you – what do you want from HQ? And Craig Howard said, from HQ, I just want them to protect the name and make good media. It was something like that.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And I was like, holy shit, he nailed it. Yes, just don't fuck the name up. That's right. Just don't. And that's why people got so mad at Greg. Right. He made this Floyd 19 comment up and people turned on the gyms. So like Greg was in his castle. He yelled something. And then the zombies came and attacked the the gyms because they thought that those were extensions of Greg. Right. Well, they were so. So they want from hq now is like hey just just protect the name meaning you don't have to do anything fucking crazy and then just make some content that drives people to my gym and that's it media and yes and that's what that's
Starting point is 00:35:54 what i was driving home yesterday just make fucking amazing content that will attract the people like hq has to do that they have to make the amazing content that will attract the people they want to the gyms. So Craig Howard actually told me this story. This is many years ago. I don't know if he remembers this. He told the story many years ago, but we started making content of people in 2018. Greg started telling us, Hey, make content of really, really fucking out of shape people doing CrossFit. It was a big turn. So we started making videos of like people who were over a hundred pounds overweight doing CrossFit. And we started doing pieces on those people going to the L1. The L1 is the manual for the operating system for the human genome. And Craig Howard said,
Starting point is 00:36:33 holy shit, after you started making those videos, someone came into my gym and they weighed, they were over a hundred pounds overweight and they got in the fucking prone position, which is laying on the ground and they couldn't get up so one of my trainers came over and coached them on how to stand that was from a video and content hq is putting out so hq if you want more black people in the gym make content that attracts more black people if you want more um a dude to uh have had their penises removed and turned into vaginas make more content that attracts those people whatever you want i don't have an issue with it just stop making stop doing it in the method that society is telling you to do it through these fucking lenses of racism sexism
Starting point is 00:37:14 and homophobia like don't don't go that route just tell the stories and you know what maybe maybe i judge gary gaines too harsh because gary gaines goes our actions are going to speak louder than our words well good then start making that fucking content. One a week. We used to fucking do it. It's so powerful. Someone can call me from fucking HQ and I'll fucking walk you through it and I'll fucking never mention a fucking word that we talked. I was there from fucking 300 gyms to 15,000 gyms.
Starting point is 00:37:45 When I finished, I was in charge of everything that was forward-facing. You do not want fucking Justin Berg being in charge of anything forward-facing. Do you know why Justin Berg stayed with the company? Because of fucking Dave. You think anyone at fucking HQ liked him? He's a fucking... And people should really go back and watch all that old content because if they want someone go ahead i was gonna say if they just want to claim that it was skewed one way or another they want to view through the through the lens of
Starting point is 00:38:17 race or gender or sex or whatever it is go back and watch that content because six years ago, seven years ago, you were capturing everybody's story. It did not matter. And it already shows it's documented. It's on there way before this shit became the hot ticket item too, by the way, way, way, way, way before. And so it's, it's documented. It's there. And here's the thing. If people did a little bit of, of a little bit of this research, a little bit of critical thinking, a little bit of stopping, and before formulating a response, just give yourself some space. Give yourself some space to sit there, think about it, think about your motives. Why are you going to argue back? What is your intention here? And just sit with it for a moment and then continue to dig in and dig in before you respond. And I think you'd be surprised at how it might change a little bit, but if you always want to jump on it, whoa, whoa,
Starting point is 00:39:10 whoa, whoa, hold on. There's no space there. There's no space for you to change your mind. There's no space for you to have an open mind to allow new thoughts and ideas to come in. I promise you that there's more that when I when i was at hq and greg's circle of fucking um uh influence there were more fucking homos and ethnic people and black people i guarantee it 100 than there is now 100 oh hq was super diverse when i went 100 yes from day one when i was there it was all that shit santa cruz man come Come on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. There were the gnarliest fucking liberals like me. Fucking rocking the Obama shirt, Hope.
Starting point is 00:39:53 There were fucking the gnarliest fucking Republicans. There were the craziest, most hardcore dykes. Dudes black as night. Dudes with huge cocks like me. Everyone was represented uh and and then and then and then i i hate to float my own boat but you can just go back to my whole entire body worked across the podcast any videos i made like like i just just shut up just the rest of you guys shut the fuck up yep if every everybody everybody got highlighted on there was no there was no picking and choosing this this if you
Starting point is 00:40:26 if you really want to if you really want to hear just double talk you really should go listen to i i you should the it's it's their most recent podcast it's from tommy and sean i i stopped at 50 minutes because they switched to start talking about the open which is probably their specialty which is really probably where i should have started but if you want to hear just double talk and nonsense and someone who's just pushing the CrossFit HQ narrative, you can go there. You can hear anything LeFranco says. And basically they just – they make a point that's not really a point, a big-picture point, and I'll get into some of them, and then jump to like an accusation on our part. Like they'll say like it's interesting that they think that the chairman of the board – and they say they.
Starting point is 00:41:00 They don't ever say my name or the podcast name. It's interesting that they think that the chairman of the board position is a step down. It's actually a step up. It's actually a step up. Yeah, they're just, they're just, that's what you are when you're just angry and hateful and contemplative. Like they just make that. It's like, dude. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Well, you are so bad. You are so bad. Yeah. They should have started the show with holy fuck Sevan has great intel I thought you were going to say a big cock I sincerely did that too but only
Starting point is 00:41:34 I was going to make a mom joke but it wouldn't be funny because it would be truthful I sincerely thank Tommy and Sean for giving me content I really do mean that I'm glad I saw it. It's fun. It's going to make this show more interesting,
Starting point is 00:41:47 and I am going to make some money off of it, and I'm going to use that money too. Do you know I have $20,000 trapped in PayPal? I told you that, right? Okay. Has anyone applied? I applied for a driver's license. I don't know what that means.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Eight days ago. Someone paid me $20,000 on PayPal, and I can't get it out because I don't have a driver's license. So I applied for a new driver's license it's been eight days and it hasn't come from the state of california sounds a lot like checks in the mail i wonder if if if morning chalk up is in panic because weinstein's on the outs i wonder if justin berg is on the panic because that there's a push to bring dave castro back i want i wonder what's going on over there this is a place to dave cash cash back yeah there is a big push there's a big big big big big big big push pull push you use
Starting point is 00:42:32 whatever words you want like if you're gonna if you're gonna say push and then be like notice how seban uses the word push he's such an angry white man and switch it to pool i'm good i'm good um uh there's got to be some panic there there's got to be some panic there those are it's the exact same thing what happened when when when greg um uh did the floyd 19 comment i've talked about this ad nauseum we saw a faint and and then everyone in HQ reacted and we got to see how they reacted. Now we're going to see the same thing here. We're going to see Rosa. Rosa has a circle there that he was guarding, you know, a circle of people.
Starting point is 00:43:15 That's a great question. Would Dave come back? Money, money, money, money. I don't know. Just to clarify, this is actually espresso. I'm not I'm not doing shots. It's just easier to transport these little... Is that paper?
Starting point is 00:43:29 Yeah. Disgusting. Yeah, okay. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling winning in an exciting live dealer studio exclusively on
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Starting point is 00:44:33 Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. We know that Eric Rosa took three, four months off. I heard an executive yesterday say it was four months. I thought it was three months, but he took three or four months off because of his depression. Not something a CEO does. Not something a CEO does who's 52 years old. Not what they do.
Starting point is 00:44:54 So that's the first sign. The board's tripping already, right? Like you guys are like – Mr. Meme has 400,000 followers. He's happy as a fucking clam. you mr meme has 400 000 followers he's happy as a fucking clam but if you're if you're a board guy who has 50 million dollars in or on the other hand on the other end you're an affiliate that has every last cent into their affiliate and they have three kids they're trying to feed it's not cool for those two ends of the spectrum it's not cool for the mean guy yeah he fucking he's fucking about to retire from his bank of america's number one teller he's counting more money and handed it out than any other teller in the country. I mean he's a fucking rock star.
Starting point is 00:45:27 So of course he's saying calm down, people. Yeah, and they always keep referring to the community. But again, we're being specific as to which parts of the community and we're identifying where we're talking about it and who we're talking about it and why we're talking about it and stuff like that. I suspect he has multiple investors who are not happy. I'm suspecting that now he lied to us because of just all the other lies. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I'm suspect that he hasn't been able to return on the investment. And because of that, he's getting a shit ton of pressure. He's not he's not on pace. He fired the most iconic guy in the brand first he got rid of pukey and he got rid of fucking dave castro i mean what a bold move to go from vomiting to fucking happiness as your metric how do you quantify that?
Starting point is 00:46:26 That's like a qualitative thing. It's like quantified. Measurable, repeatable, observable. When you start an argument on a false premise, everything after that is just complete bullshit. And Shani and Tommy are like – they say that Eric Rosa stepped down. Eric Rosa did not step down. That is a false premise there is not a disease um the disease that you think is is running rampant shawnee a mask does not protect you from
Starting point is 00:46:53 it nor does the vaccine but you believe that and it's a false premise and so you take all these other actions that involve hurting children hurting old people because you have the false premise that you start with and it's a cascade of bad shit that happens and lies that you tell yourself the same thing with this buddy you think that he stepped down and then you make you spew for fucking 49 minutes you and um um thomas um spew for 49 minutes about about shit that's built on a false premise it's it's it's maddening it's it's almost like you brainwash yourself like who cares if you hate me who cares if you hate Dave who cares if you hate Greg
Starting point is 00:47:31 just tell the truth it's so much more fun but start by telling the truth to yourself they're great at announcing game stuff great, great at it don't forget when Rosaosa came to crossfit hq he said that investors this was a long-term plan and the investors were so patient with them he reiterated that over and over and over one and a half years is not a long-term plan, especially if the company is doing so great.
Starting point is 00:48:06 No one steps out without a fucking replacement. By the way, don't be fucking stupid if you don't think that there's a CEO right now, by the way. If you don't think that there's an acting CEO right now, you're fucking nuts. There is. Everyone knows who the leader is over at HQ right now everyone who needs to know interesting right? yeah
Starting point is 00:48:36 it is yeah very right people put a fucking lot of money into this fucking company some dudes bought this shit and give a fuck some people really fucking care like this they they have this they they spun this thing that like i'm somehow against corporations or somehow this thing can't be a corporation i'm going to explain it to you in the most simple way possible um i think corporations are fucking awesome once again they made some fucking illogical leaps that are just fucking – they're juvenile.
Starting point is 00:49:09 These guys should stay in the lane of commentating the games. You're eroding what little respect the community still has for you, and you're eroding it by talking about stuff that's out of your lane. Talk about it amongst yourselves you guys think that i have this problem corporation but here's the problem crossfit was built on one really strong principle that can never be broken or else it's not crossing anymore that's tell the truth a corporation can not be built on that principle. That's not a dig at corporations. By corporations, I mean specifically ones that have investors, multiple investors.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Their responsibility is to make money. That's not a fucking dig. I fucking love money. But if you have something, and its number one goal is to tell the truth, you would be super duper – you would be – oh my goodness, Darren. You are – you get your ass kicked. If your goal is – if you always have to tell the truth and then you can be bought, you can't tell the truth. It's the same hierarchy. I'll give you another parallel where this exists in humanity in humanity you have to breathe first then you have to eat and then there's shelter and fucking that's the four orders of like things you need if anything gets in that hierarchy it screws
Starting point is 00:50:41 everything up you're not really a human anymore you're some bastardization of a human what could get in there heroin if heroin becomes more important to you than eating it gets in between breathing and eating you're screwed up there is there are some things that possibly could get in here that like if you have kids that's a weird one because the kids can get in here in the hierarchy some really really good pussy god i hope my mom's not watching can get it can get in there and screw that up too it's so funny i saw the mark zuckerberg movie because i had we had ben mesrick on and they started facebook for women and i just wish that was like the most honest thing in the entire movie or women i mean just because yeah i mean because they they want yeah they just
Starting point is 00:51:25 want women like that's like it's like that should be the takeaway from what was your takeaway from the movie uh the dudes will do anything for girls uh close close something specifically about girls hmm make that a whole nother show so so it's not that i have a problem with corporations you understand that it's the fact that once this thing is fucking has investors, it cannot be what it was supposed to be. It cannot be. It's not me. It's not me hating Tommy or Sean. Stop bringing me into it, Shawnee.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Although it's fun. It is fun. I understand the temptation. I understand the temptation. I understand the temptation. I think it's important to point out that this is kind of almost like a microcosm of what we see in the country a little bit, which is you have corporations that have their financial obligations towards their investors, right? And their deal is to focus on growing profit. And sometimes as they grow profit, they start getting in bed with other people to continue to grow their profit, meaning government regulations or media. So that way they're looked at at a good light. And then the media and the
Starting point is 00:52:39 governments are all kind of doing it back because they're all just exploiting their self-interest. And so that's the biggest thing that we have to realize here is that you just have, that's why I said going earlier, like you have to question your motives. Like, why are they doing this? Who stands to benefit from this and, and, and why? And so without those things, you know, without questioning those things, you, you won't really understand the what's happening with everybody exploiting their own self-interest. Exploit.
Starting point is 00:53:07 This is I like what Clive said. Clive, Susan, I talked about this quite a bit. This is kind of a fun topic to talk about. I don't think this is true. I don't. I do not. I have tons of evidence that this isn't true. But fuck, this is some chess shit, right? I think a new CEO has been lined up for a while.
Starting point is 00:53:21 I think Castro's firing could be just as likely the incoming CEO's demand is Rose's last wish. Or I, we were wording it like this, like, Hey, they know they have to get rid of Dave for whatever reason. And so they're going to fire him. And then they know that's going to piss the community off.
Starting point is 00:53:37 So then Rose is leaving anyway. So then they get rid of Rose and they kill two birds with one stone. I think, yeah, it's fucking, it would be, that would be some chest, crazy chest shit. Um, but I'm telling you man uh tis not and unless all my
Starting point is 00:53:51 sources are fucked up but my sources aren't google and i and i and i i feel very confident that um this thing is fucking this thing is like shaking there's no stop to this now do you know what i mean like this thing is fucking, this thing is like shaking. There's no stop to this now. Do you know what I mean? Like this thing's wobbling. There's no, this thing is wobbling.
Starting point is 00:54:14 It's not like, like Rose, like days fired. Like they, I think that the same thing with what Greg did, Floyd 19, that thing would have stopped eventually. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Tommy and Sean say, Oh my God. Oh, can you imagine if Greg would have just what they use the word white knuckle they love that shit if greg would have just white knuckled this and never sold the company do you know where we would be now yeah you motherfuckers would be fired you guys would be nowhere in the ecosystem that's where you'd be i know i know why you guys don't want greg here i know why you guys don't want Greg here. I know why you guys don't want Dave here. I know. We all know.
Starting point is 00:54:47 We all know. That's what makes you guys so biased. And I have my bias, too. Fuck, I love Dave. Fuck, he taught me so much. Most of the people, even at HQ, hate him, still love him. They learn so much from him. They can separate the two.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I want to tell you something else, speaking about affiliates. Probably three affiliates yesterday said, thank you so much for what you're doing but what was even more impressive is how many people at hq especially from the training staff and by the way these three affiliates that thank me probably the three biggest affiliates that i've ever heard of in the ecosystem and the trainers are like wow you're doing it i said i am i am and then and then i and then they and then and then i thought maybe i should say we're doing it me and suza together i was like no no no me and the other guy me and the angry white dude are doing it could you just take all could i what if i did that what if i compromised with you mean guy and suze is the
Starting point is 00:55:46 angry white guy and i'm the cool happy white guy take one for the team susan all right for you for you you know what do you want me to tell you why susan and i are so happy by the way because we're financially responsible i don't mean financially independent we're fucking financially responsible people what does that mean that means that um we wear our shoes until there's fucking no way around not wearing them anymore or as a racist would say we're all jewed up um would love to hear from Nicole Carroll. Me too. Me too.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Man, that would be great. Hey, so that's another thing that Shawnee and Tommy do. They, um, they, they, they spend 48 minutes talking about how, how stupid people are who would want to go back to the old way, which no one ever said anything about going back to the old way. So they must, they must be, they're so vague. They must be referencing bringing Dave back by going back to the old way. They'd spend 48 fucking minutes. I know, Jim, but I want to tell you something.
Starting point is 00:56:48 The Victo shoes, I've been looking at a new pair now for over a year, and I haven't pulled the trigger on them yet because, like, my other ones still got a little – by the way, the soles of those wear out pretty fast, and they get slippery. Be very careful. They get slippery. So for 48 minutes, they talk endlessly about not going back to the old way. And I have to assume they mean Dave, but they're too cowardice to say it. I don't know. That's my assessment. I don't know if it's because they're cowards or they forgot Dave's name.
Starting point is 00:57:13 You choose the reason. But then at the end, they nominate Nicole and Chuck as the next CEO. I'm like, motherfucker, that's as old school as you get. Right. They did a lot of that kind of like disagreeing with themselves a little bit you listen to that too I might have
Starting point is 00:57:31 did it stimulate you I listen to it they would say shit and I would go back you know how you can go back 15 seconds and I would just go back and be like did they really say that oh let me get my pencil and I would run over to my computer and take my notes so basically we do it the exact opposite because i listen to it
Starting point is 00:57:47 on like two times speed oh uh but one thing that i want to address that we actually all agree on and it's interesting that nobody's leaned into this more is we keep referring to the board the board the board but nobody knows who the board is or well your influence or the amount of power and control and then well that's true people know who the board is like you don't we don't i don't know who the board is right maybe you don't okay i do i do i don't that's that's interesting never yeah i never thought of that i know who the board is i don't i don't know who the board is and i don't know if it hasn't been publicly announced i that i don't know. That's interesting. Yeah, I never thought of that. I know who the board is. I don't know. I don't know who the board is. And I don't know if it has been publicly announced. That I don't know. So then, like, why isn't it publicly announced? And I'll tell you just a super quick story.
Starting point is 00:58:33 I mean, Rosa was bragging they had a Domino's pizza, like the owner of Domino's pizza or some shit on it, and that he had fucking cars and he could deliver pizzas to houses automatically, which I found fascinating that the Domino's pizza guy, like, yeah, it was fascinating. It was fascinating. So when I first opened the gym, I did it with two partners, a husband and wife, and they created an awesome opportunity for me. But one time I was at a party for one of the members and I was talking to this older gentleman and someone came over and introduced me and they're like, oh yeah, this is Matt. He owns the gym. And I don't know if he had been drinking or was just bitter.
Starting point is 00:59:10 And he goes, oh, you own it? I thought they owned it, pointing to the husband and wife that were my business partners at the time. And I go, yeah, we own it together. He goes, what's your percentage? I go, well, I'm 49 and they're 51 because they put up the money and he goes oh you don't own shit dude what kind of fucking parties do you go to i literally was like and the person who introduced this was like oh that works really hard at the gym and i was like i bet he does
Starting point is 00:59:42 and i was like i just did the homer simpson where he like fades away into the hedges and i just kind of but it always sat with me and two years later i owned a hundred percent i own a hundred percent of this podcast just so you know so you know facts that's facts holy shit yeah literally it's one of those things, right? Like you fucking asshole. Thank you. Because I, I, I was, you know, I was,
Starting point is 01:00:09 I was cool guy. I owned a gym. I told everybody I owned a gym and then realized that afterward when he had put, held up the mirror and he's like, Hey, look, no, you don't.
Starting point is 01:00:17 It was kind of like, wow, he's right. Because there's no, although I, I do own it legally. I can't do anything against what they say. They control all the power and the difference, 1%.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Yeah. What is this? Do you want me to give names of the board members? Is that what you're saying? There's a bunch of stuff I just – No, I mean I didn't realize that. No, no, this person here. Name someone, not the so-and-so guy.
Starting point is 01:00:43 Oh. There's a bunch of stuff I know I just can't say. You have to know that. You have to know that. It's not like I know too much. Protect the sources. Yeah, and there's just stuff I just don't want to say. It's mine.
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's my story. I'm telling it the way I want to fucking say it. I want to tell you the truth. Yeah, I hear you. I hear you. Darren, I'm fucking taking that picture i'm making an nft i'm charged darren fucking three million dollars to use that darren you could own that nft i'd like to buy the podcast hey for six dollars more it's yours you're halfway there
Starting point is 01:01:17 uh i don't i don, someone said to me one time in here, in the comments. Hold on. I just want to point this out. Kevin, you spelled truth wrong. I'm giving you the dirt. I hear you. I'm giving you the dirt. I'm giving you dirt. I'm giving you dirt. I'm giving, yes. Thank you. Thank you, Jeffrey. I'm giving you dirt. It's just, it's gotta be like, just it's got to be chill it's got to be just it's got to be timed right correctly all about sequencing this show's got to be yeah i have to milk it for 90 minutes so it's because after 90 minutes then the algorithm picks up my video better and then i make more money off of this is that true no i don't know i was like good job. Little research there. I'm hearing that Dave's coming back to run the games. I am hearing that.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I don't have a good source, but I have multiple sources. I have multiple sources. And they're strong and they believe it. They're not spreading it to me like rumors. It's not uncommon at all for boards to force a resignation of the ceo and since he's an investor it's not uncommon at all then put him as chairman of the board leave him there for 12 months and get rid of him not uncommon at all first of all i know that's what's happening i have some insane sources on that insane but on top of that it's not uncommon this isn't like hey go to google and look up what chairman of the board means like dudes have like 50 million dollars invested in this
Starting point is 01:02:55 fucking thing no one's fucking around over there i give a fuck what the guy's title is it's the guy who owns the most yeah titles are weak unless you put leader in your bio did i mention matt o'keefe is coming back as ceo that matt did you make it to that part where sean says that yeah well i just thought it was funny because you had said that at the beginning and then i was like what he is and you were like no no no we could all be hopeful, though. We've talked about it multiple times, so it's interesting. Nobody thinks – so the premise that no one thinks he really stepped down, Sean. Stop saying Chuck Carswell CEO and Nicole Carroll are, I mean, they'd be great,
Starting point is 01:03:48 but I, I, you know, if I was them, I would either make Dave a CEO or I would contact the, there was a guy who used to work there. What the fuck's his name? There was a dude who worked there who was a beast.
Starting point is 01:04:03 He was the operations officer, Bruce Edwards. That guy has the talent to manage fucking super talent. He was the operations offer officer at West Marine. He was like the third employee over there. He stayed there until it became an $800 million company. And then switched over to CrossFit because he trained with Greg. He's a world-class athlete.
Starting point is 01:04:28 He's old now, maybe older than me. Fucking stud. He tamed us. We were fucking lions over there, and he tamed us, including Dave. He struggled with Dave, but he did it. Dave is an insane brand ambassador he's all that crossfit has left if you don't see that that's because you're fucking confused i beg of you to fucking see that they fucking like that was a major major mistake like one of the dumbest things that in the history of crossfit that's ever been done get rid of dave castro seal team four seal team eight seal team six transfers over to delta force for some exchange
Starting point is 01:05:08 yeah i said it fucking running the games from his fucking computer in a fucking camper in afghanistan not not not not bullshit not hyperbole not. Truth. I'm telling you the fucking truth. You think he was stepped down? No, he was fucking forced out. He was told to leave. He cried on his way out. You can quote me on that. You dumbly, dumbly, is that a word?
Starting point is 01:05:42 You dumbly assume the chairman of the board is not necessarily a promotion. The fuck does that mean? I can't even understand my notes. You have to understand that all that done was PR. It's all PR. It's always been all PR. He sat in a meeting. I've told you this before with Eric Rose.
Starting point is 01:05:58 And he says, I know there's not an inclusion problem at HQ. It's a perception problem like that. But, but that's not even what he's really saying. That's all they care about is perception. Tommy said this in the, in the thing. And this, this is, this sums up the entire podcast and listening to these guys and the little
Starting point is 01:06:15 Franco's and the, and the racist memes guy, right. Who sees the world through a skin color. I proved that, right. You can just, I proved that I have a screenshot of it. If anyone DM me, I'll send you the screenshot where he exposes race and i don't care i don't hate him because he's racist everyone's got their own demons i don't hate someone because they're racist i hate them if they if they if they say i can't go to work unless my kid takes an injection then i hate you a little bit punching the face uh tommy says this rosa is transitioning rosa is transitioning and it's better and more appropriate uh rose is transitioning and it's better and more appropriate than what yeah exactly exactly Yeah, exactly. Then what? They're so scared the way they talk.
Starting point is 01:07:07 They're so afraid. I want to make my gym more inclusive. What do you mean by inclusive? You know, open for everyone. What do you mean by that? Like, who's it not open for now? I don't know. I just would like it to be more welcoming.
Starting point is 01:07:19 Well, specifically, who are you talking about? Like, what? Just say it. What do you want i know you can't say it because it's like it's piled so deep under like this manipulative behavior i know i have fucking three-year-olds yeah dick is awesome are you that far back in the podcast that you just heard that fucking dick mertens made a fucking uh his debut that was nuts i'm telling you this show buy stock now this motherfucker gonna get big and those of you who think this is a crossfit show are
Starting point is 01:07:52 out of your fucking mind this was always part of the plan that's what they tommy and shawnee kept saying always part of the plan you mean that you mean this wasn't like the Supreme Court job? He was going to stay here until he died? Dude, he did not want to be fucking CEO for a year and a half. He wanted to be CEO for fucking 10 years. I think he said 50 years in his video to us. They have no intel. They're just spinning.
Starting point is 01:08:22 They spinned for 50 fucking minutes.'s funny that's not even it's not even good spin does buying a t-shirt count as stock yes yes it doesn't thank you very much they have to hope that they're right if you want me to pick an angle tommy and shawnee have to hope that they're right because they're on the justin train what is the Justin train? The Justin train is what goes away if Dave comes back. Justin train might be turned into the Justin tricycle if Dave comes back. And Tommy and Sean have played their cards. All you have to do is listen to their podcast
Starting point is 01:08:58 and be like, what is this? There's all this abstraction. Who are they referencing? Here I think it's Sevan. Here I think it's Dave. Here I think it's Greg. Here I think it's Greg. Here I think it's Dave. I'm pretty sure that Sean used to walk around. I'm pretty sure Sean reported or someone in Sean's camp reported Dave for not having his mask up over his nose for open training a couple of years ago. Mask hole. I think that's the word.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Mask hole. Is that official? Mask hole. This can't be part of some plan because when I mentioned business strategy in sequencing, I was told I was a conspiracy theorist. Say that again. What would make you a conspiracy theorist? If people sat down and actually strategized about a business and how they're going to sequence certain events and how they wanted things to play out that that was, that's conspiracy theory. And this guy's, this guy's crazy. Like what Clive was saying.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yeah. Like there's, that's not conspiracy theory. That's called having a brain that just can think about shit. Yeah. If I tie my shoes now, I might not trip later. Conspiracy theorist.
Starting point is 01:10:03 You fucking nuts. Let me make a recommendation here this bad boy mastering the art of business strategy your next five moves by patrick bet david oh he wrote that another one this is called b beyond entrepreneurship turning your business into an enduring company both of these books jim Collins, by the way, was a professor at Stanford in the MBA, but was just given the position as a teacher because of his research in great companies that have lasted for 20 plus years. Both of those books talk extensively about number one, values and vision, cementing those in.
Starting point is 01:10:41 And then number two, your sequencing and your strategy and your actionable tactics in which the business performs and does all lead off the values and the vision of the company. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. When were you going to share those books with me? You want to read this one? I want to read both of them. No, not actually. You're just supposed to just text me and send me a picture and be like, dude, I'm reading this. It's awesome. Oh, well, this one I've actually read this one twice already because you know how much of a big fan of Patrick Bet David I am. But I'll come drop them off at your house.
Starting point is 01:11:16 If Dave is back, it hurts Tommy. Tommy's bet does that. But does that hurt buttery bro coverage? I don't think so. Heber and Marzen are so like they're in their own lane. They're politically safe. Yeah, they're safe. I think. I don't think so. The Heber and Marzen are so like – They're in their lane. They're politically safe. Yeah, yeah. They're safe.
Starting point is 01:11:27 I think. I mean what do I know? You have to understand too like those motherfuckers are just contributing. Johnny and Tommy – I don't know who. I got the fucking names all mixed up. Johnny and Tommy say that the next leader should be forward-facing and talk to the community you mean like Rosa did when he came on board and didn't know what GPP was he fucking had to ask in a meeting in his first week what's GPP and he's the owner of CrossFit general physical preparedness that's like he didn't know the value
Starting point is 01:12:03 of the training team of the L1 team he would speak about the four pillars of crossfit and not mention the training team he loved the games and the games only and that's why the games guys are chugging his cock so hard it's not a dig it's not a dig this reminded me of the time you like pretended to do the bong thing in your underneath your um jaw cramped oh yeah yeah i'm never doing that again thank you because you guys don't know because shawnee and tommy because you guys don't know you want to claim that we don't know another like you're like how can they
Starting point is 01:12:46 no one can be saying the things that they're saying over there once again you don't say our names who knows why maybe you can't pronounce my name and it's out of respect i'll go there um but just because you don't know doesn't mean we don't know what are you talking about how do you make that leap what are you fucking fucking to? You guys embarrass yourself. I actually get a little embarrassed listening to you. I'm kind of happy that you guys stumble along with a sock in your mouth. But you're like, how could they possibly know? These people jump to conclusions.
Starting point is 01:13:16 These, what do they call them? Hot pockets. These hot pocket guys. They just do. They do. They do. No, you. That's you.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Stop talking about yourself. You don't know. I know. I have resources. Sources. Peace and love. My wife just texted me, peace and love. Don't be mean.
Starting point is 01:13:41 I want to apologize now if you felt like I was being mean. I think maybe I called you guys cowards. i really don't think you guys are cowards i think you guys are just caught up in like political correctness and shit and i just get excited i don't think you guys are cowards i don't think tommy and sean are cowards i don't really think the maids will make wads great a guy again is a fucking racist i really don't i just think it's just they're just so confused on the mechanism that creates reality. So fucking confused. So I don't mean to be mean.
Starting point is 01:14:11 How's that? Is that good, babe? I kind of felt like I meant some of it. That was nice. Thank you for the message, Haley. Yeah. This can't be, this thing can't be this thing can't be corporate
Starting point is 01:14:26 but not because I don't like corporations don't make that jump I would fucking I would do if I could go back in time if I was half as smart as I thought I would I would have fucking bought Pfizer or Moderna whichever one went from $29 to $329
Starting point is 01:14:42 I have no issue doing that none zero Or Moderna, whichever one went from $29 to $329. I have no issue doing that. None. Zero. I'm just – don't conflate the facts. I'm just explaining to you that the whole foundation, the bedrock of what CrossFit was built on is that Greg was pursuing the truth at all costs and never to spend brand equity. This corporation that has responsibility to its investors, they to spend brand equity what does that mean greg didn't want to put his name on any product or be involved with anyone he hated the reebok deal he he didn't want to like go into protein power or any of that
Starting point is 01:15:15 stuff because he knew when you do that and you put your name on something you're spending your brand equity he did not want to do that look at this look at this guy you're insane if you think they'll bring dave back to crossfit rosa isn't gone he's just higher up his influence still exists it's just another puppet in as a ceo ah new puppet same as scott i've spoken i i have several uh people on the executive team directors people in the company all over the place that have told me quite different with very detailed stories i'm wondering what your reference is is it google did you look at google did you know that this is a very very typical move to take take a CEO out who's an investor, put him in as chairman of the board, and then 12 months later, remove him? Very common. This isn't Bill Gates, dude. It's not Jeff Bezos, bro. you're a good dude though scotty i appreciate it i appreciate it and and to start off with you're insane i understand never mind i'll leave you alone okay not his oh no and you know what
Starting point is 01:16:36 maybe you are right but i don't think you're going off of anything that you know you're just going off of like some some book you fucking read or something you looked up on Google. Like I don't think you have any live experience or intel that tells you otherwise. And I have both. Significant. I think they're just going off the comment section of the regular media sources, if you will. Tommy and Shawnee, just because you don't know what's going on doesn't mean no one else knows what's going on. So Tommy and Shawnee, just because you don't know what's going on doesn't mean no one else knows what's going on.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Just like people say that, well, no one knows what the outcome is of COVID and like long COVID and this and that and this and that and this. Hey, just because you don't know doesn't mean that nobody doesn't know. Not against corporate. Not against it. I'm just telling you that this thing, when Greg made it, it's the essence of it is that it tells the truth and it can no longer do that. So it's no longer CrossFit, right?
Starting point is 01:17:32 You think, you think I'm joking. you think I'm joking when I tell you that CrossFit is considered taking swimming out of the games because black people don't have access to pools you think I'm joking someone's like how dare you say that how dare I didn't say it I'm at the
Starting point is 01:18:04 I'm at the founder of that sentence of that thought. I'm sharing that with you and you're hating the fucking messenger. Some of you are going to really connect what I just said. You're going to be like, holy shit, I get what he's doing. Some of you are like, what? That seems just said. You're going to be like, holy shit, I get what he's doing. Some of you are going to be like, what? That seems out of nowhere. Don't shoot the messenger. Hey, I actually just got this text and I found out where they're going to be looking for the new CEO.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Oh, yeah, please. Ah, yes, yes, yes. Well, if you want to apply for the job as CEO of CrossFit, you can go to You got to sift through there. Type in CrossFit HQ Colorado. want to apply for the job as ceo of crossfit you can go to you got to sift through there type in crossfit hq colorado you got to like pick the location and then you'll see and go feel free to fill out the application um i am also applying as am i we're all throwing our hat most of you probably have no chance um by the way i do recommend that you go over and watch the podcast of the calise i want to reiterate and the memes guy, and Craig Howard.
Starting point is 01:19:05 Craig Howard says some fucking incredible shit there. And the Khaleesi's so good when LeFranco's not there. She's so much better. Yeah, she's so much better. Let her rock the show. Yeah, let her rock the show. And you guys, I do think that the memes guy and Craig Howard, I think they're handsome gentlemen. But everyone needs to pull back.
Starting point is 01:19:30 Look at how wide our cameras are. Pull back a little. The hottest person in the world still shouldn't be like… Bring us in high dev. Hey, guys. How you doing? Oh, shit. Look at that wrinkle. Look at that wrinkle on my forehead
Starting point is 01:19:46 i mean come on dude thank you eric like you just make me want to just like pick on you you guys should stick to speaking about athletes have i said that talking elite fitness they think uh i talked about i talked about uh happiness uh shawnee i don't remember shawnee or tommy but one of them was like it must be hard being it's so funny it's like sixth grade talk it must be be so hard being negative and resentful and angry. It's no way to live your life. Who are you guys talking about? Who are you guys talking about? But like I said at the beginning of the show, I realize that you're part of the new CrossFit and that you think happiness is a metric and not a byproduct of hard work. And so I am willing to allow you to pick a happiness auditor from the ranks of CrossFit HQ or as you guys call it, the home office.
Starting point is 01:20:59 And does that lower your testosterone when you say that, Tommy and Sean? Are you guys just so virulent as males that you can't say CrossFit HQ anymore? You say CrossFit Home Office and you're like, yeah, I'm not going to kill someone today. And it is. I know. It's something else. It is something else. I was good.
Starting point is 01:21:20 This is an interesting comment. It's like Scott back in like, oh, fair enough, fellas, you're an insider. Intel trumps public knowledge. I still think Dave has 0% chance of going back, nor should he if he wants to hold on to his integrity. I don't know if him going back to doing the job that he created has anything to do with his integrity. I see what he's saying. I see what Scott's saying. I thought the same thing,ott a little bit um but what but but
Starting point is 01:21:50 and i'm so fucking biased you got to know i'm so fucking biased scott but but what if um the fact that rose is gone and they if they were to just bring them back i kind of see what you're saying but if they bring them back and rose is gone and they give him a corner office, I don't know, man. Yeah, I don't know if that's an integrity thing or like is it like an ego pride thing? We're going to bring you back. You have to get the vaccine so you can come in the office and we'll give you a corner office and Rose is gone. Yeah, I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I. Oh, shit. here we go matt o'keefe has just announced that he is the ceo of crossfit inc wow there it is thank you i knew it oh my god once you reach 100 000 subs i will revel myself you revel yourself all day anyway what are you talking about you're reveling yourself right now you look at pictures of me and revel yourself you guys think happiness can be a metric cool be a part of that crossfit that's well how do you job on you good job how do you measure it how do we observe it
Starting point is 01:23:01 they're nuts. Tommy's advice. This is some brilliant advice from the Talking Elite Fitness podcast. Tommy said, Eric should hire a CEO that almost everybody likes that's super successful. Tommy Johnson. Tommy. Tommy Marquez. Tomas Marquez.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Yeah, he should. He should Tommy. That's fuck dude. You're fucking what book did you read that out of? It's a tough existence to hold hate and contempt in your heart for so long. Well, thank you. Who are they talking about? Why can't you guys say my name? John and Tommy said there's a misinformation vacuum where questions need to be answered i i don't agree with them but i see what they're saying and i agree with them what basically tommy and shawnee are saying that hey people like me can come on and speculate and say the most outlandish shit because no one is saying anything from hq but but that's not true i'm not saying outlandish shit. What I'm saying is like 99% true based on a shit ton of fucking intel. I'm not doing anything that's fucking off the
Starting point is 01:24:10 reservation. You're just not used to hearing someone pursue the truth so hard and it scares the shit out of you because you fucking need every crumb and ounce of this occupation. And you have to do everything to fit into this fucking real narrow paradigm of discussion and political correctness that I freak you the fuck out. But what you are saying is true in this way i am fucking talking a lot and i'm saying a lot of shit and it's resonating with a shit ton of powerful people what was that is that a ghost i saw something slide off the shelf and and and and i and i can take all the air out of the room because no one from hq is talking and their shit they're saying is gibberish double talk so when someone says i'm not giving the dirt
Starting point is 01:24:49 you really you want to eat an orange with the peel on it go over to talking elite fitness you want to eat an orange with the peel removed come over to the sebon podcast that's the fucking difference in hq it's worse you have to eat the plastic bag that the bananas in and eat the plastic bag and the peel there's just no substance there i mean it's just fucking layers of veneer bullshit i'm not saying like like it's so easy to do this you guys because there's like you guys are fucking it up so bad okay approaching 90 minutes I can go play with my kids. So they are right. Johnny and Shawnee are right. There is a vacuum.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Oh, this is going to be good. Clive, you know how I like you? I don't even read your shit before I put it up. I just know. It's not vetted. Hey, he's an angry redheaded man, this Clive. If Dave gets his job back, he must have hired a private investigator who has dug up a photo of rosa and blackface at a fraternity party so i could do that oh that's so 2020 blackface is back that means that you're cool now
Starting point is 01:25:56 look at trudeau the fight isn't that canadian dude the blackface gangster yeah that was hey but clive you are close i'm gonna tell you something you're the warmest anyone's been and you're not that warm but you're but but but you smell something and you smell it correctly this guy was pushed out because – and you make the list. He was pushed out because he fired Dave. Huge brand mistake. He's pushed out because he didn't meet the fucking requirements that he promised on turning the company around. He's pushed out because – I'm making these things up.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Why was he pushed out? But you now, you're on to something. It's fascinating to me. In my notes here, I can't remember what I'm referencing, but I say at 32 minutes, Tommy and Johnny explain how CrossFit is fucked, even though they spend the first 32 minutes saying that people should think realistically, and they somehow turn that into hate and resentment. I don't know what I'm saying there, but… They nominate Chuck and Nicole as CEO after saying they would never fucking go back. We should never go back to the old way. Dude, those are the fucking old way. And Nicole is there longer than fucking dave she's a fucking she's a dinosaur she's prehistoric she knows everything fucking greg knows she speaks as good as fucking anybody on the subject
Starting point is 01:27:42 and by the way when you want someone forward facing you better be very careful saying who you choose because you get someone like fucking rosa who's forward-facing and talking he just put his foot in his mouth like everything he said eroded at the soul of fucking crossfit at least if you're going to take on people like um a monster energy drink and no bull and thorn like have someone who can speak about it you know in a way that doesn't uh make it doesn't make you jump on a sword by that i mean dave even acknowledged on his instagram hey i'm 100 believe that i'm adding eating added sugar is bad for you um these monster energy drinks that we that that you know and and i and he said and i don't drink monster energy drink but they have a huge line of non-sugary drinks
Starting point is 01:28:28 like dude that's fucking called honesty yeah hey guys we're hurting for money here's our new sponsor we know how this kind of looks but they are changing their products there's less sugar in it stay away from sugar oh i thought you were saying we're hurting for money but please throw five dollars like clive did in our comments that's right i thought you were saying we're hurting for money. Please throw $5 like Clive did in our comments. That's where I thought you were going. Please donate $5 to the NFT. Speaking of hate and contempt, how much do you guys hate Dave? I'm just curious.
Starting point is 01:28:59 You can answer in the comments, Tommy and Shani. The video is so confused. They can't decide if they want to hate on me or do Weinstein's bidding. They're so fucking confused. The piece is all over the fucking place. Well, Sevan, your pieces are all over the place. Yeah, that's correct. I didn't say they weren't. You guys should stick to games talk.
Starting point is 01:29:23 you guys should stick to games talk and even there you guys are fucking try to do the politically correct thing Laura Horvat seems to be challenged in this workout her handstand pushups seem to have faded no no it's man this bitch ain't learned shit yet it's been three fucking years and the only thing stopping her from winning the CrossFit Games is handstand pushups seem to have faded. No, no, it's man. This bitch ain't learned shit yet. It's been three fucking years. And the only thing stopping her from winning the CrossFit games is handstand pushups.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Goofballs. Sorry, not goofballs. I will not tolerate the calm down thing. Every time you guys mentioned that you and the Richie's of the world and whoever, like the knuckleheads are like, calm down. Everything's okay. I will not tolerate that. I will invoke the fucking affiliates, the 10,000 of them.
Starting point is 01:30:16 I will invoke the moms and dads out there who have spent every cent that they have to fucking run a business because they believe in the fucking truth and they want to help people. That's why people open affiliates, the vast fucking majority of them. They want to fucking help people. Craig Howard talks about it when the Khaleesi's interviewing them. They want to fucking help people. And so when you have the fucking leadership at the top fucking shaking and rattling and not protecting the brand and not doing what's right, those people's lives are fucking in jeopardy and those kids are going to eat shit that night at dinner
Starting point is 01:30:46 and they're going to get yelled at their parents because their parents are stressed out. Meanwhile, you can say from your Talking Elite Fitness podcast, calm down, everything's okay, don't do doomsday. You're conflating issues. That's not what we're fucking talking about here. You're making people's lives harder and you're fucking telling them to calm down
Starting point is 01:31:05 just add some just be cool just be realistic do both hey guys we're going to get through this but this is the situation or do you not even see that do you not even care because you're just focused on making sure you get the next games contract to commentate i think it might be those self-interest again and then also also too, if there was that, they would kind of be on the same page as this podcast. And I don't know if, I don't know if they could stomach that. We got five bucks, Bruce Wayne. Thank you. Oh, thanks Bruce. I was just, I even put a note in here that um it's funny uh i i did think that um the memes guy did look good and and craig uh howard did
Starting point is 01:31:54 look good in that podcast they look they were more attractive than lefranco and emily beers and i think that they're probably 20 years older and you're just saying aesthetically right yeah just like like yeah like if yeah like if i had a picture i'd rather have a picture of the memes guy on my wall in my living room than emily beers or the franco don't you think it was interesting that maureen chalkup had that had him on yeah i don't like like craig howard made total sense to me right and suza every good podcast needs a bank of america teller representing the people speak of america tellers is that is that true no i he's he's no i'm just taking just because
Starting point is 01:32:33 he likes to brag that he's like a vp of some bank or something he likes to brag about that shit like like people send me screenshots of dms they have with them all the time and he likes to always flex to that like you know i have 400 000 followers that's why i always bring that up he loves flexing he loves like telling like um i have corporate experience i was a bank of america and they put him in chairman of the board and that means it's a step up in the position i not only know that because someone at my teller the other day told me i just think i just think it's usually that's quickly followed but crossfit's not really going the corporate path. At least I hope it does it in entirety.
Starting point is 01:33:07 But you guys also don't understand the corporate structure of what's happening here. It's kind of like that. Eric Rosa is not picking a CEO. He ain't picking shit. He'd pick his kids up from school in his free time. That was a good one. See, thank you thank you you know you could still be nice uh so tommy and shawnee uh just to reiterate i don't have a problem with corporations you're conflating the problem i'm just saying that what the corporations are uh ones that have uh you know not privately owned corporations but corporations like i don't
Starting point is 01:33:46 know is that an oxymoron um basically anytime there's venture capital money that something's gone public they have a fiduciary duty to make money at any cost that becomes the number one thing like just like your number one thing should be to breathe and they their agenda is to make money that's not what crossFit's agenda was before. That's why, I mean, so many people don't know what CrossFit is. It's really, really difficult to get your head wrapped around. If you guys would have spent more time listening to Greg instead of hiding in your little corner there at HQ hating on him, you'd know. I mean, the conversations that we've had in private, I just wish some of those ideas that
Starting point is 01:34:23 you had, you were able to deploy over those years because man there were some good ones as far as media and different avenues that you guys could i'm game that stuff i'm game i'm game wouldn't that be a trip if i worked at hq how did you get a job there i just fucking hated on them for a year they're like all right screw it we get it come on in or it'd be one of those well if you think you could do it so we'll do it and be like yes all right let's go get it save the affiliates oh darn it i might be done well you reached your 90 minutes so thank you i feel like i missed it i feel like i missed the page do you like it when i do that i do
Starting point is 01:35:17 uh i haven't read rosa was in over his head was threatened by Dave. He was failing and cried for sympathy about being depressed. He was trying to deflect. Then he fired the guy that probably called him out. Um, it's interesting. I think that there are some, there's some truth to that. He definitely was in over his head. Um, the thing is Dave really is, uh, Greg Glassman gets a ton of fucking credit for managing Dave, a ton of credit for managing Dave. A ton of credit for managing Dave.
Starting point is 01:35:47 He is not easy to manage. It's the same thing, but that's not a bad thing. It's the same thing with – they have weed whackers and they have different kinds. And if you're a fucking hardcore weed whacker, you get really strong and strong forearms and your back strong, and you can get the fucking gas-powered one after. But you really shouldn't start with that one. You should get the little fucking electric one that's plugged in. It's like that. He's just – if you want to be a samurai, you probably don't start with a four-foot sword that's sharp enough that if it touches you, it fucking cuts off a finger.
Starting point is 01:36:23 You have to start – and he's like world-class talent you have to fucking understand that a lot of those seals are there's so much fucking there and uh if you don't know how to wield it and so and so you could throw it away thinking it's garbage or just be afraid of it and not want to play it in and turn it on yeah and he really really oh man Jim, you fucking ruining my fucking story. No more gas weed whackers. Fine. Whatever. Not in your country of California.
Starting point is 01:36:56 Boom. Well played, Jim. So, so why haven't you had Dave on since he was fired that? Hey, another great question ask yourself that that's another great question if tommy and shawnee knew how to ask more great questions they would they would get to the truth the quality of your questions determine the quality of your life oh that's nice suza, Sousa. That is a great question. And I don't care if it's serious or not,
Starting point is 01:37:28 Mr. Handsome Mohawk Bearded Guy. That is a handsome man. Martin Luther King, 5240. You cannot be serious, but I'm telling you it's... Oh, thank you. Someone just texted me, Shawnee, that's actually pretty good. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:37:45 My gosh. I sit down last night i'm like how can i offend him the most i'll call him shawnee it's all that contempt and hate in your heart i was just writing so fast and taking so many notes that it just i was like in my brain i just started hearing it is like shatami shatami i'm like i can't make them one person I would make him just Shawnee and Tommy it just sounds better just like comes would slip out of my mouth faster why why why haven't I had Dave on the show why haven't I had Greg on the show how do I know this stuff what the fuck is going on why was Rosa pushed out why did Rosa step down?
Starting point is 01:38:25 How about just go there? How about really dig into that? Why did Rosa step down? It's part of the plan, Sevan. It was part of the plan. What plan? What plan are you talking about? So he had the plan, and then he accelerated the plan.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Ah, okay. He accelerated the plan. Ah, okay. And then we're not going back to old CrossFit people, but we hope Nicole and Chuck Carswell step up. It's not a corporation, but we don't understand corporate structure and how these things work. So you got to see once we really – Did he get a promotion? Is that why he's chairman of the board yeah he stepped down but he was promoted so you gotta see he's not forward-facing and in charge
Starting point is 01:39:15 but he's all in charge you have to hear i love this too at one point shawnee said that uh that um um my text messages are going nuts i gotta stop looking at them um uh at one point shawnee said that eric owned the company i was just it's masturbatory material i can't tell you how excited it gets me when I hear that shit. I'm like, this is like, you know when someone throws a water balloon at you and you catch it? Yeah, I was like that. I was like, oh, fuck. You're fucked. It's funny because everything.
Starting point is 01:40:00 Hey, that was good. That's like one of my best ones ever. I'm going to use that again. It was funny because everything I had said there was actual things that were said you could just caleb you could just go ahead and clip that we could just sum that whole thing up and that was really good that was the whole media that was very very good that was that you nailed it okay so uh i don't even remember what the title of this was. Why was Eric? We don't know. We don't know. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:40:27 We don't know. But if you want deep insight, go over to Morning Chaka. God, they fucking referenced the Morning Chaka article so many times, but then wouldn't say what was so great about it. It was really great what LeFranco did over there. Is that what Weinstein told us to say? I love that. An hour and 48. Why was it was a pirate okay we don't know and good night thank you uh i'll get off now i will get off now okay um my so in summation i want to tell you this guy was pushed out the people over there are are very
Starting point is 01:41:04 happy there there's a lot of they're anxious they don't know exactly what their next move is going to be um you've heard my advice i i said it before shawnee and tommy did that they should utilize nicole in some role um to bring her forefront they got to get the media team they got to get rid of all the dei shit and all anywhere they're wasting money and actually have to put that shit into action they have to start making videos and content that that's that's the way out of this mess to just push forward with a regular steady stream of high quality media showing what that they're doing what the affiliates are doing um use nicole to talk the smart talk about um constantly very
Starting point is 01:41:38 functional fit uh functional movement executed at high intensity to talk about the diet and, um, to just, just, and then bring Dave back. If you can, um, get, get Justin and the fuck out of there, get Dave back to run the games or some, find some other fucking seal, find someone like who, who we, we, uh, respect as being just a fucking savage. And, um, and that's it. And you're in your back on your feet. Uh, but, but Rosa has been pushed out. He's been pushed out because he was fucking up because it's really, really bad. Uh, people didn't like him. He wasn't leading. He was making bad decisions. And if you want to believe that he's depressed too, I mean, sure. Uh, what's on the line here is nothing. It has nothing to do with games. Athletes has nothing to do with like corporate or not corporate. It has to do with the fucking people who own these small businesses around the world. That's all that we should care about. Fuck the games athletes.
Starting point is 01:42:31 All that matters is that these businesses survive. And it's for two reasons, because these businesses, people started them with all of their passion and all of their heart. And they did it for the right reason. The vast majority of them, I swear to you, it's true.
Starting point is 01:42:45 And now they're in deep and they're doing fucking, I don't want to say it's God's work, but they're trying to fucking help people and heal people in a time when people are really, really sick mentally, physically, emotionally. And so, and so that this thing had that's the part that has to fucking move forward in whatever way um and and by any means possible and so and so and then from there the fruit from the trees will be the games but if we fucking let the banana tree die like the athletes are the bananas and like yeah we love bananas but like fuck them if the tree is dying the tree has to live okay love you guys hope you had fun i hope i entertained you uh and i will keep you posted and remember if you've been naughty you said anything bad about me 100 100 burpees

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