The Sevan Podcast - #302 - Raw Meat Experiment

Episode Date: February 16, 2022

Meet the man behind the instagram page @rawmeatexperiment. He has been eating raw meat outside of Whole Foods for the past 97 days and has amassed a 100k+ following on instagram doing this. John is a... instagram phenom, running multiple accounts besides this one with millions of followers. He is a meme maker and an all around good guy that cares about his health and wellness. follow @rawmeatexperiment: "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we're live. This is the makeup for the 35 seconds I was late yesterday. morning good morning how are we doing good um there is a little bit of a hum i wonder what that is um is there an ac on no it's pretty quiet here all right fuck it maybe it's me hey is that uh i'm going to put put an at in front of your name. Is that cool?
Starting point is 00:01:28 Yeah, perfect. Okay. I mean, there's censorship going on everywhere. So this is just a little small, tiny bit. When you went on the Mark Bell podcast, were you not even using your first name? No, I didn't use any name. And then now you are rolling with a name, right? I tell people, John, if they ask. Yeah. John. And is that your real name? Or is that just like, that's like John Smith. That's
Starting point is 00:01:53 just like, it's real. Okay. All right. Are you Jewish? I'm not. Oh, um, because you have a lot of traits. I'm extremely racist. Um, no, I'm extremely prejudiced. Um, I have a lot of traits i'm extremely racist um no i'm extremely prejudiced um i make a lot of presuppositions about people and when i see someone who's excelling like you i think jewish yeah i think i think it's the shock factor that's pushing me but i'm pretty sure they're gonna kick me off soon enough dude it is it's so funny you say that about the shock factor it is not the shock factor i listen to the mark bell podcast you are uh what's what's it called when someone um is uh you're you're way greater than what you present yourself your knowledge about meat and food and digestion and health and the way you treat your body like an experiment is commendable, especially in this time and age of an era when people are treating themselves horribly is beyond commendable.
Starting point is 00:02:53 I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. I'm usually not this harsh about it, but we're all just mirrors here. There is no one here. There's only five, six, seven of us reflecting off of each other, making this fucking chaos. And so when each one of us shows incredible discipline and holds the standard really, really high, we reflect something greater to other people. I'll give you an example. I'm not necessarily just speaking to you, John, I'm speaking to the audience, but my audience knows this. If I light up a cigarette, I'm telling everyone around me that smoking is okay and that they should mirror me and they should start smoking and so when someone like you quits alcohol quits um caffeine
Starting point is 00:03:30 and quit smoking weed and pursues something to try to better themselves even if you didn't couch it as bettering yourself like dude there's no greater contribution to humanity it's like fucking you invent inventing the light bulb but just as your own i mean i love it you feel and but you don't exude any of that and then on top of that you're on the markville podcast and we find out that you're fucking um i think uh sema said it and i'm so glad i listened to that podcast those guys are great uh sema said um uh you're you're a instagram warlord so i quickly changed the title of my podcast, Instagram warlord, because that's even more fascinating to me than the meat shit. Yeah, I've definitely, I have some energy that I like to get out on the internet. And before I was just doing it in funny memes, but like a lot of them were the memes that catch on
Starting point is 00:04:17 are about like drinking and smoking and shit like that. So once I got rid of those things, I kind of took a break from Instagram. I was off it for like six months, not really posting. And, uh, I just got so deep into the nutrition shit. I was like, you know what, this is something that's actually positive that I'm going to spend my time doing. And even if like, you did think that that's awesome. That makes me like you even more. That's awesome. Yeah. Like like the followers they're just like i'm not telling anyone they have to eat raw meat but it gets like hundreds of other health ideas that i have come across and i'm just kind of sharing them to a large audience which is what i wanted to do and and you're not doing this blindly when mark
Starting point is 00:05:00 and sema were asking you questions you were answering them i mean you you have you have insights you know the history. You've clearly been obsessed with all the liver kings, the Paul Saladinos. You're consuming their content. You're watching what people are doing. Yeah, I've gone deep into all of them. This is – man, usually we have someone on the back end here. This is how I knew I liked you right here let me see if
Starting point is 00:05:27 i can share this if i know what i'm doing here this is on his instagram hey mom i'm on the news in thailand there's video of me chugging slonkers and facing ground beef are you doing this for health are you risking your life for a meme yes god i love that yeah that's one of my better posts on the page is that real is that real no it's not oh darn it my mom totally supports it she's like he's he's smart enough i don't think he would do something dumb um i i brought some ground beef with me today Oh, hell yeah I'm hoping you would eat it But you're not here to eat it And that only leaves me
Starting point is 00:06:08 That does leave you I could go grab some from my fridge Have you had your ground beef today? Not yet, since it's so early I got a liver and milk smoothie right here Oh, I want to start doing that too Where do you get your liver at? You said that Amish farm?
Starting point is 00:06:26 Yeah, usually. You can just download the Instacart app and you can search liver and see what grocery stores around you have it. Because Whole Foods and Sprouts and there's a few stores here that have it. This Amish farm that you order your food from, can anyone order their food from there? Yeah. Shipping is, shipping might be a little steep in LA. There's like a group shipment that I get it from, but they're called Miller's Organic Farm.
Starting point is 00:06:54 They have the best food that I know of. Other people that I've learned eating raw foods from have all used them too and promoted them before. So they have like the best raw milk, the best raw cheeses. People eat their chicken and pork. Like they're not fed corn and soy. Just some seriously healthy animals. And like they're living like hundreds of years
Starting point is 00:07:15 before they dumped chemicals on everything and tried to kill everyone. You think they tried? I think currently it's debatable. Yeah, I know. It's debatable. Yeah. I know. It's funny that you say that because part of me is like, they're not fucking trying. They're just stupid and trying to make money.
Starting point is 00:07:31 But there becomes a point where it's, it's, it's, I guess maybe it's almost irrelevant, like how you couch it. Cause it's so obvious. It's, it's so, it's, it's so clear what's happening. Yeah. it because it's so obvious what it's it's so it's so clear what's happening yeah and i used to be obsessed with studying history and there there's many times in history where the rich people are not eating the same things as the poor people and food is used as a weapon like all of the time so it's something that's possible you know it's not like a definite extermination of everybody, but
Starting point is 00:08:06 people are definitely unhealthy. That's true. You know, I had Ed Calderon on yesterday. I don't know if you know who he is, but he's, he's a, he's a bit of a expert in Mexico. And I forgot to ask him this stat, but I had heard that, um, 55% of all the calories, the average person in Mexico gets 55% of their calories from a soda pop. I heard there's a big Coca-Cola addiction down there. I mean, that's not, I mean, I think the United States is probably like at 42% or some shit. It's really, really astonishing, some astonishing numbers. I know we got like 30% of all of our calories from seed oils, like canola oil and soybean oil.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah. And a hundred years ago ago that number was zero so i know you said something on marco's podcast i think you were off by a factor of 10 you said that a lot of the health diseases we have now 100 years ago they've increased a thousand percent from 100 years ago i think it's 10 000 i i i seriously don't think that i seriously don't think 100 or 200 years ago, there was any of this stuff. And I don't know how old you are. How old are you? 33.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Okay. So when you were born, there were no fat people in California. When I mean no fat people, when I, I'm 49, I was way into the Guinness Book of World Records. And when I would go out, if I saw someone who was 300 pounds, I be just amazed i wanted to talk to them i wanted to know if they were close to breaking the world record for the fattest person all this shit right now i leave the house and the vast majority of people are closer to 300 than they are 200 and i live in one of the fittest cities in the world santa cruz california and so like i know something has happened yeah it was not like this at all in at all in the 70s and 80s yeah when you look through old pictures you can't find like many obese people there's definitely something something
Starting point is 00:09:50 wrong and the funny thing is they always tell you it's genetic but like no like if it didn't used to happen all those videos there's this there's this guy on um on instagram i don't know why if i i judge people for following people who irritate them but this guy just irritates me so much but i still follow him i think maybe it's because i respect him as being smart but it's um he just bought a house and he's still like on the beach and he still drives a honda civic i appreciate that bio lane or something do you know what i'm talking about yeah he just wants to go to war with everyone. Like if there are some things that it doesn't matter necessarily if they're a hundred percent true, if the spirit of it's true, it's good enough.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Like sugar is bad for you. Some people are like, no, no, no. In small quantities, it's fine. There wasn't cancer before there was processed sugar. Like there was not. Wasn't cancer before there was processed sugar. Like there was not. Yeah. That guy, people, people send me his page.
Starting point is 00:10:50 He's definitely going to come at me someday. Cause he just goes after everybody. But yeah, he's so, he's so aggro. I hope, I hope it's just a front, like, like my front.
Starting point is 00:10:58 And then when he turns off his social media, he's like, ah, yeah, I looked at his page and it was like diet. So it was not bad for you i was like gonna disagree with this man but i'm sure he's making plenty of money on supplements he sells like carrot cakes to bodybuilders or something i don't even know yeah i i i appreciate his
Starting point is 00:11:18 diligence and i think he thinks he's telling the truth and so in that regard i respect him but but he does there's another guy in england who's the same too i'm trying to remember his name they're both so fucking aggro man they're aggro maybe i'm just intimidated by them so i'm building up a wall against them yeah it could be i know i know i figured like the bigger my page gets like the more people are going to come after me in the future and he seems like one that would um the good news is and i know you'll appreciate this every time someone comes after me it puts on a shitload of followers yeah i actually enjoy it too when i went to do the mark bell podcast i was like these these dudes are probably just gonna make fun of me for doing
Starting point is 00:11:55 this shit but i was like that's just as good it's equally equally funny to my followers um he uh yeah mark bell's a good dude. He's trippy. He's trippy as fuck. I think he's trippier than me. I need a co-host like he has. Seema makes him seem a little more normal. I need a co-host that's going to make me seem normal.
Starting point is 00:12:19 So when I was a kid, I'm Armenian, and when I was a kid, I ate a shit ton of raw meat. A shit ton. And what my grandma would do is she would – and I heard you talk about this on Mark Bell's podcast. You went into a Lebanese store? Yeah. And what did you see? They had raw kibbeh right there on the menu. What did you call it?
Starting point is 00:12:37 Raw kibbeh? Yeah. I wonder if that's the same thing and we just pronounce it differently. It was just a bowl of raw ground beef with like some oil on top. Yeah. So my grandmother would take this and she would mix it with I think a lot of lemon oil – lemon juice. And maybe this defeats the whole purpose. We'll get into this.
Starting point is 00:13:00 But I think she would mix it with bulgur, which is like whole wheat, and parsley and onion. And I think she would just beat the shit out of it with her hands and then she would lay it on a plate flat and then she would drag a fork through it and then you would sprinkle red pepper and pour oil on it yeah that's pretty much exactly what they had at the lebanese shops around here this doesn't smell like anything no beef raw ground beef it's not a strong flavor at all it's kind of just like almost tastes like nothing can i just take a bite of this yeah for sure it said it was organic yeah you can and and and um does it matter how if i just were to just go like that's just that's not really doing it right i have like, take a bite out of it like it's a banana, a big bite? Yeah, just for the humor of it.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Oh, no. Here we go. Here we go. I've never done this. But I saw that Mark Bell, so I was riding the assault bike last night watching the podcast, and I saw they ate, like, a steak. Yeah, they ate a whole ass ribeye. So I went to my refrigerator and i saw this and i was like all right fuck uh and i'm kind of cheating because i've done this before as a kid i
Starting point is 00:14:14 mean this was my favorite meal yeah that's it's the same thing it's just without all the added flavors i'm telling me this is this better than eating is this better for me eating this savon you put meat in your mouth all the time hold on a second the fucking comments these motherfuckers so is your mom okay so um is this better for me to eat it raw like look when i cook this there's stuff that happens to it like i lose like nutrients leave it and something happens to this fat that makes to eat it raw? When I cook this, there's stuff that happens to it. Nutrients leave it and something happens to this fat that makes it so it's bad for me, right? Or not as good as if I eat it like this?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Yeah, I think the nutrition of red meat is pretty high up there. It's one of the best foods for human beings. And heat, just scientifically, people just know that heat kills some of the nutrition. All the enzymes that help you digest it are killed, the proteins. So basically, if you cook ground beef until it's just like burnt to shit, like I think you get some protein and it fills you up. But I think like all of the nutrients that the earth has put into it are kind of gone. So I think eating it raw is like how nature intended. I read there was one study some like scientists did. I forget who it was, but they put a frog in like a vat of the acid that's in your stomach.
Starting point is 00:15:42 They put one cooked one and one raw one. of the acid that's in your stomach, they put one cooked one and one raw one. And the raw one dissolved like perfectly really quickly because the enzymes inside of it were not destroyed and they break it down. But the cooked one just sat there like the outside edges got eaten by the hydrochloric acid, but the rest of it just didn't at all. Wait, they put dead frogs in in human stomach acid yeah in a in a lab and it just shows that like the enzymes in food that like all food has enzymes in it and they help digest the food like they break it down themselves when you heat them they're all killed so it just like if you eat like a burnt if you burn the ground beef and eat a pound of it like it's gonna sit in your stomach for a while but if you eat it raw like the
Starting point is 00:16:31 shit just goes right through you don't even you never even feel full like i can eat a whole pound and just move on with my day and like you don't even feel anything oh uh this is the most meat savannah's had in his hands in a long time. You guys are mean this morning. So glad I don't cook my frogs. Okay, fair, fair. Is this guest just a dude that eats raw meat on his Insta? No, he's not just that. He's not just that.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That is a component of him. He also can juggle i bet can you juggle i tried yesterday but i couldn't do it for very long no come on hang tight guys hang tight fucking hostile motherfuckers okay here we go the commenters are always hostile it's good oh this is like nothing. It's pretty good. Yeah. Wow. I've been eating. I eat literally like one pound of raw ground beef every single day. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:34 This is crazy. This is nothing. It's kind of good, right? People are like, that's disgusting. How do you not throw up? It's like the texture is not making me nauseous yeah but it but it is um wow it's not something i'm used to and now i can smell it for sure yeah i said it on another podcast it's like as if a giant bird chewed up a cow and then threw it up into your mouth
Starting point is 00:18:01 i'm gonna i'm to go with another image. All right, yeah. How about... Although I like giant birds. I like giant birds. It's just eating pre-chewed cow is kind of fucked up, but it's extremely easy. Why?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Would you look down on... Would you frown upon me if I... So do you exercise? Yeah, a little if I – do you exercise? Yeah, a little bit. What do you do? I just do like 20 minutes of calisthenics every day and run a mile in the morning. That's it. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I'm not heavy into weightlifting. But you get sweating like a mofo. Yeah, I get sweating. I get my heart rate up. Where do you get your salt from? Do you eat salt? I just feel like there's enough sodium in the foods I'm eating, maybe. But sometimes I eat cooked food with my girlfriend and we'll add salt and pepper.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Look at him. He's bragging. He says he has a girlfriend. Who believes it? Who believes it? Raw meat guy. Sometimes I eat cooked shit with my girlfriend. Yeah, if I was alone, I'd probably be eating more raw, but it's hard to do when you're with people.
Starting point is 00:19:15 You're about 50% raw still? Is that right? I'd say I upped it to like 75% now. Okay. Yeah. And how many days have you been doing this experiment? I think today's going to be 97. Wow. Congratulations. Is there, um, a goal? Not really. I think a year would be good for like the public Instagram shit, but like,
Starting point is 00:19:39 I think it's just going to be part of my diet forever unless I get sick and get scared of it. Um, you guys, I want guys i want to tell you this really quick before you um misunderstand what's going on here you judgmental fucks um this guy is not just some guy who started this raw meat account and just to get um followers and eat raw meat he's doing that's what he does already he's built several accounts to over a million followers. That's accurate, correct? I think I went to one of the accounts yesterday. It has 2.7 million followers. He is a – he's not just doing this for – I don't know if he ran to the doctor first, but this this is what all human beings should be doing. Something's wrong with you.
Starting point is 00:20:33 You miss your period. You have acne. Someone some idiot diagnosed you with fucking some disease that's fucking made up. You should take control of your own life. And that's what this guy does but he happens to also be a bit of a social media um guru not a bit he is and so then on top of that he's doing this and sharing this with the world and i can even see as the memes slide into you i mean he can't resist he's like a drug addict instead of heroin he's into memes he just cannot resist
Starting point is 00:21:02 letting them leak onto his raw meat page. Yeah. What? It's really, it's a really bad addiction. And I want to get into that too in a second. So why did, tell me about why you started the raw meat diet. What was the point of it? Besides getting followers, the real reason.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Yeah. So the long, long, shortish story, just a long time ago, I got into health shit because I just felt like shit all the time. And if you go on Netflix or whatever, like you're just going to find vegan documentaries. So I fell into the vegan stuff. I watched it like every time I looked for health advice, it was vegan people on YouTube. So I ate pretty much all plants. Like I ate as much plants as I possibly could. I added all these superfoods. I was always researching new superfoods and supplements and pills, trying to see which one would make me feel normal. I did that for a very long time. I mean, I still ate meat during that time, like when I was out at restaurants and shit, because I didn't
Starting point is 00:22:00 want to be annoying. But when I grocery shopped, all I bought was plant foods. So eventually I just still felt like shit. I quit. I quit alcohol. I quit nicotine. I quit caffeine, every drug. I got off every drug because I thought it was annoying being addicted to shit. Yes. It felt terrible. I was like, damn, I thought I felt like shit because I was doing drugs, but I feel like shit because something's wrong. So six months after that, a friend suggested that meat was actually healthy
Starting point is 00:22:34 and I was like, that sounds dumb as fuck. How could meat be healthy? They tell you it's not. Good response. That's a good first response. Yeah, so I started watching the shit. You watch it angrily like these people are wrong and then eventually you start white supremacist for sure for sure white supremacist yes and then eventually you're like okay i'll try it so i got i just went extreme and like found all the carnivore people like saladino and all them and i just listened to hundreds of
Starting point is 00:23:02 podcasts read like dozens of books anything on like nutrition Weston Price like all the old like meat animal people like human beings need animal foods to be healthy and carbs are not carbs technically but like grains are shitty for me every time I eat grains like I get like back pain and shit so I just cut out grains and added a shitload of meat. I was eating like cooked steak and eggs, all that. I saw some, I got into raw milk next. And I was like, what's the difference between raw and pasteurized? I read a bunch of books on what heating milk to 160 degrees does. And it kills all of the enzymes that help you digest it. It kills all of the bacteria, which is actually good. Like they always say bacteria is bad, but then they're like yogurt has billions of bacteria,
Starting point is 00:23:48 but that's good. So it's like, you don't know which ones are good and bad. Like nobody, people drank raw milk for 10,000 years. And all of a sudden, a hundred years ago, people got sick because they were feeding the cows garbage like in New York city. So a couple of people got sick and now they cook it all and make it kind of a useless food and I was like if that's and I saw people eating raw liver too like saladino and shit I was like so they're not cooking their organs which is the most nutrient-dense food on the planet because cooking it kills some of it and the same thing happens with raw milk like why wouldn't the same thing be true for all animal foods? And I just think animal foods are the healthiest foods for humans
Starting point is 00:24:29 and raw just improves the nutrients. Keeps it, keeps it maybe how it's supposed to be. Like every other animal in the world eats everything raw and they don't take supplements and they're not on drugs. So I think like if we are created by nature or whatever the fuck created us, like you're supposed to be able to get everything you need from food and just move along with your day. Like we're not supposed to be worrying about vitamins and supplements and all of these different scams of people making money and everyone's still getting their health is still declining
Starting point is 00:25:05 pretty much they're susceptible to the common cold yeah so scared that they triple mask and let companies like pfizer inject them with drugs yeah so that's that's basically fucking knuckleheads i feel like shit's supposed to be simple and like eating a brick of ground beef raw and then moving along with your day is as simple as i can get um does any does the state of the world in any way um uh did that did that help push you in this direction also like fuck i i have to do my part or i do not want to go down i don't i don't trust all these other fucking idiots. I might as well expand my experimentation. Yeah, for sure. I think the state of the world, globally, we seem to be moving towards a global prison. And who cares? Fuck it.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I'll take my chance and do something funny. I think, I don't know, there's a lot of people trying to make meat illegal. Like schools are every day. There's a new school in the news that's becoming like plant-based. So like the kids aren't even like they're being told not to even bring meat to school. That really in public schools, that's going on. Yeah. That just happened in New York.
Starting point is 00:26:20 And I forgot, he's like the mayor or something. He keeps talking about how he's plant-based, but he goes to some restaurant and eats fish every night. It's like, maybe not every night, but he's like, people in the audience were like, but don't you eat fish? He's like, it doesn't matter what I eat. I'm plant-based. So yeah, it's like he's eating fish.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Oh my goodness. Telling the kids that they can't have meat in school. So I don't know. People, I don't think like veganism is bad people. I think it's like. No, I think it's good to experiment. If you've never been vegan, someone should give it a shot. I was vegan for a while.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yeah. One time in college, there was a summer where I only ate um stuff that i like it was like i think i almost made it three months stuff that i only picked off of trees in santa barbara california damn yeah that's cool yeah it was cool yeah i like experimenting too i just yeah but i feel like there's like a huge anti-meat thing so i'm i'm just promoting meat i'm promoting like i'm not promoting factory farms. Like I'm keeping that stance from my plant-based days of anti-factory farms. Like eat the meat you can afford, whatever.
Starting point is 00:27:33 But I'm promoting farms that are like doing shit in a clean way that's healthy, like grass-fed cows and shit like that. What do you think about other creatures dying for your survival? You know, people will be like, well, it says in the Bible that we have dominion over blah, blah, blah. I'm like, well, shit, I'm just going to write down over here on this piece of paper that all women on the planet must love Sevan. Oh, shit. I mean, I don't buy like because it said in the book that you believe. Yeah. But I do.
Starting point is 00:27:59 But I do. If you know, like if I go to if I go, well, I'll tell you this. I watched that PETA many years ago. I went to the PETA or PETA website. It's like the vegan don't hurt animal one. And I forced – and I eat a lot of meat. So I forced myself to watch that. I felt like it was a good balance, and I stopped eating meat for like two weeks.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And it took me – I had to stop the film three times to, uh, to get through it. Cause I was bawling. It was so fucking hard to watch. Um, do you, do you feel sad? Like if you went fishing and you pull the fish out of the water and you see he's having trouble breathing, does, and you look at him in the eyes, does any of that, like, like even when I just say that, I don't like that. Yeah, it definitely gets to me too.
Starting point is 00:28:43 I haven't been hunting or fishing. Like I'm going to do those things in the future, and I'm sure it's pretty shocking at first. I honestly thought my future would be without animal products for a long time. Yeah, mine too. But yeah, I've watched all those documentaries too, and they definitely like, it's just brutal. Like the factory farm. Brutal. like it's just brutal like the factory brutal and most people become vegan because of them but it's like factory farms existed for like less than a hundred years out of like a million of people
Starting point is 00:29:12 eating animals right people can only see like these torture factories but it's like you know cows eat grass and like they drink rainwater they've existed without our help for a long time. I think, yeah, pretty much something has to die for humans to be alive. And whether you're eating animals, you can try to eat it in the cleanest way possible, like grass fed cows. Or if you're eating plants, like if someone's growing lettuce for you, like there's somebody out there shooting bunnies and spraying pesticides that are killing every bug, killing birds. Like there's, there's videos on YouTube of like wheat farms, like all these different farms. And they just have videos of people shooting animals all day.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Like people. You mean to keep them out of the fields and shit like birds and gophers and prairie dogs and just blasting everything. Yeah. Yeah. And they spray billions of pounds of pesticides. All those pesticides go into the rivers and kill all the fish. It's like, you can't, you can't get out of this in a clean way.
Starting point is 00:30:11 You know? Hey, can I steal that line from you? I'm thinking about, you just inspired, I've never written a children's book, but what a great children's book to write. And the opening page is cows eat grass and drink rainwater. Like that's so poetic. That's so nice. Yeah. People don't know that cows eat grass and drink rainwater. Like that's so poetic. That's so nice. Yeah. People don't know that cows eat grass. They're like, but what about all the soy and corn that's farmed and they kill the animals growing the corn and soy. It's like, yeah, but you don't need to be a part of any of that if you don't want to.
Starting point is 00:30:40 I just, I'm eating some dead cow right now. Yeah. And that, I don't think that's grain fed. They didn't eat soy and corn. They eat grass that people can't eat in places that you can't even farm anyway. Yeah. That's really a nice, animals drink rainwater. I just love that. They drink rainwater.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Yeah. You can get water from a fucking spigot, you pig. All of us do. That's disgusting. We have a pipe come into our house and give us water? I drink rainwater. What kind of water do you drink? We drink rainwater, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:21 Fuck yeah. John, is the popularity weird you are a um inherently in your business prior to this in building accounts you've been extremely anonymous yeah you are a soft-spoken man um the world is a scary place is any part of you i'm like oh fuck i should have never shown my face we have we have a meme guy and so i i sort of live on the fringes of this community called crossfit and we have a meme guy in that community and everyone loved him and he was great and then he showed his face and now everyone fucking thinks he's a total d-bag and he's like made himself present and like everyone's just like dude you should have stayed behind the scenes
Starting point is 00:31:59 is any of that um like like how and i wonder if he does wish he would have stayed behind the scenes. I think maybe he he stuck his head up because he was like, oh, I'm going to get some of this popularity. I'm sensing that wasn't what you wanted to do, that this was a very hard decision for you. People. Yeah, people get really mad at change. So, I mean, I've had a bunch of meme pages into the millions and stuff. And if I all of a sudden popped out on one of those pages they would be like fuck you get out you've given them all of this great stuff and you show your face and they fucking like get the fuck out of here i've seen it happen to other people but i mean
Starting point is 00:32:38 since i started from day one it's just me it's just me eating outside of whole foods you know so it's like you know what you're getting when you follow it. Yeah. It doesn't really upset people. And especially, like, I use humor on the page so much that, like, I'm not telling you what to do and I'm not telling you I'm right. Like, I'm just sharing the ideas that I have. So people respect that. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Because most people in the health community, they're like, I'm right. You're wrong. You're a fucking idiot. Right. And they're just trying they're like, I'm right. You're wrong. You're a fucking idiot. Right. And they're just trying to be like, I don't know. It's like everyone gets their information from somewhere. They all pretend they didn't read it from books, and they just got a message from God. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:21 When I smoked cigarettes, the first time I smoked a Marlboro Light, I was in the back of a pickup but it's not the first time i smoked a little bit when i was little i stole some cigarettes from my parents but like the first time i really smoked i was i was really drunk and there was this girl that i liked and she smoked and we were probably like 20 years old we were going back to my um uh college apartment that my mom fucking probably worked 100 hours a week to pay for and all i was doing was drinking smoking weed and trying to bang chicks. And we were walking to my apartment and we climbed in the back of my pickup truck, which my mom's slave for to buy. And,
Starting point is 00:33:51 um, and I was laying in the back with her and she handed me a Marlboro and we smoked it. And, and I thought I was going to hook up with her. And instead I puked my fucking brains out, but don't worry. I am no pussy.
Starting point is 00:34:03 The next day I tried smoking again. I got sick. Next day I tried smoking again i got sick next day i tried smoking again next thing i know i'm a smoker same thing happened to me i loved cigarettes ah you puked the first time you smoked um i didn't puke but i got like dizzy for a while i feel like shit and smell like shit i can't wait to try it again yeah i'm gonna tell you i'm and granted like i am armenian and i have a stomach that's a fucking steel like i could eat a great white shark yeah that's eating license plates like there's nothing that can stop me i am i can eat anything um but
Starting point is 00:34:37 um i'm i haven't had raw um ground beef in i don't know, 30, 40 years. I'm 49, probably 40 years. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19-plus and physically located in Ontario.
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Starting point is 00:35:45 Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. Each bite is getting better. My first bite was a little weird. I started picturing like slugs in my mouth. Yeah, yeah. But each bite is getting better. And that fourth bite I took, this is my fifth bite, my fourth bite, I actually enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:35:59 And there was a little piece stuck in my teeth and it didn't even freak me out. Yeah, yeah. That's pretty quick. Yeah, that's cool i started eating it with a fork and hot sauce and i'm like i could do this forever yeah i feel like with hot sauce this would be great yeah it's like a cheat code um someone said how is not eating car how is staying away from wheat um explain to me how that makes your back made your back pains go away i just like i just noticed it would happen like if i would eat burritos were
Starting point is 00:36:32 my favorite food so if i eat two burritos like i usually did for dinner like i would have back pain and sometimes the back pain would be so bad for like in the office i would be like oh it's from using a damn laptop or something but if i don't need grains it just doesn't happen at all and there's um yeah i can throw up right now are you i was at barnes and noble recently and i saw a book called no grains no pain and i was like damn so this isn't just me like i think it must be inflammation like not being able to digest these grains. And they're not the same grains that existed before.
Starting point is 00:37:08 They keep genetically modifying them to be different. So the foods that are existing now are different. But yeah, I have a book called Wheat Belly. Wheat Belly explains a shitload of it. And then there's another one called Grain Brain. That's kind of like that's all sugars mainly but yeah wheat belly or no grains no pain like i think tons of people that are on pain pills could stop if they stopped eating these shitty grains that were fed um i i have so
Starting point is 00:37:39 much fucking back pain and although when i eat super duper clean, it doesn't go away a hundred percent. Ah, that's not when I first got on the carnivore diet. When I first, so I was very strict on the carnivore diet. I jumped on the, uh, uh, Paul Saladino bandwagon. I'm great dude. World owes him a ton. Um, my back pain actually did go away for two months. Now that I think about it, it was crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Yeah. My pain it's, it's 90% gone if I just eat meat, fruit and vegetables. So that's, that's crazy. And it's gotta be, do you fast? Um, I, I did intermittent fasting for a while, but I haven't been doing it lately. I think you're too young. I think if I, if I was worried about my weight, I'm like at a weight that I want to be at and I just eat whenever I'm hungry and I'm good. So if I, if I wanted to lose weight or something,
Starting point is 00:38:29 I would do it. You're 39. You said 33. Oh, I was going to say, man, you look good. You don't have any gray hairs or anything yet. I have gray hairs. I've had gray hairs for like since middle school though. Oh shit. I hear it's a copper deficiency. So'm gonna i'm gonna try daily daily liver smoothies and see if the copper helps me out and the smoothie is i think i heard you say on mark bell's two ounces of liver raw liver with um raw milk yeah pretty much sometimes i'll add eggs today i didn't the store by my house has raw milk and it tastes so much better. Yeah, liver and milk tastes amazing, I think. I didn't cook. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Yeah, I didn't like cooking liver. Sometimes I tried to just eat liver like with my hands and it's kind of, I don't know, the texture is just a little fucked up. It's so slimy, like you can't even hold it. But this is my favorite. I could do this every day forever. The raw meat guy, the guy who eats a fucking octopus leg dangling out of his mouth, says that liver is slimy. Make a note of that.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I did like what you said on Mark Bell's podcast when you said when you cooked liver, it just stunk up the whole house and fucked everything up because that's how I feel about liver too. It's a fucking nightmare. Yeah, it smells like shit. There's a guy out there. I don't want to ruin his product, but I bought his liver chips and I bought like $200 worth like a jackass and they're unedible too.
Starting point is 00:39:53 And so if anyone wants my liver chips, contact me and I'll send you all my liver chips. Like you can have my liver chips. Do you eat liver chips? I haven't tried them. He was supposed to send me some, but he forgot. They're brutal. What I do like, though, is after you buy them, you get an email that basically says,
Starting point is 00:40:13 hey, you may have not liked the first bag, but stick with it. And part of me is like, man, this is harder than smoking. Holy shit. I didn't know the marketing had to be so aggressive for them. I didn't know the marketing had to be so aggressive for them. Is there anything raw you've eaten that's like just, you're not doing, I'm not doing that again. No, I don't, I want to keep challenging myself. There's a few things I might like see and I'm kind of still scared of.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Like people keep telling me to eat cow tongue and i just i just can't find somebody that eats it raw like i'm pretty sure you can't bite into the shit unless it's cooked but you think it's too tough yeah kidney kidney is still my least favorite because it tastes like piss um but i've tried it well let's let's let, let's talk about that for a second. How do you know it tastes like piss? Well, I, I've tried it. And then, so then someone, you said, what's this horrible taste? And someone said, that's piss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Well, yeah, I, the kidney, I don't know. It has something to do with piss, but when it's really, really strong, right. It's like, it's not like it's good or bad. It's just too strong. Yeah. So the texture and flavor is pretty similar to liver. So it's like you put liver in a Tupperware and somebody pissed on it. And then you're trying to eat it covered in piss.
Starting point is 00:41:43 So it's like liver, but just work. I tried once, and I could only take five bites. I had to put it away. And then I saw it at the store again, and it was just taunting me. Yeah. I was like, you motherfucker. I'll try it again. So I did it again.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Are you a competitive person? For this, for some reason i am i'm just like i don't want to be defeated by a food that they sell in the grocery store like um when you were doing the meme accounts or when you do i know you still do meme accounts by the way you said you have a work meeting at nine i just picture you as not i I picture you as independently wealthy. You have a little Bitcoin. You have some equity in some companies. You have people pay you fucking good money to whip out a meme that you whip out when you're at the coffee shop. Oh, you don't go to coffee shops.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I used to. Man, your life kind of – do you drink tea? Do you do any caffeine? No caffeine. Okay. What kind of job do you have? Is it like a real job? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I mean, it's marketing and it's making memes, but it's a nine to five. It is a nine to five? Yeah. But you don't have to do that, do you? I mean, I make memes when they ask me to pretty much. So can you be anywhere? Yeah, anywhere. You could go to, you know.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Are you vaccinated? No. So you're like me, you don't travel? Yeah, I'm a road trip guy. I like to drive. Is this your second podcast? Yeah, it's my second. Um,
Starting point is 00:43:27 I'm not, this is not to be condescending at all. I really just, I mean, this is like, it's bro to bro. You should practice. I'm going to start doing it with my kids.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Um, and maybe you're good at this already. I was never good at it until I was in my forties. If someone asks you a question, you don't want to answer. You can just be like, I'm not answering that. That's a good idea. I like answering that. It oh you do okay okay but um back to what go ahead independently wealthy thing yeah i'm i'm
Starting point is 00:43:55 really good at making memes and like being funny and stuff but i'm not good at like business like i don't know how to like monetize a page so that's when other people have to do it for me because people are like i don't know i just i'm not good at like asking for money yeah me neither this my podcast is fucking killing it it's like 500 000 downloads a week now not great on you not okay on youtube but killing it on apple and there's a shitload of people who want to sponsor and they're like piling up but i need money yeah but i but i like as soon as i'm done with you i'm gonna go play with my kids and then i have another podcast tonight at six and i have three other guys who are just helping me volunteering will caleb and suza and they're awesome but like one of you motherfuckers needs to start collecting the money
Starting point is 00:44:45 yeah somebody needs to that's that shit yeah yeah um but will just made the bet this is the first show we'd use this backdrop do you see all these things like the assault bike and there's like a picture of me and then like some boxing gloves i think that's a steak up there he even put in there will made this it's a good looks professional as fuck yeah thanks paper street oh that's one of our new sponsors right here this fucking guy told me i'm like hey i don't even drink your coffee i drink good dude's coffee he's like i don't care i want to support you i was like wow but now i drink i exclusively drink his coffee because he sends it to me and it's free and it's in the beans look just like good dude's beans. Yeah. And they taste great.
Starting point is 00:45:30 I think especially for the raw meat page, like there's nothing to really sponsor unless it was like meat. But nobody wants to take that chance of saying you can eat their meat raw. Oh. Because, okay, so there is one of those questions too. How about all of this talk that is, what about parasites and shit like that? Like, what about all that stuff? Yeah, I think getting sick from it is more likely if you're eating, like, the low-quality factory farm shit where they're just, like, filled up with pesticides and antibiotics. And they just, like, kick them in the head and kill them or whatever they do. And the factory farms, they're all shitting on each other. like they're probably it's easier to get sick but i think have
Starting point is 00:46:10 you ever been sick in this last hundred days no i haven't got sick i think the parasites and bacteria thing it's like it just everything balances out you know like if you're eating healthy like you might have a parasite and it might just like leave because there's nothing to do they kind of like feed off of sick people like they eat dead tissue you know i think it's just a normal thing in life like if if raw meat has parasites then why isn't every animal in the wild dead from eating parasites you know i hate it once people speak logically how am i supposed to push back on that well um i haven't got sick but i I also, I'm like, whatever, I'll take the chance. It's the worst thing that happens is like I get diarrhea for two days or some shit. That's another thing people complain about that never bugs me.
Starting point is 00:46:56 If I get, like, I know people, they're like, I have diarrhea. I would never, like, what do I care if I have diarrhea? Yeah, same. I'm like, yeah, I had diarrhea, so what? It's not like I'm shitting my pants, so I had diarrhea. Yeah, I drank a shitload, so that was just like a normal part of life. When I switched to carnivore diet, I couldn't – and I have a fucking hairy – I have a hairy ass. If you looked at my ass, bare ass, it would look like – it looks like some animal got smashed between two rocks like
Starting point is 00:47:26 just like it just looks like there's an animal and like he's hiding in my ass and his back is like sticking out you know what i mean it's hairy yeah but when i switch to the carnivore diet uh when i wipe there's nothing he yeah i think there's nothing my poops came out just like little small like little rocks they just roll out yeah that's how it's supposed to be like like almost like i was a big rabbit yeah it's like when you're when you're eating meat like that's what you absorb and when you're eating plants you can't really digest them so you just shut them out everywhere like if you if you have ale shakes with nuts in it or something, you're going to be shitting hard. You're going to be farting.
Starting point is 00:48:07 People always ask me, they're like, your farts must empty the room. It's like, I don't really fart. Yeah, I stopped farting when I switched to a carnivore diet. No more farting. You only fart from plants because your body is trying to digest them like a cow. If you had four stomachs, you could probably digest them better. Plants are fine. I don't – plants are fine. I don't think they're harmful, but I don't think you're going to – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Meat is just clearly more digestible since you don't have any issues when you eat it. I – and I also do like farting. I have three little boys. I have two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old. Yeah. And I – like I've had Paul on the show a few times times and he'll be like you know vegans fart and like he says it like it's a bad thing and i always talk i'm like yo yo yo dude dude yeah don't disparage farting farting's awesome yeah i tell people the same thing i'm like i miss it yeah right right
Starting point is 00:48:58 like i don't know am i a sick fuck you're thinking it smells good who knows no that's perfectly normal you're a sick fuck for are thinking it smells good. Who knows? No. That's perfectly normal. You're a sick fuck for saying it out loud. Yeah. There's a section of thoughts you should keep over here that should never cross in front of the mouth. Yeah. I have an issue with honesty. I just say everything.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Tell me about the acne thing. You said something on the Mark Bell podcast that blew me away. And this is so important for everyone to hear, especially kids. You had acne that was so bad that you would have to throw shirts away because there would be just like the goo on it, like the pusses and the bloods and shit. Yeah, like I would wear white T-shirts from Costco and like they would get blood on them every couple of days from some shit on my back. Yeah, I used to have that on my back as a kid. I'd have to throw shirts away from just all the blood spots. It's cystic acne.
Starting point is 00:49:55 I'm not sure what exactly it's from. I don't have it right now. It's like my skin's like 90% better, I'd say, since then. And that was still happening like a year ago, like until pretty much I found Saladino and shit. But yeah, I dealt with that for like 15 years maybe. So go into that a little bit. If someone has this, I don't know what the word cystic means, but is that it? That's what your face used to look like?
Starting point is 00:50:23 Yeah, maybe not. Not like 100% as bad as some of them, but there was days where it was that bad yeah fuck and people say it could be from like pasteurized dairy dairy causes it a lot because once again they pasteurize it they cook it and kill all the enzymes that help you digest it so it just turns into like a shitty food um seed oils like canola and all of that can fuck up your skin pretty bad that's avoiding that definitely helps me but then again like if you go to sephora like every every skin product they have says retinol on it like that's the vitamin you need for your skin but it's bullshit retinol the highest form of retinol that you like that's the vitamin you need for your skin but it's bullshit retinol the highest form of retinol that you can possibly get is beef liver it's vitamin a
Starting point is 00:51:10 so it's like if you add liver and take out processed foods like your skin will be fine you i would never buy a skin product i've tried a billion of them and they're all a scam so if someone has acne and they want to get rid of it what would you tell them from from and you were you were you were professional you were a professional at um cultivating and uh acne for how many years um you're an acne you're an acne farmer middle of middle of high school till age 32 so you were 15 15 years. You were an acne farmer. Yeah. I farmed it real hard. And, and, and how did you finally eradicate it from your, uh, your fields? Way more meat, way less processed foods. And what is a processed food? Can you
Starting point is 00:51:58 give me like an example, like now and laters? Yeah, that would be it. I mean, just anything that you buy that's ready to go with a million ingredients in it. Like if you just stick to like meat, vegetables and fruit, even nuts, whatever, but, uh, yeah, processed foods. I don't know. Just like anything with a long list of ingredients, I think, cause you don't know which one's fucking you up. And when you switched to this, how long did it take before your acne went away? If I eat clean, it would just slowly go away, like over a week. It's quick.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Yeah, it's quick. I don't know. I don't get acne at all for me. The the more meat i eat the less trash i eat and that just keeps me keeps me way better like i don't know my wife was vegan and then um she got pregnant i mean i did it i mean i i was part of that i got it we we had sex and she got pregnant that's good congratulations thank you and um then we went to a restaurant and she didn't like the smell of meat she can't she was vomitous around bacon all that shit she didn't like to be in a room where it was being cooked that she her nose very sensitive and as the baby was growing inside of her we were we went to a
Starting point is 00:53:31 restaurant and she ordered a hamburger and i was just kind of like in shock and she proceeded to eat the whole hamburger like it was nothing and now it's like eight years later and i think she's almost ready to eat bacon. It's crazy. But as soon as she got pregnant, the whole fucking everything changed. That happens. And then when she, I waited until she was done. I'm like, what happened? She's like, I wanted a hamburger. I'm like, how come? She's like, fuck if I know, but damn, that was good. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yeah. It's crazy. Your body knows what it wants. Pregnancy makes it like, they say you have all these cravings when you're pregnant, but that's just supposed to be what you're eating anyway, I think. Yeah, but your body didn't know what it didn't want. You kept eating Sour Patch Kids and Doritos and fucked up shit. Yeah. Thinking it was good, right? Yeah. But really all along, you would have like, was it hard quitting that stuff, by the way? I mean, having acne must suck. It must like, is it like every time you leave the house, you're like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Pretty much, yeah. Or like, you just don't want to do shit because like your skin is painful, you know? It's like, I don't feel like going out. And how about just like wanting to be attractive to other people? Yeah, it definitely harms your self-esteem a bit. Quitting all the foods, it was tough because I didn't even really like steak a year ago. I had to learn how to cook steak by myself and eat steak and eggs. And I think your taste buds just adapt really quick.
Starting point is 00:55:05 After a week or two, I was like was like yeah that's my favorite meal now but like before that it was just like two bagels with hummus and like a giant kale shake every day oh yes that was probably like just a shitload of carbs and like a sugar crash and then like whatever the fuck was happening i have these two i have these two best friends and I haven't told them this yet. I need to, I need to talk to them, but they know, I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:55:32 I don't need to even fucking tell them, but they basically got COVID. And while they had COVID, they're not vaccinated. And while they had COVID, they fucking just sat around and ate bagels the whole time. And they had it for like two or three weeks COVID. And I want to be like,
Starting point is 00:55:44 you guys, that's like the worst thing for your immune system it's not even like it's not even like benign it's like you're literally causing an insulin spike which is fucking up your fucking your your bloodstream and and it's making it so your t-cells your nk cells your leptin receptors all the things that are involved in your uh natural immunity to fucking like uh it's like crowding the freeway you know what i mean it's like okay an ambulance has to go from point a to point b but just to make it challenging we're gonna make put bumper to bumper traffic on the freeway like why would the fuck would you do that but i need to explain that to them like have you had covid yet no um i don't know i could have been like one of those people
Starting point is 00:56:22 that had it right before it started yeah i think i think, I mean, 80% of the people, so they, who the fuck knows, are, um, asymptomatic. I think it would be crazy to think that you didn't have it. Yeah, like I was, I got, I got sick as hell like a month before it came out. Like in December of 2019? Yeah. Yeah, everyone I know in California that fucking happened to. of 2019 yeah yeah everyone i know in california that fucking happened to they were fucking that december january november uh november of 2019 2020 was nuts around here yeah i woke up january first sick as fuck and i was like we drank like as much as we possibly could the night before for
Starting point is 00:56:59 new year's too so i was like it's a hangover mix i think that all the fucking shit that i took into my system just destroyed it and was like all right you're sick now but do you have less sorry go ahead yeah i had a flu for like three days i was just like sweating into somebody's bed at an airbnb for three days i'm fucking sorry about that um uh do you have less sex now that you're sober? Now that you drink less? No. No? No.
Starting point is 00:57:30 I think I have less. I think the more alcohol I drink, the more sex I have. It could be because I think when you're hungover, you're like horny as hell. Yeah. And there's just like – I make just better decisions. Like when you drunk you just like you're not you're just like okay let's just have sex but when you're i don't know but when you're when you're sober you're like hey i need to sleep because i got a podcast in the morning but when you're drunk you're like make bad decisions like that you know that's true yeah i made really bad decisions wait um you don't have any kids? No kids. It's going to be interesting when you do have kids how you address this raw meat thing.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Yeah, that'll be interesting. They'll be like, have you ever seen the pictures of like the Inuit kids just with blood all over their faces? No. Picking up seals and shit. Yeah, they all eat raw meat. no, like up seals and shit. Yeah. They all,
Starting point is 00:58:23 they all eat raw meat. When, when, when I had babies, my, my wife was, was telling me that like, you shouldn't give them peanut butter or honey because you know,
Starting point is 00:58:32 they could have allergic reactions and you shouldn't give them solid food until a certain age. So I made sure I did the exact opposite and I ended up being right. She's almost always right. But I ended up being right. Oh, my mom's in the comments. I was just joking about
Starting point is 00:58:45 the sex thing i don't even have sex sorry sorry mom i'm just joking shit oh yeah we all have our parenting problems your parents are worried about you eating raw meat maybe and my mom's like monitoring how much sex i have yeah my mom follows my raw meat page um and um Yeah, my mom follows my raw meat page. And – oh, so basically I gave my kids a lot – peanut butter and honey, and I would let them – I remember I would – if we had raw meat, I would just let them like hold on to it like a raw steak and just rub it. And even before they had teeth, just like rub it in their gums and hold it and shit and later on flash forward you find out that the kids who actually the vast majority of kids who actually do have allergies from peanut peanut allergies and honey allergies and allergies it's because their parents protected them from that shit and didn't introduce it and it's like
Starting point is 00:59:39 yeah no shit if you're never exposed to it. Are you a barefoot guy? I've dabbled. I've gone in and out. I don't really. I almost never wear shoes unless I have to. But I never have. I mean, well, once I went to college and I was turned into a hippie, I just could never really go back to shoes unless you got to. Yeah, I actually I lived in Boston for like 90% of my life.
Starting point is 01:00:10 So it was kind of cold as fuck there. So I was like, I grew up wearing Timberlands. Did you get red pilled? What's that? Like, did you just wait? Like Boston is the,
Starting point is 01:00:19 is the, is the probably one of the most unconscious cities in the world. How did you, how did you, and now you're in LA, which is also one of the most unconscious cities in the world how did you how did you and now you're in la which is also one of the most unconscious cities in the world it's like this hive of retards yeah um and i don't mean that in a mean way or a negative way it just is yeah just like they're like pupas they're all caterpillars there there's no fucking butterflies there um how did you wake up um honestly, honestly, like maybe Alex Jones.
Starting point is 01:00:46 No shit. I don't know who that is. Like, I know who that is, but I've never listened to him because I'm scared. That's like the kind of thing like that would be like, like, I don't want to be called a pedophile or racist or someone who listens to Alex Jones just because I'm scared. I mean, even though I'm not any of those, like, like, like I'm just scared. So Alex Jones, he used to, he used to have some good shit. I don't agree with anything he has done in like the last like five years,
Starting point is 01:01:10 but he used to have like, you know, like nine 11 truth documentaries and shit. And I mean, I watched a few of those. Those are crazy. Yeah. We would like print them out and hand them out in college and shit. And, and, and so you, man, you're lucky that you're that you're that you opened up yeah so i started i started with like conspiracy stuff got heavy into it then i was like i don't really care most of it's true some of it's not right it took me now i'm like a like a nutrition conspiracy theorist i'm like they don't want us to know that beef liver is the superfood um i um i don't normally go down that route i don't know why i mean it's probably it's probably just
Starting point is 01:01:58 because i'm scared and also i think it's a waste of time i don't usually go down the whys yeah but i just realize like they'll be like trump is a racist and he hates mexicans right and so i'm like of course that has to be true right yeah i voted for hillary and she's the greatest ever and then all of a sudden one day i was in a room and all these people family members were ripping on trump for being racist and mexican but they wouldn't say what he said so i start scouring the internet for something racist he said about mexicans scouring and there isn't anything he just he just said that mexico is sending a lot of its bad people up here
Starting point is 01:02:31 in order to get them out of their country and i was like that's like the worst thing and i'm like uh-oh and that kind of like i was like and then and then and then that thing that they keep calling an insurrection which if that's an insurrection, what happened on January 6th, then what happened in Ferguson is World War three, four and five combined. Yeah. Thirty million dollars damage versus seven hundred million dollars damage. The number of people killed in Ferguson or the number of people killed in L.A. rights, all that shit, like because everything's relative, right? I'm tall. You're short. Whatever. I'm short. You're tall. It's all relative. you're tall it's all relative so i started looking at all that and then i went to the i and i always go to the most liberal uh publications i can find so that like it's not it's i can see what the most
Starting point is 01:03:11 biased people are saying and they said that trump started a rally so i downloaded the transcript from abc news that's as blind liberal nazi as you can get and he says let's march peacefully on the Capitol. I'm like, wait, wait, what? He said march peacefully? Yeah. And I'm just like, what the fuck is going on here? I personally just feel like everything on TV is pretty much made up just to, like, stress people out. When I saw that. But that's the part where I don't go to stress people out.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I never jumped to that conclusion. It's out. I never jumped to that conclusion. It's like I never go to the why. Yeah, it's like a pre-written TV show that just like keeps you entertained, but like never actually fixes or answers anything forever. Oh, that's what I. Yeah. But I just have trouble believing that there's bad people here i just think they're just sleeping and confused yeah that was a big jump maybe i'm naive that was a big jump for me to like think that some people are actually like pretty shitty most people are good but like
Starting point is 01:04:18 there's just like do you believe in evil i guess so but i don't think they think they're being evil i think i believe in i believe in people that like don't have the same type of brain that has like morality so they call it like psychopathic they say like lots of politicians and actors are like have psychopathic traits like they can just pretend to be anything at any time um so i think they just like to collect money give a shit what happens to anybody else like they'll start wars to like benefit some company or i don't know get oil money and shit that is more of like they don't have morality and they think like they can do whatever they want more of like they don't have morality and they think like they can do whatever they want yeah it's a trip i i hear people you i um i hear people say that like if there is no god there would be no morality but like i have no i don't believe in god and i have crazy morality like i
Starting point is 01:05:16 really don't want to hurt people or i feel if like i see someone who like if it's raining if it's raining and i saw an old lady i would stop and ask her if she wanted a ride. Or if I saw ducks crossing the street, I wouldn't care how long it took. I would stop and let them cross or maybe even risk my life and get out and help them cross. I don't know. Yeah, I feel the same. I mean, like I'm doing that. And then I'd eat them raw later.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Exactly. If you could get their organs out, that would be amazing. But yeah, I think like one of the reasons that I'm doing this page is just to like set an example and show people that there's like healthier ways to be because I like care you know like I want people to learn and be healthy so like I answer hundreds of dms a day maybe maybe not maybe like a hundred now um and you know like 10 of them will just be like you're an idiot you're gonna die and i think that's funny but like a lot of them are like hey can
Starting point is 01:06:09 you tell me i saw a meme you said about cholesterol like can you show me a video or a book about that because mine is bad and like i just want to show people the information that i've found because i'm kind of obsessed with reading about this shit. Do you block anybody? Yeah, I block people every day probably. And it's people who are just struggling. They have such strong – is it usually like people who are like super-duper pro-animal? I don't even know if I want to say pro-animal. Is it animal rights people?
Starting point is 01:06:46 to say pro animal it's is it animal is it animal rights people sometimes like sometimes the most like the most insane comments that make no sense and you know they haven't read a single word on my entire page about what i'm doing they'll just say a bunch of dumb shit and like i'll just block them and look at their page and it's like animal rights activists but a lot of people they'll just be like this this dude's an idiot he's doing this just for followers and gets no pussy or like something like that i'm like so what's that you should be like and what's that have to do with it correct and yeah because i do that too because i have fun but sometimes i'm just like, you know what? It's not even worth explaining to you. It's funny that this is, it titillates me that you have 108,000 followers and this is your fucking ass account.
Starting point is 01:07:35 It's so great. I went to your other accounts. It's crazy. I'm so envious. When people say that, they're like like you're just doing this for followers like you have no other ideas on how to get followers and like i could explain to them in the comments that it's my smallest page but it's not even worth it um and it um in all honesty it is some i have five i have five pages my my biggest page is uh 92 000 and dropping i'm shadow banned and they're pulling followers
Starting point is 01:08:07 off of me every day yeah and people are telling me holy shit i followed you and now i don't i don't know what happened and if you go to follow me it gives you the warning um i have another account that's like also my um that's also me the other ones are my kids um that has like 2 000 followers and when i publish on the one that has 2 000 followers it takes a little bit of humility even though it gets more viewed because like i always want to publish on my big account so people can see you know what i mean yeah so so i i see it takes it must be do you ever feel like god why am i spending so much time on this account that only has 108,000 followers when I have these multiple other accounts that have a million followers plus? I feel like 100K is like extremely good for what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I'm like, that's good enough. You're a humble man. You're a humble man. Before that, like the first 30 days I was posting to like 400 people. And you're like, what have I done to myself? Like nobody saw it. And I thought that there would be like two comments, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Nobody was seeing it. And like. Those were your mom's two accounts. Yeah. It just randomly, like one of my old meme friends saw it on the explore page or something and was like, what the fuck is John doing now? I haven't seen him in like six years and now he's doing this dumb shit. So a couple of like decent sized meme accounts shared me.
Starting point is 01:09:27 And it's just kind of one of those pages you see, you're like, this is so fucking stupid. I have to follow it. Hey, is there, do you have friends who do graffiti? It sounds like some people are prepping some cans in the background there.
Starting point is 01:09:39 That's my dog shaking, shaking his collar. I was hearing graffiti cans. Like you guys were getting ready to go out and you got the hoodie on. I could just picture you guys. All right, let's go dog shaking. He's shaking his collar. I was hearing graffiti cans like you guys were getting ready to go out. And you got the hoodie on. I could just picture you guys. All right, let's go. Yeah. My friends used to be taggers, but I think they all went to jail.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Do you watch any sports? Do you play any sports? Not big into sports. I grew up skateboarding. Oh, okay. Yeah. So maybe that's why I ended up in Venice Beach. Okay. And that skateboarding. Oh, okay. Yeah. So maybe that's why I ended up in Venice Beach. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:08 And that's where you're at now? Yeah. How is Venice? Every time, like the shit on the news about it is that it's just fucking just taking a colossal shit. Yeah. The news makes it sound way worse than it is. I think it's tight. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I've never been here during COVID. Okay. Like, fuck yeah, I can skate to the beach every day. But they got rid of all like the tents along they did yeah they went there with like assault rifles and kicked everybody out but they they gave them storage units and shit so i don't know they did it in like a maybe a decent way i wasn't i didn't watch but there's no there is the only decent way would be to bring a tractor and scoop them all up and dump them in Las Vegas. That would be the most decent way.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And I say that with peace and love. But they're all drug addicts. They're not homeless people. They're all drug addicts. And when I mean all, I mean ninety two point seven nine percent extending. And and the only way drug addicts change is to hit rock bottom. There is no helping them. Giving them a storage container is just going to exacerbate the problem, make it longer.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Those people are fucking ruining. There's no fucking excuse for those people to be ruining kids' lives who live in that neighborhood. Kids before everything, in my opinion. It's offensive as fuck to live there. Yeah. Yeah, when I see somebody screaming in the middle of the street with no shirt on and shit i'm like damn i could it just i'm like i've made the right choice getting off of all drugs like something it's just made my life so much easier like half of the money i was spending on
Starting point is 01:11:39 these dumb ass substances and once you stop it for like a month, anything you stop for a month, you're like, Oh, so yeah. Like you don't actually need it. It doesn't make anything better. You just thought you needed it because you're kind of addicted to it. How cool is it that the premise of your content now is eating? Yeah, it's amazing. It's such a tight loop I only use Instagram To Find guests
Starting point is 01:12:09 And I can't imagine people who use it For anything else like when I hear about people who scroll On Instagram or like any I'm just like I'm mine I'm Blown away by that there was this I've told this story a bunch but there was a Harvard professor Who was also an artist and he was also He was an entomologist and he was into marathon
Starting point is 01:12:27 running. Those are the three things he's into. So he had a cabin in the woods and along a 20 mile trail run, he left piles of just like shit, like bananas mixed with honey that was like rotted. And then like a dead opossum seven miles later. And then like, you know, like a bowl of kale and steak somewhere else ground up. And he would go on these runs with his book, stop at them, draw the bugs there, study them,
Starting point is 01:12:52 then run the seven miles to the next station. So he was getting in his drawing, he was getting in his running and then, and he would get in, in his study of insects. And then when he went to his cabin, he only had one bowl and a spoon. He cooked in that bowl, ate with that spoon, stirred it, all that, and then cleaned it. And he was done just
Starting point is 01:13:08 a tight, just a super tight ship. Right. And that's like, it doesn't get much tighter than that than eating for your content. I mean, that's, that's, um, that's efficient. It's perfect. Yeah. And I pretty much, I started something. I'm like, if you, it's perfect yeah and i pretty much i started something i'm like if you if you give me 25 dollars or you you donate me a meal like i'll follow you back or something i made oh shit i was like whatever now i you do that or you did that yeah i'm doing that now but it's just like i'm eating food on instagram and people are paying for the food. And I'm like, that's all I ever needed. Like, that's perfect. Have you eaten a penis?
Starting point is 01:13:49 Not yet, but I would. Testicles? Yeah, I had lamb testicles a few times. Some company DMed me yesterday and said they're sending me bison testicles next. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, so I'm definitely going to chomp those fuckers. The liver king, when he had those huge set of balls and bit into them, that was some impressive shit. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:12 I was a little nervous about eating the lamb testicles, but it looks and tastes exactly like a scallop. It's kind of crazy. I'm full. Yeah. How much do you have? Half of it? I think a little less than half. Nice. That's all you need. Yeah. I'm full. Yeah. How much do you have? Half of it? I think a little less than half.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Nice. That's all you need. Yeah. I'm full. Good. I was going to try to eat the whole thing. You don't need to. I'm proud of you for eating raw ground beef on video.
Starting point is 01:14:37 Thank you, mom. Did you hear that? Someone said they're proud of me. I like this viewer. I just like saying his name. Devesh Maharaj. Mahara. Mahara.
Starting point is 01:14:47 Mahara? So the H is pronounced with a H and the J is pronounced with a H? Mahara? What do you think? I don't know. Maharaj. Devesh. Have you been to India?
Starting point is 01:15:01 No, I'd like to. Dude, you've got to go. I haven't traveled much. I just travel. I drive around the country that's it india's if if you don't if you don't go to india and spend time in india and africa not you personally i'm talking to everyone then you you don't you don't know shit about human beings because there's a totally different experiment going on there that's not like ours it's a totally different social experiment you will see things that blow your fucking mind you will see slums with three
Starting point is 01:15:31 million people but they're clean slums you will see piles of like they'll have a town with a million people in it and it'll just be responsible for recycling so over here you'll see a pile as big as a five-story building that's just the tops of cans over here you'll see a pile as big as a five-story building that's just the tops of cans. Over here, you'll see a pile that's the size of a five-story building that's just like pens. And they'll separate stuff into piles or like places where we would have tractors and shit moving big pieces of concrete around. They'll have like no shit, a thousand beautiful women dressed beautifully with fucking these things on their head and like ants moving the pile of rubble from one spot to another like a fucking conveyor belt and you'll be like i mean the human power they have there because they have 1.7 billion people is like mind-boggling that's so insane oh it's so cool and the p and it's just cool
Starting point is 01:16:20 it's just i would go to varanasi take your shoes off take your shirt off my um don't get robbed they they do have a lot of theft there but it's not like it's not like mexico theft where like they they cut your throat yeah so racist racist they'll just kind of steal some shit but yeah they just steal some shit not a big deal you shouldn't have so much shit on you. That's a good outlook. There couldn't be, there couldn't be stealing if there wasn't the false premise of ownership.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Yeah. It's all a scam. If I ever get my page to like 1 million followers, I don't know if it's done growing or not. If Instagram shut me off or not, but if I had your raw meat page. Yeah. Why would they shut that down? I don know just for like anti just for not being normal but it could keep growing if i got to like one million
Starting point is 01:17:15 i want to do like a travel show where i like travel around the world eating raw shit you know like like a bootleg anthony bourdain yeah just Just eating raw testicles in India or some shit. That would be fun. You won't be allowed to. You'll have to get vaccinated. Oh, yeah. You could fly. Look, I'm saying we.
Starting point is 01:17:35 We're business partners now. We could fly people in from India to you. That's true. Let's do that. Everybody can come to Venice Beach. It's easier to bring a cobra illegally to Venice Beach for you to eat than it is for you to go to India. What a fucking mess this world is.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Did your parents get vaccinated? Yeah. Yeah, mine too. Did you tell them not to? They just know that I wouldn't tell them to, but they kind of just did it because they had to. Yeah, they had to. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:08 I only told a handful of people not to do it because who am I to tell people not to do it? Yeah. I'm pretty vocal about it, but I definitely told my mom not to do it just because I just wanted to get that off my back. And then yesterday I was thinking I didn't tell my dad. So I called my mom. I'm like, hey, do you think that means I love you more because I told you not to? I was like wondering what the metric is for love. Yeah. I just became like anti-big pharma when like half of my friends growing up died from heroin and painkillers and shit.
Starting point is 01:18:42 That's normal in L.A. though. Yeah. I was like, whatever. But I was like i was like whatever but i was like i don't i don't trust that shit i don't know it seems like it seems like most people are fine but it doesn't seem very useful didn't uncooked bat cause the whole covid thing it's a great point i mean that's a good, that's a good work story. These guys are awesome. I love you guys.
Starting point is 01:19:10 People comment that a shitload when I eat weird shit. They're like, this man is creating the next COVID. He is the next COVID. What are you talking about? So in nine minutes, you have a, you have a, you have like a work meeting. Like you're going to be an adult. Do you view yourself as an adult? Um, not really.
Starting point is 01:19:27 No. Yeah. Because it's, it's still making memes as a job. That's a great metric for that too. I'm not, are you an adult? No. I have a podcast. Are you an adult?
Starting point is 01:19:42 No. I make memes. What are you crazy? What? Um, you make memes on your, I have a podcast. Are you an adult? No, I make memes. What are you crazy? What? Um, you make memes on your, on your phone too. I wish I'm going to say something that's going to make me sound like such an old person. I wish you could teach me that, but I know it's not one of those things you teach someone. It's like, yeah, you do it, right? All the apps, but it's just, it just kind of becomes normal once you do it for so long. And what's your favorite? Do you still, is your phone your primary source of creativity?
Starting point is 01:20:08 Yeah, I'd say like it's 100%. Do you have an iPhone 13? Yeah. It's nice, right? Yeah, it's cool as hell. I got it. I'm like, I don't know. That's my one technology.
Starting point is 01:20:22 Like my entire job is on it. So I keep updated on the phone. Which, um, what's your favorite like app that you use to help? To make memes? What if I threw up just now? Yeah. To make memes. What's your favorite? There's one, there's one called Momus, M-O-M-U-S that my friend, um, Adam, the creator made, if you know of him.
Starting point is 01:20:46 But yeah, it's just called Momus. It just gives you some templates and it basically looks like a Twitter format. Like you just put the picture and the text on top. And then is that a subscription app? No, it's free. I think there might be like pay $2 to get rid of the ad on the bottom type of thing. Oh, cause you would think that if,
Starting point is 01:21:06 if, if someone, there's so many people out there doing that, that you would think if you could get a good subscription app like that, you'd be set. Yeah. I think somebody tried it, but I've never paid to do anything.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Um, I, I noticed that too. Chase, damn, he said tight throwback slang. Yeah. It's like when I have Kalipa on and he says,
Starting point is 01:21:24 hella, it just, I'm like, Holy shit. You're from NorCal. norcal maybe i am old because i say tight and hella tight oh did you ever live in northern california no i only visited once or twice okay um i one minute left let me see what i uh man there's so many questions to ask you. You have another podcast lined up after this? Like what's your next podcast? I forget. I just say yes in the DMs and totally forget until they remind me. Like I didn't remember yours until this morning when they texted me.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Asshole. Go ahead. Shit, this is sick. I just want you guys to know these are the things, these are the takeaways before I let John go here. He quit cannabis, caffeine, and alcohol. Crazy commendable. He's completely tightened up his diet and changed his life. He's gotten rid of back pain.
Starting point is 01:22:19 He had crazy what he called cystic acne for 15 years to the point where he had to change his shirt because it was just damaged from like pus and blood and shit. And all of that through experimenting with his life and his health and basically taking control of his life, not listening to the to the main narrative. He's approaching 100 days. I think he's on day 97 of eating raw meat. You should check out his Instagram account. One hundred percent for sure. I highly recommend suspending judgment. If you're going to try something first, I would try buy some quality ground beef. And maybe you could even do like my grandma did. I don't know the exact recipe, but you could crush it, mix it with lemon juice and some salt or some hot sauce like he was saying. But really, this is not bad this is not
Starting point is 01:23:06 it's it's that's a that's a mistake to even say it's not bad this is actually good there was i had no issues with this i've eat worse stuff than this um tasting stuff than this on the regular so uh thank you um i think i'm going to um try to corral you at day 200 and have you back on again and just check in if that's cool. Yeah, that's amazing. Thanks for having me. Yeah, absolutely. You're one of the few guests I can sincerely say I hope someday our paths cross in person. It'd be cool to hang with you.
Starting point is 01:23:37 We'd have fun. Yeah, if we're ever allowed to hang out, we should do it. Yeah, totally.

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