The Sevan Podcast - #305 - Akira The Don

Episode Date: February 18, 2022

Akira The Don is talented artist that makes meaningful music. He has gotten a lot of popularity for the style of music that takes clips of meaningful thoughts from people in interviews/podcasts and co...mbines them with the power of music. He got his start as a DJ at night clubs in LA amongst the Hollywood stars. "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:15 What? Woo! Get it, boy! All right. all right that's a send in bam we're live just uh i guessed i guessed the parents i'm bam we're live okay you guys ready cure the dawn where is it wait you're caleb you're c beaver you're not a cure of the dawn. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Caleb, are you familiar with QuickTime? I can't say that I am. You should be able to go in there and put export as and transform it to a.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Oh, yeah. And then for. But for some reason, mine doesn't have that. a MP4. But for some reason, mine doesn't have that. I wonder what's going on. I wanted to play this video that I ripped off of YouTube. Let me see if I can play it here real quick. But I wanted to upload it into that brand folder on StreamYard.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And instead, this is all I got right here. I think this is the best I can do. And instead, this is all I got right here. This is the best I can do. Mm-hmm. I first asked the kid, who are you? At the core of your soul. And if he can't answer that question, our conversation's over.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I can't say shit to him. If you don't know who you are, if you don't know who you are, I can't tell you who you are. If you don't know who you are, if you don't know who you are, I can't tell you who you are. Bam. I care of the Don. Have you ever seen any of this stuff? I've just scrolled through in the past couple of days. I just,
Starting point is 00:02:58 I've never seen it myself, but I like it. Yeah. It's, it's, it's pretty damn cool. It's pretty damn cool. It's moving. It's moving. The Jordan Peterson stuff's out of this world.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Yeah. It's an interesting, I guess, mashup, if you want to call it that. Yeah, I wonder if he would take offense to that. Uh-oh. Oh, trying to get in. Oh, here we go. He says he's trying to get in. Trying to get in.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Streamguards hanging currently hanging i wonder if he's using if he's on his phone he can't use it on google chrome he'll have to do it on safari oh really okay i'll tell him i'll tell him that's if he this on your phone you need safari on computer there he is oh my bad my bad well i just didn't get the message off to Akira in time. Dude, you're faster than I am. Good morning, Mr. Don. Good morning. Buen dia, Germano. Como esta? Muy, muy, muy bien.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Good. How's levels and everything? Is this loud enough? Sexy. Nice. The only way we do it. I wonder if I can share this over here. Start the show like this.
Starting point is 00:04:29 It's one of my, one of our friends. Darn it. Darn it, darn it, darn it. One of our friends sent me something to carry. It's a, they're hot sauce. They're stickers of hot sauce. Oh, yeah. Are those yours? You made those? No, I don't make hot sauce they're stickers of hot sauce oh yeah let me see are those yours
Starting point is 00:04:46 you made those no i don't i don't make hot sauce yet i mean it's on the bucket list i mean the uh uh i mean these stickers i probably should be showing my email but have you seen that no i haven't even seen this as tick. Someone in the community made one of those as a picture. Yeah. I remember seeing that as a picture. I did not know that existed as stickers. That's wonderful. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 We started the show with your release that you did last night, just so you know. We played 50 seconds of it with Goggins. And who's the other gentleman, the white dude? Oh, that's Tom Bilyeu. Tom Bilyeu. Yeah, I mean, he doesn't speak on the track, but he facilitated the conversation. He facilitates a lot of conversations.
Starting point is 00:05:36 You know, he's one of those conversation facilitators that are so prevalent in the modern world. I understand. They vary. he's good he got like he got some of the best stuff out of guardians i ever heard is he is he uh is he from your part of the world is he british dude nah he's american dude he does that he does a show called impact theory um yeah it's it's the whole like what impact i think his question and his kind of thing is what impact do you want to have on the world or some is like how it's underlined but uh he's big on what he's like like um like what what what influenced you more the twin towers or uncle buck sneaking into
Starting point is 00:06:21 your room when you're seven like two two different kinds of impacts, but both could be like just. What can't impact you? What happens? Well, one of those is easier to pull off than the other. You know what I mean? So respect where respect is due. Do you know, are you in L.A. still? No, man.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I've been in L.A. for a long time. I'm in Mexico. No shit? Yeah. Well, damn, I haven't been doing my research good then. When did you go to Mexico? I've been in Mexico since last May, but I left. I left L.A. like two months after all the bullshit kicked off in 2020 because I could see which way the wind was blowing.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And I went to Texas, which we've been thinking about for a while anyway. I was in Texas for a year. And then the U.S. government immigration system conspired to have me move to mexico because those are kind of your choices mexico or go back to the uk no i had a new visa approved i had a new 01 alien of extraordinary ability visa approved because of tom hanks and the communist chinese and all their skullduggery. You have to, like, once you get it approved, you have to go out the country, go to an embassy, get it stamped, come back in again, right?
Starting point is 00:07:30 Normally that's like a week or takes a week or something, right? But due to the machinations of Tom Hanks and all those weirdos, there's like massive wait lists. It was like six months to a year to get an embassy appointment.
Starting point is 00:07:45 But they're like, right, you have to get out of the country now, like right now, this week type thing, and go find yourself an appointment somewhere. Maybe you can get one in Russia or Mexico or whatever. And I thought, well, I always want to go to Mexico. It's very beautiful. The weather is good. Let me go to Mexico. So I went to Mexico. And then we couldn't
Starting point is 00:08:02 get an appointment until this was like a year ago, and there was no appointments until 2022. so we went to Mexico and then we couldn't get an appointment until this was uh this time this was like a year ago and there was no appointments till 2022 you know this is nuts it's fascinating to me I want to hear more about Tom Hanks in a second but it's fascinating to me that someone like you who's jumping through all the proper hoops has to wait a year and yet if you would have done handled your shit and you're not being rewarded at all, but there's people who are doing it illegally. And yeah, everyone's just like, come and go as they please. Yeah, I was like, just go to the border and like, you know, do two of those.
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's funny. Yeah, it's so hilarious. I've ended up going the other way and go to Mexico. And it's very nice. It is actually delightful. And it's very nice. It's actually delightful. You know, and like now, the problem is now I got an appointment, but now they don't let you in the US if you are like unvaccinated. Like really? That kind of shit going on. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:54 People don't realize that you're actually not allowed to go to the United States of America if you're unvaccinated. It's a thing. God, it's so crazy. You think they're ever going to lift that? What's that? It's funny. I wonder about all this stuff, right? Because certain things are moving in certain countries,
Starting point is 00:09:15 but that seems to be out of necessity. The UK dropped their stuff because they were having a massive scandal. And had they not, they would have been dragged out onto the streets and kicked and beaten. So they said, hey, we've beat Tom Hanks disease. And everyone goes, oh, heroes, and forgets that the British government was having massive sexy parties while everyone else was confined to their houses like little prisoner slaves.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You know what I mean? So it depends on what's beneficial for the government, what they relinquish, it would seem. Bear in mind, you know, September 11th was a long fucking time ago and we still got to take our shoes off at the airport. Right. You know what I mean? Certain things do not get turned back around. Other things do. So it's pretty much down to what people put up with. You know, the amount of tyranny you get is exactly the amount you accept, right? Before we go any further, in case we get lost in the show, which could be very easily could
Starting point is 00:10:07 be a fun, fun way of holding hands with Mr. Don and running into the maze and getting lost. I want to tell you, you need to go to this gentleman's YouTube account. You can also see him on Spotify. I don't spend time on Spotify, but I would go to his YouTube account and I would start digging through and I would start. You could start at the top hit videos and go back in order you can go back to his early days he is a creative powerhouse he um is is oozing
Starting point is 00:10:33 with creativity it's it's like pretty obvious and then make sure you go over to his wiki page also and uh and check out the history this is a I don't know how accurate that is I haven't looked at it for many years this is a seasoned man who's bringing a lot of different pieces to the table and it's really really fun and if you really want to see some just
Starting point is 00:10:58 cool shit there are two interviews online at least two four probably four he has been on Jordan Peterson's podcast and Jordan Peterson has been on his podcast and then aaron eric uh um he interviews eric um wines weinstein weinstein yeah who is that brett's brother yeah yeah fucking crazy yeah he's it was funny he just came by my studio one day and i just like switched on the streaming stuff so like yeah you know it's funny it's 1980 it's it's 19 or it's 2018 but and one of the things you guys talk about is how fast things are moving it's 2018 the interview
Starting point is 00:11:38 but when you look at the equipment it for some reason it feels like it's like 1984 you know what i mean just like that's how far equipment's come well it's also because i run everything through fucking vhs built as an old tv and shit like that yeah um so my shit always looks old which uh you know covers up many sins have you got a twitter i uh i don't know if i have a uh i think that is a no then i was just gonna tweet this out but i was gonna i was gonna at you if you're um i think I have a... I think that is a no then. I was just going to tweet this out, but I was going to at you if you're... I think I have a Twitter, but occasionally I just repost other people's stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:12 If you hate on closures, I'll repost your stuff. Okay, that's cool. Cheeto. Where in Mexico are you? I'm in Playa del Carmen right now. Playa del Carmen. It's in the yucatan on the like on the right side and you're there with your son and my wife yeah yeah yeah and your son's name is hercules that's right my son's name is hercules yeah and how he's at he's at the
Starting point is 00:12:39 uh he's at the vet right now he manifested himself a cat so we're in tech he always wanted a pet but we kept like not being able to have one because of our living situations we're in texas and he really wanted a cat you know he wanted a ginger cat specifically like a little red-headed cat you know and um we're out and this exactly yeah well you know he's got to re-recompensate for all the ones that are getting removed from popular culture. And this little ginger cat just started hanging outside the place we're staying in. And he would just run up to Hercules when he got back and rub up his leg. So they let us adopt the cat. And he's with the cat right now at the vet.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And the cat moves in officially today. So he's a very happy little boy. He manifested himself a little red headed cat little mexican el gaso yeah let me let me expand on that racism a little bit i i just don't see mexican cats ever needing to go to the vet in my mind just the way i have them judged well this one's got to go to the vet because he's got to have his nuts chopped off and this was a deal i did with the landlady like i'm against chopping the nuts off of humans yes in general and i'm not really happy about it with regards to animals neither however i don't know if you
Starting point is 00:13:50 know about how much cats like bang you know how much banging cats do but one cat can sire a million little cats right these street cats out here because they just do so much banging right they just rampage around the place banging they bring like cats out here is like rats in london you know in london you know you're only over three feet away from a rat they say here you're like you're less than that away from a cat you look around you start seeing them everywhere they're being exhaust pipes and shit they're underneath cars they're like peering out of trees they are everywhere the exhaust pipe cat what's that the exhaust pipe cat yeah yeah the little sausagey little exhaust pipe guy just like peering out, you know? And you see like – you'll see tribes of him, you know, ones that look exactly the same.
Starting point is 00:14:31 You're like, I know which nutsack you came out of. Do you know about the Coolidge effect? Tell me about the Coolidge effect. Calvin Coolidge went to a huge government farm. Do you know this story? It's related to banging. So basically he went to this huge government farm in the United States that the government was subsidizing, and him and the first lady, Mrs. Cool or giving them separate tours of the farm and they took mr uh they took mrs coolidge to see their um chickens and they said mrs coolidge this is our uh prize a rooster he has sex uh 50 times a day and and the first lady says oh please show that to the president um calvin coolidge and so later on they bring the president in and he comes
Starting point is 00:15:23 in and they said true this is a true story and And they said, Mr. Coolidge, the first lady wanted us to show you this rooster. He's our prize rooster. He has sex 50 times a day. And the president said, with the same chicken? And they said, no, sir, 50 different chickens. And he said, oh, make sure you show that, explain that to Mrs. Coolidge. and mrs coolidge and hence the coolidge effect and basically you can take pretty much any male akira and the refractory period drops to zero as long as you keep bringing in new women new females of the species i don't even know if they have to be of the species fuck no you probably get a lion to fucking hold down a goat and fuck it but But the male banging prowess is something else. It's the purpose. Yeah. It is that which is to the purpose. Like everything else is periphery.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Everything else is distraction. That's the cosmic point of it all. That's the cosmic point of it all. Yeah, I had the guy who wrote – what was the movie? The guy's name is Ben Mesrick. He wrote the Facebook movie. He wrote the book that was switched into the screenplay. Anyway, so I watched that movie recently, and that's the reason Zuckerberg started Facebook.
Starting point is 00:16:47 To get pussy. To get pussy. Yeah, that's why everyone does everything. That's why everyone does everything. That's why the Beatles filmed the Beatles. That's why the Rolling Stones filmed the Rolling Stones. That's why Mark Twain picked up a pen. But isn't it funny? My mom has a Facebook account.
Starting point is 00:17:02 She's 78 years old, but this product that she's using was developed for a young man to go out and scour the world for pussy. It's just crazy. Yeah. That's what everything is developed for. I know. You know what I mean? Yes, yes, yes. This what we're using right now was developed for chicks to stick shit inside themselves on the internet to.
Starting point is 00:17:22 I do this show to make money. One of my technological innovations. Yes. I do this show to make money to keep my pussy yeah there you go i'm gonna get in trouble for that yeah you don't well this is it you know i mean draco will and gwen to war uh to protect everybody's you know i mean like that's what it's all about it's it's about. So have you, you, you have a relationship with Jordan Peterson. He's also one of your instruments. Would that be fair to say? He's an excellent instrument.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Yeah. Have you, have you interviewed Jocko? I've not interviewed Jocko. I'm working on Jocko's, the second Jocko album right now. I can, I will tell you exclusively that a new Jocko song comes out
Starting point is 00:18:06 in like 10 days so I might interview him when the new album comes out has anyone I'm surprised he hasn't reached out to you we've been in touch we communicate but we just haven't done a podcast yeah so
Starting point is 00:18:23 I was thinking the other day We should do one for this one And that would be A beautiful conversation Particularly now I've adapted more Of his ways You know what I mean Like when I did
Starting point is 00:18:33 The last album I did all these songs About doing burpees and shit I didn't even know What a burpee was You know what I mean I literally didn't know What a burpee was
Starting point is 00:18:42 I thought that shit Would be like Some kind of like Gas problem you would have From doing too many pushups Or something I don't know Sure Yeah burpee was. I thought that shit would be like some kind of like gas problem you would have from doing too many pushups or something. I don't know. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Yeah. But when I came out here to Mexico, I was going to a coffee shop, a beautiful coffee shop called Fat Rabbit. And I had a gym next to it or a box, as they call it. And I'm watching all these people just like sipping my coffee and all these people like picking up heavy shit and jumping up and down. And there's only so long you can watch people jumping up and down and picking up heavy shit before you you go do it as well you know right and like the only exercise uh i'd done prior to that really was just like djing twice a day and jumping up and down and fucking punching people in the head when they got too close to the booth or whatever right uh that kind of vibes and um
Starting point is 00:19:24 it turned out this thing was a crossfit class i didn't know what crossfit was but i went into this thing and after about 45 minutes i had to go outside and stand in the middle of the road just heaving you know oh that's awesome fantastic i was like yo this is fucking epic i haven't felt this good since like uh soul wax gave me these pills that they found inside a motorcycle hubcap that had been there since 1993 and uh it was like the same feeling it was like the feeling of like 90s ecstasy tablets you know i was like holy shit so i went back again the next day and i was out there heaving again and after about a week i wasn't heaving no more you know i mean and i've been going five days a week ever since and now i know what a fucking burpee is and uh it's a whole new world
Starting point is 00:20:05 akira um down below the the guy with that my mom says has the nice features uh caleb beaver he's in the united he's in the united states air force i'm a um a berkeley super uh liberal nazi and and our paths have crossed through well i'm reformed i'm reformed don't worry i'm reformed um uh and um and our paths cross through burpees basically we're both just crossfitters and because of that um that'd be bros yeah we're burpee bros we were we're separated at at birth but the cosmic world brings all of us burpee people together eventually and it's it's interesting that did you know that when when i invited you on the show did you you know? No, I had no idea. Yeah, crazy. And then I was looking at you up.
Starting point is 00:20:47 I was like, oh, shit, you did PR for them or something, right? Or was it? We don't call it PR. Greg Glassman told us we only make things that add value. Yes, yes. Spread the word. Spread the truth. You did mythopoetic storytelling for CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yes, yes. Well, you did a very good job because it's out here in Mexico. It's like the thing. You know, I don't work there anymore. I was fired when the new regime came in. But when I was there, I was an executive there and I was extremely intimate with every crevasse, nook and cranny. And one of the countries countries i think maybe the only country that we didn't possess the trademark in was mexico and it was a big fucking problem
Starting point is 00:21:31 oh yeah it was a big problem because basically we couldn't have any gyms there i want to say probably for the size it is and for how developed it is it has it has the fewest crossfit gyms because people don't want to pay the three thousand dollar annual fee to keep the name and they don't need to and i think some guy in mexico actually owns the name and he tried to like strong arm greg and sell it to him for like four million bucks and greg just told greg was the founder told me to dick that's crazy the gym i go to doesn't have crossfit in the name of the gym it's called right because this but they what they do there is is crossfit i was just i was just wanting to get coffee right just now and they're all fucking there i'm not usually up this early and they're all there
Starting point is 00:22:08 just fucking jumping up and down going it's a beautiful thing to witness and i really lucked out because it's apparently like the best uh crossfit gym in mexico and people come from all over mexico to train at it and have competitions with their competition recently i went to uh the guy who runs it alan is the number one ranked crossfit guy in mexico and i just happened to walk into that gym out of all the gyms i could have wandered into it's very fucking crazy impetus uh will you see if you can find that gym i want to see and i want to see what i want to see where he lives on the map are you are you said do you said playa does that mean it's near an ocean playa del carmen yeah playa means beach okay in my in my i'm i live in i grew up in berkeley and oakland
Starting point is 00:22:50 and playa doesn't mean beach playa is something it means you bang yo last time i went to that place i was uh i was playing an underwear party for like a sexy underwear brand right and my wife thought it'd be a good job to like uh save money on the hotel so she booked me into a travel lodge in and uh you probably guessed where the travel lodge was because my cab pulls up and i step out of the cab i don't know if you ever saw the first episode of the walking dead when he goes to atlanta he kind of looks around him and from every angle there is a zombie sort of walking towards him slowly it was like that there was a cracker coming at me from every fucking angle i went around in a full like circle like that and there was crackers but they're slow crackers you know i mean so you can
Starting point is 00:23:33 just avoid them real easy uh yeah anyway she put me in fucking tenderloin oh my goodness like oh this place is cheap yeah yeah the the, I say it with all peace and love, but almost no exaggeration. They're just not, the only thing they haven't done yet is kill the Jews, but the Nazi regime has completely taken over San Francisco. It is crazy. It is so bad over there. I was out there exactly this time 10 years ago, and I was playing at iZotope Comics.
Starting point is 00:24:06 I don't know if you know comic stores, but there's a famous comic store called iZotope Comics in San Francisco. On Hate? Yeah. I said on Hate. I don't know if it is on Hate, actually. Those are the only comic book stores I knew. Yeah. It's a famous one.
Starting point is 00:24:21 It always wins the awards for best comic store in california every year or whatever anyway the difference between when i went there then and when i went there like a year or two ago was was profound but yes same in los angeles you know i was in los angeles i moved there i was first out there in 2005 making an album with with um danny saber in a converted Masonic Lodge up on... Where was it? Upper Hill. I can't remember the name of it now. It'll come back to me. And then I moved there
Starting point is 00:24:53 and back there in like 2014 to 2020 and the difference between 2014 and 2020 was profound. I had a studio in downtown Los Angeles and I watched the neighborhood go from just being chill to skid row just expanding and taking over everything yeah there was a guy i came out of my studio one day and it's so it's just the cognitive dissonance of that place sometimes
Starting point is 00:25:17 so across the road from me uh there's a place called rare kicks which is an expensive speaker store and kanye would do his launches there and shit right so there's a queue called Rare Kicks, which is an expensive sneaker store. And Kanye would do his launches there and shit, right? So there's a queue of people all around the block queuing up and they've got deck chairs and shit out. And they're queuing up to get these new sneakers. On the other side of the road, there's a woman in a little sort of like, I don't know, frivolous, negligent sort of thing,
Starting point is 00:25:40 sort of being filmed for an advert or something, right? In the middle of the road there's a guy just curling off giant dumps onto a piece of aluminum foil and then inspecting them oh that's nice that that's nice that it's not aluminum foil i will say that i don't know why he was doing the aluminum for he was putting him i don't know if he was going to keep him to do something with him you know i mean he's right in the middle of the road i saw this guy multiple times he'd stand in the middle of the road with his with his um appendage just spraying into the oncoming traffic just daring them to run him over you know how dare you not and did you recognize that as art huh yeah i mean
Starting point is 00:26:15 you could call that art right one definition of art is anything that uh falls outside of the realm of survival right so if it isn't direct survival, like protecting... Extraneous shit. Then you could say that that's art. Some people say that. I think postmodernists say that. I think people who want to excuse
Starting point is 00:26:34 dreadful paintings use that. But I understand how you could go along with that line of thinking. I just want to say something in case anyone got hung up on my my just huge disdain for for the left where i come from it's this and it's not that i'm hugely for the right but i just want to tell you like i just can't be part of the party that's um just hurting so many people but here are the two things they've been doing the same thing for for a hundred years
Starting point is 00:27:01 and they haven't changed and they're getting the same results. They always are getting worse results, I would say. Yes. Well, yes. Thank you. Bit by bit, it's eroding and it's not bit by bit because there's been this crazy escalation over the past decade where it's wildly worse than it was. Same policies, same party or that, but wildly worse within the between 2012 and 2022. And there's a Taoist principle here that people really have to understand. You think you're raised to believe that the Democrats and the liberals are for the poor and the Republicans are for the rich.
Starting point is 00:27:34 But it's misspeak. It's that the Democrats want there to be poor and the Republicans want there to be rich. And so the Democrats democrats sustain they sustain that they are the people at the restaurant who feed the seagulls while you're trying to eat it's complete fucking bullshit they don't give a fuck about anyone they just want to feed the seagulls and it's it's not cool it's not cool and so the seagulls descend on your city and they fucking shit on everything it's they just want And so the seagulls descend on your city and they fucking shit on everything.
Starting point is 00:28:05 They just want to feed the seagulls is a brilliant name for like a emo band or something. I give it to you. I give it to you. Basically, they misunderstand helping people. Well, I don't know if they do. George Orwell's observation was that the socialists that he encountered in London, who claimed to be on the side of the poor, hated the rich far more than they loved the poor. So all their efforts went into sort of like dragging down rather than lifting up. Yes, yes, yes. And that is that the Democrats base their identity on hating the Republicans.
Starting point is 00:28:42 I don't know if the Republicans base their identity on hating Democrats. Maybe maybe they do that's not really my observation no it's uh not in america things are different in different parts of the world but in america the pure vitriol saying that it was the same in britain i remember now i was raised as a little socialist like by bill my parents used to listen to billy bragg records and there is power in a union and all that sort of thing and i was programmed i wish i could hug you or both reform. You were raised as a little, hug and be like, wasn't it horrible? Oh, I thought money was, I thought they just programmed you to be poor and, and resentful and bitter forever. Right? Yes. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Resent rich people. Yeah. And we were taught that the, uh, the right wing party in Britain is the Tory party. And they're referred to as Tory scum. And I was just taught from birth that they were evil, that they were evil and they wanted everybody dead. And the other party were goody goodies and they wanted to lift up poor people. And then you kind of like, yeah, you get a bit older and you pay attention. You look at things, you're like, oh, that's not actually what was going on at all now i'm not saying that the uh tory part here a lovely but this comical portrayal of goody goodies and baddie baddies and that's led to our current predicament because our current predicament
Starting point is 00:29:53 has us in this situation where you're taught from birth that you know right is bad and far right is very very bad and you thought the left is goody goody so far left must be goody goody goody goody goody goody yes yes i mean and that's that's a big problem we have and kids are just you know you so and the the right are very very bad at uh branding and marketing and stuff of that nature so they just need to be able to fix these problems uh because they're all problems of perception and branding and um you know gerbils wrote all this stuff down a long time ago and you can just go on uh i was on it yesterday there's a brilliant one of those quote websites and it's called like inspirational and i've had gerbils page
Starting point is 00:30:35 gerbils has a page on like inspirational right and it's just all this stuff about you know the glory of like uh how to brainwash people and what socialism really is. And as socialists, this is what we're doing. So all these quotes you never hear, like Goebbels of the Nazi party. As socialists, what we're doing is this. Anyway. When I first one of the first times I saw it and I was far from from waking up and seeing it clearly was I was seeing how California was treating smokers. from from waking up and seeing it clearly was i was seeing how california was treating smokers and although i would didn't want i i i approved of all of the way all the rules i knew that it
Starting point is 00:31:10 was wrong it doesn't matter if you think you're it doesn't if you're if you're behaving like a fucking fascist in the name of good you're still a fascist and i would see the laws that they would be passing on smoking like you had you couldn't smoke on the sidewalk you had to stand in the street or you couldn't um you couldn't smoke on the sidewalk. You had to stand in the street or you couldn't, you couldn't smoke in your house. If your neighbors could smell it. And I, and it started getting really, and they started taxing cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And I'm like, you see how that was the warmup for everything that's happening now. Yeah. And do you remember how quickly they did it? Yeah. Like I remember I was, I was in 90, whatever it was.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I left home when I was 16, just before I was 16 in 96, like just before my 16th birthday. And I was running around being homeless all over the place for a while. And I was going in and out of pubs, as you do as a kid, and everyone was smoking. But it literally went from in the course of like two years or something, from everybody smoking, to suddenly you couldn't smoke, to suddenly you're a pariah, to suddenly you're out the the back to suddenly you're not allowed within or you know you're not allowed anywhere they did it so fucking fast and in the name of good you know and it may have been in the name of good but that doesn't justify it no it's always in the name of good but yeah it's always in the name of good the worst things are always done by people completely convinced of their rightness i think alan watts said something along those lines uh what do you say what do you
Starting point is 00:32:29 think about confucius said that uh goody goodies are the uh thieves of uh virtue you know i didn't know confucius even used that word goody goodies that's awesome maybe that's a contemporary translation of what he's doing yeah uh the yeah everything awful is always done by people completely convinced of their rightness and the worst things are done by the people most convinced of their rightness so the people who think that they are the most good and virtuous are the people who do the most fucked up things wow and that's consistently true across history that in fact that's that's the number one lesson of history right caleb that's the instagram clip where are we those are the people that you want to fucking watch out for anyone comes around alan was said something
Starting point is 00:33:15 about it and people think of alan was has been this hippie type guy i did an album sampling him and he says when he starts hearing people talking about how good they are and what have you he gets a shotgun and bars his door. He says, I'll buy a shotgun and bar my dogs. I know there's a storm of hypocrisy coming or something like that. That's the real shit. Those people want to be scared of. There's no Dr. Evil.
Starting point is 00:33:36 You know what I mean? Klaus Schwab is around going, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I'm going to do some evil shit today. These motherfuckers think they're good. Yes. Yes. They do. shit today these motherfuckers think they're good the capital yes yes they do even though they look like fucking crypt keepers and shit you can all these people look incredibly evil it's hilarious every person who's like some kind of minister for health or whatever in the build back better world
Starting point is 00:33:59 looks like a comical looks like a batman villain uh but people you know it's still uh is not seen because they say they're good and just saying you're good seems to be enough to convince certain people that you are good it's like a weird spell that people feel it's like a glamour right in fantasy novels they always talk about glamours you cast a glamour and people think you're virtuous there you go you should see ireland's too caleb ireland's is crazy all of them crazy man they're like crazy yeah they all got these that one's very funny though you know i mean uh no so maybe i have it wrong i thought it was ireland had this over there somewhere they have another woman what's what's it's interesting because i'm on the
Starting point is 00:34:41 i i absolutely think that if you are if you obese, that you could still be a great coach. You could still be a great CrossFit coach. I think that if you suck at football, you could still be a great football coach. But for some reason, I don't think people who are in charge of making laws around your health or health decisions should be unhealthy. Well, it's like if you go to a you know you go to a restaurant and the chef is skinny you get the fuck out of there yeah yeah yeah or if there's no line right this place is empty let's go in no thank you which is that's kind of wrong to be honest like i'm um i'm one of these like zero carbs eats only
Starting point is 00:35:20 steak type weirdos you know what i mean? So like if I went to a steak restaurant and the guy did not look fucking ripped and shit, I don't know if I would trust him. To be honest, at this point in my life, I kind of think that like, if you're going to be like running the country, you should be able to like jump on top of a box and pick up a fucking car or some shit.
Starting point is 00:35:40 Otherwise I don't, I don't trust you. And if you're going to be lecturing me about my fucking health, you should definitely be slightly healthy. Now, fat guys are strong. Why is that? I've been wondering about this. Have you seen that? Say that again? What was the phrase you just said?
Starting point is 00:35:55 What about fat guys being strong? Who's this guy? PewDiePie put me onto this guy. I don't know if you can pull up a video and play it. It's the best thing in the world. It's only 32 seconds uh the video is called i know what men can do when they're angry okay it's pretty much the greatest video of all time it's 30 seconds long it's uh if all that youtube had ever given to the world was this video it would have all been worth it do you know but while caleb pulls that up do you know a guy named Eli Webby? He wrote a book called Mask.
Starting point is 00:36:26 That rings a bell, although I don't know the book Mask. We'll circle back around to him. Okay. I was afraid of the retaliation. I know the power of patriarchy. I know what men can do when they're angry. If that guy speaks English, he needs to come on the podcast who the fuck is that that's my uh that's my you know that's my inspiration that that's that's your next song what's that for everything just in general i will i just think of that all the time you know what i mean you're
Starting point is 00:37:20 in like any situation where you're feeling a bit bummed or you're feeling like you can't quite do it. I just think of that fucking guy. You know what I mean? He's an incredible, incredible creature. He's been uploading videos like that for nine years to YouTube. Like no context, no talking to the camera. Just like footage of him just picking up ridiculously heavy shit and screaming. Yeah. And the deflection on that bar, the whole thing, his friend there.
Starting point is 00:37:44 And the flexion on that bar, the whole thing, his friend there. I'm going to tell you, the Russian writing on the shirt, I think, makes you 50 pounds, you know, all your lifts 50 pounds stronger. Just get some Russian writing on your shirt. Yeah, right. Fuck. I wore this shirt, by the way, because of you. Oh, yeah? Do you feel it?
Starting point is 00:38:00 I can't see it. It sort of has a club vibe, ravey vibe to it,avey vibe to it i'm gonna have to make you bigger uh you're very very small on my screen i'm very small i'm only five five i'm very small man who's that it looks like billy eyelash is a zombie or something i don't know it's it's an old shirt i got it in santa barbara at like some skater rave shop back in the day okay but i just it's she's got the titties out and she's like, I just like it. I can't even see the titties,
Starting point is 00:38:27 man. You, you've got like titties on YouTube. You're a savage. Yeah. You snuck titties onto YouTube. What an absolute beast. It's funny when I go to my kids' events and I accidentally wear a shirt.
Starting point is 00:38:36 I like this shirt so much that I probably only wear it like four times a year because I know every time I wash it, it's reducing the life. Do you know, do you have any shirts like that? I have loads of shirts like that. I nearly wore one today and then I didn't wear it because I didn't want to reduce its life. Yeah. Serious?
Starting point is 00:38:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, that's awesome. Literally just now, I put it on for like about 60 seconds and then took it off again. This one's already fucked. Sevan doesn't deserve the shirt. I'm going to have this guy on the podcast. He ran a couple nightclubs in L.A. on doesn't deserve the shirt i'm gonna have this guy on the podcast um his his uh he ran the he ran a couple nightclubs in la the big one that i forget i wish i could remember the name of the
Starting point is 00:39:10 first one he was at but but where i'm at in the book right now is he he ran a club called warwick is that i know the warwick yeah you do i dj'd there a couple times okay and and basically and i'm at the part in the book where he's talking about where they remodel it a couple times a year and about. But basically, he's talking about the L.A. nightlife. Yeah. And it sounds absolutely fucking horrible. It sounds so stressful. And even when he talks about the superficiality of it, it feels superficial just hearing him talk about it.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I mean, it's layered. I'll tell you one thing about it so i'd never because i was out there djing in hollywood for like four years or something and the sorts of places i'm djing at the sorts of places where kendall jenner goes for a birthday party when she's underage or whatever the fuck which kendall whatever the one with the ass implants on her face um you know so it's the place is always full of those sorts of people and tigers and weekends and then there's this whole army of people who hang on to those sorts of people you know and they spend a lot of money they're the people they sell bottles of champagne in these places that are
Starting point is 00:40:14 hundreds of thousands of dollars you know and when someone buys one like a bottle of champagne whether it's like a regular sort of 500 bottle one or one of the tens of thousands ones, you know, that girls come out dressed in weird, you know, some kind of negligee and a duck outfit or whatever the theme of the bar is with sparklers and all this shit, which I'd never seen until I went there. And so the table that gets it, they make a big sparkler deal of it. And the DJ is supposed to do something to kind of accentuate the moment. So everyone looks at these people and goes, oh, special people. And then they want to do it right and i remember i was working in one of these clubs that's one of these super super high level expensive type places and they hire people they pay people to go in there and uh and do that so that then the rich people will copy them because so it's it's fake it's like clappers they used to have clappers
Starting point is 00:41:04 back in the day at shakespeare plays right they'd be paid to go in there and clap so that everyone else claps because i'd be so good at that i'd be so good at that you'd be a good clapper so you see if people they pay people they pay young guy young guys who they call promoters and what the young guy's job to do is to amass an army of hot young chicks and they come to the club with their army of hot young chicks and they get free booze and then the rich guys come in and see hot chicks and then the guy the promoter guy with this table of hot chicks uh orders a bottle of champagne and they come out with the sparklers and then the rich guys go oh shit i need to ball
Starting point is 00:41:38 like that guy and then they do it and they get the sparklers and it's a game of fucking sparkler dominoes that then goes on and the way they build up the clubs is this interesting thing where it's where it's done deliberately to build them up to the point that kind of like rich arab types from dubai start coming but when the rich arab types in dubai start coming the place becomes less cool so while that's happening they'll open up another venue and then then once the Arab guys, it's like the Arab guys don't think the place is cool anymore. They'll remodel and relaunch and then bring back the young types and they'll do this cycle over and over and over.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Yeah, it's a wonderful world. Yeah, and it sounds like it's a brutal lifestyle. It's a brutal lifestyle. Yeah, it's a brutal lifestyle. It's a brutal lifestyle. Yeah, it's a brutal lifestyle. Because outside of that stuff, doing that, you then have to go to after parties afterwards. Yeah. Like everyone thinks they have to. I discovered it was bullshit.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Everyone told me you have to go after parties. That's where you get gigs. That's where you make your connections. And you just end up in a house in the hills with a bunch of cokeheads screaming at each other. Till like, you know, midday the next day. Then you get fuck all done the next day. And then you have to go DJ a house in the hills with a bunch of coke heads screaming at each other till like you know midday the next day then you get fuck all done the next day and then you have to go dj or whatever in the evening and then it's round again and sometimes you get stuck you know and there's no reception you can't get it over so you're just stuck up a mountain with a bunch of weirdos screaming at each other you know uh i ended up at justin bieber's house one time in
Starting point is 00:43:01 that kind of fashion it was just horrible you got like, and like everyone's running around, like trying to find which the coolest part is. And you go, so someone will try and get everyone back to theirs, but then a cooler part, he'll turn up and everyone will leave them. And they've spent loads of money on getting champagne or something delivered. And they're all sad.
Starting point is 00:43:17 And all the chicks go off to Justin Bieber's house. It's like, it's crazy. Yeah. That's basically how he makes it sound in the book. I'm very interested to have my, I wonder if you ever, do you, how long does it take to recover from that? Does it take a year from being with that in that kind of environment where, um, I invented
Starting point is 00:43:38 meaning wave in that environment. You did. Yeah. Tell me about meaning wave. Tell everyone about meaning wave. Well, so I'm in that environment um and this is 2000 what year 14 15 yeah 2014 was when i moved to la and started and became hollywood club dj guy like best open format dj and hollywood type guy um but i was already you
Starting point is 00:44:00 know i've been making music years anyway and sort of during this process, I invented Meaning Wave. And that was just a case of making records with rather than a singer, I was sampling people talking, whether it was lectures or podcasts, or I was taking ancient philosophical texts and converting those into pop songs or whatever. I was basically integrating the wisdom of the ages into the most deadly, memetic, sort of viral, implantable, imbuable form that we know outside of heroin, which is music.
Starting point is 00:44:36 Why do you say deadly? Well, everything's deadly if in the wrong hands. I mean, the power, like music, well, it is music. People don't think about what music is doing. So they just listen to records that like turn them into like simps and fools. You know, like if you listen to the content of most pop music is on a mental or whatever level is this is the story or the experience of the lowest common denominator,
Starting point is 00:45:02 14 year old people be listening to that shit their whole lives and people wonder why like guys in their 40s are sitting around in a pile of funko pops and crying themselves to death like no i hate my funko pops i got one in here my son bought me this for becoming level five dada anyway um but yeah so um but i was doing this thing and the other thing about being a hollywood dj type nightlife guy is you have to be a functional alcoholic. Everyone is a functional alcoholic of some kind. The bar staff, everyone who works in these places, everyone, the bar staff, they're all,
Starting point is 00:45:36 they all want to be Tom Cruise. Yeah. I think they're all people who've come to LA to be active. So every bar man is the most handsome guy you've ever seen. Every bar woman's most beautiful woman you've ever seen, seen you know and they work real hard and they drink real hard you know i mean everyone is fucking drunk everyone's drinking all the time and as a dj people just be walking around pouring shots down your neck because every time you do anything cool they give you they give you a shot and then all the rich guys want to be seen to be hanging with
Starting point is 00:45:59 the dj so they come and pour booze on your head and all this type shit so everyone's a fucking functioning alcohol. And other good stuff, too. Like, do you get MDMA or? Well, everything. There's people. Literally, people are throwing everything at you and trying to do bumps in the fucking DJ booth. Wiz Khalifa's in there, like, smoking the place out so you can't see your laptop screen.
Starting point is 00:46:22 You know what I mean? Miley Cyrus is stealing your phone charger yeah all that type all that type joe david hasselhoff's coming in the booth wanting to do a shout out and you don't have a microphone so you give him his you give him your headphones and he talks into your headphones like the wu-tang recorded their album in that fashion you know i mean i approve of that's the first person i approve of by the way david hasselhoff miley he's a bad motherfucker he's a drunk motherfucker i met him on a couple of occasions and he was hammered on both occasions and one of them was like one in the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:46:49 He recorded me a nice drop. Oh, he did? I got a David Hasselhoff drop. This is David Hasselhoff, aka Hassel the Half. I'm with Akira the Don. Stay tuned. And then he hiccups. And he's a bad motherfucker. I did do some parties
Starting point is 00:47:04 for his daughter. Anyway, so I'm in this fucking world And the world is crazy, you know what I mean And I've got a studio downtown And I'm making all this music And I'm making these instrumental records Because I was making vocal rap records But I realised I couldn't make the album I wanted to make
Starting point is 00:47:21 Because I wasn't yet wise enough I was making this trilogy of albums about the human experience And I got two albums free And I realised, oh shit, I can't make this album i wanted to make because i wasn't yet wise enough i was making this trilogy of albums about the human experience and i've got two albums free and i realized oh i can't make this album yet because i'm not yet wise enough i haven't had a kid there's certain stuff i do not understand so i stopped wait how wait sorry sorry sorry i do want to hear the street how god oh i don't know if i want to take you off in this direction how did you know that you weren't wise enough and how did you know the kid was part of the metric? Can you give me just like one clue? Well, that's pretty basic. That seems pretty obvious.
Starting point is 00:47:49 The first album was about the... But it's so mature to be able to reflect on yourself and know that. Well, I pay attention to that stuff. So the first album was about, you know, coming into the world, being an individual. The right of the individual to be an individual. It was peppered with samples, held together with samples from the prisoner okay and it was about my experience growing up in wales and leaving home at 15 and living with junkies and all this type of shit and the second album was about uh when you start interfacing with the world and realizing you're
Starting point is 00:48:19 part of something else and how everything's synergetic it fits together and all that type of thing and then the third album was going to be was going to basically be about the thing that you learn after that so the second thing is when you sort of you know that uh a lot of the people who step into kind of like extremist leftism go into that thing and just stay there they don't go all the way through you know i mean a lot of yeah yeah yeah you have to go all the way through you're right you have to go all the way through i think all of our problems are a result of people not seeing things all the way through so they can yes we're taking it all the way so when you do that you think that you go shit you know part of that obviously is is uh becoming a full-blown proper fucking adult like they had back in the day and you read about books and shit
Starting point is 00:49:02 a part that involves having a child i think if you've not had a child there's any there's obviously there's a giant part of the human experience you know fuck all about and can't talk about uh there's another this is why i honestly do not think uh one of the big issues right now is we have all these leaders without children that's a fucking catastrophic they have no skin and fucking nuts i've never heard anyone say that but that's nuts right who tell me one of trudeau doesn't have any kids trudeau don't i don't know if he don't look like he has kids i don't think he has nuts so how could he have kids he doesn't look like he bangs right none of those guys in a mean way macron does not have kids right the french one he doesn't holy shit uh the german one she doesn't have kids interestingly all the ones
Starting point is 00:49:45 that have come out merkle doesn't have kids either is it merkel maybe look into there's a whole bunch of them and they all intercross with the world economic forum thing so everyone who's kind of come out of that school is like 70 of them or something don't have kids it's a lot of them don't have kids i don't think that uh the the one in um uh new zealand i don't think she has kids i want to explain something to people real quick and then i want to cure don to explain it to you the reason why your your whole mind you become selfless when you have kids in an ideal world and you start really really even the most selfish people in the world start to become selfless like literally selfless like not in a way like hey i'm gonna stop and
Starting point is 00:50:25 help this old lady across the street like you vanish and there's a profound happiness with that that i can't even fucking explain but if you don't have that you do not have the best interest if you don't if you haven't if you don't sample that in your daily life deep deep like complete selflessness then you have no business running the country no no doing anything that that uh has any consequence there's a that poor little seth rogan rogan or whatever he's called rojan uh is is um yeah that guy's a douchebag too is that the comedian yeah he said something about how him and his his missus aren't gonna have any kids because um he said people who have, they don't have any fun. He says me and my wife, we have fun.
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Starting point is 00:52:15 so bad for that guy. I almost cried reading that. That's the mindset of so many people who've been fooled by this evil, evil trick because the most wonderful thing you could ever do is have children and those saturday mornings lying around smoking weed and watching cartoons those shifts was fun but then nothing compared to the mornings when you have when children come into the equation it's nothing it's not even in the same like library if you watch your kids when you watch your kids dance, my kids dance a lot, it's probably the best moment of my life. I'm going to really say this too.
Starting point is 00:52:50 It's better than when you're 16 or 18 like me, when you lose your virginity, you're like, man, this is the greatest thing ever. Watching your kids dance is better than losing your virginity. It's nuts. Yeah, it's nuts. It's so wonderful watching them
Starting point is 00:53:04 grow, watching them evolve. When they appear, they're already fully formed in a weird sort of a way. And then you kind of watch, they already exist as they are. Like the inherent nature of the human is in them from the very beginning. And then you get to watch it unfold and you get to watch it blossom. If you're doing things correctly, if you're paying attention, if you're not sending them off for the government to smack them around the head with hammers until they turn into miserable bitter
Starting point is 00:53:29 retards uh you know i wish i lived near you i wish we could i wish i lived near you you should it's great we have a great you know you could come to it you could come to mexico's best cross um what is it this trilogy of albums what's what's the name of them oh yeah well the first there was there wasn't the first one was called when we were young and the second was called the life equation and the third one was going to be called the third force and i'll make that when i've oh amassed a bit more oh you that's you rap on that's your uh-huh well when you look this album up i i'll let you just say is, would you consider this a rap album? They call this a rap album.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yeah, well, I'm rapping on it. I was like, I was, you know, I was the first British rapper signed to Interscope Records, which is like Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine and all that shit. Were you the first white dude signed to it also? No, Eminem was signed to them. Okay. to it also no eminem was was signed to them okay you know but i was the first british guy jimmy ivy sat me down and told me that i was going to do to uh rap music what the beatles did to rock and roll um and then i made them an album and i had a song in it called thanks for all the aids oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i see and uh they said you better change these lyrics mother i don't
Starting point is 00:54:43 have a song called bankers i had a song on it that predicted the stock market crash. It said on it, the mortgage-based security system is about to blow. It's not a fairytale or speculation. This is what we know. It's some shit about taking us down to 500 million or some shit like that. It was a very based, I was a very based young man. They did not like that shit. that it was it was a very based i was very based young man they did not like that shit yeah exactly big fucking happy chorus and they're like you need to change these lyrics and i was
Starting point is 00:55:16 like no they really do tell you that they really yeah yeah they don't just hint at it and you got pissed they really call i got a phone call from my A&I guy and he says, right, they're listening to the record. They're not going to put it out with those lyrics. You need to change some shit. I'd been in Iovine's office, played him some songs. It's cool with some of them, but others not. And at that point, Busta Rhymes was on the label and he had recorded three albums for them that were on the shelf. They wouldn't release. I was like, fucking Busta Rhymes ain't getting this shit out had recorded three albums for them that were on the shelf. They wouldn't release.
Starting point is 00:55:45 I was like, fuck it, bust the rhymes. They get this shit out. What's going to happen to me? So I'd had one of my songs in a movie called My Super Ex-Girlfriend that had it was it played at the moment when Uma Thurman and Eddie, Eddie transvestite British comedian snogged, which and I took the money from that to buy my album back and have been independent ever since. Wait, how did you get money from Uma Thurman?
Starting point is 00:56:13 Does Snogged mean kissing? Yeah, sorry, that's a British word. That means tongue kissing. She kissed Tranny and you got money out of that? Yeah, well, it was in a movie. So when things in movies is cool. It was in a movie called My super ex-girlfriend oh which was like early superhero um romantic comedy type joint how old are you you're 42 uh i think i will be in may yeah i will be in may man you've done so much stuff already hey do you think being in much stuff already. Hey, do you think being in Mexico has
Starting point is 00:56:45 helped your skin? Do you think you look younger there? I mean, I'm in probably the best shape of my life right now as a result of getting shit loads of vitamin D and jumping up and down on top of boxes in CrossFit five days a week. So yeah, my
Starting point is 00:57:01 skin is definitely better. My hair is everything is better being out here. I mean, you always had nice skin. Just like look at the, the, the videos I've seen of you, you know,
Starting point is 00:57:10 five years ago. I didn't always, I didn't always, no, my skin. So the thing is though, when I basically stopped eating carbs and vegetables, all my health problems went away.
Starting point is 00:57:23 I did like a baseline diet thing i was just like breaking the only food that i ever like didn't cause me problems was steak so i did a like a reduction diet where i just like stopped eating everything apart from steak and uh all my health problems went away and if i ever tried reintroducing anything i would have the problem come back so for the past like four years now i think three four years i've just eaten steak um many years ago a guy i worked with told me he quit eating dairy and i was like oh give it a try and i go he goes i wouldn't and i go why and he goes because you can never come back i was like oh yeah yeah it's real i used to fucking love my fucking uh you know big fat lattes and all that type of shit but i have these like tiny i used to have these tiny little bumps which you couldn't see but i could feel them on my skin you know i big fat lattes and all that type of shit. But I have these like, I used to have these tiny little bumps,
Starting point is 00:58:05 which you couldn't see, but I could feel them on my skin. You know what I mean? Those went away when I stopped putting milk in my fucking coffee. Some shit like that. I used to have like fucking bleeding gums and all sorts of stupid shit. And all that stuff went when I did those dietary shifts. And the thing is, it's like that shit doesn't work for everybody. And the reason is because some people come from carnivore ancestry and some people come from plant ancestry.
Starting point is 00:58:30 And we know this from our myth and from our mythological record. There were some places in the world where any plant you would eat would kill you. So those people were carnivores. Then there was other places in the world where there weren't even animals. And those people just had rotting vegetation and shit of that nature and we come from these people and some of us come from carnivore people and we do better with those sorts of diets and other this others of us come from the plant people and it was the plant people who did human ritual sacrifice by the way because uh of course of course yeah lars uh this guy logan
Starting point is 00:59:02 logan mars here he's the guy who introduced me to Lars. Why don't you come on and. Oh, shit. The fucking legend. Logan Mars is responsible for the hot sauce. Yes. Yeah. Yes, he is.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Yes. He sent me a fucking big load of hot sauce and I like I banged a bunch of it on a live stream, you know. Wow. Logan, why don't you call in and you can fluff them for a second logan's only guy i let call in on non-call-in shows really yes yes that is that is accurate that's beautiful um do you ever you use so much creativity that um does it ever get dangerous by that by to yourself to yourself like you're like okay like it sounds like you have some balance in your life but it has ever like okay i'm not working out enough i'm not sleeping enough i'm not being nice enough to my wife i'm not spending enough time
Starting point is 00:59:56 with my kids like does it ever become are you beyond that phase now that you're 40 is it like okay like i but but you know what i mean like like an addiction you constantly have to recalibrate right like uh you can't say i i kind of audit so i'll like check in on i like do a habit audit for example and i'll see you see what habits you've got going on and are they useful maybe you've developed some that aren't good whether and that habit might be like not being nice enough to your wife or whatever the fuck or whatever habits come in you know and if you don't pay attention they'll take over your whole life and next thing you know you'll be dead uh so i audit that stuff and i have a look at it and if i find any habits that are not
Starting point is 01:00:37 serving me i replace them with useful ones you know and um you might think of those as systems. One of the Scott Adams is how to win, how to lose and keep win or big or whatever the fuck. He had a book I read in 2014 that was very influential on me and meaning wave. And he talked about the idea of systems being better than goals overall, because you have a goal when you reach that goal, you're like, well, what the fuck now? And when you haven't reached that goal, you're in a state of not having reached that goal and that's not a good state you know what i mean whereas if you turn your your desires or aims into uh that yeah the first one if you turn your desires or aims as peterson calls them aims right if you don't have a aim you're aimless
Starting point is 01:01:19 so you set your aim and then you reverse engineer systems that will carry you to that aim. And all you have to do is execute those systems. And then what I realized is you can turn those systems into habits, replacing unuseful habits. So then your habits are the systems that will carry you to your aims. And you're like a guy getting, you're like a rock star at a concert, you know what I mean? Just getting carried by the crowd that is your that is your the habits you've created for yourself so anyway i check in on those motherfuckers on a monthly basis i make a new album every month at the beginning part of the process at the beginning is checking in on my habits another thing i do is is uh institute some new things that i haven't
Starting point is 01:01:58 done before so i'm constantly kind of on the edge of my competence, which is a place that you need to be if you, in order to be maximally zone inhabitant and creative. Yeah. Audit your habits. That should, that should, but Mar, sorry, my phone crashed when you, right when you called in. Auditing your habits should be one of everyone's habits. Like that is something as I, I'm not a goal oriented person. I know I've heard you talk about how you write out like sort of your future 10 years. I don't do that. No, I didn't. No, I mean, no. Oh, okay. I thought you did do that. I thought like you would like lay out your whole, I thought I heard you talking to Jordan Peterson. No, no. I mean, he, well, he's very methodical at planning. I'm simpler in that you have, like, I have a much simpler aim. I will have a relative, you know, or some simple aims. I wish to become competent in
Starting point is 01:02:45 this thing or i wish to uh achieve this or whatever the fuck it is i don't have like a fucking 10-year plan broken micromanaged broken down um but i what i will what i do sort of break down is like i said the i'll have a name and then i'll break reverse engineer how to get to that and put in place systems that will do that and then just do the systems. And then it's just a case of discipline. And of course, like I said, but then you can turn those things into habits. And then it's real easy. But you just have to make sure you have to audit those habits and make sure it's still the ones that you wanted. Because things will slip in and the deeper you get into life, the more things become habitual. And when something becomes a habit, whether it's like driving to work in the same way or uh or eating the same thing or whatever it is your
Starting point is 01:03:30 brain will start fast forwarding through that activity because it's seen it before right and that's part of why i think people have the you have the illusion of time speeding up as you get older and that's why those summers when you were a little kid used to go on forever because it was all new experiences you know those early summers everything was fucking new getting chased by a farmer you know seeing seeing a girl bend over like making a nice daisy chain for some motherfucker you know i mean getting your head kicked in it was like new shit a daisy chain i haven't heard that term in a long time that's when you pick the flower and you put a little slice in the stem and you connect them all together make a necklace yeah that's right that is exactly what it is and i was i was a
Starting point is 01:04:07 and until you start hanging out with people in oxford like and then a daisy chain is a completely different thing in oxford and cambridge where all the british rich people are the daisy chain is in those places is that rich people in britain send their kids kids to private schools where they get sexually abused. Over a daisy chain. That's a different kind of daisy chain. And they sit around in a circle and each person jerks the person to the left of them off. No shit. And that's how they bond.
Starting point is 01:04:36 And then that's how they don't snitch on each other when they become politicians. Because they know shit like that. And they've got photos of each other doing weird shit from when they were kids. Wow. God, that seems like just that's how you run empires that's just real I met these people I met a guy I was hanging out with a girl and she was joining some secret society and the rituals to join the
Starting point is 01:04:56 secret society and everyone in that thing has gone on some of them are fucking like lawyers prime minister types whatever like they had to like bang like a pint of gin and some heroin and go out and find a homeless person and bang them and take a photo. That shit will cement your reliability. Hey, if you're, if you're stuck in one of those situations where you feel like uh just let it go
Starting point is 01:05:26 just come clean just it's so it's so much easier not having any secrets just come clean so you suck someone off in university who cares whatever we love you so the end result of cancel culture which is a wonderful thing is a situation where if you haven't been canceled we're very close to that we might really be there like people will treat you with suspicion because you're a fucking nut yes yes yes you haven't done some weird shit people are going to think you're a weirdo what happens is you end up in a position of just radical empathy because everybody's got some shit and everybody could get you know what i mean if you if you if you this social score thing that I keep hearing about, if you think a high social score is good, you are fucking out of your mind. If you try to follow me on Instagram, Akira, they'll give you a warning.
Starting point is 01:06:13 It's been like that for about a year and a half now. And they say, hey, are you sure you want to follow this guy? He's misinformation. And 99 out of 100 people will be like, hey, I'm so glad I found you. This proves to me that that I should follow you. But every once in a while, someone will be like, hey, I can't follow you because you're a spreader of misinformation. I just like, holy shit. Hey, thank you for harassing yourself as a chump.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah. As a chump. God bless you. It's cool now. Everything that's happening in the world right now is just a wonderful sort of like easily recognizable visual metaphor for what we already knew so like we already knew school was a prison uh to i didn't i didn't i'm just learning that now i'm so fucking far behind the curve well this is good because now you're learning it but like i do the school was a prison designed uh not to educate but to uh stimmy and to sort of brainwash and to crush and to create uniform
Starting point is 01:07:06 little creatures that would work in the 1900s factory system. That's literally what it was designed for. And then the one for posh people, for rich people in Britain, that was designed to create people who would run the country in the way that the people above them wanted and would also be conformed. so both systems were created designed to create that conformity and both were modeled as prisons right and they're dishonest right there are schools you can go to and become an electrician and it's honest it wants you to become an electrician but these public schools they act like they're benevolent or but but but they're not if they would just would just be honest with us and trust the people people would do the right thing
Starting point is 01:07:44 but now but now they show what they are because now now if you go to them, you have to like strap a thing around your face. So you all look the fucking same and you have to like stand at this point and you have to believe this and say this. And if you don't say the thing you're supposed to believe, you you're publicly humiliated and removed and all this type of thing. It's just very, very obvious now what's going on. And that's across all of our society is it's now painfully obvious what's going on who the people are uh who what people believe who are the people who are basically going to be the ones who snitch to uh you know like the kids in 1984 who snitch on the parents and like the uh you know the people who snitched to the gestapo back in the day all All of that stuff is out in the open now. We know.
Starting point is 01:08:26 We know who the people are. That's a wonderful thing. That's very, very useful. The more clear things are to more people, the more likely it is that we can create at this point of creation that we're at. A lot of people are very black, pilly, doomy. It's inevitable that we get K, a lot of people are very black, pilly, doomy over this.
Starting point is 01:08:50 Like it's inevitable that we get Klaus Schwab's wet dream. I don't think that's the case. I think this is an incredible opportunity to do something that we've never been able to do before. And you see potential for that everywhere you look. So tell me me you have recently discovered what schools are about how did how did that happen uh because i grew up in the city and i'm a and you know i grew up in the bay area and i'm a uh fucking peace love uh homosexual loving love all my men i don't see color just you're hardcore just let me you're a racist now by the way yeah don't see color you're a racist right i'm a tree i was a tree hugging you know barefoot i i lived a life i was homeless for five years you know i'd stop and help and do everything for anybody and anything
Starting point is 01:09:36 and um then i'll just give you one example i dropped my kid off at elementary school one day or i wasn't i don't even think he was in school at the time i was going by the elementary school he was going to go to and we were getting papers to get him enrolled or something and I saw the gay the lgbq flag out front and I'm like why is that flag out here because I used to go to all the gay pride parades I know it I know what the flag stands for the flag stands for it's a well gay means sex that means you like to have sex with people if you have a penis and I have a penis we like to have sex with people. If you have a penis and I have a penis, we like to have sex with each other. Where straight means penis and vagina, right? That's all that flag means.
Starting point is 01:10:09 And so I would go to these parties, and I know what gay dudes are into. They're the same thing that straight dudes are into. They just want to fuck. They like more amyl nitrate. They're like more extreme. Yeah, well, because they don't have anyone putting the brakes on them. Exactly. Putting the brakes on them.
Starting point is 01:10:24 And so that's why we would go to the, we would go to Polk street in the city and we would. Polk street. Polk street. Yeah. That's amazing. Yeah. And we would fucking party there.
Starting point is 01:10:33 And I'd see the, the one gay dude walking like five buff gay dudes and their cock and balls hanging out. We were partying. And there'd be trainees everywhere. I used to hang out with some of those bear, I used to DJ parties with those bear guys in San Francisco. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Shit was awesome. I didn't do – like no one ever did anything to me, but they called me a little cub because I had a beard. Yeah. They used to write about me in their magazine. Yeah, of course they didn't do any – yeah, they didn't do anything. Occasionally some guy would slap my ass or something. But there were tons of girls there too. But the reason why we would go to these parties or like the – in Halloween we would go to – what what's the big one we would always go to on halloween um the erotic exotic ball is because
Starting point is 01:11:08 you were free there everyone was free like like if you've come to the point in in an oppressed society where you can kiss another dude everyone and and there's a room full of people like that the room is free so we would go there and experience that freedom and we would party and we like i said we weren't gay my friends and i we would go there and experience that freedom and we would party. And we, like I said, we weren't gay. My friends and I, we would go there and there were tons of chicks there too. Anyway, when I see that flag at my kid's school and they see it means freedom and acceptance, I'm like, no, that's what the American flag means. Yeah. That one, that one right there means that you just like to party in the city and suck a lot of cock and be free and just like run around naked. That one does not mean uh uh freedom there's there's
Starting point is 01:11:45 no there's no there's no connection to that it's all that is a sex flag and when i saw the two being conflated i was like and i was like holy shit something's not right and and the and the teachers believe it too because they're scared they're scared to think for themselves they think like if you say that you're against homosexuality i am not against homosexual whichity. Which is the greatest sin. Well, one of the great, there's a few of them, but these are our sins now. Now we're in this like godless society that Nietzsche warned us about. The vacuum, you know, man is a religious animal fundamentally. And if you strip his religion away from him, he will find a new one very, very fast. So we just got this new religion. It's a cliche at this point point it happens so fast that the people the nancy reagan's mary white house's of my youth are now the the people
Starting point is 01:12:32 flying the the rainbow flag and all that kind of thing demanding complete conformity of thought and action and deed and and that self-flagellating and demanding fucking penance and blah blah blah it's so boring at this point but it happened so quickly yeah and it was interesting about how it happened so quickly is well what that what that means is something else could happen very quickly you know oh yeah yeah yeah i think i heard you talk you talked to um in 2018 you were saying that with uh eric quite possibly yeah and you know jordan peterson's conversation was fascinating also you were talking about the collapse or maybe it was eric but you guys were talking about how institutions have collapsed basically they're not functioning anymore and it's the individuals like
Starting point is 01:13:16 akira like savant like rogan who are now we're the only places where there's authenticity and i was like holy shit. Yeah, well, you know, when I was a kid, like, if you wanted to, because I observed this from the lens of music. So when I was a kid, I was very much a student of the game, and I bought all the music magazines, or I stole all the music magazines, shoplifted all the music magazines. And, you know, I was obsessed over it. And at that point, if you wanted to make a record,
Starting point is 01:13:40 you needed to, like, make a demo tape somehow and get that to a guy, but no one had ever listened to it because there were piles of demo tapes so i realized it was all sort of nepotistic and it was all gatekeepers and shit and you had to suck off a specific guy like baby spice from the spice girls had to like do a whole bunch of shit for them to get through and da da da da da and uh you know then you had to get there was a couple of magazines there was the enemy and there was the melody maker and they only had 12 covers a year of Rolling Stone. Terrence Trent Darby, who's, who's a black, uh, well, half black, uh,
Starting point is 01:14:11 R and B British guy, uh, claims that Michael Jackson and Prince ganged up to have him blackballed from the industry because there was no space on Rolling Stone for two black guys. Out of 12 covers a year, they had 12 covers a year. Two of those were for black guys and that was prince and michael jackson so it's a tennis trend then darby says they uh they ganged up to have him removed from the industry because he was taking up one of their slots but then you know napster do you buy that do you buy that yeah now that napster uh and all that comes along
Starting point is 01:14:43 like 2000 and pretty much within six months, that whole system was gone. And suddenly those gatekeepers didn't have any power anymore. And it shifted. Now within music, there's an infinity. You can be Young Lean now as a Swedish rapper, and you can be completely ignored by the mainstream, and you can have millions of people watch, listen to your music and have nothing to do with that world.
Starting point is 01:15:08 You know, you can be Akira at the dawn and be completely ignored by the mainstream music industry and get more streams and such like than the people they put on the front cover of their magazines. How many albums do you have on Spotify? I don't even know. Yeah, it's nuts. I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:15:22 But yeah, that's it now. So it's, and that's wonderful because all these people destroyed their trust. And what happens to the music industry will happen to every industry. You know, it's happening to the press. It's happening to the corporate press. It's happening to the institutions of education. It's happening to the pharmaceutical uh sort of so-called health industries currently it's even happening to the movie industry because suddenly unreal engine
Starting point is 01:15:50 exists and one person can make a movie you suddenly because unreal engine 5 exists i don't know if you've seen this shit people are making these like fan star wars star wars uh films and they look better than the shit on Disney+. Oh, that's awesome. I have not seen that. That is awesome. And it's this thing I've been talking about for decades, and I've been wondering when it will come into existence.
Starting point is 01:16:14 So, like, with Unreal Engine, you can create a world, but you don't have to make the whole world. With what engine? With what engine? Unreal Engine 5. You can use it to make video games, movies, animations, or whatever, right? You can say, okay, I want a Martian landscape. Loads of people have made them already, so you just download them, right?
Starting point is 01:16:32 And it's a 3D thing, and it comes into your thing, and you can light it any way you want. You can add anything you want. There's loads of different human generators that will create your actors for you, the animations, the movements, everything, or you can green screen your own actors. You can just do it yourself. You've got a green screen here. You just put yourself in these worlds. Everything you wish for has already been created,
Starting point is 01:16:53 and there's free versions of everything, right? So if you're like my son and his friends, you just make your own shit. That's all they do. They're all there making their own video games, movies, worlds, albums, or whatever. When we when I was if you wanted to do anything, make an album, you had to go to a recording studio. You know, if you want to make a movie, you've got to go suck 15 dicks just for stars.
Starting point is 01:17:15 You know, I mean, like starters, you know, like that's all done now. Right. So, yeah, all of these of the the previous institutions which controlled everything are all collapsing in real time which is why they're going so fucking hard uh trying to counteract that with their uh with their creepy weirdo shit right now but it's too late it is too late i believe it is too late the genie is out of the ball how do you stay on the pulse which how do you know uh young young young lean unreal five um well here's the thing this again this comes this is something i learned through music uh if you make music it's a good idea to dj because what djing will do it will force you to to engage with music like you did when you were a 14 year old
Starting point is 01:18:04 you've got to be looking for new 14 year old you've got to be looking for new music to play you've got to be listening to new stuff that's coming out you've got to be looking through your dad's record collection to find that rare gem that no one else has got right yeah a lot of people when they love music when they're 14 they they've all the top youtube comment on every pop music video is our music was so much better when i was 14 music was so much better in my day because that was when they first got a fucking boner or whatever it is, or first got finger-banged around the back of the Wendy's or whatever the fuck it is.
Starting point is 01:18:30 And they just magically associate that time with the best music. Because what happened is they got to a certain age and they stopped looking for new music like they did when they were a kid because other life stuff came in the way. They got lazy, whatever the fuck it is. So if you stay in touch with culture,
Starting point is 01:18:44 what happens is if you stop even for a couple of weeks or something you become a bit adrift from society and suddenly you can't communicate as well as you could before with as many people as you could before and soon you're just far away at sea and it all looks weird and you don't understand it you forget what civilization is you grow a big old fucking naive beard and you forget how to talk and you stick a stick up your ass and you just run around drooling you know i mean you become that guy you don't want to be that guy uh so all you have to do is stay engaged you just pick a few things uh so you you know you pick a couple playlists you listen to or you pick a couple youtube channels that you follow or
Starting point is 01:19:17 whatever whatever it is it's very easy now find some people to follow twitter or something like that right people think like oh it's a hellscape. It can be a hellscape if you're following the wrong people. If you follow the right people, it's a wonderful university or it's a cultural dojo or whatever it is, right? You have the opportunity now to choose your peer group and choose your, you know, you're the sum of the five people closest to you, right? They say that. You get to choose those now One of mine is Jordan Peterson
Starting point is 01:19:47 For fuck's sake Why do people follow people they hate then? There's people who don't like me Who subscribe to my account And I'm like Or I see people in the YouTube comments On the regular Just throwing stones
Starting point is 01:20:02 I'm like dude Do you hate yourself? Why are you watching? Yeah, that's why. They're broken. I made a whole album about this with Scott Adams. It's because they're broken. It's because they're broken and they're narcissistic
Starting point is 01:20:12 and they want you to suffer as much as them. That's a big basis of the whole sort of SJW world is these people are broken, tragic, and they want everyone else to be as broken as they are. They want everyone else to be as broken as they are they want everyone else to be as broken and broke as they are right that's that's one of the cornerstones of being a liberal by the way you think that if you pull people from the top of the ladder down that everything gets better it's you don't think it's complete thinking involved in that it's just people have been told that and they parrot it if you think that one through it makes no fucking sense but uh
Starting point is 01:20:44 yeah so there's that so you've got there's a whole bunch of broken narcissistic people out there who because of the internet suddenly have a voice uh and these are the same people who will scream at people about masks and these are the same people who will search through people's twitter history to find something that suddenly this week has become unacceptable so they can ruin these people's lives these are people who wake up and think hey how can I ruin someone's life today because mine is already fucking ruined and I don't want to have to look in the mirror and think about how fucked up my own life is. So I just focus on fucking someone else's life up and that will make me feel at least something. What is it Morrissey said? Morrissey said, it's so easy to laugh. It's so easy to hate. It takes guts to be gentle and
Starting point is 01:21:21 kind. You know what I mean? It's fucking way more work to not be a fucking sniveling miserable little fucker but the sad thing about being the miserable sniveling fucker is that ends up being more work it's like if you don't you know uh you can change in a moment though you know you don't have to hate instead of hating jeff bezos and brands you don't hate jeff bezos hate is a terrible stupid thing to carry around with you that will infect your own life be careful when you look into the abyss for the abyss also looks into you motherfucker or as uh frank herbert said in do and you become what you fight you know yes you gotta be don't fucking hate i don't hate anybody i have no hate
Starting point is 01:22:00 in my heart uh i feel bad for some of these motherfuckers like i said that fucking idiot uh seth what's his face some people like i hate that guy don't heart. I feel bad for some of these motherfuckers. Like I said, that fucking idiot, Seth, what's his face? Some people are like, I hate that guy. Don't hate that guy. Feel sorry for that guy. He should be enjoying the glory of fatherhood. He's just rolling around smoking weed covered in Cheeto dust. It's fucking horrible for that guy.
Starting point is 01:22:17 You don't want to be that guy. You don't want to be Clash Squad. You don't want to be fucking eating baby skulls. You know what I mean? You don't want to be these people. So don't hate them. mean like you don't want to be these people so don't hate them that just brings misery into your life you know i mean that's not the opposite is how how you win is you become a shining beacon of joy and love and wonder and then that infects people around you and then that what is it fucking uh you know don't you focus on the light it's either light or dark right and if you're focusing on the dark, you'll get more dark. So focus on the light and you'll get more light.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Shiny beacon of love and wonder. At a young age, you realized that whatever you focused on was happening to you. Can you tell me that story? I think it was the world of heroin and fentanyl or something like that. I remember you were talking to um just manifestation that well you're young danny miranda i only fucking realized that talking to young danny miranda god bless that young danny miranda i think it was it was danny miranda i realized that i was like a kid and i was ducking off of school and going to safeway and i was
Starting point is 01:23:20 reading train spotting by hervin welsh which is which is about Scottish junkies and I'm reading that book and I'm doing a I'm doing a sales job door-to-door sales and I heard that regional accents do better in sales and that book is written in phonetic Scottish it's written like phonetically so I taught myself this crap Scottish accent I was using that one during the rent and then I left home and I went to London and the first thing I do after get like I'm supposed to be staying with this girl and she's like actually you can't stay with me so I'm basically homeless in London and I meet basically the cast of train spy I meet Scottish and Irish junkies who invite me to come and live in their squat with them and I and I greet the guy he speaks to me and i just instinctively uh reply in this fake scottish accent so then i'm living with these junkies with a fake scottish accent
Starting point is 01:24:13 pretending i'm scottish and uh he was like he was he was northern irish and he took me back to his squat and his girlfriend's there and she's scottish and she's like oh you're scottish where are you from and i said oh falkirk because that's where this band airstrap i liked were from and she goes oh my nan's from falkirk where the best did you live and i went by the post office and she goes oh great so uh that i was stuck in that position but i didn't realize i'll talk to young danny miranda holy, I'm sat there like duck in school, reading this book about Scottish heroin addicts, thinking about it, speaking it out loud in this voice
Starting point is 01:24:50 to teach myself how to speak in Scottish. And I built that world. I created that world. I summoned into existence me living in that book, in that movie. That's what my life became. It wasn't because also in that book. You had Scott, you had junkies and then they're all in the music scene and they're all having these divorce parties and having these terrible scrapes and people are trying to kill them and all this type stuff.
Starting point is 01:25:15 All that stuff happened to me. I had a guy chasing me around with a fucking pool cube, like for fucking weeks. Like I had fucking all sorts of stuff that I can't talk about on podcasts. Yes. Wow. Wow. But I really, yeah. fucking weeks like i had fucking all sorts of stuff that i can't talk about on podcasts uh yet wow wow but i really yeah and i was a kid reading books and reading them out loud like it's crazy how much fucking power there is in all that stuff did you ever read carlos castaneda's books no i don't think so uh Carlos Castaneda, he wrote – the first book is – I think the first book might be just called Don Juan. Do you see that, Caleb? Don Juan?
Starting point is 01:25:54 Anyway, it's a series of five or six books. It's about an anthropology student at UCLA who basically goes down to Mexico – oh, the teachings of Don Juan, the Yaqui way. And he basically goes down to get his PhD studying medicinal plants in Mexico and he comes across the sorcerer Don Juan. Anyway, I read that series of books and without going into too much detail, my whole life turned into that book. And I was probably in my early 20 twenties. It was nuts. It was absolutely nuts. The people I started meeting. And so literally I lost touch with the Don Juan
Starting point is 01:26:35 character that was in my life after reading the series of books. And I hadn't seen him in two years and I wanted to see him. So I picked up the book and I told two of my friends hey i'm gonna pick up this book i'm gonna read it i'm gonna see if it brings this guy back i picked up the first book i read it again within a week i fucking was just walking uh across the bridge somewhere and there he was and we rekindled shit works i had it's absolutely nuts that was the first time i was like all right something some weird shit's going on here or i need to buy a lotto ticket well yeah um you know you probably could get that good to the point that that would work i was i got really into hunter s thompson then my life turned into a hunter s thompson book uh i got into uh grant morrison's the invisibles which was specifically actually turned out to be
Starting point is 01:27:21 about that he was he was a guy who was using chaos magic to consciously create things in the world. He, he wrote himself as the main character and whatever happens to the main character kept happening to him in his life. So his, his main character was getting tortured and, uh,
Starting point is 01:27:37 got given some flesh eating disease and then he got it in real life. And that's Snoop Dogg's life was kind of like that murder was the case. He released that album. And then a few years later later all that shit's happened to him like what the fuck is going on and then the thing weird thing with grant morrison is i started reading his comics and getting into it and then we became friends like he we oh wow he was he was he was a big fan of my music and then i was a big fan of him and then we started then we whenever we'd be together all these weird fucking things would happen they would um yeah he like after he had the thing with the flesh eating disease and he realized how it was really working he wrote the character that was based on him just basically just had fun and
Starting point is 01:28:14 orgies for like the next couple of years and that's what his life became and then he decided he wanted a wife so he wrote his character basically meeting a woman and in his real life this woman came into his life literally just came to his door and knocked on his door. And he opened his door and there's a woman there. And it's basically the same as the character in the comic book. You know, it's interesting. I toggle back and forth between are you manifesting that or are you a fortune teller? Because it's the same ending, right?
Starting point is 01:28:45 You get the same results. Like, am I seeing the future? And I'm conflating it with it's not? It's the same as the free will argument, right? Tell me. And the answer is it doesn't matter. What matters is your experience, right? So you choose whichever frame best gives you the best outcome outcome or the best experience right you just pick whichever
Starting point is 01:29:06 operating system or frame or way of viewing it gives you the most optimal life results you know because some people choosing the uh no free will model leaves them in a state of anxiety and horror and nausea and reduces them to you know death and misery other people adopt that frame and it makes them very powerful and able to navigate the world like superheroes so you just yeah it's just important for you to work out which frame works best for you and realize that that's all they are is frames oh i really like that by the way if anyone wants to test your free will you you can do that tell me tell me you can just lie down and die and see if you're capable of doing it are you the
Starting point is 01:29:46 master of your domain can you lie down and stay perfectly still can you not itch yourself can you not react to every thought can you impose this free will on yourself to turn yourself off i implore everyone to try it well the argument is there's you know some people can do that sort of thing but that doesn't go against the free will people's argument that if you could do any of that stuff that's only because of what happened in your life around you that made you the kind of person that was able to do that right right right um the the paradox of the the paradox if you're only – I believe – my belief, my experience is that the only free will you have is to do nothing. And through that, you will see – as you said, you will stare into the abyss. But to do that, you also have to embrace this other thing that I think it was Michael Singer says, an untethered soul.
Starting point is 01:30:43 You have to not be afraid of your death. Yeah. Which is the same as you have to kind of be basically suicidal kind of I don't have the exact words for it but you have to not be afraid of your own death it is a it's a terrifying experience it's a cool stoic principle right
Starting point is 01:31:00 you know those motherfuckers used to have like skulls on their desks and all that sort of thing you're supposed to just confront yourself with and that leads for a rich life because if because then you know you know you're not here for that long or that kind of thing it's easy for the young man to say that he isn't afraid of death and i my whole life i was like i'm not scared of death i'm not worried about death and i still feel that way but like you know i know some people who are close to death and and they've changed i know but then i've know some people who are close to death and they've changed. I know. But then I've known other people who are close to death who didn't change.
Starting point is 01:31:29 You would like to think that you would be one of those people. You know, I like I like the fear of death. It's a great motivation. The respect of death, perhaps. Yes. Yes. Yes. Rather than fear of it. Yeah. My sister will be like, I'm not afraid to die. I'm like, I'm fucking terrified and I got a lot of shit to do yeah well that's another thing too before i had kids i was maybe not afraid
Starting point is 01:31:49 to die i don't want to leave my kids exactly that that was my main thing before i had my son i was like i'm not scared to die i don't care i don't care about that i wouldn't wear a seat belt i put myself in precarious situations every day yeah you have a kid and it's suddenly like oh shit i better not die because this little motherfucker like can't stand up can't hold his fucking head up yet you know i mean if i'm gone kids take a long time to fucking grow right you have a you have a baby rabbit that motherfucker can do almost everything a big rabbit can do within like half an hour or some shit right like humans take ages they can't even stand up for like fucking eight like you know what i mean like humans like they still haven't fucking finished growing when they're like fucking 20
Starting point is 01:32:28 or something like it's fucking crazy with humans they are slow motherfucking creatures to uh so you need to hang around you know i mean as a father you need to be there otherwise you will suffer the fucking consequences um akira do you have any as you hit 40 do you have any feelings about where your creativity is going and does any part of you maybe resent's not the right word does any part of you think man why hasn't the world discovered me yet? In the most crass sense, that you deserve more money. You deserve more rewards. You deserve... Deserve's not the right word. What am I trying to say?
Starting point is 01:33:18 I'll tell you what I'm thinking. I'm 49. I think I'm the greatest interviewer who ever fucking walked the planet. And it's a fucking tragedy that other people that not everyone gets a chance to sit in front of me. I say that with, with humility and love.
Starting point is 01:33:34 And I think, but my time is running out. And Joe, 30 years ahead of me. Say that again. Good. Your time isn't running out there. You've got decades and decades.
Starting point is 01:33:48 Yeah. Yeah. How long have you been, how long you've been doing it uh six months no but i'm like you i'm like you i've been so the day in 1980 in 1981 or 83 or whatever the year it was when when apple the day apple macintosh came out my mom who was only making twelve thousand dollars a year as an attorney took me to macy's and bought me the very first apple computer the day it came out cost it cost one-fourth of her fucking yearly income flash forward and i'm a homeless man and the and i have never used a computer in my fucking life really and the day apple releases a laptop and final cut pro i save i have every fucking i think maybe i use my girlfriend's credit card at the time to go to the student union at uc santa barbara and buy that computer and that software and just loading the 10 dvds took me two weeks and i was on the phone with you know what you might call it uh support
Starting point is 01:34:44 computer support for every day for two hours you know, whatchamacallit, uh, support, computer support for every day for two hours, you know, and I'm a self-taught editor. And so since I've been 25, I've been interviewing people on the street, you know, just, just tons, tons. I've made, I've interviewed thousands of people. I've been filming movies in a hundred countries, 49 States. I mean, I've been everywhere, but the podcast thing is, is relatively new to me. I'd say a year.'t that crazy yeah but he was already doing it well that's what you're saying you're young you're baby you got decades and decades but part of me is like
Starting point is 01:35:16 yeah part of me is like yeah hey here's the thing i was thinking about i i it's i don't want it to come across like i'm angry or i'm worried i'm like because that's not it i'm having a blast but another part of me is is like man like i i could interview uh um anyway one way one thing you've got to do if you think that way will never happen. And what you want will never come into your life. Right. Right. That's like rule number one. But you have to you have to. It's a combination like the rap people, you know, they do the fake until you make it. Rick Ross talks about being a millionaire when he's not a millionaire. And I've interviewed Rick Ross, by the way. I've interviewed.
Starting point is 01:35:58 There you go. I remember Pitbull had a song and he was talking about his car and his rims. And then right at the end, he's like, I don't have that shit, but I'm going to say it until I do. Yeah. Yeah. That's how it works. Right. And similarly, if you're not grateful for what you already have, you'll never get more. And you've got to realize what you have, what I realized, because I spent a long time being resentful. Like, why? And I did this and the other. So many so much stuff in my career I did way before it was acceptable to do it so i was always too early when i was i was doing triplet flows on on the glitter beat like 15 20 years before kanye west type thing i was like sampling punk and guitars and stuff like 20 years before little
Starting point is 01:36:36 people now it's it's now what i was doing in 2005 is now mainstream rap you know but like and i was bitter and resentful for a long for a long time i no longer am but now i'm now happy and grateful for everything and it's and the habit more happy and grateful i am the more comes to me and uh and the better everything is that's true glittering and glorious and what you have to realize is you're already you're already there you like when you're striving yes i need this and i've got to get that it's it's like the systems versus goals thing it's like you're not satisfied so you get whatever that thing is you think will make you happy which never will but if you're like shit i'm already
Starting point is 01:37:14 here like like you i was fucking homeless i was like i was i thought that i would never meet anyone who who thought like me or i thought i would never find love i thought that i would be getting in fights my whole life i thought i would be in fucking poverty forever this that way you used to fight a lot yeah i used to fight every day every day of my life at school and um you know all these things and where i am now is everything i dreamed of so i'm already there yeah and like you and me we're here we're talking on the internet there's like like fuck's sake we would like when i was kid, the idea that you could like broadcast to people, that would have been a crazy dream. I used to make my own comic books.
Starting point is 01:37:52 I used to photocopy them. You know, I used to walk around newsagents and I'd go in the newsagent when I was like 12 or whatever. And I would like sell them like four or five comics and they'd put them on their magazine rack. I was the happiest guy in the world when like an American comic store agreed to sell a couple of my comics and I sent them and I got some fan mail from somebody who bought one, you know? Now you just fucking put that shit on. But now you just put that shit on Instagram
Starting point is 01:38:12 or whatever the fuck it is, you know? It's like, it's a miracle. What we have already in our respective careers is so much more than any of our ancestors could have ever hoped for, you know? My granddad was in a concentration camp, for fuck's sake. He got taken by the fucking Russians from his school when he was a teenager and he never saw his family again. You're Jew?
Starting point is 01:38:32 You're Jew? No, he was Polish. Well, but he wasn't a Polish Jew. He was Roman Catholic. Wow. But like the Russians, the communists took him. So he had the communists take him and his homies from school. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:45 You know, but like a couple of generations later, here's me. I've got to fucking Mexico making an album every month. I've got fucking hundreds of thousands of people listening, millions of people listening, whatever it is. I didn't fucking know. It's like 200,000 on Spotify or whatever the fuck listeners want. You know what I mean? Yeah, I was watching your minutes. It's crazy.
Starting point is 01:39:04 I was watching your minutes. Like, oh, I'm not Michael Jackson oh I'm not this oh I'm not that oh whatever fucking accolade isn't being thrown at me or whatever but it's like this is already amazing and if you just keep and you know if I stay true to what it is I believe
Starting point is 01:39:19 and love it and you know and execute with purity of heart and work hard as fuck I will get what I deserve you know and execute with purity of heart and work hard as fuck i will get what i deserve you know and what i deserve you know any other way do you know not do you could you possibly not work hard as fuck no that's kind of the weird things when you hear about people like david gock and goggins or jocko willick or that's like the one thing a lot of people don't talk about like i they're always like you need to work hard you need to do this you need to be disciplined i don't know any other way
Starting point is 01:39:50 like i almost need someone to tell me the opposite you need to not work i don't know you know what i mean like i'm like why are they always saying that because like i don't know any other way than to um just to grind that's why you are where you are and you did what you did and you learned what you did. And certain people have that. When I was DJing, people, when I was DJing in Hollywood, every time I DJed and it was like five nights a week, would be like a transcendent experience.
Starting point is 01:40:16 And people would come running over going, oh, my God. People would cry on the dance floor. They'd be like, oh, my God, this is the best DJ set I've ever seen. And other DJs would be like a bit annoyed because they're the DJs. They just have a playlist and they press play and whatever but it's like and people that be like how do you have the energy to keep doing this and every night and it's like i couldn't not i couldn't not have a transcendent experience on my dance floor that would be fucking awful i'd feel like shit if people weren't like you know fucking seeing god i fucking failed i feel like shit i can't not do that i can't not work hard
Starting point is 01:40:47 i can't not keep fucking pushing you would be making the music even if they weren't listening when when i was making it when they weren't listening yes and i made it for fucking years and years we're fucking not listening i um my whole life so when i when i was 16 years old my mom kicked me out of her house and i moved to – and my dad had an apartment building in a crazy fucking part of town in the Oakland-Berkeley border. And he moved me into this apartment building there, and I was the only white guy in an all-black neighborhood. One Chinese guy. The heroin dealer was a Chinese guy. Everyone else was black, and I come from the white suburbs.
Starting point is 01:41:26 else was black and like and like and i come from like the white suburbs and so every fucking day every night for basically four years the vast majority 300 out of 365 days a year if i want to be accurate i would get home from school or do whatever i needed to do then somewhere around nine o'clock at night i would go out and i'd start walking around the neighborhood and i would just talk to people and i would make friends and i read every book I could on every black leader. I became immersed in the whole black Panther culture, but I you're, I was interviewing people on my own my whole life. Cause that's all I ever wanted to do. Is that a crack pipe? How does that work? What do you do if that breaks? How come you can't, Oh, can you smoke marijuana at it? Oh, the bowl's too small. Oh, that's weird. How much does that cost? Why is there a Chinese guy here? Is that really a dwarf prostitute?
Starting point is 01:42:05 I mean, just like the whole fucking like, hey, I got can we go get 40s? I mean, just my whole life was just immersing. And I guess it's always been like that. I've just always been interviewing people. I don't know any other thing to do. That's how I get my information. You did the thing. Not everyone does the thing.
Starting point is 01:42:20 Some people don't do the thing. And that's why they get bitter and resentful because they're not doing the thing they want to do or they're supposed to do. That's the trick. what did your wife do uh right now she's well she she homeschools our kids she works on the business with on the sort of business side of stuff she's more um of uh detail oriented is that the word she's more detail oriented than i am we're very very balanced she's like stuff that i'm not good at she's good at and vice versa you know and what time is it there uh shit it's 11 41 so when you get off of this will you will you then go to her and like take the she i'm assuming she's with the kid yeah they've yeah they're the
Starting point is 01:43:05 vet so after i get off this yeah i'll go see those i'll go hang out with the kid a bit uh i've got a i've got a gig this afternoon so i need to prepare for that and set up the that stuff that's in here that's a streaming thing for the uh high experience guys um and then i'll hang out go hang out with them some more maybe take the kids to the beach yeah that's what I'm going to do I'm going to get off with you and then my wife's with the kids so my wife schooled him this morning and then the jiu jitsu instructor comes over
Starting point is 01:43:34 and they're rolling right now oh okay he goes to jiu jitsu three days a week but he goes to a yeah yeah we do that we do that too we just do it do you have a guy come to you that's both yeah both both they get they have to be able akira they have to be able to defend their pussy that's right it's very very important because if you do or their dick if they end up
Starting point is 01:43:56 with dick but they got to be able to defend something whatever they want that other people want they got to be able to defend it you know the fucking vibe strong times weak men all that shit uh so but but then so as soon as i get off with you but my you're right it's interesting because my wife does the same thing she's the homeschooling shit she does all that shit like if my kids would and then i don't even know what they would know if they only had me but then now i'm going to take them to the beach it's crazy yeah we have kind of exactly now my wife will be working on how we've got this vinyl, JVP Wave, Alan Watts, a bunch of vinyl that we've spent the past year
Starting point is 01:44:30 getting, making happen. We did an Indiegogo campaign this time last year to fund production of a couple of albums on vinyl, and they're finally arriving. She's been dealing with that whole thing for like the whole year. Like the fucking supply chain shit was affecting vinyl quite early so she's just been fucking on that for like a year uh so she'll be dealing with that stuff and a bunch of other shit that uh that i'm
Starting point is 01:44:57 happy that my brain i don't have to do um do you whatsapp everyone in mexico whatsapps that's what everyone uses uh so if you don't like if you're like a zuckerberg purist then it's difficult if you're like you know i don't fuck with the zuck at all it's difficult to communicate with people in mexico everyone uses whatsapp the dentist uses whatsapp fucking doctors oh but you but do you or don't you yeah i use it you You do? Okay. Because the only way I had to communicate with you is through email. Now that you know me, would you communicate with me through WhatsApp? Yeah, I'll communicate with you through WhatsApp.
Starting point is 01:45:35 We can send each other motivational gifts. I just started using WhatsApp because there's a bunch of people across the ocean that I've been interviewing. All right. Yeah, it's real good for that. Eric says, I learned a lot this morning. Apparently, daisy chain is not what I've been interviewing. All right. Hey, uh, Eric says, I learned a lot this morning. Apparently daisy chain is not what I thought it was. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:52 Um, uh, people spreading a meaning way from coast to coast. Yeah, baby. Real shit. Uh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:45:59 I'm going to, um, send you my, um, phone number. I feel like we have a lot of unfinished fun. Yeah. To share with each other.
Starting point is 01:46:12 The funny thing about these sorts of conversations is like any section of it, any fucking little three-minute section could in itself be excellent. There you go. Very nice. That's delightful i wasn't gonna let you do that by yourself no thanks that would be thank you caleb oh brother you're you're you're as wonderful as i thought you would be um thank you for uh sharing the love that the the quote from the entire show should be um
Starting point is 01:46:43 i wrote it down. You're taking notes like a fucking scholar. Oh yeah, but my writing Shiny beacon of love A shiny beacon of love that manifests A shiny beacon of love and wonder in the world. We all should be a shiny beacon
Starting point is 01:47:02 of love and wonder in the world. You are still a hippie fuck yeah i know i am that's the fucking thing it breaks my heart what they've done it breaks my heart what they've done yeah i'm still the fucking same as i was i'm still fundamentally the same principles etc that i was when i was a kid things shifted around around. You know what I mean? That's why you can't be aligning yourself to teams and shit like that or ideologies because you can become prisons of them. And if they then decide they're going to shift them off to do some fucked up creepy shit,
Starting point is 01:47:33 you just go along with it unthinkingly. Yeah. You know, it's very, very important to be Groucho Marx and don't be joining no fucking clubs that would have you as a member because they traps, it's fucking traps. Stay away from traps.
Starting point is 01:47:44 Groucho.

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