The Sevan Podcast - #310 - Leah Shutkever

Episode Date: February 24, 2022

Leah Shutkever is a professional eater and holds 26 World Records titles. She is the #1 Female competitive eater in the United Kingdom. You can find her on instagram and YouTube, with a lot of things ...from records to doing different eating challenges. "The Sevan Podcast" T-Shirts Follow us on Instagram Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live. I was thinking about making a shirt that said, Bam, we're live. Bam, we're live. I was thinking about making a shirt that said, Bam, we're live, and it's like a chest tattoo. Should I button these or not button these? Button these or not button these? I have this heater that I plug in every morning in my office. Yeah, let me go turn mine off. I leave the door open, too, just to get fresh air in here.
Starting point is 00:01:25 And I don't think my heaters are strong enough to overpower this. Hey, I think today will be my sixth day of basically eating raw meat. I ate raw meat one day. That's basically – when I say I only ate raw meat, I eat other shit. I just don't eat anything that's not raw. Yeah. I did have a bite of anything that's not raw. Yeah. I did have a bite of chicken that wasn't raw one day. How many days is it now?
Starting point is 00:01:50 Today's day, like five or six. And we had like on accident, I bought three gallons of milk. Like every time I went to the store, I bought another gallon. My wife's like, you got to drink a lot of milk. So I normally don't drink a lot of milk. And so I've been drinking a ton of milk, raw ground beef yesterday i didn't even make it through a pound the first day i made it through a pound oh divest you might not want to hear this part i don't think your people eat cow racist don't when i was in india the cows are just allowed everywhere i know we're early today
Starting point is 00:02:20 we're early we're early we're a few minutes early man we have we're early today. We're early. We're early. We're a few minutes early. Man, we have, we're early today. Yeah, let's see if this works first. When I was in India, they would have, they have these super highways there, you know, like six, seven, eight lanes each direction. Beautiful highways. But if the cows like decide to come up and lay on the highway, they lay on the highway. No one messes with them. They reroute all the traffic. It's pretty pretty amazing it's not like it's uncommon either i feel like i was there for a month all
Starting point is 00:02:50 over india and i must have seen it half dozen times cows are sacred there right my gardener just uh text me what's he want oh money what's oh am i missing some of the chat? No. So basically, I've just been eating. People keep asking me in my DMs. I just want to tell you a little bit about it. I've been eating raw meat, raw ground beef. Just get it from the store.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I even bought it from just like behind one of those glass counters one time. And the dude back there who worked there, I think his name was Juan. He told me he i go i go hey juan where do you how old is this meat he goes just a day and i go would you eat it raw he goes i do eat it raw i'm like you eat raw meat and he's like well i mean i barely cook it when i make hamburgers i was like shit i was like where do you get it from he said we have chuck i don't know what that is but i'm assuming it's a big chunk of meat and we just grind it back here so i was like all right hook it up brother so i had that one day and then the, but I'm assuming it's a big chunk of meat and we just grind it back here. So I was like, all right, hook it up, brother. So I had that one day and then the rest has been packaged like it's with like fancy packaging that says I buy it at one store.
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's nine bucks a pound. Another store I buy it, it's 14 bucks a pound and it's like organic ground beef. Anyway, I've been buying that and mostly what I've been doing is I have a half pound in the morning and a half pound in the evening. And my wife puts it in a food processor with a, like a half a stick of butter. And then when she put in some salt, when she pulls it out, I dribble a little honey on it and I eat it. Um, and then, and then I allow myself these many avocados as I want as many greens as I want, like out of a clamshell. Um, and last, and I, and last night I had an apple before i went to bed i've been drinking some milk i had one raw egg that was easy probably today i'll have more raw eggs how's your stomach been fucking awesome all unicorn poops you know no way oh and i've been drinking i that whole
Starting point is 00:04:38 beast stuff can you bring up the whole beast website and i've been drinking this yeah one day i had three pints of this with milk yeah that i've been drinking that that's um i bought that from the liver king 64 bucks for the bag that's that's not cheap but but i think it's gonna last me the whole month and uh i even took a scoop of that and split it into three little cups and gave it to uh my kids like split one man scoop amongst three kids with a little bit of whole milk. Cause I just bought too much milk. So it's kind of perfect timing. And,
Starting point is 00:05:13 um, yeah, we're early today, Heidi, miss Heidi, we are early, man, you guys yesterday,
Starting point is 00:05:16 I'm trying to have a serious conversation with, uh, with, uh, now I know how my parents feel when I was a kid. I was trying to have a serious conversation with Jim Hensel and people are like, when are the shirts coming?
Starting point is 00:05:25 And I'm like, so did man create God or did God create man? I want my fucking shirt. I'm like, Logan, why you got to ask that? Why you got to ask that? No, they didn't have raw milk. I didn't drink raw milk. Why are you ruining my story? Just assume it's raw.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Hey, I have breaking news for you guys. Breaking news. Breaking news. Roman Krennikoff will not be coming to the CrossFit Games this year. Instead, he will be fighting in Kiev. Like all the problems in our country, I never blamed Obama. I never blamed Hillary. I've never been like the guy who just blames the president. This is just crazy.
Starting point is 00:06:12 What this guy has done to this country. A tranny feels very safe going to school now, but you as a citizen in Los Angeles do not feel safe going to Whole Foods. I mean, what? I'm all for a tranny feeling safe to go to school. I grew up in Trannyville, baby. I love Trannyville. Everybody should feel safe going to school.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Everyone. But dude, you have to take care. You cannot... You cannot... You cannot be so concerned. He's let the complete country fall apart. Do you remember when Trump took office and we were all scared? Oh my god, this psycho is going to start a war. This psycho is going to start a war. Not by birth, but through – The R word. The R word, yes. We have a retarded man who has – and I mean that in the clinical sense that's happened cumulatively through age who is in office who is running this country.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It's nuts. It's. I wonder I wonder what those people think who thought Dave Castro was unprofessional, what they think of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. I've never seen anything like this. No need to think deeply into that. They weren't they weren't wronging anybody. You know, they're on the side of of justice. Oh, this is so bad. It's so bizarre. I seriously don't think that guy Roman is coming now. I don't think so either. It's crazy town banana pants. Thank you, Alan. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Thank you. What if, like, I mean, I realize there's bigger issues, but what a shit luck for him. Like, he's like, yes, I finally got live. He said that, like, we're going to war. And he's like, fuck. I, um. Yeah. Making light of that situation as i do do you see the comments on jerry news oh no please please pull them up so so last so last i really like what you do so suza showed me this thing he on big accounts
Starting point is 00:08:22 um he'll be the first comment to make a comment and he makes a wisecrack and then and then he gets shit loads of likes it's so weird um that's like the it's so weird how some people think of social media i could give two fucks if i got canceled the only reason why like i even like my instagram is for this one reason it allows me to wave that blue check mark around to find guests other than that i have no like i have no attachment to social media and yet there's a whole generation that sees social media like breathing air like they're like i took six months off like so what i made my first comeback post on december 20th 19 december 20th 2021 i made a comeback and it's a new me shut the fuck up you fucking weird do you have no pride pride is sin you should have some pride always leverage your ego my favorite is
Starting point is 00:09:13 I'm taking a break for a while anyway I like what you do with uh social media and I'm trying to jump on that bandwagon you you um you don't like I never get likes on my posts or like my my posts get nothing i don't even look at the likes or are you in how is your engagement how about you go fuck yourself my engagement i posted that picture because my son's doing some badass shit but they uh i like what you're doing and i'm trying to do it too where you go to a post and you're the first person to say something you make a wisecrack and the goal is to get as many likes there like on someone else's post it's so good i do get off on that it's like it's like a climbing uh uh you know like when you're a kid and you climb a ladder and there's like that one step like you get to that there's like three steps to the top and you're like oh
Starting point is 00:09:58 shit like you're like like you're but you go up there anyway and you stand up there for a second like two steps from the top, and then you come down. That's what it's like. It's that kind of excitement. What were you going to say, Sousa? I was going to say one of them, the most I've gotten is over 5,000 likes. Holy shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So it has to be – Do you know where that post is? Could you pull it up? Yeah, I'll try. I tried to pull – Whose account was that on, like Rogan's or something? Barstool Sports. Oh, that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Sometimes I'll get them into the hundreds. Well, that one comment I made on Noah's account, that one I wasn't even trying to do that. But I think I got like over 500 likes. Oh, there she is. Yeah. There she is. Yes. Bam.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Leah, what's up, girl? Very good. Thank you. I'm really, really sorry that I'm late. I have some technical difficulties. No, we were just talking about the soldiers, the Ukrainian soldiers who are, or the Russian soldiers who are vacationing in the Ukraine. It was no problem. Okay, got you. The important stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Yes, the important stuff. I listened to, I did, I've done like a three-day You'll Like This. You're big into fitness. You're an athlete girl. Do you know what the assault bike is? I do. So I spent the last three days on the assault bike watching Leah Shutkever videos. You know what it's funny.
Starting point is 00:11:26 You did that show with, uh, you did that show in 2020 with amazing or be amazing. Do you remember that? It's a 28 minute show. There's no eating in it. It's just you answering questions. Yes, I do remember. And at the very end, and you're like, and I like this cause there's not a lot of Sevan Matosians either. And you're like, and the one, and very end, and you're like, and I like this because there's not a lot of Sevan Matosians either.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And you're like, and the one and you can find me. I'm the only Leah Shutkever. And then the voice comes on and goes, thank you, Leah Shutkever. And I'm like, dude, she just said her name. She just said her fucking name. Yeah, a lot of people get it wrong. But I do appreciate the people that do get it right. It makes it all the better.
Starting point is 00:12:05 But when you have a name like that, it's like, my name is seven. Like you, by the way, that's Matt down there, Leah. Hi Matt.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Hi, nice to meet you. Um, you, when you have a name like that, you're just used to it, right? Like after like the third grade,
Starting point is 00:12:16 you're like, fuck it, whatever. Um, God, I wish it was that easy. No, I was really bullied for my name.
Starting point is 00:12:23 So I hated it for such a long time. I loved Leah or Leah, Leah or Leah and Shakiva. wish it was that easy no i was really bullied for my name so i hated it for such a long time i loved leah or leah leah and shakiva and i heard everything and i was just i hated it until it became my brand and then it's the greatest thing in the world that it's so unique because i mean yeah it's a brand within itself so yeah go to google put in leah space sh yeah, it's a brand within itself. So yeah, go to Google, put in Leah space S H and bam, it's you. You own it. Yeah. You own it.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It's cool. And that was completely like non calculated. It's something that I should probably thank my parents for, but there we go. What is the, what is the name? It's Russian actually. Oh actually oh okay i apologize for the russian joke in the beginning then no it's all good my ancestors were um russian and polish so we have the name which are you jew i am a jew wow no that explains fucking everything it does you're an overachieving super brain focused go-getter oh my god it's really remarkable watching your interviews yeah you are
Starting point is 00:13:36 next level holy cow yeah i i'm not public with a religion because I it's not as kind of widely accepted over here in the UK. And I have a lot of followers in countries that probably wouldn't appreciate it. So, I mean, fuck them. I get that. I read you boys. They're going to take over the world. I'm Armenian. My wife's Jewish. That's yeah. And it's it what what do you know what my my kids are uh i don't mean to like brag my kids my wife's ashkenazi and i didn't know that i've been with her 20 years and i didn't know that until recently and the wiki page those are just fucking smarter people like people are like you can't be racist now i'm telling you this this fucking group of
Starting point is 00:14:20 people is smarter than that group maybe not the japanese but everyone else you might got that one wrong yeah i think it's interesting because it's when you are in that space you see it in other people but you don't have to say anything i've been speaking to a lot of production companies in the states yeah and they know that I know that they know that I know they know but nobody's asked the question wow like Jews know Jews you just know yeah you don't have to talk about it you just all know you've got the same sort of same mentality same work ethic you find understanding about business and money and people and that's all that needs to be said so it's like it's a cool little group to be a part of without officially being a part of it
Starting point is 00:15:11 this i was in it i'm in northern california and southern california is totally different my wife's from southern california and like i'm so proud of my kids jewish heritage and she's like and like and she's like you can't say that they're out to get us and I'm like shut the fuck up no one's out to fucking get anyone um but um I was I was in a Whole Foods in New Mexico one time that's like I'm on the west coast of the United States along the Pacific Ocean and the Whole Foods in Mexico is like uh 500 miles I don't know what is that like eight uh 1200 kilometers or something east of me okay I was just there I don't know. What is that? Like 1200 kilometers or something east of me. Okay. I was just there. I don't know what I was doing there. And I'm in the Whole Foods there. It's in the middle of the desert.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Whole Foods is our grocery store here in the States. And she the hoity-toity one, like just like where all the people go. Yeah. And as I'm checking out, a lady walks up and she goes, it's nice to see someone from the
Starting point is 00:16:07 tribe here my wife's like yeah she she saw your nose and she was like she thought you were a jew i was like what racist but you see my my background so it's so interesting you say that because i think we look lebanese by the way you You don't look Jewish. You look Lebanese. Yeah, go ahead. Look Lebanese, look Greek, look Italian. Yeah, Greek. Greek is fun. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I'm so Arab as well. I went to Egypt. Yes. Yes. You're a princess. What's her name? You're fucking Cleopatra. Yeah, I see it.
Starting point is 00:16:41 I promise you, I have been many places around the world. I promise you, I have been many places around the world and I'm so racially ambiguous. It's been the absolute biggest blessing of my entire life because I don't have to explain myself. I can culturally appropriate most cultures and nobody will say anything. But so, yeah, for me growing up with my parents. So my mum is Guatemalan. So she's from South America. growing up with my parents. So my mum is Guatemalan, so she's from South America.
Starting point is 00:17:05 But her heritage, she's Swiss-Italian, Latin American and Egyptian. And my dad is English, Irish and Russian. So I'm very mixed across the board. My parents were both moved away from home quite young, traveled quite a lot, learned a lot of the world
Starting point is 00:17:22 and kind of said to me, look, just keep the Jewish thing on the DL. Be yourself. Yeah, yeah. Be cool. Your public enemy number one. Just be cool, right? The black kids and the Jewish kids get that.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I apologize for having such strong opinions on it. It's a mistake. Stop telling them that. Let people find out on their own. Let people find out on their own let people find out on their own you know my parents run a business they run a greeting card company and they have a lot of customers much many older customers and they come in and i've heard stories from my parents where an older person will say something like something derogatory about jewish people yeah and my dad will say have you ever met a
Starting point is 00:18:05 jewish person they're like oh god no never never never and then my dad would just put his hand out to shake their hand and they'll be like no you're not he's like what are you expecting did you think i was going to have horns or something what what were you expecting can you imagine and so i just think that there is this like underlying impression that i think hasn't yet been fully eradicated um but i think if you if you put your best like foot forward and show yourself as a person as opposed to a religion or a color or whatever and people just accept you as the person, the human personality that you are, the world would be so much more beautiful. Come on.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I don't even know. Do you know like two stories? One, yesterday I was in the bathroom. I shouldn't say this because I don't ever see this in my hood. But I was in the bathroom at the beach and I come out of the bathroom and I see it's written on the wall. It says, fuck Jews. So I have no idea. But I put it on my Instagram. I go, yeah, if you're a hot chick, please find my three sons when they're 18.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Smash that cock. Yeah, please. Yes. Especially if you're a hot chick and find my sons, please. And be STD free clean. My goodness. Yes. Fuck all the Jews juice it's just so crazy but i like i could see like why like if oh my gosh i i'm trying to think of like like um i i understand like why you don't like you want you don't want your neighbors to like be like
Starting point is 00:19:41 meth heads right because then they probably steal from you and shit or heroin like i don't get what the angst is towards jews like i don't get like i don't see i can't even like pretend to not like she's like what like what am i supposed to hang on to like what's this what's the let me google it for you we could see i i just don't get it. For those of you who don't, for those of you who don't know, do you, Leah or Leah? Leah. Leah. Yeah. When I was a little kid, I was fascinated with the Guinness Book of World Records. And at the time it was a little book like this. It was a paperback and it was thick and it had every record in it. Now it's like a skinny hardback and it just has a few with pictures and it's really a shame. I wish they would. I like the one that has all the records. Yeah. It's like that. When I was a kid, it was amazing. It was a small paperback that had like 10,000 pages. It was like the Bible. The writing was so small, only little
Starting point is 00:20:32 kids could read it. And I was fascinated by it. And so I stumbled across Leah on Instagram and I saw that she said, she said, uh, I think 20, 20 records in 2020. 27 in 2020? I think I did 15 in 2020. Something like that. Okay. She set a ton of records. And I was just fascinated.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And I was like, oh, maybe I'll – I have a blue checkmark. Maybe if I DM her, she'll DM back. And like a sucker, she fell for it. And bam, she's here. Every time. Yeah. I bam, she's here. Every time. Yeah. I'm so shadow banned.
Starting point is 00:21:13 My account is worthless except for the fact that I can DM. That blue checkmark will get people on my podcast. People will respond to it. And I'm the same way. Like if you DM me and you have a blue checkmark, I'm like, oh, who's this? And it's always like some volleyball player with like 1,200 followers from like Ukraine serbia i'm like fuck how'd you get a blue check mark um can we can we did where did your parents meet by the way your mom's from guatemala you said yes um they met in israel they were both out there. Yeah. Yeah. My mum grew up in like a very, it's quite intense over in Guatemala. It's a very, it's very, a lot of social class type, a lot of standards, a lot of things to live up to and be part of and my mum is a non-follower of rules and decided it's not for her and she wants to travel so she left my dad was pretty much after
Starting point is 00:22:14 the same thing and they met on an all-pan and then what was the word you used they met on a what all-pan so it's a kibbutz okay and will you will you tell us what a kibbutz is for people who don't know? It's basically a farm where kids go to pretend like they're old school Jewish people, but really they're just to meet their mate and fuck. So I don't like to think of my parents like this. So this is like a PG version. Okay. So kibbutz is basically a community that all a load of people that all live together and back in those days you would all live in like a village which is all secured
Starting point is 00:22:53 um there were 400 people living in this particular but um and everybody has a job nobody earns a salary everyone works towards the community so my dad worked on the farms there and my mom worked in the chicken coops in the kitchens and doing laundry and things like that so it's a very wholesome way of living and at the same time you kind of learn Hebrew you do all your classes if you need to convert or whatever it may be you can also do that at the same time so it's it's like church camp basically but hardcore and and you meet it's like church camp, basically, but hardcore. And it's a good place to meet a mate of similar values. Yes, I think it's a great way to just broaden your horizons just across the board with people
Starting point is 00:23:38 from around the world all seeking out their heritage, religion, something else, other people, and kind of getting out of that small town mentality, which they may feel like they're living in wherever they are. So, yeah. It's like Burning Man for Jews. Do you know what Burning Man is? It wasn't a cult. It's not a cult. No, Burning Man's not a cult.
Starting point is 00:24:01 It's a place where rich people go to do drugs in the desert in the United States. That's exactly what a cult would say. No, no. Burning Man's not a cult. It's a place where rich people go to do drugs in the desert. Exactly what a cult would say. No, no. Burning Man's a huge party. I just saw these aerial views of these circular farms and Burning Man's kind of like that. It's a big circular just drug fest. Okay. And does your mom speak Spanish? She does. Oh, man. And have you done a kibbutz? No, I have not. Oh, and how Yeah. And have you done a kibbutz? No, I have not. Oh. And how old are you?
Starting point is 00:24:28 I'm 31. And you got a buff, like, bodybuilder boyfriend with, like, tattoos and stuff, too. I see him, like, in some of the videos, right? I am single, but that was my ex-boyfriend, yes. Thanks for making it awkward. Oh, yes. Very awkward. Thanks for making it awkward.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Oh, yes. Very awkward. So your life, man, your life really is. Man, there's a lot to unpack here. Do you have an agent? I don't have an agent. I manage all my own contracts, all my own jobs, etc. Man, why?
Starting point is 00:25:07 You don't you don't have. I'm going to start in the middle here. When you and your boyfriend were together, was he a big part of your business? Um, he was a big part of my mentality. So he was ex-military. He was working as a psychotherapist. So I learned a lot about psychology, about performance anxiety and what he he was good for as part of my kind of world is that he knew that I had certain insecurities. He was very good at putting me on track to perform well. So that was where he kind of came into all of that. But ultimately, before that relationship and now, as I am now, I do everything for myself, which is videography, photography, anything to do with presenting, eating, performing, world records, all the paperwork, admin, contracting, everything.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Wow. Is this the same gentleman you met? And is this the same gentleman that showed you the bikini contest in 2013? No, it isn't. A different guy. Okay. I seem to be finding these bus guys. Yeah. Well, it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I mean, shit, look at you. Like you're not going to date Humpty Dumpty. It depends. It really depends. No, in 2011, my boyfriend then was a bodybuilder. I had no idea about bodybuilding at all. I was just this chick. I was overweight as a child.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I was very insecure, incredibly insecure. And I didn't like the way I looked. Me too, me too. I think it's pretty common, if I'm honest. I didn't really like the way that I looked but I wanted to do something about it so he suggested to me um why don't you learn a bit more about nutrition get into bodybuilding and you can kind of develop the body and build the body that you want to build as opposed to just eat to gain weight and I got into bodybuilding and I got into weightlifting and it really did
Starting point is 00:27:02 change my life because it created a level of discipline which I knew that I had but I needed to direct it somewhere and I learned about nutrition and then the food came back into my life so I was an overweight kid who loved food and then I thought I had to take that out of the equation to be skinny and I lost weight but I wasn't happy food came back in my happiness came back and the body started to build so I got myself to a point where I was happy with what I was doing and I was able to maintain it fairly easily and then the competitive eating kind of crept in to my world now I'm just this balancing act like with calories every single week. It is a phenomenal space you're in because food is the ultimate drug.
Starting point is 00:27:49 It obviously, every time you stick something in your mouth, your hormones do get affected. I mean, it is the controller of our hormones. And what's the least you ever weighed? In one of the podcasts I was watching, you said that you were determined to get to a size zero what well not me necessarily it was just that was the fashion at the time so in the uk especially and i remember this distinctly there were magazine cupboards all over the place um we're talking 2004 2003 and it was just advertising victoria beckham um kate moss that really tiny oh yeah
Starting point is 00:28:30 kate moss was a stick yeah yeah the wavy looking gaunt face that was what was fashionable at that time and me i was i was not even built to be that size so it would never have mattered how hard I dieted and nothing I would never ever be what I envisioned myself to be but I was fascinated with the modeling world fascinated by supermodels and fashion well you wanted to be attractive so people would like you right I mean that's what I wanted to be. I wanted to be attractive so that I could like myself more. That was more the thing. I struggled because I stood out so much the way that I was, the family I was from, my background. Everything was different.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Your family's weird even. Do you live in London? Were you raised in London? No, I was raised in Birmingham, which is the second city. Okay, I just think of the UK as London but so were you just the weird family you got the Jew Guatemalan Polish like you guys were like the monsters like just like you just culturally just were different like you ate different food you guys talked different you guys were just smarter than everyone. The whole. So I find that I relate the most to when I speak to like Indian girls and they tell me about their school experience back at the same time as me. It was like I was the only Indian girl.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I was the only person with the different food and the different mom and the weird accent. And I never swore. And I had a level of respect for teachers that other kids didn't have I could make a bed and I could cook from a very young age and I had capabilities and a personality that other people just didn't and I think that that was so um brought it was just so looked down on by other kids and I was entirely unfantiable I found it you were unwattable you were unwattable unfantiable I people just I just wasn't in any way I didn't it was that mean it just it means um so you know what fancy mean when you fancy someone you are like attractive if you're
Starting point is 00:30:41 attractive oh yes yes yes yeah I was unfanciable so I just had nothing attractive going for me at that time in that place and so with all of my friends being attractive people and all of this I felt very much the outsider so for me it was all about conforming to become um I really just wanted to stand out less and i started to wear a lot of black but yeah i just wanted to stand out a lot less than i did yeah as a boy in that same situation you just want one girl to like you can someone just like want to hold my hand or like talk to me or like if i give you five bucks will you say i'm cute and then that that one girl does and you're like anybody but you yeah yeah I
Starting point is 00:31:25 know it's you're right you're so right it's so immediately no it's so fucked up yeah well you nailed it when you said you just wanted to like you yeah and when you're doing it the way I was doing it and you want just other people to like you then there's no end to it you're never satiated yeah um so i think that that's where i went right with my whole self-development i didn't go to the gym for anybody else for myself i didn't diet for anybody else myself i didn't learn the things i learned for anybody else but myself and that's why it's been so it has its longevity because i've never ever performed for anybody else. It's all been a very selfish journey, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I've been doing everything purely to better myself. I figured if I'm good, then I'm going to be good to other people. So that was always my thinking. These videos where you put a hot dog down. Yes. If that hot dog were to come up, would it come up whole? That's a good question. One's never come back up?
Starting point is 00:32:33 No. But once it's down, like it's like way down inside. Have you ever put one in and it just fell out your ass? Like you put it in and it just fell out your ass? No. I'm not like a vending machine people think that like you're like give me a snack you know oh um i'm gonna say something that i have no business saying so just tell me to shut the fuck up but i i think that i don't know if he even has a girlfriend, but I think if you were to date David Blaine, you would, someone who's like a cancer researcher who discovers the cure for cancer. It's always someone who's like in physics, and their hobby is like playing with insects, right?
Starting point is 00:33:34 And then somehow they see something that sparks something like, oh my god, that will cure cancer. If you were to mix with a magician of that caliber, something would happen to you that would be like – I think like on fucking – do you know him? Have you ever met him, David Blaine? I have not met him. Do you know who he is? Of course. Yeah, the magician. Yeah, I know who he is.
Starting point is 00:33:55 He might even be from your part of the world. He might have a funny accent like you. Okay. One of us. One of us. Is Blaine one of those Brits? of my tribe he looks all but he looks all proper and um find out and smart like like leah leah he sounds like he knows what he's talking about however yeah he may not he's born in the u. New York City. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Doesn't seem nearly as interesting. But yeah, it would be the ultimate magical act. Do you find him attractive, David Blaine? Not particularly. I wouldn't say that he's my, you know, it's difficult for me to say because I was thinking about this recently about my type. I do have a type. I think everybody has a thing they're attracted to but I think ultimately when I meet somebody in real life there's got to be something beyond
Starting point is 00:34:51 a connection beyond confidence that I find attractive about a person it may be something that they may be really um maybe really insecure about that I find really attractive and I think that comes from I have like I'm like a wealth of flaws and I always love the idea of somebody liking the thing that I like the least because it will make me feel really good about that one thing and I think that I've sought out that thing that other people and I find it really quite endearing um so yeah I tend to just go for a person because of that thing that they have about them but I need to meet them in real life and converse and connect and see see if they've got that um can you give me an example of that um so I I tell okay i'm really i'm really exposing myself here so everybody listening um i have had a thing for people with ears that have stuck out a little bit oh wow i've always been
Starting point is 00:35:57 really insecure about it but i really find it attractive and it's the most bizarre thing in the world. But I don't know what it is. I know they're insecure about it, but I find it so, I don't know. I just find it so alluring. Yeah. Yeah. I'm only, I'm only five foot five. And I had this girlfriend i had this girlfriend and way back in college and um she was six one and she said she liked me because i reminded her of one of those little jam jars i was like all right fuck you jew then just i mean fucking armenian then yeah yeah she told me that i was like wow this is this is a little jam no
Starting point is 00:36:46 one's ever said that before i've never heard a woman say she's attracted to a dude with his ears to go i used to like it when i'd be like i well i shouldn't say like not like it happened all the time but when i was a little kid i was watching um like kids jeopardy or something and there was a girl up there and she was answering questions and she was really pretty and alex trebeck's asked oh do you have a boyfriend or something and she goes no but i really like chubby boys and she was answering questions and she was really pretty. And Alex Trebek asked, oh, do you have a boyfriend or something? And she goes, no, but I really like chubby boys. And I was like, oh, I'm a chubby boy. That's the only time I ever heard that.
Starting point is 00:37:12 That's the funniest thing in the world. You know, in terms of height, so this is like the opposite for me. I'm a tall, like I'm quite a broad, quite a big girl. I used to play rugby. I've always been around guys yeah your back looks amazing though in that picture you do look really broad but you have an amazing back i mean you have amazing body but your back's awesome i'm a i'm a big i'm a big girl i think that any guy that's kind of intimidated by that kind of like a built woman um i i use it as like
Starting point is 00:37:42 weeding out the week um and i find that men with lots of confidence like a good build will sort of appreciate that and um yeah i just i've never been attracted to guys that i feel are smaller than me in any way even if it's like lighter than me or weaker than me oh that sucks you're right i'm glad I'm old and married. You're fucking everything up for me. I'm ruining everything for everyone. Hey, if I heard you say that, if I was at a party in college and I heard you say that, you would just have a giant target on your back.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'd be like, I'm smashing this chick. I'm going to marry her. The challenge is always the thing. It's the most bizarre thing to me because I'm very black and white, especially when it comes to men. And if I'm not interested, I'm very, like, very open about it. But British men don't take that lightly. And they will be like, you are going to be my wife.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah. Especially because I'm too short for you. Right, exactly. How tall are you? I will find you and I will marry you how tall are you i'm five eight and and what's the least you've ever weighed um the least i've weighed is like eight and a half stone but i sit comfortably at 12 and a half what can you susan could you convert to something for me?
Starting point is 00:39:05 Whatever we do. And what's the most you ever, do you fuck with the scale? Do you have a scale at home? Like, is it something you have? No. No, I go by kind of the way that I feel, the way my clothes fit. Yeah, me too. Generally speaking, at the moment, I understand myself so well and my schedule so well, everything's so calculated that I don't often diverge too far away from my natural set point with my weight. So it's not really an issue anymore for money.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Wow. Wow. 119. That's nothing. Yeah. That's skinny. Yeah. For me, that was small. Holy cow. And what's 12 and a half suzo we can you do that one for us too you have the bandwidth for that do you so you don't know the most you've ever put on in one in one like that one time you ate 11 pounds of of like shish kebab of like meat or something you don't know like how much that puts on you so it will be so it's quite it's difficult to say because the physical weight after doing a
Starting point is 00:40:15 food challenge isn't what you'll be the next day um if you keep on top of your water intake you will um not uh hold any subcutaneous water so you won't hold any water from the sodium the food that you've eaten if that makes sense yeah so the weight necessarily you don't just get fat overnight you'll hold i do i do no no people say i eat one meal out and i'm 10 pounds heavy i'm like no you don't dude i leah if i eat like like two pieces of cake my chest turns into tits how much water do you drink i don't know not i don't know not a lot not enough not a never drink water i mean mean, I drink coffee. There's water in here. Yeah, but that's also a diuretic. So it is also making you dehydrated. I have to poop. I have to poop. The the you said something about the tomatoes. You ate the tomato. You had the tomato challenge. And that was one of the world records
Starting point is 00:41:26 you set in 2020 yeah can you tell us about that um yes i was in lockdown and i was trying to find records to be and i found this tomato challenge and it was one of the easier challenges i think i've ever done but also one of the best performing videos I think has ever been of me on the internet. And it surprised me because so many people hate tomatoes. I love them, but I ate, I ate eight, I think eight tomatoes in a minute, six, six or eight. I think it's eight. And, and, and it's based on their side you weigh them yeah there's some cat tell us how two two things i want to compare that video to some other ones in a second
Starting point is 00:42:13 but um tell us like is it how is it working with guinness is that fun is it easy is it is it stressful is it tedious and like tell us like like what you need to know as you go into a challenge give us the rules like if i want to go to the store right now and I wanted to break the 8 Tomato record, what do I have to do? prove that you are able to break a record so it's not like it's a collaboration it is I am a punter and they have a thing that I want and so I have to be good enough to be part of that so you'd have to go online find the record that you want to beat and apply for it the application form tends to be quite long but once you get through it one time you know that the tricks um then you have to wait to get approved you get the guidelines and then you have to follow every guideline with this tomato record they'll give you the current record how big the requirements are for the
Starting point is 00:43:20 tomatoes or the item of food you're eating. And by big, you mean weight. Weight. But sometimes they ask you to measure, like you have to measure the sausages or measure the pickles. You have to show like a clear timer on screen. That has to be the title of the record that you're attempting.
Starting point is 00:43:39 You have to present it in a certain way so it's very clear. You have to have a main camera angle, a side camera angle a slow-mo camera angle continuous photos throughout the attempt two witnesses a timekeeper somebody to sort of wait two witnesses yes two witnesses yeah you need you need to constantly have a group of people around you to be able to verify that you're doing this thing you're lucky your president didn't put you in jail for breaking quarantine violations you got a really strict
Starting point is 00:44:11 guy over there mr fatso no we i mean that with love i mean that with love i'm just concerned that he's gonna die of covid because he's so fucking fat sorry i love boris johnson i love him too that's why he should lose some weight and be a good example for his people. Not joining in. So yeah, with the world record attempts in general, there's a lot of loops to jump through. We didn't break any quarantine rules because during quarantine,
Starting point is 00:44:39 Guinness world records dropped the impartial witnesses. So have family members, kind of them very so then people could break records at home keep themselves busy and submit their attempts and they opened it out and made it more um accessible for people like me and yeah who would you use before when you didn't need impartial when you had to have impartial witnesses, you just pull someone off the street. You'd go down and be like, excuse me, sir. And they'd look at you and be like, come up to my apartment. And then you get up there and there'd be your two of your buff boyfriends up there. He's like, watch these tomatoes, dipshit. And then he's assigned here.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I say before lockdown, I broke all of my records on TV shows all with Guinness World Records. So they provided everything that I needed and did all the application process and everything for me. And it was only in lockdown that I actually went through the whole process myself and started to do that. The Sevan podcast has some breaking news today that has not been announced anywhere else in the world if you need to break a world record during quarantine you still need witnesses but they can be um family members and that is the kind of deep insight you get from this show it's fascinating god it's so fascinating what a weird world we live in. Yeah. And this is exactly where my brain went when you said, because you said you're surprised that the tomato one did so well. My brain went to this, that if it's not shaped like a penis, it's not going to do well.
Starting point is 00:46:20 So like I'm guessing the cucumber does well, hot dogs do well the bananas do well and then all the others are just like fuck like no one gives a fuck um it's really difficult to know what people are going to respond to so i'm just penis biased i'm just penis biased i'm totally your male your male it's the way that you like i think me especially, I don't see things quite like that. I just see some things that I'm able to do. And obviously the shape is very much easier to do. I mean, I've done the egg record, which performs very well. And that's not phallic shaped. not phallic shaped so right it's the male mind and unfortunately my audience is predominantly male to a to a degree it's kind of balancing out quite a lot now but um how is it that you have so many males and i have so many males do you what the fuck because i'm a cool girl
Starting point is 00:47:20 i oh so that okay good that's good okay it's because i'm cool um yeah it i i i seriously just thought that i thought well if you ever just want to get a hundred thousand um view what's the law if you just wanted to get a lot of views you could always anytime you put something in your mouth that looks like a penis it just would just be viral um well that's how i bait people on instagram i don't like to do it but instagram push you to what the people want to see yeah and it's either an over sexualization which i don't i just don't think that it's a very nice way to present yourself ever but sometimes you have to succumb to it so i try to marry the competitive eating or like this skill that I have with the sexualization the cosplay stuff the stuff that performs really well and ever so often I have
Starting point is 00:48:13 to drop something like that to like reignite my audience and then go hey cool right I do still do food challenges they are on YouTube that is what pays my bills go and watch them please and then come back and I might post something cool on here. I'm just a businesswoman. Her top three videos are not. It's like steak. This is on YouTube. Steak, hamburgers.
Starting point is 00:48:35 There's like the Impossible McDonald's Challenge and then the one you did with Eddie Hall, which are all – Can you pull those up? Can you show? So that's fascinating. You know that um facebook was created so mark zuckerberg could get pussy i mean like it's no it's no secret he admits that like that's why it was created that's why that's why men do everything uh leah that's like like we're born and then we just that's why your dad went to the kibbutz yeah oh yeah i don't doubt it my dad was just a boy yeah oh i like so the cereal i i part of me
Starting point is 00:49:10 i'm gonna tell you when you do the tomato one it's really hard for me to watch like i feel this like almost like involuntary like gag reflex like i'm like yeah like i'm empathizing with you and i'm not figuring as you put it down i'm like that's not gonna go down oh maybe all the boys who like your hot dog eating ones we're all gay maybe we're empathizing and we're living through you we want all that meat in our mouth holy shit uh-oh this is a really weird turn of events how do you feel i'm uncomfortable i want to talk about cereal um the only one that I want to try is the cereal one I mean the and I loved it that you said that those are your favorite ones are those still your favorite ones yeah I love I love doing burritos and cereal I find them just the most like satisfying like I like the way that
Starting point is 00:49:59 the cereal bowl goes down as you go through it and when i'm editing it it's really satisfying it's nice and because of how cereal is you're not hit with this overwhelming weight it's um you don't have to constantly drink water there's no carbs to expand in your stomach like you're not getting any kind of adverse um it's just but i find it very tasty satisfying what do you mean no carbs too like so so in the last last 15 years i was immersed in crossfit we're not allowed to eat cereal in our cult like cereal is like the the worst thing you could eat it's like it's satan and but i saw you and i really don't like lucky charms they're too captain crunch because they're too sharp. They hurt the roof of my mouth. Yeah. But, man, yeah, like I see that and I just – a part of me just wants to go to Amazon, buy that bowl and a box – I mean a box of cereal and a gallon of milk and just do that. Yeah, I think it's a very tempting challenge because it looks so achievable.
Starting point is 00:51:00 But it's a lot more difficult than you think. achievable but it's a lot more difficult than you think like your your your stomach naturally sits around two fist sizes and this will probably take you to about two to four times that so yeah it's it's not as easy as it looks that's all I'm gonna say and I I enjoy it because I can do it and it doesn't really bother me that much cereal doesn't really um stay on you for very long if that makes sense as well um it's kind of quick energy you feel full you go to the gym next day you feel pretty fine it's not a ton of calories either yeah the dairy content I would now probably avoid entirely um just because I've learned so much about dairy, um, I don't have any intolerances, but I just try and avoid a large amount of certain things, um, like dairy and sugar on my sort of day to day life. But if someone, if someone tried to fuck with your record, you just go smash them.
Starting point is 00:52:07 that I've ever set I did I think it was Mo Farah that threw his arms out really close to the finish line and that slowed him down by milliseconds I feel like I do that with every record that I do there's always that bit at the end where I'm like I've done it and I'm just going to prolong the end a tiny bit so if anybody comes anywhere near it I know that I can break it again. And I feel like that kind of leaves this open door, makes it achievable, and then also makes it achievable for me to break again if needed. Oh, man, you are such an interesting cat. You are such a well-thought-out person. Oh, thank you. I don't know if it's a compliment, just an observation. Yeah, interesting. It'll do.
Starting point is 00:52:49 So what software do you use to edit? iMovie. And are you self-taught? Yes. And you have this really – it's so cool how you have this life. You have this really – it's so cool how you have this life. I've told this story a bunch of times, but you are crazy successful, and you have this life that's so tight, at least it appears to in your discussion. And by that, I mean there was a Harvard professor who was an entomologist, study of bugs.
Starting point is 00:53:22 He was also a marathon runner, and he was also an artist. So he made this loop around his cabin that was 26 miles, and every seven miles he had a station where he would gather bugs and he would gather those bugs by putting rotting food there, like a rotting rat or a rotting bowl of bananas. And then he would go six mile run, sit down with this pad, draw, study the bugs, get his drawing and get his running in and run to the next. You have this life where you've made it, where everything that you're doing is interconnected. We haven't talked about this yet, but you are a consummate. You work out every single day, basically. You're seven day a week or like all the good, smart people on the planet. You are very, you're, you're a faster, you know, a ton about metabolism, food, and you also like the arts of editing.
Starting point is 00:54:09 And you're just in this, in filming, and you probably know about lighting, and you probably know about different cameras, and you probably like appreciate the technology in the iPhone 13. Your life is just this, there's not wasted, there's no, there's not, you got rid of the boyfriend. There's no friction. You know what's interesting? With you saying that, I studied architecture at university. So my brain works very pragmatically. I think about how a space is built and what is needed for you to go through that space and make it the most efficient and effective kind of loop or circuit
Starting point is 00:54:45 and I think everything that I've learned from college I studied business so it was like straight up you learn about what works what doesn't work keep it moving being pragmatic all of those types of things university I started to tap back into the creativity then I was a commercial interior designer so I learned a lot about spaces about people about psychology about colors about um CAD so like computer technologies for drawings etc um computer-aided design things like that so I always had these things in the back of my mind that I knew I could do something with them I just didn't know how I was going to use them. And in my space now, I'm finding joy in all of those aspects. The gym is more of a habit than a hobby nowadays. I've been going to the gym very many years. Keeps me on
Starting point is 00:55:37 track. Keeps me feeling good. It's a very selfish, again, it's a very selfish sport. It's not social. It is there. You're there to burn calories to make yourself feel and look strong and possibly combat some injuries you picked up years ago like me i've slipped discs and done all sorts um i was also a bit of a gymnast as a child so hypermobile so i do a lot because i'm so hypermobile. I need to kind of keep on top of my flexibility and things like that. Maybe that helps towards eating. I don't know. Oh, I just thought of your first magic trick with David Blaine.
Starting point is 00:56:14 They fold you up really tiny because you're super mobile and put you in a box that no person could fit in. And then you put in like 15 hot dogs and then open the door and the hot dog you think the girl's gonna be gone but just the hot dogs are gone i mean he'll think a better shit than me i'm david blaine's mother was a was a was russian and jewish as well too of course of course he's jew if he's not he's claiming he is yeah i told my wife i'm a better jew than she is yeah probably she get to be that you hype up the tribe that's what we need dude the tribe is dope the tribe is dope we need more armenians on side anyway so get your tribe join our tribe um do you know do you history pretty well or little bits of it,
Starting point is 00:57:09 like the Malcolm Gladwell stories or like the Rothschilds or like – what's the guy who's everyone – the Rothschilds, there's two Jewish families everyone's scared of in the United States, the Rothschilds and George Soros. Soros? Soros. Do you know any of those stories? No, I don't.
Starting point is 00:57:25 The Rothschild, yes, but aren't they feared because they're very powerful and wealthy? Yeah. And they do shady stuff. I can't remember which family it was, but I just loved it. I loved this story. I can't remember the name of the city. I can't remember the name of the city. Famous city, maybe in Czechoslovakia.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Yeah, is that country even around anymore? At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yoding with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season.
Starting point is 00:58:13 And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! Collect more moments with more ways to earn. Air Mile. The former Yugoslavian republic of macedonia yes it is yeah okay okay what are these one of these countries maybe it was uh the city of is budapest what what anyway i'm not going to say anything more because i'm going to show how stupid i am
Starting point is 00:58:37 but basically on the outskirts of the city the jews weren't allowed inside the city walls so this is just like 200 150 years ago so they made all the jews sit inside the city walls. So this is just like 200, 150 years ago. So they made all the Jews sit outside the city walls and in the slums where all the piss and shit was. And inside the city walls, no one was allowed to lend money. No banking was allowed. So what did the Jews do? They're like, well, we got nothing on the outside of the walls. We'll start lending people money. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:59 In 150 years, those fucking poor Jews are not the biggest banking empire in the world. I think that's the story of the Rothschilds. I'm like i'm like yeah you fuck nuts you put them on the outside of the wall and made them fucking find a way to survive yeah and they and they survived and turned it like it's i'm gonna i was gonna say something blasphemous about jesus but i'll be nice i like jesus no please please let's be nice too yeah i like jesus he's cool he has long hair he does turn water into wine cool guy um in this in this in this loop um is there room for you to be courted is there how would how would suitors come in to um so how do you meet people uh i do like to meet people quite organically i i don't i mean I've only recently come out of a
Starting point is 00:59:48 long-term relationship and I'm not really looking nor like anything like that so at the moment I'm really just trying to focus on my business and growing my profile and my platform and trying to focus on just making this as big and in a very selfish way focusing all my energy in that um but generally speaking like a very sort of old school mentality kind of woman I like a man to um kind of show up be reliable and be compassionate and be intelligent and make me laugh and take me out and treat me well and have his own stuff going on. Be ambitious and, you know,
Starting point is 01:00:31 attractive and have like sticky out ears and, you know, the things that every girl wants. You want fucking Mickey mouse. Yes. Successful, ambitious and big old ears and a great smile yeah good smile very ambitious has so much stuff going on god i hope so i hope you get some canary and some doodoo
Starting point is 01:00:55 god i wish i was i wish i was still in the game i'd fly over there my karma for my part the karma can get me sticky out here five foot four probably an absolute dime piece though to be fair i i i hear all of the it's so i hear all these people talking we we live in this like i don't know how it is in the uk but we live in this world of like just the super offended in the united states it's such a fucking joke i but fortunately it's given me a great great great great thing to leverage but we live amongst the super offended and i hear the shit that people are offended by and i'm like do you have any idea what it was like going to what it's like going to elementary school middle school junior high high school like the the things that people say to you like i would be standing around like
Starting point is 01:01:45 10 girls and just me and they'll be naming off traits that they don't like about boys and i'm like well i got that and i got that no one seems to give a fuck about me they're like come on savon let's go i'm like yeah i'm part of the group i had the same thing like shut the fuck and i'm glad they did that i wouldn't have changed anything for the world. I wouldn't have changed a thing for the world. I loved them, and I love those girls for that. I agree. Yeah. I can't stand a short guy with a big nose who's chubby.
Starting point is 01:02:14 Come on, Stefan, let's go. You want to sit with us at lunch? Yeah. It's character building. That's right. How – you know you're a bit of an overachiever, right? Are you, would you say you're a control freak? No, not at all.
Starting point is 01:02:33 No? I would say that I'm very hard on myself. I'm very, I judge myself very harshly, but I'm not a control freak. but I'm not a control freak. The thing is, I don't really have an opportunity to be one. Is that weird? I don't have anyone working for me. I've never had somebody working for me.
Starting point is 01:02:57 So maybe you don't know. Maybe you are and you don't know it then. Yeah, maybe, maybe. I got the impression from listening to your podcast that you're very maybe control freaks, not the right word. I don't maybe I'm being lazy that you're very. Let's say hyper organized that there's even even in your eating, there's a there's a profundity to it. It's not there. There's there's a style. There's a grace. There's a mission.
Starting point is 01:03:24 There's tactics, there's a style, there's a grace, there's a mission, there's tactics, there's strategies. Like as I listen to you through these podcasts, this isn't just, hey, don't eat for 12 hours and sit down and shove your face. You talk about your mindset and these things are just coming out, these little pieces in all of your interviews. And I just think, I'm going back to what it would take to be in a relationship with you. I'm just guessing like we're in this, it would take a very special person to integrate with someone. And it's the same thing with these,
Starting point is 01:03:53 I interview a lot of professional athletes and I just wonder how does this man who fights for a living, I kind of think of you as a professional fighter, by the way. I interview a lot of professional fighters. You do? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:04 Oh, tell me about that i see myself as an athlete above everything i see everything that i do is for a reason i'm not doing it out of vanity it's not the career choice that i would have chosen for myself i'm kind of making the most out of my situation i'm very opportunistic this has kind of presented itself and making the most of it I'm opening this door and creating this mold for other girls to jump into very unconventional ways of being and also showing people that like you can do both it's hard but you can do it um so yeah that's how I see myself I see everything is calculated because I'm an athlete I need to be able to
Starting point is 01:04:43 do the fitness to do the food and then do the food to do the fitness and kind of allow that loop to happen organically that's interesting i also saw because the commitment is massive and it's dangerous what you're doing is kind of dangerous uh well i think athletes do dangerous shit say it again yeah anything that's worth having and worth doing is going to be dangerous on a level um but to the people that would show their concern i'm a non-drinker non-drug taking non-smoker and lifelong like lifelong my biggest vice is food my biggest love like enjoyment comfort everything is food i i don't go out on a weekend and get smashed i never have done i'm 31 and i've never been a drinker i've
Starting point is 01:05:33 worked throughout my my teens and 20s and i've never put something inside of my body that i can't pronounce wow wow wow wow that's a good rule of thumb right there just don't put it in your mouth if you can't pronounce it i was gonna say a really crass joke i couldn't think of a country though i was gonna say except for that man from but i couldn't think of when you say you've never put anything in your body that you couldn't anyway sorry um not that guy either no no no not that guy either um No, no, no, not that guy either. There's this generation that I don't understand that like they require people like to text back or it just seems like this whole generation. It seemed like my generation was more needy than my parents' generation and that this next generation is even crazier.
Starting point is 01:06:25 Like some of the stories that I hear like my boyfriend didn't text me back for three hours. I'm like three out, like what? That's it. And I just don't, I trip on you people who are professional athletes because I can't imagine anyone like taxing your system. Like someone who gets, someone who's in your life has to integrate with it. They can't, I just don't see them being able to.
Starting point is 01:06:47 And it's the same with me. Like my wife cannot tax me. Like we're like two planets circling each other. And it has to be that way. But that's perfect, right? I get worried when people say, do you take your wife for granted? That's not good. And I'm like, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Of course. the moon's always there yeah of course yeah i get a little nervous a healthy relationship is a planet circulating another and i just think that you should be able to live in your own world and do your own thing and then you collide and then you have like this bit of a whirlwind and then you move back off your own your own things. With me, I don't find other people taxing. I find the people in my life, they benefit everything that I'm doing. They validate me.
Starting point is 01:07:37 They validate my existence and my job and my livelihood. They make me feel good about myself. I like being in other people's lives too. You see the light shift that is the uk for you it's probably gonna go oh yeah yeah i saw that those are just clouds cruising in front of yeah this is like quintessential uk lighting it just comes in and out but yeah so i feel like i love i love love and i like liking someone i like being around people i like enjoying life with other people whether that be friends family a man or whatever it may be i don't find it it shouldn't feel taxing and i don't find it taxing if i'm actually in it um but if i'm not
Starting point is 01:08:21 interested in the guy i just won't entertain like at entertain at all. I don't need to do that. Do you enjoy being around your family still? I love it. I love being around my parents. I'm actually planning to go and see them tonight. Awesome. How far are they from you? Five minutes.
Starting point is 01:08:40 That's awesome. Yeah. What do they say about your um profession and do they realize how do they realize how multifaceted it is that you're you're not just a professional eater that you're a filmer you're a youtuber you're a businesswoman do they realize the whole that like it's a different game these days yeah it's interesting because my parents are super old school, so they don't really understand the social media thing. So it has been hours of me explaining to them like the just complexity of what it is to have a business online and be the person and the film crew and the director and the creative director and the presenter and the eater and the performer and all of this stuff. and the presenter and the eater and the performer and all of this stuff at the start they were like are you sure you want to quit your stable job from this this career that you forged out of education all this stuff that you worked so hard for to eat food for a living and I it's a very
Starting point is 01:09:38 very like valid question and I appreciate them for questioning me and actually making me think about it but it was the greatest decision I ever made and I don't think that if I wasn't if I wasn't as good as I am and I have the world records and I do the tv things and get all this like I have a really good life out of it my parents are my biggest cheerleaders but if i wasn't number one they wouldn't be so proud i'm sure but they they promote me so much they're like my biggest pr my biggest ever it it is it is the um i don't know what the what the word is confluence is that a word it is it is an incredible crossing of things. The first thing I think it was my mom yesterday. I was she she came over to my house and I was in the garage riding the assault bike and I was watching a video of you.
Starting point is 01:10:37 My mom goes, who's that? And I told her and or maybe I told her what I was doing. Maybe she didn't see you. And then I told her what you do. And she goes, oh, is she fat? And I go, actually, actually no she's not and and i i i think that would be like when anyone thinks of a professional eater they just think of some well like the larger the person the faster and more they can eat and so there's this really fun um myth you're dispelling because not only are you not fat but you are beautiful and you let us see your body so so there's this um it's like i don't know if you know much about crossfit but at the crossfit games there's this thing where everyone's like oh the athleticism this that this i guarantee you no one would watch that shit if the women weren't running around in their underwear and bra and
Starting point is 01:11:20 the dudes had their fucking were wearing a fucking overall like the coolest thing is watching one of those dudes like barely clothed turn a corner around a cone and you see abs and lats and veins and shit popping out like we don't it would be like going to the zoo and the giraffe has a sweater you'd be like what the fuck i came here to see his neck you got a turtleneck on him take that shit i want I want my money back. And so there's this component to what you're doing that's like – like look, this is the – this is – like in car racing, we want to see the shell on the car. The car looks stupid with the shell off. But in professional eating, you're like, holy fuck. Look at this woman's body. On one hand, she's doing this thing that you think is what a fat person does, and the other thing is you want to take her out to dinner and have kids with her so there's this there's this mix of like emotions yeah it's cool yeah yeah i mean you're breaking the mold it's not
Starting point is 01:12:16 i mean you sit next to eddie hall he looks like a human trash compactor he looks like you could throw a license plate at him and he aren be like, He made me look like an infant. It's so tiny next to him. You really liked him, right? You said a lot of nice things about him. He's such a gentleman. Yeah, I really enjoy. I enjoy his character.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I admire him. I admire his work ethic. I think he's fantastic. And I'm glad that he's doing as well as he is. It's nice. It's nice to see. Is there anyone that's ever intimidated you in an eating competition? Directors of TV companies.
Starting point is 01:12:54 Directors of all TV shows. I find them incredibly intimidating. Because they're assholes? You can say it. No. and they're just you can say no so you know you're saying earlier about um that would other people be too taxing and you're giving too much of yourself i find directors don't allow that like i don't care who you are why you're here like i'm doing all of this and you're part of all of this so that's how I feel like directors
Starting point is 01:13:27 like I I come through like it's really light energy and I feel like they are just like so intense and it's a bit much for me so yeah they intimidate me but but but no one you've ever gone against you've never like walked into a room and there's some lady sitting there and you're like holy fuck she's gonna eat 24 hot dogs in a minute and eight seconds and i can only do it in a minute and nine uh well um i don't think i've ever been in that situation but i've been up against molly skyler and molly skyler she's not intimidating because i think she's wonderful but she's a very good eater so i know going in that i'm going to lose um And so I just accept my fate, and I lose gracefully like British people do. Can you show me Molly Schuyler?
Starting point is 01:14:15 Yep. Do you have a nemesis? No, I don't believe I do. Yeah, you need one. If anyone's listening, any 16 any 16 year old girl or boy is listening and and is this is this um is professional eating competitions are they separated by sex or it's just it's a free-for-all um men and women cock and balls and vagina go against each other it's a free-for-all for the most part but but Coney Island, the Nathan's hot dog eating contest is split with men and women.
Starting point is 01:14:48 The women's champ is Mickey Sudo. The male champ is Joey Chestnut. And Joey Chestnut almost doubled what Mickey Sudo has done the last eight years. Yeah. He did like 84 hot dogs or something crazy. She did like 40 in 10 minutes, by the way. It's no joke. I heard you say you were doing a competition with the giant fish, and I appreciated you putting it on your YouTube.
Starting point is 01:15:18 And it says – and you failed the competition, and you showed us. Well, my first question is did you cry after that? No. I was upset, but you cry after that? No. I was upset, but I didn't cry. Okay. And you said you're a fool. You said there's no more room. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:35 And I immediately thought to myself, I have – this woman has a self-awareness about her and her insides that like I don't have. Like what does that mean? You're full or the way you worded it. There's no more room. I was like, man, is she like, is she inside of there? Like I almost imagine like a little version of you in your stomach being like, okay, hot dog, scoot over. Another one's coming down and like, like you're like making like there's like something in there making room so to try and keep it a sort of um i guess graceful as i can as a competitive eater you've got to know what your capacity is for the most part i know it by
Starting point is 01:16:16 weight and by how it looks physically in front of me with that particular challenge they it's not regulated so they told me it was a certain weight and when they were putting it together they were not weighing it they were just going put some more arms up and so I just kept putting chips on um I was unwell going into that challenge um and I probably shouldn't have even gone to film it so I ended up going there and even from the first bite you could tell my brain wasn't in it and none of me wanted to do to do that so I got to a certain point where I could either sit for another 10 15 20 30 minutes and try and get the rest of the food down but I can guarantee I'm going to be sick or I can stop and live with feeling full and knowing that with a little bit more practice and some regulation of the challenge I can go back
Starting point is 01:17:13 and smash it and set a record and do a cool job my issue with food challenges that are not regulated is that it's not an even playing field it means that nothing is fair it is not a race it's not a match it's like saying because you're a professional we're going to add extra food it's like telling most guys you run an extra five miles it's it doesn't it doesn't work for me so for me the loss it's not professional that's for sure no it's not it's not but they don't see it like that so i would often say competitive eaters like keep us on side because we're promoting your business your food keep us sweet because ultimately if we're happy that whole experience that video is going to come out amazing if we're unhappy if we have been given too much
Starting point is 01:17:58 food if we've been done over or feel like we've been mistreated in any way like you're missing out it's a shame yeah and for for people to successfully in the whole of the uk i mean to successfully achieve a challenge that is achievable and delicious and whatever hundreds of people will go and try it and fail right and pay money towards it and more promotion for the venue so that's why i'm go ahead sorry i was just going to say that that's what I'm working towards achieving is a better understanding of what the challenge is and why it's so important for it to be regulated.
Starting point is 01:18:33 How did you know you were a fool though? That's the part I'm getting at. Like, do you feel it up here? I feel like I'm going to be sick and I know what that feeling is for me. Like when you say sick, like it's going to come up. Yes. And I don't want to is for me. Like when you say sick, like it's going to come up. Yes. And I don't want to ever push myself to that point.
Starting point is 01:18:49 So I know if I keep going, knowing that I'm never going to end the video gracefully. I'm never going to be able to face this challenge again because I will be traumatized from that experience. And there's a lot of things that go into it psychologically like you need to really understand where your line is and that you look at that you think there's not a lot of food that you could possibly finish but my point in this space is i didn't beat the previous record so i wouldn't have been happy even if i finished it yeah i thought i thought it was an awesome video i i liked how you ended it. You were so vulnerable. I liked it.
Starting point is 01:19:27 It was like one of my favorite videos. Oh, thank you. Yeah. It's nice to hear. Because people want to see that, right? That's where they get to know you. They've seen you come across the finish line like this, you know, a thousand times.
Starting point is 01:19:40 It's cool to see like another side of you, how she handled. But I did think that you cried afterwards. I'm like, fuck, man. And I like that because it made me think i'm like man she takes this shit seriously like this is like she's a pro yeah yeah i do take it seriously i i only ever cried with wins rather than losses uh losses i get very disappointed and i become very sort of And I become very sort of sulky, moody. And then I just get over it and get on to the next challenge.
Starting point is 01:20:15 That's the beauty of this is that there's always another opportunity to go again if you need to. Do you have something like lined up now like you have a target um not really a target there's a pancake day is next week and that's quite a big day in the uk so i'm doing pancake themed videos okay can't can't someone be like hey here's 10 000 euros come and eat pancakes at my restaurant like isn't it on pancake day that can't there be like that yeah is there that when the opportunities arise i work with a lot of restaurants i work with a lot of um different organizations to make content and part of that is hey can we have you come in and set a record on this or can you come and help us design a challenge we want to introduce it and we want you to launch it or like this is basically my job so my job is to work with venues work with restaurants develop
Starting point is 01:21:20 or do challenges relaunch them launch new ones etc And that's part of the creativity for me. And I enjoy that. Who's this? Sorry, I'm getting all over the place here. I'm getting squirrely. Who's the super hot singer who killed herself, the drug addict chick? She was a great singer. Amy Winehouse.
Starting point is 01:21:39 Oh, yeah. I just got an Amy Winehouse kind of like flashback by looking at you. Yeah. Have you heard that before, Amy Winehouse? Not for very many years. It was when I was really skinny. Like people used to tell me that I looked like Amy Winehouse. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:58 But I didn't think that that was like a compliment. Oh, no, no. It's a huge comment. You look like a druggie. You look like a really talented. You look like a drug addict. You are a druggie like a drug addict you are a druggie i mean you are a druggie it's just you're just your drug is adrenaline is my drug yeah well in food man that fucker is that's a powerful that's a powerful drug um what about um what what i think you're a more complex character i think you're a more complex character.
Starting point is 01:22:25 I think you're a very complex character. I think that if we bring you out of your element and we take the crew that did – I didn't ever watch Anthony Bourdain's show because I tend to love them. So I didn't get to watch Anthony Bourdain. Bourdain show because he tends to love them. So I didn't get to watch Anthony Bourdain, but why, why not take you and put this cast and crew around you and have you be the next Anthony Bourdain? I mean,
Starting point is 01:22:51 you, you are, you have everything it takes. Like why not? Is anyone, how, how has not anyone scooped you up? That's what I was going to ask.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Yeah. Like, where's the, where's the agent? Where's the, what's going on? Is there something in the works? Where's the – what's going on? Is there something in the works?
Starting point is 01:23:09 Well, not necessarily. There's been a lot of conversation and talks about a woman versus food show. So it would be like – That was the name of his show? That was the name of Anthony Bourdain's show, Man Versus Food? No. Anthony Bourdain is man versus food no um Anthony Bourdain was the is the chef right that um he went around and tried food but he didn't do challenges yeah I think you should try I think you should be trying food I think that your show yours I'm not I'm not I'm not poo-pooing the
Starting point is 01:23:37 challenges I really like the challenges but there's a sophistication and an awareness to you that's like it's so you don't even have to dig deep for it. It's like, yeah. Cause I, cause I love what I do. So yeah, they feed off it.
Starting point is 01:23:51 It's like, you're so obviously a professional. This isn't like, um, this isn't a fucking hobby. I mean, you'd be so great at that. Like,
Starting point is 01:24:01 you know, take it Afghanistan or India, just like start just around the world, eating food and talk and in the other experiences you would have in the light that you could shine on those on those cultures. I mean, you'd be great at it. This is something that has been in my mind is like the the big goal, the big thing. the the big goal the big thing um I'm constantly on my own hamster wheel and every so often something will come in and I'll be in talks about that and this has been brought up several times and it's a lot of hot air but unless I see something in front of me I'm never going to believe it's going to happen yeah me too so I for me it's like when i get the like a solid offer
Starting point is 01:24:48 this is what we want to do this is how it's going to happen this is what we need from you it is what it is like i'd love to be part of something like that i don't have the facility to create it myself um i would be a presenter on a show um so i would need the the financing the of course like producers the company all of that stuff do you ever have plans to build more of a team out underneath you so people could start to so you could move a little faster you could focus on what you do and let them go seek those things is there any thought of that or do you just like just being just doing it all yourself the one person show you know at the moment i am not earning enough money to be employing other people um i i'm trying to get to that point and there's a lot of um there's a lot of plans building the website making the merch doing all of the stuff that's going to sort of create this mini empire
Starting point is 01:25:45 and then I think when that starts to really grow legs then I'll think about a team I'm very skeptical about management I don't think that I want to get into that until I need to get into real negotiations but at the moment I work for what I'm comfortable to work for I'm happy to negotiate my myself yeah but if we're talking like tv shows then I probably will need someone I work for what I'm comfortable to work for. I'm happy to negotiate myself. But if we're talking like TV shows, then I probably will need someone to come in. I would suggest that you don't go with a manager. And in fact, if you were going to start to build a team,
Starting point is 01:26:15 and that's always the hardest part because when you own a business, you actually own a job, right? Until you start employing other people underneath you, and it changes the dynamic because you're no longer doing the job. But in your case, it's a tricky situation. But I would say find the job that you hate the most, the lowest level job, and then find somebody that would do it for free. Because I think with the power of your brand, I think you'd
Starting point is 01:26:33 be surprised if you put a little casting call. Now it's going to take some vetting and weeding out some people over time. But then you can start to really alleviate those lower level jobs. And then you can start to feel out you managing them so that way you never have to bring on a manager and you could still continue to kind of progress just just my little two cents how dare you lecture the jew on business how dare you lecture the jew on business where you have all this work and you're like how do i hire somebody but i don't have the money to do it yet and so that's always a tricky dichotomy to manage and that's the way that that I've done it and it's it's worked out so far pretty well and then you can slowly build the rung up and then decide the jobs that you like to do the best as well as the
Starting point is 01:27:12 thing you're doing now yeah you know the thing for me within all of this as well is like I didn't know that I was ever going to get to the point where I would be looking to expand in that way and a work environment for me is so important because I used to design offices where I would be looking to expand in that way and a work environment for me is so important because I used to design offices and I know how important all of the things that are associated to a job are not necessarily just a boss like me but like having like a nice environment to work in and having like a really positive sort of space I just don't know how it looks like what it looks like at the moment and I've only been living like just to make it very clear like I've only been living this life for a very
Starting point is 01:27:51 short period of time I don't know what life is I mean I started pretty much as business independently um in lockdown so it kind of started there and now the borders are open and I can go out and, and travel and go to restaurants and film video. So it's all very small and very new, very raw, very fresh. And I'm building, I'm building it kind of in this free world. And I just don't know how that's going, how it's going to look in a year's time. So. Did you say you're building it in this free world? Yeah. Free. You know? All right. All right. I don't agree with that. I just want to say for the record, I really like Leah, but I don't agree with the part, but other than that, I think she's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:28:42 If you, if you hired someone to do what you do it would take you a million dollars there's and people don't realize that about entrepreneurship this for by the way those of you who don't know you have to go check out uh leah's uh youtube channel you have to follow her on instagram she is cool as fucking shit i'm not even a food eating person, but she's just a cool person and she's crazy vulnerable and she's like, and she's crazy confident. And so it's a, um, there's so many lessons pulling off of you, but what you're doing is this is a, this is a, we have, um, so this podcast that we do, Leah, we, um, it was just Matt and I, and basically Matt's like,
Starting point is 01:29:24 Hey, you should do a podcast. So we started doing a podcast. And since then, two people have jumped on and started helping us. And both of them, especially this guy, Will, even if I paid him, I don't pay him any money. Even if I paid, if I put out a casting call, I couldn't hire someone and pay them $300,000 a year to do what he does.
Starting point is 01:29:43 He builds the backgrounds. He directs the website he he does fucking everything and i don't know like and now the goal is to get some sponsors and to be able to pay him right like i guess that's like what we have to do i guess the the machine just building stuff um i i can't believe that someone hasn't like this. It's just amazing how many people there there who aren't hard workers and go getters who want to like some kid out there who's 20 years old should see you and just be like, holy shit. I just want to film this girl's videos for free for the next like five years. Like that's how I got started. I just went to crossfit and i just wanted to film their videos for free because i just wanted to like get stuff
Starting point is 01:30:28 on youtube like yeah you are it's not that you need them someone else needs you you people who are listening like if you're in the uk like you need her this is a one in a billion time opportunity to work your ass off for free while you're at your mom's house and just and and do like five things for leah simultaneously and because that's what you're doing right now you're everything you could never pay someone to do what you're doing it would take it's it's nuts yeah it's it's nuts i don't get it no i don't think they do the people that get it no I don't think they do the people that get it do though I was speaking to I recently did a big project in Milan like one of the biggest projects I think I'll probably do this year um and I was sat with a team of people who were very curious about how I even got into this and all the story and and they were like wait so you you go to restaurants on your own I'm like yeah I do and as a woman it sounds it for me I'm a strong woman
Starting point is 01:31:36 and very independent I've always been like this kind of a bit of a powerhouse in in that respect very stubborn and very stubborn and I always felt very capable of doing things on my own and it's only recently that I feel I feel vulnerable like I feel vulnerable going to restaurants on my own with all of my camera equipment and trusting that nobody's going to do something or say something inappropriate and it's it's so weird but until you explain to people that yeah like i i'm doing i'm doing it i'm just trying to work it out um until you actually explain to people they don't really get it the people that do will understand though that it is an awful lot of work um and i put in the hours but then i get the benefit. So it's to my convenience, and I only ever see it like that.
Starting point is 01:32:27 For people who – I just want to walk someone through the steps, and I'm probably forgetting the 50 steps. But she has to get herself personally ready. That's like shower, get dressed. She has to get all her camera gear and all that shit together. Then she has to organize it and make sure all the cameras are started, one of the most stressful fucking things ever because nothing can be stopped. Then she has to film it. Then she has to actually perform the athletic feat that's fucking mind-boggling. Then when it's over, when she's full of shit and she probably doesn't want – she has to then be like, shit, I haven't worked out today, but I got to shut down all the cameras and recharge the batteries for tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:33:00 And I got to get this uploaded to my computer, and I got to make sure I don't lose this card. Have I uploaded that card yet? Have I done this? And then when she gets it all in her computer, she has to edit it. But then she still has to answer the phone because her mom called her. Her dog is sick or her boyfriend just broke up with her. All these things. And then she has to edit it.
Starting point is 01:33:15 And then like when you're all done and you're in it's fucking 1130 at night and you want to go to bed, you're uploading the video and you still have to sit there and wait because you have to hit a button when it's done uploading or you have to turn off your computer or i mean it's never fucking ending for these people there's no there's no pussy youtubers there's none there's none there's these two guys in the crossfit space marston and heber um and the amount of work these two dudes do is mind-boggling but like it's all the shitty stuff that you don't see it's like it's getting up at three in the morning and like for the fifth time making sure your your phone your batteries are charging even though you've already checked four times you went to bed because your ocd you have they have to be charged i mean it's just nuts the one thing for me that's yeah it's interesting within all that and i need to kind of make it quite clear is that i will only ever do one shoot a week so so for me it's not like an everyday thing
Starting point is 01:34:13 i couldn't manage i couldn't manage it i couldn't manage the calories my weight my mood my sleeping patterns nothing so for me it's i film challenge, whether it be spice, speed, quantity, whatever. And I will, exactly like you said, make sure that all my camera bags packed, everything's charged, get to set everything up, make sure it's framed nicely. Make sure that I feel like I can do this. I'm confident, get myself in a good headspace. Film the video, be really excited about it, even though a lot of the time I'm confident get myself in a good headspace film the video be really excited about it even though a lot of the time i'm on my own in this restaurant trying to be enthusiastic to a camera about food i ate too much of it looks like you have a big crew by the way yeah i does
Starting point is 01:34:56 and you're all happy and shit and you're like it's. It looks like there's a big crew. And that's what I meant about Go Healy. Well, a lot of the time I'm speaking to members of the public, to the bar staff, to like the waiter. I'm normally just on my own with like strangers around me and they all become very engrossed in the whole process and they kind of become your biggest cheerleaders. Because in that moment moment they are your fans and you're there doing this thing they want you to do so you kind of feed that energy you feed off of it and it's it's really actually very nice yeah and that's what
Starting point is 01:35:36 that's what i meant about getting somebody to come in for free because that's an amazing opportunity for someone who wants to get in the content creating space right they're just like hey i'll be the one that helps you set up the cameras. I'll be the one that makes sure they're all recording. I'll write down any notes you want. I'll bring all the stuff in. I'll bring it to your car. And so that's what that's, you got to find that enthusiastic person that'll just show up and do it for you because they're just there for the experience to learn from you. And that's essentially what I did with Sevan here because I knew it was just going to be an amazing learning experience. Even if nothing came from it, what I would take away personally from it was was already going to be worth my time
Starting point is 01:36:07 right so if anybody's out there listening in the UK and wants that opportunity dude bug her hit your wagon to her just start being an intern for yeah fill your car up you know we had people we had who said that they were going to help us, but they just didn't have the work capacity. And that's another thing. Like, don't bother Leah unless, like, you have the work capacity. Yeah, that's right. That's right. You will not be able to get your head wrapped.
Starting point is 01:36:38 She works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There's no time off ever, ever, ever. And if you want to hit your wagon to superstardom and to hard work and to go-getters, that's what you're going to do. But if you have your life partition, like, well, I need this, I need this vacation. I do this. Like, that's not how this lady works. That's not how I work. Our whole life is a tight circle. Christmas day, Easter, our birthday, everything is working. If it doesn't fit in our life, it doesn't fit in our life. We're not in our life we're not compartmentalized that's not how go-getters work yeah we have no balance we have no balance we all have balance
Starting point is 01:37:10 my the community i'm in of all these these athletes and and super athletes and fasting is like a huge part of you know it's like the trendy cool thing and probably very healthy to do i stop eating every saturday night and i don't start eating again until monday morning and i don't advise that for everyone but i'm 49 years old and like all my shit's like slowed down so it's like it's fine for me but yeah someone asked you do you fast and you said yes i or i heard two different kinds of answers i heard, I don't eat 12 hours before a contest. And then I also heard you say that sometimes after one of these eating challenges, you won't eat for up to 48 hours. Did I hear that right?
Starting point is 01:37:57 Yeah, both correct. So I fast. So the reason why I fast is not just for the calories it's also to make sure that my body is satiated like and before a challenge the goal is to have an empty stomach and just make sure that like you're ready you're hungry you can physically fit the amount of food that you need to inside of your stomach so I fast 12 to 24 hours before a challenge, depending on the size of the challenge, I go in, smash it, have loads of food in me. And I just, in this space, it's so difficult to say in like indefinitely how long I fast afterwards. But I have done massive steak challenges where
Starting point is 01:38:38 I've not wanted to eat for like three days. So it's not just the calories, it's the way that the calories are affecting your body, your mood, your energy levels, is about being very intuitive, understanding that your body doesn't need calories in that moment. So eating really is not going to help your situation. Are you eating out of boredom? Are you actually dehydrated um and then I drink tons of water so that also helps flush out any extra sodium levels and things like that just kind of balances you out in a really nice way so I do fast I fast in a very calculated way it doesn't bother me I eat for a living so if anything eating is a bit of a chore sometimes um and most days are trained so i really i just i live very intuitively around challenges i don't feel like eating a problem
Starting point is 01:39:32 not going to it's not really going to make a difference um do you know what a glucose monitor is i do um it's just to monitor your blood sugar levels right yes ma'am and they're getting more and more fancy like i think there's ones where like you put a sticker on you and it stays on you and then you just open up an app i i it would be fat you need to like if i'm some glucose monitor company like i pay you a hundred thousand dollars just to wear that thing and do and do weekly reports like like what a cool thing to do to have you to have you fast for 24 hours and then sit down with fucking two boxes of lucky charms and watch that fucker just spike i mean food companies would hate the shit out of you but like man you're i mean you're a glucose monitor company's dream how are they not like up all up in your shit and then would you believe that i've
Starting point is 01:40:29 got low blood sugar levels no i wouldn't that's awesome i love it yeah i love it i used to faint i used to faint a lot as a child and i used to just like faint get up faint get up faint and it's just because i had low blood sugar so my i i was i was dieting from kind of the age of 11 and my mum kept having to take me off these diets while i was lowering my calorie intake um because of my my blood sugar levels so now you're dieting at 11 that's fucked up though right like i i probably was doing that shit too like someone probably yeah society education around nutrition there was nothing out there we didn't have social media we didn't have yeah we couldn't blame social media we couldn't blame social media
Starting point is 01:41:14 for our fucking eating disorders kids what the fuck who are we gonna blame stop blaming everyone for everything stop blaming you Take care of your fucking self. What I mean is that social media has provided so many reliable sources. Oh, you're so positive. Yes. But it's true. I hear you. You're right.
Starting point is 01:41:37 I know what they're talking about. And they educate everybody on calorie intake, on like a balanced nutrition on exercise on a balanced lifestyle not extremity not the cabbage soup diet the i don't know what else diet that i did the fruit diet yeah did you only try to only eat grapefruit for a month no you're ridiculous i did all of these things yeah i did celery yeah it's celery you know when you eat celery you actually burn calories because your jaw actually extends more calories than it because your body's so depressed oh man and you you you fainted once um in a contest you ate so much. Yeah. Was that because the food was hot?
Starting point is 01:42:26 Spicy? No. Oh, no. I'll tell you why. Um, so I was given a massive amount of food. Uh, I was in Japan. So there was like this really weird communication issue. Um, I had a translator racist, racist filming, not certainly not certainly not racist um whilst we're filming my um I'll give you a brief overview I'm filming a tv show I'm going up against four men two were ex-sumo wrestlers an ex-sumo wrestler an ex-pupil player and two were comedians I was sat in the middle they gave us an amount of food that was more food than they had told me they just said eat as much as you can the whole idea is that you're going to beat these guys I'm thinking okay cool we start eating this food we're underground in a pub in Japan um in this
Starting point is 01:43:18 like really narrow tiny bar area and we have like 30 camera crew each person has a cameraman um we have runners running up and down lots of lights everything this is for a tv show and i'm eating this food and it gets very hot like the room gets very hot i'm drinking water like you're sweating hot like you're sweating hot um not not sweating but i'm feeling like my core temperature is rising and when you feel that your body's reacting to something okay the food itself was it was probably that puffer fish they slipped in there yeah god don't i'm so glad that it wasn't anything like untoward that way but they gave us british food but it wasn't British. It wasn't how we have it here. It was their take on it.
Starting point is 01:44:08 I get through most of the plates. I'm almost at the end, and I feel like I'm going to pass out. So I'm asking them how long left. They say five minutes. And I think, okay, I'm just going to coast for the next five minutes finish nicely I'm the winner happy days the guys next to me kept getting up and going to the toilet and coming back and eating more food and I'm like this is not allowed you're not allowed to do that like this is this is not right so I'm sat eating this food I decide to stop.
Starting point is 01:44:45 You're not allowed to do that because you could be making yourself vomit, right? Correct. So you can't get up and leave the table. Like that's just whatever you're doing, even just to go to the toilet, we are sat down for a maximum of 30 minutes. You can wait. Yeah. Yeah. I end up sitting there. I'm really hot. I kept drinking water because I felt like it was cooling me down. I was telling my translator that I need to stop filming because I'm not feeling very well. He's like, it's fine. Five minutes. Just keep going.
Starting point is 01:45:15 Then they say, okay, we're going to go down the line and we're each going to do a mouthful of food. So they went round one. So I did one tiny mouthful of food I probably had like 500 grams left on my plate they had four plates everybody had four plates yeah so I'm thinking of one anyway let's just play this game so we went around the line a couple of times and then I said I'm done I was like I was zoning out because I used to faint as a child I know what it feels like I know when I need to stop and I said like I'm done next thing I know I'm waking up I was on the floor I blacked out lights were off everybody cleared out they bundled me into an ambulance and
Starting point is 01:45:58 took me to hospital and they ran a load of tests and they said look everything's come back normal you seem healthy to us like we don't see any problems. And what we think has happened is because you were subterranean, there wasn't a lot of oxygen or lots of people in the room and it got very hot. You were eating lots of food. So the oxygen from your brain went to your stomach to digest. And because that happened, you blacked out. And that was always going to happen. So they kind of set you up for that to happen. And when you said, I'm done, they should have cut and let you go. Like that should have been the end of exercise.
Starting point is 01:46:36 But the show never aired because they couldn't use the footage. Oh, fuck me. Yeah. Well, I'm glad because that was a very embarrassing time for me. And I don't know. I think it shows like commitment to the job. Well, yeah, I think a lot of a lot of men actually, funnily enough, like I can't believe like you're so you ate so much food that you blacked out like that is badass. I'm like, is that badass? Or is that idiocy?
Starting point is 01:47:08 Well, it's a good experience. Next time you'll just be like, fuck you, I'm not eating. Does this translate to Japanese? No. I'm good. Was your boyfriend there or were your parents there? Did you have family? By yourself?
Starting point is 01:47:20 Oh, God. Yeah. That's scary shit. Yeah. Yeah. How old were you when that happened? It was about three years ago. So about 28-ish. Man.
Starting point is 01:47:32 Yeah. That was tough. I one time went to Egypt to film a movie in the Sahara Desert, and I landed in Cairo, and I had my camera with me. I landed in Cairo and I had my camera with me and I was questioned by like no shit, like by 15 guys for like four hours until the airport was empty. And like all the people I went and I was by myself. It's a little different than passing out, but you don't want to be you don't want to. They kept asking me if I was Israeli or Jewish. They kept asking what my camera was for.
Starting point is 01:48:09 It was fucked up. I seriously thought I was going to to jail i did not want to go to jail in egypt i don't know what made me think of that but i was just thinking about what it's like to be alone in a foreign country and faint and wake up in a hospital i would not like that they're harvesting your organs and shit holding you captive i've had you so long on here damn we didn't even talk about oh shoot we have to have you on again uh let me ask you this real quick for before we let you go why the when you when you do the banana yeah why do you have the warning don't try this at home what and you're and you're very serious about it it's not just like obligatory like don't try this you're like hey listen knuckleheads don't do this so okay this is this really frustrates me because obviously obviously people are going to try it or if they do it will only get so far they'll go nope because your body does not naturally want to do something
Starting point is 01:49:02 like that yeah i understand that and i'm fully like i'm with you i think like why would you be so serious about this but i have had so many videos taken down because there's no warning and so i've had to put those warnings on i do mean it i don't want people to get hurt and i i don't think the people would ever get to the point where they would get hurt because the human body is very good at trying to keep you alive so they it wouldn't get to that point but i wouldn't want somebody's demise to be my responsibility so you could someone could die well i mean when you do that banana thing, I maybe I don't know why, but I just picture anytime I'm watching something, maybe that's why I think so. I can't watch a lot of shit on TV more. I imagine me doing it right.
Starting point is 01:49:55 Like you put the banana in and then I start to feel claustrophobic, like I'm going to suffocate. Yeah, I've never had any kind of like choking traumaas from childhood, which is what a lot of kids have. So because I haven't had that, I don't have that fear in my mind when I'm doing stuff like this. So people ask me this question all the time, and I think that it is part of the trauma. What about that thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth? You know what I mean? Is it an uvula? Uvula, yeah. Okay, yeah, that thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth? You know what I mean? Like, is it an uvula?
Starting point is 01:50:27 Uvula. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That thing, the uvula. Um, when I was in college,
Starting point is 01:50:32 like if I drank, yeah, you know, when I drank too much, um, uh, alcohol or something and like, I would come home from a party,
Starting point is 01:50:38 I would try to put my finger back there and touch that and vomit up all the like alcohol. How do you get the banana like doesn't the banana rub on that thing and just make you want to gag like that thing doesn't want to be touched right I don't have a gag reflex and I never have done I was always like that person that could brush my tongue like without it making me wow that's pretty cool yeah I've I've had there's been a lot of things that I've been able to do that I didn't know would ever become handy until this job like I had an addiction to chewing gum and I would chew gum all day every day for years I love I loved it i still do and it made my jaw so strong that now when i do
Starting point is 01:51:28 say challenges i've never had jaw fatigue or jaw ache oh wow i have a super strong very trained jaw from chewing gum and i did i'm not training myself to be a competitive eater like i just wanted to be a normal chick but i now have a very strong resilient jaw yeah you're in you're in your path you're in your flow do you take any supplements do you take any like vitamin a vitamin c creatine arginine i used to take like a plethora of supplements um but i found that since i have a much healthier diet outside of food challenges i don't really need to supplement too much my body's pretty healthy um but in saying that i was thinking like a digestive enzyme would be a really great product
Starting point is 01:52:19 to start to market yes a lot of people struggle with their digestion and i was thinking about like a vitamin blend and call it shitamins oh wow wow wow and it's been on my mind for the longest time i just thought it's so bad that maybe it's good yeah the only supplement that i really take like that i that i like i really care that i take it's funny you say that is um on my days that i'm fasting i take digestive enzymes because i was told that when your stomach's empty you should pop those in there when you're fasting and i don't know why i don't notice any difference but um yeah do you do you ever get constipated do you even know what that means
Starting point is 01:53:07 i have a pretty you know a lot of people say that it's down to my age but i have a pretty good digestive system but i wouldn't do my job if i had problems like i just wouldn't like it wouldn't feel um to me it just feels so kind of effortless because i don't have these adverse reactions so i think i'm fortunate i also have a very active very healthy lifestyle otherwise yeah and i drink tons of water which helps a lot um somewhere some somewhere in college i i actually remember the exact moment i was in college i I was in my twenties and I was in a cafe and I was taking a shit and I don't know why it took so long. Maybe some people still don't know this,
Starting point is 01:53:53 but I realized you don't have to poop. I have tremendous focus. I'm all, I am like hyper fucking disciplined and focused. And I was just, I was just, I was just watching my breathing and I put all of my awareness on my – like around my anus as I'm sitting there, and I'm breathing, and the poop just fell out of me. And since then, now at 49 for the last 26 years, I've never had to – I don't have to – I never have to push.
Starting point is 01:54:23 Like I could poop, and then I could command myself to, I never have to push. I'm like, I could poop and then I could command myself to poop again. Like I, there's no, I could poop just forever because I have such like, I can just relax. I could probably eat a hot dog and let it fall out the bottom if I was that relaxed. Yeah. I bet you like a vending machine. Yes. Yeah. So for you, toilet time is like a meditative practice. Completely. And it's quick. It's quick. Like people have been sitting on the toilet for like five minutes or ten minutes.
Starting point is 01:54:48 I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? I wait until I'm like prairie dogging. I'm like a little kid. And then I'm like running. You know what a prairie dog is? And then I run to the toilet and I just take a few deep breaths and I'm just like, ah. And because my diet is so healthy, I don't really need toilet paper either. I'm just, I'm a unicorn.
Starting point is 01:55:07 Well, I just think, I just think a lot of people lack fiber in their diets and, and water probably, it is just down to like a probably terrible diet habits as to why they have such difficulties with constipation and things like that. I really don't want to be talking about toilet. I don't even think I know what constipation is. Well, that's a good thing, right? Yeah, I guess. I guess it's a good thing.
Starting point is 01:55:36 When I was in high school, I didn't know what insecurity was. And then I got to college and I was like, oh, the reason why I didn't know what insecurity was. And then I got to college and I was like, Oh, the reason why I didn't know what insecurity was, is because all I was was insecure. So now I'm concerned that I don't know what constipation is and like, shit, maybe I'm only constipated. It's like a blessing and a curse. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:55:59 You don't know that you're missing out, but you actually are. In this, in this, in this egg eating contest yeah in the egg challenge in one of the videos i saw you drop the egg on the floor yes now this is a problem for a couple reasons one it gets dirty but two it fucks with your time it fell on the chair next to me so i was on the bench okay i bounced off the bench and i caught it and then i ate it yeah it's too bad there wasn't a side camera that that's amazing yeah that was like this continuous thing that was for a tv show and the production were like can we just do that again because we don't know whether guinness world records might disqualify it because you actually drop the egg oh i saw your hand go over there yeah oh
Starting point is 01:56:46 shit i even have that in my notes i'm like what were you doing with your hand holy shit you dropped a hard-boiled egg it bounced off the chair and you caught it i would have been like hey idiots why is there a chair next to her clear that shit out and give wow yeah oh that second attempt was where i discovered i could swallow the eggs whole so when they told me to go again the first one just went straight down i was like oh wow i can do that so i just did all three and then i almost half my previous time hey could you have um let's say the eggs let's say could you have like dipped the eggs in oil or something to make them more slippery or would that be cheating um well they are um they're pickled eggs so they come out of a pickled egg jar
Starting point is 01:57:36 okay they are kind of covered in like a vinegar so they're not dry um okay helps um how come um how come there aren't more colored people in your sport no i'm just joking i'm just joking um uh that's a good point though yeah it's who cares you're you're you're fine yeah you're all colored up yeah it's fine who gets black people shouldn't be doing this sport anyway they're too smart i'm such a minority. Yes. Heartburn. Do you ever get heartburn? No, that's another question that I get a lot.
Starting point is 01:58:10 Oh, shit. I was trying to ask you something special. You don't know what that is? Oh, that's good. If you started drinking a lot of alcohol, like foofy drinks and eating chips, you'd get heartburn. I used to drink a lot of alcohol, foofy drinks and potato chips, and I would get heartburn. Okay. I don't see that.
Starting point is 01:58:30 We talked about hooking you up with David Blaine. We talked about cereal. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. David Blaine. I never see you spill on yourself. Okay. I mean, you're a fucking professional. I guess that's something like you do as a professional like you're stuffing your face with food but i guess you're a professional so you don't spill
Starting point is 01:58:50 like i never see milk dripping on your boobs or like like a piece of burrito like fall off into your shirt and you're like shit like it's just um i think that part of the appeal of my channel and my videos is that i'm a i'm a clean eater and that's why i say i'm going to try and eat this as quickly and as cleanly as i possibly can it's not something that i consciously did it's something that i naturally am and that's something that people point out and actually enjoy about my channel so i mean i'm a lot of people might watch my videos and go that's not clean but when you're eating it's clean it's clean in comparison to other eaters so people come to my channel for like it's like
Starting point is 01:59:31 more aesthetic eating that's like the type of thing that i like to go for i'm beautiful i eat Leah Shutkeeper. Roll the title. Yes. We talked about, oh, flavor fatigue. That was a great, I'd never heard of those. I'd never heard those two words next to each other. The juxtaposition of those words. Tell me about flavor fatigue. So flavor fatigue is something you can get pretty much from anything that you're consuming. And when you consume too much of it, you get to a point where the flavor becomes so consistent that it almost tastes like nothing.
Starting point is 02:00:13 And that can make you feel very nauseous. So what you need at that moment is like a flavor drink or a carbonated drink or something sweeter or saltier or spicier to kind of reignite the taste buds that's where challenges start to become really difficult especially when you have a huge amount of something very bland like bread or chips or pizza or something like that how do you learn about flavor is that your own do you learn that by talking to other professionals no you didn't um no i didn't um slave fatigue is similar to when people say about meat sweats or about hitting the wall it's the the things that you experience whilst you do food challenges and we all go through them to a degree i can't say that i've ever had meat sweats i think that's something maybe like
Starting point is 02:01:02 i think it's a fallacy but i don't know i feel like i've had meat sweats like you go to those brazilian places where the guys with the and i feel like i get the meat sweats there i love those places yeah i think you know as i watch your videos god i'm such a pompous douche i think that that one where you eat the 80 grams of um the green shit the 80 grams oh of watercress yeah yeah that one i'm like man i bet you i got her on that try it i need to i don't think we have what could i use arugula it's spicy we don't have that we don? What? Arugula is rocket to us. I think you may have watercress.
Starting point is 02:01:49 We do in the United States? I think so. I don't know. We have a supply chain issue. We don't have anything here anymore. Oh, well. You're screwed. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 02:02:02 Our president's such a goofball. What do you guys think about our president? The old guy, Joe Biden. I don't think that I'm qualified to comment. Oh, you're a good dude. Glucose monitor. We know we talked about that. Talked about flavor fatigue.
Starting point is 02:02:19 Talked about constipation. Okay, the only thing we didn't talk about and we're not going to talk about is your boobs. That's the only thing we didn't talk about. But we'll save that for the next show. Okay. I don't think there's much to say, but cool. Leah, you are a wonderful guest. I appreciate you coming on and partying with us.
Starting point is 02:02:37 Thanks for having me. We'll be watching you. If there's ever any time you ever want to come on again, we'd love to have you. If there's anything we can do for you, let us know. I appreciate you guys. Thanks for having me on. Okay. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:02:51 It's been a good chat. And someone for all you suitors out there. David Blaine. Yes. Yes. Yes. Come through.

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