The Sevan Podcast - #329 - Greg Anderson

Episode Date: March 11, 2022

A Police Officer that has spoken out. A man of integrity that walks the talk. Book Suggestions: Civil Right: Rhetoric or Reality? by Thomas Sowell Partners: - THE COFF...EE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Bam, we're live. where are you i'm in my guest bedroom good audio i like the audio yeah i set up a little podcast not tinny uh this isn't for you greg you could pick your nose or do whatever you want this only take 15 seconds guys paper street 20 off of use uh sebon is the code and every single person who makes a purchase between now march 27th gets uh entered into a contest to win a free barbell from
Starting point is 00:01:37 rogue this is the shit i drink i mean that word shit affectionately thank you and if my sponsors do well, I do well. And if I do well, my kids go to more jiu-jitsu classes. And they'll be nice to your daughters. All right. I can't believe you're on the show. Dude, thanks for having me. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Dude, you did it. I know I'm late to the game. I know I'm late to the game, but you did it. I know I'm late to the game. I know I'm late to the game, but you did it. You did what thousands of other people have told me that they couldn't do because they had a mortgage or they were scared or they had a family to feed. shit you did it you it's like it's like um i wish i had the guy working the back end right now so we could pull up the word integrity and we could read the definition but you are you're like the living embodiment of integrity man it was it's kind of weird though because like when i did that video and when i said those things you know everybody was like greg what are you doing man be careful yeah what are you doing you're gonna You're going to lose your job, dude. Shut up. This is what everybody kept saying. We agree with you.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Like, yes. Like Greg, listen, I agree with what you're saying, but you can't say that. And I was like, that's the problem right there. That's the problem. Everybody's pretending to be a certain way, even though behind closed doors, every cop that I knew, every person in my chain of command was in 100 agreement with me and so for me it was really like it wasn't a hard decision for a cop to stand up and say he supports people's liberties and he's going to stand behind his oath like shouldn't every cop be saying that
Starting point is 00:03:18 and so they should yeah it wasn't an abstract not just Not just every cop. Not just every cop. For every cop that stands up and says that, there should be – and this is a huge problem I have with society. There should be five citizens who stand in front of his house and say we support this guy as a vigil. Exactly. It's a partnership between the citizenry and the police. I pull my trash cans out on Friday or on Wednesday because the garbage man's coming. That's a partnership I have with those guys. I don't park in front of my mailbox as a partnership with the mail company so that their job is easy. And no one wants to do,
Starting point is 00:03:55 not no one, a lot of people don't want to do the partnership with police. I'm like, what the fuck is wrong with you? I don't know, man, but I feel like there's always this ebb and flow of the relationship that the public holds with law enforcement. And it gets skewed mainly, in my opinion, by media and by politicians. Of course. I knew that we were on the verge of having our reputations as a profession tarnished. on the verge of having our reputations as a profession tarnished and uh that's one of the reasons i was like dude if we don't stand behind the people on this one it's gonna go bad and it could go bad quickly and then you know two weeks later it was the george floyd thing and everybody hated cops for the next 18 months but they like them again now so i guess that's a good thing
Starting point is 00:04:43 oh man we have so much to talk about. I, are you affiliated with the political party at all? Like, are you a Democrat or Republican or Libertarian? No. I mean, my, my views align more with Libertarian than anybody else, but, you know, obviously as more of a conservative person, I find myself voting Republican more often than not. But it's funny because like, when I bring up things about like Tulsi Gabbard, Tulsi Gabbard says some very good things. And if I say that as a conservative, people are like, why the fuck do you support her? And I'm like, guys, that's all, that's what the problem is. In my opinion, it's like, I don't care necessarily what your political views are.
Starting point is 00:05:29 I want the words that are coming out of your mouth to be congruent with how you feel in your heart. Then we're, then us as citizens are going to have a good idea of what you bring to the table as a person and make that voice. If you're the right person, if you're the right fit to serve our community, but we never get that anymore. We get, when you say your heart, what do you mean by that? That's always a word that trips me up. Cause I don't really, I don't, what does that mean? Your heart? I mean, like what you feel inside of yourself behind closed doors, when you're sitting in your own bed at night, thinking about different issues or, or, you know, some of the political landscape, the, the, the, the things that people are dealing with
Starting point is 00:06:11 as politicians, they don't say on a public platform, what they believe to be the truth. They say what they think is going to garnish the most votes or what's going to appease their lobby, their lobbyists. Like they're going to say the things that are going to help their political party or help them stay in power. They're not going to say the things that they think are true and correct. That's why, what do we see every single time during an election cycle? They say one thing. And then as soon as elections are done, they flip flop. And that's been happening my whole life, But I feel like it's getting worse and worse as time goes on. It is getting worse and worse. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Look at this. Holy shit. Caleb, hi. Is it okay to show your face for a second, Caleb? Well, I see it. You can't hear me. Caleb, I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I didn't know you were going to come on today. I'm going to send you the show notes, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:06 I should have sent them to you as default. I'm a jackass. Thanks for coming on, dude. You're a beast. Oops. I think he was just about to say something, and I fucking sent him away. Caleb Beaver. What a great name.
Starting point is 00:07:17 His name is C. Beaver. Isn't that awesome? I just can't get it. When I first started messing with CrossFit, I was 34 years old, and I never heard of a snatch and a jerk and those things. And I just remember it took me years for the child in me not to chuckle every time I heard those words. And now I've been working with Cade for a year, and I can't get over his name, C. Beaver. Have you ever seen that meme that says, shouldn't it be jerk and then clean? Have you ever seen that meme that says, shouldn't it be jerk and then clean?
Starting point is 00:07:51 I think I heard Annie Sakamoto do some rendition of that once. Greg. Oh, shit. Now I sent away my I sent away my notes. No, I can open them here to send Greg Anderson. OK, Greg, can you can you paint the picture for me a little bit of the buildup to that? For those of you who don't know, Greg has reinvented himself many, many times. He is – man, I'd like to talk to his mom. I think he was born just a go-getter from as far back as I could research him when he, when he entered the military. But then at some point, um, life brought him to Washington state where he worked for the police department at the port of Seattle. Is that correct? Correct.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Yep. And, uh, there is where, um, the, uh, his bosses were asking him to do things where, um, that he didn't feel were appropriate. And not only did he take a stand for himself, but he made an address while sitting in his police car to all of the police in the United States and the world on some level. Can you tell us the buildup of that and what happened? So then as we go forward in the podcast, people understand why I'm so enamored by you.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I mean, I've been talking about you for, I've only been doing this podcast a year, but I bring up your name all the time because I just can't believe what you did. I mean, and people owe you, people owe you. No, nobody owes me. Well, they don't, they don't owe you in the sense from your perspective, but they owe you from the sense of my perspective. I'll take it back. So to, to when I went into the military, so I grew up in Washington state and that's why I'm here. This is, this is my home. I've lived here. I was born here. And so funny how you have to justify that. But I fully understand that I'm in California. I feel like I have to justify it. But no, I went into the military at 18 and it wasn't because of some patriotic duty or some
Starting point is 00:09:39 like deep calling. Really. It came down to, I didn't know what the fuck I wanted to do with my life. And I knew I hated school and I knew I liked fighting and partying and being wild. And I was like, you know what? This seems like a good outlet for me to just go get some experience and get out of the house. And for whatever reason, Why did you hate school? You seem like one of the qualities that I picked up about you is that you're a good friend. Um,
Starting point is 00:10:02 didn't you like the friendship part of going to school and making friends and like homies school for me was a hundred percent social hour okay and it's funny that you say that because i would work out with the jocks after school and then i'd go skating with the skaters and then i could you know i could hang out with the stoners and it was i was able to have like to mesh with all the different groups so i loved high school for the social aspect of it but i just hated the actual work itself my brain never and i mean i ended up getting my bachelor's years later and i can tell you even though i did it and i did well i didn't enjoy it that's just not yeah i didn't i didn't enjoy i didn't enjoy that part of school either but i loved going i like I liked the girls, and I liked the boys.
Starting point is 00:10:46 And I could be friends with anyone. I wanted to be friends with anyone, the goth, the jocks. I just wanted to hang with – I wanted to know everyone's story. Yep. No, same with me, man. That's funny. But anyways, I ended up going in the military. And for whatever reason, I was just like, I want to do something really hard.
Starting point is 00:11:03 If I'm going to go in, I might as well do something hard. And I said, I want to be a Ranger or a SEAL. And the weird thing is I didn't even really know what either of those were other than what you see on movies and whatnot. But yeah, ended up getting into the army and went and did their Ranger program and served with the 75th Ranger Regiment. And that was from 99 to 03. So I was in a special operations unit during that transition from peacetime to wartime military. And I mean, it got crazy because we never thought, I mean, everyone always said, oh, we're going to go to war one day, we're going to go to war. But no one ever really truly believed that i think because the regiment hadn't been involved in any type of combat since somalia that was 1993
Starting point is 00:11:50 and so after the was that the black hawk was that the black hawk down incident yes yeah that was okay um you know so as soon as 9- kicked off, we were on a deployment tempo that was just go, go, go. And I did a few deployments to Afghanistan with the regiment. And then that's when military contracting kicked off. And back in those days, you know, when I was a young 23 year old E five, we were told, Hey, you can reenlist as a ranger and continue to make three grand a month, or you can go over on these private contracts with special operations guys and make 30K a month. And so it was kind of a no-brainer.
Starting point is 00:12:33 And a lot of us did that. And the cool thing about it, it continued to fulfill that military mission. We had our brotherhood. We were out, we were doing our thing. It was, the stakes were high. It was extremely dangerous. And I know people think that might sound strange, but as a 20 year old or 22 year old man,
Starting point is 00:12:55 that's what you train to do. And then when you actually got to go be deployed and do the mission, it was actually exciting. I always tell people like the combat deployments were some of the most fun I've ever had in my life. And so, so by the way if anyone really wants to hear this stuff in it's fascinating the the details of this even more i recommend going over to uh greg anderson's first podcast with um my ex-friend andy stump uh cleared hot go over there and listen to that i mean andy and you and andy have a twohour and 57-minute conversation that I'm not happy with Andy,
Starting point is 00:13:29 but I even enjoyed him and you thoroughly in that conversation. Andy's such a good podcast host, man. We used to work at the same— Me and Andy are friends through that process. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure. He's a great dude. We just worked at the same place, and we both worked at CrossFit. And when at one point I was on the ship and he was throwing rocks at the ship,
Starting point is 00:13:50 you know, so he never did anything to me personally, but I just, I, I, I I'm still resenting the fact that he was throwing rocks at the ship while I was still on it. You know what I mean? But, but it's nothing, he's a great podcaster. He's he's yeah. It's I'm not like'm not like this motherfucker, but I just – you know what I mean? I'm just like, fuck you. I'm just pissed at him. Anyway, different story. The podcast with you and him is great.
Starting point is 00:14:16 Holy shit. Yeah, it's like – For a little pussy like me to hear two fucking brave men talking and be able to live vicariously through that podcast and hear what you guys did. I was proud of you. I was proud of this country. I was, I was, I was stoked. Thank you. So yeah, yeah, yeah. Funny story about how putting yourself out there and, and speaking what you believe to be true, it changes the trajectory of your life because Because Andy saw my video, he reached
Starting point is 00:14:46 out to me and said, Hey, will you do cleared hot? I went to Kalispell and filmed that episode. Where's that? That's Montana. That's where he went, right? Kalispell, Montana. And my inbox blew up with people saying that podcast was so fun to listen to. You need to do your own. That podcast was awesome. Do your own, do your own, do your own. And I thought the endless endeavor podcast. I listened to one of those yesterday also. Yes. Congratulations. Awesome. Awesome. And so we started that just out of like, I never thought that would be something that I would do and we started it and
Starting point is 00:15:18 it's been great and it's been doing very well. And it's, we're on, I just finished episode 91 yesterday. So, I mean, it's, it's crazy, but it's a really fun journey. I'm enjoying it. Yeah, it's cool. The one I listened to, I think was 89. Do you ever have, and you didn't have a guest. Do you have guests on the show also? Yeah, no, I probably do.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Oh yeah. That's how you, you and Greg Laplin have done shows together. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. I probably do 10% solo and 90% with guests.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Okay. And then you have that other, your other homeboy, Mitchell. Yeah. Mitch Aguiar. Aguiar. Yeah. Another cool dude, man. You hang out with some manly dudes.
Starting point is 00:15:58 It's just every, I got connected to all the right people when this stuff happened. Me and Lappin were already home before before the video but the video definitely helped like create a footprint in the in the social media world and it connected me with a lot of people so it's it's been amazing can you imagine if you and greg lapland would have been friends like in high school we'd both be in jail probably. Oh my goodness. Yeah, this guy speaks the shit out of his mind. Mitch is a wild motherfucker. Yeah, look at those shorts. Yeah, Soonga Life, shout out. Oh, this guy is single?
Starting point is 00:16:37 No, Soonga Life. That's the brand of the shorts. Oh, oh, oh. I thought you were looking at, I thought you were. Okay. No, Mitch is the opposite of single. He has two girlfriends. Oh, perfect.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Perfect. Do you have two girlfriends? Um, we'll talk off the air, but no. All right. All right. All right. Cause I'm looking at this picture and I went to your entire Instagram yesterday, but yeah. Okay. We'll get, we'll get at that later.
Starting point is 00:17:05 So you go into the military, and then you turn into a contractor, okay? And are you changing as a human being through all of this in terms of some of the things that bring you to being able to speak your mind, integrity, honesty? All the guys I know who are special forces guys um there is something about them that's extremely refreshing about just their honesty and bluntness it offends some people but the truth is is that the evolution in your relationship with these guys is so fast because they're so honest and so if you can hang and not be offended not have your feelings hurt man you can grow with them quickly and get shit done and And that's the biggest key. And I still remember as a, as a young ranger, like, you know, when, when you have someone just say something that's just blunt and honest and it's
Starting point is 00:17:56 not necessarily rude, but in the special operations community, you can't, you don't, we don't have time to have your feelings hurt because the mission comes first. And if you fuck something up, you're going to get called out on it and you're going to get called out on it in front of the whole team. After every single operation, we do what's called the AAR and after actions review. And the team gets in a big circle and we talk about everything that went right and everything that went wrong and who the key players were. And if something went wrong, who fucked it up and how to make sure it doesn't happen again. There's, there's a lot of transparency and there has to be
Starting point is 00:18:29 because our fucking lives are on the line. Right. And so if somebody did something that was fucked up, there can't be any other way to approach it than right now with brutal honesty. And I know that that offends some people, but once you live in that realm for a while, it's actually refreshing because everybody knows what's on everybody else's mind and nobody's playing these weird games behind closed doors. And that kind of set the tone for how I, how I decided to live my life and how I interact with people and how I speak my mind. And, and just like you said, yeah, it's, it's a little much for some people, but if you, if you live in a realm where people know who you are, then they can choose to accept that or fuck off. Right. And it's actually comfortable. And so moving forward
Starting point is 00:19:18 from, from the content, can I, can I jump in there one second? I want to tell you a funny story. What you're talking about in the current vernacular in in the woke corporate vernacular is transparency and vulnerability and you just made me realize something um date there's uh i don't know if you you're into crossfit right yep i own a crossfit gym well okay a gym that has crossfit and jujitsu i run the jujitsu side my homie runs crossfit side okay so so um my so, um, my friend, Dave Castro, my friend, Nicole Carroll ran the level one training team over at CrossFit Inc. And they had, they ran it exactly the way you're, you're saying it was, it's so gnarly. It was scary. And I ran the media department and basically what they would do, they would take their coaches and there would be reviews from all sides,
Starting point is 00:20:05 from your peers, from your pupils, and then from the higher ups. And they would just, I mean, the feedback was nuts. Whenever I would talk to the L1 trainers and I would hear about it, I'd be like, oh God, that sounds so fucking uncomfortable. That is the ultimate vulnerability and transparency. But then you have these corporate goons come in and talk about it. We need to be open. We need to be transparent and vulnerable. But you need to make sure that you don't offend anyone. Well, first of all, I can't make sure that I don't offend you. That's not my responsibility.
Starting point is 00:20:32 And second of all, you can't have both of those. And it's so funny. And I tell people this all the time. People would say there was this thing in the community. They would say Dave's so unprofessional. They're so naive. They don't realize the so naive they don't realize the fact is they don't recognize a professional he's actually the epitome of
Starting point is 00:20:51 professionality he's the apex professional because like you his job every decision was life or death professional isn't the suit and the tie professional is this ultimate transparency and vulnerability back and forth. And it's totally – even a dirt-twirling hippie from Berkeley like me could spot that. Like, holy shit. This shit's the real shit. If you offend somebody, but you're telling them what you perceive to be the truth, I mean, sorry. You know what I mean? You're fat, and you're going to die if you don't lose
Starting point is 00:21:25 weight because all fat people die prematurely from chronic disease. Well, that hurt my feelings. Well, you can thank me when you're, when you live another 10 years. No, that's right, man. And so, sorry, I get on my horse every once in a while. I'll park it in the, in the garage. It wasn't until I contracted and I did 12 tours as a contractor to Iraq. And in 2009, I got an email and it was a picture of my wife's positive pregnancy test. And she'd been with me through a lot of different deployments. And she goes, Hey, I think if we're going to do the family thing, it's time to put this lifestyle behind us and pursue something new. And I had to agree with her, even though I enjoyed that lifestyle. I saw a lot of guys over there
Starting point is 00:22:16 that did have families and it never really sat well with me. Like, I don't know how they would just, Hey, you know, deploy for six months. And they got three little babies back home. And I remember thinking like, man, I, that can't be me because I don't think I would be able to be mission focused. And some guys are to each his own. Right. But that was in 2009. And I, I had redeployed home and I, that was, that was it for me. I let them know that I'm out. That was my last deployment. And then I started to, how many years were you in? Say that again? Nine. Um, yeah, just under 10 when you combine active duty contracting. Okay. And so came home and what do a lot of soldiers do? They kind of follow the path right into law enforcement. It's a very
Starting point is 00:23:01 natural transition and people think like, okay, if I was part of a special operations team and I like that camaraderie and I like weapons and I like tactic and all that stuff, let's go into law enforcement. And so that's what I did. And I tried two different agencies. And to tell you the truth, I never really found what I was looking for. And to tell you the truth, I never really found what I was looking for. Law enforcement inside of the United States is very, very different than anything in the special operations community. It's very political. A lot of poor leadership in my experience.
Starting point is 00:23:42 And I just kept coming to that same conclusion like, man, this is not what I had hoped it would be. But at the same time, a lot of people work in jobs that they're not excited about day to day, you know, but I wasn't, I was never like super passionate and as a, as a police officer and love the job, like some cops do, because I just always saw a lot of, a lot of flaws in, in, in how they conducted themselves. And so to tell you the truth, you know, fast forward to 2020, when the pandemic started, like, I didn't want to lose my job. I had, you know, mortgages and kids and I'm on the same grind as everybody else. But I knew three daughters, right? Three daughters. Yep. Yep. There's six, six, nine and 12. And so, but I knew that like, I'm successful at what I put my mind to. I know how to win. I, if I need to get on the grind
Starting point is 00:24:33 and do something to feed my family, I'm not intimidated by having to do that. And if I have to fucking stock shelves at home Depot at night, then that's what I'll do, right? But I'm not going to not share my mind or speak mind when I see this massive issue that's affecting our profession. And that's why I was never intimidated about doing that. And that's something that bothers me. I see a lot of cops that are intimidated to speak their mind. And the public needs us to speak our mind. They need to see that we're sticking up for them, that we stand for them and that we see these flaws in this and in the political landscape that's swept across our country. And another thing that I tell cops all the time is like,
Starting point is 00:25:17 if you speak the truth and I, you can call it God, you can call it the universe, but it karma I've found is a real thing because my life has become enriched over the last 24 months since I made that my business, my side business has blown up. Um, we started that podcast, all kinds of new relationships and new friendships. And man, I can't imagine sitting in a patrol car, being a cop right now. Like my life has changed so much in the last two years for the better. And it all started by speaking my truth and following integrity. Did you enjoy the, when you, so you're sitting in your, in your car and you make that video and then you post it to your instagram is that where you posted it correct yep um did and then i'm assuming from there was just a snowball that
Starting point is 00:26:11 just rolled downhill just gaining momentum people were i mean i was trying to figure out how many views it's seen and at one point i came to the point i was writing it down it wouldn't surprise i think it's closer to 100 million than zero because somewhere over the millions you have to start losing count because it's just now it's just gone everywhere it's it's not just that people use this word viral uh too often but this thing literally was like everyone was ripping it and reposting it no it was i mean it went all over twitter all over youtube all over all these platforms that i don't even have on networks. It was all over television. It was all over television. Yeah. It was on Fox news. It was on CNN. Um, one guy,
Starting point is 00:26:51 one radio show host out of Vegas, um, he shared it and his share alone got 15 million views. And so crazy. Yeah. I don't even know where to begin on my personal Instagram got like a million one spot that it got posted, but, uh, no, it was really crazy. I posted it. And like I told you, my commander got ahold of me and he goes, Hey, Greg, I watched your video. Awesome message. Everything you've said, we stand behind and we say, wow. And I was like, hey, cool. I'm ready for a promotion. My department had been begging me to put in for sergeant so they could promote me. They're like, you're a natural leader, Greg. We want you to be in a leadership position. We want to promote you. Like I was always well-respected in the department,
Starting point is 00:27:46 both by my peers and my chain of command. And so when he called me and said that, I was like, okay, cool. You know, I didn't foresee this video getting me fired, but I also knew you didn't, you didn't know. I knew there was the potential for it to rub some people the wrong way, but I wasn't sure what the outcome was. But at the the wrong way, but I wasn't sure what the outcome was. But at the end of the day, I wasn't concerned about the outcome. I was concerned about getting the right message out there.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And was that because going back to this word you used before, heart, something wasn't sitting well with your heart. You're going this way and something was telling you to do this. And you're like, I can't do that. I can't do that. And so you spoke out. Hey, I know you want me to make a right turn here. I can't. And that's what that video was, right? They want you to do some stuff that you felt you didn't want to do to the people that you swore to serve. Well, and here's the, the God honest truth about it. I, and I, I articulated in
Starting point is 00:28:38 the video, my specific department, I was fortunate. I didn't get tasked to go arrest women at parks. And when we started seeing all this stuff happening, I went right into my chief's office and I was like, hey, just so you know, if we start getting these orders to go shut down people's businesses, I need to know where you stand on this because I already know where I stand. And he's like, no, no, no, Greg, listen, we're going to stand behind our communities and we're not going to do all the stuff that we're seeing on TV. And I was like, okay. Like I felt a sense of relief because my specific department told me that they weren't going to ask us to do all of these egregious
Starting point is 00:29:22 acts that we're seeing from police officers nationwide. And so, but just because my specific department wasn't asking me, it's like over here, over there, what's the difference? You know, I was still seeing cops nationwide. I mean, we saw those two police boats chasing that surfer around in Malibu. Do you remember that video? No, I heard about some shit like that. That's crazy. They said the ocean's closed. And I'm like, what are we talking about? Like, and this is,
Starting point is 00:29:55 this is the biggest problem with the profession and with politicians. Like you guys aren't in charge of all of this shit. You don't get to close the ocean.'s not how it works you know and we saw like mothers getting arrested for going on walks pushing their fucking babies through parks i saw some of that the uh the one that the the straw that broke the camel's back for me was there was two hispanic women and they were, yeah, there it is. Crazy. Two Hispanic women were doing nails out of their basement and they sent in undercover agents to go ahead and, and pretend to be customers.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And then they arrested them. And I'm like, you motherfuckers like, Hey, I don't mean to make it political, but Democrats, the ones that care that's Democrat shit. it is it is man and and like i said like i don't necessarily align with with a political party but i certainly don't align with the democrats yeah yeah they've turned
Starting point is 00:31:01 when i was in college there was this thing called affirmative action and it's it's and basically if i if i remember correctly um it was basically you have to let in a number of people based on their skin color like this many blacks have to get in and this many whites and this many asians and um it's interesting i was just what if they uh to put it in perspective what if they passed a law that said only Hispanic women could do nails in their basement? But they made it so. I mean it's that kind of shit. I understand the sentiment, but I think Jimmy Carter said it in a different way and Mother Teresa said it in a different way.
Starting point is 00:31:40 They talked about it in terms of violence, but if you fight racism with with racism what you will have left is the winner will be racist yes either way whoever wins and that's the part i don't understand why that's so hard to get why they why people don't realize that that's what they're reading i think it's because they don't understand the mechanism of the brain and that once you sent precedent in a certain kind of ideological thought, it will just spread everywhere. Do they not understand that? How come people can't see that? I think affirmative action and all these other ideas that the radical left has been pushing most of my life is nothing more than a means to pander so they get votes. They don't care about enriching people's lives. I mean, I was a law enforcement officer in Compton. You know what I mean? Like I, my office was out of
Starting point is 00:32:32 downtown Los Angeles and I was, our jurisdiction was, I was with a federal agency. So it was the central district of California. Is that when you were a U S Marshall. Marshal? Yes. And those guys in the inner city, in the hoods, they have been living in the same projects. Their grandfathers were pimping hoes and slinging dope. And that's all they've seen since they were two years old. And we're not doing anything to break the cycle. And so you want to act like, oh, let's do affirmative actions. And this many people get to get into this many schools. How about you build a trade school in Compton and teach some people how to weld?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Or a skill that can actually carry over to an actual profession. And I've said the same thing about B&M. They got all of this money. And now all don't, it's, and I said, I've said the same thing about being, you know, they got all of this money and now all the founders have but there's no trade schools in the ghetto, you know? And so, yeah, I just think in, in the other side of affirmative actions, if you're the guy that got in because you made the cut and the pigment of your skin looks like this, is that what you want? No. You want to get into the school because you earned it. And I think it's actually, it's almost offensive to say, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 00:33:57 You didn't quite cut the mustard, but you know what? Because you're black, we're going to let you in anyways. People don't want that. It doesn't make any sense. Do you know Thomas Sowell from the Hoover Institute? No, I do not. Economist. He's like a 90-year-old man.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Can you bring up his picture, Caleb? Thomas Sowell. I think he's like 92 or 93 now. You would love him. But basically, he's an economist. One of his basic premises is that people use skin color as as a correlate his whole thing in a ton of his book i highly read you listen to audiobooks yep there's this book he wrote uh oh yeah scroll down civil um scroll down a little bit more
Starting point is 00:34:38 caleb it's got a yellow cover it's old from the 80s civil rights rhetoric or something civil rights rhetoric or uh rhetoric or reality anyway oh there it is on the right i highly recommend that book civil civil uh rights rhetoric or reality and basically what he does is he goes through and he compares all these things so i'll just give you a quick example he says um so they'll compare jews to puerto ricans and they'll be like jews on average make a hundred thousand dollars more a year than uh uh puerto ricans and then thomas so i'll be like well let's find out the median age of jews versus puerto ricans and the median age when they did it of puerto ricans was 25 and the median age of jews was 50 well as you know greg for me personally i was homeless living in a car at 25 and tomorrow i'll be 50 and i'm a
Starting point is 00:35:25 fucking millionaire yeah big fucking difference no so and he and he shows that so he goes okay so they say they say white people make more money than black people let's take the average salary of a 30 year old black woman who's not married and doesn't have kids and it was slightly more than a 30 year old white woman and it was it's crazy how he does that but but one of the things he says is the strongest correlate amongst all things and the example use one of the great examples he uses is prison is 85 percent of prisoners don't have didn't have a mother and father at home well there you go yeah yeah and then he keeps showing that like in 85 and 92 percent of all drug addicts didn't have a mother and father at home. And people who don't pay their bills didn't have them.
Starting point is 00:36:07 And you just go on and on. And that correlate of not having mommy and daddy at home. It's everywhere. No, it has nothing to do with skin color. We have seen the family unit being attacked in our country for a long time. BLM? Why is it an abstract idea to think that a balanced human being would come from an upbringing that has both a masculine and a feminine influence? That's what's going to balance you.
Starting point is 00:36:35 You know, we do balance each other. That's what's so important about relationships. But fuck, that's a whole other podcast. Yeah, yeah. How long have you been married? We got married in 2008. And how did you meet your wife? You know, we actually went to high school together and so we already knew each other. We never dated or we weren't really even friends. We just had a few classes together. Same year. No, she was two years behind me. Okay. So,
Starting point is 00:37:04 but still I was a senior taking Spanish and she was a sophomore taking Spanish. Right, right. I did a lot of that. What classes can I be with the sophomore chicks, right? Right. And so fast forward, I went in the military and I was gone for the better seven years. And then I just ran into her at a local bar when i was home on leave one time but because we'd already knew known each other in the past you know that connection was already there we just started talking and that was a wrap i took her shooting the next day
Starting point is 00:37:34 and she'd never went shooting before so that was what what did her parents think of you um her parents always respected me but i mean to this day her dad was he was intimidated by me and i was that's always been a weird dynamic but i mean i don't really give a shit anymore it is it is what it is and and your dad passed yeah my dad passed in 2015 15. And you made a career move to be closer to him? Yeah. That was the catalyst that separated me from the Marshal Service. And to tell you the truth, I wasn't happy with the Marshal Service. I saw a lot of flaws in their leadership and I just wasn't impressed with the agency overall. And I'll always say this little caveat. The U.S. Marshals has 94 different districts nationwide. Each district is ran by a chief and it's kind of
Starting point is 00:38:32 they set the tempo and they're all very different. So I have some buddies that love that agency and say it's the greatest thing they've ever been a part of. And then I have a lot of other buddies that absolutely hate it because it's so different. So if that's something you're thinking about or something that you've kicked around, just know it's kind of a crapshoot on which, where you're going to get assigned. And if it's a great career or if it's a shit career, but with that said, I wasn't really impressed with the leadership. I was on the SRT team, the special response team serving the high risk warrants. And I love that. I love that team. I love that mission. And it was, it was a cool part of the job, but that was a small part of the job. More often than not, we were driving prisoners
Starting point is 00:39:15 around and we were sitting in court hearings and you have to produce your prisoners for court. Everyone sees the U S marshals on TV, kicking a door in and making an arrest. That's the cool part of the job. That's 5% of the job. Then you have to take their arraignment. Then you have to take them to their initial appearance and you have to take them to the trial and you have to take them to their sentencing. And you're literally sitting with this prisoner for sometimes six, eight, 10 hours a day through these court proceedings.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And it was just monotonous and it was boring. And I got to the point where I was like, man, I need a fucking change. Like I'm not digging this. I can't like, I like new experiences, but as soon as something starts to feel like it's drying up, it's onto the next thing. I'm not gonna, it blows my mind that people use the, thing. I'm not going to, it blows my mind that people use the, the, the one life that they have to commit to something for 20 years that they don't enjoy just because there's a pension at the end of the road. I watched my buddies get killed in their twenties to know that the end of the fucking road could be tomorrow, you know? And so I, I wasn't content with where I was at to start with. And then my dad was diagnosed terminal and we knew that this was coming. It was an eight year process. Dementia killed him and it was a slow and grueling process. But once the end near,
Starting point is 00:40:40 I said, I went to my agency and a lot of agencies, all cops listening will know exactly what I'm talking about. Your agency will say, Hey, this agency puts family first and we take care of you. And if you need anything, we got your back. We're here to help. There's a lot of lip service coming out of your chain of command. And when I went to my chief and I said, Hey, my dad only has a couple more months left to live as doctor said, and I need to be with my family to support them through this time. I'm happy to work out of the Seattle office for this time. And I already went and I coordinated with Seattle. I coordinated with headquarters and everybody was on board.
Starting point is 00:41:19 But my chief kept giving pushback. And he was like, Greg, you're one of the better deputies here. I can't lose you. You have to understand that I can't lose you. And then one day I got an email and I'll fucking show it to you. If you want to see it, I've saved it. And it said, Hey, and it was from, uh, I requested a medical hardship to be with my dad while he died. And they replied back to me. And it said, if you need to be with your father for the next couple months, he can consider moving to Los Angeles. Wow. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:53 And here's the thing. I am reasonable until I'm not. And as soon as I'm not reasonable, I will fucking fight to the fucking death. Like that's how I'm wired. Once you push me past that point, like, okay, I tried to be reasonable. And now you came at me with this shit. So I walked in my supervisor's office. I showed him the email on my phone and he's like, Oh, hold on a second, Greg. Just, I said, no, no, no, no. There is no fucking holding on a second. I said, I challenge anyone. I said, whoever sent this, his name was Brian Snell. I said, Brian Snell sent this to me from DC. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I challenge any person in my chain of command to say this to my fucking face and see what happens. No, no, no, Greg. Listen, I get it. I get it. No, no, no. I said, no, my fucking father is dying. I am trying to be reasonable so I can spend these last couple of months with him.
Starting point is 00:42:43 And this motherfucker said, why can't he just move to Los Angeles? And then icing on the cake at the bottom, it said, and if this is a financial hardship for your family, that is not a concern of the agency. That's what it said. And so I said, so you guys left me no choice. And I forget what the date was, but let's say it was Thursday. I was like, Monday morning, I'm moving home with or without the agency. Okay. You guys aren't in charge of my life. I'm in charge of my life. And this is important. So you always tell me I'm a good deputy and you support me and you know that I'm a, I'm a team player. You say all this stuff. I'm going to go see my father on Monday. And if the agency wants me to be a part of the agency, then you can figure out how
Starting point is 00:43:25 to make that happen. But I'm fucking gone. And I did that. And here's the funny thing. The federal government can't fire you unless you do something criminal, straight up. Like my file, I had nothing bad in my file. I was a good deputy. And so when I just went and moved home, literally for the next year, they kept saying, all right, Greg, you got to come back now. All right, Greg, you got to come back. I was like, no, you know what? I'm not coming back.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Did you enjoy that? Was that like a girlfriend telling you? I had fun with it because I remember thinking, I'm like, man, if I didn't show up to work for a hundred days in a row at McDonald's, I wouldn't have a fucking job anymore. Right. Ronald's come to your house and beat your ass. I'm a deputy U.S. Marshal who hasn't went to work in a hundred days and they're still they don't know what to do with me because I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And that was actually another problem with the agency. We had people that were non-performers that were just terrible at their job. But if they don't do something that is like a violation of policy or something that is egregious, they get to keep their job. We had deputies that were late to work every single morning. And the thing is, is like, if you have a nine o'clock court hearing, there's a lot of logistics that need to happen to make sure that that prisoner is produced at nine o'clock. It's just like any other part of the world or any other profession, like adhering to a timeline is important. And I always thought like coming from the military, we didn't debate being late. Like you were on time period. It wasn yeah all the middle guys i worked with at crossfit
Starting point is 00:45:06 if they set a time you better show up like 15 minutes early if you showed up on time you were late i mean they would just tell you you're late you'd be like no i have one minute they're like you're fucking late yeah you're like wow i can't believe this is the real world yeah no i think about being a ranger i don't remember we had we had morning andy was like that andy was like that i remember when i worked with andy like like punctuality is was very very important to him extremely and it should and it should be it should be i got a funny andy story then even though you guys are fighting now tell me no he probably doesn't he i guess he he doesn't hate me i just hate him he he's not wasting he's not fucking with he doesn't hate me. I just hate him. He, he's not wasting it. He's not fucking with him. He doesn't give a fuck about me.
Starting point is 00:45:45 We did. I went and linked up with him a couple last summer and did a podcast in his studio. And it was actually for my show. It wasn't for his show. And I said, all right, Hey, I'm going to see you at 10 or whatever, whatever the time was, but I was driving and I was in Idaho and I didn't realize I didn't do proper planning. I dropped the ball and I didn't realize that I was going from Pacific to mountain time. So as soon as I drove through the time zone, my phone changed and I realized I didn't have enough time to get there.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Oh, shit. Uh-huh. He fought you when you got out of the car he's like oh i guess rangers don't know how to plan missions across multiple time zones and he's never let me live that down every time any time that he meets someone that like we mutually know he'll be like oh yeah craig anderson the guy that can't plan missions across multiple time zones yeah he's a great he was he's a great ball buster yeah he's he's a great ball buster one time we were driving to uh maybe it was even the first time i met him i think he was i think we were
Starting point is 00:46:58 filming in coronado he was a he was a buds instructor over there right yeah so blurry to me okay so i went over there and i was filming him over there and then after we were done filming we um and i'm this berkeley boy right very sensitive easily offended you know what i mean pc and uh and so i pick him up and and or we we film over there and then i'm driving with him back to his house and as we're driving back to his house we pick up his son one back to his house, we pick up his son, one of his kids and his kids said, Hey dad, can I stop and get like a bottle of water at the store? His kids add like at six or seven at the time. I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:47:33 And he goes, sure. But first you got to tell seven that he has a huge nose and his son's like, you have a huge nose. Just, just like that. Just like, it was like that quick. I was like, I was like, I remember being offended. I was probably 34 at the time. I've come a long way in 15 years. I should thank Andy for teaching me the school of hard knocks. Yeah. He's, he's a pretty funny dude. so so so you you this this happens um is is there a moment where you said that in the 24 months after the video came out um that uh a lot of good things have happened that it's it was sort of like a flowering a blossoming was there ever a moment where you were like free-falling like oh shit how am i gonna pay my mortgage this month yeah 100 so isn't that shit scary right it's very scary yeah like you have three daughters
Starting point is 00:48:32 yeah my wife has been with me long enough to know that like once i'm pushed past a point that there's there's no talking me off the ledge and so so she was sitting shotgun in our 4Runner when I got the call from my commander, the same commander that said he liked the video. He called me an hour later or whatever. And it was the next day. So I wasn't on patrol. I was at home driving around with my wife.
Starting point is 00:48:57 And he goes, hey, Greg, I know we talked a couple hours ago, but things have changed a little bit because the video is over 400,000 views now. And it's getting real big. And I've been directed to tell you it has to come down. I bet you an hour after he said that, it had 800,000. And an hour after that, it had 1.6 million.
Starting point is 00:49:21 And if you listen to the video, one thing that I said in the video verbatim, I said, police officers need to stand up for what they believe to be morally and ethically correct. And if standing behind what you believe to be morally and ethically correct costs you your job, then so be it. Right. Your paycheck does not come before upholding your oath. And I was like, I was like, sir, I literally said that verbatim on the video. And now you're telling me to rescind those words. I said, if I rescind those words, I lose credibility with all of the people in my life that, that I have, that I hold dear and that I have important relationships with. And so I said, I can't do that. Okay. And I said, so this
Starting point is 00:50:05 is where we're at on this. If you have to fire me because you're being direct, I'm being directed to take the video down. If you have to fire me because I'm unwilling to do that. And I'm unwilling to rescind my word saying that our duty is to support our citizens, then you're going to have to fire me. And I remember he's like, Greg, Greg, Greg, Greg, don't, don't do this. Come on. Don't do that. Like tried to, was he your homeboy? Was he your homeboy? Was he a guy that you get a beer with? I wouldn't call him like a homeboy because like, you know, he's a commander and I'm a patrol officer, but we always got along. Yeah. Okay. There was a mute. There was a mutual respect. I mean, obviously I have a feeling a lot of people respect you, even if they disagree with you you it's hard not to respect the man who stands up for what he believes in
Starting point is 00:50:47 and so yeah i said i'm unfortunately i'm unable to do that and so what they fired me for wasn't for making the video they fired me for insubordination because i was given a direct order to take the video down and i said no hey isn't that weird that you could be fired for insubordination about something that's in your house or yeah in your house because i consider your social media your house so imagine like being fired let's say your boss told you hey you need to change all the spoons in your kitchen and you were like fuck you i like these spoons and then they fired you for insubordination it's like don't you think you crossed the line a little bit? This is where the waters get kind of murky, right? Because they said you violated our social media policy. So because you violated our social media policy, even though it's on your personal social media, it still affects us.
Starting point is 00:51:36 So you can still be punished under our policy. But the social media policy said you can't have your name tag showing, the badge showing, and you can't identify which department you were working for. I didn't do any of those things. That's why I turned, if you notice, my hat was backwards. I turned my hat around because the front of it says Port of Seattle. And I knew that I'm not allowed to say I am a Port of Seattle police officer publicly. That's part of the policy.
Starting point is 00:52:05 So I played the game to a point to where I thought that I was within policy. And so you can see my name, but you can't see my badge on my chest because the badge also says Port of Seattle. So I knew what my department's social media expectations were. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:52:22 All cops always put posts on their social media all the time. And that's why I told him, I said, I can show you a hundred videos of, of officers in this department. I said, so it's very clear. It's not the fact that I was on social media. Someone doesn't like the message. That's okay. Yeah, it is right. You know, there's, there's pictures of cops playing with dogs and stuff all the time and that's all good. Right. You know, there's there's pictures of cops playing with dogs and stuff all the time. And that's all good. Right. But as soon as they didn't like the message, now they started to try and pull from our social media policy. And it's been revamped dramatically. So I've been told. But yeah, I mean, they I was told. And who knows? This is the rumor mill, right? But I've been told, this comes from a pretty high level, that it was the governor's office that called and said, hey, get this guy's video down ASAP. Who was the governor at the time?
Starting point is 00:53:15 What was his name or her name? Jay Inslee. And he's still the governor. Jay Inslee. And he is as fucking radical as you can get. He's up there with Gavin Newsom. I always joke. Can you show me a picture of this guy, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:53:28 I want to see this dude. Jay Inslee just does whatever Gavin Newsom does. And so through the whole pandemic, whatever, whatever California did, we knew two weeks later, that's what was going to happen to us. And like clockwork, it's crazy. But again, I can't confirm that that's what happened. I've been told that by some pretty, pretty competent sources, but who knows? Right. Right. You're going to get everybody to turn this off when they see that face.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Yeah, I can't stand that. And I'm assuming people came out of the woodworks. that hand um and i'm assuming people came out of the woodworks it's always amazing to me how many people um because i've stepped out on the ledge too and uh it's amazing how many people from all over start feeding you intel isn't it i have so many good people from all over the place like every ship is leaking now into my house like in a good way it's crazy people like who are like the law the loyal generals to the guy up top are like hey you should know this i'm like wow thank you you know what i mean it's like next thing you know insley's boyfriend or girlfriend whoever he's at dinner with is like hey look at here's insley
Starting point is 00:54:42 taking off his mask and sending you pictures thank you come on over i give you a handy yeah dude it was it was a that was a crazy time because my i own a jujitsu academy and i own i've owned a jujitsu academy since 2015 so my number is public because you can go to my-jitsu website and my cell phone is there and once people put that they they put connected the dots man my phone was ringing 24 7 for like three weeks and man like i'd answer the phone and it would be like i'd be like hello hey is this the cop that made the video? Dude, that was awesome. I just wanted to let you know.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Click. And I'm like, what? Dude, who'd call? I mean, I guess, hey, that's cool that they support me and they liked it. People want to do their part. Do you know what I mean? They feel so guilty. People really want to do their part.
Starting point is 00:55:44 Yeah. Go ahead. What was bizarre about it? part do you know what i mean they feel so guilty people really want to do their part yeah people go ahead what was bizarre about it is between our between the emails text messages and phone calls i would say 99 of the feedback from people was positive people said yeah brother like we support you that was a really powerful impactful statement i had a lot of cops say like man my my sergeant made our whole department watch this and you have changed our perspective like it wasn't just oh wow yeah it was people were saying like this is this is impactful this is meaningful and This is meaningful. And we got. It is.
Starting point is 00:56:26 It was, it was. And it is every cop should thank you because basically you, you give, you gave every citizen like myself, um, faith in cops again. Like you made it so like whenever a police officer drives by, I make sure my boys stop and wave. I make sure they do their part to smile and someone be like, well, there's some bad cops out there. I don't care. There's some, like almost all my kids. Friends are bad kids. Yeah. So like and all the cops I know are cool as fuck.
Starting point is 00:56:52 So like and they're just people. But you're right. You did such you did such a service to remind everyone, hey, these are just dudes out here. But here's the bizarre thing, because, yeah, I didn't have a big social media following. And so even though 99% of the feedback was good, the one phone call or the one message that would come through and be like, Hey, you stupid motherfucker, we're trying to save lives with this Corona stuff. And you're going to get a bunch of people fucking killed. I hope your kids die in a car crash. Like we would get shit like that every once in a while. And I remember it would affect me. It'd be like,
Starting point is 00:57:26 Oh, what the fuck dude? Like, what is this? You know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Yeah. You know? And then it took a while and it was a learning process. And now like my Instagram is pretty big and people telling me how much they fucking hate me. Doesn't even begin to create a response from me because you got, you realize like, it's just a numbers game. And if, if, if out of a hundred people, 90 people like you, and then there's going to be a handful that are neutral. And then there's going to be one person
Starting point is 00:57:56 that just hates you. And that's okay. You know what I mean? That's, I guess that's what makes the world go around, but it used to, it bothered me for a while, having people reach out saying hateful-ass shit. But I've come to the realization it's like anybody that would go out of their way to say something mean to you through a social media platform or through an email, man, they're in a dark fucking place themselves. Yeah, I agree. And they don't want to have a one-on-one either because they don't want to talk it out. They don't want to have a one on one either because they don't want to they don't want to talk it out. They don't want to get to the bottom of the truth. No one will know that the people who are on the wrong side, they don't want to talk it out. They just want to hurl insults on that note. I'm really, really, really, really against forcing people to take the vaccine and the coercion and telling it's completely insane to me. And especially because of the fact that there's no zero talk about health.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And we know that not a single healthy person has died. I just show me when I post it all the time on my Instagram. Show me one person who doesn't need added sugar and refined carbohydrates who's died from from this virus. It's there is no there is no virus. There's people with chronic disease who are being pushed off the ledge. But a bug bites could kill these people but anyway um but all my dearest friends and supporters they're all vaccinated they're like thank you for speaking it's it's not it's it's like all everyone who supports me and loves me for it's the people who are like dude i had to
Starting point is 00:59:20 get both shots at work all my friends have been vaccinated like i get it and they're but i'd still my i i'm not hating on the people who got vaccinated i'm trying to stand up for them and all smart people get that like that's why probably so many cops who couldn't do what you did couldn't you put that in quotes whatever their reason is they still love you they're like you did it for them too well and here's the here's the interesting thing is like they know this this was before the vaccine mandate this was before the vaccine mandate this was before the mask mandate right and i would have got fired for that shit a hundred percent you know because i'm not taking a vaccine because my chief tells me to like that is right it's
Starting point is 00:59:59 almost laughable that people do that so weird to hear you say that how does anyone when you say that out loud how does anyone think that that's okay? That guy over there sitting in that office told me to take these drugs and I did it. It's like so weird. This is what I can't stand. It's like, if you want to take it, take it. I don't give a shit. Right. Right. The people that are like, man, I'm not comfortable with this. I don't want to, this is but but I how am I going to pay my mortgage? And I had friends that were like, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to do it. And then when the cutoff date was coming, they're like, oh, fuck. I had to, man. And I'm like, bro, a lot. Hey, do you think those people have trouble sleeping? I feel sorry for those people. I think it's like they feel compromised, like they feel dirty.
Starting point is 01:00:44 sorry for those people do you think it's like they feel compromised like they feel dirty you think that they drink and have to drink an extra beer every night because their life is being dictated by what another man is telling them to do and it's like you can't look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of who you are and it's funny because like remember how much hate we got speaking out against this stuff and i had people me like, you're not a fucking doctor. It's like, listen, I've never claimed to be a doctor, but I'm a critical thinker. And I can say that there's so much fallacy in that argument, by the way, too. That's a whole other show. Like doctors know you're fucking out of your mind.
Starting point is 01:01:18 That's like saying you do heroin because the drug dealer told you to take it. Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. Yeah. You know, we shouldn't be allowed in the same room together. I'm trying to I'm trying to I'm trying fuck up shut the fuck up yeah you know we shouldn't be allowed in the same room together i'm trying to i'm trying to i'm trying to stay off the same page as you go ahead my best my best friend is a doctor and he got the vaccine and early on i remember saying like bro like this is brand new like what are you doing he's like oh no like this is just
Starting point is 01:01:40 you know no big deal and and now here we are a year later. And he's like, bro, how did you know? He goes early on, you knew not to take vaccine. He goes, I'm now telling my patients not to get it because there's too many, there's too many unknowns coming out. And he goes, you fucking knew. And I was like, bro, it's common sense. Like you don't have to sell something that is good, right? So good sells itself. So if you have to say, hey, take this or else, to me, there's a problem. And I've said on my podcast a lot of times. You don't like ultimatums? Yeah, who likes ultimatums?
Starting point is 01:02:17 The whole fucking, you know, the anti-bullying campaigns that they're pushing in all the schools is like that's the biggest bully tactic i've ever seen in my life and it's from the fucking government yes yes wow listen can you say that one more time i want people to hear that this is this is the problem with blm and all the say one more time sorry the biggest bullying tactic i've ever seen and it's coming from the government yeah uh if you have to say, do this or else, well, we have a problem now. And this is what I always say, the example I give. If Jay Inslee, my governor said,
Starting point is 01:02:56 hey, when you get out of bed every morning, Greg, you have to drink 12 ounces of orange juice, okay? And I like orange juice. But if he said, I have to drink 12 ounces of orange juice or else, or else what motherfucker, what are you going to do? Like, you want to put me in a defensive posture. You want to become confrontational with me, then, then let's become confrontational. And that's what they were doing to the citizens. Hey, if you don't do what we say, we're going to fire you. What, like, what are we talking about here? And I don't do what we say we're gonna fire you what like what are we talking about here and
Starting point is 01:03:26 i don't know how i do not know how there wasn't like bands of men fucking pushing back nationwide to tell you the truth i've lost a lot of yes i've lost a lot of respect for americans over this last year because there's a lot of hard talk, but there's not a lot of action. And I can give you examples of like, because I own a jujitsu academy. And once I got fired being a police officer, my jujitsu academy was all I had. And it didn't make very much money. It's grown by 500% the last year and a half. And now that academy makes more, that academy alone makes twice as much money as I ever made as a police officer. I'm so happy to hear you say that you're such a good dude. And the reason that I say that it's not to boast and be like, Oh, look at me. I made it. It's like,
Starting point is 01:04:14 you can do different things with your life. Being a cop is not the end all be all. And if you walk away, there are other opportunities, but people are attracted to your integrity. People want that. I want that. And you can go to your integrity people want that i want that and you can go to your jiu-jitsu academy i guarantee you there's people who train there who want to be with like so the guy who owns my jiu-jitsu academy the one my kids go to garth taylor i took my kids there to be with garth not to learn jiu-jitsu that's why i took my kids there like i guarantee you there's people who come there because they want to. Like, if I lived in your neighborhood, I would take my kids there because I just want my kids to know you.
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Starting point is 01:05:34 Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. I tell my team all the time, what you take away from the mat, less than 10% of it has to do with fighting and self-defense. 90% is about how to overcome adversity, how to build confidence, how to build meaningful relationships with other human beings, how to develop camaraderie, how to deal. Yeah, the intimacy,
Starting point is 01:06:19 the intimacy in a jiu-jitsu studio is nuts. My kids, the intimacy they have with the other kids is nuts. And so when you learn they have with the other kids is nuts. And so when you learn about all these little things about yourself, when you have a person on top of you that outweighs you by 50 pounds and you're having a hard time breathing and your fight or flight mechanisms are kicking in and you're getting that anxious response, you literally have to have talks with yourself. Okay, I'm okay.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Okay, no, no, no, no. Calm down. Calm down. Like there's a process to get out of this position and I need to implement that. And feeling panicked does not facilitate that feeling panicked actually hinders that process. And you learn, I always tell my students, the key to becoming good at jujitsu is learning to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. And think about that. You can apply that to your relationships. You can apply that to your career. You can apply that to any aspect of your life. And that's why people are becoming addicted to jujitsu. I know jujitsu, it's like, it sounds like a cult, right? It's like CrossFit or vegan
Starting point is 01:07:21 or whatever, like people do these things and then they're all in with them. But I'll always say this. I have yet to meet the person that dedicated a specific amount of time to jujitsu and then walked away saying, I regretted doing that. My time could have been better served doing this, you know? And so jujitsu has changed my life, but it's also changed the lives of, I mean, we have 175 members now. When I made the video, I had 20, you know? But no, the whole point in bringing that up is that I was told I had to close my Jiu-Jitsu Academy down. And I was like. Well, because of COVID? Yeah, because of COVID.
Starting point is 01:08:01 And I said, I can't do that. All right. Yeah, because of COVID. And I said, I can't do that. All right. And I told my wife, I said, listen, this government sent me all over the planet to fight for people's freedom. You know, oh, the Iraqi people's freedom and the Afghani's freedom. And now they're telling me that I can't even keep my job open. And this is the only way that I feed my children. my job open. And this is the only way that I feed my children. So my freedom is on the line here. And I've been fighting for people's freedom my entire adult life. And this is where I draw the line. And I'm sorry if whoever shows up to enforce closing my business down, it's just some 30-year-old deputy from the county that got dispatched. But if you're going to try and deprive me of my right to feed my kids,
Starting point is 01:08:49 we have a serious fucking problem. And I was bringing my rifle, my body armor and a bunch of loaded magazines to work with me every day. And I'm telling you, I started getting those emotions like I would get when I would go on deployment because it's like, Hey, is today the day? And I never thought I would feel that at home in my own community, you know?
Starting point is 01:09:12 But I made, I made that decision and I haven't put it out on Instagram and my wife's like, you're being like inflammatory. And I'm like, no, I'm letting people know if you want to, if you think you're going to take me out of here in handcuffs, you're fucking wrong. Like I will die defending this defending this by the way you have a great wife she's rad now she's someone that's that that's what a fucking apex predator alpha needs a wife like that not a fucking jersey wife that's like yeah honey stick go stand up for our rights and fight. No healthy man wants a wife that encourages him to fight.
Starting point is 01:09:49 You want a wife who believes in you. You want a wife who supports you. But no – you do not want a woman who gets insulted by a man in a bar and turns to her boyfriend and says, that guy insulted me. You want a wife who fucking says, hey, let's go somewhere else and then tells you when you're 20 miles away from the place just so you know there was a guy in the room then you tell your husband keep your fucking man safe especially if your man is like greg anderson that's a good wife i like i like hearing that that she's that she speaks honestly to you like that that's inflammatory i got a funny story on that because this is actually not too long ago we were stuck in traffic and the off ramp about a hundred meters up the road.
Starting point is 01:10:28 Right. And I said, Hey, just hit the shoulder. Just hit the shoulder. We got a hundred meters on the shoulder. We've been sitting in this traffic for 30 minutes and we were in her car. When we're in her car, she drives. When I'm in my car, I know some men think that's you let your wife drive. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Is she a good driver? Yeah yeah she's a really good driver she can parallel park and back up and all that shit drive in reverse all right all right give her a pass and so as soon as she pulled on the shoulder this guy pulled over in front of her and didn't let us advance to holy shit why are there people like that shoulder police right oh he's gonna oh we're not gonna let this person get by and i was instantly seeing fucking red because i'm like this motherfucker what what if my kid was in the back and was choking you know i mean yes you don't fucking know what's going on in the car behind you and you're going to become confrontational what if greg anderson's in that car and he's had a bad day i was like pull up next room pull up next room and i was like all right this is what needs this is what needs to happen in society when you fuck with a man that you don't know and i'm not saying i'm the toughest fucking guy but don't be confrontational with people that you don't know for no reason it doesn't make any
Starting point is 01:11:44 sense right and i pull up next room stop the car stop the car and she's pulling up next room but don't be confrontational with people that you don't know for no reason. It doesn't make any sense. Right. And I pull up next to him, stop the car, stop the car. And she's pulling up next to him. And I'm like, 100% planning on jumping out. And I was like,
Starting point is 01:11:53 just going to slap him. That's it. Yeah. And if his windows break it, and then I was going to slap him and she fucking gets up next to him. And then she guns it and speeds off. And I'm like, what the fuck are you doing? I said, stop the car, stop the car stop the she goes are you serious right now you think i'm gonna stop the
Starting point is 01:12:09 car and let you get out and slap some guy that's a good fucking wife man that is a good wife he's in the back and you want to start some incident on the side of the road and it's like man i'm 40 years i'm 41 now and, and I still get that way. You know what I mean? That's just how I'm wired. But that's why you have her, man. That's why you have her. She's a good, she's a good balance to me. And it's like, we talked about in the beginning, the masculine energy, energy, and the feminine energy, it does, it finds a balance. Right. And that, and she's good. But I also say, or have you, have you seen game of Thrones?
Starting point is 01:12:48 I watched it twice. I always say the whole, the whole thing twice. I'm enamored by the show. I say she's my Cersei because she's playing fucking 3d chess when I'm playing checkers and she's thinking six steps ahead. And while I'm trying to think too, and, uh, she's, which one was Cer while i'm trying to think too and uh which one was cersei is that the is that the the mama queen who's like the lannister's mom yeah she does she
Starting point is 01:13:12 walks naked through the thing and they say i'll shame at her yeah her walk of atonement that's right yes yes yeah but i mean remember she would do anything to get so you have a cersei and a calise okay never mind sorry okay um what what about what about this is going to be i want to bring this up in the most gentle god i wow yeah she's great and calise's great how about when calise walks out of there that room all naked and the fucking whole place is on fire oh i know oh my god i started drinking whiskey but my man i just looked at my wife and i'm like i want to set you on fire and see if you can walk out of this house i want you to give i want you to lay eggs that hatch dragons yeah yeah baby my my wife did lay the three little dragons for me i'm so happy with my three little kids she gave me, man.
Starting point is 01:14:06 Yeah. Okay. And they're so fun. It's just my kids aren't in school. I just like I do this podcast every morning. And then the second I'm done, I just play with them all day. Skate park, jujitsu, tennis, beach, piano, guitar, just like I just take them and we just we rage. It's dope.
Starting point is 01:14:26 You guys are doing homeschool then uh kinda kinda they're they're enrolled in a school and they do do you know what kuman is no kuman's this um thing invented in the 50s by a japanese guy it's basically crossfit but through math and um english and reading and so reading and writing so they do 10 it's basically time performance in these two categories so they do 10 to 15 minutes of that every morning right when they wake up they just wake up get their backpacks and do it on the kitchen table and then and then that's it they're enrolled in schools but we never attend because of covid like there were these they cut they said and we never do any of the zoom calls or none of that shit. And then once a quarter, the teacher comes and like does an evaluation with the kid for an hour or Hey, my wife takes him to the school.
Starting point is 01:15:13 And every time the teacher says the same thing, Holy shit, your kid, there's your kid has no peer. And the reason why is because my kids are around people like Garth Taylor. I'm talking to adults and I have a professional, I have a professional skateboarding instructor, professional guitarist, professional jiu-jitsu guy, professional tennis player, and I just take them to these guys. And I sit in the room. No motherfucker is going to be alone with my kids no matter what. Not even Jesus would not sit alone in the room with my kids.
Starting point is 01:15:39 The reason I have security cameras in my Academy, it's not because I'm afraid of someone breaking in. It's so there's a hundred percent transparency because a lot of parents and trust my coaching staff with their children. And it's like, if there's ever even a hint of, Oh, Hey,
Starting point is 01:15:59 this happened, let's pull the fucking footage because it didn't happen, but that's the world we live in. You know what I mean? Like there's a lot of predators out there right now i i have no tolerance for any um you know i i've told the story a million times but tell it as fast as i can again basically i grew up in the bay area right and my friends and i we partied hard and one of the funnest places to go was san francisco and party because the gay community fucking rage. Right. So they would have the love fest or the gay pride parade and we would go there and just rage. And it was fucking awesome. It was it was fucking batshit crazy. You know, there were tons of women there, too. You didn't have to be gay to enjoy it. But the gay dudes were great. They kind of set the precedent for being free dicks out dude walking to dudes on a leash. People drink people drink in the streets cops let anything go during
Starting point is 01:16:45 those times and and uh but but but when i show up to my kids school and they got the gay pride flag in the elementary school i'm like hey what's that and they're like well that's acceptance and freedom flag i'm like no the one next to it is the acceptance and freedom flag the one with the the stripes and the stars that one right there is the sex flag and i'm not sexualizing my kids i'm not sexualizing my kids i'm not sexualizing i don't talk to you about straight gay no i don't talk to him on none of that i don't talk to him about color people skins nothing that's all i don't tell them i don't warn them when you turn 16 your nose is going to get huge and kids are going to make fun of you i don't
Starting point is 01:17:18 tell them that they got to figure all that shit out on their own and um i so so my kids aren't doing fucking school they're not going to be they're not going to be brainwashed they're going to figure it all out on their own but i'm also not letting any motherfuckers alone with my kids not because i don't trust anyone i have no fear of it but that's my job bears aren't going to get them uncle buck's not going to get them and they're not going to get hit by a car and if if they do, it's my fault. Yep. A hundred percent, dude. No, I like that. Uh, we pulled our kids out and we found the only private school in Western Washington that is mask free vaccine free. Wow. Yeah. The mask, my kids have never worn a mask. They, I would never do that to my kid. Never. And, uh, come to find out most private schools still accept a
Starting point is 01:18:07 certain percentage of state funding and as soon as they accept that funding guess what now they can their fucking thumb on them right and so our school is accredited out of tennessee and accepts no funding through washington state so they literally have no leg to stand on when trying to enforce our, enforce their mandates. And so we were fortunate to have that. And I saw, I mean, the mask mandate was the big one that made me pull my kids out, but I saw a lot of problems leading into that with public school. And one of them, my daughter was 10 years old at the time and she came home and we were talking about whatever.
Starting point is 01:18:46 And she goes, you know what? I haven't, I haven't decided yet if I'm going to marry a man or a woman when I grow up. And I said, hold on a second. Why are you even saying that? And she's like, oh, you know, they were talking about it at school. And I'm just thinking about, you know, I wonder what direction I'm going to go. And I said, listen, you're fucking 10 years old. When you develop sexuality and you grow into a person that desires intimacy and wants to
Starting point is 01:19:14 share that with another human being, there's not going to be any question of which direction you want to go. Okay. You'll figure that out naturally. And you don't have to fucking worry about what direction you're going to go when you're 10 years old. It's ridiculous. You should be out playing with your friends, having fun, but no, they have our kids wondering, am I going to be gay or straight when they're 10? And it's like, I don't, I don't understand why that that's something that even has
Starting point is 01:19:40 to be brought up to a 10 year old, let them develop sexuality. Like every other fucking human being has on planet earth since the beginning of time let them develop it on their terms and they'll take their life in the direction they want to and then the next i don't think it should be introduced as theirs either in the eighth grade you show them two fucking zebras fucking and explain a penis and a vagina and procreation in the eighth grade that's it like why does that it should it should not be about it should not be about and even even bringing up marriage to kids i'm very happy i married my wife this is an institute that even that's an ideology that you're projecting you shouldn't be talking to kids about it yes fuck off maybe your kid's gonna develop something you
Starting point is 01:20:20 stop telling your kids how to think yeah let them grow them they're not a fucking a bonsai plant that you're training to be small they're fucking let them go big and then the next straw that kind of like the thing that kind of pushed me over the edge because everybody has the right to eat whatever they want right you find the by the way sorry these are the same people who get mad at their kids when you swear in front of them they're like please don't say fuck in front of my kids fuck you you just told you just told your kids to be extra nice to kids with black skin you just told your kids to be extra nice to kids with white skin mike and i can't say fuck in front of kids you just fucking made your kid racist i say this all the time i say I don't care what words come out of your mouth. I care context of those words. And I said, so if you go to the park, that's down the street and you walk up to a little girl there and you say to this girl, you look fucking beautiful today.
Starting point is 01:21:24 of this girl, you look very ugly today. I said, what do you think you'd be more upset about? I said, it's absolute context. And I don't change how I speak in front of my children because it's a word. It's vibrations through the air. It doesn't fucking matter. How are your words created to make another person feel? And if you're articulating words with the intent and making another person feel bad about themselves or feel like they're less of a human being, now we have a big problem. That's your words have power and you need to understand that. But saying fuck, that doesn't have any power. It depends on the context of it. And it's, it's, it's, I've always found that bizarre how our society has fixated on. There's a handful of words you can't say.
Starting point is 01:22:07 You can't say these. Like, ah, dude. I don't let, you know, there's two words I don't let my kids say. Well, at least two. I don't let them say disgusting. And I don't let them say bored. Nice. So like they can't see a bug and be like, that's disgusting.
Starting point is 01:22:20 I'm like, disgusting. That's one of the greatest creatures on the planet. Look at the wings and the way they're attached to the thorax. But like if you get – if you step in shit in your brand-new shoes and then you go to look and it gets on your hand, I might let you say, oh, man, this is disgusting. But it really better be – and if you say you're bored, I'll be like, dude, you got a penis. Life is never going to be boring. Bro, I don't understand. Like what are you talking about you're a human there's not enough hours in the day as is that being bored i can't wrap my head around that i don't let the kids at my jiu-jitsu academy say the word can't oh that's good because it'd be like all right we're going to do break falls to technical get-ups right now and i always, I'll have two lines going down and I have the kids that have experience go to the front. So the other
Starting point is 01:23:09 kids can visually see how the drill works. And then I'll hear kids say, I can't do that. And it's like, no, no, no, no. You might be good at it, but you absolutely are going to try it. And that's what I tell them. I expect two things from you. I expect positive mindset and the willingness to put in effort. You do those two things, you're going to have really good jiu-jitsu one day. But yeah, going back to the school thing, another one of the things that kind of pushed me over the edge was my daughter came home and said, my science teacher said that our family should go vegan because that's how you can combat global warming and i'm like and i was like okay before i even begin and and dude i'm a i'm a very like i'm a carnivore guy i eat a lot of meat that's been my have you ever been vegan have you ever been vegan have you tried it no no and bro i'm not even like to each his own right and whatever whatever diet works for your body and we're not all the same that's
Starting point is 01:24:11 fine right and uh i said okay have you been doing any of the raw meat have you done any raw meat stuff no i've been doing a bunch of raw meat okay do you know sean baker dr sean baker the carnivore i know i know i know of him i'm friends with the liver king so i kind of got like okay i'm kind of get a little obsessed with his and i and i saw you and i just by the way i really appreciated the humility with the uh you trying the 51 eggs and showing the video that that's dope i thought it is crazy i thought i'd be able to do that. I was very, very wrong. You're like at 26. You're like, all right, you win. Peace. 26 is crazy, dude. I do too. And I'm like, I'm good. I'm good for like five hours after that. Literacy is a beast, but, uh, no,
Starting point is 01:25:01 Sean Baker is, he did. I need to have Sean Baker on. I'd love to have him on. Sorry. Go ahead. but uh no sean baker is he did i need to have sean baker on i'd love to have him on sorry go ahead he wrote the carnivore diet book he was on rogan he's a jiu-jitsu student of mine he trains at my i know that's crazy yeah cool man yeah he moved up like six months ago and just by chance we had some mutual friends they started training with me but uh no so when i when i said to my daughter she goes my my science teacher says that we need to go vegan because that's how you combat global warming. I said, what does your science teacher look like? That's my first question. And my daughter kind of looks down and smiles.
Starting point is 01:25:37 She goes, yeah, she's like, she's fat. I said, how fat? She goes, really, really fat. And I said, okay, do we take nutritional advice from people that are really really fat no fuck no so just erase that from your mind right now but that was one more thing i was like i just i gotta get her out of here unless you would take nutritional advice from her if she said by if your daughter would have said we eat a lot of meat at my house and the teacher would said well that's good that's probably why you look like you're in such good
Starting point is 01:26:08 shape i'm vegan and you can tell i'm fat that's some that's some honest nutritional advice i mean that no and here's the weird thing about like veganism it's like listen you can you can take any diet you can take paleo you can take carnivore veganism and you can make yourself real sick by eating a bunch of sugar and a bunch of bullshit yeah you know and it's like you see these things like oh well this is vegan well oreo fucking cookies are vegan all right right so right the term vegan doesn't necessarily it is not a sign of health it's it's just that you don't eat animal products and you can still fuck yourself up very bad. You know,
Starting point is 01:26:47 you know, what's hard is because I come from there, I come from team liberal and team liberal has built its identity on not the truth, but on not liking um team team uh republican and so it's so hard it's so hard you want to do you want to do everything to stay on your it's so it's it's amazing now i just can't even fathom it right as i sit here and talk to you but but i i remember it just being so hard to like, I would be around these people. I was around Greg Glassman all the time, every single day.
Starting point is 01:27:29 And he would always, and he was a libertarian. And he would always say the left, the left. And as soon as he would say that, I would start to cringe because my parents, I love them. They were from the left. You know, recently my, did you heard, I want to talk about Cain Villat. Are you in a hurry to go
Starting point is 01:27:45 we're approaching 90 minutes okay if you have to take a piss you can always take a piss as soon as you said that i knew you were gonna say cain velasquez that's fucking bizarre oh i want to talk i want to talk about that um but um uh when joe biden said um fund the police don't defund the police. I don't know if you heard that in the State of the Union. I sat back and I was tripping. I was like, how can he say that? The cornerstone of the Democratic Party is to defund the police and was to destabilize everything and to basically like basically in my community in Santa Cruz, California and many places in California.
Starting point is 01:28:23 You can steal as long as it's not $950 or more. It's crazy. It puts all small businesses out. And when he said fund the police, so I called one of my liberal friends, and I was like very, very – like my best liberal friend. And I said, hey, dude, did you hear that? And they go, what? And I go, Joe Biden just said fund the police. Are you tripping?
Starting point is 01:28:41 And they're like, no, that's cool. What do you mean? And I go, well, that's the cornerstone of your party they go no it's not you can't categorize us all as one and i'm like that's to me that's like saying you're nazi you're devote nazi but the one thing you don't like is that part where they take the jews to the camp i'm like yeah whoa whoa whoa let's not you can't start parsing in that shit. How is anyone a Democrat after hearing him say that? I'm tripping. Do you see it the way I am or do you see it the way my friend did?
Starting point is 01:29:12 No, 100% I see it the way you see it. And it goes back to – I need someone – I love this person, but I'm just like how the fuck – every time I bring up something fucked up, the Democrats do. Like did you see – one more quick thing sorry did you see the ceo of pfizer recently just said that the first two shots hardly work if at all and i'm like wait you just you just made 38 billion dollars selling toyota siennas and now that we have them all at home you're like well they don't work you got to bring them back to us so we can put new engines in them i'm like what yeah your shots don't work well how do
Starting point is 01:29:47 these people why isn't everyone just like hold on savon and greg are right is the whole defund the police thing nobody everybody knew what that would cause everybody knew that would cause chaos that would cause disorder that would make crime skyrocket Seattle, like petty theft and misdemeanor crime. It's the highest in the country. And we're doing all the same stupid shit that you're doing. Oh, well, if it's this much, then you were not even going to dispatch a police officer. And if it's that much, we're not going to prosecute. And they see these criminals see exactly how the game is played. And then we decriminalize all drugs. And listen, like I said, I'm a libertarian.
Starting point is 01:30:28 I don't give a fuck what you put in your body, right? But when you put heroin in your body, and then that causes you to put your tent right in front of my business, and people can't walk in the door in the morning, and you're pissing on my door. All right, now your addiction and your choice to put this substance in your body is fucking my life over. And as soon as the citizens go ahead and do anything to try and protect their own property or their own rights, now we're the fucking problem. And that's exactly what happened to Cain Velasquez in my opinion.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Okay, so how do we know – so I will – I can pretty much go anywhere in my brain, like anywhere. Like you want to try to talk me into sucking dick? I'm open. Let's have the conversation. You want to talk to me about moving to Mars because it's better than Earth? I'm open. You want to talk to me about quantum computers and about how they're about to make a sperm and an egg and AI is going to take over? I'm open. and about how they're about to make a sperm and an egg and ai is going to take i'm open let's talk i might get you might scare me but i'm open there's one subject i'm not i will not consider i'm talking about in terms of you changing my mind and it's pedophilia uh yeah i believe that there's a very someone's like well that 17 year old girl i don't care i don't care how you justify it there's a fucking line it's 18 years old everyone do it if you're a fucking grown-ass man
Starting point is 01:31:42 and there's fucking three eighth grade girls on the side of the street wearing their fucking booty shorts and their crop tops look the fucking other way don't even fucking look at them don't look at kids don't talk to kids leave everyone's fucking kids alone they're not your kids do not fuck with my kids i will fucking it will be horrible what happens to you i will cut your head off your house shut and started on fire. Now, but, but, but that being said, how do we know that that guy really did that? Like from a far away, everyone's like, yeah, can't get them. But like, how do we know that that guy, like, are we going to find out? And, and I'm so sorry for saying this about Kane. Cause I know he's a real person, but are we going to find out that really, um, this guy
Starting point is 01:32:23 fucked Kane's wife and had nothing to do with his daughter? Like, how do we know from afar that this is like, are we just witch hunters? Are we just doing witch hunts? So if you look at me on that, like, like, I don't want to fuck up. It's like this Ukrainian thing is the same way. All these people want to feel bad. I don't want the Ukrainian people to die. But like, yo, yo, yo.
Starting point is 01:32:41 Like, I just watched Oliver Stone's documentary and motherfucker like they're painting it like putin's going after nazis and i'm like well that's a different perspective yeah no and it's good to stay curious and want more answers because it's easy to just get pulled by the narrative and like you're all in right yeah and i got i'm armenian by the way i my family got here through a genocide and my wife's Jewish. So I'm really sensitive to like all that fake fuck, the anti-racism that's just pure racism. I'm really sensitive to Nazi shit. I'm really like, fuck you. Like my three Jew boys are knocking. I don't want them facing any of that shit.
Starting point is 01:33:19 And if you do bring that shit, like we're going to get real quick. that shit like we're gonna get real quick so this is what i this is what i'd say about the kane velasquez story is that the the individual in question was arrested and the da is charging him so both law enforcement and the prosecutor whatever their evidence is, have come to the conclusion that we have enough evidence against this guy to arrest him and charge him. So that in itself means, and being a police officer, like if you have to have probable cause to arrest someone, that means, hey, I believe he did it. As a police officer, I believe he did it. And I can articulate why I believe that he did it based on A, B, and C. And I have these witness statements, or I have surveillance footage. I have all of this stuff that has led me to this conclusion. Then you arrest that person,
Starting point is 01:34:16 you present it to a prosecutor, they're going to review it. And the prosecutor, a lot of times, will say, you know what? I don't think I have enough evidence to convict. So we're not going to take this case, especially in Seattle. That happens all the time. No, this prosecutor goes, yep, this looks good. We're going to push forward. He was arrested. He was arraigned.
Starting point is 01:34:38 And the prosecutor even said, this guy is a danger to community and we want to request no bail. even said, this guy is a danger to community and we want to request no bail. And the judge said, and this is how you know that the judge also agrees that there is a problem with this guy. Well, we're not going to keep him in custody, but we're going to put him in a halfway house. Okay. If you're going to put someone in a halfway house, that means because halfway houses are technically custody. And I've dealt with halfway houses a lot as a police officer. So the judge is saying, I'm in agreement that this guy did this, but I just don't think it's dangerous enough to keep him locked up in jail.
Starting point is 01:35:17 So we're going to put him in a halfway house. Dude, a halfway house has no security. You can walk out the front door. A halfway house is more of an agreement that I'm in custody and that I'm going to accept that this is where I need to stay until I go to court. Or sometimes I'll put you in a halfway house at the end of your sentence as well, right? Like, hey, you've shown good behavior. So now we're going to put you in.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Exactly. It's halfway between being in custody and out of custody. Are you talking specifically about this case? This guy was put into a house. No, hypothetically. Okay. Yeah. But for the judge to put him in a halfway house, that tells me, hey, she agrees that
Starting point is 01:35:58 he is guilty of something. And we are going to put this guy over here. And I think this is going to take care of him well anyone that's worked in law enforcement knows people walk out of halfway houses literally every day that i mean that's what they do and so look at it from kane's perspective hey i went the legal route okay i obviously like gave statements or whatever they needed to do to meet the needs of law enforcement to oh i didn't know that i didn't know that so that had happened already
Starting point is 01:36:30 oh yeah if this and i'm not saying that the statements came from kane specifically but other parents of the daycare obviously an investigation before before kane and went after him this that had come out oh I didn't realize any of that. I was just picturing. Okay, so I don't know the details of the case. I pictured it. His daughter came home. She was crying.
Starting point is 01:36:50 He said, what happened? And so-and-so, he's been touching me for the last year. He got in his car and went and shot the guy. No, the system is in agreement with Cain. Okay, so the ball was already started. So this had unfolded, and he'd been sitting on this for a while pissed and then the judge said you're free to go let's go to the halfway house and Kane's like fuck you and think about that this dude molested your child over and over and over and over you
Starting point is 01:37:16 went the legal route and you thought that this guy would be going to jail and then the judge says actually we're gonna let him out all right i tried to do it your way man in a way what do you think about charging the judge with the killing i would fucking love to see that i'm so sick of these fucking judges the judge didn't protect the judge didn't protect the molester he should have kept him in jail but well here's the unfortunate part is that kane shot into the car and one of the bullets hit his dad right hit the guy's dad yeah yeah so is that guy a guilty party um not technically under the law but if you're picking up your pedophile son uh i don't have a lot of sympathy for you because
Starting point is 01:38:00 i saw i saw you wrote that i saw you wrote. Fuck you. You know, like if I found out that somebody that I was close with was touching four-year-old kids, you were fucking out of my life. Now I don't care if I'm a lady or not. Yeah. Look at that, man. That's such a, and here's the other thing, being a fighter and a jujitsu guy. Um, I don't, like I said in that post, I don't know Kane personally, but I have part training partners that have trained with him.
Starting point is 01:38:26 Yeah. Everybody says the same thing. Has a heart of gold, hardest worker in the room, super down-to-earth guy. And now this motherfucker is let out to touch our children. Like, at what point do we start taking things into our own hands? You're going to force people's hands. And, man, we'll see where this goes. start taking things into our own hands you're gonna you're gonna force people's hands and uh man we'll see where this goes but i hope i hope kane invokes his right to a speedy trial and is
Starting point is 01:38:51 found innocent because all it's going to take is one father on that jury to say you know what uh i'd have done the same fucking thing and then you got a hung jury you got a hung jury at a minimum hopefully he's found innocent though that's what that's what we're hoping for what happened to the guy what happened to the molester dude is he is he in jail uh i don't know no i mean as far as i know he's probably in his halfway house you know or he's probably in some kind of protected custody now he's got a bunch of pissed off people and it's a it's a a hot story so who knows what's going on with him but well caleb can you look up on the the term uh crimes of passion i did um do you remember how old are you you're 42
Starting point is 01:39:40 greg are you 41 are you gonna talk about the guy that was sitting at the phone booth and shot that dude at Point Blake Range and walked? Remember that story? I don't, but I remember being a kid and hearing a story about a woman who caught her husband cheating on her and ran him over in a parking lot and killed him, and she got off. Oh, shit. And I remember thinking, wow, what the fuck? Well, let me let you in on a little secret about the judicial system. There is no such thing as innocent or guilty.
Starting point is 01:40:12 What there is, is how do you articulate who you are as a person to the jury of your peers? And if you make, and I've sat through a hundred trials as a deputy, that was part of my job. And I saw it over and over. If you can make the jury like you as a human being, right. And that you are a good person. That is how you walk. That is how you walk because they don't want to put a good human being into a cage. human being into a cage. And so in my experience, like if you're charismatic and you speak to the jury and you can, you can create trust with them, then you form this little relationship
Starting point is 01:40:55 and that's how you're found innocent. And because I've seen two guys. Wow. I like the way you said that. I've seen two guys arrested together on the same case, but they weren't tried together because one of them invoked his right to a speedy trial. And the other one said he's going to waive his right to allow his counsel to build a better case. Right. The first guy was extremely charismatic. He was fun to be around. And the case was kind of bullshit to start with. He was fun to be around. And the case was kind of bullshit to start with. Shocking. I'll let everybody in is a fraud case. And, you know, you only made this much money last year, yet you were driving a Beamer, you know, and, and how can you drive a Beamer if you only made $26,000? And he goes, does anyone want to see a picture of my Beamer? Because I'll show it to you. I said, and he goes, this prosecutor's over here trying to act like
Starting point is 01:42:02 I'm living lifestyles of the rich and famous. This is my Beamer. And it was like an old, dilapidated, broken down piece of shit. And all the people were laughing because they're like, oh, we're being played here. They're trying to act like this guy's a high roller. That's his car? Are you serious? That's the Beamer? That thing looks like it barely runs.
Starting point is 01:42:22 And they all started laughing. And I could see. I told them. I was like, hey, you're getting the jury on your side. So I think it's a bullshit case. So I'm happy to like kind of coach you and tell you my perspective. He walked a free man, found not guilty of these fraud charges. His partner was found guilty and got like 15 years in custody because the feds throw the book at you when it comes to sentencing. And I remember I thought about that a lot because it's two guys that were charged with the same thing that were part of the same organization. One's rotting in a jail
Starting point is 01:42:55 cell and one's free. And the only difference was one was fun and charismatic and the other was kind of a overweight introvert and it's like man the judicial system we have i mean i'm not saying that i could come up with something better but it is absolutely flawed i mean it's it's a human at the end of the day it's decisions made by human beings and that's they're just inherently flawed you know are you against the death penalty no i'm gonna fucking string people up all over the place. But what do you do about that then? I really don't want to be mean.
Starting point is 01:43:32 This is going to come across mean. I don't mean it as mean, but there's so many stupid people. And so how do you know that – I mean there's tons of dumb people. You know that as a cop. It's like you can't even believe some shit. I mean, there's tons of dumb people. You know that as a cop. It's like you can't even believe some shit.
Starting point is 01:43:50 Isn't the jury – aren't people going to be killed, innocent people going to be killed if we have the death penalty? I'll tell you this. This is what they say. This is the saying that they say in the world of law enforcement. Do you know what a jury consists of? Twelve people that were too dumb to figure out how to get out of jury duty. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:09 That's scary too right and so i am not obviously i sit here and i say the system's flawed and i say that uh what i just said is that that's people that can't figure out how to get out of jury duty and when you see people that are convicted and sentenced to death and then they find out through dna 20 years later that it's wrong that stuff's fucking horrifying right yeah yeah yeah and so i would say i would say i would only reserve the death penalty for the cases that are like as fucking iron tight as you can have a case and it's 100 clear like this guy beheaded this little boy and fucked him like, okay, I don't want this person on team human anymore. He shouldn't be part of planet earth. Let's fucking just get rid of them. But no, you're right. Everything's nuanced. There are no black and white. Right. And like,
Starting point is 01:44:56 I agree with you. Like we see horrendous things happen in our judicial system where the wrong people get convicted. But I also think we need to let these monsters know that are attacking our children. I mean, I'll tell you, like, I'm not going to give any names, but the older I get, a lot of the girls that are very, very close to me that I've known my whole life in our thirties and forties, I'm finding out, oh yeah, I grew up being molested. Oh yeah. I grew up being molested. Oh yeah, I grew up. And it's like, did every fucking girl I know grow up being molested? Is this just fucking normal part of life? Guess what? It's a lot more prevalent than we think that it is. And a lot of these people that have opened up to me about it,
Starting point is 01:45:39 they never said anything because they were little kids, six, seven, eight, nine years old. because they were little kids, six, seven, eight, nine years old. And they don't come to terms with it until they're 35, 40. There's monsters everywhere out there. And I would love to create a reality where if you're determined to be a fucking monster, we publicly hang you and we put it on pay-per-view. And you know what I'd like to see on pay-per-view. I want to see on pay-per-view i want to see biden and putin box you want to see biden get his head knocked off because putin's a lifelong martial artist
Starting point is 01:46:12 i know hey you know i used to say this and i used to use cain velasquez as the example i used to say you know what we should do with these fucking, these pedophiles and with these, these people, we should do a pay-per-view event where they have to fight Cain Velasquez to the death. I used to say that Cain is one of the fittest heavyweights to ever exist. And he's a scary, scary person in the cage. And I've fought in the cage before and i look at a guy like cain velasquez and i think no fucking way dude no way and so like you want to generate money hey you're gonna get to watch cain velasquez fight the guy that molested his kids to the death two hundred dollar pay-per-view you'll fucking every household in america will be airing it. I think – and I'm open to being wrong on this, but I think that the fact that people are getting molested is not the issue.
Starting point is 01:47:16 It's the symptom, and I'm not disagreeing with anything you're saying. But if we were going to take that route, I would really want to address the issue, and what do I mean by that? but if we were going to take that route i would really want to address the issue and what do i mean by that i mean that my friend travis bajan said this to me one time he's a professional arm wrestler big dude 300 pound all juiced up just fucking dope charismatic beautiful man right his his son just won the uh the harlan award is the best division two football player in the country as a junior and his and his son and his younger son is um the best high school quarterback alive today and just an amazing father like when the world was telling this guy hey go out and get a job he's like fuck you i'm raising my kids and i work at strip clubs at night you know what i mean like this dude's the shit yeah
Starting point is 01:47:58 he's like he's actually a role model for me for a dad he doesn't even know it he's younger than me too yeah this guy such a good loving human being anyway yeah he was one that also taught me that if you weigh over when he goes over 300 pounds you have to anyone who's over 300 pounds has to have a fan on them at all times so like you need moving air on you and he's so funny anyway he told me one time he's like if a man does anything sexually that surprises you, you don't understand men. And I was like, wow, that's that's really is true. So what we need is, is we need men to be men again and to take personal responsibility and accountability so that they're set up to succeed and not do that.
Starting point is 01:48:39 Like, I don't know what exactly what that looks like. But and I'm not saying that anyone should be let off the hook for fucking abusing sexually abusing people, but like this, there's gotta be a greater issue here. Um, uh, what, what's the same? I don't, the devil gives idle hands work. Idle hands at the devil's workshop. Yeah. I don't. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:49:02 I was driving through Kenyaya one time with greg glassman and on the on the corner there were like 20 dudes hanging out all squatting down low like middle eastern men this was in kenya but they weren't middle eastern they're black dudes kenyan dudes and they're all squatting down low hanging out right you know what i mean like in that sitting posture position and greg goes that's a fucking and they were all like 18 years old and greg goes that's a fucking big problem and i go what is he goes you never want to see fucking young dudes in society not busy and you mix that with fucking what travis says and you got a problem like when by the time a boy's 12 to 35 that motherfucker needs to be kept busy right yeah no i mean i think i mean who knows
Starting point is 01:49:41 all the contributing factors but i think a big thing is that we don't really celebrate masculinity anymore. Men filling the role of protector is actually something that's meaningful. Wow. I teach it at my academy all the time. I'm like, guys, you might not hear this outside of the Jiu-Jitsu Academy, but between these walls on these mats, these girls that are training with us, they have to show a higher amount of courage. And they put themselves in a more vulnerable position than you have as a man to be here. Therefore, it is up to us to take care of these ladies.
Starting point is 01:50:24 We can train hard with them and we can give them good Jiu-Jitsu, but we us to take care of these ladies. We can train hard with them and we can give them good jujitsu, but we got to take care of them. We got to look out for these ladies. And I hear it all the time from the girls that train with us. They're like, we feel safe in your academy. And it's like the men and women's lives. I think they should go out of their way to make them feel safe. And we have lost our roles. I mean, men and women are different, period. They want to tell us that we're the same and that there's no differences. We're different.
Starting point is 01:50:52 And I'm not saying one is better than the other. But I feel like we're losing touch with celebrating both masculine and feminine energy. And part of the role of a man is to be the protector. Look out for the ladies in your life. And that's how I've been wired my whole life. And it gets celebrated by most of the ladies in my life. And I'm not even talking about just my wife and my daughters, but girls that are friends with us and that are within our circle. I hear it all the time. Man, when we, when we're with you, we feel safe. And it's like, you need to figure out a way to make the women in your life feel safe. And that, that falls on all of us. That's not my role.
Starting point is 01:51:30 That's, I feel like that's every man's role in society. And if more people would embrace that, we would probably have less people being victimized. But what a great, I'm not a big fan of, um, the, uh, for, I, because I fucking hate the word gender and it's misused, I only believe in sex, cock and balls, vagina, and a small percentage that have both. And when it's conflated with gender, I fucking can't stand it. I had to correct my guest yesterday because gender is your imagination. And I don't even know what my gender is because I don't even think about it, nor do I give a fuck. I just know that I'm a man. I don't even know what my gender is because I don't even think about it, nor do I give a fuck.
Starting point is 01:52:04 I just know that I'm a man. But if I were to go down that, I really like that as the definitive quality of a man. And you told some story. It's interesting. A man is there to protect the tribe, and women are there to protect men from themselves, kind of like my wife and your wife. Before I go on the podcast, my wife would be like, hey, the racism talk. I get really upset. When people say N-word, I be like, hey, you know, the racism talk. Like I get really upset. Like when people say N-word, I'm like, hey, you're a fucking bitch. If you need to say that word, don't say N-word.
Starting point is 01:52:32 Say the fucking word. I listen to it 100 times every day when I sing songs and I sing it out loud every time. So fuck off. My wife's like, can you tone that down a little bit? That scares – you know what I mean? She's looking out for me. But my job in the – she's protecting me from me. Just like your wife protected you from you when she sped by that guy but your job is to protect her and i and i really like this and same thing with my kids my wife is
Starting point is 01:52:55 there to protect my sons from me you know i'm you know what i mean like i'll fucking snap on someone and carry them to their room and she's got to be like, yo, yo, I got this. And I'm like, okay, good. But yeah, that is it. What a great definition, smooth definition for a man, your job. And then you would probably hurt, you know, then how built into that, believing that men are to protect people built into that is, is don't hurt people. Don't rob them don't steal from them don't punch them don't molest them don't do anything that's against
Starting point is 01:53:28 their will yeah that's a great definitive characteristic of man and this is where and i know i'm biased because i run a jujitsu academy but a lot of personality traits and characteristics can be honed on the mat. And if you teach people about these things and you put them in an environment where they get to actually implement them, like I see it in the little kids already, like the little kids like taking care of the girls, you know, and the ones that don't know how to do it yet, I'll talk to them and be like, Hey, I saw you hit a throw and you threw her as hard as you could okay if you want to throw him as hard as you can that probably makes sense but she's three years younger than you
Starting point is 01:54:09 and this is her second class why would you why would you think that that's okay and start making them think and and ruminate on these different perspectives and man i'm telling you why don't you why do you have to say that to some kids you've really touched on a really fucking sensitive point with me my kids are fucking great if there's a new kid in the fucking academy the teachers always put him with my fucking seven-year-old gray belt he's been there three years he lets fucking everyone do everything to him but there's always some fucking asshole fucking kid who's like 80 or 90 pounds who thinks he's going to go after who my who's nine years old who's going to go after my son who's 50 pounds and seven and it's like i just like i would my kid would never do that to your six-year-old like no fucking way i think a lot of people and i don't even say children because i see this in the adult class too when they are shown their deficiencies and you shine a spotlight on
Starting point is 01:55:06 their deficiencies, they get combative and they get aggressive and they, they, they, they're taking these efficiencies and they're attaching like personal emotions to them instead of detaching and saying, Hey, you know what? This girl just kicked my ass because she has better jujitsu than me. So what should I do? I probably need to get better jujitsu. No, they allow frustration and anger to be the emotions that surface. And then their behavior is a reflection of those emotions. And so you see it on the mats all the time. I'll see a new guy come into jujitsu, especially like if it's a young police officer or something. And I'll have like a 23 year old girl, just tie him in a knot. And a lot of times that's a hard pill for a man to swallow.
Starting point is 01:55:51 And so I would say like, if you're grunting on the mats, if you're trying to push someone off you and like all that shit, you're out of touch with how you should be training because you're allowing the emotions to dictate your behavior. That stuff is usually a result of having the improper emotions and instead of applying the correct emotions where again, like to go back to, let's figure out how to find comfort in an uncomfortable situation. Now I'm going to try and dissect this with logic and with technique, but that's what jujitsu teaches you. And if you don't, if you don't adopt that approach, you're going to be getting strangled all the time by girls.
Starting point is 01:56:31 And so like my daughter's 12, she's a gray belt as well. And she beats up 14, 15 year old boys regularly, sweeps them, get on tops of them, arm bars them. And it's like, that's a tough pill to swallow. And I think about when I was a 15 year old kid skating after school every day, getting in fights with other dumb skater kids. If I went to some Academy and I put on a, a, a bathrobe and some 12 year old girl started strangling me. And that's a, that's a tough pill to swallow. And people do one of two things with it.
Starting point is 01:57:05 They either accept this as reality and I'm gonna need to change my path and develop capability and become better, or I'm gonna allow it to become, to frustrate me and I'm gonna interject ego and I'm gonna have problems with it. And jujitsu, you either change or you see yourself, you see your way out, but you know, that's the only two options.
Starting point is 01:57:30 By that you mean you stop, you don't be a practitioner anymore. Okay. Yeah. There's people that, that I've seen happen plenty of times where it's so uncomfortable that they're like, you know what? I'm just basically, I'm just going to hide from this. Cause like Joe Rogan always says, you can't be full of shit when you're on the mats, when you're on the mats, you have, there's a pecking order. And I don't say that with like negative connotations. Like when we're on the mats, it's like, I generally have a pretty good idea of who I can smash, who can smash me. And so does everybody else down the line. And once you kind of know where you fit in with a group of people, it's actually comforting. It's like, okay, I know, I know my place. I know
Starting point is 01:58:11 who I know what I can bring to the table. I know my strengths. I know my weaknesses. And so does everybody else in the room. Would you roll, would you roll with a blue belt or a white belt and let them tap you 10 times in a row? Um, I roll with my blue belts and my white belts all the time, but this is what I tell them. I'll let you work, but I won't let you finish me. And the reason I say that is because if you finish me, I want you to know that you earned it. And I got put to sleep by one of my white belts six months ago. And at the end of class, when everybody's lined up, I brought them up and I told the whole class,
Starting point is 01:58:49 like Evan is 17 years old and he put a black belt to sleep tonight. And the reason that I'm saying this in front of all 35 of you is because there's a lot of black belts out there that if they get caught, they try and hide from it. Or they try and say, Hey, you know, I was letting you work. And then, you know, and in my opinion, you are taking away from that person's accomplishment. And so I want my 100% you are a hundred percent. I want you to know that if you submit me as your coach, you earned it. And I'm proud of you. Like you didn't, you didn't get good enough jujitsu to submit me by chance. You got good enough jujitsu to submit me because you've been showing up, you've been putting in the work and on any given day, I don't care who you are.
Starting point is 01:59:36 Like if somebody uses the right technique against you and you fail to see it coming and you don't implement the correct defense, you're going to get caught. That's what makes this so fascinating. It's a lifelong journey to continuously get better and hone your techniques. And I don't understand why a lot of practitioners want to hide from losses. Like that's part of the game. You know, uh, Gordon Ryan says it all the time. And I'm still, I'm still trying to hone this and develop it to even a higher level to where I'm 100% comfortable just getting submitted by anyone at any time. Because I'm not there yet. I'm the first to admit it.
Starting point is 02:00:15 I want to win when I roll. But Gordon Ryan, who's arguably the best no-gi grappler ever, he says he gets submitted 20 times a night. And he goes, I get submitted 20 times a night and he goes i get submitted 20 times a night because i'm constantly putting myself in extremely dangerous situations and then i figure out how to work out of them but part of doing that is you're going to start getting caught a lot more too you know i had um uh do you watch ufc course. Yeah, yeah. I had Alexander Volkanovsky on the show. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 02:00:48 And you remember Brian Ortega had him in that, I think it was rear naked choke. That's what you guys call that, right? Uh-huh. He said that he may even went to B-team and done it. He may have even went, I can't remember where he went. He went somewhere crazy and that's all they practiced. Okay. Put Alexander in the deepest fucking rear naked choke you can. And they would start like that with them and try to choke them out. And, and he just, he practiced that and practice that and practice that. And it paid off when he went against Brian
Starting point is 02:01:23 Ortega. Yeah. I guess Brian Ortega is good at squeezing necks. That's one of his strong suits. So, no, that's a smart approach to fighting him. Because if you're fighting Brian Ortega, you're going to get put in a guillotine or RNC. That's going to happen probably. And so the humility that it takes on Alexander Volkanovsky to do that, right? Okay, Nikki, go ahead. Fucking get behind me. So the humility that it takes on Alexander Volkanovsky to do that, right? Okay. Okay. Nikki, go ahead.
Starting point is 02:01:47 Fucking get behind me. You outweigh me by 70 pounds and sink it in as deep as you can. No matter what. Don't let go. I don't practice jujitsu. I have this excuse. I have a really fucked up back and I was dead lifting. I always had a pretty fucked up back but when I was uh three years ago I heard it but so bad one time that I couldn't like move for like three days
Starting point is 02:02:10 and I go I can never fucking risk that ever again while I have kids so like I just all cut all my weights in half and I train like a motherfucker but I don't do it and I'm kind of bummed but um but I haven't heard that go ahead yeah you just got to be honest with yourself and i tell people all the time when they're when they're considering signing up for jujitsu just know part of doing this like if you're training jujitsu something hurts period yeah i don't mind something hurting i don't want my back to seize out there and that's it then i'm fucking fucking can't drive the kids around in the van for four days and i haven't had it happen to me in three years knock on wood but it is fucked up when it happens bro and i'll tell you this and i say this that most jujitsu practitioners don't say this
Starting point is 02:02:55 my jujitsu has an expiration date like i know that and i'm okay with that this is going to be a journey that i'm all in on and And I have been for 19 years now. But at the same time, like walking up and down the stairs is hard for me now. And I'm 41, you know, I just had a bunch of stem cell treatment in my knees. And I actually think it's- I saw that in Texas, right? You went to Texas? And, but at some point when my body, when it, when it starts to be diminishing returns,
Starting point is 02:03:28 right? It's like, if going to jujitsu makes me feel worse than feeling better, then maybe it's time to focus on yoga and do a new, like in my seventies or sixties or whenever that day comes start a new journey. And I'm okay with that. I just know that the way that I train now is not sustainable. So it either needs to drastically change or maybe I move on to something else. Yeah, that's it. That's an interesting picture because my orthopedic surgeon said I needed new
Starting point is 02:03:58 knees. And when I posted that, I had a bunch of doctors write me and they're like uh your knees actually look pretty good like they're fucked up but they're nowhere near needing a replacement and it's like trust your instincts you know and my doctor said yes yes the doctor said that i was like this doesn't make sense like i was 38 at the time why would i need why would i need new knees even though i'm in pain and uh he was just very reluctant to agree to any other treatments because he's a surgeon what does he want to do he wants to cut you you know um are you friends with any of the guys at the at the police at the police station anymore where you came from yeah absolutely yep and and they realize that that you don't judge them you realize that they realize that you know that everyone's on their
Starting point is 02:04:50 own journey and they do what they do and you do what you do for sure initially it was it kind of hurt a couple relationships yeah you know some of them felt like and there were some of them that even felt like i did it on purpose just to create an exit strategy. And it's like, everybody kind of came up with their own little theories and it affected some relationships for sure. And then some people were jealous too, because they saw that I made the escape and that it's working out for me.
Starting point is 02:05:19 They're still stuck in the grind and they hate it, you know? But I always say like the option to step up and be yourself and speak your truth that's available to all you guys so don't be fucking mad at me because i did it and it worked out you know when i um when so uh when greg sold crossfit there was an article in the new york times and it painted me in a really negative light and of course it was it was all ambiguity none of it was true and anyone could go to and check the source that they got it from and see that it's not true or, or, or make their own judgment on it. Instead, they just read the article and then in
Starting point is 02:05:53 the, in the incoming CEO, Eric Rosa told some of the staff, is this guy going to resign? So basically I knew that I was fucked from day one because he, this guy's woke as fuck. And he read the article and instead of like addressing me directly or checking the podcast that was being referenced that i did um he uh he said is this guy gonna resign and when i when i did get fired finally um i could tell like i could tell like my friends who worked there were scared for me like you know you know what I mean? Like I felt it was an interesting way, the way they showed their love for me. They, it's a trip. It comes in different forms, right?
Starting point is 02:06:33 Some people are like, it comes in different forms, but it's not easy for the people. It's not easy for the people around you too when you get fired. They're trying to figure out what story to tell themselves. But I will say this. It didn't take long before, man, I felt so free. Did you feel that feeling? Like all of a sudden I was like, oh. Like I didn't even know that there was like a 50-pound weight on my chest and then it was gone.
Starting point is 02:06:59 100%. I tell cops all the time, I said, you walk away from the profession, you feel a metaphoric and a literal weight come off you. Because my vest was like 37 pounds or something crazy, right? Like we're adding new stuff to the vest every single day. Oh, you need to start carrying a taser. You need to start carrying Narcan. Oh, now you need body armor. You need this.
Starting point is 02:07:23 You need that. And bro, like my department's 12 hour shifts. And by the end of it, you just feel beaten down by sitting in a patrol car all day. But it's not only the physical weight of the job. It's the emotional weight of the job. Because as a patrol officer, what are you doing? You are getting dispatched to problems. You don't get a call because someone
Starting point is 02:07:46 wants to say something positive to you. You get a call because someone just broke into a car. Someone's using drugs on the side of the road. Somebody touched a kid and on and on and on. And you don't realize until you walk away what it's doing to your soul, being surrounded by negativity all day, every day. And I'll tell you this too. It's not only the job, but even within the job, this cop bitching about that cop, this cop mad about his sergeant, this chief just fucked me. And man, I only got two more years until retirement. And it's like a lot of police officers are in a very dark place. And so when you're at work, you're surrounded by that darkness. And this is what I tell cops all the time.
Starting point is 02:08:34 I've yet to meet the cop that's been doing the job for more than a decade and is still like vibrant and passionate about it and loves putting the uniform on. I honestly think law enforcement should be a 10 year career from 25 to 35, like young guys still figuring it out, still want to run and gun and get after it. And, and I mean, some of the specialized units, when you're talking about detectives and homicide and stuff, sure, you can have some of your older cops there that have more experience that are, that are more proficient in investigations, but being a beat cop walking the patrol or driving the patrol, like, I don't think there's longevity in that. I think we should figure out a way to,
Starting point is 02:09:21 if this is a career people want to chase, put them in that for 10 years. And then there's some type of natural progression where you still, you get your, you get your, uh, your pension and you still get to hit retirement and all that stuff that people are chasing. But maybe after your 10 years of on patrol, we shift you to something different. And I don't necessarily know what that is, but it, I mean, that there's a reason why most police officers statistically die within five years of retirement. It's because you've done 25 years with nothing but cortisol filling your fucking veins. And then you retire, you know, it's a sad, it's a sad career. years and you want to make it to the end right so you kind of just like you do those the first 10 you do with the smile on your face in the last 10 you're just like fuck i you know i have a lot of friends in law enforcement and in um firefighters especially now who like have expressed that to me i'm fucking can't wait till this is fucking over and i'm like oh man that sucks i hear it every day
Starting point is 02:10:19 and i hear cops say man i only got i got seven years till retirement. And I'm like, yeah, think about your life. Seven years. You're going to give seven years to something that you're not passionate about anymore. Something that you think is hindering your growth and hindering your, your soul seven years just to get a paycheck after that. Like guys, you can do fucking anything you want in this world. And there's a good chance that whatever your retirement pension is going to be, you can figure out something else that will meet or exceed that. You just have to be willing to fucking try it. But again, to go back to what I said, like, I've been around death enough as a young man to know that this experience on Earth,
Starting point is 02:11:04 it is finite and your lights are going to get turned off one day. And is that going to happen tomorrow? Or is that going to happen in 40 years? I don't know, but I'm not going to live in a manner where I accept the next decade of my life is going to suck. Like it doesn't make any sense, but a lot of people are content doing that and it's it's sad man jacob thank you ma'am 17 years that's fucking amazing good job thank you that's fucking rad and and obviously like i always say i always give this caveat too i was a police officer or in law enforcement in los angeles and Seattle. So very left-wing progressive cities. And most police officers hold what I would say conservative values. And so a lot of cops in
Starting point is 02:11:55 those cities are in constant conflict. But if you're a police officer somewhere in Texas or whatever, I've heard people reach out to me and be like, bro, no, no, no, no. Like, man, I love my department and I love my community. Like when you're on patrol in Seattle, everyone's looking at you kind of sideways. Right? Yeah.
Starting point is 02:12:12 Yeah. Yeah. Hey dude, any, any city that lets the fucking people take over a police station, like what happened in Ferguson or what happens in Seattle, that's fucking complete horse shit. They fucking lit a police department on fire with policemen in it who had to be rescued from the roof those people who this isn't fucking 1850
Starting point is 02:12:31 those people should be fucking taken out and having to ship eat at them you i don't care who's in the building unless unless unless they fucking touched your kids you do not fucking light a building on fire with people inside this is this is so gross no insanity my friends like i said my my thing took place right before the george floyd incident so i didn't have a front row seat to the riots but my buddies were downtown seattle having maltoff cocktails thrown at them and stuff. And meanwhile, our city council and our mayor is just like, oh no, it's the summer of love. It's all good. And it's like, it's really hard to maintain like a positive outlook as a patrol officer in a city
Starting point is 02:13:18 where your actual city leadership will turn back on you in a moment's notice. And that's why it's – that's insane, man. Insane. I do – I think that – I think we get what we expect from our public servants. I don't think – no – it's nuts that they did $700 million damage to Ferguson. It is nuts that they did $700 million damage to Ferguson. It is nuts. It's nuts that people were allowed to do $30 million damage to the Capitol building.
Starting point is 02:13:50 It's nuts that people were – that the police there didn't use the – I don't care if you're fucking who you are. No one should be getting close even to fucking that bag of trash AOC. Like these are our public servants. No one should be allowed to hurt a cop at all. Man, I mean, so they should, in my mind, they should always be given the benefit of the doubt, police officers. Always, always, always. They're our public servants.
Starting point is 02:14:18 We've asked them to put in harm's way. This poor fucking lady who pulled her fucking taser instead of her fucking gun and she's been on the force for over 20 years and she's in jail this is who the fuck does that the guy would it's not like he she didn't shoot a fucking baby she shot a fucking criminal there's there's so many different layers to that though to unpack i hope all of you who celebrated george floyd oh my wife's gonna be so angry if i say this i hope all of you that celebrated george floyd i hope at some point um one of your loved ones has who's pregnant has a
Starting point is 02:14:59 gun put to their stomach yeah and gets mugged yeah it's bizarre you know that if you put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach that baby and that woman will never be the fucking same forever and ever and ever and ever and never ever you don't recover from that this isn't fucking malcolm x malcolm x went to fucking jail and fucking read the dictionary and wrote every word in the dictionary on a piece of paper and reformed himself this isn't malcolm x you want to fucking you want to have a fucking hero malcolm x is your fucking hero not fucking george floyd they have a fucking statue of fucking george floyd i made this post i don't know if you ever saw it but someone i i said on the air that they made a post of george
Starting point is 02:15:41 they made a bronze statue of george floyd sitting on a bench it's like in baltimore somewhere and i go hey you know what they really need to do is they need to make a statue of – they made a bronze statue of George Floyd sitting on a bench. It's like in Baltimore somewhere. And I go, hey, you know what they really need to do is they need to make a statue of George Floyd with a gun on a pregnant woman's stomach. And someone actually Photoshopped that in, and I posted it on my Instagram. I'm like, come on, guys. No, it's weird who they want to make – who they choose to be their heroes. Oh, it breaks my fucking heart and hey no i i don't believe for a second for if you if you want to look at the life through demographic of skin color i don't believe for a second that the black community in in the vast majority or
Starting point is 02:16:15 even close views george floyd as a hero i don't i don't think what i i don't believe it i can't believe it i mean in my opinion i can't't believe it depends on how far down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole you want to go. But they just blew that incident up to cause instability, to make everybody hate police officers. And it worked perfectly. Our country. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Months and months and months. And it was right as the COVID narrative was getting pushed down everybody's throat.
Starting point is 02:16:45 Then they took an incident over here and made everybody hate cops. And then they used cops as their henchmen for a lot of their bullshit. And it's like, guys, can't you see they're pitting, they're using the media to pit us against each other. And man, I just wish there was a way to unify the profession with the community and i mean we'll see me too i have to pee so bad but there's two two things i want to ask you still two two crazy things um caleb can you pull up that airplane that's being de-iced on his instagram account i think there's a link in the, um, yeah.
Starting point is 02:17:26 Is that, is that true that it costs $10,000 to de-ice a plane? That's what we were told. Cause part of our jurisdiction for the port of Seattle is Seattle Tacoma international airport. So we're in the airport all the time at an office in the airport. And, uh, yeah, that's what i was told by when we were out watching the planes get de-iced but here's the crazy thing once they're de-iced they have like a small window to take off and if they miss they have to go through the procedure again so that's exactly
Starting point is 02:17:58 what i was going to tell you i was in chicago every single flight canceled the airport's fucking packed but i'm getting on a flight to india and literally thousands of flights canceled mine's not canceled i'm like this this is scaring the shit out of me i'm looking out the window and it's it's good it's snowing sideways you know because the wind's blowing so hard and i'm like oh fuck i don't like this at all and i get on the plane it's a big old fucking double decker 747 and i'm like hey uh why is this the only flight that's fucking leaving here she's all because there's people in india who need to come back i'm like ah so so we we cruise out there onto the we they de-ice the plane and we cruise out there onto the tarmac and the pilot gets on and says hey we're turning back there's a 10 or 15 minute
Starting point is 02:18:53 window that we have to take off before the plane the plane has to be de-iced again and we didn't get off in time i'm like this is fucking horrible that i think i would have just got off they turn the plane back around they de-ice it again and we go back out out there onto the tarmac and as we take off i look over and i can see the stewardesses are holding hands oh shit i'm like this is so fucked but we got off and literally within 30 seconds of getting off the ground, blue skies. I mean, it was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and it was pitch dark because of the storm. And we got up, and it was fucking – I was like, yeah, baby.
Starting point is 02:19:35 Next stop, Mumbai. Okay, 10 grand. Wow, that's not cheap. What was my other question? Shit, I lost it. I forgot it public i wanted to talk about public breastfeeding okay let's do this will you pull that shirt up well we'll leave we'll leave on a sour note well i'll be really aggressive towards greg here you guys will like this look at this shirt this guy fucking claims that this is his best favorite shirt this is many years ago people Do you still own this shirt?
Starting point is 02:20:06 When I see a hand like this, I just think of racist, sexist, homophobic commies. Man, look at this shirt. Look at me digging through your shit. I'm like, okay, if this guy gets out of line, I'm bringing this shirt up. So you see what it says?
Starting point is 02:20:20 It says CrossFit Lake Stevens Summer Scuffle. Okay. So that was a CrossFit event at our gym. And like I said at the beginning of the podcast, I don't run the CrossFit side of the house. I run the jiu-jitsu side of the house. Well, you tell that guy he needs a new logo because that one triggers my – I got still a little bit of liberal in me, and that triggers me. 268 weeks ago. That was before – I think that was before that that symbol
Starting point is 02:20:47 meant anything you're a reformed man oh they took it from you okay good all right all right that is that's what is that six years ago don't take down i'm gonna take a picture of this and then i'm gonna i'm gonna send this to the person that made this shirt and be like, bro, I'm catching flack from your shirt. 268 weeks later. Oh, that's still have a little liberal in me, hunting people down for their past for their past. Greg, thank you. Yeah, really. I've always wanted to have you on. It's so exciting. I like, I followed your story from the beginning. I was like, wow,
Starting point is 02:21:24 wouldn't it be cool if I could talk to this guy and meet this guy? Bro, that's been one of the most exciting parts of this whole journey is just connecting with all these different people across the United States. And especially now that we have the technology to facilitate this, just sitting down and having conversations with people, you don't realize how important that is until you start doing it more and more often. And I tell people all the time, like I would do my podcast if it generated $0 because when in life do we sit down and talk with another human being for two, three hours at a time? It's not really part of what we do anymore, but it feels good. And it helps you
Starting point is 02:22:03 gain perspective, helps you learn about other people. And, uh, man, I just recommend like, take the time to have conversations. Don't worry about if we're going to put it out on YouTube or not, like do this with people in your community, do this with people on your jujitsu team. And it's, it touches you in a primal way for sure. Well, thank you. I've come a long way thanks to people like you. I appreciate it. Caleb, thank you. All right.

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