The Sevan Podcast - #340 - Yevhenii, Live From Ukraine Pt. 3

Episode Date: March 21, 2022

Live with our friend from the Ukraine. You can follow him on instagram: Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - 50% off first year with code "sevan22" - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:01 We're live. Should I start the show with just something Absolutely batshit crazy Hey Evgeny, how are you brother? Hey guys, is everything fine now? What about you? Oh great, everything's great Everything's great
Starting point is 00:01:15 Oh I'm happy Happy that you have a great day Yeah Live from Odessa Evgeny, will you spell your name for me? Yevgeny, it's great. You have a great pronunciation. Yevgeny, will you spell it for me? Yevgen letters, yes Y E
Starting point is 00:01:47 V H E N I I Oh, Yevheni Yevheni, yes
Starting point is 00:02:01 Yevheni, I've been saying Yevgeny, darn it No, it's true By Ukrainian, it sounds like Yevheny, yes. Yevheny, I've been saying Yevgeny. Darn it. No, it's true. By Ukrainian, it sounds like Yevgeny. Yes. It's like G. We have a sound like H. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's not me.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Oh, good find. Good find, Caleb. But it's not me. Oh, good, fine. Good, fine, Caleb. But name is the same. You are in Odessa on the 21st floor of a luxury skyrise. Yeah. By the way,
Starting point is 00:02:42 for the last three days, our air defense has been attacking enemy drones over Odessa, yes. And the last one was shut down an hour ago. So it was like, how it's called Celebrating this... Success. Fire, fire, celebrating fire. Hey, have you seen any of the drones?
Starting point is 00:03:13 No. My windows is on the dead side that... I don't tell you yet, but I don't see nothing from the sea. Mostly from the warships on our sea. How about when you go out? Have you seen any, when you walk around the town of the city of Odessa, Ukraine, do you see any signs of military force?
Starting point is 00:03:40 No. You know, we live in a big city now, and there is very good defense. We have military defense and civilian defense. And, of course, air defense that protects us from all the rockets, all the drones. So all the stuff that they drop on us, it's mostly on the region, so over over the city not in Odessa hopefully and yeah sorry to interrupt I thought you were done
Starting point is 00:04:12 sorry this attack started on the Ukraine from Russia on February 22nd 2022 is that correct 24 February 24 24 okay and so we are approaching we are four days away from a month where the Afghani has been living in a country called Ukraine
Starting point is 00:04:35 that's getting attacked by its neighboring country, Russia. Yeah, we have a very good neighbor. I'm special for this show, yes. I'm today teach the history of Ukraine once again from the school times, yes. Yes, because the baby you heard, you know, Ramzan Kadyrov. It's one of the Putin's friends. He's the president of Chechnya, if you know Chechnya. Yeah. So I don't think Chechens are allowed in the United States, by the way. Is that true?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Well, what? I don't think Chechens are allowed in the United States. I think that they're under. I think that that's considered a region full of terrorists. I think. I don't think chechens are allowed in the united states i think that they're under i think that that's considered a region full of terrorists i think i don't know maybe i'm just making that shit up yeah it's like a region in russia told me that sorry go ahead it's like a region in russia yes and there was a news that ranzan kadirov has had lived in Ukraine and he was his TikTok soldiers, the soldiers of Chechnya, very like to film the videos, yes, and they show how they're good for the people, yes, they come to the house and ask if anyone wants something, yes, and anyone needs something, they film it, yes, and then with good music, Chechnya's music, yes,
Starting point is 00:06:12 they show it for their people. But, okay, and information about Ramzan in Kiev was quickly refuted, but Kadyrov made an interesting statement. He called for a hunt for the head of Stepan Bandera. Remember Bandera from our conversation, last conversation, yeah? And he named him like the main enemy of Russians. And to understand the real force of his statement, at the beginning of the war, yes, Ramzan also said that Zelensky must surrender by the February 31st.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Yes, so February had 28 days, So February had 28 days, but Ramzan wants Zelensky to surrender to the 31st of February. Yeah. But here I think it's worth figuring out why Bandera's death's so scary for putin france yeah uh we already talking with you about uh the fact that one of the columns of russian propaganda is the claim that uh neo-nazis yes is ruled by ukraine uh yey, sorry, before we get too much more ahead, hold that thought. I want to sum up what you just said to us, okay? Oh, okay. Okay, just to make sure everyone's listening and that I heard you right. So there is a leader called Ramzan from Chechnya.
Starting point is 00:07:58 Caleb showed us this guy. There's rumors that he is in Ukraine. And when you hear those rumors that he's in ukraine you assume he's there with his military might the way they're presenting it to the world on social media is that these soldiers who are working under ramzan these chechen soldiers are actually helping their ukrainian people going door to door asking them what they want as part of their propaganda and that there is another man that we've talked about before his name is pand. He's being depicted in the U.S. propaganda as a part of a Nazi Ukrainian paramilitary group that's actually fighting the war. And supposedly that's why Putin, one of the reasons Putin has come into Ukraine, is to stop this guy. this guy uh meanwhile another thread that you started is ramzan originally told zolensky he must surrender by february 31st am i correct on some of these stories okay okay and if you guys
Starting point is 00:08:52 don't know who pandero if you don't know who pandero is those of you listening the only plate reason why i know who he is is yevgeny has talked about him and he's mentioned in oliver stone's documentary which you can only find on Rumble and maybe iTunes, but they pulled it off of YouTube. Okay, sorry, go ahead. Sorry, one more thing. In this documentary, they say that Pandero's group of militants used to be part of the Ukrainian army, but that he was kicked out in 2014 because of his Nazi ties, but the group didn't break up.
Starting point is 00:09:28 They stayed together, but not under the Ukrainian government rule. So that's another story we have in the United States. So firstly, the main statement that Stepan Bandera was killed in 1956. Oh, he's dead. 1959. killed in 1956. Oh, he's dead. Yes, he's dead, but Ramzan says that he gave 250 I don't remember, rubes
Starting point is 00:09:53 or bucks, yes, for his head. Yeah, so that was the meme of the last week when Ramzan tells yeah, you can see this. Oh, and it's Bandera. That's funny in the documentary,
Starting point is 00:10:08 I think they spell it with a P. Bandera, yes. Okay. Okay, sorry to interrupt. We start of the neo-Nazis that rule in my country. So despite, we have the fact that we're from the of Ukraine, it's our government. they passed a law condemning the National Socialist regime. And I have seen many comments after our conversations from people who are worried of Ukrainians because we are Nazi or something like that.
Starting point is 00:10:43 because we are Nazi or something like that. That's what they're telling. There is that. You have to know there is that because that's the group in our country that was right about the pandemic is the one who is reminding us that there are Nazis. And the group that's pro-Ukrainian is the one that put the masks on
Starting point is 00:11:05 the kids and was wrong about the virus do you know i mean so we have this i'm just sort of explaining to the teams and so it's bizarre it's a very it's the the team that's saying that in the united states that's saying support ukraine they're supposed to be the peace loving ones and the ones who are against going to ukraine are supposed to be the warmongers and so there's the narrative in the u.s is really fucking weird it's it's all twisted up but go on this is really helpful what you're saying sharing with us yeah but the main thing i would like to say in this regard is to distinguish between the concept of nationalism, and in fact, nazism. Yeah. Yes, yes, yes. Great, great.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Please do. It's very easy to forget what is misconception, yes? Yes. I especially went to Wikipedia, yes. It's a good idea. Maybe some of Russians will watch this podcast.
Starting point is 00:12:02 They do not have such a function in that country now, like Wikipedia, as the function of speaking in our language, other languages. Only Russians would like to speak. But YouTube is still there, so I continue. So the Wikipedia says that Nazism is based on the thesis of the value of the nation and it's supremacy in the process of state formation. And one of the biggest parts of Nazism, yes, is Germany in the Second World War. and they tell about it in the Wikipedia.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Okay. Nationalism promotes the interest of nations, especially in order to gain and maintain the sovereignty. So self-government, yes. Nothing bad. All the nations over their homeland. Nationalism argues that every nation must govern itself free from external interference, self-determination, yes. And that the nation is the natural and ideal basis for politics. And that the nation is the only religious made source of the political power.
Starting point is 00:13:20 And now, if you will, a little history. Nationalism doesn't sound bad to me. It's funny. They talk about in the United States, they conflate the two all the time. They say that nationalism is bad because Nazis were nationalists. But the big problem we have in my country is that we need more nationalism. Nationalism is an idea and movement that holds the nate holds that the nation should be this is what he just read okay should be congruent with the state a move as a movement nationalism tends to promote the interests of a particular nation as a group of people especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty yeah this sounds good right Yeah. Why is Nazism bad? Because it's staying near with fascism, yes? But I found some… We are the largest melting pot of – no matter what the news tells you, we are a fucking melting pot.
Starting point is 00:14:26 We are – everyone – we get along really, really well. Don't get confused by that shit you see on the news. Like every time I go out, I – just now I was shaking hands with a Filipino woman. Every – less than 10 minutes ago at the tennis court. And I've seen more different people than myself than i've seen people who look like me today and that's how it is for most americans if not all but nationalism maybe in germany in 1942 is bad because it's like fuck those armenians we're getting them you know what i mean they might conflate it with the way you look okay but this is not the nationalists. This is the fascism.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Okay. You can Google also 14 signs of fascism. Yes. Okay. Fascism is a system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition, criticism, controlling all industry and commerce and promoting nationalism and optimism. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:15:28 That's what we have in the United States right now. That's who's in power in the United States. Holy shit. Yeah. And if you want to, that's fucking crazy. Find something interesting. Uh,
Starting point is 00:15:42 Google's a 14 definite, uh, characteristic of fascism. This was made by a guy named Umberto Eco, yes, in 1995. He analysed the events of World War II, yes, and he wrote a essay. and he writes a say. Well, this thing's wrong. Powerful and continuing nationalism. I don't think that that is a part of fascism. I mean, maybe it is, but we don't have that.
Starting point is 00:16:11 We had all that other shit, but we don't have that. You know what I mean? Yeah, I understand. Like the people who are the fascists in the United States, they don't love this country. But they promote racism, and they believe in censorship and dictatorship. Wow. And they think that the other side, the other party, the Republicans are the fascists because they are nationalists.
Starting point is 00:16:40 They believe in their country. Wow, this is fascinating. Do I owe you money for this? This education you're giving me? Can I Venmo you? I was just interested Why some part of the people of the world Think that we are Nazi And I want to see these questions And looking for truth
Starting point is 00:17:01 So now I want to tell about The history of Ukraine and Russia relationships. It was when Russia started to position itself as an heir to the culture
Starting point is 00:17:17 of Kiev and Rus'. So before Russia and Ukraine and all the country on the south of Europe was formed, formed, there was Kievan Rus'. It was formed in 1882, around Kiev. And Kiev in that time had already been 400 years by then. So in 1882 it was named Kiev, but it's been around since 1482. No, no, no. Kiev was early before, but in 1882, all the clans and nations who were around
Starting point is 00:17:58 the Kiev, they formed the Kievan Rus. Okay. What's the word he's saying,aleb the key of russ what's the russ kievan russ k-i-e-v-a-n-r-u-s oh oh i'm starting to see the word russia there okay okay okay that's before russia yeah okay and at the same time the first mention of m. Yes, you can find it in 1147. But at the same time, our history is now being appropriated in Russian schools. And I drop you some interesting photo. Putin himself has repeatedly said in his speeches that Ukraine is a gift from Russian rulers. And you can show the map I sent you. And there was a part of Ukraine, yes, and the name of Russian rulers who have a gift for Ukraine, yes. This is how he thinks about it.
Starting point is 00:19:05 I'm having trouble following you. He's saying that... That Ukraine is not a country. Yes, it formed in the Soviet Union when Lenin and Lenin, Russian Tsars. Yes, you see this part of North Ukraine. And Stalin and all these guys just give a gift for Ukraine, and it formed like a country. What was the gift?
Starting point is 00:19:32 It was land? Yes, land, land. It's like a Louisiana purchase. Who is the gift to? From Lenin to who? From Lenin, from Russian Tsars, yes, from Stalin. Who received the gift? Who is the gift to, the Ukrainian people? Oh, in different parts of time, yes, you can see the years.
Starting point is 00:20:00 There was some government in Ukraine that Russia put to control this land, this territory, yes. And it was like this. But I tell you before that Kiev was before and before Moscow and so on. Okay. Now I want you to tell about the bad things that Russia do with Ukraine since all the history. And I want to start with the destruction of the Zaporizhzhian siege. We talked about the Zaporizhzhian Cossacks. Remember this guy on the horse with a weapon? Yes. And they have their own country, yes, and they want to have Ukraine depended. But in 1775, Russian Empress Katerina II ordered to destroy the Parisian siege.
Starting point is 00:21:09 That was the administrative and military center of the Parisian Cossacks. It was located in the south of Ukraine. The siege had signs of statehood, constitution, and diplomatic relationship with the Russian Empire. But every time when it became too independent, yes, it became a treat for Russia. A treat? A treat, yes. Meaning any time the Ukraine showed too much independence, the Russians would come stomp around in there.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yes, can come, stomp and kill all the men and destroy all this. So that's what's happening again? But not such simple, yes, as in that time. We have the situation when in 1976, Tsar Alexander II issued the Ames Decree. What year was that? Ames's decree. What year was that? M's decree. What year?
Starting point is 00:22:09 1976. 1876. 1876. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Much better. Much better. I'll buy that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:18 It's better. So it's forbade printing and improving books in Ukrainian form abroad. Yes, they want to delay Ukrainian culture. It forbade Ukrainian translations, theatrical performances, recitations and lyrics. It made every display of Ukrainian culture illegal in the Russian Empire. Wow, okay. Yeah. Then Russ okay. Yeah. Then Russification in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:22:50 This is a long period of time from the 18th century to the now, maybe. Russian Empire has been eradicating all manifestations of Ukrainians. Teaching science and religion services in Ukraine were banned. This is 300 years, more than 300 years. Ukrainian schools had to switch to Russian as the language of education. Did this happen in all of its territories? Did this happen in Georgia and Armenia? Did they do that everywhere? There was something else, not like in Ukraine, but there was other points, yes, that they pushed on the nations. Because the food that Armenians cook, who are Western Armenians, is really good. The food that Eastern Armenians cook, the ones that used to live in the USSR, are the worst food ever.
Starting point is 00:23:55 The Russians must have the worst food ever. They must be the worst cooks on the planet. The Ukrainians... We have good cooks, yes. You have good cooks, all right. And there is one more thing. The English have really fucked up cooks, yes. You have good cooks, all right. And there is one more thing. The English have really fucked up food, too. The English have horrible food, too, by the way.
Starting point is 00:24:11 The English and the Russians, they're fucked up. Russia take our borscht. Maybe you know it's like a soup. It's red soup with cabbage and meat and other. Yes, that sounds good. red soup with cabbage and meat and other, yes? That sounds good. They called Russian borscht, not Ukrainian, but this is such Ukrainian food.
Starting point is 00:24:34 So, okay, I want to say about other countries. You know what? Just because other countries don't have the same history with Russia, yes, so we start from the Kievan Rus', we start Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And Russia say that they also start from Kievan Rus', and they want to say about no Kiev, it was just for Russia all this time. All our government for that time, yes, that we have.
Starting point is 00:25:08 It's the Knyaz. They call Knyaz. It's like the king in Ukraine, yes. And we have Volodymyr Veliky, Yaroslav the Wise, Volodymyr the Big, yes. And this is the guys who start all the culture in Ukraine, that start to talk with Byzantine imperial. Yes, they begin the Christians for Ukraine and all this stuff. But Russia tells that this is not the Kyiv Kings, but
Starting point is 00:25:47 these guys who were before Russia and for Russia. Amos Ye. Yep. We go much, much away from the early years, yes, and talk about the repressions, the Stalin repressions. That was when in 20th century, Ukrainian artists, writers, and poets were persecuted not only for their political views, but also for their national identity.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Yeah, that's what's happening in the United States right now. That's what's happening in the United States. People are being persecuted for their art, their creativity, for their views. They're being persecuted by our government. It's crazy. I can't even believe I'm alive watching it happen. And now in the close Russia, it's happening too. All the wise men go away from Russia. All the what men? All the wise men go away from Russia.
Starting point is 00:26:46 All the what men? All the wise men? Yes, all the brains go away. Isn't it weird? The Russian population is in a 10-year decline. People are leaving. People are leaving, but
Starting point is 00:27:03 they have some responsibility, I think, or something like that. So in the 1920s… Maybe a 20-year decline. Holy shit. That's not good. A country will not survive in decline. It will not survive. decline it will not survive and if you're looking for the uh years of this population yes there is more more than a half of old people so all the young young population is go away yeah yeah go away yeah yeah how's ukraine's population what's that doing caleb is it on decline too sorry sorry evgeny i didn't mean to do in the last month i think yes four four million of people go away hey i think it's the largest migration of human beings yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:28:06 this in armenia too i think what's happening right now in ukraine might be the largest migrations of human beings since like world war ii i don't think the planet's seen anything quite like this in a long time no no even before world war ii yeah maybe maybe even more than world war ii this migration of people i think i saw But there is a hope that they come back maybe afterwards. Maybe, we don't know when it ends and what happens after that. So maybe you heard about the Holodomor. It's when it's 1932 and 1933, Stalin carried out the deliberate extermination of Ukrainian persons. Historical documents have confirmed this fact. The Holodomor coast, not by economic, but by political reasons, took the lives of four and a half million of Ukrainians.
Starting point is 00:29:04 God, that's crazy yeah that was the shit that happened of my land and when we we first we talk about the bombs on the baban yar yes i remember in kio and that was the place where the largest grave with the people in Kyiv was. So, that was... It's crazy. It's crazy. It's been... We're 90 years.
Starting point is 00:29:37 We're only 90 years away from when Stalin killed 4 million fucking Ukrainians. It's nuts. Realize it was artificial. So guys just come into your house with sticks and they grind you up. Not grind you up, but they look on your territory and try to find something underground with the sticks. So if you put
Starting point is 00:30:09 underground some food to eat something, yes, they find, they pull it out and you stay with nothing. Yeah. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Hey, they had to be killing people by hand, too. Yeah, it's crazy. All this stuff happened in Ukraine territory. And if we look on this fact, yes, and on the history in general, it's not strange that we have such people like Stepan Bandera, yes, and on the history in general, it's not strange that we have such people like Stepan Bandera, yes, who want to forget
Starting point is 00:30:51 about Russia and live their own life in their own country. This guy is saying that there's very few witnesses left of that genocide that happened in the Ukraine. It's hard to tell about that yeah so you have relatives do you have relatives who died in that uh yes i i have my girlfriend have a grandmother, that live in this time.
Starting point is 00:31:25 She live in the period of First World War, Second World War and Holodomor too. So she has a bunch of crazy stories when the neighborhood eat their own kids. Oh, geez. So in that time, Ukrainian farmers' families have a lot of kids, yes. And you must protect him from other people who can come to you and want to steal your kids and eat it.
Starting point is 00:32:04 So it was a scary period of time so the people was you can watch the photos people was exhausted and looking like a zombie and just dying on the street and no food they just cooking some some grace and the what they can find so all this happens admirable all this happened before because of soviet government yes right and stepan bandera was the ukrainian political one of the ideologists and terrorists of Ukrainian nationalist movement of the 20th century. By the way, he has a statutory status of a fighter for the independence of Ukraine in 20th century. And he was one of the initiators of the act of restoration of the Ukrainian state in 1941. Yes.
Starting point is 00:33:10 And that's why there is talk about Bandera like a Nazi, because a little period of time he worked with Hitler's fascists. Yes. Because of his own interest, yes. There were some interesting situations, but that ended by the... Bandera just go from fascists, yes. So, Bandera was placed under house arrest on July 5, 1941. And of September 15, 1941, he was placed in the central Berlin prison. From the beginning of 1942 to August 1944, he was in a concentration camp.
Starting point is 00:34:06 And Soviet government, KGB, yes, go to assassinate Bandera in Munich. So it's the story. And after that, on this week, Ramzan says that he wants to find Bandera. So our guys joking… Wait a second, wait a second, wait a second. Sorry, sorry.
Starting point is 00:34:33 So this guy, Bandera, was in a concentration camp. Yes, by two years. And this guy, Kamzan, is saying that he wants to find this guy. When he says he wants to find this guy, he wants to find his dead body or his living body? The joke is that he thinks that Banderas live and walk in the streets of Ukraine and try to create a Nazi party. Yes. And you're saying, and does that guy really believe that Bandera is still alive?
Starting point is 00:35:09 You know, in Russian propaganda TV, the word Bandera is mostly pronunciation than in Ukrainian ever. So every time they enter the TV, yes, they start talking about the Bandera, the Nazism, and the other things in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:35:31 It's like the propaganda works. The virus in Kramzan is forget about some facts from the life of Bandera. And what you're saying is if he was a Nazi, what was he doing as a prisoner in the concentration camp? I don't know. Right? It doesn't make any sense. If Pandera was a Nazi, why was he in a concentration camp? He should have been working at a concentration camp, not a... Prisoner.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Not a prisoner. Thank you, Caleb. Correct? Prisoner. Not a prisoner. Thank you, Caleb. Correct? He was in the prison, firstly, yes, and then they come him to the concentration camp.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah. After that. So firstly, he was in prison. Bizarre. The story just gets more and more bizarre. The story just gets more and more bizarre. So if we see this guy, yes, and another maybe some guy in Ukrainian history who was nationalist, yes, can we talk about the Nazism in Ukraine? You say to me, and this is funny, and not only you say to me, that Zelensky is Jewish, yes, and we have a big
Starting point is 00:36:48 nation populacy in our country, so not only Ukrainian, but a bunch of different different nationalists we have. At AirMiles,
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Starting point is 00:38:27 but the propaganda is a great thing yes it's crazy have you seen the uh it makes it so hard to know what's going on say that again have you seen the incident on Russia TV with the so-called protest? No? No, maybe not. What should we look at? You can Google. There is a 15 seconds when the editor of the main channel of Russia came out during the news release. Yes.
Starting point is 00:38:59 With the poster, No to war. And this is very interesting because there was a statement that this is the provocation because in the total censorship of Russia there is no live broadcast on the TV shows, on the news. So it's not the situation when a girl just comes in with the poster. And what she does? She shifts accents and after that she shows sincere repentance she will in fact now be a martyr yes and uh maybe you heard about macron uh offers here political asylum yes and somebody i heard about somebody uh nominate here for the nobel peace prize wait a sec wait a sec what would be so you're saying that that this is likely staged as more russian propaganda not not not only uh only i say about it yes right the statement we don't know uh yes but how would that work why would they do that what i'm not sure the psychological like like what what's the implication of that?
Starting point is 00:40:25 So from the U.S., what we see when we watch this, right, and everyone else, they're like, oh, my God, look, this is live Russian TV. And some lady came on and said no war. And what she's saying is this. Yeah, it's poor lady, yes. They want to protest, but they can't. And two days, all media just talking about that and this this time it's not changed uh ukrainian people dying yes bombs and all the stuff but we only see like this girl is very good because uh she is not one to war so but but i don't understand
Starting point is 00:41:02 how that works i like it why would russia do that that just makes them look bad doesn't it it's low it looks good yes uh but we can see this girl as a martyr now yes right yeah yeah and she shifted accents from from the terrible war for the poor Russian people who live in the country with bad government. Yes. So for the first channel of Russia, this channel that in the broadcast was the situation, for the government of this channel, is the opportunity to say that we don't want beef with this government?
Starting point is 00:41:47 Yes, we just kind of democratize, yes, and want to show that something good happened in our channel. Oh, so you think that that station staged that, but not with the government's permission? Yes, mostly, i think so but it's not my opinion i'm just right too much of news yes right right right we're just
Starting point is 00:42:15 talking about thinking that but either way you don't think it's authentic you don't think that that was live and someone went on there and My first reaction was, oh, this is great. I just dropped this video for all my friends, yes, and we discussed this. But I saw the reaction on this. My reaction, reaction of my friends and all this stuff. And when we start to read about it and we find all this information and we look that it's work on us and work on this of all world. So really we live in the world when you just come with the poster. And you know what's interesting?
Starting point is 00:42:57 So she was in police and all that she got, she got some kind of stuff. Yes, 250 bucks for this. Yeah, you would think she would be killed, right? You would think she would be... Yes, you can watch on the streets of Russia when people go on the protest with only paper, without nothing, yes. And the guys stopped there
Starting point is 00:43:25 and came to the police after that. So it looks not very real. Oh, man. Hey, let me ask you some really practical questions. Are you still able to get food? You. Of course, of course. I tell you before that in Odessa, everything is fine with the food. And all the groceries are full with the food and all kinds of stuff.
Starting point is 00:43:59 So the little problem that we have, it was in the first day in war, when all the people had panic and just smashed all the things from the groceries. Yes, but it depends by region. So I tell you about my mom's on the north of Ukraine, in the Chernihiv region. So there was a big, big problem. So now it's not a problem to have food in these days. But for meat, for example, you must stay in the term. Big, big amount of people who want to get it, yes. So my mom to buy some meat staying by two and a half of hour, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Wow. So, so it depends on the region. In big cities now, it's not a big problem, but in, in some, some regions,
Starting point is 00:44:54 as I say, you can find this problem. How about mail? Do you guys get mail? Can I, can I send you, could I send you, like this, these Listerine strips? Can I mail this to you guys get mail? Can I send you like this?
Starting point is 00:45:05 These Listerine strips? Can I mail this to you? Can I send you something? There was a situation when I was to buy something. I'll tell you about it. A couple of weeks ago, I decided that I need...
Starting point is 00:45:22 To get condoms. No, I don't have a problem with condoms, but I think in the future when something goes bad and if I don't have electricity, but I have all kind of stuff on electricity, so I buy a dry fuel and the thing that I can use for this fuel to cook some, yes. Oh, yes. And I want to express post, yes. And I'm waiting two weeks for express post of this thing. So it's possible, but you don't know how long can you wait for this.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Can you send me, in WhatsApp, can you send me your address? I want to try to mail you something. Okay, I send you. No problem. That will be weird, right? If I send you something and you... Yeah, but you must be ready to... By the way, I wait for my crossfit certificate level one certificate for
Starting point is 00:46:26 four months i think yes they they sent me one and uh and it was it's not found yes and they sent me another one and only after that i get it so when was that what year was that when was that it was in 2019 okay and then you got one with greg glassman's signature yeah i think yes yes lucky man of course so it was a situation when i got my uh cosfit master certificate yes and there was, it's already the Rosos era, yes. And I got the certificate with Glassman, yes. And I write to CrossFit HQ to change the certificate because I think it's not valid with the Glassman, right. Wait, what did you say?
Starting point is 00:47:24 You asked for it without Greg's name? I have the certificate with Greg's name, but on that time, yes. It's not level one certificate. It's a master's certificate. You took the master's course too?
Starting point is 00:47:41 I took many courses of CrossFit. I like an interesting person in this hey where did you take the master's course at i know we're way off topic where did you take that online oh it's matt swift made that do you know who that is no australian trainer i wonder if he's still with crossfit so uh the, I got my certificate. It was in period of time where all the shit was Glassman happening, when it started to look bad, yes.
Starting point is 00:48:14 And I think, is it normal that I got a certificate with Glassman, but without Eric? And I write about it to CrossFit HQ, and they send me a new certificate. With I write about it to Prospeed HQ and they send me a new certificate. With whose name on it? With Eric Rosa. Oh, I'm sorry. And now he's gone.
Starting point is 00:48:34 Now he's got fired. Yeah, it's interesting. Yeah. You know, I was actually thinking the other day that to expect anything from CrossFit HQ, like as Ukrainian affiliates. I mean, they're basically it's like asking someone to help you swim who's drowning themselves. Unfortunately, you understand what I'm saying? swim who's drowning themselves. Unfortunately.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Do you understand what I'm saying? Yes. Yeah. But now I see only disappointment from the Cospit HQ. Yeah. Maybe I should make a Floyd 19 shirt, Floyd 19 Savant podcast shirt. There was a comment after all this stuff starts
Starting point is 00:49:27 when we write to HQ when we post a lot of stories, a lot of posts about this and somebody write in the comments so this is the Floyd 22. With the crossfit, yes. Hey, can you imagine Russian soldiers
Starting point is 00:49:46 shooting and Ukrainian soldiers shooting at each other and then the Ukrainian soldier hits the Russian soldier and the Ukrainian yells I got him him and the Russian soldier he's dead
Starting point is 00:50:03 but he opens his eyes and he says not him her You know he used the right pronoun Sorry it's an American joke It's an American joke But I understand It's fucking nuts my country's batshit crazy Not a lot a small amount but they're making a lot of noise
Starting point is 00:50:19 Um you have a getting so So you Did you get mail every day Yes of course You do interesting You have a getting – so you – if you – did you get mail every day? Yes, of course. You do. Interesting. It would be interesting to give your address out on the air and see what happens, see what people send you.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Yes. It's interesting. Some bombs maybe. No, no. No. Okay. Well, I won't release it. But maybe give me an address somewhere. That would be interesting to see how that works.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Okay, so the mail system works, grocery stores work. What currency are they using in your country right now? Are they still using? What is the currency in Ukraine? What do you guys call it? It's hryvnia. Hryvnia. Hryvnia. Hryvnia. Grivna. Grivna. Grivna. Grivna. It's everything works that you say, but only in that city that's not occupation. Yes. Right. So we have a lot of cities that Russia already attacked and they have their soldiers there.
Starting point is 00:51:21 So this is a problem. And in that city, there is a big problem with the food with some good stuff like electricity yes and that guys just can't get out
Starting point is 00:51:38 of that cities so when I talking last week about the Mariupol and Chernigiv, so now Mariupol is like the city of ghosts. There is 95% of buildings are destroyed, yes, and many people are dying, and near 5,000 people go from Mariupol, yes,
Starting point is 00:52:02 near the 5,000 of people go from the Mariupol yes and now it's just a disaster 95% of the buildings in that town are destroyed 85% you can
Starting point is 00:52:18 watch on YouTube I saw some video and this is very horrible like from the Silent Hill in the movie how many people lived in that town? we can google this so someone the other day
Starting point is 00:52:36 was telling me was comparing Ukraine to Mexico they were saying it's the second poorest country in Europe how is Ukraine? like I have no i just assumed ukraine was like just a regular country is is it is it a fucked up place i mean all the picture like look at that that looks just like the united states to me that looks like san
Starting point is 00:52:54 francisco but but but the way it's being described to me by some people is that it's like mexico and mexico is not like the united states i can tell that ukraine is not like the United States. I can tell that Ukraine is not like the United States, but we have a lot of big cities. So if you see how Odessa looks, it's a good modern city with a great building, with great infrastructure. with great infrastructure and we have all this good system from the first countries in the world. So like banking system, so the economical process, all this stuff is going well. So the logistics in Ukraine was great before last month. And the whole country is cold in the winter, right? You can't have the homeless problem like Mexico, where people...
Starting point is 00:53:50 In Mexico, you can sleep outside all year round. You can't do that in Ukraine, right? There's no spot. You would die, right? Mostly, yes. Okay. But we have no problem with warm rooms in the winter, and everything was fine. California. And there was a time when I was living there that the town to the left of me,
Starting point is 00:54:29 Oakland, California, and the town to the right of me, Richmond, California, were like two of the murder capitals of the United States. There was so much killing going on there, violent killing, right? In the ghetto. But I never knew anybody that died because I don't hang out with those people. Just like I don't know anyone who died from, I don't know a single person who's died from coronavirus because I hang out with people who exercise and eat well. And I don't know anyone who participates in the lifestyle that would make you susceptible to death. But recently, yesterday, someone called me and told me that someone I know died of fentanyl overdose. You know what that is? Fentanyl overdose. And that's fascinating because supposedly we're having massive fentanyl overdoses in the United States. And that's coming from China. And that it's their way of declaring war
Starting point is 00:55:25 on the united states by bringing fentanyl here and killing people um and and basically destroying our civilization through uh drug addiction but i found it fascinating because that means the problem must be pretty bad for for someone in my circle to die from it so for whatever that's worth drug nearly 841 000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose is that in the united states yeah holy shit that's crazy dude i know in west virginia they have literal billboards that say uh help your neighbor carry narcan like narcan's the canada if you will so you can like you can get narcan over the counter in west virginia well in certain states because it's such a the opioid crisis is such a problem it runs rampant
Starting point is 00:56:12 that's like when i was in africa there were even in these villages where there's like nothing everyone knows which hut mud hut has the uh anti-venom so if you get bit by a cobra or black mamba like everyone knows and you're saying in the united states they have that now for fentanyl overdose in virginia everyone that house has it oh god that's crazy yeah my wife so sorry you have getting sorry sorry to derail my wife's probably at least once a day if not once a week overdose is that in the military hospital? No, just in the city. Wow.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Sorry, Evgeny. Go ahead. Were you going to say something? I can tell you one story from my life from the beginning of the war. All this time we're talking about a lot of different things, but
Starting point is 00:57:04 when the war started on the four days i lost my closest friend and it was a situation when he came from the my own city from what when i was born yes he came came to Kyiv to meet his girlfriend and go away from Kyiv to another part of Ukraine. And when he rides on his car, he meets some troops, and they shot from the tank. And so, firstly, we don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:44 First day, we don't know first day we don't know where he he where he come yes and then we start to searching for him we start to posting some stories yes with his data and three hours and somebody sent the video with him to his sister. So we all finding about him and he was killed from tank. Yes. And this is some tragedy of my war. So I live with this now and I know war not only from
Starting point is 00:58:27 news yes and hopefully I don't have a bomb in Modesta now yes but my family and his family and all my friends know about this now and we don't have this is the guy that I
Starting point is 00:58:44 go to school with him and then we go together to the college and after that in the university yes and he was uh in the france he was in the france legion you know this he was he was there yes uh he. He was there by three years, I think, yes. He was in the French Foreign Legion? Yeah. Holy shit. And he come back because he had a problem with his knee. And that was a month before war start yes and now he is gone so this is the reality of the world
Starting point is 00:59:33 your best friend growing up was meeting his girlfriend in kiev to head away from the violence and on that journey he was killed by a a Russian tank or friendly fire, Ukrainian tank? No, that was a Russian tank. Wow. That was a cologne of... Why? Why would they do that? Why would they do that? Is that what they're doing? They're just killing civilians or they saw him as a threat? Do you have any more information?
Starting point is 01:00:00 Do you know for sure? Has anyone recovered his body? Do you know for sure has anyone recovered his body? His body laying there for seven days, and there was not only his body. For the last information from that place, we know that 13 bodies laying there. And after Russian troops is gone, yes, and somebody can drive on the car and watch what happened there. There is nobody and they know about people who live in that village, yes, that they They buried him in their garden. So, like that. So him and like the 13 other people that they found, they all buried him in their garden.
Starting point is 01:00:56 Holy shit. Wow. Have you talked to his parents? Only with the sister. And that was in the first four days yeah it was in the last day of February wow so like this
Starting point is 01:01:17 someone's saying ask Yevgeny if he knows What the D.I.I.A. app For in Ukraine What's in the D.I.I.A. When we talk about Our How we live in Ukraine
Starting point is 01:01:36 So we have D.I.A. D.I.A. is an app That you can See your documents there Your your driving license your covid certificate you can oh you can write there too oh shit who owns that who owns that this is the digitalization program in our country yes to have the country in your pocket, in your phone. Yeah, this is like a program from our government. This is the shit we're terrified of in the United States. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Wow. You can do many, many things. So some bureaucratical things. And it's great. It's really useful. It is useful? bureaucratical things and it's great it's really useful it is useful? Is your money on there? No
Starting point is 01:02:32 not money but you don't need to grab your documents with you so you just show it on your phone and go ahead you can draw up the uh any documents some permits yes some uh what you want for for the bureaucratic procedures yes with this shit hey do people use cryptocurrency in ukraine do you ever see it on this week we have
Starting point is 01:03:07 the law about about officially crypto work in ukraine now so in the uh this period our government tried to do everything to move our country as far as they can. Maybe you heard about we now try to go in European Union, yes, and there is a good chance that we already go in. So we start our journey from early 2000 and
Starting point is 01:03:38 now we have this opportunity. And not to say that they don't want to work with us, yes, but this is not a problem I think now because we work,
Starting point is 01:03:54 our military work very good and maybe some time NATO wants to go to us, not we to NATO, but NATO to us. It's like a joke. Let me ask you a crazy question. You ready?
Starting point is 01:04:13 There's all of this money pouring into Ukraine now, right? At least that's what they tell us. They're saying that the United States government has given in the last year $1.2 billion to Ukraine. Yeah, it's a lot of money. Do you think that there's any chance that the whole war could be a cover-up to move money? The entire war is a cover-up to move money? Does that sound like just completely insane to you? No, no.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Everywhere is the opportunity for some people to get rich, and we know about it. the opportunity for some people to get rich and we know about it. Maybe you know about the trucks that are going to Russia, the truck with some food, I don't know, some of this stuff, and some country is sending to Russia the helping now. So war is for somebody like Ukraine, yes, this is horrible and we're like the victim, yes, here. But for many other countries, it's like the
Starting point is 01:05:16 United States works all this history, yes? They're helping other countries to make wars and feel great. And what can you do with this? Are you asking me about our government? If they bring money for their own? Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Let me put it to you this way. So I looked up based on company financial statements, the alliance estimate that Pfizer, Biotech, Moderna made pre-tax profits. This isn't revenue. Pre-tax profits of $34 billion this year. The CEO of Pfizer just came out a couple weeks ago and said that the first two shots hardly do anything, if anything at all. So he made – they made $34 billion profit on something that now they admit doesn't work. They admit. Anyone who doesn't believe me, you can just go to my instagram account i have it on there and you can see that the director of the cdc also say that the efficacy is 95 percent and that they got that information from cnn our center for disease control got that information from our
Starting point is 01:06:39 propaganda unit and that they said that they hoped that cnn was right and you can see that on my instagram too i mean unless these are just amazing digital uh forfeits so if they're willing to try to trick the whole country to take a vaccine in order to make 34 billion dollars i i just wonder i just wonder we're having something else weird happen here. You know, it's weird how much the Ukraine, Biden, Trump and Biden's son have been involved with the Ukraine over the last three years. Right. I mean, it is it is it is a weird, weird thing. And now, finally, our worst propaganda unit, The New York Times in this country, the one that just does all the damage, especially to poor people, to poor minorities. They are now saying that this laptop that Hunter Biden has is actually his laptop. And in that laptop, there's all sorts of bad stuff, right?
Starting point is 01:07:43 It's just weird. it's just weird. Something's going on that we don't know. Or people are being very opportunistic at the same time. I don't know what it is, but something weird is going on at the cost of the people in your country. Something is not... Not clean.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Yeah, something is not clean. And I... Let me ask you this. This is changing the subject quite a bit but does does putin plan on keeping the ukraine uh i'm listening today uh one wise man yes and he says that uh his uh main priority yes it's to grab our land yes ukrainians he don't need ukians. Yes, he wants just land. So with the hate for our nation, and you see what's happening now, he's killing civilians by thousands,
Starting point is 01:08:38 yes, by all the cities, and nobody can do something. And this is free hands for Putin to do this. And I think yes, he wants to destroy Ukraine. And I don't know what the purpose of all this shit, but we... Did you know Hitler wanted Ukraine also? Did you know about that? Yeah. Do you know why wanted Ukraine also? Do you know about that? Yeah, of course I do. And do you know why he wanted Ukraine? Because we're not a clean nation like this.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Well, he was hoping to make Ukraine the farmland for Germany. He wanted to grow organic foods, and he wanted to kill all the people in Ukraine and take all their land and make it one. He was paranoid because of cancer. He had crazy cancer paranoia from what I've read. And that he wanted Ukraine to grow organic food so that the people – because that's when cancer was – they were discovering a lot of things about cancer in the 30s, and a lot of people were getting cancer. And so he wanted a giant organic food farm for the people of germany so they could eat healthy it's a trip it's a trip so it's a not very bad idea we have a lot of good uh ground yes in ukraine so
Starting point is 01:09:59 he knows you're a wheat country rightat is your primary crop? Wheat? Wheat. Is it wheat? No, not wheat. Wheat, yes. Wheat, yes. Yeah, I think about wheat. No, not wheat. Not wheat.
Starting point is 01:10:15 That's California. Don't fuck with us. We got the best. Evgeny, look. Shit, it's great. I don't smoke it. It's just a prop. Do you know what a prop is? Yeah. Shit, it's great. I don't smoke it. It's just a prop. Do you know what a prop is?
Starting point is 01:10:27 Yeah. I need it to send me. You want to send me something? I would send you this. I will send you this. Hey, is it legal in your country? No, of course not. We're working by this, but now it's not legal.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Oh. Oh, yes. Do you like doing these calls? What? Are you okay doing these calls? Does this put you in any threat doing these calls with me on a weekly basis? Any danger, any heartache, any trouble? You know, it's strange, but every any heartache any trouble you know it's strange
Starting point is 01:11:05 but every time we're talking with you is no air alarm so uh i told you uh hour before this we have some salute with the our air air system works yes yeah but maybe i'm in headphones and I can hear something. I'll tell you if I hear it. I'll tell you if I hear it. Yeah. So it's worked good. Because when I have my training classes, yes, usually I go to the basement and there is, we have internet now. So I can have the training there. Because it was several times when I go with the phone, yes,
Starting point is 01:11:53 and with the men from Poland, I go underground and have my training there. What men from Poland? I have a couple of clients from Germany, from Poland. I trained with a guy from London. So there is a good geography. Yeah, you can see this on the photo. This is, oh, first on the picture is a guy from Austria, by the way. Yeah. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:12:34 And look what he's wearing. That's how I think Austrians dress, too, like in some day-glo 1980s. He is a Ukrainian student who lives in Austria now. So it's mostly Ukrainian people. The girl in the lower right-hand corner looks hot. I'd like to keep doing this. Hey, is it summer there yet? Is it spring there?
Starting point is 01:13:03 We have spring already, but it's not very warm now. It's like five degrees. It's not Fahrenheit yet. We use the Celsius system. Okay. What size shirt are you? Are you a large? What? What size shirt are you? I'm the M. What? What size shirt are you? I'm the M. Medium. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:28 You want to send me a shirt? Yeah, I'm going to send you a shirt. Oh, that's great. Great. I'm going to send you a shirt. A medium. I think I have an extra medium, too. I like this stuff.
Starting point is 01:13:41 I watched the video when the 22.3 was announced, and you're sitting in the Rich Ronin shirt, and you're joking about it. I was announced and you're sitting in the rich froning shirt and you're joking about it. I was very loud. About the 10 rich froning shirts from Rebirth. I have 10 from each year. I wear them every day. After I work out and I shower and I'm like resting for the night, I put on my froning shirt.
Starting point is 01:14:02 That's no joke. Every night for probably the for recovery yes seven years yeah by the way uh my friends ask me are you training have you do something yes what what do you oh this is a great biceps yeah just a strict muscles and deadlifts you're doing crap together. Don't make me show you. He just does strict muscle-ups and deadlifts. Strict muscle-ups and deadlifts. Yeah, you know what I do?
Starting point is 01:14:37 I'm old. I'm 50. I just turned 50, Evgeny. So I do a lot of time on the assault bike. I've started doing more heavy lifting again. Like I probably didn't do bench press for many years. I started doing bench press again. I do a lot of weighted pull-ups.
Starting point is 01:14:58 I do a lot of front squatting, but I usually use like a D-ball. I don't do heavy. I just use like a 40 or 60-pound D-ball. Oh, yeah. I did here. I did 50 burpees two days ago in a minute and 57 seconds 50 burpees minus it for the 57 seconds so it was great yeah yeah and and you see all i do a lot of negative um bar muscle ups so you see the kids gymnastic set back there i jump to the top and i do slow negative to where I come underneath.
Starting point is 01:15:27 I do a lot of L-sits. Great. And then you see down here I have a mace now. I had the flowing Dutchman as a guest. You see in the corner there's a mace. You see that? I've been starting to use the mace to help on coordination. I hope my father watches this video now.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Hi, father. on coordination so i i hope my father watched this video now and he just just turned 54 two days ago yes and he also trained yes i tried to move him to the crossfit but he is all all kind stuff yes like just push-ups uh have some air squats, and not move weight now. But he was a former weightlifter. Oh, okay. Yeah. And I want him to start doing more stuff with the work on the joints, yes, work with the stretching, yes, that kind of stuff that he needs now. Yeah, I try to do a lot of – I mean, not try to.
Starting point is 01:16:29 I stretch every day also. You know what's good is when you have things you can do – people are going to rip me up for this – but things you can do at the same time. So anytime you're not doing – stretching can be done whenever. If you're on Instagram and you're sitting in a chair, like what the fuck is wrong with you? Sit on the floor and start stretching while you're on Instagram. You know what I mean? And do like this. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:55 Yes. All that stuff. All that stuff. Right. Yeah. And it's the same with – if I'm going to – I would – when I do research, let's say I was going to watch a movie on Ukraine or I was going to watch some videos, I wouldn't – even if it was 10 o'clock at night, I wouldn't sit down and watch it in my living room. I would go to my garage, turn on the TV, and get on the assault bike because I need to be doing multiple things. Not always.
Starting point is 01:17:20 When I watch my kids, when I play tennis with my kids, when I'm at the beach with my kids, I just focus on that. But there's other times when things can be done in tandem to sort of best utilize your time. And being on my phone, I feel like I should always be doing something else than just being on my phone. I mean, the phone's just – it's like candy. This is a great statement because now we have trouble with scrolling, yes? Yeah. Because you every time – this is – I try never, ever to scroll.
Starting point is 01:17:56 I'm always looking for guests for the podcast. We're all tired from this shit, yes? But all guys nervous, yes? We're sitting and waiting for something bad yes and do nothing and this is a problem and when i start to talking about my online classes now so i try to move people and say that guys if you be active with this uh world that you say now so you you don't need to just sit on the chair and scrolling. You can do some stretching.
Starting point is 01:18:28 You can do some walk if you don't have a bomb on your window, yes? And other stuff. So I try to have the goal for me now to move more people who have a bad situation now with this who can do this yes i don't talk about people who sitting and can't find something to eat but for for those who just wait for for the bumps yes we must do something guys and stand up and do some joint warm-up. Yeah, practice your handstands. Start getting the splits. Yeah, I agree.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Yevgeny, I would like to keep doing this with you on Sundays, if you're game. Yeah, great, great. And I know I moved the time on you, and I appreciate it. No, it's not a problem. It's Sunday, yes, i'm mostly free by the way today i got a kiss from my gym yes i i meet the administrator and just bring the kiss and i
Starting point is 01:19:37 was in the gym today do some snatches and move some weight was great but after three weeks on do some only body weight work it was too hard and was terrible but I'm happy okay I'm happy it's a lot of good stuff has the is the stress do you think the stress is going away it's getting worse or or you're getting used to, the stress of being in a war zone? Of course it's going away because it's the hour when I forget about the phone. I know my program. I want to do something good and perform with a good form. Yes, and you're doing good warm-ups.
Starting point is 01:20:21 Yes, you're thinking about the lift. You're thinking about the grip, about all this kind of stuff. And, of course, your head is just staying free and clean after that. So it's the first reason why you should train in a bad situation. If something bad is happening and you don't know what to do and you're just sitting and crushing yourself with these crazy thoughts just try to do
Starting point is 01:20:51 something active words of wisdom alright brother sorry go ahead no no I'm just listening to you same time next week. Okay, great. I'll be waiting for this. And thank you guys, it was a hard but good conversation.
Starting point is 01:21:14 I'm happy that I can talk about nationalism, not nazism, and I hope people who watch this can understand something. And if you have some questions you can you can use google and open sources yes so you can ask me i'm not a great expert but i try to to say something about that and do not believe in propaganda try to look at information of different kind of sources and only after that made your statement about this not from the word of somebody who
Starting point is 01:21:53 who talk from from hoops yes like this from who from what hoops from other people who want to make bad things in the future. Thank you everyone for tuning in.

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