The Sevan Podcast - #343 - Bill Grundler & Chase Ingraham - with Joseph Somakian & Gabriela Migała

Episode Date: March 23, 2022

CrossFit Games top commentators and hosts of “Get With the Programming”: Bill Grundler and Chase Ingraham. Then chat with Josi and Gabi about the new YouT...ube docu-series "All Gas No Brakes" documenting the journey to the 2022 CrossFit Games. Trailer: Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance.
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Starting point is 00:01:01 Stuff. I don't want you pulling your liver king out in front of everybody like that. Bam, we're live. guys said eat organ meat so organ look at i'm gonna pull my organ liver right out right here on camera testicles count okay so i have my three favorite topics lined up for this fabulous show today um racism abortion uh vaccines and affiliates all right see you guys later just drop off everywhere so i'll check your mic too i think you might be rolling through the computer double check this morning you didn't sound as booming and authoritative as you normally do i like i was so excited button up cholo look you got going on. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I've never done this, the buttoned-up to the top. So I was just like, all right, you know what? I'm going to give this shit a fucking whirl. It's my fucking whirl. Very Tiger Woods-esque. Whirl whatever I want. There we go. Well, you got that and your sweatband's on, so you're all good to go, just in case it gets hot in there. So wipe the brow.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Wipe the brow. It keeps him warm, right? What are you putting shoes on now socks wait i hear a hum i hear a hum i don't hear a hum i hear a hum i don't hear oh i have to it's always weird when your friends call you during the um podcast you're like shouldn't you be watching oh man i don't know if i should answer this you guys hear a hum i hear a hum what is that how can i hear that i'm gonna mute matt nope still there you chase oh oh i found it is it me i found it yeah
Starting point is 00:02:43 how did you hear you know what it is because you're probably like in a garage somewhere with some like fucking weird shit plugged in like in wrong plugs and shit and like oh let me see is your phone is your phone by i know sometimes the phone will like tweak it out that's loud oh now it's. Is your vibrator on? That's loud. Now it's good. Now the vibrator's on. Really?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Switch to turbo. I moved my phone away from the computer. And it got louder? Yeah, that's really bad. Some guy texted me this morning and he said, hey, are you going to do a show on quarterfinals? And I go, I don't know shit about quarterfinals he goes well they start this weekend is that true yeah and and um can we talk about that i know it's kind of a little bit boring but um
Starting point is 00:03:34 what we talk about we're all good with oh all right how many workouts is it it's it's five yeah they're showing five five They have five floor diagrams out. Were those leaked on accident again? No, they put them out early to kind of make sure. They sent them in an email and then they released them. So they've been out. Okay. But there were rumors that it was leaked, but it wasn't leaked.
Starting point is 00:03:59 No. No, I don't think so. No, that was just me starting a rumor with you, Sevan. Oh, thank you. Someone had commented on that when they posted the floor plans, and they put him out in an email Monday at 2 when they sent out the official invites via email, but they didn't post him yet.
Starting point is 00:04:16 They just put him in the email. Hey, what do you guys think about this guy who's like kind of – he's come on the string – string? Stream? Scene? He's come on the scene hard. People started telling me I should have him on the show, but I kind of didn't want to have him on the show. Cause I, the first video I saw that he did was just about steroid use. And I'm just so not interested in talking about steroid use on the athletes
Starting point is 00:04:41 parts. And I posted he, but he got a ceo shirt so like i have this oh hiller what's that guy's name hill fit andrew andrew andrew what do you guys think about him what he's doing bursting up on the scene making all these videos everyone's like you guys look i'm almost offended everyone's like oh he's just like you you guys are gonna get along great but he's so fun he's really aggressive do you guys watch any of his stuff i haven't seen any of his stuff no okay i'll send you talk about athletes doing steroids i think the first video anyone ever sent me of his was he was basically talking about steroids and i just felt like oh fuck is this just clickbait there was a video going around um it had like a million views it's probably i don't know like five or six or
Starting point is 00:05:24 ten years old and i watched it and it's all about it's this guy interviewing this guy who's supposedly the expert on steroids in the crossfit community and at the very end i realized that the entire thing is a sales pitch to contact this guy to buy steroids because basically he's saying the whole theme of the one that's not what this andrew hiller guy is doing, by the way. I don't want to confuse the two. But this guy is basically saying that every CrossFit Games athlete is on steroids. He knows it for a fact and that you have no chance of getting to pass regionals unless you get on steroids. And then at the end, he's like, and so if you want them, you know, I'm the guy. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:06:02 It's like the person that kind of bought me out. And then at the very end of a 50 minute video, he pitches his like ebook. Right. Totally. Totally. No, there's probably a reason I've never heard of him because that sounds stupid. And the only people that would like really pay attention to that would be the ones that are like, I got it. I got to get the steroids because that's the only way I'm going to get anything.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I got it. There's a part of me wants to do steroids so fucking bad. are like, I gotta get the steroids because that's the only way I'm gonna get anything. I gotta be somebody. There's a part of me who wants to do steroids so fucking bad. I wanna see the new Icarus version 2 with Sevan Matosian on steroids. I'm not on steroids. What are you talking about? You gotta start sizing
Starting point is 00:06:42 up those t-shirts soon. You're making fun of Derek Forrest, but, you know, that's a well,'m not going to use a pot call on the kettle black reference but you know i mean you could my you just gotta get a deeper tan that's all big on me it's your tiger woods shirt that's sunday at the master's man i wore this for one of the events we covered and people started making memes like i worked at radio shack and shit they put like a radio shack logo on here i don't know if you could pull off the same like your same vibe with your your leather strapped uh camera holsters and then a red button down shit i just don't know if the the effect would be the same are there any radio shacks anymore or are they all closed there's one here in town there is yeah i
Starting point is 00:07:31 mean i i feel like every city has one yeah hey are you pulling up in chase your city suza what city you live in chase dallas dallas let's see if we're the closest radio shack to his house sorry grandma no it's all good i i what's funny is i I know that a lot of them went out of business. And so I don't know if the Radio Shack that is here is an authorized seller of Radio Shack stuff or if it's an actual Radio Shack. I don't know if that's a… Did you like going in there as a kid? Radio Shack? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Hell yeah. Me too. Dude, they had all the cool things, man. Like weird remote control little robot things and cool little techie gadgets. Lemon. Did you like going in there, Chase? You weren't a Radio Shack guy. Were you a Radio Shack guy, Chase?
Starting point is 00:08:18 No. Unless there's like remote control cars sold at Radio Shack. I didn't really have a need to go in there did you um did you have a um did you ever rewire your car put in your own stereo shit like that no that's not smart enough to do that did you do that stuff bill like put a new stereo and speakers in your car and shit like that i mean we would rewire stuff it was funny me my brother had uh my brother had an old 69 Volkswagen Fastback. Sweet. Lowered to the ground.
Starting point is 00:08:47 He slammed that thing to the ground. He got a ticket because it was too low here in San Jose. It was so funny. But when those things all came out and everyone was doing that, everyone was rewiring home stereo boxes in the back seat. So you'd have a living room stereo system box so you could have your big subwoofer in the back and everyone's putting their whatever amps under their seats and rewiring whatever they could do so yeah we mess with that stuff hey and that's back when i hated cops i would see them pull someone over with their car lowered and i would just be like you fucking assholes do you
Starting point is 00:09:18 know how much work it's going to take that guy to fucking unfuck that don't break the loss of on yeah i just thought that was so he got pulled over uh the cop said and this was funny this is back in the day so the cop said if you can't drive over this uh cigarette box then you're too low interesting and that was that was i don't know i i mean what cop is gonna be running around with the box of cigarettes but i'd be like here's box. Here's my measuring stick for that. So it's like the barbell butt test, but for cars. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:48 totally. Yeah. Can you roll this over your ass? Yeah. Can you roll the barbell over your butt? It doesn't go over. You've been squatting enough. If not back to the squat rack.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Right. Does yours go over your butt chase? Oh yeah. I had to do a lot of work cause I was a swimmer. So like swimmers have no butt, no asses. So it took a lot of work because i was a swimmer so like swimmers have no butt no asses so it took a lot of time to build that up i was actually thinking about you this morning in the shower chase i was thinking about you i did i did those burpees i did 50 burpees the other day in a minute and 57 and instead of people being like wow that's really good for you know that's good
Starting point is 00:10:21 great job uh people are like yeah he's short and i was wondering it's kind of weird um and so i was i was wondering about i mean i popped in my head how um you used to test the games workouts when there was swimming i don't know if you do that anymore but i saw you do that and you would have to do it impromptu like you'd just be there like in your suit and she'd be like get naked jump in the pool i would be like you would be ready yeah did um and you would do really well but did you did that bother you when people would be like well he was a collegiate swimmer oh no he was i mean no that's why i'm getting used to test that event so because you're abnormally good at it well i also spent 15 years training it to be good at it. I've been training burpees about 15 years too. When they were introduced to me at CrossFit, I was like, okay, this is my jam.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That's because you're short. Chase, do you know the story of how I met Bill? Bill has told me the story, and I wanted this story to get told on the podcast today because the world i feel i can thank bill for you very close it's very close really close there's two guys there's two guys um there was a guy travis titus that was the first time i ever heard of crossfit um but um i i don't remember how i met you chase you're just kind of one of those people it's like i was trying to think how i met miranda um alcarez i can't remember i think it's just like we were in the same space so much that eventually we just had
Starting point is 00:11:55 we're forced to say hi to each other right forced is that accurate chase that's our story it's kind of boring like okay he's here i'm here hey what's up what are you doing uh yeah yeah that's it like we're just um we're basically mutual friends through bill that's all right okay okay um bill do you remember the story very well about how we met yeah i do will you tell it um so the first time I heard about your name was through a firefighter. He was a lifeguard and then a firefighter that I hired who was your college roommate, Chad Winstrom. Yeah. So he's like, yeah, you say my roommate. I think I was pretty much homeless and I would just sneak into his living room. Roommate like he left the door open for you. Yes um but he said that uh i don't know you guys
Starting point is 00:12:47 are talking he's like yeah my captains you know we do these weird workouts and we do this stuff and it's this crossfit stuff and you know we do all these weird things and it's super hard oh yeah sorry you're right i hadn't heard of crossfit at that point yeah you're right you're right fuck okay sorry go on you're welcome now i got now i got college shirts You're right. You're right. Fuck. Okay. Sorry. Go on. Now I got colored shirts. Thank you, Bill. So then after that, it was a birthday party that I had at a friend's house. It was my birthday and we had just some friends over and Chad was actually,
Starting point is 00:13:29 he was one of the guys and And we had this, I think at the fire station we did a body for life competition. It was kind of a fitness thing that we did with the firefighters, trying to get everyone eating right and losing weight, whatever the transformation stuff was. And you were the captain at that firehouse, right? You were the big dog there. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And so we did, the winner got whatever money and they splurged on a keg.
Starting point is 00:13:46 And so we all everyone got all fit and then we would go and have a keg party at this house. And so we're at my buddy's house and you were just coming back from filming the arm wrestling thing with Travis. OK, so you and Haley were in five or is this oh six or five? Oh, man, I think 05. Okay. Yeah, I think 05. So you guys were coming back in your Winnebago. You had your two great Danes in your car.
Starting point is 00:14:14 That was a – I met you and I met – and, I mean, I'm not a fan of her, not right now, but my daughter, my youngest daughter's mom that same day. Oh, wow. That same day. so we're all hanging out in the back you know everyone's partying and whatever at the end of the night we all went to the local uh dive bar alex's bar and grill at the time it's not there anymore um got all hammered and the last thing i remember was me and chad you drove your rv right in front of the bar we crashed out in your rv and all i remember was waking up to, you drove your RV right in front of the bar. We crashed out in your RV.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And all I remember was waking up to your great Danes licking my face in the morning. Hey, were we all throwing up and shit? I remember, I think I remember being like hung over beyond hung over. We were hung over. Yeah. There was a lot of drinking that was going on. It was a lot of drinking, but that was the first, that was the very first time we met. And then like literally ever since that. And then you, you got in you were doing the uh you got in did the every
Starting point is 00:15:08 second count things um that movie you i love that you hit up glassman personally and were like hey your videos suck can i do them let me just do them and you know that was very early into crossfit and that's what was so cool about the early days of CrossFit. That's how everyone got into whatever the space was that they were. Other than you were already kind of making videos, you were doing some of that stuff. Everyone that did the stuff that they were doing really didn't have any experience on stuff. It was like, hey, this job needs to get done. I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Hey, I'll do it. Put me in there. i could do that hey you're kind of good at this you want to go hop in on all right sure and everyone just kind of did things but like the crossfit that the story like my story in crossfit is just really weird like my connection with you my connection with greg even with glassman like i met him at um a baby shower in santa cruz because one of the guys that was one of the original members at his gym that was designing stuff nick massman um wow for like wow yeah like the journal and all that kind of stuff like his daughter was is my daughter's best friend from birth because my ex-wife and nick's wife were best friends in
Starting point is 00:16:26 college and we're all at this baby shower and Greg's there and he Greg's there with uh and I don't remember I don't know if Nicole was there there was some Asian was that what year was that was that 2004 that was 2001 one or two yeah I think I think Alexa was like six months old. Maybe you guys are so old. Like, dude, we're all drunk there. And it's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:16:49 let's have a pull-up competition. And so, you know, I'm, I'm a wrestler and I'm like, I'm like, Oh, I'm going to fucking crush these guys.
Starting point is 00:16:56 So what do we do? We get up there and they're, they're not doing, I mean, and this was, I wasn't into the CrossFit thing. So I didn't like, I just did my pull-ups.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I do pull-ups where I do pull-ups. I can do a lot of them. And they're like, you know, not that we knew, not that we knew Butterfly or anything like that, but they're doing this kipping stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I'm like, and I was the classic, what the fuck is that shit? Cheaters. You can't do those cheaters pull-ups. You didn't fucking beat me. I can totally do more
Starting point is 00:17:19 than you on pull-ups. Yeah, but that was, it's crazy, man. Like, the connections way back are a trip and then ever since then dude like you you've always been like for me you've always been my connection on crossfit
Starting point is 00:17:31 when i needed a connection in crossfit that's not in crossfit so like remember when grid came out yeah i'm like dude they need masters i want to i want to hop in on that oh yeah yeah i head up i'm like dude you have a good memory is this fake is this fake not fake should i hop in can to hop in on that. You were the first person I had up. I'm like, dude, is this fake? Not fake? Should I hop in? Can I hop in? I really want to do it. I mean, so we've had a really cool connection ever since way back, man.
Starting point is 00:17:54 It's true. It's funny. And you, Greg, Chad, my friend Chad, who introduced me to you, he had a love-hate relationship with you too. Like, I just remember, like, he'd a love-hate relationship with you too like i just remember like he'd be just talking about how fucking amazing you were he would tell these stories that were un-fucking-believable um of being fully suited and running these stairs yeah on on the on the cliffs of the pacific ocean there and he would just tell me he'd be like dude and i would be like i can't even fucking believe the shit he's telling me. And just the hour long workouts and the fucking shit he used that used to make those guys do with the hoses.
Starting point is 00:18:30 So he he wanted to be as fit as you. So fucking bad. He looked up to you, but you just drove them so fucking hard. He was like torn. You know what I mean? Yeah. Is this guy a good guy or this guy? Fucking assholes.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And, you know, today, I mean, I mean, he's a great guy anyway but he's in a he's i don't know if you're still a fire captain now yeah yeah yeah he's a gem of a man and and uh society is lucky that he trained under you and that he's out there um saving lives today it's crazy yeah he's a good dude yeah if i got in an accident i'd want his engine to roll up do you remember do you remember this conversation you came by one time i think you actually worked out at my fire station in shell beach one time yeah yeah through did i work out there with you i pulled up out front yeah yeah yeah so i think we did something we did something in the in the bay there i think and we it's chasing you're gonna laugh at this one um we talked about uh firefighter workouts and you
Starting point is 00:19:23 talked about how we the whole thing about like you know the cheetah doesn't get warmed up before it goes to an all-out sprint to do whatever so like and i would laugh about how sometimes i think it's good for firefighters to do a workout without getting warmed up because that's how you work on the call like you get the bell the bell goes off you know like hold on one second i have to mobilize i need to mobilize my back out i need to make sure i roll my hips up maybe do a little happy baby over here before we get up and do this thing and that thing. Happy baby. What's a happy baby?
Starting point is 00:19:50 That's where you land your back and you grab the inside of your feet and you rock around. You're stretching out your hips. I got to mobilize. What's a happy wife? Is that a stretch too? Yeah, but we call that a Saturday night ride. It's a whole different kind of hips opening up.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Stretching. But like now I find myself and I'm terrible. I preach mobilization and warming up and all that. And, dude, I just time wise, I just don't do it. There's a happy baby right there. Oh, yeah. I see one of my boys does that a lot. I mean, he goes into the splits from there.
Starting point is 00:20:25 Like at jujitsu, I see him do that a lot. Yeah. Well, I mean, you need it, especially if you're going to go in the garden. Happy baby and happy wife look like very similar stretching positions. Very similar. Add a counterpart to it. But doing like workouts, doing workouts where you don't do a whole lot of – like nowadays, I'm like start the clock. Here we go. Just put whole lot of like, I, nowadays I'm like, start the clock.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Here we go. Just put the weight on. Let's go. I do that. Like not on purpose, not because I think it's anything, but it's more of a time thing. But man, I do that all the time now. I don't do anything unless I do 10 minutes on the assault bike first. Really?
Starting point is 00:20:59 Nothing. Like, I like literally like it is the foundation of every single fucking, and maybe it's also because then I can research like podcasts while I'm doing that. Like I can pull up on the screen or I can listen or I can take notes. But like I need to be – Nick T knows what's up. Bill's one of the first two rounds. He's an old member of ours. We call him Burpee Nick.
Starting point is 00:21:17 You and him should go burpee to burpee. And I get that. If I was doing Cindy and I was like, okay, I'm going to do 20 rounds. I'm going to do a round a minute. Then maybe I wouldn't do the assault bike first. I would just was like, okay, I'm going to do 20 rounds. I'm going to do a round a minute. Then maybe I wouldn't do the assault bike first. I would just be like, okay, I'm going to game this. I'm going to do 20 rounds. And the first five rounds will be the warmup.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Yeah. But I don't lift anything heavy. Do you still lift heavy, Bill? Yeah. Yeah. Did you get the workout that I sent you, Chase, yesterday? Yes. Did I not respond to you?
Starting point is 00:21:43 Sorry. No, you're like, you're like, damn. Yeah, so I like to lift heavy still. I'm not as heavy as I was when I was, like, training, but I still like to put some weight overhead. You're still effing strong, man. What's the heaviest thing you've lifted in the last six months, even just like a deadlift or a back squat or a bench?
Starting point is 00:22:00 Deadlift, I've pulled 405. Back squat, I've done 365 um clean and jerk i've done 265 missed 275 you are still strong as shit wow hanging in there hanging in there i gotta keep up with my brother man he's fucking strong how old are you 50 i'll be 53 in a month two months no shit where do you dye your hair? No, dude. It's all natural. Do you think that something's wrong with you? Look at the beard.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Look how dark my beard is compared to yours. I think you dyed just your mustache. Look at that. Some stranger came up to me and goes, hey, you should dye your beard. I go, why do you say that? It was just at a coffee in santa cruz and he goes because then it won't be so obvious you dye your hair i'm like wow i just ignored him i was like i was thinking about that
Starting point is 00:22:54 this morning in a coffee shop looking at old men with dyed hair and i was like you look so ridiculous like who gives a shit if you're going gray yeah like just own it i agree with the i don't women should dye their hair too i i don't think they should dye their hair yeah me neither just let it go yeah let it go i i think it at some point uh i think she's talking to you bill shit that's my girlfriend right there. She's. That's a freebie on my side. I'll take that. You didn't have to say that.
Starting point is 00:23:31 You're an honest dude. Said I'm 46 and have way more gray hair. All right. Fair enough. I don't have any below here, though, yet. Like, I don't have any on my titties or on my sack or on my butt. Occasionally, I'll get a stray gray out of the nose and it's fucking coarse. It's like thick.
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's like a nail. It is weird that a gray hair is definitely a different feeling than a colored hair. I don't know why that feels different. I'll get one out of here too. It just comes out way different. Isn't it more coarse?
Starting point is 00:24:07 And tough? If you had a micrometer, it would be thicker. Maybe. How old are you, Chase? I'll be 40 in November. And you have how many kids? Two. And how old are they?
Starting point is 00:24:23 They just turned four and two back in february wow you started november what november what eighth oh okay because after finding out that we used casey's living in livermore yeah yeah and then my my birthday's in november i'm november 24th though hey look at us scorpios so and and chase do you have a day job or you you run a gym yeah i have an affiliate here in dallas crossfit big d which we would sell a lot of t-shirts if we actually made them but i don't yeah yeah and what does the d stand for dallas it's the nickname for dallas big d big d and you have a gym too uh bill crossfitno. And I've been to your gym a bunch of times. You actually, yeah, you and Greg actually showed up on our 10-year anniversary.
Starting point is 00:25:09 That's right. Yeah. And so that's what you guys do. You guys run your gyms and you do, is it seasonal work or is it not? It's all year doing game stuff. By games, I mean the whole ecosystem of competitions. Or is it not? It's all year doing game stuff. By games, I mean the whole ecosystem of competitions.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I think the landscape now, it's more year-round with the off-season events getting able to do live feeds. Bill and I, I mean, we'll do anything from Wadapalooza, which is like that January, February
Starting point is 00:25:41 to Dubai, which is in that December, and then anything in between. And then like anything in between we, uh, I don't know. It's like contract stuff, I guess. Yeah. Um, and do you guys do a lot of stuff together? So like when I think of Tommy and Sean, because they have the podcast, I think of them as doing a lot of stuff together. And it's always kind of weird when they're not together for me. Like what, what, what did I watch?
Starting point is 00:26:04 There's a couple things i felt like i watched that it was you and sean right chase and then there was something i watched that was bill and and and sean that i followed and covered on my podcast uh two separate events maybe in the last year um but do you guys like to go together you guys and you guys have the podcast together get get with the program yes yes get with the programming um i mean bill and i and i feel like we we were obviously we work really well together we have the podcast together the way we work with the other broadcasters and how that all mixes up i mean we've been doing that for 10 years so it's not that weird but you do have different relationships as far as how the flow goes how you work together how you feed off the other it's just it's a little different experience with the different people that you use but it's
Starting point is 00:26:55 not abnormal not to work together for us but i like working together i wish we got to do more broadcast events together. Yeah. Yeah, we have fun. How does that work? Is it, you know, when you graduate from high school, people, you know, there's always that thing, oh, this is so much like high school. This is so much like high school. And you really need someone kind of to tell you tell you hey that's how the rest of life is going to be the rest of life is going to be who you know who likes you and i'm not digging on i'm not um uh ripping on that either i think it's a perfectly fine metric in a lot of spaces sorry go ahead bill no i was gonna say i i think that i heard that big old nose ears taking air i know that's something just like that you know like what a propane tank's about to explode it's like it's just sucking in oxygen.
Starting point is 00:27:47 I mean, did I say nose? I mean, that big brain ears needs oxygen. Sorry, sorry. It's all right. You got a big nose. So you can say it. It's fair. It was just like pulling in fucking O2
Starting point is 00:27:56 for a smart ship to come out. Okay, go ahead. I think that in our space, you know, there's always a matter of who you know or where you are there you you happen to fall into a situation or an opportunity at a particular time whether you made that opportunity happen or not by who you know um being that we've done broadcast stuff over the years with the crossfit games and the regionals and stuff like that. A lot of the other events wanted, if they have a broadcast,
Starting point is 00:28:29 if they have a live stream, then if you have the, the voices of CrossFit, the games, the regionals, the, the announcements, whatever, broadcasting their event, then it, it, it brings a sense of legitimacy to that event. It makes it feel like it's in the same sphere. So it's like, you know to have us there too and you know i mean we'll we'll hit up the events and be like hey do you want to have this you know do you want some of some of that kind of stuff and i you know some of the events you want to go to help the event you want to go and i mean for for us a lot of times it was so that we can get reps on that too we want to get experience because we aren't professional
Starting point is 00:29:06 broadcasters we never were we were crossfitters that like the coach and like to get in the space totally and before anyone says anything stupid let me interrupt you Shaquille O'Neal and fucking Charles Barkley are not professional fucking broadcasters either
Starting point is 00:29:21 and now they are no one say anything fucking stupid well no i mean it takes some time to get there for sure you know and steven and that guy steven a smith on espn that is not a fucking professional broadcaster that's a professional ass clown he's fucking ruining espn is ruining the ufc with their professional broadcasting let's be very very clear totally i think i think what we what we are able to bring to the broadcast is that we are one. We're coaches, so we can see certain things that a lot of people can't see. We're athletes, so we understand what they're doing, what they need to do, what they should be doing, what they're messing up on, whatever.
Starting point is 00:30:00 And then we just have a love for what it is like we I'm a I'm a CrossFitter, man. Like I've done all the sports. I mean, I'll always consider myself a wrestler. And so I love competition and I always have. Um, but you know, we've been, this has been our sport for the last handful of years. So we get excited about it. It's not hard for us to get excited about a race that's going on and all the cool things that are happening. It, you know, I think, and I think honestly, that that comes from being an affiliate coach because every day we're in all those classes and you got to bring excitement to the people that are out there and what you're saying and all that. So I think it's really, really fun.
Starting point is 00:30:37 And I think the events start to see that and they want that for their, their events and either we hit them up and reach out or they reach out to us. And then we go and, and you know, whether they, whether they get Sean and me or Sean and chase or chasing me or Sean and Tommy or Tommy and whoever. That's funny.
Starting point is 00:30:59 That's funny. You just need a little bit more liver, dude, a liver you'll get there oh my god my fucking show not anymore but i think that makes it cool for us and i think we're able to bring a lot to uh the community that's i mean that's really what it's for we want to bring a lot of good stuff to the community and we want to do it the right way i thought you want to make money and stay in fancy hotels in dubai that's what that's my thought about i mean it's cool in dubai like we we bunk up almost every off-season competition we do and that's i mean savante your point it's like like i almost feel like in anything in CrossFit, and I feel like this is almost Greg's approach when he started it is like, we don't do these things like for the money. Like, that's not why we want this job.
Starting point is 00:31:54 We want to be a part of the next event, the next broadcast to be able to bring our love and passion and the beauty of the sport side and how that can tie into the community side as a whole for CrossFit. We want to be on the forefront of that because we know how valuable that is to us personally. We want to be able to convey that at the same time. It's like, we're not going to work for free. Right. And that's the tough thing with these off season events because it costs a lot. Yes, you will. Yes, you will put on a lot. And years ago. Yes. Now absolutely not like yeah here's the weird thing i'll tell you i used to have this boss and i was very close to him and for 15 years he would
Starting point is 00:32:34 basically call me 24 hours a day 365 days a year and occasionally i would complain and another friend of mine who is a colleague of mine would say to me hey dumb fuck would you rather he call you or he doesn't call you and that would put everything into perspective yeah yes call me anytime yeah i'm in the shower taking a shit i'm humping my wife i'll take it you know there when you it's so funny when you put things in perspective right you hate this motherfucker you hate him so fucking much but you like a stranger looks at your kid wrong and all of a sudden that guy could be your best friend like like it's perspective's crazy yeah you yeah it's a um it's tough right especially for guys
Starting point is 00:33:15 who've been around as long as you who you it's it's like a relationship you love your wife to fucking death but sometimes you still need some alone time so you love crossfit to death but it's it's like a relationship you love your wife to fucking death but sometimes you still need some alone time so you love crossfit to death but it's like yeah you guys still have to paint like i still need to make money off of you it's weird it's weird it's well by the way i'm not slouching in my chair someone said you're backwards because you're slouching i have a ball or chair that just reclines they've got lumbar support and shit i don't actually didn't have that question is what did you do to your back who me yeah you I have no idea well just you know it's just all just to be honest well one time I was on mushrooms in college and
Starting point is 00:33:53 I jumped off a roof like everyone we were on a roof and all of us were on a roof together and all the dudes were jumping off and they were like real athlete dudes and I was not no so so someone might as well just thrown me off seriously someone and i landed and i and i and i blacked out and i when i came to i was like all the dudes were gone and i'm just laying there and i'm just like oh this is failed on you wow i guess or you know i don't know where they went i was fucking high on mushrooms so i'm like okay this doesn't feel good and i um so i went to it was there was a party. I went inside.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I got my girlfriend, and I put her on the handlebars of my bike, and I rode her home in Isla Vista. And I woke up in the morning, and I was stuck. Wow. You know what I mean? Just like stuck, like a board. And I went to the doctor, and they x-rayed, and they said, yeah, your spine, like one of your vertebrae is like has a piece broken off of it oh so if your parents ever threatened you with like if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you and you're like absolutely are there girls in the water not even that is like are there girls 50 feet below me water or not right right right and so um when that healed i was fine and then i
Starting point is 00:35:07 started doing and then basically there was a there was a point in my life where like four times a year my back would go out and literally it would be like i'm just turning around to wipe my butt and my back would go out and then i started doing crossfit and my back started only going out about twice a year but it would go out every time i was doing something crossfit related right it was always picking shit off the ground and so um and i would coaches would be like dude your form is perfect you have the most upright squat ever they would tell me and what's interesting is some of the positions they would tell me to be in like squatting when i squat upright my back hurts interesting i i think i have too much you know like the most men i think they'll be like they'll
Starting point is 00:35:44 tell you to stand up i have too much flexion in my back is that the word flexion hyper and so those are extended yeah so those cues for me are bad yeah those cues for me are bad and um i think that's a bad cue period it is okay yeah yeah so i i feel forward folds and all that shit, like all that shit is so much better for me. Like I just prefer – I don't know. Sounds like you need a little hollow body work. You need a little stability work rather than just squat work. It's not about – it doesn't sound like it's about the position.
Starting point is 00:36:18 It sounds like it's about the support in the position. Yeah, and it's funny you say that too because there was a point i had hurt i had hurt my back one time and then all of a sudden the next time i back squatted i had lost like 70 pounds off my back squat it went from like i don't know like like 240 to like as my max front squat or something to all of a sudden i couldn't front squat like 150 pounds and i couldn't engage my like like this the spot like from the top of my penis to my belly button like it just like i had no control there it was weird and since then i've never really got it back again that's one of those things that it's like a two-step back to take one step forward you have to step back and then it's not am i lifting heavy or you know when people say like well i'll just
Starting point is 00:36:59 i'll go lighter and that'll make it better it's like well go lighter and then think about what you're trying to retrain because you're going lighter you're not going lighter just so it doesn't hurt you're going lighter so that you can you know engage your midsection make sure that you're keeping more of a hollow body position making sure that you're supporting the spine making sure you're not getting overextended yeah as you build that um you can start you want to know you want to know what was the best thing for me as far as strength goes? And this is out of all my years of training. Yeah, guess. Are you going to say the reverse hyper?
Starting point is 00:37:29 Nope. I mean, I wish I had one of those, actually. Honestly, the best thing for me was COVID. Because when we did COVID, like so before. Now you're talking my language. I know. I know you're going to be stoked on this. So the world shut down. No one could go to their gyms. No one could do their thing. We went to Zoom right away. So we checked out all of our equipment to all of our people, and we were running our classes.
Starting point is 00:37:50 And prior to that, I'm lifting heavy, and I always have my belt on. I'd always have my knee sleeves on. I'd always have all my accessory pieces because the thing was to me is I'm training, so I can't afford to get hurt. So I would use those as my things not to get hurt. Once COVID hit, I decided I was going to lift everything that I had all of our people doing, which is all the kettlebells and doing all this stuff. And I'm like, okay, you know what, since I'm doing all that, I'm going to not use the belt anymore. And I'm not going to use the knee sleeves anymore. And since then I haven't used a belt at all. And I'm just as strong now without a belt as I was when I had a belt in using it that way.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And I think that one piece has shored up my core strength because we use a belt so much. I think CrossFitters use them way more than they need to. I used to tease Dan Bailey all the time. We'd be doing like, I don't know, 95. We did the uh the hot shot event and oh yeah and dan rolls up and he's got what was it like the hang squat clean or the squat cleans or whatever the one of the movements were there and it wasn't real heavy like yeah something like that was like 135 pounds it wasn't it wasn't heavy it's like 19 power cleans
Starting point is 00:39:02 at 135 which is just brutal there's a lot granted but he's like you know he's got his belt on i'm like hey what do you what do you got that what do you got that fashion accessory for he's like bill well you know we're doing a lot i'm like dude i don't have a belt you're you're way stronger than me like what are you wearing a belt for bill you know i can't afford to get hurt and i i just remember i mean dan's such a great like i love that dude to death i've never seen a more badass crosshair to get more shit by more people than that guy you know and it's like in this show it's so funny um but i was but even then talk about we're gonna talk about dan here in a minute now that i mean that i never talked about dan on my show but i'm ready to talk about
Starting point is 00:39:41 him a little bit that's just one of the things that we always did like everyone throws a belt on and and not having that belt i think has been a has been a game changer for me and so i i'll do that a lot with my athletes i'll say you don't put that belt on till you get around like 85 or whatever yeah like you have got to have this you got to have that midline stability as it is unassisted yep i own a belt but it doesn't fit me i bought one from rogue once and it's just too small was it that extra small one or what was it i probably i just it sucks because i'm like oh i'm gonna use a belt like all the big boys do and then i got one and i was like oh god i can't fucking breathe my my sister texted me last night and she said hey um do bill and chase um uh like you i'm like
Starting point is 00:40:29 i don't know i'll ask them i was like well that's but but i i thought it was funny because my sister my sister well who knows my my my sister has this same thought about like i think no one likes me too it's kind of a weird place to be in but like i never thought like i guess sometimes i slip and i'm like i just assumed you guys did like me oh yeah dude totally i told you you're you're my guy to talk to if i need to be like hey give me the real on this but what you've always done is you make people very nervous because you don't pull punches on your questions you just go straight out elephant in the room. That's what we're talking about right there. Why I always walked away from you when you came with a camera at the regionals or games.
Starting point is 00:41:12 I'd like to talk to Bill. Yeah. Talk to Bill. That's like, well, you know what's funny? You say that. So, look, this lady, Betsy Saree, look into Hiller's videos about Masters athletes cheating. Didn't think it would be real, but then I started looking at Masters video submissions myself. He's actually right.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Like that kind of shit does actually make me feel uncomfortable. I don't want – well, all the questions I ask make me feel uncomfortable, but like I really don't want to like look at stuff like that for some reason. Like when I talked to – the two examples were like when Chase interviewed Ricky, I was like so happy Chase did that. So I didn't have to do any of that. I did not want to ask him about his drug use. I wanted to ask him whether I should do it. You know what I mean? Like I didn't want to like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:00 That was the most stressed out I've ever been. Broadcast, podcasts, other than maybe like my first broadcast at the CrossFit Games. Tell me why. Why did it stress you out to ask this question? I mean, I would not have wanted to do what you did, so I get it. But I want to hear it from you. I think the big part of it is I just wanted to do it right for Ricky and right for the community too. And so I was like, yes, do I – is it fun asking all these questions up front?
Starting point is 00:42:25 No. But what I really want to do is like bang out the first four yes or no's. the community too. And so it was like, yes, do I, is it fun asking all these questions up front? No, but what I really want to do is like bang out the first four. Yes or no. Did you do it on purpose? Like just get that out of the way so that people can just like chill out, put their pitchforks away. Ricky can answer the hard questions first. And then we can just have a conversation of everything that happened because he hadn't talked about anything. And what I wanted for Ricky is just like, let's get all of this out of the way so the next time you're in front of the camera, you can just be yourself. Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items.
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Starting point is 00:43:58 As opposed to just make up their own story about Ricky. their own story about ricky and so what i wanted to do for that podcast was to just get all of the four years of like hate or unknown out of the way so that ricky can just move on from there and there's this saying that all problems must flourish before they come to an end and you kind of did that you like okay let's just fucking bring this thing to a head let's push like everything up to the head yeah and so i wanted to get the communities like all of their questions out of the way all the crap we've heard for four years do it for ricky to get past it and then people can just be like i don't agree with this or i think he's lying as opposed to just making up their own narrative about the unknown and so that was the hard part of them now and
Starting point is 00:44:43 that was tough because i didn't want to come off as like soft and not asking it's like people wanted to know did you do it on purpose did your brother do it knowingly when he got busted like and i think a lot of great things came out of that for him where it just totally cleared the air after four years and now he's just ricky and that's what i wanted to do would it have been more fun to just like shoot the shit with him yes but i felt like that was needed to get it out of the way and i wanted to do. Would it have been more fun to just shoot the shit with him? Yes, but I felt like that was needed to get it out of the way, and I wanted to make sure I did it right for Ricky, and then right for CrossFit side, too,
Starting point is 00:45:12 because it's the CrossFit Games podcast, and I didn't want it to be a puff piece thing, so I got to It wasn't puff piece, I'll tell you that. It was far from puff piece. It was hardcore. It was the kind of thing you have to watch in segments like yeah yeah like it was uh it was
Starting point is 00:45:30 so intense it was so much information there was so much online hey um sorry suza are they early is joseph early or were we one minute about 45 minutes okay just let me know i'm gonna i'll drop off i'm gonna i'll bring them in okay cool um and and what was his response to you chase afterwards like are you guys close now i wouldn't say we're i mean we'll like message back and forth and you know honestly i had no real opinion of ricky on a personal level i just when he got busted for it i was like, you know, and, and that was it. And I didn't try to take it too personal towards him. But afterwards we had, it was really cool. Like he was very appreciative, very thankful.
Starting point is 00:46:13 He was so nervous. Like that dude is not a real social person and he doesn't want to be on camera and he doesn't want to answer these questions. And I totally get it. And afterwards. Yeah. Me neither. I wouldn't want to answer these questions and i totally get it and afterwards yeah me neither i wouldn't want to do that a good level of respect and appreciation like i appreciate him taking the time he appreciated me not like just trying to tear him down i just wanted to
Starting point is 00:46:36 peel off basically like the old snake skin and just let new ricky come come back into the fold so we uh we have a good relationship i haven't actually got to sit down with them in person i was hoping we could do that in wadapalooza but both of us beforehand and once again putting thing in relative context compared to being a fucking uh pedophile a fucking rapist uh someone a governor of a state that put 10 kill tens of thousands of old people by putting them in old folks' homes while COVID was fucking running rampant in there. He's nothing. He's fucking nothing.
Starting point is 00:47:10 He's a saint. He's just a dumb kid. It's absolutely nothing steroid use compared to fucking anything that really – any really bad shit that happens in the world. Speaking of steroid use, the only cinematographer in the business who's openly using steroids today, Joseph. Joseph, life of Josie. Oh, I'm going to take a stab at it. What's up, everyone? How you guys doing? Somakian.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Somakian. Somakian? Yeah, Somakian, Matosian, same origin, you know. Joseph Somakian. Stefan, do you remember how to pronounce my name fuck yeah i say it all the time i say um uh you are um your name is um um i'm gonna tell you hold on um um come on now come on i know i Hold on. Darn it. I had something really funny to say, but I'm going to. Wait, what's the guy's name in Iceland?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Oh, your name is Björgvin Carl Gudmundsson. Yeah, something like that. Gabriela Magawa. Those are two names. Gabriela Magawa and Björgvin Carl Gudmundsson. These are some of my pride and joy. Next to my kids, these are my two favorite accomplishments in life. How many kids do I have?
Starting point is 00:48:30 Three kids. Joseph, I sent the link without your approval to Chase and Bill also. So we all got to see your fabulous piece. I know it was a rough draft. I told them it was a rough draft. But congratulations. Thank you. Coming from you, it means a lot. Yeah. How did you guys meet? How did it how does are you on that island with her, too? Yeah, I live on the island now. I got influenced a year ago.
Starting point is 00:49:04 How and where were you born? was born in cyprus okay oh wow yeah i was born in cyprus and i moved to france for my parents job when i was three years old and then i kind of moved around a bit to my parents job university um and then i got into this whole like crossfit space a couple of years back and pretty much i was traveling all around. And then when COVID hit, I was living, I went back to Belgium, which is where I did high school. All of my friends lived there. My mom lives there. And I was just in this, that routine, you know, comfort zone. I was like, okay, I gotta, gotta move from there. And about a year ago, um, so I met Christoph, the big Hungarian bear a year and a half ago on a on a fitting shoot and that's um that's a uh
Starting point is 00:49:47 gabriella magawa's keeper right christoph exactly okay and so i met christoph a year and a half ago a little bit more and uh and last year in january was like hey you should come to to mallorca uh hang out for for a couple of days and i was like sure so came a year ago since then i came i think like five times uh in the span of 12 months and uh and i knew i wanted to like move from belgium i was like okay i want to come to to mallorca the weather's good the people are cool the gym's awesome and here we are you've been you've been telling us that you are moving here for like eight months yeah i know and i moved here in the end how old are you i'm uh 27 and and did you come with anyone or you just come by yourself do you have a girlfriend or a wife or a dog or no no i just uh
Starting point is 00:50:40 i just packed my bags two suitcases told my mom goodbye, my friends goodbye, and I just got on a plane. And do you work specifically with Gabriella while you're there in Mallorca? No, I do a bunch of stuff. I work a lot with HustleMade and Craig Ritchie. I think these guys took me under their wing two and a half years ago, so I do a lot now.
Starting point is 00:51:00 It's obviously Christoph and Jack and their HustleMade athletes. We do a lot with GoUp Mobility First as well. And other than that, it's obviously Christoph and Jack and their Hustle Made Athletes. We do a lot with Go Up Mobility First as well. And other than that, it's more just whatever comes, comes. And if I have to travel for work, I'll travel, but I'll just come back here because it's very easy to travel from here. And, I mean, I'm in the gym with a camera every day, so I might as well snap content for Gabby and help her out. And what you're doing, though, now, you're doing a series. and held proud and what you're doing though now you're doing a series the series is called all gas no brakes the story of the sixth fittest woman on earth
Starting point is 00:51:31 and you call it the 2022 games lead up so my first question is this is it going to actually be a lead up or is it going to be all the way to the end of the games no it's going to be all the way to the end of the games okay so we'll uh we'll do a little edit on that and just cross up leading up i think i just crossed out right let's project we're going to make it to the end of the games right yeah so so the idea also in terms of thank you boys for laughing at my jokes this language barrier over here these europeans they don't make fucking anything easy they got they got they're like, all of them are like 10% Laura Horvat. Like, they just, like, stone me. Gabby, do you hate it when people mispronounce your name?
Starting point is 00:52:15 So, I got, um, I got Dude, she, sorry, Gabby. She has a fucking letter in her name, Chase, that fucking us in the Western Hemisphere have never seen. So give us a fucking break. It's and it's really unique it's only uh only in poland so i'm gonna be very proud of them um i decided that this season i'm gonna teach everyone how to pronounce my name i was going with the flaws like at some point i was like okay they're never gonna learn how to pronounce it.
Starting point is 00:52:46 But then we talked before the games, seven. Yeah. I think before the games and you were able to pronounce it right. So I was like, okay, since now, other,
Starting point is 00:52:56 other needs to know how to say it as well. You guys as athletes, they just started doing it at the games where they would do the, when you check in, you'd have to do the, my name is, and you say your name. That is the only way that as broadcaster will have any idea of how to say it. Other than that, we're going to use whatever American version we can come up with as we're saying the name and we'll do the best we can. And hopefully, hopefully we don't butcher it up too bad. So yes, please, if you want it to say a certain way, say it.
Starting point is 00:53:26 And that's not being uncool or being a jerk or anything. That's like, help us to make you look good. It is fun saying the hard names, right? It is fun. It's a sense of accomplishment. It is so awkward. They just gave us a microphone.
Starting point is 00:53:41 Okay, say your name. Who are you? Gabriela. And then I'm thinking, should I say... Should I go with actually not real surname and say Migala or Migawa?
Starting point is 00:53:57 But then this year, I went with Migawa and I'm very happy about that. You should be. Joseph, so the series is a serious commitment. I know long forms is a lot. It's like the shit that you think you're done at midnight but you're not done until two for just changing the little shit.
Starting point is 00:54:19 How many parts is this going to be? Are you ready for it? Yeah, I'm ready for it. I think it's something that I've meditated on a long time. I thought it, like, the project was in my head pretty much since the games last year. I had it in mind. That it's more like, if I do something, I want to do it well. So I really thought about it.
Starting point is 00:54:38 And then I was like, okay, let's just do it. So yeah, it's going to be good. It's going to be, so there's this episode, and then there's like, one, two, three, four. to it um so yeah it's going to be good it's going to be so there's this episode and there's like there's there's i think seven more episodes after this one seven or eight and when's the first one premiere tomorrow evening and we'll and we'll put a we'll put has it already been scheduled can people already set a reminder on it uh no there's like so we're going to do a screening tonight um and then i'll go back Has it already been scheduled? Can people already set a reminder on it? No. We're going to do a screening tonight, and then I'll go back to the editing room and just change a couple of things, do the color grading, and then we'll probably upload it tomorrow morning with the premiere.
Starting point is 00:55:15 And it'll be on Gabriela Magawa's YouTube channel. Yes. Yes. Gabriella, when we follow – and feel free to slap me down here, Joseph, or put in your part. When we follow athletes, there's a crazy commitment on our part as filmmakers, crazy commitment. And shit can get sideways, right? Like you could find out tomorrow you're pregnant. Any fucking thing can happen. And are you committed to like the story regardless of what happens?
Starting point is 00:56:03 You know, let's say you get to episode – like I mean obviously the greatest outcome that could fucking possibly happen is – I mean theoretically is that you go and you're the one who dethrones Tia. Like, holy shit, that would end up becoming the greatest story in CrossFit history. No one's ever dethroned a champ, really, like the mega champs. And it's never happened. And maybe Chase and Bill would argue with me there. But other shit can happen too, sideways. You could get fucking bit by a dog tomorrow in the gym, and the whole story could just change direction, right? Are you ready to be that vulnerable now that joseph has made that commitment joseph you can pay me on the side
Starting point is 00:56:30 later for doing this i mean so so far or christophe leaves you for for a dude in mallorca let's throw that in there too when i think about it that for sure um would make the video what's this like video viewing very popular and probably i would be able to earn a lot of money from uh my youtube channel so there are some positives in this oh you're you're so positive nice yeah i've probably cried too long i guess uh but like seriously um to basically i know josie for over a year or maybe two years now no one year one year yeah one year i just feel so comfortable and so uh i'm not feeling awkward and i don't really notice sometimes when Josie is filming and I'm being real with all the material and behind the scenes. So I think everything in this doco is really how I'm in real life. I got a question.
Starting point is 00:57:46 When you're, so we've done like reality show type stuff at the fire station where they try to get, you know, the real life behind what's actually happening. How,
Starting point is 00:57:56 it's always nice to be able to turn off. So like, do you guys have like a safe word? Like, no, you're not filming now. Or is it like you got full access? Like for it how's that work uh so what i agree is like basically we can film uh everything but at the end of the day i'm gonna be the one deciding
Starting point is 00:58:20 if this can be on the documentary or not like so i'm still in control what's going to be out there and i feel like what's crazy about that though is the most vulnerable parts will be the most popular parts and i you know i i can think of bad examples of things that happening too i don't god forbid any of those but like the the more intimacy this has like will you guys, will you guys push, will you push back Josie too? Like if, if you see her crying and she's like, Hey, I don't want this in here. Will you give her some space for like a day and then come back to her and be like, Hey, Gabriella, I think this is, this is what you want to show the world. I think emotional intelligence plays a lot when you're trying to make a series
Starting point is 00:59:00 like this. And so like, I kind of know when is the good time to film when is the bad time to do so for example like tomorrow we have like the quarterfinal start after tomorrow like i'm how do you say like i'm mature enough to like know that like if she does really bad in a workout like i'm not going to go and stick the camera straight in her face like i might film from far away and then maybe wait 10 15 20 minutes and then i'll approach but i'm not going to stick cameras in the face and i think that's just a natural thing so yeah, but otherwise it's like all access, like there there's a camera in the gym pretty much every day. I was, I was in the desert once. I can't remember which desert it was.
Starting point is 00:59:36 It was in a salt flat somewhere. I want to say it was in China and I was filming a runner who was running across the desert and it was really fucking hot. It was like a hundred degrees outside, but off the salt flat, it was like, it felt like it was like 180. And I was scared. I had, I had walked out there a couple of miles from our base to film the runners coming in and a runner was down on the ground in the salt flats as I approached him. And he's like, I need water. I've run out of water. I need water. And I'm sitting there filming it, knowing I got fucking just tons of water. And another filmmaker comes up on me and goes dude give him fucking water i'm like not yet and it turned into quite a nasty exchange between me and the other filmmaker of course i filmed that
Starting point is 01:00:16 too um it's intense right it's like you you gotta you you have an obligation to her to knowing that she's going to want you to film stuff stuff could happen that that is important for you to get even if it's not comfortable to get at the time like like in there are those weird moments you know i remember following josh bridges one year off the off the regional ground as he didn't qualify and i was scared like he could punch me in the face but i was like all right fuck i'll kind of try to hide behind this camera but gabby too like have you realized that you being a part of this you kind of have to
Starting point is 01:00:51 accept that too like if you're willing to put the good stuff in you have to put the bad stuff in too no of course it's just like um I agree that it's good to have content maybe no matter what it's not
Starting point is 01:01:08 really a good word but I don't mind Josie filming the bad stuff as well but I just want to feel comfortable with that at the end of the day if I'm not gonna fully feel good about
Starting point is 01:01:24 posting those stuff I'm gonna have a fine award so like everything behind the scenes is it's being filmed so we are having those more vulnerable moments and maybe not the proudest moments out there but yeah I think it's important as well you guys know gary vader chuck yeah yeah so one of the most important pieces of advice i've ever got in life especially when it comes to content it's document don't create i've tried to stick to as much as possible where it's like like in this documentary like except for sitting down for an interview like absolutely nothing is staged like i and i told gabby from the
Starting point is 01:02:05 beginning i was like if we do this like it's going to be full documentation like i will never ask you like hey pour a tea in a cup or i don't know start using like a massage gun there's like yeah we really want to like document it properly without having any like stage stuff which can happen sometimes. I guess I don't mean the bad stuff as a negative, like maybe the tough things, like having an interview after maybe you don't have a great workout or, you know, something goes wrong. I think those are the things that make you more relatable. And the bad stuff is probably the wrong context, but the tough moments I think are just as important as the fun ones because you get a better idea of who you are and how you operate. And that humanizing you, I think, is something that draws you to the fan base and your friends much more than highlighting you.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I think that's a big part of what Josie's doing. I hate talking after Chase. I never want to talk after chase. Cause then people can like compare your tone with his and his voice with his. Sorry. Go ahead, Joseph.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Like, like even last year during semifinals. And I don't even think she knows it, but it was a workout where she wasn't feeling very happy. Remember the snatch workout. Yeah. And you were crying after the workout. I still like,
Starting point is 01:03:20 I shot that like that's somewhere in a hard drive. And so I think it's important to have, because then also, like you said, it's more relatable to people. It's always good to shoot and then not show. Then be like, hey, don't shoot this. It's uncomfortable. Do you know what I mean? So it's like always shoot and then you can edit later. No one's ever like, shit, I have too much of this person struggling. It's always like, okay, I'm glad we have this this we've taken some space from it now we can see um the piece is really really good
Starting point is 01:03:50 and i want to and maybe this is just my bias and and and sorry gabrielle i'm going to make you vulnerable to chase and bill's criticism here but there's very something very special about gabriella magawa in my mind as a fan of the sport which i'm not um that um you have a chance there's not a lot of people who have a chance to beat to you there are some really good girls in the space but they have some massive holes and there is this thing about you that we're not we we and we've seen these girls enough to know that where their holes are and we're concerned that they're never going to fill them i think concerns too strong but but we don't we think it's we don't see any sign of the holes being filled with you we don't see any limits to you yet on every single branch on your
Starting point is 01:04:34 tree is growing so we're like you know although laura keeps taking second we're seeing like oh wow this gabriella magawa girl of all the girls maybe in that top 10 there's just branches and buds and just shit shooting off everywhere and and you have i think the greatest potential what do you think about that bill and chase you're trending up in a big way yeah huge huge um i think and that's exciting for joseph too like he's he's got the good horse what's what's really great about gabby is she has so much uh youth experience so like you know the teen games and uh i mean she's been battle tested a lot already and she's still young and i'm hoping that she gets the shot before tia starts to decide that she wants to hang
Starting point is 01:05:25 his shoes up. You know what I mean? Like we want to see the big champs get knocked off by someone rather than them just retiring out. And you know, you're right. I mean, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:36 Gabriella, you're doing great as far as like what you're doing, as far as what you're shoring up, the pieces getting into that position. I love, and like watching rogue was great watching watching you push in rogue push tia in rogue i mean and granted t is an anomaly i mean she's so damn good at everything um but it's really cool when you when you get that jump ahead and it's like i'm right here i am right
Starting point is 01:06:05 in the like you don't have like you're in a win-win situation technically you're not supposed to win so if you don't no one's thinking anything but there's no pressure on you to beat her other than i'm coming for you tia i don't know i think that pressure is there a little bit though now on her more so than the other girls there's's a little bit, there's some, there's some, I think it's, it's creeping. Yeah, but that's a different kind. That's a different kind of pressure. If she doesn't do it, if she doesn't win, it's not going to be like, oh, it's over. Cause I mean, look at what it's been.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Nobody has done it. So you're right. The pressure is more like, oh, come on, you got it. You got, it's more of like a positive pressure rather than a negative pressure whereas tia everyone's like are you gonna mess it up are you gonna mess it up all right when you're at the top you have nowhere to go but down when you're below that you have everywhere to go but up and so i think i think you're in a great spot which is super cool to watch i mean how much sorry how much do you work with the other group? I just want to say one thing.
Starting point is 01:07:09 It's amazing to hear all the good words. It's just a little bit awkward as well to just sit here. Take a bunch of compliments. Awkward should be the name of this show. Awkward. No, no, no. It's great. But like you said, I feel more like i have nothing to lose
Starting point is 01:07:28 and i still didn't i still have no idea where my limits are so i'm just trying to keep um become being better and we'll see i think there should be no pressure for all the girls t is so damn good like what what pressure do you have of trying to get first place to be honest you should have no pressure it should be really fun and exciting for you guys and you're all trending up um laura's obviously been the closest in the last four years getting second twice i think it's going to take a collection of you guys to even start to like bring tia back it's not going to just be yourself do you you talk with Laura about that at all? Because she's super excited to try to take the title
Starting point is 01:08:09 while Tia is still in it. Do you have that same sense of urgency when you're competing? I mean, I don't have like, those past years teach me to be more patient and just trust the process. So I don't feel this need of like do it now or something bad's going to happen. And I just want to make it clear. We are not creating some kind of unit with Laura to take Tia's flower or
Starting point is 01:08:39 anything like that, which is like, I assume you guys hate each other. I don't, I don't think you guys are a unit. I assume you and Laura hate each other. So just so you know, we don't hate each other i don't i don't think you guys are a unit i assume you and laura hate each other so just so you know no no we we don't hate each other so okay well i'm still i still we just want to win the game and that's the thing is is the goal to win the games or is the goal to do the best i can and get on the podium and do you know like am i am i gonna try to like are you gonna try to game or are you swinging for the fences trying to take her down trying to take tia down i'm gonna try to be the best person no like i don't understand people who just um like participate in something like if you are
Starting point is 01:09:22 doing this game if you are training hard and you sacrifice everything i don't really like word sacrifice but you are committing everything to the process and you don't want to win i don't know why you're doing this so joseph as selfishly i'm hoping that you get her going like god i fucking t i want to get her god like i want to see like that that's the because that's the athlete like not the. Yes. You know, I'd like to do the best that I possibly can. And I'm hoping that I strategize. I want to see that. I want to see the athlete because we're all athletes here. And we all know like in like inside what you're saying is I want to beat you. I hope she trips on this one. Gosh, she didn't trip on it. I'm coming for you.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Like, you know what I mean? Like that's that's real. That's real. That's she didn't trip on it. Damn it. I'm coming for you. You know what I mean? That's real. That's real. That's not being a jerk. That's being real. It's very interesting to see that. When we shot the first set of interviews, which was kind of like giving also me context for the storyline,
Starting point is 01:10:16 it's like she said something, and we'll probably elaborate on that later in the series, which is like there's two types of Gabby. There's Gabby when she puts the shoes on, and there's Gabby when she takes the shoes off. It's like two different people. And it's like Gabby outside with like the shoes off, like one of the most genuine national people I've ever seen in my life. And then the Gabby with the shoes on, that's like a complete different story. So we're going to try and also like show later on the series, like the two sides of it. It's funny you say that when we had
Starting point is 01:10:42 Gabriella Magawa on the podcast the very first time i was like i was just dreading it i was dreading speaking to a foreigner the fucking cadence of their voice the fucking the back and forth the the phone connection overseas and afterwards i got off i think it was with brian i was like holy fuck that girl's so fucking cool she was so light she was so fun all the miscommunication we just had fun with it. No one took it serious. We just jumped over each other. We were like just three kids playing. But in this series that you shot with her, episode one, the only other athlete I can think of who takes themselves this vicious
Starting point is 01:11:18 is Samuel Cornwallier. He's not fucking around. I'm there to fucking take your lunch, beat you, and fucking go home and be with my kids again like and i i get that i get that from gabriella in in part one that you were so generously let us watch last night sneak preview this is not a joke this is she played she she started tennis late which is one of the steepest learning curves of any sport she played for seven years she pivoted over to crossfit she wins her first competition or she does her first day of crossfit um and has to learn how to snatch on
Starting point is 01:11:49 her first day she's not she's kind of excited by the challenge but isn't the super fan three months later she wins her first competition as a crossfitter and she's like all right fuck it i'm in and here she is and like and like i i i'm not as i'm not as smart as uh chase on this saying that maybe it takes a collective but i really want to emphasize i don't see anyone from my little fanboy perspective with the ascent that she has i don't see any girls with this this potential i see some major road block for some of the greatest women in the sport and i don't see those yet for gabriella we don't know we don't we can't we can't always be like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:12:25 she's really bad at pull-ups. Like we can't find, we haven't, there's not like there's all the other girls. We had, there's this thing that all the commentators and pundits be like, Oh man, her hair's always in her face.
Starting point is 01:12:35 She should cut that shit. Like we, we have something to say about them. That's holding them back. We don't know what the fuck that is for Gabriela. She's a, it's a, she's a force of nature right now.
Starting point is 01:12:44 And she's just like going in that direction. Gabby, for you, what is something that you feel like you need to work on to ascend to that? Uh-oh. Oh, that's not cool, Chase. That's not cool. I'm just saying, if you don't want us to compliment you this entire podcast, everyone has their hole. ASM pusher for Laura, strength for Haley, age and experience for Mal. Those are the things that are holding them back, period.
Starting point is 01:13:05 They will not win the CrossFit Games if they don't fix that. So if you're on this big ascent, what are some of the things you have been focusing on to keep climbing towards that podium and eventually the top of the podium? You know what? Actually, Sevan mentioned this.
Starting point is 01:13:22 So yesterday, I got so angry or so annoyed at my hair because they are and i chose that because i kept seeing your ponytail and the slow-mo is coming to your face exactly and i really enjoy to have long hair but then yesterday it's not even about the long ponytail it's just like they are so heavy so i want to have to hold them and i just just went to my friend's gym i was like okay i'm done i think i should shave my head imagine imagine how badass i would look like and i think like nate o'connor is a badass too
Starting point is 01:13:59 exactly i think i would i would finally um um catch some attention from the media at the CrossFit Games. Would you shave your head if it meant you could podium at the CrossFit Games? Imagine that. Or I would be so much faster in the water. I think so. I hope so. Joseph, is this making you feel uncomfortable? You started twitching and shit.
Starting point is 01:14:20 No, no. I was thinking that's all aerodynamics and stuff with the shaved head. Like that's all like aerodynamics and stuff with the shaved head. And maybe I wouldn't have to wear a swimming cap. Yeah. They'll probably still make you do it because they have to decide between men and women out in the snow. Well, here's the thing. It sounds a little wild,
Starting point is 01:14:40 but that's what Matt Fraser would do come competition season. He'd shave his head. That's one less thing for him to worry about. i love your hair i love your hair i love your hair i'm voting against it i should keep them i like your hair but but i use that as an example because i would see in the slow-mo your ponytail come over and come in front of your eyes and that's and and you do see that in the in the in the series a bit. And it's pretty obvious that it's fucking a pain in the ass, but, but I do love your hair. Joseph, is it just like mind boggling to you that you just get to film?
Starting point is 01:15:14 It was mind boggling to me when I would film that you just get to film just beautiful bodies all day long and like, like high powered bodies. It's like the difference between guys who shoot commercials, let's say for like Ford festiva versus like you're the you're the propaganda guy for ferrari i mean do you trip like you don't film any shitty cars like i'm i'm very blessed to to do it but at the same time like now it's my full-time thing and i feel like since i do it every day sometimes i don't necessarily like appreciate as much as i should yeah every single day just sometimes when i go back like now i'm going back home for two weeks and i'm not going to shoot anyone and i'll probably be like i missed it i want to go back i mean you have gabriella in one of these videos i don't know if you shot it
Starting point is 01:15:57 and she's walking at the camera it's in slow-mo and then her eyes look up and i'm just like oh i just know that feeling when you get one of those shots and the athlete looks right into your camera after looking down you're like holy shit it's like the best feeling because you know like you're filming it in deep down you're like okay this is gonna look so good once it's exported yeah regarding that i actually it was sometimes it's so funny to do interviews with josie because I'm sitting on the couch. He's asking me questions. And, you know, like it's very hard for me to not make any mistakes on the interview because I'm trying so hard.
Starting point is 01:16:35 And like English is very hard and blah, blah. And then I just see Josie across me and he's like. This flow, he knows it's going to be a good line. I'm like, okay, just focus, just go with it. Don't laugh. Don't laugh. And yeah, it was just so. I will tell you something. I can't speak on behalf of all filmmakers, but a lot of us really love our subjects. Like we have a, especially like when you work with someone like Josie's working as close with you, or I see him, he takes a lot of pictures of Christophe. There's this, you start to really, really, I can't, I can't really.
Starting point is 01:17:19 You can't really invest yourself in the person you're shooting. You're emotionally invested in their success and like their performance at the end of the day yeah you beyond admire them you it's crazy it but but it is but it is really really intense for those of us um who we we love it we feel blessed but also we're like crazy protective over you and it's nuts it's it's a weird thing staring at someone all day through through through a lens um especially someone as they come up like and then and then the rest of the world gets a hold of them i remember when i first started filming with rich and then the rest of the world gets a hold of them and it's it's it's a weird thing i don't want to say it's sad you're
Starting point is 01:17:58 excited for them but it's um i i know that i know that when you go places and like people will film you now josie will will be protective over you. And it's a trip. It's like they're probably protective over Kristoff. And then it got really popular. Like, no, these are the guys I listened to before they were popular. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You bring a lot of old school grit, Gabby, Gabriela.
Starting point is 01:18:22 It's cool. It's cool. You bring a lot of old school grit and i hope you'll you'll keep with that and like like yeah there's a there's a competitive spirit in you that's really um cool to see thank you so i have a question for you guys as obviously ogs of the sport you guys know the sport what what more do you guys want to see in this like what's the things you're like okay like i i want more of this in the series because we're all about feedback here so we're we're going to listen to you guys i i want i want well i already told you what i want i want like the real i want the inside i don't want the all right let's sit down and have this interview and let's
Starting point is 01:19:01 talk about how the workout went today like the the comments the where she doesn't necessarily know she's being recorded where she's just talking to whatever or like the inner like the inner athlete as an athlete i like watching the mindset of different athletes on how they work i think it'd be really interesting because tennis with a tennis background there's so much mental game in tennis insane you know i mean like the fact of you mess up on a point and you're having to deal for the next two and a half hours on playing that out and you know are you having that compilation of of frustration and are able to handle that and manage that there's so much and you watch tennis i'm not even a big tennis fan but you watch the athlete in the self-talk and the
Starting point is 01:19:50 how they're moving and like that kind of stuff to me is an athlete and even as a commentator like i as a broadcaster i like watching that because i can weasel myself into their head and be like okay the way they're walking the way they they're acting, are they going to get this next rep? Are they going to get this next list? Are they going to get that next point? And be able to call that is huge. So I love watching that. The more inner stuff you get, man, I don't, I don't care. I don't care how Gabrielle, how Gabriella answers, how the workout goes, or what does she think her chances are with this or how she feeling as a work to me, everyone's going to say the same thing. I want to know what she's really thinking.
Starting point is 01:20:31 I like to see some of your game planning when you approach like, Hey, you get it, get into it. It's like, say the quarterfinals come up and you're, you know, you're talking to Gabby's like, Hey, what are your thoughts on this? Like, I would like to see some of your thought process, Gabby, on how to approach this because i mean you're not giving away any secrets you're talking about you and your skill set so i think your mental approach and how you're going to attack some of these workouts would be cool to see
Starting point is 01:20:53 and then it would be really neat to see that play out on film while you're actually doing the workout i think that'd be really neat i i would like to know how um i would like to know how, um, I would like to know like the most intimate stuff about her life, how in her and Christophe met, whether they're planning on getting married, does she want to have kids? What her life was relationship was like with her father? Why, why is she pushing so hard? What, who is she trying? What is her motivation? What is she trying to prove on the deepest level? What is her real relationship with God? Is she curious where she's going to go when she dies? I don't know if we're going to fit everything.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Joseph opened the door, so I'm just like, let's just bomb. But I'd like to see – I'd like to see, um, I just like to see that. I love to see what fucking makes them tick this little, I know a friend of mine told me one time, you know why our friendship has lasted so long. And he goes, why? He goes, cause I just picked something really tiny about you that I liked in the second grade when we met. So it lets all the other shit about you change.
Starting point is 01:22:01 I liked in the second grade when we met. So it lets all the other shit about you change. And so I just pictured these, these fucking Titans like Gabriella finding there's one little tiny thing that they circle and guard in my mind. And it's like, it's like a nuclear explosion, but this thing, man,
Starting point is 01:22:18 when this thing gets activated, it's just fucking radiates through their whole being. And the rest of the world doesn't matter compared to this little, I just imagine there's this thing they circle that's their secret. The secret's not the right word. And so I just like – and some of them don't even have a word for it, right? Or they're not even – but this is not a normal girl. This is not a – one of the reasons why tennis is so fucking crazy is because there's no clock. If you're on the court, you can still win the whole fucking thing no matter how bad you've been playing and so it's always on you you're always
Starting point is 01:22:49 in control your destiny tennis is nuts it's the greatest mental fuck of all time it's horrible and you're out there by yourself and gabrielle has done that to herself now she's gone from tennis to crossfit she's like it's it's there's she's searching for or not searching you don't have to say searching she's embraced you could say that some sort of challenge and i'd like to know what what you know i'd like to to sense that i'd like to see her and christophe fight i'd like to see them fight we never fight just like we're doing it for fun, right? Then stage that shit, Joseph. Stage that shit, Joseph.
Starting point is 01:23:29 The bad one day and then you shave your hair off because you got tired of it. I want to see Christoph's face when Gabriela turns into Gabe. Gabe. Like a male version. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes but like imagine that like christoph uh loves his new image with the shaving his head so imagine the episode when we are actually shaving each
Starting point is 01:23:57 other's head that'll be next that's some next level intimacy yes Yes. Hey, how do you read these guys, Joseph? How do you read Laura Horvat or Christoph? They're so – like this is – let me do – this is my impression of Christoph laughing super duper hard. Ready? Yeah. That's my – how do you read these guys i don't like like christopher and i feel like in a lot of senses we're we're very very similar like we're very laid back we're very much in our zone and like it's like we both have like i feel
Starting point is 01:24:38 like we have like our own small circles and then around us it's like we're social but then it's we have like an inner circle and that's how we vibe. So that's how I can read them a bit. But you can always see. You guys are one mind. Yeah, but you can always see on people's faces. Like I can always spot on people's faces, like how they feel. And like when you see someone like I see these guys like every day.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Like I feel like the other day, like I went to France for like three days and they're like, yes, we have the impression you left for like three weeks. That's awesome. God, you guys are having a blast. That sounds so great. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:18 we have, we have a, we have a solid entourage here. It's amazing. Anything else that you want to say before we go? Anything else you want to ask them, Bill and Chase, or anything else you want to tell us about the piece before it goes live? Joseph? No, I appreciate, obviously, all your guys' feedback.
Starting point is 01:25:38 It's amazing. I think we're both going to learn from it. At the end of the day, this is a learning process for both of us. We're both trying to get uh comfortable with uh with what we're doing and um yeah like like we're just gonna get really serious it's gonna be like once we start hitting like semi-finals in the games like there's gonna be a whole team behind this there's already a team behind this uh but like once we get semis in games like we're gonna bring a proper production team as well um to these events and that's gonna be like some next level shit oh dude it already looks beautiful go easy on yourself it is so beautiful and um for those of you uh gabriella has been around uh crossfit uh since 2017 she was third on the podium as a kid and i was wondering
Starting point is 01:26:19 i had a question for you chase is. Is that you, Chase? Did you commentate? No, that was Brandon. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. All right. So we have someone here. We have someone here who's only been getting better since 2017. If you need any more motivation to follow the sport, this is the horse you want to follow. And thankfully for Joseph Samaki on life of Josie,
Starting point is 01:26:45 um, you can, you can get an intimate look at her life by at, uh, Gabriella Magawa's, um, YouTube page. Oh, you're going to hit a thousand subscribers.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Everyone should subscribe so she can monetize. Everyone should subscribe so she can monetize. And then watch. Cause you got to get the hours into, it's not, we still need 39, 3,900 hours of, of watch,
Starting point is 01:27:06 but it'll come. We are that we'll get there i'm pretty sure that'll happen very quickly for you gabby oh yeah yeah i'm glad you're getting your moment in the sun gabby you've been working for it you've been trending up and it's good to see you out there and i promise to get your name correct on future thank you i appreciate it all right guys thank you joseph thank you gabby thank you guys appreciate it thank you i appreciate that all right guys thank you joseph thank you gabby thank you guys appreciate it thank you no you don't get to say that bye and bye and you're out bam you're gone and is gone bam you're gone yeah wow you know what you i they're so pumped. I got, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:27:45 Good. It's funny that you said that, uh, the thing with Christoph with the, the, the laugh thing that you did, you did when, when I met those guys, when I met Christoph for the first time,
Starting point is 01:27:54 I was like, wow, it was crazy. Right. Uh, I met those guys there. That's where I kind of got to know them decently. And then I saw them initzerland at an event out there
Starting point is 01:28:05 oh and i was i mean we hung out and those guys were i'm like i feel like i've known you guys for like five years and we really have just met they were super i mean talkative i mean inquisitive uh christoph man like that guy at least outwardly, like a bucket of positivity. Yeah. Just super nice. I think that guy would be like an insane coach. I mean, he's a good athlete, but I think he would be like a really good coach.
Starting point is 01:28:34 You know, I've never said Gabby's last name the right way because every time I say Magawa, I can't talk for a living. Every time I say Magawa and there's that L there, at least they don't have the symbol when they write it out normally. I felt like that. What is that priest from Princess Bride? I feel like an idiot that I can't pronounce her name correctly,
Starting point is 01:29:00 but I get it. That's how it's said. So there was an Armenianmenian guy on and this guy wants to know christian wants to know christian lum if we're brothers but i but i can't tell if he's talking about me and chase it's got to be time out no chase and i aren't brothers we just get our hair product at the same place i think you and bill probably use the same hair product i'm the younger brother because i obviously don't have as much gray hair. Obviously. And you're still strong.
Starting point is 01:29:28 Oh, yes. Mr. URL man. All the fun people from Poland. You didn't give me a chance to use my cool transition when we were going to bring him in. You jumped the gun on me. Oh, what was the transition? I was going to hit him with this. That's the sound of a 360- barbell brush by hybrid athletics and then boom different people are on hey that
Starting point is 01:29:55 was that's kind of cool i've never done that before brought like one show we did we had two guests on i think we had sarah on and then we brought danielle on and then another show i had nikki rodriguez on and i brought danielle on at the same time that was like that scared the shit out of me but but it was fun like in a fun way um but but that was really cool and i i was like wow with bill and chase there like i slept really good last night knowing you guys would be on because like i didn't have like the prep for the show is so easy i'm like if i just stop talking one of these guys will talk what like i didn't sleep at all i was like fuck i'm gonna go and get fucking fired hey don't you worry we got something for that too yeah yes oh no hey what happens to our background when there's all four of us?
Starting point is 01:30:47 How come it doesn't go to the edges, Matt? See how you can't – We can make it go to the edges, I think, by this button. Like if I make you vanish – No. Too close. Oh, see, now you can see our sponsors, Paper Street Coffee, I like that background, by the way.
Starting point is 01:31:03 That's really cool. That is really cool. Thanks. Will just made it randomly. That's awesome. All right. Well, thanks, guys. That was really cool.
Starting point is 01:31:14 You don't have to answer now, but maybe I will. Oh, so everyone here should go to Get With The Programming and subscribe. And maybe this is kind of uh originally i had called this um bill and chase the courtship and i had to change the name of it because i was like courting them to come on the show more often um but then the guy we had gabriella and joseph on so i had to take the courtship off and and slide their names in there but uh thanks for coming on and and hopefully we can continue to dance
Starting point is 01:31:48 some more. Anytime, dude. Yeah, anytime. We just got our 1,000 subscribers a couple days ago. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Congratulations. Thank you. Did you see the little 1,000 subscriber email thing? No, because you always check it and then sometimes... Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:10 I like logging our email.'m like we have 20 fucking comments that bill hasn't responded to but he just like clicked them all open and now i have to go through and then see sometimes yeah but sometimes they're not like nothing to respond to it's just like uh i agree with chase and i don't agree with bill or i agree with Bill and this is awesome. They should do this. Yeah. Just give him a little thumbs up. Thanks for commenting. The comments are fucking crazy.
Starting point is 01:32:31 They are. The comments in YouTube, like sometimes like people comment, I'm like, what did you, what did they comment on the right show? That's comments on anything. Like half the comments I see on like any post especially
Starting point is 01:32:46 on like instagram i'm like do you guys even know what this post is about or what you're even talking about no they don't someone the games posted the floor plans and some guy was like oh heavy diane's coming back i'm like where the fuck are you like what did you even look at the floor plans someone we had we had liver king on and someone in the comments said matt and seven are completely out of their league what i said three words in two hours or three i'm like are they talking about because he's because he's all buffed out or what? I don't even know. I don't even know.
Starting point is 01:33:28 I don't even know. Hey, I have to say this. So I follow the liver king. I think he's like – I enjoy watching him like I enjoy reading like a comic book. Like he's just entertaining to me. Yes, yes, for sure. I love that you guys had the whole talk about like the, you know, why is my beard all scraggly? And I just let this thing get all huge and I don't need to shave my beard.
Starting point is 01:33:50 But I'll go ahead and manicure my chest real fast. Yeah. So it's like you're a barbarian, but you manicure your chest. Come on now. Yeah, I got it. I got to ask him about that. Oh, but I thought that was I. I thought the show was fun. I think everything's fair game.
Starting point is 01:34:08 One of the biggest criticisms that people give him is that they're claiming that he's misrepresenting his supplements. I've never thought that if I take those supplements that I will look like him. Never in a fucking million years. He himself doesn't take those supplements except when he goes on the road i i think that people need to understand that the person that is like selling doesn't mean that they are what they do i mean like i mean when we had greg when he was doing the crossfit thing greg did not look like crossfit like you know when you look at anyone else that does crossfit he just didn't look that way so it would kill me when people say look at him he doesn't look like anything i'm like i don't give
Starting point is 01:34:49 a shit what he looks like right like listen to what he's saying you know what i mean people say liver kings on steroids i'm like what do i give a fuck like okay like i'm looking at the information i'm looking at the only problem i would have with that is if he goes, I took these supplements and I eat this way, and that's why I look the way I look, and that's what he builds. I would have a problem with that because if he is taking – Well, he does say this. He does say this. He says following the ancestral tenets, the nine tenets, whatever those are. Is that that like testosterone-boosting nutritional –
Starting point is 01:35:24 No, no. It's like don't keep your cell phone in your pocket. Sleep, sleep. It's like these things. Connect to the earth. Connect to the earth. And he claims that 35 years of training and eating raw meat or organ meat has got him to where he's at and these activities like the barbarian and and like whether you believe him or it's like the other day ronnie teasdale said something on his
Starting point is 01:35:49 instagram your name is not right it's it's raw raw raw birth no his name's fucking ronnie teasdale he said he said if you want to experience if you want to be like god all you have to do is take all personal accountability and responsibility for every little aspect of your life. And some people were offended. It's like you don't have to be offended. You can just try it. But I know you won't. I know you won't because it's so much easier to be offended.
Starting point is 01:36:18 I can't do it. Well, yeah. So I just like people – I'm not going to shit on it. No, no, no. Have you tried it yet yet i had a half pound of raw meat last night i i hear here that i'm like man i don't like pate i don't think no i don't i barely like sushi oh dude you're so from texas oh it's true yes i want to say something about going down on your wife, but I think we should cut that out.
Starting point is 01:36:47 She won't listen. But it was fun. I like watching people do their thing, whatever that thing might be. It was interesting watching him say what he said. I mean, once he got through, and this is not hating on him or even what he's doing, but like once he got through his sales pitch, I loved when you finally got him down to real. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:12 The first 30 minutes were tough. Yeah. And then we got into it. Yep. Because he was talking his talk, you know? And it's like, I just want to know, like, give me the real stuff. Like, don't tell me about,
Starting point is 01:37:24 I don't want to hear about the tenants and I don't want to hear about the this and the that. You got to live the barbarian and liver King out. Like, I mean, okay, man, that's, that's your thing. And that's cool. But it was cool when he actually got real. And it was like, you guys were talking about like, okay, well, what do you do? Like when your kids do this, because that's real shit, you can do whatever you want to do for yourself. I mean, even, even, you know, we have even the same kind of stuff in the gym.
Starting point is 01:37:46 When someone wants to lose weight, they want to eat a certain way. They want to get healthier. And you say, okay, you have to take out all the bread. You got to take out all of this. I mean, the simple stuff, you know, the hundred words of elite fitness stuff even. Just go that simple. And they're like, yeah, I know, but my kids aren't going to eat anything else if they don't eat this. And I'm like, all right, well, then you can either play that game with them or they don't eat or whatever.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Or I still want to get healthy or I want to see what it's going to do. Like I fast once a week, but I don't make my kids fast or anything like that. That's me. I want to do it. I want to test it out. I want to see what it does because I'm doing that piece for me. But it was it was to test it out. I want to see what it does. Cause I'm doing that piece for me. Um, but I, it was, it was really,
Starting point is 01:38:26 it was interesting. It was interesting. I was so proud. I was so proud. And on an ego trip high that I got him on the podcast. You don't even know. Like I am a podcast slut. And I was like, holy shit.
Starting point is 01:38:36 Like big, handsome dude just walked into the bar. I'm fucking sitting on his face. Like that was, I was pumped. I'm so, and I like him. I, I, I, I'm whatever his thing is i love him i'm good so intense yeah so intense like it that that level of dedication and discipline regard like i could take all the steroids and hh in the world and i'm
Starting point is 01:38:59 not doing any of that shit i just don't want to and i don't have the discipline or dedication and i am a very disciplined and dedicated athlete but that is so next level like i have a lot of respect for that for for that um mentality and approach on the constant it's freaking wild my favorite thing my favorite thing he said though was uh when he was talking about the um what the thing that his kid have to do with it what they call they call that? The, the barbarian. Well, yeah, but,
Starting point is 01:39:26 but he said that it was like, it was a thing that you have to do. Write a passage. It was right. A passage. I love the fact that, and what he's saying is nothing new. Like you,
Starting point is 01:39:40 you got, you have to be able to work through shit. And that's what makes you tough. You are not born tough. You do not get tough by having everything handed to you. You do not get tough by convenience and whatever. So like, you know, he was going, you know, pushing the other way where it's like, you know, if you're living barbarian, you don't do all of these convenience things. True.
Starting point is 01:40:04 But I think that you can still go okay here's my convenience things um you know whether it's uh the cell phone or the whatever you know the the good car the better gas the food whatever but you can still make yourself go to the gym and test it make it difficult don't make it easy make it difficult. Don't make it easy, make it difficult. And even, even for kids stuff, like they need to know that like, you need to push through this, whether it's you got to study or you got to, you got to train or you have to play your sport. That's why, man, I love sports and I love sports that have winners and losers because that is life. And you have to be able to lose and pick yourself back up and figure out how to win. Because that's, I mean, you're talking about living barbarian. That's it right there.
Starting point is 01:40:47 You got to be able to win. And that's, I mean, wrestlers, you go out, one person wins and one person loses. Jiu-jitsu, like all this like soccer stuff where you don't take score and there's no points and all of that. Like, oh, God god i hate that i i legit don't trust anyone if they've never played a team sport or any type of individual sport hey uh um on that note i do have to go but jeremy um we are um uh bill grundler has a uh museum of dick pics so if you want to donate to the show, donate a dick pic to BillGroundLaw at And we will see you guys soon.
Starting point is 01:41:29 Oh, bye.

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