The Sevan Podcast - #351 - Darian Weeks

Episode Date: March 29, 2022

Darian Weeks vs Ian Garry - UFC 273 Fight Night Welterweight 170lbs Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT... COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:55 You said 273, yeah? Yeah. Bam, we're live. A little early. A little early. One minute early. I was, I was, uh, Caleb and I, we have, uh, Darian Weeks on coming up here in a few seconds i'm a little concerned because all the podcasts this guy's done have been like 10 or 15 minutes i don't know if he knows what he's walking into um but another thing is is i uh i was caleb and i were talking about how you google has like a really cool um automated like if you type in ufc schedule
Starting point is 00:01:25 they'll just pop up the schedule and you can sift through the fighters and all that shit i don't know how that works between google and the ufc but google has the best schedule you think ufc would have something that at least matched it it's so weird uh but google's is amazing and i used to use duck duck go that search engine but i stopped using duck duck go because i was told that they were sifting through for Russian misinformation. And I don't need those motherfuckers telling me what's Russian misinformation or not.
Starting point is 00:01:51 I can figure that shit out myself. Can you imagine inviting someone else over to your house? Hey, can you eat my wife's pussy before I fuck her? Why would you do that? You handle your business. Hey, Darian. Good morning. What's up? What's up what's up my headphones good to see you brother good to see you are you can you believe what you're can you believe what you're about to embark on the greatest card of 2022
Starting point is 00:02:19 uh-oh oh yeah i know i'm excited about that hey do we have a fucked up connection do we have a fucked up connection definitely um i don't know you're not in the ukraine are you we got a delay we got a delay like you're in the ukraine no no definitely not in the ukraine okay let me try let's try let's try guys this schedule caleb can you pull up the schedule this schedule this fight card that uh darian's about to fight on is crazy okay heidi says it's definitely delayed in the comments i think he just got a bad connection. Maybe he'll move around somewhere. Good. Go to two. Oh, that's a little better.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's not that card. It's 273. Oh, you couldn't find it on Google? Caleb, you couldn't find Google? If you just go to Google. Anyway, it's a crazy, crazy card. Yeah, it's a crazy, crazy card. Yeah, it's a stacked card. And them adding Gilbert Burns and Kazmat Shumayev just made it even more crazier. So I'm excited to embark on that.
Starting point is 00:03:37 I think it'll be a lot of great fights and a lot of shocking knockouts. There we are right there. So this is what, for those of you who don't know this guy ian gary that darian is fighting is supposed to be the next conor mcgregor they're like building them up him for him for some reason they're really really on him and patty pimblitt's jock and that's cool but you have to see this fight and also this guy darian that we're about to talk to he's in the same weight class as AJ Fletcher, the up-and-comer great. Magdalena, Dela Magdalena from Australia, who's amazing.
Starting point is 00:04:11 And Darian's up there with him. He's 5-1, an insane loss a couple months ago against Barbarina. a couple months ago against Barbarina a fight he took on four days notice which really even shouldn't even be an excuse because you sat in there in the pocket and just bang with this fool for three rounds um and then he gets tortured by all these jackass podcasts he has to go on before the fights it's insane I listened to like five podcasts you did yeah they hate you it's almost like people are setting you up like hey we're gonna send you the worst podcasters in the world they're gonna ask you the same six questions and then you're gonna get off the air literally yeah uh that's yeah that's that's what
Starting point is 00:04:54 i've known how this thing has been playing out for for the most part but uh yeah i mean i had a fun time with the barbarina fight i mean i know it was on four days notice, but I'm a person that this is what we do as a career. We're fighters. You know, if nobody's ready to fight instantly when somebody calls you to fight, why are you doing this career? You know what I mean? We train every day. We work out constantly and we always think about fighting. So, I mean, I had a great time. I told Barbara Raina at the weigh-ins, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:28 don't be worried. I'll, I'll stay in the pocket with you. Like we can, you did say that to him. Yeah. Yeah. I told him, you know, I told him, Hey, we can bang. Like, I'm not, I'm not going to run from you. I'm not gonna, you know, tit for tat with you. Like we can stay in there and we can punch the shit out of each other. Like, you know, I'm, I'm down for that. So. I appreciated whenever he would go to the body on you, you returned it with the front kick, a toe to the stomach. That was nice.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Definitely. Oh, you want to punch me? I'll go kick you back in the stomach. And that teep kick is just such a devastating blow to the body. What's it called? A teep kick. T-E-A-P, teep? Yep. Oh, I never even heard of that yeah it's and it's such a
Starting point is 00:06:07 devastating blow um especially as quick as it comes you know you what moment you're walking forward towards somebody and then the next moment their toes is in your belly button so you know it's it's it's a definite it's a great it's a move that i love to use to not only judge distance but you know kind of to keep the fight at my pace um uh i know less about fighting than all of the other podcasters that you've ever um that have ever interviewed you but i promise you you will walk away today being like oh shit and uh what sucks is if you graduate from here, you got to deal with Ariel Hawani, who's equally a cheese dick. But anyway, you're a Bible guy. You go to church a lot?
Starting point is 00:06:52 Or you got Romans 832 on your back big. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I do. I am a Bible guy. I guess Bible guy. Yeah, I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. Yeah, that's how I stream my journey for sure. Um, I feel like, you know, there's no success without, you know, without God,
Starting point is 00:07:10 you know what I mean? He created all this anyway. So why not, you know, trust in him to pull us through it. I want to tie that to this statement that you said, people were talking about star power and you said, I'm not, I'm not about the star power. I'm about being the most lethal. I'm going to paraphrase a little bit, but I'm about trying to make the most lethal Darien weeks that there can be. This body is going to become the most lethal version. And then it's going to enter the octagon and you're going to witness it perform. You know, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook to get pussy. Like it's that's why he did it.
Starting point is 00:07:44 He admits it. And it's why it's kind of why men are here. I think it's fair biologically to say that we're driven to do that. pussy like if you if we were if we had different tribes why would girls want to be with me women when they could be with you two miles away and be protected or be with me and like and like dudes be ransacking our shit is it is what is that is that the ultimate expression of the rest of us who aren't doing that just lying to ourselves like is, is Mark Zuckerberg really want to beat people up, but instead he made Facebook? Maybe, you know, I feel like the number one thing about fighting, I feel like it's in everyone. I mean, from the beginning of time, people fought, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:36 no matter whether with hands, whether it was with swords. And now that we have in the 21st century, whether it was with guns. But, I mean, people, you can tell that you have that fighting ability in you. There's been a time in your life where somebody's crossed you, somebody said something, even if it was on the road and somebody cut you off, you felt inside, if I could see that guy in front of me, I'd beat the shit out of him. There's no denying that you didn't feel that. I i wonder if women feel that i've done so many i need to ask a woman that like this
Starting point is 00:09:09 kayla harrison feel that you know who that is yeah i do know who that is she looks like she you know what i mean like i wonder if she feels that i'll ask her looks like a stone cold just someone who just walks around just ready to punch someone in the face. Yeah. You don't look like you walk around like that, though. You seem, and most of the guys, at least most of the fighters that I know, have a pretty, they're not Sean Strickland's. They kind of have a really deep inner peace. They don't walk around vibing at all.
Starting point is 00:09:44 They're not like luke rockhold i ran into luke rockhold a couple blocks from my house the other day that motherfucker walks around like he wants to fight i'm like that doesn't look fun and maybe and i don't know and you know maybe you know some guys walk around with a chip on the shoulder that feels like they make them tougher or you know maybe they just feel like they have to put on that persona because of who you know they're fighters so they have to be like hey persona because of their fighters. So they have to be like, hey, I'm the tough guy. I don't feel that way. And especially when you feel as lethal as I do, at least.
Starting point is 00:10:12 I can't speak for anyone else. I never get upset or I'm never quick to anger because I know what I'm capable of. Yeah, Glover Teixeira does not seem like he walks around angry. At all. No. But you know that he could probably murder you in less than a minute. Yeah, Glover Teixeira does not seem like he walks around angry. At all. No. But you know that he could probably murder you in less than a minute. Eat you, eat you.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Literally. So I just feel like once you have that security and a type of ability that you have, you don't walk around like you have to prove to everybody, look how tough I am, you know. You know, and in Luke Rockhold's case, I mean, the last few fights he's been in, you know, he's gotten finished. You know, maybe he's trying to put on that tough guy persona to be like, hey, look, you know. And he's crazy handsome. And when I saw him, he was with some crazy hot chick and he was in like $150,000 Range Rover. He just pulled up in kind of like this weird parking spot, out went to the surf store had his shirt off i was like dude you don't need to like maybe he's just uncomfortable with how maybe he's just so beautiful that it's uncomfortable and that's what i was picking up on him maybe he is a sharp looking guy i will have
Starting point is 00:11:20 to tell you that um he definitely doesn't you know a, a lot of us fighters aren't that good looking, you know. And that may come from years of getting beaten in the face. But, yeah, he's one of the rare ones where he is a sharp looking guy. So maybe he is a tad bit, I don't know. Yeah, maybe, you know, he feels maybe almost feminine to be, you know, that good looking. I'm not going to tell him that that good looking am i gonna tell him that hey how do you know when you how do you when did you figure out you were tough when did you figure out okay maybe the ultimate game to play as a man is to be that is to be the most lethal version of
Starting point is 00:11:59 a man and when did you think you could get into that game like why not pole vaulting or you play football and and growing up why not just stick with football although that's a tough one too yeah um i did play football um i guess when i when i figured out i was really a tough guy me and my friends used to go to these uh i mean everybody went to parties when they were younger you know um and for some reason every time we showed up to parties, people just hated us. I don't know why, you know? And I mean, I was always been the way I am where I'm an outgoing person. I talk to people, you know, you know, come, um, but it would always end up in getting in these fights and it would always be like my four friends or my five friends against like 25 people, you know, and we used to cause,
Starting point is 00:12:47 I mean, some, some carnage against those 25 people. Now at any cost, we didn't win, you know, it wasn't a movie, you know, we didn't beat up 25 people and walk out of there with our sunglasses and our leather jackets, you know, we definitely got we definitely got the crap kicked out of us. But it was I mean, the way that we handled, I mean, the ability to fight those many people. I mean, we weren't ever scared, nervous. And we come from a small town anyway. So, I mean, what town where do you live? I live in Sedalia, Missouri. I probably never heard of it. It's a little dot on the map in the middle of Missouri. I probably never heard of it it's a little dot on the map in the middle of Missouri um but and so I mean we just from a very young age from 17 18 we'd always just I mean
Starting point is 00:13:34 the fights would come to us and I mean it I had I was never looking for a fight but I had the most fun when we were in those those times like when we were literally odd stacked against us, getting a dog beat out of us, I was like, this is great. You know, like I love the fact that I get to do this. And when I felt that I was like, wow, you know, man, I never thought about going into fighting after that. You know, I still had the football. I even went to college for football. But after my one year of college in football.
Starting point is 00:14:05 What position did you play, Darian? Strong safety. Okay. Yeah. And they would just use me for the same thing. You know, just run down and hit someone as hard as you can and, you know, we'll call it good. You know, I was never a person who covered receivers and tried to steal the ball. They just literally used me for bruise and abuse.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Like, hey, just run at that guy and hit him. used me for bruising abuse like hey just run at that guy and hit him um so i always had that i don't know kind of dive into danger kind of feel um and was never you know afraid or you know shied from it ever um and then i found this local fight that they were having in and actually sedalia which is weird you know it's a town, but they got some way to have a cage fight. And one of my buddies asked me, who's now one of my corner men, he's one of my conditioning coaches. He asked me, he's like, hey, you want to get into this fight? And I'm like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:14:57 I mean, who we got to fight? You know, I'm thinking, yo, we got to run up on someone and fight him. All right. Yeah. And he's like, no, it's a cage fight, you know, like they do on TV. And I was like what like to beat up somebody just legally in front of people and he's like yeah and i was like for sure let's go i trained for i think a month and a half never did never did combat sports i did wrestling when i was in high school but never did any combat
Starting point is 00:15:21 sports never boxing or anything and i trained for about a month and a half and he threw me in there with somebody who was four and oh, and he's like, and I'm like, all right, well, I guess it's, it is what it is. And the first time that my knuckles touched his face and he fell to the ground, I was like, I'll do this for free every day of my life. Wow. I mean, you feel, you felt that the, the fact that the crowd erupts when they think that you've hurt them or you think that you make a fast move.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I mean, that in itself is almost like a drug, to be honest. That's what we're addicted to, the fighters. That's why you fight on the stage that you fight on. on because when when that crowd you hear it cheer i mean it fills your body with i mean just straight adrenaline i mean you feel like the top of the world like mike tyson said it best and i know a lot of people reference mike tyson but like and you know by any means i'm not blaspheming but yeah you walk down in that freaking ring and you hear that crowd and you get to throwing you feel like a god you feel like one of the top people in the world you're like i'm the baddest dude that anybody has ever seen and it's just and this is why we do it you know to just feed that that kind of ego that
Starting point is 00:16:38 we have that and this fight is gonna be huge this fight that he's fighting against this guy, Ian Gary, it's kind of like you might not know this movie Highlander. Do you know this movie, Darian? Yes, I do. It's kind of that situation. You have these two guys. They're two young up-and-comers. And there's all of this hype around Ian. But Darian has an insane track record.
Starting point is 00:17:01 If you go to Sherdog or Typology, can you open that, caleb and let us look at it um it's it's an insane record it's i think it's um i think ian and that thing that you did in australia is insane yeah that was uh this could this could be a main event fight too if they had the media to pump it up because your background in fighting is absolutely nuts yeah no i actually found that uh um those kind of tournaments probably like two or three years ago um three years ago yeah and what i the first one i went to was in bahrain that's 10 miles outside of saudi arabia there's a prince of bahrain who literally hosted over 68 countries five days of fighting three rings going at the same time all five days and I think every weight class from women's 115 all the way up to men's 285 so I mean it was or 265. So it was insane.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Like, and you fought five fights in five days, five fights, five days. And not only that, you got to make weight every day. That's what I was going to ask you. I heard you allude to that in an interview. So what is your, so you're 170 pounder, your welterweight. Yeah. Um, the champion of your division of the UFC is Kamaru Usman. For people who don't know, um, the fight that we just saw between Colby and Colby and Masvidal, those are also guys in your weight class, the 170.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Yes, sir. By the way, great tagline for Masvidal, right? Undefeated in the streets. That shit is so cool. That is great. So what's your walking around weight? Was that hard to make weight every single day? It was.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It was hard for two reasons. One, yes, because I walk around at probably 196, like just if I'm not trying to cut. If I'm not trying to eat 100% healthy and I'm just walking around training, just normal, don't have a fight, probably 196 pounds. Maybe heavier if I'm being a glutton on some food. How tall are you? Five, 11 and a half. I'm going to keep my little half, half inch there. I understand. But, uh, and also for a second thing, because I'm in, I was in a country where you are not used to the food regardless. I don't care if they try to give you the same eggs and turkey bacon that you eat at home. There's just something about it.
Starting point is 00:19:32 I don't know if it's the culture that it comes from or if it's the season. Hey, dude, even dogs look different. You'll be in Ireland, and you'll be like, what kind of dog is that? They'll be like a Labrador. You're like, that motherfucker don't look like our Labradors. You're going to need to get off the island. You know what I mean? Everything's been kind of inbred more literally you know and it's just like and it was just you know just the surroundings the air the just environment it's
Starting point is 00:19:54 so much harder to do that for consistent time over in another country um but at the same time that's why i'm glad i got that opportunity. You know, there won't be anything that I haven't experienced now. You know, there won't be any little new niches that I won't, you know, especially with the UFC. They'll, they'll bring that professionalism to that. Like if we're over in a different country, they'll bring food that the fighters will be able to eat. You know, there'll be people there that literally prepare stuff that you'll be able to eat. So, I mean, me having that experience, me having to, you know, battle that weight cut day in and day out for one makes weight cut for one night easy. You know, I'm like, yeah, I can, I could cut weight. Let's go. You know what I mean? And I'm ready to get on the scale and let's fight. And not only that, it makes fighting for one night that much easier i know hey i don't have to go to sleep wake up and fight another guy again tomorrow you know um i can give you know 130 tonight come off with the win and i really feel like that's why i rocketed my pro career off with that many finishes because i was like oh let's go you know i can put my all into this and just
Starting point is 00:21:03 put people out and then I'm out of here. You got five pro wins for that? Yeah. No, no, no, not at that tournament. Oh, those were all amateur fights? Those were all amateur fights that I did on any tournament. In Bahrain, I went to Bahrain twice, and then, like you said, I went to Australia, which that was at the Arnold Schwarzenegger exhibit,
Starting point is 00:21:23 and Arnold Schwarzenegger was there watching us fight. That was extremely ecstatic. What's the most fights you've had in a year, regardless of amateur or, or, um, so if you're doing five fights in five days, five days, have you ever done two of those kinds of tournaments in the same year? Um, I think, I think, uh, Bahrain and Australia wereia were in the same year so yeah i did the five fights right there really yeah i mean easily you know um and not to mention the profile or the amateur fights i did in between those tournaments just to keep my body you know going so that i
Starting point is 00:21:59 could you know fight so probably probably 11 11 fights in a year probably at most. I mean, when you're an amateur, you got to grab them. You know what I mean? You got to get them. Can you put – Caleb, can you show us that, his fight record? And can you scroll down a little bit? Yeah, it's nuts. It's crazy how many fights you've had yeah and so this isn't this isn't even all of them yeah tapology shows every one of them and and it's crazy and what's really crazy
Starting point is 00:22:35 is um you know now tapology only keeps track mostly of amateurs in america you know they don't keep track of other people's records so some of of those people in there, it'll say like 0-1 or 2-1, but those guys were actually probably like had just as many fights as me, 12-2 or something crazy, you know what I mean? Because they're fighting in Finland. You know, they're fighting in Dagestan. They're fighting in, you know, I mean, it's been, it was crazy, you know, the amount of talent that they had at these tournaments
Starting point is 00:23:06 and how many countries that I've never heard of at these tournaments before, you know? Like, it was insane. In your pro career, you don't have any decisions? No. Except for the one with Barbarina. Except for the one, I know. Except for the one. Wow, it's nuts. So someone's going to sleep that dude
Starting point is 00:23:26 you're gonna knock uh mr gary out oh yes that's the plan yeah i wonder if he knows that um i don't think he does i feel like he really feels like the ufc is spoon feeding him you know i don't think they do that by the way every commentator says that i do not think i was an executive at crossfitting for 15 years we never gave a fuck who won the crossfit games yeah we don't give a shit everyone's like well they need connor to do this and they need gary to do this so that they can we know they don't care and that's what i'm gonna have they're gonna we're gonna make our money anyway we don't give a fuck and that's what my management team had told me they had talked to sean shelby when they first gave me the fight and um it's a lie they don't care yeah they asked if i could do the fight and
Starting point is 00:24:13 i said yeah for sure and they said yeah because they want to make they want to see if this guy is really the real deal you know and the fact that they came to me to do that you know somebody who fought barbara on four days notice i feel like that's realistic you know somebody who's not afraid to punch somebody in the pocket someone who's not afraid to go into a late round and keep throwing let's go let's get tired let's let's hit each other you know and i feel like you know i'm a i'm a 85 to 94 percent different fighter when i have a full count i mean that was just wow that's huge i was actually going to ask you that that's huge i always thought it was thinking to be like five percent different is it going to be your engine is your engine going to be different my engine's
Starting point is 00:24:53 going to be different my punches are going to be quicker my punches are going to be harder my wrestling is going to be even more devastating i mean it's i mean it's night and day like that was that was off the couch. I was on the couch for 12 days because, you know, you get those little tweaks in practice, and I had one in my knee, and I didn't want to further my injury. I knew how close I was to the UFC, so I took some time off. I'm on the couch. I'm eating pizza.
Starting point is 00:25:18 I'm just hanging out, and my management team called me, like, hey, you want to fight for the UFC tomorrow? You know, this week, you know what I mean? You want to fly out? And I'm like, yeah, let's go, you know? My wife's going crazy. She's like, there's no way you can make 170. You're 194 pounds.
Starting point is 00:25:36 And I'm like, I'll let the scale tell me I can't make 170. I'm going right now, you know? And I did. I made 170 on the dot. And how was your knee during the fight by the way um it it wasn't a hundred you know but i mean it's not an excuse that i should have used either you know was it in your head when you're in the ring during those three rounds were there times when you took a step and you're like like instead of paying attention to him your body's
Starting point is 00:25:58 like hey pay attention to me i think when people have injuries they do that a lot you know that it's always lingering that they're like oh oh, this is right there, you know? Especially when he threw that first kick at it, I was like, you know, then, you know, your mind's like, oh, shit, you know, damn, you know, is this shit going to be mangled in the fight? Am I going to fucking, you know? So I will say, my focus was maybe distracted, maybe a little bit, but that in all said in all sadness, I should have pressed the button way harder. You know, it was my debut. I should have just went for a complete broke. And, you know, maybe that maybe the knee injury held me back. You know, maybe the fact that it was on four days notice and I'm experiencing all this stuff for the first time.
Starting point is 00:26:47 And I'm like, oh, I'm grabbing all this. Oh, this is how the UFC goes. Oh, this is I have to take, you know, broadcast after broadcast after broadcast. You know, it looked like, dude, you were to speak in video game turns like like you were using all the energy you had without gassing out. You look like you were I mean, the. You looked like you were, I mean, the whole fight looked like it was being determined by who was pressuring more. And that motherfucker could throw. Man, he just was just throwing the whole time. And then you would see he would lose a little gas, and then you'd start pressuring him.
Starting point is 00:27:19 It was like, you know what I mean? Like two guys pushing on a barrel back and forth across the ring. I do, yeah. And that's exactly what it felt like in the fight. It felt like he'd finished a forth across the ring. I do, yeah. And that's exactly what it felt like in the fight. You know, it felt like, you know, he'd finish a little four or five-point combination, and then I knew like, oh, yeah, I could hit the teep kick in there, run him down with a one-two, then maybe hit a shot on him. And then, you know, he'd climb up off the fence, and now he'd turn it around,
Starting point is 00:27:39 and he'd back me up with a one-two with a leg kick. And then, you know, it did feel very like back and forth back and forth and i just uh you know i have some regrets in that fight um i mean the fight's over now you know what i mean so i mean i'm not gonna i don't dwell on it but if you have 10 more engine coming into this fight this dude's in fucking big trouble i mean you guys it was basically it was it was basically like a colby uh kumaro fight against barbarina you guys were just maybe just a little behind them and turn i mean it was just it was go it was yeah 15 minutes of dudes punching each other literally you know and um and if you
Starting point is 00:28:17 put that pressure on ian gary with 10 more he's fucked yeah 10 more and i'm telling a whole lot more power behind it you know there's been a whole lot more shoulder conditioning. My shoulder conditioning has been at its peak. And Barbarina doesn't do that. You were throwing harder punches. He is more Colby. You are more Kamaru in that fight. He does, and I will say I felt that when I was in there with him.
Starting point is 00:28:42 He does do a lot of—maybe he does it to overwhelm or just distract but he doesn't yeah he doesn't put grease all the way on those punches you know it looks cool it's fun to watch like it's fun to watch colby like he's just coming forward like this yeah yeah and uh and he's just touching you know body head head head body you know and i was just that's what made me actually get comfortable in the fight is i'm like okay well this guy's not gonna knock me out you know i was like there's no way that he's knocking me out and i'm feeling the punches and i'm like i don't i don't think i even walked off with a mark on my face off the fight so uh maybe and you know sometimes fighters need that oh i'm gonna die to bring out a straight freaking savage you know what i mean sometimes fighter need to get hit with
Starting point is 00:29:34 something that's just devastating to be like oh yeah you hit me with that well i'm about to just cradle your ass you know and maybe that's that's why i let myself get complacent in the in the fact that we were trading back and forth. Hamza just comes out like that. Hamza just comes out like that. Like you got a knife to his mom's throat. Bro, like you just told his whole family that you're going to fucking kill him if he doesn't finish his fight. Hey, do you think he tells himself stuff like that?
Starting point is 00:30:01 Like, I'll do this shit in the gym when I was in college. There'll be a pretty girl over there, and I'll be like pull-ups and i'm like if i can get three more pull-ups this girl will date me i mean there's no chance she's gonna date me but i would tell myself that and then do the three and just be like well and i trick myself you know what i mean you think he does that three yeah i think he does i mean do you do anything like that tell yourself any stories you know at the at the beginning of my fights, I used to, you know, especially when I was an amateur. Like, I just used to. Well, the number one thing that I do now in fights is I dream and I think about every day.
Starting point is 00:30:34 This dude is telling his mom. This dude is telling his wife, girlfriend. This dude is telling everybody and his whole people that he knows that he can beat this shit. You mean me and Gary? Yeah. Yeah. Or anybody, you know, that they could beat the shit out of me. You think you can beat the shit out of me? That's
Starting point is 00:30:48 who you're telling people that you're trying to punk me right now to people I don't even know. That's where my mind goes. Like, hell no, you're not going to punk me to people I don't know. Well, you're gonna have to show me that you have to show those people. And that's the number one thing I love is fighting somebody in front of their people. I know Ian Gary's bringing all his Irish family and friends down from Florida. And I love that. I love, like, I want your people to be there. Everybody you told that you could knock me out, everybody you told that you're going to sleep, show me. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:31:18 And that gets me in there more than anything. Like, show me then, you know? And I didn't really feel that energy from Barbarina. You know, Barbarina didn't look like he's just telling everybody he's gonna knock me out you know he just went in there look like you know he just loved to fight and you know maybe i didn't have that hunger but this this i mean all of this this whole time seeing these interviews as gary's doing and just you know hearing how i know he's talking about me it's i haven't watched one of his i kind of got off the,
Starting point is 00:31:46 I was kind of on the bandwagon for a little while. And then I just got off. I was like, fuck this. I just know. And I mean, you know, I liked the Connor. I liked the Connor hype train.
Starting point is 00:31:53 I was on that. Yeah. I mean, and I won't, I won't lie. Conor McGregor changed the game. And anybody who says he didn't is retarded, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:03 right. Regardless of how he acts now, you know, I mean, that's. People get offended by the word retarded. Could you just say tarted? Oh, tarted, yeah. No, I'm just joking. I'm just joking. Oh.
Starting point is 00:32:13 I'm just joking. I was about to say that. But, no, yeah, it's just, it's a thing that, you know, people got to, you know, show him, at least acknowledge that part of him about it like you did crazy things in this game you told you showed people that you don't have to just be a a strong fighter you could be a showman and then get paid two million dollars for a main event so it's hey it's insane um do you think that if if connor wouldn't have knocked out jose aldo
Starting point is 00:32:43 jose aldo with that first punch that that would have been a good fight? They would have beat the shit out of each other? I feel like Conor would have lost that. Okay, fair enough. And so how do you go – Jose fucked up, and correct me if I'm wrong, because basically he came out there too stiff, right? He came running out there like a piece of steel. He messed up at the very way before the fight. He messed up, and the thing that Conor McGregor did that he beat him before the fight just with all of the mind play.
Starting point is 00:33:17 Holding his belt. If you see, if you go back in those interviews, he's holding his belt. He's taking pictures with his belts while, you know, Jose Aldo is getting interviewed by someone else, you know, like, yeah, that shit was awesome. That is, and you could tell like it was eating Jose Aldo alive. And like I said, you got to come in there with aggression, but you can't come in there with blind aggression.
Starting point is 00:33:39 You can't come in there like, Oh, I'm just running at this guy. Cause I mean, you still have to respect every athlete that's standing in front of you they're there for a reason um but i feel like 100 that jose aldo lost that fight before the fight even began you know like his mindset was all over the place he wanted to hit him too eagerly he came in there chin up in the air and was just able to get countered hard and it was just and it's i mean i see yeah if conor mcgregor doesn't land that that first punch and jose aldo comes in there like he normally does with brutal leg kicks to start the fight off yeah oh man conor mcgregor would have been i mean i think he would have lost that i mean if not by unanimous decision you know by split for sure he would have lost that. I mean, if not by unanimous decision, you know, by split for sure,
Starting point is 00:34:26 he would have definitely lost. The code's been kind of cracked on him, huh? That whole leg kick thing. Yeah. I mean, and it should have been cracked a long time ago just because how wide he stands. When you stand that wide in MMA, it's so hard to pull your leg up and block a leg kick. You can't, you know? And I understand that's where he generates his power and his counter punching but he just stands way too wide for i mean i don't
Starting point is 00:34:51 know how anyone didn't just start tearing that up you know off the off the rip but um and then also like well i don't understand why more people didn't get him to the ground especially when he fights people like chad mendezendes. That fight was crazy. He's lucky. He's so lucky Chad gassed out. He's so lucky. I'm telling you, because he was getting mauled. Mauled.
Starting point is 00:35:13 And, man, I mean, Conor McGregor did a great job in the beginning of his career playing with people's minds. And then that gasses you out. When you have to work in your mind as hard as you have to work with your body, you gas out quick. If you can't just go in there and fight free and not have to think about, oh, this and this and this and this.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Oh, he said he was going to do this. I can't let that happen to me. No, see, you get tore down, you get beat down, you get gassed out. No, see, you get tore down, you get beat down, you get gassed out. I mean, he did a great game plan, but now everybody's kind of broken that. As you see, Dustin Poirier, he didn't really get, oh, Connor's going to beat me, you know what I mean? Or, oh, he didn't really get all emotional about it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So when he went in there and freaking Connor got the first time and Connor got out. And I was like, I'm not going to lie. I stood up out of my chair. I didn't expect that. I was like, whoa. And then the second time just be, fuck. I mean, the second time would just been icing on the cake. Yeah. But I feel like that's another thing mindset wise is Conor McGregor
Starting point is 00:36:22 defeated himself in that fight too. Thinking like, Oh, cause he came, he came in the first fight being nice. Connor, you know, like respect. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And then he tried to force. Yeah. Yeah. Neither of those were the real Connor, right? The nice guy. And then the over dick guy, it's like,
Starting point is 00:36:38 yeah. And it just, and you can see like, you know, playing that, playing that little acting thing kind of just beat you into a corner. And, I mean, his leg snapping was just, wow. Speaking of beating into a corner, I don't think the Will Smith slap was real.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Here's my two cents, and then I would love to get your expert opinion. Yeah, yeah. In the slow-mo, I see chris rock brace for it right so like he knew it was coming and then what are the chances that that didn't fucking like hit him in the ear and just knock him down i mean will smith's a big fucking strong dude literally um and and on the other end ch Chris Rock's kind of like a little dude. Yeah, he is a little guy. I will say, I'm really- And who gives a fuck what anyone says in that environment? Those dudes just, they're professional.
Starting point is 00:37:36 They're both comedians. They tear people up. Literally. And not only that, you know at those awards that that's going to happen when they put a comedian as the host. You're not – you've got to roll with the punches. No one's meaning these things and literally tearing you down like purposely. Like, yeah, okay, we hate you, Jada Pinkett Smith. You're bald.
Starting point is 00:37:59 You know, nobody's trying to say that. He's just literally making a joke that he's seen. And I think some sources say that the joke was actually just literally making a joke that he's seen and i think some i think some sources say that the joke was actually on the teleprompter that the the the writers of the freaking show wrote the joke and he's just reading off the teleprompter and why wouldn't jada just stand up and flex or like use that as like a moment to like be like or wave to him or be like or like afterwards tell the reporters you know that guy wants to fuck me or just say something with it. And that's just her being self-conscious because of everything that's gone on in media about her.
Starting point is 00:38:33 You know, she had that little fling or whatever with that young rapper while she was still married with Will Smith. There was a ton of stuff going on about that. And then, you know, she didn't, you know on about that um and then you know she didn't you know maybe she felt like you know i don't know i don't know but i will say about the slap it looked i mean for me to slap the crap out of somebody will smith's crap the slap looked terrible terrible like and it just barely caught his chin or like it's almost like they talk to a stuntman and be like okay this if it's gonna be real he's got to get hit but this is the absolute least damage you could do
Starting point is 00:39:10 if you slap him and i'm not even lying like if somebody walks out of the crowd and slaps me i'm slapping him back oh fuck i know you are i know you are they're know you are. They're acting afterwards. I believe Chris Rock pulled it off pretty good to make it seem real when he's like, hey, don't say my wife's fucking name. And then Chris Rock's like, I'm not going to. I feel like that felt real. But man, something about it's not. I mean, I'm okay if they staged it too. I'm not mad at them.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Fuck, I think it's cool as shit if they stole the stole the internet for two days good on i mean i'm proud of them they were just talking about how oscar like uh people into the oscars yeah they're down they're like way down so i mean and you know that shit sponsored by pfizer have you seen that no i haven't yeah the beginning of that show it it says the Oscars are sponsored by BioNTech and Pfizer. It's fucking, our world is so screwed up. Yeah, it is insane. And it's so crazy how many people have their hands in something, you know? Like, it's, I mean, this crypto stuff, it has its hands in everything.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Oh, are you playing around with crypto? I'm not. I'm not. But, I mean, I just notice it being, you know. Aren't you a james kraus guy aren't you over at glory mma no no no i i have i've trained there uh a few times but no uh i i know all those guys very very well very well um but because he's a money guy james kraus is a smart money man, right? He is. He is. He does a good job investing the money. That's why he's able to, you know, a lot of fighters in his position. I love him.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I had him on the show once. He's fun. Yeah. A lot of fighters in his position would keep fighting and keep fighting and keep fighting, but you see that he's not that hell-bent on fighting, and that's just because he has used his money in a smart manner he's not most people keep fighting because for one maybe they love it but for two they want the money that comes with the fights he's he's not having to do that you know he's having he knows he can live an enjoyable life and not have to you know scr, scrounge for $50,000 bonuses all the time. You know what I'm saying? So, um, I'd rather drive a Honda civic and have 40 K in the bank than drive a Escalade and be in
Starting point is 00:41:32 O money. I'd rather, literally, you know, and that's, and that's the number one thing too, that a lot of people, when I started fighting, especially in a small town, they always ask him like, Oh, where are you going to move? You're to california yeah i'm i'm looking i'm like why would i move everybody in this town knows me i get half the stuff i have for free yeah um no i won't you'll be at the hamburger shop and someone will cover your shake you're like thank you yeah literally you know yeah and yeah i love that shit yeah i'm like i'm not gonna move to a bigger city where no one even knows me and then i'm just gonna be a nobody spending all the money that i have yeah i'm gonna keep this money keep this house payment that's next to nothing in sedalia missouri a small town and you own your house
Starting point is 00:42:15 yeah oh you're a boss and you own a you own a barber shop too right yeah yes for definitely own a barber shop i uh oh yeah let's see where that is said dahlia sorry go ahead sorry oh yeah go ahead yeah go ahead so darren you how long have you owned the barbershop i opened it up a little over three years ago um and i was uh i've always i've always cut hair um and i tried working different jobs while training for fighting and stuff and you cut the hair yourself yeah do you have your you do legally you have like your license and all that or did all of it yeah no shit it was uh it was it was a process but i knew it would make it would make fighting life so much easier um so i i went ahead and it's 11 months of schooling you have to do.
Starting point is 00:43:11 And I did schooling for 11 months and you have to go to school for six hours a day. Oh, my God. I thought was pretty ridiculous for cutting. Hey, is it just you and hot chicks? No, no, it's it's it's actually just me and my brother. No, no, no, no. I mean, in the school. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:25 There's yeah, there was a ton of just females in there yeah for sure wow and the other dudes and most of the other dudes in there are gay so did you already have a wife when you went there yeah yes i did oh what did she think about you going there was she like checking your phone every time you came home no i feel like i'm a pretty trustworthy guy you know i shoot straightforward if i don't want to be somewhere or be with somebody they they know you know what i mean i don't try to i don't play this two-faced two-man guy where i'm like oh yeah i love you and now i'm smashing britney on the side you know yeah let me see the town again i want to i want to tell people where it's at who are listening to the podcast instead of watching so this looks like it's uh east pull out even more this is looks like it's east of uh kansas city by how many miles uh probably about 80 80 miles or so okay pull out
Starting point is 00:44:16 even more wow you are really in the middle of the straight country in the middle straight in the middle um how much how much is a home so so if you fly to a fight you go to kansas city and fly out of there yeah fly out of kansas city most likely yeah and how much is a home in sedalia um uh our house which is a a pretty a pretty nice house it's two-story five-bedroom wow two and a half bath or maybe three and a half bath actually um and it probably costs us 180 000 you know maybe it values now maybe 200 220 000 but i mean it's I mean, it's easy living for, you know, for where, for speaking of where anywhere else right now, you know, it's, I mean, it's, it's super easy living. Wow. Yeah. And you like the town, you like the people? Love the town. I've been there since I was
Starting point is 00:45:20 in grade school. So, I mean, like everybody knows me. I know most people. It's a nice town. I like it. You know, you can always go travel somewhere and we do that. We travel to, you know, California, Florida, Las Vegas, places like that. But I mean, why stay there? We can always go back to somewhere that's, you know, peaceful, you know, somewhere that, you know, it's not so crazy. You ain't got to worry about traffic. You ain't got to worry about crazy people. You know,
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Starting point is 00:46:59 oh yeah it's chill for sure are you in farm country is it like a farm farmland and stuff it's close yeah it's okay so Sedalia is probably like the biggest city like in the middle of farm land. Like we have like these other towns like Smith and – Like you see a cow every day like when you drive around? For sure, probably. Probably, yeah. Shoot, I mean we – yeah, I talked about getting some cows. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:47:22 Just because, you know – Now's the time, buddy. It's money. It's money. It's money right there. And maybe food. And maybe food. Literally. We get a fresh cow killed every year.
Starting point is 00:47:34 We get 300 pounds of beef that we see the cow. They kill the cow. They give us the beef instead of going to Walmart. And you have a freezer? Yeah, deep freeze, huge. Yeah, huge deep freeze. We actually had to buy a second one so that we could store the cow in there. But, I mean, it's the best way to do beef right now just because it's $2.60 if you kill the whole cow.
Starting point is 00:48:02 Oh, yeah. A pound, $2.60 a pound kill the whole cow. Oh, yeah. A pound. $2.60 a pound. You know what I mean? And right now, I don't know what beef is a pound. Like $6 or something? No, $13 at my house. $13 at my house. That's horrible.
Starting point is 00:48:15 Yeah. That is tragic. $13.99. Yeah. See, I mean, you couldn't even get – I mean, you buy a steak too many times at the grocery store and you're making a car payment. You know what I mean? It's just horrible. You know, it's funny you say that.
Starting point is 00:48:28 One of my friends has property. He lives about, I don't know, 20 miles from me, and he just got 21 cows. And I told him, I said, hey, I want to buy one of those cows. And I forget how much he said. It would be like $1,500 or $800. I can't remember. He goes, hey, you need a deep freezer and i go hey i'll it's i figured did the math and it was cheaper if i buy a huge freezer give it to him he stores it on his land and i store my meat in there he's like you
Starting point is 00:48:54 want your freezer back i'm like no it's still cheaper literally and and healthier meat the cows are just gonna eat the shit like he doesn't even feed his cows crap just eat his grass they don't get these hormones. Like, okay, I went past. I drove through Texas. Sometimes I go to New Mexico to do some training. I drive through Texas. And Texas has like one of the biggest slaughter fields you've ever seen in your life for beef.
Starting point is 00:49:16 And it's disgusting. For one, all these cows are just held in mud. There's no green grass, period, at all. And they're all in these cages and they're nose to ass nose to ass nose to ass no one likes that no one likes that literally no one no one likes it not only that you know that they're walking around in all their own shit and you're getting all those fumes i mean they may not be eating the shit but still the fumes from the shit are getting into that cow.
Starting point is 00:49:45 And then they're just slaughtering them. Like when I seen that, dude, I almost went vegan. I promise. I hear you. I hear you. Whoa. I was like, this is horrible. I can't even believe this.
Starting point is 00:49:57 But then I ate a burger again and I'm like, no, I'm not going vegan. I don't care about that. But it's just insane the way that we mass produce all of this meat. I mean chickens too. Before I became a barber, I worked catching chickens for Tyson's. Tyson's is one of the biggest chicken plants in the United States. Sorry to interrupt. Caleb, doesn't Mertens have 15,000 pigs he manages for Tyson?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Yeah, he does. That is for Tyson, right? Okay. I think so. Where is he? He's in Iowa? Yeah, he's in Iowa. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:32 This other athlete we have on the show on the regular, his day job is managing 15,000 pigs. That would be horrible. I would hate it, especially being pigs. You know what I mean? Pigs, they said pigs, if they can get you on the ground, they'll eat you alive. Period. Period. Wow. They said if pigs knock you down on the ground, they will just start eating you alive.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Period. Did you ever see the – now we're getting off subject here a little bit. Did you ever see that HBO documentary where Deadwood – no, not a documentary. It's a series. It's a four-season series. You never saw Deadwood? Ever, no. Anyway, It's a series. It's a four-season series. You never saw Deadwood? Ever. No.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Anyway, that's how they dispose of the bodies. Everyone they kill, they just feed them to the hogs. Literally. Yeah. Yeah. Because pigs will eat anything. Some of these pigs that they kill for Tysons, they literally – I might be telling too many secrets, but I don't care. No, tell them.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Don't. They literally feed these pigs crushed up recycling like any rubber plastic cardboard anything that they can crush up into where it's so tiny that it's yeah getting like a like a little paste look to it and then they just put these vitamin drops in there throw them to the pigs and the pigs will eat everything so they're not even eating real food it's like and this and this makes them huge within three weeks. You know what I mean? Like crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:49 I've heard of that. I've heard of that, that basically there's like – there's actually some limit. Like 20% of what you can feed them is like packaging or something. Literally. Like it's disgusting. That's horrible. But anyway, the chickens though, they, they store the chickens probably the same way that they do the cows.
Starting point is 00:52:06 There is, I used to catch chickens and you have to catch 60,000 chickens a night in one eight hour shift. You have to catch 60,000 chickens. How did you do that? You have like some vehicle you chase them around with? No, you do them by hand. You catch six chickens in each hand. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah. It was crazy. When I first went to this job i'm like no way this is a real job like and yeah that doesn't even that doesn't even sound possible 60 000 i don't even i can't even imagine can you pull up 60 000 chickens caleb and see what kind of images we see okay go on darren it's crazy okay so they have a barn that's as long as a football field and you see when right when you walk in the door from the from the tip where you walk in the door to the back of that is just ass to ass nothing but chickens ass to ass i mean like
Starting point is 00:52:51 just like those white chickens like you just like you see cartoons just a plain white okay just plain white chickens with the red little things on them and i mean you see nothing else but you don't see the floor or anything and you pick you have to grab six chickens at a time. You have to grab three in each of these fingers right here. You have to grab one in each of these fingers right here. One. By the legs. Scoop them like that.
Starting point is 00:53:15 Yes, that's exactly what it looks like. And you have to just sit there. So those things that they're eating out of right now, they're automatic. So they automatically raise up and they go to the ceiling and you just start grabbing as many chickens as you can. And it's you and six other people. And what do you do with them? So you have six chickens and then what do you do with them? You ever seen those trucks that have all those chickens in them? Yeah. Okay. So those are each individual cages and they're like five individual cages. You just lift the lid down. One person lifts the lid down
Starting point is 00:53:45 and you guys just throw as many as you can in there until they're all the way packed in and full. Shut the lid, open the next one. Throw them. How are they not falling out as you put them in? Or they are? No, they're not. And you know what?
Starting point is 00:53:57 The first time I did this, I didn't even know what to do. Like I'm picking up one chicken like this. It's flapping at me. It's pooping everywhere. I'm like, what the hell? And I worked with Hispanics and I'll tell you what, they made this shit look like it was easy. Every day that I left there, I was covered in chicken shit from head to toe. There was not one Hispanic that had a drop of chicken shit on there. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:54:22 I love it. I'm like, what is going on? How? How is that even possible? And I started learning the rhythm of it. And like, you can literally throw these chickens in there from like 15 feet away from this cage and they all make it in there and they never move out of it.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Like once it's dark to a chicken, we catch them all at night. So once it's dark to a chicken, chickens will go stalemate. They won't move. They won't run. They won't do anything. They just night so once it's dark to a chicken chickens will go stalemate they won't move they won't run they won't do anything they just sit there when it's dark so you catch them at night and you just throw them in those cages and they just sit there they don't care if they're and where do they go from there are those are they being killed for meat don't you need those guys for eggs no there's different so there's different chickens that do the eggs they
Starting point is 00:55:03 they they have meat chickens and then they have egg chickens are the meat chickens dudes or it doesn't matter are they all chicks they're all girls they're all chicks i don't think they're i don't think you can i don't think they can use roosters as meat chickens that's just my i just my that's just my knowledge of it i actually i actually uh went and bought my own chickens as well so i eat all fresh eggs too i have i have you have them at your house where you're sitting right now you got chickens in your backyard yeah i got like three four different kinds wow how many chickens total now probably just like 10 is it is it a lot of work or like do you wish you didn't do it are you glad you did do it i i'm glad i did it because like you get free eggs, you know, the chickens, you buy, you
Starting point is 00:55:46 have to feed them. You have to pay for the food though, right? Yeah. You have to pay for the food, but, uh, I mean, still paying for the food and the amount of eggs you get. I mean, it's crazy. These chickens lay eggs twice a day. And we have raw eggs.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Do you ever just crack one, put it in a cup and throw it down? Like you're in a hurry. I used to do that, but man, it, it, man, it messes with my gag reflexes horribly. Even just one? Even if you just do one? Like, I do one every once in a while, and it just slides right. I'm always surprised that it slides down so easy. It does slide down, but that's what makes me want to gag, the way that it feels.
Starting point is 00:56:19 It feels like I'm swallowing a big-ass loogie. I'm like, oh, wow. And it's just— Hey, I think that's healthy i'm from california i don't think i i should have that i shouldn't like it yeah it's uh i think it's i think it's healthy that it gives you a gag reflex oh yeah no yeah it's it's it is uh it's i used to do it but it's just not it's not my cup of tea i mean that's just yeah it's not it's not a nice it's
Starting point is 00:56:45 not a nice way to eat an egg i'd rather scramble it up you you were you are you a pro boxer also i did professional boxing yes um i i mean i i love professional boxing to be honest like professional boxing is where it's at how many fights have you had as a professional just two just two professional boxing i did some kickboxing when i was in amateurs um but just two professional boxing but i will say i had the best time in the world doing boxing and at one one boxing match the one that i lost the split decision i won that one as well i don't understand why people the judges hate me i need to stop going to judges because they hate me it must be how i look or something. No, you look like a nice guy. You look like just a healthy version of Bob Marley.
Starting point is 00:57:30 Oh, there we go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got good vibes. I'm feeling you. But, like, I mean, I beat the dog out of this boxer. He was 7-0 boxer. He did, like, 100 and some amateur boxing matches. I mean, this dude was legit.
Starting point is 00:57:44 And they called me on three weeks notice thinking, you know, Hey, we'll just beat this can up. What's his name? What's his name? Can you pull it up, Caleb?
Starting point is 00:57:50 What's his name? Tony, Tony woods. Okay. Yeah. Pull his name up. Tony woods. I think he's like 10 and oh,
Starting point is 00:57:56 now he should be nine and one, but I mean, we, we went to, it was supposed to be six rounds. When you do a boxing match, you either do four rounds or six rounds. This dude said five rounds.
Starting point is 00:58:09 We did five rounds for one. So, you know, if we had that six round, he would have been on his back. I would have, I would have slept. There he is.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Yeah. There he is. Oh shit. He is 10 and Oh yeah. I'm serious, dude. And I freaking like, man,
Starting point is 00:58:23 I wish I had a picture of his face after we box. So Darian, why can't you, I'm going, dude. I wish I had a picture of his face after we boxed. Darian, why can't you... I'm going to say something so dumb here. Bear with me. This is just a dude who doesn't fight. Why can't you just make your hands so fucking lethal? Why can't you just train
Starting point is 00:58:38 boxing like be the next Lomo? Get Canelo footwork. And then just also on the side, just be like, hey, there's nobody who can keep me down. If you take me down, I am fucking getting up. Like Izzy. One second. One second.
Starting point is 00:58:54 Yeah. We're coming back. Can you hear me? Yeah, yeah, I hear you. I lost you just for a second. Why not train hands? Can you hear me now? All right.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Now go. Why can't you just train hands like there's no tomorrow? Let me check. All right. Can you hear me? You can hear me? I can hear you. Yep.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Yeah, you can hear me. You can't hear me? This is weird. Strange. You can log. Oh, you can log out and log back in. I don't know why I can't hear you. Here, tell.
Starting point is 00:59:20 I'm going to text him. Let me see. Let's check this. Where's his name? You can log out. Is it cool if I jump out and jump back in? Okay. Log in.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Smart dude. Smart dudes think alike. How close are you to that, Caleb, to where he lives, to Sibley? Sidelio. do you how close are you to that caleb to where he lives to salibi so sedalia um where i'm from is probably about three hours okay i just think i just think you and him and colton merton are neighbors we're pretty pretty much the same yeah all those stories he's telling about with the farming is that's where i used to go to college there would just be like semi trucks and you could just hear the pigs like squealing as they drove by and then uh where we used to go to college. There would just be like semi trucks and you could just hear the pigs like squealing as they drove by. And then where we used to have soccer practice was in a cornfield.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Hey, that's what the that's what the Germans heard when they took the Jews to the camps. No shit. Very similar. Yes. All right. Crazy. Back at it. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:00:21 I heard a story. I heard a story of like germans in church and the train full of jews would be going by and you would hear them screaming and so the choir would just sing louder makes me want to fucking vomit yeah that's horrible that's why i don't tolerate any of this shit people i don't tolerate any censorship zero say as much hate speech as you want because tomorrow that'll be love speech. You never don't trust anyone to tell you what's hate and what's not. Fucking idiots. OK.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Tony Woods. Oh, did we lose Darian again? He froze. He's either froze or he's staying still, like really still and fucking with us. He's got the Midwest Wi-Fi. and fucking with us he's got that midwest wi-fi i like the um i like these guys like israel adesanya who have crazy hands but you can't hold them down like the second someone takes izzy down he's standing up already oh yeah for sure yeah he has uh he has top of the line um like wrestling defense which i feel like if you're or is it just quick reflexes they always say that but as a novice i'm just like not even as a novice as an ignoramus i'm just like no the thing is is that the second the guy takes you down you have to like have zero zero tolerance for it
Starting point is 01:01:36 you have to just be like getting up like fuck you i'm staying down and it's serious athleticism on his part as well i mean he's a he's crazy athlete. To be able to do something and move the way he does, I mean, yeah, you're a crazy athlete. But, I mean, I guess maybe it's just because of the weight difference, but we've seen him go up a weight class and we've seen him get held down on the ground quite a bit. So it may be the reflexes because the heavier the guy, the slower your reflexes are going to be. You know, you got 220 pounds sitting on you. Now you're like, oh, shit. How am I going to get up as fast? But I mean –
Starting point is 01:02:12 He might be one of those weird dudes too. Like I have sons who are twins. And one of them, when you pick him up, he feels light as a feather. And the other one feels like a brick shithouse. They're the same dude. And their center of gravity is like so different like one it's so trippy i like maybe izzy's one of those guys like one of my boys feels like he's got like bird bones like they're hollow and i can see izzy having kind of that maybe
Starting point is 01:02:35 having that feel to him you know what i mean yeah to where he's yeah i could see that as well i mean like if you get on him he's in he's he's got trouble. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe he, yeah. If you, if you can stay on top of them, I actually would have loved to see a member a few years ago, him and,
Starting point is 01:02:52 um, uh, Yoel Romero fought. Your mural is the best wrestler. He did not use that to his advantage. I feel like I blame you. Well, for that fight,
Starting point is 01:03:02 I blame you. Well, every day of my life, like if you would have just, and I like him I blame you. Well, for that fight, I blame you. Well, every day of my life, like if you would have just, and I like him and did what you wanted to do. Yeah. Instead of trying to show people like, Oh,
Starting point is 01:03:14 I'm not scared of them all standing punch with them. Who cares? Get the belt. Like, yeah, go ahead and hurt this man. And then you get out of there, you know?
Starting point is 01:03:22 And so it's just, Oh man, I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you all. I blame you get out of there you know and so it's just oh man i blame you all merrill every day he could be champion right now i accept it from derrick and um ninganu their first fight i wasn't hating i was okay that i paid 100 bucks for that or whatever like it's two big dudes like that shit happens and they know i didn't accept it from izzy and yoel yeah and they both can put people to sleep you know they understood. Yes. If either one of them hits each other one time, they could go to sleep. It's two dudes fighting with chainsaws, right?
Starting point is 01:03:51 You're only going to get hit once. Yeah, and then it's over. That's the book. So, I mean, it's – Are you a different breed because of your boxing and your footwork? Is it something that other ufc fighters who didn't box like might not get might not understand uh maybe i feel like you know a lot of like we know canelo would kill uzman in a boxing match right i mean just destroy him right yeah and
Starting point is 01:04:20 and uzman's manager over here talking about oh oh, Canelo doesn't. You're nuts. Canelo is the coldest person with hands in the world. He would kill anybody. I feel like he'd go up to heavyweight and knock out freaking Joshua, Anthony Joshua. Yeah, and his footwork is insane, too. Everything. Insane. I mean, the way this guy moves his head in such a relaxed manner where he's not even trying to, like you see most MMA fighters or most boxers, when they try to slip a punch, they try to slip all the way out of the way.
Starting point is 01:04:51 He gets a half an inch from your glove and then back in there. You're like, gosh, dang, I mean, the sight on you to be able to do that, it has to be ridiculous. the sight on you to be able to do that it has to be ridiculous um but i mean i feel like a lot of a lot of fighters train boxing a lot of fighters train some type of footwork um i feel like that footwork not translate to mma meaning meaning like canelo is not gonna that that thing that canelo manny and um lomo do so well that stepping to the side and punching on the side. Does that not work in MMA? Someone will grab you and fuck you up. Not at all. I feel like MMA, you have to have even more footwork because not only are you getting out of the way of punches, but people are trying to kick you in your legs. Boxers have little aware wide stances. Like I was saying,
Starting point is 01:05:40 Conor McGregor, that's how he's so good at striking is because his wide stance keeps his power. Of course, Wonderboy too in your weight division yeah and you could you can't do that all the time but and you see how wonder boy even though he keeps a wide stance he freaking oh yeah where'd you guys find this at blow do you see that well i get you can rock with a jab like that come on now damn you're thick dude damn how much do you weigh there right there we had a weigh-in at i had a weigh-in at 170 on the dot he wouldn't even let me weigh 170.1 but right there i probably weigh like 189 pounds i come back into the ring big as hell like man where did you find this i need to get on this facebook oh. Oh, yeah. Oh. Oh. Look at my jab.
Starting point is 01:06:27 That's my jab. Doing that to my man. Bug out. Get out of here. Come on. Come on. He looks exhausted. He's exhausted.
Starting point is 01:06:36 He doesn't even want to be in there with me. He just about fell off you right there. Get off of me. Look at. Yeah. And this is what I'm talking about. Like. I like his shorts.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I like his shorts. That's what I like i like his shorts i like his shorts that's what i like about i do like his shorts too um i you see i got the mike tyson shorts on all black just tiny ones i made sure i was like yeah i need the mike tyson shorts for this yeah no and i mean that's how the whole fight went i mean i'm just stinging i'm moving out the way and i mean they gave him the split decision this is the whole fight how it went like this hey do you feel this in your body when you watch this like do you feel this in your body like what do you mean like what part like as you're punching him right there he's punching you do you do you feel it oh yeah you feel your whole body tighten up a little bit yeah yeah i do i and i mean that that was a fun fight that, that was a weird one because it was like a small promotion. But in that arena, it looked fake. It looked like Hollywood. The way the ring was lit up and everything else was dark. It looked like, like in that darkness back there because they had the lights up. Right. In that arena, they had 10,000 people.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I was like, this was actually a church in Springfield, Missouri. Wow. Yeah. They held 10,000 people in there. And I'll tell you what, that building was so small and there's so many people in there. When they screamed and cheered, like you could feel the ring vibrating. And I was like, that alone was amazing to me. Like, that's what kept me going.
Starting point is 01:08:02 I was like, oh yeah, let's go. That dude's 10 and 0 now? That was Tony Woods. Yeah, 10 and 0. I would have, oh yeah, let's go. That dude's 10 and 0 now? That was Tony Woods. Yeah, 10 and 0. I would have dropped. Man, come on. And give me a sixth round. It was supposed to be six rounds. Give me a sixth round, he's dead on the canvas. He can't even move in the fifth round. I'm ducking his punches. He's not even tagging
Starting point is 01:08:17 me that much. My footwork is trash and I'm still moving out of the way. You know what I mean? Man, I mean. How many rounds was the fight? If you wanted six, how many did five rounds? It was five rounds. And I just wanted one more round because that's how boxing is ran. It's either four rounds, six rounds or 12 rounds. You don't get three rounds.
Starting point is 01:08:38 You don't get, you know, five rounds. No, you get these, this is the, this is how it's supposed to be. And they changed the rules up just because he's taking me on three weeks notice. I'm not even a boxer. Why, why not be six rounds? You know, if you're such a boxer out cardio me, you know, out jab me for six rounds and put me to sleep. But no, he knew, he knew, I mean, he knew, I mean, especially once he got in there and he was like, who the hell is this? And I'm like, but I just hate being beat. I hate being, especially by people who think that they're the shit. That Tony Woods guy, like before I fought him, I mean, he walked around like he was the man. He, I could see on all his social media that he's the next prospect in boxing.
Starting point is 01:09:19 No, stop telling your family you're going to knock me out because it's not true. Okay. It's not true. I'm going to come in there and I'm going to hurt you if this is what you're doing. And so I feel like that's – I work best under pressure. I work best in the spotlight. I work best when they put me up against the best guy that they can. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Well, let's go. Let's find out if he's the best guy you can. That's why I'm so excited for this Ian Gary fight. I mean, let's find out if you're the best guy that they found let's find out if you're conor mcgregor because i'm about to be nate diaz yeah i think you were gonna uh hurt him um when you went to beautician school you went with your brother at the same time you guys know actually i'm what's cool about that is i'm actually training i thought you're talking about my shop i'm actually i'm actually training my brother i can do an apprenticeship
Starting point is 01:10:04 oh my brother was allowed to work into the shop right with me and then we were able to do that yeah check them cuts out and it's called the weekly barber the weekly barber freshest cuts in the game do you see that and it's called the weekly barber because dudes who want to get their hair tightened up every week every week and not only that i use it as a pun because during weeks oh yes yes it worked both got on slow and and um white dudes or just black dudes want to get their hair cut every week black dudes mexicans white guys filipinos we even got um yeah so no no racism there you cut anyone's hair every week oh yeah we even got micronesians you know what a micronesian is a small samoan like a little tiny one like this literally a micro one yeah it is though literally they're from an island they're from micronesia
Starting point is 01:10:55 which is the same island it's close to it's a it's a small version of the rock it's a little bite-sized it's a small they're literallyans, but they're no taller than five, nine. No shit. Swear. Micronesians. They're on a smaller island, so they can't grow them as big. Literally, I guess. That's what it would be. They don't, they don't get as much, as much sun or something.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I don't know. And you have all those people in Sedalia. You got the whole gambit. You got, you got blackie Mexicans. It's pretty crazy how many, it's pretty crazy how many ethnicities we really have. I mean, we have, we have Russians, we got, you know, Ukrainians, we got. When you say Russians, you mean people who are in like the FBI, um, protect with protection program.
Starting point is 01:11:35 They throw you out. Yeah. Cause they all come from California. So I don't know what they're in. So I, you know, you don't, you never know what they're in, but we got, we got Mexicans. We have Indians. Okay. Okay. How, you know, you never know what they're in. But we got Mexicans. We have Indians. Okay, okay. How about this?
Starting point is 01:11:48 Do you got North Koreans? We have Korean people, but I don't know if they're North Korean. I don't know if they're allowed about that. But we definitely have Koreans. Victor says they're still taller than me. The micronees they are. Oh, yeah. It's pretty insane how small the town but how diverse it is at the same time like it's it's i don't even understand why all these
Starting point is 01:12:16 people come to this little do you guys have is your tyson factory close to you or no yeah super close the what factory caleb the what Tyson factory yeah every single one of those people worked at Tyson exactly exactly when I was in northwest Iowa is the exact same way everybody like you just the high school had like 300 different dialects and languages just from all the kids that were just living in in Iowa and it was and all of them worked at the Tyson factory and I mean every one of these people are yeah every all of them worked at the Tyson factory. And I mean, every one of these people. Yeah. Every one of them work at Tyson's.
Starting point is 01:12:48 And it is just. Hey, you need to tell these motherfuckers, too, like it's cool that the Democrats let you in. But as soon as you get here, you need to be a Republican because the Democrats want to keep you poor. So so get in the country on the back of the Democrats and then quickly switch to libertarian and get the fuck as far away as you can from these fuckers because they want to keep you poor and i and i'm telling you right now like i see that with uh you know people people forget that the democratic party yeah used to be the biggest one in racism like not not used to be not used to be oh well they hide it different now you know yeah yeah they sure do they definitely like and i mean what are you making us are you microwaving or something what are you making oh i'm just i'm
Starting point is 01:13:30 just uh putting my breakfast in here i'm actually about to uh go to uh go to practice real quick uh but uh no yeah the democrat the the democratic party like they're the reason that this Black Lives Matter. I mean, don't get me wrong, okay? Black Lives Matter. Here we go, people. Here we go. My favorite subject. Everybody's life matters.
Starting point is 01:13:55 You know what I'm saying? Period. You know what I'm saying? I'm a black person. How dare you say that? You don't understand racism. Exactly. How dare you say that?
Starting point is 01:14:01 And I don't walk around sitting here thinking like, you know, and okay yeah people were oppressed i understand that but right now just to dwell on it if that's just keeping the hatred funneling in you can keep now now every time a white person's around a black person that's what they're gonna think every time dude my wife came back from whole foods about a year ago and she goes, I had a black checker. I'm like, so? She's like, I'm fucking 45 years old. I've never thought to myself I have a black checker. Now I see the black person, and I'm like, does this motherfucker think I'm racist or do they think I'm white supremacist?
Starting point is 01:14:36 I'm like, oh, she's like, these fuckers infected my brain. I'm like, fuck. Dude, and that's what they wanted to do. They're like, OK, we can't keep the division by like we just need the way we can keep the division is make, you know, people think that, oh, now black people are overly important. And now you have to respect them every time you see them. Oh, you might be racist if you're not thinking this. You know what I mean? Like, oh, come on, chill out now. want to chill out now do you know what it is it's the racist people who are so fucking guilty for their own racism that now they want to say that everyone in the world is racist and here's the thing like those of us who aren't racist we don't even i don't even like real non-racist don't hate racist we feel sorry for you it's a shitty way to live your life like i don't even care like if you want to be racist go ahead i just won't shop at your shop or hang out with you but i feel
Starting point is 01:15:23 sorry for your ass. Like, there's been multiple times where, I mean, people have called me nigger, you know, people have done that. But, like, I don't— Where? Where did someone do that? Where did someone do that? Like, you're just—where did someone do that? Well, you know, I live around a small town. Now, I'm not saying people in my small town are racist per se. But like I said, I live in Bodunk Farm Country around there. You know what I'm saying? So there are some people with some shaded values. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:15:52 But listen to this. I grew up in Berkeley and Oakland. And I would be with my girlfriend. I was with my girlfriend at the Ice Cube concert. And we got there early and went up to the front. It was a small venue, just seats like 500 right yeah ice cube in the lynch mob this is like in i don't know 2000 something early 2000 and and and these dudes five black dudes come up to me and they tell me that they better not see me hold my girlfriend's hand she's black and that i better
Starting point is 01:16:18 fucking go to the back and i'm never i'm never ever or or like i would be in mcdonald's like with six of my white friends at like one in the morning and like five black dudes would be come in and be like hey motherfucker go outside when we're done ordering you come in none of us are ever outside being like those fucking black guys those niggers we never do that we're scared we just go okay cool and we go outside and we wait we never did that we never ever not one of my friends would ever do that not because we're not racist or racist it's just the it's just we just we just didn't do it yeah you don't think you don't think i don't think like that and and what's crazy is like people forget that right but i do say that word a thousand times a day because of the music i
Starting point is 01:17:01 listen to because i grew up on nwa because i grew up on two life crew because i grew up on uh ice cube and the lynch mob how the fuck am i not supposed to sing those songs i don't like oh that word comes up and i don't say it and and sorry the thing is people think that racism only goes one way but oh that's bullshit you know i'm saying like people think like oh my i wasn't allowed to hold my black girl's girlfriend hand in front of black dudes at the concert exactly and not only that how many times is how many times does, you know, some some black people sit here and they'll say cracker a hundred times or, you know, saying like, come on, bro. Why is that not the why are you not down? That's the same downgrading thing. You know what I'm saying? Like, period. People, you're you're you're saying when when a black person calls a white person cracker they're emulating that they're racist because that's what they used to call white slave owners was cracker because the way they
Starting point is 01:17:50 cracked the whip at them oh no shit i didn't know that yeah so i mean now you're just telling somebody else that they're racist you're putting their their mindset in into oh you you hate me because i'm black no bro, bro. Come on now. You have to think about, you know, both sides. I can't believe you're talking to us for so long. This is so cool. Oh, yeah, for sure. I mean, I'm not worried about that. I mean, I will.
Starting point is 01:18:15 And that's what, that's what, that's what, you want to know who the racist people are? It's these people, whether they're white, black, or Asian, who want black people to be offended. They demand that black people get offended in order to maintain their racism. Don't demand them. If someone's enlightened enough to not be offended... Yeah, like, let them be.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Let them not be offended. And not only that, like, in the bigger scheme of things, like, why can't I feel the way I want to feel? Like, okay, I'm sorry that you feel like, oh, you need to feel like people are oppressing you. I don't feel oppressed. I don't feel oppressed. I don't let other people's emotions
Starting point is 01:18:54 dictate how I'm about to feel. At the end of the day, this is still a free country. People want to say, oh, you know, white people have a, you know, advantage in this country. And if it is, if it have a, you know, advantage in this country. And if it is, if it isn't, I don't care. Regardless, I'm going to work as hard as I can and I'm going to get I own a business.
Starting point is 01:19:12 I'm black. You know what I'm saying? I sit here and I made it to the top of the fight game. I'm black. You know, I'm not sitting here sitting around like, man, I'm oppressed and and I'm never going to make it. How about you just try? Try. OK. And how about this, Darian? What if people say, but it was harder for you because you were black? What's your response to that? I want it to be harder. What?
Starting point is 01:19:31 Then that means I'm going to be better at the top. Like, even if it's true or not true, okay? Okay, still, even if you're starting the race with a brick tied to you and the other person's not, you know what? After 10 races, you're going to be the faster, stronger person at the end of it. You know what I mean? You're the faster one. You're the stronger one because you know why? You actually been doing the same thing that they've been doing, but with a disadvantage. Now it makes you stronger at the end of it. What? Who wouldn't want to be that? People who use that as an excuse, even if it is true, you know, yeah, there are some people
Starting point is 01:20:02 who grow up in rural neighborhoods and who grow up in environments that yeah does not indicate success but at the same time you need to you need to be have enough belief in yourself to put the effort in because you can get out of any situation that you're in period i mean humans are incapable are capable of incredible things and for them to underestimate themselves and just stay in the situations you're in. OK, well, that's comfortability. You hate being uncomfortable. So you're never going to succeed. Period. That's just the truth. I don't fuck with seatbelts either. Someone said that. Someone wrote that in the comments. These motherfuckers are judging you.
Starting point is 01:20:43 They're judging you. No, yeah. I hate seatbelts for sure. My wife gets on me all the time. She hates the sound of the seatbelt thing going off in the car. Hey, I didn't take the vaccine, and I would never take it. My kids don't take it, but I do wear a seatbelt. I wonder if that means I'm a tool of the man. I wonder if that means I'm –
Starting point is 01:20:59 Hey, I got you. No, I believe seatbelts are very – you know, I mean, they keep you safe. I mean, there's proof of that. It's a small town Midwest thing. There's no reason to wear a seatbelt around there. Yeah. No reason to wear seatbelts. No reason to wear helmets when we drive motorcycles.
Starting point is 01:21:16 We're out here crazy. I know you're going to have to go soon, and I want to pick your brain about this a little bit. So when you were going to beautician school, were you fighting at the same time? At the same time. And who instilled this work ethic in you to – you're clearly not fucking around. You're doing the podcast at the same time you're driving, at the same time you're making food. Like your shit is tight. You're going to beautician school.
Starting point is 01:21:42 You're opening up a barber shop. You're going to beautician school. You're opening up a barber shop. You're still training. You're able to maintain a relationship with your wife or your girlfriend. You bought a house. Who's instilled this success mindset? I'd say it comes
Starting point is 01:21:59 from different things. One thing it comes from is my mom mom had it's to get whitey it's to get whitey my mom my mom had had five children my mom was a a white female with five black children um oh that's a great that's a great line living in one of the worst uh neighborhoods that you could ever think of in memphis tennessee um i mean literally down on the dumps um as poor as you can be she literally you know moved she moved us all to missouri sedalia she you know started working a job i do have a father too my father's's name is Jeff. He's, uh,
Starting point is 01:22:49 he's also white. He's, he's my stepdad, but he's my real dad. You know what I mean? Like he's been there since the jump, you know what I mean? Um, and I mean, he also like, he took a truck driving job where he only was allowed to see us like one week out of the month. You know what I mean? Every other, every other day he's on the road, like driving from literally city to city cross country every time, you know. And he gave us everything that we ever wanted, Xboxes, you know, like our lives. Our lives did a 360 when he came around. And not only that, but, yeah, so the whole time that he's gone, my mom's there with five kids. She has to feed five kids.
Starting point is 01:23:23 She has to provide for five kids. She has to discipline five kids she has to feed five kids she has to provide for five kids she has to discipline five kids um and i just always knew i just always knew you know i'm not gonna have my life end up to where we have to ever i have to ever suffer a fight like that you know what i'm saying like we all did it together my mom and my brothers and sisters but no i'm i'm gonna establish myself and i'm gonna make sure that there's nothing that's gonna determine what i'm going to establish myself and I'm going to make sure that there's nothing that's going to determine what I'm able to do. And so anytime I ever wanted to do something, anytime that I ever wanted to put my mind to something, I was like, you might as well do it 100 percent until the wheels fall off. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:23:57 And so that's that's that's kind of how I established myself. You know, I was just like I was I was in an environment growing up that, you know, I didn't want to be determined by that environment. I didn't want to just work a nine to five and say, oh, well, I never was successful because, you know, this is where I came from and this is what my mom had to do. No, I was like, you know what? I'm about to just do everything I've ever wanted to do. And I used to tell my brothers and sisters this, too. When I was young, when I was like 10, 9 years old, I used to tell them, like, we always used to have this, you know, fairytale stuff that you have with your brothers and sisters. I used to tell them, like, oh, I'm going to own my own business. I'm going to own my own house.
Starting point is 01:24:37 Watch, I'm going to have the biggest house you guys have ever seen. I'm going to freaking be a professional athlete. Just watch, guys. Just watch. And at the time, I was talking about football. But, I mean, I never let that slip out of my focus for once, you know, when people have dreams as a kid, once they get older, something happens.
Starting point is 01:24:53 They come to know that their dreams are impossible or they just start to fall apart with their dreams or they just start settling. They're like, well, nevermind. That's not going to happen. You know, that was cool to think as a kid, but no, I never stopped thinking that way. I'm a kid right now. You know, like I think, Oh, you know, if it's possible to think about that, I'm going to do it right now. I own the biggest house that my, my brothers and sisters have ever seen. I own my own business and I'm a professional athlete. Like I'm literally able to do whatever that I wanted to do. You know what I'm saying? And, and like I say, I keep, I keep God in this, you know, God, God is the reason
Starting point is 01:25:30 that I did this. You know what I'm saying? He understood the focus that I had. He understood like, Oh man, this, this guy has a drive, you know? So I'm going to, I'm going to keep giving him opportunities. That's what God does. People think that God gives you blessings. No, he gives you opportunities. He'll give you an opportunity to make what you wanted to make happen. He'll give you the opportunity. He's not going to sit here and come down from heaven and sit there and give you everything that you ever prayed for. And this is why some people don't believe in God. You're nuts, bro. You think he's not going to make you put effort in? No, he'll give you the opportunity. He'll open the door. You're going to have to take all your stuff
Starting point is 01:26:07 through that door. And it may be the hardest thing that you ever have to do, but you do it. And then on the end of it, you get success. You'll get what you, what you wanted, but you have to, you have to put your own effort in or else what a success if it's just given to you, you see all these kids that grow up with rich families. Look how entitled they act. Look how freaking disrespectful and freaking up-nosed they act. Yeah. You know why? Because things were given to them. If you go to a kid who freaking had to work for everything he's gotten, he's just as successful. He's one of the nicest people you ever met in your life. You know? Yeah. Because he had to go through the freaking mud. And that's, that's what people have to understand. Like, come on now you have to
Starting point is 01:26:46 you have to put that effort in at all points in time especially you know when you're when you're having a that you want to accomplish you gotta freaking you gotta put the effort in you gotta make sure that you never give up on that dream i mean and that's that's really what pushed me i mean that's just what made me who I am. I always thought about that. That's how my mindset's always been. Even my mom said that. She always said I had a strong
Starting point is 01:27:13 mindset from the jump. I was never going to let anything deter me. I still won't. That's why I'm glad about this Ian Gary fight. UFC 273. Watch out because the kid's mind says he's going to get the win. He says he's going to knock this man out or I'll choke him out. I don't care how I get the finish.
Starting point is 01:27:31 I'm just going to get it. Darian, I got to have you back on to hear that story about growing up. So after you knock out Ian Gary, I'm going to circle back around with you and try to get you back on the show. I'm dying to hear your upbringing as a kid. Oh, for sure. It sounds amazing. I can't wait to hear that story.
Starting point is 01:27:52 For sure, yeah. And I'll definitely give you guys a little peek into the life. I don't mind. I had a great time being here. I had a great time on the conversation, a great time on the podcast. Awesome. Can't wait to get back on. You're awesome. All right, brother. Stay
Starting point is 01:28:09 in touch. I got your number. I hope you don't regret giving it to me when I start bugging you in the text. You're good. You're a good dude. All right. We'll be watching UFC 273. After you smash Ian Gary, we'll circle back around and get you back on. Hell yeah, brother. Can't wait to talk to you guys.
Starting point is 01:28:26 All right. Thanks, dude. Have a good training. Thanks, Aaron. See you. Shit. Agreed. Hey, I never even know you know like like last night when i'm going to bed i'm looking at all my notes i'm reviewing them and it's the same shit every time i'm like i don't want to meet anyone new tomorrow i don't want to talk to anyone at 7 a.m this sucks like and i
Starting point is 01:29:01 start just throwing my pity party. I set my alarm. And then today my alarm. But when my alarm goes off, I'm pumped. By the time I wake up in the morning, I'm pretty pumped. I'm pretty pumped. I think I'm going to breakfast with, oh, yeah. Hey, you probably know this, but I've never seen this before. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:19 It's so funny. 20 times a day people let me know I'm shadow banned. And then 20 times a day people tell me I'm not shadow banned. It's so funny. No, I am. It's just revolving for different people. It's like they just squeeze down the funnel. Imagine you're peeing out of your penis and you squeeze it really tight and shorten the stream. That's what – or lessen the stream.
Starting point is 01:29:36 You pinch it off a little bit. Yeah, you pinch it off a little bit. That's what Instagram has done to me. Let me ask, when are we going to breakfast? When are we going to breakfast when are we going to breakfast time is breakfast what time is greg's in town so he's inviting me to breakfast that's kind of cool so i was hanging out with a couple friends yesterday you were no he was oh yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:30:06 yeah did you like my photo yeah that's good that's good the band's getting back together yeah i don't know well he he still has his house here and so and so and and dave lives like 20 miles from me so um so when greg into town, we fuck with it. We hang out and taught it, man. Greg's more popular than ever. It's kind of nuts. Um,
Starting point is 01:30:32 yeah, it's kind of nuts. And so, so many people want to meet him that, uh, Tom Delore came. I saw that came by last night. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:30:41 dude, that guy's a boss. That guy is, I'm trying to get him on the podcast he actually texted me i've asked him to come on the podcast like i don't know 20 times um when you're successful as rich as him you got to keep people like at me at a distance i guess but uh he says good see he just texted me good seeing you yesterday man i don't know if i'm supposed to read text but man that kind of makes my morning to get a text from him too and yes i'm sharing that with you guys to show off yes yes every every podcast is me is me showing off a little bit i think and then of course like
Starting point is 01:31:12 those ones where i get who we had olivia kerstetter daniel brandon we had some other heavy hitters oh we had hayley and andrea nistler yeah that's all me just that was a monster podcast that's me just fucking monster yeah i'm so tickled i'm so i can't believe olivia actually came on me too that was awesome i hope i hope i was behaved right i didn't like if you were her parents you wouldn't be like what are you doing on with that scumbag okay good like i don't want people i i know i have to like i know i know i have to i respect 16 year old girl game or 16 year old boy game like it i i want to be a gentleman i don't want to be like fucking like i'm talking to uh the guy we were just talking to darian i
Starting point is 01:31:57 think i think that was the first time she's ever been interviewed like actually outside of like her media circle basically yeah and uh it's funny you say that because jacob told me take it easy on her this is her first podcast or something like that but of course like i wanted her to take it easy on me it is it is hard right she like this guy darian like we talk back and forth with her it's like consistent questions i hope yeah you have to hope she forgets she's on a podcast and just starts talking just having a regular conversation right sometimes you can have a teenager who just will just rip into you you know sometimes you just
Starting point is 01:32:37 have teenagers who are just so fiery and like uh i feel like annika greer is like that. Is she a teenager? She's 18. What? Yeah. Hey, I should text her and see what's going on with that. Can you look really quick and see if her scores got in? Let's see what's going on with her. Oh, yeah. Let's see what's going on with her.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Someone will probably see in the comments. Do I have my phone here? I thought I didn't bring my phone in here. I don't think I can text her from this computer because I don't have her name in here. Let me see. Oh, here we go. I'll send her a text. Good morning.
Starting point is 01:33:21 Does not look like it. Oh, man. I think I saw that they're still not finalized yet though so it's possible that maybe they're still looking it over but there's no score for her last one okay oh she's 19 i think you still have to behave around people until they're like 25 yeah so they like so they can finally formulate a sentence and understand like how to feed themselves without their parents cooking it for them yes hey how you found the tony woods fight that was cool yeah yeah i just kind of googled it and then it actually just came up on uh like on a facebook page i guess they
Starting point is 01:34:05 had broadcasted it and it was it just stayed up so that was pretty cool i he was beating the brakes off the guy like it i don't i don't if if i mean i'm seems like a pretty truthful guy i can't imagine that it was any different than the other four rounds. Like, he was beating the shit out of him. Right, right. That was nuts. Were you, you were in the back during that quarterfinal. It's so, this Hiller guy thing, it's crazy how fired up people are about him.
Starting point is 01:34:38 What do you mean? I don't, like, some people, like, take what's going on seriously. Like how he's... Like, there was, like, someone I saw, I went over to Hobart's Instagram account like some people like take what's going on seriously like how he's like there's like someone i saw i went over to hobart's instagram account and i saw a comment where someone's like attacking james hobart's like dude oh people get so down people like the whole thing is just a joke yeah like it like we're just playing hillary um hillary just knows how to play the game he's great at it he's fun he's a showman he he's it's um what what's patrick
Starting point is 01:35:05 bet david call his entertainment company value tainment that's what hillary's doing he's value tainment he's entertaining you but also bringing value to the videos like settle down like you're some of you are so nasty he says that and i don't care but it sucks to be you i feel sorry for you guys what say that again he says that in his videos too he's like i post this because everybody watches them i don't post post this because everybody watches them. I don't post positive stuff because nobody watches positive stuff. But, like, I mean, he's bringing value to the open. He's bringing validation to it, too.
Starting point is 01:35:34 Like, hey, we need to make this competition legit. And, I mean, I don't think people are seeing it as, like, they're hitching their wagon their wagon to like this super extreme point of view. It's like, no, dude, just chill out. Let him do his thing. Let him do his thing. Yeah, both sides. Yeah, don't – like both sides. I can't speak for the other people, but as goofy as the morning chalk up is and is how bought it is or is how goofy Tommy and Shawnee are or the lack of value brought on some of these vlogs that just – it's all clickbait.
Starting point is 01:36:15 All of these people deserve and I'm glad are in the ecosystem. I wouldn't want anyone to go away. I wish everyone the most success it um the the more popular um noah olsen gets or danny spiegel gets the more popular hiller gets when he makes videos about them no one should be ignorant of that it's fun this should be fun this should be fun uh trade him a what's trading trade him a ceo shirt for one of his oh have you seen his no are they cool i don't like is it the one with all the writing like the constantly varied something vengeance yeah it doesn't does nothing for me
Starting point is 01:36:57 you like i would never i would never wear that i wouldn't worry to constantly varied functional move and executed high intensity shirt either i'm trying to think who has a cool – I like our CEO shirt. I like shirts that are hard. I like the RossFit shirt. Are those still on preorder, the red CEO shirts? Yeah. Is there some reason? I don't even know what preorder means.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Well, I guess it's their – are they still up for grabs? So I asked Marcus yesterday at Life as Rx. I go, what does preorder mean? He goes, it means you can order them up until noon yesterday or noon today, and then they go away for a week, and then they come back. I don't get it. I just would just make them always for sale, charge as much money
Starting point is 01:37:36 as we can, and get that money from the people and put it in my bank account. Looks like they're all sold out already. Serious? Yeah. Here, let me show you. Yeah, I want wristbands. We're looking into wristbands. I really want to. It's funny.
Starting point is 01:37:49 I wear wristbands for the opposite. I guess people normally wear wristbands to keep sweat off their hands. I wear wristbands to stay warm. And these are so thick, these Victos ones. Pre-release, limited edition, 7-on-CEO, men's red tee. Oh, shit, every size. Yep. I didn't even order one for myself.
Starting point is 01:38:06 I really, I only have one and I need 10. I want to only wear those shirts. Let me see Hiller shirt. Let me see Hiller shirt. I think people, do people like it? I think so.
Starting point is 01:38:17 It looks like he's there about, I think last time he posted, they had like 200 plus people had, uh, bought them. Uh, wow. That's good. That's incredible that's incredible that's i'm stoked for him and he's charging just like whatever it cost him yeah it's like 20 bucks he said he's probably gonna lose money on it but he just people liked it and people wanted to and so he's like all right well we'll sell one i he kind of is taking the the different approach than me he's um not sold out
Starting point is 01:38:47 just means pre-sales over matt susan his is like i'm going to charge you the exact price of the shirt i'm doing this just for the people blah blah blah blah blah and mine is my my shtick is uh i'm charging you 20 times as much as the little kids who made them in China. And I'm, I'm using it to raise my kids. Yeah. I can't have that much writing on my shirt. I'm already, if you send me a DM with that much today,
Starting point is 01:39:12 this guy sent me the nicest DM and, but it was so long. I just wrote back to him. Don't ever send me a DM that long again. That's too much writing for a shirt. That's a shirt. It's like six words, six too much too much you're a good dude kayla's too much somebody commented they're like hey send me a shirt and he goes dude
Starting point is 01:39:33 they're 13 dollars it's like come on i know that is that's a good comeback just yeah yeah yeah he's yeah he probably is losing money on them i'm charging 30 a shirt and then any of the you guys are subsidizing the shirts that me and caleb and matt wear and then and then hopefully i can get like someone like sarah sigman's daughter danielle brandon to wear it so then i'll sell even more and the show will become even more popular it'll probably credit into a crop top and then wear it. I have three kids, people. $13 shirts.
Starting point is 01:40:13 I don't think he has any. Andrew Hiller, you're fucking up the game. Let's go to his YouTube station. He's probably exploding. He's going to pass us up on subscribers soon. Let's see what the hell's going on over there. He has a video about steroids has like 60 000 views yeah that was the first one i saw and that one kind of rubbed me the wrong way but now i'm kind of getting on the handrew andrew hiller bandwagon like i'm enjoying i mean maybe i'm
Starting point is 01:40:38 liking him because other people aren't liking him too do you know what i mean like when i hear people say bad stuff about him i'm just like a crop top is that one like where your stomach shows yeah sexy for the ladies or the dudes oh great i didn't breakfast at 10 a.m great great i'm gonna um okay let's see uh so how many dude has 1,700 views, and that video only went up four hours ago. What is – and he has 6,000 subscribers. It took us fucking forever to get 6,000 subscribers. So he has – look at his views. He has 1,011.
Starting point is 01:41:16 Well, in all fairness, we get a massive amount of views on iTunes, on Apple, and Spotify. I mean hundreds of thousands a week. Yeah. Will sent us. He had, we're like in the top 30 on two of our podcasts. Yeah. So YouTube's not our place. But I'm stoked for this guy.
Starting point is 01:41:38 I'm stoked for this guy. Oh, I heard last night that Patrick Clark, the guy on Morning Chalk, have actually referenced the Sebon podcast. Yeah, a couple times, I think. That's some breakthrough shit. First time. I'm sending you a private message now. I don't want the audience to hear.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Secret, secret. Do you see that yeah uh yeah so i want to go back and listen to that i love and you know what else about andrew hiller um this there's a video in there about we click on that video where he he says something about noah i don't even know what he said about no but i just blocked it out because i saw my name in it and the fact that – This one? Okay, yeah. Let me see the thumbnail.
Starting point is 01:42:28 Let me see the thumbnail. Not who you think? Okay, so that kind of – well, the fact that I get mentioned by name in the title or the fact that – I think he comes after me because he says I'm scared to have him on my podcast facts um uh i i like it it means that i've kind of arrived i'm like he's using me as clickbait and i like that and i'm because if you go if you go to um craig richie's it's always like all the it's the same people uses for clickbait over and over you know what i mean it's like dave fraser mallory dave matt tia it's the same people he uses for clickbait over and over. You know what I mean? It's like Dave, Fraser, Mallory, Dave, Matt, Tia. It's the same bullshit over and over.
Starting point is 01:43:09 And the fact that – does she make it? Does Danny Spiegel make it? I don't know. You could just use her for so much clickbait. I just feel like I've arrived at Hiller or Hiller just throwing me some breadcrumbs. But either way, when I saw that, I was pretty pumped. He's trying to send us up some scribers and his shit does have substance whether you like it or not there's this motherfucker is not mincing words it's you know you know armen hammer used to be like that
Starting point is 01:43:38 too just 10 minutes of just fucking venom i wouldn't say that hillers is venom but uh patrick clark dropped your name podcast like five times and last morning chuck no he's a good dude thanks patrick i'm that easy i'm that easy i want you to look up to the heavens and scream my name what are you doing today caleb what do you do after this um i'll probably edit some of the videos for instagram and youtube have you worked out yet no but i will probably later today i'll probably edit some of the videos for instagram and youtube have you worked out yet no but i will probably later today i'll usually i usually walk the dog first and then then i'll go work out where will you do where we work out i have a little garage gym oh why not go
Starting point is 01:44:19 on to base uh i just like having my own space yeah the base gym gets really crowded there's a lot of there's a big kind of a retirement community around here so they just kind of use the gym more than most of us and it's just easier i i miss when i used to travel to hotels i could use some lap i miss all the old shit that i used to see in golds or whatever, family fitness. If I had the base, I think I would go there. I would do – there would be days like I'd go on there on a day off for my fasting day and do lap pull downs and bench press. And I probably wouldn't do leg press. I didn't fuck around with that shit.
Starting point is 01:44:58 But I would use some of those weird machines. Yeah. There's some of them. I can't say that I would use them very often i i have a lot of this stuff here and if i if there's something that i would want to do on on a machine i could probably just do it with a dumbbell or something yeah like if i like cable stuff i don't really use that so yeah i miss it i like that i i i i you like doing a lot of like the bodybuilding stuff i don't know if i like i don't like and
Starting point is 01:45:26 really enjoy curls i don't enjoy that movement i don't enjoy any of these movements out here my shoulder doesn't like that shit but like i really loved the lat pull down machine back in the day like i would totally do this i did i remember i did this workout with andy stump one time in a hotel we got 50 pound dumbbells and we did 50 pound snatches 20 50 pound snatches alternating hands and then the heaviest heaviest lap pulls you could get do like and rep them out and so and we did that there was one other dude who was doing it with us too i can't remember who but we did that for a 20 minute amrap and you just take turns in the lap pull down machine and snatches and it was nice it was cool i like the lap pull down machine i'm trying to think what other machines i like other than
Starting point is 01:46:09 that oh i like sitting i like shoulder press in in one of those chairs you know when you sit in that little tiny chair like this press up or like yeah and you put the weight on your knee and you oh yeah yeah you know i love that shit yeah that's right you really gotta throw it it's like i'm not strong enough to like do a little curl just like yeah my knees into it yeah yeah i love that shit and i didn't i didn't really get into the the cross cable thing either i didn't i didn't it wasn't that but i'd like i like uh i like putting on the weight belt or with the chain on it and doing weighted pull-ups at the Globo Gym. That's kind of fun.
Starting point is 01:46:47 I always felt like better than everybody when I could do that. Yes. If you could do one pull-up at the Globo Gym, you're better than everybody. Yeah, right. You just have like everybody just starts staring at you because they just hear the chains at first and they're like, what is that guy doing? And then you hop up on the pull-up bar and you do just like a couple and everybody just stops. They're like, what is happening is happening yeah who is this guy you're a curls for the girls type of guy no i'm not i don't like i don't even i don't even enjoy that movement i don't i don't do you know
Starting point is 01:47:16 what i mean like i enjoy a pull-down movement i enjoy a pushing movement um i don't i don't enjoy the um cables are great you can do a ton i'm sure i'm sure all right soon i'll be old enough to use i'll be working out with bands okay uh to everyone uh in the ecosystem to all our subscribers and followers amongst all of the people out there who are contributing to this great world of communication. Thank you, Caleb. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:47:47 Uh, tomorrow we have, do we have Christian Harris tomorrow? No, Christian Harris. Yep. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:47:52 He's at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Pumped. I've never, I've never, uh, I don't think I've ever met the guy, so I'm really excited. I hear a lot of good stuff about him.
Starting point is 01:47:59 People love him. All right, guys. Uh, we will see you guys tomorrow morning. Oh, and I Josh bridges tomorrow. So,
Starting point is 01:48:06 okay.

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