The Sevan Podcast - #352 - Christian Harris

Episode Date: March 30, 2022

Husband, father, athlete, entrepreneur, and coach. Owner of Move Fast Lift Heavy. ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DR...INK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:01:06 I go off Yeah, bitch KD Look how I do it, though I go off, I go off I go off, I go off Like I go off, I go off
Starting point is 00:01:19 I go off Look Boss colder than Coldplay Flow sound like it's on juice No OJ, I'm no A-Rod But I'm feeling real good So good, I might go and put the day job It's crooked, niggas, I'ma have to go and set straight
Starting point is 00:01:35 I can do it, feel free, that's the best rate On the grind, I'll show you how to best skate You see a nigga reach more goals Presque or Crosby, I'm trying to do it at a younger age only banging beats help reduce the hunger pangs hey body always wants the lives exchanged except for when you see the numbers in your checks change and you could really say you did it yourself anything is possible when you're committing yourself nigga no suicide but it's do or die looking in the mirror saying all I got is you and I
Starting point is 00:02:05 But who am I to go and be a preacher? Still a nobody, I can't even get a feature It's okay though, I'll wait patiently for the payload But in the meantime, I still got a chick with an ass like J-Lo Still wanna see how a fucking Xbox know Halo I go off, but they already know that Cause once you go CH, you really can't go back. I'm no Kodak, but I can take a meme photo. Stand between you two. I don't mean Bono. I fly
Starting point is 00:02:32 solo, meeting my eye solo. Looking for that Vizine to get my hands on. No solo, no Jedi, no red eye. I'm a fucking beast. Little nigga, I said I. I'm a fucking beast. But don't call me Hank. I ain't gassed up. I got a quarter mile in the tank. What you think about that? Outro Music I go off, I go off. I go off, I go off like. I go off, I go off. I go off. Bam, we're live. Who's the guest today? Christian Harris. I wish I would have been in a rap video.
Starting point is 00:03:27 That was actually really, really good. I'm impressed. I'm impressed. Catchy. It's catchy. Yeah, he is a cool dude, right? I never met him before. Did you guys see the video?
Starting point is 00:03:39 I played the video for you. Did you guys see it? No one said a thing in the comments about it. Did you guys see it? Heidi, good morning. Wad Zombie, soccer mom. Corey, good morning. Great music section this morning.
Starting point is 00:03:51 That was Christian Harris. I am Chris Harris. That's his Instagram. That's the whole, uh-oh, uh-oh. I wonder where he's at. I think I sent a link to him. Does he know the show's today, 7 a.m.? I bet you Matt Souza's listening somewhere panicking, like going, oh, shit. Okay, I see.
Starting point is 00:04:18 The Sevan Podcast, Christian Harris, 7 a.m. Oh, look, there he is. Bam, we're live. Morning. Morning, dude. How are you? Living the dream in someone else's nightmare. I am, oops, oops, oops.
Starting point is 00:04:39 I am Chris Harris. How's that? That looks That looks good to me I don't have my glasses on this morning I can't find them So I can't really see Yeah You only have one pair of glasses?
Starting point is 00:04:59 I have one that's in my gym bag I left my gym bag at the gym And my other pair that I leave at home, I can't find. Is that panic mode for you? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm about to go on a podcast and I don't have my glasses. Yeah, a little bit. I looked up a second.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yeah, that would freak me out. I looked up a second ago and I couldn't find my coffee and my phone. And of course, they're both like here. Right in front of you? Yeah, but I panicked for a second because I had this in my face. I was like. Yeah, so if I'm squinting the entire time, I apologize. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:05:33 That blows. That blows. I have so many pairs of glasses. Yeah, that can't happen to me. I would be fucked. Sometimes I challenge myself sometimes i go out places and i'll leave my like say like i go to the beach every day and there's at least once a week i'll leave my glasses purposely in the car to walk and that's because i heard some shit that
Starting point is 00:05:56 like you don't you don't process vitamin d unless you get sunlight directly on your eyeballs i don't i do not know if it's true. You don't, but you don't process it to its highest levels or whatever. What was that noise? Oh, I lost you. I lost you. Something happened to your audio.
Starting point is 00:06:13 We heard a little me, me, me, me, me. And then you, you vanished. Maybe your headphones turned off.
Starting point is 00:06:22 No, sir. Nope. How about now? Ah, yes. yes uh back live with christian harris we listened to your to your uh video this morning your your rap video 30 000 views i've had rappers on the show and none of them and none of them have had as many views on their video as that video. All the rappers I've had on the show.
Starting point is 00:06:47 I think all the rappers I've had on the show combined haven't had that many. Time out. What rappers have you had on your show? I had the one that comes to mind right away is Lika Veli. OK. He's out of the East Coast. He had a song that says, let the white kids say nigga. And I thought that was fucking brilliant.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And so it was just like, all right all right well he's coming on the show he was a great guest he was a great guest and actually that's not true i think most of his rap songs have like 200 views but i think maybe that one had like four million you know what i mean that right right it went viral yeah and it's a great song like he did he did good job, too. It's not just clickbait. It was solid. It was a good song. So what did you think of it? He was ahead of his time. I loved yours.
Starting point is 00:07:33 I've listened to it three times. Yours is awesome. What year is that? That's got to be around 2010. Why not more? 2010 oh why not free crossfit days why not more um i was actually starting to get to the point where i was getting some buzz and i was doing some uh small local events uh in the city and i got wifey pregnant and being a rapper isn't really a conducive lifestyle to uh having a family.
Starting point is 00:08:07 So you pivoted to the next most difficult profession. Uh-oh, we lost you. Oh, I think maybe you muted yourself. No, now you're better. You're good. I can hear you now. Nope. Good now?
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah, something was like accidentally muting. You were accidentally muting yourself or something is automatic it might have been my uh my headphones um but uh switching from rapper to um gym owner uh crossfit athlete grid league athlete that that's a tough that's a tough toe too right yeah i mean i uh growing up i never really wanted the real life job i've always had like dreams and aspirations of like being either like a you know pro ball player of some sort so it was never really like i wanted to be like a doctor or be a lawyer or something like that, you know? So after my rap career, I wanted to get into fitness a bit more and started pursuing CrossFit. One of my co-workers, I used to work at this place called Parisi Speed School, which is strength and agility training for young athletes primarily, just teaching them running mechanics and um kept telling me about CrossFit for about a year and I kept saying how dumb it
Starting point is 00:09:31 was and whatever and I tried my first workout got my ass kicked got hooked and um here we are and that Parisi school that's the school that was like that was what you were going to use to make money to take care of the family i mean at the time i was 24 working there um i was homeless at 24 nah maybe close yeah yeah i was close to homeless maybe 24 25 i was definitely on the tit i was definitely like my mom was paying for like it was it was either she was about to cut me off or she was paying for everything and when i mean everything i mean weed gas food all of it alcohol yeah like school like she paid for all of it yeah it's crazy crazy crazy crazy did you ever sell weed i did not no no did you ever do did you ever sell any drugs nope no smoked a bit i mean that's about it do you smoke now no it's not it's not conducive with uh high performance right
Starting point is 00:10:36 burning shit and then inhaling the fumes i mean some would argue in the other direction but for me personally just you know breathing in smoke and things like that i mean i remember when i would smoke i would just be coughing and hacking along for the longest time so when you can't really see that helping me right now no when um when you started crossfit was there anything that you that was in your life that you gave up? Like I smoke cigarettes. I started CrossFit at 34. Wow. So my age now.
Starting point is 00:11:14 That's what you are now? You're 34? I'm sorry. I'm 35. I keep forgetting. Yeah, I keep telling people I'm 49, and then they remind me in the comments that I'm 50. It's not cool. Was there anything that – I had to give up smoking to do CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Not I had to, but I was like, okay, this – I'm like – I'm doing Fight Gone Bad, and then I'm walking outside and lighting a cigarette. It's like this – I was just thinking this cannot be good. It doesn't really match up. No, and it was just – because I wanted to get better at CrossFit, but I like smoking i really enjoyed like nicotine's crazy it's so good yeah but but but i did you have to give anything up uh no i didn't give up anything no no you're you were already on the straight and narrow how about this for the most part like i started to eat much cleaner um i mean at the time paleo was really popular so i followed paleo for a little while um yeah i mean i i drank occasionally then i drank you know more frequently than i do now i don't really drink much at all now
Starting point is 00:12:23 how about this do you have to give up the elliptical when you started doing crossfit no i didn't have to give that up that was uh about last year have you ever driven one of those no but i but but i'm usually i'm a really open-minded guy but when i see the the there's like i've never seen the three-wheel one the three-wheel one actually is a little bit cooler than the, the ones we have around here on the beach. It's some goofy fuckers on it and their bikes though. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:50 And they go way too fast. They go way too fast. No one should be going that fast on a two wheel elliptical. I tell you what though, it's a lot more challenging than you, than you might think. Yeah. I, I, the ellipticals at the gym, you you know i haven't been on one in 10 years but the i've tried them maybe 20 seconds at a time they're supposed to be low impact on your knee i guess they make my knees feel horrible yeah it could be you know that mid-range um like sheer on the knee
Starting point is 00:13:20 the entire time like if you're on it for 40 minutes yeah for me it was 10 seconds how did you end up with that uh this company street strata reached out to me and they're like would you mind promoting this and i was like all right check it out but i originally liked the idea of having it at the gym because like when we send classes to do 400 meter runs and workouts it's like people go around the building but you never really know what they're doing around there, you know? Right, right. Kind of a way to follow the class and hold them accountable. Hey, dude, anything you did with your shirt off would look cool.
Starting point is 00:13:57 I want to see you do that with your shirt on and reassess. The greatest thing that ever happened to that bike was you getting on it. Crazy. So do you have it at the gym i actually just took it home um about two weeks ago my wife wants to hang out uh play around with it if if i had that i would for sure ride it that's for sure or at least i mean everyone wants to try it right if that's sitting around the gym everyone's like let me try that thing 100 you you 23 and mead yourself i have recently yes yeah did you use a fake name no we we got our son 23 and mead and someone told my wife to use a fake name just in case like we got an uncle that like killed someone or something you know what i mean like they can they can triangulate on that you know that right yeah what is what's your background i'm armenian 100 yeah 100 and my wife and what
Starting point is 00:14:58 was fascinating to me about yours is my wife's jewish she's ashkenazi. So my kids are 51% Jew and 51, uh, 49% Armenian. But I heard you say that you you're predominantly Jewish and African. Yes. Yeah. That's crazy. That's cool. Um, I mean, I, I knew that going into it, it was just cool to see the breakdown of like where, you know, different bloodlines and stuff came from in africa so it's pretty cool who who's jewish in your family your mom or your dad on my mom's side so it's like essentially i'm half black half white what's that yeah is she ashkenazi do you know uh no no okay let's just say that again you're you're you're essentially half black and half white yeah so it's funny you say that because i asked someone yesterday i was talking
Starting point is 00:15:52 to i said hey is christian harris black and they started fucking laughing their ass off i'm like what and they're like listen how stupid the fucking question is and i go what do you mean he's like obviously black and they're like no it's just crazy that we live in an age where you have to ask if someone's black. And like, I look at you like, because black is the color, right? Like if I were to say, is he red? They'd be like, no. Is he yellow? No. And, and the reason why I was asking is because I thought it was funny because there's these, some fucking idiots out there who will say some negative shit about me. Like I'm racist. racist well they don't really say it they want to say it but they ain't got the balls to say it and i'll fuck them up but
Starting point is 00:16:29 they um but i had a black dude on yesterday darian weeks and then who was on before him uh zach george i had zach george on yeah have you met him i've met him once man he's nice yeah big fella yeah big big yeah just even through the screen looks big so i was like joking i was like oh shit i got my own black history month and they're like no that was last month it's it's woman's it's woman's month and you're fucking it up yeah because you had three dudes on in a row are you um where are you where's home for you where are you from i currently live on long island um people from long island you have to make sure that you say you live on long island not in it that's like a big thing uh but i grew up in brooklyn um yeah to me it's all that would be all new york yep all new york from california okay and and
Starting point is 00:17:30 so you're born in brooklyn and um are your mom and dad still married they're not yeah so that's pretty um they split when i was pretty young and then how did they meet how did they meet? How did they meet? I don't really remember the story of how they met, but I do know that they used to work at Burger King. Oh, yeah. My mom had me at 19, pretty young. You have siblings? I have three brothers. And where are you in that pecking order and then i have half brothers and a sister as well and are you the oldest i'm the oldest yeah oh shit how is that you like that or is that hard
Starting point is 00:18:19 i never minded it no as a. Do they look up to you? I think a little bit, yeah. I think I've been the most level-headed one throughout the years. So I think I set a pretty decent example for them, I would say. My dad was the oldest kid, and has um eight or nine brothers and sisters and my dad was born in lebanon it was it was a tough situation he was born into like just crazy economic depravity but um i saw the immense amount of responsibility he felt being the oldest son and now i wonder that about my current oldest son because he does play the big brother role he does but you know what i mean
Starting point is 00:19:07 he's in charge he takes responsibility like even though he's seven already if i yell at the five year olds he'll he'll step in you know he's got like something to say hey protective on him yeah yeah so you have two yeah i have three all together i have two five-year-olds and a seven-year-old i got twins twins or yeah twins okay yeah i've got two boys is your oldest step in is your oldest step in if you're scolding the little one uh not particularly no but uh he is he definitely takes the little one under his wing and um you know just really plays that big brother role really well he's a really good kid like he and he knows not to light him up like everything has to be leveled down a little bit oh for sure for sure the little guy though he uh he's the bruiser he'll beat up the big guy
Starting point is 00:19:58 i know isn't it crazy and well the big guy just he just takes it right pretty much yep yeah that's how my oldest take, he just takes it, right? Pretty much. Yep. Yeah. That's how my oldest son is. He just takes it until he doesn't. Yeah. It's crazy. I, um, my, my five-year-old was running through the house the other day and he dropped a, uh, he dropped something on the ground, a video game that I had bought him. And, uh, there he is. That's your big guy right there yeah oh wait 10 and 6 okay so he's way bigger oh yeah he's he's very tall for his age yeah wow how tall are you 6'1 okay so you're tall too so so my seven-year-old my five-year-old's running through the house he drops a little video game he
Starting point is 00:20:44 has i walk over to him and i start just kind of like yelling at him like not yelling's a little harsh but i like tell him like hey that's expensive i paid for that i work for that shit and you're just dropping it like it's nothing and my seven-year-old walks over and he's like hey and i go what and he goes how about oh my god i'm so sorry you dropped your game is it okay i'm like what game was it i just like my kids just no no no no my kids aren't that lucky they i i'll go i have this thing on amazon where it has like 500 games from the 80s you know what i mean it's got like pack yeah yeah defender it's like it's just a but i just think it's funny.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Like, so I did it. I did what he said. I don't normally do that, but I was like, oh, you know, I was like, all right, I can try that approach. Like, instead of getting mad at him, like, you know, show a little empathy, like, oh, you must be bummed you dropped that. Yeah. So you're born in Brooklyn. What was that like? Mom, parents divorce early or?
Starting point is 00:21:43 you're born in Brooklyn. What was that like? Mom, parents divorce early or? I mean, they were never married, but I think it was around eight or nine or so that they kind of parted ways. And I mean, I moved around a ton as a kid. I've went to probably about seven or eight different schools, you know, from elementary through high school. So I've had to adapt a lot. You know, I was always the new kid in school. So it was tough a bit, but I think a lot of that attributed to the type of person that I am today. So I guess I'm thankful for it. Why did you guys move around? Like getting evicted or rent got too high?
Starting point is 00:22:32 No, just always trying to find the next best deal, I guess, on an apartment or something like that. I have this friend who has just a shitload of money, more money than one human being can count in a lifetime. And by the time his kids were in the third grade, they had gone to like seven schools. And I just thought, like, why would you do that to your kid? That would be like the hardest thing. I mean, right.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Every like that's horrible. Right. As a kid switching schools. It is tough. But I mean, kids are resilient. I mean, I talk about it with my wife all the time, how I want to get out of here, of New York now, because of the taxes.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's just out of control here. And go down south, maybe to the Carolinas, potentially. That would be good. I don't want to take them out of school, you know? Yeah. Do you have any friends from elementary school who are still your friends? Like, were you able to have any of that? From elementary school?
Starting point is 00:23:36 No, not really. More, more middle school. There's, there's like maybe two or three kids that I'll talk to every now and again, but I do have a good group of friends from high school that I'm very tight with. And it's a pretty large group. It's like 20 of us that stay in touch. Damn.
Starting point is 00:23:54 And are those people you met your senior year? Yeah. Because your senior year, you switched high schools, right? That was the last. End of junior year, middle of junior year. Wow. And then so were you a good-looking kid? high schools right that was the i mean uh june end of junior year middle of junior year wow and then so um were you good looking kid like the girls girls liked you yeah so every time you switch schools there was that right say that again i'm sorry every time you switch schools
Starting point is 00:24:22 there was that you were like the new dude. Yeah, I was the new guy. I mean, I met my wife in high school, and that's kind of like how the ball got rolling. She was on me. And that was your senior year or your junior year when you showed up at that new school? She was like, oh, who's this new dude? Junior year. Junior year. Because she's already seen all the other dudes for the last like three or four years yeah i forgot about that phenomenon in high school
Starting point is 00:24:50 had to bring a little new flavor there you know yeah yeah and did you like all your high schools was school did you like school even though you were constantly switching i didn't mind it math was kind of my thing at the time um So yeah, I didn't really mind school. Math was your thing. What do you mean? You just liked it? Like you were good at it? I just liked it. It came naturally. It was easy for me. I didn't really have to study too much. What's your wife's name? Danielle. And so you meet her in high school and do you know
Starting point is 00:25:27 right away oh shit this is going to be the one i mean we are sorry do you even know now do you even know now no i know now okay for sure i made a presupposition so you so you met so you met so you met her in high school and that and you started in high school and then she broke my heart when we graduated i guess because she was you know she's half italian half Puerto Rican, and her parents are super strict. So she kind of wanted to get out and live a little bit. So she broke my heart when we got out. And then we ended up finding our way back to each other. And here we are. And so now you've been together basically.
Starting point is 00:26:20 A long time. Yeah, 15, 16 years. Yeah, 2013 we got married. And so you both have seen each other go through a lot of different stuff. Oh, for sure. Different phases. She's, over the past couple years, with career changes and things like that, she's developed the skin condition
Starting point is 00:26:46 called vitiligo i'm not sure if you're familiar with that no sir but it's a condition where you start to lose pigment in your skin so it's usually brought on uh from a hormonal standpoint and um stress really uh brings it out so she's kind of dealt with been dealing with that for the past i'd say about five or six years so kind of like through that i've been you know learning how to help her cope with it but she's she's a strong strong woman tough cookie what what happens with that vitiligo is it bad like can it hurt you or it's just a it's just no no it's literally just a cosmetic thing really is that what michael jackson had i believe so yeah is it yeah he ended up just like completely bleaching himself that is what he did i think so yeah yeah fuck i don't know but he just started getting spotty and then
Starting point is 00:27:52 you you are you excited about being married for 50 years i mean like you can do it you know what i mean i think about that sometimes with my wife. Yeah, it's going to be fun. Like, I'm excited for our 10-year. We want to go away to Italy for our 10-year. You know, and just doing those kind of things. Maybe renewing the vows. Having a big shindig.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Did you have kids before you were married? Yes. The older guy basically we were together for about 10 years at this point and then i got her knocked up and i'm like shit i should probably marry this girl yes but but he came out first yeah so at our wedding he was about uh nine or ten months okay like he was just walking around that time. My wife and I, we had our first kid. And then when she got pregnant with the twins, I was like, oh, shit, we should get married. In case one of us dies, it's like an easy transition.
Starting point is 00:28:58 You know what I mean? You get the car, you get the house, all the shit just. You're pretty. What city are you in? You said you're in Long Island, on Long Island. On Long Island. On Long Island. And that is the city, Long Island's the city. So it's weird.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Long Island, I would say is kind of like. Maybe like San Diego in a sense. And isn't there different towns within San Diego? Kind of, we have county, we have counties and then we have cities. So like, there's like,
Starting point is 00:29:36 there's like Los Angeles County, Los Angeles is a bad example, but like we, like we have Contra Costa County. That's one of the counties in California. And inside of that, there's all these different cities. So the county, basically the way I think of it, the county doesn't have a mayor.
Starting point is 00:29:50 And the cities have mayors. Right. So it's very similar in that sense. So Long Island is basically a city within New York County, I guess, is a way to think of it. The broader area. Yeah. And you would want to leave there. You've been there your whole life and you would want to leave there is it is it a concrete jungle you live in like when i think of new york no very very suburban
Starting point is 00:30:15 uh long island is yeah like you have parks and like hills and uh it's very flat here there's basically zero elevation anywhere out here is everything developed yeah it's very suburban here okay so i guess you heard of like the hamptons or montauk yeah yeah very beachy that's the fancy place yeah so i'm about one hour from New York city and then about an hour and a half from the Hamptons and Montauk. So I'm really smack dab in the middle of Long Island. And where's your mom live? She just moved about a month ago to South Carolina. Oh shit. Oh, she would love it. If you move down there, she would. Yeah. Is she into your kids? I might follow suit one of these days. Is she into your kids i might follow suit one of these days is she into your kids what's that like she is she into your kids like is she like super grandma
Starting point is 00:31:12 yeah oh yeah yeah they love they love that shit any of your siblings have kids no um both of my brothers are gay. So, you know, they haven't adopted or anything like that just yet. No shit. Both your brothers are gay. Is that hard? Is that easy? How do you find that out?
Starting point is 00:31:48 I believe, who came out first? I think damien came out first this was probably do you know already before you're like yeah that dude's gay he just doesn't know no i didn't know no um but then things kind of made sense a little bit to me um when i did find out but yeah they're just keeping a secret that it sucks it's like it it must be fucking so brutal because they're you're basically keeping a secret your whole life until you're not and then it must and then that must be terrifying right and then it's like you have to deal with that yeah coming out and and are you just cool as shit with it or do you fake it at first does it rock your boat or and you're like i mean i was you go home and you're like process yeah i was surprised but i didn't you know i wasn't like oh my god like stay away from me. Of course. Right. Go repent. You weren't like, go repent. No, not at all.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And it's funny, like through my company, Move Fast, Live Tevye, we do a pride collection every month. And sometimes people, the comments that they put out there when we released the collections, basically saying how, you know, this isn't pro gay or whatever it is. It's like so negative because you don't even know that both of my brothers are gay and like how I support them in the best way that I can, you know? Right. So it's a tough situation right now um i grew up in san francisco and uh berkeley area i grew up in the bay area and so there was never a there's there's never a stigma about it
Starting point is 00:33:37 you at least in my little area in northern california there so you know like we would go to like part like all the cool parties in the city were like primarily like big, huge gay bashes, right? We had Love Fest. We had the erotic exotic ball. We just had all that shit. So you would go there and there would just be trannies and gay people
Starting point is 00:33:54 and just people just raging. We'd have the thing in Polk Street where all the dudes would be walking around naked. And my friends and I, we would just go there and party. It was just like, whatever. I mean, there were girls there too, but it was this environment that felt really free right sure and um but but now like when I went to my kid's school a couple years ago they got the lgbq flag up at the at the elementary school and I have trouble like with that because i'm like that's a that's a that's a
Starting point is 00:34:28 sex flag like this denotes that these people's behavior based on sex i wouldn't want a straight flag up there either and i so i would ask people why is that up there and they're like it's to show acceptance but i but i'm just like that that's not – I thought the American flag was acceptance. You know what I mean? Like we're all – we're all here. Yeah, I mean I think you got to just let kids be kids. Yeah. Have them –
Starting point is 00:34:54 It's a trippy situation, and I don't want to come across anti-gay even in the slightest. Just like I don't want to come across anti-transgender in the slightest, but I'm also like don't want women men transition competing in women's sports you know what i mean yeah i'm just like how do you do you have any opinions on those like what do you think about that what do your brothers think about that have you talked to them about it about like if i was gay i would be like why are they yeah like if i was gay i would be if I was, let's say I was a lesbian and they have this, this common phrase, LGBTQ. Right. And I would be like, Hey, don't mix me up with them. Like my, like my shit's not like, I'm not trying to switch to a dude. I'm not trying, I like, you know what I mean? I want to support like an openness and like, we obviously as a group have our challenges, but like, if I was a lesbian, I wouldn't, it wouldn't, I,
Starting point is 00:35:45 I wouldn't like automatically think, okay, now transition men should be competing in women's sports. They don't even seem related to me who I want to be intimate with. I think that's tough. And my hat is off to those folks that have to figure out and, and deal how, figure out how to deal with, you know, figure out and and deal how figure out how to deal with you know creating a sector for them because yep that's definitely like a very touchy subject and i don't know i i wouldn't want to be the person in charge of of having to to figure that stuff out no not at all and and there's no there's got to be a way to do it without being mean too
Starting point is 00:36:26 of course that i mean there's got to be yeah not that we should be worried about hurting people's feelings but we shouldn't hurt people's feelings for as a as a mode for a solution my motto is work work hard stay humble and be nice if you could do that the whole world would be a better place work hard stay humble be nice do you like doing your podcast so the my co-host joe roscoe uh-huh he is heavily podcast. So what he, the business that he has, uh, it's called built for the stage. And it's this little niche where he basically created a training platform for Broadway folks. And he has a podcast through that. So he's uh seasoned in the in the podcast world and he got me to start incorporating it into move fast love tevi not something i really wanted to do but
Starting point is 00:37:33 through doing it i've gotten more comfortable and i actually enjoy it now getting to meet people and network and chop it up hey that dude um joe roscoe go ahead yeah go ahead uh that dude joe roscoe he trains like his specialty is training broadway cats yeah wow that's that sounds cool it's an interesting niche yeah wow do you do that too? I do not. Do you want to go on? I get to live vicariously through him. It's interesting when I asked you earlier, I said, oh, you were talking about wanting to be a professional athlete. I get a totally different vibe from you. I get a you want to be an artist.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Not you want to be an artist, that you are an artist. be an artist not you want to be an artist that you are an artist that you're yeah i mean that's that's kind of what shows and what um it's what makes me do what i do i guess the the ability to have creative expression and freedom right like with my program, it gives me that freedom to creatively put something out there for the training community. Right. With the clothing, I can have free expression of creating art through clothing. And then something that I need to to be able to thrive. I need to have that creative outlet. It's something that I need to be able to thrive. I need to have that creative outlet. There's a move fast, lift heavy, and then from there, there's branches. That's the mothership, right?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Move fast, lift heavy. Then there's the training. There's the gym. There's the media. And there's the clothing. Yep. Does the clothing have – how does that intersect with Reebok? Aren't you a Reebok athlete?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Are they cool with you releasing your own stuff? I am a Reebok athlete. There's been a couple of like little, you whoop someone's ass? No, no, no, no. A couple of little tips here and there, but, um, the relationship has been great. Um, and they understand that I'm an entrepreneur and I've had this company prior to my relationship with Reebok. So it's something that they're understandable with. When CrossFit first signed with them, I always liked those guys. It was interesting because they were a big corporate juggernaut. They were like a branch of the mothership Adidas, rightidas right yep are they still or did they get sold they got sold recently um i forget the name of the the parent company now but this was over the past
Starting point is 00:40:16 uh three or four months okay and it well anyway so when we when we signed with them crossfit inc it was uh they were cool they i mean, CrossFit Inc., they were cool. I mean, they were cooler than us. They were nicer than us. We were like pit bulls, and they were more like basset hounds. They were cool dudes, and they had fully embraced the CrossFit way. And I'm trying to remember the guy's name over there who was the CEO. He was cool as shit.
Starting point is 00:40:38 I hung with him a lot. I can't believe I can't remember his name. And he was an older dude, like a tall, skinny bald uh at reebok yeah i cannot believe i cannot remember his name ceo of reebok my jeez louise oh i'm kicking myself anyway and he would he rolled with rappers too they had a lot of rappers there so he knew all that like so i would be out to dinner with him and he'd be telling me crazy stories of like he did molly with this cat or you know like it was cool he was cool and it was just funny because he's you know it's just all these fucking gangster rappers and he's he would just tell me stories and how yeah everyone i know uh i know like jay-z had a shoot through Reebok, 50 Cent, Rick Ross, I believe.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I don't know if he had a shoot. Well, he for sure sings about them, and I know he wouldn't. Oh, Matt O'Toole. Thank you, Will. Jeez Louise. Yeah, yeah, yeah. How could I forget Matt O'Toole? That's a good dude.
Starting point is 00:41:38 He got the wrong last name. There's nothing about him that's O'Toole. Now we got to change your name. He was a really cool dude and a family man he had five kids i really liked him i liked everyone over there it was weird because it was like cantankerous because we would fight with them a lot because greg you know we had no sell out in us and when you're a corporation you got some sellout in you and i'm not saying even like i'm not even hating um but uh so we bumped heads a lot but but they were cool
Starting point is 00:42:08 and you like working with them who do you work with over there now i wonder if it's any of the same people like who's who's like your immediate contact i highly doubt it but it's uh jordan is he crossing you i mean i think he does CrossFit a little bit. But my point of contact when I got signed on was Ari Hurst. Do you know Ari? Okay. No. She works for Reebok now.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Okay. I mean, for CrossFit now. Oh, okay. Yeah, the system's a little incestuous. Maybe there should be a better word for it. But, yeah, once you're in, I think you can like bounce around from whoop to Reebok to CrossFit to, you know, do you do a whoopie? Are you a whoopie guy?
Starting point is 00:42:51 I am a whoopie guy. Yeah. And are you one of their athletes? Yeah. Tell someone over there. They got to say that again. I'm a partner. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Tell someone over there. They got to sign me, the Whoopie. They need a podcast. They got to get you on? No, they got to jump on. They got to jump on the bandwagon. Check your heart rate during the shows. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Did you see that, what they did with Rich, how they had that when he did the quarterfinals? You could watch his heartbeat. Did you see that? Yeah, it's cool. It's cool. I'm supposed to be doing one with them for this quarterfinals you could watch his uh heartbeat did you see that yeah it's cool it's cool i'm supposed to be doing one with them uh for this quarterfinals uh next week oh oh because you're doing the team one yeah yeah you know what's crazy too is i thought you know i was
Starting point is 00:43:36 i was um it was it was kind of um uh bred into me i guess through greg glassman that you know who gives a fuck about heartbeat and this and that and this. And like, he would explain really well why none of that mattered. But when I watch, but I like it, I don't care. You know what I mean? It's like, I, I think I was, I was fascinated at watching Rich's heartbeat, um, when he exercised, go ahead. Yeah, no, it's, it's something that's actually really important in training. Um, like in our training program, we do a lot of zone two training. So just really training that aerobic base, but you can't, you truly cannot train it unless you have the wearable on, you know what I mean? Like you're just literally guessing. Yeah. What if I was wearing the whoopee and it outed me?
Starting point is 00:44:31 What if like Amanda Barnhart walks on and my heartbeat drops, but then Rich takes his shirt off and the shit skyrockets? The whoopee. Do it live. Yeah, Daniel Brandon. We're finding some things out. Yeah, Daniel Brandon walks on and my heart just drops down to like three beats a minute. Are you liking the team? Does any part of you? Oh, this is, does any part of you feel, I mean, maybe we should talk about your individual career for a second. You kind of got hosed.
Starting point is 00:44:55 You were, you were like in the peak of your individual career during some, just the fucked up years, right? 16th in the worldwide open. And then was that your highest finishing in the Open, 16th? Yeah, that was my highest finished. Which is insane, by the way. That was the ring dip year.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Oh. Yeah, I tore my pack at that regionals. Is that just ass programming? Or is that just? I mean, I don't know what the issue was, honestly, with so many guys tearing their pecs that year, but I felt like I was very well prepared for it. You know, I was doing a lot of bench and dip work at the time. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I think it's like just a freak thing. What about you're so polite. um what about um you're so polite what about um what about that year at the games when the when the old dudes uh were doing those 155 pound hang cleans god dave's gonna hate me for this he did not he doesn't watch the show oh no one tell dave that i'm talking shit um the the old dudes were doing the 155 pound cleans and they were doing it on the fat bar. Do you remember that? That I don't know. And dudes were popping bicep tendons like pec tears. You don't remember that event? Oh, you were probably too busy doing your own shit.
Starting point is 00:46:12 But basically the same thing happened there. They were doing hand cleans with that big fatty bar. Yep. And dudes were just popping biceps like right there on the games floor out in Carson. Yeah, in the tennis stadium. I mean, it's interesting because all that stuff gets Carson. Yeah, in the tennis stadium. I mean, it's interesting because all that stuff gets tested. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:28 So it's like what happened in the competition setting where, you know, shit goes wrong and hits the fan, you know? FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, I... Exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly.
Starting point is 00:47:17 At Air Miles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. Mmm, how's that spicy enchilada? Oh, very flavorful. time dinnering with them how's that spicy enchilada oh very flavorful yodeling with them oh must be mating season and hiking with them is that a squirrel collect more moments with more ways to earn air miles the the the safety the idea around safety for the athletes like to me it's funky like i don't care how hot it is out there or like if
Starting point is 00:47:54 you push them too hard like fuck you modulate your shit but but like you can't have bars falling on them you know what i mean you can't have bars falling on them you can't have like collars fail like equipment malfunctions yeah you can't have dude or you can't have like dudes overheading like um uh i don't mean to sorry maddokey but like at wadapalooza when they were doing the pig flips and and i wasn't there so i don't know but it looked a little scary right like those things look like they could like if the one got wonky or cockeyed like you could just crush christian harris right next to you. Who wears Christian?
Starting point is 00:48:25 Oh, he's under that 700-pound pig. That shit can't happen or like that shit that happened with poor – who's the dude who – you were at that competition I think, the one where the dude broke his spine. Oh, Kevin Ogar. Yeah, like that shit. Like those are the things where I think safety is important. yeah like that shit like those are the things where i think safety is important and um but but the other stuff like when people are like it was too hot for the athletes to to to compete i'm like i don't i'm not i'm not buying that or like it was too much work well slow down like that's um but this thing this one's a gray area this is right you gotta you
Starting point is 00:49:01 gotta be able to deal with the conditions and adapt to your surroundings um i did a a spartan spartan games i don't know if you're familiar with it or not but it's i am i can't wait to hear about it are you allowed to talk about it yet yeah okay uh can i i think i can talk about it a little bit yeah be careful i don't want to ruin it is the show is the show out yet any winners i won't disclose the winners or anything like that. Okay. So let's go back to the safety thing. Essentially, it was in Big Bear. So the elevation was out of control.
Starting point is 00:49:34 I was not prepared for that whatsoever. And the temperature was just above freezing. So you had to deal with those elements and figure it out. And if you didn't, you didn't have success. Simple as that. Do they tell you ahead of time to prep for that? Well, considering that I got invited two weeks out, I didn't really have
Starting point is 00:50:00 much time to prep for it. Okay. Okay. And how many athletes were there eight men eight women any other any other um people we know like any crossfitters meg reardon uh-huh she was there um sam briggs no but she did it the year before everyone else is was pretty much either you know into ocr or was hunter there was hunter mcintyre there he was there yeah he was my roommate no shit yeah what was that like we got along pretty well. Um, there wasn't any like beef or anything like that. I could see why people dislike him. You know, he's definitely, um, outspoken for sure, but I don't know. I'm
Starting point is 00:50:58 pretty, I pretty much get along with everybody for the most part. He's a, you should have him on your podcast. He's a dream podcast guest. If there were two people that every podcast like should have, it's Josh Bridges and Hunter McIntyre. They're so easy. It's so good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Yeah. And, and Hunter's great too. They'll go, they'll go anywhere you want. They'll add value. They're fun to look at. They're cool. They're cool. They'll go anywhere you want. They'll add value. They're fun to look at.
Starting point is 00:51:26 They're cool. They're cool. Yeah, I could see it. I really like Hunter. Yeah, he's got a crazy story. Have you met him before? Yeah, I had him on this podcast, I think, at least once. And then I just recently did another podcast with them eddie if this um comedian out of malibu california had both of us on at the same time which was fun uh i really but i really like
Starting point is 00:51:54 hunter he i mean he'll talk about any subject like he's just willing to go there yeah i mean again i liked him did you wrestle him i didn't get the chance to wrestle him no is he bigger but he's a very good wrestler yeah and he's big right yeah he's about i think he's like six two um just under 200 so he's not exactly like to me i don't think he's built like your typical ocr guy no um he's definitely got some more size you know a lot more size on him i think maybe he's coming towards the end of his career like and by that i mean he was the top dog forever he was just dominating and i think he lost his last two championships and i mean my
Starting point is 00:52:45 loss i think he took second yeah i'm not really sure about that world um but he did he did a great job at at the sparring games let's just say that and and and you you um you got injured in this wrestling right you hurt your hand I dislocated my thumb wrestling. Did you know that happened right away? I didn't. I didn't until after, like right after the match, I went to go pick up my water bottle. And when I grabbed it and squeezed it, my thumb just kind of popped out.
Starting point is 00:53:20 Oh. And then I dropped it. I'm like, what the hell? So I picked it up again. And the same thing, like my thumb, I just could not squeeze with the thumb it just kept popping out sounds like a water bottle injury i don't i don't think it happened i don't think it happened while you were wrestling just it was a water bottle injury the water bottle was just too heavy. Yeah. What brand was that water bottle? Weak ass thumbs. When you, when you, when you met you, when you had kids and you married your wife, did any part of you, did you ever go through like, oh, this is it.
Starting point is 00:53:58 I'll never be with another girl again. This is the last girl I'll ever be with. Did you, did you, did you have any of that? Like, like they're sort of like a, it's an end to like a dating lifestyle, like a lifestyle. Like that's why I never – that's why marriage never made any sense to me. Why would you close that door? Are you married? I am married now.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I closed the fucking door. But like I was always like why would you ever close the door where the greatest gift to mankind enters through and, and lock it and then push a big anvil up against it. You know what I mean? Yeah. Why not leave that motherfucker open your whole life? The grass is grass is greener, right? Like for those that are single, you think it's,
Starting point is 00:54:37 you know, marriage is the best thing for those that are married. You think being single is the best thing, you know? So I think it's just about, you know, dealing with what you got. Yeah. There's tremendous value in being a good husband.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Tremendous, tremendous, tremendous, beyond anything anyone could ever explain. That's what's kind of, I mean, I don't think it can be explained. Can it? I don't, I mean, you. Can it, I don't, I mean, you could, you could say it, but it's so experiential,
Starting point is 00:55:07 right. Being a good partner. Yeah. I mean, it's, it's tough, right. Like having to not be a different person,
Starting point is 00:55:18 but you know, be a complimentary person to your partner. You know, you could run it. Will Smith style. You believe that was, do you, do you think that was a real slap? Yeah. Did you think that all along? I mean, as soon as I saw it, I thought it was a real slap, but then how he was when he was sitting down, like cursing out, cursing him out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I mean, it didn't seem like that was jokingly at all. Right. I thought it was real. And then I thought it was fake because Chris Rock like braces for it, like they had rehearsed it. Because Chris Rock like braces for it, like they had rehearsed it. But then last night I heard a clip where it's him reading his book. I guess he has a biography out or some audio clip of Will Smith. And he basically talks about how at nine years old he saw his dad punch his mom in the face.
Starting point is 00:56:29 And that was the biggest moment in his life because he didn't jump in to protect his mom. So his whole life he's felt like a fucking coward and like he's never felt fulfillment because he didn't stand up for his mom. Huh. That's gnarly, right? Yeah. And so because of that. That it makes sense now that like like I can piece it together and I know it's some like pop psychology 50 cent shit, not like 50 cent the rapper like 25 cent psychology shit. But yeah, like he saw an opportunity to stand up for his wife, however ridiculous it was. And he's like, I'm not letting this pass me again. I mean, that shit's crazy. The shit that can haunt you from when you're a little kid, right? Will Smith's haunted by some shit that happened when he was nine. Yeah. I mean, that's why people see psychologists and things like that. Right. And deal with their issues. I just do drugs and push that shit down listen my friend that might come out at some point
Starting point is 00:57:27 look at speaking of coming out caleb hi hi thanks for thanks for popping on yeah of course um i'm gonna send you i i have a whole i have like three pages of notes but with links i didn't send you the links one i'm gonna send it to you now okay christian say hi to caleb what's up caleb say bye to caleb bye yeah that's the guy in the back that's the guy that makes the magic work i wonder if i can um caleb's in the air force oh wow yeah oh i want to ask caleb something hey caleb am i allowed to talk about on the air about what i know about um your current status in the air force or no uh i can't say you know too much but yeah you can talk about whatever you like um caleb's deploying in july thank you for your service sir i'm not liking it at all. I was talking to Matt yesterday about it.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I'm not digging that shit at all, dude. I'm not digging that at all. So I've got a chance to connect with some of the guys from Special Warfare. Have I? Really neat stories and a ton of respect for those guys. Yeah, it's incredible what they do. They do a lot of hard training, a lot of hard training, a lot of, um, very interesting experiences. A lot of them will do like walk around in the Arctic for training, you know, like let's go do some cold weather stuff. And, but then they get
Starting point is 00:58:54 to shoot a lot of guns and hang out with a lot of cool people. And I think like some of their best training is from like regular people, like people who live there. Like, I think I've heard some stories of guys that'll go out in the middle of montana and like just meet a guide and they're just he'll teach them how to live outside you know stuff like that yeah it's really cool so do you ever think about going do you ever think about going to the military christian uh very brief moment um out of high school but that was very short-lived yeah i don't think i ever thought that i think i was always scared i think i was like one of those guys who wanted to do boot camp like and then and then get out just to see if i was capable
Starting point is 00:59:37 of that which i don't think i would have been were you ever shitty at sports were you ever the fat kid were you ever like the kid who wasn't Were you always like the best athlete in your class? Where did you fall growing up? I mean, I played baseball my entire life up until my later years of high school. But I was always pretty good, to say the least. Senior year, I played wide receiver. You know, started and in college. Is that your first time?
Starting point is 01:00:12 I had to work. I had to definitely work my ass off to, to get to that starting position. And then once I got there, I ended up being all conference. So wait a second. So you, you played baseball all the way up until your junior year and then your senior year you stopped baseball and started football i still played baseball senior year but i started football senior year and why and why did you do that i just liked more of the physicality aspect of it and the camaraderie compared to baseball um not that i didn't like
Starting point is 01:00:47 baseball it just doing it my whole life i was kind of bored of it at that point and football just felt so much more exciting and and you were good enough to go to college and play football there with just one year i went to a juco nass Community, but they were a top. That's just all Jews? It's just all Jews? Junior college. Oh, oh, oh. And we actually went to a bowl game as a freshman. And from there, I transferred to a D2 school and worked to a starting position and eventually all conference.
Starting point is 01:01:30 And so that's crazy that you just do you regret leaving baseball like that? Or are you happy with the way it went? Yes and no. I think if I didn't play football, I wouldn't be where I am today because the whole weight room aspect and really being in the gym in the offseason is really what led me to have this passion for fitness. Did you think that you were ever – how do you think that you're good enough to go to the CrossFit Games? Like I would look at the CrossFit Games and there would be things I would see would see them like i just never am i going to be able to do that i'm just never going to snatch 300 pounds i'm just not like i was in my head i would have thought that how do you as you look at that broad swath of all the shit you have to be good at does that ever enter your mind or did it in the beginning i was not sure i mean i i watched
Starting point is 01:02:28 the crossfit games within a month of me trying crossfit and from watching it i would immediately try like a ring muscle up and snatching and all these other things. And the one thing I couldn't do at the time was snatch. I couldn't snatch a 95 pound barbell when I first started. And it was the one thing that I really, really tried to get down because it's the most difficult movement, as we all know, in CrossFit with a barbell. And I figured if I can get that, then I could have some success here. And I really just put my head down and focused on that one movement for quite a while. And I've snatched 330 pounds. Crazy. At one point.
Starting point is 01:03:22 There was a change for me. There was the 2007 CrossFit games games i could do all the workouts i could even beat some of the the people there was the 2008 crossfit games i could do every second no 2008 was the year of every second counts 2008 got it yep 2008 i could do the workouts i could even beat some of the people like the games athletes there and those workouts like that deadlift burpee one I could just mash mash that 2009 I think I could do all the workouts um that uh 155 pound clean and jerk for or clean and thrust or whatever the final workout is or was that eight whatever that was starting to get heavy for me that was like okay 155 right yeah yeah and then 2010 there were workouts i just couldn't do like even if i was like had all like all month and and there became just like a um it was weird because the games
Starting point is 01:04:18 used to have workouts that every everyone could do and then there became a point where you couldn't like not not everyone could do and then there became a point where you couldn't like not not everyone could do that wow yeah this is crazy this is crazy and and you would even hear it from the athletes right when they put them they put that 100 pound dumbbell in the regionals like you hear jason kalipa be like oh yeah i remember that like wait a minute you know even he the great jason cleave was like I don't know if this is doable. I think they were one of the first regions to go, and just watching them tackle that dumbbell was pretty cool.
Starting point is 01:05:00 Having a goal to shoot for, and I think that was my first regional year. Was that 2012? I wouldn't bet my life on it, yeah but it sounds right it was 2012 yeah you like doing the team thing i do i really enjoy it um having that what we got here oh my goodness where Where is that? Notice the kids in the back. God, CrossFit's cool. Those kids are probably 18 now. Yeah, hilarious, right?
Starting point is 01:05:35 Wow. They don't even know that some dude just snatched 300 pounds. They heard of the bar drop, though. God, it's so good. Why do you like the team? Do you like the team because and do you go there with your team and plan to win?
Starting point is 01:05:54 I noticed that you have tryouts. What do you have? You have this thing called we did a pro day. Pro day. Yeah. Basically, just trying to get some talent. I really wanted to have two
Starting point is 01:06:08 contenders for the crossfit games this year out of our affiliate we only ended up getting one um i guess transported team and we actually did get another team within the the affiliate to qualify for quarterfinals which is pretty cool um but yeah I I wanted to have two teams that were contenders for this year so I put the word out there and basically had tryouts and how was it how'd they go they went really well I mean we farmed the current team that we have we almost had the talent to have an additional team we just needed one more girl that was committed and we couldn't we couldn't uh get one so all right oh i want to talk about that commitment um when you when you do these tryouts are you like basically like okay i'm taking that is it for you are you like okay i'm taking that dude that
Starting point is 01:07:13 girl and that girl and the four of us are going to win the games kind of that's and what if a dude showed up who's better than you is there a dude who shows up who's better than you and you're like fuck i'm out of my own team well i did say that like if if there's four people here that are better than me and and i'm not you know the best one then shit y'all make a team you know i'll be on the beat team right um i mean i think my teammate will he definitely balances me out with his strengths compared to mine um so was that damn that's your team that's the team yeah are you guys going to the games yeah you are yeah super confident for sure unless somebody you know let's last year happens again which won't um what happened last year
Starting point is 01:08:11 uh one of my teammates tested positive for a banned substance oh that's right um uh for for what anything good or fun like like the same shit ricky was taken or no nothing nothing of interest uh dhea which is like an over-the-counter like hormonal supplement was it was it a boy or a girl girl oh that sucks hey does that rock that does that rock do you guys are you do you guys um feel bad for her or do you guys hate her? No, we definitely felt bad, especially because she's out of the sport now for however long it is now. Damn. It's a hormone that your body naturally produces in the adrenal gland. I thought that was in fish oil.
Starting point is 01:09:02 DHEA helps produce other hormones including testosterone estrogen so you're not allowed to take that no damn and she didn't know that she did not oh that sucks and the amount that was found in her sample was like the smallest amount it could possibly be damn um i'm trying to think of some other crazy ones that happened didn't been someone on ben bergeron's team or ben maybe popped way back in the day and it was like too much caffeine or something it was something that was like in red bull or something crazy i don't know i'm not not too familiar but i do know you that you can get popped for too much caffeine. Yeah. I remember being at the games one year and one of the drug testers
Starting point is 01:09:50 telling me, yeah, if you drank like three Red Bulls in a row, you'd get tossed. That would be crazy, right? You're out of CrossFit for, so that girl's out for four years. Same way, Ricky. Super unfortunate. Oh yeah. That sucks. And then the year was over for all you guys yeah that's like really the the most uh disappointing part it's because everybody's putting in the work to get there right and you know because of one mistaken situation, everyone else is kind of screwed, you know?
Starting point is 01:10:35 I'm not doing this podcast, like, for fun. What does that mean? Yeah, what does that mean? It's a great question. What do you mean? what do you mean what do you mean i'm not it's not casual to me it's not i don't i don't want to fucking like if i invite you to be on the podcast not you christian harris but like somebody like i like i and you you are are too busy watching Andrew Hiller videos to come on my to get the fucking work done. Then I don't want you anywhere fucking near me.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Like I'm not I'm not interested in. There's only so many times I'm going to invite someone to come on here by by by people invite come on here. I don't mean people like you like guests. I mean, like the guests. I hunt the guests. I see you guys as fucking just trophies to put on my wall i got christian harris you know what i mean like i got him you know 10 years in crossfit 200 000 followers i appreciate that body like like you're you're just a fucking trophy to me but the other motherfuckers like caleb like caleb just came
Starting point is 01:11:43 home from some shit he did at the Air Force and jumped on. Or like the commentators I asked to come on. Like if you're like, no, I'm sorry. My wife's working and I have the kids. Like, fuck you. Like I'm here to win. You know what I mean? Now I get it.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Now I get what you mean. Like this isn't – I'm not – I'm doing this so that Joe Rogan and Howard Stern look up to me. I'm not doing it like – like I don't go to – like last night I was fucking sick as shit and my throat hurt. And I'm not like, oh my god, I have Christian Harris on. I'll call him and just push it off a day. I'm like, no. I'm going to go ride the assault bike for fucking 10 minutes, pull my head out of my ass, and stay late as it takes to watch christian harris videos and learn about um his favorite rappers kanye you know what i mean like it's discipline yeah and so do you get people on your team who don't
Starting point is 01:12:34 like you're just like like they're at the 99 yard line but you're just like that one little bit you're like no fuck you i don't care if it's your boyfriend's birthday suck him off when you get home like no we have fucking fran to do you know what i mean like how do you how do you how do you pull that team together i don't care if you're going you have a funeral to go to i really don't we uh i think we all just share that common goal and that's why i have the the three with me that i have is because they're committed and they're disciplined right we show up every day to train and we're putting our best foot forward every single time what's up jake you know that dude no oh he got your haircut.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Have you ever thought about, did you ever have any interest in cutting hair? Interest? Yeah. That was actually my, my job. That was my gig in college. I used to cut the team's hair, the football team. Oh, wow. That was my go out money.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Wow. You didn't go to beautician school. You were doing it on the, you were illegal. Like some dudes were slinging weed. You were cutting hair illegally without a license. Wow. I had a, I had the UFC fighter Darian Weeks on here yesterday. Me and Caleb had him on.
Starting point is 01:14:01 And he's, do you follow UFC? Not really. It's too late. What do you mean ufc not really it's too late what do you mean like the the fights they're too late i'm in bed oh yeah yeah yeah yeah right i'm on the west coast it's a good point anyway he he's so great but one of the things he has going is he has a place he has a barber shop in missouri that's like what like he's like i a, I'm a business owner. Uh, he went to, he went to beautician school. You know what I mean? He's this hard dude. Yeah. And he went to beautician school six hours a day for 11 months. He's a UFC trains to be a UFC fighter. Um, yeah, it's cool. So, so you, so we cut the, so how does that happen? Tell me about how you be, you, you become the guy who cuts the hair for the football
Starting point is 01:14:45 team and what do they pay you like each dude gives you five bucks ten bucks wow yeah you know you cut five guys hair like friday saturday sunday you got some good go out money it's it's a good time oh yeah here's the guy so here it's his place is called the week the weekly barber and he just cuts dudes hair and i was like so your barber shops for people who need to get their haircut every week and he goes yeah and i was like is that just black dudes he goes no there's white dudes who want their haircut every week too like look at that kid the line in his hair yeah did you do shit like that swag did you do shit like that yeah of course oh my god all the good all the good stuff did you cut your boy's hair
Starting point is 01:15:31 so i don't like to cut my younger son's hair because he doesn't sit still so i'd rather take him i don't take both of them to the barbershop i just feel like there's uh they let the professionals do their thing but when i'm in a pinch i'll cut their hair i think i think you're you're a professional you're just you don't you just don't you just don't have the licensure you just don't have the skills to like you don't have the chemicals to clean the combs or whatever whatever I mean, I actually do. I have all that stuff. You do? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:08 Do you cut anyone's hair for money now still? No. Oh. But my brother, he's away at school, so sometimes he'll come home and be like, oh, Chris, can you give me a haircut? I'm like, all right. I don't want to do it, but I'll do it. Oh, that's a great bonding experience my um i let my kids shave my beard like i'll grow this for like another eight months
Starting point is 01:16:32 and then i'll just let them like just shave it clean like with like a like a electric razor like down like no beard yeah no beard oh i like to i like to go back bounce bounce around like i'll grow this thing real big until, like, everyone thinks I'm homeless. Or what really starts happening is I go out with my mom and people think we're dating. My mom thinks it's cute. I'm like, nah, I'm not cute. My wife would kill me if I shaved my beard. Serious?
Starting point is 01:17:01 Yeah. You look so different without a beard. Oh, yeah. I look like I'm 16. And you look, do you have Puerto Rican in you? You look Puerto Rican when you don't have a beard. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:14 And like now I don't really see it. That's on my mom's side. Yeah, wow. And your mom has freckles too. She does. I have them too in the summer. They come out. Yeah, freckles are cool. I used to have them. They all kind of went away.
Starting point is 01:17:27 They were all here. Does, does everyone on the team want to win? Is that the goal? Like, is anyone like, like, would someone be allowed on your team who's just there just to like have fun? So I think last year's situation was more that it was like, all right, let's try to get to the games. It was kind of a last minute thing that I put together. And I was actually just talking about this today with a few folks, some of my team members and Deb, who's my manager. And I was at the games.
Starting point is 01:18:00 I went anyway, because we had everything booked. So I couldn't get out of that. And I actually ended up getting COVID at the games. Everyone did. It was a super spreader event. For sure. Everyone I know who went there got it, by the way. Like 30 of my homies got it.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Like I was sitting at home on my computer. Yeah. That's what happens with viruses. They spread. They spread. That's what they do. No matter what. No matter what, they spread.
Starting point is 01:18:31 Yeah. Sorry, go on. No, no, you're good. And I just remember being like sick in bed and I saw Froning's post about, you know, being at the games and, know thanking rogue and crossfit and blah blah blah and then at the end of his post he wrote something like already working on 2022 and i got fired up and i'm like it's got to start now and that's kind of like how i started putting this pro together, pro day together, trying to get a team for this season. Do you slip into Rich's DMs just with like a fuck you? No. And so this team is serious?
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yeah, this team is serious. How long have you been doing the mouth guard? For about a year now and why because it's supposed to help yeah do you notice it helping i do right now i do um when i first started using it i immediately spit it out like wow it was terrible like gag reflex spit it out like wow it was terrible like gag reflex no just like so i i must have chosen the wrong workout to do i did a run assault bike workout like sprints and i couldn't breathe with it so i think i did too much too soon with it i think if's going to try the airwave mouth guard, you want to do lifting things that are pretty much low intensity and just get used to having a mouth guard
Starting point is 01:20:12 in while you're doing fitness. I noticed that when I bite down on something, like if I just like, I don't even know if I want to give the real example but i what i'll do is is i'll put toothpaste on a tooth uh on a toothbrush like one of my kids toothbrushes and i'll put the toothbrush in my mouth like like the the handle and then i'll put it in all toothpaste up another one right because i got to roll in with like at least two or three wait what like so let's say this is a toothbrush right yeah i'll put toothpaste on it and then go like this and then put toothpaste on another toothbrush and and then carry them into my boys room to brush their teeth and the second i put what why because i'm they gotta brush their teeth just keep their teeth clean just keep their teeth clean anyway in the
Starting point is 01:21:04 second i put the toothbrush in my mouth like this you you know, so I can have my hands free. You know what I mean? So I put toothpaste on this one, then I need my hands to do another one. So I go like this. And the second I put something in my mouth, I feel like I get more aggressive. It is so bizarre. Do you feel that? Like literally the second I put that toothbrush in there and I start to put
Starting point is 01:21:26 pressure on it, I start to get a little angry. Do you get that? When you put the, when you buy, not particularly, but when I lift, especially,
Starting point is 01:21:36 um, squatting heavy, I clench my teeth so hard. So it was great to have that to bite down on, to protect my teeth. But you don't feel anger. Noaleb can you google that i was hoping that i'd get some support from christian harris here oh yeah i fucking feel that rage in me too i turn into a lion will you google that and see if uh biting down elicits emotional response god darn it leave me out here hanging christian
Starting point is 01:22:04 its emotional response god darn it leave me out here hanging christian do you ever have aspirations to be on the l1 team to be a red shirt um i thought about it especially after being on the demo team and just like getting to know those folks and um you know, you know, I've talked with, had a lot of talks with Paul Trombley and James Hobart, who are red shirt guys. And they just talked to me about the lifestyle of it and how fun it is and all the travel and everything like that. Really kind of wanted to do it,
Starting point is 01:22:41 but I think it's just not conducive to everything I have going on. It'd be a little tough, I think. On a side note, anyone out there who says anything bad about James Hobart, you're going to burn in hell. Just so you know, you are a complete piece of shit. I've seen the last couple of days. There's this guy, Andrew Hiller, who said something about Hobart, like poking at him. Like what? I can't remember. Honestly, i couldn't even really follow it it's about there's this guy and do you know who andrew hiller is no he's this guy he's been making videos but basically
Starting point is 01:23:14 calling people out on their movement standards at least that's that's kind of how i would pigeonhole them and it's cool it's cool it's getting it's stirring up a lot right like he'll play like he played this video of danny spiegel and he's like no rep no rep no rep no and he's showing and it's like and and like everyone's like wow about time someone calls people out on this shit right he's really popped down yeah and so somewhere i asked hobart when he was on the podcast about andrew hiller and hobart said something like i'm not going to talk about that but then everyone from there like ran with this um started attacking hobart and i was like yo yo yo like james a good dude man oh he's such a good dude you would never talk shit to james to his face never that's my god not because it's thor it's because you'd melt you'd look into those
Starting point is 01:23:57 big fucking beautiful eyes of his and that perfect ivory skin and you'd melt no one it's like silly to talk shit about him sebon he's live in this chat right now who hobart or mr hiller oh yeah so here's another thing i'll tell you about this hiller guy christian anywhere you see these bats see these bats oh yeah there he is 2010 that's him he's here he's somewhere here in the chat but anytime you see these bats he's he so he's got this batman persona so that's why like if you go to the game's instagram account there's bats everywhere now like people like basically they call if they see like bad reps or something i think like the bat the bat signal yeah this guy comes and whoops some ass that's actually genius it is pretty cool he's he's killing it he's fucking killing it the guy's killing it he's
Starting point is 01:24:45 stirring up the he's stirring up the pot um uh your 34 is is your crossfit like competition career what is it fair to say it's it's transitioned i'm being really nice that's like a word we use once i mean yeah like i'm starting to like over the past couple of years I've grown up, right? Like being an entrepreneur, trying to find balance in my lifestyle and training for four or five hours a day isn't really having a balanced lifestyle. So I kind of have my life, I guess, compartmentalized in a way that I can focus on what I need to focus on and not have, um, you know, so much of my life revolved around training. What does that mean? The balanced lifestyle? What are the pieces, What does that mean, the balanced lifestyle? What are the pieces, wife, kids, money? for a t-shirt or a collection that i'm not doing that while also programming at the same time right like i'm really just focusing on the one task and maximizing that and i think that's a skill that i've developed over the past three years what is that what do you call that that's that's something different compartmentalization when i think of that word that I think of like Navy SEALs, I think of like when I have like a bad association with compartmentalize.
Starting point is 01:26:35 Bear with me here. It's like people who do that. It's like. They got their wife in the Philippines and their kids in the Philippines. And then they got their wife and kids in South Dakota. You know what I mean? It's like, that's what I think of compartmentalize or, or I think it's like a dude who killed someone over in Somalia, but then three days later he's at home with his family and fucking, you know, orange County. And it's like, man, you got to compartmentalize that shit. That's what I mean. That is a, that is a skill, right? Being able to separate those ideologies and thoughts, I guess, right?
Starting point is 01:27:10 Right, right. I wouldn't like that. within these businesses and you know have a a less stressful lifestyle lately it feels like so maybe i'm missing so there's like a strong delineation if you're working out i guess for me this is it when my kids know if i'm working out like they can interrupt me pretty much anytime but if i'm working out don't interrupt me ever correct don't i'm in the fucking garage i'm fucking getting at it you don't disrespect anyone while they're working out they're bettering themselves they're taking a minute to make themselves better don't fuck with your mom your brothers nobody yeah it's basically having that that mindset with yeah within all these little things that i'm doing yeah within all these little things that I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:28:03 Yeah. Sebon can be a Robin emoji. You mean like the bird Robin? Why can't it be like an eagle or some shit? Or the eggplant? I'll be the eggplant. Is there even a Robin emoji? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:19 I'd love to be the eggplant. I'd love to be the eggplant. You know when that Me Too thing, I used to be a big eggplant guy. I would just send be the eggplant. You know, when, um, when that me too thing, I used to be a big eggplant guy. Like I would just send anyone an eggplant. Like someone would be like, Hey, you want to go to the movies? And I just sent him an eggplant. Like, yo, I'm down. Yeah. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm up for it. I'm up for it. Yeah. Yeah. And I've never sent a dick pig. I just want to be clear. And so I, um, I, I – but when the Me Too thing came around, I stopped sending eggplants for like a year. Scared me. Scared me.
Starting point is 01:28:56 What's going to happen? At 34, my mom kicked me out of the house for the last time. And you're 34, and you have two kids and a wife 35 i keep forgetting 35 sorry i'm a master's now and you have a um oh that's interesting does that entice you get up there and whoop hobart's ass speaking of hobart not particularly not yet okay um and um is any part of you going through a midlife like is any part of you going through a midlife crisis like oh like shit i didn't do what i wanted to do or i'm leaving individual and i never got to like really go to the i mean you went to the games but you didn't
Starting point is 01:29:39 get to go to the games and like strut your shit like it wasn't a like an epic year i don't know if there ever is going to be i mean or are you excited about like your next your next leap that's one of the reasons why i'm like putting a lot of emphasis and focus onto this year is because the past two years i've gotten the short end of the stick um two years ago with my Romwod meat squad team, we qualified for the games and then COVID happened. And then last year we qualified for the games and then my teammate popped. So it's been like two years of, all right, we're good to go. No, no, we're not. So I really want to get out there and and you know make some noise and and what are you going to do next you have are you are you going to reinvent yourself like i'll give an example so at 34 i was basically homeless but but i was you know i was living with my mom at that point i'd
Starting point is 01:30:39 moved in with my mom and i was like i knew how to edit and i was filming and the game was there was not a lot of people in the game. And I was making shows for like ESPN or commercials and shit, but still getting out there, like living in my motor home and like, you know. And then I came across CrossFit and there were only 300 gyms. And then from there, I, and there weren't a lot of videos on the internet back then. People didn't want to put videos on the internet back then because it slowed down the uploading of the websites. They didn't even want to put pictures on but i eventually got hooked up with crossfit i went to my l1 i couldn't exploded my head i couldn't even believe it and i was the fat slow kid in high school and i couldn't believe like
Starting point is 01:31:14 i was actually good at some of this shit and i did this my first workout was the same as your first workout fight gone bad yeah and uh and i actually beat a bunch of people in the l1 at that and i was like wow and like literally dude i was the dude who got picked after all the boys and then some girls would get picked in high school you know what i mean and i was okay with it but but but it was just a reality sure and um so my whole life changed right and next thing you know i'm the executive director of fucking crossfit media the largest spreading brand in the history of the fucking world. Fastest spreading brand, 162 countries, 15,000 gyms, and I was in charge of everything forward-facing. Talk about a rebrand of yourself.
Starting point is 01:31:52 Yeah. So does any part of you, like, depressed? That story was supposed to motivate you, like, holy shit, if this fucking piece of shit can do it from living in a motorhome. But is any part of you kind of like, holy fuck, what am I going to do? I kind of have an idea of where I'm going to transition. I'm going to definitely transition into more of a virtual coach programming mode. The past year, we launched our online training platform, and that's really taking off very well.
Starting point is 01:32:26 So I want to get into putting more time and emphasis on that as well as the clothing. What about anything else, like growing the world's largest watermelon or knocking the dust off your rap career or going or going into painting or what about a book no i don't i don't know any of that's if i would do any of that stuff um maybe the rap career you do you do you do you like rapping you like poetry i do it's it's a creative outlet um a lot of times if i'm driving and i hear a good beat i'll just start like either freestyling or thinking of rhymes in my head but it's just like something creative like i'm always thinking in some sort of creative uh aspect do you how do you tap into that when probably no one even knows this except my wife. But when I rap, when I flow, and I only do it in my car when no one's around, or I would do it in front of my wife or my kids, I have to tap into something really emotional.
Starting point is 01:33:38 It doesn't have to be about that, but I have to start thinking about how much I love my kids. about that but like i have to start thinking about how much i love my kids and then something happens to me there becomes a fork in the road where i can either start crying or i can start flowing you know what i mean i can start being creative and i and if i want to if i want to rap i just go i choose this way so you know what i mean so if you're rapping you're rapping about some deep stuff uh no it doesn't even have to be. No, it could be about pussy, but I got to like it could be anything. But but I got to tap into it first. Like it always has to come from like I can't just do it.
Starting point is 01:34:13 You know what I mean? Like I have to be really moved. Like there has to be like I have to be like, did you ever do this thing when you were a kid where you could imagine your mom dying and you would cry? Did you ever do that? No. Oh, I used to do that like to muster up tears i'd pretend like my mom died and then tears would just pour out of my face and i'd be like wow this is crazy and so it's it's like that when i if i start thinking about like my kids and then being on the planet with me and what they mean to me, I'll want to cry, but instead I can just,
Starting point is 01:34:46 I can like tap into something emotional that I can just funnel into like, just gotcha lyrics or rapping. Do you have something like that? Like that you feel or that you tap into to click that? Not really. I think it's just for me, I just have to be feeling the spirit of the beat. That's on.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Yeah. I can't be stressed either. I can't be stressed. Right. Like for me, I almost get like a writer's block with either rapping or even designing logos and things like that if I'm stressed. So with a clear head and a clear mind, I'm able to put some good stuff out. And what would you do if you were stressed, but you had to get something done that was creative? How would you flip the switch? Burpees? What's that? Burpees? I guess, yeah, maybe. I mean, working out is super important for me it's i have to do
Starting point is 01:35:48 some sort of movement every day just because it helps to get my mind a little bit more clear um it's been a while since i've been in writer's block so i've been i've been flowing yeah how about how about a um uh uh using your iphone to like – do you have a whole shitload of like lyrics and songs you've sung into your iPhone and recorded? I do. You do? You want me to spit something? Can you? I put something together yesterday.
Starting point is 01:36:21 Wow. Yeah. Wow. Yeah, you really are creative. You downplay that. Can I hear – did you really are creative you downplay that can i hear did you did you record what you put down yesterday i wrote it okay all right here we go okay okay okay this is like history right now i haven't uh publicly rapped since probably that video you saw and you never rap with some old dude all right here we go all right before you found me here on the savant show
Starting point is 01:36:54 before i had the ram i thought about a bronco before crossfit i used to do this rap thing had a friend stab me in the back like the Mad King. You watching the throne like Jane Yeh. Throwing fits, rolling the floor like MMA. When it comes to the gym, I never could stay away. Having so much caffeine, I only could stay awake. It's been a while and I'm still on fire. Haters say I'm on the juice like the OJ trial. Shit used to hurt my feelings, but I'm okay now.
Starting point is 01:37:23 I keep putting in the work, so it's no play now. I always hit the gym hard and get a fresh rinse. Talk shit, you get smacked like the Fresh Prince. Or should I say rock like Chris? No dairy in my diet, so I'm not about the I love it being bookended by me and Chris Rock and Will Smith. This is great. This is great. Wow. Caleb, hour and 35. Can that go on the Instagram? That's so dope.
Starting point is 01:38:01 Okay. okay so um how how long can that will you will you now be like if you like that will you then find some beats and put that to it no i mean i would have to like go to a studio and do all that kind of stuff but oh what are you talking about christian they had like there's like kids who can like do that shit in a little box now isn't there like 12 year olds just making yeah and rapping and i guess with the computer you need to go to studio with a blunt and snoop dog there and like three bouncers in the hallway that used to be the lifestyle damn and you miss it i mean it's just something that's fun to do um especially like i don't know if i'm driving to work or whatever and i just hear a dope beat let loose you know yeah um are you always this uh you seem you and i have a different metronome inside of us we go to a
Starting point is 01:39:06 different cadence like me versus you or like christian compared to no no no no me versus like like christian not us together no i'm separating us i'm drawing a line in the sand supposed to be inclusive fuck that uh you you have a different you have a different beat than i do like you're you're um like i do you know you you've trained with jake marconi right yeah like he's he's on a different beat than i am too like he's he he's his is like done done done like he got a slow heartbeat right he's just chilling and you're and you're chilling too maybe not as much as him like you i like you're alive well let me ask you this when you and marconi are together do you guys talk to each other
Starting point is 01:39:57 of course yeah that's my dude shout out to jake yeah like a lot like is it like hey and he's like and and I'm like, 30 seconds later, you say something? Yeah, it's a little bit of both, right? It's like we just kind of get each other, you know? And it's not like we hang out that often. But when we do, it's like, what's up, bro? I can see you being finished. Have you ever met Miko Salo?
Starting point is 01:40:24 I have not. No. There's this he doesn't he doesn't he's not you know, he's not a man of a lot of words. I mean, you can get him to start going if you if you really push. But Finnish people are like really like they don't talk a lot. There's a joke. It's like three Finnish dudes. Yeah, there's a joke where three finished dudes are um in a boat fishing together and uh oh yeah wow he's smiling there that's even that's crazy that's he's out of control he must be on he must be on drugs there got some good fentanyl um but uh there's a man
Starting point is 01:40:58 his arms look good huh big arms there's a three finished dudes in a, in a, in a canoe. And one dude goes, uh, what do we, what are we having for lunch? And like two hours pass. And the other dude's like, I don't know. And then two, and then two hours pass. And the third dude goes, Hey, stop fighting you guys. I mean, you know what I mean? It's just like, and there's this just really, um, is it this, are you this chill on the inside? I mean, do you perceive yourself as very chill or? I'm chill on the outside, but in my head, I'm always thinking about something, um, like the next thing. I feel like my, I'm like a quiet, quiet storm. I feel like I'm like a quiet, quiet storm. Hence the cultivation of the skill of compartmentalizing.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Like if there's a conversation over here about a shoe, you, you want something, a shoe you want to talk to about Reebok, you wouldn't let that creep over into programming tomorrow's programming. Yeah. I try to do my best to shut that out and i guess maybe that would be important if that thing is always going because then you would accomplish nothing if they were all just injured injured fucking twined yeah i don't but some some people thrive in in that type of chaos and multitasking and things like that. But I've found that over the past few years when I'm able that I've me being able to compartmentalize has helped me have more success than trying to do a bunch of shitty things. Well, all at the same time, just focus on one thing do it really well and then just move on to the next yeah um what is that behind you that's is that's a sauna oh yeah
Starting point is 01:42:55 you like that yeah it's pretty dope when i have the time to go into it you don't go into it every day not every day because this is an infrared sauna it takes a bit of time to warm up and i do like a sauna that is you know of a temperature that you're going to sweat a bit so i don't always remember to schedule it because you need to let it preheat for about two hours oh no shit yeah hey so it's like it's a whole thing um and then ideally if you spent two hours heating it up like your kids and your wife would get in it too it's like fuck this thing took forever to heat up hey can you just leave it heated all the time i guess you could um but it shuts off after about an hour so what i would need to do is like schedule keep scheduling one hour sessions on it and just leave them on yeah i can't believe you have one of those in and and how expensive is that thing
Starting point is 01:44:10 uh this one's about 3,500 and you can just plug that is that just plug that's just plugged into your wall yes it's the same type of outlet that you would find like a dryer oh yeah yeah yeah like a 210 or 220 yeah 220 yeah is your mom proud of you what you're doing i think she is yeah for sure does she trip on it at all like holy fuck i can't believe this is my son's body Does she trip on it at all? Like, holy fuck, I can't believe this is my son's body. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:44:50 I mean, I know she's always rocking the gear and everything like that. She's definitely proud. I want to get my son that same haircut. I want the swag right there. Yeah, look at your mom's haircut there. She's like ahead of her time. That's like Cyndi Lauper, right? She had shaved. That's like the Sam Dan time she has that's like cindy lopper right she had a shaved that's like this sam dancer got is rocking that yeah i mean a lot of the this whole outfit situation that's happening
Starting point is 01:45:13 that's yeah that's in right now what your mom's rocking right there yeah that's you yeah that's me man i don't need i don't see that it looks like a totally different kid you've grown up to you've grown up to be quite the man christian harris crazy right yeah nuts um this is your 11th year doing crossfit 11th yeah and how did you finish in the open this year honestly i don't even know i don't think great i mean i know it was in the top 10 percent but and that's what's fucking nuts no one knows no one knows and no one cares do you like quarter finals i hate that shit the idea of quarter finals yeah just like there's no pressure
Starting point is 01:46:03 because it doesn't matter how you do in the open if you're just good you're good right and you go on um i i liked it better when there was pressure i was having and i was talking with rich and rich loves it of course as an athlete i could i love it yeah you love it too of course it's uh one i've never been great at the open so what do you mean you got 16th one year in the world what year was that you got 16th was it one, I've never been great at the Open. What do you mean you got 16th one year in the world? What year was that you got 16th? Was it 2018? 2016.
Starting point is 01:46:33 Yeah, there were probably more people in 2016 than there were. 17, I think, actually. 2017. And there were probably 380,000 people who signed up for the Open. 16th in the world is nuts. Yeah, I'll take it especially a burpee workout to start it off the dumbbell snatch burpee box jump over yeah it's crazy
Starting point is 01:46:54 and you brush your teeth the first thing when you wake up in the morning that's weird is it i don't know i like to brush my a lot, but I still have a cup of coffee first. Yeah. I kind of mosey my way into the bathroom, pee, and then the toothbrush is right there. I check all my fans only subscriptions and then no, no. Oh, brother. Thanks for coming for coming on man this was fun this was on the lengthy side for me you got me out of my shell a bit i liked it you did good oh i don't know if i got you out of your shell i don't know i don't relative to jake mari, I got you out of your shell. Holy shit. That dude's fucking – that dude's a snail inside of a turtle. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:47:51 Oh, do you know – so I'm going to finish with this. At Wadapalooza this year, I basically watched Wadapalooza from this same setup I got right here, right? Okay. And I would just send people with their iPhones to Wadapalooza, and they would cruise around, and that's how I to guadalupalooza and they would cruise around and that's how i reported guadalupalooza and it was awesome we had a fucking massive massive show but i used volunteers and this one volunteer and we quickly we had too many volunteers and they didn't know how to behave this one volunteer he's usually here in the comments he's a good dude but he runs up to you with his phone while we're live with thousands of people watching.
Starting point is 01:48:27 He goes, hi, Christian Harris. I'm with the Sevan podcast. Will you talk to us? He just like accosted you. Oh, I think I remember that. I was so embarrassed. I was so fucking, and you handled it like such a gracious gentleman. I was so confused though.
Starting point is 01:48:42 You should be. It was confusing. And then he tried and then, and then he tried to get you to sneak him in with your pass. Yeah. I'm like, dude, what the fuck are you doing?
Starting point is 01:48:54 It was like trying to sleep with the girl when you're not even in the band. You're like, well, I drive the bus like, yo, get the fuck back in the bus. Then that is a great analogy. Well,
Starting point is 01:49:03 thank you. A snail inside of a turtle i know right did you see the marconi one that motherfucker is that man he next time he comes on i'm sending him some drugs first like a line of cocaine or something well thank you very much um i the rap was outstanding that that's that's a first on the show i i i really appreciate it thanks man i appreciate you having me um yeah can i get some plugs in here oh please please please please always uh for anybody that wants to check out uh move fast live tevi go to the gram at move fast at Move Fast, Live Heavy. You can find our training platform. You can find our gear and you can find our gym, the training platform. It's train with CH. Basically,
Starting point is 01:49:54 you're going to follow my programming one week behind me. I'm going to make sure the workouts are ready to go for you guys. Siobhan, if you want to get on it, let me know. I'm scared we have we have three different tracks you can go with the 60 minute this um i'll look at it definitely tonight i'll go on and look i um it's funny because this a couple dudes have been out there being like hey because i always talk about how i don't take my shirt off and there's these um there's a couple dudes out there like i'll get you on my nutrition program and make you ripped and shredded and i'm like i'm thinking myself wow and they're like but but we're gonna need before and after pictures to to promote and you'll have to promote me i'm like uh go fuck yourself give you before and after pictures of my cock when it's in your mom okay that was
Starting point is 01:50:44 nice all right all right all right mom okay that was nice all right all right all right all right that was nice okay let's let's settle down here we're at the end of the show we almost had a pg-13 show we crossed over into our uh yeah um move fast lift heavy uh 11 years in the sport man you should uh i guess t is proven but man you're proven as fuck and and obviously you hang around a lot of people and you're you're a wealth of knowledge um and congratulations thanks man yeah again thanks for having me i mean i'd like to again get you on the program if you're interested. We do have a pump track as well.
Starting point is 01:51:28 It's bodybuilding. I think that's more Sevan speed. It is. Okay. Can you have Deb send me the stuff and I'll dig in? Let me look in. Yeah, for sure. For sure.
Starting point is 01:51:49 I am really scared. I'm addicted to the assault bike. Like for me, like I'm just addicted to the assault bike. So you have a little bit of psycho in you. That's good. Well, no, I just do. I have just the same thing I do all the time. It's just, I get on it for 10 minutes and require a hundred calories. You know what I mean? Okay. Yeah. And then I started getting into the mace a little bit. Do you know what the mace is? Yeah. I started getting into the mace a little bit and then pretty flowy that kind of training. Yeah. Yeah. But it's very unlike me. Very unlike me. I'm, I'm, um, and I, and I'm a burpee fan and pull up fan. I like all the body movements, air squats.
Starting point is 01:52:27 I just don't want to get hurt. I got to take care of my kids. I feel you. Grown man shit. All right, brother. Well, I'll be seeing you around, definitely on the gram, definitely as we cover events, and definitely in the future when I get you back on again. For it's been real all right caleb thanks for sneaking on

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