The Sevan Podcast - #359 - 2022 CrossFit Games Athlete Power Rankings with Brian Friend

Episode Date: April 5, 2022

Who are the best CrossFit athletes in the world in 2022? Brian Friend joins us to give his updated power rankings of the CrossFit Games athletes after the completion of the Open & Quarterfinal stages ...of competition. We will take a look at his pre-season rankings and then look at his updated top 20 for both the female and male side of things. ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:56 Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. What's up? Bam, we're live. Is that a fashion is you got some sort of fashion error going what you got like red and red are you allowed to do that come on fashion police hi guys good evening 6 30 p.m on the pacific Come on. Fashion police. Hi, guys. Good evening. 6.30 p.m. on the Pacific. I thought you were talking to Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I don't know what you're even talking about. Matt got a new zombie. Matt wears whatever's free that's sent to him. No, I thought you were going to follow that up with a joke or compliment on a wild zombie. I didn't even realize you were talking to me. I thought that's what was happening, too. zombie i didn't even realize you were talking to me i thought that's what was happening too um did you guys see that video that um um um andrew hiller made today about christian harris no oh we made a video about christian harris basically about christian harris
Starting point is 00:01:58 i don't know if i liked his deduction deduction he basically i guess he took a quote from the podcast where i interviewed christian harris and said you knew who andrew hiller is and um christian harris said no and then andrew hiller said that well he either either i can't remember what he said but it was two choices it was either this or that and i'm thinking myself i don't know if it's just this or that maybe there's a couple other things but once again it was as long i mean as long as he never makes a video like that about me, it's fucking great. Like, I thought it was good. I just was the whole time being like, I don't know. I thought maybe – like, poor Christian Harris.
Starting point is 00:02:32 But I don't think – he didn't say anything bad about Christian Harris. But one of the things he was commenting about Christian Harris was that Christian Harris, to promote his clothing brand, was just like carpet bombing semifinal athletes saying, hey, you guys want to wear my gear? And I'm thinking to myself, shit, and Hiller didn't like that. Like he thought that that was just lame. But really all it does is spark my head and like, oh, shit, I need to like. We need to bomb athletes. Yeah, I'm going to pay Taylor Self and Colton Merton's fucking 10 grand each to fucking wear my,
Starting point is 00:03:06 uh, seven on podcasts, like CEO shirts at semifinals. 10 grand. No, I just completely made that up. So people will think we're big time. I'm going to give them a handy and beg,
Starting point is 00:03:20 but, but, but anyway, so, but I, so I watched the video and um so he so he didn't like he didn't like that and then really i thought he would appreciate you watching no no no no i may know i'm sure he likes the numbers of um of me watching but he didn't like the fact that christian harris was just like carpet bombing people trying to get people and And then people were out. Some people are willing to wear the shirt for 10 grand.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Well, no, I think I think Christian Harris was just saying, hey, well, I don't know how the deal worked. I don't want to get complicated. But then basically people in the comments were like, yeah, this person offered it to me. And this person offered. It's not even a live call in show. Justin from Utah, what you need. We just taking calls. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Hold on, Justin. Hold on. This better be good. This better be real good, Justin. How's your sister? She's good. I don't know. You don't know anything about my sister.
Starting point is 00:04:18 But anyway, I'm an affiliate owner, Salty Hive CrossFit. I have to add one P. That was a little bumpy. That was a little bumpy, our start, but go on. It was a little bumpy. Okay. I have to add one piece to what's happening with the approval score thing that I think CrossFit screwed up this year with.
Starting point is 00:04:39 This is a power ranking show. I think you're like eight hours late. Yeah, I know. I'm late, but I missed the live. That's the problem with the affiliates they're just so entitled he knows he knows the second he says it's an affiliate i'll drop to one knee and be like yes justin tell me what can i do for you well last time last time i called in everyone's giving me shit but didn't drop my affiliate what is your affiliate name I'm you know I love it that you're calling by the way
Starting point is 00:05:06 what is your salty hive salty hive crossfit in Salt Lake City salty hive sounds like an ex-girlfriend of mine salty hive okay tell us what what is the piece you have Brian friend you have 20% of his attention he's texting
Starting point is 00:05:21 someone what is that hopefully he and I would assume that he knows this, but in past years, every score that came out of affiliate needed to be approved by the affiliate manager, which is most often the case, the affiliate owner. So you would have a judge, a judge would take the 10-hour course
Starting point is 00:05:41 and they do all that, but it would still come across the affiliate manager's approval. And so CrossFit got rid of that this year. All you needed to do was submit a score with an approved judge and it was immediately on the leaderboard, which is cool. I like the immediate thing. But before that score becomes official, I think that one more level of approval, letting the affiliate manager approve those scores would have maybe gotten rid of a lot of controversy in the open and in the quarterfinals. And I don't know why they got rid of that. I think it's silly. I, there's a lot of instances where I wish I could have gone through that process.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Like one of my athletes, and this is not necessarily what most people are interested in, but submitted as scaled instead of RX, like just a small example like that. And those are things that I missed because it didn't come across my board as soon, or didn't come across my desk. soon as, or didn't come across my desk. As soon as somebody submits a score and puts an approved judge,
Starting point is 00:06:49 it's immediately approved on the leaderboard. And they talk about. Ah, shit. Go on, Justin. Sorry. Someone in the comments said,
Starting point is 00:07:01 time's up. You're like, it's the fucking gong show. You just got gonged by one of the fucking judges. You're getting fucked up in the comments. Hey guys, settle down. This is affiliate. Fucking start banning you motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I'm not going to take offense to anything that anyone says, right? Hey, I think that totally that's a mistake to do that. They should totally have left the affiliates in there, someone in there, an approval manager. I'm totally okay with that. I'm 100%, 100%. And I would be very curious why they removed that. What piece of friction did that remove?
Starting point is 00:07:35 You know what I think that removed? I think that removed fucking… The reason that they did it is because they wanted to be able to include, they wanted to be able to include people who may live in parts of the world that still don't have open affiliates. I don't know if those places exist or not, but they thought that it could potentially... Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. We we love you we love you brian oh my goodness sorry justin brent fukowski we just everyone just keeps getting big dicked i'm glad brian i big dick you brian big dick me and brent fukowski big dick brian that was fucking money everyone is just getting big dick okay okay what do you think about that justin i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you 20
Starting point is 00:08:23 seconds to respond to b's cause I fucked that leave the power in the offense hand. Well, I agree. The point that Brian makes, I think is legitimate. However, if the athlete did it at my affiliate, I want to approve it. Whether I judge them or one of my coaches judge them. If that score was submitted at my affiliate, I want to be the last one to approve that score. And that's just me.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Fair enough. I agree. So if my affiliate was closed, cool. Like I appreciate their consideration to be inclusive. But if that affiliate also, well, in my case, my affiliate is open. So every score that went through on the leaderboard, I wanted to be the last one to approve it. And that's just my point of view. I think it was a stupid thing they got rid of.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I think the other thing they, the only reason they got rid of it is the scores immediately were uploaded on the leaderboard in the open, not the quarterfinals. And I just think that that's silly, but they still could have popped up on the leaderboard. But if the affiliate manager or owner, whoever that person is, doesn't
Starting point is 00:09:26 approve it by that final date, then it's not an official score. Thank you. And I'm flattered you keep my phone number on your speed dial. Thank you, Justin. Peace and love. Also, who approves this message is Hybrid Athletics.
Starting point is 00:09:42 360 degrees, gut brush. Oh my goodness. Brent Fikowski is funny as shit god that was awesome is that really him i i don't think i would honestly say it's not but you never know you never know um someone uh said this, uh, someone opening up with the bat with, with the bat talk. Yeah. Got to every show. Well, I just watched it.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Well, he's our new sponsor. So I didn't, I only made it to 13 minutes. He's a sponsor. Yeah. Yeah. You guys will soon realize that Andrew Hiller is the sponsor of the show. He's the sponsor of the show. We pay him to make content so that we have something to talk about.
Starting point is 00:10:26 Um, God, that would be brilliant. What if we paid? Oh, my God. I just got this great idea. Can you bring up that video, his video, and then we'll move on to the power rankings. I'm super excited to see what's changed. But I think he used a word wrong. And I just want to clarify, if you go to like the 10 20 and hit play he uses the word
Starting point is 00:10:46 uh promiscuous here i don't think he means promiscuous i think he means risque so let me let me but i and i like both those words they're both in my um in my wheelhouse of expertise here we go okay let's do it brian listen profile i'm just getting warmed up this is Von Klaus with shit total meet Max Max what the fuck
Starting point is 00:11:12 good bro meet him fucking warm so this athlete would post some I guess you could call them promiscuous photos on their profile on their Instagram profile
Starting point is 00:11:20 they would post the promiscuous photos women empowerment sort of thing 30 or 40 thousand followers at the time has more than that now. And this is actually a story that I heard a while back. So in the time of which this athlete was posting these photos that were promiscuous, you could say- Okay, stop. It's risque. It's risque. It's risque. R-S-Q-U-E, risque. Promiscuous means like there'd be photos of her taking the- Yeah. How important is this? Let me just finish and then we'll move on powering this would be like if she's taking the dick she wasn't taking the dick killer multiple multiple multiple dicks thank you making be made airtight so let me ask you this remember the picture of james newberry we saw this morning
Starting point is 00:11:59 yes is that promiscuous risque or neither It turned promiscuous between my ears very quickly, but the actual photo was just, that wasn't even risque. That was just sexy. Okay, anyway, that's just free advice, critiquing the critiquer. This show should be called Getting Big Dicked. Everyone's just getting big. Oh, goodness. Hey, and Travis, you asshole, I see you commenting on his thread
Starting point is 00:12:22 and fucking moving him up in the algorithm. The dude put on 2,000 more subscribers yesterday subscribers yesterday he's gonna pass this by tomorrow morning knock that shit off point slow it down guys yes less engagement please dude he's gonna start losing more subscribers in a day than we gain in a day he's gonna get so big so fast okay slightly indecent and liable to shock especially by being sexually suggestive yeah i think he meant risque oh there's a little thing over the e fancy okay uh what are the power rankings what are the power rankings before we get into them well uh prior to the season i i did a power rankings for 10 athletes and mentioned a couple others who I thought were close to the top 10 of just the athletes that I thought were most likely to be, you know, the people in the way.
Starting point is 00:13:13 If you were trying to do well at the games, podium, top five, top 10, those I had to decide between two athletes, the one I put ahead is the one I would think would have a better chance of doing better at the course of the season, which means that the games when, when those come around. So that's generally how I think about it. And now that we've had the open and the quarterfinals done, we have some more information about some athletes and we've expanded to 20. So we've got a list of 20 men and 20 women. 20 so we've got a list of 20 men and 20 women okay could what could i say that these are your prediction of who like at this moment at this time on april 4th at 6 45 p.m who you're predicting is going to go to the games and they're going to finish in this order could that be a fun way of saying it not necessarily because for example or we'll see that there are four women from oceania
Starting point is 00:14:03 on this list we know that they only get three qualifying spots. Now, presumably one of them could still earn a last chance qualifier. And then there could be four of them at the games, but the last chance qualifier is pretty tough. It was only four tests. And if one of them again is a max deadlift test or something similar, then it's kind of anyone, you know, you don't know who's going to make it out of there. Those 30 athletes are all obviously very good. They were very close to making it to the games just to get into that field. So there's no real guarantee that all 20 of these athletes will even get to the games, depending on how hard qualifying process is in their continent. Okay. Very well explained. Give me one second.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And then I promise I'll stop with the Hiller is renting space and seven on said for free. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Renting space on the podcast for a premium price. I think it's a Hiller is in seven's head for free no no no no no no renting space on the podcast for a premium price i think it's hillar is in seven's head rent free it's it's not he's he he's not renting space and then it's free fucking rpj4307 and just so you know hillar's in my pants settle down in there buddy he's nowhere he's not in my head he's in my pants i'm gonna pay for that shit he's gonna be where i want him to be all right and for the rest of you guys you could go to and check them out there he's renting space in seven's head for free
Starting point is 00:15:14 i mean i appreciate the attempt i do i do it must be foreign you're you need to rent some iq points yeah that's probably that is foreign talk okay okay sorry okay so i like this iq points yeah that's probably that is foreign talk okay okay sorry okay so i like this i like this and that's a good distinction um would it be fair to say that once the power we get do the power rankings after the semi-finals that what i said could be a little closer to the truth it's just a really really early guess of who's going to go to the games and how they're going to finish sure but you know the the thing is in the run-up to the games we don't know what's going to happen this year.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You know, they you know, they might choose to release more workouts or less workouts. And so depending on the information we have, sometimes that can change. But, yeah, after we have all the semifinals done, including the last chance qualifier, this will be about a month of the games. And then we can actually narrow the field down to 40 and 40 and say, you know, this is what's most likely, I guess. OK. And just like the open workouts were released on this show and the quarter final workouts were released on the show, the CrossFit HQ will be using the show to release the semifinal games workouts.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Brian and I will be in charge of that. And maybe Rich Froning and Dave and just whoever wants to jump on. Okay. Yeah. I am fired up tonight.'m pretty i had a couple listerine strips all righty um okay let's do it let's do it so so why 20 brian why not why not didn't we do 10 last time 10 men and 10 women yeah so So just thought that expanding it to 20 would be a little paint a little better, better picture than 10. There's definitely more than 10 athletes on each side that are worth mentioning on this list and that have potential to be inside the top 10 when everything's said and done. when everything's said and done. Additionally, something that I did different that you'll be able to see on the morning chalk up whenever the article comes out,
Starting point is 00:17:08 it might be tomorrow or Wednesday, is that I reached out to four other experts in the field and we did a composite power ranking. So here we'll just talk about mine, but we will mention athletes that were listed, that were ranked on those four experts lists that weren't on mine. And as part of the show tonight also, and then you can see it's actually,
Starting point is 00:17:28 I think it's much better when you have a group of people as you can, there's more to talk about and you have an opportunity to say like, how come this was included on these three and not this one? And then you can kind of also get to see like a congregation
Starting point is 00:17:40 where the composite rankings might be really close. Like for example, the eight, nine and 10 on the women's side after five people had ranked them all were 9.6 9.8 9.8 so you can say oh interesting to see how tightly grouped these three athletes are when five people's opinions are factored in instead of one um can you tell me who the other four are that they'll be talking for sure yeah go ahead and this is coming in the morning chalk up either tomorrow or wednesday and when you say composite it's actually all of your lists smushed together.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Yeah, so like for example – It's not you debating. It's them all together. Yeah, they all sent me their rankings. It was myself, Tommy Marquez, Patrick Clark, Chase Ingram, and Chad Schroeder. Sorry. Say it again. I heard Chad and Chase.
Starting point is 00:18:28 Who else? Tommy and Patrick. Patrick. Patrick. Clark. sorry sorry say it say it again i heard chad and chase who else tommy and patrick patrick uh patrick uh okay okay that's the um patrick clark is the morning chalk up he's the editor over there no he's one of the analysts photographers kind of does a does a does a lot of different things for them okay and tommy is a just a senior contributor over there yeah and he has the talking elite podcast and chase everyone knows who chase has been around forever l1 staff uh prior games athlete and has a get with the programming um podcast and he's in the chat and chad schroeder who knows more than anyone but has zero credentials okay that's well it's no credentials i mean the guys that i'm everyone who knows chad schroeder knows i'm yeah he's the he's the fucking guy i mean we all everyone uses chad he's the dorm when i when i first started i was
Starting point is 00:19:17 traveling with you to the regionals in 2018 everyone i met who realized what i kind of knew they're like you have to meet chad you have to meet Chad. I mean, it was everyone who knew him was like, you had to meet this guy. He's the guy. Yeah. He's he's man. He fucking put together some shit. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:31 So these are just your 20 and just out of curiosity, how, how far, how was, was there, were there any just crazy outliers between Chad, Chase, Tommy and Patrick and yourself?
Starting point is 00:19:42 Were there any just like, holy shit, what do you, how did that person get on there? There were interesting things yeah like there was an athlete that was ranked 12th 12th 10th and 13th and then the fifth person didn't have that person on their list at all so that would be like kind of strange and then there were you know there were who was it was it was it christy aramo got left off nope katrin david's daughter no shit yeah no shit who who can you tell me who left her off oh at least some things in the suspense for you okay i did not that be will
Starting point is 00:20:13 that be um so will that be in the article we'll know who left her off yes are they single i'm i think i'm single and ready to mingle who's that that? I'm ready to date. Ready to date. Ready to date. I met Chase randomly when dropping into his box in Dallas. You're a good human brother. I like that icon pic. I was a kid, but I thought it was of him. A dangerous snatch to be doing naked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Okay. I'm pumped. else anyone else trippy christy is the one that you called me afterwards you're like what did i do right after the power rankings you were like yeah yeah i mean not not having her in the top 10 is um i was like i make she's definitely close to top 10 but i didn't even include her in the barely missed and i realized after the fact i was like that was just a total oversight. So don't worry. We got it on tonight. Uh,
Starting point is 00:21:07 simply, I, I don't think Kalipa is, um, he's not so much a gamesista. He's not so much a gamesista, maybe even less than me. He's a CrossFitista.
Starting point is 00:21:17 He knows, he knows CrossFit, but I don't think like modern day games athletes are, are his business fitness. Yeah. Chase is a good dude to drop in on. I hear you. Deep drop in deep.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Okay, let's do it. Men or women. Do you have a preference? No, but I think it probably would. Let's pull up the preseason top 10 and then you can make, make a note there and then we'll,
Starting point is 00:21:40 whatever you want to start with. And then we'll show the updated and we can talk about similarities changes etc okay i may even take a picture here of this which sex we're going with uh do men men is that cool brian yeah so what month did we make these it's right before the open so end of february and uh when you read them off for anyone who's listening so this is this is february uh uh 2022 okay okay sorry fucking brain fart a beautiful graphic by the way you want to read them off thank you you, Will.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yeah, Will did that graphic. Sure. So before the season started, I had Justin Medeiros as the top seed, Patrick Vellner, two, Brent Fikowski, three, Pierre-Gwen Carl Goodmanson, four, Roman Krennikoff, five, Yonikowski, six, Saxon Panchik, seven, Lazar Jukic, eight, Ricky Gerrard, nine, and Guillermo Mayeros, Guillermo Mayeros, ten.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Fair. Okay. Yeah. And then, you know, I mentioned some other people on that list, which all but one will show up on the top 20 list for what we have now. Go to the top 20. Say that last. No, no, no, no, no, no. I want to see that. Should we go do the women
Starting point is 00:23:04 now? From last year, you want to go straight to the 20 men all right let's just stick with the men but okay i can be got it okay simple oh there's there's the other ones yeah down there so these are the guys i had said we're like just narrowly missing alexander coron alex vignole cole sager jeffrey adler noah olsen tra. Hold on. I want to write these down. Hold on. Travis Mayer. Travis Mayer. So you kind of did have it down to 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 places at that point.
Starting point is 00:23:41 These weren't necessarily, like these guys I didn't necessarily rank in order. It's just they were the ones that I was, when was picking eight nine ten these are other names i was considering okay right because actually no probably would have been 11 right well we're gonna see okay let's do it all right are we starting at 20 no we're gonna look at them all perfect what what yeah no it's fine it's fine that's fine let's do it let's do it let's do it oh man so this is the power ranking as of april 4th 2022 when this needs to be on a website it is this is where i'm getting it from oh you are what website is it on this of on iscom. Is it? It's in the blog section, and you can see Brian's power rankings there.
Starting point is 00:24:26 Oh, fucking A. Awesome. Okay, I want to read the guys who are outside the 21st, and then we'll dig in and start asking Brian questions. We have Tyler Christovall. We have Samuel Quant. Do we know if Samuel Quant's – I mean, is he competing? Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Philtoon, Jay Crouch. Wow, interesting. How did Philtoon do in the quarterfinals? He smoked the Open, right? Yeah, in the quarterfinals, he was 17th worldwide. In the Open, he was fifth worldwide. Wow, you got him out there. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Jay Crouch, that's the Irish cat, right? He's from Australia. Oh, Matty Sturtz dude. Yeah. Who am I confusing him with from Ireland? I don't know. Sam Stewart. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Dallin, Dallin. I mean, listen, Jay, Jay Crouch, and Sam Stewart. Dallin Pepper, Andre Houdet, Augustine, Raquel May. So these guys are down here because at least one of the other analysts had each one of these guys inside their top 20. And in some cases, multiple times did they show up on the list. Okay. But this is your list.
Starting point is 00:25:36 This isn't the list that we're going to see on the morning chalk up. The morning chalk up is everyone smooshed together. You'll be able to see each of our lists individually and the average ranking of those athletes when you look at all five rankings and then the power rankings for that will be what we're calling composite power rankings now you can feedback real time brian you know what to do with that down brian i thought we talked about ranking hopper above me after our place but oh and hopper is 18th okay okay all right now hopper's actually hopper's
Starting point is 00:26:14 actually a good place to start here for just for a general like how difficult this is he finished 18th at the games last year i think he's significantly better now than he was last year but uh the field is is really is really difficult to assess so one one thing you'll notice is scott panchick's on this list but when the season started we didn't know scott panchick was going to compete we're not entirely sure but we've talked about on here before even that it appears like he's competing he hasn't said that he's not competing and when he asked about it he was like well we'll see like he's gonna you know so we as a group it, he was like, well, we'll see. Like he's going to, you know, so we, as a group, the five of us decided we would include him on this list.
Starting point is 00:26:48 So we enter him back in here. And then really what's like the ones that I look at and I'm like, okay, like how long are Vellner, Fikowski, BKG, Yonikoski going to be guys that are in the top seven? You know, how long are guys like Noah Olsen, Koste, Travis Mayer, Alex Vigneault going to be guys that are in the top 15? At some point, new blood has to come up and push some of these guys out. But it's proven that it's pretty hard to do.
Starting point is 00:27:17 It's only a couple people that are ever able to move in year after year, one guy maybe, two guys maybe. So even if Jason ends up finishing 18th again this year it doesn't necessarily mean he hasn't gotten any better i think the field is just getting to a point where it's really tough you have a uh older group of guys that have been doing it for a long time that are still very good and a really talented young cohort coming up that are wanting to push them out if annie thor's daughter and i know you don't believe that the the women's is deep um but if annie thor's daughter can be in third place i mean i'm validating what you're saying
Starting point is 00:27:54 anything is possible like even even these guys might be waiting to the other extreme right if matt if annie thor's daughter can finish there and kristin holta who's a few years older than her can finish fourth and then you have hayley adams who's 21 fifth and you have mal o'brien who's 18 seventh this is a massive range and who's the ones that are missing gabby and laura are 24 and 25 and t is 28 you've got basically every age range covered in the top seven women alone right and experience in the and experience in the sport right yeah just age range covered in the top seven women alone. Right. And experience in the, and experience in the sport, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Just age range, but number of years competing. Right. And so it's this weird situation right now, really on for both the men and the women where, um, there's a ton of young talent, but the old guard is still very good.
Starting point is 00:28:38 And then there's just these weird wild cards. Like we've never seen Chandler Smith just put it together. Right. Yeah. Willie's yours coming back from injury. We have Roman Krennikoff eligible to compete at the games this year. We have Ricky Garrard back from four-year suspension. There's a lot of variables on the men's side up towards the top.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Look at those guys in the top three. Justin Medeiros, Patrick Vellner, Brent Bukowski. My goodness. That is going to be tough to break into those guys. And I will say, it was a unanimous 1-1-1-1-1 for Menderes and unanimous 2-2-2-2-2 for Vellner.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Wow. Wow. Those are the only two unanimous wins on the men's side. And on the women's side, there was only one like that. Is there anybody that you think could pull an upset on those guys at this point? Or are they just too far in front? It's hard to say i mean last year to to me uh the three of those guys looked like the front runners and then brent faded a little
Starting point is 00:29:32 but i think he was a little bit more injured than he wants to people to necessarily know or at least to know at the time um they looked like the class of the field for a majority of the weekend and uh you think brent's injured you You think Brent's injured right now? I have no idea. What? I was talking about the games last year. Oh, okay. Well, I thought when I heard that, it made me right away think of the Open,
Starting point is 00:29:56 some of those funky numbers he was kicking in the Open. No, because there's other – like, go check Lazar Djukic in the Open. He's nowhere to be found. Check him in the quarterfinals. He's right up there at the top. Same thing with Brent. Okay. It's, I mean, these guys, everyone on this list,
Starting point is 00:30:10 no matter how well they did in the open, totally understand that the open for them was an afterthought and quarterfinals. They have to be a little bit more serious for it. But even these guys, I would expect that their main priority in the quarterfinals was make sure that I'm checking all the boxes of the workout submissions, standards, movements, measurements, videos, et cetera. Cause I don't want to have to do this a second or third time. If I make a mistake, I don't want to be getting penalized for anything. I just need to get through.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So those, you know, I still don't think we've seen the best from any of these necessarily in at this point in the season. Uh, the two, the two guys that I think that, to answer Matt's question, I think Scott Panchik and Guy are the two guys that they could cause. Scott's going to be a trip, man. Scott is going to be a trip. If he's getting healthier, he could really come in in an amazing headspace this year. And I'll ask Rich on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I think he's going to be on the show Wednesday. What's going on with Guy? Because he's seen it, right? Like if Guy fills some holes, right? What if he wins one more event? What if he wins four events? Right. And Scott's a super – I mean, he still managed to finish 11th last year at the games,
Starting point is 00:31:22 and he could barely run at all. And we know that running is tested in multiple workouts and time domains at the games year after year. So he's just like forfeiting points left and right. And he's still beating guys like Travis Mayer, Jeff Adler, Cole Sager. But yeah, I think he's it seems like he could potentially still be in the top five if he was healthy. Yeah. Yeah. And what about BKG? What are
Starting point is 00:31:45 we hearing from his camp? I think business as usual for BKG. I mean, uh, you know, I don't, I don't really spend a lot of time trying to find out if anyone's injured or not in the off season or whatever's going on in that regard. I just know that he's, you know, he's very seasoned and experienced and in terms of what it takes a year to year to have the consistent excellence that he's shown throughout his career. And so at this point in the season, I'm sure he's in a very specific and deliberate training phase and building blocks and whatever, setting up for semifinals to make sure he gets to the games.
Starting point is 00:32:17 And then he knows what to do after that for, you know, one and a half to two months that he held that he will have for two and a half months potentially before the game starts. So I think, I mean, it's always a risk for these guys. There's always a risk for injury, of course, but things are probably on track for BKG to be right up there. I would say that the worst a healthy BKG is going to do at the games
Starting point is 00:32:39 is probably eighth. Is he training with Yami and Annie and Katrin and Tola and Khan? It seems that way. And it seems like he's, you know, got a more consistent and that's a powerhouse crew, man. And high level environment.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Yeah. Yami. It's kind of weird to say this might be one of the most underrated people in the space. That dude's no joke. That dude, if you are, if you don't know a lot about him, I'm actually not sure if this interview is out yet or not. But Patrick Clark did an interview with Yami when he was in Iceland and the morning chocolate.
Starting point is 00:33:13 If they haven't published it yet, they'll be publishing it sometime before semifinals. And I definitely recommend taking a look at it because he's in many ways. He's the European version of Ben Bergeron. He's just been around forever. Worked with high level ever. Yeah. Flowmaster L1 team. But he's not the only one. He's the European version of Ben Bergeron. He's just been around forever, worked with high-level athletes forever. Flowmaster, L1 team. But he's not the only one.
Starting point is 00:33:31 John Singleton, he's been around just as long. Amazing breakdancer. Here's another thing that's pretty amazing about that camp. What's more valuable? Pretty superficial question. to have two double winners like Annie and Katrin in your camp, or to have someone like Richard to have someone like Matt. I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:51 it's pretty amazing what, and I'm excited to talk to con what, what those guys have going there. That is a, that is so many years of experience right there. Any, any been in the games. I think when she steps on the floor outside of maybe some
Starting point is 00:34:06 masters athletes i'd be hard-pressed to think anyone's been to been around longer than her who steps out onto the floor ben smith and her both both uh 2009 crazy is ben on a team this year i don't think so three decades so so so So is he trying to go individual? I think. And he doesn't make your list? No. Wow. He's done.
Starting point is 00:34:36 I mean, when the semifinals field gets seeded, you'll see how hard it's going to be to make it as a guy in North America. It is really, really tough. Anyone on this list who's not going to go to the games? Because of math, like right out, you can be like, yeah, Dallin and Jay are going to be fighting for one spot. Is there anyone? Oh, including the guys in the bottom? I mean, look, I've said it before about Oceania.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Because as far as Latin American goes here, there's Guillaume Ayros and Agustin Raquelme represented. They are the two favorites to take those spots, but there's only two spots. So it's always nervy when there's only two spots. In what region? Sorry, which region? South America. Okay. In Asia, the only one on this list is Roman in a live competition I cannot imagine anyone from that region even to getting close to
Starting point is 00:35:32 him so he should be good to go you know Oceania on this we see Ricky and then Jay Crouch also but keep in mind I mean two guys Baden Brown and Royce Dunn who came out of the Oceania region last year both finished in the top 20 of the games and none of us put them in the top 20 here. So this speaks again to the depth of this field for the men this year, with some people coming back, with some people now eligible, with some of these young guys showing that they're very much in the hunt, and then Dallin Peppers, Phil Toons. So it's, you know, and if Sam Kwan's able to come back,
Starting point is 00:36:02 we don't know, like, how he's managing whatever illness kept him out last year. There's just a lot of unknowns. So some people are probably going to move out. And I can almost guarantee that there's some guys on this list that won't be in the top 20. But as far as making it, I think on the men's side, it's pretty safe for everyone here, except for possibly the guys in North America. If you are getting in with a four or five spot, it's going to be tight. There's going to be guys finishing sixth and seventh by less than 10 points.
Starting point is 00:36:33 I'm looking at the open. Okay. Let me ask you this just first of all, just out of complete selfishness. If anyone has to take a pee break, this is when you should go pee. I'm just asking Brian now for my own personal spank vault. Where's Taylor and Colton? Did anyone have them in their list? No.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Those are guys that I would say is, you know, those are guys that are going to be either fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh at semifinals. So it's going to be small margins. They definitely, definitely have a chance. Taylor Self is better than Jason Hopper. That's what you're saying? Yeah. Okay, maybe next time I'll send in for your rankings.
Starting point is 00:37:16 All right, thank you. Well, okay, enough of that. We'll talk after the show. What about Matt Poulin? He took second in the Open, and you don't have him in the top 21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, top 27. Yeah, I mean, I know, I probably, you know, know Matt Poulin and have known of him longer than most who don't train with him or, you know, live with him or his family or whatever. But he was pretty impressive to me at the West Coast Classic last year. He was really impressive to me at Guadalupalooza until he got injured on the Celebrate 10 workout on Saturday night.
Starting point is 00:37:55 And he's had a great start to the season, and he's gotten some notoriety from it. He was on the – I can't remember if it was Coffee Pods and Wads or Clydesdale podcasts earlier last week. So people are starting to recognize the name a little bit. But, you know, like I said, he's competing in North America and it's really challenging to make it. And I feel more confident in all of the guys that I included on this list of making it through that stage than him because he hasn't done it. And he hasn't done it. he hasn't done it has not he has not uh when what was the celebrate 10 workout at wadapalooza and how do you injure himself
Starting point is 00:38:31 it was uh five rounds of overhead squats and heavy heavy overhead squats and handstand push-ups and then five rounds of ring muscle-ups and light overhead squats it's the workout that put a name anika greer on the map also. Did it hurt his back? I'm not sure. Shoulder, back, elbow, who knows? Right. But he withdrew from the competition.
Starting point is 00:38:51 I think he would have finished right in the mix with the three pan chicks at that competition if he'd been able to finish. Eighth, ninth, tenth, somewhere in there. Do we know if he's recovered from that injury? Seems like it. Okay. What about James Sprague? You have Phil Toon and Dallin Pepper from Matt Torres' camp out there in Florida.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah. Why not James Sprague? Because he doesn't even know how to extend his hip on a pistol. Ah, that James Sprague. Gotcha. Gotcha. That James Sprague. Hey hey you know he's watching right now sitting next to someone and they're all laughing at him like someone just punched him
Starting point is 00:39:30 in the chest you douche no no no i would uh anyway james is very good very talented i don't think you know i think he's um moving in the right direction in a lot of considerable and commendable ways strength training that he's doing this offseason seems to be going very well i think moving in the right direction in a lot of considerable and commendable ways. Strength training that he's doing this off season seems to be going very well. I think he's definitely a dangerous athlete in years to come. I, you know, I think that based on how we did last year, the West coast classic, how we did last year at Wadapalooza compared to Phil Toon and Dallin Pepper,
Starting point is 00:39:59 who are just knocking at the door of like being in the conversation with these games, athletes, perennial games, athletes in both those competitions, um, just suggested they're at a level that's one step above James Sprague right now, which is not like, not a bad, not a slight at him at all.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Okay. Fair enough. Uh, on a final note, where would, um, Samuel be? Oh, Samuel Cornway. If he wasn't going team, where would, um, Samuel be? Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:26 Samuel Cornway. If he wasn't going team, where would you take him? He's top 20 for sure. Right? Yeah. I think somewhere in the nine to 13 range in there probably with those guys.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy. What was the highest? Well, can you tell me what Samuel Cornway's teammate would be? Oh, I thought about it.
Starting point is 00:40:46 I was thinking about asking about him and Jake Marconi. Before we talk about Jake Marconi and the great Rich Froney, what was the highest one you knuckleheads put Noah? Oh, seven. Yeah. Is that the same person who forgot forgot catrin because i'm really liking that person a lot of it is no it was it was a different person no but the other ones were 10 11 13 13 and i was 13 so i was on the low end for noah and it aggregated to about an 11th place
Starting point is 00:41:21 yeah i think noah is going to handle his business this year. Okay. Jake Marconi, too scattered. I would say, yeah. Too scattered? He's got too many things on his plate?
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Starting point is 00:42:16 Whether you're a shop owner, a pet groomer, a contractor, or a consultant, you can get customized coverage for your business. Contact a licensed TD Insurance advisor to learn more. No, Jake Marconi, I think he's actually probably in one of the best training environments and overall living and work environments he's ever been in. He's still a young, young mid twenties guy. It's really, really tough in North America. environments he's ever been in. He's still a young, young mid twenties guy. Um,
Starting point is 00:42:45 it's a really, really tough in North America. I think that even a top 10 finish at a semifinal would be a really, really good weekend for him, but you had to make top five to get to the games. And where would you put rich froning? Um, you know, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:43:03 What's crazy is when's the last, what year was the last year he went individual? 14. Nuts. Yeah. I mean, if he announced today that he was going to compete individual, I would probably put him in three to five, right in there. Here's what I think. I think that if he did that, we would all know that he's number one.
Starting point is 00:43:24 He's number one in our hearts. No. No, no, no, no. My point is – No, you're right. But, you know. It's not – we wouldn't be judging the Rich Froning that's doing this team. We would be like, oh, shit, something happened.
Starting point is 00:43:37 Right. Yeah. Like he – yeah, something happened. He'd be angry. He'd probably be angry. Yeah. What's that swimming pool? If they have they have a 70 plus i'd do it i'd do it i'm feeling really good lately i'm feeling great yeah but you're nowhere near 70 i'm feeling great uh no i'm nowhere guys i'm 50 years old can i enter the 70 plus division
Starting point is 00:44:03 in in 2008 i was supposed to enter the women's division at the CrossFit Games. It was all said and done. Lauren, Tony, and Greg and I had agreed upon that. And then I made every second counts. And so I didn't enter. Dang. Yeah. I would have been the first transgender athlete.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I was ahead of my time, people. I'm not joking. People are like, oh, he's so funny. I'm not joking. You people i'm not joking people like oh he's so funny i'm not joking you know i'm not joking right brian that's not a joke that's um that's truth it's true okay i like that i'm excited this is cool um i'm like all these people when i read their names i i i feel something i like it man maybe Vigneault and Caron. I don't know then, or Willie George, but all the other guys, all the other guys,
Starting point is 00:44:48 I want to know. I want to know. Vigneault was eighth place at the games last year. Willie George has finished as high as 10th at the games. Alexander Caron got second at Guadalupalooza this year. I like him. I just don't, I mean,
Starting point is 00:44:59 I don't dislike them. I just don't know anything about him. Really. I mean, maybe Vigneault was supposed to like go to the games and make a splash one year and like he got sick at the albany regional or something did that happen yes that was 2018 but he'd already been to the games previously and done pretty well he has several finishes inside the top 13 at the games i think three or four he's like he's pretty legitimate he does someone mentioned in the comments something that
Starting point is 00:45:22 he occasionally gets injured or sick or something like that. Yeah, that happens to some people. But when he shows up, he's pretty good. And I have talked about him before. I think he's in a really good spot in terms of overall balance in his life. And he's still motivated to do well. Obviously, to take him from eighth at the games last year all the way down to 19th is saying, I don't think he's going to have as good a year this year as last year. But who knows? Like I said, he's, you know, four or five, four top 13 finishes or whatever. He's a you have as good a year this year as last year. Ouch. Who knows? Like I said, he's four top 13 finishes or whatever.
Starting point is 00:45:47 You have to consider him. He's a police man. By the way, I'll say this. I was the only person to include him on my top 20 rankings. Wow. Wow. Wow. Bring Hiller on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Actually, he's coming on the podcast. I sent an Uber. It, it will get there the mid June and he'll be here in July. Hiller. Hiller. Okay. Uh, are we good here? yeah i mean you know honestly i don't think there's anything that's that surprising here i gave really strong consideration to tune pepper and who day for the last three or four spots along with george hopper maybe all the way from chandler smith through coron who day down pepper phil tune and jay crouch i felt like was a really tight group um but you know i gotta make some decisions and based on what i've seen so far this year and what i kind of know about these guys this is what i went with okay fuck it ready yeah justin madaris is as good as tia to me he is the he is already a one man um um what's that
Starting point is 00:47:01 called when you have to do dynasty we We don't even talk about him. No one even talks about him. There's no threat to him. It's fucking embarrassing that we don't talk about him more. No one talks about him. He just sits there. You know why? Because we know he's not fucking beatable.
Starting point is 00:47:17 He's a kid in a diaper with a big smile destroying grown-ass men at fucking every competition. It's relatively new because less than a year ago, Jason Hopper beat him pretty badly at the MAAC. And that's something that doesn't happen and did not happen to Fraser and Froning in the years that they were dominating. So we need to see Medeiros string together for a long period of time. And so far, he's done obviously great at the games this year,
Starting point is 00:47:44 obviously great at Rogue this year year uh obviously great at rogue this year and that's two competitions fair enough good all right good uh seven is correct needs more years but yes thank you mr watkins wow that's really going out on a limb for uh uh statistician asperger's guy wow that's you're you're that's like emotional jason mr watkins wow he's getting it he's getting it too yeah he feels it too it's crazy it's it's the madera show it's crazy it's crazy i i hope like a sex tape or something comes out on him so we have to talk or hillar and him start working out together so we like can talk about him every day who is he training with hey he'd adam nefer there are two guys who don't ever stop smiling do you know those guys
Starting point is 00:48:30 it's like it's like they had their schedule to always one of those dudes be smiling like they're they're on you smile from 12 to 12 and i'll smile from 12 to 12 just having a good time yeah right gp you stick to your seven jokes and stop do you we'll do the games predictions okay i'm ready to move on to the women how about you brian yeah i'll just say you know this guy asked why isn't phil toon on the list and i gave strong consideration to phil toon i ended up choosing all athletes here that have been to the games before you know i think phil toon and dylan Pepper have potential to be even threatening with the top 10 if they make it to the games. But I also haven't seen them in that duration and style of tests before because it doesn't exist outside of the games.
Starting point is 00:49:19 So it's, you know, it's fun to put those guys up there. So it's, you know, it's fun to put those guys up there, but I like to go with the guys that I know can do it and have done it many times when it comes down to making decisions like that. I wasn't going to make any more Phil Toon jokes, but here we go. I think Phil Toon could be rookie of the year this year, except that he looks like he's 42. Okay. Poor Phil. He's on the show now he's always talking about how old he was and one time he gave me i think he gave me like a stern warning like he said something to me he's like i don't know i don't know stop calling me old yeah something like that i'm not old stop doing that but he does look like a man amongst boys i mean madaris looks like he's 14 and phil toon looks
Starting point is 00:50:03 like he's like you know like mature like has kids and shit and like put him through college but he's 24 and used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day it's the tattoos i think okay uh let's go to the uh women here this is actually kind of funny this guy right cash said pat pat will take first this year spelled it with two t. It's my new thought. Pat changed his name to Patrick with two Ts. Just to rub it in Fraser's face. Wasn't there a character on Saturday Night Live, Ambiguous Pat? And Velner, I swear, Velner put a little lipstick on.
Starting point is 00:50:44 He could enter the women's division oh man he's awesome hopefully he pops up in our chat now two t's wow that's great i like that the matt fraser two t's no matt's got one t so it's a it's like a slight of them we need a we need a champion with two t's uh two in his hand. Of course, he's handsome. Yeah, all old dudes are handsome. Rakesh Menon. Rakesh is like an Indian name, but Menon is what? Is that?
Starting point is 00:51:14 French, German, Belgian, something like that. Oh, that dude's not Indian. Look at that dude. Looks German. Yeah, he got hippie parents. Smoked too much weed. Made a baby under the moon. Full moon.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Okay, look at Watkins is getting ahead of us. Let's look at last year's women. Por favor. Not last year. This is before the season started. Right, sorry. So February of 2022. Yeah. So at that 2022. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:46 So at that point, we had Tia Claire Toomey at the top. Laura Horvath, number two. Haley Adams, three. Gabriella Magawa, four. Kara Saunders, five. Mallory O'Brien, six. Bethany Shadburn, seven. Katrin David's daughter, eight.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Amanda Barnhart, nine. Brooke Wells, ten. Narrowly missing the list back then were Daniel Brandon, Emma Carey, Emma McQuaid, Jamie Simmons, Karen Fre frey over and sarah sigmundsuff uh hello sarah and thank you for your generous contribution thank you very much um how many people had, how, okay,
Starting point is 00:52:26 we're going to get to it. Sorry. I'm jumping the gun. Okay. Okay. I got it up. I got this. I got this saved. Is there anything we need to say about here?
Starting point is 00:52:36 Did we talk about this list last time or did we just dig into the next? No, we talked about it. And so the obvious things are Bethany Shadburn and Emma Carey are not, no longer competing in the season, so they won't be on the next list. And then we, you know, you had had a concern about my inclusion of Katrin and Brooke Wells on this list back then. Everyone else you seem pretty content with.
Starting point is 00:52:56 And we already touched on Katrin a little. We get to her and Brooke Wells, I think, has proven to have recovered very well from what happened to her last year at the games. And therefore, we'll probably be higher on this list. What about Sarah? Has she improved? I would say yes, because there's obviously a little bit of uncertainty after Wadabluza, with her having to withdraw. She's had a successful Open and quarterfinals, and that's obviously a great win.
Starting point is 00:53:31 So it seems like things are moving well for her, and she's not having any issues from what I know of. So, yes. What's the highest Jamie Simmons has finished at the Games? She has. Jamie Simmons' highest at the games was, what was her? I said the games, maybe third.
Starting point is 00:53:49 And she, oh, and she was third on the team. I can actually not show her highest finish of the games was eighth. Maybe third. 10. Uh, how am I going to have her on here?
Starting point is 00:54:05 Getting ahead of myself. Third, 2019, yeah. And eighth in 2017. And did you mention that Emma Carey's out? Yeah. Okay. Sorry, I was prepping my questions over here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Let's do it. Let's look at the 20. uh oh same thing same four guys um uh this is your list but you made a list with um with tommy chase patrick clark, and Chad Schroeder. That list will be coming out tomorrow or the next day on the morning chalk up, but this is your list. Yep. And then included also our athletes at the bottom that they had, at least one of them had on their top 20 that I did not.
Starting point is 00:54:59 It has at least how many? So like at the bottom there, Alexis Raptor, Danny Spiegel, Emma Lawson, Emma Tall, and Lucy Campbell, all of them showed up on at least one of their lists. They just weren't on mine. Wow. Did the person who leave off Katrin's daughter have Danny Spiegel on their list? Yes. Oh, fuck it. Date night's over.
Starting point is 00:55:24 You're out. You're back in the doghouse so close yeah so close you were about to get to and it was the only person who did man me and that person are water and fire holy cow holy cow i know who that person is, by the way. I know who that is. Really? Yes. Who are my choices? It was Tommy Marquez, Chad Schrader, Patrick Clark, and Chase Ingram. It's Patrick Clark, forgot Katrin's daughter, and had Danny Spiegel on there. That's a bad guess after I told you that Patrick was just recently in Iceland. In Iceland, I know.
Starting point is 00:56:05 As I said it, I was like, shit. I just exposed myself. What I think of Patrick. Anyway, so here I think we have Tia still is number one. She was unanimously number one. If it was Chase, I will defriend Chase on all platforms. On all platforms. Change my fucking phone number uh who who number one and two brian those are the those are the finishers at the games and number four is hayley adams at the 2021
Starting point is 00:56:38 crossfit games and because annie's going team so really those are the is that the way it was with the men too it was it was madaris velner and fikowski is that how they finished at the games yeah okay okay excuse me wow you got the rookie in at number 20 she's not a rookie second year yeah i think that she's i think i am i probably i probably was only i know one other person also had her ranked 20th on their list um and yeah i think that she actually wasn't wasn't too far off from making the top 20 last year i think she's improving i think that she's you know she's over in Comptrain in New England. They're training all the time now with a different group than we're used to. Sydney McElishan, is that right?
Starting point is 00:57:31 Yeah, yeah, Sydney McElishan. So I have had my eye on her since Wadapalooza a few years ago, and she did very well last year. She was like my young gun to watch for the season. She did very well, and I think that she'll have a better year this year is you know and i think that you know compared to someone like alexis raptus or lucy campbell or emma lawson who you see there that um run some people's list but not mine that like you said the actual year of experience at the games is a is a plus for her that they didn't they don't have you know they they barely missed it. Alexis wrapped this very barely missed last year, Sydney got in. And so she has that experience on her
Starting point is 00:58:07 side too. Um, you, you have a Christie, uh, Arama O'Connell at number eight. And when I look at the list from February, just a couple months back, you know, she wasn't on and yeah, yeah, that was just a mistake. I screwed up. Yeah. It was a Brian for a mistake. Would you put her? You had six Mallory O'Briens, seven Bethany Shadburn, eight Katrin, David's daughter, nine Amanda Barnhart, and ten Brooke Wells. Would you have stuck Christy in there somewhere? Yeah, probably either nine or ten. Okay, so Brooke Wells would not have made. Okay, so Brooke Wells would not have made... She was looking the fittest she's ever looked. She was doing very, very well. I think she probably would have beaten Haley and been the fittest American last year at the games,
Starting point is 00:59:11 and I wanted to give her some recognition and credit for that. Now we've seen her compete in two parts of the season, and she's done very well, and I think that she's on track to be just fine this year, which means that she's a top-ten threat again. You have Tia in february at first you have laura still uh in second hayley adams and third gabriella magawa fourth fifth cara saunders sixth mallory o'brien and then at seventh is where it takes a turn yes i didn't change anything one through six i know that a lot of people want to see probably want to see male higher after doing so well on these and these competitions um and i you know by all means that's that's totally fine but i still think that that like carl sonners is kind of the the question mark here um however she finished second on the worldwide you know leaderboard for the quarter
Starting point is 01:00:01 finals she dominant you know she was dominant at the Oceanic Region last year. What happened to the games is kind of irrelevant. She was sick. There's no reason for me to think that she's not a top five and even podium contention still, despite the fact that there's obviously a lot of good young talent. Cara Saunders
Starting point is 01:00:19 finished second behind Tia Toomey in the quarterfinals this year, worldwide. All the leaderboards crashed together. She was 99 points behind her. Tia had 18y in the quarterfinals this year? Worldwide? All the leaderboards mashed together? She was 99 points behind her. Tia had 18. Caro was second with 117. And who was in third? Gabby. Wow. Okay, so
Starting point is 01:00:35 I don't want to ignore these six because they are so amazing. Look, look, look. Haley's in 26, and people will be like, look, Haley's in 26. Mal is in fourth. How could you have Haley's in 26. And people would be like, look, Haley's in 26. Mal is in fourth. How could you have Haley ahead of Mal? There's five tests. One of them is a clear strength test.
Starting point is 01:00:54 And you know that that's going to be a hit for her relative to other top women. But that's much more or less detrimental to her overall ranking at the games. There were several heavy tests at the games last year that were problematic for her to heavy, clean events, a heavy snatch event, a heavy yoke, a heavy deadlift,
Starting point is 01:01:12 heavy overhead squat. And she still managed to finish fifth ahead of Mal. So that's just telling you how good she is on everything else. And don't forget that when you have 13 tests, 14 tests, 15 tests of the games. When I, when I think of Tia, Laura, Haley,aley gabriella magawa car sanders and mallory o'brien i think of them as all fierce competitors like fierce right yeah yeah you gotta be i mean i i would say that about every woman on this list
Starting point is 01:01:39 but yeah those ones we just know more about and have seen that fierceness you know right right i um i'm trying to think have you seen any examples of it from brooke wells on the floor where she where she seems fierce i mean obviously don't get me wrong obviously she's beyond amazing but i can think of moments when these other ladies look have looked fierce i have like snapshots in my head oh yeah she looks scary there you don't want to interrupt what she's doing. Sure. Yeah. Just probably the ranch deadlift ladder comes to mind for Brooke Wells is an example of that. And we heard that story last week from Annika Greer, Annika Greer,
Starting point is 01:02:17 where she, it sounds like both of it was kind of hard to get the full story, but what it sounded like is Danielle Brandon was doing one of the quarter final workouts and Annika walked into her line of sight and daniel told you yo bitch get the fuck out of there yeah daniel brandon is we've talked about her before she's a really interesting one to try to place on this list as well she's had a really good start to the season we know that the off season was a little bit up and down she wasn't able to necessarily squat as much as she would normally squat dealing with some stuff um but so far so good for her sixth in the worldwide quarterfinals you know i i think that you know everyone sees the talent and potential
Starting point is 01:02:53 there uh will she be able to you know transition it into a great performance at the games and get in if she can get into the top 10 this year that's really good i think there's people that think she can even do better than that but um again you know she hasn't done it yet and all the women that are ahead of her on this list have shown that they can and many of them time after time um why do they call her dbe what's the e experience is it the daniel brandon experience is it i think so wow i like to see that in imax um maybe it's for it's like BC and BCE. Like the Daniel Brandon era. Oh, I like that too.
Starting point is 01:03:32 I really like that graphic that we were working on. Did we ever show that, Daniel Brandon? We didn't show the graphic, no. We just talked about it, Daniel Brandon? Yeah, you, oh, energy, energy, Daniel Brandon, energy. Just it? Daniel Brandon? Yeah. Oh, energy. Energy. Daniel Brandon. Energy. Just like fuck off energy?
Starting point is 01:03:49 Yeah. God, we were working on the funniest graphic. It was like a silhouette of her and it says, does not play nice with others. It was like something you put up on your dog's kennel. You know what I mean? Or on the fence. Beware. Yeah, beware Danielle inside. You called it an all-out attack on her and then salt on this brandon um any who is the youngest person on this list do any do any rookies
Starting point is 01:04:15 no rookies on the men or female list huh brian i didn't have any on my lists alexis raptus emma lawson and lucy campbell would all be rookies in the elite division if they were to make the games this year. Do you think that all of these women I asked you the same question about the men. I asked you if all these men are going to make it to the games. Do you think all of these women are going to make it to the games?
Starting point is 01:04:38 No, maybe not. Already talked about the situation in Australia. You see the four Australian flags at well three and then Jamie Simmons. So for sure, not even maybe not for sure. No, no. They can make it through the last chance qualifier. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Okay. But then we also have the European women's situation. So Karen Freyova last year missed the games and then missed in the last chance qualifier by one spot at the semifinals and a couple spots at the last chance qualifier, maybe two spots. And the five women that beat her all placed 13th or higher at the games. I also think that she could beat two or three of those women in a live competition at the game. She's better there than she is. Like the more tests,
Starting point is 01:05:16 the harder the test, the more athletic the test, the better she'll be. I was really, really hopeful that she gets to the games this year so that everyone can see that. Because the one year she went to the games was 2019, and she only got to do five workouts, just like Brent Fikowski and Sarah Sigmund's daughter.
Starting point is 01:05:30 So no one got to see the full display of her potential at the highest level. The only way we've ever been able to see that is when she's competed at Dubai against perennial podium threats and hung with them the entire way, even having a chance to win the entire competition against Laura Horvath and Sarah Sigmundsdottir and Jamie Simmons with only one, or Sam Briggs with only one event to go. She was right in there, podiumed with that group. So if she can get to the games, I think she can do really well, but there's going to be kind of a situation with the North American men for the European women. They only get 10 spots, five and five. So athletes like Jacqueline Dalston,
Starting point is 01:06:05 Thierry Halgadon. Wait, wait, before you go on there, you were talking about Karen Frey over that whole time, right? Yeah. Okay. Okay. Sorry. Now I'm just saying athletes like Jacqueline Dalston, Thierry Halgadon and Karen Frey over that are on this list are not locks to make the games. It's going to be tight in the four and five and six and seven spots
Starting point is 01:06:20 for the women in Europe. Have all of these girls been to the games before? All of these ladies? Yes. All the ones on my top 20. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. And what's the deal with Dani Spiegel?
Starting point is 01:06:33 Has she been to the games? Yeah. What year did she go to the games? More than one, I think. Three times to the games, 2019, 2021. And are, are any of those legit years?
Starting point is 01:06:51 Are those sound like all weird? No, not all weird years, 2019, 26. So she got cut in that same group as Karen Freova and Sarah Sigmund's daughter. 2020 was online. She placed 13th.
Starting point is 01:06:59 We don't even really know anything about that. And then last year she, she withdrew. So she's ranked 35th because of an injury and is she does she have a massive hole in her game is that's what is that what's going on with her yeah i don't think i just don't think her ankles are very healthy for long distance running which is obviously a huge problem at the games last year was also a problem at uh semifinals because she she drew the semifinal that had the ruck run which is probably the worst the single worst event she could ever hope to have to do at a semifinal and
Starting point is 01:07:30 uh it was like super outlier compared to her other workouts but at the semifinal this is the difference between semifinals and quarterfinals that outlier workout she was like second to last got like 29 points on it the other workout she was all in the top six so she still made it to the games but if that happens in the quarterfinfinals and she doesn't finish a workout like that, you'd be hundreds of spots on the leaderboard and it's huge, huge impact. It's interesting. Um, when I, when I think of, um, weak spots for athletes, I always think of something like back or shoulder. Um, I don't normally think of ankles, but now I've, now we've heard it twice. Haley Adams, she doesn't say she has weak ankles, but it says she's something she's concerned about.
Starting point is 01:08:06 Right. And you're saying, is that known like for people who follow the sport, the Danny Spiegel has some ankle issues. Is it both ankles? She really talked about it for the first time at the West coast classic last year, at least the first time that I knew about it.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Okay. And how old is she? Do we know? Uh, I don't know. Mid, mid to late twenties, 28,
Starting point is 01:08:23 nine, something like that. 28. Thank you, Matt. uh i don't know mid mid to late 20s 28 9 something like that 28 thank you matt as i go down the open here you you have really included um just about everyone what about uh uh laurie clement from front front oh you're looking at the Open? Yes, yes, yes. Oh my gosh. Sean loves the Open rankings. Where is Laurie Clement? She took fourth in the world. She's a very impressive score of 41 points.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Yeah, I would have her ranked in the top 10 probably, maybe, for Masters, age 35 to 39. Wow, wow. This is... The Open is just a... The Open test this year is completely irrelevant when ranking games athletes, in my opinion. Well, okay, let's go down here.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Oh, and Andrea Solberg is going teams. I don't know if she's going team or not, but she's not good enough to make it with the only 10 spots in Europe for women, I don't think. Same with Matilda Garns. Matilda has has i would say matilda has a better chance than andrea than andrea solberg to make it to the games and she i could see her finishing fifth sixth or seventh at a semi-final garns yeah um andrea solberg is uh sold sold solberg is tiny too. Yes. 135 pounds. Very good. Very talented. What about Addison? Addison from the United States.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Yeah. Phenomenal in the open. I don't think that she's going to be a factor in the top 20 of the games. She's got a lot to prove. She's got to get to the – I don't know how she did in the quarterfinals, which is really where you should be looking when you're asking me these questions. Be cool. Be cool. Carolyn Prevost.
Starting point is 01:10:11 Yeah. By the way, she was – Addison was 218th in the worldwide rankings for the quarterfinals. I think Carolyn – I think – yeah, what about Carolyn Prevost? I think Carolyn Prevost – Yeah, I actually – I was pretty high on her. What's her girlfriend's name or her wife's name? I think she was getting kind of. Alexis Ditois. Alexis.
Starting point is 01:10:29 I think she was, someone told me, I didn't see it, but someone told me she was getting squirrely going after Christian Harris because I was singing some lyrics to a rap song and she didn't like it or something. But she should have yelled at me, not Christian Harris. She was. I think she was yelling at you. All right.
Starting point is 01:10:44 All right. Good. All right. What about Ariel Owen? I don't want anyone yelling at my all right all right good all right what about ariel lowen i don't want to yell my homeboy christian harris so no no no before you get to ariel lowen what about carolyn prevo she's one of my favorites what the fuck's going on how come she's on the list i consider her and um you know i was pretty high on her last year relative to everyone else and she didn't she didn't you know show out at the games the way that i thought she would
Starting point is 01:11:04 she seemed to struggle with a lot of different things that were just like too many problems to have at the games to be a factor in the top 20 against a field like this. So I think that she definitely has a chance to make it again this year and can probably finish in the top 30. But to crack the top 20 at the games, I think it would be tough for her. You think she's going to the games? Probably, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:27 She's 32. Yeah, but I think in North America, there's plenty of opportunity right now for the women that she should be fine getting in. No, Emily Rolfe. That's probably the one that I was most surprised didn't show up on any of our lists. I thought for sure that when I kind of left her off and chose to put Sydney McElishan in my last spot there. And I thought for sure that someone would have her on their list and no one ended up having her, which caught me off guard.
Starting point is 01:12:00 What did she finish at the games this year? Last year. 2021, yeah. Rolf was 15th. Well, I'm looking at the games this year? Last year. 2021, yeah. Rolf was 15th. Well, I'm looking at the wrong person. What'd you say, 15th? Yeah, she was 15th, and Bailey Rail was 18th, and no one included those two on the top 20.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Yeah, Emily Rolf's got some incredible skills, right? She's the runner, right? Yeah, she's very good on long-distance running, rowing, biking, power output workouts. She's got, you know, she's pretty strong. She's, she's definitely good. She's certainly going to, I mean, I would expect her to make the games for sure. And you know, if she can finish in the top 20 again, it would be impressive. Like I said, it's a tough field to do it. I, she was the last, like kind of the last one out for me. It was probably her. And then Alexis Raptus that I was kind of considering for the last spot alongside Sidney. But it's, again, it's one of those questions that I asked with the men. It's like, are you going to, are you going to give the edge to some of the younger athletes coming up? Or do you think that the old guard can still hold out and, and have their way with them for another season? And I think there's going to be some turnover a little bit this year i'm just not sure how much um we know bethany shadburn has pulled out of the crossfit games and um that sucks i think um obviously she's bummed and everyone's bummed because everyone was bummed last year and it's another year we don't get to see um her compete but what happened to
Starting point is 01:13:22 katrin um david's daughter you had her number eight in february and now we are here in april and you've dropped her to 12th is that because you don't like what you've seen from her no it's more it's more along the lines of that uh um have liked what i've seen from some of the others okay like daniel brandon and Emma McQuaid. So there's nothing that you, and Emma McQuaid, what did you see from Emma McQuaid? She just seems to be, um, incredibly consistent and getting, you know, a little bit better on the things that she wasn't quite as good as, um, I was impressed with her lifting and, uh, yeah she's gonna i think she's gonna be a you know a top 10 threat for sure this year why um why uh daniel brand it's it's amazing to me how sure you are about daniel brandon i'm not night night you're not no okay i'm not i'm not i mean you say these are
Starting point is 01:14:19 the rankings or whatever i'm not sure about these things there's you know the opening quarterfinals gives me some information but but not a lot. And that's why you don't see a ton of change here. But again, I just, I think experience goes a long way. And especially on the women's side, man, it's really hard to do what Mallory O'Brien did last year and just show up at the games and finish in top 10. Like it doesn't, it doesn't happen that often. And usually once you're able to do that,
Starting point is 01:14:44 you can stay there for a while. In February, Jacqueline Dahlstrom is not on the list. We went down 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. Oh, okay. Well, that's interesting. She wasn't on the list in February, and we have 17 names, and you have her here as 18th. Yeah, but you have to also remember Bethany and Emma were on that. So that would bump her down a couple more.
Starting point is 01:15:09 Okay. Um, Jack and Dahlstrom was like, you know, for a few years, I thought she was always going to be someone who would threaten to get to the games by night, but might not ever make it.
Starting point is 01:15:18 She did really well in the online semifinals last year to make the games. And I was still unsure. I was like, yeah, but it was an online competition. Maybe she just does really well in that setting. I still need to see her prove it live. And then she showed up to the games and she did really well. She managed to make the top 20. She impressed me on several workouts. She's got some really unique skillsets. She's potentially, you know, top three on any workout. That's just body weight gymnastics focus. She's
Starting point is 01:15:44 exceptionally good on handstand pushups, chest sore, pull-ups, bar muscle-ups, pistols, those types of things. Is she the one you're most uncertain about on this list? Like, would you say like, uh, no, no, no, no. I mean, there's like, you know, there's a lot of names that I'm not sure, uh, of their placement on the list. Um, I have no idea, but someone who could break up to the top oh hold on let's read uh dick butter says okay but where would 2015 josh bridges be ranked on his list of women um is there is there anyone in here where you're like would you be surprised
Starting point is 01:16:16 if jacklyn finished fifth at the games this year yes okay but you wouldn't be surprised if sarah sigman's daughter did much less surprised right i still would be surprised uh you wouldn't be surprised if Sarah Sigmund's daughter did much less surprised. Right. I still would be surprised. You wouldn't be surprised based on her history. You'd be surprised on just on her current health. Yeah. And the fact that I just think that, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:36 to the tops, top six on this list are, I think are going to be tough to move out of the top six on this list. Maybe they can have some things to say about the ordering of those top six, but I feel like that's where the cutoff is. And if Brooke Wells is actually competing at a hundred percent, I might move her into that group. But I think that there's a line after that. I'm texting. There's definitely some question marks. Can Jamie Simmons come back and have top 10 potential again?
Starting point is 01:17:11 We have to see. And assuming that all the Oceanic women compete there at the Torian Pro, then we have a great opportunity to see how she holds her own. We're not expecting her to beat Tia or Cara necessarily. Definitely not Tia probably not cara but if she is clearly the third best there holds off ellie turner and some of the others that are coming for those spots and has a really impressive consistent performance then we can say okay maybe this is the jamie that we know from two three years ago that has the chance to be in the top 10 if there's 10 feet no i'll give you 100 feet if there's 100 feet i don't give a fuck what
Starting point is 01:17:48 metric you pick sorry if there's 100 whatever noodles in between tia and laura horvat how many noodles are there between justin madaris and patrick velner and Brent Fikowski. If there's a hundred between Tia and Laura, I'd say there's 20 between Justin and those guys. Gotcha. Wow, man. Tia,
Starting point is 01:18:15 Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia, Tia. You based on your previous comments would say there's also a hundred, right?
Starting point is 01:18:20 No, no, I think it's fair. No, no, I agree with you. I think I agree with you. I just,
Starting point is 01:18:24 I, i just think justin is a rocket ship that we just just saw to break that you could be right about that just 20 feet off the ground and right i mean it's easy to say but when matt you know something needs to be said about him something needs to be said about him i mean he's a freak till the sex tape comes out yeah right right until the sex tape comes out we're gonna have to focus on how great he is i think this year will be telling because if he could really pull away and solidify that this year then you can make that strong argument but it's hard after the first year even though he's been well you know what they're gonna say you know what they're gonna say if he wins this they're they're gonna it's gonna be patrick and um and and brent got old
Starting point is 01:19:01 no it's a no there's way more involved in it than that. It depends how he wins. Because his first win looked similar to Fraser's first win. He had only one event win. It wasn't a landslide clear dominating performance. But it did look in 2016 like, you know what, this guy might be hard to beat for the years to come. And it's looking right now like that could be the case for Justin.
Starting point is 01:19:24 But there's still a matter of doing it, of staying healthy, of staying focused, of not getting distracted by everything that's going on outside of his training and his pursuit of being a multiple-time games champion. You know, there's mental things, emotional things. There's a lot of different factors that these athletes, like, it's really impressive that they're able to do it year after year at that level um and i think he's definitely in the category of a person who could but until he does it two three times uh you know it's just it's hard to say that he's going to like it's it's really hard to win last year at the games last year at the games we saw going into
Starting point is 01:20:00 the final event that that justin could still lose correct yeah we did not go into the final event of the um women's thinking that tia was gonna lose no we never thought that tia was ever in danger except for like when she crossed the street to get to the event like a car might and and and that's why there's a hundred noodles like brian said between tia and laura and only 20 between uh justin and patrick and brent john noodles it's nuts it's it's once again it's like so hard like she deserves a whole show about the noodles what are you gonna say the hundred noodles are the pool noodles and the 20 noodles are like spaghetti what what are pool noodles which ones are those let me see a picture of those pool noodles like
Starting point is 01:20:38 round ones you don't know what a pool a noodle that you sit on and float in the pool is oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right like a box yeah we yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Like a box. Yeah, we call it like boxing noodles. I think it was boxing noodles. I'm masculine. I'm very masculine. Boxing noodle.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Right. Masculine. I think. Just try to imagine him boxing with these on, please. No, no, no, no, no. People swing at you. Fencing, maybe. People swing at you. That's a good analogy. Let's talk no you people swing fencing maybe people swing let's talk about the difference between fencing and boxing real quick so
Starting point is 01:21:09 um so so when when's the next power ranking going to come out after this probably after the last chance qualifier okay and when are the semi when do the semi-finals start may 20th is the first weekend and and then there are four consecutive weekends. Now, here's the thing. There's four consecutive weekends, so it ends on June 12th. So maybe it might be worth doing one then because there's still almost a month until the last chance qualifier that happens in the first week, like July 2nd, I think it ends.
Starting point is 01:21:42 So maybe after June 12th, after all the semifinals end and we have 38 qualifiers to games, we can do one then. And then after last chance qualifier, we can maybe wait a week and we can do like a pre-games one as well. If you see someone, let's say you see Cara Saunders beat Tia in the semifinals. Would that put Cara Saunders up there at number two? That's a great question.
Starting point is 01:22:08 I would, I mean, have to see how everything else plays out. If, if, if Laura Haley and Gabby also all easily win their own semifinals, probably not. There's nothing that will take.
Starting point is 01:22:21 What if Tia doesn't win the semifinals and she doesn't go to the games? Would you still leave her at number one? No, because this would probably mean that she's injured and not participating in the season anymore. Is this her last year? No idea. Does anyone know? Does anyone talk to her?
Starting point is 01:22:39 Does she do any podcasts? We text. She told me it was her last year. She's getting one more than matt she's gonna call it makes sense that's do you think brian do you think as the newer talent comes up and that field starts to get deeper in the crossfit games continues on do you think we'll still see these big runaways where we have one champion that just takes it until they retire or do you think that that'll start to narrow over time i have to think that it will start to narrow over time, but in, in individual sports, all the time
Starting point is 01:23:10 we see, you know, someone come up and be dominant for a period of time. It happens in tennis. It has happened in golf. It can happen in sports like a F1 or supercross disc golf, like these, you know, these individual sports where people are just that much better under pressure when the moment's biggest, they don't like everyone in their training environment is good. But when the lights are brightest and the pressure's on and the weights are heavy and the time is tight, you know, I, we've seen now several athletes in the short history of the sport that have been able to separate themselves out that little extra bit than the rest of the athletes.
Starting point is 01:23:44 So maybe it's just like those other sports where it might not be every year like that. And there might be five years where it's all of a sudden a ton of parody and, you know, four or five people could win and whatever. And that would be really exciting. But I don't think that it's unprecedented to think that this can happen and probably will happen again for both the men and women as the sport, you know, goes on for the next however long. again for both the men and women as the sport you know goes on for the next however long suza uh ken walter says a little more enthusiasm you make hopper look like a keynote speaker just here for the eye candy all right oh my goodness brian is the only sports analysis that said disc that said disc that said disc golf and f1 in the same
Starting point is 01:24:28 sentence it's a good balance of estrogen and testosterone well i i love this list i'm excited to see what's going to come out i think that the f1 guys have that much too much estrogen right right good well said um that's why they hide in cars they're all estrogen like those disc golf guys um the what's going to be fascinating is when we see um uh patrick and tommy and chase and uh chad schrader uh schroeder schrader schroeder yeah i'm never sure uh chad schroeder um all their lists next to each other. It's basically going to be a popularity contest. You're just going to like the guy most whose list you most agree with. So it's good.
Starting point is 01:25:09 No, it's like running for political office. No, I think people will, we'll definitely find it interesting. And then also an article, we kind of break down some stats about, I put my savings on James Sprague and it's at 20.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I'll take that bet. Troy's bullish on Sprague. As long as you're talking about the 2022 season, I'm not willing to say anything about him for 2023. No, and you'll see that there's athletes that were chosen by one and by none or athletes that were chosen by four but not one and athletes that were chosen by two or three here and there. And you can kind of see that certain people are favoring the younger generation
Starting point is 01:25:47 over the older generation or people that are putting a little bit more weight on maybe the quarterfinals results than other people did. And it's like, you know, none of them are wrong. It just decides on what you see and what you decide to wait a little bit heavier for me, past games experience goes a long way, especially when you're talking about the potential at the games um and i know that in these early stages of the competition i mean don't don't forget last year reggie fossa and simone montillo were first and
Starting point is 01:26:13 second in europe for uh the quarterfinals neither one of them came anywhere close to making the games at the semifinals so wow wow yeah and i mean that's a shocker though that's a shocker though Wow. Wow. Yeah. That's a shocker, though. That's a shocker, though, right? That they finished first and second in quarterfinals was the shock. Okay. Okay. Because, you know. Man, they made Jason. So really, that makes Jason Hopper look like a superstar.
Starting point is 01:26:40 For finishing first at semifinal? Well, then he went to the games and took 18th. These guys took first. Did you say in the semifinals? No, you're talking in the quarterfinals. No, they took first and second at quarterfinals. And then didn't come anywhere near making the games in the semifinals. How did Jason Hopper do last year in the quarterfinals? I don't know, 30th or something like that.
Starting point is 01:26:59 So, in top 30, he was fine. You think he's going to show up to the semifinals this year in Smash again? Yeah. He's made for that format uh yeah i mean i think he'll i you know it we have to see how the seating process works i already told you how difficult i think it's going to be in north america for the guys but i think he's like a top three you know probably top three and whichever one he goes to you think we'll get on that hype train again we'll be like yeah yeah yeah it depends you know it's big big big big uh thing for him is going to be the programming at and at the semi-final and if he has an opportunity to do a workout that has high volume ring muscle
Starting point is 01:27:36 ups rope climbs you know strict handstand push-ups something like the high volume gymnastics is probably the thing that he's been working on the most in the off season if he gets a workout like that at the semi-final he goes to and he does really well on it and that's an indication that he's improving in that domain then that's something noteworthy if he gets a draw of workouts like he got at the mac last year that are all workouts we already know he's probably good at where the gymnastics come in small doses there's high power output there's long running stuff that he's proven to be good at then it's, we don't have enough information to really say how much better he's gotten. We need to see that test in a live format of the high volume gymnastics with,
Starting point is 01:28:11 you know, movements that interfere and create problems to do that gymnastics. And if he's doing well on those, then I would say that he could move up on this list. That wall behind you. Do you share that with another, is there someone who is that a shared wall? Like, is there an apartment building or a condo behind you, do you share that with another? Is there someone who, is that a shared wall? Like, is there an apartment building or a condo behind you?
Starting point is 01:28:29 Those two walls? That wall behind you, it's a corner, right? Like this? Yeah. Looks like it. Is that a shared wall? I'm not sure, actually. Knock on it, see if someone knocks back.
Starting point is 01:28:43 Yeah. Because I was just thinking, you do a lot of podcasts from sitting right there. And I bet you those people, like, I mean, they hear them all. I don't think that they hear them. They do. I never hear anything from over there. Oh. All right.
Starting point is 01:28:58 Fuck. You win again. Okay. Great show. I think we reviewed all the women, all the men. I think that there's some athletes that probably hate your guts now, like Luka Djokic, but it is what it is. If you can't step up.
Starting point is 01:29:18 Do you need to have DMU Brian after this and are like, what the fuck, you didn't rank me at this or that? Rakesh, no. Oh yeah, rakesh no oh yeah rakesh what do you think about bosnian programming the games this year do you see anything uh majorly different for this season uh dick butter they aren't doing podcast over there yeah you're right they're not oh heidi um if those of you who are not following these uh seven podcast instagram don't worry you don't need to but if you're not following the fake sebon podcast uh you should definitely follow it you don't want to especially if you don't like that question about positive oh sure go ahead i just wanted to say the guy's name rakesh
Starting point is 01:29:55 i just like in indian names oh it's a good question um morning chalk up did a piece on this arman and patrick gave their opinions as well as if you want some other points of view but agent's been around the games forever man he knows more about the inner workings of the games team dave's programming dave's methodologies floor layouts being effective for judging for broadcast for everything i mean he has seen it all been and hand is and had his hands in a lot of different conversations that revolve around programming the games from a lot of different perspectives yes there will be some things that are certainly different, and there should be. If he's the guy that's programming it, he should be inserting some of his own flavor,
Starting point is 01:30:31 his own – I'm sure that there are things that he's wanted to see in the games over the years that just haven't made it through, but that's not necessarily bad or good. I think there were things that David wanted to do for a long time that he would wait and be patient and have that opportunity. I don't think Adrian's – he's not going to make any impulsive decisions. He's going to think very clearly about everything. Um, I think that, um, if you wanted to bring someone in who was already a part of the team, he's as good a choice as anyone.
Starting point is 01:30:58 I, uh, couldn't agree with everything you said more. There was uh that i ever saw um closer to dave when it came to programming than adrian i mean when they would test the workouts and we would all be there i mean adrian was glued to his hip and they had some pretty uh aggressive open conversations on the reg i mean it was gnarly yeah he knows a ton about why gross you guys did you guys see i turned around and blew my nose did you guys see that speak out by it sorry i mean you can hear that back here this big old honker just blowing yeah it was cool i was enjoying blowing my nose and listening to brian talk about uh his thoughts on the adrian program it was kind of cool and the privacy my The privacy of my own dome. Okay. Thank you guys. I don't know when Brian and I have a show scheduled again together,
Starting point is 01:31:50 but tomorrow, are you coming on the show tomorrow morning? Tomorrow morning should be an interesting show. Nick Palladino, a young guy. Really? Yeah. Considered at one point to,
Starting point is 01:32:01 you know, maybe possibly be the air to Matt Fraser, extremely strong in his youth. And he trained with Matt quite a bit. So we might hear some stories about him and Matt. Then tomorrow evening, I have a podcast with Josh Bridges, my weekly podcast. Then on Wednesday, I have a podcast with Dr. Trevor Cashy, and I've scheduled a podcast with Rich and Angelo. I just don't have confirmation on it from them.
Starting point is 01:32:24 Isn't that weird? But I want to do one with them, so I just scheduled it. Is there going to be a podcast? Is there not? Did we make that up? I'm writing down the craziest questions for Rich. I'm going to ask him everything. I'm going to use Angelo's cover.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Then Thursday on the 7th, I don't have anything scheduled, but I really want to do a ufc show i need a ufc expert uh friday the 8th we have dr stan on saturday we have a live call-in show on uh sunday we are going to go live from ukraine again and then the weeks just go on and on and on we got some great oh con porter so sorry guys that was totally our fault we had con scheduled for this morning he thought it was for wednesday i think he was right so we pushed it to the following wednesday um brian can you make that wednesday 7 a.m no oh damn i already responded no you can never make Wednesdays. Right.
Starting point is 01:33:27 Until your life changes. One year later, you remembered that. I cheated. I'm going to tell you I cheated. I cheated. I wish I could tell you I remember. I cheated. It's all right. We got some cool things in the work.
Starting point is 01:33:41 We'll cut that check, Brian. We'll get you full time. All right, guys guys thank you very much everyone for listening great power rankings it sounds like you can find those on the 7 on podcast website and you can also find a composite coming at the individual
Starting point is 01:33:57 composite ones coming to the morning chalk up tomorrow or the following day and if you guys make enough comments at the morning chalk up and rip those guys up enough, that'll fire Brian up. We can get them to come back and do another show. So remember comment antagonize instigate.

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