The Sevan Podcast - #360 - Nick Paladino

Episode Date: April 5, 2022

Nick Paladino is the two-time Fittest Teen on Earth ('15, '16). During his career as a CrossFitter, he trained with the likes of Rich Froning, Mat Fraser, and Tia-Clair Toomey. In the last half year, ...he has launched a Twitch channel and is streaming playing video games. He is a hard worker, and we explore what the future might hold for him -- will we see Nick make a run back for the title of Fittest on Earth? ------------------------- Partners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE - SAVE15 coupon code - the snacks my kids eat - tell them Sevan sent you! - THE BARBELL BRUSH - OUR TSHIRTS ------------------------- Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Disney's Young Woman and the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
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Starting point is 00:00:53 Gambling problem? Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Bam, we're live. Travis, I see what you're doing. You're trying to compensate for those lashings I gave you last night. Holy shit, I'm red. What's up, Nick?
Starting point is 00:01:14 What's up, Savan? How you doing? My audio is all jacked up. How's my audio? It's so good. Okay. so good okay i um when the show's over at night i turn off my headphones and go on to my um speaker on my computer you know like the show's over and i just kick off my headphones and i lean back and i talk to whoever's left on the screen that's like that's when we say all the
Starting point is 00:01:37 real good shit and then i always forget to put it back to my headphones gotcha mine uh i have i have like a plug-in so whenever i unplug it it like automatically goes to the speakers like whatever i'm like dealing with say youtube twitch and then whenever i plug in my headphones all that goes right to my headphones oh that's kind of just yeah it's just like automatic so yeah and then you have a switch where you could switch it back though right you could go into some settings and play. Yeah, some settings and then the speaker. Yeah, do whatever I got to do. You're a PC guy.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah, so I kind of just recently got into it, kind of forced into it as well because PC gaming is kind of next level compared to, I guess, consoles like Xbox right there. And then I got the new PlayStation right there. Yeah. Yeah, so I kind of got – and then I got my PlayStation right here, but it's kind of like the – so i kind of got and then i got my playstation right here but it's kind of like the uh it's kind of cut off but no serious gamer uses an apple uh not that i know
Starting point is 00:02:32 of no i think it's just like i guess the graphics card and uh and the cpu i don't know if you're i don't know if you're really into computers like that and stuff but oh you okay yeah so i i think i am i think i am until you tell me i'm not i love all i like i love going over here to my um i love going over here because i'm a spoiled kept man and going about this mac and just being like yeah it's fully loaded look at that oh yeah yeah yeah 12 terabytes of internal 128 gigs or yeah like like you know what i mean i like that i mean i'm sure you could play like call of duty battlefield. I'm sure you would get, get, uh, like good frames per second.
Starting point is 00:03:10 I mean, I'm, I'm sure, but I guess I, I just, I just heard like windows is for gaming and Mac is for like working and creative and design and stuff. So. Wack is, uh, Mac is for, um, uh, like active Mac is like, if you pretend like you care about black people but you really don't and you want to oppress them it's fake activism that's what apple is yeah i guess it's kind of like i got fake active it's what's the woke computer yeah it's kind of going for the brand like hey i got the mac what do you want computing
Starting point is 00:03:41 speaking of which microsoft's a bunch of cunts too but anyway i don't really deep dive too much into it you know you don't you don't you don't not too much not not too much i kind of i don't really want and you can still do i'm sorry sorry you can still do gaming when you have covid holy shit look at your computer yeah so here it is yeah this is the uh this is the bad boy right here i uh i got this about seven eight months ago because i obviously wanted to start some live streaming and i was like i was like you know what the way that i like to go with things is all in or nothing so i kind of i kind of got one of the one of the best pcs that you can get yeah yeah uh i like that
Starting point is 00:04:22 all in or nothing it reminds me of a story. Caleb. Hi. How you doing, Caleb? Caleb's here. He's going to chaperone this conversation to make sure like we behave. Oh, good, man. I mean, I'm 23, so I don't know if I need chaperoning. Oh, you need chaperoning. You need chaperone. Everyone needs a good chaperone. I mean, we never met before, huh? from i mean we never met before huh you know i was thinking about maybe we met at the games at one point but i was actually thinking on a run before i had the podcast i don't know if we ever encountered to be honest yeah i mean i definitely knew who you who you were you won the um the kitty competition in 2016 yeah so the first ever uh the first ever teenage competition oh i was uh yeah i think that was the
Starting point is 00:05:06 first year so whenever i started crossfit i was uh i was 15 15 and a half i'd say and that was the first open i did but i kind of like i was kind of tiptoeing fucking around like i did i did the first workout and i think it had double unders i want to say that was the um i want to say that was the 15 snatches and 30 double-unders at 75 pounds. And, you know, I got some double-unders, and I was happy to do it and all. But then I got serious the next year, and then they announced the team division. And I was like, perfect, no? I mean, I guess timing just was perfect.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Well, what do you mean timing? You were amazing. Well, I guess that just gave me like a little more like umph like holy shit like i'm 16 and now oh they just put this they just put this you know okay division in for me almost you know what i'm saying yeah i thought you were saying like timing like like you were lucky you want it you're definitely not lucky you were a freak oh yeah no no no i um you were a freak i i kind of just picked it up quick. So I, uh, I played football. I played football since I was probably seven years old and I was always in the
Starting point is 00:06:11 weight room. Just, I probably started personal training when I was like 10 or 11 years old, probably way younger than you should. You mean you had a personal trainer or you had clients at 10? No, no, no. I had a personal trainer. Yeah. Wouldn't that be awesome if you were 10 and you had clients? No, hell no. No. My, uh, my mom i had a personal trainer yeah wouldn't that be awesome if you were 10 and you had clients no hell no no my uh my mom was paying a personal trainer for me and my brother at the time no shit yeah yeah so we uh you know we were kept under watchful eye for i would say three or four years you know it's funny what as you said that i was thinking fuck you have fucking bat shit crazy parents but i actually had a personal trainer i have like five personal trainers for my kids and they're like five and seven so i guess i'm i'm even more bat shit crazy than you your parents you know what though the funny
Starting point is 00:06:54 thing is is my dad my dad he uh he's a tow truck driver and a mechanic he uh he owns he owns his own business and he's gone he's gone you seven in the morning, I would say comes home eight, nine, nine at night, sometimes doesn't. So we, you know, he doesn't really push me. He kind of just, he's the old, he's the old school Italian dad, you know, make sure, you know, you could afford life insurance, make sure, you know, that whole thing. And my mom, my mom is just like, whatever, whatever dreams, whatever aspirations that you have, go after it. And whatever I can give you, I'm going to give
Starting point is 00:07:30 you like, however I can help you. And however I can help steer you that way. And that's how she's been for like, as long as I've known. And that's, I feel like that's kind of helped me because it's like dive into like endeavors instead of just like being afraid. Yeah. Hey, I want to, I want to, wow. She's young.
Starting point is 00:07:48 How old's your mom? So right now she's 50, but I want to say, or 51, but I want to say what this was. Oh, I'm the same age as your mom. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:58 My, uh, I gotta be honest. I know, you know, I could be biased, but my mom and my dad, they look, they look good.
Starting point is 00:08:03 My, I think my dad's 48 and my mom's 50. And I look at them. I'm like, damn. So I, you biased, but my mom and my dad, they look good. I think my dad's 48 and my mom's 50. And I look at them and I'm like, damn. So I would say they probably still look good till 65, I would say. Yeah, my mom's 112 and she looks amazing. She looks so good. I truly believe that people are going to live longer. I actually just told my mom the other day, I said, you know, when you come into come into a room you light up a room like usually like old people don't do that how old how old is she
Starting point is 00:08:29 actually if you don't mind me asking 79 maybe okay she fell the other she was doing crossfit the other day and she was running um uh sprints and uh she she fell and she was kind of like it was cool how it affected her because on one hand she's like damn i'm old as fuck like she's like i'm like what do you mean she's like you know when you fall you're supposed to catch yourself she goes yeah the way she described it she just kind of watched herself like in slow motion fall right she's like shit like i couldn't do anything to like stop it but on the other hand like she's fine she's like damn if i'd have broke a hip i'd be like toast you're toast she's like yeah her hands are all beat up and stuff and she got up and finished the workout she said it scared
Starting point is 00:09:08 the shit out of the people at the gym though you know what i mean you just see some old lady fall everyone's like oh yeah you know like so two things so i had a similar experience at uh at crossfit mayhem so i was doing um your richest dad fell no i i fell just straight up just straight off a box and i actually i put a i put an instagram reel and the reaction lindy barber i'm sure you remember lindy barber yeah yeah she was judging angelo de chico right next to me and it's like we were doing box jump overs and my heels just stood on the box and then i just faced over right into it and and lynn and uh lindy kind of just like gave like a little look over and then i just face dove right into it and and lynn and uh lindy kind of just like gave like a little look over and then kind of just got right back to work so
Starting point is 00:09:49 that kind of just reminded me this little uh caleb how did you get that so quick how'd you do that you just heard and you're already just scouring his ig he's just good he just shrugged his shoulders he's's like, I just get it. Oh, and also, Sivan, I wanted to also say, so I want to say my grandma's around 78 or 79. And to be honest, I couldn't imagine her taking a fall and being able to get back up and keep moving. So the fact that your mom could do that, I think that's awesome, Sivan.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Yeah. Yeah, my Devesh Maharaj, what an eclectic group. This is such an inclusive podcast. I'm glad our DEI team has done a marvelous job. You're right. You're right. You're right. You know, because my grandma is just an Italian grandmother that cooks the best meatballs, you know, and I couldn't imagine if she fell, I would probably dive to catch her before she hit the ground. Like, I just feel like she's fragile. You know i'm saying i've reached this point i don't know and you may be old enough for this too um i can't how old are you uh 23 and a half oh no maybe you're still ah you're getting there there's this point in your 20s i think it happens in your 20s where you can't fall
Starting point is 00:10:57 backwards anymore your back will go out you know what i'm saying that like like if you're running on a wet lawn or you're running on ice or if you're running downhill and you start to slip like a, just a mature follower knows, Hey, you got to keep going forward. Do you know what I mean? Or like skimboarding, you know, skimboarding that thing where you run on the beach. Well, I do have a, I do have a life experience actually. So, so outside in the back of my house, uh have like a long leash i would say 50 60 feet and we uh we connect my dog to it we also have a fence god you are italian east coast that is so italian it's tied to a tree and your dog he's been left out there overnight exactly so so anyway so uh that's also some white trash shit too we used to used to do that in my neighborhood. Well, so we have a fence, but my mom wants the leash for like additional like, oh, what
Starting point is 00:11:48 if he jumps over the fence and then chases a squirrel? And then at least we have the leash on him. So it's just like I wish that we could freely because in Tennessee. Oh, my God. The dogs. I'm sure they run to neighbors houses. I'm sure they run down the street and then they come back. They're just free.
Starting point is 00:12:03 But over here in New Jersey, New York, that can't.'t but so anyway so the leash well you know it's long so i threw the ball and i wasn't watching but the leash was uh right under my leg and then my dog took at like full speed and it took me out right under and that's funny you say that because i actually fell right on my back ass and i like i think i like fractured my ankle and i when was that uh that was actually like two years ago yeah there becomes this point like um where you're running on like if i like i play a lot i used to play a lot of frisbee now i still play some but i play almost all beach frisbee but i used to play a lot of frisbee on grass and if you running and you and for some reason the the grass is wet. And some reason you start to slip.
Starting point is 00:12:46 Everyone always wants to go back, but you reach an age where you're like, if you do that, you're, you're fucked. So you just have to keep going forward. You know what I mean? Like if you run down a really steep Hill, like the option isn't like to stop. You just got to like, Hey, you better have some fancy footwork and keep going. Yeah. It's forward momentum at all times.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Skateboarding is like that. I mean, I don't skateboard, but I see my kids. Yeah. I've never skateboarded either, to be honest. I guess I was just always a contact athlete, you know, like if it was no contact, like, you know, bike, bike riding and and stuff like that. I kind of just never appealed to me, you know? Yeah. Will you hold on one second? No problem.
Starting point is 00:13:23 That's the sound of a 360 degree barbell brush by hybrid athletics i always forget to do the sponsors and someone in the comments said what about sponsors also everyone should buy their coffee from paper street coffee use code word seven get 10 off i don't know how he affords to do that um that's the only coffee i drink beans are beautiful and remember this is the biggest podcast in the space by far and how come we don't have the biggest sponsors because they're scared they're scared they're scared when they're scared and uh um if you uh want to know about your hormones go to california hormones and if you need a job go to Um, Nick, um, you, so you're what, what city are you in? Uh, New Jersey, Lodi, New Jersey. God, it's so perfect. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:14:14 Probably like I can get to times square in about 25 minutes driving. No traffic. Wow. Yeah. Right over the, uh, George Washington. There's this other cat that I have on the podcast. Um, frequently, well, I don't know. I've had him on, I think three times. His name is Nikki Rodriguez. Do you know him? He's from Jersey. Uh, no, but I just, before I forget, I think that paper street coffee guy, cause I was watching your podcast a couple of days ago. I think he's from Jersey. Yeah, he is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was wondering where he's from. Yeah. He's a cool dude. is yeah yeah yeah i was wondering where he's from yeah he's a cool dude yeah i could see it in him it's a great um it's a great story because he said hey i want to sponsor your podcast and i'm like hey i already drink another coffee and he's like i don't care you can talk shit about my
Starting point is 00:14:54 coffee i just want to support your podcast because i know this shit ain't this shit ain't cheap or free and he's like i just want to have your shit keep going i was like wow that that was really cool it was either super manipulative or super cool. But either way, it worked. I grabbed my ankles and I switched coffees. See, that reminds me. So, you know, you're more mature than me. But I, you know, I truly believe that all things will come in time.
Starting point is 00:15:17 You know what I'm saying? Yeah. The sponsors will fall into place. The right ones. You know what I'm saying? Just with time. Are you crazy hard worker? Yes. Yeah. I'm saying? Just, just with time. Are you, are you crazy hard worker? Uh, yes. Yeah. I mean, I got that from my dad, just seeing him just be, be away all day. I
Starting point is 00:15:32 mean, that's like when I started. So I was, I went to a Catholic high school and I went there freshman year, sophomore year. And then I somehow convinced my parents, I was like, Hey, let me homeschool so I could just work out all day long. Okay. So from like 16 years old to about 18, 19, until I got injured, I was in the gym for say six, seven hours a day. Damn. Yeah. And that was, and I don't, I don't want to speak for everybody else, but I, you know but I won the CrossFit Games in 16 and 17. I had a feeling that probably in the world, I probably had an argument for hardest, I would say, hardest working 16-year-old, 17-year-old, 18-year-old when I made it to my first regionals. Just because of how hard CrossFit is. Right. Meaning you kept a discipline regimen that was so difficult. You'd be fucking hard pressed to believe that someone else was, um, uh, yeah, just like, just so any other kid was
Starting point is 00:16:37 working harder than you. I mean, I wasn't, I was at Taco Bell and chasing girls and I like, I definitely wasn't hard, more hard more hardworking you see that's the thing savann i was i was at mcdonald's like i would enjoy myself outside the gym but i would make sure that i would live at the gym so you know yeah eight nine hours i would get there say 10 a.m i would leave at say 7 p.m and you know i got this from watching the rich, you know, the rich documentaries and whatnot that you recorded and probably say 16, 16 and a half. I was like, I want to be rich. I want to work out all day long. I, um, my dad has a Camaro Z 28. That's his first car. And he had it parked in the garage. And I told my mom, I was like, can you convince him to like pull it out of there so I could turn the, uh, our garage into a gym?
Starting point is 00:17:25 So like right from right from the get go, I all I wanted to pretty much do was work hard. OK, loves mom too much, lives in New Jersey. Mama's boy. I mean, I get made fun of. 50 foot dog leash, Camaro in garage. Hold on. I want to see what ethnicity you are. Punch all of these into my racist, super racist device. You're Italian. Italia.
Starting point is 00:17:53 Italian. I knew it. See, you can. People, you can use prejudice. It's weird. You can. It's okay. You can.
Starting point is 00:18:02 Like, guess I'm Middle Eastern and my dad came here and opened a liquor store go figure and he worked his ass off and saved his money weird right that that a middle eastern guy would do that racist it's the truth man that's uh that's like my grandpa my grandpa he took a boat over here when he was say 15 over here from italy okay italian man on a boat at 15 i want to say i want to say maybe he have a big old loaf of bread did he have like a giant baguette on his shoulder and a fucked up hat like the one i'm wearing no i gotta be honest i think i think it was shit like on the boat i think it was just like compact and i think a bunch of people just like like vomiting and puking yes oh probably seasick oh yeah with the currents and
Starting point is 00:18:45 stuff like that absolutely i think i think he said the santa maria maybe i don't know one of those ships hey will you pull that are you laughing caleb is the santa maria like is that like one of the mayflower ships like nick's showing off and i don't get it what are you laughing at caleb yeah i could be wrong and that could be from uh stepbrother. Okay. Hey, I'm, I'm reading, um, uh, Aristotle Onassis is a biography right now by a guy named Frank Brady. Yeah. I'm showing off a little anyway, and he's a Greek dude, right? And he talks about his journey for on boat. Um, probably before your grandfather's his was more like at the, uh, early 1900s, but he said they were, he was in the bottom of the boat with a thousand other dudes and everyone
Starting point is 00:19:26 just piss and shit and vomited and everything just happened in this one spot. He said it was the most disgusting fucking month of his life. I couldn't imagine living in prehistoric, you know, times like that. Just not, you know,
Starting point is 00:19:41 it, it, it feels like that, even though it was probably, it was probably what three generations ago or what four generations ago and now motherfuckers are afraid to go on a cruise ship because they might get covid like are you kidding me i'd fucking drink 10 gallons of covid i'd give myself a covid enema before i'd want to be on one of those ships coming over fucking
Starting point is 00:20:00 sailing over the atlantic in 1904 it does it does matter what state you're in though when i was so i was i lived in tennessee for four years no you nobody had a mask every gas station walmart every grocery store in the heart of covid nobody was wearing masks what in jersey no tennessee oh tennessee yeah so i'm just saying it kind of depends on the state you know what i'm saying but oh in jersey oh my god masked up anywhere if you if you don't go somewhere with a mask Tennessee. Oh, Tennessee. Yeah. So I was just saying, it kind of depends on the state. You know what I'm saying? But oh, in Jersey. Oh my God. Masked up anywhere. If you, if you don't go somewhere with a mask, you look like an alien, you know?
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah. Yeah. So it's like that where I live too. I didn't play around though. I went to war. Hey, so I, um, and I went to war cause, cause I, cause I do CrossFit and I eat well. I don't fucking eat Doritos. Doritos. I don't drink Mountain Dew. Hey, how come you're not like all fat and fucked up if you play video
Starting point is 00:20:50 games? And you don't even look like a stoner. Yeah, I kind of just lost my appetite. So whenever I train hard, you know, whatever, four or five, six hours a day, I'm eating constant meals, I train hard, you know, whatever, four or five, six hours a day, I'm eating constant meals, three, four a day. Now that I'm kind of just sitting chilling, I go on runs a few times a week and I keep up with the, with the weights here and there. But, um, yeah, I just eat like once a day, maybe twice. I say I do intermittent fasting, but I kind of swap whenever I eat and stuff, but it does, it does keep me thin and stuff. And, you know, I don't want to be a fat slob and, and,
Starting point is 00:21:27 you know, and that leads to other stuff. And, you know, yeah. Also, also I'm only 23 years old, so I don't want to close my,
Starting point is 00:21:35 I don't want to close my window to get back into CrossFit. Cause I was thinking about it. What? Really? You would make an, you would make another run. Oh, I mean, so I was thinking about it yesterday. you would make an you would make another run oh i mean so i was thinking about it yesterday i mean who who cares whether you win across the games at at 25 at 26 at 28 at 29 i mean as long as you get one title and that's what i would be chasing you know just
Starting point is 00:21:58 like i was chasing for the six seven years that i was competing but i mean i was thinking about it would probably take me five to six months to get me back into competing shape and then holy probably probably in a year i know that i can get back to where i need to be to be competing you know that personally i feel like the field has died down a little bit the competition you know like compared to i guess whenever matt was there and oh're a savage, dude. I mean, I'm just, I'm just being honest,
Starting point is 00:22:28 you know? Uh, uh, ladies and gentlemen, for you heard it first on the seven podcast, Nick Palladino says the men have gotten soft in the, um, CrossFit games field. And he's thinking about coming back and,
Starting point is 00:22:40 um, Hey, that'd be cool to see you with, uh, the pan chick brothers. Yeah, no, I mean, I would love to. Mixing that shit up.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And the only reason I say that is because, you know, I was next to Matt Fraser, Rich, Hobart, Austin Maliolo. Yeah. 17 years old, 18 years old. And I was competing with these guys. Like, they weren't washing me away. And, and, you know, Matt, Matt would tell me like, you know, the potential that you have in the sport is, you know, is, is pretty exceptional. And so I kind of, I kind of knew what I had. Whether you're delusional or not, and I'm not suggesting you are the hardest part to get is the belief. And you got that. That's I mean, right. It's like, yeah, I mean, I, I, I, no, no, no champion UFC fighters like, well, I'm not sure if I can do it.
Starting point is 00:23:33 You know, like you never, you never see any doubt from rich. Yeah, no, no. I mean, and, and I, I, I pretty much wherever I dive into, I have no doubt. Like I heard you say that I was supposed to be the heir to Matt Fraser, you know, a couple. And that reminded me of an interview I did when I was 17. Some lady, I can't remember, some cross lady came out to me and was like, well, eventually the question was like, you know, what was her goals? And then I said just to win more titles than Rich did.
Starting point is 00:24:01 And like, that was just my mindset from 17. So, so good. You're born in Jersey? Yeah. is your grandpa still alive yes and my grandma yeah i'm on my dad's side and you guys still do people hang together like people still come over for dinner and you got a pretty close family or that that that slowed down a lot we used to have big family you know uncles aunts and snap and now it's usually just immediate family sometimes you know my aunt ang to snap. And now it's usually just immediate family. Sometimes, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:26 my aunt Angie hops over and this and that. Cause it just, you got older because of COVID people turned into pussies. I would probably say both to be honest, like it was happening while we got older and then COVID kind of just like, just put a bullet into it, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Which is tough, but you know, I guess it is what it is. I guess, you know, I don't want to be, I don't want to be a pussy, but, like, I also don't want to hand over COVID to my grandmother. You know, like, that's the line, I feel like, you know? And my grandma isn't really, I feel like, that health aware.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So I feel like I have that responsibility to try not to kind of give it to her and stuff. But that doesn't mean that I kind of didn't see my grandmother for years. I still went to go see her and stuff like that. You still kiss her. Now I do. Now that they have the vaccine. I didn't,
Starting point is 00:25:18 I didn't, I was so sick for like three days this week. And I saw my dad, I told, and I told my dad like not to come over cause he got, not cause I'm scared. Like, I don't, I don't think I, I, I have a little different mindset than you. I think that like, if you're going to get it, you're going to get it. You're going to get it. You're going to get it. I don't think there's any,
Starting point is 00:25:37 like, I don't think Nick Palladino has given it to his grandma. I don't think he's good. I don't, I just don't believe it's working like that. But, um, but I didn't kiss my dad when he came over yesterday, which is weird. Cause usually if I see him, you know, is giving it to his grandma. I don't think he's good. I don't, I just don't believe it's working like that. But, um, but I didn't kiss my dad when he came over yesterday, which is weird. Cause usually if I see him, you know, I only see him like once or twice a week and I run over to him and grab him. Yeah. Sometimes I try to even be more affectionate with him just so my kids will see it. So when they get old, they'll be like, Oh, that's how you're supposed to treat. Cause you know what I mean? I want them always to run over and give me a big hug. That's how I was. That's how I was raised. Every time I get off the phone to run over and give me a big hug that's how I was that's how I was raised every
Starting point is 00:26:05 time I get off the phone to my dad and my mom I say love you and then every time I go yeah like my mom or dad throughout the day every time I like leave to go back to my room I would say love you yeah it's kind of just something that we've kind of just I guess a habit over time I don't let my boys leave the house without kissing their mom so like I'll be like yo we're going to the tennis course let's go and they'll jump in the van i'm like you guys kiss your mom they're like oops and then they just they you know what i mean they jump out and run back in the house and kiss her goodbye i mean she made she made them it's the least they could do but you don't you don't make them say love you oh all that yeah yeah yeah but yeah yeah yeah but the kiss you want
Starting point is 00:26:41 to kiss as well on the cheek yeah mom always should get some physical affection yeah plus i think she thinks that every time i leave the house with him it could be the last time she sees him she thinks we're gonna get into some sort of shit i mean you guys are just you guys are just skateboarding and you know doing some ufc and some you know yes sporting shit you know yes i think she thinks we're gonna get arrested hey crazy shit could always happen so so you're you're born in jersey and um uh it sounds like a typical typical story you come from uh you know your second generation hardcore immigrants people people just know how to work and grind and everyone takes care of their own and um and then and then at 16 um you decide that you want to homeschool so that you could dedicate yourself to sport.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Had you ever shown that commitment to anything before in your life? Was that the first thing? Did you ever have a paper route or anything crazy where you're like, this is gonna be the biggest paper route in Jersey? So I was kind of I just played a bunch of sports. I did. I did wrestling. I did baseball. And then I did football.
Starting point is 00:27:43 So I and then I actually did basketball, too. I actually had I did football. So I, and then I actually did basketball too. I actually had a nice jumper. So I was just that guy that was just doing everything. You know what I'm saying? Just occupied. So it was either sports or video games just because I was a loner. I kinda, I would hang out with friends maybe,
Starting point is 00:27:57 maybe, you know, twice a month, three times a month and stuff like that. You know, whenever they would get me out of the house, but, and then,
Starting point is 00:28:03 and then, yeah. And then when I, yeah, look at that. I don't know. I don't i don't know how maybe holy shit you used to be a girl i do look like i'm wearing lipstick right yeah yeah yeah yeah you look like he looks like um he looks like uh james hobart in the fake sev on podcast uh uh doesn't he? Uh, Instagram account. Wow. Right here. You turned into, it's amazing what a little facial hair can do.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Yeah. People tell me I look 30 now. They used to call me pretty boy. Cause I used to gel my hair right before games. Like my hair used to be just, just thick. Uh, excuse me real quick. Sevan,
Starting point is 00:28:41 a big movement to not force kids to do something they don't want to do. Like hugging grandma, my body, my choice. Right, right, right. Go fuck yourself. No, I know you're joking, Jake. Force my kids. I fucking force them to do everything and they love it. And they really do. I should do a whole show on that. If you do not have really strict boundaries for your kids, if you are a progressive parent, if you believe in exploring every idea and thought your kids have, you will have fucked up manic mentally fucked up kids. Kids need crazy strict boundaries to be free. And when your kid says shit, ignore 95% of the shit they say. Don't react to your kids. them but don't react you're not their friend
Starting point is 00:29:27 you're their parent there he is look at i thought that was james hobart that's nick paladino look at hobart hobart hobart in this photo is 50 50 through transition right there he's on the hormones or the hormone uh blockers are working hobart my goodness someone you know what's so cool nick is someone made this account like making fun of us oh shit oh shit nick's up there let me click that how come nick looks like a dude how come the rest of us look like we're 10 for transition and nick looks like a dude that's actually not a bad picture at all oh not to be confused with paul saladino burning questions for the guys how does it feel to go from being an absolute top of the game with peak physical
Starting point is 00:30:10 nike deal training with fraser pulling in chicks to now just being a dude who plays video games in his mom's basement ah mom's garage by the way but yeah and he's got a heater in there so fuck you two heaters two heaters got to stay warm. You know? I mean, it gets freezing over here in the winter for reasoning. I am. I was getting kicked in and out of my mom's house until I was 34.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I mean, I, I, so I've never been kicked out. Have you ever been kicked out? No, no, but I chose to leave.
Starting point is 00:30:41 So at 17, just because of opportunities, but, but yeah, I forgot my point. Did you go to Cookville at 17? Yeah, so that was the, yeah. So right before that, I was at Reebok HQ. Me and Angela, we actually visited there for a little bit. And then I decided to stay there for a while.
Starting point is 00:31:02 And then I did in Massachusetts kenton massachusetts and i did some training with uh austin maliolo was there james hobart uh connor murphy was there wow what year was that that was like 16 going into 17 because we also did uh i don't know if you ever heard of it but proven grounds so thatounds. So that was when Reebok would, I guess, send out invites to just athletes that made it. So we did that there. I didn't make the games as an individual that year, but I was just training with the group, so they let me get in on it.
Starting point is 00:31:37 But that was an awesome experience. What was your hole? Like weakness? Yeah. was your hole what was your hole like weakness yeah um i would say probably body weight stuff like muscle ups push-ups strip pull-ups stuff like that like my max how about handstand walking uh no i actually got really good at handstand walking handstand push-ups um i got really good at running actually because i worked with hinshaw because i think hinshaw moved to cookville 2018 2019 shortly after i got there so he was he was like training me rich matt fraser was there
Starting point is 00:32:21 um angelo we had dray strome was there we had a the group was completely different Dre Strom's the um camera dude dude right who turned super fit camera dude yeah yeah me and him we would go at it every time like the open me and him would verse each other we just we always had out for each other crazy okay so so so you you were always playing sports as a young man you started early um it sounded like you were pretty independent because your parents were working right so you would do all this shit yourself go after school you took you looked after yourself yeah pretty much it was kind of just like up to me my mom was just like you know do what you want to do and this and that. And thankfully I kind of steered it the right way, I would say. So I got, so I, like I said, I was playing football and
Starting point is 00:33:09 then I decided to go to a Catholic school for freshman year. Cause of sports? Cause of sports. Yeah. The, the, the Catholic sports are just known in North Jersey. Just California. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. So we, we did that. And then, and then shortly after my freshman year i kind of just fell out of love with it kind of just got tired of it kind of just got interested in in working out and then i found crossfit on i want to say it was youtube i want to say like i said i was watching some of your interviews when you were uh with richard averitt in cookville and and darren was there and they were doing the muscle up with the with the wall ball oh yeah yeah yeah we were in like some sort of corporate gym
Starting point is 00:33:50 yep yep and they made that shit up right there on the fly yep yep yep i mean i i lived on those videos i mean those were the so i was i was 16 and that was probably that was 2015 ish so i just lived on all those videos and And then, and then eventually, eventually I, I somehow convinced my mom to let me homeschool. I kind of showed her like, Hey, I'm going to, I'm going to get a degree or I'm going to get a diploma. Like I'm going to get the paper. I'm going to, I'm going to take tests. Don't worry about it. And then she was like, all right, but you better be at the gym all day hey aren't you scared at 16 to do that aren't you like what am i doing like it just seems like such a big decision like for me
Starting point is 00:34:31 at 16 i was like okay i'm gonna get a new car stereo for my car i'm gonna cut class first period i'm gonna go to taco bell i'm gonna try to bring a bottle of goldschlager to school i'm like like well so it like sophomore year i stopped like how did you have goals like that so so sophomore year i stopped playing football right and i would just i would just sleep in class why why did you stop uh so they were they were looking to put me at a position that i didn't want to play fullback okay but i wanted to play running back i wanted the ball so you already knew what you wanted yeah i want yeah i wanted the ball in my hands i wanted to be that guy i wanted to be the guy you are that guy you're the guy who knows what he wants oh yeah no yeah exactly but then i
Starting point is 00:35:14 guess whenever i didn't get where whenever i saw that they didn't want to give me what i wanted sophomore year i guess i was just like fuck this i'm out'm out, you know, but I found the CrossFit. So I think I had a little bit of a of a safety net, you know, but I didn't really know what I was doing at the time. You know, I just was doing the open and me and my buddy would kind of just bullshit a little bit. But then whenever the CrossFit Games came out, that's when I homeschooled and I was in the gym and would just would just lift maximum weight and just would go nuts. Just kind of like any 16 or 17-year-old with just no awareness. You know what I'm saying? Just a wild.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You had a naive braveness, which is awesome. I did. I did. So going into my first CrossFit gym I was googling I was googling CrossFit gyms around the area in school because we actually we had to buy laptops so in in class we would be on our laptops and I remember my anxiety was killing me I was like man I got to go shake people's hands I got to go meet new people like I you know I'm 15 years old who the fuck wants to do this but I finally just told myself shut the fuck up and go so i had my babysitter after school drive me there and drop
Starting point is 00:36:29 me off and they were like oh hey sir uh just sign the waiver and i was like uh well i'm only i'm only 15 am i able to and they were like and so i had to get like a parent to come over and actually sign the waiver so i could do my first ever CrossFit workout. And I still remember what the CrossFit workout was. I think it was deadlifts. It was running. And I want to say it was handstand pushups. So it was kind of easier. It was an easier transition than what it could have been.
Starting point is 00:36:58 It could have been, I guess, pull-ups. It could have been other stuff. Are you still close with Angelo? Yeah. We text. We Faceetime we we still talk a lot yeah that's cool that's a trip isn't it yeah no it is we um he's pretty fucking cool i've been doing i've been doing some podcasts with him and i can't believe how much like oh yeah he's easy he's so easy yeah i i love to watch it because i love to see him kind of get out of his shell and and uh
Starting point is 00:37:26 and kind of do new things like like podcasting and stuff like that because i've been pushing him a little bit i'm like dude like let's let's make some like unfiltered like young version of a of a crossfit lifestyle podcast you know i think i think it would do well i think people people might want to listen you know but, people like looking at him. That's for sure. A lot of guys, people DM girls DM and me, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:37:49 get the fuck out of here. Go DM this fool. But, um, he's, he's easy. The hardest part about podcasting and, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:57 part of it's, I'm sure kind of easy with me because my fucking mouth just goes, but it's just being comfortable chilling. And he's so comfortable chilling and then he and then he always comes in with a great at mayhem and then we all stop and listen we're like yeah tell us angelo you know yeah i mean he grew up there he knows he's been there before i was and he's still there now and he's back on the team which is amazing to see he um i don't know i don't know if he's ever told you but he actually took a little break from crossfit i would say 18 19 he hurt his back right yeah yeah yeah he hurt his back really really
Starting point is 00:38:30 bad and then that great that patch of gray hair came in he always had that since since i met him on his on his elbows on his knees but i've just you know i've just learned oh that's angelo he got gray hair on his elbows and his knees no No, not gray hair, just like white spots. Oh, interesting. Wow, interesting. Okay. There was this basketball player I remember when I was a kid. We used to watch Famous.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I can't remember, but he always had that gray spot. And then the only other person I ever knew who had it was Angelo. Did he get rid of it? I don't even see it anymore. That's a good question, actually. I mean, I haven't seen him in person for a year. Last time I saw him was last March. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:08 I'll ask him. I'm going to see him. I'm going to see him in a couple of days, but he's game. He's game. He was actually, I tried to get him on the podcast last night and he's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:39:16 I'm saving myself for our next podcast. My voice is fucked up. I was like, damn. Yeah, no, he's a, he's a good guy to talk to.
Starting point is 00:39:23 I mean, we've, we've, we've done so much stuff together. together we've had we've had so many talks we've had so many experiences at mayhem i mean he's kind of i mean he's my brother to be honest so um so so so you start doing crossfit and start going hard and then what and then what and you get notoriety and what happens why do you why do you cut why do you split why do you switch to video games so so at at 18 uh 18 19 i would say right after like the year after i got to regionals i um i was competing in the open and both of my shoulders it just felt like knives were going through them and both my hips were just ruined i couldn't really put my sock on the right way without pain and i was kind of just ignoring it i was like
Starting point is 00:40:09 that fuck it you know you're young just keep pushing and this and that and at 19 i failed to make regionals which was weird because i made it the year before my first year in the adult uh competition and i was actually at uh hobart's gym reebok uh reebok one i want to say if i remember correctly and um i just remember just bawling my eyes out and just being like i i really can't do anymore like i can't move on until i fix my body so i i ended up meeting this stem cell guy that actually worked on some people at mayhem and injected stem cell and this and that. And I did that. I got stem cell on both of my shoulders, both of my, uh, both of my hips, and then did six to eight months of hard, hard physical therapy. And I,
Starting point is 00:41:00 I would say I got back to myself. I would say, 90, 95%. I was actually like, damn, Nick. All right, now we're ready to take over, go on, move on to the adult journey. And then, yep, yep, there's the physical therapy guys. Oh, and you got thick there. Look at you. Yeah, I probably put on a little weight. That's, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Yeah. Yeah. And then I did a sanctional event, the Italian showdown. I, after I rehabbed, I went and I was training with, with Tia, Shane and Matt Fraser in Mayhem. And, and, and working with Shane, it was just, it was just nice to get a different feel of, of, of programming, because I'm sure you, I'm sure, you know, Rich's programming is just, you know, dick in the dirt, show up tomorrow, do it again, you know, every single day. And, and Shane's, Shane's program is more, you know, structured out, you know, more resting. And it was just, it was just refreshing so i i made it to the italian
Starting point is 00:42:06 showdown and i ended up placing 15th out of 100 and i think sixth place qualified that year because i don't know if you remember but that was like if people already qualified previously from the open if they compete in a sanctional the uh the next person goes so like i guess eventually it just crept up to like i guess sixth or seventh place so i mean i was happy i was like well i actually i left the part out i the the shoulder pain kind of crept back a little bit on my left shoulder so we were kind of looking what to do and i was like fuck it just just shoot a cortisol shot and and we'll go from there and that actually helped a lot for four or five months
Starting point is 00:42:50 i was like oh my god i'm healed like thank god yeah like oh my you know and then just right at the competition right the italian showdown that's when the pain started to come back and after i i really wish i i didn't do it but I ended up getting a shoulder surgery and that just put me that just mentally ruined me and I was in I was never really able to bounce back I was never really able to get back to myself like the standard that I was acceptable with in the gym um what do you mean standard in terms of strength uh flexibility or commitment or what uh actually at the end there about a year ago a year and a half ago it was everything it was my my strength wasn't there i was kind of like you know when is it time to get out of the gym rather than
Starting point is 00:43:37 you know what are we going to do in the gym and then it was kind of just hurting me more than i was enjoying it and and i'm always i'm always looking for new things like that. You know, when I was younger, I like to play baseball, you know, wrestle football. So I guess that's where the video games tie in when you're hurt all the fucking time and you're just down and out, you have a lot of free time. So I would just play just a massive amounts of video games. And I don't know how familiar you are with Twitch, but there's this platform that you can play your video game. But you also put like something like this, like a face cam, I would say on the top right.
Starting point is 00:44:12 And you just, you know, entertain, you interact, you know, you connect with the people that come in the chat. And I was watching that. I started watching Twitch, I would say about three years ago. And I'm the type of person, whenever I see something, I ask myself, I wonder if I could do that and how good can I do that? And I really enjoy interacting with people and kind of talking and this and that. So I just gave it a stab. I started my channel six months ago. And I kind of just dove in and it's been,
Starting point is 00:44:46 it's been, it's been honestly pretty good. So you're, it's basically YouTube, but for video games. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It's, but like this show is on Twitch right now. You guys also have a Twitch channel as well. Yeah. We go to Twitch and Facebook, but no one watches there. Yeah, so that's the – And we used to go to Tweet Tweeter, but they kicked us off or something. I don't know why we don't go there anymore.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Yeah, Twitch is interesting. Twitch, in my opinion, is a community of its own. I mean, I don't have that many Instagram followers. Is that you right there? Oh, that is you. Yeah, that is me. That was actually today. Okay.
Starting point is 00:45:26 So right here, you're loading up a game and you're in your, you just got your, your live there and you're basically telling people, okay guys, I'm about to start this game. Welcome to my show. Um,
Starting point is 00:45:36 all the hot chicks, uh, please send me your phone number. All the dudes say cool shit about me. I'm watching me fuck this dude up. And if anyone wants to jump in and take ass whooping, I'm doing two player games in about 30 minutes something like that but um but just like just like on youtube there's a chat box so to be honest like different from youtube
Starting point is 00:45:55 my whole like reactions and my entertainment usually comes from the chat a lot like answering the chat like giving them recommendations like answering questions and kind of just like interacting with them almost okay and um they're typing or they're or they are talking okay so you have to read and play at the same time well yeah so but right here so i'm playing i'm playing a soccer game you know i mean i'm wearing some soccer gear right now you can tell but so what the soccer game it's kind of weird the actual game itself is is pretty horrendous like nobody likes playing it like honestly like it's rigged like people feel like like before the game starts the game puts a predetermined winner so no matter what you do in the game like you know the ball is gonna bounce back to the to the other opponent and he's going to score on you.
Starting point is 00:46:45 So a lot of the time I spend, I spend like opening packs and trying to get trying to get like really good players that I guess would be excited. It would be exciting to get. What does that mean? Opening up packs. So exactly what I'm doing right here. They have all different packs in the game and that's kind of, do you have to pay for those? Like with real money?
Starting point is 00:47:07 Yeah, exactly. So that's, that's how they make their money. The, the soccer game right there. Okay. I,
Starting point is 00:47:12 I heard that they make the, the, the most, they make the most money off like additional buy-ins, like additional, like on the Xbox, like buying stuff, like out of any games.
Starting point is 00:47:23 I want to say like a couple billion a year from this game mode that i that i uh that i live stream what what's the name of this game uh fifa 22 like it's another word another word for soccer like fifa federation uh caleb can you um i like the way nick talks to me like i'm a retard because i am a retard like i don't know any of this stuff i'll talk to military guys and they're using just acronyms left right and center i'm like how the fuck would i know that but you're like you explained to me what fifa is caleb can you look up to see how much money that game makes i feel like oh shit i got rid of the wrong dude there you go i feel like caleb would would know
Starting point is 00:48:01 maybe more about twitch but i just feel like i could be wrong but the demographic the age demographic with twitch is more like i think 14 14 to 13 years old i would say to about 30 yeah even the people who watch this show like when i look at my stats it's like there's no one like it's just a bunch of young dudes watching an old fucker like podcast i'm like what's wrong with you guys go chase girls i've been watching this show i mean that's all our generation does i mean i'm almost positive that our generation doesn't watch tv anymore like i don't have cable it's just all of my all oh my goodness how much it's 2.5 billion yeah exactly so but the third, the third quarter was 1.7 billion. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:48:47 and that's peep. That's kids spending their fucking parents money buying imaginary soccer players. Dude, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm going to tell you something. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:48:58 I have the greatest kids in the world. I have to get, if you have kids and you're in California, I will let your kids play with my kids for 500 bucks an hour. And they will fucking they'll bring a light. Your kids. My kids are like all little baby Jesuses, even though they're Jew boys. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Fuck. I met this kid the other day. He's a 15 year old kid. He's the greatest tennis player in the area. Right. He's dope. He's dope. And my kid plays tennis with them now on Sundays. It's crazy. And my kid's only seven. And, um,
Starting point is 00:49:30 and I'm, and of course, Nick, I put a weight vest on him when he plays five minutes on five minutes off unheard of. I ask all these other pro soccer or tennis coaches, you ever do that? They're like, no, why would we do that? I'm like, cause CrossFit tennis motherfucker. Anyway. And so I meet this 15 year old kid's dad dad and i'm like hey how's your kid so cool kid's like mature stands upright shakes hand a little shy like a 15 year old but cool shit and um and he goes well he didn't get a cell phone until last week and i'm thinking oh yeah i'm not giving my kid like yeah there's obby look at him normally i make him play barefoot too in training he plays barefoot with a weight vest stud i like that yeah it's gotta be it's gotta be life's hard right make life hard and he loves it
Starting point is 00:50:12 he thinks and he loves it and he know you know what he knows he knows he gets attention for that so on that tennis court where we're playing there's all these old people because this is during the day at a public tennis court and they see him and they just like it just imagine like these 70 and 80 year old people coming up to the chain link fence to watch this little seven-year-old play so he he's already just absorbing it and he's so polite he says hi to him and smiles at him and shakes their hand and i like it i like it you give them you're giving them no chance you know they're going to be savages i like that you know why why leave it up to chance you only have you only have so many kids, right? And when we drive by elementary schools, I stop.
Starting point is 00:50:49 And they're all fenced in and shit. And I'm like, do you want to hang with me or do you want to go in there? Go in the fucking cage to kids. They're like, we'll hang with you. I'm like, that's what I thought. It used to be cool, though, in the schoolyards. I agree. I had fun.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Years ago, we played soccer. We were running around, we were playing basketball. I was grinding up on, you know, little girls, my age. It was just, it was just a good time. The good old days. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Eighth grade teacher brings a banana to class and explains to you how condoms work. I missed that class, but my dad will be at my, me and my dad got into it the other day. He's all, what's your problem with such as sex education. I'm like, I don't have a problem with sex education.
Starting point is 00:51:29 The penis and the vagina should be talked about in terms of reproduction. Not no five-year-old should be told he can cut his penis off. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, but yeah, I mean, so you, so you go ahead. No, go no go ahead i had a point but i forgot you can go um so you do the so you basically you get injured and you step away is there an official step away from crossfit and was that hard was there like was there one day where you sat down and you're like yeah so i was uh i was doing the open last year and it was it was the first workout it was wall walks and wait last year yeah last year no you've been out longer than that no no no last
Starting point is 00:52:11 year i yeah i competed i did the first workout of the open excuse me wow okay in uh in nashville tennessee with uh with tia shane brooke wells i think god nick i feel like you've been gone for like three years no yeah well i i mean i'll be honest the hype the hype has kind of died out i would say okay no like like i i feel like everybody was like waiting to see what i would do and then you know injuries and time passing so i feel like maybe the hype just kind of died a little bit okay so and i i only stay on the tip of the spear i only stay on the hype for shit that will push my numbers so if you weren't on the tip of the spear. I only stay on the hype for shit that will push my numbers. So if you weren't on the tip of the spear, you had to.
Starting point is 00:52:47 No, and I don't blame you. And I don't blame you. I mean, you only got so much time in the day, you know? Right. Okay. So, so, so you do, so you do the open last year and. I only did the first workout and I just, I did horrendous. I was just sweating all over the place.
Starting point is 00:53:03 I was slipping. Tia was trying to steal the towel away from me. And I was like, don't steal it away. Like I'm sweating my balls off. Like, what are you doing? You know? But, um, and then after that, I kind of was like, all right, Nick, you know, you did, you did horrendous, you know, you've been thinking about kind of getting out and starting new ventures for a while, maybe this was, this was the time, you know, let me just, and again, you know, I cried like, like a little bitch and I, and I called my mom and I was just like, I was like, this, this needs to stop. Like I've been kind of faking it. Like I've been, I've been, I've been done probably for five to six months now, you know, I even kind of just forcing it and kind of, but, but moving on was one of the best things, you know, because it's true. You know, people say like time heals all.
Starting point is 00:53:51 Yeah, that is true. You know, once you find something else to occupy your time and, and something to chase, you know, it really does help. And then, so you fired up the Twitch account. Yeah. So I fired up the, uh, fired up the Twitch account. I kinda, I kinda said, fuck it. I was, I was, did you play? Did you, did you know? Sorry, go ahead. Sorry. No, no, no. up the twitch account yeah so i fired up the uh fired up the twitch account i kind of i kind of said fuck it i was i was did you play did you know sorry go ahead sorry no no you're good no no you're
Starting point is 00:54:10 good i it's better when you ask questions it kind of steers me oh so so you fire up a twitch account and um see a lot of people would be like hey i'm not gonna do that until i'm good but does it matter in twitch like could i just go in there and like as long as i have personality and like like is it driven by the best people is it driven by the ones with the most personality is it driven by well so that were the most real the most fake like look at those guys on instagram who are those guys caleb those those guys who are like i'm a soldier boy i got the bling bling ding. I got the boom boom boom.
Starting point is 00:54:53 Like, I have to say, assume that there's no one out there who thinks they're cool. But I follow them because I just want to know what's going on with pop culture. I'm like, wow, yeah, these guys. I did the ding ding. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Click on one of their things. Let's just get a little bit of so see how accurate i am now these guys are just like these guys are just i would say just rappers of this generation you know like you think those guys are you wait you think those guys are rappers is that what you said yeah i'm almost positive that these guys are rappers i'm pretty
Starting point is 00:55:22 sure they make music. Holy shit. Yeah. Yeah. And I want to say they call themselves the, the Island boys. Yeah. Right here. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:30 The Island boys. Yeah. Soldier boys. The Island boys. Yeah. Yeah. I'm almost positive. They make music.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Yeah. Wow. I never knew that they make dog shit music, but, um, but nowadays, uh, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:44 there's an audience for every for all kinds of music so you know i just thought that somehow that their parents were really rich and died and they're just burning through it as fast as they can and and they're just being funny like some part of me thinks that their tattoos might not even be real yeah it could be that uh you know the thing is though we're never gonna know that backstory you know like they're they're never gonna release the true i invited them on the podcast where uh it's the dm yeah and the dm i mean i had the liver king on all is possible yep all is possible and i don't know if you know this but um one of my friends that uh that used to play at the university of tennessee if you have the check mark on your instagram account yeah your message doesn't go to requests it goes to like a
Starting point is 00:56:31 special like section where i guess everybody sees it oh good that's what i was that yeah well you know what's funny is i can post something and i will only get like 500 views even though i have like 90 000 followers because i'm so shadow banned but i but i but that is the thing that's the whole reason i have an instagram account so i can get into people's dms and invite them onto the podcast that i mean that's probably people get excited when they see a blue check mark i get excited no i i tried to get a blue check mark but they uh they declined me rightfully so i mean it's only it's only the teenage division so now you should have dude there's goofballs how does josh bridges not have a blue check mark really
Starting point is 00:57:11 i mean if not even good dudes coffee has a blue check mark it's bizarre to me navy seal one of the best top top 10 best crossfitters ever to fucking play in the game and you can't get a blue check mark hey you know what that says though that says that crossfit's not doing their fucking job the worst ufc fighters get blue check marks that's what they do they just get them for them i mean look at that i mean i i wonder if he knows maybe the coolest dude in the game sorry go ahead you could actually you could actually put in for verification like you could actually put in like there's on the settings you could request a check mark yeah i would definitely tell him because i would have to imagine he hasn't because i mean what they look up a couple videos of him and they're gonna be like oh
Starting point is 00:57:53 sponsored by nike professional athlete right i would give him the check mark right but maybe but maybe someone over there just hates him because he was in the military could be oh that reminds me um somebody somebody commented on my instagram post and they were like but maybe they, but maybe someone over there just hates him. Cause he was in the military. Could be. Oh, that reminds me. Um, somebody, somebody commented on my Instagram posts and they were like from CrossFit games or teenage champion to gamer.
Starting point is 00:58:14 And then I, and then I wrote something like you look like shit or you look like dog shit. And then, uh, and then Instagram was like, we, we are,
Starting point is 00:58:23 we did not post this. It's like harmful content. And I was uh, and then Instagram was like, we, we are, we did not post this. It's like harmful content. And I was like, what? So I had to like rephrase it to where like, it was nice enough, but I could still get a dig at the guy. You know what I'm saying? So that was kind of weird. That was like my first ever, that was like my first ever problem with Instagram.
Starting point is 00:58:38 And I've been on it for, I would say eight, nine years. It, um, that's a great picture. It happens to me. It happens to me every day nick um i did that i posted a video of um myself doing 50 burpees for time and my wife um posted on there i'm gonna go beat your score right now your time now and instagram pulled pulled down they sent her we pulled down your post because of violent um reference uh threatening violence i'm gonna beat your score yeah so i heard hey dude and elon's gonna buy anyone who thinks oh god i'm gonna fuck about to go off okay go ahead i heard that on your previous podcast i truly think they're probably
Starting point is 00:59:18 just fucking with you like that you're probably and i would have to imagine you're in a category of like you know hey we gotta watch this guy and i sure they just, I'm sure they're just like, hey, the word beat, get the fuck out of here, you know? I bet you there's not one person who believes in global warming. Not one. Not one who's read a book on the science of global warming. Like the real science on it. Like who hasn't, who's not a um didn't watch just uh convenient truth an inconvenient truth i bet you're not one i've never met one i've never
Starting point is 00:59:52 met i talk to people about it all the time those things like anti-vax and and global warming those are things that just like they've become weapons to pick on to pick on people they've become weapons to pick on, to pick on people. They've just become, uh, it's kind of like someone said the other day, I was watching, I think it was, I heard the milk boy, milk boys. Do you know who those guys are?
Starting point is 01:00:13 Yeah. Yeah. Big YouTubers. Yep. They interviewed Donald Trump. Uh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Yeah. Like a month ago. Yeah. Yeah. It was, it was, it was, it was,
Starting point is 01:00:20 did you see that interview? Yeah. So I watched it live. Yep. Before it got, yeah, me too. Before it got pulled down.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Yeah. They, they had like a hundred thousand live people it was insane to watch how nice are those boys like like those are nice like those well i'm they come across like nice boys they're not like they're not dipshits no i would say more fun though they're fun yeah they're just chasing a good time every day but that that what does really well on youtube having a good ass fucking time you know what i'm saying giving away a lamborghini yeah but that's that's that's a different like it's like so before them there was people like like they're like the logan brothers there's a little bit there's like some hostility there
Starting point is 01:00:59 um dan blazerian it's it's just all pussy and drugs but these guys are like like the nelk boys are like, you'd have them over. My kids could hang out with them. By the way, before I forget this, so you had Elliot Hulse on the podcast. Oh, God, I love him. This will tell you how much I've been on YouTube. I used to watch him, and I bought a strength camp, like skinny. He had like a T, like a guineainea tea and it was like camo and it
Starting point is 01:01:26 said strength camp that was the name of his gym and i used to wear it to high school when i was like 14 or 15 just because i was a huge fan of his his little videos that he used to put up like you know how to increase your bench press 30 pounds and then how to get legs like a friggin buffalo like you know just shit like that so um i love that i want to come to this comment this is exactly where i was going rich it's gonna be so funny what that's exactly where i was going um caleb can you look up the term guinea tea i'd like to see guinea tea please for 500 uh caleb i'll take guinea questions on guinea i fucking love it my my i put my my kids always wear the same outfit they wear a wife beater and black tights girls tights because
Starting point is 01:02:11 that's what burrish a sleeveless shirt worn by bosses a name that most retards don't recognize as another word for wife beater i like how you go on urban dictionary it's funny a gangster northern way to say wife beater or tank top isn't guinea like italian is that is it derogatory for italian uh yeah yeah that's awesome wow so they're kind of stepping on the mexicans turf because mexicans had that that they got the wife beater if it's a white beater on west coast and guinea tea on the east coast i guess so yeah that's so good i guess but i but i but my aunt actually says wife feeder though so yeah that might be over here on the east coast my aunt yeah yeah my aunt loves to loves to talk some shit hey um can you can you pull up mikhail baryshnikov uh caleb mikhail baryshnikov, Caleb? Mikhail Baryshnikov. He's a ballet dancer from back in the day.
Starting point is 01:03:07 Anyway, Elon's going to buy. What's funny is so Elon's going to buy Twitter and some things are going to go away. Like that's going to cure global warming. And it's so funny that people don't know that. Like it's going to cure so many things. He owns 9% of Twitter now. It's going to totally change everything because it's going to allow a fair and open discussion if someone owns it who doesn't censor. Let me see.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Go to images. Maybe go to images and see his – my mom always was into Mikhail Baryshnikov, and so I always thought he must be the man. Let me see if there's a picture of the picture that burned in my head. Keep scrolling down. Anyway, the picture in my head is him in black tights and a wife beater. And he was always like surrounded by hot women. And he was a ballet dude that was straight. So that's how I dress my boys.
Starting point is 01:03:59 And that's how I know. That's another reason how I know gender is bullshit because that's my idea of masculine. But everyone around me, they're like, why do you put your boy in girls' tights? I'm like, because that shit's hard. Yeah. Do they – Because I made it up. Sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Do they ever ask to wear something of their own? Like, are they ever – no? No, they do. They do. That kind of – they don't – here's the thing. My kids live in – they do. My kids are really, really, really free. They're capable capable of just anything i'll let them do whatever they want but i keep them in such a tight loop do you know what i mean so my kids would never think to dye their hair
Starting point is 01:04:35 because i don't let them like um peruse the internet or if my kids said to me um uh i want to dye my hair red i would just ignore them i wouldn't react there's no yes or there's no no there's no like fine go in the fucking yard and squeeze some berries in your fucking hair there's fucking blueberries over there you know what i mean like make up your own shit i'm i don't i think you're a fucking jackass if you're a parent and you let your kid dye their hair at seven and yet my kids are so free other parents are like i can't believe you swear around your kids fuck you but i but i won't let my kids say the word disgusting because that i think that's a moron word like i wouldn't let them see a spider and be like hey
Starting point is 01:05:18 that spider is disgusting no that spider is actually not disgusting it's an amazing creature with an exoskeleton that can shoot fucking webs from its ass and fucking build a web let's check it out let's use some discrete let's let's let's see the world for what it is like like just a trip parents are tards they're they just they're on auto fucking pilot you cannot be on autopilot your kid is a cobra a king cobra and would you ever like go on autopilot if you were trapped in a room with a cobra no you'd be like what the fuck is this dude doing yeah you're always on edge maybe try to grab its neck but um yeah yeah yeah but but you don't but you don't do stupid stuff yeah yeah you have to stay on guard like my kids will be like hey can i have a cookie like i don't like i don't even say yes or no yeah like that they're just it's just thought. I just let it pass for them. I wonder,
Starting point is 01:06:06 I wonder if it was the same for you. I know that I always spoke differently. You always what? I always spoke differently, like at home in front of my parents. And then when I was at school with the boys, me too. Oh man. Like it was,
Starting point is 01:06:18 that's where I kind of learned how to like bullshit and kind of, you know, have a good time and, and talk through things and kind of interact on, on a different of, you know, have a good time and talk through things and kind of interact on, on a different level, you know, just from being in this area and just being so on top of each other. This is the podcast with Nick Palladino. I only text back my friends who have blue check marks during the show.
Starting point is 01:06:48 Yeah. Yeah. So that's the thing. So right now I get up and do the podcast and my kids are doing schoolwork. The second I come out of here, I'm going to take them to this. We got new trucks for one of their skateboards. I'm going to take them to the skateboard shop. Then we're going to go to the skate park.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Then we're going to come over and we're going to hit tennis balls. Then we're going to come over and we're going to hit tennis balls. Then we're going to come home and we're going to go into the garage and we're going to work out. And by then it'll be like one o'clock and they'll have had their fucking fill of me and I'll have had my fill of them. And that's it. Then they're free. They go play in the yard. Like by free, I mean, they can do whatever they want. Usually they'll play music or they'll go in the yard and throw rocks or they have, they love chalk or they do chalk, but they have their own shit they can do.
Starting point is 01:07:27 And they do that shit until like four or five. They have three hours of free time to run around the house or do whatever they want. Eat, you know, they just can't watch TV. And, uh, and then at five o'clock it's back on again. We do some shit. We fuck around some more, but yeah, they need structure and discipline. Can't throw rocks at the side of the house. You can throw rocks that way towards the back you know away from the house and if you do
Starting point is 01:07:49 throw a rock at the house i'm gonna come out here and it's like someone's gonna do 100 burpa burpees 100 burpees yeah yeah it's like it's pretty the other day they were in the shower the three of them there's no fighting in the shower like it's three boys so they fight a lot right tons of punching and headlocks so they're fighting in the shower i turn the shower off i hand them each a towel i take them into the garage i throw them each a pair of underwear 100 burpees someone smarter back 110 burpees for all you motherfuckers they're laughing right the whole time but they did it they crushed 110 they're talking shit to me the whole time yeah they got back and took their towel took their underwear off get the fuck back in the shower no more punching yeah easy yeah easy day one of my friends who only yeah one of my friends who only has one kid
Starting point is 01:08:32 they they brought up something really interesting to me yesterday you can't really do that with one kid like i could be really rough on my boys because they have each other yeah it's me against them so like i'll be like hey 20 burpees for fucking punching your brother and all three of me like we'll all do it fuck you i mean they don't say fuck you but you know what i mean like that's the impression they give me we're sticking together i'm like yeah well you're all gonna do 25 together and then they do it and they laugh at me and run off i'm like so you know what i mean but if you have one kid they start crying and enjoy enjoy it savon because you know 10 more years they're gonna be
Starting point is 01:09:05 they're gonna be going their ways you know oh thank you no the hell no i'm keeping my kid in the basement with twitch when they when they turn hey if he if he's entertaining then then he could definitely make a living on there hey why not why not do twitch um why not get in really good shape and just do twitch shirtless so so what's the next what's the next level where are you going to take your twitch by the way these girls are pretty are those your daughters christine mchugh thank you for the five dollars look at that five bucks coming but um so so the next the next level the next the next idea i have is is i want to start some YouTube. Introducing TD Insurance for Business with customized coverage options for your business.
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Starting point is 01:10:39 Please play responsibly. But I kinda, I don't want to... don't like live the same thing that you do on Twitch but on YouTube no so on YouTube I kind of want to do what the what's similar to like what the Nelk boys do you know Logan Paul like I kind of want to do pranks I want to do kind of like fun shit to be honest like I so I don't know if you saw this but the Nelk boys they did this they did this tow truck prank where they where they dressed up like you know tow truckers and they were like hey man you know we got to take the car and you know it would cause like a like a like a confrontation and this and
Starting point is 01:11:13 that and that's you know so i i want i want to do like shit like that i was thinking about maybe maybe waxing my whole chest that might be and then remaking the 40 year old virgin scene remember when they uh yeah he waxes his chest. So I kind of, I don't want to limit myself to CrossFit and I don't want to limit myself to the game that I play on Twitch. Is that the only game you play,
Starting point is 01:11:35 just that soccer game? So I've tried to play shooting games and I've tried to play baseball and maybe one or two other games. But for some reason, the FIFA community, the soccer community, it's,
Starting point is 01:11:48 it's just, since I've started, you know, I've built up right over 3000 followers. Um, wow. Yeah. And then you'll have 3000 people.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Will they all watch you at the same time? No, no, no. So, so I would say on average right now, I'm averaging around 50 people. Okay. Like we, when I'm streaming and then, so I would say on average right now, I'm averaging around 50 people. Okay. Like we,
Starting point is 01:12:09 when I'm streaming and then I say I would hit 70 people, maybe max 90 people and I'm, I'm almost hitting the a hundred people range, but I mean, you know, just with everything else, you know, it's going to take time, you know, you got to build up the community and, and keep going. But I do want to start the YouTube cause I'm sure, you know, you do it. YouTube can be, can be good money. It's but it's so fucking hard, dude. Yeah, but I mean, I like it, but it's so much work, dude.
Starting point is 01:12:35 No, of course. Like, I don't fuck around at all. I would like to hear your take on it, Sivan. But I feel like I feel like having a CrossFit channel, it kind of like it kind of puts almost like a cap on you. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
Starting point is 01:12:50 I want to be free. That's why in my Instagram, I just put entertainer. Like, I just want to be up to do everything just because I feel like that will let you get to the million subscribers on YouTube. That will get you above a million. That's when you can make a sustainable living a sustainable living and then do you know x y and z so we don't even have we don't even do ours in the sports category i wouldn't i didn't check the sports category i'm in such denial i'm in such denial but but but even when i was at CrossFit, I was in... It's not that I don't like CrossFit or sport.
Starting point is 01:13:32 I used to watch every single 49er game and every single Raider game. And at one point, I realized, I'm not a football fan. Because if one of them didn't go to the Super Bowl, I didn't watch the Super Bowl. You give two fucks. I was a team fan. And so it's like... Because if one of them didn't go to the Super Bowl, I didn't watch the Super Bowl. You give two fucks.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I was a team fan. And so it's like last night on the live stream, Patrick Vellner chimed in in the comments. And I was so flattered and tickled by that, right? Big name. Yeah, it's a big name. And Fikowski cracked a joke at me in there and i'd never seen him in the comments and that's kind of why i do it like because i want to interact with these really fucking cool people i want to interact with um nick paladino who um has a hardcore italian family um who really was into sports who is kind of a weird overachiever
Starting point is 01:14:28 already planning his own homeschooling at 16 and then pivots to twitch with confidence like that's that's i just want to know people but i really like some people like really care about crossfit and like i don't besides the fact that like it lets my mom pick up my, my, my, um, my kids. Yep. Like if they're in the house, if they're at her house visiting her and the place burns, I don't have to worry about my mom. My mom can grab these fuckers and drag them outside. Or at most 79, like, I don't know if my, my dad can, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, the, the number way have may have went down a little bit, but there's always going to be CrossFit diehards.
Starting point is 01:15:03 You know, there's always going to be people waiting for the the open announcements you know documentaries that they release this and that that'll never go away yeah i don't mind i don't even mind the docs because at least then you get to watch them like runner i like the slow-mo stuff i like watching them run around naked um it was a fake brent fik. You're breaking my heart. Breaking my heart. I guess, I guess somebody could have took the name, but on YouTube, it's usually like whenever I see rich on the,
Starting point is 01:15:33 like in the comments, it says rich froning. Yeah. I just wouldn't let everybody gets their actual name. Whenever the first time rich commented in one of the comments, I fucking like, I, I was a hundred percent certain it wasn't him, but it was him.
Starting point is 01:15:46 Yeah, too good to be true, right? Yeah, and I just held my pillow that night and went to sleep. I purred. Hey, of all these people you've trained with, do you have a favorite? Yeah, Tia. It's got to be Tia. Really? Why is that?
Starting point is 01:16:00 Do you have a favorite? Yeah, Tia. It's got to be Tia. Really? Why is that? You know, she was just always just wanted to see me improve and help. And she was never, she was never like judgmental. Like, like I remember, like I let a little, I let a little story leak. I don't want to let too many go.
Starting point is 01:16:21 Yeah. Yeah. Let them all go. Let's do this. Let's do this. So I don't, I don't know if someone just texted me and said, is he opening up? Yes,
Starting point is 01:16:29 he's about to hold on. Let me text him back. Is about to. Okay. So I don't know. I don't know if, if he's ever told you about this, but Matt and Rich,
Starting point is 01:16:42 they were doing froning and Fraser versus versus the world and this was when i first moved to cookville and that was rich and matt did a team workout and then posted it online their time and was like hey if you beat us you know then you get whatever prize xyz so that was like in the beginning and i remember us i remember i remember us doing jump rope and this was this was kind of like in the beginning when we first you know matt got in the group we all met at the gym in the morning and i remember us doing double unders and we would just all you know we would always you know like three like three guys i think angelo was there at the time we'd all just be messing around you know calling jokes and i remember doing some double unders at the time
Starting point is 01:17:20 and then so after after i won the games my second year right before my mom said hey if you win the crossfit games i'll buy you a car so you can imagine savannah i was just like holy shit i am gonna just obliterate everybody you know and and at the time that she told me that actually at the games i wasn't thinking about you know car but um so we were doing double unders and i and i remember them just saying like oh look at thinking about, you know, car. But so we were doing double unders and I, and I remember them just saying like, Oh, look at, look at Nick, you know, mommy's Mercedes. Like, you know, they were just busting balls, but, but Tia was always just, was always just, you know, there for you, you know, but Matt,
Starting point is 01:17:57 Matt was also really nice to train with too. You know, Matt was good. And so was rich, rich was, he, he was the first guy that that gave me tough love he was like hey if you want to be here you got to earn it like you gotta you know you got to come in my dad's barn you know seniors barn and you got to do all the workouts we got to do and you got to go jump in the pond and then whenever you're tired like i told you and i'll see you the next day and i didn't you know i just turned my brain off and i and i just loved it i just trained all day all night but you know it was definitely
Starting point is 01:18:30 different it was definitely different stages like the like training with rich was way different with training with like matt and tia and that was like way different than training at like reebok with austin aliolo and hobart, how do you mean different? Like what could be so different? And do you not like chopping it up? Do you, are you like, I,
Starting point is 01:18:51 I, I did this podcast with Josh and Matt. We did like 20 episodes and there was this, even though people liked it, the dynamic was bizarre to me because Matt, Matt often takes jokes as real. Okay. So like, I might be like hey could you pull that hat down any further like that hat you're wearing right now and he might and he would say something like well actually and i'm just like chopping on him because he's wearing too
Starting point is 01:19:16 late be like actually i can there's a little space between here and here and he would like fuck up the good joke you know what i mean like he would be like like they like there's a um it's not a bad trait it's just that that we're on a different um you know whereas rich rich you know it's it's like like everything's like there's so much joking right there's there's so much joking but with that for some reason there's like almost none it's bizarre and i would get off the thing and people would always dm me be like hey there, there'd be like, he didn't get this joke. He didn't get this joke. And it was weird. I, um,
Starting point is 01:19:47 I, it's not a dig though, by the way, you know what I'm saying? It's not, it's just like, Hey, we're on a different wavelength from knowing him.
Starting point is 01:19:53 I think he just, he hasn't let you like fully in yet because like from training at, at the gym with him, like he, he, he could, he could joke around a lot. Like he likes to talk about like some you
Starting point is 01:20:05 know immature shit and he likes to have a good time you know so that that's what i feel like it might be i just feel like 20 it might be because he's in the public eye too you know what i mean like okay he has everything to lose i got nothing to lose yeah true yeah like you can't crack a joke saying hey your your your your your podium um banana pancake flavor tastes like this vagina i had one time when i was 20 you probably can't say that to mad on the air right yep no probably not but behind the scenes you could he's a really good time but um i actually i texted him about about twitch and um and he was telling me that he actually had some friends like
Starting point is 01:20:46 in the twitch space that like play their video games and they were making like godly amounts of money a month like north of like fifty thousand dollars a month wow and to me that's a lot of money i mean yeah i'm not sure how it is but so i you know i texted him i kind of just gave him a whole spiel like hey you know there's anybody that could you know that would be that would introduce you to video games it would probably be me you know but he never really jumped on the opportunity and stuff but does he play no i don't think he plays anything i think he's making way more than 50 000 a month now oh with hard work pays off yeah oh yeah yeah yeah he i'm sure he has a lot of people to sign up yeah i'm sure he has a ton of people to sign up how caleb how much does that cost to sign up how much do you hi are you work caleb you still on the show hi i um caleb wants to be in the
Starting point is 01:21:40 military so bad that's why he always wears the fatigues i was i was actually really really really surprised that uh that matt kind of like turned into like full-time coaching dude the first time i interviewed him he was like he was granted he was young he was like fuck this i'm gonna win the games bunch of times take my money move into log cabin fuck you guys i ain't never opened a gym nothing yeah so he and then and then now he's like he's turning to like check out my protein powder hell i'm gonna get some uh this and this and this i don't know yeah he's turned into a full fucking marketing to be honest with you of all the fucking people i know out there i was actually thinking about this the other day
Starting point is 01:22:20 sorry for just sucking my own dick so hard right here i don't know one person who tells the truth besides me everyone else is fucking guard i don't know one i don't know what now i see them out there they're out there i see them you know what i mean like elliot holst and like there's people out there who are telling the truth yep yep and and i can explain to you what the truth is if someone wants to know for starters you have to know the difference between an idea and what's real like this is a hat that's real it's pretty that's an idea that's in my head that's just an idea um uh it's not true um but everyone i know around me relative to me like they're just not real yeah it's crazy i i have to be careful what I say around them They can't go everywhere In their head
Starting point is 01:23:05 I'll go anywhere It's weird I don't even know if it's possible for me to do a podcast With someone like Matt ever again And that's his prerogative Right? He wants to be safe He wants to be safe
Starting point is 01:23:20 Yeah, he wants to be safe I think he wanted to be free When we started i think it looked appealing it looks appealing it's fun i'm i mean that i'm also the happiest person i know too because i'm free yeah that's the route that from you know from training with him that's what i thought he was going to take i thought he was going to like this like come out like this like yeah yeah yeah and maybe become a plumber you know just you know and that's what i thought he was gonna do so this was this was crazy to see and he runs in that he has an empire now that's what i'm saying it looks like it and he's good at it and he's fucking good at it
Starting point is 01:23:56 look at mallory o'brien she's fucking killing it his athletes are fucking yeah shop wrecker he that i've i've always noticed so, he always looked at me as a competitor because I'm sure you've heard him. He, but he never gave me any secrets. He would never give me like any tips. He would never give me like, Hey, I drink, you know, 10 scoops of Gatorade powder and eight ounces of water. And that's what I do. Like, he never told me any of that stuff, but he always had a watchful eye on me. Like sometimes I would hit like a, say a two 25 snatches warming up and I would hear him just be like, nice. So he's always had a watchful eye on me like sometimes i would hit like a say a 225 snatch is warming up and i would hear him just be like nice so he's always had a watchful eye you know and that that might have came from his i guess weightlifting days when he was young because
Starting point is 01:24:33 that's all weightlifting is is you know you look at you know you look to the ass cheeks down to the ankles you know all the way up so he's very calculated yes yep and he's always been he's always been like i remember i remember when we first got to cookville he um he ended up buying a sauna and it looked like an igloo and then he he was like yo nick is there any chance that me you sammy we're gonna get like some straps and we're gonna hook it up we're gonna bring it back to his backyard so like right when he went to cookville he knew he wanted a sauna right next to a you know a nice bath so he's really he's really calculated and sometimes i would go over his house after we had added like a training day and like to go have dinner and he would like he would be just off like a 50 minute bike ride and i'd be like
Starting point is 01:25:20 i'd be like what was that for and he'd be like oh nothing so that for? And he'd be like, oh, nothing. So he would always keep a thing or two down below. But like you said, yeah. I think he's going to make some great athletes. I wouldn't be surprised if he has 5,000 to 10,000 people on this program worldwide. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised either because of the of the fact that it's kind of it's kind of still newer yeah i think they just did like a relaunch like a week ago or something i was watching some lives and stuff so i bet you that fucked him up switching platforms oh i bet you that fucked him up i i was if i was his friend i'd have had a fucking
Starting point is 01:26:06 pretty hard course because someone you know how it goes trying to build people up on one platform and then once that gets fucked with oh my yeah dude if every single person who i have on autopay on my credit cards were to contact me and say hey just you know we need you to punch in your credit card again because we're switching platforms a hundred percent across the board. I turned them all off. Yep. Even if I love the product, cause I'd want to start over again. I'd be like, I'm good. I'll sign up later. Yep. Yep. Like, I like, I would let my serious account, my cable, I'd let everything go just so I can just do it again. Just so I could like, and, and, and I had a friend who was fucking killing it multi-millionaire in um
Starting point is 01:26:46 in uh southern california i think it's newport or something and he he did that he had a subscription service and he switched from like one platform to like stripe or something and he said he lost 50 of his business yep and so yeah switching switch anyway, I think he's killing it. Um, I, the, uh, it sounds like that podium thing has a fucking, um, um, million people fucking drinking that shit. Um, so, and he's got, but he's also got a lot of investors and a lot, like a lot of people involved in that. I don't know what else he's involved in.
Starting point is 01:27:21 The aerial shots of his property in vermont are insane yeah it's it's beautiful um and i don't know what his deal with is with uh mal o'brien and jason hopper but i'm guessing that on some level it's they do well and the whole brand elevates right yep i mean i i think matt also his mental game i think if he can kind of like give off his mental game where like you know you eat sleep breathe CrossFit you know you have to have kind of somebody cooking your meals you know you got to shave your head not to worry about anything I think if he can give that mindset off that would probably be the most valuable thing because i think that's what separated him the most like in crossfit from and then made him you know how good he is it's just his discipline
Starting point is 01:28:11 how about tia did you see that same discipline from her yes yep and how about rich uh rich rich i just i've never seen just somebody trained. I watched the videos, and then when I moved to Cookville, I was like, wow, we're really going to do five workouts a day. We're going to lift twice, and then we're going to go do a Henshaw track workout, and we're going to do that six days a week. I was like, damn. And then whenever I started training with matt and tia i was like wow these guys are spending like a little less time in the gym but it was obviously still working for him you know so i think there's just i think there's so many different methods to do you know someone was explaining to me the other day that they know rich is i'm clean 100 by the way he
Starting point is 01:29:02 trains and i go what do you mean and they go that's the way the only way you can be as good as rich for that long is just to constantly he said um he said you can't take time off uh shit will just start eroding and they said his fucking they i wish i could explain it better i gotta get this person on the podcast to explain to me it was i was buying it i was like i mean i've never thought rich was on anything but i was just like wow this is like hey did you ever see of all those people that you ever gazillion people you train with do you ever see anyone who's on anything uh no like like any like actual like stuff that would get them yeah yeah no like you never like we're in the locker room and jane doe has a fucking three doctors around her shooting her up with something
Starting point is 01:29:45 no no never anything like that doing like a blood swap they got like you walk in there and there's a horse next to a person and they're switching blood that would be like some movie shit you know like how you get introduced to them like in your sport you know but no that's uh unfortunately good shit like that never happened uh nick's fall off the box at 17.1 was incredible what a legend good to see him on gary thank you guardy guardy guardy guardy sanchez how many people call him gary my goodness yeah that was a good time i um so we fell off the i fell off the box and i think the rule was was your your toes have to come off the box before like your chest or like your hands or whatever hit the ground. And me and, or I didn't do that. So I had to end up actually redoing that
Starting point is 01:30:32 workout. That's always fun, right? Yeah. But we, we, I, we ended up doing better, I think so. But I actually, I thought I broke my wrist. Like the next morning I was like, oh shit. i like it just kills me just to move it like back and forth but thankfully you know a couple weeks later when you see when you would see um rich in in in uh matt interact did you know oh this is not this is destined to be there's gonna be a breakup here you know like when you see a couple together like oh that shit ain't gonna last uh no in the beginning it was like oh like it was it was enjoyable like we were just meeting at the gym and and i got to give it to matt matt is is really like you won't i don't
Starting point is 01:31:16 know if you think this but he's really like goes with the flow like he was ready just to do whatever like you know rich wanted to write on the board so just seeing that matt was kind of ready just to do whatever like, you know, Rich wanted to write on the board. So just seeing that Matt was kind of ready just to, you know, fit in right away. I thought I thought it was going to last. And then and then kind of unexpectedly just, you know, one after another, you know, you just kind of seeing them apart. And then I kind of, you know, still training with Rich. But then I was also kind of going to matt's garage sometimes to train and that actually caused some issues with with me and me and the team and kind of just the whole the whole aura of it so then i eventually decided just to
Starting point is 01:32:00 stick with matt and tia like for the last of the two years and stuff but um but I recently I recently reached out to Rich um a couple months ago and um because we me and Rich you know I don't I wonder how he would feel about it but me and him were really close I mean you know I was at his house multiple times I mean training we would talk you know probably, probably, you know, I, but it kind of ended, I would say harshly almost like I kind of left and kind of trained like with the next group, but I kind of just reached out and, you know, just told them like, I was really grateful for like those experiences. I mean, what kid at 17, 18 years old is, is training side-by-side rich and learning, you know, from the best. I just wish that my body could have kept up.
Starting point is 01:32:46 And that, I give it to Haley. I give it to Haley so much because my body couldn't last like two, three years of Rich Froning training. And she's like the Terminator. She just trains and then she just wakes up better the next day and it doesn't hurt her so shout out hayley in her reputation there's crazy yeah i would say i would say she kind of picked up the rich aura like you know yeah go get your
Starting point is 01:33:19 ass being a workout go see hayley yeah yeah maybe even more so like she's taking it in row with it like you know the story there is if rich isn't there like and you walk in the gym and hayley's there turn the other way yeah because you're gonna be doing three fucking gnarly workouts in a row and she's gonna and you're not gonna be able to say no so i guess you ran krennikoff and gee they both have stories now they're like what the fuck happened i can't believe khanikov because i actually competed against uh roman in the uh italy showdown in 2019 that guy's gas tank is titanium i mean he doesn't get tired i mean all of the conditioning workouts you know skier burpees muscle-ups i mean he just finishes top of the line so to hear that to him and ricky how
Starting point is 01:34:05 about ricky to gerard sorry different oh oh so that that i have a good story about that so i was um i was at the crossfit games 2017 just as a spectator and that's when ricky you know had the great year and i was walking on the outside and i saw him and his brother ben by a tree and this was like maybe the day before the last day and i was like yo this guy is inspiring me like i want to go over and i want to like give him a handshake so i went over to him and i was like hey man like i just want to tell you like you're killing it you're crushing it like keep going he was just like thanks man and then you know it all came out that he was fucking pumping you know horse fucking tranquilizer in his ass but i love
Starting point is 01:34:45 him but he i had him on this show i love him and i love benny too he did a real good job of keeping his height i would say throughout his four-year hiatus and and you know i would say it would have been easier for him just to fade away and just disappear so props to that because he's a bro he's a bro he's such a bro i want to um like when you hang with him or like when he was on the podcast he's just um he seems like that guy i'd be like ah fuck it give me some sarms like fuck it i'll take some steroids fuck it he's just if you'll do it i'll do it he's such he's such a good dude he he's the kind of guy like if um like you could just i feel like if he lived next door to me i could just walk over to his house and be like hey you want to
Starting point is 01:35:30 go surfing and like he's like yeah and you guys just jump in the van like you know i mean he's not he doesn't need a shower he doesn't need like he's just a low maintenance dude he seems like dude god he's a god he's a fucking savage did you see his performance in dubai no i did not oh my goodness he put it to roman although i don't really follow the like the the competitions like that to be honest i watched across the games but i wouldn't follow him either yeah i'm not really you know i got but i but i get to know these guys and then i want to start following and i hang out with like um i have this dude brian on my show a bunch who talks about the games so then i learn about it and it makes me more interested in it i like i like brian he seems like he i could be wrong you know he probably started crossfit shit before i
Starting point is 01:36:13 did but he seems like he's kind of a next like a like a new generation kind of like sports caster does that make any sense maybe right like yeah he's kind of i like him just because he's committed and he's doing it because he likes it the other guys are like like he's kind of i like him just because he's committed and he's doing it because he likes it the other guys are like like he gives you he gives you the deep insight yeah and it's just him yeah he just enjoys it you can tell yeah the other guys are like trying to not not all of them but like you know there's other guys who are trying to be uh sportscasters like they watched a shitload of espn and they're like okay i'm gonna do that hello and welcome to the 2022 no bullshit games i'm here with my partner tommy marquez
Starting point is 01:36:54 tommy great to see you buddy i look at a 22 gauge in your ear fantastic yeah i mean that that you know crossfit killed that off right they put a stake into that so well i know those guys those guys rule the show now those guys rule the show well i just mean like you know the the days of of you know commentators like you know that being on espn kind of no i think they still do all that i think they do all that don't they cross is not on espn anymore i i know i know they switched to nbc i know they did that oh right okay yeah that's all the same to me right okay yeah i guess they're yeah they're probably not too much different but it's all does twitch have censorship oh yeah so they actually they have this called
Starting point is 01:37:38 terms of service and they actually have words that you cannot use maliciously against people one of them actually like you can't call somebody a virgin wow yeah like if wow exactly that's some dork shit that is awesome you could call me a virgin on my channel if you ever have the urge just call me up for my live calling i'll be like yo someone you're a virgin yeah but then i then i got a habit and then i'll and then i'll get kicked off. I'll get the can on Twitch. Could you say, last night I went out and fucked three trannies? I just don't think it could be malicious.
Starting point is 01:38:15 Like, you can't. Right, right. Yeah. Like, as long as you're just— I fucked three beautiful trannies. That's good. Yeah, as long as you're not, you know, I guess bashing them. Malicious.
Starting point is 01:38:23 My goodness. But luckily, in the six months I've been doing i've not no copyright strikes no no nothing some uh so on the playstation you could do this thing called share play so if they if they send you an invite on their playstation wherever in the world you can actually take access like control over whatever game they're playing on their playstation like you can play like you know like two on two or whatever yeah yeah and so this one guy i like to get into people's playstation because they have these nice packs and it gives me content to do right this one guy was like hey you know let's do it come into my thing uh whatever and he sent me a picture of of two guys fucking and i i pulled it up right away and i was like oh
Starting point is 01:39:10 shit and i just like changed the twitch and i only had i think i want to say 30 maybe 40 people at the time yeah nobody said anything i don't know whether they were just like mature i don't know whether i just like because i switched off really quick i don't know what happened but then i had was it a still picture or it was a still picture in the messages so once i opened his messages it was just yeah it was it was tough even if they are a virgin yeah i guess even if they are virgin well no you just can't be like you know you're a little virgin or you're a little you know something like that i bet you know, something like that. I bet you're a virgin. I'm 15. I had sex with the neighbor's daughter.
Starting point is 01:39:50 You're a virgin. I'd have to imagine like assuming would probably would probably toe the line. You know, I was a virgin forever. Those were good years. Until what age? 18. My girlfriend, I had the same girlfriend from when I was 16 until I was 18. She told me I could have sex with her. I just didn't. I had other shit to do.
Starting point is 01:40:10 See, that's interesting. I couldn't wait. I remember when I was 15. Well, I kind of did it because I was like, fuck, I should do this before I graduate. What if she leaves me? I don't have anyone to try this with. Oh man. Whenever my girlfriend left me at 17, I don't have anyone to try this with. Oh man. Whenever my girlfriend left me at 17, I remember, I remember like thinking like,
Starting point is 01:40:27 yo, this might be the last, you know, piece of piece of ass I ever got in my life. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what it's like when you're a young man,
Starting point is 01:40:34 you have a girlfriend. You can't believe that there's a girl who lets you like touch her body. You're like, what? And then now it's gone. Have you seen me? Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 01:40:42 that too. And I was, I was working out all day. Like I was in the gym. So my, my girlfriend was like, what the fuck, Nick? Like you're just was working out all day like i was in the gym so my my girlfriend was like what the fuck nick like you're just at the gym all day long you know you don't do shit so yeah that was that was a tough breakup but breaks your heart oh man i just i i have a girlfriend now no actually i haven't had a girlfriend for probably four four years now wow yeah i had a girlfriend in uh in nashville tennessee are you avoiding it on purpose i'm just yeah i just i really feel like most people won't admit
Starting point is 01:41:13 it but i feel like it's a distraction you know in some sense i mean you know obviously you can make it not a distraction and you can you know keep going and still achieve whatever you want but you know how it goes savannah eventually she's to want to deviate your time a little bit to cater towards her. And that'll take from your time kind of chasing your goal and your dream. So I kind of don't push it. I don't force it, you know? Right.
Starting point is 01:41:38 It's not you're opposed to one. No, I'm not opposed to one. But she got to get in where she fit in. True, true. I was more opposed to one a couple years ago like two three years ago whenever i was all crossfit just because i was traveling a lot i knew that i wouldn't be i knew you know i wouldn't be able to sustain one but now i'm kind of like i'm ready maybe maybe you know open to something kick it with a girl see if it goes somewhere but then again siobhan i mean i got time man 23 i mean what you well no no yeah yeah you have plenty of time i was just thinking relationships are
Starting point is 01:42:09 here's why it's so nice i've been with my wife so long because we've had a lot of fights and so usually if you're in a relationship with someone you'll have the same fight over and over and over and it kind of just takes different forms and so by the time we by the time we had kids we we'd not only we'd had all the fights we needed to have, but we had worked through them. And, of course, once we had kids, that gave us a whole bunch of new shit to fight about. But it's cool. The longer you're with someone or just relationships allow – it's like practice. It's like training.
Starting point is 01:42:41 That's the only reason why it's nice to have relationships. training that's the only reason why it's it's like nice to have relationships i i'm disgusted by um i feel sorry for people who they get into relationships and there's rules like if you're with someone if you're with someone and you're with a woman or you're with a man and they say i have boundaries or if they project anything onto you, they say that like, um, if, if, man, this,
Starting point is 01:43:10 I don't know if we want to fall into these weeds, but, but you shouldn't be with anyone like that. Yeah, no, I agree with someone who completely lets you free and gets in where they fit in. Fuck you in your date night.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Fuck you in those rules. Like me and my wife have the most amazing relationship and we're two fucking cheetahs running side by side in the fucking savannah and like if there's a lot of hard times but um but but every single one's amazing because we're we're each responsible for our own happiness you know i'm not uh i i had a girlfriend before i give you like just a stupid example i've had a girlfriend before who's like hey we're gonna go visit my parents you have to shave your beard like fuck you that that's actually that's not cool that you're a horrible mate you could say can you please shave your beard and then make a joke of it or hey my oh fuck i'm tripping because
Starting point is 01:44:04 my you can own it hey i'm tripping. Cause my, you can own it. Hey, I'm tripping. Cause my dad really hates dudes with beards and we're going over there with the beard, man. I'm like, own that shit.
Starting point is 01:44:11 These, these relationships where people are projected, you didn't text me in three days. Fuck you. I'm fucking in Bali making a movie, bitch. Man, that my wife would never do that shit to me.
Starting point is 01:44:22 And I would never do that shit to her. Yeah. I fucking love her. Oh my God. And I would never do that shit to her. Yeah. I fucking love her. Oh my God. You must've had the most amazing day ever. I didn't hear from you all day. What were you doing? God,
Starting point is 01:44:31 can you come home and shower with me? Like, that's it. Like that's fucking in your generation. It's fucked up. Sorry to say. Oh my God. Savan.
Starting point is 01:44:40 I mean, I'm, but you know what though? We're that we are a lot fucked up and stuff, but if you realize that we're fucked up like you know interacting our social skills are fucked up yeah then i feel like that might help you like break through and kind of be different that's that's why yeah yeah that's cool that's i i like that attitude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i love that i use that to my advantage savannah i feel like i feel like i kind of know the secrets and i know
Starting point is 01:45:04 what what people are trying to hide from us and and you know i kind of know the secrets and i know what what people are trying to hide from us and and you know i kind of get through the bullshit so but i use that to my to my advantage yeah you only like me because you want to fuck yeah i'm hoping we can get past that maybe i'll like you for more later like yeah there's no don't ever like this world we live in you need a sample in my opinion yeah sample how long have your parents been married i want to say 25 27 years i want to say yeah what a good example my um my mom actually had a baby before my three brothers but unfortunately he didn't make it so i actually i i always think about that
Starting point is 01:45:46 like my oldest brother like i wonder what he would have been like because my my why didn't he make it miscarriage i want to say so i want to say so i i for some reason i can't remember though my mom actually just told me this a couple years ago but was it was he born did he come out shit i can't really remember to be okay okay i wait i don't want to i don't want to say the wrong thing you know right if he came out that will fuck your parents up but if he like died in there then you kind of fucks you up but you're okay with it you yeah i mean my mom waited a long time so maybe maybe it was a miscarriage but but anyway so my uh my older brother though he's into like i don't know if you ever heard of like yugioh pokemon like card games
Starting point is 01:46:24 like shit like that i don't know how to play them but like Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, like card games, like shit like that. I don't know how to play them, but I've definitely heard of them. I just saw like a headline, Logan Paul bought an expensive Pokemon card. Oh, yeah. That's 250 grand, you know, Charizard. Yeah, all that shit. Is that a real card he bought? I thought it was $5 million. Like, can he hold that?
Starting point is 01:46:39 Is that real? Oh, yeah. No, that's 100% real. Yeah. Okay. It's just, you know, it's just, oh. So, I was 100% real. Yeah. It's just, you know, it's just, Oh, so, so I was thinking about this. I used to play Pokemon and my brother used to play Pokemon like 15 years ago. And you
Starting point is 01:46:51 know, we would open up packs all day long. And I, and I wonder sometimes I wonder if we always, if we got like a Charizard that we like threw in the garbage or something that was worth like 200,000 nowadays, you know? Yeah. Look at $6 million for a career. Pikachu. Pikachu. Pikachu. Yeah. Well, that's what I always, so anytime I want, I was thought a relationship was going to be over. I just started being super honest. And if you're super honest with someone, either you guys are going to fall deeply, deeply in love, or they're going to run from you. And 99% of the time when you're honest with someone, they're going to run from you.
Starting point is 01:47:27 Hey, I like to smell my underwear at the end of every day when I take them off. And they fucking are like, you're disgusting. And they run. You're like, all right, took care of that.
Starting point is 01:47:38 I don't like to do that. I made that up. Hear anyone fucking quote me on that shit. Do you think that you, so do you think you're gonna get back into the the crossfit game i know i know we started the call there yeah so i actually i kind of wanted to maybe get into the uh maybe the crossfit youtube space like i wanted to start maybe doing vlogs i wanted to start i wanted to get back to tennessee i kind of wanted to start hanging out with the with the mayhem group. You know, maybe I could bust out, you know,
Starting point is 01:48:07 maybe do some content or whatever. And maybe if, if eventually I get fit through throughout having some fun, I will, but I'm not, I'm not really ready to get into, you know, I'm not really ready to throw everything away. And because I, what do you mean throw everything away? What you built on Twitch? Well, I mean, I truly believe if, you know, if you do CrossFit and you want to win, you got to just do CrossFit, right? Everything else you do is just going to, you know, take 5% off from CrossFit, 10% off CrossFit. You know what I'm saying? And, and I've, and I've just
Starting point is 01:48:38 learned, like, I'm, I'm just, I like moving. I like doing different stuff. You know, I, I know that I have more talents and just working out. I feel like that might be the reason that a lot of people don't switch sports maybe they stay in a sport too long because you know they're afraid of what's to come what's new you know what they've already built like they just feel safe you know so i don't know i feel like maybe it's a good thing that i got out of my shell and i kind of because i oh my god savon after like in the cross the games whenever i like won an event i had to do an interview my hands start shaking and i would just be like uh like i would just be like so nervous you know so put a turn on the camera a little bit is definitely it's definitely helped
Starting point is 01:49:16 me face a fear of mine and stuff and that's cool so twit you faced your fear with Twitch. Yeah. Talking to a camera. Yeah. It's hard. It was only about a year and a half ago, two years ago. Well, first of all, doing the podcast at HQ was so fucking stressful. I loved it. I had a podcast when I worked over at CrossFit HQ. I loved it, but it was so stressful because I hated seeing myself on camera. Hated it. And then I started forcing myself to do some talking to
Starting point is 01:49:47 the camera on my Instagram, but I hated it. So I'd always walk around and do it because I just hate the way I look. Not, not, I don't hate the way I look for me. Like I like looking in the mirror. I just don't think that like anyone else deserves to like, have to look at me. Like those people are so like, what did you do wrong that you have to look at me like those people are so like what did you do wrong that you have to look at me like you deserve better you know yeah you just go into criticizing you know just deeper just yeah yeah and then um and but but i saw it same reason i was like you know what i need to i need to face this i just need to do this i need to face this and um i don't think people who don't do this stuff have any idea like it's weird it's weird to
Starting point is 01:50:30 criticize people who don't do this yep it's bizarre to me what do you think about those people um you go to these instagram accounts and they'll be like these just chicks like just every picture is a different outfit and they're in like their titties are hanging out and they're in all these poses, but you know, but their face is always like, um, um, filtered. I mean, that would stress me out so much because then I would feel like if anyone saw me in real life, I would be fucked up. Um, I did, uh, I want to show you this really quick. I just real quick though.
Starting point is 01:51:03 It, you know, it is human nature to gravitate towards, you know, your, your strong points. So, you know, if you think your ass looks good at that angle and then, no, no, I'm not even talking about that. I I'm yeah, I'm okay with the ass and the titty part. It's the part where, um, they make them. So look, I'll show you what I did here. So I took a photo of myself and I sharpened it and structured it as much as i can so you see that okay yeah so that my wrinkles and like and i and i my nose would be as red as possible and i
Starting point is 01:51:33 got as close to the camera as possible just to kind of make myself look as is like that's as like not as bad as i can look but or not as old but that's like is that's like you know like if you saw me i don't think you would see any of those wrinkles maybe i'm fucking lying you know what's funny savann so we i went the opposite way to face my fear and all these other motherfuckers like pete all these women you like i'm like that there's no way your face looks like that just just to talk a little shit savann so we so we rich uses rich uses filters so i used to use structure to like amplify my abs. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:52:06 Fuck. Yeah. I did that too. Yes. I need to see that you're amplifying your wrinkles now. Yes, yes, yes. And I would do that too. When I would take pictures of the CrossFit athletes, I would, I would, um, I would amp,
Starting point is 01:52:17 I would turn up the structure and the definition so I could see their, their physiques even more. Yep. But it's just, what do you think about that that whole generation of young people doesn't that i mean isn't it like someone said hey um nick's lighting makes him look blown out it's like no dude he's fucking italian and italians have two colors tan as shit and white as shit they're they're vampires in the winter and fucking uh uh indians in the um in the uh summer my mom my mom has been begging me to go to a tanning bed
Starting point is 01:52:46 Like please Oh god that's so Jersey Don't do it It would make me look better though Because I do look like Casper the ghost Well just go outside Well I mean it's just starting to get warm I mean it just hit like 50 degrees yesterday
Starting point is 01:53:00 I mean for you You got what You got 80 degrees every day I mean, for you, I mean, you got, you got, you got 80 degrees every day. I definitely have sun every day, every day. His, he made his nose bigger props. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:53:14 I didn't actually make it bigger, but I won't, but it's cool. If you think that I just got close to the camera, build a room at the seven on compound, the seven on a room at the seven compound the seven and nick show this day i got a whole room right here i was i was actually thinking about getting into the podcast space because i was kind of you know i like to get into deep thinking myself so i'm guessing the the way to make it on the podcast are just to get like listens you know like put it on
Starting point is 01:53:45 spotify put it on put it on uh itunes put it on only fans just put it on as many platforms as you can get listens like this is that kind of the the the podcast i guess mission i guess the goal is is to take over to be, to be bigger than Joe Rogan and Howard Stern put together. The goal is, is to do that. There's no way you're going to do that unless you can go somewhere. No one else has gone before inside of your own head.
Starting point is 01:54:19 And how, then how you do that by cultivating a listening and following, I don't know. So like this dude right here, Bruce Wayne, someone I saw you were on the WODcast podcast with Hunter. So this dude, this dude like is on the, this dude is here every morning and I go every morning at 7 a.m. and this cat's here. You know what I mean? Yeah. And like your regulars, you know, this guy may, and some of these guys might even like have my own personal home phone number like they
Starting point is 01:54:48 can text me or whatever this guy right here uh uh brandon waddell i i'm i hit it with i chop it up with this homie in the dms constantly this dude here like this is my life this dude here just a homeboy well i mean i'm the same thing with you savannah that's why i want to be logan paul i don't want to be buttery bros i don't want to put a cap on myself what's the difference between logan paul and buttery bros tell me well but when you say that logan paul like he doesn't have a he doesn't have a ceiling like he doesn't put himself in a box like i would say crossfit it just has say what's the most crossfit subscribers just saying right now craig richie has i think 333 000 yeah there's probably 642 there's probably no 643 but who's counting there's probably a thousand like
Starting point is 01:55:33 16 year olds that have a million subscribers that just do do whatever the fuck right run over candy bars with their mom's car exactly just doing Just doing, doing way less effort, but they don't, they have, you know, they don't have a category on them. I wouldn't say way less effort because Logan Paul, but then again, that motherfuckers grind in him and Jake there there's there in those milk boys that like those dudes are working. So, so Logan Paul, it sounds like he kind of similar to me. Like he started YouTube and he started recording around 12, 13 years old.
Starting point is 01:56:09 And then 17, 18. That's when his videos started to get monetized. And that's when he blew up. And then he had the, and then he had five years of hard work before he monetized. It could have been more though. It could have been more. I may be getting the story wrong. And then he had that thing where he, he filmed the dead bodies and that did you did
Starting point is 01:56:27 you hear about that i did but i don't know the details but i heard he he like gotten got canceled yeah i got like which is the best thing that can happen to someone but then he somehow he somehow made it back and now you know but but i'm right with you savannah i want to be i want to be an entertainer i don't want to be the crossfit guy i don't want to be the guy who plays uh soccer i don't want to be the video games guy i want to eventually turn into the full package you know right well it's cool that you it's cool yeah so i you know like and by the way and you said it best you have to get out of your comfort zone you have to be willing to do shit that other people won't do and won't talk about right you know you got to go to those areas you got to go you know take risks some people can't even can't do it some people won't let themselves yeah and they're automated not to right
Starting point is 01:57:17 it's weird it's weird right because you see people with you see people with Logan and Jake who are so successful. And there's another guy, PewDiePie, right? Yeah. So I think, yeah, he's been on YouTube for a while. He's up there. Him and Mr. Beast. I think Mr. Beast is number one. And what are their videos like?
Starting point is 01:57:38 What does PewDiePie make? Is that like jackass stuff or is that kids? I want to say PewDiePie. He's more of like he plays like Minecraft. So that's like a really popular video game. I want to say pewdiepie he's more of like uh he plays like minecraft so that's like a like a really popular video game i want to say he does no shit that's a video game dude the pewdiepie dude well he plays a video game okay because like minecraft kills on youtube it's like a it's like a game that younger people play i guess also it's just dude that's the game that has like pong graphics from the 70s right just yeah how the fuck is that okay that's a whole note i have to have you on again and talk about that i
Starting point is 01:58:08 don't understand that at all i've so i've actually never played i just know that there's a huge audience for it on uh but and then mr b so what he did he did a um he did a squid games remake and apparently it costed him three four five million dollars to do it but he redid every scene you know in the beginning when the eye shoots everybody i haven't seen squid game i haven't seen squid game is it good should they see it it is you'll get attached to the plot you know okay okay yeah yeah it'll occupy you for a little bit i think it's like one season so i try not to so i'll tell you this i try not to do anything unless it's podcast related so if i'm going to do the squid game and i don't think i'm going to have any members of the
Starting point is 01:58:52 cast on that's a that's tough for me to give my time to it gotcha it's it's it's a trip but but but on the other hand like i'm reading like i said i'm reading this book on uh aristotle onassis's biography and there's no chance i'm having having Aristotle Onassis or probably that author on. I mean I might try to have the author on, but – so sometimes some shit does sneak in, and I do like – it's like those island boy dudes. Like I do like to at least know they exist. Like I don't want to be like a complete turd when it comes to pop culture. Yeah. I want to say they make music this this um oh by the way they were also on the uh on the logan paul podcast impulsive oh they were
Starting point is 01:59:34 those those two guys and then they stormed out like i think the guy george jenko i don't know if you ever heard of him he's like the third guy on the podcast he was like disrespecting them like asking them some questions they didn't want to and then he stormed out and shit yeah i remember i remember watching that like a month ago one of the guys that he hangs one of the guys that the nelk brothers hang out i can't remember if it was i i i i watched the logan paul podcast the other day with dana white and there was a guy on there and he is a dipshit. He should not like Logan should get rid of him. I can't remember which one he is.
Starting point is 02:00:10 He's just not a big thinker. He's not smart. And he, and anytime he asks questions, he goes, well, I don't really believe that. I'm just asking you Dana. And like, he was talking about like getting rid of freedom of speech because there's some hate speech. And it's just like, he's such a small thinker. I'm like, oh my God, you're just, you're just wasting. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:00:28 You're just wait. You're just, he's trying so hard to fit in with that group. And it's like, dude, just move on. Give that, like, just brush that knucklehead away. So, so when I, so when I first got her and I decided to stop training, you know, take time off and I just had free time, that's when I discovered Joe Rogan. So I'd say, I would say about four or five years ago, I would just lock myself in a room and just every podcast, MMA podcast. I mean, just Alex Jones.
Starting point is 02:01:00 I mean, I, I, I got to know Joe Rogan. Like he was pretty much like, you know, my second dad, to be honest. Yeah. And, and he just has a, just a perfect rhythm and it's just him and he controls the tempo and it's, it would be hard to like,
Starting point is 02:01:15 you know, to recreate and, and to make better, but he's scared. He's scared. You can see when he gets scared of stuff. Joe Rogan. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:24 And, and is this this is this uh post spotify because on youtube was was he do you think there's a difference well i will anytime i hear him talking about cove in the early days he couldn't say it he couldn't say covet he he he knew he knew because he because he would put all the pieces together, unless he's stupid, but I don't think he's stupid. He knew that COVID only killed people who had comorbidities, that not a single healthy person died. He knew that, and he couldn't say it. He would dance around it. He couldn't say this only kills fat motherfuckers who are addicted to added sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Starting point is 02:02:03 And he knew it. And anytime I heard him bring the subject up, he would fucking pussyfoot around. That's okay. that motherfuckers who are addicted to added sugar and refined carbohydrates. And he knew it. Yeah. And anytime I heard him bring the subject up, he would fucking pussyfoot around. That's okay. I ain't hating. I'm mad at him at all either. Um,
Starting point is 02:02:12 and, and, but when he, when, when I would see him do that, that's how, that's what makes me know that there's room. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:18 There's room in the space. There's room to be more real. There's room to be more logical. And granted, like he had those doctors on and fucking killed it like don't get me wrong like the rogan's a man amongst fucking boys like but it makes me realize when i see him do that stuff that there's room did you see his podcast with matt i did i i watched yeah i watched it can you give an honest opinion on what you thought of
Starting point is 02:02:46 it man i i wish i watched it recently right because i watched it like what like two years ago it was i think it was a train wreck oh give me your give me your opinion an absolute i've never really given it i mean i kind of gave it was just an absolute fucking train wreck it didn't help anyone i don't think it helped matt i don't think it helped joe i felt so it was weird an absolute fucking train wreck it didn't help anyone i don't think it helped matt i don't think it helped joe i felt it was weird yeah maybe matt i think matt has said that he was nervous on there but i can imagine fuck it was a train wreck yeah i can imagine i i think it was uh i was bummed they did go for a while though but they They did go for a while. They went for three hours. And I was doing the podcast with Matt at the time.
Starting point is 02:03:28 So I didn't want to just like come out and say like, because fuck for Matt to come on a podcast with me was giving me tremendous opportunity. And Josh, yeah, I'm sure. Yeah, tremendous. I mean, Josh and I joke around about it all the time. Like I didn't call him for a month and he's like, yo, what the fuck?
Starting point is 02:03:43 You got too big for me? Like, yeah, yeah, maybe I did. did like he knows you know what i mean he had to he had to reel my shit back in i love josh uh so whenever i was 18 uh nike despite decided to sponsor me for two years and then they threw us out me alexis raptus uh and josh bridges to oregon and it was it was just nice like you know hanging out with josh for a few days riding around i think he gave a uh a speech for like the nike military i think they have like some type of charity or something so he gave a little speech it was just uh it was a good time it was a good time to hang out with josh for a few days yeah
Starting point is 02:04:21 he's good um jake yeah i i don't know this because i don't know the nelk brothers work at all but i think what the nelk brothers do is they they they get four beehives and they drill a hole in them and then they um watch porn and get a heart on and stick their dicks in the beehive and there's cameras in there and you can watch the bees swarm their cocks. Then a month later, they interview Donald Trump. That is what Mr. Paladino, Nick Paladino and I are talking about the winter of the 2016 CrossFit Kitty Games. That's what we're talking about in terms of having a wide breadth of audience, of skill set, of ability to juggle all those things. And, and,
Starting point is 02:05:06 and that's what basically you see Stern and Rogan do too. And, but the buttery bro is when you say they step out of CrossFit too, by the way, this dude's cool. This dude's always in the comments too, especially through rain and Jim shark. That's all CrossFit is what is what I think is what Nick and I are saying. It's, and they do a lot of stuff in the gen fitness space. I don't know what the gen fitness space is, but all of that other stuff that's not CrossFit stuff is just stuff like my generation grew up on. And it's kind of now coming back a little bit courtesy of like, you know, Marcus Philly and Camille's husband, uh, Lipson, Dave. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:05:37 Dave Lipson and shit like that. Um, so I, I think, I mean, I, did you agree with me, Nick? I think what we're talking about is, is like really stepping out of your comfort zone. Like I had a cure of the dawn on like, like he's like, it just, just always thinking about that next idea.
Starting point is 02:05:55 That's going to make you nervous, but that might also, that might also unlock that next road, that next step. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So what's crazy is the guy will brandstetter who runs my um by the way savon have you ever have you actually ever smoked that weed
Starting point is 02:06:12 before this not in years not in years not in like i don't know i ate some weed like 10 years ago five years ago you ate so that's funny i was at a party i used to smoke every day like 10 times a day but i have like 20 bags of weed like this because i grew 50 plants in my backyard did you did you figure out how to grow them yourself or did you yeah yeah yeah yeah back in the day i was a fucking kingpin i got i got two marrow how to grow marijuana books i was a fucking i'm like you i'm obsessed did you just have free time or did you did you want to actually make a career out of it and actually yeah when it was illegal it was fucking incredible you could make so much money oh yeah so i rented a house and i put 20 20 000 watts of light bulbs in there and
Starting point is 02:06:55 yeah and i had a i had a um i have a website i don't even know if it's still up yeah it's called seymour buds let me see if i can let me see if i can find it really quick let's see seymour buds and i got two books seymour buds oh oh it looks like the website still is up oh no the flash player is no longer supported the first book i wrote was called 15 15 oh no is this the video or the i made a bunch of videos and I have two books that were published. Oh wow. About weed. Yeah. How to grow marijuana. Nice. Hey dude, I, I, oh shoot. I want to show you my YouTube station real quick, but then I'll tell you about the marijuana books and they're still in publication and I still make money off them. It's great. It's cool. Very good. So what, like if somebody buys it offline or if somebody you know stumbles upon barnes and nobles and yeah okay is barnes and nobles still around i don't know actually
Starting point is 02:07:51 maybe like a couple let's see so i and this is me trying to avoid crossfitters. This is me like, okay, so CrossFit, CrossFit. This is a dude in Ukraine that I talk to every Sunday, which is kind of funny, right? Because he's in a war-torn country in Odessa. And I'm talking to him, but he's a CrossFitter, but we don't really talk about CrossFit. We just talk. He tries to convince me that everything there is bad. I mean, I shouldn't say try to convince me. there is fucked up and then it's like crossfit uh oh
Starting point is 02:08:29 and then so then i do live call-in shows and those act it's crazy how good those do now those you see this one has 4200 views and this one right here has 5400 views these aren't crossfit related necessarily but those used to be horrible those shows i used to only get like 800 views and now i've been doing it a year and they get like 5 000 views then i got this guy zach bitter on i don't know if i would say he's not crossfit but he's like he ran 100 miles at a 648 pace per mile and then i got all this crossword then i got a ufc dude so so i did watch the christian harris podcast i mean guy is, that guy is chill. Like I saw that guy hard for me. That was hard for me.
Starting point is 02:09:08 Like, I think I like him, but it was hard. I think he's from New York or I think he's from around my area, but yeah, he was, uh, he was relaxed.
Starting point is 02:09:16 So I got a lot of DM saying, Oh, you couldn't get Christian to open up or Holy fuck. You worked your ass off. But then I got like this guy, Eli Weeby. He, he wrote a book on
Starting point is 02:09:25 what it was like owning like the nightclub that dan blazerian and justin bieber went to every single night you know what i mean and that was crazy then this guy was just like some i'm not a religious dude but he's just a hardcore religious dude he calls himself the warrior of god and i saw him on instagram so i had him on my podcast um i had elliot hustle on oh yeah we talked about that would you say i had michael easter on so i guess they all are kind of i had i try to have comedians on i tried to i had this dude brian monarch i had the liver king on so i guess i kind of am stuck in the fitness space even though i had this guy on david rush he said a bunch of world records but they're not fitness related a bunch of ufc guys oh i patrick bet
Starting point is 02:10:04 david on That was crazy. I don't know if you know who that is. Yes, I do. I watched his interview with Kobe Bryant. Okay. Yeah. I was surprised that you got him on. I was like, nice.
Starting point is 02:10:12 Hey, hey, hey. I was like, let's go. Yeah. You know, so I'm trying, I'm trying, but, but, but, but I'm, and that's only because like, I don't know if he is, but I, I just feel like he's a mogul, like a, like a billionaire, like mogul. Like, I feel like it would just be the hardest thing ever to get him to respond to you. That's the reason why, you know.
Starting point is 02:10:31 Dude, when he responded to my DM, I ran out onto the trampoline and fucking started for a pan in my chest. My kids are, what are you doing? I'm like, give me space. Give me space. That's, that's, that's a boss kind of guy right there. Yeah. It was good.
Starting point is 02:10:43 Liver King was huge too. The only second podcast he'd ever done so what's cool about all these people um nick is when i get off when i get off with them and maybe maybe they say this to every podcaster they're like every one of them we get off there's like holy shit and i go what and go, that was fucking dope. I've never done a podcast like that. So, yeah, no, I just podcast hanging out where, you know, words fly off the tongue and, you know, you guys make points and get shit done. I've actually I've only done maybe I've done Froning and Friends podcast like five or six years ago. I want to say that video did well. I want to say they actually called it the roast of Nicholas Palladino. And then, and it was just rich,
Starting point is 02:11:29 like, you know, just kind of, kind of just, you know, showing me the way and just be, maybe being a little harsh about it, just depending on who you ask and stuff.
Starting point is 02:11:36 But that video did really well. And then I did a couple more, uh, little short interviews for, uh, for CrossFit, but yeah, doing podcasts.
Starting point is 02:11:44 It's not, it's not that's something you do every day yeah 30 000 views yeah that that was that was a little while ago how long was that uh 2020 no 2017 yeah so that was yeah i was oh my god savon i was so nervous man um i like that he knows he is young and he has a lot to learn. He's humble. Rich is so disappointed, which he should be. Kids these days. Turkey bacon all day.
Starting point is 02:12:15 Oh, I was telling him that my mom cooks me a pound of bacon sometimes. I love Angry Ellie. Oh, man. Ellie. Ellie is amazing. Do they still do? Does Mayhem still do a podcast they um they definitely slowed down i know that they were doing it i want to say last year maybe maybe
Starting point is 02:12:32 could be a little but i i think they've sold i think i heard rich say that they were rebuilding the studio or that they were getting that sorted i think that's what i heard he has a 15 minute total body workout that published three hours ago. Then he has Mayhem vs. Krypton. Then he has Mayhem Freedom, quarterfinals, Day in the Life, Tips and Tricks. I thought, oh, here's one with Ellie. This one might be a podcast. Yeah, I don't see their podcast anymore.
Starting point is 02:12:58 Maybe someone in the comments. When he told Sevan the story of why he came on the show, Sevan nut in his pants instantly. when he told seven on the story of why he came on the show seven on nut in his pants instantly that's that's not necessary okay that's true fine um he's talking about patrick bett david at the very end i'm like so why'd you come on the show did you come on the show uh okay so so it looks like ellie has something but but i can't tell if it's a, um, no, so they don't have a pocket. Well, that would make sense. Cause you know, he's been open to coming, um, on my show more often, you know, Nick and I, or, uh, Nick and I, Rich and I didn't talk for a couple of years. There were some people that I had issues with in the CrossFit space.
Starting point is 02:13:39 We had issues. I had imaginary issues with them in between my head. You know what I mean? Like anxiety, Kelly Starrett, Jason Kalipa and and rich froning and so when i started this podcast i was like okay i'm gonna kind of clear the air up with these guys and i'm gonna do it on the air right yeah and they and they were all fucking great it wasn't like you know like kelly fuck my wife or like i got caught stealing rich's car it wasn't like anything like that but just just, just political places, you know, being at HQ that we didn't, some, our, our cogs kind of rubbed wrong. I couldn't even tell you what, like, do you know what I mean? Like I literally, it's not like I'm avoiding being specific. I can't tell you what.
Starting point is 02:14:17 And so I had Kelly on and that was dope. We had fun. And, um, and then I've had Jason on a shitload of times now and i've had enriches come on a bunch of times and fuck that's an honor to have kelly jason and rich be willing to come on yeah and it really is and you know i just i just want to pair them up a little bit and i could be wrong on kelly because i think he does more like paid stuff but kelly starrett and jason cleeper man they had they had youtube like they were like they were the you know on the social media pioneers like you know if you if your knee hurt you know all right and then I remember I remember Jason Kalipa doing like live workouts I would say years ago yeah go ahead and
Starting point is 02:14:59 it's just interesting to see them now like you know i i feel like kelly starrett really isn't in the spotlight anymore and then i feel like kalipa is kind of well i know yeah i know he has like you know life life things and stuff like that combined but it's interesting to see where they you know where they where they were to where they are now you know and if you neglect your station it dies yeah you're fine you're your people yeah they die i had elliot holson and he was he got his youtube account up to a million yeah then he left it alone and like we that was part one of the things we talked about when he came on the show he's like yeah the fucking thing is like you know i have a million subscribers i get 12 000 views per um episode i i thought about this i know i don't know if i could deal with the feeling Savan of,
Starting point is 02:15:46 of like knowing where you once were and seeing that. And then like where you are now, you know, like, wouldn't that kill you? Do you think when you say it, it does,
Starting point is 02:16:00 but like people like me and you just want to fight, like not fight, like, like, um, sorry, that's not right. Because the fighting is totally different because I'm not a fighter. Me and you are totally up for the challenge of working hard. We're totally up for reinventing ourselves.
Starting point is 02:16:16 You know what I mean? So part of that, I totally get what you mean. But like you've already proven. You're, I mean, imagine how how i don't think anyone can imagine what how hard it was for you to go to being the crossfit games team champion and being surrounded by the three best people who've ever done the sport and who will ever do the sport in our lifetime to fucking uh having uh no getting on a um computer and trying to build a twitch account like this is this is um my wife the other day on april 1st she said to me hey i have a job interview at
Starting point is 02:16:54 pete's coffee today and i'm like you do and she goes yeah and i remember thinking to myself holy shit people are we know are gonna see her working there and then i thought then my next thought was well fuck i wish i had the courage to do that i wish i could go into fucking pete's and get a job that'd be dope i've always wanted to work at like a pizza or starbucks i would kill that shit i'm so nice to people i fucking love people i i would murder that and then she goes april fools and i was like fuck and i was so excited that I got to see what a fucking pretentious douche I am. My first thought when she was like, people are going to see you there. Like I was too good for that.
Starting point is 02:17:37 And so, like, it's not easy. I'm fucking 50 years old and I fucking come on here on YouTube and I'm like scraping to get fucking to stay relevant. You know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I'm having a fucking blast in the station. It's working. The station is growing. It's fucking it's actually exploding on iTunes and Spotify.
Starting point is 02:18:01 We've just taken over. I want to say, Savant, I followed you. I could be wrong, but I want to say two months ago i subscribed to you and i think you're at like 11.4 now you're at like 12.7 so do we do we make it to 12.7 i want to say so i just i don't know i like to keep my eyes on things i'm i'm the blue check mark and people like, so the people like the fact that the fact that there's some crazy things that people have done for me. The fact that like I did that show where I had Dan, I had a, did a show where I had Daniel Brandon and Sarah Sigmund's daughter on in the same show. And I just separated one hour of each. And I, that was me just like being like,
Starting point is 02:18:39 can I do this? And that's fucking crazy that Danielle and Sarah would participate. They have to know what they're doing for my account. They have to. The fact that I asked Rich this past weekend and Angelo if they'd come on Wednesday and they're like, sure. And I don't even know for sure if they're going to come on, but I scheduled it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 02:18:56 Angelo and his friend Rich. Yeah, and his friend Rich, right. And the fact that Matt did that show with me for 20 episodes, like the fact that people have done, like I, it's crazy. But that being said, you will never make it with just big guests. Big guests do not move the needle, the big needle. They move the little needle. Okay.
Starting point is 02:19:14 I got 30,000 views because Matt came on. Right. But, but they will not move the big needle. They will. And the big needle is the subscriber needle. They will not move that. And that's, what's fucking crazy. That takes the only way to move the big needle. will not move that and that's what's fucking crazy that takes
Starting point is 02:19:25 the only way to move the big needle i think from what i know and and you wait you know before i forget this von it's funny you say that because on twitch there's this there's this feature that is called you can raid somebody so say i'm live on twitch and i have somebody's done this before they had like 3 000 live viewers you know watching play that game and then they're like hey boys i'm ending i'm gonna send all you guys to a channel so you can like raid somebody so i've gotten i've gotten really lucky and out of nowhere i just been surprised with like 2 000 fucking people and you know they're all in the chat like oh you got a big nose well what's up where you from and like you said after a couple days you know it weeds out a
Starting point is 02:20:06 little bit you know you get back to the core guys and then hopefully you grab a few more but yeah you said it right you said right you know special guests help in the moment but yeah the big needle it's more it's not having big guests i agree and there's and there's good signs too you can do this i can see matt go on someone else's podcast who gets 300 views a show, and he goes on there and he gets 8,000 views. I can see when he comes on to my show, it gets 40,000 views. Let's say I normally only get 2,000 views a show when he comes on. So that's always positive. My ego gets fed by that, and that keeps me going. What's crazy, here's the craziest thing. And I just, I'm just realizing this.
Starting point is 02:20:48 I'm 50 years old. There's no one who's done in marketing on the entire planet what I did. I was the executive director of CrossFit Media, the fastest growing chain the planet's ever seen. Faster than Starbucks, Apple, Subway. We were opening five fucking gyms an hour at one point yep and i was in charge of everything that was forward facing but in my heart i'm just a fucking little kid who just works hard and i don't know shit and and recently someone said to me hey you've
Starting point is 02:21:20 changed the game and i thought to myself oh yeah okay maybe i'm changing the game then i'm like wait what i created the fucking game was lauren glassman the very first media person was lauren she made nasty girls and tony budding than me and everything else after that's built on my shoulders and i can see it i can see my mark on the group yep and so it's weird it's like so can i start all over again and what's crazy is I have all the answers for those guys. And I don't even know I have the answers, but now more and more, like I see the stupid shit CrossFit is doing now. They have fucking retards now. I mean that in the most affectionate, kindest way possible.
Starting point is 02:21:57 It's idiot fucking central. Yeah. I mean, and, and, and, and all, and I've given them all the answers on my podcast too. And the people there know that too, that I'm better than them. They. I mean, and, and, and, and all, and, and I've given them all the answers on my podcast too. And the people there know that too, that I'm better than them. They're not like, they know, like they all know, they already, they already know that I'm harder working than all of those people there. Anyway, they see what I'm doing on my own podcast. I've taken over the space, but, but it's just, it's weird, but, but you're right. I've had to go all the way back
Starting point is 02:22:22 down. Um, I'm still too good to work at Pete's, but've had to go all the way back down. I'm still too good to work at Pete's. But I had to go all the way back down to just start my own YouTube station. And really, the guy, Will Branstetter, who runs my Instagram, he's a 22-year-old kid. He's way smarter and way more talented than me. And he's fucking killing it. Matt Souza runs all the behind-the-scenes and scheduling. And Caleb's like my – when i'm when no one shows up for me caleb's there for me so i don't know i'm loving it i'm i'm i'm loving it and i'm on fire
Starting point is 02:22:51 and and and i can get guests like you so it's cool no this is awesome this is awesome and you know what i i'm happy i learned this soon you know i mean of course maybe you know if i would you know eventually went to win the crossfit games that would have been nice you know because i i would i had plans to win it you know i was always in my head i was like by 23 24 you know that's when matt you know first won it or around there i always had this idea but you know i've also taught myself now that you know it's okay to go a different path that you know people might you know think that you should go down and then that's that's truly where i feel like you could unlock you know maybe floyd mayweather things conor mcgregor things you know like next next level i guess
Starting point is 02:23:39 social media and what do you think about having to already be there in your head like to to to actually be there uh like like i don't think like as much as i love joe rogan and i love howard stern like i think i can go places that they can't go i think i'm already there now i'm just waiting for the rest to fucking fill in around me yeah i didn't even realize that till i read patrick david's book i was like i don't think ahead i don't have goals but then i was like holy shit when i step in here and close the door i'm the greatest that ever lived yeah kind of but i don't like tell myself that but i just i can't really explain it yeah no you definitely i i i agree i i you got to have that you just got to believe that you can do it. You know,
Starting point is 02:24:25 you gotta manifest it almost, you gotta tell yourself, you know, but then again, you know, being nervous and kind of not being so sure that also sometimes makes you a little better during pressure. Oh, I'm so scared walking in here. What am I going to say to Nick? He's young, like all the questions I'm freaking out. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know any of his games history. I'm freaking out. Right. Even though I do tons of research on everyone, I'm freaking out. But then when the door closes and I sit down and the mic comes on, I can't, I can't show any of that. Nope. It's it's, it's, um, it's, it's,
Starting point is 02:24:58 it's on like when I was, when I was 20, when I was hope, when I was 23, I wanted to be comfortable taking my shirt off by the time i was 33 that was like one of my fitness goals i never achieved it either i never became comfortable i saw you flexing though on the podcast a couple days ago yeah my arms can get pretty crazy my arms can get i'm a little little guy i'm five five i'm just a little just a little fucking i'm a little little guy i'm five five i'm just a little just a little fucking i mean i'm like this guy on a good day this guy i saw come out of the shower once in a hotel you do not uh cobra roads he's a professional arm wrestler and it fucking ruined me his body's so nice and like you see i was in his hotel room kicking it with him and he fucking comes walking out and he's like made of he's like just but he's like made of rebar dude i wish i'd have
Starting point is 02:25:45 never seen that have you ever went against like have you ever felt the power of somebody that actually takes arm wrestling like serious oh this guy's like one of the greatest arm wrestlers who ever lived this guy this guy at one point was the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived this guy cobros and dude you can't you can't even and he's little yeah he's like a fucking 5'10 165 guy and you can't you can't it's like it's like it's like his shoulder is made out of like you know bolts and nails yeah like the russians bring that guy to russia to tell him it's fucking weird someone someone i wonder i think his name's andrew cobra rose i wonder if i can bring it i'm sure i have tons of pictures of him like um somewhere in my in my ship just not on this computer let me see andrew cobra rose he's so good did you know i made a documentary on professional arm wrestling
Starting point is 02:26:35 no i did not what it's called pulling john pulling it's like yeah it's one of the um it's one of the it not one of it is the seminal movie on professional arm wrestling there is it has no it has no peer look so here he is oh shoot i screwed that up here here's the stallone i think the i think cobra was just in a big hollywood movie too okay so here's like two of the greatest who ever lived that's john berzenk and that's cobra roads wow i didn't realize cobra maybe cobra is six foot six one because john's tall i don't see any i don't see any naked pictures of him over the top classic that's kind of what like introduced me to like arm wrestling kind of made me kind of have respect for it i
Starting point is 02:27:22 think my coach i think i was like 16 or 17. He was like, dude, best arm wrestling movie ever, man. Stallone, over the top. Actually, it wasn't a bad one. No, no, it wasn't. It was funny. It was good. Damn, I want to see if I can find any videos of this dude
Starting point is 02:27:39 when he was young. Man, he's so good. I wonder how old C wonder how old cobra is now cobra how old are you i bet you i think he's older than me i'm fitty i always wondered what they do for training i um it's been a few days since i didn't eat any raw meat while i was sick for some reason i don't know why i think i just fell off the bandwagon but i probably will today now that you mention it six one one. He's six one. Okay. Five, 10. Yeah. This he's yeah. I, um, I can't believe I, I, I, you know, maybe I'm 23. Maybe I'm not that age yet, but I can't imagine eating raw meat. I can't imagine not putting my burger on the grill
Starting point is 02:28:19 before eating it. Wait, I don't smoke weed. I was just sick a couple days ago hey um what about uh um italians don't do any like raw meat shit like when you were a kid you didn't do any no you know what you know what i did though when i when i went to the italian showdown i saw my i saw my grandpa he went up to like you know know, a fisherman on the side, like of a street in Italy. And he just bought like a hundred snails in a bag. And you could just see the snails like crawling up. And then right there, I kind of made a peace with myself. I was like, you know, I'm going to try one. So when we got back, it wasn't raw, but when they got back, they boiled them. And I had some snails that I i guess if you boil them not really raw anymore but that's like the close that's the closest that i've ever been some snails cobra i gotta
Starting point is 02:29:11 have you on the show what a great thing going back to that d i think that's the funny thing too someone said oh don't worry crossfit will be fine they're doing a thing on women in the sport i it's funny that that women's piece that they did it's so funny that they don't mention lauren glassman um uh hayley parlin and jamie budding those were the first women in the sport those were the first women who like i um hayley's made fucking 50 videos it's so fucking funny and what made me think of that is cobra's a a black dude, and he was in the most white trash fucking sport fucking humanity ever fucking seen. And not only did he dominate, but he'd go to these fucking inbred white fucking butt white countries like fucking Ukraine or Belarus or wherever, Georgia,
Starting point is 02:30:00 and teach these motherfuckers how to arm wrestle. And he's fucking black as night. But I think Cobra speaks like five languages too. He's a fucking renaissance man he does it all he sings he does dances he does paints he fucking he's got like 10 kids the motherfucker could do it all i just uh i just wanted to i just wanted to give my uh my first like and and only honestly interaction with with greg glassman i think it was after i won oh yeah this is good this is after i won the games i want to say it was the first year for some reason and i was walking 2016 the first year i won was 15 okay i wanted to say yeah yeah this was like
Starting point is 02:30:38 the peak of crossfit like so i you really have gone bottom of the barrel two-time games champion to twitch i fucking love it. But Twitch, Twitch is ceiling. I mean, I'm sure you could, I'm sure you heard what video games could do, but anyway,
Starting point is 02:30:51 um, it's bigger than porn, right? I don't know yet, but there, you know, dwarfs the movie industry, right?
Starting point is 02:31:00 People believe that e-sports, electronic sports will be bigger than regular sports one day. And that's probably, that's probably going to happen with the way technology is moving. Don't you think? Yeah. And the way that covid is keeping people inside and people are scared to leave. Yeah. I mean, it's but oh, so anyway, so I was walking around and I saw I saw Greg in a crowd of people and I kind of like worked my way in there and he must've saw my t-shirt and he just, he like embraced me and he gave me a hug and he was like, congratulations, Nick. And then I want to know if this like explains him. He was like, Nick, if you ever see me anywhere, just pull me to the side. Like just pull me out of a crowd and say hi
Starting point is 02:31:39 to me. And I was like, wow. I was like, that might've been one of the nicest encounters I've ever dealt with, like with a high level person like that. You know what I'm saying? The difference between CrossFit now and CrossFit back then is Greg didn't look at people because they were white or a woman or because they were black or because any reason. He fucking just loved everyone. He fucking loves people.
Starting point is 02:32:06 He wanted to help all of humanity. That's why the first media lady was Lauren Glassman. That's why the pottery teacher, Nicole Carroll's probably the most influential woman now in the history of fucking fitness men or women. Yeah. And no one ever saw these people as fucking women. All that shit that they do now is all divisive.
Starting point is 02:32:27 All divisive. They don't even realize that they're just chumps. And that lady who there, that lady, one of those ladies in that article, I'd love to interview her and ask her how she got to the top. I know how you got to the top. And you wouldn't want anyone to know how you got there. Everyone knows who you dated to get to the top. Fucking jokers. top fucking jokers you fucking jokers you fucking racist sexist fucking pieces of shit and then just one and they're saying cross it's always been about equity and diversity that's how that
Starting point is 02:32:58 article starts no it wasn't we didn't give a fuck it It was always about humanity. You're ruining it. Fucking ass clowns. And I got one more story. And then you can go. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:33:12 No. Yeah. Please. Yeah. I would like, I want to hear a hundred stories. I want to tell you, I want to know how big Rich's dick is.
Starting point is 02:33:17 You ever seen it? No, never. Actually, actually we were in the locker room. Like we used to go swimming and I don't, I don't, but I want to hear that. It's like this big, but anyway, but anyway used to go swimming. I want to hear that it's like this big.
Starting point is 02:33:26 But anyway, so this was, I want to say this is my second time meeting Castro because the first time was when he handed me my first place medal after I won the games. So this was at Regionals in Albany, New York. And this was 2018 when they had the ring dips. Remember that? And a couple people, like 20, 30, 40, 40 people. Tell me what year.
Starting point is 02:33:43 Sorry, I was looking at the comments. Tell me what year sorry i was looking at the comments 2018 okay and then that's i want to say i hope i'm correct that's when they had the ring dip dumbbell snatch workout at regionals and a lot of people are tearing their pec oh yes yes yes yeah so okay we're all those people juiced up that tore their pec yeah uh i mean i wasn't because i was i just turned 18 so i don't know that i don't think it's any correlation you know what did you tear your peck so i slightly tore mine so like an idiot uh you know i i did really well in the first event i think i took fourth out of everybody so the first event i was like holy shit like you know it's working like you know
Starting point is 02:34:21 first year in the adults like you know i could jump through this fucking ceiling right now and then like an idiot i didn't really warm up i just ran right to the warm-up area when it was time to go and i did one two on the second ring dip i heard a pop right like on the edge of like my my chest and then i was like oh fuck so i started knocking out push-ups and i was like it feels like someone's shanking me, just like a slow burning pain. Oh, yeah, yeah. I've heard that's how it feels. And it just gets more increasing.
Starting point is 02:34:51 So I asked the medical team. I was like, hey, what are we thinking here? And they're like, probably partial tear. We can't promise you won't tear it. But so. What did that have to do with dave you were gonna tell dave oh oh that is right so then after that event every story you should drop a big name in it every story that every story so in the back right so dave cash was there and he was walking
Starting point is 02:35:17 around and he looks at me and he goes hey anybody ever tell you you look like matt oh i used to think that like crazy too and then i go yeah but it gets better so then i go yeah sometimes then he goes what happened you tore your pack and then i go yeah he goes that sucks and then he walks away oh god yeah it's hard and i was like that that's some that sums up castro okay He, you sent me a link to the YouTube, but for some reason it won't go to my computer. Do you have, do you have one minute, Nick, before you run? Oh yeah. No, I'm good.
Starting point is 02:35:55 Okay. The greatest pound for pound. I don't normally do um shows this wrong wrong yeah we went two and a half hours that's just i mean pound for pound arm wrestler of all time oh there it is okay cobra rose okay it's it's good talking though you know it's good getting stuff off your chats it's good talking about different shit that you that you wouldn't usually talk about. Yeah, always. Okay, share screen.
Starting point is 02:36:29 And then I'm going to go to Chrome tab. I think that's the greatest pound for pound. Okay, let's see. So this is Cobra right here. Let's see if I can. Can you hear it? Yeah, I can hear the water. Get permission.
Starting point is 02:36:50 Oh, here we go. So he's got a video that calls him the pound-for-pound greatest of all time. And it's fucking not an understatement. I mean, you could have to ask John Brze john brzing but i bet you john might agree i'm just taking a guess but what is this like late 90s yeah probably probably i think over might fight too i didn't know him when he had short hair i've always known when he had long hair i didn't know him when he had short hair. I've always known him when he had long hair. I didn't know him when he was...
Starting point is 02:37:27 Man, he was slick. Look at him. That guy's just running away. See how that guy turned in his hand? He's just running away from Cobra. Yeah, anytime you see someone... And look, Cobra's holding on to his hand. That's him arm wrestling the greatest arm wrestler who ever lived,
Starting point is 02:37:44 and he broke his hand back. Did you see he broke John Brzezinski's wrist back like that? That was crazy. You never, ever see that. Yeah, that's nuts. Dude, look at those forearm. Yeah. When he puts his tongue out, it makes me want to just rub a stamp on it.
Starting point is 02:38:02 Mail a letter. Yeah, I gotta have this dude it's crazy well thank you brother for your time so fucking cool thank you i don't know if caleb's still here but thank you caleb he he said the uh wherever he was the um the uh internet went out he's on government he's on government internet oh Oh, here, let's see. Pulling John is $7.99 on Amazon Prime. I know what I'm watching tonight. Yeah, it's great. It's dope.
Starting point is 02:38:32 Dope, dope, dope, dope movie. I can't remember if Cobra's in it. Savon got angry. Let's put some sugar on top. No, I don't get angry. I just party. I'm a fucking drama queen. I don't really get i don't really get angry i am and when i do get angry it's just like i don't know if you if you have you ever been to africa no um in in those deserts in africa it's like do you remember the wiley coyote roadrunner cartoons where there's just
Starting point is 02:38:59 like a cloud and it moves around and it's just raining like in one little spot kind of uh it's like that in africa like you can see like there'll be a spot like just the size of a football field and you just see it's just pouring rain from the heavens but it's just like you're standing in 110 degree heat and it just goes by you like 20 feet away dude that's crazy and that's how like my emotions are like they just come and go but i but i'm'm, I'm the watcher of all. All right, brother. Thank you. Appreciate it, my man. Yeah. Circle back around someday. Good meeting you. I can't wait to, uh, talk shit about you next time I see Angelo. Um, it's going to be
Starting point is 02:39:36 great. Hey, sounds good. Hey, talk soon. All right.

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