The Sevan Podcast - #365 - Stories from Odessa, Ukraine with Yevhenni Pt. 6

Episode Date: April 11, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:40 started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. started just open the app it's as easy as that see the pc optimum app for details bam we're live i tried to do this last week without you and i couldn't find any of the good maps that you uh had oh really i kind of just google them i don't even use google maps honestly unless early again i normally don't like to start early but i don't know i don't know what's gotten into me. Boy, those songs that I was playing at the front of the shows that really screwed everything up. YouTube didn't like that too much at all. No bueno, no bueno.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I was trying to think about the purpose of these shows. Why do these shows with the Evgeny? Good morning, Corey. The whole thing is interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:01:40 We live on this planet. There's this dude on some other side of it. He's going through crazy shit it's almost conflicting the whole thing everything is everything is so weird every time i comment on instagram there's like a mini version of this too i i noticed like you know it's it's the it the same. Would you say this to the person's face? You know, as you type this shit out, like I was, uh, Yang was on Patrick bed, David's, uh, podcast. Um, you know, the guy, Andrew Yang, he ran for president. Yeah. And, uh, Patrick bed, David was basically telling them that they were, they were talking about whether, uh, was it,
Starting point is 00:02:23 were they talking about whether universal income they were talking about whether universal income. They were talking about something. Oh, Patrick Bette David asked, hey, how's Biden doing? And Andrew Yang gave this answer that just, like, we all know how Biden's doing. It's not good, and it's sad, and he's fucking up. Like, something's wrong with him. Right. And instead of just saying that, Andrew Yang gave this politically correct answer,
Starting point is 00:02:44 and I just wrote on there, Andrew Yang gave this politically correct answer, and I just wrote on there, I wrote in the comments, man, you are a punk bitch. Andrew Yang is? Yeah, you're a punk bitch and a coward. And it was just... Yeah, I'm starting this from you're a punk bitch, yes. And I'm just thinking to myself, would I say that to his face?
Starting point is 00:03:03 I mean, I think it's so bad. I'm glad to see you guys. Good morning, Yevgeny. Yevgeny, we were talking about the fact something is wrong with our president. You know, we're watching him, like, go through a severe decline publicly. You know, a mental decline. He's having trouble, like, talking. I mean, he's always had trouble talking, but now it's getting really bad.
Starting point is 00:03:27 The words aren't coming out of his mouth right at all. Yeah, I heard a couple of cases where he took in something strange, yes, and without logic. And it's almost like he's having a minor stroke or something, right? Good morning. almost like he's having a minor stroke or something right good morning yet to give you how you know and you're just everyone's like whoa anyway so they i was just talking about how one of our a man who ran for president last time they asked him what how do you think joe biden's doing and he gave an answer that just wasn't um it was dishonest it was a dishonest answer and it wasn't just like we all know how he's doing whether you like him or don't like him it's a bit sad no one would want
Starting point is 00:04:16 to see their dad or their brother or their you know sister or anyone going through that shit but um he and i was and i wrote something nasty to him on Instagram, and I was thinking to myself, hey, would I say that to his face? And what makes me think about – what made me think about that is the situation you're in, Yevgeny, because we're seeing – you're living in a war. We're talking to you from the United States. And the people in the media here just keep like, so you know, the media is saying that Ukraine bombed itself. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:04:54 Yeah, you know that thing that the thing that happened in, will you pronounce the name of that city for me? Kramatorsk? Kramatorsk. Yeah. There's people in the media here looking at the serial numbers on the side of that missile going, no, that's a Ukrainian missile.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And it's like... Yeah, I have to... What to say about this situation? Because I'm quite... have some research about that. Oh, good, good. Well, let's dig in. It's an interesting situation, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:26 By the way, what time is it where you're at? Now I hear 7 p.m., so good evening, not good morning. Everyone, we are lucky enough for the fourth or fifth time to speak with Yevgeny. Sixth time.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Sixth time. He is in Odessa, Ukraine. It is a beautiful beach city on the southern part of the Ukraine, butted up against the Black Sea. And how many miles would you say it's from, Kiev, south of Kiev? 450. Okay. So to give you guys a little bit of a perspective where it's at. And last week Odessa
Starting point is 00:06:07 received its first serious attack from the Russians. Yevgeny showed us some oil fields that are just a couple miles from the balcony of his house where you could see them burning. Above the mile. Okay. Sorry. So
Starting point is 00:06:23 hi. Everything good, by. So, so hi, everyone, everyone, everything good by the way, in general, everything good. I saw you working out. In general. Yeah. We have a good situation. By that I mean you're alive and your family's doing well. Yeah. My family going well. We alive. Uh, today, by the way, talking about the Odessa, we have some kind of celebration today, because 10th of April, that 78th anniversary of the liberation of Odessa from the Nazis, yes, in the Second World War. So in this regard, our city today announced a curfew, and this is a
Starting point is 00:07:08 curfew lasting one and a half days. So from yesterday's nine o'clock in the evening till the Monday's morning, yes, we must sit in buildings,
Starting point is 00:07:23 houses, and no one can go to the streets. Because they're afraid you'll riot because of the anniversary? Because of the anniversary, and there is a risk of provocations and rocket attack in these days. Because in 1943, yes, the USSR army is cleaning Odessa from the Nazis. And it's for the Russia that like to have the parallel with the history. Yes, it's a good deal to start something in Odessa today. Maybe they don't know and they just want to keep us safe so we sit in home. This is not the problem but maybe another reason because of people want to go to the monument, yes, and put some flowers and all this stuff
Starting point is 00:08:19 and this is the some community stuff and nobody wants to have many people in one place now. The irony, right? The irony that it's the 78th anniversary of when the Russians came and cleaned the Nazis out of Odessa. Not only Russians, that big Soviet Union, yes, with the Ukrainians, Belarus, Poland, and others, yes. But at this time today, Russian ships are shelling the Black Sea coast, so we have a massive air alarm in the noon, yes. So two and a half hours I sit in the shelter today and this was the first big air alarm from the last four or five days. Yes, we have mostly a calm situation, so I sleep all the night now. Yes, we have a little air alarms, yes 20 minutes, half an hour. So it's mostly a calm situation in Odessa. But in that time, these ships are shelling, yes. We have a couple of destroyed houses, yes. And in the Odessa
Starting point is 00:09:36 region, there is a dying soldier, yes. It's not from Odessa, but he's protected the region and was killed by a rocket. In Odessa? In Odessa region, so it's 50 miles from Odessa. When you're in the
Starting point is 00:10:00 shelter, do you feel safe, or do you think it's just all a facade? i understand the question we have a big uh building complex yes there is a three three houses on this air area yes it's our uh like uh yes complex close area where we have uh the, closed area where we have the parking zone, where we have some stuff where we can have workhouse or something like that. And this is closed territory with some guardians. And under these buildings, we have a big parking place.
Starting point is 00:10:43 And till the landscape in one part of this area, we have the minus three floor, yes, and in other parts of this land, there is no minus three floor because of landscape, yes. So we know about the place where we're situated. It's minus three floors, but above us is just a little bit of baton, yes, and that's all. So, if the rocket missed our place, there is a little chance that we'd be alive.
Starting point is 00:11:29 So if we want to be safe... Yevgeny, it feels like when I'm a little kid and I was afraid the monsters would get me, I would pull the blanket over my head. That's right. But that's crazy because the monster has big claws and it could just eat me through the blanket. That's how I kind of feel that the shelter to me seems like, hey... So we can be safe if we don't sit in that room where we have the warm place, the place where you can lie down. I sent you photos a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:12:13 I sent you photos couple weeks ago. Our guys bring the projector and we watched the movie once. It was a good situation. And if we want to be just safe, we can go in the safe place, but not in the room, just on the parking, yes? So if we know that something happened, that the bomb is near Odessa, we don't sit there, we go in the 100 safety place, 100% by the time. You don't know how long can you sit in this place. So it's not the shelter like, you know, after Soviet Union. We have the buildings where the walls are just a meter and a half in their...
Starting point is 00:12:58 In width? In width, yes. A meter and a half. And this is from the bomb. So you see the window, little window and wall in my length. So it's just a building, but 21st floor is a bad place to be safe. Five feet thick. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yevgeny, what happens to all the stuff in normal day life? Like what happens to all the people who are in jail? Jail? Yeah, let's say you were in jail in Odessa and now there's a war. Do all the bad guys just get out? What happens? Odessa, and now there's a war. Do all the bad guys just get out?
Starting point is 00:13:44 What happens? On the start of the war, I read the statements by the government about people who sit in a jail that don't have a very bad situation, so they don't kill somebody or something like that, yes? Just some not very big crimes, crimes. So they have the opportunity to go away from the jail and grab the weapon and go and be like soldiers. But all the infrastructure is working now. So I heard today from the news, not the regular news, but the local news about some situation. And that was the big research about the dead Russian soldiers. So Russia give a fuck about their soldiers that lying on our streets.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And guys talking about ecology. Yes. Guys talking about ecology, yes? So if the dead body is laying under long time, yes, on the street, there is liquid that's very toxic, yes? And this might be a big problem because one body is not too much problem but hundreds of bodies that laying on the street is the ecological problem and it is what do you mean by what do you mean by that what do you mean by that why are dead bodies an ecological problem because it's the process of how it's called? Decomposition.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Decomposition, yes. And the first stage of decomposition is the... I thought just dogs would just come eat the people, dogs and birds. I feel like if someone died, the crows would just come eat them. It's called the corpse fluid, yes. Corpse fluid. Corpse fluid.
Starting point is 00:15:41 It's like the... It's a toxic thing. So it for the for the ground and for the air when there is a hot on the street yes you can you can to be poisoned about this okay so there is a volunteer initiative, so they bring dead bodies and try to find a way to send it to Russia. Because Russia doesn't want to do this, and they find a way to bring these bodies, these soldiers to Russia. Russia doesn't want to do this because of mothers and sisters of these soldiers and they can realize how much people die in Ukraine. They can do some protests. Yes, Russia is not interested in this process. So they are most interested about So they are most interested in that stuff that they stole from the houses in Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:16:53 about kitchen stuff, about the carpets and techniques. Yes. So this is the statistic that tons of stuff, yes, go to Russia from Ukraine. So like horde, yes. What was the word he used? Hordes? Horde. Like these Vikings, yes, guys who run
Starting point is 00:17:22 to the cities and mass amounts of people? Yeah, and go away. What is the refugee count now? How many people have left the country? Is it up over 4 million? It's up of 5 million. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Wow. A lot. Four and a half million. Four and a half? Hey, do you think these people are gone forever, Yevgeny? Of course not. I'm talking with my friends, with my clients, yes, that now in Poland, in Czech Republic, in Germany, yes,
Starting point is 00:18:02 and all of they, they sit and try to help people who run away and talking about, I want to come back, I want to see the sea. I've dropped the photos from the sea. They like Odessa, they like Ukraine. This is the people who like to live in this country. How about this, Dad? Is this true? 2.3 million have gone to Russia?
Starting point is 00:18:26 I think not too much. It's not possible. Maybe with the power, yes. Maybe some percent of the people forced with the soldiers to go in Russia.
Starting point is 00:18:48 There's a stat. There's probably a map somewhere that says how many. It's saying pre-2022. It says 1.6 million. But I don't see. More than a million of the pre-2022 refugees, mainly from Donbass, had gone to Russia between but I don't see more than a million of the pre-2022 refugees
Starting point is 00:19:05 mainly from Donbass had gone to Russia while the number of people displaced from Ukraine is going you know what there is Donbass and Lugansk that are controlled by Russia now and we're talking about Krematorsk this is a city that's located in
Starting point is 00:19:20 the Dnieper region and people who live there they they like hostages. So there is a fictive Russia government and they do whatever they want to do. So it's not a problem to bring people and go to Russia with them. So I heard the stories about people from the Dnieper with them. So I heard the stories about people from the D some guys from Russia write to their place and live there. To replace these people because they must have situation where the cities is for the Russia. Not like in Kherson. It's every week in Kherson that is occupied by Russia now. You can see the situation where people go on the streets with the Ukrainian flags.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yes. And they don't afraid the troops. They just want to stay in their position. And what you can do, you forcibly go away these people from Ukraine and try to have some dolls, yes, with the Russian flags and try to keep the position that this city is like Russia. Will you pull that map back up a second, Kev? And will you pull out just a little bit? I want to ask Yevgeny a question here.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Yevgeny, are they trying to hold, see where that city is, Kramatorsk? Kramatorsk, yes. Yeah. And this line that's off to the right, that's the Russian-Ukrainian border, that squiggly line? Mm-hmm. Okay. why would they bomb that town is that are they going to just try to take that piece of ukraine and hold it and that's like going to be the new Krematorsk do it without railway station. Yes, that was the messages was in the Telegram canals. When was that? Before before before the bombing before
Starting point is 00:22:07 before the day was bombing so that was today two days ago so two days ago let me make sure i understand two days ago the russians they dropped leaflets on the city saying yeah you can go away but not not by the railway station. Okay. After that, after bombing this place, they write that they bombed Ukrainian troops. Yes, they bombed some base of people, and this was a good war victory. But after that, they realized that there was 15 people, children and just civilians. Yes, all these messages were clear. But this is Internet, so we hear all this stuff. And they write that it's Ukraine that bombed this city because we are Nazis.
Starting point is 00:23:07 And one more piece of information about that who do they tell that to they tell that to who do they tell that to that they're bombing this part of ukraine because you're nazis who do they tell that to their their citizens or your citizens or both this was the position of russian propaganda so every time they fuck up, yes, they dream about some interesting stuff that they can add to their news. And you read about the good Russian soldiers who protect the Russian land and protect Ukrainian land and kill Nazi, zombie and all this stuff. And there is a bad America who help Ukraine and the laboratories and other. Listen, listen, there's a guy here in the comments who believes that narrative, by the way.
Starting point is 00:23:54 You know, this Craig White. He believes? He believes, I think he believes that the, that is what's happening. That basically what is happening is that the that is what's happening that basically what is happening is that the russians are going over there and getting rid of nazis you you can uh so you have a lot of uh points yes we have the people who believe in the flat earth. Right, right, right. We have these people
Starting point is 00:24:28 also. How old are you, Yevgeny? 27 years old. In this month I have 28 years, but now 27 just. I won't
Starting point is 00:24:44 say happy birthday to you yet. In your whole life, have you ever met a Nazi in your entire life? I don't think so. Have you, Caleb? Have you ever met a Nazi, Caleb? I met a skinhead once. Well, yeah, I want to tell the story about it. When I was a young...
Starting point is 00:25:04 Actually, I met a skinheadhead once too. Go ahead. I have the long, long t-shirt, yes, and the white trousers, yes, and I was a rapping guy, yes. In my 16, I created the songs, in my little city I was the rapper. And we believe that there are skinheads who want to kill us because we are rappers. We do not be black yet, but they want to kill us. You weren't black, but you wanted to be. I went through that phase too. MTV.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Okay, go on. But no, I meet nothing like this. Craig, Craig, Craig, I don't understand the question, brother. Here's the thing. I don't want the show to get just weird. And I hear you that there's a lot of weird shit being said out there but you're asking he's asking in the comments show me one black um ukrainian soldier but i can't show you one black filipino soldier i can't show you one black armenian soldier i mean ukraine is just a it's a country it's a country that's um based it's not like the United States. Stop. You can. There is a lot of black-skinned soldiers in Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:26:27 There is a lot of. Yeah, you can. I didn't even think there was one black person in Ukraine. You can Google Jean Belenuk. Jean Belenuk. This is the Olympian champion from Ukraine. He doing wrestling. And he is now a part of government
Starting point is 00:26:47 and look at this guy just okay it's a part of our government and he is a part of uh uh our uh government party i like your shirt caleb thanks i just came in the mail the other day so they warned the city there Craig I'm not picking on you either I'm just trying to give you a voice I'm trying to give everyone a voice I'm trying to
Starting point is 00:27:16 just piece this together this is a Ukrainian guy he is a Ukrainian guy he knows very good Ukrainian language and he is one of our government staff now. So the Russians warned, hey, we're going to bomb this town. Don't leave by train because the train is going to get it. No, they don't say that they're going to bomb this town. They're just talking about evacuation. that they're going to bomb this town. They're just talking about evacuation.
Starting point is 00:27:47 So if you want to go from Kramatorsk, even if you want, yes, you can go, but not on the train. And on the next day, they have the attack of the city. So why did they attack that city? What's the point? What's the strategic value of the Russians? Why they attack all the civilians now?
Starting point is 00:28:06 why they attack all the civilians now they don't attack the uh the army infrastructure yes well attacking the train seems like it's attacking the infrastructure right i mean it seems yeah yeah yeah it seems like that but they don't attack trains they attack the railway station with the people there so uh you don't uh you don't need to show the last video I dropped you because there are dead bodies and all this stuff. But you see what happens after a minute of the bombing, yes. There is just citizens, not without guys in the forum, guys with a weapon or something like that.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And if we talk about the truth, the truth that the rocket that was dropped on the Kramatorsk was the Point U, it's called Point U, it's a Russian rocket. it's a Russian rocket, and I dropped you the photos of this bomb and there is, you can see, there is for the kids, they write on the rocket. For the children, for children, yes. That was right on this rocket. Okay. So we don't have a rocket like this. So once again, why did they attack this town? Because the purpose of Russian army on the territory of Ukraine is to kill civilians and doing the genocide of our nation.
Starting point is 00:29:41 the Hennessy of our nation. And we're talking about the document that our intelligence finds. Yes, they find the documents where you can find all the stuff about how much the dead bag they drive to Ukraine, how much the wider length of this whole speech for the bodies must be. The least people who must die first, yes, the nationalists, the some government
Starting point is 00:30:28 guys, yes, and all this stuff. So they plan not only war, not only grab the territory, yes, and kill the Nazi and others, yes, it was the plan to destroy the nation. And it looked like great stuff, yes, before I read all these documents, yes, with the marks and the... At AirMiles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media, you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful.
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Starting point is 00:31:29 Disney's Young Woman in the Sea, now streaming on Disney+. I've decided to swim the English Channel. A woman? I believe she'll die in that water. From producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story, Daisy Ridley.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea. Now streaming on Disney+. And the signature of Russia government, guys. And if you look on the history, we were talking about history early in our conversations.
Starting point is 00:32:12 There was a situation when Russia come and kill Ukrainian people. On the start of 20th century, where was the Holodomor. And there was a four million people. That's 120 years ago, right? No, that's 100 years ago. 90 years. It's 1929 and 1931 year was. There was a four million of people who dined without food
Starting point is 00:32:43 because government stole all the food from the people. Yes, and that was the… Mass famine. Yep. Great famine. What happened when Zelensky met with Boris Johnson? Where did they meet and what are you being told about that? Johnson. Where did they meet and what are you being told about that?
Starting point is 00:33:14 I heard that it was not planned visit of Boris Johnson. He just arrived in Ukraine. So they met in Ukraine? These pictures I see of them are in the Ukraine? So they just walking in Kyiv, yes walking around, talking about all this stuff. I think Boris Johnson, you can see the war in Kiev on these photos. Hey, see if you can find Fox reporting on that anywhere.
Starting point is 00:33:42 It's so interesting who reports on that. Why wouldn't Fox report on that? There's something... Hold on. I'm not letting me use my ad blocker. Videos of Boris Johnson walking in Kiev with Zelensky viewed over 1.6 million times. A video of Prime Minister Boris
Starting point is 00:34:02 Johnson walking through war-torn Kiev with Ukrainian President Zelensky on Saturday. This was yesterday, yes. Not today. Yeah, it says 4-9. Said it was on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:34:19 It's kind of incredible, right? They're going to send 100, he said they promised 120 armored vehicles new anti-ship missiles and 130 million dollars worth of equipment it's like that because uh our experts talking about a next wave of Russian
Starting point is 00:34:48 attacks, yes, and they just want to bring a lot of soldiers on the Donetsk and Lugansk region, yes, because there is a lot of control of Russia now, yes, they
Starting point is 00:35:04 have separatists and soldiers. And from 2014, this is a war point. Yeah, that was the place where all this stuff started with Russia and Ukraine. And they realized that, but we don't know 100%. They realized that they don't do nothing with the Kiev, with the Kharkov, yes. They just do all kinds of stuff with Mariupol, yes. There is a real heroism, yes. The people are staying there, and you can find the map of invasions, yes, where all these red lines, yes, and Mariupol
Starting point is 00:35:51 is staying in the circle, yes, and from all the roads, all the directories, you can see they've been attacking and they stay they stay in and we believe that they stay alive there who still you but they believe who stays alive there we believe that guys who protect uh mariupol is staying to the end and uh don't give. How many Russian soldiers are in Ukraine right now? We don't know, but... Do you ever see... Every minute... Go ahead. Sorry, go ahead. Every minute, these numbers go down.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Are they holding any cities? Like, is there any aerial... How come we're not seeing aerial footage of just huge encampments? I would just picture that we would see just... I want to defend you this time. It would be so easy to get of a war. I don't understand why we're not seeing more of that stuff. I show you.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Especially these days, right? Can't everything be seen? I mean, I remember 20 years ago, they said they could read a license plate on a car from space i mean we should know what the guys are brushing their teeth with i've been seeing some some people use like drones to track other like troop movements and stuff like that but nothing i'm the closest thing i've found is like that maxar imagery and it's not super i keep expecting to see some footage like from game of thrones like an area where there's
Starting point is 00:37:25 5,000 Russian troops with tents Set up and you know what I mean guys walking around And bonfires and shit I mean what do I know But like that's what I keep expecting To see that and I don't see that anywhere I just cannot figure out what they're doing What It doesn't seem like it would be a problem
Starting point is 00:37:41 If their goal was just to roll in And just start taking town by town and pushing The people either have a choice, be killed or leave. And so I'm just wondering why they're not doing that. It almost just seems like they're at first it was like, oh, maybe they're just incompetent and they're just not a very good military. But right now it's like it's been been dragging on for so long. It's interesting. Maybe the Ukrainian people are just pushing back so hard much harder than they thought sure of course if the army not held such uh help from the
Starting point is 00:38:16 regular people yes it was too hard to protect our land so So now volunteers work 24 hours and they find all the stuff. And the gym where I work now, they send a lot of money to the military. They find the weight the stuff for the head, some night vision stuff. So all the armies need now working by volunteers. The other countries help us with all the stuff, yes, and volunteers. And the army now feels better than ever, I think. And I sent you the maps of invasion to today's situation. I think I just tried to push it. I just tried to push it to Caleb.
Starting point is 00:39:22 As I talk to you in a country that's in war a friend of mine texts me would you like to go to the beach today uh there is a situation on this week uh we have a lot of beaches that's now with the bombs yes that there's uh do you pay you have getting are you still paying your rent like you pay your rent for your apartment like i'm sure you're like what things keep operating no everyone stops all that shit not everyone but mostly mostly and and they don't threaten to kick you out they're not like hey we're gonna kick you out if you don't pay your rent no no we're talking with the owners of the flat, yes. That was his idea to stop rent for this period. And I believe in the flat that my gym is paying for me.
Starting point is 00:40:24 So if I have money from my gym, so I get it for the owner of the flat. If I don't have money, I just can say to him to stop paying. But we pay for the electricity, for the water and other. This guy is saying Putin is smarter than that. He's referencing the fact, he's answering my question. Why not just come in and just commit mass genocide? Why not just march across Ukraine, kill everyone you basically tell everyone either run or die and this guy's saying putin's too smart for that if they start doing that then
Starting point is 00:40:49 the world would attack so but then i don't understand how the okay this guy right to put putin is very smart but he don't very smart to kill civilians and in bucha, in other cities, and this is the thousands of people who was with the bullets in their head and without weapons. So this is just people who work in the streets, who live a regular life. He doesn't kill the soldiers, he doesn't get the soldiers, but he can get the regular people. Yes, he can bomb the building where people live. Yes, and this is not smart. And all the world say, okay, it's very bad, but you can continue. It's nobody, nobody say that, oh, this is terrible, we must attack in Russia or something like that. This is a dangerous situation.
Starting point is 00:41:47 Now we're working with the knife rise. Yes, we go on this diplomatical stuff and we want to stay the beast in the cage because he's just sitting in his bunker and doing the crazy stuff. So all guys, all the world understand this. The people who believe in Putin's reason to attack Ukraine,
Starting point is 00:42:17 you must read a lot of information in different sources. This is... I can't find the... of information in different sources. I can't find the logical statements about why he must do all this stuff. So if you're talking about smart Putin and this is the great plan and all this situation just looking on the thousands of people who dying in Bucha okay right right and another narrative that's trying to be spun and maybe it's true is the fact that this is
Starting point is 00:42:59 there's there's tons of tons of money being basically laundered through Ukraine at this moment billions and billions of dollars. And it's not even – it's just wide open basically by forcing – I don't know if it's the World Monetary Fund or the World Bank, but people are lending money to Ukraine right now. And Ukraine basically has to take it in order to keep things running. And that's just a way to just create more money. Basically, it's just a form of money laundering. And Ukraine actually is still paying its debts while it's fighting this war. And so. And that's why I ask on the on the on the on your level, like, what are you still paying for?
Starting point is 00:43:38 I just don't understand how a country operates while it's at war. It doesn't make any sense to me if there's a war there, how it could still be operating. Look, our minister of economy says that all business that can work now, guys, just please work and yes, just keep going and give your people the job because this is the hard important that economy must work now. This is very bad when we're just sitting and do nothing. And there is a lot of benefits for the business. Yes, you can pay taxes now.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Yes, most taxes from the little business. Lone Star, just so you know, have you reached out to any Russian crossfitters? I would love to speak with someone from Russia. I would love to speak with someone from Moscow and see what the feeling is there. Do people feel like they can – let me ask you this, Yevgeny, before. Do you feel like you can speak freely to us? Or are there things that you feel like you shouldn't say that your life could be in danger? If you say something to us,
Starting point is 00:44:49 say once more, but do you feel that you could say something that puts your life in danger on this podcast? I think not. Okay. Not, not on this, uh, uh, on this day because nobody knows where I live. Yes, nobody knows. All people know what I'm doing, but I don't think that I'm the important man for the kill me. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I'm just the man who will be killed like other men who kill in the civilian houses. So it's not a problem. And so in Lone Star, just another thing. This word balanced, I don't know if I even like this word balanced. But anyway, I hear what you're saying in the spirit of what you're saying. I'm not interested in spreading propaganda or lies but I'm also not interested in balance like I don't I don't I don't need to hear from any I don't need to hear from anyone about why pedophilia is okay I don't care I'm not I it's not it's not it's not a thing I don't I
Starting point is 00:45:58 don't believe in balance I don't believe in fair it's not it's not something I'm interested in but I hear you I think I know what you mean And I would love to speak with someone from Russia. I want to tell you something though, that I heard about Krennikoff. And I have not heard this from him, but I have heard that if he does not go back, his family is in jeopardy. And things are, Russia is no joke. And I've had family over there before. I remember during the USSR times before Armenia split away and there's some,
Starting point is 00:46:24 it's a different, it's a different world away. And there's some, it's a different, it's a different world over there. There's some, there's, it's a little different. Little different. It's a little more China than, I think Ukraine might be a little more USA and Russia might be a little more China. Meaning that it's a little, they use the, they use this.
Starting point is 00:46:43 But I would love to have someone from Russia you point them at me and if they can speak English as well as you Evgeny it's on we're talking about this with you I remember this will be very interesting to hear maybe from some guys from
Starting point is 00:46:58 CrossFit community in big city yes how they live now does they have the problem with the uh paying their bills yes with uh some food yes all this stuff we can listen to his his points and they can buy my iphone for ten thousand dollars if they want i'll send it over today you just tell me i'm just by the way i listened the podcast with the mayhem guys and you talking about chronicles so all this stuff i remember yeah so um yeah i would love to get the perspective i would love to hear i would it would be wouldn't it be great to hear from a
Starting point is 00:47:41 russian and they just they could just tell us yeah the reason why why we're attacking Ukraine is because we want an oil pipeline through there. We're attacking Ukraine because we're trying to save it from the Nazi regime. We're attacking Ukraine because we've always believed it's our country and that those people really do. I mean, I would love to hear whatever they're hearing. I'm totally I'm totally I'm game. I'm game. I don't I don't think Yevgeny is saying anything that he doesn't believe. I mean, he's there in Odessa.
Starting point is 00:48:10 It's his country. And I think we're getting an honest, authentic perspective. And I know some of you might be like, well, he doesn't get it. This is really just one step to getting everyone tattooed with a microchip, blah, blah, blah. Okay. I mean, I'm open to that, too. I'm open to it all. But I'm open to it all.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I don't want you to think like I'm just like, hey, fuck off. You're crazy. And, Craig, you've been really patient. I can tell you're passionate, Craig, and you've been really patient, and I appreciate it. Sorry. Go ahead. I don't ever be the patriot, yes? I don't ever be the patriot, yes?
Starting point is 00:48:45 I was the guy who lived in Ukraine, and every time I'm talking about, I want to write another country and try to live there and see what happens and what the perspective there, yes? I don't ever be the guy who talking about some national points or all this stuff. So I want just live in normal life live in safe country yes and have the opportunity to use all the stuff that progress is bring to us yes and i i just think it's logical yes i just think so if we have if we have the good new iphone yes uh on the somewhere in in the world yes and if my government say no to iphone because because we think this is bad yes i think it's a bad situation because nobody can say to me that I can't get something that I want
Starting point is 00:49:46 because it's strange when the government say don't eat this cheese because it's from the European guys who don't believe in Russia. Don't use this clothes for you because this country don't want to work with us. What a fact. Why all the companies go from Russia? Because Russia killed Nazis in Ukraine, yes? This is the reason why all countries go from Russia. I want to tell that it's not normal when your country bans for you because you're not safe in this,
Starting point is 00:50:33 bans some good stuff for you, any stuff, some cars or some telephones or some clothes or some food. It's not normal also for your country to force you to take an injection. Yes. That's not normal either. But they're talking about this is good for our economy, we can try to do the iPhones by ourselves. By the way, Russia has their Instagram, where Sean is. They have what?
Starting point is 00:51:04 Say that again? Russia what in their Instagram? They have their own Instagram. Instagram now is illegal in Russia, maybe you know. Instagram, Facebook, all this. So guys can read the real, you can read
Starting point is 00:51:19 this article about bad Ukrainian and this article about bad Russian. No, only about bad Ukrainian. And this is very strong for the propaganda. Yeah, yeah. The Instagram and the meta is banned in Russia. Wow. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:51:41 Wow. Interesting. Wow. So what's the percentage of people in Russia who are on droids versus iOS? I wonder if Apple's going to let Instagram clone pop up on the App Store. I cannot imagine that. There's no way. There's no way. imagine that there's no way there's no way i think it's uh uh not the reason for russia to use ios or android i think they uh i i saw the presentation of russia phone yes and they create some some uh
Starting point is 00:52:18 operation system by themselves so this is the scenario that that they go like the close country with a lot of sanctions. And why? They just bring the safety to us and kill the Nazis that want to be a part of Ukraine. Why is it so bad for Russia? It's really interesting to see the perspective of a guy from Russia to talk with me now. I think it's like the debate. Like the debate, is that what you said? Debate, yes, debate. You would be so disappointed if you saw, if you, you're going to be, if you saw, if you came to the United States, because it's like, um,
Starting point is 00:53:13 there's so much here. Like I can go out right now and eat food out of a dumpster. That's fantastic. I could go to the garbage. I could walk to a garbage dumpster. Do you know what a dumpster is? Dumpster? No. It's in the back of a restaurant. It's a big steel container. Oh. They throw the garbage in.
Starting point is 00:53:33 I could go right now into the garbage a mile from my house, and I could eat a hamburger. I could eat Thai food. I could eat Thai food. I could eat, I could, there's abundance of everything. And if, then if you heard the people in our country complain, the stuff they complain about, it would blow you away. It would blow you away. It's so nuts that it's so nuts. You'd be so disappointed. Life is so good in the United States and people just ruin it. It's, it's weird. We don't imagine a place where there's not enough hardship. And so people become horrible. Do you know what I mean by that? Yeah. So good here that people become bad.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Where you just want to go outside and like not worry about being bombed. Man, oh man. We call it like out of fat rage. We call it like out of fat rage. So when you have too much good stuff that you don't know what to do and start to do bad things. Yeah. We also have this situation. I live in the good region in Odessa. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:43 So there is a rich building. Yes. People who have enough money and near my buildings. Yes. I can find the garbage where also guys can find a lot of good food, a lot of good stuff. You can walk around and find some sneakers there, some dishes or something like that. But I know you can't find it in Russia because they stole...
Starting point is 00:55:24 find it in Russia because they stole a... Oh, you know what? I haven't been... Is Crimea part of... I'm gonna ask something so stupid right here. Is Crimea part of Ukraine? Or is it its own country? Crimea is a part of Ukraine, but from 2014, Russia is bringing from us. Okay, so I went to Yalta when it was part of Ukraine. I went pre-2014, that's why I'm confused. Yeah, now from Crimea they attack us with rockets. There is a lot of base, rocket base on the there is a lot of base rocket base on the coast and uh we regularly see the videos like rockets flying from yeltsin from sinteropolis so the russians took crimea from the ukraine in 2014 what a mess what a fucking mess. And then say, no, no, I know that my people want to have a friendship with Russia, yes,
Starting point is 00:56:46 and all this stuff. And there was a revolution. And when Ukraine was very weak in this time, yes, where we have no government, our president go away to Russia. And Putin just, by the way, on this time, in our army structure, in government, in business, yes, there was a lot of Russian agents, yes, who by tens of years working by Russia, yes, bring the information. And it was very crazy time for us. Yes. There was a time where
Starting point is 00:57:25 where revolutions of values happened in Ukraine. And by this week, Ukraine, Putin grabbed Crimea from us. And after some period, he started a war on Donbass. And eight years after that, we have this. some period he started the war on Donbass. And eight years after that, we have this.
Starting point is 00:57:53 So all guys know that it happens. So our government say that they know about the war one year ago. But they prepared, but nothing safe to people because of safety reasons, I think. I don't know. Maybe it's not a very good idea to be silent about war, that you know about this, yes, and wait until all this stuff starts. But this is how the world works because I don't really realize if we're sitting now
Starting point is 00:58:31 and make Biden go and say that maybe China has prepared a war to USA and they want to start 24th of February and we must do something this is a crazy stuff i think most people say that this you are crazy it's everything fine now and and china say no we will not start
Starting point is 00:58:56 all this so so this is uh strange and yeah do you have people do you speak with your friends about this stuff every day? Is this the conversation? Of course, it's the main reason of conversation now. You call off friends or relatives and first that you ask if everything is fine, are you safe? It's not without strange sounds from the streets like this. My father was in Kyiv, remember, yes? And he came back home finally. After 45 days he's sitting in Kyiv.
Starting point is 00:59:41 He goes on the job before war, and all this time he's sitting there. And now he comes back home and starts he goes on the job yeah before war and all this time he's sitting there and now he come back home and start
Starting point is 00:59:48 to work on the field yes meet our cat and he
Starting point is 00:59:52 very happy 45 days realize it's crazy and
Starting point is 01:00:01 they they with with my mother they tell me that they heard bombs today, but they think that this is work with the, with the demining, yes, because of Russia go away, yes, from the Chernihiv region, but they left a lot of stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:30 For years, yes, I think we, after all this end, I hope this end, we have a job for the years to demining, yes, to clean all this stuff from from all the explosive yeah yeah yeah explosive things hey tommy what's up how are you brother how are you this is a this this is a gentleman who sent me a um he sent me some pictures in a dm he he got the vaccine and then he got the booster and he had an adverse reaction and of course um oh yeah it's bad it's pretty bad it's it's not good it's not good the pictures are kind of crazy uh jody lynn says yevgeny i'm sending you good energy stay healthy and resolute this is not right for your civilians to be in the middle. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Jody. You're great. Caleb, how many people are on Facebook in Russia, or were on? And do you speak to any Russians over there, Yevgeny?
Starting point is 01:01:35 Or do you know anyone who speaks to anyone who lives that side of the border? Yeah, when war just started, we tried to write all the Russians that we know, guys, you see what happened, we must stop there. So we think we're friends, yes? Mostly we're friends, yeah? And we write not with some bad emotions or something like that, just the regular messages. So you have the crazy president president let's stop this together but
Starting point is 01:02:08 after the month and we see the russian is silent because they can't because of club's facebook instagram but they use vpn now so russians there is russians in instagram but mostly they there is Russians in Instagram. But mostly they do nothing and tell about nothing. They just tell about sanctions, about how hard they live now. Yes. And of course, I read about bad Russians who write, kill all the Ukrainians and end of this stuff. And when we try to write to there, yes,
Starting point is 01:02:50 mostly they don't understand us, yes. They realize a couple of years ago, yes, there was a terrorist in Russian cinema, yes, that was Kemerovo. Are you talking about when they gassed those people in the cinema? There was a fire, I think. And a lot of children were dying. And there was a shock for us, too.
Starting point is 01:03:22 Yes, we... Talking with there, yes, and... Hey, that's amazing that there's 80 million people on Instagram in Russia. Let's say that number is true. Let's say it's 70 million. That would mean it's half the population. And you have to think that there's a ton of people who are under 15 there. Half of the population of Russia. Yeah think that that there's a ton of people who are under 15
Starting point is 01:03:45 half of population of russia yeah but the other half are capable of using instagram they either don't have phones they're too old or they're too young so when i hear 80 million of 140 million in essence that's everyone on the country's on it that's basically because just like if we have 300 million people in the united states or 350 million, if you tell me 200 million people are doing something, that means everybody. Because 140 million people are either too young or too old, right? They're either going to die in the next five years or they're only zero to five years old. I mean, so it's nuts. I mean, it's nuts.
Starting point is 01:04:21 But now you're talking about a normal situation. it's not but but now you're talking about normal situation realize that in most villages in russia there is no internet and there is uh you can how big you can uh uh get warm by the firewood only, yes, without centralizing all this stuff, yes. So this is maybe half of Russia. So they have a couple of big cities. It's twice the size of the United States. That is incredible. And it's twice the size of China, and it's three times the size of the United States. That is incredible. And it's twice the size of China,
Starting point is 01:05:07 and it's three times the size of the Ukraine in terms of land mass. That's even more. What? You're right. You know why they stole all the stuff from the kitchens, from the houses? Because they don't have it.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Because the more people in Russia live on the point of uh of poverty so you're saying like if i went to my neighbor's house and stole his shit i wouldn't take his silverware his forks because i have my own forks yeah i would take maybe his chickens because i don't have chickens if if you are soldiers and you go to other country to bring the warriors and kill the soldiers, why you grab the carpet, why you grab the bowl on your PTR and go to the phone? Oh yeah, this is a cool action by the way. full action by the way those are is that in the streets of russia no i think that's in london it's in london yeah just dropped off a bunch of stuff outside the russian embassies because
Starting point is 01:06:16 that's what all the russians are stealing from ukrainian homes oh awesome here we'll just give you ours if you want to steal everybody else's shit. This is a bad idea because Russians can go to London and take all this stuff. Look up this guy real quick, Caleb. Dan Shikaz on YouTube. Let's see what... Of course, they don't uh live only bad yes i i talking about the big cities moscow is the millions people uh city yes moscow st peterburg and and a couple of others big city they have a cool blogger that i also watch yes but i talking now about the
Starting point is 01:07:08 regular people the 95 percent of all people who go to the job come back home have their families yes and yeah they live they live and work only for food yes And this is I'm not talking more than this is they have yet, because in Ukraine we also have many people like this. But this is the fact. So when the people who I know write to the villages, yes, to the hinterlands of Russia, they say about very bad, bad situation about infrastructures and all stuff, how people live there. So it's a problem for Ukraine too. So you can ride in any village and you don't find the
Starting point is 01:08:00 job there. You don't find how to earn money, so you must go to the bigger city. And if you're a young man, of course you go away or stay there and just drink or I don't know what to do there but they just other yeah yeah i was just looking at price i was just i typed in inflation russia and i was looking at some of the stuff that says in there it says pasta's gone up 25 percent butter 22 sugar 70 fruits and vegetables 35 but you know it's funny i bet you it's very similar to that in the united states what is the current rate of inflation i wonder i mean some some things are just crazy in the United States right now. Crazy expensive.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Yeah, some places, gas is like $6 a gallon. Yeah, but before I let you go, I want to ask you, do you have a plan? Do you have any long-term plans, like in the next couple weeks? Are you still just holding tight? It feels like there's just a huge waiting game going on yeah yeah it's a waiting game of course mostly because now i'm thinking about to go home yes and meet my parents yeah because because a month of waiting and you don't know what can happen so I want to find a way to go home and also
Starting point is 01:09:27 for now I think from next week yes we open our gym oh wow and not only on the outdoor yes I train but in the gym too and want to
Starting point is 01:09:43 finish my project with the online trainings and try to live something like a normal life youtube is not banned in russia yet but it looks like if you look it up it looks it looks like youtube banned r, not Russia banned YouTube. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I think after some time, yes, in Russia they banned YouTube too because it's not normal that you can just write and use and listen and use from the open sources, yes, and know what's happening in the world. No, you just must listen to news from the open sources, yes, and know what's happening in the world.
Starting point is 01:10:25 No, you just must listen to propaganda and don't realize all the stuff. So I want to live or something like that because emotionally I feel very exhausted now. So I see the regular situation in my life I'm more angry than ever
Starting point is 01:10:52 I can be more stressful I don't can't train early this is mentally stuff that every time I feel yes so after three good nights with normal sleep yes it's better but of
Starting point is 01:11:15 course of course I wait to the end of this stuff all the situations with the work. All right. That's your message? Yep. My message? You asked me about some message? Well, I thought I heard you say, maybe I misunderstood, but I thought I heard you say,
Starting point is 01:11:41 hey, I'm angrier and more stressed out than ever. Like it's catching up to you. No, no, no, no, no. You asked me about the plans for the future. So I'm talking about something like that. And then what I want to do, yes, I can do because I'm stressful. I'm angry. I feel disappointment or exhausted.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Today I'm sitting two and a half hours in the shelter, and this is a good time to prepare for the podcast, yes, or watch some interesting stuff. I can't. There was the podcast with Rich Froning, with you, yes? And for these days, I can't listen to the end this so i have the one part of this listened yes i want to finish but i can't and i'm just sitting try to play chess or think about something and you can add all your thoughts in your head to start to do something because of all this situation so it's hard to talk about real plans
Starting point is 01:12:49 about uh real things to do because you don't know how you feel after after the next day okay so that was the point that i want to say to you guys awesome Awesome. Yep, I hear you. Well said. Well articulated. Not awesome, but awesomely articulated. Yevgeny, thank you. Thank you, guys. It's a great discussion. I think our discussions are getting better and better. I guess we'll see you next week.
Starting point is 01:13:17 And thank you for coming on three hours early for me today. I appreciate it. It's more of a thank you to you, because for me, it's better to be early. Alright, brother. Everyone, thanks for tuning today. I appreciate it. It's more of a thank you to you, because for me, it's better to be early. Okay. All right, brother. Everyone, thanks for tuning in. Send your prayers and love to Yevgeny. Yevgeny, I also sent you some
Starting point is 01:13:33 shirts, so let's see if they ever arrive.

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