The Sevan Podcast - #368 - Justin Nunley, 4.5 Million Followers On Tik Tok

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by PC Optimum. If you like a curated playlist, why not try a curated grocery list? With Swap and Save, the new feature in the PC Optimum app, you'll get PC Optimum's best price for your grocery items. Simply add products to your shopping list in the app, and it'll show you similar items at a lower cost. Add coffee to your list, then swap it for one that's cheaper. Craving chips? The app will suggest some on sale.
Starting point is 00:00:23 To get started, just open the app. It's as easy as that. See the PC Optimum app for details. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Joachim Roening comes the must-see true story. Daisy Ridley. I go to England or die trying. Trudy, you don't have to do this. Don't let anyone take me out of the water, no matter what. Disney's Young Woman and the Sea.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Now streaming on Disney+. Bam, we're live. I forgot to put myself on. I had to go live button and then didn't put myself up. No goo in the hair this morning. I looked in the mirror and said, damn, you look good without goo. Will someone have his headphones turned on this morning? Oh, nope, I don't. Thank you. You now officially work for the show. Headphones are on. Great question. I'm guessing today's pee break is at 1.14 into the show. That is when I will have to pee.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Thank you, man. You're really laying out the outline for the show. Guys, listen. I had a friend. I have a friend. He was making $250,000 a year setting tables at hotels in the city that's what he's done he's done it for like 20 years it's him a bunch of filipino dudes gay filipino dudes and hard-working mexicans and they go from all the hotels in the city the big big baller hotels omni saint regis rich carlton you know etc four seasons and they set tables there i'm
Starting point is 00:02:03 oversimplifying it they have a fancy name like banquet, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And my friend's been there like 20 years working there. And, uh, and all the dudes who do his job are hustlers. You know what I mean? And a lot of, a lot of them are dudes who send their money back to their home countries, right? When, when you tax rich people, they stop going to those hotels. And the people he serves on the regular are people like Dave Chappelle, Obama, Al Gore, people like that. And basically what he does is those people will have a meeting. They'll go up to the, you know, you know, 30th floor of the St. Regis in San Francisco, and they'll have a room set up with coffee. The coffee pots are like $500 a pot for a pot of coffee. They'll get four pots of coffee for 2000 bucks. My friend will make, you know, 10% of that, uh, $200 in, you know, in like 45 minutes,
Starting point is 00:02:50 just setting it, pouring the coffee and then moving on to the next, uh, to the next event. And he does that. And it's a tough job. Um, you know, basically no one can afford to live in the city. So you've got to travel in an hour and a half. You got to be there at four in the morning and you keep weird hours, but, but it makes great money, right? And in the beginning, you don't make that kind of money doing that job, but you're there 20 years and you do. Recently, he got this cool thing. He's been with the Marriott for 25 years or something. And so he got this thing that basically he can stay at any Marriott in the world for free as long as he keeps his job there. When you tax rich people, good morning his job there when you tax rich people good morning justin
Starting point is 00:03:26 when you tax rich people that money those people stop spending that money in those hotels and you give it to whoever mitch mcconnell nancy pelosi um donald trump joe biden you pay their wages do you trust me to spend that money or do you want to give it to those guys to spend the money? That's all I'm asking. That's all I'm asking you. Who do you want to spend your money? When I lost my job, I got rid of my nanny, my gardener, and I stopped going to the Mexican restaurant. When you take money from rich people, they just stop spending it on you. When I mean you, I mean anyone who makes a million dollars or less a year. Hi, good morning, Justin. I know you don't do religion or
Starting point is 00:04:11 politics. I had to get it out of the way early. It doesn't matter to me. I don't really talk about it. It's so divisive, you know? I hear you. Like I tell you, people get, like I have, now I do religion and politics right i have my own opinions right yes yes but i tell you once you start letting those feelings be known boy i tell you people people will come at you like i have never judged anybody over their religion or their politics you know i'm like yeah everybody's different you know but boy i tell you what a lot of people do okay let me ask you this okay what if i told you oh we're really good by the way um before we start there have been some fucking amazing one-liners in the world and but fuck the one-liners the delivery of one-liners and the timing is
Starting point is 00:04:58 everything there was a lady back when i was like how old are you justin 38 okay there was a lady i think she's a little before your time she had a wendy's commercial and she would say where's the beef and i'm telling you you people do not know what viral is if you were not around when this lady was around you don't know shit about viral and she didn't have any social media she would come on and she would say where's the beef and i'm telling you everyone on the planet said him uh justin's uh uh he's the guy man he is the guy thank you thank you and i don't know shit about tiktok i'm an instagram guy but today we're going to learn about comedy uh creativity uh the uh what it's like to serve in the U.S. military,
Starting point is 00:05:47 and a guy who's just killing it, in my opinion, making the world a better place 20 seconds at a time. Thank you. Go ahead. No, it means a lot coming from you. Thank you very much. I appreciate the compliments. And I wish my wife understood that I make her feel better 20 seconds at a time. But for some reason, she's greedy.
Starting point is 00:06:07 She's greedy. She wants 40 seconds and shit. Mine's only getting 20 seconds. Yeah, 20 seconds, man. Enjoy it while it lasts because it ain't going to last long. Honey, I give TikTok 16 seconds and the fucking place goes crazy. I have 3 million followers. I give you 32 seconds and you're fucking complaining.
Starting point is 00:06:24 Get the fuck out of here. you gotta be efficient you know my my my let's say i would let's say i was a nazi let's say i was a socialist right okay i belong to hitler socialist uh nazi party and i really liked him and i thought everything was really cool and i thought it was the betterment best thing for the world and the environment. And, you know, Hitler was really against cancer and into organic foods and all that. But that one part where they round up the Jews and they take them in the train to that place and then they euthanize them. I just don't like that one little part. And I feel like that's the problem that I feel like we were in. Maybe I'm just a crazy extremist, but I don't think so. Because I used to be a hardcore Democrat. I was raised a hardcore Democrat. But I just feel like there's some things. I saw they did it to smokers when I was a kid, right? They started treating smokers really, really bad. No one wants to smoke cigarettes.
Starting point is 00:07:25 cigarettes. And I agree that like, you shouldn't be able to smoke on the airplane, but there were some of these rules that were getting kind of crazy. And I, when I just see this, I just see some of the rules. I'm just like, I have to judge you. I have to be like, Hey, I can't have you. I can't have that around my kids. If I was 20 and I was just slaying pussy and I didn't have kids, I wouldn't care. I'd live in a mobile home park and just party, right? But I'm not. I'm fitty and I'm trying to raise my kids to be good human beings. You said just slaying pussy and doing coke, baby. I don't know about the coke.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Yeah, I was more of an MDMA guy. There you go. There you go. But that's why I want to be like you. I really come from that tree hug, hugging ideology. I really want to love everyone. I do believe that love conquers all, you know, I used to let homeless people stay at my house through college.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And there was a, there was a dude who had a hate tattooed here and he had a swastika on his face and he was a hardcore skinhead. And then I had a Rastafarian dude and they both lived in my backyard together in a tent. And they would be in my house every morning like cooking or at night cooking. And because it was shelter and food, it transcended the skinhead's ridiculous ideology. They were homies. I haven't seen them sleeping on the couch together, you know, opposite directions in the house on cold nights. And it's like, I get it.
Starting point is 00:08:50 If you, if you get a warm place to sleep, you forget about everything that you really think bothers you. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. Things, when you get hungry, things, and things get, and it's raining, things change. 100%. Man. I wish one of my guys was here on the back end today what what man you're you're living such a fun life right now it's been insane since september so i um yeah yeah let's go back a little bit yeah yeah let's paint the picture because i don't know shit i listened to you on that podcast with that lady a few months ago. That was hard to watch, by the way.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I need to ask you about that. Which one? She laughs a lot. She's from TikTok. Jenny and Friends. Oh, Jenny and Friends. Yeah. Did you know her before you went on there?
Starting point is 00:09:39 No, I didn't know her. We've gotten to know each other since then. You're a good dude. She's a very nice lady. Very to know each other since then you're a good dude she's a very nice very nice very nice lady yeah but you're a good dude thank you you are you did an hour and 40 minutes of that you're a good dude okay no it's yeah so back in september i had... Of 2021? 21, yes, sir. Okay. I had a TikTok account that was at a respectful 600,000 followers, right? Crazy.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And I'd had a lot of community guidelines violations. I tell jokes. I'm a comic, man, you know? And comedy can be subjective. And in this world of cancel culture, you know what that translates to. Yes, I lost my job. Right. So I wound up losing my account in September.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I think it was like September the 2nd. How long had you been on TikTok to get 600,000? About a year and a half. Okay. So since 2019. That's where the story gets wild in 2019 well yeah like so right around the end of 2019 and then my account got permanently banned in september around september the 2nd of 21 and um i had i had just i just found a little format that worked, right?
Starting point is 00:11:06 I had only done like two videos, but both videos just went whoosh, right? Is it this format that we're seeing now on Instagram? Yeah, it was the very early versions of it. And my account got permanently banned. And instead of me sitting around bitching and whining and moaning about it, I said, cool, let's roll with it. So I got on my backup account, which I had set up and I'd made for my wife and I had tagged her in a bunch of videos and she had like 5,000 followers. So I jumped on it,
Starting point is 00:11:39 changed the username and started posting videos. 30 days later, I went from 5,222 followers to over 3 million in 30 days, 30,000 to 3 million in 30 days. No, uh, 5,000, 5,000. Yeah. 3 million. Give me one second here. Give me one second. Let's let's, let's, uh, let me, let me, for those of you who don't know here we go can you guys hear that no you cannot ah i guess you need a you gotta you gotta scroll down the best one the one that i have viral right now on instagram okay let's go is the uh scroll down uh right there this one with the with the yeah that's yeah yeah this one i i played on my podcast a couple days ago yeah oh it was a man's neck jesus fix it listen did you know that new zealand's bad
Starting point is 00:12:41 team named themselves the black cocks but received so many complaints they had to change the name? Now you do. Oh, it was a man's neck. By the way, ladies and gentlemen, cock is spelled C-A-U-L-K. Cock. Cock. The Black Cocks. The Black Cock. I have black flooring in my um in my uh garage and when
Starting point is 00:13:09 we put it in i had to seal it with black caulk and my kids loved saying that black caulk black caulk they didn't even know are you gonna put more black caulk in i said of course always again i hear that black caulk can fill bigger bigger gaps yes it says that on the on the side racist racist um oh so tell me what you got a band for what what could you say i thought tiktok was like just you could do anything on that oh hell no it's the most censored out there is oh there is yeah 100 um it's uh you know i have to be a little bit more careful on tiktok than everywhere else because it is so censored and there's so many like younger users on it that they don't they don't understand comedy i did a video the other day uh like two days ago um
Starting point is 00:14:00 with a chick that that she's wearing a uh a shirt that was like unbuttoned and she was holding it halfway open and she wasn't wearing anything underneath the shirt. And she's like, do you know what I need right now? And I popped in and said a bra. Yeah, that's a great one. I played that yesterday on my show. I played that yesterday on my show. Dude, I've took so much heat on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:14:21 I mean, it doesn't violate any community guidelines. You know what I need right now? A bra. Listen, did you know there's a thousand people living in the tunnels i think i started the show last night with that right yeah it had nothing to do with you it was a show covering some sports shit and i'm like well let's start here and look at our guest who's coming on tomorrow okay so you got in trouble for that one no i didn't get in trouble but it's like you know that that goes to show that people like the younger generation like like things have been so censored for them and and they've been told that everything is bad
Starting point is 00:14:51 right that that they're offended by that and it's a it's a it's a punch line at the end of the day it's a punch line i don't i don't give a shit if that chick wears a bra hell i would personally you know prefer her not to right you know what i'm saying? But it's a chance at a punchline, a chance at making somebody that may be having a shitty day laugh. You know, somebody that may be going through the thick of it to have a little bit better of a day in 10 seconds. You know what I'm saying? And people don't understand it. They don't get it, man. You know, they think.
Starting point is 00:15:22 What did they think was wrong with it that you were like, how dare you tell a woman to put a bra on? They're so restrictive. Oh, shit, really? Yeah, that's just woke shit. Yeah, it's ridiculous. That's exactly why I lost my first accounts because nothing was bad. And it's not that hard to sit and watch a comic, tell jokes. And you can look at a joke, and if a joke truly offends you here's what you do with the
Starting point is 00:15:45 joke did that comic let's watch it again was their intent to make people laugh and make people happy or was their intent to be hateful it's not hard to figure it out it's really not hard to figure out between the two and um you know and i hate to say well this younger generation so it makes me sound old as old as dirt but um i mean, it really is just a few of them. I think it's just a few of them. Well, it's a few that comes in groves and they all they all land in the same spot. It's really amazing. Do you know how do you know they're going to be so miserable when they get older if they can't laugh at themselves?
Starting point is 00:16:21 One hundred percent. Absolutely. I've said this before. They can't laugh at themselves. 100%. Absolutely. I've said this before. That generation, not just really that generation, but people like that tend to be the most unhappy people you will ever meet in your life because they don't know how to laugh at everyday things. You know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:37 Like if somebody roasts on me and jokes on me, I laugh. I think it's funny. I could care less. You know? And if I don't think it's funny and i get offended by it so fucking what who cares you know like it's not what did you get made fun of as a kid that you like you that now is an asset do you have anything no i know my personality probably you know um like i used to be the class clown i was the annoying kid in class and hell, maybe I still am. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:06 But like, I would always disrupt shit just to try to get a laugh out of somebody at the wrong time. And as I got older, I learned how to do it. I learned that there was a time to and a time not to, and I learned, you know, a little bit of the comedic timing and, and it worked out for me. But yeah, like I, a lot of people could not stand me in school. And you didn't get made fun of for anything like you you like your name or you had a big nose or your dick was too big for your legs or there's no that was definitely not the issue no no i no i can't really think of a time when i would really get made fun of or anything you know um it was uh it was basically like you know oh it's the annoying guy you know why did you
Starting point is 00:17:50 are you're active duty yes sir um why did you um in your 17 years yes sir thank you by the way absolutely thank you yeah yeah it's it's hardcore if you If you're 38, that means you've been in – I mean – Came in when I was 21. Yeah, when you were a kid. What branch are you in? I'm in the Air Force. Oh, no shit. Usually the guy who runs my back end is in the Air Force. Yep. He's based out of Iowa.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Okay. Caleb, where are you? You should be on the show. Maybe he'll pop in. And why did you – is it called Enlist? Yes, sir. Why did you do that? Why did you do that? I don't know. I guess to serve something greater than myself.
Starting point is 00:18:36 I mean, I know that's kind of a cliche answer, but I'm from a little small town in North Alabama. And I could already see the writing on the wall that if I didn't do something, that I was going to be stuck there for the rest of my life. And that's just not what I wanted. Some people want to grow up and live in small town America, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Right. I didn't want to, you know, be born, grow up and live my adulthood and die and never see the world. And, you know, the best opportunity for that was was the military. So and sure enough, 17 years in, I've been around the world twice and seen just about all 50 states and met some of the coolest dudes you've ever met in your life.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And chicks, you know, I mean, really, I have. And so you're stoked on the decision yeah yeah i mean it's best decision i ever made and and now you're in your three years from getting out yes sir holy cow you must be like holy shit i did it right well i never celebrate talk across the finish line i've seen too many videos people celebrate nerdy and lose race yeah yeah crazy um any chance you could be deployed i mean there's always that chance where i'm at right now probably not not unless i not unless i volunteer or anything um those opportunities don't come up a whole lot with what i'm doing right now but um there's always a possibility if i do what do you do there are you allowed to say um i build bombs for a living i still got them all still got them all yeah with
Starting point is 00:20:14 these you do with these with your hands yeah well well i mean when like i say build bombs i mean they're already like a big giant shell we just add the components to make them blow up. Wow. And then what happens after you build them? We deliver them out to the flight line, and the greasy, scummy loaders put them on the aircraft. Wow. Wow. They're our rival career field, so they're good people, though. And do you have one specific bomb in specific you build?
Starting point is 00:20:45 Like, hey, I do this one. No, just everything. I mean, really, you know, J-DAMs. No shit. Yeah. I mean, there's anything in the Air Force inventory that blows up, we mess with. Missiles, bombs. Sorry, I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Is that dangerous? Not really. I mean, I guess I mean, there's a lot of gas station. Is that dangerous? I mean, you're around all this flammable liquid. I mean, I mean, hell, I guess my job will be just as just as dangerous as somebody that works at a gas, you know, gas or something. Right. just as dangerous as somebody that works at a gas, you know, a gas refinery or something. JDMs are the big ones.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yeah. That's crazy. Are you impressed with the technology? Are you impressed with the whole thing? Like when you go there, are you like, my goodness, this is nuts. Like you're doing the working on the Lamborghini of bombs. Some of the stuff that comes through, you're just like, my goodness, this is nuts. Like you're working on the Lamborghini of bombs. Some of the stuff that comes through, you're just like, wow. You know, to sit and think about somebody's mind, you know, thinking of this and then actually making it happen is insane. Did you have a comic when you were a kid that you liked? Was there anyone?
Starting point is 00:22:03 I was a huge Abbott and Costello fan. I'm 49. I'm 10 years older than you. Well, I was actually just talking about this other day. I did stand up in Vegas while I was out there for the Cheer Choice Awards. For the what awards? The Cheer Choice Awards. It's Spread the Cheer USA put on an award show for all of social media.
Starting point is 00:22:24 And they invited me out to be a presenter. Spread the Cheer USA put on an award show for all of social media, and they invited me out to be a presenter, and I was a finalist for two categories. Wow. I won the comedy, by the way. Beed some very, very funny people, so I was shocked. I didn't even write an acceptance speech. I just kind of winged it when I got up there.
Starting point is 00:22:48 But I was at Wise Guys Comedy Club in Vegas, and we were, you know, before we all went on for our sets, me and somebody else was talking in the back, and they asked me, you know, we got to talking about people we liked. I said, you know, the very first comic that I really watched and, like, studied how they, you know, how they presented the joke and how they transitioned and everything. Cause I've always been, ever since I bought, you know, Chris Rock, bigger, blacker, uncut. Um, ever since then I have, I have,
Starting point is 00:23:17 I can't get enough of watching comics and watch them work and see how they deliver the punchline. You know, how many punchlines can you shove into one story, you know? And how can you transition from one story to the other? And they're so good at it, man. I love watching it. And I'm finally kind of like living my dream and able to do it myself. And so Chris Rock was your, like, as a kid, that was your guy?
Starting point is 00:23:41 No, Chappelle. Chappelle. Yeah, Dave Chappelle. Loved the Chappelle show, which that was, you you know that was when i was a little bit older right but coming up you know i really liked uh i really did like uh yeah dave rock uh chris rock dave like dave rock chris rock chris rock is dave chapelle and chris's kid. What about Tosh.0? I've always thought he was funny. He kind of misses me with some of the Alabama jokes,
Starting point is 00:24:10 but it is what it is. Yeah. He's my all-time favorite now. When I was a kid, I liked Rodney Dangerfield. I think I was really into crass humor. I loved, of course, Andrew Dice Clay. He spoke to the 13-year-old boy in me. 100%. I hear something, like two pieces of metal rubbing together.
Starting point is 00:24:32 It stopped. Was it me? I was spinning my little fidget toy, I guess, here. Ah, yes. Is what we could call it. My bad. I'm sorry. Can I see it?
Starting point is 00:24:44 I didn't know you could hear it. it's literally just my uh charger i was sitting here just spinning it on the table yes sir it's loud as hell my bad sorry about that no you're a good dude i have abd i fidget man me too me too um so so you did stand up in Vegas. Had you ever done stand up before? Um, it was really my first set, like being on stage by myself. I've done a couple other sets where there were other people on stage with me and it was kind of like a, you know, a big meet and greet, um, uh, in, uh, Arlington, Texas, and then up in Maryland. But this was the first time that I got introduced and like, I was out there on my own. It was like either sink or swim, dude. And, uh, and the set went first time that I got introduced. I was out there on my own. It was either sink or swim,
Starting point is 00:25:26 dude. The set went really well. Absolutely killed it. Got a couple big pops out of the crowd. It was fun. I don't think it's that thing you're spinning. I think it's something else. Maybe it's your... Turn your head right and left. Let me see. It's that.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Don't worry about it. This worry about it this guy colin says seven is sensitive to sounds his big nose hears everything i'll hold it up like this well see no i have airpods right and and i have i'm supposed to be on my laptop right now with my gopro we just got back from vegas not before last didn't like the middle of the night my parents were here watching the kids and everything is scattered about i called crystal i said where's my gopro at she said still in my purse i was like i'll figure it out where are my airpods at they're in her purse too so women hey how do you hook your um how do you hook your um
Starting point is 00:26:20 uh gopro up to your computer so there there's a – no, I have Windows. There's an app you can get to use your GoPro as a webcam, and the picture is phenomenal. And is it wireless, or do you hook it up with a wire? I hook it up through the USB. And does the computer power the GoPro also? Yes, sir. Wow. It's phenomenal.
Starting point is 00:26:43 And where do you set the GoPro? Does it have its own little tripod or you sit on top of your laptop no i've got a uh it's it's like a little attachment for it it's like a clip that i just clipped to the top of the laptop it turns it into a webcam man that's dope it's amazing it really is best how cool is technology best webcam i found that's awesome um so you you're i i'm um i'm envious um um that you that you that you're doing stand-up i mean that really is the that would be my dream like to grow a fucking set of balls and do some stand-up that's really that's that's really cool that you're doing that. You still there? Yeah. We came out of sync a little bit.
Starting point is 00:27:28 I shouldn't have talked about your setup. I'm sorry. I apologize. Tell your setup I'm sorry. You can't hear me. Phantom power is the best. Yeah. It's crazy. Cool, right, Corey? And he's gone. Every minute I expect him to just switch. So, do you want to give your money to the government or do you want to give it to other people so that they can spend it?
Starting point is 00:27:51 And every time I bring that up, someone will be like, oh, so you believe in trickle down economic. Shut the fuck up. Stop playing that game. Hey, I'm sorry. That's OK. I just went straight back into my rant about taxes. I'm sorry. That's okay. I just went straight back into my rant about taxes. So you're doing stand-up. You're kind of living the dream, and you're not even – I mean, you're – like people talk about, oh, I got into a flow state. Like you didn't try to do stand up. You're, you're just following a path. Now you're, you're, you're on a big river and you're in your,
Starting point is 00:28:30 in your, you're swimming it. Yeah. And the cool thing is, is that I don't have to rely on it to make a living. I don't have to rely on anything to make a living. So everything that I'm doing, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:41 right now is for fun and for experience that way in three years, you know, or sooner. I mean, if I blow up, you know, I may wind up having to get out of the military. But, you know, that's not my plan right now. I'm having a blast doing what I'm doing. But everything's for experience. And I don't know, I'm having a blast doing it. Did you, when you went up, did you have crazy butterflies? Like, um, did you have that fight or fight or flight? Like you really wanted to just, no, you didn't want to run away.
Starting point is 00:29:15 No, I walked up there just like I am right now. Like, let's do this. Like I, well, because I've got, I've got the mindset of, you know, um, I don't, I've got the mindset of, you know, I don't, my mindset changed probably about a year ago. I used to worry about everything. I worried about what people thought about me. I worried about, you know, what somebody else was going to do. I would always try to calculate other people's moves before they would make them. That way, you know, I could, you know, counter it or whatever. Dude, I changed my mindset to, I don't worry about things I can't control anymore. If it is not within my control, I don't even worry about it. You know, somebody will send me information and I process it up.
Starting point is 00:29:56 Can I do something to fix this or can I not do something to fix this or I have no control over it? And if I don't have any control over it, it never enters my mind again. I don't care. How did you how did you make that shift? Just so many people like it was probably probably around the time when like people were just coming at me all the time. Like, you know, this guy's this, this guy's that and trying to put labels on me. And I'm like, I really don't give a shit what you think about me. You know, like, why do I care what somebody has to say about me? You know, some faceless person on the Internet that probably lives the most miserable life and is trying to bring somebody down for trying to make other people laugh.
Starting point is 00:30:35 So, you know, that's kind of where I just spun around. I was like, I've learned quickly that there is nothing that I can possibly do as a human being to make everyone love me. Period. I can't. Yeah. People hated Bob Marley. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:52 100%. People hated Jesus Christ. I know. I was going to go there next. You know, there's, there's nothing I can do to make everybody love me. So I don't care anymore.
Starting point is 00:31:01 I'm just like, you know, if, if, if you want to fuck with me, let's roll. If you don't, there's nothing I can do about it. I'm just like, you know, if, if, if you want to fuck with me, let's roll. If you don't, there's nothing I can do about it.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Oh man. The comments speaking to assholes in the comments. Sebon asked these questions, ask the easy questions. Why does he have a beard while on active duty? That's an easy one. So back during COVID we had to wear masks. The whole time we were inside. Right. And we had to wear masks the whole time we were inside, right? And we had to shave every single day. Well, for whatever reason happened, my skin did not take to getting, you know, scraped with a razor every morning and then wear a mask.
Starting point is 00:31:38 And I had developed something on my chin to where when I shave, it is like just two giant bright red sore patches on my face. And they gave me a shaving waiver where I don't have to shave anymore. Colin, do you remember those two bumps that you got on your chin after I rested my balls on your chin for 15 minutes? Do you remember those bumps? I think it's a little, it's a little different, but for Justin, but same, but same, same thing. He got his from shaving. What's the dumbest thing you've seen at work? Well, that's, that's, that's a, normally I would think that's a shitty question. That's a brilliant question for a guy who works in a bomb factory.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I watched a dude walk across a bomb pad with a, with a live fuse in his hand walking, not thinking about what he was doing and he was taking the fuse and throwing up in there and catching it throwing it up in there and catching it and i about lost my mind i was like this like he's just in another world like he it was like he was walking with a baseball just tossing it up and catching it and i was like bro what are you doing right now does that guy lose his job uh no he didn't because you talked to him before someone like really whacked him yeah yeah right yeah we uh we took care of it
Starting point is 00:32:52 uh justin has a voice 10 000 times better than seven ones i agree you can't compete with that accent you cannot thank you you cannot um when um you have. You have a photo here with Taylor Swift. Well, it's not the real Taylor Swift. Oh, it's not? No, it's my friend Ashley. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse that she looks just like Taylor. She doesn't even try to look like Taylor. I've known her for about over a year now. And, uh, this was our first weekend getting to meet each other.
Starting point is 00:33:31 And when she walked up to me in the casino, the first time we met, she wasn't fixed up or anything like this. And I'm telling you, like she looks just like Taylor Swift. It is remarkable. Um, you're having a great hair day in this photo. I am. I was killing it that day. It was some new product I was using. Yeah. Wow. And just for all the viewers, listen, I am 38 and I do have gray in my beard. I do not use just for men. I don't give a shit enough to put anything in my hair. That's just the way the Lord chose for me to age. I can't't help it i have some gray in my beard too some guy came up to me the other day about a year ago and he goes hey you should stop you
Starting point is 00:34:12 should either dye your beard or stop dying your hair because it's so obvious and i'm like i get it all the time i'm like i don't die shit what are you talking about like i would have to care in order to dye my hair. Who are these people? That guy is freaking awesome. So his Instagram and TikTok handle is creating wonders. And I'm sure you've saw his videos before. He's got like just this magical voice.
Starting point is 00:34:39 And he puts out like inspirational videos. And one of the coolest dudes I've ever met. And that's his wife and my wife. He puts out inspirational videos and one of the coolest dudes I've ever met. That's his wife and my wife. How cool is your wife? Me and her are total opposites, but it works perfect. Yeah, it's amazing. When she's in your videos, I just can't stop staring at this lady's dress.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Look at those tattoos on her leg and her boobs are out. Yep. She was dressed to the nine. When your wife is in these videos, is it hard to get her to do them or is she just cool? She's like, yeah, I'll do it. Oh, no, it is hard to get her to do them. But the first couple wasn't hard because I was like, here's what I need you to i need you to do right yeah basically here's your lines here's my lines and just act like you normally do like you're disappointed in me right and um uh she uh the first couple it wasn't an issue and then and then
Starting point is 00:35:37 when she saw what the videos we were reacting to was she was like i don't want to do these videos and then a couple of the paychecks started coming in and she was like okay i really don't mind doing these videos anymore so this this this one oh oh she's not in this one this this is this is my favorite video this this is my favorite video this is my favorite this is my favorite y'all order to be ashamed of yourself i'm gonna ask you a question that has nothing to do with anything are those girls boobs real in that picture can fly as fast as racehorse fun fun fact about this video so the chick in the blue yeah order to be ashamed of yourself one of my friends is her her aunt right And I didn't know this before I did the video. It's like,
Starting point is 00:36:29 it's like her, her cousin's niece or something like that. Anyways, like they know each other and like me and me and this chick are like really good friends. So she texted me after I posted that video and she was like, she was like, I'm dying right now. And she told me the relation, everything. She said, I got sent, you know, her, of her going to this dance or whatever, you know, or going out like this. And she was like, when I saw you, you reacted to it. She was like, oh, my good Lord. Like, Nunley done made her viral. Man.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Do you know her Instagram account, that girl's Instagram account? Not a clue. I never ask. Smart. I'll figure it out for you smart smart crazy that dress is crazy so you think those boobs are real i think so i think they are too they looked like it but i mean i've been fooled before yeah wow crazy um so those videos the reason why i think your wife is so cool is because she i always just assume that when you make videos like that she just understands you're just a dude right well you're no different than any other dude there's dudes who tell the truth and there's dudes that lie right and i i always lie in the videos like i wasn't looking at carrots you know
Starting point is 00:37:39 right i wasn't looking at that ke's backhoe behind the chick. What does stitching mean? I heard you speaking with Jenny about it on that. You guys were talking about stitching. What does that mean? That's just the TikTok term for what I do with videos. It's a video at the front, and then it's me. It's just stitching two videos together. Is that built into TikTok, that ability to edit like that?
Starting point is 00:38:03 It is, yes, sir. Is that built into TikTok, that ability to edit like that? It is, yes, sir. So you'll be, let's say, in your car waiting to pick your kids up from somewhere, and you'll be scrolling through TikTok, and you'll see something, and it will inspire you to want to say something. So then you just hit the button, and you put Stitch, and it grabs it, and you edit the length of it, and then you film your part. Yes, sir.
Starting point is 00:38:23 And you post it. Well, yeah, and that's a feature that's built in TikTok. I've stopped doing all my video editing and stuff on TikTok because I upload to Instagram and stuff as well, right? So I do everything off out that way because TikTok's only 780p. Facebook and Instagram and YouTube are 1080. YouTube now has 4K, but who the hell has 4K display to watch YouTube on, right? Or no, it's 8K.
Starting point is 00:38:49 They have 8K now. And I don't know anybody that has an 8K display. But I do everything off out that way. I can upload in 1080. Sorry. One second. Sorry. Hunter, hi. What's up, buddy? We're live on the air right now. In who? 1080. Sorry. One second. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Hunter. Hi, buddy. We're live on the air right now. Justin Nunley. Did I pronounce your name? Right? Justin.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yes, sir. Justin Nunley. I have no clue. He is. He must have very little followers. Well, thank you for coming on the show,
Starting point is 00:39:22 Mr. Hunter. Hey, are you doing the show tonight with me or not yeah I think so I don't really even know what time it is it's at 6 o'clock pacific standard time lord have mercy that's pretty late but I can come in okay you're a good dude
Starting point is 00:39:35 you can come and go whenever you want we got a UFC fighter on who's fighting this weekend too Jordan Levitt the monkey king wow alright man I look forward to it. Okay. Love you. Bye.
Starting point is 00:39:46 Say sorry to Justin. He's got way more followers than you'll ever have. He has 30 times the followers you do. That's okay, Justin. I think you're a great guy. I'm just giving you shit. All right.
Starting point is 00:39:54 It's good to meet you, Hunter. All right. Bye, brother. He's only got 100,000 followers. How dare he speak to a 3 millioner like you like that? How many followers do you have on TikTok nowok now 4.5 oh my god it's a runaway train it is it is and i i tell you somebody uh somebody commented i i announced last night on facebook that i was uh i've just
Starting point is 00:40:21 been named uh the track ambassador for br Bristol Motor Speedway for this upcoming weekend. Right. So I'll be at the race for Saturday and Sunday and I'll be, you know, shooting videos for Bristol all weekend. And somebody said like, like you, like, have I missed something? Like, it seems like just like a couple of days ago, you were a ordinary citizen. And now you're like, you've been projected into this giant role. And I was like, yeah, it's been a wild ride, but I have no clue what I'm doing. I feel like the Clampetts when they first went to Beverly Hills. Great reference.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Great reference, the Clampetts. How do you know the Clampetts? You're only 38. How do you know the Clampetts? I loved watching. Well, because I grew up in North Alabama you know so like I grew up watching the old shows like you know the Dukes of Hazzard he haul the Beverly Hillbillies the full nine another great photo of you by the way who took this uh my friend courtney um we actually work together she works for me um and she's she's a great photographer courtney garner photography yeah
Starting point is 00:41:31 um justin please stand in front of this wall okay put that goop in your hair exactly and did they ask you for this photo say that again they told me to send a bunch of a bunch of you know pictures and i well she told me to send one picture and i i just hate making decisions so i sent her a bunch of them and said here uh take whichever one you want it's so cool i mean did you eat raccoons as a kid no we used to hunt though yeah so what why would you hunt them if you didn't eat how did you know about that i just just read just simple research on the internets just followed you around on the internets really yeah how did where have i talked about i can't tell you that i can't tell you that i can't that is wild well yeah no we used to we used to coon hunt and i tell you that um what we we didn't waste the coon right there was a guy down
Starting point is 00:42:25 the road that would that would eat raccoon and we would always drop them off with him after you pulled the trophy out of course what's the trophy uh the uh the dick bone out of the coon serious yeah so uh raccoons have a have a bone in their dick right and and it's shaped like a j and the bigger the coon the bigger the trophy you get out of it. And a lot of people, a lot of the old timers and some of the younger guys still, they will whittle the end down and make a toothpick out of it. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Wow. Hey, can you get that on Amazon? You can get it on Etsy. I saw them the other day. I was like looking. I'm like, do people sell these? And sure as You can get it on Etsy. I saw them the other day. I was like looking. I'm like, do people sell these? And sure as shit, they do on Etsy. Dude, if there were aliens who harvested humans for their cocks,
Starting point is 00:43:15 I'd be like the prize. I'd have to be hidden. I'd be like the prize catch. I would be the most sought after. Thank God no one hunts us for giant cocks holy cow but is that not wild though that like yes it's just crazy that's like uh you know just things in like subcultures that you would not even know unless you talk to somebody but yeah sure sure enough um man there's too many questions fighting for, to come out of my mouth.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Settle down, boy. Settle down. Well, you, you cut, you cut it out, right? You cut it out and, and you put it, you put it down in like Clorox or something until all the meat falls off of it and it's good and disinfected and clean and white and everything. Then you, you whittle it down. You've got a nice little J hook on one end and a toothpick on the other i'd do that i'd get one of those i if i remember i will go on to etsy and get one of those you got to check it out yeah um so you would what if you got a girl do they have any
Starting point is 00:44:16 trophies no no you're not like damn this one's got some huge fallopian tubes. No, you don't save anything. No, no. And then so you would kill them and you take them to a guy and he would eat them. You just grab the cock and run. Right, basically. Story of my life. Do you have any?
Starting point is 00:44:37 I don't. My dad still has them all, right? I don't know. I think he does. I haven't asked him for any coon cocks lately but um i'm sure there's some laying around just a cigar box full of cocks yep we don't have a we don't have a bone we don't have any um bone in our cock right that's all cartilage that thing's right that thing will shrivel up like you can push but you can break it did you know that what i think yeah i think i did know that because i have a friend who's a urologist and he told me they have a record number of breaks during covid because people are inside people doing some weird
Starting point is 00:45:09 shit during covid man yeah people are testing their limits yes yes okay i'm gonna throw you up in the air and you're gonna try to land your hole's gonna try to land on this stick hey do you work out speaking Speaking of throwing girls around? I used to work out a lot, right? I used to be real big into bodybuilding, and I've had three shoulder surgeries now. My elbow's jacked up. I've got a steel plate in my neck, and I've got a bad back. So I really don't lift or anything a whole lot anymore.
Starting point is 00:45:41 What do you do? You've got to do something. I do. I'll run, or I'll, uh you know i've got a weighted vest um i'll throw a weighted vest i only go walk for a couple hours um i tried crossfit one time yeah and i threw up never went back uh oh i thought you were gonna pull your hand away and be naked isn't that no no i see that on instagram no i got a notification i think it said i think it said 20 battery left nah you know we'll see how this goes if i go dead i'll be back on my ipad okay um um what about
Starting point is 00:46:17 an assault bike have you thought about doing that assault bike i'll show you what is that you got you got to get one of these let me see i actually did buy a treadmill uh for the bedroom first uh first like big purchase like that i've ever made sounds kinky so this is what i'm you have to you have to here's what i think you have to work out i think it will inspire your creativity right um it does every time i go for a run or i go for a walk or something and when i say walk i'm like not i'm not you know just through the uh okay yeah i know what that is so i think so i think you should get this and i think you should get a tv and put it on a wall and a headset so basically so yesterday, even though I was sick as a dog yesterday,
Starting point is 00:47:07 I think I've had COVID for the 15th time today, or this month. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away?
Starting point is 00:47:21 You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. At AirMiles, we help you collect more moments. So instead of scrolling through photos of friends on social media,
Starting point is 00:47:47 you can spend more time dinnering with them. How's that spicy enchilada? Very flavorful. Yodeling with them. Ooh, must be mating season. And hiking with them. Is that a squirrel? Bear! Run! collect more moments with more
Starting point is 00:48:09 ways to earn air mile and um and i and i just get on this thing for 10 minutes and then i just watch i research you through using apple tv i search all around looking for anything i can find on you then i get off and i stretch for 10 minutes but i'm still doing research i have my phone there i swing a mace around a little bit. Then I get on for another 10 minutes and then, you know, 40 minutes have passed and I'm just completely covered in sweat. But really I'm just taking the master's class in just a noonly. I like it. I like it. Where did you find the information about the coon hunting? Sir, I cannot tell you. I'm going to dive down a rabbit hole myself today.
Starting point is 00:48:44 And see if you can find it. I cannot tell you, but'm going to dive down a rabbit hole myself today. And see if you can find it. I cannot tell you. But I thank all your immediate family members for jumping on short calls with me to talk to me about your childhood. Oh, Lord. Do your mom and dad have any idea of what you're dabbling in and sort of the, and, and, and sort of the, the, the additions you've made to your life in the last year. They figured it out real quick when we went to when we went to St. Louis, like I'm, I'm, I don't talk about, you know, I don't brag or anything like that. Like I just,
Starting point is 00:49:18 I just kind of live my life and have a good time and let, let what happens happen. But when we went to St. Louis, my, me and my dad was talking and and we was stopping for lunch or for breakfast in cracker barrel they're in like podunk mississippi i mean it was in the middle of nowhere and uh and he said i you know make it a joke he said i bet won't nobody in here recognize you and i said dad i'll uh i'll bet you a hundred dollars they do somebody will come up want to take a picture. He said, there ain't no way I'll take that bet, right?
Starting point is 00:49:49 Four people came up to me while we were having breakfast. It was like, can we get a picture together? And I think that they realized at the end, you know, that it had kind of gotten a little bit bigger. How about the people at your work? Are they cracking up? They must love it. Yeah. Well, no, I mean, we don't ever even really talk about it. so how about the people at your work are they cracking up they must love it yeah well no i mean
Starting point is 00:50:05 that we don't ever even really talk about it it's just like you know i'm just i'm just a regular dude you know right and i'm just the same old guy that they always knew i just have a verified social media account now you know um are you are you are you in a creative peak? Do you feel you're just oozing with creativity right now? I've been holding back for years. Yeah. I don't know. My mind just works different, I think. You know what I'm saying? I've always looked for a punchline in every single situation in my life to either turn awkward situations into not awkward situations or, you know, tragic situations into something funny. I've just, my mind's always worked like that. So
Starting point is 00:50:52 now it's just like, it's like second nature to me. It's like, I'm sitting there scrolling, you know, scrolling the four, you were scrolling, uh, uh, Instagram reels. And I'm, you know, I see a video and I have a punchline popping in my head and I'm like, yeah, there we go. These do people love it when they get incorporated into your video? They used to not, but they do now. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. They used to, I used to get a couple of messages. Yeah. I used to get a couple of messages and now, um, I used to get messages to people that hated it. Now everybody messaged me and says, Hey, thanks for the shout out, you know, because I've, I've Because I've become known as that guy. Do they get tagged in your video?
Starting point is 00:51:29 Oh, I tag them. Oh, you're such a good dude. I made fun of Jada Pinkett Smith the other day, and I tagged her in it. Kim Kardashian, I clowned on her and Ray J's DIY video, and I tagged her in it. God, she's hot. Yeah. Yeah, I just saw this morning. You know she's from the same gene pool as me.
Starting point is 00:51:51 Really? Yeah, she's Armenian and I'm Armenian. There we go. Listen, did you know? Listen. You know, before, no, listen, did you know on this one, did you know that before OJ got in the white Bronco with Hal Collins back in the day, O.J. was sitting on Kim Kardashian's bed trying to figure out what he was going to do? And she was a little girl then, right?
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yep, yep. I watched the miniseries that Cuba Gooding was in. Yeah. And I was really fascinated by how close the Kardashians were with all that. Yeah, I didn't realize it was that close. I knew that he represented O.J., but to think about O.J. being there in that house right before he got into the Bronco, the infamous Bronco chase was wild to think about. A friend of mine used to be married to Marcus Allen, who was a running back for the Raiders back then. And she was friends with OJ, and I got to sit down with her for one night for like three hours.
Starting point is 00:52:59 She told me shit. I was just like, holy crap. Dude, being around some people uh like like celebrity status yeah yeah they are wild they're wild man like they are not normal people no no no they i i don't feel like anyone great is is normal well i think we're all great i think that just so i think you hit something you said something that kind of that hit me hard you said you've been holding back i think everyone's holding back i decided to stop holding back stop holding yeah bro yeah like why are you having me go ahead go
Starting point is 00:53:35 ahead why are you holding back stop yeah like the only reason why you're holding because i don't want to lose my job i don't want my mom and dad to judge me because i don't want you i mean it's it's social pressure right well i mean and i get that to judge me because i don't want i mean it's it's social pressure right well i mean and i get that to a certain extent i mean if you're going to get like deplatformed or something you know then you might want to hold back a little bit you know but i don't know i say i say toe the line as much as you can because i i tell you if if people if people don't speak out if people don't start speaking their minds now. Our way of life is, as we know it, our kids and grandkids are not going to know it. We have freedom of speech, but people try at every opportunity to kill that.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Look at what happened with Chris Rock and Will Smith. A lot of people took Will Smith's side and said, well, Chris Rock went a little too far. No, he told a joke. he didn't go too far you know like if you can't if you can't take a joke then roll you know his wife went too far 100 chris rock didn't go too far his wife went too far yeah well no will smith went too far i'm sorry sorry yeah yeah well sorry will smith went too far jada didn't get up yeah yeah jada went too far yeah yeah chris rock didn't go too far it's a total joke it is the our whole society and you know our whole society thinks that you know words matter more than words matter more than actions look at any like political top spectrum or spectrum or social media or celebrity.
Starting point is 00:55:10 Your words matter way more than your actions. People can do some of the nastiest, most vital things, and they get a pass. But if you say one thing wrong that goes against what cancel culture thinks is you know a uh you know an executionable offense then you're done you're done the floor oh shoot in another language you feel nothing you in another language you feel nothing they don't mean anything to you because it's you who puts the meaning to it. Me, I know what it means, but it doesn't matter how hard I scream them to you. You might start laughing.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Take their words, take away the value of the words and drop them to the floor. If you take that away, they fall to the ground. They never get to touch you. They are nothing if i start insulting you in another language you feel nothing they don't mean anything this is such a profound statement what she is saying words mean nothing i've said this on my show a million times and it's amazing how many people do not get this because they don't know the difference between the reality in their heads and words. We have words that we demand upon birth
Starting point is 00:56:33 that all Jewish children are offended by, that all black kids are offended by, that all Mexicans are. Why would you allow, well, I would never teach my kids to be offended by anything that's waiting for them on this great planet? And for, and those of you who think you're social justice warriors who are demanding people get canceled for saying these words, what all you're doing, you think you're doing something good, but all you're doing is demanding that little kids be offended you are a you are a mean emotionally abusive psychologically torturing animal that is that's why i had to leave the left sorry to make this about politics i couldn't do it anymore under the guise of being loving creatures they're demanding that people they're demanding that uh people be offended i can't do that to anyone i don't want to argue other human beings, limitations for them. You're free.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Let no word, let no word touch you. I absolve you of your, of all. I set you all free. I had to be canceled, Justin. That's,
Starting point is 00:57:34 that's how I got set free. I was already pretty wild and free already. I, I, I, um, cancel cultures, bullshit anyway.
Starting point is 00:57:42 But when they canceled me, I was like, all right, I'm coming after about a year. I'm like, fuck it. I'm never, ever. ever i'm coming i'm coming out hard you can't cancel somebody that doesn't care right you know it's not like you you can say you're canceled and i'm just gonna go away and hide you know some people may i'm not going to i'm not gonna shut up you know um i'm i'm here to make people happy and laugh and if that's not what you want out of life
Starting point is 00:58:03 block me and move on dude yeah like it doesn't want out of life, block me and move on, dude. Like it doesn't bother me. Did you say blow me and move on? No, block me. Oh, you know, I like blow me and move on. Yeah. It's yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:17 You got to love it. Un-fucking-cancellable. And I'll tell you, you know, like how much I don't give a shit about what people's politics or religion is. I had no clue before I came on your show that you do politics. I had no clue that you was rallying. I've been on people's podcasts that are left-leaning, and we never even talk about it or anything. I don't give a shit. we never, we never even talked about it or anything. Like I, I don't give a shit,
Starting point is 00:58:50 you know, like everybody, everybody's, the way they are is based off their experiences in life, you know, and who am I to tell somebody else that, you know, well, you should believe this, you know, I, I don't know. That's what makes America so great is that we can all live in the same damn place and all have like like like different experiences to draw us to different conclusions on where things should go i think it's kind of cool it is cool i just wish that um uh more people understood um how to think like there are people out there who there's a story of the queen of england she took uh two weeks off the calendar and the citizen citizenry of the of of the uk then panicked because they thought they lost two weeks of their life and we live in a society where people really think it's it's like that you know what i mean people who think that
Starting point is 00:59:36 red really means stop like it's biblical but it's not something they think that money actually has value they they don't forget that like hey we're agreeing on some shit to make some shit work. The reality is just ooga booga. I appreciate the different people too, but I can't – a friend of mine told me, Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit, said to me one one time the only debate you bring a gun to is the freedom of speech debate and if you lose that debate you shoot the guy you cannot you cannot lose we cannot lose that debate the freedom of speech debate we have to have freedom of speech and that's what people don't understand and you have to be able to think clearly you can't outlaw hate speech because what's hate speech today is that's subjective you it's under this guise that you're doing something nice me telling justin nunley that i love him and would love to shower with him naked some people think that's hate speech yeah i mean the most offensive
Starting point is 01:00:38 the most offensive voice should be the most protected voice, period. Because if you don't protect that voice, all the other voices don't matter anymore because you don't have one. I've been to other countries where you can't say whatever the hell you want to say. You don't have freedoms that you have in this country. You have to protect the most defensive voice. That has to be the most protected voice there is. I love that. That sets the bar so high um is it is it every day do you make one um content every day every day i mean i've had probably six comedians on the show you're the only one who's been funny i didn't know i was funny
Starting point is 01:01:21 yeah you're funny i wasn't trying to be yet. It's like pulling teeth. Most of them seem damaged to me. Yeah, I don't. Because people, it's like I said earlier, people care too much about what other people think. Like I clicked on the chat just saying that's why my finger was in front of here like this. But I was looking at the chat and I was like, you know, I wonder if getting if i'm getting roasted in the comment section i haven't even looked at it yet um but i mean i at the at the end of the day like i mean even if i was it's not going to change what i'm doing right now i don't i don't care you know you can heckle me while i'm on stage you know doing something and
Starting point is 01:01:59 i'm just gonna i'm gonna roast on you i'm gonna have to have fun. We're not here for very long, man. At the end of the day, the good book says, our life is but a vapor. It appears for a moment and then vanishes away. We're going to be gone before we know it. In 100 years, we will not exist. In 200 years, nobody will know we existed. This life is what you make of it.
Starting point is 01:02:25 If you want to walk around being miserable your whole damn life, be guest i'm not going to and you know and you advise against it yeah i think um a few times in my life i've said things or done actions to try to hurt people like like just to be you know mean like say something like fuck you or something and um outside and i never feel good doing that never i. I'm never like, yeah, I really got them. I always like go to bed at night being like, that wasn't cool. You know, but one thing that I always I've always done is that the moment that I realized that I have done that and I have I have said something, I immediately I don't care how mad I still am at that person. I immediately turn around and say, you know what, my what my bad i'm sorry i should not have said that you know um even to your kids you do that to your kids yeah yeah i did it to my kids other day i you know i forget what it was like i didn't beat the hell out of them or anything
Starting point is 01:03:14 but uh after after you know the stern talking to uh i turned around i was like dude i'm sorry man like i i kind of blew a candle on that one you know and it wasn't that i was being soft with him or anything like he understood he understood what he did wrong um you know i corrected the corrected the behavior he understood why he was being corrected and then i just pushed it even further when i shouldn't have you know i should just right right well said that's what i do too sometimes i push it too far yep it's like getting pulled over and getting talked to by the cop and then it still writes you a ticket it's like dude either give me a stern talking to her write me the ticket don't do both let's just move on about our lives yeah you know when's the last time you've been pulled over by the cop dude i got a ticket last week the uh the state trooper
Starting point is 01:03:58 he uh and i was i was look i deserve the ticket there's no doubt in my mind i deserve you were high on fentanyl. Yes, 100%. Just blitzed out of my mind. No, I was speeding, and I was excessively speeding, I would say. I didn't realize I was. I just wasn't paying attention to the speedometer. And he pulled me over, and he came over to the window, and he just kind of looked at me.
Starting point is 01:04:20 I was like, yeah, my bad, man. That's on me. Whatever you want to do. And he said, okay, hand me your license and registration. He went back, came back with a ticket, handed me the ticket, told me everything, said, love your videos, bro. Keep killing it. Then rolled back to his car. I was like, yeah, I'm not even mad.
Starting point is 01:04:37 I deserve that one. I give you a pass if I'm the cop. Right. Well, I mean, I have gotten them before. I've had a cop pull me out and want to take a selfie but i was just like i never expected i'm just like yeah i'm screwing up i deserve it you know yeah that's it is what it is yeah i i think he did the right thing but i i would do the wrong thing if i was a cop maybe that's why i'm not a cop i was actually glad he
Starting point is 01:04:59 ticketed me for it to be honest like yeah i mean the money wasn't that bad i mean i'm not gonna pay that much money but it was just like one of those things it's like dude you had to take time out of your day to pull me over because i was being a fuckhead like brought me a ticket you know um why do why do podcasts like why do a podcast with some random dude who slides into your dms dude i've never said no to a podcast really i'd never have like i've done i've done a lot of them i've done i've done big podcasts i've done you know i've been the first guest on people's podcasts before when they start up yeah don't ever ask me to be on your podcast anyone out there especially if it's your first one fuck you guys i that if that's your opening statement
Starting point is 01:05:40 to me hey i'm starting a podcast you'd be a great first guest. Fuck off. I cut your teeth, man. I don't want to carry that shit. Let me say this. You're a good dude. Whoever's in here right now. Do not start flooding my shit with, I don't have time. Okay. Like I, and to be honest, like, I mean, there's so many podcasts out there. Like, you know, um, I hadn't, I had never been introduced to your podcast until last week when we spoke and I listened to, you know, listen to a few. But I mean, it's fun.
Starting point is 01:06:11 You lose more followers and gain more followers in a day. Your count fluctuates than I have followers. Yeah. You think so? I know. So, well, it's funny because one of my buddies here in fort walton um he's real big into crossfit right and you know how you know if somebody likes crossfit they'll tell you right um and they will tell you over and over but he uh he absolutely loves this podcast he's like dude i
Starting point is 01:06:38 am so excited you're going on here so small world yep very small world yeah this the crossfit cult is strong um it's strong it's people who it's it's a good group of people who really take personal accountability and personal responsibility uh seriously and they have faith that they can control the health of their life by movement and diet i mean and and we're only as the as society gets sicker as a whole we're only getting we're our that brings our bond even closer right right one of the ones at starbucks just ordering black coffee well my you know my funny story my son uh two weeks ago um i've been telling them i'm like how many sons do you have how many kids i have two
Starting point is 01:07:22 i have an 11 year old eight year old okay and theyear-old came to me because we take them to the CrossFit gym every summer. They have open workouts like three times a week, and they love doing it. Absolutely love doing it. And I kept telling my oldest, I'm like, hey, man, I said, I'm not going to push you. You're only 11. But if you want me to get us a membership, we'll start going. You know, me and you can work out together or whatever. Kind of like a little bonding time or whatever.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Yes, I love it. And he finally came to me two weeks ago and he said, I think I want to do the CrossFit thing. I said, now let me tell you this right now. Like, if we do it, we're doing it, right? Like, we're going all in. And he was like, okay, I'm cool with it. Hey, do you know the owner there, Justin? I do not they um i know one of
Starting point is 01:08:07 the one of the instructors there but i don't know the owner okay this is all i say to you do not be afraid to push back like these people don't know how fit they are and and 99 of the gyms are amazing the coaches are amazing but don't don't be afraid to push back like if they're like hey run a 400 you're you're especially with all the the injuries and shit you got you should always just say to them what's a sub or like if dudes if dudes are like putting 200 pounds over their head don't hesitate to just put pvc right from do you know what i mean you will like i just watched a clip of arnold um uh yesterday um that popped up on my youtube and to get a pump him and another guy were just pulling back and forth on a
Starting point is 01:08:51 towel like for someone like you right now with your injuries any movement's going to be fucking awesome and you're going to get fit do not let anything in there like get in your head let your son do all this strong crazy shit you know what i mean right seriously patient or else you'll leave again you'll be like yeah these guys yeah i mean that's what happened with the bodybuilding man i'm telling you my shoulders just gave out i tore my slap tendon and my bicep fell into my elbow and i was like wow this is kind of the end of it you know so were you on were you on drugs steroids or anything no i was just i was going really hard i was big i got i got really big really fast like i was i was uh i was doing some some crazy shit i wouldn't do any drugs or anything um but i was i was i was going hard i i i don't i think i'm 49
Starting point is 01:09:39 or no i'm 50 i don't think i'll ever do drugs any kind of performance-enhancing drugs, but when I see those guys, I want to. I just want to know what it's like. They've got great physiques. I want to know what it's like to be just like... Just huge. And then I go get my whole body, all the hair on my body taken off and just like...
Starting point is 01:10:00 Absolutely just jagged. And walk around in a little banana hammock and... I'm probably never going to have that, but I want it. Do you have any tattoos? Absolutely just jagged. And walk around in a little banana hammock in Venice. I'm probably never going to have it because I want it. Do you have any tattoos? I do. I do. I've got several.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I've got probably the one that I'm most proud of is the one on my ass. And what does that one say? You'll have to see it in person to figure it out. There's only a few people that know what it says. I really do want to get Roy Orbison tattooed on one of my ass cheeks. Wow, why is that? Just a hat tip to the water boy. Wow.
Starting point is 01:10:41 With the coach with the Roy Orbison tattoo. I've always thought that shit's hilarious. That's from the movie Waterboy? Yeah, yeah. He said, you know, my mom, I wanted a tattoo of Roy Orbison on my ass when I was in college. My mom wouldn't let me. He pulled his pants down and he said, but what mom I don't know won't hurt her.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Let me see if I can. Roy Orbison reference in Adam Sandler's. Is that a scene with Henry Winkler yep yep it's Henry Winkler with him on his ass let's see if we can pull this up and not get I've always thought that was the funniest one of the funniest scenes in a movie
Starting point is 01:11:15 because it's like out of nowhere you know when I was your age my mother told me not to get a tattoo of Roy Orbison. But what Mama don't know won't hurt her. I tried to make the right decision. It never gets old. Never gets old. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:11:51 That's one of those scenes in a movie that's like, you know, just out of just left field that you did not see coming. And it is always funny when you watch it. Hey, is that Adam Sandler? Yeah. He's so young. Yeah. How um is that adam sandler yeah he's so young yeah how old is that movie i don't know probably like early 2000s i'm i'm not a movie line guy do i do um uh i i spent a lot of time hanging out with crossfit athletes and just athletes in general and they seem to all be movie guys like the like when you're in the locker room especially the dudes they're just saying movie line quote movie quote each other yes dude i'm
Starting point is 01:12:28 telling you crossfit and the military are are almost like one in the same like it's the same dudes man everybody's got the same personality you know of course you've got your few outliers that are just weirdos you know but uh for most part, like everybody's just the same dude. Even the chicks are the same dude, you know? Yeah, they all talk in movie talk. I always feel left out. I always feel left out. I'm like, yeah, I've seen that movie 13 times.
Starting point is 01:12:55 I don't remember that part. Right. I just don't remember movies. Did you really try to get on Jeopardy three times? I did. I did. And then some bitches never called me back um how does that work what does that mean um that you tried to get on jeopardy so you you uh how it used to
Starting point is 01:13:11 work is that like you would you would apply right and they would send you a certain time that you had to do the the thing and you would do the quiz on the computer and you would only that you would have to read the question yourself and then hurry up and answer and it's like like you damn near got to be a speed reader you know to do this and you're monitored the whole time um from what i remember um and i just never got called back now that alex trebek's not on there like i have no interest in doing it no more so did you not get called on because you weren't able to do it fast enough? I don't know. I don't know. Like, I feel like I nailed most of the questions. Like, I'm pretty good with, you know, random trivia. And, like, I watch Jeopardy every day.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Absolutely love it. Watched it ever since I was, like, eight years old. Love watching it for the interesting. I've always been into interesting facts. And I usually do pretty well at it so i really think that like coming on the show i i feel like that they give you subjects to study and i feel like like i can retain information like that you know i really feel like i would do well on that show um how long have you and your wife been married 13 years okay so she met you when she was
Starting point is 01:14:22 you don't know i I think it's 13. Um, I'm going to be in trouble. Thanks, Dick. She, she met you in the military. Uh, so no, we, we were all, we've known each other since we were little kids. Oh shit. Yeah. We went to the same church, um, growing up and everything.
Starting point is 01:14:43 And, um, she was like four years older than me um so we never dated or anything like that in high school but once i got out and um i was in the military my mom kind of fixed us up my mom saw her out one day and they kept talking about me and mom was like i'll give you his email address because this was back in the day so hey um do you remember her in the church like as a 10 year old boy and she was 14 and she was already wearing like a training bra and you're like oh that's a girl oh yeah oh yeah yeah 100 yep wow but of course she didn't want nothing to do with me because like i said earlier i was an annoying kid in class you know and in youth
Starting point is 01:15:19 group and everywhere else crazy i i use the term training bra i don't even know that's like something like i probably learned from watching the brady bunch or something marcia or jan uh i had david taylor on yesterday he is the um gold medalist from the 2021 tokyo olympics in wrestling okay and i asked him how he met his wife and when he was 10 he wrestled her in a tournament, in a state tournament. Did she beat him? No, he whooped her. Nice. In 30 seconds.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Atta boy. Atta boy, Dave. Yeah. He said he was terrified that she would whoop him. Dude, if you would have said yes, I would have called him a pussy right here. This guy's so not a pussy. No. I think I'm pretty sure I know you're talking about he was on
Starting point is 01:16:05 wrestlemania a couple weeks ago wasn't he oh maybe i think they introduced him out there oh okay um uh they call him magic the magic man david the magic man taylor when the gold medal in the 20s sounds like a stripper man it does it totally does yeah it totally magic and he's got a stripper's body too the magic man just coming in just just dropping glitter everywhere um i went to um i went to wrestlemania one no way yeah i mean not live but i went to like you know that was before it was closed closed caption so you had to go to a big old auditorium i went in richmond california just right across the bridge from san francisco and there's a big huge auditorium and we all packed in there and then they played it on like a giant screen like half the size of an imac screen back then that was huge well i went to
Starting point is 01:16:56 wrestlemania 34 okay but i'm more jealous of your experience what when what when was wrestlemania 34 is that in the last five years 2018-2019 it was in New Orleans it was really cool it was before they split it up into 2 days so like we were there for 8 hours of wrestling now Wrestlemania is 2 days yeah they do it over Friday night and Saturday night
Starting point is 01:17:18 but we went which is way better because when we went we were there from like 11 o'clock in the morning until 10 o'clock that night watching matches. Hey, is it starting to become like a festival? Like do they have a vendor village and all that shit?
Starting point is 01:17:34 It's wild. Absolutely insane. It's the craziest shit I've ever seen. I've been to a lot of sporting events. I've been to a world series game, which I went to this past year. Go Braves. I've never seen, I've never been to a Super Super Bowl, but I've never seen anything like WrestleMania.
Starting point is 01:17:48 It was wild. I went to a Super Bowl. Which one? It was so stupid. You're kind of asking the wrong guy, though. I went to – do they have some giant stadium in Dallas? Yeah, Arlington. I think it was the grand opening of that stadium,
Starting point is 01:18:06 and they did the Super Bowl there. Oh, yeah, yeah. And they probably had like 7,000 TV sets in there, like all around. It's wild. That place is insane, bro. You've been in there? Yes. I went and watched Alabama play in there a couple years ago.
Starting point is 01:18:21 And that TV is – you find yourself watching the tv more than you do the field nobody watched the game nobody watched the game i was sitting like right next to snoop dog and his bouncers and shit no one's watching the game everyone's watching the tv you and you're like i'm not gonna watch the tv i'm not gonna watch you nope i'm watching the tv and you find yourself just watching it and the game is wild like i mean it's a beautiful screen but i think it really kind of, that screen takes away a little bit from the experience. And then we had little screens, like 90 inches,
Starting point is 01:18:51 just everywhere too, like near us. Right. Oh, yeah. They're everywhere. Yeah. We showed up at halftime, and we left before fourth quarter started. I couldn't even tell you who was playing in it. I just remember thinking, wow thinking wow that this is a uh this is a miserable experience you didn't enjoy it no i thought i
Starting point is 01:19:12 thought i no you're not a football guy i used i mean i used to be i used to love the 49ers and the raiders when i was a kid you know jim plunkett joe montana um you know ronnie lott marcus allen i probably watched all their shit for like five years. But I realized that I wasn't a football fan because if they didn't go to the Super Bowl, I didn't watch it. I was a team fan, but not a sport fan. I mean, I feel that. I'm a college football fan. But if Alabama's not in the national championship, I'm going to watch, but I'm not.
Starting point is 01:19:43 I could give two shits. I could get up and go to the bathroom during the game and right you know right yeah i um i felt like most of the people were there at super bowl just to say they went there right so you live in san francisco i live in santa cruz south of san francisco like yeah so i've got some family that lives in hollister i've oh shit dude i love that area love that area it's very close to me i went to santa cruz for my first time uh back about four years ago really cool place i got a bunch of cool pictures from there yeah great great beach town so like um here it's 8 15 in the morning here when we get off i'll immediately just take my kids and either go to the beach or the skate park or go play it's dope nice it's a it's a fantastic but the people aren't um the people
Starting point is 01:20:31 are broken yeah yeah they're broken most of them the vast majority of them are broken unfortunately oh i think that's everybody man i think that's everywhere to be honest everybody i'm not broken no i'm well i mean mean for the most part. You know what I'm saying? Everybody's trapped in this Monday through Friday, nine to five mindset and everybody works for the weekend.
Starting point is 01:20:52 How fucking miserable is that to think about? The only thing that brings you happiness is the end of your week. Yeah, you mean like people who go on cruises? Yeah. Have you ever been on a cruise?
Starting point is 01:21:04 No. Yeah. Have you? Once. a cruise? No. Yeah. Have you? Once. Are you going to go again? No, no. I would never, ever, ever, ever, unless you get so rich and you get a big old yacht and invite me on it. I'm not.
Starting point is 01:21:16 What is your idea of an ideal vacation? Anywhere my kids are. Yeah. Anywhere, yeah. I'm not a vacation guy. I do no compartmentalizing in my life it's just one i'm a lot like that yeah it's just one um it's just one and maybe my shit gets shortchanged a little bit but um yeah i was on i was on a cruise and basically for half the people on the cruise, I'd say at least, it's just an eating expedition.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Right. And it's crazy. It's crazy. And kind of the last thing I want to do on vacation is eat. I just want to – I kind of maybe just want to stay drunk and then just be mostly naked, a pair of shorts. Right. That's what – I mean, when we were out in Vegas this past week, that was like a little mini vacation.
Starting point is 01:22:09 That was the first time that Crystal and I have really went somewhere without the kids in a really, really long time. And eating was like a side thought. We didn't plan anything around eating. We would get all the way through the day and we're like, we didn't even eat lunch. We didn't eat breakfast or lunch we grabbed coffee and rolled and uh i don't know i think that's the most fun you know i agree hey a coffee's great what a great drug i love it love it i can't have enough of it you you make you can make money on tiktok
Starting point is 01:22:42 you can the money's not good on TikTok. Yeah, it's not good. I don't think it's good anywhere on social media. But when you said – you said something a while back. You said my wife, when she saw the money come in, she – where does that money come from? Is that from TikTok? Yeah, some of it's from TikTok. Some of it's from Facebook.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Facebook pays really well. They do. So you create content you're basically your own producer director studio it's the justin newley studio you produce it and then just like youtube and then you put it up there and they pay you per views right yeah wow that's really cool i wonder why i should put some shit up on facebook you should we we could talk we could talk offline and i talk offline, and I'll give you my tutorial on how to do it because, I mean, it's simple, but the money's good. The way – the vast, vast majority of our listeners come off of Apple, iTunes, and Spotify. Okay. And not only do I not make money that costs me money
Starting point is 01:23:45 right because i gotta host it podcast all podcasts people have to host i don't think there's any free hosting service for podcasts so you have to pay i have to pay to host the audio somewhere and then which is kind of crazy right right so no one's i guess i think no one's really figured out how to monetize podcasts like that. The only way, like I have a bunch of sponsors who are like crazy supportive of the show. But other than that, yeah, I'd love to pick your brain on that. Do you think that it's like your biggest, what is your biggest struggle as being a podcast? I'm interviewing now. What is your biggest struggle of being a podcast host? I just never want to do it. Okay. Do you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:24:35 Yeah. But once you click the button to go, like your money. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Like your money. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Once you and I start, but like as I walk in the door and I sit down, I'm like, that's why I was tripping when you about get you getting on stage. There's this feeling I have that I all like there's this horrible feeling I have right when a podcast starts every single one where I want to run away. I literally want to run away.
Starting point is 01:25:02 It's funny. I want to be like, I'm so sorry, Justin. I can't do it today. Like it's so powerful. It's so it's like nauseating. My hands start tingling. My feet start tingling. I can almost do it right now. But it's something, you know, you can't you can't skip out on.
Starting point is 01:25:16 So you almost like train your brain to think, well, I got to do it anyway. So I just hope this ends as fast as possible. So I just hope this ends as fast as possible. No, no, how, uh, no, how I mitigate is I just start telling myself, breathe. I just, my wife would, I would, I, I hear my wife just be like, Hey, you need to breathe dumb shit. She doesn't say dumb shit. I add that part in there. My wife's really loving and nurturing, but I just tell myself, breathe, dude, breathe.
Starting point is 01:25:41 You ain't going nowhere, bitch. Breathe. Like, you know what i mean like it's terrifying it's really bad it's really if no one can imagine how bad it is what say it again you think it's anxiety crazy anxiety really yeah crazy crazy crazy anxiety i don't want to interact with people so you're you're some you're like really like kind of like reclusive. Like if you could be a recluse, you would. I love being alone. I love a really tight loop.
Starting point is 01:26:10 My life. Me too. I need a really tight. Okay. My kids, I'm going to take them to the skate park. Oh shit. There's new parents here. What if they want to talk to me?
Starting point is 01:26:17 Right. Yeah. Bro, I feel everything you're saying with every fiber of my being yeah i just want to stay in my little tiny okay now we're at the tennis courts now we're here now like i can't even do this podcast unless my buddy matt schedules people for me okay so that's where matt came in on yeah okay that's all that's the reason i do the podcast one of my friends is like hey i'll schedule that for you nice so i just so i was just um i, so I was just, um, I saw this post of yours, this it's, I saw this post of yours and I was like, wow, I really have to talk to this guy.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Cause this is something that I would totally do. Actually. I want to hear this story. This is so awesome. This always makes me nervous. I'm like, what did he find out? Cause you found out about the Kuna and what the hell is he found. This, I just love this. This is exactly how I would handle a car accident. Yes. I would be so, especially if it was their fault, I would be so fucking nice to them. I would try to find a way to make it so it's, the more intense and horrible the situation is, the nicer I become. I'm the same way.
Starting point is 01:27:25 You know, I look back and like, I become. I'm the same way. I look back. I'm not going to lie. When it initially happened, I got aggravated. I'm like, this is my brand new truck. I just bought my dream truck, bro. I bought an $80,000 truck that is my dream truck that I've always wanted. Got all decked out. Got the color I wanted.
Starting point is 01:27:46 It's beautiful. It's my truck. St's my stereo the wheels the two weeks later the the the the foot what are those things called the the yeah the running boards that are just way too expensive but you're like fucking i'm getting them yeah no they come down when i open the door i get close to it they automatically come down then they were tracked back up um i mean like it's, you know, I got the full nine. And I'm not bragging about it, but what I'm saying is two weeks later I get hit. But I tell you, like I got aggravated at first. I pulled up into that parking lot, and then I looked back at them, and it was two young girls, and they was absolutely terrified,
Starting point is 01:28:19 and they was like so apologetic. And I was like, I'm not even mad, you know. Like shit happens. Like this is just, you know in five years it's going to be an old truck who gives you you know and and they're so bummed oh yeah well the one in the middle the one in the middle was the one driving uh she was bummed i had to really i had to really work to cheer her up uh the one on the the one on the uh left there she was, uh, she was just chilling, happy the whole time. Did they, um, did they know who you were? Not until the, not, no, not at first. Um, they didn't know who I was then when the, uh, the fire department got on
Starting point is 01:28:56 scene and a couple of them knew who I was. And then the sheriff's, uh, the sheriff's deputy pulled up and she was like, holy crap, you live here? And I was like, yeah. And they looked over at me, and they was like, okay, who are you? We got to know now. Because it was kind of obvious that people recognized me. And she has a nice car too, and it's totaled. It's totaled.
Starting point is 01:29:19 I felt so bad for her. Did that go under your truck? Yeah, kind of. How's your truck now it really it you get if you walked outside and looked at my truck i just had it ceramic coated um while i was going to vegas you can't even tell anything happened to my truck like it didn't put a scratch on the paint or nothing it just kind of dented my my uh rear bumper in a little bit. I think everyone in Fort Walton should know who you are now. Is that where you live? Yeah, that's Ryan.
Starting point is 01:29:52 That's my buddy I was telling you that really likes your podcast. Oh, awesome. Thank you, Ryan. Ryan, can you believe this podcast hasn't taken over? Can you fucking believe? What the fuck is going on? Yeah, like they had no clue, was it was fun to watch them kind of you know kind of start to realize because and i i don't i don't talk about it you know i'm saying
Starting point is 01:30:12 it's not like i i introduced myself hey i'm just i'm a social media influencer or anything it's just uh it's just a fun little it was fun to watch them come to the realization you know that you know people knew me i just like it there's no there's no i do my i do my absolute best when i step out of the house to to not spread any negativity right like if someone flips me off i apologize i try not to like i just try like outside of my outside out in that world i just always so nice to people here's how react people flipping me off yeah yeah yeah yeah or or like sorry i don't even know what i did sorry just i'm just a moron just like it's cool i'm a moron you don't even don't even waste your middle finger on me right like beneath you
Starting point is 01:30:56 yeah don't and i tell you like i used to not be like that like i used to you know uh me neither for an eye you know you flip me off i'm gonna cuss you out, roll my window down. And if you want to fight, we can fight. And I'm just like, yeah, it's not even worth it. Like, like what am I accomplishing at that point? You know? Um, what's, uh, what's next for you? Do you, do you, where will this go? Are you going to keep doing more standup? Um, how, when, okay, sorry, too many questions. Here we go. This is the one I'm going to land on. When you went to Vegas and you did the standup, how did you know how to write a stand-up monologue routine? How did you do that? I didn't.
Starting point is 01:31:31 Well, like I said, I've studied comics from the time I was 12. Now, I will say this, that I have been very blessed and I have learned really quick that the comedian community is a very tight-knit community. And when they bring you into the fold, you have access to people that you would not dream of. You know what I'm saying? John Kreist has been one of the most awesome, special gifts from God, I guess you could say, that you could imagine. He's a professional comedian. He's on his Clean Cuts tour. He's not paying me to sponsor him right now. Um, but he reached out to me early on and he was like, dude, you're going to be huge. I I'm here for it. I can't wait to see it. You're
Starting point is 01:32:14 hilarious. And he has turned into a good friend of mine. Like we was texting and everything. So anything that I have a question about, I text him and I mean, I've got a, well, I've got two professional comedians that I can text anytime. Him and Leanne Morgan and ask them anything. And they're there for it. Like they want to help. That's amazing. And so did you really didn't have a shtick ready? Mm-mm.
Starting point is 01:32:39 No. Let me see. Is this his LA thing? Is that him? Yeah. Can you hear it? I can't tell if the audio is on. You can hear it a little bit.
Starting point is 01:32:55 He's a good dude? He is a really good dude. Like, John is a great person. Like, I've had the chance to meet him in person now and everything. And just an amazing guy. Amazing guy. a great person like i've had the chance to meet him in person now and everything and uh just amazing guy amazing guy so so you go up there and you just start with the listens listen jokes no no i won't i i forget how i even started out with the uh um with this last one i don't even remember how i how i began but um dude i i told the joke about las
Starting point is 01:33:26 vegas and people lost their shit i mean like it was like the biggest pop i've ever had and it's honestly like a drug you know at that point you know it's just like let me get that again real quick yeah um i i interviewed a lot of ufc fighters and they talk about that getting in the cage hey yo speaking of which how did you get into the um how did that happen you got did you see me get knocked out no oh yeah yeah yeah that was great yeah that was great how did you get into the performance institute smiling sam alvey um awesome great amazing he's great like he hung out with me and my wife like all day and all night like he was just like like he actually did stand up at Wiseguy's that night too.
Starting point is 01:34:08 It was kind of like a TikTok takeover, you know, all the, all the comedians or want to be comedians, you know, jump up on stage. And there was like six or seven of us and we had a blast. Sam is an amazing guy. He go watch me get laid out. This was the third take, by the way, and he progressively was hitting harder each time because I couldn't get it right. I think he got tired of doing it, and he was like,
Starting point is 01:34:34 I'm going to hit him so hard that he's just tired of taking the punches. He finally figures this out. Aye, aye, aye. So that hurt a little bit little bit yeah that last one stung that last one stung now he was he was hitting me with grazing punches but that last one that uh it it made my jaw sore for a couple days wow and so um you're there your wife films that with her iphone then you um go back to your hotel room and edit it. No, I actually edited it on the on the way back to the hotel.
Starting point is 01:35:11 We he took us all over the place, like in your phone, in your phone. Yeah. Yeah. Using what app? I use a video leap. OK, he's video leap. He actually like the whole premise of us coming there. He really wanted to put me and Todd Royce, which is another guy on TikTok. Um, he's, he's pretty funny guy. Um, he wanted to put us in an ice bath. Now, let me tell you something. Have you ever been in an ice bath?
Starting point is 01:35:35 No. Oh yeah. Yeah. Once, once, once. Dude. Like, so at the UFC training center, I'll put the, I'll put the pictures up later today on my Instagram. So you can see, um, but we're in the ice bath one of the uh one of the giant tubs is like 47 degrees or something
Starting point is 01:35:50 then the other one is like down near like 80 like it's hot right like a hot tub and you get in that 47 degree water it hurts for like a good three minutes and then i get so cold it stings yeah it feels like needles poking all over the body but then after three minutes goes then i get so cold it stings yeah it feels like needles poking all over the body but then after three minutes goes away you're just numb and it's it's not that bad anymore and then when you get in the hot water it's needles all over again but wow it was it was a great time did you have that euphoria the time i did it i went from a super hot sauna to cold water and oh yeah it was like i did mushrooms for like 30 minutes i could not stop laughing i was like what the fuck is going on it was it was a good time it'll wake you up that's
Starting point is 01:36:29 for sure yeah so so he reached out to you and he's like hey you're in vegas do you want to see the performance institute and you're like yeah i'd love to he was like sam was one of the first like famous people to follow me on tiktok when i got account, right? And he reached out to me. He's like, dude, I love your page. He's like, I love it. I'm here for it. And me and him, we became friends. And, like, it's crazy to think that I'm friends with a professional athlete. And he's just so nice and, like, down-to-earth.
Starting point is 01:37:00 And his wife won in America's Next Top Model last year. Like, and they're just the most down-to-earth people. They've got five kids and another one on the way. And yeah, just great people, man. I think at one point he was supposed to come on the show. We have so many feelers out. If people fall through the cracks, I hate to say it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:19 I'll hit him up and I'll tell him, like, bro, you gotta get on the podcast. Oh, you're a good dude. Yeah. You're a good dude. Any're a good dude i mean any issues with you um with your kids in your popularity no they use me for clout man awesome i think the 11 year old uses me to try to holler at girls and then the eight year old just uses me for friends good man i just love it so much my house is the house that everybody won't spend the night at go figure um do you have it do you have a next stand-up uh uh you're doing do you know where you're going next well i'm gonna be in bristol this weekend i don't think i'm doing any stand-up or anything i don't
Starting point is 01:37:52 know bro that's home of the sbn right bristol no that's bristol connecticut i'm going to bristol tennessee for the race oh oh right okay and we showed that. Listen, listen. Did you know that if you were in Bristol, Tennessee, as a crow flies, it is a shorter distance to get to Canada than it is Memphis, Tennessee? I didn't know. Yeah. And I wish I had some big old titties to show. You do. I'm right there. They're just covered up. Justin, what's your last name nunley nunley yes sir justin nunley hey thank you so much thanks for having me on i had a blast
Starting point is 01:38:36 good reach out anytime i'd love to do it again oh fuck yeah hit me up anytime when i do my first podcast so i'm gonna you're gonna return that favor yeah yeah are you are you are you gonna do a podcast i've had a lot of people hit me up and to do a podcast with me like like some you know some decent sized names yeah in the in the podcast world and i don't know i don't know we'll see i feel like i would do a good job at it. Everybody's always told me I think you'd kill the podcast game. I think you would too. And what's so cool about podcasters is everybody's like, dude, you should do it.
Starting point is 01:39:14 Like there's enough spotlight for everybody. You know, like it's not like cutthroat like anything else. Like everybody's like, man, there's enough for everybody. You know? I want to show you something real quick. Do you have a enough for everybody. I want to show you something real quick. Do you have a minute? Yeah. I want to show you something.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Here's the thing with it. So I'm not like fooling around. I'm not fooling around. I'm in it to be the next Howard Stern and Joe Rogan fucked each other and made a baby. You know what I mean? There's nowhere I'm not willing to go in my mind or no one I'm not willing to interview. I'm in it. Right. And it's crazy it's, it's,
Starting point is 01:40:11 it's crazy time consuming, right? So it's two hours in the morning with the podcast and then two hours at night doing research minimum. So that's four hours a day. And then the rest of the day I could time I can spend with my kids. So like, I just, I just go, you, you keep saying that, um, you're not bragging, but I'm bragging like blatantly right here. I just like, I go hard. So David, so I have this guy, huge guy from Tik TOK on today named Justin Nunley, uh, 4.5 million subscribers. Yesterday I had the Olympian David Taylor on. Then I, then, then also yesterday I did yesterday, I did four hours of podcasts. I also did a show about the CrossFit quarterfinals. That was a two-hour live call-in show.
Starting point is 01:40:47 Then I do a show every Sunday with a guy who lives in Ukraine and is in the war. Then I do a live call-in show where people can call. Then I did this guy, Trevor Cashy. He is the highest-level nutritionist, but it's just every day, dude. like the the highest level nutritionist but it's just every day dude dude i tell you though man that right there that's what it makes people like that's what makes people that get to goat status and what they do is hard work shit doesn't just happen um just because you sit on your ass and hope it happens it happens because you work your ass off and make it happen. Right. So I'm almost thinking, and I'm just shooting a shit with you right now.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Your craft, you're, you're, you're so good at it. And I don't think you should do anything to me personally to like, to, to stay in your loop. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:41:41 Like it doesn't get better. Like really meeting Taylor Swift. Isn't going to make your life better. Just stay in your loop. Keep. Like it doesn't get better. Like really meeting Taylor Swift isn't going to make your life better. Just stay in your loop. Keep making this amazing, funny shit. Let the world keep coming to you. If it doesn't help your kids, fuck it. Don't go.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Like if you're not taking your kids to the races, fuck it. Don't go. And this is my two cents of advice. And then maybe try to piggyback off of someone else who already has a podcast. So you come on their show for like 20 minutes once a week. Right. I don't know. I don't know if you want to open up a whole nother fucking door.
Starting point is 01:42:17 I mean, you would be great at it. Right. Well, you know, I've honestly thought about that because like the more stretched thin that I get, the less creative I get. You know, if I have to if I have to answer a million emails in a day, like I'm not that funny, you know. Now, if you give me if you if you let me fuck off all day. Yeah, I'm funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:41 But if I have to be serious, like it's not going to happen. So, no, you're right. You're 100 percent right. like it's not going to happen so no you're right you're 100 right uh this guy uh pablo luis says matt brought me here seven kept me here oh someone says give thanks to matt so matt fraser is the five times fittest man in the world uh he's across the games athlete and he had like two million followers on instagram and he did a show with me, a podcast with me, and we did like 20 episodes and then he just stopped. And I think, I don't know for sure why he stopped, but I think he stopped because, um, cause of this thing. Cause of my mouth. You know what I mean? I think he's like, ah, I can't, you know what I mean? He's getting too squirrely. Dude, I do what? He doesn't want to get canceled.
Starting point is 01:43:26 He doesn't want to get canceled. And I don't blame him. I'm not hating on him. Fuck, I'm telling you. I've been canceled before. You know? I don't give a shit. Like, these people that...
Starting point is 01:43:36 All these people want is the platform that you built anyways. You know? If you don't respond to them and you don't answer them, you can't get canceled, man. Where people make mistakes is they go on apology tours, man. If you said what you said and you're not scared that you said it or apologized, don't apologize for a joke. If your intent was not to hurt somebody, don't apologize for the shit. And why do you say that? I agree with you, but why do you say that?
Starting point is 01:44:00 What's the logic? Why not apologize? say that? What's the logic? Why, why, why not apologize? Because like these people, most of the people that come at you all the time are people that don't have the creative ability or the, uh, or the, you know, the know-how to build a platform that you built. So they keep nagging and coming at you and coming at you and coming at you until you finally crack and you respond to them. Now you had given them your platform that you built, right? And once you give that one person your platform, you're going to have to give it to everybody else.
Starting point is 01:44:32 So I don't respond to shit. I don't answer nothing. If you got something negative to say, I'm either going to ignore you, block you, or delete your comments because I really don't care. But I'm not going to respond to it. I'm not going to answer you because I'm not giving you my platform that I built. Um, I think when you say, sorry,
Starting point is 01:44:51 you're also letting the world know that you agree with that person that what you said is offensive, even if it's not offensive. So then you're re-instilling, you're part of the systemic root of whatever is causing the problem. And that's the part that people don't understand, that psychological part. Uh-oh, my wife just texted me. You're in trouble. So much trouble.
Starting point is 01:45:24 Be careful not to badmouth someone. is there's how bad mouth them yesterday during the show my wife said oh i just i had a dream that we were looking for a place to have sex it's like that's not a dream that's your that's reality but then now she's telling me to be careful i don't bad mouth i don't think i was bad mouthing someone was i bad mouthing someone on this i didn't think so oh oh i thinkhing someone. Was I badmouthing someone on this show? I didn't think so. Oh, I think she might be talking about the Olympic gold medalist guy. The strongest guy.
Starting point is 01:45:53 World's strongest guy. She might be talking about him. Oh, Matt Fraser? Yeah, but I didn't think she said anything bad about him. No, no, no. I'm not bad. No, no. I'm thankful.
Starting point is 01:45:59 I'm thankful. I'm thankful that he did the show with me. I love it. That's how I took it. Thank you. Salaam alaikum. Salaam alaikum or whatever they say over there.
Starting point is 01:46:08 Okay, Justin, thank you. It was great being on here. Seriously, hit me up anytime. I had a good time. Okay, cool. If there's ever anything I can do for you, anything you ever want to promote, anything you ever want to try out, anyone you want to recommend to that I can piggyback and climb on their back to make my podcast bigger, send
Starting point is 01:46:23 them my way. You got it, my man. You got my phone number. Hit me up for anything. Yep, you're a good dude. Have a good one, dude.

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