The Sevan Podcast - #369 - Hunter McIntyre & Jordan Leavitt

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

Hunter McIntyre - NEW HYROX WORLD RECORD Book Recommendations: Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy by Sadhguru Sign up for our email: ------------------------- Pa...rtners: - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - WORLD'S #1 JOB BOARD FOR THE CROSSFIT COMMUNITY - OUR WEBSITE Support the show Partners: - CODE "SEVAN" FOR FREE CONSULTATION - THE COFFEE I DRINK! - OUR TSHIRTS ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:53 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Tell them to come in 30. Hunter's freaking out. Bam, we're live. Hunter's freaking out because i haven't sent him a link yet hey whoa caleb look at you you gotta know did you get a haircut or your hair's growing in haircut oh i thought you were bald already more bald extra bald i don't mean this
Starting point is 00:01:21 at anyone in particular you have to understand that to anyone who's listening i do not mean this to anyone in particular i'm not thinking anyone in particular. You have to understand that to anyone who's listening. I do not mean this to anyone in particular. I'm not thinking anyone in particular, but you have to know that nine out of the 10 people who try to come on this show, who, who try to participate in this show, you,
Starting point is 00:01:35 it's like going to try out for the NFL and you, hi, good morning, Elise. Good evening. We're already there you think that you want to um you think you want to play with caleb and and will and matt and me you don't we're not playing we're not playing we need other people but we're not playing we're already going 500 miles an hour. We're already there.
Starting point is 00:02:06 We already think we've arrived. Do you think you've already arrived? You don't have to have the talent. We don't need anybody who's talented. We need people who like know that we're already there. You know, you would just never have an excuse. Like you're the luckiest person in the world to participate in this show. I don't want
Starting point is 00:02:25 to like, that's how I feel. I can't help it. And so those of you who've tried to come on or who want to be a co-host or who said you're going to help us with shit and you're just not like trying to be like, I didn't know Caleb and Sousa were going to be here just now. Everyone's like running to keep up. This thing's like a train and it goes by every single day and Caleb and Matt and me try to jump on and Will tries to jump on. And there's people that we invite to jump on because they beg to jump on and we keep driving by their house and they don't jump on. And I get it.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Like you can't believe that this train how hard this train is working we're already there guys so those of you who've had the opportunity i just want you to know that like eventually this train won't go by your house i'm just trying to give the metaphor i just feel sorry for some people who act like they want to be a part of this club but and and the doors like wide fucking open but they really don't because they don't understand. They don't understand. Right now, it's a 3 billion ton train that's going 8 miles an hour, and tomorrow it's going to go 9, and eventually it's going to go 60, and you'll never be able to catch it. And kudos to Caleb, Matt, and Will for getting on like crazy i are you seven strong i'm no i'm
Starting point is 00:03:49 seven adam matosian but i'm getting i'm pretty fucking strong right now what value is adam a-r-a-m my son's name is joseph strong joseph strong matosian oh is it 13k no 300 billion tons it's a big bigger than 13 it's a massive train thank you that 13k 13 000 ton is that big enough i don't know it reminds me of like what matt and josh used to say like everyone says that they're working as hard as they can but they're really not like we're working as hard as we can you want to be a part of it it looks like it's fun i told matt today um suze today i called him i go i'm fucking so burnt out why did i choose to do another show today because that's what fucking colton mertens does after he fucking gets off the Tyson pig farm.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Because I surround myself with people like that. Yeah, yeah. Yep, yep. Trina gets it before I could even say it. Roscoe. You don't win High Rocks as a senior citizen. Who the fuck are you guys? You don't win High Rocks as a senior citizen
Starting point is 00:05:04 by fucking taking days off. This is the open show. They just let anybody on this one. Holy shit, dude. What's up, brah? Are you tripping? Are you tripping? You beat the world record by two minutes?
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah, brah. I just spent way too much time working out. Way too much time. Hey, I talked to you before the event. You said you were going to retire. Yeah, bro. I just spent way too much time working out. Way too much time. Hey, I talked to you before the event and you said you were going to retire. I am going to retire. What's wrong with that? Nothing. It's just amazing. I'm so impressed.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Thanks, brother, man. I'm so, so, so, so, so impressed. Caleb, I have to kick you off too many people. Oh, you got the boot that quick. Yeah. Well, you can bring them back like that too. Oh, that was heavy.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Bye. Look, watch this. Hi. Bye. Hi. Where do you guys all exist in your head? That's pretty true.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Actually been losing my mind a lot lately. The kind of places that you need to go to to get that kind of performance out of your body is um is pretty much i videotaped it and didn't post it today just because i was like i don't really want to talk about this on social media because then it's just gonna i don't really care to give people that not that i don't care about people it's just like it's odd but since you guys are my friends um the kind of place you know him do you know the guy down there below matt souza have you ever met him kind of pretending that i'm just in an intimate room with you savan oh okay behind you in the seventh grade in english class did we really no fuck
Starting point is 00:06:42 hey i can kick his ass to the curb too watch watch watch bye i was i was an asshole back then in seventh grade so i i really hope that we weren't in the same class because you gave him a snuggie in the seventh grade okay pretend like we don't know each other so good and i want to ask you some questions yeah let's do this let's get deep and meaningful um uh stop flashing your beaver that guy's name is c beaver caleb beaver but we just call him c beaver and someone made a joke stop flashing your beaver um hunter um so so you competed in the high rocks world championships this past weekend it wasn't world championships it was just the last event that you could qualify for world championships so it was stacked for sure
Starting point is 00:07:31 it's kind of like um the best way of putting it it'd be like winning a um sectional or something like that h-y-r-o-x yes i don't even know what that means. And how many years have you been participating in these events? I did my first one in 2019, but I've been doing the version of sport, what this is called, which is fitness racing, since 2017. Other companies like Tough Mudder had a championship called TMX that was very similar to this. Shorter, but similar. and that's how I got into all this stuff. And actually a lot of CrossFit games, athletes used to come and compete in that annually. So now, you know, there's, this thing's a much more developed version of it where it's an
Starting point is 00:08:16 international sport. It's huge in Germany, right? That's kind of, it's yeah. Every single event in Germany, they're, they're putting on probably two to three events a month between two and 3,000 people. And in the UK, they're putting on one every month or every other month, anywhere from two to 4,000 people participating, not just showing up. So it's a pretty packed fitness event. And it's the same. Will you tell me the course really quick?
Starting point is 00:08:44 The best way to explain it is basically it's the same. Will you tell me the course really quick? challenge and all of the fitness challenges are kind of representations of all the sports that are out there so obviously skier is nordic skiing sled push is like bob sled sled pull is like strong man tug of war type shit burpee broad jump is just fitness rowing is olympic rowing um farmer carry strong man lunges is just a fitness movement and wall balls you're looking at all um that's not pro weights or pro reps but um those are the movements you need to do uh so we have to do 100 wall balls at the end with 20 pounds okay so it's um uh hold on uh what's after sand what was after sandbag i want to see that one more time down there sandbag and then wall balls okay and then do you finish with the run no no you finish
Starting point is 00:09:45 with the wall balls sandbag wall balls okay so everyone i'm going to tell you what the event is right now not with the reps it's a thousand meter run then a skier then it's a thousand meter run it's a sled push it's a thousand meter run it's burpee broad jump it's a thousand meter run thousand meter row it's a thousand meter run it's run, 1,000-meter row. It's a 1,000-meter run. It's kettlebell swing. No, no, farmer carry, 200-yard carry. Farmer carry. 1,000-meter run, sandbag lunge. Sandbag lunge, yep, 100 meters and 65 pounds.
Starting point is 00:10:15 That's brutal. And then 1,000-meter run and then wall balls. 100, yes. Nasty. And you've been doing this. What was the slowest world record you've ever set in this like when you first set when you came in or when you came into the sport do you remember what the world record was it was over an hour right no the world record was 58 59 it's 58 59 but here's the thing and i they they don't like admitting it but the european courses
Starting point is 00:10:44 are very different from the American courses. They use different material and different fitness equipment. And then also the halls, like they don't have big arenas like we do here in the United States. So the way that they set these things up is they take convention centers and they put them inside of them. But usually, for some reason, all of the arenas in Europe are much smaller, smaller with an H S H M smaller, smaller.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And what happens is, is technically everything is supposed to be the same distance, but because of the way that they design the course, um, the inside, like the travel that you have to do between stations in the united states is always much further so that's called the rock zone so that's another time domain that like where they measure how long it takes you to get from station to station and um ours are always
Starting point is 00:11:38 like two to three minutes longer than the european courses so european times are for pussies well what what are the why the term rock zone well high rocks so rocks is some kind of german it's something in german i don't know what the hell it is but it's the rock zone so the high would be like the penis and the anus and the rocks would be like the space in between the two that'd be the gooch the gooch the gooch zone the gooch zone i have to i have to sorry i like to put everything in context so i can understand it into my into my world and so what about the other implications of the equipment are you suggesting that maybe the kettlebells would have a thicker grip sometimes thinner grip are you saying that sometimes the sandbags are softer or heavier so they sit easier on your
Starting point is 00:12:23 shoulders when you're doing the lunges like that even or predominantly the biggest factor is that they use different sleds than us and i know this sounds i mean you'd have to really be into it it's like it'd be almost like lifting doing olympic lifting meet with an alico barbell versus like one of the barbells they used to use back in like the 1920s where they didn't have ball bearings right so they use different carpets and for some reason the way that their carpets over there work you know you'll notice if you watch one of the videos i prefer i prefer 70s 1970s carpet bush to the more modern shag i really like it see all that carpet that they're using right there yes united the United States, for some reason, our carpet and sleds just stick
Starting point is 00:13:05 differently. Like I'm 200 pounds of pure muscle and I don't even come within one minute of the time times that it takes them to do the sleds. And you'll notice the guys that I'm racing against over there are so much smaller. It's not like, you know, it's, you just see it. And when I went over there and I raced, um, for world championships in 2020, I pushed the sleds and like a record time because it's just different material. But the thing is, is like, is that you in the background there with the fro? Yeah. You can see my mom in the background looking all sexy and shit.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Um, so in, but it's always about who wins on the day, you know, in reality, you can bitch and moan about the courses, but world championships are in Vegas, um, May 14th, and that will be in this arena. Everyone's got to do the same thing. So at the end of the day, the best man wins. Wow. Yeah. wins wow yeah hey um uh can someone call in on the call-in number i want to see if the call-in number is working i i switch oh shit i can't even do the banners i can't even i switch phones i just want to see if it works okay so you're saying you did it on a what's even more amazing is not only did you break the world record by two minutes but you did it american soil yeah where some of the equipment is so so if someone did it even like within 30 seconds of that time next month in Europe, you would be like, ah, not so much. Yeah. But I try not to say anything about it publicly because it's just like,
Starting point is 00:14:34 then you just sound like a sore loser. And I really liked the guy, Toby who set the world record. Hello caller. Hi. How are you? Oh, so many callers calling in. Alright, so it works. Thank you for calling. Do you have whack packers? Yeah, what's up? Hey,
Starting point is 00:14:56 just so you know, I just did the High Rocks event in Dallas too where Hunter was. Yeah, I almost hung up on you. You got to speak way faster. Fucking kicking you to the curb boy that carpet that carpet absolutely stunned me like i literally thought i was gonna throw up after this last place and that was that's just the regular weight well are you 200 pounds of just um roided up muscle like hunter muscle no not not like but i do have a ton more respect for
Starting point is 00:15:21 hunter since he did that like 55 minutes beat doubles time. Did you see Hunter there? Yeah. Is he cool or does he just walk around like a prick like he knows he's the high rock shit? He thinks he's so shit, man. But it's a good thing he actually is. Look at him beat fucking second place by five minutes.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Hunter was already talking to Scott's wife before that shit was over. Hey Hey Scotty okay Hey thanks for calling Wait thanks for calling I recognize that name Oh No shit yeah
Starting point is 00:15:55 Uh Hello Mr. Fields hi how are you Hey What's up Hunter I'm in your Group Uh Sorry I just walked outside Hey. How you doing, man? Good. What's up, Hunter? I'm in your AOS group. Sick fucking job getting the... Sorry, I just walked outside. Getting the world record.
Starting point is 00:16:10 Wait, what group are you in with him? In his AA group? Yes. Yeah, good one, good one. So at the beginning of the podcast, Hunter was going to say something before Siobhan interrupted him about a certain mental
Starting point is 00:16:27 headspace. You have to get him to win. He wasn't saying shit about that. Was he really? Yeah, he was. You just interrupted him, bro. It was actually interesting. You suck at doing podcasts. It's never really informative. It's just like
Starting point is 00:16:42 if we were around a fire pit and everyone had acid and a couple four locos, it's just that's how you have a podcast. That's it. Nailed it. That's what we're going for. That's our brand. Everyone's so fucking high.
Starting point is 00:16:53 This is embarrassing. Change the title of this podcast to Critiquing Sevan. I had to do it. I do like when you talk about wieners and bushes, though. That's always interesting. Thank you. Okay. So please, Hunter, tell us about the mindset.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I'll put it to you this way. I have been doing this now for 11 years. And it started out with me, like I've always had to promise at extreme levels that I would commit to something, even to the point where I had explained this to somebody earlier where they didn't really know if they trusted me and my word. I was like, I had to tattoo a trident on my back when I was in rehab because I was doing heroin to promise myself that I was no longer going to do heroin and I was going to go into the Navy SEALs. I had to tattoo Macho Man Randy Savage on my ribs to promise heroin. I was going to go into the Navy SEALs. I had a tattoo,
Starting point is 00:17:49 Macho Man Randy Savage on my ribs to promise myself because I was like, Macho Man Randy Savage gives up to no one because I had lost my world championship that year. And I was like, maybe I'm washed up. Maybe I'm not as good as I think I am. And you always are having to double down at a level every single year, even more than the year before to convince yourself that you're still the best. And then it's still worthwhile. And then it's still worthwhile, you know, not showing up to birthday parties, not showing up to my niece's, you know, uh, birth, not showing up to funerals, not showing up, um, to dates where people, you know, birth, not showing up to funerals, not showing up to dates where people, you know, you're supposed to hold yourself accountable. And not to be all melodramatic, but I've kind of missed out on the majority of my life where people that I really love, I'm passing by and I'm
Starting point is 00:18:38 just fucking over it. When I commit, like I committed for the past two months, I literally cook my brain. You're over what? You're over what? I just am over putting myself through that shit, dude. Oh. It's not. Oh, yeah. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I had to go to therapy three times a week for the past two months to get my fucking head straight.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And what was that? Just because you were missing out on so many enjoyments of life or you just kind of burnt out no dude i'm just so fucking hard on myself you know when people should be like man you're you're great i never say that to myself i absolutely hate myself every single day of my life and then all of a sudden not like i'm suicidal or something like that but that's the kind of stuff you need to say to yourself like you just wear a cock ring that's too small too tight too tight too tight and even when you win there's no reprieve is what you're saying like you win and you still feel empty i won and set the world record and i got to spend time with my friends but then all of a sudden it was like we were all out of the bars and like everyone wanted to jump and dance on couches.
Starting point is 00:19:45 We got a table and I just started drinking Coca-Cola and sitting down in a chair. And I was like, fuck, what am I doing here again? And I get it, dude. Like I've got better opportunities than most people in the entire world. And I am super, super grateful that I got to this point. But I'll tell you, it doesn't taste as sweet anymore. When I was 24 years old and I won a championship and they gave me a $500 check and I spent it all on beer that night and I'd headbutt somebody in the
Starting point is 00:20:14 bar and try to kiss all the girls. I was like, this is the fucking shit. And that's great. Like I've done all that, but I think I'm just ready for the next chapter is my point. How hard? Thanks for the answer, man. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to watch the podcast live.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Thank you so much for the call, man. Yeah. Absolutely. Thanks for calling in, brother. See you, buddy. Jackass. Total fucking turd. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Pinkhead. No, he's a good dude. Yeah, Mr. Fields. You there? Yeah, I'm thinking about how – did you push yourself hard? Like when you – it is really crazy. So here's the fuel. This is how you set a world record.
Starting point is 00:21:01 You have to have tons of – well, the only thing we know so far is that you needed a therapist three times a week for the last two months but what about the other part what's the other and you're just not satisfied something's missing but but you won is that the formula to winning i think it is i mean i'm not gonna. I've spent so much time researching all the best warriors, warlords, athletes. Everybody seems to have this same kind of formula in their head of absolution towards the idea that they're chasing. idea that they're chasing. And I would say the majority of the time they're always ends end up being isolated by themselves because no one's going to believe what you're saying to yourself in your head over and over and over and over again. Why won't they believe it? Cause they just can't imagine that being the championship mindset. Yeah. I mean, dude, like I have these training camps all the time and I'm super lucky that my friends want to come out and train with me. But by like the third day, everybody always breaks. Everybody always breaks and they always want to take the next workout and change it a little bit. And they always want to, you know, push the workout that we're supposed to start out at like, you know, 8am and push it to nine so that they can have more breakfast and take a longer turd and it always happens and then what you guys hear this shit this is how i started
Starting point is 00:22:31 the show before hunter got on here you don't want a piece of this podcast go fuck yourself stop acting like you want to get on my train you want to get on the hunter train you think you're going to come there and just train for a few days and then be like oh we're gonna cut everything by 30 we're tired fuck it always ends up happening and then what ends up happening with me and it sucks is then i end up getting angry or disappointed in you yeah and then all of a sudden rather than even even giving that chance for anger or disappointment you just go like this and just push. Yeah. Like every single time.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I love my mom with my entire heart. But every single time I come home, my mom's like, you're doing too much. You're just going to hurt yourself. Why don't you just eat some lobster and put butter all over it and have a bunch of wine with me? I'm like, I love you, mom. But you're fucking. I was like, you don't fucking understand me at all and i love my mother she's the sweetest person on the entire planet i wish i had more of her heart and mind but that's just the that's the cost i bet you um i bet you somebody like matt matt frazier's the you know king of your guy's sport i bet you near the very end.
Starting point is 00:23:45 Fuck that. Not my sport. I'm over that shit. But you know what I mean. I bet you that guy on the inside was losing his shit nine times out of ten. But he threw the needle. I think he's still losing his shit. I think he's still losing his shit.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Yeah. Yeah. And it's great, though. I mean, dude, you got to have that kind of mindset to get that kind of result. Hey, Mark fuentes says that maybe you need jesus um do you know who jim hensel is no we had him on the show and he works with uh michael chandler and he works with rich froney do you know who michael chandler is no he's a ufc fighter huge ufc fighter and basically he works with and he works with nfl players and he works
Starting point is 00:24:25 with them to prepare them for the life after their sport you i mean you've had to have heard this whole thing right with like hey you can't identify with your victories or your sport or or do you know what i'm talking about this this this problem like someone thinks that they're an nfl football player because they've done it for 10 years and then their career's over and then they're like wait who the fuck am i i'd love to talk to him sometimes it's it's kind of a cliche narrative but maybe it's something like that you're going through you're done being this guy this this guy well i'll tell you man it was super and that guy has to die and it just sucks death Death sucks. Yeah. I went through all that shit. It sucks because all of a sudden I was like, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I've spent my entire career and this is crazy. So I literally left rehab and then I went into modeling and I was like, well, everybody thinks I'm really cool because I'm modeling now. And that works for like five seconds because I was like, I fucking hate modeling. I'm not doing this shit. What am I going to do now? I tried to go to college for like five seconds because I thought that was the right thing to do. And I was like a fucking eight modeling. I'm not doing this shit. What am I going to do now? I tried to go to college for like five seconds. Cause I thought that was the right thing to do. And I was like, this sucks. So I dropped out right away, went back to modeling for two seconds. And in that period of time, I decided to go do a mud run. And I came sixth
Starting point is 00:25:38 place out of 10,000 people. Like everybody in the room was like, Oh shit. I was like, Oh, that lit a spark up. Then all of a sudden I went to the next race and I won a half marathon. I'd never even run over three miles in my entire life and I ran a half marathon. Everyone was like, oh shit. I got a medal around my neck and now people were starting to pay me. Within six months, I was getting flown all over the world by Spartan Race and Reebok to now represent their sport and be the face of their new sport. I was like, this is it. I guess this is what I do now. It became everything. I got my first ever job for Spartan Race. They sent me to Mexico as the Super Gringo. They put a $10,000 purse on
Starting point is 00:26:20 my head to say that no one in Mexico could beat me. And I had never even been to Mexico before. And it just started that quickly. And it's been going at that pace for, as I said, 11 seasons now. And, um, it's interesting. I mean, I guess, I guess, you know, I've been reading all these weird spiritual books. Like what? Um, you know the most eye-opening one was um i think it's called the yogi engineer by that sadhad guru guy and then there's this other book that i fucking hated i remember someone gave it to me five years ago a therapist it was called awareness and i read the first fucking 10 20 pages and i just threw the book at the wall i was like this is such bullshit that's the one for you that's the book was there a fulfillment with those wins like with the half
Starting point is 00:27:13 marathon and we started did you ever did you ever feel internal fulfillment with those or was it all just based off of like the acclimates from external admiration i mean there's a fulfillment for sure dude it's very exciting to all of a sudden win a half marathon with absolutely no clue how to get past the third mile. Like it's great. Don't get me wrong. But then eventually, um, you know, you totally get wrapped up in it. You totally get wrapped up in it. And then also you don't know how to put it down. Like, you know, you're only as good as your it down. Like, you know, you're only as good as your last win. And I lost the last two races,
Starting point is 00:27:48 even though I, I basically went five years undefeated and I was undefeated in the majority of all the events that I've ever competed in that one right there, that book's fucking mind blowing. Um, if you have the, like, if you're open enough to listen,
Starting point is 00:28:02 it's a pretty intense book. How dare you? Listen, I don't know if you're going to be able to wrap's a pretty intense book. How dare you? I don't know if you're going to be able to wrap your tiny little peanut brain around that thing. How dare you? Yeah. So it's interesting, man. I can honestly say I had this weird thing happen to me the other day. I was reading this part of the book and it said, you're going to have to put down, you know, someone's name that you're madly in love with and then tell,
Starting point is 00:28:30 then say it out loud that you're, you are okay not being in love with them to find your own happiness. And I thought of some people, I was like, who the fuck am I going to put on this list? And then for the first time, for a second, I thought about a bunch of other people. And then I was like, Oh shit, dude. I was like who the fuck am i gonna put on this list and then for the first time for a second i thought about a bunch of other people and then i was like oh shit dude i was like you got to put your name at the top of this list it's like you got to get you got to give up the mud run champ i was like you gotta if you're ever gonna be a dad or like
Starting point is 00:28:58 a husband or any of that kind of shit you're gonna have to give up the fact that you know you going to events and being paraded all the time, and that's probably going to be the healthiest thing for you. And that was fucking weird. And I never thought like this before. I've intentionally left all these books in the back of my closet with tons of dust on them because I was like, if I start thinking like this, it is the end before I know it. But I'm pretty pumped to be reading the books now. Can you see the comments? No. Of course not. but I'm pretty pumped to be reading the books now. Can you see the comments? No,
Starting point is 00:29:26 of course not. What am I supposed to say? We're, we're having a moment of silence right now. Um, I'm looking at the clock and I'm thinking it's, uh, we're 20,
Starting point is 00:29:41 uh, in a minute and 20 seconds, another guest is coming on, but you're just like you've taken us into the deep end of the pool i was just like how the fuck do we integrate a ufc fighter uh just so you know we have george we have a hunter mcintyre here he's going through some inner despair because he just set a fucking world record and something that he's been working on for 11 years okay um jordan i'm sorry we can't pump you up for the guy you have to beat the fuck out of on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:30:08 Or maybe it will pump him up. Yeah, maybe. Look how serious. Hunter, what? I was reading a text message. Oh, oh. Your brow got all tight. Okay, so you're not reacting to what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:30:22 When I talk, you use that as a time to read. That's what we all do to each other on the show. No one listens to anyone. That's a common theme here. Yeah. Congrats on the world record Hunter. Looking forward to the next bulk pony shirt. Yeah, they're going to be good. I make bulk pony racing shirts.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Hey, you know what's funny is this guy's a Josh Bridges fan. Look at he's got he loves you and Josh Bridges. Nick G because he's got the Pay Em as his avatar. The Pay Em logo. What were you going to say? Sorry, I interrupted you. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:30:53 What were you going to say? Oh, shit. That wasn't meant to be melodramatic. I think anybody who is super serious about sports should probably have that conversation with yourself at one point or another. It's pretty exciting shit. Where are you flying tomorrow i'm gonna go back home to california and are you going to malibu i always go to malibu yeah i'll probably go up to the probably go up to the cabin and then i will we'll be getting some shit up
Starting point is 00:31:18 there done in the woods then i'm gonna go back to malabama and just bust my ass for a couple weeks and then i'm gonna go to this thing called the Go-Ruck Games. Would you like me to introduce you to Jim Hensel? I'll say hi to him for a second. Yeah. He's cool. He's cool as shit. I think you'll like him.
Starting point is 00:31:39 He's not backstage or anything. No, no, he's not like – no, no, no, not the UFC fighter. Jim Hensel is the guy, the mental coach that does Rich Froning, Michael Chandler, like that thing. Yeah, man, I would love to. Tell your UFC buddy I say what's up. Okay. You're off like a prom dress. Boys, I got to wake up early.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Okay. Hey, love you. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me on the show, guys. Yeah. See you. Okay. That was deep. okay hey love you thanks for coming on thanks for having me on the show guys yeah see ya okay that was deep
Starting point is 00:32:08 I feel like we should know what hotel he's staying in and have someone check on him every like 30 to 40 minutes I'll jog over there damn leaves me behind because he's so much fitter than I am hello how are you Hunter still there
Starting point is 00:32:32 no hey this was holy cow that was intense that was intense you know I was talking to him a little bit the last few days uh on and off and i was like hey you don't seem like yourself and he's like yeah just you know and uh yeah he's just going through some shit i wonder um you're witnessing a
Starting point is 00:32:56 transition and like he's like what's crazy is he just set the world record for something that's so fucking hard. So hard. Excuse me. Okay. All right. Interesting. I'm getting some interesting news. Ooh. Can you share?
Starting point is 00:33:16 These are the people in Colton Merton's semifinal. Oh, man. Fikowski. Toon. Chandler Smith. Travis Mayer. Mayer? Mayer. Mayer? Mayer.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Sam Quant. Tim Paulson. Colton Mertens. Anthony Davis. Who's N. Matthew? Nick Matthew? Nathan Matthew. I don't know who that is.
Starting point is 00:33:46 I was just reading something off your notes here and it like caught my eye. Like Hunter was talking to us. What number? What number? 18. Oh yes. Amazing. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:58 So I have a respect. Do you not do that? For sure, dude. You do. So rude. Really? You have to kick them out. Wow. Holy shit. The cat too. What? Yes. You don't want them to see that. It's like your kids. Wow. So, so the story is this, I have this friend who won't have sex in front of his dog. And I was just tripping when he told me that. And I'm like, I got to talk about that on the show. You won't have sex in front of your dog. Dude, imagine he comes up and starts licking your freaking asshole. Pull blanket up over that thing. I'm sure that's happened to me before. I'm vulnerable. I've had to have had that happen before You'd think you'd remember that
Starting point is 00:34:49 Or maybe you don't, you just block it out Now my bed's so high, nothing can lick my ass Wow If you want women who's High Rock Spartan Games goat I can put in a good word Colby B. Who you know, Colby.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Yeah. Who you know. Put in their Instagram handle. Zevon is hunting wabbits. Hey, do you really not have sex in front of your dog? No way. Kick him out every time. No shit.
Starting point is 00:35:21 That's weird. Jordan. Hey. You're coming in hot, baby. Do you have any pets? I do have a few pets. So I have this friend who told me that he will not have sex with his dog in the room. He kicks the dog out.
Starting point is 00:35:39 And Caleb, the bald guy down here in the Air Force, is saying the same. He's saying he kicks his cat and his dog out. Sivan lets him watch. I don't even know if, I don't know where they, I'll just kick them off. I don't know. I don't even know if they're there. I just try not to get bit.
Starting point is 00:35:54 They definitely are watching. Oh, no. Oh, no, Jordan, you kick your dog out too? No, no. My dog can watch. My poodle can watch. Okay, good. I like an audience with things. You know, my best work requires an audience.
Starting point is 00:36:09 Wow. Okay, good. Good. I have actually thought though before that like when my dog's in the room that like, I've had this like delusion that all the like God, it's like the matrix. God can look through any one of our eyes and like, well, I'm having sex with my wife. God's like looking through my dog's eyes or like, you know what I mean? Like it's like a camera god can look through any one of our eyes and like while i'm having sex with my wife god's like looking through my dog's eyes or like you know what i mean like it's like a camera from surf for some other creatures like oh shit the nsa is watching your webcam too yeah yeah through my dog through parmesh's eyes don't leave stream yard up my wife did unplug the alexa ladies and gentlemen nine and one his third appearance on the show uh jordan levitt uh the monkey king uh one of the most unique um fighters in the ufc uh fights it uh lightweight
Starting point is 00:36:55 155 um he fights this saturday we're always excited to watch him fight he's always generous with his time stoked was that your own hand? That looked like someone else's hand. Oh, that'd be cool if you'd had your wife behind you, like halfway through the show, you had like four hands. Wow. So how's it going? So you look lean and mean.
Starting point is 00:37:17 You already started weight cutting. You look good. Yeah. I have like 14 pounds left. I just cut out all the carb from the carnivore the next three days. So yeah, getting a little jittery and keto-y. So yeah, it should be a fun cut though. And that metallic taste in the back too, maybe?
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. Like my wife thinks I smell when I'm eating carnivore. I think I don't feel the best. I don't eat like, I think I have steak only when it's weight cut week. So it's like almost like I created a negative association for steak. So it's kind of ruined that. Yeah. But I got some bison tomorrow and bison, some shrimp for the next few days. So it should have some variety.
Starting point is 00:37:58 And then where is your fight this weekend? Oh, at the apex. It'll be my fifth fight in a row at the with no crowd so it is what it is um will you have any friends there because i know they have like that vip section will anyone be there like you know um not any of like my close friends maybe some people i've trained with or i see like in passing but all my friends are poor all a bunch of college students so the vip experience a little um yeah a little out of their reach trying to get a ticket for my wife that would that'd be cool she hasn't seen me fight for like two years so that's what i'm trying to swing it doesn't come
Starting point is 00:38:36 it's not like hey here's the dude you got to fight to the death and here's a ticket so one of your loved ones can um carry you out if you die right like you'd think like if you're at like a arena a regular one like they don't even count your spouses as like a corner person they could just be in the corner like they get the same kind of clearance as corner people they don't even count as like one of the number but when you're at the apex in the bubble, then they're pretty merciless about the bubble at the apex, sadly. Because of the so-called pandemic? Yeah. Yeah. It's all the pandemic. Are they still swabbing you?
Starting point is 00:39:20 Oh, yeah. I get swabbed today, tomorrow, the next day, and then I'm done. Oh, yeah. I get swapped today, tomorrow, the next day, and then I'm done. Wow. I thought everyone just had COVID now. Like, I thought I'd just always have it. Right? Carry it with you forever? Like, yeah, at least in Nevada. Like, when you go to Jacksonville and Ohio, they're not requiring the swab. Statewide, but still in Nevada.
Starting point is 00:39:47 We got a liberal governor so it's gonna be gonna get that thing up my nose the next few years i think i wonder if the broth if you have to swab to go to a brothel in vegas go to the bunny ranch is like before before you get to work man covid testing where would you like to look at the lineup? We're going to need you to swab first. Shit. So you get a call. How long was your training camp? I never really got out of my last camp. I took like four days off after my last fight.
Starting point is 00:40:21 So about 12-ish weeks, a little bit over 12 weeks. And they called you four days after your fight and they said, hey, you want to fight again? Basically, yeah. Like, what month were you thinking? I'm like, hopefully April, May. And then they're, oh, yeah, April 16th. They started looking for fights for that one. And then it was me and Victor Martinez for, like, two months.
Starting point is 00:40:40 And then I had no fight for, like, two weeks. And then, you know, 10 days ago, I got Trey Ogden. So it's been a little bit of a rollercoaster. So they tell you, Victor Martinez, you say, 10 days ago I got Trey Ogden. So a little bit of a rollercoaster. So they tell you Victor Martinez, you say, sure, let's grab. They set the date. Then as you're about four weeks out, they say Victor's out. And at that point, you're just keeping your fingers crossed. They find someone or do they guarantee that?
Starting point is 00:41:02 Um, fingers are crossed. Like it's not guaranteed. So they said, well, probably we'll find somebody. And they actually floated trey ogden's name around a few weeks ago but then nothing came of it so maybe sean shelby was just busy not sure what the matchmaker was up to but then they you know i had just given up i was like okay i'm probably not fighting my agent said i'm probably not fighting so i had like you know, two packages of Reese's peanut butter cups. Yeah, that's a head fuck. And then 40 minutes later, like, oh, we found a fight.
Starting point is 00:41:30 So I given up and then, yeah, got to cheat for one meal. So, yeah, different style of opponent. And I'm actually a little bit more excited and nervous for this matchup because Victor Martinez, a flat footed boxer. Trey Ogden's a white, less athletic version of me, so it should be a little bit more challenging. So we'll be able to know who's who.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Yes. Yeah. Good thing you guys are different colors. Do you know what time you fight? I'm the third fight that the card starts, I believe at two 30 or three 30. Um, I think it's, yeah, I think it's three 30, um, PST time. So yeah, I should probably be fighting four o'clock. And you live in Vegas, so you'll sleep in your own bed.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yep. I had, well, after weigh-ins, you have to sleep at the hotel, but i'll be home until the lab 24 hours um and are you pumped like two fights so close to each other i mean this is this is kind of like you're doing it yeah i mean i like to stay busy um it's i always i enjoy training so i'm like a lot of fighters don't really enjoy being in camp, but, um, it's really nice to know, like to have a nice like date in mind. So you're focusing, it gives you a little bit sense of urgency. I feel like a lot of the time when I don't have a fight schedule, I'm just kind of having
Starting point is 00:42:56 fun in training, kind of not really focused. And it's, I'm glad to fight twice in four months. That's kind of, that's kind of ideal. I want to fight three times this year. So April's right on schedule, and hopefully I don't get hurt. I can fight in August and then December again. You're not going to get hurt. You're going to do the hurting.
Starting point is 00:43:16 Jordan, I know we've talked a lot just about your upbringing and just life in general. I had a gentleman on the other day. His name is David Taylor. And he won the gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics in wrestling. And I don't remember how old he was, but he was saying that his dad took him somewhere to train with another kid, like an hour from their house.
Starting point is 00:43:40 And it was just going to be him and this other kid doing some one-on-one training. And during the training, about a half an hour through hour, hour through the training, uh, David started crying, right? Young. He was young, probably like 10 years old or 12 years old or something. So his dad says, excuse me for a second. He takes his son and he takes him out into the hallway and he goes, Hey, you're going to be tough. You're this sport. Like there's no crying. Like you don't cry here this is like you're gonna be tough this is this is tough guys game you're in a tough guys game this isn't the crying game this is and
Starting point is 00:44:16 uh did you ever have a moment like that where you were just like yeah yeah, this is the no pussy game. This is like eye pokes, broken ankles. Or have you always been like that? Or did you have a moment where you're like, okay, this is the fucking tough guy game. This is push everything down. I think I have to point to like probably two moments. My sophomore year, so the year I quit wrestling my freshman year, I came back my sophomore year. We had this wrestling coach, Julian, who basically was like a hard, a hard A military person.
Starting point is 00:44:50 And like, we maybe wrestled 12 hours that season. We were always just running on the track. And he always would make us like yell, like sing military songs while running. And he would like, you know, punish us for a bunch of stupid stuff. And it was really disheartening because that's right after I kind of found a passion for MMA. So I was like, okay, I'm going to join the wrestling team. And then I spent like three months just running and doing push-ups.
Starting point is 00:45:12 And it was super, super frustrating. But he always, whenever we do push-ups, we always on the way down, attention to detail, teamwork is key. And we did that for like four months. And he like broke me down a few times and stuff because it kind of was like his whole philosophy was like everyone like you'll
Starting point is 00:45:33 love wrestling but you're gonna hate being out here on the track so even if you're not as good as the other people you're wrestling at least you'll be more comfortable being miserable so kind of like becoming friends of like your fear and your discomfort i've definitely learned that like pretty early during like this like my like while finding my passion and then probably my third amateur fight i'd kind of like had two fights that are relatively easy and i wasn't hurt and i never felt like i was in trouble and i kind of was forgetting to like be like friends with like my discomfort and i was kind of getting too comfortable out there i was fighting shane shapiro who's now my jiu-jitsu coach but before we were enemies you know and the first round he like ragdolls me and i'm having like
Starting point is 00:46:18 a life crisis in the corner i'm all panicking oh my gosh he hit me i'm tired um i i could lose this my coach is like yeah you could lose this like it's a fight you know it's a fight like wake up and i kind of had to relearn how to like dig deep again because that up until that point in the fighting even in sparring i was sparring ufc people pro level fighters i wasn't really feeling like i was being pushed like i was never getting hurt. But then that fight kind of knocked me back into like the mindset I discovered like five years prior. So those are definitely probably the two moments that kind of solidified my mental toughness.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And now I just have to, you know, like you have to enjoy the hill. Like when you're running, like no one likes to run the uphills, but I always try to enjoy like the worst part of it. And that way the rest of it's not bad at all. There's this saying I heard people will lose their car keys and go absolutely ape shit, but they'll lose themselves and they won't even know. And it is interesting, right? How that just crept away from you without you even knowing. And it's a.
Starting point is 00:47:28 You have crazy confidence. When I was, I watched two of your interviews that you've done in the last four weeks. And when you assess other fighters, I don't want to say you talk down about them, but you view yourself as very, very talented. You fucking believe in Jordan Leavitt. Yeah, I have to believe. Yeah, and then that has to be partners with crazy humility
Starting point is 00:47:47 that's willing to take a beat down in training, right? Yeah, like I always felt like I had a really good handle on the humility, but like I kind of felt like I was almost like hitting like a mental plateau. Like humbleness is really important and helps you learn a lot. It helps you take the lumps well. But I really feel like I was like almost talking myself down a lot. Like when I was like, think before fights, it's like, oh, don't let him do this. Don't let him do this. Like he's really good at this. And then when I was trained, it was completely different
Starting point is 00:48:17 attitude. It was like, I'm good at this. I'm going to impose what I'm good at. You're here every day. I'm going to impose what I'm good at. You're here every day. And I've kind of feel like the past six months, I'm kind of really making some mental, like making some strides in like my mental game. I've always felt like I'm confident. And then like, I have like a mood swing where I have no confidence whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:48:39 But one of my teammates, Brandon Jenkins, he's fighting the same card as me. He fights two fights after me, but he's also kind of like a fighter. I look up to, he has Jenkins, he's fighting the same card as me. He fights two fights after me. But he's also kind of like a fighter I look up to. He has like 70 fights, kickboxing, boxing, MMA, a lot of experience. And he always would tell me, he's like, Jordan, you're listening to yourself. Don't listen to yourself.
Starting point is 00:48:56 Talk to yourself. You know, like. Wow. Wow. That was good. Wow. Yeah, that was. Holy holy shit i never heard that i'm a fucking self-help fucking guru i've never heard that stop listening to yourself and talk to yourself wow yeah it was like my last fight before contender series um i had botched the rehydration
Starting point is 00:49:23 because i got cross-contaminated from some food at like a restaurant. Why can't it just be contaminated? Why is it cross-contaminated? Sounds more scientific. Yeah, I think it's definitely. It sounds more intelligent when I say it that way. It sure does. But I was feeling horrible.
Starting point is 00:49:41 Cross-contaminated is like if someone else chewed it up and spit it in your mouth. Someone just big birded it? Yeah. I got baby birded by somebody. Hey, another thing that he was telling me, David Taylor, and I watched a bunch of his matches is that and i think you and i talked about this about when you feel start to feel the other man wilt he didn't use the word wilt but he was saying and he didn't use the word relentless i wish i could think of exactly how he said it but he basically said you have to go in and not stop you try something that doesn't work you just immediately try
Starting point is 00:50:27 something else you just immediately try something else you just and i know it's a different sport than um mma and it's interesting there is someone you know um aljo's like that there's no stop like sometimes like you're just like yo dude aljerm, like you need to take a, like, like he starts shooting in after a missed punch and you're like, you respect the nonstop going, but there's also like, Hey dude, maybe you should have stopped and like assessed because you could get, I guess in wrestling, you can't get caught with a punch. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling
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Starting point is 00:52:04 Yeah, like, but but like there's a lot of truth to that like not stopping like as long as you control the rhythm you will always be a little bit less tired than if you were reacting and like when i coach people and when i spar it's like it's not the pace that breaks you it's the rhythm like if i go jogging oh shit slower than me if they jog slower than me i'm gonna get tired before them because it's their pace. But even if I'm choosing when I'm going to go fast, I can run a lot farther than if someone was telling me
Starting point is 00:52:31 when I have to go fast. And I feel like a lot of times in fighting, the best, the fighters who have amazing cardio, they really don't have different equipment than us. They're just keeping to their rhythm no matter what. And that's super important in what and that's super important in wrestling and it's super important fighting and a lot of sports i feel wow i i heard someone
Starting point is 00:52:51 else say that too one time they were i can't remember which fighter it was but they were saying as long as i as long as i find my breathing cadence and i can i can never get tired i can't let them ever take me out of my breathing cadence and then other than that it's just go so is is that what we see when we see people like um holloway and covington and just these guys that just have this crazy forward pressure it's just uh yeah they just never get to their rhythm yeah they're they're out there just dancing their ass off yeah like they're friends with their monster you know like no one could break you faster than you can so as long as you're like i'm not even gonna fight my opponent i'm just gonna fight like
Starting point is 00:53:36 the monster you know kind of like fight your inner self and then if there are less than you they're gonna break first i feel like that's kind of what a lot of fighters are really realizing is that, you know, it's mostly a fight against your own limitations when you're out there. And then just you're reacting sometimes to your opponent. Yeah. How's the kid? Over a year now? Yeah, she's 14 months, 14 and a half months. Crazy, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Crazy. I'm pretty stoked about it she's any any discussion of dose yeah well i mean i'll have to see how this fight goes basically um if we should face my wife right if we could buy another house if we could buy a house they're gonna have another kid and i'm like okay so now there's like some you know tension like do i really want this do i'm like, okay, so now there's like some, you know, tension. Like, do I really want this? Do I really want all these things right now? You know, like when the fight house, baby, a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:54:32 So it all kind of rides on what the next six months, what happens in the next six months. God, you're stoked. Wow. That's a good looking kid. Yeah. Looks like my wife. It makes me happy. Yeah. Isn't that nice? nice i know that's so nice um you did i hear in one of the interviews that's that in your in your in since your last fight you've been in the room training with people like uh pettis drew dober and serrani yeah it's been the past year i've got the train of like several top 10 people and ranked people and it's been really cool like yeah i used to like look up to these people i was watching them
Starting point is 00:55:12 in high school and now a lot of like fives look up to their kind of like in their twilight of their career and they're sharing wisdom and it's it's been really it's been really interesting to kind of see them as like colleagues as opposed to like you know idols and it's been really interesting to kind of see them as like colleagues as opposed to like, you know, idols. And it's just been definitely a good year for confidence and kind of being able, being able to size myself up and see where my deficiencies are and where my strengths are. And it's nice to like know that they're human. So
Starting point is 00:55:39 I'm when, when people, I, I, I think when, when people, I think this fuck, what do I know? But I think this, I think that when fighters step into the ring with you, there's a huge unknown component. Like they're stepping in, like as much as it's known, it's unknown. Like, um, like, like, um, you you know there's people who um uh who's the guy who's the mexican guy in your weight class ayer rodriguez like there's like all sorts of weird shit or um who's the guy who's the commentator who's who's really good but he's fucking weird as shit his fighting um skinny guy fights at 135 famous as shit dominic cruz right uh ryan hall um
Starting point is 00:56:29 jordan levitt's like you you win a couple more fights and you're going to be tossed in there with those guys you're weird as shit like no one knows that bad shit can happen to you from some weird angles like you're like one of those video game characters that's got a move that none of the other dudes got like there's dudes like with big names like you know um and it's not a dig at them but like connor and gaethje but but they just come out there and they do what we've seen a lot of dudes do they got like they fight um do you do you sense that or do you know that or do you do you work that at all or just is who you are? It kind of all, I guess, to all those, like I can fight very orthodox.
Starting point is 00:57:11 But like one thing I've kind of always been able to like use is the fact that I've sparred a thousand people, like the people I fight. But everyone, when they face me, they have to go through like a period of time where they have to download what I'm doing and like 15 minutes not enough time to really do that like I'm awkward my I'm like my rhythms off and all these things I'm very hard to get people don't ever like hit me so I do feel like there's definitely especially for the next few fights because no one's been able been able except for claudio to really stop my a game like yeah when you grab people they're in trouble and i think that they know that there's a panic factor like they're like oh shit yeah and i think the fact
Starting point is 00:57:56 that i don't care what happens like what position like as long as i'm in contact i'm going to flow i'm not too worried about it like even my last fight, Matt Sales, I feel like the moment he lost is when I didn't choke him out the first round. He's like, okay, that's the worst that's going to happen. I'm going to engage him in the grappling. So I need him to throw, and then he shot on me, and I got the submission. I'm able to keep my squeeze. I could finish someone the entire fight, a lot of grapplers,
Starting point is 00:58:26 they don't get you the first rounds and a half. They'll just be laying on you. There's not really that much of a danger, but I feel like I'm really good at maintaining my finishing ability. Yeah, you sure are. I'm so excited to see you fight. I'm so,
Starting point is 00:58:42 I'm so excited, more excited because you're, because it's so unorthodox. Well,. More excited because it's so unorthodox. Well, it's not that it's so unorthodox. You're capable of anything. You're capable of knocking them out with punching them. You're capable of showing us a submission we've never seen before in the UFC. And it's fun watching the other guys have to deal with the man that is Jordan Leavitt.
Starting point is 00:59:02 Jordan, I hope this isn't't inappropriate but the week after you fight um uh the guy the only guy you've ever lost to as a pro claudio is fighting and he's fighting fighting clay will you be interested in what will you watch that fight yeah of course um the better claudio looks the better i look right so i'm the number one so good in his last fight man clay looks insane like weed is immortal man like i think that's a tough fight claudio one of his main strengths that he keeps a constant rhythm no matter what so like he's not very imposing or very strong or quick or anything but he's he's the same in the third round as he is in the first round and clay guida is a buzzsaw yeah so i think i think actually claudio striking
Starting point is 00:59:52 is probably going to be the deciding factor because claudio will not be able to take clay down and clay has very awkward striking so i'm really excited to see some more aspects of Claudio's game. Cause I want that rematch sometime in the future. And I think this is a good fight to kind of game plan and study. Awesome. Hey dude, thanks for letting us jump on the Jordan Levitt bandwagon. I'm so pumped.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I'm so, it's an honor to know you. It's so cool. I was tickled today. I was telling Matt all day ago, I didn't want to do a podcast. I'm like, but we got Jordan. We got to get Jordan before the fight. We got to talk to him. So I really appreciate you coming on.
Starting point is 01:00:31 We've got a lot of people watching and, uh, and we'll be rooting for you, buddy. Thank you very much. Hopefully I can perform well. Yeah. Peace. Yeah. Later brother. Have a nice one. Wow. I, brother. Have a nice one. Wow. I'm pumped. Yeah, it's cool.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I'm excited for it now too. It's weird that we have these guys on the show. Hey, Dylan, what's up, brother? It's weird that we have these guys on the show and then we see them walk out at the UFC. It's crazy. The process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another. That must be a definition of some word. Hey, there's a fascinating, fascinating video that Trevor Cashy made on French fries. Fascinating.
Starting point is 01:01:21 And processed food. It's on YouTube. Trevor Cashy processed food it's on youtube trevor cashy processed food and he basically talks about why why french fries last forever and it's it's it's not even close to what i would have thought basically soon as you bite into a french fry that barrier basically if this goes to what ken was saying trevor explains that bacteria needs oxygen and water to flourish and basically what happens is there's oil over the french fry that makes it so that it lasts forever it's coated in this oil but the second you bite it that's why like you can leave fries out for 50 years and they look the
Starting point is 01:01:57 same but as soon as you bite it you break that seal moisture gets in air gets in and you're in and it starts to decompose. Oh, interesting. I was just trying not to bust up at this comment right when he first came in as you were transitioning to try to be serious. Brent Major, once stopped dating a girl because she refused to lock the dog out of the room. Wouldn't have been a problem if I didn't have to fend it off. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:20 I had a great Dane that would try to get a piece of ass while I was getting a piece of ass. It was hilarious. Horndogs, man. Yeah. Yeah. Just a dog trying to – Brent, was it trying to bite you or hump you? Both.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Yeah. My dog would try to get in and like hump, like bite on the back of the neck and hump him. I like the mix that we we had right right there it was like hunter kind of just like state as he's transitioning out of his like career and finding out who he is and then we just went to write to somebody who's like about to get on the stage he's like hyped up for what they're gonna do so it was just like two completely like polar opposites but it was almost crazy because that line when he said like stop listening to yourself and start talking to yourself like that that would have also meshed and i think that um that you know there would have been some great connection great connection so so we started
Starting point is 01:03:16 the show with me just thinking like fuck you for you people who like want to by the way we need someone to help we are we we need someone to cut us clips we i want to i want to do reels on facebook i want to do reels on facebook and i need someone who like wants to go to the top with us i want someone who wants to be a part of this story so so if you're the guy but but it's it's not it's not yeah or girl yeah anything you can even be woke i like i love everybody um i but but but man it's not a joke it's not a joke and so so and then and that's what hunter said then hunter said he was he threw a camp and people would come and after three days everyone in the camp turns into a pussy and that's what it's like like we've had nine out of why you guys laughing nine out of
Starting point is 01:04:11 because the way i said pussy or something in the comments nine out of every 10 no no no do you do you need experience to cut clips no no you have to just be able to work 24 hours a day 365 days a year it can't be like you can't be like hey i, I'm going to Hawaii with my dad for a week. I'll be back. It's not like that. It's not like that. Do you know when Dave was deployed as a SEAL Team 6 operator that he still ran the CrossFit Games and we still talked to him in GChat every day? That's insane.
Starting point is 01:04:38 And he would go on jobs and then still hit us up in GChat? That's insane. It's not for everyone to be great, to write, get on the great train. Would he give us some of those stories? You think I'll give you some next year? Oh, I don't,
Starting point is 01:04:54 I'm not, I'm in denial. I'm in denial. Basically you just have to be able to pick good clips. What I, what I think is, so after I got off the foot, after we had Justin Nunley on today, he was just telling me that he's killing it on on facebook and i said how does that work because i don't do facebook and he says that
Starting point is 01:05:09 that you just make reels and you put them on and they have to be really like it has to be someone who knows how to which clips to grab to make us look really really cool cooler than we are and you put them up there and then you and you put and once you get a following then they'll fight you to invite you to be in the monetization of reels and man money he told me he was making you i i you can't even believe it and he said the reason why is because zuck wants to um uh take over he's he's fighting with uh tiktok yeah he's fighting tiktok well thank you thank you jake yo david fucking taylor yeah thank you it was fun he. It was fun. He was easy. He was easy.
Starting point is 01:05:46 He was easy. The thing with the reel too, though, that makes it tough is that you have to fit it inside a 60-second clip. So in order to edit that, that process is going to take a little bit longer because sometimes if you're trying to – Take two hours a day. It's going to take two hours a day to make two one-minute clips. Yeah, exactly. Because if you're trying to catch that specific clip, you have to find it and then cut it and then stitch that together to have it make sense. And then also to the angle has to be such to where when you zoom in on the reel that it's centered inside the screen as well. So there is a little bit more.
Starting point is 01:06:19 I've been playing with it a little bit. It's been interesting just because these screens are in different spots and like if you want to make it too narrow you can cut off like the name and right you basically have to take one clip and turn it into like and act like it's a two camera shot exactly i actually did that with the joe rogan one and uh i always mispronounce the guy's last name and basically i don't know i don't care what your motivation has to be it has maybe it's um like oh my god i just want to work with caleb matt will and sevan or oh my god this is my favorite podcast i would do anything or i just want to infiltrate these guys and and uncover their heroin smuggling ring from china like i don't care what your but it's not a joke like don't i'm trying to be really aggressive about it so that you don't like – you don't come out – like you shouldn't think that there's anything in it for you.
Starting point is 01:07:12 It's not like that. There's nothing – there's no – this isn't fun. Like besides this part, then afterwards we all – our life just goes to shit. You don't get to take any of this fun shit with you. to shit you don't get to take any of this fun shit with you it's like now you we get off the air and it's like just back to like so i just don't i don't want to i don't think people get it like i don't know i don't know what they don't get i think that maybe they want to be a part of stuff they want to go to the hunter camp and they want to like they think they want to like work hard and but they don't and and that's and that's the that's the way it is here too i'd love to help love this podcast and believe in it i live right by will great are you gonna
Starting point is 01:07:57 stop drunk commenting and our live streams we need you drunk commenting we know suza suza's already overwhelmed it's already over how about our newsletter guys the newsletters first of all thank you for all you that signed up crazy second of all you got to check your spam folders because that shit's getting kicked everyone's spam yeah um my promotions i saw that um i think it's pretty funny did be someone said to be on the whiteboard launched a newsletter today i wonder if they launched that newsletter because they heard me say we're starting a newsletter. Obviously. I've never been to Beyond the Whiteboard. I'm trying to remember what the – one of the owners' name is Moe. I sent him a text and congratulated him on the newsletter. And there's another guy and he they're both really nice they used to be they used to hang out with greg trying to remember their names they just check that people that are subscribed to it and there's
Starting point is 01:08:54 a massive bump um that's awesome yeah why can't kinnick uh they – the Kinnick brothers, they're both really nice brothers. There may even be three of them. Oh, cool. Thanks, Tommy. Jeremy Kinnick is the athlete. I loved working with him and filming him in the early years. What's his brother's name? He's really smart. I want to say he's a professor at some college.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Anyway, him and Moe own Beyond the Whiteboard, I think. Oh, yeah, that's our newsletter. Go check it out. Exclusive content. Exclusive. I can't believe there's a newsletter. My goodness. It looks really awesome.
Starting point is 01:09:35 I just emailed Sevan in 2022, and now it's 2028, and it's the largest. It's like Vice. They just took over, and I make a million dollars a year. Yeah, I mean, we have obviously a big vision for what this will turn into. And if you want to get under the ground early with it and be able to become a staple of it, this is the opportunity. Because like the thing you were saying before, once the train gets going, it's like, that's it. You know what I mean? were saying before once the train gets going it's like that's it you know what i mean because then when once once we're really really cooking with fire which is already happening and we're gonna
Starting point is 01:10:08 really go through it's gonna be impossible to get onto the inside you guys i work so hard i play so hard ball so hard yeah stefan what do you think of hazmat hazmat this last weekend i think i'm crazy impressed by him um i do think that i um i saw uh um uh what's lance's last name maybe it's steel i saw my buddy lance who um at the beach today um and he was with his girlfriend who took 46 in the will you look at the will you look at the and he was with his girlfriend who took 46 in the, will you look at the, will you look at the CrossFit leaderboard, his girlfriend or wife? I don't know. Kelly took 46. I don't even know her last name took 46 in the world. I see them all the time. I had no idea. She was so good.
Starting point is 01:10:57 She's really, she's really, she's really hot too. Anyway, I saw them at the beach and we were talking. He thinks that Hazmat won and that Peter Jan won. LoneStar, I thought that Burns won and I thought Aljo won. Here's the thing. Hazmat and Jan were moving forward the most by far. They controlled the center, and they were moving forward. But I think that the better blows and the control and the better fighting – Kelly Clark, yep, that's her.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Yep. 46th in the world. That's crazy, and I just saw her today at the beach. Weird, right? Man, she's nice. It's like a celebrity. It is like like a celebrity they're both really nice her and her husband her boyfriend lance they're really nice and he i think he might be canadian which is weird that's a joke people that's a joke it's a joke hey yesterday someone's like someone in the comments wrote uh do you think canadians really want to come to the U.S.? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:12:06 No, I would think that you guys want to stay in your country too and do your semifinal. I didn't mean it like if I lived in Uzbekistan, I'd want to stay in Uzbekistan and do it. Don't get all weird. I'm not suggesting that Americans don't want to go to Canada because something's wrong with Canada, even though there is. I'm just suggesting that they don't want to go to Canada because they're crossing the border. Son of a bitch. is i'm just suggesting that they don't want to go to canada because they don't crossing the border son of a bitch you don't fuck in front of your dog that's right caleb can you explain that to me can you explain that to me yeah sure okay uh it my thought process is essentially that i've had the dog since it was
Starting point is 01:12:48 a puppy okay and the cat is since it was since she was a kitten but i like i just i've basically trained it so that i know like it basically just feels like a child like i've taught it everything it knows it does everything that i ask it to like i understand like i can like pick up on it's like emotions and stuff like that and so i feel like it has like a human it's also a border collie so it's like basically a human just by how smart it is yeah yeah and so dude you need kids so bad you need kids so bad but go on different story go on go on but yeah so that i just have this weird thing about it's like if i have the dog in there and it's like basically just having like it's like if as if you have like a seven-year-old kid in your bedroom while you're fucking not cool not appropriate not appropriate okay sorry so like if you like like you imagine hanging around yeah no
Starting point is 01:13:42 i'm with you i got a seven-year-old you can't fuck with, I can't fuck with Avi in the room. Clearly. You just can't like say anything without it. Like now just repeating everything that you've just said. Right. So now, but I mean, obviously it's a dog, so it's not going to just do that, but it also likes to like hop up and like, even if I just go in to kiss my wife, like if I hug her and kiss her, like the dog wants to come in and like start pumping one of them.
Starting point is 01:14:10 So it's like, I can't even have like my own waiting for an opportunity literally okay let's see what let's say what barnes wait uh uh oh but caleb i appreciate that by the way i have some my first analysis is you need kids but um jake why don't you take we are on spotify we are on spotify uh mr r Barnes, go ahead, please. What's up, man? How y'all been? Very good. What you been up to? I haven't talked to you in a little while.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Yeah, it's been a little while. I agree. What's happening? What you been up to? I had a kid, had a family. What you been up to? It's great. It's great.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I'm pumped. Life's good. I'm pumped. Life's good. I'm just living the dream, you know, just with my homeboys, Matt and Caleb and you. How about, how's your jiu-jitsu going for your kids? One more time. How's your jiu-jitsu going for your kids? Oh, it's good. It's good.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Oh, I think I've talked to you before. You live in Watsonville. I live in Louisiana. Oh, oh, oh's good. It's good. Oh, I think I've talked to you before. You live in Watsonville. I live in Louisiana. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, yeah. Ryan, how can I help you, my friend? Oh, man, I was just chilling, just listening to the podcast,
Starting point is 01:15:23 and I'm like, man, let me call. Yeah, yeah, anytime for that. to that boy in a little minute. Yeah. Well, I appreciate it. You're in, you're in Houma, Louisiana?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Houma? Yeah, I'm just saying. In H-O-U-M-A, Houma? Houma? Houma? Oh,
Starting point is 01:15:37 no, no, no, no. I'm in Baton Rouge. I'm going to go LSU. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:43 All right, brother. Well, I got to go back to figuring out why Caleb can't fuck. Do you fuck in front of your dog, Mr. Ryan? Uh,
Starting point is 01:15:50 I ain't got a dog. Oh, do you have any pets? He lives in the dorms. No. No, I don't live in the dorm. I got an apartment.
Starting point is 01:16:00 Hey, hey, before I get off, I want to tell you that, uh, not, uh, they're fucking, uh, nothing out of sugar. Hey, before I get off I want to tell you that Not the fucking Not adding sugar This shit is hard as fuck I hope you know
Starting point is 01:16:11 What's hard? Oh, quitting sugar? Quitting adding sugar? Yeah, it is I thought of that shit for New Year's Every time you fucking look up something They got this much sugar That much sugar How the fuck do you do it
Starting point is 01:16:26 yeah hey so i'm gonna tell you how i did it it was crazy so basically i was trying for 15 years and i just kept giving up more and more shit so basically when i started crossfit ryan the first thing i did is i stopped smoking cigarettes right and then because that just didn't i didn't eat i just didn't mix and like i'd finish fran and then go out in the parking lot and smoke a cigarette you know it was like tarted so so then i basically then i quit drinking soda and then and then and then i i never really did candy bars or anything like that and then i just stopped eating like things like chips and and then i started eating less and less bread and then finally it was like almost no sugar at all it It was just like, um, I don't even know what sugar I would have. Maybe an alcohol. I would have it or in like ball. I would have like occasional bars.
Starting point is 01:17:10 And then finally I was like, Hey, I'm really going to fucking put my foot down. And I did that about two years ago. I want to say, and I did it. I, this is how I did it. I told myself that I could eat as much meat and hard cheese as I wanted to. And I kind of got that idea from Paul Saladino, not kind of. And so I basically just let myself eat it. Like, and by meat, I mean, hot dogs, steak, anything that just, as long as it didn't have added sugar, didn't matter. And I did that for like, uh, like two weeks. And then I started adding like avocados and greens in, and then I was, I broke me. And then I was adding like avocados and greens in and then I was it broke me And then I was just like holy shit. The thing is is after like a week you'll start craving so much fat
Starting point is 01:17:52 And and what I hear is is you go into something called ketosis so instead of burning sugars your primary fuel you start to burn fat and then you start craving fat and it's crazy because then You could use as much nuts and avocados and shit as you want for a while And that's how i did it and then i just and now basically it's it's i'm it's pretty good it's it's i'm you know i'm not as strict as i used to be but i'm pretty good like i still i like you know and that was condensed how many years was that for you how many years it took me like 15 years basically to get to that point right 15 years of just whittling away at like um refined carbohydrates and sugar and then finally just making the jump yep that's the biggest thing they're just small steps there ryan because yeah we tell the members of the gym all the time start start with the liquid sugars like start cutting those out
Starting point is 01:18:38 so if you drink 30 cokes a week go to 25 the next week next week, go to 20. Then go to 15. And then slowly step yourself down. My problem with the soda, I haven't had a soda since I was 15. My problem is with biscuits. Like if I ain't had a candy bar in a while, I'm like, well, shit. I've been doing so good. Let me go ahead and treat myself. And then it'll turn into two, three, four candy bars or a bag of Skittles.
Starting point is 01:19:07 And then it goes to like a week or two of eating candy. And then I'll fuck my fucking fucking truck. Yeah, do you eat it mostly at night? Like in the evening? Or is it throughout the day as well? Uh, sometimes it's throughout the day. And then sometimes it's like at night.
Starting point is 01:19:21 I'm gonna put on three, four movies and I'm just sitting here and do you smoke weed do you smoke weed yeah i do yeah that's it that i mean if i smoke weed there'd be no chance there'd be no chance of me stopping the thing one of the things i used to travel a lot so i'd go to like hotel rooms like i used to stay in nice hotel rooms thousand bucks a night motherfuckers and just you wouldn't believe the bar so i would get to my room at fucking 11 o'clock at night keep drinking and eat 10 packs of gummy bears and call room service and having me bring up 10 more yeah once you open that door and it was because i was drunk all the time so so you can't it's really hard to quit sugar if
Starting point is 01:20:00 you're doing other drugs because because then all the drugs just want to jump in. There is one trick though, after you have a little bit, or even before you do, before you go down the treats, especially if you do it in the evening, just go brush your teeth with like a shitload of toothpaste. And basically, yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:18 because then it already fruit eating fruit really works too. If you eat a whole apple, like you're about to say, we're not, we're not from a weed. It's's like i don't want any candy i just can't i want pizza i want burgers i want yeah that's the same it's almost worse than candy that bread and pizza it's almost man they didn't sell a billion jack-in-the-box hamburgers because they taste like ass i'm sorry i know everyone's gonna be like no those are horrible bullshit. I love a Jack in the Box hamburger
Starting point is 01:20:48 because that bread is yum. I'm with you. That bread is yum. Especially after you smoked that bowl. And I'll take the Oreo milkshake and two large Diet Cokes, please. You just busted a nut. Ryan just busted a nut. Ryan, nice talking to you brother stay in touch peace peace watch out for the alligators uh never look back that was november two uh
Starting point is 01:21:16 here's denise what is she saying it's not actually jenny that's what i did last i'm like see i planted what are we looking at you have it right it's dense after 40 okay and i never looked back oh yeah dense denise yeah do fine denise never looked back that was november 2020 ish since then i've added in uh some carb fruits and white rice since i was training cf more often but i've never felt better yeah hey you know how i know i'm crazy how because i bought a container well one because i wear this hat but two um i bought i bought a uh i bought a container that that that's like you store dog food in and like seal it so rats can't get in and then i got do you know what i'm gonna say kayla no and then i bought like 20 of those what are those things called that like they're in your vitamins so that moisture doesn't get in there incandescent what are those things called that's
Starting point is 01:22:15 a light bulb but i don't think that oh yeah you're right you know i'm talking about they're like these packets that keep like moisture out of your shit anyway jerky yeah yeah yeah or just vitamins anytime you open a brand new bottle of vitamins there's one right anyway and i bought a whole pack of those and i bought a 50 50 pound bag of rice and i put it in all in there and i'm gonna get another 50 pounds of rice so i have 100 pounds of rice and a dog food container yeah because like that's the only thing I could find that was like – He's prepping. Yeah, I'm prepping. I'm prepping.
Starting point is 01:22:47 End of day is prepping. I don't even have water, but I got 100 pounds of rice. You know what's funny? Somebody sent me this thing in the DM that was like a clip from Fox News. It was like Tucker Carlson, and he was talking about the food shortage that was going to come and how bad it was going to be. and he was talking about the food shortage that was going to come and how bad it was going to be. And right at the end of the article,
Starting point is 01:23:05 talked about his meal-ready-to-eat company that he had in there. And he's selling these packaged meals. Sucker, that's me. Is there a hinted agenda here? We need you to be afraid of the food shortage. By the way, have a solution. I'm such a sucker. But I just bought, oh, here here oh yes i just bought rice i just bought i bought well i bought 50 pounds of rice and this container holds another
Starting point is 01:23:31 50 pounds so i'm gonna have 100 pounds of rice part of me just wanted to start putting my hand in there and doing like you know those hand workouts you do in rice but i'm okay this is supposed to yeah you ever drop your phone in water you're ready to rock too yeah you could drop 50 phones in water and you just start stuffing them in water you're ready to rock too yeah you could drop 50 phones in water and you could just start stuffing them in that rice you guys have any food ready and get for armageddon when the zombies come i don't even have food for tonight a bunch of ravioli canned chef boy rd i need to buy some of those mres um so uh those shits are expensive yeah they are expensive just get rice like in a regular store that's like 10 bucks 15 bucks i got a bulletproof vest and about 100
Starting point is 01:24:12 rounds of some 223 armor piercing you're ready to go you're good that's all you need you just steal from everybody else uh can you play number 12 for me number 12 i kind of want this guy to be a feature on every show are you are you bringing it up here yeah i got it just like uh it's um bu by gundy last week this guy told us that um it's not just about pussy you need girls who have money and this is sean g yeah yeah oh is that his name sean yeah he's got a YouTube channel I've been studying. Okay, here we go. Listen to me, man. Be unique, man.
Starting point is 01:24:54 What's up, old boy? Be unique, man. Be unique. Be different. Don't copy them motherfuckers, man. Don't copy them motherfuckers. They don't know what they're doing, and they're copyinguckers. They don't know what they doing, and they copying another motherfucker who don't know what he doing.
Starting point is 01:25:08 You supposed to be unique. It's only one of you. It ain't two of you. It's only one of you. Your whole mitochondria, your whole DNA, it's only you, man. Be your true unique self. Be able to stand by yourself, all by yourself
Starting point is 01:25:24 like, nah, I'm standing here. I'm chilling here like this. I ain't going over there. Don't copy them motherfuckers. Don't copy them. Them niggas, they don't know where they're going. They got no direction, no aim, no map, no compass, no water. They don't know what's up. Be your own unique self
Starting point is 01:25:40 and follow your heart and follow your mind, man. That's what you do. Be unique, man. Yes. up and follow your heart and follow your mind man that's what you do be unique man yes hey man listen those high knees at the end or what's up i i just i just i just want to be a part of that that's why i like that dude should we get him on the show no not yet He only has 9,000 followers. We got fucking standards. But I feel everything he says. I like his stuff. It's not just about pussy. It's about you need girls with money too. Not be you.
Starting point is 01:26:15 I don't know. that come out of his mouth. It's something else. It's, yeah, Bo Hayes. He's dope. Yeah, Sean Dope. He's dope. He's so fun. He's probably the future in the newsletter.
Starting point is 01:26:37 It's the same reason why I like the liver king, and I can't believe people hate on him. I saw Joe Rogan hating on the liver king. Listen, listen. I want to tell you something. of joe rogan hating on the liver king listen listen i want to tell you something if you eat this if you think that the liver king is telling you that if you eat this you're going to have his body you deserve to buy this and be duped that is not what he's saying i've never got that from him i'm not eating this to look like him and i could give two rats ass if he's on steroids or not zero why would i care i mean i care just for the um curiosity just like i'm curious how many um uh uh um uh pounds of grapes i'm gonna get this year
Starting point is 01:27:14 but like if i know or don't know like i don't care i don't why would you care if he says if he says that he's natural and he's not i feel bad for him it's not it means nothing to me i'm not judging him i don't think he's an asshole but i do know that that these dead animal organs in here help my situation and that's why i buy the shit they don't sponsor me they give us money to cover waterpalooza but but how could you possibly think that he's telling you to buy these to look like him that he's never said that never anything close that that's like just a huge jump when i when i heard rogan attacking him or when i hear people attacking him like that's your problem that's it's so obviously it's so obvious to me
Starting point is 01:28:01 that's your problem now if you were just like casually to be like yeah um i'm pretty i don't believe him that he's not not that he's natural that he's on steroids okay i get it but there's like this hate towards him i love his shtick it only makes my life better watching him i don't watch him and think i want to do bad shit i watch him and think I want to do bad shit. I watch him and think I want to do good shit. I want to eat better. I want to exercise. I want to be close to my family. I don't get why you would hate on him in any way. It's kind of like the same – You feel bad for his kids.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I don't want to get into it. It's kind of like the same thing. You'll hear a story of – Did you listen – sorry, Susan. like a story of. Did you listen? Sorry, Susan. Hold on one second. Did you listen to the podcast? His kids.
Starting point is 01:28:50 The reason why he does this stuff is because of his kids. His kids were fucking dying. One of them especially. From autoimmune diseases. Disease. Changed his whole fucking life. He's been through a lot. I'm impressed.
Starting point is 01:29:12 I'm impressed by him. Okay, sorry. Go ahead. What were you going to say, Sousa? It's like when you hear a story of a fit 30-year-old, whatever, dies to a heart thing or something. You instantly kind of look and you're like okay well maybe there is a condition that's really rare that it happens to or or there was like a recent um in sacramento there was like this recent shooting outside of a nightclub
Starting point is 01:29:34 and it was like oh was it a was it a just an active shooter or was there some sort of like was it you know a fight or something that escalated and you kind of almost look for those things because then if you could point to it and go, oh, no, he had a rare condition in his heart. That's why I did. Oh, no, it wasn't just an active act of like random act of violence with the shooting. It was actually gang related and they kind of knew each other and stuff. Then you feel better about it. Right. Like, oh, there was an accident and some random person actually got hit by a semi. And you're kind of like, well, hopefully, you know, were they on their phone? Were they not paying attention? Because
Starting point is 01:30:06 then it makes you feel a little bit more secure. Like, oh, there was a reason that happened or that was, that happened uniquely to them. And so I think sometimes with the liver cream things, people immediately hate on it and they'll go, oh, he's not natural. And he's doing all this because then they're kind of justifying his success. Like, oh, he's just lying. He's just a charlatan. You know what I mean? He's taking shortcuts. That's's why that's why he's so successful on his internet platforms and his business is booming because then they this can't be i have to be like oh shit this dude just works really hard regardless of steroid uses or not right so it's almost yeah i don't get why they i don't get why anyone cares like unless like unless you unless you were like hey you really want that body and you want to know what exactly what supplements he took so you can get that body.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Okay. Then I could see caring, but like, I don't care if he's lying or telling the truth. Like I don't, that's not. Or this comment that every, every idiots will start eating raw liver since he does it. But here's the thing. What's the side effect from that? Like, is anything bad gonna happen because i know a lot of people i'm yeah i'm one of those idiots i would have never eaten
Starting point is 01:31:09 raw liver if i didn't see him do it and i did it but like what's the name i would have never eaten raw eggs if he did i didn't see him do it i did it if he if i didn't see uh paul what's it what's also fascinating too is paul saladino is friends with Joe Rogan and friends with the Liver King. And Paul Saladino is very, very – I think Paul Saladino maybe is even what got Joe to try the carnivore diet. And I know Paul Saladino is very close with the Liver King and has helped him a lot with helping some of the ail's kids have had yeah that's what he's talking about you think joy was just kind of in an annoyed mood you know how like he's always on his podcast and do a bunch of stuff and like everything gets like clipped and then it goes like all over the place yeah he was just like kind of just annoyed that day and someone just kind of caught that sure he was just annoyed and just like went off
Starting point is 01:32:02 that riff and didn't really mean as much as like as much as how bad it was or how bad it seemed. But that clip, it's already gone. It already happened. Let me say this, though. You remember that whole montage that they put together of him? Yes. That's not nearly as mean as what he said about the liver king. The liver king is just one man. Yeah, he took a whack at him.
Starting point is 01:32:31 And he just came at him so hard, and it's like, dude. Yeah, he did. Ken Walters, I've been on Paul Saladino's Live Blood and Beef Organs for three months now, and it's been phenomenal in my CF workouts, mood, sleep, everything, hard to describe, even feel more of this inner peace about everything um ken i so me too but for me i still don't recommend those to anyone unless your diet's super clean already like i don't i i think the reason why they're so they're they're so powerful for me is because my diet is so clean already but yeah but i sure as phil don't feel more buff i've been taking creatine and arginine and because my diet is so clean already. But yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:06 But I sure as Phil don't feel more buff. I've been taking creatine and arginine, and shit, I feel swole as shit. Fenton 195. Dude, we need a creatine sponsor. I've almost started taking it because of you talking about it all the time. Fenton 195.
Starting point is 01:33:19 I have no desire to. Caleb, are you taking creatine? Yeah. You guys don't take creatine, Sousa? No. Hey, I'll show you. I have in the desire to take a creatine. Yeah. You guys don't take, you don't take creatine, Susa. No, I, I,
Starting point is 01:33:27 Hey, I'll show you in the past, but like there's, there's only one to get. That's the funny part. All the other shit is stupid. There's just one to get. It's a bag of just raw creatine.
Starting point is 01:33:37 And if you just put what's the best creatine, it'll bring it up there. Like all this other dumb shit that our friends are selling now, sports. Don't buy any of that dumb shit. And it tastes horrible horrible you take a little spoonful of the creatine you put it water it tastes like something or it's the arginine one of them tastes horrible and i put them both in a little shot glass of water and i spin it around and i just shoot it down do you measure how much you take no no i take it no it's different every time you're just free balling it huh yes yes i have no idea i just want to get through these two huge jars i have what did you go through
Starting point is 01:34:12 a loading phase no no i basically just use it like for motivation how many months have you been doing it no i don't know i think you're supposed aren't you supposed to like kind of like wean on and off of it over a period of time workout you can wean whatever you want because i don't do any weaning i don't do any weaning i don't do anything it sounds like wiener hey i i like taking it because then it makes me work out a little extra hard anyway because like i'm like hey i not going to waste that shit. You know what I mean? So like – yeah, and I've been just doing a lot more – I've been doing a lot more like bodybuilding stuff.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Like so today, I just held 20-pound weight after riding the assault bike. I held the 20-pound pound dumbbells and instead of doing a hand clean i do a curl to press one two three four i do i've been doing more of that i mean i still do all like some other shit i do a ton of negatives ton of negative um bar muscle ups as slow as i can through the transition because that shit will make you strong it will yeah yeah so and i and i do i don't have hair will oh shit there's started falling out is that what is he serious hey i bought some creatine one time that was like one of the brands you know
Starting point is 01:35:41 like one of the brands and proprietary blend it would make me angry oh shit that's some yeah yeah it would make me angry i didn't lose any hair but it made me angry it wasn't that jb create team was it hey is will telling the truth that it that it did it i don't think he is but maybe i don't know it's probably just shitting on the fact that i'm bald thanks will i don't have a choice okay let's look at number 14 i want to get this off the list i mean i think i've already talked about it once but i wonder but i want to bring it up one more time this is the i-disc phone lockbox and chris williamson put out a have we talked about this yet yeah okay well Okay. Well, I'll talk about it. Okay. Oh, they got some muffins in there now. Basically, it's a box that, oh, Will says he's not joking.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Basically, it's a box that you put shit in, and then you set a timer, and the box only opens and closes at certain times of the day. And this guy, Chris Williamson, I was on his podcast, and that podcast kind of damaged me. That's a whole nother story but um or I let myself get damaged take responsibility you pussy um he talks about how he has to put his phone in there so that he can get away from his phone dude you know who we should get that for I would never admit that I have way too much pride for that we should fucking throw my phone in the ocean before I did that go ahead and i would do that i would go down i'm totally that guy fuck you and then like 10 minutes later be like fuck yes yes yep and order a new one at the apple store yep i was saying we should get one of those for our caller ryan and that way when he gets stoned
Starting point is 01:37:24 he can put all the treats in the lockbox and then set the timer for after he's done and then he wouldn't figure out how to get it open anyways if he's stoned and then it'd be all good Dude that dude lives in between a Kentucky Fried Chicken and a 7-Eleven Okay I'm crossing this one off the list
Starting point is 01:37:41 Okay so we talked about the lockbox Okay Let's get rid of number 15 too. Wow, the show's gone long already. Hour and a half. Tomorrow we have Colin Porter on, guys. It's going to be good. We screwed that up once. Sorry. He's coming on tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:37:59 Okay. Let's play. I forget even why I chose this. It's been on the list so long. I'm 25 years old. I'm going to be a self-made millionaire. And he laughed at me. I forget even why I chose this. Been feel like a millionaire. I feel like a superstar. And that's the way I felt back then when I first started. I kept that vision in my head. I kept that belief. I hit the gym. I trained hard.
Starting point is 01:38:31 I believed in my abilities. And now here I am. I'm making a big name for myself on the mixed martial arts scene. I'm making some money. And hopefully it inspires all the martial arts I call it, all the guys from my gym and all around the country to go after their dreams and chase it down because there's only one thing that's impossible, and that's to be a man that doesn't give up.
Starting point is 01:38:50 By the time I'm 25 years old, I'm going to be a self-made millionaire. To be the man that doesn't give up. Oh, but he's on steroids. He's a horrible man. He's on steroids. He threw a temper tantrum. I don't like his attitude. He said something bad about someone's wife.
Starting point is 01:39:05 Shut up. Take the good that you see from Conor McGregor and add it to your quiver and throw the rest away. Don't waste your time worrying about any of that other stuff. I was going to ask you if you think he's changed since then. Yeah, he's changed. He's rich as shit. He's got his own whiskey. sense in yeah he's changed he's rich as shit he's got his own whiskey did you ever see the documentary that they posted um posted that they put up on him from netflix maybe it's like a
Starting point is 01:39:30 couple years ago it was stupid you didn't like it because i well because i kind of lived it i've been following him close his whole career ah not his whole career i think my favorite part of it that just stuck out was when he they get i when they gave him that house in Vegas or whatever. Maybe he bought it and he was showing everybody. Then he'd be like, look at my closet. Then they would open up and he would look at them for their reaction when they'd be like, holy shit. He'd be like, I know, right? It's crazy. He was just as shocked as he's showing people and just to see the reaction of it because he was just feeling it for the first time every time they walked in too.
Starting point is 01:40:03 I thought that part was pretty cool. It was for a comeback fight, and then he ended up losing the fight, right? Mm-hmm. In the dock or something? Yeah. I don't know. I guess I wanted to see...
Starting point is 01:40:15 Stupid's not right. I guess since I just lived it already in real time, I just didn't... It didn't do it for you? See, I didn't follow him like crazy close so for me it was like more of an insight isn't it amazing that girl scout cookies cause type 2 diabetes
Starting point is 01:40:35 what listen did you know listen girl scouts are on steroids you don't have a package of thin mints in your freezer you're worried like if you want if you want to like instead of going after the liver king or conor mcgregor why don't you go after the girl scouts oh but they're such cute little girls they fucking sell shit that makes people fat and shortens their life
Starting point is 01:40:59 and they brag about it and they use little kids to peddle it hey it is it's like some fucked up thing it's like you know like in like the ghetto movies like are in the wire you see like a seven-year-old taking selling drugs in front of the projects it's like that but but white people's version we got the girl scouts kill slowly with cookies it is i mean it really is and seriously overpriced and seriously overpriced we're gonna you're gonna and you don't even get high you're fucking miserable the only time you enjoy it is when it's in your mouth it's the opposite of dick you only enjoy it when it's out of your mouth it's fucking crazy now i'm only speaking from experience i've only enjoyed dick when it's not in my mouth.
Starting point is 01:41:46 If you had to replace what they sold, what would you have them sell instead? Say that again? If you had to replace what they sold, what would you have them sell instead? Glucose monitors. I thought you were going to say creatine. Creatine? Creatine? Seven mitosian creatine?
Starting point is 01:42:04 Seven in regards to the Girl scouts take the good and throw the rest away uh no it doesn't quite work like that doesn't quite work i appreciate it i appreciate the attempt i appreciate them it's not it doesn't quite work like that i like the eyes of dead call it here the girl scout cookies don't cause it the idiots who over consume them you know what i only put a little bit of peanut butter in my lamborghini in the gas tank just a small dollop and now it's running weird hey how do i get rid of this person how come everyone else i can block and i can't block that's a twitch that's a Twitch comment. That's why. Get your Girl Scout creatine this year.
Starting point is 01:42:50 Yeah. Why don't they put some creatine in those cookies? Oh, Sogo Snacks. What if the Girl Scout cookies sold Sogo Snacks? Sogo Snacks. Oh, look at you. You got to stay. God, I wish these guys would sponsor me.
Starting point is 01:43:05 On deck. What even are those? He replaced the bag of weed with Sogo snacks. No, the bag of weed's here somewhere. Who stole my bag of weed? I pushed it out of the way. PS driver. That's a real endorsement right there um
Starting point is 01:43:26 we do need a sogo snacks sponsorship the hell i want to show you this guy can't stand this guy i cannot stand this guy but but i want to show you this is how bad the situation is with our current president this guy has done so much damage to the country this next video i'm about to show you it's number 17 he preaches weakness he treat peach preaches the victim mindset he preaches blaming other people instead of talking about the actual subject at hand and actually pointing out the facts he just makes fun of people and you know it's funny someone told me the other day they're like um how
Starting point is 01:44:06 could you vote how could anyone possibly like donald trump and they went off on it to me and i'm like hey i totally get what you're saying you don't vote for donald trump because you like him you do it for your country you do it because because we have a babbling idiot um senile old man i mean falling apart at the helm who's i cannot believe what's happened to this country in two years you don't vote for donald trump because you like him can we vote for him because he's the best thing he's the best thing for the would have been the best thing for the country you have to get over yourself yeah you're right no one no one no one's like super excited to have donald trump over at the house for Thanksgiving to me, to like hang out. I get it.
Starting point is 01:44:48 But man, you sure as hell don't want to hang out with Biden. You feel bad. Like he'd be like, I can, someone wipe my butt. He's like in the bathroom, like my kids.
Starting point is 01:44:59 No. And I have to send my kids away. These are good. Okay. Trevor Noah, one of the most vile human beings, and I say vile in the sense that he argues other human beings' limitations for them. Instead of believing in people. Look what he says. Saudi Arabia isn't playing ball with Joe Biden.
Starting point is 01:45:19 And you know what? You can say what you want, but this would have never happened to Donald Trump. Never. No one was ever ignoring Donald Trump's calls. Yeah, because if you ignored Donald Trump's calls, you didn't know how he would respond. Maybe he'd send an angry tweet, or maybe he'd just like ban your country from everything.
Starting point is 01:45:40 You don't know. That's why I bet in these situations, Biden actually wishes that he could hire Trump to step in as president wildcard. You know, just keep everyone on their toes. Because if Trump was calling, you best believe the UAE, they'll be racing to pick up the phone. Oh, Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, we're here.
Starting point is 01:45:54 We're here, hello? Too late, Ahmed. You made me wait two rings. We're bombing the UAE. Saudi Arabia isn't playing ball with Joe Biden. And you know what? You can say what you want But this would have never happened
Starting point is 01:46:08 To Donald Trump Yeah I'd host Donald Trump too No one was ever ignoring Donald Trump's call Bye bye Noah Thank you Caleb When the Nelk Boys interviewed Trump They were all so good Trevor's the worst I know
Starting point is 01:46:24 Him and Colbert and stewart they lost their mind it's it's so sad but you know who bill mauer turned the ship around joe rogan tried to turn the ship around russell brand tried to turn the ship around these were like hardcore all right i feel pretty good about getting those off the list that was good oh number 18 i had a friend that wouldn't have sex in front of his dog did we talk about that check that one off the list now you have two friends hey i heard there well one more thing before we go can you type in philadelphia and type in news are they are they requiring masks in philly now again yeah yeah sure all right a piece of meat stuck in there oh really is that true bruce bill mauer's on oh wow
Starting point is 01:47:22 yeah i'd like to see that oh shoot i'm out of uh mints uh sorry masks are required inside the philadelphia arena state's indoor mask mandate as covet 19 cases rise across blah blah blah hey it's so crazy i want to say it's so funny can you type in new zealand covid like and just look up look at their Google New Zealand COVID. Look at this. I love this. Wait, what happened? That's all time. Hey guys, what happened to the
Starting point is 01:47:56 You guys gotta get, I told you. That's why they should never let him outside. I told you you should have just built huge concentration camps and gotten rid of everybody you knuckleheads
Starting point is 01:48:11 you locked your whole country down like morons and now look what you've done boy you really you really did a good job people would people from New Zealand would just go crazy on my instagram because i would be like dude you guys are screwed you better let this thing run wild it only lasted two years
Starting point is 01:48:33 crazy hey denise why we can't just tell us to go to justin madero's story are there naked girls there like what why would we go over there i mean i like justin a lot i like his dad but why would he is he in philadelphia with a mask on australia is the same way australia got got slammed uh when is brian coming back for games update uh he was actually just texting me today about um he what he thought about colton merton's chances to uh um make it to the games and uh i didn't like what i heard so i blocked brian um putin caused that spike oh yeah that's another thing there's people that think that it's putin's fault that our gas prices are up there's people who think that in this country that's like saying i'm not eating a candy bar right now and it's 7-eleven's fault
Starting point is 01:49:32 because they're closed oh it's such it's i can't even imagine being in a brain like that, that is so detached from your own personal responsibility and capabilities. Go ahead. I told you about that guy that posted on my thing that I put up about like home, like changing the verbiage around homeless camps and calling them open drug markets. changing the verbiage around homeless camps and calling them open drug markets. And he said that the only reason that most of the homeless are on drugs is
Starting point is 01:50:10 so they could stay up through the night for protection. I go to every night when I go to bed, I put a condom on before I go to sleep just in case someone jumps on my dick. Never know when you're gonna get crazy talk i was like fucking crazy talk that's an interesting perspective i do meth just because i'm afraid if i go to sleep i'll get robbed it sounds like somebody's like oh okay he's like i just need
Starting point is 01:50:40 to come inside and use your restroom real quick oh okay then they're rifling through their stuff in their room and it's like what are you doing oh i'm just looking for a pair of socks where you keep your money over here oh okay no problem hey all my money's gone yeah somebody came in while i was in your bedroom and took it but it wasn't me oh okay thank you you got to be pretty naive to think that wait scott pancheck signed up for a semifinal? I'm surprised, Victor, because I can't – I can't – There's no end to that game. I'd like to see the end.
Starting point is 01:51:15 There's no solution to that game, and I just can't imagine that in my own head. But it's because they don't see it for what it is. I know it's just because they don't see the pro they don't see it for what it is that I know it's not, I know it's just cause they're thinking wrong. So I guess I can't believe it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You're right. You win. Thank you. I'm not surprised. China dystopian paradise. Uh, where, where is let's, uh, let's, um, let's look where Scott is and Scott is and then we have to go
Starting point is 01:51:45 let's look where Scott is Scott Panchik someone is saying Will Branstetter is saying that Scott Panchik has signed up wow okay let's see who's in there really quick okay so uh
Starting point is 01:52:01 so Scott will beat so Scott may not beat Justin, but he'll beat Hopper. Okay, who else? Keep going. I guess there's a chance Travis could beat Scott. Unlikely. Okay, keep going. Angelo will definitely beat him.
Starting point is 01:52:20 Angelo will definitely – wait, wait, wait. Why is Angelo in there? That makes no sense should ask him okay let's call angelo right now that makes no sense isn't angelo on a team wait are you at the right year no maybe not oh shit oh yeah that's why okay okay okay well it's gonna come in here and i'll sit syndicate crown oh shit oh shit you made him get out of bed for this damn it okay okay i actually just need a security code from oh did you just did they just send it no it was before the show i need it for my other laptop oh sorry i'll look yeah people this is this is what working on the podcast is like you need a security code you gotta hop on the show to get it
Starting point is 01:53:20 nobody answers their phone everybody has off to another shit what time would they have sent that will oh i see it i see it i see it i see it i see it i should just give you access to my email um i'm sending it to you now okay we're just talking about this okay let him into the house and he steals the money from the sock drawer hey so can any let's let's see if there's four people who can beat Scott here. Basically, we're trying to figure out whether he can go to the games. I don't see anyone who can beat Scott. James Sprague maybe.
Starting point is 01:53:56 No, but he'll do good I think. Tudor Magda, I think. That's the guy that trains with James Townsend I think. That's the kid that trains with James Townsend, I think. That's the kid. Yep. Okay. Will Morad, he's really good. And there's Taylor.
Starting point is 01:54:13 Okay, so Scott's going to the games. But there's still more people who need. Justin and Hopper are in this too. Oh, they are? Yeah. Well, they're not on the leaderboard yet, but they will be. Okay. Hopper won't beat him, but Med At Syndicate. Yeah. Well, they're not on the leaderboard yet, but they will be. Okay. Hopper won't beat them, but Medeiros will.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Okay. Well, shit. You heard it here first. We should change the name of this. Scott Pancic is going to the CrossFit Games this year. You heard it on the Sebon podcast. Yeah. You heard it on the Sebon podcast.
Starting point is 01:54:41 And Bruce Wayne also puts his vote in there. Yeah. Just casually. I know. Right. Corey. Okay, guys. Uh, thanks everyone for checking in. Uh, peace and love. We'll see you tomorrow morning. 7am con Porter.

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