The Sevan Podcast - #373 - Who Started Affiliate Liasons, Joe Rogan and Bill Maher, and More

Episode Date: April 17, 2022

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Starting point is 00:01:02 Bruce, good morning, Kyle. GM. Okay. Oh, yeah. Good morning. Dreamer. Good morning. Brian G.
Starting point is 00:01:09 No Friday show. You had that up there for a long time. I bet you're not even in the chat anymore. Casual sender. Good morning, Kevin Smith. Good morning. I saw a really nice compliment in the YouTube comments. I saw another comment, by the way way in the youtube comments it said uh um that the show that we did with uh brian friend and chase and luke parker was super petty and boring and i agree i couldn't i
Starting point is 00:01:32 couldn't agree more 10 minutes into that show i thought wow this is petty like i like i love throwing rocks at cars but and watching them bounce off and shit like that or you know just you know breaking beer bottles but that that was pointless we need to give like hq like a week or two i i totally agree with that other people love the show shows off the hook the numbers are crazy most of the comments are like fuck yeah you guys kill it blah blah blah i thought it was petty i thought i called mob mentality yeah group steak took over i um i called uh i think matt right afterwards and i was like oh that was so fucking petty welcome ethan thank you casual sender for welcoming in mr ethan that was a good
Starting point is 00:02:15 radio voice whoa mac thank you this little headpiece is screwing up my speaking of petty uh i want to talk to you guys about something that I saw in the morning chalk up. I saw it. Well, I actually saw someone sent me a screenshot on Instagram. There's a guy who works over there. I had never heard of his name before. I have never heard of his name even in the CrossFit community. And I dug around a little bit.
Starting point is 00:02:38 He looks like a long distance runner or something. Peter Blankencheck. Blanken. Blanken. Hold on. I'm ill prepared. Got to get it right ill prepared gotta get it right where are my notes where are my notes uh peter blenner oh blenner has it patrick blenner has it number 61 um he uh i'm at first i was like oh he probably just writes this shit because he writes for free um and so the truth doesn't matter he just like throws shit out there and just writes whatever he wants this article is different than the
Starting point is 00:03:07 instagram post i couldn't i couldn't find uh it's almost like two separate people wrote it the facts just seem different um uh and i'll get into the details i don't want to leave it ambiguous but this guy patrick blenner has it i don't know if he's a CrossFitter. He seems like... From the little digging around I've done, it seems like he's like what Rosa is to CrossFit. He is to the morning chalk up. He's like LeFranco who knows even less
Starting point is 00:03:38 and is even more... The guy in line for the next promotion? I guess. It's just weird. This guy's bizarre but um it's so it's so it's such a bad article and i just want to oh here we go so this is the morning chocolate post it says after eric rose bought crossfit along with berkenshire partners in july 2020 one of the first things launched under his reign was affiliate revenue not even true like like not even close to true not even not even like that program just so you
Starting point is 00:04:08 know was started in 2016 first um under under in my department under me and run by tyson oldroyd and matt bischel who i believe are both still at crossfit hq they can verify that that was an idea that that dave had dave castro had to so each of their own countries had their own uh um instagram accounts and it was pushed back upon huge it was wasn't a popular idea at all at hq and we started in 2016 and tyson and and you could ask any of the the the country reps or liaisons or whatever they've changed the name to now but But this article is tantamount. What this guy is saying is,
Starting point is 00:04:48 is that crop that Eric Rosa started cross. It would be like, if we publish an article and be like, Oh my God, Eric Rosa started CrossFit home office. What an incredible methodology. And we never, and we never mentioned the fact that all he did was change the name of
Starting point is 00:05:00 CrossFit HQ. So we told, we told the world that Eric Rose founded. No, this shit was founded and fucking wanted Greg Glassman was was a kid when he's fucking 15 he started putting this shit together it's just so bad so like like saviors why are you just sitting there writing lies i said a few weeks ago and i got pushback from suza and uh and a couple other people saying that that i would i would not affiliate i would i would or would not affiliate i would i i would not subscribe to that that that that that um um uh rag whatever you call
Starting point is 00:05:32 morning chalk up is just um uh i think we've surpassed them in in just character and validity like by far what truth that's for sure so so i i obviously don't like it for the reasons that like that program was started under my department by dave castro then in 2018 i'll tell you a little bit more of the story so in 2018 um uh we were in a big meeting it's probably one of the biggest uh leadership meetings we ever had at HQ. There were probably like 20 people in it. And the executives in that meeting, like the big dogs in that meeting, were Greg Glassman, me, Bruce Edwards, Nicole Carroll, Ben Elizer, Dave Castro, Marshall Brennan. That was the general counsel. I think he's still at CrossFit HQ. Kathy Glassman, head of affiliates.
Starting point is 00:06:29 And then a variety of other people and there were two people in that meeting who did not work at crossfit hq which was really weird it was the soon-to-be ceo who's just completely destroyed the company he he one day i mean one day i got to tell that whole story it's like five hours long but i'll tell. This was a dear friend of mine, and then he was brought on board and completely turned into just a horrible douche. And his mistress. So this guy's married, and he has his mistress who's married in the meeting, and they're in the meeting. And in that meeting at HQ, Dave Castro says to all 20 people in there and all the top executives at HQ, and I apologize. Did I mention Bruce Edwards? He was the operations officer.
Starting point is 00:07:04 And I didn't probably mention Matt Holdworth was in that meeting. I'm guessing, I don't remember seeing him there, but I'm guessing he's the CFO. And, um, he, thank you. And he, uh, um, Dave, Dave said, Oh, and Jimmy Letchford was in there and he, and Dave said in that meeting, hey, I think we should all get raises based, this is in 2018, we should all get raises based on performance. So set us a carrot out there in the field,
Starting point is 00:07:34 typical mill guy, right? He wants you to work hard and get rewarded for your hard work. Fucking absurd. Sounds racist. Definitely racist and sexist. Because we know that men are stronger than women. And so and then he also proposes an affiliate liaison program to sort of expand this thing that we have where there's just Instagram accounts that are being run by people out in the countries.
Starting point is 00:07:58 And I think some of the people out there who ran them, I'm not sure, but like Dave Chafee, I think he still works for the company. And like I think he ran the Instagram account in France. I'm trying to remember who the guy in Germany who ran it. He's a really cool cat. A really cool cat. I had him on the podcast before. There's video footage of him, like live video footage of him fighting the Taliban in a real gunfight. It's gnarly. We're for sure going to find that. Do you hear that noise? It's the trash. we're for sure gonna find that do you hear that noise it's the trash that's garbage truck oh so so in this meeting dave proposes that and and greg's furious he doesn't want he doesn't want bonuses handed out based on mary doesn't want to do bonuses at all and he doesn't want to do this affiliate liaison program and there's a war in this meeting this is in 2018 it was crazy yeah
Starting point is 00:08:42 probably was racism no greg doesn't have a racist bone in his body. I wish I could say he was racist towards Mexicans, but no. He's the exact opposite. He is overly kind. Overly kind to people. Like, if you walk by someone who's like a homeless guy, Greg is the dude who talks to him and is like, hey, dude, what the fuck? Get your shit together. And he just starts talking to the dude in Home Depot
Starting point is 00:09:05 who's like fucked up. Greg cares. Everyone has it put together if you're in Home Depot, I think. The bums in front of home. No, it's just like a bum in front of home. Oh, in front. Yeah, in front. If they're inside, they got it.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Greg gives him a 30-minute lecture and then Greg gives him a 50. I used to love hearing him lecture the homeless people. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. I was like, man, these people are so lucky to get a fucking pep talk from Greg Glassman. fitty i used to love hearing him lecture the homeless people like that like i'm like man these people are so lucky to get a fucking pep talk from greg glassman anyway and they were always he he he wouldn't get offended so greg could talk to the best of them he could just be like get at it with them so anyway so so greg's pissed right and this fucking fight ensues in the meeting and
Starting point is 00:09:43 and i'm talking like for me it's for some people maybe that shit's normal but it's intense people are yelling it's getting intense great people are spitting venom and insults and it feels like we're fucking an episode of sons of anarchy and uh and three people in that meeting didn't speak up and get people were getting dave's back who were like the biggest greg glassman ass kissers you would never believe and these people were like no dave's right we should do. You would never believe. And these people were like, no, Dave's right. We should do this. I couldn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:10:07 And there were three people in that meeting who didn't stand up and defend Dave and agree with Dave. One of them was Dale Saran didn't say anything. And Jeff Kane, the guy who was the CEO and his mistress didn't say anything. Matter of fact, they attacked Dave. She didn't, he did. The dude, Jeff Kane, who eventually became CEO,
Starting point is 00:10:24 told Dave, if you don't like Greg's decision, you should quit. I used to work at a job where I didn't like my boss and Iff came eventually became ceo told dave if you don't like greg's decision you should quit i used to work at a job where i didn't like my boss and i quit this guy's such a dude and he checked for graves approval right like like can you imagine we're in a in a debate that like that's the dumbest thing you could do at a work debate and then you tell someone hey you should quit if you don't like it like why are you going nuclear like we're trying to work shit out he knew he's gonna fire half of them anyway so what you may foreshadow yeah yeah it could be foreshadowing it was crazy it was it was it was such he's such a douche this guy i'm a phd philosophy major an english academic from the university of washington and yet you do
Starting point is 00:10:57 dumb shit like that if you don't like it you should quit anyway so and and then i didn't say anything to defend dave and i didn't say anything to defend dave and i didn't say anything to defend dave because greg had just given me 250 000 as a down payment on the house like literally like the day before i was like yeah greg get him fuck dave up get him stupid idea dave i get paid plenty i don't need no fucking bonus greg's a good dude you just got your bonus yeah but these fucking people were defending i mean it was it was just it was just it was just an idea Dave was throwing out there. It's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Reward people based on their hard work and have an affiliate liaison program. Let's talk about it. But it got really heated, which is fine. Maybe it's just me who's uncomfortable with that kind of heated discussion. And I remember even Marshall Brennan, he defended Dave. Ben Elizer, who never fucking stands up for shit he was our cto just a fucking coward of the highest order he stood up for dave russ green who always had fucking greg's back he stood up for dave i was like wow um oh you know who was in there the
Starting point is 00:11:54 chief strategist was in there um brian mulvaney was in there i can't believe i didn't remember his name he stood up for dave that motherfucker had greg's back just about as much as anyone except for me and so it didn't happen it didn't happen we didn't we didn't the the the the the we just stayed with having um instagram accounts and that was kind of the affiliate representatives from 2016 and then and that in that meeting it didn't happen well Well, a couple months later, Greg made this guy who was in the room with his mistress, Olivia Leonard, made him the CEO. And then eventually they forced her into my position. They knew that all along. His mistress came in, and they tried to boot me out and put her in my position.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It was fucking madness. Anyway, within a fucking week of being CEO, this dude started – this is in 2018. He started the affiliate liaison program, which Patrick Blankenshit calls – I forget what he calls it. He calls it something else, but it's an affiliate representative program. It's field leaders. He starts this program, this guy Jeff Kane does, and I'm put in charge of it still. Tyson Oldroyd and Matt Bish will run it. And then a little while later, Jimmy Letchford is put in charge, who's eminently capable.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Fucking amazing. Everyone loves Jimmy. Amazing leader, strong dude dude fucking collegiate wrestler from uh the naval academy marine and that was 2016 right i'm smart that's probably 2018 now the original instagram shit happened in 2016 sorry thank you for trying to keep me on track the original instagram shit where we had countries started getting their own instagram accounts like crossfit france crossfit um whatever that started in 2016. And then in 2018, we actually made it a little more robust and we called it, I think, the Country Liaison Program or something.
Starting point is 00:13:55 And it was in full swing. And then this guy, Jeff Kane, left and Dave came in as CEO for a couple months before Greg sold the company. And then that thing really fucking took off. And Nicole Carroll was super duper involved in it too but to say that this thing started in 2020 back under rosa bat shit crazy just revisionist history i mean i why are you even right first of all you could be like seven why do you care well why is he writing the article why does he care right and don't be like well no uh savon that's actually the um uh and this is this is woke shit by the way too if the response is no it wasn't called field leaders and affiliate
Starting point is 00:14:32 representatives at the time dude changing the name doesn't doesn't doesn't change like if we start calling a carrot an orange it's still a fucking carrot like don't be like bug bunny never ate carrots those are not oranges. Shut the fuck up. I think you could probably look back as an affiliate. You could probably look back in your email and you could see the original emails that came out under Dave Cash for SEO announcing the... I do have all my old emails and I
Starting point is 00:14:56 dug around. That's how I got this timeline. I dug in my old emails. Thank you. As soon as it's right over there, that's why I keep looking over there. I know. I keep looking at you across to the side rather than at the computer too. we're in the same room today and then after that dave castro started the um uh scholarship program and uh and we all know what happened there dave went to atlanta to run the scholarship program
Starting point is 00:15:20 that rosa supposedly got credit for but rosa was at mayhem fucking trying to push Luke Parker off of Rich's dick so he could sit on it while Dave was fucking in Atlanta, working with fucking the scholarship program. No shit. There was a lot of a dog and pony when he first came on. Oh, so ridiculous. And there's a lot of talks like he,
Starting point is 00:15:40 I actually do CrossFit, which was ironic because then everybody hired on from that point had no idea what the fuck CrossFit was. And they still don't. Then the affiliate newsletter came out, and that was also, or sometime in that period, and that was also a Dave Castro
Starting point is 00:15:56 idea. And Dave, as you can see if you follow him on Instagram, follows all of their visits, shitloads of affiliates still, and you don't see anyone else doing that. It's always been like that. Not that you didn't always see people doing it. Greg always popped into affiliates too.
Starting point is 00:16:13 But Greg, Dave, I remember at one point Dave said he's going to go to every affiliate in San Diego, and I think he went to 100 affiliates in 100 days, and I think he worked out at 90 of them. He drug me along to one or two of those visits, and we worked out against each other. Really? People would pay to see that? I remember we did this one workout in this parking lot.
Starting point is 00:16:32 I think it was an ocean side or something. And I was beating him most of the workout. And then there was, I think there was like overhead squat lunges or something. And it was, and it was like, just be an overhead lunge, overhead, overhead. Oh yeah. Overhead lunge. Right. Some people don't still don't know what CrossFit is. It was overhead lunge. And I want to say it was something crazy, like 90, 95 pound barbell. And it was far. And I think not only could I not do it, but I had to,
Starting point is 00:17:02 with 95 pounds, but I think then he beat me. I think I used 65 and he used 95 and he beat me with the heavier weight or something. And it was, we got into a fight because I was just like stuck on the fact that I was winning most of the workout, but then he crushed me at the end. And he's like, but I won. I'm like, yeah, but I was winning most of the workout. He like yeah but i won you know you know that shit not really i've never tried to make the argument because your parents taught you to be a good sport he's like did you see i won the first round i don't know what this deal is i clearly had it one of one of the first times i ever worked out with dave and justin and i worked out with dave and
Starting point is 00:17:44 justin and someone else was there i can't remember what and the workout had 135 pound thrusters in it and I was so and Dave put himself and we had to rotate there was only one bar and Dave put himself in the in the front and me in the back being that he was the strongest and I was the weakest and I was so happy when I I would, I caught up to the group and just kept pressure on him the whole time, like showing that I wasn't the slowest. You know what I mean? Like, so I was always waiting for the bar.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Motherfucker. I'm the weakest. That's the deal with the partner workouts. You don't have to be that fit. You just have to be fitter than your partner. So, so, so I did just, just forget morning chalk up. Just, just forget it.
Starting point is 00:18:24 And head on over to our website and subscribe to our newsletter. We will get all the latest news. Just, just forget Morning Chalk Up. Just forget it. And head on over to our website and subscribe to our newsletter. We will get all the latest news. Just forget. This is just nonsense. Patrick Blenner. What do you think the conversation – do you think he wrote that on his own? How do you think that started? Do you think they were like, hey, we need a story on the –
Starting point is 00:18:39 I don't even understand the point of the article. I don't even understand why he wrote it. Maybe he wrote it so that our show has shit. Maybe he's like, man, that Sevan podcast is dull as shit. I'm going to give him something. I'm going to throw him a bone. Good dude. Thanks, Patrick.
Starting point is 00:18:51 I'm serious. I'm serious. Maybe he could write some more stuff like Rosa actually establishes L1 curriculum. Sevan, what do you think of the soft white underbelly on YouTube? I don't know what that is. Does anyone know what that is? I don't trust people without their names in the... I don't trust people without their full name inside their YouTube.
Starting point is 00:19:16 It's just an I. What happened? Did you just fall apart? I don't know what's going on here. Oh, dude, you went limp. We got a new setup here. Actually, you know what I'm going to do after this show's over? I'm going to take a picture of it and post it to my Instagram so you can see.
Starting point is 00:19:27 I got to get used to this thing so I can drink my coffee. I wish I could tell you what we're – what is this part? My hair is such a mess today. I washed it. That's why. It's just not behaving. We're in – we're feet away from the Pacific Ocean right now. we're,
Starting point is 00:19:41 we're, we're feet away from the Pacific ocean right now. Susan, I went, one of our sponsors has been generous enough to, uh, set us up in the most remarkable home you could imagine, uh, right on the Pacific ocean for the next two weeks.
Starting point is 00:19:58 So we're pretty stoked. It's a nice, it's a nice place to talk about Patrick. What are these things about, um, a safe place, not getting emails here. Oh,
Starting point is 00:20:07 uh, yeah. I subscribed so many times, went to my spam box, still no newsletter guys. No. What do you mean? If it went to your spam box,
Starting point is 00:20:14 how can there be no newsletter? Like she checked the spam box. Oh, it wasn't there. Oh, Bruce, you didn't get yours either. What's happening?
Starting point is 00:20:22 I got mine. I'll forward. I think a lot of people signed up after we sent the first one uh okay uh miss cabinet maker how are you good morning hey good morning good morning hi jody i thought i'd give you a call and say hi hi thank you how are you i'm great. Listening along. Summer's setting in here in California. Say it again? Summer is setting in here in California. It's what you talk about when you don't know what to talk about. You talk about the weather.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Oh, I don't know what to talk about. I like that Chase Ingram show. Oh, you did? Okay. I thought it was great. I was really surprised when you said that was your feedback. Yeah, well, there was one comment on YouTube that said that, and I just felt that. I felt like a little dirty. I don't want to just beat up on – part of me just thinks that, hey, we haven't given them much time to let the dust settle. Maybe they are going to move the athletes around. By the way,
Starting point is 00:21:25 the thing with the athletes, I was, I had a coffee this morning at six, same with Sousa. I have the solution. However you did in the open, you get to choose which one, which area you go to.
Starting point is 00:21:36 That's it. Stop calling them semifinals, call them regionals. Who cares if you've from Australia and you do it in Siberia, like no one gives a shit. Let people pick in the order that they want. They place in the open. Done deal.
Starting point is 00:21:48 That's it. Done. There's 15 places you can go around the world. If you're the worst person in the open, you're going to get the last choice of where to go. And place more emphasis on the open again, too, maybe. Yeah. That's it. All done.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I fixed that problem. All done. Well, before we know it, this will all be passed. This will be at the game so yep and dave will be back running the show and uh i'll be on the floor uh filming behind the scenes are they just is he's just gonna walk out onto the under the main floor and like all the athletes are gonna be like be like afraid and i'm parachuting in. I'm excited. You're parachuting. Yes, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Yes. I'm following the main site. I quit my box. So I'm following the main site. Oh, wow. Why did you do that? Rosa writes those workouts. No, he doesn't. No, he doesn't.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Don't listen to Sousa. Why did you do that? Why did you quit your box? Isn't it a nice place? No, you said don't pay the mothership. So that's what I'm doing. Wow. Oh, man, that hurts me.
Starting point is 00:22:49 But those are small. I feel like those are small. I feel like those are small businesses. Let me tell you something bad I'm doing. Okay, go ahead. I feel like if Sousa was my box owner, I would never quit. My box owner, whoa, and I'm not dealing with it. Oh, well, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I get that. I get that yeah yeah i get that i get that i totally get that well let me tell you something really bad i'm doing so about a month ago i knew i was coming down here and uh i got tickets to disneyland and the tickets to disneyland for my whole family are like a thousand bucks yeah ridiculous and and then all this shit broke out with disney and i've been struggling like for the last two weeks and even yesterday when we were driving down here to Los Angeles, I told my wife, I'm like, please don't post any pictures on Instagram from Disneyland. I don't want anyone to know I'm supporting this fucking – I mean, how much do you think that's going to affect your experience at Disney? Racist, sexist organization.
Starting point is 00:23:39 No, it's not going to affect my – It's a fair being. I just don't want to give them – but I don't want to give them money. I don't want to give an organization money that thinks you should sexualize kids. Okay. But you also let your kids enjoy it. Yeah. Well, I just – here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:23:54 I figured what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a photo essay of the 100 most – I'm going to do a photo essay. Yeah, I don't want to say that. Large-bodied individuals. I'm going to do a photo essay yeah probably i don't want to say that large body i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a photo essay on the crazy shit i saw about 10 years ago gary roberts told me he went to disneyland and he goes so on gary roberts come on where is he going uh he he's running he's he's in the arm wrestling scene pretty strong now i think he's has a has a website called arm tv but he told me he goes when's the last time you've been to Disneyland? And back then I was like 20 years. Now it's been probably 30 or 40 years.
Starting point is 00:24:27 And he said, hey, you're not even going to believe what you see. And I go, why? He goes, it's just carts everywhere. And when I went there, I was probably like seven or eight years old. There were no carts. And so he said, it's just people in electric carts scooting around like Wally World everywhere. Oh, no. Look at Melissa.
Starting point is 00:24:41 Look at, look at. Oh, she's judging. Oh, my God. Why would you go to Disneyland? She's just upset she didn't get the newsletter. Look at look at. Oh, she's judging. Oh, my God. Why would you go to Disneyland? She's upset she didn't get the newsletter. Look at look at look at Craig White. Craig White. Oh, it's not about affecting. It's the pedo. It's a pedo court. Wow. So Disneyland is just a big go-kart track now. It's actually a ride. The streets turned into the most popular. Hey, hey,, you, Hey, you, Hey, listen, listen to me.
Starting point is 00:25:06 I'm supporting, I'm supporting communism and pedophiles. I get it. I get it. It sucks. I don't want to, I don't want to, but, but I'm weak. Are you saying because those are made in China? Yeah. Supporting communism.
Starting point is 00:25:21 I'm supporting communism, child labor and pedophilia. Oh my goodness. I know it's disgusting, but, but at least but at least I'm but at least I'm out and I'm not OK with it. I'm OK with it. And I'm going to work. I'm working on it. Not I'm going to work on it. I'm working on this will be the last time I ever go to Disneyland. And I promise I'll do it while I'm there. I will make media about the place that makes it look horrible. How's that to kind of like throw some shit on the other side of the scale all right seven's a sellout it hurts it hurts i would rather be a sellout than a fucking dishonest douche how's that i'd way rather oh i i started feeling some tension in my neck i would rather be a sell a sellout than a dishonest douche oh my god okay thank you jody i gotta change the subject like okay go ahead yes go ahead i have a question okay go ahead i have a question i've been following sites and on the rest day
Starting point is 00:26:22 there was a young doctor who passed away, Sarah Hallberg. And I was just wondering if you knew her. She was. Yes, she spoke. She spoke at the DDC, right? Yeah. Short haired blonde blonde lady. She died of lung cancer.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah. Crazy, crazy, crazy. I was actually talking to Greg about this a couple of days ago. So sad, man. She was a fire to Greg about this a couple days ago. So sad. Man, she was a firecracker and a good person. Really sucks. Really, really, really, really sucks. Yep.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Anyway. Okay, one more. Go ahead. Yeah, one more thing. Oh, the Louisiana caller. I love him. Oh, you do? And I completely relate to his sugar problem.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Yeah, it's real, right? It's totally real. I quit drinking cold turkey, never had another problem. Sugar, forget it. What's your, do you have a go-to? Like, do you have something that you eat that you're like, shit, I just shouldn't be eating this? Coffee with sugar.
Starting point is 00:27:22 Oh, no way. Really? Dude, that's like doing heroin with fentanyl. Why do you need both? You don't need both? I know. I got to get together with the sugar anonymous. Wow. Hey, that's like one of the first
Starting point is 00:27:36 things I quit. Oh, wait. Hold on. Hold on. This is a great comment right here. Savon's a sellout. Savon just wants to be part of the morning chalk up crew. This guy's breaking me down this morning. Sean's with the heat he woke up and chose violence he's he's upset because he found out me and his mom are dating it's okay uh yeah so one of the first things i quit what when i when i when when i was like started realizing sugar was bad was uh cream and like fancy creamers and sugar in my coffee just immediately i know i heard you
Starting point is 00:28:06 say it a million times i still can't do it that's like the first place i'll work on that okay hey do you think you could quit coffee yeah no easily really it's sure i'm drinking it for the sugar that's all wow that's amazing confions of a sugar addict. Wow. Interesting. But anyway, one more thing before I go. Yeah. Get Haley to FaceTime me.
Starting point is 00:28:34 I'll take measurements of your kitchen and I'll get you a layout. Oh, shit. Do you know how fucked up our kitchen is? We keep saying that, but I'm your kitchen gal. I'm going to fix it. Wow. Okay. I could do that with you sometime. Wow. My kitchen is so bad.
Starting point is 00:28:50 I bought a flip and so I walked in, it's this huge massive like Home Depot kitchen that you think is nice, but not a single drawer cabinet. Nothing works. It's disgusting. I've kind of gotten used to it. It feels like I'm in college again. Seriously. My, my house feels like I live in just a cheap college rental. I probably live in a $2 million home in California. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah. Okay, well, listen. Just talk to me. I love your show. Okay, I want to tell you something. Okay, go ahead. The live shows, I sit in my showroom here, and it can take me eight, nine hours to get through one show with people walking
Starting point is 00:29:27 in and telephones. So funny. Do you think if I didn't swear, you could just play it? If I didn't swear? Oh, no, no, no. I can't be playing it when my customers are here. Even if I didn't swear? Like just there'd be too much cock and balls and vagina talk even if I didn't swear? I didn't swear. But it's just
Starting point is 00:29:43 so funny. It's like, it'll take me like eight or nine hours to finish one one and three quarter hour program but anyway i'm there i listen i love it okay well thank you that makes me happy to put the smile on my face yeah okay you guys have a great day okay you too thanks for calling no i was feeling familial like it was my mom says no seven are you full carnivore now raw testicles and i'll know well i go testicles yes i go i go in and out of i go i go in and out i'm pretty no right right.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Right this second. I am not like today, this morning I've had coffee and creamer. The next thing I haven't eaten in probably 36 hours. The next thing I'll eat will be, Oh, I'll probably start. I shouldn't say what a fucking shit show this morning. I'm probably going to start drinking this morning. Paper street coffee. I'm probably going to go straight from doing this and fasting for 36 hours to when Susan and I went and got these coffees at six o'clock this morning. Dr. Justin Marchegiani Paper street coffee. Dr. Tim Jackson I'm probably going to go straight from doing this and fasting for 36 hours to when Susan and I went and got these coffees at 6 o'clock
Starting point is 00:30:49 this morning and the beach has a bunch of bars on it and they're already open. Dr. Justin Marchegiani They open at 6 a.m. Dr. Tim Jackson I'm pretty sure I'm going to go down there with my kids and get like a Bloody Mary or something. So I'm probably going to go with carbs just right off the bat. Dr. Justin Marchegiani That'll probably happen. Dr. Tim Jackson Bad influence. with carbs just right off the bat.
Starting point is 00:31:03 That would probably happen. I'm a bad influence. Savon likes meat in his mouth. As long as you don't swallow it, it is fine. Okay. Let's look at number 60. This is amazing. Please.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Mr. Boris Johnson. I feel so sorry for the people of England. I don't know who I feel sorry for more, us or the people of England. You don't want to be rude to people, but this man has no, you should never say this from a leadership position. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever. You should suppress this stuff. Colin asked if I was the nanny for the vacation.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Closer to the truth than you might think. By the way, this guy's coming on the podcast i don't even know this guy's name but i love him i always repost his stuff yeah i had to call him dream rare in the in the uh contact too uh but this is just incredible wait to hear what this guy says okay let's go action you know how much fatter we are post-covid i think i saw a figure the other day this is all i'm giving you this exclusively okay uh i think there's 36 percent more obesity i think that can that possibly be right it's huge there's been a huge increase in obesity as a result of uh or 36 percent of people are fatter than they were maybe it's that. As a result of what?
Starting point is 00:32:25 In a more accurate way. As a result of what? That was sloppy Boris Johnson, the prime minister of the UK, aka the hunchback of Pfizer-Dom. Despite the fact that pandemic restrictions made obesity worse, this psychopath won't rule out lockdowns again. I want to avoid any such thing ever happening again. So he was about to say as the result of and we didn't get to see it.
Starting point is 00:32:47 He didn't say it or they didn't put in the clip. Waters of Oblivion, why do you think he's a dope? No, is dope. Oh, is dope. That's Caleb too, by the way. Waters of Oblivion?
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah. Oh, you just called him out? Allegedly. waters of oblivion yeah oh you just called them out uh allegedly oh my goodness cock bending i don't know what cock bending is that's a great juxtaposition of words though cock bending um how how how how um that is the worst thing that could happen. You know that, right? Every, everyone knows that people putting on people putting on 30 pounds, 39 pounds is the worst thing that could possibly happen. It's worse than any COVID. Those people, most of those people will never recover for that. When you are obese, there is one thing for certain about you. You will die prematurely.
Starting point is 00:33:45 People who eat poorly, people who have a diet that's not conducive to letting their DNA express itself in the finest way, there is no homeostasis is what I'm saying. You're either going this way or you're going this way. There's no I'm just chilling. There is not. And when you put on 39 pounds, 29 pounds, these are people who should weigh 120 pounds. This is like, imagine a woman who's 5'3", who should be 120 pounds. But really she's 150 pounds.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And then she just put on another 30 pounds and she's 180 now. There's no COVID, there's no AIDS aids there's no cancer there's no nothing that justifies that zero so that should be sheer panic that should be oh my god we will never ever do lockdowns ever again we will never go through any of these restrictions ever again we'll never put masks on people we'll'll start the whole thing over. A complete disaster. Do not partake in it. I want to say something.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I have a very, very close family friend. I have two or three very, very close family friends. And they're close family friends to my wife and I and to my three sons because I like their kids. I mean, I like them too. Don't get me wrong. But I really like their kids and I want my kids to interact with their kids. And those people know who they are. And I invite them to my house continuously. They know they're always welcome at my house and I love them dearly. And I said something the other day on the air that hurt their feelings. I basically said, and one of the moms
Starting point is 00:35:18 called me out on it the other day when she was over at the house. And I'm so glad she did. I'm so glad she did. It was actually a testament to our friendship. And she basically said, hey, in a nicer way than I'm saying, but I'm going to make it a little more dramatic for her so it's interesting for the podcast. She said, hey, dickhead, you said that every fucking parent who put masks on their head are basically pieces of shit. And you very well know that it fucking broke my fucking heart to put a mask on my daughter when I had to and I'm just glad she said that to me and I'm torn because like I don't want to say that I I I didn't I I need to find a way to convey it so that you know that I guess less than I'm judging. Maybe I've been wrong all this time.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Maybe shaming people into changing is not the way. Maybe Hobart was right. There are many paths. Yeah. But I'll work on it But I'll work on it. I'll work on it. But I'm really glad. And I thought, man, I probably offended so many people.
Starting point is 00:36:33 And it's not that I'm concerned about offending people. It's that I don't want to alienate people. I have other friends who are close friends that I've heard through the grapevine who don't want to hang with me because they don't want to hear my fucking COVID, my COVID and mask rhetoric. They're just over it. These are the same friends, though, also think that they don't want their kids watching the UFC. They don't want their kids in the house. By the way, I watch UFC every Saturday. My kids have watched it and have done that first since they've been born.
Starting point is 00:37:07 They probably watch 10 minutes of it it they have no interest in it but these same are the same parents who also will say they don't want their kids in the martial arts because it'll make them violent as soon as it's hung out with my kids a ton they're the furthest thing from violent my kids are the nicest sweetest fucking things ever but they are fucking capable they are very very eminently capable you You know what's funny, though? Those same people that... So are they recognizing the power of the TV? And then are they recognizing that in themselves? Are they acknowledging that? Because if you're going to be around combat sports on the television
Starting point is 00:37:35 and say, oh, it's going to change the behavior of my kid, and then you're like, well, what do you watch CNN and these other news things? And it's funny because people say, oh, I'm sick of hearing someone talk about COVID. But at the same time, it's just prevalent in all the news media. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:37:51 Well, yeah. And a lot of my friends are scared to death. Of COVID? Yeah. One of my friends is upset that the schools in the area are before his seven-year-old and his five-year-old can get shots. He's upset that they're going to have the kids take off their mask.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I mean, it's batshit crazy. Wow, that's nuts. Why is it batshit crazy? Does anyone not know why? Do I have to explain that every time? Because no kids are hurt, and actually quite the opposite. You want your kids to get COVID. You want your kids to fight it off because your immunity is better
Starting point is 00:38:20 once it gets this disease. When you're young, you fight it off, and then you're immune for life. Maso menos. I wish I didn't have to explain that every time, but I also don't want to just throw rocks without an explanation. Go ahead. The fear threshold has been set so low, right? Like no one's even looking at the facts, but yet they're completely afraid. So then that means that the ability to scare people into just conforming to whatever is needed is really easy. Because if you're not going to look at the factual data about it, I was in an argument, not an argument, but we were in a discussion about something. And the person that said, she goes, well, at my friend's baby shower,
Starting point is 00:38:56 there were infants there and they required everybody to have vaccination for some people, even masks. And I just said, out of curiosity, I curiosity i just go well but we know that the data for kids like they're virtually unaffected by it right and she and she's a very smart person she goes well yeah and i said well then how does that make any sense she kind of sits it for me she's i'm fucking done with this conversation yeah yeah i was like oh you're lucky she didn't attack you not not only not only are kids not virtually affected but you want your kids to get it it's weird so that they don't have to deal with it when they're 80 and fat i've done casual sender i've done martial arts my whole life it makes you opposite of violent you don't
Starting point is 00:39:32 feel the need to respond to every dickhead who acts like an asshole i've told this so true i've told this story before i was in a diner with like 10 people greg was one of them and jimmy was one of them jimmy letchford was a uh is a jiu jujitsu practitioner, but he was a wrestler at the Naval Academy. There was a guy who came into the restaurant, big dude, screaming and yelling, demanding a free cup of coffee. No one knew what he was going to do. He was fucking going apeshit. Jimmy just stood up casually to him, walked over to him. Jimmy's probably like a foot shorter than this guy, puts his arm around the guy just really gently, goes, come on, let's go outside, buddy. Walks the guy outside.
Starting point is 00:40:06 There's no tension, no like posturing, nothing from Jimmy. Just casually walks him, opens the door, takes him outside, sits him on a bench outside in front of the restaurant. We can all see through the window. Comes back inside, gets a cup of coffee from the kitchen, just walks back there just like he owns the fucking place, right? Because he's just so just he's the guy. And he walks out there and he gives the guy a cup of coffee and pats him and it's over and fucking the 50 people in the restaurant are happy jimmy did that and and yeah it's like you said casual center jimmy could have just picked that dude up and throw him through the window but didn't just get just because he knows
Starting point is 00:40:38 made him the opposite of violent just made him know he He just knows. I was fucking terrified. I'd like my fork in one hand and my spoon in the other. No, it's true. I mean, I, you know, having done jujitsu and stuff like that, you see like that. Number one, that aggression is taken out. And number two, you also aren't questioning what you're capable of, because if you spend any time on those mats, you get put in some positions by people that you would, you know, on the street, you would look at and you go, I could take this dude. And you, and you start rolling with them and they just have their way with you. You know, you have no control in the fight whatsoever. And all of a sudden you start questioning you. Okay. Maybe I'll tone it down a little bit. Maybe I can't beat everybody up that
Starting point is 00:41:14 I come across. And then it gives you the confidence of like, okay, if this does, if something does go down, I'm not looking to have to prove myself. I know I can handle the situation. I can control the situation. I think a lot of people too, that start to posture up like that is because they're trying to gain back control of the situation and they they don't know how to do it in any other way but get louder and posture as opposed to somebody who's experienced in jujitsu or martial arts or something know that they always have control of the situation because push comes to shove they could go to work and they'll make it happen go to work so on you should do martial arts and be less violent uh can you pull up the video that crossfit hq made of uh michelle latondra it's it's part of that woman's what is all this frazier's jabbed frazier's not jabbed what is what is i don't know
Starting point is 00:41:55 but i would bet that matt frazier is not jabbed yeah i would say he's not no yeah he's he i would say he's a he's got a little bit of contrarian in him anyway. I mean, I don't know for sure, but I would say he definitely does not have a vaccine. I mean, he said he was in a group of like 20 people and they all got COVID. He didn't give a fuck. FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning. Which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute?
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Starting point is 00:43:25 I like Michelle LaTondra. She's a cool chick. You said cockbender and Will was like, all right, you know what? I've had enough. He used up the three cocks. Oh, gotcha. He only had three. He used them all up in the first 20 minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:36 There is. When we had Chris Cooper on, and I don't mean to drag Chris Cooper into my mess, but when we had Chris Cooper on, there was some acknowledgement that, that basically Canadians are brainwashed, that basically they're like fucking ants, that that's part of the socialism that happens there. And they have something called tall poppy syndrome. And Miko Salo explained that to me very clearly when I went to Finland, there's this thing where there's a,
Starting point is 00:43:58 it's frowned upon to succeed. It's frowned upon to, to like, to do, to do, to do, um, to be it's frowned upon to to be the tall poppy to be the best and in in these people these people are so confused canadians they're like they're like they're they're so much like liberals and i don't mean to say that to offend any liberals
Starting point is 00:44:24 because i used to be a liberal but like like someone said in the comments, I was basically saying like, hey, you don't want to give the money to the government, all your money to the government, because the government is just a giant welfare popularity contest, like a homecoming king, homecoming queen. Why don't you let your money go to the rich people and then they'll keep competing against other rich people to build businesses and it makes jobs for you. That's how it works. I can explain it to you a thousand different ways, but if you take money from me, the first thing I do is I take it from my gardener. I just don't, I just get rid of my gardener. That's how all rich people work. So someone in the comments wrote, and I have a friend who was basically making $250,000 a year
Starting point is 00:44:57 setting tables in the city at the fanciest hotels. And what's funny is, is it's him and then just crazy hardworking mexicans and filipinos and he's this super tall blonde white dude and he says they just go from hotel to hotel working their ass off and they set tables for people like bono obama um al gore dave chappelle i mean the list goes on and on of who he set tables for and then the people come in and you sell them pots of coffee for like 500 bucks and all this the people at the saint regis who work there in the union they get a percentage of it you make great and fucking money doing very little work but but but it's but the hours are kind of crazy and you have to do it in san francisco and um it's some
Starting point is 00:45:32 great stories of when he changes in the locker room because he works with all gay dudes too some great fucking awesome stories i love to hear and my friend's got a giant fucking cock. Not like big. I mean gigantic. Like three Coke cans big. I'm not joking. Anyway, so I'm off subject here. Some guy writes in the
Starting point is 00:45:57 YouTube comments that if we just tax rich people more, they're still going to have money to spend on food. Or they're going to still go out to dinner. No, no dipshit. No, it doesn't work like that. Every bit of money you take away from rich people is one less job for someone else who's trying to climb up the ladder.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And who are you giving it to? You're giving it to the government. You really think the government knows how to spend money better than rich people who earned it? Those people then fucking buy Bentleys and then employ a hundred people to take care of that fucking Bentley. Do you know what the government does? The government feeds seagulls. Do you understand what that means? Have you ever been to a restaurant like on a beach and there's like 200 people there and some fucking idiot on the beach starts feeding the seagulls and they all fucking come?
Starting point is 00:46:41 That's what liberals do. And the seagulls come and ruin the whole restaurant for everyone else because they throw out free shit and the birds come and just shit all over it and they have no respect for it that's why this that's why the sidewalks in all of those cities that that happens and all the liberal cities are destroyed because they throw out free shit and the seagulls come and shit all over it heroin addicts and fentanyl addicts will work for their shit if it's not free yeah we have a couple spots by the you are bat shit crazy if you think giving your the government money is a good idea and it's not logical you're not making a logical argument well rich people have enough money it doesn't work like that if i have a thousand dollars and you don't take any of it, I'm going to spend all of it, and it's going to go that way out to you. If I have $1,000 and you take 500 of it and you give
Starting point is 00:47:32 it to Nancy Pelosi, what she's going to do is start a clean needle program. Besides building the roads and keeping the infrastructure tight, there's no need for that. You have to see that. The Democrats keep the poor poor. They keep the seagulls addicted to carbohydrates. And they keep the rich rich. That's what the Democrats do. The Republicans want everyone to be rich. You have to see that. It's so confusing until you do. Clive, haven't paid you guys for content in a while. Always appreciate it. That's a lot of money. I appreciate it, dude.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Hey, I saw your comment on YouTube also where you told me to take it easy on Yevgeny and not let these motherfuckers like Craig White with his fucking scary mask. Just me to start bombing Yevgeny and be like, well, what about the Nazis? And get all right-wing nuts on him. And I'm sorry. I don't mean to do that. I hear you. I do want to have a conversation, obviously, but I hear you, and I appreciate your comment. You're a good dude. You're always welcome to give mean to do that. I hear you. I do want to have like a conversation, obviously, but I hear you and I appreciate your comment. You're a good dude. You're always welcome to
Starting point is 00:48:28 give it to me straight. You tied that tax talk in pretty well there. Cause that's what I was, we're discussing it a little bit on the way down. And I was like, thinking we need to get specific about it because a lot of people think you're specifically talking about like trickle down economics, which there is a piece of that. Call it what you want. They, you know know what that's just like saying they just use that because they're triggered by it it's a buzzword you just use and i know because i used to be a democrat i used to be that they say trickle down economics they say reagan they say trump they say all these words just to get you triggered so you can start pushing back right we have the most racist president we've ever had fucking in office and you're still
Starting point is 00:49:04 worried about donald trump one of my friends said to me how can you like donald trump and vote for donald trump and i would be like i'm not i'm not i don't i don't like donald trump i'm not i don't want him in office for me i want him in office for my fucking kids and for you for the rest of the country i don't care that biden's in office for me personally, my shit's so good. Didn't I just tell you I'm in a fucking beach house? When I was working for CrossFit, I was making shitloads of money. You guys know that. And I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in my community at restaurants and gardeners. And I went to the nursery every month and spent a thousand bucks and then had it delivered to my house. A thousand bucks at the nursery every month and spent a thousand bucks and then had it delivered to my house a thousand bucks at the nursery every month they gave me 10 discount i was a sucker for it
Starting point is 00:49:49 the place charged like 30 more than home depot but it's a local business san lorenzo nursery okay can you pull so where are you going to say something before i pull up the michelle latondra no we could get into we could get we should get into specifics with the um with what they're proposing with the new tax sometimes and why that is a bad call. But I don't have enough of the notes in front of me to speak intelligently about it. But I was saying that the fact that you brought up that the government typically and has historically shown that they're bad at deploying capital. They don't know how to deploy capital. When they give Elon Musk $400 million to start something, he turns it into one of the most powerful companies in the world,
Starting point is 00:50:21 one of the most valuable companies in the world. When you give the government $400 million, it just sinks. It's gone. And one of the things I was talking about is if the people really, really wanted to crack the nutshell of the system, the first thing we need is an open accounting to where you could actually see where your dollar has traveled from your bank account into the Federal Reserve and then what program or policy it was put towards that then where did that dollar go exactly very very specifically where you could follow it uh how much were you making um uh i um how much would you pay the guy who was the second guy on the media team and eventually became the executive media director for the fastest growing business in the history of the world faster than
Starting point is 00:51:04 subway starbucks and m, and McDonald's combined, if you use the metric for spreading across continents and a number of places combined. We're opening five an hour. We're in 162 countries, all seven continents, including Antarctica, and 15,000 gyms. How much money would you pay me? $55,000. Not enough, but enough to be rich as fuck. Sevan B. Flexin.
Starting point is 00:51:26 I am. I am. But it's just the truth. Oh, he's about halfway there. That's how much I paid my gardener. He's almost halfway there. Okay. $200,000.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Do you know where CrossFit HQ was in Santa Cruz? $120,000 a year is the poverty line for a family of four. Yeah, you have to know that. Unless you live in a tent. $120,000 a year is the poverty line for a family of four. Yeah, you have to know that. Unless you live in a tent. $200,000. Oh, the seagull analogy is something I really like, and I actually have a real-life example of it. So by the gym, there's this open lot where they were going to build some homes. One second.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Don't – but, Will, we are going to get to Michelle LaTondra. Sorry. I like the way you keep bringing her back and forth. Okay, go ahead. And there's – so there's this empty lot, and they were going to build some homes there and then they didn't now it's kind of overgrown with the weeds and then they usually wait for it to dry and they'll chop the whole thing down but meanwhile a tent popped up there and it's right at the end of our 800 meter run so we always make the joke like you run down to the campsite then you turn around and uh i was walking by because
Starting point is 00:52:20 there's a run to the tent there's a grocery store and some other stuff and you pay fucking crazy taxes on the drive down metsu was just telling me about the insane taxes he had to pay this year Run to the tent. There's a grocery store and some other stuff. And you pay fucking crazy taxes. On the drive down, Matt Sousa was just telling me about the insane taxes he had to pay this year. And yet his members have to run by a tent. Literally. On a sidewalk that Sousa pays for. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:52:38 And yet that sidewalk's hurting his business. That sidewalk is supposed to help your business. Okay, sorry. And so I was walking down there with one of the coaches and we were, we were just cruising down to go grab a coffee, um, inside the little shopping center, right on the way on the path down there. And, uh, we looked and we saw somebody, um, pull in like a white van and we're kind of like looking at him and, uh, and he goes, he goes, are they giving him stuff? I go, fuck, I think they are. And this guy hops out and he's walking over the 10, excuse me. And they're bringing them stuff. Well, lo and behold, I passed I think they are. And this guy hops out and he's walking over the tent. Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:53:05 And they're bringing them stuff. Well, lo and behold, I passed by there this week. And guess what? There's two more fucking tents there. Now there's three tents there. Oh, we're doing God's work. We're driving around feeding homeless people. You know that's not doing God's work.
Starting point is 00:53:19 You know that, right? You know that's confused people. You know what doing God's work is? Yesterday, there was a Mexican dude. Actually, I don't know if he's Mexican. He's Latin. Walking by this fucking $10 million piece of property we're on, and he's got fucking, and he makes balloons.
Starting point is 00:53:36 And I stop him, and I fucking get balloons for my kids. That's God's work. I'm rewarding that guy for the work he's doing and the happiness he's spreading. That's God's spreading. That's God's work. That other shit is called codependence. It's called Satan's work, giving people money for heroin,
Starting point is 00:53:58 feeding people so that they don't have to get up and walk out of their tent. Crazy. It's completely, it's completely miss. crazy completely it's completely miss there's a word it's just not a big word the i've told this story before there's the there's the story of the um guy walking down the sidewalk and uh and it's a buddhist monk and he's walking down the sidewalk and he sees a snail on the sidewalk and he doesn't want to get killed so he picks a snail up and he sets in the bushes and walks on his. And he's all proud of himself that he saved the snail. But he doesn't know that he set the snail and snail bait in the bushes and killed it. You don't know what good is.
Starting point is 00:54:34 You don't know what good is. You don't know what good is. You want to learn more about that? Listen, Eckhart Tolle is the power of now. You don't know what good is. If you don't know stillness, you do not know what good is if you don't know stillness you do not know what good is you must experience stillness okay uh let's look at this michelle latondra piece this piece is kind of funny canadian go let's go back to my my fucking canadian rant i love myself some patrick
Starting point is 00:54:59 velner too i don't want to alienate myself from velner. I need him. Okay, go. I need him in my life. Listen to her words. Very rarely do other people's thought of what I can do affect me in any way. Pause. Very rarely do I let other people's thoughts of what I can do affect me. And yet she's wearing a mask. That probably only makes things worse and tells everyone around her that there's something to fear. How is that possible?
Starting point is 00:55:32 How? Who made this video? It just, I mean, I would have never done that to her. Keep going. Keep going. Sorry. I'm not one of those people that have people around me that say you can't do something wait wait wait otherwise that i'm not one of those people that tells me i can't do something no no you're one of those people who tell who says hey put
Starting point is 00:55:54 this mask on you're the you're right you're not oh my goodness michelle oh my goodness michelle you want to go back to the boris john? I don't mean to pick on Michelle, but those protocols that you put in place, that mask, that vaccine, that quarantine, it had people in England put on 29, 39 pounds. You know, it's funny. If we were conspiracy theorists, we would be like,
Starting point is 00:56:16 and Michelle likes that because that's going to drive more people to her gym. And then she can make more money having fat people lose weight. Well, I mean that people do that to pfizer all the time oh yeah people like think that like and i michelle i'm just joking by the way about i i know you're just confused you're just canadian you just have your ideologies all she wants to be a good person yeah yeah that's why that's why everybody does it is because they
Starting point is 00:56:41 go oh well i don't really care I don't really mind the mask thing. I just don't want other people to feel uncomfortable. And that's exactly what the whole entire system is relied on, that people are actually so good, even though they try to peg us against each other all the time, that they're willing to do completely nonsensical, non-logical shit because they're just afraid of looking like the bad person. That's all it really comes down to. But then they also – i bet you she would defend it in her mind but what's crazy is is it's so accepted to to wear a mask that someone would edit that together like that like that that's just crazy if i didn't know better i would think someone was making fun of her like i would have put that together just to fuck with the irony
Starting point is 00:57:18 yeah but someone's actually like yeah i don't think trying to make this like as a as a moving piece the the shitty thing was is i was actually trying to make this like as a moving piece. The shitty thing was, is I was actually going to make the argument that maybe it was filmed earlier to where like they were going to get beaten with sticks if they didn't have a mask on, but then the people around her didn't have masks on. So my defense of Michelle Letron
Starting point is 00:57:37 got completely thrown out the window. Oh, do you want, yes. It was at Wadapalooza, the footage of her with a mask on. Oh, well. In fairness, we did have to wear masks at W was at Guadalupe, the footage of her with a mask on. Oh, well, Florida. In fairness, we did have to wear masks at Guadalupe and nobody got COVID. Everyone got COVID there. I will say this. I will say this. The mask does not work, but if for some reason you were tardy enough to think it did work and it probably actually makes things worse, but if you were tarted enough to think that it does work, I did kind of understand
Starting point is 00:58:06 why people, Canadians, would wear the masks in Florida, because they wouldn't want to fucking get COVID and then get fucking quarantined at their border for two weeks. Well, throw an N95 on it. Be smart about it. And that argument holds up. But I don't think it works. I don't even think an N95 works. I don't think any of that shit works.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Yeah, you could put a whole gas mask on. I mean, there's no proof that any of that shit works is what's the crazy part. Yeah, that's true. Meanwhile, by the fucking millions, people are pouring over the border from Ukraine into other countries. By the millions. And no one's saying shit about COVID. Same with our border in the United States, too. That's the whole joke.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Man, what a mess. Okay, I don't want to pick on Michelle, but I saw that, and it's just, I guess it's too late. I can't say I don't want to. I already did. Well, if they were triple mess. I don't know how many of you guys saw the video with Joe Rogan and Bill Maher, but when we spoke with Cedric LaPointe, he was
Starting point is 00:59:05 basically stuck on that same thing that those two are stuck on. And you have to realize this, and I'll use a crass metaphor to begin with. If you let someone stick this much of your, their finger in your ass, just up to this first knuckle, when they stick the whole thing in, don't complain. Like the rest of us don't care. And I used to do that too. I used to love having the first finger of someone's, uh, first knuckle of someone's finger in my ass. And then when they stuck the whole thing in, I started complaining and I jumped ship. Those guys are saying that they didn't change. The left changed there. There's that's so small picture thinking. They're not big picture thinkers. Joe Rogan and Bill Maher are not big picture thinkers. Affirmative action was racism, is racism, but it was okay because it would help people. But you don't understand, that's the first knuckle in your ass.
Starting point is 00:59:53 You know what's interesting? That's the first knuckle in your ass. And so there were all of these little baby steps the left was taking, and I was part of that, and I supported it because we were being good. part of that and I supported it because we were being good. We were being good. Just a little bit of peanut butter in the gas tank of your car, just a little bit. And now they're saying that, no, all of these things that we're seeing, Susie, I know you're up. All of these things that we're seeing are just a full blown manifestation of the left now. They have not changed. They have always been like this. Joe and Bill, you've always been like this.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Joe, you voted for Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders' whole platform is feed the seagulls. That's all his platform is. Feed the seagulls. Same with Andrew Yang. And they're cowards too. Hello, Mars, hi. Mars, you're kind of cutting in line. Sousa was next. Wait, what if he wasn't going to be Mars? feed the seagulls same with andrew yang and they're and they're cowards too hello mars hi mars you're kind of cutting in line susan was next wait what if he wasn't going to be mars
Starting point is 01:00:49 it is oh right uh fukowski what's up no it's actually dr jordan peterson again i figured i'd call in when you're talking about canadians and shoving fingers in your ass i thought this would be a good time for me to chime in thank you you. Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Peterson. Please go ahead. And this is the one exception to the rule of Canadians. I apologize. I know you have no fingers in your, in us. No, no, no, no fingers in mine. No, that's true. I have a strict rule. You know, it's rule number 43. I didn't feel the need to publish it in my book because I kind of thought, you know, most people knew that,
Starting point is 01:01:26 but it turns out there's an entire country North of Minnesota that has yet to figure this out, you know? Absolutely. Mr. Peterson, I saw you on the Patrick bed, David, what was it? Patrick bed, David podcast was just on again. How, how was that? You know, he was on the show and I'm still like, I think I'm the shit. Cause he was on my show, Patrick bed, David. How was it having going on and meeting him? You know, he was on the show and I'm still like, I think I'm the shit because he was on my show, Patrick Bed David. How was it having going on and meeting him?
Starting point is 01:01:54 Oh, you know, it's really kind of hard for me to remember. I'm still reeling from my travels. You know, I go everywhere. Well, I'm here, I'm there. Next thing I don't even know, am I up and down? But I wanted to call in and share a quote with you, if that's all right with you. Oh, of course. This show is your show.
Starting point is 01:02:12 I just hold the air open until you call in. Go ahead. Well, you know, you're kind of into the Eastern philosophy, if I could say. Is that right, Siobhan? That is correct, Mr. Peterson. Thank you for recognizing my ideological bend and showing that you're a listener of the show. I appreciate it. Are you familiar with Lao Tzu?
Starting point is 01:02:35 Ah, Lao Tzu, yes. I'm very familiar with the Tao Te Ching, yes. The highest form of virtue is... I just went tooda there for a second fuck i can't even do it i'm great ladies and gentlemen jordan peterson stage fright was uh just got finger banged by yoda i like how there's a couple things going on in the comments too it's like craig and uh colin are like are like arguing and then and then Metcon nine is clearly new to the show.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Cause he wanted to talk about semis and then was saying, Danielle Brandon wearing a mask at the games was a joke. Yeah. They've, I agree. It was a joke. They forced her to do that though. I like to do,
Starting point is 01:03:16 I like to show Gundy. I don't know. And anyway, anyway, I hope that Joe and Bill will, I appreciate seeing them together. I don't want to just attack them. I like both of them a lot. I really, really do like what joe rogan said to bill mauer he basically
Starting point is 01:03:31 said hey thanks thanks for being the guy and so i would say to both of those guys thanks for being the guys i'm not trying to big dick anyone but out of all of them that are speaking out against it by far my favorite is russell brand yeah russell brand's going hard i like him the best because he's he's going hard because i i i just can't get past the whole like oh you're you're a liberal or you're a conservative or you're a democrat and you're republican i feel like it's just spinning the hamster wheel it's spinning the hamster and it doesn't actually like get us anywhere as far as like improving the stuff that needs to be improved it just fuels argument because now we have these tribalism we have these labels you pick your side i pick my side and we could all argue with each other and the argument very quickly digresses down to
Starting point is 01:04:12 name calling and saying well you're just a republican or you're just a trumpeteer you're just a libtard or you're just oh yeah i saw leslie stall use that on elon musk the other day in the interview she goes well you're like that guy in office. And then she was referencing Trump. And it's like, that's your name calling? You're the host of 60 Minutes? And we need to actually start specifically breaking down and discussing issue by issue of what's wrong and stop breaking into these labels. And so that's one of the reasons why I like Russell Brand the most is because he's very open about it and tries to melt that away and just only shows the corruption in politicians across the board. And if you don't think that there's – that Trump and the Republican administration didn't have the same amount of corruption but just in a different way than what Biden and that administration has, then you're also a little lost here. You have to look at the system and the way that that's built.
Starting point is 01:05:03 They're all just playing the game. And that Dreamweather dude does that. He lights Trump up. And I don't blame him. They're all just playing the game that they're allowed to play and they're allowed to flourish in. So until you kind of break that mold or understand what holds that system together in terms of the money and the lobbyists and everything else,
Starting point is 01:05:21 then you're just spinning the hamster wheel. And so that's like, it's fun to argue about it and we could do that. I don't mind if there's a little bit of hamster wheel spinning. It's a little bit already. I don't mind a whole group of sleeping people. I don't need everyone to wake up. Well, they won't. Yeah, I don't need that.
Starting point is 01:05:38 They won't. The evolution of thought is hard because it only happens within. I can't actually change your opinion. Right. Only you could change your opinion the the part that sucks the part that would be nice is as the people who aren't asleep if we got if we facilitated just the people who are asleep to get on the right path by that i mean um proper diet encouraged um proper movement um the the media would tell the truth um things things of that things of that nature that would sort of sort of guide get the um the bumpers back on
Starting point is 01:06:16 like the bumpers are off right and just the fucking shit's just like pouring off the sides well the the that point that i was going to make earlier when you were talking about it one thing that was interesting i fuck i forget where i read it so much i could reference it but like even jody knew jody knows that sugar's bad for her right like that's all like we don't need anyone else to know anything more than that awareness we don't we we don't we don't need oh my god these fucking health fucking idiots there's a whole group of fucking people now on instagram who all they do is bash other health people right like these people who like everyone has a video about
Starting point is 01:06:50 liver king being on roids everyone has a video about how sugar is not bad for you they just want their attention yeah it's crazy it's a trend it's so crazy yeah i have a question and maybe you stop. Maybe somebody in the audience, or maybe you could argue your point here. Other than data keeping, just so they have demographics, why do schools, or maybe even not public schools, let's just go to strictly universities and higher education, why do they ask you what your race is on the application? What's the point of that?
Starting point is 01:07:25 I don't know. I, um, I saw something the other day that was all that stuff's happened during the Clinton administration. Yeah. But like, why would you,
Starting point is 01:07:31 like, I can understand if you went like male or female, I guess, because again, you're keep, but like, why, why,
Starting point is 01:07:36 why does that even matter? I have no idea. Like why, why is it on the application? Why are they keeping record of it? That's a great question. You can't even collect it benignly because eventually it will be used in some way. Well, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 01:07:50 You open the door for discrimination. If you find out 40% of the people in California only speak Spanish, then all of a sudden you're making driver's license for – you're making driver's test for people that speak Spanish. Which is just bizarre to me that you could drive and not speak English. I mean I think there's an evolution of the language too, right? I would need that explained to me. I'm open to being wrong about that, but I don't understand. Well, it's just migration of people because like in Europe, there's, I'm ignorant and I haven't actually been to Europe.
Starting point is 01:08:15 So forgive me if this is wrong, but in different parts of the countries, they speak different languages in the same country, right? Right. And wouldn't that have to do just more with the migration and the people of. Canada too. They got whole sections that only speaks that france france so i mean we on the way down here you we came through a section in la where every single billboard was in espanol oh that's right yeah and that's just because if that's a predominantly spoken language then it would shift right and if it's a free market and you run a business yeah and we can't communicate
Starting point is 01:08:44 with some of the people down here because majority of them speak Spanish, well then your, your business better change its language to Spanish. If you want to sell more of whatever it is you're selling. Well, I, I've told you this, I've told you this story before that there was a vice president of a huge bank here in Los Angeles that has multiple chains. And, uh, uh, we met with the vice president, my wife and I talked about some investment stuff. This is five years ago, and the lady was Jewish, and she told me straight up that their banks don't lend money to Armenians. And do you know why they don't lend money to Armenians? Do you think it's because of the size of our nose?
Starting point is 01:09:22 Could be. No. You think it's because of the size of our nose? Could be. No. Because there's some historical record, some prejudice, some discrimination that's built on some modicum of truth that Armenians didn't pay their bills. It's not – I don't believe it's just pulled out of the air, the bank just hating on Armenians. I don't believe that.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I don't believe it's just pulled out of the air that Middle Eastern guys run liquor stores because my dad's a Middle Eastern guy and he ran a liquor store. It's not pulled out of the air that Jewish men become lawyers. No. It's because a lot of them become lawyers. It's only racist when it's negative shit. I mean, if you're going to go back to individualism shouldn't we just leave it up to the individual i want to do some funny stuff uh well what does
Starting point is 01:10:10 that mean i don't know what individualism ism like i know what jism is rather than ask you any questions about your your race or anything like that we could just look at your individual credit history right like an individual financial history right just determine and i don't even need to look if you're a male female what race you are or anything let you see have you paid your bills in the last 10 years what's your credit score either you qualify or you don't i can't remember which um what movie it was but i saw this movie one time or i read it in a book oh i read it in a book it's the guy who writes all the pop psychology books, little skinny black guy who looks albino. He's a runner as a fro. Anyway, when people would apply to be in a Philharmonic or in an orchestra, and they're the big orchestras like in the city of Oakland or New York or Philadelphia, the people who would judge –
Starting point is 01:10:59 Malcolm Gladwell was here. Malcolm, yes, yes. Thank you, Malcolm Gladwell. They weren't allowed to look at the people. Yeah. So the judge – they would be behind like a screen screen and the judges couldn't judge them on what they look like. So you can be like, damn, that girl got big old titty. She's in. Well, because they know that it'll influence your decision subconsciously. Right, right, right. Or even consciously. I think everyone likes a hot chick. Well, it was the book that you're referring to. Why does it have to be unconsciously? Why can't it be conscious? Well, because there's certain things. It could be unconsciously. Why can't it be conscious? Well, because there's certain things in it. Well, it could be consciously with that example you used.
Starting point is 01:11:30 But they did other things in that same study where they had them take tests, and they had a video monitor where they had certain people walk a lot slower down the hallway, and it skewed their test score versus people that came in in a rush, which skewed their test scores. And so there's these little – because we're always taking in information all the time, and our brain's filtering that out. So some of the stuff is just underneath the surface and a lot of that decision making is happening just underneath the surface right and we refer to a lot of those people as asleep right they're not they're not they haven't woken up right right and so they in the example that or they're confused well okay i'll let that go but i think a lot of it is people are confused by words.
Starting point is 01:12:06 I completely agree with that as well. They're totally manipulated by words. Like people think they know what good is. They do not. Good is not even a word most people should ever be using. But yeah, so they were just showing that there's certain subconscious things that they would show. He is jacked. Sousa is jacked. He is jacked.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Even walking around the house with his shirt off. He is jacked. He doesn't look jacked. He is jacked. It's crazy. Okay. Okay, go on. Don't get all excited i did it's just funny because i could like see you as you're commenting there thanks well um yeah but anyhow that i forget what i forget which which book it was
Starting point is 01:12:36 because i've read almost all i think i've read all of malcolm gladwell's stuff but um that point was fascinating and they were doing it with different things with race based off people's like history or what you told me about stuff. And they would flash certain pictures and they would associate those pictures and people in different races with positive or negative just based off of subconscious decision because it was happening too fast for them to actually think about it. There's a there's a there's an Instagram account called the token black guy. I don't know if you guys have seen it. And it's a black dude. And he made this post recently, and it shows these two black women who are like checking onto a plane. And they're like barely clothed.
Starting point is 01:13:13 They're like in bikinis. They look like strippers. And they're dressed like strippers. Like out of flight. And he's saying, why aren't people talking to them? And that's another thing. People are terrified of black people right now. Completely terrified.
Starting point is 01:13:26 It was just like what I told that story a couple shows ago. I know this guy. He's an old Jewish guy. And he's walking down the street with a cigarette in his mouth. And it wasn't lit. And some people fucking told him, started giving him a hard time. And he turned to them and says, you would never fucking do that to me if I was a 6'2 black guy. Never.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Never, ever, ever. And it's the truth. It's crazy. You wouldn't do it to a five, nine black guy. You wouldn't say shit to him. Well, that's the saddest part about this whole entire push of racism in the media
Starting point is 01:13:58 is because now we act different towards each other. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Well, no one,
Starting point is 01:14:04 no one, no one was talking shit to a six foot two by black no but i mean you're gonna be nicer but i just think it's funny to hear it used that way it's still gonna skew your behavior right right yes and you're still gonna and people are still gonna look at each other differently just based off what's being perpetuated in the media which that's the most unfortunate part there's no need for it yes but are bad it's not needed not needed okay uh number 53 fucked up relationship gundy like i want to get this guy in every show bruce i'm currently reading founders oh and then
Starting point is 01:14:34 i want and then i want to talk about the level one and then i want to talk about the level one uh gundy can we can we play that um mr uh thank you hey man, man. Sean G. Look, man. Number one, man. Stop blaming this one. Stop blaming that one. Stop blaming everybody for your fuck-ups, right? You in a relationship, you in a marriage, that's fucked up. That shit is over, right? You keep volunteering for pain.
Starting point is 01:14:59 You keep goddamn volunteering to get your soul stabbed with some scissors. You keep volunteering to get your heart broke, you scissors. You keep volunteering to get your heart broke. You understand? You the dumb motherfucker. You the dummy. You. This shit is over. The relationship, the marriage is like spoiled milk.
Starting point is 01:15:14 The expiration date that came and went. The milk don't taste good no more. You painting your whole life. You walk around with a perpetual heartbreak. You paint your whole world as depression, doom and gloom, because of this fucked up ass relationship. Now you don't like your life. Now you don't like yourself.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Now you don't like your kids. Uh-oh, get him, Sean. You don't like nobody, and you're blaming every motherfucker in the world except yourself. You the dumb motherfucker. Peace. Hey, one of my kids does that already does that every time he like if he's talking he just starts grabbing his dick like just that dude double hands his dick
Starting point is 01:15:54 that's a fucking it's a ball yeah that's a baller move the one-handed grab is something the two-handed grab is like yo i guess after around that second Bloody Mary, I'll probably start doing that today. Two-handed grab. God, I love that guy. Man, I love that guy. We got to get that guy. We need to get him on because I don't know. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:16:13 What? I just like having his clips on every show. I'm afraid if I bring him on the show, it's like— It'll ruin it for you? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, that's fine. What do you think, Will? Will it ruin it if we get him on?
Starting point is 01:16:24 I wonder if he knows. Will's like, fuck. Will's like, yeah. Okay, that's fine. What do you think, Will? Will it ruin it if we get him on? I wonder if he knows Will's like, I'm not coming on. Will's like, no. I wonder... You muted yourself how long has he been muted how long have i been muted uh like 15 seconds everything changed all the settings that just got changed i can't even hear you anymore you got muted too suza wow no no i am muted on purpose oh oh. Oh, Susa muted me. I didn't mute you.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Anyway, I like that guy. You're good. Bye. Thank you. I like him too, but I'm just curious about his process. Like, I think somebody said it just like, no, don't jump out in the road. Like, what did he do there? Was he driving?
Starting point is 01:17:19 And then he got that thought. And we could tell by the shadow that he has a tripod for his phone, which that's what I was. He's a creator. Yeah. He's an online psychologist therapist. Well, that's what I'm wondering. Like he like, does he drive and then you just get that thought and he's like, I got to get this out. So he just pulls over because clearly he's just on the side of the road in front of his house and he was about to drive or something.
Starting point is 01:17:39 But then he just sets the phone there and he just like went for it. And I've started following him since we everybody should follow him. I've started following him since we, everybody should follow him, but I started following him since we had him, uh, started bringing him up on the show. And he literally just does that everywhere. And my favorite, and most of his work's done at a gas station.
Starting point is 01:17:54 I feel like, I feel like he's inspired when he's at the gas station. And I like it because he'll just set it up and he'll start doing it just in public. And anybody who's ever tried to do that, especially in the public places where there's lots of people, it's you, you become very like self-conscious about what you're doing. I like it when he says hi to people.
Starting point is 01:18:10 That's what I was going to say when people are walking by and he'll stop for a minute and be like, how are we doing? And then he just goes right back into it. Like he was like, it's great. He's got two hands at cock and he's just waving to people as they go by. Okay. Um um level one so a ton of you sent me the um uh the we're notifying me that the level one went up in price from a thousand dollars to eleven hundred and fifty dollars a bunch of you guys sent me a video of some guy who's like complaining about it or i don't know if he's i don't know what the guy's doing the video i watched the video twice i can't figure
Starting point is 01:18:43 out what he's saying so and he's an affiliate owner, so I can't. I can't. I can't. But I think that the level one price – I was always a proponent of the price going up 3% every single year. I always thought it should go up in price. Every year? Every year. Continuously?
Starting point is 01:18:58 Yeah, just every year it should go up 3%. When it very rapidly reached compound interest? Yes. Like compound effect? We did the math math i don't know if you did it for me or if i did but but basically if for the last 15 years if they would have raised it three percent it would be fifteen hundred and fifty eight dollars and so for it to only be 1150 i still think is so cheap it's crazy it's crazy that it's been a thousand dollars but but i and
Starting point is 01:19:22 i said this on another show too you better take it i don't know what's going to happen to crossfit do i think that someday they will push pepsi in that l1 i they could it's not outlandish we live in a society where we don't know we're saying men get pregnant anything is possible hurry up take the l1 get that shit out of the way find a good affiliate go there don't find a good affiliate don't go there i don't know but but take that and get the fuck out find a good affiliate yeah before that shit gets weird it might even be weird already they may have already may have already sold out i don't know i haven't been to one in years but but but when i went to the hundred that i've sat through in amazing and i think as long as nicole carroll's at the helm
Starting point is 01:20:00 they won't be selling pepsi in there but that but man if she's not there i'm telling you that that that thing has a shelf life more than worrying about um pepsi or coke coming into it i worry that that's a metaphor too by the way like i don't like that's a or a simile it could be anything that just ruins it like tells you you start needing knee sleeves that's what i was gonna say it's like at the end of it they go oh and by the way for those of you just starting crossfit here's our list of products that we recommend yes i that's that's coming it's coming i hope not yeah you'll know the second nicole carroll quits you know i hope not they won't get her. She will be uncorruptible. Price increase is not a big deal.
Starting point is 01:20:47 Fitness ain't free. With inflation screaming at 8%, it's insane that the L1 is still the same price. It was pre-9-11 CrossFit defined fitness and for its flagship course to not cost more as Banana Town. Oh, this is from our newsletter. Yeah. Basically, in the newsletter, we said that.
Starting point is 01:21:02 Like, it's Banana Town crazy pants for it not to have gone up in price and we're on episode 373 how do you know that i just checked on apple oh christine why i was asking because we're getting rapidly approaching 500 episodes uh will you play number 51? Words mean nothing when your phone rings. You don't have to answer. Coke is fine, but if they start pushing Pepsi, I'm out. Okay, don't play it then.
Starting point is 01:21:40 Number 51. Do you have it? Do you have it? Okay, here we go. Oh, no. Okay, you don't need to play this. We already did this on two shows. Sorry. Okay, I'm erasing it. 51. Do you have it? Do you have it? Okay, here we go. Oh, no. Okay, you don't need to play this. We already did this on two shows. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Okay, I'm erasing it. 51. 51. Oh, this is interesting. Let's go. And every year you should get an affiliation fee discount if you run a good box and change people's lives. Who would determine what was good and what wasn't, though? Can we play number 49? That's where it gets tricky. Number tricky number 49 i hear you she's i'm not running over you i just want
Starting point is 01:22:09 to get something funny in here hey this is our this is how we operate okay good number 49 meeting with me today there's some new terms on the construction site that you need to learn here are the ones that we cannot say anymore so I need to make the list real quick for you. Mandors are out. Studs, especially in reference to king or jack studs, are out. Mailboxes, out. Any reference to female or male connectors, completely gone. On that list, no more cock, no more nuts, no more nipples. And you might as well be careful about talking about carpet too, because we don't want any confusion there. Man lifts are out.
Starting point is 01:22:49 I'll give you a complete list here of everything you need to know. And by the way, all doors need to swing both ways. That's enough. He's had enough. Will's like, fuck that. Had enough of that shit. So those are the new rules at construction sites across the country. If you need to, feel free to DM me and I will send you that in an official document form so you can take it to the construction site tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Crazy. Hey, it's funny, but that's what's happened to our universities. We are, we are not far away from the word snatch, not being allowed to describe that Olympic lift, the snatch. We're this close to losing it. Uh,
Starting point is 01:23:35 number 48. This was fascinating to me. This was fascinating to me. Check this out. Number 40. I don't even know if this is true. Maybe someone should look this up before we play it. Someone will just send me a mean email is OK. It's a full disclaim. It's part of the morning chalk. I've sent it. Yes. Check this out.
Starting point is 01:23:53 That he doesn't think a Muslim member of Congress should be allowed to be in Congress. Why? Under what? Under what? Because you have to swear on the Bible. Why? Under what provision of the Constitution? Because you have to swear on the Bible. When you are before, I had to do it. I'm an elected official, three terms. I had to swear on a Bible. You have to swear on a Bible to be an elected official in the United States of America. He alleges that a Muslim cannot do that ethically, swearing on the Bible.
Starting point is 01:24:22 You don't actually have to swear on a Christian Bible. You can swear on anything, really. I don't know if you knew that. You can swearing on the Bible. You don't actually have to swear on a Christian Bible. You can swear on anything, really. I don't know if you knew that. You can swear on a Jewish Bible. Oh, no. I swear on the Bible. I've done it three times. I'm sure you have. I'm sure you've picked a Bible. The law is not that you have to swear on a Christian Bible. That is not the law. You don't know that? Doug Moore has often said. you you don't know that you gotta see that guy's face when he drops that um i don't i didn't i i didn't even i don't know exactly what they're talking about i think that guy is a judge or a politician and he's talking about being sworn in and then right there the news anchor explains to him like hey you can swear on
Starting point is 01:25:00 anything will's looking it up right now i think he's like frantically like this is bullshit or what like i want to swear on uh spider-man comic number 372 where um he interacts with batman for the first time it's the first time dc characters and marvel characters interacted that actually yeah and uh i i'm gonna that's going to be my i'm doing my my my on level one ass to mouth and we'll start coaching soon. Well, that's weird. I think it's at the moment. Oh,
Starting point is 01:25:32 I was never into that ass to mouth shit. I, I'm not a poop guy at all. Just not. Just not. Uh, can we do number 45 uh island boys i really want to get the island boys on before we start here i want to say this i saw the island boys on they were on a podcast it came up in my YouTube while I was on the assault bike. And it was on Logan Paul's podcast.
Starting point is 01:26:10 And I can't remember the name of his podcast. It's Impaulable or something. Impulsive. Impulsive. Oh, yeah, yeah, impulsive. And so these guys, these Island Boy guys were on there. And it made me, and they kind of got into like, they were offended by something like the co-host said about like how they could use their jewelry like for retirement or something.
Starting point is 01:26:28 And I didn't think it was offensive at all. I thought it was kind of like funny and cool. And these guys took offense to it. And I really want to interview these guys. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the whole thing is just one giant shtick like to be offended because they're trying to be hard. But anyway, it looks like they have a four they have other island boys now living with them can you can you play that but i really want to get these guys on
Starting point is 01:26:49 the show and just have a heart-to-heart with them like like the con porter type interview find out what's going on Oh, I'm just an island boy. I'm just an island boy. I'm just key where I'm going. Time for me to keep that gun. I'm going to do it while I'm staring at the sun. Got to be able to fall like a boy. And I'm a fourth island boy. I'm a fourth island boy. And I'm just trying to make it.
Starting point is 01:27:19 But everybody hate me. I'm a fourth island boy. And I'm trying to make it. People enjoy that for their music. I guess. How many followers do those people have? That's just nuts. They got two more dudes. 1,098,000 posts.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Anyway, it's kind of an interesting video. There's a weirdness to that podcast's there's a weirdness to that podcast there's a weirdness to that podcast there's there's a guy on it i think his name is george i invited him to come on this podcast he's one of the hosts of that podcast he seems like the coolest out of the three at a at a logan and i don't know the dude that's on the couch normally yeah it kind of looks like a young version of me like a young chubby version of me yeah and and then there's another guy on there who's just not nice my ears are screaming he's just trying too hard i thought he's not nice he said he just tries too hard okay i'm okay maybe okay um
Starting point is 01:28:17 go down to 65 this really caught me off guard i i don't know why this is so weird to me i i didn't even know tia and matt were friends but this really tripped me out i i should actually text matt and ask him if this is real you somewhere in the uk coming up soon it looks like tia and matt are there and you're going to be able to pay money to take a picture with both of them i'm not even sure how this works. It's at the Arnold Classic United Kingdom event. And there's like 10 celebrities there or five celebrities there. And you can pay money to take pictures with them.
Starting point is 01:28:54 But you sign up now ahead of time. One of the celebrities is Arnold. That one sold out. And then there's like Sugar Ray Leonard. And then there's just these different people. There's a link, I think, right by number 65. Oh, did I? Oh, it's in the text thread. Sorry, Will. It's in the text thread. Sorry. It's not on the show notes. Sorry. But oh, wow. I never saw that page. And what's fascinating about this is I think you take a picture of them
Starting point is 01:29:22 with both of them. So if you want a picture of them with both of them. So like if you want a picture with Michael Bisbing, you just take it with him. But if you want it with Matt, you get it with Matt and Tia. Can you put buy photos and see what it says? Like a twofer? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:35 Sign me up. I wonder how much they get paid for that. Is that like... Probably paid by like their sponsorships. Uh-oh, what happened? What happened? I think he's figuring it out without taking us on the journey i i can't imagine matt going to the uk unless they pay him or or tia sponsors pay wouldn't it be a sponsor thing uh i think it's
Starting point is 01:29:58 the arnold classic or rogue rogue aren't they rogue athletes maybe it's a contract thing we pay you x amount you said you show up at X amount of events. Can you click that buy photo button? Oh, look. So these are the people you can buy photos with. Let me see. Hold on right there. You can buy a photo with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Starting point is 01:30:14 It's sold out. Eddie Hall, Lee Haney, David Goggins, Sugar Ray Leonard, Matt Fraser, plus Tia Toomey, Ronnie Coleman, Michael Bisming, and Jake Huttler. So what I'm getting is, I'm thinking is maybe you take a picture of them and it costs $100 Oh, yeah, you're right. side and you guys could take a picture with uh seven on two so so so if if they charge a hundred dollars a photo and let's say they make 80 off of each one and they take a thousand photos i can't imagine they take a thousand but oh oh yeah how much is that it's so it costs 102 pounds to 150 pounds why why can't they just give us one price? Can you click that again? Oh, look it.
Starting point is 01:31:07 And you can choose numbers. 51 remaining slots. That's so hard for me to see. Sale ends September 23rd, 2022. Having a professional picture taken with Matt Fraser and Tia Toomey. Meet in person. Shake their hands. One person included.
Starting point is 01:31:26 Oh, so you get a six by nine photo for 100 pounds. Let's say it's 150 bucks okay all right and then what oh 150 you get oh shit oh so for 150 pounds which is probably like 225 bucks you can have you and like me and you could both be in the photo no no both me and you are in the photo yeah you get two copies okay so i get it oh so you can go to this expo matt and i could go to this expo let's say matt and i were a couple and we could go there and for 150 pounds we could both be in the photo with t and matt okay or but if you if you were so like if i break out with you before then you went by yourself you pay 100 pounds okay got it all right well god i hope they make fucking i hope they make a hundred thousand dollars each from that what a great gig who wants to spend a hundred dollars about that
Starting point is 01:32:14 would you be nervous about that like if if they were like hey we're gonna do this event and like not as long as they were wearing masks i'd be fine no no i don't want to get covid what if you're the only one that no one buys a ticket for? Oh. You know, it's like when they line you up for kickball. Like, don't you get anxious? I'm used to it. I'm used to it.
Starting point is 01:32:31 You're just over there. I was always picked after the girls. I'm used to it. So you'd be fine. Like somebody would be standing in line. No, I wouldn't be fine. I wouldn't be fine. But I would deal with it.
Starting point is 01:32:41 They come over and you go, oh, here's someone to take the photo. And then they just go, hey, are you in line for the bathroom? You're like, oh. I would deal with it. They come over and you go, oh, here's someone to take the photo. And then they just go, hey, are you in line for the bathroom? You're like, oh. I would deal with it. Let's finish as we run out of time here. Let's go to number 20. This reminded me of what it probably looks like in Berkeley, Los Angeles, and just all over Michigan. This is in a, I think this is at some event in china
Starting point is 01:33:06 and someone there tested positive for covid and in this event oh it's in a chinese convention down the whole venue and basically everyone panics and has to before they let them out of that venue you have to run and get in line and get a covid test holy shit did you see them bagging covid tests in china i saw them bagging cats have you seen i know in line and get a COVID test. Holy shit. Did you see them bagging COVID tests in China? I saw them bagging cats. Have you seen? I know. There's a video going around.
Starting point is 01:33:30 I wonder if I can you play this, Will? Sorry. I'm all over the place. So these are people at a convention center. Now they won't let them out because someone inside of their tested positive. And now they want to test everyone in there before they let you out you would never keep me in there you would never ever keep me in there you could not keep me somewhere to i don't think you keep me somewhere where i had to be tested to get out it's crazy the compliance because like at all those people should stamp
Starting point is 01:34:03 wouldn't somebody be like hey let's just bust these windows out. Yeah fuck you we're out. The door just push the door open run people over. Can't keep people in there. Run people trample. That's a scary situation have you ever been in a situation where there was a mass like stampede of people running? The CrossFit Games one year where they had that issue
Starting point is 01:34:24 do you remember that no really it was first come first serve in the uh in the tennis stadium tennis stadium people got trampled some people got trampled really i remember people would show up and they would just start laying shirts over chairs and then there would be whole sections with just shirts and stuff over them for people saving seats and what have you that was a, those were good early years because there was a lot of issues where logistically it was set up for conflict. You know, like, hey, you put your shirt there. But there was never conflict.
Starting point is 01:34:54 It was a great year logistically set up. I know, it was. It was, you know what I'm talking about. They were great people. Like dudes were already shirtless, ready to throw down. But like it was, it was a good, you know what really changed it? You remember, I think it was the last year that good, you know what really changed it? You remember,
Starting point is 01:35:05 I think it was the last year that they were at Carson and they put vendor village so you could access it without having a ticket. Do you remember that? So it was actually outside the venue. No. So you could go and you could shop. Oh yeah, yeah,
Starting point is 01:35:17 yeah. No, it wasn't cool. It wasn't? No. Why? Because when you were in, because then it was just public access.
Starting point is 01:35:22 So a bunch of people that had no idea what a crossfit was or anything else were just coming through there and drinking and it just it changed it right but but i've changed the vibe big time in the years prior when vendor village was inside the whole entire venue and i feel sorry for anybody who's like especially really into crossfit now from like 2018 because that's gone you'll never experience that sorry to break the news what we did in carson yes because well it might go back there if they ever bring dave back well even okay well if it went back there maybe it'd be nostalgic for the rest of us but the but the vibe was really like you stepped into just a big crossfit gym like everybody in the crowd was just i mean everybody
Starting point is 01:35:59 wore workout clothes that's probably still a thing right it was hot so everybody was like half naked and and you run into people and it just the the vibe was just nice. It didn't matter. You would just spark up a conversation. You could bump anyone as hard as you want. They would turn around and say, excuse me to you. You ran into them and they're apologizing for it. And yeah, those, those years were, were, it was really special down there. And it, it definitely changed when they put vendor village outside that was the first step like oh they really want and then they stopped allowing you to uh bring in outside food and beverages too and i don't know i'm assuming that's probably something stub hub required because they
Starting point is 01:36:36 i think part of the deal was like the vendors that sold food and stuff and they're not the independent food trucks but the actual you know the hot dog stands within there. I think maybe they, they weren't getting as much as the pie as they wanted to. So they cut it off because we used to, we used to pack up a whole entire thing. We'd have a whole big bag. You take this big, like lunch pail with, as you go set your seat up in your section for the day and everything else. And I remember showing up one of the, uh, first days on the weekend and they were like, no, you have to start emptying all that out. They wouldn't allow people to bring in water. And then that's also when the vendor village was outside and it, you already started the, the, the change start to happen.
Starting point is 01:37:09 As opposed to in 2010 on the Friday night lights, when they had that Amanda workout and it was that first big Friday night lights at Carson, it was like half the stadium was empty. You could sit wherever the hell you want. Yep. Crazy. There's, there's, there's different degrees of doing bad shit to people.
Starting point is 01:37:36 Maybe there's a distinction between, let's say you have a friend and you sleep with his girlfriend. Let's say you sleep with your best friend's girlfriend. And then there's like you sleep with your best friend's girlfriend. And then there's like you sleep with your best friend's girlfriend after they break up. Maybe there's a difference in there. You know what I mean? What makes me say this is the degrees of bad shit that people do to you or that you let bother you would be the more enlightened way to say it. Or the way life comes. Someone asked, oh, your status on Dan Bailey. the more enlightened way to say it or the way life comes is someone asks,
Starting point is 01:38:05 Oh, your, your status on Dan Bailey. There's this group of people that, that when things were bad, they attacked. And it's one thing to attack me when things aren't bad. I get it.
Starting point is 01:38:18 Like shit, shit. We rumble like, like, like people rumble. I rumble with, I rumble. We, we, we fuck with Luke the other day. He's he's on we fuck with rich rich fucks with us back we fuck with hill or hill or fucks with us
Starting point is 01:38:31 back like there's when things are good it's okay to fuck with people a little bit you guys fuck with each other but we fuck with each other we play we poke we prod it's like my kids running up to susan punch him in the stomach they don't do it when he's asleep they wouldn't do it if he was throwing up in the bushes you don't walk over and put someone in a chokehold, punch him in the stomach. They don't do it when he's asleep. They wouldn't do it if he was throwing up in the bushes. You don't walk over and put someone in a chokehold when they're in the bushes throwing up. When Matt Fraser's throwing up at the games and they're about to go out,
Starting point is 01:38:57 and Scott Panchik's like, I'm like, hey, what's Matt doing over there? And Scott drops that funniest line in the history of the behind the scenes, and he goes, he made some joke about he's missing his, his basement life living with his parents in his basement or something. Okay. Like that's okay. Worth the games. He knows Matt's the best. He knows like, that's just like,
Starting point is 01:39:16 he's making the situation light. But there were these group of people when shit was going really bad at CrossFit who I'd done a lot of really good shit for in my life. I dedicated my life to helping those people. And when I tripped and stumbled, they fucking attacked. And they never showed any sign of that before. No sign of that before. Like, I know who my adversaries are.
Starting point is 01:39:49 I'm not going to go to the fucking grand canyon and stand on the edge with fucking lefranco standing behind me he's fucking drunk and bumps into me and i fall in i wonder if that guy's a drunk because he thinks that's what writers should be only good ones yeah only good ones uh right um but um so so so like you know i'm just i'm just i'm just processing like like there's people yeah like when i had con when i had comporter on recently like people say to me all the time like man you say so many nice things about catram but then you used to say all that other shit about her hey it's all it's i'm not lying i'm not there just to attack someone i'm not i'm not um oh are you bitter i've already told
Starting point is 01:40:33 you this ask your mom how i taste she knows exactly how it tastes what are you talking about i'm bitter i'm sweet like pineapple i drink a gallon pineapple juice every day. So it's just more like I – am I over that part of the story? And I don't know. I don't know. But definitely not bitter. I'm partying. I'm having fun with it. Those people wrote that story, not me.
Starting point is 01:41:02 Those people wrote that story, not me. Like, I don't care that... Those people wrote that story. That's the only part of the story I tell. I tell the part of the story that they wrote. When shit was bad, people were making up all sorts of lies about me. Some people stood up for me, not many,
Starting point is 01:41:25 and were like, hey, that's's not true and other people ran with it And they ran with it to save themselves. They were trying to pick a winning team They didn't run with it because like they hated me They're trying to fucking pick a winning team. They have no integrity They weren't interested in the truth self-preservation. Yeah, that's why I talk great about capturing because there's tons of fucking great, amazing moments I have. There's tons and tons of great, amazing moments I had with Dan. But like if you fucking – if I trip and fall and you fucking pour fucking 100 scorpions on my back while I'm down, then that's going to be – that's the story. You did that.
Starting point is 01:42:00 I'm not bitter. I'm fucking on top of the fucking world. Anyway. So it's fun for'm not bitter i'm fucking on top of the fucking world but you haven't anyway so so um it's fun for me to talk about i like the part of me likes the drama i'm glad that i have it as part of like uh one of the the threads in this podcast not not um anyway that's where i'm with that uh But at some moment, it would be crazy to have Katrin on and like bury the hatchet and just be like, yo, why'd you print that shit? And she's like, you know, maybe she'd be like, I didn't. And I'll be like, but I saw it here.
Starting point is 01:42:34 And she'd be like, well, someone else had my Instagram account or, you know what I mean? Or I really thought that it was wrong the way you spoke to Stacey Tovar. Like, who knows? Who knows? Who knows how it plays out? Stacey Tovar, like who knows? Who knows? Who knows how it plays out? But maybe not bitter, maybe a better word is I'm excited. I'm excited by it. I'm stimulated by it. You have to remember that I did the same job basically for 15 years and grew in a position and grew and grew and grew and gave my whole life to this thing.
Starting point is 01:43:10 By choice. And I had a blast doing it. And I promoted all of these people. I loved on these people so hard publicly. You have to remember that. You can't don't don't just look at it in a vacuum. And then for any of these people to turn on me when I give them my life to promote them. Nuts. That shit crazy nuts.
Starting point is 01:43:30 But I know that what they were doing, they were choosing a winning team. I get it. You chose the wrong team. Okay, guys, I love you guys. Bye. See you tomorrow. Sousa, thank you. Branstetter.
Starting point is 01:43:42 Boss.

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